81 Jane Eyre Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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  • Narcissism: Jane Eyre’s Mr. Rochester This paper will explore the notion of narcissism and use examples from Bronte’s s novel to prove that Mr. Rochester consistently behaves in a way that forces the reader to question the moral integrity of […]
  • Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre appears to have great self esteem even though she is an orphan and has a lot of negative energy and criticism around her in the shape of her aunt and cousins.
  • Significance of Jane’s and Antoinette’s Dreams in Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea The dream is a premonition of danger that is ahead; although she dreams after fighting with her friend Tia, it also represents her conscience because her friend despises her during the ordeal. However, the dream […]
  • A Hint of Things to Come: Summary and Analysis of Chapter 25 of Jane Eyre With the help of such walk, the author underlines that something mysterious and unknown to Jane is waiting for her and she has to find more powers to discover the truth.
  • Bronte’s “Jane Eyre” and Rhys’ “Wide Sargasso Sea” Her immediate kin regarded her more as a burden and made her do all the hard work and she lived in a constant environment of scorn and hatred.
  • Compare the Relationship of Mothers and Daughters in Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea The two works by the authors are related in that one work is the rewrite of another or almost the duplicate of another and therefore almost all the themes are the same in both books […]
  • Jane Eyre: Novel vs. Film Bronte’s original story narrates Jane’s story as an orphan who finds joy at the end of the story but Stevenson’s film tells the story of Jane as a person who went through a lot of […]
  • Jane Eyre and Daisy Miller: Two Women Ahead of Their Time and Their Men Jane tells her story as explicitly as she can and yet much of the substance of that story is given in the descriptive passages where she uses natural symbolism to convey the mysteries of her […]
  • Home Theme in the “Jane Eyre” Film by Fukunaga While Jane is looking for a building full of people who support her to call it her home, her real home is a person she loves.
  • Social Inequality in “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte At the same time Jane Eyre symbolizes the struggle of the social classes in 19th century England. The story traced the development of the ten year old child as a hapless prey in an oppressive […]
  • Charlotte Bronte’s Portrayal of Childhood in “Jane Eyre”
  • The Maturation of a Girl Into a Woman in “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte
  • Passion vs. Reason in “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte
  • The Theme of Gender and Marriage in “Jane Eyre”
  • Critique of the Behaviour and Values of the 18th Century in “Jane Eyre”
  • The Significance of Class Relations in “Jane Eyre”
  • The Portrayal of Females in “Jane Eyre” and “The Handmaid’s Tale”
  • An Analysis on the Portrayal of Males in “Jane Eyre”
  • Crucial Ideas in the Novel “Wide Sargasso Sea” and “Jane Eyre”
  • Identity and Independence of Jane Eyre in Charlotte Bronte’s Novel
  • The Representation of Social Class and Feminism in “Jane Eyre”
  • The Lack of Laughter in Charlotte Bronte’s “Jane Eyre”
  • Psychological, Emotional and Physical Horror in “The Yellow Wallpaper” and “Jane Eyre”
  • Female Mental Illness in “Jane Eyre” and Great Expectations
  • A Religious Approach of Evangelical Christianity in “Jane Eyre”
  • The Evolution of the Main Character in “Jane Eyre”
  • Comparing and Contrasting Jane Eyre’s Mental State From Text to Adaptation
  • Challenges Faced and Solved in “Jane Eyre”
  • Jane Eyre’s Passion, Sexuality, and Desire in Charlotte Bronte’s Novel
  • The Presentation of Women in Society in “Jane Eyre” and “Rebecca”
  • The Symbolism of Fire and Ice in “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte
  • Jane Eyre and Religions Teachings of Forgiveness
  • A Feminist Approach to “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte
  • Struggling for Self Realization in “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte
  • The Evolution of Rochester’s Character in “Jane Eyre”
  • Resolving the Issue of Equality Through Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory in “Jane Eyre”
  • Importance of Setting in “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte
  • Women History of Empowerment in “Jane Eyre”
  • Sadness, Hope, and Tension in “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte
  • Analysis of Jane and Rochester’s Relationship in Bronte’s “Jane Eyre”
  • The Significance of the Character of Jane Eyre
  • Individual vs Society in Charlotte Bronte’s “Jane Eyre”
  • A Critique of the Social Hierarchies of Victorian England in “Jane Eyre”
  • Jane Eyre as an Independent Woman in 19th Century
  • Imperialism and Colonialism in the Novel “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte
  • Escaping the Society of Patriarchy in Bronte’s “Jane Eyre”
  • Rebellion Against Conformity in “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte
  • Emotions Over Rationality in Final Chapter of “Jane Eyre”
  • Progression of Female Characters From Jane Eyre to Hermione Granger
  • Moral Identity of an Orphan in “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte
  • How Does Charlotte Bronte Convey Childhood and School Experience in “Jane Eyre”?
  • How Are Women Presented in “Jane Eyre”?
  • What Makes Jane Eyre an Unusual Woman for Her Time?
  • How Does Charlotte Bronte Use the Different Houses in “Jane Eyre”?
  • How Does Bronte Convey Jane Eyre’s State?
  • How Does Charlotte Bronte Develop the Gothic Features of “Jane Eyre”?
  • How Much Sympathy Does the Reader Feel for Jane Eyre at Different Stages in the Story?
  • What Are the Main Moral Messages of “Jane Eyre”?
  • To What Extent Is Charlotte Bronte Reflecting Victorian Morality in “Jane Eyre”?
  • How Does Bronte Create Tension and Suspense in “Jane Eyre”?
  • How Does Bronte Show the Reader Jane’s Resilience in “Jane Eyre”?
  • How Does Charlotte Bronte Use Setting and Weather in “Jane Eyre”?
  • How Effectively Does Charlotte Bronte Convey the Child’s Viewpoint in “Jane Eyre”?
  • How Does Post-colonialism Help Interpret and Evaluate “Jane Eyre”?
  • How Does Bronte’s Characterisation of Jane Eyre?
  • How Narrative Techniques Are Employed Within “Jane Eyre”?
  • How Many Chapters Are in “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte?
  • What Is Jane Eyre’s Occupation?
  • How Is Lowood Different From What Jane Had Anticipated in “Jane Eyre”?
  • In Jane Eyre, What Does Jane Tell St. John and His Sisters of Her Past in “Jane Eyre”?
  • What Is the Basic Storyline of “Jane Eyre”?
  • In What Ways Might “Jane Eyre” Be Considered a Feminist Novel?
  • How Does Charlotte Bronte Present Jane Eyre’s Oppression and Her Ability to Overcome It?
  • How Does Thornfield Project That Good Things Will Happen to Jane Eyre?
  • How Does Charlotte Bronte Use Language Detail and Setting in “Jane Eyre”?
  • How Do “Jane Eyre” Subvert Gender Stereotypes?
  • How Does Charlotte Bronte Develop the Adult Jane Eyre Through the Child’s Presentation?
  • How Does Charlotte Bronte Portray John Reed, Mrs. Reed, and Mr. Brocklehurst in “Jane Eyre”?
  • How Did Jane Eyre and Shirley Valentine Achieve Independence?
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IvyPanda. (2023, December 7). 81 Jane Eyre Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/jane-eyre-essay-examples/

"81 Jane Eyre Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 7 Dec. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/jane-eyre-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '81 Jane Eyre Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 7 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "81 Jane Eyre Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 7, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/jane-eyre-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "81 Jane Eyre Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 7, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/jane-eyre-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "81 Jane Eyre Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." December 7, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/jane-eyre-essay-examples/.

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Essays About Jane Eyre: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

Writing essays about Jane Eyre? Take a look at our essay examples about Jane Eyre and be inspired by our additional prompts.

Jane Eyre is widely considered a classic novel that poignantly exposed the struggles of Victorian women through a story of love and emancipation. Jane Eyre is a Victorian novel written by Charlotte Brontë and published in 1847. Many aspects of the novel are said to derive from the personal story and experiences of the author herself. 

Brontë published this masterpiece with the gender-neutral pen-name Currer Bell to evade criticisms as the rebelliousness of Jane Eyre was defiant of the accepted social mores of its period. While it stirred controversy in its time, the heroine of the novel, with her grit to conquer adversities, break the rules and achieve her desires, offers many lessons that inspire many to this day. 

Read on and see our top essay examples and writing prompts to help with your essays about Jane Eyre.


1. Jane Eyre And The Right To Pester by Olivia Ward Jackson

2. jane eyre: content warnings are as old as the novel itself by jo waugh, 3. the tension between reason and passion in jane eyre by nicholas johnson, 4. reading jane eyre: can we truly understand charlotte brontë or her heroine today by sam jordison, 5. christianity as a form of empowerment in charlotte bronte’s jane eyre by noam barsheshat , 1. summary and personal reflection, 2. pervasive imageries, 3. jane eyre in the perspective of feminism, 4. best jane eyre film adaptations, 5. how is jane eyre’s life story similar to brontë’s, 6. what are the primary themes in jane eyre, 7. describe the characters, 8. how did jane eyre find her “true home” , 9. jane eyre as a bildungsroman, 10. jane eyre and economic independence, top 5 essay examples.

“Indeed, parallels can be drawn between Jane Eyre and those trapped in a professional hierarchy today. In rejecting an unwanted pass from a superior employee, far worse than damaging a fragile male ego, a woman could offset a chain of consequences which could threaten her entire career.”

The essay pays attention to the similarities between the class conflicts during Jane’s time and the hierarchies in the modern workplace. Finally, as feminists today argue over what practices and behavior would qualify as sexual misconduct, the essay turns the spotlight to Jane, with her determination to stand up against those who pester her, as a possible model.

“Why was the novel considered inappropriate for young girls, in particular? Many Victorians considered it “coarse and immoral”…The novel’s addictiveness might also have been an issue.”

The essay takes off from a university’s warnings against reading Jane Eyre and fellow Victorian novel Great Expectations, citing the “distressing” passages in the novels. The essay collates and presents the commentaries of people in shock with the warning. However, the piece also shows that such cautionary measures were not exactly new and, in fact, the first reaction when the book came to light.

“​​At the end of many trials Charlotte permits Jane to return at last to her lover…. They feel no passion or intrigue..  Instead of fire and ice, Charlotte gives us warm slush. Perhaps she never resolved the tension between reason and passion for herself, and so was unable to write convincingly about it.”

Johnson dives deep into how Brontë juxtaposed reason and passion in her novel’s imageries, metaphors, and even characters. In his conclusion, Johnson finds the resolution to the tension between passion and reason unsatisfactory, surmising that this weak ending conveys how Brontë never resolved this conflict in her own life.

“It’s easy to think we are more sophisticated because we now know more about – say – the early history of Christianity. Or because Brontë is, of course, ignorant of modern feminist theory, or poststructuralism. We can bring readings to her work that she couldn’t begin to imagine. But she could easily turn the tables on us…”

The essays reflect on how one from modern society could fully comprehend Brontë through the protagonist of her masterpiece. Jordison emphasizes the seeming impossibility of this pursuit given Brontë’s complex genius and world. Yet, we may still bask in the joy of finding an intimate connection with the author 200 years after Jane Eyre’s publication. 

“Through her conflicts with various men―specifically, Mr. Brocklehurst, Mr. Rochester and St. John Rivers―Jane’s spiritual identity empowers her and supports her independence.”

This critical essay points out how Jane Eyre reconciled feminism and Christianity, highlighting the latter as a vehicle that empowered Jane’s transformation. Despite Jane’s determined spirit to find true love, she reflects her spiritual view of Christianity to prevent falling into an illegitimate love affair, preserving her well-being and self-empowerment. 

10 Best Prompts on Essays About Jane Eyre

Essays About Jane Eyre

Check out our list of the best prompts that could get you started in your essay about Jane Eyre:

Provide a concise summary of the life of the young, orphaned Jane Eyre. First, cite the significant challenges that have enabled Jane’s transformation into a strong and independent woman. Next, provide a personal reflection on the story and how you identify with Jane Eyre. Then, explain which of her struggles and experiences you relate with or find most inspiring. 

From the chestnut and the red room to the ice and fire contrasts, investigate what these imageries signify. Then, elaborate on how these imageries impact Brontë’s storytelling and contribute to the desired effect for her writing style. 

Jane Eyre is highly regarded as one of the first feminist novels. It is a critical work that broadened Victorian women’s horizons by introducing the possibilities of emancipation. Write about how Brontë portrayed Jane Eyre as a feminist if you do not find that the novel advances feminist ideologies, write an argumentative essay and present the two sides of the coin. 

It is estimated that over 16 film adaptations have been made of the book Jane Eyre. Watch at least one of these movie versions and write an analysis on how much it has preserved the book’s key elements and scenes. Then, also offer insights on how the movie adaptation could have improved production, cinematography, cast, and adherence to the book plot, among other factors. 

Draw out the many parallels between the lives of Jane Eyre and her maker Charlotte Brontë. Suppose you’re interested in knowing more about Brontë to identify better and analyze their shared experiences and traits. In that case, The Life of Charlotte Bronte by Elizabeth Gaskell is highly recommended. 

Some of the themes very apparent in the novel are gender discrimination and class conflict. First, point out how Brontë emphasizes these themes. Then, dive deep into other possible themes and cite scenes where you find them echoing the most. 

Describe the characters in the novel, from their roles to their traits and physical appearances. Cite their significant roles and contributions to Jane’s transformation. You may also add a personal touch by focusing on characters with whom you relate or identify with the most,

While Jane grew up in Gateshead with the Reed family to whom she is related by blood, the despicable treatment she received in the place only motivated her to take on a journey to find her true home. First, map out Jane’s search for love and family. Then, explain how finding her “true home” empowered her. 

A bildungsroman roman is a literary genre that focuses on a protagonist’s mental, spiritual, and moral maturation. Discuss the criteria of a bildungsroman novel and identify which parts of Jane Eyre fulfill these criteria.

You may also compare Jane Eyre against heroes of other bildungsroman novels like Pip in Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations. Lay down their similarities and key differences.

In the latter part of the novel, Jane gains greater economic independence thanks to the substantial wealth she inherited. But before this discovery of inheritance, Jane had struggled with economic stability. So, first, tackle how finances affected Jane’s life decisions and how they empowered her to see herself as an equal to Rochester. Then, write about how women today perceive economic security as a source of self-empowerment. 

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers . 

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Top 100 Jane Eyre Essay Topics for Students

Aug 29, 2021 | 0 comments

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Aug 29, 2021 | Topics | 0 comments

Essay writing is an integral part of the education process, and essays on books are no different. It’s a best practice in many educational systems around the world to write about what you read. Jane Eyre has plenty of interesting topics for essay subjects if your goal is to communicate through this book as opposed to studying it word-for-word or trying intensely hard not only to remember but understand every single detail from the beginning until the end! To help students write their essays, some teachers encourage them to pick a topic they find interesting. They may also give learners Jane Eyre essay ideas if the student doesn’t know what to write about for an assignment. But, unfortunately, essays are not popular with most people and even less so among those who attend school or college where writing Is part of the curriculum. Essay writing can be a daunting task, but it offers many significant benefits. For example, essays allow students to broaden their knowledge outside of the classroom and develop self-discipline, which is crucial for success in school and beyond. Essay writing is a challenging undertaking, but it’s made more accessible by picking the perfect topic. So if you’re struggling for ideas and have no clue what to write about, take these examples as inspiration!

  • Bertha Serving as the Alter Ego for Jane in Eyre Jane
  • A Prayer for Assistance in Jane Eyre Written by Charlotte Bronte
  • The imagery of Birds in Eyre Jane
  • Evangelism and Christianity in Eyre Jane
  • Gender and Love Construction in Charlotte’s Jane Eyre
  • The Jane Eyre Novel Analysis
  • Charlotte’s Jane Eyre’s Depiction of Christianity
  • An Account of Two Souls in Jane Eyre Written by Charlotte Bronte
  • Jane Eyre’s Victories
  • Pursuing a Place to Live
  • Bronte Charlotte’s Jane Eyre Analysis
  • Bronte Charlotte’s Jane Eyre inform of a Princess Cinderella Story
  • Jane Eyre’s Character
  • Bronte Charlotte Appraisals of Victorian Values in Eyre Jane
  • An Unromantic Novel with a Romantic Ending
  • Bronte Charlotte’s Jane Eyre tells of a Maturing Story
  • Bronte Charlotte‘s Jane Eyre
  • Dishonesty and Deceit in Charlotte’s Jane Eyre
  • Internal and External Forces in Bronte’s Jane Eyre
  • The Influence of Miss Temple on Eyre Jane
  • Rochester and Jane’s Relationship
  • Pain and Distrust in Secrets: Eyre Jane
  • I and Jane Eyre
  • A Critical Assessment of Jane Eyre Written by Charlotte Bronte
  • Bronte Charlotte’s Jane Eyre: Artwork by Jane Eyre
  • Ice and Fire in the Novel’s Characters
  • Comparing Jane Eyre and Wide Sea Sargasso
  • Jane Eyre’s Criticisms
  • Childhood Takes in Hideous Kinky and Jane Eyre
  • Bronte Charlotte’s Jane Eyre – An Abused Kid’s Story
  • Allusions from the Bible in Jane Eyre written by Charlotte Bronte
  • Charlotte’s Jane Eyre Depiction of Cold Imagery

An ardent reader will find a Jane Eyre essay very intriguing, and they can never go wrong with a chosen subject. But with how tough coming up with a topic is sometimes, the list of Jane Eyre essay subjects provided will come in handy to assist you in selecting one. It’s important to note that a great theme sets the tone for the whole essay, so pick one wisely. It would help if you also remembered to adhere to other essay-writing guidelines to make sure your essay stands out. If you have to write an essay on the novel by Jane Eyre but are having trouble coming up with great ideas, feel free to use these sample Jane Eyre Essay Topics as a starting point.

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Essays on Jane Eyre

Prompt examples for jane eyre essays, jane's journey to independence.

Trace Jane Eyre's journey to independence and self-discovery throughout the novel. How does she evolve as a character, and what challenges and obstacles does she overcome on her path to finding her own voice and identity?

The Role of Social Class

Analyze the role of social class in "Jane Eyre." How do class distinctions affect the characters' interactions and choices? Discuss the significance of Jane's lower social standing and her relationships with characters like Mr. Rochester and St. John Rivers.

Gothic Elements and Atmosphere

Examine the use of gothic elements and atmosphere in the novel. How does Charlotte Brontë create a sense of mystery and suspense in the story? Discuss the role of Thornfield Hall and the character of Bertha Mason in contributing to the gothic ambiance.

Feminism and Gender Roles

Discuss the feminist themes in "Jane Eyre." How does Jane challenge traditional gender roles and expectations? Explore her relationship with Mr. Rochester in the context of gender dynamics and power struggles.

Religion and Morality

Examine the themes of religion and morality in the novel, particularly in Jane's interactions with characters like Mr. Brocklehurst and St. John Rivers. How do these characters' beliefs and actions influence Jane's own moral development?

Romantic Love in the Novel

Analyze the portrayal of romantic love in "Jane Eyre." How does Jane's relationship with Mr. Rochester evolve, and what obstacles do they face? Discuss the idea of love as a source of strength and vulnerability in the novel.

What Does Fire Symbolize in Literature?

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The Evolution of Rochester's Character in Jane Eyre

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October 16, 1847, Charlotte Bronte

Novel, Victorian Literature

Jane Eyre, Edward Rochester, St. John Rivers, Mrs. Reed, Bessie Lee, Mr. Lloyd, Georgiana Reed, Eliza Reed, John Reed, Helen Burns, Mr. Brocklehurst, Maria Temple, Miss Scatcherd, Alice Fairfax, Bertha Mason, Grace Poole, Adèle Varens, Celine Varens, Sophie, Richard Mason, Mr. Briggs, Blanche Ingram, Diana Rivers, Mary Rivers, Rosamond Oliver, John Eyre, Uncle Reed

1. Beattie, V. (1996). The Mystery at Thornfield: Representations of Madness In" Jane Eyre". Studies in the Novel, 28(4), 493-505. (https://www.jstor.org/stable/29533162) 2. Bossche, C. R. V. (2005). What Did" Jane Eyre" Do? Ideology, Agency, Class and the Novel. Narrative, 13(1), 46-66. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236760140_What_Did_Jane_Eyre_Do_Ideology_Agency_Class_and_the_Novel) 3. Andersson, A. (2011). Identity and independence in Jane Eyre. (http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A463653&dswid=7105) 4. Griesinger, E. (2008). Charlotte Brontë's religion: faith, feminism, and Jane Eyre. Christianity & Literature, 58(1), 29-59. (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/014833310805800103) 5. Sternlieb, L. (1999). Jane Eyre:" Hazarding Confidences". Nineteenth-Century Literature, 53(4), 452-479. (https://online.ucpress.edu/ncl/article-abstract/53/4/452/66369/Jane-Eyre-Hazarding-Confidences) 6. Stoneman, P. (2017). Jane Eyre on Stage, 1848–1898: An Illustrated Edition of Eight Plays with Contextual Notes. Routledge. (https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9781315251639/jane-eyre-stage-1848%E2%80%931898-patsy-stoneman) 7. Beaty, J. (1996). Misreading Jane Eyre: A Postformalist Paradigm. The Ohio State University Press. (https://kb.osu.edu/handle/1811/6286) 8. Bodenheimer, R. (1980). Jane Eyre in Search of Her Story. Papers on Language and Literature, 16(4), 387. (https://www.proquest.com/docview/1300110761?pq-origsite=gscholar&fromopenview=true)

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Jane Eyre Essay Topics & Writing Assignments

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

Essay Topic 1

Discuss the setting in "Jane Eyre."

1) What is the significance of the setting to the plot?

2) What is the connection between the physical and psychological landscapes in the novel?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss the significance of gender in "Jane Eyre."

1) What role does gender play in the choices Jane has?

2) How does Jane conform to and/or resist her gendered role in the novel?

3) How does Mr. Rochester conform to and/or resist his gendered role in the novel?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss the importance of class in the novel.

1) How does class function in the novel?

2) How does Jane's class position shift throughout the novel?

3) What are the determining factors that make up a person's class position?

Essay Topic 4

Discuss "Jane Eyre" as a Gothic novel.

1) What role does the supernatural play in the novel?

2) How does psychological terror drive the plot?

3) How does mistaken identity function...

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121 Great Jane Eyre Essay Topics To Consider For Your Essay

Jane Eyre is a great novel based on the life of Jane, her love life and her equals. If you are looking for a thrilling book, this is a must-read.

There are different styles of writing used in the novel and you need to have a deep understanding of them before attempting any of the essay, thesis, or dissertation questions.

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High grades are important if you want to move on to the next level. Hence, we are here to help you with your assignments fast and at a cheap price.

The Best Jane Eyre Essay Topics

These are some of the best topics that you can use to write your essay. If you do thorough research, be assured of top grades without any hustle. They are based primarily on the novel.

  • How does history shape the literature in the Jane Eyre novel?
  • Which is the position of women in Victorian society as stated by Jane?
  • In your own opinion, do you think “Jane Eyre” is a gothic novel?
  • Evaluate why Jane chose MR. Rochester instead of St.John?
  • Describe the novel “Jane Eyre” from the formalism perspective.
  • The major demonstration of feminism in the Jane Eyre novel.
  • Evaluate how the authors of Bean Trees and Jane Eyre use symbols and plot structure.
  • How do the theme and novel setting impact the different characters in the book?
  • Evaluate two main characters in the story and how they influence it.
  • Evaluate the major symbolism of “Jane Eyre”
  • The moral and psychological development of Jane Eyre.
  • How does the narrative from the first-person perspective – Jane help establish a close relationship with the reader?

The Latest Essay Topics For Jane Eyre

These are some of the latest essay topics for Jane Eyre. The beauty of using questions to get a deeper understanding is that they make you think overboard. That’s advantageous, right?

  • How does the Jane Eyre novel relate to the moral criticism of Plato’s allegory?
  • The role of supernaturalism in “Jane Eyre”.
  • Explain the novel, Jane Eyre, from the structuralism perspective.
  • Discuss nonconformity of gender positions in the novel.
  • How is sensibility and affinity described in the Jane Eyre novel?
  • Evaluate the manifestation of feminism in Jane Eyre.
  • What stance does the author take about innocence in Jane Eyre?
  • How does the character’s recognition in the world shape the meaning of the whole novel?
  • Evaluate two articles that discuss the gender issues in Jane Eyre.
  • The importance of home in the Jane Eyre novel.
  • What is the symbolic meaning of the “red room” in Jane Eyre?
  • What role models do women in Jane Eyre represent?

Argumentative Essay Topics For Jane Eyre

Argumentative questions require you to reason out from different perspectives. Yes, you may think from the norm, but someone else can have different thinking. They are the best!

  • Compare and contrast the characters of St John and Edward in the novel “Jane Eyre”.
  • Analyze between the novel “Jane Eyre” and the film 2011.
  • How does Jane Eyre allude to women’s activism?
  • How does the novel Jane Eyre identify with today’s world
  • What lessons does Jane gain from her disappointment?
  • What lessons does Jane learn at the end?
  • What position does the creator take about honesty in the novel, “Jane Eyre”?
  • Portray the novel “Jane Eyre” from a point of formalism.
  • Does it seem like Jane battles with a sexual orientation throughout the novel?
  • What is the importance of the paranormal experiences in the novel?
  • How do the various experiences in the Jane Eyre novel modify the understanding of characters?
  • State all the women in the novel and their representation in the novel.

Interesting Jane Eyre English Essay Topics

Who said writing an essay must be boring? These are some of the most interesting Jane Eyra English essay topics that you will even come across.

  • Explore all Jane’s ideas on religion.
  • Evaluate the major scenes in the novel that show Jane’s social class ambiguity.
  • In the novel, Jane gives descriptions of her paintings and drawings, why do you think they are important?
  • Do a comparison between Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason.
  • What is the significance of Charlotte Bronte ending with a statement from St John?
  • Do you think the novel relates to Charlotte Bronte’s personal life?
  • In the novel, discuss Jane as a character and narrator?
  • Give reasons as to why Jane Eyre’s novel may be termed as a feminist novel?
  • What are the main lessons gotten from the Jane Eyre novel – How they are relevant to today’s world.
  • What role does Jane’s uncertain social place play in determining the conflict in her story?
  • Do you think Jane’s gender had a role in the kind of decisions she made?
  • How did Jane conform or resists her gender role in the novel?

12 More Best Essay Topics For Jane Eyre

These topics dig deeper to provide a better understanding. Hence, they are mind-breaking and will leave you puzzled. However, don’t worry, you will learn better

  • How did Mr. Rochestor conform or resist his gender role in the novel?
  • The function of a class in the novel.
  • The determining factors that make up a person’s class position.
  • Discuss Jane Eyre as a gothic novel. Do you think it is one?
  • How does mistaken identity work in the Jane Eyre novel?
  • How does the psychological terror drive the plot?
  • How does Jane’s class position shift in the Jane Eyre novel?
  • Do you think the society in Jane Eyre’s novel was ruled by men? Give relevant reasons for that.
  • Did Jane’s childhood influence how she turned out in the future?
  • In the novel Jane Eyre, why do you think Sarah Reed was against her?
  • How did the character’s time in school influence her life?
  • In a spiritual context, how was Jane perceived at school?

Engaging Jane Eyre Essay Prompts

Prompts can be perceived differently than regular questions. However, these specific ones are easy to understand and provide a proper solution to them.

  • How are the different characters portrayed in the novel?
  • What do you think Bronte is saying about religion through the characters?
  • Evaluate the paradox of Victorian marriage and the character of Jane Eyre.
  • Explore the novel as a hybrid of three genres.
  • The main motive of the novel, Jane Eyre. What is it trying to show?
  • Compare pairs of literary foils in the novel.
  • How can you term Rochester as a Byronic hero?
  • Discuss the representation of foreigners in the novel Jane Eyre.
  • The strengths and weaknesses of Rochester and St. John Rivers.
  • The importance of the five major places Jane lives in her journey.
  • The contrast between images of ice and fire in the novel.
  • What are the various image patterns used to reveal personality?

Discussion Questions for Jane Eyre

Discussion questions require you to think out of the norm. You need to figure out why some symbolism, irony, and sarcasm have been used in the story.

  • Why do you think Jane ended the story with St. John’s prayer?
  • How is equality portrayed in the novel?
  • Who are the characters that misjudge Jane, why do you think they do so?
  • Jane asserts her equality to Rochester. Discuss.
  • In your own opinion, does Mr. Rochestor ever intend to marry Blache Ingram?
  • What is the balance of power between Jane and Rochester once they marry?
  • What is the effect of the comparisons of the different characters in the novel?
  • What does St. John feel for Jane? Is it genuine and how does Jane reciprocate it?
  • How can you term power balance between Jane and Mr. Rochestor after they are married?
  • In the story is Jane believable and consistent?
  • Discuss Jane Eyre as a feminist novel.
  • How essential is the Jane Eyre story setting? Why is it important in building a strong environment?
  • After learning about Rochester’s secret, did your opinion change?

The Best Jane Eyre Project Ideas

Jane Eyre’s novel is one of a kind. Here are some of the best project ideas that you can use for your project.

  • How does Jane’s time at Lowood shape her character?
  • Why does Bronte choose a name for her character that has many homonyms? Do you think it is intentional?
  • Does the story end in the right way?
  • How does Jane Eyre compare to the other heroines of 19 th century English literature?
  • Did Jane and Mr. Rochester deserve a happy ending?
  • What is the role of physical beauty in the novel Jane Eyre?
  • Jane deviates from some of the social standards of her time about roles women should play. What do you think?
  • What is Bront trying to say in the novel about the role of women?
  • In Chapter two, what are your thoughts about suicide based on Jane?
  • How does Jane fight for independence, consciousness, and enlightenment in the novel?
  • What obstacles and limitations circumscribe Jane’s life?
  • The means Jane uses to overcome the various obstacles in the novel.
  • In what specific ways do we see Jane conscious of herself as a writer?

Jane Eyre Feminist Research Paper Topics

Feminism is greatly portrayed in the novel. These are through the various female characters. These topics will help you to get a better understanding of the novel Jane Eyre.

  • What is significant about Jane Eyre’s narrative voice?
  • In the first chapter, what does Jane’s choice of reading material reveal about her state of mind?
  • Helen Burns confides to Jane about religion and self-control. What effect does this advice have on Jane’s life?
  • What did you learn about Jane’s character when Mr. Brocklehurst calls her a liar in Jane Eyre?
  • In Jane Eyre, how is the family aspect portrayed in the various characters?
  • Why do you think Jane says she would not exchange Lowood for Gateshead?
  • The significance of Jane’s thoughts about the role of women in society.
  • What character traits does Rochester reveal when he and Jane are talking in the drawing-room?
  • How can you term Jane Eyre character in the novel?
  • How do you think Blanche Ingram is similar or different to Celine Varens?
  • Evaluate the character of Celine Varens in the story?
  • What is the role of dreams in Jane Eyre?
  • Under which circumstances does Jane create her portrait of the governess in chapter 16 of Jane Eyre?

Jane Eyre Thesis Topics for Discussion

Are you planning to do your thesis? Why not try any of these topics based on Jane Eyre. They are engaging, thrilling, and interesting.

  • Discuss Jane’s last conversation with Mrs. Reed, her dying aunt.
  • Why do you think Rochester referred to Jane as an elf?
  • What are the gothic elements of Thornfield?
  • In the novel, what image of womanhood and feminity does Miss Ingram provide?
  • In your opinion, what will Jane and Rochester need to achieve deep emotional intimacy?
  • Discuss the different aspects of love in the Jane Eyre novel.
  • Why does Bronte bring the character of St John into the story?
  • Why do you think the novel ends with Jane thinking about St. John Rivers?
  • How does Jane mature up and interact with the natural world?
  • Identify the significance of symbolism in the novel.

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Are you in university and wondering how to tackle these questions? We will provide custom answers and discussions for the various ideologies and help you prosper in college.

As students, it is important to always give your best in all the assignments, projects, or proposals given by your professor. All the best as you tackle any of these questions.

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Top 23 Original Essay Topics Related To Jane Eyre

To write about literature and novels might be a tricky assignment; you have to pay attention to details more than usual. Besides, you must know your subject very well, and this means that you have to spend weeks reading and making research. Jane Eyre is a very popular novel among students, because it is so complex and it reunites different sensitive issues. Take a look at these original topics related to this novel:

  • Patriarchy. Do you think that the society of those times was ruled entirely by men? How were women treated and perceived?
  • Jane’s childhood. In the beginning of the novel you have the chance to find out more about her childhood. This time influenced her personality as an adult, so it is an interesting topic to write about.
  • Sarah Reed. This is one of the negative characters of the novel; why was she against Jane?
  • Women rights in the past. Nowadays, it’s normal for girls to go to school. However, in that time it was something uncommon.
  • The character’s time in school. How did this influence her life?
  • Spirituality. Jane thought that she saw the ghost of her uncle, and at school she was considered abnormal. Develop this point.
  • Self sacrifice. The character seems ready to sacrifice herself to gain love; what do you think about this?
  • Religion. Even in her early years, the character did not find religion as something interesting. This was considered a huge defect in the society. Is it the same way today?
  • Is Jane Eye a Gothic Novel? Why?
  • The red room. This is a very important element in the novel, so explore the meaning of it.
  • Her impact as a teacher. Even though the author does not talk much about Jane’s time as a teacher, this is a crucial stage for her life.
  • Mr. Brocklehurst.
  • Helen Burns. Was she a model for a religious person?
  • The years spend at Thornfield.
  • Adele. Can she be considered a young Jane?
  • Rochester. This intriguing character is a mystery for Jane.
  • Is this novel a Bildungsroman?
  • Being a governess; how was this seen in that society?
  • Feminine beauty. Even if the main character seems a rebel, she is constantly struggling to fit in the beauty standards.
  • Searching for love. It is worth it to sacrifice our life for this?
  • Character Analysis. You can discuss about any character from the novel.
  • Symbolism. Choose one symbol from the text and analyze it.
  • Social stigma. Was the character discriminated because she was poor?

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Jane Eyre Essay Topics

The following “Jane Eyre” essay topics will be helpful if you need to write a paper about this book. We have published a big portion of topics because we know that different students are assigned to write different types of papers. This is a full collection of essay topics for “Jane Eyre” that will be really helpful to you.

Compare and Contrast “Jane Eyre” Essay Topics

  • Compare “Jane Eyre” and “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” in the context of significance of letter writing.
  • Compare and contrast “Jane Eyre” and “Bean Trees.” What techniques do the authors use to develop the protagonists?
  • Compare “Jane Eyre” and “Great Expectations” as Bildungsroman.
  • Compare the novel “Jane Eyre” and the film (2011).
  • Compare “Jane Eyre” and “Far From the Madding Crowd” in the context of gender norms.
  • Compare the characters of Jane Eyre and Jay Gastby in the context of isolation.
  • Compare “Jane Eyre” and “Frankenstein” considering the context and chronology.
  • Compare the characters of Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason as a psychological twin.
  • Compare “Jane Eyre” and “To the Lighthouse” considering the theme of marriage.
  • Compare the characters of St. John Rivers and Edward Rochester.
  • Compare two film adaptations of “Jane Eyre.” What adaptation is the most complete?

Jane Eyre Essay Topics

Argumentative “Jane Eyre” Essay Topics

  • Discuss the manifestation of feminism in “Jane Eyre.”
  • Describe the novel “Jane Eyre” from the perspective of formalism.
  • How do the beliefs in God of Mr. Brucklehurst, St.John, and Helen Burns influence the protagonist?
  • How does the novel relate to today?
  • Why did Jane choose Mr. Rochester instead of St. John?
  • Explain on the example of Jane Eyre that you need to work hard to receive what you want.
  • Is “Jane Eyre” a Gothic novel? What elements does it have? How do the traditions of Gothic novels influence “Jane Eyre”?
  • Tell how history shapes the literature in the context of the novel “Jane Eyre.”
  • What position about the women in Victorian society does Jane state?
  • How does “Jane Eyre” refer to feminist theory?

Analytical “Jane Eyre” Essay Topics

  • How has Charlotte Bronte described the characters’ feelings through nature? You can find more information in “Jane Eyre (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism)” by Beth Newman.
  • How has Charlotte Bronte described the theme of social criticism in “Jane Eyre”?
  • Compare two female characters from “Jane Eyre” (excluding Jane) and analyze the nature of women’s lives in 19th century in England in their examples. What experiences do they have? Do they differ? Why?
  • Analyze how the life of Charlotte Bronte has influenced her novel “Jane Eyre.” How is the topic of the role of women connected with the author’s life?
  • Discuss the role of education and employment of women in the 19th century in the context of the novel “Jane Eyre.”
  • Analyze how the authors of “Bean Trees” and “Jane Eyre” use symbols and plot structure to help the reader experience the protagonists’ feelings.
  • Analyze “Jane Eyre” as a hero’s journey in context of Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey.” Discuss Jane’s story on the stages of crossing of the threshold and the return to the old threshold.
  • Analyze the novel “Jane Eyre” from a psychoanalytic point of view. Analyze the protagonists’ relationships between main characters and parent-child relationships.
  • Analyze the novel through a Marxist critical lens. Describe the relationships between social classes in Victorian England.
  • How does Jane learn from her failure? What lessons has she learned?
  • What stance does the author take about innocence in “Jane Eyre”?
  • What role does experience play in the novel “Jane Eyre”?
  • What recurring motifs can you find in Charlotte Bronte’s novel? How does it influence the meaning?
  • How does the character’s recognition in the world shape the meaning of the story as a whole?
  • Analyze the position of Virginia Woolf towards “Jane Eyre.” How does Woolf explain why “Jane Eyre” is still interesting for the audience?
  • Analyze complex dialogues between Jane and Mr. Rochester. What is their meaning?
  • Analyze the effect of relationships on characters and its influence on desires and expectations in the novel.
  • Analyze how the theme and setting in the novel impact different characters. Have the characters changed because of it?
  • Analyze two main characters and how these characters influence the overall story. Have they changed by the end of the story?
  • Analyze the Bertha Manson character in the context of the postcolonial approach. What colonialist and anti-colonialist messages can you find in the text?

Jane Eyre Essay Topics

Evaluation “Jane Eyre” Essay Topics

  • Evaluate Jane’s character. What kind of person is she? How does she reveal positive and negative aspects?
  • Evaluate the Bertha Mason character considering relations of women and anger.
  • What is the symbolic meaning of the red room in “Jane Eyre”?
  • Evaluate the moral and psychological development of Jane Eyre. How has she changed from youth to maturity?
  • Evaluate the importance of home in “Jane Eyre” and how it influences the protagonist.
  • Evaluate the relation of Charlotte Bronte and her character Jane Eyre as “the outsiders.”
  • Evaluate the symbolism of “Jane Eyre.”
  • Evaluate two articles or essays that discuss the gender issues in “Jane Eyre.”
  • Evaluate how the narrative from the first-person perspective (Jane) helps establish a close relationship with the reader. Does it sound reliable? Why?
  • Evaluate the setting from the ecocritical perspective.

Expository “Jane Eyre” Essay Topics

  • What role models do women in “Jane Eyre” represent? What impact on Jane do they have?
  • Explore the struggles of free spirit for recognition in the novel “Jane Eyre.”
  • How does Jane fight with a gender-oriented society for self-respect?
  • Is there any rational or science-based causes of Jane’s testimonies to Mr. Rochester?
  • How do symptoms of mental disorder contribute to the context of the novel “Jane Eyre”?
  • How does “Jane Eyre” relate to moral criticism in Plato’s allegory?
  • How does the novel “Jane Eyre” adhere to Aristotle’s classical rhetoric?
  • Discuss the novel “Jane Eyre” from the position of classical race theory.
  • How are sensibility and sympathy described in the novel?
  • Describe the role of supernaturalism in “Jane Eyre.”
  • Explore the novel from the perspective of structuralism.
  • Describe how the protagonist develops through new stages of her life.
  • What are the differences between male and female roles in the novel?
  • Tell about female characters and discuss nonconformity with gender roles.
  • What is the function of love, marriage, sexuality, and sex in the novel? How are these relationships represented?

Interesting Facts About “Jane Eyre” to Use in Your Essay

  • Charlotte Bronte, when she wrote the novel, suffered from unrequited love for a married man and also cared for her blind father.
  • The title page of the first edition contains the following: “Jane Eyre. Autobiography.” The subtitle has become a wise marketing ploy. Many believed that this was a story about events that had actually occurred.
  •  The novel “Jane Eyre” was first published in 1847 (just six weeks after it was written) under the male pseudonym Currer Bell, instantly became a bestseller, but gained a reputation as an “indecent book.” As soon as critics came to the conclusion that the mysterious Currer Bell might be a woman, the book was attacked as being “vulgar” and “immoral.”
  • The early events of the novel “Jane Eyre,” where an orphaned Jane is sent to a harsh school, are based on the author’s personal experience.

5 Best Screen Versions of the Novel “Jane Eyre”

  • “Jane Eyre” (1943). The wartime film version of “Jane Eyre” is remarkable in that the role of Mr. Rochester is played by a truly passionate actor – Orson Welles, the director of the film “Citizen Kane,” which many critics still consider as the best film of all time.
  • “Jane Eyre” (1983) . The BBC 4-episode TV version of the novel is one of the most popular adaptations among fans of Charlotte Bronte. The six and a half hours of the drama make it possible to literally reproduce the work on the screen almost literally, which has led to the unanimous approval of the audience.
  • “Jane Eyre” (1996) . The 1996 film was directed by the great Italian director Franco Zeffirelli, the author of the canonical film version of “Romeo and Juliet.” Having great experience in the screen incarnations of human passions of inhuman scale, Zeffirelli is responsible, perhaps, for the most emotional version of “Jane Eyre.”
  • “Jane Eyre” (2006) . In an effort to repeat the success of the show released 20 years ago, in the early 2000s, the British once again shot the show “Jane Eyre” with several episodes. In this adaptation of the story, it is worth noting the work of the artists of the show. The variety of dresses, Jane’s red velvet tie (!), and the blue-gray fogs near the estate contain no less meaning than the famous dialogues of the characters.
  • “Jane Eyre” (2011) . Surprisingly, but speaking of this film version, fans complain about the inconsistency of the plot and, they say, “not everything is clear and there is an unexpected ending.” What is not clear after 10 adaptations and having reread the novel many times? Fortunately, all these “flaws” did not affect the success of the film and the successful film careers of the main actors.

With our list of “Jane Eyre” topics for essays you will be ready to write a great paper. Hopefully, you have found something interesting for you and your tutor will be please with your writing. If you experience some troubles with your write my essay  request , you can always ask our service for help.

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Jane Eyre Essay

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Unfortunately, academic essay writing doesn’t come naturally for anyone. Before you get started on writing an essay, you’ll first have to determine the specific writing form for each piece. Moreover, ensure that you fully understand the precise guidelines as provided by your course instructor. After that, take your time to come up with a compelling theme for your essay. In addition to that, you’ll need to find a topic for your essay.

When it comes to essays about written works, you’ll need to take a different approach from other essay writing examples. In the case of Jane Eyre essay topics; analyse the subject of your essay, then demonstrate to your reader your understanding of the topic and the book as best as you can. Ensure you write content that sparks interest in the mind of your reader.

Of course, you’ll have to do some research. Although you might not use all the sources you will find, read plenty of material so you can quickly formulate an essay based on a good concept, with supporting evidence. Remember: If you fail to collect supporting evidence for your essay, you will fail in presenting arguments for your essay.

Also, find the best way to implement all this information to create a winning essay on Jane Eyre. Here’s an essay writing guide that will show you how to go through the essay writing process like a pro. Let’s get started.

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A Summary of Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre (by Charlotte Brontë), which follows the life of an orphan, Jane Eyre, who is left in the care of her wicked Aunt Reed. The nursemaid, Bessie, is Jane’s only ally in the house. One day, Jane is punished for fighting back against her cousin and sent to a red room. She faints from panic and wakes up in the care of Mr Lloyd, who suggests sending Jane away to school. Indeed, Jane’s Aunt agrees.

At Lowood Institution for poor and orphaned girls, Jane finds life is harsh. For starters, Mr Brocklehurst, the headmaster, is a cruel ma, who siphons school resources to furnish the lavish lifestyle of his family. In her attempts to fit in, Jane befriends an older girl, Helen Burns, who dies of a Typhus epidemic at the school. But, conditions at the school improve drastically when Mr Brocklehurst is removed from office, and promptly replaced with better administrators.

After six years as a student, and two as a teacher, Jane gets bored with her life at Lowood. Pursuing a change of scenery, she advertises her services as a governess and receives a new job teaching, a French girl, at Thornfield Manor. One night while taking a walk nearby, she meets Mr Rochester, who had just had a horse riding accident, and she helps him get on his feet. Later on, she learns that Mr Rochester is the master of the house.

One day, Jane receive word that her aunt had suffered a stroke, and is calling for her. She returns to attend to her aunt, who confesses to wronging her. Mrs Reed also brings forth a letter from Mr Eyre, asking Jane to be his heir. Mrs Reed admitted to Jane that she lied to Mr Eyre, saying that Jane died at Lowood School. After that, Mrs Reed dies.

Back at Thornfield, Mr Rochester, who was involved romantically with Blanche Ingram, proposes to Jane after she reveals her feelings for him. As wedding preparations are underway, a strange woman enters Jane’s room and rips her wedding dress into two. Mr Rochester links this incident to one of his servants, Grace Poole.

Later, during the wedding, Mr Mason and a lawyer declare to Jane that Mr Rochester was still married to the former’s sister. Hence, Mr Rochester cannot marry. Surprisingly, Mr Rochester admits to the shocking revelations, but explains how his father tricked him into the marriage for monetary gains.

Unfortunately, he later found out that Mr Mason’s sister was rapidly descending into madness. Hence, he locked her away, thereby hiring Grace Poole as her nurse. However, his wife tends to escape when Grace is drunk. Despite her love for him, Jane breaks off the marriage and leaves Thornfield in the middle of the night.

Now exhausted and starved, Jane finds her way to the home of Diana and Mary Rivers, where she is turned away, but collapses on the doorstep. Fortunately, their brother St. John, a clergyman, rescues her and finds her a teaching position. As Diana and Mary leave for governess jobs, St. John finds out Jane’s true identity, and reveals to her of her uncle’s death, and that Mr Eyre was also his and his sister’s uncle. Jane, now wealthy from the inheritance from her uncle, decides to share the money equally with her cousins.

Thinking that Jane will make a suitable wife, St. John asks Jane to marry him, but she turns down his offer since she’s still in love with Rochester. One night, Jane mystically hears Rochester calling her name, and return to Thornfield. Unfortunately, she returns only to find ruins, after Rochester’s wife burnt down the house.

Luckily, Jane found out Rochester that Rochester has survived the fire, but lost his eyesight and hand. She leaves for Ferndean, which is his new residence. Upon arrival, Jane and Rochester confess their love for each other and rekindle their relationship. They get married later on. Two years later, Rochester recovers eyesight to see their newborn son.

How to select Jane Eyre Essay Topics?

If your assignment is flexible, allowing you to select the essay topics for Jane Eyre assignments, here are some relatively simple topics you may consider.

Descriptive Essays

If you are tasked with writing, a descriptive essay on Jane Eyre, make sure the topic you consider gives your readers a vivid picture of the story. For instance,

Describe the representation of love and its influence on the book.

Describe the relationship between Jane and Rochester.

Describe the representation of the disturbing situation of orphans.

Compare and Contrast Essays

When compare and contrast essay topics for Jane Eyre, present two different views of a particular theme in the book. For example,

Compare and contrast the main female characters in the book.

Compare and contrast the main male characters in the book.

Compare and contrast Jane’s family ties in the book.

There are plenty of topics for this category. As the name implies, you have to argue out a particular point of view or fact. For example;

Is St. John, the real hero in the story?

What does the storyline tell us about love, money, and family ties?

Mr Lloyd or St. John; who is the real hero in the story?

Expository Essays

When it comes to Expository essay, provide a completely unbiased view of a particular aspect of the story. Hence, study the book and find a genuine expose to present. For example;

Explore the leading cause of the fever outbreak at Lowood School.

What is the likelihood of a spirit living in the red room?

Explore the reasons why Mr. Rochester did not disclose to his marital status to Jane before the wedding.

Narrative Essays

If you’re writing a narrative essay on Jane Eyre, you have ensured that your essay tells the reader a story. Hence, make sure you give a detailed account of the storyline of the book. For example;

Create an alternative ending to the story.

Narrate a story about Jane’s life at Lowood School.

Create a story with Mr Rochester as the main character.

Analytical Essays

When analysing a particular theme in the story. In this case, you’ll need to adequately analyses either the entire story, a character or an idea. For example;

Analyse the way Jane uses moral principles in decision-making.

Analyse how the Author conveys the notion of selfishness in the story.

Analyse the relationship between Jane and Mrs Reed.

Tips to express winning Jane Eyre essay themes

Now that you already have a good topic, and a story to illustrate your topic, here are certain tips to ensure your Jane Eyre essay is successful;

Ensure your story fits prompts.

Ensure your plot is manageable.

Include vibrant details.

Use a consistent point of view.

Adequately describe the setting of your essay.

Write a conclusion of Jane Eyre essay.

Once you are done with the essay, you should include all the key events and summarise the role of each character in the book.

Furthermore, remember to include all the citations and bibliographies according to the appropriate academic styles.

To complete your essay, read your work entirely to correct any errors in your work.

Essay writing based on written works is not easy. But if you use the information on this guide, you can easily create a good Jane Eyre essay. To start, ensure you have interpreted the question correctly. Next, familiarise yourself with the Jane Eyre’s story, noting down each theme, style of writing, character, and setting. Then, you would want to select the topic of your essay. There’re many types of essay topics which you can choose from for your essay.

Animal Farm Essay Topics

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Jane Eyre Thesis Statements and Essay Topics

Below you will find four outstanding thesis statements / paper topics for “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte can be used as essay starters. All four incorporate at least one of the themes found in “Jane Eyre” and are broad enough so that it will be easy to find textual support, yet narrow enough to provide a focused clear thesis statement. These thesis statements offer a short summary of “Jane Eyre” in terms of different elements that could be important in an essay. You are, of course, free to add your own analysis and understanding of the plot or themes to them. Using the essay topics below in conjunction with the list of  important quotes from “Jane Eyre”   on our quotes page, you should have no trouble connecting with the text and writing an excellent essay.

Topic #1: The Insane Bertha Mason

Mr. Rochester claims that he was tricked into marrying Bertha, who was already going insane at the time of their marriage. Examine the character of Bertha and the treatment that she receives. Is it possible that the manner in which she was treated led to the extreme insanity that she displayed? If she had been treated better (i.e. not locked away and kept secret), would she have behaved better? Or is Mr. Rochester’s treatment and neglect of his wife acceptable because he was tricked into marrying her?

Topic #2: How True is The Love Between Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester?

Jane and Mr. Rochester fall in love, but how true is that love? Mr. Rochester is involved with Blanche Ingram before declaring his affections for Jane. He woos her while she is living under the same roof as his wife, yet never mentions Bertha. In fact, when evidence of Bertha appears, Mr. Rochester blames Grace Poole and covers up the existence of his wife. Jane’s prospects for marriage are Mr. Rochester or St. John Rivers. She has employment opportunities as well. Does she return to Mr. Rochester because she loves him or because she views life with him as her best option?

Topic #3: The Atypical Governess

Jane Eyre is not a standard governess in the household at Thornfield. She is allowed more liberties than what was traditional. Explore the role of the governess in a typical household of the time period. How is Jane’s performance as governess typical? In what ways does she deviate from her traditional job description? Who is responsible for most of the non-traditional aspects of Jane’s position? How much of it has to do with Jane’s personality or Mr. Rochester’s affections for her?

Topic #4: Mr. Rochester and the Women

Mr. Rochester is not a knight in shining armor. His character is riddled with faults. He marries Bertha, who is insane, then locks her away with a nurse and denies her existence. He provides for his ward, Adele, who is the daughter of his late mistress. He courts Blanche Ingram. He tries to marry Jane while still married to Bertha. When that attempt fails, he tries to get Jane to live with him as husband and wife anyway. Examine the relationships that Mr. Rochester has with the female characters in the novel. How do they shape his character? Do his good relationships redeem the bad relationships?

The Enduring Relevance of Jane Eyre in the Digital Age

This essay about Charlotte Brontë’s “Jane Eyre” first published in 1847 explores its enduring appeal in the digital age. Online accessibility allows readers to delve into its themes of love independence and morality through interactive tools and discussions. Jane Eyre’s character resonates with contemporary values of women’s rights and personal empowerment. The novel’s romantic mysterious elements and ethical dilemmas remain captivating enhanced by multimedia adaptations and scholarly resources online. “Jane Eyre” continues to inspire new interpretations and discussions reaffirming its status as a timeless classic accessible to a global audience.

How it works

Charlotte Brontë’s “Jane Eyre” first published in 1847 is still a book that grabs folks and won’t let go. It’s got love independence and moral stuff that keep it in the big leagues of literature. In today’s digital world “Jane Eyre” has found new life online reaching more people and sparking fresh ideas about what it all means. Having “Jane Eyre” right there on your screen shows how it still matters and fits into today’s world.

Reading “Jane Eyre” online isn’t just about reading—it’s about diving deep with notes chats and all kinds of extras.

These tools help break down the book for folks who might not get all the old-timey stuff from the 1800s. Online you can dig into who the characters are what the story’s all about and what was going on back then. It makes “Jane Eyre” something everyone can get into no matter where they’re from.

Jane Eyre herself is a big reason why folks today still love this book. She’s tough and goes against what people said she should do which speaks to today’s ideas about women’s rights and being your own person. Her fight for respect freedom and real love hits home for a lot of readers. In a time when we talk a lot about women’s rights and how people should be treated Jane Eyre’s story is a reminder of where we’ve come from and how far we still have to go.

And let’s not forget the love story in “Jane Eyre”! Jane and Mr. Rochester have this intense thing going on with lots of ups and downs. Their love story feels real and messy which makes it stick with readers who like a good romance with some depth. Online you can talk about their relationship with others and see how folks feel about it all.

The spooky mysterious parts of “Jane Eyre” add to its appeal too. Places like Thornfield Hall with its secrets and weird stuff keep readers hooked. These parts of the story are perfect for online stuff where you can add pictures and sounds to make it all feel real. It brings the creepy mood of the book right into your screen.

Besides the love and spooky stuff “Jane Eyre” makes you think about big ideas like what’s right and wrong. It’s got questions about class doing the right thing and how we make up for mistakes. Jane’s strong beliefs about staying true to herself hit home with folks who care about being honest and standing up for what’s right. These ideas give you lots to think about and talk over with others online.

Having “Jane Eyre” online also helps out with school and learning about books. It’s easy to find different versions of the book essays about it and old stuff from back when it was written. Digital libraries and websites make it simple to really get into “Jane Eyre” and see what experts have to say about it. This makes studying the book more fun and helps you see it in new ways.

Plus you can watch movies or shows based on “Jane Eyre” online which lets you compare how different folks tell the story. Seeing it acted out can show you new sides to the characters and what they’re going through. It’s a neat way to see how the book’s ideas get brought to life in different ways.

In the end “Jane Eyre” keeps on being a big deal especially in the digital world. Being online makes it easier for more people to read and enjoy the book. Jane Eyre herself with her strength and her fight for what’s right still connects with readers today. And with all the love spooky stuff and big ideas packed into the story “Jane Eyre” stays a classic that’s here to stay.


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The Enduring Relevance of Jane Eyre in the Digital Age. (2024, Jul 06). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/the-enduring-relevance-of-jane-eyre-in-the-digital-age/

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PapersOwl.com. (2024). The Enduring Relevance of Jane Eyre in the Digital Age . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-enduring-relevance-of-jane-eyre-in-the-digital-age/ [Accessed: 11 Jul. 2024]

"The Enduring Relevance of Jane Eyre in the Digital Age." PapersOwl.com, Jul 06, 2024. Accessed July 11, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/the-enduring-relevance-of-jane-eyre-in-the-digital-age/

"The Enduring Relevance of Jane Eyre in the Digital Age," PapersOwl.com , 06-Jul-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-enduring-relevance-of-jane-eyre-in-the-digital-age/. [Accessed: 11-Jul-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2024). The Enduring Relevance of Jane Eyre in the Digital Age . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-enduring-relevance-of-jane-eyre-in-the-digital-age/ [Accessed: 11-Jul-2024]

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essay topics on jane eyre

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Theme of Love in “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte

Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre is about a immature adult female s quest to be loved. Despite all the jeer and humiliation, she undergoes, her belief in herself and in God, conveying her to excel the people who feel they are better than she is. So Jane goes from a immature hapless orphan miss to…

essay topics on jane eyre

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“Reader, I Met Him”: First Encounters in Fiction

Near the end of  Jane Eyre , the title character famously says, “Reader, I married him.” It is a wedding her readers have expected and waited for, yet it comes after a rather inauspicious first meeting.

Fiction is full of first meetings. While a relationship’s apex or culmination might often be most memorable to readers, the initial encounter is also of special interest and significance to the story. Papers for this panel will explore fictional (or nonfictional) first meetings or initial encounters. Presenters may discuss a first meeting in light of the dynamics of the relationship’s development and/or ending, or presenters may choose to do a close reading that does not take into account the relationship’s future.

Studies of novels, short stories, poems, nonfictional works, and film are welcome. Papers may reflect on, but are not limited to, the following interpretations of the first encounter:

Beginnings of romantic relationships or friendships

The meet cute

First transactions in shady dealings

Meeting new neighbors

Birth/adoption of a child

Bringing home a pet

First meetings with teachers, coaches, therapists, spiritual guides, etc.

Meeting a hero or a celebrity

Meeting an enemy, nemesis, or rival

Conversations with strangers in public (stations, public transport, libraries, bars, city parks, etc.)

Meeting people in a new setting (school, workplace, prison, etc.)

The first in-person meeting of a relationship of correspondence

Abstracts are accepted through September 30, 2024. Please submit a 300-word abstract by September 30 to NeMLA’s online portal:  https://www.cfplist.com/nemla/Home/CFP

The session number is #21046.

The 56th annual NeMLA convention will take place March 6-9, 2025 in Philadelphia. For more information on the conference and to view NeMLA’s guidelines for abstracts, visit  https://www.buffalo.edu/nemla/convention.html

Questions regarding the panel may be addressed to Lori Newcomb,  [email protected]

Dr. Lori Newcomb

Department of Language and Literature

Wayne State College

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  15. » Jane Eyre Thesis Statements and Essay Topics

    Using the essay topics below in conjunction with the list of important quotes from "Jane Eyre" on our quotes page, you should have no trouble connecting with the text and writing an excellent essay. Topic #1: The Insane Bertha Mason. Mr. Rochester claims that he was tricked into marrying Bertha, who was already going insane at the time of ...

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  23. "Reader, I Met Him": First Encounters in Fiction

    Near the end of Jane Eyre, the title character famously says, "Reader, I married him."It is a wedding her readers have expected and waited for, yet it comes after a rather inauspicious first meeting. Fiction is full of first meetings.

  24. Essays on Jane Eyre, Free Examples, Topics, Titles, Outlines

    Free essay examples on Jane Eyre for students looking for paper ideas. Explore topics, summaries, outlines, and samples. Find your inspiration here!

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    Near the end of Jane Eyre, the title character famously says, "Reader, I married him."It is a wedding her readers have expected and waited for, yet it comes after a rather inauspicious first meeting. Fiction is full of first meetings.