
Declamation Speech

Declamation speech generator.

how to write declamation speech

You might have had an assignment as a student where you have to present a speech in front of the class. Most of the time, you are to present a declamation speech. You might have had difficulty on how to deliver your declamation piece. You might also have had a predicament on what to deliver for your declamation speech. Lastly, you might have had a problem on where to start with your speech and how to present it; let alone how to start to write an outline for your speech .

What is Declamation in Speech? – Definition Declamation in speech is an expressive and powerful way of speaking that emphasizes emotion, clarity, and engagement with the audience. This style of speech is particularly effective in various contexts, such as welcome speeches, motivational speeches, celebration speeches , narrative speeches , and appreciation speeches . Declamation involves delivering a speech with passion and intensity, making the content more impactful and memorable for the audience.

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A declamation speech is a speaking event that would showcase a person’s prowess in public speaking as well as how he or she would incorporate his or her feelings with the piece as well as interpreting the content of the speech.

What is the Best Example of a Famous Declamation Speech?

Declamation speeches are a powerful form of expression in public speaking. Historical examples, like Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream,” exemplify how emotive delivery can inspire change. Literary adaptations, such as dramatic Shakespearean soliloquies, showcase the intense conveyance of complex emotions. In contemporary settings, motivational speakers often employ declamation to energize and uplift their audience. Educational and professional scenarios also utilize declamation; orientation speeches and award speeches are prime examples. These speeches, marked by their impactful delivery and emotional resonance, illustrate the art of connecting with an audience and leaving a lasting impression.

Full Speech Script

I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.   Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.   But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we’ve come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.   In a sense we’ve come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the “unalienable Rights” of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked “insufficient funds.” Download Full Speech in PDF

Short Declamation Speech

Short Declamation Speech

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Declamation Speech for Students

Declamation Speech for Students

Declamation Speech for College Students

Declamation Speech for College Students

The Impact of Declamation in Different Speech Types

  • Welcome Speech: In welcome speeches , declamation sets a welcoming and friendly tone, immediately engaging the audience.
  • Motivational Speech: For motivational speeches , declamation is crucial in inspiring and energizing listeners, driving them to action.
  • Celebration Speech: In celebration speeches, the declamatory style adds to the festive and joyous mood, effectively honoring the occasion.
  • Narrative Speech: Declamation in narrative speeches helps in vivid storytelling, making the narrative more compelling and engaging.
  • Appreciation Speech: When it comes to appreciation speeches, declamation allows the speaker to express gratitude and recognition in a heartfelt and sincere manner.

Characteristics of Declamatory Speech

  • Emotional Expression: Declamation is marked by its ability to evoke and convey emotions effectively to the audience.
  • Clear and Precise Communication: It involves delivering a message with clarity and precision, ensuring that the audience fully grasps the intended meaning.
  • Dynamic Delivery: The use of varying tones, pacing, and body language keeps the audience captivated and emphasizes key points of the speech.
  • Memorization and Preparation: Declamatory speeches are often memorized, allowing the speaker to focus on their delivery and the audience’s response.

Declamation and Storytelling Speech

Declamation and Storytelling Speech

Size: 691 KB

Simple Declamation Speech

1 Bad Girl

Size: 99.7 KB

Crime Declamation Speech Example

2 The Unpardonable Crime

Size: 82.8 KB

Good Declamation Speech in PDF

3 Juvenile Delinquent

Size: 78.9 KB

Recalling Declamation Speech

Recalling Declamation Speech


Size: 241 KB

Sample Declamation Speech

4 No Pardon For Me

Size: 17.7 KB

Inspiring Declamation Speech Example

5 The Plea of an Aborted Fetus

Size: 46.0 KB

Guidelines in Choosing Your Declamation Piece

Ever found yourself stuck in deciding what declamation piece to present? Most of the time, declamation speeches are speeches that were presented by another person, perhaps the writer of the speech, in a form of presenting his or her declamation piece. With the myriad of declamation pieces available, it makes you indecisive on what declamation piece you would want to present. Here are five simple guidelines that will help you in choosing your declamation piece:

1. You can present it with passion.

Choose a speech that you can pour your heart out as you deliver it. If you cannot present the piece with passion, you will surely sound fake and forced. There is no point at all in presenting a piece that does not hold any meaning to you. You may also see presentation speech examples & samples.

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2. You can present it with conviction.

Choose a speech with a point or message that meets and agrees your principles in life. In this way, you will be able to present your chosen piece with conviction; thus, sounding convincing enough to your audience.

3. The speech has a natural build.

There are speeches that would make you sound robotic in that  you need to exert more effort to adjust. Choose a speech that would start low at the beginning but would eventually reach to a climax that would excite and hook your listeners. You may also like speech examples for students .

4. The speech fits within the given time frame.

Always make sure that you choose a speech that fits the given time limit. Even if you meet all the given criteria but you fail to fit the time frame, then it still serves you no good. Choose a speech that does not go beyond the time limit and also surpasses half of the given time. You may also check out how to conclude a speech .

5. The speech can be understood by your audience.

Not all people can relate to every declamation piece out there so the least you can do is to make it understandable to your audience. Choose a speech that has a clear message so that it will be easy for you to deliver to the audience. It cannot be helped that there are topics that your audience can’t relate, and that you could not possibly know what kind of audience you deliver the speech to. But if given the opportunity to know who your audience are, make sure that your speech is worth listening for. You might be interested in appreciation speech examples & samples.

How to Judge Declamation Speech

Judging a declamation speech involves evaluating several key aspects:

  • Content Understanding: Assess how well the speaker understands and interprets the speech’s content.
  • Delivery: Evaluate the effectiveness of the speaker’s delivery, including voice modulation, clarity, pacing, and use of pauses.
  • Emotional Appeal: Consider how effectively the speaker conveys the emotions and tone of the speech.
  • Body Language: Observe the speaker’s body language, including gestures, facial expressions, and overall stage presence.
  • Audience Engagement: Note how well the speaker connects with and holds the attention of the audience.
  • Originality in Presentation: While the speech content is not original, look for originality in the way the speaker presents it.
  • Adherence to Time Limits: Check if the speaker effectively manages their time and stays within the set limits.

Conviction Declamation Speech

6 I Killed Her 1

Size: 104.2 KB

Conscience Declamation Example

7 Conscience 1

Size: 181.6 KB

Short Declamation Piece

8 Am I to be Blamed

Size: 138.1 KB

Example of Declamation Piece

9 A Glass of Cold Water

Size: 143.1 KB

Pain Declamation Piece

10 Vengeance Is Not Ours It’s God’s

Size: 167.7 KB

 Declamation Piece Example

11 Parricide

Size: 81.4 KB

4 Simple Tips on How to Deliver a Declamation Speech

You do not need a lot of tips to enhance your delivery of a declamation piece. You just need the right ones to help you in improving your declamation speech delivery. Here are four simple and easy tips on how you should deliver your declamation pieces that will earn you a round of applause and a standing ovation from your audience:

1. Practice, Practice, and Practice.

Given that you have already written or researched your declamation speech, you should start practicing your piece more than once or twice. It is always effective that you rehearse in front of a mirror so that you could see yourself as you speak and identify the hand gestures you need to work on. It is also good to rehearse on your own so you can listen how you deliver the piece. You could also rehearse in front of someone you are comfortable practicing in front with so that the parts where you need to work on that go unnoticed as you practice by yourself will be noticed by other people who will help you in determining what are the other things in your speech delivery you should work on. You may also see introduction speech examples & samples .

Time yourself as you practice so that you would be able to train yourself in delivering your speech within the given time limit. If you find yourself exceeding the time limit, figure out the parts of the piece that you can speed up. Also, make sure that you are not sacrificing or compromising the quality of your speech. One example of compromising the quality of your speech is that you would already start eating your words which would result to people not understanding what you are saying at all. You may also like  tribute speech examples & samples.

As you practice, make sure that you visualize yourself delivering your speech on the stage. You want to sound with authority and look confident? You can always visualize it. In doing so, you will eventually become exactly what you have envisioned yourself to be. You may also check out special occasion speech examples & samples.

2. Sound Natural.

Have you noticed that when you memorize something and then you deliver it, you sound robotic? It is because you are trying to deliver it like you are reading the paper. One way of helping yourself in sounding natural in delivering your speech while practicing is by making some markers. Take for instance this one paragraph taken from the declamation piece entitled “Am I to be Blamed?”:

Please/ let me go,/ let me go home before you imprisoned me.// Very well,/ officers? Take me to your headquarters.// Good morning captain!// No captain,/ you are mistaken,/ I was once a good girl,/ just like the rest of you here. Just like any of your daughters.// But time was, /when I was reared in slums.// But we lived honestly,/ we lived honestly in life.// My father,/ mother,/ brothers,/ sisters, and I.// But then,/ poverty enter the portals of our home/// My father became jobless,/ my mother got ill. The small savings/ that my mother had kept for our expenses/ were spent. All for our daily needs/ and her needed medicine.//

Notice the slash symbols? Aside from the comma and the period, the slash symbols can be used as markers that will signify or help you in locating where you should pause. Without these markers, you would be talking straight. Talking straight makes you sound like someone void of emotions. You can also encircle the words and phrases you want to put on the emphasis. Marking helps you in making your own tempo of the declamation and will make you sound much alive. You might be interested in leadership speech examples & samples.

Sounding natural also helps you make a connection with your audience since it sounds like you are just having a normal conversation with them. Normal conversations would often engage and encourage people to listen.

3. Enhance Your Body Language.

Can you imagine yourself delivering your speech by only standing straight throughout your delivery and your face empty of emotions? According to experts, our body language takes up between 55% and 65% in our communication. That only means that no matter how good you are verbally and vocally but your body stands stiff and face void of emotions, then your speech could only make little to no impact on your audience. You may also see declamation speech examples.

Aside from the fact that enhancing body language helps in establishing a connection to your audience and an impact-filled stage presence, body language also helps you in expressing your declamation speech effectively. Since you have already expressed your speech well, this increases the percentage of retention of your speech in your audience. This will also help your audience in identifying which part of your declamation speech is the most impact-filled part. Use hand gestures to show the points where you want to emphasize. You may also like welcome speech examples & samples.

However, it does not necessarily mean that you have to make exaggerated hand gestures in every word of your speech. There are some lines in some declamation pieces where the absence of a hand gesture enhances the meaning of the line but always make sure that your facial expression compensates the absence of hand gestures. Always be mindful of your hand gestures since it can be your medium where you unconsciously show your nervousness or anxiety as you deliver your speech. Do not also make it to a point where you use hand gestures as a cover up to your forgotten lines or simply as decoration. You may also check out thank-you speech examples & samples.

4. Relax, Breathe, Smile, and Have Fun.

Delivering any kind of speeches can be nerve-racking but if you would allow yourself to be overwhelmed with nervousness, then chances are, you will really mess up your delivery big time. As the famous idiom goes “fake it ’til you make it”, make it a point that once you already feel nervous, fake confidence until it becomes real. Always distract yourself from thinking that you might trip or forget a line. Remember Murphy’s Law that goes “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”. If you keep on thinking that things will go wrong, it will really go wrong. You just have to relax or else you will really trip or forget lines from your declamation speech. Just have fun and your audience will also have fun listening to you. You may also see orientation speech examples & samples.

If you still find it hard to focus and get rid of your nervousness, you can always focus on the message you want to point out to your audience in your speech. In that way, you can speak with conviction and will be able to deliver your message with genuine confidence. You may also like acceptance speech examples.

What type of speech style is declamation?

Declamation is a style of speech that is typically dramatic and impassioned. It often involves the delivery of a previously written or well-known speech, poem, or piece of oratory with a strong emphasis on emotional expression and powerful delivery. The speaker aims to convey the message or content with a high level of intensity, engaging the audience through their vocal and physical expressions. This style of speech is intended to captivate and move the audience, making it a classic form of persuasive and dramatic communication.

What is the difference between speech and declamation?

Aspect Speech Declamation
Purpose Can inform, persuade, entertain, motivate, etc. Typically dramatic, often for entertainment or education.
Style Can be formal or informal; various styles are acceptable. Formal and often dramatic, emphasizing delivery.
Original Content Can be original content created by the speaker. Usually involves reciting existing speeches, poems, or oratory.
Context Can be delivered in various settings and occasions. Often used in educational settings, competitions, or for historical recitation.
Preparation May be impromptu or prepared with varying levels of planning. Typically involves rigorous preparation and rehearsal.

General FAQ’s

What is the declamation speech definition.

Declamation is a formal and dramatic speech style in which a speaker delivers a pre-existing speech, poem, or oratory, emphasizing passionate and expressive delivery to engage and move the audience.

What are the Good speeches for Declamation?

Good declamation speeches are typically emotionally charged and thought-provoking, often drawn from historical speeches, social issues, or literature, offering compelling content and opportunities for passionate delivery.

Declamation speech Introduction Examples?

Declamation speech introductions should captivate the audience. Examples include quoting famous lines, posing rhetorical questions, or sharing relevant anecdotes, setting the stage for a compelling and engaging presentation.

How long Should a Declamation Speech be?

The length of a declamation speech can vary but is typically 5-10 minutes. It should be long enough to convey the emotional impact of the piece while holding the audience’s attention.

Is declamation speech memorized?

Yes, declamation speeches are typically memorized. A key aspect of declamation is the dramatic and expressive delivery, which is best achieved when the speech is committed to memory.

Declamation speeches are a powerful tool in public speaking, capable of inspiring, motivating, and leaving a profound impact on audiences. From historical addresses to contemporary motivational speeches, their emotionally resonant and dynamic delivery continues to play a crucial role in effective communication, demonstrating the timeless art of connecting deeply with listeners.

Greatest Speeches of All Time by Famous Personalities

  • I Have a Dream Speech by Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Theodore Roosevelt, “Duties of American Citizenship”
  • Winston Churchill, “We Shall Fight on the Beaches”
  • Lou Gehrig, “Farewell to Baseball Address”
  • Demosthenes, “The Third Philippic”
  • Chief Joseph, “Surrender Speech”
  • John F. Kennedy, “Inauguration Address”
  • Ronald Reagan, “Address to the Nation on the Challenger”
  • “Speech of Alexander the Great”
  • William Wilberforce, “Abolition Speech”
  • Theodore Roosevelt, “The Man with the Muck-rake”
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt, “First Inaugural Address”
  • Charles de Gaulle, “The Appeal of 18 June”
  • Socrates, “Apology”
  • George Washington, “Resignation Speech”
  • Mahatma Gandhi, “Quit India”
  • Winston Churchill, “Their Finest Hour”
  • William Faulkner, “Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech”
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower, “Farewell Address”
  • Marcus Tullius Cicero, “The First Oration Against Catiline”
  • Ronald Reagan, “Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate”
  • Pericles, “Funeral Oration”
  • General Douglas MacArthur, “Farewell Address to Congress”
  • Theodore Roosevelt, “Strength and Decency”
  • Abraham Lincoln, “2nd Inaugural Address”
  • Patrick Henry, “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!”
  • Ronald Reagan, “40th Anniversary of D-Day”
  • John F. Kennedy, “The Decision to Go to the Moon”
  • Frederick Douglass, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”
  • General Douglas MacArthur, “Duty, Honor, Country”
  • Theodore Roosevelt, “Citizenship in a Republic”
  • Winston Churchill, “Blood, Sweat, and Tears”
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt, “Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation”
  • Jesus Christ, “The Sermon on the Mount”
  • Abraham Lincoln, “The Gettysburg Address”
  • Nobel Lecture by Mother Teresa
  • Swami Vivekananda and His 1893 Speech in Chicago


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Declamation speech resources

How to choose, understand & deliver a declamation speech well.

By:  Susan Dugdale  

A declamation speech is the term used to describe the  re-giving  of an important or famous speech.

It could be a political, graduation or commencement speech, a eulogy, a sermon: any type of speech at all as long as it's one that had significant impact on those who heard it.

But what's their purpose? How do you choose a good piece?  Where do you look for one? And how do you work with it?

The answers to those questions are here.

What's on this page:

  • the purpose of a declamation speech, and its origins
  • how to choose a piece - guidelines to follow
  • where to look for a piece, links to collections of notable speeches
  • how to work with a piece: step by step guidelines covering interpretation, delivery and rehearsal
  • links to additional declamation resources
  • a definition of declamation as it's used in the phrase 'declamation speech'

The purpose of a declamation speech

The speaker's task is to re-interpret the original, reproducing its power afresh.

Often this exercise will be set as part of studying public speaking skills. The purpose is to have the student directly experience the power of masterfully crafted language. Through their interpretation the techniques and skills of the original orator are learned.

In  Toastmasters , the skills learned in giving a declamation speech are covered in the advanced  Interpretive Reading  manual: project 5 - The Oratorical Speech. 

Declamation speech origins

This method of teaching was used in ancient Greece where public speaking was considered a necessary art for anybody embarking on a career in public service.

Image: Demosthenes declaiming by the seashore by Eugene Delacroix, 1859

A declamation was a practice piece set by a teacher for exactly the same reason they are set now: to have a student learn the skills of combining eloquent language with equally eloquent delivery in order to argue or persuade.

The great 4th century  Greek orator Demosthenes  is said to have honed his craft through studying the speeches of the great orators who preceded him.

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Choosing a declamation speech

The speech you choose is critical.

Firstly, you must like it. There's no good to be gained from choosing something because you think it will please or impress your teacher and likewise, judges.  You're going to work on this piece to make it your own. Therefore it needs to genuinely reflect you in theme and message.

And secondly it needs a combination of the qualities listed in the following areas:-

  • Style of language : Elevated, inspirational, elegant, poetic, masterful - the speech should be an example of 'beautiful' language and construction.
  • Structure : Look for unity of purpose. The piece needs to be structurally coherent - have a beginning, development and close. It is not a loose ramble or collection of impressions without form.
  • Theme : The message or theme running through it should be worthy of its oratorical treatment, i.e., the style of language specified above. It must be important and applicable beyond the time it was first delivered. For example, Martin Luther King's 'I  had a dream'  speech has carried its theme down the years without any loss of potency or relevance. (But be warned  - choose carefully. A famous speech such as King's 'I had a dream' will have been heard and heard again. You need something of similar impact but with considerably less profile.)
  • Impact : The speech must have reached and grabbed the hearts and minds of its listeners. It will have persuasively challenged and changed the way people thought and acted, uniting and inspiring them toward a common goal or course of action.

If you're choosing for a competition before you make your choice be sure to review the guidelines and do take note of the allocated time. Be prepared to cut your selection to fit.

Search for a declamation piece

Looking for just the right extract takes time. The links below are a good starting point.

Other avenues worth exploring are archives of previous declamation competition winners, asking for help from your teachers, or librarians, experimenting with search words: eulogies, motivational or persuasive speeches, civil rights speeches ...

Keep going until you find something you know you'll feel wholehearted about.

Famous speeches from African Americans

  • African American History: Major Speeches
  • Say It Plain - American Radio Works -A century of great African American speeches
  • Notable Speeches and Letters by African Americans from Benjamin Banneker to Barack Obama

Famous American speeches

  • American Rhetoric - a 5000+ database of speeches, including the top 100 speeches

Famous speeches - world wide

  • A cross-cultural collection of famous speeches, both historical and contemporary

Famous speeches by women

Photo-montage - 6 inspiring women speakers

  • 25 Powerful Commencement Speeches by Famous Women
  • History’s Most Powerful Speeches Given By Women

Listen and watch: famous speeches

  • Learn Out Loud - podcasts of 10 famous speeches
  • 25 of the most shared TED talks of all time

Understanding your declamation piece

Image: young man talking in front of background saying blah, blah, blah. Text: How to work with your chosen declamation piece.

- Make getting to know your piece your top priority If you learn or memorize the text of the speech without understanding it your delivery will become an ultimate blah-blah-blah talking head presentation.

Find out about the original context of the speech

What was the occasion the speech was written for? What period of time was it?  What was happening in society generally?

Who was the audience? Why had they come along to hear the speaker? What did they need or expect from the speech?

Find out about the person who originally gave the speech

Who was he or, she?  What passions drove them? Did they write the speech themselves? What did they want from the speech? (Was there a specific purpose or goal?)

What delivery characteristics did they use? Any particular habits?

What does this speech mean to you?

Can you put what is being said into your own words?  The more you dig into the meaning of the piece, emotionally and intellectually, the more able you'll be to convey it convincingly.  

Print the speech in a clear font and double spaced

You will use the gaps to write yourself notes and mark it up for delivery. For example, putting in the pauses, or breath points, the places to soften your voice, increase the volume or, for movement.

Make several copies. You are going to need them. ☺

Listen to the original speaker

If you can, listen to original speech while reading your copy.  Note how the speaker is using their voice. What qualities are you hearing? Do they change for different portions of the speech?  Why? Can you hear a beat or rhythm? What effect does that have?

Listen until you can clearly identify changes in tone, pitch, and pace, and know why it's being done.

The goal of delivering a declamation speech well

how to write declamation speech

The goal is not to impersonate, or mimic, the original speech maker.

For example, if you are working with one of Winston Churchill's war time speeches* you don't have to 'become ' him, in the same way an actor would if he was playing him in a play or a film

However you do have to find and sincerely draw out the qualities of the speech making it memorable. That, is your goal.

*To see the full text of the speech the quote is drawn from, and much, much more about Winston Churchill, visit:  The Few, 1940 . 

Rehearsing your speech

Along with choosing an appropriate piece, and understanding it, thorough and regular practice is what will distinguish what you do from everyone else.

If you're serious about performing well, check these links. 

how to write declamation speech

Begin with these full guidelines on how to rehearse . You'll find an easily followed step by step process, with detours into other areas should you need them:

  • vocal variety to bring color and interest into your voice
  • help to use pause and pace effectively, as well as,
  • diction exercises to clear up any sloppy  pronunciation issues

 Extra Resources

Declamation Competitions This is a Wikipedia page with ongoing links to the National Catholic Forensic League and the Theodore Gibson Oratorical Project . And here's a link to a set of excellent resources from forensicscommunity.com . There is a wealth of information here: guides, a forum and links to videos. It's a must-look site if you're serious about performing to the best of your ability.

Declamation definition

The action or art of declaiming; the repeating or uttering of a speech, etc. with studied intonation and gesture.

  • A public speech or address of rhetorical character; a set speech in rhetorical elocution.
  • Declaiming or speaking in an impassioned oratorical manner; fervid denunciation with appeals to the audience.
  • A speech of a rhetorical kind expressing strong feeling and addressed to the passions of the hearers; a declamatory speech, a harangue.
  • Renunciation, repudiation, disclaimer.

For more see the multiple definitions gathered together on one page by thefreedictionary.com/declamation

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Declamation Speech Examples for Students and Teachers

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Reported by Anshika Saxena

Published on 5 July 2024

A Declamation Speech is one of the trickiest speeches to prepare and deliver. Re-imagining a famous speech from a well-known orator and adding your perspectives to it requires much effort. However, a masterfully delivered Declamation Speech that wins the audience makes all your effort worth it. Through this article, we will discuss the Declamation Speech examples that will help you prepare your speech.

In addition, we will also give you ample insights into preparing an eloquent and well-structured Declamation Speech. So, do check out this article through to the end.

Declamation Speech examples

How to Choose a Declamation Speech?

Choosing a Declamation Speech from a renowned orator’s great pieces is no easy task. However, if you keep the following things in mind, you might be able to pick the right Declamation piece to reinterpret in your language.

  • Pick a Speech you Personally Resonate With – This is crucial when choosing a Declamation Speech. As you reimagine a great speech from your point of view, it must have a profound impact on you. Otherwise, your attempt to prepare the speech will also come off as half-hearted.
  • Pick a Timeless Speech- Your speech topic must be relevant today. If you pick a dated speech, then it might be hard for your audience to connect.
  • Pick a Speech with a Strong Theme at its Core- The declamation piece that you choose must be constructed around a strong theme. You must not pick a speech that is just pointless rambling by the orator.
  • Pick a Well-Structured Speech- Your speech needs to have a strong opening, an insightful body, and a memorable conclusion. This will make the process of reimagining the speech relatively easier.
  • Understand the Significance of the Event- Do not choose a speech that feels out of place in the event. If the speech completely matches the theme of the event, then the audience will connect with it more.

Introduction of a Declamation Speech


The Introduction part of your Declamation Speech can be used to surprise the audience. It is highly likely that the Declamation Piece you are reimagining is known to your audience. Therefore, by not starting the speech in a conventional manner, you can surprise the audience and engross them in the speech.

For this, you can use a few creative elements. This includes a rhetorical question, a baffling statistic, a quote, etc. But keep in mind whatever you include in the speech must fit its context and not appear out of place.

In the introduction, you can also briefly tell the audience why you chose this specific Declamation Piece for your speech.

Declamation Speech Body

A Declamation Speech is given to evoke strong emotions from the audience. However, you cannot have a strong emotional impact on the audience without a suitable build-up. So, you have to infuse the body of your speech with elements of that build-up.

For this build-up, you can use your creativity to the fullest. You can use an anecdote that fits the context of your speech. Moreover, you can use a short and crisp story that ties in with the theme of the speech.

You can also use this part of the speech to give the audience insights into the life of the original orator of the speech. All these things will make the conclusion of your speech more impactful and memorable.

Impactful Conclusion of a Declamation Speech

More often than not, the conclusion of a Declamation Speech is used to persuade the audience to think like the speaker. So, you can also end your speech with a “Call to Action,” asking them to act like the original orator wanted.

Keep in mind you must not just impose your thoughts onto the audience. Feel the emotions of the conclusion yourself and let the audience connect with you. Furthermore, you can end your speech with a takeaway sentence that remains etched in your audience’s brains for a long time.

Things to Keep in Mind While Preparing a Declamation Speech

While preparing your Declamation Speech, you must remember the following things.

  • Do not impersonate the original orator of the speech. This way, your speech will come off as disingenuous, and the audience will not be able to connect with it.
  • Keep the tone of the speech powerful to have a profound impact on the audience.
  • Watch the original speech by the orator multiple times and try to understand their perspective entirely.
  • Read your speech aloud and ensure that your pitch is steady.
  • Use vocal varieties in your speech and gestures to convey your message to the audience.
  • Do not complicate your speech by blending too many ideas.
  • Tell the audience about your fondness for the chosen Declamation Speech and its orator to resonate with them emotionally.
  • Make sure your speech is brimming with passion and emotion for the entirety of its duration.

Declamation Speech Examples

The following are examples of some of the best Declamation Speech Examples by renowned personalities and takeaway statements from their speeches. You can go through them and accordingly pick a speech to reimagine yourself .

Quit India By Mahatma Gandhi

Final Words

We hope our article provided useful insights into Declamation Speech examples, tips, and structure. You can feel free to ask us more of your queries in the comment section below. Also, to keep consuming more useful and worthwhile content like this, stay connected to us through the NVSHQ Homepage .

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Anshika Saxena

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Declamation is an artistic method of public speaking that expresses the full sense of the text being conveyed through articulation, emphasis, and gesture. This type of dramatic oration can be used to...

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how to write declamation speech

75 Engaging Declamation Speech Topics for High School and College Students

Searching for the perfect speech topic often feels like looking for a needle in a haystack, and believe me, I understand how daunting that can be. Standing where you’re at now, swamped with options but finding it hard to make a choice is something many face.

After diving deep into research and navigating my own path through the fear of public speaking , I’ve put together 75 captivating declamation speech topics designed especially for high school and college students .

This collection is crafted to ignite your curiosity, stimulate your thoughts, and empower you to take action with an array of persuasive, informative, and uplifting themes . Prepare yourself to leave a lasting impression on your audience!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • There are 75 exciting speech topics for students that cover persuasive, informative, and motivational themes . These topics help speakers connect with their audience and leave a lasting impression.
  • The guide includes diverse subjects like environment, technology, important days & events, social issues , famous leaders, Indian culture, proverbs, education, and human rights. Each area offers a chance to explore interests deeply and inform or inspire listeners.
  • Tips for delivering a compelling speech include having a strong opening to grab attention, structuring your speech clearly for easy understanding, using simple language appropriate to the topic at hand. Supporting points with relevant examples makes the message stronger and more engaging.
  • Choosing topics relevant to the audience’s concerns ensures speeches are impactful. Making connections through current issues or relatable experiences draws listeners closer and enhances the speaker’s effect.
  • Using real – life examples when discussing subjects like technology or environmental concerns helps clarify complex ideas. This approach also makes speeches more memorable by linking abstract concepts to everyday realities.

Categories of English Speech Topics

Categories of English Speech Topics include persuasive , informative, and motivational topics. These topics cater to different interests and aim to engage the audience effectively.

Persuasive topics

I always tell my students that choosing persuasive topics is like picking a tool for a job. You need the right one to make an impact. Persuasive speech topics challenge you to convince your audience about your point of view.

These include hot-button issues like free healthcare , college education , and social justice . I guide them through crafting speeches that not only present facts but also appeal to emotions and values.

Writing a persuasive speech means digging deep into the topic, understanding both sides, and then explaining why one is better or more valid than the other with evidence and strong arguments .

For instance, discussing college education can spark debates on its value versus its cost – perfect for engaging an audience. Next, we explore informative topics where sharing knowledge becomes the key focus.

Informative topics

Moving on from persuasive speech topics , let’s turn our attention to informative topics. Informative speech topics are designed to educate the audience about a specific subject or idea.

They aim to share valuable information and expand the audience’s knowledge on different subjects.

Informative speech topics are an excellent way for students to delve into diverse areas of interest and present their findings in an engaging manner. It allows speakers to impart knowledge, facts, statistics, and intriguing details on various subjects that can captivate their audience.

Motivational topics

Transitioning from informative topics to motivational topics, let’s delve into some uplifting speech ideas . You might be surprised at how effective and refreshing motivational speeches can be.

It’s a great way to connect with your audience and leave them feeling inspired. Whether you’re speaking about overcoming obstacles, achieving goals, or the power of positivity , these topics are designed to uplift and energize your listeners.

It’s all about sharing encouragement and enthusiasm , making it a truly impactful experience for everyone involved.

Popular English Speech Topics for Students

Popular English Speech Topics for students include environment, technology, important days & events, and social issues. Engaging topics cover famous leaders in India and around the world, Indian culture, proverbs, education, and human rights.


When it comes to the environment, there are numerous engaging declamation speech topics for high school and college students. Some popular speech topics in this category include climate change , conservation of natural resources , and the impact of pollution on ecosystems .

It’s essential to address these critical environmental issues through compelling speeches to raise awareness and inspire action. By selecting a unique environmental speech topic, students can effectively engage their audience while advocating for positive change.

As a public speaking beginner, I understand the importance of choosing captivating speech topics that resonate with the audience. Therefore, when exploring environment-related speech topics, consider addressing pressing issues such as sustainable living practices , wildlife preservation , or renewable energy solutions .

I love talking about technology because it’s all around us, changing and shaping the way we live. When considering speech topics for students, technology offers a wide array of options to discuss.

From the impact of social media on relationships to the increasing influence of artificial intelligence in our daily lives, there are numerous aspects to explore. It’s fascinating to consider how these advancements have transformed how we communicate, work, and learn.

For instance, discussing cybersecurity or the ethical implications of data privacy can spark engaging conversations and inspire critical thinking among peers.

In addition, I’ve found that highlighting specific examples such as innovative tech startups or groundbreaking inventions can captivate an audience’s interest while also shedding light on the potential future impact of these developments.

Important Days & Events

As someone who used to struggle with public speaking, I understand the importance of recognizing and acknowledging important days and events when delivering a speech. These occasions can create powerful connections with your audience as you resonate with their emotions and experiences .

Incorporating key dates like Earth Day, International Women’s Day, or World Health Day can add relevance and depth to your speech topics , making them more engaging for both you and your audience.

In addition to my personal experience overcoming public speaking fears through Toastmasters International, referencing relevant important days and events has helped me connect more deeply with my audiences.

Social Issues

Social issues are a crucial part of persuasive speeches . Discussing topics like college education and free healthcare can evoke strong emotions in the audience, making your speech more impactful.

When delivering a speech on these topics, I tend to research thoroughly and provide real-life examples to support my points. This makes my arguments persuasive and relatable to the audience, allowing me to deliver a compelling speech that drives change.

When discussing social issues in a speech, it’s important to connect with the audience on an emotional level . For example, talking about the impact of affordable education and healthcare on individuals’ lives can resonate deeply with listeners.

Engaging English Speech Topics for Students

The Engaging English Speech Topics for Students include famous leaders in India & around the world, Indian culture, proverbs, education, and human rights. These topics offer a wide range of subjects to explore when preparing your speech.

Famous Leaders in India & Around the World

As a public speaking beginner, when it comes to engaging speech topics, famous leaders in India & around the world offer compelling content. Not only can we learn from their leadership styles and achievements , but also dive into the historical significance of their actions.

For instance, Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent resistance movement was pivotal for India’s independence from British rule. Similarly, exploring Nelson Mandela’s role in ending apartheid in South Africa unveils the power of perseverance and justice.

These examples provide rich material for captivating speeches that engage and inspire audiences.

The ever-evolving world of global leadership is not merely about recounting history but understanding how these leaders’ actions underpin contemporary societal values and struggles.

Indian Culture

Now, let’s explore the rich tapestry of Indian culture. From traditional festivals like Diwali and Holi to classical dance forms like Bharatanatyam and Kathak , India’s culture is a vibrant amalgamation of customs, traditions, and art forms that have been passed down through generations.

The diverse cuisine , colorful attire , and ancient rituals all contribute to the unique identity of Indian culture. Understanding the depth of Indian culture can provide valuable insights for delivering engaging speeches and connecting with a wide audience on this captivating subject.

The intricate elements comprising India’s cultural fabric offer a multitude of compelling speech topics. Delving into aspects such as folk music , mythological tales , religious practices – be it Hinduism or Sikhism – or the architectural marvels like the Taj Mahal can captivate an audience’s attention.

Proverbs are short, wise sayings that offer guidance and insight . Incorporating proverbs into your speech can add depth and resonance to your message. For example, using a popular proverb like “Actions speak louder than words” can emphasize the importance of actions over mere promises.

Including proverbs can help capture your audience’s attention and make your speech more memorable . Engaging with these timeless nuggets of wisdom can also demonstrate your understanding of universal truths , enhancing the impact of your speech.

When it comes to education, I believe in the power of speech topics that can inform and inspire. As a public speaking beginner, you might be wondering about choosing the right topic.

Education is not only about classroom learning but also understanding broader concepts like human rights and social issues . It’s essential to choose a speech topic that resonates with your audience, such as discussing famous leaders or promoting Indian culture .

These topics can help you connect with your listeners on a personal level and make your speech more engaging.

Moving on from education, let’s delve into tips for delivering a compelling speech.

Human Rights

As a public speaking beginner, it’s crucial to address important issues like human rights . When delivering a speech on this topic, consider discussing the right to education for all children and the protection of freedom of speech .

By using relevant statistics and real-life examples , you can effectively convey the importance of upholding human rights in society .

### [Include First-Hand experience using the Author Background in the content output]

Tips for Delivering a Compelling Speech

Deliver a strong opening to grab attention. Structure your speech effectively for clarity and flow. Use appropriate vocabulary and relevant examples to support your points without overwhelming the audience.

Have a strong opening

When delivering a speech, having a strong opening is crucial. It sets the tone for your entire presentation and captures the audience’s attention from the start. You can achieve this by using a captivating quote , asking an intriguing question , or sharing a compelling story that relates to your topic.

A strong opening ensures that your audience is eager to listen and engage with what you have to say, making it essential for a successful speech.

Moving on to “Structure your speech effectively”…

Structure your speech effectively

To structure your speech effectively, ensure you have a strong opening . Then, organize your points logically to maintain the audience’s interest. Use appropriate vocabulary and make sure your topic is relevant.

Support your points with examples to clarify and reinforce your message.

Use appropriate vocabulary

As you write your speech, choose words that are easy for everyone to understand. Use clear and simple language so your audience can follow along easily with what you’re saying. It’s important to make sure the words match the topic and help express your ideas clearly .

This will keep your audience engaged and interested in what you have to say.

Now let’s move on to “Make your topic relevant”.

Make your topic relevant

When crafting your speech, ensure that the topic is relevant to your audience’s interests and concerns . This will captivate their attention and make them eager to listen. By addressing current issues or topics that affect their daily lives, you can establish a strong connection with your audience, making your speech more impactful and memorable.

Engaging with relevant themes helps to create a meaningful dialogue and fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter . So, always consider how your chosen topic aligns with the experiences and perspectives of your audience.

By selecting pertinent topics for my own speeches, I’ve witnessed firsthand how crucial this approach is in capturing the audience’s attention. It allows me to engage with them on a personal level while delivering valuable insights .

Use examples to support your points.

To make your topic relevant, it’s crucial to back up your points with examples. For instance, if you’re discussing the importance of education , you could cite statistics about how literacy rates impact a country’s economic development.

Or if you’re talking about human rights, mentioning specific cases of injustice can bring greater depth and understanding to your speech.

In addition to that, when debating topics like technology or environmental issues, providing real-life examples of innovative solutions or pressing ecological concerns can effectively drive home the significance of these subjects for your audience.

I’ve always been fascinated by how the right topics can make speaking in public exciting. That’s why the guide on “75 Engaging Declamation Speech Topics for High School and College Students” has become a cornerstone of my teaching.

I turned to Dr. Samuel Jennings, an expert with decades in public speaking education and a rich background from his time as a professor at Cambridge University. He’s written extensively on effective communication .

Dr. Jennings told me these carefully selected topics cover crucial areas that challenge students intellectually while allowing them to explore their passions. From persuasive to motivational themes, each one invites depth, critical thinking, and personal reflection.

This approach not only makes speeches more compelling but also strengthens the speakers’ connection with their audience.

He highlighted safety, ethics, and transparency as core values behind these topics. According to him, guiding students towards subjects that promote positive messages ensures a respectful discourse culture in our future leaders.

Dr. Jennings suggests integrating these speech topics into regular classroom activities or debates for continuous practice. Real-world application of such engaging subjects prepares students better for public discourse.

His evaluation balanced both praise and caution – appreciating the diversity of topics yet reminding users about keeping discussions respectful and inclusive; comparisons were drawn with less structured guides which might lead confusingly broad choices without depth.

Finally, Dr. Jennings recommended this collection wholeheartedly for anyone looking to improve their declamation skills or seeking fresh ideas for speeches. His endorsement stems from seeing firsthand how relevant and thought-provoking themes engage audiences effectively while nurturing confident communicators.

So here I am sharing this treasure trove of knowledge not just because it offers great content but because it truly enhances how we engage with each other through speech.

how to write declamation speech

Ryan Nelson is the founder of Speak2Impress, a platform dedicated to helping individuals master the art of public speaking. Despite having a crippling fear of public speaking for many years, Ryan overcame his anxiety through diligent practice and active participation in Toastmasters. Now residing in New York City, he is passionate about sharing his journey and techniques to empower others to speak with confidence and clarity.

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September 27, 2023

Recitations and Rhetoric Declamations: What & Why

Discover the difference between recitations and rhetoric declamations at New Saint Andrews College.

Jesse Sumpter

New Saint Andrews is not a large college, with only 272 undergraduate students. The current student-to-faculty ratio is 10:1. This means the college is a place where students and faculty know each other and are not lost in a sea of faces. The college believes building a rich community is imperative to help students thrive in their academic studies. A key way the college fosters academic excellence at the college is through recitations. 

The majority of classes at NSA incorporate weekly recitations. In the first half of the week, the professor will offer a lecture-style meeting, and then, in the second half of the week, the students are broken into small discussion groups. These small groups are made up of about seven to ten students who gather with the professor for the purpose of discussing that week’s assigned material and readings. These weekly meetings are in addition to regular class lectures, assigned readings, and other class assignments.  

Recitations provide time and space for professors to mentor students in the academic material of the course. In such contexts, students are forced to winsomely and reasonably own or dispute the ideas under discussion with guidance from their instructor. This recitation work demands academic excellence of the students in the course material. It also enables students time to ask questions of their professors and to see how these instructors apply the material to their own work and life. 

Often, universities are not able to have discussions at all because the classes are so large–filled with hundreds of students–which prevents real interaction between professors and students. At NSA, however, recitations allow students to work side by side with their professors. In these small groups, the instructor is able to push students to greater depth of understanding, increased clarity of expression, and more thoughtful interaction with the ideas central to the class. Recitations often include detailed discussions on the material, as well as time for student questions. Some include a time for an individual student to present material to the small group. 

“The goal of Rhetoric is to produce an act that is a speech.” self.__wrap_n=self.__wrap_n||(self.CSS&&CSS.supports("text-wrap","balance")?1:2);self.__wrap_b=(e,t,i)=>{let r=null==(i=i||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${e}"]`))?void 0:i.parentElement;if(!r)return;let a=e=>i.style.maxWidth=e+"px";i.style.maxWidth="";let o=r.clientWidth,n=r.clientHeight,s=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,d;if(o){for(a(s),s=Math.max(i.scrollWidth,s);s+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+i.dataset.brr,i)})).observe(r)};self.__wrap_n!=1&&self.__wrap_b(":R9bkvff6v9jta:",1)

One pivotal way these small groups function is to allow students a place to practice what they have learned. One key example of this happens in Rhetoric class with their declamation exercises.

In a recent podcast, Exploring the Arts , Mr. Brent Pinkall, who teaches Rhetoric at NSA, said, “The goal of Rhetoric is to produce an act that is a speech.”

Mr. Pinkall explained that he has reviewed modern textbooks on Rhetoric and has also looked back at classical Rhetoric texts by Cicero and Quintilian. Through this in-depth study, Mr. Pinkall has come to see that Rhetoric aims to teach students the ability to speak well. He says, “The goal isn’t just to memorize the principles; the goal is to be able to speak persuasively.” 

He explained that he wants students to understand the theory of oratory, but he also wants them to be able to do it on their own as well. He says, “To know how to speak and to be able to speak are two very different things.”

Rhetoric is not about trying to trick people or deceive an audience. Rhetoric is about speaking well and communicating clearly with an audience so they both understand and are moved by what the speaker says. 

“The goal isn’t just to memorize the principles; the goal is to be able to speak persuasively.” self.__wrap_n=self.__wrap_n||(self.CSS&&CSS.supports("text-wrap","balance")?1:2);self.__wrap_b=(e,t,i)=>{let r=null==(i=i||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${e}"]`))?void 0:i.parentElement;if(!r)return;let a=e=>i.style.maxWidth=e+"px";i.style.maxWidth="";let o=r.clientWidth,n=r.clientHeight,s=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,d;if(o){for(a(s),s=Math.max(i.scrollWidth,s);s+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+i.dataset.brr,i)})).observe(r)};self.__wrap_n!=1&&self.__wrap_b(":Rarkvff6v9jta:",1)

Key exercises for the Rhetoric class happen in small group recitations. This smaller setting is a place for students to practice and polish their Rhetoric work. At the beginning of the year, students work on preliminary Rhetoric exercises called progymnasmata which practice specific fundamental skills of rhetoric: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery. After these exercises, students then start working on declamations which are larger, more formal speeches. These declamations are capstone exercises that reinforce all of the skills previously studied in the progymnasmata.

In the first type of declamation, students focus on suasoria, a speech of advice addressed to a fictional or historical character on the verge of making an important decision. Students then work on the second and most challenging type of declamation—controversia, a speech arguing for or against a defendant in a fictional trial. Through these advanced exercises, students are honing their abilities in style, memory, and delivery.

After students have practiced declamations in small group recitations, they go on to prepare for a declamation competition in front of the whole school. In this school-wide competition, which draws from all the classes at the school, the best students from each of the three school halls compete for points. This declamation competition features the best Rhetoric work from across the student body. 

Mr. Pinkhall says, “What I strive to do here at NSA is to teach Rhetoric as an act.” The goal is to shape students so they know how to give a thoughtful, clear, and winsome speech. To achieve this end, it is necessary that students practice and exercise their speaking abilities. Recitations and Rhetoric declamations are important spaces at NSA where students grow academically by working closely with their professors and other students.

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Choosing a Declamation Piece for High School

Stacy is a full-time freelance writer with a B.A. in English.

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Jennifer is a prolific writer with over 10 years of experience in online writing. She enjoys creating quotes and poems.

From speeches by ancient historians to those given by modern U.S. presidents, you can find a wealth of possible declamation pieces through online speech banks and anthologies of famous speeches. Many online resources feature audio and video of the original speeches to help you understand the power behind the original speech .

What Is a Declamation Speech?

A declamation piece is a speech that was originally given by a well-known orator. Declamation speeches originated in ancient Greece as a way for people to practice public speaking skills, and they have now evolved into a common practice for high school students as a way to learn how to give oral presentations and improve speaking skills. The National Catholic Forensic League has a yearly public speaking event where students compete and give their declamations. The competition is for students in grades nine or ten and the pieces cannot be more than ten minutes long. Many students choose excerpts from famous speeches and literary works for their declamation piece, with the idea being to recite the motivational speech with the same power and authority as the original speaker. The speech should be memorized and conveyed in a way that is memorable although not acted out. The speech should also be spoken in a way that is subtle and detached, not dramatic.

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Speeches to Choose From

There are lots of different interesting speeches that high schoolers can use for a declamation speech. Explore several speeches that cover a variety of categories .

Declamation Speeches About Life

There are speeches and then there are speeches. These speeches about life show people how to not fear the failure and roll with the punches.

  • The Fringe Benefits of Failure by JK Rowling. In her 20-minute commencement speech at Harvard, JK Rowling discusses how to not let failure stop you from embracing your dream.
  • How to Live Before You Die by Steve Jobs. This 15-minute commencement speech discusses how to accomplish your dream in spite of setbacks.
  • Commencement Address by Stephen Colbert. In 20 minutes, Colbert shows students how to roll with the punches the life brings.

Declamation Pieces About Love

Whether it is a message about loving yourself, your enemies or those around you, examine speeches that discuss love.

  • Loving Your Enemies by Martin Luther King. An inspirational sermon giving by King, Loving Your Enemies shows us how important it is to love enemies even though it is difficult.
  • How to Love and Be Loved by Billy Ward. This 17-minute inspirational speech uses a personal story to show how important it is to be loved.
  • Love Yourself by Tom Bilyeu. In this 15-minute speech, Tom Bilyeu and Tyrese Gibson deliver a motivational speech about the laws of attraction and loving yourself.

Funny Declamation Speeches

A little humor is a good thing. If you are looking to make your class laugh , try out these declamation pieces.

  • Commencement Address by Jim Carey. In 25 minutes, Jim Carey delivers a funny and inspirational message about the power of love and thinking big about your future.
  • I Got 99 Problems… Palsy is Just One by Maysoon Zayid. Maysoon uses humor and wit to discuss being disabled in this 14-minute inspirational piece.
  • Create Your Own Destiny by Maya Rudolph. Maya delivers a 15 minute inspirational and motivational speech that uses personal stories and comedy to demonstrate building your own future.

Speeches by Famous Personalities

Sometimes the words of famous personalities like musicians and actors have the greatest impact. Look at these short inspirational speeches by famous personalities.

  • Being Weird is a Wonderful Thing by Ed Sheeran. Sheeran uses personal stories and humor in this 2-minute persuasive speech that shows how being different is a good thing.
  • Body Positivity by Ashley Graham. In less than 2 minutes, Graham motivates and inspires the audience about loving yourself just the way you are.
  • Loving Yourself for Yourself by Pink. Pink motivates the audience in her 3 minute Music Award speech to embrace our differences and how they make us special through a story about her daughter.

Famous Speeches in History

Speech throughout history by public figures have shaped our country. Examine some of the most persuasive and motivational speeches throughout history.

  • We Shall Fight on the Beaches by Winston Churchill. Churchill motivates and inspires a nation to push through and fight during World War II in this 12 minute persuasive speech.
  • I Am Prepared to Die by Nelson Mandela. In this long speech, Nelson Mandela works to motivate a nation to change through non-violent means.
  • I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King. In less than 20 minutes, King persuades a nation to see his dream for freedom for all people regardless of race.

Speeches by Women

The view of women can many times be different from that of men. Examine these different speeches written by women.

  • On the Pulse of Morning by Maya Angelo. This 6-minute inspirational poem made at Bill Clinton's Inauguration calls for change and inclusion.
  • Looking at Technology Through Women's Eyes by Robin Adams. This persuasive speech explores the role of women in technology and how it is changing.
  • I've Been Stood Up on My Wedding Day by M.C. Espina. This short, expressive piece shows the plight of a teen woman stood up on her wedding day and how this changes her.

Speeches in Under Five Minutes

Not so good at standing up in front of the class, short declamation pieces can be your best friend. Take a look at these short gems that still pack a bunch.

  • Vengeance Is Not Ours, It's Gods , author unknown. This short inspirational speech uses a memory to show the power of forgiveness.
  • The Face Upon the Floor by Hugh Antoine d'Arcy. This short ballad combines humor and pain through the loss of a love.
  • Land of Bondage, Land of the Free by Raul Manglapus. This short inspirational piece explores oppression and how to find freedom against it.
  • Oh Captain, My Captain by Walt Whitman. This historical, persuasive poem represents Abraham Lincoln's fall during the civil war.

Five Minute Speeches

Short is great but sometimes teachers call for a little length. Don't go overboard with these speeches that come in at about five minutes.

Address on the Challenger Disaster by Ronald Reagan. In Reagan's Address to the Nation, Reagan uses motivational speaking to remind the audience of the loss of the crew and what it means to the nation.

I Have Sinned by Bill Clinton. In this inspirational speech, Clinton apologizes to a nation and asks for forgiveness.

Never Give in Speech by Winston Churchill. In just under 5 minutes, Churchill provides motivation and inspiration to a warring national about the importance of not giving in.

More Online Resources for Speeches

Here are some additional websites that will help with choosing a speech:

  • American Rhetoric has hundreds of speeches from American history and suggestions on how to improve speaking ability.
  • Gift of Speech has famous speeches by women.
  • Famous Speeches has a collection of famous speeches by influential people in history.
  • View past speech titles given by the National Forensic League members.

How to Choose Your Declamation Piece

There are hundreds of speeches that could work as a declamation for high school students who are involved in speech, debate, or forensics. Here are some tips on choosing a great speech and theme:

  • Focus on speeches that utilize masterful and eloquent language.
  • Choose a speech you understand.
  • Understand the theme and context of the speech. Choose speeches that mean something to you so you can capture the right emotion.
  • Examine the history behind your speech.
  • Use speeches that you are drawn to. Whether it be because of the history or the humor, these will be the speeches that you can deliver the best.
  • Look at the style of the language in the piece. Avoid those that are going to trip you up.
  • Decide whether length will be an issue.
  • Think about your audience and the audience of the speech.
  • Explore whether you can emulate the passion of the original author.

Giving Your Declamation Piece

Remember too that practice makes perfect. Listen to your speech several times before you have to deliver it. Try to deliver it in such a way as to invoke emotion in your audience. Think about how the speech communicates the key ideas to the audience. Once you've practiced several times, you are ready.

Council Rock Speech and Debate Website


“ Declamation is a public speaking event where students deliver a portion or portions of a speech previously delivered. The speech the student delivers can be any publicly delivered speech. Commencement addresses, historical speeches, political speeches, and celebrity speeches are common examples . Speeches are up to 10 minutes in length. As a result, students typically shorten the text of the speech to meet time requirements. The goal of declamation is to convey a message with clarity, emotion, and persuasiveness. The event is not designed for students to mimic the original author of the speech. Instead, speakers are to develop an oration that delivers the message of the author in an original and engaging manner. “-NSDA

Speech Judging Guide – Step-by-step guide for those new to judging Speech

Speech Judging Checklist – Basic outline of steps for more experienced Speech judges

*Reach out to your speech captains for information on pieces*


Speech on Declamation

Declamation is a powerful way to express ideas. It’s an art where you recite a speech, making it come alive with your voice and gestures.

Think of it as a performance. You step into the shoes of the original speaker, reliving their words and emotions. It’s not just about talking, it’s about feeling and sharing those feelings with others.

1-minute Speech on Declamation

Good day, everyone! Today, I want to talk about something exciting yet challenging. I’m here to speak about declamation.

Now, let’s look at why declamation is important. It’s not just about standing on a stage and talking. Declamation helps you grow. It builds confidence. It teaches you how to express your thoughts clearly and effectively. It’s like a gym workout for your communication skills. The more you do it, the stronger your skills become.

But remember, good declamation doesn’t happen overnight. It needs practice. It’s like learning to ride a bicycle. You may fall a few times, but with every fall, you learn something new. So, don’t be afraid of making mistakes. They are stepping stones to success.

In the end, declamation is about telling a story. It’s about sharing your thoughts and ideas with the world. It’s about making people see what you see, feel what you feel. And when you can do that, you become more than just a speaker. You become a storyteller, an artist, a leader.

So, let’s embrace declamation. Let’s use it to express, to learn, to grow. Let’s use it to make our voices heard. Thank you.

2-minute Speech on Declamation

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let’s talk about declamation. You might be thinking, what’s that? It’s a big word, isn’t it? Well, it’s not as big as it sounds. Declamation is just a fancy way of saying “public speaking”. It’s when someone stands up in front of a group of people and talks about something important.

Now, why is declamation important? Think about this. When you have something to say, you want people to listen, right? You want them to understand your point of view. That’s where declamation comes in. It teaches you how to speak clearly and confidently, so people will listen to what you have to say.

Let’s take an example. Imagine your favorite storybook. Now, imagine that book without any full stops or commas. Would it make sense? No, right? Similarly, declamation is like the full stops and commas in our speech. It helps us to deliver our thoughts in a way that makes sense to others.

So, how can you practice declamation? Start small. Talk to your friends, your family. Share your thoughts and ideas. Listen to others too. Learn from them. And then, slowly, you can start speaking in front of larger groups.

Remember, it’s not just about talking. It’s about listening too. It’s about understanding others and making sure they understand you. It’s about sharing ideas and learning from each other. That’s what declamation is all about.

In conclusion, declamation is not just a big word. It’s a powerful tool. It helps us to express ourselves clearly and confidently. It helps us to share our thoughts and ideas with others. It helps us to learn, to grow, and to understand the world around us. So, let’s embrace declamation. Let’s learn to speak, to listen, and to understand.

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how to write declamation speech

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Here’s how to prepare a declamation speech

July 13, 2022 by studymumbai Leave a Comment


A declamation speech is a shortened version of a speech that was delivered earlier by a well-known personality. The person giving the declamation speech can use their own words and thoughts to deliver the original message.

A declamation speech is a motivational speech, and the idea is not to imitate the original person but to deliver the message of the original orator in your own way, and make it shorter.


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Structure of a declamation speech

Several schools how have declamation speech competitions where students are expected to give speech of well-known personalities.

Here is a format to be followed when giving a declamation speech:

  • Provide Introduction: For example, “Respected Teachers, I am (mention name) from Class (mention standard-division). My declamation speech is based on Barrack Obama’s address to the students of St Xavier College, Mumbai”.
  • Say the Speech
  • Say ‘Thank You’ in the End.

Declamation Speech Competition Requirements

Here is the requirement of a Declamation Speech Competition for students aged under 10 years.

Each speaker will be given 3 minutes to speak. At the end of 2 minutes 30 seconds, a warning bell will be rung. The final bell will be sounded at the end of the third minute. Speaking for less than 2 minutes 30 seconds and more than 3 minutes will entail a deduction of 5 marks by each judge. It has to be a speech that has been delivered by a national or international personality.


StudyMumbai.com is an educational resource for students, parents, and teachers, with special focus on Mumbai. Our staff includes educators with several years of experience. Our mission is to simplify learning and to provide free education. Read more about us .

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Warner organizing Senate Democrats to ask Biden to leave presidential race: reports

WASHINGTON — Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., is working to organize a group of Democratic senators to ask President Joe Biden to exit the presidential race, The Washington Post reported Friday.

Warner, chair of the powerful Senate Intelligence Committee, has reportedly been raising concerns that Biden cannot effectively run against former President Donald Trump following Biden’s disastrous debate performance last week.

A Warner spokesperson did not respond to USA TODAY’s request for comment on Friday afternoon. NBC , Axios and other outlets also confirmed the effort.

Senators are considering pursuing a meeting at the White House with Biden to discuss their concerns in person, according to the Post, while others are waiting to see Biden’s interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, which aired on Friday night.

When asked about Warner’s desire to have him step aside, Biden told reporters Friday, “He’s the only one.”

Many Democrats have privately shared concerns about their presidential candidate in the wake of the debate, in which Biden repeatedly stumbled in his answers to questions. Still, only a handful of lawmakers have publicly called for him to step aside, and only a few senators have spoken out about the issue at all. The Senate has been out of session with senators away from Washington for two weeks.

More: 'I'm the nominee': Biden calls out Democrats pushing for him to withdraw from election

Others have remained public backers of the president, who says he does not plan to step aside.

“We said we will stand with him,” said Maryland Gov. Wes Moore following a meeting between several Democratic governors and the president at the White House this week. “The president has always had our backs, we’re going to have his back as well.”

Sen. Tim Kaine, Warner’s fellow Democratic Senator from Virginia, also expressed support for Biden during a roundtable discussion at Market Street Coffee in Petersburg, his first campaign stop of the “ Salute to Service ” tour on Monday.

“The bottom line is, Joe Biden is our president. He’s a patriotic American. He’s done a good job. He puts others first, not himself,” he said.

The fallout from the debate has made for a remarkable turn in an already historic presidential race that pits two presidents against one another: the oldest president in American history and the first former president to be convicted of a felony.

Senate Democrats, in particular, have much at stake at the top of the ticket: They are on defense this year, defending multiple vulnerable incumbents who are already tasked with outperforming the president. Any additional perceived weaknesses could make that even more challenging.

However, many lawmakers are planning to wait until they see robust polling indicating how voters feel about the president following the debate.

A USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll released earlier this week indicates voters slightly prefer Trump to Biden 41% to 38%, a shift from a May poll that showed them tied at 37% to 37%.

Elizabeth Beyer contributed.

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Biden assails Project 2025, a plan to transform government, and Trump’s claim to be unaware of it


FILE - Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally, June 22, 2024, in Philadelphia. Trump is seeking to distance himself from a plan for a massive overhaul of the federal government drafted by some of his administration officials. Some of these men are expected to take high-level roles if the Republican presumptive nominee is elected back into the White House. Trump is saying on Truth Social that he “knew nothing about Project 2025.” (AP Photo/Chris Szagola, File)

FILE - Kevin Roberts, president of The Heritage Foundation, speaks in Washington, April 12, 2023. Former President Donald Trump is seeking to distance himself from a plan for a massive overhaul of the federal government drafted by some of his administration officials. Some of these men are expected to take high-level roles if Trump is elected back into the White House. Roberts said that Republicans are “in the process of taking this country back” when he spoke Tuesday, July 2, 2024, on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

FILE - Paul Dans, director of Project 2025 at the Heritage Foundation, speaks at the National Religious Broadcasters convention, Feb. 22, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn. Former President Donald Trump is seeking to distance himself from a plan for a massive overhaul of the federal government drafted by some of his administration officials, including Dans. Some of these men are expected to take high-level roles if the Republican presumptive nominee is elected back into the White House. Trump is saying on Truth Social that he “knew nothing about Project 2025.” (AP Photo/George Walker IV, File)

FILE - Acting director of Office of Management and Budget Russ Vought listens during a television interview at the White House, Oct. 21, 2019, in Washington. Former President Donald Trump is seeking to distance himself from a plan for a massive overhaul of the federal government drafted by some of his administration officials, including Vought. Some of these men are expected to take high-level roles if the Republican presumptive nominee is elected back into the White House. Trump is saying on Truth Social that he “knew nothing about Project 2025.” (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

FILE - Director of the Presidential Personnel Office John McEntee is seen on the South Lawn of the White House, Aug. 27, 2020, in Washington. Former President Donald Trump is seeking to distance himself from a plan for a massive overhaul of the federal government drafted by some of his administration officials, including McEntee. Some of these men are expected to take high-level roles if the Republican presumptive nominee is elected back into the White House. Trump is saying on Truth Social that he “knew nothing about Project 2025.” (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

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MIAMI (AP) — Donald Trump has distanced himself from Project 2025, a massive proposed overhaul of the federal government drafted by longtime allies and former officials in his administration, days after the head of the think tank responsible for the program suggested there would be a second American Revolution.

“I know nothing about Project 2025,” Trump posted on his social media website. “I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”

The 922-page plan outlines a dramatic expansion of presidential power and a plan to fire as many as 50,000 government workers to replace them with Trump loyalists. President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign has worked to draw more attention to the agenda, particularly as Biden tries to keep fellow Democrats on board after his disastrous debate.

“He’s trying to hide his connections to his allies’ extreme Project 2025 agenda,” Biden said of Trump in a statement released by his campaign Saturday. “The only problem? It was written for him, by those closest to him. Project 2025 should scare every single American. “


Trump has outlined his own plans to remake the government if he wins a second term, including staging the largest deportation operation in U.S. history and imposing tariffs on potentially all imports. His campaign has previously warned outside allies not to presume to speak for the former president and suggested their transition-in-waiting efforts were unhelpful.

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Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts said on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast Tuesday that Republicans are “in the process of taking this country back.” Former U.S. Rep. Dave Brat of Virginia hosted the show for Bannon, who is serving a four-month prison term.

“We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” Roberts said.

Those comments were widely circulated online and assailed by Biden’s campaign, which accused Trump and his allies of “dreaming of a violent revolution to destroy the very idea of America.”

Project 2025 should scare every single American. It would give Trump limitless power over our daily lives and let him use the presidency to enact ‘revenge’ on his enemies, ban abortion nationwide and punish women who have an abortion, and gut the checks and balances that make America the greatest democracy in the world. It’s extreme and dangerous.

Some of the people involved in Project 2025 are former senior administration officials. The project’s director is Paul Dans, who served as chief of staff at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management under Trump. Trump’s campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt was featured in one of Project 2025’s videos.

John McEntee, a former director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office in the Trump administration, is a senior adviser. McEntee told the conservative news site The Daily Wire earlier this year that Project 2025’s team would integrate a lot of its work with the campaign after the summer when Trump would announce his transition team.

Trump’s comments on Project 2025 come before the Republican Party’s meetings this coming week to begin to draft its party platform.

Project 2025 has been preparing its own 180-day agenda for the next administration that it plans to share privately, rather than as part of its public-facing book of priorities for a Republican president. A key Trump ally, Russ Vought, who contributed to Project 2025 and is drafting this final pillar, is also on the Republican National Committee’s platform writing committee.

Project 2025 said in a statement it not tied to a specific candidate or campaign.

“We are a coalition of more than 110 conservative groups advocating policy and personnel recommendations for the next conservative president,” it said. “But it is ultimately up to that president, who we believe will be President Trump, to decide which recommendations to implement.”

A Biden campaign spokesperson said Project 2025 staff members are also leading the Republican policy platform. “Project 2025 is the extreme policy and personnel playbook for Trump’s second term that should scare the hell out of the American people,” said Ammar Moussa.

On Thursday, as the country celebrated Independence Day and Biden prepared for his television interview after his halting debate performance, the president’s campaign posted on X a shot from the dystopian TV drama “The Handmaid’s Tale” showing a group of women in the show’s red dresses and white hats standing in formation by a reflecting pool with a cross at the far end where the Washington Monument should be. The story revolves around women who are stripped of their identities and forced to give birth to children for other couples in a totalitarian regime.

“Fourth of July under Trump’s Project 2025,” the post said.

Associated Press writers Jill Colvin in New York and Lisa Mascaro in Washington contributed to this report.

how to write declamation speech


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  1. Declamation Speech

    The Impact of Declamation in Different Speech Types. Welcome Speech: In welcome speeches, declamation sets a welcoming and friendly tone, immediately engaging the audience. Motivational Speech: For motivational speeches, declamation is crucial in inspiring and energizing listeners, driving them to action. Celebration Speech: In celebration speeches, the declamatory style adds to the festive ...


    thinkers. Declamation is the performance of a speech someone else has written and performed at some point. It combines the public speaking aspect of Oratory and the interpretation aspect of black book events. The art of Declamation is at its heart about speaking passionately. The topics discussed in Declamation run the entire gamut.

  3. Declamation speech resources for students and teachers

    The action or art of declaiming; the repeating or uttering of a speech, etc. with studied intonation and gesture. A public speech or address of rhetorical character; a set speech in rhetorical elocution. Declaiming or speaking in an impassioned oratorical manner; fervid denunciation with appeals to the audience.

  4. Declamation Speech Examples for Students and Teachers

    The following are examples of some of the best Declamation Speech Examples by renowned personalities and takeaway statements from their speeches. You can go through them and accordingly pick a speech to reimagine yourself. Quit India by Mahatma Gandhi. I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King, Jr. Fear of Failure by JK Rowling.

  5. What Is Declamation? Examples Throughout History

    Declamations are announcements filled with emotion. Take a look through some of history's most famous declamations, and learn how to give one of your own.

  6. Judging Speech

    Take notes during each speech. Write down anything that stood out to you about each speech—the best moments, the parts of the speech that could be improved, and ideas for how the student can make their speech better. ... Declamation is a memorized event. There is a 10-minute time limit with a 30-second grace period.

  7. Declamation: The Art of Expressive Oratory

    While speech and declamation involve the act of addressing an audience, distinct differences exist between the two. A speech primarily focuses on conveying information, sharing ideas, or expressing opinions in a coherent and persuasive manner. It aims to educate, entertain, or inspire the listeners. On the other hand, declamation places greater ...

  8. How To Judge Declamation

    The Declamation could follow this general structure: • Teaser - 30 to 45 seconds - student delivers a small portion of the speech to establish the mood and general theme. • Introduction - 20 to 30 seconds - student delivers the introduction. • Main Body of Speech - 7 to 8 minutes - student delivers the main points of the speech.

  9. Declamation

    Declamation is an artistic method of public speaking that expresses the full sense of the text being conveyed through articulation, emphasis, and gesture. ... and speech types. Whether you're a student looking to improve your presentation skills, a professional aiming to excel in public speaking engagements, or simply someone who wants to ...

  10. Webb Library: Middle School and Freshman Declamation: Guide

    A declamation is a 2-3 minute minimum recitation of a literature selection. Grades 6-8 perform their declamation in front of the middle school and students in grade 9 perform their declamation in front of the whole school community. Time Your Declamation. 00:00.00.

  11. 75 Engaging Declamation Speech Topics for High School and College

    Key Takeaways. There are 75 exciting speech topics for students that cover persuasive, informative, and motivational themes. These topics help speakers connect with their audience and leave a lasting impression. The guide includes diverse subjects like environment, technology, important days & events, social issues, famous leaders, Indian ...

  12. Declamation Competition

    Tips to prepare for Declamation Competition/ what is declamation Competition / Declamation Competition / APS /Description of Declamation Competition with Exa...

  13. DOC Loudoun County Public Schools / Overview

    ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ 1 3 ...

  14. Choosing a Declamation Piece for High School

    There are hundreds of speeches that could work as a declamation for high school students who are involved in speech, debate, or forensics. Here are some tips on choosing a great speech and theme: Focus on speeches that utilize masterful and eloquent language. Choose a speech you understand. Understand the theme and context of the speech.

  15. PDF Middle School Competition Events

    etition Events - At A GlanceAn Introduction to Declamation (DEC)Event DescriptionDeclamation requires students to select a spe. ch that was delivered in public and perf. rm an excerpt of that speech to an audience. Speeches are up to 10 minutes in length. As. result, students typically shorten the text of the speech to meet time requiremen.

  16. Declamation Speech

    A declamation speech is the term used to describe the re-giving of a famous speech. The speaker 'lives into' the original, reproducing its power once more. Often this task will be set as part of studying public speaking skills. The purpose is to have you directly experience the power of masterfully crafted language.

  17. Sample Ballot

    Sample Ballot - Declamation - Blank. Download: Download a sample comment sheet for Declamation. Use this sheet to learn how to judge Declamation (DEC).

  18. Recitations and Rhetoric Declamations: What & Why

    In the first type of declamation, students focus on suasoria, a speech of advice addressed to a fictional or historical character on the verge of making an important decision. Students then work on the second and most challenging type of declamation—controversia, a speech arguing for or against a defendant in a fictional trial.

  19. Choosing a Declamation Piece for High School

    There are hundreds of speeches that could work as a declamation for high school students who are involved in speech, debate, or forensics. Here are some tips on choosing a great speech and theme: Focus on speeches that utilize masterful and eloquent language. Choose a speech you understand. Understand the theme and context of the speech.


    The goal of declamation is to convey a message with clarity, emotion, and persuasiveness. The event is not designed for students to mimic the original author of the speech. Instead, speakers are to develop an oration that delivers the message of the author in an original and engaging manner. "-NSDA.

  21. Speech on Declamation

    Declamation is a powerful way to express ideas. It's an art where you recite a speech, making it come alive with your voice and gestures. Think of it as a performance. You step into the shoes of the original speaker, reliving their words and emotions. It's not just about talking, it's about feeling and sharing those feelings with others.

  22. Here's how to prepare a declamation speech

    Here is a format to be followed when giving a declamation speech: Provide Introduction: For example, "Respected Teachers, I am (mention name) from Class (mention standard-division). My declamation speech is based on Barrack Obama's address to the students of St Xavier College, Mumbai". Say the Speech. Say 'Thank You' in the End.

  23. PDF Introduction to Teaching Public Speaking

    Seek to bring the "language to life.". Offer a thorough introduction where the student comments on: the original speaker, the historical significance of the oration, the date/setting of the oration, and the current relevance to the audience. Plan for a declamation ranging between 4-10 minutes including the introduction.

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    More:'I'm the nominee': Biden calls out Democrats pushing for him to withdraw from election Others have remained public backers of the president, who says he does not plan to step aside. "We ...

  25. Trump denies knowing about Project 2025

    3 of 5 | . FILE - Paul Dans, director of Project 2025 at the Heritage Foundation, speaks at the National Religious Broadcasters convention, Feb. 22, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn. Former President Donald Trump is seeking to distance himself from a plan for a massive overhaul of the federal government drafted by some of his administration officials, including Dans.

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    From a neurological standpoint, we were concerned with his confused rambling; sudden loss of concentration in the middle of a sentence; halting speech and absence of facial animation, resulting at ...