StandOut CV

Physics Graduate CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

Whether you want to be a data analyst, engineer, researcher or even a teacher, your physics degree can open you up to a lot of exciting job opportunities.

That being said, graduate roles can be competitive, so you need to be able to showcase your skills and everything you’ve learnt during your time at university.

Below, we’ve put together an example of a physics graduate CV to help you create a winning application that will make you stand out from the crowd.

Guide contents

Physics Graduate CV example

  • Structuring and formatting your CV
  • Writing your CV profile
  • Detailing work experience
  • Your education
  • Skills required for your Physics Graduate CV

CV templates 

Physics Graduate CV-1

Before you start writing your own CV, take a look at the example Physics Graduate CV above to give yourself a basic understanding of the style and format that recruiters and hiring managers prefer to see.

Also, take note of the type of content that is included to impress recruiters, and how the most relevant information is made prominent.

Physics Graduate CV structure and format

If you focus on the written content of your CV but ignore how it actually looks, your efforts could end up wasted.

No matter how suitable you are for the role, no recruiter wants to spend time squinting and trying to navigate a badly designed and disorganised CV.

Instead, make sure to organise your content into a simple structure and spend some time formatting it for ease of reading – it’ll get you in recruiter’s good books from the get-go!

CV structure

Formatting Tips

  • Length: Recruiters will be immediately put off by lengthy CVs – with hundreds of applications to read through, they simply don’t have the time! Grabbing their attention with a short, snappy and highly relevant CV is far more likely to lead to success. Aim for two sides of A4 or less.
  • Readability : To help busy recruiters scan through your CV, make sure your section headings stand out – bold or coloured text works well. Additionally, try to use bullet points wherever you can, as they’re far easier to skim through than huge paragraphs. Lastly, don’t be afraid of white space on your CV – a little breathing space is great for readability.
  • Design: The saying ‘less is more’ couldn’t be more applicable to CVs. Readability is key, so avoid overly complicated designs and graphics. A subtle colour palette and easy-to-read font is all you need!
  • Avoid photos: Ditch logos, images or profile photos. Not only do they take up valuable space, but they may even distract recruiters from your important written content.

CV builder

Structuring your CV

For easy reading, write your CV to the following CV structure:

  • Contact details – Make it easy for recruiters to get in touch with you by listing your contact details at the top of your CV.
  • Profile – A short and snappy summary of your experience and skills, showcasing what makes you a good fit for the position.
  • Work experience / career history – Note down all your work history, with your current position first, then working backwards.
  • Education – A short list of your academic background and professional/vocational qualifications.
  • Interest and hobbies – This is an optional section, which you can use to highlight any relevant hobbies or interests.

Now I’ll guide you through exactly what you should include in each CV section.

CV Contact Details

Contact details

Kick-start your CV with your contact details, so recruiters can get in touch easily. Here’s what you should include:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – Make sure it’s professional, with no silly nicknames.
  • Location – Your town or city is sufficient, rather than a full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – Ensure they’ve been updated and are looking slick and professional.

Quick tip: Avoid listing your date of birth, marital status or other irrelevant details – they’re unnecessary at this stage.

Physics Graduate CV Profile

Recruiters read through countless applications every day.

If they don’t find what they’re looking for quickly, they’ll simply move onto the next one.

That’s what makes your CV profile (or personal statement , if you’re an entry-level/graduate candidate) so important.

This short and snappy summary sits at the top of your CV, and should give a high-level overview of why you’re a good match for the job.

This way, you can ensure that busy recruiters see your suitability from the outset, and so, feel your CV is worth their time.

CV profile

Tips for creating an impactful CV profile:

  • Keep it brief: Recruiters are busy, so to ensure your profile is actually read, it’s best to keep it short and snappy. 3-5 punchy lines makes for the perfect profile.
  • Tailor it: The biggest CV mistake? A generic, mass-produced document which is sent out to tens of employers. If you want to land an interview, you need to tailor your CV profile (and your application as a whole) to the specific roles you’re applying for. So, before you start writing, remember to read over those job descriptions and make a list of the skills, knowledge and experience the employers are looking for.
  • Don’t add an objective: Career goals and objectives are best suited to your cover letter , so don’t waste space with them in your CV profile.
  • Avoid cliches: If your CV is riddled with clichès like “Dynamic thought-leader”, hit that delete button. Phrases like these are like a broken record to recruiters, who read them countless times per day. Hard facts, skills, knowledge and results are sure to yield far better results.

What to include in your Physics Graduate CV profile?

  • Summary of experience: Recruiters will want to know what type of companies you’ve worked for, industries you have knowledge of, and the type of work you’ve carried out in the past, so give them a summary of this in your profile.
  • Relevant skills: Employers need to know what skills you can bring to their organisation, and ideally they want to see skills that match their job vacancy. So, research your target roles thoroughly and add the most important Physics Graduate skills to your profile.
  • Essential qualifications: If you have any qualifications which are highly relevant to Physics Graduate jobs, then highlight them in your profile so that employers do not miss them.

Quick tip: Your CV is your first impression on recruiters, so it’s vital to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes if you want to appear professional. Use our quick-and-easy CV Builder to add pre-written content that has been crafted by recruitment experts.

Core skills section

Underneath your profile, create a core skills section to make your most relevant skills jump off the page at readers.

It should be made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points of your relevant skills.

Before you do this, look over the job description and make a list of any specific skills, specialisms or knowledge required.

Then, make sure to use your findings in your list. This will paint you as the perfect match for the role.

CV core skills

Work experience/Career history

Now that recruiters have a good overview of your skills and abilities, you need to jump into the detail of your career history.

Give them a more thorough insight into what you can do by creating a detailed list of your relevant experience.

Start with your current role, and work backwards through all the relevant positions you’ve held. This could be freelance, contract or voluntary work too; as long as it’s related to the role you’re applying for.

Work experience

Structuring your roles

Recruiters will be keen to gain a better idea of where you’ve worked and how you apply your skill-set in the workplace.

However, if they’re faced with huge, hard-to-read paragraphs, they may just gloss over it and move onto the next application.

To avoid this, use the simple 3-step role structure, as shown below:

Role descriptions

Begin with a summary of your role, detailing what the purpose of your job was, who you reported to and what size of team you were part of (or led).

Key responsibilities

Using easy-to-read bullet points, note down your day-to-day responsibilities in the role.

Make sure to showcase how you used your hard sector skills and knowledge.

Key achievements

Finish off by showcasing 1-3 key achievements made within the role.

This could be anything that had a positive effect on your company, clients or customers, such as saving time or money, receiving exemplary feedback or receiving an award.

At the bottom of your CV is your full education section. You can list your formal academic qualifications, such as:

  • GCSE’s

As well as any specific Physics Graduate qualifications that are essential to the jobs you are applying for. Note down the name of the qualification, the organisation at which you studied, and the date of completion.

Interests and hobbies

Although this is an optional section, it can be useful if your hobbies and interests will add further depth to your CV.

Interests which are related to the sector you are applying to, or which show transferable skills like leadership or teamwork, can worth listing.

On the other hand, generic hobbies like “going out with friends” won’t add any value to your application, so are best left off your CV.

Essential skills for your Physics Graduate CV

Tailoring your CV to the roles you are applying for is key to success, so make sure to read through the job descriptions and tailor your skills accordingly.

However, commonly desired  Physics Graduate  skills include:

Technical skills and knowledge: You need to demonstrate an understanding of the core physics skills; these will vary depending on the role

Communication skills: It’s likely that you’ll be conveying complex ideas and using a lot of technical language; therefore strong communication is crucial

Problem- solving: No matter what role you have, you need to prove that you can take a pragmatic and analytical approach to problem-solving

Research: A huge part of physics is being able to undertake research and record your findings

Teamwork: Depending on the nature of the role, it’s likely you’ll find yourself working on group-based projects; therefore you need to be able to work with others efficiently

Writing your Physics Graduate CV

A strong, compelling CV is essential to get noticed and land interviews with the best employers.

To ensure your CV stands out from the competition, make sure to tailor it to your target role and pack it with sector-specific skills and results.

Remember to triple-check for spelling and grammar errors before hitting send.

Good luck with the job search!

  • • 2+ years of experience in how the AI development lifecycle impacts systems, distributed computing, and cloud-native paradigm
  • • Main research focused on how blockchain security could be enhanced by 65% within decentralized infrastructure
  • • Other research projects (36+), looking at how future trends could impact network security in AI automated systems
  • • Had 16+ publications in the Journal of Computer Science and secured +$16M in grant funding over the last two years
  • • Assisted 13+ senior researchers and computer science professors in completing various applications by debugging codes
  • • Participated in various other aspects of the software development process, including assessing briefs, writing code, and testing systems to ensure 100% accuracy
  • • Built 10 full-stack web applications with Java and Ruby
  • • Was tasked to help 5 researchers with the development of for-academia software with a focus on security
  • • Analyzed the code specifications and transformations to comply with 100% of all security, accuracy, and client-briefed protocols and parameters
  • • Met all mandatory schedule dates within the development process - receiving 98% approval in customer satisfaction

9 PhD Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your PhD resume must highlight your extensive research and expertise in your field of study. Tailor it to showcase how your unique skills are transferable to the job you're applying for. Demonstrate your proficiency in critical thinking and problem-solving through concrete examples of your work. Articulate your ability to communicate complex ideas effectively, as this is key to standing out.

All resume examples in this guide

physics phd resume


physics phd resume

Lecturer in Molecular Engineering and Bioengineering Researcher: Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D. resume example

physics phd resume

Electronic Product Design and Engineering Lab Technician, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering resume example

physics phd resume

APTA Certified Physical Therapist, Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Science resume example

physics phd resume

Data Scientist: Niched In Statistics, Appplied Mathematics, and Machine Learning resume example

Resume Guide

Guide Overview

Additional Resumes

Extra Reads

Writing Your Ph.D. Resume

Resume Header Tips

Ph.D. Resume Summary

Resume Experience Section

Systematizing Your Experience

How to Include Your Degree

Ph.D. in Progress on Resume

Skill Set for Ph.D. Resumes

Certifications on Resume

Additional Sections

Key Takeaways

PhD resume example

George C. Jones's 8-year-Odyssey to his doctoral degree in engineering is finally complete. All he has to do now is complete his Ph.D. resume.

Little does George know that within the next three years, he'd apply to 500+ roles and still not be any closer to working in the renewable energy sector.

A little birdie told us why.

Everywhere George applied, he was labeled as an "egghead": book-smart with no real-world experience.

At least that's the story his resume told.

Unfortunately, George's sad "tale" depicts many graduates’ job searches.

By 2030/31, the US is expected to have 221,000 Ph.D. graduates . While this may be fantastic news for the academic community, the job pool is limited.

Swimming into the big blue sea - a.k.a. the "real world" - would require Ph.D. graduates to adapt their resumes to the business or industry requirements.

And listing vague bullets pinpointing your experience just won't do.

Enhancv knows how to translate your skills, knowledge, and achievements to ensure your resume stands out in the vast talent pool.

Because a well-written Ph.D. resume , showing skills, passion, and knowledge, is your ticket to the moon and beyond.

Our exclusive, Ph.D. resume guide will answer some of the following questions for you:

  • What are some of the biggest, unintentional mistakes Ph.D. graduates tend to make when writing their resumes?
  • Perfecting the top one-third of your resume: how to get recruiters' attention every time?
  • 102 of the most popular Ph.D. skills you need to add to your resume right now!
  • Lacking much professional experience: how to align your academic background with job expectations?
  • Get inspired with more ideas about formatting, writing your resume summary, and including your academic body of work in a way that works.

4 additional Ph.D. resume samples and why they work

Ph.d. bioengineering graduate.

Ph.D. Lecturer and Researcher in Bioengineering resume

This Ph.D. Bioengineering Graduate has certainly focused her effort on getting that tenure-track position.

Here’s why her resume works.

Within the top one-third of Dr. Taylor’s resume (the headlines, summary, and skills section), you’ll find many relevant keywords for the job advert.

She has also used the summary to qualify and quantify her results to help recruiters better understand her strengths.

The experience section is split into two parts: the first one notes all relevant teaching experience; the second section showcases depth and knowledge of research.

Dr. Taylor has included industry experience and strengths to further define her skill set and show results.

This approach would also be very helpful for any Applicant Tracking System (ATS) reviewing the resume, as it cross-aligns the candidate’s talents with the job requirements.

Ph.D. mechanical engineering

Engineering Lab Technician  Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering.png

If you’re wondering how to translate your academics into real-life experience, check this example out.

Dr. Aubry’s resume headline highlights his area of expertise and his Ph.D. degree, while his summary qualifies his key academic achievements, contributions, and success.

Dr. Aubry’s skills section focuses more on the technology he is apt at within the specified job requirements.

His roles as a lab technician, contributor, and research assistant also hint to recruiters that he’s results-oriented and can show how his work affected the industry.

Finally, his strengths section cross-aligns soft skills that are important for the role, including mechanical engineering knowledge, cross-disciplinary teamwork, and technical writing.

Apta certified physical therapist

APTA Certified Physical Therapist  Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Science resume.png

In some industries, a specific certification can be a real game changer to meeting ATS standards.

Dr. Brubaker knows this and that’s why she has used her resume to highlight her American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) certification within various sections (headline, summary, and certification).

Another reason why Dr. Brubaker’s resume works is that it pinpoints her niche of expertise with tangible results.

Her education section not only lists all of her degrees, but she has turned recruiters’ attention to the grant funding her Ph.D. thesis secured (an outcome of the project).

Did you notice how she curated the experience section? Dr. Brubaker started with her more job-oriented responsibilities, followed by a leadership role.

if you’ve participated in any extracurricular activities during your studies, they could indicate various soft skills on your resume, including leadership, initiative, organization, etc.

data scientist, ongoing Ph.D. in statistics

Data Scientist  Ongoing Ph.D. in Statistics.png

Are you a current Ph.D. student, wondering how to include your ongoing degree on your resume?

Charles Flack’s resume includes some of the best how-to practices.

Charles uses the resume headline and summary’s first section to specify his research niche, which is followed by his ongoing Ph.D. Status.

N.B. Remember that the recruitment process is one of building trust with honesty. If you note in your resume that you’re a Ph.D. graduate (without this being the reality), recruiters will find out.

Continuing with Charles’s resume summary. It goes on to include an array of expertise and soft skills (e.g. leadership, adaptiveness, perfectionism) all within achieved results in academia.

His experience section includes roles in leadership, technical writing, and private tutoring, denoting individual skills and contributions.

The strengths Charles has included are more specific and tie in with data science roles. Those include quantitative problem-solving, deep learning, and iterative process.

21 Ph.D. related resume examples to help you get inspired

  • Entry-Level
  • Grant Writer
  • Lab Technician
  • Research Associate
  • Research Assistant
  • Lab Assistant
  • Lab Manager
  • Finance Intern
  • Data Science Intern
  • Entry Level Engineering
  • Entry-Level Mechanical Engineer
  • Software Engineer Intern
  • Nursing Student
  • Data Analyst Entry Level

Quick steps to success in writing your Ph.D. resume to get recruiters’ attention

Let's start with a big no-no: your academic CV, the one you used to secure that tenure position, is a No-go. Put simply - it lacks personality .

HRs and the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) need more context to your experience.

Unfortunately, here comes one of the biggest disadvantages you may face, leaving academia. Often, Ph.D. graduates get rejected as they lack practical work experience .

Don't get discouraged. Instead, find a resume format that works for you.

For Ph.D. graduates that have less work experience, we recommend a functional-skill-based format . It will help you highlight your unique skill set and academic excellence.

Also, it'll align your niche area of expertise with the role expectations.

Now that we've settled the formatting debate, let's look at a couple of more quick pointers for your Ph.D. resume.

1. The top one-third of your resume - the resume header and summary - is crucial to getting a high score on the ATS.

That's why you should try to include as many of the advert's relevant requirements within this section.

2. Expand your qualifications and skills within the experience section.

Don't just list plain bullets, but focus on the outcomes of your studies, research, or publications.

How to write your experience bullets:

3. Speaking of impact, detail your accomplishments within your academic work.

Focus on the picture and your research's influence on the scientific field, business/ industry, or communities.

Bonus: Remember to always list all work and academic experience that is relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Your Ph.D. experience can open many doors for you, giving you a front-row seat on the cutting edge of new technologies.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves, here are a couple more bits and pieces to keep in mind when writing your Ph.D. resume.

What recruiters are looking out for in your Ph.D. resume:

  • What methodology or technology have you used to prove your research?
  • If you've ever led teams, were you able to manage them successfully?
  • Would your niche area of expertise contribute to the organizational goals?
  • Can you bring to the table more than just theoretical knowledge?
  • How fast can you adapt to a non-academic environment and deliver tangible results?

Ph.D. resume's five most important sections:

  • Resume header with keywords from the job description
  • Resume summary cross-aligning requirements with experience
  • Resume experience to expand on the summary
  • Education section, listing all diplomas
  • Professional achievements in research and publications

Your Ph.D. resume should balance your knowledge with how fast it can be applied in a real-world environment.

That's why you need to be precise about the resume sections you chose to prove your merit.

Mythbusters: Your PhD resume header under the Enhancv microscope

After endless hours of searching different platforms, you've finally found that cancer research position that perfectly matches your profile.

Avoiding all emotional attachment and excitement, you finally decide on the following header:

2 PhD resume header examples

Let’s look at the bright side of things. If the organization would like to get in touch with Dr. Garnett, they'd easily find his contact details .

But on the other hand, he is making one huge mistake: Dr. Garnett isn't taking advantage of the power of the top section of his resume. More specifically - his headline .

This crucial section could provide Ph.D. graduates with an opportunity to include all relevant keywords that could match their profile. And at the same time, tease their professional story.

This may be obvious, but this example works as it shows that Dr. Garnett is not only a Ph.D. graduate, but his specific area of research and interest, which should supposedly match with the role he’s applying for.

A rule of thumb for headers is to never be vague about your research and expertise.

You could list your Ph.D. degree within your resume title so that it’s the first thing recruiters (and the ATS) see.

In the case of Dr. Garnett, his resume title could read “Dr. David Garnett, Ph.D.”.

Our suggestion is to be wary about the organization you’re applying for because if the culture is more informal, this may come off as “pretentious”.

Ph.D. resume summaries: HRs’ favorite instrument for advanced career storytelling

The Ph.D. resume summary is a really useful section for good first impressions and explaining your experience.

The summary can be used to highlight your skills, strengths, and achievements. While telling the story of your professional growth.

We know how important real-world examples are for you.

So, without further ado, here's how Dr. Lucina Collard rewrote her resume summary. And in the end, got the attention of a prestigious software development company.

2 PhD resume summary examples

Dr. Collard may have spent too much time in the lab, as her Ph.D. resume summary just lists what courses she took and her thesis statement.

No results, no outcomes.

In the end, she did decide to include some soft skills and passions, but without actually pointing out the “why” behind her work. This doesn’t make sense at all.

Here’s what her modified resume summary looked like in the end:

This summary works for one simple reason: it qualifies the achievements.

Dr. Collard has noted that within the past 6 years, she has been specializing in the job advert keywords “robotics” and “mechatronics”. The award is also a nice touch to paint the big picture of her experience.

Dr. Collard is apt at achieving results within a dynamic environment. That includes various professionals from different backgrounds.

When talking about her thesis, she goes on to show her familiarity with the process.

Editing Dr. Collard’s summary may seem just like one small step for her, but it’s actually a giant leap to securing an interview.

Making your Ph.D. resume experience section stand out for all the right reasons

When listing their experience section, most Ph.D. graduates are probably making the same mistakes.

The first one: leaving out your academic practice, thinking that recruiters only want to see work experience.

That's not true at all.

Your education would not only prove your technical capabilities, but also your soft skills. But, more on that in the following paragraphs.

The second error: those tricky job titles.

You'd find 1000+ resumes, listing each experience using the given academic titles; e.g. Professor, Lecturer, Post Doctorate Student, Graduate Student, etc.

Robotic vs personalized approach: 1:0.

The ATS, reviewing your resume, is set to recognize keywords that are vital for the job. The faster those appear at the top of your experience, the better.

Instead of listing that you used to be a "Lecturer at XYZ University", go with "Data Science and Machine Learning Lecturer at XYZ University".

Third slip-up: those tricky experience bullets.

Some Ph.D. graduates just list all their courses, research, and publications.

This isn't the way to go.

You should rather align your knowledge with the job description to prove tangible results.

A couple of questions to help:

  • What did this course help me learn and achieve that could be applicable to the job I'm applying for?
  • How did leading lectures help me to cooperate better within the learning environment?
  • What grants did my publications secure for the educational institute?
  • What effects did my research have on the big-picture subjects within the field?
  • The more you can get into the actuality (and practicality) of your education, the higher your chances are to get your first interview booked.

Let’s look at an example of how your experience can be showcased within your resume as crucial for the job.

Phd resume experience examples.

  • • Got PhD in Philosophy
  • • Took Philosophy of Mind, Brain, and Behavior Course
  • • Took Ethics Course
  • • Wrote Diploma on ‘To Be Or Not To Be: The Ethics of The Human Existence In The 21st Century’

This experience section is pretty negligent and robotic. Did you just get a diploma during those three-plus years?

You may be exiting from a leading higher education institution, but putting in the extra effort to your resume shows that you are diligent.

And that you’re actually invested in getting that particular job.

  • • Contributed 60+ publications to the university scientific journal, niching within human rights, ethics, and the big why of human existence
  • • Peer-reviewed publications for 12+ philosophy colleagues and professionals with a focus on consistency and validity of the thesis
  • • Collaborated with 10+ professionals from arts, science, and biotech fields to question and understand the ethics behind their projects
  • • Apart from the scientific paper for my final thesis, entitled 'To Be Or Not To Be: The Ethics of The Human Existence In The 21st Century’, published a short video on the university website to help inspire young professionals of philosophy to always stay alert

There’s no ground for comparison between the two examples. But let’s look at some of the basics.

The first experience bullet hints that the professional can write technical papers for their niche.

Next, the candidate showcases an eye for detail, collaboration, and teamwork.

Finally, they have found a way to get their thesis submitted on time and also make it more understandable.

On a side note - did you notice how a better job title could be a complete game-changer?

One bonus tip on better systematizing your Ph.D. experience

General practice is that you'd create one single resume experience section.

But what if while writing your Ph.D. resume, you realize that in the past six years, all your experience is for the same institution?

Here's an idea to spice up your experience section. You can create a couple of experience sections, based on functionality.

Thus highlighting job advert keywords and, at the same time, including more details.

So you could have some of the following headers, under which you could classify your work:

  • Research Experience
  • Technical Experience
  • Analytical Experience
  • Leadership Experience
  • Mentorship Experience
  • Teamwork Experience
  • Higher Education Experience

Feel free to align your transferable skills, which would be beneficial for the job you're applying for.

How should you include your degrees within your Ph.D. resume education section?

Here's the advice you've probably been waiting for; introducing…

… "How to write about your degree without sounding like a snob?"

And there are two possible scenarios at play.

The first is that you're applying for a job related to your area of study.

You should list your Ph.D. degree in detail, including research topics, method expertise, and publications.

As you're writing for non-specialized audiences, don't go overboard with the complex terms. Instead, weave keywords from the job requirements within your education section.

In the second case scenario, you're applying for a job that has nothing to do with your degree.

Keep your education section plain and simple with your degree, university/college, dates, and location.

Either way, remember to always list all of your degrees in chronological order, starting with the latest.

This isn't just some made-up rule or HR caprice. Your resume education helps recruiters determine if:

  • Your basic training and knowledge would fit the job
  • You stayed focused on your coursework and graduated on time
  • You would be a good fit for the team. Some companies tend to hire graduates from the same university

Ph.D. in progress: Should you include your potential degree on your resume?

Being transparent on your Ph.D. resume is what builds that fantastic initial relationship with the company you're applying for.

Thus, you have to be very clear and precise, especially in your education section.

If you're still pursuing your Ph.D. degree, shift the focus from the future to what you've achieved so far.

Your education section could answer any of the following questions:

  • How applicable your degree is to the job opening?
  • Which of the courses you've completed would help the company grow?
  • Is your education a stepping stone within your professional experience?
  • What is your expected graduation date?

Being on the course to completing your Ph.D. is definitely commendable, but sometimes life happens. And you may be forced to drop out of your Ph.D. education.

Should you then list the degree you didn't complete?

The answer is 100% yes, as your Ph.D.:

  • fills gaps within your professional experience
  • is valuable experience
  • has helped you gain new knowledge

Making it clear to recruiters that your degree is "Incomplete" or that you "Didn't Graduate" is very important.

List your degree, dates, university/college, and status.

If you get to the interview stage, recruiters will ask you why you dropped out. Be prepared to talk about why it wasn't the best option for your career at the time, or hint at the circumstances.

Even if it's hard to believe, HR managers are people - just like you and me - and they are able to show understanding and compassion.

Ph.D. resume: Is there a dream skill set your potential employers would like to see?

Recruiters review your resume to see how your experience aligns with the role, with a big focus on transferrable skills.

Or in other words, what else can you bring to the table to help the business or institution grow?

And transferable skills can be both hard (or technical ) and soft skills .

Your hard skills include the technology you used to complete your studies.

Consider the opportunities you've has to:

  • test and measure antennas parameters in an Anechoic chamber
  • audit in a lab environment renewable energy sources' efficiency
  • develop software, using Python, to patch cybersecurity risks

The list can go and on and on. Your Ph.D. has probably provided you with a pretty solid technical background.

When writing your resume’s separate technical skills section, ever wonder which technology should go first?

Rule of thumb: align the technology within the job description with your expertise.

The more proficient you are at a certain skill, the sooner you should list it.

Wondering what some of the most popular Ph.D. resume hard and technical skills are?

Check out our list, based on some of the most popular industries.

PhD resume technical skills for various roles:

15 hard skills for opportunities in business consulting:

  • Knowledge of different business-crucial frameworks, including Benchmarking, Balanced Scorecard, Porter’s Five Forces, The GE-McKinsey Nine-Box Matrix, The BCG Growth-Share Matrix, Core Competencies
  • Data Management and Analysis
  • Advanced Data Modelling
  • Strategy, Planning and Implementation
  • Assessing and Managing Risk Using Frameworks
  • Statistics and Understanding Correlations
  • CRMs: Salesforce, Zendesk, Bitrix24, etc.
  • Lead Generation Software: Zendesk Sell, Pipedrive, HubSpot, etc.
  • Project Management Software: Jira, Hive, Asana, etc.
  • Employer and Customer Satisfaction Surveys
  • Proposal Writing
  • Scheduling Software: Calendly, Google Calendar, Doodle, etc.
  • Revenue Optimization and Sales

15 technical skills for biology, biotech, biochemistry, and medical research:

  • Design, conduct, and analyze scientific research
  • Tissue Culture
  • PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
  • Gel Electrophoresis
  • Western Blot
  • Molecular (Gene) Cloning and various techniques
  • Flow Cytometry
  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Confocal Microscopy
  • Cell-Based Assays
  • Radioimmunoassays
  • Data Analysis in biotechnology, bioinformatics, and medical research
  • Laboratory and Equipment

15 engineering technical skills to add to your PhD resume:

  • Manufacturing: Forging, Welding, Assembling, etc.
  • Quality Control
  • Industrial /System Design and Analysis
  • Conceptual, Logical, or Physical Data Modeling
  • AI and/ or Machine Learning
  • Design Tools: AutoCAD, SolidWork, 3dsMax, etc.
  • Programming Languages: C++, Python, Java, etc.
  • Equipment Diagnosis
  • Project Management: Trello, Zoho, Microsoft Project, etc.
  • Data Analysis Software: Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, Qlik Sense, etc.
  • CNC Programming
  • Advanced Physics
  • Structural Analysis
  • Nanotechnology

15 recommended computer science technologies:

  • Programming languages: C++, PHP, Swift, etc.
  • Software engineering and development: Atom, GitHub, Chrome DevTools. etc.
  • Cloud Platforms
  • Data migration and deployment
  • Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
  • Integrated Environments Management
  • Network Maintenance
  • Cybersecurity
  • Machine learning AI
  • Business Intelligence and Statistical Analysis Tools
  • SQL Consoles
  • SAS Development and Forecasting
  • Data Modelling Tools: ER/Studio, Archi, Ludichart, etc.
  • Automation Tools

15 academic and research technical skills:

  • Technical Literacy
  • Presentation and visual: Tableau, Prezi, PPT, etc.
  • Learning platforms: Moodle, Classroom, Teams, etc.
  • Surveys: Google Forms, MailChimp, Kahoot, etc.
  • Data-Processing Software: SPSS, RStudio, NVivo, etc.
  • Academic Networks: Google Scholar,, ResearchGate, etc.
  • Academic Research and Technical Writing
  • Email Writing
  • Data and Information Analysis
  • Copyright and License
  • Videoconferencing: Zoom, Teams, Google Meet, etc.
  • Applications for Securing Grants and Funding
  • Peer Reviews and Co-Writing Interdisciplinary Technical Papers

Moving on to your PhD resume soft skills

There's still no precise formula for how soft skills are gained and applied in the workplace.

How many times have you seen an advert that requires "a can-do attitude and teamwork"?

Yet soft skills are on all recruiters' must-have checklists.

In the case of Ph.D. applicants, these transferable skills are built thanks to all the healthy habits you've maintained through your education, including your:

  • collaboration
  • ability to meet deadlines

Soft skills hint to recruiters more about your character and style of work.

Here are some ideas as to which ones you can include within your resume:

37 PhD soft skills to spice up your resume:

  • Critical / Logical Thinking
  • Problem-Solving
  • Time Management
  • Brainstorming
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Meeting Deadlines
  • Working Under Pressure
  • Negotiation
  • Project Management
  • Organization
  • Prioritization
  • Flexibility
  • Independent Work
  • Ethical Decision-Making
  • Leadership or Mentorship
  • Collaboration
  • Teaching or Lecturing
  • Conduct Meetings
  • Supervision
  • Feedback and Evaluation
  • Motivating Others
  • Communicating Ideas
  • Presentation
  • Constructive Debating
  • Leading or Participating in Group Discussions
  • Public Speaking
  • Accelerated Learning
  • Attention to Detail
  • Writing Proficiency
  • Quantitative Literacy
  • Listening and Reflection

When describing your leadership or mentorship soft skills, here are a couple of questions you could answer within your resume to qualify your achievements:

  • What actions did you take to maintain a constant and successful team dynamic?

Mix in extracurricular certificates

Back in the day, you earned a couple of extracurricular certificates and wondering if you should include those on your Ph.D. resume.

Again, it's a matter of analyzing how necessary your certification is for the job.

E.g. if AICPA's CPA certificate is listed as obligatory within the job description - and you have earned yours - you know what to do.

Certificates show that you're willing to put in the extra effort to stay relevant. Proving that you're committed, flexible, and a life-long learner.

So, think about the relevancy the certificate would have within your field.

Then, consider including some of these popular certificates:

Top 50 PhD certificates from various institutions for your resume:

  • Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) - Certified Professional
  • ACRP - Clinical Research Associate Certification
  • ACRP - Clinical Research Coordinator Certification
  • American Health Information Management Association - Coding Specialist Physician-Based Certification
  • Nationally Registered Certified Patient Care Technician
  • National Healthcare Association (NHA) - EKG Technician Certification
  • NHA - Phlebotomy Technician Certification
  • NHA - Clinical Medical Assistant Certification
  • American Association of Medical Assistants - Medical Assistant Certification
  • Red Cross - Nursing Assistant Certification
  • Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc. - Registered Behavior Technician
  • American Association of Professional Coders - Certified Professional Coder
  • Pharmacy Technician Certification Board - Certified Pharmacy Technician
  • Society for Clinical Data Management - Clinical Data Manager
  • American Medical Writers Association - Medical Writer Certified
  • Board of Editors in Life Science - Board-Certified Editor in Life Science
  • International Society for Medical Publication Professionals - Certified Medical Publication Professional
  • Regulatory Affairs Professional Society - Regulatory Affairs Certification
  • Google Project Management Professional
  • Society of ​​Petroleum Engineers - Petroleum Engineering Certification
  • American Institute of Chemists - National Certification Commission in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Certification
  • Coursera - Software Engineering MasterTrack Certificate
  • Cisco Certified Network Professional in Service Provider Operations
  • CompTIA Security+ Certification
  • (ISC)² Certified Information Systems Security Professional
  • American Society for Quality (ASQ) - Quality Engineer Certification
  • ASQ - Reliability Engineer Certification
  • Advanced Certificate Program in CFD-Aircraft Aerodynamics
  • Engineer in Training License and Certification
  • Society of Broadcast Engineers - Certified Audio Engineer
  • Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering - Certified Technical Professional
  • International Council on Systems Engineering - Systems Engineering Professional Certification
  • American Academy of Project Management - Certified Planning Engineer
  • Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Master Specialist Certificate
  • iNARTE Electromagnetic Compatibility Designer Engineer Certificate
  • American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists - Board Certified Environmental Engineer
  • American Public Power Association - Key Accounts Certificate Program
  • Global Association of Quality Management - Certified Agile Developer
  • Environmental Protection Agency - Operator Certification Program Management
  • Institute of Management Accountants - Certified Management Accountant
  • National Association of Certified Public Bookkeepers - Certified Bookkeeper
  • Association of International Certified Professional Accountants - Certified Public Accountant
  • Chartered Financial Analyst Institute - Chartered Financial Analyst
  • Internal Revenue Service - Enrolled Agent
  • The Institute of Internal Auditors - Certified Internal Auditor
  • Association of Certified Fraud Examiners - Certified Fraud Examiner
  • National Association of Sales Professionals - Certified Professional Sales Person
  • Institutes of Management Consulting - Certified Management Consultant

PhD resume: let’s get creative with a few more resume sections

When completing your Ph.D. resume, you should always find ways to stand out from the crowd.

That’s why we’ve compiled for you some of the most popular sections which you could add to your resume.

Before doing so, always question each section's relevance to the job you're applying for.

  • Publications or Projects - focus on topic, methodology, and impact; include your grant ID code, if your research won any funding
  • Academic Awards - once more, consider if those would shine a better light on your expertise
  • Conference Presentations - this would showcase your public speaking abilities
  • Language Skills - be honest when listing your language proficiency

One final word of warning - your Ph.D. resume offers limited space to showcase your expertise, so try to make the most out of it.

key takeaways

  • The extra effort to align your Ph.D. skills with the job you're applying for always gets recruiters' attention.
  • Include as many relevant keywords within the header and summary of your Ph.D. resume.
  • Have separate sections, detailing how your academic background has helped you attain experience, skills, and certifications.
  • List chronologically all degrees you've earned through your education, with an adaptable approach to details.
  • Remember that the recruiters or the ATS assessing your resume may not be that scientifically literate. Substitute complex terminology with impact and results.

phd resume example

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Physicist Resume Examples

Are you a physicist looking for a new job? If so, you’ll need an impressive resume to stand out from the crowd. Writing a good resume can be challenging, especially when it comes to specializing in a specific field of science. This guide will provide you with some tips on how to create an effective physicist resume, as well as example resumes to give you an idea of what a successful resume looks like. With the right strategies and information, you can make your resume stand out to employers and get one step closer to achieving your career goals.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of resume examples .


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123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]

Physicist with 5+ years of professional experience in materials research, specializing in quantitative and qualitative analysis. Experienced in developing mathematical theories and models to explain physical and chemical phenomena. Expert in designing and conducting experiments with precision and accuracy.

Core Skills :

  • Advanced knowledge of mathematics and physics
  • Proficient in designing and conducting experiments
  • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills
  • Highly organized and able to manage multiple projects
  • Proficient with computers and software applications

Professional Experience : Physicist, ABC Research Institute (2017- Present)

  • Analyzed physical and chemical properties of materials to explain their behavior
  • Developed mathematical theories and models to explain physical and chemical phenomena
  • Designed and conducted experiments with precision and accuracy
  • Evaluated results, drew conclusions and reported findings

Research Assistant, XYZ Center for Advanced Studies (2014- 2017)

  • Assisted with research projects and experiments
  • Analyzed data and wrote reports detailing findings
  • Provided support to senior researchers
  • Performed administrative duties and maintained the laboratory

Education : Ph.D., Physics, University of California, Berkeley (2014) M.S., Physics, University of California, Berkeley (2012) B.S., Physics, University of California, Berkeley (2010)

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Physicist Resume with No Experience

Recent graduate from the University of Physics with a passion for understanding the complexities of science and technology. Seeking an entry- level position to further develop and utilize my skills to benefit the organization. I am a hardworking, knowledgeable, and highly organized individual.

  • Strong analytical and problem- solving skills
  • Critical thinking and data analysis
  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office and various data analysis software
  • Ability to quickly learn new technologies and processes


  • Assisted senior physicists in laboratory experiments
  • Analyzed data and assisted in the development of new theories
  • Maintained and organized laboratory equipment
  • Provided support in the development of new materials
  • Contributed to the development of new technologies in the laboratory

Experience 0 Years

Level Junior

Education Bachelor’s

Physicist Resume with 2 Years of Experience

A Highly- motivated and dedicated physicist with two years of experience in research and development. Highly organized and analytical, I possess a strong academic background in physics, including experience in both theoretical and experimental physics. I have excellent problem- solving skills, communication skills, and the ability to work collaboratively. I am eager to make a positive contribution to furthering scientific research and development in the field of physics.

  • Problem solving
  • Communication
  • Research & development
  • Theoretical & experimental physics
  • Data analysis
  • Experimental design
  • Computer programming

Responsibilities :

  • Developed experiments and collected data to support research projects.
  • Developed computer programs to assist with data analysis and modeling.
  • Conducted theoretical research to support experiments and data analysis.
  • Drafted reports to document findings and test results.
  • Provided technical advice and assistance to other researchers.
  • Performed data analysis and statistical calculations to develop models.
  • Conducted literature reviews to identify trends and support research.
  • Prepared presentations and manuscripts for publication.

Experience 2+ Years

Physicist Resume with 5 Years of Experience

Highly experienced Physics researcher with over 5 years of experience in the field. Proven expertise in the design, implementation and oversight of complex physics experiments. Passionate about problem solving, a creative thinker with a commitment to continuous learning. Skilled in quantitative analysis and data interpretation, as well as successful in developing relationships with colleagues, clients and stakeholders.

  • Physics research and experimentation
  • Data interpretation and analysis
  • Problem solving and decision making
  • Complex problem analysis and resolution
  • Team collaboration
  • Creative thinking
  • Project management
  • Design and oversee complex physics experiments
  • Analyze and interpret data
  • Develop and maintain relationships with colleagues, clients and stakeholders
  • Create and present project reports to management
  • Collaborate with team members to develop innovative solutions
  • Train and mentor new staff on physics research techniques
  • Monitor budget and project timelines
  • Conduct research to stay up to date on the latest advancements in the field

Experience 5+ Years

Level Senior

Physicist Resume with 7 Years of Experience

Physicist with seven years of experience in theoretical physics, specializing in the design, implementation and testing of methods for tackling difficult problems in theoretical physics with an emphasis on quantum mechanics. Experienced in formulating and solving complex and challenging problems using advanced techniques such as perturbation theory and numerical methods. Possessing a strong background in mathematical physics and a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of physics, including mechanics, electromagnetism and thermodynamics.

Core Skills

  • Theoretical Physics
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Perturbation Theory
  • Numerical Methods
  • Electromagnetism
  • Thermodynamics
  • Developed new theories and mathematical models to explain the behavior of particles, atoms and molecules.
  • Designed and implemented analytical and numerical methods to solve complex and challenging problems in theoretical physics.
  • Conducted experiments to measure the interactions between particles and atoms.
  • Developed new algorithms to increase the efficiency of calculations.
  • Conducted research on thermodynamic systems and developed new methods to approach them.
  • Analyzed the data and presented the results in the form of reports.
  • Participated in the planning and development of new projects.

Experience 7+ Years

Physicist Resume with 10 Years of Experience

I am a highly experienced Physicist with 10 years of experience in the field. I have a comprehensive knowledge of physics principles, theories and models as well as excellent analytical and problem- solving skills. I am also proficient in mathematics, data analysis, and laboratory techniques. I have experience in developing and testing experimental prototypes and working with a range of instruments and sensors. I am highly organized, detail- oriented and capable of providing solutions to complex problems.

  • Physics principles, theories, and models
  • Mathematics
  • Laboratory techniques
  • Experimental development and testing
  • Working with instruments and sensors
  • Problem- solving
  • Organizational, detail- oriented skills
  • Designing and conducting experiments
  • Identifying and developing potential solutions to technical problems
  • Developing and testing experimental prototypes
  • Analyzing and interpreting data
  • Writing technical reports
  • Supervising and training other scientists
  • Working with a range of instruments and sensors
  • Ensuring adherence to safety regulations in the lab
  • Keeping abreast of scientific developments in the field

Experience 10+ Years

Level Senior Manager

Education Master’s

Physicist Resume with 15 Years of Experience

A Highly motivated and experienced physicist with 15 years of experience in research and development, data analysis, and scientific leadership. Expert in conducting laboratory experiments, modeling, and using instrumentation for testing, measurement, and analysis. Adept in working with scientific and non- scientific personnel to ensure projects are completed on time and within budget. Skilled in developing innovative solutions to complex technical problems.

  • Research and Development
  • Data Analysis
  • Scientific Leadership
  • Laboratory Experiments
  • Instrumentation
  • Testing, Measurement, and Analysis
  • Scientific and Non- Scientific Personnel
  • Project Management
  • Innovative Problem Solving
  • Developed and implemented laboratory experiments to test and validate new theories, models, and products.
  • Monitored and analyzed data to measure and identify trends, correlations, and anomalies.
  • Used instrumentation, such as microscopes and spectrometers, to measure, analyze, and record data.
  • Developed mathematical models and simulations to analyze and predict outcomes.
  • Collaborated with scientific and non- scientific personnel to ensure projects were completed on- time and within budgetary constraints.
  • Researched and identified innovative solutions to complex scientific and engineering problems.
  • Wrote technical reports and scientific papers for publication in peer- reviewed journals.
  • Led research teams, mentored younger scientists, and presented findings at industry conferences.

Experience 15+ Years

Level Director

In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates , resume formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

What should be included in a Physicist resume?

In order to stand out from the crowd and land the job of your dreams, a physicist’s resume must be well-crafted and organized. Here is a basic guide for what should be included in a physicist resume:

  • Education: Include all educational information from high school to doctorate level, such as degree type, school name and location, and any honors or distinctions.
  • Research: Summarize your research experience in a concise manner, including research focus, methods, and results.
  • Teaching: If you have teaching experience, list courses taught, classes taught, and any awards or recognitions.
  • Professional Journals: Include any journal articles that you have written or contributed to, as well as any presentations or papers given.
  • Skills: Highlight any skills relevant to the job, such as experience with software or programming languages.
  • Additional Experience: Include any volunteer work, internships, or other relevant experience that could be beneficial to the job.
  • References: List three or more professional references, with contact information and a brief description of their background.

By including all of these sections on your resume, you will be sure to present yourself as an organized and well-rounded physicist. As a result, you will have a better chance of standing out amongst the competition and land the job you’ve been dreaming of.

What is a good summary for a Physicist resume?

A Good summary statement for a Physicist resume should highlight a candidate’s relevant experience, qualifications, and skills in order to entice the reader to read further. It should also include a brief overview of the candidate’s research and accomplishments in the field of physics. Additionally, it should emphasize any unique abilities, such as computer programming knowledge and proficiency with lab instruments, that make the candidate stand out from the rest. By using a few effective words and phrases, a physicist’s summary statement should clearly demonstrate why the candidate is the best choice for the position.

What is a good objective for a Physicist resume?

A Resume objective serves as a snapshot of what makes you an ideal candidate for the position. As a physicist, you should focus on highlighting your technical skills and experience while also communicating your interpersonal abilities. A good objective for a physicist resume can include:

  • Demonstrate knowledge in physics, mathematics, and chemistry
  • Utilize strong analytical and research skills to develop innovative theories
  • Perform experiments and analyze data to further scientific understanding
  • Collaborate effectively with peers and colleagues to tackle complex problems
  • Leverage excellent written and verbal communication skills to communicate complex concepts
  • Use problem-solving and critical thinking skills to develop creative solutions.

How do you list Physicist skills on a resume?

When it comes to listing your skills as a Physicist on your resume, it’s important to focus on the key qualities and abilities that you possess which make you the best fit for the job. Here are some skills you should consider including to make sure your resume stands out:

  • Analytical Thinking: As a Physicist you must be able to think analytically and be able to identify and solve problems in a logical and efficient way.
  • Data Analysis: You must be able to interpret data and draw conclusions from it.
  • Research: You must be able to conduct research, utilize information from various sources, and analyze the results of your findings.
  • Communication: You must be able to communicate complex concepts and ideas to a wide variety of audiences, both verbally and in written form.
  • Math: You must have a strong understanding of mathematics, including calculus, differential equations, and algebra.
  • Computers: You should have a strong understanding of computers and be able to use computer programs to model physical phenomena.
  • Lab Experience: You should have experience working in a laboratory setting and have a familiarity with common laboratory techniques.
  • Detail-Oriented: You must be detail-oriented and be able to pay attention to the details of experiments and projects in order to ensure accuracy.

What skills should I put on my resume for Physicist?

For any physicist, it is important to showcase the relevant skills and knowledge on their resume. This will allow potential employers to recognize the value that the physicist can bring to their organization. Here are some skills that should be included on your resume:

  • Knowledge of Physics Principles: A physicist should demonstrate their knowledge of the principles of physics and its related fields, including mechanics, optics, thermodynamics, electricity, and magnetism.
  • Analytical Skills: Physicists need to be able to analyze data, interpret results, and draw conclusions. These skills are essential for conducting research and problem-solving.
  • Mathematical Knowledge: A strong understanding of mathematics, including algebra, calculus, and geometry, is fundamental to a physicist’s work.
  • Experimental Skills: Physicists should also be able to demonstrate their experience in laboratory work, including the design and execution of experiments.
  • Writing Skills: An effective physicist will be able to write clearly and concisely, both for academic purposes and for communication with colleagues.
  • Computer Skills: Physicists should be able to use computer technology to create models, simulations, and other applications to support their research.

By including these skills on your resume, you can show employers that you have the knowledge and abilities needed to succeed as a physicist.

Key takeaways for an Physicist resume

Physicists are highly sought after in many industries due to their knowledge and expertise in physics and the laws of nature. Creating a resume that stands out and highlights the most important aspects of a physicist’s skills and experience can be a daunting task. Here are some key takeaways to consider when crafting the perfect physicist resume:

  • Demonstrate Your Knowledge of Physics: Your resume should include a section devoted to physics-related topics. This section should include a list of any specializations, research, or experiments you’ve worked on, as well as any courses or degrees you’ve earned. Even if you don’t have a formal degree in physics, any related certifications or experience should be included.
  • Highlight Your Communication Skills: Physics is a field that requires strong written and verbal communication skills, so make sure to emphasize these qualities in your resume. Include examples of projects you’ve managed or collaborated on, as well as any public speaking engagements you’ve had.
  • Showcase Your Problem Solving Abilities: As a physicist, you’re expected to be able to think critically and solve complex problems. Show off your problem solving skills by listing any achievements, awards, or publications you’ve earned.
  • Emphasize Your Technical Knowledge: Working as a physicist often requires dealing with data and software applications. Be sure to include any technical knowledge you possess, such as coding languages and software programs you’re familiar with.

By keeping these takeaways in mind, you can ensure that your resume will stand out from the competition. With a truly impressive resume, you can make sure that hiring managers take notice and consider you for their open positions.

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Physicist CV Examples (Template & 20+ Tips)

Create a standout physicist cv with our online platform. browse professional templates for all levels and specialties. land your dream role today.

Physicist CV Example

This article provides an example of a CV for a Physicist. It includes a sample of the skills and experience a Physicist should highlight in their CV, as well as tips for writing a successful CV. It provides a comprehensive look at what should be included on a Physicist's CV and how it should be presented.

We will cover:

  • How to write a CV , no matter your industry or job title.
  • What to put on a CV to stand out.
  • The top skills employers from every industry want to see.
  • How to build a CV fast with our professional CV Builder .
  • What a CV template is, and why you should use it.

What does a Physicist do?

A physicist studies the physical properties of matter, energy, and the interaction between them. They research and analyze the properties of matter, energy, and the fundamental laws of nature to better understand the universe and develop solutions to real-world problems. Physicists work in areas such as particle physics, astrophysics, applied physics, and theoretical physics. They may also work in related fields, such as engineering, chemistry, and computer science.

  • Chemist CV Sample
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  • Mining Engineer CV Sample
  • Nuclear Engineer CV Sample
  • Physicist CV Sample
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  • Reservoir Engineer CV Sample
  • Validation Engineer CV Sample

What are some responsibilities of a Physicist?

  • Formulating and testing physical laws based on observation, experimentation, and calculation.
  • Analysing data from experiments and observations.
  • Developing mathematical models to describe physical systems.
  • Conducting research in areas of physics such as quantum mechanics, relativity, thermodynamics, and optics.
  • Teaching and training students to understand physics principles.
  • Writing papers and presenting findings at conferences.
  • Developing new technologies based on physical principles.
  • Designing and building equipment to measure physical phenomena.
  • Using computer simulations to model physical systems.
  • Collaborating with other scientists to conduct research.

Sample Physicist CV for Inspiration

Personal Details: Name: John Doe Phone: 555-5555 Email: [email protected] Location: San Francisco, CA

Summary: John Doe is a highly accomplished Physicist with over 10 years of experience in research and development. He has a solid background in quantum physics, astrophysics, and applied physics, and is well-versed in the development of new technologies and the application of existing concepts. He is an excellent communicator and collaborator who is highly motivated and dedicated to achieving results.

Work Experience:

  • University of California, San Francisco | Physicist (2015-Present)
  • Conducted research and development in the field of quantum physics and astrophysics
  • Analyzed data and published findings in scientific journals
  • Collaborated with other physicists on research projects
  • Stanford University | Research Assistant (2010-2015)
  • Assisted lead physicist with research and development in the field of applied physics
  • Assisted in the development of new technologies
  • Provided technical support to other researchers
  • Stanford University | Ph.D. in Physics (2010)
  • University of California, Berkeley | M.Sc. in Physics (2008)
  • University of California, Los Angeles | B.Sc. in Physics (2006)
  • Quantum Physics
  • Astrophysics
  • Applied Physics
  • Data Analysis
  • Technical Support
  • Research & Development


  • Certified Professional Physicist (2011)

Languages: English (Native) Spanish (Fluent) German (Conversational)

CV tips for Physicist

Crafting an impeccable CV that kickstarts your career is a challenging endeavor. While adhering to fundamental writing principles is beneficial, seeking guidance customized for your unique job pursuit is equally prudent. As a newcomer to the professional realm, you require Physicist CV pointers. We've curated top-notch advice from experienced Physicist individuals. Explore their insights to streamline your writing journey and enhance the likelihood of fashioning a CV that captivates potential employers' attention.

  • Highlight your most relevant research experience and academic achievements.
  • Include a list of publications and presentations relevant to the field.
  • Focus on the skills that employers are looking for in a physicist, such as problem-solving and data analysis.
  • Mention any awards you have received for your work in the field.
  • Include any relevant professional memberships or certifications.

Physicist CV Summary Examples

Using a CV summary or CV objective is a great way for a physicist to showcase their unique skills and qualifications and to stand out from the competition. It can help the employer quickly identify what makes the applicant special and why they are the perfect fit for the job. It is also an opportunity to highlight any research or professional experience that might be applicable to the position. Overall, a CV summary or CV objective can be an invaluable tool for a physicist looking to make a strong impression and secure the job. For Example:

  • A creative and experienced physicist with 10+ years of professional experience in laboratory research. Strong knowledge of mathematical modelling and data analysis.
  • A dedicated physicist with 5+ years of experience in teaching and research. Expert in quantum mechanics and particle physics, with a passion for expanding knowledge.
  • Highly motivated physicist and researcher with excellent communication and problem-solving skills. Experienced in theoretical modelling and data analysis.
  • An experienced physicist with 8+ years in research and development. Skilled in mathematical modelling and data analysis, with a passion for problem-solving.
  • A passionate physicist with 3+ years of experience in laboratory research. Expert in theoretical modelling and data analysis, with strong knowledge of quantum mechanics.

Build a Strong Experience Section for Your Physicist CV

Building a strong experience section for a physicist CV is important because a physicist’s experience is what will set him or her apart from other applicants. Physicists have a unique set of skills that require a great deal of knowledge and expertise. Experience in the field is essential for demonstrating to employers that a physicist has the necessary qualifications for the job. A strong experience section should include details about any research projects, internships, or publications the physicist has been involved in. This will provide employers with a better understanding of the physicist’s background and qualifications, and help them to make an informed decision about whether or not the physicist is the right fit for the job. For Example:

  • Successfully completed research and development of multiple projects, ranging from laser communication to quantum entanglement.
  • Developed and implemented complex algorithms and mathematical models to analyze and optimize the performance of various systems.
  • Performed laboratory experiments and generated data, then analyzed the data to evaluate the performance of various physics theories.
  • Designed and built components for experiments, including lasers, optical systems, and other hardware.
  • Supervised and trained junior physicists in various aspects of lab work.
  • Authored and published multiple papers in peer-reviewed journals related to physics.
  • Presented research findings at international conferences and symposiums.
  • Collaborated with other physicists to develop and implement complex experiments.
  • Attended lectures and seminars to stay abreast of the latest advances in physics.
  • Provided technical support and advice to colleagues and students.

Physicist CV education example

A physicist typically needs a bachelor's degree in physics or a related field, such as mathematics or engineering. Many physicists also pursue advanced degrees, such as a master's, PhD, or professional degree, to further their knowledge and career prospects. Coursework in physics typically includes classes in mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, optics, and quantum mechanics. Other courses in mathematics, chemistry, and computer science are also often required. Here is an example of an experience listing suitable for a Physicist CV:

  • B.Sc. in Physics, University of Oxford (2015)
  • M.Sc. in Physics, University of Cambridge (2017)
  • PhD in Physics, University of Chicago (2020)

Physicist Skills for a CV

Adding skills to a Physicist CV is important because it allows a potential employer to quickly see the areas of knowledge and expertise the applicant has. It also helps to differentiate the applicant from the competition. Skills may include areas such as laboratory work, data analysis, problem solving, computational methods, and theoretical physics. By including these skills, employers can quickly assess the applicant's qualifications and determine if they are a good fit for the position. Soft Skills:

  • Problem Solving
  • Research Skills
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Communication
  • Organization
  • Attention to Detail
  • Time Management
  • Adaptability
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Particle Physics
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Programming
  • Lab Techniques
  • Simulation Software

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Physicist CV

In today's competitive job market, an average of 180 applications floods employers' inboxes for each vacant position. To streamline this influx of CVs, companies frequently employ automated applicant tracking systems that weed out less qualified candidates. If your CV manages to surpass these digital gatekeepers, it must still captivate the attention of the recruiter or hiring manager. Given the sheer volume of applications, a mere 5 seconds is typically allocated to each CV before a decision is reached. With this in mind, it's crucial to eliminate any extraneous information that might relegate your application to the discard pile. To ensure your CV shines, consult the list below for elements to avoid including in your job application.

  • Skipping the cover letter: A well-crafted cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your suitability for the role and express your enthusiasm for it.
  • Excessive jargon: CVs laden with technical terms can alienate hiring managers who lack specialized knowledge.
  • Neglecting vital details: Incorporate your contact information, education, work history, and pertinent skills and experiences.
  • Relying on generic templates: Tailoring your CV to the specific job exhibits your commitment to the position and company.
  • Errors in spelling and grammar: Proofreading is essential to eliminate typos, spelling errors, and grammatical blunders.
  • Overemphasizing duties: Highlight accomplishments to underline your candidacy's value.
  • Sharing personal information: Steer clear of revealing personal details like age, marital status, or religious affiliations.

Key takeaways for a Physicist CV

  • Highlight key achievements related to physics
  • List relevant technical skills
  • Include technical publications, presentations, and research papers
  • Mention awards, honors, and recognitions
  • Include teaching and mentoring experience
  • Showcase organizational and problem solving skills
  • Detail relevant coursework
  • Include volunteer experience
  • Keep the CV concise and easy to read

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Physicist Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the physicist job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Adheres to and exhibits our core values
  • Performance of acceptance testing, calibration, and safety surveys of imaging and radiation therapy equipment
  • Performance of commissioning of radiation therapy equipment and setting up baseline for routine quality management program
  • Serving as the liaison for machine maintenance and repair
  • Supervision of radiation treatment design and planning processes
  • Performance and supervision of redundancy checks of dose calculations using manual or automated methods
  • Peformance of a holistic review of radiation treatments for each patient including initial physics checks, weekly chart checks, and end of treatment reviews
  • Provide technical support, calculations, and professional expertise to ensure Radiation Protection and Environmental programs protect the health and safety of plant personnel and the public
  • Update and maintain programs and procedures to ensure compliance with the CNSC operating licence, regulations, and national or international industry standards and best practices
  • Conduct investigations and prepare investigation reports
  • Ensure radiation protection and environmental monitoring equipment is maintained
  • Support external audits
  • Conduct internal audits
  • Provide radiation protection and environmental monitoring training to staff
  • Collaborate in the development of the new software for existing and future exascale supercomputers
  • Pursue forefront computational and theoretical physics studies in the areas of laser-plasma interactions, particle acceleration, and particle beam-plasma interactions
  • Conduct original research independently and in collaborations
  • Interact with LBNL and other investigators working on the same project and related scientific problems
  • Prepare research papers for publication
  • Develop research presentations for seminars and conference
  • Ph.D. in Physics or a related field
  • Proven ability to deliver high-quality technical work products on schedule
  • Knowledgeable in the areas of anatomy, physiology, clinical oncology, radiobiology, radiation physics, and radiation safety
  • Knowledge and skills in software engineering related to science & engineering simulation capabilities
  • Already has SC status or capable of achieving this
  • Ability to communicate well, both verbally and in writing
  • Ability to think innovatively and solve complex problems
  • Self-motivated, with an ability and desire to work collaboratively
  • Demonstrates a commitment to service, organization values and professionalism through appropriate conduct and demeanor at all times
  • A general understanding of the physics of nuclear reactors would be highly beneficial
  • Ability to work effectively with a legacy code base

15 Physicist resume templates

Physicist Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Conceptualize, propose, manage and perform experimental, developmental and analytical R&D in support of understanding and controlling of friction processes
  • Act as a subject matter expert (SME) on a team to design systems in which friction and wear behavior are of key importance
  • Define and advocate research programs to appropriate business units relative to their needs for material tribological properties
  • Continue and expand existing programs in support of technical, innovation and business strategies
  • Interact closely with personnel at business divisions, to identify opportunities for application of engineering tools and scientific expertise to product development and engineering processes relative to friction and wear
  • Advocate and secure internal and external funding for new R&D programs, including from business units and government agencies and generate breakthrough innovation ideas for internal R&D programs
  • Assess and identify emerging materials and process technologies for the enterprise, or SBU
  • Prepare technical reports incorporating conclusions and recommendations

Experimental Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Participating in cutting edge research in computer vision
  • Designing, conducting and analyzing optical systems
  • Defining quality and performance metrics for our optical design
  • Researching and prototyping optical setups

Health Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Review changes to radiation protection, environmental regulations, nuclear operating licence requirements, and CNSC regulatory documents to ensure continued compliance
  • Respond to corrective actions and verify corrective actions are effective
  • Draft responses and correspondence to regulatory authorities
  • Compile and submit Annual Compliance Reports to the CNSC and other regulatory authorities
  • Support emergency response planning and response
  • Support maintenance and implementation of the facility safety assessment
  • Prepare and review changes to procedures and other documents
  • Develop and implement solutions in applied Radiation Protection and Environmental monitoring to support plant operations
  • Provide support for implementing new instruments and technology
  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry, Physics, Health Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Engineering, or related discipline from an accredited institution
  • Experience in health physics
  • Experience in administration of Radiation Protection programs, including functional areas of instrument, radioactive sources, and/or dosimetry preferred
  • Some off-shift work and on-call duty periods are required in this position
  • Formal training in radiation protection preferred
  • Must have excellent leadership, decision-making, human relations, written and verbal communication skills

Engineering Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead and perform duties related to the selection, use, evaluation, analysis, and/or testing/qualification of personnel and vehicle non-intrusive inspection systems
  • Apply expert knowledge of industry and/or academic practices and standards across a range of applications and systems
  • Provide technical oversight of radiation effects tasks including performance of radiation effects analysis, total dose and single event effects testing, modeling of radiation effects, and reporting on device radiation effects performance
  • Applies extensive understanding of radiation effects to define device performance, assess risk, and support device selection and applications
  • Apply understanding and wide application of advanced principles, theories, concepts and techniques in radiation effects resulting in contributions to the development of new test, analysis and qualification methodologies
  • Analyze and identify alternative methods to improve/optimize established equipment and design, processes and/or procedures. Provide detailed theoretical and practical applications of potential solutions which may lead to evolutionary and/or revolutionary paradigm shifts of subject exposure, image capture, management and display
  • Apply engineering principles to solve technical issues associated with personnel and vehicle radiation scanning systems as well as other systems
  • Quantify the costs and benefits associated with each detail oriented design/solution and be able to effectively organize, present and explain the results
  • Support other individual and group tasks as assigned
  • Candidates must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Nuclear Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Physics and/or related technical fields from an ABET accredited university with experience working on/with radiation physics
  • Engineer with research, design, test and/or evaluation experience
  • Successful candidates must demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of theoretical and applied physics relating to radiation
  • Integrity, ingenuity and commitment are critical values required for this position
  • Course experience (or similar): Fundamentals or Theory of Electricity & Magnetism, Electromagnetics & Transmission Lines, Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics, Antenna Theory and Design, Microwave Engineering, Wireless Communication Systems, Introduction to Semiconductor Physics, Radiation Effects on Electronics and Semiconductors, and Power System Design
  • Experience with RF and Microwave electrical systems test and evaluation
  • Familiarity with military technology and technical data

MR Physicist / Operations Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support of Life Sciences MRI facility users with MR protocol selection and development for research projects, implementation and performance of advanced research techniques
  • Responsible for daily management of the Life Science MRI Facility; including monitoring of research operations and budgets, grant funding status and technical resource utilization; help with reporting to NIH on S10 equipment use and annual research activity reports; help with daily operations of the MRI center building
  • Assist with minor pulse sequence programming
  • Training and supporting faculty/trainees about MR safety, data acquisition and post-processing
  • Supervision of part-time MR technologist
  • Maintenance of instrument and ancillary equipment (e.g. MRI equipment); maintenance and monitoring of new developments and improvements in technology to keep the center competitive and state-of-the-art
  • (Supervision of) regular performance of MRI QA on both scanners (Siemens PRISMA and GE MR750); help with teaching of MRI QA internship for MP graduate program
  • Serve as interface between research faculty and staff to resolve conflicts and daily operational issues
  • REVISED 02/09/17*
  • Ph.D. in Physics, Engineering, or other field related to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Three years of experience in developing MRI pulse sequences, image reconstructions, and post-processing methods (Post doctoral and doctoral student experience will be considered)
  • Strong knowledge base in MRI physics and MRI QA procedures

Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience with modeling nuclear weapons effects
  • Experience with assessing nuclear weapons effects, including blast, thermal, and radiation effects
  • Experience with research and development in a Joint Military environment
  • Experience with involving Service-related mission areas
  • Knowledge of space environment highly desirable to include natural environment and effects on space-based systems as well as man-made effects on the space environment
  • BS degree in Physics or Nuclear Engineering required
  • Experience with Microsoft Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Excel products
  • Knowledge of the Strategic Nuclear Weapons Modeling Handbook
  • Ability to conduct analysis and provide assessments and evaluations involving technical writing, briefing development, and presentations
  • Candidate must have a Master’s degree in health physics or closely related scientific discipline and 5+ years of relevant professional experience; or Ph.D. and 3+ years
  • Ability to program complex mathematical formulations into calculation tools using commonly available software such as Microsoft Excel or Mathcad
  • Experience authoring and publishing technical reports and papers, or making contributions to such
  • The position requires excellent analytical, written and oral communication skills and the ability and good judgment to work independently at a professional level
  • Proficiency with basic desktop software such as Microsoft Word and Excel is required
  • Candidates must have or be able to obtain a DoD security clearance
  • Knowledge of and experience conducting radiation dose assessments, to include dose reconstructions. This includes the use of accepted methods and guidance documents, interpretation of environmental data, review of historic exposure information and data, development of appropriate exposure scenarios, development of dose calculation tools, and estimation of external and internal radiation doses
  • Experience using internal dosimetry models, methods, and procedures

Senior Health Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Candidate must have a Master’s or Doctorate (Ph.D.) degree in health physics or closely related scientific discipline and at least 10 years HP professional experience with demonstrated increasing levels of responsibility
  • Must have, or be eligible for, certification from the American Board of Health Physics (Certified Health Physicist)
  • Ability to improve existing scientific methods or develop new ones based on latest scientific/technical advances in health physics or related fields
  • Experience authoring and publishing technical reports and papers, or making major contribution to such
  • The position requires excellent analytical, written and oral communication skills and the ability and good judgment to work independently at a high professional level
  • Knowledge of and experience conducting radiation dose assessments. This includes the use of accepted methods and guidance documents, interpretation of environmental data, review of historic exposure information and data, development of appropriate exposure scenarios, development of dose calculation tools, and estimation of external and internal radiation doses
  • Knowledge of radiation transport modeling; external dosimetry systems; internal dosimetry procedures and interpretation of results; and probabilistic and uncertainty analysis techniques
  • Experience developing internal dosimetry models, methods, and procedures
  • Experience with mathematical software, such as Mathcad, Matlab, and Crystal Ball
  • Develop radiological work plans and final status survey reports based on MARSSIM guidance and statistical analyses
  • Develop site specific radiation dose and risk modeling using RESRAD software
  • Supervise team of subcontracted radiation control technicians to perform environmental radiological remediation
  • May function as the Radiation Safety Officer Representative for a project, which
  • Would include the following responsibilities
  • Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in Health Physics or a related field
  • 5-7 years of experience
  • Experience with RESRAD software codes required
  • NRRPT certification preferred
  • Must have a Ph.D. in Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, or a closely related technical discipline (or will complete by January 2017)
  • Experience in one or more of the following: superconducting tunnel junction fabrication/characterization, transport phenomena, solid-state qubit operation, microwave engineering, low-temperature experiments, quantum mechanics,
  • Must have a Ph.D. in Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, or a closely related technical discipline plus at least 4 years of relevant experience
  • Familiarity with decoherence mechanisms, physics based simulation, analog and digital electronics, computer simulations, dilution refrigerator operation desired
  • Experience with RSFQ, memory, Cadence, mask layout, multilevel
  • Familiarity with superconducting qubits, quantum computing, and classical computer science desired

Theoretical Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must have a BS, MS or PhD in Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, or a closely related technical discipline and a minimum of 5 years of related experience (3 years with an MS; 0 years with a PhD)
  • Must have experience in one or more of the following: fault-tolerant quantum computing, quantum computing architectures, quantum computing benchmarks, open-loop quantum error suppression, or quantum algorithms
  • Must be a US citizen; the selected candidate may be required to obtain a security clearance
  • Must have a BS, MS or PhD in Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, or a closely related technical discipline and a minimum of 9 years of related experience (7 years with an MS; 4 years with a PhD)
  • Familiarity with superconducting qubits, topological quantum computing, and classical computer science desired
  • Experience with Clifford simulation and full scale quantum simulation desired
  • Algorithm development for sensing applications
  • Management of technology development projects
  • Reliability engineering

Senior Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Master's degree or up in classical physics or mechanical/ materials engineering
  • Knowledge and experience in development of material to handle gases and liquids – requirement
  • Knowledge and experience in precise pneumatics – major advantage
  • Knowledge and experience in the field of heat transfer and flow systems – Advantage
  • Experience in developing of medical products – major advantage

Metamaterial Optical Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design and simulate the diffractive optics based on new classes of metamaterial micro-optic devices
  • Oversee the external manufacture of these devices
  • Work with experimental electro-optics system engineer assembling optical systems
  • Present research results orally and in writing to project stakeholders and the broader computational optics community through conference and journal publications
  • Deep knowledge of physical diffractive photonics
  • Experience with software and tools such as Matlab and SolidWorks

Clinical Radiation Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provides surveys, reports and consultation related to radiation safety for applicable facilities and/or patients that meet the organization's and regulatory standards in a timely manner. Develops and implements quality assurance and evaluation programs for applicable radiation therapy equipment that insure high quality images and radiation treatments and that meet regulatory requirements
  • Monitors and reports quality assurance activities to insure adherence to established QA policies and procedures. Evaluates and reports the performance of this equipment in a timely manner and makes recommendations to improve quality. Maintains up-to-date technical knowledge of new and developing technologies and regulatory issues to support clinical and administrative decision-makers. May provide effective and comprehensive instruction in medical radiation physics to radiation oncology residents sufficient to pass the physics portion of the ABR certification exam. Provides in-service training to staff and physicians, as necessary, to insure high quality images and radiation treatments, a radiation-safe environment, and compliance with regulatory standards
  • Communicates to staff, physicians and patients in a manner that is precise, understandable, timely, constructive, and proactive and demonstrates excellent listening skills. Maintains working relationships that are professional, collaborative, team-oriented, responsive, thorough, cordial and that demonstrate flexibility, innovation, a broad view of issues, acceptance of full responsibility for assignments, and a solutions orientation
  • Kaiser Permanente conducts compensation reviews of positions on a routine basis. At any time, Kaiser Permanente reserves the right to reevaluate and change job descriptions, or to change such positions from salaried to hourly pay status. Such changes are generally implemented only after notice is given to affected employees
  • Minimum two (2) years of postgraduate degree experience in the applicable medical physics subspecialty
  • Prefer experience teaching residents
  • Ph.D. in medical physics or a related field

Physicist Postdoctoral Fellow Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience in large-scale parallel computer modeling of laser-plasma interactions, plasma-based acceleration, advanced accelerator concepts, or related fields
  • Proficiency with programming languages and numerical methods used in scientific research, including parallel programming
  • Ability to work independently and in collaboration with scientists both within and outside LBNL
  • Excellent analytical, organizational and multitasking skills
  • Effective research presentation skills
  • Experience with Fortran90, MPI, OpenMP, Python

Physicist Postdoc Fellow Resume Examples & Samples

  • Demonstrated experience in the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of cold alkali atom fountain experiments using magneto optic traps
  • Experience with electric dipole moment experiments and/or other precision measurements
  • Experience with ultra high vacuum
  • Experience with polarization gradient atom cooling
  • Experience using Ti:Sapphire lasers
  • Experience working at accelerators
  • Experience working with radioactive atoms

Optical Physicist Postdoctoral Fellow Resume Examples & Samples

  • Operate, maintain and develop optical and x-ray metrology tools
  • Recent Ph.D. in optics, physics or related discipline
  • Substantial experience performing accurate physical/optical measurements
  • Demonstrated experience in computer-based modelling of optical systems
  • Demonstrated experience of the mathematical analysis of experimental data and systems
  • Demonstrated highly effective oral and written communication skills
  • Experience of the design and use of complex optical and x-ray metrology instrumentation
  • Familiarity with synchrotron radiation optics for hard and soft x-rays

Accelerator Physicist Postdoctoral Fellow Resume Examples & Samples

  • Model collective effects, including space-charge effects, in high brightness and high intensity linear and ring-based accelerators
  • Develop new computational methods and capabilities for multi-physics beam dynamics simulation, to take advantage of the extraordinary power of petascale computers
  • Interact with LBNL and other investigators working on similar and related scientific problems
  • Prepare research presentations for seminars and conference
  • Experience and expertise in using parallel computer codes for accelerator design and analysis
  • Experience with accelerator theory, including both single-particle beam dynamics and collective effects
  • Proficiency with programming languages and numerical methods used in scientific research
  • Excellent analytical, organizational and multi-tasking skills
  • Good communication skills. Ability to present research results effectively
  • Availability to travel and present work at collaboration meetings, workshops and conferences
  • Experience with Fortran90 and MPI
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Statement of research interests
  • Development and specifications for radiotherapy treatment and simulation equipment
  • Development of procedures for acceptance testing and continuing evaluation of radiotherapy and simulation equipment
  • Calibration and characterization of radiation from therapeutic sources and machines and their physical properties and arrangements
  • Provision of documentation that radiotherapy and simulation equipment and sources meet accreditation and regulatory compliance requirements
  • Specification, acceptance testing, management and supervision of computer systems and associated data bases used for treatment planning and calculation of treatment times or monitor units
  • Implementation and management of dosimetric and beam delivery aspects of external beam and Brach therapy irradiation
  • Provision of consultation to physicians in assuring accurate delivery of prescribed radiation dose to specific patient sand associated risk
  • Development and management of Quality Control program
  • Development/evaluation of radiation safety program, including written procedures for the protection of patients, workers, and the public
  • Protective shielding design and radiation safety surveys
  • Collecting treatment machine data required for patient dose calculations, entering such data into the treatment-planning computer
  • Acceptance testing of new radiation therapy equipment
  • Review of patient charts on a weekly basis
  • Assist dosimetrists in preparing computer treatment plans
  • Master of Science degree in Medical Physics as well as Board Certification is required
  • Excellent command of the English language is required

Physicist Prn Days Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supervision of calculation/verification of patient doses
  • Direct patient care
  • Effective communication of patient issues
  • Staff development
  • Equipment maintenance/calibration/quality controls
  • Great team!!**
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills to facilitate the exchange of information with patients, family members, the radiation oncology treatment team as well as outside entities
  • Has high level critical thinking and problem solving skills
  • Has the ability to interpret criteria and develop treatment plans as defined by relevant treatment protocols
  • Has mathematical skills including algebra, trigonometry, and introductory calculus
  • Works independently, but in collaboration with the Radiation Oncologist
  • Results driven and collaborative style to achieve defined objectives

Physicist K Bonus Resume Examples & Samples

  • Performs/checks radiation therapy treatment plans as prescribed by the Radiation Oncologists
  • Supervises/assists radiation therapists in the implementation of treatment plans
  • Provides assistance to Radiation Oncologists in performing brachytherapy treatment plans and procedures
  • Performs Quality Assurance checks
  • Submits reports, statistics and charges are required/requested by director
  • Attends and participates in patient chart rounds, professional meetings and seminars
  • Experience with computational electromagnetics programs for antenna analysis and design, interference analysis, propagation analysis, and scenario modeling
  • Experience with creating and validating link budgets
  • Knowledge of system design, integration, and deployment
  • Knowledge of a variety of digital and analog modulation schemes
  • BS degree by August 2017
  • Experience with FEKO and Python
  • Experience with programming and scripting languages on both Windows and Linux platforms
  • Experience with the Linux command line
  • Experience with software-defined radio programming
  • Knowledge of computational electromagnetics solution methods, including MoM, PO or GO, UTD or GTD, and FDTD
  • MS degree in EE
  • PhD in Surface Chemistry/Physics, Physical Chemistry or a related field
  • Experience with vacuum technology and electron spectroscopy
  • Background in designing and building experimental setups for surface science investigations
  • Demonstrated experience in data acquisition and analysis, in particular related to X-ray based spectroscopy
  • Knowledge in mass spectrometry analysis of gas mixtures
  • Experience with Labview programing and instrument control

Assistant Physicist / Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience with advanced packaging (e.g., bump bonding), 3D integration (e.g., DRIE, TSVs, interposers), and atomic layer deposition is a plus
  • Experience with metrology tools (e.g., SEM, ellipsometry) is preferred
  • Solid understanding thin film growth mechanisms and how they relate to superconductivity is preferred
  • Solid understanding of superconductivity is preferred
  • Solid understanding of vacuum technologies and ability to debug equipment problems is a plus
  • Experience with modern CAD layout tools for photomask design is a plus
  • Experience with cryogenic material characterization is a plus
  • Knowledge of microwave engineering and/or low noise electronics is a plus

Health Physicist Supervisor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Candidates may substitute a Doctorate in health physics, nuclear physics, radiation management or other related field of radiological health from an accredited college or university for three of the required years of experience
  • Candidates may substitute a Master's degree in radiation safety, radiological health, health physics, or a related radiation control field from an accredited college or university for two years of the required experience
  • Candidates may substitute a Master's degree in mathematical, biological, or physical science for one year of the required experience
  • Candidates may substitute a Bachelor's degree in radiation safety, radiological health, health physics or a related radiation control field for one year of the required experience
  • Advanced degree in physics, mathematics, engineering, or related field
  • Experience in the numerical simulation of physical systems
  • Hands-on laboratory experience
  • Background in optical sciences and/or electro-optical systems including radiometry and atmospheric phenomena
  • Working knowledge with C, C++, Python and/or other imperative programming languages
  • Active U.S. DoD security clearance with additional credentials

Nuclear Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Meet technical milestones for routine isotope production and R&D projects
  • Interface with LANSCE personnel on IPF technical performance and operational issues
  • Knowledge and experience in authoring technical presentations and publications
  • Knowledge and experience performing outstanding research and applying for funding for R&D projects
  • Mentors postdocs and students in technical and professional growth
  • Provide technical expertise in areas such as gamma spectroscopy, high energy, high power target design, and behavior of materials in extreme radiation environments
  • Provide high level experimental planning at IPF and other experimental facilities
  • Lead research efforts and actively participate in strategic planning
  • Greater than 5 years of post-PhD or equivalent work experience
  • A demonstrated record of excellence in research though a strong publication record, invited talks and a strong citation record
  • Advanced knowledge of radiation detection equipment including expertise in multi-particle spectrometry
  • Demonstrated record of successful funding procurement for R&D activities
  • Experience with leading R&D collaborations with academics, industry and/or government agencies and demonstrated ability to interact across organizations and disciplines
  • Experience with drug development or application of therapeutic/diagnostic isotopes
  • Ability to troubleshoot complex mechanical/electronic systems
  • Knowledge of radiation safety
  • Experience with executing work within the safety envelope of a large laboratory, especially within accelerator facilities
  • Demonstrated experience in formal quality assurance
  • Independently identify and investigate radiation hazards in the full range of radiation protection assignments
  • Develop and implement metrics to measure the effectiveness of the operational Radiation Protection Program at assigned facilities
  • Independently develop, implement and evaluate administrative and engineering controls to protect laboratory personnel from radiation hazards
  • Develop and implement monitoring programs to measure the buildup of radioactive materials in the workplace and the integrity of radiological controls
  • Provide technical guidance to radiological control technicians and other Health Physicists
  • Ensure that radiation protection concepts and policies are incorporated into Laboratory designs and activities to protect workers, the public and the environment
  • Serve as an expert advisor in matters of health physics/radiation safety to Laboratory management
  • Provide broad leadership for radiation protection initiatives impacting multiple Laboratory organizations
  • Mentor and support staff in health physics and radiation safety
  • Expert level experience with the development and implementation of programs to meet 10 CFR 835, 10 CFR 20 and/or 49 CFR requirements
  • Expert level experience managing diverse radiation protection issues
  • Expert level experience with radiological controls and the implementation and assurance of related safety measures and requirements
  • Expert level knowledge of responding to radiological incidents and emergencies
  • Expert level knowledge of regulatory and legal requirements and environmental impacts affecting radiation protection in area of expertise; thorough knowledge of regulatory requirements in areas outside of expertise
  • Expert level knowledge of health physics principles and techniques in area of expertise; comprehensive knowledge of health physics in areas outside of expertise
  • Expert level skills to conceptualize and communicate major elements of radiation protection to both technical and non-technical personnel
  • Expert level knowledge of the LANL's radiation protection policies, practices, and procedures
  • Expert level knowledge of actinide processing health physics
  • Expert level knowledge of health physics in a research and development setting
  • ABHP Certification
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Material Science
  • A BS or MS will be considered if there is significant demonstrated experience in the field of nuclear weapons
  • Familiarity with design and analysis of nuclear weapons
  • Demonstrated supervisory or mentoring experience
  • Knowledge and experience relative to uncertainty and/or risk analysis
  • Demonstrated technical leadership experience
  • Demonstrated leadership experience in addressing issues related to national security
  • A documented history of technical contributions to one or more of the following fields
  • Nuclear physics
  • Plasma physics
  • Fluid dynamics
  • Astrophysics
  • Shock physics
  • Energetic materials
  • Particle physics

Senior Particle / Nuclear Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Established research career, outstanding publication record, and international reputation
  • Demonstrated expertise in the development of nuclear and particle physics experiments followed by impactful publication on the scientific outcomes of those efforts
  • Proven ability to develop and lead groundbreaking scientific research
  • Demonstrated success in conceiving research programs and attracting funding for them
  • Knowledge of government programs, particularly the DOE Office of Science
  • Experience in managing projects and operating laboratory facilities
  • History of successfully mentoring early to mid-level career scientists
  • Model photonuclear and electronuclear interactions by upgrading the STARlight Monte Carlo code to include electron projectiles
  • Determine the cross-sections and kinematics of reactions of interest at the EIC, particularly involving charmed hadrons
  • Design silicon detector systems for possible use at the EIC
  • Interact with LBNL and other investigators working on similar and related problems
  • Prepare research papers for publication and research presentations for group meetings, seminars and conferences
  • Recent PhD in physics or related field, or equivalent
  • Experience with scientific computing and linux
  • Ability to conduct original research independently and in collaborations
  • Experience with detectors and data analysis in high-energy or nuclear physics
  • Independent and collaborative work skills
  • Excellent analytical, organizational and communication skills
  • Programming experience, preferably in C++ and in a scientific environment
  • Three letters of recommendation: Please have the letter writers send these directly to Spencer Klein ([email protected])
  • Working knowledge and experience in implementing DOE occupational RP requirements
  • Certification by the American Board of Health Physics is desirable
  • Prior experience performing high hazard radiological work
  • Experience conducting inspections or assessments of radiological operations and programs
  • Experience in development and delivery of RP-related training

Shock Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Demonstrated knowledge on shock physics related to metals multiphase equation-of-state
  • Demonstrated experience in planning, managing, and implementing projects
  • Experience with program development and advocacy
  • Demonstrated accountability for the work output and day-to-day direction of others
  • Demonstrated coaching and mentoring skills
  • Evidence of an ability to influence scientific direction at the National level
  • High explosive handler
  • Active DOE “Q” Clearance

Health Physicist Lead / Advanced Resume Examples & Samples

  • Candidates may substitute a Doctorate in health physics, nuclear physics, radiation management or related field of radiological health from an accredited college or university for three years of the required experience
  • Candidates may substitute a Master’s degree in radiation safety, radiological health, health physics, or related radiation control field from an accredited college or university for two of the required years of experience
  • Candidates may substitute a Master’s degree in mathematical, biological or physical science for one year of the required experience
  • Candidates may substitute a Bachelor’s degree in radiation safety, radiological health, health physics or a related radiation control field for one year of the required experience

CT Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Investigate image quality issues from current sites to determine probable causes
  • Participate in site visits to represent Research and Development
  • Develop Image Quality (IQ) requirements based on industry standards and market needs
  • Negotiate requirements with Marketing, Customer Support, and Operations
  • Design algorithms, create specifications and drive improvements for image reconstruction, image assessment, artifact suppression, data calibration, post processing, detector technology and phantom design
  • Design verification, manufacturing testing, and customer testing for requirements related to image quality, system performance and radiation dose. Generate evidence needed for reviews and reporting
  • May be responsible for image quality and system performance features on a product development project
  • Participate in Technology Roadmap definition
  • Publish/present papers and submit patents based on Advanced Development (AD) research and New Product Introduction (NPI) projects
  • Develop simulations in support of Proof of Concept (POC) and Advanced Development (AD)
  • Participate in industry organizations to develop industry standards
  • Participate in assessments of competitive positions
  • Optimize processes within the department
  • Promote knowledge sharing across BIUs
  • Mentor other research scientist in the department
  • Master of Science in Computer Science, Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Mathematics or equivalent degree in a Scientific/Engineering discipline, or Bachelor's
  • 2 years professional industry experience in the relevant technical discipline
  • 3-5 years of experience in product research and development beyond the education qualification
  • Proficiency in MATLAB®, including GUI development and C-MEX
  • Experience with software development in C/C++/C#
  • Experience with simulation and modeling tools, e.g. GATE, Simulink
  • Medical image reconstruction knowledge relevant to the position, e.g., PET, SPECT, CT
  • Working knowledge of human anatomy and physiology
  • Demonstrable clear oral communication, as well as well-organized documentation skills; excellent command of written and spoken English
  • Demonstrated capability to conduct and lead technical reviews
  • Proficiency with the image/signal processing and algorithm development
  • Evidence of high initiative and graduate level research skills on previous projects. Ability to work independently to draw necessary information from a variety of sources in pursuit of a problem solution
  • Evidence of ability to design and execute detailed system experiments and to generate clear documentation of experimental results
  • Excellent technical writing and presentation skills to multiple levels of management
  • Excellent communication and conflict resolution skills including: ability to interface well with internal and external customers, Ability to document and explain complicated algorithms and problems to non-specialists in a clear and understandable manner

Operations Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Optimize beam tunes that match the needs of the experimental programs, generate innovative ideas for accelerator development and operation, and solve complex problems related to the accelerator systems
  • Provide accelerator physics guidance and support during facility Start Up periods and tune recovery periods
  • Provide physics support for experimental and operational equipment design and installation and perform physics studies and unique beam development activities to optimize future operations
  • Serve as a technical expert and work with a small, experienced team to provide physics support for operation of the LANSCE accelerator and beam delivery complex
  • Perform additional assigned duties which may include involvement in multi-group facility upgrade and improvement projects, providing training for operators, calculating beam transport properties of unique accelerator elements, layout work for new beam transport systems, development of operating procedures for tune-up of the accelerator and associated beam delivery systems, and providing diagnostic support for beam lines in collaboration with staff from other AOT Groups
  • Experience in the operations of a complex accelerator facility desired
  • Research results of work with accelerators, as indicated by peer-reviewed publications and conference proceedings, are highly desirable
  • Project management experience including schedule development, cost estimates, and project status updates
  • PhD from an accredited university in Health Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Radiobiology, Radiological Physics, Radiation Biophysics or other health physics related fields and/or Certified by the American Board of Health Physics
  • A minimum of 4 years of recent relevant Health Physics or chemical risk assessment experience
  • Demonstrated business development and program management skills
  • Ability to develop new business opportunities in the health physics area
  • Ability to obtain and maintain Department of Defense Top Secret security clearance
  • Diagnose customer issues with physics related matters
  • Provide basic and advanced physics support for all products under the product support agreement
  • Answer phone to provide technical support on all physics related issues
  • Conduct in-house and on-site physics training on TPS and linear accelerator products
  • Work with Project Management to provide an end-to-end customer adoption service from analysis of E&T (physics) requirements, through delivery to clinical handover and follow-up
  • Maintain accurate records of support calls and follows procedures to capture and document all support activities with customers to include timely, accurate and complete documentation in regulatory systems
  • Perform functional work within department in areas where a work overload exists
  • Needs to escalate product complaint or accident report to the appropriate department of Quality Assurance
  • Provide beam data collection activities for both internal and external customers, following physics services procedures accurately
  • Co-ordinate beam modelling activities for all TPS product line (photons and electrons)
  • Minimum undergraduate degree in Physics or related discipline or comparable experience
  • Clinical experience with treatment planning and linear accelerator is desirable
  • Fluent English both written and oral and desirably 1 or 2 additional language
  • Committed to internal and external customers and works well in teams
  • Willingness to travel internationally, ability to plan and coordinate travel and accommodate unexpected changes to plans/itinerary
  • Teaching skills and basic IT skills
  • Familiar in measurement of Beam Data collection, Physics Services & the ability to model data
  • Must have a Ph.D. in Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, or a closely related technical discipline plus at least 9 years of relevant experience
  • Experience in one or more of the following: quantum mechanics, physics based simulation, multiscale physics, high performance computing, simulation of quantum systems, electronic structure calculations, quantum computing,
  • Familiarity with superconducting qubits, quantum process characterization, qubit error suppression, quantum information and communication
  • Experience with computer simulations, numerical methods and software, collaborative software development, qubit modeling, decoherence mechanisms, DFT/TDDFT especially variants applicable to qubits, C++/Matlab/Python/F#
  • Familiarity with superconducting circuit design, fault-tolerant quantum computing, and classical computer science desired
  • Design, build and test/debug experimental apparatus to guide laser pulses in special fibers
  • Carry out experiments on characterizing the laser pulses and on maximizing the energy transmission through the fiber and the peak power emerging from the fiber
  • Design, build and test experimental apparatus to generate electron beams at the MeV energy level and minimize the amount of energy needed through the use of optimized gas and plasma targets
  • Use laser diagnostics, image processing and control systems based on LabVIEW and Matlab and write and use programs for data processing and analysis
  • Assist in the operation of ultra-fast (< 40 fs), terawatt laser system and associated ultra-fast diagnostics such as single shot autocorrelators, frequency resolved optical gating system, optical spectrometers, etc
  • Work closely in a team with other scientists, postdocs, graduate students and technicians
  • Document and communicate the results of work in reports and oral presentations, including participation in meetings, reviews, conferences and publications in refereed journals
  • Conduct original research independently
  • Recent Ph.D. in Physics or engineering or a related field
  • Experience in laser guiding in optical fibers, including hollow core fibers
  • Significant experience with short pulse lasers at the terawatt level or beyond, including diagnosing, stretching and compressing pulses
  • Experience with LabVIEW
  • Ability to present research results effectively
  • Experience with laser plasma acceleration
  • Experience with detection of electron beams and characterizing their properties (energy, spatial profile, divergence, bunch duration)

Post-bachelor Physicist / Software Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Superior oral and written communication skills
  • Demonstrated proficiency with modern code development standards in C++ and/or Python
  • Demonstrated experience with interfacing compiled code (such as C++) with Python
  • Demonstrated experience with modern software engineering tools, including (but not limited to): version control systems; build tools; continuous-integration services
  • Knowledge of compressible hydrodynamics
  • Specific knowledge about equations of state for high-explosives, impact dynamics, and other high-energy systems
  • Active Q clearance
  • Participates in the design of various health physics projects. Provides technical assistance and guidance on basic radiological control problems. Carries out project assignments involving radiological assessments. Evaluates and interprets current regulations and assists in compliance. Responsible for recommending and developing policies and procedures to include: inspection standards, safe-work methods, decontamination procedures, radiological emergency procedures
  • Prepares reports and supporting documentation in support of technical projects. Maintains documented details of research efforts, findings, methods, and results of data/records research activities. Documents findings and write detailed reports that clearly and accurately reflect the results of research
  • Performs technical review of documents prepared by other organizations covering a broad range of health physics topics. Collaborates with other technical professionals to identify deficiencies and submit technical comments
  • Participates in and provides input to survey strategy planning. May act as lead person or technical advisor on small projects. May provide leadership to less experienced Physicist and to technicians
  • Performs personnel and plant radiation exposure measurements, radiation equipment testing and radioactive materials and waste measurements. Operates monitoring and sampling equipment. Assures that instrumentation is maintained and calibrated in accordance with program procedure. Evaluates/ recommends new equipment as assigned
  • Conducts technical document page-by-page reviews for documents within the Project Site Research Database (SRDB). Performs data entry from and about the document content into the designated Project applications. Ensures that the priority for reviews is synchronized with the Project’s priorities and that all deadlines are met. This data is maintained and utilized for Technical Basis Document (TBD) development, potential dose reconstruction, and potential SEC evaluation
  • Identifies all of the associated sites that are referenced in the documents that have been uploaded into the Project SRDB
  • Selects appropriate TBD document types, key topics, keywords, radionuclides and page numbers for all associated sites during the technical document review of documents within the Project SRDB
  • Writes, initials, and dates a Document Description that briefly describes the contents of the document that has been reviewed within the Project SRDB
  • Gathers information for reports, documents, and presentations. Operates a personal computer to create and maintain complex data files utilizing project management, spreadsheet, database, presentation and word processing software programs. Drafts documents for reporting or information purposes
  • Conducts electronic data capture (i.e., Internet searches) from established sources for assigned site and/or company by following Project guidance for obtaining potentially useful data. Selects relevant documents, tracks results, and submits relevant documents for uploading to the Project SRDB. Ensures that the priority for reviews is synchronized with the Project’s priorities and that all deadlines are met

Radiation Health Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • A Bachelor's degree or higher in a physical science, engineering, or biological science
  • Four (4) or more years (full-time equivalency) of experience in an official radiation control program
  • Two (2) or more years (full-time equivalency) of experience using radiation detection and contamination survey instruments
  • Demonstrated experience performing complex radioactive materials licensing functions and compliance inspections
  • Demonstrated experience using MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook
  • A Master of Science degree or higher in radiological health, radiation safety, health physics, or a closely allied field
  • Demonstrated experience in the following

Nuclear / High-energy Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Demonstrated organizational skills, as evidenced by the ability to form, organize, administer and lead scientific collaborations
  • Capable of developing new physics programs
  • Recent working experience with major experimental hardware systems, especially those used in nuclear and particle physics experiments
  • Advanced proficiency in software tools and programming languages commonly associated with nuclear/particle physics experiments
  • Postdoctoral experience
  • Certified Health Physicist (CHP) or registration with the National Registry or Radiation Protection Technologists (NRRPT)
  • Professional Engineering (PE) License (Environmental)
  • Working knowledge of modeling programs such as RESRAD and Microshield
  • Conduct research in QCD matter at high temperatures and densities
  • Interact with LBNL and other investigators working on similar or related scientific problems
  • Present research findings at seminars and conferences
  • Interaction with the nuclear physics scientific communities
  • Work within the BEST collaboration
  • Develop/extend a kinetic theory code to with the goal to faithfully propagate fluctuations, correlations and anomalous currents in a heavy ion reaction
  • May supervise Ph.D. students
  • Recent Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics or Astrophysics/Astronomy
  • Ability to work productively within LBNL's diverse research environment
  • Capability to produce and publish original research
  • Effectively present research results in seminars and at scientific meetings
  • Prior experience with transport theory and it numerical implementation
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Three letters of recommendation: Please have the letter writers send these directly to Volker Koch ([email protected])

Chief Physicist Radiation Oncology Resume Examples & Samples

  • PhD in Medical Physics, Biophysics or other relevant biomedical engineering disciplines with 3+ years on-the-job experience under the supervision of a qualified medical physicist
  • Advance degree in Radiation Physics required
  • ABR and ABMP board certified
  • 3 years of clinical treatment planning experience
  • 10 years total relevant experience

Research Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience in low noise measurements-2 years
  • Experience in electromagnetic simulation tools, such as High Frequency Structure Simulator-1 year
  • High level programming language such as Python, C, or C++-1 year
  • Assist the chief medical physicist in the performance of the quality assurance program in the department
  • Assist the chief medical physicist in commissioning new equipment and new treatment technique in the department
  • Supervises mechanical aspects of the radiation equipment
  • Perform stereotactic radiosurgery procedure including treatment planning
  • Participates in planning and directing technical aspects related to radiation treatment
  • Oversee treatment planning for external beam treatments and brachytherapy
  • Performs prostate seed implants and radiopharmaceutical treatment procedures such as I-131 and Ra-223
  • Trains staff in use of and maintain awareness of new equipment, procedures, devices, and techniques
  • Performs compliance requirements as outlined in the Employee Handbook
  • Must adhere to the DCH Behavioral Standards including creating positive relationships with patients/families, coworkers, colleagues and with self
  • Requires use of electronic mail, time and attendance software, learning management software and intranet
  • Must adhere to all DCH Health System policies and procedures

Chief Radiation Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supervises, evaluates and provides regular performance feedback to the clinical radiation physicists and dosimetrists of a ROC in a manner that produces a responsive, motivated and highly competent teamoriented staff, while adhering to an established budget
  • Manages the development and implementation of quality assurance policies and programs for applicable radiation therapy equipment to ensure high quality treatments that also meet regulatory requirements and AAPM recommendations
  • Develops and implements monitoring and reporting processes to insure timely provision of information and adherence to established policies and procedures
  • Assesses new and developing radiation oncology technologies to assist in the selection of radiation therapy equipment and software
  • Participates on Regional committees and task forces to provide physicist reviews of equipment and software for the setting of regional and national product standards in radiation therapy
  • Participates on regional physics committees to help develop Regional physics policies, guidelines, and documentation which are consistent between different ROCs
  • Supports the activities of the medical center's Radiation Safety Officer by utilizing medical physicists to provide on-site surveys of the ROC's radiation safety compliance status, provides radiation safety training to the ROC's staff and physicians, analyzes and reports treatment errors to the appropriate entities, participates in the ROC's Quality Committee, and other radiation safety-related support as needed
  • Provides the functions of a medical radiation physicist
  • Functions within Radiation Oncology physics may include the following: (a) IMRT treatment planning and QA; (b) HDR and LDR brachytherapy planning and QA; (c) stereotactic radiosurgery treatment planning and QA (d) equipment (linear accelerator, brachytherapy equipment) calibration and acceptance testing; (e) dosimetry 2nd checks; (f) weekly physics chart reviews, and (g) research projects as time permits
  • Minimum five (5) years of postgraduate degree work experience in medical physics as it applies to radiation oncology and radiation safety
  • Minimum five (5) years experience with 3D-Conformal and IMRT treatment planning and QA required
  • Experience supervising a professional technical staff preferred

Assistant Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Comprehensive knowledge of cosmological physics and related observational techniques, as well as general scientific knowledge
  • Expertise in analysis of CMB, optical and X-ray measurements
  • Expertise in computing relating to theoretical modeling, data management, and survey analysis
  • Extensive skill in identifying important research topics and in developing innovative methods for accomplishing research
  • A Ph.D. in Physics or a related field

Junior Health / Radiation Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Degree in Physics, Engineering Physics, Nuclear Engineering or Health Physics
  • Knowledge of radiation hazards, radiation protection practices and radiation principles
  • Eager to learn and work under pressure
  • Strong inter-personal skills and effective in a team environment
  • Physical implementation of qubits, qubit couplings, and quantum architectures
  • Adiabatic quantum computing and quantum control theory
  • Numerical experience in modeling qubits and qubit dynamics
  • Superconducting qubit theory, including familiarity with circuit quantization
  • Quantum decoherence modeling, such as Quantum Master Equation analysis and non-Markovian effects
  • Quantum Verification and Validation such as Randomized Benchmarking or Tomography
  • Encoded qubit theory, including stabilizer and/or topology based approaches
  • Must have a Ph.D. in Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, or a closely related technical discipline (or will complete by August 2017)
  • Must have experience in one or more of the following: physical implementation of qubits and quantum operations; adiabatic quantum computing and quantum control theory; quantum verification and validation; quantum algorithms; numerical experience in modeling qubits and qubit dynamics; or encoded qubit theory, including stabilizer and/or topology based approaches
  • Familiarity with superconducting qubits and circuit quantization
  • Familiarity with quantum complexity theory, including analysis of fault tolerance and quantum supremacy
  • Experience with classical computer science desired

Physicist for Superconducting Electronics Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design novel superconducting qubits, couplers, readout, and large-scale quantum annealing circuits
  • Design novel multi-chip/3D integrated circuits
  • Propose new superconducting circuit design concepts
  • Collaborate with top device theorists and quantum information scientists
  • Collaborate with government-furnished foundry to optimize fabrication capabilities
  • Travel to partner sites
  • Help establish circuit design priorities
  • Help refine circuit design flows
  • Analyze experimental data and provide recommendations
  • Publish novel results
  • Must have a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Physics, or a closely related technical discipline (or will complete by August 2017)
  • The selected candidate may be required to obtain a security clearance (US citizenship required)
  • Must have a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Physics, or a closely related technical discipline plus at least 4 years of relevant experience
  • Familiarity with quantum computing, quantum annealing, and classical computer science desired
  • Familiarity with Cadence, mask layout, physics-based simulation, superconducting circuit design, verification and fabrication desired
  • Familiarity with transport phenomena, microwave engineering, quantum mechanics desired
  • Physical implementation of qubits
  • Quantum operations and quantum architectures
  • Optimal quantum control theory
  • Physical implementation of Quantum Algorithms
  • Must have experience in one or more of the following: physical implementation of qubits and quantum operations; optimal quantum control theory and quantum decoherence; Quantum Verification and Validation; Quantum Algorithms; encoded qubit theory, including stabilizer and/or topology based approaches; or Adiabatic quantum computing, including Adiabatic optimization
  • MS or PhD degree in Optics, Physics or related technical field
  • Experience in designing and conducting optical lab experiments
  • Experience with consumer electronics
  • Practical knowledge of image processing
  • 5+ years of experience developing with MatLab
  • Prototyping skills

Lead Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead EMXLAB programs and research and supporting staff and serving as the primary technical interface to the Government client
  • Conduct literature searches
  • Preparation of plans, procedures and reports
  • Development/assembly of experimental apparatus
  • Design and execution of experimental studies
  • Solving technical problems using chemistry, physics, mathematics, statistics, and computer science
  • Interacting with a diverse team of scientists and engineers
  • Conducting and participating in assigned projects with minimum of supervision and within time and budget constraints
  • Preparing well-written technical reports and presentations
  • Maintaining excellent communication with team members and developing and maintaining a strong working relationship with selected clients
  • Strong understanding of radar imaging / data processing
  • Experience with both active and passive millimeter wave technologies and/or terahertz technologies
  • Design of GHz circuitry, including the use of mixers, filters, multipliers, amplifiers, and analog-to-digital converters
  • Experience with Fourier-Transform Microwave (FTMW) spectroscopy

Engineer / Applied Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Modelling and experimental investigation of MRI system interactions
  • Use and development of analysis tools, taking both numerical (such as Finite Element Analysis) and analytical approaches
  • Working with external partners – such as top Universities – to deepen our understanding of system interactions
  • Designing and performing experiments that yield data with which to validate and refine the theoretical models
  • Extend our design capability in this area, to inform the design of future products and ensure system interactions are fully considered
  • An understanding of analysis approaches to problems in electro-magnetics, including FEA methods
  • Knowledge of modelling complex multi-physics problems
  • Ability to work well in a multi-disciplinary team environment, including excellent communication skills
  • MRI Scanners / NMR spectrometers
  • Radio / microwave emitters and scatterers, including antennae design and radar reflectance problems
  • Accelerators/ high energy physics detector design
  • Electric motors
  • Power transformers

Physicist Research Scientist Resume Examples & Samples

  • As a member of the Advanced Light Source Accelerator Physics Group pursue Accelerator Physics studies towards optimizing the performance of the ALS
  • Responsible for ensuring that the ALS accelerator complex is operating with optimal performance as well as safely, and reliably
  • Help develop tools (diagnostics, modeling, operational analysis, etc.) for the ALS Accelerators
  • Collaboratively work with Physicists, Engineers, and Technical Support Staff in support of ALS operations and improvements
  • Prepare scientific papers and publish in peer-reviewed journals and present research at seminars and conferences
  • Adhere to Environment, Safety, and Health (EH&S) policies and practices
  • Ph.D. and or equivalent experience in Accelerator Physics
  • Minimum of 2 years of work experience in one or more of the following areas
  • Experience with an operational synchrotron light source

Research Physicist / Scientist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Contribute to ensuring that the ALS accelerator complex is operating with optimal performance as well as safely, and reliably
  • Actively participate in implementing planned upgrades effectively and carrying out accelerator R&D to develop future upgrades
  • Work experience in one or more of the following areas
  • Background in small scale project management
  • 5 years’ Experience in nuclear power Radiation Protection or Radiation Protection programs is preferred
  • 3 years BWR Radiation Protection Technician experience is preferred
  • Experience with nuclear power plant outages, access control and ALARA is preferred
  • Applicant must be able to obtain an unescorted badge at all SNC sites
  • Strong computer skills including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and databases are highly desirable
  • Outstanding oral and written communication skills are required. Strong presentation skills are also required
  • Strong ability to make decisions and drive behaviors is required
  • Strong working knowledge of BWR nuclear power plant systems, processes, and procedures and clear understanding of and ability to apply regulatory requirements to plant settings are preferred
  • Strong interpersonal skills are required
  • Ability to balance multiple objectives and set priorities is required
  • Ability to problem solve and seek alternative solutions to complex issues is needed
  • Lead the cryogenic test and measurement of advanced quantum annealing circuits including superconducting flux qubits, couplers, and large-scale test beds
  • Superconducting circuit design
  • Manage experiments in multiple dilution refrigerators
  • Provide direction to test engineers and technicians
  • Develop procedures, methods, and tools for test
  • Develop test software (e.g. Python based)
  • Document test plans and procedures
  • Visit team members at remote Northrop Grumman sites
  • Must have a Ph.D. in Physics, Electrical Engineering, or a closely related technical discipline (or will complete by May 2017)
  • Must be able to obtain and maintain a Secret security clearance (US citizenship required)
  • Must have experience in one or more of the following
  • **Cryogenic test of quantum circuits such as superconducting flux qubits, couplers, and large-scale test beds
  • **Superconducting circuit design
  • **Operation of dilution refrigerators
  • **Superconducting foundry / fabrication capabilities
  • **Development of test procedures, methods, and plans
  • **Development of test software (e.g. Python based)
  • **Data Analysis
  • **Leading technical teams
  • Must have a Ph.D. in Physics, Electrical Engineering, or a closely related technical discipline and 4 years of relevant experience
  • Must have experience leading technical teams and in several of the following
  • Familiarity with quantum computing and quantum annealing desired
  • Familiarity with superconducting qubits, solid-state qubit operation, qubit test and measurement desired
  • Familiarity with cryogenic experiments, analog and digital electronics desired
  • Familiarity with noise phenomena, noise modeling, decoherence mechanisms desired
  • Familiarity with randomized benchmarking, Landau-Zener interferometry, or macroscopic quantum tunneling desired
  • Familiarity with quantum mechanics, transport phenomena, microwave engineering desired

LAB Research Chemist / Physicist / Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • 50%: Conduct process development for nanoparticle precious metal electrocatalyst. Under direction from project leads, execute process experiments towards identifying preferred scalable routes for electrocatalyst production processes. Summarize findings and generate reports
  • 20%: Execute nanoparticle electrocatalyst thermal and chemical treatments and perform limited characterization
  • 20%: Conduct data analysis and generate reports from routine laboratory materials characterization experiments
  • 10%: Execute polymer processing and characterization

Regional Health Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Guiding the implementation of radiation protection and other EHS programs to address government regulations, company policy or standards, with a thorough understanding of how these apply to the business
  • Development of complex reporting to satisfy regulatory and corporate requirements
  • Addressing requirements from regulatory agencies or corporate policies by developing/implementing required programs, or updating of existing programs to adapt to changes in regulation, policies, or operations
  • Guiding the evaluation of EHS performance at Molecular Imaging facilities
  • Assuring completion of employee training in EHS policy and procedures for assigned sites
  • Evaluating the EHS impact of complex processes/products to meet company objectives, and assist in engineering solutions to achieve those objectives as well as assure protection of employees and compliance with regulations
  • Oversees complex EHS projects such as lead auditor on compliance or management system audits, due diligence and legal activities as required
  • Independently performs advanced areas of work such as development of new methods, or revisions to operating procedures and technical basis documents
  • Applies advanced skills to resolve complex problems not covered by existing procedures or practices independently
  • Displays a high level of critical thinking in bringing successful resolution to high-impact, complex, and/or cross-functional problems

R&D S&E, Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor?s and master's degree or higher in Physics, Chemistry, Optical, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering or related field, with at least two years? relevant experience; or Ph.D. in these disciplines
  • Extensive laboratory experience in designing and developing optomechanical capabilities for quantum sensing applications and commensurate publication record
  • Ability to travel
  • Ability to obtain and maintain a U.S. DOE Q security clearance
  • Familiarity with atom traps and their operation/design
  • Extensive experience in quantum optics theory and experiment
  • Ability to apply modeling and simulation techniques to drive laboratory experiments
  • Strong written and oral communication skills; ability to present complex scientific ideas to a wide variety of customers with varied technical backgrounds
  • Proven track record of research and development project accomplishments, including developing and executing project plans and delivering results within time and budget constraints

High Energy Density & Fusion Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work independently as well as develop and direct multi-disciplinary scientific research teams
  • Identify key science issues that need to be better understood and explored for ICF and HED targets and influence programmatic directions
  • Design and analysis of experiments on Sandia's Z pulsed power facility
  • Develop new design concepts to address emerging problems of interest
  • Collaborate with experimental and diagnostic physicists and engineers not only at Sandia, but the broader HED and ICF communities
  • Publish results in peer-reviewed journals and present at appropriate scientific conferences
  • PhD in Physics or closely related engineering field
  • 5 years of experience in Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) or High Energy Density Physics (HEDP) research
  • Ability to obtain and maintain a DoE Q clearance
  • Technical competence in hydrodynamics and/or magnetohydrodynamics demonstrated through publications in refereed journals
  • Experience in post-processing data using Python, Matlab, Mathematica, IDL, VisIt, ParaView, EnSight, or other platforms/scripting languages
  • Ability to think innovatively and to perform complex analytical analysis and problem solving
  • Experience in experimental research and/or analyzing experimental data
  • Broad background in physics or engineering that will allow participation in other aspects of multidisciplinary high energy density physics research
  • Experience using massively parallel computing platforms
  • The ability to be self-motivated and to work as part of a diverse team, including project members from other NNSA labs
  • Experience in instrumentation maintenance and calibration
  • Experience in quality assurance practices
  • Experience with MS Access and Oracle database systems
  • Experience in computer programming (Visual Basic, Fortran, etc.)
  • Familiarity with in vivo measurement principles and practices
  • Perform applied research in the field of industrial physics, developing theoretical models in different technology areas, including for example electrical insulation physics and energy storage
  • Drive innovation by creating physical insight
  • Apply modern computational methods
  • Initiate and lead research projects
  • Publish scientific articles and attend conferences
  • Create and secure intellectual property
  • Work with and transfer knowledge to and from ABB business units and other partners from industry and academia

Certified Health Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Knowledge of health physics and radiation protection theory and practice, the measurement and analysis of radioactivity, radiation protection standards, emergency procedures, and decontamination and decommissioning procedures, including NORM environments
  • Supervise execution of radiation and contamination surveys including the collection of multiple media samples
  • Identify potential safety hazards related to radioactive materials and work with the Arcadis RSO and Radiation Safety Committee
  • Ability to work with and manage subcontractors
  • Data management (compilation, manipulation, and statistical evaluation of data) with follow-on writing and preparation of reports, work plans, letters, and memoranda
  • Conduct project related research (historic data, regulations, etc.)
  • Scheduling and execution of field efforts in coordination with Program and/or Project Managers
  • Demonstrated experience with environmental remediation of radiologically contaminated sites (e.g., experience with MARSSIM, waste profiling, and risk assessments)
  • Demonstrated leadership and teamwork capabilities in developing and implementing strategic plans for meeting service area growth and financial performance objectives
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively throughout the organization
  • Demonstrated ability to lead proposal and marketing initiatives
  • Demonstrated ability to develop and lead medium to large sized projects, including defining objectives and successfully implementing project scope, schedule, and budget requirements
  • Demonstrated ability to train and mentor junior-level health physicists practitioners
  • Bachelor’s degree in Health Physics or related field, Master’s degree preferred
  • American Board of Health Physics Certification (Certified Health Physicist –CHP)
  • 7+ years’ previous health physics experience
  • Must be able to travel for project and business development activities
  • 40 Hour HAZWOPER
  • Experience working with Federal clients (e.g. DOD and DOE)
  • Experience with environmental protection regulations and compliance for non-radioactive pollutants is desirable
  • Some familiarity with Health Physics computer applications
  • Promotes customer service initiative
  • Provides Physics support to the Radiation Oncology Department
  • Assists all Cancer Center employees in the technical aspect of Radiation Oncology
  • Calibrates radiation therapy equipment in the radiation therapy department per departmental, state or federal requirements
  • Implements and evaluates quality assurance programs for therapy equipment/department
  • Verifies treatment plans
  • Participates in chart rounds
  • Participates in the Radiation Safety Program
  • Monitors treatment planning software and implements new software updates
  • Develops and implements physics aspects of all new treatment modalities
  • Actively assists and supports departmental activities to assess and acquire appropriate equipment for treatment and quality assurance
  • Participates in planning for future radiation oncology facilities
  • Understands the principles and concepts of Performance Improvement. Looks for opportunities and solutions for process improvements and seeks to improve job skills
  • Maintains the principles of confidentiality. Understands the legal/regulatory requirements related to the release of information. Able to use the information systems pertinent to the job
  • Oversees computerized treatment planning and associated tasks. Maintains ability to plan all treatment modalities
  • Works with the IT department to install updates, and assures accuracy of data produced in treatment planning and quality assurance software
  • Performs all duties associated with maintenance of state radiation licenses and assures that departmental functions meet state standards
  • Actively participates in the QA program for radiation producing machines and associated equipment. Assists with correcting malfunctions of radiation producing machines or makes appropriate referrals to correct and/or repair units
  • PhD. or M.S. in Therapeutic Radiological Physics
  • CAMPEP PhD or MS preferred
  • CAMPEP residency preferred
  • Three (3) years’ experience preferred
  • Has high level mathematical skills and can apply these to clinical situations
  • Expertise in the technical aspects of radiation oncology to include simulation and treatment processes to ensure optimal radiation treatment delivery
  • Knowledgeable in health care informatics-including the resources, devices and methods to acquire, store and retrieve data. Tools include computers as well as clinical guidelines, current medical terminology, information and communication systems
  • Has working knowledge of radiation safety principles and practices as well as current rules and regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and other regulatory agencies
  • Works independently, but in collaboration with the Radiation Oncologist, Dosimetrist, and Radiation therapists

Experimental Physicist, High Power Switchgear Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conduct applied research in the area of switching and protection, e.g. ultrafast or hybrid switching
  • Develop novel concepts for DC-switchgear, e.g. for the reliable and efficient integration of renewable energy sources in existing or future DC-power grids
  • Actively contribute to the planning, setup, and execution of experiments
  • Apply and improve highly advanced simulation tools
  • Provide scientific and technical assistance for the development of innovative products
  • Closely cooperate with scientists and engineers at ABB business units and at universities

Radiation Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Certification by the American Board of Radiology or the American Board of Medical Physics
  • Master's degree in medical or radiological physics
  • Two years of clinical diagnostic and/or therapeutic radiological experience
  • Five years of post-residency therapeutic radiological physics experience
  • Technical knowledge of radiation therapy treatment equipment and computer-assisted treatment planning
  • Knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, pathology, radiation physics, and radiation safety
  • Knowledge of federal regulations that govern the use of radiation
  • Demonstrates ability to communicate effectively verbally and written
  • Commissioning of linear accelerators
  • Sun Nuclear 3D Tank software
  • DoseLab experience
  • History of publishing research
  • Taught diagnostic medical physics
  • Provide radiological safety-related technical support, technical assistance and guidance on basic radiological control problems, recommend corrective actions (including changes in the work environment), perform radiation equipment testing, provide engineering controls, and perform dose or shielding calculations
  • Provide technical guidance to radiation protection technicians and other staff
  • Develop, procure, and modify health physics equipment
  • Act as a lead person or technical advisor on small projects related to radiation protection
  • Assist in the development and implementation of technical basis documents, policies, and procedures
  • Conduct basic radiation protection research; and
  • Assist in ensuring all radiological protection work, materials, processes and final products meet quality specifications and are completed according to established requirements
  • Serve as an advisor in matters of health physics/radiation safety, independently providing radiological safety related support to include reviewing and approving proposed work and design documents, planning moderate to high hazard radiological work and specifying work controls
  • Mentor and provide technical/professional support to less experienced health physicists and technicians; and
  • Act as a lead person or technical advisor on medium scope/complexity projects related to radiation protection
  • Entry-level knowledge of the technical principles, theories, concepts and techniques of health physics
  • Entry-level experience and demonstrated skill in conducting research, investigating alternative solutions, and recommending solutions on problems affecting radiological safety/protection
  • Entry-level skill to conceptualize and communicate fundamental elements of radiological safety/protection to both technical and non-technical personnel
  • Entry-level skill in the preparation and presentation of radiological safety/protection reports; and
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently and in a team environment
  • Demonstrated experience with a variety of radiological controls and the surveillance of related safety measures and requirements
  • Working knowledge of legal requirements affecting radiological safety/protection
  • Working knowledge of the technical principles, theories, concepts and techniques of health physics
  • Demonstrated experience and demonstrated skill in conducting research, investigating alternative solutions, and recommending solutions on problems affecting radiological safety/protection
  • Skill to conceptualize and communicate fundamental elements of radiological safety/protection to both technical and non-technical personnel; and
  • Skill in the preparation and presentation of radiological safety/protection reports
  • Working knowledge of the Laboratory’s radiological safety policies, practices, and procedures
  • MS in Health Physics, Radiation Protection or related field
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience in the calibration, testing, selection, and use of radiation monitoring instruments
  • Experience with analog and digital electronic circuit troubleshooting and repair at the component level
  • Ability to design and test the performance of prototype radiation detection instrumentation
  • Experience with the handling and use of radioactive sources (sealed, electroplated, and thin-window)
  • Demonstrated ability to develop, modify, and implement/follow technical procedures
  • Demonstrated oral and written communications skills
  • Experience with personal computers
  • Demonstrated commitment to safety, security, quality, and customer service
  • Skilled in using the Los Alamos Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) radiation transport code
  • Knowledge of ANSI environmental testing programs for radiation monitoring instruments
  • Certification by American Board of Health Physics preferred

Applied Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Demonstrated ability to work independently and as a member of a team, with good communication skills
  • Demonstrated experience with the development and testing of innovative energetic radiation detectors
  • Demonstrated simulation and modeling skills in radiation transport and effects
  • Experience with performance modeling and assessment
  • Strong programming skills (C/C++/Python)
  • Demonstrated initiative for continuous learning and development in area of expertise
  • The ability to obtain a DOE “Q” clearance which normally requires US citizenship
  • Successful scientists are encouraged to nurture university collaborations or industrial partnerships

Physicist / Scientist IV Resume Examples & Samples

  • Problem identification and troubleshooting a wide range of complex problems. Leads research and analysis results. Supports high level / complex physics related application and system issues in the lab and in the field when required
  • Function as specialist for physics/scientists issues, while influencing and utilizing expertise in interfacing with external and internal customers, lead and/or develop and execute system projects, troubleshooting system problems, and defining system specifications and schedules. Reviews and approves system and sub-system requirements and specifications designed by other team members
  • Apply principles, theories, and concepts. Contributes to the development of new principles and concepts. Participates in product risk management discussions leveraging his / her expertise and knowledge to influence and drive risk management decisions
  • Provide mentoring for less experienced physicist/scientists
  • Comprehensive knowledge of health physics and radiation protection theory and practice, the measurement and analysis of ionizing radiation and radioactivity, radiation protection standards, emergency procedures,
  • A good knowledge of shielding design techniques and dose assessment methodologies, effects of radiation on tissues, nuclear and atomic physics, research with radionuclides, ALARA principles, and experimental techniques are required
  • Good knowledge of state-of-the-art instrumentation and spectrometric techniques
  • Familiarity with computer applications in dosimetry, shielding, spectrometry, and database management is highly desirable
  • Good oral and written skills to effectively communicate problems and solutions to workers and management
  • Good skills to make judgments and decisions in emergency situations; and to maintain interpersonal relations are essential
  • Must work towards certification as Certified Health Physicist
  • Provide, on a routine basis, analytical data for environmental samples collected on the Company’s property and laboratory spaces. Prepare and analyze all of the Company’s radiological samples
  • Maintain the radiation monitoring program by diligently and consistently assuring a high level of quality and traceability to the National Institute of Science and Technology
  • Conduct inspections of projects and laboratory space to ensure workers adhere to the conditions of their Work Authorization, license conditions, Health Physics procedures, and regulatory requirements
  • Provide timely results of analyses of samples collected from various facilities as part of decommissioning project activities
  • Provide radiological assessments of personnel, the environment, and potential exposure rates utilizing analytical software such as EPA’s CAP-88 and MicroShield®
  • Occasional hands-on work with radioactive material, work in radiation fields and involvement with radiological emergency response
  • Typically requires a Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree in a Health Physic, Nuclear Physics or related technical field and progressively complex scientific experience as follows; six or more years experience with a Bachelors degree and four or more years experience with a Master’s degree, equivalent applicable scientific experience may be substituted in lieu of education
  • Must demonstrate; (1) a thorough understanding of gamma spectroscopy principles and theory; (2) experience using a broad array of counting lab instrumentation including: alpha/beta counter, liquid scintillation counter, gamma spectroscopy systems; and portable survey instruments; (3) an expanding knowledge of Health Physics principles, concepts, theory, and practices, such as: air and effluents sampling, internal and external dosimetry, contamination control; (4) a thorough understanding of lower limits of detection, uncertainty and instrument capabilities
  • Must have strong communication (writing and speaking), computer, documentation, presentation, and interpersonal skills, ability to work independently and as part of a team; able to perform complex tasks in one or more Health Physics areas and lead a team comprised of Health Physics staff
  • Must be a U.S. Citizen and/or eligible to obtain a security clearance
  • Pursuit of, or completed, certification by the American Board of Health Physics
  • Experience managing or working in an radiological/environmental laboratory
  • Ability to obtain a Federal Security Clearance
  • Experience with Department of Transportation regulations or qualified to ship radioactive materials
  • 40 Hour HAZWOPER certified
  • Ability to qualify for wearing full-face respirator

Senior Computational Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Collaborate with Software Engineers and Propulsion Engineers to develop advanced simulation tools used for engine design
  • Maintain highest standards of excellence, never settling for the status quo
  • Provide technical leadership with a focus on getting to Mars
  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science or an engineering discipline
  • 5+ years of applied experience with numerical combustion and/or turbulence modeling development
  • 5+ years of applied programming experience in a low level language (FORTRAN, C/C++, etc)
  • Master’s degree or PhD in computer science or an engineering discipline
  • Experience utilizing high performance computing resources
  • Experience with analysis or simulation of liquid fueled propulsion systems
  • Strong background in high pressure thermodynamics and combustion
  • Strong software development experience, especially with object oriented programming

Physicist Aesthetic Resume Examples & Samples

  • Diode laser
  • Q Switched Nd:YAG
  • Fiber Laser
  • Fiber coupled diode laser
  • Continuously look for new and emerging laser sources, manufacturing technologies and materials
  • Continuously look for quality, yield, reliability, cost saving opportunities around laser source and delivery subsystem
  • Support current product lines

Magnet Engineer / Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • A degree-qualified physicist, preferably to PhD level
  • Able to demonstrate expertise in static and dynamic magnetic field circuit modelling gained either in academia or industry
  • Knowledgeable in the design of magnetic circuits using hard/soft magnetic materials and electromagnets
  • Experienced in integrating magnets into NMR/MRI systems
  • Hands-on in his/her approach to product development
  • An effective problem solver
  • An effective communicator, able to establish positive working relationships
  • Assemble experiments containing inert materials, explosives, or radiological materials
  • Use a variety of computational tools to analyze experimental shock physics data
  • Document results in laboratory reports and peer-reviewed journals. Present work within the laboratory and at external conferences and workshops
  • Complete training for and successfully achieve High Explosives (HE) Handler qualification
  • Demonstrate leadership when undertaking complex experimental projects
  • Propose, develop, manage, and perform new experimental series that expand on those currently undertaken by the group
  • Work closely with program offices and funding agencies to ensure funding
  • Ability to supervise and mentor others in technical areas
  • Demonstrated ability to lead complex technical projects, including financial management, schedule, and deliverables
  • Successful publication record in shock physics or related field as demonstrated by peer reviewed publications
  • Experience with computer hydrodynamics code such as LASLO, ALE3D, CTH, or WONDY to design and analyze shock physics experiments
  • Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills and experience interacting with all levels of personnel and customers
  • Supervisory experience: accountability for the work output and day-to-day direction of others
  • Demonstrated knowledge of shock physics related to metals multiphase equation-of-state, material strength, equation of state of polymers, or detonation physics
  • Experience planning, managing, and implementing projects
  • Experience with program development and maintenance
  • Evidence of scientific impact at the National level
  • Training and/or experience in handling high explosives
  • Ability to obtain a DOE “Q” clearance

Principal Computational Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design and conduct verification, validation, and applied studies for turbulent combustion simulation
  • Design and implement required physical models for custom simulation and analysis software
  • PhD in computer science or an engineering discipline
  • 8+ years of applied experience with numerical combustion and/or turbulence modeling development
  • Experience as a leader researcher on numerical combustion and/or turbulence modeling development projects
  • 8+ years of applied programming experience in a low level language (FORTRAN, C/C++, etc)
  • Strong background in thermodynamics and fluid mechanics
  • Track record of impacting product development through application of high fidelity simulations

Supervisory Research Physicist Map Resume Examples & Samples

  • Approximately 20% of travel required
  • Conceiving, designing, and performing laboratory and field research related to air quality and climate through measurement of aerosol properties
  • Designing, building, and using instrumentation on research aircraft to make measurements that address atmospheric chemistry questions
  • Using single particle soot photometer for measuring black carbon in the atmosphere from an airborne platform
  • Publishing high quality scientific results in peer reviewed literature
  • Developing and carrying out a research program to address important questions in atmospheric chemistry
  • Supports the medical radiation safety program at the OSU Wexner Medical Center and affiliates; including Radiation Oncology, Nuclear Medicine/Pharmacy, and the medical x-ray program
  • Develops, reviews, and updates radiation safety policies and procedures; monitors adherence to approved radiation safety policies and procedures
  • Assist the University Radiation Safety Officer in the preparation, review, and processing of radiological materials use registrations and licenses; prepares and submits amendments as required
  • Assists in the review, approval process and maintenance program of authorized users
  • Provides patient and provider consultation and education prior to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures; provides patient release criteria; provides room setup, surveys, and decontamination for patient therapies; provides exposure monitoring and education patient care staffPerforms exposure calculations for patients and occupational workers; provides personnel monitoring program oversight ensuring employee participation and adherence to policies
  • Performs ongoing radiation safety training for staff, patients and patient?s families as part of a Radiation Safety Education program
  • Performs program audits and quality management reviews
  • Ensures the timely completion of radioactive material inventories, radioactive sealed source leak tests, radiation detection equipment calibrations, dose calibrator measurements (accuracy, constancy, geometry, linearity) as required, radiological surveys and maintenance of radioactive waste storage facility
  • Participates on committees and workgroups as appropriate, including: the OSU Radiation Safety Committee, OSUWMC Radiation Safety Advisory Group, the Medical Use, X-ray, Audit, and Crisis and Monitoring Subcommittees, and the Human Subjects Review Committee. Provides incident and emergency response, investigation, reporting, and corrective action development and implementation for an ionizing radiation event
  • Serves as Laser Safety officer and manages the non-medical laser safety program; coordinates the non-medical laser program with the LSO for the OSUWMC for consistencies in program management, processes, and shared resources
  • Manages x-ray program for registrations outside of the OSUWMC. Provides technical support to the OSUWMC x-ray registrations
  • Manages decommissioning activities
  • Manages instrumentation and survey meter calibration programs
  • Conducts complex hazard investigations. Develops corrective action strategies. Leads projects and advises work group members on resolving issues and mitigation impact
  • Reviews technical reports prepared by team members and provides recommendations and guidance to ensure quality of content for regulatory compliance
  • Guides and develops the technical foundations of policies, procedures and initiatives to ensure development of consistent processes
  • Collaborates with research and development groups internally and externally to analyze emerging technology for the identification of potential hazards and control methods
  • Provides technical advice and innovative solutions to management for potential hazard and control method problems
  • Organizes and deploys training and information programs to all customers to manage risk and ensure compliance. Promotes staff development in the occupational health profession
  • Reviews sampling process findings and corrective action plans
  • Assesses proposed regulations and advises internal and external customers of process and cost impacts. Develops license applications for federal and state licensing
  • Communicates with internal stakeholders to develop strategies in support of legal actions. Coordinates response to request for information
  • More than 5 years of experience handling and working with radioactive materials and x-ray systems
  • More than 5 years of experience performing compliance inspections in laboratory or industrial activities that handle radiation sources
  • More than 5 years of experience with large irradiators
  • Experience with transportation of dangerous goods and hazardous (radioactive) waste

Physicist / Scientist V Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead and/or develop, and executes significantly complex system projects. Oversees and approves designs in team design reviews. Takes active part in the design of complex modules / sub-modules. Approve qualification results of complex modules
  • Problem identification and troubleshooting a wide range of significantly complex problems. Oversees and approves research and analysis results. Supports high level / complex physics related application and system issues in the lab and in the field when required
  • Function as specialist for physics/scientists issues, while influencing and utilizing expertise in interfacing with external and internal customers, lead and/or develop and execute system projects, troubleshooting system problems, and defining system specifications and schedules. Regularly interacts with senior managers on matters involving several functional areas, departments or customers concerning projects, operations and schedules. Interactions require the ability to change thinking or gain the acceptance of others in sensitive situations. Reviews and approves system and sub-system requirements and specifications designed by other team members
  • Apply advanced principles, theories, and concepts. Contributes to the development of new principles and concepts. Takes an active part in product risk management discussions leveraging his / her expertise and knowledge to influence and drive risk management decisions. Takes an active part in Red-Team groups, leveraging his / her expertise to analyze competitor technologies and assess competitor architectural entitlements
  • Initiates innovative physics/science projects, which extend boundaries of system performance or techno. Leads the selection and management of strategic vendors. Maintains relationships with outside customers of innovation, Universities, Consortia. Leads technological customer engagements driving innovation & development. Meets high level executives on the customer side effecting customer decision making
  • Research new technologies and analyze competition technology. Evaluate new technologies. Plan and execute complex feasibility studies of new technologies and lead the decision making process. Prepare and deliver papers regarding new technologies, share and promote new ideas and capabilities. Plans and executes feasibility studies of complete systems / sub-systems, leveraging new technologies and design concepts. Leads the demonstration of new capabilities and drives the decision making process
  • Regarded as the technical expert in their particular field
  • Demonstrates in-depth and/or breadth of expertise in own discipline and broad knowledge of other disciplines within the function
  • Documenting findings and writing detailed reports that reflect the feasibility of reconstructing individual doses based on available data. Documenting limitations in available data and suggesting alternate methods for reconstructing radiation exposures that may compensate for gaps in the available data
  • Documenting details of research efforts, findings, methods, and results of data/records research activities. Developing exposure profiles for various sites at various times by organizing complex systems of information from individual exposures, environmental radiation, and significant radiation events that may have occurred
  • Collaborating with Objective Manager in determining potential site staff that may have knowledge of recorded and unrecorded information relevant to occupational exposures and arranging site visits for data research/collection
  • Searching for information, data, and documents relevant to radiation monitoring and potential occupational exposures through the use of personal interviews, online and traditional literature sources, and hands-on exploration of boxed records. Utilizing extensive experience and research skills to assess exposures when data is conflicting or incomplete. Some searches for such information, data, and documents will require travel to sites where information is stored
  • Conducting complex and in-depth evaluations of physical quality, accessibility, and relevance of discovered data/records
  • Evaluating medical histories and utilizing site research documents, reports, and other applicable records to retrospectively reconstruct occupational radiation doses
  • 24 mos. exp. as Health Physicist , 84642, must be able to provide own transportation
  • Or Completion of undergraduate core program in health physics, nuclear physics, nuclear engineering, radiation physics, radiation sciences, bionucleonics, radiologic technology, nuclear medicine technology, radiation therapy or physics; And 24 mos. of full-time experience working with one of following: radioactive materials which must include engineering principles relative to effects of radiation on metals, & other components of radioactive material sources or devices,analysis of radioactive materials in environment, decommissioning of sites contaminated with radioactive materials, radiation- generating equipment, experience that deals with regulatory requirements that involves radiation surveys for dose assessment, radiation inspections, analysis of situations involving radioactive materials or radiologic health & safety; must be able to provide own transportation
  • Or 4 years of full-time experience working with one of following: radioactive materials, analysis of radioactive materials in environment, decommissioning of sites contaminated with radioactive materials, radiation- generating equipment for x-ray program, experience that deals with regulatory requirements that involves radiation surveys for dose assessment, radiation inspects, analysis of situations involving radioactive materials or radiologic health & safety; must be able to provide own transportation
  • Use of test and measurement equipment (scopes, meters, detectors, cameras)
  • Proficiency with assembly and layout of breadboard hardware
  • Experience with general laboratory equipment (chillers, power supplies, function generators)
  • Experience aligning and characterizing laser oscillators
  • Experience routing and managing an optical beamline
  • Experience with software data analysis tools (e.g., Matlab, Excel, Python, etc)
  • Experience with optical analysis tools (spectrometers, LASCAD, Zeemax)
  • Knowledge of nonlinear optics
  • Provides medical physics coverage for a wide range of radiotherapy activities including external beam (photon and electron), IMRT, brachytherapy and radiosurgery and associated equipment, software and technologies
  • Responsible for quality assurance tasks of all equipment and software including, but not limited to, daily, monthly and annual quality assurance testing (QA). Appropriately documents and tracks quality assurance requirements per national standards and departmental policies. Maintains and documents QA compliance of assigned treatment equipment/software as set forth by the BMC, manufacturer, state and federal government as well as national organizations such as AAPM, ASTRO and ACR
  • Contributes to academic mission of the department via actively participating in scholarly activities demonstrated by clinical research and development, integration of novel technique and technologies, presentation in national conferences and publication in peer-reviewed journals
  • Takes an active role in current and future educational programs and teaches/mentors students, residents and fellows as requested. Performs in-service education sessions for any members of the team related to specific treatment procedures and techniques
  • Initiates and participates in departmental and hospital quality improvement activities. Designs new Quality Assurance programs for new technologies incorporated into clinical practice for their safe and effective utilization. Develops necessary documentation for appropriate policy and procedures
  • Provides medical physics consultation to physicians in target volume definition, treatment planning and treatment techniques, and special requests (such as re-treatment, pacemaker and diode measurements, operative brachytherapy, and clinical trial)
  • Provides technical consultation to dosimetrists and treatment planners for treatment techniques, dosimetry considerations, etc
  • Actively participates and leads acceptance and commissioning efforts for new or updated radiation treatment equipment and software, as designated by the Chief Physicist
  • Participates in weekly patient Chart Rounds, weekly physics’ meetings, and other committee and staff meetings as deemed necessary
  • Works with the Chief and Vendor to maintain the treatment equipment and software quality and reliability
  • Responsible for patient-specific QA tasks including plan checks, chart checks, dose verification measurements
  • Designs treatment plans that will deliver prescribed radiation dose, considering dose-limiting structures, and document dose and field placement technique in accordance with the radiation oncologist’s prescription
  • Coordinates treatment simulations and tumor localization on dedicated devices, including CT, MRI, and PET when indicated for radiation oncology treatment planning
  • Performs or assists in the planning of the production of molds, casts and other immobilization devices
  • Instructs the therapist staffing the implementation of the treatment plan including the correct use of compensators, wedges, field arrangement, and other treatment variables (such as structure for cone beam)
  • Supports clinical research projects including clinical trial protocol development and implementation
  • Provides prompt and timely completion of Cooperative Group Research credentialing, as needed, and subsequent submission of data
  • Contributes, upon request, to radiation safety measurements and verification, new treatment facility design and shielding calculations
  • Participates in continuing education in the area of current treatment planning techniques, and advances in medical dosimetry/physics. If PhD and American Board of Radiology (ABR) certified, participates in Maintenance of Certification (MOC)
  • Follows hospital and departmental infection control and safety procedures
  • Observes the general rules, regulations and requirements of the hospital and department
  • Responsible for the maintenance of own board certification in therapeutic medical physics as well as any applicable governmental qualified medical physicist, authorized medical physicist status and/or medical physics licensure
  • Use of the following equipment (new Physicists would be trained): TrueBeam, CyberKnife, Tomotherapy, Gamma Knife, Varian 2100 CD, Nucletron HDR, and LDR prostrate
  • Use of the following treatment planning/ancillary computer systems (new Physicists would be trained): Eclipse, Pinnacle, Oncentra, MIMM, and Record and Verification System-MOSAIQ
  • Performs annual, monthly and weekly QA on all radiation oncology equipment including the Gamma Knife
  • Calibrate all physics and radiation equipment as required
  • Verify radiation therapy treatment planning and calculations
  • Perform weekly continuing physics checks on all charts following established guidelines
  • Perform treatment planning and participate in the treatment process for brachytherapy and stereotactic procedures
  • Provide in-services and training as required
  • Maintain the quality management programs for radiation oncology and the Gamma Knife
  • Ensure compliance with the NRC, State and ACR regulations
  • Monitor performance and calibration of all therapeutic equipment in radiology department. Performs minor maintenance. Evaluates physics and radiation therapy equipment for purchase
  • Oversee preparation of documentation required for compliance with state, federal and other regulatory agencies. Provides analysis and recommendations as necessary. Participates in the quality assurance activities related to staff and patient safety
  • Oversee radiation and nuclear medicine dose and exposure documentation for patient charting
  • Participate in the supervision and training of staff as it relates to radiation and nuclear safety programs. This may include in services on new equipment, and developing new programs to meet the organization’s safety needs
  • Assist Medical Director with development of new treatment methods and devices. May assist Dosimetrist in performance of their duties in order to meet patient’s needs for specific treatment plans such as computerized external beam and brachytherapy
  • Minimum of MS degree (PhD prferred) in biomedical engineering or computer science, medical physics, or related fields with
  • More than 2 years of medical physics education, or research or clinical experience
  • Demonstrated expertise in engineering/scientific research methods and techniques
  • Demonstrated computer skills, and proficiency with MS Office Suite programs
  • Demonstrated team management skills
  • Strong oral and written communications skills, including excellent listening skills
  • Demonstrated interpersonal and customer service skills, with the ability to interact effectively with a diverse faculty, staff and student population
  • Must be able to move freely in small and large spaces, lift heavy objects over twenty-five lbs. and wear respiratory protective devices
  • Demonstrated ability to prioritize well and focus on completion of tasks while under stress of demanding work schedule
  • Must have a valid driver’s license
  • Must be available for 24 hour on-call emergency response

Senior Physicist, Phd-radiation / Oncology Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provides technical guidance and direction to Physicists
  • Develops and/or evaluates, with the medical practitioner, the dosimetric component of patients' treatment plans
  • Uses imaging procedures pertaining to simulation and treatment planning/ delivery in therapeutic radiologic procedures
  • Assesses image quality and optimizes imaging systems and processes
  • Provides, but is not limited to
  • Evidence of equipment compliance for radiation therapy treatment, brachytherapy, simulation, and radiation detection, with regulatory and accreditation agency rules and recommendations
  • Consultation with physicians on the physics related to treatment planning, radiation protection and delivery
  • Review of radiation oncology dosimetry and treatment implementation information in patient records
  • Design, test and documentation of radiation treatment techniques for individual patients and for treatment classes, in consultation with radiation oncologists and technical staff
  • Calibration and characterization of radiation beams
  • Evaluation of radiation doses, safety and associated risks on patients, staff and/or the general public
  • Assessment and evaluation of radiation shielding and medical physics applications to protect patients, staff, and the general public
  • Analysis, triage and/or repair of non-performing radiation producing and monitoring equipment (e.g. Accelerators, HDR, Scanners and the like)
  • Equipment quality assurance and radiation oncology operations quality management
  • Other medical applications of physics as appropriate to safely carry out therapeutic radiologic procedures
  • Development and/or evaluation, in conjunction with the Radiation Oncology physicians and staff, of policies and procedures related to the appropriate therapeutic use of radiation
  • Training and instruction for medical practitioners and other health-care providers, on radiation oncology physics and radiation dosimetry matters
  • Development and coordination comprehensive Quality Management and Safety Programs that monitor, evaluate, and optimize radiation oncology processes
  • Planning and specifications for thickness, material, and placement of shielding needed to protect patients, workers, the general public and the environment from radiation produced incident to diagnosis or treatment of humans
  • Development of specifications, acceptance testing, evaluation, commissioning, calibration, preventive maintenance and troubleshooting of radiation producing and monitoring equipment, associated computers and radiation
  • Measurement and characterization of medical radiation from radiation therapy treatment, brachytherapy, and simulation equipment prior to clinical utilization
  • Evaluation of radiation oncology technical procedures prior to clinical use
  • Participates-in, but is not limited to
  • Evaluating and developing procedures and equipment specifications for external beam radiation therapy treatment, brachytherapy, simulation, planning and radiation measurement
  • Developing informatics scope and specifications
  • Doctorate Degree in Medical Physics or related field, required
  • Certification by the American Board of Radiology in Therapeutic Radiological Physics or equivalent, required
  • NY State license in Therapeutic Radiological Physics within six (6) months from Date of Hire, required
  • Minimum of five (5) years post-graduate experience in advanced techniques of Treatment Planning including Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT); Linac calibration; comprehensive QA procedures including dynamic Multi-Leaf Collimators (MLC); special treatment techniques such as Stereotactic Radio-Surgery (SRS), Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT), Total Body Irradiation (TBI); Brachytherapy techniques and treatment planning

Clinical MR Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist the Chief Clinical MR Physicist in assuring that all MGH affiliated scanners are operating effectively and safely at all times. To achieve this, the Clinical physicist will
  • Assume supporting responsibility to the Chief Clinical MR Physicist for teaching the following groups
  • Three years of experience in MR imaging in a hospital setting, with significant expertise of the principles of MR physics
  • Has demonstrated self-sufficient ability to operate MR systems
  • Must have extensive computer programming skills, including web-based design
  • Must have excellent communication skills and be able to interact with a broad range of staff within the clinical MR environment and participate with members of a multidisciplinary team
  • Must be able to provide effective education and training to staff at all levels
  • Must be able to provide own transportation to travel between MGH and off campus imaging sites (Waltham, Chelsea, Danvers)
  • Must have a Ph.D. in medical physics, physics, or engineering or an area of science relevant to MR physics
  • Assist in the clinical practice of Radiation Oncology Physics and dosimetry
  • Collaborate with other UPCI Physicists in Radiation Therapy related research in the Division of Medical Physics
  • Develop and document performance specifications, testing, tolerances, and frequency of testing for all therapy equipment
  • Direct the design, fabrication, and measurement of treatment beam modifiers and treatment aids
  • Maintain a comprehensive quality assurance program that ensures patients are provided tumor localization, radiation treatment, and dose distributions as prescribed
  • Manage the development of treatment plans, acquisition and storage of data for treatment plans, calculation of dose distributions and machine settings for treatment delivery
  • Manage the in-vivo dose measurement and use of measuring devices for verification of dose delivery to patients
  • Manage the systematic measurement, documentation, and assurance of the physical aspects of all radiation sources/devices used in Radiation Oncology
  • Obtain and disseminate information pertaining to current practices within the field of Radiation Oncology Physics
  • Perform acceptance testing and commissioning of all treatment-related equipment
  • Provide consultation to the Radiation Oncologist on the physical and radiobiological aspect of treatment
  • Provide interpretation/consultation to the Radiation Oncologist on basis of in-vivo dosimetry
  • Translate the desired treatment plan into a set of instructions for radiation therapists to execute
  • Master's or Ph.D. Degree in Physics or Medical Physics
  • ABR/ABMP Certification in Therapeutic Radiological Physics or Therapeutic Radiology preferred
  • Three years of clinical experience preferred

Physicist / Nuclear Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conduct and manage research and experiments
  • Develop new concepts, methods and techniques to solve scientific problems
  • Recommend research and development projects
  • Support highly technical operations and intelligence
  • Master of Science in Physics, Health Physics, Radiological Physics or Medical Physics
  • 0-2 years of clinical experience post graduate training
  • Licensed in Medical Physics or eligible for licensure
  • Member of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine
  • Under general direction, plans and controls the distribution of radiation to patients
  • Plans and implements initial patient radiation dosage specified by physician
  • Documents radiation treatment information for federal and state requirements
  • Monitors and maintains the equipment and techniques being used, and maintains records of the equipment for accrediting agencies
  • Keeps current dosimetry records on the treatment of each patient and in the department charts. Maintains computer records of radiation dosages for evaluation of weekly dosages
  • Participates in the Medical Radiology and Isotope committee
  • Ensures safe care to patients adhering to policies, procedures, and standards, within budgetary specifications, including time management, supply management, productivity, and accuracy of practice
  • Promotes individual professional growth and development by meeting requirements for mandatory/continuing education, skills competency, supports department-based goals which contribute to the success of the organization
  • Plans for resource allocation with radiation oncologists, administrators and therapists, including: equipment usage, selection and replacement; staff requirements, assignments and recruitment; budget preparation; program operation, development of program’s policies and procedures and their periodic review
  • Evaluates physical aspects of all radiation producing machines and radioactive materials used in radiation oncology including: specification, acceptance testing and commissioning of new equipment; Calibrates all radiation producing machines and maintains all information necessary for their appropriate use
  • Develops and maintains a quality control program for all treatment modalities, localization procedures and computational equipment and programs to assure that patients receive prescribed doses and dose distributions, within acceptable degrees of accuracy. Ensures all instruments used in the calibration procedures, measurement of radiation and treatment planning in proper working order
  • Consults with the radiation oncologists on the physical and radiobiological aspects of treatment plans and provides technical guidance to select appropriate treatment plans for patients; acquires, inputs and verifies beam data for treatment planning computers; calculates the dose distributions and machine settings for patient treatments; designs accessories to facilitate special treatment situations

Physicist / Nuclear Engineer, SG Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supports nuclear safety and environmental projects
  • Performs background research and information gathering, as well as interprets laboratory and field data to support technical activities
  • Prepares and develops client plans, programs, procedures, and activities to assure effectiveness, efficiency, and compliance status
  • Develops and/or supports the development of client nuclear launch permit applications, reports, and associated documentation
  • Evaluates data and reports and draws comparison of results with similar analysis using numerical modeling techniques
  • Attends site visits, observes, and evaluates client programs and activities
  • Provides input and develops written technical reports for delivery to clients, performs quality control review, and maintains deliverable quality
  • Remains cognizant of applicable regulations and requirements
  • Interacts with clients and regulatory agencies
  • Member of professional organizations in area of technical expertise
  • Formulation of monomer materials for polymerization
  • Leading or assisting in experimental trials and testing of materials
  • Documenting experimental results and communicating results accurately
  • Providing recommendations for experiments alongside technical team leader
  • Generating reports from test data as needed

Chief Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Oversees all Radiation Oncology Physics and Dosimetry programs
  • Oversees all Physics-related research and development activities
  • Creates and provides educational training for other medical personnel such as dosimetrists, residents, and therapists in the science of Radiological Physics
  • Supervises staff, evaluates work, and recommends and implements approved disciplinary action
  • Develops and maintains publications related to all research activities in Medical Physics
  • In collaboration with the director of physics operations, ensures compliance with all regulatory agencies, accreditation programs, quality and safety standards

Physicist / Scientist IV MTS Resume Examples & Samples

  • Technically lead and/or execute engineering projects and spearhead research and development of new technologies as appropriate. Defines experiments and determines the type of meaningful data required to support evaluation and technical decision
  • Lead and/or develop, and executes complex system projects. Leads module design and engineering. Takes active part in the design of complex modules / sub-modules. Qualifies complex systems
  • Initiates innovative physics/science projects, which extend boundaries of system performance or technology. Leads the selection and management of strategic Vendors for small modules. Maintains relationships with outside customers of innovation, Universities, Consortia. Participates in technological customer engagements
  • Research new technologies and analyze competition technology. Evaluate new technologies. Plan and execute complex feasibility studies of new technologies and lead the decision making process. Prepare and deliver papers regarding new technologies, share and promote new ideas and capabilities. Plans and executes feasibility studies of complete systems / sub-systems, leveraging new technologies and design concepts. Leads the demonstration of new capabilities
  • This technical staff position leads and/or develops and executes exceptionally complex technology and engineering projects and leads research and development of new technologies as appropriate. Works on difficult issues that impact design and product success and/or addresses future concepts, products or technologies. Success is measured by one or more of the following: incremental revenue growth, market share increases, key customer penetrations, time to market improvement and commercial value of the work
  • Develop innovative solutions as part of proven track record of significant technology contributions. Recognized for technical expertise
  • Conceive and implement new technology, normally participate in at least one critical patent, and received recognition through at least one award and/or published paper within the last five years
  • Collaborates to work on difficult issues that impact design and product success and/or addresses future concepts, products and technologies
  • Primary focus on supporting senior technical personnel working in a laboratory setting focused on new product development for medical applications
  • The individual will be expected to generate prototypes, testing and characterization, and data generation
  • Currently possess a Bachelor of Science Degree
  • Polymer Science, Organic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or Chemistry

Theoretical HED Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Employ radiation magneto hydrodynamics simulation codes to advance experiments investigating properties of materials under strong dynamic compression
  • Evolve existing experimental platforms and develop entirely new experimental concepts and analysis techniques
  • Publish results in peer-reviewed journals and present at national and international conferences
  • PhD in the physical sciences or engineering
  • Experience with multi-physics simulations including magneto-hydrodynamics, hydrodynamics, radiation, and thermal conduction using ALEGRA, KULL or other similar codes
  • Technical competence in Magneto Hydro Dynamics (MHD) theory and simulations
  • Experience working in the fields of material science or material physics including shock physics, high energy-density physics, equations of state, or constitutive properties
  • Experience in working with experimental research and/or analyzing experimental data
  • Experience with or knowledge of electromagnetic particle or hybrid codes or analysis, structural codes or analysis, or radiation transport codes or analysis
  • Experience with MHD code development
  • Self-motivation to work independently or as part of a diverse team, including project members from other NNSA labs and academic collaborators
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills as demonstrated in technical publications and reports, and in technical and project presentations
  • Ability to think innovatively

Junior Reactor Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • A Relevant honours degree from a university of recognized standing in Physics or Nuclear Engineering or equivalent; reactor physics experience and/or background is a strong asset
  • Must be conversant with computer environments; proficiency in both Linux and WINDOWS environments is a strong asset
  • Proficiency in computer programming, especially FORTRAN, is desirable
  • Ability to work well under pressure and be flexible, i.e., must be able to perform varied work assignments effectively and respond quickly to changing project needs
  • Ability to show initiative while working in a team environment
  • Ability to work to budget and schedule
  • Must be willing to travel occasionally to participate in meetings and workshops
  • Full commitment to working in a formal QA environment

Junior Radiation Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Honours Degree in Engineering Physics, Nuclear Engineering or Health Physics
  • Solid fundamental knowledge of engineering principles and practices
  • Demonstrated good interpersonal skills and the ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment while also being able to perform assigned tasks
  • Ability with excellent and effective communication skills in both oral and written communication
  • Ability with good initiative
  • Ability to work independently if required under the guide of senior engineers

Atomic Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Atomic sensor development program execution
  • Collaboration on sensor development planning and road map
  • Collaboration and support on related as well as outside of expertise projects
  • Present research and results to customers and the scientific community through conferences and journal publications
  • The successful applicant shall have a demonstrated track record of innovation and accomplishment in atomic/quantum systems and/or sensor development
  • Ph.D. in physics or equivalent technical field and 0 years experience, or a M.S. in physics or equivalent field and 3 years with experience in atomic/quantum laboratory work or sensor development
  • Knowledge of atomic sensing principles
  • Self-motivated, capable of working independently and in a team environment
  • Experience working Government-funded R&D programs
  • Proficiency with Mathematica, LabView, C/C++, MATLAB/Simulink, VHDL
  • Knowledge of principles of navigation, including inertial navigation and aided navigation
  • Experience with atomic clocks, magnetometers, gyroscopes, and/or accelerometers
  • Experience with spin polarized atomic systems and vapor cell based sensor physics
  • Experience with cold/ultra-cold (BEC) systems and atom interferometry based measurements and sensors
  • New concept and program pursuits
  • Sensor development planning and road map
  • Team development and mentoring
  • Lead both internal and contract research and development efforts
  • The successful applicant shall have a demonstrated track record of innovation and accomplishment in atomic/quantum system and/or sensor development
  • Ph.D. in Physics or equivalent technical field with a minimum of 9 years of relevant experience, or a M.S. in Physics or equivalent field with a minimum of 12 including substantial experience in sensor development
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills Self-motivated, capable of working independently and leading a team
  • Participate in the development of detectors based on silicon photomulitpliers
  • Participate in the development of a time-of-flight PET camera
  • Ph.D. within the last 5 years in electrical engineering, physics, or related fields
  • Experience in Intel/Altera FPGA development
  • Experience in FPGA design and coding
  • Experience with analog, digital, and high-speed design
  • Experience with embedded system design and firmware development
  • Experience in circuit board design and layout
  • Familiar with analog-to-digital converter design
  • Familiar with time-to-digital converter design
  • Competency in computer languages (e.g. C, C++, Python, etc)
  • Experience in radiation detection and measurement
  • Progress report preparation
  • BS degree in engineering or related science and 9 years directly related experience in radiation protection or applied health physics (additional experience may be substituted for degree)
  • Required: National Registry of Radiation Protection Technologists (NRRPT)
  • Preferred: Certified Health Physicist (CHP)
  • Thorough knowledge of methods and means of detecting and quantifying radiation, thorough knowledge of the methods of determining dose rates, ability to intelligently inform others in matters pertaining to the Radiological Protection Program
  • Expert knowledge of radiological control practices
  • Demonstrated proficiency to evaluate radiological work practices, controls program and radiation worker training to ensure control of station dose
  • Basic knowledge of company operations
  • Demonstrated skills in analytical and deductive reasoning, good communication, report and technical writing, instrumentation, mathematical and data trending
  • Ability to troubleshoot and solve equipment or process problems; to conduct site inspections or walkdowns; to lead team
  • A doctorate degree in nuclear physics or a related field
  • Extensive experience in medium energy physics with broad general scientific knowledge
  • The ability to identify important research topics and directions to pursue
  • Excellent communication skills, both informally with colleagues and in formal presentations and writing
  • Work Schedule: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m
  • Position Description Title, PD#: Health Physicist, PD# 5969A
  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Status: Exempt (not covered)
  • Periodic audits of Community-Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs), within the San Francisco VA Health Care System (SFVAHCS)
  • Degree: Successful completion of a full 4-year course of study in an accredited college or university leading to a bachelor's or higher degree that included a major field of study or specific course requirements in natural science or engineering that also included at least 30 semester hours in health physics, engineering, radiological science, chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, and/or calculus; OR
  • Combination of Education and Experience: courses as shown above, plus appropriate experience or other education; or certification as a health physicist by the American Board of Health Physics, plus appropriate experience and other education that provided an understanding of sciences applicable to health physics comparable to that described above
  • Knowledge and ability to develop and perform radiation safety training for different groups
  • Knowledge and technical ability to perform QA, calibration, measurements and interpret results
  • Knowledge and ability to apply regulations, standards, limits
  • Knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology
  • Perform fiduciary duty
  • Ability to communicate clearly

Physicist Prn-flex Shift Resume Examples & Samples

  • Two or more years experience in Radiation Therapy
  • Requires a high level of skill and knowledge in radiotherapy and application combined with knowledge of state/federal agencies regulating use of radioactive materials
  • Demonstrates a high level of communication skills to effectively communicate via written reports and through personal contact with staff, physicians, regional institutions, and patients
  • You may be expected to travel for this position
  • Cover Letter

Research Engineer / Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Physical measurement and instrumentation
  • Skilled in common lab measurement equipment
  • Programming experience for instrumentation (e.g. Matlab, Labview, C++,…)
  • Basic circuit and electromagnetics knowledge
  • Hands-on initiative
  • RF and/or optics a plus
  • Mechanical intuition
  • Intuition of underlying physical processes
  • Must possess a results-oriented approach
  • Experience with Varian and IGRT
  • MR background
  • New York State License or Limited Permit as Medical Physicist—Therapeutic Radiological from the NYS Department of Education
  • ABR Eligible or ABR certified
  • One of the following combinations of education and experience

Radiation Oncology Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Verifies proper operation and safety of all machines and sources producing radiation in accordance with established guidelines and protocols
  • Performs measurements or other evaluations as necessary to ensure accurate dose delivery for treatments. Uses independent judgment and applies learned methodologies according to established policy and procedures
  • Provides support and assistance in delivery of all radiation therapy treatments, including advanced specialized therapies. Assists in or performs computer treatment planning as needed. Assists in the evaluation and implementation of new therapies and protocols. Serves as a physics services resource for all staff
  • Assists in staff continuing education on appropriate medical physics and radiation safety procedures as needed. Demonstrates professional behavior/conduct in all interactions; fosters teamwork, efficient use of resources and quality patient outcomes
  • Maintains a safe environment for patients, personnel, and visitors. Ensures all radiation safety standards and regulatory requirements are met
  • Participates in regular quality assurance reviews. Ensures proper documentation is recorded and maintained

Pulsed Power Diagnostics Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Working with an R&D team that develops and fields new technologies and systems for the x-ray generating sources at three pulsed power facilities located in Tech Area IV
  • Developing an understanding of the existing experimental diagnostics
  • Examining methods to establish, improve, and/or simplify diagnostic calibrations
  • Implementing methods to reduce noise and improve diagnostic signal fidelity
  • Investigating new diagnostics to better assess machine performance, quantify radiation output, and benefit customer experiments
  • Engineering new diagnostics
  • Conducting data acquisition and producing experimental documentation
  • PhD in Physics, Electrical Engineering, or Nuclear Engineering
  • Experience working with pulsed power systems
  • Experience with designing/fielding pulsed power, x-ray, and/or optical/spectroscopic diagnostics and analyzing diagnostics results
  • Experience with industry standard measurement and test equipment, such as network analyzers, spectrum analyzers, power meters/sensors, signal/waveform generators, and oscilloscopes
  • Ability to multitask and manage time well
  • Demonstrated ability to produce technical publications
  • Experience with grounding and shielding
  • Experience with fiber optics and optical transceivers
  • Experience with contemporary data acquisition technologies
  • Experience with programming languages and environments often associated with data acquisition and analysis (e.g., LabVIEW, Python, MatLAB, IDL)
  • Experience with circuit modeling including pulsed power related circuit models
  • Commitment to understanding and implementing engineered safety and best practices into performing the work

Quantum Computing Experimental Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience with QIP protocols for characterization and control of quantum systems
  • Exposure to quantum error correction and requirements for fault-tolerance
  • Ability to confidently present technical information in presentations, journal papers, and reports
  • Works independently and requires only minimal supervision
  • Contributes elements to proposals and white papers; contributes regularly to peer-reviewed publications and project reports
  • Takes proactive action to anticipate, understand, and meet project and customer needs
  • Develops concepts and organizes ideas; demonstrates originality and ingenuity
  • Exhibits a leadership and work style that accommodates diversity in ideas,

Computational Physicist Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Attending college
  • Majoring in a science or engineering field
  • Experience with Bash, C++, and Linux
  • Experience with computer models of physical phenomena

High Energy Density Science & Technology Experimental Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Plan, design, execute and analyze complex laser and x-ray driven physics and conduct highly advanced experimental campaigns on HED facilities (NIF and Omega)
  • Establish objectives for and oversee experiments in the fields of hydrodynamics, radiation transport, implosion physics, material strength and/or nuclear physics in support of Inertial Confinement Fusion(ICF), Weapons and Complex Integration (WCI), and fundamental science
  • Author expert scientific reports and verbal briefings that capture and communicate substantial research results
  • Lead working groups in the development of new ideas and/or modifying approaches
  • Consult on experimental campaign planning and scheduling, including setting broad research project vision and strategy
  • Lead design reviews and change review board activities for proposed additions or changes to x-ray diagnostic hardware and software
  • Develop nuclear, x-ray or optical diagnostics and model and interpret experimental results
  • Publish highly advanced research results in peer-reviewed scientific or technical journals, and present results at external conferences, seminars, and/or technical meetings
  • Ph.D. in plasma physics, hydrodynamics, shock physics, spectroscopy, nuclear physics, condensed matter or related field, or equivalent combination of education and related experience
  • Expert knowledge and substantial experience designing, executing, and analyzing complex experiments in the areas of laser-plasma interactions, hydrodynamics, radiation transport, implosion physics, material strength or nuclear physics
  • Extensive experience developing highly complex diagnostics, image processing, and data analysis
  • Substantial experience in using highly advanced analytical skills necessary to solve complex problems, develop innovative methods and solutions, and make appropriate decisions
  • Expert written and verbal communication skills to author technical and scientific reports, publications, invited papers, and to deliver scientific presentations
  • Expert facilitation and collaboration skills necessary to present, explain, and advise senior management and/or external sponsors
  • Experience leading multidisciplinary teams of experimentalists, designers and engineers working across organizational boundaries with successful results
  • Substantial experience overseeing the experimental activities of junior scientists and technical personnel
  • Advanced knowledge of and experience in stockpile stewardship
  • Plan, design, execute and analyze laser and x-ray driven physics experimental campaigns on HED facilities (i.e. NIF and Omega)
  • Develop nuclear, x-ray or optical diagnostic detectors and diagnostic techniques
  • Craft analytical models and use them to interpret experimental results
  • Collaborate with an interdisciplinary team in the development of innovative methods to support the NIF and OMEGA projects
  • Author complex scientific reports and verbal briefings that capture and communicate research results
  • Ph.D. in plasma physics, hydrodynamics, shock physics, atomic, nuclear physics, condensed matter or related field, or equivalent combination of education and related experience
  • Significant experience crafting, executing, and analyzing complex experiments in the areas of laser-plasma interactions, hydrodynamics, radiation transport, implosion physics, material strength, or nuclear physics
  • Significant experience developing complex diagnostics, image processing, and data analysis
  • Demonstrated advanced problem-solving and decision-making skills to anticipate, identify, and independently recommend appropriate actions and solutions
  • Advanced verbal and written communication skills needed to effectively collaborate in a team environment, present and explain technical information, document work, prepare and present scientific and high quality research papers and provide advice to management
  • Experience working independently, as well as in a team, with minimal direction in a driven environment
  • Experience with x-ray sources, time-resolved optical and x-ray photon detection techniques, CCDs, imaging and spectroscopy
  • Experience with spectrum and image analysis using numerical processing
  • Serve as a technical expert in formal and ad hoc groups assembled to address pressing accelerator and radiation source applications in National Security
  • Write periodic progress reports. Update safety plans/IWS's in accordance with experimental needs
  • Maintain an awareness of technical literature in assigned areas
  • Prepare written analyses and verbal briefings that capture and communicate research results
  • Publish research results in peer-reviewed scientific or technical journals and present results at external conferences seminars and/or technical meetings
  • Travel as necessary to interact with sponsors and customers
  • PhD in Plasma Physics, Nuclear Engineering, or a related field , or the equivalent combination of education and related experience
  • Advanced knowledge of plasma physics or nuclear engineering
  • Experience authoring technical and scientific reports and publications, and delivering scientific presentations
  • Advanced verbal and written communication skills necessary to effectively collaborate in a team environment and present and explain technical information and provide advice to management

Applied Physicist / Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform and conduct experimental campaigns and continue engineering upgrades of experiments and diagnostics in the following areas: Z-pinch plasmas, linear induction accelerator beams, or compact sources
  • Serve as a technical expert in formal and ad hoc groups assembled to address pressing accelerator and radiation source applications in national security
  • Write periodic progress reports. Update safety plans/IWS’s in accordance with experimental needs
  • Significant experience in operation and analysis of plasma experiments and plasma physics diagnostics
  • Experience developing research proposals
  • Operational experience with large linear induction accelerators, or experience working with other pulsed power technologies including spark gaps, thyratrons, ignitrons, and solid-state switches, capacitor banks and Marx generators, magnetic pulse compression, and pulse forming lines
  • Conduct advanced research and development in one or more of the following areas: Z-pinch physics, induction accelerator beams, or compact sources
  • PhD in Plasma Physics, Nuclear Engineering, or a related field, or the equivalent combination of education and related experience
  • Advanced knowledge in plasma modeling, using PIC codes, fluid codes, beam tracing codes, or beam envelope codes
  • Ability to travel as necessary to interact with sponsors and customers to work on off-site experiments, and to present scientific research
  • Design and conduct particle-in-cell simulations of fast Z-pinch plasmas and/or particle accelerator beams in the Large Scale Plasma (LSP) code and/or Hydra, and assist code developers with efforts to improve simulation performance
  • Participate as a technical expert in formal and ad hoc groups assembled to address pressing accelerator and radiation source issues in National Security
  • Publish research results in peer-reviewed scientific or technical journals, and present results at external conferences, seminars, and/or technical meetings
  • PhD degree in Plasma Physics, Nuclear Engineering, or a related field, or the equivalent combination of education and related experience
  • Advanced knowledge in plasma modeling, using particle-in-cell codes, fluid codes, beam tracing codes, or beam envelope codes
  • Advanced knowledge and significant experience in one or more of the following areas: plasma physics, induction linacs, compact sources, and pulsed power
  • Experience performing independent research
  • Advanced verbal and written communication skills to collaborate effectively in a team environment and present and explain technical information and provide advice to management
  • Ability to travel as necessary to interact with sponsors and customers, work on off-site experiments, and to present scientific research

Design Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design and provide analysis of complex experiments exploring the physics of nuclear explosives
  • Simulate weapons phenomena and perform weapons assessment and certification tasks using physical models in computer codes
  • Participate in the assessment of foreign nuclear weapon systems
  • Present and disseminate research results at scientific conferences and in peer-reviewed publications, in both open and classified environments, internal and external to LLNL. Positively represent the Program and Laboratory demonstrating advanced verbal and written skills
  • Develop expertise in interrelated fields of physics important to weapons assessment and certification
  • Significant experience and ability to lead independent work conducting applied physics research. Experience leading and mentoring as part of a multidisciplinary team
  • Demonstrated record of leading top quality research in relevant areas of physics and engineering. Demonstrated problem-solving and decision-making skills necessary to independently address challenging problems
  • MS or advanced degree in physics, engineering, or a related field or equivalent combination of education and related experience
  • Significant experience conducting applied physics research
  • Demonstrated record of completing outstanding research in relevant areas of physics and engineering
  • Significant experience with advanced computer-based design and analysis of experiments
  • Demonstrated aptitude for mastering new fields of physics; a record of creativity, physical insight, and breadth of understanding in advanced applications of complex physical processes
  • Significant experience in using advanced computational facilities for applied physics analysis
  • Demonstrated advanced verbal and written communication and presentation skills necessary to author advanced technical and scientific reports, publications, invited papers, and to deliver scientific presentations
  • Significant experience working effectively independently and in a multidisciplinary, team-research environment. Demonstrated self-motivation and initiative in addressing challenging problems
  • Demonstrated subject matter expert knowledgeable of highly advanced concepts to include experience and ability to lead independent work conducting applied physics research in one or more of the following fields: plasma physics, radiation transport, atomic physics, nuclear physics, and hydrodynamics
  • Significant experience with highly advanced computer-based design and analysis of highly complex experiments
  • Extensive experience at the expert level in the development of principles, theories, concepts, and techniques relevant to applied physics research
  • Assess the complex physics interactions that take place in nuclear explosions
  • Design and provide in depth analysis of experiments exploring the physics of nuclear explosives
  • Simulate weapons phenomena and perform advanced weapons assessment and certification tasks using physical models in computer codes
  • Define and implement stockpile stewardship for specific weapons systems
  • Present and disseminate advanced research results at scientific conferences and peer-reviewed publications, in open and classified environments, internal and external to LLNL
  • Collaborate in development of innovative methods to expand knowledge of interrelated fields of physics important to weapons assessment and certification
  • Set broad research/project vision and strategy and influence technical direction
  • May set specific strategies and/or direct multi-disciplinary teams to achieve program goals
  • PhD in physics, engineering, or a related field, or equivalent level of demonstrated knowledge
  • Demonstrated subject matter expert knowledgeable of highly advanced concepts to include experience and ability to lead independent work conducting applied physics research in fields such as plasma physics, radiation transport, atomic physics, nuclear physics, and hydrodynamics, as well as experience working effectively in a multi-disciplinary, team-research environment
  • Significant experience with computer-based design and analysis of experiments
  • Demonstrated record of completing and/or leading outstanding research in relevant areas of physics and engineering. Demonstrated problem-solving and decision-making skills necessary to independently address challenging problems
  • Demonstrated aptitude for mastering new fields of physics as demonstrated by contributions in multiple research areas; a record of creativity, physical insight, and breadth of understanding in applications of complex physical processes
  • Experience and interest in using advanced computational facilities to perform stockpile assessment and certification activities
  • Demonstrated expert communicator, with advanced verbal and written skills to positively represent the Program and Laboratory

WCI Experimental Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conduct experimental research in one or more of the following areas: assess nuclear explosive performance without nuclear testing; weapons physics studies; high-energy density plasma research; the development of render safe technologies for counter-proliferation; and/or the design of Advanced Conventional Weapons
  • Develop and apply state-of-the-art experimental physics techniques to laboratory and field research. Areas of interest should include, flash x-ray radiography, high-speed photographic and optical measurements, hydrodynamics, gas gun, pulsed power and detonation physics experiments, and instrument design and development
  • Learn and run existing analysis codes to plan experiments and incorporate experimental data
  • Contribute to fulfilling project objectives as a fully functioning team member
  • Present and disseminate research results in scientific conferences and peer-reviewed publications, in open and classified environments
  • PhD in physics, engineering or a related field or equivalent level of demonstrated knowledge
  • Experience conducting applied physics research in one or more of the following fields: plasma physics, radiation transport, atomic physics, nuclear physics, and hydrodynamics
  • Experience with and understanding of optics and lasers
  • Experience with scientific data analysis
  • Experience developing innovative solutions to complex analytical problems
  • Demonstrated effective analytical and conceptual skills and creativity
  • Experience working effectively independently and in a multi-disciplinary, team-research environment to achieve multi-year goals
  • Demonstrated effective verbal, and written communication skills necessary to author technical and scientific reports, publications, invited papers, and to deliver scientific presentations

Computational Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop, release, and maintain models and algorithms using advanced simulation tools to support the physics capabilities based on requirements from a diverse user community
  • Provide technical support, informal training, and guidance to code users in the application of simulation tools developed
  • Participate in the development of simulation tools as part of a multi-disciplinary team
  • Perform all assignments in accordance with ES&H, security, and business practice requirements and policies
  • PhD in physics, mathematics, engineering, or related field or equivalent level of demonstrated knowledge
  • Demonstrated technical mastery in one or more science disciplines, such as shock hydrodynamics, fluid mechanics, material behavior, particle transport, radiation transport, plasma physics or chemical processes
  • Experience evaluating algorithms and methods for their fitness for a particular task, as well as developing and implementing new numerical algorithms
  • Demonstrated analytical and conceptual skills and creativity
  • Experience in converting theory into models or algorithms appropriate for numerical simulation
  • Experience developing and supporting multi-dimensional numerical simulation
  • Advanced programming experience/fluency in Python, FORTRAN, C and/or C++
  • Experience developing and implementing algorithms for massively-parallel computer architectures
  • Experience working independently and in a multi-disciplinary team-research environment
  • Demonstrated verbal and written communication and presentation skills necessary to author technical and scientific reports, publications, invited papers, and to deliver scientific presentations
  • Assess the complex physics interactions that take place in nuclear explosion
  • Design and provide analysis of experiments exploring the physics of nuclear explosives
  • Present and disseminate research results at scientific conferences and in peer-reviewed publications, in both open and classified environments, internal and external to LLNL
  • PhD in physics, engineering, or a related field or equivalent level of demonstrated knowledge
  • Experience conducting applied physics research
  • Experience with computer-based design and analysis of experiments
  • Demonstrated aptitude for mastering new fields of physics; a record of creativity, physical insight, and breadth of understanding in applications of complex physical processes
  • Experience in using advanced computational facilities for applied physics analysis
  • Demonstrated proficient verbal and written communication and presentation skills necessary to author technical and scientific reports, publications, invited papers, and to deliver scientific presentations
  • Experience working effectively independently and in a multidisciplinary, team-research environment
  • Demonstrated self-motivation and initiative in addressing challenging problems
  • Non-Ionizing Radiation Safety:Contributes to the management and continuous development of the non-ionizing radiation safety program. This program includes, but is not limited to Lasers, Radio Frequency, Electro Magnetic Fields, and MRI/NMR
  • Instrumentation Program:Maintains appropriate inventory of radiological instrumentation. Develops working knowledge of use of instruments and trains EH&S staff and others on use
  • Environmental Monitoring:Manages environmental monitoring program, including but not limited to sink disposals, environmental releases, and fume hood RAM use
  • Bioassay Program:Updates and manages program and associated equipment
  • Act as RSS liaison with IACUC/IRB:Responsible for interfacing with the IRB and IACUC offices for various ionizing and non-ionizing research involving humans or animals. Responsible for developing and maintaining animal care protocols involving radioactive material and/or lasers
  • Develop and Manage Radiological Respiratory Protection Program:Develop and manage a radiological respiratory protection program in accordance with 105 CMR for areas where the potential to generate airborne radioactivity may exist
  • Provide Cross-functional support to all Areas of Radiation Safety Services: Provide advice and/or assistance as needed for ionizing radiation safety programs
  • Advise the RSO on Regulations and Compliance Matters: Assist the RSO in establishing technical criteria to ensure safe and efficient operation of Radiation Safety Services to comply with University policies, governmental regulations, best management, and professional practices
  • Lead and/or Assist with Special Projects:Assist the Radiation Safety Officer with special projects and other duties in support of the University's Radiation Safety and Environmental Health & Safety Program
  • Develop working knowledge of whole EH&S Program: Understand the structure and function of all areas of EH&S. Maintain familiarity with, and participate in emergency cross training procedures

Engineering Physicist West Lafayette Physics & Astronomy Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Physics
  • Two years' experience with precision mechanical engineering projects including clean room practice and contamination control, customer mechanical fixturing (including vacuum fixturing), advanced fabrication processes (bump bonding, photo-lithography, 3D printing and rapid prototyping), as well as data acquisition solutions for complex devices
  • Good oral/written communication, programming, hand and machine tools, attention to detail, problem solver
  • Lamination techniques of carbon fibers
  • Contact and non-contact metrology, vacuum systems and CAD design
  • Ability to manage multiple projects at once and supervise staff
  • Detailed knowledge of the data acquisition of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) silicon pixel detector
  • Good knowledge of CMS software

Junior Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work under direct supervision of senior physicists
  • Shares responsibility for the design optimization, technical evaluation, and precise and accurate delivery of radiation treatment plans
  • Responsible for the safety of patients and staff
  • May participate in clinical, research and educational duties
  • Support activities that involve veterinary and human medical imaging
  • Support veterinary staff as needed for subject setup before, during and after imaging
  • Comply with the NIH Division of Occupational Health and Safety requirement for satisfactory completion of the Biosurety program and Select Agent program
  • Play a role in ensuring that the biosurety program promotes a security conscious culture
  • Comply with the physical security, protection of property, protection of information, cyber security, agent Comply with the physical security, protection of the division’s property, protection of information, cyber security, agent protection, control and accountability, safe disposal and waste handling, and personal security guidelines set forth by the division’s Biosurety program
  • Ability to obtain/maintain DoJ Security Risk Assessment (SRA) approval
  • Willingness to work under BSL-3 - BSL-4 conditions. Able to wear respiratory protection
  • Imaging expertise to provide imaging services on animal models in the BSL-4 environment
  • Experience with viral Select Agents is highly desired
  • Proficiency in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • Demonstrate ability to ability to work independently, design experiments, and analyze data

Physicist Senior Prin Resume Examples & Samples

  • Model, analyze, and test EOIR systems and components for a variety of military/commercial applications
  • Develop and demonstrate advanced algorithms, measurement techniques, and systems prototypes
  • Lead small interdisciplinary teams to meet program technical and schedule goals
  • Develop external proposals for novel technologies, algorithms, or systems
  • Demonstrated history of proposals, project capture, and customer interaction
  • Expertise in at least one optical application including Infrared Countermeasures, Passive detection and tracking, LIDAR, coherent LIDAR, atmospheric modeling
  • Expertise in software, firmware, electrical or mechanical hardware
  • Execute and analyze EOIR laboratory and field experiments
  • Develop advanced algorithms, measurement techniques, and systems
  • Develop solutions to related challenges of unusual complexity which require a high degree of ingenuity, creativity, and innovativeness
  • BS in EE, Physics, Optics, Electro-optics or equivalent with 2 years of work experience ; or MS in EE, Physics, Optics, Electro-Optics or equivalent
  • US Citizen and Eligible for Secret clearance
  • Working knowledge of electro-optical physics including lasers, geometric optics, wave phenomenology, and circuits
  • Proficiency in at least one modeling and simulation language (MATLAB, Mathmatica, Python, C/++, etc.)
  • Working knowledge of at least one optical application including; Infrared Countermeasures, passive sensing, LIDAR systems, image processing, automatic detection,
  • Strong software / firmware / electrical or mechanical hardware background
  • Active Secret Clearance

Dosimetrist / Radiotherapy Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provides radiation physics support related to graphical planing and dose calculation for Radiation Oncology patients campus-wide. Obtains, interprets, and uses patient-specific information necessary for treatment planning including the physician’s prescription indicating the part of body to be treated and the dose to be delivered. Consults with radiation oncologists and therapists as needed throughout planning process
  • Radiation Therapy Simulation and Treatment Delivery: Advises and interprets pertinent information obtained during simulation. At treatment delivery, ensures correct implementation of radiation treatment plans
  • Performs all appropriate duties relating to initial and weekly chart checks completely and accurately, according to departmental policy and procedures. Participates in quality assurance procedures, including review of dose calculations, documentation and patient records consistent with established guidelines
  • Teaches and demonstrates principles of treatment planning, treatment planning systems and departmental policies and procedures to junior staff, post-doctoral fellows and others as directed
  • Prepares and gives talks/lectures/case presentations and participates in departmental staff meetings and in-service training sessions
  • Attends professional association/society workshops and lectures to further develop professional skills. Attends departmental staff meetings and in-service training as directed. Assists senior radiotherapy physicists in the testing of new procedures and treatment techniques. This may include seeking out learning experiences that stretch and build capabilities by requesting new assignments (i.e., testing computer software, and evaluating new commercial products)
  • Treats those individuals (e.g., patient/family, client, Center employee) who depend on the quality, accuracy and timeliness of the work as unique individuals in a respectful, courteous manner, and focuses on understanding and meeting their needs
  • Dosimetrist: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent (physics or physical science preferred)
  • Radiotherapy Physicist: Master’s degree (medical physics)
  • A minimum of 1.5 years of experience as a dosimetrist or physicist is preferred
  • The ability to problem solve and resolve clinical or machine related issues, as well as perform mathematical calculations and strong understanding of the principles of physics is required. A knowledge of computers and the ability to calibrate physical standards for radiation dosimetry is essential
  • Candidates may substitute a Doctorate in health physics, nuclear physics, radiation management or related field of radiological health from an accredited college or university for the required experience
  • Candidates may substitute a Master’s degree in radiation safety, radiological health, health physics or a related radiation control field from an accredited college or university for the required two years of experience
  • Candidates may substitute a Master’s degree in a mathematical, biological or physical science for one year of the required experience
  • Candidates may substitute a Bachelor’s degree in radiation safety; radiological health, health physics or a related radiation control field for one year of the required experience
  • Candidates may substitute U.S. Armed Forces military service experience as a commissioned officer in Health and Medical Physicist classifications or Health and Medical Physicist specialty codes in the Physicist field of work on a year-for-year basis for the required experience and education
  • Strong computer skills with a proficiency in the use of various computer software applications
  • Experience generating database reports
  • Science degree
  • Strong analytical and process improvement skills
  • Familiar with testing methods and scientific instrumentation procedures
  • Willingness to work as a team and communicate with remote staff

Supervisory Health Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Survey Hospital Areas: Supervises and performs radiation monitoring and surveys a variety of laboratories and waste storage areas where radioactive materials may be utilized or stored
  • Personnel Monitoring: includes administering the Personnel Dosimeter Program and arranges for processing of personnel monitoring devices; evaluates personnel exposure data and reports;prepares reports detailing personnel monitoring; investigates cases of excessive exposure to determine the cause and initiates corrective action
  • Radiation Safety Instrument Calibration and Maintenance: Maintains and arranges calibration of radiation survey meters; supervises and performs quality control dose calibrators
  • Waste Disposal: Arranges for collection, packaging, inventory and ultimate disposal of radioactive waste determines what may be decayed, incinerated, disposed by sewer or dump site for hazardous materials; ensures radioactive materials shipped for disposal are secure and appropriately marked
  • Receives and processes all radioactive materials accordingly
  • Conducts surveys and handling of patients receiving treatment with unsealed/sealed radioactive sources
  • Serves as advisor on protocols, precautions and implementation of new procedures to medical center staff utilizing radioactive materials
  • Conducts radiation safety orientation lectures, demonstrations, and training
  • Conducts periodic audits of the Radiation Safety program and reports findings
  • Maintains records for all phases of the Radiation Safety Program in accordance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, National Health Physics Program and Joint Commission requirements
  • Keeps up-to-date of new requirements and regulations, ensuring compliance at the medical center
  • Highly qualified - applicants possessing experience that exceeds the minimum qualifications of the position including all selective factors, and who are proficient in most of the requirements of the job
  • Well qualified - applicants possessing experience that meets the minimum qualifications of the position including all selective factors, and who are proficient in some, but not all, of the requirements of the job; and
  • Master's Degree (M.A. or M.S.) in physics, or a closely related discipline
  • 12 or more years of experience
  • 10 or more of those years providing direct or consultant scientific support to major programs or system development efforts
  • Project and program management experience, with demonstrated increasing levels of responsibility
  • Evidence of strategic scientific guidance, such as technology roadmaps, feasibility analysis, and market research regarding the boundaries of state-of-art technology
  • Microsoft Office (especially PowerPoint, Excel, and Project) required
  • Strong technical writing skills, targeting both technical and non-technical audiences
  • Current SECRET clearance
  • Eligibility to obtain DHS access and Suitability
  • Experience supporting DoD and/or DHS components (e.g. TSA, CBP, FPS, NPPD, DNDO, USCG, ICE) either operationally or through project management
  • Ph.D. in physics, or a closely related discipline
  • Knowledge of optical (e.g. laser-based) sources, detectors, and systems for national security applications
  • Knowledge of high-energy (e.g. X-ray, etc.) sources, detectors, and systems for national security applications
  • Current TOP SECRET clearance, especially with SCI access
  • Current DHS access and Suitability
  • DAWIA certification (especially Engineering, Test and Evaluation, and/or Science/Technology Manager)
  • Prior experience supporting DHS is especially desirable

Quantum Research Physicist, Senior Resume Examples & Samples

  • 5+ years of experience with quantum information research
  • Experience with quantum computing research
  • Experience with providing scientific, engineering, and technical assistance (SETA) support to a government program manager
  • PhD degree required
  • Experience with Post-doctorate work preferred
  • Experience with trapped–ion and superconducting experiments preferred
  • Experience with quantum information theory preferred
  • Ability to communicate effectively and efficiently in a dynamic, interdisciplinary environment
  • Ability to write and speak concisely and persuasively
  • Ability to convey technical and scientific issues to people with varying levels of expertise accurately
  • PhD degree in Physics or an engineering or science field
  • PhD in nuclear or particle physics, or a closely related field, or an equivalent combination of education and related experience
  • Significant experience as an innovative experimentalist in the field of experimental direct dark matter search, with specific experience in dual-phase xenon and argon based detectors
  • Significant experience designing experiments to detect and characterize low energy interactions in noble liquids
  • Record of publications in major journals on topics related to direct dark matter experimental search and related technologies
  • Ability to develop independent research projects as demonstrated through publication of peer-reviewed literature
  • Advanced verbal and written communication skills to collaborate effectively in a team environment and present and explain technical information
  • Initiative and interpersonal skills necessary to work in a collaborative, multidisciplinary team environment
  • Ability to lead teams of early career researchers
  • Experience performing analysis using ROOT and GEANT
  • Experience with complex data analysis
  • Experience with data acquisition, including hardware operations and DAQ programming
  • Possess or are in the last year of pursuing a Bachelor's degree in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) discipline from an accredited university
  • Combined experience with core radiation safety areas: radiation physics, radiation biology, dosimetry and/or radiation detection and measurement
  • Possess or in the last year of pursuing a Bachelor’s degree or higher in Health Physics, STEM or related discipline from an accredited university
  • Minimum of two (2) years of experience in health physics related work (Military, Public Utility or Government included)
  • Experience in computer programming, database design and/or SAP Business Objects
  • Experience working on a cross-functional team
  • Excellent communications skills (oral, written and presentation)
  • Conducting cryogenic experiments on advanced superconducting quantum annealing circuits and test beds
  • Collecting and analyzing data
  • Debugging of experiments
  • Developing novel measurement methods and software
  • Coordinating test schedules and strategies
  • Collaborating with Northrop Grumman designers and device theorists, university partners, and government-furnished foundry staff
  • Traveling to Northrop Grumman sites, program meetings, and conferences
  • Publishing novel experimental results
  • Must have a Ph.D. in Physics, Electrical Engineering, or a closely related technical discipline (or will complete by December 2017)
  • US citizenship
  • Track record of high quality research
  • Experience in laboratory measurements and analyzing experimental data
  • Must have a Ph.D. in Physics, Electrical Engineering, or a closely related technical discipline plus at least 4 years of relevant experience
  • Experience in leading technical teams, laboratory measurements and analyzing experimental data
  • Ability to obtain and maintain a Secret security clearance
  • Familiarity with quantum computing and quantum annealing
  • Familiarity with cryogenic experiments
  • Performs required calibrations on radiation therapy equipment. Recommends and justifies new equipment and products for the Radiation Therapy department
  • Develops and coordinates special procedures such as brachytherapy, stereotactic radiosurgery, total body irradiation, SBRT, IGRT, IMRT, dynamic therapy, theraspheres, etc
  • Assures department operations are in compliance with JCAHO, NRC, State Department or health, ACR and any other applicable regulatory and accrediting agency
  • Oversees the work of the physicists, dosimetrists and other physics staff at multiple radiation oncology sites
  • Serves as or works with Radiation Safety Officer. Reviews radiation protection in room alterations and design. Performs safety surveys of all radiation facilities
  • 7 years of work experience as a radiation therapy physicist. Experience in performing research and patient treatment protocols. 3 years of supervisory experience

Health Physicist / Rad Waste Shipper Resume Examples & Samples

  • As radioactive waste shipping expert, develop processes and procedures associated with the radioactive waste program, generate required documentation, and manage waste inventories and shipment schedules
  • Administer waste management software (Radman and Ramship) for characterization and shipping of radioactive waste
  • Monitor, analyze, and trend data and prepare reports for assigned work and systems
  • Obtain, retain, and expand knowledge necessary to execute job duties in assigned area of work for procedures, plant systems, technical specifications, and applicable agency regulations
  • Advise department management on technical matters, to including provide guidance and training on technical issues and challenges within an assigned area of work or system
  • Act as technical resource within Fleet peer group to drive performance improvement
  • Prepare, revise, and process radiation protection-related procedures
  • Oversee radiological source control to ensure radioactive sources are properly stored and controlled in accordance with regulations and plant procedures
  • Coordinate department training, qualifications, and performance evaluations, and serve on department training committees
  • Conduct observations of technician training and conducts on-the-job training and task-performance evaluations of trainees
  • Identify department gaps and performance improvement opportunities, and provide feedback to Radiation Protection and Training management
  • Administer department corrective action program
  • Serve as department budget coordinator and/or purchasing representative
  • Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant near Dothan, Ala
  • Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant near Baxley, Ga
  • Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant near Waynesboro, Ga
  • Design, development, testing, calibration, build and commissioning work as required by project and product support workloads
  • Technical support to marketing, sales, production and customers
  • Management of and involvement in specific projects
  • Coordination of personal, project and product support workloads
  • Production and maintenance of comprehensive design and project documentation
  • Development and maintenance of knowledge of relevant physics and technology
  • Compliance with project and corporate administrative requirements
  • Site and customer visits
  • Willingness to engage in a mentoring relationship
  • Demonstrated ability to combine analytical modeling, numerical methods, and computer simulations to understand physical phenomena
  • Experience developing simulation tools and applying them to understand the behavior of physical systems
  • Experience working as part of an interdisciplinary team involving experimental, theoretical, and computational scientists
  • Experience teaching and/or mentoring students in research projects
  • Work to strict procedural controls and formal standards
  • Have excellent numeracy, verbal communications and report writing skills
  • Good working knowledge of office software packages
  • Be able to work flexibly (some technician roles may require shift working)
  • Ideally you will have Nuclear Licensed Site experience and a background in operational health physics or a good scientific background
  • Experience with analog and digital electronic troubleshooting and repair at the component level
  • Ability to develop and test the performance of newly developed radiation detection instrumentation
  • Demonstrated ability to develop, modify, and implement/ follow technical procedures
  • Experience in using the Los Alamos Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) radiation transport code
  • Extensive experience in low-energy or accelerator physics with broad general scientific knowledge
  • Considerable experience in the design, construction, execution and analysis of complex systems/experiments
  • The ability to identify operational issues and future directions to pursue
  • Excellent communication skills, both informally with colleagues, users and in formal presentations and writing
  • Provides radiation oncology physics services and coverage at all practice sites as needed, including HDR and LDR brachytherapy procedures
  • Manages the radiation oncology physics program, including the technical direction of physicists and medical dosimetrists, staff scheduling, review of billing for accuracy and procurement of supplies
  • Implements radiation safety training and personnel radiation monitoring programs throughout the state
  • Develops radiation safety and monitoring policies, procedures and training manuals
  • Participates in routine radiation training of staff
  • Oversees registration of all ionizing radiation equipment and radioactive material licenses for practices within the state
  • Ensures adherence to all regulatory requirements
  • Ensures proper maintenance of radiation treatment equipment
  • Implements physics and radiation quality management programs and the review and approval of procedures followed by radiation therapy staff
  • Provides recommendations for the specification, selection, and acceptance of radiation-producing machines, accessories, and computerized treatment-planning system
  • Participates in chart rounds to ensure appropriate clinical care of patient as it relates to physics and radiation services
  • Oversees the technical direction of radiation oncology physics, dosimetry and brachytherapy staff within the state
  • Hands-on R&D in new concepts for HV AC and DC gas circuit breakers and gaseous insulation
  • Design, plan and perform laboratory experiments
  • Use commercial multi-physics software to model your test set-ups and analyze the experimental data
  • Disseminate your findings with the goal of assisting the development of new products
  • Participate in, plan and lead R&D projects in collaboration with scientists and engineers from ABB units and universities
  • Develop novel algorithms and execute testing to assess image quality and performance
  • Elicit high quality system requirements from clinical, service, manufacturing, marketing, and other users/stakeholders
  • Elaborate and decompose user and system level requirements into detailed and complete specifications
  • Drive the definition, specification, technical risk management, integration, test strategy, and validation of a product feature in close cooperation with the project team
  • Provide critical technical guidance to associates and upper management
  • Review and assess maturing technologies for incorporation into products
  • Develop and maintain system technical performance specifications
  • Generate clear and thorough written reports documenting technical performance of system
  • Investigate and resolve customer issues related to system image quality or performance
  • Maintain ultimate ownership for the realization of new system functionality over the course of a development project
  • Identify, quantify, and drive the mitigation of technical risks to our projects and products
  • Champion both the extrinsic quality (proven by functional verification) and the intrinsic quality (proven by clinical validation) of our products
  • Productize cutting-edge technologies to deliver breakthrough medical care to our customers and patients
  • Ensure seamless integration of complex hardware and software subsystems that are designed and manufactured at multiple locations across the globe
  • Develops team members through mentoring and coaching in complex subjects
  • B.E. / B.Tech / MS / M. Tech/ MSc ( medical imaging) / PhD (nuclear physics)
  • Extensive (8+ years) experience in the medical imaging field
  • Deep understanding of clinical diagnostic imaging use cases and workflows
  • Demonstrates and applies comprehensive knowledge of medical imaging to the successful completion of complex assignments
  • Demonstrates advanced knowledge performance testing of medical systems
  • Understands current development status of key technologies for medical imaging as pertain to clinical scanners
  • Strong interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills to convey ideas and concepts to a wide range of international audiences (USA, Germany, China & India) including the clinical community, product management and other engineers
  • Positive attitude with demonstrated experience working on large cross functional teams with the ability to also work autonomously
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, deadline-oriented environment
  • Experience of both clinical and industry environments a strong plus
  • Demonstrates the ability to manage change in rapidly evolving situations
  • Exhibits skills needed to bridge gaps between technical and non-technical stakeholders
  • Experience with developing and executing system level verification tests
  • Solid understanding of medical physics as it relates to system performance
  • Experience with 510K medical devices or other highly regulated environments
  • Agile/Scrum development experience preferred
  • Customer Oriented
  • Innovative Oriented
  • Good communication skill
  • Good Analytical and Problem solving skills
  • Proactive, Self-motivated, Result oriented, Good Oral and written communication
  • Assist with the treatment planning with externally delivered radiation as well as use of internally implanted radioactive sources
  • Assists with calibration and maintains the radiation sources, therapy units and other relevant major equipment to sustain efficient and accurate operation. Programs computer operations, develops beam data for computer input and maintains software and hardware for treatment planning
  • Assists with development of specialized treatment aids and supervises technologists in the development and fabrication of such aids. Develops patient treatment plans and supervises technologist and dosimetrist in development of such plans
  • Assists with maintenance schedules, component replacement and necessary modifications and calibration of continued safe operation with service engineers
  • Assist with proper records and correspondence pertaining to quality control and quality assurance, calibration, radiation safety and compliance with state and Federal regulations and standards of accrediting bodies
  • Assist with quality assurance of patient charts weekly for adequate and accurate documentation and dosage
  • Assists engineering in regards to inventory and policy and procedures for inventory control
  • Assists with planning and participates in supporting programs to ensure effective and safe use of radiation and radionucllides in human beings by physician specialists
  • Teaches principles of physics to staff and technologists by mean of problem solving and in-services
  • Cooperates in compliance with OSHA regulations relating to hazardous materials and blood-born pathogens
  • Keeps abreast of new scientific methods and developments
  • Master’s Degree in Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology and Board Certified
  • Ability to read, analyze and interpret the most complex documents. Ability to respond effectively to the most sensitive inquiries or complaints. Ability to write speeches and articles using original or innovative techniques or styles. Ability to make effective and persuasive speeches and presentations on controversial or complex topics to top management, public groups and/or boards of directors
  • Ability to comprehend and apply principles of advanced calculus, modern algebra and statistical theory. Ability to work with concepts such as limits, rings, quadratic and differential equations and proof of theorems
  • Ability to apply principles of logical or scientific thinking to a wide range of intellectual and practical problems. Ability to deal with nonverbal symbolism (formulas, scientific equations, graphs, musical notes, etc.) in its most difficult phases. Ability to deal with a variety of abstracts and concrete variables
  • Ensures compliance with all appropriate regulatory agencies and handles the administration of personnel radiation monitoring programs
  • Develops and maintains a quality assurance program for all treatment machines and planning systems
  • Supports all physics aspects of patient treatment including consultation with radiation oncologists, calculation of radiation doses, design and fabrication of treatment aids and assurance of the accuracy of all treatment parameters
  • Provides support and oversight for dosimetrists
  • Performs treatment planning evaluation, dose calculation verification and phantom measurements
  • Performs radiation treatment planning, radiation dose calculation for IMRT, brachytherapy
  • Other Duties as assigned
  • Master's Level Degree
  • Provides leadership to the physics section and oversees all clinical medical physics services that are provided at Stamford Hospital
  • Designs, implements and oversees a technical quality assurance program in Radiation Oncology, in compliance with state and federal requirements. Assures that these programs are in general agreement with the recommendations of appropriate bodies (e.g. ACR, AAPM)
  • Develops and/or assists with all necessary physics duties including machine QA, calibrations, chart checks, radioactive implants and SRS, HDR and LDR treatment planning
  • Performs shielding calculations and provides shielding designs for new or modified installations of diagnostic or therapeutic radiation producing equipment
  • Supervises physicists and dosimetrists, providing performance evaluations and training on new technology
  • Ensures all radiation oncology equipment is calibrated per regulatory requirements
  • Oversees quality assurance procedures
  • Participates in evaluation and budgeting of new technology as well as annual operational and capital departmental budgets
  • Coordinates and evaluates the selection of new equipment in Radiation Oncology . Also provides, with the manufacturer’s assistance, acceptance testing of the new equipment upon installation
  • Performs calculations of specific patient doses as necessary in Radiation Therapy, CyberKnife,
  • Works collaboratively with the the Lead Radiation Therapist(s) to assist other members of the Radiation Therapy and CyberKnife teams as necessary to meet patient needs and assure high quality of service
  • Reviews Radiation Oncology, programs, making recommendations to Medical and Service Line Directors that would expand or improve the quality of care. Assists Medical and Service Line Director in the development and implementation of new procedures or programs to also improve quality of care
  • If Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
  • Quarterly reviews of nuclear medicine quality assurance documents
  • Meets state of Connecticut and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) qualifications required of a medical physicist. Must meet the NRC regulations outlined for radiation safety officer
  • Annual oversight of all radiation safety in-service programs for radiation and non-radiation workers in all departments
  • Ensures the radiation safety of patients, staff and physicians as well as ensure the hospital's compliance with state and federal regulations
  • Oversees equipment surveys including ACR Accreditation testing of Nuclear Medicine cameras, MRI, CT, and mammography units are completed according to state and federal regulations
  • Completes and submits annual state compliance paperwork within required timeline
  • Oversees monthly badge review and compliance
  • Performs annual ALARA review
  • Participation in Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) meetings
  • Acts as primary resource for ensuring the safe use of radiation throughout the hospital system
  • Designs and implements a Radiation safety program for students and radiology staff as required by state and federal mandates
  • If not RSO:In conjunction with Radiation Safety officer drafts radioactive material license application, renewals and amendments. Also drafts responses and other communications on radiation safety to all regulatory agencies. Oversees the monitoring of staff and patients for radiation exposure and reports and investigates unusual exposure as necessary. Continually reviews the Radiation Safety program to insure compliance with regulatory agencies, and the ALARA philosophy, making recommendations to Administration and the Radiation Safety committee as needed
  • Minimum requirements Master’s Degree in medical physics or related field and board certification in Therapeutic Radiological Physics or Radiological physics by the American Board of Radiology, American Board of Medical Physics, or the Canadian College of Physicist in Medicine
  • Board certification in Diagnostic Radiology physics and Nuclear Medicine physics preferred
  • Minimum 10 years experience in all aspects of clinical radiation physics required, including federal, state and JCAHO requirements

Engineering / Physicist Accelerator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Produces assembly and detail drawings of component parts in order to document designs and design changes
  • Assists in the design, implementation and use of physics based hardware, software and software applications in order to provide support to Cyclotron users
  • Participates in data analysis and calculations and prepares data summaries in order to assist researchers
  • Trains support staff and students in operational and maintenance procedures and assists in general maintenance activities
  • Participates in the fabrication and/or assembly of accelerators and related equipment
  • Assists in scheduling equipment usage and in maintaining inventory levels
  • Assists researchers in setting up and performing experiments
  • Coordinates the publication and distribution of the laboratory newsletter and annual report contributions, including editing scientific reports, articles and other documents
  • Serves as the science liaison with the public in order to provide information on the Cyclotron Laboratory and its operations
  • Assists project leader in reviewing design layouts, budgets, project documentation, construction, testing, modification of hardware and software and/or the installation of sub-systems
  • Develops cyclotron beams and operates and instructs staff in the operation of accelerators and/or related auxiliary equipment
  • Fabricates, assembles, disassembles and repairs accelerator and experimental equipment components in order to assist researchers
  • Serves as a project leader and provides expertise to experimental users and support staff in the fabrication and assembly of sophisticated research equipment, systems and subsystems
  • Assists in locating potential vendors and requisitioning parts, components and systems
  • Trains support staff and students in operational procedures and assists in performance evaluations
  • Solves operational problems with the cyclotron, auxiliary equipment and experimental apparatus and responds to and resolves emergency situations
  • Schedules the use of equipment
  • Schedules and coordinates resources, monitors budgets and coordinates the documentation for design and/or construction projects related to cyclotron upgrading
  • Designs, fabricates and assembles complex accelerator and experimental equipment and systems and assists in solving technical design problems
  • Trains support staff in complex operational procedures and performs staff evaluations
  • Operates and instructs staff in the operation of accelerators and related auxiliary equipment used to support research and teaching
  • Performs calculations and analysis of complex data in order to assist researchers
  • Maintains systems integration and defines module specifications
  • Assists in locating potential vendors and requisitioning major systems
  • Conducts surveys and inspections of research laboratories in order to ensure radiation usage compliance with State and Federal rules, regulations and guidelines
  • Conducts and administers monitoring programs and performs tests and calibrations of radiation detection equipment in order to maintain compliance with regulations
  • Trains radiation workers in the theory and safe use of radioactive material, regulatory and license requirements, correct waste handling procedures and University policy
  • Interviews faculty and inspects laboratories applying to use radioisotopes in order to recommend conditions for approval to the Radiation Safety Officer and the Radioisotope Approval Committee
  • Supervises and/or oversees safety assistants in radiation related duties
  • Identifies chronic radiation problems in research laboratories in order to establish and enforce corrective actions
  • Serves as a public relations and informational resources related to radiation use, handling and routing of waste for campus users
  • Assists in developing and revising programs and procedures
  • Assesses radiation emergencies and coordinates the clean-up and subsequent prevention and enforcement activities
  • Develops, maintains and audits quality assurance and license documentation related to MSU radiation safety programs
  • Develops and implements radiation safety programs in order to ensure regulatory compliance specific to the safe storage, use, transport and disposal of University radioactive materials
  • Coordinates and administers radiation monitoring equipment and maintenance programs and performs tests and calibrations to ensure proper functioning and maintain regulatory compliance
  • Develops, presents and oversees training of University radiation workers in compliance with established regulations
  • Serves as an on-call technical advisor and resource in the event of a radiation incident
  • Conducts audits and investigations of University facilities to ensure that proper use, storage and disposal procedures are in place for radioactive materials
  • Provides guidance to University departments and support operations relative to radiation safety
  • Determines radioactivity levels and performs dose assessments in order to evaluate potential radiation risk
  • Performs other hazardous waste and radiation safety management duties as assigned
  • Determines the need for, specifies, and accesses dosimetric and treatment planning equipment including, but not limited to, measurement instruments to calibrate all treatment equipment and monitoring devices, computerized treatment planning systems, computerized water phantom systems with appropriate ionization chambers and diodes, film densitometry systems, etc
  • Participates in the specification, selection, and acceptance of radiation-producing machines, accessories, and computerized treatment-planning system. Supervises arrangements for proper maintenance of radiation treatment equipment
  • Periodically evaluates all equipment for continued utility, appropriateness, reliable performance, age and condition and makes recommendations on practical life span, obsolescence and replacement. Maintains responsibility for the design and implementation of the aspects of the quality management program that involve the use of the external beam radiotherapy equipment as well as the review and approval of the procedures followed by the radiation therapy staff
  • Advises and consults with physicians to provide advice or direction to technical staff when patients are being planned or treated
  • Develops protocols for performing and checking monitor units calculations to ensure all calculations agree with written prescription. Participates in chart rounds to ensure the fulfillment of the prescription and review any changes in dose and patient set-up
  • Oversees and is responsible for maintaining all required documentation relating to radiation treatment plans and equipment. Participates in the clinical instruction of newly hired radiation staff and radiation therapy students. Responsible for implementation and performance of all quality assurance and all physics related and patient treatment plans for site brachytherapy programs
  • Assumes leadership role in geographic areas of responsibility for new technology development at the site levels. Participates in peer leadership roles, including, but not limited to one or more of the following: Corporate sub-committees, Junior Physicist mentorship, publications or presentations, AAPM Chapter activates
  • Participates in management of Medical Physicist staff in geographic area of responsibility. May be expected to provide support at other US Oncology practices
  • Direct the radiation oncology physics program, including the technical direction of medical dosimetrists, therapy equipment service engineers and other physics support staff
  • Monitors on‑the‑job‑training (OJT) performance and Radiological Protection Department training needs
  • Maintains Training Qualification Checklist and OJT documents
  • Develops and distributes RP related training material
  • Establishes and maintains a list of approved Radiological Protection Department OJT Trainers/Evaluators
  • Serves on the Radiological Protection Training Committee(s)
  • Coordinates and schedules evaluations and training
  • Performs evaluations and training
  • Identifies areas of RP group deficiencies and provides feedback to Training and RP management
  • Radiological Protection procurement primary
  • Acts as Radiological Protection alternate Service Administrator
  • Develops/upgrades RP related procedures to ensure appropriateness, accuracy and applicability to RP support functions
  • Planning, organizing and managing work to meet project schedules and changing priorities
  • Monitors, analyzes, trends and prepares reports for assigned areas of work or systems
  • Prepares, revises and processes department procedures as specified by RP Supervision
  • Provides guidance and training on technical issues and challenges within an assigned area of work or system
  • Obtains, expands, retains and maintains knowledge in assigned area of work for procedures, plant systems, tech specs and applicable agency regulations necessary to execute job duties
  • Perform assigned outage duties during outages
  • Performs Outage Planning activities as deemed necessary
  • Provides radiological sources control oversight to ensure radioactive sources are properly stored and controlled in accordance with regulations and plant procedures
  • Administers the duties of Budget Coordinator for the RP department
  • Radiological protection related work experience is required, preferred minimum of 5 years
  • Experience in applied radiation protection in a nuclear facility, preferred minimum of 3 years
  • Strong financial/business background preferred
  • Detailed knowledge of plant procedures and regulations
  • Detailed knowledge of plant systems and processes
  • Working knowledge of computer software programs supporting assigned work area (HIS-20, Windows Access Control, RadIS, View Point)
  • Working knowledge of Corrective Action Program
  • Working knowledge of budgets and staffing
  • Technical aptitude for Central Monitoring Station oversight and Radiological Protection instrumentation support
  • Approximately 15% of the time
  • Demonstrated experience as a technical authority in a government agency or other large organization's radiation protection program
  • Developing or implementing radiation policies or guidelines
  • Providing subject matter expertise for radiation program activities
  • Analyzing proposed standards and legislation to determine their effect on an organization, and representing an organization’s interests
  • A thorough working knowledge of radiation protection laws and legislation (e.g., Atomic Energy Act, Nuclear Waste Policy Act, Low Level Waste Policy Amendments Act, Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act, Energy Reorganization Act and Price Anderson Act), and other federal guidance on radiation protection
  • Mastery of radiation protection principles, philosophy, concepts, and practices, as well as in-depth knowledge of the evaluation of radiation protection standards, to serve as a Health Physicist who provides advice and assistance to management
  • Knowledge of national and international radiation protection standard setting organizations, and the policies, standards and activities of other Federal and state agencies. Ability to establish effective interactions with specialists and officials in the organizations to promote Departmental views and monitor progress of the work
  • Demonstrated experience in addressing technical and regulatory aspects of radioactive waste management, radioactive waste disposal site performance assessment, and property radiological control and release issues
  • Knowledge and ability to provide advice and consultation on the development and formulation of environmental policy positions, guidance, strategies and directives for management
  • Knowledge of and skill in oral and writing principles and practices to cogently and effectively communicate arguments and statements of position with professional and management personnel both in and out of DOE
  • Providing subject matter expertise for radiation program activities; and
  • Analyzing proposed standards and legislation to determine their effect on an organization, and representing an organization's interests
  • A thorough working knowledge of laws and legislation (e.g., Atomic Energy Act, Nuclear Waste Policy Act, Low Level Waste Policy Amendments Act, Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act, Energy Reorganization Act and Price Anderson Act), and other federal guidance on radiation protection
  • Mastery of radiation protection principles, philosophy, concepts and practices, as well as in-depth knowledge of the evaluation of radiation protection standards, to serve as a Health Physicist who provides advice and assistance to management
  • Knowledge of national and international radiation protection standard-setting organizations, and the policies, standards and activities of other Federal and state agencies. Ability to establish effective interactions with specialists and officials in the organizations to promote Departmental views and monitor progress of the work

NDT Physicist / Phased Array Scientist Resume Examples & Samples

  • PhD degree in Physic, Engineering, NDT Science, Material Science, or Medical Ultrasonics with a minimum 3 years or an MS degree with a minimum 10 years of ultrasonic phased array experience
  • Extensive knowledge and experience in ultrasonic phased array technologies, either in the NDT field or in the medical field
  • Hands-on experience of ultrasonic phased array is required. Experience on the entire development cycle of a phased array system, from concept to prototype, to the successful introduction of a final product
  • Candidate must have the ability to develop new and innovated technologies, have a good understanding of the latest development on phased array technology, including its principles and practical implementations
  • Good working knowledge of programming, data acquisition and analysis, signal processing, electronics, ultrasonic transducers and instrumentations is required
  • Strong communication skills and ability to work both individually and in a team

Intermediate Health Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Relevant honours degree in science, engineering or health physics with a minimum of 2 years (for PG2) of practical experience in health physics or related disciplines, or 1 year working in health physics at a CANDU nuclear power plant
  • Experience in radioactive work in the reactor vault, is preferred
  • Knowledge of regulations and guidelines of radiological protection standards
  • Knowledge and understanding of RP philosophies, procedures, equipment and techniques used both in theory and practice
  • Sound knowledge of radiological safety systems and methodology
  • Working knowledge of project management practices, work processes and technology, as well as radiation safety management standards
  • Good knowledge of radiological inspection and auditing principles
  • Proficient in Microsoft computer software with knowledge and use of databases
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills with ability to build and foster effective working relationships
  • A team player with strong commitment to maintain training principles and objectives
  • Strong passion for achieving safety and quality. And sustained enthusiasm for meeting and improving safety and performance
  • Ability to multi-task, prioritize and respond in a timely manner to changing demands and scheduling requirements with the ability to be involved in a range of activities, from routine to complex assignments, requiring initiative
  • Ability to be impartial and conducting training activities and using knowledge and skill for the enhancement of the training program
  • Ability to perform shift work or irregular work schedule, as necessary
  • Ability to perform terms assignments at other Candu locations or host facilities, domestic or abroad, as necessary
  • Must be designated as a Nuclear Energy Worker (NEW) or willing to be designated as a NEW

Building Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Join a team that seeks to set new standards in the built environment
  • Possess ambition on the Digital front and seek to lead its evolution in the built environment
  • Challenge orthodoxy
  • Seek in their own way to change the world
  • Whole Building Energy analysis
  • Analysis of passive building system solutions
  • Regulatory compliance assessments
  • Energy Performance Certification
  • Evaluation of airflow, thermal comfort and air quality
  • Data visualisation and analytics
  • Development of digitalisation initiatives (potentially coding)
  • Development of a building optimisation skills
  • Supporting the development of appropriate building energy strategies and sustainability strategies for buildings
  • Working closely with the architect and other team members in the development of the building form to align with passive design principles, the objectives of the energy and sustainability strategies and the needs of the building services
  • Managing the production of compliance reports
  • Liaising with the client and other external team members
  • Providing technical guidance and training to mechanical engineers
  • Participate in the Arup Mechanical Skills & Building Physics Network
  • Quality Assurance / checking others work
  • Develop and streamline existing software procedures
  • Degree qualified in Mechanical, Architectural or HVAC Engineering, ideally to Masters level
  • Looking to achieve Chartered Engineer status via an appropriate professional institution
  • An understanding of building HVAC, envelope, lighting and other related systems
  • Experience with building energy modelling software such as IES
  • Understanding of sustainable building design and in satisfying the regulatory and voluntary codes associated with sustainability and energy strategy
  • Knowledge of BREEAM, in particular the Energy and compliance credits associated with Energy
  • A good awareness of building design beyond own discipline
  • Demonstrable enthusiasm in driving a Digital agenda including automation via software such as Revit to deliver organisational value, as well as utilising visualisation tools to communicate engineering concepts
  • Ability to work with the highest calibre of both UK based and international Architects and understand architectural intent
  • An ability to work under pressure and meet strict deadlines is essential
  • Good planning and organisation skills
  • Excellent communications skills, written and verbal
  • Highly motivated and willing to take on new challenges
  • A good understanding of industry design software packages such as Revit
  • Experience (or desire) with scripting/programming, in particular Python
  • Ability to lodge EPC’s for commercial properties (or desire to work towards Low Carbon Energy Asessor (LCEA)/Low Carbon Consultant (LCC) status

Radiation Health Physicist X-ray Inspector Resume Examples & Samples

  • One (1) or more year as a Radiation Health Physicist 1
  • A Masters degree in Radiological Health, Radiation Safety, Health Physics, or a related field
  • Experience in the field of radiation science using professional experience and education to make judgment-based decisions that protect the public from sources of radioactivity and ensure compliance with applicable state and federal regulations and standards

Engineer Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work efficiently with peers and other teams to enable all competency goals
  • Responsible for supporting the development of Xerox designs, our partnered designs, etc, in the mechanical, xerographic, and inkjet areas or technologies
  • Mechanical aspects include internal design/analysis of xerographic hardware or working with/managing external design partners to design / instrument components / fixtures, and/or working with our purchasing department and outside vendors to source components and assemblies
  • Xerographic aspects will include employing data-mining techniques to support problem solving, the crafting/testing/validating of latitude windows, and critical process performance improvements
  • Inkjet aspects will include the crafting/testing/validating of latitude windows and critical process performance improvements with Aqueous and UV inks
  • Play a key role in futures activities in both xerographic and inkjet areas, especially iGen and Brenva family of products
  • Ensure effective and efficient integration into the higher level system
  • Develop techniques and methods to enable working with fast pace, multi-disciplinary teams
  • Promote intellectual property coverage, testing, and implementation
  • Contribute to a great place to work
  • Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Materials, Physics, or related field
  • 5+ years of experience in R&D, product development, or xerographic systems
  • Experience with DfLSS techniques (e.g. DOEs, scientific methods)
  • Experience working with cross functional teams (e.g. multiple disciplines)
  • Strong social, interpersonal, and teamwork skills highly recommended
  • Strong analytical, communication and presentation skills highly recommended
  • Green Belt DfLSS certification recommended
  • Master’s Degree or PhD in Medical Physics or Radiation Biology (minimum)
  • Doctorate Degree preferred
  • Three to five years’ clinical experience as a medical physicist required, preferably in Radiation Oncology
  • Board Certified by the American Board of Radiology or equivalent
  • Must be able to work in a stressful environment and take appropriate action
  • Ability to communicate effectively, both written and orally
  • Knowledge, skill and ability to independently conduct basic and applied research and development on ionosphere physics and space weather application
  • Knowledge of optical and laser technology in order to investigate the absorption of light and other radiation by solid and liquid particles and molecules in space
  • Advanced knowledge of and ability to apply theoretical and experimental investigations in areas of measurement sand modeling of particulate and molecular properties. In particular, performs modeling and data analysis of optical scattering and transmission in order to develop improved models of particulate and molecular effects on AF and DoD systems
  • Ability to conceptualize, manage and participate in complex space experiments to determine unknown properties of particulate and molecular behavior in space and to incorporate the results into models which can be used for further analysis and detection, reflection, and transmission problems
  • Knowledge of physics that underlies the fundamental process that occur in the atmosphere. Advanced knowledge of, and ability to apply, theoretical and experimental investigations in areas of ground airborne, and space borne spectral measurements and techniques. Ability to develop algorithms and models to understand the capability of space borne hyper spectral systems to detect targets and classify background types
  • Ability to devise, develop and write software to calibrate and analyze spectral experimental data. Must be capable of utilizing modern programming techniques and languages. Must be fluent in scientific writing and possess a thorough appreciation of the scientific method and able to convers with authorizes in field project own ideas and recommendations and defend his ideas to higher authority
  • Knowledge of Air Force and DoD concepts as they related to research and development
  • Knowledge, ability and skill in written and oral communication for technical reports, briefings, coordination and program management
  • Ability to measure atmospheric phenomena with appropriate scientific equipment and instrumentation
  • BS in Engineering or Science
  • Certified HP a plus
  • Strong communication, verbal and written
  • Good organization ability
  • Compatibility with other workers
  • Well-read in most sciences plus all environmental areas
  • Demonstrated ability to carry out independent original scientific work
  • Lead occupational radiation health protection programs and has the experience and ability to be the company Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
  • Evaluates, interprets and advises on the impact of emerging issues, regulations and legislation to company operations
  • Prepares position papers and provides input to internal organizations, industry and trade groups and government agencies
  • Evaluates and advises on existing or emergent risk management control technologies
  • Reviews and recommends overall corrective action plan to respond to internal/external audits and inspections
  • Exchanges technical information with policy experts to develop risk management approaches
  • Develops recommendations to resolve issues of conflicting technical approaches and overlapping regulatory requirements
  • Represents the company with government agencies and customers to influence regulatory compliance strategy
  • Maintains a close relationship with the Boeing Radiation Effects Laboratory leadership to ensure broad scope license safety requirements are fully implemented and sustained throughout operational testing activities
  • Resolves issues involved in unique investigations to provide leadership and clear direction on risk mitigation strategies
  • Develops tactical recommendations to resolve issues of conflicting technical approaches and overlapping regulatory requirements
  • Ensures security and access control of radiation sources and radiation generating equipment
  • Participates on the Company Radiation Safety Committee with EHS executives who provide oversight and support for Company Radiation Health Protection compliance
  • Confers, selects and implements state of the art process solutions with industry experts, regulators and process owners to develop competitive business advantage
  • Prepares company position papers and presents to company senior/executive management to facilitate risk management decisions
  • Exchanges technical information through recognized national forums with policy experts to develop risk management approaches to emergent issues
  • Recommends corrective action plans Leads the deployment of radiation health protection training programs
  • Works with internal stakeholders to develop strategies in support of complex legal actions. Represents the company as an expert witness
  • Serves in leadership roles on professional organizations to promote industry awareness of radiation health protection
  • Develops regulatory or legislative proposals for national forums to ensure the compatible integration of public policy objectives and company operational constraints
  • Develops license applications for federal and state licensing to ensure compliance
  • Experience as a Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) at a Type A broad scope license facility
  • 10 years experience with radiation safety or a Masters Degree in the physical, biological sciences or engineering or Certified Health Physicists credentials
  • Demonstrate thorough knowledge and use of large, multi-physics codes
  • Apply codes to solve problems of national security interest, exercising personal initiative to guide your own and others’ efforts
  • Contribute to one or more of the related tasks: leading experimental design and analysis, coordinate with model development efforts, project and/or program leadership, data evaluation, and code validation
  • Demonstrate leadership through teaming efforts
  • Continue to expand your technical knowledge
  • Develop/demonstrate generalist capabilities in solving problems
  • Work with a wide variety of colleagues with varying backgrounds across the laboratory on research covering multiple physics areas in order to solve difficult problems
  • Conduct advanced research and development in Z-pinch physics or compact sources
  • Design and conduct particle-in-cell simulations of fast Z-pinch plasmas and/or particle beams in the Large Scale Plasma (LSP) code and/or Hydra, and assist code developers with efforts to improve simulation performance
  • Advanced knowledge and significant experience in one or more of the following areas: plasma physics, compact sources, and pulsed power
  • Experience working with pulsed power technologies including spark gaps, thyratrons, ignitrons, and solid-state switches, capacitor banks and Marx generators, magnetic pulse compression, and pulse forming lines
  • PhD in physics, mathematics, engineering, or related field or the equivalent combination of education and related experience
  • Experience developing, implementing and evaluating algorithms and methods for their fitness for a particular task, as well as developing and implementing new numerical algorithms
  • Experience working independently and in a multi-disciplinary team-research environment, demonstrating self-motivation and initiative in addressing challenging problems

WCI ICF Physicist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Plan, analyze and interpret NIF laser experiments in support of the effort to achieve ignition on NIF principally with large computer codes, but also with analytic modeling
  • Perform computational and theoretical analyses that extrapolate our current understanding of ignition related physics to NIF and beyond
  • Successfully work as part of an interdisciplinary team on ICF project activities
  • Present research results in scientific meetings, peer reviews, and publications
  • PhD in physics or related field, or the equivalent combination of education and related experience
  • Comprehensive knowledge of plasma physics, hydrodynamics, or astrophysics
  • Experience in computational modeling of complex systems
  • Experience developing creative solutions to complex problems
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver a high quality, polished product in a timely manner
  • Proficient written and verbal communication skills as demonstrated by a record of publications, invited papers, or teaching experience
  • Demonstrated ability to interact effectively in an interdisciplinary team of scientists as well as independently
  • Experience with the use of large two and three-dimensional computer codes
  • Masters Degree in Medical Physics
  • Board eligible by American Board of Radiology
  • 5 years of experience in Medical Physics in a department that treats a minimum of 60 patients per day
  • 5+ years of experience with quantum information research, including experiment or theory, such as quantum computing research
  • Experience with postdoc work preferred
  • Secret or TS/SCI clearance with a polygraph preferred

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physics phd resume

Physics Today Jobs

CV Template

Resume Template by Alaina G. Levine, Quantum Success Solutions,

Name Address • City, State (if in US) • ZIP or country code • Country (if not in US) Phone • Email address Website (if you have one for professional reasons) Your LinkedIn profile (customized URL) [1, 2]

Skills and Qualifications
  Computing skills: Include software packages, computer languages, and other programs that are relevant to your field
  Languages: Chinese (near-native fluency), Arabic (native fluency), and Spanish (proficient in reading and speaking)
Date   PhD in subject
    Certificate/minor in subject
    Dissertation: “Title”
    Advisor: Dr. X Y
    Repeat in reverse chronological order for all degrees
Date   Any special certificates
  • Associate Professor, Department of Physics, The University of X, 2010–Present
    • Visiting Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Z Institute, Hamburg, Germany, 2010–11
    • Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Optics, ABC University, 2008–10
    • Postdoctoral Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2006–08
    • Research Assistant, Department of Physics and Astronomy, V State University, dates
    • Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics and Astronomy, V State University, dates
    • NASA Space Grant Intern, Department of Physics, University of A, dates
2004 – Present   Company, Location
    • Contributed to a team of researchers aiming to analyze X and look for Y.
    • Designed a program in C++ that analyzed information relating to A and B, results included a 20% increase in data efficiency
    • Constructed and troubleshooted an instrument to do X, which allowed the team to better understand Y. Trained group on use of new tool, including proper handling and storage, and safety protocols.
    • Designed and implemented an experiment to do Z. Results included a first author paper in Nature
11/2000 – 6/2009  
    Company, Location
    • Directed, initiated, and oversaw all aspects of this multidisciplinary graduate program: advising and career planning, internship and job placement, alumni relations and development
  More than four years as a Teaching Assistant, with experience designing curriculum, developing new teaching tools, grading, overseeing labs, and guest lecturing
Dates   Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of X
    • Astronomy 101 (100 students ): contributed to curriculum development and guest lectured
    • Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Dates   Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, The University of Z
    • Physics 100: Physics for Poets (non-major course)
  • Name of award, who gave it, year
    • Name of award, who gave it, year
    • Name of award, who gave it, year
    • Name of award, who gave it, year
  • Co-Chair, Local Organizing Committee, Engineering Computer-Based Systems Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, May 2013
    • Referee, , 2009, 2011
    • Member, Membership Committee, American Astronomical Society, 2009–Present.
    • Co-Founder and Chair, Journal Club, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of X, 2007–09
    • President, Society of Physics Students, University of Arizona Chapter, 2006–07
  • National Association of Science Writers
    • American Association for the Advancement of Science
    • SPIE – The International Society for Optics and Photonics
    Summarize your papers:
    Published five papers in peer-reviewed journals such as X and Y. Served as first author for paper on A and second author on paper on B.
    List your papers:
    Author, author, author, , author, Title, Publication, pub info, date
  • ., Smith, J., Feynman, R., “Title,” Organization/Conference, Location, Date
    • ., “Title”, The University of X, Location, Date (invited speaker)
    • ., Smith, J., Feynman, R., “Title,” Organization/Conference, Location, Date    (Poster)
    • “The Physics of Star Wars,” Presentation to West Windsor-Plainsboro High School, Princeton Junction, NJ, November 2013

Last Name CV month/year

  •  1. The CV is usually part of a package that includes the CV itself, a research statement of interest or philosophy, a publications list, and references. The pubs list can also be included in the CV, which is usually the case with academic jobs.
  •  2. The organization of the CV— what sections go where—will change as you advance in your career and apply for positions that focus on different areas. For example, a CV for a teaching job should have a different emphasis than a CV for a research-intensive position.
  •  3. This serves as a “headline” to communicate your research areas of expertise, as well as subfields and scientific-problem-solving techniques. It should match the job description as much as possible (if you are applying for a job), so it can be customized so that certain words or phrases are listed first depending on the stated requirements of the employer.
  •  4. List skills that you have that are also referenced in the job ad or in your discussions with the organization. You can list them like they are here or separate them out in terms of science/technical, business, computing, and language skills. Note: For professor and even postdoc positions, skills often are listed much later in the CV.
  •  5. Note how to qualify your levels of language abilities. Using native or near-native does not mean you necessarily come from a region where that language is spoken. Rather, it denotes a level of fluency that is equivalent to a native or near-native speaker. If you prefer, you could qualify your level of proficiency with the following: advanced, intermediate, and beginner. You also can go a step further and state your fluency level in terms of speaking, writing, and reading.
  •  6. If you are applying for a nonacademic job, the title of your thesis may not be as important as the subdisciplines that you gained expertise in. So rather than writing out the thesis title, you could write keywords, such as biophysics, biochemistry, or x-ray spectroscopy.
  •  7. List all your formal academic appointments, including grad student research assistantships, teaching assistantships, postdoc appointments, and any formal visiting positions.
  •  8. You can also write it as “Associate Professor of Physics, The University of Z, ….
  •  9. Give the location of the university/institute if it might not be well known.
  • 10. You can also include short-term projects, fellowships, and internships.
  • 11. Your experiences are the jobs, volunteer positions, and project assignments that give evidence of your skill development and problem solving. For titles, you can use Postdoctoral Associate, Research Assistant, Research Fellow, and the like.
  • 12. Use this as a template. Include the micro-problems you solved on a day-to-day, week-to-week, or month-to-month basis in terms of the following: micro-problem, solution, and result. Quantify the result as much as possible. A micro-problem is essentially an accomplishment that you had at your job. It is a problem you solved on a day-to-day or longer basis.
  • 13. This section can be organized in a number of different ways. You can start with a summary, as seen here. It is helpful to start with a summary of the different tasks you had as a teacher, especially if you did the same set of tasks for multiple teaching assignments.
  • 14. You can list out your specific TA assignments.
  • 15. You can add the number of students in the class, which is relevant in academia for two kinds of jobs: a position at a research-based university where part of your time will be spent teaching, and a position at a primarily undergraduate institution or at an organization where you will spend much of your time teaching rather than conducting research.
  • 16. When a course name does not make clear what it was you taught, include the subjects covered.
  • 17. For awards that need to be clarified in terms of their significance, add a phrase in parentheses after the award name, such as the following: (given to only 2% of the student population every year in recognition of an outstanding chemistry research project).
  • 18. Include fellowships and other honors. You do not need to list honors or awards from high school. Also, do not use acronyms unless you have spelled them out earlier in the CV.
  • 19. For academic jobs, it is important to demonstrate that you have experience raising money. List here any grants you received, any grants you cowrote or wrote, the funding agency, what the proposal was for (title), and the amount. You can bold the grants for which you were the PI. You can include grants that seem small, like a $500 travel grant to attend a conference or $1000 to organize a symposium on your campus. It is fine if it is cross-listed in the awards section, especially for prestigious opportunities, such as fellowships where you have to propose a project.
  • 20. These are just a few examples of items that constitute Service or Leadership
  • 21. You can add some specificity to any of the positions to demonstrate certain skills, such as fundraising, event management, or project management.
  • 22. Outreach can be a separate section from Service or included in it. You can list your mentoring activities, outreach events, volunteer community outreach projects (both in STEM and non-STEM disciplines), and the like.
  • 23. Usually if you are applying for a job outside academia that is NOT a research job, you do not have to list your specific papers, except if they are exceptional. Got a first-author paper in Science? That’s something to list and draw attention to. If you are one of the authors on the paper about the Higgs discovery, despite there being tons of authors, it would be something significant to trumpet as well. Instead, you can summarize your publication record.
  • 24. Bold your name in the list of authors so I can easily see what author you are
  • 25. Bold your name so the reader can see where in the list of authors you are.
  • 26. Bold your name so the reader can see where in the list of authors you are.
  • 27. Bold your name so the reader can see where in the list of authors you are.
  • 28. You should qualify which talks were invited ones and which were posters.
  • 29. You can include talks that were for nonscientific audiences or that fall under Outreach here, or you can have a separate section devoted to nontechnical talks. Either way, it is important to demonstrate that you have experience communicating your scientific expertise to many different audiences.
  • 30. This will depend on your discipline. For astronomers, for example, time spent on observing runs is an important element of your CV, so you would list it here.

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What should a PhD in physics put in a CV?

The countdown to ending my studies has begun, with less than a year left to finish my PhD. I'm currently very confused about whether or not going for a post-doc, considering that I have recently found out that physicists can do something outside academia . I might therefore look for a job in the private sector.

I work in a mathematical physics sub-field called quantum chaos. I have been programing in Python and Mathematica for the past 3 or 4 years. Although my research does not include data analysis, I do have some small experience in neural networks using Keras, which I believe would not be too hard to fine tune. At the end of my PhD I will have published no more than two papers, both possibly in Physical Review A (impact factor 3), but maybe one will be accepted in Physical Review Letters (impact factor 9). I will also have participated in two or three international conferences. I do speak some four or five languages.

So what? I understand that if I apply for a post-doc my achievements can be seen as standard, and I already have a CV aimed at presenting my research work. The problem is: what should I put in a CV aimed at triggering the private sector's attention? I see my work as immensely irrelevant. I understand that physicists are quick to find patterns and solve problems, but they must be employed to get a chance to show it. Are they really going to care if I add that I have experience dealing with harmonic analysis in cotangent bundles or that I have shown that a certain coherent state propagator is not actually an element of a Bargmann-Segal space? I have absolutely no experience working in any sort of industry, and the only assets I can offer are a reasonable knowledge of Python and Keras and the languages I speak. Any imaginable CV I write will probably make an employer laugh at me. Do I even have a chance here?

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4 Answers 4

This is why it's a good idea to think about these things during, or preferably before, your PhD. You're picking up skills, but how useful those skills are and how you're going to use them is a big question. Fortunately, you're not out of options, and you've probably learned more than you think. Some thoughts:

  • You should absolutely list Keras. With the amount of hype machine learning has been getting having experience with neural networks is a big deal. I'd go much more than that: list everything you know about data analysis. It doesn't matter if it's something as simple as linear regression. List it all, give details.
  • You should absolutely list Python as well. In fact, list all the programming languages you know. You don't have to be an expert in all of them because you can learn the others quickly. Are you able to read C/C++ code? Java? R? You can also list Mathematica.
  • You should absolutely list all the languages you can speak. These skills aren't easy to pick up. If you can speak Japanese for example, that might make you the only viable candidate for a company that's looking to send a consultant to a Japanese client.
  • What else did you learn in your research? Did you learn any algorithms that might have wider applications? For example, did you learn how to parallelize code? Did you learn how to use a Linux terminal? Git and Github?
  • Did you engage in science communication and / or teaching? If so definitely list this as well, since it indicates you can mentor others.

You should also visit your university's career center. They'll have experts who can help you.

EDIT: One more thing, take a look at the advertisements you're responding to before sending in a CV. Do you know any of the things they request? For example looking at one such advertisement, there's this:

Ability to query a SQL and/or NoSQL database efficiently

If you know how to do this, you should absolutely list it on your CV as well.

Allure's user avatar

  • 2 I did not think about these things earlier because I did my MSc and PhD without even paying attention. I wanted to learn more about nature and had never thought about leaving academia until last month - and I will probably not leave it. Your answer is, however, exactly what I needed. –  QuantumBrick Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 12:30

""CV"" is for academia. "Resume" is for outside the ivory tower (government, McKinsey, Goldman, Google, industrial companies, etc.)

Postdoc or professor jobs will expect a "CV" which is a longer document listing all your publications, conferences attended, etc. It can often be several pages long.

The rest of the free world just expects a standard "resume" like in all the "how to write a resume" books. Instead of listing your publications, you can just say X peer reviewed papers written as a bullet point.

This is 1-2 pages even if you are 60 years old and extremely high ranked. While there will be some differences in the content, it really doesn't look that different for a CEO, secretary, industrial scientist, HR manager, or whatever. For someone under 40 (arbitrary, but my guideline), don't exceed 1 page. Right now you will maybe be straining a little to come up with bullet points of work or quasi work experience. But this will change as you progress and will be the opposite problem!

This is very, very far from a fresh novel problem (people graduating and needing to write up CV/resume). There is a HUGE amount of advice out there. Lots of books on this. Your guidance center can advise you on this also (even giving you feedback on your document itself). Also good to compare/contrast resumes (or CVs I guess) done by people currently interviewing.

P.s. It's normal at places like Google, McKinsey, Goldman, NSA, etc. that they would take an entry level Ph.D. and then have him do something different from his direct experience. (Same thing applies for chemists and engineers in more mechanical industries.) They just see you as a fresh smart face. You've cut your teeth on some topic but very unlikely to keep working in same exact subfield. (It would be great if you could for your sake and theirs, but it is really just rare from either side to find perfect matches. Employers end up going for the "good athlete" versus the skilled player. Given the physics and the programming, everyone knows you are smart and can do something.)

guest's user avatar

  • I am indeed wondering what I did that could be called "work", since for me it was "fun" all the time. Your point of view really made me a little optimistic, though. –  QuantumBrick Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 12:32
  • Some effort at "translation" may be required. This is normal when changing fields (and a move to industry is often changing field from pure research). For example consider how ex military have to write a resume to translate their experience into something someone in corporate America cares about. (Lots of great articles with advice on this.) But seriously, if you look on the Web or network or use your career center I bet you can see lots of people positioning Ph.D. physics experience in a way that is relevant to industry. –  guest Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 17:09
  • Some possible bullets (you won't have them all, but may have others, consider this a thought starter): (1) won conference award, (2) presented X times to academia, industry, etc. (3) attracted students to lab group (4) secured or assisted in securing funding (5) wrote progress reports (6) did Y peer reviewed papers (7) founded collaboration (8) developed new method/apparatus, etc. (9) taught courses (mention positive feedback and or an award if possible). ETC. –  guest Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 17:10
  • Just brainstorm and write bullets in Word. That is the good thing about nowadays versus typing before Word processors. It is very easy to edit/hone. And very easy to cut text. –  guest Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 17:10

I see little reason, actually, to limit yourself to a single CV. You can have a comprehensive one, of course, that covers every interesting thing you've done, but you can also provide tailored CVs to particular purposes, leaving out the things that you believe to be irrelevant to a reader.

This implies, of course, that you aren't posting the CV to a general public site for everyone to see.

You need to be honest, of course, but the CV needs to include only relevant things. Those are naturally different for academia and industry. In fact, for industry, different potential employers might see different CVs depending on the work they do and whatever it is that you do that might be relevant to it.

Alternatively, you could provide, for a particular employer, a different organization of your CV, listing the most relevant things in a special section and the other stuff (or most of it) in a later section. The reader will focus on the relevant stuff, I think and will give up on the esoterica.

I was once advised by an employment counselor to not say that I held a PhD when looking for an industry position. There were no academic positions available at the time and, in industry, an MS was thought of as more valuable than a PhD.

Buffy's user avatar

  • I do have a MSc too, but I think being is physics it is worthless. My country's standard line of study is BA -> MSc -> PhD, the whole process taking around 10 years. Since I might leave to Europe to look for work, I think it is perfectly possible to omit the fact that I'm over-qualified. –  QuantumBrick Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 12:39
  • @QuantumBrick Don't miss out the MSc, or any previous qualifications. They tell a fuller story, and avoid mysterious gaps in your history (which employers can be suspicious of). Your new employer might have a use for something specific that you've done in a course, or even at high school. –  Simon B Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 15:24

Your private sector CV needs to be different than your academic CV. I can give you a little insight into this. The best way to think about it is that your private CV highlights your skill set and your academic CV highlights your publications. I recently decided to accept a position in academia rather than go into industry but I still applied to both.

My resume is a page long, my CV is longer than a single page. My resume was ordered as such-

  • education/work experience
  • Recent examples of work
  • technical skills (programming, analysis, etc)
  • soft skills (spoken languages, leadership, etc)

As for what you can do with a physic phd, my friend ended up taking a job at a bank. More than one physics phd is not interested in doing 2-3 post docs before finally having the street cred for an R1 to hire them. This is especially the case when they can make nearly double (or more) going straight into industry.

JWH2006's user avatar

  • I have friends who took post-doc positions in Machine Learning in order to build a more industry oriented CV/resume. I think a PhD in physics, together with a post-doc in ML, is definitely going to attract a lot of attention (I might copy their strategy). –  QuantumBrick Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 12:35
  • @QuantumBrick And there are plenty of ML post doc positions as well. If you are doing simulation work in physics, you have a pretty good base to make the transition. And there is a good chance you are already familiar with gradient descent. –  JWH2006 Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 13:09
  • I have been working with numerical simulation, yes. All I know about gradient descent is that, well, it's basically just the chain rule. I spent some time thinking about ensembles of weights form a statistical mechanics point of view and all my friends said "mate, don't lose too much time theorizing... This field is about getting stuff done no matter what". –  QuantumBrick Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 13:47
  • 1 @QuantumBrick Thats a good perspective. There is a ton of low lying fruit that is more about "where can I appropriately apply this technique" rather than "how can I improve it". For example, generative adversarial neural nets (GANs) were just developed a few years ago. There is a huge field of applications for those. Currently, the best use is to know when and where an ML technique is and is not appropriate. Grab a post doc at a name-brand school (stanford, duke, MIT, etc) and you will be pretty set. –  JWH2006 Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 14:09

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physics phd resume

Physicist Resume Sample

The resume builder.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Work Experience

  • Proof of completion of Mandatory Reporter abuse training specific to population served within in three (3) months of hire
  • Work independently as well as develop and direct multi-disciplinary scientific research teams
  • Identify key science issues that need to be better understood and explored for ICF and HED targets and influence programmatic directions
  • Design and analysis of experiments on Sandia's Z pulsed power facility
  • Develop new design concepts to address emerging problems of interest
  • Collaborate with experimental and diagnostic physicists and engineers not only at Sandia, but the broader HED and ICF communities
  • Publish results in peer-reviewed journals and present at appropriate scientific conferences
  • PhD in Physics or closely related engineering field
  • Experience in Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) or High Energy Density Physics (HEDP) research
  • Certification by the American Board of Radiology OR American Board of Medical Physicists OR Board eligible
  • Developing an understanding of the existing experimental diagnostics
  • Examining methods to establish, improve, and/or simplify diagnostic calibrations
  • Implementing methods to reduce noise and improve diagnostic signal fidelity
  • Investigating new diagnostics to better assess machine performance, quantify radiation output, and benefit customer experiments
  • Engineering new diagnostics
  • Conducting data acquisition and producing experimental documentation
  • Obtain and maintain a DoE Q clearance
  • Master’s and 5+ years; or Doctorate and 4+ years
  • Knowledge of related safety issues, regulations, and safe practices required
  • Considerable skills in synchrotron x-ray beamline research, development, design and construction
  • Good knowledge of X-ray optics theory and applications
  • Experience in safety awareness, design skills, presenting technical information, equipment maintenance, conceptual skills, quality focus, and production planning
  • Experience in x-ray beamline design, construction, commissioning, operations, and research
  • Master's or Ph.D. in Physics

Professional Skills

  • Strong background in physics and engineering with proven analytical and scientific computing skills. Matlab, R, Python, Java experience preferable
  • Demonstrated experience and knowledge on material development, synthetic chemistry, separation, and purification skills
  • + Excellent written and oral communication skills as demonstrated in technical publications and reports, and in technical and project presentations
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to collaborate effectively on diverse, interdisciplinary teams
  • Versatile and demonstrate exceptional critical thinking skills as the fabrication processes and performance requirements are evolving rapidly
  • Demonstrated advanced problem solving skills with respect to Applied Physics, Engineering Design, and Technology Development
  • Excellent programming skills (for example, in Matlab, IDL, Python, C++, or Fortran)

How to write Physicist Resume

Physicist role is responsible for technical, advanced, scientific, software, physics, presentation, organizational, interpersonal, research, health. To write great resume for physicist job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Physicist Resume

The section contact information is important in your physicist resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Physicist Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your physicist resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous physicist responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular physicist position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Physicist resume experience can include:

  • Exercise good judgment and excellent decision making skills
  • Excellent mathematical skills, both analytical and numerical, including
  • Strong software skills in a variety of languages including Python, and Fortran are a necessary component for this role
  • Demonstrable prior success in the application of physics and engineering skills
  • Excellent organization / documentation skills and attention to detail
  • Experience of working effectively with a legacy code base

Education on a Physicist Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your physicist resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your physicist experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Physicist Resume

When listing skills on your physicist resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical physicist skills:

  • Solid communication skills, both verbal and written as well as outstanding skill in developing good working relations with others
  • Effectively and efficiently communicate with team members with good interpersonal skills for the work team , inter-disciplines, and project management
  • Other desirable skills include software skills in high level programming (Matlab, Python, etc) and cluster-based computing (CPU and/or GPU based)
  • Exceptional communication skills, ability to communicate effectively with internal and external collaborators and ability to work in team environment
  • Demonstrated understanding and demonstrated experience applying the techniques of radiation monitoring, surveying, transport and disposal
  • Significant experience working effectively and independently in a multidisciplinary, team-oriented research environment

List of Typical Experience For a Physicist Resume

Experience for health physicist resume.

  • Wire bonding, dicing, encapsulation and basic electronics skills
  • Expert skill in array detector systems employing solid-state imaging devices such as CCDs, CMOS arrays and IR imagers
  • Organize large workloads Communicate effectively with all levels of the organization Remain familiar with plant operating status
  • Work independently with limited supervision as well as have teamwork skills to function in a group setting
  • Scientific programming skills in languages such as Fortran, Python, Java, C++ or C#
  • Effectively respond to radiation emergencies and apply appropriate corrective actions

Experience For Assistant Physicist Resume

  • Quotes, proposals and project reports demonstrate a solid understanding of the nature of the task/project and are appropriate to the purpose and audience
  • Good initiative and experience in business development in order to hunt down leads and be outgoing
  • Communication skills and interest in lively interaction within interdisciplinary teams
  • Practical laboratory experience and excellent knowledge of measurement techniques
  • Write test method validation protocol, execute validation and write report for protein analysis test method
  • Effectively communicate scientific results and plans to decision makers and other stakeholders

Experience For Applied Physicist Resume

  • Expert skill in detector physics and the characterization of scientific detectors as evidenced by the successful implementation of advanced detector systems
  • + Experience with designing/fielding pulsed power, x-ray, and/or optical/spectroscopic diagnostics and analyzing diagnostics results
  • Expert knowledge and substantial experience designing, executing, and analyzing highly complex experiments in laser and x-ray driven physics
  • Operates accelerators and/or related auxiliary equipment used in support of research and teaching, including accelerator based computer systems
  • Minimal work direction needed, highly skilled and knowledgeable to the position and provides best practicing sharing within work group
  • Skill and knowledge in understanding and applying theoretical models

Experience For Design Physicist Resume

  • A demonstrated ability to solve physical problems by developing and/or adapting novel computational methods
  • + Experience with grounding and shielding
  • + Experience continuously improving a radiological protection program, including implementation of new radiological controls best practices\
  • Expert knowledge and substantial experience developing new ideas or modifying approaches
  • Demonstrated record of leading advanced top-quality research in relevant areas of physics and engineering
  • + Experience working with pulsed power systems
  • Provide feedback to management regarding the effectiveness of the radiation safety program in their areas of responsibility
  • Evidence of delivering project work in an organised and timely manner

Experience For Radiation Physicist Resume

  • Experience in communicating science/technology in a relevant way to a non-technical audience
  • Provide feedback to management regarding the effectiveness of the HP/IH/IS programs
  • Provide feedback to management regarding the effectiveness of the radiation safety program in areas of responsibility
  • Experience with operation and/or design of optical spectrometers including Raman and Ruby fluorescence systems as it applies to pressure calibration
  • Experience as a practicing Medical Physicist required
  • Skill in use of single particle soot photometer for measuring black carbon in the atmosphere from an airborne platform

Experience For Chief Physicist Resume

  • Skill in publishing high quality scientific results in the peer reviewed literature
  • Experience in laboratory measurements and analyzing experimental data
  • Clinical medical physics experience including all aspects of linac and IMRT QA
  • Demonstrated ability to develop constructive and cooperative working relationships and build mutual trust and respect with others
  • Experience responding to radiological incidents and emergencies

Experience For Research Physicist Resume

  • Considerable skill in scientific computing and code development for particle physics
  • + Experience with programming languages and environments often associated with data acquisition and analysis (e.g., LabVIEW, Python, MatLAB, IDL)
  • Conduct laser project compliance and safety inspections for all laser projects prior to issuing a Laser Safety Permit
  • Experience or an understanding of software development under an Agile lifecycle
  • Experience overseeing the experimental activates of junior scientists and technical personnel

Experience For Engineering Physicist Resume

  • Experience working directly on projects for the US government or National Science Foundation
  • Experience in optical system modeling, materials science, radiation detection and experimental and theoretical studies
  • Leadership experience is physics team at multiple sites, prefered
  • Regularly assesses current processes to ensure their effectiveness and continuous quality improvement
  • Solve radiation problems arising in Bruce Power, and assess on a continuing basis the effectiveness of such solutions
  • Solid understanding of health physics, environmental physics, analytical services, PRMS and calibrations
  • Previous relevant experience in the field
  • People development and leadership experience
  • Co-ordinate and prioritise inputs to different projects (personal time/contribution)

Experience For Senior Health Physicist Resume

  • Demonstrate and maintain excellence in communication, both written and verbal
  • Has a good basic knowledge of radiation safety principles, developing over time within the role
  • Provide HP/IH/IS guidance and selected training to team clients, develop and present safety courses, and/or mentor less experienced personnel
  • Follows necessary safety protocols to ensure safe and effective delivery of radiation treatment
  • Demonstrates knowledge of current best practices for quality assurance
  • Demonstrates appropriate knowledge of equipment function and operation
  • + 2 years professional industry experience in the relevant technical discipline
  • Inspect areas, with or without prior notification, where RAM, X-ray or lasers are used, reporting results to RSO for next RSC meeting
  • Skill in experimental physics to develop advanced instrumentation for high-resolution imaging with ptychography or equivalent techniques

Experience For Lead Physicist Resume

  • Experience with beamline instrumentation and commissioning
  • Previous health physics experience
  • Experience in a R&D environment or related fields
  • Ph.D. in theoretical physics; post-doctoral experience an advantage
  • PhD or equivalent work experience in physics or in a related field
  • Fluency in English and strong motivation to learn German

List of Typical Skills For a Physicist Resume

Skills for health physicist resume.

  • Advanced verbal and written communication skills necessary to effectively collaborate in a team environment and present and explain technical information
  • Possess solid experimental skills and be capable of designing and performing experiments to test ideas
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills, are all highly desired
  • + Strong written and oral communication skills; ability to present complex scientific ideas to a wide variety of customers with varied technical backgrounds
  • + Excellent oral and written communication skills and attention to detail\

Skills For Assistant Physicist Resume

  • + Excellent interpersonal and customer relations skills and flexibility\
  • + Excellent organizational and individual leadership skills\
  • Proven skill levels in creating and deploying software packages
  • Good skill levels in working with beamline scientists and users for conducting analysis of data
  • Experience working in the Medical device industry Demonstrated problem solving ability and results orientation
  • Pro-actively develop skills of staff to close billing gaps
  • Layer deposition experience, programming experience, knowledge of chemcial interactions
  • Proficient verbal and written communication skills (for example, writing reports, peer-reviewed publications, or proposals)
  • Desire to further develop work related skills and talents

Skills For Applied Physicist Resume

  • Demonstrated experience in the design, construction, and operation of optical magnetometers and their use in research
  • + Ability to effectively work independently and in teamed/matrixed situations in a fast\-paced, deadline\-driven environment\
  • + Current computer skills, including working knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet, and database applications\
  • Ph.D. and or equivalent experience in Accelerator Physics and 2 years or more of work experience after the one or more of the following areas
  • Ph.D. and or equivalent experience in Accelerator Physics and 5 years or more of work experience after the one or more of the following areas
  • + Ability to effectively direct and mentor RCTs\

Skills For Design Physicist Resume

  • Oral and written communication skills and the ability to work productively with a variety of experts from various technical fields
  • Function effectively with little supervision
  • Understanding of solid mechanics, chemical kinetics, diffusion (and general transport) phenomena, fluid mechanics, and particulate/multi-phase mechanics
  • Working in a strong culture of excellence and collaboration
  • Skill in conceiving, designing, and performing laboratory and field research relating to air quality and climate through measurement of aerosol properties
  • Solid background designing, modeling, prototyping and testing optical, thermal and electronics systems
  • + Extensive laboratory experience in designing and developing optomechanical capabilities for quantum sensing applications and commensurate publication record
  • Comprehensive skill in identifying important research topics and in developing innovative methods for accomplishing research

Skills For Radiation Physicist Resume

  • Skill in designing, building, and using instrumentation on research aircraft to make measurements that address atmospheric chemistry questions
  • Skill in interpreting black carbon measurements and quantifying their impact on heating of the atmosphere
  • Experience regulating, auditing or inspecting radioactive materials programs
  • Lead projects requiring careful planning and execution in concert with effective teamwork
  • Significant experience leading and mentoring as part of a multidisciplinary team
  • Strong knowledge of typical back end of line (BEOL) processing including lithography, metal deposition and etch

Skills For Chief Physicist Resume

  • + Experience with circuit modeling including pulsed power related circuit models
  • Skill in understanding abstract concepts and synthesizing results within the current experimental and theoretical framework
  • Considerable skill in applying Machine Learning toolkits such as Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and MxNet to particle physics data analysis
  • Skill in developing and carrying out a research program to address important questions in atmospheric chemistry
  • Experience in leading technical teams, laboratory measurements and analyzing experimental data
  • Experience using typical programming languages in use on our customers’ systems (e.g. Fortran, Perl, Csh, Python, C, C++)
  • Experience developing and maintaining technical software
  • Experience in using advanced computational facilities for applied physics analysis and conducting applied physics research

Skills For Research Physicist Resume

  • Experience providing controls when working with plutonium/americium
  • Significant experience authoring technical and scientific reports and publications, and delivering scientific presentations
  • Self-starter, energizing, results oriented, and demonstrated ability of multi-tasking
  • Experience in building direct working relationships with external regulators
  • Solid understanding of Magnetic Resonance Physics
  • Organise and manage own time, take ownership of issues while prioritising action items to achieve deadlines and company goals
  • Significant experience and ability to lead independent work conducting applied physics research
  • Experience of complex systems, fault finding, solution design and implementation

Skills For Engineering Physicist Resume

  • Experience of optical design, ideally using Zemax software
  • Experience diagnose and debug electromechanical systems using digital multimeters, oscilloscopes, etc
  • Specifically demonstrates understanding of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology
  • Continually develop staff skill levels and contribute to succession planning within SGS ARS
  • Experience and/or familiarity with Varian linear accelerators and Pinnacle treatment planning system
  • Experience with Monte Carlo Modelling software or equivalent
  • + Experience in developing of medical products – major advantage

Skills For Senior Health Physicist Resume

  • Technical experience working in a Radiation Safety program
  • Significant experience developing research proposals
  • Experience with Python optimization using C++ or Cython is desirable
  • Numerical experience in modeling qubits and qubit dynamics
  • Quantum Verification and Validation such as Randomized Benchmarking or Tomography
  • Self-starter with excellent attitude, initiative and passion for delivering the best
  • Health Physics Technician 2: 3 years commercial nuclear experience. Technical understanding of nuclear generation principles and operations
  • Experience assisting in assessments of transportation-related radioactive material incidents and accidents
  • Experience working with a Siemens MRI scanner

Skills For Lead Physicist Resume

  • Experience in neuroimaging
  • Significant experience using advanced computational facilities for design and analysis of scientific research
  • Experience with the design of experiment, test execution, and post-test analysis and reporting based on obtained data
  • Experience using Matlab for data analysis and C# for desktop application development
  • Experience with programming in C++ to create Geant4 Monte Carlo models in Windows and Linux environments is highly desirable
  • Experience in machine learning techniques and experimental physics
  • Experience with signal processing and FFT spectral analysis
  • Experience with advanced automated image processing techniques

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Physicist Resume

Responsibilities for health physicist resume.

  • Strong computer and instrumentation skills
  • Write test method validation protocol, execute validation and write report for 2 or more packaging test methods
  • Function effectively in planning and operational environments, often with tight schedule constraints
  • Experience: 3 years experience in radiation oncology physics
  • Working experience in an academic environment, hospital or research facility
  • Experience providing emergency response and participating in investigations of incidents or accidents involving radiological hazards
  • Demonstrated record of completing and/or leading top quality research in relevant areas of physics and engineering
  • Excellent scientific track record including outstanding academic results

Responsibilities For Assistant Physicist Resume

  • Has a good understanding of radiation monitor types through assisting in the Calibrations department for an initial 6-month period
  • Demonstrated record of leading top quality research in relevant areas of physics and engineering
  • + Experience using massively parallel computing platforms
  • Skill in synchrotron radiation applications such crystallography, small angle X-ray scattering or X-ray spectroscopy
  • + Employ radiation magneto hydrodynamics simulation codes to advance experiments investigating properties of materials under strong dynamic compression
  • PhD in physics, engineering or a related field or equivalent combination of education and related experience
  • Experience of systems architecture, fault finding, solution design and implementation

Responsibilities For Applied Physicist Resume

  • + Experience in experimental research and/or analyzing experimental data
  • Continually evaluate the effectiveness of the dosimetry and bioassay programs
  • Skill in a modern programming language is advantageous
  • Experience with hardware used in high energy physics
  • Operates laboratory equipment, performs data collection and evaluates results
  • Experience working scientific programming language Matlab/R
  • Very good and broad basic physical understanding
  • Strong knowledge of at least one programming language (eg Python, C / C ++, Java)

Responsibilities For Design Physicist Resume

  • Possess at least two (2) years of documented Physicist clinical experience (not necessarily from USON)
  • Obtaining, renewing and amending radioactive material licenses
  • Evaluating and extending new concepts as well as providing innovation which can be developed into new product advantages
  • Developing radiation safety programs and processes and assessing their implementation
  • Working knowledge and interpretation of nuclear modelling tools (i.e. MCNP) to optimize the design and performance of BHI’s services
  • Implementing and testing new techniques not yet commercially available in order to obtain reproducible results
  • Planning and carrying out analytical work, under guidance, to ensure appropriate quality, timely delivery and costs
  • Working knowledge of radiation safety; patient immobilization; treatment planning and treatment
  • Ensuring a consistent technical approach, reflecting best practice, is taken in support of radiometric challenges across the full range of physics projects

Responsibilities For Radiation Physicist Resume

  • Understanding of interaction between x-rays and matter including its polarization dependence
  • Providing technical direction of radiation oncology staff as specified by the department medical director
  • Training facility radiation safety officers
  • Combining knowledge of physics to deliver new products based on gamma detection technology
  • Compounding of formulations with supervision of senior staff
  • Completing lab documentation for experimentation

Responsibilities For Chief Physicist Resume

  • Completing basic descriptive statistical analyses of data
  • Coordinating documentation for plate reader / shaker IQ/OQ/PQ
  • Superconducting foundry / fabrication capabilities
  • Understanding of radiological issues associated with high energy particle beams
  • Conducting hazard assessments
  • Demonstrating competency in performing medical physics testing required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDAense
  • Understanding of synchrotron radiation and x-ray optics
  • Working alone; Domestic/foreign travel
  • Participate with Emergency Planning during drills, training, and scenario development

Responsibilities For Research Physicist Resume

  • Serves as the facility's subject matter expert on ionizing radiation safety and the safety aspects of operating radiation producing equipment
  • Scientific programming and utilizing customized software when performing data analysis
  • + Commitment to understanding and implementing engineered safety and best practices into performing the work
  • Development of purchasing and acceptance specifications for imaging and radiation therapy equipment
  • Work within multi-disciplinary project teams to bring new insights and understanding based on numerical simulation
  • Contribute to programme evolution by bringing new thinking, based on results of numerical simulation
  • Perform daily effluent monitoring, bioassay processing and other routine Radiation Protection tasks
  • Coordinates and consults on policies and/or operating instructions procedures pertaining to radiation and radioactive material

Responsibilities For Engineering Physicist Resume

  • Participates in the specification, selection, and acceptance of radiation-producing machines, accessories, and computerized treatment-planning system
  • Carry out refueling outage special assignments such as; dose tracking and ALARA reviews, function as area leads and coordinators
  • Provision of appropriate support to Marketing including compilation, presentation and review of appropriate technical papers
  • Is responsible for acceptance testing, commissioning, calibration and periodic QA for therapy equipment
  • 10. Provides ongoing in-service training to radiation oncology staff
  • Documents and maintains records of tests performed and calibration d. Performs acceptance testing and commissioning of new equipment
  • Assists with ongoing training of staff

Responsibilities For Senior Health Physicist Resume

  • Update the training content and provide instructor-led versions of training
  • Familiarity with superconducting qubits, quantum computing, and classical computer science desired
  • Familiarity with superconducting qubits, topological quantum computing, and classical computer science desired
  • Familiarity with quantum computing and quantum annealing desired
  • Familiarity with quantum computing and quantum annealing
  • Interpret complex data using state of the art analysis and modeling tools
  • Consultation with radiation oncologists, as required, concerning patient’s doses and optimization of patient treatment plans and delivery
  • + Evolve existing experimental platforms and develop entirely new experimental concepts and analysis techniques
  • + PhD in the physical sciences or engineering

Responsibilities For Lead Physicist Resume

  • Perform on-site review of radiological work practices, radiological controls program and radiation worker training at nuclear power stations
  • Provide technical support in procedure development, Technical Specifications and UFSAR updates, licensing correspondence and audit responses
  • Review and evaluate new regulatory requirements and industry technology concerning radiological protection
  • Responds to emergency situations according to defined procedures
  • Provide selected training in radiation safety to personnel in the assigned area. Develop and present safety courses in HP or related topics
  • Participates in department financial and personnel planning
  • Track record of delivering tangible conclusions and recommendations based on mathematical simulation

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Applying to Graduate School

Applying to graduate school can be confusing and overwhelming (and no one ever tells you how damn expensive it all is). SPS is here to help deobfuscate the messy application process.

Disclaimer : A lot of this advice is based on personal experience from a limited set of perspectives. If something in here doesn’t resonate with you, that’s absolutely fine and you should follow your own path. If you flat out disagree with what’s written here, you can bring up your issue here and we can change the content of this page to reflect what advice is most agreed upon.

What does an application consist of?

Pretty much any application to a physics PhD program will consist of four things: a statement of purpose (frequently called the personal statement), a resume or curriculum vitae (CV), letters of recommendation, transcripts, standardized test scores, and for some applications a diversity statement (sometimes confusingly also called a personal statement). Unforuntunately there is no “Common App” for physics gradaute schools (although please make one), so each physics department has its own application and process, requiring you to submit essentially the same biograpihcal information and documents to each and every program. What follows is some advice on tackling each part of the application.

Statement of Purpose / Personal Statement

The Statement of Purpose (SoP) is a 1 - 2 page essay written by you that outlines your intentions in applying to a certain graduate program. You usually discuss your prior research experience and the specific research interests you wish to pursue in graduate school. This is also a place for you to write about any parts of your application that you’d like to clarify for the admissions committee (e.g. a few bad grades in one semester, low physics GRE scores, etc.). Many dismiss the SoP as having little use, as people generally don’t really know what they’re going to study in graduate school, and people in STEM tend to not be the most eloquent writers (i.e. most SoPs are trash). However, the SoP really is the ONLY portion of your application that you have complete control over , and this is what makes it important. If you are a good writer (or you put enough time into your SoP), you have an opportunity to really impress admission committees with your ability to professionally present yourself. When reviewing applications, faculty are looking for future colleagues , which they would prefer would be mature and able to present themselves. A well-written SoP can get this exact message across, which is why it is an important part of your application.

The SoP needs to be contrasted and separated from the Personal Statement (or diversity statement). The Personal Statement is a 1 - 2 page essay that clarifies your personal history and provides you with a space to discuss challenges that you’ve faced in reaching the current stage of your career. The Personal Statement is really the only area of an application where you as a person enters into play. These statements exist because physics graduate admissions tends to favor those with an abundance of opportunities (i.e. rich kids at prestigious universities), and the statement allows admission committees to place your application in the context of your own life. If you’ve found yourself pretty advantaged throughout your life, you might be at a loss to talk about disadvantages you’ve faced. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t write anything. In these statements, admission committees are also looking for you to show how you can improve the state of their own community . For example, do you have a passion for teaching or outreach? You can discuss those passions in your statement and talk about how you focus on bringing opportunities to communities other than your own.

In general, both your SoP and Personal Statement will be different for each school you apply to. A SoP needs to provide specific detail about why you are applying to each program, and is thus inherently unique for each application. As discussed earlier, you generally want to emphasize how you can enhance a program’s community in your Personal Statement, so each statement needs to be customized for each application as well. Further, schools may request specific information in your SoP or Personal Statement that other schools do not require, which further complicates the writing process. However, this does not mean you need to write a new statement from scratch for each program you apply to.

A SoP will generally have the following structure:

  • Paragraph 1: Introduce who you are and talk about your interests. Not like your name, but talk about your specific work interests, what your skills are, and what your interests in physics are. Make it interesting and make yourself sound appealing. You can talk about the specific parts of physics that fascinate you as they apply to the program you are applying to (e.g. it’s fine to talk about how dark matter fascinates if you want to work on cosmology projects in the program, but not if you’re interested in condensed matter theory). You can also use this space to quickly in 1 - 2 sentences explain away parts of your application that are weak (e.g. a semester of bad grades). In these sentences, try to take responsibility for the parts of your application that are weak and emphasize your growth as a student. For example, someone might say to explain away a low GPA, “Despite my rough start in the beginning of my academic career, resulting in a 3.0 total GPA, I was able to maintain a 3.7 GPA in my last two years of study in my physics and math courses, reflecting my commitment to obtaining a physics degree and continuing my studies.
  • Paragraph 2: Now is when you start name dropping. Name at least 3 specific professors you would like to work with. Discuss why their work intrigues you and what you can bring to the table when working with them. This is where you can talk in specifics about the work you imagine yourself doing in graduate school. At minimum, this is the only area you need to change between the Statements of Purpose that you write for each applcation.
  • Paragraph 3+: Talk about your research experience. Talk about the specific contributions you have made to the research you have been involved in. For each experience, mention who you worked with and where the work was performed. Each of these experiences you talk about will probably be written about in one of your letters of recommendations (some even underline the names of their letter writers as a cue that readers should cross reference what you wrote with your letters of recommendation), so you should write in a way to supplement what they may be writing about you.
  • Conclusion: Wrap everything up. Discuss again, now that your reader knows more about your experience and intentions, why exactly you are applying to this program and what you want to do there.

You don’t have to follow this structure, but this outline provides a nice starting point for writting a succinct essay that gets the point across that you have skills the professors want and you have specific ideas about what you want to do. If you find it difficult to write in this manner, try a different essay structure that feels more natural to you. No matter what you end up writing and no matter what structure your essay has, just make sure you follow these two rules:


This should be the golden rule of all writing. Write with purpose and clarity so that the admission committee gets a clear understanding of your intentions in applying. This will also show them that you are smart and mature, which are good attributes to have in a grad student. Also keep in mind that admissions committees have to read hundreds of applications. If you’re wasting their time with your writing, it’s more reason to just glance over what you write which might weaken your application.

Every sentence and paragraph should serve some purpose in constructing an ideal image of you as a grad student in the reader’s mind. Try to actively think about what the image the reader constructs of you is as you write your SoP.


This is a big faux pas, and some still make the mistake of starting their application with their memories of falling in love with physics as a kid. Some applications will go so far as to explicitly request that you do not talk about this. If you start talking about how you’ve loved science ever since you used a chemistry set when you were 9, you’re already breaking rule number 1.

Resume / CV

Resumes and curriculum vitaes (CVs) are pretty standard. To get an idea of the expectation for how your resume should be formatted, take a look at the CVs of the professors you want to work with at the various schools you are applying to. In generally, they should list the following information:

Biographical and contact information

Your name, address, phone number, email, etc.

Your educational history

The universities you have attended and your dates of attendence (no high schools), your majors, and your GPA

Your research/work experience

List each of the research projects you have worked on and what your contribution was. If you don’t have enough research experience, supplement with relevant work experience.

A list of your publications/posters/talks

If you have publications (most don’t, but if you do - great!), you should list them with a full reference. Also list any posters and talks you’ve given on your work.

(Optional) Scholarships and awards

List all of the scholarships and awards you have received in college. Don’t be shy, make it seem like a bigger deal than it is.

(Optional) Teaching experience

This can be listed under work experience as well, but it’s good to include any TAing experience you have, as TAing is a core part of many graduate careers. If you have enough experience, this can be an entire portion of your resume.

(Optional) Leadership and involvement

If you have relevant leadership experience (on an exec board of a club) or outreach experience, it’s good to list these on your resume

(Optional) Technical skills

You can also advertise special skills on your resume. If you program a lot, you can mention the useful languages you know. If you have a lot of experience in the lab, you can write down your lab skills and what special software you are adept with.

Your resume should be either exactly 1 or 2 pages. It might look weird to make it 1.5 pages or something like that (use your own judgement). There is generally a 2 page limit that prevents it from being too long. To make formatting easier, you should use LaTeX to write up your CV. Word is fine, but using LaTeX produces a more professional looking document. You can use a template to make it easier. This one is pretty good.

Letters of Recommendation

Generally, you’ll need three letters of recommendation for your applications. For some applications, they will accept more than three letters, but three is all that is necessary. Well in advance of your application deadlines, you should begin reaching out to people who you’d like to write your letters of recommendation. Generally, professors are happy to write a few good words about their students. However, some might just not have much to say, or they might be too busy, so provide room for (and prepare for) refusal when you ask.

In each of your letters, admission committees are looking for good qualities, such as tenacity, intelligence, work ethic, and resolve, that their colleagues have identified in you. In general, you want to receive good letters of recommendation, so you should seek out people who will write great things about you in each of these areas. Primarily, you should be asking for letters from people you have worked under, either professors or post-docs, in a research experience or a work experience of some sort. These should be people that you’ve worked with closely and have a solid understanding of and high regard for the impact you’ve had on their research. If you don’t have three people who you’ve worked with, your next best bet is a professor who has taught you in a course. In this case, you should seek out a professor who knows you well and who has high regard for you. You may have visited them many times in office hours and impressed them with your work ethic. It’s not necessary that you were the best student in their class, but it is necessary that you impressed them and that they have something unique to say about you and your qualities as a person.

Your letter writers may ask that you send them your CV, so make sure you have one prepared for them. Along with your CV, send them a draft Statement of Purpose so they can understand your motivations for applying to your chosen schools and tailor their writing towards your goals. If you don’t have a draft SoP, then at least in your request to them let them know explicitly what you hope they can write about you (e.g. you might say “I was hoping you could highlight X, Y, and Z about our work/time together” when you talk to them). Providing some guidance on what should be in the letter is a much appreciated step when requesting a letter. Finally, send each of your letter writers a well formatted spreadsheet that contains information about all of the schools you’re applying to and a link to where they should submit their letter. Make it as easy as possible for them to not mess up when submitting your letter!


You will either need to send an official or unofficial transcript in with each of your applications. You can get an unofficial transcript easily through SIS, and you can get an official UVA transcript ordered through UVA .

Standardized Test Scores

In general, programs will require that you send BOTH your scores for the general GRE and the physics GRE to them through ETS’s official score sending website. You will want to do this in advance of the submission deadline for each application, so that you can ensure your application is complete by the deadline. Some programs may not ask for you general GRE exam scores or your physics GRE exam scores.

General Advice

It’s a good idea to keep a spreadsheet with all of the schools you want to apply to along with information about which information you’ve sent them (transcript, letters, etc.), and which standardized test scores they require.

How do I pick a program to apply to?

This is probably the hardest part to give specific advice on as which programs you should apply to depends on a lot of different factors, and is inherently a personal choice. In general though, you should go to the school where you will have the most opportunities to do what you want to do . “Most opportunities” can mean a lot. It can mean the school has a lot of funding and allows you to explore research freely. It can also mean that there is simply the largest number of faculty who’s research intrigues you. It can also mean that that school has a nice science facility (e.g. an accelerator) where you can do your research. “What you want to do” is also vague, and is up to each person. Perhaps you are hyper-focused on research, and you want to go to a school where everyone else is like that. Perhaps you find the people you are with is more important to your happiness than the work you are doing, in which case you would want to ensure the faculty and students in your chosen department are friendly and have similar personalities to you. Perhaps you are more interested in the city you will be living in or the hiking opportunities available to you in the surrounding area of the school. These are all valid perspectives to have on what you want out of your graduate program, and they will all enter into your choice of schools that you apply to.

To get an idea of where different schools lie in how “good” they are, you can take a look at rankings, like the US News rankings or other rankings which use other objective factors . GradSchoolShopper is also an excellent place to find schools to apply to, and also provides information about acceptance rates at various schools. Pick a few school off these lists (don’t automatically rule out MIT!), and look at their websites for more information. Go through their faculty pages and read up on their research. Write down in a notepad or document all the people who have research that stands out to you. Look for buzz words that you think sound cool , as that tends to be a good indicator of you’re own interests when you’re unsure of what you want to do. You can use this as a starting point to narrow down which schools actually have science that sounds interesting to you.

Finally, just ask around! Ask your friends who have graduated which programs they applied to and why. Ask the grad students in the physics and astronomy departments about their experience with graduate admissions as well, as they will be able to have a much more specific and tailored conversation about your thoughts in applying to graduate school than this website can provide.

Personal experiences

Below you can find some advice from previous SPS members who have been through this process and wanted to share some words of wisdom to make your life easier.

Understand your profile as an applicant. But you should shoot for the stars too because you’re worth it!
Every professor in the department has gone through this process. Ask them about the program they went to. If you’re interested in potentially going to an international program, talk to Baessler.
Be sure that the research falls in line with your interests. However, your individual happiness is more important than anything, so be sure it’s somewhere you can flourish. When you visit, be sure to talk to the older graduate students about how they’re doing. Also try to get a sense of the community in the program. Grad school can take a toll on your physical and mental health, so it’s important that your superiors and colleagues are invested in you as a person.
As much as we don’t want to make money an issue, if the program doesn’t offer very much of it you should maybe consider another. Also look into the cost of living in the area.
Try to select a school that will make you happy in terms of every aspect, cause you don’t want to end up in a crappy situation for your life (which surprisingly exists beyond physics).

Online resources

  • APS’s guide to choosing a grad program
  • US News physics department rankings
  • The Chronical astronomy department rankings
  • GradSchoolShopper

How much will this all cost?

A lot. In total, one can expect to spend $1413 - $1921 on graduate school applications. One SPS student tallied up their own costs when applying to 12 schools, using fee waivers for applications, and spent a total of $1,141. So, make sure you have $1,000 - $2,000 saved up before applying to graduate schools!


Each application will cost you between $50 and $150 each to even submit them. Fee waivers can generally be obtained for applications if you qualify, and you should try to take advantage of those if money is an issue. Students usually apply to somewhere between 8 and 12 schools, which makes application costs ~$800 - $1200.

Standardized Tests

Taking the general GRE costs $205 each time you take it and taking the physics GRE costs $150 for each test . Considering many take the general GRE once and the physics GRE twice, you’re looking at a cost of $505 to just take the tests. Again, there are fee waivers for the GRE, however you can only claim one fee waiver for one test. The process for obtaining a fee waiver is needlessly complex and time consuming (including mailing a form !), so plan ahead and apply for a fee waiver well in advance of registering for one of the GRE exams.

Actually sending your scores to your schools is the last part of the financial burden. ETS charges $27 for each score report you send to a school (includes both general GRE and physics GRE). When actually taking a test, you will be able to send your scores to four schools for free . Take advantage of this to save $108! Again, using a figure of 8 - 12 schools, you are looking at a cost of $108 - $216 to send your scores.

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  • Programs & Courses

PhD Program

A PhD degree in Physics is awarded in recognition of significant and novel research contributions, extending the boundaries of our knowledge of the physical universe. Selected applicants are admitted to the PhD program of the UW Department of Physics, not to a specific research group, and are encouraged to explore research opportunities throughout the Department.

Degree Requirements

Typical timeline, advising and mentoring, satisfactory progress, financial support, more information.

Applicants to the doctoral program are expected to have a strong undergraduate preparation in physics, including courses in electromagnetism, classical and quantum mechanics, statistical physics, optics, and mathematical methods of physics. Further study in condensed matter, atomic, and particle and nuclear physics is desirable. Limited deficiencies in core areas may be permissible, but may delay degree completion by as much as a year and are are expected to remedied during the first year of graduate study.

The Graduate Admissions Committee reviews all submitted applications and takes a holistic approach considering all aspects presented in the application materials. Application materials include:

  • Resume or curriculum vitae, describing your current position or activities, educational and professional experience, and any honors awarded, special skills, publications or research presentations.
  • Statement of purpose, one page describing your academic purpose and goals.
  • Personal history statement (optional, two pages max), describing how your personal experiences and background (including family, cultural, or economic aspects) have influenced your intellectual development and interests.
  • Three letters of recommendation: submit email addresses for your recommenders at least one month ahead of deadline to allow them sufficient time to respond.
  • Transcripts (unofficial), from all prior relevant undergraduate and graduate institutions attended. Admitted applicants must provide official transcripts.
  • English language proficiency is required for graduate study at the University of Washington. Applicants whose native language is not English must demonstrate English proficiency. The various options are specified at: Official test scores must be sent by ETS directly to the University of Washington (institution code 4854) and be received within two years of the test date.

For additional information see the UW Graduate School Home Page , Understanding the Application Process , and Memo 15 regarding teaching assistant eligibility for non-native English speakers.

The GRE Subject Test in Physics (P-GRE) is optional in our admissions process, and typically plays a relatively minor role.  Our admissions system is holistic, as we use all available information to evaluate each application. If you have taken the P-GRE and feel that providing your score will help address specific gaps or otherwise materially strengthen your application, you are welcome to submit your scores. We emphasize that every application will be given full consideration, regardless of whether or not scores are submitted.

Applications are accepted annually for autumn quarter admissions (only), and must be submitted online. Admission deadline: DECEMBER 15, 2024.

Department standards

Course requirements.

Students must plan a program of study in consultation with their faculty advisor (either first year advisor or later research advisor). To establish adequate breadth and depth of knowledge in the field, PhD students are required to pass a set of core courses, take appropriate advanced courses and special topics offerings related to their research area, attend relevant research seminars as well as the weekly department colloquium, and take at least two additional courses in Physics outside their area of speciality. Seeking broad knowledge in areas of physics outside your own research area is encouraged.

The required core courses are:

/ /   Electromagnetism
/ / Quantum Mechanics
/ Statistical Mechanics
Classical Mechanics
Introduction to Research
Independent Study/Research

In addition, all students holding a teaching assistantship (TA) must complete Phys 501 / 502 / 503 , Tutorials in Teaching Physics.

Regularly offered courses which may, depending on research area and with the approval of the graduate program coordinator, be used to satisfy breadth requirements, include:

  • Phys 506 Numerical Methods
  • Phys 555 Cosmology & Particle Astrophysics
  • Phys 507 Group Theory
  • Phys 557 High Energy Physics
  • Phys 511 Topics in Contemporary Physics
  • Phys 560 Nuclear Theory
  • Phys 520 Quantum Information
  • Phys 564 General Relativity
  • Phys 550 Atomic Physics
  • Phys 567 Condensed Matter Physics
  • Phys 554 Nuclear Astrophysics
  • Phys 570 Quantum Field Theory

Graduate exams

Master's Review:   In addition to passing all core courses, adequate mastery of core material must be demonstrated by passing the Master's Review. This is composed of four Master's Review Exams (MREs) which serve as the final exams in Phys 524 (SM), Phys 514 (EM), Phys 518 (QM), and Phys 505 (CM). The standard for passing each MRE is demonstrated understanding and ability to solve multi-step problems; this judgment is independent of the overall course grade. Acceptable performance on each MRE is expected, but substantial engagement in research allows modestly sub-par performance on one exam to be waived. Students who pass the Master's Review are eligible to receive a Master's degree, provided the Graduate School course credit and grade point average requirements have also been satisfied.

General Exam:   Adequate mastery of material in one's area of research, together with demonstrated progress in research and a viable plan to complete a PhD dissertation, is assessed in the General Exam. This is taken after completing all course requirements, passing the Master's Review, and becoming well established in research. The General Exam consists of an oral presentation followed by an in-depth question period with one's dissertation committee.

Final Oral Exam:   Adequate completion of a PhD dissertation is assessed in the Final Oral, which is a public exam on one's completed dissertation research. The requirement of surmounting a final public oral exam is an ancient tradition for successful completion of a PhD degree.

Graduate school requirements

Common requirements for all doctoral degrees are given in the Graduate School Degree Requirements and Doctoral Degree Policies and Procedures pages. A summary of the key items, accurate as of late 2020, is as follows:

  • A minimum of 90 completed credits, of which at least 60 must be completed at the University of Washington. A Master's degree from the UW or another institution in physics, or approved related field of study, may substitute for 30 credits of enrollment.
  • At least 18 credits of UW course work at the 500 level completed prior to the General Examination.
  • At least 18 numerically graded UW credits of 500 level courses and approved 400 level courses, completed prior to the General Examination.
  • At least 60 credits completed prior to scheduling the General Examination. A Master's degree from the UW or another institution may substitute for 30 of these credits.
  • A minimum of 27 dissertation (or Physics 800) credits, spread out over a period of at least three quarters, must be completed. At least one of those three quarters must come after passing the General Exam. Except for summer quarters, students are limited to a maximum of 10 dissertation credits per quarter.
  • A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 must be maintained.
  • The General Examination must be successfully completed.
  • A thesis dissertation approved by the reading committee and submitted and accepted by the Graduate School.
  • The Final Examination must be successfully completed. At least four members of the supervisory committee, including chair and graduate school representative, must be present.
  • Registration as a full- or part-time graduate student at the University must be maintained, specifically including the quarter in which the examinations are completed and the quarter in which the degree is conferred. (Part-time means registered for at least 2 credits, but less than 10.)
  • All work for the doctoral degree must be completed within ten years. This includes any time spend on leave, as well as time devoted to a Master's degree from the UW or elsewhere (if used to substitute for credits of enrollment).
  • Pass the required core courses: Phys 513 , 517 , 524 & 528 autumn quarter, Phys 514 , 518 & 525 winter quarter, and Phys 515 , 519 & 505 spring quarter. When deemed appropriate, with approval of their faculty advisor and graduate program coordinator, students may elect to defer Phys 525 , 515 and/or 519 to the second year in order to take more credits of Phys 600 .
  • Sign up for and complete one credit of Phys 600 with a faculty member of choice during winter and spring quarters.
  • Pass the Master's Review by the end of spring quarter or, after demonstrating substantial research engagement, by the end of the summer.
  • Work to identify one's research area and faculty research advisor. This begins with learning about diverse research areas in Phys 528 in the autumn, followed by Phys 600 independent study with selected faculty members during winter, spring, and summer.
  • Pass the Master's Review (if not already done) by taking any deferred core courses or retaking MREs as needed. The Master's Review must be passed before the start of the third year.
  • Settle in and become fully established with one's research group and advisor, possibly after doing independent study with multiple faculty members. Switching research areas during the first two years is not uncommon.
  • Complete all required courses. Take breadth courses and more advanced graduate courses appropriate for one's area of research.
  • Perform research.
  • Establish a Supervisory Committee within one year after finding a compatible research advisor who agrees to supervise your dissertation work.
  • Take breadth and special topics courses as appropriate.
  • Take your General Exam in the third or fourth year of your graduate studies.
  • Register for Phys 800 (Doctoral Thesis Research) instead of Phys 600 in the quarters during and after your general exam.
  • Take special topics courses as appropriate.
  • Perform research. When completion of a substantial body of research is is sight, and with concurrence of your faculty advisor, start writing a thesis dissertation.
  • Establish a dissertation reading committee well in advance of scheduling the Final Examination.
  • Schedule your Final Examination and submit your PhD dissertation draft to your reading committee at least several weeks before your Final Exam.
  • Take your Final Oral Examination.
  • After passing your Final Exam, submit your PhD dissertation, as approved by your reading committee, to the Graduate School, normally before the end of the same quarter.

This typical timeline for competing the PhD applies to students entering the program with a solid undergraduate preparation, as described above under Admissions. Variant scenarios are possible with approval of the Graduate Program coordinator. Two such scenarios are the following:

  • Students entering with insufficient undergraduate preparation often require more time. It is important to identify this early, and not feel that this reflects on innate abilities or future success. Discussion with one's faculty advisor, during orientation or shortly thereafter, may lead to deferring one or more of the first year required courses and corresponding Master's Review Exams. It can also involve taking selected 300 or 400 level undergraduate physics courses before taking the first year graduate level courses. This must be approved by the Graduate Program coordinator, but should not delay efforts to find a suitable research advisor. The final Master's Review decision still takes place no later than the start of the 3rd year and research engagement is an important component in this decision.
  • Entering PhD students with advanced standing, for example with a prior Master's degree in Physics or transferring from another institution after completing one or more years in a Physics PhD program, may often graduate after 3 or 4 years in our program. After discussion with your faculty advisor and with approval of the Graduate Program coordinator, selected required classes may be waived (but typically not the corresponding Master's Review Exams), and credit from other institutions transferred.
  • Each entering PhD student is assigned a first year faculty advisor, with whom they meet regularly to discuss course selection, general progress, and advice on research opportunities. The role of a student's primary faculty advisor switches to their research advisor after they become well established in research. Once their doctoral supervisory committee is formed, the entire committee, including a designated faculty mentor (other than the research advisor) is available to provide advice and mentoring.
  • The department also has a peer mentoring program, in which first-year students are paired with more senior students who have volunteered as mentors. Peer mentors maintain contact with their first-year mentees throughout the year and aim to ease the transition to graduate study by sharing their experiences and providing support and advice. Quarterly "teas" are held to which all peer mentors and mentees are invited.
  • While academic advising is primarily concerned with activities and requirements necessary to make progress toward a degree, mentoring focuses on the human relationships, commitments, and resources that can help a student find success and fulfillment in academic and professional pursuits. While research advisors play an essential role in graduate study, the department considers it inportant for every student to also have available additional individuals who take on an explicit mentoring role.
  • Students are expected to meet regularly, at a minimum quarterly, with their faculty advisors (either first year advisor or research advisor).
  • Starting in the winter of their first year, students are expected to be enrolled in Phys 600 .
  • Every spring all students, together with their advisors, are required to complete an annual activities report.
  • The doctoral supervisory committee needs to be established at least by the end of the fourth year.
  • The General Exam is expected to take place during the third or fourth year.
  • Students and their advisors are expected to aim for not more than 6 years between entry into the Physics PhD program and completion of the PhD. In recent years the median time is close to 6 years.

Absence of satisfactory progress can lead to a hierarchy of actions, as detailed in the Graduate School Memo 16: Academic Performance and Progress , and may jeopardize funding as a teaching assistant.

The Department aims to provide financial support for all full-time PhD students making satisfactory progress, and has been successful in doing so for many years. Most students are supported via a mix teaching assistantships (TAs) and research assistantships (RAs), although there are also various scholarships, fellowships, and awards that provide financial support. Teaching and research assistanships provide a stipend, a tuition waiver, and health insurance benefits. TAs are employed by the University to assist faculty in their teaching activities. Students from non-English-speaking countries must pass English proficiency requirements . RAs are employed by the Department to assist faculty with specified research projects, and are funded through research grants held by faculty members.

Most first-year students are provided full TA support during their first academic year as part of their admission offer. Support beyond the second year is typically in the form of an RA or a TA/RA combination. It is the responsibility of the student to find a research advisor and secure RA support. Students accepting TA or RA positions are required to register as full-time graduate students (a minimum of 10 credits during the academic year, and 2 credits in summer quarter) and devote 20 hours per week to their assistantship duties. Both TAs and RAs are classified as Academic Student Employees (ASE) . These positions are governed by a contract between the UW and the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), and its Local Union 4121 (UAW).

Physics PhD students are paid at the "Assistant" level (Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant) upon entry to the program. Students receive a promotion to "Associate I" (Predoctoral Teaching Associate I or Predoctoral Research Associate I) after passing the Master's Review, and a further promotion to "Associate II" (Predoctoral Teaching Associate II or Predoctoral Research Associate II) after passing their General Examination. (Summer quarter courses, and summer quarter TA employment, runs one month shorter than during the academic year. To compendate, summer quarter TA salaries are increased proportionately.)

  • UW Physics Department fact sheet .
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Mission statement.

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Program Goals

  • To train students to develop the necessary academic framework as well as a thorough practical understanding in medical physics, including areas of diagnostic radiologic physics, health physics, nuclear medicine, and a designated focus on radiation therapy.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to formulate and solve relevant medical physics problems.
  • Students will be able to communicate scientific and technical research effectively in writing and oral presentations.
  • Students will be able to work with physicians and technicians in conducting diagnostic radiology or radiation therapy

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Critique my CV! Physics PhD looking to move into quant roles


  1. Physicist Resume Samples

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  2. 9 PhD Resume Examples & Guide for 2023

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  3. 9 PhD Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

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  6. PhD Graduate CV examples + guide [Get hired quick]

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  1. PDF Resumes & Cover Letters for Student PhD Students Graduate

    No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the express written permission of the Harvard University Faculty of Arts & Sciences Mignone Center for Career Success. 4/23. Mignone Center for Career Success Harvard University, Faculty of Arts & Sciences Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone: (617) 495-2595

  2. Physics Graduate CV example + guide [Get hired]

    Physics Graduate CV example. Andrew Fennell. Whether you want to be a data analyst, engineer, researcher or even a teacher, your physics degree can open you up to a lot of exciting job opportunities. That being said, graduate roles can be competitive, so you need to be able to showcase your skills and everything you've learnt during your time ...

  3. PDF Creating a PhD Resume

    - Awarded the IBES Graduate Research, Training and Travel Award in 2021. Project 2: Detecting Topological Waves in the Atmosphere and Ocean Advisor: XXX - Collaborating in a NASA funded project in the Physics Department. - Using the topology theory to explain the Poincare waves behavior in the upper atmosphere and the subsurface ocean.

  4. 9 PhD Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    9 PhD Resume Examples & Guide for... 9 PhD Resume Examples & Guide for 2024. Your PhD resume must highlight your extensive research and expertise in your field of study. Tailor it to showcase how your unique skills are transferable to the job you're applying for. Demonstrate your proficiency in critical thinking and problem-solving through ...

  5. 7 Best Physicist Resume Examples for 2024

    Physicist Resume with No Experience. Recent graduate from the University of Physics with a passion for understanding the complexities of science and technology. Seeking an entry- level position to further develop and utilize my skills to benefit the organization. I am a hardworking, knowledgeable, and highly organized individual. Skills

  6. Physicist CV Examples (Template & 20+ Tips)

    Sample Physicist CV for Inspiration. Personal Details: Name: John Doe Phone: 555-5555 Email: [email protected] Location: San Francisco, CA. Summary: John Doe is a highly accomplished Physicist with over 10 years of experience in research and development. He has a solid background in quantum physics, astrophysics, and applied physics, and is ...

  7. Physicist Resume Samples

    Health Physicist Resume Examples & Samples. 5 years' Experience in nuclear power Radiation Protection or Radiation Protection programs is preferred. 3 years BWR Radiation Protection Technician experience is preferred. Experience with nuclear power plant outages, access control and ALARA is preferred.

  8. How To Write a Physicist Resume (With Template and Example)

    Here's how to write a physicist resume: 1. Add contact information. Add your contact information at the top of your resume so that employers can schedule an interview or ask you for supporting documents. For a physicist position, it's appropriate to include your degree title next to your full name. You can also add your phone number ...

  9. How To Write a Resume for a PhD Application

    The following are steps to follow when writing a resume or CV to apply for a Ph.D. program: 1. Review the Ph.D. application and determine all relevant information you need to include in your resume. Before you begin writing your resume or CV for your Ph.D. application, you should first review the application and note the specific information as ...

  10. CV Template

    Resume Template by Alaina G. Levine, ... • Directed, initiated, and oversaw all aspects of this multidisciplinary graduate program: advising and career planning, internship and job placement, alumni relations and development ... • Physics 100: Physics for Poets (non-major course) ...

  11. What should a PhD in physics put in a CV?

    My resume is a page long, my CV is longer than a single page. My resume was ordered as such-education/work experience; Recent examples of work; technical skills (programming, analysis, etc) soft skills (spoken languages, leadership, etc) As for what you can do with a physic phd, my friend ended up taking a job at a bank.

  12. CV / Resume for Physics Graduate School : r/AskPhysics

    CV / Resume for Physics Graduate School. I have googled for hours, read through guides etc, but I what would be most helpful are specific examples of CVs or Resumes that people used successfully for their graduate admission processes in physics. Can anyone provide me with explicit, well designed examples?

  13. How To Create a Physics Major CV in 7 Steps (With Example)

    2. List your contact information. Listing your contact information is an important step in creating your CV because it gives the employer a few ways to connect with you to arrange an interview. At the top of your CV, put your name first, city and state, phone number and professional email address.

  14. PDF The physicist's guide to writing your CV

    physics A, mathematics B, chemistry A. 2000 St Peter's School, Metherton GCSEs: six grade A* (including physics, mathematics and English), two grade A, two grade B. Put your name in a header so that it appears on every page. Headline your CV with your name in bold. This makes it easier to find and can summarise your education

  15. Physicist Resume Sample

    Assistant Physicist. 09/2009 - 11/2011. Chicago, IL. Obtain and maintain a DoE Q clearance. Master's and 5+ years; or Doctorate and 4+ years. Knowledge of related safety issues, regulations, and safe practices required. Considerable skills in synchrotron x-ray beamline research, development, design and construction.

  16. Applying to Graduate School

    A lot. In total, one can expect to spend $1413 - $1921 on graduate school applications. One SPS student tallied up their own costs when applying to 12 schools, using fee waivers for applications, and spent a total of $1,141. So, make sure you have $1,000 - $2,000 saved up before applying to graduate schools!

  17. PDF Sample Resume Physics

    Bachelor of Science in Physics, Applied Concentration May 20xx . Towson University, Towson, MD . Major GPA: 3.7 . Overall GPA: 3.5 . Dean's List: Fall 20xx-Spring 20xx . RELATED COURSEWORK • Introductory Mathematics Physics • Computers in Physics • Basic Electronics • Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory . RELATED EXPERIENCE

  18. 31yo Physics PhD

    Physicist PhD - hired as Data Mining Analyst. Physics PhD - hired as Quantitative Risk Analyst. Physicist PhD - hired as Process Engineer. Physics PhD - hired as Mass Media Fellow. These were just examples of candidates with a Physics PhD, but Math, Chemistry, Astronomy, Biology PhDs all can be adapted.

  19. Physicist Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Based on our collection of resume samples, essential qualifications for a Physicist are excellent math skills, innovation, analytical thinking, creativity, and training abilities (for those holding a teaching position). Eligible candidates usually hold a Doctoral Degree in applied physics. Not exactly what you are looking for? Check our ...

  20. PhD Program

    A PhD degree in Physics is awarded in recognition of significant and novel research contributions, extending the boundaries of our knowledge of the physical universe. Selected applicants are admitted to the PhD program of the UW Department of Physics, not to a specific research group, and are encouraged to explore research opportunities throughout the Department.

  21. Resume question from a Physics PhD : r/datascience

    Hey folks, I'm a recent Physics PhD graduate working on a transition into Data Science. I'm working on my resume and am wondering how I can best describe myself and my skill set in a manner applicable to entry level DS positions.

  22. About to graduate with my physics PhD, and decided to leave ...

    I thought finding a job with a physics PhD would be easy, but that is not ending up the case. My work is in detector construction and testing, and data analysis, so I wanted to maybe look at the local defense and communication contractors. ... my resume more describes the projects I've worked on, and my responsibilities, rather than a list of ...

  23. MS in Medical Physics

    The medical physics graduate program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs, Inc. (CAMPEP). The program, serving both MS and PhD degrees, ensures that the students receive adequate didactic and clinical training to continue in education and research, enter clinical physics residencies or begin working as medical physicists in radiation therapy ...

  24. Critique my CV! Physics PhD looking to move into quant roles

    Simple, 30k salary for academia in London and no job prospects (0.5% of PhD students become professors) vs multiple times base salary, work life balance, relative security, not having to uproot your life every 18 months. Intellectual stimulation doesn't put food on the table/buy houses. Source: quant with a CV not dissimilar from theirs, now ...