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Understanding Architecture Case Studies

  • Updated: February 12, 2024

History teaches us many things, and it can carry valuable lessons on how to move forward in life. In architecture , when we are faced with a project, one of the first places we can look is the past – to see what worked, what didn’t, and what we can improve for our own projects.

This process comes in the form of architecture case studies, and every project can benefit from this research.

Here we take you through the purpose, process, and pointers for conducting effective case studies in architecture.

What is an architecture case study

A case study (also known as a precedent study ) is a means of finding relevant information about a project by examining another project with similar attributes. Case studies use real-world context to analyze, form, support, and convey different ideas and approaches in design.

Simply put, architectural case studies are when you use existing buildings as references for new ones.

Architects can conduct case studies at nearly every stage of a project, adapting and relating applicable details to refine and communicate their own projects. Students can use case studies to strengthen their research and make a more compelling case for their concepts .

Regardless of the size or scale of a project, case studies can positively impact a design in a multitude of ways.

Architecture Case Studies

How do you select a case study?

There are more than a hundred million buildings in the world, and your project could have similarities with thousands of other projects. On the other hand, you could also have a hard time finding buildings that match your specific project requirements.

Focusing your search parameters can help you find helpful references quickly and accurately.

The architectural program includes the spatial organization , user activity, and general functions of a building. Case studies with comparable programs can give you an idea of the spaces and circulation required for a similar project. From this, you can form a design brief catering to the unique requirements of the client or study.

Scale can be a strong common denominator among projects as it can be used to compare buildings of the same size, with a similar number of occupants or volume of visitors. Scale also ensures that the study project has an equivalent impact on the city or its surroundings.

Spaces and designs vary greatly between standalone structures and large-scale complexes, so finding case studies that emulate your project’s scale can give you more relevant and applicable information.

Project type is crucial for comparing spaces one to one. Common types include residential, commercial, office, educational, institutional, or industrial buildings. Each type can also have sub-categories such as single-family homes, mass housing, or urban condominiums.

Case studies with the same project type can help you compare occupant behavior, building management, and specific facilities that relate to your design.

Some case studies can lead you to specific architects with specialty portfolios in certain sectors such as museums, theaters, airports, or hospitals. Their expertise results in a body of work ideal for research and comparison, especially with complex public or transportation buildings.

You may also look into a specific architect if their projects embody the style and design sensibilities that you wish to explore. Many renowned architecture firms have set themselves apart with unique design philosophies and new approaches to planning.

Finding core theories to build on can help steer your project in the right direction.

Project Location

If possible, you’ll want to find case studies in the same region or setting as your project. Geographically, buildings can have significantly different approaches to planning and design based on the environment, demographic, and local culture of the area. There are also many building codes and regulations that may vary across cities and states.

Even when case studies are not from the same locality, it’s important to still have a relevant site context for your project. A tropical beach resort, for example, can take inspiration from tropical beaches across the world.

Likewise, a ski lodge project would require a look into different snowy mountains from different countries.

architectural case study

How are they used?

Whether it’s for academic, professional, or even personal use, case studies can offer plenty of insight for your projects and a look into different approaches and methods you may not have otherwise considered. Here are some of the most common uses for architectural case studies.

Case studies are most commonly used for research, to analyze the past, present, and future of the project typology. Through case studies you can see the evolution of a building type, the different ways problems were solved, and the considerations factored into each design.

In practice, this could be as simple as saying, “Let’s see how they did it.” It’s about learning as much as we can from completed projects and the world around us.


When designing from scratch, it’s common to have a few blank moments here and there. Maybe you’re struggling to develop a unified design , or are simply unsure of how to proceed with a project. Senior architects or academic instructors will often suggest seeking inspiration from existing buildings – those that we can explore and experience.

Throughout history , architecture is shown to have evolved over centuries of development, each era taking inspiration from the last while integrating forms and technologies unique to the time. Case studies are very much a part of this process, giving us a glimpse into different styles, building systems, and forms .

A study project could serve as your entire design peg, or it could add ideas far beyond the facade. The important thing about using a case study for inspiration is beginning with a basis, instead of venturing off into the great unknown. After that, it’s all up to the designers to integrate what they see fit.

As Bruce Lee once said, “absorb what is useful, discard what is not, and add what is uniquely your own.”

Design justification

Case studies help architects make well-informed decisions about planning and design, from the simplest to the most complex ideas. A single finished project is often enough to show proof of concept , and showing completed examples can go a long way in getting stakeholders on board with an idea.

When clients or jurors show skepticism or confusion about an idea, case studies can help you navigate through the hesitation to win approval for your project. Similarly, as a student, case studies can bolster your presentation to help defend your design decisions.


Unless your clients are architecture enthusiasts themselves, you’re likely going to know a lot more about buildings than them. Because of this, certain ideas aren’t going to resonate with the audience immediately, and you may need additional examples or references to make a convincing presentation.

Case studies help to make connections to existing projects. Beyond the typical sales talk and flowery words, case studies represent actual projects with quantifiable results.

With a study project, for example, you can say “this retail design strategy has been shown to increase rentable space by 15% in these two projects”, or “this facade system used in X project has reduced the need for artificial cooling by 40%, and we think it would be a great fit for what we’re trying to achieve here”.

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What to look for during your research.

Each case study should have a specific purpose for your project, be it a useful comparison or a key contribution to your ideas. Sometimes a case study could look drastically different from your project, but it can be used to communicate a wide variety of features and facets that aren’t immediately visible to the eye.

Here are a few things to look out for when doing your research.

If you’re looking to build a museum, the first kinds of buildings to look out for are other museums from around the world. A building with the same typology as yours is almost guaranteed to have similar aspects and approaches. You’ll also be able to see how the building works with its surroundings.

In the case of a museum, you’ll see if the study projects stand out monumentally, or blend in seamlessly, and from there you can decide which is more applicable for your design.

Function is another important aspect that will inform your research.

If for example, you’re comparing two museums, but one is a museum of modern art and the other is a museum of military equipment, they’re going to have vastly different spaces and functions. Similarly, schools can take inspiration from thousands of other schools, but an elementary school’s functions are going to vary greatly from a college campus.

Finding case projects that function more or less the same way as yours will give you more relevant information about the design.

There are also study projects that work well together despite having slightly different functions, such as theaters and concert halls, or bus stations and train stations. These projects, though not exactly the same, still share plenty of similarities in spatial and traffic requirements to be used as effective case studies.

If you’re exploring a certain style, you can find projects with a design close to what you’re trying to achieve.

However the forms don’t necessarily need to look the same.

For example, if you’re planning a museum with a continuous experience from one exhibit to another, you might use the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York as a case study – being one of the earliest and best examples of such style with its round, gently ramped design. But your design doesn’t need to resemble the Frank Lloyd Wright landmark.

The main purpose for finding similar styles is to see how it’s been executed with comparable planning considerations, and to see the effect the style has on a particular project type.

architectural case study

Whether your project is relatively small or large, it’s good to consider how projects of the same scale fare when built. Even if a building has nearly identical features and functions as your project, if it operates on a completely different scale the same principles may be far less effective on your site.

Site conditions can hugely influence the architectural design of a project, especially when working with extreme slopes or remote locations. You’ll often want to study projects that are in a similar part of the world geographically, with comparable site conditions and nearly identical settings.

Check if your site is in a rural or urban area , if it has generally flat or rolling terrain, and if the lot is a particular shape or length.


Similar to the site itself, environmental considerations will have a large impact on the way case study buildings are designed.

It’s important to know the climate, weather, and scenery of study projects to fully understand the challenges and opportunities that their designers worked with. Buildings in tropical, humid environments use very different materials and elements than those in arid or icy environments.


Circulation is a crucial aspect of projects as it directly affects how a building is experienced.

With case studies you’ll need to look out for the flow of people, the ingress and egress areas, and how people and vehicles pass through and around the building. Circulation will determine how the design interacts with the users and the general public.


Though often overlooked, accessibility is becoming increasingly more important, especially for large-scale projects in dense cities. This involves how people move from the rest of the city to the site. It includes traffic management, road networks, public transportation, and universal design for the disabled.

If the target users can’t get to your building, the project can’t be used as intended. When doing case studies, it’s important to consider what measures were taken to ensure the sites were made open and accessible.

Landscape architecture encompasses far more than vegetation and trees. Each project has a unique way of approaching its landscape to address specific goals and tendencies on site.

How does the building integrate itself with the site and surroundings? How are softscapes and hardscapes introduced to create a desirable atmosphere, direct movement, facilitate activity, and promote social interaction?

Government buildings, for example, are often accompanied by wide lawns and open fields. This conveys a sense of openness, transparency, and public presence. It also frames the buildings as significant, monumental structures standing strong in an open area. These are the subtle aspects that can shape your building’s overall perception.


Construction methods and structural systems are vital for making our buildings stand safe and sound. Some systems are more applicable in tall buildings, while others are more suited for low-rise structures, but it can be interesting to see the different techniques used throughout your case studies.

You can explore systems like cantilevered beams, diagrid steel, thin shell construction, or perhaps something new entirely.


If you’re thinking of using certain materials like stone or wood, and you’re curious to see how it was executed elsewhere, case studies can offer some great examples of materiality and the different ways a single material can be used.

The Innovation Center of UC by Alejandro Aravena is a good illustration of how a particular finish – in this case raw concrete – can be used in an unusual way to the benefit of the overall design.

Building services

Building services are one of the many aspects that make architecture a science. Understanding how a building handles things like energy, ventilation, vertical transportation, and water distribution can help you see beneath the surface to get a better idea of how the building works.

Although there are common practices, buildings can deal with services and utilities very differently. A prime example of this is the Centre Pompidou in Paris, which famously turned the building inside out to expose its services on the facade while opening up the interior space for uninterrupted volumes of light and movement.

This style became known as bowellism , and it was largely popularized by the late Richard Rogers .

Some building types are much more demanding when it comes to building services. Airports, for example, have to deal with the flow of luggage, heightened security, and all the boarding and maintenance requirements of the airplanes themselves.

architectural case study

The final thing to analyze while doing your case studies is the building program. This is how the composition of spaces works in relation to the building requirements. It’s helpful to see what makes the building look good, feel good, and function well.

If your study project is accompanied by a program diagram , it can be an excellent way to see how the architects were thinking.

For instance, OMA’s big and bold diagrams show how their designs are organized in a simple and logical manner. It’s become a signature and memorable part of their work, and it communicates the program in a way that everyone can understand.

A building’s arrangement of spaces can often make or break a design. It can be simple and easy to navigate, or complex and intriguing to explore. It can also be confusing or at times, troublesome to get around. Spaces can feel spacious, cozy, or cramped, and each space can evoke a different emotion whether deliberate or unintentional.

The building program is a fundamental aspect that must be considered when conducting case studies.

architectural case study

How do you write and present an architectural case study?

Select the most applicable projects.

There are often hundreds of potential case studies out there, and you can certainly learn from as many projects as you want, but sticking with the most relevant projects can keep your study clear and concise. Depending on the focus of your research, limit your case studies to those most suitable for communicating your ideas.

Stay on topic

It can be tempting to write entire reports about certain buildings – especially if you find them particularly interesting, but it’s important to remember you’re only mentioning these projects to help develop yours. Keep your case study on topic and in a consistent direction to keep the audience engaged.

Use graphics to illustrate key concepts throughout your projects . Even before preparing refined, colorful graphics, you can sketch visual representations as an alternative to notes for your own personal reference.

In addition to making diagrams, you can present multiple examples of similar or dissimilar concepts to compare and contrast the core ideas of different designs. Offering more than one example helps people grasp the ideas that make a building unique.

Strategic Visuals

If the visual speaks for itself, your verbal explanation will only need to describe the essence of it all. When presenting, your speaking time is valuable and it’s best to prepare your slides for maximum engagement so that you don’t lose your audience along the way.

If you carefully select and prepare your visuals, you can optimize your presentation for attention, emotion, and specific responses from the target audience.

Create a narrative

Creating a narrative is a way of tying the whole study together . By using a sequence of visuals and verbal cues, you can take the audience through a journey of the story that you’re trying to tell. Instead of showing each case study differently and independently, you can uniformly relate each project back to the common themes, or back to your project’s design.

This helps to make the relevance of each project crystal clear.

What if your project is unique?

If you’re struggling to find relevant case studies for your project, it could be a good sign that you’ve created a typology that hasn’t been done before – a first of its kind. New building types are important for shaping society and expanding the boundaries of architecture.

Innovative buildings can make people’s lives better.

As far as case studies go, you’ll likely need to gather a handful of reference projects that collectively represent the idea for your project. You can also present a progression, explaining how current and past typologies have evolved into your proposed building type. New-era architecture requires creativity, not only in the ideas but also in the research.

Case studies show us – and our clients – the many great success stories and mistakes of the past, to learn from and improve on as we move into the future. They serve an essential role in guiding our decisions as we design the buildings of tomorrow.

From school , to practice , and everything in between, case studies can be made as the foundation on which we build upon.

For a deeper dive into how case and precedent studies can build upon and influence your conceptual design approaches, we cover this and other key determining factors in our resource The Concept Kit below:

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FAQ’s about architecture case studies

Where can i find architecture case studies.

There are many resources where you can find architectural case studies. Here are some examples:

  • ArchDaily : This is one of the largest online architecture publications worldwide. It provides a vast selection of architectural case studies from around the globe.
  • Architectural Review : An international architecture magazine that covers case studies in detail.
  • Dezeen : Another online architecture and design magazine where you can find case studies of innovative projects.
  • Detail Online : This is a great resource for case studies with an emphasis on construction details.
  • Divisare : It offers a comprehensive collection of buildings from across the world and often includes detailed photographs, plans, and explanatory texts.
  • The Building Centre : An online platform with case studies on a variety of topics including sustainable design, technology in architecture, and more.
  • Harvard Graduate School of Design : Their website provides access to various case studies, including those from students and researchers.
  • El Croquis : This is a high-profile architecture and design magazine that offers in-depth case studies of significant projects.
  • : It is an Indian platform where you can find some unique case studies of architecture in India.
  • Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) : They have an extensive database of case studies on tall buildings worldwide.

In addition to these, architecture books, peer-reviewed journals, and university theses are excellent sources for case studies. If you’re a student, your school library may have resources or databases you can use. Remember to make sure the sources you use are reputable and the information is accurate.

What is the difference between case study and literature study in architecture?

A case study and a literature study in architecture serve different purposes and utilize different methods of inquiry.

  • Case Study : A case study in architecture is an in-depth examination of a particular project or building. The goal is to understand its context, concept, design approach, construction techniques, materials used, the functionality of spaces, environmental performance, and other relevant aspects. Architects often use case studies to learn from the successes and failures of other projects. A case study may involve site visits, interviews with the architects or users, analysis of plans and sections, and other hands-on research methods.
  • Literature Study : A literature study, also known as a literature review, involves a comprehensive survey and interpretation of existing literature on a specific topic. This could include books, articles, essays , and other published works. The goal is to understand the current state of knowledge and theories about the topic, identify gaps or controversies, and situate one’s own work within the larger discourse. In architecture, a literature study might focus on a particular style, period, architect, theoretical approach, or design issue. It’s more about collating and synthesizing what has already been written or published, rather than conducting new empirical research.

In short, a case study provides an in-depth understanding of a specific instance or example, while a literature study provides a broad understanding of a specific subject as it has been discussed in various texts. Both methods are useful in their own ways, and they often complement each other in architectural research.

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RTF | Rethinking The Future

Project in-depth: SMEF’s Brick School of Architecture

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Amidst the suburbs of Pune , lies an exquisite amalgamation of culture and modernism represented through architecture, SMEFS Brick School of Architecture. It is majorly influenced by the vernacular architecture of the old city, in making a contemporary interpretation of the courtyard Wada typology. The layering of spaces, symmetrical planning, and axial circulation form the essence of the campus plan. It is reminiscent of traditional city streets with their human scale and multipurpose use. The series of courtyards connecting the studios, the overlooking corridors, the fusion of linear and angular modules, and the use of exposed materials like bricks , glass, and concrete offer visual imagery of the space and enhance the experiential quality for the users.

Project in-depth: SMEF’s Brick School of Architecture - Sheet1

Sprawling across an area of three thousand and five hundred square meters, the entire space is segregated into three zones, Front zone-entrance, and admin zone. Central zone–interactive court. Rear zone – studios and the oat, creating symmetry throughout the space. Two classrooms with mirrored plans, one accessed through stairs and one using a ramp, connected by balconies. Skylights provided for natural light to enter within. The rooftop of the administration block is accessible, creating engrossing levels. The sloping roof design is such that it complements the mountains behind in elevation, accommodates seating arrangements and it also washes rainwater off the structure.

The ideator of this structural marvel, Ar. Girish Doshi paid tribute to legendary architects by naming spaces and blocks after them. Achyut Kanvinde central plaza, Nari Gandhi classrooms, Charles Correa Library, and Le Corbusier Street are a few examples. There are symbolic references to the Panchtatva through various planning elements. The entrance, the pravesh dwaar, leads to a semi-open lobby, acting as a transition space leading to the main building. The open-air theatre located near the entrance symbolizes a Gyankund. A series of trees and internal courtyards maintain air circulation, ‘Vayu’ of panchtatva elements.

Project in-depth: SMEF’s Brick School of Architecture - Sheet3

The fundamental design objective is the interaction of spaces, demonstrated in the layout planning. The library, curated in exposed concrete, plays a significant role in the complex because it is envisioned as an incubator of gained knowledge and learning. Physical access is flexible regardless of whether the administration is open, and current smart card technologies provide security.

An informal discussion in the extended studio in the courtyards, a jury panel exhibition set up in the court, coming across an innovative piece of work displayed along the passage – these are all evidence that when these elements are combined, it does not become an exercise in remembrance, rather takes ‘design interaction’ to the next level. These spaces are also integrated with balconies above as display or jury conducting areas.

Project in-depth: SMEF’s Brick School of Architecture - Sheet5

The facility of Brick School of Architecture houses faculty cabins of occupancy of seven, a meeting area of forty, studios of forty, a library of twenty, and a seminar room of one hundred. The Corridors and projected balconies connect the studios to the natural context. The open spaces are curated with a multiutility vision like cultural activity, interactive spaces, open studios, and a central plaza. The open and closed zones are connected both visually and physically to create a cloud environment for study purposes and as an inspiration for architectural thoughts and ideas.

Various energy-efficient design strategies are incorporated into the building. Open workshop spaces are designed for interactive learning experiences and rainwater catchment pits to create awareness amongst the students about the importance of climatic responsive architecture. The structure also consists of solar panels induced in roof design. The design intended to be close to nature Skylight on top of classrooms, and accessible to every part of the building. Balconies are located just adjacent to the classrooms, along with building corridors, as connecting spaces. The O.A.T is located outside the building, with courtyards inside the library, on the second floor, and courtyards and a waterbody inside the admin block.

Project in-depth: SMEF’s Brick School of Architecture - Sheet6

Brick School of Architecture is constructed by experimenting with new forms through structural concrete . The design bought nature inside the building and created a working environment design facilitating students and faculties to have the freedom to learn and teach anywhere on campus. The School of Architecture is part of a 9-acre integrated design campus that will later cater to other design courses, to foster inter-disciplinary design ideologies and processes.

References –

case study on architecture college

Online sources

  • Anon, (2013). BRICK School of Architecture – An institution without boundaries – ArchitectureLive! [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Apr. 2023].
  • Doshi, G. (n.d.). Brick School of Architecture. [online] Girish Doshi. Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2023].
  • NavyaTessSabu (2020). BRICK school of architecture, case study. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Apr. 2023].

Images/visual mediums

Citations for images/photographs – Print or Online:

  • Image 1- (URL: )
  • Image 2- (URL: )
  • Image 3- (Picture Credits- Ghazal Gujral )
  • Image 4- (URL: )
  • Image 5- (Picture Credits- Ghazal Gujral )
  • Image 6- (URL: )

Project in-depth: SMEF’s Brick School of Architecture - Sheet1

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Case studies in books

The library has many books about specific architects as well as books on particular works by architects or firms.  Try searching in the library's main catalog for an architect's name. 

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Case studies in periodicals

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  • JSTOR This link opens in a new window Database and full texts of journal articles.
  • Art Full Text This link opens in a new window Articles from major art and architecture periodicals. more... less... Coverage is broad and includes art history, architecture, advertising, archaeology, crafts, fine arts, folk art, graphic arts, interior design, jewelry, film, and photography. This database also cites art reproductions used to illustrate articles or advertisements. full-text is available for selected journals starting from 1997. Abstracts available for articles published after 1994. Citations indexed from 1929-present. Art full-text continues Art Abstracts and Art Index.
  • Art Index Retrospective This link opens in a new window Journal index of over 600 major art and architecture periodicals. more... less... Feature articles, interviews, film reviews, book reviews, bibliographies, exhibition listings, conference reports, anthologies, editorials, reproduction of works of art, notices of competitions and awards and letters to the editor are indexed. Subjects covered include advertising art, antiques, archaeology, architecture and architectural history, art history, crafts, and much more.
  • Art & Architecture Complete This link opens in a new window Provides full-text coverage of hundreds of periodicals and books, as well indexing and abstracts for nearly a thousand academic journals, magazines, trade publications, and books. more... less... Also provides selective coverage for additional publications and an immense Image Collection provided by Picture Desk and others. Full-text coverage dates back to 1937.
  • US Modernist Library The world's largest open digital collection of major US 20th-century architecture magazines with approximately 2.7 million downloadable pages - all free to access.

Specific periodicals with good case studies

These periodicals contain a number of case studies.  You can find specific articles using Avery Index (above), or you can browse these:

  • GA Document ArtArch Periodical NA680 .G32x Focus on 20th-21st century architecture. International scope.
  • GA Houses ArtArch Periodical NA7126 .G13 Focus on housing case studies. 20th-21st century, international.

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Architecture Student Chronicles

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How to conduct a Case Study?

When students begin studying  Architecture at a University, the first thing that they are supposed to become excellent at, is doing a documentation or a case study . It could be a case study of a small village, town, a villa, a bus-stop, or a high-rise commercial or residential building. A case study is an in-depth investigation of a single individual, group, incident, or community. Other ways include experiments, surveys , or analysis of archival information

Case Study

What is the purpose of conducting a Case Study?

As the term Case Study suggests, it is the study of a particular case that is similar to your topic of design project. Doing a case study will help you understand the various aspects that you have to consider while designing.

Literature Case study

Before you start with your live case studies, first of all do a complete literature case study. Literature case study consists of reading everything you can find on the subject. You can refer books in a library, use Google to look up research papers, check out Standard Code books and statutory laws or from technical journals.

A literature case study would give you a vague idea about your topic. There will be various questions arising in your mind after you are done with your literature case study. To find the answers to those questions, you will have to go for minimum two live case studies….

Always possibly go for more than two different case studies, because a comparative case study of two or more different cases is very important and helpful.

  • While you are doing your first case study, say a Villa, go for a smaller Villa first so that you can figure out the basic minimum requirements.
  • In your second case study, go for an extremely lavish Villa so that you are aware of the maximum requirements you could give.

(Being able to provide maximum or minimum requirements in your design is very important)

If there are some requirements that you haven’t come across while doing your case studies but you went through it while you were doing a literature case study, then try implementing those requirements  in your design.

Eleven most important things to analyze in any Case Study

  • Environment and micro-climate Analyzing the surrounding environment and the micro-climate of that place will help understand the reason of the orientation of the structure, the kind of roof chosen and the materials used in its construction.
  • User behavior and requirements Studying the functioning of a particular place, say a Hospital, is very important; without which you will not be able to figure out the requirements and the area that should be allotted for each of the requirements.Talking to people working at that place (Hospital), will help you figure out if the requirements that are provided are adequate and he area that is allotted is sufficient for its efficient working.
  • Utility and space enhancement Study of Utilitarian facilities of a particular case is also important. Various measures taken to enhance a particular space should be analyzed.
  • Form and Function Analyzing the reason behind the form of that particular building…and how it merges with the surrounding environment. Form and Function go hand in hand. The form of the building should be able to convey the function of the building. A lot of Architects say “Form follows Function”.As an example, an institutional building should not end up looking like a museum or a disco.Some other Architects might disagree with that philosophy. They’d say that the function of a structure keeps changing but changing the form of the building everytime its function changes is not possible. They say, Adopt a “Universal Design Scheme”.
  • Horizontal and vertical circulation Horizontal circulation consists of elements such as the corridors and lobbies. Vertical circulation includes elevators, staircases, ramps etc. The efficiency of the placement of these services should be analyzed.
  • Site Planning and Landscape detailing Refer to the Article on the blog “ A Guide to Site Planning “, which deals with different aspects considered in site planning in greater detail.
  • Structural details such as Column and Beam Design, Steel  and Composite structures Understanding and analyzing the structural details is also important. For example, large span structures such as Auditoriums use trusses or heavy I-section steel beams and sometimes shell-roofing that involve construction of Ring beams whereas in small span structures, RCC construction is used.
  • Building Services such as Fire Alarm system, HVAC, Water supply systems The working of Fire Alarm system, HVAC and Water supply systems should be examined and their space requirements are to be analyzed.
  • Design detailing considering the Barrier-free environment Implementation of the Barrier-free architecture for comfortable access to disabled people. Most public buildings have mandatory accessibility systems for the disabled. Check out Guidelines to the Disability Standards for Access to Premises 200X. (Australian law)
  • Socio-economic profile of user group It might also be important to find out the socio-economic profile of the people using the services so as to determine their requirements and available resources.
  • Parking details and standards Measure the allotted parking area on site, say for ten cars, then calculate the average area for each car and compare it with the areas specified in TSS (Time Savers Standards).

Conducting a case study is hard work. Sometimes, it is so small, it could be done in days, but on other occasions, it takes weeks to document and compile all the data. It involves going on-site, meeting and taking to people, lots of traveling, plenty of photography, and some fun. It is the most important of assignments you might get as an architectural students.

This is where you learn from reality, actual stuff, as opposed to only theoretical knowledge. When I was learning law I took every chance I could get to learn from people actually doing the work I was aiming for, yes I did “donate” many hours to Winters & Yonker, P.A. , but in the end is was worth every minute. Looking at places first hand  and documenting information would give you many insights and ideas and let you peek into the minds of professional architects and designers who have used years of experience and improvisation to design and create incredible structures.

Case studies of some of the famous Structures mentioned below:

 SPA – Delhi

VNIT – Nagpur

Thiagaraj Convention Center

TKM College of Engineering (Chennai)

42 thoughts on “How to conduct a Case Study?”

We want to design an oldage home how u can help

You live in Delhi and I am in Hyderabad, so I might not be of much help, unless you want my father (Architect Javed – ) to design it for you.

If you want more info on Old age homes, see

The hardest part is looking for related literature especially when your research topic is new. It may be that difficult but it is surely unique when done and published.

I’m an attorney and when studying law we spent the bulk of the time reading what is called caselaw which is existing decisions that forms our law. We are to find cases that support our clients’ fact scenario so that the decision is our clients’ favour.

The parallel with architecture is uncanny as architects use existing structures and environments to form the basis for a new project. As the saying goes, “no need to reinvent the wheel” but it’s good to evolve from existing structures. Likewise, the law evolves.

Case Study is itself a very necessary work to be done before appearing to anything to be done. It’s just a sample report before appearing for any cases to get it solved properly.

A good blog to read on and to be shared amongst all…..

For me, Case Study is really important on anything you are planning in order to have a well planned and a successful outcome. Doing a Case Study on anything gives you an idea for the pro’s and con’s of that. I’m glad there’s such an article like this!

Case studies are a great way to plan lots of things, not just architectural projects. It’s almost like doing the work without actually doing the work, so you can identify sticking points, potential problems and lots more.

thank you that really helped….!! im a first year b.arch student….

Hello Nanda, We are glad our site has been of help to you. Do keep visiting. We wish you all the best for your future!

will do 🙂 thanku 🙂

it’s really helpful!! thx a lot!

i am beginning my thesis in B. arch. n so m requiring a hypothetical site of about 3 acres here in india with the climate warm and humid. topic is performing arts centre in kerala. how do i find and fix a hypothetical site?

Hello Resbi, The best way to find an appropriate site for your project could be done by using Google Earth.

i would like to know the steps and what case studies to do about for a multispeciality hospital

As im in 2nd year of b.arch

I have not much studed about much detailed

Like casestudy,site analysis’

It will help me

Thanks u again

U can see our 1st year architecture 1st month exibition video on youtube

hi !!!I’m a 1st year b.arch and v hav 2 do a case study on an architect’s firm . cud u tell me wat all i shud include in my case study???v hav to do a case study on a bungalow also…

Hello Joan,

The following links will be of help to you.

Guide for conducting a casestudy for a villa

Also check out: Cafeteria Design

i am a first year b.arch student..i have got a case study to do..can u please guide me by teling how many sheets should i present..please guide soon as posible..ur site helpd me to knw how to do case study but i also want to know how many sheets should it include..please guide me..

tanx for this good work.pls do continue.

Number of sheets doesn’t matter until you pin down your inferences correctly …… for a first year student i guess a max of 1 or 2 A1 sheets or a ppt of less than 20 slides should be enough in terms of quantity …. make sure you put the point across 🙂 🙂

This was really helpful. Thank you very much. Just about to go for a case study on 2 schools.

What r all things I should see for bedroom attached bathroom casestudy.

Thank you for some other wonderful article. The place else could anyone get that type of information in such an ideal manner of writing? I’ve a presentation next week, and I am on the search for such information.

this really helped alot Thankyou

love your articles ,wld love to b part of this, was just surfing the net and found this…….good work to u guys

Hey, this really helped I’m goin for a case study on resorts tmrw Would appreciate any pointers to observe there thanq ????

hello,i am second year b.arch student,i have to do case study on luxury primary school . cud you please tell me what all should i include in my case study ???and also case study for the kids school…………

For a project like that, you should visit a minimum of two schools. One would be a high profile school and the other one could be a private low budget school or a government school. After you casestudies you will be able to draw comparisons between the two and that should help you come up with your list of requirements. let me know if you have any other questions.

I am doing by 3rd year b arch n this time our project is based on housing for artist Wht all shld I keep in mind while designing for artist n der family member who are non artist

Hello Monisha, I recommend you to read this article:

Nice bolg. Thank you. I am barch student. I would like to know how to do comparison study of any two building. Now I have done with case study of a gallery (ngma Bangalore). I have done sub case study as well as literature study. But I want to know how exactly should I do comparitive study. More than write up comparison, How well can I present it

I am doing thesis on Orphan children and oldage home combining both generations together so as to create marvelous socially conceptual design. Help me with bestest case study from which I can learn alot to create spaces for both.

I am final year in srm rampuram school od architecture and doing thesis on township. So could anyone help with sum reference for case study and literature study as soon as possible

Hello Revathy,

When you say township… what kind of township. Give us some description of your thesis project so that we could give suggestions as to how you could proceed.

thanks a lot it is great information has answered some of my questions

hello.i have taken up the topic EMBASSY(any country) Design for my final year thesis. i was wondering if you could help me out with the plans for casestudies,since i hear it will be quite a problem with all the security.

It is not an excellent topic for design. You should have chosen something that would let you explore your ideas. Embassy building would look like a commercial block…nothing interesting… this is not something people havent seen. I do not think you will get permission for a livecasestudy of any embassy. No one would let you in. So if you still have time, i would suggest you choose a more design oriented topic.

hey i am doing thesis on low cost building materials and technology.i wanna do commercial project on this topic. can you suggest me project name or case study on this topic.

I have taken service apartment complex for tourist as my final year thesis. Help me to find the best case study for thesis.

Hello. Im studying b.arch 4th year. Im supposed to do a thesis case study, on Automobile industry i.e a car manufacturing plant. Can you please help me regarding this, as what all i should include and what steps i need to follow to complete my case study. Please reply me asap. Thank you.

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Students walking on a pathway toward Yeh College and New College West

Yeh and New College West win two national architecture awards

Yeh College and New College West, which opened in fall 2022, support the University’s undergraduate student body expansion and ambitious goals to attract talented students from all backgrounds.

Princeton's Yeh College and New College West residential colleges have received two 2024 American Institute of Architects National Awards, one in the AIA Awards architecture category and one specifically for residences .

The architect was TenBerke, formerly known as Deborah Berke Partners. The landscape architect was Field Operations. The new residential colleges had previously won a regional  New York AIA award .

“We are very pleased that Yeh College and New College West have been recognized by the national AIA Awards program,” said Ron McCoy, University architect. “It is particularly significant that the buildings have been recognized in two separate award categories – one for exemplary architectural design excellence and another for housing.”

Inside of Yeh College and NCW residential colleges

The residential colleges "foster a deep sense of community,” said University architect Ron McCoy, offering “a variety of transparent, welcoming and comfortable spaces for living and learning.”

“In the category of design excellence, the AIA has acknowledged the exceptional contributions the buildings make to the traditions of excellence in architecture, landscape, and craft that make the experience of the Princeton campus so special,” McCoy said. “Perhaps even more meaningfully, because it aligns so much with our aspirations for this project, the award for housing recognizes the importance of housing as ‘a sanctuary for the human spirit.’”

“This ambition is reflected in the ways that the colleges foster a deep sense of community,” he said, “with a variety of transparent, welcoming and comfortable spaces for living and learning.”

Yeh College and New College West, which opened in fall 2022, support the University’s undergraduate student body expansion and ambitious goals to attract talented students from all backgrounds, with nation-leading financial aid . Each serves 510 students.  The University’s eighth residential college, Hobson College, is currently under construction.

The University's residential colleges are living-learning communities that, in addition to housing and dining, serve students through academic advising, peer mentorship, health and wellness resources, as well as other academic and co-curricular programs.

Undergraduates interact across class years within the residential colleges, which are led by a faculty head and include staff such as college deans, assistant deans for studies, assistant deans for student life, and residential life coordinators.

Interior of the new residential college

Princeton's residential colleges are living-learning communities that, in addition to housing and dining, serve students through academic advising, peer mentorship, health and wellness resources, as well as other academic and co-curricular programs.

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Why Roster Continuity Could be BYU Basketball's Secret Weapon, Even With Recent Top Recruits

Talmage morgan | jun 22, 2024.

Feb 3, 2024; Morgantown, West Virginia, USA; Brigham Young Cougars guard Trevin Knell (21) celebrates with Brigham Young Cougars guard Dallin Hall (30) after a play during the second half against the West Virginia Mountaineers at WVU Coliseum. Mandatory Credit: Ben Queen-USA TODAY Sports

  • BYU Cougars

In college basketball, where the offseason feels like a tornado of transfers and recruiting, the steadiness of roster continuity is often overlooked. For BYU basketball, this just might be the biggest key to success as the team prepares for another Big 12 season led by new head coach Kevin Young.

Why Roster Continuity Matters

When it comes to building a successful college basketball program, retaining a core group of players can be just as important as bringing in new talent. Teams that manage to keep their top players from season to season usually have an edge. This continuity helps in a few main ways:

Team Chemistry

Players who have played together for multiple seasons naturally develop a deeper understanding of each other’s games. They know their teammates' tendencies, strengths, and how to react under pressure. This kind of chemistry is something that can’t always be quickly built with new players and often shows in the fluidity and cohesiveness of a team’s play on the court.

Experience and Leadership

Veteran players who have been through the ups and downs of previous seasons bring invaluable experience to the table. They’ve seen what works and what doesn’t, and they can guide younger players through tough situations. Their leadership is crucial, especially in high-pressure moments and close games.

Strategic Consistency

Returning players are already familiar with the team’s system and the coach’s expectations. This allows for more advanced strategies and plays, as the team doesn’t need to spend as much time on basics. It also means the coaching staff can build on the previous season’s successes and make refinements rather than starting from scratch.

BYU’s Recipe for Success Under Kevin Young

When Kevin Young took over the reins at BYU, the program was at a pivotal point full of unknowns. There were concerns about how the team would handle the transition, especially with the possibility of players leaving through the portal. However, Young’s ability to retain some of those key players has provided a stable foundation for the team.

Key Returning Players :

Dallin Hall: He's the team's floor general, and he had a huge developmental season last year. Hall’s return ensures BYU has a steady and experienced presence running the offense.

Richie Saunders: If we're being honest, the Marriott Center wouldn't be the same without fan-favorite Richie. Known for his defensive skills and versatility, Saunders adds grit and reliability on the wing.

Trevin Knell: With his sharpshooting ability and experience, Knell is a very valuable asset for the Cougars, providing leadership and scoring from the perimeter.

Fousseyni Traore: Is it really a home game if the crowd doesn't chant Fouss's name at least once? His dominance in the paint gives BYU a strong inside presence, crucial for battling against the tough competition in the Big 12.

These four create a strong foundation for the team to build on, which allows new recruits like Egor Demin, Keba Keita, Mawot Mag, Kanon Catchings, and Elijah Crawford to learn the new culture more smoothly.

A Big 12 Case Study on Continuity: Houston and Iowa State

Looking around the Big 12, it’s clear that successful teams rely on a blend of roster continuity and new additions. Take Houston, for example. The Cougars, under Kelvin Sampson, have consistently been a powerhouse by retaining their core players while adding key pieces as needed. This offseason, players like L.J. Cryer and Emmanuel Sharp returned, providing stability and experience, while strategic additions like Milos Uzan helped fill specific gaps.

Similarly, Iowa State has thrived by keeping a solid base of players like Tamin Lipsey and Keshon Gilbert. Coach T.J. Otzelberger came into the program and built a championship contender from scratch, and he has improved on this core by adding players like Joshua Jefferson to address specific needs. This has kept the Cyclones among the top teams in the conference.

While BYU’s new recruits are exciting and bring fresh skills to the team, it’s the returning players who will be the glue that holds everything together. Kevin Young’s strategy appears to be a smart mix of leveraging the stability provided by his veterans while integrating the dynamic abilities of newcomers.

Looking Ahead

As BYU basketball gears up for the 2024-25 season, the combination of experienced, returning players and top-tier recruits has the potential for a successful season. In a college basketball environment where the transfer portal and NIL deals create constant change, bringing back its core of players could be BYU basketball’s secret weapon. Kevin Young’s ability to blend continuity with new energy could set the stage for a season of success and growth for the Cougars.

Talmage Morgan


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  • Standardized OR Handoffs S...

Standardized OR Handoffs Significantly Improve Surgical Communication and Patient Safety

Shrimps can save lives in the operating room.

June 18, 2024

Key Takeaways

The introduction of a standardized handoff protocol substantially improved communication among OR staff, ensuring critical information was transferred consistently.

The enhanced communication reduced potential patient safety risks and highlighted the importance of standardized handoff tools in improving surgical outcomes.

A visual representation of the SHRIMPS checklist affixed to OR walls, detailing the critical elements to be communicated during handoffs.

CHICAGO — A new study showcases a successful quality improvement program that significantly enhances surgical safety. By implementing a standardized handoff protocol, known as SHRIMPS, the study demonstrates how effective communication in operating rooms (OR) can reduce the risk of errors and improve patient care. The findings are published in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons ( JACS ).

"This study is a prime example of how quality improvement initiatives can lead to better patient outcomes," said study co-author Madeline Anderson, DO, a surgery resident at the University of Kentucky. "By standardizing communication during surgical procedures, we can ensure that all team members are informed and that critical information is consistently conveyed, reducing the risk of errors."

Prompted by a frontline stakeholder’s concerns about inadequate quality surgical technician handoffs, the quality improvement (QI) team at the Lexington VA Medical Center, affiliated with the University of Kentucky hospital, developed an audit tool to evaluate handoffs across various surgical cases from May 2022 to February 2024. Initial audits revealed handoffs occurred in 82.6% of cases, but with only 34.4% of critical elements being communicated.

In response, the team, in collaboration with OR staff, developed a standardized communication checklist with the acronym “SHRIMPS” (Sharps, Sponges, Hidden or held items, Replaced items, Instruments & Implants, Medications, Procedure overview, Specimens). Although it has nothing to do with the crustacean, the team chose the SHRIMPS acronym to be a helpful mnemonic device for surgical teams. This checklist was displayed prominently in all ORs at the Lexington VA Medical Center.

Key Findings

  • Before implementing SHRIMPS, handoffs occurred in 82.6% of cases, with only 34.4% of critical elements communicated.
  • After implementing SHRIMPS, 100% of cases included handoffs, with 98.2% of critical elements addressed.
  • The duration of handoffs averaged 69.4 seconds post-implementation, ensuring thorough communication without significantly increasing handoff time.
  • Announcements of handoffs to the entire OR team increased to 97.1%, ensuring all staff were aware of personnel changes.

“Part of the success of SHRIMPS comes from the QI team engaging with both topline and frontline OR stakeholders, including surgical technicians and circulating nurses,” said Dr. Anderson. “This approach ensures the tool is more effective and garners buy-in from the people ultimately using it.”

The success of the SHRIMPS protocol highlights the significant impact quality improvement programs can have in health care – by implementing standardized handoff protocols, operating rooms can achieve better communication, fewer errors, and enhanced patient care, the authors note. The study authors advocate for the widespread adoption of such tools to ensure reliable and efficient information transfer in surgical environments.

The study is published as an article in press on the JACS website.

Citation: Stephens WS, Anderson MJ, Levy BE, et al. Surgical Intraoperative Handoff Initiative: Standardizing Operating Room Communication using SHRIMPS. Journal of the American College of Surgeons , 2024. DOI: 10.1097/XCS.0000000000001115

About the American College of Surgeons

The American College of Surgeons is a scientific and educational organization of surgeons that was founded in 1913 to raise the standards of surgical practice and improve the quality of care for all surgical patients. The College is dedicated to the ethical and competent practice of surgery. Its achievements have significantly influenced the course of scientific surgery in America and have established it as an important advocate for all surgical patients. The College has approximately 90,000 members and is the largest organization of surgeons in the world. "FACS" designates that a surgeon is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.

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Highlights From the Supreme Court’s Abortion Pill Ruling

The justices unanimously rejected a bid to sharply curtail access to a widely available abortion pill, finding that the plaintiffs did not have standing to sue.

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Abbie VanSickle

Abbie VanSickle

The Supreme Court, for now, upholds access to a widely available abortion pill.

The Supreme Court on Thursday maintained access to a widely available abortion pill, rejecting a bid from a group of anti-abortion organizations and doctors to undo the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the drug.

In a unanimous decision , written by Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, the court held that the anti-abortion groups lacked a direct stake in the dispute, a requirement to challenge the F.D.A.’s approval of the pill, mifepristone.

“The plaintiffs do not prescribe or use mifepristone,” Justice Kavanaugh wrote. “And F.D.A. is not requiring them to do or refrain from doing anything.”

He added, “A plaintiff ’s desire to make a drug less available for others does not establish standing to sue.”

The case originally sought to erase the F.D.A.’s approval of mifepristone. But by the time it reached the Supreme Court, the question had been narrowed to whether the agency had acted legally in 2016 and 2021, when it broadened distribution of the pill, eventually including telemedicine and mail options.

The ruling handed a muted victory to abortion rights groups. Even as they praised the decision for averting severe restrictions on the availability of the pill, they warned that the outcome could be short-lived.

Anti-abortion groups vowed to press ahead, promising that the fight was far from over and raising the possibility that other plaintiffs, states in particular, would mount challenges to the drug.

The ruling did not affect separate restrictions on the pill in more than a dozen states that have passed near-total bans on abortion since the court eliminated a constitutional right to the procedure in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. (The bans do not distinguish between medication and surgical abortion.)

Access to abortion remains broadly popular, and ever since the court overturned Roe v. Wade two years ago, prompting some states to swiftly enact bans, the issue has been a major focus of political campaigns. Democrats have succeeded in galvanizing voters to defeat anti-abortion measures and plan to highlight abortion rights in the November elections.

By dodging a ruling on the substance of the case, the justices avoided delivering a clear, substantive win to either political party or a decision they could use to motivate their base.

President Biden said in a statement that the “decision does not change the fact that the fight for reproductive freedom continues.”

He added, “It does not change the fact that the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade two years ago, and women lost a fundamental freedom.”

The Biden campaign also raised concerns that the ruling would not be enough to protect access to abortion medication if former President Donald J. Trump wins a second term, saying his administration would move to enforce new restrictions through executive action.

Mr. Trump had wrestled with what position to take on abortion access after the Supreme Court, whose conservative supermajority he appointed, overturned the Roe v. Wade landmark abortion-rights case. Several weeks ago, he said it was up to states to set their own policies .

His campaign suggested he staked out a similar position on the abortion pill ruling, without addressing how his administration would handle regulation of the drug. “The Supreme Court has unanimously decided 9-0; the matter is settled,” Danielle Alvarez, a Trump spokeswoman, said.

Abortion rights groups cautioned that the ruling only maintained the status quo.

“The anti-abortion movement sees how critical abortion pills are in this post-Roe world, and they are hell bent on cutting off access,” Nancy Northup, the president of the Center for Reproductive Rights, said in a statement.

Erin Hawley, senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, the conservative legal organization that represented the plaintiffs, suggested that the case could be revived through three Republican-led states, Idaho, Kansas and Missouri, which had intervened as plaintiffs at the lower court level.

“We are grateful that three states stand ready to hold the F.D.A. accountable for jeopardizing the health and safety of women and girls across this country,” Ms. Hawley said in a statement.

Mifepristone, part of a two-drug regimen, is used in nearly two-thirds of abortions in the United States. Many studies have found the pill to be safe , and years of research have shown that serious complications are rare.

After the F.D.A. loosened restrictions on the drug’s availability during the pandemic, allowing for it to be prescribed online or sent by mail, its use only increased. A rising number of medication abortions are prescribed by telemedicine. By one count , about one in six abortions, or around 14,000 a month, happened via telehealth from July through September 2023.

Medication abortion has become a practical form of abortion for women in states where the procedure is banned. Clinicians, protected by so-called shield laws in several states where abortion is legal, have mailed pills to women based in states with bans.

Justice Kavanaugh focused part of the majority opinion on why the justices disagreed with rulings by lower courts, which all determined the groups had standing to bring the case.

Citing Justice Antonin Scalia, Justice Kavanaugh wrote that to bring a suit, a plaintiff first must answer a basic question: “What’s it to you?”

Plaintiffs must show “a predictable chain of events leading from the government action to the asserted injury,” Justice Kavanaugh wrote.

In this instance, he wrote, the doctors and medical associations trying to challenge F.D.A.’s regulation failed to show an actual injury because the plaintiffs did not include people actually involved with the pill, such as doctors who prescribed mifepristone or pregnant women who took it.

The plaintiffs’ claims that they have “sincere legal, moral, ideological, and policy objections to mifepristone being prescribed and used by others” do not meet the threshold of standing to sue, Justice Kavanaugh wrote.

The justices also rejected an argument by the anti-abortion doctors that they had standing to sue because they could be required to provide emergency abortions against their conscience.

Federal conscience laws already protect doctors from being required to perform abortions or other treatment that violates their consciences, and none of the doctors had shown otherwise, Justice Kavanaugh wrote.

In a concurring opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas noted that he supported the decision “in full,” but cautioned that the court should take a limited view of when to allow organizations to claim standing on behalf of their members.

The case returned the issue of abortion to the Supreme Court, even as the conservative majority had declared, in overturning Roe v. Wade, that it would cede the question of access “to the people and their elected representatives.”

Its decision on Thursday appeared to vindicate that promise, although the court will soon decide another major case on abortion , involving a clash between federal law and tightened state restrictions.

The abortion pill case, F.D.A. v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, reflected a new front in the fierce fight over abortion.

In the fall of 2022, an umbrella group of anti-abortion medical organizations, along with several doctors, challenged the F.D.A.’s approval of mifepristone more than two decades ago. In a preliminary ruling, a federal judge in Texas, Matthew J. Kacsmaryk, said that the F.D.A.’s approval of the drug should be suspended, removing mifepristone from the market.

Judge Kacsmaryk, a Trump appointee, joined the federal bench after years litigating at a conservative religious freedom firm, First Liberty Institute.

An appeals court, in New Orleans, overturned the part of Judge Kacsmaryk’s ruling that invalidated the F.D.A.’s approval of the pill, but it imposed certain restrictions on its distribution. Those restrictions included prohibiting the medication from being sent by mail or prescribed by telemedicine.

Maggie Haberman and Lisa Lerer contributed reporting from New York.


Abbie VanSickle

The page where we keep track of the term’s decisions shows the justices have quite a few major decisions left to go, including on emergency abortions, whether former President Trump is immune from prosecution and whether cities can punish homeless people for sleeping in public spaces when there’s no other available shelter. Usually the court aims to rule on all its cases by the end of June.

Kate Zernike

Kate Zernike

Abortion rights groups celebrate the win, but fear ‘we are far from out of the woods.’

Medical groups and supporters of abortion rights hailed the Supreme Court’s rejection of the challenge to medication abortion, but with a heavy dose of caution.

“We are far from out of the woods,” said Cecile Richards, a former president of Planned Parenthood and now a leader of American Bridge, a group aligned with Democrats.

While the court on Thursday threw out the challenge from the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, attorneys general in three Republican-led states — Idaho, Missouri, and Kansas — are leading similar challenges that are likely to end up before the court.

And while the decision means that medication abortion will continue to be available at some pharmacies and by mail in states where abortion is legal, it does not change the fact that the pills remain illegal in the 14 states that ban abortion.

“Unfortunately, the attacks on abortion pills will not stop here — the anti-abortion movement sees how critical abortion pills are in this post-Roe world, and they are hellbent on cutting off access,” Nancy Northup, the president of the Center for Reproductive Rights, said in a statement. “In the end, this ruling is not a ‘win’ for abortion — it just maintains the status quo, which is a dire public health crisis.”

Abortion rights supporters argued that the challenge should never have ended up before the high court, because it was based on what many described as “junk science.” Two of the studies that anti-abortion groups had submitted to the court arguing that pills caused medical harm were retracted by medical journals.

Abortion rights and leading medical groups argue that the pills are “safer than Tylenol.”

“Decades of clinical research have proven mifepristone to be safe and effective, and its strong track record of millions of patient uses confirms that data,” Dr. Stella Dantas, president of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said in a statement. “As the unanimous decision from the court makes clear in no uncertain terms, the people who brought this case were driven solely by a desire to impose their views on others and make it harder for patients to access safe, effective abortion care when they need it.”

Democratic leaders urged voters to stay energized to protect abortion rights, an issue that has driven gains for the party since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade two years ago. In a call with reporters, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, President Biden’s campaign manager, noted that the challenge to the abortion pills happened because of that decision by the court, which removed federal protections for abortion, and that the court overturned Roe v. Wade only because former President Donald J. Trump appointed three conservative justices.

She and Mini Timmaraju, the president of Reproductive Freedom for All, noted that Project 2025, drafted by groups supporting Mr. Trump, included a plan for him to direct the Food and Drug Administration to remove its approval of abortion pills. Trump allies are also pushing the revival of the Comstock Act, a 19th century anti-vice law, to prohibit mailing the pills even in states that allow abortion.

“We are going to be reminding Americans of all that’s at stake for reproductive freedom not just today, but on the debate stage — and every single day leading up to the election,” Ms. Chavez Rodriguez said. The campaign is planning abortion rights rallies on the anniversary of the court’s decision overturning Roe on June 24, which is three days before President Biden and Mr. Trump meet for their first debate before November’s election.

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Read the Court’s Decision to Uphold Access to Abortion Pill

The Supreme Court upheld access to a widely available abortion pill, rejecting a bid from a group of anti-abortion organizations and doctors to unravel the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the pill.

Elizabeth Dias

Elizabeth Dias

Anti-abortion activists press ahead after the loss: ‘We’ll be back.’

Anti-abortion stalwarts expressed widespread disappointment over the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold access to a widely available abortion pill, even as they vowed that their fight was far from over.

“We still have work to do,” said Erin Hawley, a lawyer for the Alliance Defending Freedom who argued the case. “A.D.F. is encouraged and hopeful that the F.D.A. will be held to account.”

She expressed hope that the court left room for legal action to continue for three states — Idaho, Kansas, and Missouri. In the long arc of anti-abortion activism, court losses historically can become victories as the lawyers and activists adapt their strategies and hone their arguments. Future challenges could consider alternative standing arguments, Ms. Hawley said.

“We stand with our allies, Attorneys General Raúl Labrador, Kris Kobach and Andrew Bailey, fighting to hold government bureaucrats accountable for betraying women and children,” Katie Daniel, the state policy director for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, said in a statement, referring to Republican attorneys general in those states.

Activists continued to push their message, dismissed by mainstream scientists, that the abortion pill is harmful to women. Some, like Students for Life, attempted to pivot toward future unconventional legal arguments, like arguing against abortion on environmental grounds.

“The Biden Administration allowed distribution of Chemical Abortion Pills in a way that exposes women to injury, infertility, and death, as well as empowers abusers and created abortion water pollution,” Kristan Hawkins, the group’s president, said in a statement. “We’ll be back.”

Their eyes are also fixed on a remaining case about whether hospital emergency rooms are required to provide abortions in urgent situations, like if a woman’s life is in jeopardy. The Supreme Court is expected to decide that case this term.

Pam Belluck

Pam Belluck

Major medical groups praised the ruling. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said in a statement that it was relieved to know that “patients and clinicians across the country will continue to have access to mifepristone for medication abortion and miscarriage management.”

The president of the American Medical Association, Dr. Bobby Mukkamala, citing an association between restricted access to safe and legal abortion and higher rates of maternal morbidity and mortality, said the A.M.A. would continue to support access to “safe and effective reproductive health care against the ongoing threats of interference in the practice of medicine.”

The case is likely to be revived with three states as plaintiffs.

The Supreme Court’s decision on Thursday to dismissing one effort to curtail access to abortion pills did not eliminate the possibility that other plaintiffs would continue to mount challenges to the medication that is used in a majority of abortions in the country.

The lawsuit before the Supreme Court was rejected because the justices unanimously ruled that the plaintiffs — a group of anti-abortion doctors and organizations — did not have standing to sue because they could not show they had been harmed by the availability of abortion pills.

But the case is likely to be revived with different plaintiffs: three Republican-led states that months ago petitioned successfully to join the case at the lower court level.

Late last year, the states — Missouri, Idaho and Kansas — were granted status to be plaintiffs by Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, an appointee of President Donald J. Trump who heard the original lawsuit and who openly opposes abortion access . When the case was accepted by the Supreme Court, the justices denied the three states’ request to intervene as plaintiffs at that level.

But anti-abortion groups say the three states will likely now return to the district court and resurrect the attempt to restrict access to the medication, mifepristone.

In a statement on Thursday, SBA Pro-Life America, an anti-abortion group said: “The case returns to district court where the pro-life states of Idaho, Kansas and Missouri are seeking to take up the challenge based on harms suffered by women in their states.”

Questions of legal standing would be different for the states than they were for the anti-abortion doctors and medical groups, who claimed that they were injured by occasionally having to treat women who came to emergency rooms after taking abortion pills. The states would say they have been harmed because the federal government’s regulations allowing access to mifepristone have flouted state restrictions on abortion access.

“I would expect the litigation to continue with those states raising different standing arguments than made by our doctors,” Erin Hawley, a lawyer who represented the anti-abortion medical plaintiffs in the Supreme Court case, said Thursday.

The decision will also fuel efforts to restrict abortion pills in other ways. One recent example involved Louisiana classifying abortion pills as Schedule IV drugs, a category of controlled substances with some potential for abuse or dependence that includes Ambien, Valium and Xanax, among others. The categorization is contrary to medical evidence, and because Louisiana already bans most abortions, abortion rights activists and legal scholars said that in practice, the measure might not prevent many abortions among Louisiana women.

But on a political level, the new law in Louisiana supports the claim by critics that abortion pills are dangerous. And abortion-rights supporters say that such laws can create confusion among patients about what access is available to them, which might deter some from seeking abortions.

On the abortion rights side, the Supreme Court decision will likely embolden efforts to provide abortion access for women in the states with bans and restrictions. These include telemedicine abortion services, which continue to grow and have helped make medication the method used for nearly two-thirds of abortions in the United States.

There will also likely be greater use of shield laws , which allow doctors and abortion providers in states where it is legal to prescribe and mail pills to women in states with bans and restrictions, without requiring the women to travel out of state. Such laws have been enacted in seven states so far.

Maggie Haberman

Maggie Haberman

Donald J. Trump had suggested in April to Time Magazine that he had “pretty strong views” on how a second administration would regulate the abortion pill mifepristone and that a plan would come in a matter of days. But that plan never came, and a spokeswoman last month suggested Trump was waiting for a Supreme Court ruling in a case related to mifepristone access. “The Supreme Court has unanimously decided 9-0. The matter is settled,” said Danielle Alvarez, a Trump spokeswoman.

Trump wrestled with what position to take after the Supreme Court, whose conservative supermajority he appointed, overturned the Roe v. Wade landmark abortion-rights case. Several weeks ago, he said it was up to states to set their own policies.

Lisa Lerer

Status quo ruling may help Republicans minimize a political disadvantage.

The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold access to a widely available abortion pill frustrated antiabortion activists. But it allowed Republicans to dodge a potentially toxic issue in the midst of a tight presidential race.

Medication abortion remains broadly popular: A series of surveys have found that a majority of Americans support access to medication abortion, though the public is split over whether it should be available without a prescription.

A ruling limiting access to the medication would have given Democrats another way to hammer their opponents on an issue that’s become politically damaging for Republican politicians.

Since the Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, Republican candidates have struggled to reconcile their party’s decades-old opposition to abortion rights with the issue’s shifting political reality.

Donald J. Trump has notably refused to state his position on abortion medication, promising in April to release a policy on the issue “over the next week.”

On Thursday, his campaign tried to move past the issue and turn attention back to Mr. Biden.

“The Supreme Court has unanimously decided 9-0. The matter is settled,” said Danielle Alvarez, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign. “This election is about correcting the weakness, failures and dishonesty of the Biden crime family.”

Mr. Trump said that Republicans needed to improve their messaging on the issue in meetings with congressional Republicans on Capitol Hill after the decision. He urged his party to avoid discussion of bans at a specific number of weeks and instead leave the issue to the voters, according to a person in the room.

But the next president will have the power to restrict the drug or even criminalize it nationwide, through agencies like the Justice Department and Health and Human Services.

Allies of Mr. Trump and officials who served in his administration have suggested proposals that would enforce the Comstock Act , a long-dormant law from 1873, to criminalize the shipping of any materials used in an abortion — including abortion pills.

On a call with reporters, supporters of President Biden’s campaign said Mr. Trump would impose a national ban on medication abortion through executive action, pointing to policy plans released by his allies that would reverse the F.D.A.’s approval of the drug. Aides said that Mr. Biden plans to address the issue at the first presidential debate, scheduled for later this month, contrasting his support for abortion rights with Mr. Trump’s position that the policy should be left for states to decide.

“Trump and his allies are laying the groundwork to ban medication abortion nationwide,” said Mini Timmaraju, the chief executive of Reproductive Freedom for All, an abortion rights organization. She blamed the former president — who appointed three of the court’s conservative justices — for overturning Roe v. Wade, which established the constitutional right to abortion, in 2022.

The ruling is unlikely to end efforts by the antiabortion movement to restrict abortion medication. Missouri, Kansas and Idaho, all states with Republican attorneys general, remain parties in the lower court case and could try to revive the litigation as new plaintiffs.

Maggie Haberman contributed reporting.

Eileen Sullivan

Eileen Sullivan

The attorney general, Merrick B. Garland, said he was gratified by the Supreme Court’s decision. “The Department of Justice is committed to protecting reproductive freedom. We will continue to use every tool at our disposal to protect women’s access to mifepristone and other lawful reproductive care,” he said in a statement.

The company that makes generic mifepristone, GenBioPro, said it expected that “politically motivated attacks” on the drug would continue. “Mifepristone is safe, effective, and essential health care,” Evan Masingill, the chief executive of GenBioPro, said in a statement. “We remain committed to lawfully making our evidence-based, essential medications available in the United States and will continue to use all legal and regulatory tools at our disposal to protect access to mifepristone.”

Christina Jewett

Christina Jewett

The pharmaceutical industry is familiar with lawsuits against federal officials over policies it views as too restrictive. But it regarded this challenge over the abortion pill as potentially destabilizing, since companies rely on F.D.A. approval decisions to be final. Jim Stansel, the general counsel of the pharmaceutical lobby PhRMA, issued a statement to that effect: “We are pleased to see today’s decision from the U.S. Supreme Court which helps provide innovative biopharmaceutical companies the certainty needed to bring future medicines to patients.”

Adam Liptak

Adam Liptak

The ruling has nothing to do with the pills’ safety or morality.

The Supreme Court’s unanimous decision ensuring access to an abortion pill took no position on its safety or morality. Instead, Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, writing for the court, focused entirely on standing. That is the legal doctrine that requires plaintiffs to show that they have suffered direct and concrete injuries in order to sue.

Justice Antonin Scalia, who died in 2016, once succinctly summarized the standing doctrine, saying it requires plaintiffs to answer this question: “What’s it to you?”

The plaintiffs in the case, doctors and medical associations who oppose abortion, had no good answer to that question, Justice Kavanaugh wrote.

Their main theory was that there was a statistical possibility that some doctors may at some point work in an emergency room and have to treat patients suffering from complications after taking the pill, subjecting the doctors to “enormous stress and pressure” and making them choose between their consciences and their professional obligations.

Justice Kavanaugh rejected that reasoning. “The plaintiff doctors and medical associations are unregulated parties who seek to challenge F.DA.’s regulation of others,” he wrote.

“Specifically, F.D.A.’s regulations apply to doctors prescribing mifepristone and to pregnant women taking mifepristone,” he wrote. “But the plaintiff doctors and medical associations do not prescribe or use mifepristone. And F.D.A. has not required the plaintiffs to do anything or to refrain from doing anything.”

It was significant, he wrote, that so-called conscience protections in federal law ensured that the plaintiffs never have to perform abortions or deal with possible complications from them.

The standing doctrine can mean that some legal questions never get answered in federal court, Justice Kavanaugh wrote. “Some issues,” he wrote, “may be left to the political and democratic processes.”

There are other avenues to try to limit the availability of the pills, he added.

“Citizens and doctors who object to what the law allows others to do may always take their concerns to the executive and legislative branches and seek greater regulatory or legislative restrictions on certain activities,” he wrote. That statement echoed a sentiment in the court’s 2022 decision overturning Roe v. Wade, which said the issue of abortion should be left to the elected branches.

Standing is a neutral legal principle that applies to the right and left alike, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote in an influential 1993 law review article while he was a lawyer in private practice.

“It restricts the right of conservative public interest groups to challenge liberal agency action or inaction,” he wrote, “just as it restricts the right of liberal public interest groups to challenge conservative agency action or inaction.”

Walter Dellinger , a former acting U.S. solicitor general, once said a rigorous approach to standing was consistent with Chief Justice Roberts’s statement at his confirmation hearings that judges should aspire to be umpires, whose only job is to call balls and strikes.

“Before any judge begins calling balls and strikes,” Mr. Dellinger said, “he must first make sure the batter at the plate is an actual player and not just a fan who ran on the field.”

The Biden campaign is arguing that the ruling is not enough to protect access to abortion medication if Donald J. Trump wins a second term, saying his administration would move to enforce new restrictions through executive action. “Trump and his allies are laying the groundwork to ban medication abortion nationwide,” said Mini Timmaraju, the president of Reproductive Freedom for All, on a press call hosted by the campaign.

Nearly 50 years ago, Dr. Étienne-Émile Baulieu came up with an idea for an “unpregnancy pill” that he thought would transform reproductive health care, allowing women to avoid surgery, act earlier and carry out their decisions in private. Read more about his eventful life , including his teenage days in the French Resistance.

Erin Hawley, the Alliance Defending Freedom lawyer who argued to restrict the pill, stressed that the Supreme Court ruled only on the standing of her clients, while noting that three states — Idaho, Kansas and Missouri — have also mounted challenges. “They didn’t get to the merits,” she said on a call with reporters. “Those merits will hopefully be at issue later on as the states may move forward.”

Legal scholars had feared that a ruling invalidating the approval of mifepristone could undercut the F.D.A.’s authority in deciding which medications are safe and effective. This decision, for now, puts those fears to rest.

It was an epic fight to make abortion pills legal in the United States in the first place. That fight was led by women’s rights groups, because drug companies were afraid of opposition from anti-abortion groups. Much of the effort was thanks to Peg Yorkin, a feminist leader who was early on dismissed as a “Hollywood wife.” You can read about her here .

Mifepristone is the drug formerly known as RU-486, first legalized in France in 1988. With anti-abortion groups in the United States fiercely opposing the efforts of women’s rights groups to bring the pills to the United States, it took 12 more years — until 2000 — for the F.D.A. to approve the use of the pills in this country.

There is still another major abortion case that the Supreme Court has not yet decided. That one is about whether emergency rooms in hospitals are required to provide abortions in urgent situations, like if a woman’s life is in jeopardy.

Mifepristone -- the first pill taken in the two-drug medication abortion regimen -- is approved by the F.D.A. for use through 10 weeks of pregnancy. But physicians and other abortion providers in the United States can legally use medical discretion to prescribe it through 12 weeks of pregnancy, the time frame recommended by the World Health Organization, since there is scientific evidence that abortion pills are safe within that time frame. (An earlier version of this update misstated the time period mifepristone can be used.)

Cecile Richards, the former president of Planned Parenthood, noted that the decision does not rule out future challenges. She added that states were continuing to make medication abortion harder to get; Lousiana recently criminalized possession of abortion pills. “I know from years of experience that women will do anything to end a pregnancy that they don’t want, and I fear that what the Supreme Court is doing, and anti-abortion politicians, they’re just making it more difficult, more costly, and threatening women’s health and their lives,” she said.

The decision will likely further galvanize efforts to provide access to abortion to women in states with bans or severe restrictions. Among the most powerful efforts has been shield laws, enacted so far in seven states that support abortion rights, which allow doctors and other abortion providers in shield law states to prescribe and mail abortion pills to women in states with abortion bans, without the women having to travel out of their states. Currently about 8,000 women a month are being provided access to abortion this way.

Justice Kavanaugh relies on so-called conscience protections in federal law, saying that doctors “shall not be required to provide treatment or assistance that would violate the doctors’ religious beliefs or moral convictions.”

And the Church Amendments more broadly provide that doctors shall not be required to provide treatment or assistance that would violate the doctors' religious beliefs or moral convictions. Most if not all States have conscience laws to the same effect.

Allison McCann

Allison McCann

Out-of-state travel for abortions — either to have a procedure or obtain abortion pills — more than doubled in 2023 compared with 2019, and made up nearly a fifth of all recorded abortions. The Supreme Court decision allows the pills to remain available to patients traveling from states with bans.

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The decision turned on standing, a doctrine grounded in the Constitution’s requirement that federal courts decide only concrete cases and controversies.

The standing requirement can leave a gap. It means, Justice Kavanaugh wrote, “that the federal courts may never need to decide some contested legal questions.”

And the standing requirement means that the federal courts may never need to decide some contested legal questions : “Our system of government leaves many crucial decisions to the political processes," where democratic debate can occur and a wide variety of interests and views can be weighed.

The decision will fuel efforts on the anti-abortion side to restrict abortion pills in other ways. One recent example involved Louisiana classifying abortion pills as Schedule IV drugs, a category that suggested they were dangerous or addictive substances, contrary to medical evidence .

Erin Hawley, a lawyer at the Alliance Defending Freedom and wife of Senator Josh Hawley, Republican of Missouri, was the lawyer who argued against the abortion pill. She represents the ideals of womanhood many in the anti-abortion and conservative Christian movement seek to elevate.

Even before the court’s decision in Dobbs allowed states to ban abortion, anti-abortion groups were pushing red states to restrict abortion pills, aware that they could become a workaround if abortion were banned. Read more here .

Amy Schoenfeld Walker

Amy Schoenfeld Walker

Yes, abortion pills are safe. Here’s what studies have shown.

The heart of the case against the abortion pill mifepristone is a claim that the pill is dangerous. Anti-abortion groups wrote in their complaint that the pill, taken with the abortion medication misoprostol, “causes significant injuries and harms to pregnant women and girls.”

Their claim is based on five studies, including two that a publisher retracted in February for using incorrect factual assumptions and misleading data presentation. Two other cited studies looked at the pill’s safety outside the 12-week window typically used in the United States. An author of the fifth cited study has said his team’s work was misinterpreted by the plaintiffs.

The claim also contradicts the large scientific record on the safety of the pills. A New York Times review last year found that more than 100 scientific studies, spanning continents and decades, concluded that a regimen of mifepristone and misoprostol is a safe and effective method for patients who want to end a pregnancy in the first trimester.

“There may be a political fight here, but there’s not a lot of scientific ambiguity about the safety and effectiveness of this product,” said Dr. Caleb Alexander, a professor of epidemiology and medicine at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and a co-director of the Center for Drug Safety and Effectiveness.

More recent research published provides more evidence of the pill’s safety.

Researchers found that taking abortion pills prescribed through telemedicine and received by mail is as safe and effective as when the pills are obtained by visiting a clinician. They looked at the experience of more than 6,000 patients using telemedicine abortion organizations that served 20 states and Washington, D.C. The researchers conducted the study in the months after the federal government allowed abortion pills to be mailed, from April 2021 to January 2022.

More than 99 percent of patients who took the pills had no serious complications. These uncommon complications can include hospitalizations, blood transfusions or major surgeries.

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Are Abortion Pills Safe? Here’s the Evidence.

The Times reviewed 101 studies of medication abortion, spanning continents and decades. All concluded that the pills are a safe method for terminating a pregnancy.


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    The case returned the issue of abortion to the Supreme Court, even as the conservative majority had declared, in overturning Roe v. Wade, that it would cede the question of access "to the people ...

  29. case study of architecture students

    On the first floor there were lecture halls, toilets, staircase, drinking water. The corridor was 8'-0'' wide. 91. UNIVERSITY FOR EDUCATION 91 2nd FLOOR- On the 2nd floor there were some classrooms, a court room was made, a court room was made for practicing students who are the future lawyers of the country.