• Table of Contents
  • Preface & Acknowledgements
  • Acronyms & Abbreviations
  • 1. A Brief History
  • 2. Sources of Law
  • 3. Elements of Asylum Law
  • 4. Precedential LGBTQ/H Asylum Cases
  • 5. The One-Year Filing Deadline
  • 6. Withholding of Removal
  • 7. Relief Under CAT
  • 8. Voluntary Departure
  • 9. Real ID Act
  • 10. Safe Third Country
  • 11. Challenging Asylum Cases
  • 12. Working with Asylum Seekers
  • 13. Working with LGBTQ/H Asylum Seekers
  • 14. Elements of an Application
  • 15. Preparing the I-589
  • 16. Sample I-589
  • 17. Preparing the Asylum Declaration
  • 18. Declaration Dos and Don’ts
  • 19. Annotated Sample Declaration
  • 20. Corroborating Client-Specific Documents
  • 21. Corroborating Country Conditions
  • 22. Indexed Country Conditions Sample

23. Sample Cover Letter

  • 24. Assembling Everything
  • 25. Affirmative Application Process
  • 26. Immigration Court Proceedings
  • 27. Board of Immigration Appeals
  • 28. Federal Court Review
  • 29. Detained Asylum Seekers
  • 30. Obtaining an Employment Authorization Document
  • 31. Asylee Status
  • 32. Withholding Status
  • 33. CAT Status
  • Important Resources

23.1 Cover Letters for Affirmative Applications

23.1.1 cover letter for “barebones submission”.

If you are submitting an affirmative application, as discussed in Chapter 14, it is advisable to submit the I-589 almost completely by itself, with other documentation to follow later, so as to get your client, as soon as possible, a spot in the long line for an asylum interview. The cover letter for this “barebones” application may look as follows:

U.S. Department of Homeland Security Citizenship and Immigration Services [LOCATION] Service Center [see p. 10 of the I-589 instructions]x [ADDRESS LINE 1]x [ADDRESS LINE 2]x

Re: Joao Doe (DOB 01/01/1901)

Dear Sirs/Madams:

Attached please find the above-referenced individual’s application for Asylum, Withholding of Removal, and relief under the Convention against Torture (Form I-589). The following documents are submitted on Mr. Doe’s behalf:

Enclosed, please find the following documents on Mr. Doe’s behalf:

  • An original Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative (Form G-28), plus one copy;
  • An original Application for Asylum, and for Withholding of Removal (Form I-589), plus one copy;
  • One passport-sized photograph of Mr. Doe attached on page 9 of the original Form I-589;
  • Two complete copies of Mr. Doe’s Brazilian passport; and
  • Two copies of Mr. Doe’s most recent Form I-94.

[You may also wish to include other documentation immediately pertinent to the claim, such as: documentation supporting an exception to the one-year filing deadline (if applicable); a state court-ordered name change (if the applicant’s passport does not reflect their legal name); a physician’s letter corroborating gender identity (if the applicant’s passport does not reflect their gender identity), etc.]x

Note that additional documents will be submitted at or before the asylum interview.

All documents have been provided in triplicate.  Please do not hesitate to contact me at the number above if you have any questions regarding this matter. Thank you for your consideration.

Clarence Darrow, Esq.

23.1.2 Cover Letter for Supplemental Submissions

After submitting a barebones application, and up to one week before the scheduled asylum interview, you can submit additional documentation in support of the client’s application (see Chapters 14–22). NOTE that these submissions should go directly to the Asylum Office with jurisdiction over the client’s claim, not to the Service Center to which you previously sent the barebones application. The cover letter for these submissions may look as follows:

U.S. Department of Homeland Security Citizenship and Immigration Services [LOCATION] Asylum Office [ADDRESS LINE 1]x [ADDRESS LINE 2]x

Re: Joao Doe (DOB 01/01/1901)


I represent the above-referenced asylum applicant. In conjunction with [his/her] Form I-589, received by USCIS and pending as of [DATE] (Receipt #XXX0000000000), please find attached the following additional documents:

Tab   |     Document Applicant’s Declaration A       |     Declaration of Applicant, [NAME]x Supporting Documents B       |     Birth Certificate of [NAME]x C       |     Affidavit of [NAME]x …      |      [ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS]x Country Conditions Information U      |      Index to documentation of country conditions regarding persecution against [LGBTQ/H] individuals in [COUNTRY], followed by numerically tabbed source materials

All documents have been submitted in duplicate.


Please do not hesitate to contact me at the number above if you have any questions regarding this matter.

23.2 Cover Letters for Defensive Applications

23.2.1 cover letter for i-589 filing.

Usually, Form I-589 is submitted in open court at a Master Calendar Hearing (MCH). If, however, your first MCH is scheduled more than a year after your client’s most recent entry to the U.S., you will likely wish to file the I-589 within that first year (or as soon as possible thereafter), by mail or in person. This procedure is described in a 2016 memorandum from the Chief Immigration Judge, available at  http://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/pages/attachments/2016/09/14/oppm_16-01.pdf . If you hand-deliver it, bring an extra copy with you to be date-stamped for your records. If you mail it, include an extra copy and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for return service of a date-stamped version, and a short cover letter (which does not and should not replace the immigration court’s own formatting and filing requirements, described in detail in the Immigration Court Practice Manual at  http://www.justice.gov/eoir/office-chief-immigration-judge-0 . Your cover letter may look as follows:

U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office for Immigration Review [LOCATION] Immigration Court [ADDRESS LINE 1]x [ADDRESS LINE 2]x

Re: Joao Doe (A-Number XXX-XXX-XXX)

Dear Clerk of the Court:

Attached please find the above-referenced individual’s application for Asylum, Withholding of Removal, and relief under the Convention against Torture (Form I-589). Pursuant to OPPM 16-01, I am hereby filing Form I-589 on Mr. Doe’s behalf. Enclosed please find:

  • An original Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative (Form EOIR-28);
  • An original Application for Asylum, and for Withholding of Removal (Form I-589), plus one copy for return service;

Please confirm receipt of this Form I-589 by returning a date-stamped copy in the enclosed, pre-addressed, stamped envelope.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at the number above if you have any questions regarding this matter. Thank you for your consideration.

23.2.2 Cover Letter for Subsequent Filing

Subsequent filings should also be formatted in accordance with the Immigration Court Practice Manual, and their contents will depend upon the nature and timing of the filing.

This Manual is intended to provide information to attorneys and accredited representatives. It is not intended as legal advice. Asylum seekers should speak with qualified attorneys before applying.

The information contained herein is for reference only and may not be up to date. It does not constitute legal advice. You should always consult an attorney regarding your matter.

This handbook is intended for use by pro bono attorneys and immigration attorneys working on LGBTQ/HIV asylum cases.

cover letter for i 589

Self-help asylum guides for LGBTQ and HIV-positive people without attorneys.

Detention Hotline

If you are in detention, call:

Calls from people outside of detention will not be accepted.

For general inquiries, call:

cover letter for i 589

Asylum Application and Evidence

In general, you can apply for asylum within one year of entering the United States by submitting an asylum application, Form I-589. Where you submit the asylum application depends on whether you are applying for asylum in immigration court or with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Scroll down or click on the links below to read questions and answers from the Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP). You can also watch this video about how to fill out your asylum application.

  • When do I need to apply for asylum?
  • If I did not submit an asylum application within one year of entering the United States, can I still apply for asylum?

Is there a fee to file the asylum application?

Do i need to include that i am a member of asap in my asylum application, where do i file my asylum application, how do i file my asylum application in immigration court, how do i file my asylum application with uscis by mail, how do i file my asylum application with uscis online, should i list my spouse or children in my asylum application, what is a certificate of service, how do i get a receipt for my asylum application, i have a case in immigration court, but it does not appear on the automated hotline or website. how can i apply for asylum, what additional supporting evidence can i submit to support my asylum case, when do i need to submit supporting evidence, can i submit evidence in my own language, my asylum application was rejected and returned to me by uscis. what can i do.

  • See other questions.
  • Find legal help.

When do I need to apply for asylum? 

Generally, you must submit your asylum application ( Form I-589 ) within one year of arriving in the United States. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. Read more below. 

If I did not submit an asylum application within one year of entering the United States, can I still apply for asylum? 

Maybe! If you did not submit an asylum application within one year of arriving in the United States, you may still be able to apply for asylum depending on your situation. If your case fits one of these below situations, you may still be able to apply for asylum.

  • You are under 18 years old. In many cases, if you are under 18 years old, you may be able to apply for asylum even if you have been in the United States for more than a year. Read more about applying for asylum as a child .
  • You had or currently have lawful status in the United States , such as Temporary Protected Status (TPS), parole, or a valid visa. You can apply for asylum anytime while you have the lawful status, even if you have been in the United States for more than a year. You can also apply for asylum after your status expires, and it is best to apply as soon as possible after your status expires.
  • The conditions in your country of origin have changed and it would now be dangerous for you to return. For example, the country has a new leader that intends to harm people like you.
  • Your personal circumstances have changed and returning to your country of origin would now be dangerous for you. For example, you converted to a religion that is not allowed in your country of origin. Or, you recently decided to live openly as a gay person and it would be dangerous for you to return to your country of origin as a gay person.
  • You were originally included in a family member’s asylum application, but you no longer qualify to be included in their asylum application. For example, you were included in your spouse’s asylum application, but you and your spouse have divorced since filing the application.
  • You suffer from serious illness, physical disability, or mental disability.
  • You suffered a serious crime or domestic violence recently.
  • Your attorney committed fraud, and you filed a complaint against them.

If your case fits one of the above situations, you may still be able to apply for asylum after one year of entering the United States. However, you still need to apply as soon as possible . You will also need to submit proof about how you fit one of the above situations.

Also, even if you do not qualify for asylum, you may still qualify for other similar forms of protection under U.S. immigration law, such as withholding of removal or protection under the Convention Against Torture (“CAT”) . These are similar to asylum because they are also for people who are afraid of returning to their countries of origin. You can apply using the same form as the form for asylum, Form I-589 . 

No! Regardless of whether you are applying for asylum with USCIS or in immigration court, there is no fee to submit your asylum application.

No, you do NOT need to include information about ASAP in your asylum application (Form I-589). There are questions in the asylum application that ask about your membership in organizations (Questions 3.A and 3.B in Part B in the paper asylum application, and under “Party or group affiliations” in the online asylum application). However, these questions are only asking about organizations in your country of origin, not in the United States. So you do not need to include information about ASAP in your answer to these questions.

You do NOT need to attach your ASAP membership card to your asylum application.

Where you should file your asylum application depends on your situation. To understand where to file, you can answer the questions on this USCIS website . You can also read more below.

Most people who have a case in immigration court should file their asylum application with the immigration court .

  • Read instructions about how to file your asylum application in immigration court.
  • If you are not sure whether you have a case in immigration court, you can check this website or call the immigration court hotline at 1-800-898-7180. You can also read about other ways to know if you have a case in immigration court .

In some special circumstances, people with a case in immigration court should file their asylum application with USCIS by mail . These are the special circumstances:

  • If the automated hotline or website says that your immigration court case was closed or dismissed, you can mail your asylum application to USCIS. Read more information and instructions .
  • If you believe you will have a case in immigration court in the future, but your information does not yet appear on the automated hotline or website, you can mail your asylum application to USCIS. Read more information and instructions .
  • If you are an unaccompanied child with a case in immigration court, you can mail your asylum application to USCIS. Read instructions .

People who do NOT have a case in immigration court should file their asylum application with USCIS, either by mail or online . 

  • If you do not have a case in immigration court, in general you should file your asylum application with USCIS. There are two ways to file with USCIS: by mail, or online.
  • If you would like to file your asylum application with USCIS by mail, read these instructions .
  • If you would like to file your asylum application with USCIS online, read these instructions . However, unfortunately not everyone is eligible to use the online filing system. You cannot apply online if you are in one of the situations described under the “Special Instructions” tab on this USCIS webpage . If you are in one of those situations, you will need to mail a paper asylum application to USCIS instead.

You can follow the steps below to apply for asylum in immigration court.

1. Complete your Form I-589.

  • Download or print Form I-589 . The form is long and asks some hard questions. But do not let this discourage you! You can watch this video for step-by-step instructions about how to fill out the asylum application. You can also see Appendix F of this guide for more instructions.
  • Your answers must be written in English.
  • Read each question carefully. All of your answers should be complete, accurate, and truthful.
  • You may be able to include qualifying family members in your asylum case.
  • After you are done, review the entire application to catch any mistakes.
  • If you are filling out the application on paper and writing by hand, make sure that your handwriting is clear and easy to read. Use a black pen.
  • Remember to sign and date your application.

2. Prepare your application packet. 

  • One original Form I-589 for the judge.
  • One copy for the government attorney.
  • One copy for you to keep for your records.
  • You may also need to prepare a certificate of service, if you are submitting your asylum application by mail or at the filing window of the immigration court. A certificate of service is a document that states that you sent a document to the government attorney. You can download and fill out this certificate of service .
  • You can include other supporting evidence .

3. Submit your application packet. You have three options for how to do this.

  • Option 1. You can submit your application packet in person during your hearing. You can hand your original asylum application and the two copies you prepared to the judge. The judge should stamp them. The judge should keep the original, and give you back the two copies. Give one of the copies to the government attorney, and keep the other copy for your records. This copy is your receipt proving that you submitted your asylum application.
  • Take the original asylum application, two copies, and a certificate of service to the filing window in your immigration court. The clerk should keep the original and the certificate of service. The clerk should stamp the copies and give them back to you.
  • Keep one copy for your records. The copy is your receipt proving that you submitted your asylum application.
  • The other copy needs to be sent to the government attorney. You can do this by taking the copy to the government attorney office, which is usually located in the same building as the immigration court, or by mailing it to the government attorney. You can find the addresses for government attorneys here .
  • Make sure you use a mail service that offers tracking. For tips on how to mail documents, watch this video .
  • Mail the original asylum application, a copy of the application, and the certificate of service to the immigration court. You can find addresses of immigration courts here . In addition, make sure to include an envelope with your address and postage. The immigration court should stamp the copy of your asylum application and then mail it back to you using the envelope. If you do not include an envelope, they will not mail you your copy. The copy is your receipt proving that you submitted your asylum application. Keep this copy somewhere safe.
  • Mail another copy to the government attorney. You can find the addresses for government attorneys here .

4. Send documents to USCIS for your biometrics appointment (also called fingerprint appointment) . 

  • You have to send certain documents to USCIS in order to be scheduled for a biometrics appointment for the government to collect your fingerprints. Please read these instructions or watch this video .

5. Continue with your asylum case in immigration court. 

  • You can submit more evidence before your individual hearing.
  • Read about the immigration court process .
  • Read about applying for your first work permit .

There are two ways that you can submit your asylum application to USCIS: by mail or online. You can follow the steps below to apply by mail. If you want to apply online instead, find instructions for applying online here .

  • You can include the documents below, in this order. Do not staple the pages – you can use a paperclip, binder clip, or rubber bands instead to hold all the pages together.
  • Form G-1145 (optional). If you want, you can include Form G-1145 to receive notices about your application by text message or email.
  • Your completed Form I-589.
  • A copy of your passport, if you have one. If possible, include a copy of every page, including the front and back covers.
  • A copy of your Form I-94, if you have one. It may look like this , this , or this .
  • A copy of a document that proves your family relationship – for example, a copy of birth certificate for a child or a copy of a marriage certificate for a spouse.
  • A copy of your family member’s passport and Form I-94, if they have one.
  • If you had an immigration court case in the past but it was dismissed, you can find more specific instructions here .
  • You can also attach other supporting evidence to your asylum application. You can also choose to submit them later. Read more about additional evidence here .
  • If a document is not in English, you should also include an English translation with a certificate of translation .

3. Make a copy of the whole packet and keep it for your records. 

4. Mail the original application packet to USCIS.

  • The USCIS address where you need to send your application packet depends on where you live. You can find the correct address by going to this USCIS webpage , and looking under “Where To File.”
  • However, if you are in one of the special situations described under the “Special Instructions” tab on this USCIS webpage , you have to submit your asylum application to a special processing center called the Asylum Vetting Center.

5. Continue with your asylum case with USCIS. 

  • You should receive a receipt notice in the mail.
  • You can submit more evidence before or during your asylum interview.
  • Read about the USCIS process .

There are two ways that you can submit your asylum application to USCIS: by mail or online. Only some asylum seekers can apply online . If you are not sure, read this question to understand whether you can file online.

If you are eligible to file online, you can follow the steps below to apply online. If you want to apply by mail instead, find instructions for applying by mail here .

1. Log in or create your USCIS online account. 

  • Go to this USCIS online account website . This website is only available in English.
  • Next, log in to your USCIS account if you already have an account. If you do not have an account, click the blue sign up button to create an account. You can watch this USCIS video about how to create an online account.

2. Start the asylum application. 

  • If you are using a phone, click “Menu” in the top right corner, click “Account actions,” then click “File a form online.” If you are on a computer, click “My Account” in the top right corner, then click “File a form online.”
  • Next, select “I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal” in the drop down menu.
  • Click “Start form.”

3. Complete the asylum application. 

  • Most of the questions in the online asylum application are identical to the paper asylum application. You can watch this video for detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to fill out the paper asylum application. Below are some useful things to know when completing the online asylum application:
  • Pop-Up Window: When you are filling out the application online, you will likely see a pop-up window that looks similar to this:

cover letter for i 589

If you would like to continue, choose “Allow” because the government only accepts asylum applications from people who are located in the United States. If you choose “Block”, the website will not allow you to proceed.

  • If you entered the United States with parole or a specific type of visa (such as a B2 tourist visa or F1 student visa), choose that from the list.
  • If you are an asylum seeker who did not enter the United States with parole or a visa, you can choose “999 – Alien awaiting decision of asylum.” You can then leave “Date this status expires” blank.
  • If you are not sure what to choose, you can choose “ZN – Unknown.” You can then leave “Date this status expires” blank.
  • Blank questions: If you do not answer a required question, you will get an alert when you reach the “Review and Submit” section. You can then go back and answer. If you do not know an answer, you can write “unknown” or leave it blank.

4. Upload evidence.

  • You can upload evidence in the online form. There are size limits, so you may have to split large files into more than one file.
  • We recommend submitting a copy of your passport and Form I-94, if you have them.
  • A copy of your family member’s passport and Form I-94, if they have them.
  • Some of the evidence categories may not apply to you. In that situation, you do not have to include evidence for that category, even if you get an alert that says you should provide evidence. For example, if you do not have a Cover Letter, you do not have to submit one. Or, if you do not have a spouse or children, you do not have to submit evidence for Family Identification.
  • You do not have to submit all evidence at the same time that you are submitting your online asylum application. You can submit more evidence later, before or during your asylum interview. Read more about additional evidence here .

5. Submit your application and get your receipt notice. 

  • Carefully review your application and evidence before you submit.
  • After you submit your asylum application, check your USCIS account frequently . You will not receive your receipt notice or other important notices by mail. Some people receive their receipt notice online in just 1 to 2 days.
  • You should be able to see and download a copy of your asylum application from your online account.

6. Continue with your asylum case with USCIS. 

Yes! There are 3 things to know about this process.

1. List any spouse or children you have. 

  • If you have a spouse or children, no matter where they live or how old they are, you should list them on your asylum application. You can provide information about them on Part A.II. on the paper asylum application (Form I-589) or in the “Your Family” section if you are filing online.

2. You can include qualifying family members in your asylum case. 

  • If you have a spouse or unmarried children under age 21 who are living in the United States, you may also be able to include them in your asylum case. If you do this, your spouse or children can generally apply for a work permit at the same time as you! And if you win asylum, they will win asylum too – even if your child has turned 21 by then. The steps to include your family members in your asylum case are different depending on if you are applying for asylum with USCIS or immigration court. Read more below.

If you are filing your asylum application with USCIS and want to include your family member in your case, answer “Yes” to the question “If in the U.S., is your spouse/this child to be included in this application?” This check box is in Part A.II. on the paper asylum application or on the “Your Family” section if you are filing online. All family members that you include must attend your asylum interview.

Note: If you file your asylum application with USCIS, but later your case is sent to immigration court, your family members may no longer be included in your asylum case. Read below about how to check if your cases are together in immigration court.

  • Immigration court: 

The process in immigration court is more complicated. To include your family member in your asylum case, your cases must be together in immigration court . This means that you have the same immigration judge, the same court dates, and you are listed together on court documents such as the Notice to Appear or Hearing Notice .

  • If your cases are already together in immigration court, your family member can automatically be included in your asylum case. When you complete your asylum application, answer “Yes” to the question in Part A.II, “If in the U.S., is your spouse/this child to be included in this application?” Each family member may also want to file their own separate asylum application, because then an immigration judge can grant other protections from deportation .
  • If you and your family members have separate cases in immigration court , you can all apply for asylum using separate applications. You can also consider requesting that your cases be combined. You may want to seek advice from an immigration attorney to help determine the best strategy for your family.
  • If your family member does not have a case in immigration court at all , they will not be included in your asylum case.

3. If you win asylum, you can petition for qualifying family members. 

  • If you cannot include your spouse or children in your asylum case but you later win asylum, you may still be able to request immigration status for them.
  • If you win asylum, you can file a petition called Form I-730 to request asylum for your spouse or unmarried children under age 21 who were not included in your asylum case. You can request asylum for these family members even if they are outside the United States or are living in the United States without immigration status. You must file Form I-730 within 2 years of winning asylum.
  • Also, if you win asylum, you can become a Permanent Resident after one year . Eventually, you can apply to become a citizen of the United States. Permanent Residents and U.S. citizens have additional options to request immigration status for more family members .

A certificate of service is a document that states that you sent a document to the government attorney. You only need certificates of service if you have an immigration court case! If you are applying for asylum with USCIS, you do not need this document.

If you have a case in immigration court, you may need a certificate of service when you submit your asylum application , or when you appeal your case to the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) .

You can download and fill out this certificate of service .

The way to get a receipt showing that you submitted your asylum application (Form I-589) depends on whether you are submitting your application to USCIS or to the immigration court. Read here if you are not sure where to file your asylum application .

  • If you are applying for asylum with USCIS by mail , USCIS should automatically mail you a receipt notice after they receive your asylum application. Read here if your receipt notice is delayed .
  • If you are applying for asylum with USCIS online , USCIS should automatically post your receipt notice to your USCIS online account .
  • If you are applying for asylum with the immigration court , the immigration court will not send you a receipt automatically. Instead, if you want proof of receipt, you need to take action. You may want a receipt because it is useful to have one when you apply for a work permit . Your proof of receipt is the first page of your asylum application stamped with the date of receipt by the immigration court.

If you have not submitted your asylum application yet, follow these instructions to request a stamped copy of your asylum application.

If you already submitted your asylum application to the immigration court , but you did not receive a copy of your asylum application with a date stamp, first you should check that the immigration court received your asylum application. Call the immigration court hotline at 1-800-898-7180. Press 1 for English, enter your A Number, press 1 to confirm your A number, and 1 again to confirm your name. Finally, press 2. If you hear a message indicating that a certain number of days is on your “clock,” this means that your asylum application was received by the court that number of days ago.

If you confirmed that the immigration court received your asylum application, and you want a copy with a date stamp, you can call your immigration court to find out how you can get a copy. You can find the contact information for your immigration court here .

This can be a confusing situation. Some people know that they will have a case in immigration court, but when they check their immigration court case status, it says “the A Number information did not match a record in the system” or “no case found for this A Number.” If this situation applies to you, it is best to mail your asylum application (Form I-589) to USCIS within one year of entering the United States. This may seem confusing because your case will actually be in the immigration court, not with USCIS. However, this is the only way you can file your asylum application if the immigration court has not yet entered your information in their system yet.

How do I know if I am in this situation? 

You know that you are probably in this situation if both of the following statements are true:

  • You know that you will have a case in immigration court (for example, because you received a Notice to Appear or you were detained by immigration officials after entering the United States), AND
  • When you check your case status by calling the immigration court hotline at 1-800-898-7180 and after entering your A Number, the hotline says: “The A Number information you entered did not match a record in the system or the case has not been filed with the immigration court.” OR when you check your case status by entering your A Number on the immigration court website , it says “No case found for this A Number.”

If you are in this situation, you can take the steps described below to submit your asylum application. If you are not in this situation, read this question to find out how to submit your asylum application .

How can I apply for asylum in this situation?

To apply for asylum in this situation, you can follow these steps:

  • Mail an asylum application to USCIS before the one-year deadline. You can follow these instructions to complete your asylum application package and mail it to the correct USCIS address. You cannot file for asylum online in this situation.
  • Keep a copy of your application because you will need to submit it to the immigration court again later.
  • After you submit your application, USCIS should send you a notice. Keep this notice in a safe place because it proves that you submitted your asylum application before the one year deadline. You can also include a copy of the notice when you apply for your work permit .
  • The immigration court should eventually schedule you for your first hearing, known as a master calendar hearing . Check your case status every week so that you learn when your hearing is scheduled. At your hearing, it is important to tell the judge that you filed your asylum application before the one year deadline. You can bring a copy of the notice you received from USCIS and a copy of your asylum application.

You can submit different types of evidence to support your asylum case. This is usually a good idea, but it is not required. It is possible to win asylum based only on your own testimony during your immigration court hearing or your asylum interview. The evidence that you submit should answer these five key questions: 

  • What was the harm you suffered in your country of origin, or what harm do you fear you may suffer if you have to go back to your country of origin?
  • Who harmed you, or who would want to harm you? If you do not know for sure, who do you think it was?
  • Why were you, or why will you be, a target for harm in your country of origin?
  • Why are you not able to seek help or protection from the police or the government of your country of origin?
  • Is there a safe place inside your country of origin where you can live?

You can watch this video that can help you think about these questions and prepare your asylum case.

Here are some examples of the kinds of evidence you can submit: 

However, every case is different! This list is not meant to be complete and the examples will not apply in every case.

  • A written declaration, describing any harm you suffered in the past, who harmed you, why they harmed you, whether you tried to get help from the police or the government of your country of origin, whether there is a safe place inside your country of origin that you can move to, and what you think might happen to you if you were to return to your country of origin.
  • Identity documents, such as your passport, birth certificate, and marriage certificate.
  • Police reports, if you made a report to the police about the harm you suffered.
  • Medical reports, showing any physical injuries you may have suffered.
  • Mental health evaluation, showing any mental harm you may have suffered.
  • Newspaper or magazine articles about the issues that make you afraid to return to your country of origin, or articles about bad things that happened to people who are similar to you in your country of origin.
  • Letters or declarations from people who know about what happened to you in your country of origin.
  • Photographs that show parts of your story. For example, the photos can show any harm you suffered, or your participation in a group or activity, if you believe your participation in that group or activity is making you a target for harm.
  • Text messages, Facebook messages, or any other written communication that contain threats made against you.
  • Membership cards or other official documents from a group, if you believe your membership in the group is making you a target for harm.
  • News articles or reports from national or international human rights organizations about the situation that you have fled from.
  • If you are applying for asylum more than 1 year after arriving in the United States, you can also submit evidence that shows why you should still be able to apply for asylum. Read more about exceptions to the 1 year deadline here .

You can also find more ideas beginning on page 13 of this guide , page 8 of this guide , and page 15 of this guide .

If you are afraid of going back to your country of origin because of your sexual orientation, gender identity, or HIV status, you can read this guide for more ideas.

Other tips: 

Please also remember that if any of the evidence is not in English, you will also need to include a translation and a certificate of translation .

Do not submit any fake or forged documents. Submitting fake documents can have bad consequences for your case. If you cannot get certain evidence, or getting it will put you or someone else in danger, then you can explain to the immigration judge or asylum officer why you could not get that evidence.

You do not have to submit supporting evidence at the same time as your asylum application (Form I-589). Instead, you can wait until you are closer to your individual hearing in immigration court, or your USCIS asylum interview.

If you have a case in immigration court , you first need to submit your asylum application. Then, once your individual hearing is scheduled, you will need to submit additional evidence. The immigration judge should give you a deadline for submitting the evidence, usually at least 15 days before the individual hearing. Read more about applying for asylum in immigration court here , or watch these videos .

If you apply for asylum with USCIS , you will be scheduled for an interview in an asylum office after you submit your asylum application. You will need to submit your additional evidence before your interview, usually at least one week before your asylum interview. It should be sent directly to the asylum office where you will have the interview. You should read your asylum interview notice and follow the instructions. You can also bring additional evidence with you to your asylum interview. You can contact your local asylum office for more detailed instructions.

Read more about applying for asylum with USCIS here , or watch these videos .

Yes. You can submit evidence in a language other than English, but you will also need to include a translation into English and a certificate of translation .

If your asylum application was rejected and returned to you, you should carefully read the rejection notice. The rejection notice explains why USCIS rejected your application. You can correct the problem and resubmit your application. If you need help resubmitting your application, you can look for legal assistance .

Note: This page is for adults who are interested in seeking asylum in the United States. Our hope is that you will use the information to better understand the asylum process and take control of your case. However, this information is not a substitute for legal advice about your particular case. To look for legal assistance, visit ASAP’s find help page . 

How To Write a USCIS Cover Letter

Preparing an immigration application for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) requires filling out complex paperwork and gathering supporting documents. Using a cover letter is a great way to keep your application materials organized and make sure you don’t miss any required documents. It’s also a good opportunity to highlight anything you want USCIS to know about your application. This article explains what a cover letter is and the elements it should include. It also includes a template you can use to write your own.

Jonathan Petts

Written by Jonathan Petts .  Updated May 4, 2023

What Is a USCIS Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a document that helps USCIS officers navigate your application materials. You can place a cover letter at the top of your citizenship , permanent resident , DACA , or visa application package. By outlining your reasons for applying and the contents of your application in a cover letter, you give your USCIS officer a useful overview of your case. You can also use your cover letter as a personal checklist to make sure you’ve included all necessary documents in your package.

You may also use a cover letter to explain any special circumstances you want the USCIS officer to be aware of before they start reviewing your application. If you have a unique or complicated background, it is especially helpful to supplement your application with a cover letter. It will ensure that USCIS becomes aware of any special circumstances and can consider your application with this in mind.

Is a Cover Letter Required for My USCIS Application?

USCIS does not require you to submit a cover letter for any immigration benefit or visa application. Many immigration attorneys include cover letters for their clients to prevent any misunderstandings or missing paperwork. Immigration officers read through a lot of paperwork, so any guidance or organization you can offer them will be helpful. 

Cover letters may be especially helpful when you are in a unique situation. Suppose you are applying for a marriage green card with Form I-130 : Petition for Alien Relative, and you and your spouse have lived apart for some time. You and your U.S. citizen or green card holder spouse can use a cover letter to explain this or any other unusual circumstances behind your marriage. 

USCIS will want to know the reasons behind an unusual living or marriage situation when evaluating your adjustment of status application. A cover letter can help you address any major concerns at the beginning of the process.

What Should My USCIS Cover Letter Include?

When submitting a cover letter with your application, be sure to include the following:

The USCIS filing location or lockbox address to which you’re sending your application

The date of filing

An appropriate subject (re:) line

A short introductory paragraph to describe the contents of your letter and package

If applying for a marriage-related benefit, information about the marriage date and location for yourself (the beneficiary) and your spouse (the petitioner)

An ordered list of the content in your application package, including all supporting documents and filing or biometrics fees included

A closing paragraph including your contact information

Your signature and full printed name

Your supporting documents for an application will depend on which forms you’re filing. You can determine which documents are necessary by reviewing USCIS’ webpage for your specific form. For example, USCIS lists the required supporting evidence on its webpage for Form N-400 applicants.

You’ll also need to identify the right mailing address for your application. To do so, you should consult the USCIS website. For example, naturalization applicants can review USCIS’s webpage for Form N-400 direct filing addresses .

Your filing fees will depend on your specific application type. You can use the USCIS Fee Calculator to determine your costs. For example, suppose you are filing for naturalization with Form N-400. You should select Form N-400 on the Fee Calculator and enter your age. USCIS may ask for additional information, such as your specific application category.

USCIS Cover Letter Template

You may use the sample cover letter below as guidance when writing your cover letter. This specific cover letter sample is for a naturalization application, intended for submission alongside Form N-400. Be sure to personalize this template to reflect your application type and circumstances. If you’d like to use the following template, you may also make a copy of this document to start writing.

[Petitioner’s Street Address]

[Petitioner’s City, State  ZIP code]

[Relevant USCIS mailing address]

RE: [Naturalization Application]

Beneficiary: [Immigrant’s Full Legal Name]

To Whom It May Concern:

Enclosed, please find the Naturalization Application for [Immigrant’s Full Legal Name].

The following documents accompany and support this application:

Filing Fee Payments

[Check or Money Order] in the amount of [Current Fee Amount] for Form N-400

Form G-1450 authorizing payment of the filing fee for Form N-400 (credit card charge authorization if you completed one)

[Form G-1145 (e-notice authorization if you requested them in our system)]

[OPTIONAL Beneficiary’s Form I-912 Fee Waiver Application]

[List of supporting documents]

Beneficiary’s Form N-400 Application for Naturalization

If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at [Phone Number]. Thank you very much for your prompt consideration of my Naturalization Application.

[Immigrant’s Full Name]

[Immigrant’s Signature]

[Signature Date]

Tips for Writing Your USCIS Cover Letter

When writing a USCIS cover letter, be sure to type your letter in English on a computer. Keep your letter concise and only include necessary information. A long cover letter will not be as helpful to a USCIS officer as a brief letter. If possible, keep your letter to one page. Be sure to proofread your letter before submitting your application package.

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What to stream this weekend: Willie Nelson, Chip & Joanna Gaines, Jim Henson and Ben Platt

This combination of of photos shows promotional art for "Fixer Upper: The Lake House" debuting June 2 on Magnolia Network, left, "The Life and Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson" two-night event airs June 1 and 2 on Lifetime, center, and "We Are Lady Parts" premiering May 30 on Peacock. (Magnolia Network/Lifetime/Peacock via AP)

This combination of of photos shows promotional art for “Fixer Upper: The Lake House” debuting June 2 on Magnolia Network, left, “The Life and Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson” two-night event airs June 1 and 2 on Lifetime, center, and “We Are Lady Parts” premiering May 30 on Peacock. (Magnolia Network/Lifetime/Peacock via AP)

This image released by Magnolia Pictures shows Mads Mikkelsen in a scene from “The Promised Land.” (Henrik Ohsten/Magnolia Pictures via AP)

This image released by Disney+ shows promotional art for “Jim Henson: Idea Man,” premiering May 31. (Disney+ via AP)

This image released by MGM Pictures shows Callum Turner, center, in a scene from “The Boys in the Boat.” (Laurie Sparham/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures via AP)

This cover image released by BMG shows “Pepito y Paquito” by Paco de Lucía and Pepe de Lucía. (BMG via AP)

This cover image released by SM Entertainment shows “Armageddon” by Aespa. (SM Entertainment)

This cover image released by Interscope shows “Honeymind” by Ben Platt. (Interscope via AP)

  • Copy Link copied

Willie Nelson’s 152nd album and Benedict Cumberbatch playing a curmudgeon puppeteer in “Eric” on Netflix are some of the new television, movies, music and games headed to a device near you.

Also among the streaming offerings worth your time as selected by The Associated Press’ entertainment journalists : George Clooney’s sports drama “The Boys in the Boat,” the British musical comedy “We Are Lady Parts” returns for a second season and home improvement gurus Chip and Joanna Gaines fix up a mid-century modern lake house on HGTV.


– Jim Henson died in 1990 at the age of 53 but his Muppet creations and their rambunctious spirit have long outlived him. Ron Howard’s “Jim Henson Idea Man” (Now on Disney+) is an attempt to document the life and imagination behind one of the most beloved entertainers. Howard made the film with the involvement of the Henson family and use of its extensive archive. ( Read AP’s review .)

— George Clooney’s “The Boys in the Boat” (Now on Prime Video) is an almost daringly old-fashioned sports drama that makes “Seabiscuit” look comparatively cutting edge. It tells the true-life tale of the University of Washington rowing team who in 1936 reached the Olympics in Berlin. In her review , AP National Writer Jocelyn Noveck wrote that “Clooney has gone for stirring and a bit stodgy, pleasing and a bit predictable.”

This cover image released by Sony Music shows "The Border" by Willie Nelson. (Sony Music via AP)

— In the Nordic Western “The Promised Land” (Now on Hulu), the frontier is Denmark’s remote Jutland heath, where a retired army captain (Mads Mikkelsen) travels with royal permission to cultivate a farm in 1755. His adventures, a loosely true history adapted from Ida Jessen’s 2020 bestseller “The Captain and Ann Barbara,” give Mikkelsen a sweeping backdrop for his magnetic presence.

— AP Film Writer Jake Coyle


— “The Border,” Willie Nelson’s 152nd album — you read that correctly, at least, according to Texas Monthly — arrives Friday. Across the release, Nelson offers idiosyncratic interpretations of compositions from country songwriting greats: Mike Reid (“Nobody Knows Me Like You”), Rodney Crowell with Will Jennings (“Many a Long and Lonesome Highway”), and Larry Cordle with Erin Enderlin (“I Wrote This Song for You”) among them. The title track, “The Border” is another reimagination of Crowell, a track from his 2019 album “Texas.” It’s a love letter to the Lone Star state, the kind Nelson knows better than anyone else. ( Read AP’s review. )

— It wasn’t so long ago that every conversation about the K-pop girl group aespa focused on their digital avatars. The quartet are actually an octet, if their AI counterparts are to be counted – an inventive exercise in transmedia storytelling to match their forward-thinking pop sound. But that was then. Now the group is preparing to release their debut full-length studio album, “Armageddon.” Lead single “Supernova” samples Afrika Bambaataa ’s ‘Planet Rock’ from 1982 and brings their electronic experiments even further into the future.

— Grammy-, Tony- and Emmy-winner Ben Platt brings his Broadway-sized pop to a third studio album, “Honeymind.” It’s a cheery pop-rock record (produced by Dave Cobb, known for his work with country greats Chris Stapleton , Brandi Carlile and most recently, Zayn Malik), deeply informed by his own love story and Peter Gabriel melodies. It’s an ideal record for musical theater fans looking for a different change of pace.

— Tanerélle, Republic Records latest signee, is preparing to release a new EP, “Electric Honey.” The Atlanta singer-songwriter’s strength is her rich vocal tone – classic and futuristic-sounding in the same breathy delivery of her grounded R&B. She might be a new name to some, but she’s already landed some impressive co-signs in the form of A-list syncs: Her music has been used in Spike Lee’s “She’s Gotta Have It” and Issa Rae ’s great HBO drama “Insecure.”

— And now for something completely different: On Friday, BMG Records released “Pepito y Paquito,” the earliest collection of recorded material from flamenco legends Paco de Lucía and Pepe de Lucía — restored partially by using AI technology – originally captured when they were 11 and 13 years old, respectively. (Before working under their own names, they were known as “Pepito y Paquito.”) There’s a lot to love here, but begin with “Me Falta La Resistencia,” the boys’ adaptation of the La Repompa de Málaga tango.

— AP Music Writer Maria Sherman


— It’s 1980s New York in the new Netflix series “Eric” and Benedict Cumberbatch plays a curmudgeon puppeteer named Vincent with a crumbling marriage. When Vincent’s son Edgar goes missing, he becomes obsessed with finishing a puppet that the boy was drawing, convinced its key to bringing him home. “Eric” premiered Thursday on Netflix.

— Peacock’s acclaimed British musical comedy “We Are Lady Parts” returns for a second season. It follows the members of a female all-Muslim rock band in London. The new episodes pick up after a time jump. Lady Parts now has fans, a rival music group to compete with, and they’re gearing up to release a full album. Activist Malala Yousafzai makes a guest appearance in the new episodes.

— A new Lifetime docuseries called “The Life and Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson” shares details of her life before she and Ron Goldman were murdered outside her home, thirty years ago on June 12, 1994. Her ex-husband, O.J. Simpson was acquitted of their murders after a lengthy trial that aired live on TV. Simpson, who died in April from cancer, always maintained his innocence. The two-part docuseries premieres Saturday and Sunday on Lifetime and will stream on mylifetime.com. Both parts will also be available for purchase on VOD platforms.

— Chip and Joanna Gaines get a taste of #lakelife with their latest project filmed for TV. They’re fixing up a mid-century modern lake house near Lake Waco, just in time for the 10-year anniversary of “Fixer Upper” on HGTV. “Fixer Upper: The Lakehouse” premieres Sunday on the Magnolia Network and HGTV. It will also stream same day on Max and Discovery+.

— Alicia Rancilio


— For 25 years, Super Smash Bros. has owned its self-created category — goofy, family-friendly, multiplayer brawling — because none of Nintendo’s competitors have its deep bench of characters. Warner Bros. Games could mount a serious challenge, though, with MultiVersus . Why not team up Wonder Woman and Jason Voorhees vs. Bugs Bunny and Steven Universe? And have them fight it out in the Batcave or the throne room from “Game of Thrones”? And it’s free-to-play, although WB hopes you’ll spend cash on season passes and cosmetic upgrades. The initial roster has a couple dozen fighters, and who knows how far WB will dig into its massive film library? Dirty Harry and The Exorcist go toe-to-toe in Casablanca? Battle on PlayStation 5/4, Xbox Series X/S/One and PC.

— Lou Kesten

Catch up on AP’s entertainment coverage here: https://apnews.com/entertainment.

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  1. I-589 Application for Asylum (How to Apply for Asylum in USA) (2023 UPDATE)

  2. How to fill the I-589 Asylum Form Correctly

  3. How to Complete the Asylum Application (I-589 Form)

  4. The Application for Asylum, Form I-589

  5. How to Complete the US Asylum Application (Form I-589 Instructions )

  6. e-Filing an I-589 Form


  1. 23. Sample Cover Letter

    23.1 Cover Letters for Affirmative Applications 23.1.1 Cover Letter for "Barebones Submission" If you are submitting an affirmative application, as discussed in Chapter 14, it is advisable to submit the I-589 almost...

  2. Asylum (Affirmative) Cover Letter for Filing I-589 with USCIS

    With 12 states having ended child marriage entirely, and every state from North Carolina to Maine taking action on the issue since 2016, D.C. must take urgent action to end child marriage.

  3. I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal

    Use this form to apply for asylum in the United States and for withholding of removal (formerly called "withholding of deportation"). You may file for asylum if you are physically in the United States and you are not a U.S. citizen.

  4. PDF Microsoft Word

    The following documents are enclosed in support of my application for employment authorization: Form G-1145. Form I-765. Two (2) Passport Photos. ASAP Membership Card. [PROOF OF FILING I-589, like a stamped first page of the I-589 from an immigration court] Copy of Passport/National ID and certified translation. Thank you for your time.

  5. PDF Home

    One additional copies of all of the above. [NOTE: You also need to include a copy of the I-589 for each derivative included - spouse or children. So, one original plus one copy for your client, plus one copy for each derivative] Asylum - Sample Cover Letter for Filing I-589 with USCIS Affirmative

  6. Asylum Application and Evidence

    In general, you can apply for asylum within one year of entering the United States by submitting an asylum application, Form I-589. Where you submit the asylum application depends on whether you are applying for asylum in immigration court or with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

  7. How to Prepare an Affirmative Asylum Application

    Prepare a Form I-589, "Application for Asylum and Withholding of Removal" to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Prepare and include supporting documentation of your fear of persecution, including your own personal declaration. Submit all these to USCIS within the one-year deadline (unless you qualify for an exception).

  8. PDF Asylum Application Sample Cover Letter

    An original Application for Asylum and Withholding of Removal (Form I-589).

  9. Form I-589 Filing Instructions Tool

    Form I-589 Filing Instructions Tool. To ensure timely receipt of your application, it is important that you correctly submit your Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal. For additional information about applying for asylum, see the Form I-589 Instructions.

  10. PDF Filing for Asylum

    When uploading documents and evidence in support of the asylum case, make sure that the limited scope assistance is disclosed to USCIS - either on the cover letter, or in the client's statement, or both.

  11. How to Write an Asylum Declaration to Go With Your I-589 Application

    A step-by-step overview of writing an asylum declaration, or a written statement explaining why you are applying for asylum and meet the eligibility requirements.

  12. How To Write a USCIS Cover Letter

    When writing a USCIS cover letter, be sure to type your letter in English on a computer. Keep your letter concise and only include necessary information. A long cover letter will not be as helpful to a USCIS officer as a brief letter. If possible, keep your letter to one page.

  13. Preparing Persuasive Documents for Your Asylum Application

    A successful asylum application depends on submitting convincing documentation along with a Form I-589. What documents will carry the most weight?

  14. PDF Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal

    I-589, Application for Asylum. Executive Office for Immigration Review. and for Withholding of Removal. START HERE - Type or print in black ink. See the instructions for information about eligibility and how to complete and file this application. There is no filing fee for this application.

  15. PDF Home

    1. Prepare the original form I-589 and a cover letter stating that the form is being submitted for the purposes of lodging. Take the original I-589 and cover letter to the window at the immigration court and "lodge" them in person.

  16. Complete Guide to USCIS Form I-589

    Completing Form I-589 can be complicated. If you are looking for a guide to help with the complete process, then you are at the right place. You'll learn about Form I-589's purpose, the sections it contains, the fee and filing process, the service centers where you must file the form, and vital advice to help you along the way.

  17. PDF Sincerely,

    In addition to completing the application for asylum (Form I-589), it is good to write out an explanation of your situation so the asylum officer who hears your case is able to understand your story and review the reasons why you are requesting asylum.

  18. PDF I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal

    To apply for withholding of removal under the Convention Against Torture, you must check the box at the top of Page 1. of the application and fully complete Form I-589. You must include a detailed explanation of why you fear torture in response to Part B, Question 4 of the application.

  19. Filling Out Form I-589 Application for Asylum

    The last page I-589 is called "Supplement B, Form I-589." Make extra copies of this page for any question for which you need more space to complete your answer. Fill it out completely and attach it to the application and write "See Supplement B, Form I-589" in the original space on the form. A cover letter can be helpful to add.

  20. Appendix E


  21. What to stream this week: Willie Nelson, Chip & Joanna Gaines, Jim

    This week's new streaming entertainment releases include a new album from Willie Nelson, Benedict Cumberbatch playing a curmudgeon puppeteer in "Eric" on Netflix and home improvement gurus Chip and Joanna Gaines fix up a mid-century modern lake house on HGTV.

  22. Recent Thickening of the Barents Sea Ice Cover

    The Arctic sea ice cover can, however, increase for periods typically up to a decade due to natural climate variability. We find that increased sea ice formation due to lower ocean and air temperatures has caused the recent thickening of the ice cover.

  23. How USCIS Processes a Form I-589 Filed After Removal Proceedings are

    Submit your new Form I-589 and supporting documentation to the lockbox associated with your address location. See the "Where to File" section on the Form I-589 page. If we have evidence that you filed Form I-589 with EOIR before the dismissal or termination of the removal proceedings, we will issue a new Form I-589 receipt notice that ...

  24. Regulation S-P: Privacy of Consumer Financial Information and

    The Commission received comment letters on the proposal from a variety of commenters, including financial services firms and their service providers, law firms, ... proposed final rules which require the incident response program's assessment and containment and control components to cover a broader scope of information than the notification ...

  25. PDF Pre Order Instructions document revised 4 1 2024

    A clear copy of the first three pages of your completed Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal, that you will be filing or have filed with the Immigration Court. You must make sure to include your full name, your current mailing address, and your alien number (A-number) on the form.