salt water lamp research paper

Deconstructing SALt’s saltwater lamp – How it works and where the real challenges lie

Author’s note: The purpose of this article is not to discredit SALt’s product but to explain scientifically the technology behind it and its challenges, which were missing in the media coverage. I admire their effort to bring technologies to the masses and I believe that it is neither their intention to deceive nor they have unscientific claims. But, it is the responsibility of everyone (media, start-up founders, scientists, etc.) to provide accurate information to the general public, thus avoiding misleading statements and overly enthusiastic expectations from the people. 

Sustainable Alternative Light or SALt’s “saltwater” lamp received widespread attention in the recent Asia Pacific Economic Conference (APEC), with the start-up’s co-founder Engr. Aisa Mijeno sharing the stage with US Pres. Barack Obama and Alibaba founder Jack Ma. Most of the news coverage, however, focuses on the “salt and the water” as being the heart that powers the lamp, which is outright erroneous.

“ Metal-air ” battery as the power source

To start, the LED lamp is powered by a battery, as Engr. Mijeno calls it a galvanic cell. Galvanic cell as a term includes all types of batteries in discharge, fuel cells, and corrosion cells,  and it is too general to refer to the lamp’s energy source. The battery that powers the lamp is technically called a “metal-air battery” or a “metal-air” fuel cell. It is similar to fuel cells because it gets oxygen from the air but uses a metal as anode instead of hydrogen or other fuels. Metal-air batteries have been in commercial production for almost a century now. I have spent the past four years of my professional life reading and thinking about, and assembling metal-air batteries, in which I’m comfortable enough to discuss this subject. Let’s try to deconstruct the “saltwater” lamp, to objectively look at its merits and demerits, and to point out the real challenges so that more people could benefit from this technology.

The lamp is not powered by the dissociation of the salt in water because it does not produce the electrons needed for lighting. The flow of the electrons (i.e. electricity) results from the reactions within the battery, which is located inside the lamp’s case. Hence, it is irresponsible to call it a saltwater lamp because it fuels confusion and misleading claims. I hope SALt tries to correct the media in interviews when they are calling it a saltwater lamp. After all, if they know this and the media does not then they are morally responsible in avoiding such unscientific statements. Any type of battery, whether rechargeable or not, could power the lamp as long as it meets its voltage and current requirements and it’s not only limited to the metal-air battery that they are using.

Metal-air battery is an attractive type of battery because it has high energy density (more energy can be stored and generated in the battery) and has a straightforward design. This arises from the unique feature of metal–air batteries, when compared with other batteries such as nickel-metal hydride batteries and lithium batteries, such that one of the electroactive materials (i.e. oxygen) does not need to be stored within the battery. With abundant supply of oxygen in the air, metal–air batteries have extremely higher theoretical energy densities than their traditional aqueous and lithium-ion counterparts.

Saltwater is “ only ” an electrolyte

The battery is not your typical alkaline or lithium-ion batteries commonly found in the market. But, if you know someone who is using a hearing aide, then, you have certainly encountered this battery. When one pours the salt and water inside the lamp’s case, the LED lamp emits light. Why? There is no alchemy here, just elementary science. The dissolved salt in water (which now exists in ionic form) closes the circuit and allows the flow of electrons and ions within the battery compartment. It’s quite similar to turning on a switch when you want to turn on the lights. Shortly, saltwater acts as the electrolyte to facilitate the current flow within the battery. Any electrolyte with enough ions will do the job. In fact, the best electrolytes for metal-air batteries are the “basic” solutions, such as potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide. With them, you can get more juice from your battery, but they’re more difficult to handle and dispose.

Basic schematic of a metal-air battery, the type used in SALt’s lamp. (Original figure from J. D. Ocon)

The “ invisible ” metal electrodes

If the saltwater is not the one producing the electrons, then, which is it? The metal anodes, which are sometimes mentioned in SALt’s interviews and unfortunately sometimes not, are the powerhouse of the lamp. When the circuit is closed by putting the saltwater, electrons are generated by the oxidation of the metals. The metals to use should be highly oxidizable metals, such as lithium, magnesium, aluminum, and zinc. If the lamp is running on zinc anodes, then it is technically a “Zinc-air” battery, the type of battery used in hearing aids. Lithium, of course, is much more difficult to handle in humid conditions and especially in water, and this limits to most metal-air batteries being powered by the last three metals.

During operation of the lamp, the metal anode is continuously dissolved into the electrolyte until such time when the battery dies and the lamp needs a fresh supply of the metal anodes. As the elemental metal generates the electrons during oxidation, it’s transformed from a metallic form into an ionic form with a positive charge. One could easily recover the metal from the solution by running a current (electrical charging) but this requires much higher energy than generated during battery discharge and has its own perils. SALt’s looking at the strategy of providing metal anodes in sari-sari stores, which is a mechanical way of recharging the batteries. The challenge for SALt is how to manage the supply chain for the metal anodes because they would have to import the metals from abroad, ask someone to make it here in the Philippines, or to just refine it themselves, and then to distribute it to their lamp owners in the far-flung locations.

It should be mentioned that the metal electrode gets corroded when in contact with the saltwater, thus eating away the metal and generating hydrogen gas. If the corrosion rate is high, the lamp owner would have to dispose the saltwater electrolyte frequently or else see the metal continuously dissolving into the electrolyte even without using the lamp. It’s difficult to avoid this because pure metals are not really thermodynamically stable relative to their oxidized forms, and this is why it’s rare to find natural metal ores with high pure metal content.

The “ crucial ” air electrodes

While the metal electrode has its challenges, the real challenge lies in the catalyst to use as the air electrode. In the cathode, the electrons generated in the metal anode are taken in and are used to reduce oxygen from air. This reaction is equally important because the speeds of the two reactions must be at par with each other. Unfortunately, the reduction of oxygen occurs very slowly and this requires the help of a catalyst to speed it up.

To get the best power performance from the battery and in turn brighter light from the lamp, an excellent catalyst must be used. Platinum is the best catalyst for doing the job but it is extremely expensive. Most likely, SALt’s lamp is using a less expensive metal as catalyst in the cathode, such as manganese or cobalt. This would further add to the cost of the whole system and would have to be replaced in a few years due to degradation issues. Scaling up the production of the cathode, which would have to be pasted to a conducting backbone such as nickel foam to allow the oxygen in air to enter, is another serious challenge.

Air electrodes are the most researched component of the metal-air battery due to the big cost savings potential when you can replace expensive platinum as the catalyst. In fact, most patents awarded on this subject are on the synthesis and production of the air electrodes. As I have shared with Engr. Mijeno during our short conversation last March, their R&D would have look at this crucial component of their lamp.

How novel is the saltwater lamp?

Metal-air batteries with saltwater electrolyte have been around for quite sometime now. You can even buy toys, which run on this technology in any toy store. As I have understood it, the novelty in their device is in the use of a “joule thief” to increase the voltage of their battery. When using a zinc anode, the cell voltage is only around 1.6 volts, which could hardly power any application including LED lamps. You could avoid using this extra circuitry by combining the cells in series and parallel connections.

Can their technology be patented? Possibly, but in the current form it is highly unlikely. For an invention to be patentable, it must exhibit three things: novelty, an inventive step, and commercial value. The latter is easy to prove here, but the first two are difficult. Without patent protection, anyone can just copy their design and make their own device. If they decide to commercialize the technology as they are doing now, they might encroach into previously awarded patents on the use of this technology or its components and face lawsuits. Of course, they can seek for an “industrial design” protection for the case of the battery and lamp but that would only protect the design and not the technology. But for the sake of the people who might benefit from their product, let us hope that the patents for their lamp and battery belong to the public domain, where everyone can use them freely. As I see it, metal-air batteries for lighting will only make sense for emergency and back-up applications and not as the main energy source for everyday lighting. Given the challenges this technology is facing for lighting in remote areas, going solar or having a cranking device with a rechargeable battery that can power an LED lamp might be a more sustainable alternative and might be an easier problem to crack.

 Key points so we can all be enlightened.

1.    It does NOT RUN on SALTWATER.

2.    This is NOT an INVENTION. It is not NEW. It must be a new technology for it to be called an invention, thus they can’t claim a patent on the lamp or battery.

3.    It is NOT SUSTAINABLE, COST-EFFECTIVE, and ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY when you are dependent on metals for powering the lamp. Metals in this case will be like crude oil.

4.    You CANNOT POWER A WHOLE ISLAND with this technology as SALt claims it to US Pres. Obama in the APEC summit. (See Inquirer APEC write-up here:

5.   SALt does not understand their chemistry well enough, neither is “saline solution or ocean water a catalyst to generate electricity” nor the “lamp lights up in saline solution because of chemical reaction that emits light”. The lamp works because of the electricity supplied by the battery when the circuit is closed by adding saltwater. (See Inquirer APEC write-up here:

6.   This technology is not simple as they claim it, it requires maintenance and replacement of parts (metal and oxygen electrode).

7.   More importantly, other practical and cheaper technologies (solar or cranking device + battery + LED lamp) are more economical and environment-friendly for people in the rural areas for their everyday lighting.

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Deconstructing SALt’s saltwater lamp

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Deconstructing SALt’s saltwater lamp

MANILA, Philippines – Sustainable Alternative Light or SALt’s “saltwater” lamp received widespread attention in the recent Asia Pacific Economic Conference (APEC), with the start-up’s co-founder Engr. Aisa Mijeno sharing the stage with US President Barack Obama and Alibaba founder Jack Ma. Most of the news coverage, however, focuses on the “salt and the water” as being the heart that powers the lamp, which is outright erroneous. 

‘ Metal-air’  battery as the power source

To start, the LED lamp is powered by a battery, as Engr. Mijeno calls it a galvanic cell. Galvanic cells include all types of batteries and it is too generic to refer to their lamp’s energy source. The battery that powers the lamp is technically called a “metal-air battery” or a “metal-air” fuel cell. It is similar to fuel cells because it gets oxygen from the air but uses a metal as anode instead of hydrogen or other fuels. Metal-air batteries have been in commercial production for almost a century now.

I have spent the past 4 years of my professional life reading, thinking, and assembling metal-air batteries, to which I’m comfortable enough to discuss this subject. Let’s try to deconstruct the “saltwater” lamp, to objectively look at its merits and demerits, and point out the real challenges so that more people could benefit from this technology.

The lamp is not powered by the dissociation of the salt in water because it does not produce the electrons needed for lighting. The flow of the electrons (i.e. electricity) results from the reactions within the battery, which is located inside the lamp’s case. Hence, it is irresponsible to call it a saltwater lamp because it fuels confusion and misleading claims. I hope SALt tries to correct the media in interviews when they are calling it a saltwater lamp. After all, they know this more and are morally responsible in avoiding such unscientific statements. Any type of battery, whether rechargeable or not, could power the lamp as long as it meets its voltage and current requirements and it’s not only limited to the metal-air battery that they are using.

Metal-air battery is an attractive type of battery because it has high energy density (more energy can be stored and generated in the battery) and has a straightforward design. This arises from the unique feature of metal–air batteries, when compared with other batteries such as nickel-metal hydride batteries and lithium batteries, such that one of the electroactive materials (i.e. oxygen) does not need to be stored within the battery. With abundant supply of oxygen in the air, metal–air batteries have extremely higher theoretical energy densities than their traditional aqueous and lithium-ion counterparts.

Saltwater is ‘ only’  an electrolyte

The battery is not your typical alkaline or lithium-ion batteries commonly found in the market. But, if you know someone who is using a hearing aid, then, you have certainly encountered this battery. When one pours the salt and water inside the lamp’s case, the LED lamp emits light. Why? There is no alchemy here, just elementary science. The dissolved salt in water (which now exists in ionic form) closes the circuit and allows the flow of electrons and ions within the battery compartment. It’s quite similar to turning on a switch when you want to turn on the lights. Shortly, saltwater acts as the electrolyte to facilitate the current flow within the battery. Any electrolyte with enough ions will do the job. In fact, the best electrolytes for metal-air batteries are the “basic” solutions, such as potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide. With them, you can get more juice from your battery, but they’re more difficult to handle and dispose.

Basic schematic of a metal-air battery, the type used in SALt’s lamp. Figure from Dr. Ocon

The ‘ invisible’  metal electrodes

If the saltwater is not the one producing the electrons, then, which is it? The metal anodes, which are sometimes mentioned in SALt’s interviews and unfortunately sometimes not, is the powerhouse of the lamp. When the circuit is closed by putting the saltwater, electrons are generated by the oxidation of the metals. The metals to use should be a highly oxidizable metals, such as lithium, magnesium, aluminum, and zinc. Lithium, of course, is much more difficult to handle in humid conditions and especially in water, and this limits to most metal-air batteries being powered by the last three metals.

During operation of the lamp, the metal anode is continuously dissolved into the electrolyte until such time when the battery dies and the lamp needs a fresh supply of the metal anodes. As the elemental metal generates the electrons during oxidation, it’s transformed from a metallic form into an ionic form with a positive charge. One could easily recover the metal from the solution by running a current but this requires much higher energy than generated during battery discharge. 

The challenge for SALt is how to manage the supply chain for the metal anodes because they would have to import the metals from abroad, ask someone to make it here in the Philippines, or to just refine it themselves, and then to distribute it to their lamp owners in the far-flung locations. 

It should be mentioned that the metal electrode gets corroded when in contact with the saltwater, thus eating away the metal and generating hydrogen gas. If the corrosion rate is high, the lamp owner would have to dispose the saltwater electrolyte frequently or else see the metal continuously dissolving into the electrolyte even without using the lamp. It’s difficult to avoid this because pure metals are not really thermodynamically stable relative to their oxidized forms, and this is why it’s rare to find natural metal ores with high pure metal content. 

The ‘crucial’ air electrodes

While the metal electrode has its challenges, the real challenge lies in the catalyst to use as the air electrode. In the cathode, the electrons generated in the metal anode are taken in and used to reduce oxygen from air. This reaction is equally important because the speeds of the two reactions must be at par with each other. Unfortunately, the reduction of oxygen occurs very slowly and this requires the help of a catalyst to speed it up.

To get the best power performance from the battery and in turn brighter light from the lamp, an excellent catalyst must be used. Platinum is the best catalyst for doing the job but it is extremely expensive. Most likely, SALt’s lamp is using a less expensive metal as catalyst in the cathode, such as manganese or cobalt. This would further add to the cost of the whole system and would have to be replaced in a few years due to degradation issues. Scaling the production of the cathode, which would have to be pasted to a conducting backbone such as nickel foam to allow the oxygen in air to enter, is another serious challenge.

Air electrodes are the most researched component of the metal-air battery due to the big savings when you can replace expensive platinum as the catalyst. In fact, most patents awarded on this subject are on the synthesis and production of the air electrodes. As I have shared with Engr. Mijeno during our short conversation last March, their R&D would have look at this crucial component of their lamp. 

How novel is the saltwater lamp?

Metal-air batteries with saltwater electrolyte have been around for quite sometime now. You can even buy toys, which run on this technology in any toy store. As I have understood it, the novelty in their device is in the use of a “joule thief” to increase the voltage of their battery. When using a zinc anode, the cell voltage is only around 1.6 volts, which could hardly power any application including LED lamps. You could avoid using this extra circuitry by combining the cells in series and parallel connections. 

Can their technology be patented? Possibly, but in the current form it is highly unlikely. For an invention to be patentable, it must exhibit 3 things: novelty, an inventive step, and commercial value. The latter is easy to prove here, but the first two are difficult. Without patent protection, anyone can just copy their design and make their own device. If they decide to commercialize the technology as they are doing now, they might encroach into previously awarded patents on the use of this technology or its components and face lawsuits.

Of course, they can seek for an “industrial design” protection for the case of the battery and lamp but that would only protect the design and not the technology. But for the sake of the people who might benefit from their product, let us hope that the patents for their lamp and battery belong to the public domain, where everyone can use them freely.

As I see it, metal-air batteries for lighting will only make sense for emergency and back-up applications and not as the main energy source for everyday lighting. Knowing the challenges this technology is facing for lighting in remote areas, going solar or having a cranking device with a rechargeable battery that can power an LED lamp might be a more sustainable alternative and might be easier to crack. –

Author’s note: The purpose of this article is not to discredit SALt’s product but to explain scientifically the technology behind it and its challenges, which were missing in the media coverage. I admire their effort to bring technologies to the masses and I believe that it is neither their intention to deceive nor they have unscientific claims. But, it is the responsibility of everyone (media, start-up founders, scientists, etc.) to provide accurate information to the general public, thus avoiding misleading statements and overly enthusiastic expectations from the people. 

Joey D. Ocon, Ph.D. teaches at the University of the Philippines Diliman and heads the Laboratory of Electrochemical Engineering. He recently received the 2015 Outstanding Young Scientist Award in Chemical Engineering from the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) and the 2015 Green Talents Award from Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for his research on batteries and other electrochemical energy storage devices.  You can reach him at [email protected]

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Light from salt

Salt + water = light.

OK, so it might not be as simple as that, otherwise salt water lakes would be glowing all day every day! However, simple chemistry could provide safe and valuable light sources for those who need it most. This particular use of salt water is not new and is an example of electrochemistry . 

Electrochemistry  has been around for years, generating electricity from chemical reactions.

The salt water lamp is an example of an electrochemical cell. An electrochemical cell is a battery or device that can generate electrical energy from chemical reactions. This can also happen the other way around, by introducing electrical energy to start a chemical reaction, this is how rechargeable batteries are recharged.  

A diagram of an electrochemical cell

  • Electrolytes  are liquids that conduct electricity, in this case, the salt water found in the lamp. The electrolyte closes the circuit in the cell (or battery).
  • An  electrode  is a piece of material that conducts electricity when it touches a non-metallic part of a circuit, i.e. the salt water in the lamp. Electrodes are often metal rods, such as zinc and copper.
  • Two  electrodes  are found in the salt water lamp, one acting as an anode, and one as a cathode, like you would find in a regular battery.

Once the salt water is added, the circuit is closed and the battery (or cell) can power the lamp to produce light.

How Can It Help?

Inventions such as the lamp below, which use basic scientific principles, will be invaluable for areas where there is not a lot of electricity available. Having light at night means that people can work later in the evening to boost their income and children can do more homework which can greatly improve their prospects as they grow up. 

salt water lamp research paper

The salt water lamp above was created by E-Dina, it can use the energy generated to charge a smartphone, and in an emergency can run on urine instead of water. 

There is also a safety benefit to using these lamps compared to standard kerosene or paraffin lamps. Standard lamps release fumes into the air when burning and if used indoors can be as harmful as smoking two packets of cigarettes a day. The fuel is also harmful to people and the environment if spilled and the lamps can easily start fires if dropped or knocked over. 

The salt water lamp does have some drawbacks, the chemical reaction that produces the electricity erodes the anode which means it will need to be replaced after a certain number of hours. And you do need a supply of sea water or salt and water, although these are usually easy to find in most places. 

But used together with rechargeable solar powered lamps, wind up lamps, and other new technologies (bioluminescence) it can provide a much safer and easy to use lighting solution for communities in developing countries. 

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Feasibility Study of a Low Cost Saltwater Lamp for Rural Area

Profile image of Nurul Aini Bani

International Journal of Integrated Engineering

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salt water lamp research paper

A lamp powered by salt water

The Salt lamp

From the Series

salt water lamp research paper

Most of the 7000 islands in the Philippines rely on candles, paraffin or battery powered lamps as primary sources of light in their homes. The Salt lamp , by engineer Lipa Aisa Mijena, offers a possible alternative. Mijena is part of the department of engineering at De La Salle University and is a member of Greenpeace Philippines. She is deeply invested in the wellbeing of Philippines’ underprivileged communities. The idea for the Salt lamp occurred to her when she spent time with the Butbut tribe, who were greatly in need of a sustainable and eco-friendly lamp for people living without access to electricity.

The lantern is environmentally friendly - it does not emit any harmful gasses - and ethically made. Both cost effective and sustainable, the Salt lamp is powered by a simple saline solution: one glass of water mixed with two tablespoons of salt allows for eight hours of light. The lamp will even run off ocean water.

The lamp’s electrode can last for up to a year depending on how many hours a day the lamp is used. The natural elements that power the lamp mean that it’s a completely safe alternative to oil lamps, which are often the cause of household fires in the Philippines.

For Philippians, the Salt lamp is a reliable light source in the third most natural-disaster prone country in the world. Users can plug in a USB cable to charge a smartphone.

Currently in production stage, the team behind the product aim to have the lamps available for purchase later in the year, however, their main priority is to deliver the Salt lamps to Philippine and NGO-supported communities who need them most.

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    Salt-Lamp-Efficiency-of-Sustainable-Salt-Water-Based-Power-Source-Lamp - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document summarizes a study on developing a sustainable saltwater-powered lamp for rural communities in the Philippines. Specifically, the study examined how different electrode combinations, number of cells, and electrode durability affected ...

  10. Deconstructing SALt's saltwater lamp

    Deconstructing SALt's saltwater lamp. Nov 22, 2015 9:00 AM PHT. Joey D. Ocon. Sustainable Alternative Light's saltwater lamp, which received widespread attention in the APEC summit, works using ...

  11. Light from salt

    The salt water lamp is an example of an electrochemical cell. An electrochemical cell is a battery or device that can generate electrical energy from chemical reactions. This can also happen the other way around, by introducing electrical energy to start a chemical reaction, this is how rechargeable batteries are recharged. ...

  12. PDF Salt Lamp: Illuminating Health Benefits and Scientific Evaluation

    Salt lamps, crafted from blocks of natural Himalayan salt, have gained popularity in recent years for their purported health benefits and aesthetic appeal. Advocates claim that these lamps emit negative ions, which are said to purify the air, improve mood, and promote overall well-being. This paper provides an overview of the scientific ...

  13. New lamp generates light for 45 days with half-liter of salt water

    New lamp generates light for 45 days with half-liter of salt water. The Waterlight lamp was awarded a Silver Cannes in the design category and two bronzes in innovation and social responsibility, at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2021 held in France. Miguel Mojica is a Colombian designer who has lived in Valencia since ...

  14. Feasibility Study of a Low Cost Saltwater Lamp for Rural Area

    On average, the salinity of seawater is about 3.5% or 35 gram/litre. However, in this preliminary study, 200ml of tap water is used with 17 grams of salt for every experiment. Thus the salinity of the salt water is 8.5% or 85 gram / litre. Data are collected for 5 minutes during the submerging of electrodes in the salt water.

  15. PDF Salt water for lamp designed to serve people without electricity

    The salinity of ocean-water can operate the lamp. They said it would give eight hours of running-time. "Salinity is expressed by the amount of salt found in 1,000 grams of water. The average ocean salinity is 35 parts per thousand." Aisa Mijeno is co-founder and CEO, She is a faculty member of engineering at De La Salle University.

  16. (Pdf) Preliminary Experiments on Potential Use of Salt-water Battery

    Current Flow Experiment (12v 3W Lamp, Using 6,2 v Salt Water The above preliminary experimental results show that salt-water mixture with concentration between 8% to 16% can yield between 0.52-0. ...

  17. Sustainable Alternative Lighting (SALt) develops LED lamp fueled by

    Aug. 6, 2015. The company named SALt has developed a truly sustainable LED lamp powered by salt water. Gail Overton. SALt has developed an LED and galvanic-cell-based lamp using table salt and water (or ocean water) targeted at third-world countries.

  18. A lamp powered by salt water

    The lantern is environmentally friendly - it does not emit any harmful gasses - and ethically made. Both cost effective and sustainable, the Salt lamp is powered by a simple saline solution: one glass of water mixed with two tablespoons of salt allows for eight hours of light. The lamp will even run off ocean water.

  19. SALt Lamp

    SALt Lamp (Sustainable Alternative Lighting) Lamp HISTORY. A SALt lamp is an LED lamp powered by the galvanic reaction of an anode with saline water. The anode must be replaced approximately every six months and the saline water daily; sea water is usable. The SALt lamp was invented and is marketed by Aisa Mijeno, a Filipino inventor and ...

  20. (PDF) Utilization of Sea Water as Source of Electrical Energy of

    From the results of research conducted that the stress contained in 200 ml of sea water obtained 0,5V, and when added 50 grams of salt voltage increased to 0.8V. By researching the conversion of ...

  21. RRL Research Paper About Saltwater and Magnet Electricity

    RRL Research paper about saltwater and magnet electricity - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This chapter reviews related literature on using saltwater as a means to generate electricity. Several sources discuss how dissolving salt in water allows the salt ions to separate and carry an electric charge, making saltwater a good ...

  22. research 2.2

    "Salt water Lamp as an Alternative Energy Source " An Experimental Research Paper Presented to The Faculty of La Castellana National High School Senior High School In Partial Fulfilment Of the Requirements for Capstone Project Of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Strand Alvarado, Rhea Mea Amallo, Xybelle Hope

  23. Exposure to illuminated salt lamp increases 5-HT metabolism: A

    Moreover, there is a worldwide trend of using blocks or slabs of Himalayan rock salt for decorative purposes especially for producing salt lamps, tiles, paper weights, and monument applications [9 ...