50 Nursing Philosophy Examples + How To Write Your Own

nursing philosophy essay examples

From the first semester of nursing school, aspiring nurses learn about the ethics and values associated with becoming a nurse. However, there comes a time when each nursing student or nurse must decide what they value most and how to incorporate those things into their roles as nurses. This important step is often referred to as establishing a personal philosophy of nursing. Perhaps you have heard of nursing philosophies but are unsure how to develop your personal philosophy. Have you wondered or asked, "What are some good personal philosophy of nursing examples?" If this sounds like you, keep reading! In this article, I will share some insight about nursing philosophies and provide you with information about 50 nursing philosophy examples + how to write your own.

What is a Personal Philosophy of Nursing?

Does every nurse have a personal nursing philosophy, what are the key components of a personal nursing philosophy, • knowledge:, 7 reasons why having a personal nursing philosophy is so important for your career, what are some good personal philosophy of nursing examples.

Nursing Philosophy Examples For Nursing Students
“I believe it is important for everyone to strive to demonstrate the characteristics of honesty, persistence, and compassion. My philosophy on nursing is that if I use those characteristics, coupled with a desire for lifelong learning and a willingness to represent others in need, I can make a difference in the life of my patients and their families and become a strong member of the profession."

“As an aspiring nurse, I feel like it is my responsibility to develop an attitude of life-long learning and take advantage of every opportunity to develop skills that will benefit my patients. If I were to articulate my own philosophy of nursing, I would say I believe nursing is one of the most selfless jobs a person can have, and I intend to put everything I have into this pursuit so I can make a difference in the lives of others.”

“My nursing philosophy is that nursing is more than a career. It is a privilege accepted by people who are passionate about using their skills and knowledge to help others who cannot help themselves. I vow to be the best nurse I can be and dedicate my professional life to making the lives of others better."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For New Grad Nurses
“My philosophy about nursing is that it takes diverse people with strong skills and dedication to help impact and improve the lives of patients. I intend to use the education and skills I've obtained in nursing school to establish myself in this profession. I believe if I dedicate myself to a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and personal growth, I can influence the profession of nursing and help improve outcomes for my patients and their loved ones."

"I believe in taking a holistic approach to nursing care, respecting my patients' cultural beliefs, ethnic background, and personal preferences. My philosophy of nursing is based on a desire to uphold the values and codes established by the American Nurses Association and to promote a sense of self-value in my patients as I help them reach their healthcare goals.”

“My personal philosophy of nursing is that all nurses, whether we are new graduates or nurses with years of experience, have something of value to offer to patients and nursing as a profession. My sincere desire is to develop strong clinical skills and be open to new opportunities to learn and grow so I may contribute to the well-being of my patients and the further development of this profession."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Registered Nurses
“As a registered nurse, I believe the care I provide should involve more than giving medicines or changing bandages. I want to treat my patients with the best care, making them feel respected, comfortable, and confident about the care they receive from my service.”

“My philosophy as a registered nurse is quite simple. I want to serve everyone I can by giving my best as a nurse and decent human being. I believe all patients, families, and colleagues are unique individuals with unique needs, and I aim to offer my best to them in service as a registered nurse.”

“I believe it is important for all nurses to provide safe, high-quality, patient-centered care. My personal philosophy of nursing is driven by a desire to recognize my patients as more than a medical diagnosis or room number. Instead, I desire to be the nurse who promotes the well-being of patients and helps improve outcomes, which will help support and further our profession.”

“I chose to become a nurse because I have a deep-rooted desire to help people in need. My personal philosophy of nursing is that I will use my education and clinical experiences to care for my clients and act as an advocate for them, encouraging them to be actively involved in their own care, which increases their feelings of self-worth and results in improved outcomes."

“I believe nursing is the truest version of living art a person can demonstrate. As I consider what I feel about my nursing philosophy, I realize the important role I have in improving the lives of others. I want my practice to reflect a genuine concern for every person entrusted to my care and to be a source of hope and encouragement."

“For me, there was never any doubt I would become a nurse. I love people and feel most fulfilled when I can do something to help others. I believe nurses are in a unique position to make significant differences in the lives of others. I have made it my personal philosophy to embrace every opportunity to enrich my patients' lives and contribute to this wonderful profession."

“My philosophy of nursing is based on the belief that, as a registered nurse, I am an educator, patient advocate, and promoter of good health practices. I feel being a nurse is an honor and privilege, and I desire to fulfill my role with the highest level of integrity and best practices, with the hope that I can contribute positive things to the lives of my patients and their families.”

“It is my strong belief that my job involves much more than performing a nursing assessment or administering medications. I exercise my role within the personal nursing philosophy that all clients are unique in their own right and deserve to have care as unique as they are. By viewing each client as an individual and providing care with a holistic approach, I hope to positively impact their healthcare experiences and outcomes."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Pediatric Nurses
“I always knew I wanted to become a nurse and had a strong desire to care for children, which is why I chose to specialize in pediatric nursing. I believe by combining compassionate and relational care that is centered around my patients and their family units, I can impact their lives and health outcomes.”

“To me, there is no greater joy than being involved in the care of pediatric patients and their families. My personal philosophy of nursing is based on the understanding that open communication, as well as respect and appreciation for the importance of family and each family member's role, can significantly improve my patients' outcomes and help me be a strong member of the pediatric nursing community."

“My philosophy of nursing may seem simple, but I truly believe it is possible to impact patient lives by using the power of human touch and emotional connections. I believe, as a pediatric nurse, it is especially important to develop trusting relationships with patients and their families so we can work together to reach positive patient outcomes.”
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Psychiatric Nurses
“I originally chose to pursue a career as a psychiatric nurse because of my personal experiences with major depression and anxiety. The more I learned, the more I realized how important it is to have competent nurses willing to be transparent enough that patients can relate and feel comfortable seeking help. My nursing philosophy stems from a strong belief that by being the type of nurse I needed when dealing with mental health issues, I can and will help my patients learn ways to manage and overcome obstacles that impact their well-being.”

“My philosophy of nursing centers around a sincere desire to help others realize and obtain their desired health goals. Psychiatric nursing is a specialty that is truly personal for me, as I have experienced the loss of a close loved one due to mental illness. I believe nursing should incorporate a holistic approach that honors patient values and promotes positive outcomes."

"I can't remember a time when I did not feel a longing to care for others in need, which I believe is what led me to choose nursing as a career. Psychiatric nursing is important to me because I feel as a society, we are just now beginning to realize the true impact mental health and wellness has on every other aspect of our lives. I feel happy when I serve others, and my personal philosophy of nursing is centered on the desire to serve and be compassionate toward others.”
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Neonatal Nurses
“I believe being trusted with the care of someone else’s child is a gift. As a neonatal nurse, I want to serve my patients and their families by using my skills to be actively involved in their journey of healing so they can recover and grow up to live healthy lives.”

“I feel like anyone would be hard-pressed to try and simplify nursing in just a phrase or two. Just like nursing is a complex system made up of many people, I believe our personal philosophies of nursing are often multi-faceted. For me, my nursing philosophy centers around a longing to care for others and help them realize their potential. As a neonatal nurse, that philosophy encompasses patients, families, and everyone involved in care.”

“I have a deep desire to care for neonatal patients and their families. My philosophy related to neonatal nursing is that it is my ethical duty to advocate for these patients who do not yet have a voice of their own. I intend to use every resource possible to learn and develop skills that will benefit my patients, comfort and educate their families, and be a strong partner in the neonatal nursing team.”
Nursing Philosophy Examples For ICU Nurses
"I chose to become an ICU nurse because I feel patients with intensive care needs should have the highest levels of quality care and compassion possible. My belief and personal philosophy of nursing is that all patients, regardless of their prognosis, should be cared for by nurses with a heart for healing. I desire to bring that type of care and compassion to my patients and their families."

"Loved ones and I have received care from extraordinary nurses, which solidified my belief in the goodness of others, leading me to choose to pursue this role. Although I chose to become a nurse, I believe nursing is more of a calling, one I am glad I headed. My philosophy related to nursing is that if I can help make the life of one patient better, I will have achieved more than most."

“I feel honored to be a nurse, and I have intentionally developed a personal nursing philosophy that reflects the privilege. My philosophy as an intensive care nurse is that I will offer the highest quality in nursing care to my patients and deliver it with compassion as if they were my own family. After all, we all want to feel wanted and cared for, especially when we are unable to care for ourselves."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For School Nurses
“I believe that school nurses can play a significant role in the lives of those we serve. My nursing philosophy is that I can positively influence those I meet and serve daily and that I will do everything I can to encourage their understanding of what it takes to be physically and mentally well. I feel strongly that when children learn the importance of health and wellness at an early age, they are more likely to make smart decisions about their health later. My personal goal in nursing is to have a positive impact on every client who crosses my path."

"I believe it is important for nurses to emphasize the value of every patient for whom we provide care. I understand a student's health can directly impact his ability to learn. My philosophy of nursing, especially as I practice as a school nurse, is to be a source of education and guidance to help students realize their physical and academic potential and to help them strive to achieve their attainable goals.”

“My personal nursing philosophy is built upon the belief that addressing the mental, physical, and social health needs of students is a responsibility that rests largely upon my shoulders. The job of a school nurse can be challenging but rewarding, and I am dedicated to always performing with the best interest of each student in mind.
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Labor And Delivery Nurses
“My philosophy is that nurses have an obligation to provide safe, patient-centered care in a manner that supports individual patient choices, values, and beliefs. I feel, as a labor and delivery nurse, it is crucial to understand the concept of holistic nursing care and to implement it with each patient and family."

“I believe nursing is much more than treating illness or disease. Instead, my philosophy of nursing is that it should be focused on providing high-quality patient care tailored to the patient's individual needs. Working in labor and delivery means offering the same care and compassion to the patient's spouse or other loved ones and ensuring everyone's needs are met."

"My nursing philosophy is based on my knowledge of what it feels like to need a competent nurse to coach and support me as I labored and delivered my children. I remind myself daily what it meant to have someone in my corner, and I intend to be the same professional, compassionate supporter for all my clients.”
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Home Health Nurses
“As a provider of nursing care with the privilege of serving in clients’ homes, I realize I am simply a guest who happens to have skills that could enrich my patients’ lives. Although some parts of my personal philosophy may change over time, the core of my personal philosophy on nursing is that I have a great responsibility to provide care for those unable to care for themselves. Knowing this, I am both grateful and extremely humbled."

"My beliefs about nursing and the philosophy I try to live by include acknowledging that all patient care should be based on respect for the value and dignity of the patient as an individual with rights. I desire to have a strong work ethic and demonstrate genuine compassion for those entrusted to my care."

“I believe effective nursing requires nurses to develop and adhere to strong personal and professional philosophies. My philosophy of nursing is that all patients, whether they are cared for in hospitals, nursing homes, another type of healthcare facility, or their own homes, deserve to feel respected and have their voices heard. I work hard to make sure my clients know their thoughts and feelings are important and promote an atmosphere of care conducive to positive outcomes."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Charge Nurses
“As a nurse with several years of experience seeking to work as a charge nurse, my nursing philosophy is based on my duty to provide compassionate, competent nursing care and to lead others in doing the same. I am committed to providing exceptional nursing care and being a role model for other nurses to follow.”

“My philosophy of nursing is firmly rooted in beliefs instilled in me as a child. The values and beliefs taught to me by family and others include the need for respect, trustworthiness, and compassion. These beliefs led me to choose nursing as a profession and why I now desire to work as a charge nurse. It is my hope to pass these values onto other nurses for generations to come.”

“I feel strongly that all nurses have a responsibility to provide personalized care to patients, regardless of the patient's background or beliefs, and respect the patient's right to autonomy. My philosophy as a charge nurse is to demonstrate the work ethic and professional values I want to see in my team and to support them as they pursue professional goals and strive to provide exceptional patient care."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Nurse Managers
"From the time I was in junior high school, I knew I would become a nurse. I love serving others and feel most successful when I help others succeed. My philosophy of nursing includes a belief that a few of the main factors in being a good nurse manager are the ability to effectively communicate with others and a desire to build solid teams, instead of promoting myself.”

“I have always believed nurses have a way of touching lives that others do not. As I embraced my career and began considering what is important to me, I began to develop a personal nursing philosophy based on the characteristics I value in others and how I can apply them to my life. To succeed as a nurse manager, I must treat every nurse with respect and appreciation and model the type of behavior I want for my patients, so my team has a strong leader to follow."

“I believe one of the most important jobs a nurse can do is be a strong support for patients and families. My nursing philosophy is grounded in the belief that by being a supportive advocate and giving clients a safe person to talk with and trust to provide their care, we can transform their healthcare experiences. I desire to become the kind of nurse manager who leads teams of nurses equipped to handle even the most delicate situations and who are viewed as assets to patient care."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Directors Of Nursing
“I feel being a competent Director of Nursing requires active participation with the nurses on my team and the patients we provide care for. As a registered nurse serving as a nursing director, I believe in establishing an atmosphere of collaboration that fosters growth and a renewed commitment to our common goal of patient care"

"I sincerely believe nursing is the most rewarding career I could have chosen. I have a strong philosophy based on the idea that by exerting positive influence, promoting quality nursing care, and facilitating collaborative communication among the disciplinary team, we can be a strong nursing force. As a Director of Nursing, I intend to put those ideas into practice every day."

“My personal philosophy of nursing is that we all have the power to significantly impact and improve patient outcomes and promote the furtherance of our profession. I believe a solid education and continued learning are essential for the success of nurses. I also believe any nurse in a directorship position should promote the growth of every nurse on her team. That is something I vow to do."
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Nurse Practitioners
“As a nurse practitioner, my philosophy of nursing is to provide individualized care to my clients by acknowledging their unique situations, educating patients and their families, and providing unconditionally compassionate, high-quality care. I believe my success as a nurse practitioner requires me to accept accountability for being a strong advocate for my patients and their loved ones, as well as being a strong representative of advanced practice nursing."

“My personal nursing philosophy is grounded in a conviction that I am in a unique position to positively impact my patients and help improve their outcomes. I believe in the importance of creating an atmosphere that supports strong provider and patient relationships based on respect for my patient’s beliefs and desires for their health and their freedom of choice.”

"To me, being a nurse practitioner is more than prescribing medications or treating a specific illness. If I could describe my personal philosophy of nursing from the perspective of a nurse practitioner, I would say it is my duty to promote a healthcare environment that is respectful of and therapeutic for all patients and their families. I will take the role of being a nurse practitioner, representing my patients and the nursing profession to the best of my ability.”
Nursing Philosophy Examples For Nursing Educators
“As a nurse educator, I value the opportunity to pour into the lives of student nurses. I believe being a nurse educator is a true calling, and if I serve in my role to the best of my ability, I can help change the trajectory of my students' lives and the lives of every patient they ever encounter."

“I have based my personal philosophy of nursing on the belief that one of the greatest gifts I can give to my profession is a willingness to impart knowledge to, and encourage learning among, aspiring nurses. I have dedicated my life to improving the lives of others and will continue to do so as a nurse educator, with the hopes of impacting student nurses, the patients we care for, and this profession."

“My philosophy of nursing is that we all have a role to play in the health and wellness of ourselves, our families, and our communities. I experienced some of the greatest influence in my life from nursing educators who prepared me for this career. I now intend to give back to the profession and society by demonstrating a strong work ethic and providing patient-centered care, with the hope of helping patients achieve wellness and students achieve professional goals."

How to Write Your Own Personal Philosophy of Nursing Statement?

1. define what nursing means in your perspective., 2. ask yourself what personal experience relates to your passion for nursing., 3. consider how you want to impact patients, families, and communities through your role as a nurse., 4. highlight your skills., 5. define your personal and professional values., 8 questions to ask yourself when developing your own personal philosophy of nursing, question #1: why did i choose to become a nurse, how to find an answer to this question:, question #2: what are my personal beliefs about nursing, question #3: what qualities make someone a great nurse, question #4: what skills should all nurses have, question #5: why is nursing important to me, question #6: what theories do i have about nursing, question #7: what values should nurses consider important, question #8: would i choose this career again, useful online resources to learn more about nursing philosophy, blogs/websites, youtube videos, bonus 5 important things to keep in mind when writing your personal philosophy of nursing statement, 1. keep it simple., 2. show you are prepared for action., 3. be yourself., 4. be open to change if needed., 5. make a copy for yourself and keep it visible., my final thoughts, frequently asked questions asked by our expert, 1. what was florence nightingale's philosophy of nursing, 2. is there a set format or right way to write a personal philosophy of nursing statement, 3. how do i start my nursing philosophy statement, 4. how can a nurse determine whether her nursing philosophy is good, 5. how long should a personal nursing philosophy statement be, 6. when should i write my nursing philosophy, 7. can i change my nursing philosophy from time to time, 8. how to write the introduction of my personal nursing philosophy, 9. should nursing students have a personal philosophy of nursing, 10. does an informatics nurse have a personal philosophy of nursing, 11. do nursing organizations have their own philosophy of nursing, 12. how does nursing philosophy influence nursing practice, 13. is it required for every nurse to have a personal nursing philosophy, 14. what happens if a nurse does not have a personal philosophy of nursing, 15. what are some famous personal philosophy of nursing quotes.

nursing philosophy essay examples


How to Write a Great Nursing Personal Philosophy Paper


Are you finding it difficult to write a brilliant nursing philosophy paper? If yes, you are in the right corner of the internet. In this post, you will discover everything you need to know to write a brilliant personal nursing philosophy. Let's jump right in!

What is a personal nursing philosophy statement?

A personal nursing philosophy statement is a statement that shows a nurse's values, ethics, and beliefs about patient care and nursing in general. In other words, it is a statement that clarifies a nurse's thoughts, ideas, and principles regarding patient care and nursing.

The statement is often between four to five sentences long. When you write it, you are supposed to put it somewhere where you can read it from time to time to remember your goals and objectives and to motivate yourself.

An extended personal nursing philosophy statement is called a personal nursing philosophy paper . The paper is usually between five to six paragraphs long. It is longer than a typical nursing philosophy statement because it is more detailed.

How does one create a personal nursing philosophy statement?

What drives you as a nurse? What makes you wake up daily to go to your nursing duty station? Is it your belief that every patient should receive holistic care? Is it your belief that patients deserve the highest level of care? Whatever drives or motivates you as a nurse is your nursing philosophy . Thus, to create a personal nursing philosophy, all you need to do is write down what motivates you as a nurse.

In a few moments, you will discover how to create a personal nursing philosophy statement in a step-by-step guide.

Personal nursing philosophy vs. personal leadership philosophy

A personal nursing philosophy is a statement that shows a nurse's beliefs, values, and ethics regarding the nursing profession. It is specific to the nursing profession because it is only written by nurses or those training to be nurses.

In contrast, a personal leadership philosophy is a statement that shows a leader's values, principles, and beliefs regarding leadership (influencing or leading people). It can be written by just about anybody in a serious leadership position.

The two definitions above reveal significant differences between the two types of personal philosophies. The first difference is in the definition. The two philosophies are two different things by definition.

The second difference is in the author. Personal nursing philosophy can only be written by a nurse. In contrast, anyone in a serious leadership position can write a personal leadership philosophy.

Who writes a nursing philosophy statement?

A nursing student or a practicing nurse can write a nursing philosophy statement.

A personal nursing philosophy statement written by a nursing student is typically written for motivation. Nursing courses and practice can be challenging, which is an accepted fact worldwide. Because of this, instructors usually encourage students to write a nursing philosophy statement that they can refer to from time to time to motivate themselves and to remind themselves why they are pursuing a nursing profession.

A personal nursing philosophy statement written by a practicing nurse is typically written for motivation and as a career guide. Nursing is a challenging profession that is both physically and mentally demanding. Therefore, practicing nurses are encouraged to write and have a personal nursing philosophy for motivation. They are also encouraged to do so to clarify their career goals.

Why it is essential to have a personal nursing philosophy statement

There are 5 key reasons why having a personal nursing philosophy as a nursing student or nurse is crucial.

  • It helps you to set standards for your nursing practice. This is good, especially if your nursing job involves handling serious or challenging situations.
  • It helps you to set a standard for interacting with patients and colleagues regardless of the situation.
  • It helps you adopt a mindset that can improve your service delivery or how you work in your current posting.
  • It helps you to stay motivated even when facing enormous challenges by showing you the bigger picture (why you are in nursing).
  • It assists you in capturing your goals and beliefs and actualizing them in your day-to-day nursing work.

What goes into my nursing philosophy paper?

A personal nursing philosophy paper is an extended version of a personal philosophy statement. It is more detailed. To write one, you first must create an outline. You cannot write an excellent logical nursing philosophy paper without first creating a nursing philosophy paper outline .

While it is ideal for creating an outline for your nursing personal philosophy paper , it is essential to remember that a personal philosophy is personal (based on your thoughts, principles, and beliefs). Therefore, there is always a freehand element when writing a personal philosophy paper.

Even if there is a freehand element when writing a personal philosophy paper, following an outline must ensure your paper has excellent structure and organization.

Personal nursing philosophy paper outline

1. Introduction

  • Attention-grabbing statement
  • Background information
  • Thesis statement

2. Body Paragraph 1

  • Opening statement
  • Supporting information
  • Closing statement

3. Body Paragraph 2

4. Body Paragraph 3

5. Conclusion

  • Thesis restatement
  • Restatement of main points
  • Show that research supports the thesis statement

Steps for writing a brilliant personal nursing philosophy

In this section, you will discover the steps you must follow to create a brilliant personal nursing philosophy for motivation or to prepare yourself for nursing job interviews.

You must take a significant pre-writing step before you start writing your nursing philosophy . The step involves answering a set of questions related to the nursing profession. By answering the questions, you will make it easier for yourself to define your philosophy.

The questions are:

  • What exactly is nursing?
  • Why is nursing important to you?
  • Why is nursing important to society?
  • What are the attributes of a good nurse?
  • What skills and qualities are vital for nurses?
  • What values do you think every nurse should have?
  • What errors should you never make as a nurse?

By thinking about these questions and answering them as honestly as you can, you will find it relatively easy to define your personal nursing philosophy .

Your answers to the questions above will help reveal your personal nursing philosophy . And it is by expanding these answers that you can write a detailed personal nursing philosophy. You can expand the answers by following the steps below.

1. Define what exactly nursing means to you

The first thing you should put in your nursing personal philosophy statement after your introduction is your personal definition of nursing. Use your answers to questions 1, 2, and 3 above to offer your own definition of nursing. This will help the reader quickly determine how you conceptualize and understand nursing and how you approach it.

2. Describe how you embody the attributes of a good nurse

After describing what nursing means to you in the first body paragraph, you should use the second body paragraph to describe how you embody a good nurse's attributes (skills, traits, & values). If you do not want to describe how you embody the attributes of a good nurse, you should share a story or an incident that shows how you embody them (or some of them). Writing this section in your nursing philosophy paper will tell the reader what nursing qualities you value the most.

3. Discuss how you want to impact your community or society through nursing

In the third body paragraph of your nursing philosophy paper, you should discuss how you intend to impact your community or society through nursing. This will help you to set your goals nicely for your nursing profession. Reading this part of your nursing philosophy will also help to motivate you, especially when you face challenges at your workplace.

4. Discuss the nursing qualities and traits that mean a lot to you

This is the fourth and last paragraph of your personal nursing philosophy . You should use it to reiterate the critical nursing skills, traits, principles, and values you believe define you the best. Ensure you have comprehensively yet briefly described your nursing experience, principles, and beliefs.

Using the steps above plus the outline shared earlier, you should be able to write a brilliant and well-structured personal philosophy of nursing paper.

Nursing Philosophy Example Paper

The nursing philosophy example below shows a detailed version of a personal nursing philosophy:

My personal nursing philosophy is all about trying to see art and beauty in the nursing profession. One of the pioneer nurses in the modern-day world, Florence Nightingale , once likened the nursing profession to art and argued that there is a need to ensure nurses, just like artists, are well-prepared and given the time and space to do their work. I agree with her, which is why I sometimes consider myself an artist. Like every experienced artist, I know I must pay attention to every little detail in my work to ensure I deliver exemplary services. Every little detail means the patient's emotional, psychological, and physical conditions. And I know that the only way I can stay at the top of my game is through preparation and constant training and learning. I believe the most important aspect of nursing is that we, as nurses, are at the core of patient treatment. They are given the training and the tools to help deliver treatment to patients. As a nurse who believes nursing is an art, I think of the training and tools we have been given as the tools of an artist. And I strive to use these tools effectively to help improve the patient's environment and condition. I use them to help deliver comfort and healing. Nursing, like most science-based professions, is a constantly changing profession. New information, new studies, and new ways of doing things are constantly being published in credible publications. Therefore, I believe that I must continually improve myself to continue delivering top-notch evidence-based nursing services. And this can only be done by continually reading new research, participating in training, and getting new certifications in the field. Only then can I continue administering medication and keeping conditions sterile according to the latest industry standards. I love the fact that ethics are an integral part of nursing education and nursing work. When dealing with patients, I always remember that while they are under my care, they need to feel that they are protected and that all their rights are observed. They need to access to the right to nutrition, oxygenation, safety, acceptance, and rest. They also need to be listened to and to have their thoughts and opinions considered. In closing, I believe nursing is one of the best professions in the world! It might not be the highest-paying profession, but to me, it is engaging, intricate, exciting, and highly satisfying work. Of course, it has its challenges, but I believe that by approaching it as an artist, I know everything is within my hands. I can use my training and tools to keep calm and continue delivering exemplary nursing services.

Five things to keep in mind when writing a personal nursing philosophy

You now know the steps to follow to write a personal nursing philosophy. You have also seen a personal nursing philosophy example paper above. It is almost certain that you feel confident about your ability to write a brilliant nursing philosophy paper. However, you need to know a few more things before you start writing your personal philosophy of nursing . These things will help you to write a brilliant personal nursing philosophy.

  • Keep your paper short and precise. Your personal nursing philosophy is something that can be expressed in four to five sentences. It is called a personal nursing philosophy statement when it is short. It is called a personal nursing philosophy paper when it is long and detailed. And even when it is long and detailed, it is never too long; it usually does not exceed 500 words.
  • Show you are ready for action. It is essential to ensure your personal nursing philosophy has action verbs that show you are ready to work. You should never say anything to the effect that you are a laidback person in your philosophy. This could be interpreted negatively and cause you to miss the opportunity.
  • Be original. When you write your own personal philosophy of nursing , you should try to be yourself. Do not try to impress anyone or to express thoughts that are not your own. You should be genuine as possible. If you are, you will find yourself drawn to your philosophy, and it will have a natural motivating effect on you. If you are not, you really will not believe in the philosophy, and it will have no motivating or inspiring effect on you.
  • Be ready for change. The nursing profession is a constantly changing profession. Thousands of new research studies are published annually, revealing new information on how to treat patients, care for patients, administer medicine, sterilize environments, and so on. Therefore, what you believe or hold true in your philosophy might hold true in a few months or years. Thus, you must be ready for change. You must be prepared to adjust your philosophy if you feel there is a need to.
  • Keep a copy of your philosophy close to you. This is important to ensure that you have something to remind you of why you are in nursing, especially when the going gets tough. Many practicing nurses print and stick their personal philosophies somewhere in their work station to help them to keep going, especially when they want to give up.

Final thoughts

The personal philosophy of nursing is an important thing to have as a nursing student or as a practicing nurse. It is an important thing to have as a nursing student because it will remind you why you wanted to become a nurse. This will motivate you to keep going, especially if you constantly face academic challenges. A personal nursing philosophy is important for a practicing nurse for motivation and career direction.

Related Reading:

  • Inspirational nursing topics for nursing papers.
  • How to write a nursing diagnosis assignment.
  • Inspiring topics for nursing debates
  • Steps and tips for writing a nursing change project report.
  • List of borrowed or non-nursing theories
  • Nursing theories to inspire your nursing philosophy statement

You can write your nursing philosophy as a statement or an essay/paper. Writing a personal nursing philosophy statement is easy because it is usually just about five sentences long. In contrast, it is much harder to write a personal nursing philosophy paper because it is much longer and must be very detailed. However, using the information we have provided in this post, you should be able to write a decent nursing philosophy paper.

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Personal Nursing Philosophy FAQs

What is a good example of a personal philosophy statement.

My personal nursing philosophy is that the e must use their training and their experience to ensure every patient gets the highest level of care regardless of their social status. I strongly believe nursing is about gaining knowledge, caring, and persistence. I use this philosophy to guide my day day-to-day decisions.

What was Florence Nightingale�s personal nursing philosophy?

Nightingale believed that the nursing profession was a spiritual calling. She also believed that every patient had a spiritual dimension that needed to be comforted and healed in the same way the physical dimension needs to be comforted and healed.

How long should my personal nursing philosophy statement be?

It should be no more than five sentences long. The shorter it is, the better. This is because a personal philosophy statement should simply be a short statement that states your motivations and helps you stay on track.

How long should my personal nursing philosophy paper be?

It should be no more than 500 words long. A personal nursing philosophy paper is a longer and more detailed version of a personal philosophy statement. It is unnecessary to be longer than 500 words unless you have been specifically instructed to make it longer than 500 words.

Do nursing organizations have nursing philosophies?

Yes, they do. However, most of them do not call them nursing philosophies. They call them a statement of purpose.

What was Florence Nightingale's nursing theory?

Florence Nightingale's nursing theory emphasizes that a nurse must use their brain, hands, and heart to create a healing environment for the patient's body, mind, and spirit. It is one of the most famous nursing theories .

How to start a nursing philosophy paper?

You should start the paper with a robust and attention-grabbing sentence. This will hook the reader and make them want to read your philosophy paper.

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My Personal Philosophy of Nursing

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Published: Mar 13, 2021

Words: 974 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

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Choice of nursing, essence of nursing, beliefs and values, vision for the future.

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Personal Philosophy of Nursing

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My Philosophy of Nursing Essay

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My nursing philosophy is primarily that one of a holistic concern and providing empathetic and sensitive health care to the sick and their immediate families. To me, serving as a dedicated nurse is a way of giving back to the society what it deserves, because I believe proper healthcare is the foundation of every development in the society.

Nursing is a profession with practitioners who are compassionate, courteous, patient, and hold a high sense of dignity and integrity, more so to those they are serving (Dossey, Keegan, American Holistic Nurse’s Association 103-105).

As a result these believes, to me offering the highest quality of nursing care, being sympathetic, and providing a favourable healing environment are three of the greatest goals of my career.

As healthcare agents, although it is hard to meet every patient’s expectations, I believe it is important for nurses to make an effort and accommodate their patients’ problems and sacrifice their best for the wellbeing of their clients and other members of the medical fraternity.

Therefore, nurses must always endeavour to have good communication skills, the required skill proficiency, and apply high level of creative and critical thinking when executing their duties.

Moreover, because nursing is an evidence based profession that requires proper understanding of the human health problems, I hold a personal obligation toward continuous learning, research work, and hands-on experience to improve my nursing skills.

Desirable Elements of My Nursing Philosophy

Although continuous learning and having the desired level of skill proficiency is important for nurses, the use of common sense in making the right decisions is one of the prerequisite to succeeding in this profession.

Therefore, there is need for nurses to execute all their duties with absolute care, as this is one of the primary methods of ensuring that they win the confidence of their patients.

One thing nurses should always bear in mind before handling any health matters that pertains to their patients is that, patients have entrusted their “delicate” lives in their hands; hence, the need to ensure patients are satisfied physically and emotionally (World Health Organisation; Western pacific region 1).

To achieve this, wellness and collaboration should be the two primary elements of any nursing philosophy. Wellness is not only a state of being physically okay, but also it encompasses the spiritual and emotional wellbeing.

Thus, for a patient to be termed as being okay, patients should be able to accept their state of mind by formulating appropriate coping mechanisms with the effects that come with their ailments. On the other hand, collaboration means the ability of a patient to work confidently with nurses through the two developing a relationship that is beneficial to the patient.

Finally, because diseases are never selective on individuals they attacks, I believe there is need for nurses to accept the diversity of patients they treat regardless of their race, class, gender, and degree of sickness.

Although I know at one point making my philosophy practical will be a challenging task, because of the ever-changing roles of nurses, at all times I am always ready to accommodate any changes associated with my profession.

In addition because the responsibilities and demands of the nursing profession are numerous, there is need for nurses to work hard, be persistent, and always sacrifice all that is at their disposal for the healthy wellbeing of the society.

Works Cited

Dossey, Barbara, Keegan, Lynn, and American Holistic Nurse’s Association.

Holistic nursing: a handbook for practice . Sudbury: Massachusetts: Jones and Ballet Publishers, 2009. Web.

World Health Organisation; Western pacific region. The role of the nurse in the healthcare team. 2010. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, May 28). My Philosophy of Nursing. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-philosophy-of-nursing/

"My Philosophy of Nursing." IvyPanda , 28 May 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/my-philosophy-of-nursing/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'My Philosophy of Nursing'. 28 May.

IvyPanda . 2018. "My Philosophy of Nursing." May 28, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-philosophy-of-nursing/.

1. IvyPanda . "My Philosophy of Nursing." May 28, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-philosophy-of-nursing/.


IvyPanda . "My Philosophy of Nursing." May 28, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-philosophy-of-nursing/.

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Explore Nursing Philosophy Statement Examples for Professional Growth

Picture of Jermaine Huey

  • November 29, 2023

Welcome to NursingWriters.net, your go-to resource for expert information and guidance on nursing philosophy . In this article, we will delve into the world of nursing philosophy statement examples to help you develop your own. A nursing philosophy statement is a reflection of your ethics, values, and beliefs as a nurse. It serves as a compass that guides your interactions with patients, peers, and the healthcare system. With the right philosophy, you can enhance your practice, prepare for interviews, and foster personal and professional growth. Let’s dive in and explore some inspiring nursing philosophy statement examples !

  • Developing a personal philosophy of nursing is crucial for nurses’ professional growth.
  • A nursing philosophy statement reflects a nurse’s ethics, values, and beliefs.
  • Examples of nursing philosophy statements can serve as inspiration for developing your own unique philosophy.
  • A personal philosophy of nursing guides interactions with patients, peers, and the healthcare system.
  • Having a well-defined nursing philosophy can improve job-seeking activities and prepare you for nursing interviews.

Understanding Personal Philosophy of Nursing

A personal philosophy of nursing is a mission statement that encompasses a nurse’s personal and professional values and goals. It goes beyond a specific position or role and reflects their beliefs, ethics, and motivation to serve as a nurse. It guides their approach to patient care and can shape their career choices. Developing a personal philosophy of nursing is important as it sustains motivation, guides professional interactions, facilitates career decisions, and supports job-seeking activities. Nurses can use examples of personal philosophy of nursing statements to create their own unique philosophy.

When crafting a personal philosophy of nursing, nurses should consider their own values, experiences, and aspirations. They may draw inspiration from nursing theory, research, and their own clinical practice. By reflecting on their core values and beliefs, nurses can align their personal philosophy with the broader goals of nursing, such as providing patient-centered care, promoting health and wellness, and advocating for social justice in healthcare.

A personal philosophy of nursing is not a static document, but rather an evolving belief system that adapts to new experiences and knowledge. Nurses should regularly revisit and revise their personal philosophy to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with their professional growth. By continuously refining their personal philosophy, nurses can enhance their practice, strengthen their commitment to patient care, and contribute to the advancement of the nursing profession.

Examples of Personal Philosophy of Nursing Statements:

Statement Focus
“I believe in providing holistic care that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each patient.” Holistic Care
“I am committed to establishing trust and building therapeutic relationships with my patients to promote open communication and collaboration.” Therapeutic Relationships
“I strive to advocate for social justice in healthcare by addressing health disparities and promoting equitable access to quality care.” Social Justice
“I believe in lifelong learning and staying updated with evidence-based practices to provide the best possible care for my patients.” Continuing Education

These examples highlight different aspects that nurses may choose to emphasize in their personal philosophy of nursing. It is important for nurses to create a philosophy statement that resonates with their own values and aspirations, as it will serve as the foundation for their nursing practice and professional growth.

Key Components of a Nursing Philosophy

A nursing philosophy encompasses various key components that shape a nurse’s approach to patient care and professional practice. These components include role, knowledge, values, and process.

Nursing Philosophy Role

The role component of a nursing philosophy emphasizes the nurse’s responsibility in providing and managing patient care. It encompasses the nurse’s commitment to meeting the physical, emotional, and psychological needs of patients while respecting their autonomy and dignity. The role component also highlights the nurse’s role as an advocate for patients, ensuring their voices are heard and their rights are protected.

Nursing Philosophy Knowledge

The knowledge component of a nursing philosophy reflects the nurse’s academic and clinical experiences. It encompasses the nurse’s understanding of evidence-based practice, nursing theories, and the latest advancements in healthcare. The knowledge component also emphasizes the nurse’s ongoing commitment to lifelong learning and professional development to provide the highest quality of care to patients.

Nursing Philosophy Values

The values component of a nursing philosophy refers to the beliefs that guide a nurse’s attitude, behavior, and moral judgments. These values may be personal or professional and shape the nurse’s interactions with patients, colleagues, and the healthcare team. Examples of nursing values include compassion, empathy, integrity, and cultural sensitivity.

Nursing Philosophy Process

The process component of a nursing philosophy focuses on the nurse’s responsibility for using the nursing process to promote positive patient outcomes. It includes assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The process component highlights the nurse’s critical thinking skills, clinical reasoning, and ethical decision-making in delivering individualized and holistic care to patients.

Table: Key Components of a Nursing Philosophy

Component Description
Role The nurse’s responsibility in providing and managing patient care while advocating for patients’ rights and autonomy.
Knowledge The nurse’s understanding of evidence-based practice, nursing theories, and continuous professional development.
Values The beliefs that guide the nurse’s attitude, behavior, and moral judgments, influencing their interactions with patients and the healthcare team.
Process The nurse’s responsibility for using the nursing process to assess, diagnose, plan, implement, and evaluate patient care.

By embracing these key components, nurses can develop a comprehensive and personalized nursing philosophy that guides them in delivering compassionate, evidence-based, and patient-centered care. It serves as a compass for ethical decision-making and professional growth, ensuring that nurses provide optimal care to their patients while upholding the values and principles of the nursing profession.

Importance of Personal Nursing Philosophy

A personal nursing philosophy is of utmost importance for nurses as it provides a comprehensive framework that guides their practice and professional growth. It serves as a roadmap that outlines their core values, beliefs, and aspirations in the field of nursing. Having a well-defined personal nursing philosophy offers numerous benefits for nurses.

First and foremost, a personal nursing philosophy acts as a constant reminder of the purpose and motivation behind a nurse’s work. It helps nurses stay focused and committed to providing high-quality care to their patients. This sense of purpose is particularly crucial during challenging times when nurses may face professional obstacles or burnout. A clear and well-developed philosophy can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation, reminding nurses of the impact they can make on the lives of their patients.

Additionally, a personal nursing philosophy enhances communication and collaboration with patients, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals. It enables nurses to express their values and beliefs, fostering better understanding and empathy. When nurses communicate their philosophy effectively, it can also help build trust and create a therapeutic relationship with patients and their families, leading to improved patient outcomes.

Furthermore, a personal nursing philosophy promotes ethical and evidence-based practice. Nurses who have a clear understanding of their values and beliefs can align their decisions and actions with ethical principles and evidence-based guidelines. This ensures that nursing care is provided in a consistent and professional manner, based on the best available evidence and within the boundaries of ethical standards.

In summary , the importance of a personal nursing philosophy cannot be overstated. It brings purpose and motivation to nurses’ work, improves communication and collaboration, and supports ethical and evidence-based practice. Nurses who develop and embrace their personal philosophy are better equipped to navigate the challenges of their profession and provide exceptional care to their patients.

Benefits of Personal Nursing Philosophy
A personal nursing philosophy serves as a source of inspiration and motivation, reminding nurses of the impact they can make on the lives of their patients.
A well-defined philosophy enables nurses to express their values and beliefs, fostering better understanding and empathy with patients, colleagues, and healthcare professionals.
A personal nursing philosophy helps align decisions and actions with ethical principles and evidence-based guidelines, ensuring consistent and professional care.

Examples of Nursing Philosophy Statements for Nursing Students

Nursing students often develop their personal philosophy of nursing as they progress through their education. These philosophy statements are a reflection of their beliefs and values and serve as a guide in their nursing practice. Here are some examples of nursing philosophy statements for nursing students:

Belief in the importance of empathy and compassion:

“I believe that every patient deserves to be treated with empathy and compassion. By putting myself in their shoes and truly understanding their needs, I can provide holistic and patient-centered care.”

Commitment to lifelong learning:

“I am committed to lifelong learning and staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in nursing. By continuously expanding my knowledge and skills, I can provide evidence-based care and contribute to the improvement of patient outcomes.”

Advocacy for patient autonomy:

“I believe in advocating for patient autonomy and respecting their decisions regarding their healthcare. By empowering patients to make informed choices, I can promote their well-being and foster a trusting nurse-patient relationship.”

Commitment to cultural competence:

“I am committed to providing culturally competent care and respecting the diversity of patients’ beliefs and values. By understanding and appreciating different cultural backgrounds, I can deliver care that is sensitive, inclusive, and promotes positive patient experiences.”

These examples demonstrate the diverse beliefs and values that nursing students incorporate into their personal philosophy of nursing. By reflecting on their own beliefs and values, nursing students can develop a philosophy that will guide them throughout their nursing careers.

Examples of Nursing Philosophy Statements for New Grad Nurses

As new graduate nurses embark on their professional journey, developing a personal philosophy of nursing becomes crucial in guiding their practice and shaping their career. Here are some inspiring examples of nursing philosophy statements for new grad nurses:

“I believe in the power of lifelong learning and continuous professional development. As a new grad nurse, I am committed to expanding my knowledge and skills to provide evidence-based and compassionate care to my patients. I strive to create a safe and nurturing environment that promotes healing and empowers patients to actively participate in their healthcare decisions.”

Another example of a nursing philosophy statement for new grad nurses could be:

“I am passionate about embracing diversity and providing culturally sensitive care to individuals from all backgrounds. I believe in establishing strong therapeutic relationships with patients, respecting their values and beliefs, and advocating for their rights. I am dedicated to delivering quality and holistic care that promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.”

These examples highlight the core values of new grad nurses, including their commitment to lifelong learning, patient empowerment, cultural sensitivity, and holistic care. By developing their personal nursing philosophy, new grad nurses can foster their professional growth and make a positive impact on the lives of their patients.

Examples of Nursing Philosophy Statements for Registered Nurses

Registered nurses, with their experience and expertise, develop unique nursing philosophy statements that reflect their commitment to providing excellent patient care. These philosophy statements emphasize the importance of compassionate and holistic care, respect for patients’ cultural beliefs and preferences, and the promotion of patient-centered care.

Registered Nurse Philosophy Statement Examples
“I believe in providing compassionate and holistic care to my patients, addressing their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. I strive to develop therapeutic relationships with patients and their families, building trust and promoting healing.”
“I value the cultural beliefs and preferences of my patients, recognizing the importance of respecting their individuality. I am committed to providing culturally competent care and creating a safe environment where patients feel valued and heard.”
“I am dedicated to patient-centered care, ensuring that my patients are actively involved in their healthcare decisions. I believe in empowering my patients to take control of their health and well-being, supporting them throughout their healthcare journey.”

These nursing philosophy statements showcase the commitment of registered nurses to safe and high-quality nursing care. Registered nurses recognize the importance of ongoing professional growth and continuing education to stay current with evidence-based practices and advancements in healthcare.

Registered nurses embody the values of empathy, integrity, and accountability in their nursing philosophy statements. They strive to make a positive impact on patient outcomes and contribute to the continuous improvement of the nursing profession.

The Essence of Nursing Philosophy

The essence of nursing philosophy lies in providing competent and optimal care to patients and communities. It is centered around compassion, caring, and developing therapeutic relationships with patients. Nursing philosophy encompasses the belief in the importance of addressing patients’ physical and emotional needs, building trust, promoting healing, and recognizing the unique role of family and significant others in patient care. The essence of nursing philosophy is reflected in the theories and concepts developed by nursing theorists, such as Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring.

“Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation as any painter’s or sculptor’s work; for what is the having to do with dead canvas or cold marble compared with having to do with the living body, the temple of God’s spirit? It is one of the Fine Arts: I had almost said, the finest of Fine Arts.” – Florence Nightingale

Key Elements of Nursing Philosophy

To better understand the essence of nursing philosophy , it is important to examine its key elements:

  • Compassion: The core value of nursing philosophy is a deep sense of empathy and compassion towards patients, recognizing their inherent worth and treating them with dignity.
  • Caring: Nurses embrace the responsibility of caring for patients holistically, considering their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, and providing individualized care.
  • Therapeutic Relationships: Building trust and establishing meaningful connections with patients and their families fosters a healing environment and promotes positive patient outcomes.
  • Holistic Care: Nursing philosophy emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach to care, recognizing that patients are more than their medical conditions and considering their social, cultural, and environmental factors.
  • Advocacy: Nurses serve as advocates for their patients, ensuring that their voices are heard, their rights are respected, and they receive the best possible care.

The Impact of Nursing Philosophy

The essence of nursing philosophy extends beyond the theoretical realm and has a profound impact on patient care and the nursing profession as a whole. By embracing the core values of compassion, caring, and therapeutic relationships, nurses can create meaningful connections with patients, promote healing, and improve patient outcomes. Nursing philosophy provides a guiding framework that helps nurses navigate ethical dilemmas, make informed decisions, and deliver evidence-based care. It serves as a reminder of the noble purpose of nursing and the significant role nurses play in the lives of their patients.

In summary , the essence of nursing philosophy lies in the provision of compassionate and competent care, driven by the values of compassion, caring, and therapeutic relationships. It guides nurses in their approach to patient care, emphasizing the importance of addressing patients’ physical and emotional needs, building trust, promoting healing, and recognizing the role of family and significant others in patient care. By embracing nursing philosophy, nurses can make a difference in the lives of their patients and contribute to the advancement of the nursing profession.

Beliefs and Values in Nursing Philosophy

Beliefs and values are foundational elements in nursing philosophy. They shape the way nurses approach patient care and guide their interactions with patients, colleagues, and the healthcare system. In nursing, beliefs revolve around the importance of respecting patients’ trust, involving their families and significant others in their care, collaborating with healthcare providers, and being a role model for patients. These beliefs reflect the core principles of nursing, such as empathy, compassion, and the commitment to providing holistic care.

Values, on the other hand, encompass the principles that nurses hold dear and that guide their decision-making and behavior. Key values in nursing philosophy include service, equality, innovation, teamwork, and personal accountability. Nurses value the opportunity to serve others and make a difference in their lives. They strive for equality and fairness in healthcare, recognizing the importance of providing unbiased care to all patients. Innovation is valued as a means of improving patient outcomes and transforming the field of nursing. Teamwork and collaboration are highly regarded, as they promote effective and comprehensive patient care. Personal accountability is also emphasized, as nurses take responsibility for their actions, continuously strive for self-improvement, and uphold the highest standards of professional ethics.

When nurses align their beliefs and values with their nursing practice, they can provide patient-centered care, promote positive health outcomes, and foster a culture of excellence in healthcare. By recognizing the significance of beliefs and values in nursing philosophy , nurses are better equipped to navigate ethical dilemmas, provide compassionate care, and contribute to the overall well-being of their patients and communities.

The Role of Beliefs and Values in Patient-Centered Care

Beliefs and values play an essential role in the delivery of patient-centered care. When nurses uphold their core beliefs of empathy and compassion, they can establish trusting relationships with their patients. By involving patients’ families and significant others in the care process, nurses demonstrate the value they place on the importance of holistic and collaborative care. The belief in personal accountability ensures that nurses take responsibility for their actions and work towards continuous improvement. This commitment to personal growth allows nurses to provide the highest quality of care to their patients.

The Impact of Beliefs and Values on the Nursing Profession

Beliefs and values in nursing philosophy have a significant impact on the nursing profession as a whole. Nurses who uphold the values of service, equality, innovation, teamwork, and personal accountability contribute to a positive work environment and foster a culture of excellence. These values shape the delivery of healthcare services and promote patient safety and satisfaction. By aligning their beliefs and values with their nursing practice, nurses can advocate for positive change in the healthcare system and work towards improving patient outcomes.

Beliefs Values
Respecting patients’ trust Service
Involving patients’ families and significant others Equality
Collaborating with healthcare providers Innovation
Being a role model for patients Teamwork
Personal accountability

Vision for the Future in Nursing Philosophy

In considering the future of nursing philosophy, it is important to recognize the ever-evolving nature of healthcare and the nursing profession. Nurses of the future envision themselves as agents of change, leaders in innovation, and advocates for improved patient outcomes. They strive to be at the forefront of advancements in technology and evidence-based practice, incorporating new research findings into their care strategies. Nurses also see themselves as key contributors to interdisciplinary healthcare teams, fostering effective collaboration and communication for the benefit of patients.

The vision for the future in nursing philosophy includes a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development. Nurses aspire to obtain advanced degrees, pursue specialized certifications, and engage in continuous education to enhance their knowledge and skills. They recognize the importance of staying abreast of new developments in healthcare, such as genomics, precision medicine, and telehealth, and actively seek opportunities to apply these advancements in their practice. By embracing lifelong learning, nurses can adapt to the changing healthcare landscape and maintain the highest standards of care.

Furthermore, the future of nursing philosophy emphasizes the importance of promoting health equity and addressing social determinants of health. Nurses envision themselves as advocates for vulnerable populations, working to eliminate healthcare disparities and ensure equitable access to quality care. They recognize the impact of social, economic, and environmental factors on health outcomes and strive to address these issues through community engagement, policy advocacy, and cultural competence.

Table: Future Focus Areas in Nursing Philosophy

Focus Area Description
Evidence-based Practice Nurses will continue to integrate the latest research findings into their decision-making and care delivery, ensuring the provision of high-quality, evidence-based care.
Technological Advancements Nurses will embrace and utilize emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and telemedicine, to enhance patient care, improve efficiency, and promote positive patient outcomes.
Interprofessional Collaboration Nurses will actively engage in collaborative practice models, working closely with other healthcare professionals to provide patient-centered care and promote effective communication and teamwork.
Advocacy for Vulnerable Populations Nurses will advocate for underserved and marginalized populations, addressing health disparities and promoting health equity through policy advocacy, community engagement, and cultural competence.
Lifelong Learning Nurses will commit to continuous professional development, pursuing advanced degrees, certifications, and staying up-to-date with the latest healthcare advancements to provide optimal care.

In summary , the vision for the future in nursing philosophy encompasses innovation, lifelong learning, advocacy, and a commitment to equitable and patient-centered care. Nurses of the future will embrace technological advancements, collaborate with interdisciplinary teams, and strive to eliminate health disparities. Through their dedication to continuous growth and development, nurses will play a vital role in shaping the future of healthcare and improving the lives of their patients.

In conclusion , developing a personal philosophy of nursing is crucial for nurses to guide their practice and professional growth. It encompasses their beliefs, values, and goals, and serves as a framework for providing compassionate and competent care to patients. Examples of nursing philosophy statements for different stages of a nursing career can inspire and guide nurses in creating their own unique philosophy.

By reflecting on their personal philosophy of nursing, nurses can continuously shape their practice and strive for excellence in patient care. Nursing philosophy statements help nurses navigate ethical and evidence-based practice, improve interactions with patients and peers, and prepare for nursing interviews. The essence of nursing philosophy lies in providing competent and optimal care to patients and communities, with a focus on compassion, caring, and therapeutic relationships.

At NursingWriters.net, we understand the importance of personal philosophy in nursing and offer expert information and guidance to empower nurses in their BSN, MSN, and DNP programs. Whether you need assistance with writing a nursing philosophy statement or navigating writing and comprehension challenges, our team is here to support you in your journey towards professional growth and success.

What is a nursing philosophy statement?

A nursing philosophy statement is a description of a nurse’s ethics, values, and beliefs. It outlines their motivation to become part of the nursing profession and provides insights into their perspective on nursing education, practice, and patient care ethics.

Why is developing a personal philosophy of nursing important?

Developing a personal philosophy of nursing is important for nurses as it serves as a guideline to live by, improves interactions with patients and peers, guides ethical and evidence-based practice, and helps nurses prepare for nursing interviews.

How can nursing philosophy statements be used?

Nurses can use examples of personal philosophy of nursing statements to create their own unique philosophy. It can serve as a guiding framework for nurses to live by their own set of standards, improve interactions, facilitate career decisions, and support job-seeking activities.

What are the key components of a nursing philosophy?

The key components of a nursing philosophy are role, knowledge, values, and process. The role component emphasizes the nurse’s responsibility to patients and the profession, while the knowledge component considers the nurse’s academic and clinical experiences. The values component refers to the beliefs that guide the nurse’s attitude and behavior, and the process component focuses on the nurse’s responsibility for using the nursing process.

Why is a personal nursing philosophy important?

Having a personal nursing philosophy is important as it sustains motivation, guides professional interactions, facilitates career decisions, and supports job-seeking activities. It also helps nurses identify theories and beliefs necessary for everyday choices and provides a means of capturing innermost beliefs and goals.

What are some examples of nursing philosophy statements for different stages of a nursing career?

Examples of nursing philosophy statements for nursing students may include beliefs such as the importance of honesty, persistence, compassion, and lifelong learning in nursing practice. Examples for new grad nurses may focus on the importance of diverse skills, dedication, holistic care, cultural sensitivity, and promoting patients’ self-value. Examples for registered nurses often emphasize compassionate and holistic care, respect for patients’ cultural beliefs, and promotion of patient-centered care.

What is the essence of nursing philosophy?

The essence of nursing philosophy lies in providing competent and optimal care to patients and communities. It is centered around compassion, caring, and developing therapeutic relationships with patients. Nursing philosophy encompasses beliefs in addressing patients’ physical and emotional needs, building trust, promoting healing, and recognizing the unique role of family and significant others in patient care.

What role do beliefs and values play in nursing philosophy?

Beliefs and values play a significant role in nursing philosophy. Nurses believe in the importance of respecting and valuing patients’ trust, involving patients’ families and significant others in their care, collaborating with healthcare providers, and being a role model for patients. Key values in nursing philosophy include service, equality, innovation, teamwork, and personal accountability.

What is the vision for the future in nursing philosophy?

A vision for the future in nursing philosophy reflects nurses’ aspirations and commitment to lifelong learning and professional growth. It encompasses goals such as becoming competent ICU nurses, exploring different career paths, pursuing advanced practice roles, specializing in specific populations, furthering education, obtaining certifications, and contributing to the well-being of patients and the development of the nursing profession.

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  1. 50 Nursing Philosophy Examples + How To Write Your Own

    Throughout this article, I have explored answers to the question, “What are some good personal philosophy of nursing examples?” and shared 50 nursing philosophy examples + how to write your own. There are many resources to guide you as you prepare a written nursing philosophy statement.

  2. Personal Nursing Philosophy: Guide, Example, & Tips

    A personal nursing philosophy is a statement that shows a nurse's beliefs, values, and ethics regarding the nursing profession. It is specific to the nursing profession because it is only written by nurses or those training to be nurses.


    A personal philosophy of nursing has become a critical element in my approach to developing as a professional nurse and nurse educator, promoting good patient care and quality of life, and determining my values, beliefs and future directions.

  4. Nursing Philosophy Paper and: [Essay Example], 974 words

    Philosophy in nursing stems from providing competent and optimal care to patients and communities. These values are the stepping stones to be a successful... read full [Essay Sample] for free.

  5. How To Write a Personal Philosophy of Nursing (With Examples)

    You can create your first personal philosophy of nursing to explain to the school what inspired you to pursue nursing, what qualities and skills you have that would make you an effective nurse and what your goals are as a nursing professional.

  6. Personal Philosophy of Nursing - NursingAnswers.net

    A personal nursing philosophy involves contemplations of ones beliefs, principles, and values with direct practice. My personal philosophy began with attempting to answer some questions, such as, “what does nursing mean to me,” and “what is guiding my practice.”

  7. Preparing A Nursing Personal Philosophy Paper

    We have compiled a list of 50 nursing philosophy examples to provide inspiration for crafting your own unique statement. What Is a Personal Philosophy of Nursing? A personal philosophy of nursing is a foundational statement that reflects a nurse’s ethics, values, and beliefs.

  8. My Philosophy of Nursing - 554 Words | Essay Example - IvyPanda

    My Philosophy of Nursing Essay. Exclusively available on IvyPanda®. My nursing philosophy is primarily that one of a holistic concern and providing empathetic and sensitive health care to the sick and their immediate families.

  9. Personal Philosophy Of Nursing Nursing Essay

    My personal nursing philosophy characterizes the discipline of nursing using the four meta-paradigms concepts: person, environment, health, and nursing. First of all, I believe that the profession of nursing is all about people.

  10. Explore Nursing Philosophy Statement Examples For ...

    Immerse yourself in nursing philosophy statement examples that stimulate professional growth. Find insights to refine your healthcare approach today.