GeNVS: Generative Novel View Synthesis with 3D-Aware Diffusion Models

  • Eric R. Chan * 1, 2
  • Koki Nagano * 2
  • Matthew A. Chan * 2
  • Alexander W. Bergman * 1
  • Jeong Joon Park * 1
  • Axel Levy 1
  • Miika Aittala 2
  • Shalini De Mello 2
  • Tero Karras 2
  • Gordon Wetzstein 1
  • 1 Stanford University
  • * Equal contribution.

We present a diffusion-based model for 3D-aware generative novel view synthesis from as few as a single input image. Our model samples from the distribution of possible renderings consistent with the input and, even in the presence of ambiguity, is capable of rendering diverse and plausible novel views. To achieve this, our method makes use of existing 2D diffusion backbones but, crucially, incorporates geometry priors in the form of a 3D feature volume. This latent feature field captures the distribution over possible scene representations and improves our method's ability to generate view-consistent novel renderings. In addition to generating novel views, our method has the ability to autoregressively synthesize 3D-consistent sequences. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results on synthetic renderings and room-scale scenes; we also show compelling results for challenging, real-world objects.

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novel view synthesis

We lift and aggregate features from input image(s) into a 3D feature field. Given a query viewpoint, we volume-render a feature image to condition a U-Net image denoiser. The entire model, including feature encoder, volume renderer, and U-Net components, is trained end-to-end as an image-conditional diffusion model. At inference, we generate consistent sequences in an auto-regressive fashion.

The following videos demonstrate novel view synthesis with our method, which produces high-quality, multi-view-consistent renderings on varied datasets.

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We thank David Luebke, Samuli Laine, Tsung-Yi Lin, and Jaakko Lehtinen for feedback on drafts and early discussions. We thank Jonáš Kulhánek and Xuanchi Ren for thoughtful communications and for providing results and data for comparisons. We thank Trevor Chan for help with figures. Koki Nagano and Eric Chan were partially supported by DARPA’s Semantic Forensics (SemaFor) contract (HR0011-20-3-0005). JJ park was supported by ARL grant W911NF-21-2-0104. This project was in part supported by Samsung, the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI (HAI), and a PECASE from the ARO. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government. Distribution Statement ``A'' (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited). We base this website off of the StyleGAN3 website template.

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Novel View Synthesis from a Single Unposed Image via Unsupervised Learning

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  • Su H Liu Q Liu Y Yuan H Yang H Pan Z Wang Z (2023) Bitstream-Based Perceptual Quality Assessment of Compressed 3D Point Clouds IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10.1109/TIP.2023.3253252 32 (1815-1828) Online publication date: 1-Jan-2023

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View synthesis aims to learn a view transformation and synthesize the target views from a single or multiple source views. Although previous view synthesis methods have obtained promising performance, they heavily rely on the supervision of the target ...

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The existing Multi-View Learning (MVL) is to discuss how to learn from patterns with multiple information sources and has been proven its superior generalization to the usual Single-View Learning (SVL). However, in most real-world cases there are just ...


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Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, UAE and University of Ottawa, Canada

Association for Computing Machinery

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  • Multimedia applications
  • unsupervised single-view synthesis
  • token transformation module
  • view generation module
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  • National Key R&D Program of China
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China
  • Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin
  • China Postdoctoral Science Foundation


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Fast and Explicit Neural View Synthesis

Authors Pengsheng Guo, Miguel Angel Bautista, Alex Colburn, Liang Yang, Daniel Ulbricht, Joshua M. Susskind, Qi Shan

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We study the problem of novel view synthesis from sparse source observations of a scene comprised of 3D objects. We propose a simple yet effective approach that is neither continuous nor implicit, challenging recent trends on view synthesis. Our approach explicitly encodes observations into a volumetric representation that enables amortized rendering. We demonstrate that although continuous radiance field representations have gained a lot of attention due to their expressive power, our simple approach obtains comparable or even better novel view reconstruction quality comparing with state-of-the-art baselines while increasing rendering speed by over 400x. Our model is trained in a category-agnostic manner and does not require scene-specific optimization. Therefore, it is able to generalize novel view synthesis to object categories not seen during training. In addition, we show that with our simple formulation, we can use view synthesis as a self-supervision signal for efficient learning of 3D geometry without explicit 3D supervision.

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Novel View Synthesis with Diffusion Models

3d generation from a single image.

We present 3DiM, a diffusion model for 3D novel view synthesis, which is able to translate a single input view into consistent and sharp completions across many views. The core component of 3DiM is a pose-conditional image-to-image diffusion model, which is trained to take a source view and its pose as inputs, and generates a novel view for a target pose as output. 3DiM can then generate multiple views that are approximately 3D consistent using a novel technique called stochastic conditioning . At inference time, the output views are generated autoregressively. When generating each novel view, one selects a random conditioning view from the set of previously generated views at each denoising step. We demonstrate that stochastic conditioning significantly improves 3D consistency compared to a naive sampler for an image-to-image diffusion model, which involves conditioning on a single fixed view. We compare 3DiM to prior work on the SRN ShapeNet dataset, demonstrating that 3DiM's generated completions from a single view achieve much higher fidelity, while being approximately 3D consistent. We also introduce a new evaluation methodology, 3D consistency scoring , to quantify the 3D consistency of a generated object by training a neural field on the model's output views. 3DiM is geometry free, does not rely on hyper-networks or test-time optimization for novel view synthesis, and allows a single model to easily scale to a large number of scenes.

Authored by Daniel Watson, William Chan, Ricardo Martin-Brualla, Jonathan Ho, Andrea Tagliasacchi and Mohammad Norouzi from Google Research.

Examples: ShapeNet renders to 3D

novel view synthesis

We show samples from a single 3DiM trained on all of ShapeNet. The source views were taken from ShapeNet objects we did not include as part of the training data.

This 3DiM only takes the relative pose as input, rather than source and target absolute poses. This allows us to test the model on arbitrary images where no pose is available, as we only ask for relative changes in pose.

To increase robustness, the training view pairs are rendered with objects at a random orientation and varying scales. We rendered 128 pairs (256 views) for each training object using kubric . We also add random hue augmentation during training. The model was trained for 840K training steps at batch size 512, and has 471M parameters. We use 256 denoising steps at generation time with classifier-free guidance (with a guidance weight of 6).

Examples: in-the-wild images to 3D

novel view synthesis

These samples are from the same 3DiM as the first set of samples. The source images, however, we took the source images directly from the internet, just ensuring they correspond to some ShapeNet classes and that they have white backgrounds and little to no shadow.

Examples: Imagen to 3D

novel view synthesis

These samples are from a single 3DiM trained on all of ShapeNet. The source images were produced with Imagen , an AI system that converts text into images.

To make Imagen generate objects on white backgrounds, we inpaint a 5px white border when generating a 64x64 image from text, and then upsample the images to 128x128 using a text-conditional super-resolution model.

Comparisons to prior work

novel view synthesis

We compare against prior state-of-the-art methods on novel view synthesis from few images on the SRN ShapeNet benchmark. The methods whose outputs we could acquire all guarantee 3D consistency, due to the use of volume rendering (unlike 3DiM). We render the same trajectories given the same conditioning image.

Prior methods directly regress outputs, often leading to severe bluriness. We show that 3DiM overcomes this problem: it is a generative model by design, and diffusion models have a natural inductive bias towards generating much sharper samples. Below we show more samples from the 3DiMs we trained for prior work comparisons; a 471M parameter 3DiM for cars, and a 1.3B parameter 3DiM for chairs.

State-of-the-art FID scores on SRN ShapeNet

novel view synthesis

3DiM Technical Details

Generation with 3DiM -- We propose stochastic conditioning , a new sampling strategy where we generate views autoregressively with an image-to-image diffusion model. At each denoising step, we condition on a random previous view, so the denoising process is guided to be 3D consistent to all previous frames with enough denoising steps.

3DiM research highlights

  • We demonstrate the effectiveness of diffusion models for novel view synthesis.
  • Stochastic conditioning -- novel sampler to achieve approximate 3D consistency.
  • X-UNet -- improved results by modifying the usual image-to-image UNet to use weight-sharing and cross-attention.
  • 3D consistency scoring -- new evaluation method to quantify 3D consistency of geometry-free models.

X-UNet -- Our proposed changes to the image-to-image UNet, which we show are critical to achieve high-quality results.

TOSS: High-quality Text-guided Novel View Synthesis from a Single Image

Yukai shi 1,3 , jianan wang 3 , he cao 2,3 , boshi tang 1,3 , xianbiao qi 3 , tianyu yang 3 , yukun huang 3 , shilong liu 1,3 , lei zhang 3 , heung-yeung shum 1,3 1 tsinghua university    2 hong kong university of science and technology 3 international digital economy academy paper code weights, toss utilizes text as semantic guidance to further constrain the solution space of nvs, and generates more plausible , controllable , multiview-consistent novel view images from a single image..

novel view synthesis

TOSS introduces text to the task of novel view synthesis (NVS) from just a single RGB image. While Zero-1-to-3 has demonstrated impressive zero-shot open-set NVS capability, it treats NVS as a pure image-to-image translation problem. This approach suffers from the challengingly under-constrained nature of single-view NVS: the process lacks means of explicit user control and often results in implausible NVS generations. To address this limitation, TOSS uses text as high-level semantic information to constrain the NVS solution space. TOSS fine-tunes text-to-image Stable Diffusion pre-trained on large-scale text-image pairs and introduces modules specifically tailored to image and camera pose conditioning, as well as dedicated training for pose correctness and preservation of fine details. Comprehensive experiments are conducted with results showing that our proposed TOSS outperforms Zero-1-to-3 with more plausible, controllable and multiview-consistent NVS results. We further support these results with comprehensive ablations that underscore the effectiveness and potential of the introduced semantic guidance and architecture design.

novel view synthesis

The pipeline of TOSS (Left) and our conditioning mechanisms (Right).

novel view synthesis

Comparing previous image conditioning mechanisms (a-b) and TOSS (c).

Noevel View Synthesis Results on the GSO and RTMV Datasets

novel view synthesis

Quantitative comparison of single-view novel view synthesis on GSO and RTMV.

novel view synthesis

3D consistency scores on GSO and RTMV.

novel view synthesis

Qualitative comparison of single-view NVS, on GSO (Left) and RTMV (Right).

novel view synthesis

NVS examples using TOSS on Synthetic NeRF dataset.

novel view synthesis

Random sampled novel views using TOSS.

3D Generation Results on the GSO and RTMV Datasets

novel view synthesis

Quantitative comparison of single-view 3D reconstruction on GSO and RTMV.

novel view synthesis

Qualitative comparison of 3D reconstruction on GSO and RTMV.

3D generation results based on in-the-wild images.

Novel View Synthesis Competition


Welcome to the Novel View Synthesis Competition!

View synthesis is a task of generating novel views of a scene/object from a given set of input views. It is a challenging and important problem in computer vision and graphics, with significant applications in virtual and augmented reality, 3D reconstruction, video editing, and more. Particularly, this competition is focused on two challenging conditions: (1) only one single reference view is available, and (2) a large view change is requested. We hope this competition can bring researchers together to explore and advance the state-of-the-art algorithms such as neural rendering and large generative models, producing high quality views at high efficiency .

Below are some sample image pairs to give you an idea of the task:

Given View Human Face

We host the competition on CodaLab . Detail rules can be found at competition rules . Teams who provide top solutions have the opportunity to present at IEEE ICIP, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Important Dates

  • Data Available: 01/26/2024
  • Qualification Deadline: 02/23/2024
  • Final Competition Deadline: 03/01/2024 => 03/30/2024
  • Report and Code Verification: 03/06/2024 => 03/30/2024
  • Winner Announcement: 03/13/2024 => 03/30/2024
  • Winner(s) submit 2-pager papers to ICIP: 03/27/2024 => 04/03/2024


  • Stable Zero123, 2023
  • DiffPortrait3D: Single-Portrait Novel View Synthesis with 3D-Aware Diffusion, 2024
  • ViVid-1-to-3: Novel View Synthesis with Video Diffusion Models, 2024
  • Novel View Synthesis with View-Dependent Effects from a Single Image, 2024
  • Free3D: Consistent Novel View Synthesis without 3D Representation, 2024
  • MultiDiff: Consistent Novel View Synthesis from a Single Image, 2024
  • DreamGaussian: Generative Gaussian Splatting for Efficient 3D Content Creation, 2024
  • LRM: Large Reconstruction Model for Single Image to 3D, 2024
  • SyncDreamer: Generating Multiview-consistent Images from a Single-view Image, 2024
  • DMV3D: Denoising Multi-view Diffusion Using 3D Large Reconstruction Model, 2024
  • 1st Place: US$150
  • 2nd Place: US$100

NerfBaselines: Consistent and Reproducible Evaluation of Novel View Synthesis Methods

  • Kulhanek, Jonas
  • Sattler, Torsten

Novel view synthesis is an important problem with many applications, including AR/VR, gaming, and simulations for robotics. With the recent rapid development of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) and 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) methods, it is becoming difficult to keep track of the current state of the art (SoTA) due to methods using different evaluation protocols, codebases being difficult to install and use, and methods not generalizing well to novel 3D scenes. Our experiments support this claim by showing that tiny differences in evaluation protocols of various methods can lead to inconsistent reported metrics. To address these issues, we propose a framework called NerfBaselines, which simplifies the installation of various methods, provides consistent benchmarking tools, and ensures reproducibility. We validate our implementation experimentally by reproducing numbers reported in the original papers. To further improve the accessibility, we release a web platform where commonly used methods are compared on standard benchmarks. Web:

  • Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

SG-NeRF: Sparse-Input Generalized Neural Radiance Fields for Novel View Synthesis

  • Regular Paper
  • Special Section of CVM 2024
  • Published: 26 June 2024

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novel view synthesis

  • Kuo Xu  ( 徐 阔 ) 1 ,
  • Jie Li  ( 李 颉 ) 1 , 2 ,
  • Zhen-Qiang Li  ( 李振强 ) 3 &
  • Yang-Jie Cao  ( 曹仰杰 ) 1  

Traditional neural radiance fields for rendering novel views require intensive input images and pre-scene optimization, which limits their practical applications. We propose a generalization method to infer scenes from input images and perform high-quality rendering without pre-scene optimization named SG-NeRF (Sparse-Input Generalized Neural Radiance Fields). Firstly, we construct an improved multi-view stereo structure based on the convolutional attention and multi-level fusion mechanism to obtain the geometric features and appearance features of the scene from the sparse input images, and then these features are aggregated by multi-head attention as the input of the neural radiance fields. This strategy of utilizing neural radiance fields to decode scene features instead of mapping positions and orientations enables our method to perform cross-scene training as well as inference, thus enabling neural radiance fields to generalize for novel view synthesis on unseen scenes. We tested the generalization ability on DTU dataset, and our PSNR (peak signal-to-noise ratio) improved by 3.14 compared with the baseline method under the same input conditions. In addition, if the scene has dense input views available, the average PSNR can be improved by 1.04 through further refinement training in a short time, and a higher quality rendering effect can be obtained.

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School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, 450002, China

Kuo Xu  ( 徐 阔 ), Jie Li  ( 李 颉 ) & Yang-Jie Cao  ( 曹仰杰 )

Intelligent Big Data System (iBDSys) Lab, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200240, China

Jie Li  ( 李 颉 )

School of Computer and Artificial Intelligence, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, 450001, China

Zhen-Qiang Li  ( 李振强 )

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Correspondence to Yang-Jie Cao  ( 曹仰杰 ) .

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This work is supported by the Zhengzhou Collaborative Innovation Major Project under Grant No. 20XTZX06013 and the Henan Provincial Key Scientific Research Project under Grant No. 22A520042.

Kuo Xu is pursuing his M.S. degree in computer science and technology at the Hanwei Internet of Things Research Institute, School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou. He received his Bachelor’s degree in software engineering from Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, in 2021. His main research interests include 3D reconstruction and 3D generation.

Jie Li is an Endowed Chair Professor in computer science and engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shanghai. He is an IEEE fellow. His current research interests include big data, AI, blockchain, network systems and security, and smart

Zhen-Qiang Li is currently a Ph.D. candidate in software engineering at the School Computer and Artificial Intelligence, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou. He received his M.Eng. degree in modern equipment engineering from Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, in 2020. His current research interests include 3D generation and 3D scene understanding.

Yang-Jie Cao is a professor, doctoral supervisor, and director of the Institute of Internet of Things Engineering, School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou. He got his Ph.D. degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, in 2012. His research interests are machine intelligence and human-computer interaction, intelligent processing of big data, cloud computing, and high-performance computing.

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Xu, K., Li, J., Li, ZQ. et al. SG-NeRF: Sparse-Input Generalized Neural Radiance Fields for Novel View Synthesis. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. (2024).

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Received : 29 January 2024

Accepted : 29 March 2024

Published : 26 June 2024


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Novel View Synthesis ShapeNet Car Multi-view to Novel View SSIM 0.923 # 1
Novel View Synthesis ShapeNet Chair Multi-view to Novel View SSIM 0.895 # 1
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Multi-view to novel view: synthesizing novel views with self-learned confidence.

Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Computer Vision, 2018  ·  Shao-Hua Sun , Minyoung Huh , Yuan-Hong Liao , Ning Zhang , Joseph J. Lim · Edit social preview

We address the task of multi-view novel view synthesis, where we are interested in synthesizing a target image with an arbitrary camera pose from given source images. We propose an end-to-end trainable framework that learns to exploit multiple viewpoints to synthesize a novel view without any 3D supervision. Specifically, our model consists of a flow prediction module and a pixel generation module to directly leverage information presented in source views as well as hallucinate missing pixels from statistical priors. To merge the predictions produced by the two modules given multi-view source images, we introduce a self-learned confidence aggregation mechanism. We evaluate our model on images rendered from 3D object models as well as real and synthesized scenes. We demonstrate that our model is able to achieve state-of-the-art results as well as progressively improve its predictions when more source images are available.

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Novel View Synthesis KITTI Novel View Synthesis Multi-view to Novel View SSIM 0.626 # 1
Novel View Synthesis ShapeNet Car Multi-view to Novel View SSIM 0.923 # 1
Novel View Synthesis ShapeNet Chair Multi-view to Novel View SSIM 0.895 # 1
Novel View Synthesis Synthia Novel View Synthesis Multi-view to Novel View SSIM 0.697 # 1

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Sts-nerf: novel view synthesis of space targets based on improved neural radiance fields, share and cite.

Ma, K.; Liu, P.; Sun, H.; Teng, J. STs-NeRF: Novel View Synthesis of Space Targets Based on Improved Neural Radiance Fields. Remote Sens. 2024 , 16 , 2327.

Ma K, Liu P, Sun H, Teng J. STs-NeRF: Novel View Synthesis of Space Targets Based on Improved Neural Radiance Fields. Remote Sensing . 2024; 16(13):2327.

Ma, Kaidi, Peixun Liu, Haijiang Sun, and Jiawei Teng. 2024. "STs-NeRF: Novel View Synthesis of Space Targets Based on Improved Neural Radiance Fields" Remote Sensing 16, no. 13: 2327.

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  • DOI: 10.1007/s10008-024-05973-9
  • Corpus ID: 270625653

Synthesis and performance of novel n-type EC/AIE energy storage electrode materials containing triphenylamine and quinazolin groups

  • Pengna Wang , Shengqing Zheng , Bao-Ping Lin
  • Published in Journal of Solid State… 19 June 2024
  • Chemistry, Materials Science, Engineering

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Two-dimensional conjugated polymer thin films for organic electronics: opportunities and challenges., 14-electron redox chemistry enabled by salen-based π-conjugated framework polymer boosting high-performance lithium-ion storage., n‐type organic mixed ionic‐electronic conductors for organic electrochemical transistors, pani-grafted radially porous mno2 for supercapacitor applications, a novel n‐type molecular dopant with a closed‐shell electronic structure applicable to the vacuum‐deposition process, controllable fluorescent switch based on ferrocene derivatives with aie-active tetraphenylethene moiety, electropolymerization of d-a-d type triphenlyamine-based monomers consisting of camphor substituted quinoxaline unit for efficient electrochromism and supercapacitors, synthesis of novel fluorobenzene-thiophene hybrid polymer for high-performance electrochromic devices, polythiophene derivatives for efficient all‐polymer solar cells, n-type doping of naphthalenediimide-based random donor-acceptor copolymers to enhance transistor performance and structural crystallinity., related papers.

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Computer Science > Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Title: deep learning based novel view synthesis.

Abstract: Predicting novel views of a scene from real-world images has always been a challenging task. In this work, we propose a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) which learns to predict novel views of a scene from given collection of images. In comparison to prior deep learning based approaches, which can handle only a fixed number of input images to predict novel view, proposed approach works with different numbers of input images. The proposed model explicitly performs feature extraction and matching from a given pair of input images and estimates, at each pixel, the probability distribution (pdf) over possible depth levels in the scene. This pdf is then used for estimating the novel view. The model estimates multiple predictions of novel view, one estimate per input image pair, from given image collection. The model also estimates an occlusion mask and combines multiple novel view estimates in to a single optimal prediction. The finite number of depth levels used in the analysis may cause occasional blurriness in the estimated view. We mitigate this issue with simple multi-resolution analysis which improves the quality of the estimates. We substantiate the performance on different datasets and show competitive performance.
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Cite as: [cs.CV]
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