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Best Writing Contests in 2024

Showing 383 contests that match your search.

The Reedsy Prompts Contest

Genres: Fiction and Short Story

Every Friday, Reedsy sends out five writing prompts. Enter your response within a week for a chance at $250. Winners may also be included in a future issue of Reedsy’s literary magazine, Prompted.

Additional prizes:

$25 credit toward Reedsy editorial services

💰 Entry fee: $5

📅 Deadline: December 31, 2024

Anthology Flash Fiction Award

Anthology Magazine

Genres: Fiction, Short Story, and Flash Fiction

The Anthology Flash Fiction Competition is open to original and previously unpublished flash fiction on any theme in the English language by writers of any nationality. We are looking for writing that is clever and unique, inspires us, and crafts a compelling story. Max 250 words.

💰 Entry fee: $12

📅 Deadline: September 30, 2024

Voice.club Monthly Flash Fiction Contest

Genres: Fiction, Flash Fiction, and Short Story

Voice.club Writing Contests: Express yourself in a supportive international community, as you develop your writing skills. We invite you to write a story of 350 words or less, based on our current prompt. Our monthly contests are open to writers aged 13 and older from any country, but each story must be written in English. Our April prompt is "Magic."

$25 USD Amazon Gift Card


📅 Deadline: April 30, 2024 (Expired)

Craft your masterpiece in Reedsy Studio

Plan, write, edit, and format your book in our free app made for authors.

Learn more about Reedsy Studio .

Writing Peers Summer Short Story Prize

Writing Peers

Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Science Fiction, Short Story, Crime, Horror, Mystery, Romance, and Thriller

Are you seeking lots of feedback? Ever wondered what it’s like to step into the shoes of a jury? Pick one of our prompts and let your creativity soar. Submit your piece, then review other entries and develop an eye for what makes a story stand out. Receive detailed feedback, evolve as a writer and you might even walk away with the prize money!

💰 Entry fee: $15

📅 Deadline: June 21, 2024 (Expired)

WOW! Women On Writing Quarterly Creative Nonfiction Essay Contest

WOW! Women On Writing

Genres: Non-fiction and Essay

Seeking creative nonfiction essays on any topic (1000 words or less) and in any style--from personal essay and memoir to lyric essay and hybrid, and more! The mission of this contest is to reward bravery in real-life storytelling and create an understanding of our world through thoughtful, engaging narratives. Electronic submissions via e-mail only; reprints/previously published okay; simultaneous submissions okay; multiple submissions are okay as long as they are submitted in their own individual e-mail. Open internationally.

2nd: $300 | 3rd: $200 | 7 runner-ups: $25 Amazon Gift Cards

Willow Run Poetry Book Award

Hidden River Press

Genres: Poetry

Hidden River Arts offers a yearly prize of $1000 and publication in Hidden River Press, an imprint of Hidden River Publishing, for an unpublished book-length collection of poetry of 75 to 100 pages. The award is open to all poets writing in English around the world.

$1000 + publication

💰 Entry fee: $20

📅 Deadline: June 30, 2024 (Expired)

Inspiring Fiction's Crime and Speculative Fiction Contest

Inspiring Fiction

Genres: Fiction, Short Story, Crime, Mystery, Science Fiction, and Thriller

Inspiring Fiction’s first crime and speculative fiction short story contest is on the theme ‘Secrets’. The winner and shortlisted entries will be published in the fourth issue of Tangled Web Magazine.

💰 Entry fee: $6

📅 Deadline: July 31, 2023 (Expired)

Vocal Challenges

Genres: Essay, Fiction, Memoir, Non-fiction, and Short Story

Enter themed storytelling contests to put your creativity to the test and be in with a chance of winning cash prizes and more. To submit, you'll need to sign up for a monthly fee of $9.99, or $4.99/month for 3 months.

$1,000 — $5,000

📅 Deadline: March 07, 2024 (Expired)

Winchester Poetry Prize

Winchester Poetry Festival

Winchester Poetry Prize is our globally popular, annual poetry competition, which began in 2016. The competition attracts entries from all over the world and is judged blind. It opens in April, and closes in July. ​

📅 Deadline: July 31, 2024

The Hudson Prize

Black Lawrence Press

Genres: Essay, Fiction, Non-fiction, Poetry, and Short Story

Each year Black Lawrence Press will award The Hudson Prize for an unpublished collection of poems or prose. The prize is open to new, emerging, and established writers.

💰 Entry fee: $28

📅 Deadline: March 31, 2024 (Expired)

Acrostic Poetry Contest

FanStory.com Inc.

To enter this poetry contest share an acrostic. That's a poem where the first letter of each line spells out a word (downwards). Cash Prize

💰 Entry fee: $10

📅 Deadline: October 16, 2022 (Expired)

Best Indie Book Award

Genres: Crime, Fantasy, Fiction, Horror, Humor, Mystery, Novel, Novella, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Short Story, Thriller, and Young Adult

The annual Best Indie Book Award® (or BIBA®) is an international literary awards contest recognizing self-published and independently published authors from all over the world. Entries are limited to independently (indie) published books, including those from small presses, e-book publishers, and self-published authors.

💰 Entry fee: $65

📅 Deadline: August 15, 2024

Maggie Award for Published Writers

Georgia Romance Writers

Genres: Novel and Romance

The purpose of the Published Maggie Award for Excellence is to recognize the achievements of published authors of romantic fiction. The Maggie Award is a symbol of achievement given by the Georgia Romance Writers (GRW) to bring special attention to these authors. The Maggie, a silver medallion commissioned by GRW, receives national attention. Books will be ranked by librarians, booksellers, and other professionals in the publishing industry.​​

💰 Entry fee: $40

📅 Deadline: April 05, 2024 (Expired)

Annual Student Essay Contest

Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum

Genres: Essay and Non-fiction

For this year’s Essay Contest, we are asking students to think about why the story of the Oklahoma City bombing is important today.

📅 Deadline: March 04, 2024 (Expired)

African Diaspora Awards 2024

Kinsman Avenue Publishing, Inc

Genres: Essay, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Non-fiction, Poetry, and Short Story

Up to $1000 in cash prizes for the African Diaspora Award 2024. African-themed prose and poetry wanted. Top finalists are published in Kinsman Quarterly’s magazine and the anthology, “Black Butterfly: Voices of the African Diaspora.”

Publication in anthology, "Black Butterfly: Voices of the African Diaspora" and print and digital magazine

💰 Entry fee: $25

Tusculum Review Nonfiction Chapbook Prize

The Tusculum Review

A prize of $1,000, publication of the essay in The Tusculum Review’s 20th Anniversary Issue (2024), and creation of a limited edition stand-alone chapbook with original art is awarded. Editors of The Tusculum Review and contest judge Mary Cappello will determine the winner of the 2024 prize.

📅 Deadline: June 15, 2024 (Expired)

Annual Short Contest

Gemini Magazine

Genres: Flash Fiction, Poetry, and Short Story

We hold three annual contests: Flash Fiction, Short Story, and Poetry. We are committed to keeping entry fees low so no one who wants to enter is excluded for financial reasons, and we sometimes waive fees for those in extreme circumstances. It’s not about the money—it’s about finding and publishing the best work available.

Publication in Gemini Magazine

💰 Entry fee: $8

📅 Deadline: January 04, 2024 (Expired)

Stan and Tom Wick Poetry Prize

Kent State University

This prize is offered annually to a poet who has not previously published a full-length collection of poems. The prize awards the winner with $2,500 and publication of their first full-length book of poetry by the Kent State University Press. The winner and the competition's judge will give a reading together on the Kent State campus.

Publication by Kent State University Press

💰 Entry fee: $30

📅 Deadline: May 01, 2024 (Expired)

Creative Writing Award for Short Fiction

Aesthetica Magazine

The Aesthetica Creative Writing Award celebrates outstanding writers. The Award was launched after the publication of Aesthetica Magazine, as a way to support the next generation of literary talent. The Creative Writing Award is open to Poetry and Short Fiction submissions on any theme, however, we are particularly interested in works that reflect upon our ever changing world.

Publication in the Aesthetica Creative Writing Annual | A five-day course from Arvon | Consultation with Redhammer Management | Six-week writing short stories course from Curtis Brown Creative

💰 Entry fee: $22

📅 Deadline: August 31, 2024

IndieReader Discovery Awards


Genres: Fiction, Non-fiction, and Novel

Where talented authors meet publishing professionals with the power to make a difference in the success of their books. Every author who enters a title in the IR Discovery Awards will receive a verdict, written by an IndieReader reviewer and based on their assessment after reading the complete book.

First look consideration by a top, NYC-based literary agency

$500, publicist consultation service, Reedsy credit, custom author website

💰 Entry fee: $150

📅 Deadline: February 14, 2024 (Expired)

Best Stories on Human Impact of Climate Change

Secant Publishing

Genres: Crime, Fantasy, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Horror, Humor, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, Short Story, and Young Adult

We are seeking the year's best original short stories (fiction) devoted to the theme of global climate change and its human impact. We are interested in literary interpretations of how individuals and families, cities and nations are bearing the brunt of a world dominated by new extremes of weather, seasons, and eco-disasters. All genres welcome.

2nd: $500 | 3rd: $250 | Publication in anthology

📅 Deadline: March 01, 2024 (Expired)

WOW! Women on Writing Spring 2024 Flash Fiction Contest

Genres: Flash Fiction, Fiction, and Short Story

Seeking short fiction of any genre between 250 - 750 words. The mission of this contest is to inspire creativity, great writing, and provide well-rewarded recognition to contestants.

📅 Deadline: May 31, 2024 (Expired)

J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize

Columbia Journalism School

Genres: Non-fiction

The J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize, in the amount of $10,000, is given annually to a book­-length work of narrative nonfiction on a topic of American political or social concern that exemplifies the literary grace, commitment to serious research and original reporting that characterized the distinguished work of the award’s namesake.

💰 Entry fee: $75

📅 Deadline: December 07, 2023 (Expired)

Winter Flash Fiction Battle

Writing Battle

Genres: Fiction, Flash Fiction, Short Story, Crime, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, and Thriller

Three days to write a 1000 word short story. The peer-powered quarterly writing contest where every story receives oodles of feedback. Write one. Read ten. Win thousands.

Genre Winner (x4): $2,000

Genre Runner-up (x4): $500 | Feedback by industry professionals.

📅 Deadline: February 01, 2024 (Expired)


Gotham Writers

Genres: Fiction and Flash Fiction

Each month we invite you to post a story on Twitter using #GWstorieseverywhere for a chance to win a free class. Your story must be no longer than 25 words, with a max of 280 characters, including spaces and the hashtag #GWstorieseverywhere.

Gotham Writers Workshop

💰 Entry fee: $0

📅 Deadline: January 31, 2022 (Expired)

Autumn House Poetry Contest

Autumn House Press

For the 2023 contest, the Autumn House staff as well as select outsider readers serve as the preliminary readers, and the final judge is Toi Derricotte. The winner receives publication of a full-length manuscript and $2,500.

Book publication | $1,000 honorarium | $1,500 travel/publicity grant

Celebration Day Writing Contest

Genres: Children's

The Celebration Day Competition gets children to connect with the oldest person they know and interview them about the person who inspired them most growing up. They will retell the story in a creative way to win their work being read out on camera by a star-studded collection of celebrity guests, an iPad, and a £100 Amazon voucher. You must be aged between five and 18 to enter the competition, or be a teacher, and can live anywhere in the world.

£100 Amazon Voucher

Celebrities reading out winning entries, publication on website.

📅 Deadline: June 21, 2022 (Expired)

HOLT Medallion Contest

Virginia Romance Writers

Genres: Fiction and Romance

The Virginia Romance Writers Chapter of the Romance Writers of America® is pleased to announce the 27th Annual HOLT Medallion competition for the best romantic fiction. Entries must be a single work of romance fiction, with an original copyright date (not a release date) of January-December 2021 regardless of format (e-book or print).

Certificate and a pewter HOLT medallion

📅 Deadline: January 15, 2024 (Expired)

The Big Moose Prize

Genres: Fiction, Novel, Poetry, and Short Story

Each year Black Lawrence Press will award The Big Moose Prize for an unpublished novel. The prize is open to new, emerging, and established writers. The winner of this contest will receive book publication, a $1,000 cash award, and ten copies of the book. Prizes will be awarded on publication. The Big Moose Prize is open to traditional novels as well as novels-in-stories, novels-in-poems, and other hybrid forms that contain within them the spirit of a novel.

Publication, 10 copies of your book

💰 Entry fee: $27

📅 Deadline: January 31, 2024 (Expired)

Salamander 2024 Fiction Prize

Genres: Fiction

Salamander Magazine's annual fiction contest will be open to submissions from May 1 - June 1. The first prize story will win $1,000 and publication; the second place story will win $500 and publication. Kevin Wilson will judge. Using only the online submission system, submit a story of up to 30 pages or 7500 words with a $15 entry fee - entry fee includes a one-year subscription. All entries are considered for publication. Visit salamandermag.org/contests for complete guidelines. Contact [email protected] with questions.

2nd: $500 | Publication

📅 Deadline: June 01, 2024 (Expired)

100 Word Writing Contest

Tadpole Press

Genres: Essay, Fantasy, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Humor, Memoir, Mystery, Non-fiction, Science Fiction, Science Writing, Thriller, Young Adult, Children's, Poetry, Romance, Short Story, Suspense, and Travel

Can you write a story using 100 words or less? Pieces will be judged on creativity, uniqueness, and how the story captures a new angle, breaks through stereotypes, and expands our beliefs about what's possible or unexpectedly delights us. In addition, we are looking for writing that is clever or unique, inspires us, and crafts a compelling and complete story. The first-place prize has doubled to $2,000 USD.

2nd: writing coach package

📅 Deadline: November 30, 2024

The Iowa Review Awards

The Iowa Review

Genres: Fiction, Non-fiction, Poetry, and Short Story

Each January since 2003, The Iowa Review has invited submissions to The Iowa Review Awards, a writing contest in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Winners receive $1,500; first runners-up receive $750. Winners and runners-up are published in each December issue.

Future Scholar Foundation Short Story Competition

Future Scholar Foundation

Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Humor, Mystery, Science Fiction, Science Writing, and Short Story

The Future Scholar Foundation's (FSF) monthly short story competitions are designed to enhance students' communication skills and foster impactful self-expression in their daily lives. The FSF's competitons have reached over 1,500 students in over 8 US states and were featured in The Seattle Times and Northwest Asian Weekly. Participate now for the chance to earn prizes up to $25 and publication on the Future Scholar Foundation's website!

$25 Amazon gift card

Publication on website

📅 Deadline: May 28, 2024 (Expired)

swamp pink Prizes

From January 1st to January 31st, submit short stories and essays of up to 25 pages or a set of 1-3 poems. Winners in each genre will receive $2,000 and publication.

Edinburgh Short Story Award

Scottish Arts Trust

Genres: Crime, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, Short Story, Suspense, Thriller, and Young Adult

£3,000 first prize for writers worldwide and stories on any topic up to 2,000 words. We welcome stories in all genres: literary, historic, crime, romance, gritty realism, contemporary, humour and more.

2nd: £500 | 3rd: £250 | Publication

📅 Deadline: February 29, 2024 (Expired)

Discover the finest writing contests of 2024 for fiction and non-fiction authors — including short story competitions, essay writing competitions, poetry contests, and many more. Updated weekly, these contests are vetted by Reedsy to weed out the scammers and time-wasters. If you’re looking to stick to free writing contests, simply use our filters as you browse.

Why you should submit to writing contests

Submitting to poetry competitions and free writing contests in 2024 is absolutely worth your while as an aspiring author: just as your qualifications matter when you apply for a new job, a writing portfolio that boasts published works and award-winning pieces is a great way to give your writing career a boost. And not to mention the bonus of cash prizes!

That being said, we understand that taking part in writing contests can be tough for emerging writers. First, there’s the same affliction all writers face: lack of time or inspiration. Entering writing contests is a time commitment, and many people decide to forego this endeavor in order to work on their larger projects instead — like a full-length book. Second, for many writers, the chance of rejection is enough to steer them clear of writing contests. 

But we’re here to tell you that two of the great benefits of entering writing contests happen to be the same as those two reasons to avoid them.

When it comes to the time commitment: yes, you will need to expend time and effort in order to submit a quality piece of writing to competitions. That being said, having a hard deadline to meet is a great motivator for developing a solid writing routine.

Think of entering contests as a training session to become a writer who will need to meet deadlines in order to have a successful career. If there’s a contest you have your eye on, and the deadline is in one month, sit down and realistically plan how many words you’ll need to write per day in order to meet that due date — and don’t forget to also factor in the time you’ll need to edit your story!

For tips on setting up a realistic writing plan, check out this free, ten-day course: How to Build a Rock-Solid Writing Routine.

In regards to the fear of rejection, the truth is that any writer aspiring to become a published author needs to develop relatively thick skin. If one of your goals is to have a book traditionally published, you will absolutely need to learn how to deal with rejection, as traditional book deals are notoriously hard to score. If you’re an indie author, you will need to adopt the hardy determination required to slowly build up a readership.

The good news is that there’s a fairly simple trick for learning to deal with rejection: use it as a chance to explore how you might be able to improve your writing.

In an ideal world, each rejection from a publisher or contest would come with a detailed letter, offering construction feedback and pointing out specific tips for improvement. And while this is sometimes the case, it’s the exception and not the rule.

Still, you can use the writing contests you don’t win as a chance to provide yourself with this feedback. Take a look at the winning and shortlisted stories and highlight their strong suits: do they have fully realized characters, a knack for showing instead of telling, a well-developed but subtly conveyed theme, a particularly satisfying denouement?

The idea isn’t to replicate what makes those stories tick in your own writing. But most examples of excellent writing share a number of basic craft principles. Try and see if there are ways for you to translate those stories’ strong points into your own unique writing.

Finally, there are the more obvious benefits of entering writing contests: prize and publication. Not to mention the potential to build up your readership, connect with editors, and gain exposure.

Resources to help you win writing competitions in 2024

Every writing contest has its own set of submission rules. Whether those rules are dense or sparing, ensure that you follow them to a T. Disregarding the guidelines will not sway the judges’ opinion in your favor — and might disqualify you from the contest altogether. 

Aside from ensuring you follow the rules, here are a few resources that will help you perfect your submissions.

Free online courses

On Writing:

How to Craft a Killer Short Story

The Non-Sexy Business of Writing Non-Fiction

How to Write a Novel

Understanding Point of View

Developing Characters That Your Readers Will Love

Writing Dialogue That Develops Plot and Character

Stop Procrastinating! Build a Solid Writing Routine

On Editing:

Story Editing for Authors

How to Self-Edit Like a Pro

Novel Revision: Practical Tips for Rewrites

How to Write a Short Story in 7 Steps

Reedsy's guide to novel writing

Literary Devices and Terms — 35+ Definitions With Examples

10 Essential Fiction Writing Tips to Improve Your Craft

How to Write Dialogue: 8 Simple Rules and Exercises

8 Character Development Exercises to Help You Nail Your Character

Bonus resources

200+ Short Story Ideas

600+ Writing Prompts to Inspire You

100+ Creative Writing Exercises for Fiction Authors

Story Title Generator

Pen Name Generator

Character Name Generator

After you submit to a writing competition in 2024

It’s exciting to send a piece of writing off to a contest. However, once the initial excitement wears off, you may be left waiting for a while. Some writing contests will contact all entrants after the judging period — whether or not they’ve won. Other writing competitions will only contact the winners. 

Here are a few things to keep in mind after you submit:

Many writing competitions don’t have time to respond to each entrant with feedback on their story. However, it never hurts to ask! Feel free to politely reach out requesting feedback — but wait until after the selection period is over.

If you’ve submitted the same work to more than one writing competition or literary magazine, remember to withdraw your submission if it ends up winning elsewhere.

After you send a submission, don’t follow it up with a rewritten or revised version. Instead, ensure that your first version is thoroughly proofread and edited. If not, wait until the next edition of the contest or submit the revised version to other writing contests.

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Prompts | Prompts Sans Serif | 2024-03

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creative writing contests poetry

Writing Competitions

creative writing contests poetry

Inclusive Voices Short Story Competition

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Eyelands Book Awards

creative writing contests poetry

The Aurora Prize For Writing

creative writing contests poetry

New Writers Poetry Competition 2024

creative writing contests poetry

The Moth Nature Writing Prize 2024

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Building Bridges: Poetry Bridging Communities

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SaveAs Writers’ International Writing Competition 2024

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The Caledonia Novel Award 2025

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Write About Walking Together

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Witcraft Annual Humour Competition

creative writing contests poetry

Patricia Eschen Prize for Poetry: Children’s Poetry Competition

creative writing contests poetry

The Patricia Eschen Prize for Poetry

creative writing contests poetry

  • Top Ten Winners
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Enter our writing contests.

Students get published, win prizes,

teachers earn school supplies

Writing Contests for Students in Grades K-9 

Testimonioal story, trusted by over 59,000 schools, find out why teachers and parents love us.

It is an honor to work with you. The pride our students share is unbelievable when it comes to their writing. It is a great way to turn them on to poetry, self-expression, and social studies. We thank you.

Thanks again for your wonderful competition. Over many years, I have seen kids grow in their enthusiasm for writing. Fantastic! Today, 39 of our students walked out the door feeling like champions!

Wow! We do several different poetry exercises and projects throughout the year and I have found that the experience of working with your contest helps create extra student enthusiasm for their work and our various topics.

We were also very pleased to be named one of the schools to receive a Poetic Achievement Award. Thank you for sponsoring this poetry contest. It allowed our student poets the opportunity to see that they can, and do write for a real audience.

I want to thank you. Your contest will boost self-confidence, especially for those students who do not play sports. I hope we can continue to contribute to your book. My students are thrilled to see their work in such a wonderful publication! Thank you for your efforts.

This contest is an excellent tool for motivation and stimulates an appreciation for poetry. It has proven to be a self-esteem booster for my students and stirs a sense of energy I have found hard to generate from regular instruction in the classroom. My students have found a purpose for writing, and I have you to thank for creating such an opportunity.

Thank you for conducting this contest. Knowing that their poems will be published has given these students a feeling of success. Since they are all Title I reading students who have difficulty with reading and writing anyway, your recognition of their literary talents has been especially meaningful to them.

I would like to say thank you for your wonderful contest. I can't tell you how excited this year's students were to submit their work. When we presented our poems at our Author's Tea, the parents were very pleased. Presenting your poem and then having it published, is a wonderful way to start the school year.

Thank you for offering the contest/anthology for young writers. In this world of video games, virtual reality, and other technological hooplah, it is nice to have a group such as you who still value the written word! So many high school students love to write poetry and I think it is wonderful to provide a vehicle through which to showcase their work.

Your company is doing a great thing for our youth! Writing down thoughts and feelings is a way to express what's inside and very healthy! I pray for all of you to receive a blessing for the kindness and generosity toward our family. Creative Communication is the "real thing!" They deliver a wonderful anthology jammed with the words of our youth - BRAVO!

Why Should You Participate?

Teachers .

Video for Teachers



Video for Students



It all starts with a single word….

Poetry Contest, How It Works!!

Fall: December 5th Spring: April 18th Summer: August 8th


Every great writer started somewhere.

In fifth grade, Taylor Swift was a Top Ten Winner in our contest with the Poem

"Monster in My Closet!"

Just like Taylor Swift, you can start here

We support education, students awards, school awards.

For the past 20 years we have awarded over 2 million dollars in cash prizes, school supplies and free books. You and your students can share in the rewards by entering our writing competitions. We have writing contests for elementary school students and middle school students.

It is our goal to help your student find their creative competition through expressing their thoughts and feelings with the power of writing. Our writing contests are open to the U.S. and are broken down by grade divisions. Enter your students today in one of our many contests for their works of poetry.

Poetry Workshop


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A powerhouse of voices. A champion of different perspectives. A pipeline of talent.


Connect with us, writing contests & publication opportunities for youth.

Girls Write Now is a dynamic, multi-generational community of writers on a mission. For more than 20 years, our nationally award-winning programs have provided creative, critical and digital writing training, college and career readiness, personalized mentoring and massive opportunities for the next generation of leaders.

Know about a great writing contest for teens or young adults? Feel free to reach out to Kenna McCafferty at [email protected] .

Girls Write Now Contests

FIRST CHAPTERS CONTEST A Writing Contest in Partnership with Penguin Random House and Electric Lit Girls Write Now is proud to team up with Penguin Random House and Electric Lit for  an exciting opportunity to be published on the Electric Lit website and win a cash prize of $500! The First Chapters contest is part of Penguin Random House’s and Electric Lit’s commitment to support Girls Write Now in amplifying diverse voices. To qualify your first Chapter MUST:

  • Be 4500 words or fewer
  • NOT have been previously published in any medium
  • NOT have been recognized with any prior awards
  • Be submitted as a Google Doc via the form below  before   11:50PM ET on May 9, 2024


The Alexandrian Review is an entirely student run international youth literary magazine and they are looking for submissions. To submit, applicants must be 10-20 years of age. The Alexandrian Review receives any submissions within their guidelines. While they do emphasize the theme of amplifying the voices of marginalized communities, they are happy to accept and provide feedback on any works. The submission window will be open from  April 7 – July 31.  Learn more about the submission requirements  here .

F(r)iction is seeking stories for its fall issue based around its mission to promote work that actively pushes the boundaries of traditional publishing, that has complex characters and a strong narrative arc, and makes us feel something as we read it. Their contests feature a panel of three guest judges to help us decide the winners for each category. For Spring 2024, Wole Talabi will judge Short Story, Sherrie Flick will judge Flash Fiction, C. S. E. Cooney will judge Poetry, and Marin Sardy will judge Creative Nonfiction. Winners in each category will receive a cash prize, as well as work with one of our Senior Editors to see their work published either online or in our print journal! Deadline to submit via Submittable is April 30, 2024 and results are announced September 9, 2024. Submission fees range from $10 – $15 dollars, and prizes range from $300 to $1,000.

Ebony LaDelle, author of Love Radio is editing an anthology of love stories set at Historically Black Colleges and Universities to be published by Ballantine Books. Contributors include Kiese Laymon, Elizabeth Acevedo, Farrah Rochon, Dawnie Walton, and more. Must be a current undergrad or graduate HBCU students for consideration.  If a story is selected, the writer will receive author credit as a contributor and a contributor fee.

Select Annual Contest Schedules

Bennington’s Young Writers Awards exists to promote excellence in writing at the high school level. Included genres are poetry, fiction and nonfiction. A first, second, and third place winner is selected in each category. The details below can be found on their Submittable page at https://www.bennington.edu/events/young-writers-awards .

Awards & Rules First-place winners in each category are awarded a prize of $1,000; second-place winners receive $500; third-place winners receive $250.

There is no entry fee.

All entries must be original work reviewed, approved and sponsored by a high school teacher. We will use your sponsoring teacher as a contact for the competition should we have any questions. For homeschooled students, please contact a mentor to sponsor your writing.

Young Writers Award finalists and winners are also eligible for undergraduate scholarships at Bennington. YWA finalists who apply, are admitted, and enroll at Bennington will receive a $10,000 scholarship every year for four years, for a total of $40,000. YWA winners who apply, are admitted, and enroll at Bennington will receive a $15,000 scholarship every year for four years, for a total of $60,000.

Black Lawrence Press has annual awards and competitions for a variety of genres. The schedule below, as well as individual descriptions for each award, can be found on their Submittable page at https://blacklawrencepress.submittable.com/submit . The Big Moose Prize: Open December 1 – January 31 (Open competition, novels) The Hudson Prize: Open February 1 – March 31 (Open competition, poetry and short story collections) The Spring Black River Chapbook Competition : Open April 1 – May 31 (Open competition, poetry and prose chaps) Open Reading Period 1: Between June 1 – June 30 The St. Lawrence Book Award: Open July 1- August 31 (First book competition, poetry and short story collections) The Fall Black River Chapbook Competition: Open September 1 – October 31 (Open competition, poetry and prose chaps) Open Reading Period 2: Between November 1 – November 30 (Please note that Black Lawrence Press occasionally offers early bird specials on their contests. These specials allow authors to submit their manuscripts ahead of time at a discounted rate.)

The 2024 Ocean Awareness Contest –  Tell Your Climate Story  – encourages you to become a climate witness and share your own unique climate story. We are asking you to creatively express your personal experiences, insights, or perceptions about our changing climate reality. Use this opportunity to learn about the climate crisis and how it impacts your family and community, and to examine your individual responses to our evolving world. Learn more at  http://www.bowseat.org/contest .

This Goi Peace Foundation essay contest aims to inspire society to learn from the young minds and to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world. This year’s theme challenges writers to explore their values, and how those values shape their lives. Three winners will be selected, with cash prizes of up to $840. To learn more, visit https://www.goipeace.or.jp/en/work/essay-contest/ .

The American Writers Museum, John Estey Student Writing Competition, has opened its 4th annual student writing competition. To learn more, visit American Writers Museum


THE ADROIT JOURNAL  is run by high school students, college students, and emerging writers. Adroit publishes within “over 21” and “under 21” categories, so your writing will appear alongside great work by writers of any age. Adroit publishes fiction and poetry, and includes art and photography. They will reopen our submission reading period in January 2021. Find them online at:  http://www.theadroitjournal.org/

AFFINITY MAGAZINE works to spotlight teen voices about current events. We find that the media sometimes forgets the voices of teens on many topics! So we are here to give them a voice. Affinity Magazine allows you to get your writing published and read by thousands of people! You can get your work published and sharpen up on your writing so you can write for The New York Times one day (hopefully!!). For ages 13-20. Visit http://affinitymagazine.us/write-for-us/ for more information on all the different

AGNI  is Boston University’s well-respected journal. It appears in both print and online. AGNI submissions are not limited to high school writers, but the journal is known to accept and publish lots of work by new writers. Get published in high school at AGNI and you’ve taken an important step to becoming a writer in the real world! Find them online at:  http://www.bu.edu/agni/submit.htm

THE ALCOTT YOUTH MAGAZINE is a magazine devoted to sharing the written perspectives of young people. The magazine publishes work on a variety of topics, including current events, young adult life, and women’s rights issues. Published works are primarily focused on young women from ages thirteen to twenty-two. However, anyone who is interested in sharing their voice is encouraged to submit to the magazine, regardless of age or gender. The Alcott Youth Magazine is open to publishing articles, essays, short stories, illustrations, cartoons, photographs, or any other works. Visit https://www.alcottmagazine.com/submit

THE AUDACITY is Roxanne Gay’s bi-monthly newsletter where she features emerging writers with fewer than three article/essay/short story publications and no published books or book contracts. The Audacity features only non-fiction and is particularly interested in literary essays and memoir. All essays are paid a flat fee of $2,000. For more information, visit https://gay.submittable.com/submit

BLUE MARBLE publishes four times a year and accepts submissions of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, essays, opinion pieces, travel writing, photography and art on a rolling basis. Blue Marble looks for new work from writers ages 13-21 that hasn’t been published anywhere else either online or in print. For more details on how to submit your work, visit https://bluemarblereview.com/submit/ .

DIALOGUE HUMANITIES is an online, biannual journal that publishes high quality, humanities-focused essays written by middle and high school students. Essays will be reviewed by a panel of experts in various humanities-based fields and will be chosen based on the strength of the writing, the author’s familiarity with his or her chosen topic, and the appropriateness of the essay’s content. Dialogue Humanities Review aims to include academic essays from a wide variety of fields, including but not limited to: African-American Studies; American Studies; Anthropology; Archaeology; Art Criticism, History, and Theory; Classics; Ethics; Ethnic Studies; Folklore; Geography; History; History and Ethics of Science; International Studies; Jurisprudence; Languages and Linguistics; Literature; Music History and Criticism; Philosophy; Political Science; Psychology; Religion and Comparative Religion; Sociology; Social Sciences; Theatre History and Criticism; and Women’s Studies. If selected, authors will be asked to revise their essays to ready it for publication. Please visit http://dialoguehumanitiesreview.org/about/ or contact Jessica Rafferty at [email protected] for more information.

ÉLAN LITERARY MAGAZINE accepts original fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, screenwriting, plays, and all kinds of art from students ages 14-18 in locations internationally. Élan produces two online editions a year, one in the Fall/Winter and another in the Spring/Summer. The two editions are combined into a single Print Edition each Summer. For more information on how to submit, visit: https://www.elanlitmag.com/submit .

EMBER only publishes twice a year, but this beautiful and dreamy journal of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction appeals to all age groups. Although it doesn’t exclusively publish young writers, submissions from writers and artists ages 10 to 18 are strongly encouraged. Submissions open March 1, 2023 . For more details, visit them online at:  http://emberjournal.org/ .

ENOUGH PLAYS is taking submissions from teen writers (ages 13-19) of 10-MIN PLAYS confronting the issue of gun violence. Six plays will be selected by a panel of astonishing writers to be published and performed nationwide and the writers will receive $500. Deadline for submissions is April 20, 2023 . Visit them online: https://www.enoughplays.com/amplify

GIRLS RIGHT THE WORLD  is a literary journal inviting young, female-identified writers and artists, ages 14–21, to submit work for consideration for the fourth annual issue. They believe girls’ voices transform the world for the better. We accept poetry, prose, and visual art of any style or theme. Girls Right The World ask to be the first to publish your work in North America; after publication, the rights return to you. Please include a note mentioning your age, where you’re from, and a bit about your submission. Send your best work, in English or English translation, to [email protected] between September 1 and December 31. 

HANGING LOOSE PRESS has had a section of high school writing in their issues since 1968. Hanging Loose has long been known for its special interest in new writers. This press reads manuscripts throughout the year, accepting poetry and prose. For more details on the submission process, visit https://www.hangingloosepress.com/submissions/ .

HELLOGIGGLES a positive online community for female-identifying readers (although others are always welcome!) covering the latest in beauty and style, relationships, career and money, culture, identity, and more. Featuring a mix of news, personal essays, reported features, and service, we’re committed to providing our readers with smart, thoughtful, and relatable content representing a range of voices. We were founded by Zooey Deschanel, Molly McAleer, and Sophia Rossi in 2011 as a place on the Internet to inspire a smile, and years later, we’re still doing just that. Tor ages 14 and up.

HOT DISH MAGAZINE , an online journal serving up a bubbling mixture of poetry and fiction by teens (grades 9–12), wants your voice to be heard! We award cash prizes for fiction, poetry, and the Hot Dish Challenge. Our submission period is October-January. Visit us at  www.hotdishmagazine.com .  The GOAT ( the-goat.org ) publishes student writing on everything sports related and is looking for new submissions. Students can email their writing pieces to me. No work is rejected, and editors provide any mentoring and editing necessary. Students will see their work online within weeks and can include the link on their college or summer school applications.

ICE LOLLY REVIEW:  Ice Lolly Review accepts a variety of pieces including, creative nonfiction, fiction, haikus, poems, plays, spoken word, and etc. They are looking for pieces that have a strong, solid voice and aren’t afraid of delving into deep topics. For more details, go to  https://www.icelollyreview.com/submissions .

jGIRLS   MAGAZINE:   jGirls Magazine accepts submissions on an ongoing basis from self-identifying Jewish teenage girls and gender-expansive youth ages 13-19. You can submit articles, essays, fiction, poetry, cultural reviews, humor, photographs, music, videos, artwork and other creative materials. You can submit as often as you’d like. For more details, visit  https://jgirlsmagazine.org/submission-guidelines/ .

KIDSPIRIT is a nonprofit online magazine and community by and for youth to engage each other about life’s big questions in an open and inclusive spirit. Its mission is to promote mutual understanding among 11- to 17-year-olds of diverse backgrounds and support their development into world citizens with strong inner grounding. KidSpirit is in syndication on the Huffington Post and Spirituality & Practice and has won numerous awards from major educational, parenting, and spiritual organizations. Visit the Get Involved section to learn more about publishing your work, becoming an editor, or facilitating a conversation about one of the 50 themes KidSpirit contributors have explored: https://kidspiritonline.com/get-involved/

THE LUMIERE REVIEW is a literary magazine dedicated to shining the light on all voices through poetry, prose, and art. General submissions are now open. Submissions to the forthcoming Issue 08 of The Lumiere Review in poetry, prose (creative fiction and non-fiction), and all forms of art can be sent to [email protected] . Details on how to submit and format your work can be found at: https://lumierereview.com/submit .

NARRATIVE MAGAZINE A prize of $2,500 and publication in Narrative is given annually for a short story, a short short story, an essay, a memoir, or an excerpt from a longer work of fiction or creative nonfiction. A second-place prize of $1,000 is also awarded. The editors will judge. Using only the online submission system, submit up to 15,000 words of prose with a $27 entry fee by March 28. All entries are considered for publication. Visit the website for complete guidelines. Deadline, March 28, 2024 at midnight PST.

POLYPHONY LIT:  invites submissions of poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction from high school students worldwide. Student editors provide feedback to all submissions, including the ones not accepted for publication. Submissions are open from February 1-28, 2022 and June 1-30, 2022. More details can be found at  https://www.polyphonylit.org/.

TEEN INK is one of the most popular and diverse writing spaces to get published in high school. The broad categories for publication reflect the diversity of writing that this lively online magazine celebrates. Some publication categories include: community service, travel and culture, the environment, health, reviews of TV shows and video games, and college essays, among the more traditional poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Visit online at:  http://www.teenink.com

THE TRAILBLAZER LITERARY MAGAZINE is an international high school publication dedicated to push for cultural diversity through creative writing. For general submissions, the magazine accepts fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction all year, from middle and high school students between 14 and 18 years old. In addition, they host the Cultural Heritage Writing Contest, which welcomes submissions about the young creatives’ cultural background, ancestry, values, customs, etc. Visit online at: https://www.thetrailblazerreview.com/ TRAVELNITCH was founded in 2018 to encourage a love of travel and make it more accessible to all families. Travelnitch believes travel has the power to changes lives, open minds, and build stronger communities. They love to feature new & aspiring travel writers who can delight and entertain readers. They currently need support developing family-centric travel content to engage kids (and sometimes parents) in fun and innovative ways.  If you are a writer who loves to travel, this could be the perfect fit for you—turn your own passion into an inspiring story for our readers! https://travelnitch.org/writers/storyteller-spotlight/

TYRIAN INK is an independent LGBTQIA+ press that is dedicated to uplifting youth voices. TYRIAN INK is currently open to chapbook manuscripts of any genre (poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, hybrid, etc) with a minimum of 30 pages and a maximum of 50 pages in length. Please only submit if you are a member of the LGBTQ+ community and are 22 or below. Writers will be paid $250 for their manuscripts and receive a percent of royalties for every chapbook sold. https://tyrianinkpress.com/home/submission-guidelines/

Auroras & Blossoms’ third annual PoArtMo Anthology , gives a voice to people whose stories and/or art seek to nurture hope and optimism. Writers of poetry, short stories, flash fiction, essays, and six-word stories are all encouraged to send in their work! To read more about The PoArtMo Anthology, visit the Auroras and Blossoms Anthology guidelines page at https://abpositiveart.com/youth .


Hedgebrook’s mission is to support visionary women-identified writers,18 and older, whose stories and ideas shape our culture now and for generations to come. Writers must be women, which is inclusive of transgender women and female-identified individuals.

Hedgebrook’s Writer-in-Residence Program supports writers from all over the world for fully-funded residencies of two to four weeks (travel is not included and is the responsibility of the writer to arrange and pay for). Up to 6 writers can be in residence at a time, each housed in their own handcrafted cottage. They spend their days in solitude – writing, reading, taking walks in the woods on the property or on nearby Double Bluff beach. In the evenings, “The Gathering” is a social time for residents to connect and share over their freshly prepared meals.

Writers can apply here for a residency in Fiction, Non-fiction, Playwriting, Poetry, Screenwriting/TV Writing, or Songwriting. Read more and apply at https://www.hedgebrook.org/writers-in-residence.

MacDowell’s mission is to nurture the arts by offering creative individuals an inspiring environment in which they can produce enduring works of the imagination. We encourage applications from artists representing the widest possible range of perspectives and demographics, and who are investigating an unlimited array of inquiries and concerns.

MacDowell  is currently accepting applications for the Spring Summer 2023 residency season (March – August 2023). Learn more at https://macdowell.slideroom.com/#/Login.

The NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowship is a $8,000 unrestricted cash grant available to artists living in New York State and/or one of the Indian Nations located therein. This grant is awarded in fifteen different disciplines over a three-year period (five categories a year) and the application is free to complete. The NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowship is not a project grant, but is intended to fund an artist’s vision or voice, at all levels of their artistic development.

Learn more at https://www.nyfa.org/awards-grants/artist-fellowships/ .

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Guide to christian writing contests in 2017

Your Ultimate Guide to Writing Contests Through 2024

Regardless where you are on your writing journey, you can benefit from entering contests.

The right contest can tell you:

  • Where you stand
  • How you measure up against the competition
  • What you still need to learn

And you could win cash.

That’s why my team researched a wide range of high-quality contests. We’ve included free competitions and also many with modest entry fees.

  • Short Story Writing Contests
  • Full Manuscript Writing Contests
  • Poetry Writing Contests

Great American Fiction Contest

Prize: 1st: $1,000, publication in The Saturday Evening Post

Runners-up (5): $200

Entry Fee: $10

Deadline: TBD 2024 (Annual Contest)

Sponsor: The Saturday Evening Post

From Website: “Unpublished short stories of 1,500 to 5,000 words in any genre touching on the publication’s mission, “Celebrating America—past, present, and future.” No extreme profanity or graphic sex. Work published on a personal website or blog is still eligible.”

SiWC Writing Contest

Prize: 1st: $1,000 plus publication

Honorable Mention: $150

Entry Fee: $15

Deadline: September 15, 2024

Sponsor: Surrey International Writers’ Conference

From Website: “Short stories in any genre must be 2,500-4,000 words. All submissions must contain original material and may not have been previously published, accepted for publication, or have been a winner in another contest prior to the deadline.”

WOW / Women On Writing Quarterly Flash Fiction Competition

Prize: 1st: $400, $25 Amazon gift certificate

2nd: $300, $25 Amazon gift certificate

3rd: $200, $25 Amazon gift certificate

Runners-up (7): $25 Amazon gift certificate

Honorable mentions (10): $20 Amazon gift certificate

Entry Fee: $10 (or $20 with feedback)

Deadline: Quarterly (next deadline February 2, 2024)

Sponsor: WOW / Women On Writing

From Website: “Runs four times a year and is open to all styles and genres. Closes each quarter after 300 entries have been received, or at the deadline. WOW also runs a quarterly nonfiction essay competition with cash prizes.”

Bristol Short Story Prize

Prize: 1st: £1,000 (~$1,242)

2nd: £500 (~$621)

3rd: £250 (~$310)

Shortlisted (17): £100 (~$124)

Entry Fee: £9 (~$11)

Deadline: TBD 2024

Sponsor: Bristol Short Story Prize

From Website: “Open to all published and unpublished writers 16 and up. No geographical restriction, but all entries must be in English. Maximum length 4,000 words (not including title). No minimum length. Stories can be on any subject.”

Aesthetica Creative Writing Award

Prize: £2,500 (~$3,105)

Winners also receive further non-monetary prizes including publication in the Aesthetica Creative Writing Annual.

Entry Fee: £18 (~$22) (Poetry Category entry fee is ~$15) 

Deadline: August 31, 2024

Sponsor: Aesthetica Magazine

From Website: “Fiction entries should be no more than 2,000 words. Works published or entered elsewhere are accepted. Any theme accepted. You may enter as many times as you wish, however, each work requires a separate fee and submission form.”

The Lascaux Prize

Prize: $1,000

Finalists receive $100

Deadline: June 20, 2024

Sponsor: The Lascaux Review

“Flash Fiction and Creative Nonfiction categories. 

Flash fiction entries should not exceed 1,000 words. All genres and styles welcome. 

From Website: “Creative nonfiction entry length must not exceed 10,000 words. All topics welcome but should be written in a nonacademic style. May include memoirs, chronicles, personal essays, humorous perspectives, literary journalism—anything the author has witnessed, experienced, learned, or discovered.”

The Alpine Fellowship Writing Prize

Prize: First place: £3,000 cash grant (~$3,726)

Second place: £1,000 travel expense (~$1,242)

Third place: £1,000 travel expense (~$1,242)

Entry Fee: Free

Deadline: March 1, 2024

Sponsor: The Alpine Fellowship

From Website: “Entries must fit the annual theme. Maximum of 2,500 words. All genres of writing are permitted, including fiction, non-fiction, and non-academic essays. Open to all nationalities but must be written in English. Stories must not have been published, self-published or accepted for publication in print or online. No entries that have won or been placed in another competition at any time.”

ServiceScape Short Story Award

Deadline: November 29, 2024

Sponsor: ServiceScape

From Website: “All entries must be original, unpublished works of short fiction or nonfiction, up to 5,000 words in length. Any genre or theme accepted.”

Bacopa Literary Review Contest

Prize: $200 Award 

$100 Honorable Mention in each of six categories

Sponsor: The Writers Alliance of Gainesville

From Website: “Awards in 6 categories (contestants may submit to only ONE category). Fiction (up to 2,500 words), Creative Nonfiction (up to 2,500 words), Humor (up to 2,000 words), Formal Poetry (1-3 poems), Free Verse Poetry (1-2 poems), Visual Poetry (1 poem).”

Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Award

Prize: $.08 per word and publication

Deadline: February 1, 2024

Sponsor: National Space Society and Baen Books

From Website: “Write a short story of no more than 8,000 words, that shows the near future (no more than about 50-60 years out) of manned space exploration. What they want to see: Moon bases, Mars colonies, orbital habitats, space elevators, asteroid mining, artificial intelligence, nano-technology, realistic spacecraft, heroics, sacrifice, and adventure.”

Parsec Short Story Contest

Prize: First place: $200 and publication in the Confluence program book. 

Second place: $100 

Third place: $50 

Best Youth Story: $50

Deadline: March 31st, 2024

Sponsor: Parsec, Inc.

From Website: “Each annual contest is based on a theme provided. This can be conveyed in the setting, plot, characters, and dialogue; the only limit is your imagination. The theme must be integral to the story in some way and not just mentioned in passing. No minimum word count, no more than 3500 words. The 2024 Contest theme is ‘AI mythology.’” 

The Raymond Carver Short Story Contest

Prize: First place: $2000 

Second place: $500 

Third place: $250 

Two Editor’s Choice: $125

Entry Fee: $18

Deadline: May 15, 2024

Sponsor: Carve Magazine

From Website: “One short story per entry. No limit to entries. Must be previously unpublished (including online) with a 10,000 maximum word count. We accept entries from anywhere in the world, but the story must be English-language. No genre fiction (romance, horror, sci-fi); literary fiction only.”

Blurred Genres Flash Contest

Prize: First Place: $750 

Second Place: $350 

Third Place: $150 

Publication of Top Five

Sponsor: Invisible City (University of San Francisco)

From Website: “Based on a theme (for example last year’s theme was “Levity”) that can be interpreted through prose, poetry, or some combination of the two. All genres and themes are welcome. Contest submissions must be 750 words or less and can be flash fiction/nonfiction, prose poetry, or some unique combination of the three. Submissions must be the original work of the submitter and unpublished (and not slated for future publication).”

Imagine 2200: Write the future

Prize: First Place: $3,000

Second Place: $2,000 

Third Place: $1,000

An additional nine finalists will each receive $300 

All winners and finalists will have their stories published in an immersive collection on Grist’s website

Sponsor: Grist

From Website: “Imagine 2200 is an invitation to writers from all over the globe to imagine a future in which solutions to the climate crisis flourish and help bring about radical improvements to our world. 3,000 to 5,000 word stories envisioning a world where we prioritize our well-being, work to mend our communities, and lead lives that celebrate our humanity.”

The Elegant Literature Award For New Writers

Prize: First place: $3,000 and 10c/word and publication. Free enrollment in the New Novelist Accelerator.

Second – Tenth: 10c/word and publication.

Eleventh – Thirty-fifth: $20 and an honorable mention in the magazine

Entry Fee: Requires Elegant+ Membership ($9.99 a month)

Deadline: Ongoing (monthly)

Sponsor: Elegant Literature Magazine

From Website: “Write a story involving annual theme. New or unpublished authors may enter. Word count is 500-2000. All genres are welcome as long as it involves the theme.”

F(r)iction Contests

Prize: $300.00 and consideration for publication in F(r)iction

Entry Fee: $10 for a single entry, $12 for three entries

Deadline: April 30, 2024

Sponsor: F(r)iction

From Website: “Competitions in several categories, short stories (1,001 – 7,500 words), flash fiction (up to 1,000 words), and Poetry (up to three pages per poem). Entries are accepted regardless of genre, style, or origin. Experimental, nontraditional, and boundary-pushing literature is strongly encouraged. Their guidelines include the phrase ‘Strange is good.’”

Manchester Fiction Prize

Prize: £10,000 (~$12,420)

Entry Fee: £18 (~$22) 

100 reduced-price (£10 or ~$13) entries are available to entrants who might not otherwise be able to take part in the competition.

Sponsor: Manchester Metropolitan University

From Website: “The Manchester Fiction Prize asks for a short story of up to 2,500 words in length. Stories submitted should be new work, not previously published elsewhere. The Prize is open internationally to those aged 16 or over.”  

Writer’s Digest Annual Writing Competition

Prize: Grand Prize $5000, an interview with them in Writer’s Digest (Nov/Dec 2023 issue) and on WritersDigest.com, a paid trip to the Writer’s Digest Annual Conference, including a special trophy presentation at the keynote, a coveted Pitch Slam slot at the Writer’s Digest Conference where the winner will receive one on one attention from editors or agents, and publication of their winning piece on WritersDigest.com

First Place: $1,000 and publication of their winning piece on WritersDigest.com

Second Place: $500 

Third Place: $250 

Fourth Place: $100 

Fifth Place: $50 

Sixth through Tenth Place: $25 gift certificate for writersdigestshop.com.

Entry Fee: $20-30 (varies depending on category)

Deadline: May 6, 2024 

Sponsor: Writer’s Digest

From Website: “Only original works that have not been published (at the time of submission) in print, digital, or online publications will be considered. Self-published work in blogs, on social media, etc. will be considered. For the script category, only unproduced scripts will be considered. Entries in the Nonfiction Essay or Article category may be previously published. All entries must be in English. Memoirs/Personal Essay, Nonfiction Essay or Article, and Children’s/Young Adult Fiction: 2,000 words maximum. Mainstream/Literary Short Story, Genre Short, Story, and Humor: 4,000 words maximum. Inspirational Writing: 2,500 words maximum. Rhyming Poem and Non-rhyming Poem: 40 lines maximum.”

Emerging Writer’s Contest

Prize: Publication, $2,000, review from Aevitas Creative Management, and a 1-year subscription for one winner in each of the three genres

Entry Fee: Free for subscribers to Ploughshares, $24 for nonsubscribers

Sponsor: Ploughshares (Emerson College)

From Website: “The contest is open to writers of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry who have yet to publish or self-publish a book. Fiction and Nonfiction: Under 6,000 words. Poetry: 3-5 pages.”

Wells Festival of Literature Short Story Competition

Prize: First Place £750 (~$932)

Second Place £300 (~$373)

Third Place: £200 (~$248)

Entry Fee: £6 (~$8)

Sponsor: Wells Festival of Literature

From Website: “Stories may be on any subject and should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words. All entries must be the exclusive and original work of the entrant. At the time of entry, the work submitted must not have been entered into any other Competition and must not have been published in any format or location.”

Anthology Short Story Competition

Prize: First Place: €1,000 (~$1098), the chance to see their work published in a future issue of Anthology, and a one-year subscription to Anthology 

Second Place: €250 (~$275)

Third Place: €150 (~$165)

Entry Fee: Early Bird: €12 (~$13)

Standard fee: €18 (~$20)

Deadline: July 31, 2024

Sponsor: Anthology Publishing

From Website: “Established to recognize and encourage creative writing and provide a platform for publication, the Anthology Short Story Competition is open to original and previously unpublished short stories in the English language by a writer of any nationality, living anywhere in the world. There is no restriction on theme or style. Stories submitted must not exceed the maximum of 1,500 words.” 

The Queen Mary Wasafiri New Writing Prize

Prize: £1,000 (~$1,246) and publication in Wasafiri’s print magazine

Entry Fee: £10 (~$12) for a single entry, £16 (~$20) for a double entry

Sponsor: Wasafiri Magazine 

From Website: “Exceptionally international in scope, the prize supports writers who have not yet published a book-length work, with no limits on age, gender, nationality, or background. No entry may exceed 3,000 words. A single poetry entry can include up to three poems, which together total no more than 3,000 words.”

2024 Stella Kupferberg Memorial Short Story Prize

Prize: $1000 and a free 10-week course with Gotham Writers

Entry Fee: $25

Sponsor: Gotham Writers and Selected Shorts

From Website: “This long-running series at Symphony Space in New York City celebrates the art of the short story by having stars of stage and screen read aloud the works of established and emerging writers. Selected Shorts is recorded for Public Radio and heard nationally on both the radio and its weekly podcast.”

Robert and Adele Schiff Awards

Prize: $1,000 All entries will be considered for publication in The Cincinnati Review

Entry Fee: $20

Sponsor: The Cincinnati Review (University of Cincinnati)

From Website: “Writers may submit up to 8 pages of poetry, 40 pages of a single double-spaced piece of fiction, or 20 pages of a single double-spaced piece of literary nonfiction, per entry. Previously published manuscripts, including works that have appeared online (in any form), will not be considered. There are no restrictions as to form, style, or content; all entries will be considered for publication. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable under the condition that you notify us if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere.” 

Salamander 2024 Fiction Prize

Prize: First Place: $1,000 and Publication

 Second Place: $500 and Publication

Deadline: TBD 2024 

Sponsor: Salamander Magazine

From Website: “All entries will be considered for publication and will be judged anonymously. Each story must not exceed 30 double-spaced pages in 12-point font. Previously published works and works accepted for publication elsewhere cannot be considered. Salamander’s definition of publishing includes electronic publication.”

BOA Short Fiction Prize

Prize: $1,000 and publication by BOA Editions, Ltd.

Deadline: May 31, 2024

Sponsor: BOA Editions, Ltd.

From Website: “Entrants must be U.S. citizens, legal residents of the U.S., or have Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) status, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), or Legal Permanent Status (LPS). Entrants must be at least 18 years of age. Minimum of 90 pages; maximum of 200 pages. Manuscript text should be at least 12 pt. font, double-spaced. As with all BOA fiction titles, our prize-winning short story collections are more concerned with the artfulness of writing than the twists and turns of plot. It is our belief that short story writing is a valuable and underserved literary form that we are proud to support, nurture, and celebrate.”

Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction & Essay Contest

Prize: First Place: $3,000 

Entry Fee: $22

Deadline: May 1, 2024

Sponsor: Winning Writers (Co-sponsored by Duotrope)

From Website: “For this contest, a story is any short work of fiction, and an essay is any short work of nonfiction. All themes accepted. Entries may be published or unpublished. Length limit: 6,000 words maximum. No restriction on the age of the author.”

Gabriele Rico Challenge for Nonfiction

Prize: $1,333

Deadline: November 1, 2024

Sponsor: Reed Magazine

From Website: “C reative nonfiction, such as personal essays or narratives, not scholarly papers or book reviews. All works should be stand-alone essays, not chapters of a longer work. Previously published work is not eligible. Up to 5,000 words.”

53-Word Story Contest

Prize: Publication in Prime Number Magazine and a free book from Press 53.

Deadline: Ongoing. 15th of each month

Sponsor: Prime Number Magazine

From Website: “New prompt each month. Judges are looking for stories with a surprising approach to the prompt, something unusual and creative. Stories must be 53 words—no more, no less. Stories with fewer than or more than 53 words will be disqualified. Send only stories; poetry with line breaks will not be considered.”

Letter Review Prize for Short Fiction

Prizes: Three Winners are announced who are published and share in the $1000 USD total prize pool. Twenty writers are Longlisted. All entries considered for publication, and for submission to the Pushcart Prize and other anthologies.

Deadline: Awarded every two months

Sponsor: Letter Review

From Website: “Word Length: 0 – 5000 words. Open to anyone in the world. There are no genre or theme restrictions.”

Letter Review Prize for Nonfiction

Entry Fee: $20.

From Website: “0 – 5000 words. Open to anyone in the world. We welcome all forms of nonfiction including: Memoir, journalism, essay (including personal essay), fictocriticism, creative nonfiction, travel, nature, opinion, and many other permutations.”

University of New Orleans Press Lab Prize

Prize: $10,000 advance on royalties and a contract to publish with the University of New Orleans Press

Entry Fee: $28

Sponsor: University of New Orleans

From Website: “Entries must be unpublished novels or short story collections. The work does not have to be regionally focused. There is no word limit. There is no restriction on subjects covered. The contest is open to all authors from around the world, regardless of publishing history.  Works of fiction (novels and short story collections) only. Submissions must be your entire manuscript.”

The Bath Novel Awards 

Prize: Two £3,000 (~$3738) prizes are awarded annually for the best manuscript as judged by literary agents

All shortlistees win feedback on their full manuscript.

Entry Fee: £29 (~$36)

Deadline: May 31st 2024

Sponsor: The Bath Novel Award (co-sponsored by Cornerstones Literary Consultancy and Professional Writing Academy)

From Website: “Submit the opening 5,000 words plus one-page synopsis of novel manuscripts for adults or young adults. Completed works must be over 50,000 words. Novels can be for adult or young adult readers and any genre. Must be your original work and submitted in English. Novels can be unpublished, self-published, or independently published.”

The Times/Chicken House Competition

Prize:  First Place: worldwide publishing contract with Chicken House with a royalty advance of £10,000 (~$12,459), plus an offer of representation by this year’s agent judge, Davinia Andrew-Lynch of Curtis Brown. 

Second Place: Lime Pictures New Storyteller Award. A publishing contract with a royalty advance of £7,500 (~$9,344) plus an offer of representation by Davinia Andrew-Lynch.

Entry Fee: £20 (~$25)

Deadline: June 1, 2024

Sponsor: The Times and Chicken House 

From Website: “To enter, you must have written a completed full-length novel suitable for children/young adults aged somewhere between 7 and 18 years. A minimum of 30,000 words and a maximum of 80,000 words suggested.”

The Dzanc Books Prize for Fiction

Prize: $5,000 advance and publication by Dzanc Books

Deadline: September 30, 2024

Sponsor: Dzanc Books

From Website: “The Dzanc Books Prize for Fiction recognizes daring, original, and innovative novels (generally over 40,000 words, but there is no hard minimum). The contest is open to new, upcoming, and established writers alike. Agented submissions are also eligible, and we ask that you include all agency contact information with the application. All submitted works must be previously unpublished novel-length manuscripts and should include a brief synopsis, author bio, and contact information.”

Claymore Award

Prize: Discounted admission to Killer Nashville International Writers’ Conference, with introductions to agents/editors (And probably publishing contract)

Entry Fee: $45 (Full critique included for $125)

Deadline: April 1, 2024

Sponsor: Killer Nashville

From Website: “The contest is limited to only the first 50 double-spaced pages of unpublished English-language manuscripts containing elements of thriller, mystery, crime, or suspense NOT currently under contract. These can include Action Adventure, Comedy, Cozy, Historical, Investigator, Juvenile/YA, Literary, Mainstream/Commercial, Mystery, Nonfiction, Sci-fi/Fantasy, Short Story Collections, Southern Gothic, Supernatural, Suspense, Thriller, and Western manuscripts, and any of their derivatives. (Self-published manuscripts are considered already published and are not eligible.)”

St. Martin’s Minotaur / Mystery Writers of America First Crime Novel Competition

Prize: Publication and a $10,000 advance

Sponsor: Minotaur Books and Mystery Writers of America

From Website: “Open to any writer, regardless of nationality, aged 18 or older, who has never been the author of any published novel and is not under contract with a publisher for publication of a novel. All Manuscripts submitted must be original works of book length (no less than 220 typewritten pages or approximately 60,000 words), written in the English language, written solely by the entrant, and must not violate any right of any third party or be libelous. Murder or another serious crime is at the heart of the story.”

The Restless Books Prize for New Immigrant Writing

Prize: $10,000 advance and publication

Sponsor: Restless Books

From Website: “Created in 2015 to honor outstanding debut literary works by first-generation immigrants, awarded for fiction and nonfiction in alternating years. Fiction manuscripts must be complete. Nonfiction submissions must consist of either a complete manuscript or a sample of at least 25,000 words and a detailed proposal that includes a synopsis and an annotated table of contents. All submissions must be in English (translations welcome). Fiction candidates must not have previously published a book of fiction in English. Nonfiction candidates must not have previously published a book of nonfiction in English.”

New American Fiction Prize

Prize: $1,500 and a book contract, as well as 25 author’s copies and promotional support

Deadline: January 15, 2024

Sponsor: New American Press

From Website: “Manuscripts should be at least 100 pages, but there is no maximum length. All forms and styles of full-length fiction manuscripts are welcome, including story collections, novels, novellas, collections of novellas, flash fiction collections, novels in verse, and other hybrid forms.”

Your Next Best Read

Prize: First Place (Fiction & Nonfiction): $100 Cash Price, 6-month Advertising Package, Press Release, Editorial Review, Newsletter Announcement, Promotional Creatives

Second Place Awards (Fiction & Nonfiction): 6-month Advertising Package, Editorial Review, Newsletter Announcement

Third Place (Fiction & Nonfiction): 3-month Advertising Package, Editorial Review, Newsletter Announcement

Deadline: May 5, 2024

Sponsor: Excalibre Publishing

From Website: “ The contest is open to writers of all backgrounds, ages, and nationalities. Both published and unpublished works are welcome. We encourage submissions in various/ALL genres –  fiction, non-fiction, poetry (submit in nonfiction), and short stories. No specific wordcount requiered. Submissions must be in English.”

Letter Review Prize for Manuscripts

Prizes: Three Winners are announced who have a brief extract published, receive a letter of recommendation from our Judges for publishers, and share in the $1000 USD total prize pool. Twenty writers are Longlisted.

Entry Fee: $25.

Deadline: Awarded Every two months

From Website: “Please submit the first 5000 words of your manuscript, whether it be prose or poetry. Open to anyone in the world. The entry must not have been traditionally published. We are seeking all varieties of novels, short story collections, nonfiction, and poetry collections. We will accept manuscripts which are unpublished, self published, and some which are indie published. Review full entry guidelines for further details.”

2nd place in fiction & non-fiction $750 cash prize and trophy

3rd place in fiction & non-fiction $500 cash prize and trophy

Winner of each of the 80+ categories $100 cash prize and gold medal

Stan and Tom Wick Poetry Prize

Prize: $2,500 plus publication

Entry Fee: $30

Sponsor: Kent State University Press

From Website: “Offered annually to a poet who has not previously published a full-length collection of poems. The winner and the competition’s judge will give a reading together on the Kent State campus. The competition is open to poets writing in English who have not yet published a full-length collection of poems (a volume of 50 or more pages published in an edition of 500 or more copies).”

Blue Lynx Prize for Poetry

Prize: $2,000 plus publication

Sponsor: Lynx House Press

From Website: “Awarded for an unpublished, full-length volume of poems by a U.S. author, which includes foreign nationals living and writing in the U.S. and U.S. citizens living abroad. Manuscripts may include poems that have appeared in journals, magazines, or chapbooks. Poems that have previously appeared in full-length, single-author collections, are not eligible.”

Ó Bhéal Five Words International Poetry Competition

Prize: First Place: €750 ($890) 

Second Place: €500 ($590) 

Third Place: €250 ($295)

Entry Fee: €5 ($6)

Deadline: Every Tuesday at 12pm (Irish time) from April 11, 2023 – January 30, 2024

Sponsor: Ó Bhéal

From Website: “Five words will be posted on this competition page. Entrants will have one week to compose and submit one or more poems which include all five words given for that week. Entry is open to all countries. Poems cannot exceed 50 lines in length (including line breaks), and must include all five words listed for the week.”

Letter Review Prize for Poetry

Prizes: Three Winners are announced who are published and share in the $800 USD total prize pool. Twenty writers are Longlisted. All entries considered for publication, and for submission to the Pushcart Prize and other anthologies.

Entry Fee: $15.

From Website: “70 lines max per poem Open to anyone in the world. There are no style or subject restrictions.”

  • Advice for Researching Writing Competitions

This list includes only a few of the many writing contests you can find online.

Here are some tips for looking into options on your own:

1. Narrow your search with details that are relevant to you, for example, “writing contests in Texas,” “writing contests for women authors,” or “writing contests for veterans.” 

2. Be genre-specific.

3. Include the year in your search to ensure the most up-to-date results. 

4. Carefully read the guidelines and eligibility requirements. 

5. Pay attention to the contest sponsor. Only submit to reputable hosts.  

Worried your writing isn’t quite ready to compete? Take my free writing assessment and see personalized guidance on how to improve your skills. https://jerryjenkins.com/quiz/

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  • Tags: Essay , Novel , Poetry , Short Story , Writing Contests

At PaperTrue, we’ve always believed that writing competitions are more than just about winning. It’s a community experience where you can interact with fellow poets and writers, and learn from each other’s work. So, it’s our job to provide you with an updated and detailed list of writing contests 2023!

But which contests should you participate in? Out of the hundreds of poetry contests, short story competitions, and essay contests held each year, which ones will best reward your hard work? As experts who provide self-publishing services , we want nothing but success for you. What better way to ensure this than to bring you the best writing competitions 2023?

Transform your book, short story, essay, or poem into a masterpiece! Learn more

Here are the best international writing competitions 2023:

Poetry competitions 2023

1. the bridport poetry prize  .

The top three winning poems are automatically entered into the Forward Prize For Poetry competition, with the chance to win a further £1000. The first prize also features in the Bridport anthology.

Word count: 42 lines

Prizes:   £5,000, £1,000, £500, ten prizes of £100

Entry fee: £12

Closing date: 31 May 2023

2. International Poetry Contest

The winning entry for this poetry competition will be published in the Fall 2023 issue of Atlanta Review . Fifty additional entries will be published in the contest issue and will receive an award and a free copy. 

Word count: 5 poems

Prize: $1,000

Entry fee: $15

Closing date: 01 May 2023

3. The 9th Singapore Poetry Contest  

This poetry contest invites entries on any theme, provided they incorporate the word “snail”. Simultaneous submissions are not allowed, and the poems should be accompanied by a short letter and biographical note.

Prompt: Snail

Word count: 3 poems

Prizes: $300, $200, $100

Entry: Free!

Closing date: 15 May 2023

4. Kunitz Prize for Younger Poets  

This poetry writing contest aims to honor the late Stanley Kunitz’s dedication to mentoring poets. The winning entry will be published in the September/October issue of The American Poetry Review and all entrants will receive a copy.

Word count: 3 pages

5. Patricia Cleary Miller Award for Poetry  

New Letters has organized this poetry writing competition. Send six poems in one entry with a cover sheet stating the genre and title of each poem. All the best!

Word count: 30 pages

Prize: $2,500

Entry fee: $24

Closing date: 22 May 2023

6. The Auroras & Blossoms Haiku Anthology  

This haiku contest is free to enter, but you may opt to donate to them. Donors will be eligible for royalties on every haiku that is published. With a 1% royalty rate for each haiku, you may earn up to 10% in royalties.

Word count: 3–10 haikus

Prize: 1% royalties per haiku (for donors)

Short story contests 2023

7. the bridport short story prize  .

The organizers for this short story writing contest enter the shortlisted UK-based writers into the BBC Short Story Competition. Literary agent A.M. Heath reads the entire shortlist and considers representation.

Word count: 5,000

Entry fee: £14

8. Writing Battle

This exciting short story writing competition assigns you a genre when the contest starts, and you get two days to write your story. All entrants vote for the winners, which means everyone is a judge!

Word count: 300–500

Prizes: Four prizes of $800 and four prizes of $200

Entry fee: $20

Closing date: 05 May 2023 

9. The Raymond Carver Short Story Contest

The mission for this short story competition is to “deliver exciting new fiction from writers all over the world”. It accepts entries in literary fiction alone, so genre fiction (horror, sci-fi, fantasy, romance) is not eligible.

Word count: 500–2,000

Prizes: $1000 NZD, $500 NZD, $200 NZD

Entry fee: $6 NZD

10. The Folly International Short Story Prize  

The organizers of this short story contest in 2023 seek “content that takes risks, screams with honesty, and celebrates life’s extraordinary moments”. Winning and shortlisted stories will be published in Folly Journal.

Word count: 10,000

Prizes: $2000, $500, $250, two prizes of $125

Entry fee: $18

Closing date: 17 May 2023

11. Robert Day Award for Fiction  

This short story writing competition is part of the New Letters group of contests. Make sure you attach one cover sheet stating the genre and the title of the story.

Word count: 8,000

12. The Writing District Prize 2023  

This short story competition accepts entries on any theme, subject, or genre. The judges will select a longlist of 20 entries, from which 3 will be finalized. Make sure to go through the contest guidelines before you hit submit! 

Word count: 3,000

Prizes: $1,000, two prizes of $100

13. WOW! Flash Fiction Contest  

Open to women writers worldwide, this flash fiction competition awards Amazon gift certificates to 7 runners up and 10 honorable mentions. At a $20 entry fee, you may opt for a critique along the subject, content, and technicalities of your piece.

Word count: 250–750

Prizes: $400, $300, $200, and others

Entry fee: $10

14. Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction  

The Flannery O’Connor Award series has published more than 70 short-story collections. Short stories may have appeared in magazines or online platforms, but may not have been published as a collection.

Word count: 40,000–75,000

Entry fee: $30

15. Autumn House Fiction Contest  

Through this fiction contest, Autumn House awards one writer with publication, a $1,000 honorarium, and a $1,500 publicity grant. All fiction sub-genres (short stories, short-shorts, novellas, or novels) or any combination of sub-genres are eligible!

Word count: 37,500–75,000

Book writing contests

16. the bridport prize novel award  .

This novel writing competition allows you to participate even if you haven’t finished writing it yet! Send up to 8,000 words from the first chapter(s) of your novel along with a 300-word synopsis.

Word count: 5,000–8,000

Prizes: £1,500, £750, three prizes of £150

Entry fee: £24

17. 2023 Gaudy Boy Poetry Book Prize

This poetry book contest awards an “unpublished manuscript of original Anglophone poetry by an author of Asian heritage residing anywhere in the world”. The winning manuscript will be published in Spring 2024 by Gaudy Boy.

Word count: 70–120 pages

Prize: $1,500

18. James Laughlin Award  

This incredibly specific poetry competition honors “a second full-length print book of original poetry, in English, by a living poet, forthcoming in the next calendar year.” To be eligible, a book must be under contract with a U.S. publisher.

Word count: 48–100 pages

Prize: $5,000

19. Idaho Prize For Poetry  

This poetry book competition awards one poet with publication and 20 complementary author copies. There are no restrictions on the genre, style, or subject—the organziers are simply looking for the best manuscript!

Entry fee: $28

20. 2023 Fugere Book Prize  

Regal House Publishing has organized this book writing contest to award finely-crafted novellas. Translations, previously published, and collaborative manuscripts are not eligible. Make sure you follow their submission guidelines!

Word count: 17,000–40,000

Entry fee: $25

21. 2023 Adaptation Contest

This interesting book writing contest seeks “published books (fiction and nonfiction), graphic novels/comics, and short stories for film & TV development”. Go through all the criteria for picture books and short stories before you hit submit!

Word count: 5,000 words (plus a 1–3 page-long synopsis)

Entry fee: $45 / $50 / $55

Closing date: 20 May 2023 / 15 August 2023 / 31 August 2023

22. 2023 Unpublished Contest  

Book Pipeline has organized this writing contest in 2023 “exclusively for unpublished manuscripts across eight categories of fiction and nonfiction”. Aside from the cash prizes, the finalists receive circulation to publishers, agents, editors, and film and TV producers.

Word count: 5,000 (plus a 1–3 page-long synopsis)

Prizes: $20,000, $2,500 per category

Entry fee: $45 / $55 / $60

Closing date: 25 May 2023 / 20 August 2023 / 05 September 2023

23. The Bath Novel Award 2023

Along with the cash prize, the winner of this esteemed novel contest receives the Minerva trophy. Send the first 5,000 words with a one-page synopsis. Self-published writers are welcome to participate!

Word count: 50,000

Prize: £3,000

Entry fee: £29

Closing date: 31 May 2023 

24. 2023 Anhinga Prize for Poetry  

This 2023 poetry competition awards one poet with publication by Anhinga Press and 25 author copies. Make sure to add a cover page with your manuscript. Octavio Quintanilla will judge the contest.

Prize: $2,000

25. Autumn House Poetry Contest

The Autumn House staff and select outsiders are the preliminary readers for this poetry competition and the final judge is Toi Derricotte. The winner receives a $1,000 honorarium and a $1,500 publicity grant to promote their book.

Word count: 50–80 pages

26. Max Ritvo Poetry Prize  

Louise Glück is the judge for this exciting poetry book contest! The contest awards publication and a comprehensive marketing campaign to one unpublished poet. Translations are not eligible.

Word count: More than 48 pages

Prize: $10,000

Flash fiction competitions 2023

27. the bridport flash fiction prize  .

The flash fiction competition is part of the Bridport Prize family of writing contests. The winning entry will be published in an anthology. Fiction written for children is not recommended.

Word count: 250

Prizes: £1,000, £500, £250, five prizes of £100

Entry fee: £11

28. Pulp Fictional Flash Fiction Contest  

The organizers of this flash fiction competition prefer stories that are “scary and unusual, strange and unnerving”. The cash prizes may increase depending on the number of writers that submit their entries!

Word count: 1,000

Prizes: £250, £100, £50

Entry fee: £6

Mixed writing contests  

29. the 2023 bloom writing contest  .

The European Society of Literature invites poets and writers to send entries on the theme of beauty. The organizers of this writing competition believe that “good literature isn’t confined to a particular category”, so be sure to do your best!

Theme: Beauty

Categories: Short story, essay, and poetry

Word count: 2,500

Prize: €500

Entry fee: €3

30. Writer’s Digest Annual Writing Competition  

This esteemed writing contest will award almost 500 winners with cash prizes and publication. The competition will be held in nine categories, so be sure to check out their submission guidelines!

Categories: Various

Prizes: $5,000 grand prize and $1,000, $500, $250, $50 per category

Entry fee: $20–$30 (depending on categories) 

Closing date: 05 May 2023

31. The Emerging Writer’s Contest

Ploughshares encourages emerging writers to send their entries, and self-published writers don’t qualify. The winners also receive a conversation with Aevitas Creative Management regarding their writing careers.

Categories: Fiction, nonfiction, and poetry

Word count: 6,000 for fiction and nonfiction, 3–5 pages for poetry

Prize: $2,000 per category

32. Yeovil Literary Prize

Yeovil Community Arts Association has organized this set of writing competitions to encourage poets and writers worldwide. The contest is a great opportunity to get your work read by major agents and publishers!

a. Novel Writing Contest

Prizes: £1250, £500, £125

Entry fee: £14.5

b. Short Story Competition

Word count: 2,000

Prizes: £600, £250, £125

Entry fee: £8

c. Poetry Competition

Word count: 40 lines

Entry fee: £5

d. Children’s and Young Adult Novel

Word count: 3,000 words, 500-word synopsis

Entry fee: £12.5

e. Writing Without Restrictions

Word count: —

f. Western Gazette Best Local Writer Award

Prize: £100

33. The Synopsis Skirmish

The organizers of this unique writing contest in 2023 want you to write a synopsis of your novel “with style but without gimmick”. Can you walk the fine line between understanding the form and introducing a fresh take?

Word count: 500

Prizes: $700 CAD, $200 CAD, $100 CAD

Entry fee: $5 CAD

1. Annual Mudfish Poetry Contest  

Mudfish has organized this poetry contest to award deserving poets with publication in the magazine. All entries will be considered for publication. Deborah Landau is the judge for this contest.

Word count: 3 poems of any length

Prize: $1,200

Closing date: 15 June 2023

2. The Poetry London Prize  

The poetry competition provides some free entries for writers from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. Unfortunately, self-published poets are not eligible for this contest.

Word count: 80 lines

Prizes: £5,000, £2,000, £1,000

Entry fee: £10

Closing date: 30 June 2023 

3. Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors

The organizers of this short story contest seek “stories set between today and the year 2200, in a future that shows the path to a clean, green, just world.” Make sure you go through their guidelines before you participate!

Word count: 3,000–5,000

Prizes: $3,000, $2,000, $1,000, nine prizes of $300

Closing date: 13 June 2023

4. Anthology Short Story Competition

Anthology has organized this short story contest in 2023 “to recognize and encourage creative writing and provide a platform for publication”. Make sure you go through some issues of the magazine for some context!

Word count: 1,500

Prizes: €1,000, €250, €150

Entry fee: €18

Closing date: 31 August 2023 

5. The Moth Short Story Prize  

This prestigious short story competition is open to anyone over the age of 16 with no restrictions of theme or style. The winning entry will be published in the Irish Times while other finalists will be published online.

Prizes: €3,000, travel stipend for a week at Circle of Misse, €1,000

Entry fee: €15

Closing date: 30 June 2023

6. The Writers College Short Story Competition  

This short story contest is for unpublished writers or writers who have been published fewer than four times in any genre. Only per entry is allowed for each writer, so make sure you send your best work!

Prizes: $1,000 NZ, $500 NZ, $250 NZ

Essay writing contests

7. the international peace essay contest for ukraine war  .

This essay contest has been organized to encourage writers to share their ideas on peacebuilding. Answer one of the three provided questions in your essay and send it across. All the best!

Prize: $100

Closing date: 01 June 2023

8. International Essay Contest for Young People  

This writing competition for teenagers and young writers invites entries in English, French, and Japanese. The contest is “an effort to harness the energy, creativity and initiative of the world’s youth”.

Theme: Youth Creating a Peaceful Future

Word count: 700

Prizes: $740, $370, gift certificates

9. Free Global Writing Competition  

The winning entry for this essay contest will be published in The Writers College newsletter and blog. Entries are restricted to one entry per writer, so make sure you send nothing short of your best essay!

Theme: The best writing tip I’ve ever received

Word count: 600

Prize: $200

10. 2023 Housatonic Book Awards  

This book writing contest awards three writers with a cash prize in exchange for appearing at Western Connecticut State University, including a $500 travel stipend and hotel residency.

Categories: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry

Word count: Various

Prize: $1,000 per category

11. Green Stories Novel Prize  

The aim of this novel writing contest is to “use fiction as a way to reach a wider audience, and support winning authors to translate their stories into published books”. Your novel should be at least 60,000 words, but you’re required to send only three chapters.

Word count: 4,000–10,000

Prizes: $1200, $600

Closing date: 26 June 2023

12. North Street Book Prize  

The top prize winner in this book contest also gets a one-hour phone conversation with the contest judge, Carolyn Howard-Johnson. Self-published writers are welcome to enter!

Categories: Various (eight genres)

Word count: 200,000

Prizes $10,000 (grand prize) and $1,000, $300 (per category)

Entry fee: $75

13. Geri Digiorno Prize  

Raleigh Review has organized this interesting writing competition to recognize the work of multi-disciplinary artists. Send a combination of poetry, visual art, and flash nonfiction and get a chance to be published in the magazine!

Categories: Nonfiction, poetry, visual art

Prize: $300

Entry fee: $5

14. 2023 International Competitions  

The Wells Festival of Literature has arranged four writing competitions in 2023 that accept entries in different genres. All the contests feature an additional prize for local poets and writers.

a. 2023 Open Poetry Competition

Word count: 35 lines

Prizes: £1,000, £500, £250, and £100 for a local poet

b. 2023 Short Story Competition

Word count: 1,000–2,000

Prizes: £750, £300, £200, and £100 for a local writer

c. 2023 Book for Children Competition

Word count: first two chapters or first twenty pages

Prizes: £150, £75, £50

d. 2023 Young Poets Competition

Entry fee: £3

1. Submit | Valiant Scribe  

Prizes: £1,000, £500, £250

Closing date: 15 July 2023 

2. Amy Award | Alison Wearing  

Closing date: 09 July 2023 

3. Ledbury Poetry Competition 2023

Closing date: 10 July 2023 

4. Doris Gooderson Short Story Competition  

Closing date: 12 July 2023

5. The Sentence Expansion Extravaganza

Closing date: 15 July 2023

6. Bardsy – Current Short Story Anthology Contest

Closing date: 07 July 2023 

7. Page One Prize

Closing date: 14 July 2023

8. 2023 Start Here | Hastings Book Fest  

Category: Poetry and short fiction

August 2023

1. the coniston prize  .

Radar Poetry has organized this poetry competition to award a group of poems. The contest is open to people who self-identify as women and welcomes poems that are “cohesive in some way, whether connected by subject matter, theme, voice, style, or imagery.”

Word count: 3–5 poems in a single document

Prizes: $1,000, ten prizes of $175

Closing date: 01 August 2023

2. Fischer & Cantor Prizes

The Telluride Institute has simultaneously organized these two poetry contests 2023. The Fischer Prize welcomes entries on all subject matter, while the Cantor Prize is open to poets living in or writing about Colorado.

Prizes: $1,000, five prizes of $250 | $500, two prizes of $250

Entry fee: $10 | $6

Closing date: 30 August 2023

3. 2023 Unpublished Contest  

4. 20th annual gival press short story award 2023.

Gival Press has organized this short story contest 2023 in the hopes of eventually publishing an anthology of contest winners. There is a long list of submission guidelines, so make sure you follow them all!

Word count: 5,000–15,000

Closing date: 08 August 2023

5. Summer Short Story Award for New Writers  

The organizers of this short story writing competition are looking for the best literary fiction. They ask only one thing from today’s new writers: “Dazzle us, take chances, and be bold.” All finalists  receive agency reviews from six agencies!

Word count: 6,000

Prizes: $3,000, $300, $200

Closing date: 27 August 2023

6. Flash Fiction Contest 2023   

Gemini Magazine has organized this flash fiction contest to award six finalists with online publication in its October 2023 issue. Entries on any subject and style are eligible. All entries are read blind.

Prizes: $1,000, $100, four prizes of $25

Entry fee: $7

Closing date: 31 August 2023

7. WOW! Women On Writing Contests: Flash Fiction and Essay Contest

The organizers of this flash fiction competition seek “to provide well-rewarded recognition to contestants.” The top 10 stories are published in the WOW! Women On Writing e-zine. The contest is limited to only 300 entries!

Prizes: $400, $300, $200

8. Oxford Flash Fiction Prize

This flash fiction competition runs in partnership with the Bodleian Libraries’ Gifts and Books exhibition at the University of Oxford. The £50 prize recognizes a new voice and shortlisted entrants are offered publication in an end-of-year anthology.

Theme: Gifts

Prizes: £1000, £200, £100, £50

9. The University of New Orleans Press Publication Prize  

The organizers of this competition seek to “bring innovative publicity and broad distribution to authors”. Short story collections and novellas are eligible for entry. Self-published writers are welcome to enter!

Prize: $10,000 advance on royalties

10. Granum Foundation Fellowship Prize   [Free Contest!]

This book writing competition awards a US-based writer with the opportunity to complete a substantive literary work or to launch one. An additional prize is awarded to a work of translation by a US-based writer.

Categories: Novel, memoir, short story, essay, and poetry

Word count: Variable

Prizes: $5,000, $1,500

13. The Deborah Tall Lyric Essay Book Prize  

Seneca Review Books has organized this contest to “encourage and support innovative work in the essay”. Essay writers are welcome to submit cross-genre and hybrid work, verse forms, text and image, connected pieces, and “beyond category” projects. 

Word count: 48–120 pages

Entry fee: $27

14. 2023 Omnidawn Open Poetry Book Contest  

One of several Omnidawn poetry contests 2023, this competition awards one poet with publication, a cash prize, and 20 printed copies. If your manuscript contains images, make sure they’re completely original!

Word count: 40–90 pages

Prize: $3,000 and 20 printed copies

Entry fee: $35

Closing date: 13 August 2023

15. Grayson Books Poetry Contest  

One of two poetry competitions 2023 organized by Grayson Books, this contest offers publication to a single poet. You may include a brief bio in the submission form and add acknowledgments in the manuscript, but it’s not compulsory.

Word count: 50–90 pages

Prize: $1,000 and 10 printed copies

Entry fee: $26

Closing date: 15 August 2023

16. Fool for Poetry International Chapbook Competition  

Munster Literature Centre has organized this poetry writing competition to award both new and established poets with publication. Aside from the winners, the organizers will list 25 poets as “highly commended”.

Word count: 16–24 pages

Prizes: €1,000, €500, and 25 printed copies for both winners

Entry fee: €25

17. The 2024 Kenneth Patchen Award for the Innovative Novel  

Journal of Experimental Fiction has organized this novel writing competition with Carla M. Wilson as the judge. Make sure your manuscript doesn’t contain any identifying information and add a separate sheet with your contact information.

18. The St. Lawrence Book Award  

Black Lawrence Press has organized this book writing contest with its editorial staff and previous winners as the judges. The competition is open to poets and writers who have not published a full-length manuscript in any genre. 

Categories: Prose and poetry

Word count: 120–280 pages for prose; 45–95 pages for poetry

Prize: $1,000 and ten printed copies

19. The Kindle Storyteller Award [Free Contest]

This book writing contest is open to poets and writers of all genres who have published their work through Kindle Direct Publishing. While there is a judging panel, readers also play a role in selecting the winner.

Categories: Any genre

Word count: At least 25 pages

Prize: £20,000, a book launch merchandising package, and a Kindle Oasis E-reader

20. The Eugene Paul Nassar Poetry Prize [Free Contest!]

This contest is open to books of poems published between 01 July 2021 and 30 June 2022 by a resident of Upstate New York. Unfortunately, self-published works are not eligible.

Word count:   At least 48 pages

21. Off the Grid Press    

This poetry competition 2023 is open to poets aged 60 and above. Along with the cash prize, the winner receives publication, promotion, and distribution for their book in print and audiobook formats.

Word count: At least 50 pages

Other interesting contests in 2023

22. aesthetica creative writing award  .

This writing competition invites poets and writers to submit entries on any theme. The cash prizes come with additional prizes such as magazine subscriptions and course enrolments!

Categories: Poetry and fiction

Word count: 40 lines for poetry and 2,000 words for fiction

Prizes: £2,500 per category and several other exciting prizes

Entry fee: £12 for poetry and £15 for fiction

23. Stories That Need to Be Told Contest

This interesting writing contest 2023 invites you to tell a story—whether you do it in a poem or an essay is up to you! Along with the grand prize, five prizes will be awarded for “stories that excel in the merits of Humor, Passion, Depth, and (any form of) Love”.

Prizes: $1,000, six prizes of $200

Closing date: 09 August 2023

September 2023

1. four-line poem contest.

Part of the Fanstory group of writing contests 2023, this poetry competition is sure to get you excited. Write a poem in four lines with a 1-5-5-9 syllable structure. Think you’re up to the challenge?

Word count: 20 syllables

Entry fee: $12.95

Closing date: 14 September 2023

2. Letterkenny Literary Festival Poetry Competition [Free Contest!]

Open to poets from Ireland, this poetry contest celebrates the birth of Brendan Behan and his connections with Letterkenny. Five shortlisted entrants will be invited to read their entry at the literary festival, where the winners will be announced.

Theme: Against the Odds

Word count: 30 lines

Prizes: €150, €1000

Closing date: 15 September 2023

3. TRIO International Poetry Competition

Trip Uganda has organized this poetry competition with Jon Sait as its administrator, who won the 2004 National Poetry Competition. All entries will be considered for publication in the next edition of Red Poets .

Prizes: £1,000, £300, £100, four prizes of £25

Closing date: 30 September 2023

4. VII International Short Tales Contest [Free Writing Contest!]

The César Egido Serrano Foundation has organized this international short story contest 2023 to promote “harmony between different cultures, religions and ideologies”. Writers can submit entries in Spanish, English, Arabic or Hebrew.

Word count: 100

Prizes: $20,000, three prizes of $2,000 each

5. Manchester Writing Competition

Manchester Metropolitan University invites poets and writers worldwide to participate in their writing competition. The organizers offer 100 reduced-price (£10) to participants with low income.

Categories: Short story and poetry

Word count: 2,500 for short story, 120 lines for poetry

Prize: £10,000 per category

Closing date: 01 September 2023

October 2023

1. 2024 peter porter poetry prize  .

Australian Book Review has organized this poetry contest 2023 to honor the poet Peter Porter. The five shortlisted poems will be published in the January–February 2024 issue of ABR . Entrants will receive digital access to ABR for four months!

Word count: 70 lines

Prizes: $6,000 AUD, four prizes of $1,000 AUD

Entry fee: $30 AUD

Closing date: 09 October 2023

2. Editor’s Choice Award

This interesting contest invites poets and writers to send “hybrid work—your lyric essays, prose poems, short-shorts, collages, micro-memoirs”. The competition begins accepting entries on 01 May 2023, so keep your drafts ready!

Word count: 8,000 

Closing date: 16 October 2023

3. Diode Editiona Full-Length Book Contest  

Diode Editions has organized this poetry writing competition to award an unpublished poet. The winning manuscript will be published within a year and select poems from it will appear in the 17th Anniversary Issue of diode poetry journal .

Word count: 55–95 pages

Prize: $1,500 and 10 author copies

Closing date: 30 October 2023

4. Diode Editions Chapbook Contest  

The organizers of this poetry contest allow collaborations and hybrid work. Diode Editions may select more than one chapbook as the winner, and each winner will receive a cash prize and publication.

Word count: 25–55 pages

Prize: $750 and 10 author copies

5. Anthology Poetry Competition  

Well-known among writing contests 2023, this poetry competition was “established to recognise and encourage excellence in the craft of poetry writing”. There is no restriction on theme and style, but you can refer to past issues for a better idea of what they publish.

Closing date: 31 October 2023

6. National Poetry Competition  

One of the most prestigious poetry contests in 2023, The Poetry Society has been organizing this competition since 1978. Jane Draycott, Will Harris, Clare Pollard comprise the panel of judges for this year.

Prize: £5,000

7. The Chilling Pen Award [Free Contest!]

This short story competition seeks to unearth hidden gems in the horror genre. The judging criteria are as follows: Quality, Originality, Fear Factor, and Overall Impact. So go ahead and write something to chill the panel to its bones!

Prizes: $500, $300, $100

Closing date: 01 October 2023

8. Anthology Flash Fiction Competition

Anthology has organized this flash fiction contest to “inspire creativity, great writing and to provide a platform for publication.” The winning entry will be published in a future issue of the magazine.

Prize: €300

Entry fee: €8 / €10

Closing date: 31 May 2023 / 31 October 2023

Mixed Contest 2023

9. the bedford competition  .

The organizers of this writing contest help poets and writers get published and donate all proceeds to charities that support literary and literacy skills. All winning and shortlisted entries will be published by Ostrich Books. 

Word count: 3,000 for short story; 40 lines for poetry

Prizes: £1,500, £300, £200

Entry fee: £9

November 2023

There are few poetry contests this month, but the wealth of short story competitions more than makes up for it. We hope that the two essay contests we managed to find keep the nonfiction writers happy!

Poetry contests 2023

1. edwin markham prize for poetry 2023     .

Reed Magazine welcomes poets to submit entries in a wide variety of forms and styles. You may send up to five poems in a single document with a 50-word bio. Make sure to pay attention to the formatting guidelines when you submit!

Closing date: 01 November 2023

2. James Hearst Poetry Prize  

North American Review has organized this poetry competition to honor its past contributing editor and celebrated poet, James Hearst. While there’s no restriction on form, the organizers suggest that you submit shorter poems. 

Entry fee: $23

3. Cafe Writers Poetry Competition 2023

This international poetry contest offers one free entry to any UK resident who can’t pay the entry fee. One Norfolk resident is awarded the Norfolk Prize and a cash prize of £100. Martin Figura is the sole judge this year.

Prize: £1,000, £300, £200, £100, five prizes of £50

Entry fee: £4

Closing date: 30 November 2023

4. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize

BOA Editions, a not-for-profit publishing house of poetry and poetry in translation, has organized this contest to honor its late founder. The contest is only open to poets who are yet to publish a full-length manuscript.

5. Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition

Suji Kwock Kim is the judge for this international poetry competition 2023. The poem can be on any subject or style. The organizers offer free entries of two poems each for thirty poets currently residing in a developing country.

Prize: €2,000, €500, €250, two prizes of €50

Entry fee: €7

6. John Steinbeck Award for Fiction 2023

Reed Magazine has organized this story writing contest to invite entries for its Issue 157. The organizers are open to all styles, including experimental and literary. Make sure to add a 50-word bio with your entry!

7. The Scribble Annual Short Story Competition 2023  

Park Publications, the publisher of Scribble , has organized this short story contest. The winning entry will be published in the winter 2023 edition of the magazine. Annual subscribers of Scribble receive a free entry.

Prizes: £100, £50, £25

8. Kurt Vonnegut Speculative Fiction Prize

This short story contest is open to entries in all genres of speculative fiction, from fairy tale and horror to afro-futurism and science fiction. The results will be announced in January 2024. The winning entry will be published in North American Review ’s summer issue. 

Prize: $1,333

9. Commonwealth Short Story Prize [Free Writing Contest!] 

Commonwealth Foundation has organized this free short story contest to offer publication to writers residing in Commonwealth countries. The winning story, along with four regional winning stories, will be published in Granta .

Word count: 2,000–5,000

Prizes: £5,000, four prizes of £2,500

10. Curious Curls Fiction Contest  

Curious Curls Publishing has organized this short story competition in an effort to begin publishing shorter fiction. Besides the cash prizes, the winners will receive video promotion and a free book!

Prizes: $250, $125, $100

Entry fee: $2.50

Closing date: 15 November 2023

11. Ironclad Creative Short Story Competition

In its second year, this short story competition welcomes writers to submit entries in any genre. Alongside the winners, ten longlisted writers will be offered publication in the contest anthology. All the best!

Theme: Dusk

Closing date: 16 November 2023

12. WOW! Quarterly Flash Fiction Contest

WOW! welcomes women writers to submit their best work to this open-prompt flash fiction contest 2023. You can opt for a critique of your work at an entry fee of $20. There are only 300 entries, so hurry up and start writing!

13. New Writers Flash Fiction Competition 2024

New Writers has organized this flash fiction contest to award three writers with publication on their website. Entries published online or on social media are not eligible. Stephanie Curly is the head judge.

Word count: 300 

Prizes: £1,000, £300, £200

Entry fee: £8 (early bird entry fee) / £10 

Closing date: 30 November 2023 / 31 January 2024

Essay contests

14. gabriele rico challenge for nonfiction 2023.

This nonfiction writing contest welcomes creative nonfiction such as essays and narratives, but not scholarly papers or book reviews. The piece you send must be a stand-alone work and not part of a larger manuscript.

15. Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest [Free Contest!]

The Atlas Shrugged novel essay contest is open to all high school and college students globally. Atlas Shrugged is a heroic mystery novel written by Ayn Rand. Choose from three prompts and submit an award-winning essay!

Word count: 800–1,600

Prizes: $10,000, 3 prizes of prizes $2,000, 5 prizes of $1,000, 25 prizes of $100, 50 prizes of $50

Closing date: 06 November 2023

Book writing contests 2023

16. the changes book prize  .

This poetry book competition awards a first or second book of poetry with publication. The winner also receives national distribution, extensive publicity, and a launch event for their book. Eileen Myles is the judge for the contest.

Word count: 48–80 pages

17. Evaristo Prize for African Poetry [Free Contest!]

This poetry contest 2023 is open to African poets who haven’t yet published a full-length poetry book. Self-published poets are welcome to enter! In the case of a translated work, a percentage of the prize will be awarded to the translator.

Word count: 10 poems, no more than 40 lines each

18. Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Contest  

Fiction Collective Two (FC2) has organized this writing contest 2023 for American writers who haven’t published with them before. You may submit a piece previously published in anthologies, but self-published manuscripts are not eligible! 

Mixed writing contests

19. f(r)iction contests 2023  .

The organizers of this contest invite poets and writers to submit work that “actively pushes boundaries, that forces us to question traditions and tastes.” Make sure you follow their formatting guidelines while submitting your entry!

Categories: Poetry, short story, and flash fiction

Word count: 3 pages for poetry; 1,001–7,500 words for short story; 1,000 words for flash fiction

Prizes: $300 for poetry; $1,000 for short story; $300 for flash fiction

Entry fee: $10 for poetry; $15 for short story; $10 for flash fiction

20. The SmokeLong Grand Micro Competition 2023

This microfiction writing competition welcomes entries in fiction, nonfiction, and hybrid genres. All shortlisted entries will be published in the winter 2023 issue of SmokeLong Quarterly.

Word count: 400

Prizes: $1500, $500, $300, some prizes of $100

Entry fee: $13

Closing date: 10 November 2023

21. McNally Robinson Booksellers Writing Competitions 2023

Prairie Fire has organized these creative writing contests to offer outstanding poets and writers with publication in its summer issue. Note that a poetry entry consists of three poems and your total line count should be less than 150.

Categories: Poetry, short story, and creative nonfiction

Word count: 150 lines for poetry; 5,000 words for short story and nonfiction

Prizes: $750, $350, $150 per category

Entry fee: $34

Closing date: 30 November 2023 

Other interesting writing competitions 2023

22. ink 2 screen one act challenge  .

This unique writing competition challenges screenwriters to write a one-act screenplay during the month of November. You can discuss your progress with other participants and you’ll receive detailed feedback on your entry!

Word count: 60 pages

Entry fee: $45

23. Tadpole Press 100-Word Writing Contest  

This exciting contest welcomes poets and writers to try their hand at creating written beauty in just 100 words. The judges are looking for “creativity, uniqueness, and how the story captures a new angle, breaks through stereotypes.”

Prizes: $2,000, a writing coaching program, an editing package

24. Anthology Travel Writing Competition  

The organizers of this travel writing contest are looking for “an engaging article that will capture the reader’s attention, conveying a strong sense of the destination and the local culture”.

Entry fee: €10/€15

December 2023

Poetry competitions 2023 dominate December, but we’ll keep looking for more short story contests and essay writing contests. Our beloved poets and writers have had a great year of writing, and it’s our job to help them further! We have also included many free writing contests in 2023 for budding and seasoned writers. 

1. Joy Bale Boone Poetry Prize  

Elizabethtown Community and Technical College has organized this poetry competition 2023. Winners and finalists will be published in the Spring 2024 issue of The Heartland Review , of which 20 finalists will receive a free copy.

Prizes: $500, $140, $100

Closing date: 01 December 2023

2. Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poetry [Free Contest!]

This poetry writing contest rewards one unpublished poet with a cash prize and publication. While self-published poets are not eligible, editors or anthology contributors are welcome to submit!

Prizes: $1,000

3. Women’s Poetry Competition 2023  

Mslexia has organized this poetry contest to offer the 4 winners and 16 additional finalists with publication. Previously unpublished poets are eligible for the Unpublished Poetry Prize and £250 cash prize!

Prizes: £2,000, £500, two prizes of £250

Closing date: 04 December 2023

4. 21st Gival Press Poetry Award 2023  

Gival Press has organized this poetry contest 2023 to reward one unpublished manuscript. Self-published books are not allowed. There are no restrictions on the theme or style, the organizers want “simply good poetry”.

Word count: At least 45 pages

Closing date: 15 December 2022

5. The Moth Poetry Prize 2023

Among the most reputed poetry competitions worldwide, The Moth Poetry Prize invites poets to submit their unpublished poems. Four shortlisted poems will appear in the Irish Times online and the overall winner will be announced in spring 2024.

Prizes: €6,000, three prizes of €1,000, eight prizes of €250

Closing date: 31 December 2023 

6. The 2023 Society of Classical Poets International Poetry Competition

This 2023 poetry contest requires all entries to be in meter. Rhyme and other traditional techniques are encouraged as well, but not required. You may submit up to three poems in an entry if the total line count is below 108.

Word count: 108 lines

Prize: $2,000, three prizes of €1,000, eight prizes of €250

Closing date: 31 December 2023

7. The Tampa Review Prize for Poetry

One of the best poetry contests out there, this competition accepts previously unpublished manuscripts. Individual poems may have appeared in periodicals, chapbooks, or anthologies. All entries include a one-year subscription to Tampa Review .

Short story contest 2023

8. the w.s. porter prize for short story collections  .

This short story competition in 2023 honors the master of the genre, O. Henry himself. Regal House Publishing will publish the winning short story collection. The organizers seek “a masterfully written short story collection”.

Word count: 100–350 pages

9. Short Short Story Competition 2024

The grand prize winner of this contest gets a paid trip to the Writer’s Digest Conference along with a cash prize. All finalists will be published in the September/October 2024 issue of Writer’s Digest .

Prizes: $3,000, $1,500, $500, $100

Closing date: 15 December 2023

10. The Danahy Fiction Prize  

While the organizers of this short story contest have provided an ideal word count, entries falling slightly outside the range are allowed. Make sure your entry is double-spaced and attach a cover page with your details.

Word count: 500–5,000

11. 2024 MWA First Crime Novel Competition [Free Contest!]

Minotaur Books and Mystery Writers of America (MWA) has organized this novel writing contest in 2024 to offer a deserving writer with publication. Self-published works are not eligible, but self-published writers are welcome to submit a new manuscript!

Word count: 60,000–65,000

Prize: $10,000 (as an advance against royalties)

12. The Masters Review Chapbook Open

The Masters Review has organized this prose chapbook contest to offer one emerging writer with publication. The organizers “encourage you to be bold, to experiment with style and form.” Think you’re up for the challenge?

Word count: 25–45 pages

Prize: $3,000 and 75 contributor copies

Closing date: 17 December 2023

13. Valorious Awards

This science fiction contest for published writers only features 100 entries. The organizers stress the quality of writing, so make sure your book has been meticulously edited and proofread!

Word count: At least 65,000

Prize: $500, $250, $150

Writing contests 2024

The year 2024 brings us a fresh crop of writing contests for poets and writers. Stay tuned as we keep adding more competitions to our ever-expanding list!

1. Colorado Prize for Poetry  

Colorado State University has organized this poetry competition to offer one poet with publication. The Center for Literary Publishing will publish 500 copies of the winning entry! Translations and self-published manuscripts are not eligible. 

Closing date: 14 January 2024

2. Rattle Chapbook Prize  

This poetry contest honors the form of chapbooks by offering publication to three poets. Each winning copy will reach Rattle ’s 8,000 subscribers. As the organizers say, “This will be a chapbook to launch a career.”

Word count: 15–30 pages

Prizes: Three prizes of $5,000

Closing date: 15 January 2024

3. New Writers Flash Fiction Competition 2024

Entry fee: £8 / £10

Closing date: 31 January 2024

4. Terry Tempest Williams Creative Nonfiction Prize  

This essay contest welcomes all kinds of creative essays from lyric essays to literary journalism. Objective essays are also allowed but should have a personal touch. All semi-finalists will be considered for publication!

Word count: 500–10,000

Closing date: 01 April 2024

Read our latest article, to know more about writing competitions 2024 .

If you were hoping for some more short story, poetry, or essay contests, don’t worry! As more contests are announced, we’ll keep adding to this list. So make sure to bookmark this page for the latest writing competitions 2023!

For more resources on writing and editing, feel free to explore our Resource Center. For now, here are a few articles you may be interested in:

  • 2024’s Top 10 Self-Help Books for Better Living
  • 5 Elements of a Short Story & 6 Stages of a Plot  
  • How to Create Powerful Conflict in Your Story  
  • Theme of a Story | Meaning, Common Themes & Examples
  • How to Write Dialogue: 7 Rules, 5 Tips & 65 Examples   

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9 comments on “ Writing Contests 2023: Cash Prizes, Free Entries, & More! ”

Thanks for compiling this list, it’s very helpful for poets & writers like myself!

Please add this writing contest to your list: Biopage Storytelling Writing Contest (Biannual) Thank you!

Hi Paul! The contest has been added to the list. Thanks for reaching out!

Hello! You might be interested in featuring the Anthology Short Story and Poetry Competitions 2023 in this list. Thanks!

Hi Dearbhaile, I’ve added the writing contests to our list. Thanks for suggesting them!

The Atlas Shrugged Novel Essay Contest is open to all students globally. Kindly add it to your list!

Thank you for reaching out, Nelly! I’ve added the contest to our list.

Anthology now has a Flash Fiction competition!

Thank you for compiling the list!

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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

78 writing contests in june 2024 - no entry fees.

creative writing contests poetry

Some of these contests have age and geographical restrictions, so read the instructions carefully. If y ou want to get a jump on next month's contests go to  Free Contests . Many of these contests are offered annually, so even if the deadline has passed, you can prepare for next year.

Good luck! 

Note: I update this list continually throughout the month, so check back frequently for new contests.

(Image: Pickpik)


Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity

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Pulitzer Center Update June 26, 2024

Fighting Words Poetry Contest 2024: Winners and Finalists

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Lesson Plans

Fighting words: poetry in response to current events [contest and workshop].

Students are invited to enter poems written in response to news stories to the Fighting Words Poetry Contest. This workshop guides teachers and students in how to craft a successful entry.

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The Pulitzer Center congratulates the 2024 Fighting Words Poetry Contest winners and finalists!

Every year, students around the world participate in the Fighting Words Poetry Contest by identifying a global issue that matters to them and writing poems in conversation with Pulitzer Center-supported news stories on those issues.

In this seventh annual contest, we received 1,400 entries written by students in 16 countries, 36 U.S. states, and the District of Columbia. We are grateful to every student who used this contest as an opportunity to learn about global issues, cultivate empathy, and take action through their writing.

Please join us in celebrating the 21 young poets whose work appears below. Judged in categories based on the issues their poems centered, they include 5 first place winners selected by guest judge Irene Vázquez, as well as 16 finalists.

Contest Winners:

(* = poem is accompanied by an audio recording)

Issue 1: Climate and Environment

1st Place "No Land Between Us" by Rohan Packer 7th grade | The British International School | Turkey Comments from judge Irene Vázquez: The power of the persona poem to bring us in tune with our non-human kin is on full display in this poem. I love the bold use of perspective in “No Land Between Us” and the intimate way it brings the concerns of the humans and the elephants onto the same plane, illuminating for the reader how each is uniquely subject to the whims of corporate greed.

"Whispered by the Wind" by Violet Sandridge* 7th grade | Summit Charter Middle School | Colorado

"Healing Roots" by Charisma Holly* 11th grade | Detroit Edison Public School Academy Early College of Excellence | Michigan

"Scarlet Rains" by Emma Nakhle* 11th grade | Stuyvesant High School | New York

"Mahogany Sisters" by Ava Strancke 12th grade | Arrowhead Union High School | Wisconsin

Issue 2: Global Health

1st Place “exposure / exposé / exposed” by Max Lee* 11th grade | Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Techonology | Georgia Comments from judge Irene Vázquez: This poet knows how to wield language sharply like a warning, like a portent. They write: “when rows of electrical boxes decompose into chains of symmetrical coffins,/when single-file lines of veins are poisoned with the residues of negligence,/how many more dust-covered veterans will need to devolve into ash?” The use of repetition in this poem astutely mirrors the cumulative effects of carcinogens slowly building up in the body.

"Super Banana" by William Taylor* 2nd grade | Home School | Tennessee

"Is it the end or a new beginning?" by Aadhyaa Aravind* 4th grade | VidyaNiketan School | India

"The Unbreakable Chain" by Riddhima Das 8th grade | Kamiakin Middle School | Washington

"Chemical Dreams, Chemical Despair" by Nabeeha Jalali 12th grade | Salem High School | Michigan

Issue 3: Human Rights

"Namai" by Emma Zhang 11th grade | Branham High School | California Comments from judge Irene Vázquez: The poet brilliantly evokes the imagery of the Peruvian Amazon in “Namai,” and in doing so, they illuminate the worlds that are lost when language is lost. They write: “tongue-tied, tongue-lost in the creases of açai palms,/blood swelled thorough hyacinth macaws and dart frogs/exhaling perspiration to skin like another word for home.” The turn towards the intimate and relational in the second stanza shows us as readers how vital the role of community is in the fight for language justice.

"A New Condition" by Jacob Jing* 11th grade | Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science | Texas

"What Family Is For" by Wesley Little 11th grade | Community School of Davidson | North Carolina

"Wild Violets" by Evan Mackett 11th grade | Plymoth High School | Michigan

"Somos Gente" by Angelina S. P. [poem forthcoming] 11th grade | Woodburn High School | Oregon

Issue 4: Information and Artificial Intelligence

1st Place "binary bodies" by Aigerim Bibol* 11th grade | Sidwell Friends School | Maryland Comments from judge Irene Vázquez: This poet powerfully contrasts the if/then supposedly objective language of computer programming with evocative, first person stanzas that give voice to the women whose bodies are objectified through AI content filters. As the speaker describes the system’s “gaze, ravenous & insatiable” as it consumes "every byte/embedded in the system’s calculative grasp,” they show us exactly how the systems of power that devour women in the physical world are brutally re-enacted in the digital world.

2nd Place "Disconnect" by Sophie Zhang* 7th grade | Wilmette Junior High School | Illinois

3rd Place "i don't believe you" by Piper Sobel* 8th grade | Home School | Illinois

Issue 5: Peace and Conflict

1st Place "the bush is for the animals, not for the people" by Lily Scheckner* 11th grade | Montgomery Blair High School | Maryland Comments from judge Irene Vázquez: Wow. Just wow. This poem took my breath away. The simplicity of the repetition of “We don’t know it yet” belies its power, much like the avenues for dialogue that the women patiently but forcefully and repeatedly open up in the Congo. A good documentary poem knows when to take a back seat to its subject, and this poem masterfully centers the potent metaphor that the women themselves use, that the “bush is for the animals, not the people,” and builds a world around it.

2nd Place "Press Enter to view keybinds" by Mindy Phan 11th grade | Skyline High School | Utah

3rd Place "to all the warriors" by Giya Agarwal 10th grade | Interlake Senior High School | Washington

In addition to Irene Vázquez, thank you to our semifinal and final round judges, who ensured all entries were reviewed by at least two readers: Elliott Adams, Hannah Berk, Alex Byrne, Kendra Grissom, Donnalie Jamnah, Jessica Mims, Doménica Montaño, Fareed Mostoufi, Sushmita Jaya Mukherjee, Cate Riccio, Mark Schulte, and Ethan Widlansky.


Fighting words poetry contest 2023: winners and finalists.

author #1 image

June 28, 2023

Processing the News Through Poetry: Teachers Share

author #1 image

October 16, 2023

Winners and Finalists: Local Letters for Global Change 2023

January 10, 2024

Banner image for School Holidays Writing Workshop: Rhyming Poetry for Kids, Grade 5 to 6

  • Mon 8th Jul 2024, 3:00 am - 4:10 am MST (Opens in new tab)

School Holidays Writing Workshop: Rhyming Poetry for Kids, Grade 5 to 6

Event description.

Unleash Your Child's Inner Poet: Rhyming Poetry Workshop for Grade 5 & 6 Students

Date: Monday 1st July or 8th July 2024 (School Holidays)

Duration: 1 hour 10 mins

Location: Online (via Zoom)  

Help your child explore their creativity with our Rhyming Poetry Workshop. 

Looking for something to occupy your child during the upcoming July school holidays? This relaxed, educational workshop is perfect for them.

This workshop is for students in Grade 5 or 6.

What will this 1 hour 10 minute session cover?

Workshop Highlights:

- Engaging Activities: Your child will learn a fundamental concept of rhyming poetry through interactive exercises.

- Creative Expression: Your child will discover how to play with words.

- Group Interaction: Students will share their creations and get inspired by peers.

- Expert Guidance: An experienced poetry instructor will guide them every step of the way.

Exclusive Offer : 

For a small additional fee, opt for brief personalized feedback on your child's poetry after the class, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement. The feedback is supportive and kept only to 2-3 points, so your child can easily action them.

Why Enroll Your Child?

- Boost Creativity: Poetry enhances creative thinking and self-expression.

- Build Confidence: Sharing their work with a group can build self-esteem.

- Have Fun: A lively and inspiring session makes the holidays special.

This workshop is hosted by an experienced writer and educator. Your host, Michelle, has published over 67 pieces of poetry and writing over the last 2 years.

How to Register:

- Select your ticket option (with or without feedback)

- Complete your registration and watch your child's creativity flourish!

Spaces are limited, so book your child's spot today!

Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity

Poetry Programming, Writing Workshops: Hybrid Creative Writing Session

You can attend this event in person at the Bronx Library Center (Room C-33) and online via Google Meet!

Calling all writers: Join the staff at the Bronx Library Center for a Creative Writing Session where you can engage in free writing and poetry alongside your peers.

Flyer for Hybrid Creative Writing Session. Clipart of a blue star banner with sheet of paper in front followed by the name of the event, the time, location, and description. The fine print says that online registration is required.

  • Audience: Adults

Skip to Main Landmark (Press Enter)

Spartan Alert

Pride and poetry, according to emilia phillips.

Posted on June 25, 2024

Person stands at a podium with a mic in a bookstore and addresses a seated crowd.

On a dreary Thursday night in February, a group gathered at Scuppernong Books in downtown Greensboro for a reading of a new collection of poetry by Emilia Phillips . Phillips had just released their fifth collection of poetry, entitled “Nonbinary Bird of Paradise,” but this was no typical book reading.  

Phillips gathered UNCG students and alumni to read original works and selected text that inspired their latest poems. All in attendance raved about how the reading was a celebration of voices and art and the flow of inspiration. For Phillips, all of this is intertwined.  

An Artist Spreads Their Wings  

A UNCG professor since 2017, Phillips is an associate professor of creative writing where they teach poetry workshops and serve as core poetry faculty for the Masters of Fine Art in Creative Writing . Phillips also has cross-appointments in the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and English departments teaching the Queer Poetry and Poetics class and the Women’s Health and Bodies class to undergraduates.  

Being a poet, a teacher, and a voice for the LGBTQIA+ community is all part of the creative process for Phillips. “I can’t teach poetry unless I’m writing it and vice versa,” she says. “My constant dialogue with students informs my work.”  

Book cover for Nonbinary Bird of Paradise with an illustration of birds nesting with flowers and a snake striking from inside the nest.

“Nonbinary Bird of Paradise” is a prime example of Phillips’ exploratory style of poetry, but this latest collection focuses on gender and the ways cultural, religious and mythological narratives support heterosexuality as “the norm”. 

In “Nonbinary Bird of Paradise,” Phillips’ challenge of compulsory heterosexuality cuts right to the chase. The first section includes twelve poems in the voice of Eve from the Bible. It imagines if Eve wasn’t born straight and was never desiring of Adam but had no other choices of partners. 

“My writing is definitely informed by my own worldview, experience, gender journey and sexuality,” says Phillips, who was raised in Chattanooga, Tennessee. “I couldn’t have written the Eve sequence without getting to a certain point of my own reflections and self-work, but I was nervous when the book came out because it does deal so explicitly with sex and gender and sexuality.”  

The poem that inspired the book’s title is also extremely personal. “It’s a love poem for my partner,” Phillips explains. “I imagined if I was a bird of paradise, how would I woo my partner without the fancy plumage.”  

Phillips admits that most of their poetry is part autobiographical and part creative, but its fiction label opens doors for creative freedom, a principle they encourage in the classroom as well.   

Birds of a Feather Writing Together  

Phillips’ classes provide a safe space for building art and students appreciate the sense of community they find at UNCG’s English department. 

“Emilia prioritizes community not only in the classroom but outside of it too,” second-year MFA student Liz Bruce explains. “We are constantly sharing resources and opportunities and celebrating each other.” 

Student stands at a podium and reads for a group at a book store.

Recent MFA graduate Kay Zeiss is a private practice therapist working with adults who have experienced trauma. They are particularly dialed into using writing to process trauma. Self-identifying as genderqueer and nonbinary, Zeiss was particularly interested in working under Phillips’ mentorship and thrived in the department. 

“My goal isn’t to become this famous writer,” Zeiss confesses. “I just hope my writing can be of service to someone. Folks are really interested in being able to articulate their experience and find language for something that they didn’t have before. There’s a community and compassion there that I want to help facilitate.” 

Attracting creative minds like this to UNCG is exactly what Phillips had in mind when they joined the English department in 2017. Establishing a close-knit community within a larger campus community, which serves minorities and has historically been a safe place for LGBTQIA+ youth, provided the perfect environment for Phillips’ poetry to take root. 

“Having representation in the classroom and also having representation in my work out in the world is very important to me,” Phillips says. 

Artistic Reflections   

This high regard for representation and community made it natural for Phillips to invite students to share inspirational text at their book reading. “My students are among the most important people in my life,” they said. “Including them made it really festive.”  

“I’ve been to multiple readings at Scuppernong and this one was definitely different in that there was a huge crowd of people there to celebrate,” said Bruce, who read “[Poem about Naomi; unsent]” by Rachel Mennies at Phillips’ book reading. 

Zeiss read an original poem publicly for the first time at Phillips’ reading. “Hymnal to Transqueer Futures” reflects on grief following the death of Nex Benedict and ponders hope for the future of nonbinary and transqueer children. Zeiss dedicated it to Maddie Poole, another writer in attendance.  “I was so honored to be a part of this group,” they said. “It was very tender and sweet to have other people in the MFA program that I care about in this line-up of incredible poets. Reading my poem felt like an offering to the community.”  

Student stands at a poem and reads to a group at Scuppernong Books.

Bruce, and others who participated in the event, felt similarly grateful to be a part of Phillips’ unveiling of “Nonbinary Bird of Paradise.” 

“Because of Emilia’s decision to platform multiple voices and multiple authors, they recognize that writing isn’t created in a vacuum,” Bruce says. “It was a celebration of the community as much as the book, because the community influenced the making of the book in so many ways.” 

UNCG has nothing but pride for communities like Emilia Phillips’ that bring art into the world to spur curiosity and impart understanding. We celebrate this during Pride month, as we do throughout the year. 

Story by Becky Deakins, University Communications.   Photography courtesy of Felipe Troncoso  

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Festival of Learning 2024: Creative Poetry Writing

Festival of Learning 2024: Creative Poetry Writing

Our Creative Poetry Writing Workshop will help you find your own style to write poems that are full of feeling!

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As part of Nova's Festival of Learning, we are excited to present you with the opportunity to learn about Creative Poetry Writing. Whether you're a complete beginner or someone looking to refine your skills, this workshop will help you find your own voice and ignite your creativity.

Through fun exercises and expert guidance, you'll learn how to spark your imagination and craft poems that are both meaningful and evocative. Join us and discover the joy of writing poetry in a supportive and inspiring environment!

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  1. Writing Contests, Grants & Awards July/August 2024

    The Writing Contests, Grants & Awards database includes details about the creative writing contests—including poetry contests, short story competitions, essay contests, awards for novels, and more—that we've published in Poets & Writers Magazine during the past year. We carefully review the practices and policies of each contest before including it.

  2. Best Poetry Writing Contests in 2024

    Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Memoir, Non-fiction, Poetry, Script Writing, Short Story, and Novella. Geminga is a neutron star so small it was difficult to detect. With Geminga: $500 for Tiny Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, or Art, Sunspot Lit honors the power of the small. No restrictions on theme or category.

  3. Poets & Writers

    Find details about every creative writing competition—including poetry contests, short story competitions, essay contests, awards for novels, grants for translators, and more—that we've published in the Grants & Awards section of Poets & Writers Magazine during the past year. We carefully review the practices and policies of each contest before including it in the Writing Contests ...

  4. The Ultimate List of Writing Contests in 2024 • Win Cash Prizes!

    Genres: Essay, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Non-fiction, Poetry, and Short Story. Bacopa Literary Review's 2024 contest is open from March 4 through April 4, with $200 Prize and $100 Honorable Mention in each of six categories: Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Flash Fiction, Free Verse Poetry, Formal Poetry, and Visual Poetry.

  5. Creative Writing and Poetry Competitions, Submissions and Opportunities

    Over 170 calls for creative writing competitions and submissions including poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, art, photography, and more - contests, literary journals, residencies, bursaries etc - open or with deadlines in January 2024.

  6. Writing & Poetry Competitions & Submissions

    Over 160 calls for literary competitions and submissions including poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, art, photography, and more - contests, literary journals, residencies, bursaries etc - open or with deadlines in June 2024.

  7. Writing Competitions » Creative Writing Ink

    A curated list of online writing competitions, updated regularly. SaveAs Writers' International Writing Competition 2024 Theme: Risking All Categories: Poetry and Short Stories Word Count: 3,500 words maximum for short stories / 60 lines max for poetry Entry Fee: £4 per poem (£10…

  8. Writing Contests

    We have writing contests for elementary school students and middle school students. It is our goal to help your student find their creative competition through expressing their thoughts and feelings with the power of writing. Our writing contests are open to the U.S. and are broken down by grade divisions.

  9. Writing Contests & Publication Opportunities for Youth

    Here are the best places to submit your work—from writing contests and competitions with cash prizes to publications seeking poetry, essays and more forms of multimedia storytelling from young writers. ... poetry, and creative nonfiction all year, from middle and high school students between 14 and 18 years old. In addition, they host the ...

  10. Your Ultimate Guide to Writing Contests Through 2024

    Prize: 1st: $1,000, publication in The Saturday Evening Post. Runners-up (5): $200. Entry Fee: $10. Deadline: TBD 2024 (Annual Contest) Sponsor: The Saturday Evening Post. From Website: "Unpublished short stories of 1,500 to 5,000 words in any genre touching on the publication's mission, "Celebrating America—past, present, and future.".

  11. Writing Contests 2024: Cash Prizes & Free Entries!

    Writing competitions 2024: 1. Poetry contests 2. Short story competitions 3. Essay contests 4. Book writing contests 5. Mixed competitions for all. MENU MENU. Services. ... Essay writing contests 2024 6. Creative Non Fiction Essay Contest . Judged by Safiya Sinclair, this contest seeks submissions of creative, non-fiction essays of 5,000 words. ...

  12. Upcoming Writing Contests

    Find details about every creative writing competition—including poetry contests, short story competitions, essay contests, awards for novels, grants for translators, and more—that we've published in the Grants & Awards section of Poets & Writers Magazine during the past year. We carefully review the practices and policies of each contest before including it in the Writing Contests ...

  13. Creative Writing Contests & Grants

    Find details about every creative writing competition—including poetry contests, short story competitions, essay contests, awards for novels, grants for translators, and more—that we've published in the Grants & Awards section of Poets & Writers Magazine during the past year. We carefully review the practices and policies of each contest before including it in the Writing Contests ...

  14. Writing Contests

    March 27, 2024 - July 11, 2024. More.. Free online writing writing contests for fiction, poetry, nonfiction, novels, books, short short stories, and every other type of creative writing.

  15. Writing Contests 2023: Cash Prizes, Free Entries, & More!

    Poetry competitions 2023 1. Four-Line Poem Contest. Part of the Fanstory group of writing contests 2023, this poetry competition is sure to get you excited. Write a poem in four lines with a 1-5-5-9 syllable structure. Think you're up to the challenge? Word count: 20 syllables. Prize: $100. Entry fee: $12.95. Closing date: 14 September 2023. 2.

  16. 75 Writing Contests in March 2024

    Genre: Books of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction published in the previous year. Prize : $2,500. Deadline: March 1, 2024. Alabama Arts Council Fellowships . Restrictions: Open to any author who has lived in Alabama for at least 2 years. Genre: Fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction of 10-20 pages. Prize: $5,000.

  17. 78 Writing Contests in June 2024

    Wyoming Creative Writing Fellowship.Restrictions: Open to Wyoming writers who are U.S. citizens or have legal resident status.Genre: Fiction, Poetry, CNF.Prize: $5,000 and an honorarium/travel stipend. One fellowship will be awarded in each category of Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, and Fiction, for a total of three fellowships.

  18. Fighting Words Poetry Contest 2024: Winners and Finalists

    The Pulitzer Center congratulates the 2024 Fighting Words Poetry Contest winners and finalists! Every year, students around the world participate in the Fighting Words Poetry Contest by identifying a global issue that matters to them and writing poems in conversation with Pulitzer Center-supported news stories on those issues. In this seventh annual contest, we received 1,400 entries written ...

  19. School Holidays Writing Workshop: Rhyming Poetry for Kids, Grade 5 to 6

    Michelle is a skillful writer, poet and educator with over 67 pieces of writing published in various magazines and books, including books by Bowen Street Press and Cordite. Michelle has taught English and Writing to school students for 5+ years.She has also won the "Best Creative Writer Award" for Melbourne University's prestigious student magazine in previous years.

  20. Hybrid Creative Writing Session

    Poetry Programming, Writing Workshops: Hybrid Creative Writing Session. Date and Time. Friday, July 26, 2024, 6 - 7 PM. End times are approximate. Events may end early or late. Location. Online. ... Join the staff at the Bronx Library Center for a Creative Writing Session where you can engage in free writing and poetry alongside your peers.

  21. Pride and Poetry, According to Emilia Phillips

    A UNCG professor since 2017, Phillips is an associate professor of creative writing where they teach poetry workshops and serve as core poetry faculty for the Masters of Fine Art in Creative Writing. Phillips also has cross-appointments in the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and English departments teaching the Queer Poetry and Poetics ...

  22. Festival of Learning 2024: Creative Poetry Writing

    Eventbrite - Nova New Opportunities presents Festival of Learning 2024: Creative Poetry Writing - Wednesday, 3 July 2024 at Nova New Opportunities, LONDON, England. Find event and ticket information. Our Creative Poetry Writing Workshop will help you find your own style to write poems that are full of feeling!

  23. Moscow/Zelenograd and New Moscow

    Zelenograd and New Moscow are two large parts of Moscow city, that lie (often far) outside consolidated residential zone of the city, which lies within and just beyond the MKAD (Moscow Ring Road).. Zelenograd was added in Moscow in 1968 as one of the leading scientific centers. New Moscow was added to Moscow in 2012, forming Novomoskovky and Troitskiy Administrativniy Okrugs with plans of new ...

  24. Zelenograd

    Zelenograd (Russian: Зеленоград, IPA: [zʲɪlʲɪnɐˈgrat], lit. ' green city ') is a city and administrative okrug of Moscow, Russia. The city of Zelenograd and the territory under its jurisdiction form the Zelenogradsky Administrative Okrug (ZelAO), an exclave located within Moscow Oblast, 37 kilometers (23 mi) north-west of central Moscow, along the M10 highway.

  25. The Zelenograd Center of Microelectronics

    This article deals with appearance of microelectronics in the USSR and establishing of its innovation centre in Zelenograd, Moscow. Prerequisites for creation of the microelectronics, measures on the development of the scientific-research centre are considered and the acting persons presented.

  26. Zelenograd

    History. Zelenograd was founded in 1958 as an unnamed city near Kryukovo on an empty, forested place, and it's architecture and civic layout yields to one general architectural plan. Igor Pokrovsky, which has large influence from the garden city movement, the development of the Tapiola district in Finland, and new towns in the United Kingdom ...

  27. Submission Calendar

    Find details about every creative writing competition—including poetry contests, short story competitions, essay contests, awards for novels, grants for translators, and more—that we've published in the Grants & Awards section of Poets & Writers Magazine during the past year. We carefully review the practices and policies of each contest before including it in the Writing Contests ...