Creating a resume builder with React, NodeJS and AI šŸš€

In this article, you'll learn how to create a resume builder using React, Node.js, and the OpenAI API. What's better to look for a job and say you have build a job resume builder with AI to do so? šŸ¤©

Nevo David

A small request šŸ„ŗ

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Introduction to the OpenAI API

GPT-3 is a type of artificial intelligence program developed by OpenAI that is really good at understanding and processing human language. It has been trained on a huge amount of text data from the internet, which allows it to generate high-quality responses to a wide range of language-related tasks.

For this article we will use OpenAI GPT3. Once the ChatGPT API is out, I will create another article using it šŸ¤— I have been a big fan of OpenAI from the day they released their first API, I have turned to one of the employees and sent them a nice request to get access to the beta version of GPT3, and I got it šŸ˜…

Thatā€™s me in Dec 30, 2020, Begging for access.

Novu ā€“ the first open-source notification infrastructure

Just a quick background about us. Novu provides a unified API that makes it simple to send notifications through multiple channels, including In-App, Push, Email, SMS, and Chat. With Novu, you can create custom workflows and define conditions for each channel, ensuring that your notifications are delivered in the most effective way possible.

resume builder react

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Project Setup

Here, Iā€™ll guide you through creating the project environment for the web application. Weā€™ll use React.js for the front end and Node.js for the backend server.

Create the project folder for the web application by running the code below:

Setting up the Node.js server

Navigate into the server folder and create aĀ  package.json Ā file.

Install Express, Nodemon, and the CORS library

ExpressJS Ā is a fast, minimalist framework that provides several features for building web applications in Node.js,Ā  CORS Ā is a Node.js package that allows communication between different domains, andĀ  Nodemon Ā is a Node.js tool that automatically restarts the server after detecting file changes.

Create anĀ  index.js Ā file ā€“ the entry point to the web server.

Set up a Node.js server using Express.js. The code snippet below returns a JSON object when you visit theĀ  http://localhost:4000/api Ā in your browser.

Configure Nodemon by adding the start command to the list of scripts in theĀ  package.json Ā file. The code snippet below starts the server using Nodemon.

Congratulations! You can now start the server by using the command below.

Setting up the React application

Navigate into the client folder via your terminal and create a new React.js project.

Install Axios and React Router.Ā  React Router Ā is a JavaScript library that enables us to navigate between pages in a React application.Ā  Axios Ā is a promise-based Node.js HTTP client for performing asynchronous requests.

Delete the redundant files, such as the logo and the test files from the React app, and update theĀ  App.js Ā file to display Hello World as below.

Navigate into theĀ  src/index.css Ā file and copy the code below. It contains all the CSS required for styling this project.

Building the application user interface

Here, weā€™ll create the user interface for the resume builder application to enable users to submit their information and print the AI-generated resume.

Create a components folder within theĀ  client/src Ā folder containing theĀ  Home.js ,Ā  Loading.js ,Ā  Resume.js ,Ā  ErrorPage.js Ā files.

From the code snippet above:

  • TheĀ  Home.js Ā file renders the form field to enable users to enter the necessary information.
  • TheĀ  Loading.js Ā contains the component shown to the user when the request is pending.
  • TheĀ  Resume.js Ā displays the AI-generated resume to the user.
  • TheĀ  ErrorPage.js Ā is shown when an error occurs.

Update theĀ  App.js Ā file to render the components using React Router.

The Home page

Here, youā€™ll learn how to build a form layout that can send images via HTTP request and dynamically add and remove input fields.

First, update the Loading component to render the code snippet below, shown to the user when the resume is pending.

Next, update theĀ  ErrorPage.js Ā file to display the component below when users navigate directly to the resume page.

Copy the code snippet below into theĀ  Home.js Ā file


The code snippet renders the form field below. It accepts the full name and current work experience ā€“ (year, position, title) and allows the user to upload a headshot image via the form field.

Lastly, you need to accept the userā€™s previous work experience. So, add a new state that holds the array of job descriptions.

Add the following functions which help with updating the state.

TheĀ  handleAddCompany Ā updates theĀ  companyInfo Ā state with the userā€™s input,Ā  handleRemoveCompany Ā is used to remove an item from the list of data provided, and theĀ  handleUpdateCompany Ā updates the item properties ā€“ (name and position) within the list.

Next, render the UI elements for the work experience section.

The code snippet maps through the elements within theĀ  companyInfo Ā array and displays them on the webpage. TheĀ  handleUpdateCompany Ā function runs when a user updates the input field, thenĀ  handleRemoveCompany Ā removes an item from the list of elements, and theĀ  handleAddCompany Ā adds a new input field.

The Resume page

This page shows the resume generated from the OpenAI API in a printable format. Copy the code below into theĀ  Resume.js Ā file. Weā€™ll update its content later in this tutorial.

How to submit images via forms in Node.js

Here, Iā€™ll guide you on how to submit the form data to the Node.js server. Since the form contains images, weā€™ll need to set upĀ  Multer Ā on the Node.js server.

šŸ’”Ā  Multer Ā is a Node.js middleware used for uploading files to the server.

Setting up Multer

Run the code below to install Multer

Ensure the form on the frontend application has the method andĀ  encType Ā attributes, because Multer only process forms which are multpart.

Import the Multer and the Node.js path packages into theĀ  index.js Ā file

Copy the code below into theĀ  index.js Ā to configure Multer.

  • TheĀ  app.use() Ā function enables Node.js to serve the contents of anĀ  uploads Ā folder. The contents refer to static files such as images, CSS, and JavaScript files.
  • TheĀ  storage Ā variable containingĀ  multer.diskStorage Ā gives us full control of storing the images. The function above stores the images in the upload folder and renames the image to its upload time (to prevent filename conflicts).
  • The upload variable passes the configuration to Multer and set a size limit of 5MB for the images.

Create theĀ  uploads Ā folder on the server. This is where the images will be saved.

How to upload images to a Node.js server

Add a route that accepts all the form inputs from the React app. TheĀ  upload.single("headshotImage") Ā function adds the image uploaded via the form to theĀ  uploads Ā folder.

Update theĀ  handleFormSubmit Ā function within theĀ  Home.js Ā component to submit the form data to the Node.js server.

The code snippet above creates a key/value pair representing the form fields and their values which are sent via Axios to the API endpoint on the server. If there is a response, it logs the response and redirect the user to the Resume page.

How to communicate with the OpenAI API in Node.js

In this section, youā€™ll learn how to communicate with the OpenAI API within the Node.js server. Weā€™ll send the userā€™s information to the API to generate a profile summary, job description, and achievements or related activities completed at the previous organisations. To accomplish this:

Install the OpenAI API Node.js library by running the code below.

Log in or create an OpenAI accountĀ  here .

ClickĀ  Personal Ā on the navigation bar and selectĀ  View API keys Ā from the menu bar to create a new secret key.


Copy the API Key somewhere safe on your computer; weā€™ll use it shortly.

Configure the API by copying the code below into theĀ  index.js Ā file.

Create a function that accepts a text (prompt) as a parameter and returns an AI-generated result.

The code snippet above uses theĀ  text-davinci-003 Ā model to generate an appropriate answer to the prompt. The other key values helps us generate the specific type of response we need.

Update theĀ  /resume/create Ā route as done below.

The code snippet above accepts the form data from the client, converts theĀ  workHistory Ā to its original data structure (array), and puts them all into an object.

Next, create the prompts you want to pass into theĀ  GPTFunction .

  • TheĀ  remainderText Ā function loops through the array of work history and returns a string data type of all work experiences.
  • Then, there are three prompts with instructions on what is needed from the GPT-3 API.
  • Next, you store the results in an object and log them to the console.

Lastly, return the AI-generated result and the information the users entered. You can also create an array representing the database that stores results as done below.

Displaying the response from the OpenAI API

In this section, Iā€™ll guide you through displaying the results generated from the OpenAI API in a readable and printable format on a web page.

Create a React state within theĀ  App.js Ā file. The state will hold the results sent from the Node.js server.

From the code snippet above, onlyĀ  setResult Ā is passed as a prop into the Home component and onlyĀ  result Ā for the Resume component.Ā  setResult Ā updates the value of the result once the form is submitted and the request is successful, whileĀ  result Ā contains the response retrieved from the server, shown within the Resume component.

Update theĀ  result Ā state within the Home component after the form is submitted and the request is successful.

Update the Resume component as done below to preview the result within the React app.

The code snippet above displays the result on the webpage according to the specified layout. The functionĀ  replaceWithBr Ā replaces every new line (\n) with a break tag, and theĀ  handlePrint Ā function will enable users to print the resume.

How to print React pages using the React-to-print package

Here, youā€™ll learn how to add a print button to the web page that enables users to print the resume via theĀ  React-to-print Ā package.

šŸ’”Ā  React-to-print Ā  is a simple JavaScript package that enables you to print the content of a React component without tampering with the component CSS styles.

Run the code below to install the package

Import the library within theĀ  Resume.js Ā file and add theĀ  useRef Ā hook.

Update theĀ  Resume.js Ā file as done below.

TheĀ  handlePrint Ā function prints the elements within theĀ  componentRef Ā ā€“ main tag, sets the documentā€™s name to the userā€™s full name, and runs the alert function when a user prints the form.

Congratulations! Youā€™ve completed the project for this tutorial.

Here is a sample of the result gotten from the project:

So far, youā€™ve learnt:

  • what OpenAI GPT-3 is,
  • how to upload images via forms in a Node.js and React.js application,
  • how to interact with the OpenAI GPT-3 API, and
  • how to print React web pages via the React-to-print library.

This tutorial walks you through an example of an application you can build using the OpenAI API. With the API, you can create powerful applications useful in various fields, such as translators, Q&A, code explanation or generation, etc.

The source code for this tutorial is available here:

Thank you for reading!

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  • by Syamlal CM
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Create A Simple Resume Builder App Using React

resume builder react

Resumes have an important role in getting a job. A company will first go through the resume of the candidate. So we need to build it with care. It will be helpful if there is an online resume maker. Here we are going to create a Resume Builder tool using React.


Throughout this article, we discuss React, Material UI, and JavaScript code. So, the reader must have a basic idea about all of this.  Refer to the official documentation of React.js  and  the official page of Material UI  for better understanding.

What we will learn

After completing this tutorial, we will learn:-

  • To create a react project.
  • Create custom components
  • Using material UI in a React project
  • State management using the Context API.
  • Using NPM packages

What is a Resume

Before starting the code, we can learn a bit about the Resume. A resume is a formal document that a job applicant creates to itemize his or her qualifications for a position.

To stand out among other applicants, you need a resume that markets your strengths and matches for the job

A resume should contain,

  • Contact Information.
  • Career Objective.
  • Skills and Abilities
  • Work experience
  • Educational qualifications

We can add other information that describes us the most. But the resume that we are going to generate using our tool only contains the above fields.

The demo and workflow of the app are given below.

Create Resume Builder app using React

Now let us start to create the resume builder app in React using create-react-app tool.

Fo better understanding, I am giving the file structure of the app. Because the file structure will help to follow the remaining steps easily.

resume builder react

1. Create a new React project

The first step is setting up a React application on your system. This can be easily done using the NPX tool.

So,  install Node.js on your system  first and create a react application using NPX. Donā€™t bother about the term NPX, because itā€™s a tool coming with NPM(Node Package Manager) 5.2+ onwards which will install on your system with Node.js itself.

If you need further assistance in the installation of React on your system, use the below links.

Install React on  Windows ,  Ubuntu , and  macOS

This command will create a react application with the project name  react-memorize-word

Now enter the project directory and start the app.

It will open up the React application we have created in our browser window with the address  https://localhost:3000 . The port may vary if 3000 is busy.

resume builder react

Now we can use our favorite code editor to edit our project. I personally recommend  Visual Studio Code .

2. Install and setup the material UI

In previous articles, we used Bootstrap to style a React app. But in this article, we are using  material-UI . So, install material UI components using NPM.

3. Create a Question component

Now we can set up each component required for the app. We will create the child components first and the parent components after it. All the components are placed inside the components directory.

So, we need to show an input box and a button to show the question and get the answer. The question can show on the screen as the label of the input. This is coded inside the Question component.

I am giving the view of the component below for better understanding.

resume builder react

It only consists of a TextField and Button field that is imported from the Material UI. The states and functions are passed from the App component with the help of Content API.

So that the role of the Question component is to show the values passed from the App component and pass the input value to the App component.

We will discuss the function and state in step 8 when discussing the App component. Because they are defined in the App component.

The complete code for the Question component is given below.

4. Questions component

We have created a Question component in the previous step. After completing all the questions, it should show the resume generated using these input values.

So we can create a Questions.jsx component to switch between the Question component and Resume component.

The progress bar shown on top is also coded in this component.

The function LinearProgressWithLabel() is the view for the progress bar.

After answering each question, the answers are pushed to a state called answers . So that any change in the answers array will execute the setProgress() function.

The progress bar will hide after completing all questions.

The complete code for the Questions component is given below.

5. Generate resume using the answers

We got answers to all the questions, and now we need to generate a resume in pdf format. This is generated from the Resume.jsx component.

So the data to generate the resume is passed using Context API.

We are using a package react-to-pdf to generate the PDF file. So, install the package on our project.

The contact information we collected is shown at the right top. Other informations are listed line by line.

We need two buttons Build New and Download Resume the bottom. Here, the Build New will simply refresh the page that clears all the states. Download Resume will download a PDF copy of the resume created with the help of the react-to-pdf package.

The resume generated will look the same as below.

resume builder react

After downloading it as a PDF file, it will be the same as below.

resume builder react

The complete code for the Resume.jsx component will look the same as below.

6. Store questions array in constants directory

The questions shown on the screen are stored in a file questionsArray.js in array format. This is located inside the constants directory.

7. Create a context

Inside the src directory, create a file named  AppContext.jsx . From there, export a context named  AppContext  with  createContext  API.

8. App component

All the states to store questions, answers, single questions showing on the screen are declared in the App component.

After mounting the App component, it will set the questions from questionsArray to questions state. Also, the first question is set to questionAnswer state.

The answer entering to the input field from the Question component is handled by the handleChangeInput function defined here. The answer is set to the questionAnswer state with the current question.

When the Next button is clicked from the Question component, it reaches the function nextQuestion in the App component.

Here the answer is set to answers state and the next question is set to questionAnswer state.

So as a result, the progress bar moves, and the next question will display on the screen.

The entire app is wrapped inside a component called AppContext.Provider to use the benefit of Context API.

So that we can pass the states and functions required for the child components through the Context API.

A header and the Questions component are rendered inside the App component.

resume builder react


Refer to the CodeSandbox link to view the live app. So that we can always edit the code by seeing the live app.

GitHub repository

You can always refer to the GitHub repository to clone this project. Because this is a react application, after cloning this project, install all the packages first and then, run the app.

So in this article, we have discussed the steps to create a simple resume builder using React, Material UI, and Context API. We used a package react-to-pdf to generate the PDF file of the resume.

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made with react.js

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Resume Generator


Resume Generator 

"Resumake helps you to automatically generate elegant resumes. Simply choose a template, fill in as much (or as little) info as you want, and then press "make" to see your output. You can change your template at any point to see how your resume looks with different designs. When you're happy with your result, you can download the resume as a PDF, TeX, or JSON document. The JSON output is compatible with JSONResume."

Saad Quadri @saadquadri

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5 React Developer Resume Examples Proven to Work in 2024

Stephen Greet

React Developer Resume

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As a React developer, you design responsive interfaces that drive traffic, increase engagement, and improve the overall user experience. You act as a bridge between design and functionality, seamlessly turning input from UI/UX designers into intricate lines of code.

You thrive in this fast-paced industry, and your skills are always in demand. However, you’ll need a cover letter maker and a resume template to showcase your skill set and make you stand out among other programmers.

That’s what we’re here to help you build a winning resume . With our React developer resume examples and handy resume tips , you’re just a few steps away from landing more interviews.

or download as PDF

React developer resume example with 9 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • When you add names from Forbes 500 (in this case Netflix), employers will be more than happy to headhunt and prioritize your profile above most others.

React Developer 2 Resume

React developer 2 resume example with 6 years of experience

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What Matters Most: Your Programming Skills & React Expertise

Your resume skills and work experience

Mastering just one programming language is hard enough on its own, but by learning React, you’ve also gained experience in one of the most useful libraries in front-end development. In addition, you keep honing your skills by learning new frameworks, languages, and tools to deliver enjoyable user experiences.

With a skill set as defined and diverse as yours, adding things like “hard worker” to your resume would be a waste. All you need to do in order to succeed is to study the job description thoroughly and adjust your list of skills to match.

Focus on job-specific skills like JavaScript and its frameworks and popular React.js workflows like Redux or Context API. Don’t forget to add some of the software you use on a daily basis, be it Git or Visual Studio Code. 

9 most popular React developer skills

  • Context API
  • RESTful APIs

Sample React developer work experience bullet points

Between building components, managing data, and spearheading performance improvements, you put your knowledge of React to the test every single day.

Your deep understanding of this JS library has a tangible impact on the websites and apps you help design. Because of that, it’s best to focus this part of your resume on accomplishments rather than day-to-day tasks. Sure, you could say that you “debugged code,” but there’s a way to make this sound far more impactful, such as: “Introduced unit testing with Jest and Enzyme, achieving 95% test coverage and reducing post-deployment bugs by 60%.”

By turning your tasks into achievements, you emphasize your mastery of React and show potential employers what you’re capable of. Don’t forget to add some data to back up your claimsā€”it’ll really make them pop.

Here are a few samples:

  • Enforced code quality across the React codebase with ESLint, resulting in a 21% reduction in code review time and improved overall codebase health
  • Integrated Redux for state management, optimizing application performance and reducing load time by 47%
  • Combined React applications with back-end services using RESTful APIs, optimizing data fetch efficiency by 49%
  • Spearheaded the transition to server-side rendering (SSR), resulting in a 52% improvement in page SEO rankings

Top 5 Tips for Your React Developer Resume

  • Don’t worry about overusing industry jargonā€”you’ll most likely be working with technical recruiters, so get specific. Describe the exact tools you work with, such as Jest or Redux DevTools, as well as specific skills like server-side rendering or a knowledge of CSS styling.
  • If you’re familiar with multiple programming languages, frameworks, or libraries, highlight this in your resume. You might want to emphasize JavaScript, Angular, or Vue.js, but back-end languages can be helpful, too.
  • Recruiters use AI-powered tools to scan resumes for relevant keywords, so don’t let one of those tools catch you unawares. Update your job skills and work experience based on the job description , focusing on useful skills, such as your knowledge of local state, context, or external libraries.
  • Your work brings tangible results, so don’t be afraid to brag a little. Talk about how the responsive React components you’ve designed streamlined user experiences or how your use of lazy loading improved app performance.
  • As a React developer, you’ll often work in teams, so express your collaboration in a clever way. Discuss liaising with technical and non-technical stakeholders or helping junior colleagues with code reviews.

Definitelyā€”it can genuinely elevate your resume, especially if you’re new to React development. Work on some personal projects and showcase them on your own website or in your GitHub repository, then link them in your resume.

Keep your resume short and sweet at one page. List only the skills and work experiences that are most relevant to the job, be it integrating React with third-party apps or building large-scale applications.

No problemā€”this is an industry that’s open to self-starters! Highlight the projects you’ve worked on during your learning period. Go out of your way to create a couple of unique projects that show your knowledge of JavaScript and React.

Create my free resume now

An open-source resume builder and resume parser using React

OpenResume is a powerful open-source resume builder and resume parser.

The goal of OpenResume is to provide everyone with free access to a modern professional resume design and enable anyone to apply for jobs with confidence.

Official site:

āš’ļø Resume Builder

OpenResume’s resume builder allows user to create a modern professional resume easily.

Resume Builder Demo

It has 5 Core Features:

The resume PDF is updated in real time as you enter your resume information, so you can easily see the final output.
The resume PDF is a modern professional design that adheres to U.S. best practices and is ATS friendly to top ATS platforms such as Greenhouse and Lever. It automatically formats fonts, sizes, margins, bullet points to ensure consistency and avoid human errors.
The app only runs locally on your browser, meaning no sign up is required and no data ever leaves your browser, so it gives you peace of mind on your personal data. (Fun fact: Running only locally means the app still works even if you disconnect the internet.)
If you already have an existing resume PDF, you have the option to import it directly, so you can update your resume design to a modern professional design in literally a few seconds.
OpenResume users have landed interviews and offers from top companies, such as Dropbox, Google, Meta to name a few. It has been proven to work and liken by recruiters and hiring managers.

šŸ” Resume Parser

OpenResumeā€™s second component is the resume parser. For those who have an existing resume, the resume parser can help test and confirm its ATS readability.

Resume Parser Demo

You can learn more about the resume parser algorithm in the “Resume Parser Algorithm Deep Dive” section .

šŸ“š Tech Stack

TypeScript is JavaScript with static type checking and helps catch many silly bugs at code time.
Reactā€™s declarative syntax and component-based architecture make it simple to develop reactive reusable components.
Redux toolkit reduces the boilerplate to set up and update a central redux store, which is used in managing the complex resume state.
Tailwind speeds up development by providing helpful css utilities and removing the need to context switch between tsx and css files.
Next.js supports static site generation and helps build efficient React webpages that support SEO.
PDF.js reads content from PDF files and is used by the resume parser at its first step to read a resume PDFā€™s content.
React-pdf creates PDF files and is used by the resume builder to create a downloadable PDF file.

šŸ“ Project Structure

OpenResume is created with the NextJS web framework and follows its project structure. The source code can be found in src/app . There are a total of 4 page routes as shown in the table below. (Code path is relative to src/app )

/ /page.tsx Home page that contains hero, auto typing resume, steps, testimonials, logo cloud, etc
/resume-import /resume-import/page.tsx Resume import page, where you can choose to import data from an existing resume PDF. The main component used is ( )
/resume-builder /resume-builder/page.tsx Resume builder page to build and download a resume PDF. The main components used are ( ) and ( )
/resume-parser /resume-parser/page.tsx Resume parser page to test a resumeā€™s AST readability. The main library util used is ( )

šŸ’» Local Development

  • Download the repo git clone
  • Change the directory cd open-resume
  • Install the dependency npm install
  • Start a development server npm run dev
  • Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to see OpenResume live

View Github

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Build a Resume Builder in React Using Redux

In this project, we will build a resume builder in React. We will use Redux to manage the global states of React components.

Build a Resume Builder in React Using Redux

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React Full Stack Developer resume example

Resume Guide

React developer resume example, how to format a react developer resume, how to write your react developer resume experience section, how to quantify the impact on your resume, how to list your hard skills and soft skills on your resume, how to list your certifications and education on your resume, what is a good resume objective for a react full-stack developer resume, additional sections for a react full-stack developer resume, key takeaways.

By Experience

React Full Stack Developer resume example

As a React full-stack developer, you're a versatile asset. You juggle Node.js with Express, build applications, and even drive sales metrics. Your real strength? Seamlessly integrating front-end and back-end development to deliver a unified user experience. Your React developer resume should reflect this dexterityā€”complete, readable, yet comprehensive.

Writing your React developer resume hastily, like deploying on Firebase, may get you in the door quickly, but skimping on details is a liability. It's like coding a custom Flask application where each nuance matters.

In this article we will provide you with:

  • How to detail your React-specific experiences, such as mastery of hooks, state management, and component architecture;
  • How to summarize your career achievements in the React ecosystem;
  • How to highlight your certifications from recognized bootcamps or specialized courses in JSX or Redux.

Before you go on, there are other resume examples with guides that can be relevant for you:

  • Front-end developer resume
  • Back-end engineer resume
  • Full-Stack developer resume
  • Python developer resume
  • Node.js developer resume
  • PhP developer resume
  • .Net developer resume

React Full Stack Developer resume example

What does this resume do right?

  • Showcasing a jack-of-all-trades in programming languages: The skills section is focused on the most important programming languages, including React TypeScript, SQL, REST API, Python, C++, and AWS.
  • Using awards to build credibility : The author of this resume shares they have received a ā€œbest hackathon projectā€. For those who are in the field and are familiar with this award, it can help to lend credibility to your resume.
  • Quantifying achievements: One thing that this resume does really well is quantifying achievements using real percentages. The author helped provide a 25% increase in user engagement by using machine learning and algorithms. Quantifying achievements backs up your claim and gives you a solid footing to stand on when making claims.

As a developer, you know how important it is to make sure that you write quality code, as this will influence the software that you develop. In that same way, think of formatting your resume like checking your code for errors. A properly formatted resume appeals to the eye, but also is functional and able to be read by a hiring manager.

Below, you can find some of the most important things to keep in mind when formatting your resume:

The top sections on a React developer resume:

What recruiters want to see on your resume:.

As mentioned above, itā€™s important to make sure that your resume experience section is properly laid out, as this will be the first section that a potential hiring manager will look for. This is especially true in the IT field, where you are likely to be checked for the contributions you made in your previous roles, rather than your list of duties.

Resumes fall flat when they just become a list of things youā€™ve done, rather than authentic examples of how you improved your workplace through your hard work. Do your best to quantify all the claims you make in your experience section.

Below, you are going to find two examples of a resume experience section. One of them will be the right way of laying one out, and the other one will be the wrong way. Follow along so that you can better create your own resume experience section.

  • ā€¢ Crafted a custom CRM which significantly increased customer retention
  • ā€¢ Implemented data and security protection systems.
  • ā€¢ Worked closely with the UX department, ensuring a great customer experience.
  • ā€¢ Collaborated with the development team to create a product roadmap for a software product.

One of the major things that are missing from this resume experience section is quantifiable numbers. There is nothing here that proves that this person had made a substantial difference in their last position. By throwing in a number value, youā€™re able to showcase a bit more of what kind of impact you had.

In addition, itā€™s rather vague and doesnā€™t explain the complicated steps and processes the author of the resume made/had done to achieve these results. Maybe, for example, you used automated testing to check for bugs, which allowed you to create a greater customer experience. Share the specifics about how you achieved your goals, and you will impress a potential hiring manager.

If youā€™re ever stuck coming up with quantifiable examples, use the PAR (problem ā€” action ā€” result) formula. This is as simple as identifying a problem that you helped fix, listing the actions that you took, and sharing the result.

  • ā€¢ Crafted a custom CRM using React.js and MongoDB, which resulted in a 22% increase in sales and a 25% increase in customer retention.
  • ā€¢ Implemented data and security protection systems.Implemented data and security protection systems which went well beyond industry standards and regulations.
  • ā€¢ Worked closely with the UX department, resulting in a more refined product which boosted customer satisfaction scores by 12%.
  • ā€¢ Collaborated with the DevOps team to create a product roadmap for a software product using continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), reducing software release times by 45%.

This resume example works because there are specific quantifiable examples that can be easily understood. In addition, the applicant in this example delves deeper into what they did to accomplish their goals. Theyā€™re using more of the Problem-Action-Result model. Not only did they collaborate with the development team, but they used continuous integration and continuous delivery to accomplish their goals. Those phrases would jump off the page for a potential manager.

Start every one of your bullet points with a power verb to make them super impactful. Examples of power words include: collaborated, developed, advocated, facilitated, and transformed.

As a React developer, youā€™ve likely spent more time in the trenches developing software than examining your contributions and putting real numbers to them. However, youā€™ve likely had to put number values on the work youā€™ve done, especially if youā€™ve had to explain your achievements to management or other departments.

Below, youā€™ll find a list of quantifiable achievements that the average react full-stack developer may have in their career. Be sure to look through and make notes of times when youā€™ve experienced such achievements:

  • Technology Stack Proficiency (React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and GraphQL)
  • Years of Experience
  • Project Count
  • Client Satisfaction
  • Performance Improvements
  • Code Reviews
  • Development Speed
  • Bug Fixing Efficiency

How do I write a React developer resume with no experience?

One benefit of getting into the information technology field is that skills can trump experience. Even if youā€™re just starting out, if youā€™re able to showcase your skill level and competency, you may earn a position over a much more qualified candidate. Itā€™s all about how you position yourself and the confidence that you showcase while interviewing for a position.

In addition, even if you donā€™t have direct experience with React Full Stack Development, youā€™ll likely have some applicable experience and skills, including programming languages, coding, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.

Below, youā€™ll find a bit more about how to position yourself as an IT professional with minimal experience:

  • Showcase a portfolio on your resume: The best thing you can do is to create a portfolio, an online and interactive tool that can showcase different projects youā€™ve worked on while in university or other freelance projects youā€™ve taken on. The goal should be to showcase your unique skill set.
  • Highlight your education section : If youā€™re fresh out of school, itā€™s always a good idea to add more to your education section to bolster your resume. For example, you may wish to include some information on projects that you completed while in university. You may also want to list your GPA and any other awards and achievements.
  • Use a hybrid resume format: If you donā€™t have a lot of experience, you can use a hybrid resume format which will highlight skills and experience on equal footing. This is especially important in the IT field, as you may have unique skills in certain coding languages which can set you apart from other applicants.
  • Create a standout resume objective : your resume objective is an important part of your resume, as you can showcase your career trajectory and goals and aspirations. Be sure to include quantifiable examples from your career in that objective, while also showcasing your technical know-how.

Although hard (technical) skills may have more weight in the developer role, your soft (people) skills also factor into a hiring decision. For example, youā€™re likely going to be working in a team environment, and therefore listing specific instances where you have excelled in this skill can give you an edge in the hiring process.

Below, youā€™ll find two lists, the first one listing all the hard skills a react full stack developer should include on the resume. The second will include all the soft skills to include.

Best hard skills for your React developer resume

Best soft skills for your react developer resume.

Even if you donā€™t have a lot of practical experience, your education and certifications can help you land your dream job. With each new programming language you learn, it opens up new opportunities as a developer and in the wider information technology field.

Hereā€™s what you need to include when listing your education on your resume:

Best certifications for your React developer resume

Your resume objective is the first place a potential hiring manager will learn a little more about you. Think of a resume objective as an ā€œelevator pitchā€, a short, sissy explanation of who you are, what your goals are, and how youā€™re going to achieve them.

Most resume objectives are between 2 to 4 sentences, and you should list quantifiable examples of achievements from your career. In addition, if youā€™re just starting out in the career or you switched fields, be sure to include some goals and expectations that you have for your career.

Whatā€™s wrong with this resume objective?

One glaring issue with this resume objective is that itā€™s generic and simplistic. Nowhere in this resume objective do you see the list of programming languages that the author is proficient in, nor do we see quantifiable, real-world examples of the applicant succeeding in their role.

What does this resume object do right?

With a few minor tweaks, this resume objective has become more fleshed out. You can see here that there are quantifiable examples that show that the applicant is proficient in their skills. Not only that, theyā€™ve also listed their certifications in the resume objective.

You may wish to include some other sections on your resume that highlight your technical skills and professional abilities as a developer. Below, youā€™ll see a list of the top sections you may wish to include in your resume:

  • GitHub or Portfolio Link
  • Professional Memberships
  • Awards and Achievements

React Full Stack Developer resume examples

Explore additional react full stack developer resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Senior React Developer Resume Example

React Full Stack Developer position emerged from the intersection of front-end and back-end development. As such, keeping up with software development trends is crucial to obtaining this role.

Firstly, knowledge of both front-end and back-end languages is essential. Node.js, Express.js, React and MongoDB (MERN) are typical among Full Stack Developers. Illustrate your fluency in using these in your projects whenever possible.

Secondly, business logic abilities are valuable. Emphasize your experience in implementing algorithms and performing data analysis. Make sure to provide examples of how you improved operational efficiencies.

Thirdly, highlight your problem-solving skills. Showcase instances where you have identified, analyzed and solved software problems that improved the product and its performance.

Finally, don't just list your technical skills ā€“ demonstrate how those skills helped improve the product you worked on. Following the 'skill-action-results' pattern can significantly boost your application.

Front End React Developer Resume Example

Looking to build your own React Full Stack Developer resume?

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Click here to directly go to the complete JS Developer resume sample.

How to make a React JS Developer resume that not only stands out on its own but also grips the recruiter?

Have you optimized your React js developer resume for your dream job in a top company? Do you know what it takes to optimize it for an interview shortlist?

If you don't, you have landed in the right place.

Let's learn how to curate an impeccable React js developer resume from scratch. Trust us, it won't take long!

Speaking of perfection, here are the broad areas we'll cover in this guide to crafting a shortlist-worthy React JS developer resume:

  • Is React js a good career?
  • How do I write a resume for a React js developer?
  • How to highlight your React JS Developer experience in your resume?
  • What skills should a react developer have?
  • Should you create a resume summary or an objective?
  • What should a developer resume include?

Why You Need an ATS-Compliant React JS Developer Resume

Did you know that an average resume does not reach a human recruiter before it is parsed by an Applicant Tracking Software (ATS)?

The popularity of React.js is higher than other frameworks, making it a very promising career. Most companies have begun to invest in specific roles that require proficiency in this tool.


This ATS is relevant to us today because most technical recruiting teams rely on this software for preliminary screening. This means that your React js developer resume should be ATS-compatible to stand a chance of getting shortlisted.

How will your technical proficiency fare when you don't even get a chance to showcase it before the recruiter?

How to Organize Your React JS Developer Resume

Now that you know how to approach resume writing, we will now discuss the resume sections you should use to organize information in your resume for React js developer jobs.

Here are the 7 must-have resume sections :

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Professional Experience

If you have more information to put in your React js experience resume, you can compile them under these resume sections:

  • Internships
  • Training & Certifications
  • Awards & Recognition
  • Volunteering Experience

To avoid the hassle of curating resume sections on your own, use Hiration's resume builder. It has an in-built React js resume template with pre-arranged sections that are positioned right where they should be.

Moreover, you can use it as the perfect reference to draft an impeccable React js experience resume that is earmarked for perfection.

How to start your React JS Developer resume?

The resume header, profile title, and personal information sections are the first three sections you should compose in your React js resume.

Create a React Resume Header

The resume header is the first section of your React js sample resume. Traditionally, it is what you write at the absolute top of your resume.

If you have been including a generic 'CV' or 'Resume' as your resume header in the past, stop right away. Instead, write your full name.

Moving on, here's a React js resume sample illustrating the ideal resume header for your React js developer resume.


Also Read: How to draft an industry-standard header

Cover Contact Information in Your React JS Resume

The personal information section of your React js sample resume should ideally consist of:

  • Functional mobile number
  • Professional Email ID
  • Current Location
  • Link to websites


In case you're curious, here's a React js resume sample demonstrating the personal information section:


Also Read: How many contact details should you include

Add a Profile Title to Your React JS Developer Resume

The profile title is the third section of your React js sample resume. Here's why it's important:

  • It communicates your current/last-held job title.
  • It communicates your functional industry or area of expertise.
  • It communicates your seniority level.
  • It communicates your potential income.

All this information just goes on to show that you need to correctly write your profile title in your React js resume.

So if you are a React JS Developer, write your profile title as it is. Example: 'React JS Developer'.

Do not oversell yourself while writing your profile title because recruiters may consider it to be false advertisement for your professional status.

And while doing so, ensure that you present yourself at the level where you rightfully belong as a developer.

Additionally, we advise you to write your profile title in the second-largest font text, preferably 14-16 points .

Here's an example of a React js resume sample illustrating a correctly written profile title for a React Developer:


Highlight Key Points in Your React JS Developer Resume

When recruiters browse through your resume, they evaluate three key sections:

Spruce Up Your Professional Experience Section

The professional experience section is the heart and soul of your React js developer resume.

This is where you include work-centric information such as the places you have worked, the job titles you have held, the duration of your work, and the nature of your responsibilities/projects.

All this put together helps you show your skill levels and expertise. These go on to decide if you be able to thrive in a new organization and if you will be able to execute the roles assigned to you.

As such, this section is incredibly important.

To make an impact on the recruiter, you have to perfect this section at all costs. Here are three ways you can achieve this:

  • Frame one-liner points, not paragraphs
  • Use the STAR format to optimize each point
  • Use grouping & highlighting to enhance the overall effectiveness


Framing Points

Framing points simply means using one-liner points to communicate the details of your work experience. Here's why you should use it:

  • Paragraphs make your resume look bulky and cluttered. It also makes your content hard to read and harder to comprehend.
  • On the contrary, using one-liner points is considered a better alternative to using paragraphs. It is reader-friendly and helps you communicate information effectively.
  • A recruiter will not read your resume in totality if it is not reader-friendly.
  • Moreover, using one-liner points also makes it easier for an ATS to parse your resume as it can be easily read & interpreted by the recruitment software.

STAR Format

Now that you know how to enhance the readability of this section, we will teach you how to optimize each one-liner point to make your resume worth reading.

Giving a bland statement of your everyday roles & responsibilities will not help you strike gold with the recruiter. To impress him/her, you need to do more.

This is where the STAR format comes in.

This is what it stands for:

  • Situation : The situation/backdrop/context of your contributions
  • Task : The actual task that was assigned to you
  • Action : The strategy you used to execute the assigned task
  • Result : The result/outcome of your action in the form of an achievement figure

Instead of formulating your statements in this manner:

  • Debugged codes & improved software

Rephrase it and present it in your resume in the following way:

  • Debugged application codes and improved interface software to improve functionality and performance by 50%

Grouping & Highlighting

Next comes grouping & highlighting.

Simply put, it means grouping similar one-liner points and grouping them under unique titles or groups.

Doing this communicates your key responsibility & expertise areas to the recruiter in one glance.

Highlighting means to bold relevant words/phrases by marking them stand out.

Highlighting words or achievement figures can easily draw the recruiter's attention to them as they stand out when they're marked in bold.

The feisty combination of grouping & highlighting thus helps you present information more effectively. It makes your otherwise long resume seem more legible and palatable.

Always remember that you need to introduce yourself as the best applicant for the targeted job profile through your resume to the recruiters.

Here's a React js resume example showcasing a perfectly composed professional experience section:


Also Read: Draft a recruiter-friendly work experience section

Key Skills Section of Your React JS Developer Resume

The key skills section is the second key section of your React js developer resume. Just like the professional experience section, this too needs to be perfect at all costs.

By creating a separate section for your react JS developer skills you make it easier for recruiters to identify your potential.

Here are some of the key skills that a recruiter looks for in a React js resume points:

UI Designing Coding
Application Designing Translation
Front-end Architecture Graphic Designing
Wireframe & Design Webpage Designing

Some of the technical skills that you should include in your React js resume points:

Languages: JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, HTML
React Tools: React.js, Webpack, Enzyme, Redux, Flux
Performance Testing Frameworks: Mocha, Jest
Front-end Development tools: Babel, Webpack, NPM

It is important because your React JD skills make you the professional that you are. It is inevitably one of the first things that a recruiter looks for in your resume.

Why? Because a recruiter wants to know if you meet the skill criteria mentioned in the JD for that particular job vacancy.

Thus, it is your job to make it easier for a recruiter to locate your React js skills in your resume. If they are not able to locate it in one go, they might lose interest in further evaluating your resume. Trust us, you do not want that.

Here's a React js resume example showcasing the perfect key skills section for your React js developer resume:


Also Read: How can you find industry-specific skills for your resume?

Add a Summary/Objective of Your React JS Developer Resume

Should you write a React js resume professional summary or an objective?

Let's find out:

  • If you have 3 years of relevant work experience, write a React js resume professional summary.
  • If you have zero to less than three years of relevant work experience, write an objective statement .

Whether you're writing a React js resume professional summary or objective, you need to perfect it at all costs. Given the fact that it gives an overview of your career trajectory, you need to make it crisp and effective.

You need to convey that you are the best fit for the job through the React js resume professional summary or objective. Here are some tips that you can implement:

  • Compose the React js resume professional summary or objective at the end.
  • This helps you scan through your resume and work experience in one go which means that it makes it easy to pick your career highlights easily.
  • Moreover, taking this approach also minimizes the scope of repeated correction. Since you have all the data with you, your only job here is to pick relevant points and present them effectively.
  • Since the React js resume professional summary or objective is more like an expertise statement, keep it short. We advise you to stick to a 3-5 lines paragraph summary or objective.

Attached below is a React js resume example showcasing a perfectly written React js resume professional summary:


Also Read: How to create an eye-catching resume summary to hook recruiters

Add Academic Details to Demonstrate Your Theoretical Knowledge

Like it or not, learning begins in school. And what nobody tells you is this:

No matter how old you grow, or how many places you have worked for; your educational background & qualifications will always stay relevant. You will be expected to present your academic information in your React JS developer resume.

So make an 'education' section in your resume and fill it with the following details:

  • Your school/university name.
  • Dates of enrollment & graduation.
  • Name of the courses you have pursued.
  • The location of your school/university.

Here's a React js resume example showcasing a perfectly composed education section:


Also Read: What is the best way to list your educational details?

React JS Developer Resume: Certifications

In addition to the education section, you can also include the certifications section to present any relevant certifications or online courses you may have done.

  • Adding the certification section helps you with your job application as it shows a recruiter that your learning curve is as active as ever.
  • It also shows that you are up-skilled and on the right path to evolving with the latest industry trends.

If you don't have any relevant certifications, we advise you to sign up for an online course that is relevant to your niche/industry. Once you do this, present the details of this certification or online course in your resume in the following manner:

  • Name of the certification or online course.
  • Name and location of the certifying body/institute.
  • Dates of enrollment and completion of the certification.

Here's a React js resume example demonstrating the ideal certifications section for your resume:


Also Read: How to include all your certifications on your resume

Use Hiration's Resume Services to Enhance Your Shortlist Chances

Now that you know how to build your React js developer resume, we wish you the best of luck! With the steps we have outlined in this guide, you will be able to make one from scratch with ease.

If time is of the essence and you need help with your resume, we have two services that might just be the right fit for you. They are:

  • Hiration's Resume Review Service
  • Hiration's Online Resume Builder

Resume Review Service

Get a review of your React js resume online with help from our Resume Strategists at Hiration. Our dedicated army of resume professionals is here to elevate your resume to the highest standards of perfection.

At Hiration, we follow the below-mentioned standards/parameters as a yardstick to review your resume for React js developer jobs:

  • Compliance with Industry Norms
  • Content Relevance
  • Recruiter Friendliness
  • Design Compatibility
  • Conversion Scope
  • ATS Compliance
  • Global Compatibility
  • Performance Assessment
  • Resume Formatting (font, margins, the order of sections, etc.)

. . . all this so you can attract more interview calls based on your resume!

Online Resume Builder

To make a perfect React js resume online, look no further. We have just the platform for you. Hiration's Online Resume Builder is an AI-powered platform that is designed to help you make an optimized React js resume online.

All you have to do is put in your data and the AI does your work for you by providing you with intuitive resume help features such as:

  • Option to save unlimited resumes
  • Intuitive next text suggestion
  • Auto bold feature
  • 25+ resume designs
  • LIVE resume score
  • JD-resume matcher
  • Full rich-text editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • 100+ pre-filled resume templates
  • 1-click design change
  • A sharable link
  • LIVE resume editor

Moreover, this platform facilitates React js resume download in PDF format. This is explicitly done to retain the structural integrity of your resume.

Get an insight into other amazing features and products of Hiration that can help you make a strong presence in the professional world:

  • Digital Portfolio Builder
  • LinkedIn Review
  • Interview Prep

Junior ReactJS Developer Resume Sample


Senior ReactJS Developer Resume Sample


React JS Developer Sample Resume

Introducing a perfectly composed React JS Developer Resume Sample with impeccable sections:

  • Identified web-based user interactions and developed highly responsive user interface components via React concepts
  • Translated designs & wireframes into high-quality code and wrote application interface code via JavaScript following React.js workflows
  • Troubleshoot interface software and debugged application codes to improve functionality and performance by 50%
  • Developed and implemented front-end architecture to support user interface concepts with 100% accuracy
  • Monitored and improved front-end performance by 15% and documented application changes & worked on updates
  • Developed the latest user-facing features using React.js and built reusable components & front-end libraries for future use
  • Optimized components for maximum performance across a vast array of web-capable devices and browsers
  • Coordinated with the development team of 35 to discuss user interface ideas and applications
  • Reviewed application requirements and interface designs to ensure compatibility with existing applications
  • Determined the structure and design of web pages based on user requirements and balanced functional & aesthetic designs
  • Created features to enhance the user experience while ensuring that the web design is optimized for smartphones
  • Employed a variety of languages such as HTML and CSS to write & create user-friendly web pages
  • Built reusable code for future use and optimized web pages for 5 applications for maximum speed and scalability
  • Managed brand consistency and enhanced the company's website by adding more features and functionality
  • Liaised with cross-functional teams to ensure that the client projects were completed on time and within a stipulated budget
  • Produced high-quality mockups & designed different prototypes and provided high-quality graphics & visual elements
  • React Certification (Full Stack Web Development) | Coursera | Dec '17
  • Top 20 percentile of the class

Our goal here is to help you curate a React.js developer resume as perfect as the one given above.

Key Takeaways

Here are the key takeaways of our React JS developer resume 2023 guide:

  • Writing a perfect React js roles and responsibilities sample resume is not enough. You need to optimize for ATS compliance too.
  • To improve your resume's chances of getting parsed by the ATS software,** enhance** its readability , optimize your resume with relevant keywords, and pick a clean design template.
  • Identify the keywords from the JD and incorporate them organically in your resume as long as they match your skills & professional expertise.
  • Double-check your contact details . It should be accurate and free of spelling errors as they are the only medium for official communication.
  • You need to perfect the professional experience section at all costs.
  • To do this, use power verbs to begin your React js resume points. This adds a tone of professionalism to the way you present your work details.
  • Use numbers/figures to quantify your achievements in this section.
  • Write a perfect React js resume professional summary advocating your suitability for the job. The best way to do this is by presenting your achievements.

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself with the help of our 24X7 chat support.

Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] and get professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

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React Developer Resume Example

Crafting dynamic UIs, but your resume feels stuck in the virtual DOM? Dive into this React Developer resume example, built with Wozber free resume builder. Discover how to present your component-driven skills to match job requirements, so your career stays as responsive and cutting-edge as your web apps!

React Developer Resume Example

React Developer Resume Templates

React Developer Resume Template #1

How to write a React Developer Resume?

Hey there, React Developer in the making! If you're looking to dive into the job market or eyeing that dream React Developer position, your resume is your golden ticket. In this high-tech era, where the competition is fierce, a standout resume is not just an option; it's a necessity. Leveraging Wozber's free resume builder , we'll guide you through creating a resume that not only ticks all the boxes for an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) but also showcases your unique talents and React skills.

Ready to transform your career prospects? Let's navigate through crafting that winning resume, tailor-made to launch you right into your next React Developer role!

Personal Details

The 'Personal Details' section might seem straightforward, but it's your resume's opening act. It's the first peek recruiters get at who you are. Let's make it count by aligning it perfectly with the React Developer role and making sure it passes through the ATS with flying colors.

1. Brand Yourself with Your Name

Start with your name, not just any name, but the one you've built your professional identity around. Ensure it's bold and the first thing to catch an eye. If you're known in the React community by any specific achievements, this is subtly implied here.

2. Mirror the Role

Right beneath your name, align yourself with your desired job by stating 'React Developer'. This mirrors the job description and instantly informs the hiring manager of your career focus. This tiny act of alignment can significantly impact ATS optimization.

3. Make Contact Details Count

  • Phone Number: Ensure it's the one you answer. A missed call can mean a missed opportunity.
  • Professional Email Address: First impressions matter, so use an email that reflects your professionalism, such as [email protected].

4. Confirm Your Locale

"Must be located in San Francisco, California." ā€” That's what the job description demands. Ensure your location is clearly marked to show that you're in the vicinity and ready to take on challenges without the need for relocation.

5. Optional: Showcase Your Portfolio

If you have a GitHub repository or a portfolio website showcasing your React projects, add it. This can provide recruiters with a hands-on understanding of your capabilities and accomplishments.

The 'Personal Details' section is your resume's doorstep. Make it inviting, clear, and reflective of your React Developer persona. Remember, you're not just submitting a resume; you're opening a conversation. Tailor this section to be as welcoming and relevant as your skills.

In the 'Experience' section, we're moving beyond basics to illustrate your journey as a React Developer. This is where your resume starts to come alive, demonstrating your expertise and dedication. Let's ensure it speaks volumes to the hiring manager, both in content and ATS-optimization.

  • Designed and developed numerous highly scalable, interactive web applications using modern technologies, resulting in a 20% increase in user engagement.
  • Collaborated closely with product managers, designers, and backend engineers, leading to the timely delivery of 15 new features over a 6ā€‘month period.
  • Optimized 10+ applications, enhancing their speed and scalability by 30%.
  • Stayed upā€‘toā€‘date on latest frontā€‘end technologies, thereby introducing and implementing 4 innovative solutions in the company's flagship product.
  • Contributed to continuous integration and deployment processes, achieving a 25% improvement in release cycle time.
  • Assisted in the design and development of 5+ web applications, which are currently the most visited pages on the company website.
  • Mentored a team of 3 junior developers, improving their productivity by 40%.
  • Successfully integrated thirdā€‘party APIs into 8 projects, providing enhanced features and functionality.
  • Revised CSS stylesheets, resulting in a 15% faster website load time.
  • Participated in weekly code reviews, ensuring high quality and maintainable code.

1. Highlight Relevant Positions

Kick off with your current or most recent position and work backward. If you've been a 'Senior React Developer', mention it alongside the name ABC Tech, making sure to outline your tenure from "06/2019 - Present".

2. Quantify Your Impact

ATS loves numbers! Enhance your accomplishments by quantifying them. For instance, 'Designed and developed numerous highly scalable, interactive web applications using modern technologies, resulting in a 20% increase in user engagement.' This specificity tells a compelling story of your impact.

3. Reflect the Job Description

Ensure your listed responsibilities and achievements mirror the job description. If the role requires "Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability," explicitly mention any relevant experience, just like optimizing 10+ applications, enhancing their speed by 30%.

4. Collaborate and Communicate

"Collaborated closely with product managers, designers, and backend engineers" ā€” This reflects your teamwork and communication skills, highly valuable in agile, cross-functional teams.

5. Stay Current

Mention how you stay updated with the latest technologies and industry trends, emphasizing your adaptability and commitment to continuous learning.

Your 'Experience' section is the heart of your resume, offering a deep dive into your professional React Developer journey. It's your stage to demonstrate not just where you've been, but how you've truly shone in those roles. Be precise, be proud, and above all, be reflective of the job requirements.

While your hands-on experience as a React Developer takes center stage, don't underestimate the power of a well-crafted 'Education' section. It gives credibility to your skill set and shows a commitment to your craft. Here's how you can tailor it to underscore your suitability for the role.

1. Highlight Your Degree

State your highest level of education, focusing on relevant fields. If you've earned a 'Bachelor of Science in Computer Science' from Stanford University in 2016, make sure it's there, loud and clear.

2. Keep It Neat

Clarity is key. Structure your education details in an easy-to-scan format. The simpler it is, the easier for the ATS and the hiring manager to nod in approval.

3. Reflect the Job Focus

If the job emphasizes a need for a specific educational background, make sure yours aligns. No specific requirements here, but your Computer Science degree is a solid foundation for a React Developer role.

4. Mention Relevant Projects

Did you develop a groundbreaking project or write a thesis related to web development technologies during your tenure in university? This is the place to spotlight it.

5. Continuous Learning

In the ever-evolving tech world, show your commitment to professional development. Mention any additional courses or certifications that have kept you at the forefront of React development.

Your 'Education' section, while brief, is a testament to your foundation and dedication. Ensure it aligns with and amplifies your suitability for the React Developer role. It's not just about the degrees, but about portraying a continuous journey of learning and improvement.


In a field as competitive as React Development, certifications can be your best friend. They differentiate you from the crowd and highlight your commitment to mastering your craft. Let's ensure your 'Certificates' section showcases your most relevant achievements.

1. Prioritize Relevant Certificates

Do you have a 'React Developer Certification (RDC)' from the React Community? Spot on! Make sure it's featured prominently, including the date "2019 - Present" to show it's current.

2. Quality Over Quantity

It's tempting to list all your certifications, but focus on the ones most relevant to the job description. This ensures the hiring manager immediately sees the match.

3. Include Validity Dates

If a certificate has an expiration date or is particularly recent, adding the date underscores your credentials' validity and your ongoing commitment to staying up-to-date.

4. Continuous Learning

The tech field is always advancing, and so should you. A steady stream of recent certifications communicates your dedication to growth and excellence in React development.

Your 'Certificates' section is a powerful tool to communicate your expertise and specialization in the React domain. Choose wisely, keep it current, and let this section underline your readiness to excel as a React Developer.

In the 'Skills' section, you get to showcase your professional arsenal. This is where your proficiency in React and its ecosystem shines. Tailoring this section to reflect the job description not only gives you an edge in ATS optimization but also positions you as the perfect candidate for the role.

1. Extract from the Job Description

Begin by identifying both the explicit and implicit skills mentioned in the job description. 'Proficiency in JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML5, and CSS3' goes straight to the top of your skills list.

2. Match and Prioritize

Line up your skills with those sought after in the job description. Make sure to list 'React', 'JavaScript', 'HTML5', 'CSS3', and 'Problem-Solving Skills' among others, highlighting your expertise in the areas that matter most.

3. Clarity and Simplicity

While it's tempting to list every skill under the sun, focus on keeping your skills list neat and relevant. The closer your skills match the job description, the better your chances at catching the recruiter's eye.

Your 'Skills' section is a curated display of your React Developer prowess. Consider it your professional highlight reel, showcasing your suitability for the job at a glance. Keep it relevant, keep it tailored, and let it speak to the recruiter with confidence and clarity.

As a React Developer, your technical skills take precedence. However, don't underestimate the value of linguistic prowess, especially for roles requiring superior English language skills or offering the chance to engage with global teams.

1. Highlight Required Languages

Start by listing English as your native language if it applies, as the job demands 'superior English language skills'. This matches the job description's criteria.

2. List Additional Languages

If you're fluent in other languages, like Spanish, make sure to include them. This demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively in diverse environments and can be a unique advantage.

3. Be Honest About Your Level

Accuracy is key when it comes to listing language proficiency. Use terms like 'Native', 'Fluent', 'Intermediate', and 'Basic' to clearly describe your level of expertise.

4. Understand the Job Scope

For roles with a regional or global focus, highlighting your multilingual abilities can be a substantial asset. While not explicitly required for this React Developer role, it emphasizes your potential for broader communication and collaboration.

Just as with technical skills, evolving your language skills can open new doors. View it as part of your professional growth, enhancing your ability to connect and collaborate.

Your language skills are a testament to your ability to engage and communicate in our interconnected world. Particularly for positions requiring superior English, ensuring this section is accurate and reflective of your skills is crucial. Let it highlight your global mindset and readiness to interact in diverse environments.

The 'Summary' section is your resume's headline act, capturing your essence as a React Developer. This is where you distill your journey, skills, and ambitions into a potent paragraph that hooks the recruiter right from the start. Let's craft it with intention and insight.

1. Capture Your React Journey

"React Developer with over 7 years of experience"ā€”right off the bat, this asserts your seasoned experience in the field. It echoes your journey and sets the stage for your narrative.

2. Address the Must-Haves

Weave into your summary how you meet the role's requirements. Highlight your proficiency in 'designing and developing highly scalable, interactive web applications' and your knack for 'collaborating with diverse teams to introduce innovative solutions'.

3. Quantify Accomplishments

Mention specific achievements that quantify your impact, such as 'leading to the timely delivery of 15 new features over a 6-month period'. This offers a snapshot of your capabilities and the tangible value you bring.

4. Keep It Concise

Your summary should be a captivating intro, not the entire story. Aim for a brief but impactful narrative that intrigues and invites the reader to delve deeper into your resume.

The 'Summary' section is your chance to make a strong first impression. It's an elevator pitch that encapsulates your professional identity as a React Developer. Craft it with care, tailor it to the job at hand, and let it vividly illustrate your readiness and enthusiasm for the role.

Launching Your React Developer Journey

Congratulations on taking this comprehensive tour through crafting a standout React Developer resume! With the insights and guidance provided, you're well-equipped to create a resume that not only meets the mark for ATS systems but dazzles hiring managers with your expertise and fervor for React development. Remember, your resume is a reflection of your professional journey and aspirations. Use the Wozber free resume builder to address each section with care, from personal details to your professional summary, ensuring ATS-friendly resume format and optimization every step of the way.

Your next React Developer role is within reach. Go forth with confidence and make your mark in the tech world!

  • Minimum of 3 years experience with React and its ecosystem (Redux, React Router)
  • Proficiency in JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML5, and CSS3
  • Experience with modern front-end tools and libraries such as Webpack and Babel
  • Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work in a collaborative team environment
  • Familiarity with Agile development methodologies
  • Must have superior English language skills.
  • Must be located in San Francisco, California.
  • Design and develop highly scalable, interactive web applications using modern technologies
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams including product managers, designers, and backend engineers to define, design, and ship new features
  • Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability
  • Stay updated on emerging front-end technologies, industry trends, and best practices
  • Contribute to continuous integration and deployment processes

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React Developer Resume Examples

This guide provides you with React Developer resume examples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder. Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a React Developer resume and you'll be closer than ever to landing your dream job.

React Developer Resume Example

React Developer Resume Example

React Developer resume

Junior React Developer Resume Example

Junior React Developer Resume

Senior React Developer Resume Example

Senior React Developer resume

How to Write a React Developer Resume?

To write a professional React Developer resume, follow these steps:

  • Select the right React Developer resume template.
  • Write a professional summary at the top explaining your React Developerā€™s experience and achievements.
  • Follow the STAR method while writing your React Developer resumeā€™s work experience. Show what you were responsible for and what you achieved as a React Developer.
  • List your top React Developer skills in a separate skills section.

How to Write Your React Developer Resume Header?

Write the perfect React Developer resume header by:

  • Adding your full name at the top of the header.
  • Add a photo to your resume if you are applying for jobs outside of the US. For applying to jobs within the US, avoid adding photo to your resume header.
  • Add your current React Developer to the header to show relevance.
  • Add your current city, your phone number and a professional email address.
  • Finally, add a link to your portfolio to the React Developer resume header. If thereā€™s no portfolio link to add, consider adding a link to your LinkedIn profile instead.

Bad React Developer Resume Example - Header Section

John Doe 1887 Jehovah Drive, Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22408 Marital Status: Married, email: [email protected]

Good React Developer Resume Example - Header Section

John Doe, Fredericksburg, Virginia, Phone number: +1-555-555-5555, Link: linkedin/in/johndoe

Make sure to add a professional looking email address while writing your resume header. Letā€™s assume your name is John Doe - here is a formula you can use to create email addresses:

For a React Developer email, we recommend you either go with a custom domain name ( [email protected] ) or select a very reputed email provider (Gmail or Outlook).

How to Write a Professional React Developer Resume Summary?

Use this template to write the best React Developer resume summary: ā€œReact Developer with [number of years] experience of [top 2-3 skills]. Achieved [top achievement]. Expert at [X], [Y] and [Z].ā€

React Developer Resume Summary - Example

Wrote my first ā€œhello world programā€ back in 2014, and have been hooked on building Javascript based apps ever since then. I have 5+ years of experience of developing scalable and maintainable React applications for enterprises.

Senior React Developer Resume Summary - Example

Iā€™m an extremely organized and efficient self starter, with proven ability in React app development, server architecture, DevOps, automation, data engineering, and troubleshooting.

Senior React Developer with over 10 years of experience. A detailed oriented front end developer poised to leverage breadth of experience building user-focused web applications with most up-to-date tools, frameworks, and Javascript.

How to Write a React Developer Resume Experience Section?

Hereā€™s how you can write a job winning React Developer resume experience section:

  • Write your React Developer work experience in a reverse chronological order.
  • Use bullets instead of paragraphs to explain your React Developer work experience.
  • While describing your work experience focus on highlighting what you did and the impact you made (you can use numbers to describe your success as a React Developer).
  • Use action verbs in your bullet points.

Senior React Developer

  • Developed ACMEā€™s 5+ market leading react applications with 6+ million users.
  • Improved CI/CD through CircleCI workflows to setup staging and development pipeline for continuous web application deployment.
  • Achieved < 1% production errors as monitored on Sentry.

Junior React Developer

  • Developed and designed cryptocurrency product pages on React with real time API price tracking, interactive graphs, user authentication and trading.
  • Improved SEO performance by 11% through SSR rendering.
  • Wrote a UI Testing suite with Cypress and improved mobile accessibility.
  • Architected and wrote the frontend of a scalable content library in React designed to be extremely maintainable.
  • Single handedly containerized the core app using Docker, Kubernetes and Helm - providing training to other team members on using the new tools.
  • Achieved a test coverage of 95% across the entire code base.

React Developer

  • Continually develop features for React and Typescript web applications.
  • Implemented numerous React features using HTML, CSS, TypeScript and Javascript.
  • Integrated React and Angular applications with numerous RESTful APIs/API endpoints.
  • Participated in and contributed to Scrum and Kanban meetings.
  • Created new documentation and updated existing documentation to better describe technical processes.

Entry Level React Developer Resume Example

  • Responsible for design, layout, and implementation of both React front-end and Flask backendā€™s RESTful API.
  • Implemented multiprocessing to increase page load speed by 98%.
  • Integrated project with external RESTful API to retrieve and display JSON data.
  • Implemented caching to reduce subsequent API calls and page load times.

Top React Developer Resume Skills for 2022

  • React-router
  • Material UI

How Long Should my React Developer Resume be?

Your React Developer resume length should be less than one or two pages maximum. Unless you have more than 25 years of experience, any resume thatā€™s more than two pages would appear to be too long and risk getting rejected.

On an average, for React Developer, we see most resumes have a length of 2. And, thatā€™s why we advise you to keep the resume length appropriate to not get rejected.

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React project to create, design and download resumes in PDF format


Folders and files.

17 Commits

Repository files navigation


A React project to create and design your resume and convert to PDF in letter or A4 format.

Is This Project For You

If you are a frontender who is looking to design a resume with the tools that you love and use daily then yes.

Getting Started

Clone the repository

Install dependencies and start the project

Download to PDF

Once you finish with filling and designing your resume you can convert it to PDF by running this command

A new pdf file will be generated in the output/ directory. NOTE: Running this command will NOT override the previous generated resumes.

Design Your Resume

You can find all resume templates under /src/components directory.

All templates will follow this folder structure

Fill in Your Resume Data

You can find all the data you need to change under /src/resume directory.

Motivation Behind This Project

Designing a resume is a tedious task specially for someone who doesn't have experience with design tools like Photoshop or Illustrator. Most people end up having to use one of the online resume builders which are great but sometimes they dont provide the flexiblity you are looking for.

In ResumeInDesign we want to change that, that's why we built ofcourse but also this tool to let frontenders design their own resume with the tools they love and use daily.

This is an open source project and will always be, we will keep adding more and more resume template designs as we go. This project will be maintained by ResumeInDesign team but we welcome any contribution.

This project is licensed under the MIT license, Copyright (c) 2018 ResumeInDesign . For more information see .

  • JavaScript 99.1%


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    Here, I'll guide you through creating the project environment for the web application. We'll use React.js for the front end and Node.js for the backend server. Create the project folder for the web application by running the code below: 1 mkdir resume-builder. 2 cd resume-builder. 3 mkdir client server.

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  8. GitHub

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  18. React JS Developer Resume: 2023 Guide with 15+ Section-Wise ...

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  19. React Developer Resume Example

    React Developer Resume Example. Crafting dynamic UIs, but your resume feels stuck in the virtual DOM? Dive into this React Developer resume example, built with Wozber free resume builder. Discover how to present your component-driven skills to match job requirements, so your career stays as responsive and cutting-edge as your web apps!

  20. resume-builder Ā· GitHub Topics Ā· GitHub

    One has to keep it short, simple, and with the latest work experience. This Resume Builder project will help to build your resume-builder by auto-generating it on your own and helping working professionals with the same using ReactJS and NodeJS frameworks. react reactjs material-ui resume-builder html-pdf multistep-react-form react-resume-builder.

  21. 3 React Developer Resume Examples and Templates

    Entry Level React Developer Resume Example. React Developer. Responsible for design, layout, and implementation of both React front-end and Flask backend's RESTful API. Implemented multiprocessing to increase page load speed by 98%. Integrated project with external RESTful API to retrieve and display JSON data.

  22. GitHub

    A React project to create and design your resume and convert to PDF in letter or A4 format. Is This Project For You If you are a frontender who is looking to design a resume with the tools that you love and use daily then yes.