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14 Fantastic Professional Portfolio Examples

examples of resume portfolio

A professional portfolio is a powerful tool to advance your career. That’s because it’s a great showcase of your expertise and dedication, using real-world samples and examples of your work.

These examples may come from your studies, previous work experience, and even hobbies. What really matters is that you  use your earlier experiences to land a new job, more clients, bigger professional network, or recognition.

It’s easier to understand this concept by checking out a few exceptional examples of professional portfolios:

Professional portfolio examples

examples of resume portfolio

What is a professional portfolio?

A professional portfolio is a physical or digital document containing work samples. Whether a professional portfolio should be a digital or physical document depends on the standards in your field. If you’re not sure, just know that nowadays, digital portfolios are the standard.

The work samples in your portfolio can be

  • organized into galleries or folders , or
  • included in case studies that reveal the process behind them.

Case studies mix visuals and text to demonstrate professional skills and processes in practice. Galleries achieve the same while remaining almost purely visual: grids, feeds, carousels, etc.

Who needs a professional portfolio?

In some professions, having a portfolio is mandatory to land a job. In all other cases, you should consider having a professional portfolio if you think it could advance your career: get new clients, grow your professional network, and help you reach more people. But also, wanting to have a portfolio is reason enough.

The 4 purposes of a professional portfolio

1. back up your resumé.

Almost all jobs require a resume listing your skills, achievements, educational background, and work experience. However, there are many fields where you also need to submit a professional portfolio.

Such fields include design, architecture, engineering, artistic fields, and everything that’s heavily visual. In many of these professions, the portfolio is weighted heavier than the resume.

There are many reasons for this, two of the most important being taste and precision. Using your work samples – drawings, designs, layouts, and whatnot – you can prove that:

  • You’re familiar with industry standards and practices , and
  • Your work and taste are fit for the potential employer.

2. Show your personal taste

Since portfolios are a more substantial format – mostly websites – they provide the perfect canvas for you to showcase more of your work, your personal taste, or your process. There’s an important takeaway here:

Throughout your career, you might have been influenced to make choices that don’t necessarily represent your aesthetic preferences, and that’s a valuable asset: it shows that you can adapt. But in the case of your portfolio , you are the commissioner. Therefore, how it looks will give your potential employer or client a better idea of your taste.

So, choose your portfolio layout, colors, fonts, whitespace, and visuals wisely.

3. Reveal more about yourself

A portfolio can also contain your professional manifesto. Many professionals use their About page to tell their story of becoming who they are today – their inspirations, goals, and struggles. People find it much easier to relate to such stories than a timeline of work experience.

People find it much easier to relate to stories than a timeline of work history.

4. A hub for all your professional material

Portfolios are also practical. They are like a one-stop hub for everything relating to you as a professional: samples of your work, case studies, resumé, and contacts. This is especially beneficial if you do freelance work since a potential client can check out your work, your accolades, and contact you from the same place.

Create a professional portfolio in 8 steps

Step 1: choose your platform.

Unless you’re specifically requested to submit a physical or PDF portfolio, you should go for a portfolio website. To build one, the first step is choosing the best portfolio-building platform for you. You can go for dedicated portfolio builders – such as ours, UXfolio, that’s made for UX designers – or general website builders. Both comes with its own benefits:

Website builders

With website builders you can create any type of website: e-commerce, blog, landing pages, portfolios, and more. They usually have a vast gallery of templates that can be altered for your purposes. However, website builders can be overwhelming and distractive for those who just want a professional portfolio.

Portfolio builders

As their name suggests, portfolio builders are more specialized. Their templates are designed for portfolios, and their features are aimed at people who want to build something simple yet expressive. Because of their limitations, portfolio builders will keep you focused on all the essentials that are necessary to land a job.

Step 2: Pick a template

Once you have the platform, you should take a close look at its template gallery to find the template that’s best for you. While browsing, keep in mind that those are just templates , nothing but a foundation: you will be able to customize them according to your liking.

What makes a good portfolio template?

Above all, a good portfolio template is usable. Think of the people who will come in touch with it, and make sure that the template you choose will be convenient for them to use. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel: if something works or is the industry standard, there’s a good reason for it.

Our advice is simple: it’s hard to miss with a clean and streamlined portfolio template. 

Step 3: Customize your template

The next step is to add your personal touch to the template. For most people, this is the most enjoyable part of portfolio building. Customization means that you can play around with colors, fonts, images, page layouts, and all the fun stuff.

If you’re easily distracted or prone to procrastination, we suggest you keep this step for last. Yes, the look of your portfolio is important, but it’s only second to content.

Step 4: Add your work samples

This is the part where your professional portfolio fulfills its purpose, which is to showcase your skills through samples and examples. Depending on your profession, this step can be time consuming, but here are a 5 pointers that’ll make it easier:

  • Feature your best work only (“kill your darlings”).
  • Leave out everything that’s irrelevant or outdated.
  • Lead with the most impressive samples/projects.
  • Be frugal with your words (keep the copy to a minimum).
  • Create order with whitespace, visual hierarchy, and font styles (weight, size).

Step 5: Create an About page

According to our data, About pages are extremely popular among portfolio visitors. Not only do they click on them, but they also spend a considerable amount of time reading them.

This reflects our time as we realize how vital company culture is. Today, HR managers are looking for people who, on top of being qualified, are also a good fit. An About page can help them in this quest.

What to write about on your About page?

If you’re not sure what to write about, just answer a few questions from this list:

  • Why did you choose your profession?
  • What was your journey to becoming a professional in what you do?
  • What are your inspirations? Where do you find inspiration?
  • What motivates you to do what you do?
  • What is your favorite part about being
  • Who are your professional heroes, and why?
  • Your favorite books that relate to your profession.

You can also upload an image of yourself (if you feel like it). This doesn’t have to be a professional portrait unless you’re working in one of those serious professions (looking at you, architects). For the rest of us, a high-quality selfie will do.

Step 6: Fill in the details

By this time, the most challenging steps are behind you. The rest can be done on autopilot with a nice playlist in the background:

  • Upload your resume in PDF format and make it easy to find. Always use a downloadable format so it’s easy to save. Remember: the wheel doesn’t need any reinventing.
  • Add your contact information or a contact form (preferably on a dedicated contact page). You can use a mail-to link for your email address to make everyone’s life easier.

Step 7: Find your domain

Having a domain with your name makes a big difference. It signals that you take your career seriously and makes a portfolio feel complete. If your name is already taken, try with various abbreviations, add your title, or try different top-level domains (.info, .net, etc.).

Step 8: Test your portfolio before sharing it

Now that’s everything set up, send the link to your portfolio to that one friend (or more) who loves you enough to be honest. You can also ask a colleague or classmate to check your portfolio. The purpose of this is to make sure that everything works as it should.

How to utilize your portfolio?

On top of sending it with your applications, your portfolio can help you in many different ways. Here are a few ideas on making the most of it:

  • Ask for portfolio reviews in Facebook groups, Slack communities, or online forums. With the feedback you’ll receive you can polish your portfolio. Also, in the process you can find new opportunities and build your professional network.
  • Share your portfolio on LinkedIn and in professional communities. LinkedIn is given, as its purpose is to promote yourself. Other professional communities (Slack channels, Discords, Reddits, Facebook groups) have dedicated channels or days where/when you can do self-promo. This makes it less awkward, as everybody else will be self-promoting.
  • Reach out to people you look up to in your profession. No, this doesn’t have to be pushy or awkward. Just ask for their professional opinion on your work and for career advice. This, also, can help you perfect your portfolio and build your professional network.

If you’ve read this far, you’re ready to take the first steps toward creating an impressive portfolio for yourself. If you want to learn more about portfolio building and portfolios in general, check out some of our relevant guides and articles:

  • 18 Digital Portfolio Examples & a Guide for Yours
  • 3 Portfolio Cover Page Tips with Great Examples
  • 49 Stunning Portfolio Templates & a Guide for Choosing Yours

If you’re looking for a portfolio builder that was made for UX/UI and product designers, try our product, UXfolio !


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  • Kris Fannin – Business, Career & Leadership Consultant

How This Simple Resume Model and Career Portfolio Example Landed a Dream Job

Kris Fannin

Need a resume makeover? See the before and after of a resume transformation. You’ll get everything you need to build a model resume to win the interview. Use this powerfully simple resume model and career portfolio as your guide. We’ll walk you through step-by-step.

The days of slapping together a resume and getting results long gone. The days of just having a resume are pretty much over as well.

Meet Ken Cordova . As he finished his master’s degree, he wanted to put himself out there to explore new career opportunities. His problem? His resume.

Here’s his resume before:

simple resume model ken cordova before 2

Ken supplemented his resume with a great career portfolio. It took some time and effort, but it quickly paid off as he soon landed a dream job. In fact, he turned down interviews at one point.

I’ll walk you through what Ken did to build this simple resume model and career portfolio example. As I always say, simple is hard . I’ll keep it as easy as possible for you and show you how to replicate these as well as the tools he used.

Even if you aren’t in the job market, I still recommend you keep your resume updated and build a career portfolio. At some point, you’ll likely need both. Don’t wait until that time to start frantically building them.

Let’s do this!

Components of a Powerfully Simple Resume Model

Recruiters and hiring managers are scan readers. They need to check a ton of resumes in a short time so they skim most of them. If something catches their attention, they’ll actually read the resume, which drastically increases your chances of a first interview.

The resume keywords and content are important but scannability is critical. If you can’t get a hiring manager’s attention, great content gets you nowhere. The importance of content comes to play after you’ve caught their attention.

So what do you do? Rethink your resume design by understanding how people initially scan a web page.

Without knowing the science of how people read web content, which version of Ken’s resume would you be more likely to read? Remember, you have hundreds of resumes to go through in a short period.

simple resume model career portfolio ken cordova intelivate

Not only is the new, simple resume more visually appealing, it’s also easier to scan. Here’s the science behind it.

You can download Ken’s resume model and example in PDF format here .

Content is organized in an ‘F’ formation.

Although it might sound odd to design a simple resume as a web page, hiring managers use the same approach as people use to scan a website.

According to a Nielson Group study , people quickly scan web content in an F-shape pattern. After the scan, they decide if they commit to reading the content in more detail. Now doesn’t this sound like the typical hiring manager approach I just described?

simple resume model looking for work career portfolio example f-shape scan ken cordova intelivate

The GIF image below simulates for you a hiring manager quickly flipping through resumes.

Visually, which one is most appealing and stands out most?

Ken’s simple resume is easy to scan.

As you design your resume, make it easy to scan. Ken’s resume is easy to scan and digest the content. Given the ‘F’ pattern, here is how a typical person scan’s his resume:

simple resume model career portfolio example ken cordova resume scan intelivate

The first scan is likely to go from left-to-right. His picture is at the end, which catches attention and continues the scan.

You might try putting a headline with this first scan as well. Keep this section as simple as possible as to not overwhelm the reader.

Scan 2 and 3 can go either way. Likely, there is a slight scan down to the left and then off to the right. That second scan catches keywords such as:

If you were hiring someone for a leadership position, wouldn’t you want to keep reading after quickly scanning those words?

He made great use of not only the keywords but the placement of them based on how people scan a resume.

Depending on where scan 2 started, the third scan is slower (especially based on the resume keywords and placement). This is where commitment to finish reading his resume happens.

Visually organized resume content.

Ken’s more simple resume is visually organized. This makes the content easier to read and digest. Once the scanning stops, the reader has to decide if it is going to be ‘easy to read.’

This resume model is organized into three sections.

Resume header

Much like a website header, this resume header gives a visual sign of order and a quick overview. The picture is a powerful way for someone to put a person to the page.

simple resume career portfolio example header ken cordova intelivate

Resume sidebar

Ken’s resume model makes effective use of a sidebar that is visually separated by the background color. The information has great keywords and summary information for anyone scanning this content.

He further separates the content into sections with headers. Easy to scan and easy to digest.

simple resume career portfolio example ken cordova intelivate sidebar

Main resume content

Ken separates the main content with a white background. He further organizes content with separators. Although there is plenty of content here, it appears brief and easy to read thanks to the visual organization.

simple resume career portfolio example main content ken cordova intelivate

Ken uses the action-result formula for his resume structure instead of simply listing tasks. He quickly tells a story of the value he brings to the business.

Tools & resources to build this simple resume.

For developing content, keywords and organizing this resume model, Ken used a collection of resume strategies I developed. He also didn’t rush it. He took his time and went through each part thoroughly.

As a part of the toolkit, Ken discovered hundreds of templates at Canva . He used a combination of the pre-designed templates. The service and templates are free.

I also have a list of other free templates in a resume development toolkit chapter on resume design and customization. I list lots of options there!

So the question that many of you are probably asking is:

How did he fit 20+ years of experience on a one-page resume?

He didn’t and you don’t need to either. Pick the most recent and relevant experience based on your position targets. Ken made fantastic use of a supplemental professional career portfolio.

Here’s how he did it and why you should do it too.

Career and Professional Portfolio Example.

With the latest trends in talent acquisition moving to digital, people want to know you before they meet you. The first thing people will do is Google you. Make sure they immediately find the right information.

What is a career portfolio?

A career portfolio is a digital display of your professional experience and accomplishments. Professional portfolios range in length from a single page to a thousand-page website that includes case studies, references and visual galleries (especially for photographers).

Most people hear ‘website’ and think ‘I

‘I can’t do that.’

It’s not difficult. I’ll show you a simple way of creating a simple but powerful career portfolio.

Why is a career portfolio important when looking for work?

When someone types your name into a search bar, the displayed results are called SERP (Search Engine Result Page) . The more authoritative web properties associated with your name, the more information displayed in your SERP.

Here is the SERP for Kris Fannin as an example:


Why does your SERP matter? Because I guarantee people will search for you while looking for work. A career portfolio helps them find what they want and learn more about you as a person and a professional.

Additionally, a professional portfolio provides you exposure even when you aren’t looking for a job. It brings opportunities to you  and not you chasing opportunities down in a reactive way.

Sections of a career portfolio

Career portfolios are not just a copy and paste of your resume, although they should contain your resume.

Ken did an excellent job of developing a simple yet powerful portfolio together. He used the Wix platform for building and hosting his site. The current version of Ken’s portfolio can be found here.  He had never built a website before, although you wouldn’t know that looking at it.

At the end of this section, I’ll give you some other options to build yours. Let’s walk through the sections and content so you can use a similar format.

Career portfolio ‘Home’ and introduction page

Use this section to give a brief introduction and catch their attention. Be professional and personable.

simple resume model looking for work career portfolio intro home ken cordova intelivate

Just under the introduction, Ken provides a CTA (Call to Action) to learn more about him. Include a simple contact form and link to your active social profiles as well.

Career portfolio ‘About Me’ – be human.

This is an area to let people know the value you bring as a professional. Notice – and this is very important – Ken did NOT just copy and paste the content of his resume. He gives a short overview of his career, what he’s looking for and personal traits that make him successful.

He has another CTA that invites the user to explore his resume.

simple resume model looking for work professional portfolio about ken cordova intelivate

He includes some personal information below, which I highly recommend. Why? Hiring managers are assessing an organizational culture fit. They want to know more than your skills and experience. They want to know you as a person.

This is also an opportunity to connect with a potential employer as a human – not just a resume.

Seriously? How could you NOT start to like Ken after seeing and reading this?

simple resume model looking for work professional portfolio personal touch ken cordova intelivate

Career portfolio ‘Resume’ and ‘Skills’ sections

Ken broke these into two different pages, and there is a reason.

First, he has a page with his resume content. Notice, it is not exactly the same as his actual resume which is key. Be slightly more descriptive.

He also added a video background to the header of the page. Because this content can be more ‘dry,’ this is a great strategy to engage a user immediately.

He then takes it a step further by adding a ‘Skills’ page. Why did he separate the two? Because he made it conversational. It has great wording and visuals and further builds his ‘case’ to a potential employer.

simple resume model career portfolio example skills section ken cordova intelivate

Career portfolio ‘Education’ and ‘Contact’ sections

Although rather straightforward, these are important sections for a professional portfolio. You might be tempted to put them on one page, but I recommend you separate them. Separate sections allow you to go into more detail.

Additional sections to consider for your career portfolio.

Although not included in Ken’s, some extra content and sections to consider adding to your portfolio include:

  • Video or a video introduction . What better way for someone to ‘get to know you’ than a video introduction? If you decide to include one, I would put it on the first page. These aren’t difficult to make. Just dress professionally and fire up your webcam.
  • FAQ section . What questions do potential employers ask you? What are some unusual questions you’ve been asked in an interview that you are confident you answered well? Include them in an FAQ section! You could also answer each question on video. Take a look at Intelivate’s FAQ section for ideas on how to organize them.

Alternatives to a dedicated website.

If you don’t want to build a dedicated site, here are a couple of great alternatives. All three have free and premium products.

  • Vizualize.me
  • BrandYourself

Final Thoughts

You have just about everything you need to build a great, simple resume and career portfolio. I know it can be overwhelming, so take it one step at a time. Bookmark this and come back to it as you start each part.

Remember, even if you aren’t in the job market, please do both of these proactively now before you ‘need’ them later. At the least, you’ll open the door to new opportunities.

I know I gave you a lot of information here. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know over on Twitter or Facebook . I’d love to connect as well!

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Related solutions to help you with your resume and career portfolio.

> Career Coaching Services

> Resume Services

> Career & Professional Portfolio Development

> Resume Development Toolkit

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Kris Fannin

Kris Fannin is a passionate change agent in workforce transformation. For more than 25 years, he's had the privilege of partnering with dozens of client organizations and leading hundreds of teams to become powerful influencers.

"Your legacy will be defined by the passion and impact of the people you influence. What do you want your legacy to be?"

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Career Portfolio: The Why, When and How to Create One

  • Nikoleta Kuhejda , 
  • Updated December 8, 2023 8 min read

Did you know recruiters scan resumes for key info in a mere 6 seconds? And let's face it, with a whopping 75% of resumes getting axed by ATS systems before they even meet human eyes, job seekers have to up their game. That's where the career portfolio steps in.

A career portfolio offers a visual representation of your talents and skills . Think of it as an expanded version of your resume, showcasing your journey, achievements, and projects in more detail.

It can also feature testimonials from your colleagues or supervisors, certificates, or awards.

A well-prepared career portfolio can be beneficial whether you're a seasoned professional or a recent graduate, especially in creative fields like marketing, advertising, and graphic design , but also in fields like software development, sales, and business development .

The benefit? It allows you to present concrete evidence of your skills and supports claims in your resume. Not only does this add weight to your resume, but for some professions, having a portfolio is even a requirement.

There's even more to it, though.

Table of Contents

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Benefits of a career portfolio

Success stories of people who used career portfolios, how to create a career portfolio , what to include in your career portfolio, showcasing your portfolio, challenges and how to overcome them, key takeaways: building a career portfolio.

A career portfolio offers several advantages that help set you apart from other applicants.

Here are some key benefits of having a career portfolio:

  • Showcasing a broader range of skills: While resumes focus on specific qualifications, a career portfolio allows you to include a wider variety of skills and experiences. This gives potential employers a more comprehensive understanding of your capabilities and makes you a more attractive candidate.
  • Tangible proof of achievements: A career portfolio provides tangible evidence of your accomplishments, showcasing projects , awards, and other work demonstrating your abilities. This visual representation enhances the credibility of the claims on your resume and gives employers a more concrete understanding of what you bring to the table.
  • Differentiation from other job candidates: Setting yourself apart from your competition is crucial in a job search. By sending a career portfolio, you automatically elevate your profile. It also allows you to highlight your unique skills, experiences, and achievements that don't fit your resume.
  • Helpful tool during interviews: It helps employers visualize what you could contribute to their team.

How does it look in practice?

Here are two success stories of individuals who have benefited from having career portfolios:

Isak Solheim: As Isaac was a self-taught front-end developer, he didn’t have a CV that he could use to show his past work and experience in the field. This is where his career portfolio came in handy. It allowed him to show off his skills and what he was capable of producing, as well as provide examples to potential employers of other projects he has worked on. 

A small but essential piece of advice that Isaac gives is not to include too much text and other personal information but instead focus on actual work examples and projects you have worked on; your work should speak for itself.

Carter Hammett: Carter works as a social worker, author, and as a trainer. With three published books to his credit, he serves as the manager of employment services at Epilepsy Toronto, which is dedicated to assisting individuals with epilepsy and related disabilities in their job search. 

Carter stuck to Isak's advice: to let your work speak for itself. He has a small introductory section that explains a little about who he is and what he does, but the primary focus of his portfolio is on different projects he has worked on.

So, how can you create your own career portfolio?

Whether you're a seasoned professional showcasing experience or a recent graduate wanting to show your potential, a career portfolio can help tell your unique story.

Here's how to create a standout career portfolio, step-by-step:

Are you using it for job applications, freelance opportunities, or personal development? Defining this will help you decide what information to include and what format to use.

Collect relevant documents, such as your resume, certificates, transcripts, and other professional achievements. Also, gather work samples, such as projects, reports, or designs. More on that in the next chapter.

Divide your portfolio into sections, which can include: - Introduction: A brief bio and professional summary. - Resume: Include an updated version. - Work samples: Showcase your best work with descriptions. - Skills: List your technical and soft skills. - Testimonials or references: Include recommendations from colleagues or supervisors.

For a digital portfolio, include a clickable table of contents for easy navigation. For a physical portfolio, make sure your sections are clearly labeled.

Use visuals to enhance your portfolio. Include images, graphs, or other visual aids to make your accomplishments more tangible. You can also include links to your work, e.g., articles or GitHub repository .

Ensure all links and navigation elements work smoothly when creating a digital portfolio. A seamless user experience is crucial. Also, before sharing your portfolio, proofread it for typos or grammatical errors.

Before finalizing your portfolio, seek feedback from mentors, peers, or career advisors. Fresh perspectives can help you improve the overall quality.

Your career portfolio is a dynamic tool. Regularly update it with new achievements, skills, and projects.

Showcase your skills in a creative way.

Easily build your personal website from scratch or just transform your resume into an engaging site with our user-friendly editor.

When building a career portfolio, it’s essential to include elements that showcase your skills, qualifications, and achievements. 

Here are some key components to consider adding to your portfolio:

  • Resume: Include a well-crafted, up-to-date resume highlighting your relevant work experience, education, and skills. This is a snapshot of your professional background and can be easily referenced by potential employers.
  • Work samples: Whether it's projects you've completed, reports you've written, or creative works you've produced, these samples demonstrate your skills and provide concrete evidence of your capabilities.
  • Certifications and training: Showcasing any certifications, licenses, or training programs you've completed can significantly enhance your portfolio. It demonstrates your commitment to professional development and adds credibility to your qualifications.
  • Testimonials and recommendations: Including testimonials and recommendations from previous employers, clients, or colleagues is a powerful way to provide third-party validation and credibility. These testimonials can vouch for your skills, work ethic, and professionalism.
  • Personal statement: This is a concise and compelling piece of information about you as the candidate and provides a look into your professional journey, aspirations, and values.

When showcasing your portfolio during interviews and job applications, a few key steps can help you stand out.

First, include a link or attachment to your portfolio in job applications , you can either provide a direct link to your online portfolio or attach a PDF document with your application.

Second, be prepared to present your portfolio during interviews by bringing a physical copy or having a digital version readily available. Practice explaining the contents of your portfolio and be able to discuss the essential skills and experiences highlighted in it.

In addition to traditional methods, utilizing social media and professional networking sites can also help to display your portfolio.

Platforms like LinkedIn, Behance, or Dribbble allow you to showcase your work to a broader audience. Share links to your portfolio in your bio or posts to further enhance your online presence.

Just remember, when presenting your portfolio, it's essential to tailor it to your industry and job position and highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant.

Putting together a career portfolio can sometimes feel like a struggle. You may still be learning new skills, or your skill set is more diverse than a Swiss army knife.

No worries, you can turn these factors into assets and create a portfolio that's uniquely you:

  • For individuals with limited experience , consider including relevant coursework, internships, or volunteer work to showcase skills and dedication. Additionally, highlight transferable skills gained from previous jobs or life experiences. This will help you demonstrate competence and potential.
  • If you’re unsure of what to include , carefully review job descriptions for your profession and tailor the portfolio accordingly. Simply choose portfolio items that align with the specific skills and experiences employers are looking for.
  • To address the limited diversity of skills , try some quick opportunities to expand your skill set. Take online courses , attend workshops, or engage in personal projects to gain additional expertise. This will expand your abilities and make your portfolio more robust.
  • Seek feedback from mentors, colleagues, or professionals in your field. They can provide valuable insights and help you refine your portfolio.

Even though traditional resumes are still widely used in job searches, there's another player in the game: career portfolios.

They're like the all-in-one package deal that showcases your skills and achievements and does it in a way that catches the eye. 

Nowadays, employers and clients are really into portfolios. They find them useful when evaluating candidates, especially for the more senior roles and in creative fields.

When you're putting together your career portfolio:

  • keep it professional
  • pick a format, digital or physical, that suits your style
  • include additional info that don't fit your resume
  • remember to refresh it now and then to keep it up-to-date with your latest achievements

And, of course, tailor it to fit the job you're going for to show you're a great fit.

A journalist by trade, a writer by fate. Nikoleta went from writing for media outlets to exploring the world of content creation with Kickresume and helping people get closer to the job of their dreams. Her insights and career guides have been published by The Female Lead, College Recruiter, and ISIC, among others. Nikoleta holds a Master's degree in Journalism from the Comenius University in Bratislava. When she’s not writing or (enthusiastically) pestering people with questions, you can find her traveling or sipping on a cup of coffee.

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What’s a Work Portfolio? Everything You Need to Know (+ Examples)

Kaleena Stroud

3 Key Takeaways

  • A work portfolio is a collection of your work used to showcase your abilities and experience.
  • Draw inspiration from online portfolios to get started. (Six portfolio samples included here.)
  • Teal’s Resume Builder complements your portfolio for a comprehensive application.

In today’s competitive job market, how can you hope to stand out when applying for the same job as hundreds—sometimes thousands —of others? By showing your value, not just stating it. Enter: The work portfolio.

Commonly used in many creative and tech industries, the work portfolio is a mighty job tool to help you sell your skills and lift your chances of landing the role. Without one, you may just be a floating resume among a sea of creative portfolios.

But is a work portfolio something you need? And if so, how do you create one—a powerful one, at that? Here’s a comprehensive look at what goes into one:

So, what is a work portfolio?

A work portfolio is a collection of your work used to showcase your abilities and experience to recruiters, clients, or potential employers. It may also be referred to as a career portfolio, professional portfolio, or job portfolio.

Your professional portfolio is a visual representation of your craft, demonstrating your talent, skills, hard work, achievements, education, case studies, and much more. It is typically used alongside a resume and cover letter. 

However, not every industry requires a professional portfolio be sent with job applications; they’re typically required in the hiring process for the arts, creative fields, and tech roles—industries that require work samples as proof of your skills and accomplishments.

Let’s say you’re a writer for fintech and finance companies. You see a full-time content role for Investopedia and you think you’re the perfect person to write for them.

Somewhere in the job application, you share the link to your online portfolio, complete with impressive pieces you’ve written for NerdWallet, American Express, Klarna, and Forbes. You should also highlight the achievements and awards these pieces earned in both your portfolio and resume.

Teal’s AI Resume Achievements helps you write those job-specific, metric-rich achievements for your job application in a matter of minutes.

Steps to create a work portfolio

Different roles may require different kinds of career portfolios. Yours could include personal information, a skills summary , full projects, reports, images, and much more. Or, it may be a no-words-needed visual collection of your best work.

Here’s how to make online portfolios, no matter your profession:

Step 1: Decide what work to display.

For example:

  • An artist should display artwork.
  • A writer should display published articles and readership numbers.
  • A graphic designer should display logos.
  • A teacher should display lesson plans and test results. 

Step 2: Find a place to host your career portfolio.

Here are some options:

  • Job Platforms : Many online job platforms like Upwork and networking platforms like your LinkedIn page offer options for uploading portfolio pieces directly onto their site. 
  • Free Portfolio Hosts : Many sites, such as Clippings, provide free ways to host an online portfolio without any design downtime required. 
  • Paid Portfolio & Website Hosts : Alternatively, you can create your own website with easy-to-use website builders such as HubSpot , Squarespace, Wix, or WordPress. The paid subscriptions to these websites offer templates for creating portfolios. This may be more beneficial if you have a lot of projects with multiple layers to showcase. These options will give your portfolio a more professional look and feel. 
  • Design Platforms (PDFs) : Many people opt for custom-designed portfolios via tools like Canva or Adobe Portfolio to create something unique. In this case, you’d be sending the potential employer something to download, rather than a URL to view online. 

Step 3: Provide additional context to accompany your work samples.

Imagine you’re presenting your work in person. Have any notes worth including? For example, consider adding a summary of how the piece was successful or if the project earned you a promotion.

Step 4: Add a personal statement. 

Think about what title you plan on using and how you want to introduce yourself to the reader. Include a personal or career summary as a section or an entire page. (This depends on how much you’re comfortable sharing with the world.)

Step 5: Include contact information. 

A phone number and email address is sufficient for job seekers, but freelancers may want to include an online form as well. A form will help freelancers collect the information they need to reach out to leads, as opposed to only letting leads reach out to them. 

Bonus step : Update and tailor your portfolio periodically. Get feedback, and revisit it to ensure there are no broken links, your samples are relevant, and review areas of improvement. 

The Art of Creating a Tailored Job Portfolio

When you’re vying for the attention of prospective employers amongst hundreds or even thousands, sticking your best work into a document or webpage is not enough. 

Here’s the ticket to get your application to the top of the stack: Choose your best work related to the dream role.

Professional portfolio tips (by role)

Front-end developer: a portfolio as structured and well-organized as their code.

Teacher : a portfolio as educational and personable as their teaching style. 

Brand designer : a portfolio that demonstrates a passion for color schemes, visual storytelling, and aesthetics.

And so on. To give you a better idea, here’s an example of how to tailor your portfolio to a job description: 

Job Description : Residential Architect

Join our busy studio as an Architect, contributing your expertise to exciting regional projects. As a Residential Architect, you will play a key role in designing and planning homes and housing complexes. Bring your passion for innovative design, attention to detail, and commitment to creating spaces that enhance the quality of living.

‍ Requirements:

  • ARB registration and a proven track record as a Residential Architect.
  • Proficiency in AutoCAD, Revit, or similar design software.
  • Strong communication skills for effective collaboration with clients and project teams.
  • In-depth knowledge of residential building regulations, construction methods, and materials.
  • Passion for creating functional, beautiful residential spaces.

As an architect creating a portfolio of work samples for this role, you’ll want to make sure you showcase your design and construction experience in the housing industry. You may also want to highlight your experience with AutoCAD and/or Revit.

Find a balance between highlighting your best accomplishments and work samples, but not including too much. 

Building a tailored resume that showcases your awards, projects, and achievements isn’t always easy, even for seasoned professionals. Make the process breezier with Teal’s resume creator , your tool to quickly generate personalized resumes tailored to each job application. 

Check out these online portfolio examples

Let’s look at some sample professional portfolios to help develop your own collection of work. Whether you’re going the traditional route or want to create something new, use these examples as inspiration to assemble something that feels all your own yet is also designed to capture the attention of potential employers. 

Photography Portfolio sample portfolio: Max Montgomery

photography sample portfolio

If you believe in your work sells itself, why not keep things simple? Max’s approach to showcasing his work is effortless: a scroll-worthy page of gorgeous photos on a custom website. The key? They’re grouped by niches: celebrity portraits, travel, and point-and-shoot. When it comes to photography portfolios, you can let the images do the talking. 

UX Portfolio sample portfolio: Dayla Green

ux designer sample portfolio

How do you summarize who you are without being too sparse? Or worse, boring your reader to death. Dayla Green uses the hero section to summarize their background using direct, punchy language. Not a word too much nor too few, it gives a recruiter or prospective employer what they need to understand their experience and what they’re about.

Made on Wix, David’s portfolio is interactive and visual. It showcases six of their best pieces, followed by working methods and hard-to-miss contact info. Bonus? A “fun facts” section to show who they are as a person and what they do in their free time—not to mention showing unique UX design abilities! 

Journalist sample portfolio: David Blackwood

journalist sample portfolio

Made using Journo Portfolio, David Blackwood takes advantage of a portfolio website to easily post his published words in an organized manner. It offers professional photos to get a feel for his personality, plus three clear ways to learn more about him: About, Work, and Contact. With a list of recent articles, plus a few blurbs about himself, it has all the basics down.

Content Writer sample portfolio: Lucy Thorpe

content writer sample portfolio

Lucy simply added a portfolio page to her WordPress website using a plugin. Since her website will do the selling for her and provide more details on who she is as a writer and employee, her portfolio page solely focuses on her published works.

Including too many pieces can be overwhelming to a potential employer who needs to see relevant samples, but Lucy’s page has a simple solution: The opportunity to toggle between niches (e.g., beauty, cosmetics, marketing, etc.). Anyone landing on her site can narrow down the content they wish to view, and Lucy can send a customized page to potential employers in just a few clicks.

Copywriter sample portfolio: Mads Hanna

copywriter sample portfolio

Designed on Canva, Mads creates an interactive PDF, taking you on a journey to get to know her—her hard and soft skills, client roster, services, and process. She infused client testimonials and copywriting samples throughout the pages and filled the pages with color and personality.

This portfolio example is a creative illustration of how to roll your resume and work samples into one deliverable, perfect for freelancers and creatives who need to demonstrate their abilities and work ethic more than their employment history. Bonus: A templated creation will be super easy to update often, tailoring it to each client at a time. 

Translator sample portfolio: Joachim Lépine

translator sample portfolio

Joachim delivers a professional and interactive approach to showcasing his experience and translation skills. He uses imagery to show his published works, which you can click on to view the live pieces. 

Made on HeyZine Flipbooks, he takes advantage of a portfolio creation site to make things easy. Sorting through the pages is a breeze – sound effects included!

With Teal, you can use our advanced resume builder features to help you write and rewrite descriptions for achievements, professional summaries, and more to customize resumes, cover letters, and portfolios.

What about templates for creating online portfolios?

As mentioned, there are many ways to get started. One simple way is to grab yourself a job portfolio template and drop in your recent or best work.

How do you choose a portfolio layout? TL;DR: It depends on your profession. 

  • Freelance illustrator: May need to fit a lot of visuals on a single page for an attention-grabbing, photo-tastic way to land a new gig.
  • Project manager or web designer: May need a project-based format where the reader can click on a single image that opens a detailed look at the deliverables, both visual and written.
  • Professional photographer: May want a stellar “About Me” section, followed by thumbnail images that lead to full collections.

Luckily, most portfolio-building websites include templates in line with industry standards.

website builders

Keep these dos and don’ts in mind when building your first professional portfolio:

Work portfolio best practices

  • DO prepare a tailored (sample) portfolio and a comprehensive portfolio
  • DO only select your best work for the role you wish to land
  • DO use clear images of your work and a professional photo of yourself
  • DO include professional achievements and/or skills

Work portfolio mistakes to avoid

  • DON’T include your oldest work or personal work
  • DON’T add too much about your career history
  • DON’T include very similar works 
  • DON’T present work that is not fully your own (without giving proper credit)

Who needs a career portfolio?

Not all jobs require a professional portfolio to be sent with online applications; those that require portfolios in the hiring process are typically creative fields such as designers and writers and technical fields such as developers and architects. 

They’re also common among artistic jobs such as models and makeup artists. In these cases, the job seeker may want to bring a physical copy of their portfolio in a binder to the interview. Here are the most common use cases for job portfolios :

  • Writers : Content writers, journalists, and the like will want to showcase relevant writing samples in an online portfolio.
  • Copywriters : Similarly, copywriters will want a collection of their best work such as ads, taglines, websites, and more. They may want to note publications they have previously worked for.
  • Graphic designers : Designers may want an interesting portfolio to showcase logos, typography, and print and web design. They may also include a look into their background or design philosophy. 
  • Artists : Artists need a place to display their artwork to either land a job or sell their work to the public. Many artists nowadays opt to use social media, such as Instagram, as a portfolio—including finished works, works in progress, and behind-the-scenes looks into their creative process. 
  • Actors : While actors are more known to have highlight reels, they may also need portfolios to showcase their best performances, show off their work history, and provide contact information.
  • Architects : Architects need to show professional samples of their designs, technical drawings, and schemes.

However, online portfolios are growing in popularity for a wide range of freelancers as a way to stand out from the competition, show off your personal brand, and demonstrate your professional achievements to land more clients.

The importance of adding achievements to your professional portfolio and resume

A rookie mistake is to showcase personal work you’re proud of—your short story published on Medium, a family portrait you took last Thanksgiving, that quirky quiz app you built for your buddies to burn time. 

While you should feel proud of completing passion projects, consider putting these personal items in a separate portfolio—one you can share with family and friends.

Your professional portfolio needs to be laser-focused on your career goals. Thus, it should only contain work that’s relevant to the position you are applying for. 

For example, a content writer applying to a SaaS role shouldn’t include past lifestyle pieces. A graphic designer applying to a UX design role shouldn’t include their 3D work. You get the idea.

In addition, you’ll want to include professional achievements. How did the piece perform? Did it earn you a promotion or an award? List those accolades. Recruiters are looking for evidence that your work doesn’t just look good but helps move a business forward, too. 

Work achievements should be quantifiable and measurable. In the work samples above, we saw metric-rich achievements such as “5-star acclaimed [books]” as well as achievements for their personal brands, such as “25 LinkedIn recs,” and “featured on sites such as Refinery29 and PopSugar.”

If you’re an experienced professional, you may include achievements such as: 

  • Reduced application load time by 32% through code optimization and performance enhancements
  • Generated a 117% increase in website traffic
  • Completed a complex project three weeks ahead of schedule and 10% under budget
  • Won the "Best Photography" award
  • Achieved a 43% increase in sales within the first quarter

If you're feeling stuck, you can use the AI integration feature within Teal's AI Resume Builder to generate work achievements!

Showcase your professional achievements with Teal

To summarize, a career portfolio demonstrates your work experience by showcasing your creative works such as photos, articles, designs, projects, and more. An online portfolio can be created as a PDF (print or digital), via template using an online tool, or as a custom website. You can include a portfolio link on your LinkedIn profile , and in your resume and CV.

In a competitive job market, sending in a cohesive, comprehensive application is key to getting the attention of prospective employers. You can use Teal's Resume Builder to help you build an effective, achievement-rich resume that complements your career portfolio.

Sign up for Teal for free today to give your impressive work a place to shine. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key elements to include in a work portfolio, how often should i update my work portfolio, can a work portfolio be digital, or does it need to be physical.

examples of resume portfolio

Kaleena Stroud

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How to Create a Professional Portfolio

Quick Navigation:

What is a professional portfolio?

Popular jobs that may require a professional portfolio, how to make a professional portfolio.

Applicants for creative roles will often be asked to show examples of their work to clients and employers. A professional portfolio is a chance to demonstrate your best work and skills and provide examples of the scope of your experience. This article explains how to create a professional portfolio to reflect your expertise and increase your chances of obtaining a job.

A professional portfolio is a collection of your work that showcases your talents. This is particularly important for roles that require creativity, as examples of your work are the best way to show an employer how your skills could help them. Although portfolios are traditionally physical folders containing pieces of work, a digital portfolio is an option that can be included with an online or emailed application. Many applicants have both so that they can take a hardcopy to their interview to show the interview panel after applying online. 

There are several types of roles which traditionally require a portfolio:

  • Artists such as painters, sculptors, photographers or clothing designers can provide details of any shows they have been included in or exhibitions of their work. 
  • Web designers, graphic designers, illustrators and advertising creatives can include examples of their work, linking to the websites they have worked on or including screenshots and image links.
  • Computer programmers, app developers and video game designers can include links to gameplay footage, details of their app functionality and information about the programs they have created. 
  • Interior designers, makeup artists and cake decorators can show examples of their techniques by describing their methods and including images of their finished work.
  • Writers can include links to their current work online and details or links to their previously published work. 
  • Videographers, animators and those in related fields may wish to show clips of their work which can be hosted on a viewing platform, uploaded to a file-sharing site or included on a personal website to allow easy access.

In any job application or profession that requires a portfolio, you will want to present a well-organized collection of your best work.

Follow these steps to guide you through the process of putting a professional portfolio together:

1. First, collect samples of your best work

Consider the skills you want to showcase and find the best examples of your work that demonstrate how you have used these skills. Select the most relevant and the most recent to show a hiring panel or client the most helpful examples of your work. 

2. Second, be discerning about what you include

Think about the type of job you want, and consider if there is any kind of work that you don’t want to do. If you want to take your career in a particular direction, consider leaving out samples of work from other areas and focus on examples of the specialty you want to specialize in. 

3. Third, show something new

If you are doing something different or innovative, then make sure you include that in your portfolio. Employers and clients often prefer creatives who have flair and originality, so make it easy for them to see your most imaginative work and show them your approach to meeting clients’ needs. 

4. Fourth, consider the layout

After gathering your materials, choose how you will format your portfolio. It should be easy to navigate, so group similar projects together and label them clearly. Make it clear when a piece had a specific result, and include eye-catching images that create a flow from one piece to the next. Include mockups where appropriate, notes about how you have addressed clients’ concerns and details of how you resolved any issues that arose during the project.

5. Fifth, review the job description 

Before you send your portfolio to anyone, check the job description for the position you are applying for. Verify the key skills and qualities they are looking for and make sure your portfolio shows your experience in these areas. If they are looking for something specific, include anything that shows you have worked on a similar project or that demonstrates expertise in that area. 

6. Sixth, keep it current

Finally, once you have created a portfolio, it is important to maintain it. Check the links regularly, update it with the latest projects you are working on and adjust it to reflect your career growth or changing goals. Collect feedback from your colleagues, managers and clients, and keep anything that shows the positive impact of your work to include in your portfolio.

  • • Spearheaded a team of 200+ security professionals, ensuring stringent compliance with client security requirements and industry standards across multiple sites.
  • • Directed incident response protocols during critical events, reducing incident rates by 30% year-over-year through effective strategy and teamwork.
  • • Successfully managed a portfolio worth $15M in annual revenue, overseeing profit and loss to optimize financial performance and enhance client ROI.
  • • Pioneered a proprietary training curriculum, significantly uplifting the skill set of on-site managers and aligning with nuanced client needs.
  • • Fostered robust partnerships with client's corporate security team, facilitating weekly strategy sessions to refine security measures and drive continuous improvement.
  • • Conducted comprehensive audits of operational and financial controls, implementing corrective measures that resulted in a 20% increase in overall efficiency.
  • • Coordinated daily security operations across 50+ client sites, upholding contractual compliance and enhancing security posture.
  • • Conducted regular performance reviews and implemented KPIs, achieving a 95% customer satisfaction rating through dedicated service delivery.
  • • Oversaw annual budgeting process and executed cost-control measures, resulting in a 10% reduction in unnecessary expenses while maintaining quality standards.
  • • Developed client-specific risk assessments and emergency plans, which reduced response times to incidents by an average of 25%.
  • • Cultivated relationships with regional client representatives, leading to a 15% expansion of service contracts.
  • • Provided expert security consulting services to a diverse clientele, improving their overall security strategies by 40%.
  • • Designed and implemented comprehensive security programs, tailored to client-specific environments and risk profiles.
  • • Led multiple project teams in the execution of security infrastructure upgrades for high-profile clients, reinforcing protection measures.
  • • Formulated and executed training programs for security staff, enhancing operational readiness and professional development.

5 Portfolio Manager Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your portfolio manager resume must demonstrate a robust understanding of investment strategies and market analysis. It should showcase your track record of successful asset allocation and risk management. Ensure that your resume highlights your experience with portfolio optimization and client relations. Clearly articulate how your expertise has translated into tangible growth for portfolios under your management.

All resume examples in this guide

examples of resume portfolio


examples of resume portfolio

Resume Guide

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Portfolio Manager resume example

As a portfolio manager, articulating your complex investment strategies and client management successes in a resume can be a daunting challenge. Our guide provides clear examples and strategies to effectively showcase your expertise, ensuring your resume stands out to potential employers.

  • Apply best practices from professional resumes to spotlight your application;
  • Quantify your professional experience with achievements, career highlights, projects, and more;
  • Write an eye-catching portfolio manager resume top one-third with your header, summary/objective, and skills section;
  • Fill in the gaps of your experience with extracurricular, education, and more vital resume sections.

We've selected, especially for you, some of our most relevant portfolio manager resume guides. Getting you from thinking about your next career move to landing your dream job.

  • Internal Audit Manager Resume Example
  • Accounts Receivable Resume Example
  • Accounting Assistant Resume Example
  • Commercial Banking Resume Example
  • Corporate Financial Analyst Resume Example
  • Public Accounting Auditor Resume Example
  • CPA Resume Example
  • Tax Accountant Resume Example
  • Oracle Project Accounting Resume Example
  • Construction Accounting Resume Example

Simple guide to your portfolio manager resume format and layout

  • professional experience - use the reverse-chronological resume format;
  • skills and achievements - via the functional skill-based resume format;
  • both experience and skills - with a hybrid resume format .

What is more, keep in mind that your resume may be initially assessed by the ATS (Applicant Tracker System) (or the software used by companies in the hiring process). The portfolio manager resumes that suit the ATS:

  • have a header that includes either a role keyword or the job you're applying for;
  • should be no longer than two pages;
  • be submitted as PDF, unless specified otherwise.

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

If you happen to have plenty of certificates, select the ones that are most applicable and sought-after across the industry. Organize them by relevance to the role you're applying for.

The five (plus) definite sections your resume for a portfolio manager job should include are:

  • Header with your headline, contact details, and/or a preview of your work
  • Summary (or objective) to pinpoint how your success aligns with the role
  • Experience with bullets of your most relevant achievements in the field
  • Skills to integrate vital job requirements (both technical and personal)
  • Your further dedication to the field, showcased via relevant higher education and/or certifications

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Proven track record of strong investment performance, including specific benchmarks or indices beaten, and the impact on fund or asset growth.
  • Demonstrated expertise in asset allocation, portfolio construction, and risk management.
  • Familiarity with financial laws, regulations, and the ethical standards relevant to portfolio management and trading.
  • Strong quantitative and analytical skills, including experience with financial modeling and using portfolio management software.
  • Effective communication skills to convey complex investment strategies to clients, stakeholders, or team members.

Creating your portfolio manager resume experience to catch recruiters' attention

Remember that for the portfolio manager role, hiring managers are looking to see how your expertise aligns with their requirements. Here's where your resume experience section can help out. Make sure you:

  • Include mainly roles that are relevant to the portfolio manager job you're applying for;
  • Don't go too far back in your experience - recruiters will only care what you did a decade ago if it's really important for the portfolio manager role;
  • Each bullet you include should say what you did, followed by the skills you used and the actual end result of your efforts;
  • Quantify each of your achievements with numbers and possibly the overall effect it had on the organization;
  • Highlight transferrable skills - or personal skills you've attained thanks to past jobs - that could be applicable within your potential workplace. This would showcase your unique value as a professional.

Formatting the experience section of your resume doesn't have to be an over-the-top deep dive into your whole career. Follow the portfolio manager resume examples below to see how industry-leading professionals are presenting their experience:

  • Overhauled the fixed-income investment strategy for a portfolio totaling $500 million, achieving a 20% increase in annual returns compared to previous years.
  • Implemented cutting-edge quantitative analysis methods to optimize asset allocation, boosting the fund's performance above industry benchmarks by 15%.
  • Spearheaded the integration of ESG criteria into the investment selection process, attracting $100 million in new capital from socially conscious investors.
  • Managed a diversified equity portfolio that outperformed the S&P 500 index by 10% annually through strategic market research and precise stock selection.
  • Led a team of analysts to identify high potential startups, successfully adding five new growth companies to the portfolio, each averaging 30% year-over-year revenue growth.
  • Cultivated key relationships with institutional clients, resulting in a 25% growth in client base and a sustained 95% retention rate over the three-year period.
  • Executed a strategic pivot towards tech and healthcare sectors amid the pandemic, achieving a robust 18% portfolio gain in a challenging economic climate.
  • Initiated a proprietary risk management framework that reduced volatility by 22%, greatly appealing to risk-averse clients and expanding the high-net-worth client segment.
  • Coordinated with international teams to tap into emerging markets, resulting in a successful expansion and outperformance in Asian market equities by 12%.
  • Directed the transition of a $200 million portfolio towards sustainable energy, securing a 30% improvement in portfolio carbon footprint within the first year.
  • Negotiated and finalized the acquisition of three environmental technology companies, enhancing the portfolio's innovation score and attracting new green investors.
  • Devised a customized client reporting system that improved transparency and boosted client satisfaction scores by 20% through enhanced communication.
  • Led the successful turnaround of an underperforming $350 million equity portfolio to achieve top-quartile performance within two years.
  • Conducted rigorous competitor analysis to reposition growth strategies, which allowed the mid-cap segment of the portfolio to outperform peers by 14%.
  • Introduced an employee mentorship program that improved the skills and productivity of junior analysts, directly contributing to the higher quality of investment research.
  • Developed and managed an international equities portfolio, leveraging geopolitical insights to capitalize on market shifts and yielding an average 16% return per annum.
  • Orchestrated the exit of low-performing assets and reallocated funds to secure more lucrative opportunities, notably increasing the value of the portfolio by 35%.
  • Actively contributed to client acquisition strategies through educational workshops; instrumental in asset growth of 150% within the portfolio under management.
  • Developed a sophisticated algorithmic trading strategy that enhanced the real-time decision-making process for a portfolio valuing $250 million.
  • Pioneered a data-driven approach to market analysis, which identified undervalued securities, leading to a direct impact on the portfolio's performance with a 12% yield increase.
  • Organized quarterly educational seminars for clients, which increased client engagement and led to a 40% increase in investment upsells within my portfolio.
  • Masterminded a strategic portfolio realignment in response to the 2016 market downturn, preserving capital and outperforming the recovery benchmark by 9%.
  • Piloted a partnership with a fintech startup to develop AI-based analytics tools, enhancing predictive capabilities and contributing to an informed investment approach.
  • Enhanced portfolio yield by negotiating better terms with financial product providers, saving an average of 2% in annual fees across managed funds.
  • Championed the digital transformation of portfolio management, integrating AI and machine learning to improve predictive analytics and investment decision-making.
  • Executed a regional diversification strategy that fortified the portfolio against domestic market volatility, with a 15% increase in risk-adjusted return.
  • Led the diligence and integration process for the merger of two high-yield bond funds totaling $600 million, maintaining performance stability throughout the transition.
  • Implemented a dynamic hedging strategy that mitigated interest rate risk, contributing to the portfolio's resilience during Federal Reserve rate hikes.
  • Hosted bi-annual investment strategy webinars for clients, which were highly praised for their educational content and were linked to a significant reduction in client churn.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • List the total assets under management (AUM) you have overseen to demonstrate the scale of your financial responsibilities.
  • Include the percentage growth of your portfolio to showcase your investment success and decision-making abilities.
  • Mention the number of investment strategies you have developed and implemented to illustrate your strategic thinking skills.
  • Quantify the reduction in risk or volatility of the portfolio to highlight your risk management expertise.
  • Indicate the number of clients or accounts you have managed to display your client relationship and account management capabilities.
  • State the number of trades executed to show your experience with market operations and transaction management.
  • Specify the percentage of outperformance compared to benchmarks to validate your competitive edge in the market.
  • Present the number of team members you have supervised or mentored to emphasize your leadership and collaboration skills.

Action verbs for your portfolio manager resume

Target Illustration

Experience section for candidates with zero-to-none experience

While you may have less professional experience in the field, that doesn't mean you should leave this section of your resume empty or blank.

Consider these four strategies on how to substitute the lack of experience with:

  • Volunteer roles - as part of the community, you've probably gained valuable people (and sometimes even technological capabilities) that could answer the job requirements
  • Research projects - while in your university days, you may have been part of some cutting-edge project to benefit the field. Curate this within your experience section as a substitute for real-world experience
  • Internships - while you may consider that that summer internship in New York was solely mandatory to your degree, make sure to include it as part of your experience, if it's relevant to the role
  • Irrelevant previous jobs - instead of detailing the technologies you've learned, think about the transferable skills you've gained.

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  • How to List Expected Graduation Date on Your Resume
  • How to List GPA on Your Resume

Showcase any ongoing or recent educational efforts to stay updated in your field.

Featuring your hard skills and soft skills on your portfolio manager resume

The skills section of your portfolio manager resume needs to your various capabilities that align with the job requirements. List hard skills (or technical skills) to showcase to potential employers that you're perfectly apt at dealing with technological innovations and niche software. Meanwhile, your soft skills need to detail how you'd thrive within your new, potential environment with personal skills (e.g. resilience, negotiation, organization, etc.) Your portfolio manager resume skills section needs to include both types of skills to promote how you're both technical and cultural fit. Here's how to create your bespoke portfolio manager skills section to help you stand out:

  • Focus on skill requirements that are listed toward the top of the job advert.
  • Include niche skills that you've worked hard to obtain.
  • Select specific soft skills that match the company (or the department) culture.
  • Cover some of the basic job requirements by including important skills for the portfolio manager role - ones you haven't been able to list through the rest of your resume.

Get inspired with our portfolio manager sample skill list to list some of the most prominent hard and soft skills across the field.

Top skills for your portfolio manager resume:

Investment Analysis

Risk Management

Financial Modelling

Portfolio Construction

Asset Allocation

Quantitative Analysis

Market Research

Economic Analysis

Regulatory Compliance

Performance Tracking

Decision Making

Problem Solving


Time Management


Attention to Detail

Strategic Thinking


Client Relationship Management

Listing your relevant degrees or certificates on your portfolio manager resume is a win-win situation. Not only does it hint at your technical capabilities in the industry, but an array of soft skills, like perseverance, adaptability, and motivation.

Education section and most popular portfolio manager certifications for your resume

Your resume education section is crucial. It can indicate a range of skills and experiences pertinent to the position.

  • Mention only post-secondary qualifications, noting the institution and duration.
  • If you're still studying, highlight your anticipated graduation date.
  • Omit qualifications not pertinent to the role or sector.
  • If it provides a chance to emphasize your accomplishments, describe your educational background, especially in a research-intensive setting.

Recruiters value portfolio manager candidates who have invested their personal time into their professional growth. That's why you should include both your relevant education and certification . Not only will this help you stand out amongst candidates, but showcase your dedication to the field. On your portfolio manager resume, ensure you've:

  • Curated degrees and certificates that are relevant to the role
  • Shown the institution you've obtained them from - for credibility
  • Include the start and end dates (or if your education/certification is pending) to potentially fill in your experience gaps
  • If applicable, include a couple of job advert keywords (skills or technologies) as part of the certification or degree description

If you decide to list miscellaneous certificates (that are irrelevant to the role), do so closer to the bottom of your resume. In that way, they'd come across as part of your personal interests, instead of experience. The team at Enhancv has created for you a list of the most popular portfolio manager certificates - to help you update your resume quicker:

The top 5 certifications for your portfolio manager resume:

  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) - CFA Institute
  • Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA) - Investments & Wealth Institute
  • Certified Financial Planner (CFP) - CFP Board
  • Financial Risk Manager (FRM) - Global Association of Risk Professionals
  • Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) - CAIA Association

If you failed to obtain one of the certificates, as listed in the requirements, but decide to include it on your resume, make sure to include a note somewhere that you have the "relevant training, but are planning to re-take the exams". Support this statement with the actual date you're planning to be re-examined. Always be honest on your resume.

  • How to Put Cum Laude on Your Resume
  • How To List Certifications On A Resume (Examples Included)

Writing the portfolio manager resume summary or objective: achievements, keywords, dreams, and more

Deciding on whether to include a resume summary or resume objective should entirely depend on your career situation.

If you have:

  • Plenty of relevant achievements you'd like to bring recruiters' focus to, make use of the resume summary. Ensure each of your achievements is quantified with concrete proof (e.g. % of cases solved).
  • Less applicable experience, utilize the resume objective. Within the objective include a few noteworthy, past successes, followed up by your professional dreams.

As a bonus, you could define in either your portfolio manager resume summary or objective what makes you the perfect candidate for the role.

Think about your unique hard and soft skills that would make your expertise even more important to the job.

These portfolio manager professionals have completely covered the formula for the ideal resume introduction:

Resume summaries for a portfolio manager job

  • Seasoned Portfolio Manager with over 12 years of successful experience in managing multi-asset portfolios for a top-tier asset management firm. Proven track record of exceeding performance targets through rigorous market analysis and customized investment strategy implementation. Mastery of quantitative analytics and proficiency in Bloomberg software, awarded "Portfolio Manager of the Year" in 2020 for exceptional client returns.
  • Dynamic finance professional and CFA charter holder transitioning from a 10-year career in corporate financial analysis to portfolio management. Demonstrated expertise in financial modeling and risk assessment, with a deep understanding of equity markets and financial instruments. Achieved a 25% year-over-year growth in previous financial advisory roles, eager to leverage analytical prowess in asset allocation and portfolio optimization.
  • Accomplished Portfolio Manager bringing over 15 years of notable success within the hedge fund industry, specializing in algorithmic trading strategies and active portfolio rebalancing. Strong foundation in machine learning applications. Achieved a 35% increase in fund performance over a two-year period using proprietary quantitative models and led the introduction of AI-driven investment tools.
  • Eager professional with a decade-long background in wealth management seeking to transfer skills to portfolio management. Expert in client relationship building and portfolio assessment, currently pursuing the CFA designation. Recognized for implementing tax-efficient strategies that resulted in a 15% client savings increase. Ready to apply a client-centric approach to portfolio management and advance investment performance.
  • Ambitious MBA graduate with a strong academic background in finance and internships in investment banking. Keen interest in macroeconomic trends and asset management, with the goal of achieving CFA certification within the next two years. Determined to utilize cutting-edge financial analysis and asset valuation techniques to contribute towards optimizing portfolio returns and strategic decision-making.
  • Aspiring Portfolio Manager with a strong foundation in economics and data analysis from a leading university. Holder of a Series 7 license with hands-on experience in stock market simulations, looking to apply my robust analytical skills and passion for financial markets. Committed to pursuing continuous learning and development opportunities in investments and financial planning to deliver top-tier portfolio performance.

Other relevant sections for your portfolio manager resume

Apart from the standard portfolio manager resume sections listed in this guide, you have the opportunity to get creative with building your profile. Select additional resume sections that you deem align with the role, department, or company culture. Good choices for your portfolio manager resume include:

  • Language skills - always ensure that you have qualified each language you speak according to relevant frameworks;
  • Hobbies - you could share more about your favorite books, how you spend your time, etc. ;
  • Volunteering - to highlight the causes you care about;
  • Awards - for your most prominent portfolio manager professional accolades and achievements.

Make sure that these sections don't take too much away from your experience, but instead build up your portfolio manager professional profile.

Key takeaways

  • Your resume layout plays an important role in presenting your key information in a systematic, strategic manner;
  • Use all key resume sections (summary or objective; experience; skills; education and certification) to ensure you’ve shown to recruiters just how your expertise aligns with the role and why you're the best candidate;
  • Be specific about listing a particular skill or responsibility you've had by detailing how this has helped the role or organization grow;
  • Your personality should shine through your resume via the interests or hobbies, and strengths or accomplishments skills sections;
  • Certifications go to provide further accreditation to your technical capabilities, so make sure you've included them within your resume.

portfolio manager resume example

Looking to build your own Portfolio Manager resume?

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9 mins read

15 Professional Career Portfolio Examples (PDF & Otherwise) & Tips To Make Yours

A professional career portfolio is a living, breathing entity needing constant nurturing. Learn how to make yours by looking at 15 examples!

Image of Protim Bhaumik

Protim Bhaumik

Director, Content Marketing

Written by Protim Bhaumik , edited by Shreya Bose , reviewed by Eric Hauch .

23. Feb 2023 , updated 8. Feb 2024

Preview image of 15 Professional Career Portfolio Examples (PDF & Otherwise) & Tips To Make Yours

If you're a serious professional, and it's safe to assume that you are, you cannot make your portfolio just once and be done with it. It will always be a continuously evolving process that needs thought, consideration, and creativity.

Hence, the need for a portfolio that exhibits your career achievements over a period of time.

Without further ado, let's look at some of the top career portfolio examples around to inspire you to create yours.

What types of professionals need portfolios?

For most professionals, it's great if you can showcase your work either through a professional portfolio or via case studies.

That said, artists, musicians, designers, writers, journalists, marketers (especially content marketers and social media marketers), video creators, and thought leaders, generally content creators of all kinds, will benefit from making a portfolio.

In other cases, a résumé (alternatively spelled "resume") could suffice, though a LinkedIn profile can be helpful in such situations.

examples of resume portfolio

Ten professional career portfolio examples (PDF)

These portfolio examples have been picked with the following criteria in mind:

  • These active professionals are at the top of their fields, with super impressive skills and qualifications
  • They all have significant work experience and will serve as references for what a complete career portfolio looks like
  • All of them have great-looking, well-organized professional portfolios that prove that a long career can still be concisely showcased
  • The PDF format is well-presented in their work samples (something that can be hard to do usually)

Hopefully, looking at these portfolio examples will help you create your own professional portfolio that is attractive to a future employer.

Career portfolio example 1: Carter Hammett

examples of resume portfolio

Carter Hammett is a social worker, writer, author, and trainer. He's written three books and is also the manager of employment services with Epilepsy Toronto, which supports the job search needs of people living with epilepsy and related disabilities.

Here's Carter's career portfolio (PDFs) .

Career portfolio example 2: Susan Horsburgh

Susan Horsburgh's PDF portfolio on Authory

Susan Horsburgh is a journalist and writer with more than 25 years of experience writing news, features, and cover stories for leading international and Australian publications, including TIME, People, The Weekend Australian Magazine, The Australian Women's Weekly, Good Weekend, The Age (Melbourne) Magazine, The Australian Financial Review Magazine, and The Australian newspaper.

Here's Susan's career portfolio (PDFs) .

Career portfolio example 3: Fabrizio Tonello

examples of resume portfolio

Fabrizio Tonello is a Professor of political science at the University of Padua.

Here's Fabrizio's career portfolio (PDFs) .

Career portfolio example 4: Alex Hargrave

Alex Hargrave's PDF portfolio on Authory

Alex Hargrave is a reporting fellow at E&E News.

Here's Alex's career portfolio (PDFs) .

Career portfolio example 5: Kevin Johnston

Kevin Johnston's PDF portfolio on Authory

Kevin Johnston has written for The New York Daily News, The Houston Chronicle, The San Francisco Chronicle, Prudential, The NASDAQ, Standard & Poor's, and hundreds of online outlets.

Here's Kevin's career portfolio (PDFs) .

Career portfolio example 6: Jan Servaes

Jan Servaes' PDF portfolio on Authory

Jan Servaes (Ph.D.) was UNESCO Chair in Communication for Sustainable Social Change. He has taught International Communication and Communication for Social Change in Australia, Belgium, China, Hong Kong, the United States, the Netherlands, and Thailand, in addition to several teaching and research stints at about 120 universities in 55 countries.

Here's Jan's career portfolio (PDFs) .

Career portfolio example 7: Randy Caparoso

examples of resume portfolio

Randy Caparoso is a full-time wine journalist/photographer living in Lodi, California. He is the author of "Lodi! The Definitive Guide and History of America's Largest Winegrowing Region."

Here's Randy's career portfolio (PDFs) .

Career portfolio example 8: Christine Steele

Christine Steele's PDF portfolio on Authory

Christine Steele is an award-winning journalist and content creator skilled in creating authentic SEO content that exceeds metrics and drives brand engagement.

Here's Christine's career portfolio (PDFs) .

Career portfolio example 9: Howard M Cohen

Howard M Cohen's PDF portfolio on Authory

Howard M. Cohen is a 35+ year executive veteran of the Information Technology industry, an authorized CompTIA instructor, and a regular contributor to many IT industry publications.

Here's Howard's career portfolio (PDFs) .

Career portfolio example 10: Sundararaman T

T Sundararaman's PDF portfolio on Authory

Dr. Sundararaman is an award-winning Health Systems & Health Policy veteran, having been associated for over four decades across the best academic institutes in India, such as JNU, IIT Bombay, TISS, and JIPMER, to name a few. He has written over fifty books, mainly on health issues, in both popular communication and public health texts. He has also written several articles that have been published in peer-reviewed journals.

Here's Sundarararaman's career portfolio (PDFs) .

Five creative portfolio examples

The following list of portfolio examples has been prepared with these aspects in mind:

  • These folks are highly creative professionals of note, ranging from business to sport
  • The portfolios highlight non-PDF format examples
  • Their professional portfolio examples are easy on the eye
  • They don't just post writing content

Seeing this list of professional portfolios will give candidates an idea of how to impress prospective employers.

Creative portfolio example 1: David Pogue

examples of resume portfolio

David Pogue is a six-time Emmy winner for his stories on CBS Sunday Morning, a New York Times bestselling author, a five-time TED speaker, host of 20 NOVA science specials on PBS, and creator/host of the CBS News/Simon & Schuster podcast Unsung Science. He's also written or co-written over 120 books!

Here's David's creative career portfolio .

Creative portfolio example 2: Steven Levy

Steven Levy's portfolio on Authory

Steven Levy is Wired’s editor at large. The Washington Post has called him “America’s premier technology journalist.” He has written the definitive books on Facebook, Google, the Macintosh, and the iPod. For almost four decades, he has chronicled the digital revolution, its impact on humanity, and the people behind it.

Here's Steven's creative career portfolio .

Creative portfolio example 3: Jarrod Kimber

Jarrod Kimber's portfolio on Authory

Jarrod Kimber is a cricket commentator, analyst, presenter, YouTuber, and podcaster. He spent a decade with ESPN, with freelance gigs with places like Sports Illustrated, the Ringer, ABC, The Telegraph, BBC, and The Blizzard, and hosted various shows with Andy Zaltzman. He was also a General Manager of a T20 cricket franchise and has been a team analyst for many cricket teams.

Here's Jarrod's creative career portfolio .

Creative portfolio example 4: Carolyn Hinds

Carolyn Hinds' portfolio on Authory

Carolyn Hinds is a film culture critic, journalist, podcaster, and YouTuber whose published work can be found on multiple online publications like ButWhyThoPodcast.com , Shondaland, Observer, Mediaversity Reviews, and many others.

Here's Carolyn's creative career portfolio .

Creative portfolio example 5: Jorden Makelle

Jorden Makelle's portfolio on Authory

Jorden Makelle is a writer, musician, and YouTuber talking about freelance writing, creative writing, entrepreneurship, books & reading, and creativity & self-development.

Here's Jorden's creative career portfolio .

Authory — an auto-updating portfolio builder for your career portfolio

When you create a career portfolio, you WILL need to maintain the content on it and keep it up-to-date. Authory is a brilliant portfolio builder because it auto-updates ! Hence, it's super easy to maintain.

Setting up Authory is really simple — it takes just 3 minutes — just add your sources and/or byline, and Authory will scour the internet, find all your content, and add it to your account.

Authory is also really easy on the eye . Take a look at my portfolio below :

examples of resume portfolio

Read More : How to Create a PDF Portfolio With Very Little Time & Effort

Authory also backs up all your work. Even if the original article goes down or is re-bylined, Authory will have a copy of the piece in its original format — no other portfolio builder does this, AFAIK.

Along with all this, Authory gives you social media analytics for all your content (without you needing to connect your social media account to Authory), and it's great if you're looking to set up a newsletter .

In a word, Authory is fantastic. Especially for writers, journalists, marketers, content creators, and thought leaders.

As a result, it's used by the best. Here's David Pogue on Authory:

Just a reminder: If you’d like to get email notifications with links to new Pogue TV stories, articles, and podcast episodes, visit https://t.co/ClOUcpSGZT . This has been a public-service message. — David Pogue (@Pogue) January 11, 2023

Also, David speaks glowingly about Authory in this video on "This Week in Tech."

And finally, did I mention that Authory is superb for PDFs? Most portfolio builders genuinely struggle with PDFs. Here's my PDF portfolio as proof :

examples of resume portfolio

How Authory can help you build your career portfolio — PDF or otherwise

Authory does the heavy lifting of your portfolio-building process — finding your work samples. you don’t have to run around (digitally) and find individual links for your published work. Just enter the URLs of the websites where they are published, and Authory will do the rest.

You can even create private Collections to showcase work under an NDA or work that is ghostwritten. Such Collections remain secret to everyone on the public internet. You, their creator, are the only one who can choose to send them to specific people by sharing their unique URLs.

You can also use Authory to definitively prove that you do not use AI to write. I don’t have to tell you why that is a valuable functionality for professional writers in this suddenly AI-everywhere world.

Finally, you can check out everything Authory offers….for free. Simply sign up for a 14-day free trial, put together your professional portfolio, and let us know if it helps you!

  • Content Marketers
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Social Media Marketers

  • Thought Leaders

Protim is a startup founder & marketer with over a decade of experience in content marketing, content writing, SEO, and more. He loves dogs, D&D, and music!

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9 Graphic Designer Resume Examples for a Strong Portfolio

examples of resume portfolio

As a graphic designer, your resume is one of the most important tools for showcasing your skills and experience. It’s the first impression you make on potential employers, so it’s essential that it’s strong and stands out from the competition. In this article, we’ll explore 9 graphic designer resume examples that demonstrate how to create a compelling portfolio that will get you noticed.

The graphic design industry is highly competitive, and having a well-designed resume can give you a competitive edge. A well-crafted resume not only showcases your design skills but also demonstrates your ability to communicate your experience and visual thinking in a clear and concise manner.

The purpose of this article is to provide you with inspiration, guidance, and tips on how to build a strong portfolio through a variety of creative styles and formats. By exploring a range of examples, we’ll help you gain insight on what works and what doesn’t, so you can create a resume that’s uniquely you.

Through this article, we’ll cover essential sections, such as the summary statement, work experience, education, and skills. We’ll also dive into the graphic design elements that make a resume visually appealing, including color, typography, and layout.

Whether you’re an experienced graphic designer looking to update your portfolio, or you’re just starting your career and want to create a fantastic first impression with your resume, this article has something for everyone. So, let’s get started and explore the 9 graphic designer resume examples.

General Tips for Writing a Strong Graphic Designer Resume

If you want your resume to stand out from the crowd, you need to tailor it to the job you’re applying for, showcase your skills and experience, use strong action verbs, and highlight your achievements. Here are some tips for doing so:

examples of resume portfolio

When applying for a job, you need to make sure that your resume speaks directly to the position you’re applying for. This means highlighting your relevant skills and experience and tailoring your objective statement to match the job you’re applying for. Doing so will show that you’ve taken the time to understand the requirements of the position and are committed to being the best candidate for the job.

Your skills and experience are the most important components of your resume, and you need to make sure that they’re front and center. This means listing them in a clear and concise manner and providing examples of how you’ve used them in previous jobs or projects. This will not only demonstrate your expertise but also show that you have a track record of success and can add value to any organization.

Using Strong Action Verbs

Using strong action verbs in your resume can make a big difference in how your achievements are perceived. Instead of just listing your responsibilities or duties, use verbs that show how you achieved your goals and made an impact. For example, instead of saying “designed marketing materials,” you could say “conceptualized and executed a successful marketing campaign.”

Highlighting Achievements

Lastly, don’t forget to highlight your achievements. This can include anything from awards and accolades to successful projects and initiatives. By showcasing your accomplishments, you will demonstrate your value as a candidate and show potential employers what you are capable of.

If you want to create a strong graphic designer resume, you need to tailor it to the job you’re applying for, showcase your skills and experience, use strong action verbs, and highlight your achievements. By doing so, you will create a resume that stands out and lands you the job you want.

Graphic Designer Resume Example 1

Overview of the sample.

This resume example features a clean and modern design that highlights the candidate’s skills, experience, and education. The layout is easy to navigate and provides a clear picture of the candidate’s qualifications at a glance.

[Your Name] [Graphic Designer]

Contact Information: Phone: [Phone Number] Email: [Email Address] Portfolio: [Website/Online Portfolio]

Summary: Highly skilled and creative graphic designer with a strong passion for visual communication and a proven track record of delivering compelling designs. Adept at collaborating with clients to understand their vision and translate it into impactful visual solutions. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Excellent attention to detail and ability to meet tight deadlines.

  • Graphic Design
  • Branding and Identity
  • Layout Design
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Illustration
  • User Experience (UX) Design
  • Print Production

Education: Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design [University Name], [Year]

Work Experience:

examples of resume portfolio

Graphic Designer | [Company Name] [Dates]

  • Collaborated with clients to conceptualize and create designs for various marketing collateral, including brochures, flyers, and social media graphics.
  • Developed brand identities and visual guidelines for clients, ensuring consistency across all marketing materials.
  • Created engaging and visually appealing website designs, applying user-centered design principles and best practices.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams, including marketing and development, to ensure successful project execution and timely delivery.
  • Conducted thorough research and analysis to stay up-to-date with industry trends and incorporate them into design concepts.

Junior Graphic Designer | [Company Name] [Dates]

  • Assisted senior designers in the creation of marketing materials, such as banners, posters, and advertisements.
  • Prepared files for print production, ensuring accurate color calibration and proper file formats.
  • Conducted photo retouching and manipulation to enhance visual impact.
  • Contributed to brainstorming sessions and creative meetings, providing input and generating innovative design ideas.
  • Managed multiple design projects simultaneously, meeting deadlines and maintaining high-quality standards.

Freelance Graphic Designer | [Dates]

  • Worked directly with clients to understand their design needs and goals.
  • Created custom logos, business cards, and other branding materials that accurately represented clients’ brand identities.
  • Produced visually appealing social media graphics, including banners, profile pictures, and post designs.
  • Collaborated with printers and other vendors to ensure proper file preparation and production quality.
  • Established and maintained strong client relationships, resulting in repeat business and referrals.

Additional Information:

  • Proficient in HTML/CSS and responsive web design principles.
  • Strong portfolio showcasing a range of design projects and styles.
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to present and explain design concepts effectively.

References: Available upon request

What Makes This Resume Strong

One of the standout features of this resume is the use of clear and concise language. The candidate has done an excellent job of summarizing their experience in short, impactful statements. This approach helps to keep the reader engaged while conveying a lot of information in a small amount of space.

Another strength of this resume is the strategic use of graphics and color. The overall design is minimalistic, but the addition of subtle design elements like icons and color accents help to break up the text and make the content more visually appealing.

Analysis of the Design and Layout

This resume has a two-column layout that makes it easy to read and navigate. The left-hand column features the candidate’s contact information, skills, and education, while the right-hand column showcases their work experience. The use of design elements like lines and icons helps to create structure and hierarchy within the layout.

The choice of font is also worth noting. The candidate has used a modern sans-serif font that is easy to read and looks professional. The font is also used consistently throughout the resume, creating a cohesive look and feel.

Key Takeaways

This resume is an excellent example of how to create a strong and visually appealing graphic design resume. The use of clear and concise language, along with strategic design elements, helps to highlight the candidate’s skills and experience in a way that is easy to read and understand.

Some key takeaways from this example that can be applied to your own resume include:

  • Keep language concise and impactful.
  • Use design elements like color and graphics to break up text and create visual interest.
  • Choose a font that is easy to read and consistent throughout the resume.
  • Use a clear and organized layout that makes it easy to navigate the content.

Graphic Designer Resume Example 2

This section of the article will be discussing the Graphic Designer Resume Example 2. The resume is a great example of how an effective graphic designer resume should look like.

Summary: Highly skilled and creative graphic designer with a passion for creating visually stunning designs that engage and captivate audiences. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Adept at collaborating with clients to bring their visions to life and delivering projects on time and within budget. Strong understanding of branding, typography, and layout design.


  • Collaborated with clients to understand their design needs and goals, translating them into visually appealing designs for various marketing materials.
  • Developed and executed brand identities, ensuring consistency across all marketing collateral.
  • Created engaging website designs, applying user experience (UX) principles to enhance user interaction and engagement.
  • Conducted market research and stayed up-to-date with industry trends to incorporate fresh design concepts.
  • Worked closely with clients to create custom logos, business cards, and other branding materials that aligned with their brand identities.
  • Designed visually appealing social media graphics, including banners, profile pictures, and post designs, to enhance online presence and engagement.
  • Collaborated with printers and vendors to ensure accurate file preparation and production quality.
  • Managed client relationships, ensuring clear communication and timely delivery of design projects.
  • Assisted senior designers in the creation of print and digital marketing materials, including brochures, flyers, and digital advertisements.
  • Maintained organized file management and asset libraries.

Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design [University Name], [Year]

  • Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Attention to Detail

Portfolio: [Website/Online Portfolio]

Overview of the sample

The Graphic Designer Resume Example 2 is a one-page resume that features a clean and minimalist design. The resume highlights the candidate’s expertise in graphic design, branding, and typography. The resume also includes a professional summary, work experience, education, and skills section.

What makes this resume strong

The resume is well-organized, easy to read, and eye-catching. The professional summary gives a brief overview of the candidate’s experience and skills, making it easy for the hiring manager to evaluate their qualifications at a glance. The work experience section is presented in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent position. The bullet points under each position highlights the key achievements and responsibilities, which demonstrates the candidate’s experience in the field.

Analysis of the design and layout

The design of the resume is simple yet effective. The use of white space makes the document easy to read and aesthetically pleasing. The typography is consistent throughout the document, which helps to maintain a professional and cohesive look. The use of color to highlight the candidate’s name and section headers adds a subtle touch of visual interest.

Key takeaways

The Graphic Designer Resume Example 2 is an excellent example of an effective graphic designer resume. It is easy to read, well-organized, and aesthetically pleasing. The key takeaways from this resume are the importance of a professional summary, the use of bullet points to highlight achievements and responsibilities, and the effectiveness of a minimalist design. By following these guidelines, graphic designers can create a strong portfolio that showcases their talents and qualifications.

Graphic Designer Resume Example 3

In this section, we will take a closer look at Graphic Designer Resume Example 3. This sample is an excellent representation of a strong resume for a graphic designer, providing valuable insights into critical aspects of design, layout, and structure.

Contact Information:

Phone: [Phone Number]

Email: [Email Address]

Summary: Highly skilled and creative graphic designer with a passion for delivering visually captivating designs. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Strong ability to collaborate effectively with clients and teams to bring visions to life. Excels in creating compelling brand identities, print materials, and digital designs.

  • Collaborated with clients to understand their design needs and goals, translating them into visually striking designs for various marketing materials.
  • Developed and executed brand identities, including logos, typography, and color palettes, ensuring consistency across all platforms.
  • Created engaging and user-friendly website designs, incorporating UI/UX principles to enhance the user experience.
  • Produced print materials such as brochures, flyers, and packaging designs, considering target audience and brand guidelines.
  • Worked closely with printers and vendors to ensure accurate production and high-quality output.
  • Collaborated with a diverse range of clients to create custom designs for branding, marketing materials, and social media graphics.
  • Translated client ideas and requirements into visually compelling designs, meeting their objectives and exceeding expectations.
  • Managed multiple design projects simultaneously, ensuring on-time delivery and maintaining client satisfaction.
  • Applied photo editing and retouching techniques to enhance visual impact and optimize images for different platforms.
  • Developed strong client relationships, fostering effective communication and understanding of project objectives.

Graphic Design Intern | [Company Name] [Dates]

  • Assisted the design team in creating visual assets for marketing campaigns, including social media graphics and digital advertisements.
  • Contributed to brainstorming sessions and provided creative input to develop innovative design concepts.
  • Conducted research on design trends and industry best practices to incorporate fresh ideas into projects.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure cohesive branding across various channels.

Technical Skills:

  • Typography and Layout Design
  • User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design
  • Photo Editing and Retouching
  • HTML and CSS (basic knowledge)
  • Strong Communication and Collaboration Skills

The resume is well-organized and easy to read, with clear headings and bullet points highlighting essential information. It includes a well-written summary statement that showcases the candidate’s experience and skills, along with relevant work experience, education, and technical expertise.

One of the strengths of this resume is its clear and concise language, making it easy for recruiters to read and comprehend. It also emphasizes the candidate’s relevant skills and experience, making it a creative and effective document that stands out from the rest.

The summary statement is particularly impactful, providing a clear picture of the candidate’s background and what they bring to the table. It highlights both their technical skills and their ability to collaborate effectively with teams and clients.

The design and layout of this resume are well-crafted and visually appealing. The designer uses a simple, clean font that is easy to read, and the use of color effectively highlights key information.

The layout is balanced and organized, with clear headings and subheadings guiding the reader through the document. The use of bullet points and bold text creates emphasis and helps break up long paragraphs of text.

This sample provides several key takeaways for creating a strong graphic designer resume, including:

Start with a clear and concise summary statement that highlights your skills and experience.

Emphasize your relevant skills and experience, using bullet points and bold text to create emphasis.

Use a simple, clean font that is easy to read, and employ color to highlight important information.

Break up long paragraphs of text with headings and subheadings to make the document more readable.

Focus on creating a well-organized, visually appealing layout that is easy to navigate, with all relevant information easily accessible.

Graphic Designer Resume Example 3 is a strong example of a resume that effectively highlights a candidate’s skills and experience in a creative and impactful way. By following the key takeaways outlined above, you can create a powerful and compelling graphic designer resume that will stand out from the crowd.

Graphic Designer Resume Example 4: Entry-level

This sample resume is specifically designed for entry-level graphic designers who are looking to showcase their skills and abilities. The resume aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the candidate’s skills and experiences in the field of graphic design.

Objective: Energetic and creative graphic designer with a passion for visual storytelling and a strong desire to contribute to the world of design. Seeking an entry-level position in a dynamic organization where I can utilize my skills and grow as a professional graphic designer.

  • Graphic Design: Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), with a strong understanding of design principles, color theory, and typography.
  • Print Design: Experience in creating visually appealing layouts for various print materials, including brochures, flyers, and business cards.
  • Digital Design: Skilled in designing engaging visuals for websites, social media platforms, and digital advertisements.
  • Brand Identity: Knowledge of developing and implementing brand identities, including logo design, color palettes, and typography.
  • Layout and Composition: Ability to create visually balanced and aesthetically pleasing designs, considering the hierarchy of information and user experience.
  • Attention to Detail: Strong eye for detail, ensuring accuracy in design elements and adherence to brand guidelines.
  • Collaboration: Effective team player, with excellent communication skills and the ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams to bring creative visions to life.
  • Assisted the design team in creating digital and print materials for marketing campaigns, including social media graphics and promotional materials.
  • Prepared files for print production, ensuring high-quality output and accurate color reproduction.
  • Conducted research on design trends and competitors to support the development of effective design solutions.
  • Assisted in maintaining and organizing the digital asset library for easy access and retrieval.
  • Collaborated with various clients to create custom designs, including logos, branding materials, and marketing collateral.
  • Translated client ideas and requirements into visually appealing designs that effectively communicated their message.
  • Managed multiple design projects simultaneously, delivering high-quality work within deadlines.
  • Incorporated client feedback and made revisions to designs to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Developed and maintained strong client relationships, resulting in repeat business and referrals.
  • Digital Design

The key strength of this resume lies in the way it presents the candidate’s skills and experiences. The resume begins with a clear and concise objective statement that highlights the candidate’s goals and ambitions. It then goes on to list the candidate’s education, skillset, and experience in a logical and organized manner.

The resume also includes a section that highlights the candidate’s design portfolio. This allows potential employers to get a glimpse of the candidate’s design work and assess their skills and abilities.

The design and layout of this resume are simple, yet effective. The use of white space and clear headings makes the resume easy to read and navigate. The font used is also easy on the eyes and provides a professional look and feel.

The use of graphics and icons is minimal, but adds a nice touch to the overall look and feel of the resume. The color scheme used is also pleasing to the eye and adds a touch of personality to the resume.

Keep it simple: This resume proves that simplicity goes a long way in capturing the attention of potential employers.

Highlight your design portfolio: As a graphic designer, your work speaks for itself. Make sure to include a section that showcases your design portfolio.

Use clear and concise headings: Use headings to break up the different sections of your resume and make it easier to navigate.

Make it visually appealing: Use graphics, icons, and a color scheme to add a touch of personality and make your resume stand out from the rest.

Write a clear objective statement: Use an objective statement to clearly state your goals and ambitions as a graphic designer.

Graphic Designer Resume Example 5: Freelance Experience

This graphic designer resume example showcases the freelance experience of the candidate. The resume highlights the candidate’s expertise in creating visually appealing designs and delivering projects within tight deadlines.

Summary: Creative and versatile graphic designer with extensive freelance experience. Adept at creating visually appealing designs and delivering projects within tight deadlines. Skilled in branding, typography, and illustration, with a strong eye for detail and a passion for delivering high-quality work.


  • Adobe Certified Expert in Photoshop
  • Typography and Layout Design Certification
  • Graphic Design: Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), with expertise in creating visually appealing designs for various mediums.
  • Branding and Identity: Experience in developing brand identities, including logo design, color schemes, and visual assets.
  • Typography: Strong understanding of typography principles, able to create engaging and readable text designs.
  • Illustration: Skilled in creating custom illustrations for digital and print media, adding a unique and creative touch to designs.
  • Print Production: Knowledge of print production processes, including preparing files for print, selecting appropriate paper and materials, and ensuring accurate color reproduction.
  • Digital Design: Proficient in designing graphics and layouts for websites, social media platforms, and digital advertisements.
  • Client Management: Excellent communication and project management skills, maintaining strong client relationships and delivering projects according to client specifications.

Freelance Graphic Designer | [Years]

  • Collaborated with a diverse range of clients to create custom designs, including logos, branding materials, packaging, and marketing collateral.
  • Translated client’s vision and requirements into visually appealing and impactful designs that effectively conveyed their brand message.
  • Managed multiple projects simultaneously, delivering high-quality work within tight deadlines.
  • Maintained strong client relationships, resulting in repeat business and positive referrals.
  • Participated in brainstorming sessions, contributing creative ideas and concepts.
  • Assisted in the preparation of files for print production, ensuring accuracy in color and design elements.
  • Conducted research on design trends and competitors to support the development of innovative design solutions.
  • Maintained and organized the digital asset library for efficient file management.

The resume effectively communicates the candidate’s skills and experience in graphic design. It includes a strong headline summarizing the candidate’s experience and highlights key skills such as branding, typography, and illustration. The candidate’s freelance experience is well-documented, showing the scope and scale of the projects they have worked on. Additionally, the resume highlights the candidate’s educational qualifications, including relevant certifications and courses.

The design and layout of this resume example are visually appealing and easy to read. The use of a modern font type and layout helps the resume stand out. The candidate’s key skills are listed in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for potential employers to see what sets the candidate apart. The use of bullet points and white space makes it easy to scan the resume quickly.

This graphic designer resume example is an excellent blueprint for anyone looking to showcase their skills and experience in graphic design. The use of a strong headline, clear and concise language, and modern font type makes this resume stand out from the crowd. The resume effectively highlights the candidate’s freelance experience, demonstrating their ability to deliver high-quality designs within tight deadlines. Furthermore, the layout and design of the resume make it easy to read and understand for potential employers. This resume example serves as a compelling example of the impact a strong resume can have on a designer’s portfolio.

Graphic Designer Resume Example 6: Creative Designer

This sample resume belongs to a creative graphic designer who has several years of experience in the industry. The designer has used a combination of engaging content and an attractive layout to showcase their skills and expertise.

[Your Name] [Creative Designer]

Summary: Highly creative and accomplished graphic designer with several years of experience in the industry. Skilled in creating visually stunning designs for various mediums, including print, digital, and social media. Proven track record of delivering exceptional results and exceeding client expectations.

Senior Graphic Designer | [Company Name] [Dates]

  • Led the design team in conceptualizing and creating visually captivating designs for marketing campaigns, including print advertisements, digital banners, and social media graphics.
  • Collaborated closely with clients to understand their vision and translate it into effective design solutions that aligned with their brand identity.
  • Managed multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring adherence to project timelines and delivering high-quality work within budget.
  • Mentored and guided junior designers, fostering a collaborative and creative work environment.
  • Received recognition for outstanding creativity and design expertise, resulting in increased client satisfaction and repeat business.
  • Created engaging designs for a diverse range of clients, including logos, brochures, packaging, and website graphics.
  • Translated client requirements and brand guidelines into visually appealing designs that effectively communicated their message.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams, including marketing and web development, to ensure seamless integration of design elements.
  • Conducted market research and competitor analysis to identify design trends and create innovative and impactful designs.
  • Received positive feedback from clients for exceptional attention to detail and ability to exceed expectations.
  • Worked independently with clients from various industries, delivering creative design solutions that met their specific needs.
  • Created visually stunning designs for print and digital media, including logos, branding materials, and promotional graphics.
  • Managed project timelines and budgets, ensuring timely delivery and cost-effective solutions.
  • Leveraged strong communication and interpersonal skills to effectively understand client requirements and deliver desired results.
  • Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
  • Skilled in Sketch and other design software
  • Knowledge of typography principles and color theory
  • Experience with print production processes
  • Familiarity with web design and user experience principles

The Creative Designer’s resume opens with an attention-grabbing headline that immediately highlights their skills and experience. The summary section follows, where the designer has briefly described their professional experience, their areas of expertise, and their achievements.

Next, the designer has listed their work experience in reverse chronological order, mentioning their roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments in each. This section includes details of the projects they have worked on, including the nature of the project, the client, and the design tools or software they have used.

The resume also includes a section on technical skills, where the designer has listed their proficiency in various design software and tools, such as Adobe Creative Suite and Sketch.

The Creative Designer’s resume stands out for several reasons. Firstly, the designer has focused on creating an engaging and visually appealing layout. They have used a combination of colors, fonts, and design elements to make their resume stand out and make it easy to read.

Additionally, the designer has created a clear and concise summary that immediately communicates their value proposition to the potential employer. The resume mentions the designer’s experience and expertise in designing for various media, including print, digital, and social media.

The designer has also emphasized their accomplishments and notable projects throughout their experience section. They have highlighted their impact on clients’ businesses and promoted their ability to work collaboratively in cross-functional teams.

The Creative Designer’s resume uses a cohesive and consistent design that showcases their skills while making their content easy to read. The use of color and design elements separates sections and helps identify key information at a glance.

The designer has used a modern sans-serif font to create a polished look while making sure the text is not overwhelming. The well-organized sections and effective use of spacing create a sense of balance and harmony.

Another notable feature of the designer’s layout is the use of bullet points. The designer has effectively used bullet points to break down complex information into easily digestible sections.

The Creative Designer’s resume serves as an excellent example of how a graphic designer can showcase their skills and expertise while creating a visually appealing and easy-to-read resume.

Key takeaways from this resume include:

  • Creating a clear and concise summary that immediately communicates your value proposition
  • Focusing on accomplishments and notable projects throughout your experience section
  • Utilizing a cohesive and consistent design that showcases your skills while making your content easy to read
  • Using bullet points and whitespace to make your resume easily digestible and organized

The Creative Designer’s resume is an excellent example of how a graphic designer can set themselves apart in a competitive job market by creating a strong, visually appealing portfolio.

Graphic Designer Resume Example 7: Standout Feature

This graphic designer resume example stands out for its use of color and unique design elements. The candidate has a strong focus on their skills and experience in the field, with clear and concise information presented in a visually compelling way.

Summary: Highly creative and accomplished graphic designer with a passion for unique design and a strong focus on delivering exceptional results. Skilled in creating visually compelling designs that capture attention and communicate effectively. Committed to pushing the boundaries of design to create memorable experiences for clients.

  • Developed innovative and visually captivating designs for a wide range of clients, utilizing a unique color palette and design elements to create standout visuals.
  • Translated client requirements into creative design solutions that aligned with their brand identity and objectives.
  • Collaborated closely with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless integration of design elements across various platforms and media.
  • Received accolades from clients for the ability to bring their visions to life through imaginative and impactful designs.
  • Assisted senior designers in creating engaging designs for print and digital media, gaining valuable hands-on experience in the field.
  • Contributed to brainstorming sessions and collaborated with the team to develop creative concepts for client projects.
  • Produced visually appealing graphics, logos, and marketing materials that effectively conveyed brand messages.
  • Conducted research on design trends and techniques to stay up to date with industry best practices.
  • Assisted in managing project timelines and maintaining organized design files.
  • Worked independently with a diverse range of clients, delivering creative design solutions that exceeded expectations.
  • Collaborated closely with clients to understand their vision and translate it into visually captivating designs.
  • Managed projects from concept to completion, ensuring timely delivery and client satisfaction.
  • Leveraged strong communication skills to effectively communicate design concepts and provide design recommendations.
  • Built and maintained strong client relationships, resulting in repeat business and positive referrals.
  • Strong understanding of design software and tools

One of the standout features of this resume is its use of color. The candidate has incorporated a bright, eye-catching color palette that sets their resume apart from more traditional designs. This showcases the candidate’s creativity and attention to detail, which are essential qualities for a graphic designer.

Additionally, the candidate has used clear and concise language to highlight their key experiences and accomplishments in the field. They have also included a strong summary statement at the top of their resume, which effectively communicates their professional goals and qualifications.

The design and layout of this resume are highly effective at communicating the candidate’s skills and experience. The use of color and unique design elements draws the viewer’s eye and encourages them to engage with the content.

The candidate has also made skillful use of white space to create a clean and modern look that is easy to navigate. The font choices and layout are highly readable, with the important information clearly separated and easy to find.

This graphic designer resume example is a strong addition to any portfolio. By employing a unique design and color palette, the candidate effectively sets themselves apart from other applicants and showcases their creativity. The clear and concise language used throughout the resume effectively communicates their qualifications and experiences, making them highly desirable to potential employers.

Some key takeaways from this example include the importance of standing out from the crowd, showcasing your unique skills and experiences, and demonstrating your creative abilities. Additionally, using clear and concise language, a modern layout, and skillful use of white space can all help to make your resume highly effective in today’s competitive job market.

Incorporating elements of this example into your own graphic designer resume can help you to create a standout portfolio and increase your chances of landing your dream job in the field.

Graphic Designer Resume Example 8: Minimalistic Approach

Summary: Highly skilled and creative graphic designer with a minimalist approach to design. Committed to creating visually appealing and effective designs that communicate effectively. Strong attention to detail and ability to simplify complex concepts for maximum impact.

  • Developed clean and minimalist designs for various clients, focusing on simplicity and clarity.
  • Created visually appealing graphics, logos, and marketing materials that effectively conveyed brand messages.
  • Collaborated with clients to understand their needs and deliver designs that exceeded their expectations.
  • Managed multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring timely delivery and client satisfaction.
  • Utilized a minimalistic design approach to create designs that stood out and made an impact.
  • Assisted senior designers in creating visually appealing designs for print and digital media.
  • Contributed to brainstorming sessions and provided creative input for design concepts.
  • Produced high-quality graphics and layouts that enhanced brand identity and messaging.
  • Gained valuable experience in a fast-paced design environment.
  • Collaborated directly with clients to understand their design needs and objectives.
  • Created minimalist designs that effectively communicated clients’ messages.
  • Managed projects independently, from concept to final delivery, ensuring client satisfaction.
  • Utilized feedback to refine designs and deliver optimal results.
  • Strong understanding of typography and layout principles
  • Knowledge of color theory and its application in design
  • Familiarity with print production processes
  • Experience in web design and user experience principles

This graphic design resume example showcases the benefits of a minimalistic approach to resume design. The resume is simple yet visually appealing, making it easy for the reader to focus on the content. The layout is also clear and easy to read, highlighting the important information at a glance.

One of the strengths of this resume is its effective use of white space. This provides a sense of balance and helps to draw the reader’s attention to the key points. The font choices are also simple and professional, adding to the minimalist feel of the design.

Another strength of this resume is the clear and concise content. The designer has provided a summary of their key skills and experience, along with relevant education and work history. This enables the reader to quickly assess the designer’s qualifications without being overwhelmed with unnecessary details.

The design and layout of this resume is well thought out and executed. The use of a consistent color palette adds to the overall unity of the design, while the use of bold typography draws attention to the most important information. The designer has also used a variety of text sizes and styles to create visual interest without sacrificing clarity or readability.

Key takeaways from this example include the benefits of a minimalist approach to resume design. By focusing on the essentials, the designer has created a clear and effective document that showcases their qualifications and experience. Additionally, the use of white space and consistent typography enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of the design.

This example demonstrates how simplicity and clarity can be powerful tools in creating a strong graphic design resume. By following this approach, designers can create a portfolio that is both visually appealing and effective in communicating their qualifications to potential employers.

Graphic Designer Resume Example 9: Resourceful Skills

Summary: Resourceful and skilled graphic designer with a strong focus on delivering exceptional design solutions. Proficient in various graphic design software, typography, and branding. Committed to creating visually appealing and impactful designs that meet clients’ objectives.

  • Branding and identity design
  • Print and digital media design
  • Illustration and iconography
  • Image editing and retouching
  • User experience (UX) design principles
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Ability to manage multiple projects and meet deadlines
  • Collaborated with clients to conceptualize and create visually appealing designs for print and digital media.
  • Developed branding and identity designs that effectively communicated clients’ messages.
  • Created marketing materials, including brochures, flyers, and social media graphics, that aligned with clients’ brand guidelines.
  • Implemented typography and layout principles to create visually balanced and engaging designs.
  • Ensured consistency and quality across various design projects.
  • Assisted senior designers in creating and executing design concepts for a range of projects.
  • Contributed to brainstorming sessions and provided creative input for design ideas.
  • Produced high-quality graphics and layouts for print and digital media.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to meet project objectives and deadlines.
  • Conducted research to stay updated on industry trends and design best practices.
  • Worked directly with clients to understand their design needs and deliver customized solutions.
  • Created visually appealing designs that effectively conveyed clients’ messages and brand identities.
  • Managed multiple projects simultaneously and met client deadlines.
  • Incorporated client feedback to refine designs and ensure client satisfaction.
  • Built strong client relationships resulting in repeat business and positive referrals.

This resume features a clean and modern design that effectively showcases the applicant’s skills and experience as a graphic designer. The sample includes relevant headings and well-organized sections to make it easy for hiring managers to quickly scan and assess the candidate’s qualifications.

One of the standout features in this resume is its strong focus on skills. The applicant dedicates an entire section to highlighting their key skills, showcasing their proficiency in areas such as graphic design software, typography, and branding. This helps the candidate stand out from other applicants and demonstrates that they have the necessary knowledge and expertise to excel in the role.

The layout is simple and easy to navigate, with clear headers and subheadings that differentiate each section. The applicant also uses bold text and bullet points to draw attention to important information, which helps to break up the text and make it more visually appealing.

In terms of design, the use of color and white space is effective in creating a modern and professional look. The applicant has also included a relevant and visually appealing graphic design sample as part of their portfolio, which helps to further demonstrate their skills and abilities.

This resume is a strong example of a well-designed and focused graphic designer resume. Its clear structure, concise language, and emphasis on skills make it a compelling choice for hiring managers looking for top talent in the field.

Key takeaways from this example include the importance of showcasing skills in a clear and concise manner, creating a visually appealing layout with strong use of white space, and using relevant design samples to demonstrate expertise. By including these elements in your graphic design resume, you can create a strong portfolio that showcases your capabilities and helps you stand out from the competition.

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Portfolio Manager Resume Examples: Proven To Get You Hired In 2024

Hiring Manager for Portfolio Manager Roles

Jump to a template:

  • Portfolio Manager
  • Investment Manager
  • Fund Manager
  • Asset Management Specialist

Get advice on each section of your resume:

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  • Portfolio Manager Resume Tips

Portfolio Manager Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., portfolio manager resume sample.

As a Portfolio Manager, your role involves a lot of strategic decision-making, so it's important to showcase your ability to make informed, successful investment choices. It's not all about finance knowledge - soft skills are increasingly valued in this field, with a trend towards a more client-focused approach. When you're writing your resume, remember that your goal is to illustrate your potential value to prospective employers. It's a balancing act between demonstrating your financial acumen and highlighting your ability to build relationships with clients and teams. Over the last few years, there's been a shift in the industry, with more emphasis on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investing. This means it's essential to demonstrate any experience or interest in this area. Use your resume to paint a picture of yourself as a forward-thinking Portfolio Manager who's in tune with industry trends and prepared to adapt.

Resume screenshot highlighting strategic investment skills and ESG focus.

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Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your portfolio manager resume in 2024,    show evidence of strategic decision-making.

Portfolio Managers aren't just expected to manage investments, they're expected to make strategic decisions that benefit their clients financially. In your work history, provide examples of when you have strategically allocated resources, implemented investment strategies, or enhanced Portfolio performance.

Show evidence of strategic decision-making - Portfolio Manager Resume

   Highlight your ESG investing experience

Given the growing emphasis on ESG investing, it's important to show any involvement in this area. Whether it's through professional experience, training, or personal interest, make sure to include any ESG-related knowledge or skills in your resume.

Highlight your ESG investing experience - Portfolio Manager Resume

A portfolio manager is a finance and investment professional who is responsible for managing and trading an investment fund's assets. They oversee the investment strategy and manage day-to-day fund trading. They may manage portfolios for large corporations to individual investor groups. Portfolio managers can take different approaches to managing investments. However, they are always responsible for overseeing, securing, and ideally, creating profitable investment portfolios for others. To become a portfolio manager, you’ll need a strong background in finance and trading. You will need a minimum of bachelor's degree in finance or business, though a master’s degree can help you land this job more easily. Additionally, hiring managers will look for candidates with previous experience in finance and risk management, in roles such as a financial analyst or investment consultant. It’s important that aspiring portfolio managers showcase certain skills, such as knowledge of the stock market and trading principles, investment forecasting, portfolio analysis, and more.

A resume for a portfolio manager with a bachelor's in business management and experience as a portfolio analyst.

   Show your experience helping clients meet their financial goals

Whether the client is a company or individual investor, one of the most important things for portfolio managers to know is how to effectively communicate and perform for their clients. You should highlight any experience you have communicating and effectively meeting client desires.

Show your experience helping clients meet their financial goals - Portfolio Manager Resume

   Highlight relevant skills to portfolio management

Portfolio managers need several hard skills to be successful, such as investment analysts, risk management techniques, and financial modeling. On your resume, it’s important to list these skills, and also how you have used them successfully in previous roles or scenarios.

Highlight relevant skills to portfolio management - Portfolio Manager Resume

Portfolio managers oversee investment portfolios for individuals and companies. They’re tasked with choosing the right types of assets for their clients’ needs and making prudent investment decisions based on available data. To become a portfolio manager, use your resume to emphasize a strong background in investment as well as financial analysis.

Portfolio manager resume with hard skills in skills section and strong action verbs

   Effective use of skills section

Being a portfolio manager usually requires some hard skills such as financial modeling, asset management, and investment. Use your skills section to highlight these abilities as well as any technical skills that might be relevant (e.g. Python, MATLAB, or other technical skills).

Effective use of skills section - Portfolio Manager Resume

   Use strong action verbs to make past accomplishments stand out

Portfolio manager roles are senior positions that often go to more experienced candidates. If you want the job, your resume should show a track record of successful portfolios that you’ve managed. Using strong action verbs such as “introduced”, “conducted”, or “trained” shows that you played an active role in your past achievements.

Use strong action verbs to make past accomplishments stand out - Portfolio Manager Resume

Investment Manager Resume Sample

Fund manager resume sample, asset management specialist resume sample.

We spoke with hiring managers at top investment firms like Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street Global Advisors to get their best tips for creating a strong portfolio manager resume. They shared insider advice on what skills and experience to highlight, and how to make your resume stand out. Use these tips along with our resume examples to create a compelling resume that will get you noticed.

   Highlight your investment strategy and philosophy

Hiring managers want to understand your approach to investing and how you make decisions. Use your resume to give a clear picture of your investment strategy and philosophy.

  • Disciplined value investor with a focus on identifying undervalued companies with strong fundamentals and potential for long-term growth
  • Employ a top-down approach, analyzing macroeconomic trends and sector performance to inform investment decisions and portfolio construction

Avoid generic statements that don't give insight into your specific approach:

  • Experienced investor with a proven track record
  • Skilled in portfolio management and investment analysis

Bullet Point Samples for Portfolio Manager

   Quantify your impact with specific metrics

Use hard numbers to show the impact you've had in past roles. This helps hiring managers quickly understand the scope and scale of your responsibilities and achievements.

  • Managed a $500M portfolio of global equities, outperforming the MSCI World Index by 120 basis points annually over a 5-year period
  • Conducted in-depth research and analysis on over 200 individual securities to inform investment decisions and portfolio allocation

Compare that to resume bullets without metrics:

  • Managed an equity portfolio, delivering strong returns and outperforming the benchmark
  • Performed securities research and analysis to make investment recommendations

   Showcase your analytical and research skills

Portfolio managers need to be skilled at analyzing financial data, market trends, and company fundamentals. Use your resume to highlight specific examples of your research and analytical abilities.

Performed detailed financial modeling and valuation analysis on 50+ companies, utilizing DCF, comparable companies, and precedent transactions methodologies to assess intrinsic value and identify attractive investment opportunities

Avoid generic statements like:

  • Strong analytical and research skills
  • Experienced in financial modeling and valuation

Instead, provide concrete examples that demonstrate the depth of your skills and experience.

   Highlight your ability to manage risk

Risk management is a critical skill for portfolio managers. Use your resume to show how you assess and mitigate risk in your investment decisions.

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive risk management framework, utilizing stress testing, scenario analysis, and risk budgeting to optimize portfolio risk/return profile
  • Continuously monitored portfolio risk exposures and made tactical adjustments to asset allocation and security selection to navigate changing market conditions

Don't just say you have "strong risk management skills." Provide specific examples of how you've put those skills into practice to protect and grow client assets.

   Show your collaborative and leadership abilities

Portfolio management is not a solo endeavor. You need to be able to work effectively with a team of analysts, traders, and other investment professionals. Use your resume to highlight your collaboration and leadership skills.

  • Led a team of 5 research analysts, providing mentorship and guidance to develop their skills and advance their careers
  • Collaborated closely with traders, risk managers, and compliance personnel to ensure smooth execution of investment strategies and adherence to firm policies

Teamwork and leadership abilities are valuable in any role, but especially in portfolio management where investment decisions are made in a collaborative environment.

   Tailor your resume to the specific role and firm

Different firms have different investment philosophies, strategies, and cultures. Take the time to research the firm you're applying to and tailor your resume accordingly.

For example, if you're applying to a firm with a strong focus on ESG investing, highlight any experience you have with sustainable investing:

  • Developed and managed a $200M ESG-focused equity portfolio, investing in companies with strong environmental, social, and governance practices
  • Collaborated with the firm's sustainability research team to integrate ESG factors into the investment process and identify companies with long-term sustainable competitive advantages

Customizing your resume shows that you've done your homework and understand what the firm is looking for in a candidate. Generic resumes are less likely to grab the attention of hiring managers.

Writing Your Portfolio Manager Resume: Section By Section


A resume summary for a Portfolio Manager position is optional, but it can be a great way to provide additional context about your experience and qualifications that may not be immediately apparent from the rest of your resume. It's especially useful if you're changing careers or have a lot of experience to summarize. However, avoid using an objective statement, as it's outdated and doesn't provide value to the hiring manager.

When writing your summary, focus on highlighting your most relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that align with the Portfolio Manager role. Avoid repeating information that's already present in other sections of your resume, and keep it concise - aim for no more than a short paragraph. Remember, your goal is to grab the hiring manager's attention and entice them to read the rest of your resume.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Portfolio Manager resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Portfolio Manager resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Portfolio Manager Resume Summary Examples , or Portfolio Manager Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the portfolio manager role

When crafting your resume summary for a Portfolio Manager position, it's crucial to tailor it specifically to the role and the company you're applying to. Research the company and the specific requirements of the job to identify the key skills, experiences, and qualities they're looking for in a candidate.

For example, if the job description emphasizes a particular investment strategy or asset class, make sure to highlight your expertise in that area. Similarly, if the company values certain soft skills like leadership or communication, find ways to demonstrate those qualities in your summary.

  • Experienced Portfolio Manager with a proven track record of developing and executing investment strategies across multiple asset classes. Skilled in risk management, portfolio optimization, and client relationship management. Seeking to leverage my expertise to drive growth and deliver strong returns for XYZ Firm's clients.

Avoid using generic or vague language that could apply to any Portfolio Manager. Instead, use specific examples and metrics to demonstrate your value and fit for the role.

  • Hardworking and motivated professional with experience in finance. Seeking a challenging role in portfolio management.

2. Highlight your investment philosophy and approach

As a Portfolio Manager, your investment philosophy and approach are key differentiators that can set you apart from other candidates. Use your resume summary to give the hiring manager a glimpse into how you think about investing and what strategies you employ to generate returns.

For example, you might mention your focus on long-term value investing, your expertise in a particular sector or geographic region, or your use of quantitative analysis to inform investment decisions. By providing specific examples of your approach, you can demonstrate your unique perspective and the value you bring to the role.

Experienced Portfolio Manager with a proven track record of generating alpha through a bottom-up, fundamentally-driven investment approach. Specialize in identifying undervalued companies in the technology sector and constructing concentrated portfolios to maximize returns. Skilled in using data analytics and financial modeling to support investment theses and manage risk.

Avoid using jargon or technical language that may be unfamiliar to some hiring managers. Instead, focus on clearly communicating your investment philosophy and how it aligns with the company's goals and values.


The work experience section is the most important part of your portfolio manager resume. It's where you show hiring managers how you've applied your skills to drive results throughout your career.

In this section, we'll cover exactly what you need to include in your work experience section, and how to write about your experience in a compelling way that will grab the attention of hiring managers.

1. Use strong portfolio management verbs

When describing your work experience, use strong action verbs that are relevant to portfolio management and the financial industry. This helps paint a clear picture of your contributions and makes your resume more impactful.

Examples of strong verbs for a portfolio manager resume include:

  • Managed a $500M portfolio of equity and fixed income securities
  • Analyzed market trends and conducted fundamental research to inform investment decisions
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and implement investment strategies
  • Monitored portfolio performance and rebalanced holdings to optimize returns

Action Verbs for Portfolio Manager

2. Quantify your impact with metrics

To really make your portfolio manager resume stand out, quantify your achievements with hard numbers and metrics whenever possible. This helps hiring managers understand the scope and impact of your work.

Here are some examples of how to quantify your experience:

  • Grew AUM from $250M to $500M over 3 years through effective portfolio management and client acquisition
  • Generated average annual returns of 12% for equity portfolio, outperforming benchmark by 150 basis points
  • Reduced portfolio expenses by 20% through negotiations with brokers and implementation of cost-saving measures

If you don't have access to specific metrics, you can still provide context with other numbers like size of team managed, number of clients served, or frequency of tasks performed.

3. Highlight your career progression

Hiring managers love to see evidence of career growth and progression on a resume. If you've earned promotions, taken on increasing levels of responsibility, or expanded your skill set over time, make sure that's reflected in your work experience section.

One way to show progression is by listing your experience in reverse-chronological order, with your most recent (and typically most senior) position first. Within each role, emphasize how you've grown and advanced. For example:

  • Promoted to Senior Portfolio Manager after 2 years, managing team of 5 analysts and $1B in AUM
  • Took on additional responsibilities including developing junior talent and presenting to C-level executives

Avoid simply listing your day-to-day tasks or responsibilities without any context around your growth. Hiring managers want to see how you've progressed, not just what you've done.

4. Tailor your experience to the job

While it's important to provide a comprehensive view of your experience, you should also tailor your resume to the specific portfolio manager position you're applying for. Review the job description carefully and prioritize the experience and skills that are most relevant.

For example, if a job description emphasizes a specific area like fixed income or ESG investing, make sure to highlight any relevant experience you have in those areas:

Managed $200M fixed income portfolio, driving 10% annual returns through strategic sector allocation and credit analysis

You can also use tools like Targeted Resume to analyze a job description and see how well your resume matches up to the required skills and keywords. This can help you identify areas to emphasize or gaps to address.

Avoid simply copying and pasting the same generic work experience for every job application. Hiring managers can tell when a resume hasn't been tailored, and it can make you look less engaged and interested in the specific opportunity.


Your education section can make or break your chances of landing an interview as a portfolio manager. It's important to highlight your relevant academic background and any specialized training or certifications you've earned. Here are some key tips to keep in mind when writing your education section:

How To Write An Education Section - Portfolio Manager Roles

1. Lead with your highest degree

As a portfolio manager, employers will expect you to have at least a bachelor's degree in a relevant field such as finance, economics, or business administration. If you have a master's degree or higher, make sure to list that first.

Here's an example of how to format your education section:

Master of Business Administration (MBA), Finance University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School, Philadelphia, PA Graduated: May 2018 Bachelor of Science (BS), Economics New York University, New York, NY Graduated: May 2014

If you have multiple degrees, list them in reverse chronological order, with your most recent degree first.

2. Include relevant coursework and honors

If you're a recent graduate or have limited work experience, you may want to include relevant coursework or academic honors in your education section. This can help demonstrate your knowledge and skills to potential employers.

Here's an example of how to include relevant coursework:

Bachelor of Science (BS), Finance University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Graduated: May 2020 Relevant Coursework: Portfolio Management Financial Modeling Investment Analysis Risk Management

Only include coursework that is directly relevant to the portfolio manager role. Avoid listing general education courses or electives.

3. Highlight professional certifications

In addition to your academic degrees, be sure to list any professional certifications you've earned that are relevant to portfolio management. Some common certifications in this field include:

  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
  • Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
  • Financial Risk Manager (FRM)

Here's an example of how to list a certification:

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) CFA Institute, 2019

If you are currently pursuing a certification, you can list it as "In Progress" or "Expected Completion Date: [Month Year]".

4. Keep it concise for senior roles

If you are a senior-level portfolio manager with extensive work experience, you may want to keep your education section brief and focus more on your professional accomplishments. In this case, simply list your degrees and the institutions you attended.

Here's an example of a concise education section for a senior portfolio manager:

MBA, Harvard Business School BS, Finance, University of Pennsylvania

Avoid listing dates or other details that could potentially lead to age discrimination:

MBA, Harvard Business School, 1985 BS, Finance, University of Pennsylvania, 1980

Focus on your most impressive and relevant educational achievements. You don't need to list every degree or certification you've ever earned.


As a Portfolio Manager, your skills section is a crucial component of your resume. It's an opportunity to showcase your expertise and abilities to potential employers. In this section, we'll guide you through the process of crafting a compelling skills section that will make your resume stand out.

How To Write Your Skills Section - Portfolio Manager Roles

1. Highlight relevant portfolio management skills

When creating your skills section, focus on the skills that are most relevant to the Portfolio Manager role. These may include:

  • Investment strategy development
  • Asset allocation
  • Risk management
  • Portfolio optimization
  • Performance analysis

By highlighting these key skills, you demonstrate to employers that you have the necessary expertise to excel in the role.

2. Categorize your skills for clarity

To make your skills section more organized and readable, consider grouping your skills into categories. For example:

Investment Management : Portfolio construction, Asset allocation, Risk management Financial Analysis : Financial modeling, Valuation, Performance attribution Research : Market research, Due diligence, Sector analysis

Categorizing your skills helps employers quickly identify your areas of expertise and makes your resume more visually appealing.

3. Use industry-specific tools and technologies

Showcase your proficiency in the tools and technologies commonly used in portfolio management. This may include:

  • Bloomberg Terminal
  • Morningstar
  • Excel (advanced functions)

Demonstrating your familiarity with these tools shows employers that you have the technical skills necessary to perform the job effectively.

4. Optimize for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes before they reach hiring managers. To ensure your resume passes through these systems successfully:

  • Include relevant keywords from the job description in your skills section
  • Avoid using unusual fonts, graphics, or tables that may not be parsed correctly by ATS
  • Use standard section headings like 'Skills' or 'Technical Skills'
Experienced portfolio manager with a proven track record of success. Skilled in communication, leadership, and problem-solving.

Instead, focus on specific, ATS-friendly skills:

Portfolio construction Risk management Performance attribution Bloomberg Terminal Python

Skills For Portfolio Manager Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from Portfolio Manager job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

  • Forecasting
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  • Data Analysis
  • Financial Modeling
  • Account Reconciliation
  • Microsoft Access
  • Internal Controls

Skills Word Cloud For Portfolio Manager Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Portfolio Manager job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top Portfolio Manager Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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  • Template #3: Portfolio Manager
  • Template #4: Portfolio Manager
  • Template #5: Investment Manager
  • Template #6: Fund Manager
  • Template #7: Asset Management Specialist
  • Skills for Portfolio Manager Resumes
  • Free Portfolio Manager Resume Review
  • Other Finance Resumes
  • Portfolio Manager Interview Guide
  • Portfolio Manager Sample Cover Letters
  • Alternative Careers to a Financial Analyst
  • All Resumes
  • Resume Action Verbs

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How to Describe Yourself on a Resume (With Examples)

8 min read · Updated on January 23, 2024

Ronda Suder

It doesn't have to feel like nails on a chalkboard when trying to describe yourself on a resume!

How you describe yourself on your resume directly impacts whether you land that interview you so eagerly want. It's essential to describe your qualifications and experience in such a way as to grab the employer's attention without hesitation. 

How do you do that, exactly? By incorporating self-descriptive words on your resume that stand out to hiring teams and showcase that you're the best fit for the job. 

In this post, we start off with tips for developing self-descriptive words for your resume, followed by examples of descriptive words to use and avoid. 

Tips for developing self-descriptive words for your resume

It's not uncommon for individuals to struggle with talking about their accomplishments and strengths. We tend to share about another's skills and abilities easily, but when it comes to describing ourselves, we fall short. Fortunately, below are some steps you can take to boost your creative juices and find the words for your resume to help you stand out from the competition. 

Ask friends and peers for help

One way to come up with ways to describe yourself is to ask your peers, friends, and managers for input. For a comprehensive perspective, ask for feedback from those in your personal and professional lives. Here are some questions you can ask to receive the information you need:

What are three adjectives you would use to describe me?

How would you describe me to a coworker or friend?

If you could sum up my personality in one word, what would it be, and why?

Consider past performance reviews

Another way to develop self-descriptive words for a resume is to reflect on past performance reviews. What did supervisors have to say about you? What about coworkers who provided input? What were some of the strengths and achievements emphasized?

Make a list of your past accomplishments and strengths

Brainstorm to come up with a list of all your strengths, so you can more easily refer to them when describing yourself on a resume. Do this by first listing some of your key achievements and considering what strengths allowed you to achieve them. 

For example, suppose you implemented a new customer service rating system two weeks ahead of schedule, which led to a 10% increase in customer feedback. In that case, you might describe yourself as efficient and productive. 

Refer to the job description

If you're struggling to come up with the best self-descriptive words for your resume, refer to the job description. Highlight any skills, knowledge, and requirements you possess that align with the job. By incorporating these keywords into your resume, you're not only emphasizing that you meet the job qualifications but are also improving your resume's chances of getting past an employer's  applicant tracking system , or ATS.

Think positive

It's good to be humble and clear on your strengths and weaknesses. However, when it comes to self-descriptive words for a resume, you want to focus on the positives only - your strengths. 

Save sharing your weaknesses for the interview, when you'll likely be asked about them. During an interview, you can - and should - give your weaknesses a positive spin with context, which is challenging to do on a resume.

As you develop your list of strengths and how you'd describe yourself, work to develop some unique adjectives to use that are specific to your qualifications. Refer to the list of strengths you've developed, and look up synonyms for those words that could help you to stand out from other applicants. 

For example, instead of incorporating the commonly used term “creative,” you might use words like inventive or prolific. A word of caution is to avoid words that come across as boastful or exaggerating your qualifications.    

Review example resumes

An excellent resource to refer to when you're attempting to craft your own resume is to look at  resume examples  online. The resume examples you review don't need to be specific to your field, since self-descriptive adjectives and descriptive verbs aren't industry-specific, as shown in the examples below. This approach not only helps to generate ideas for self-descriptive words for your resume but also provides guidance on  how to write your resume  as a whole.

Self-descriptive words for a resume - examples

When it comes to self-descriptive words for a resume, technically, we're referring to adjectives, since adjectives describe a noun. However, two additional categories of words are essential to fully describe your abilities and work history: descriptive verbs and skills.  

Powerful adjectives for a resume

Here are only a few of the many adjectives you could use on your resume, with examples of how you might include them in a sentence. 

Adaptable:  Adaptable professional with ability to move from project to project within different departments. 

Compassionate:  Compassionate caretaker with 10 years of experience, working with hospices and providing end-of-life services. 

Knowledgeable:  Knowledgeable mechanic with 3 excellence awards for superb service and quality, earned in less than 6 months. 

Perceptive:  Perceptive speaker with ability to navigate an audience to know where to direct attention to garner the best outcome. 

Tech-savvy:   Tech-savvy Visual Artist with ability to bring together ideas and people to produce valuable and thought-provoking content, including images, videos, and graphics. 

Top tip: For an extensive list of 100 power adjectives, refer to “ 100 Powerful Resume Adjectives that Can Make Your Resume More Compelling .” 

Descriptive verbs for a resume

Action verbs  are vital in really making your work section stand out. Each bullet point you include for the jobs you list should begin with a power verb that emphasizes your role in the activity or achievement. Power verbs are also used in the resume summary to highlight accomplishments. 

Skills for a resume

Skills on your resume  should include a combination of soft and hard skills. In many instances, hard skills are spelled out and soft skills are inferred based on our past achievements. 

Unusual words to describe yourself on a resume

As mentioned, be creative and specific when selecting self-descriptive words for your resume, to help set you apart. A great way to do this is to use a thesaurus to gather synonyms for the list of self-descriptive adjectives you come up with. Some interesting choices that aren't used as often yet can still sound good on a resume include:


Self-descriptive words for a resume: what NOT to use

Yes, there are some words to leave off your list of self-descriptive words for your  resume. These words tend to be overused, generic, highly subjective, or boastful. Here are a few examples:

You might think you're likable, but likability is in the eye of the beholder. Instead of using likable, consider adjectives that refer to being likable, yet add value, such as team player, compassionate, and energetic. 


Don't flat-out state you're intelligent, at risk of coming across as overly confident. Also, it should be inferred that you're intelligent by the other adjectives and proof you provide to back them up on your resume. Words like big-picture thinker, agile, and quick learner are better word choices.

Saying you're successful is very broad. Instead, you want to narrow your successes to specific skills and strengths with qualifiers and quantifiable data. 

Here are a few more self-promotional adjectives to leave off your resume. 


Outside the box thinker

Instead of using these types of adjectives, come up with alternatives where you can show results linked to them. A good place to begin is by asking yourself, "What have I achieved that shows I'm a go-getter, the best, and so on?"

Where to incorporate self-descriptive words on a resume

Now that you've seen some examples of self-descriptive words, where do they belong on your resume? There are three main areas to place them:

Resume summary. Your  resume summary  falls just below your contact information and is the main area where you'll incorporate self-descriptive adjectives, with a few skills and power verbs. 

Competencies and skills list. Your  core competencies or skills list  should include the soft and hard skills required for the job, based on the job description. 

Work experience section. The  work experience section  is where you'll include the power verbs that describe what you did on the job, as well as some of the skills that supported you in doing so. You might also include some adjectives in this section, though generally, the adjectives are inferred. For example:

“Motivated team of 10 to implement an enhanced customer booking log project on time, resulting in an 8% increase in positive customer experience ratings”

From this achievement, one can infer that the person is motivational, a leader, and efficient. 

Apply a variety of self-descriptive words on your resume

Now you have some tips to help you discover the best self-descriptive words for your resume, with examples. You also know where to include them. As a final tip, when you incorporate your descriptive words, be sure to use a variety of adjectives and power verbs so your resume doesn't sound redundant. Good luck! 

If you're wondering if you're using the right self-descriptive words throughout your resume, why not submit it for a  free resume review ? Our  TopResume team of experts  will help to ensure your resume describes you in a way that lands you interview after interview!

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    A portfolio manager is a financial professional responsible for managing and overseeing investment portfolios. This includes making investment decisions, managing assets, and developing investment strategies. Portfolio managers work with a variety of clients, including individual investors, institutional investors, and pension funds.

  10. Career Portfolio: The Why, When and How to Create One

    That's where the career portfolio steps in. A career portfolio offers a visual representation of your talents and skills. Think of it as an expanded version of your resume, showcasing your journey, achievements, and projects in more detail. It can also feature testimonials from your colleagues or supervisors, certificates, or awards.

  11. 8 Best Portfolio & Resume Website Templates/Themes [2024]

    1 Divi is Elegant Theme's drag-and-drop website builder for the WordPress platform. It includes almost 200 templates, which they call layout packs. The layout packs themselves contain almost 1500 layouts (think of these as pages). After going through Divi's extensive catalogue, my favorite portfolio and resume layout pack is Actor CV.

  12. Work Portfolio: What Is It and How to Create One [Examples]

    A work portfolio is a collection of your work used to showcase your abilities and experience. Draw inspiration from online portfolios to get started. (Six portfolio samples included here.) Teal's AI Resume Builder complements your portfolio for a comprehensive application.

  13. How to Create a Professional Portfolio

    Follow these steps to guide you through the process of putting a professional portfolio together: 1. First, collect samples of your best work. Consider the skills you want to showcase and find the best examples of your work that demonstrate how you have used these skills. Select the most relevant and the most recent to show a hiring panel or ...

  14. 5 Portfolio Manager Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    The top 5 certifications for your portfolio manager resume: Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) - CFA Institute. Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA) - Investments & Wealth Institute. Certified Financial Planner (CFP) - CFP Board. Financial Risk Manager (FRM) - Global Association of Risk Professionals.

  15. Career Portfolios: Examples and How To Make One

    A portfolio may also be referred to as a "work portfolio," "professional portfolio," or "job portfolio." It's much more detailed than a resume or a cover letter and can be a very effective way to bundle your work accomplishments, education, skills and training, work samples, testimonials, and more into one appealing package.

  16. 15 Professional Career Portfolio Examples (PDF & Otherwise ...

    In other cases, a résumé (alternatively spelled "resume") could suffice, though a LinkedIn profile can be helpful in such situations. ... Hopefully, looking at these portfolio examples will help you create your own professional portfolio that is attractive to a future employer. Career portfolio example 1: Carter Hammett ...

  17. 9 Graphic Designer Resume Examples for a Strong Portfolio

    This resume example serves as a compelling example of the impact a strong resume can have on a designer's portfolio. Graphic Designer Resume Example 6: Creative Designer. This sample resume belongs to a creative graphic designer who has several years of experience in the industry. The designer has used a combination of engaging content and an ...

  18. 30 Portfolio Examples, If You're Wondering What a ...

    30 Portfolio Examples. 1. Pierrick Calvez, Artist & Designer. Online art portfolio example by Pierrick Calvez. If you are looking for some art portfolio samples, you're in the right place. When you click on Pierrick Calvez's portfolio, stunning artworks are immediately shown at first before rolling into the descriptions.

  19. Portfolio vs. Resume: What They Include and When to Use Them

    A resume is a short and succinct document in which you describe your relevant qualifications, work experience and writing skills. In contrast, a portfolio contains a wide variety of content, which can include videos, web pages, photographs, illustrations, graphs and more. Since it contains samples of your work and in-depth information regarding ...

  20. Portfolio Manager Resume Examples for 2024

    This helps paint a clear picture of your contributions and makes your resume more impactful. Examples of strong verbs for a portfolio manager resume include: Managed a $500M portfolio of equity and fixed income securities. Analyzed market trends and conducted fundamental research to inform investment decisions.

  21. 8+ Portfolio Resume Templates

    Types of Portfolio Resume. Know that there are a bunch of different portfolio resumes and that each of them can help you acquire different jobs. It's best that you learn what they are so that you'll have an idea as to which one you should make. So here are a few examples: Creative Portfolio Resume; Architecture Portfolio Resume

  22. Portfolio Manager Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Portfolio Manager Resume Examples. Portfolio Managers collaborate with a team of analysts and researchers to research financial information in order to make the best investment decisions for their clients. Sample resumes for Portfolio Managers include qualifications like setting up event-driven option and equity trading strategies based on ...

  23. How to Describe Yourself on a Resume (With Examples)

    The resume examples you review don't need to be specific to your field, since self-descriptive adjectives and descriptive verbs aren't industry-specific, as shown in the examples below. This approach not only helps to generate ideas for self-descriptive words for your resume but also provides guidance on how to write your resume as a whole.