biography ghost writers

The Art of Hiring a Biography Ghostwriter: Crafting Lives and Telling Stories

by Laura Sherman

Find the best biography ghostwriter for you

In this comprehensive guide, I will explore the world of biography ghostwriting, uncovering the intricacies of the craft, the reasons to consider hiring a ghostwriter, the process of finding the perfect collaborator, and the key factors to ensure a successful partnership. So, whether you’re a potential subject eager to share your life story or an author looking to embark on a ghostwriting journey , this article will equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate the captivating world of biography ghostwriting.

Understanding Biography Ghostwriting

Biography ghostwriting is a specialized form of literary collaboration where a skilled writer, known as a ghostwriter, partners with an individual (the subject) to craft their life story in written form. The ghostwriter takes on the responsibility of writing, structuring , and polishing the narrative while maintaining the subject’s voice and perspective. Unlike autobiographies and memoirs, where the subject themselves write their story, a biography ghostwriter helps the author tell someone else’s story. Often the author will have a lot of information collected about this subject but needs help telling a story that will entice readers.

This collaborative process aims to transform a subject’s life experiences, memories, and insights into a compelling and coherent narrative that can engage and resonate with readers. Biography ghostwriting offers a bridge between those who have a remarkable story to tell but lack the writing skills or time to do so, and talented writers who can bring those stories to life.

Why biography ghostwriters are in demand

ghostwriters can help you write a compelling story

Many individuals with extraordinary research collected on the life story of another are busy with their careers, personal lives, or other commitments. Ghostwriters can dedicate the time and resources necessary to write a biography, ensuring that the subject’s story gets the attention it deserves.

And finally, probably the biggest reason ghostwriters are in such demand is that writing is a skill that requires years of practice and refinement. Ghostwriters are often seasoned professionals with the necessary writing prowess to craft a well-structured and polished manuscript.

Notable examples of biographies written by ghostwriters

“ The Autobiography of Malcolm X “: Malcolm X’s autobiography was written in collaboration with journalist Alex Haley. This iconic work explores Malcolm X’s life journey from his early years to his role as a prominent civil rights leader.

“Steve Jobs”: Walter Isaacson worked closely with the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs to write this comprehensive biography. The book delves into Jobs’ life, career, and the development of groundbreaking technologies.

“The Long Hard Road Out of Hell”: Marilyn Manson’s autobiography was co-written with author Neil Strauss. It offers a glimpse into Manson’s controversial career and personal life.

These examples illustrate the impact of biography ghostwriters in preserving and sharing the stories of remarkable individuals.

Keeping the Process Authentic

While hiring a biography ghostwriter can be a practical solution, it’s essential to consider the ethical aspects of this collaborative process. Ghostwriters must strive to capture the subject’s voice, tone, and authenticity throughout the narrative. This ensures that the biography feels genuine and true to the subject’s experiences.

In an ideal situation, the author remains actively involved in shaping the narrative . They provide input, share anecdotes, and review drafts to ensure that their story is accurately represented.

Finding the Perfect Biography Ghostwriter

Before embarking on the journey of hiring a biography ghostwriter, it’s crucial to define your goals and vision for the project:

Clarify the Purpose of the Biography : Consider why you want to tell your life story or the life story of another. Is it to inspire, educate, entertain, or document a particular aspect of the subject’s life? Clarifying the purpose will guide the writing process.

Identify the Target Audience : Determine the intended readership of the biography. Understanding your audience will help determine the narrative style and content which will in turn help you find the right ghost.

Determining Your Level of Involvement : Decide how involved you want to be in the writing process . Some people prefer to share their research and let the ghostwriter handle the rest, while others want to actively participate in shaping the narrative. I always give my clients the option of learning about the writing process if they are so inclined.

Research and Due Diligence

Finding the perfect biography ghostwriter requires thorough research and due diligence. Start by compiling a list of potential ghostwriters. This can be done through online searches, recommendations from literary professionals, or referrals from other authors. When you find someone you like, I’d recommend being fully transparent about your goals, budget, and deadline in your initial email exchange. Then, if you feel it is a match, set up a phone interview.

So many potential clients try to hide their budget from me, which wastes a lot of time. I charge one dollar per word to ghostwrite, which means the average book costs $50,000 – $75,000 to write. If you have $10,000 to spend, I can help you on a consulting/coaching basis, but if you’re looking for me to write your book for that price, that isn’t realistic.

If you find a ghostwriter within your budget , spend the time reviewing their past work. Assess whether their writing style aligns with your vision for the biography. Keep in mind that the style and voice will be different for your book, but if you dislike their writing, find another ghost.

The Interview Process

Once you have found a ghostwriter you think could be the one, it is time to conduct an interview. The interview process is a critical step in finding the perfect biography ghostwriter.

Write down your interview questions ahead of time, so that you don’t forget any key points. Having said that, an experienced ghostwriter will be able to fill in the gaps as they have been working with clients for a long time and will know the most popular questions.

For more questions to ask, please check out my article about potential interview questions.

Beyond the actual answers to the questions, it is vital that you evaluate the potential compatibility and communication with the ghost. Assess whether you have a good rapport with the person on the other side of the phone. Effective communication and a shared understanding of the project are vital for a successful collaboration.

This initial interview is a good time to discuss terms, fee schedules, timelines, and expectations. Ensure that both parties are comfortable with the terms before moving forward. A written contract outlining the scope of work and responsibilities is essential.

Finding the perfect biography ghostwriter is a crucial step in the journey of bringing your life story to the page. The right collaborator will share your vision, bring your story to life, and ensure that your biography resonates with readers.

The Biography Ghostwriting Process

The exact process will vary from ghostwriter to ghostwriter. However, there are usually a few commonalities. To learn more about my process, please refer to my article: My Ghostwriting Process .

Once you’ve chosen the perfect biography ghostwriter, establishing a strong working relationship is essential for a successful project. Building trust and open communication is key to a successful collaboration. Regular meetings and updates ensure that both parties are aligned with the project’s direction. Maintain an open line of communication and encourage ongoing communication throughout the writing process. Share your thoughts, provide feedback, and address any concerns promptly.

If you define clear expectations regarding project milestones, deadlines, and revisions, this shared understanding of the project’s scope will help avoid misunderstandings.

Gathering Information and Research

Research is part of the skill set of a biography ghostwriter

Expect your ghostwriter to interview you extensively, asking about the subject’s life experiences, memories, and significant events. These interviews provide valuable insights and anecdotes.

In addition to interviews, ghostwriters may request primary sources such as diaries, letters, and documents. They also research secondary sources to provide context and background information.

Maintaining accuracy and authenticity is paramount. For that reason, ghostwriters may seek to verify facts, dates, and details to ensure the biography is truthful and reliable.

Writing and Structuring the Biography

With a wealth of information at hand, the ghostwriter proceeds to craft the biography. Here are some key tasks the ghostwriter will need to accomplish:

Craft the Narrative Arc : The narrative arc is the backbone of the biography. It outlines the chronological or thematic structure of the story, ensuring a coherent and engaging narrative. This isn’t an easy task and will require time.

Capture the Subject’s Voice and Personality : Ghostwriters strive to capture the subject’s personality throughout the narrative. This involves mimicking their speaking style, tone, and perspective .

Balance Storytelling with Factual Accuracy : No one enjoys reading a dry, cold narrative. The book needs to be fast-paced and thrilling. However, while storytelling is essential, maintaining factual accuracy is also important. Ghostwriters strike a balance between crafting an engaging narrative and staying true to the subject’s life story.

The biography ghostwriting process is a collaborative endeavor that transforms raw information into a compelling and well-crafted narrative. It relies on effective communication, trust, and a shared commitment to bringing the subject’s story to life.

A Few Challenges

One of the challenges in biography ghostwriting is maintaining objectivity. The author and ghostwriter must be aware of their own biases and emotions, which can influence how they portray the subject. Remaining objective is essential to creating an unbiased narrative.

Seek to strike a balance between highlighting the subject’s strengths and weaknesses. An overly positive or negative portrayal can detract from the biography’s authenticity. Readers will see right through it.

It’s worth noting that the collaboration between the author and ghostwriter can sometimes lead to creative conflicts. Creative differences may arise during the writing process. Effective communication and a willingness to compromise can help resolve conflicts and ensure a harmonious partnership.

I always ask for feedback throughout the writing process. Not every ghostwriter does this. Some feel that the client isn’t educated enough to provide proper feedback and that intermediate submissions only confuse them and the process. I disagree. Unless my client specifically asks me to only turn in a final product, I always strive to educate them about the writing process as we progress. I feel that ghostwriters should carefully consider a client’s input along the way, as it contributes to maintaining the author’s voice and perspective.

Navigating these challenges requires careful consideration, open communication, and a commitment to upholding the integrity of the biography.

Hiring a biography ghostwriter will assist you in writing the best book you can. You’ve done all the research, now it’s time to get some help structuring and writing your book. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me any time!

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Memoir and Autobiography Ghostwriting Services


Live Long and What I Learned Along the Way

New York Times Bestsellers

National Bestsellers

New Authors Launched

Our Memoir-Ghostwriting Services Include

Book Planning


Book Proposals and Queries

Publishing Navigation

Bestseller List Targeting

Beta Reader Testing

Book Coaching

Publishing and Marketing Strategy

Agent Introductions

Direct Submissions to Publishers

Cultural Accuracy Editing

Crazy for the Storm: A Memoir of Survival

New York Times bestseller

100,000+ sold

Built, Not Born: A Self-Made Billionaire's No-Nonsense Guide for Entrepreneurs

#1 national and WSJ bestseller

A Great Fit: My Take on Confidence, Charisma, and the Career that Suits You Best

CEO of Calvin Klein

From Walk on to Captain

NFL Captain & Super Bowl Winner

See more of our bestselling books

I have worked with Kevin many times over the years for my memoir, book proposal, and articles. With each interaction, Kevin and his team provided excellent editorial services. His firm offers a diverse pool of editors to choose from, which enabled me to hone the type of service I was looking for. Each editor was concise and insightful, giving me constructive notes that really allowed me to take my work to the next level. I felt that they were in for the long haul because Kevin was always there for me when I had follow up questions. A great experience across the board.

Norman Ollestad

New York Times -Bestselling Author of Crazy For the Storm —Over 100,000 Copies Sold

The team at Kevin Anderson & Associates has been incredibly helpful in guiding me through the book-writing and publishing process, as well as building a great book proposal. Within two weeks of working together, Kevin landed me one of the top agents in the industry! Thank you for all your editorial support and assistance through this journey—it means a lot to have such committed partners on such an important project to me.

DJ Spinderella

Member of the legendary hip-hop group Salt-N-Pepa

Pairing an author with the right ghostwriter is inherently fraught with built-in challenges, and these challenges cause risk for both the publisher and the author. Kevin Anderson & Associates reduces those risks by providing a layer of expertise and oversight on the entire process of selecting, coordinating, and managing the contract writing process. The end result is a better book because the right ghostwriter was chosen, the project was managed efficiently, and editorial quality was greatly increased. At HarperCollins Leadership we look forward to working with Kevin and his extensive team of writers and editors on another successful project as soon as possible.

Jeff James, HarperCollins

VP & Publisher. Authors include  Rachel Hollis ,  John C. Maxwell , and  Tilman Fertitta

Live Long and What I Learned Along the Way

Meet our Team

Why Choose Kevin Anderson & Associates?

Work With Bestselling Writers

#1 Bestselling Ghostwriters

Work with New York Times -bestselling memoir writers who know how to develop your story into a publish-worthy book.

Big-5 Acquisitions Editors

Your project will be managed and edited by a former acquisitions editor from a Big-5 publisher with numerous New York Times bestselling titles.

Collaborative Approach

Work closely with a team of experts who will take the time to understand the narrative power of your life story. Together we’ll write a memoir that captures your unique voice and captivates your target audience.

Low Time Commitment

Agent and Publisher Access

Our clients include literary agents and publishers who specialize in memoir and biography, offering you unparalleled access to the industry. While not every book is suitable for trade publishing, we regularly secure publishing deals for our clients.

We’ll develop a customized publishing strategy and guide you through every step of the process to ensure your memoir lands with the right agent or publisher.

Proven Record of Success

Our track record includes numerous award-winners and #1 New York Times bestsellers. Leading publishers and agents hire KAA directly to help their authors.

The KAA Ghostwriting Experience

We carefully customize our ghostwriting process to meet your specific needs and publishing goals. The process below describes a standard ghostwriting experience.

Complimentary Author Consultation

Before any commitments are made or contracts are signed, we take the time to get to know you, your book, and your publishing goals. We’ll provide consultation regarding the publishing industry and discuss the optimal strategy for your book.

Preparation and Research

Through a series of phone calls and questionnaires, we’ll help you think through your book concept, platform, audience, and marketplace. Our preparation also includes reviewing any drafts, notes, articles, outlines, and other relevant background materials.

Meet Your Book-Writing Team

Every great book ever written was the result of an effective team. With KAA, you have an industry-leading team of bestselling writers, editors, and publishing executives that will develop a comprehensive strategy, navigate the publishing industry for you, and help you achieve your publishing goals.

Your Book Editor Your editor will lead the book-writing process and collaborate with the team to (a) develop the book’s positioning, core concepts, structure, and themes; (b) provide market analysis and advise on target audience, marketing, and publishing strategy; (c) edit and review the manuscript throughout the book-writing process. Note: All of the in-house editors at KAA are former acquisitions editors at Big-5 publishing houses (Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, and Hachette) who have acquired and edited hundreds of traditionally published books, including numerous New York Times bestsellers.

Your Writer/Ghostwriter Your writer will work with you to pen your words to the page and revise the manuscript to ensure it captures your voice and vision. Our impressive roster of writers includes  #1 New York Times -bestselling and award-winning authors in a wide variety of genres.

Your Project Manager There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to writing and publishing a book. Your project manager will establish and maintain the timeline, schedule interviews, and be a helpful resource for any questions that come up along the way.

Publishing Executives Our team of publishing executives work behind the scenes with your writing team to ensure your book is aligned with your goals. They’ll also help you find the best home for your book (more on that below).

Strategy Sessions: Planning and Outlining Your Book

Meet with your book-writing team in person or via video conference for in-depth strategy sessions to brainstorm, plan, and build the foundation of your book. By the end of the sessions, you will have a detailed manuscript outline that captures your vision, as well as a publishing and marketing strategy that aligns with your goals.

Let’s Write Your Manuscript

It’s time to start writing your book! We’ll handle the heavy lifting so you can remain focused on the bigger picture, as well as life’s demands.

Your Words. Your Voice. Our Pen. At KAA, we ensure that your book is unmistakably yours. Through ongoing interviews and careful editing, we’ll ensure every idea, word, and piece of content sounds and feels like your distinct voice.

Ongoing Manuscript Review and Revisions Your writer will develop your manuscript one section at a time, giving you ample opportunity to discuss the draft in process and suggest revisions. 

Your editor will oversee the writing process and provide ongoing editorial review and direction to ensure the quality of the writing is up to publishing industry standards. 

Finalize Your Draft Once the manuscript is complete and meets your full approval, an additional  editor (who has no knowledge of the project) will perform a “cold read,” editing the text for grammar and providing a final round of analysis and consultation.

Beta Reader Review and Revisions (Optional)

Your manuscript will be reviewed by 20+ impartial lay readers from within your target demographic who will provide detailed raw feedback and suggest improvements. The writing team will review this feedback with you and revise the book to ensure it resonates with your audience. Beta readers allow you and your team to make editorial decisions based on data.

Finding the Best Home for Your Book

Did you know less than 0.1% of people who want to write a book actually publish one? Not at KAA. Whether you want to break into traditional publishing, collaborate with a great hybrid publisher, or make the most of what self-publishing offers, we’ll guide you every step of the way. At KAA, we have former literary agents on staff, partnerships with dozens of publishers, and relationships with the most seasoned book marketers and PR teams to launch your book. We won’t just help you write your book, we’ll ensure you have a remarkable publishing experience.

Our offices are in New York, Nashville, and Los Angeles. Can’t get to us? We can bring our team to you.

Share your story with the world.

Having your memoir written and published is the single greatest way to tell the unique story of your life and share it with others. At Kevin Anderson & Associates, we’re passionate about telling your story the way you always envisioned it would be told. Our personalized ghostwriting approach takes great care to deliver a final product that exceeds your expectations and gets your book on the shelf.

Every one of our client relationships starts with a free, no-obligation consultation. Contact us today to get started on your path to becoming a published author.

Get More Information

What’s the Typical Process for Ghostwriting a Memoir?

Our ghostwriting process for memoirs is flexible and customizable to your preferences. We can work with you as consultants and editors as you develop the content on your own, or we can ghostwrite the book for you, based on interviews and other information you provide us. We typically gather information in-person or via email and phone conversations, though the process may also include site visits and independent research as necessary.

While we understand that every client is unique and we are happy to adjust our ghostwriting services to suit your preferences, we typically approach the process as a team. Please contact us for a personalized and detailed proposal for your book.

How Do I Choose Which Aspects of My Life to Include in My Memoir?

It all depends on the story you want to tell. Lucky for you, we have a team of talented writers and editors to help you articulate and shape the narrative of your book. Your writer can help you to make choices about which details of your life to include or omit in order to convey your central theme effectively. Feel free to give us a call for a free consultation!

Am I Allowed to Choose My Ghostwriter? Can I View a Sample of Their Writing?

In general, we’re very adept at matching clients with the ghostwriter who will best suit them; however, we are also more than willing to provide you with writing samples and credentials for your potential ghostwriter. We can arrange for phone calls between you and potential writers and you are more than welcome to select between several options. Our goal is to make sure you’re fully satisfied with your ghostwriting experience from the very beginning.

How Much Interaction Will I Have with My Ghostwriter and Editor?

You can have as much or as little interaction with your ghostwriter and editor as you’d like! We tailor our process to suit your schedule and your needs. Generally, writers opt to have regular interviews and collaboration sessions with their ghostwriter or editor via phone or video call, as well as ongoing communication by email. In certain instances, it is also possible to arrange for in-person meetings with your ghostwriter or editor. The entire process can be molded to best support you!

What if It’s Not Working Out with My Assigned Ghostwriter?

If you’re unhappy with the material you’ve received from your writer, you can simply give that feedback directly to the writer or senior editor, and we will revise accordingly. Our skilled ghostwriters are able to shift their tone and style based on input from you to ensure that you connect with the writing. If after multiple revisions you are still unhappy with the writing, we can assign a new writer to the project who is a better match for you—this type of flexibility is one of the unique benefits of working with a professional firm.

Will You Help Me Conduct Research for a Biography?

Yes, our ghostwriting packages can include research services. Whether your book requires basic internet searches or rigorous scholarly research, we have writers on staff who can conduct effective research and synthesize it into your book.

What Is the Difference Between a Memoir and an Autobiography? Which Is Better Suited for Me?

There are many similarities between memoirs and autobiographies—both are nonfiction, factual accounts based on the author’s life, written in the first person—but the biggest difference is the timeframe that is covered in each genre.

Simply put, an autobiography tells the entire story of the author’s life, while a memoir tells a specific story from parts of the author’s life. A memoir might address a particular period of time or phase of life that holds significance, or events that are all related in some way. An autobiography generally covers all aspects of the author’s life up to the time it is written, though some experiences may be given more or less emphasis to convey the desired theme or overarching message.

When choosing whether to write a memoir or an autobiography, consider whether you would like to write your life story, from the beginning to the present day, or whether you would like to focus in on a particular period of time.

What if I Just Want Feedback and Consultation on My Book?

Our editing and consultation services are perfectly suited for writers who are looking to improve their work. We can give input at whatever level of detail you’d like—overarching feedback on the structure and concept of the book, critical review on the flow and transitions, or copy edit the text itself. At your request, we can also address specific issues in our review of your work.

Once the Ghostwriting Is Complete, Can You Help with Publishing and Marketing?

We know that the publishing industry can be daunting, especially for first-time authors, so we offer consultation and comprehensive support for traditional, hybrid, and self-publishing outlets. Most of our all-inclusive ghostwriting packages include an original and customized query letter or book proposal free of charge. This invaluable marketing tool will be used to promote your book to literary agents and publishers. Not sure how to find a reputable literary agent? We’ve got you covered—we’ll provide you with a list of genre-appropriate agents to whom you can send your query letter or proposal!

How Long Does the Ghostwriting Process Typically Take?

The duration of the ghostwriting process is partly up to you—the author! Depending on your schedule and desired level of involvement, your ghostwriter will develop material for you to review and approve on a weekly or biweekly basis. While every book is unique, on average, a 200-page or 50,000-word manuscript will take between four and nine months to develop. We can often rush these services for you if you need to meet a specific publishing date.

Can I Include My Own Writing? Will this Save Me Money?

Yes and yes! We will gladly edit and incorporate any content that you provide. Depending on the strength of the content you’ve written, it may save you a lot of money!

What Do I Need to Consider When Choosing a Ghostwriting Firm?

The internet is littered with online writing and editing services, making it nearly impossible to sift through the scams and find a legitimate and trustworthy service. Here are some questions to ask when you’re vetting companies to ensure that you pick a reliable firm for all your writing and editing needs:

  • Is the price right? If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Developing a high-quality book can take hundreds of hours of work and requires a high level of expertise—don’t be tempted by third-rate writers who market “affordable” prices.
  • Who owns the rights to the book? It’s your book, which means that you should own the rights to your content. Be wary of ghostwriters asking for partial rights to your material.
  • What is the payment arrangement? You should always pay for ghostwriting services in installments and never 100% upfront. After the initial deposit, you should make subsequent payments only if you’re happy with what the ghostwriter has written up to that point. You should have clearly defined milestones for payments to ensure that you and your writer know what to expect.
  • Who’s in charge? Working with a ghostwriter is a collaborative effort, but you should have the final say on all content decisions. If a writer is unwilling to put your needs and requests first, then it’s not going to be your book—it will be theirs.
  • Is the service confidential? This is YOUR book. A ghostwriter’s name should never appear on the completed manuscript unless you want it to be there.

Whatever service you decide to use, be sure to protect yourself. Make certain that you are working with a reputable company with experience.

How to Ghostwrite a Memoir or Autobiography

Paralleling the rise of celebrity worship, ghostwriting the autobiography has become a viable path for a coterie of talented scribes to make periodic small fortunes, while enjoying zero mainstream recognition for their hard work and storytelling chops. It’s a slick way to make a living, especially if you have no stomach for fame, but want your stuff read.

What do memoir ghostwriters really do?

They serve to permit the telling of a large, convenient lie. Whether it’s a white lie or a bright and shiny one is for each of us to divine. What’s unquestioned is that hiring a ghost is among the vainest and somehow most forgivable of false proclamations, namely: “I have written the story of me.”

Why is this so?

Because writing one’s autobiography is among the most arduous challenges a human could ever wish to embrace – I can tell you that from personal experience. Worse still, the more humble, the more adoration-averse, the more given to downplaying one’s own accomplishments one is, the more grueling the notion.

Hiring a ghost removes one from that entire discomfiting business – but only within one’s own conscience. If the ghostwriter writes you as beyond superhuman, but the audience reads it as a few hundred pages of self-serving narcissism, then it’s all back on you. So yes, it’s a squirmy decision to ponder.

And not you, the ghostwriter’s, problem.

How do ghostwriters plan a book?

Though I have ghostwritten both an autobiography (link to sample) and written my own biography, I would never lay claim to knowing the autobiography ghostwriting formula inside out. I confess to largely having made it up as I went along, but following a logical process. Below is the distillation of my own experience blended with the best bits of advice I could get from the experts.

Of course, this all assumes you can write.

Start with what’s written down and who was there

You need to build a story, even if you have no idea of what it is just yet. Start with letters, appointment books, emails, texts and other correspondence between the book’s subject and their friends, family and associates. These will help uncover what went down, was said, when it happened and what relationships existed between all story figures.

If your subject kept diaries, great, and not so great – you’ve got some serious reading and sifting to do. But do it you must. Great quantities of personal thoughts can be anything from overwhelming to insight-delivering to tedious. Likely, all three. Journal entries can be quoted from, to drop the reader right back into the times of the subject as it felt when it happened.

Do a timeline

As you start to get a feel for the project’s scope, create a chart of key years and events in the areas of interest to the story to use as a framework to piece together the whole. Could be on a computer, a whiteboard or on index cards.

Now start grafting chunks onto a timeline

Depending on your subject’s persona, some may find it easier to walk you through their lives using pictures and papers rather than to sit and recollect from memory alone. You will of course need to record it all, and edit down all these recollections to make a coherent tale. When in doubt return to the central question: What am I trying to say here, and how do I make these pieces work to say it?

Get to a small-ish first draft

Use the subject and the recordings to write a small draft. Listening to them will help you take on that person’s voice. Then start dropping in the story chunks where they fit best. Once your first draft is written, print it, read it and note in the margins all the missing bits that strike you along the way. Sit down with your subject and a recorder, ask them to fill in those blanks.

Feelings. Woe, woe, woe, feelings

Remember to ask how it felt and what it meant – feelings and meaning pick up where facts leave off. Meanwhile, now that you’ve got your facts, you have time to focus on tonality and style of writing. Take note of the person’s habits of speech, tics, and such, so you can incorporate the most interesting and telling (and one hopes, flattering) of them into the final manuscript.

You want it to sound like them telling it – not you having tidily edited it.

All books, including memoirs, need theme and purpose

I you know yours going in, lovely – the earlier the better. This knowledge helps you decide which people and happenings to keep and which to ditch. It may be much simpler to wait for a theme to emerge when the draft is still finding its feet, rather than at the outset, before writing. So don’t worry about that – theme and meaning often write or present themselves while in progress.

Stay fit and mentally acute

Ghostwriting is emotionally taxing, physically tiring work. You dive inside another’s soul and become a parasite upon it. They tend to notice. It gets intense. Especially traumatic tales. Be sure to make time for sports, movies, books and relaxation, so you don’t disappear down their mind funnel and lose the contexts and voice that make you the writer they hired.

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Esther is one of our most emotionally intelligent writers. She deconstructs feelings of her characters so eloquently that it leaves even our editors waiting for the next chapter to quench their curiosity about what’s going to happen next. Her empathetic nature gives her an edge and enables her to not just understand the client’s demands but really feel where they’re coming from. Her abilities shine in storytelling whether they’re fantasy fiction, nonfiction biographies, narratives, screenplays, or novels. Hire her as your ghostwriter today.

biography ghost writers

Rosalie Guzman

Rosalie is the most versatile writer you will ever see. She is young, but exceptionally gifted with words and has a magical instinct that is reflected in her work. Her multifaceted profile showcases prized work in songwriting, rap and hip-hop, speeches, scripts, fanfics, short stories, flash fiction, and even comics. What’s surprising is that her flow from rhyming extends into the biographies and memoirs that she is always so eager to work on. Rosalie’s words are almost always trending in the media, and we feel proud to know that it was one of our own who wrote that.

biography ghost writers

If there’s anyone who can make a person see with closed eyes, it’s our wizard, Weber. He is an expert in drawing detailed pictures in the heads of his readers and animate them with nothing but words on a page. His descriptions are extraordinarily visual, with a unique ability to change complete scenarios, all within a single sentence. Weber’s words that drop like hammers have earned him a celestial reputation amongst our clients so he stays booked in advance. Through our forum, hire him today to reserve an exclusive spot on his writing schedule.

Process of Biography Writing

Order details.

Reserve your spot by filling a simple brief form, and be instantly welcomed by one of our cordial project managers, who will take in all the information you have to share about your book.

Outline Draft

The best candidate, according to the skills required for your book, is selected, who thoroughly studies the concept from available information and crafts out of it the outline for a book for you to approve.

First Chapter Approval

The writer then begins writing the book with a captivating opener that will hopefully keep the readers hooked till the last page is turned. If the author is satisfied with the first chapter, the book is continued according to the previously approved outline.

Editing & Proofreading

Once the entire book is approved by the author, it is sent to multiple members of our team of professionals. These professionals carry out thorough proofreading and make any editings where required to ensure the book is flawless.

Formatting, Typesetting & Designing

Once the complete manuscript is approved by the client, we format it to publishing standards, give it a professional look and tasteful flavor with fonts, graphical details, and cover designs.

Publishing & Promotion

Finally, when the final manuscript has been approved for publishing, we publish your book following your desired format and execute a personalized marketing and promotional strategy.

Find answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions

What is a biography.

A biography, literally, is an account of a person’s life written by someone else and an autobiography if it’s self-written. Biographies include all the life events of the person, which may be personal, professional, work, relationships, hardships, successes, and death.

What is biography writing?

Biography writing takes the life of an individual as the subject of the story. Biography writing entails an immense command over words and character development of the person. Linking the individual’s personal and professional life together in an exciting manner for the reader to perhaps inspire them accounts for biography writing.

What type of writing is a biography?

A narrative of an individual’s life, either written by themselves or by another writer, is a biography. Biographical works are mostly non-fiction, although some writers may use fiction to give it more depth and to develop the reader’s interest.

Are you writing a biography about yourself?

Writing a biography about yourself might both be a complicated or more salutary task since no one knows about your life better than you do. However, it may get tricky since your perspective on yourself may clash with another person. We always perceive ourselves differently than others do, and this is a crucial factor while writing a biography about yourself.

In order to start writing a biography about yourself, you can start off by drafting a series of events that occurred in your life in a chronological manner. You can elaborate on the ones that played a more significant role in determining who you are and fill any hiatuses in between to develop a timeline. Make sure the timeline depicts an attribute development, as doing so transcends your biography.

faq image

Our Testimonials

Very creating and insightful work, made my ramblings make sense! I loved the added details and the way my characters were brought to life. The writer was prompt in her responses and catered to all last-minute adjustments patiently. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it. 100% recommended.


Joseph Boucher

#1 New York times-bestselling author Over 1 million copies sold!

I rarely write reviews but this goes to the ghostwriter I hired. The process, from the selection of the writer to the final submission of my book, went smooth. I` loved how he stayed engaged and concerned about my story. Thank you for giving an interpersonal touch to the story. Very quick to answer all queries. I am very satisfied with the quality of much. Way to go.


Annabell Ison

#1-ranked agent on Publishers Marketplace

This website is the best to hire a ghostwriter for any book! I hired a book ghostwriter thinking it would be a lengthy process but to my surprise, they delivered my book in no time. Great work is done! It felt as if the writer had read my mind. Wonderful. I also got my website made by them. Thank you.


Authors include Rachel Hollis, Tilman Fertitta, and John C Maxwell


Ghostwriter and Author Bio

Jenna Glatzer is an award-winning full-time writer and ghostwriter who’s written more than 30 books and hundreds of articles for magazines and online publications.

Her main writing interests are biographies and memoirs, and she often writes about health, parenting, and business leadership. She also loves writing for children, as well as writing humor.

Her latest release is Gratitude in Motion (Hachette) with Colleen Kelly Alexander, who spent weeks in a coma after being run over by a freight truck. You may have seen her on the Today Show or Dr. Oz talking about her experience.

Standing Strong (HCI Books) with Diane Reeve, a martial arts instructor whose boyfriend intentionally infected her with HIV. She spoke about the crime on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

Who’s the New Kid? (Tyndale), written with Heidi Bond, tells the story of how Heidi helped her daughter beat childhood obesity. Her daughter was featured on The Biggest Loser.

Prior to that, Jenna wrote Never Ever Give Up: The Inspiring Story of Jessie and Her JoyJars (Zondervan) with Erik Rees – the true story of 11-year-old Jessica Joy Rees, who started a foundation to help kids with cancer even as she battled the disease herself.

She also wrote The Pregnancy Project (Simon & Schuster) with Gaby Rodriguez, who faked her own pregnancy as a senior project in high school (Simon & Schuster Young Readers). The book was made into a Lifetime television movie by the same name. The Pregancy Project has been featured on Dr. Phil, Dr. Drew, The Today Show, Telemundo, Inside Edition, and many others, and has won multiple awards.

She worked with Celine Dion on the authorized biography Celine Dion: For Keeps (Andrews McMeel), which was one of Jenna’s favorite life experiences. The book was featured on The View, The Oprah Winfrey Show, and Entertainment Tonight.

She also wrote The Marilyn Monroe Treasures (Barnes & Noble), which is in the same format as the Celine Dion book– oversized hardcover filled with removable memorabilia. It’s available exclusively from Barnes & Noble in the U.S. with more than 40,000 copies sold, and has been translated into Italian, Spanish, German, and French.

My Stolen Son is Susan Markowitz’s story. Her son Nick Markowitz was murdered in 2000 at the orders of drug dealer Jesse James Hollywood. This story was the basis of the movie Alpha Dog, starring Justin Timberlake, Bruce Willis, and Sharon Stone. The book won both Editor’s Choice and People’s Choice in the True Crime Book Awards. (Berkley; visit ).

Unthinkable is a memoir written with Scott Rigsby, the first double-amputee to finish the world-famous Hawaiian Ironman triathlon (Tyndale House; visit ).

She co-authored the books Fertility Foods (Simon & Schuster) with Jeremy Groll, M.D. and Lorie Groll, and Bullyproof Your Child’s Life (Penguin) with Joel Haber, Ph.D.

Unbroken (Thomas Nelson) is a Christian memoir about overcoming abuse and addiction, written with Tracy Elliott.

She’s been the ghostwriter or developmental editor for five business books for HarperBusiness and McGraw-Hill, with a focus on leadership.

She’s written three books for writers: the Amazon top 10 bestseller Outwitting Writer’s Block and Other Problems of the Pen (The Lyons Press), Make a Real Living as a Freelance Writer (Nomad Press), and The Street-Smart Writer (Nomad Press).

She’s also worked on two books for people with anxiety disorders: Fear Is No Longer My Reality (McGraw-Hill) is a book she co-wrote with Jamie Blyth of The Bachelorette, telling his tale about overcoming panic disorder and social anxiety disorder. Conquering Panic and Anxiety Disorders (Hunter House) is an anthology of success stories from people who’ve overcome all sorts of anxiety disorders.

Her latest children’s picture books are about heroes of the Underground Railroad and the invention of the Ferris wheel. She’s authored several other nonfiction books for children sold through the educational market, and one whimsical picture book about a girl who refuses to get her hair cut.

Because Jenna is a ghostwriter, not all of her work carries her byline, and she can’t always talk about what she’s worked on. So if you read a book you really like, you can always pretend she wrote it. She’ll like that. If it’s a bad book, no way did she write it. Ptooey, and other disdainful noises.

Magazines, newspapers, and websites Jenna has written for include Writer’s Digest, The Washington Post, The Establishment, Physical, Prevention, Woman’s World, Woman’s Own, USAA, Women’s Health & Fitness,, ePregnancy, Contemporary Bride,, MSN, and AOL .

Jenna has also written hundreds of greeting cards and copy for mugs, bumper stickers, doormats, aprons, t-shirts, buttons, magnets, and plaques for companies such as Gallant Greetings, Paradise Greetings, Ephemera, High Cotton, and Northern Cards.

An experienced speaker, Jenna is a frequent media guest. She was the honorary chairperson of the national I Love to Write Day and a writing workshop instructor for the Omega Institute. She also served as a judge of the Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards.

Her proudest accomplishment so far is overcoming agoraphobia.

She is still mourning the loss of Angel, the brilliant Joss Whedon TV series that spun off from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She is convinced that when she gets rich enough, she’s going to single-handedly resurrect the series, even if that doesn’t happen until all of the principal actors are in their 80s.

Her home is in New York with her her fabulous little girl, Sarina, who already knows how to wield a semi-colon. 

Who’s profiled or interviewed Jenna? VH1, Parade Magazine, NBC News, Woman’s World, Writer’s Market, Lifetime Television, Newsday, Media Bistro, Canada’s Stars! network, and many more.

Miscellaneous facts about Jenna, for her truly devoted fans:

  • Boston University alumna
  • Avid drinker of peach tea
  • Favorite authors: Maya Angelou, T.C. Boyle, Jeannette Walls, Kelly Corrigan
  • Drug of choice: Motrin
  • Favorite human being: her daughter, Sarina
  • Favorite song: “Round Here” by Counting Crows, live 10-minute version
  • Career before writing: Stage actress
  • Can’t navigate her way out of her own driveway without her Garmin
  • Born on Thanksgiving
  • Oddly wedge-shaped feet, size 7
  • Favorite musicals: Wicked, Godspell, Hair, Starmites, Les Mis, Rent, Miss Saigon, Aida, Chess, Closer Than Ever… okay, she’ll stop now.
  • She’s a sucker for the book cart at the library, where she loads up on hardcover books for 50 cents and paperbacks for a quarter. A quarter!
  • Thankful for: old friends, kind readers

If you'd like to receive very occasional e-mails from Jenna to announce her new books, please sign up here.

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You can also join the Honoring Nick Markowitz group to offer your support to Susan Markowitz (my friend and writing client), whose son's murder was the basis of the movie Alpha Dog.

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Copyright © 2018 Jenna Glatzer. All rights reserved.

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Book News & Features

So you need a celebrity book. who ya gonna call ghostwriters.

Gabrielle Emanuel

biography ghost writers

You might not notice their names on their book covers — and sometimes they're not named at all. But ghostwriters don't mind the anonymity. Hobvias Sudoneighm (striatic)/Flickr hide caption

You might not notice their names on their book covers — and sometimes they're not named at all. But ghostwriters don't mind the anonymity.

The next time you're in a bookstore, take a look at the nonfiction shelf. See all those celebrity autobiographies — the memoirs of actors, athletes and politicians? Chances are, they're the work of a ghostwriter.

David Fisher is one of those invisible authors. He's ghostwritten over 70 books, adopting the voices of quarterback Terry Bradshaw, attorney Johnnie Cochran and actor and comedian Leslie Nielsen, among others.

How does he do it? What's it like writing someone else's memoirs? The answer, Fisher says, is down in his basement, which is filled with boxes of cassette tapes. Fisher says he has "literally hundreds and hundreds and hundreds" of tapes. And they're filled with the lives of famous people: secrets about the FBI's crime lab, the pharmaceutical industry's inner workings and Hollywood's real dramas.

Fisher pulls out one of comedian George Burns' tapes: "Let's just see what he has to say." An old conversation between Burns and Fisher starts to play:

"There is only one reason why I went into show business. I fell in love with it. It's as simple as that. In fact, the more I flopped the better I loved it." "Have you ever been terrified on the stage?" "No! It sounds like a joke but I imagine to get nervous you gotta — you gotta have talent."

"People say, 'Boy that must have been great just sitting opposite him with a tape recorder writing down everything he says.' That's ... It's not true," Fisher says. "But it's a great compliment."

In reality, ghostwriting is a lot harder than that. Fisher studies speech patterns, sentence structures, what jokes his subjects tell. And then he has to organize all the bits of information into a coherent story.

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A 'Sweet Valley High' Ghostwriter On Living A Double Life

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Ghostwriter spills secrets on how medical manuscripts get made.

From Dark Secret To Significant Subgenre

Not so long ago, Fisher's profession was mostly a deep, dark secret, says Madeleine Morel, a literary agent for ghostwriters.

"Say 10 years ago, ghostwriting definitely had a sort of dirty name, the same way as online dating had a dirty name," she says. "So if you were a ghostwriter you'd maybe tell your best friend on pain of death never to tell anyone else 'cause there was a slightly ignominious feature to it."

But according to Morel, those days are long gone. "In fact, it has become a very significant subgenre in publishing," she says. "I mean, publishing is absolutely dependent on ghostwriters."

She estimates that if you look at the nonfiction bestsellers list right now, at least 60 percent of the books are ghostwritten. That's because celebrities sell books, but they can't necessarily write them.

"I've had some authors that basically never even read their books," Morel says.

But if readers finish those books and didn't realize they were ghostwritten — well, that's the point. And the ghosts don't seem to mind.

Joni Rodgers, a ghostwriter from Houston, says that "being invisible is 1,000 times more exciting than being famous." Subsuming your own personality is part of the job description, she explains: "It's a total set-aside of your own ego."

These ghosts give up control and credit. What do they get in exchange? For one thing, a check: Top-tier ghostwriters can make hundreds of thousands of dollars per book, and professional ghostwriters often write several books a year.

But is all this misleading the readers?

"I suppose that's like saying, well, getting breast implants is terribly dishonest or wearing make-up is terribly dishonest," says Rodgers.

Ghostwriters have developed a delicate dynamic with readers. They try to cater to them, but they don't feel beholden. Their allegiances are with the named author.

Sometimes, 'More Merchandise Than Literature'

Dan Paisner has ghosted almost 50 books, working with people like Gilbert Gottfried and Denzel Washington.

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"I've been an autistic high school student. I've been a founder of the most successful urban fashion line. I was the 17-time grand slam champion," he says — and yep, he means Serena Williams. "I was a Holocaust survivor. What else? Oh I was the co-chair of the Republican National Committee. I was the three-term Democratic mayor from New York City. I was the three-term Republican governor from New York State. I've been a lot of things."

But he readily admits he's not writing the next Moby Dick. His works often don't have a very long shelf life. He says, "Some of the books are more merchandise than literature."

And he's often racing against the clock — the celebrity's "15 minutes of fame" clock. So while he can labor over a book for two years, he can also crank one out in two weeks, writing up to 35 pages a day.

But regardless of how long it takes, Paisner has one main goal. "The endgame is to capture the tone, the voice, the essence of the subject that you are working with," he says.

He recently did a book for surfer Izzy Paskowitz. "He comes from a legendary American surfing family. So the goal there was for his book to sound like a surfer dude, you know, just sharing some stories over beers, over a camp fire," Paisner says. "And there's no room in that experience for some ghostwriter from New York breathing down the reader's neck."

Paisner started interviewing and gathering material, and then he started writing in Paskowitz's voice:

Didn't much matter to us kids if we woke up on a beach in Florida or Texas or Rhode Island or all the way down at the tip of the Baja Peninsula, or even in some motel parking lot, tucked way in the back where the street lights didn't quite reach, as long as we could surf and hang and make our little pieces of trouble.

Paskowitz says when he started working on the book, he had his doubts

"When I sat down and thought about, you know, my life story — I couldn't come up with anything," he says. "And then I came up with, I don't know, about 20 good stories. And then my stupid Blackberry broke and I lost those. So I couldn't remember anything."

A year later, Paskowitz had taught Paisner to surf. They'd bonded over beers. And finally, Paskowitz sat down to read his own book for the first time.

"It is my voice. It is my words," he says. "It is everything that I would say. And I was blown away, you know — how incredibly interesting, you know, my life was."

And his ghostwriter, Dan Paisner, says that's the point.

biography ghost writers

True story telling and writing has been around for a very long time but, as a genre, it really came into its own a few years ago with a spate of ‘kiss and tell’ books. These tended, at times, to be fairly lurid accounts of sexual abuse and the like and, on at least one occasion, were discovered not to be a true story at all, but a work of fiction pretending to be true!


So how do you go about telling a true story – your own or someone else’s? Those of you who have been following my blog will know that I am in the process of serialising my first book, published more than twenty-five years ago, which I’ve re-titled: Demise Of A Marriage . It appears as a blog post two or three times a week and is the true story of a young woman called Megan, who married in the 1960’s just as the sexual revolution was about to begin, with the advent of the contraceptive pill. As she recalls, with the so-called ‘freedom’ of sexual expression came the devastation of divorce, and fragmented families.


But what exactly is meant by a true story?

A true story comes into one of three categories: autobiography, biography, or ghost-writing. So how may these be defined? And what’s the difference between them?

  • Autobiography is a life story, written by the person whose life it portrays.
  • Biography is the story of someone’s life, written by a third party.
  • Ghost-writing has its own sub-categories, but it is always written by a third party: the ghost-writer.
  • It may, or may not, be the story of someone’s entire life.
  • It may, for instance, be only a slice of life – a special event, like climbing Everest, being a cancer-survivor, or having a faith that overcomes adversity.
  • Or it may be a ‘how-to’ book which appears to be written by the author whose name is on the front cover, but is, in fact, written by the ghost-writer.
  • The book will almost certainly be written in first person.
  • The ghost-writer’s name may, or may not, be included on the front cover of the book.
  • Alternatively, some credit may, or may not, be given to the ghost-writer, inside, on the flyleaf.
  • The ghost-writer may be paid per page, by a flat rate fee, or by a percentage of the royalties.


There are many people who feel that they have a true story worth telling. However, few people writing an autobiography will be fortunate enough to find a traditional means of publishing. Usually, it is only celebrities who are commissioned to share their lives, warts and all, with the reading public. But these, as I’ve indicated above, are often the subject of ghost-writing or biography i.e. written by someone else.

So how, if you want to get into print by writing someone else’s story, do you go about it? If you’re well-known as a gifted writer, you may be commissioned by a traditional publishing house. This means that you will have a contract from the publishers – as I had with Demise Of A Marriage, and other titles – before you actually set to and write a word of the book. If you are not commissioned, you will need to lay the groundwork yourself.

1. Find the subject of your book.

The first step for a ghost-writer is to find someone with an interesting story. It may be something infamous, like the true story of the disgraced UK MP Jonathan Aitken, or that of MP Jeffrey Archer – both of whom were imprisoned for perjury some years ago. Both have since had books published!

Or it may be topical: the story of a perfectly ordinary individual who has, say, successfully taken on the establishment and won. For instance, a cancer patient who fought a decision by NICE (the UK’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) to restrict certain drugs for the treatment of cancer. If they then won their case, and went on to live for many years afterwards, that would be a story worth telling. Whoever and whatever you plan to write about, it must have a broad appeal and be interesting to readers of all walks of life.

2. Decide the nature of your story.

The book you are planning to write may be a faith-based inspirational story, like Demise Of A Marriage . Or it may be emotionally and educationally informative along the lines of my novel, A Painful Post Mortem (which is inspired by real life experience) and which explores the themes of love and loss through divorce, drugs and death.

Your aim, in either case, would be to enthuse and encourage readers to see that no matter how bad things get, there are steps they can take to cope, and to improve their circumstances. Or it may be concerned with aspiration : showing your readers that by culturing self-discipline, self-confidence and perseverance, they, too, may one day become President of the United States of America, or the next footballing legend, like David Beckham.

3. Write an Outline.

Draft an outline of the story, describing the good and the bad circumstances; the coincidences and inevitabilities; the triumphs and the failings of human behaviour; the emotional highs and lows. In any story – be it biographical or fiction – there must always be a ‘depths of despair moment’ before the victory. Through the medium of creative writing, the readers of your true story will learn what it feels like to live this life you are describing. The one crucial element is that, whatever the theme, your book must have a victorious outcome, a ‘look, I’ve been through all this – and survived!’ Sell it to your readers.

4. Select the right publishing house and send it out.

Your readers, in this case, will be the publishers to whom you send your book proposal. You will need all your creativity to sell the story to them. Back it up with media evidence of its topicality and universal appeal. Make sure you include a history of your writing experience.

If you don’t know how to write a book outline or proposal, see my articles Writing A Synopsis For A Novel, To Submit To Publishing Houses , and Manuscript Submission Guidelines: How To Write A Publishing Proposal For Your Book . And don’t forget to let me know how you get on. Good luck!

If you are already a ghost-writer, perhaps you’d be good enough to share your expertise in the comments box?

Author of a number of books, one a No 4 Bestseller, Mel Menzies is also an experienced Speaker at live events, as well as on Radio and TV.

All proceeds from Mel’s latest novel, A Painful Post Mortem, are for charities benefiting children worldwide. Buy a copy here and help raise cash for children like Rachel, who, at 13 is mother to 6 kids orphaned by AIDS , or this project, drug-proofing teenagers in the UK

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Ghostwriting Services that vow to do Justice to your Story.

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A Prestigious Book Ghostwriting Services & Publishing firm that vows to do Justice to your Story.

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Who are Writers of the West?

who is this firm?

Writers of the West is a prestigious firm with over a decade of experience in book publishing &  book ghostwriting services in USA, Canada, and Europe. With offices in Houston, New York, and Los Angeles, they have written over 170 bestsellers in over 10 genres in the past ten years. Their vision is to provide affordable ghost writing services that make a difference. Over the last decade, they have helped more than 2500 aspiring authors tell their stories. The team consists of professional ghostwriters for hire from 15 different countries. The firm represents their belief that everyone has a story to tell, but does not have the platform to tell it. Secondly, even if they do, it costs an arm and a leg. Writers of the West’s book ghost writers for hire enable people to write and publish their stories, providing access to best-selling ghostwriters accumulated over the past 10 years at an excellent price range.

Writers of the West is a prestigious firm with over a decade of experience in book publishing & book ghostwriting services in USA, Canada, and Europe. ... With offices in Houston, New York, and Los Angeles, they have written over 170 bestsellers in over 10 genres in the past ten years. Their vision is to provide affordable ghost writing services that make a difference. Over the last decade, they have helped more than 2500 aspiring authors tell their stories. The team consists of professional ghostwriters for hire from 15 different countries. The firm represents their belief that everyone has a story to tell, but does not have the platform to tell it. Secondly, even if they do, it costs an arm and a leg. Writers of the West’s book ghost writers for hire enable people to write and publish their stories, providing access to best-selling ghostwriters accumulated over the past 10 years at an excellent price range.

Our Professional Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:8.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-font-kerning:1.0pt; mso-ligatures:standardcontextual;} Ghostwriting Services Include:

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Ghostwriter Services

Ghostwriters for hire at affordable book ghostwriting packages.

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Audio books

With a huge variety of voices and styles, audio book creation and publishing services available at a great price point.

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Book Publishing

Book Publishing service sold globally on 20+ publishers, distributors, libraries and retailers.

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Book Editing

Book editing services, proofreading, typesetting, formatting, indexing, layout and presentation.

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Marketing Service

Book marketing services to get you that best-seller status!

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Author Website

Build your own online identity with a stellar website: Sell books, write blogs and build a fan-base!

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Book Distribution

 Make your book available to all major libraries and bookstores globally!

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Book Printing

Book printing services to print your book at the best price-point!

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Book Review

Get an expert opinion from a best-selling writer! Book review writing service offered within 24 hours.

Our Ghostwritten Best-sellers:

For over a decade, our professional ghostwriting services have achieved numerous best-sellers while ensuring complete confidentiality of your story. Whether you’re seeking to hire a ghostwriter for a biography, fiction, business book, or self-help book, we offer solutions tailored to both price point and quality.

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Our Ghostwriting Process:

Our professional ghost writing services for hire follow a tried and tested writing process that ensures your story gets the justice it deserves. We are also one of the few ghostwriting companies that work solely at the author’s pace & budget.

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Where We Publish Your Book.

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Why Work With Writers of the West?

We match you with yourself..

Have a great idea for a book? You've come the right place. We have one of the largest ghostwriting networks globally. Our ghostwriters are freelancers from diverse backgrounds, including natives from 32+ states in the USA and authors from over 15 countries worldwide. Our international ghostwriters hail from Europe, Canada, Australia, and many nations in Asia. ... Our services are ideal for personal brands looking to create engaging content and share their stories without the time and effort of writing themselves.Unlike many ghostwriting companies that claim to have the perfect writer for your story but only have 5-10 writers in an office, we offer a truly diverse and experienced team. With our extensive research and years of experience, we ensure that your story gets the justice it deserves.

Have a great idea for a book? We have one of the largest ghostwriting ... networks globally. Our ghostwriters are freelancers from diverse backgrounds, including natives from 32+ states in the USA and authors from over 15 countries worldwide. Our international ghostwriters hail from Europe, Canada, Australia, and many nations in Asia. Our services are also ideal for personal brands looking to create engaging content and share their stories without the time and effort of writing themselves. Unlike many ghostwriting companies that claim to have the perfect writer for your story but only have 5-10 writers in an office, we offer a truly diverse and experienced team. With our extensive research and years of experience, we ensure that your story gets the justice it deserves.

Flexible Payment Methods.

Our affordable ghostwriting services are as competitive as any other. We offer payment plans for all budgets. Many top ghostwriting firms charge high fees, while some offshore companies provide a poor experience. Our ghostwriter service offers great prices and flexible payment methods at 0% interest. We also have a self-paced program where you can pay as you go. Overall, we provide a smooth and convenient journey to becoming a published author, globally. ... We also have a self-paced program where you can pay as you go. Overall, we provide a smooth and convenient journey to becoming a published author, globally.

Our affordable ghostwriting services are as competitive as any other. We offer payment plans for all budgets. ... Many top ghostwriting firms charge high fees, while some offshore companies provide a poor experience. Our ghostwriter service offers great prices and flexible payment methods at 0% interest. We also have a self-paced program where you can pay as you go. Overall, we provide a smooth and convenient journey to becoming a published author, globally.

Global Publishing in 20+ Countries.

In addition to offering ghost writing service and publishing on Amazon, we provide a wide range of possibilities. We partner with major digital stores not only in the USA but also in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, France, Germany, England, India, and many more countries. ... We also offer free publishing consultation and can get your book into bookstores if needed. With our ghostwriting agency, the sky is the limit when you choose us as your publishing partner.

In addition to offering ghost writing service and publishing on Amazon, we provide a wide range of possibilities. We partner ... We also offer free publishing consultation and can get your book into bookstores if needed. With our ghostwriting agency, the sky is the limit when you choose us as your publishing partner.

We Write it, you own it.

We provide ghostwriter services where you retain full ownership of your book. All royalties belong to you. Our professional writers are paid a budget-friendly fee, and we offer a non-disclosure agreement. ... This ensures that we complete the entire job for you, under your name. Also, our ghostwriting services in USA offer to handle the copyright process, list your book with the Library of Congress, and manage any possible legalities.

We provide ghost writing services where you retain full ownership of your book. ... All royalties belong to you. Our professional writers are paid a budget-friendly fee, and we offer a non-disclosure agreement. This ensures that we complete the entire job for you, under your name. Also, our ghostwriting services in USA offer to handle the copyright process, list your book with the Library of Congress, and manage any possible legalities.

A 24/7 + Lifetime Service offer.

Our commitment to you extends far beyond the completion of your project. Our ghostwriters remain available for as long as you need them. In our experience, most companies rush to wrap up your project and move on to the next. ... At Writers of the West, we prioritize your lasting satisfaction. We have dedicated project managers available day and night to respond to you whenever needed. It doesn’t matter when you want to talk or how long it’s been since we’ve last talked; our professional ghostwriting services always have your full attention. Whether you want to discuss revisions, book cover design ideas, marketing strategies for your target audience, or brainstorming dynamic characters, we are here for you. We offer not just a transactional relationship, but a partnership that lasts a lifetime.

Our commitment to you extends far beyond the completion of your project. Our ghostwriters ... remain available for as long as you need them. In our experience, most companies rush to wrap up your project and move on to the next. At Writers of the West, we prioritize your lasting satisfaction. We have dedicated project managers available day and night to respond to you whenever needed. It doesn’t matter when you want to talk or how long it’s been since we’ve last talked; our professional ghostwriting services always have your full attention. Whether you want to discuss revisions, book cover design ideas, marketing strategies for your target audience, or brainstorming dynamic characters, we are here for you. We offer not just a transactional relationship, but a partnership that lasts a lifetime.

Ghostwriting services that vow to make a difference.

We're not your typical tech company. Why? Because we didn't start out chasing profits. We began as freelance ghostwriter services providers, driven by a passion to help people share their stories. As word of mouth spread in the publishing industry ... and authors sought us out, we realized our mission had grown. Over a decade later, we've earned respect in the industry, expanding from Houston to Los Angeles and now New York, with no intention of slowing down. Our approach is rooted in our dedication to helping storytellers hire a ghostwriter and deliver engaging content. This genuine commitment sets us apart in an industry often driven by financial motives. That's why we believe we're the best choice for hiring a ghostwriter online!

We're not your typical tech company. Why? Because we ... didn't start out chasing profits. We began as freelance ghostwriter services providers, driven by a passion to help people share their stories. As word of mouth spread in the publishing industry and authors sought us out, we realized our mission had grown. Over a decade later, we've earned respect in the industry, expanding from Houston to Los Angeles and now New York, with no intention of slowing down. Our approach is rooted in our dedication to helping storytellers hire a ghostwriter and delivering engaging content. This genuine commitment sets us apart in an industry often driven by financial motives. That's why we believe we're the best choice for hiring a ghostwriter online!

Our Values.

A business builds itself when you focus on your customer, and that has been our vision throughout this journey. At Writers of the West, we are confident in our ability to provide a book ghostwriting and publishing service unlike any other in the market!

we are a gender equality empowerment company

We are among the most diverse groups you'll find anywhere, and we love collaborating with individuals who dare to stand out!

we prefer young adult authors

It often gets hard out there for the young ones, and our ghostwriting services focus on giving them an equal opportunity; talent has no age!

we offer discounts for elderly and veteran authors

To those who were awake while we were asleep, as well as those who have lived to tell their tale, we are here to share your stories with extra compassion and financial support!

Our Ghostwriting Company Reviews:

In an era where companies write reviews for themselves, our ghostwriting company use real reviews from real people. Writers of the West successfully ranks as a top 10 book ghostwriting company, and you’re more than welcome to join the team!

I was searching for the perfect ghostwriting company for my book, but the company I initially chose had unusual demands and kept postponing the publication dates. Then I discovered They not only published my book on schedule but edited it well and also at a reasonable cost. I highly recommend them.

a good review of a customer who liked our services

I was searching for book ghostwriting services in USA and had a memoir written about my mother who passed away from breast cancer. Every time I read the book, it brings tears to my eyes. Thank you, Calvin, and customer service team from Writers of the West. 🙂

Jessica Peterson is a senior ghostwriter at writers of the west

I’ve always been a passionate reader but struggled to find the right words to bring my book vision to life. A friend recommended Writers of the West’s ghost writer company, and I’m so glad I took their advice. Their editing gave my book the final polish it needed, and now it’s better than ever before.

a good review of a customer who loved our services

The Ghostwriting Team:

You don’t just hire a ghostwriter with us; you get a whole team dedicated to set you up for success!

a senior ghostwriter working in our company

Professional Writer

Your writer will be your new best friend. A top ghostwriter is assigned based on the writer’s story, background, and preference.

a project manager for your books project

Project manager

Available 24/7 for your service.

designer for your illustration and design needs

For all your design and art needs.

publishing executive for consultancy and publishing your book

For all your publishing needs.

quality assurance rep to analyze your books content

Quality Assurance

To analyze and maintain quality content.

Our Recently Published Books:

When you hire a ghostwriter to write your book with Writers of the West, we take ownership and wear it like a badge of honor! Here are the recent releases from our superstars.

our recently written and published book

Makayla Barrios

our recently written and published book

Nita Childress

our recently written and published book

Cynthia Encinas-Concordia

our recently written and published book

Rusty Nosser

our recently written and published book

Letitia Marshall

our recently written and published book

Adam Friolet

our recently written and published book

Felicita “Terry” Robinson

our recently written and published book

Jonathan Goodie

Our Best-selling Ghostwriters:

Issac Mckinney a Houston-based freelance professional writer

Author | Professor | Physician

Issac Mckinney, MD, MACP, is a Professor at the School of Medicine at the University of Houston and writes biographies, working with Writers of the West’s writing team as a freelance ghostwriter for 4+ years.

Brienna Burroughs works with Writers of the West as a senior ghostwriter

Once a child with a wild imagination, Brienna is a seasoned author who writes fiction and works with our experienced writing team offering professional writing services.

Thomas Schaffer a senior book writer at our firm

Author | Entrepreneur | Motivational Speaker | Health & Lifestyle Expert

A nature lover at heart and a madman with the pen. A health and nutrition expert and an award winning ghostwriter who now works with our skilled writers at Writers of the West.

a senior writer with our firm

Author | Sociologist | Chess Player

Robert Whitehead is an American sociologist and book writer. He is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia and an experienced writer in the ghostwriting industry, having been with Writers of the West for 6 years.

natalia coldwater a senior ghostwriter at our company

Author | Psychologist | Educator Career | Counselor | Blogger

Natalia Coldwater is an author of speculative fiction short stories and novels who lives and writes in Brooklyn, NY and has been with Writers of the West as a top ghostwriter for more than 2 years.

Samuel Bridgerton works with Writers of the West as a senior proofreader

Samuel Bridgerton is a best-selling American ghostwriter and has been writing books since he was 12. An expert in the literary world, he has a B.A. and M.A. in English Literature from the University of Arizona. Sam works in our creative team as a senior editor.

Margaret Wells works with Writers of the West as a senior book editor

Author | Illustrator

Margaret Wells is an American skilled ghostwriter and illustrator of children’s books. Anonymous at heart, some of her ghostwritten books are truly one of the world’s best-written books and she’s been working with our experienced ghostwriters for 5 years.

Damien Campbell a best-selling author that works with us

Author | Journalist | Historian | Political Commentator

Damien Campbell was born in August 1978, in Englewood, New Jersey, and grew up in Rockport, Massachusetts, becoming one of the best ghost writers with Writers of the West.

Your assigned project manager at Writers of the West undergoes extensive training in this area. They work closely with you, experienced in discussing your story, guiding your thoughts, and assessing the conversation dynamics to ensure the content resonates with your target readers. Whether leading or following the conversation, they assist in content creation and book cover design as needed.

The costs vary depending on several factors: the required expertise (e.g., for a biography versus a technical book), the book’s length (which we determine during our initial discussion), and whether additional services such as formatting, indexing, typesetting, publishing, printing, and marketing are needed. When hiring a ghost writer with us, prices start at $800 and can go up to $5000, with flexible payment plans. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your project.

The duration of our book ghostwriting services depends on several factors, including the book’s length, the required expertise, the amount of research needed, and the frequency and timeliness of communication during the revision and discussion phases with the author. Typically, our ghostwriting book service involves drafting the manuscript over 2-4 months, followed by approximately one month for publishing. We start by gathering your project details and understanding your publishing goals.

When you hire a ghostwriter for a book with us, your project manager initiates a call to discuss your entire story. They record the conversation, then review and listen to it with a book writing manager. Based on this process, an informed decision is made about which of our writers best resonates with your story and can do it justice. Subsequently, our selected ghostwriter begins their work to bring your vision to life.

Our customers love us, and we have reviews everywhere:

Google: Our Ghostwriting Service Reviews

Facebook: Our Professsional Ghostwriters reviews

Trustpilot: Our best ghostwriting services in USA reviews Our b est ghostwriting company reviews

Sitejabber: Our affordable ghostwriters for book reviews

Hence, we are the factual choice if you’re considering hiring ghost writer company & are looking to hire a ghostwriter to write your book! 🙂

Our book editing services cover everything and are divided into different approaches as follows:

  • Proofreading: fix minor spelling and punctuation mistakes, typos, and includes book formatting services.
  • Line by line editing: more thorough editing, this covers the overall sentence structure, readability and clarity of the content. and
  • Developmental Editing: Reviews and asses the entire story arc, a more holistic approach to editing, with an approach of perfection. Working to improve the understanding of the content and its intent, and the overall flow of the work, ensuring the content is coherent and perfectly adjusted to the intended target audience, also includes ghostwriter services. 

Certainly! Our skilled ghostwriters provide you with a range of options to customize your book for non fiction and fiction books. You can select the dimensions of the book, from fonts ranging from modern to vintage styles. You also have the choice between colored or black-and-white pages, and can specify the quality and color of the book’s interior pages. When it comes to the book cover design, you can share your ideas and choose between glossy or matte materials. Our ghostwriter services also offer guidance on design styles preferred by both self publishing and traditional publishers.

No. At our ghost writer company, we have dedicated years to curating the finest ghost writers for hire to work with us . All A cross various genres from around the globe. This includes New York Times bestsellers, each excelling in their craft. We boast a diverse network of ghostwriters available for both fiction and non-fiction genres, ensuring the best ghostwriter service for aspiring authors worldwide. 

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Blog • Understanding Publishing

Last updated on May 13, 2024

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Ghostwriter? [Rates and Fees]

A ghostwriter’s help can be invaluable in researching, outlining, and writing the book you've always dreamed of . But securing their services requires thoughtful budgeting.

In this article, we look into how much it costs to hire a ghostwriter, drawing insights from hundreds of collaborations across diverse genres on our marketplace. If you’re curious about how much you can expect to pay, then read on.  

What will it cost you to hire a ghostwriter?

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Average ghostwriting fees

According to Reedsy data from 2023, a professional ghostwriter costs between $6,500 and $42,000 for nonfiction books, $3,500 to $16,000 for novels, and $1,500 to $5,000 for picture books. The pricing will depend on the ghostwriter’s experience and your specific book genre.

An infographic of the costs of ghostwriting services for fiction, nonfiction, and picture books

Here is a breakdown of the average cost range for book ghostwriting by genre and word count: 

Biographies & Memoirs

$12,000 to $42,000


Business & Management

$8,000 to $32,000



$6,500 to $26,000



$4,500 to $16,000


Science Fiction

$4,500 to $16,000


Action & Adventure

$4,000 to $16,000


Middle Grade

$3,500 to $15,000


Picture Books

$1,500 to $5,000


Biographies and memoirs top the charts as the most in-demand genres for ghostwriting, closely trailed by business and self-help books. This is because many authors seeking ghostwriters aren't natural wordsmiths but rather have interesting stories and valuable ideas to share.

Want to learn more about writing about your own life? You can check out our guide to writing a brilliant biography here , or learn how to pen a moving memoir over here .

Because of the extensive research and interviewing involved in writing these books, they are on the pricier side. While novice ghostwriters may charge around $10,000 per project, more experienced ones cost upwards of $40,000, and superstar ghosts can even charge six figures.

If, instead, you’re dreaming of learning the craft of novel writing with the help of a ghost, expect to pay between $4,500 to $16,000 for common genres like fantasy, sci-fi, and adventure or slightly less for shorter middle-grade books.

Last but not least, picture books fall between $1,500 and $5,000 per project , due to their limited word count.



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Your mission? A fantastic book. Find the perfect writer to complete it on Reedsy.

Charging per word, hour, or project

Based on Reedsy data, ghostwriting rates for book writing can range from $0.10 to $2 per word, $35 to $140 per hour, or $1,500 to $42,000 per project. 

For full-scale projects, most professionals charge a flat fee that covers various aspects of the work, from research to writing to manuscript revision, and then charge an hourly fee if any extra work is required. It’s highly unlikely for ghostwriters to charge per word or hour, unless you hire them for a short book or if you simply need them to revise or finish a part of your manuscript. 

Who pays for a ghostwriter?

If you self publish  your own writing , the cost of a ghostwriter will fall on you, whereas a traditional publisher will usually cover the fee — depending on what stage the writer is brought on board at.

Traditional publishing

If you've already signed a publishing deal to produce a ghostwritten book for a publisher, congrats! Your publisher will be covering the cost of the collaboration . If you're yet to secure a deal, but still want to pursue the traditional publishing route with the help of a ghostwriter, you may have to pay for some of their services yourself. 

You could hire a ghostwriter to write a book proposal that you, the ghostwriter, or an agent can submit to publishers . The ghost may then write the whole manuscript once a publisher has been secured. 

The typical book proposal for a traditional publisher is usually between 5,000 and 10,000 words 一 it contains a short synopsis, chapter breakdowns, and market research, as well as a sample book chapter. According to our data, the cost for a proposal ranges between $2,000 and $7,000.

If your book is commissioned in full, you’ll usually continue to work with the same ghostwriter to turn your proposal into a full manuscript. Again, this will be at the expense of the publisher. If instead you don’t get a deal, you can work independently with your ghost and pay them in full. In this case, the work already paid for the proposal (e.g., the draft of one chapter) will be deducted from the final fee.

Note that this method of writing a proposal and securing a book before the manuscript has been written applies mostly to the genre of nonfiction, as book proposals aren’t part of the fiction publishing process . That said, even for novels it’s common to hire a ghost to work on a book outline and sample chapter to test their skills and gauge whether you want to work with them or not. While traditional publishers would have a list of vetted writers and samples, in self-publishing you would have to start with this step.


The self-publishing route will give you complete creative control over your book, but you’ll be entirely responsible for finding the right ghostwriter, negotiating the scope of work, and, of course, paying for it. 

Illustration of a ghostwriter hiding a book

Freelance ghostwriters will have varying ways of organizing payment. Generally, you can expect to pay part of the fee upfront and the rest in installments. The initial fee ensures commitment from both parties and mitigates the risk involved in embarking on a costly and demanding project without guaranteed success.

The other stages at which you pay are negotiated and may be determined by the length of the book or the kind of project you’re working on — a memoir might have different milestones than a novel. You might decide to pay them by chapter, or after the first half of the draft is finished. Some people prefer to wait until they have a completed first draft. Whatever makes the most sense for your collaboration and publishing timeline.

Payments in installments also allow you to walk away from the relationship if it doesn't work out or you change your mind. On the Reedsy marketplace, we offer mediation so that if a collaboration does go off track, you have even more protection than if you directly hired the ghostwriter. Regardless, the most important thing is that you are both clear about what is expected and that there is an atmosphere of mutual trust.

Indirect costs of ghostwriting

Keep in mind that the project fee may not be the only cost involved with hiring a ghostwriter. You have to consider additional expenses that could arise from interview-related activities, legal considerations, or the need for further editing services. Let’s go through them one by one. 

Travel costs

If your book requires in-person interviews or research-related travel, you’ll have to cover the budget for the ghostwriter transportation, meals, and lodging, which could potentially tally up to an additional few thousand dollars.

Transcription costs

You may also need to pay for the interviews transcription costs. As ghostwriter Tom Bromely points out, if you don’t want your recordings accessible in the public domain or stored on personal devices, opting for more premium services becomes necessary. “While many authors are comfortable with ghosts utilizing budget-friendly tools like Descript , those concerned about privacy may prefer them to use more secure tools like , which provides human transcription services.”

Legal costs

Then there’s the legal side of it. Before starting the collaboration, you’ll need to draft a contract defining deliverables, timelines, revision agreements, payment schemes, but also copyrights and non-disclosure agreements, among other things. You could use a basic contract, or hire the ghost through platforms like Reedsy, which offers an automated contract that can be edited with additional clauses.

But if you have more complex considerations or require legal advice (e.g., for a libel read of your book, if it’s contentious) getting a lawyer to draft the contract may be a wise move. Unless you’re already paying for a lawyer, this will cost you some money.

Copy editing costs

Finally, while pro ghostwriters will hand you a polished finished manuscript, you can’t expect them to do the other types of editing like cost editing and proofreading. Like any other writer, they’re too close to the work to notice every little mistake and typo. Just as if you wrote the manuscript, the best practice is to have someone else  polish it for publication .

Similar to how you would approach a manuscript you wrote yourself, the best practice is to have someone else look at it and polish it for publication. On average , you'll pay just shy of $2,000 to copy edit a nonfiction book of 75,000 words.

However, you usually have some rounds of structural edits included in your project fee. So at least you won’t have to pay for those. Once you receive the first draft, make sure to thoroughly review it , perhaps even asking friends and second readers to do so, so that the final manuscript will only require a final proofing before publication. 

Will ghosts work for a share of the royalties? 

The brief answer is no, particularly if the client is not an established publishing house. If the ghost will spend three to six months working for you (and forgoing other work), they are unlikely to defer their salary when there’s no guarantee the project will be a commercial success.

Very few books make much money from sales — both in self-publishing and even in traditional publishing. You are quite unlikely to earn back the money that you are going to spend on a ghostwriter from sales alone, especially enough to split the royalties with them. It’s better to think of the money you spend on a ghostwriter as an investment. They will help you achieve your goal and publish a book you both can be proud of. 

Ultimately, there’s no set price for how much a ghostwriter will cost. Every project is unique and requires different skills and investments from you and any potential ghost. One way to get an estimate on Reedsy is to request quotes from ghostwriters. This will give you an idea of how much it might cost to work with one, and turn your dream of publishing a book into a reality.

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ultimate list of famous ghostwriters

Famous Ghostwriters Who Have Shaped the Literary World and Beyond

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Ghostwriting means writing or book editing on behalf of someone else, understanding the work will be attributed to the client as the original author. Despite the controversy surrounding ghostwriting, it remains a popular practice in the publishing industry. In fact, many celebrities and public figures hire ghostwriters to help them write their memoirs or autobiographies . While the use of ghostwriters may raise ethical questions, it is important to recognize that some of the famous ghostwriters play a valuable role in helping authors bring their stories to life.

This article will explore what ghostwriting is, which famous writers and celebrities use this approach, and why it is a popular option to publish things.

Best Ghost Writers in the History of Book Publishing

You can run across books or other pieces of writing you are familiar with. Yet, you may not know that the real writer is hidden under the names you hear. We’ve collected top ghostwriters who are also known for their ghost works.

1.   Katherine Anne Porter

Katherine Anne Porter , one of the most important American writers of the 20th century, started her career as a journalist and a ghostwriter. She was hired to write articles, reviews, and speeches for different clients, but her most significant work was an autobiography of a Texas Oilman. Although Porter’s name is not officially associated with the book, many scholars believe that she was the real author of the work, as it strongly resembles her style and themes.

2.   Richard Flanagan

Richard Flanagan , the Australian novelist, journalist, and screenwriter, has had a diverse writing career, including work as a famous ghostwriter. In the early 2000s, Flanagan agreed to help a prominent Australian businessman who wanted to write a memoir about his experiences in the corporate world. Flanagan was hired to help the businessman write and structure the book, published to critical acclaim. Although Flanagan’s role as a ghostwriter was not officially acknowledged, it demonstrated his versatility and ability to write in various styles and genres.

3.   Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette

Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette , French novelist, performer, and journalist, was also considered the best ghostwriter. In the early 1900s, Colette was hired by her first husband, Henry Gauthier-Villars, to write a series of popular novels under his name. These novels, which featured a semi-autobiographical character named “Willy,” were incredibly successful and helped to establish Gauthier-Villars as a leading figure in the French literary scene. However, it wasn’t until after their divorce that Colette revealed the true extent of her involvement in creating these novels. She went on to establish herself as one of France’s most important and influential writers in her own right.

4.   Alan Dean Foster

Alan Dean Foster , the American science fiction and fantasy author, is known for being one of the most famous ghost writers. Foster has been hired to provide fiction ghostwriting services of popular films such as “Star Wars,” “Alien,” and “The Chronicles of Riddick,” among others. While the novels are officially credited to the film’s creators, Foster is widely recognized as the true author of these works. One interesting fact about Foster is that he authorized the first-ever “Star Wars” spin-off novel, “Splinter of the Mind’s Eye,” published in 1978.

5.   Mark Twain

That is right: even Mark Twain used to ghostwrite. In the 1860s, Twain was hired by a San Francisco newspaper to write a series of humorous sketches under a pen name. These sketches were wildly popular and helped to establish Twain as a leading literary figure of his time. Although his work as a ghostwriter was not officially acknowledged, it demonstrated his talent for writing in various styles and his ability to capture the spirit of his audience .

6.   Peter Lerangis

Peter Lerangis is a prolific American author who has made a name for himself as a writer of young adult and children’s literature. One of his notable works is the ghostwriting of the book series, The Baby-Sitters Club.

The Baby-Sitters Club was a popular book series written by Ann M. Martin in the 1980s and 1990s. Peter Lerangis was brought in as a ghostwriter for the series in the early 1990s. As a ghostwriter, Lerangis was tasked with writing new books in the series under Martin’s name. This meant that Lerangis had to study Martin’s writing style and voice in order to write in a way that was consistent with the existing books.

Despite the challenge, Lerangis proved to be a skilled ghostwriter, penning several successful books in the series. His contributions to the series include books such as “Mary Anne and the Haunted Bookstore,” “Claudia and the Lighthouse Ghost,” and “Jessi’s Secret Language.

7.   Robert Lindsay

Robert Lindsay is a well-known writer and ghostwriter who has made significant contributions to literature and the entertainment industry. Among his many achievements, Lindsay has ghostwritten for two iconic figures in American history: Marlon Brando and Ronald Reagan.

In the 1990s, Lindsay was approached by Marlon Brando to help him write his memoir, which was eventually titled “Songs My Mother Taught Me.” Brando was known for his legendary acting career, but he was also an avid reader and writer. He recognized Lindsay’s talent as a writer and sought his help to tell his life story. Lindsay spent countless hours interviewing Brando, researching his life, and crafting the book. The result was a moving and introspective memoir that shed light on Brando’s life and his experiences in Hollywood.

Lindsay’s work with Ronald Reagan was also significant. In the 1980s, Reagan hired Lindsay to help him write his autobiography, “An American Life.” The book became a bestseller and provided readers with an intimate look at Reagan’s life, from his humble beginnings in Illinois to his rise to the presidency.

In addition to his work with Brando and Reagan, Lindsay has ghostwritten for numerous other public figures, including politicians, business leaders, and celebrities. His writing has touched the lives of countless readers, and his contributions to the literary world are significant and enduring.

Celebrities Who Use Ghostwriters’ Help 

1.   hillary clinton..

Clinton used memoir writers for hire for her piece “Living History,” which detailed her life from childhood to her years as First Lady of the United States.

2.   Beyoncé .

The pop icon has used ghostwriters for many of her hit songs, including “Single Ladies” and “Drunk in Love.” While she is known to collaborate with other writers, she is still credited as the primary songwriter on all of her songs.

3.   Jay-Z.

He is one of the authors who have used ghostwriters for several of his hit songs, including “Empire State of Mind” and “Run This Town.”

4.   The Kardashians.

Every Kardashian family member has used business ghostwriters for social media posts and other content. While they have denied these allegations, their use of ghostwriters has contributed to their massive success and influence.

5.   Stephen King.

Stephen King is an example of a famous author who uses ghostwriters. While he has been criticized for this, he has also been praised for his willingness to collaborate with other writers and his dedication to his craft.

Why Famous People Need Ghostwriters?

Lack of time.

Many celebrities lead busy lives with demanding schedules that leave little time for writing or to proofread a book . Celebrity ghost writers help publish books, articles, and other written content without sacrificing their other commitments.

To ensure the work quality

While many famous people are talented in their respective fields, they may have different levels of expertise when it comes to writing. A ghostwriter can help them to articulate their ideas more effectively and craft a more polished final product.

Privacy reasons

They can maintain greater control over their public image and keep certain aspects of their lives private. It is especially important for public figures who the media and the public may constantly scrutinize.

Wrapping Up

Ghostwriting has been used by famous writers, authors, and public figures throughout history to share their stories and ideas with the world. While some may view the practice as deceitful or disingenuous, it is a common and accepted practice in the publishing industry. For many celebrities, ghostwriters are essential in helping them navigate their busy schedules and craft high-quality written content.

As long as such writing is done ethically and transparently, it can be a valuable tool for authors and public figures, helping them share their unique perspectives and experiences with the world. Check out our service to learn more about the best ghostwriters or get our diverse ghostwriting services, including, but not limited to ebook editing .

What famous authors use ghostwriters?

Many famous authors have used ghostwriters, including Alexandre Dumas, Ian Fleming, Stephen Covey, Donald Trump, Howard Schultz, Jack Welch, Richard Branson, and Sam Walton, to name a few. These authors have turned to ghostwriters to assist them with various aspects of their writing, such as research, editing, and technical writing.

Do famous authors use ghostwriters? 

Yes, famous authors have been known to use ghostwriters. While some authors are transparent about their use of ghostwriters, others may not acknowledge their contribution publicly. Ghostwriting can enable authors to focus on their ideas and vision while leaving the technical aspects of writing and research to a professional. As a result, ghostwritten books have become iconic pieces of literature that have inspired and entertained readers around the world.

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Is a Book Still an Autobiography if Written by a Ghostwriter?

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Why do so many celebrities, politicians, and executives turn to ghostwriters to help them write their autobiographies and memoirs?

It’s simple: writing a book is hard, time-consuming work.

Plus, just because someone holds a position of authority or fame doesn’t mean they are skilled at writing. It makes sense to enlist the help of an expert to get a book written, especially within a tight timeframe.

Some estimates place the percentage of autobiographies written with a ghostwriter as high as 100 percent , particularly if the subject is a person of influence.  

But if a ghostwriter writes it, how can it still be an autobiography?

Start With Some Definitions

The terms “autobiography” and “memoir” are often used interchangeably. This makes sense because there is a fair amount of overlap between the two genres. For both types, the subject of the book is also the author.

So what’s the difference between the two?


The Institute for Writers describes autobiographies as more focused on giving a factual account of a person’s life, from the time of their birth until the present day. They tend to be organized in a chronological fashion, and provide a more objective depiction of the events from a person’s life.

Memoirs, on the other hand, target a particular aspect of someone’s life. This could be a significant life event, or it could focus on a theme that was important throughout the person’s life.  

Memoirs are less concerned with providing every detail of the author’s life. The focus is more on emotions and it is more introspective. A memoir invites readers into the author’s head. This approach gives memoirs a more intimate feel than an autobiography.

Biographies, are clearly distinct from autobiographies and memoirs. They are accounts of a person’s life written by a third party other than the subject.

There are similarities in that a biography includes factual information about a person’s life. They are often written in chronological order, and tend to be more descriptive, rather than introspective and emotional, much like many autobiographies.

There is more distance between the reader and subject with a biography because the author cannot speculate about what emotions and thoughts the subject experienced. These things can be illustrated through actual quotes spoken or written by the subject, but the author cannot fully present the subject’s internal life.

Why Isn’t a Ghostwritten Autobiography or Memoir Actually a Biography?

An author is defined as either “the writer of a literary work (such as a book)” or “one that originates or creates something.”

Under the second definition, a ghostwriter is simply taking what the author has originally conceptualized and helps put it into form.

It’s this second definition that applies here. The person who hires the ghostwriter is the author because it is their ideas and concepts that form the basis for the book. You could say the ghostwriter acts as an interpreter for their client, who remains the actual author.

Professors have assistants to carry out their research ideas and business executives rely on their staff to take care of the details of implementing their projects, but still receive credit as the author or originator of the final product.

In this same vein, ghostwriters write under the direction of the subject, carrying out their vision for the story of their life. The ghostwriter essentially acts as the author’s scribe.

Acceptance by the Audience

There is a kind of tacit understanding that any memoir or autobiography written by a celebrity or other famous public figure was likely done with help. Whether that help remains completely unnamed, shares credit as a co-author, or something in-between is largely up to the publisher and subject/author.

How much the public cares about the involvement of a ghostwriter can depend somewhat on the profession of the author. Political and business leaders need to maintain a higher level of credibility than, for example, a social media star of relatively short-lived fame.

In one extreme example, ghostwriter Zara Lisbon was assigned to write the memoir of a teenaged Instagram star. Lisbon never actually got to meet her subject, and had to make up scenes and characters from what she could gather from the star’s Instagram life.

Lisbon asserts this wasn’t a deceitful practice, because the book was based on the subject’s Instagram persona, which was not necessarily one based on her actual life. “It was a fictional memoir of the girl her fans knew her to be,” Lisbon explained. “Her caricature on Instagram is who I wrote about.”

The Ethical Question of Ghostwriting Autobiographies

Because an autobiography is by its definition an account written by the subject about their own life, some feel this can be misleading to readers.

In the case of Zara Lisbon’s social media star, the facts may have been stretched a bit too far. But for most legitimate subjects, this is not the practice.

John Doppler of the Alliance of Independent Authors believes the ghostwriter has a responsibility to ensure the writing accurately reflects the thoughts and feelings of the book’s subject. “A work manufactured almost entirely by the ghostwriter, which imparts wit and insight that doesn’t belong to the client, is a fraud committed against the reader,” he writes.

The ghostwriter’s job is to gather the facts of the author’s life and present them in an engaging way while sticking to the truth. One could even argue ghostwriters make for a more truthful account because they take the time to fact check their subject’s stories.

Ghostwriter Jonathan Campbell (a pseudonym) wrote in the Independent how he was unable to verify many of the stories told to him by an actress whose autobiography he was helping to write. “Every anecdote I checked out just didn’t stand up to scrutiny. Either she was in a different country at the time, they weren’t famous then – or on one occasion the person she was supposed to have met hadn’t yet been born.”

Many authors handle the question of ethics by being more transparent about how the book was written. Political and business leaders such as former first lady, U.S. senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton, Former Treasury secretary Timothy F. Geithner, and former first lady Laura Bush are all examples of people who give credit in their acknowledgements to their ghostwriters. Some authors will even give their ghostwriter credit as a co-author, such as “Lee Ioacca with William Novak” and “Malcolm X. with Alex Haley.”

How to Make Your Ghostwritten Autobiography Authentic

The author and ghostwriter need to work closely together.

The process of creating an autobiography or memoir with a ghostwriter requires a high level of collaboration between the author and writer. Trust is an important factor: the author is entrusting the story of their life to another person. They will need to feel comfortable sharing personal details about their life with the ghostwriter.

This means the author will need to spend a significant amount of time sharing their story with the ghostwriter. Ideally this should involve conversations in person or over the phone, and not just written correspondence.

To achieve a book that is an authentic account of the author’s life, the more comfortable the author is with sharing personal details and their thoughts and emotions with their ghostwriter, the more real the final manuscript can be.

The Book Should Capture the Author’s “Voice”

Every individual has their own unique voice. For some, their voice is very distinct and recognizable. The ghostwriter needs to capture their style of speaking, the way they tell stories, and convey their personality.

When reading the autobiography or memoir, the reader needs to hear the author’s voice in their head. The task of the ghostwriter is to study the author’s voice so they can replicate it when writing their story.

Authors Should Review the Material

Ronald Reagan famously joked about his presidential memoir, An American Life : “I hear it’s a terrific book. One of these days I’m going to read it myself.”

Whether or not Reagan actually read his book, for an autobiography to be an authentic representation of the author and their life, they should certainly read the book before it is published.

More importantly, the author should review drafts of the manuscript during the writing process. This is the best way to ensure the ghostwriter is capturing the author’s voice and sharing their life story the way they want it to be told.

Thinking About Writing Your Autobiography or Memoir?

If you are interested in trying your hand at writing your own memoir or autobiography, you can start by exploring the process in general . This will help you decide if you want to try it on your own or with the help of a ghostwriter.

If you decide you would like to enlist the help of a ghostwriter, check out our tips here on how to find one that is the best fit for you.

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2 thoughts on “ Is a Book Still an Autobiography if Written by a Ghostwriter? ”

A very enlightening article.Have found it very useful.

Thanks, Mary! We are glad to hear that you enjoyed it.

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10 Famous Ghostwriters Who Transformed the Literary World

Rich and famous people commission ghostwriters to put together a narrative of their eventful life or ideas because they lack the expertise or time to write it themselves. The term “famous ghostwriters” seems to be an oxymoron since most of them remain anonymous. But then, some emerged out of the shadows and into the public eye. One literary ghost who later came to the limelight said: “Behind the title of a ghostwriter, I… converse with kings and billionaires… the homeless… rock stars and actors.” Literary ghosts are everywhere, some of whom later became famous and blazed the trails for others. Let these famous ghostwriters inspire you to take your writing skills to the next level.

10 Famous Ghostwriters You Should Know About

1. alan dean foster.

The novel Star Wars Episode IV: a New Hope, also known as Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker, was ghostwritten by Alan Dean Foster. Although George Lucas gets the most credit for turning this masterpiece into a 1977 classic film, Foster was its real author. While the movie broke unbelievable boundaries, there are still a lot of scenes that didn’t make it to the big screen and can only be enjoyed through the original novel’s pages. Foster also contributed other works to the Star Wars novel series. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of his novelization of several successful sci-fi movie franchises including Star Trek, Alien, Transformers, and The Terminator, totaling close to close to 50 books. Check out his complete list of published novels in the last half a century.

2. Ted Sorensen

3. h. p. lovecraft.

If you are a fan of horror stories, you would know H. P. Lovecraft. A creator of supernatural tales, he found fame for his short story collection titled The Call of Cthulhu. But he is a famous ghostwriter who wrote for the popular escape artist and onetime president of the Society of American Magicians, Harry Houdini. He was born in August 1890 and died in March 1937. While he was virtually unknown during his lifetime, his genius was posthumously recognized. He became distinguished as the master of supernatural and horror fiction of the 20 th century. Weird Tales, the literary magazine founded by J.C. Henneberger, bought Lovecraft’s short stories. At about the same time, its founder hired Lovecraft to write a supposedly valid account about Harry Houdini entitled Under the Pyramids (Imprisoned with the Pharaohs). The outcome impressed Houdini so much that he hired Lovecraft to ghostwrite different stories for him until his death. Here is a link to the complete bibliography of H. P. Lovecraft . This Wikipedia page contains a list of the books published under his name, as well as his ghostwriting works.

4. Eric Van Lustbader

5. andrew neiderman.

Discussing famous ghostwriters without mentioning Andrew Neiderman would be so wrong. C. Andrews was the author of Flowers in the Attic and other stories in the series. Her taboo family drama tales needed to be continued after her death in 1986 to satisfy the curiosity of many wondering teenagers. Andrews’ estate hired Neiderman to complete stories left unfinished by the legendary novelist. Neiderman did more than that when he wrote other similar series to her credit. How he has maintained the tone, style, and personality of the original author is worthy of mention. This former high school teacher who impressively leaped into ghostwriting has made a name for himself as well in literature. He published dozens of novels in his name, including the book The Devil’s Advocate, which was made into a movie starring Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves in 1997. You can check here to see the complete list of Andrew Neiderman’s books , including those published under the V. C. Andrews Trust.

6. Katherine Anne Porter

7. sidonie-gabrielle colette, 8. peter lerangis.

Although he’s a distinguished author of children’s and young adult fiction such as Seven Wonders and 39 Clues, this Harvard scholar is also a famous ghostwriter. He authored books for the Sweet Valley High series, Three Investigators, and Hardy Boys series under the alias A. L. Singer. He also worked on over 40 books in The Babysitters Club series. He also novelized over twenty film screenplays. It includes Beauty and the Beast, The Sixth Sense, Sleepy Hollow, and Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. Here is a list of Peter Lerangis’ published works .

9. Samuel Langhorne Clemens, a.k.a. Mark Twain

The Autobiography of General Ulysses S. Grant: Memoirs of the Civil War may have been fully credited to the great American Civil War general and former US President, but it was Mark Twain who put it all together. Yes, Mark Twain, the American humorist William Faulkner called “the father of American literature.” With Twain’s help, former President Grant published his memoirs. This book became a bestseller and provided a means for the former president to retire comfortably as there were no lifetime benefits for presidents of that time. He also wrote the novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn under his pen name. These two books are among the greatest American classic literature. You can find here a complete list of Mark Twain’s published works .

10. Robert Lindsay

These ten famous ghostwriters or collaborators worked with people who either had an idea to express or had already laid the groundwork for a book but could not build it all the way through. This explains what many ghostwriters do. Although some never get public recognition, they might have felt some sense of fulfillment in knowing that their work become bestsellers. So, if you work behind the scenes as a content creator, making hit Facebook posts, Instagram posts, or Tweets for famous figures, we might not see you, but we hear you. It could be a stepping stone to becoming one of the many famous ghostwriters in history and publishing your work .

Rafal Reyzer

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