Free Assignment Tracking Template for Google Sheets

  • Last updated December 14, 2023

Are you looking for an assignment tracking template? When your tasks begin to pile up into several imaginary towers, it’s easy for you to be overwhelmed, not knowing where to start. Moreover, you might not even be able to keep track of all of them, resulting in missed assignments and potentially bad marks.

Having an assignment tracker to keep every task means you’ll be able to organize, stay on top, and complete all your assignments on time. All you need to do is open our Assignment Tracking Template , hit the  “Make a copy”  button and start sorting out your to-do list.

Access Template

While it’s easy to navigate, make sure you read ahead to discover how to use our assignment tracking template to the fullest. We also have another assignment tracking template  that lets you map out your assignments throughout the semester—a perfect fit for your syllabus.

Table of Contents

What Should a Good Homework Spreadsheet Have?

In general, you’ll want a few fields that will help describe your assigned tasks and some markers for better organization. Here are some essential components to look for:

  • Assignment description: An efficient assignment tracking template will have space so you can jot down assignment notes. This avoids confusion and lets you anticipate the difficulty of your to-dos.
  • Dates:  Having dedicated fields for your due dates lets you plan your schedule better. This way, you know how much time you have to complete a task. Additionally, when paired with your assignment notes, you can sort them according to priority levels.
  • Completion status: Keeping track of task statuses lets you know which tasks have started, are in progress, are accomplished, or need revision. Moreover, it’s also a great way to remember which tasks you need to return to.
  • Subject and type:  You also want to categorize your assignments into their respective subjects. Another way to group them is by assignment type, including papers, lab reports, collaborative work, and similar tasks.

The components above are only a few useful fields in an assignment tracking template. For example, some spreadsheets also include monthly views or trackers for semester-wide assignment lists . Templates such as these will undoubtedly have other categories you’d need to explore.

Basic Assignment Tracking Template

With all the considerations laid out above, we created a simple but effective assignment tracking template you can use for free. While it may only feature a single functional tab, it has nine named columns you can organize according to your tasks.

If you haven’t already, you can download our free assignment tracking template here:

Let’s discuss the template in more detail .

Column A—Days Remaining

This is self-explanatory, but you can refer to this column to see the number of days you have left to do or submit your assignment. Depending on the days remaining, you can also decide which tasks to prioritize according to their deadlines.

The cells under this column are automatically updated using our pre-loaded formulas , so avoid modifying them. Instead, you can change the values under the last two columns of this template.

Assignment tracking template—days remaining column

Columns B to D—Tags for Status, Subject, and Task Type

Under these columns, you can set the categories of your assignments either by their completion status, class, or assignment type. You can select the values from the drop-down lists that come with the template based on the American curriculum.

Additionally, these statuses are associated with specific colors, making them more visual so that you can view and handle multiple ongoing tasks more efficiently. If the subjects listed differ from what you’re currently taking, you can modify the options.

To modify the subject options, follow the steps below:

  • First, click on a cell’s drop-down list and locate the pen icon at the bottom.

Assignment tracking template—drop-down list pen icon

  • Click the pen icon to open the drop-down settings on the left-hand side of your screen.
  • Change the values listed on the options, such as editing Math  to Physics.
  • Once you’ve set your preferred selection, click the “ Done” button.

Assignment tracking template—data validation on Google Sheets

  • Upon clicking, a pop-out might appear on your screen asking whether to apply the changes to a wider cell range.
  • Simply click “Apply   to all”  to replicate the changes to the other cells.

Assignment tracking template—apply data validation to all

Another handy feature is the filter option in the “Status”  column. You can use this to view your tasks based on their completion level. For example, you can choose to see only the in-progress tasks. Here’s how you do it.

  • To get started, click on the filter icon next to the “Status”  label.

Assignment tracking template—filter icon on Google Sheets

  • You should see a list of values with checkmarks on their left side once you scroll down.
  • To deselect all of them, click on “ Clear.”

Assignment tracking template—clearing filter values on Google Sheets

  • Next, begin selecting the tasks you want to see per status, such as To start  and In-progress.
  • Finally, click “OK.”

Assignment tracking template—change filter value on Google Sheets

  • To revert the view, simply follow steps one to five, ensuring to select all the categories again.

Columns E to I—Assignment Details

You can start entering the information you know about the tasks at hand. The columns E to G are divided into three categories: Assignment Title, Description, and Files/Links. If your assignment has attachments and URLs, such as resources, you can keep them in the last column mentioned.

Assignment tracking template—assignment details tracker

Meanwhile, columns H to I serve as fields where you can input the dates when your task is given and when you need to submit it. Take note that these are installed with data validation rules—you can’t enter values that aren’t valid dates. These values are also used to calculate the Days Remaining column.

Semester Assignment Spreadsheet

If you are looking to plan your entire semester ahead of time with your potential tasks, this is a helpful assignment tracking template. It’s much simpler than the previous spreadsheet discussed and gives you a semester-wide overview of your assignments.

Get the template here:   Semester Assignment Spreadsheet

This assignment tracking template has only three fields that you can update. The first field is the (1) Date , which is located under the seven days of the week (with a total of fifteen weeks in the spreadsheet as per the American semester.)

Assignment tracking template—semester assignment spreadsheet

The second is the (2) Tags  field, which allows you to categorize your tasks according to the subject. As with the other template, these tags are color-coded for an easier view. Lastly, you can also populate the (3) Assignment Details , the blank spaces beside the tags.

Why Use Our Assignment Schedule Templates?

You can virtually make a never-ending list of benefits from using a homework spreadsheet, but to name a few, here are some reasons why they’re beneficial for managing your workload.

  • Organization: As repeatedly emphasized, these assignment tracking templates help you categorize your tasks according to subject, type, and completion status, making it easier to organize your workload.
  • Time Management:  You can keep track of your due dates better with the automated counting of the days remaining for a task. You can manage your time better and learn to prioritize tasks according to deadlines.
  • Easy Access:  Our spreadsheets run on Google Sheets , which you can easily access anywhere, as long as you are connected to the internet. On top of that, they’re also ready to be filled out as soon as you make a copy for yourself.

Wrapping Up

Sticking to your deadlines and organizing your tasks doesn’t need to be complicated. You can easily do this with the help of our assignment tracking template on Google Sheets. Access more of these excellent templates by visiting our other blogs too!

If you want to learn about Google Sheets to the next level, consider checking out relevant courses at Udemy .

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5 Free Assignment Tracking Templates for Google Sheets

Posted on Last updated: November 18, 2023

It’s that time of year again—assignments are piling up and it feels impossible to stay on top of everything. As a student, keeping track of all your assignments, due dates, and grades can be overwhelmingly stressful. That’s why using a Google Sheet as an assignment tracker can be a total game-changer.

With customizable assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can easily create a centralized place to organize all your academic responsibilities. The best part? These templates are completely free. 

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets and provide links to some excellent templates that any student can use to get organized and take control of their workload.

The Benefits of Using Assignment Tracking Templates for Google Sheets

Assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets offer several advantages that can help students stay on top of their work. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Centralized tracking: Rather than having assignments scattered across syllabi, emails, and other documents, an assignment tracking spreadsheet consolidates everything in one place. By leveraging assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can kiss goodbye to hunting for due dates or double-checking requirements.
  • Customizable organization: Students can add or remove columns in the template to fit their needs. Thanks to this, they can effectively track due dates, point values, grades, and other helpful details. They can also color code by class or status for visual organization.
  • Easy access: Google Sheets are accessible from any device with an internet connection. With this, you can easily view, update, or add assignments whether you are on your laptop, phone, or tablet.
  • Shareable with others: For group assignments or projects, assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets make collaboration seamless as you can share the sheet with a study group or entire class to coordinate.
  • Helps prioritization: Sort assignments by due date or point value to always know what needs your attention first. With prioritization added to assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can stay on top of bigger projects and assignments.
  • Reduces stress: There’s no better feeling than looking at your assignment tracker and knowing everything is organized and under control. Saves time spent scrambling, too.

Picking the Perfect Assignment Tracking Templates Google Sheets

When choosing assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you’ll want one with specific fields and features that make it easy to stay on top of your work. Here’s what to look for in a homework organizer template:

  • Assignment Details: A column for writing down each assignment’s name, instructions, and notes will help you remember exactly what you need to do.
  • Due Dates: Columns for listing the due dates of assignments, tests, and projects allow you to see what’s coming up and schedule your time wisely.
  • Status Tracker: A place to mark assignments as “Not Started,” “In Progress,” or “Completed” lets you check on what still needs your attention.
  • Subject and Type: Categories or labels for sorting assignments by subject or type (essay, presentation, etc) keep your spreadsheet tidy.
  • Big Picture View: Some templates include a calendar view or semester schedule to help you plan assignments week-by-week or month-by-month.

The right spreadsheet has the fields you need to fully describe your homework and organize it in a way that works for you. With the perfect template, staying on top of assignments is easy

Top Assignment Tracking Templates

Now that you know the benefits and what to look for in an assignment spreadsheet, we have compiled a list of top assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets that will help you seamlessly track your assignments. 

And guess what? You don’t need robust experience with Google Sheets to maximize these templates, as they are easy to use.

Convenient Homework Planner Template

spreadsheet magic for assignment tracking

The Convenient Homework Planner Template is one of the most comprehensive and user-friendly assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets. It’s an excellent fit for students seeking an all-in-one solution to organize their work.

This template includes separate tabs for an overview calendar, assignment list, and weekly schedule. The calendar view lets you see all assignments, tests, and projects for the month at a glance. You can quickly identify busy weeks and plan accordingly.

On the assignment list tab, you can enter details like the assignment name, class, due date, and status.

The weekly schedule tab provides a simple agenda-style layout to record daily assignments, activities, and reminders. This helps you allocate time and schedule focused work sessions for tasks.

Key Features

  • Monthly calendar view for big-picture planning
  • Assignment list with details like class, due date, and status
  • Weekly schedule with time slots to map out days
  • Due date alerts to never miss a deadline

With its intuitive layout, useful visual features, and thorough assignment tracking, the Convenient Homework Planner has all you need to master organization and time management as a student. By leveraging this template, you’ll spend less time shuffling papers and focusing more on your academics. 

Ready to explore this assignment tracking template? Click the link below to get started. 

The Homework Hero Template

spreadsheet magic for assignment tracking

The Homework Hero is an excellent assignment-tracking template tailored to help students conquer their academic workload. This easy-to-use Google Sheet template has dedicated sections to log critical details for each class.

The Subject Overview area allows you to record the teacher’s name, subject, department, and timeline for each course. This provides helpful context and reminds you of important class details.

The main homework tracking area includes columns for each day of the week. Here, you can enter the specific assignments, readings, and tasks to be completed for every class on a given day. No more guessing what work needs to get done.

At the extreme end of this sheet is a section for additional notes. Use this to jot down reminders about upcoming projects, tests, or other priorities.

Key features

  • Subject Overview section for every class
  • Columns to record daily homework tasks
  • Extra space for notes and reminders
  • An intuitive layout to map out the weekly workload
  • Easy to customize with additional subjects

The Homework Hero assignment tracking template empowers students to feel in control of their assignments. No more frantic scrambling each day to figure out what’s due. With this template, you can approach schoolwork with confidence.

Click the link below to get started with this template. 

The A+ Student Planner Template

spreadsheet magic for assignment tracking

The A+ Student Planner is the perfect template for students seeking an organized system to manage assignments across all their courses. This Google Sheet template has useful sections to input key details for flawless homework tracking.

The Weekly Overview calendar makes it easy to see your full workload at a glance from Sunday to Saturday. You can note assignments, projects, tests, and other school events in the daily boxes.

The Class Information section contains columns to list your class, teacher, room number, and times. This ensures you have all the essential details in one place for each course.

The main Assignment Tracking area provides space to log the name, description, due date, and status of each homework task, project, exam, or paper. No more scrambling to remember what needs to get done.

  • Weekly calendar view to map out school events and tasks
  • Class information organizer for easy reference
  • Robust assignment tracking with all critical details
  • An intuitive layout to input assignments across courses
  • Great for visual learners

With a structured format and helpful organization tools, The A+ Student Planner provides next-level assignment tracking to ensure academic success. Staying on top of homework has never been easier.

Ready to get started with this assignment tracking template? Access it for free via this link below. 

The Complete Student Organizer Template

spreadsheet magic for assignment tracking

The Complete Student Organizer is an excellent minimalist assignment tracking template for focused homework management.

This straightforward Google Sheets assignment template includes columns for the date, total time needed, assignment details, and status. By paring down to just the essentials, it provides a simple system to stay on top of homework.

To use this template, just fill in the date and time required as you get assigned new homework. In the assignment details column, outline what needs to be done. Finally, mark the status as you work through tasks.

  • Streamlined columns for date, time, assignment, and status
  • Minimalist layout focused only on crucial details
  • Easy input to quickly log assignments
  • Track time estimates required for assignments
  • Update status as you progress through homework

The Complete Student Organizer is the perfect template for students who want a fuss-free way to track their homework. The simplicity of the grid-style layout makes it easy to use without extra complexity. Stay focused and organized with this efficient assignment tracking sheet.

You can get access to this template by visiting the link below. 

Assignment Slayer: The Ultimate Planner Template

spreadsheet magic for assignment tracking

Assignment Slayer is the supreme template for tackling schoolwork with military-level organizations. This comprehensive planner is ideal for students taking multiple classes and juggling a heavy workload.

The template includes separate tabs for each academic subject. Within each tab, you can log critical details, including the assignment name, description, status, due date, and associated readings or tasks. With this assignment tracking template, no assignment will fall through the cracks again.

Plus, it has additional columns that allow you to record scores and grades as they are received throughout the semester. This level of detail helps you better understand your standing in each class.

The Ultimate Planner also contains an overview dashboard with calendars for the month, week, and each day. With this, you can visually map out all upcoming assignments, tests, and projects in one view.

  • Individual subject tabs for detailed tracking
  • Robust assignment logging with name, description, status, due date, and more
  • Columns to record scores and grades when received
  • Monthly, weekly, and daily calendar dashboard
  • Visual layout ideal for visual learners

Assignment Slayer equips students with military-level organization. Its comprehensive features give you command over academic responsibilities, resulting in stress-free homework mastery.

Want to explore how this template can make your job easy? Click the link below to access this free assignment tracking template now. 

Why You Should Take Advantage of These Assignment Tracking Templates For Google Sheets

The assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets we reviewed in today’s guide offer significant advantages that can make managing homework easier. Here are some of the top reasons students love using these digital planners:

Get Organized

The templates allow you to sort all your assignments neatly by subject, type, due date, and status. No more fumbling through papers to find the next thing you need to work on. Plus, the level of organization you get with these templates helps reduce stress.

Manage Time Better

Knowing exactly when assignments are due helps with planning out your week. You can see what needs to get done first and schedule time accordingly. No more last-minute assignment crunches.

Access Anywhere

You can view and update your homework template from any device as long as you have an internet connection. The templates are ready to go as soon as you make a copy – no setup is needed. Easy access keeps you on track.

With useful tools for organization, planning, and accessibility, these assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets make managing homework a total breeze. Boost your productivity and reduce academic stress today by using these templates for your assignment. 

Final Thoughts

Today’s guide explored some of the most accessible and useful assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets. These handy templates make it easy for students to stay organized and on top of their workload.

As a busy student, keeping track of your homework, projects, tests, and other responsibilities across all your courses can be daunting. This is where leveraging a spreadsheet template can make a huge difference in simplifying academic organization.

The assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets reviewed today offer intuitive layouts and customizable features to create a centralized homework hub tailored to your needs. 

Key benefits include:

  • Inputting all assignments in one place for easy reference
  • Tracking due dates, status, grades, and other key details
  • Customizable columns, colors, and more to fit your study style
  • Easy access to update assignments from any device
  • Helps prioritize your time and tasks needing attention
  • Reduces stress by helping you feel in control

By taking advantage of these assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can reduce time spent shuffling papers and focus your energy where it matters – knocking out quality academic work. Make your life easier and get a digital organizational system in place. 

spreadsheet magic for assignment tracking

Free Assignment Tracker Template for Google Sheets (2024 Update)

Free assignment tracker template in google sheets.

You can make a copy of this simple assignment tracker template in Google Sheets for free. Don't request for permission to edit, simply go to File > Make a copy .

assignment tracker google sheets template

How to Use the Assignment Tracker Template in Google Sheets

Below we explain how to use our assignment tracker template in Google Sheets:

1. Assignment Name

Enter the name or title of the assignment in Column A.

google sheets assignment tracker template

Write the course or subject name in Column B.

assignment tracker template google sheets

3. Due Date

Input the assignment's due date in Column C, using your preferred date format.

google sheets assignment tracker template free

4. Assigned Date

Mark the date the assignment was given to you in Column D.

spreadsheet magic for assignment tracking

Update the current progress status of the assignment in Column E. Choose from statuses like "Not Started", "In Progress", "Completed", or "In Review".

spreadsheet magic for assignment tracking

6. Priority

Assign a priority level to the assignment in Column F, such as "High", "Medium", or "Low".

Add any relevant notes, reminders, or additional information about the assignment in Column G.

free assignment tracker template google sheets

Keep the tracker updated regularly to reflect any changes or progress in your assignments.

We hope that this article has helped you and given you a better understanding of how to use our assignment tracker template in Google Sheets. If you enjoyed this article, you might also want to check out our free OKR template and shot list template in Google Sheets .

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Home » Google Sheets » 7 Best☝️ Free Student Data Tracker Templates in Google Sheets

Daniel Smith

  • Updated: April 10, 2023

7 Best☝️ Free Student Data Tracker Templates in Google Sheets

As a student, keeping track of your academic progress can be daunting. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by assignments, deadlines, and grades, leading to stress and frustration. If you’re struggling to stay organized and need a solution to help you stay on top of your studies, look no further than Google Sheets student tracker templates.

With these templates, you can easily input and track your assignments, deadlines, and grades in one convenient location. No more juggling multiple spreadsheets or struggling to manage important dates. Student tracker templates help you stay organized and reduce stress so you can achieve your academic goals.

Whether you’re a high school student, a college student, or working on an online course, student tracker templates are the perfect solution to help you stay on top of your studies.

Read on to discover some of the student tracker templates that are available in Google Sheets so you can choose the template you like most today—and start tracking your academic progress with ease.

1. Free Student Data Tracker

Free Student Data Tracker

Designed by David Jopson

The Student Data Tracker in Google Sheets is an essential tool for educators who want to keep track of their students’ academic progress. 

It allows you to identify patterns and trends in your students’ performance, making it easier to spot areas where they may be struggling so you can provide targeted support. You can also use the tracker to communicate with parents about student progress, setting goals and tracking progress toward those goals.

2. Student Loan Tracker

Student Loan Tracker

Designed by Justin Pritchard 

For anyone who has had to take out a loan for their education, the Google Sheets Student Loan Tracker can keep track of vital loan details such as loan balance, interest rates, and more.

The uses of a Student Loan Tracker are numerous and varied. Students and recent graduates can use the tracker to manage their loans and keep on top of their progress toward paying them off. Parents and other family members can also use it to help their loved ones manage their loans and provide support as needed.

3. Student Attendance Tracker

Student Attendance Tracker

Designed by Amna Aslam

The Student Attendance Tracker by Amna Aslam allows teachers to enter all their students’ names and customize the list as per their preferences.

This tracker is hosted on Google Sheets, which means teachers can collaborate with other teachers in real time and share attendance data with them.

4. Student Progress Tracker

Student Progress Tracker

Designed by Using Technology Better

The Student Progress Tracker in Google Sheets aids teachers in monitoring students’ development. Teachers can easily create a custom tracking system that suits their needs and preferences. 

This template includes columns for class names, grades, and other relevant information. You can also fill cells with color to make the tracker more visually appealing and functional.

5. Student Behavior Tracker

Student Behavior Tracker

Designed by Geana Germana

Teachers can use the Google Sheets Student Behavior Tracker to observe the behavior trends of their students and their advancement and improvement over time.

This template includes the ability to quickly and easily record data so you can identify areas where additional support or intervention may be needed. 

6. Student Assignment Tracker 

Student Assignment Tracker

Designed by Reddit

Students can use the Google Sheets Student Assignment Tracker to plan their time more effectively, allocating time for each task and making sure they have enough time to complete their assignments by the due date.

The template has multiple colored sections for various elements to help identify crucial information at a glance.

7. Student Homework Tracker 

Student Homework

Designed by Spreadsheet Daddy

This Student Homework Tracker in Google Sheets is a straightforward yet useful solution that can assist students in maintaining the organization of their schoolwork. It is easy to use, accessible, and shareable, making it a useful resource for students of all ages and skill levels.

The tracker includes columns for the completion status of the assignment and any additional notes.

How to Create a Student Tracker Template in Google Sheets

In this section, we’ll take a look at how to quickly build a Google Sheets template for homework that will make it simple for you to keep track of your assignments. 

Step 1 . Start by entering the text you need in your template: the header/title at the top, a place for the document date, and the assignment details (due date, task, class, status). Then use the toolbar options to customize your text, such as alignment, color, size, and font.

The Toolbar Menu

Step 2 . Next, if you have cells you need to merge (such as for the title), highlight the cells, click the Merge icon, and select Merge all from the menu.

Merge Cells

Step 3 . To add a border around the data section of your template, highlight all the cells that make up that section, click the Border icon in the taskbar menu, and select the border’s color, style, and type.


Step 4 . To change the color of any of the cells in your document, highlight the cells and choose the Fill color option. Pick a color to alter the coloring scheme of your template.

Fill Color

Step 5 . In the Status column, select the cells where you want checkboxes to appear. Go to the Insert tab and click on the Checkbox option. 


Voila! The result is shown below!

Daniel Smith

The Spreadsheet Daddy add-on rebrands to Synterrix. Click here to learn more.

How to Make an Assignment Tracker in Google Sheets

Introduction to assignment tracking with google sheets.

In the bustling world of academics and professional development, staying organized is paramount. Google Sheets, a powerful and versatile tool, offers a dynamic platform for creating an assignment tracker that can help students, educators, and professionals alike keep tabs on their tasks and deadlines. This article will guide you through the process of setting up a customized assignment tracker in Google Sheets, ensuring that you never miss a beat in your academic or professional journey.

Understanding the Basics of Google Sheets

Key features of google sheets, setting up your assignment tracker.

Creating an assignment tracker in Google Sheets involves several steps, from setting up the initial layout to customizing it to suit your specific needs. Let’s walk through the process step by step.

Step 1: Create a New Google Sheet

Step 2: define your tracker structure, step 3: input your categories as headers.

In the first row of your spreadsheet, input the categories you’ve chosen as column headers. Use the formatting tools to make these headers stand out, such as bolding the text or changing the background color.

Step 4: Utilize Data Validation for Consistency

Step 5: format your tracker for clarity.

Apply conditional formatting to visually distinguish different statuses or priority levels. For example, you could set high-priority tasks to have a red background or completed assignments to be crossed out.

Step 6: Add Formulas for Automation

Incorporate formulas to automate calculations, such as counting the number of assignments due within a week or calculating the average time spent on assignments.

Enhancing Your Assignment Tracker

Integrating google calendar for deadlines.

Link your assignment due dates to Google Calendar for automatic reminders. You can use the Google Sheets add-on “Google Calendar” to sync your due dates directly from your tracker.

Creating Charts for Visual Insights

Visualize your progress with charts. Google Sheets allows you to create pie charts, bar graphs, and more to represent your data graphically.

Sharing and Collaboration

Advanced tips and tricks.

To truly master your assignment tracker, consider these advanced tips and tricks that can save you time and enhance your productivity.

Using Filters to Sort Assignments

Apply filters to your tracker to quickly sort assignments by due date, priority, or status. This can help you focus on the most urgent tasks at hand.

Automating Email Notifications

Linking to additional resources.

Make your tracker a one-stop-shop by linking to relevant documents, resources, or websites directly within your spreadsheet. This can be done by inserting hyperlinks in the “Notes” column or any other relevant section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i access my assignment tracker on mobile devices.

Yes, Google Sheets has a mobile app available for both iOS and Android devices, allowing you to access and edit your tracker on the go.

Is it possible to import data from other applications into Google Sheets?

How can i protect my assignment tracker from accidental edits.

You can protect specific cells or sheets within your tracker by using the “Protect sheet” option in the Tools menu. This allows you to set permissions for who can edit certain parts of the spreadsheet.

An assignment tracker in Google Sheets is a dynamic and customizable tool that can revolutionize the way you manage your tasks and deadlines. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a tracker that not only keeps you organized but also provides valuable insights into your work habits. With the power of Google Sheets at your fingertips, you’re well-equipped to tackle any project with confidence and efficiency.

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Assignment Tracker Template For Students (Google Sheets)

Assignment Tracker Template For Students (Google Sheets)

  • 6-minute read
  • 18th May 2023

If you’re a student searching for a way to keep your assignments organized, congratulate yourself for taking the time to set yourself up for success. Tracking your assignments is one of the most important steps you can take to help you stay on top of your schoolwork .

In this Writing Tips blog post, we’ll discuss why keeping an inventory of your assignments is important, go over a few popular ways to do so, and introduce you to our student assignment tracker, which is free for you to use.

Why Tracking Is Important

Keeping your assignments organized is essential for many reasons. First off, tracking your assignments enables you to keep abreast of deadlines. In addition to risking late submission penalties that may result in low grades, meeting deadlines can help develop your work ethic and increase productivity. Staying ahead of your deadlines also helps lower stress levels and promote a healthy study-life balance.

Second, keeping track of your assignments assists with time management by helping prioritize the order you complete your projects.

Third, keeping a list of your completed projects can help you stay motivated by recording your progress and seeing how far you’ve come.

Different Ways to Organize Your Assignments

There are many ways to organize your assignment, each with its pros and cons. Here are a few tried and true methods:

  • Sticky notes

Whether they are online or in real life , sticky notes are one of the most popular ways to bring attention to an important reminder. Sticky notes are a quick, easy, and effective tool to highlight time-sensitive reminders. However, they work best when used temporarily and sparingly and, therefore, are likely better used for the occasional can’t-miss deadline rather than for comprehensive assignment organization.

  • Phone calendar reminders  

The use of cell phone calendar reminders is also a useful approach to alert you to an upcoming deadline. An advantage to this method is that reminders on your mobile device have a good chance of grabbing your attention no matter what activity you’re involved with.

On the downside, depending on how many assignments you’re juggling, too many notifications might be overwhelming and there won’t be as much space to log the details of the assignment (e.g., related textbook pages, length requirements) as you would have in a dedicated assignment tracking system.

  • Planners/apps

There are a multitude of physical planners and organization apps for students to help manage assignments and deadlines. Although some vow that physical planners reign superior and even increase focus and concentration , there is almost always a financial cost involved and the added necessity to carry around a sometimes weighty object (as well as remembering to bring it along with you).

Mobile organization apps come with a variety of features, including notifications sent to your phone, but may also require a financial investment (at least for the premium features) and generally will not provide substantial space to add details about your assignments.

  • Spreadsheets

With spreadsheets, what you lose in bells and whistles, you gain in straightforwardness and customizability – and they’re often free! Spreadsheets are easy to access from your laptop or phone and can provide you with enough space to include whatever information you need to complete your assignments.

There are templates available online for several different spreadsheet programs, or you can use our student assignment tracker for Google Sheets . We’ll show you how to use it in the next section.

How to Use Our Free Writing Tips Student Assignment Tracker

Follow this step-by-step guide to use our student assignment tracker for Google Sheets :

  • Click on this link to the student assignment tracker . After the prompt “Would you like to make a copy of Assignment Tracker Template ?”, click Make a copy .

spreadsheet magic for assignment tracking

Screenshot of the “Copy document” screen

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2. The first tab in the spreadsheet will display several premade assignment trackers for individual subjects with the name of the subject in the header (e.g., Subject 1, Subject 2). In each header, fill in the title of the subjects you would like to track assignments for. Copy and paste additional assignment tracker boxes for any other subjects you’d like to track, and color code the labels.

Screenshot of blank assignment template

Screenshot of the blank assignment template

3. Under each subject header, there are columns labeled for each assignment (e.g., Assignment A, Assignment B). Fill in the title of each of your assignments in one of these columns, and add additional columns if need be. Directly under the assignment title is a cell for you to fill in the due date for the assignment. Below the due date, fill in each task that needs to be accomplished to complete the assignment. In the final row of the tracker, you should select whether the status of your assignment is Not Started , In Progress , or Complete . Please see the example of a template that has been filled in (which is also available for viewing in the Example tab of the spreadsheet):

Example of completed assignment tracker

Example of completed assignment tracker

4. Finally, for an overview of all the assignments you have for each subject throughout the semester, fill out the assignment tracker in the Study Schedule tab. In this tracker, list the title of the assignment for each subject under the Assignment column, and then color code the weeks you plan to be working on each one. Add any additional columns or rows that you need. This overview is particularly helpful for time management throughout the semester.

spreadsheet magic for assignment tracking

There you have it.

To help you take full advantage of this student assignment tracker let’s recap the steps:

1. Make a copy of the student assignment tracker .

2. Fill in the title of the subjects you would like to track assignments for in each header row in the Assignments tab.

3. Fill in the title of each of your assignments and all the required tasks underneath each assignment. 

4. List the title of the assignment for each subject and color code the week that the assignment is due in the Study Schedule .

Now that your assignments are organized, you can rest easy . Happy studying! And remember, if you need help from a subject-matter expert to proofread your work before submission, we’ll happily proofread it for free .

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spreadsheet magic for assignment tracking

Student Data Trackers in Google Sheets

Tracking Student Data in Google Sheeets: Video Tutorials & Student Data Tracker Templates

It can be difficult, at times, to keep track of all of your instructional data, especially with so many subjects during our day. Especially if your school district, or school, doesn’t have a data system. Google Sheets is a great tool to keep track of student data for ongoing formative assessments, as well as diagnostic assessments. Having your assessment data accessible also makes it easy to use data to drive classroom instruction, or intervention. Once you have your data spreadsheet set up, it’s easy to adjust for different needs. And, you can reuse the same set up year after year. There are so many ways to customize your student data tracker spreadsheets to fit your needs, and make it work for you! I talk about a few different set ups I’ve used, and/or continue to use, throughout this post. Here’s a look at some easy ways you can track student data with Google Sheets.

Why track student data in Google Sheets?

Tracking student data in Google Sheets has many practical benefits!

  • Accessibility- Since it’s cloud based, you can access it anywhere! I hate lugging my school computer home, so I rarely do. But, if I’m grading at home, I can still access my student data spreadsheets from home!
  • Collaboration- Since more than one person can access Google Sheets at once, it’s the perfect program for managing student data for more than one classroom. Tracking RtI or intervention data or grade level performance on a school or district assessment are both done easily within Google Sheets. Or, it just makes it possible for you to share your data with your administration team, principal, or instructional coach.
  • Autocalculations- My favorite reason for using Google Sheets or Excel for my data is the built in formulas! I use it to figure out student percentages from raw scores, I use it to generate a list of students based on proficiency, and I use it to color code based on student proficiency. I always build in averages into the spreadsheet so that I can monitor my overall student performance.
  • Visualization- If you are a visual learner, it’s super fast and quick to add graphs and charts to reflect your data. While that’s not frequently how I like to view it, it’s super simple to add in.
  • Versatile- From just checklists for attendance, weekly assessments, formative assessments, and more, you can use Google Sheets (or Excel!) to manage virtually anything you want to track in the classroom!

I used to use Excel to track my data, back in the olden days. Over the years, I’ve shifted to Sheets. I don’t think there’s a single feature I miss in my switch, especially since I don’t utilize the full functions of Sheets or spreadsheets in general.

How do I create student data trackers in Google Sheets?

The first iterations of my data tracking were literally just places to store scores. Over the years, as I’ve learned more about options available in Excel and now Google Sheets, I’ve been better able to customize them to meet my needs. Whether you’re looking to create one spreadsheet you can use to track data in a subject area, or a powerhouse of sheets to hold everything you need, you can build the spreadsheet that meets your needs.

I could list a series of steps to follow to build your student data tracker. But, chances are, if seeing the steps was enough for you, you would have already made your own! So, I think videos are the most helpful. Many people have anxiety around spreadsheet software but I love using them! I’ve spent significant amounts of time learning new things when I want the spreadsheet to do something I don’t yet know how to do! I’m not a pro by any means but I’ve learned a few tricks or two along the years.

This video walks through setting up a pretty basic, academic, standards-based student data tracker. I teach you how to build in formulas to copy information from other cells (so you don’t need to duplicate names), auto-calculating percentages, how to set up conditional formatting to color code based on student mastery, identifying the number of proficient students, and how to build in averages.

Free Student Data Tracker Template

In the video above I walk through how to set up this student data tracker and give suggestions for ways you can modify it to better meet your needs. If you’d rather not build it from scratch, I have a free standards tracking spreadsheet template you can download. The template is exactly what’s shown in the video, and it’s ready for you to continue to customize to meet your needs!

More In-Depth Student Data Tracking

In this Part 2 video, I take that same student data tracker and build individual student reporting pages. These allow you to see how each individual student is performing, standard-by-standard or skill by skill. It’s all set up with formulas so once it’s set up for one student, it’s pretty quick and simple to create it for the rest of the students in your class!  In this video, I talk through formulas for copying cells over to be displayed, adding graps, and conditional formatting.

Student Math Data Tracking Sheets

I think it’s very important to track student data standard by standard in math. It allows you to see who is in need of reteaching or extra support. So many skills build off of a previously learned skill in math. It makes it easy to spiral standards, but also means it’s critical students master them so they’re ready for the next layer. I have standards based math data tracking sheets prepped and ready for you. They’re currently available for grades 1-4. They are prebuilt with the Common Core Math Standards, but are editable so you can change them to match the standards for your state. Or, add in additional skills you’d like to track.

My favorite part of these math data trackers are the student information sheets. These student data pages are auto-generated! They’re literally  no extra work for you! They prepopulate based on the assessment scores you enter into the data spreadsheet. They display the student scores by standard, organized by domain. This makes them perfect reporting pages for parents, or to take with you to a data meeting like RtI, MTSS, or IEP case conferences.

2nd grade math standards data tracking student sheet

I have math data trackers available for 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade. They are ready to be used, and are customizable to match your state standards, or district’s assessments. Each is tailored to your specific grade level and includes a video tutorial that walks you through how to use them. You can get yours sent to your inbox (for free) at Math Data Tracking Spreadsheets .

Phonics Tracking Sheets

Another pre-made student data tracker template I have available is my phonics tracking spreadsheets. This spreadsheet is built using the Quick Phonics Screener but is entirely editable to match whatever assessment you use. Tracking phonics data skill by skill is a great way to ensure students are making progress with their foundational reading skills. I’ve included the video tutorial below, but head to my Free Phonics Data Tracker Spreadsheet page to grab the tracker and read more about it.

Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Assessments Data Tracking

Do you give the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Assessments? If so, this data tracker is for you! Designed for the Kindergarten and Primary Phonemic Awareness Assessments, this data tracker also creates individual student reporting pages. Designed similar to my Phonics Data Tracker, just enter in names and scores and the individual pages are created for you! Just head to my Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Assessments page to grab it for yourself!

spreadsheet magic for assignment tracking

You can use Google Sheets to create even more in-depth student data trackers! Do you use Google Sheets in other ways? I’d love to hear it in the comments below.

Tracking student Data in Google Sheets with individual student reporting page

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Thank you for sharing!

You’re welcome!

This is exactly what I needed! Thank you! Any chance of grade 5 sheets in the future?

I have it on my to do list!

Hi I was unable to open the tracker template. Would you be able to email me a copy?

Hi! Thank you so much for this! I have been trying to go digital! Is there a way to add more progress monitoring tabs?

You can add more tabs by just duplicating them. However, they will not show up on the student pages without extensive work.

Do you have a data tracker for UFLI?

I don’t. I believe they recommend the QPS or Core Phonics Survey as the diagnostic assessment. If you were wanting it to track your students’ progress each week, this is set up for diagnostic and progress monitoring assessments and not weekly. With that said, if the format fits your needs, you are able to edit the skill titles and raw scores to match any assessment’s sequence.

Thank you for your generosity!

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Hi! I’m Tessa!

I’ve spent the last 15 years teaching in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd   grades, and working beside elementary classrooms as an instructional coach and resource support. I’m  passionate  about  math ,  literacy , and finding ways to make  teachers’ days easier . I share from my experiences both in and out of the elementary classroom. Read more About Me .

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Spreadsheet Magic for Assignment Tracking

Andreas shows how he manages assignments in an online class by using a simple spreadsheet with some applied magic to make it easier to track, and check off!

  • Post author By eajohansson
  • Post date August 25, 2018

A quick video to show how I manage assignments in an online class by using a simple spreadsheet with some applied magic to make it easier to track, and check off!

Want your own copy? Just click the link below, and Google Sheets will make you a copy!

Free Assignment Tracking Templates For Google Sheets And Microsoft Excel

Effective ways to manage meeting action items excel template

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FREE Assignment Tracker Google Sheets template available through @HHSStudentLife on Instagram.

Hey r/Purdue ! HHS Student Life is an Instagram account run under the College of Health and Human Sciences that is devoted to providing information, resources and building community among HHS Students and the broader Purdue community.

I recently put together an assignment tracker that is available to students through HHS Student Life and HHS Mentors, but you don’t have to be in HHS, or even at Purdue, to access it!

The assignment tracker is built in Google Sheets, and has several fun features that are absent from other assignment tracking templates, such as:

A place to add your classes, schedule, and professors.

Percent completed calculator for assignments, per class and overall.

Automatic formatting based on assignment status, class, and assignment type.

A warning when an assignment is due in two days or less.

A calendar that auto populates assignment due dates from your masterlist.

A to do list that you can transfer tasks to from your masterlist with the click of a button.

Full instructions on how to use and customize your tracker, as well as contact information for questions.

If this interests you, head over to @HHSStudentLife to check out the Reels we posted introducing the tracker!

Assignment Tracker Link

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Free Assignment Tracker templates

Streamline your academic workflow with our versatile assignment tracker templates, ideal for both individual tasks and collaborative group assignments. effortlessly monitor due dates, progress milestones, and peer contributions, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. notion brings clarity and cohesion to every academic pursuit..

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Free Assignment Schedule Tracker for Excel

Whether you are a student in high school, college or post-graduate studies, assignments are inevitable. If you need a way to keep track of your assignments in all your subjects and classes, then you will find this Free Assignment Schedule Tracker for Excel very useful.

Ensure You Submit Assignments on Time Using this Template

Submit Your Assignments on Time

The Free Assignment Schedule Tracker for Excel is a template that you can download for free from the Office portal. It is professionally designed and looks sleek yet still highly functional. This is just one of the many spreadsheet templates that you can use for school purposes, especially for ensuring that you are on top of your class and activities.

This free assignment schedule tracker is a simple, no-frills assignment tracker you can use for Mac and Windows. You can record, track and segregate your assignments according to categories such as instructor, course, assignment, and many more.

Assignment Detail Gives a More Elaborate View of the Tasks

Track Your Assignment Submission Status

This free Office template contains a table that already contains headings for your assignments. It allows you to write down your assignments for your instructor, course, assignment name, and when you started the assignment, as well as when it is due. The dates allow you to track your progress and ensure that you pass your assignments on time. This also lets you know if you are progressing slowly or none at all in any course.

A unique feature for this assignment template is that it allows you to highlight the assignments due within a certain period of time. This way, you can set your priorities and focus on more pressing tasks, especially those which are due soon.

Easily Track Progress Using the Completion Bar

This template can also be used outside the classroom setting. It can also be used in project management, where majority of the tasks are time-bound and need to be finished within a set deadline. Instead of assignments, project tasks and schedules will be written and project managers can use this to see the persons involved in each task, and when they are due.

Go to  Download Free Assignment Schedule Tracker for Excel

Topics College Excel 2013 Excel Templates Free Templates Microsoft Excel Microsoft Office Schedule Template School Templates

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Written by Tiffany

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Free Assignment Tracker Template for Students (PDF, Word, Excel)

  • by newcalendar
  • September 16, 2023 October 4, 2023

Are you here in search for an assignment tracking template ? Your search is over because tracking templates are shared here for all students who wants to track their assignments or projects. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when there are plenty of tasks to take care of, confusion arises when we don’t know where to start, you might be struggling with work planning, or even don’t know how to keep track of all of them, resulting in poor performance and bad marks.

Having an assignment tracker helps you to keep track of every task and remain organized or get hold of all your assignments and complete them on time. Check out the Assignment Tracking Template , download it, use it, and see how helpful it is. Assignment tracking is as important as planning, therefore, you must track your work or tasks properly.

  • 1 Assignment Tracker Template
  • 2.1 Conclusion

Assignment Tracker Template

Assignments are a part of student’s life. You will have to submit your assignments on time in order to secure good marks. We understand the overload of work that’s out there in a student’s life and to help you out we’re providing these templates that will help you in keeping a track of all your assignments.

There are different assignment columns on the template to log all of the important details such as:

  • Title of the assignment
  • Class or lesson or subject such as maths, science, etc

You can download this tracker in PDF by clicking on the download link shared below the template. Take a print-out for your use.

Assignment Tracker Template

Download PDF

The whole purpose of sharing this tracking template is to allow students keep a track of their assignments. It’s easy to use this template but still if you don’t know how to use it properly then read the information shared in the next section.

How do you keep track of assignments?

As mentioned above, assignment are a part of student’s life whether you are in middle school, high school, college, or university. Therefore, it’s better to learn the process of planning and tracking assignments.

Now the question is how to keep your assignments organized and easy to navigate? And the answer is an assignment tracker.

  • Using an assignment tracker allows you to keep a check on assignment you have to work, plan for them, set your work deadlines, and schedule everything as per the due date. Mere planning is not enough, you have to execute the work plan and keep a proper track of it to ensure everything is happening as per the schedule.
  • Use an assignment tracker is definitely one of the great options for school and college students. With the use of template, you get to know about your duties and tasks for specific time frame.
  • Blank template is shared here and you can customize it as per your assignments by adding assignment details and information. A tracker needs to be consistently monitored and updated.
  • The whole purpose of using a tracking is to get organized and to complete or submit before the due date. We advise students to always plan their work and keep a track of them. The use of tracking templates has made the tracking process a lot more easier and more fluent.

Proper planning, execution, disciplined work management, and tracking has to be there in order to ensure successful completion of an assignment on or before the due date. These days there are assignment management and tracking templates which can be downloaded and used in editable and printable format. You can now keep a track of an assignment by using a template available for free download on this page.

An assignment tracker can be used for both small and big assignments. Use these templates to make a proper to-do list wherein you can prioritize the assignment work. We are hoping you find these templates useful, keep checking this site for more planning templates and school calendars.

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15 Excel Spreadsheet Templates for Tracking Tasks, Costs and Time


Still using spreadsheets to manage your projects? Revolutionize your project management with ProjectManager. Plan projects, manage resources and track progress with powerful features the whole team can use.

Excel spreadsheet templates are a great tool to track the costs, time and performance of your team. We’ve collected ProjectManager’s 15 best Excel spreadsheet templates for tracking that you can download and use for free.

1. Dashboard Template

A dashboard is how you keep track of your work, including the time spent on tasks, what you’re spending and if you’re making progress as planned. ProjectManager’s free dashboard template for Excel gives you an overview of how you’re doing on your work. This information is vital to know if you’re overspending or running behind on your schedule.

Project Dashboard Template for tracking

ProjectManager’s free dashboard template has several widgets that monitor metrics in your work. For example, there’s a color-coded task graph that shows if your tasks are complete, in progress, not started or overdue. There’s also a workload chart for managing teams and making sure their workload is balanced.

There’s another task graph that measures the duration of the tasks, which is helpful in seeing what’s getting done on time and what’s taking too long. Finally, there’s a cost bar chart to help you stay on budget.

This Excel dashboard template can manage your work, but it’s a static document that must be updated manually. Project tracking software automates that process. ProjectManager is better than Excel spreadsheet templates as it helps to accumulate real-time data, crunch the numbers and display it. Get started with ProjectManager free today.

ProjectManager's real-time project management dashboard

Not all project management software offers the same project dashboards. ProjectManager’s project dashboard comes equipped with the right project management features to help you keep track of time, tasks, costs and more.

2. Task Tracker Template

ProjectManager’s free task tracker for Excel template can organize and keep track of your work. It’s similar to a to-do list, where you just need to add the work and manage it. Having a task list is the first step to controlling your work.

This task tracker spreadsheet captures the details of your work. Add the name of the task and include dependent tasks. You can assign it to yourself or someone on your team.

free task tracking template

Next, set the priority and when you expect to finish. Finally, there’s a column to mark its status, which is essential to track your work. It has everything you need to track your tasks at a basic level with an Excel spreadsheet.

3. Budget Spreadsheet for Cost Tracking

Managing costs in your work is as important as meeting deadlines. ProjectManager’s free budget template for Excel helps you keep to your budget by tracking your financial details on one spreadsheet.

Project budget spreadsheet for tracking

Tasks cost money, and the budget defines the costs of the resources you’ll employ to deliver those tasks to completion. First, the spreadsheet template has a numbered list that corresponds to your work breakdown structure (WBS) . Then, there are labor costs including planned vs. actual hours plus the cost per hour. Materials are broken down by units and cost per unit.

There’s also room for other line items on your budget, which include travel, equipment, fixed and miscellaneous costs. Finally, there are columns to collect the budgeted and actual cost for each line item, then a balance showing if the line item is above or under budget.

Related: How to Track Project Expenses

4. Timeline Template

ProjectManager’s free timeline template in Excel is perfect for scheduling your project from start to finish in Excel. It’s a way to view all your tasks and keep on schedule. You can even add milestones!

Timeline template for tracking

To get started with this free timeline template, you first need to list your tasks and give them a name. Each task must have a start date and an end date, plus the time you think it’ll take to complete.

You add all that data to the left side of the template, which is a normal tracking spreadsheet. Then, on the right, you’ll see the timeline that lays out your tasks as horizontal bars across a timeline. It’s easy to see how long it’ll take to complete each task.

Excel spreadsheet templates are good for beginners, but if you want to take your planning even further, upgrade to online software that lets you build timelines in minutes. ProjectManager has online project timelines that update instantly as the team collaborates on tasks. Track costs, workload, planned vs actual progress and more. Get started for free.

Online project timeline for tracking projects

5. Action Plan Spreadsheet

Managing work means outlining the steps you must complete to achieve your goals. Use ProjectManager’s free action plan spreadsheet for Excel to track tasks and detail the strategy you’ll use to complete your work on time and within budget.

Action plan spreadsheet for task and project tracking

We’ve broken up this action plan template into three sections. The first is the action steps, which note the priority and list tasks, phases and assignments. There’s also space to note the status of your tasks and track their progress.

Section two of this Excel spreadsheet template is a timeline, with start and due dates, including planned hours. Finally, section three focuses on resources; for example, which department is responsible for which task, what materials are needed and what are the resource costs?

6. Status Report Template

Knowing where you are at any particular point in the project life cycle is how you manage time and costs. Our free status report template is a great tool to track your progress and stay on schedule.

Status report template for tracking in Excel

This free status report template is made up of five sections: project information, project status summary, project health, risk management overview and a conclusion that includes recommendations for the future.

A status report is a cornerstone of tracking your work. It’s used in project management and work management alike because it gives managers a picture of their planned vs actual progress. It’s also a powerful tool when presenting to stakeholders.

7. Risk Tracking Spreadsheet

No matter how well-planned your work is, there are unknowns that can impact your progress. Use ProjectManager’s free risk register spreadsheet to help you plan for risks in your work.

Risk tracking spreadsheet for Excel

This free risk register for Excel has columns to ID the risk to make it easier to track. There’s a column to describe the risk and explain how it’ll impact the work you’re doing if it goes from a risk to an actual issue .

For each risk you identify on the template, you can add a risk response, which is the response you’ll take if the risk actualizes. You can also note the risk level. Then, if you’re working in a team, you can assign the risk so that the team member is responsible for identifying and rectifying it.

8. Change Tracking Spreadsheet

Download ProjectManager’s free change tracking spreadsheet for Microsoft Excel to manage change when it impacts your work management. It’ll help you control change so it doesn’t make you spend too much overtime or incur additional costs.

Change log template for tracking changes

A change log Excel spreadsheet is one of the most important Microsoft Excel templates we offer. It’s a spreadsheet template that captures change when it happens. You can number changes for better tracking and note when the change first came up and who discovered or requested it.

You can then prioritize the change, and you or a team member can take ownership to see it through to completion. The Excel spreadsheet tracks the change from discovery to recovery and ensures that no change order is lost in the cracks.

9. Time Tracking Spreadsheet

There’s no better template to track the time you spend on your tasks than with ProjectManager’s free time tracking spreadsheet . This timesheet is great for you or team members to record the amount of time spent on work.

Timesheet template for time tracking

This timesheet Excel spreadsheet template has space for your name or the name of the employee, their department, supervisor and hourly rate. The template collects their hours, such as their start time and end time for their workday. There’s even a place to add overtime and lunch.

Then, the total for the week is added and multiplied by the pay rate to show the total amount the employee is owed. Finally, there’s a line for the employee to sign and the supervisor to look it over and sign it, if accurate.

10. Multiple Project Tracking Template

When you’re managing a portfolio or program, you have to monitor all your projects in one place to make insightful decisions as to how to allocate resources. Using our free multiple-project tracking template for Excel gives you a high-level overview of every project for which you’re responsible.

ProjectManager's multiple project tracking template for Excel

Once you download the free Excel template, you’ll find it’s formatted with three projects, one stacked on top of the other. You can copy and paste to add as many projects as needed. You can also add columns if you need to track something not already on the template.

Each project spreadsheet allows you to list all the project tasks by name and description, as well as if they’re dependent on another task. There’s space to add who’s assigned to each task. Each task has a start and planned end date, and planned cost, with an actual end date and actual cost to help you track the project.

11. Issue Tracking Template

Issues are problems that arise while executing your project. These issues must be quickly identified and resolved to keep the project on schedule and within its budget. With our free issue-tracking template for Excel , you have the tools to monitor the progress of resolving those issues.

ProjectManager's free issue tracking template for Excel

The free template is ideal to capture risks, which become issues if they in fact show up in your project. When they do, you already have them described in the template and what their potential impact is. Next, you can define its priority, from low to critical, which helps you determine which risks need your immediate attention.

There’s also a place to note the date the issue first was discovered and when it was closed, as well as the team member who’s responsible for resolving it. Finally, the free template states the department that’s handling the issue and there’s a column to note its status when tracking the issue.

12. To-Do List Template

Everyone has work to do, and getting that work done efficiently requires task management. At its most basic, that means having a list of your tasks. It’s the first step to getting organized. That’s where our free to-do list for Excel comes in handy.

Free to-do list template in ProjectManager

A to-do list is a simple but highly effective tool. Simply list the tasks you’ve been assigned or you can even use it for household chores. Next, you’ll want to give each task a start and due date. This is the duration or timeframe in which you want the work completed.

Now, you’ll want to track your progress. The free to-do list template shows the percentage complete for each task. It’s a satisfying feeling to see the cell move from 25 percent to 100 percent. Then there’s a column to note the progress. Before you know it, your work is done.

13. Inventory Template

If you’re a manufacturer or have a company with which you carry stock that you need to run your business, then you need our free inventory template for Excel . Use it to prevent production delays by keeping track of what you’re warehousing.

Inventory tracking template for Excel by ProjectManager

Use this free template to record the level of your inventory and track its turnover. First, each line is numbered to make it easier to find the item you want. Then the item is listed and described, with the unit price noted and the quantity you have in stock.

Now you can calculate the inventory price, which is the unit price multiplied by the number in stock. This Excel spreadsheet template does this automatically. There’s a column to note whether you need to reorder, what level to reorder, how long it takes to restock and what that reorder quantity should be.

14. Progress Report Template

Project reports are essential for a number of reasons. One, they help you monitor your progress and performance, and two, they’re a great tool for keeping stakeholders updated. Our free progress report template for Word captures an overview of the activities and tasks that occurred over a specific period.

ProjectManager's progress report template for Excel

The free progress report is broken up into a number of different sections. There’s a summary, which provides a quick overview of what’s to follow, including pertinent data, such as the project scope, schedule, cost and risk for the time period being reported on.

Then there’s a section in this Excel spreadsheet template that goes over the tasks that have been executed over a period of time covered in the report. There’s space to note the status of tasks that aren’t yet completed and a section to list issues, talk about the budget and more. It’s a great way to capture a snapshot of the project in time.

15. Work Schedule Template

Need help managing your human resources or operations planning? Check out our free work schedule template for Excel . This free template lists all your employees and their working hours, including responsibilities, over a day, week or month.

ProjectManager's free monthly work schedule template for Excel

Use the work schedule template to keep your employees productive and help with tracking your resource utilization and scheduling. You can also use it to prioritize tasks and balance your team’s workload, which leads to greater productivity and happier employees.

Our free spreadsheet template has a weekly and monthly work schedule. Both list your employees, their tasks, which project they’re working on and then their hours, either day-by-day or over the course of a month. This will help most organizations and even long-term projects.

Use ProjectManager to Track Time, Costs and Tasks Better Than Excel

Templates and Excel spreadsheets for tracking are great, but as noted, they can only do so much. ProjectManager is online work management software that connects everyone, no matter where they work, what time, department or skill level. It does so in real-time to ensure that everyone is collaborating and working on the most recent data.

Automatically Fill Out Timesheets

Take timesheets, for example. Instead of having your employee fill out the timesheet, ProjectManager’s timesheets autofill their tasks and update the time they’ve spent. This streamlines payroll but also offers a window into tracking the time they spend on their tasks. That way, you know if they’re meeting their quota. Once submitted, timesheets are locked and secure.

ProjectManager's timesheet view

Work the Way That Suits You

Multiple project views allow everyone on the team to work how they want. Managers can plan ahead on Gantt charts that show all their tasks on a timeline. The duration bar that connects each task’s start and end dates automatically shows progress based on how much of it is shaded. Teams can use task lists, kanban boards or calendars if they prefer, all of which are updated and show progress. No tool is more flexible for planning and tracking work.

A screenshot of a gantt chart in ProjectManager

Generate One-Click Reports in Seconds

Tracking time, costs and more is easy with ProjectManager’s one-click reports. Get status reports, reports on tasks, timesheets, expenses and more. These reports take complicated data and turn it into insightful and easy-to-read reports to monitor progress and more. Reports can also be filtered to see only the data you want and then shared to keep stakeholders updated.

ProjectManager's status report filter window

Related Excel Project Management Content

While Excel is not a project management software, it can still be a very helpful for managing various aspects of your projects. That’s why we’ve created dozens of blogs, templates and guides to help you use Excel for project management.

  • Essential Excel Report Templates
  • Free Manufacturing Excel Templates
  • Free Excel Construction Templates
  • Free Word & Excel Templates for Business
  • How to Create a Project Timeline in Excel (Free Template Included)
  • How to Make a Gantt Chart In Excel Step-By-Step (Template Included)
  • 25 Must-Have Project Management Excel Templates and Spreadsheets

ProjectManager is award-winning project management software for teams. Our real-time tool tracks time, costs and more to ensure you’re always on schedule and never spending over your budget. Join the 35,000+ people using our software to track tasks, cost and time. Get started with ProjectManager free today.

Click here to browse ProjectManager's free templates

Deliver your projects on time and on budget

Start planning your projects.

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Excel Tutorial: How To Organize Assignments In Excel


When it comes to managing assignments, Excel can be a powerful tool to keep everything organized and easily accessible. Whether you're a student, a teacher, or a project manager, using Excel for assignments can help streamline your workflow and increase productivity.

Excel provides a range of features for organizing, sorting, and analyzing data, making it an ideal platform for managing assignments of all kinds. This tutorial will guide you through the process of setting up an Excel spreadsheet to effectively manage and track assignments, helping you stay on top of deadlines and priorities.

Key Takeaways

  • Excel is a powerful tool for managing assignments and increasing productivity for students, teachers, and project managers.
  • Understanding the basics of Excel, including the layout and functions, is essential for effective assignment organization.
  • Creating a new spreadsheet and inputting data with proper formatting sets the foundation for organized assignment management.
  • Utilizing formulas, functions, and visual enhancements such as color-coding and charts can further enhance assignment organization in Excel.
  • By practicing and implementing the tips provided in this tutorial, users can effectively track deadlines and priorities in Excel, ultimately improving their workflow.

Understanding Excel Basics

When it comes to organizing assignments in Excel, it is important to have a good understanding of the basics of the software. This will ensure that you are able to utilize its features effectively and efficiently. In this chapter, we will explore the layout of an Excel spreadsheet, the different tabs and their functions, and provide some tips for navigating and selecting cells in Excel.

Rows and Columns

An Excel spreadsheet is made up of rows and columns. The rows are denoted by numbers and the columns are denoted by letters. This creates a grid structure that allows for easy organization of data.

Each intersection of a row and column is referred to as a cell. This is where you will input your data, formulas, and other information.

An Excel file can consist of multiple worksheets, each of which contains its own grid of cells. This allows you to organize different sets of data within the same file.

The Home tab contains the most commonly used commands for formatting and manipulating data, such as changing fonts, aligning text, and applying borders.

The Insert tab allows you to add various elements to your spreadsheet, such as tables, charts, shapes, and hyperlinks.

Formulas Tab

The Formulas tab is where you can find all the functions and formulas that Excel offers, allowing you to perform calculations and manipulate data.

The Data tab provides tools for sorting and filtering data, as well as importing and exporting data from external sources.

The Review tab contains tools for proofreading and collaborating on your spreadsheet, such as spell check, comments, and protection.

The View tab allows you to customize the way your spreadsheet is displayed, such as adjusting zoom, freezing panes, and showing or hiding gridlines.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Learning keyboard shortcuts can greatly improve your efficiency in Excel. For example, pressing Ctrl + Home will take you to the first cell of the spreadsheet, while Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Key will allow you to quickly select a range of cells.

Using the Name Box

The Name Box, located next to the formula bar, displays the name of the selected cell or range of cells. You can use this to quickly navigate to a specific cell by entering its reference in the Name Box.

Mouse Navigation

Clicking on a cell will select it, and clicking and dragging will allow you to select a range of cells. You can also use the scroll bars to navigate around the spreadsheet.

Creating a New Spreadsheet

When it comes to organizing assignments in Excel, the first step is to create a new spreadsheet. This can be done by following a few simple steps.

To open a new Excel workbook, start by opening Microsoft Excel on your computer. Once the program is open, you can either click on "File" in the top left corner and select "New" to create a new workbook or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + N. This will open a new blank spreadsheet for you to work with.

Formatting Options:

  • Adjusting column width and row height to accommodate data
  • Applying cell borders and shading for better visual organization
  • Using formatting tools for fonts, colors, and text alignment

Once the new spreadsheet is open and formatted to your preference, it's time to input the assignment data.

  • Start by selecting the cell where you want to input the data
  • Type the assignment details, such as the assignment name, due date, and any other relevant information
  • Continue inputting data into subsequent cells for each assignment

Organizing Assignment Data

When managing multiple assignments in Excel, it's essential to keep the data organized for easy access and reference. By utilizing the following methods, you can streamline your workflow and stay on top of your tasks effectively.

A. Use of headers and subheaders for assignment details

When creating your assignment spreadsheet, it's crucial to use clear and descriptive headers to outline the assignment details. This includes task name , due date , subject , priority level , and any other relevant information. By using subheaders, you can further categorize specific details within each assignment, such as subtasks , additional notes , or attached files .

B. Examples of how to categorize assignments

Excel offers various ways to categorize assignments, making it easier to manage and prioritize your workload. You can categorize assignments by due date , subject , or priority level by creating separate columns for each category. For example, you can use the due date column to sort assignments by their deadline, the subject column to group assignments by course or project, and the priority level column to identify urgent tasks.

C. Benefits of using filters and sort functions

Utilizing Excel's filter and sort functions can greatly enhance the organization of your assignments. By applying filters, you can quickly narrow down specific assignments based on criteria such as subject or priority level . The sort function allows you to arrange assignments in ascending or descending order based on the due date or any other relevant category, providing a clear overview of your upcoming tasks.

Using Formulas and Functions

One of the key features of Excel is its ability to perform calculations and automate processes using formulas and functions. In the context of organizing assignments, these tools can be incredibly useful for tracking deadlines, progress, and grades.

Sum and Average:

Weighted average:, today's date:, conditional formatting:, progress tracker:, deadline reminders:, adding visual enhancements.

Visual enhancements can help make your Excel spreadsheet more engaging and easier to navigate. Here are some tips for adding visual elements to your assignment organization:

Formatting options such as bolding, italicizing, and underlining can help draw attention to important information in your spreadsheet. Additionally, adjusting font styles and sizes can help make your spreadsheet more visually appealing and easier to read.

Color-coding can be a powerful tool for visually organizing your assignments. By assigning different colors to different categories or priorities, you can quickly identify and differentiate between various tasks. Conditional formatting, on the other hand, allows you to automatically apply formatting based on specific criteria, making it easier to highlight important data or trends.

Charts and graphs can help provide a visual representation of your assignment data, making it easier to identify patterns, trends, and discrepancies. Consider using pie charts, bar graphs, or line graphs to effectively communicate your assignment information in a visually appealing way.

In conclusion, we have discussed the key points of how to organize assignments in Excel, including using tabs and color-coding to keep track of different tasks, and utilizing formulas for automating calculations and deadlines. Excel is an invaluable tool for organizing assignments due to its flexibility, efficiency, and customization options, making it a great choice for students and professionals alike.

We highly encourage our readers to practice using Excel for their assignment organization, as it can greatly streamline their workload and improve their productivity. For those who want to further enhance their Excel skills, there are numerous online resources, tutorials, and courses available to help you master this powerful tool.

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Tracker in Excel (Task Tracker, Progress Tracker and so on)

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A tracker in Excel can be used for many purposes including project management, inventory management, event planning, data organization, employee tracking, and more. The versatility and flexibility of Excel allows you to create many types of tracker.

Tracker in Excel

Download Practice Workbook

You can download this practice workbook while going through the article.

How to Create a Tracker in Excel

In our example we have information about specific tasks. We have the category , importance , and status of those tasks.

Task Details

  • Put the tasks in range C5:C14 .

Put the Task Names in the Task Tracker

  • Select range D5:D14 >> go to the Data tab >> choose Data Validation from the Data Tools  group.

Data Validation for Category Column in Task Tracker

  • Set the Data Validation dialog box as shown below. Put this formula into the source bar.

Data Validation Dialog Box

  • You will see a drop-down box in all the cells of the Category column.

Drop-down Menu

  • Use the drop-down box and fill up all the cells of the Category column.

Values from Drop-down List

  • Repeat these steps and perform Data Validation for the Importance and Status columns. The source bar in the Data Validation dialog box will have different formulas.

Source formula of Data Validation for Importance Column:

Data Validation for Importance Column in Task Tracker

Source formula of Data Validation for Status Column:

Data Validation for Status Column in Task Tracker

  • Now fill up range E5:F14 with the help of the drop-down boxes and complete the task tracker.

Create Task Tracker

  • You can get information about a particular task. Put the Serial of the task in cell C4 .

Information of an Individual Task

  • Put these formulas based on the VLOOKUP function in range C5:C8 to see the information of the task.

Formula in cell C5:

Formula in cell C6:

Formula in cell C7:

Formula in cell C8:

Insert Formulas to Get the Information of a Task

  • You can also create a task summary. To do this, go to cell C5 and put enter the following formula based on the COUNTIFS function:
  • Use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range C6:C8 .

Formula to Create Task Summary

This formula will only count the number of cells if the value in cell B5 ( Work ) and cell C4 ( Completed ) of the Summary worksheet matches any value in range D5:D14 and range F5:F14 in the Task Tracker worksheet respectively.

  • Go to cell D5 and enter this formula based on the COUNTIFS function :
  • Select cell D5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range D6:D8 .

Formula Based on COUNTIFS Function to Create Task Summary

  • Go to cell E5 and enter this formula based on the SUM function:
  • Select cell E5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range E6:E8 .

Formula Based on SUM Function to Create Task Summary

  • Now select range B4:E8 >> go to the Insert tab >> select Column Chart option >> choose an appropriate Column Chart .
  • You will see a Column Chart with the summary for each category of your tasks.

Insert a 2-D Column Chart

How to Create Different Trackers in Excel

1. create a real time tracker in excel.

Design the dataset in the following way.

  • Enter the value of hourly payment in cell C4.
  • Fill up the Employee ID and Name  columns.

Format to Create Real Time Tracker

  • Select range D7:E16 >> go to the Home tab >> select Time format from the Number  group.

Convert Number Format into Time

  • Fill up the Start Time and End Time columns for each employee.

Put Start and End Time

  • Go to cell F7 and put this formula based on the TEXT function .
  • Select cell F7 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range F8:F16 .

Put Formula Based on TEXT Function

  • Go to cell G7 and put this formula based on the combination of HOUR and MINUTE functions.
  • Select cell G7 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range G8:G16 .

Create Real Time Tracker

2. Create Workflow Tracker in Excel

We can use the following format to create a workflow tracker.

Format to Create Workflow Tracker

  • Go to cell E5 and enter this formula.
  • Select cell E5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range E6:E14 .

Use Formula to Create Workflow Tracker

  • Put the actual number of days spent for each task in range F5:F14 .

Put Values to Create Workflow Tracker

  • Select range G5:G14 >> go to the Home tab >> change the number format into Percentage .

Convert Number Format into Percentage

  • Go to cell G5 and enter this formula.
  • Select cell G5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range G6:G14 .

Calculate Progress in the Workflow Tracker

  • Go to cell H5 and enter the following formula based on the IF function:
  • Select cell H5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range H6:H14 .

Create Workflow Tracker

3. Create a Progress Tracker in Excel

3.1. Use Conditional Formatting

  • Follow Method 2 step-by-step to create a progress tracker.

Create a Progress Tracker

  • Select range G5:G14 >> go to the Home tab >> Conditional Formatting >> New Rule .

Conditional Formatting of the Progress Tracker

  • Set the New Formatting Rule dialog box as shown below.

Set up New Formatting Rule Dialog Box

  • You will see the progress tracker with data bars in each cell of range G5:G14 .

Create Progress Tracker with Conditional Formatting

3.2. Use Bar Chart

We will use the same progress tracker as shown in the previous method .

Create a Progress Tracker in Excel

  • Now select range B4:B14 , press the Ctrl button, and select range G4:G14 .
  • Go to the Insert tab >> select Bar Chart option >> choose an appropriate Clustered Bar Chart .

Select a Bar Chart to Show Progress

  • You will see the bar chart of the progress tracker in your worksheet. You can give it a suitable title.

Progress Tracker with a Bar Chart

3.3. Apply Check Boxes and Circle Chart

We will use the following format to create a progress tracker with check boxes and a circle chart .

Format of the Progress Tracker

  • Select cell D5 >> go to the Developer tab >> click on Insert >> choose Check Box (Form Control) .

Insert Check Box from Form Controls

  • Create a check box in cell D5 .
  • Select cell D5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill to create checkboxes in range D6:D14 .

Insert Check Boxes into Cells

  • Right-click on the check box in cell D5 >> select Format Control .

Format Control of the Check Box

  • Set the Format Control dialog box as shown below.
  • Insert $E$5 in the Cell Link bar and click OK .

Link the Check Box to Another Cell

  • Now do the same for the rest of the check boxes in range D6:D14 and enter the corresponding cell of column E in the Cell Link bar of Format Control dialog box.
  • Tick the check boxes of the completed tasks and you will see TRUE (if checked) or FALSE (if unchecked) in the corresponding cells of the Task Completion column.

Progress Tracker with Check Boxes

  • Now select range G5:H5 and change the number format into Percentage .

Convert Number Format of Cells into Percentage

  • Go to cell G5 and enter the following formula which combines COUNTIF and COUNT functions:

Calculate Task Progress

Formula Breakdown

COUNTIF(E5:E14,TRUE) : This portion of the formula counts the number of cells in range E5:E14 if any cell value matches the text TRUE . Result : 6

COUNT(B5:B14) : This portion counts the total number of cells in range B5:B14 . Result : 10

COUNTIF(E5:E14,TRUE)/COUNT(B5:B14) : This formula returns the percentage of cells that include the text TRUE in range B5:B14 . Result: 60.00%

  • Go to cell H5 and enter this formula into the cell.

Calculate Remaining Task

  • Select range G4:H5 >> go to the Insert tab >> select the Doughnut chart .

Select Doughnut Chart

  • You will see a circle chart in your worksheet. Give the chart an appropriate title.

Progress Tracker with a Circle Chart

Templates of Tracker in Excel

1. inventory tracker in excel.

You can also create an inventory tracker in Excel. An inventory tracker can be used to monitor and manage in example a company’s inventory. You can use the inventory tracker below:

Inventory Tracker in Excel

2. Project Progress Tracker in Excel

A project progress tracker is a very handy tool in our day-to-day life. You may need a progress tracker to monitor different activities of your employees who are working on a project and to keep track of their progress. This type of tracker enables companies to have more control and a higher efficiency in managing their employees.

Project Progress Tracker in Excel

3. Fully Functional To Do List

Excel comes with powerful features and functions to create a fully functional to do list. The list below is very flexible, easy to customize, and you can use it to keep track of your day-to-day activities.

Fully Functional To Do List

Things to Remember

  • Select the source for Data Validation  carefully.
  • Select the desired range of cells before setting the Conditional Formatting dialog box.
  • Keep your tracker updated.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the best practices for organizing data in an Excel tracker?

You should use consistent headings and group interconnected information together. It is better to use separate sheets or tabs for different sections or categories. You should keep an organized data structure that is easy to understand and navigate.

2. How do I set up data validation to ensure accurate data entry in my tracker?

To set up data validation in Excel follow these steps:

  • Select the cells where you want to apply validation.
  • Go to the Data  tab.
  • Click on Data Validation , and specify the validation criteria such as whole numbers, decimal numbers, dates, or values from a specific list. You can also set custom validation rules to meet your specific requirements.

3. How can I protect my tracker from accidental modifications or unauthorized access?

To protect your tracker,

  • Go to the Review  tab.
  • Click on Protect Sheet or Protect Workbook and set a password to prevent unauthorized modifications.

You can also restrict editing permissions and specify who can make changes to the workbook.

Tracker in Excel: Knowledge Hub

  • Create a Tracker in Excel
  • To-Do List in Excel
  • Excel Weight Los Tracker

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Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni

Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni holds a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He is a dedicated employee of the ExcelDemy project. He has written quite a large number of articles for ExcelDemy. Besides, he has expertise in VBA. He efficiently automates Excel issues using VBA macros and actively engages in the ExcelDemy forum, offering valuable solutions for user interface challenges. His areas of interest in work and study span MATLAB, Machine Learning,... Read Full Bio

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    Team Project Division Of Labor Plan. View our free and editable Assignment tracking templates for Excel or Google Sheets. These Assignment tracking spreadsheet templates are easy to modify and you can customize the design, the header, table, formulas to suit your needs. Download now to finish your work in minutes.

  14. FREE Assignment Tracker Google Sheets template available ...

    The assignment tracker is built in Google Sheets, and has several fun features that are absent from other assignment tracking templates, such as: A place to add your classes, schedule, and professors. Percent completed calculator for assignments, per class and overall. Automatic formatting based on assignment status, class, and assignment type.

  15. Free Assignment Tracker Templates from Notion

    Get started. Streamline your academic workflow with our versatile Assignment Tracker templates, ideal for both individual tasks and collaborative group assignments. Effortlessly monitor due dates, progress milestones, and peer contributions, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. Notion brings clarity and cohesion to every academic pursuit.

  16. Assignment tracker

    ASSIGNMENT TRACKER: Add subjects or course to the 'Subjects' sheet. In this sheet, select your subject, add assignments, status, time required, when you plan to do it and when it's due. 3. Subject: Assignment: Status: Time: Start date: Due on: 4. 5.

  17. Free Assignment Schedule Tracker for Excel

    This free Office template contains a table that already contains headings for your assignments. It allows you to write down your assignments for your instructor, course, assignment name, and when you started the assignment, as well as when it is due. The dates allow you to track your progress and ensure that you pass your assignments on time.

  18. How to Create a Task Tracker in Excel (Download Free Template)

    Step 1 - Making a Dataset for a Task Tracker in Excel. Insert the following headers in the dataset. Select cell B5 and go to Home. Select Conditional Formatting from the Styles tab and choose New Rule from the drop-down list. In the New Formatting Rule box, select Format only cells that contain in the Select a Rule Type.

  19. Assignment Dates: Spreadsheet Magic

    Quick demo of how you can use "date arithmetic" to simplify creating a spreadsheet plan for a semester's worth of assignments. This saves time and also preve...

  20. Free Assignment Tracker Template for Students (PDF, Word, Excel)

    Having an assignment tracker helps you to keep track of every task and remain organized or get hold of all your assignments and complete them on time. Check out the Assignment Tracking Template, download it, use it, and see how helpful it is. Assignment tracking is as important as planning, therefore, you must track your work or tasks properly.

  21. 15 Excel Spreadsheet Templates for Tracking Tasks, Costs and Time

    We've collected ProjectManager's 15 best Excel spreadsheet templates for tracking that you can download and use for free. 1. Dashboard Template. A dashboard is how you keep track of your work, including the time spent on tasks, what you're spending and if you're making progress as planned. ProjectManager's free dashboard template for ...

  22. Excel Tutorial: How To Organize Assignments In Excel

    To open a new Excel workbook, start by opening Microsoft Excel on your computer. Once the program is open, you can either click on "File" in the top left corner and select "New" to create a new workbook or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + N. This will open a new blank spreadsheet for you to work with. B. Discuss the options for formatting the ...

  23. Tracker in Excel (Task Tracker, Progress Tracker and so on)

    Create a Real Time Tracker in Excel. Design the dataset in the following way. Enter the value of hourly payment in cell C4. Fill up the Employee ID and Name columns. Select range D7:E16 >> go to the Home tab >> select Time format from the Number group. Fill up the Start Time and End Time columns for each employee.