16 Causes of Crime Essay (with Solutions)

causes of crime and solutions

This essay on the causes of crime will examine the major factors accounting for the increase in the crime rate such as the breakdown in societal values, proliferation of harmful instruments, illicit substances, peer pressure, unemployment, advances being made in technology, globalization, broken homes, parental neglect and poverty.

Are you looking for a complete sample essay on the causes of crime and its solutions? Then you have come to the right place. Sit back and read closely this sample essay on the causes of both violent and non-violent forms of crime anywhere in the world.

Definition of Crime

To write a complete essay on the causes of crime and violence, we must have a full understanding of what we mean by crime and the various forms crime takes.

Types of Crime

So what are the types of crime in society? The major types of crime include hate crime, economic crime, cybercrime, white-collar crime, revenge crime and organized crime.

Again, murder and homicide are examples of crimes that mean the demise of the affected persons.

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The Causes of Crime

1. breakdown in societal values.

The breakdown in traditional societal values is one of the major causes of crime today. The amazing rate of modernization we see around us has increased our quest for material things.

No wonder, parents, families and even religious leaders continue to aid and abet criminal behaviours such as embezzlement, kidnapping, internet fraud and the like.

2. Illicit Substances

3. proliferation of dangerous instruments.

Again, violence, kidnapping and banditry are common today mainly because it has become relatively easy to acquire certain weapons.

4. Unemployment

No essay on the causes of crime will be complete without a mention of unemployment. As the saying goes, the devil finds work for an idle hand.

5. Globalization

Crime is now organized on an international scale. Globalization has made it easier for criminals or people with the intent to commit crimes to connect via social media and plan their nefarious activities.

6. Advances in Technology

Today, cybercriminals are having a field day. Identify theft, fraud, bank data breaches and robbery, cyberextortion and ransomware attacks are on the increase.

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7. Broken Homes and Parental Neglect

Economic hardship has exacerbated the problem of broken homes. In many developing countries, for example, jobless fathers who cannot bear the burden of providing for their families are known to have disappeared into thin air.

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Poverty is a problem we cannot easily ignore in this essay on the causes of crime. Some people engage in criminal behaviour simply because they are deprived of the basic means of livelihood.

9. Economic Inequalities

Rapid population growth rates, corruption and economic mismanagement by governments have resulted in a widening gap between the rich few and the majority poor.

10. Peer Pressure

11. low self-esteem.

Closely linked to the peer pressure factor is low self-esteem. For some, a feeling of inferiority creates the need for acceptance and self-validation.

12. Role of the Mass Media

We must also highlight the role of the mass media in this essay on the causes of crime. There seems to be no control over the media in their portrayal of violent scenes on TV, the internet and in newspapers.

Moreover, the unguarded utterances of politicians and so-called social commentators have not helped matters.

13. Lax Law Enforcement

Lack of logistics and equipment has rendered otherwise committed law enforcement officers powerless in their encounters with hardened criminals.

14. Ineffective Judicial System

The ineffectual justice system has also contributed to crime in society. Over here too, corruption is a major problem. Judges are known to have taken bribes and left lawbreakers off the hook.

This unprofessional behaviour on the part of judges and other judicial officers has contributed to a breakdown in the rule of law. The powerful are able to commit crimes against the less privileged without any fear of repercussions.

15. Intolerance

16. ignorance.

Our final point in this essay on the causes of crime is ignorance. It is a known fact that some people commit crimes out of ignorance. In other words, such individuals are unaware that what they do constitutes criminal behaviour and is punishable by law.

Solutions to the High Crime Rate

Stricter law enforcement.

Everything needs to be done to help all law enforcement agencies up their game. A disciplined and incorruptible police force, for example, will send a strong signal to everyone that you cannot break the law and get away with it.

Fairness in the Justice System

Reduction in poverty.

It is the duty of governments to formulate and implement pragmatic programmes that will alleviate economic hardship within the population.

Creation of Job Opportunities

The higher the number of employed youth, the lower the crime rate, all things being equal.

Promotion of Social Harmony

Awareness creation.

Finally, to reduce crime, it is necessary to educate the population on topics such as criminal law, crime prevention and civic responsibilities.

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Essay on Crime

Students are often asked to write an essay on Crime in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Crime

Understanding crime.

Crime refers to acts that violate the law. They are considered harmful and punishable by a governing authority. Crimes can range from theft to murder.

Types of Crimes

There are various types of crimes. Violent crimes include actions like assault, while theft falls under property crimes. White-collar crimes involve fraud or embezzlement.

Consequences of Crime

Crimes have severe consequences. They can lead to imprisonment, fines, or even death penalties. Moreover, they harm communities and individuals, causing fear and damage.

Preventing Crime

Preventing crime involves law enforcement, education, and community programs. Everyone can contribute to a safer society by obeying laws and reporting suspicious activities.

250 Words Essay on Crime


Crime, a pervasive aspect of society, is an act that violates a law and is punishable by the state. It disruptively breaches societal norms, creating a sense of insecurity and fear. This essay delves into the nature of crime, its causes, and the role of law enforcement.

The Nature of Crime

Crime is a complex phenomenon, varying across cultures and societies. It ranges from minor offences like theft to severe ones like homicide. The nature of crime reflects societal values, as what is considered criminal is determined by the prevailing legal and moral code.

Causes of Crime

The causes of crime are multifaceted, involving biological, psychological, and sociological factors. Biological theories suggest genetic predispositions towards criminal behaviour. Psychological theories focus on the individual’s mental processes and their interaction with the environment. Sociological theories, on the other hand, emphasize societal structures and inequalities as major crime contributors.

Law Enforcement and Crime

Law enforcement agencies play a crucial role in maintaining order, preventing crime, and ensuring justice. They function as a deterrent, keeping potential criminals in check. However, their effectiveness is contingent upon their ability to adapt to evolving criminal tactics.

In conclusion, crime is a societal issue with deep roots in individual and social structures. Understanding its nature and causes is key to formulating effective strategies for prevention and control. As society evolves, so too must our approach to understanding and combating crime.

500 Words Essay on Crime

Crime, a social and legal concept, has been a part of human society since its inception. It refers to the actions that violate the norms and laws of a society, leading to harm or potential harm to individuals or the community. The study of crime, its causes, effects, and prevention, is a crucial aspect of sociology, psychology, and criminology.

Crime is a complex phenomenon, varying across societies and times. It is not static but evolves with societal norms and legal frameworks. What may be considered a crime in one society may not be in another, and similarly, what was a crime in the past might not be so today. For instance, homosexuality was once criminalized in many societies, but it is now widely accepted and decriminalized.

Types of Crime

Crimes are generally categorized into personal crimes, property crimes, inchoate crimes, statutory crimes, and financial crimes. Personal crimes involve direct harm or threat to an individual, such as assault or robbery. Property crimes involve interfering with another person’s property, like burglary or theft. Inchoate crimes are those that were started but not completed, while statutory crimes are violations of specific statutes. Financial crimes, such as fraud or embezzlement, involve the illegal conversion of property ownership.

The causes of crime are multifaceted, often interwoven with societal, psychological, and economic factors. Poverty, lack of education, substance abuse, and family violence are some common societal factors leading to crime. Psychological factors include personality disorders, low self-control, and aggression. Economic factors, such as unemployment or income inequality, also contribute significantly to crime rates.

Effects of Crime

Crime prevention strategies are as diverse as the causes of crime. They include social strategies, such as improving education and employment opportunities, and legal strategies, such as effective law enforcement and fair judicial systems. Psychological interventions, like counseling and therapy, can also play a significant role in crime prevention.

Understanding crime is essential to creating a safe and harmonious society. By examining its nature, types, causes, effects, and prevention, we can develop effective strategies to reduce crime rates and mitigate its impact on individuals and communities. It is a collective responsibility that requires the concerted efforts of individuals, communities, and governments.

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crime cause essay

Stanton E. Samenow Ph.D.

Law and Crime

What are the "causes" of crime, it's important to differentiate between cause and opportunity..

Posted March 16, 2022 | Reviewed by Ekua Hagan

  • For decades, there has been a futile search for "root causes" of crime, citing nearly any adversity as causal to criminal conduct.
  • There is a difference between an environmental cause and providing an "opportunity" for crime to occur.
  • Critical to understanding criminal behavior are basic personality makeup and thinking patterns.

The perennial search continues to identify causes of criminal behavior. Nearly everything but the federal deficit has been identified as playing a causal role. The term “root cause” is still used to describe what are considered critical environmental factors. The earliest citation of a link between poverty (long considered a “root cause”) and crime has been attributed to Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius (121-180 A.D.) who stated, “Poverty is the mother of crime.” In some quarters, crime is even considered to be a normal and adaptive response to economic disadvantage.

Unanticipated setbacks and hardship have been regarded as critically important to “pushing over the edge” into crime people who have been law-abiding throughout their lives. A woman in jail told me that when her boyfriend deserted her and her baby, she had no money even to purchase diapers. Out of desperation, she started selling drugs (eventually to an undercover police officer). She asserted that she is not a “criminal,” but just wanted to care for her infant. One might wonder the following: What does her choice of boyfriend say about her? Why did she not seek help to receive financial assistance? What, if any, was her prior connection to drugs and how did she find her way into the drug market? As was the case with this woman, there is always more to the story about the person committing a crime versus resolving her dilemma in a more responsible way.

Hardship does not "cause" criminal behavior

Let’s take three recent examples in which a particular hardship has been seen as causing people to turn to crime.

According to a Wall Street Journal column of December 6, 2021, Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, stated that the COVID-19 pandemic is “a root cause [of a surge in crime] in a lot of communities.” The Washington Post reported that the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in “a growing subset of Americans who are stealing food.” A young woman explained to a reporter, “People are being forced to steal when they shouldn’t have to.” Another said, “I don’t feel too bad about taking $15 or $20 of stuff from Whole Foods when Jeff Bezos [owner of Whole Foods Market] is the richest man on earth.” The statements made by the two thieves clearly are after the fact justifications. One might wonder why one of them chose to shop at Whole Foods when it is one of the most expensive grocery chains. Next to this article was another that focused on a very different response to the pandemic— generosity by Black Americans despite their own hardships.

Millions of people have been struggling through the pandemic while suffering loss, illness, isolation, and financial pressures. There is no evidence that the pandemic has turned responsible people into criminals.

Recently, The Los Angeles Times (3/10/22) reported, “Concerns about gas thefts from cars rise as prices soar.” Citing a warning from the American Automobile Association, the Times stated, “There is a possibility that people are looking for crimes of opportunity [and] gasoline for their own vehicles.” Consequently, they are punching holes in gas tanks. However, most motorists are trying to become more economical and find ways to reduce gasoline consumption. Inflated prices do not “cause” criminal behavior.

Crime results from the way a person thinks

It is time to eliminate the term “root cause” because it turns out to be meaningless. Twelve years ago, a Christian Science Monitor article concluded with a simple statement, “The root cause of crime is the opportunity to commit it.” Opportunities present themselves, but only a small number of people exploit those opportunities in a criminal manner.

Making improvements to the environment can reduce opportunities for criminals to strike. However, such changes do not transform a criminal into a responsible person. Attributing criminal behavior to external circumstances perpetuates a deterministic view that ignores the role of choice and tends to absolve people of personal responsibility.

Crime results from the way a person thinks. One must look at the overall personality of the individual and his thinking patterns to understand the genesis of criminal behavior. Writing about juvenile crime in 1966, sociologist Robert MacIver stated, “To ask why delinquency occurs is like asking why human nature is what it is.”

Gerard Baker, "Biden Finds a Culprit for America's Crime Wave: Covid-19," The Wall Street Journal , 12/6/21

"More Americans are shoplifting among pandemic," The Washington Post, 12/13/20, p. G1

"While Black Americans have less, they give more," The Washington Post , 12/13/20, p. G1

"Concerns about gas theft from cars rise as prices soar," The Los Angeles Times , 3/10/22

Tim Worstall, "The root cause of crime? It's Simple," The Christian Science Monitor , 2/22/10

Robert M. McIver. The Prevention and Control of Delinquency , NY: Atherton Press, 1966, p. 41

Stanton E. Samenow Ph.D.

Stanton Samenow, Ph.D. , an expert in criminal behavior, was the author of many books including Inside the Criminal Mind .

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Sample Essay on Rising Crime Rates

Posted by David S. Wills | Nov 21, 2022 | Model Essays | 0

Sample Essay on Rising Crime Rates

There are many common IELTS topics that you frequently see in task 2 of the writing test, and one of those is the topic of crime. Today, we are going to look at a sample essay relating to this subject and I’ll point out some useful ideas in terms of vocabulary and structure.

Analysing the Question

Before you start any IELTS essay, you should spend a moment thinking about the question. This is important because sometimes they can be trickier than they initially appear.

Here’s our question for today:

In many countries, the level of crime is increasing and crimes are becoming more violent. Why do you think this is and what can be done about it?

Fortunately, this is not a difficult question. The meaning is pretty straightforward and I think most people could grasp what they need to do. Ultimately, you need to do two things:

  • Say why crime is increasing in frequency and level of violence
  • Suggest some solutions to this problem

This is what’s known as either a “ cause and solution essay ” or “problem and solution essay.” Either way, you have two parts – either a cause or a problem and then a solution to that problem.

It is important you don’t focus only on one part. Also, in this particular question, don’t overlook the fact that it’s about both rising crime levels and rising violence levels.

Generating Ideas

This isn’t the easiest question to answer. Actually, it took me a while to think of some good ideas for it because, to the best of my knowledge, crime (and especially violent crime) has actually been decreasing in recent decades! Look at this line graph:

crime cause essay

Of course, that’s just for Western Europe, and in some parts of the world the opposite trend can be observed. Here, we can see that some places have, sadly, seen a rise in homicides (that means the same as murder):

crime cause essay

Considering the question, I had to think creatively. In those places that I don’t really know about, what factors could have caused rising crime levels and in particular rising violent crime rates?

To answer questions like this, it’s not enough just to be good at English. You need to have a good general knowledge and that means you should read widely, listen to podcasts, watch the news, and become an informed world citizen.

I have a whole article on learning to generate great ideas for IELTS essays.

Structuring your Essay

When it comes to cause and solution essays, I typically structure them like this:

crime cause essay

There may be other great ways to structure your essay, but this is my preference. It allows me to write sample answers quickly and effectively, putting forth my position as clearly as possible in a very short time.

Think about it: You have two things to write, so why not put one in each of your body paragraphs? Simple!

I will structure this essay as follows:

IntroductionIntroduce the topic (rising crime rates)
Briefly outline my essay
Body paragraph 1Note that there are different reasons in different places
Explain why urbanisation may be to blame (lack of accountability and social values)
Other issues: unemployment, drugs, gangs
Body paragraph 2Explain that this will not be easy to fix
Suggestions: policing, sense of community
ConclusionSummarise essay thus far

In this sort of essay, it can be hard to write an introduction and in particular an essay outline . That’s because you aren’t putting forth any opinion and instead you’re hinting at the ideas that you will explain later.

I want to make clear in my essay that this is not an easy situation to explain and that it will also be hard to fix! Don’t worry. You can be honest. It’s better to give a nuanced explanation than to simply say, “We need the government to solve it.” That is simplistic and lacks intelligence.

Finally, remember to include a conclusion that summarises your ideas without repeating them.

Vocabulary about Crime

I have a whole article on the IELTS topic of crime and punishment . It gives lots of vocabulary and even includes a helpful video that can make learning more interesting!

In this essay, I will use the following words and phrases:

urbanisationThe process of people moving from the country to the city.
deterioration of traditional valuesTraditional values (ie cultural or familiar ones) are disappearing.
crimes rates are plummetingThey are dropping quickly.
on the riseIncreasing
accountabilityThe ability (or not) of being held accountable for something.
disbandsTo be made to fall apart.
comparatively anonymous environmentA place where people don’t know each other well.
policingThe act of doing police work.
stopped at its rootFinding the cause of something and stopping it there before it gets worse.
engage in violent crimesThis means to do crime. We can say “engage in” or “commit.”
myriad reasonsMany reasons.
counteractTo go against something.

Remember that you can always learn more crime-related vocabulary by searching on Google News or just reading the newspaper each day. I highly recommend that you check out websites such as BBC News and The Guardian . You will see a lot of articles about crime there.

Sample Band 9 Answer

In some parts of the world, crime rates are increasing and the types of crime are becoming more violent. This can be attributed to urbanisation and the deterioration of traditional values and, in order to fix it, societies will need to work to give people more opportunities.

Whilst crimes rates are plummeting in most parts of the world, in some places they are on the rise. Obviously, the reasons for this depend on the individual location, but generally it seems to happen because people are moving from traditional ways of living to big cities. The problem is that, in small communities, people have purpose and accountability. In other words, a young man would be known by all the people in his village and have a job to do in order to contribute to that society. However, when the village disbands and he goes to the big city, it is not easy to make a good living. He might become part of a gang or become addicted to drugs. Without accountability and in the comparatively anonymous environment of the big city, he could easily become engaged in desperate and violent crimes.

Fixing this sort of problem is never easy, but there are various approaches. Certainly, it helps to improve policing but perhaps the problem can be stopped at its root if people are given more education and opportunity. These people would likely not turn to crime if they were supported as part of a community. Again, this is not an easy thing to facilitate, but it is possible through different approaches. Ultimately, the aim needs to be maintaining social values and giving people a sense of responsibility and purpose. When people have these things, they are much less likely to engage in violent crimes.

In conclusion, there are myriad reasons for crime rates increasing but perhaps urbanisation and the loss of traditional values are to blame. Giving people purpose and making them accountable for their own actions could counteract this.

As I mentioned above, I felt surprised that this question talked about rising crime rates but it does make sense when you think that certain countries or parts of countries are indeed experiencing this problem. Thus, I tried to put my feelings forward with careful explanations.

You will see that my body paragraphs are quite complex. That’s because this is not a simple topic. I don’t feel it’s possible to get a band 9 for Task Response without explaining just how complex the causes and solutions to crime are. It is not an easy issue to discuss.

You will see that I’ve avoided any bizarre vocabulary. Long-term readers of this blog will know that such an approach is not helpful. The best thing is to use the right word, whatever that may be. Aim for accuracy rather than obscurity.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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IELTS Cause/Effect Essay Sample 1 – Crime

crime cause essay

Practising writing IELTS task 2 essays on a range of topics is a great way to learn new vocabulary for those topics, but also to practice your essay structures. You begin to develop your ideas around those topics, thinking of examples and giving your opinions.

If you would like to learn how to structure a cause/effect essay  please click the button below >

On the one hand, the primary cause of ex-prisoners committing crimes as soon as they are out of prison is because they think that this could be the fastest way to earn money. Having a criminal record means that it is hard to find employment, which means that ex-cons cannot find suitable jobs. Most employers would be very hesitant to hire someone who has a criminal record, even though the person might have the right skills for the position. For example, an ABC 5 documentary in 2016 reported that 90% of employers would not hire an employee if they had committed criminal offences.

(Word count – 270 / Band score 8)

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Tragedy and Resilience: the Juneteenth Shooting in Willowbrook, Illinois

On July 19th, 2023, a mass shooting took place at a Juneteenth celebration in the Chicago suburb of Willowbrook, Illinois. This senseless act of violence resulted in one dead and 22 injured, leaving a community devastated. Juneteenth celebrations commemorate the emancipation of enslaved African Americans,...

The Tragic Case of Chad Doerman: How A Loving Father Turned Killer

Overview of the Case The case of Chad Doerman has shocked the nation. On June 15, 2023, this 32-year-old father from Ohio was arrested and charged with murdering his three young sons, ages 7, 4, and 3. According to prosecutors, Doerman shot the boys execution-style...

Loss of Respect for Animals: Malicious Wounding and Beating of Dogs

Malicious wounding or beating of dogs has become a massive problem last year alone 21,000 cases were recorded last year which was 160 calls per month, this was in the forms of where animals have allegedly been hit, whipped, kicked, punched, decapitated and dragged alive...

  • Animal Cruelty
  • Animal Welfare

Reflection on International Adoption as Possible Solution for Orphans

International adoption, a process where children from one country are adopted by families residing in another, has long been a subject of global attention and controversy. While the concept of offering a loving home to a child in need transcends borders, the practice of international...

  • Child Protection

Animal Rights and Ethics: We Can Create a Cruelty-Free World

In recent years, ethics has been broken down from a mere term to being differently defined in fields like psychology, cosmetology, medicine, fashion industry and everyday life. Animal ethics in the field of cosmetology emphasis on no overpowering choice and health of animals during scientific...

  • Animal Ethics
  • Animal Rights

Animal Rights vs Animal Welfare: Where Humans Cross the Line

I believe that animals deserve to be treated on a similar level to humans. Like humans, animals have rights as well, but it isn’t seen as important or equal to rights of humans. To most, human beings are more important compared to animals. The topic...

Animal Rights Advocacy: the Controversy Around Animal Experiments

Frequently, people will wonder how the human life expectancy during the ancient Greek and Roman times was extremely short, about twenty to thirty-five years, and nowadays it is about eighty years old, nearly three times what it was since the beginning of documented human history....

  • Animals Testing

Ending Violence Against Women: Strategy Evaluation and Recommendations

The Aim of the Essay Violence is defined as the act of intentional behaviours which involve physical force against an individual or a group of persons with the intent to consciously or unconsciously cause harm in forms of deprivation, maldevelopment, psychological harm, physical injuries, or...

  • Gender Inequality
  • Violence Against Women

Breaking the Objectification Cycle: Eliminating Violence Against Women

Introduction “There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.” (Maraboli, 2013) With this in mind a woman should be able to express herself when she...

  • Sexual Abuse
  • Sexual Harassment

Tragic Loss: Murders of Sharon Tate and Selena Quintanilla

The Death of Sharon Tate On August the 2nd 1969, the beautiful American actress and model Sharon Tate was killed inside her house, in Beverly Hills. The killers were members of the Manson family, who were a desert commune and a cult that was formed...

  • Charles Manson

Digital Forensics: The Science Behind Solving Cybercrimes

1. Introduction In the current era, the majority of the population relies heavily over the usage of technology for everything. From social media to businesses conducting their operations there is increased reliance and usage of technology. Hence, as society evolves and technology marches forward our...

  • Cyber Security
  • Digital Devices

Digital Evidence: The Key to Successful Investigations & Prosecutions

1. Introduction Almost all crimes nowadays have some form of digital evidence associated to them. Digital evidence by its nature is very fluid and transient but the digital investigation takes a lot of time to complete. One small change in digital evidence can make the...

Analysis of Russian Unethical Interference in the US 2016 Elections

Conduct is the aspect of self-determination, a legal term that incorporates the right of the people to make decisions for themselves, both the political affiliations (at a methodical stage) and their forthcoming destiny (at a more granular stage of policy). It is evidently this more...

Gender Disparity in Judiciary and Its Impact on Domestic Violence

Access to justice is intrinsically linked to the guarantee of equality between individuals. Although equal access to justice is essential, it is often flouted to the detriment of certain groups of people - including women. Indeed, long standing entrenched gender stereotypes contribute to their differential...

Sexism in the Workplace: Nowadays Outcomes of 20th Centure

Women’s rights all throughout the twentieth century was a constant battle of getting the right to vote, making choices for their own bodies and allowing themselves to choose what happens to their life. A large factor that has contributed to women’s rights, especially during World...

Exploring How Unemployment Leads to Increase in Crime Rates

Unemployment is a pervasive issue that affects societies worldwide. It is often linked to a range of social and economic problems, including poverty, homelessness, and crime. How unemployment leads to crime we will discuss in this essay and also we will exploring the ways in...

  • Criminals in Society
  • Unemployment

The Widespread Issue of Sexism in the Music Industry

There has been a long history of sexism in popular music, which is an issue that few people pay attention to even to this day. There are many prominent women in the music industry, but a large number of them are overshadowed by their male...

  • Music Industry

Breaking the Stereotypes: Addressing Sexism in the Video Games

Playing video games has become a common leisure activity in the US. Based on the research done by the Entertainment Software Association in the year 2018, 64% of the US household own a video gaming device with an average of 2 gamers in every game-playing...

  • Gender Stereotypes
  • Video Games

Sexism in Hollywood: Whether Woman Can Gain Influence

Out of 100 movies made in the Hollywood entertainment industry in 2015, only 32 movies featured a female leading character or co-lead character. Next to this, there is a bigger chance for females in the same industry to be sexualized than males. There is definitely...

Sexism in the Film Industry: Exploring the Ongoing Issue

Gender inequality in the film industry has always been a problem. Here we will reveal the topic of sexism in the film industry and  through the essay we will also analyse some studies of Hollywood films and how they portray women. The first studies on...

Beyond Animal Testing: Promising Alternatives for Ethical Research

With a growing interest in animal rights and protection, groups such as 'PETA' have been funding and working on ending animal testing by finding alternative methods of testing. In 2004, PETA launched our 'Give the Animals 5' campaign, which identified five tests on animals that...

  • Animal Testing

Negative Impact of Social Media on Society: the Issue of Terrorism

Terrorism, one of people’s biggest fear, and social media, an increasingly global phenomenon. Both which grows more and more inherent in our everyday life. It may occur though to emphasize the abounding complexity regarding the connection in terrorism and the media. But no media issue...

  • Media Influence
  • Media Violence

The Causes and Effects of Terrorism: a Comprehensive Analysis

Terrorim is the use of violent means to achieve political or social and religious gain effects global citizens. Terrororism can affect individuals and nations across the globe in numerous different ways. The mental and economic effect are some of the most severe impacts of terrorist...

  • Economic Problem

Hate Speech on Social Media: the Negative Side of Online Freedom

Social media has changed our sense of privacy. We have a sense of distance to the profiles on Facebook and not only, which often gives the impression that there are no rules of social functioning as in the real world. The keyboard becomes a tool,...

  • Hate Speech

The Cruelty of Animal Testing: Why It Needs to End

In this scientific era animal testing doesn't sound strange. From different types of drugs to a wide range of vaccines majority are first tested on animals regardless of their toxicity and adverse effects just to verify safety levels. Keeping an animal away from nature in...

The Dark Side of Science: The Inhumane Practice of Animal Testing

In this scientific age, animal testing does not sound strange. From different types of drugs to a wide range of vaccines, most vaccines are first tested on animals, regardless of their toxicity and adverse reactions, the purpose is to check safety. It is cruel and...

The Inhumane Practice of Animal Testing: Why It Should Be Banned

In this essay, I wish to discuss the topic of whether animal experimentation should be banned. Vivisection has been around since roughly 300BC when the ancient Greeks used animals to study sensory nerves and motor nerves to understand their functions and purposes. It has been...

  • Environmental Protection

The Ugly Truth Behind the Beauty Products: No More Animal Testing

Did you know that the shampoo you use was probably shoved down the throat of a rabbit, mouse, or maybe even a dog? Cosmetic animal testing is an injustice that few people dare talk about in our society. For those few who do talk about...

The Pros and Cons of Animal Testing: An Ethical Dilemma

Animal testing includes doing logical tests on animals when growing new items or medications. It can also be used in classrooms for educational purposes, as noted in collins dictionary, 2021. Testing can be used for research because some animals have the same DNA as humans...

Animal Rights: A Moral Imperative for a Just Society

Introduction We think of animals as cute or vicious creatures, but do we really know how they are suffering? My research question is, 'To what extent should animals protected be by the law?'. This is an interesting question, as there will be different people who...

Animal Testing: Inefficient & Inhumane Way to Develop New Medications

Introduction To detect how safe a drug, vaccine, or cosmetic product is for human use many companies take advantage of animal testing for their products. Not only rodents and rabbits are commonly used for these medical experiments but also birds, dogs, and cats.     A country...

Preventing Cyberbullying by Forbidding Texting

Globalization has amplified the spread of technology across borders created the world smaller and additional interconnected. It can be reached anywhere through a telecommunications line and also comes to the laptop by converting the analog signal into a digital signal. This has brought uncounted advantages...

  • Human Sexual Behavior

The Social Media Phenomena: Cyberbullying and Sexting

Abstract: One of the undeniable factors of technological era is that social media is an integral part of modern community. In our modern world, especially children and teenagers are active users of these networks. Sometimes this utilization can become an addiction and have a bad...

Sexual Assault and Violence on College Campuses

Let’s begin by understanding the term “sexual violence.” This term is used to describe any forced or unwanted sexual activity done to a victim’s body against their will. These include rape, non-consensual activities, threats, or any other form of intimidation. The Bureau of Justice (BJS)...

  • Sexual Assaults

Abortion Rights is the Prison Environment

Everyone should be able to have the right to make their own choices. We are all human and we might not make the best decisions. There has been much controversy about whether or not abortion should be illegal or legal. In some parts of the...

  • Reproductive Rights

Impact of Sexual Development on Jeffrey Dahmer's Crimes

Sexual hormones have proven to be a dangerous influencer in the body of human beings. It can affect everything from an individual’s mood, behavior, and countless other things. The environment that a person lives in and the people that person surrounds themselves with, these sexual...

  • Jeffrey Dahmer
  • Serial Killer

The Murder Spree of Jeffrey Dahmer

Jeffrey Dahmer was born to Lionel and Joyce Dahmer on May 21, 1960 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His mother described him as a beautiful baby, and he was considered a healthy child by both parents. He was fascinated by the bones of animals and how they...

Dissecting the Trial of the Serial Killer, Jeffrey Dahmer

Jeffrey Dahmer surprised, sickened, captivated, and puzzled the nation when he was detained in 1991 for atrocious crimes that comprised the homicide, mutilation, rape, and cannibalism of 17 men. He was finally convicted and sentenced to fifteen uninterrupted life terms for the offenses, then murdered...

The Serial Offender's Profile of Jeffrey Dahmer

Jeffrey Dahmer is one of the most well-known serial killers in America. As a boy, Dahmer struggled growing up, but his family was unaware of what was happening at the time. Growing up Jeffrey was a loner and a poor student; in his adolescent years...

Jeffrey Dahmer: The Childhood and Capture of the Infamous Killer

Jeffrey Dahmer, the infamous maneater, was the killer of 17 young men and boys. He enjoyed raping them, dismembering their bodies, having sex with their corpses, and building altars with their skulls. Though he can be described to have a normal childhood, Jeffrey Dahmer’s soul...

Children Are Not Criminals: Lowering the Age of Responsibility

The Philippine government is proposing a new law regarding the lowering of age on criminal liability from fifteen years old to nine years old, however, children at the time of the commission of the offense shall be exempted from criminal liability because they are just...

  • Age of Responsibility
  • Juvenile Crime
  • Juvenile Justice System

The Reformation of the Age of Responsibility in England and Wales

In the 19th Century with the introduction of reformatories and industrial schools in England and Wales, there have been many transformations in order to deal with young people who offend. There has been continuous political turmoil and uncertainty over the most appropriate solution to best...

Do Violent Video Games Cause Behavior Problems

A very big debate about video games has been going on where people argue about whether video games cause behavioral problems or not. I claim that video games don’t cause problems because they improve brain capacity rather than causing behavioral problems, Video games unite people...

  • Impact of Video Games
  • Violence in Video Games

Why Juveniles Should Not Be Tried As Adults

Furthermore, children that commit crimes are products of their environment in which they live. For example, when children constantly get sexually abused, it causes immense amounts of trauma and a false sense of love. Often a traumatic experience for all is an offense punishable by...

Drugs and Drug Policy In America: Relationship Between Drugs and Crime

The assortment of crimes that remain affiliated with drug use span from aggressive (such as homicide and aggravated assault) to greed (burglary, counterfeit, and deception) to distinct drug-law violations. Also, crimes such as bribery and corruption stay related to drug use as a result of...

  • Criminal Law

Expressive Art: Is Graffiti Art Or Vandalism

 Throughout time graffiti has received both overwhelming support and intense backlash. Some view it as a form of expressive art while others consider it a complete destruction of property. However, despite the amount of differentiation, charisma and personality graffiti can bring into cities, it is...

  • Visual Arts

Death Penalty As a Cruel and Unusual Punishment

George Walker Bush, a former U.S. president, and governor of Texas, once spoke, “I don’t think you should support the death penalty to seek revenge. I don’t think that’s right. I think the reason to support the death penalty is because it saves other people’s...

  • American Government
  • Death Penalty

Sexual Harassment In The Workplace, Does It Exist In Lebanon

What is sexual harassment in the workplace? What actions count as sexual harassment? Is it considered a crime? What legitimate conducts can be applied if someone was exposed to sexual harassment? Sexual harassment does not necessarily mean sex. It is about having control over the...

  • Workplace Violence

Death Penalty: The Issue of Cruel and Unusual Punishments

You are sitting in a chair, waiting, about to be executed. You’re innocent, but that doesn’t matter now. You’re injected with a needle, which has a dangerous mixture of illegal drugs. You feel like fire is shooting through your veins, but you’re unable to speak...

My Pro-Life Position: Abortion is Murdering

Abortion is a topic that has captivated American citizens for years now, and there is considerable evidence that shows how abortion is murdering a human being. I want to show you that rape isn’t a reason for aborting a child, women should not be able...

  • Individual Rights
  • Pro Life (Abortion)

Death Penalty: The Cruelty of American Penal System

Imagine your loved ones or yourself going through capital punishment.. being sentenced to death creating fear in an individual's mind. It is said by Roger Hood, “Capital punishment is also known as the death penalty execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by...

Are Video Games Doing More Harm Than Good

Video games are one of the most popular sources of entertainment in today’s world, there are many different types of games made for people of different ages. As technology gets more advanced, these games get better and more interesting. Some people believe that video is...

  • Youth Violence

Death Penalty Should not Be Abolished

Given the global tragedies and massacres which have occurred in today’s society, where do you stand on the death penalty? This option is still accessible in 31 out of 50 states. For more than 50 years no one in the united states has been executed...

Why Guns Shouldn't Be In College

In this generation, shootings are just another ordinary event that happens every week or every month. More and more people are feeling unsafe everywhere they go because of how outrageous people act. Sometimes if people get frustrated or angry, they take out their aggression on...

Why Guns Should Be Banned In America

You are standing on a bloody battlefield, just like somewhere in Afghanistan. But as you look closer, you realize that this is no battlefield this is the neighborhood where you live in. How has this happened? It is all because a random person was able...

Why Guns Should Not Be Banned

Living in a world with nonstop rivalries, political unrest, and uneasiness, the topic of gun ownership remains one of the most controversial topics. Our world can argue right or wrong, politically left or right, and yes or no, but safety and security is wanted throughout...

  • Crime Prevention

The Problem Of Sexual Harassment In U.S. Army

One major concern that’s spiking up in the United States Army is sexual harassment and sexual assault. Soldiers and family members from all over the world are facing some type of unwanted desire, whether it’s verbal, non-verbal, or physical. Female green suitors are at a...

  • United States Army

The Negative Impact Of Video Games On Children

Video games are the games played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a monitor or other display (Oxford advance learner’s dictionary, 1948). The Scholars mentioned that violent video games cause short-term or long-term increases in aggression and violent behavior of children with different...

Objectification Of Women: A Problem That Keeps Growing

Sexualization of women has been the longest ongoing war that the female world has been fighting against and it shows no sign of letting up. Women, not only in America but all over the world, for many years, have been used and referred to as...

  • Gender Discrimination

Mental Illness In The Criminal Justice System

The rising population of inmates with mental illness is steadily rising, 'Today, some 283,800 state and local inmates are identified as having a mental illness, representing 16% of the inmate populations”. The rising epidemic of prisoners with a mental illnesses is beginning to complicate many...

  • American Criminal Justice System
  • Mental Illness

Effects Of Violent Video Gaming On Human Behavior

There are many various kinds of games and consoles within the world and vying worldwide. Video play has become a very common trade all over the world and has been growing exceptionally throughout the past twenty years. Gamers that are obsessed with online play are...

Somali Piracy: How To Protect Ships

Piracy is an illegal activity that is done through boats by assaulting other boats to steal cargo and other expensive goods on coastal areas. It is believed that sea piracy was established when human started using the sea for trading. Piracy consists of kidnapping for...

  • Somali Piracy

The Concept of Mortifying and Scarring Experience for the Victim

I will be diving into the chilling theme of 'spiking' as it is called nowadays and how it can be a mortifying and scarring experience for the victim. I will delve into the mind of a person that feels the need to do these unlawful...

  • Victimization Categories

Factors to Prevent Piracy Issues in Maritime Industry

The problem of piracy has had a negative impact on both commercial and humanitarian aid shipping, as a result of rising commodity prices, income from commercial activities are being disrupted, and caused delays in the delivery of humanitarian assistance and increased costs. The economic impact...

Classicism Beliefs and Crime With Rational Punishment

“The criminal commits it” will be reviewed under Classicism. Classism originated from the belief that crime was a product of free will, which resulted in many classical theorists assuming a Rational Choice Theory perspective. The forefront of Classicism is to link crime with rational punishment,...

Corporal Punishment: Main Concepts and Structure of Problem Analysis

Currently, to alleviate the negative consequences that arise from corporal punishment, some countries have implemented certain laws to ban the act of corporal punishment. For example, on 27 June 2019, Kosovo has passed a bill with article 24 of the law being implemented on child...

  • Child Welfare
  • Corporal Punishment

The Mexican Drug War: Main Problems

In 2007, the Mexican Drug Cartel controlled 90% of the Cocaine brought to the United States. Cocaine, however, doesn’t come without its close relatives, violence and death. The Mexican War on Drugs is as much a concern to the United States as it is to...

  • Drug Trafficking
  • Mexican War

Revolutionization of Criminal Procedure in U.S. Supreme Court Under Earl Warren

Who sits at the nerve center of society makes all the difference and A great man is the one who represents a great ganglion in the nerves of that society, or, to vary the figure, a strategic point in the campaign of history and part...

  • Criminal Procedure

Beliefs and Thoughts Over the Death Penalty

There are a lot of mixed opinions surrounding the idea of the death penalty. In the 1990’s, nearly 80% of the public approved Capital Punishment, while about 5% of were undecided and the other 15% opposed it. Is it fair to those who have done...

  • Capital Punishment

The Cyberbully in the Harassment and Bullying

Bullying has long been an issue and experienced by many people at some point in their lives. Bullies frequently, and ironically, target the perceived weakest person. Often times, people who are being bullied are told to just walk away or ignore the bully, but what...

Capital Punishment as an Effective Way to Prevent Crime

In the United States, as in almost every other country, there is a punishment or consequence to every crime. Capital punishment is the legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a specific crime. In other words, capital punishment, also known as the death penalty,...

Safe Sex and Complex Social Issue of Sex Work

Prostitution, or the more correct term, “sex work”, is defined as “the consensual provision of sexual services for money or goods” by the World Health Organization. Sex work is a complex social issue that is constantly changing in terms of social perceptions and legal frameworks....

  • Prostitution

A Provision for Clemency of Capital Punishment in India

Crime is as old as human civilization. Since time immemorial crime has been with us in different degrees. Every society has a pattern of suitable conduct and some human beings in every society fallen outside this configuration. It is the reality which we can accept...

Notorious American Gangster Al Capone and Great Depression

The Great Depression created a tremendous amount of difficulties to many families during the early 1900s. With unemployment skyrocketing, homes were being lost and these families were left with barely enough to get by. Some packed up and journeyed West in pursuit of new opportunities,...

  • Great Depression

Unsolicited Electronic Communication and Child Pornography

In today's world, people cannot live without technologies such as televisions, mobile phones, and computers. These technologies have slowly taking the essential part in people's daily lives and being without the use of the gadgets would be unimaginable for some. The invention of technology was...

  • Pornography
  • Sex Offender

Automation: Stealing Jobs or Creating Them

In 1722, the lathe -the mother of machines- was invented. This invention lit the spark of automation in general and the western industrial revolution specifically. From that time till this day, thousands of machines and tools have been created and invented to optimize and facilitate...

Loads of Different Social Engineering Attacks

When you are talking about social engineering, you are referring to the act of someone deceiving another. Tricking the victim into divulging information or opening themselves up to a security threat, without them even realizing. This attack is carried out through a person to person...

  • Social Engineering

Gangs and Victimization in the Community

In this essay we explain about the effects of gangs to the people and community. Gangs by and large have been observed to be at expanded danger of exploitation, in spite of the fact that the purposes behind this relationship have not completely been investigated....

Stanford Prison Experiment Violent Behavior

Discuss what may drive people toward violent behavior against others based on Milgram's experiment and Stanford prison experiment. A particularly alarming trend of increasing violence is observed in modern society. In recent years, the whole world literally swept a wave of violence. It penetrated into...

  • Stanford Prison Experiment

Prevention of Car Accidents and Road Injury

Road injury is the most undesirable matter to occur to a street user, even though they occur quite frequently. The unfortunate thing is we do not learn from our errors on street. The majority of the street users are very well aware of the overall...

  • Car Accident
  • Road Accidents

A Number of Definitions Take In Bullying as a Practice of Harassment

Bullying and harassment are equally terms that are used interchangeably by most individuals, and a number of definitions take in bullying as a practice of harassment. Bullying could reflect as spiteful or insulting behaviour, offensive, an exploitation or mistreatment of authority over means that demoralise,...

Psychological Crime Causations in Al Capone’s Criminal History

Various schools of crime causation including the classical and neoclassical school of crime causation, Biological, Psychobiological, Psychological, and Sociological schools have been used to determine the causes. Classical and Neoclassical crime causations dictated that crime is caused by an individuals own free will and prevention...

Social Isolation, Violence and Relationship Breakdown

Mental disorder or psychopathy are terms accustomed refer psychological pattern that happens in an exceedingly very private and is often associated with distress or disability that's not expected as part of normal development or culture. In line with DSM-IV, a upset is additionally a psychological...

  • Social Isolation

Purview of The Bureau’s Examination of Al Capone

The investigative purview of the Bureau of Examination amid the 1920s and early 1930s was more constrained than it is presently, and the group fighting, and thefts of the period were not inside the Bureau’s investigative specialist. The Bureau’s examination of Al Capone emerged from...

  • Criminal Profiling

Laziness as an Enemy of Caution and Security

A great enemy of caution and security is laziness. The lazy person can never arrange his own success and security because he cannot use the right opportunity to work due to the nature of his laziness and remains lazy throughout life. Crooks and sly people...

  • Social Security

The Polygraph for Modern-Day Police Work

In times of stressful or scary situations, humans tend to have a fight or flight response to whatever is happening to them and that response is exactly what polygraphs were invented to measure. The first recorded machine that is similar to the modern-day polygraph used...

  • Criminology

Best topics on Crime

1. Addressing the Rape Crisis: Advocacy, Awareness, and Empowerment

2. Community Service is the Best Form of Punishment

3. Why Assault Weapons Should Be Banned

4. Causes and Effects of Cyber Crime: Unraveling the Digital Threat Landscape

5. Cause and Effect of Domestic Violence: Unveiling the Impact on Individuals and Society

6. Cause and Effect of Cyberbullying for Individuals and Society

7. What is Cyberbullying in Social Media: Understanding the Digital Threat

8. Poverty is the Mother of Crime: Understanding the Claim

9. Examining the Pros and Cons of Gun Control

10. Cyber Crime: Navigating the Digital Underworld

11. The Auckland Mass Shooting: a Tragedy at the Women’s World Cup 2023

12. Tragedy on the Subway: Examining the Death of Jordan Neely

13. The Shooting of Ralph Yarl: Unraveling the Racial Dynamics and Gun Violence

14. Terror and Unity: The Aftermath of the Brooklyn Day Mass Shooting in Baltimore

15. Tragedy and Resilience: the Juneteenth Shooting in Willowbrook, Illinois

  • Child Abuse
  • Drunk Driving
  • Verbal Abuse

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Crime As A Social Problem: How To Write An Essay?

Jared Houdi

Table of Contents

crime cause essay

Nevertheless, the key to solving the problem lays deeply in it and only through research of every aspect of the problem it can be found. That is exactly why this topic is so popular! You have endless scopes to discover, various information to collect, numerous questions to find answers to, and freedom to compose any personal topic dealing with crime.

But still, all essays on crime are similar to their aim – to discover and to help. You need to realize that any cause-effect connections you may find can indeed help to understand the problem better, develop new methods of preventing, reducing or dealing with crimes and criminals and reveal many other useful things.

How to write crime essay?

Writing an essay on crime is almost the same as writing any other essay. However, remember that you need to be extremely precise with the information you include in your essay – it’s better to check the trustworthiness and accuracy of everything you decided to take on the Internet. What’s more, it is a good idea to rely on statistics and numbers.

Moreover, it is better to choose a specific topic for your essay – that’s how you make it informative and newsworthy. Picking too broad topic will result in writing about everything and nothing. At the same time, choosing a narrow topic may be difficult to write due to the lack of available information.

So, analyze your topic and find the golden middle. These are the main differences in a crime essay.

Here are some basic recommendations:

  • Come up with the topic – not too narrow, not too broad, most importantly – interesting for you.
  • Write an outline and stick to it – any essay needs to be structured both for easier writing and for better perception.
  • Be interested in what you write about.

The best structure for the essay on crime

Any essay should contain three parts – introduction, main body, and conclusion. They may also consist of paragraphs for better understanding while reading. So when you have finally decided on your topic, it is nice to make an outline – it is where all parts of your essay will be highlighted.

Here is a free example of an outline for the essay “Correlations of criminal behavior”:

1. Introduction – here you present all the background information needed to understand your ideas, it is the basis of your research. You may also give some definitions if needed.

2. The main body – to state all your ideas.

  • Gender – discover who does more crimes, men or women. Try to explain or find explanations for the question “why”.
  • Race and immigration – examine people of which race is more likely than others committing crimes. Also, explore how can the status of immigrant influence criminality.
  • Early life – enumerate which factors in early life may be associated with committing crimes later. These may include trauma, family size and relations, alcohol and drug addiction in the family, bullying, low school performance, and many others.
  • Religion – there are a few studies about how religiosity may influence criminality. Discover whether religion increase or decrease crime, how and why. Maybe, different religions have different effects.
  • Political ideology – explore various political ideologies and how they encourage people to behave themselves. Are there any which obviously push people into committing a crime?
  • Psychological traits – explain how psychological background may influence a person. Describe some mental illnesses which may make people aggressive and destructive. Find some statistics to prove your statements.
  • Socioeconomic factors – examine people of which social or economic status are more prone to commit a crime, why? Explain also how the economic situation in family, city, and country may influence criminality. You may even write a poverty and crime essay.

3. Conclusion – make a derivation of everything you have stated. Keep in mind that no new ideas or statements are needed here.

4. References – add a list of the sources you have used in your essay (if needed).

Causes of crime essay

It is doubtless that the government and authorities try to prevent crimes (which is a great idea, by the way!).

Nevertheless, it is still occurring.

The problem with this is that the majority of people can’t understand where it all comes from. To cope with the problem we need to spread the awareness of why crime is done because “just insanity” isn’t usually the answer.

If you decided to write such an essay, here are some ideas for you to consider in your essay:

  • Physical abnormalities – it is still believed that people who encounter some features of appearance are more likely to commit a crime. It is stated that these people have smaller heads, bigger jaws, and ears and are of a certain weight and height. Another determining factor is race.
  • Mental illnesses and psychological disorders – there are some illnesses which make people generally more aggressive.
  • Social and economic factors – it is a well-known fact that people of lower social status commit more crimes. The same is with the economy – the poorer the country is, the more crime is committed.
  • Income and education – it was revealed that educated people are less likely to commit a crime compared to those who are uneducated. What is more, unemployment is regarded as one of the most widespread reasons for crime.
  • White-collar crime – it is a prevalent crime among deputies and high officials. They include bribery, abuse of status, bureaucracy, and others.

Hate crime essay: what’s best to cover?

Hate crime is committed against a group of people or someone who belongs to it. As a rule, race and religion are the main factors. Hate crime itself is a violent act towards a person or a group of people due to their affiliation with a group or organization.

Thousands of people all around the world are suffering since they just profess the religion someone doesn’t like, have another color of skin or encounter some even less noticeable differences. Consider writing a does the death penalty deter crime essay in this context.

Thus this type of crime is indeed worth highlighting. Here is a free sample for you to pick some ideas.

Cybercrime essay: several hints

Cybercrime is a relatively new problem which develops with the Internet and technologies. Only fifteen years ago there wasn’t such a problem. However, it is expected that the global cost of cybercrime will surmount $6 trillion!

Most widespread types of cybercrime include fraud, hacking, identity theft, scamming, computer viruses, ransomware, DDoS attack, botnets, spamming, phishing, social engineering, malvertising, cyberstalking, software piracy, cyberbullying and many others.

This is why the topic is really up-to-date. So you may look through this free example to know where to begin this broad topic.

Final thoughts

All in all, crime is a newsworthy scope to explore and write essays on. Unfortunately, crimes are constantly occurring, and there are lots of information and statistics you may need to discover some specific questions.

Don’t hesitate to examine something you’re really interested in, no matter how “important” it is considered! Good luck!

Can’t wait to fight all the crime around the globe? We’ll help! Order your perfect essay on crime and cut yourself free for anything you have on your mind.

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How to Deal with Animal Right Essays: Quick & Simple Prompts

Complete guide on college papers format.

crime cause essay

Preparing to Write a Depression Research Paper

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IELTS Cause Solution Essay Band 9 Model Answer

The model answer below is for an IELTS cause and solution essay  in writing task 2 on the topic of crime and punishment.

Many offenders commit more crimes after serving their first punishment. Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

A large number of criminals who serve their first prison sentence, leave prison only to reoffend. This is mainly because of the lack of rehabilitation and difficulty finding regular employment once released. There are a number of solutions which should be implemented to deal with criminals who reoffend.

Firstly, the reason for most first-time offenders committing crimes again, once they have been released from prison, is due to the lack of rehabilitation whilst in prison. In other words, offenders are not given a chance to retrain and learn new skills for their future or develop a deeper understanding of correct moral behaviour and instead mix with other criminals, which only strengthens their criminal intentions. Secondly, repeat offending is also owing to the difficulty in finding employment after being released. As a result, many of them struggle financially which leads them back to crime, regardless of the consequences.

There are two effective solutions to the problem of repeat offenders. One way to tackle this is to ensure that all criminals entering prison are given the chance to retrain with useful skills which will hopefully ensure them a job after they have served their sentence. By doing this, it will help them reintegrate back into society and give them some means of supporting themselves financially. Another method of dealing with criminals who reoffend is to have more supervision and checks in place when they are back in society. This solution would hopefully prevent them from taking any chances and deter them from reoffending because they are being so closely watched.

In conclusion, having training in prison and also close observation when first time offenders are released are effective in dealing with the issue. If governments implemented these solutions, crime figures would soon drop.

Comments This essay address the task completely. Both causes and solutions are given and developed with relevant ideas. Linking is used not only effectively but also flexibly. Paragraphing is also used effectively to help the reader. There is a range of sentence structures and also tenses used. Vocabulary is also flexible with a good range of less common words. Essay Length: 290 words

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hi mam! if i am asked to give only solutions, how many remedies do i have to write down? and how can i place my solutions in both paragraphs ? should i put them into single para? or should each para have only one remedy? could you please clarify this?

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If you are asked for solutions only, each body paragraph will contain one solution. All paragraphing is based on logical organisation.

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Hello Liz, I hope you’re doing well.

Firstly, thank you for your channel; it has been very beneficial for me during my IELTS preparation!

The question I want to ask is, I think I’m confusing solution essays with opinion essays. For example: “Mental health is becoming an increasingly important topic in society. What do you think are the main contributing factors to mental health issues? How can individuals and communities promote mental well-being?”

I initially thought it was a solution essay, but now I believe it should be an opinion essay. I would be thrilled if you could help me with this.

Thanks for everything!

This is one of the problems when you try to give a name to every type of instructions. An opinion essay is when you are given a statement that is an opinion, such as “Some people think fast food should be banned to reduce the number of obese people.” This is an opinion from “some people”. An opinion essay will ask you to present your opinion as a response – do you agree? / to what extent do you agree? / do you agree or disagree? / what is your opinion?. For these types of essays, you must present a clear opinion such as “I believe that banning fast food is a good method but not the most effective because there are other ways to reduce obesity.” (that is a clear opinion). If you don’t present a clear side, a clear position, a clear opinion, you will get a low score. Any why do we use “I” or “my opinion” – it’s because we are separating “some people think” and “I think” – we are separating two opinions in the same paragraph – one that belongs to other people and one that belongs to you. If you didn’t do this, having two opinions in the same paragraph gets confusing.

However, if the instructions only say “What do you think are the main causes” – you are not being asked to evaluate. You are not being asked to present your opinion of someone else’s opinion. You are not being asked for a position. You are not being asked “do you agree with this solution?”. You are only being asked to give causes. So, whether the instructions say “What are the causes” or “what do you think are the causes” – it’s the same. You only need to present two causes (usually two). So, whether you write “I think stress and poor work-life balance are the causes ….” or “stress and poor work-life balance are the causes …” – it’s the same answer. You’ve given the causes.

So, the only real task you have to do is follow the instructions and understand what your aim is with the essay. Try not to get into a panic about the names given to essay types by teachers.

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hello Liz thanks for your ideas and i need one of the introduction that i can use all kind of essays such as adventage and disadventage , problem solution , agree and disagre or etc. please reply my comment .thanks for your answer.

You will need to go to a teacher who teaches such terrible things. There is no one sentence or introduction for all essays, unless you are happy with band 5.5 or under. If you want band 6 or above, you’ll need to learn techniques for introductions for each type of task 2.

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Dear Liz, Thank you for this clarification…… To my mind, one of the principal hardships that candidates are subjected to is to identify CORRECTLY what is being asked from them in the written part. IELTS is a sophisticated test. Considering that your level of English is O.K, then your main obstacle is to stay sharp (after 1.5 hours of screen time already) and apply the right essay format to the question. Unfortunately, losing focus and addressing the essay inappropriately, might result in band scores below 7. Lads, read the questions carefully, underline facts and what is being asked, write down supporting points (each paragraph presenting a single idea), organise those logically. God Almighty please help us! I wish i’d found this website earlier. God bless your heart Liz <3

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Hello Liz, I hope you are doing well and that your health has improved. First of all, thank you for everthing, you are an outstanding person. I have a question please, in problem and solution type, should problems be in one paragraph and solutions in another ? or can i write a problem and its solution in a paragraph and the another problem with its solution in the second paragraph ? Thanks in advance

There is right or wrong in this case. You are being marked on logical organisation rather than a fixed organisation. So, both would be possible.

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In this contemporary world, there is an increase in the number of criminals significantly after serving their first prison sentence. They intended to commit more crimes due to a lack of moral behavior rehabilitation at the prison or results from difficulty in getting jobs because of poor skills performance. However, there are many solutions to prevent crime by helping them to get a job. Also, training them to learn new skills.

Firstly, several factors lead to crime inside the prison, its environment and contact with other prisoners have a major impact on the criminal’s mental and physical behavior. For example, they learn from the lousy prisoner how to deal with the drug abuser and sell it. Therefore, there is an increase in offensive crimes. Secondly, the criminals do not have financial support, and face difficulty getting a job, even when they are employed, their jobs are usually of low wages, and they cannot afford their living expenses. All these factors play a role in criminals intending to re-offend. There are Nemours solutions to tackle these issues. Initially, the prisoner should be educated and rehabilitated with moral behavior and treated for psychological problems such as depression or anxiety. Lastly, the prisoner must train to gain skills. To illustrate that, improving them in computer skills or construction building. That leads to getting better jobs and becoming dependent on their self. In addition, the government should be supporting them financially to prevent crime. In conclusion, after careful analysis of this problem and recommended different solutions. All these measurements will help to decrease the number of the crime.

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Great essay. Well done 👍🏾

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Even though prisons are set up to reduce further crimes in the first place, it is common for first time offenders to carry out more crimes once they have been released. This essay will examine the main reasons of recidivism and possible solutions for this problem.

Prisons as criminal school and their focus on retribution rather than rehabilitation are the two main drivers of relapse in criminality once released. Firstly, incarceration gives opportunities for inmates to meet with other like-minded people, bulking up their criminal skills which can later be used for future crimes. For example, a bank robber in lock-up can swap stories with other bank robbers, making them better bank robbers in the future. Furthermore, most of the prisons worldwide simply lock people up while little or no attention is given in reforming convicts into good people who have a deep understanding of correct moral behavior. In other words, most ex-prisoners lack means and tools necessary to survive in the society after their release. For instance, lack of skills for finding jobs ultimately leads to them struggling financially which leads them back to crime, regardless of the consequences.

Two of more possible addresses to this issue include establishments of reentry programs and the government providing subsidies for newly released prisoners. If reentry programs which emphasize on occupational trainings, social trainings and drug and alcohol rehabilitations are available to those serving terms, the likelihood of carrying out further criminal activities will definitely be less. The chance of ex-prisoners standing on their feet after the life behind bar depends on the ability of the government to provide aids and reliefs to them. Hence, the national and structured supports will be beneficial in preventing recidivism.

To conclude, prison environments can be criminogenic while focusing on nurturing prisoners to survive after the sentences will reduce the number of people committing more crimes after their time spent in captivity.

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Many criminals, who serve their first-time punishment, offend after they are being released from prison due to the lack of rehabilitation and difficulty in finding a job once they are released. There are several solutions which should be implemented to deal with criminals who reoffend.

Firstly, most of first-time offenders tend to commit more crimes once they are released due to the lack of rehabilitation during their staying at prison. Those criminals are not given the chance to retrain and improve their skills or even to develop their moral behavior. Instead, they are mixed with other criminals who can strengthen their criminal intentions. This makes those criminals offensive and just thinking of committing crimes rather than doing good deeds. Secondly, when these criminals are released, they will face financial issues since they don’t have experience and skills to let them work in a job. Thus, they start looking for a source of money, but the only way to collect money is by committing more crimes such as stealing, fraud, or even murdering. This leads to the reoffending cycle again.

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A lot of criminals getting out of prison tend to commit more crimes than before they were first arrested. This phenomenon can be caused by the unhealthy environment in which they were held during the time serving their crime. A solution to this problem would be to ensure a better mental health for prisoners expecting to be released and to continue follow them once they are out.

The poor conditions in which prisoners are being held does not help them understand their mistake. On the contrary, an environment of violence persists between the criminals, as many fights and aggressions happen within the establishment. For example, a person that was arrested for a minor crime, such a dealing drug, will be influenced in a bad way by other more dangerous criminals. Therefore, when getting out of jail, instead of having grown from the punishment, the former drug dealer will be transformed into a rapist or a murderer.

To counter this issue, it is essential to introduce a system of therapy for the prisoners. As they understand the consequences and the gravity of their actions, and as they learn to combat their negative inner thoughts, these criminals will become better people. After that, it is also crucial to follow them for a few months once they reintegrate society to make sure they do not repeat their actions. This can be done by tracking them with a foot bracelet.

To conclude, the presence of violence in prisons is what pushes prisoners to become more dangerous. Helping them evolve and growing mentally is the best way to make their return to society safe for everyone.

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There is no doubt that first time criminals commit same or different crime again after coming out of jail. In this essay, I will discuss the reason for this and what could be done to solve this problem. When lawbreaker goes to prison, first time, they are not rehabilitated properly, and lesson is not learned for them. They are not trained for any skill which can help them outside to apply for a job. On top of this, when they are mixed with other criminals, they encourage them for more crimes. Its like they found what they wanted, the same mentality people. Also, these people are not scared of law because of many loopholes in the law, which they use to come out of this, and some time punishment is not that severe, and this results in fearless criminals. There could be multiple steps can be taken by government and the society. Firstly, Government should consider making the law stricter which can bring fear among criminals and deter them from committing crime again. Secondly, when first time prisoner serves jail term, he should properly rehabilitate so that he can understand the difference between good and wrong. He should also understand the moral values of society. Rehabilitation should also include training for some important skills, which can enable them to get job outside. If he is not trained for any skill, he will remain the same person and will be very easily attracted to commit crime again for his needs like money or food. Finally, criminals should be categorized depending on their crimes and criminals with less intensity crime like pick pocketing shouldn’t be mixed with criminals with high intensity crimes like murder. In conclusion, prison should be place for bringing moral improvement in prisoners and making them better person and not only completing the punishment terms. If these solutions are implemented by government, the crime rate would drop significantly.

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A huge number of prisoners often commit more crimes after being released from prison and this is due to lack of proper rehabilitation and inability to secure a sustainable employment and a means of livelihood. However, there are solutions to this problem of repeated crimes of offenders after serving their first punishment.

Firstly, there is a need for adequate retraining of prisoners with relevant skills before needed to sustain them after being released; this will go a long way in checkmating their excesses upon integration with other people in the society. Furthermore, assisting them with finances to help build on the skills learnt will be of great help in cubing this problem.

Secondly, offenders released should be gainfully employed so that they don’t become a threat to other persons. In addition, they can also be assisted to start up a business and proper supervision for a period of time, this is to ensure that they don’t do otherwise from the trainings and support they have received. Finally, If a thorough and proper mental rehabilitation is extensively carried out on offenders while in prison and armed with the relevant skills needed, repeated crimes will be reduced to the barest minimum In conclusion, If a good number of persons have a means of earning a living, crime will be thing of the past, so all efforts is to ensure that people are highly engaged in meaningful ventures so avoid crimes even

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Firstly, most of first-time offenders tend to commit more crimes once they are released due to the lack of rehabilitation during their staying at prison. Those criminals are not given the chance to retrain and improve their skills or even to develop their moral behavior. Instead, they are mixed with other criminals who can strengthen their criminal intentions. This makes those criminals offensive and just thinking of committing crimes rather than doing good deeds. Secondly, when these criminals are released, they will face financial issues since they don’t have experience and skills to let them work in a job. Thus, they start looking for a source of money, but the only way to collect money is by committing more crimes such as stealing, fraud, or even murdering. This leads to the reoffending cycle again.

There are two effective ways for dealing with first-time offenders. One way is to ensure that each offender entering prison must be retrained. The government should prepare a working environment for those criminals to improve their skills and give them experience in a field that will help them in assisting themselves in the future. In addition, a series of lectures must be given to develop their moral behavior. Another way for reducing the number of criminals from reoffending is by keeping an eye on them after they are being released from prison. This will frighten those criminals from committing crimes because the police or the government are watching them closely. In conclusion, retraining criminals by engaging them in jobs and giving them awareness lectures in addition to keeping an eye on them after they are released would hopefully solve the problem of reoffending criminals. If government applies these solutions, crime figures would soon drop.

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The reoccurrence of crime after convicts serves their first punishment made the legal process that they ought to go through before returning to society seems ineffective, making it logical to question jail time and a necessity to keep track of offenders reintegration in order minimize the possibility of them breaking the law again.

Firstly, the significant number of people reoffending after getting caught is mainly due to the difficulty of finding a job as past offenders, and with having no source of income prior to spending time with other criminals, it gets harder for ex-felons to follow the law as they been wired mentally to see pass the rules in order to survive in prison. For example, a case that made controversy in Algerian newspapers told the story of a guy that been jailed for a minor drug use felony, and had to turn to drug dealing in order to put food on his table as reintegration made impossible to him and to a lot of cases that were faced with the similar faith.

The inefficiency of juridical punishment as a way to prevent crime from reappearing made it clear that the missing piece of the puzzle was reintegration programs, that aim at providing newly released prisoners with jobs and following their progress in the period that follows their release, such programs are already present in the USA and they proved to be the best approach to deal with such issue.

in conclusion, the high rate of crime among ex-offenders and skepticism with regards to traditional ways of dealing with this phenomenon put the light on the importance of re-integration programs as a key solution to make these people good citizens again.

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My take on the essay :

After several months or years of serving punishment for their criminal activities, many offenders face difficulty in leading a normal life.In the face of public eye, once an offender always an offender whom they believe has a higher tendency to repeat their crimes. Upon exiting the correction center, offenders need to earn money to pay for their accommodation, bills, buy groceries, food and other necessities.

However, finding a job with past criminal records is a big challenge and struggle for the offenders. Many people wouldn’t immediately employ anyone with such criminal records, because they will have trust issues with the offenders. For instance, any offenders having past criminal activities such as frauding, stealing, or even attempted murder, the employers would be afraid to hire them as the offenders may repeat their crimes. Additionally, the offenders wouldn’t have enough past experience or the right skill needed for the job.Hence, from an employer’s perspective they wouldn’t want to hire people from such a criminal background and least experience instead of regular people.

Similar trend is observed in landlords who deny leasing an apartment or rental units to offenders due to the same reasons. Therefore, upon facing many hurdles and embarrassment in continuing a regular life, offenders resort to crimes to feel empowered over the judgements thrown by the public.

In order for this cycle of crimes to stop from happening, the government needs to take several measures to correct this issue. Firstly, job training and general handy skills can be taught to offenders in the correction center which will be useful for job application in the future. Secondly, offenders should be given a chance to continue their education by distance learning so they are equipped with necessary skills and knowledge. Thirdly, to tackle the accommodation problem, the government can allocate a housing allowance or prepare a housing center for anyone having trouble finding a stay upon their release.

In summary, if the government is able to provide a protection plan for the offenders after their release, this group of people will not repeat their crimes, hence able to break the cycle of second crimes. Also, society needs to create awareness to treat these offenders equally as regular people instead of judging them for their past actions.

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Use criminals, transgressors, law breakers etc

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It is true that a considerable amount of criminals commit more crimes after they finish their first sentence. There’re various reasons behind this phenomenon, and I believe the prison administrative and society should both take measures to tackle the problem. It is often the case that poverty leads to crimes. Some people may commit crimes such as stealing or fraud because they are poor and need money to survive. Moreover, poor people may not have enough money to go to school and thus are deprived of the chance of learning useful skills and getting a good job. If these conditions are not improved when they go out of prison, they might find themselves in a dilemma to solve the problems by crime again. Some may even get worse influences in prison, owing to the lack of discipline and guidance there. Prison is always filled with dangerous and violent people, who might be a bad influence on other minor-crime offenders. There’re several means to help mitigate the problem. Firstly, Government should provide some prisoners with essential education and help them learn useful skills. Therefore when they finish their sentence, they can try to find a decent job with the skills they learned, without having to go back to crimes to serve themselves. This will also help them blend into society and build healthy relationships, which also decreases the chance of committing crimes. Secondly, Prisons should conduct stronger disciplines to constrain violent behaviors. In this way, prisoners can serve time in a peaceful environment and have more time to reflect on their wrongs. In conclusion, offenders commit crimes after serving time is not only because of the bad environment in prison but also because the lack of education and social support for them to earn a living by proper skills. Government should take various measures to tackle the problem.

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In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.

What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

In recent days the cases of obesity are tremendously rising up at the same, their fitness and health is dramatically declining. In this essay im going to give a brief explanation about causes and solutions.

On the one hand, intake of junk food and avoiding appropriate nutritional foods are major reason to cause obesity. firstly, presence of high level of fats components in oily food leads to gain bad cholesterols in body. To illustrate, those who consume high level of oil foods are encountering with obesity. Moreover, gaining overweight as a result of refusing good deits like protein intake, carbohydrates intake,fibres and so on. For instance, low intake of protein cause to rise the weight. Consequently, people will triggered by obesity is they follow against appropriate deit.

On the other hand, people must aware about their suppliments concern and follow the regular exercise. Consuming food with all the nutritional value shows a better results. Furthermore, participating daily in physical activities like sports,gym, running will burns bad cholesterol. For example, people who follows physical activities are more healthier and fit than non-participants.Hence eating healthier food and burning calories shows better improvement.

To conclude, eating more fat content foods leads to develop overweight.while, people should develop their passions toward health and physical activities.

[ please Evaluate my essay and give band ] thanku!

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dear Liz, can you give me a favour? what score can you give me for this essay? Despite environmental concerns raised by scientists, people are not changing their lifestyle. Why is this so? What should be done to encourage people to do more to save the environment? These days, it is becoming increasingly common for scientists to take care of the environment, while citizens tend to ignore this problem. The excessive trust in scientists and the development of this world can be the main reasons behind this issue. However, the situation can be reversed by following the appropriate solutions. To begin with, perhaps the major reason why people are not changing their lifestyle can be the extreme belief of scientists. Since the 20th century, a numerous innovation, which had successfully deal with some problems faced us, has been produced by researchers. Therefore, people may tend to disregard the issues of our habitat and think that scientists will solve these problems. Moreover, the advancement of technic technology, which affects the environment harmfully, such as cars, may not provide us to take caring of habitat. For instance, to delivering crucial items to each other, there is no way to use vehicles. Development may result in persons ignoring their nature. Turning to the possible solutions, the authorities and scientists could raise awareness for people as to why we should focus on the environment. The governments may be funding an advertisement about the importance of habitat and broadcast them on television and the internet. Furthermore, the researcher can organize campaigns about what should we do to tackle environmental problems among the population. If these provisions initiate among society, people will pay attention to not only their habitat but also their actions. To conclude, people’s trust in scientists and the accelerating world are the main reasons behind why people are disregarding the circumstances. Therefore, to tackle this problem, the government and scientists should organize activities about awareness of the surroundings among the people.

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Hey Elizabeth, I really appreciate the efforts you put into collective learning Any reader is welcomed to evaluate my Essay, Hope you have a wonderful day 🙂

In a world filled with cherished experience, where god has cast a spell balancing good and evil. Thus, with the copious of malevolent people who stay resilient to jurisdiction, there has been an effective curiosity about how they involved in convicting crimes even after their previous punishments and what measures can we take into account for thwarting the issue. It is glaringly obvious that the limited awareness of one’s actions or sometimes lack of affection in childhood can precipitate such insolent behaviour, thus deep and thorough introspection and a positive environment for children must be encouraged to avoid such conditions. A punishment is incomplete without realizing the consequences of their actions, and thus it is important to believe in the effects of every interaction. On the edge of the materialistic world, the people tend to intentionally ignore or pay a little attention to the corollary of their own actions, and therefore any punishment not involving looking back on themselves is futile. Another major cause of imprudence is caused by childhood trauma or a negative family environment. A study shows that the majority of criminals tend to involve in criminal activities even after atonement if they have been flourished in the dearth of affection. Thus, it makes it clear that the major cause of resilience is the result of limited introspection and uninhabitable childhood experience. Moreover, people should take efforts to fight the malevolent brain to sustain a positive society. Every jurisdiction must include the importance of teaching the problems that victims might have undergone and make them find the mistakes they committed. Moreover, the life of a child begins with a family, thus proper care should be taken by parents to ensure that their child is given sufficient attention and love. Which can guarantee an effective decrease in the crime rate before or after their punishments. To sum up, it is evident that limited awareness and poor family relationships when mixed with the evil mind can bear a resilient criminal, and thus proper steps must be taken into account like teaching the thorough knowledge of introspection and encouraging parents to build and maintain a positive environment at home.

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Thanks for sharing. Got a chance to learn more words from your essay.

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Hello liz. Your website is not less than a jackpot for persons , who are preparing for ielts exam. I was reading one of your sample essays and now I have 3 interrelated questions.

1) is it important to give examples in each body paragraphs ? ( I am curious to know because you didnot write any examples in that essay)

2) if we donot add examples then can we loose marks?

3) can we make our own examples to add. ( for eg: an article published in “the times” stated that ………. ) or ( A recent study conducted in the USA revealed that ……..)

( I hope my questions are making sense)

You should use examples as you wish and when you wish. you can choose to illustrate your ideas in other ways rather than just with examples. As I said, you can choose to illustrate in other ways. You won’t get a higher score because you give the source of information. This isn’t an university essay. IELTS do not care where the information comes from. So, don’t waste your words on something that won’t increase your score. For the above essay, it would have been possible to add an example of types of crime – ie minor crime and major crime. However, this essay is already very well detailed and explained so it requires nothing more. We often use examples to illustrate a point in more specific detail to facilitate understanding.

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Hi Liz I observed that you paraphrased first punishment as prison sentence. The punishment for a crime is not always prison sentence.

It’s important to look at all the words in the sentence and also pay attention to collocations. The verb “serve” relates to prison sentences.

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In a few latest comments from almost a year ago, I can see your health hasn’t been so good. I really hope you’re doing well 🙂

Also, if you could please, I have a query- In a Cause/Solution essay, can I organise my points in the below mentioned way or it doesn’t bode well for task response criterion?

Introduction para BP 1 Causes- point 1 + supporting points BP 2 Causes- point 2 + supporting points BP 3 Solution- 2 points and supporting points Conclusion para

I’d like to mention here that I’ve developed both ideas well but in order to avoid making Causes para too long, I broke it down to two body paragraphs.

This organisation is not logical. The causes are 50% of the essay and the solutions are 50% of the essay. However, with your paragraphing, you have given about 66% to causes and 33% to solutions. This is something to avoid. The task given to you will help you plan paragraphs.

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Hi dear liz I’m confused, you said Roma’s 3 paragraph structure is wrong while your essay on happiness; the sample essay for direct question type is comprised of 3 paragraphs, first one answers the first question and the second and third ones answer the second question!!!!

In that essay, the first question is simple. However, the second question asks for “factors” (plural) – it needs more space to extend and explain multiple factors.

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Dear Mam, Please clarify my confusion about the use of deter in last sentence of 3rd paragraphs. Why it is not “deters”, instead of “deter” ? Another doubt about ” are released are effective” that you used in second line of conclusion. I am unfamiliar about such kind of sentence structure. Please clarify.

You are doing great job mam, Salute!!! Wish you good health.

This is because the sentence in full is: “This solution would hopefully prevent them from taking any chances and would deter them from ….” When we write like this, we do not have to repeat certain words in the second clause. The grammar tense is also ready presumed from the first clause.

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Liz. I just found your site, really this is very much informative. So I am really interested reading with this site thank you

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Hi Liz, I hope I find you better. I have got a query on the way you paraphrased the background statement. The statement says ‘first punishment’ but you paraphrased it as ‘first prison’. Is it not possible for the first punishment be in other forms such as community service, fine, etc

You are referring to the paraphrase “first prison sentence” which means first punishment in prison. This whole issue is about re-offenders and this is all about prison, not community service. There are no world issues about community service or paying a fine teaching people bad habits which cause them to re-offend. While it isn’t stated, it is presumed. Also the word “serving” is used with prison, not with fines or community service. We do community service and we pay a fine, but we serve a prison sentence.

In the speaking test, this is something you could talk about in part 3. You could dispute the question. The examiner would probably interrupt you and paraphrase it to bring you on topic. In writing task 2, you must understand immediately. Yes, it is true that you need to look at holes in the essay question – ie is this referring to only young children or all children or all people. But with this essay question, it is about prison, not paying a fine.

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can we use active voice and passive voice in the same sentence.

please reply me as soon as possible.

It is thought that people will …. That is a passive voice with an active future tense.

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Hy Liz. Thank you for your great info on IELTS I am a bit confused about cause , solution and give reasons for your answer. Are the reasons not part of the causes

You have two tasks – causes and solutions. The word “cause” can also be paraphrased as “reason”. The above essay provides causes and solutions – this means the task is completed.

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Saddened to hear from you that. How are you now? I pray God to bestow you with all the good health

Thank you for your kind words. I’m still sick, but not as sick as I was a few years ago. I hope this upward trend will continue next year 🙂

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My friend and I took our exam about 16 days ago, and finally we got the reault what we wanted(9-8.5-7.5-7). Your videos were extremely beneficial for my writing. Thank u so much. ❤

And the sad part was when I was watching ur videos and your sickness popping to my head… I dont know what u r coping with right now, but Im sure u will conquer it soon. 😍

Best regarda,

Ahmad and Rana

It’s lovely to see both of your results. Very well done to you both 🙂 Thanks for your message about my health. I really hope to be well in a year or so – I have learned the importance of patience and determination which I’m sure many IELTS test takers will be familiar with 🙂

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God will touch you with healing hands ! Get well soon!

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Dear Ahmad, kindly please send those video to me in order to prepare for my exam after the lock down,i would have been requested for the videos,but the situation here in Nigerian is not palatable.

The videos are available for free on this site. Go to the HOME page and select the part of the test you wish to study for free. You will find free videos, practice exercises, tips, topics, model answers etc etc. OR use the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website to access those sections.

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Hi Liz If I write an essay in the comment box, could you please check my writing.

Sorry I don’t offer that service. I like to help but I don’t have time to comment on writing.

Hello dear Liz. I’ ver purchased all your advance videos, yet I wonder why I cant find the vidoes related to cause/solution and direct question essay. Dont you have any videos discussing those two types?

BTW, you are so popular in my country 🙂 ❤

Unfortunately, I became very sick after making those video lessons and my health has not recovered enough since then to make more. I’m hoping later next year I might be able to make videos again, but it isn’t certain. Glad you like my lessons 🙂

Ohhhhhh! 😔😔😔☹☹☹ So sad to hear dear Liz. I really, really hope you get better so soon, and whatever ur problem is gets solved. Next year, which will be after my exam, I’ll be waiting for ur new vidoes, so that I see u r alright 😊

BTW, I’m really excited that u replied🙈😅

Thanks and good luck with your test 🙂

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Praying for your health!! you are such a blessing and an excellent teacher.

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Liz, you are going to get through this. Let me tell you why. Through your perseverance and your positive mindset, you have become extremely adept at finding solutions to problems that have brought most people down. You’ve aced limitations like these in style and have helped others do so. Moreover, you’ve been a constant guide to a lot of us, giving us the direction, motivation and drive to perform well. We pray and root for your good health knowing full well that our teacher’s going to get a 9 on this test.

All I ask of you is to not lose hope and try to find happiness in every day and carry on being the golden-hearted-ever-smiling-hero that you are!

I don’t know what to say. I’m really touched by your comment. It brought tears to my eyes. Even though I am a very strong, positive person, things have been really tough for me at times and I often wondered if I would survive this struggle. Your comment has given me renewed strength and reinforced my determination to keep fighting for my health. Thank you many times over 🙂 We all of us need positive vibes to keep strong 🙂 Wishing you all the best for 2020!!

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hi liz, i hope you get better soon,you always spread happiness and cheerful dear.you has an amazing way in teaching and conveying the information.

Thank you, Kout 🙂

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Hi Liz, BIG FAN of your Teachings 🙂 I simple love all your essays, feels like they are written so effortlessly… So very clear, easy to understand, follow and logical! I am in love with the way you write and present the ideas. I have my exam day after tommrow, I hope to write an essay in exam not completely upto your level but at least a bit nearby to get a band 7. Thank you for your valuable lessons and your paid video lessons are super helpful and MUST HAVE…, Thanks again!! Godbless!

I wish you lots of luck in your test!! Make sure you review the linking words: https://ieltsliz.com/linking-words-for-writing/ . A lot of people forget to review their linking words – using them well will help your score. Also review all my last minute tips for each section of the test: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-help-faq/

Hi Liz, Thanks, surely will read and review that. Also, Thank you so much for your wishes… It means a lot to me 🙂

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Dear liz, I see you havent given a single example in this essay, how will it fulfill the task response criteria?

An example using “for example” or “for instance” is not a requirement. There are many ways to illustrate your point without giving direct examples.

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Can we use phrases like “ earn our living “ in ielts essays??

What you need to ask yourself is: Is this an informal expression for informal use or is it an expression that is used in a variety of contexts, both serious and informal? Answer that question and you will know if you can use it in writing task 2. If you are ever in doubt during the test, don’t take risks.

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Hi Liz, thanks a lot for sharing lots of useful tips and learning resourses! After reading this essay, I wonder if it’s possible to get band 9 in writing without giving any examples? As far as I know, we should always support ideas with examples in Ielts essays. Please help me to clarify this! Thank you!!

Examples are given if or when relevant. They are not a requirement. Also there are many ways to illustrate a point without using a direct example.

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Hey miss liz, i was wondering about your writing task 2 videos, you’ve been saying all the time that we should write (mostly everything) in the academic way. Please answer me, does these rules works for the general training exam as well or what shall i do in this situation ?

The GT Essay is the same as the Academic Essay. They are both formal essays with the same marking criteria and scoring. GT essay questions are sometimes easier. But the style is the same – it is formal.

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Thank you for the amazing tips. My exam is on 19th July and I am struggling with writing task 2. I am consuming a lot of time in thinking about the ideas and examples, leaving me with no time at the end to review my essay. Could you please review and provide your comments that whether the content is relevant or not, please as I have very less time left to practice. My aim is to score 7.5. Do you think the below essay is good enough for 7.5.

Q: In many countries, very few young people read newspapers or follow the news on TV. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Over the past few years, it has been noticed in most of the countries that the limited number of youths are interested in reading newspaper or watching current affairs on TV. There could be different reasons for the raised concern, which I will now discuss in this essay and then I will also provide the corrective measures for combating this issue.

The genesis of this problem lies in social networking sites, which has taken all the eyes of the public and it is not wrong to say that technology has fastened our lives. For instance, the life of the youth has become a challenge nowadays, which i snot just limited to success in career but also to cope up with the changing society in terms of fashion and the increasing desires. They have a lot on their list other than knowing what is happening in their countries. Also in general, most of the content broadcasted on the TV is irrelevant and newspaper have lost its meaning since the advent of the digital market.

To resolve this issue and to make our young blood aware of the importance of the news, it is incumbent to add current affairs as a mandatory subject in schools, colleges as well as in the professional settings. In addition to this, time spent on surfing the internet should be monitored, as it will help them to manage their time efficiently. Above all, the key is to inculcate the feeling of patriotism in the youth so that they could understand the importance of knowing the situation of the country and outside world.

In conclusion, knowing the fact that the majority of the young people fail to understand the necessity of news, it is the utmost responsibility of the elders to make them aware of its consequences. I understand, all news is not relevant but knowledge of current affairs would help in making up the minds for the future.

Thanks a lot for your support.

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Hi Ankara, Please watch Liz’s videos on IELTS task2 they are very helpful and many people who have taken their exam rave about them. Good luck and hope this helps.

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Hi Liz But the questions say give examples from your own experience. Do we still avoid them?

Examples from your experience does not necessarily mean examples from your private life. It is your experience of the world around you. The examples you give are your choice, but I am recommending that you keep a formal style and tone for your essay.

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Hello Liz, Thanks for the tremendous help from your site, it has helped me a lot in my writing. Pls help me check if I paraphrased this topic properly because I think, I kind of over paraphrased it. Topic: Every country has poor people and every country has different ways of dealing with the poor. What are some of the reasons for world poverty? How can the poor be helped?

Introduction: There is an existence of impoverished people all over the nations of the world and each of these nations have adopted various methods in tackling the issues relating to destitute. However, lack of education and bad governance are the key reasons for global hardship, hence, adequate education and good leadership is required to aid the poor.

Yes, you over paraphrased. Keep the meaning clear at all times. Your aim is to produce perfect sentences: Different countries have different methods of tackling poverty. Poverty is caused by……

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Hi Liz, In problems and solutions essays, is it fine to write a problem and its solution in first paragraph and then another problem and its solution in second paragraph?

In the case of problem/solution, the problems and solutions are directly linked and it is possible to do that.

Thanks Liz for the clarification.

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liz, can i illustrate the causes in two paragraph and write the solution and conclusion on final final paragraph which is basically a conclusion paragraph

The causes are 50% of your essay task and the solutions are 50% of your essay task. If you wish to ignore the instructions and decide the causes are more important, that is your choice. But you will be failing on proper task fulfilment. This is basic common sense. IELTS is all about logical approach.

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Causes and Solutions for Crime. (2016, Apr 03). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/causes-and-solutions-for-crime-essay

"Causes and Solutions for Crime." StudyMoose , 3 Apr 2016, https://studymoose.com/causes-and-solutions-for-crime-essay

StudyMoose. (2016). Causes and Solutions for Crime . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/causes-and-solutions-for-crime-essay [Accessed: 6 Jul. 2024]

"Causes and Solutions for Crime." StudyMoose, Apr 03, 2016. Accessed July 6, 2024. https://studymoose.com/causes-and-solutions-for-crime-essay

"Causes and Solutions for Crime," StudyMoose , 03-Apr-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/causes-and-solutions-for-crime-essay. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Causes and Solutions for Crime . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/causes-and-solutions-for-crime-essay [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024]

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Causes and Solutions for Crime essay

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IELTS Essay: Solution to Crime

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 14 Comments

IELTS Essay: Solution to Crime

This is my IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of the best solution to crime from the real IELTS exam.

I actually wrote about almost the same question a few years back but it’s always good practice to try the same question a second time – especially tricky ones about crime!

Be sure to check out some of my other resources here:

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IELTS Agree Disagree Questions

IELTS Two Questions

IETLS Advantages Disadvantages Questions

IELTS Cause Solution Questions

IELTS Problem Solution Questions

IELTS Discuss both Sides Questions

Prison is the common way most countries try to solve the problem of crime. However, a more effective solution is to provide the public a better education.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some would argue that although punishment is the most pervasive means of combatting crime globally, education would in fact be far more efficacious. In my opinion, there are strong grounds for this opinion but ultimately deterrence remains the central core of all legal systems.

Those who favor education are trying to resolve systemic issues. There can be little debate over the fact that crime is overwhelmingly driven by necessity. Individuals who have few other options in life are more likely to see criminal activity as a viable alternative. By educating a population well and providing at minimum a high school diploma for every citizen, governments can effectively eliminate this motive. For instance, countries with quality education systems are much less likely to have high crime rates.

However, the solution detailed above is difficult to implement and the simplest method to discourage crime is to punish criminal acts. There are many justifications cited for punishment but the most basic is the need to deter future crimes. A criminal being put in prison does not reverse their past action but it does deter the same action being committed by other individuals in the future. If there were no punishments or extremely lenient sentences, it is a near inevitability that individuals would commit crimes, for a range of motives, more frequently.

In conclusion, education addresses the root causes of crime yet punishment is still a more effective preventative countermeasure. A combination of both is naturally ideal.

1. Some would argue that although punishment is the most pervasive means of combatting crime globally, education would in fact be far more efficacious. 2. In my opinion, there are strong grounds for this opinion but ultimately deterrence remains the central core of all legal systems.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Those who favor education are trying to resolve systemic issues. 2. There can be little debate over the fact that crime is overwhelmingly driven by necessity. 3. Individuals who have few other options in life are more likely to see criminal activity as a viable alternative. 4. By educating a population well and providing at minimum a high school diploma for every citizen, governments can effectively eliminate this motive. 5. For instance, countries with quality education systems are much less likely to have high crime rates.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.
  • Short sentences can make your writing clearer.

1. However, the solution detailed above is difficult to implement and the simplest method to discourage crime is to punish criminal acts. 2. There are many justifications cited for punishment but the most basic is the need to deter future crimes. 3. A criminal being put in prison does not reverse their past action but it does deter the same action being committed by other individuals in the future. 4. If there were no punishments or extremely lenient sentences, it is a near inevitability that individuals would commit crimes, for a range of motives, more frequently.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Add as much information as you can and make sure it links logically.

1. In conclusion, education addresses the root causes of crime yet punishment is still a more effective preventative countermeasure. 2. A combination of both is naturally ideal.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

Some would argue that although punishment is the most pervasive means of combatting crime globally , education would in fact be far more efficacious . In my opinion, there are strong grounds for this opinion but ultimately deterrence remains the central core of all legal systems .

Those who favor education are trying to resolve systemic issues . There can be little debate over the fact that crime is overwhelmingly driven by necessity . Individuals who have few other options in life are more likely to see criminal activity as a viable alternative . By educating a population well and providing at minimum a high school diploma for every citizen , governments can effectively eliminate this motive . For instance, countries with quality education systems are much less likely to have high crime rates .

However, the solution detailed above is difficult to implement and the simplest method to discourage crime is to punish criminal acts . There are many justifications cited for punishment but the most basic is the need to deter future crimes . A criminal being put in prison does not reverse their past action but it does deter the same action being committed by other individuals in the future. If there were no punishments or extremely lenient sentences , it is a near inevitability that individuals would commit crimes, for a range of motives , more frequently.

In conclusion, education addresses the root causes of crime yet punishment is still a more effective preventative countermeasure . A combination of both is naturally ideal .

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

argue point out

although but

most pervasive means of combatting most common way of fighting

globally around the world

education schooling

in fact actually

efficacious effective

strong grounds good basis

ultimately in the end

deterrence not doing something because you are afraid of the consequences

remains still the same

central core foundation

legal systems courts, police, etc.

favor support

resolve systemic issues fix institutional problems

little debate over not much fighting about

overwhelmingly much more than

driven by motivated by

necessity needed

few other options in life not many other choices

criminal activity committing crimes

as a viable alternative a good other option

providing at minimum assuming at least

a high school diploma graduating high school

citizen resident

effectively eliminate basically get rid of

motive reason for

quality education systems good schools

high crime rates lots of crimes

detailed above described before

difficult to implement hard to put in place

simplest most basic

discourage deter

punish criminal acts sentence criminals

justifications cited reasons mentioned

most basic fundamental

deter future crimes discourage misbehavior

reverse fix

past action thing done before

extremely lenient sentences not strict punishments

near inevitability almost certain to happen

a range of motives many reasons

addresses deals with

root causes basic sources

preventative countermeasure solution to prevent something

combination more than one thing combined

naturally ideal of course best


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

ˈɑːgjuː   ɔːlˈðəʊ   məʊst pɜːˈveɪsɪv miːnz ɒv ˈkɒmbætɪŋ   ˈgləʊbəli ˌɛdju(ː)ˈkeɪʃən   ɪn fækt   ˌɛfɪˈkeɪʃəs strɒŋ graʊndz   ˈʌltɪmɪtli   dɪˈtɛrəns   rɪˈmeɪnz   ˈsɛntrəl kɔː   ˈliːgəl ˈsɪstɪmz ˈfeɪvə   rɪˈzɒlv sɪˈstɛmɪk ˈɪʃuːz ˈlɪtl dɪˈbeɪt ˈəʊvə   fækt   ˌəʊvəˈwɛlmɪŋli   ˈdrɪvn baɪ   nɪˈsɛsɪti fjuː ˈʌðər ˈɒpʃənz ɪn laɪf   ˈkrɪmɪnl ækˈtɪvɪti   æz ə ˈvaɪəbl ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv prəˈvaɪdɪŋ æt ˈmɪnɪməm   ə haɪ skuːl dɪˈpləʊmə   ˈsɪtɪzn ɪˈfɛktɪvli ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt   ˈməʊtɪv ˈkwɒlɪti ˌɛdju(ː)ˈkeɪʃən ˈsɪstɪmz   haɪ kraɪm reɪts ˈdiːteɪld əˈbʌv   ˈdɪfɪkəlt tuː ˈɪmplɪmənt   ˈsɪmplɪst   dɪsˈkʌrɪʤ   ˈpʌnɪʃ ˈkrɪmɪnl ækts ˌʤʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃənz ˈsaɪtɪd   məʊst ˈbeɪsɪk   dɪˈtɜː ˈfjuːʧə kraɪmz rɪˈvɜːs   pɑːst ˈækʃ(ə)n   ɪksˈtriːmli ˈliːniənt ˈsɛntənsɪz nɪər ɪnˌɛvɪtəˈbɪlɪti   ə reɪnʤ ɒv ˈməʊtɪvz əˈdrɛsɪz   ruːt ˈkɔːzɪz preventətɪv ˈkaʊntəˌmɛʒə ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃən   ˈnæʧrəli aɪˈdɪəl

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

Some would a_________e that a___________h punishment is the m____________________________________g crime g__________y , e___________n would i_____t be far more e_______________s . In my opinion, there are s___________________s for this opinion but u_____________________________s the c_______________e of all l__________s .

Those who favor education are trying to r_________________s . There can be l_______________r the f____t that crime is o______________________y d___________y n__________y . Individuals who have f______________________e are more likely to see c_______________________________e . By educating a population well and p_______________________________________a for every c______n , governments can e_________________e this m______e . For instance, countries with q________________s are much less likely to have h_______________s .

However, the solution d_____________e is d____________________t and the s______t method to d______________e crime is to p_______________________s . There are many j_______________________d for punishment but the m__________c is the need to d_______________________s . A criminal being put in prison does not r________e their p___________n but it does deter the same action being committed by other individuals in the future. If there were no punishments or e_____________________________s , it is a n____________________y that individuals would commit crimes, for a_____________________________s , more frequently.

In conclusion, education a______________s the r___________s of crime yet punishment is still a more effective p______________________________e . A c____________n of both is n_____________l .

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic by watching from YouTube below and practice with these activities :


Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :


Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :

  • Why do people commit crimes?
  • How can criminals be rehabilitated?
  • What is the purpose of punishment?
  • Are punishment and revenge the same?
  • Will crime become less common in the future?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related IELTS essay topics below:

IELTS Topic: Crime

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Hi Dave. Hope you’re doing fine. The topic of the essay should be written like this:

Prison is the common way most countries try to solve the problem of crime. However, a more effective solution is to provide the public “WITH” a better education.


Thanks Hojat – it is fine with or without the with.

Without ‘with’ then the object is just education – to provide education – but both would be good!

Actually probably best without the ‘a’ so that it is more general.

Dear Dave, thanks for your feedback. I consulted Longman Dictionary and found that PROVIDE SOMEONE SOMETHING is not acceptable in English. The English PATTERNS are PROVIDE SOMEONE WITH SOMETHING and PROVIDE SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE.

Thanks Hojat – if you google ‘provide education’ you will see it used repeatedly in native English newspapers, etc.

In fact, it is used that way all the time – provide goods and services, provide money, etc.

The dictionary might not be including that usage because it is obvious – they are just including the phrasal verb versions.

Is that clear, Hojat?

Dear Dave , thanks for the feedback. What I’m trying to say is that something is wring with PROVIDE “THE PUBLIC” A BETTER EDUCATION. I don’t see anything wrong with PROVIDE EDUCATION.

The only difference is the addition is who is being provided the education – the way that I have used it is correct though there are also other ways to write it, Hojat.

Thank you very much for your detailed explanation.

You’re welcome, Hojat – always appreciate your thoughtful comments as well!


Hi Dave, I’ve read a lot of your work, and I’ve been wanting to ask whether this kind of structure works for agree-disagree essays. I noticed that you typically discuss both sides of this question type, and I’m a bit concerned about task achievement. I was taught not to discuss both sides when dealing with opinion essays (unless you do a rebuttal of the side you oppose and another paragraph to support the side you agree with). Can you enlighten me? Thanks!

Thanks for the question, Tom!

I think all approaches are fine – actually I’ve read some well-known IELTS writers and examiners who say the opposite – if you don’t write about both sides in an agree/disagree essay then you won’t be able to get above a 7 for TA (I think that is unfair).

It depends on how the examiner interprets ‘answers all parts of the task’ – to me, both approaches are totally fine but I recommend writing about both sides so that your ideas won’t be repetitive and in case the examiner is a little odd and marks you down for just writing about one side.

Is that clear, Tom? Sorry it isn’t a totally black and white answer…

Pls take a look at the following examples taken from English newspapers.

• We want to provide the public with confidence that we are doing all we can. (The Gaurdian – Sport)

• ALFRED HITCHCOCK once said that his job was to provide the public with beneficial shocks. (The Economist)

• Some scientists are beginning to provide the public with direct access to tracking data. (The New York Times)

Yes, Hojat – that usage is common but it provide doesn’t always have to have ‘with’ with it.

Dear Dave, thank you for the time you spent answering my question. I really love the manner in which you write an essay.

Minh Cương

I am an English learner from Viet Nam, I have just known your blog. It is very useful. I am reading this essay but there is one thing that I don’t understand, Can you give me an example. In your essay, the sentence “Individuals who have few other options in life are more likely to see criminal activity as a viable alternative. By educating a population well and providing at minimum a high school diploma for every citizen, governments can effectively eliminate this motive.” I have two questions. The first one is “Who are the people that have few other options in life” The second is “Why do they easily commit crimes?” Can you explain for me and give more examples! Thank you so much

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