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coffee beans, ground coffee, and instant coffee

Where is coffee grown?

Where did coffee originate, why does coffee make you poop.

Cuban coffee served in the colonial city of Trinidad, Cuba

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  • PBS - The History Kitchen - The Caffeinated History of Coffee
  • Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health - Coffee
  • Verywell Fit - Coffee Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
  • WebMD - Coffee - Uses, Side Effects, And More
  • National Coffee Association of U.S.A. - The History of Coffee
  • Duke University - Sites@Duke Express - A History of Coffee
  • The Ohio State University Pressbooks - A Bitter Brew - Coffee Production, Deforestation, Soil Erosion and Water Contamination
  • Healthline - 13 Health Benefits of Coffee, Based on Science
  • The Spruce Eats - The Origin of Coffee
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  • Table Of Contents

coffee beans, ground coffee, and instant coffee

What is coffee?

Coffee is a beverage brewed from the roasted and ground seeds of the tropical evergreen coffee plant. Coffee is one of the three most popular beverages in the world (alongside water and tea ), and it is one of the most profitable international commodities.

Latin America , eastern Africa , Asia , and Arabia are leading producers of Arabica coffee. The Arabica bean requires a cool subtropical climate. It grows at higher elevations and requires a lot of moisture, sun, and shade. Western and Central Africa, Southeast Asia, and Brazil are major producers of Robusta coffee. The Robusta bean can grow at lower elevations.

Wild coffee plants, probably from Kefa (Kaffa), Ethiopia , were taken to southern Arabia and placed under cultivation in the 15th century. The popularity of coffee in the Arab world led to the creation of the coffeehouse , first in Mecca and then in Constantinople in the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. Coffee was introduced into one European country after another throughout the 16th and 17th centuries.

How is coffee decaffeinated?

The main methods of decaffeination are based on chemical solvents , carbon filtering, carbon dioxide extraction, or triglycerides . In all cases, to make “decaf,” the caffeine is removed in the green bean stage, before the coffee is roasted. Regardless of the method, coffee is never 100% caffeine-free. Learn more.

The acidity of coffee causes a person’s stomach to secrete a heightened level of gastric acid. Coffee contains chlorogenic acid, which causes the stomach to dump its content more quickly into the intestines . Coffee also increases the levels of gastrin in the body. Gastrin activates peristalsis , which pushes waste toward the rectum . Learn more.

coffee , beverage brewed from the roasted and ground seeds of the tropical evergreen coffee plants of African origin. Coffee is one of the three most popular beverages in the world (alongside water and tea ) and one of the most profitable international commodities. Though coffee is the basis for an endless array of beverages, including espresso , cappuccinos , mochas, and lattes, its popularity is mainly attributed to its invigorating effect, which is produced by caffeine , an alkaloid present in coffee.

Two species of coffee plants, Coffea arabica and C. canephora, supply almost all of the world’s consumption . Arabica is considered a milder and more flavourful and aromatic brew than Robusta, the main variety of C. canephora . The flatter and more elongated Arabica bean is more widespread than Robusta but more delicate and vulnerable to pests , requiring a cool subtropical climate; Arabica must grow at higher elevations (2,000–6,500 feet [600–2,000 metres]), it needs a lot of moisture, and it has fairly specific shade requirements. Latin America , eastern Africa , Asia , and Arabia are leading producers of Arabica coffee. The rounder, more convex Robusta bean, as its name suggests, is hardier and can grow at lower altitudes (from sea level to 2,000 feet). Robusta coffee is cheaper to produce, has twice the caffeine content of Arabica, and is typically the bean of choice for inexpensive commercial coffee brands. Western and Central Africa , Southeast Asia , and Brazil are major producers of Robusta coffee.

Wild coffee plants, probably from Kefa (Kaffa), Ethiopia , were taken to southern Arabia and placed under cultivation in the 15th century. One of many legends about the discovery of coffee is that of Kaldi, an Arab goatherd who was puzzled by the strange antics of his flock. About 850 ce Kaldi supposedly sampled the berries of the evergreen bush on which the goats were feeding and, on experiencing a sense of exhilaration, proclaimed his discovery to the world.

Fruit. Grape. Vitis vinifera. Blauer Portugieser. Wine. Wine grape. Autumn. Grape leaves. Two clusters of Blauer Portugieser grapes on the vine.

Whatever the actual origin of coffee, its stimulating effect undoubtedly made it popular. Ironically, though Islamic authorities pronounced the drink intoxicating and therefore prohibited by the Qurʾān , many Muslims were attracted to the beverage as a substitute for alcohol , also prohibited by the Qurʾān. Despite the threat of severe penalties, coffee drinking spread rapidly among Arabs and their neighbours and even gave rise to a new social and cultural entity, the coffeehouse .

presentation about coffee

Coffee was introduced into one European country after another throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. Many accounts are recorded of its prohibition or approval as a religious, political, and medical potion. By the end of the 17th century, coffeehouses were flourishing across Britain, the British colonies in America, and continental Europe.

Until the close of the 17th century, the world’s limited supply of coffee was obtained almost entirely from the province of Yemen in southern Arabia. But, with the increasing popularity of the beverage, propagation of the plant spread rapidly to Java and other islands of the Indonesian archipelago in the 17th century and to the Americas in the 18th century. Coffee cultivation was started in the Hawaiian Islands in 1825.

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By the 20th century the greatest concentration of production was centred in the Western Hemisphere—particularly Brazil . In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, industrial roasting and grinding machines came into use, vacuum-sealed containers were invented for ground roasts, and decaffeination methods for green coffee beans were developed. After 1950 the production of instant coffee was perfected, which led to increased production of the cheaper Robusta beans in Africa. See also history of coffee .

Thecoffeebump Logo

Your reading of this article now means that today you looked at the cup of coffee you were drinking and wondered about the journey that coffee would take to reach your cup. In this article, we will discuss all the stages from the beginning of the cultivation through the harvest and processing to roasting, grinding, and brewing.


Coffee is grown in tropical and subtropical regions due to its moderate temperatures. There is a so-called coffee belt, which is the region that stretches on both sides of the equator and is where most of the coffee-producing countries are.

Coffee Cultivation

There are many types of coffee plants, but we will list the 3 most popular types.

If you go to a store to buy your coffee beans , you will find many of the coffee bags on offer written on it 100% Arabica or 90% Arabica. So why is that?

Arabica coffee, or also known as Arabian coffee, is the most popular type of coffee beans. It has a more complex flavor than any other kind, and it also tastes lighter and sweeter compared to Robusta.

The high price of Arabica coffee is due to the difficult conditions in which it grows, which require more care and time than other types.

According to  history , Arabica was the primary type in the Middle East before coffee moved to the West.

Now 60% of the coffee grown in the world is Arabica.

Arabica vs Robusta vs Liberica

Robusta comes from a plant called Coffea canephora, and it is the second most popular coffee species. Robusta contains more caffeine and less sugar.

Robusta is frequently used in famous coffeehouses around the world, especially in preparing espresso and its derivatives, because it produces a better crema, as well as instant coffee production, depends mainly on it.

Its widespread use and low price are due to its resistance to the diseases that afflict the coffee plant, such as coffee rust.

Liberica coffee, also called liberian coffee, is the third most famous species. It contains the lowest percentage of caffeine compared to Arabica and Robusta.

The production of Arabica covers only 1-2% of the total coffee production in the world, and its use is widespread in Asia and South America. The laberica coffee’s flavor is slightly smokey, and its aroma is fruity.

This type dates back to the 19th century when the Dutch brought it to replace Arabica after the spread of coffee rust, which is a disease that affects the coffee plant.

Its name goes back to the country of Liberia, where it and some other countries in Central Africa were the originators of this species.

Coffee Harvesting

There are two ways to harvest the coffee trees.

Manual Harvesting

Also called harvesting by hand is divided into two types: The first type, which is the most popular one, in which the workers perform what is termed  strip picking , which is to harvest all the cherries in the branch at once, whether it is ripe or not.

Coffee harvested this way is typically used in commodity-grade coffee.

The second type, which is called  selective picking , is used to produce high-quality coffee, targeting higher markets. In this method, only the ripe cherries are picked. Usually, the picking is repeated more than once to harvest the entire crop.

This method drains a lot of time and labor, and many times the yield from the coffee crop is not enough to cover the costs.

In the following lines, you will learn how to help coffee growers around the world obtain fair prices.

Machine Harvesting

Coffee harvesting using machines also has two methods:

The inexpensive method is by using a tool called  Derricadeiras . This method is the same as the strip picking method, but with mechanical aid.

The tool in this photo is placed under the branch, and it emits vibrations to drop the cherry inside its plastic ends.

Derricadeiras coffee harvesting

The expensive method relies on giant stripping machines. Its method of operation is similar to the Derricadeiras device. It also shakes the branches and collects the falling cherries, but in a completely automatic way, and it collects the entire crop in a faster time.

If you want to choose gourmet coffee beans for a delicious flavor and taste in your cup of Joe, then it is vital to know how they are processed.

There are two methods for processing coffee beans; both of them work to remove the pulp from the coffee beans so that they can be roasted. When it comes to your coffee beans’ quality, that is directly dependent on how they are processed. So which is better?

Dry Processing

This is a type of coffee preparation where the coffee beans will either be dried in a machine or the sun. It is preferable to dry the beans in the sun, but it can only be done in dry weather. Suppose the beans are dried in a machine. In that case, they can often pick up other flavors, especially if the machine is dirty or of poor quality.

Many countries with less rainfall, like Indonesia, Brazil, and Ethiopia, will use dry processing to dry the beans in the sun to allow the pulp to ferment on the beans so that it can be removed. This will result in a more complex flavor in the beans with a fuller body.

Wet Processing

This is a more expensive and intricate process. Still, it offers a better flavor and taste in the gourmet coffee beans. This process has seven different stages, and it requires a large amount of water.

Wet processing is used to soak the beans and allow the natural enzymes to eat away the pulp on the beans so they can be roasted. This is a newer process and preferred to bring out brightness and acidity in the coffee beans.

This fact can pose an environmental issue, and there is a potential for pollutants in the water supply that will affect the beans. One more reason is that it is important to purchase organic coffee to trust that coffee processing is safe for the product you are drinking.

Organic Coffee

If you do not know what the term “organic coffee” even means, then I am here to tell you that it is a specific coffee production method that is eco-friendly and lives up to organic certification standards.

This means that the coffee crops are not farmed with harmful pesticides. The farmers also use crop rotation to protect the fertility of the soil and the earth.

There are numerous organic coffee brands on the market today. You can choose flavored, decaf, instant, or even ice cream.

Organic coffee is becoming increasingly popular as coffee lovers are becoming more conscious of the environment and the flavor profiles that they are looking for, so all you need to know is organic really does deliver.

Suppose you have ever seen coffee labeled as Fair Trade . In that case, it is worth noting these credentials in purchasing your premium coffee product.

Fair trade coffee

Fair Trade coffee means that the coffee farmer is protected so that he can have a guaranteed wage to enable him to produce a better quality product. This means that the farmers will be guaranteed a minimum price that will cover their living and production costs. This also ensures the farmers a premium so that they can invest in their own developments. Frequently, the farmers will be allowed to sign contracts to make long-term plans so that they can sustain their coffee production.

On top of that, it is also beneficial to look for USDA Organic and Shade Grown certified coffee products. Sometimes these products can be slightly more expensive, but it will mean that you are guaranteed excellence in your cup of Joe!

Coffee Roasting

Suppose you are shopping for delicious and fresh coffee beans. In that case, the choices of light, medium, and dark roasted coffee beans are available to you. So which one should you choose?

What Are The Flavor Differences of Light, Medium, and Dark Roasted Coffee?

A  light roast  is roasted only until the first crack of the coffee beans, and these types of coffee beans will contain more sweetness and natural sugars. When coffee beans are roasted, their sugars will begin to caramelize, which causes them to lose some of their natural sweetness.

Medium roasted  coffee beans are often roasted after the second crack, which is when more essential oils will be released from the coffee beans. Light and medium roasted coffee beans still have many natural flavors and characteristics from their native coffee growing regions.

Last of all,  dark roasted  coffee has a smoky and more burnt flavor. This will often mask the beans’ natural flavors, but it still provides fullness and robustness to the brew.

Air Roasted Coffee

Air roasting coffee is a method that was invented in the 1970s, and it provides a better taste and quality in the final Java product because the coffee beans are less likely to burn when they are being roasted.

In more traditional coffee roasting methods that have been used since the 1800s, the coffee is roasted in a drum over direct heat. Air roasting is much more preferable to this method because the coffee beans will not directly touch the heat, so they will not turn out with an ashy or bitter taste. Any coffee lover will genuinely taste the difference between the two, especially since air roasting is proven as the superior method of coffee roasting.

Air roasting is a superb method to ensure that your coffee beans achieve the ultimate flavor and taste in the roast product. Just a tip, you do have the potential to roast your coffee beans at home on a home air popcorn popper if you are a do-it-yourself kind of coffee lover!

grind coffee

The coffee bean contains 70% insoluble and 30% soluble substances. The main idea of grinding is to increase the surface area of the coffee bean in order to extract an enormous amount of soluble materials while brewing.

Coffee grinding is a significant factor in the quality of your cup of coffee. There are 7 grind levels, and failure to grind the coffee beans to the appropriate level will cause a bitter or sour taste to your coffee.

Here is a list of the grind levels and the brewing methods using it.

Extra Coarse Grind : Cold Brewing

Coarse Grind:  French Press, Percolator

Medium-Coarse Grind:  Chemex

Medium Grind:  Cone-shaped Pour-over, Drip Pots

Medium-Fine Grind:  Vacuum Pots, Siphon Brewers

Fine Grind:  Espresso

Extra Fine Grind:  Turkish Coffee

Brewing coffee

Coffee brewing is the last stage of your journey to understand your cup of coffee. There are 4 main methods to brew coffee under which there are many other different techniques and machines.

  • Decoction  Decoction simply means boiling. This is the oldest method for brewing coffee, as it is the method that has been used in Yemen since the discovery of coffee. This technique is straightforward and doesn’t take a lot of effort; coffee grounds are placed in a pot with water and put on fire till it boils and then left a little so that the grounds settle at the bottom. The most famous method that relies on boiling is  Turkish coffee , in which the extra-fine coffee grounds, sometimes with sugar, are placed on the fire in a pot called “ibrik” or “kanaka” until it boils then poured into a cup.
  • Infusion  This method is also considered easy and does not require much equipment. In it, the coffee is placed in a pot, and hot water is poured over it and left to steep for a few minutes. This method is very similar to making tea with tea bags. The most popular steeping tools are the  French press . The coarse grounds are placed in a cylinder, poured over with hot water at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius, and left for a period ranging between 4 to 7 minutes. After that, a plunger is gently pressed down to take the leftover grounds. The coffee is poured directly from the cylinder.
  • Filtration  brewing is done by pouring or dripping hot water over the coffee grounds placed inside or above a filter. The most well-known filtration methods are pour-over and drip coffee makers. The pour-over process requires more human effort than other methods. The coffee is placed to rest inside a paper filter, and hot water is poured over the medium grounds until the coffee is filtered in the required quantity.
  • Pressure  This method is based on pumping hot water into the coffee grounds under pressure to extract the coffee’s soluble substances. The most popular ways depend on pressure are the Espresso machine, Moka pot, and the AeroPress. In espresso machines, hot water at a temperature of 90–95 degrees Celsius is pumped under a pressure of 18 bars through the packed fine coffee grounds. Aeropress is considered one of the recent discoveries in the world of coffee-making methods, invented in 2005 by Alan Adler. It is a manual pressure device, not a mechanical one, in which the coffee grounds are placed with hot water, left for some time, and then pressed hard to extract the coffee.

How To Characterize Your Coffee

Coffee is truly a high-class beverage that needs to be appreciated for all that it brings to the table. That is why I want to discuss the four coffee components that give it the depth that we know today. It also will allow you to describe and characterize your roast that you are enjoying effectively.

Characterize Coffee

  • Acidity:  This is either going to be low or high, and if your coffee was harvested at a high altitude, then it will have a higher acidity. You can also judge the coffee’s acidity by how sweet it tastes and what kind of tartness you may feel on the back of your tongue. It is also described as brightness.
  • Aroma:  Yes, this is the part where you wake up and smell the coffee because the aroma directly contributes to the taste of your coffee. It may have the aroma of fruit, spice, or earthy flavors, which will tell you how your coffee will taste.
  • Body:  After you have tasted your Java, you will be able to tell if it is light or heavy on your tongue. This also depends on how you roast it, like using a French Press, which will create a full-bodied coffee. Roasts will be described as either light, medium, or full-bodied.
  • Flavor:  This is where acidity, aroma, and body come together to give you the final flavor product. You can judge the taste for yourself as to whether it is spicy, chocolaty, earthy, or smoky, depending on your palate.

I hope that this has helped to give you a greater understanding of what makes coffee what it is today, a drink that is to be celebrated and appreciated.

Updated for 2023.

Coffee 101 FAQ

What is in coffee.

Coffee is a complex and delicious beverage. You may be interested in knowing some of the components that make up your cup of Joe. 

Water:  An ideal cup of Joe should be 98.75% water and made up of 1.25% plant matter. Recent studies have shown that regular coffee drinking can be counted within your daily fluid intake because it does not dehydrate you as much as it was once thought to.

Caffeine:  Coffee also contains caffeine, and the reason coffee plants are naturally caffeinated is that it is a built-in insect repellent.

Quinic Acid: This acid quality will work to give brightness to your coffee. Some coffees have a light acidity, while others have a bold acidity.

Acetylmethylcarbinol:  This is a substance that can be found in real butter to give it flavor. It also can be found in the artificial flavoring on microwave popcorn, so it will provide a smoother taste to your cup of Joe.

Antioxidants:  This is one of the essential parts of your cup of Joe because they will provide you with age and disease-fighting qualities that will keep you protected and strong. Check this list of coffee benefits for your health.

How Much Caffeine In Coffee?

In the beginning, you should know that the permissible limit for  caffeine  per day is preferably within the limits of 250 mg. A cup of coffee (8 oz.) contains between  60 to 140 mg of caffeine. This discrepancy is due to several factors: the roasting profile, the type of beans, and the brewing method used in espresso shot (1 oz.) contain the equivalent of  40 to 60 mg  of caffeine.

How is Coffee Flavored?

Flavored coffee became popular in the 90s when gourmet coffee was on the rise, and it has come a long way! Coffee is flavored through a combination of natural and synthetic compounds usually sprayed onto freshly roasted coffee beans immediately after the roasting process. Several flavor combinations can be used.

Suppose natural oils are used to flavor the coffee beans. In that case, they can be extracted from cocoa beans, vanilla beans, or even nuts and berries.

The bottom line is that if you are looking for delicious flavored coffee, make sure that it is freshly roasted (like the selection on my website!) and enjoyed right away for the best taste in your cuppa Joe!

Is Global Warming Affecting Coffee?

Something interesting is happening to coffee crops all over the world, which is that weather patterns are changing drastically because of global warming. Coffee trees are exceptionally delicate, and they need a certain amount of rainfall at certain times.

However, it seems that weather patterns are changing drastically, which is causing issues for coffee farmers. In the spring months, coffee crops need a generous amount of rainfall. They also need rain in the summer, and they need a drier season in the fall so that the beans can harden and become ripe for picking.

Global warming seems to be causing the opposite effect, where there is dryness during the period where the coffee trees need moisture and vice versa. This is potentially causing a rise in coffee prices since there is less supply. You can focus on purchasing Fair Trade coffee because it will protect the coffee farmers, which will ensure that there will be farmers in the future to continue to produce quality crops for consumers.

Should You Freeze Your Coffee?

This is a very interesting coffee myth that has been passed down through the ages, and I have to confess to you that I have been guilty of freezing my coffee from time to time. Then I discovered the truth, which was that it is so important to keep your freshly roasted coffee beans in a cool and dark place, like a cabinet, where they can stay protected from moisture and oxidation.

If you do freeze the beans, then your coffee may come out tasting like freezer burn because the coffee beans are porous and can absorb other moisture in the air in a sealed space.

Also, you want to make sure that you are protecting the essential oils of the coffee beans themselves, which is why they should not be frozen because the elements of the freezer will start to break down these essential oils (which is what makes your beans look shiny), causing them to lose their flavor. To get the best taste of your freshly roasted coffee beans, keep them in a vacuum-sealed container in a cool and dry place. Perfecto!

Linda Harris


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Coffee Presentation Template

presentation about coffee

Coffee Presentation

Transcript: He tried the beans himself and soon found himself frolicking with his flock. Thank you! Questions? According to Kaldi legend, coffee originated in the highlands of Ethiopia-9th century. Alertness was discovered to be a symptom from drinking this drink. It takes about 3 to 5 years before a coffee tree bears coffee cherries which turns bright red when it is ripe and ready to be harvested. The crops are harvested in two ways. It can be hand-picked or by a machine. What is Coffee Arabic coffee Introduction Coffee is a drink made from the roasted and ground bean-like seeds of a tropical shrub. The fruit in a coffee tree are called coffee cherries. The cherries are processed to become coffee beans which can be grounded and brewed. Processing the Cherries The period of time and the process in which a coffee bean is roasted, grounded and brewed can all vary for the acquired taste. Many Brazilian coffees are mechanically stripped from the coffee tree, not lovingly hand picked. Brazil's climate and in non-volcanic soil. Planting Seeds After all of its processes, the coffee is ready to be consumed!! The beans are sorted according to size and thickness it gives a different taste Brazil is a coffee giant producing over 40 percent of the world's coffee! EX: Its coffee exports amounted to 8.65 million bags in January 2014. COFFEEلقهوة العربية Exporting the Beans The beans are packaged and shipped to importing countries like America. Discovery of Coffee (Legends) The bean is removed from the cherry using two methods. The dry or the wet method. After both processes, the coffee beans are placed in a fermentation tank where the final layers are removed. The dry method uses the sun to dry the outer layers until the moisture content has decreased to 11%. The wet method requires a machine to remove the cherry from the bean. The origin of Coffee Harvesting Coffee comes from the seed, or bean, of the coffee tree. There are different types of coffee trees and different environmental factors affects its results. They grow best in places that have a warm climate and tend to growth in well-drained soils. Around 800 A.D. coffee was said to be discovered by an Ethiopian goatherd whose name was Kaldi. Kaldi noticed his goats had more energy and were dancing from shrub to shrub eating the cherry-red berries that contained the coffee bean. Sorting Tree Coffee Coffee is the most important raw material traded throughout the world behind crude oil, and has become the most important export article for the nations that grow it. 1-What is Coffee 2-Discovery of Coffee (Legends) 3-The origin of Coffee 4-Arabic coffee 5-The process of creating coffee 6-Brazil the top Coffee Producer Yemen was the 1st to cultivate the coffee plant and to really market it. Yemenis named it qahwa, Turkish khave-Italians caffe. Sufi (mystics) drank coffee to pray throughout the night and to keep them concentrated Coffee known in Mecca- through trade and through the pilgrimage to Mecca. Roasting, Grounding and Brewing Brazil Why does Brazil produce so much coffee?? Two main reasons: The Top Coffee Producer The process of creating coffee

presentation about coffee

Transcript: By: Connor Patrick COFFEE Origins Coffee was first documented in 1671 but there is a legend of a Kaldi which dates back to the 9th century While coffee in Europe was present in the 17th century, it wasn’t popular until the 18th century when… The new America didn’t receive coffee until the beginning of the 18th century and it took off during 1773 when drinking coffee became a patriotic and symbolic separation from the crown Coffee has proven to be a lucrative business for countries like America where there are over 26k Starbucks. However, many developing countries like Uganda, Ethiopia and Rwanda, coffee has become the #1 export Taylor Cartwright Coffee origination Mikey EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL NAME Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: List them here Institution Name here COLLEGE COLLEGE NAME Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: List them here Institution Name here Public Scandal COMMUNICATION TECHNICAL COMPUTER ARTISTIC Public Scandal COMMUNICATION Language Skills Mother tounge (s) Language 1 Language 2 Other language (s) Language 1 Language 2 Language 3 Other Skills List them here. Name your Skills Skills description: Skills proficiency: Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3 TECHNICAL Name your Skills Skills description: Skills proficiency: Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3 COMPUTER Name your Skills Skills description: Skills description goes here. ARTISTIC CONTACT CONTACT ADDRESS Your address here 001 664 123 4567 PHONE NR. MOBILE Email address here 001 664 123 4567 LinkedIn profile URL Facebook link @twitter_handle Website URL

presentation about coffee


Transcript: 90 Participants (In all) 30 Participants (Non-Coffee drinkers) 30 Participants (Light-Coffee drinkers) 30 Participants (Heavy-Coffee drinkers) THE 411 On COFFEE!! ages: 18-21 ALL GROUPS: 15 Female...15 Male Previous studies such as : The effect of caffeine on working memory load-related brain activation in middle-aged males shows very little or no effect of coffee on memory. Although many studies projects results which favor caffeine as a memory enhancer there is very little research on the role caffeine plays on sleep deprivation which in turn can cause memory loss. conclusion METHODS-PROCEDURE There is little to no study in this field and the ones that are, they focus on working memory instead Caffeine has become a daily part of 90% of American's life Consumption, and is consumed in one way or another. PREVIOUS STUDY HMMM...I WONDER..THAT'S what we WILL BE finding out! WHat Is Caffeine? OUR STUDY It is said to make a person calm, and helps to sharpen your mind and give you the strength to get through all-nighters (especially college students) Participants will be observe in their daily life in order to see what kind of drinkers they are. Another study done by Mitchell, Paula J., Monash U, Clayton, Vict, Australia Redman, and Jennifer R on Effects of caffeine, time of day and user history on study-related performance showed the effects of caffeine, time of day, and history of caffeine consumption on several study-related tasks in 25 undergraduates. Results showed that Reading comprehension was affected by time of day, while caffeine improved performance on all mental-speed-related tasks. High caffeine users performed more poorly than other groups on the verbal reasoning task. Several interactions between the 3 independent variables were observed on a number of tasks, supporting the notion that different processes underlying various types of cognitive performance are differentially, and often jointly, affected by caffeine, time of day, and user history. These studies prove that we are not certain of the effects of caffeine on sleep and memory, many studies shows that they help, many do not, the only way we can tell is by doing more research on its effect. Caffeine is a Bitter, White crystalline Xanthine that acts as a stimulant drug. both groups after they learn the passage will go back to their daily life STUDY ITSELF Heavy Coffee drinkers: Participants that consume 4 or more cups of coffee daily Participants that are chosen on the control side would be strictly non-coffee drinkers Does Coffee Impair long-term memory? The studies that were found said there had to be more done in order to see if there is an effect on long-term memory PROPOSAL PRESENTATION 3 weeks study The passage will be about a College students first day at school we will be recording how well the person recall the key words in the passage (For Example: The Professor's name, the floor the class is on, the time of the class..etc) DOES COFFEE CAUSE MEMORY IMPAIRMENT?

presentation about coffee

Transcript: Design Package I did some research about Nescafe most of the people liked Nescafe because their like for the coffee also the design which looks very good compared to different coffee mark. also I did a questionnaire about coffee most people who answered my questionnaire were in their 20 to 40years olds and a lot of peoples favorite coffee is a Nescafe. This was more than 71% I made this design because I like the traditional look from Nescafe so I think the best would be keep the traditional look. I decided to draw the new design for Nescafe. I did some research about Nescafe on the internet because in then previous meeting with blue kangaroo I had completely forgotten about research also I did more questionnaires. Thank you Mark Research Feedback from blue Kangaroo Reason to why I choose this design Design Product Changes after I revived the feedback. The feedback which I received from Blue kangaroo was simple to understand. I should do more research also a new design for Nescafe. From feedback received I decided to put my design in the bin and I started from beginning. Nescafe Presentation

presentation about coffee

Transcript: Coffee Culture Kayla Peterson Coffee Stores Opening Everywhere! Stores. Other chains are picking up on the coffee trend That Bean tho Making a Coffee Bean into a Cup of Coffee! Coffee has Health Benifits among other things! Plus, it makes for great pictures! A Popular Drink Among College Students Works Cited: “Coffee Photography: From Amateur to Pro in 3 Steps.” Perfect Daily Grind, 14 Mar. 2018, www.perfectdailygrind.com/2016/01/coffee-photography-from-amateur-to-pro-in-3-steps/ “Free Coffee Stock Photos.” Free Stock Photos, www.pexels.com/search/ coffee/.

presentation about coffee

Coffee presentation

Transcript: What people think when they hear the word coffee How much money American spend in coffee? How to get that perfect coffee? But how do you know that what are you drinking is the bets and is making your money worthy? In the way bag it is pack The type of the coffee The ground it was been grow Time it has been roster. An the mood you are. What I think about when I hear coffee American worker is shelling out more than $20 a week on coffee, for a yearly average of $1,092 per person. Did you know that american spend in average of 4 billions of dollars per year. Arabica beans tend to be more expensive but have wide varieties of flavors and scents which makes them more tailored to the specialty coffee industry. Also has more body, less caffeine and also has a more like a central taste what is can provide a high level the coffee taste

presentation about coffee

Transcript: Tori's Coffee Review Introduce your first point This is where your presentation starts. Provide context for your audience and make it easy for them to follow. By: Victoria Tarasiuk Closing the presentation SOURCES: Climpsonandsons.com https://climpsonandsons.com/blogs/journal/a-beginners-guide-to-tasting-coffee#:~:text=But%20let's%20keep%20it%20simple,body%20and%20mouthful%2C%20and%20aftertaste. Blue Bottle Coffee https://blog.bluebottlecoffee.com/posts/3od8h4z6k99v1uk8dgy2wbnhlmf0sq Starbucks at home https://www.starbucksathome.com/ca/en-ca/story/how-taste-coffee CoffeeReview.com https://www.coffeereview.com/interpret-coffee/#:~:text=Aroma%2C%20acidity%2C%20body%2C%20flavor,the%20traditional%20set%20of%20five. Summarize each point you made Give quick call-backs so your audience remembers Make it clear this is the end Follow up with another point Keep your words short and punchy so your audience stays focused. You can add imagery and frames to keep their attention where you want it. Put a bold statement here Put something fun or important here Use this space for details that you haven’t talked about yet. Relate what you’re saying to the nearby image so your audience has a visual, too.

presentation about coffee

Coffee Presentation.

Transcript: Coffee History Shy Nelson What is the origin story of Coffee? 1 Coffee originated in ethiopia in the 11th century. The next sight of coffee is in the 14th century. It was sighted in yemen. They used the coffee just like they did in ethiopia. The top 10 Exporters are … Exporters. Brazil- 5.7bn Pounds Vietnam- 3.6bn Pounds Colombia- 1.8bn Pounds Indonesia- 1.5bn Pounds Ethiopia- 847m Pounds Honduras- 767m Pounds India- 767m Pounds Uganda- 635m Pounds Mexico- 516m Pounds Guatemala- 450m Pounds What are the biggest Exporters of coffee? 2 The top 10 Coffee drinkers are… Finland- 12 kg per capita per year. Norway -9.9kg pcpy. Iceland- 9kg pcpy. Denmark-8.7kg pcpy. Netherlands-8.4kg pcpy. Sweden- 8.2kg pcpy. Switzerland- 7.9kg pcpy. Belgium- 6.8kg pcpy. Luxembourg- 6.5kg pcpy. Canada- 6.2kg pcpy. The big coffee drinking places? 3 Coffee have very much evolved a lot over time. When it first was being brewed it was done with a wood stove and it took some time to make. Now days you use a machine to make the coffee; this takes no more than 5 minutes. The coffee still smells and tastes the same it just takes a different time frame. Back in the day there wasn’t many choices of coffee; Now days you can go to the store and choose what you want. How did Coffee evolve over time? 4 Anything in this world is connected to something; meaning that coffee is connected to everything is some sort of way. I think that it was a part of the 8th threshold when everything was the way that it is now. I think that coffee is in every threshold in a way. How is Coffee connected to thresholds? 5 Coffee was originally made in ethiopia. They made the coffee by boiling that water then you put the beans in the boiling water. How was coffee originally made? 6 I found out that Finland is the country that drink the most coffee. They drink 12kg per capita per year. What country uses Coffee most? 7 Coffee has been used for centuries dating back to the the 11th century in ethiopia. We are now in the 21st century. This means that we have been using coffee for 10 centuries. How long have people used Coffee? 8 The top 10 Importers are … Monaco-52.08 per 1 million inhabitants. United States-41 p1mi Canada-38.8 p1mi Aruba-27.25 p1mi The Bahamas-26.45 p1mi Kuwait-25.34 p1mi Singapore-23.18 p1mi South Korea-19.3 p1mi Curacao-18.87 p1mi Taiwan-16.74 p1mi What are the biggest Imports of coffee? 9 Pros of drinking Coffee is. Help your body protect against the type 2 diabetes. By 40% drinking coffee can lower the risk of liver cancer Drinking coffee can protects the heart from failing. Pros Of Coffee? 10 The Cons of drinking Coffee is… Coffee can make anxiety worse for people that have it and can make people get it from drinking it. Coffee can also present signs of depression. Can give a change in mood. It can reduce the chances of getting pregnant. It could take a toll on your cardiovascular health It can mess with your body clock. Cons Of Coffee 11 https://www.turkishcoffeeworld.com/History-of-Coffee-s/60.htm http://www.pbs.org/food/the-history-kitchen/history-coffee/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/270202.php https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/maps-and-graphics/countries-that-drink-the-most-coffee/ http://www.streetdirectory.com/food_editorials/beverages/coffee/how_coffee_has_changed_over_the_years.html Credits. 12

Explore our templates for more presentation inspiration

presentation about coffee


Description: Rise way above the stacks and stacks of two-dimensional paper resumes on the hiring manager’s desk with a Prezi resume template. Simply personalize this Prezi presentation template to create your very own “Prezume” and impress them with your dynamism, originality, and cool.

presentation about coffee

Lesson Plan - Chalk | Prezi

Description: Structuring your syllabus doesn't have to be a huge headache with this customizable lesson plan presentation template. With a classic chalkboard theme and adaptable structure, it's easy to add new subjects, assessments, assignments, and more.

presentation about coffee

Lesson Plan - Board

Description: A well-organized lesson plan is the difference between getting things done and things getting out of hand. This vibrant, customizable, easy-to-use Prezi presentation template features a sticky note theme, so you'll be able to keep track of topics, assignments, exams, and more without missing a beat.

presentation about coffee

World Map - Antique

Description: Impactful presentations need stunning visuals and a meaningful metaphor to show high-level concepts and the smaller details. This customizable presentation template uses a classic world map visual to help you navigate complex information while staying grounded in your presentation’s core message.

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30 Coffee Shop PowerPoint PPT Templates: PPT Ideas to Energize Presentations 2024

Sarah Joy

Do you own a coffee shop? Are you presenting business ideas to potential investors? Coffee shop presentation templates are perfect for presenting business plans. Or, if you want to add a sense of energy to your presentation.

Caffeine Coffee Shop Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation

Having a professional cafe PPT, Keynote, or Google Slides template when making business presentations is essential. It's crucial to make a good impression.

There are quite a few high quality business cafe presentation templates on Envato Elements. A first-rate coffee shop concept presentation template saves you time. Not to mention, you'll end up with a more professional result.

Best Coffee Shop Presentation Templates on Envato Elements (With Unlimited Use)

Envato Elements has thousands of logos, graphics, presentation templates , and other templates. All you need to do is pay a low monthly fee to get unlimited use of the available templates.

When you're preparing to give your presentation in 2024, you need all the help you can get to save time and impress the audience. A professionally designed coffee-themed template will save you hours of design work.  

Top Coffee Presentation Templates

coffee shop PowerPoint presentation templates on Envato Elements

These ready-to-use, coffee shop templates for PowerPoint have unique coffee presentation slide designs. They also have great visuals. Use the pre-built coffee slides to showcase the concepts in your coffee shop presentation.

You don't need to get a free coffee template for PowerPoint or other presentation software. Use a premium cafe presentation template from Envato Elements instead. Premium cafe PowerPoint templates are professionally designed and up to date with the latest features. Most of the free coffee shop PowerPoint template don't offer many of these benefits.

Just add your business ideas and key data to these already visually impactful business slides. Quickly prep your presentation and you’re ready to go.  

30 Top Coffee Shop Templates for PowerPoint, Google Slides & Keynote From Envato Elements

Here's a hand-picked list of the best premium coffee shop PowerPoint, Google Slides and Keynote presentations in 2024:

1. Pivala - Coffee Shop PowerPoint Presentation Template

Pivala Cafe PowerPoint Template

Pivala is a template PPT for a coffee shop that blends professional looks with warm style. It uses a beautiful color scheme that you can edit in a matter of clicks. This download comes with 40 slides that can be used for a coffee shop PowerPoint presentation.

2. Coffee Time - Cafe PowerPoint Template

Coffee Time PowerPoint Template

Coffee Time is a modern-looking professional coffee template . Use this multipurpose presentation cafe PowerPoint template for business purposes or personal needs. Here are some key features of this coffee shop PowerPoint presentation template: 

  • five color schemes to choose from
  • drag and drop images into place
  • over 150 total coffee presentation slides
  • resizable and editable graphics
  • animated slides

3. Coffee Time - Cafe PowerPoint Template

Coffee Time Coffee Shop Business Plan PPT Template

Coffee Time is a colorful and versatile coffee shop PowerPoint template. This presentation template contains charts, diagrams, and tables.

Recolor and move objects in the coffee business plan PPT template. Or drag and drop images into the place holder to add images to the slide. There are a total of 32 slides in this template PPT for a coffee shop.

4. Caffeine - PPT Coffee Shop Template

Caffeine Coffee Theme For PowerPoint

Caffeine is a PPT coffee shop template with a coffee background. This abstract modern template has thirty different slides. There are three pre-made color schemes to choose from. 

Along with the pre-made color schemes, there's a dark and light version of the coffee presentation slides. The Caffeine PPT coffee shop template also comes with a portfolio page. With it, you can showcase some of your coffee business’s unique drinks.

5. Soffee - Coffee Shop PowerPoint Template

Soffee - Coffee Shop PowerPoint Template

The Soffee Cafe Presentation Template is completely flexible and versatile. Use it to drive your business or personal ventures. Here are a few of its features:

  • 40 Master Slide layouts
  • 16:9 wide screen ratio
  • drag and drop editing

It's one coffee shop PowerPoint presentation template you'll should download today!

6. Phikhan - Cafe Presentation Template (Keynote)

Phikhan Coffee Theme For PowerPoint

Minimal design in a Keynote presentation doesn't come much better than Phikhan. This cafe presentation template has 30 unique coffee presentation slides for your ideas. Use the full HD template to add your coffee shop's personal touch.

7. Coffholic - Google Slides Theme for Your Cafe Presentation Ideas

Coffholic Coffee Theme Google Slides

Minimal design can be bold design too. Take Coffholic for instance. This coffee theme for Google Slides features attractive typography and a smooth visual flow. Use the 50 unique slides included here for branding, sales, proposals, and to share your cafe presentation ideas. It makes for a nice coffee shop concept presentation.

8. Kalin - Presentation Cafe Template (Keynote)

Kalin Keynote Coffee Presentation Slides

Watch how Kalin's coffee presentation slides let your ideas take shape with photos. This presentation cafe Keynote template is showing product and location with unique imagery. Just drag and drop your images into the specially designed shapes for a fun look.

9. STATION COFFEE - Coffee Shop Presentation (Google Slides)

Station Coffee Theme Google Slides

Station Coffee is another image-focused coffee shop presentation template. This coffee theme for Google Slides lets you drag and drop your photos. You can also edit the included infographics. It's a useful addition for proposals and marketing purposes.

10. Kohi - Coffee Shop Concept Presentation Template (Keynote)

Kohi Cafe Business Keynote Template

Do you want to present in style? Then have a look at this modern coffee shop concept presentation. Kohi uses modern fonts and design trends to draw in viewers. Its use of white space makes these coffee presentation slides look especially clean stylish. 

11. Gayo - Coffee Presentation Ideas Template (Keynote)

Gayo - Coffee Presentation Ideas Template (Keynote)

Gayo is a creative and straightforward Keynote coffee shop template. It can be easily edited. It's an excellent way to show off any professional pictures you've got. Here are some highlights of this template for cafes and coffee shops:

  • 36 total slides
  • widescreen format

Use the professional coffee shop template for a variety of purposes. Whether you're a café, coffee shop, or sell coffee beans, Gayo is a better option than a coffee shop PowerPoint template free download.

12. Coffeetaria - Cafe Presentation Template (Keynote)

Coffeetaria - Cafe Presentation Template (Keynote)

This blackboard coffee presentation template gives a sense of a modern and hipster coffee shop. Present your new coffee presentation ideas with these specs:

  • 600 total slides
  • premade colors theme (brown, gold, purple, pink, teal)
  • widescreen & standard
  • dark and light backgrounds

Now, who wouldn't want this cafe presentation template?

13. Quincy - Coffee Shop PowerPoint Presentation Template

Quincy - Coffee Shop PowerPoint Presentation Template

Do you own or are working on a modern, clean, and quirky coffee shop? If that's the case, this is the coffee shop PowerPoint presentation for you! Make a lasting impression on your audience thanks to these characteristics:

  • 35 unique creative slides
  • graphics like diagrams, tables, and charts
  • highly and easily editable content

14. Cafe PowerPoint Presentation Template

Cafe PowerPoint Presentation Template

The exciting shapes, layouts, and overall design will get your audience excited about your coffee presentation, too. See what you'll get if you download this awesome PPT template:

  • 5 light & dark template versions
  • 400 total slides
  • fully editable content

With these features and fabulous cafe PowerPoint presentation design, the world is your oyster!

15. Coffee Shop - Template PPT for Coffee Shops

Coffee Shop - Template PPT for Coffee Shops

This coffee shop PPT template is perfect for a business that's ahead of the times. Aside from the fantastically clean and modern design, you'll get these features:

  • 150+ total slides
  • 30 slides for each template
  • section break slides
  • pixel-perfect illustrations
  • gallery and portfolio slides

Get this template PPT for coffee shops right away and make it your own!

16. Cofea - Cafe Presentation Template

Cofea - Cafe Presentation Template

The circular shapes, color-blocking, and out-of-the-box layout will engage your audience and get them going like a cup of coffee! Not only is this cafe presentation template aesthetically pleasing, but it also comes with:

  • 30+ total slides
  • 3 file formats (PPTX, KEY, and Google Slides PPTX)
  • based on Master Slides
  • aspect ratio 16:9

17. LAVENTO - Coffee Shop PPT Template

LAVENTO - Coffee Shop PPT Template

Keep your audience awake and focused on your cafe presentation with this premium template. This Coffee Shop PPT Template is the gift that keeps on giving:

  • 30 modern, creative, unique slides
  • 5 color schemes
  • 16:9 wide screen
  • dully and easily editable
  • total 150 slides

18. Coffee Shop - Cafe PPT Template

Coffee Shop - Cafe PPT Template

You don't have to choose between a dark or vibrant coffee shop presentation template. Get the perfect balance with the Coffee Shop PPT Template. Download it and experience some of its full potential:

  • widescreen aspect ratio (16:9)
  • master page layouts
  • PPT and PPTX files

19. Coffee Time - Presentation Cafe Template (Keynote)

Coffee Time - Presentation Cafe Template (Keynote)

This next Keynote presentation cafe template is like having a delicious cup of hot coffee. It's smooth, energizing, and soothing at the same time. Grab it now to find out more about its incredible features:

  • 5 color variations
  • handcrafted infographics

And there's plenty more where these came from!

20. Modern Black Tan Business - for Your Coffee Presentation Ideas

Modern Black Tan Business - for Your Coffee Presentation Ideas

For an edgier take on the cafe presentation template, try this cafe presentation design. It'll grab your audience's attention with help of these specs:

  • unique layout slides
  • 25 unique slides
  • bonus authentic 400+ icon by Lage-Day Studio
  • editable infographics

But that's not all! Download this template for your coffee presentation ideas and see for yourself!

21. Kofitie - Coffee Shop Concept Presentation Template (Keynote)

Kofitie - Coffee Shop Concept Presentation Template (Keynote)

Catching your audience's eyes won't be a challenge with the Kofitie coffee shop presentation template. Learn more about what comes with it:

  • 36 Master Slide layouts
  • unique mockup devices
  • detail-oriented design
  • free support

You won't be able to get as many features with a free version of this coffee shop concept presentation template!

22. Coffee Time - Presentation for Cafes (Google Slides)

Coffee Time - Presentation for Cafes (Google Slides)

Take your coffee shop presentation to new levels of sophistication with the Coffee Time - Presentation for Cafes Template in Google Slide. But this is more than just a pretty face:

23. Ohaina - Coffee Shop Presentation Template (Google Slides)

Ohaina - Coffee Shop Presentation Template (Google Slides)

The Ohaina Coffee Presentation Template has everything you'll need and more to produce an energetic coffee shop presentation. Simply check these out:

  • easy customization
  • drag and drop images
  • vector-based icons

24. Labffe - Cafe Presentation Ideas Template (Google Slides)

Labffe - Cafe Presentation Ideas Template (Google Slides)

A clear message is an effective message. The cleanliness of this Google Slides Template puts your information front and center. Want to know how? Just look through this list of amazing features:

  • picture placeholders
  • professionally designed slides
  • typography and usability-focus

It'll nicely fit all of your cafe presentation ideas!

25. Florence D Coffee - PPT Coffee Shop Template

Florence D Coffee - PPT Coffee Shop Template

Florence D Coffee is another beautiful way to share your cafe presentation ideas. Don't sleep on these unbeatable specs:

  • 30 unique and creative slides
  • 16x9 full HD format (1920x1080px)
  • easily editable colors, styles and shapes
  • PowerPoint file

You'll be the belle of the ball with this PPT coffee shop template!

26. Beje - Cafe PowerPoint Presentation Template

Beje - Cafe PowerPoint Presentation Template

You can stop your search for the perfect PPT coffee shop template. Beje is here. Create an effective and visually interesting cafe presentation idea with these:

  • 20 unique custom slides
  • drag-and-drop images
  • fully editable elements
  • clean theme version

Get it now and start working on your PPT coffee shop presentation!

27. Great Coffee - Keynote Presentation Cafe Template

Great Coffee - Keynote Presentation Cafe Template

This truly is a Great Coffee Presentation. You can use the to make the most out of your creative cafe presentation ideas. And these help you do just that:

  • 5 PPTX files (widescreen)
  • 5 color scheme

As you work with it, you'll understand why it's one of the top presentation cafe template.

28. Liberica - Cafe Presentation Template (Google Slides)

Liberica - Cafe Presentation Template (Google Slides)

A high-quality design like Liberica's is just what you need to share your cafe presentation ideas and coffee shop to the world. Its features are what makes it so special:

  • 50 unique Google Slides
  • 16:9 HD widescreen
  • handcraft design
  • easily replaceable placeholder content

You'll be able to make this cafe presentation template your own in no time!

29. Kopiyopi - Coffee Shop Presentation Template (Keynote)

Kopiyopi - Coffee Shop Presentation Template (Keynote)

Kopiyopi has a classic, professional design that creates a blank canvas you can tweak for any type of coffee presentation ideas you have. If that weren't enough, it'll help you spread your message with these features: 

  • 36 unique multipurpose slides
  • Keynote .KEY file
  • documentation file

You'll be delighted you opted for this coffee shop presentation template.

30. Ourish - Cafe PowerPoint Presentation Template

Ourish - Cafe PowerPoint Presentation Template

Last but definitely not least on this list, there's Ourish, cafe PowerPoint presentation template. Though it's got a minimalist design, it'll surely make you and your message stand out. When you download it, you can expect this:

  • 16: 9 aspect ratio
  • many variations of layout and text styles
  • high-res 1280x720 pixel (HD)

If you need more than just a coffee PPT, Google Slides or Keynote template, Envato Elements has an offer that's perfect for you:

Sign up for an Envato Elements subscription and get unlimited downloads. You'll also get access to the full digital asset library. This includes professional coffee presentation themes, WordPress themes, custom fonts, and more.

Get the Most Out of Your Premium Coffee PowerPoint Templates

It's easy to customize one of these premium cafe PPT templates. We'll go over a few simple steps to customize your coffee presentation. For our example, we'll use the premium template, Coffee Presentation .

Envato Coffee Presentation for PowerPoint

Apply any of these tips to any one of your PowerPoint templates. Let's get started:

1. Add Images

The premium templates on Envato all have image placeholders. They make it easy to add your own images into the slides and have them fit with the design.

To add an image in one of the placeholders, double click the image placeholder, click the Change Picture top menu header option, and then choose the From File... option. From there, select the image you want to add to the slide from your computer.

Adding image

2. Change Fonts

Premium presentation templates have great designs. But you may still want to change the fonts. You can have as many fonts for your text as you would like.

To change the font, highlight the text you want to change. Go to the top menu drop down menu for fonts and choose your new font. 

Changing Fonts

3. Change Shape Colors

Another element that you might want to style differently are the shape colors. To change the color, click the shape and choose the Shape Fill drop-down menu. There you choose any color you see fit for your presentation.

Change Shape Colors

4. Insert Transitions

Transitions seamlessly move your coffee presentation from one slide to the next. They add to the flow and design of the presentation.

To add transitions, go to the top menu header and click the Transitions tab. From there, click on the dropdown to see the full array of options. Also, change options like duration and apply the same transition to every slide in the deck.

Inserting Transitions

5. Remove Unwanted Elements

Think of the premium templates from Envato Elements as a starting point. They're not the finished product. Keep in mind that not every included element fits your presentation needs.

This final tip is simply to delete unwanted elements from your coffee slides. If you don't need a specific element on your slide, then just delete it. Less is more!

If you don't need a specific element on your slides, then delete it.

Remove unwanted elements

Let's now go over three hot coffee presentation ideas that can help you create the perfect coffee presentation. 

5 Presentation Design Trends for 2024

To create a standout PowerPoint presentation, it pays off to stay on top of current design trends. With that in mind, we've highlighted the top five design trends for 2024 presentations:

1. Elegant Typography

Elegant typography is popular right now as can be seen from the screenshot below. Delicate sans-serif fonts in the body text and serif headings make a great impact on your audience and add a touch of class to any presentation.

Coffee Shop Template With Elegant Typography

Coffee Shop Template With Elegant Typography on Envato Elements - Premium Coffee presentation ideas

2. Minimalistic Airy Layouts

Slide layouts with plenty of white space make your presentation easier to read. On top of that, they give it a nice, airy feeling that draws attention to your photos and content.

3. Creative Shape Overlays

Waves or brush shape overlays are a great way to break away from classic and boring layouts. Use them to add visual interest, like the Frappucino template does in the screenshot below.

Frappuccino PowerPoint Template on Envato Elements

4. Color Overlays

If you plan on using background images, make sure to use a color overlay. This makes your text stand out. This year’s color overlays often use duotone overlays as well as gradients.

5. Focus On Visuals

When it comes to presentations, less text is usually more. This year’s trends attest to that. Focus on images and other visuals to present your data and information. Take cues from the Navia template that’s available on Envato Elements.

Navia PowerPoint Template on Envato Elements

3 Hot Coffee Presentation Ideas

Now that you've seen a great selection of coffee presentation themes, let's look at some other ideas to help your coffee presentation: 

1. Match Your Coffee Presentation Templates to Your Business

Coffee Templates

This premium Coffee Time - Cafe PPT Template can be found on Envato Elements.

Make sure that the theme of your presentation matches the theme of your business. If your company color is yellow, then find a presentation with yellow or a variation of yellow in it. Or change the color of a template you like to match.

By using your company colors and theme, your brand looks more cohesive. Make sure that your coffee shop template theme fits with the topic you're presenting. It'll help the audience immediately understand what your primary topic is.

2. Use Charts, Graphs or Timelines

When presenting data, it's best to use some time of visual, such as a chart, graph or timeline to help tell your story. Charts help the audience to visualize the data. 

There are several different types of charts that you can choose from to help your audience visualize your data. For example, a line graph is good for showing trends in numbers. A pie chart is great for percentages that add up to 100. A bar graph is great for comparing two sets of data. 

With charts, break up the coffee slides so that you don't just have a bunch of text.

3.  Don't Clutter the Slides

coffee template

Don't clutter a slide by putting too many words or visuals on a single slide. Many templates have a minimalistic theme. Put it to its best use by not cluttering up the slide. 

If you need to, duplicate a busy slide so that you can present all your information using many slides. A cluttered slide can send mixed messages to the audience and look unprofessional. By keeping your slides uncluttered, you'll have a more professional presentation.

Download Even More Premium Templates

Still looking for even more high-quality templates?

Envato Elements has a library full of premium coffee presentation templates. The templates work for any presentation that you need to create. To find even more hand selected templates for your next coffee or cafe presentation, check out the articles below:

presentation about coffee

Benefits of Using the Best Coffee Shop Templates with Top Designs in 2024 (Envato Elements)

Envato Elements has contemporary, popular cafe PowerPoint templates. But with all of the free templates PPT for coffee shop available, why should you use Envato Elements? What are its key benefits? Answer these questions regarding cafe PowerPoint templates by reading about some of its advantages:

  • It'll get you excited. After you work with a professionally designed coffee shop template, you'll feel inspired and excited to start creating content.
  • You'll save time. If you're running a coffee shop or another business, you need to put your attention on what matters most. With a pro cafe PPT design, you won't have to spend time working on the presentation's aesthetics.
  • You'll save money. Again, you need to put your resources on your cafe presentation ideas. Spending a lot of time searching or creating the right design or hiring a designer of your own will cost you a lot more than downloading a top cafe PPT from Envato Elements.
  • You'll get flexibility. A unifying quality of the pro designs mentioned above is that they're all highly customizable. In the end, this translates into you being able to share your message much more accurately.
  • You don't need expertise. Designers use a lot of platforms to get the desired look and feel of their products. If you don't know how to use those platforms, you don't have to learn. A premium design will be ready to go, even if you're not a master designer.

Benefits of Envato Elements (The Power of Unlimited Use)

Envato Elements is a premium subscription service that gives you  unlimited creative template downloads . Everything on the site is included for a monthly fee. This is an incredibly powerful offer...  

Download as many Coffee Shop PowerPoint templates as you need or want as long as you've got the subscription.  Also, download all the creative assets that Elements has to offer. That includes fonts, stock video, graphics, web templates, and much more. 

Common PowerPoint Questions Answered (FAQ)

If you’re working on your presentation, you might have some questions about PowerPoint and all its features. Here, we’ve gathered the most common PowerPoint questions to give you answers:

1. Can PowerPoint Slides Be in Portrait Mode? 

Most PowerPoint templates are designed in landscape mode. But there's no reason why your presentation can’t be in portrait mode. In fact, the Seorin template is a great example of a portrait PowerPoint template.

Seorin PowerPoint template

2. Will PowerPoint Open Keynote Presentations?

Yes, you can easily open a Keynote presentation in PowerPoint. We've got a detailed tutorial walking you through the process of opening a Keynote presentation in Windows . It'll also explain how to convert your Keynote presentation to PowerPoint .

presentation about coffee

3. Can I Create a Custom Slide Layout in PowerPoint?

Professionally designed PowerPoint templates come with pre-designed layouts. But you can easily customize those layouts and even create your own from scratch. All you've got to do is follow the steps in this tutorial :

presentation about coffee

4. How Do I Edit Background Graphics in PowerPoint?

Editing background graphics in PowerPoint isn't difficult. You can set different image backgrounds, reuse the same background graphics , and play around with opacity and colors. All of these tweaks can achieve a different look.

presentation about coffee

5. Can I Crop Photos Within PowerPoint?

Yes, you can! It’s not that hard and we've got a tutorial that shows you all the basics of editing and working with images within your PowerPoint presentation:

presentation about coffee

Learn More About Microsoft PowerPoint

presentation about coffee

Download Our Free PDF eBook on Making Great Presentations

We've got the perfect complement to a professional coffee template. It'll help you learn how to write, design, and deliver great coffee presentations.

Download  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations now for FREE! All you need to do is subscribe to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter. Get your ideas formed into a powerful coffee presentation that'll move your audience. 

Grab the Free Make Great Presentations eBook

Download Your Coffee-Themed Presentation Template Today

Now you've seen some hand-picked coffee templates from Envato Elements. We've also shared extra resources to help you make the best coffee presentation. On top of that, we've shared some coffee presentation ideas.

Why not download your favorite coffee template right now? You can start making your professional coffee presentation right away.

Editorial Note: This post has been updated with contributions from Daniel Strongin , Brenda Barron , Nathan Umoh , and Dacia Egurrola . Brenda, Daniel, and Nathan are freelance instructors for Envato Tuts+. Dacia is a staff writer with Envato Tuts+.

Sarah Joy


Jul 11, 2014

1.84k likes | 4.1k Views

Coffee. Family - Rubiaceae Genus - Coffea Species - arabica and canephora. Coffea arabica. Where is Coffee Grown?. Gresser , Charis and Sophia Tickell . “Mugged: Poverty in Your Cup.” Oxfam International 2002:7.

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  • coffee seedlings
  • migratory birds
  • color purple white
  • gamete formation
  • leaves larger thicker seedlings


Presentation Transcript

Coffee Family - Rubiaceae Genus - Coffea Species - arabica and canephora


Where is Coffee Grown? Gresser, Charis and Sophia Tickell. “Mugged: Poverty in Your Cup.” Oxfam International 2002:7 About 28 of the world's tropical countries contribute significantly to the 11 million hectares devoted to coffee plantations, spilling 6.2 million metric tons of green coffee beans in 1998.

Where is coffee grown? • Coffee is cultivated mainly in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Some of the main producer-countries are Brazil, Columbia, Indonesia, Mexico, Ethiopia, Guatemala, India, Uganda, and others r = robusta production, a = arabica, m = mixture

Arabica, C. arabica Tetraploid, self fertile Ethiopia highlands >1600m 15-24°C 1300 mm Best quality Susceptible to rust Robusta, C. canephora Diploid, self incompatible Rain forest of Congo basin <750m 24-30°C 1550 mm Less flavor, acidity Resistant to rust Two Types of CoffeeAbout 90 Coffeaspp in Africa Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

PLOIDY = # sets of chromosomes • Haploid = 1 set of chromosomes • Diploid = 2 sets of chromosomes • Triploid = 3 sets of chromosomes • Quadraploid = 4 sets of chromosomes • etc.. • Polyploid = greater than 3 sets (a generalized term)

1 set of chromosomes with banding = haploid set

Coffee chromsomes and genes Chromosomes: arabicahas double the number of chromosomes at 44 than robusta at 22. 

White 1 Removed stamensfrom purple flower • Genes code for specific traits, like pod shape, flower color, etc. Stamens Carpel 2 Transferred pollen from stamens of white flower to carpel of purple flower PARENTS(P) Purple 3 Pollinated carpel matured into pod • This illustration shows his technique for cross-fertilization without bees! 4 Planted seeds from pod OFF-SPRING(F1) Figure 9.2C

Pairs of chromosomes: One chromosome from each parent: and each has a gene for each characteristic = pairs of the same gene or different (= hybrids) • Alternative forms of a gene reside at the same location on pairing chromosomes GENE LOCATION B=DOMINANT gene P a B P a b B=recessive gene GENOTYPE: PP aa Bb Both the samedominant gene Both the samerecessive gene Both dominant +recessive gene Figure 9.4

MEIOSIS: gamete formation = egg + sperm Ploidy is reduced by half 2N to N 4N to 2N 102N to 51N (many ferns)

FLOWER COLOR Purple White • Mendel studied seven pea characteristics FLOWER POSITION Axial Terminal • He hypothesized that there are alternative forms of genes (although he did not use that term), the units that determine heredity SEED COLOR Yellow Green SEED SHAPE Round Wrinkled POD SHAPE Inflated Constricted POD COLOR Green Yellow STEM LENGTH Figure 9.2D Tall Dwarf

Coffee Production and Yield Africa S. America S. America C. Amer C. Amer Africa Asia Asia Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

COFFEE GROWN WITHOUT SHADE Fields with coffee bushes grown under direct sunlight are referred to as technifiedfarms. There is, for instance, an array of shade levels within coffee farms all over the northern portion of Latin America Some farms have no shade at all, such as this technified farm.

COFFEE WITH MINIMAL SHADE Other farms, like this one in the image on the screen, have some trees. For all intents and purposes, however, such shade does little in the way of providing habitat for migratory forest songbirds or resident birds associated with the local area.

DISEASE SPURS SUN COFFEE RISE • Much of the impetus for technification in Central America, the Caribbean and even in Colombia came from the arrival of one of coffee's most dreaded diseases: coffee leaf rust. • This leaf with yellow spots is typical of how infected vegetation appears. A fungal disease caused by the fungus (Hemileiavastratrix), this disease devastated the coffee area of Sri Lanka in the 1870s and 1880s. Some reports maintain that this then-British colony (Ceylon) switched to growing tea—as did the British in general—because of this pathogen.

Dependency on Coffee Gresser, Charis and Sophia Tickell. “Mugged: Poverty in Your Cup.” Oxfam International 2002:8

Arabica, C. arabica Medium size tree 14-20’ tall Medium vigor Leaves Smaller Thinner Seedlings uniform Robusta, C. canephora Medium to large tree Up to 32’ tall Vigorous Leaves Larger Thicker Seedlings variable Two Species (Types) of CoffeeAbout 90 Coffeaspp in Africa Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

Coffee Berries (Beans)

Coffee Beans

The Seed of the Fruit is the Economic PartA Drupe like a Peach • Both begin bearing in 3-4 years • Time to mature fruit • Arabica, 7-8 months • Robusta, 11-12 months • Productive for 20-30 years • Both need pruning for best production Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

Various Roasts

Coffee Seedlings - Brazil

Coffee Production • Planting • Slightly acid (pH 5.2 to 6.3) well drained soil • Beginning of wet season • Vertical position or 30° angle • Spacing - need light for fruit ripening • Arabica, 1350 trees/ha • Robusta, 900-1000 trees/ha • Time to fruiting • Take 3-4 years to obtain mature plant • Fruit on year old wood Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

Coffee Tree Growth Cycle • Dry and/or cool season • Floral initiation • Reduced vegetative growth • Wet season • Flowers open, fruit set and begin development • Active vegetative growth • Dry and/or cool season • Fruit ripen • Flower buds initiate • Reduced vegetative growth Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

Shade and Coffee Production Data from Wilson, 1999. Coffee, Cocoa, and Tea, Figure 6.4. Conclusion: High input system - better with fertilizer Low input system - not as essential Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University

What is Shade-Grown Coffee?Sun vs. Shade Coffee

All Audubon Coffees are Certified Shade-Grown and Organic. All Audubon Coffees are Certified Shade-Grown and Organic.

Smithsonian Research • Researchers at the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center found of all agricultural systems in the tropics, traditionally-managed coffee plantations support more species of birds -- over 150 -- than any other type of agriculture. 

Traditionally, coffee was grown under a canopy of shade trees, providing critical wintering habitat for many species of migratory birds and preserving the rich biodiversity inherent in tropical rainforests.

Increasingly, however, industrial coffee farms, where land is cleared of its lush vegetation to grow coffee in full sun, are replacing traditional coffee farms. With this conversion from traditional shade grown to industrial sun-grown coffee comes a corresponding decrease in migratory bird species, and this decrease in species diversity is dramatic -- over 90% fewer bird species are found on sun-grown coffee farms than on shade-grown coffee farms. 

Audubon Coffee Powerpoint • http://shadecoffee.org/ShadeCoffee/Portals/0/Get_Involved/Chapter%20Outreach/NWSCC_slideshow_non-IE.htm

The Wood Thrush, Shade Grown CoffeeThe New Hope Audubon SocietyFred Houk, Jr. December 30, 2000, Chapel Hill Herald

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  • Mother's Day
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  • Valentine's Day
  • Autumn & Fall
  • Climate change
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  • American Football


Get Free Coffee Google Slides Themes and Templates

Beautiful Marketing Coffee House - Marketing

Beautiful Marketing Coffee House

Are you going to promote a coffee business? Then you need a creative and coffee-themed marketing presentation to outline a business scope and branding ideas. Welcome to save this free premade presentation template that features elegant coffee illustrations and photos. You can easily change or tweak the content to meet your project's plans. Let more people try out a new aroma!

Beige Coffee Brand

Coffee is a beloved beverage enjoyed by millions around the world.&nbsp;&nbsp;Giving a presentation on coffee can be an exciting and engaging experience, and using a premade coffee presentation template in light pastel colors can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal. Light pastel colors are soothing to the eyes and convey a sense of freshness. This template is easy to customize and is perfect for collaborative work.

Dark Stylish Coffee Shop

Are you selling your coffee shop franchise? Or want to tell more about your coffee shop? Use our free slides included in the pre-made Dark Stylish Coffee Shop presentation template. You can add charts, purchase statistics, and other significant information for customers. Customization and setting up of the template are available in Google Slides.

Brown Rustic Coffee

Here is a beautiful coffee theme for creating great presentations in Google Slides! Thanks to the convenient structure of this theme, its adaptation and customization are performed very easily and without any problems. Do you already have some ideas for what tasks this theme can be useful for you? Great! In fact, it's really multifunctional and practical!

Cute Coffee Shop

Do you require an advertisement for your coffee shop? Then use the ready-made Cute Coffee Shop presentation template! Using our adaptable slides, you will definitely attract the attention of new visitors. To customize the template on any convenient device, you can use Google Slides and any other editor for presentations.

Stylish Marketing Coffee

Do you want to sell coffee online and make a great marketing campaign for your coffee shop? Then it's worth taking a look at our Stylish Marketing Coffee presentation template. Tell your clients about the advantages of your bean preparation method, the history of the coffee you sell, and other details of your store. You can use Google Slides and ready-made slides!

Coffee Dreams

Do you want to create a marketing campaign for your coffee shop or online coffee store? Then the best way is our free and easy-to-customize Coffee Dreams presentation template. A great design made especially by our top designers to save you time and money. You can work with the template in Google Slides or another convenient editor.

Attractive Coffee

We never get tired of creating coffee-related design products. Therefore, here you can see a beautiful presentation about this wonderful drink. Our team of designers consists of those who appreciate a cup of cappuccino in the morning and can't imagine their afternoon without a strong espresso. So you can be sure that this amazing Google theme was created with love and after numerous cups of coffee.

Red Cute Coffee

Having a coffee shop is great. But when it comes to the development of this business, many people cannot decide what ideas are better to implement. With our coffee shop presentation template it's going to be significantly easier. You can prepare plenty of different ideas and show them to your team. Let them speak up and say what they think about your offers. You don't even have to gather everyone in one room to discuss it as you can simply share this google theme via email or social networks.

Do you want to make a unique presentation that will attract the attention of potential customers? Then we suggest using our free templates and designs. Regardless of the goals that you are following, we can efficiently offer you the right option to achieve them. One of our most impressive categories is the presentation of coffee templates.

The LoveSlides is under constant development to offer our regular and new visitors only the highest quality, user-friendly and easy-to-edit designs. Every day, you can take advantage of more and more presentations about coffee templates. However, their number is not growing as fast because our designers create each new choice from scratch and make it as special and attractive as possible. So, with us, you can forget about the expensive services of graphic designers and use the best option for creating any presentation. Are you already interested? But it gets better!

Main Benefits of Our Presentations

We have been working on creating templates for your presentations for a long time. Moreover, our platform only cooperates with professional graphic designers who have needed experience and knowledge to make only attractive presentations with a pleasing structure. So, by selecting any of our coffee presentation templates, you can be sure of success. Of course, the quality of the presentation also depends on the content, so we leave you all the necessary tools to customize our alternatives for any purpose.

Huge Number of Customization Tools

To finalize our template, you just need to fill in the slide structure created by our designers with any suitable content. After that, you will present your work to the audience. However, you are left with hundreds of different editing tools and options. You can change existing templates, add new slides or remove unnecessary ones, and format the table of contents, fonts, and colors to achieve the desired effect.

To proceed to the customization of the coffee slides template, select one of the options and click on it. At the moment, the number of options is not so wide, but soon we will add other alternatives. So, if you've already landed on the right page, click the yellow "Edit a Google Slides Theme" button. After that, your path to filling out our template will begin.

You can edit the coffee Google Slides template right in the window that opens after creating a copy of the authentic design. In this way, the template remains unchanged so that other users of our website can use our services. To create a copy, you only need to confirm its automatic creation in the dialog box that opens after clicking on the button indicated above.

Availability of Any Convenient Format

If you want to use another format it will not be a problem either. You can save any coffee shop concept presentation to a convenient device or Google Drive to download later. When downloading, you can instantly decide on a suitable format to continue your work. It could be any Microsoft app or any other variant.

Constant Update of Templates

We are working to ensure that all of our templates stay relevant over time. To do this, our staff monitor current trends day by day and work on creating many new free options. So, if you still haven't chosen the right presentation coffee, maybe tomorrow there will be a new amazing design added to the website that will surely satisfy you!

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  1. Coffee

    coffee, beverage brewed from the roasted and ground seeds of the tropical evergreen coffee plants of African origin. Coffee is one of the three most popular beverages in the world (alongside water and tea) and one of the most profitable international commodities.Though coffee is the basis for an endless array of beverages, including espresso, cappuccinos, mochas, and lattes, its popularity is ...

  2. Coffee

    A double please. GUEST GUEST. 14. www.foodandbeveragetrainer.com CAFÉ LATTE 1/3 fill with Espresso and 2/3 with steamed milk Add small amount of milk froth on top. 15. www.foodandbeveragetrainer.com CAPPUCCINO 1/3 Espresso 1/3 Steamed milk 1/3 Milk froth Sprinkle Chocolate Powder on Top.

  3. Coffee ppt .

    Coffee ppt . Sep 1, 2017 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 32 likes • 34,458 views. AI-enhanced description. Dinesh kumar Mandal. Coffee production involves several steps from planting coffee trees to harvesting coffee cherries to processing and drying the beans. There are two main processing methods - the dry method where cherries are sun dried ...

  4. Coffee Presentation by WanLin Chuah on Prezi

    1. Cafe latte. Italian name for coffee ("cafe")with milk ("latte"). Consisting of strong or bold coffee (sometimes espresso) mixed with milk and middle milk foam. 2. Mocha. like latte, but a protion of chocolate is added,mixed with 1 shot espresoo, hot milk and middle milk foam. 3.

  5. Coffee 101

    Coffee grinding is a significant factor in the quality of your cup of coffee. There are 7 grind levels, and failure to grind the coffee beans to the appropriate level will cause a bitter or sour taste to your coffee. Here is a list of the grind levels and the brewing methods using it. Extra Coarse Grind: Cold Brewing.

  6. The History of Coffee

    Fun Facts of Coffee. 3. 1. Time and Place of Origin The History of Coffee started when it was discovered in Ethiopia around the early 15th century. 4. 2. Story of Coffee Discovery Kaffa, a region in Ethiopia, there was a goatherd, saw that his goats got excited after eating the beans from some kind of a plant.

  7. Coffee

    Coffee is a beverage brewed from roasted coffee beans. Darkly colored, bitter, ... Espresso-based coffee has a variety of possible presentations. In its most basic form, an espresso is served alone as a shot or short black, or with hot water added, when it is known as Caffè Americano.

  8. Coffee Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    Free Coffee-themed Slide Templates for an Energizing Slideshow. Brew up some fun with this coffee PowerPoint template. Perfect for coffee shops, cafes, and restaurants, these templates will help you create a presentation that will impress your audience. With a range of customizable slides, you can easily manage your menu, present your products ...

  9. A Presentation On Coffee

    A Presentation on Coffee - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This presentation provides an overview of coffee, including its origins in Ethiopia, cultivation process, harvesting, characteristics of good coffee, caffeine content, manufacturing steps, top producing nations, common preparation methods, specialty ...

  10. Coffee Vibes Google Slides theme & PowerPoint template

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Smells like coffee! If you need a versatile presentation to talk about your cafeteria, canteen or restaurant, or even to talk about food, use this template. Support your data with maps, area graphs or tables.

  11. First, coffee

    A Coffee and PD presentation template. This is a template for coffee lovers. It doesn't matter if your presentation is not about how to grow coffee or if you don't own a coffee shop, you can use this template for an informal PD session. I've included some icons from IconsMania, and even though I chose different shades of brown, you can ...

  12. Coffee Presentation by Katie Crofford on Prezi

    Coffee Presentation by Katie Crofford on Prezi. Blog. July 8, 2024. Funny presentation topics to liven up your next get-together. June 30, 2024. Everything you need to know about creating a research presentation. June 28, 2024. Mastering internal communication: The key to business success.

  13. Free Coffee Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates

    Download the National Coffee Day Minitheme presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic... Multi-purpose.


    AI-enhanced description. M. MahfuzurRahman307046. This presentation discusses the health benefits of coffee. It begins with an introduction about the global production and consumption of coffee. The objectives are then stated as describing coffee processing, providing data on the global coffee market, and discussing the health benefits of coffee.

  15. PPT

    The history of coffee goes back the thirteenth century. From Ethiopia, coffee was said to have spread to Egypt and Yemen. The earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen. From Mocha, coffee spread to Egypt and North Africa ...

  16. Customizable coffee presentation template

    Coffee Presentation . Transcript: By: Connor Patrick COFFEE Origins Coffee was first documented in 1671 but there is a legend of a Kaldi which dates back to the 9th century While coffee in Europe was present in the 17th century, it wasn't popular until the 18th century when… The new America didn't receive coffee until the beginning of the 18th century and it took off during 1773 when ...

  17. Coffee Presentation

    Coffee Presentation - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document provides information about the roles of baristas and bartenders as well as a history of coffee. It describes a barista's responsibilities as promoting coffee consumption, determining customer ...

  18. 30 Coffee Shop Presentation Templates: PPT, Keynote, & Google Slides

    29. Kopiyopi - Coffee Shop Presentation Template (Keynote) Kopiyopi has a classic, professional design that creates a blank canvas you can tweak for any type of coffee presentation ideas you have. If that weren't enough, it'll help you spread your message with these features: 36 unique multipurpose slides.

  19. Coffee presentation

    Coffee presentation. This document provides a summary of barista basic training which includes definitions of coffee terms, techniques for making various coffee drinks and coffee art, as well as how to clean an espresso machine. It defines coffee and various coffee drinks. It explains the process of steaming milk and making lattes, cappuccinos ...

  20. PPT

    Coffee Berries (Beans) Coffee Beans. The Seed of the Fruit is the Economic PartA Drupe like a Peach • Both begin bearing in 3-4 years • Time to mature fruit • Arabica, 7-8 months • Robusta, 11-12 months • Productive for 20-30 years • Both need pruning for best production Tropical Horticulture - Texas A&M University.

  21. Customize 135+ Coffee Presentation Templates Online

    Skip to start of list. 135 templates. Create a blank Coffee Presentation. Grey Modern Coffee Shop Business Proposal Presentation. Presentation by Stevcreative. Bars And Restaurants Presentation. Presentation by Super Sonic Studio. Brown Modern Coffee Presentation. Presentation by hw project.

  22. Get Free Coffee Google Slides Themes and Templates

    Giving a presentation on coffee can be an exciting and engaging experience, and using a premade coffee presentation template in light pastel colors can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal. Light pastel colors are soothing to the eyes and convey a sense of freshness. This template is easy to customize and is perfect for collaborative work.

  23. A presentation on Coffee

    16. 1)Size of holdings in India: About 98 per cent of Indian coffee growers are of small holding (i.e., < 10 ha) accounting to 1.48 lakh growers. 2) Production and productivity of coffee in India: Productivity of Arabica coffee = 815 kg/ha Productivity of Robusta coffee = 1065 kg/ha Average productivity = 946 kg/ha. 18.