research proposal jkuat

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research proposal by mr meshack k korir jkuat


Sep 22, 2014

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  • harvest losses
  • threshing losses
  • rice milling yields
  • rice varieties bismati 370


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INTRODUCTION • Rice is the third most important staple food in Kenya after maize and wheat • According to NIB, 95% of rice in Kenya is grown under irrigation while the rest grow under rain fed condition • Due to production inefficiencies and increased demand of rice, Kenya is only able to meet 20 % of its needs • NIB has estimated per capita rice consumption of 7 kg which is expected to increase to 11kg by 2015

INTRODUCTION • MOA of Kenya has estimated annual consumption of rice to increase at a rate of 12% compared to 4 % for wheat and 1% for maize • This is as a result of increasing consumption of rice due to changing eating habits particularly for the urban consumers • Therefore, rice production need to be increased if the rising demand for rice is to be met.

INTRODUCTION • Rice availability and accessibility can be increased by: • increasing production, • improving distribution and • reducing the losses • Thus, reduction of postharvest losses is a critical component of ensuring future national food security.

INTRODUCTION • Postharvest Food Loss can be quantitative or qualitative • Quantitative is measured by decreased weight or volume (Weight loss during drying process and de-husking are not PHL) • Qualitative is reduced nutrient value and unwanted changes to taste, color, texture, or cosmetic features of food

INTRODUCTION • Problem statement and justification • Research on the improvement of rice production has received considerable attention and funding compared to postharvest activities • In Sub-Saharan Africa: quantitative postharvest losses is 10 to 22% • Minimizing PHL could translate to reduction in: • rice imports, • economic losses • Food security

INTRODUCTION Problem statement and justification • In Kenya, there is inadequate information on postharvest losses of rice with regards to: • What ? • Where? and • Why? the losses occur in the production system • For effective reduction of losses, it is important to estimate the losses and the stages at which they occur

Broad objective • To assess the postharvest losses that occur in rice from harvesting to milling at Mwea, Ahero, West Kano and Bunyala irrigation schemes of Kenya and hence sound scientific solutions Specific objectives • To gather information on postharvest losses of rice in Ahero, West Kano and Bunyala irrigation schemes • To determine postharvest losses of rice at harvesting, threshing, drying, storage and milling.

LITERATURE REVIEW Postharvest loss profile of rice • PHL of rice occur at various stage which include: • Harvesting • Threshing • Drying • storage • milling

LITERATURE REVIEW Postharvest loss profile of rice 1.Harvest Losses • Method of harvesting is link to losses. Too much paddy handling create problems both in quality and quantity (NAPHIRE, 1997) • In kenya and other developing countries traditional manual methods such as sickle methods are the most common.

LITERATURE REVIEW Postharvest loss profile of rice 2.Threshing Losses • Threshing losses depend on the method used • The methods are generally classified as manual, animal or mechanical (FAO, 1997). • The simplest threshing systems for rice is striking the panicles against a hard surface. Others include: • Trampling underfoot • Driving the animals over a layer of sheaves about 30cm thick • Treading out which is accomplished with vehicle or tractor

LITERATURE REVIEW Postharvest loss profile of rice 3. Losses during drying • Drying period of harvested paddy rice depends on whether it will be stored for a short or long period or whether it is intended for milling. • Sun drying is traditional method of drying the harvested rice • The crop is either left in the field to dry after reaping before threshing, or spread out on mats or pavements after threshing. • Most losses in drying occur due to: • poor technical performance of the technology or • improper use of the technology,

LITERATURE REVIEW Postharvest loss profile of rice 4. Storage losses • Pest infestation due to insects, rodents, and birds is a real threat when paddy or milled rice is stored. • Measures to control infestation include fumigation of the stock with phosphine gas

LITERATURE REVIEW Postharvest loss profile of rice 5.Milling losses • According to De Padua (1999), milling losses are due to; • Inherent poor technical performance of milling machinery, • Operator ineptitude • Impact: poor milling yields • Rice breakage during the milling process increased with the decreasing kernel diameter (Matthews and Spadaro, 1976)

LITERATURE REVIEW Postharvest loss profile of rice 5.Milling losses • Rice breakage during the milling process decreased with the increasing paddy moisture content in the range of 12 to 16% (Dilday, 1987) • To have a high quality milling process with reasonable rice breakage, paddy must be harvested at the optimum moisture content and at the suitable stage of maturity (Luh, 1991) • Long and tiny rice kernels are more susceptible to breakage during the milling process (Clement and Seguy, 1994)

METHODOLOGY Study Area • The study will be conducted at: • Mwea • Ahero • West Kano and • Bunyala irrigation schemes • The study will be done in two phases: • Baseline survey and • A field work

METHODOLOGY A baseline Survey • A baseline survey will be conducted in the study areas • Well structured questionnaires will be used for abstracting information on farmers’ perception and knowledge of postharvest losses of rice • This will be complemented through information obtained from interviews and target group discussions • Stakeholders and scientist will be engaged in evaluating the postharvest losses in rice in the study areas as well as look for possible solutions

METHODOLOGY Field work • Two rice varieties Bismati 370 and R2793-80-1 will be evaluated • Planting area: 4m by 5m • Farm operation to be carried out include: • Land clearing • ploughing, • retovation, • raising nursery for seedlings and • transplanting

METHODOLOGY Measurement of postharvest losses of rice 1. Harvesting losses • The rice plots will be divided into quadrants • Skilled harvesters will be allowed to harvest using commonly used harvesting methods in the study area • Left over rice grains on the harvested plots (both on the ground and on unharvested standing plants) were thoroughly collected, cleaned, dried, weighed and stored.

METHODOLOGY Measurement of postharvest losses of rice 1. Harvesting losses • Percentages of harvesting losses were determined using the method described by Badawi (2003) equation 1. • In this equation, HL is the percentage harvesting losses, Lo is the left over paddy, Ttis the total harvested paddy (1)

METHODOLOGY Measurement of postharvest losses of rice 2. Threshing losses • Threshing methods in the study areas will be evaluated • After threshing, all the rice grains that will fall out during threshing process will be collected, cleaned, dried and weighed • All rice grains remaining on the stalks after threshing will also be collected, cleaned, dried and weighed (1)

METHODOLOGY Measurement of postharvest losses of rice 2. Threshing losses • Threshing losses will be evaluated base on the equation 2 • In this equation, TL is percentage threshing losses, WO is the weight of left over grains and WT is the total weight of collected grains (2)

METHODOLOGY Measurement of postharvest losses of rice 3. Drying losses • Dried paddy rice will be gathered and collected, the paddy that will be left out after gathering will also be collected • Drying losses will be computed using equation 3 • In this equation, WL is percentage weight loss during drying, WO is the weight of left over paddy and Wc is the total weight of collected grains (3)

METHODOLOGY Measurement of postharvest losses of rice 4. Storage losses • Dried paddy rice will be weighed and stored • After 60days of storage the paddy will be reweighed • Storage losses will be determined based on equation 4 • In this equation, WS is percentage weight loss during storage, WI is the initial weight of paddy and WF is the final weight of paddy rice (4)

METHODOLOGY Measurement of postharvest losses of rice 5. Milling losses • Performance of different milling machines will be evaluated on their rice milling yields • Milling yield will be calculated based on equation 4 • In this equation, WY is percentage milling yield, Ww is the weight of white rice and WP is the weight of paddy (4)

METHODOLOGY Measurement of postharvest losses of rice 5. Milling losses • The grains after milling will be subjected to head grain count to determine breakages • A sample of milled rice will be taken • Head grains (unbroken grains) were separated from the broken grains and weighed • The percentages of broken and unbroken grains will be determined

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS • The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16 will be used to analyze the responses on farmer’s perception of post harvest losses. • Analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be performed on experimental data collected using GENSTAT Discovery Edition 3 and separation of treatment means will be done using the LSD at 5% level of significance.

EXPECTED RESULTS • This study is expected to: • provide farmer’s information in regard to perception and knowledge on postharvest losses • Establish and document losses figures of rice in the study areas

REFERENCES • Clement, G. and Seguy J. I. (1994). Behavior of rice during processing. Journal of Agriculture and Development. 16:38-46. • De Padua, D. (1999). Grain Post Production Systems. Agricultural Engineering Division, International Rice Research Institute Philippines.[][Accessed 10th May 2010] • Dilday, R. H. (1987). Genetic effects determining rice grain weight and grain density qualities. [www.] [Accessed 2nd March 2010] Korir, BEED

REFERENCES • F.A.O. (2007). Estimates of Post Harvest Losses of Rice in South East Asia. Available on line at [ FACTFILE/FF9712-EHTM][Accessed 2nd May 2010] • Golletti, F. and Wolf, C. (1999). The Impact of Post Harvest Research. M.S.S Discussion Paper No 29 International Food Policy Institute, Washington DC. [][Accessed 6th March 2010] • Matthews, J. and Spadaro, J. J. (1976). Comparison of different rice milling methods. []. [Accessed 16th May 2010] Korir, BEED

REFERENCES • NAPHIRE (1997). Technical guide on grain post harvest operation. MunosNeuvaEcija , Philippines. National Post Harvest Institute for Research and Extension.[][Accessed 15th May 2010] Korir, BEED

Thank you Korir, BEED

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Employee empowerment Proposal(Research) JKUAT

Profile image of Jane M A R G A R E T Ochami-Sasaka

Abstract The purpose of the study will be to determine the effects of female employee empowerment on organization reputation in environment oriented parastatals within the public sector in Kenya. The main specific objectives of the study will be to analyze the effects of organizational structure, training of employees, management style and decision making and how they affect female employee empowerment. The study will assist the management of Parastatals in the public sector in Kenya in finding various measures that can be adopted to empower female employees. To analyze the current situation prevailing within the parastatals under review, a descriptive research design will be used since. This is a scientific method which involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way, and since this is a social science study, descriptive research approach is suitable. . The targeted population will include senior management staff, Middle management staff and operational management staff in the parastatals in the public sector in Kenya. The sample target population will be 180 and a sample size of 90, which is 50% of the target population. Stratified random sampling will be used as a sampling design then simple random sampling to ensure that all the subgroups are included in the study. The main data collection instrument will be the questionnaire, which will be distributed to selected respondents. Both primary and secondary data will be used as source of information. Then data will be analyzed by use of the tables, and pie charts that are qualitative and quantitative in nature. The theoretical section reviews will be a range of relevant literature which is related to the research topic, it will categorize the research questions into relevant subjects and it will conclude with suggestions showing how to approach empirical research on female employee empowerment. This study will therefore seek find out to what extend female employee empowerment impacts on the reputation of Environment oriented Parastals in the Public Sector in Kenya. The findings this study will enrich the literature on employee empowerment. In addition, the investigation into female employee empowerment will fill the research gap on female employee empowerment on organizational reputation. Pragmatically, the research will provide significant implications for both public and private sectors leaders on how to formulate favourable employee attitudes and evaluation systems which will contribute to organizational effectiveness.

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  • Evaluating the Hydraulic, Managerial, Socio-Economic and Environmental Performance of Ahero Irrigation Scheme  Moyale, George Khatete ( JKUAT-CoETEC , 2024-06-11 ) Many of Kenya’s public irrigation schemes are performing below potential resulting in low yields suggesting the need for irrigation performance assessment of the schemes. The hydraulic, management, environmental and ...
  • Metagenomic Characterization of Poultry Enteric Viral and Bacterial Pathogens and Gut Microbiota in Selected Regions in Kenya and Associated Antimicrobial Resistance Genes  Panyako, Philip Murunga ( JKUAT-CoANRE , 2024-06-11 ) Indigenous backyard poultry, which is the most commonly reared poultry in Africa, is often raised fsdain a free-range production system that exposes them to a wide array of microorganisms due to their diverse diet. These ...
  • Comparative Histomorphological and Histostereological Teratogenic Effects of In-utero Exposure to Varied Doses of Omeprazole and Pantoprazole on Fetal Kidneys in Albino Rats (Rattus norvegicus)  Nyaga, Anne Njoki ( JKUAT-COHES , 2024-06-11 ) Omeprazole and pantoprazole are proton pump inhibitor medicines which are commonly used in management of gastric esophageal reflux disease during pregnancy. However, their teratogenic risk or their safety indexes on the ...
  • Comparative Histomorphological and Histostereological terato-genic Effects of In-Utero Exposure to Chlorpromazine and Haloperidol on the Differentiation of the Epiphyseal Growth Plates of the Fetal Appendicular Skeleton in Albino Rats (Rattus norvegicus)  Kuria, Jane Wanjiru ( JKUAT-COHES , 2024-06-11 ) Chlorpromazine and haloperidol are typical antipsychotics and among the commonly prescribed medicines to manage psychosis in expectant mothers. However, their com-parative teratogenic effects on the fetal appendicular ...
  • Combinatorial Properties, Invariants, Structures and Formulas Associated with Some Actions of the Alternating Group  Gachimu, Richard Kariuki ( JKUAT COPAS , 2018-02-16 ) Various group actions have been studied in the past with respect to their associated combinatorial properties, invariants, structures and formulas. This thesis focuses on the combinatorial properties, invariants and ...
  • Factors Influencing the Practice of Resource Planning and Leveling in the Kenyan Construction Industry: A Survey of Contractors in Nairobi County  Simon, Shadrack Mutungi ( JKUAT-SABS , 2018-03-01 ) The performance of construction projects depends to a great extent on how best the resources are managed. Failure to manage the resources available through planning and leveling is likely to result in increased project ...
  • Combinatorial Properties, Invariants, Structures and Formulas Associated with Some Actions of the Alternating Group  Gachimu, Richard Kariuki ( JKUAT COPAS , 2018-07-16 ) Various group actions have been studied in the past with respect to their associated combinatorial properties, invariants, structures and formulas. This thesis focuses on the combinatorial properties, invariants and ...
  • Analysis of Medicinal Activities of Warburgia ugandensis and Zanthoxylum usambarense against Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium knowlesi  Were, Patrick Simiyu ( JKUAT-COPAS , 2021-08-11 ) Medicinal plants play a key role in the worlds’ health care, with about 80% of Africans depending on herbal medicines for treatment of bacterial, parasitic, viral and fungal infections. In Kenya, two plants; Warburgia ...
  • Supply Chain Strategic Alliances and Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Kenya  Rajab, Fatuma Ali ( JKUAT-COHRED , 2024-06-06 ) This study seeks to investigate the influence of supply chain strategic alliances and performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study specifically investigated the effect of supply chain technical alliances, supply ...
  • Diversity, Distribution and Abundance of Prokaryotic Communities within Selected Forests Ecosystem in Kenya  Onyango, Lorine Akinyi ( JKUAT-COHES , 2024-06-06 ) Soil microbiomes in forest ecosystems play a crucial role in serving as either sources or sinks of nutrients by participating in activities such as decomposing organic matter, cycling nutrients, incorporating humic compounds ...
  • Physicochemical Characteristics, Microbial Quality and Sensory Acceptability of Cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus) Flour Preserved With Ginger, Garlic and Turmeric Extracts  Akullo, Jolly Oder ( JKUAT-CoANRE , 2024-06-06 ) Insects are a vital and preferred food among many cultures scattered throughout the world, where they are consumed as a source of protein, fat, minerals, and vitamins. However, with majority of insects still collected from ...
  • Microbial Diversity and Antimicrobial Resistance Profile of Bacterial Isolates from Raw Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Marketed for Human Consumption in Selected Sub-Counties of Nairobi, Kenya  Mumbo, Millicent Taka ( JKUAT-COHES , 2024-06-04 ) Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a rich source of protein and is increasingly being consumed in urban Kenya. However, fish from multisource pollution waters can harbor antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria that can ...
  • Factors Associated with Alcohol Use among Persons Aged 18-35 Years in Kangundo North Ward, Machakos County, Kenya  MakauJ, Joseph Ndambuki ( JKUAT-COHES , 2024-06-04 ) The study aimed to determine the factors associated with alcohol use among persons aged 18-35years.It was conducted among residents of Kangundo North Ward, Machakos County where alcohol use is reported to be a serious ...
  • Radiation Exposure Levels and Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk Associated with Soil, Water and Sub-Surface Rocks in Kargi Area, Marsabit - Kenya  Aguko, Willis Ougo ( JKUAT-COPAS , 2024-06-04 ) Radiometric and Magnetic studies were carried out in Kargi area, located between latitudes 2.476944° and 2.520833° and longitudes 37.542778° and 37.601944°, with approximately 31.26 km2 coverage area. Escalated number of ...
  • Effectiveness of Non-Cash Incentives and Psychosocial Support on Six-Months Retention on Treatment among People Living with HIV/AIDS in Kibera Informal Settlement, Nairobi, Kenya  Muhula, Samuel Opondo ( JKUAT-COHES , 2024-05-27 ) This study sought to determine the effectiveness of non-cash incentives combined with psychosocial support on retention during the first six months of HIV treatment among patients in informal settlement of Kibera in Nairobi, ...
  • Genetic Diversity and Selection Criteria for Yield and Aroma in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Germplasm of the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo  Kimwemwe, Paul Kitenge ( JKUAT-CoANRE , 2024-05-30 ) Improving yield and aroma are among significant objectives of many plant breeding programs, since they are two critical parameters that determine farmers’ and consumers’ variety acceptability and consequently the productivity ...
  • Screening African Eggplant (Solanum Sp.) Accessions for Resistance to Bacterial Wilt (Ralstonia Solanacearum)  Nikuze, Tefania ( JKUAT-CoANRE , 2024-05-29 ) African eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum, Solanum anguivi, and Solanum sp) in the Solanaceae family is an economically important crop produced in sub-Saharan Africa. It is an important vegetable used as a source of food and ...
  • Factors Contributing to Occupational Injuries and Ill Health among Healthcare Workers in Selected Hospitals in Nairobi City County  Koskei, Emily Cherono ( JKUAT-COHES , 2024-05-29 ) Non-fatal occupational injuries and illnesses among healthcare workers are ranked among the highest in any industry sector. In the context of the highly complex and hazardous work environment, particular challenges arise ...

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  1. Project Proposal (Jkuat)

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  3. Jkuat Map Research

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  4. (DOC) Employee empowerment Proposal(Research) JKUAT

    research proposal jkuat

  5. Guideline FOR Research Writing Jkuat

    research proposal jkuat

  6. Research Proposal Sample

    research proposal jkuat


  1. Would You Rather

  2. Комплексная научная экспедиция по развитию туризма на ООПТ РР «Белянка» в Якутии (1 этап)

  3. Civil Engineering students final presentation 2021

  4. Seminar: Climate Smart Landscapes: Evidence, Gaps and Opportunities for Research

  5. Session 16: Grants and Proposal Writing By Dr. Kauser Abdullah Malik (FCCU)

  6. JKUAT Career Guidance Webinar 2024


  1. PDF research proposal guidelines

    JKUAT RESEARCH GUIDELINES Format and Guidelines for Writing a Research Proposal ANNEX IV 1.0 Cover Page The project document must bear the standard official cover page for JKUAT-originated research proposals. Inscriptions on the cover page should include the JKUAT Logo, project title, the name of the donor(s) to whom the proposal is ...

  2. PDF JKUAT RESEARCH GUIDELINES Format and Guidelines for Writing a Research

    Format and Guidelines for Writing a Research Proposal ANNEX IV 1.0 Cover Page The project document must bear the standard official cover page for JKUAT-originated research proposals. Inscriptions on the cover page should include the JKUAT Logo, project title, the name of the donor(s) to whom the proposal is


    of 0.705 t ha-1moving from the short rains 2016 to the long rains 2017 growing seasons. Results from this analysis also shows that altitude is an important factor influencing soybean grain yield. A reduction of soybean grain yield of 0.232 t ha-1. was observed for every rise in altitude by 100 masl.

  4. Guideline FOR Research Writing Jkuat

    Notes for research Methodology on research methods jkuat structure of reaseach title page to include: title concise statement of the main topic and should ... PhD proposal presentations shall be limited to 15 minutes. Note: PhD candidates may submit their research proposals once they are ready but within one year after their coursework. 4 ...

  5. PDF I. Research Proposal Format

    For proposals (spiral bound) the cover page should include the title, author and affiliation (all on one page) and centered. Page number does not appear on the title page B) Declaration: Should include both the candidate's and the supervisor's declaration and duly signed.


    JKUAT research policy maps out the processes of identifying and prioritising research needs and initiating research projects; procedures for preparation and approval of research proposals; guidelines for identifying funding sources and modes of acquisition; mechanisms for project monitoring and control; dissemination of research results and ...

  7. PDF -Research Project Proposal

    JKUAT, Kenya . iii DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to: My Almighty God, Lord, Creator and Master; My lovely wife, who leads me through the valley of darkness with light of hope and ... and strength to undertake this research work from its start to its completion. This research work was completed with the contributions and support of many ...

  8. Research Directorate

    The directorate coordinates research proposal evaluation, processing and also evaluates identifies sources of research funding opportunity and bring the same to the attention of researchers. it also undertakes monitoring and evaluation of university research and innovation projects and to ensure that researchers are provided with expert guidance through organizing training in research proposal ...

  9. JKUAT Repository Home

    Research Papers/conference proceedings [1538] Theses and Dissertations [3100] ... Erick K. (JKUAT-CoANRE, 2024-06-04) Orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) is a bio-fortified sweet potato with a high beta-carotene content. OFSP deteriorates rapidly due to its high moisture content. Conventional air drying is one of the most common methods ...

  10. Project Proposal

    Project Proposal: Online Dating System for JKUAT Students 1. Identification of Topic and Problem: The aim of this project is the development of an online dating system tailored specifically for students at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT).


    ASSESSMENT OF POSTHARVEST LOSSES OF RICE: A CASE STUDY OF MWEA AND WESTERN IRRIGATION SCHEMES OF KENYA. RESEARCH PROPOSAL BY Mr. Meshack K. Korir JKUAT. INTRODUCTION. Rice is the third most important staple food in Kenya after maize and wheat Slideshow 4678741 by genna


    FORMAT OF MSC. AND PH.D. FINAL THESIS: Top page - In golden, bold, font 16 and centered. The Spine - In golden, bold, font 16 and centered. Front Page - In bold, font 14 and centered. Declaration - In font 12 duly signed by candidate and supervisors. Dedication - To spouses, parents, families, etc.

  13. So PH Format for Research Proposal and Thesis

    Affiliation should be well illustrated i. 8 A research proposal submitted in the Department of ....., School of ..... in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree Master of Science/Doctor of Philosophy in..... in Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. 9 The year should follow at the bottom of the caption.

  14. Project Proposal sammy

    jomo kenyatta university of agriculture and technology (jkuat) effects of free public education on economic development a case study of transzoia county, kenya samuel kipyakwayi wabwile a research project proposal submitted to department of development studies in the school of communications and development studies in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of master of science ...

  15. Format-for-Research-Proposal-and-Thesis

    Note: For proposals (spiral bound) the cover page should include the title, author and affiliation (all on one page) and centered. Page number does not appear on the title page B) Declaration: Should include both the candidate's and the supervisor's declaration and duly signed. This proposal is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other University

  16. PDF Bernard Langat a Research Project Submitted to The School Of

    research design specifically for a case study of Kenyatta University. The target population was 2400 employees of Kenyatta University from which a sample of 96 employees was selected. The data was exclusively gathered from the questionnaire as the research instrument. The collected data was summarized and analyzed using both

  17. Employee empowerment Proposal(Research) JKUAT

    Employee empowerment Proposal(Research) JKUAT. Jane M A R G A R E T Ochami-Sasaka. Abstract The purpose of the study will be to determine the effects of female employee empowerment on organization reputation in environment oriented parastatals within the public sector in Kenya. The main specific objectives of the study will be to analyze the ...

  18. PDF Research Policy

    JKUAT Research Policy Page 7 of 26 Technical report - document that details the procedures adopted, progress or results of a scientific or technical research activity or investigation. End of project - the date identified in a research grant as the end of the project, typically the completion of deliverables for a contract or delivery of a final report for a grant.

  19. PDF Kenya Medical Research Institute

    Minutes of proposal defense meetings (4 copies) Ethical approvals i.e SERU and NACOSTI (To form part of the proposal appendices) On getting the approval of the proposal and the supervisors from JKUAT, the student should proceed to Data Collection and Analysis. They can start presenting their findings and bringing their progress reports

  20. JKUAT-Structure of RESEARCH PROPOSAL.docx

    View JKUAT-Structure of RESEARCH PROPOSAL.docx from QWE 3312 at John S. Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School. A) Title page to include: i. Title - A concise statement of the main topic and should

  21. Theses and Dissertations

    Kemei, Eudia Jepkoech (JKUAT-COHES, 2024-05-27) Endometrial cancer is the most frequent gynecologic malignancy in countries that are developed with 54,870 new cases projected in the United States in 2022. In Kenya, cancer of the uterine corpus has an incidence of 1.7%. ...

  22. Research, Production & Extension

    Research, Production & Extension Division Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology P.O. Box 62,000 - 00200 NAIROBI, KENYA Tel: +254-067-52711 Fax: +254-06752164 Email: [email protected]

  23. JKUAT Thesis-Format-Final-2018.pdf

    View JKUAT Thesis-Format-Final-2018.pdf from MSC 3102 at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. FORMAT OF MSC. AND PH.D. FINAL THESIS: 1. Top page - In golden, bold, font 16 and ... JKUAT-Structure of RESEARCH PROPOSAL.docx. John S. Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School. QWE 3312. RIPHAH General Guidelines on thesis -05Apr16.pdf.