Words That Rhyme With ASSIGNMENTS

RankWord/PhraseSave?More.. LettersUsageSyl'sSyllablesType
1 13 3 nounn
2 10 3 nounn
3 12 4 nounn
4 11 3 nounn
5 11 3 nounn
6 12 3 nounn
7 12 4 nounn
8 12 4 nounn
9 11 3 nounn
10 11 3 nounn
11 8 2 nounn
12 10 3 nounn
13 12 3 nounn
14 9 3 nounn
15 9 2 nounn
16 8 2 nounn
17 11 3 nounn
18 13 3 nounn
19 14 4 nounn
20 11 3 nounn
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2 Syllables

Words (222).

  • scarcements
  • fleechments

3 Syllables

Words (851).

  • reassignments
  • refinements
  • descendants
  • arraignments
  • incitements
  • assessments
  • achievements
  • governments
  • postponements
  • descendents
  • endorsements
  • deployments
  • employments
  • managements
  • enticements
  • requirements
  • retirements
  • adjustments
  • advancements
  • appointments
  • arrangements
  • attachments
  • battlements
  • derailments
  • disbursements
  • displacements
  • divestments
  • embankments
  • emplacements
  • encroachments
  • enforcements
  • enhancements
  • enrollments
  • escarpments
  • impairments
  • impoundments
  • improvements
  • inducements
  • instruments
  • investments
  • involvements
  • measurements
  • misjudgments
  • procurements
  • pronouncements
  • readjustments
  • reinforcements
  • resentments
  • restatements
  • retrenchments
  • settlements
  • blandishments
  • accountants
  • dispersants
  • designments
  • indictments
  • astringents
  • bombardments
  • commandments
  • commitments
  • compartments
  • complements
  • contingents
  • curtailments
  • departments
  • engagements
  • impeachments
  • infringements
  • installments
  • misstatements
  • prepayments
  • punishments
  • reenactments
  • refreshments
  • reimbursements
  • replacements
  • respondents
  • tournaments
  • complainants
  • depressants
  • propellants
  • protestants
  • registrants
  • suppressants
  • crosscurrents
  • fluorescents
  • grandparents
  • outpatients
  • coefficients
  • congregants
  • contestants
  • convulsants
  • compliments
  • accruements
  • advisements
  • aggrievements
  • alightments
  • amercements
  • announcements
  • appeasements
  • appraisements
  • arrestments
  • assoilments
  • assortments
  • attainments
  • avouchments
  • beguilements
  • bemusements
  • betterments
  • consignments
  • debasements
  • debatements
  • debouchments
  • defacements
  • defilements
  • definements
  • deforcements
  • denotements
  • denouncements
  • denudements
  • deportments
  • derangements
  • despisements
  • detachments
  • detainments
  • dethronements
  • disbarments
  • disguisements
  • dislodgments
  • disownments
  • dissolvents
  • divorcements
  • effacements
  • embossments
  • embracements
  • encashments
  • enchantments
  • encystments
  • endearments
  • engrossments
  • enlacements
  • enlistments
  • enrichments
  • enshrinements
  • entailments
  • enthronements
  • entombments
  • entrancements
  • entrapments
  • entreatments
  • entrenchments
  • entrustments
  • escapements
  • estrangements
  • evolvements
  • immurements
  • maltreatments
  • misplacements
  • mistreatments
  • nontreatments
  • obtainments
  • preachments
  • prejudgments
  • presentments
  • propellents
  • rabblements
  • reappointments
  • rearmaments
  • rearrangements
  • reassessments
  • reattachments
  • recoupments
  • reequipments
  • reindictments
  • reinstatements
  • renouncements
  • rescindments
  • revilements
  • securements
  • seducements
  • solacements
  • startlements
  • subbasements
  • subsegments
  • supplements
  • traducements
  • unfoldments
  • attractants
  • discussants
  • flagellants
  • flamboyants
  • flocculants
  • maidservants
  • menservants
  • ministrants
  • oceanfronts
  • percipients
  • proficients
  • protectants
  • remonstrants
  • retreatants
  • riverfronts
  • surveillants
  • transhumants
  • abridgements
  • abridgments
  • acquirements
  • adjournments
  • allurements
  • ambushments
  • anointments
  • arctangents
  • attornments
  • attunements
  • babblements
  • bafflements
  • banishments
  • bereavements
  • bewitchments
  • cajolements
  • cantonments
  • chastisements
  • circumvents
  • commencements
  • comportments
  • concealments
  • concernments
  • concurrents
  • conferments
  • confinements
  • congealments
  • containments
  • contentments
  • controlments
  • couplements
  • curettements
  • decampments
  • depravements
  • despoilments
  • detrainments
  • devotements
  • disbandments
  • discernments
  • discontents
  • dislodgements
  • disportments
  • embalmments
  • embarkments
  • embroilments
  • encampments
  • encasements
  • enchainments
  • enframements
  • engraftments
  • engulfments
  • enjambments
  • enmeshments
  • enserfments
  • enslavements
  • enthrallments
  • entrainments
  • excitements
  • famishments
  • forestallments
  • fulfillments
  • fulfilments
  • garnishments
  • harassments
  • impalements
  • impartments
  • impingements
  • impressments
  • instalments
  • instillments
  • internments
  • languishments
  • malcontents
  • nonemployments
  • nonenforcements
  • nonengagements
  • nonpayments
  • nonstudents
  • nourishments
  • ordainments
  • outplacements
  • preferments
  • pretreatments
  • puzzlements
  • ravagements
  • ravishments
  • rearguments
  • recruitments
  • reemployments
  • reengagements
  • reenlistments
  • refrainments
  • reinvestments
  • revealments
  • signalments
  • stablishments
  • stepparents
  • tanglements
  • thermoelements
  • transshipments
  • vouchsafements
  • wilderments
  • wonderments
  • dissentients
  • intriguants
  • malignments
  • accusements
  • acquitments
  • adjudgements
  • adjudgments
  • afforcements
  • assailments
  • attaintments
  • attendments
  • attirements
  • avengements
  • benightments
  • benumbments
  • besiegements
  • bestowments
  • debauchments
  • deducements
  • defraudments
  • defrayments
  • deprivements
  • deraignments
  • dessignments
  • dismastments
  • disrobements
  • distrainments
  • dreariments
  • dwindlements
  • eloignments
  • embasements
  • empiecements
  • encodements
  • encrustments
  • enfacements
  • enouncements
  • enragements
  • ensnarements
  • ensoulments
  • enwrapments
  • escheatments
  • evincements
  • fibrocements
  • flusterments
  • forejudgements
  • forejudgments
  • franchisements
  • furnishments
  • gabblements
  • harrowments
  • impugnments
  • incasements
  • inditements
  • infoldments
  • insnarements
  • insoulments
  • instatements
  • instilments
  • insultments
  • intrustments
  • invitements
  • obligements
  • obscurements
  • prevailments
  • prisonments
  • producements
  • prolongments
  • propelments
  • provokements
  • publishments
  • reamendments
  • reassortments
  • rebatements
  • recallments
  • regalements
  • reinterments
  • rejoicements
  • releasements
  • resilements
  • retailments
  • retainments
  • retracements
  • retrievements
  • revivements
  • revokements
  • scribblements
  • secernments
  • secondments
  • sojournments
  • subduements
  • surbasements
  • sustainments
  • transhipments
  • unhingements
  • accomptants
  • assentients
  • declaimants
  • degreasants
  • discutients
  • extractants
  • incrustants
  • installants
  • malfeasants
  • perturbants
  • proclaimants
  • reclaimants
  • redcurrants
  • sequestrants
  • sufficients
  • abonnements
  • abstergents
  • affeerments
  • affreightments
  • affrightments
  • appeachments
  • assythments
  • astoundments
  • befoulments
  • betrothments
  • blemishments
  • brabblements
  • burnishments
  • chastenments
  • cherishments
  • compilements
  • condolements
  • conducements
  • confrontments
  • confutements
  • conjurements
  • consolements
  • contendents
  • contenements
  • contrahents
  • contrivements
  • convincements
  • cumberments
  • darraignments
  • dazzlements
  • defragments
  • devolvements
  • devourments
  • dimplements
  • discardments
  • disconsents
  • distilments
  • embranchments
  • embruements
  • empalements
  • enfoldments
  • engrailments
  • enjoinments
  • enswathements
  • enthralments
  • entoilments
  • entwinements
  • epaulements
  • estrepements
  • forebodements
  • forepayments
  • forestalments
  • forjudgments
  • graplements
  • imbruements
  • infeftments
  • ingraftments
  • ingulfments
  • intreatments
  • intrenchments
  • intwinements
  • jostlements
  • lavishments
  • minglements
  • miscontents
  • misjudgements
  • mismatchments
  • muddlements
  • mumblements
  • persistents
  • pesterments
  • plenishments
  • polishments
  • ponderments
  • prattlements
  • prejudgements
  • premovements
  • presagements
  • pretendents
  • projectments
  • reappraisements
  • recountments
  • refundments
  • regainments
  • reinstalments
  • relentments
  • remandments
  • repinements
  • requitements
  • reshipments
  • restringents
  • retardments
  • revengements
  • stranglements
  • subtangents
  • sunderments
  • supplyments
  • supportments
  • tracklements
  • transcendents
  • tremblements
  • vanishments
  • vanquishments
  • withdrawments
  • withholdments
  • percutients
  • pretendants
  • subservients
  • suscipients

Phrases (2)

  • balance of payments
  • ten commandments

4 Syllables

Words (370).

  • realignments
  • abandonments
  • environments
  • entertainments
  • developments
  • disappointments
  • accomplishments
  • accoutrements
  • advertisements
  • disagreements
  • embarrassments
  • establishments
  • impediments
  • undergarments
  • accelerants
  • accouterments
  • acknowledgments
  • correspondents
  • enlargements
  • entanglements
  • entitlements
  • experiments
  • independents
  • overpayments
  • overstatements
  • predicaments
  • redeployments
  • temperaments
  • underpayments
  • subcontinents
  • contaminants
  • determinants
  • lieutenants
  • antecedents
  • equivalents
  • incompetents
  • decongestants
  • delinquents
  • ingredients
  • adolescents
  • belligerents
  • nonresidents
  • undercurrents
  • constituents
  • disinfectants
  • inhabitants
  • noncombatants
  • participants
  • refrigerants
  • supergiants
  • acknowledgements
  • reciprocants
  • advertizements
  • aggrandizements
  • apportionments
  • ascertainments
  • bamboozlements
  • bedevilments
  • bedizenments
  • befuddlements
  • belittlements
  • disarrangements
  • disfigurements
  • edutainments
  • embattlements
  • embezzlements
  • embitterments
  • embrittlements
  • empoisonments
  • encirclements
  • encompassments
  • enjambements
  • enlightenments
  • ennoblements
  • habiliments
  • imprisonments
  • interlacements
  • maladjustments
  • microelements
  • misalignments
  • misgovernments
  • misrepresents
  • multivalents
  • nonalignments
  • prearrangements
  • preordainments
  • presentiments
  • privatdocents
  • quadrivalents
  • recommencements
  • reconcilements
  • relinquishments
  • resettlements
  • ressentiments
  • subemployments
  • subgovernments
  • underlayments
  • understatements
  • administrants
  • adulterants
  • bipropellants
  • denaturants
  • discriminants
  • euphoriants
  • introgressants
  • matriculants
  • micronutrients
  • misdemeanants
  • recalcitrants
  • recombinants
  • rubefacients
  • undertenants
  • abolishments
  • admeasurements
  • admonishments
  • arbitraments
  • assuagements
  • astonishments
  • bedazzlements
  • beleaguerments
  • bewilderments
  • codependents
  • comanagements
  • convalescents
  • copresidents
  • coresidents
  • corespondents
  • counteragents
  • countercurrents
  • decipherments
  • demolishments
  • diminishments
  • disablements
  • disarmaments
  • disburdenments
  • disconcertments
  • discontentments
  • discouragements
  • disenchantments
  • disendowments
  • disengagements
  • disfurnishments
  • disgruntlements
  • disheartenments
  • disinterments
  • disinvestments
  • dismantlements
  • dismemberments
  • disparagements
  • dissepiments
  • disseverments
  • embellishments
  • emblazonments
  • embodiments
  • embranglements
  • empowerments
  • encipherments
  • encouragements
  • endangerments
  • enfeeblements
  • enfeoffments
  • engorgements
  • ensorcellments
  • envelopments
  • equipollents
  • extinguishments
  • houseparents
  • idempotents
  • imperilments
  • incandescents
  • integuments
  • intertwinements
  • intransigents
  • inveiglements
  • jurisprudents
  • medicaments
  • misemployments
  • mismanagements
  • myofilaments
  • nonachievements
  • nonarguments
  • nonattachments
  • noncommitments
  • nondependents
  • nonfulfillments
  • nonincumbents
  • noninstallments
  • noninvolvements
  • nonrespondents
  • omnipotents
  • overgarments
  • overtreatments
  • parliaments
  • photocurrents
  • precommitments
  • prefigurements
  • prepubescents
  • privatdozents
  • recommitments
  • refurbishments
  • remeasurements
  • replenishments
  • subcomponents
  • subdepartments
  • superagents
  • supercurrents
  • unemployments
  • unsettlements
  • vicegerents
  • appurtenants
  • macronutrients
  • nonirritants
  • nonruminants
  • somnifacients
  • subdominants
  • submediants
  • subsequents
  • substituents
  • accoustrements
  • accustrements
  • additaments
  • aggrandisements
  • amortisements
  • apprenticements
  • bequeathments
  • discolorments
  • disentrainments
  • disgorgements
  • divertisements
  • divulgements
  • electrocements
  • embowelments
  • enablements
  • enlivenments
  • enregiments
  • incensements
  • interweavements
  • mismeasurements
  • proportionments
  • reallotments
  • redoublements
  • submergements
  • unconcernments
  • intersegments
  • nonabsorbents
  • nonequivalents
  • preenrollments
  • preretirements
  • presettlements
  • reapportionments
  • agglutinants
  • deflocculants
  • deforciants
  • deobstruents
  • dipropellants
  • disciplinants
  • interpellants
  • intriguantes
  • polysemants
  • preoccupants
  • stupefacients
  • subalternants
  • tergiversants
  • nondominants
  • acquiescents
  • adultescents
  • amerciaments
  • amortizements
  • apparelments
  • appartements
  • appertainments
  • appertinents
  • appeteezements
  • appetisements
  • arbitrements
  • attemperments
  • attendements
  • avertiments
  • ballottements
  • bioreagents
  • cashierments
  • departements
  • desagrements
  • disannulments
  • discolourments
  • disembarkments
  • disemboguements
  • disemployments
  • disentailments
  • disenthralments
  • disfeaturements
  • dishevelments
  • disobligements
  • dispiritments
  • displenishments
  • divergements
  • embowerments
  • empanelments
  • encumberments
  • endamagements
  • endeavourments
  • engenderments
  • entablements
  • envisagements
  • evanishments
  • foreordainments
  • garnisheements
  • impanelments
  • impenitents
  • inspiritments
  • loculaments
  • maldeployments
  • micropayments
  • misallotments
  • misarrangements
  • miscontentments
  • misimprovements
  • outsettlements
  • palliaments
  • paludaments
  • partitionments
  • premonishments
  • reminiscents
  • representments
  • retromingents
  • surchargements
  • tetravalents
  • underagents
  • unravelments
  • unruliments
  • viceregents
  • countermovements
  • counterstatements
  • disfranchisements
  • enfranchisements
  • nonentertainments
  • nonestablishments
  • nongovernments
  • nonmanagements
  • nonreappointments
  • postpubescents
  • preemployments
  • pretournaments
  • reestablishments
  • abiturients
  • febrifacients
  • liquefacients
  • sorbefacients
  • supernutrients
  • usucapients
  • zalambdodonts

Phrases (5)

  • pink elephants
  • board of regents
  • turn of events
  • hendrik lorentz
  • konrad lorenz

5 Syllables

  • accompaniments
  • superintendents
  • abortifacients
  • antidepressants
  • antioxidants
  • disembowelments
  • hereditaments
  • immunosorbents
  • overadjustments
  • overcommitments
  • overinvestments
  • overrefinements
  • preadolescents
  • radioelements
  • redevelopments
  • monopropellants
  • nonrecombinants
  • ultramilitants
  • cobelligerents
  • divertissements
  • impoverishments
  • microfilaments
  • monofilaments
  • nonbelligerents
  • nondevelopments
  • overassessments
  • overdocuments
  • overornaments
  • semiretirements
  • subadolescents
  • subdevelopments
  • superabsorbents
  • supercontinents
  • sublieutenants
  • microcomponents
  • countergovernments
  • disestablishments
  • disillusionments
  • hyperexcitements
  • postadolescents
  • supergovernments
  • underachievements
  • underinvestments
  • undernourishments
  • decontaminants
  • disembodiments
  • disempowerments
  • disenablements
  • empoverishments
  • multifilaments
  • predevelopments
  • refashionments
  • semideponents
  • counterarguments
  • counterdeployments
  • counterinsurgents
  • disenfranchisements
  • disentanglements
  • malapportionments
  • micromanagements
  • overachievements
  • preexperiments
  • underemployments
  • delirifacients
  • reconstituents
  • counterirritants

Phrases (1)

  • table of contents

6 Syllables

  • anticoagulants
  • palaeocurrents
  • microenvironments
  • hyperdevelopments
  • overdevelopments
  • overembellishments
  • underdevelopments
  • theatrical performance
  • hendrik antoon lorentz

7 Syllables

  • gedankenexperiments

8 Syllables

Phrases (3).

  • primary color for pigments
  • primary colour for pigments
  • konrad zacharias lorenz

11 Syllables

  • balance of international payments

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We've got 58 rhyming words for assignment  »

What rhymes with assignment əˈsaɪn mənt as·sign·ment, this page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like assignment . use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses..

assignment rhyme words

more definitions for assignment »

alignment · confinement · consignment · refinement

realignment · reassignment · retirement

cant · chant · grant · pant · plant · rant · scant · slant · aslant · congruent…

Popularity rank by frequency of use

How popular is assignment among other rhymes, a graphical representation of the words that rhyme with assignment ., 5/10 songs found see 5 more ».

Yo yo yo, disregard your whole assignment Crooked a** n**** need some realignment - powerful refinement
The power of your presence speaks even when bein' silent Universal alignment, I respect your refinement The focus to blossom this love is my only assignment
Smacked a second time, but on a different assignment And do a sucker new jack who needs a rappin' alignment
Now that I have the power make a refinement Revealin the snakes is my next assignment
Funny I'm serving the sentence of solitary confinement Results in a death sentence and still I'm a running assignment

1 poem found

all in utter refinement Understanding lifestyle changes one terrible illusion assignment

How to say assignment in sign language?

How to pronounce assignment.

  • Alex US English David US English Mark US English Daniel British Libby British Mia British Karen Australian Hayley Australian Natasha Australian Veena Indian Priya Indian Neerja Indian Zira US English Oliver British Wendy British Fred US English Tessa South African

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"assignment Rhymes." Rhymes.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 3 Jul 2024. < https://www.rhymes.com/rhyme/assignment >.


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assignment rhyme words

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Words That Rhyme With Assignment

  • Rhymes For Assignment

What Rhymes With Assignment?

We found 6 words that rhyme with Assignment. Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.

  • Rhymes with Assignment
  • Synonyms of Assignment
  • Antonyms of Assignment
Rhyme Len. Syllables PoS
9 3
11 3
11 3
11 4
12 4
10 3

Helpful Info

These are word lists that we think you may find interesting.

  •   Longest English Words
  •   Most Common English Words
  •   History Of Rhymes
  •   How To Find Rhymes
  •   Choosing a Rhyme Scheme

Random words to inspire rhymes

  • concentrate

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1,200+ Words That Rhyme With Assignment

Perfect rhymes with assignment.

  • abandonment
  • abridgement
  • accompaniment
  • accomplishment
  • accouterment
  • accoutrement
  • achievement
  • acknowledgement
  • acknowledgment
  • adjournment
  • advancement
  • advertisement
  • aggrandizement
  • announcment
  • antigovernment
  • appeasement
  • appointment
  • apportionment
  • arraignment
  • arrangement
  • astonishment
  • bereavement
  • bewilderment
  • blandishment
  • bombardment
  • commandment
  • commencement
  • compartment
  • comportment
  • concealment
  • confinement
  • consignment
  • containment
  • contentment
  • curtailment
  • development
  • diminishment
  • disagreement
  • disappointment
  • disarmament
  • disbursement
  • discernment
  • discouragement
  • disenchantment
  • disenfranchisement
  • disengagement
  • disestablishment
  • disgorgement
  • disgruntlement
  • disillusionment
  • disinvestment
  • dismantlement
  • dismemberment
  • displacement
  • downpayment
  • embarrassment
  • embellishment
  • embezzlement
  • emplacement
  • empowerment
  • enchantment
  • encirclement
  • encouragement
  • encroachment
  • endangerment
  • endorsement
  • enforcement
  • engrossment
  • enhancement
  • enlargement
  • enlightenment
  • enslavement
  • entanglement
  • entertainment
  • entitlement
  • entrenchment
  • environment
  • establishment
  • estrangement
  • extinguishment
  • financement
  • fulfillment
  • garnishment
  • impeachment
  • impoundment
  • impoverishment
  • impressment
  • imprisonment
  • improvement
  • infotainment
  • infringement
  • installment
  • intersegment
  • involvement
  • maltreatment
  • measurement
  • micromanagement
  • misgovernment
  • misjudgment
  • mismanagement
  • misstatement
  • mistreatment
  • non-government
  • non-management
  • non-payment
  • nongovernment
  • nonmanagement
  • nourishment
  • outplacement
  • overallotment
  • overpayment
  • overstatement
  • postponement
  • postretirement
  • predicament
  • prejudgment
  • presentment
  • procurement
  • pronouncement
  • ratatisement
  • readjustment
  • realignment
  • reappointment
  • reapportionment
  • rearrangement
  • reassessment
  • reassignment
  • recruitment
  • redeployment
  • redevelopment
  • reemployment
  • reenactment
  • refreshment
  • refurbishment
  • reimbursement
  • reinforcement
  • reinstatement
  • reinvestment
  • replacement
  • replenishment
  • requirement
  • resettlement
  • restatement
  • retracement
  • retrenchment
  • self-aggrandizement
  • self-dormant
  • self-enrichment
  • self-government
  • self-improvement
  • telemanagement
  • temperament
  • transhumant
  • underdevelopment
  • underemployment
  • undergarment
  • underpayment
  • understatement
  • unemployment

Close Rhymes With Assignment

  • abortifacient
  • acquiescent
  • administrant
  • anticoagulant
  • anticonvulsant
  • antidepressant
  • antidesiccant
  • antioxidant
  • antiozonant
  • antiperspirant
  • appurtenant
  • belligerent
  • benjamin constant
  • bipropellant
  • chateaubriant
  • chateaumeillant
  • clairvoyant
  • clohars-fouesnant
  • codefendant
  • coefficient
  • communicant
  • complainant
  • complaisant
  • concelebrant
  • concomitant
  • conflagrant
  • constituent
  • contaminant
  • convalescent
  • corespondent
  • correspondent
  • corroborant
  • cosurfactant
  • cotton plant
  • counterirritant
  • crosscurrent
  • cryoprotectant
  • decongestant
  • determinant
  • discriminant
  • disinfectant
  • disinfestant
  • disobedient
  • effervescent
  • equidistant
  • equilibrant
  • equiponderant
  • expectorant
  • extravagant
  • fluorescent
  • gesticulant
  • grandiloquent
  • grandparent
  • halperstant
  • hildebrandt
  • hilderbrandt
  • homotransplant
  • hypervigilant
  • immunosuppressant
  • impertinent
  • inadvertent
  • incandescent
  • incognizant
  • incompetent
  • incompliant
  • inconsistent
  • inconsonant
  • incontinent
  • inconvenient
  • independent
  • indifferent
  • inefficient
  • inobservant
  • insignificant
  • insufficient
  • intelligent
  • interactant
  • intercurrent
  • interdependent
  • intermittent
  • intransigeant
  • intransigent
  • introgressant
  • kings grant
  • la foret-fouesnant
  • lake pleasant
  • llantrisant
  • luminescent
  • magnificent
  • maidservant
  • manifestant
  • matriculant
  • midcontinent
  • misdemeanant
  • monopropellant
  • non-combatant
  • non-existent
  • non-resident
  • non-violent
  • noncombatant
  • noncompliant
  • nonconstant
  • nondominant
  • nonexistent
  • nonimmigrant
  • nonintoxicant
  • nonirritant
  • nonmalignant
  • nonmilitant
  • nonobservant
  • nonparticipant
  • nonpregnant
  • nonrecombinant
  • nonredundant
  • nonrelevant
  • nonresident
  • nonresistant
  • nonresonant
  • nonruminant
  • nonsignificant
  • obsolescent
  • omnipresent
  • overabundant
  • overconfident
  • overdependent
  • overdominant
  • overextravagant
  • overexuberant
  • participant
  • precipitant
  • predominant
  • premalignant
  • preponderant
  • protuberant
  • pseudopregnant
  • recalcitrant
  • reciprocant
  • recombinant
  • refrigerant
  • rehabilitant
  • reminiscent
  • remonstrant
  • resplendent
  • reverberant
  • scintillant
  • self-confident
  • self-consistent
  • self-sufficient
  • semidominant
  • semipermanent
  • significant
  • somnambulant
  • subcontinent
  • subdominant
  • sublieutenant
  • subservient
  • superabundant
  • superintendant
  • superintendent
  • supermilitant
  • supernatant
  • suppressant
  • surveillant
  • tetravalent
  • transcendent
  • transductant
  • translucent
  • transparent
  • ultradistant
  • ultramilitant
  • unbrilliant
  • undercurrent
  • undertenant
  • unflamboyant
  • unimportant
  • unobservant
  • unreluctant
  • unrepentant
  • unresistant
  • vice-president
  • water-repellent

Slant Rhymes With Assignment

  • battlefront

What the Table Columns Mean

  • Word : A word that rhymes with assignment.
  • Rhyming Percentage: How closely the word rhymes with assignment. A 100 means perfect rhyme while an 80 or 90 means a close rhyme. When this column says "Slant Rhyme," the word only rhymes if said in a certain way.
  • Syllables: The number of syllables in the word.
  • Type: The type of word.

Table of Contents

Syllable words & phrases that rhyme with assignment.

Below you can find the words that rhyme with assignment grouped by syllables.

1 Syllable Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

2 syllable words/phrases that rhyme with assignment.

  • Kings Grant

3 Syllable Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

  • Cotton Plant
  • Llantrisant
  • Abridgement
  • Achievement
  • Adjournment
  • Advancement
  • Announcment
  • Appeasement
  • Appointment
  • Arraignment
  • Arrangement
  • Battlefront
  • Bereavement
  • Blandishment
  • Bombardment
  • Clairvoyant
  • Commandment
  • Commencement
  • Compartment
  • Complainant
  • Complaisant
  • Comportment
  • Concealment
  • Confinement
  • Conflagrant
  • Consignment
  • Containment
  • Contentment
  • Crosscurrent
  • Curtailment
  • Disbursement
  • Discernment
  • Disgorgement
  • Displacement
  • Downpayment
  • Emplacement
  • Enchantment
  • Encroachment
  • Endorsement
  • Enforcement
  • Engrossment
  • Enhancement
  • Enlargement
  • Enslavement
  • Entrenchment
  • Estrangement
  • Financement
  • Fluorescent
  • Fulfillment
  • Garnishment
  • Grandparent
  • Halperstant
  • Hildebrandt
  • Hilderbrandt
  • Impeachment
  • Impoundment
  • Impressment
  • Improvement
  • Indifferent
  • Infringement
  • Installment
  • Involvement
  • Maltreatment
  • Measurement
  • Misjudgment
  • Misstatement
  • Mistreatment
  • Non-payment
  • Nonconstant
  • Nonpregnant
  • Nourishment
  • Outplacement
  • Postponement
  • Prejudgment
  • Presentment
  • Procurement
  • Pronouncement
  • Recruitment
  • Refreshment
  • Remonstrant
  • Replacement
  • Requirement
  • Resplendent
  • Restatement
  • Retracement
  • Retrenchment
  • Scintillant
  • Self-dormant
  • Suppressant
  • Temperament
  • Transcendent
  • Transductant
  • Transhumant
  • Translucent
  • Transparent

4 Syllable Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

  • Abandonment
  • Accompaniment
  • Accomplishment
  • Accouterment
  • Accoutrement
  • Acknowledgement
  • Acknowledgment
  • Acquiescent
  • Administrant
  • Advertisement
  • Aggrandizement
  • Apportionment
  • Appurtenant
  • Astonishment
  • Belligerent
  • Bewilderment
  • Bipropellant
  • Codefendant
  • Coefficient
  • Communicant
  • Concelebrant
  • Concomitant
  • Constituent
  • Contaminant
  • Convalescent
  • Corespondent
  • Correspondent
  • Corroborant
  • Cosurfactant
  • Cryoprotectant
  • Decongestant
  • Determinant
  • Development
  • Diminishment
  • Disagreement
  • Disappointment
  • Disarmament
  • Discouragement
  • Discriminant
  • Disenchantment
  • Disengagement
  • Disgruntlement
  • Disinfectant
  • Disinfestant
  • Disinvestment
  • Dismantlement
  • Dismemberment
  • Effervescent
  • Embarrassment
  • Embellishment
  • Embezzlement
  • Empowerment
  • Encirclement
  • Encouragement
  • Endangerment
  • Enlightenment
  • Entanglement
  • Entertainment
  • Entitlement
  • Environment
  • Equidistant
  • Equilibrant
  • Establishment
  • Expectorant
  • Extinguishment
  • Extravagant
  • Gesticulant
  • Grandiloquent
  • Homotransplant
  • Hypervigilant
  • Impertinent
  • Impoverishment
  • Imprisonment
  • Inadvertent
  • Incandescent
  • Incognizant
  • Incompetent
  • Incompliant
  • Inconsistent
  • Inconsonant
  • Incontinent
  • Inconvenient
  • Independent
  • Inefficient
  • Infotainment
  • Inobservant
  • Insufficient
  • Intelligent
  • Interactant
  • Intercurrent
  • Intermittent
  • Intersegment
  • Intransigent
  • Introgressant
  • Luminescent
  • Magnificent
  • Maidservant
  • Manifestant
  • Matriculant
  • Midcontinent
  • Misgovernment
  • Mismanagement
  • Non-combatant
  • Non-existent
  • Non-government
  • Non-management
  • Non-resident
  • Non-violent
  • Noncombatant
  • Noncompliant
  • Nondominant
  • Nonexistent
  • Nongovernment
  • Nonimmigrant
  • Nonirritant
  • Nonmalignant
  • Nonmanagement
  • Nonmilitant
  • Nonobservant
  • Nonredundant
  • Nonrelevant
  • Nonresident
  • Nonresistant
  • Nonresonant
  • Nonruminant
  • Obsolescent
  • Omnipresent
  • Overpayment
  • Overstatement
  • Participant
  • Precipitant
  • Predicament
  • Predominant
  • Premalignant
  • Preponderant
  • Protuberant
  • Ratatisement
  • Readjustment
  • Realignment
  • Reappointment
  • Rearrangement
  • Reassessment
  • Reassignment
  • Recalcitrant
  • Reciprocant
  • Recombinant
  • Redeployment
  • Reemployment
  • Reenactment
  • Refrigerant
  • Refurbishment
  • Reimbursement
  • Reinforcement
  • Reinstatement
  • Reinvestment
  • Reminiscent
  • Replenishment
  • Resettlement
  • Reverberant
  • Self-confident
  • Self-consistent
  • Self-enrichment
  • Self-government
  • Self-improvement
  • Self-sufficient
  • Significant
  • Somnambulant
  • Subcontinent
  • Subdominant
  • Subservient
  • Supernatant
  • Surveillant
  • Tetravalent
  • Ultradistant
  • Unbrilliant
  • Undercurrent
  • Undergarment
  • Underpayment
  • Understatement
  • Undertenant
  • Unemployment
  • Unflamboyant
  • Unimportant
  • Unobservant
  • Unreluctant
  • Unrepentant
  • Unresistant
  • Vice-president

5 Syllable Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

  • Benjamin Constant
  • Lake Pleasant
  • Abortifacient
  • Anticonvulsant
  • Antidepressant
  • Antidesiccant
  • Antigovernment
  • Antioxidant
  • Antiozonant
  • Antiperspirant
  • Disenfranchisement
  • Disestablishment
  • Disillusionment
  • Disobedient
  • Equiponderant
  • Insignificant
  • Interdependent
  • Intransigeant
  • Micromanagement
  • Misdemeanant
  • Monopropellant
  • Nonintoxicant
  • Nonparticipant
  • Nonrecombinant
  • Nonsignificant
  • Overabundant
  • Overallotment
  • Overconfident
  • Overdependent
  • Overdominant
  • Postretirement
  • Pseudopregnant
  • Reapportionment
  • Redevelopment
  • Rehabilitant
  • Self-aggrandizement
  • Semidominant
  • Semipermanent
  • Superabundant
  • Superintendant
  • Superintendent
  • Supermilitant
  • Telemanagement
  • Ultramilitant
  • Underemployment
  • Water-repellent

6 Syllable Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

  • Chateaubriant
  • Clohars-fouesnant
  • Anticoagulant
  • Counterirritant
  • Immunosuppressant
  • Overextravagant
  • Overexuberant
  • Sublieutenant
  • Underdevelopment

7 Syllable Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

  • Chateaumeillant
  • La Foret-fouesnant

Length Words & Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

Below you can find the words that rhyme with assignment grouped by the length of the word.

3-Letter Words/Phrases That Rhyme With Assignment

4-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 5-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 6-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 7-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 8-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 9-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 10-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 11-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 12-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 13-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 14-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 15-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 16-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 17-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment, 18-letter words/phrases that rhyme with assignment.

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Rhyme with Assignments

4 rhymes for assignments - words and phrases that rhyme with assignments.

  • assignments

"Go Pro" to see the next 76 end rhyme sets

"Go Pro" to see the next 3 near rhyme sets

Rhyme Desk

Rhymes | Synonyms

Words That Rhyme With "Assignments" :

2 syllables:, 3 syllables:.

alignments , alinement , arraignments , confinement , designment , malignment , postponements , refinements

4 syllables:

entertainments , misalignment , nonalignment , realignments , reassignments

5 syllables:


  • Assignment Rhymes
  • Favorites 0

Assignment Rhymes: 1083 Words to Inspire Your Inner Poet

One-syllable rhymes of assignment 10, two-syllable rhymes of assignment 163, three-syllable rhymes of assignment 585, four-syllable rhymes of assignment 282, five-syllable rhymes of assignment 40, six-or-more syllable rhymes of assignment 3, my favorite rhymes, add a favorite rhyme, rhymes that start with letter:.

C .css-6n7j50{display:inline;} HO R US

Words that rhyme with .css-12whla0{background-image:linear-gradient(to right, var(--chakra-colors-pink-500), var(--chakra-colors-red-500));color:transparent;-webkit-background-clip:text;background-clip:text;width:-webkit-fit-content;width:-moz-fit-content;width:fit-content;font-size:var(--chakra-fontsizes-6xl);display:block;font-family:var(--chakra-fonts-heading);}@media screen and (min-width: 30em){.css-12whla0{font-size:3em;}} assignments .css-79wky{color:var(--chakra-colors-white);} ., songwriting rhymes for assignments.

  • Alternative Rock
  • Singer-songwriter

These rhymes are specially chosen by our unique songwriting rhyming dictionary to give you the best songwriting rhymes.

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  • Unique features that no other songwriting app has
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  • Easily collaborate with other writers in real-time
  • Essential if English isn't your first language

Perfect rhymes for assignments

  • refinements
  • realignments
  • reassignments

Near rhymes for assignments

Near rhymes work great for songwriting, often giving a more interesting feel than perfect rhymes.

Want to know what rhymes with assignments ?

Rhyming dictionaries that only focus on rhyming words don't specify your choice of syllables

It's frustrating to find the word you need, only to discover that it's not possible because the word doesn't fit the required number of syllables

Our dictionary differentiates between words of different numbers of syllables, so you'll always be able to find a rhyme that fits your song.

This is just a sample of the rhymes you can find with Chorus. We have many more tools to help you be a better writer. Sign up for Chorus now!

Near rhymes with Assignment

  Word Pronunciation Score
1 kuhnsah_inmuhn_t 3764
2 kuhnfah_inmuhn_t 3761
3 rifah_inmuhn_t 3729
4 uhlah_inmuhn_t 3715
5 uhte_inmuhn_t 3671
6 uhre_inmuhn_t 3650
7 uhre_in_jmuhn_t 3650
8 ent_rte_inmuhn_t 3619
9 dire_in_jmuhn_t 3598
10 uhmen_dmuhn_t 3580
11 kuhmen_smuhn_t 3575
12 kuhmaan_dmuhn_t 3573
13 difah_iuhn_t 3569
14 uhnah_uun_smuhn_t 3564
15 p_ruhnah_uun_smuhn_t 3559
16 inf_rin_jmuhn_t 3557
17 rik_wah_irmuhn_t 3557
18 rizen_tmuhn_t 3555
19 aadvaan_smuhn_t 3549
20 uhme_izmuhn_t 3544
21 kuhnten_tmuhn_t 3542
22 jah_iuhn_t 3542
23 b_rah_iuhn_t 3542
24 ritah_irmuhn_t 3539
25 kuhmp_lah_iuhn_t 3535
26 insah_itmuhn_t 3525
27 eksah_itmuhn_t 3525
28 es_ke_ipmuhn_t 3519
29 embaang_kmuhn_t 3516
30 inten_dmuhn_t 3510
31 ent_ren_chmuhn_t 3510
32 k_lah_iuhn_t 3503
33 p_lah_iuhn_t 3503
34 rilah_iuhn_t 3503
35 be_ilmuhn_t 3492
36 enchaan_tmuhn_t 3487
37 uhbe_itmuhn_t 3482
38 chaastah_izmuhn_t 3479
39 enkaam_pmuhn_t 3477
40 e_ilmuhn_t 3477
41 entah_ismuhn_t 3476
42 e_inchuhn_t 3472
43 remnuhn_t 3470
44 s_te_itmuhn_t 3460
45 enf_raanchah_izmuhn_t 3458
46 disf_raanchah_izmuhn_t 3458
47 disenf_raanchah_izmuhn_t 3458
48 indah_itmuhn_t 3456
49 uhpo_in_tmuhn_t 3454
50 disuhpo_in_tmuhn_t 3454
51 uhk_wah_i_uhrmuhn_t 3448
52 embe_imuhn_t 3443
53 anduhrs_te_itmuhn_t 3432
54 be_ismuhn_t 3430
55 disenge_ijmuhn_t 3430
56 enge_ijmuhn_t 3430
57 kuhmp_le_inuhn_t 3427
58 o_in_tmuhn_t 3426
59 uhkah_uuntuhn_t 3413
60 fulfilmuhn_t 3412
61 uhtaachmuhn_t 3411
62 shipmuhn_t 3408
63 disenshuhn_t 3408
64 rif_reshmuhn_t 3406
65 uhs_t_rinjuhn_t 3405
66 re_imuhn_t 3405
67 pe_imuhn_t 3405
68 k_le_imuhn_t 3405
69 haachmuhn_t 3404
70 uhsenduhn_t 3403
71 uhsesmuhn_t 3403
72 vinsuhn_t 3403
73 s_t_rah_iduhn_t 3391
74 ke_ismuhn_t 3391
75 disp_le_ismuhn_t 3391
76 emp_le_ismuhn_t 3391
77 pe_ivmuhn_t 3391
78 p_le_ismuhn_t 3391
79 rip_le_ismuhn_t 3391
80 vah_ib_ruhn_t 3387
81 uhverrmuhn_t 3384
82 belmon_t 3383
83 ik_wipmuhn_t 3381
84 ijek_tmuhn_t 3379
85 enaak_tmuhn_t 3377
86 uhjis_tmuhn_t 3375
87 uhb_rijmuhn_t 3375
88 dah_imuhn_d 3374
89 dah_imuhn_d_z 3374
90 kuhmitmuhn_t 3370
91 ins_tuhn_t 3364
92 rient_ruhn_t 3362
93 ent_ruhn_t 3362
94 bah_irif_rin_juhn_t 3361
95 uhjerr_nmuhn_t 3360
96 t_renchuhn_t 3359
97 ditaachmuhn_t 3359
98 uhtenduhn_t 3355
99 s_t_rinjuhn_t 3353

B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

assignment rhyme words

  • College Football
  • Football/Soccer
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  • Pro Wrestling
  • Baltimore Orioles
  • Boston Red Sox
  • New York Yankees
  • Tampa Bay Rays
  • Toronto Blue Jays
  • Chicago White Sox
  • Cleveland Guardians
  • Detroit Tigers
  • Kansas City Royals
  • Minnesota Twins
  • Houston Astros
  • Los Angeles Angels
  • Oakland Athletics
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  • Atlanta Braves
  • Miami Marlins
  • New York Mets
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  • Chicago Cubs
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  • Milwaukee Brewers
  • Pittsburgh Pirates
  • St. Louis Cardinals
  • Arizona Diamondbacks
  • Colorado Rockies
  • Los Angeles Dodgers
  • San Diego Padres
  • San Francisco Giants

Sports. Honestly. Since 2011

Giants surprisingly designate pitcher for assignment.

  • June 30, 2024

Vanessa Serrao

assignment rhyme words

The San Francisco Giants made a roster move today and designated pitcher Spencer Howard for assignment, who is a former top prospect. He’s recorded decent results this year with a 1-1 record and a 3.80 ERA across 21 1/3 innings of work. The 27-year-old right-handed pitcher was born and raised in Templeton, California. Right-handed pitcher Landen Roupp was called up from Triple-A Sacramento in a corresponding move.

#SFGiants roster moves: • RHP Landen Roupp (#65) recalled from Triple-A Sacramento. • RHP Spencer Howard designated for assignment. — SFGiants (@SFGiants) June 30, 2024

Giants Shockingly DFA Spencer Howard

In his five-year MLB career, Howard has also played for the Philadelphia Phillies and Texas Rangers. Howard’s DFA is somewhat puzzling. Not really because he’s some valuable asset that the Giants can’t afford to lose, but because Luke Jackson still has a job with a 6.23 ERA on the season. Howard has been serviceable on a staff overwhelmed by the injury bug . That trend continued when the Giants recently placed two infielders on the IL ( Wilmer Flores and Thairo Estrada ). But the Giants are not the only team dealing with injuries. Practically every team in MLB has been plagued with injuries .

Howard is a solid spot starter. However, it appears the Giants have a preference for veterans, which could be the issue. But with the Giants letting him go, he will succeed somewhere else and find a new home soon. Furthermore, considering that this season, he has put up the best numbers compared to past seasons despite being a small sample size, it’s an odd move that some fans are questioning. Howard has spent most of his career with the Rangers (three seasons from 2021-2023). Aside from this season, his numbers have left something to be desired, with his lowest ERA being 5.92, dating back to 2020 with the Phillies. The 25-year-old Roupp is in his first season with the Giants. The Rocky Mount, NC native sports a 5.27 ERA this season.

Photo Credit: © D. Ross Cameron-USA TODAY Sports

Vanessa Serrao

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assignment rhyme words

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Donna AI Song & Music Maker 4+

Create music: rap, pop, rock, mobiversite yazilim bilisim reklam ve danismanlik hizmetleri sanayi ticaret limited sti, designed for iphone.

  • #32 in Music
  • 4.6 • 11K Ratings
  • Offers In-App Purchases

iPhone Screenshots


Discover the future of music creation with Donna – where AI meets artistry to empower anyone to become a music maker. Whether you’re stepping into the world of music for the first time or you’re a pro musician, Donna brings your musical visions to life, effortlessly. Why Donna? Innovative AI Music Creation: At the heart of Donna lies a revolutionary AI that understands the intricacies of music genres, instruments, and vocals. It crafts entire songs in seconds, complete with lyrics and realistic sound, based on the vibe you describe. Genre-Defying Compositions: Imagine melding the high energy of Rap with the majestic sound of pop vocals. Donna breaks the boundaries of traditional music genres, offering limitless creative possibilities. Accessible to All: You don’t need to be a music theory expert or a proficient instrumentalist. If you have an idea, Donna has the tools to bring it to life. Music creation is now accessible to everyone, fostering a community of creators who share a passion for innovation and artistry. Inspiration at Your Fingertips: Donna doesn’t just save time; it’s a muse that provides unexpected musical starting points. Find inspiration in the AI’s creations and refine them to make something uniquely yours. Key Features: Instant Song Creation: Describe the vibe you’re going for and let Donna handle the rest. From composing to producing, experience the magic of having an AI-powered music studio in your pocket. Wide Range of Genres: With an expansive understanding of musical styles, Donna allows you to explore and combine genres in ways you’ve never imagined. Realistic Vocals and Instruments: Donna’s advanced AI generates songs complete with lyrics sung in a voice that’ll make you do a double-take and instruments that sound like the real deal. User-Friendly Interface: We believe in keeping complexities under the hood. Donna offers a sleek, intuitive interface that makes music creation enjoyable and straightforward. Privacy Policy: https://www.mobiversite.com/privacypolicy Terms & Conditions: https://www.mobiversite.com/terms EULA: https://www.mobiversite.com/eula

Version 1.0.18

We've fine-tuned the Separate Voice & Music Feature! Thanks to your feedback, performance is now enhanced. Try the improved feature today and experience the difference!

Ratings and Reviews

11K Ratings

For a free song

It lets you do one free song then you have to pay I am writing a review to get one more free song it has to be five starts and a certain amount of words but it is really good you just have to pay money to get more songs I think it would be better if it was cheaper like I might actually pay it it’s not super expensive but I still don’t think you should have to pay for it I feel like maybe a certain amount of songs but not just one this app could be good for someone who wants to make a song but doesn’t know how to sing it or doesn’t know how it will sound but I really liked the first one I made and I think if someone is wanting to write songs they should use this app but only if your willing to spend money on it if your not willing to spend money on it then don’t use this app I would actually rate this app about a 3 not a five but I want that free song 😂

A few critiques, but overall- great app

A few things…. The endings are arguably the most important part of a song. If the beginning rocks, but the ending is non-existent, nobody will get hooked on the song. Also, the AI wants to rhyme almost every line and thats not necessary. Its more important for the words to fall into the cadence of the music. Occasionally skipping the cadence can be an effective artistic technique for giving the story added volume. The AI over uses the “lets ignore the cadence and emphasize rhyming” approach. Some of the lyrics the program creates is, frankly, brilliant! But the way those lines are put to music makes it sound like a first year music appreciation student had too many cups of coffee while busting out a homework assignment at the last minute. I do hope you continue to develop and tweak the AI and its performance because i plan to continue using this app and plan to continue to support you on your quest for AI perfection. Those critiques aside, you have a great product and the voices are believable. Great job on the whole!
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App privacy.

The developer, MOBIVERSITE YAZILIM BILISIM REKLAM VE DANISMANLIK HIZMETLERI SANAYI TICARET LIMITED STI , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

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The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies:

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Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


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    We've got 58 rhyming words for assignment » What rhymes with assignment? əˈsaɪn mənt as·sign·ment This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like assignment.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.

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  10. Words and Phrases That Rhyme With "Assignment": alignment, confinement

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    Play Twofer Goofer, a new rhyming game. Play Now. Rhymes Near rhymes Thesaurus Phrases Phrase rhymes Descriptive words Definitions Homophones Similar sound Same consonants.

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  13. RhymeZone: assignments rhymes

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  22. Near rhymes with assignmentB-Rhymes

    Near rhymes (words that almost rhyme) with assignment: consignment, confinement, refinement, alignment... Find more near rhymes/false rhymes at B-Rhymes.com ... B-Rhymes Find words that almost rhyme. iPhone; Android; FAQ; Blog; Near rhymes with Assignment Word Pronunciation Score ? 1: consignment: k uh n s ah_i n m uh n_t: 3764: Definition: 2 ...

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  24. RhymeZone rhyming dictionary and thesaurus

    A comprehensive rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, and brainstorming tool for the English language. Includes dozens of functions to help songwriters, poets, and anyone else in need of a word.

  25. Donna AI Song & Music Maker 4+

    The AI over uses the "lets ignore the cadence and emphasize rhyming" approach. Some of the lyrics the program creates is, frankly, brilliant! But the way those lines are put to music makes it sound like a first year music appreciation student had too many cups of coffee while busting out a homework assignment at the last minute.