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Gravity (several)

The Laws of Gravity

Newton’s Derivation of the Inverse Square Law of Gravity

Mathematical Laws of Gravity

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

Gravity and Orbits

Newton’s Law of Gravity

The Force of Gravity

The Natural Laws

Gravity – Don’t Let It Get You Down

Gravity and Kepler’s Laws

Gravity and Space

Gravity – True or False (in PowerPoint format)

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Early concepts

  • Weight and mass
  • Interaction between celestial bodies
  • Effects of local mass differences
  • Weighing the Earth
  • Changes due to location
  • Changes with time
  • Unit of gravity
  • Absolute measurements
  • Relative measurements
  • Gravimetric surveys and geophysics
  • The Moon and the planets
  • Field theories of gravitation
  • Gravitational fields and the theory of general relativity
  • The paths of particles and light
  • Gravitational radiation
  • Some astronomical aspects of gravitation
  • The inverse square law
  • The principle of equivalence
  • The constant of gravitation
  • The variation of the constant of gravitation with time
  • Fundamental character of G

gravitational lens

  • How has Galileo influenced science?
  • What is Isaac Newton most famous for?
  • How was Isaac Newton educated?
  • What was Isaac Newton’s childhood like?

Albert Einstein

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  • Academia - Gravity Particles and the Strong Force
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gravity , in mechanics , the universal force of attraction acting between all matter. It is by far the weakest known force in nature and thus plays no role in determining the internal properties of everyday matter. On the other hand, through its long reach and universal action, it controls the trajectories of bodies in the solar system and elsewhere in the universe and the structures and evolution of stars, galaxies, and the whole cosmos . On Earth all bodies have a weight , or downward force of gravity, proportional to their mass, which Earth’s mass exerts on them. Gravity is measured by the acceleration that it gives to freely falling objects. At Earth ’s surface the acceleration of gravity is about 9.8 metres (32 feet) per second per second. Thus, for every second an object is in free fall, its speed increases by about 9.8 metres per second. At the surface of the Moon the acceleration of a freely falling body is about 1.6 metres per second per second.

Understand the concept of gravitational force using Newton's theory of gravitation

The works of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein dominate the development of gravitational theory. Newton’s classical theory of gravitational force held sway from his Principia , published in 1687, until Einstein’s work in the early 20th century. Newton’s theory is sufficient even today for all but the most precise applications. Einstein’s theory of general relativity predicts only minute quantitative differences from the Newtonian theory except in a few special cases. The major significance of Einstein’s theory is its radical conceptual departure from classical theory and its implications for further growth in physical thought.

The launch of space vehicles and developments of research from them have led to great improvements in measurements of gravity around Earth, other planets, and the Moon and in experiments on the nature of gravitation.

Development of gravitational theory

Newton argued that the movements of celestial bodies and the free fall of objects on Earth are determined by the same force. The classical Greek philosophers, on the other hand, did not consider the celestial bodies to be affected by gravity, because the bodies were observed to follow perpetually repeating nondescending trajectories in the sky. Thus, Aristotle considered that each heavenly body followed a particular “natural” motion, unaffected by external causes or agents. Aristotle also believed that massive earthly objects possess a natural tendency to move toward Earth’s centre. Those Aristotelian concepts prevailed for centuries along with two others: that a body moving at constant speed requires a continuous force acting on it and that force must be applied by contact rather than interaction at a distance. These ideas were generally held until the 16th and early 17th centuries, thereby impeding an understanding of the true principles of motion and precluding the development of ideas about universal gravitation. This impasse began to change with several scientific contributions to the problem of earthly and celestial motion, which in turn set the stage for Newton’s later gravitational theory.

Italian physicist Guglielmo Marconi at work in the wireless room of his yacht Electra, c. 1920.

The 17th-century German astronomer Johannes Kepler accepted the argument of Nicolaus Copernicus (which goes back to Aristarchus of Samos ) that the planets orbit the Sun , not Earth. Using the improved measurements of planetary movements made by the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe during the 16th century, Kepler described the planetary orbits with simple geometric and arithmetic relations. Kepler’s three quantitative laws of planetary motion are:

  • The planets describe elliptic orbits, of which the Sun occupies one focus (a focus is one of two points inside an ellipse ; any ray coming from one of them bounces off a side of the ellipse and goes through the other focus).
  • The line joining a planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times.
  • The square of the period of revolution of a planet is proportional to the cube of its average distance from the Sun.

During this same period the Italian astronomer and natural philosopher Galileo Galilei made progress in understanding “natural” motion and simple accelerated motion for earthly objects. He realized that bodies that are uninfluenced by forces continue indefinitely to move and that force is necessary to change motion, not to maintain constant motion. In studying how objects fall toward Earth, Galileo discovered that the motion is one of constant acceleration . He demonstrated that the distance a falling body travels from rest in this way varies as the square of the time. As noted above, the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of Earth is about 9.8 metres per second per second. Galileo was also the first to show by experiment that bodies fall with the same acceleration whatever their composition (the weak principle of equivalence).

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What Is Gravity?

Gravity is the force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center. The force of gravity keeps all of the planets in orbit around the sun.

What else does gravity do?

Why do you land on the ground when you jump up instead of floating off into space? Why do things fall down when you throw them or drop them? The answer is gravity: an invisible force that pulls objects toward each other. Earth's gravity is what keeps you on the ground and what makes things fall.

An animation of gravity at work. Albert Einstein described gravity as a curve in space that wraps around an object—such as a star or a planet. If another object is nearby, it is pulled into the curve. Image credit: NASA

Anything that has mass also has gravity. Objects with more mass have more gravity. Gravity also gets weaker with distance. So, the closer objects are to each other, the stronger their gravitational pull is.

Earth's gravity comes from all its mass. All its mass makes a combined gravitational pull on all the mass in your body. That's what gives you weight. And if you were on a planet with less mass than Earth, you would weigh less than you do here.

Infographic showing how much you'd weigh on other planets and the moon

Image credit: NASA

You exert the same gravitational force on Earth that it does on you. But because Earth is so much more massive than you, your force doesn’t really have an effect on our planet.

Gravity in our universe

Gravity is what holds the planets in orbit around the sun and what keeps the moon in orbit around Earth. The gravitational pull of the moon pulls the seas towards it, causing the ocean tides. Gravity creates stars and planets by pulling together the material from which they are made.

Gravity not only pulls on mass but also on light. Albert Einstein discovered this principle. If you shine a flashlight upwards, the light will grow imperceptibly redder as gravity pulls it. You can't see the change with your eyes, but scientists can measure it.

Black holes pack so much mass into such a small volume that their gravity is strong enough to keep anything, even light, from escaping.

What is a black hole?

Watch this video to find out more about these areas of immense gravity!

Gravity on Earth

Gravity is very important to us. We could not live on Earth without it. The sun's gravity keeps Earth in orbit around it, keeping us at a comfortable distance to enjoy the sun's light and warmth. It holds down our atmosphere and the air we need to breathe. Gravity is what holds our world together.

However, gravity isn’t the same everywhere on Earth. Gravity is slightly stronger over places with more mass underground than over places with less mass. NASA uses two spacecraft to measure these variations in Earth’s gravity. These spacecraft are part of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission.

A gravity map of Earth made with data from the GRACE mission

The GRACE mission helps scientists to create maps of gravity variations on Earth. Areas in blue have slightly weaker gravity and areas in red have slightly stronger gravity. Image credit: NASA/University of Texas Center for Space Research

GRACE detects tiny changes in gravity over time. These changes have revealed important details about our planet. For example, GRACE monitors changes in sea level and can detect changes in Earth’s crust brought on by earthquakes.

More about gravity!

an illustration of a black hole in the center of a galaxy

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  • Gravitations

We barely think about gravity in our daily lives, but we must realise that it defines how we interact with the world. We grow within its constraints, and our heart, muscles, and balance system depend on it. Gravity is one of the fundamental forces of the universe. In this article, let us understand what gravity is and its effect on us.

What Is Gravity?


Every object that has mass exerts a gravitational pull or force on every other mass. The strength of this pull depends on the masses of objects at play. Gravity keeps the planets in orbit around the sun and the moon around the Earth. Hence, we define gravity as:

Gravity is a force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth or any other physical body having mass.

History of Gravity

  • In 1687, Sir Isaac Newton first discovered gravity. While sitting under an apple tree, he noticed an apple falling down. Then he tried to figure out why the apple came down instead of going up or left or right. In this situation, there was clearly an unknown force at play. That force is what Newton called gravity, and his theory is called Newton’s law of Universal Gravitation.
  • Later in the early 20th century, Albert Einstein developed a whole new idea about gravity. According to him, gravity is the warping of space and time.

Read More: Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

Gravity in Universe

After understanding what is gravity, let us know how gravity plays a major role in sustaining life on earth. Because of the gravitational pull between the earth and the sun, the atmosphere is kept in place and provides us with the air we need to breathe to survive. It also keeps us safe from the sun, allowing us to enjoy the sun’s light and warmth.

To know the history of gravity, see the video below

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Measuring Gravity

Sir Issac Newton defined the force of gravity as follows:

“ Every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the particles and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.”

Mathematically, this translates to:

  • F is the force,
  • m 1 and m 2 are masses of the objects interacting
  • r is the distance between the centre of the masses
  • G is the gravitational constant (6.674×10 −11 m 3 ⋅kg −1 ⋅s −2 )

This equation gives the magnitude of the force, and since it is an attractive force, it will always be directed towards the other object. From the above equation, we can come to the conclusion that anything that has mass has gravity. Objects with heavier mass have more gravity. The closer the two objects are, the heavier the gravitational pull between them. Gravity gets weaker with distance. The above formula is used to calculate the gravitational force between two objects.

Gravity on Earth

In comparison with other celestial bodies, the Earth has an average gravitational pull. Various locations on the Earth exhibit gravitational fields smaller or larger than average. This is mainly due to mass variation (higher or lower matter distribution) across the planet. Gravitational force is the force that builds an attraction between two or more bodies. The objects with less mass have a weak gravitation pull, while the objects with larger mass have a stronger gravitational pull.

Objects are held down to the ground because of the gravitational force of the Earth. Objects actually exert a force of gravity on the Earth. Since every object on the Earth has very less mass than the Earth, the gravitational force exerted by such objects is negligible compared to the Earth’s gravitational pull. The average gravitational force of the Earth is 9.8 m/s2.

See the video to learn more about the basic laws of gravitation

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Examples of Gravity

After knowing what is gravity, let us have a look at a few examples of gravity at work are:

  • The gases in the sun are held together by gravity.
  • Gravity is responsible for water resting at the bottom of a glass instead of hovering over at the top.
  • The force of attraction between the earth and the moon causes tides in the ocean. This is the result of gravity.
  • Gravity causes the moon to revolve around the earth.

Gravity has the same effect on all objects. If you drop an iron road and a feather, they will fall at the exact same speed. Due to the effect of air resistance on gravity, it might look like the iron rod falls at a greater speed. However, if they were dropped in the vacuum, they would fall at the exact same time. The gravity of an object depends on its size. To be more specific, the Gravity of an object depends on the mass of that object. It is undoubtedly the weakest known force in nature and thus plays no role in determining the internal properties of everyday matter.

Read More: Gravitational Force

Relationship between Gravity and Weight

Weight Related to Gravity

Weight is defined as the force with which a body is attracted to the earth by gravitation. It is just another word for the force of gravity F g . Weight is a force that acts on all objects near earth. The weight of an object can be calculated by multiplying the mass of the body with the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity  (g =  9.8 m/s 2 ).

Mathematically, it is represented as:

= mg
  • F g is the force of gravity
  • m is the mass of the object
  • g is the acceleration due to gravity

Many people confuse mass with weight. One must keep in mind that mass is the measure of how much the body resists velocity, in other words, the object’s inertia. Although they are closely related to each other, they mean different things. The mass has units of kg, whereas the weight is a force and has units of N. Read more : Mass and Weight

Facts About Gravity

  • Gravity is the weakest of nature’s four known fundamental forces, yet it is the most dominant force. Even though it is the weakest force, Gravity holds together the entire solar systems and galaxies.
  • The free fall speed is consistent over the earth’s surface. This means all objects fall at the same speed. This speed on earth is calculated to be 9.8 m/s.
  • The best current estimate of G is that it equals about 6.67259 x 10 -11 newton-square meter per square kilogram.
  • The force of attraction between you and the Earth is your weight.
  • An object must travel 7 miles a second, i.e. the earth’s escape velocity, to leave Earth’s gravitational pull behind.
  • The gravitational force on the moon is around 16% of that on Earth, Mars has around 38% of the Earth’s pull, and Jupiter has 2.5 times the Earth’s gravity.
  • Black Holes are the places in the universe that have strong gravity that even light cannot escape from it.
  • Gravity can bend light!
  • According to Einstein, gravity is not a force.
  • Gravity might be the weakest of the four fundamental forces, but it has an unlimited range.

Gravity is very important to us. It wouldn’t have been possible for us to live on earth if it weren’t for gravity. The sun’s gravity keeps the earth revolving around it, keeping us at a comfortable distance to enjoy the sun’s warmth and light. Ultimately, gravity is the glue that holds the cosmos together!

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

What is gravity, what are the examples of gravity, does time go faster at the top of the building than at the bottom.

Yes, time goes faster the farther away you are from the earth’s surface compared to the time on the surface of the earth. This effect is known as “gravitational time dilation”.

How do spaceships create artificial gravity?

A spaceship could achieve artificial gravity by rotating about its axis. To achieve this, the radius of the rotation should be large. Additionally, a ship could create artificial gravity by constantly accelerating forwards.

What is the speed of gravity on Earth?

Gravity is measured by the acceleration it gives to free-falling objects. At Earth’s surface, the acceleration of gravity is about 9.8 meters per second.

Does the influence of gravity extend out forever?

The farther away you get from gravitational bodies such as the sun and the Earth, their gravitational effect on you weakens but never completely goes away.

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How did gravity come on earth

From Sir Isaac Newton’s law of gravitation, we understand that any two objects in the universe exert a force of attraction on each other. This relationship is directly related to the mass of the two objects and the distance between them. The greater the mass of objects and the shorter the distance between them, the stronger the pull of the gravitational forces they exert on each other.

Later, Sir Albert Einstein, in his theory of relativity, explained that gravity is more than just a force. He described gravity as a curvature in the space-time continuum. This description is often portrayed as a heavy ball sitting on a rubber sheet, and other smaller balls fall in towards the heavier object because the rubber sheet is warped from the heavy ball’s weight. In reality, we can’t see the curvature of space-time directly, but we can detect it in the motions of objects. Any object under the influence of another celestial body’s gravity is affected because the space it is moving through is curved toward that object.

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It all started with an apple falling from a tree... and has ended with an amazing science lesson template about gravity! Organize your high school lesson with this presentation where you can talk about Newton and other gravity concepts. The slides are packed with resources and stickers that will add a wonderful touch to your content. Let the gravitational force lure you into downloading this design!

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The Force of Gravity Teaching Slides

Updated:  30 Oct 2023

Teach your students facts about gravity with this comprehensive and age-appropriate teaching presentation for elementary school science lessons.

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The Force of Gravity Teaching Slides teaching resource

Gravity Facts for Kids

Gravity can be a complicated concept for our students to understand. An invisible non-contact force that pulls everything downwards, has an effect on our weight but not on our mass… that’s a lot for our young learners to get their heads around!

Teach Starter’s facts about gravity slide deck is here to make teaching gravity to your students a breeze! This 19-slide teaching presentation has been created by our experienced teacher team to help you explain the force of gravity and how it works to your students. It uses age-appropriate language (while still using subject-specific vocabulary) and attractive images to teach your students what they need to know about this incredible non-contact force in an appealing way.

The slide deck addresses the following content:

  • The discovery of gravity
  • The strength of gravity
  • Planets, stars and gravity
  • Mass vs weight
  • Gravity and weight
  • Gravity on the moon
  • Removing Earth’s gravity
  • The equivalence principle 
  • The importance of gravity

To keep your students engaged throughout, knowledge check multiple-choice questions have been scattered through the slide deck. 

Through engaging with this gravity facts presentation, your students will have a clearer understanding of how the force of gravity works on Earth and throughout the universe.

Demonstrate Gravity in Action

What’s the best way to learn facts about gravity (other than using this slide deck)? By seeing it in action, of course!

Why not compliment this gravity facts slide deck with a presentation of the equivalence principle? All you need is two water bottles – one empty, and one full. Here’s how to do it:

  • Hold a water bottle by its lid in each outstretched hand – one empty, one full. It can be a good idea to stand on a chair in order to gain a little more height, but please take care if you choose to do this!
  • Tell the students to watch the water bottles carefully, then have the class count down from five. When the countdown reaches zero, drop both water bottles. 
  • Have the students comment on what they observed, and explain how the demonstration proves the validity of the equivalence principle.

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Use the dropdown menu next to the Download button to access the Google Slides version of this resource. (Note: You will be prompted to make a copy of the Google Slides presentation before accessing it.)

Project the resource onto your screen and work through the slides as a class for a paperless science lesson!

More Resources for Your Lessons on Forces

If you’re loving the look of this gravity resource, then we have good news for you… we have plenty more resources to complement your lessons on forces! Click below to browse more teacher-created, curriculum-aligned resources!

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Gravity PowerPoint.

Published by Everett Bridges Modified over 5 years ago

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Gravity Lesson Plans


Gravity is such a fun topic to talk about with students. We experience it every day, and it impacts every aspect of our lives. It’s something we take for granted, and don’t think twice about. Let’s change that!

I like discussing gravity at the beginning of my astronomy unit. We don’t dive into the causes of gravity and space-time, but we discuss what impacts gravitational force (distance and mass) and do some fun experiments for them to explore it in more depth. Then we circle back around to it when we learn about nebular theory and how our solar system is organized. Below is a list of lesson ideas to get you started!

Gravity Activities:

  • PHET is one of my go-to websites for virtual labs and simulations. They have an interactive on gravity and orbits where students can change the mass of the sun or Earth and see what it does to our gravitational pull, velocity, and orbital path. You can find it here.


2. Here is a station activity where students explore different aspects of gravity. Stations include things like: an online simulation, exploring their weight on different planets, watching a video clip about the impact of zero gravity on the human body, and thinking critically about things like tides and black holes. You can find the activity in my TpT store or on my website .

3. Have a little time on your hands? Build a gravity well! You will need something large and circular (hula hoop works great, but a large bowl can also work in a pinch), a large piece of spandex material, and binder clips. You can find a tutorial here . Students will play with balls (planets) of different masses and observe their orbital path.


4. Have you heard of Tomatosphere ? My students LOVE it! You can order tomato seeds from them twice a year. Half of the seeds they mail you will be Earth seeds, and the other half will be from tomato plants that grew on the international space station (yes, you read that right). Students in your classes make predictions about the impact of zero gravity on the growth of tomato plants, and then get to germinate and grow the seeds. Once they have grown for a month or two you submit your results on the website and they will let you know which seeds were space seeds and which were the control group. I won’t spoil any of the fun, but you should definitely try it!

5. How high can you jump on other planets? Here is an easy activity you can do with students where they calculate how high they can jump on other planets based on the amount of gravity. If you would prefer a digital interactive instead, check out this one .


6. This timeless experiment still stumps students of all ages. If you drop a baseball and a ping pong ball at the same time, which will land first? (You can use any balls you want for this demo, but choosing two with very different mass throws them for a loop). I let them play around with it, and then we discuss. (If kids want to be “extra” they can record it using slo-mo on their phone). It’s fun to follow up the class discussion with this video clip from the Apollo 15 mission of Astronaut David Scott dropping a hammer and feather on the moon.

7. Speaking of video clips, it’s time to talk about life on the ISS. What is life like living in zero gravity? Astronaut Chris Hadfield has some pretty fun videos on Youtube that answer things like “ how do you sleep in space? ” and “ what happens to used water on the ISS? ” (kids go crazy when they learn urine is recycled into drinking water).

8. Here is an EASY experiment! You only need a cup (paper or styrofoam that you can poke a hole in) and some water. If you fill the cup with water and drop it, does water exit the hole?

I hope you and your students enjoy one or more of these activities!

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Nov 04, 2014

90 likes | 268 Views

Gravity . Gravity is a force of attraction between objects, that is due to the masses of the objects. Definition. Law of Universal Gravitation.

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Presentation Transcript

Gravity is a force of attraction between objects, that is due to the masses of the objects. Definition

Law of Universal Gravitation • This law mathematically describes the relationship between the strength of gravitational force between objects, the masses of objects and the distance between the objects. • F= Gm1m2/r2

Law of Universal Gravitation • Part 1: Gravitational force depends directly on the objects’ masses. • The more mass objects have the greater the gravitational force between them. • This explains why there is a large force on objects due to the Earth. The Earth has a huge mass.

Law of Universal Gravitation • Part 2: Gravitational force depends inversely on the distance between the objects. • The farther apart 2 objects are, the less the gravitational force between them.

Weight • Weight is a measure of the gravitational force on an object.

Mass • The amount of matter in an object. • Gives information about how difficult it is to change an object’s motion. • Is not affected by gravity.

Compare/Contrast Weight and Mass Mass Weight Amount of matter Force of gravity Affected by gravity Measured in grams or kilograms If mass increases, then weight increases as well. Measured with a spring scale Measured with a balance Measured in Newtons Same on the moon Different on the moon

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What Is Gravity?

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Gravity is a force that we experience every day, yet it remains somewhat of a mystery. It's the reason we stay grounded on Earth and why objects fall when dropped. Although there are several theories attempting to explain gravity, scientists still don't completely understand it.

In this article, we will answer the question, " What is gravity? " by exploring Newton's and Einstein's theories of gravity, discussing more recent views and touching on the role of gravity in our solar system and everyday life.

Newton's Gravity

Einstein's gravity, gravitational waves and other theories, gravity in our solar system, gravity: did you know, unraveling the mystery.

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In the 1600s, an English physicist and mathematician named Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree — or so the legend tells us. Apparently, an apple fell on his head, and he started wondering why the apple was attracted to the ground in the first place.

Newton publicized his Theory of Universal Gravitation in the 1680s. It basically set forth the idea that gravity is a predictable force that acts on all matter in the universe, and is a function of both mass and distance. The theory states that each particle of matter attracts every other particle (for instance, the particles of "Earth" and the particles of "you") with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

So the farther apart the particles are, and/or the less massive the particles, the less the gravitational force.

The standard formula for the law of gravitation goes [source: UT ]:

Gravitational force = (G x m1 x m2) / (d 2 )

where G is the gravitational constant , m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects for which you are calculating the force, and d is the distance between the centers of gravity of the two masses.

G has the value of 6.67 x 10 -8 dyne * cm 2 /gm 2 . So if you put two 1-gram objects 1 centimeter apart from one another, they will attract each other with the force of 6.67 x 10 -8 dyne. A dyne is equal to about 0.001 gram weight, meaning that if you have a dyne of force available, it can lift 0.001 grams in Earth's gravitational field. So 6.67 x 10 -8 dyne is a miniscule force.

When you deal with massive bodies like the Earth, however, which has a mass of 6 x 10 24 kilograms (see How much does planet Earth weigh? ), it adds up to a rather powerful gravitational force. That's why you're not floating around in space right now.

The force of gravity acting on an object is also that object's weight. When you step on a scale, the scale reads how much gravity is acting on your body. The formula to determine weight is [source: Kurtus]:

weight = m x g

where m is an object's mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Acceleration due to gravity on Earth, is 9.8 m/s² — it never changes, regardless of an object's mass. That's why if you were to drop a pebble, a book and a couch off a roof, they'd hit the ground at the same time (unless the roof is really high, in which case terminal velocity comes into play).

For hundreds of years, Newton's theory of gravity pretty much stood alone in the scientific community. That changed in the early 1900s.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein , who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921, contributed an alternate theory of gravity in the early 1900s. It was part of his famous General Theory of Relativity, and it offered a very different explanation from Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation.

Einstein didn't believe gravity was a force at all; he said it was a distortion in the shape of space-time, otherwise known as "the fourth dimension" (see How Special Relativity Works to learn about space-time).

Basic physics states that if there are no external forces at work, an object will always travel in the straightest possible line. Accordingly, without an external force, two objects traveling along parallel paths will always remain parallel. They will never meet.

But the fact is, they do meet. Particles that start off on parallel paths sometimes end up colliding. Newton's theory says this can occur because of gravity, a force attracting those objects to one another or to a single, third object. Einstein also says this occurs due to gravity — but in his theory, gravity is not a force. It's a curve in space-time.

According to Einstein, those objects are still traveling along the straightest possible line, but due to a distortion in space-time, the straightest possible line is now along a spherical path. So two objects that were moving along a flat plane are now moving along a spherical plane. And two straight paths along that sphere end in a single point.

More recent theories of gravity express the phenomenon in terms of particles and waves. One view suggests that particles called gravitons cause objects to be attracted to one another. However, gravitons have never been observed.

Another theory involves gravitational waves or gravitational radiation, generated when an object is accelerated by an external force. Although gravitational waves have not been directly observed, their existence has been confirmed through indirect evidence.

Gravity plays a crucial role in the formation and stability of our solar system. It assisted in forming the universe, keeps the moon in orbit around the Earth, and prevents Earth from hurtling into the sun.

The gravitational pull of the sun keeps all the planets in their orbits, and the gravitational attraction between planets and their moons keeps the moons in orbit.

Gravity Varies Across Earth's Surface

The force of gravity is not the same everywhere on Earth. It is slightly weaker at the equator due to the centrifugal force caused by Earth's rotation and the fact that the Earth is not a perfect sphere but an oblate spheroid. Gravity is stronger at the poles and weaker at higher altitudes. This variation is why your weight can change slightly if you travel from one location to another on Earth's surface.

Gravity and Black Holes

A black hole is a region of space where the gravitational pull is so strong that not even light can escape from it. The point of no return around a black hole is known as the event horizon. Once an object crosses this boundary, it is inevitably pulled into the black hole. The center of a black hole, where all of its mass is concentrated, is called the singularity.

Gravitational Constant

The gravitational constant (G) is a fundamental constant in physics that describes the strength of the gravitational force between two objects. It has a value of approximately 6.67430(15) x 10 -11 Newtons (m 2 /kg 2 ).

Gravity and Everyday Objects

The gravitational attraction between everyday objects, like a book and a pen, is incredibly weak because their masses are so small. However, the cumulative effect of Earth's gravity is what keeps everything anchored to the ground.

Fundamental Forces

Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces of nature, along with electromagnetic forces, the strong nuclear forces, and the weak nuclear forces. It is the weakest of the four forces, yet it has an infinite range and is responsible for the large-scale structure of the universe.

While we have made significant progress in understanding gravity, it remains a fascinating and somewhat mysterious phenomenon. Whether it is the force that keeps us grounded, the reason planets orbit the sun, or the subject of groundbreaking scientific theories, gravity is a fundamental force that shapes our universe and everyday lives.

Lots More Information

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More Great Links

  • Bending Spacetime in the Basement (how to repeat the Cavendish Experiment to calculate the gravitational constant G)
  • Science Daily: Discovery Of 'Cosmic Chords' May Support Prediction of Einstein's Theory — April 22, 1998
  • "Einstein's geometric gravity." Einstein Online.
  • "Gravity." Princeton WordNet.
  • Kurtus, Ron. "Gravitation and the Force of Gravity." Succeed in Physical Science: School for Champions.
  • "Is gravity a particle or a wave?" Scientific American. October 21, 1999.

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Gravity KS3 Activate Science

Gravity KS3 Activate Science

Subject: Physics

Age range: 11-14

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30 July 2022

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Perfect lesson resource for KS3 Physics! A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students in learning about what gravity is and how it affects us. Students will describe the difference between mass and weight, explain how gravitational force varies with mass and distance, and use the formula to calculate weight on different planets and explain changes in weight.

The resource includes a detailed and engaging lesson PowerPoint with differentiated activities, worksheet and quizzes for students to complete. This resource is part of the Forces topic and has been created for the delivery of the Activate KS3 Science course. Also great for GCSE Science.

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A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.

Forces AQA Activate 1 KS3 Science Bundle

Perfect for KS3 Physics! Created for the AQA Activate 1 topic 1: Forces. This bundle comes complete with fully differentiated and resourced lessons from the topic. This includes: 1.1.1 Introduction to forces 1.1.2 Balanced and unbalanced 1.1.3 Speed 1.1.4 Distance-time graphs 1.2.1 Gravity This bundle comes complete with engaging and detailed PowerPoint Presentations, differentiated activities, quizzes, worksheets and class practical activities. Perfect for KS3 Physics and lessons can easily be adapted for GCSE Science if required. Enjoy the resource and feel free to leave a comment. Thank you.

Forces AQA Activate 1&2 KS3 Science Bundle

Perfect for KS3 Physics! Created for the new AQA Approved Activate 1&2 topic 1: Forces. This bundle comes complete with fully differentiated and resourced lessons from the topic. This includes: Activate 1: 1.1.1 Introduction to forces 1.1.2 Balanced and unbalanced 1.1.3 Speed 1.1.4 Distance-time graphs 1.2.1 Gravity Activate 2: 1.3.1 Friction and drag 1.3.2 Squashing and stretching 1.3.3 Turning forces 1.4.1 Pressure in gases 1.4.2 Pressure in liquids 1.4.3 Stress on solids This bundle comes complete with engaging and detailed PowerPoint Presentations, differentiated activities, quizzes, worksheets and class practical activities. Perfect for KS3 Physics and lessons can easily be adapted for GCSE Science if required. Enjoy the resource and feel free to leave a comment. Thank you.

Activate 1 KS3 Physics bundle

The ultimate KS3 Physics bundle! Created for the Activate 1 KS3 Science and the new AQA Approved Activate Science course. It comes complete with fully differentiated and resourced lessons from the following Activate 1 chapters: Chapter 1: Forces Chapter 2: Sound Chapter 3: Light Chapter 4: Space Perfect for KS3 Physics and can easily be adapted for GCSE Science or even KS2 Science lessons if needed. This bundle includes engaging and detailed PowerPoint Presentations with differentiated activities, worksheets, quizzes and class practical/demo activities for students to complete. Enjoy the resource and feel free to leave a comment. Thank you.

Forces Activate 1 KS3 Science bundle

Perfect for KS3 Physics! This bundle has been created using the Activate 1 KS3 Science and the new AQA Approved Activate Science course. It comes complete with the following fully differentiated and resourced lessons: 1. Introduction to forces 2. Squashing and stretching 3. Drag forces and friction 4. Gravity 5. Balanced and unbalanced forces Perfect for KS3 Physics and can easily be adapted for GCSE Science if needed. This bundle includes engaging and detailed PowerPoint Presentations with differentiated activities, class practicals, quizzes, and worksheets. Enjoy the resource and feel free to leave a comment. Thank you.

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AI Presentation Maker - Generate Presentations Instantly

  • Generate ready-to-use presentations from a text prompt.
  • Select a style and Visme’s AI Presentation Maker will generate text, images, and icon.
  • Customize your presentation with a library of royalty-free photos, videos, & graphics.

Generate a presentation with AI

AI Presentation Maker - Generate Presentations Instantly

Brought to you by Visme

A leading visual communication platform empowering 27,500,000 users and top brands.

Penske Truck Leasing

Presentations Engineered With Visme’s AI Presentation Maker

Ai presentation maker prompt 1.

Craft a presentation outlining a leading company’s cutting-edge innovations in AI-powered hardware, emphasizing their impact on enhancing workplace productivity and efficiency.

AI Presentation Maker Prompt 2

Generate a comprehensive presentation highlighting the latest digital marketing trends, focusing on strategies for enhancing brand visibility and customer engagement across diverse platforms.

AI Presentation Maker Prompt 3

Create a detailed presentation elucidating a company’s diversified investment portfolio, emphasizing its robust performance, risk mitigation strategies, and the potential for sustainable long-term growth.

AI Presentation Maker Prompt 4

Develop a compelling presentation showcasing a company’s groundbreaking medical devices and software solutions, emphasizing their role in revolutionizing patient care, treatment efficacy, and healthcare accessibility worldwide.

AI Presentation Maker Prompt 1

How it works

How to generate AI presentations with Visme

Save time and create beautiful designs quickly with Visme AI. Available inside the Visme template library, this AI Powerpoint generator is ready to receive your prompts and generate stunning ready-to-use presentations in minutes.

How to generate AI presentations with Visme

  • Log in to the Visme dashboard, and open the template library by clicking on Create New button -> Project -> Presentations. Inside the template library, scroll down and click on the Generate with AI option.
  • In the popup that opens, type in a prompt and describe in detail what aspects your presentation should feature. If you don’t provide enough information, chatbot will ask you follow-up questions.
  • Visme Chatbot will suggest template styles; choose the most relevant for your presentation, and wait for the AI to create the design. Preview, regenerate or open your project in the Visme editor.
  • Customize your project in Visme: Pick a color theme or create your own, edit text, and use assets from Visme’s royalty-free library of photos, videos, and graphics, or create your own with AI tools.

Features of the AI Presentations Maker

Ready-to-use presentations in minutes.

Starting is often the hardest part of a project. Visme’s free AI presentation maker helps you overcome this block and generates results within minutes. Create AI PowerPoint online presentations quickly with a good first draft that is ready to use with minimal or no customization.

Ready-to-use presentations in minutes

Customize every part of your presentation

Visme editor is easy to use and offers you an array of customization options. Change the color theme of your AI-generated presentation, text, fonts, add images, videos and graphics from Visme royalty-free library of assets or generate new ones with AI image generator, AI image touchup tools, or add your own. For more advanced customization, add data visualizations, connect them to live data, or create your own visuals.

Customize every part of your presentation

Add your branding

Stay on-brand even with AI-generated presentations. Quickly and easily set up your brand kit using AI-powered Visme Brand Wizard or set it up manually. Use your brand colors and fonts in AI-generated presentations. Add your logo and upload your brand assets to make a presentation match your company’s branding.

Add your branding

Download, share or schedule your presentation

Share your presentations generated with Visme AI Designer in many ways. Download them in various formats, including PPTX, PDF and HTML5, present online, share on social media or schedule them to be published as posts on your social media channels. Additionally, you can share your presentations as private projects with a password entry.

Download, share or schedule your presentation

More than just an AI Presentation Maker

Unique Elements & Graphics

Beautify your content

Unique Elements & Graphics

Browse through our library of customizable, one-of-a-kind graphics, widgets and design assets like icons, shapes, illustrations and more to accompany your AI-generated presentations.

Charts & Graphs

Visualize your data

Charts & Graphs

Choose from different chart types and create pie charts, bar charts, donut charts, pyramid charts, Mekko charts, radar charts and much more.


Make it engaging


Share AI-generated presentations online with animated and interactive elements to grab your audience’s attention and promote your business.

More AI tools in Visme

Ai image generator.

The Visme AI Image generator will automatically create any image or graphic. All you need to do is write a prompt and let AI magic do the rest.

AI Image Generator

Visme AI Writer helps you write, proofread, summarize and tone switch any type of text. If you’re missing content for a project, let AI Writer help you generate it.

AI Writer

AI Text-to-Speech Generator

Convert text to speech with the AI Text-to-Speech generator. Input copy, select from 6 voices. Language detection and audio generation are automatic.

AI Text-to-Speech Generator

AI TouchUp Tools

The Visme AI TouchUp Tools are a set of four image editing features that will help you change the appearance of your images inside any Visme project. Erase and replace objects that you don’t want in your photos.

AI TouchUp Tools

Save yourself hours of work with AI Resize. This feature resizes your project canvas and adjusts all content to fit the new size within seconds.

AI Resize

The Brand Wizard

The AI-based Visme Brand Wizard populates your brand fonts and styles across a beautiful set of templates.

The Brand Wizard

Make the most of Visme’s features

Choose the perfect visual from our extensive photo and video library . Search and find the ideal image or video using keywords relevant to the project. Drag and drop in your project and adjust as needed.

Incorporate 3D illustrations and icons into all sorts of content types to create amazing content for your business communication strategies. You won’t see these 3D designs anywhere else as they’re made by Visme designers.

When you share your Visme projects, they’ll display with a flipbook effect . Viewers can go from page to page by flipping the page like a digital magazine. If you don’t want the flipbook effect, you can disable it and share as a standard project.

Remove the background from an image to create a cutout and layer it over something else, maybe an AI-generated background. Erase elements of the image and swap them for other objects with AI-powered Erase & Replace feature.

Create scroll-stopping video and animation posts for social media and email communication. Embed projects with video and animation into your website landing page or create digital documents with multimedia resources.

With Visme, you can make, create and design hundreds of content types . We have templates for digital documents, infographics, social media graphics, posters, banners, wireframes, whiteboards, flowcharts.

Design and brainstorm collaboratively with your team on the Visme whiteboard . Build mind maps and flowcharts easily during online planning and strategy sessions. Save whiteboards as meeting minutes and ongoing notes for projects.

Edit your images , photos, and AI image-generated graphics with our integrated editing tools. On top of the regular editing features like saturation and blur, we have 3 AI-based editing features. With these tools, you can unblur an image, expand it without losing quality and erase an object from it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can i get better results with the ai presentations maker.

Like any AI generator from a text tool, the prompt is everything. To get better results with the AI Presentation maker, you need better prompts. Write the prompt to be as detailed as possible. Include all the content topics you want the presentation to cover. As for style elements, there’s no need to include it in the prompt. Focus on choosing the style that you like from the Chatbot suggestions. Try to select the style that already features the color palette and shapes that you like. AI will change icons and photos based on text it generates.

How many AI Presentations can I generate?

Visme AI Presentation Maker is available in all plans and works on a per-credit basis. Every free account gets 10 credits, Starter accounts get 200, Pro gets 500 and Enterprise is unlimited. Every design generation costs 2 credits and usage of other AI tools costs 1 credit.

Is the Visme AI Designer a third-party API?

No, Visme AI Presentation maker was developed in-house and is a unique tool. However, it does use third-party APIs: ChatGPT and Unsplash.

Are the AI-generated presentations I make copyright-free?

All designs you create with AI Presentation are copyright and royalty-free. You can use them both for personal and commercial use without any problems.

What can Visme AI Designer do?

Visme’s AI design generator can:

  • Generate full designs for various content types, including presentations, documents, printables, and social media graphics. Click here to view the full list of document, printable, and social media graphics subcategories.
  • Follow your instructions for the text you want in your projects, although not word for word.
  • Adapt photos and icons to complement the generated text.
  • Create charts, graphs, and tables.
  • Handle one project at a time.
  • Include animations in projects only if the selected style features animation.
  • Generate designs with a maximum length of 10 pages.

What can’t Visme AI Designer do?

Visme’s AI design generator can’t:

  • Generate infographics, charts/graphs, whiteboards, web graphics, videos, or GIFs.
  • Reproduce your text verbatim.
  • Customize based on your specifications for color, shapes, graphics, and design style. Select a style that already resembles what you want in your project, and you can manually edit all design elements in the Visme editor.
  • Create or modify diagrams, data widgets or infographics.
  • Crawl external websites and gather information from them.
  • Handle multiple projects at once.
  • Generate designs more than 10 pages in length.

presentation on gravity


  1. PPT

    presentation on gravity

  2. PPT

    presentation on gravity

  3. Teacher's Pet » Year 5 Forces

    presentation on gravity

  4. PPT

    presentation on gravity

  5. Gravity ppt

    presentation on gravity

  6. PPT

    presentation on gravity


  1. Riemannian Geometry

  2. Gravity Matters Draft Video Presentation

  3. Beginner Tutorial Series: Headphones part 1/8

  4. What is time by Joseph Tommasi

  5. KSP

  6. Gravity Probe B in a Nutshell


  1. Gravity

    Gravity. The document discusses the key concepts of gravity including: 1) Gravity is a force that acts between any two masses and depends on their masses and the distance between them, as described by Newton's law of universal gravitation. 2) On Earth, gravity causes all objects to accelerate downward at 9.8 m/s^2 when in free fall with no ...

  2. Free PowerPoint Presentations about Gravity for Kids & Teachers ...

    Free Presentations in PowerPoint format. Gravity (several) The Laws of Gravity. Newton's Derivation of the Inverse Square Law of Gravity. Mathematical Laws of Gravity. Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. Gravity and Orbits. Newton's Law of Gravity. The Force of Gravity.

  3. Ppt Gravity

    The document discusses the law of universal gravitation and gravity. It states that all objects with mass exert gravitational attraction on each other, and that the gravitational force depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them. It also explains that while the Earth exerts a force we can feel, we cannot feel the force of ...

  4. Gravity

    gravity, in mechanics, the universal force of attraction acting between all matter. It is by far the weakest known force in nature and thus plays no role in determining the internal properties of everyday matter. On the other hand, through its long reach and universal action, it controls the trajectories of bodies in the solar system and elsewhere in the universe and the structures and ...

  5. Gravity (science 6)

    The presentation notes that gravity is a force that exists between all objects with mass and energy. It describes gravity as an attractive force that pulls objects together rather than pushes them apart. It then gives examples of the types of gravitation and ways gravity is used, such as tracking water movement on Earth and assisting spacecraft

  6. What Is Gravity?

    Gravity is what holds the planets in orbit around the sun and what keeps the moon in orbit around Earth. The gravitational pull of the moon pulls the seas towards it, causing the ocean tides. Gravity creates stars and planets by pulling together the material from which they are made. Gravity not only pulls on mass but also on light.

  7. What is Gravity?-Definition, Gravity Calculation, Examples, Videos, and

    Gravity is responsible for water resting at the bottom of a glass instead of hovering over at the top. The force of attraction between the earth and the moon causes tides in the ocean. This is the result of gravity. Gravity causes the moon to revolve around the earth. Gravity has the same effect on all objects.

  8. Science Subject for High School

    Organize your high school lesson with this presentation where you can talk about Newton and other gravity concepts. The slides are packed with resources and stickers that will add a wonderful touch to your content. Let the gravitational force lure you into downloading this design!

  9. The Force of Gravity Teaching Slides

    The importance of gravity; To keep your students engaged throughout, knowledge check multiple-choice questions have been scattered through the slide deck. Through engaging with this gravity facts presentation, your students will have a clearer understanding of how the force of gravity works on Earth and throughout the universe.

  10. All About the Science of Gravity PowerPoint (teacher made)

    Gravity is a natural force by which all things with mass or energy are brought toward one another! On earth, gravity is what gives everything it's weight, and the moon's gravity is what causes the tides of the oceans! Because the earth is bigger than the moon, it has more of a gravitational pull. This means that objects have more weight on the ...

  11. Gravity PowerPoint.

    Download presentation. Presentation on theme: "Gravity PowerPoint."—. Presentation transcript: 1 Gravity PowerPoint. 2 What is gravity? A FORCE is a push or a pull. GRAVITY is a force that pulls objects toward one another. It pulls objects towards Earth. Try jumping in the air.

  12. PPT

    Gravity is an attractionthat acts between any two objects that have a mass. So why isn't your notebook attracted to you now? Gravity is only significant if, one or both of the objects are very massive (like a planet, star, or moon). Scientist's know the acceleration of gravity is… = 9.8m/s2. Let's review…. What's matter?

  13. PPT

    WHAT IS GRAVITY • Gravity is a force between all objects. • Gravity. Gravity is the tendency of objects with mass to accelerate towards each other . • Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces in nature. LAW OF GRAVITY • The size of the force also depends on the distance between the objects. • The size of the force depends on the ...

  14. Gravity Lesson Plans

    PHET is one of my go-to websites for virtual labs and simulations. They have an interactive on gravity and orbits where students can change the mass of the sun or Earth and see what it does to our gravitational pull, velocity, and orbital path. You can find it here. 2. Here is a station activity where students explore different aspects of gravity.

  15. Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

    Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity and formulated the law of universal gravitation by observing an apple fall from a tree in the late 1600s. Newton's law states that every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

  16. Newton's law of universal gravitation

    t. e. Newton's law of universal gravitation says that every particle attracts every other particle in the universe with a force that is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers. Separated objects attract and are attracted as if all their mass were concentrated at ...

  17. PDF Gravity

    gfa = (gobs - gn) + 0.3086*h Excess Mass, or Bouguer Correction. Assume 'space' from reference ellipsoid and measurement point is filled with a horizontal slab. uniform density = ρ. thickness = z (site elevation above sea level) infinite in lateral extent. gravity effect of a plate = =. (2πG)*ρz (0.04193)*ρz.

  18. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Gravity is a force of attraction between objects, that is due to the masses of the objects. Definition. Law of Universal Gravitation • This law mathematically describes the relationship between the strength of gravitational force between objects, the masses of objects and the distance between the objects. • F= Gm1m2/r2.

  19. What Is Gravity, and How Does It Work?

    In classical (or "Newtonian") mechanics, which describes the motion of macroscopic objects (i.e., things larger than an atom, such as planets), gravity is sometimes called a central force.A ...

  20. All About the Science of Gravity PowerPoint (Teacher-Made)

    Gravity is a natural force by which all things with mass or energy are brought toward one another! On earth, gravity is what gives everything it's weight, and the moon's gravity is what causes the tides of the oceans! Because the earth is bigger than the moon, it has more of a gravitational pull. This means that objects have more weight on the ...

  21. How does gravity work?

    The standard formula for the law of gravitation goes [source: UT]: Gravitational force = (G x m1 x m2) / (d 2). where G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects for which you are calculating the force, and d is the distance between the centers of gravity of the two masses.. G has the value of 6.67 x 10-8 dyne * cm 2 /gm 2.So if you put two 1-gram objects 1 ...

  22. The History of Gravity

    Gravity determines the "escape speed" for an object like a rocket. The stronger the gravitational pull of the object, the larger the escape speed. The following chart shows the escape speed for the sun, two planets, and the Earth's moon. ... *A web presentation on Gravity. (5 out of 5) Exploring Gravity. (4 out of 5) NASA's Gravity Page (5 out ...

  23. Gravity PowerPoint Presentation and Slides

    Nature Gravity Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format. This colourful PowerPoint icon depicts a powerful force of gravity. It is perfect for presentations on physics, astronomy, and other scientific topics. It is designed to be eye catching and will add a professional touch to any presentation.

  24. Gravity KS3 Activate Science

    Introduction to forces 2. Squashing and stretching 3. Drag forces and friction 4. Gravity 5. Balanced and unbalanced forces Perfect for KS3 Physics and can easily be adapted for GCSE Science if needed. This bundle includes engaging and detailed PowerPoint Presentations with differentiated activities, class practicals, quizzes, and worksheets.

  25. Free Online AI Presentation Maker

    Visme editor is easy to use and offers you an array of customization options. Change the color theme of your AI-generated presentation, text, fonts, add images, videos and graphics from Visme royalty-free library of assets or generate new ones with AI image generator, AI image touchup tools, or add your own.