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MLA Format Sub-headings

If you would like to utilize subheadings (subtitles) in your research paper, it is a good idea to first check with your instructor to be 100% sure what subheading format he/she would like you to use.

Depending on how long your paper is, you will need either one level subheadings or several levels subheadings

One Level Subheadings:

Format : centered, capitalize the first letter but not the whole subtitle.

MLA Format, Sample Subheadings

MLA Format One Level Subheading

*Visit this full  sample paper for ideas!

Multi-Level Subheadings:

If your paper has subtitles under subtitles, see the format below. Be sure to check with your instructor first if he/she agrees with this format before you decide to use it.

– MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th Edition – Writing the Research Paper, 7th Edition.

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The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study. A good title contains the fewest possible words needed to adequately describe the content and/or purpose of your research paper.

Importance of Choosing a Good Title

The title is the part of a paper that is read the most, and it is usually read first . It is, therefore, the most important element that defines the research study. With this in mind, avoid the following when creating a title:

  • If the title is too long, this usually indicates there are too many unnecessary words. Avoid language, such as, "A Study to Investigate the...," or "An Examination of the...." These phrases are obvious and generally superfluous unless they are necessary to covey the scope, intent, or type of a study.
  • On the other hand, a title which is too short often uses words which are too broad and, thus, does not tell the reader what is being studied. For example, a paper with the title, "African Politics" is so non-specific the title could be the title of a book and so ambiguous that it could refer to anything associated with politics in Africa. A good title should provide information about the focus and/or scope of your research study.
  • In academic writing, catchy phrases or non-specific language may be used, but only if it's within the context of the study [e.g., "Fair and Impartial Jury--Catch as Catch Can"]. However, in most cases, you should avoid including words or phrases that do not help the reader understand the purpose of your paper.
  • Academic writing is a serious and deliberate endeavor. Avoid using humorous or clever journalistic styles of phrasing when creating the title to your paper. Journalistic headlines often use emotional adjectives [e.g., incredible, amazing, effortless] to highlight a problem experienced by the reader or use "trigger words" or interrogative words like how, what, when, or why to persuade people to read the article or click on a link. These approaches are viewed as counter-productive in academic writing. A reader does not need clever or humorous titles to catch their attention because the act of reading research is assumed to be deliberate based on a desire to learn and improve understanding of the problem. In addition, a humorous title can merely detract from the seriousness and authority of your research. 
  • Unlike everywhere else in a college-level social sciences research paper [except when using direct quotes in the text], titles do not have to adhere to rigid grammatical or stylistic standards. For example, it could be appropriate to begin a title with a coordinating conjunction [i.e., and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet] if it makes sense to do so and does not detract from the purpose of the study [e.g., "Yet Another Look at Mutual Fund Tournaments"] or beginning the title with an inflected form of a verb such as those ending in -ing [e.g., "Assessing the Political Landscape: Structure, Cognition, and Power in Organizations"].

Appiah, Kingsley Richard et al. “Structural Organisation of Research Article Titles: A Comparative Study of Titles of Business, Gynaecology and Law.” Advances in Language and Literary Studies 10 (2019); Hartley James. “To Attract or to Inform: What are Titles for?” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 35 (2005): 203-213; Jaakkola, Maarit. “Journalistic Writing and Style.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication . Jon F. Nussbaum, editor. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018): https://oxfordre.com/communication.

Structure and Writing Style

The following parameters can be used to help you formulate a suitable research paper title:

  • The purpose of the research
  • The scope of the research
  • The narrative tone of the paper [typically defined by the type of the research]
  • The methods used to study the problem

The initial aim of a title is to capture the reader’s attention and to highlight the research problem under investigation.

Create a Working Title Typically, the final title you submit to your professor is created after the research is complete so that the title accurately captures what has been done . The working title should be developed early in the research process because it can help anchor the focus of the study in much the same way the research problem does. Referring back to the working title can help you reorient yourself back to the main purpose of the study if you find yourself drifting off on a tangent while writing. The Final Title Effective titles in research papers have several characteristics that reflect general principles of academic writing.

  • Indicate accurately the subject and scope of the study,
  • Rarely use abbreviations or acronyms unless they are commonly known,
  • Use words that create a positive impression and stimulate reader interest,
  • Use current nomenclature from the field of study,
  • Identify key variables, both dependent and independent,
  • Reveal how the paper will be organized,
  • Suggest a relationship between variables which supports the major hypothesis,
  • Is limited to 5 to 15 substantive words,
  • Does not include redundant phrasing, such as, "A Study of," "An Analysis of" or similar constructions,
  • Takes the form of a question or declarative statement,
  • If you use a quote as part of the title, the source of the quote is cited [usually using an asterisk and footnote],
  • Use correct grammar and capitalization with all first words and last words capitalized, including the first word of a subtitle. All nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs that appear between the first and last words of the title are also capitalized, and
  • Rarely uses an exclamation mark at the end of the title.

The Subtitle Subtitles are frequently used in social sciences research papers because it helps the reader understand the scope of the study in relation to how it was designed to address the research problem. Think about what type of subtitle listed below reflects the overall approach to your study and whether you believe a subtitle is needed to emphasize the investigative parameters of your research.

1.  Explains or provides additional context , e.g., "Linguistic Ethnography and the Study of Welfare Institutions as a Flow of Social Practices: The Case of Residential Child Care Institutions as Paradoxical Institutions." [Palomares, Manuel and David Poveda.  Text & Talk: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language, Discourse and Communication Studies 30 (January 2010): 193-212]

2.  Adds substance to a literary, provocative, or imaginative title or quote , e.g., "Listen to What I Say, Not How I Vote": Congressional Support for the President in Washington and at Home." [Grose, Christian R. and Keesha M. Middlemass. Social Science Quarterly 91 (March 2010): 143-167]

3.  Qualifies the geographic scope of the research , e.g., "The Geopolitics of the Eastern Border of the European Union: The Case of Romania-Moldova-Ukraine." [Marcu, Silvia. Geopolitics 14 (August 2009): 409-432]

4.  Qualifies the temporal scope of the research , e.g., "A Comparison of the Progressive Era and the Depression Years: Societal Influences on Predictions of the Future of the Library, 1895-1940." [Grossman, Hal B. Libraries & the Cultural Record 46 (2011): 102-128]

5.  Focuses on investigating the ideas, theories, or work of a particular individual , e.g., "A Deliberative Conception of Politics: How Francesco Saverio Merlino Related Anarchy and Democracy." [La Torre, Massimo. Sociologia del Diritto 28 (January 2001): 75 - 98]

6.  Identifies the methodology used , e.g. "Student Activism of the 1960s Revisited: A Multivariate Analysis Research Note." [Aron, William S. Social Forces 52 (March 1974): 408-414]

7.  Defines the overarching technique for analyzing the research problem , e.g., "Explaining Territorial Change in Federal Democracies: A Comparative Historical Institutionalist Approach." [ Tillin, Louise. Political Studies 63 (August 2015): 626-641.

With these examples in mind, think about what type of subtitle reflects the overall approach to your study. This will help the reader understand the scope of the study in relation to how it was designed to address the research problem.

Anstey, A. “Writing Style: What's in a Title?” British Journal of Dermatology 170 (May 2014): 1003-1004; Balch, Tucker. How to Compose a Title for Your Research Paper. Augmented Trader blog. School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech University; Bavdekar, Sandeep B. “Formulating the Right Title for a Research Article.” Journal of Association of Physicians of India 64 (February 2016); Choosing the Proper Research Paper Titles. AplusReports.com, 2007-2012; Eva, Kevin W. “Titles, Abstracts, and Authors.” In How to Write a Paper . George M. Hall, editor. 5th edition. (Oxford: John Wiley and Sons, 2013), pp. 33-41; Hartley James. “To Attract or to Inform: What are Titles for?” Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 35 (2005): 203-213; General Format. The Writing Lab and The OWL. Purdue University; Kerkut G.A. “Choosing a Title for a Paper.” Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology 74 (1983): 1; “Tempting Titles.” In Stylish Academic Writing . Helen Sword, editor. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012), pp. 63-75; Nundy, Samiran, et al. “How to Choose a Title?” In How to Practice Academic Medicine and Publish from Developing Countries? A Practical Guide . Edited by Samiran Nundy, Atul Kakar, and Zulfiqar A. Bhutta. (Springer Singapore, 2022), pp. 185-192.

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How do I style headings and subheadings in a research paper?

Headings and subheadings can help organize and structure your writing. In general, longer and more complex works warrant more of them than shorter ones. Avoid overusing headings in short projects; they should never be used to compensate for poor structure or to explain an underdeveloped idea.

When headings are called for in your writing project, observe the basic guidelines below.

The paper or chapter title is the first level of heading, and it must be the most prominent.

Headings should be styled in descending order of prominence. After the first level, the other headings are subheadings—that is, they are subordinate. Font styling and size are used to signal prominence. In general, a boldface, larger font indicates prominence; a smaller font, italics, and lack of bold can be used to signal subordination. For readability, don’t go overboard: avoid using all capital letters for headings (in some cases, small capitals may be acceptable):

Heading Level 1
Heading Level 2
Heading Level 3

Note that word-processing software often has built-in heading styles.


Consistency in the styling of headings and subheadings is key to signaling to readers the structure of a research project. That is, each level 1 heading should appear in the same style and size, as should each level 2 heading, and so on. Generally avoid numbers and letters to designate heads unless you are working in a discipline where doing so is conventional. Note that a heading labeled “1” requires a subsequent heading labeled “2,” and a heading labeled “a” requires a subsequent heading labeled “b.” 

In a project that is not professionally designed and published, headings should be flush with the left margin, to avoid confusion with block quotations. (The exception is the paper or chapter title, which is centered in MLA style.)

For readability, it is helpful to include a line space above and below a heading, as shown in this post.

No internal heading level should have only one instance. For example, if you have one level 1 heading, you need to have a second level 1 heading. (The exceptions are the paper or chapter title and the headings for notes and the list of works cited.) You should also generally have text under each heading.


Capitalize headings like the titles of works, as explained in section 1.5 of the MLA Handbook .

The shorter, the better.

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Signposting is a really useful tool to help you structure your essay and provide clarity for your reader.

Signposting can be divided into two broad categories:

Major signposts


Examples of major signposts:

  • The aim of this study is to…
  • The purpose of this essay is to…
  • This essay argues that…
  • There is a lot of academic literature about this issue…
  • This essay begins by… It will then go on to… Finally…
  • This paragraph will focus upon…
  • In conclusion…

Linking words and phrases or connectives

These show connections between sentences and paragraphs.

Examples of linking words and phrases:

  • Listing: firstly, secondly, finally
  • Indicating addition or similarity: also, in addition, furthermore, similarly
  • Indicating contrast: however, nevertheless, on the other hand
  • Giving a reason: for this reason, because, due to…
  • Indicating result or consequence: therefore, as a result, consequently
  • Reformulating an idea: in other words, to put it simply, that is…
  • Using examples: for example, for instance

Depending on your essay question and/or length, subtitles may be another useful signposting tool. They are a clear indication to the reader about what the following paragraphs will be focusing upon. It is worth checking that your subject discipline encourages the use of subtitles.

Be careful that you use signposting and subtitles correctly as having too many and using them incorrectly can be  confusing to the reader and may lose you marks.

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Subtitles in an Essay: How to write Subtitles in Essays or Papers

Writing Essay Titles and Sub-titles

Do you need to know how to write titles and subtitles in essays effectively? The main secret is to ensure that the titles and subtitles you choose represent the content under them.

This article presents reliable ways that you can use to write titles and subtitles.

Can an Essay have Subtitles?

Essays can have subtitles because they are useful writing tools.

formatting title and subtitles

Subtitles direct the reader that the main heading has been divided into several parts. However, before using them, it is always important to inquire whether your subject discipline requires their use.

An essay can have subtitles if they help organize the thoughts, arguments and points into sectional topics that support the main thesis. Subtitles help the writer organize written work, especially if it involves a lot of words. Subheadings can be mini-essays because the writer is required to write their introduction, body, and conclusion before ending them.

Remember that subtitles must comprehend the main title because they can make a relevant piece of writing lose meaning.

How to Write Subtitles in an Essay or Paper

To write good essay subtitles, you need to do the following:

Come up with the Subtitles

To come up with effective subtitles, you need to understand the title of your essay clearly. The objective of the whole essay and the main points you want to put across should also be clear to avoid formulating subtitles that do not rhyme with your essay title.

In some essays, subtitles should be from the main to the minor. For example, if the title of your essay is “How the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the United States economy,” you should start with the main effects and proceed to the minor ones.

When formulating them, keep them arranged in this order for easy writing.

Write Clear Subtitles that are Straight to the Point

straight to the point

Subtitles should always be meaningful by themselves. The reader should not read the content to know what the subheading is but instead read the subtitle and know what to expect in the content.

This means that subtitles such as “introduction,” “body,” and “conclusion” should not be used in writing.

When the reader goes through the subheadings in your essays, they should know everything they are to expect concerning the thesis statement.

If there is no logical progression of ideas presented by your subtitles, then you have not arranged them properly, and the reader will likely get confused when going through them.

Write Short and Attention Grabbing Subtitles

Subtitles should always be short. They should only take a few seconds to read. Always try to make them as short as possible because you will explain them in detail.

However, always make sure that they make sense. There is no need to write short headlines if they do not make sense or clearly present what you will write about.

Subtitles should also grab the attention of the reader. Once they see them, they should have the urge to read what it is all about. Subtitles should use a smaller heading font than the main title and be bolded to differentiate them from the normal text.

Can an Essay have Titles

Essays should always have titles. Titles present what essays are all about hence giving the reader insight of what to expect when going through them.

An essay without a title cannot be said to be complete. Any cases of untitled essays must be allowed by the instructor or be in the instructions of the work provided.

How to Write Titles in an Essay

You must do the following to write effective titles for your essays.

Write the Title of the Essay after Writing the Content

You always have the title of your essay in mind as you are writing, but you should write it only after completing the text.

Only when you read the entire text will you be able to word the title correctly. This helps come up with a title that accurately presents what you have written and increases the chance of the title emphasizing what the thesis statement entails.

Always come up with similar titles, and from them, you can choose the most appropriate one for your essay.

Through brainstorming, you are sure that the chances of writing a title that does not go hand in hand are minimal.

Use an Academic Tone

A title of an essay should always have an academic tone that spreads throughout the whole paper. This is why we use third-person language and refrain from using personal opinions in papers or essays.

The language and word choice should depict persuasiveness and strictness and be informative. Any jargon should be avoided because essays are academic writings that are considered official documents.

Make it Catchy

Titles should always grab the attention of the reader. This is achieved by connecting with the reader immediately when they read the title.

This can be done by using questions, stating facts, and avoiding mysterious titles

Use Keywords

The title should contain the keywords in your essay. Both the title and the thesis statement should relay the same message.

your keywords

Using keywords is also crucial in grabbing the attention of readers. Readers can know what to expect in an essay the most through keywords.

Make it Simple

Do not complicate an essay title. It is the first thing that the reader must easily understand.

Therefore, avoid using vocabulary may prevent the reader from directly grasping what your essay is all about

Follow the Format

Different writing formats require writers to write titles differently. Check out how to structure a paper and get a few things on the best format to use for term papers and research papers.

If formats are specified in the instructions, always follow their guidelines when writing a title. For example, APA format, MLS format, and the Chicago format have different ways of formulating a title, and using one instead of the recommended one can lead to essay failure.

Keep it Short and Accurate

A good title should always grab the reader’s attention without revealing the details of the essay. Even if no word limitations are provided, avoid making titles too long.

A title should always accurately represent what is in your essay and set expectations of what to learn in the essay.

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MLA Format: The Ultimate Guide to Correctly Formatting Your Paper

Hannah Yang headshot

Hannah Yang

the ultimate guide to MLA headings cover

So you need to create an MLA heading? You’re not alone—MLA format is one of the most common styles you’ll be expected to use when you’re writing a humanities paper, whether you’re a high-school student or a PhD candidate.

Read on to learn what a correct MLA heading looks like and how to create one that works like magic.

What Is an MLA Heading?

How do you format an mla heading, what is an mla header, how do you format an mla header, headings are only the beginning, commonly asked questions about mla headers, final thoughts.

The term “MLA heading” refers to five lines of important information that appear at the top of the first page.

Here are two examples of what an MLA heading could look like:

Hermione Granger

Professor McGonagall

Transfiguration—6th period

18 October 1991

“How to Turn A Matchstick into a Needle”

MLA heading set out in Word

Harry J. Potter

Prof. Remus Lupin

Defense Against the Dark Arts

4 March 1994

“Why I Think My Professor Is a Werewolf”

Why are these headings important? Well, your teacher probably collects hundreds of papers every year. If any identifying information is missing from these assignments, grading and organizing them becomes much more of a challenge.

MLA headings ensure that all key information is presented upfront. With just a glance at the first page, your teacher can easily figure out who wrote this paper, when it was submitted, and which class it was written for.

essay heading tip: save your heading as a template

What Are the Parts of an MLA Heading?

An MLA heading should include:

  • Your instructor’s name
  • The name of the class
  • The date the assignment is due
  • The title of your paper

Your instructor may give you specific guidelines about how much detail to include in each line. For example, some teachers may ask you to refer to them by their titles, while others may ask you to use their full names. If you haven’t been given any specific instructions, don’t sweat it—any option is fine as long as it’s clear and consistent.

Follow these formatting rules for your MLA heading:

  • Start each piece of information on a separate line
  • Don’t use any periods, commas, or other punctuation at the end of the line
  • Keep the heading double-spaced, in the same font as the rest of your paper
  • Left-align the first four lines (they should start at the 1-inch margin on the left side of your paper)
  • Center the title (it should appear in the middle of your paper)
  • Make sure your title is in title case

Title case means that major words should be capitalized and minor words should be lowercase. Major words include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and any word longer than four letters. Minor words include conjunctions, prepositions, and articles.

Tip: Remember that Hermione’s “Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare” shortens to S.P.E.W., not S.F.T.P.O.E.W—only the major words are capitalized!

graphic of the SPEW acronym highlighting major words

The MLA heading should only appear on the first page of your paper . But wait, you’re not done yet! In the rest of your paper, you need to include something called an MLA header at the top right corner of every page.

Think of the MLA header as a short, simple “You are here” marker that shows the reader where they are in the paper. By looking at the MLA headers, your instructor can easily understand where each page goes and which paper it belongs to.

What Are the Parts of an MLA Header?

The MLA header consists of your last name and page number.

For example, the second page of Hermione Granger’s essays would be labeled “Granger 2”, the third would be labeled “Granger 3”, and so on.

MLA headings in Word

Creating MLA Headers in Microsoft Word

If you’re writing your paper in Microsoft Word, follow these steps:

  • Click Insert
  • Scroll down to Page Numbers and click on it
  • Set the position to “Top of Page (Header)”
  • Set the alignment to “Right”
  • Make sure there’s no checkmark in the box for “Show number on first page”
  • Click on the page number and type your last name before the number
  • Set your font and font size to match the rest of your paper, if they don’t already

Creating MLA Headers in Google Docs

If you’re writing your paper in Google Docs, follow these steps:

  • Scroll down to Page Numbers and hover over it
  • Choose the option that sets your page number in the upper right corner
  • Set your font and type size to match the rest of your paper, if they don’t already

Tip: After you create your first MLA header, save a template document for yourself that you can re-use next time, so you don’t have to follow these steps every time you write a paper!

Once you've got your headings sorted, it's time to start writing your paper. While we can't help you edit the content of your essay , ProWritingAid is here to make sure your grammar, spelling, and style is on point.

As well as checking your grammar, ProWritingAid also shows you your progress towards key goals like varied sentence structure, active voice, readability, and more. The target scores are all based on averages for real essays, so you'll always know if you're on track.

screenshot of essay writing goals in prowritingaid software

Ready to start receiving feedback before you submit your work?

Whose last name should you use in your MLA header if you’re writing a group paper?

The MLA Style Guide has no specific guidelines for group projects. You should always include the names of all members of the group project in the first line of your heading, but you don’t necessarily need to do this for the header on every page.

If there are only two or three authors collaborating on your paper, you can include all of your last names in the MLA header, e.g., “Granger, Potter, and Weasley 2.”

If you’re part of a bigger group and it would take up too much space to include all of your last names, you can write the name that comes first in the alphabet and then add “ et al. ”, e.g., “Granger et al. 2.” (The term “et al.” is short for the Latin term “et alia”, which means “and others.” You’ll often see it used in academic papers with multiple authors.)

example of a heading for a larger group project

Should you include your class period in your MLA heading or just the class name?

There’s no MLA rule about this, but when in doubt, it’s always better to err on the side of including too much information in your heading rather than not enough.

If your instructor teaches more than one version of the same course, they’ll probably find it helpful if you specify the class period you’re in. You can either include your class period after the class name, e.g., “History of Magic—2nd period”, or before the class name, e.g., “2nd Period History of Magic.”

What should you write in your MLA heading if you don’t have an instructor?

If you have no instructor, you can explain the situation in the line where you would normally put the instructor’s name, e.g., “Independent Study” or “No Instructor.”

What should you write in your MLA heading if you have multiple instructors?

If you have multiple instructors, you can include both of their names in the line where you would put the instructor’s name. If you’re in a college course where you have a professor and a TA, you should choose whose name to include in the header depending on who will ultimately be reading your paper.

no instructor vs. multiple instructors

Should you include the date you started writing the paper or the date the paper is due?

The MLA Style Guide has no specific guidelines about which date you need to put in the heading. In general, however, the best practice is to put the date the assignment is due.

This is because all the papers for the same assignment will have the same due date, even if different students begin writing their assignments on different days, so it’s easier for your instructor to use the due date to determine what assignment the paper is for.

Should you format the date as Day Month Year or Month Day Year?

In MLA format, you should write the date in the order of Day Month Year. Instead of writing May 31 2021, for example, you would write 31 May 2021.

What font should you use for your MLA heading and header?

Both the heading and the header should be in the same font as the rest of your paper. If you haven’t chosen a font for your paper yet, remember that the key thing to aim for is readability. If you choose a font where your teachers have to squint to read it, or one where your teachers can’t figure out the difference between what’s italicized and what isn’t, you should rethink your choice.

When in doubt, go with Times New Roman, 12 pt. It’s always a safe bet for MLA papers unless your instructor specifically tells you otherwise.

font comparison to show easier and more difficult-to-read fonts

Do you need to italicize or bold the title of your MLA paper?

No. There’s no need to use any special styling on the title of an MLA paper, such as bold or italics.

How do you format section titles in your MLA paper?

If you’re writing a paper with multiple sections, you may need to include a subtitle at the top of each section.

The MLA Style Guide gives you two options for using subtitles in a paper: one-level section titles or several-level subtitles (for papers with subsections within each section).

For one-level section titles, the formatting is simple. Every subtitle should look the same as the title (centered and double-spaced, with no special formatting).

one level section title examples

The only difference is that instead of using title case, you should capitalize only the first word of each subtitle. For example, a title would be spelled “How to Turn a Matchstick into a Needle”, while a subtitle would be spelled “How to turn a matchstick into a needle.”

For several-level subtitles, you will need to format each level in a different way to show which level each section is at. You can use boldface, italics, and underlining to differentiate between levels. For example, subtitles at the highest level should be bolded, while subtitles at the next level down should be italicized.

See the chart below for MLA’s suggested formats.

three different formats to denote different subtitle levels

What is the difference between MLA format and APA format?

MLA and APA are two sets of guidelines for formatting papers and citing research.

MLA stands for the Modern Language Association. The MLA handbook is most often used in fields related to the humanities, such as literature, history, and philosophy.

APA stands for the American Psychological Association. The APA format is most often used in fields related to the social sciences, such as psychology, sociology, and nursing.

The APA manual includes a heading format similar to the MLA heading format with a few key differences, such as using a separate cover page instead of simply including the heading at the top of the first page. Both heading formats ensure that all of your papers include all your key identifying information in a clear and consistent way.

consult the MLA handbook if you're unsure

Where can you learn more about MLA style?

If you have questions about how to format a specific assignment or paper, it’s always best to consult your instructor first. Your school may also have a writing center that can help you with formatting questions.

In addition, Purdue has fantastic resources for all kinds of formatting topics, from MLA headings to MLA citations and everything in between.

If you would like to find out more directly from the Modern Language Association, consult the MLA Style Center or the MLA Handbook (8th edition).

Now you’re ready to write an MLA paper with a fantastic heading. Make sure your essay does your heading justice by checking it over with ProWritingAid.

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  • Comprehensive Guide to Headings and Subheadings in APA 7.0

Comprehensive Guide to Headings and Subheadings in APA 7.0

Section 1: Introduction to Headings and Subheadings in APA 7.0-

In academic writing, the use of headings and subheadings is crucial for organizing and structuring a paper. APA (American Psychological Association) style, specifically in its 7th edition, provides clear guidelines on how to effectively use headings and subheadings to enhance readability and comprehensibility of research papers, essays, and other scholarly works. This section will provide a comprehensive introduction to the importance, purpose, and benefits of using headings and subheadings in APA 7.0 format.

Purpose of Headings and Subheadings

Headings and subheadings serve as visual cues to help readers navigate through the content of a paper. They create a hierarchical structure, indicating the relationships between different sections and subsections, and aid in organizing ideas and presenting information in a logical manner. By using headings and subheadings, writers can effectively divide their work into manageable and coherent sections, making it easier for readers to comprehend and follow the main arguments and supporting details.

Importance of Headings and Subheadings

Clear and well-structured headings and subheadings are essential in academic writing for several reasons. First and foremost, they enhance the overall readability of the paper by breaking down the text into smaller, digestible chunks. This organization allows readers to quickly identify and locate specific information, especially when they are scanning or skimming through the document.

Secondly, headings and subheadings contribute to the coherence and flow of the paper. By providing a clear roadmap, they guide the reader through the main ideas, supporting evidence, and key points presented in each section. This not only improves the overall structure of the paper but also helps maintain the logical progression of thoughts and arguments.

Additionally, headings and subheadings assist both readers and writers in comprehending complex topics. They enable writers to organize their thoughts, ensuring that each section focuses on a specific aspect or theme. This organization facilitates a deeper understanding of the subject matter for both the writer during the drafting process and the reader during the consumption of the paper.

Formatting Guidelines for Headings and Subheadings

APA 7.0 provides specific rules and formatting guidelines for using headings and subheadings. These guidelines include the use of different levels of headings, capitalization rules, and placement within the paper. Understanding and adhering to these guidelines is crucial for maintaining consistency and conformity with APA style.

The APA 7.0 formatting guidelines for headings and subheadings are based on a five-level hierarchy, with each level indicating the level of importance and hierarchy of information. Level 1 headings are the highest level, followed by Level 2, Level 3, and so on. Each level has a specific formatting style, such as font size, boldness, and indentation, to differentiate it from the other levels. Furthermore, APA 7.0 also provides guidance on the appropriate use of sentence case, title case, and capitalization in headings and subheadings. For instance, Level 1 headings are typically written in sentence case and are centered and bolded. Level 2 headings are aligned to the left margin, bolded, and written in title case. To maintain clarity and consistency, APA 7.0 also provides recommendations on the number of headings to use within a paper. It suggests that at least two headings should be used in any given section, as a single heading alone may not adequately represent the content covered.

Section 2: The Purpose and Importance of Headings and Subheadings in APA 7.0

Facilitating information retrieval.

One of the primary purposes of headings and subheadings in APA 7.0 is to facilitate information retrieval for readers. When faced with a lengthy document, readers often engage in scanning or skimming techniques to locate specific information or sections of interest. Well-structured headings and subheadings act as signposts, allowing readers to quickly identify the content they are seeking without having to read the entire text. By providing a clear and organized hierarchy, headings guide readers to the main sections of a paper, while subheadings further break down the content into more specific subsections. This hierarchical structure enables readers to navigate the document with ease, locating relevant information efficiently. Thus, headings and subheadings in APA 7.0 contribute significantly to the overall accessibility and user-friendliness of academic papers.

Enhancing Readability and Comprehensibility

Headings and subheadings play a vital role in enhancing the readability and comprehensibility of academic writing. They help break up large blocks of text into smaller, digestible sections, preventing the overwhelming feeling that dense paragraphs can create. By visually separating different sections and subsections, headings and subheadings allow readers to mentally prepare for the content they are about to encounter. Additionally, headings and subheadings improve the flow and coherence of a paper. They provide a roadmap for readers, helping them understand the organization and structure of the author's arguments and supporting evidence. Well-crafted headings and subheadings enable readers to follow the logical progression of ideas and maintain a clear understanding of the paper's main points. Finally, headings and subheadings aid in the comprehension of complex topics. By breaking down the content into smaller, focused sections, readers can grasp the material more easily. Headings act as cognitive cues, preparing readers for the information presented in each section. This approach not only facilitates understanding but also allows readers to engage with the content at a deeper level, promoting knowledge retention.

Organizing and Structuring Ideas

Headings and subheadings in APA 7.0 serve as valuable tools for organizing and structuring ideas within a paper. They help writers divide their work into meaningful sections, each addressing a specific aspect or theme related to the overall topic. This organization ensures that information is presented in a coherent and logical manner, making it easier for both the writer and the reader to navigate the paper.

By using headings and subheadings, writers can create a clear outline for their work, ensuring that each section has a distinct focus. This outline acts as a framework, guiding the writer in presenting their arguments and supporting evidence in a systematic and organized way. Writers can use headings to delineate major sections or main ideas, while subheadings allow for further subcategorization and exploration of subtopics.

Furthermore, headings and subheadings assist writers in structuring their thoughts during the writing process. By providing a visual representation of the paper's organization, headings help writers maintain a coherent flow of ideas and prevent the inclusion of irrelevant or tangential information. This structured approach not only improves the overall quality of the paper but also enhances the writer's ability to communicate their ideas effectively.

Conveying the Hierarchical Relationship of Information

Another important purpose of headings and subheadings in APA 7.0 is to convey the hierarchical relationship of information. By assigning different levels to headings, the writer can indicate the relative importance and order of ideas within the paper. Higher-level headings represent broader themes or major sections, while lower-level headings address more specific subtopics or subsections. This hierarchical structure helps readers understand the organization and logical flow of the paper at a glance. It allows them to grasp the overall structure and the relationships between different sections without having to read the entire document. Additionally, the use of indentation and formatting styles for each level of heading further reinforces the hierarchical relationship and aids in visual differentiation.

Section 3: Formatting Guidelines for Headings and Subheadings in APA 7.0

Proper formatting of headings and subheadings is crucial in APA 7.0 style to ensure consistency, clarity, and readability in academic writing. This section will delve into the specific formatting guidelines provided by APA 7.0 for headings and subheadings, including the use of different levels, capitalization rules, and placement within the paper.

Levels of Headings

APA 7.0 introduces a five-level hierarchy for headings, each denoting a different level of importance and significance within the paper. These levels provide a structured framework for organizing the content and help readers understand the organization and flow of ideas. Here are the five headings in APA 7.0:

Level 1: Centered, Bold and Title Case

            Text begins here.

Level 2: Left-Aligned, Bold and Title Case

Level 3: Left-Aligned, Bold, Italics, and Title Case

Level 4: Left-Aligned, Bold, Title Case, and Period. Text begins here.

Level 5: Left-Aligned, Bold, Title Case, Italics, and Period . Text begins here.

Section 4: Organizing and Structuring Your Paper

Using headings and subheadings in apa 7.0.

Organizing and structuring your paper effectively is crucial for presenting your ideas in a logical and coherent manner. Headings and subheadings in APA 7.0 play a vital role in achieving this goal by providing a clear framework for organizing your content. This section will delve into strategies and best practices for utilizing headings and subheadings to organize and structure your paper in accordance with APA 7.0 guidelines.

Preparing an Outline

Before you begin writing your paper, it is helpful to create an outline that outlines the main sections and subsections you intend to cover. An outline acts as a roadmap, allowing you to visualize the overall structure and flow of your paper. It serves as a foundation for developing meaningful headings and subheadings that accurately represent the content and facilitate logical organization. Start by identifying the major sections that your paper will include, such as introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. These major sections will serve as Level 1 headings in APA 7.0. Next, break down each major section into subsections that address specific subtopics or aspects related to the main theme. These subsections will be represented by Level 2 headings. Depending on the complexity and depth of your paper, you may further divide the subsections into sub-subsections using Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5 headings. Creating a comprehensive outline not only helps you organize your thoughts but also ensures that you cover all the necessary components of your paper. It allows you to see the relationships between different sections and subsections, enabling you to present your arguments and evidence in a logical and coherent sequence.

Maintaining Consistency and Parallelism

Consistency is key when it comes to organizing and structuring your paper using headings and subheadings. It is important to establish a consistent framework that is followed throughout the entire document. Consistency ensures that readers can easily understand the hierarchy and relationships between different sections and subsections. When creating headings and subheadings, aim for parallelism in terms of grammatical structure and formatting. Parallelism means that headings at the same level should have a similar grammatical structure and formatting style. For instance, if you choose to use noun phrases for Level 2 headings, maintain this pattern consistently across all Level 2 headings in your paper. This helps readers navigate through the content smoothly and maintain a sense of coherence. Furthermore, parallelism extends to the use of punctuation and capitalization within headings and subheadings. Maintain consistent capitalization rules, such as sentence case for Level 1 headings and title case for Level 2 headings. This uniformity enhances the visual hierarchy and clarity of your paper.

Balancing Depth and Granularity

Effective organization and structuring involve finding the right balance between depth and granularity in your headings and subheadings. Level 1 headings represent major sections and should encapsulate broad themes or concepts, providing an overview of what will be discussed within each section. Level 2 headings, as subsections, delve into more specific topics or aspects related to the main theme of the major section.

Reviewing and Revising the Organization

Organizing and structuring your paper using headings and subheadings is not a one-time task. It is an iterative process that requires regular review and revision to ensure optimal clarity and coherence. Once you have completed the initial draft of your paper, review the organization of your headings and subheadings. Ask yourself if the structure effectively reflects the flow of your ideas and supports your main argument. Consider whether the headings accurately represent the content of each section and subsection. During the review process, pay attention to transitions between sections and subsections. Ensure that the headings and subheadings create a smooth transition from one topic to another, guiding readers through the logical progression of your paper. If you notice any gaps or inconsistencies, revise and refine the organization accordingly. Additionally, seek feedback from peers, mentors, or instructors. Their fresh perspective can provide valuable insights into the clarity and effectiveness of your headings and subheadings. Incorporate their feedback and make necessary adjustments to improve the overall organization and structure of your paper.

Section 5: Common Mistakes to Avoid in Using Headings and Subheadings in APA 7.0

While using headings and subheadings in APA 7.0 can greatly improve the organization and readability of your paper, it's important to be aware of common mistakes that can compromise the effectiveness of your headings. By understanding and avoiding these mistakes, you can ensure that your headings enhance the clarity and coherence of your academic writing. This section will explore some common mistakes to avoid when using headings and subheadings in APA 7.0.

Inconsistent Formatting

One of the most common mistakes is inconsistent formatting of headings and subheadings. In APA 7.0, it is crucial to maintain consistency in capitalization, alignment, and formatting styles across headings at the same level. Inconsistencies can confuse readers and disrupt the visual hierarchy of your paper. Ensure that all Level 1 headings have the same formatting, all Level 2 headings have the same formatting, and so on. Consistency in formatting contributes to the overall professionalism and readability of your work.

Poor Alignment and Spacing

Another mistake to avoid is incorrect alignment and spacing of headings and subheadings. In APA 7.0, Level 1 headings are centered and typically start on a new page or a new line with an extra line space before and after the heading. Level 2 headings and lower-level headings, however, are left-aligned and generally require an extra line space before the heading but not after. Failure to align and space headings correctly can create confusion and disrupt the logical flow of your paper. Review APA 7.0 guidelines carefully to ensure proper alignment and spacing of your headings.

Lack of Parallelism

Parallelism, or consistent grammatical structure, is crucial when using headings and subheadings. Headings at the same level should follow a similar structure to maintain coherence and readability. For example, if you use noun phrases for Level 2 headings, ensure that all Level 2 headings follow this pattern. Lack of parallelism can make your headings appear disjointed and may confuse readers. Consistently apply parallel structure within each level of headings to create a smooth and organized flow of information.

Overcomplicating the Heading Structure

While it is important to provide a clear and hierarchical structure to your paper, overcomplicating the heading structure can lead to confusion and excessive fragmentation. Strive to find a balance between providing enough detail to cover your content effectively and avoiding an excessive number of headings and subheadings. Each heading should represent a meaningful subdivision and contribute to the overall organization and coherence of your paper. Aim for a clear and concise heading structure that guides readers without overwhelming them with excessive levels or overly specific subdivisions.

Lack of Descriptiveness

Headings and subheadings should be descriptive and informative to accurately represent the content covered within each section. Avoid using generic or ambiguous headings that do not provide a clear indication of what readers can expect to find. Vague headings can leave readers uncertain about the content or make it challenging to locate specific information within your paper. Ensure that your headings succinctly capture the main ideas or themes of each section, guiding readers through your content effectively.

Ignoring the Reader's Perspective

When creating headings and subheadings, it's important to consider the perspective of your readers. Put yourself in their shoes and think about how your headings will facilitate their understanding and navigation through your paper. Consider whether your headings effectively communicate the main points, guide readers through the logical flow of your arguments, and enable them to locate specific information easily. Ignoring the reader's perspective can result in headings that are unclear, unhelpful, or inconsistent, hindering the overall readability and comprehension of your work.

Neglecting to Revise and Edit Headings

Headings should not be an afterthought or treated as static elements in your paper. Neglecting to revise and edit your headings can lead to inaccuracies, lack of clarity, or poor alignment with the final content of your paper. As you progress through the writing process, continuously review and refine your headings to ensure they accurately represent the content and flow of your arguments. Make necessary adjustments, reword headings for better clarity, and ensure that they align with the finalized structure and organization of your paper.

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Formatting APA Headings and Subheadings

  • Writing Essays
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  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
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In American Psychological Association style, APA headings and subheadings are used to give readers a general idea of the content and what to expect from a paper , and it leads the flow of discussion by dividing up a paper and defining each section of the content.

APA style is different than Modern Language Association style , which is used in most humanities courses, and Chicago style , which is used in most history courses. There are some differences between APA, MLA, and Chicago style headings in papers, particularly on the title page as well as at the top of subsequent pages.

Fast Facts: APA Headers

  • APA style is generally used for social science research papers.
  • There are five heading levels in APA. The 6th edition of the APA manual revises and simplifies previous heading guidelines

APA uses something called a "running head," while the other two styles do not. MLA uses a left-indented topper for the paper author's name, the professor's name, the course name, and date, while MLA and Chicago style do not. So it's important to use the correct style for APA headings when formatting a paper in APA style. APA style uses five levels of headings.

APA Level Headings

​APA style recommends using a five-level heading structure based on the level of subordination. Purdue OWL notes the APA headings levels as follows:

The sections named above are considered major elements of your paper, so these sections should be treated as the highest level of headings. Major levels (highest level) titles in your APA title are centered on your paper. They should be formatted in boldface and the important words of the heading should be capitalized .

In addition to the above rules, headings and subheadings also should not be accompanied by letters or numbers. You should use as many levels as required in your paper to present the most organized structure. Not all five levels should be used, but the same level of heading or subheading should be of equal importance regardless of the number of subsections under it.

For level one and two headings, paragraphs should begin under the heading on a new line, and these levels should capitalize each word in the heading. However, levels three through five should have the paragraph begin in line with the headings, and only the first word is capitalized. In addition, in levels 3-5, the headings are indented and end with a period.

Example APA-Formatted Paper

The following shows, in part, what an APA-formatted paper would look like. Where needed, explanations have been added to indicate the placement or formatting of the headers:

RESEARCH PROPOSAL (Running head, all caps and flush left)

(The below title page information should be centered and at the center of the page)

Research Proposal

Professor XXX

April. 16, 2019

XXX University

RESEARCH PROPOSAL (Each page should start with this running head, flush left)

Abstract (centered)

Research shows that developmentally disabled individuals need skills training in order to be able to function independently as adults (Flannery, Yovanoff, Benz & Kato (2008), Sitlington, Frank & Carson (1993), Smith (1992). There is a need for further research detailing what kinds of services are important to success, such as reinforcement of domestic, vocational and social skills, as well as financial planning . This paper proposes to answer the question: What is the effect of services provided by Regional Centers on the independent living skills of developmentally disabled adults?

Operational Definition of Variables.

The Independent Variable would be services provided by Regional Centers. The dependent variable would be independent living skills of developmentally disabled adults. I will test my hypothesis – that such services could lead to greater independence in developmentally disabled adults – by examining living skills of a group of developmentally disabled adults with services provided by Regional Centers to a group of developmentally disabled adults who do not receive Regional Center services. I will establish this “control” group by examining a similar group of individuals who have sought – but refused – Regional Center services.

Benefits of the research

An abundance of literature reveals a great need for better transitional services for developmentally delayed individuals leaving high school and entering adulthood (Nuehring & Sitlington, 2003, Sitlington, et. al., 1993, Beresford, 2004). Many of the studies focus on transitional services needed to aid developmentally disabled adults move successfully from high school to the adult working world (Nuehring & Sitlington, 2003, Sitlington, et. al., 1993, Flannery, et. al., 2008). Yet, some of those same researchers note that most developmentally disabled adults do not work after high school (Sitlington, et. al.,


1993). More recently (and even in older studies), researchers have begun to note that developmentally delayed adults need services to help them succeed in adulthood in a variety of areas needed for successful independent living, such as living arrangements, financial and budgeting skills, relationships, sex, aging parents, grocery shopping and a host of other issues (Beresford, 2004, Dunlap, 1976, Smith, 1992, Parker, 2000). Few agencies exist nationally to provide such services to developmentally delayed individuals from birth through adulthood. However, in California, a group of 21 Regional Centers provides services to developmentally delayed adults ranging from life-planning, funding of services and equipment, advocacy, family support, counseling, vocational training, etc. (What are regional Centers? n.d.). The purpose of this study, then, is to determine the effects of Regional Center services on the independent living skills of disabled adults.

Literature Analysis (centered)

Smith (1992) notes that many developmentally disabled adults fall “through the cracks” once they reach adulthood. Smith used a survey method to examine the success or lack thereof of 353 developmentally disabled adults. Smith noted that 42.5% were employed full time, 30.1% were employed part time and 24.6% were unemployed. In discussing results, Smith noted that what was needed to improve the employment situation of these individuals was to ensure that they learn how to access Vocational Rehabilitation services and that those providing services –vocational rehabilitation counselors, teachers, and other professionals -- be better trained in reaching out to such individuals. In other

words, if developmentally delayed adults simply had better access to vocational rehabilitation services (the independent variable), they would somehow become more successful in terms of full-time employment. Smith provides no empirical evidence to demonstrate how or why this would occur.

Synthesis of Literature Relevant to the Research Proposition

Sitlington, et. al. (1993) imply that if developmentally delayed individuals are not successful in adulthood, it is, essentially, their fault. Sitlington, et. al. give no indication that providing vocational services alone may not be enough. And, there is nothing in Sitlington, etc....

Title Page, Abstract, and Introduction

The title page is considered the first page of an APA paper. The second page will be the page containing an abstract. Because the abstract is a main section, the heading should be set in boldface and centered on your paper. Remember that the first line of an abstract is not indented. Because the abstract is a summary and should be limited to a single paragraph, it should not contain any subsections.

Every paper begins with an introduction, but according to APA style, an introduction should never carry a heading that labels it as such. APA style assumes that the content that comes at the beginning is an introduction and therefore doesn't require a heading.

As always, you should check with your instructor to determine how many main (level-one) sections will be required, as well as how many pages and sources your paper should contain.

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Should you Include Headings and Subheadings in an Essay?

If you have ever tried reading a large blob of text, then you know how hard it can be. However, it becomes easier to read when broken into headings and subheadings.

Academic writings like essays have a standard of writing that must be upheld. While not every essay requires headings and subheadings, they are important for organizing your writing.

Headings describe the succeeding section, while subheading gives supporting information for the heading.

With that said, here is everything you need to know about headings

What are Headings in Essays and Academic Papers?

According to Merriam-Webster, a heading forms or serves as a head.

In academic writing, headings represent what is to come in the assignment. Adding a heading will help structure a piece of writing and guide the reader throughout the content. Short pieces of writing don't always require headings. In long-form writing, each specific section should have its heading to communicate what the reader should expect clearly. Think of it as the title of that section.

Since some points are more important than others, the heading chosen should be based on whether the idea you are talking about is the main point. Each heading chosen should tell the reader what the following idea is about. This is because the main points are the building blocks of the content. Make sure it is short, descriptive, and precise.

You can include headings and subheadings/subtopics in an essay if it is long, but ensure that the subtopics or subheadings are relevant to the content and consistent throughout the text in a manner to contribute to your thesis statement. As a good practice, ensure that the essay headings and subheadings do not exceed 12 words.

Subheadings are not recommended for short essays . However, they improve the overall structure of a long essay, help you frame and explore your topic, and enable the readers to know what to expect (they act as signposts in an essay or research paper).

Heading vs. Title

Headings and titles may look similar at a first glance, but they are not. A title represents the entire paper and explains it in clear and short phrases. It is the first thing the reader will see and determine whether they read the rest of the document. For this reason, you need to think of striking, informative, and appropriate titles. You should also write the title based on why you are writing that document. For instance, if the aim of the documents is tutorial, then the title should be task-based.

On the other hand, a heading represents what each section of the paper discusses. They help guide the reader throughout the documents, which is why you should write effective headings, and they should be as descriptive as possible.

Headings are a requirement in most forms of writing, but some lecturers may be divided about using them in academic essays, which is why you should confirm with them first. 

Headings Vs. Subheadings

Headings are key parts of writing as they will capture the reader's attention and lure them into the document's purpose. They guide the reader to the main points of the paper. You have to set the headings apart from the body of the text by coming up with an enticing phrase.

Subheadings, on the other hand, do more than grab the reader's attention; they show the different subsections of the text. They keep the reader engaged by quickly guiding them to the information they want.

Headings and subheadings appear at the beginning of a section and organize the flow of the documents. In addition, they are both used to break down large blocks of text to make them more scannable. They also have a hierarchy that is Heading (H2) first, followed by subheadings (H3) and (H4) in that order. Subheadings should always come after the heading, as demonstrated.

The Best Length for Headings in Academic Writing

A heading can be as long as you want it to give the reader a snippet of the idea. A good rule of thumb should be no more than 70 characters.

For higher level headings, like H1, H2, and H3s, they could be as low as one word, for instance, the introduction, methodology, and such. For such sections, the one word is clear enough for the reader to know what it represents. Low levels like H5 and below can be much longer and direct the reader to exactly what they are looking for.

Levels of Heading in Academic Writing

Headings are an important part of academic writing as they act as a preview of the document. They guide the reader on what you are talking about, which is why you should assign different heading levels.

There are five levels of headings in APA style. Level 1, Level 2, level 3, level 4, levels 5. Level 1 is the main heading, followed by level 2, its subheading, and level 3 is the subsection of level 2 in that order.

Level 1 headings are your main headings and are usually typed in the center of the paper in title case and bolded. Their text beneath will always start in the next line, indented inward, just as you begin a new paragraph. These help the reader find their way through the document, read what they want and skip what they are not interested in.

The length and complexity of the paper will determine how many levels you will use. If it's just a short piece of writing, you can use Level 1. If you need two headings, use level 1 and level 2. If it's a 2000-word article, research paper, term paper, or essay, you will need between 3 and 5 headings.

Keep in mind that not every paragraph needs a heading. While headings can keep your work neat, too many can defeat the purpose. Also, make sure that each of the headings and subheadings has a connection to the main title.

All these levels are differentiated by different styles and formats depending on the publication manual provided, which can be either APA or MLA format.

Reasons to Use Headings in Academic Writing

Headings are helpful in academic writing for a myriad of reasons, including:

Making Your Content More Readable

Much information goes into academic writing to pass information to the reader. Putting all your information in a large block of text will be overwhelming and can scare away the readers. The white gaps at each heading section will offer a resting place hence a visual break. Therefore, separating the large chunks of text into manageable portions will keep your readers engaged.

Outlining Your Content

Headings serve as the structure of your writing. By dividing the large bulk of text with headings, you guide the reader through each section and what it is about. Otherwise, they won't know what it is about.

Capturing the Reader's Attention

The main aim of any heading is to hook the reader and create curiosity enough for them to continue reading through the rest of the article. Having a catchy and informative heading will entice them to read even further.

Remember that readers rarely read documents from start to finish. Major headings should stand out but so should headings and subheadings if you want the readers to continue reading your paper.

Finding Important Information

Readers will likely scan the essay to get a general idea of what it is about and decide if they want to read it. Well-structured headings will help them achieve that.

Improving Overall Quality

Headings and subheadings improve the quality of the essay. A high-quality essay is suitable for readers and also for search engine optimization (SEO) if you intend to publish it online. Ensure to use keywords in the headings and structure them to improve visibility.

Tips to Include Better Headings and Subheadings

Writing informative and precise headings and subheadings is vital if you want your writing to get the message home. You need to borrow the following tips to show that they should spend time reading your writing.

Use the Right Length

The length of your article or essay will determine how long your headings and subheadings should be. Put yourself in the reader's shoes and think of the heading you would like to read. Lengthy headings aren't attractive. Most readers want something short and precise, which is what you should do. It should only take them a few seconds to read, so be sure the length should be not more than 30 words.

Make It Relevant to the Content and Topic

Headings and subheadings are essential to catch the reader's attention but are not important enough to stand independently. They represent the critical concepts and all the supporting ideas. Therefore, you need to consider the topic's relevance when determining what phrases to use in your subheading. Carefully think about each key piece of information you'd like to include in each of your sections. Then ensure that each subheading is connected to the main title or the heading.

Be Clear and Concise

Headings and subheadings tell the reader what the content is about. They are usually about five words long. Therefore, you should go directly to the point using clear language that is easy to understand. Most readers skim through the text before reading which is why you should use simple and straightforward words. Always remember that readers have questions and are looking for answers and shouldn't have to ponder what you are talking about. If your heading is clear and to the point, they won't leave to look for answers elsewhere.

Place It in the Right Place

Consider where your target audience is likely to look and where they are likely to appear. While doing this, also consider the kind of phrases they are likely to type for the specific information they want. This gives you a general idea of where to place headings and subheadings. Remember that the APA and MLA format requires that all headings be placed hierarchically. So as you choose your phrases, ensure that they align with the content's topic and flow.

Consider the Formatting Style

Heading styles format your headings to make them stand out from the rest of the text. They also give your essay structure and make it more accessible to the target audience. In addition to this, headings also help in:

  • Generating a table of contents
  • Use style sets to reformat the document
  • Rearranging the documents
  • Creating a structured pdf file using the heading tag

Remember that each heading is formatted with a different heading style located in the style section. Since you've already used H1 for the major heading, the first subheading will be H2, and the second subheading will be H3.

Related Reading: How to indent an essay well.

Number the Heading or Subheading if Needed

Putting numbers on your heading makes it easy to scan. Top-level headings like H1 are numbered 1,2,3,4 while second-level headings, like H2, are numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Remember that even though you are numbering the headings, you need to introduce your topic in the first paragraph after the headings. Headings don't speak for themselves, so writing a few sentences restating the main idea will tell the reader what will come.

Be Consistent Throughout the Paper

If you intend to use headings in your paper, ensure each section has a heading and subheading. Also, ensure they are consistent in font, size, color, indentation, etc. The style function in Microsoft Word will help create consistency in your headings. You must select the text you want to convert into a heading, then select the appropriate heading from the Style box.

Avoid Repetition

Avoid repeating any phrases in your headings. Using the same heading more than once can affect the reader's comprehension of your message, negatively impacting their reaction to your essay. Sometimes you may repeat the headings without even noticing. For this reason, you should use the Find Function in MS Word or Google Docs.

Another way you can check for repetition is by reading your essay out loud, and this will help you spot any headings or subheadings that have been repeated.

Capitalize, Format, and Punctuate Well

Effective headings are well capitalized, formatted, and punctuated. The APA style uses two styles for this, title case and sentence case. In the title case, major words are capitalized, while minor ones are lowercase. Sentence cases, on the other hand, only capitalize the proper nouns while the rest remain in lowercase.

Use Automatic Heading in Word Processor

Microsoft Word has a built-in feature that anticipates how you want to format your document. As you begin typing, your text starts in the typical style, but when you press enter and move to a new line, the style changes to H1 with different fonts, colors, etc.

If you are typing a paragraph with a small number of words and press enter and then fail to provide proper punctuation, the feature will assume you are moving to a new paragraph, and it will then automatically enter a new heading with a heading style.

Use Descriptive Headings

Use concrete and descriptive language to make your headings more effective so the reader can know what to expect in each section. Don't use function headings when writing your technical reports; these are not so predictable, and readers benefit from the headings being much more descriptive.

Function headings are only used when writing pieces that need consistent structures, for instance, lab reports. An example is:

  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Conclusions

Include Technical Terms Needed

Technical terms should not be used in headings because they may be hard to understand except those who know the languages. Technical terms are primarily used in academic documents that professionals read but if not specified, avoid them.

Related Read: How to write an article title in academic papers.

Final Words

Headings and subheadings are vital features in academic writing that represent the main points of a topic. The difference in formatting helps reader's the main points from the rest of the texts. Ensure you follow all the tips about including headings and subheadings in your text. Talk to your lecturer, professor, teacher, or instructor if you are unsure whether to add them to your essay.

What are Headings in an Essay?

Headings are markers that guide the reader through an essay by showing them what the next section is about. Like a title, they are only a few words long and are essential in structuring your content so as not to overwhelm the reader.

Should I Put Headings in an Essay?

Yes. It will help if you put headings in your essays to make them more readable. Essays consist of three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. Most of them are written in a continuous, paragraphed text without the need for section headings, especially if it's a short essay. On the other hand, long-form essays need headings and subheadings to make them easy to write and read. Since most lecturers are divided about using them in academic essays, you should confirm with your tutor before you start writing.

How Do I Include Subheadings in an Essay?

Subheadings are mini headlines that come after the headings, and they help explain more about the headings and aid readers in skimming through the content. If you have used the first heading, H1, and need to provide more information about it, add a subheading, H2.

If you have trouble deciding how to use subheadings correctly, think of them as an outline. Therefore, break down your topic into simple ideas, then use them to organize your essay.

How Do You Make a Heading in an Essay or Academic Paper?

You must think carefully about the aim of writing a paper and the main idea. Each heading should be clear and to the point. You don't want to mince words and possibly confuse the reader. Also, remember that headings are meant to enhance, not replace, the main topic. Ensure you set it apart from the body of the text by using H1 formatting in either Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

Borrow some of the following best practices to write an effective heading:

  • Create a controversy
  • Ensure it short
  • Pose a question
  • Suggest a number
  • Provide an explanation

How Do You Use Headings and Subheadings?

Headings (section headings) are the title of your essay. They appear at the beginning of the page and guide the reader through your content. It is the first one your readers see before reading your essay or text. It doesn't matter whether the reader reads every word in your essay; they can still get the basic idea of your paper. Using different heading levels will help the reader navigate through the document. The headings and subheadings should be captivating enough to make an excellent first impression.

When writing a subheading, keep in mind that the H2s are the headers of each header for the main section of the essay. H3s are the subsections of the main points in H2s. H4s, on the other hand, are detailed subheadings breaking down the text into more specific options. The subheadings amplify the title or heading of the essay, and they also complement the headings. They make your writing flow and should be relevant to the topic. With such an organization, you have achieved a first-class essay level. A good subheading captures the essence of the title and consistently informs the reader that they are still on an idea related to the topic. It is also short, descriptive, clear, and concise.

Should Essays Have Section Headings?

Yes. Just like books are divided into chapters, essays and articles should be divided into sections. Essays should have section headings because they help make your work more organized and easy to read. And within those sections, the text can be divided into subsections.

Are There Specific Words to Use in Headings and Subheadings in Essays?

You will probably be tempted to use more words to make your heading more concise, but this isn't a good idea. Make sure you carefully choose words that clearly describe your chosen topic. If possible, use numbers in your headings because they are like brain candy, making your work more interesting. Also, ensure you use odd numbers because they are more attractive to readers than even numbers, according to the Content Marketing institute . Avoid abbreviations, idioms, or colloquial expressions when writing headings and subheadings.

How Many Headings to Use in an Essay or Academic Assignment?

To be safe, only use a maximum of three headings. However, this will depend on the length of your academic assignments. Remember that headings are short phrases that introduce the topic you are writing about and make it easy for the readers to read through. So if you are writing a short essay of fewer than 1000 words, there is no need for headings. But for articles above 1000 words then, you must use them. Headings will help identify the different sections in an essay.

What Are Heading Levels?

Headings organize your essay in a hierarchical order. Since some points are more critical, assigning different levels will help distinguish them.

subtitles in essays

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Table of Contents

  • Ch. 1: What Is a Book Subtitle?
  • Ch. 2: The 5 Attributes of a Good Subtitle
  • Ch. 3: How to Write a Stellar Book Subtitle
  • Ch. 4: Examples of Great Subtitles

A Step-By-Step Guide To Writing A Great Book Subtitle (With Examples)

feature image title with subtitle options

Does your book need a subtitle?

A good book title hooks the reader and makes them interested.

That buys you about two more seconds to either reel them closer or lose them completely with the subtitle.

The subtitle reels them in by explaining exactly why they should read the book .

If you can do both things in the title, then you don’t need a subtitle. But that’s extremely rare.

Most of the time, the hook and the reel are two different pieces, split across the title and subtitle.

Take 3 examples:

  • The Cilantro Diaries
  • The Patient as CEO
  • Never Lose a Customer Again

The first title could be almost anything. A memoir. A novel. Even a cookbook.

The second title tells you the book’s probably about healthcare in some way, but it doesn’t provide any context.

The third title comes closest to standing on its own. It’s a direct hook that tells you what you’ll get out of reading the book.

But look at these:

  • The Cilantro Diaries: Business Lessons from the Most Unlikely Places
  • The Patient as CEO: How Technology Empowers the Healthcare Customer
  • Never Lose a Customer Again: Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days

In every one, the subtitle adds something important. If someone who needs that book reads the subtitle, they’ll want to find out more.

If you don’t already have a great title for your book, start with my post on nonfiction book titles .

If you have a title but you need a subtitle, this post will tell you how to write a great one.

magnifying glass over book subtitle

What Is a Book Subtitle?

A book subtitle is a phrase that follows a book title to give it context.

It doesn’t have to be memorable. It just needs to explain the book.

Take this one, for example:

Marketing to Mindstates: The Practical Guide to Applying Behavior Design to Research and Marketing

The title alone, Marketing to Mindstates , is catchy and memorable. But it doesn’t tell you much about the book unless you already know what a mindstate is.

The subtitle tells you more—the book is a practical guide that shows you how to use behavior design in research and marketing.

Now, imagine a conversation between two people at a party. One of them just read the book and wants to share it with the other.

“It’s called Marketing to Mindstates . It tells you all this stuff about the unconscious mind and human behavior and shows you how to use it in research and marketing.”

“Oh, that sounds really good. What’s the title again?”

“ Marketing to Mindstates . You know, like states of mind, but all one word. Mindstates.”

“ Marketing to Mindstates . Got it. Thanks! I’m going to look that up!”

People won’t necessarily remember the subtitle, or at least not exactly. But they’ll remember the gist of it.

The title is what people will remember to look up your book.

The subtitle is at least as important as the title because that last bit—what people will get from your book—is the only thing that will actually sell it.

subtitles in essays

The 5 Attributes of a Good Subtitle

The best subtitles have 5 characteristics in common:

1. Contextual

A good subtitle provides context for the title.

It’s informative, letting you know who should read the book and how it will help them.

Your subtitle should also tell readers who the book is for, but that doesn’t mean you have to name the audience. For example, you wouldn’t say A Book for Ambitious, People-Focused Business Leaders Who Want to …

That’s a terrible start to a subtitle. But look at this one:

People-First Culture: Build a Lasting Company by Shifting Your Focus From Profits to People

The book is obviously for business leaders because those are the people who build lasting companies.

The audience is built into the subtitle without needing to say it.

2. Attention-Holding

The title grabs people’s attention. The subtitle needs to hold it to draw the reader in for more information.

It does that by giving the title direction and telling the reader what to expect.

The right subtitle will make the right reader want to open the book.

Look at this one:

Start Where You Are: My Journey from Childhood Poverty to Passionate Entrepreneur

start where you are cover

The title alone implies hope and optimism, and the design of the book cover emphasizes those feelings with the stars that overlay the sky.

Start Where You Are . Grow from there. One step at a time. You can do it.

But do what?

The subtitle answers the question raised by the title, giving it direction and focus.

Do what? Become a passionate entrepreneur.

3. Searchable

If a great title is memorable, a great subtitle is searchable.

It should include keywords that your target audience might type into search engines like Google or even directly into Amazon.

  • how to build a social media platform
  • how to save for retirement
  • how to brew great beer at home

Whatever your book is going to do for readers, those keywords need to be in the title to help them find it.

And, most importantly, to help people looking for those topics find your book. Remember: Amazon is the third biggest search engine after Google and YouTube.

4. Easy to Read and Say

Even though most people won’t remember your subtitle word-for-word, you don’t want it to be too complicated.

For one thing, it needs to fit on the cover.

But you also don’t want to lose readers by using words they aren’t comfortable with or that don’t fit your book.

A graduate-level textbook on finance might get away with a mouthful of a subtitle, but your book can’t.

Use simple language.

Great subtitles aren’t about being clever. They’re direct and to-the-point.

5. Short and Specific

A great subtitle is extremely specific.

It’s something I say a lot, but I can’t stress it enough:

A narrow target reaches a wide audience.

That’s because people need to know exactly who your book is for.

A book isn’t “for everyone.” No book is for everyone.

But a book can be “for everyone who wants to know how to get promoted at work without even trying.”

So your subtitle needs to be short, but it needs to pack in a lot of information. That can be a tricky balance, not just for self-published Authors but even for professional book editors .

Look how much of a difference the right focus can make:

People-First Culture: Build a Lasting Company by Shifting Your Focus

People-First Culture: Build a Lasting Company by Shifting Your Focus from Profits to People

The first subtitle would have been too general. It doesn’t say enough about the book’s central idea. Shifting your focus from what to what?

In trying to keep your subtitle short, it’s tempting to think, “People will put it together. The title is People-First Culture . Obviously, it’s about putting people first.”

That’s a huge mistake, and I see it all the time. Don’t ask potential readers to do the work of putting your title and subtitle together. Spoon feed the connection to them.

The last 4 words of the real subtitle knock it out of the park: from Profits to People. They tell the reader what the book is about, targeting the right audience by grabbing people who are interested in that idea.

book subtitle with edits

How to Write a Stellar Book Subtitle

Step 1. know what your book will do for the reader.

The subtitle is a message to the reader about what they’re going to get from reading your book.

It should focus on two ideas:

  • who your ideal readers are
  • what benefit they will get from your book or what problem it will solve for them

These are the 2 messages that the subtitle needs to convey, so make sure you’re clear on both.

If you’re not sure about either one, you shouldn’t be focusing on subtitles. You should be revising your book.

Step 2. Factor in the Tone of the Book

Pay attention to the tone of your book, and keep it in mind as you move into brainstorming. Your book’s title and subtitle should reflect the feel of the book as a whole.

Whether your book is:

  • authoritative

The title and subtitle should convey that tone immediately.

Step 3. Brainstorm Subtitle Ideas

Subtitles are tough. Don’t expect to come up with the perfect subtitle in an afternoon.

When people ask me about subtitles, I tell them to start with a literal description of the book and then work from there.

If you’re not sure how to start, try these:

  • Imagine the perfect reader for your book—the person who would get the most out of it. Who are they? What makes them perfect for your book? Their job? Their life situation? What they want or need? Write down the things that matter.
  • Think about what you want that person to get out of your book. Will they learn how to do something? Gain something? Get rid of something? Transform some part of their life? Write those things down too.

Remember to be specific. The idea is to start with something like:

I want to reach someone who feels ‘uninteresting’ or ‘not special’ and help that person find and embrace the things that make them unique so they realize their full value, then help them capitalize on those things to build something amazing.

And eventually get to:

Find Your Yellow Tux: How to Be Successful by Standing Out

I made up the starting description based on this very real (and terrific) book just to give you an idea of the starting and ending point. Don’t worry about getting to the final result from the beginning.

Start with what you want to do for someone, being as specific as possible.

If that seems like it jumps over a lot of steps, you’re right. It does. Here are some techniques to help you get from start to finish:

Start with the right title

I’ve written an entire post about coming up with the right title .

Once you have the title, your subtitle gives that title context and direction.

Ask yourself questions about your title and short description

For example:

  • What does my title mean to me? (E.g. what does it mean to “Find Your Yellow Tux”?)
  • Can I be more specific about my audience? Are they kids or adults? Does that matter? Are they business people? Parents?
  • What do I want people to come out with, in a nutshell? Do something? Build something? Be something?

Really dig into your title and description and try to get to the root of your own message.

Hone the description down to the essentials

Start by eliminating alternatives from your description. If it says “find and embrace,” are they equally important? Which does the book focus on more?

Look for anything redundant. If your description says you want to help parents learn how to get their kids to talk to them, you don’t need “parents” in the subtitle. “How to Get Your Kids to Talk to You” implies that it’s for parents.

Remember, this is still a middle step. “How to Get Your Kids to Talk to You” could be better, but at least now it’s in the right ballpark. It’s short and relatively specific.

Try to be more specific

Don’t stop with whatever you came up with during the first round.

If you’re considering something like “How to Get Your Kids to Talk to You,” ask yourself whether that’s the full message.

Is the book just about talking in general? Or is it more about:

How to Get Your Kids to Tell You the Truth

  • How to Get Your Kids to Share Their Feelings
  • How to Get Your Kids to Tell You What They Need
  • How to Get Your Kids to Come to You First

None of these are perfect subtitles, but you can see how being more specific can get you closer.

Consider slang or alternative, catchier phrases

Tiny changes can be huge when it comes to subtitles.

Look at the difference between this:

How to Get Your Kids to Spill the Beans

The second one means essentially the same thing but provokes more of an emotional response.

If your book is entertaining as well as informative, you want that to come across.

Step 4. Check Copyright, Trademark, Competition & Popular Meaning

First of all, I want to be really clear:

You can’t copyright a title.

But your subtitle could run into trademark issues if it’s using a trademarked phrase within its registered space.

For questions about copyright and trademark, it’s best to consult an attorney.

Even if you don’t have copyright or trademark issues, you don’t want your subtitle to be too similar to a popular book that’s already out there, and you don’t want a subtitle with a phrase that’s overused.

Search your leading subtitle choices in Amazon to see what comes back.

You also don’t want to use a phrase that has a meaning you’re not aware of. Thanks to social media, the language of popular culture is evolving faster than ever.

Consult Google to make sure your subtitle doesn’t have any unintended implications.

Step 5. Choose Your Favorites and Test Them (optional)

If you do want to test your subtitles, asking your friends and family won’t work. They don’t understand book marketing , and they want to make you happy.

That’s a terrible combination when you need real feedback.

Social media posts are equally bad. Friends and followers will love whatever you post, and nobody else will care enough to speak up if they even see it in the first place.

The only way to test your subtitle in a meaningful way is with real market data.

I recommend this piece on using Google Ad Words step-by-step to test titles and subtitles.

Or check out these survey providers if you don’t want to run ads:

  • Survey Monkey
  • Google Survey

hands trading book for money

Examples of Great Subtitles That Sell Books

Finally, here are a few more examples of subtitles that really hit home. I’ll list the full title for each one because the whole job of the subtitle is to provide context for the title.

1. Breaking into College: The Underground Playbook for College Admissions

Breaking Into College cover

Notice how much more powerful this subtitle is than something generic like Understanding College Admissions while keeping the key phrase intact.

It’s UNDERGROUND. It’s a SECRET the Author is letting you in on. And it’s not boring step-by-step instructions. It’s a PLAYBOOK. It also follows the title of BREAKING INTO college with a similar theme. Both the title and subtitle pack a quick punch .

2. The Pop-Up Paradigm: How Brands Build Human Connections in a Digital Age

the pop up paradigm

Here, the subtitle provides the bulk of the information. You don’t need to have any idea what a pop-up is to know what the book is about.

It also uses keywords like BRANDS and BUILD while setting up a critical contrast between HUMAN CONNECTIONS and the DIGITAL AGE. Readers who need what this book offers will recognize it immediately .

3. The Five-Hour Workday: Live Differently, Unlock Productivity, and Find Happiness

The Five Hour Workday

The subtitle is so important here, especially UNLOCK PRODUCTIVITY. Many people might assume from the title that the Author is advocating a lazy lifestyle. But the idea of unlocking productivity through a five-hour workday sends a very different message.

Because of that message, the book attracted massive media attention .

subtitles in essays

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How To Become A Published Nonfiction Author

The Best Self-Publishing Companies for Nonfiction

How to Write Your Book with A Hybrid Publisher

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What Is A Subtitle Of A Book And How To Write One

Sometimes, a title says all your cover needs to say (other than your author name). 

But more often than not, at least when it comes to nonfiction, a good subtitle can be the difference between publishing success and invisibility . 

Why are subtitles necessary, though?

What makes them so powerful? 

And how do you write the kind of subtitle that will give your book the edge it needs in a crowded market ?

Let’s find out. 

What Is a Subtitle of a Book? 

A subtitle in a book is a phrase that often does more to establish your book’s place in the market than your title does.

The title gets more of the spotlight, but the subtitle does most of the work. The title is the hook ; the subtitle is the reel. 

So, what is the subtitle’s purpose? What does it actually do?

  • Clarifies the focus of your book (which is useful if your title is vague); 
  • Tells readers why they should read your book—what they’ll get out of it;
  • Helps convey the tone of your book (serious, scholarly, funny, lighthearted, etc.); 
  • Provides context for the title (which can be short and cryptic but memorable);
  • Uses keywords to make your book visible to search engines. 

Some books have standalone titles that do all the work, making subtitles unnecessary. But effective do-it-all titles are rare. 

And as you’ll see in the examples further down, crafting a killer title-subtitle pairing can be a lot of fun—the kind of fun your readers can feel when they see your cover. 

That’s the hope, anyway. So, how do you get closer to that? 

How to Write a Subtitle that Sells 

There’s no set formula for crafting the perfect subtitle for a book. But many of the best subtitles use the following to their advantage: 

  • Keywords — Book subtitles need targeted keywords to get the attention of both search engines and shoppers. Publisher Rocket can help you find the best ones for your book. Caveat: Don’t overdo it. Keyword cramming is not a good look.
  • Cadence — Subtitles that read easily and are even fun to say are more likely to circulate in the minds of shoppers and anyone who happens upon your book cover.  Cadence gives your words a balanced, rhythmic flow and melodic feel. It lingers. 
  • Brevity — Get to the point in as few words as possible without sacrificing essential details. Shorter isn’t always better. But don’t use more words than you need. 
  • Clarity — Spell out in crystal-clear language exactly how the reader will benefit from reading your book or what problems it will solve for them. 
  • The Rule of Three — The human brain loves groupings of three, and many subtitles capitalize on that with three goals, ideas, or pain points. 

Keeping the above in mind, here are some steps to help get you started on creating the best subtitle for your book: 

  • Research what’s already working — Look at bestseller lists in newspapers and online bookstores to get a sense of what’s working. What do you notice about the subtitles that stand out for you? 
  • Identify the keywords you need — Use the keyword tools at your disposal—including search engines (Google, Amazon, etc.) to find the keywords people use to find books like yours. 
  • Brainstorm a list of at least 20 subtitles —  Using the most important keywords, make a list of at least 20 potential subtitles to consider. Allow yourself to write down even the stinkers that come to mind. No filters. 
  • Identify your top three  â€” Cut your list of 20 down to the three that make the best possible use of the words in them. Write them out where you’ll see them throughout the day. 
  • Get feedback — Try running them through the CoSchedule Headline Analyzer. Otherwise, try to find your ideal readers (who aren’t friends or family) and ask for their honest, unfiltered feedback. 

5 Examples of Subtitles 

We’ve found five subtitles examples demonstrating the key elements and considerations described above. Look through them carefully and feel free to click on the links to each book’s sales pages for a closer look. 

Example #1:   The Five Hour Workday: Live Differently, Unlock Productivity, and Find Happiness by Stephan Aarstol 

We’ll start with a subtitle that uses the rule of three and popular keywords to capture the attention of book browsers and search engines alike. While the title offers a strong clue to the book’s message, the subtitle drills down to the three key benefits of reading the book. 

Example #2:   The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by BrenĂ© Brown

The title here is vague, but the subtitle more than makes up for it by identifying the book’s aim is clear unambiguous language. The aim is two-fold, but it articulates a goal that resonates with millions. It’s a clear invitation to a better life. 

Example #3:   Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis by J.D. Vance

Here again, the title itself is unclear, though the “elegy” bit does suggest we’re looking at a memoir . It says little, though, about the focus of that memoir, and that’s where the subtitle helps us out. The word “crisis” gives the subtitle a sense of urgency, while “family” and “culture” give it resonance. 

Example #4:   The Science of Getting Started: How to Beat Procrastination, Summon Productivity, and Stop Self-Sabotage by Patrick King

Here’s another subtitle using the Rule of Three to hammer home the three main goals for this book. Keywords like “procrastination,” “productivity,” and “self-sabotage” make the book searchable and more likely to be found by those searching for help in those areas. 

Example #5:   The Forks Over Knives Plan: How to Transition to the Life-Saving, Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet by Alona Pulde and Matthew Lederman OR The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and Our World by John Robbins

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Both food books use subtitles to make the book’s purpose clearer to the reader. Forks Over Knives uses the three-fold keywords “life-saving,” “whole-food,” and “plant-based” to make the book searchable and create an emotional impact. Food Revolution uses its subtitle to explain the word “Revolution” in the title by driving home the power of one person’s diet. 

Now that you know why subtitles are essential and how to create a powerful one for your book, what’s your biggest takeaway from this post? 

How many subtitle ideas have already come to mind for your current book? Remember to keep the filter switched off while you’re brainstorming. This is your “rough sketch” of ideas. It’s supposed to look rough. Have fun with it. 

How many subtitles can you think up today? 

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AI Video Generator

Create high-quality videos with text to video technology. Powered by deep learning techniques, this AI Video Generator generates videos from descriptions you provide—ready for you to polish and refine.

AI Video Generator Screenshot

Crank out more video content and ideas with Kapwing's AI Video Generator

Instantly turn any idea into a video. Kapwing’s AI video generator makes a high-quality video for you with short clips, subtitles, background music, and transitions.

Unlike with other video generators, you have full creative control. Make edits to any AI-generated video you get with over 100 features from the built-in video editor. You come with the topic. Kapwing AI does the rest for you.

Crank out more video content and ideas with Kapwing's AI Video Generator Screenshot

How to generate AI video online

Start a new project and open AI tools by clicking on the lightbulb icon in the top left-hand corner of the editor.

Enter a video topic and describe video elements in full detail. Then, select the size, text style, and duration of your video. You can always customize these after. Generate a video, then make any necessary edits to your AI-generated video.

Explore the rest of the video suite for the full video editing experience—change the background music , upload your own video clips , record a voiceover , and more. Once you’re finished, click “Export project,” and download your final version to upload anywhere.

Create quality videos at scale with text to video AI

Kickstart every project with something by using AI generated videos to find a good starting point for quality video content. Creating videos with Kapwing's AI Video Generator gives the best results with detailed descriptions.

Produce quality videos without a learning curve

Jump into a fully-fledged video editing platform with an intuitive interface. Providing you with a large selection of subtitle style presets, Kapwing offers a smart feature that automatically caption videos so you don't need to manually type out closed captioning or subtitles every time.

Get video versions of any document, article, or essay

Instantly change the format of any block of text. Kapwing's Document to Video AI scans written content and creates a high-quality video for you, summarizing all the key points in your document. Only work on your content once, and publish it everywhere as an engaging video.

Turn rough drafts into professional videos with AI

Kapwing's B-Roll Generator feature scans your rough cut video and provides you with studio-grade stock footage and graphics to complete your video. Access a full creative suite with 100+ editing tools to create the exact high quality video you're imagining.

Try text to speech features for professional voiceovers

Perfect for explainer videos, training videos, or faceless voiceover videos , generate AI voices for the AI videos you've edited. Easily make a screen recording with the online screen recorder. Reach a global audience and translate video to the appropriate language in seconds—completely online.

Build an online presence on social media with video

Maximize each social channel by repurposing video content and creating short clips fit for every format. Turn written content into a video by importing the blog post URL to the blog post you want to make a video out of. Fine-tune it and meet your audience on leading video-first platforms.

Speed up video creation with a diverse range of AI tools

Lessen your video turnaround time to just minutes–not days. Never wait too long for a video to get edited and approved with collaborative video features and AI tools that speed up advanced edits like auto-transcribe or auto-cut .

subtitles in essays

Frequently Asked Questions

Bob, our kitten, thinking

How do people make AI generated videos?

There are many online tools powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to create video content, including Kapwing and Synthesia. AI video tools usually give simple instructions to type out a topic or idea in the input text box, and the AI will generate a video for you instantly. We recommend using Kapwing to create videos with AI since they have a free AI video generator that allows you to edit the video afterwards, all in one place.

What is the AI that turns text into video?

With artificial intelligence (AI) and the demand for content creation rapidly growing, countless SaaS teams are racing to provide the best AI tool that turns text into video. Millions of content creators, social media marketers, and marketing agencies use Kapwing to create and edit their videos in one place, making it the best AI video generator that turns text to video for you in seconds.

How do I make a video from text?

Easily make a video from text by typing out an idea in Kapwing’s AI Video Generator, selecting the video format, and clicking “Generate video.” Make your AI-generated video fit any platform by resizing it to the preset formats optimized for YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Add your own finishes and human touch to your video by customizing the subtitles, changing the background music, and much more.

How many videos can I generate with Kapwing AI?

With a free account on Kapwing, you can have 2 credits for each generative AI tool. Create the best AI video to kickstart your project. Level up your video generation flow with unlimited usage of every premium AI-powered tool, including the AI Video Generator, AI Image Generator, Generative Fill, and much more.

Can I edit AI-generated videos in Kapwing?

Yes! Even better, you can generate video with AI in Kapwing and make any additional edits needed all in one place. With 100+ video editing tools, you're fully equipped with the essentials to create the best AI video for any video creation and ideation process.

What's different about Kapwing?


Kapwing is free to use for teams of any size. We also offer paid plans with additional features, storage, and support.

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  1. Essays with subtitles

    subtitles in essays

  2. MLA Format: The ultimate guide to formatting your paper properly (2023)

    subtitles in essays

  3. MLA Format: The Ultimate Guide to Correctly Formatting Your Paper (2022)

    subtitles in essays

  4. APA Format Part II

    subtitles in essays

  5. Subtitles in an Essay: How to write Subtitles in Essays or Papers

    subtitles in essays

  6. APA Subtitle Levels

    subtitles in essays



  2. Stanislavski Clip 1

  3. Stanislavski Clip 6

  4. Pedro Pascal is an UNDERRATED GEM!

  5. Audiobooks and subtitles: Escape. Christopher Benson. Essay. Criticism

  6. Linguistic Landscape, Tokyo


  1. APA Headings and Subheadings

    Learn how to format headings and subheadings in APA style, with examples and guidelines. This article does not cover subtitles in essays, which are not part of APA formatting.

  2. MLA Format Sub-headings

    If you would like to utilize subheadings (subtitles) in your research paper, it is a good idea to first check with your instructor to be 100% sure what subheading format he/she would like you to use. ... - Writing the Research Paper, 7th Edition. If you find this website useful, please share with a friend: Facebook; Twitter; Reddit {7 ...

  3. Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper

    The Subtitle Subtitles are frequently used in social sciences research papers because it helps the reader understand the scope of the study in relation to how it was designed to address the research problem. Think about what type of subtitle listed below reflects the overall approach to your study and whether you believe a subtitle is needed to emphasize the investigative parameters of your ...

  4. How do I style headings and subheadings in a research paper?

    The paper or chapter title is the first level of heading, and it must be the most prominent. Headings should be styled in descending order of prominence. After the first level, the other headings are subheadings—that is, they are subordinate. Font styling and size are used to signal prominence. In general, a boldface, larger font indicates ...


    Titles and Subtitles. It is common for pieces of academic writing to have both a title and a subtitle. In these works, the title is presented first and separated from the subtitle by a colon. For example: Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of a Nation. The "title: subtitle" format is rarely obligatory in academic writing ...

  6. Signposting and subtitles

    Subtitles. Depending on your essay question and/or length, subtitles may be another useful signposting tool. They are a clear indication to the reader about what the following paragraphs will be focusing upon. It is worth checking that your subject discipline encourages the use of subtitles.

  7. Headings

    There are five levels of heading in APA Style. Level 1 is the highest or main level of heading, Level 2 is a subheading of Level 1, Level 3 is a subheading of Level 2, and so on through Levels 4 and 5. The number of headings to use in a paper depends on the length and complexity of the work. If only one level of heading is needed, use Level 1.

  8. Subtitles in an Essay: How to write Subtitles in Essays or Papers

    The objective of the whole essay and the main points you want to put across should also be clear to avoid formulating subtitles that do not rhyme with your essay title. In some essays, subtitles should be from the main to the minor. For example, if the title of your essay is "How the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the United States economy ...

  9. MLA Format: Headings to Citations, the Full Guide

    If you're writing a paper with multiple sections, you may need to include a subtitle at the top of each section. The MLA Style Guide gives you two options for using subtitles in a paper: one-level section titles or several-level subtitles (for papers with subsections within each section). For one-level section titles, the formatting is simple.

  10. How to Write and Format Headings in Academic Writing

    At the outset, make a plan for how you will deal with matters of capitalization, formatting and sequencing of headings. Headings at the same level should be formatted the same. For instance, "Section 2.2" should get the same treatment as "Section 4.1". They should also have parallel structure.

  11. PDF Student Paper Setup Guide, APA Style 7th Edition

    Indent the first line of every paragraph of text 0.5 in. using the tab key or the paragraph-formatting function of your word-processing program. Page numbers: Put a page number in the top right corner of every page, including the title page or cover page, which is page 1. Student papers do not require a running head on any page.

  12. How To Write Titles in Essays (With Tips)

    Whether composing the essay's title and subtitles or citing other works, your titling should remain consistent. Essays inspire and inform the reader, and effective titles reflect the mood and purpose. In this article, we discuss how to format titles within essays, along with tips you can use to craft compelling essay titles.

  13. Comprehensive Guide to Headings and Subheadings in APA 7.0

    Proper formatting of headings and subheadings is crucial in APA 7.0 style to ensure consistency, clarity, and readability in academic writing. This section will delve into the specific formatting guidelines provided by APA 7.0 for headings and subheadings, including the use of different levels, capitalization rules, and placement within the paper.

  14. APA Headings and Seriation

    Headings are used to help guide the reader through a document. The levels are organized by levels of subordination, and each section of the paper should start with the highest level of heading. There are 5 heading levels in APA. Regardless of the number of levels, always use the headings in order, beginning with level 1.

  15. Formatting APA Headings and Subheadings

    In American Psychological Association style, APA headings and subheadings are used to give readers a general idea of the content and what to expect from a paper, and it leads the flow of discussion by dividing up a paper and defining each section of the content. APA style is different than Modern Language Association style, which is used in most humanities courses, and Chicago style, which is ...

  16. MLA Titles

    In all titles and subtitles, capitalize the first and last words, as well as any other principal words. What to capitalize. Part of speech Example; Nouns: A Wrinkle in Time: Pronouns: You and Me: Verbs: ... MLA format for academic papers and essays Apply MLA format to your title page, header, and Works Cited page with our 3-minute video ...

  17. Headings and Subheadings in Essays: An Comprehensive Guide

    Essays consist of three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. Most of them are written in a continuous, paragraphed text without the need for section headings, especially if it's a short essay. On the other hand, long-form essays need headings and subheadings to make them easy to write and read. Since most lecturers are divided about using ...

  18. General Format

    In the case of a group project, list all names of the contributors, giving each name its own line in the header, followed by the remaining MLA header requirements as described below. Format the remainder of the page as requested by the instructor. In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your instructor's name, the ...

  19. How To Craft The Perfect Book Subtitle [With Examples]

    2. Attention-Holding. The title grabs people's attention. The subtitle needs to hold it to draw the reader in for more information. It does that by giving the title direction and telling the reader what to expect. The right subtitle will make the right reader want to open the book.

  20. MLA Sample Paper

    MLA Sample Paper. This resource contains a sample MLA paper that adheres to the 2016 updates. To download the MLA sample paper, click this link.

  21. How To Write a Subtitle That Makes Your Headline Shine

    Subtitle: Productivity tips and hacks, inspiring stories of success and failures, career advice, and a look inside the future of work. Clarifies the short, generic headline by being specific about what to expect. Power words: "tips", "hacks", "success", "failures", "future.". Understands what readers want to know.

  22. What Is A Subtitle? (5 Examples of Subtitles)

    The aim is two-fold, but it articulates a goal that resonates with millions. It's a clear invitation to a better life. Example #3: Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis by J.D. Vance. Here again, the title itself is unclear, though the "elegy" bit does suggest we're looking at a memoir.

  23. Chicago Style Format for Papers

    When writing a paper in Chicago style, these are the guidelines to follow; for the sake of simplicity, the term "Chicago" is used here. ... If you have a subtitle, the main title ends with a colon and the subtitle appears on the following line, also in bold and the same size as the main title.

  24. AI Video Generator

    Providing you with a large selection of subtitle style presets, ... Get video versions of any document, article, or essay. Instantly change the format of any block of text. Kapwing's Document to Video AI scans written content and creates a high-quality video for you, summarizing all the key points in your document. Only work on your content ...