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47 Biography Templates & Examples (Personal, Professional)

A biography is simply an account of someone’s life written by another person. A biography can be short in the case of few sentences biography, and it can also be long enough to fill an entire book. The short biographies explain a person’s basic life facts and their importance, but the long biographies would go an extra mile and include more details to make an interesting read. You may find yourself in a situation which requires you to write a biography of a famous person, a close friend or a relative. For this reason, it pays to know how to come up with a biography and the important details that you should include in it. The lives of many people have interesting bits of information, but you ought to know what to capture in the biography and what to leave out.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Biography Examples
  • 2 What to include in a biography
  • 3 How to write a good Biography
  • 4 Steps in writing a biography;
  • 5 Biography templates
  • 6 A professional Biography Template
  • 7 Personal Biography Template

Biography Examples

Free Professional Biography Template

What to include in a biography

The length of a biography depends on the type of information that should be included. The length will determine the nature of information and how extensively it will explain the life of a person. For instance, if you are to write a short paragraph about a person it will mostly capture the important details that identify the person compared to a pages-long biography that may even include the person’s childhood experiences and achievements shaping their life.

For a short biography, maybe a paragraph or two long, the following details should be captured:

  • A person’s date and place of birth, at times with the date and place of death as may be applicable
  • The person’s major achievements in life
  • Their educational background and notable awards
  • Work facts of a person and their contribution to that field if any
  • A brief account of the significance of an individual in the community

A lengthy biography will bring out more details of a person’s life making it a bit more complex. His/her history will be brought out more clearly especially the details that shaped them to be the persons they turned out to be.

The target audience will also dictate the nature of the information that is to be included. The relation of the audience to an individual will have an impact on how the information is presented and the important details that they could be interested in. In a case where the audience is unknown, more details will have to be included. This mostly happens in the case of a several paged biography. You will have to scrutinize the person in a more detailed way and establish more people relating to the person. Focusing on the uniqueness of an individual can do wonders in this case and this might turn out to be inspirational to many people. The field that the person has majored in or had majored in ought to influence the direction that the biography will take as this will help to bring out the contribution of the individual to their field of study.

Free Teacher Biography Template

How to write a good Biography

A biography is meant to analyze a person’s life and interpret it as well. A good biographer will try to join the dots and explain certain actions and events that a certain figure was involved in. This will help in clearly bringing out the significance of a person’s life through their accomplishments or remarkable deeds.

Biographies are usually written in a chronological order. Some biographers could also draft them in a themed order that is early life, educational background, a person’s achievements or accomplishments. But some especially the short ones will focus on one area in a person’s life.

There are several sources of information that could aid one in writing an astounding biography. These sources of information can be grouped into either primary sources or secondary sources. The primary sources of information include materials like letters, newspaper accounts or diaries. A biographer can also make an arrangement to interview an individual they want to write about. This is also considered as a primary source of information. The secondary sources are reference books, other biographies or historical records that are related to the subject being written about.

Free An example of auto-biography

Steps in writing a biography;

  • Select the individual you want to write about
  • Search for the basic facts that relate to a person’s life. The encyclopedia or almanac could be handy at this.
  • What’s the most interesting bit about the person?
  • What is the significance of the individual to the society and the world in general?
  • What qualities or adjectives will be best suited for the description of the individual?
  • What actions or life events bring out the qualities or adjectives chosen above?
  • What life events or world events shaped the individual or brought out the best in them?
  • Did they face obstacles or take some risks in life? How did they handle the obstacles and did they happen to be lucky?
  • What impact did they have in the world? Did they add value to the way people view certain aspects of life? Did they come up with a thing, idea or way of action that transformed the way things are handled or rather done in their societies or world in general?
  • Carry out some additional research on the internet to answer some of the questions mentioned above. Ensure that you find information that will help you tell a story that many will love.
  • After getting everything in order, you can proceed to write the biography. We have provided sample biographies in this site that you could check out in order to get the drift.


Biography templates

A biography template is meant to specifically aid a writer come up with an excellent biography. For this purpose to be achieved the writer needs to get his/her hands on a high-quality biography template, just like the ones provided on this site.

The best biography templates should provide clear instructions, and this should be in great detail to avoid the risk of the writer missing out some important facts. The templates available on this site will help you capture all of the details.

The biography templates should also be precise and avoid beating around the bush. Going round one idea or item will make the biography boring to read and it is prudent for the writer to be straight to the point. By doing this it will be easier for the readers to skim through and find the details they might be interested in with lots of easy. The writer will also save his/her time and concentrate on writing other things.

The general sections of any biography as outlined by our sample biographies will have;

  • The name of the person
  • A picture of the person
  • An account of their early life
  • The person’s family life
  • The major achievements of the person
  • The three main interesting qualities or facts about the individual

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A professional Biography Template

A professional biography is a statement that could either be short or long that is written about a person, business or company. It should be engaging, informative and interesting for the readers to identify with the person or business entity being talked about. It has a sales pitch that is a little bit different. A professional biography template is meant to ease the process of generating printed professional biographies especially for an individual who wants to reach a lot of people or institutions.

Elements that should be captured in a professional biography are:

  • A summary of one’s early life in a sentence or two, make it interesting
  • Then information touching on your education, mention any academic awards or the clubs and societies that you were part of. Any work experience while in school.
  • Talk about how creative and innovative you are with coming with solutions to the problems that you have faced as an individual, mention any situation that you were self-reliant in coming up with solutions
  • Mention qualities that make you stand out for instance, being independent, principled or discerning to increase your trustworthiness.

The following tips will enable you to come up with the best professional biography;

  • Be brief and precise to the point. This is to enable the reader to easily and quickly get to know about you.
  • Be spontaneous in your writing
  • Be as expressive as possible and avoid too much of self-editing while drafting the professional biography in the initial stages to capture as much information as possible
  • Be friendly but not too informal
  • Be as interesting as you could in order to get the attention of many people out there
  • Write it in third person. Talk about your life as if someone else were describing it.

This site offers you a professional biography template that could aid in making the generation of professional biographies an easy and less time consuming task. You can also check out sample bios to figure out how to go about the whole process of coming up with a professional biography.

Free Professional Biography Template

Personal Biography Template

A personal biography is a short account of who you are, your credentials and your notable accomplishments in life. Personal bios ought to be short, precise and relevant to your target audience. The use of personal statistics such as hobbies or family should be avoided. A personal biography template will help one to easily and conveniently come up with personal bios.

The key elements in a personal biography are;

  • Give an introduction of yourself. Remember to write it in third person and include the year that your professional career started to be relevant. You could give a list of any relevant specializations in your field.
  • State your educational facts and credentials. Mention the degrees that you have pursued and the respective institutions. Add any relevant experiences you have that are required for your career and mention the name of the society that you are legally a member of.
  • Proceed to outline any notable achievements or awards you have earned in your practice. Remember that the information ought to be relevant to the audience being addressed. If you happen to be an author you could mention the magazines or any publishing house that has recognized your works.
  • Your conclusion should mention any upcoming projects or works in progress that people should lookout for in the near future. Don’t forget to mention your current place of residence .

As you age, it is good to keep on updating your biography to reflect who you are at present time. You can make use of the personal biography template offered by this site to easily and in a more convenient way generate your own biography without missing out on the important details.

We also provide sample biographies to give you a feel of what your end draft should look like. If you have kids and you want to let them in on famous historical figures, this site offers biographies for kids. These will help them know the notable people who help shape the world to what it has become to be.

Free Sample Biography

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24 Biography Templates and Examples (Word | PDF | Google Docs)

Biographies serve as a fascinating lens into the lives of individuals, ranging from influential family members and historical figures to renowned personalities. Whether you’re a student, an aspiring writer, or someone captivated by the art of telling a life story , grasping the essential elements of a biography is vital. Writing a biography goes beyond compiling facts; it involves crafting a narrative that educates and inspires your readers. This guide provides you with practical steps, style advice, and, importantly, biography templates to assist you in structuring your work effectively. With these resources, you can start to create biographies that not only inform but also captivate your audience. Are you ready to capture the essence of a life story in words? Let’s delve into the fundamentals of crafting a compelling and memorable biography.

Biography Templates & Examples

Aesthetic Biography Template - Word, Google Docs

Aesthetic Biography Template

An Aesthetic Biography Template is a carefully designed layout that allows individuals to present their personal and professional information in an organized and visually appealing manner. The template provided in the previous response offers a structured format for users to showcase their educational background, work experience, skills, and personal interests. This format is particularly useful for creating a compelling narrative of one's life and achievements, making it ideal for applications, personal websites, or professional profiles. The inclusion of sample data guides users on how to effectively fill out each section, ensuring clarity and coherence in presenting their unique story.

Short Biography Template - Word, Google Docs

Short Biography Template

A Short Biography template is a structured format for summarizing an individual's personal, educational, and professional background. It offers a concise yet informative way to present one's achievements, skills, and experiences. The template provided above is designed to capture a wide range of details, from basic personal information to career highlights and skills. It is versatile and can be tailored to suit different situations, whether for a professional profile, a speaker introduction, or a personal website. The inclusion of sample data in the brackets makes it user-friendly, allowing for easy customization. This template serves as a useful starting point for anyone looking to create a clear and engaging biography.

Free Professional Bio Template

Professional Biography Template

A Professional Bio Template is a structured format designed to aid individuals in crafting a succinct and engaging biography that highlights their career achievements, skills, and personal qualities. This template helps users efficiently organize and present their professional story, ensuring that key elements like career milestones, skills, and personal interests are effectively communicated. This assists in creating a compelling bio that resonates with various audiences, such as potential employers or networking contacts, enhancing their professional presence and impact.

Free Personal Biography Template

Personal Biography Template

A personal biography template is a structured outline designed to guide individuals in documenting their life stories, achievements, and experiences. It provides a framework to organize personal details in a coherent and engaging manner. This template, created in our prior response, can assist users by simplifying the process of writing their biography. It offers a clear structure, ensuring that key aspects of one's life are highlighted effectively. This can be particularly useful for creating professional bios, personal introductions, or for preserving personal history.

You can explore more free biography templates and examples in the collection at Highfile . This resource offers a diverse range of templates suitable for various needs, whether for professional, personal, or academic purposes.

Biography Template #01

What Is a Biography?

A biography is an in-depth narrative of someone’s life, written by another person. It encompasses more than just basic facts like birthplace and education. A biography delves into the subject’s personal experiences, significant life events, and the influences that shaped their character and achievements. It’s not just a timeline of events; a biography weaves these details into a compelling story, offering insights into the individual’s motivations and impacts. The aim is to present a well-rounded portrait that is both informative and engaging, allowing readers to understand and empathize with the subject’s journey. A biography, in essence, is a vivid window into another person’s life experience, capturing their unique contributions and the essence of their existence.

Fun Fact: Did you know that one of the earliest biographies ever recorded was about an ancient Egyptian official named Ptahhotep around 2400 BC? This ancient biography was not written in a book but carved on the walls of his tomb, depicting his life and achievements. This highlights how the art of biography writing has been significant throughout human history, evolving from ancient carvings to modern digital formats!

Essential Elements of a Biography Template

Crafting a professional biography involves creating a concise yet comprehensive summary of your career objectives, current position, and notable achievements. This type of bio is ideally suited for professional networking platforms like LinkedIn or AngelList, where a more detailed and career-focused narrative is expected compared to the brief bios often seen on other social media sites.

Key Components to Include in Your Professional Biography:

  • Your Name : Clearly state your full name at the beginning.
  • Personal Brand or Company Affiliation : Mention your business or the brand you represent.
  • Professional Tagline or Current Role : Include your current job title or a tagline that encapsulates your professional essence.
  • Career Aspirations : Briefly outline your career goals or what you aim to achieve professionally.
  • Unique Personal Fact : Share an interesting personal detail that sets you apart.
  • Top Achievements : Highlight two or three significant accomplishments relevant to your professional trajectory.

While primarily professional in tone, don’t hesitate to weave in personal elements like a favorite book or hobby. This adds a human touch, making your bio more relatable and engaging. Remember, a well-rounded biography balances professional accomplishments with personal insights, creating a holistic view of you as both a professional and an individual.

How to Write a Biography

Writing a compelling biography requires a structured approach. Follow these steps to create an engaging and informative biography:

  • Choose a Subject : Select a person whose life story is interesting and impactful. Consider whether their contributions or experiences have the potential to inspire or connect with your audience.
  • Obtain Permission : If your subject is alive, obtaining their consent is crucial, as it involves discussing personal details. For deceased or public figures, ensure all information is factual to avoid legal issues.
  • Conduct Thorough Research : Gather information from primary sources like interviews, letters, and personal accounts for an authentic portrayal. Complement these with secondary sources like documentaries and articles for additional context.
  • Formulate a Thesis : In the opening section, clearly state what the reader will learn from the biography. This thesis sets the stage for the narrative to unfold.
  • Organize Chronologically : Structure the biography in a timeline format, presenting events in the order they occurred. This helps in maintaining a clear narrative flow.
  • Incorporate Flashbacks : Skillfully use flashbacks to provide context or highlight significant past events, enriching the narrative without overloading it with background details.
  • Inject Personal Insight : While sticking to factual information, don’t shy away from adding your own perspective on the subject’s achievements and their societal impact. This adds depth and personal touch to the biography.

A good biography balances factual accuracy with narrative flair, bringing the subject’s story to life in a way that resonates with the readers.

Tips on Writing a Biography

Crafting a biography requires a blend of accuracy, creativity, and attention to detail. Here are some essential tips to guide you in writing an effective biography:

  • Write in Third Person : Use the third person perspective for a professional and objective tone.
  • Inject Humor Appropriately : While maintaining professionalism, subtle humor can make the biography more engaging and relatable.
  • Be Mindful of Length : Keep an eye on the word count. A biography should be comprehensive yet concise enough to hold the reader’s interest.
  • Narrate a Story, Not Just Facts : Instead of listing events, weave them into a compelling narrative to make the biography more interesting and readable.
  • Include Relevant Links : Provide links to your work, projects, or publications to offer readers additional context and evidence of your achievements.
  • Provide Contact Information : Make it easy for readers to reach you by including up-to-date contact details.
  • Edit Thoroughly : Ensure your biography is free of errors and well-polished. Comprehensive editing enhances readability and professionalism.
  • Keep it Concise : Aim for brevity while ensuring all critical information is included. A succinct biography is often more impactful and memorable.

Important Note: Before diving into our FAQs, it’s crucial to remember that while a biography aims to be factual and accurate, it also requires a respectful approach, especially when dealing with sensitive aspects of a person’s life. As a biographer, your responsibility extends beyond mere storytelling; it involves ethical considerations, such as respecting privacy and presenting information in a manner that is fair and considerate to the subject and their family. Keep this in mind as you explore the frequently asked questions and embark on your journey of writing a biography.

For online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter, a three-sentence bio should be concise yet informative. It should briefly introduce you, focusing on key aspects: Your Name : Start with your full name. Your Current Role : Mention your profession or the role you’re known for. A Notable Achievement or Personal Touch : Include a significant accomplishment or a unique personal detail (like a hobby or goal). This format ensures your bio is succinct but covers essential details.

A personal biography is a brief narrative focusing on your professional life, used for job searches or on professional platforms like LinkedIn. It’s slightly more detailed than a social media bio and should include: Your Name Personal Brand or Company : If applicable. Professional Tagline or Current Role Two or Three Key Achievements : Choose the most relevant and impressive ones. While primarily professional, feel free to add a personal detail like a hobby or favorite book to give a glimpse of your personality.

In a work-related bio, focus on aspects directly relevant to your professional life. This might be more detailed, including your career journey, key skills, and notable projects or roles you’ve held. Personal anecdotes or interests can be included if they relate to your professional persona or add value to your professional story. Remember, the context dictates the bio’s content and tone. Tailor it to suit the platform and the audience you are addressing.

When choosing a subject, consider individuals whose life stories are not only interesting but also have the potential to inspire or educate others. Look for unique experiences, significant achievements, or challenges they’ve overcome. Public figures, historical personalities, or even unsung heroes in your community can make excellent subjects.

Begin with an engaging opening that captures the essence of your subject’s life. This could be a pivotal moment, a significant achievement, or an anecdote that reflects their character. Starting with something compelling draws readers in and sets the tone for the biography.

Effective research methods include conducting interviews with people who know the subject well, reviewing primary documents like letters or diaries, and consulting reputable secondary sources for historical context. Online archives, libraries, and specialized databases are also valuable resources.

To maintain objectivity, present facts without bias, and avoid letting personal opinions color the narrative. Acknowledge different perspectives on the subject’s life, especially in controversial or unclear aspects. Being fair and balanced is key to a trustworthy biography.

Yes, you can write a biography about a family member. However, it’s important to balance personal insights with objective storytelling. Ensure you have enough distance to present their story truthfully and respect their privacy and perspective.

Approach sensitive topics with care and respect. Verify the accuracy of such information and consider its relevance to the overall story. Be mindful of the impact this could have on the subject and their family, especially if they are still living.

The length of a biography depends on the depth of the subject’s life story and the intended audience. Some biographies are short, focusing on key events, while others are comprehensive, covering the subject’s life in detail. Tailor the length to suit the story’s complexity and readers’ expectations.

Final Thoughts

Crafting a biography requires a thoughtful blend of accuracy and creativity to captivate and engage your readers. By focusing on these essential elements and following the outlined steps, you can transform a simple life story into a compelling narrative that holds the reader’s interest from start to finish. Whether you’ve always wanted to write a biography or are just beginning to explore this genre, this guide provides a solid foundation to embark on your biographical writing journey. Remember, a well-written biography not only informs but also inspires, offering a deeper understanding of the subject’s life and legacy.

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WTO / Letters and Emails / Introduction / 30 Personal Biography Examples & Free Templates

30 Personal Biography Examples & Free Templates

In today’s competitive job market, understanding the skill and art of writing a personal biography that captures your target audience’s attention is essential. A professionally written and optimised biography defines your brand and creates a great first impression anytime your potential employer, client, or someone at a networking event googles you online.

However, writing a personal biography is probably the most difficult task you will ever have. This is simply because it requires you to have polished and developed writing skills as well as intricate self-analysis skills. Mastering the art of writing a great biography also demands that you have a professional and effective self-analysis presentation.

Nonetheless, this should not scare you much, as this article is specifically written to help you understand the importance of writing an effective personal biography that sells your brand out there without being too self-promotional or too flat. Continue reading to find out more about personal biographies.

What is a Personal Biography?

A personal biography is a concise introduction that provides a summarised version of an individual’s professional accomplishments, educational and professional qualifications, as well as any other additional information that makes them who they are.

Personal bios are often used when seeking employment, on professional websites, and during networking events to give people a clear insight into what you are and what brand you represent.

Personal Biography (Examples & Templates)

Great Personal Biography Template 01 as Word Document

Biography Vs. Autobiography

A biography, an autobiography, and a memoir both tell a person’s life story. Distinguishing between these three formats can be challenging as they both have some common similarities. However, there are some distinct differences between these three formats, as is discussed in the section that follows:

A biography is the life history of an individual, authored by someone else.

On the other hand;

An autobiography is the story of an individual’s life, written by themselves.

One major distinguishing factor between a biography and an autobiography is that the author of a biography is not the subject. The biographer writes about the subject’s life history and the events that shaped their lives from various research sources such as reference books, essays, photographs, diaries, letters, interviews, etc. In an autobiography, the author is the subject, and he/she is the main character of the story. Thus, autobiographies tend to be more subjective.

A biography is usually written to inform and establish context. In contrast, an autobiography is written to inform and describe the motivation and thoughts behind the author’s actions and decisions. An autobiography offers access to the personal thoughts and feelings of the author as they are the subject. At the same time, a biography has restricted access to the subject’s thoughts and feelings since the author is not the main character of the story.

A biography is written in the third person format, while an autobiography is written in the first person. The final difference between a biography and an autobiography is that a biography can be written anytime, while in the case of an autobiography, the account is written later in the subject’s life.

6 Steps to Write a Personal Biography

Now that you have already understood what a personal biography is and you are better positioned to distinguish between a biography and an autobiography, the next thing you should understand is how to effectively draft a professional biography. When writing a personal biography, you should have a few important things at the back of your mind. These items are usually standard, and they apply to almost all professional bios.

Follow these simple steps to craft your personal biography as a pro:

  • Write a proper self-introduction
  • Make your personal biography brief
  • Write it in the third person format using third-person pronouns
  • Include a well-planned story

Provide your contact information

  • Before submitting your biography, review it thoroughly

These points are elaborated below :

Write a proper self introduction

Knowing how to introduce yourself properly is the first step of writing a great personal biography. I know you might be wondering how to introduce yourself properly . It is simple- Write your name first! Your readers need to know who you are before they proceed reading to find out what you do. Remember that your most important details, such as your education, accomplishments, and certifications, should be written in the first sentence.

After writing a nice introductory paragraph that sparks interest, write your passions, values, and general outlook on life professionally and humanly. You can achieve this by highlighting your key skills, the attributes that make you exceptional in whatever you, your personal values that helped shape what you are currently, and the goals that you have in your professional life.

Keep your personal biography brief

Determining the length of the bio before finishing it might seem like a daunting thing. But you must narrow down your information to make the entire biography brief. Depending on your primary focus and purpose of the biography, your word count can vary.

Suppose you are writing your personal bio from an SEO perspective. Then the more the words, the better. If you are writing your personal biography on a resume or job-search site such as LinkedIn, keep your word count between 300-600 words. You should use either a single paragraph or a few short paragraphs to explain precisely who you are. Keeping your bio concise helps you capture your audience’s attention and encourage them to read the rest of your bio.

While writing a bio for your professional website, the total word count should be 1500 -2000 words . In this scenario, include as many details as possible but don’t be too detailed either.

When writing your personal biography, it is very important that you include your purpose for writing the given bio. You should be able to answer the “ wh y” and “ what ” questions properly to the reader. After providing the reader with the purpose for your writing the bio, talk about the professional goals you have accomplished so far, the kind of awards and accolades you have received, if any, and whether or not you have exceeded your job goals and responsibilities- especially if your reader is a potential employee or client.

The next thing to include in your bio should be your background history. Give a brief but detailed explanation of your history, considering the aspects of your personal background that contributed to who you are today. While writing this section, highlight the events of your personal life that shaped your career line.

After that, talk about your educational background and the credentials that you have. In this section, you can write about where you schooled, what you studied for, and include educational awards or certificates you received from the various schools you attended.

If you have much information that you feel should be part and parcel of your biography, remember to organize this information, starting with the most important to the least important to encourage your reader to keep on reading. While at it, don’t forget to remove any irrelevant information that does not align with your bio’s purpose to guard your credibility.

Write your biography in the third-person format

As seen earlier, biographies are usually written in the third person. This makes them sound more objective and unbiased. While writing in the third person is difficult for most people- I mean, how do you talk about yourself in the third person? It is very beneficial to do so- especially informal settings.

From an SEO perspective, writing in the third person allows you to include your full names. This is very useful as it helps tell the reader that the piece provided is about you. However, avoid overusing your name as it makes the whole thing unnatural. Your name in a bio should come out as a natural inclusion. Only include it when it is appropriate.

Write a well-planned story

When drafting your personal bio, it is easier to find yourself talking more about your accomplishments instead of anything else. In as much as it is important to write about your achievements, avoid over mentioning them. Your bio should go over and beyond your awards and get to the core of who you are and what your brand is about. This might seem challenging, but if you plan your list well, you will achieve this. While writing this part, ask yourself questions like, who is your audience? What lesson do you want to convey? Which life events in your life best illustrate those main points? Convert your biography to a compelling story that engages the reader and draws their attention to want to know you more.

Once you master the art of writing your personal biography as a story, you are allowing yourself the chance to differentiate yourself from others and connect with the reader. Remember to focus only on accomplishments that relate to a variety of professional skills or the ones that relate to your proficiency and competence.

Your contact information should appear in the last sentence of your personal biography and should be easily visible. This is especially true if you are writing a bio that you will later publish on your website. Providing your contact information encourages your readers to communicate with you as it makes you appear like an open-minded and approachable person. You can include your email address, a link to your professional social media pages such as LinkedIn and Twitter, or a link to your contact page. However, you should be aware of online scammers.

Edit thoroughly

Your bio needs to reflect you in the best way possible. Therefore, it should be updated regularly and edited every time you achieve something new. A well-written, regularly updated personal biography is like a well-optimized search engine. As you gain more experience or, rather, whenever you shift your professional focus, you should always update those changes in your bio.

Writing a personal biography is a continuous process. The work is never truly finished. Therefore, after drafting your longer version of the personal bio that you intend to use on your website or for job-searching reasons, keep in mind that you will have to update it later and edit it where necessary.

After writing your bio, make sure to edit it thoroughly to ensure that it is grammatically correct and well-punctuated. This way, you will write a great personal bio that keeps your readers engaged and glued to your story. You can edit your work using online editing software such as Grammarly. You can read your work out loud to identify areas that need grammatical improvement, and you can ask a friend or family member who is objective to go through your piece and provide honest feedback on areas that need to be improved. It is also important that you avoid editing your work as you write. Instead, edit the entire document once it is complete to achieve a smoother flow.

Tips to Appear Professional in Personal Biography

To write a personal biography that will make you different from the rest of the crowd, you must understand how to make an all-important human connection while creatively showcasing your major accomplishments. It would be best if you do not come out as all-boastful to your readers.

Here are some of the best tips to make your personal bio noticeable:

Use humor where it is appropriate

Using humor in your personal biography is a great way of connecting with your audience. While you should maintain a professional tone throughout your piece, it is a good idea to include a humorous note upfront or at the end of your bio. However, you should first understand your target audience and know what type of joke is appropriate. Making your audience laugh as they read your story helps create a lasting impression on them, thus setting you apart from your peers.

Provide a link to your portfolio

The primary goal of writing a personal bio is to showcase yourself out there and to tell your readers what you have done. Nevertheless, you cannot fully achieve this goal if you fail to include links to examples of your best work in that given field. The links that you provide should anchor and illustrate what you’ve already described yourself. They should not contradict the main thrust of your personal narrative or be a distraction to your readers.

If you have a lot of work and accomplishments to choose from, just pick what you feel is most important, impressive, relevant, or one that tells your story in a way that makes you feel proud. While providing the links to your work, ensure that you use relevant anchor text. The words you choose to use should tell your readers what to expect when they click on the links you’ve provided.

Utilize search engine optimization

Your personal biography should be search engine friendly. This means that you have to watch your word count and make it longer. Your content should also be original, and you should write in the third-person format using third-person pronouns. Search engines value diversity. So, if you use the same bio for many sites, the chances are that only one of them will pop up on the first page of your search results, which most readers tend to overlook.

If you use various personal bios across different sites, then it is most likely that several of your bios will appear on your search engine results, meaning that you will end up with a wider online presence.

Other approaches that you can use to improve your SEO include; using relevant keywords that are related to your field or industry, including links to your social media pages such as Twitter and LinkedIn, adding a professional photo of you that is High-Definition quality, and including internal links to your website or outside work where applicable. All these methods are aimed to promote and market your brand to your readers.

Manage your online presence

Personal biographies are essential, but they only form part of your personal brand. The rest of your online presence should connect with your personal biography rather than contradicting it. This means that you have to find ways to manage your online presence.

First, you need to ensure that all the photos and posts posted on your websites, portfolios, and social media sites are professional. Secondly, countercheck the skills and tone across all your channels online to make sure that it is consistent. Lastly, consider googling yourself online to check for inappropriate or incorrect information about you or your brand.

By doing this, you are allowing yourself an opportunity to convey a consistent and compelling message that you want your readers and prospective employers to come away with.

Do not write in list form

A bio is not a resume. Therefore, avoid writing it in list form. You should not just give a list of your jobs and career awards and recognitions. Rather, present your professional life as a story using story-telling techniques.

Frequently Asked Questions

It depends on the purpose of the biography. If you are writing a bio for your social media page or for a job-searching site, keep it short. Your word count should be somewhere between 200-300 words . From an SEO perspective, the length of your bio should be longer. The word count should be around 1500-2000 words . The same applies to when you are writing a personal biography for your official website. In these scenarios, you should include more details while remaining relevant to the scope of your work.

Biographies portray the experiences and events that have occurred in a person’s life. Therefore, they are written chronologically, starting with the person’s early life, educational background, personal achievements, and professional accomplishments. However, shorter bios tend to focus more on one specific area in a person’s life.

A personal biography is a well-written short account of who you are, your academic qualifications and your most notable accomplishments in life. Personal biographies shouldn’t be too wordy. They should focus more on what is most important. Personal biographies should not portray you as being too boastful. Instead, you should use your bio to showcase your achievements creatively and tell your story in a good and compelling way that leaves a lasting impression on your potential employers and readers. This way, you will differentiate yourself from your peers and have a better chance of getting your dream job in today’s competitive job market.

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Shannon O'Brien

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38+ Biography Templates with Images – Download in Word & PDF

template biography

Experts in various fields are often more than capable of excelling in the arts and sciences, business and sports. However, for some individuals, no matter how affluent they are in their area of expertise, they have a tough time talking about themselves. This makes writing an author’s biography strangely difficult for some people. In today’s world, a biography may be written by another person, or by the individual themselves, such as when an individual need to self-promote themselves on a Kickstarter, website, or self-promote their book. Whatever the reason, biography templates are used for that purpose. These templates can be used for personal or professional endeavors, from authors, business people, athletes and those in the arts and sciences.

Biography templates are an absolute must for any author. Writers need to connect to their fan base, they need to intrigue people, they must present an interesting image of themselves in the world to assist people in becoming familiar with their works. These templates will usually include, but not be limited to: Author’s name, interests, any awards, released and/or upcoming books, collaborations, publishers, where they live and work, along with a website url. Biography templates guide you in knowing what to leave in and what to leave out of the biography.

We are providing up to 15 different biography templates available for immediate use. All of these biography templates are beautifully done and professionally designed in order to create a perfectly written biography. These templates come with gorgeous page designs and border designs. Using our templates, you’ll have no problem filling in the information you need, as all of our templates have fields for you to insert your information, including the imagery of your choice. Our templates are easy to use, just customize, and either save to file or print. Using our beautifully designed templates will assure that your biographies will appear professional and receive the acknowledgement they deserve.

Biography Templates for Microsoft Word

How to write a biography

Personal Biography Template 

Faculty biography template.

Faculty Biography Template

Biography Examples

Biography Examples

We hope these templates and samples will help you writing your own bio with style and professionalism. Thank you for coming on our site. We hope to see you again.

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  1. 45 Biography Templates & Examples (Personal, Professional)

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  6. 38+ Biography Templates with Images - Download in Word & PDF

    We are providing up to 15 different biography templates available for immediate use. All of these biography templates are beautifully done and professionally designed in order to create a perfectly written biography.