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Cultivating Growth Mindset: Problem-Solving Activities for Students Project & Activity Ideas Simulation Activity Educational Tips Cultivating Growth Mindset: Problem-Solving Activities for Students Educational Tips , Project & Activity Ideas , Simulation Activity Cultivating Growth Mindset: Problem-Solving Activities for Students

  • by English Teaching 101

Cultivating Growth Mindset with Problem Solving-Skills

As a teacher, we’ve got a super important mission: to plant and nurture the seeds of a growth mindset in our students. It’s like giving them a magic key that unlocks their potential to tackle challenges head-on, keep going when things get tough, and see hard work as their secret weapon to success. And you know what’s at the heart of this? Yep, you guessed it – problem-solving skills. These aren’t just for acing tests; they’re real-life super skills that help our kids navigate the twists and turns of the world out there. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into some fun, creative strategies and activities. Together, we’ll turn our classrooms into vibrant hubs where problem-solving magic happens every day!”

The Importance of Teaching Problem-Solving Skills to Students

Let’s talk about why problem-solving skills are the real MVP s in our students’ learning toolkit. Picture this: the world’s like a giant, ever-changing puzzle, right? Our students are going to be the puzzle masters of tomorrow! Whether they’re dreaming of being the next Einstein, a business mogul, or an inspiring educator, problem-solving is their golden ticket.

Now, here’s the cool part – as they flex their problem-solving muscles, they’re also giving their critical thinking skills a major workout. It’s like a brain gym where they learn to make smarter life choices. It’s a huge confidence booster! The Institute of Competition Sciences even says it not only helps students build confidence but also improves their achievement across all subjects.

So, let’s sprinkle our K-12 classrooms with some problem-solving magic and watch our students thrive!”

Top Problem-Solving Activities for Students

1. open-ended questions.

Open-ended questions are questions that require more than one word or sentence to answer. They can’t be answered with a standard response and require thoughtful answers. They can be used in a variety of ways, but they’re particularly helpful in promoting problem-solving skills. That’s because they encourage students to think about the problem themselves.

Open-ended questions allow students to think critically and respond in their own words. This helps students develop their understanding and build on what they already know. Open-ended questions also encourage students to think outside the box and apply what they are learning in new situations.

Here are some examples of open-ended questions teachers can use to help students develop their problem-solving skills:

  • How might we solve this problem?
  • What do you think?
  • What do you think is causing this problem?
  • Why do you think that happened?
  • What would happen if we did this?

2. Working on Chemical Equations

Chemistry is all about problem-solving, and you can use it to inculcate these skills in students. Chemistry equations show how atoms and molecules combine to form compounds and mixtures.

A chemical equation shows how to make a product from reactants. However, it doesn’t tell your students what the products are or how much you should use. That’s where their knowledge comes in, as they have to figure out the amounts of each reactant needed for a reaction to take place. This can make them think and try different ways to solve the problem at hand.

Chemical equations can also be used to determine unknowns, like the concentration of a solution. In fact, the subject itself can be complicated enough to make the students start thinking differently. According to a study in the De Gruyter Journal, chemistry students can develop problem-solving skills through chemical kinetics and equations.

For instance, chemical equations need to be written correctly. According to Proprep, symbols of elements in chemistry should be written appropriately. For instance, the symbol of nitrogen is a capital “N,” and cannot be written as a small “n.”

Hence, students will have to pay close attention when learning equations. These attentive skills are vital to help them develop problem-solving behavior. That’s because to solve any problem, students first need to pay close attention to the problem. Only after understanding the problem clearly, can they find a solution for it.

Additionally, you can also make students find Lewis structures for different chemical equations. Similar to the symbols of elements, creating Lewis dot structures for equations can help flow the creative juices of students’ minds. The reason is that there can be many possible ways to create a dot structure for an equation. However, only one of them can be correct.

Suppose you ask them to write HCN Lewis structure. In that case, all three elements – H, C, and N – have different numbers of electrons. The students will first have to calculate the number of electrons and create a bond accordingly to get the HCN Lewis structure .

You can ask them to try by themselves, and then even allow them to use online resources to find an answer. This will again teach them how they can find solutions to different problems they face.

3. Scavenger Hunts: Learning through Exploration

A scavenger hunt is a fun way to engage students in problem-solving. It also provides an opportunity for students to work together, which can help them develop more positive attitudes toward each other.

Here’s how you can set up your scavenger hunt:

  • Divide your class into teams of four or five students each. If you have fewer than 30 students in your class, consider having teams of three instead. This will give everyone more time during the activity and allow them all access to the materials needed for solving each puzzle.
  • Give each team a paper copy of its list. You could also create an electronic version that includes links back to various parts of your curriculum. This makes it easier for teachers who aren’t familiar with everything being covered during this exercise. They can just follow along with whatever links lead them to where they need to go next.

Scavenger hunt can be implemented for students of all ages. A study by the International Literacy Association shows that even an ABC scavenger hunt can help students learn new words. Even businesses use scavenger hunts to teach new skills to employees. An article from the Taylor & Francis Online Journal shows that a marketplace scavenger hunt can teach employees about consumer behavior.

4. Solving Puzzles : Exploration Problem Solving Activities

Solving puzzles is a fun way to develop the critical thinking skills of students. It requires them to think outside the box, look at things from different perspectives, and come up with unique solutions. This is an important skill set that will help students in their future careers, whether they choose a STEM or non-STEM field.

Puzzles can be used as part of a lesson on problem solving, or for review and assessment purposes. They can also be used as a warm-up activity before starting work in other subjects, such as math or science.

Here are some ideas for using puzzles in your classroom:

  • Use puzzles as a way to introduce new topics or reinforce concepts that have already been taught in class. For example, if you’re teaching about patterns in math class, have your students work on a pattern puzzle before moving on to another lesson. Or if you’re working with fractions in science class, have them solve fraction puzzles before moving on to another topic.
  • Solve puzzles as homework assignments or extra credit options at the end of each week’s lessons. This will enable students to practice what they’ve learned while being encouraged to use their critical thinking skills at home.

5. Brainstorming Sessions: Unleashing Creativity

Brainstorming sessions are vital for developing creative problem-solving skills. These sessions encourage students to think out of the box and come up with innovative solutions. Teachers can facilitate these sessions by posing a problem and allowing students to generate as many solutions as possible, without judgment. This free-flowing exchange of ideas fosters a collaborative and creative learning environment.

6. Role-Playing Scenarios: Real-World Problem-Solving Activities

Role-playing activities are an effective way to simulate real-world problems. By assuming different roles, students can explore various perspectives and develop empathy. For instance, a role-play on environmental issues can help students understand the complexities of ecological conservation and brainstorm sustainable solutions.

7. Technology Integration: Digital Problem-Solving Activities

Incorporating technology into problem-solving activities can greatly enhance the learning experience. Digital tools like coding games, simulation software, and interactive quizzes offer students a modern approach to problem-solving. These tools make abstract concepts tangible and accessible, thereby deepening students’ understanding and engagement.

8. Group Projects: Collaborative Problem-Solving Activities

Group projects are excellent for fostering teamwork and collective problem-solving. By working together, students learn to communicate effectively, delegate tasks, and respect different viewpoints. This collaborative approach not only enhances problem-solving skills but also prepares students for teamwork in their future careers.

Cultivating a growth mindset through problem-solving activities is a transformative approach in education. By engaging students in diverse and interactive problem-solving tasks, we equip them with the skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the modern world. These activities not only enhance academic performance but also prepare students for lifelong learning and success. As educators, our role is to guide and inspire our students to become confident, creative problem-solvers, ready to face the challenges of the future.

English Teaching 101

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11 Activities That Promote Critical Thinking In The Class

52 Critical Thinking Flashcards for Problem Solving

Critical thinking activities encourage individuals to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information to develop informed opinions and make reasoned decisions. Engaging in such exercises cultivates intellectual agility, fostering a deeper understanding of complex issues and honing problem-solving skills for navigating an increasingly intricate world. Through critical thinking, individuals empower themselves to challenge assumptions, uncover biases, and constructively contribute to discourse, thereby enriching both personal growth and societal progress.

Critical thinking serves as the cornerstone of effective problem-solving, enabling individuals to dissect challenges, explore diverse perspectives, and devise innovative solutions grounded in logic and evidence. For engaging problem solving activities, read our article problem solving activities that enhance student’s interest.

What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is a 21st-century skill that enables a person to think rationally and logically in order to reach a plausible conclusion. A critical thinker assesses facts and figures and data objectively and determines what to believe and what not to believe. Critical thinking skills empower a person to decipher complex problems and make impartial and better decisions based on effective information.

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Critical thinking skills cultivate habits of mind such as strategic thinking, skepticism, discerning fallacy from the facts, asking good questions and probing deep into the issues to find the truth.

Importance of Acquiring Critical Thinking Skills

Acquiring critical thinking skills was never as valuable as it is today because of the prevalence of the modern knowledge economy. Today, information and technology are the driving forces behind the global economy. To keep pace with ever-changing technology and new inventions, one has to be flexible enough to embrace changes swiftly.

Read our article: How to Foster Critical Thinking Skills in Students? Creative Strategies and Real-World Examples

Today critical thinking skills are one of the most sought-after skills by the companies. In fact, critical thinking skills are paramount not only for active learning and academic achievement but also for the professional career of the students. The lack of critical thinking skills catalyzes memorization of the topics without a deeper insight, egocentrism, closed-mindedness, reduced student interest in the classroom and not being able to make timely and better decisions.

Benefits of Critical Thinking Skills in Education

Certain strategies are more eloquent than others in teaching students how to think critically. Encouraging critical thinking in the class is indispensable for the learning and growth of the students. In this way, we can raise a generation of innovators and thinkers rather than followers. Some of the benefits offered by thinking critically in the classroom are given below:

  • It allows a student to decipher problems and think through the situations in a disciplined and systematic manner
  • Through a critical thinking ability, a student can comprehend the logical correlation between distinct ideas
  • The student is able to rethink and re-justify his beliefs and ideas based on facts and figures
  • Critical thinking skills make the students curious about things around them
  • A student who is a critical thinker is creative and always strives to come up with out of the box solutions to intricate problems
  • Critical thinking skills assist in the enhanced student learning experience in the classroom and prepares the students for lifelong learning and success
  • The critical thinking process is the foundation of new discoveries and inventions in the world of science and technology
  • The ability to think critically allows the students to think intellectually and enhances their presentation skills, hence they can convey their ideas and thoughts in a logical and convincing manner
  • Critical thinking skills make students a terrific communicator because they have logical reasons behind their ideas

Critical Thinking Lessons and Activities

11 Activities that Promote Critical Thinking in the Class

We have compiled a list of 11 activities that will facilitate you to promote critical thinking abilities in the students. We have also covered problem solving activities that enhance student’s interest in our another article. Click here to read it.

1. Worst Case Scenario

Divide students into teams and introduce each team with a hypothetical challenging scenario. Allocate minimum resources and time to each team and ask them to reach a viable conclusion using those resources. The scenarios can include situations like stranded on an island or stuck in a forest. Students will come up with creative solutions to come out from the imaginary problematic situation they are encountering. Besides encouraging students to think critically, this activity will enhance teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills of the students.

Read our article: 10 Innovative Strategies for Promoting Critical Thinking in the Classroom

2. If You Build It

It is a very flexible game that allows students to think creatively. To start this activity, divide students into groups. Give each group a limited amount of resources such as pipe cleaners, blocks, and marshmallows etc. Every group is supposed to use these resources and construct a certain item such as building, tower or a bridge in a limited time. You can use a variety of materials in the classroom to challenge the students. This activity is helpful in promoting teamwork and creative skills among the students.

It is also one of the classics which can be used in the classroom to encourage critical thinking. Print pictures of objects, animals or concepts and start by telling a unique story about the printed picture. The next student is supposed to continue the story and pass the picture to the other student and so on.

4. Keeping it Real

In this activity, you can ask students to identify a real-world problem in their schools, community or city. After the problem is recognized, students should work in teams to come up with the best possible outcome of that problem.

5. Save the Egg

Make groups of three or four in the class. Ask them to drop an egg from a certain height and think of creative ideas to save the egg from breaking. Students can come up with diverse ideas to conserve the egg like a soft-landing material or any other device. Remember that this activity can get chaotic, so select the area in the school that can be cleaned easily afterward and where there are no chances of damaging the school property.

6. Start a Debate

In this activity, the teacher can act as a facilitator and spark an interesting conversation in the class on any given topic. Give a small introductory speech on an open-ended topic. The topic can be related to current affairs, technological development or a new discovery in the field of science. Encourage students to participate in the debate by expressing their views and ideas on the topic. Conclude the debate with a viable solution or fresh ideas generated during the activity through brainstorming.

7. Create and Invent

This project-based learning activity is best for teaching in the engineering class. Divide students into groups. Present a problem to the students and ask them to build a model or simulate a product using computer animations or graphics that will solve the problem. After students are done with building models, each group is supposed to explain their proposed product to the rest of the class. The primary objective of this activity is to promote creative thinking and problem-solving skills among the students.

8. Select from Alternatives

This activity can be used in computer science, engineering or any of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) classes. Introduce a variety of alternatives such as different formulas for solving the same problem, different computer codes, product designs or distinct explanations of the same topic.

Form groups in the class and ask them to select the best alternative. Each group will then explain its chosen alternative to the rest of the class with reasonable justification of its preference. During the process, the rest of the class can participate by asking questions from the group. This activity is very helpful in nurturing logical thinking and analytical skills among the students.

9. Reading and Critiquing

Present an article from a journal related to any topic that you are teaching. Ask the students to read the article critically and evaluate strengths and weaknesses in the article. Students can write about what they think about the article, any misleading statement or biases of the author and critique it by using their own judgments.

In this way, students can challenge the fallacies and rationality of judgments in the article. Hence, they can use their own thinking to come up with novel ideas pertaining to the topic.

10. Think Pair Share

In this activity, students will come up with their own questions. Make pairs or groups in the class and ask the students to discuss the questions together. The activity will be useful if the teacher gives students a topic on which the question should be based.

For example, if the teacher is teaching biology, the questions of the students can be based on reverse osmosis, human heart, respiratory system and so on. This activity drives student engagement and supports higher-order thinking skills among students.

11. Big Paper – Silent Conversation

Silence is a great way to slow down thinking and promote deep reflection on any subject. Present a driving question to the students and divide them into groups. The students will discuss the question with their teammates and brainstorm their ideas on a big paper. After reflection and discussion, students can write their findings in silence. This is a great learning activity for students who are introverts and love to ruminate silently rather than thinking aloud.

Finally, for students with critical thinking, you can go to GS-JJ.co m to customize exclusive rewards, which not only enlivens the classroom, but also promotes the development and training of students for critical thinking.

Read our next article: 10 Innovative Strategies for Promoting Critical Thinking in the Classroom

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  • Pingback: What is Growth Mindset? 50+ Motivational Quotes on Growth Mindset - Educationise
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Thanks for the great article! Especially with the post-pandemic learning gap, these critical thinking skills are essential! It’s also important to teach them a growth mindset. If you are interested in that, please check out The Teachers’ Blog!

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Sweet for Kindergarten

Teaching resources, freebies, and ideas for the Kindergarten classroom

Four Engaging Games to Play in ELA Centers

As teachers we are always trying to find engaging games to play during ELA centers. Games are a great way to encourage students to work as a team, taking turns, problem solving, and encouraging each other. By playing these games they won't even realize they are learning! Here are four engaging games to play during ELA centers.

Four engaging games to play during ELA centers

This post contains Amazon affiliate links. I earn a small commission each time someone makes a purchase through one of my affiliate links. This helps support my blog, Sweet for Kindergarten. I only recommend products that I love. All ideas shared are my own.

Matching or Memory

Most students will know how to play Memory and this is an easy game to use during centers. The purpose of the game is to find a matching pair, but students have to focus to remember where the cards are. You can practice with a variety of skills such as uppercase and lowercase letter recognition, sight words, or matching CVC words with its picture.

memory game to play during ELA centers

Here's how to play:

  • Flip all the cards over on the floor or in a pocket chart.
  • The first student comes up and picks two cards, flipping them over.
  • If it matches, they get to keep the pair. If it doesn't match, they have to put both cards back.
  • The next student takes a turn.
  • Continue playing until time runs out or all matches have been found.

Bingo is always a hit! I make sure to do this game with my students multiple times before letting them do it independently, but once they get the hang of it, they can definitely do it on their own. You can do this with any phonics skill or sight words!

Engaging games to play during ELA centers- bingo

  • Each student gets a bingo card and something to cover up pieces. I like to use mini erasers or math counters.
  • Either have one student be the “caller” or have students take turns picking up the calling card.
  • Students will either look at the word or find the word on their board.
  • The first student that gets 5 in a row has bingo and wins!

Make sure to check out this fun seasonal sight word bingo game in my TPT store here that you can edit the words for each holiday or season!

Editable sight word bingo game ELA centers

Spin and Cover

Spin and cover is such a fun game that your students will be begging for more! The purpose of this game is to practice identifying whatever the spinner lands on- whether it's a middle sound or consonant blend. It's a great way to practice phonemic awareness skill of isolation without realizing they are learning! To create a “spinner” you will show your students how to use a paperclip and a pencil to spin on top of the spinner. Just flick the paperclip and it will spin around the pencil.

Spin and cover game for ELA centers

  • The first student spins the paperclip until it lands on a spot.
  • They will look at the sound and find a picture that matches the sound.
  • Using a mini eraser (or dry erase marker if it's laminated) they will cover it up.
  • Add a tally mark to the bottom.
  • Continue playing until time is up or all pictures have been covered.

Roll and Read

You can use Roll and Read for any part of your lesson- whole group, small group, early finisher activity or as a center game. It really is the most versatile game for Kindergarten students, especially since you can pair it with any skill! All you need is a roll and read paper and dice. I like to put the paper inside a sheet protector or laminate it, so they can cross off words with a dry erase marker as they go. These dry erase pockets on Amazon are game changers!

Editable roll and read game for ELA centers

  • The first student will roll the dice and look at the number.
  • They will find that number on the roll and read page and read the first word underneath it.
  • Cross off that word and have the next student take a turn.
  • Continue playing until time runs out or all the words have been read.

This editable roll and read template makes it easy to add in any skill to use throughout the year!

Find more engaging games for your ELA centers here!

If you like these ideas and want to try these games for your ELA center rotation, you can check out these yearlong center bundles for both Kindergarten and First Grade phonics skills.

Click here to find the Kindergarten Phonics Center Bundle.

Looking for more games to play? Check out this post here with my favorite CVC word activities and games!

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[…] Games are another type of hands-on activity that are great to include in your center activity rotation! You can find these 4 games that are always a hit with my students on this blog post here. […]

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Engaging ways to teach problem & solution.

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When talking about teaching story elements, it is important to note that each of the elements has essential parts. So, when we are teaching any of those elements, we must take a deeper look into the actual standard. Today, we are going to focus on teaching problem and solution, or what is referred to in Common Core terminology as “challenge” and “response.”

I like the terms challenge and response because they encourage us to look into the character over the actual events. How does the character respond to certain events? What are the actions, feelings, thoughts of a character that stem from an event in the story? In Kindergarten and 1st grades, students will be learning how to identify the major characters and events in a story. By 2nd grade, the focus will shift into character response and continues to dive deeper with 3rd and 4th, focusing on specific character feelings, thoughts, and actions. So, how do we teach this?

Make It Personal

Initially, you will want to make it personal. Allow students to connect to the concept by facilitating a discussion on challenges. Have students share with the class, or turn and talk about simple challenges they have faced and how they reacted to them.

Here are a few ideas to start with during the students’ turn and talk.

  • Your pencil tip broke.
  • You left your homework at school.
  • Your science test is this Friday.
  • You wake up with a fever.
  • You spill juice in the living room.

These simple problems have fairly straightforward solutions. So, students will be able to build connections to the concept before diving into deeper challenges.

A simple t-chart could be made with some of your students’ scenarios as examples. Write the simple problem on the left and the simple solution on the right.

Then, Use Problem and Solution Scenarios

Learn ways to teach problem and solution, or how the character responds to challenges and events in a story. From anchor charts, to discussion opportunities, to strong read-alouds, you'll find a big collection of ideas to help you teach challenge and response (or problem and solution).

After discussing simple challenges/problems, your students will be ready to read short texts that contain a character facing a challenge. Allow students time to discuss the challenge and the character’s response to it. You can also continue your discussion from earlier, including larger challenges or problems.

Add to your anchor chart (or create a new one) noting the difference in simple problems and solutions and character challenges and responses. *This may be a time for you to discuss bigger challenges that your students have faced in their lifetimes, recalling how students may have responded differently. It is important for students to understand that different people/characters will respond differently to certain events. This is what helps us understand them.

Gather Books with a Strong Problem and Solution Plot

Mentor texts for character challenge

When teaching problem and solutions, read alouds are going to be essential. You will need to collect books that have a strong problem/solution or challenge/response plot. Look for books where the main character faces a clear and difficult challenge. One that allows us to see how the character acts, thinks, feels, etc.

Here are a few affiliate titles I suggest from Amazon!

  • Ira Sleeps Over by Bernard Waber
  • The Name Jar by  Yangsook Choi
  • Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
  • Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion 
  • Jamaica’s Find by Juanita Havill 
  • Enemy Pie by Derek Munson 

Each of these stories provides an opportunity for your students to look at character responses. They are great for group discussions about challenges and the different ways to face them.

Ask Students to Find Problem and Solution in Text

Learn ways to teach problem and solution, or how the character responds to challenges and events in a story. From anchor charts, to discussion opportunities, to strong read-alouds, you'll find a big collection of ideas to help you teach challenge and response (or problem and solution).

Subsequently, students will need to identify and describe the problem/solution within texts. When first learning the skill, students can illustrate what they think the problem and solution look like. Then, they can build their skills by writing their descriptions. The more opportunities students have with communicating their understanding, the better they will become. So, consider allowing them to do this multiple times before moving on.

Learn ways to teach problem and solution, or how the character responds to challenges and events in a story. From anchor charts, to discussion opportunities, to strong read-alouds, you'll find a big collection of ideas to help you teach challenge and response (or problem and solution).

Similarly, students will need to be able to read and comprehend fiction stories independently. So, the next step is for students to read on-level texts with comprehension questions. Printable or digital passages with skill-specific questions will be a huge help during this stage of the learning process. One of the great things about problem and solution practice is that, even in isolation, it can build students’ understanding of other elements like plot, character, theme, etc. So, include plenty of comprehension passages in your student practice activities.

Suggested Resource Focused on Problem and Solution

ela problem solving activities

The second-grade standard, RL.2.3 is focused specifically on challenge and response. The unit above (some activities seen in the photos in today’s post) is complete with lesson plans, activities, graphic organizers, comprehension passages, task cards, and more, all focused on building this specific skill. However, each of the other grades contains an element of this skill within their own RL.3 standards. It is so important to ensure adequate practice and direct skill-focus for each of our grade levels!

  • RL.2.3- Character Response Unit

Other Grade Level Units That Help Build/Continue Skill

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  • RL.K.3- Kindergarten
  • RL.1.3- 1st Grade
  • RL.3.3- 3rd Grade
  • RL.4.3- 4th Grade

Want to read more about story elements? Check out these blog posts.

  • 3 Engaging Story Elements Activities
  • Characters- Story Elements Study
  • Events- Teaching Events to Students
  • All About Setting- Story Elements Study
  • Story Elements- Teaching Tips
  • Read more about: Common Core Aligned , Comprehension , Reading Blog Posts

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Identify the Problem and Solution Worksheet

Read a passage, identify the problem and solution with our engaging worksheet. help your child enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills..

Identify the Problem and Solution Worksheet

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Exploring Poem Structure Worksheet

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20 Problem-Solving Activities For Middle School: Discussions, Games, Strategies, And Resources

November 20, 2023 //  by  Lesa M.K. Bullins, EdS

Problem-solving skills are important to the building of critical thinking, which in turn strengthens student executive function. Good problem solvers can build stronger cognitive flexibility, a critical component of executive functioning.

The teenage years are a crucial time for neuroplasticity, so it is a prime time for learning and developing important cognitive skills along with critical information. Bring problem-solving to life in your middle school classroom with these 20 activities.

1. Feelings Expression Scenarios


A huge part of problem-solving is properly expressing your own feelings. Students often struggle to state how they feel without combative, aggressive, or accusatory language; therefore opportunities to practice with realistic situations is a key problem-solving component. You can create scenario task cards to support students in realistic applications for relatable situations, or use pre-made cards.

Learn More:  Pinterest

2. Empathy Empowered Discussions

In addition to being able to calmly and kindly express one's feelings, empathy is a key problem-solving component. Teens can often struggle to express empathy as they have difficulty recognizing and interpreting due to the teenage brain functioning.

Teenage brains are still developing, so different areas of the brain are controlling different functions than we see in adult brains; furthermore, since teens are still figuring out what they think and feel about a variety of things, it can be difficult for them to recognize and consider the feelings and thoughts of others. You can instigate empathy discussions through relatable content like this short video.

Learn More:  Austin Wideman

3. Model, Model, Model...and then Model Some More!


Students learn more from what they see you do than what they hear you say! This means you have to be an active and purposeful model of what you expect. So make sure you are aware of your actions and words in front of your students!

Learn More:  Education World

4. Get Out of the Way


We need to allow students the time and space to solve problems. We cannot intervene every time they struggle to find the answer right away. Constant intervention hinders critical thinking and decision-making skills.

Make sure to leave some room for students to figure out solutions. Keep safe proximity so students have the comfort to know you are there if they cannot find a solution, but resist the urge to jump in as soon as you see them struggling.

Learn More:  Brookings

5. Plan a Road Trip


Engage problem-solving skills within context while reinforcing math, research, geography, and communication skills, too! Students can plan a road trip from start to finish in small groups. As an added bonus, you can let students travel virtually to the places they planned for their trip using Google Earth.

If time allows, they can even take screenshots and stage selfies for a presentation to share their trip with the class! This is a really great cross-curricular activity for the digital classroom, too!

6. Escape the Room

Escape rooms were made for problem-solving, so what better way to build these skills for students in an exciting way! Create different challenge activities surrounding a variety of subjects and skills to reinforce while lettings students put problem-solving to use finding practical solutions to escape the room!

Divide kids into teams and get on this engaging problem-solving activity!

7. Teach Explicit Strategies for Reflection


Students can build analytical skills by reflecting on their problem-solving process. Teach explicit skills to help students recognize and reflect on how they solve problems to reinforce future use and strengthen overall critical thinking abilities. Check out how Ellie from Cognitive Cardio made it work even in the time constraints of middle school schedules!

Learn More:  Cognitive Cardio With MSMM

8. Daily Practice

Give students short, interesting, and challenging problems to solve during the morning and afternoon transition times. Daily practice solving challenges is important for cognitive development and reinforces academic skills! You can find tons of daily challenges online or create your own.

9. Build Something

Let students work together in teams to build something from simple building materials. Increase the challenge by limiting resources or requiring students to pick their own resources for building blocks from a variety of random items. You can check out the marshmallow toothpick tower-building activity!

Learn more: Wow Sci

10. Blind Drawing Partners

Students can work in partner pairs or small groups to develop a vast array of abilities through this problem-solving activity. Blind team-building activities are excellent, low-prep ways to engage students' critical thinking and communication!

There are different ways you can implement this, but check out this video for an example of one application of the blind drawing game.

Learn more: Philip Barry

11. Laser Maze

Create a laser maze for students to get active in problem-solving. Create and implement different time durations to increase the challenge. Do not have lasers? No budget for lasers? Don't worry, red painter's tape will do the job!

Learn More:  That Phillips Family

12. Shared Story Puzzles


Creating story puzzles that force students to work in groups together to put together, add on, and create a cohesive story that is meaningful is another challenging task to engage in collaborative problem-solving.

Learn More:  Secondary English Coffee Shop

13. Yarn Webs

This social-skill-building collaborative problem-solving activity is fun for any age. Organize students into teams then let them choose a color of yarn, build a team web, and see who can navigate. There are so many ways this activity can be adapted, but you can watch a video of one interpretation here .

Learn More:  KEYSAmeriCorps

14. Scavenger Hunt

Create a series of clues that students must solve to progress through the game. Working in groups can help build conflict resolution and social skills as well. Check out how to create scavenger hunts for the classroom in this video by Learning Life.

Learn more: Learning Life

15. Boom! Math!

An excellent way to build advanced problem-solving skills, as well as mathematical analysis, is to create math Boom Cards with word problems like these from Math in the Middle. Boom cards are a great activity for students to practice and build skills!

Learn more: Boom Learning

16. Wheel of Solutions


Give students practice in exercising a number of different kinds of problem-solving skills by spinning and communicating a solution using the skills on which they land. You can make one in the classroom with a posterboard or create a digital wheel. Such a fun interactive resource! Use this great pre-made digital activity from Resource Haven on Boom Learning or create your own!

Learn More:  Boom Learning

17. Collaborative Math

Another activity for team building that supports mathematical concept reinforcement is students working together to collaboratively solve math problems. Check out how Runde's Room made sure everyone is engaged in working on solving parts of the problem through the sticky-note collaborative math activity.

18. Get Mysterious


Math Mysteries are a fun activity that builds out-of-the-box thinking and creates an inquisitive environment. Problem-solving develops through the process of inquisition! You can create your own or use Lee and Miller's 40 Fabulous Math Mysteries Kid's Can't Resist Scholastic book found here.

19. Logic Puzzles and Games


In addition to logic-building games like Chess, you can provide logic puzzles for morning and afternoon transitions, during downtime, or for early finishers. Logic puzzles help students think critically. You can make your own or get some prefabricated resources like the ones found in this book by Chris King .

Learn More:  Brainzilla

20. Lead Number Talks

Number talks are important to building problem-solving. Number talks allow students to build on one another in a collaborative way, discuss how they have solved problems before, consider how those solutions may be applicable to new skills they are about to learn, and build depth in math concepts.

So instead of getting quiet, get them talking!

Learn More:  North Dakota Teaching Kayla Durkin

  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

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25 Quick and Easy Fifth Grade STEM Challenges (Free Printable!)

Give them a few simple supplies and watch their minds grow.

5th Grade STEM Challenges of printable cut-out note cards.

STEM challenges let kids use what they know to create something cool! Kids apply what they’ve learned about physics, chemistry, engineering, and more when they tackle these creative prompts. Many of these fifth grade STEM challenges add new twists to classic tasks, making them perfect for kids who are ready to think outside the box. Try these in groups to encourage teamwork and joint problem-solving skills too.

These ideas are super easy to set up. The supplies are simple and inexpensive (think wood craft sticks, plastic drinking straws, newspaper, or cardboard). All you need to do is post one of these STEM challenges on your whiteboard or projector screen. Then hand out the supplies and let kids take it from there! It also works for distance learning if students have these materials on hand at home.

Want this entire set of STEM challenges in one easy document? Get your free PowerPoint bundle of these fifth grade STEM challenges by submitting your email here, so you’ll always have the challenges available.

Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!

25 Fifth Grade STEM Challenges

Design a floating raft that holds the most pennies, using plastic straws and string..

  • TOMNK 500 Multicolored Plastic Drinking Straws
  • 10 Assorted Color 100-ft Twine Rolls, 1000 total feet

Build the tallest possible tower using the fewest number of toothpicks and gum drops.

  • 1000 Count Natural Bamboo Toothpicks
  • Sweet Gourmet Jelly Gum Drops

Construct a catapult from wood craft sticks and rubber bands that can accurately launch a marshmallow through a hoop.

  • Pepperell 1000 Natural Wood Craft Sticks
  • BAZIC Multicolor Assorted Sizes Rubber Bands

Engineer a structure to support the most weight (measured in books) using clothespins and wood craft sticks.

  • Whitmore 100 Natural Wood Clothespins

Build the tallest possible tower that supports the weight of a book using only 10 index cards. You can bend or tear the cards however you like, but you cannot use scissors, glue, or other tools.

  • AmazonBasics 1000-pack 3″ x 5″ Index Cards

Use paper plates, cardboard tubes, and masking tape to construct a marble roller coaster. You can cut the plates and tubes as needed.

  • Stock Your Home 9″ Paper Plates, 500 Count

Make a working jump rope from two plastic grocery store bags and 12 inches of duct tape.

  • Duck Brand Duct Tape, 20 Yard Roll

Fold a single sheet of paper into a cup that will hold water for at least 30 seconds without leaking.

Use one box of paper clips to create a chain that can hold the most weight..

  • Officemate Paper Clips, 10-Pack of 100-ct Boxes

Create a bubble solution recipe from water, dish detergent, and glycerin (or corn syrup) that makes the longest lasting bubbles.

  • NOW Solutions Vegetable Glycerin, 16-Ounce

Build a domino chain reaction that spells the name of one of the members of your group.

  • Lewo 1000 Pcs Wood Dominoes Set

Stack plastic cups into the tallest tower you can in 1 minute.

  • Clear Disposable Plastic Cups, 500 Pack

Build a free-standing ring of Pringles chips .

Design a paper airplane that can hold the most cargo (coins taped to the plane). the plane must fly at least 8 feet., use newspapers and masking tape to design a device that would keep all the members of your group dry in a rainstorm..

  • Lichamp 10-Pack of Masking Tape 55 Yard Rolls

Construct a device to carry a plastic cup full of water from the top of a 5-foot tall zip line to the bottom while spilling the least amount of water.

Come up with three ways to get a toy car to move without directly touching it with any part of your body., build a bridge that is 12 inches long using drinking straws and masking tape. the strength of your bridge will be measured using pennies in a paper cup., use newspaper and scotch tape to design a stylish shoe that you can put on and take off of a team member’s foot..

  • Greyparrot Clear Tape, 8 Pack

Draw a maze on the outside of a plastic bottle. Then drop a paperclip into the bottle and use a magnet to move the paperclip through the maze.

  • Learning Resources Set of 6 Magnetic Wands

Create a musical instrument using supplies like index cards, paper clips, tape, rubber bands, plastic straws, etc.

Build a house with at least two rooms using wood craft sticks and glue..

  • Elmer’s Liquid School Glue, 12 Pack

Design a new paperclip style that holds at least 10 sheets of paper without damaging them.

  • Anezus 50-ft 3mm Aluminum Wire  

Use plastic straws and pipe cleaners to build a geodesic dome or sphere.

  • Zees 1000 Pipe Cleaners in Assorted Colors

Design and create a set of building blocks using cardboard, masking tape, and scissors. Build a cool structure to show off your creation.

Get a PPT Version of These STEM Challenges!

Love these fifth grade STEM challenges? Try some Fifth Grade Science Projects That Will Blow Your Students’ Minds.

Plus, 48 Terrific Science Supplies to Help Students Learn About the World Around Them .

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Collage of STEM Activities for Kids including marble maze and robot hand


Problem solving.

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Level: Upper-intermediate (B2-C1)

Type of English: Business English

Tags: problems at work problems and solutions declaring and diagnosing a problem making suggestions Situation based

Publication date: 09/09/2011

In this lesson, students learn useful language for handling and solving problems at work. Vocabulary for describing different types of problems and solutions is studied. Students then listen to several dialogues and study the expressions used by the speakers to declare and diagnose a problem as well as make suggestions and take action. At the end of the lesson, there is a role play activity in which the language from the lesson is put into practice. There are two animated videos which can be played instead of the dialogue or given to the student(s) as material to take away.

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In this lesson, students learn useful language for handling and solving problems at work. Vocabulary for describing different types of problems and solutions is studied. Students then listen to several dialogues and study the expressions used by the speakers to declare and diagnose a problem as well as make suggestions and take action. At the end of the lesson, there is a role-play activity in which the language from the lesson is put into practice.



This comprehensive course plan covers the full range of language needs – listening, role play, vocabulary development.

Worksheets in English for Work and Life course plan

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Type of English: Business English Level: Upper-intermediate (B2-C1)

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Type of English: General English Level: Upper-intermediate (B2-C1)

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Worksheets in English for Business course plan

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Type of English: Business English Level: Intermediate (B1-B2)

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5 Problem-Solving Activities for Elementary Classrooms

Classroom problem-solving activities teach children how to engage problems rather than to become frustrated with them. Teachers have the opportunity to teach children the proper methods for dealing with stressful situations, complex problems, and fast decision-making. While a teacher is unlikely to actually put the child into a difficult or otherwise harmful situation, he or she can use activities to teach the child how to handle such situations later on in life.

Teach the problems

To solve any problem, students must go through a process to do so. The teacher can explore this process with students as a group. The first step is to fully understand the problem. To teach this, ask students to describe the problem in their own words. This ensures the student is able to comprehend and express the concern at hand. Then, they must describe and understand the barriers presented. At this point, it’s a good idea to provide ways for the student to find a solution. That’s where activities come into play.

The following are five activities elementary teachers can use to teach problem-solving to students. Teaching students to identify the possible solutions requires approaching the problem in various ways.

No. 1 – Create a visual image

One option is to teach children to create a visual image of the situation. Many times, this is an effective problem-solving skill. They are able to close their eyes and create a mind picture of the problem. For younger students, it may be helpful to draw out the problem they see on a piece of paper.

Ask the child to then discuss possible solutions to the problem. This could be done by visualizing what would happen if one action is taken or if another action is taken. By creating these mental images, the student is fully engaged and can map out any potential complications to their proposed solution.

No. 2 – Use manipulatives

Another activity that is ideal for children is to use manipulatives. In a situation where the problem is space-related, for example the children can move their desks around in various ways to create a pattern or to better visualize the problem. It’s also possible to use simple objects on a table, such as blocks, to create patterns or to set up a problem. This is an ideal way to teach problem-solving skills for math.

By doing this, it takes a problem, often a word problem that’s hard for some students to visualize, and places it in front of the student in a new way. The child is then able to organize the situation into something he or she understands.

No. 3 – Make a guess

Guessing is a very effective problem-solving skill. For those children who are unlikely to actually take action but are likely to sit and ponder until the right answer hits them, guessing is a critical step in problem-solving. This approach involves trial and error.

Rather than approaching guessing as a solution to problems (you do not want children to think they can always guess), teach that it is a way to gather more data. If, for example, they do not know enough about the situation to make a full decision, by guessing, they can gather more facts from the outcome and use that to find the right answer.

No. 4 – Patterns

No matter if the problem relates to social situations or if it is something that has to do with science, patterns are present. By teaching children to look for patterns, they can see what is happening more fully.

For example, define what a pattern is. Then, have the child look for any type of pattern in the context. If the children are solving a mystery, for example, they can look for patterns in time, place or people to better gather facts.

No. 5 – Making a list

Another effective tool is list making. Teach children how to make a list of all of the ideas they come up with right away. Brainstorming is a fun activity in any subject. Then, the child is able to work through the list to determine which options are problems or not.

Classroom problem-solving activities like these engage a group or a single student. They teach not what the answer is, but how the student can find that answer.

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Problem and Solution for First Grade

  • Read Alouds , Reading & Literacy

Being able to easily identify the problem and solution in a story is a foundational reading comprehension skill for first grade students.

It's an activity that can be done with every single read aloud.

It can (and should) be done whole group, in small group, with partners, in literacy stations and during independent reading.

It's also a great skill for parents to work on at home. 

Describing the problem includes:

  • Identifying the problem the character(s) is experiencing in the beginning of the story
  • Asking questions and making predictions about possible upcoming events and about possible ways to solve the problem
  • Understanding how the events and characters influence the problem throughout the story

Describing the solution includes: 

  • Confirming or revising predictions about the resolution
  • Explaining how the resolution solves the problem
  • Describing what happens to the character(s) because of the resolution

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Examples of Problem and Solution

You might be totally comfortable with the topic of problem and solution, but when we are in the moment in front of 22 little faces, sometime we blank! 

It's time to give our students examples of what Problem and Solution is…

but we've got nothing! 

It helps to think of a few examples ahead of time and jot them down. 

Examples of problem and solution work best if the are real life examples that the students can relate to! 

Here's a few examples from the school day: 

  • Your pencil breaks
  • You can't find your book
  • You forgot your lunch
  • You can't remember the directions
  • You left your jacket on the playground
  • You don't know how to tie your shoes
  • You need a supply that another student is using

By using these real-life examples, you are not only teaching problem and solution, but you are reinforcing your classroom management as well!

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How to Introduce Problem and Solution for First Grade

If you teach lower elementary, then you know that there is SO much that goes into the comprehension of a book. First grade students are learning so much at this age and even listening comprehension requires their little brains to work so hard.

Why do I bring this up?

Because I want you to think about how hard they are ALREADY working when they are listening to a read aloud and when you use a mentor text to introduce a NEW SKILL, most students’ brains go into overload!

So what should we do instead?

Start with a non-text activity. Let me introduce you to a new kind of “slideshow”. 

I like to use interactive slideshows/powerpoints. My slideshows always follow this order: 

  • Teaching Slides: Introduces students to WHAT the skill is
  • Guided Practice: Introduces students to HOW to apply the skill
  • Interactive Practice: Gives students an example and allows them to PRACTICE the skill in an easy and concise way

Problem and Solution Non-Text Activities for First Grade

After we practice the slideshow, then we practice building our problem and solution muscles with some guided and independent practice using a NON-TEXT ACTIVITY such as a station game.

Non-text activities are a HUGE asset to students because it allows them to build and flex their problem and solution muscles before we ask them to apply those skills to a text! 

How to Complete the Activity

We will do this activity together as a group first, then it will move into our guided reading stations where students will complete it independently!

I've found the best and easiest way to do this is with images of problems/solutions that my first grade students know a lot about. 

My students do this Problem and Solution activity (seen on the right). We do one together as a class for guided practice. 

For this activity, students must correctly match the problem and solution. Then I have students write about the problem and solution with an emphasis on why the solution actually works for this problem.

After we do this activity together, it goes into their stations for Guided Reading. 

The best part about this activity is that you can leave it out for several weeks because each time students can choose a new set of pictures! 

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Mentor Texts for Problem and Solution

A mentor text is an incredibly powerful tool for teaching reading comprehension skills! 

(make sure you keep reading to the end of this post to see a list of my favorite mentor texts for problem & solution)

The problem that many teachers run into with mentor texts is that there are SO MANY different skills you can teach with the same mentor text….

Sometimes we try to do TOO MUCH and we overwhelm our students! 

Let me introduce you to a Comprehension Focus Question (CFQ). 

A CFQ is one question that you focus on through the entire text! 

It simplifies things for you and your students. (more on that later)…

But let's take a minute to dispel so myths about mentor texts..

A mentor text is NOT a book that you read once and put it away.

A mentor text is a book that you read once, then refer back to again and again and again.

The greatest benefit of a good mentor text is that after you have read it once, when you refer back to it, you aren’t reading the entire book again, you are simply referring back to one or two pages.

It will save you SO much time.

AND students are already familiar with the story line meaning that already have a foundation for whatever comprehension skill you are about to dive into!

How to Boost Comprehension for Problem & Solution

Comprehension Focus Questions

As I mentioned, a Comprehension Focus Question (CFQ) is a very focused and intentional comprehension goal for an activity, a week or even a unit.

If you have done your research and you understand your learning standard, the vocabulary and what students need to know…

Then it becomes very easy to choose a goal (or a comprehension focus question).

But, why do you need a comprehension goal?

To stay FOCUSED!

Not just for you, but for your students also!

Let’s look at an example. Let’s say that this week you are focusing on how to make an inference. Well, there are about a hundred different ways you can make an inference and a CFQ allows you to focus on one area at a time.

Example CFQ: “How Did The Character Change From ___ To ____?”

In this comprehension focus question, you and your students are focusing in on the characters of the story.

The great thing about CFQ’s is that the next time you pull out this mentor text, you can choose a different CFQ to focus on while still practicing how to make an inference!

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Sentence Stems

Another great strategy that falls right in long with mentor texts and comprehension focus questions is sentence stems.

A sentence stem is a phrase that your first grade students will use to answer a comprehension question.

Sentence stems are designed to get students to answer comprehension questions more fully rather than giving one word answers.

Sentence stems encourage students to explain their thinking.

I like to have a list of sentence stems next to my table that are specific to each comprehension skill. I stick to one or two stems per skill for the entire year because I want my students to be consistent. (This also makes it a lot easier for them)

If we are sticking with our Make an Inference example, I would use the following sentence stems:

I Think ___ Because____.   

I Read This ____ So I Think _____

Problem and Solution Activities for First Grade

All of the activities that you found in this post, both printable and digital, along with UNIT LESSON PLANS can be found in my Problem and Solution Bundle here.

You can save up to 20% by purchasing the items together, but you can also purchase individual items to better fit your needs!

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Best Books for Problem and Solution

**You can use the recording sheet from the Problem and Solution station with all of these read alouds!

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More First Grade Favorites

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Kristen Sullins

Kristen Sullins

I am a current Elementary Librarian and Enrichment Teacher, mother of two, follower of Christ and Texas native. In my own classroom, I love to save time by finding unique ways to integrate writing, social studies and science into all parts of my day. I also love all things organization!


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©2019 Kristen Sullins.  All Rights Reserved

Site by Ashley Hughes

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Match 3D Master-Matching Games 4+

Match 3d-triple tile match, asad ur rehman, designed for ipad, screenshots, description.

Meet the ultimate triple match puzzle game! Find fun & challenging tile matching puzzle gameplay as you match tiles to pass through brainteasers & problem solving games. Solve the 3 tiles puzzle levels & become the tile master. With easy-to-learn mechanics & addictive gameplay, the Triple Tile match game has relaxing games for triple match puzzle enthusiasts. Taking the classic matching Mahjong puzzle game & adding the stunning graphics of the 21st Century’s 3D tiles, Triple Tile has the ultimate matching games. Match 3D tiles & complete levels to reach the top of the matching games map! Triple Tile’s puzzle solving games & triple match brainteasers: Play matching games & match three 3D tiles to clear the board. The 3 tile match game gets harder as you overcome obstacles, match tiles, solve the puzzle & be the tile master in this fun tile game. Triple Tile - Match 3D tiles in this amazing matching game Triple Tile 3 Tiles Puzzle Game Features: * FIND YOUR ZEN WITH PUZZLE GAMES & MATCH TILES: Tap to match tiles in the 3D puzzle game. Enjoy a tile matching game that is pleasing to the mind & eyes! * MATCH TILES & SOLVE THE PUZZLE WITH MATCHING GAMES: Each 3 tile game level is a complex 3D puzzle.Solve triple match puzzles & match tiles * TRAVEL A BEAUTIFUL 3D TILES GAME WORLD: Track your triple match progress & explore new locations as you play progressing tile games levels. From seasides to rainforests, the matching games take you to new places as you match 3 tiles * 1000’s OF PUZZLE SOLVING GAMES & CLASSIC MATCHING TILE GAMES: Play through exciting matching game chapters, with more triple match games levels & stunning 3D tiles added monthly. These tile matching puzzle solving games are the best way to relax * REGULAR MATCHING GAMES UPDATES: New 3 tile match levels are added to the game regularly, so there’s always more matching game joy. Match tiles today! * Elevate your mind with the ultimate 3D match game, combining the tranquility of calming games with the power of match 3 games, memory games & brain training games Need to chill with fun matching games? Play the best 3 tile match game – relax with modern matching games. The Triple Tile classic matching games brings together puzzle solving games elements & beautiful 3D tiles for hours of fun Match three or more tiles to clear the board & progress through the tile matching puzzle solving games. With 3000+ matching game levels, Triple Tile offers hours of fun. Become the tile master & improve your tile matching puzzle skills with Triple Tile’s matching games! Solve 3D tile puzzles & classic matching games. Clear the tile game board by matching 3 tiles & unlock beautiful chapters with the help of boosters. Visit scenic landscapes & reach the top of the match tiles map to become the ultimate tile master Download the Triple Tile matching games & begin your puzzle games journey. Take a walk through 3D tiles landscapes & escape reality with the Triple Tile 3D match game that combines the tranquility of calming games with the cognitive challenge of memory games & brain training games into a match 3 game With 1000’s of matching games & puzzle game levels, never run out of new 3 tile puzzle challenges. With new tile match levels added to the tile game regularly, our matching game always has a unique 3d match game fusion of match 3 games, calming games, memory games, and brain training games Triple Tile is the ultimate 3 tiles matching game. With stunning graphics & challenging triple match tiles levels, Triple Tile is the perfect matching game to unwind. Whether a casual match tiles player or a hardcore gamer, you'll love the fun that our puzzle games offer. Are you a tile master? Download the matching puzzle game & start matching three tiles! Solve the 3D tiles puzzles. Whether a triple match puzzle game pro or new to puzzle games & matching games, this tile matching puzzle game provides hours of fun. With challenging match tiles gameplay, get hooked matching three tiles

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There’s A Genuinely Good Chance That You Haven’t Seen These 37 Problem-Solving Kitchen Products

Go on. Check them out and let me know if I'm wrong.

Melanie Aman

BuzzFeed Staff

1. A Le Creuset magnetic trivet  if you're always dangerously juggling hot plates. This GENIUS invention allows you to simply hover a hot pot over the trivet and — BAM! — the trivet will stick to the bottom, and you can place the pot on any nearby, stable surface. Gone are the days of frantically shouting, "Can someone help me in here?!" when your hands are full.

acacia wood trivet with magnetic rings

Promising review: "The wood is really super nice, smooth, and clean. It sticks great to the pan, and the silicone rings add great shock absorption, so it doesn't make a lot of noise when I send down my heavy-ass 13-some-inch skillet! It cleans off easily; I've only used it a handful of times, but it still looks brand new! A little pricey, but it's a premium kitchen thing. I recommend don't settle for something cheaper." — K. Lujan

Get it from Amazon for   $49.95 .

2. A wineglass clip  for securing your delicate glassware in the dishwasher so you don't have to wash them by hand anymore. Score!

A clear wine glass is securely placed upside down in a dishwasher rack using a white plastic glass holder attached to a metal rod

Wine Wash Co. is a small business based in Houston, Texas.

Promising review: "These work with all of our wineglasses, including my Riedels, thin champagne flutes, and crystal wineglasses. Our KitchenAid dishwasher came with a wine rack, but it didn't hold our taller wineglasses, so this little gadget did the trick. Very easy to use. I keep them clipped in between cycles now that I’ve found a good spot for them. Extra helpful for dinner party clean up. Cheers to never washing wineglasses by hand again!" — Amazon Customer

Get a four-pack from Amazon for $15 .

3. A plant-based  cooking oil solidifier  (you might remember it from Shark Tank !) because it makes getting rid of leftover grease easier than whatever method you're using right now. Simply sprinkle the powder in your remaining oil while it's still hot, let it cool, and then scoop it into the trash.

Reviewer holding a block of solidified fat over a saucepan

FryAway is a woman-owned small business started by Laura Lady, who loves both cooking and being kind to the planet. They donate 1% of revenue to nonprofits focused on water conservation.

Promising review: "Honestly, I didn’t know if this would work; waiting for it to cool down made me nervous, but once it was at room temperature, it was solid. It popped out of the fryer so nicely. Worth every penny." — Emma

Get it from Amazon for $12.99  (available in three styles).

4. A pack of  towel clips  that'll prevent kids and pets from pulling down the towel. Or, maybe you have neither of those things, yet your hand and kitchen towels  always  end up on the ground.

Close-up of a glass oven knob holder with a red towel hanging on it

Promising review: "This clip is amazing. No more towels falling on the floor. It was becoming a routine thing since my cat thinks it's fun to pull the kitchen towels off the oven. Not now, bad kitty! Great product...wish I had bought one sooner!" — Joanna

Get a three-pack from Amazon for $12.99 .

5. A dishwasher-safe  wine-saving carafe  so you can enjoy a bottle for up to 7 days after uncorking.

Person holding a glass infuser bottle filled with a beverage. The bottle has a unique design with an inner infuser chamber and a white band around the top

This is designed for nonsparkling  wines.

Promising review: "I never know how much of a bottle I want; the nice part about this wine storage is that it’s easy, it’s beautiful, it’s clear, so you know how much is left, and it’s super easy to clean . As a busy mom, sometimes I want 1 glass, sometimes I want 1.5, LOL. This makes it both fun and easy to keep the wine fresh! " — Evan

Get it from Amazon for $49.97+ (available in five colors).

6. A cookware set with detachable handles  to replace the clunky pots and pans that are currently (and very inefficiently, I might add!) taking up basically all the storage space in your cabinets. The removable handle attaches to all pieces and then you can pop it off and stick it in a separate drawer while you neatly stack the pots and pans in half the space your old set needed.

reviewer photo of the five pots and pans on their stovetop

This set includes one removable handle, two frypans (9'' and 10''), one saucepan (2 quarts), and a silicone lid glass lid.

Promising review: "This set has been a dream! With my kids helping with dishes, this set has made the pots/pans cabinet a non-issue. Before, we had to stack the pans together, but they’d get stacked wonky because of the handles. With this set, we keep the handles in the utensil drawer and the rest stacked together. I typically cook without the handles attached (depending on the meal, of course) and clip on once complete to move the pan wherever it needs to go. I rinse the handle of any debris and put it away. Grab the storage lid and plop the pan directly into the fridge. This set has made a huge difference in my desire to cook, as the hassle from start to finish is a fraction of what it was with my old set! " — Brooke

Get a five-piece set from Amazon for $39.99+  (available in two color combinations).

7. A dirty dishwasher indicator  if you find yourself thinking, "What's it gonna be today?" when you open your dishwasher. If your household doesn't consistently flip the clean/dirty dishwasher magnets, try this instead! It sits inside your dishwasher, so you know if dishes are clean or dirty depending on whether the container has water in it.

Dishwasher indicator sign showing

Promising review: "I have been looking for a dishwasher done indicator to use on a stainless steel front (no magnets). This is the BOMB. NO moving parts. No flimsy clips. No tape, glue, or magnets. Simply slip it over the edge of the bottom basket, and you are good. The sturdy clip does not flex, so there is no wear and tear. The action of the washer fills up the tube. DONE. The first time you open the door after washing, tip out the tube, and you are ready again. Hooray...something that works." — MRMACHINE of Raleigh

Get it from Amazon for $12.99 .

8. A pack of reusable toaster bags for when a 2 a.m. craving for a grilled cheese hits but you don't want to dirty a pan. Just plop your bread and cheese in the bag and then in the toaster and you're minutes away from ooey gooey cheesy goodness. And they're great for helping prevent cross contamination if someone in your house has food allergies.

Sandwich in a bag in a toaster

These reusable bags are good for 50–100 washes and can hold pizza, chicken nuggets, and pastries.

Promising review: "I love using these! Since I live alone, I don't like having to dirty a skillet to make just one sandwich. This makes a great sandwich in the toaster without any muss or fuss. They're easy to clean; just wipe it out or use a little soap and water if needed. The nonstick feature is very helpful." — Branwynmars

Get a set of four from Amazon for $4.70 .

9. A foil pan protector  because your one job is to bring a dish to the family potluck, but your flimsy foil pans are doing their darnedest to leak everywhere. Enter the Fancy Panz. Simply plop your foil pan inside it (there's a riser so you can use it for both shallow and deep foil pans), and you'll have peace of mind knowing your pasta salad isn't sloshing around in the backseat leaking dressing all over your car. You can even stack 'em — that's how sturdy they are.

hand placing a foil pan of pasta salad into the black pan protector, which has tall and sturdy plastic sides

Promising review: "Skeptical yet very satisfied!! I was a little skeptical, but it was worth it. Love it! No collapsing to worry about, so less mess, and I can stack on top without it getting smushed!! " — Jennifer Miles

Get it from Amazon for $25.99  (available in nine colors).

10. A cast-iron scrubber  that'll lift leftover food grit — not the pan's seasoning. This'll save you a heck of a lot of time now that you're not trying to scrub away stubborn stains with a fragile sponge.

before photo of a cast-iron square pan with bits of food on it

Because this scrubber is metal, you should avoid using it on nonstick pans as it can scratch and damage the surface.

Promising review: "I love the product. I wish I had known about it when I first got my cast-iron skillet over a year ago. It is really easy to use and did a great job getting the crud off of the skillet without stripping the seasoning away and it was fast. I find myself using my cast-iron more frequently since purchasing this product because I no longer dread the cleanup process. If you have cast-iron cookware then you need one of these babies. I will definitely recommend it to others." — KeCaRi

Get it from Amazon for $17.99 . This customer review is long but it's full of great tips if you end up purchasing this scrubber.

11. A set of refrigerator drip catchers  so there isn't always  a puddle in the water tray...and the floor in front of your fridge. They sit securely in the tray thanks to their magnetic design.

Reviewer photo of the gray drip catcher

Promising review: "This pad fits perfectly in our Samsung four-door in-door ice/water dispenser. Catches the occasional drips and matches the color of the dispenser perfectly. The four-pack lets you wash one and place another one into service immediately." — Amazon Customer

Get a two-pack for $12.93+ (available in three colors and packs of four).

12. A 2-in-1 kitchen scale and measuring cup  to reduce the number of dirty dishes you create and ensure your measurements are accurate.

A bowl of flour and a measuring cup of milk on a wooden cutting board next to a stove

Promising review: "This scale with a built-in cup is the best thing for my baking tools. No more whipping out 1,000,000 cups. Also, [rather than] always trying to figure out grams or cups, now I just press a button, and it tells me I love this." — Corin lonigro

Get it from Amazon for $20.29+ (available in three colors).

13. A  Souper Cube  if weeknight dinners take you no less than an hour and a half to make (and that's not counting cleanup time!). This silicone freezing tray stores perfectly portioned soups, stews, sauces, and more so you can meal prep in bulk over the weekend and then freeze it in these trays. It's so easy to quickly grab them as needed and defrost them for an easy meal.

Reviewer photo of their chicken noodle soup in the tray

Each tray has four fill lines — 1/2 cup, 1 cup, 125 mL, and 250 mL — which is ideal for people who like to portion their food.

You may remember Souper Cube from Shark Tank  (Lori invested in the company!). This small business was started by four friends who loved soup but hated food waste.

Promising review: "So happy that I found these. I’m the only one in my household who enjoys soup year-round. Have you ever tried to make homemade soup for one? I say it’s impossible! But no longer. I can brew up the stock pot with bone broth or my favorite home soup. Fill up my Souper Cubes, freeze, pop out, store my goodies in a freezer bag, and I’m ready for the next batch!" — Debbie R. Texas

Get it from Amazon for $19.95  (available in three colors and in a two-pack).

Check out my colleague's  Souper Cubes review !

14. A 6-in-1 kitchen tool  for replacing a ton of kitchen utensils, which means fewer things for you to wash! Use it as a whisk, egg separator, slotted spoon, colander, masher, or grinder/grater.

Four images show a red kitchen strainer with different uses: straining eggs, holding an egg yolk, straining broccoli, and straining pasta

Promising review: "This is quite possibly my favorite new kitchen gadget. It is so sturdy, well-made, and versatile. I will be buying more to add to gifts for friends who are having bridal showers and housewarming parties." — Nancy Holmes

Get it from Amazon for $8.99 .

15. A Spoon Buddy utensil rest and holder  because not only does it help keep your countertops clean when you need to put down a dirty spoon or spatula, but it also functions as a measuring cup and a jar gripper. 

A hand lifts a red and silver magnetic lid off a bowl of soup with toppings. A chopped green herb and a red bell pepper are on a cutting board nearby

Promising review: "This product makes it easy to keep your spoon close and prevents getting a mess from drips on the stove." — John H. Parton

16. A lasagna trio pan that'll help you prepare meals for everyone, regardless of their dietary restrictions. Mamma mia! *insert chef finger kiss*

Baking pan with three sections — one with meat lasagna, one with vegetarian lasagna, and one with vegan lasagna

Promising review: "In a family of six, there are always SOME who don't like what everyone else is eating. This is a pan where making three different kinds of lasagna doesn't require much if any, more effort than making a single lasagna with the same dimensions.  It takes the same amount of time to layer the noodles and the same amount of time to build the things...but you have three different builds to satisfy those darned picky kids. Or hey, go adult gourmet in a way that Olive Garden cannot. What's fun with this pan is it's not just lasagna. I tried making bread with it to good effect. Yeah, the loaves looked a little weird, but I DON'T CARE. I did it, and that's all. It gives me what I prize most in cooking gear...versatility. Easy to clean, certainly...and nonstick, though that requires a little care (use wood, not metal utensils). With proper care and feeding, these are made to last pretty much forever. I love it." — J. Tant

Get it from Amazon for $22.99 .

17. Some lemon wedge wraps  so you can squeeze your citrus with reckless abandon and never worry that you'll find a seed in your drink or dish.

A hand holding a small yellow mesh bag filled with lemon seeds. Text reads:

Promising review: "I love lemonade and lemon juice drizzled over my baked fish, but I hate those slippery little seeds. These lemon covers are perfect. They stop me from calling the seeds dirty names because they are sometimes hard to pick up. I use them all the time." — Wanda C.

Get a 12-pack from Amazon for $6.13 .

18. A salad sling  (from Shark Tank !) to dry greens, lettuce, and herbs without a salad spinner. Yep! Just wrap 'em in this green microfiber cloth and start slinging it around your kitchen — just don't let go or your romaine will go flying.

Fresh green mixed salad leaves are on a bright green towel near a metal colander in a kitchen setting

Promising review: "Don't even ask me what my previous process was for drying my greens because this one takes the cake ! It works effectively at drying your greens in seconds and then you just throw it in the wash once you're done, which frees up space in your dishwasher if you're used to using a salad spinner. Bonus use: When I was done drying the greens, I had other vegetables that I needed to wash, so I placed them on the Salad Sling and dabbed them dry before chopping. Since the waterproof liner traps moisture, it worked much better than an un-environmentally friendly paper towel or annoyingly thin dishtowel. I highly recommend this for people who are sick of salad spinning and using paper towels/thin dishtowels to dry their greens/veggies." — Kristen N.

Get it from Amazon for $23.99 .

19. A set of toss-and-chop salad tongs  if you don't want to waste time pulling out a whole chopping board (that you will have to clean later) to transform your romaine into bite-sized pieces. Scissor supremacy! Use these blades to slice your greens as well as your toppings: eggs, tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, pieces of chicken, olives, apples, and more.

Two images side-by-side; the left shows a salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and chunks of cheese; The right image depicts a salad with chopped vegetables and dressing

Promising review : "Love these! I hate big leafy salads, so I bought these, and they're perfect for chopping greens into bites. I also use them to quickly chop cherry tomatoes, onions, and other veggies. VERY nice quality." — asoon

Get it from Amazon for $18.76 . 

20. An onion holder  for a more secure grip and more evenly sized slices of onions, tomatoes, lemons, eggs, potatoes, and fruits. You can even use it as a meat tenderizer!

A person chopping an onion using an onion slicer on a white cutting board

Promising review: "I’ve used this on different fruits and veggies and love it! I have a mandolin slicer and a food processor that slices, but it is easier just to use this tool . Nice and even slices of tomatoes and onions every time !" — Bekkster

Get it from Amazon for $9.98 .

21. A set of modular sheet pan dividers  because no, you don't need to suffer through veggies that are burned to a crisp because you had to leave the pan in the oven to make sure the salmon was fully cooked. With this handy system, you can just remove individual trays when the ingredients are fully cooked.

silicone trays inside of a baking sheet each filled with different type. of food

Promising review: "Brilliant. 100,000% Recommend them! It lets me separate veggies by how long they take to cook so they are all ready at the same time and nothing is over/undercooked. I love these cheat sheets. They are a great tool for my kitchen. " — yule

Get a set of four from Amazon for $29.99  (lids available for purchase separately). 

22. A set of  oven liners  that'll catch crumbs  before  they can permanently attach themselves to your oven and create a big freaking mess you'll spend hours cleaning. Raise your hand if you hate cleaning your oven. Great. Now take that same hand and click the "add to cart" button.

the black oven liners catching droplets from a pie

Promising review: "I got tired of cleaning the bottom of my oven out after every drip and spill or running the 'oven clean' option, which uses up so much energy and makes my house HOT during the process. I used to have foil on the bottom of the oven to help with spills, and that improved things greatly — but then you have to replace the foil after a while. I had to cut them to size, which was easy to do with a simple pair of household scissors. Then I placed them in the oven ( they look nice! ), and I waited for them to get messy. I cooked something super messy and finally needed to clean the liner. It was SO easy ; I put it in the sink and used my sink sprayer, and everything immediately slid right off the liner. No problem! I have a double oven, so I was glad this pack came with more than one. I have one in each oven and one on standby in case I need it. I know that having a dirty oven isn't the worst thing in the world, but if it matters to you, try these! " — Hpg

Get a set of three from Amazon for $13.99 .

23. A super-convenient tofu press so you can squeeze out as much water as possible from your tofu (preventing it from getting soggy and also helping it better absorb yummy marinades and spices) without needing to come back every 30 minutes to place a heavier book on top of your paper towel–wrapped tofu block.

a reviewer photo of a block of pressed and unpressed and pressed tofu

Plus, all the water collects at the bottom, so there's no mess and no need for paper towels.

Promising review: "I've been eating tofu quite often. What I needed was a way to improve the texture. Even the 'extra firm' was too mushy. I searched through the many types of tofu presses and found this one. I like that there are only three parts, and everything is easy to clean. The tofu comes out perfect every time and doesn't take long at all. By the next day, it's ready to use. Even a few hours will do the trick!" — Margaret B.

Get it from Amazon for $21.99 .

24. A pouring chute  to save you a lot of frustration when you're baking. Both wet and dry ingredients slide down seamlessly and into the mixing bowl instead of ending up on the counter...which you will now have to clean. 

A red stand mixer in use with sugar being poured into the mixing bowl through a metal scoop. The mixer shows the Metro brand logo

Promising review: "I have struggled with the pouring shields that came with my KitchenAid and Cuisinart stand mixers. They were messy and hard to use. I purchased this and forgot I had it! LOL. This weekend, I have been making tons of cookies and tried the New Metro chute out, and OMG! It works great. No mess. The flour or liquids go into the bowl and nowhere else. It's sturdy and super easy to use and clean. I highly recommend it. It's a quality product." — Retep

Get it from Amazon for $22.31 (also available in a two-pack).

25. A pair of silicone stands  if you don't wash your emotional support water bottle as much as you should because it's annoying how long it takes for it to dry. These provide a sturdy base so your bottles don't tip over while also allowing air to flow to ensure your bottles fully dry.

Two travel mugs with teal silicone holders on a kitchen counter

These are designed to work with a variety of brands including Stanley, Hydro Flask, Owala, Yeti, and more.

Promising review: "I wash my thermal cups by hand and found these individual drying racks to be helpful for getting my cups dry quickly and without taking up space in my drying rack . They fit a wide variety of thermal cup sizes. [They are made of] pliable rubber and don't allow the cups to tip over while drying. They vent air well and allow for excess water to sluice off the inside of the cup and drain." — Sonya Groves

Get a two-pack from Amazon for $8.88 (also available in four- and six-packs).

26. An air fryer basket  you can use in the oven for whipping up crispy, crunchy foods that *taste* like they came straight from the air fryer...no air fryer needed! It's great for people who 1) don't want to shell out for an air fryer (esp. one that's bulky/an appliance you're not sure you'll use), or 2) want to cook larger quantities of food than their air fryer can currently hold. 

reviewer photo of bacon cooling on the rack

Promising review: "I wanted to simulate air-frying in a countertop or conventional oven. This product does the trick, more so in my conventional oven; it has a 'speed-bake' feature that simulates a confection oven. It’s small enough to fit in my countertop oven. Love that the tray catches drips, and it doubles up nicely as a cookie sheet for small batches of chocolate chips! Cleanup is a dream. I cook-spray it prior to use, then treat it as cast iron while cleaning it (i.e., very hot water and a scrubby sponge — no soap on the baking surface). I use a little soapy water on the rim and 'feet,' so there is no oily buildup there. (I also foil or parchment paper line the drip sheet to make cleanup that much easier, but that’s just me. I’m pretty sure it’s not necessary as the non-stick finish seems pretty danged good so far.)" — Joanna Aislinn

Get it from Amazon for $19.89+  (available in three sizes).

27. A pair of  meat shredder claws  because pulling apart pounds of pork with two measly forks is not efficient or fun. 

reviewer photo of the claws stuck inside a large hunk of cooked pork

Promising review: "I just made 26 pounds of pork butt for a large family gathering. Several months ago, I did the same thing, and my husband and I shredded it together with four forks. We scorched our hands repeatedly, and it took over 70 minutes. I looked at several shredding forks and settled in on these and I sure am glad I did! They are solid, light, and sharp. They are not hollow on the back side, so meat doesn't get stuck in them. It didn't take long to get the hang of them. They double as handles to pick the large 8.5 pounds of butts, which was very nice. They really do become extensions of your hands! I had read reviews that said that these don't let you get meat shredded finely, but that was certainly not my experience. Although I haven't used them on other sorts of meat yet, this pork was fall-off-the-bone tender, and it shredded very finely for me. And it did it so fast! I shredded all 26 pounds by myself in less than 30 minutes and didn't burn my hands once.  I wish I hadn't waited so long to get these...It really does beat the two-fork system!" — L. Smith

Get it from Amazon for $14.99  (available in four colors).

28. A bagel knife  that'll ensure a quick and even slice. Raise your hand if every time you cut a bagel, you have one side that's 1-inch thick while the other side is barely 1/2-inch thick. Great! Now take that hand and add this to your cart.

A bagel being sliced with a bagel slicer on a white plate

Promising review: "I bought this for my husband, who is the "official" bagel cutter in the house. He doesn't like bagel guillotines and our knives are too sharp and present an issue with accidental finger cuts. So far this has worked on varied girth bagels with ease. This is a great item!" — JW

Get it from Amazon for $17.99 .

29. A pizza storage container  so you don't lose the *entire* second shelf in your fridge to a pizza box. This expandable container grows to hold up to *5* slices of 'za, and creates an airtight lid that keeps your cheesy, pepperoni-y from getting stale or soggy. AND! The dividers prevent your pieces from sticking together while also serving as plates when you want to microwave your pizza.

reviewer photo of the container with three pizza slices stacked on each other

Promising review: "I love this! I used the pizza pack to store four slices. They fit great and they were full-size slices. I also used the pizza trays included to warm up the pizza in the microwave. It did a pretty good job of getting the slices hot. I love the collapsible aspect. Great for easy storage. Great product, really good price, and made in the USA!!" — Tom Angiolillo

Get it from Amazon for $24.99  (available in eight colors).

30. A portable range hood  with five activated charcoal filters designed to suck up the odors, oils, and smoke that stink up your kitchen after cooking bacon, fish, and other delicious-yet-fragrant foods. It's also a great option for apartment dwellers or folks without a range hood.

Kitchen setup with various spices on a shelf, plates on the stovetop, and an air fryer on the counter. An arrow points to the air fryer

Promising review: "This works exactly as stated and well. We just moved into a new place with no vent hood, so when we cook things like bacon on the stovetop we were worried about all the smoke and smell. This thing sucks it right away and works exactly as intended! " — Jennifer Billie

Get it from Amazon for $199.99 (available in four colors).

31. A 2-in-1 garlic press  if you're the type of person who's going to add three cloves (minimum!) when the recipe calls for two. This press slices *and* minces, so you don't need two separate gadgets.

hand pressing garlic through the slicer and mincer simultaneously

Promising review: "I have carpal tunnel, so I like to minimize straining my muscles. I also have pretty small hands. This garlic press is really comfortable to use, albeit a little bit annoying to clean. I recently tried using a friend's garlic press, and the amount of force I needed to use really hurt my hands and wrists. If you've been avoiding getting a garlic press because you fear you lack wrist strength, this is the product for you. I'm never mincing or slicing garlic again. " — Jamie Sarmiento

Get it from Amazon for   $14.99 .

32. A pack of sink sound dampeners  for absorbing noise so the sound of running water or simply setting a pot in the sink to be cleaned doesn't make you cringe.

The square dampener pad on the side of a sink

Promising review: "This product took the annoying ring out of my stainless sink and changed it to a dull thud. Just what I expected. Pads were easy to install and haven't had any adhesion issues in the month of heavy use with very hot water." — G. Fischer

Get nine pads from Amazon for $23.93 .

33. A time-saving  Thaw Belt  because you didn't remember to move your chicken from the freezer to the fridge, and now you're home from work, starving, exhausted, and seriously considering ordering takeout. This silicone strap keeps your meat submerged so it defrosts in minutes instead of hours.

A piece of raw meat in a black tray is placed in a sink with a blue defrosting tray on top

Promising review: "I have never defrosted food so easily. Food that would've taken about 20 minutes normally (due to floating or having other items holding stuff down changing water temp) now only took a few minutes! " — Carissa Flowers

Get it from Amazon for $9.90 .

34. An ice cube tray  that'll make hollow cylindrical ice cubes — aka the perfect shape for your giant Stanleys and Hydro Flasks.

Pink tumbler and green ice cube tray with labeled compartments (

This tray is designed to make cubes that will fit in 30-oz. and 40-oz. tumblers.

Promising review: "I use these in my brumate and meoky cups, and they fit perfectly. I always struggle with getting my straw through the ice and in the middle so the lid will close. These ice cubes stay on the edge of the cup and allow plenty of room for the straw." — sarah schultz

Get it from Amazon for $16.99 (available in four colors).

35. An investment-worthy  MicrowavaBowl  so you don't have to constantly pause the microwave to mix your bowl to prevent cold spots. Yep, this dishwasher-safe bowl is designed to evenly distribute heat so your meal is perfectly warmed throughout.

White ceramic bowl with chicken and vegetables in it

Promising review: "These bowls are high quality and very convenient. They heat up food very quickly and evenly, therefore saving you valuable time and energy. Its ability to heat the food and not the bowl itself is very valuable to me. Prior to this purchase, I would have to use a hot bowl holder to avoid burning my fingers. The size of the bowls is perfect for the dishwasher, making them easy to clean and use. These bowls are sold at a reasonable price for what they have to offer. I would highly recommend them to friends and family!" — Alana

Get two from Amazon for $34.99 . 

36. A countertop composter  to turn your food scraps into natural fertilizer in less than 24 hours. Its compact size makes it a great option for people who don't have room for a backyard compost bin. And if you've tried composting already but were turned off by the smell and the pests it attracted, don't fret! This model is designed to be odor-free.

Kitchen counter with a white composter

You'll get the composter, one filter, and two compost accelerator pods.

Promising review: "I held off on buying this because it seemed expensive, but I finally broke down and got the Lomi and am so glad I did! It makes compost efficient, and there's no smell at all. I've thrown kitchen scraps like fruit skins, lettuce scraps, egg shells, and some expired (and buggy) pasta, and it reduced it all down to lovely compost in a surprisingly short time. It does have a sound, but it's not obnoxious or loud. Being able to get these scraps broken down quickly helps keep the kitchen smelling clean, and I'm able to use the compost in my garden immediately. So great!" — Amazon Customer

Get it from Amazon for $449 .

37. A  cutting board with a built-in colander  if you're all about efficiency in the kitchen. Now you don't have to waste paper towels drying off your produce or sprint from the sink to the counter trying to prevent your freshly washed potatoes from dripping all over your floor.

Strainer cutting board in use over kitchen sink

Promising review: "This is an extremely useful cutting board with a collapsible bowl for washing vegetables and/or fruits, draining them, or depositing scraps. It fits nicely over my sink and is easily cleaned and stored. Find myself using it every day!" — Patty Boh

Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in five colors).

The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.  

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Halloween STEM Activities Challenges - October STEAM Middle School Catapult

Preview of Newton's Laws of Motion Project | Comic Strip Activity | 1st 2nd 3rd Law

Newton's Laws of Motion Project | Comic Strip Activity | 1st 2nd 3rd Law

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It's not a... Critical and Creative Thinking Activity

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Creativity Problem Solving Activities - Student Council Leadership Worksheets

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Fall Art Activities • Autumn • Easy Art Lessons • Fun Art Sub Lessons

Preview of SIZE OF THE PROBLEM Workbook - Reactions Problems & Solutions

SIZE OF THE PROBLEM Workbook - Reactions Problems & Solutions

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CSI: Problem Solving w/ Addition & Subtraction Activity - Printable Game

Preview of Winter Activities | Word Games Puzzles and Writing Prompts | Paper and Digital

Winter Activities | Word Games Puzzles and Writing Prompts | Paper and Digital

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13 Colonies Activities Project PBL STEM Bundle Project Based Learning US History

Preview of What do you do with a problem? By Kobi Yamada Activity Packet

What do you do with a problem ? By Kobi Yamada Activity Packet

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  1. What’s Your Problem? Teaching Problem and Solution {with a FREEBIE} Ela

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  2. Problem Solving Printable Worksheets

    ela problem solving activities

  3. Problem Solving Activities

    ela problem solving activities

  4. Elementary Problem Solving Unit $

    ela problem solving activities

  5. Earth Day activities

    ela problem solving activities

  6. Earth Day activities

    ela problem solving activities


  1. ca foundation maths chapter 1


  3. Only 0.1% can Solve This Mystery😱🤯 #shorts #youtubeshorts #puzzle

  4. Understanding Concepts, Formulas and Tricks in solving Questions on Trains

  5. How to Do Anything You Want in Your Dreams?

  6. Activation of Creativity (7.5 Hz


  1. Critical Thinking Problem Solving ESL Activities Games Lessons

    ESL Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Activity - Speaking: Ranking, Guided Discussion, Guessing, Communicative Practice - Group Work - Upper-intermediate (B2) - 30 minutes. In this communicative critical thinking and problem-solving activity, students guess what criteria was used to put a list of ten jobs in order.

  2. Problem-solving Activities: The Real MVPs for Students

    4. Solving Puzzles : Exploration Problem Solving Activities. Solving puzzles is a fun way to develop the critical thinking skills of students. It requires them to think outside the box, look at things from different perspectives, and come up with unique solutions.

  3. 11 Activities That Promote Critical Thinking In The Class

    6. Start a Debate. In this activity, the teacher can act as a facilitator and spark an interesting conversation in the class on any given topic. Give a small introductory speech on an open-ended topic. The topic can be related to current affairs, technological development or a new discovery in the field of science.

  4. 5 Problem-Solving Activities for the Classroom

    2. Problem-solving as a group. Have your students create and decorate a medium-sized box with a slot in the top. Label the box "The Problem-Solving Box.". Invite students to anonymously write down and submit any problem or issue they might be having at school or at home, ones that they can't seem to figure out on their own.

  5. A Problem-Solving Approach to Language Arts

    Good language arts problems come from a process of recognizing and rooting out this assumption at every turn. 2. Let reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary work together. We often think of language arts as a set of subjects, each with its own chunk of class time.

  6. Four Engaging Games to Play in ELA Centers

    As teachers we are always trying to find engaging games to play during ELA centers. Games are a great way to encourage students to work as a team, taking turns, problem solving, and encouraging each other. By playing these games they won't even realize they are learning! Here are four engaging games to play during ELA centers.

  7. Engaging Ways to Teach Problem & Solution

    Initially, you will want to make it personal. Allow students to connect to the concept by facilitating a discussion on challenges. Have students share with the class, or turn and talk about simple challenges they have faced and how they reacted to them. Here are a few ideas to start with during the students' turn and talk.

  8. Identify the Problem and Solution

    Your one stop solution for all grade learning needs. Give your child the passion and confidence to learn anything on their own fearlessly. Parents, Sign Up for Free. Teachers, Use for Free. 4413+. 4567+. Read a passage, identify the problem and solution with our engaging worksheet. Help your child enhance critical thinking and problem-solving ...

  9. 3 Activities To Get Started With Problem Based Learning ...

    Brainstorm a problem Padlet. To get started with PBL, challenge students to brainstorm a problem that they'd like to solve. We love using Padlet so students can easily see each other's ideas (plus you can post the board in your LMS and add to it as you work). Post-It notes work great too!

  10. Free problem solving games

    It is a 3 in 1 puzzle escape room. This free puzzle pack includes fun variations to help exercise students' problem-solving, critical thinking, and math skills. Great to hel. Subjects: End of Year, Math, Problem Solving. Grades: 3 rd - 12 th, Higher Education, Adult Education. Types: Worksheets, Activities, Games.

  11. 80 Problem Solving English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

    80 Problem Solving English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. SORT BY. Most popular. TIME PERIOD. All-time. rachel777. Problem Solving. Students must work i. 1417 uses. audreygumbo. Problem solving work. grade 2 problems. 545 uses. jazz47. NUMBERS PROBLEM SOLV. the object of this a. 79 uses. Mulle. Reading with Problem. Text bites with prob. 2903 uses ...

  12. 20 Problem-Solving Activities For Middle School: Discussions, Games

    Problem-solving skills are important to the building of critical thinking, which in turn strengthens student executive function. Good problem solvers can build stronger cognitive flexibility, a critical component of executive functioning. The teenage years are a crucial time for neuroplasticity, so it is a prime time for learning and developing important cognitive skills along with …

  13. 25 Quick and Easy Fifth Grade STEM Challenges (Free Printable!)

    By Jill Staake, B.S., Secondary ELA Education. Jul 24, 2020. ... Try these in groups to encourage teamwork and joint problem-solving skills too. ... 50 STEM Activities for Kids of All Ages and Interests. By Jill Staake, B.S., Secondary ELA Education. Jan 26, 2024. STEM

  14. Problem solving: ESL/EFL Lesson Plan and Worksheet

    Publication date: 09/09/2011. In this lesson, students learn useful language for handling and solving problems at work. Vocabulary for describing different types of problems and solutions is studied. Students then listen to several dialogues and study the expressions used by the speakers to declare and diagnose a problem as well as make ...

  15. 5 Problem-Solving Activities for Elementary Classrooms

    No. 1 - Create a visual image. One option is to teach children to create a visual image of the situation. Many times, this is an effective problem-solving skill. They are able to close their eyes and create a mind picture of the problem. For younger students, it may be helpful to draw out the problem they see on a piece of paper.

  16. Real World Problem Solving Ela Teaching Resources

    Browse real world problem solving ela resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. ... writing, spelling and vocabulary!This practical book is filled with easy-to-use activities that focus on essential vocabulary and real-life situations to help students become more ...

  17. Problem solving resources

    Escape rooms are the most fun way to review the standards while encouraging team work, critical thinking, and problem solving! This bundle includes two 90 minute escape challenges that will help your students practice the math and reading standards that will be on the state test.**This is the print version of the game.

  18. 17 Fun Problem Solving Activities & Games [for Kids ...

    For this problem solving activity for older kids or teens, you will need four 2×6 boards. Divide your group into two teams with an equal number of children on each team. Place two of the four boards end to end on the ground or floor. Set the other two parallel to the first two about two or three feet apart.

  19. 44 Powerful Problem Solving Activities for Kids

    By honing their problem-solving abilities, we're preparing kids to face the unforeseen challenges of the world outside. Enhances Cognitive Growth: Otherwise known as cognitive development. Problem-solving isn't just about finding solutions. It's about thinking critically, analyzing situations, and making decisions.

  20. Problem and Solution for First Grade

    Problem and Solution Non-Text Activities for First Grade. After we practice the slideshow, then we practice building our problem and solution muscles with some guided and independent practice using a NON-TEXT ACTIVITY such as a station game. Non-text activities are a HUGE asset to students because it allows them to build and flex their problem ...

  21. Free problem solving resources

    Get the full version:Multiplication Word Problems - Equal Groups - Arrays This resource includes 2 multiplication word problems (1 digit X 1 digit). Each problem requires students to write an equation, a repeated addition, and a solution sentence. In addition, the students will represent the problems with equal groups or arrays.

  22. Match 3D Master-Matching Games 4+

    Match 3D tiles & complete levels to reach the top of the matching games map! Triple Tile's puzzle solving games & triple match brainteasers: Play matching games & match three 3D tiles to clear the board. The 3 tile match game gets harder as you overcome obstacles, match tiles, solve the puzzle & be the tile master in this fun tile game.

  23. 37 Problem-Solving Kitchen Products You Haven't Seen Before

    3. A plant-based cooking oil solidifier (you might remember it from Shark Tank!) because it makes getting rid of leftover grease easier than whatever method you're using right now. Simply sprinkle ...

  24. Creative Problem Solving Activities Teaching Resources

    Creative problem solving requires more than just knowledge and thinking. Creative problem solving is the process of independently creating a solution. Numerous studies, including ones from the US Department of Education, indicate that tomorrow's jobs will demand creative problem solving skills. Imagination is unlimited power.