Essay Papers Writing Online

Tips for crafting a compelling and authentic personal essay.

How to write an essay about yourself

Writing an essay about yourself can be a daunting task, but when done right, it can be a powerful tool to showcase who you are and what makes you unique. Whether you’re applying for college, a scholarship, or a job, a well-crafted essay can help you stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

When writing a personal essay, it’s important to strike a balance between being informative and engaging. You want to provide the reader with insight into your background, experiences, and goals, while also keeping them interested and invested in your story. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of writing a compelling essay about yourself, from brainstorming ideas to polishing your final draft.

Essential Tips for Crafting

When crafting a compelling essay about yourself, it is important to think about your audience and what message you want to convey. Here are some essential tips to help you create an engaging and authentic essay:

Understand who will be reading your essay and tailor your content to resonate with them. Consider their interests, values, and expectations.
Avoid embellishments or exaggerations. Be truthful and genuine in your storytelling to create a strong connection with your readers.
Showcase what sets you apart from others. Share your skills, experiences, and values that make you a compelling individual.
Paint a vivid picture with descriptive language and specific examples. Engage the senses of your readers to make your story come alive.
Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Edit ruthlessly to refine your message and ensure it flows smoothly.

A Powerful Personal Essay

Writing a powerful personal essay is a way to express your unique voice and share your personal experiences with the world. By weaving together your thoughts, emotions, and reflections, you can create a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience. To craft a powerful personal essay, start by reflecting on your own experiences and exploring the themes that matter to you. Pay attention to the details and emotions that make your story come alive. Be honest and vulnerable in your writing, as authenticity is key to connecting with your readers. Additionally, consider the structure of your essay and how you can effectively organize your thoughts to engage your audience from beginning to end. By following these tips and staying true to your voice, you can create a powerful personal essay that leaves a lasting impact on your readers.

Choose a Unique Aspect

When writing an essay about yourself, it’s important to focus on a unique aspect of your personality or experiences that sets you apart from others. This could be a specific skill, talent, or life experience that has had a significant impact on your life. By choosing a unique aspect to highlight, you can make your essay more compelling and memorable to the reader. It’s important to showcase what makes you different and showcase your individuality in a way that will capture the reader’s attention.

of Your Personality

When writing about your personality, it’s important to showcase your unique traits and qualities. Describe what sets you apart from others, whether it’s your creativity, resilience, sense of humor, or compassion. Use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate these characteristics and provide insight into who you are as a person.

Highlight your strengths and acknowledge your weaknesses – this shows self-awareness and honesty. Discuss how your personality has evolved over time and mention any experiences that have had a significant impact on shaping who you are today. Remember to be authentic and genuine in your portrayal of yourself as this will make your essay more compelling and engaging to the reader.

Reflect Deeply on

When writing an essay about yourself, it is crucial to take the time to reflect deeply on your life experiences, values, beliefs, and goals. Consider the events that have shaped you into the person you are today, both positive and negative. Think about your strengths and weaknesses, your passions and interests, and how they have influenced your decisions and actions. Reflecting on your personal journey will help you uncover meaningful insights that can make your essay more compelling and authentic.

Take the time Reflect on your life experiences
Consider events Both positive and negative
Think about Your strengths and weaknesses
Reflecting will help Uncover meaningful insights

Your Life Experiences

Your Life Experiences

When it comes to writing an essay about yourself, one of the most compelling aspects to focus on is your life experiences. These experiences shape who you are and provide unique insights into your character. Reflect on significant moments, challenges you’ve overcome, or memorable events that have had a lasting impact on your life.

  • Consider discussing pivotal moments that have influenced your beliefs and values.
  • Share personal anecdotes that highlight your strengths and resilience.
  • Explore how your life experiences have shaped your goals, aspirations, and ambitions.

By sharing your life experiences in your essay, you can showcase your individuality and demonstrate what sets you apart from others. Be genuine, reflective, and honest in recounting the events that have shaped your journey and contributed to the person you are today.

Create a Compelling

When crafting an essay about yourself, it is essential to create a compelling narrative that captures the attention of the reader from the very beginning. Start by brainstorming unique and engaging personal experiences or qualities that you want to highlight in your essay. Consider including vivid anecdotes, insightful reflections, and impactful moments that showcase your character and achievements. Remember to be authentic and sincere in your writing, as this will resonate with your audience and make your essay more relatable. By creating a compelling narrative, you can effectively communicate your story and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Narrative Structure

The narrative structure is crucial when writing an essay about yourself. It helps to create a compelling and engaging story that showcases your unique qualities and experiences. Start by introducing the main theme or message you want to convey in your essay. Then, build a coherent storyline that highlights significant events or moments in your life. Use descriptive language and vivid details to bring your story to life and make it more relatable to the readers. Include a clear beginning, middle, and end to ensure that your essay follows a logical progression and captivates the audience throughout.

Emphasize the lessons you’ve learned from your experiences and how they have shaped your character and outlook on life. Connect these insights to your personal growth and development, demonstrating your resilience, determination, and self-awareness. End your essay on a reflective note, highlighting the impact of your journey on who you are today and what you aspire to achieve in the future. By following a strong narrative structure, you can craft a captivating essay that showcases your authenticity and leaves a lasting impression on the readers.

Highlight Your

When writing an essay about yourself, it is essential to highlight your unique qualities and experiences that set you apart from others. Consider including personal anecdotes, achievements, strengths, and challenges that have shaped your identity. Focus on showcasing your authenticity and individuality to make your essay compelling and engaging.

Share meaningful stories from your life that reflect your values, beliefs, or character.
Highlight your accomplishments, whether academic, professional, or personal, to demonstrate your skills and dedication.
Discuss your strengths and talents, such as leadership, creativity, or problem-solving abilities, to showcase your positive attributes.
Describe any significant obstacles you have overcome and how they have shaped your resilience and growth.

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How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay | Examples

Published on September 21, 2021 by Kirsten Courault . Revised on May 31, 2023.

An insightful college admissions essay requires deep self-reflection, authenticity, and a balance between confidence and vulnerability. Your essay shouldn’t just be a resume of your experiences; colleges are looking for a story that demonstrates your most important values and qualities.

To write about your achievements and qualities without sounding arrogant, use specific stories to illustrate them. You can also write about challenges you’ve faced or mistakes you’ve made to show vulnerability and personal growth.

Table of contents

Start with self-reflection, how to write about challenges and mistakes, how to write about your achievements and qualities, how to write about a cliché experience, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

Before you start writing, spend some time reflecting to identify your values and qualities. You should do a comprehensive brainstorming session, but here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What are three words your friends or family would use to describe you, and why would they choose them?
  • Whom do you admire most and why?
  • What are the top five things you are thankful for?
  • What has inspired your hobbies or future goals?
  • What are you most proud of? Ashamed of?

As you self-reflect, consider how your values and goals reflect your prospective university’s program and culture, and brainstorm stories that demonstrate the fit between the two.

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Writing about difficult experiences can be an effective way to show authenticity and create an emotional connection to the reader, but choose carefully which details to share, and aim to demonstrate how the experience helped you learn and grow.

Be vulnerable

It’s not necessary to have a tragic story or a huge confession. But you should openly share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to evoke an emotional response from the reader. Even a cliché or mundane topic can be made interesting with honest reflection. This honesty is a preface to self-reflection and insight in the essay’s conclusion.

Don’t overshare

With difficult topics, you shouldn’t focus too much on negative aspects. Instead, use your challenging circumstances as a brief introduction to how you responded positively.

Share what you have learned

It’s okay to include your failure or mistakes in your essay if you include a lesson learned. After telling a descriptive, honest story, you should explain what you learned and how you applied it to your life.

While it’s good to sell your strengths, you also don’t want to come across as arrogant. Instead of just stating your extracurricular activities, achievements, or personal qualities, aim to discreetly incorporate them into your story.

Brag indirectly

Mention your extracurricular activities or awards in passing, not outright, to avoid sounding like you’re bragging from a resume.

Use stories to prove your qualities

Even if you don’t have any impressive academic achievements or extracurriculars, you can still demonstrate your academic or personal character. But you should use personal examples to provide proof. In other words, show evidence of your character instead of just telling.

Many high school students write about common topics such as sports, volunteer work, or their family. Your essay topic doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, but do try to include unexpected personal details and your authentic voice to make your essay stand out .

To find an original angle, try these techniques:

  • Focus on a specific moment, and describe the scene using your five senses.
  • Mention objects that have special significance to you.
  • Instead of following a common story arc, include a surprising twist or insight.

Your unique voice can shed new perspective on a common human experience while also revealing your personality. When read out loud, the essay should sound like you are talking.

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

Academic writing

  • Writing process
  • Transition words
  • Passive voice
  • Paraphrasing


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  • Ms, mrs, miss
  • How to start an email
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Hope you are doing well

 Parts of speech

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First, spend time reflecting on your core values and character . You can start with these questions:

However, you should do a comprehensive brainstorming session to fully understand your values. Also consider how your values and goals match your prospective university’s program and culture. Then, brainstorm stories that illustrate the fit between the two.

When writing about yourself , including difficult experiences or failures can be a great way to show vulnerability and authenticity, but be careful not to overshare, and focus on showing how you matured from the experience.

Through specific stories, you can weave your achievements and qualities into your essay so that it doesn’t seem like you’re bragging from a resume.

Include specific, personal details and use your authentic voice to shed a new perspective on a common human experience.

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Courault, K. (2023, May 31). How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay | Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved July 5, 2024, from

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about me essay

15 Tips for Writing a College Essay About Yourself

What’s covered:.

  • What is the Purpose of the College Essay?
  • How to Stand Out Without Showing Off
  • 15 Tips for Writing an Essay About Yourself
  • Where to Get Free Feedback on Your Essay

Most students who apply to top-tier colleges have exceptional grades, standardized test scores, and extracurricular activities. How do admissions officers decide which applicants to choose among all these stellar students? One way is on the strength of their college essay .

This personal statement, along with other qualitative factors like teacher recommendations, helps the admissions committee see who you really are—the person behind the transcript. So, it’s obviously important to write a great one.

What Is the Purpose of the College Essay? 

Your college essay helps you stand out in a pool of qualified candidates. If effective, it will also show the admissions committee more of your personality and allow them to get a sense of how you’ll fit in with and contribute to the student body and institution. Additionally, it will show the school that you can express yourself persuasively and clearly in writing, which is an important part of most careers, no matter where you end up. 

Typically, students must submit a personal statement (usually the Common App essay ) along with school-specific supplements. Some students are surprised to learn that essays typically count for around 25% of your entire application at the top 250 schools. That’s an enormous chunk, especially considering that, unlike your transcript and extracurriculars, it isn’t an assessment of your entire high school career.  

The purpose of the college essay is to paint a complete picture of yourself, showing admissions committees the person behind the grades and test scores. A strong college essay shows your unique experiences, personality, perspective, interests, and values—ultimately, what makes you unique. After all, people attend college, not their grades or test scores. The college essay also provides students with a considerable amount of agency in their application, empowering them to share their own stories.

How to Stand Out Without Showing Off 

It’s important to strike a balance between exploring your achievements and demonstrating humility. Your aim should be to focus on the meaning behind the experience and how it changed your outlook, not the accomplishment itself. 

Confidence without cockiness is the key here. Don’t simply catalog your achievements, there are other areas on your application to share them. Rather, mention your achievements when they’re critical to the story you’re telling. It’s helpful to think of achievements as compliments, not highlights, of your college essay.  

Take this essay excerpt , for example:

My parents’ separation allowed me the space to explore my own strengths and interests as each of them became individually busier. As early as middle school, I was riding the light rail train by myself, reading maps to get myself home, and applying to special academic programs without urging from my parents. Even as I took more initiatives on my own, my parents both continued to see me as somewhat immature. All of that changed three years ago, when I applied and was accepted to the SNYI-L summer exchange program in Morocco. I would be studying Arabic and learning my way around the city of Marrakesh. Although I think my parents were a little surprised when I told them my news, the addition of a fully-funded scholarship convinced them to let me go. 

Instead of saying “ I received this scholarship and participated in this prestigious program, ” the author tells a story, demonstrating their growth and initiative through specific actions (riding the train alone, applying academic programs on her own, etc.)—effectively showing rather than telling.

15 Tips for Writing an Essay About Yourself 

1. start early .

Leave yourself plenty of time to write your college essay—it’s stressful enough to compose a compelling essay without putting yourself under a deadline. Starting early on your essay also leaves you time to edit and refine your work, have others read your work (for example, your parents or a teacher), and carefully proofread.

2. Choose a topic that’s meaningful to you 

The foundation of a great essay is selecting a topic that has real meaning for you. If you’re passionate about the subject, the reader will feel it. Alternatively, choosing a topic you think the admissions committee is looking for, but isn’t all that important to you, won’t make for a compelling essay; it will be obvious that you’re not very invested in it.

3. Show your personality 

One of the main points of your college essay is to convey your personality. Admissions officers will see your transcript and read about the awards you’ve won, but the essay will help them get to know you as a person. Make sure your personality is evident in each part—if you are a jokester, incorporate some humor. Your friends should be able to pick your essay from an anonymous pile, read it, and recognize it as yours. In that same vein, someone who doesn’t know you at all should feel like they understand your personality after reading your essay. 

4. Write in your own voice 

In order to bring authenticity to your essay, you’ll need to write in your own voice. Don’t be overly formal (but don’t be too casual, either). Remember: you want the reader to get to know the real you, not a version of you that comes across as overly stiff or stilted. You should feel free to use contractions, incorporate dialogue, and employ vocabulary that comes naturally to you. 

5. Use specific examples 

Real, concrete stories and examples will help your essay come to life. They’ll add color to your narrative and make it more compelling for the reader. The goal, after all, is to engage your audience—the admissions committee. 

For example, instead of stating that you care about animals, you should tell us a story about how you took care of an injured stray cat. 

Consider this side-by-side comparison:

Example 1: I care deeply about animals and even once rescued a stray cat. The cat had an injured leg, and I helped nurse it back to health.

Example 2: I lost many nights of sleep trying to nurse the stray cat back to health. Its leg infection was extremely painful, and it meowed in distress up until the wee hours of the morning. I didn’t mind it though; what mattered was that the cat regained its strength. So, I stayed awake to administer its medicine and soothe it with loving ear rubs.

The second example helps us visualize this situation and is more illustrative of the writer’s personality. Because she stayed awake to care for the cat, we can infer that she is a compassionate person who cares about animals. We don’t get the same depth with the first example. 

6. Don’t be afraid to show off… 

You should always put your best foot forward—the whole point of your essay is to market yourself to colleges. This isn’t the time to be shy about your accomplishments, skills, or qualities. 

7. …While also maintaining humility 

But don’t brag. Demonstrate humility when discussing your achievements. In the example above, for instance, the author discusses her accomplishments while noting that her parents thought of her as immature. This is a great way to show humility while still highlighting that she was able to prove her parents wrong.

8. Be vulnerable 

Vulnerability goes hand in hand with humility and authenticity. Don’t shy away from exploring how your experience affected you and the feelings you experienced. This, too, will help your story come to life. 

Here’s an excerpt from a Common App essay that demonstrates vulnerability and allows us to connect with the writer:  

“You ruined my life!” After months of quiet anger, my brother finally confronted me. To my shame, I had been appallingly ignorant of his pain. 

Despite being twins, Max and I are profoundly different. Having intellectual interests from a young age that, well, interested very few of my peers, I often felt out of step in comparison with my highly-social brother. Everything appeared to come effortlessly for Max and, while we share an extremely tight bond, his frequent time away with friends left me feeling more and more alone as we grew older.

In this essay, the writer isn’t afraid to share his insecurities and feelings with us. He states that he had been “ appallingly ignorant ” of his brother’s pain, that he “ often felt out of step ” compared to his brother, and that he had felt “ more and more alone ” over time. These are all emotions that you may not necessarily share with someone you just met, but it’s exactly this vulnerability that makes the essay more raw and relatable. 

9. Don’t lie or hyperbolize 

This essay is about the authentic you. Lying or hyperbolizing to make yourself sound better will not only make your essay—and entire application—less genuine, but it will also weaken it. More than likely, it will be obvious that you’re exaggerating. Plus, if colleges later find out that you haven’t been truthful in any part of your application, it’s grounds for revoking your acceptance or even expulsion if you’ve already matriculated. 

10. Avoid cliches 

How the COVID-19 pandemic changed your life. A sports victory as a metaphor for your journey. How a pet death altered your entire outlook. Admissions officers have seen more essays on these topics than they can possibly count. Unless you have a truly unique angle, then it’s in your best interest to avoid them. Learn which topics are cliche and how to fix them . 

11. Proofread 

This is a critical step. Even a small error can break your essay, however amazing it is otherwise. Make sure you read it over carefully, and get another set of eyes (or two or three other sets of eyes), just in case.

12. Abstain from using AI

There are a handful of good reasons to avoid using artificial intelligence (AI) to write your college essay. Most importantly, it’s dishonest and likely to be not very good; AI-generated essays are generally formulaic, generic, and boring—everything you’re trying to avoid being.   The purpose of the college essay is to share what makes you unique and highlight your personal experiences and perspectives, something that AI can’t capture.

13. Use parents as advisors, not editors

The voice of an adult is different from that of a high schooler and admissions committees are experts at spotting the writing of parents. Parents can play a valuable role in creating your college essay—advising, proofreading, and providing encouragement during those stressful moments. However, they should not write or edit your college essay with their words.

14. Have a hook

Admissions committees have a lot of essays to read and getting their attention is essential for standing out among a crowded field of applicants. A great hook captures your reader’s imagination and encourages them to keep reading your essay. Start strong, first impressions are everything!

15. Give them something to remember

The ending of your college essay is just as important as the beginning. Give your reader something to remember by composing an engaging and punchy paragraph or line—called a kicker in journalism—that ties everything you’ve written above together.

Where to Get Free Feedback on Your College Essay 

Before you send off your application, make sure you get feedback from a trusted source on your essay. CollegeVine’s free peer essay review will give you the support you need to ensure you’ve effectively presented your personality and accomplishments. Our expert essay review pairs you with an advisor to help you refine your writing, submit your best work, and boost your chances of getting into your dream school. Find the right advisor for you and get started on honing a winning essay.

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60 About Me Examples (Writing Guide + Free Templates)

Are you struggling to write an About Me section for your website or portfolio? Look no further!

We’ve compiled a list of 60 About Me Examples + Templates to help you craft the perfect introduction that showcases your skills, experience, and personality.

No matter your profession, we’ve got you covered with these customizable templates that will make your About Me section stand out.

What Is An About Me Statement?

Chinese business man - About Me Examples

Table of Contents

An about me statement is a short description of one’s background, achievements, and personal interests.

It’s typically used for job applications or as part of a professional portfolio.

An effective about me statement should be concise yet informative, showcasing the individual’s most impressive qualifications, skills, and experiences.

Writing an about me statement can feel intimidating at first but with the right approach, it can give you the opportunity to tell your story in a genuine and meaningful way that resonates with employers and colleagues.

60 About Me Examples

Here is a massive list of 60 about me examples, about me resume examples, and about me examples for portfolios.

1) Accountant

I am a highly organized and detail-oriented professional with a passion for numbers. My expertise lies in financial analysis and accounting, and I am committed to helping my clients make informed financial decisions.

2) Actor/Actress

I am an experienced actor with 10 years in the industry. I have a diverse portfolio of work ranging from musical theater to film. My passion for performing and commitment to excellence has earned me roles in several successful productions.

3) Aerospace Engineer

As an aerospace engineer, I am a creative problem-solver with a passion for aerodynamics and space exploration. My track record includes designing and testing successful aircraft and spacecraft, demonstrating my strong understanding of engineering principles.

4) Agricultural and Food Scientists

I am a dedicated researcher with a passion for sustainable agriculture and food production as an agricultural and food scientist. My extensive knowledge of plant and animal biology and my understanding of the environmental, economic, and social factors that impact food systems enable me to make significant contributions to the field.

5) Agricultural Worker

With years of experience in farming, I am an agricultural worker who takes pride in producing high-quality food for local communities. My strong work ethic and commitment to sustainable agriculture practices demonstrate my deep love for the land and all things agricultural.

6) Air Traffic Controller

As an air traffic controller, I am a highly skilled and responsible professional with a passion for ensuring safe and efficient air travel. My extensive training in air traffic control procedures and my ability to remain calm and focused in high-pressure situations are critical to my success.

7) Aircraft Pilot

With extensive experience flying various types of aircraft, I am a seasoned aviator who is passionate about flight. Safety and professionalism are of the utmost importance to me, and I am committed to maintaining the highest standards while in the air.

8) Aircraft Mechanic

As an aircraft mechanic, I am a skilled and knowledgeable aviation professional with a passion for keeping aircraft in top condition. My strong understanding of aircraft systems, coupled with my commitment to ensuring each plane I work on is safe and ready to fly, is critical to the success of any aviation team.

9) Aircraft Structure, Surfaces, Rigging, and Systems Assembler

I am an extraordinarily skilled and experienced professional with a passion for assembling aircraft structures, surfaces, rigging, and systems. My strong understanding of aircraft structures and systems, coupled with my precision and attention to detail, ensures that each plane I work on is assembled to the highest standards.

10) Architect

I am a creative and innovative architect with a passion for designing buildings and spaces. My strong understanding of building design and construction, coupled with my commitment to creating functional and aesthetically pleasing structures that meet the needs of my clients, makes me a valuable asset to any design team.

11) Architectural and Engineering Manager

As an architectural and engineering manager, I am an experienced leader with a passion for overseeing large-scale construction projects. My strong background in architecture and engineering, coupled with my commitment to ensuring that each project I manage is completed on time, on budget, and to the highest standards of quality, make me an invaluable asset to any team.

12) Archivist

I am a knowledgeable and organized professional with a passion for preserving history. As an archivist, my strong understanding of archival techniques, coupled with my commitment to ensuring that important historical documents and artifacts are properly stored, cataloged, and made accessible to the public, enables me to play a critical role in preserving our cultural heritage.

13) Biomedical Engineer

As a biomedical engineer, I am a highly skilled and innovative professional with a passion for using technology to improve human health. My strong background in engineering, biology, and medicine, coupled with my commitment to developing cutting-edge medical devices and treatments that will enhance patient outcomes, makes me a valuable asset to any healthcare team.

14) Biostatistician

As a biostatistician, I am a data-driven professional with a passion for using statistics to improve health outcomes. My extensive training in statistical analysis, coupled with my deep understanding of the biological and medical applications of statistical methods, makes me a valuable asset to any healthcare or research team seeking to make data-driven decisions.

15) Building Inspector

As a building inspector, I am a highly trained and experienced professional with a passion for ensuring the safety and quality of buildings. My strong understanding of building codes and construction practices, coupled with my commitment to conducting thorough and accurate inspections of residential, commercial, and industrial properties, enables me to ensure the safety of those who live and work in these buildings.

16) Business Professional

Having experience leading teams within a wide range of industries such as finance, IT & healthcare – my unique combination of analytical thinking & problem-solving skills offers added value no matter the context or situation.

17) Carpenter

As a skilled and experienced carpenter, I am passionate about working with wood and creating high-quality, functional structures and furnishings. My strong understanding of carpentry techniques, coupled with my commitment to using the best materials and tools available, enables me to create beautiful and durable pieces that stand the test of time.

Passionate about transforming ingredients into delightful dishes, I’ve had the pleasure of cooking in some of the best restaurants across the country. With over 9 years of experience working with different cuisines and techniques, I constantly strive to refine my skills and challenge myself.

19) Chemical Engineer

As a chemical engineer, I am a knowledgeable and innovative professional with a passion for using chemistry to solve real-world problems. My strong background in chemical engineering, coupled with my commitment to developing new and improved chemical processes and products, makes me a valuable asset to any company seeking to improve its products or processes.

20) Chemist

As a chemist, I am a curious and dedicated scientist with a passion for understanding the chemical properties of matter. My strong background in chemistry, coupled with my commitment to conducting cutting-edge research and developing new and improved chemical products and processes, enables me to make significant contributions to the field of chemistry.

21) Civil Engineer

As a civil engineer, I am a skilled and knowledgeable professional with a passion for designing and building infrastructure. My strong background in civil engineering, coupled with my commitment to ensuring that each project I work on is functional, safe, and sustainable, makes me a valuable asset to any infrastructure project.

22) Commercial Diver

As a highly trained and experienced commercial diver, I am passionate about working underwater and ensuring the safety and success of each dive I make. My extensive training in diving techniques, coupled with my commitment to using the best equipment and following strict safety protocols, makes me a valuable asset to any diving or underwater construction team.

23) Computer and Information Systems Manager

As a computer and information systems manager, I am a highly skilled and experienced professional with a passion for using technology to solve business problems. My strong background in computer science, coupled with my commitment to ensuring that each technology project I manage is completed on time, on budget, and to the highest standards of quality, makes me a valuable asset to any organization seeking to improve its technology infrastructure.

24) Computer Network Architect

As an exceptionally skilled and innovative computer network architect, I am passionate about designing and implementing computer networks. My strong understanding of network technologies, coupled with my commitment to ensuring that each network I design is scalable, reliable, and secure, makes me a valuable asset to any organization seeking to improve its network infrastructure.

25) Computer Programmer

As a highly skilled and experienced computer programmer, I am passionate about writing code and developing high-quality software that meets the needs of my clients. My strong background in computer science, coupled with my commitment to using the best programming practices and tools available, makes me a valuable asset to any software development team.

26) Construction Worker

As a hardworking and experienced construction worker, I am passionate about building and ensuring the success of each project I work on. My strong understanding of construction techniques, coupled with my commitment to ensuring the safety of myself and those around me, makes me a valuable asset to any construction team.

27) Cost Estimator

As a highly organized and detail-oriented cost estimator, I am passionate about calculating costs and ensuring that each cost estimate I produce is accurate, comprehensive, and realistic. My strong background in finance, coupled with my commitment to using the best data and tools available, makes me a valuable asset to any organization seeking to manage its costs effectively.

28) Crane and Tower Operator

As a skilled and experienced crane and tower operator, I am passionate about operating cranes and towers and ensuring the safety and success of each lift I make. My extensive training in crane and tower operation techniques, coupled with my commitment to following strict safety protocols and using the best equipment available, makes me a valuable asset to any construction or industrial team.

29) Dentist

As a dentist with 5+ years of experience, my mission is to provide quality dental care while fostering relationships of trust with each patient I serve. My passion for dentistry allows me to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies in order to deliver optimal results.

30) Designer

Drawing from my knowledge of graphic design principles and trends, I create visually stunning designs that capture my audience’s attention. Whether it be web graphics, logos, or other types of digital assets, my work speaks for itself.

31) Entrepreneur

In pursuit of creating meaningful businesses with lasting impact – For over a decade now, I’ve dedicated myself to developing ventures that solve real problems & offer creative solutions. With more than 5 startups under my belt – each as successful as the last, it’s safe to say that this mission has become second nature by now.

32) Event Planner

With over 9 years’ worth of experience as an event planner, I specialize in creating memorable experiences for any type of event; from corporate functions and galas down to private parties and celebrations alike! Having worked on dozens upon dozens of successful events thus far – there’s nothing I won’t do when it comes to organizing your special occasion just the way you envisioned it.

33) Financial Advisor

As a financial advisor with more than 8 years’ worth of experience helping people make smart decisions with their money, I take pride in helping others reach their long-term financial goals. My background as an accountant offers clients peace of mind knowing they’re getting sound advice backed by reliable credentials.

34) Hair Stylist

As a creative hair stylist with over 10 years worth of experience, I find joy in helping others express their individual beauty through haircuts and colors. Whether it be an everyday kind look or for special occasions – no style is off limits.

35) Hospital Administrator

Worked with hospitals for over 8 years now, and my enthusiasm lies in helping these institutions run more efficiently through careful management of staff and resources. By approaching each day with an open mind and perceptive eye toward improvement, I hope to make a positive impact on healthcare as a whole.

36) Interior Designer

Tapping into my extensive knowledge base & understanding of the principles behind aesthetics . My aim is to craft visually appealing spaces that mirror the individual personality and style preferences of every client. All while keeping within budget restrictions. From offices, homes, restaurants, you name it – having crafted interiors across various contexts during the past decade; my work has been featured in numerous acclaimed galleries and magazines worldwide.

37) Landscaper

Crafting greener environments one job at a time has been my mission since day one; Deriving satisfaction from breathing life into untouched spaces – landscaping has allowed me to take artistic expression outdoors for nearly 7 years now while simultaneously enjoying being surrounded by nature.

Dedicated to providing legal services that are tailored to meet the needs of each individual client, I have amassed 10+ years of experience tackling complex cases both in and out of court. My commitment is to always uphold justice and ensure an ethical resolution for all matters I take on.

39) Makeup Artist

As a veteran makeup artist with 8+ years in the beauty industry, clients know they can trust me with all their beauty needs! From providing unique looks for special occasions like weddings or photoshoots – all the way down to perfecting everyday natural looks; there is no job too great nor small for me to handle.

40) Marketer

With over ten years of experience developing campaigns both online and offline, I am confident in my ability to drive results through strategic marketing initiatives. My skills extend from writing persuasive copy to leveraging social media channels for maximum visibility.

41) Massage Therapist

As an experienced massage therapist with several certifications, I have built my reputation on providing personalized treatments catered to each client’s needs. By taking into account physical ailments as well as emotional well-being, my goal is to leave clients feeling invigorated after every session.

42) Musician

My passion for music comes through in every performance, whether I’m playing solo or with a full band. With over 10 years of experience playing at various venues around the world, I bring expertise and energy to any event.

43) Novelist

When it comes to telling stories – I’m fiercely passionate about creating engaging tales that captivate readers from the first page all the way through the last. Throughout the past decade, I have written multiple novels under various genres; Bringing fiction to life has been an amazing journey so far.

As a skilled nurse with 10+ years of experience in healthcare, my aim is to provide compassionate care during tough times while also advocating for patient rights & well-being. Whether it be providing physical or emotional support – no matter where you are in your journey, you can rest assured that my focus remains entirely on your well-being first & foremost.

45) Paralegal

When it comes down to understanding the complex legal system – there’s nothing quite like having a paralegal. Having worked within this profession for nearly 7 years, I’m deeply passionate about helping those who are often stuck trying to figure things out when it comes to managing cases and paperwork within court systems.

46) Personal Trainer

With over eight years of personal training experience, I specialize in helping people reach their fitness goals through personalized workout plans designed specifically for them. No matter where your starting point is, together we can make progress toward achieving your health objectives safely and effectively.

47) Photographer

With an eye for composition and detail, I bring creativity and professionalism to every project I work on. For the past decade, my photography has been featured in galleries and magazines around the world.

48) PR Specialist

As a public relations specialist, I have worked with major brands to shape their public image while also protecting their reputation amongst key stakeholders such as customers and journalists. My history of success is backed by numerous awards and press features throughout my career.

49) Project Manager

Taking projects from start to finish requires a comprehensive, detail-oriented mindset – which is fortunately what I specialize in, alongside several certifications obtained during this time span. Be it organizing events, or budgeting resources — my passion and drive for successful completion have allowed me to manage projects both small-scale and large-scope within tight deadlines.

50) Quality Assurance Consultant

From developing requirements documents all the way down to testing software applications; I take great joy in finding every little detail that makes up a successful product launch. With 6+ years of expertise under my belt – I’m constantly pushing towards refining QA processes or protocols to their fullest potential.

51) Real Estate Agent

As a real estate agent with a knack for finding properties that fit perfectly with each customer’s needs, I have been helping families find their dream homes for over 8 years. My passion lies in guiding people through what can often be overwhelming processes and ensuring they make smart investments.

52) Social Worker

Over the past 10 years, I have been fortunate enough to be part of a community where reaching out to those most vulnerable is always a priority. My mission as a certified social worker lies in ensuring rights — promoting fairness — upholding equality — advocate justice regardless of any circumstance.

53) Software Developer

With a degree in Computer Science and an impressive track record as a developer at several Fortune 500 companies, my work speaks for itself. For over 8 years I have provided robust solutions that consistently exceeded expectations while meeting deadlines.

54) Teacher/Educator

Applying creativity & out-of-the-box thinking alongside traditional teaching methods – After having served within this profession for nearly a decade now, I believe wholeheartedly that education should be fun yet thought-provoking at the same time – My goal has remained unchanged since day one upon embarking into this field – To inspire children towards excellence through knowledge & self-discovery whilst remembering too that everyone learns differently.

55) Telemarketer

With an extensive background in customer service & sales spanning nearly 9 years, salesmanship has always come naturally to me. My aim is constantly honing in on key selling points while adapting to customers’ needs or preferences – ultimately launching campaigns that produce dramatic results.

56) Therapist

As an experienced therapist (& consultant) with certifications spanning many different fields (such as psychology & psychiatry), I strive to bring out my innermost potential during each session that allows individuals to solve personal issues on their terms.

57) Veterinarian

As an accomplished veterinarian with over 5 years working in animal medicine, there’s no creature no matter how large or small that doesn’t deserve quality care under my watchful eye. Educating pet parents about preventative health measures is also something I’m more than willing to do as part of maintaining a healthy relationship between owners & their beloved companions alike.

58) Web Designer

I blend creativity with logic seamlessly. For 8+ years, my contributions to web design resulted in quality workmanship driven towards user-centric experiences that integrate accessibility with efficiency together at once.

As a professional writer with ten years of experience across many genres, I consistently create engaging, insightful pieces while meeting tight deadlines. Publications like The New York Times and Harvard Business Review have featured my articles.

60) YouTuber

From creating humorous skits and satirical takes on societal norms, YouTube has allowed me to express myself creatively through video content during the past few years. Embracing honest moments of humor – My ultimate goal remains to bring out laughter and joy into people’s lives every day.

About Me Example Templates (Free to Copy or Download)

When I’m writing, I love to use templates to guide my own creativity.

Here are three About Me Example Templates you can copy:

I am a [Adjective] [Occupation] with [Number] years of experience in [Industry]. I am passionate about [Interest or Skill] and have worked on several projects that have [Achievement or Impact]. When I’m not [Occupation-related Activity], you can find me [Hobby or Interest]. I believe in [Personal or Professional Philosophy] and strive to [Goal or Mission Statement].

I am a [Adjective] [Occupation] who has been [Verb + Ing] for [Number] years. I enjoy [Interest or Skill] and have been fortunate enough to [Achievement or Impact]. In my free time, I love to [Hobby or Interest] and [Fun Fact or Quirky Detail]. My goal is to [Personal or Professional Goal] and I am always looking for ways to [Action or Skill] to achieve it.

I am [Name], a [Adjective] [Occupation] who has been working in [Industry] for [Number] years. I am passionate about [Interest or Skill] and have been able to [Achievement or Impact]. When I’m not [Occupation-related Activity], I enjoy [Hobby or Interest] and [Fun Fact or Quirky Detail]. My philosophy is to [Personal or Professional Philosophy] and I strive to [Goal or Mission Statement].

About Me Writing Guide

Now that you have read through the examples and templates, keep the following eight super tips in mind:

  • Know your audience. Consider the people who will be visiting your website or portfolio and tailor your statement to their interests and needs.
  • Keep it concise. Your about me statement should be brief and to the point. Avoid long paragraphs and stick to the most important information.
  • Use a professional tone. Your about me statement should be written in a professional tone that reflects your brand and image.
  • Highlight your skills and experience . Use your statement to showcase your skills and experience in your field. Be specific and highlight your achievements.
  • Be authentic. Write your about me statement in your own voice and be authentic. Avoid using jargon or buzzwords that don’t reflect who you are.
  • Use a storytelling approach. Use a storytelling approach to share your journey and experiences in your field. This will help you connect with your audience and make your statement more engaging.
  • Add a personal touch . Add a personal touch to your statement by including your interests, hobbies, or values. This will make your statement more relatable and help you stand out.
  • Update it regularly . Make sure to update your about me statement regularly to reflect your current skills, experience, and achievements. This will keep your statement fresh and relevant.

Although this video is about sharing your About Me information verbally, you can apply many of the tips to the about me section of your resume, website, or portfolio:

Final Thoughts: About Me Examples

If you want to take your About Me and bio-writing skills to the next level, here are some tools I strongly suggest:

Recommended ToolsWhy I Like It
Instantly generates high-quality About Me bios
Multi-Use AI tool with bio template
Powerful AI-generated content
Best-in-Class AI writer for bios

No matter what profession you choose, it is important to have a passion for what you do and a commitment to excellence.

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How to Write About Yourself

Last Updated: July 31, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Lucy Yeh . Lucy Yeh is a Human Resources Director, Recruiter, and Certified Life Coach (CLC) with over 20 years of experience. With a training background with Coaching for Life and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) at InsightLA, Lucy has worked with professionals of all levels to improve the quality of their careers, personal/professional relationships, self marketing, and life balance. There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 5,711,666 times.

Whether you're writing an essay about yourself for a scholarship, a self-introduction, or a personal bio for a job application, coming up with the right words to capture what makes you unique can feel challenging. Fortunately, there are tips and tricks that can make writing about yourself a breeze. Want some help getting across just how impressive, interesting, and skilled you really are? Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about putting yourself into words effectively, complete with examples.

about me essay

Writing of the Autobiographical Nature

Step 1 Introduce yourself...

  • Who are you?
  • What is your background?
  • What are your interests?
  • What are your talents?
  • What are your achievements?
  • What challenges have you faced?

Step 2 Start with a...

  • What is your most interesting or unique quality? What word(s) describes you the best? Choose that topic.

Step 4 Use a few good details.

  • Bad: I like sports.
  • Ok: I'm a fan of basketball, football, tennis, and soccer.
  • Good: My favorite sport is football, both to watch and to play.
  • Better: When I was growing up, I would watch Big Ten football with my dad and brothers every Saturday, before we'd go outside and toss the football around. I've loved it ever since.

Step 5 Be humble...

  • Braggy: I'm the best and most dynamic worker at my company right now, so you should want to hire me for my talents.
  • Humble: I was lucky enough to be awarded three employee of the month awards at my current job. Turns out it was a company record.

Writing Personal Essays for School

Step 1 Choose a memorable story to tell.

  • Common themes or prompts for autobiographical essays include overcoming obstacles, great successes or spectacular failures, and what you learned about yourself.

Step 2 Focus on a single theme or purpose.

  • Depending on the assignment, you may need to connect a personal anecdote to a reading or an idea from class. Start brainstorming topics that are connected to that idea, to give yourself a variety of options to choose from.

Step 3 Write about complex topics, not cliches.

  • Common autobiographical essay cliches include sports stories, mission trips, and dead grandmothers. While these can all make for excellent essays if done well, it is difficult to stand out when telling the story of how your lacrosse team lost a big game, then practiced hard, then won. It has been written before.

Step 4 Limit the timeline...

  • If you want to tell the story of your nasty break-up, start with the break-up, do not start with the star-crossed way you met. You have got to get immediately to the tension in the story.

Step 5 Use vivid details.

  • When you have an idea of your topic, start writing a "memory list" of specific things that you remember about the event. What was the weather like? What did it smell like? What did your mother say to you?
  • Your opening paragraph will set the tone for the rest of the essay. Rather than telling the dull biographical details (your name, your place of birth, your favorite food), find a way to express the essence of the story you are going to tell and the themes you are going to explore in your essay.

Step 6 Start in the...

Writing a Cover Letter for an Application

Step 1 Find the prompt.

  • Outline your qualifications and highlight your talents in a cover letter.
  • Write about who you are.
  • In a cover letter, describe how your education and experience qualifies you for this position.
  • Explain how this opportunity will benefit your career goals.

Step 2 Match the style to the purpose.

  • When in doubt, keep it brief and serious. If you are unsure whether or not telling an amusing anecdote about your friend's bachelor party is appropriate in a cover letter, it is probably best to leave it out.

Step 3 Describe why you are writing in the first paragraph.

  • "I'm writing to apply for the entry-level position with Company Inc. advertised on your website. I think my experience and training makes me an ideal candidate for this position."
  • Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to include your name in the body of the letter: "My name is John Smith and I am applying...." Your name will be included in the signature , as well as the header of a cover letter, so there is no need to put it in the text itself.

Step 4 Structure the cover letter as cause and effect.

  • Who you are and where you come from.
  • Where you want to go.
  • How this opportunity would potentially help you get there.

Step 5 Detail your talents and skills specifically.

  • Be as specific as possible. It is alright to note that you are "A passionate leader in all walks of life" but it would be much better to write about an example of a time you lead in a surprising way.
  • Stay focused on skills and talents that connect specifically to the thing you are applying for. Extracurricular involvement, leadership roles, and other types of outstanding achievement may be important to you personally, but it may be totally extraneous. If you include something, ensure to connect it specifically to the goal of the cover letter.

Step 6 Describe your goals and ambitions.

  • Be as specific as possible. If you are writing a university cover letter, it is obvious that you have to have a degree to get a job as a doctor, but how did you come to choose this field? Why did you choose this school? What, specifically, do you want to take away from the experience?

Step 7 Explain how both parties will benefit from your selection.

  • Be careful about using a cover letter to critique a business. It is not the time to describe the suffering of a particular brand over the previous fiscal quarter, then promising that you will be able to turn it around with your ideas. That might not go over well if you are hired, and then you are unable to live up to the promise.

Step 8 Do not mistake...

  • Even if it is impressive, a high GPA or class ranking does not belong in a cover letter. Highlight it on your resume, but do not include it in two different places of the application.

Step 9 Keep it brief.

  • Mailing address
  • Telephone and/or fax number

Lucy Yeh

Expert Trick : Save time and effort by creating one generic format that you can use for many different job applications by tweaking the specific content for each one. Start with a general introductory paragraph , then a section or two fleshing out your resume and expertise as it relates to the job, and finish it off with a closing paragraph and a note of thanks.

Writing a Short Biography Note

Step 1 Write about yourself...

  • Pretend you are writing about someone else. Write your name and start describing that person like a character or a friend: "John Smith is the Executive Vice President of Company Inc..."

Step 2 Explain your position or title.

  • If you are a jack of all trades, say so. Do not be afraid to list "actor, musician, mother, motivational speaker, and professional rock climber" if they all apply equally.

Step 3 Briefly list your responsibilities or accomplishments.

  • It is common to list degrees that you have received. Pay particular attention to anything that ties into the work you are writing about. If you have special training, include it here.

Step 4 Include a bit of your personal life.

  • "John Smith is the Executive Vice President of Company Inc., in charge of marketing and overseas acquisitions. He received an MBA with distinction from Harvard and lives in Montauk with his cat Cheeto."
  • Do not overshare. It can seem funny to immediately start with "John Smith loves rafting and hates eating Cheetos. He's a total boss" and such bio notes can be appropriate for some venues, however be careful to avoid awkward oversharing. Telling everyone about your killer hangover might be best left for after work talk.

Step 5 Keep it brief.

  • Stephen King, who is one of the most successful and popular authors in recent history, has a bio note that just lists the name of his family members, his hometown, and his pets. Consider leaving out the self-congratulation entirely.

Community Q&A

wikiHow Staff Editor

  • Remember that you’re supposed to talk about yourself, it’s the main topic. Don’t talk about your friends or family, even though you may feel tempted to. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • If you are having a difficult time writing about yourself, search online for examples of personal writing, in order to get some ideas and inspiration. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't think about how others feel about you. Everyone thinks from a different perspective. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0

about me essay

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About This Article

Lucy Yeh

If you have to write an autobiographical description of yourself, write down a list of your talents, interests, and accomplishments. Use this list to help you choose one specific topic for your description, such as your academic achievements or your leadership qualities. Use specific, unique details to support your topic, such as being awarded an academic scholarship or the fact that you were president of the newspaper in high school. You can list bits of your personal life, but be careful not to overshare. If you want to write about yourself a cover letter or personal essay, keep reading the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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17+ Great Ideas for an Essay About Yourself

17+ Great Ideas for an Essay About Yourself

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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An essay about yourself should present you in a positive light, but also leave your reader with a greater understanding of what it is that makes you tick. What’s your inspiration and motivation?

In this article, I’ll give you a range of ideas to include in your essay about yourself. These ideas will show you how to tell a compelling story about who you are.

Pick one or more of these ideas and use it in your essay to improve its quality.

how to write an essay about yourself

1. Come up with One Word about Yourself and Put it in your Title

Your essay heading sets the tone for the rest of the essay.

One way to get yourself started on the right track for your essay describing yourself is to ensure you have the one key word that describes you in the title.

How would you describe yourself in one word?

Here’s a few ways I’d describe myself:

  • Introverted

Now, if you need to write your essay in a way that presents you in the best way possible, then of course you’d select the one that does that!

So for me, that’d be ‘optimistic’.

I could then set my title to something like: “An Essay About Chris, the Eternal Optimist.”

Here, your reader has been introduced to the central trait I want to reinforce in the essay right away. You’ve set the tone now.

Now that you’ve used that key term at the start, make sure you follow-up by using that same term a few more times throughout the piece so that you keep it as a clear motif throughout. I’d recommend at least using it in the introduction, body and conclusion.

2. Make it Personal using Anecdotes

The difference between a good and great essay about yourself is the use of personal anecdotes.

You want your essay to stand out because it’s thoughtful and unique.

Anyone can tell a story of who they are. Anyone can say: “Here’s who I am and here’s what’s good about me.”

Not everyone can tell a detailed, thoughtful and personal story that’ll show (and not tell) people who you are.

Personal anecdotes might include:

  • A discussion about your ancestry;
  • A story about how your ancestors came to your country;
  • A story about how your parents came up with your childhood nickname;
  • An important story from your childhood;
  • A personal challenge that you currently face;
  • A personal challenge from the past that you’ve overcome

Or anything else that shows your personality! So, let’s zoom in and take a look at how you could write about each of the points from above.

3. Describe your Ancestry

Dig deep – way back. Who are your ancestors?

Two of the best questions you can ask to tell a really good story about yourself are these:

Who are your ancestors?

How did your ancestors shape who you are.

What is your connection to them?

Let’s take them one at a time.

Your ancestors might be Greek, or Scottish, or Irish, or Italian. Maybe you have some Native American ancestors or maybe they were Pioneers heading to America?

You can start this essay by explaining your ancestry to really start shaping a quality story about yourself. One example is to tell a story about how your ancestors came to your country.

For me, I’d talk about how my Ancestors were a loose collection of quirky characters who came to Australia for a better life. Some were “10 Pound Poms” – British people seeking a better life. The paid 10 pounds to get on a boat and head to a new world. And others were convicts, sent out for stealing sheep.

Is there an interesting hook about your ancestry to start your essay?

Your ancestors should mean a lot to you. They should show you the path to a better life. What sacrifices did they make for you to be who you are today?

I could talk about how they had a tough life to come from working-class backgrounds. They worked the land and battled hardship to give me what I’ve got.

Now, I’m a happy, free, relatively wealthy person because of their hard world.

Who you are is because of your ancestors.

For me, they are the reason I value hard work. I also know my grandfather fought hard for a good wage for people on the railways. So, I have a sense of solidarity with hard-working working-class people because of him.

I also believe strongly in the importance of living a free and happy life because my ancestors are Australians. We’re Aussies! We work hard and have fun. That’s something my ancestors gave me, and I’ll carry all those values forward for my children one day, too.

Can you see that telling a story of your ancestors can really reveal a lot about what’s deep inside you? They show you your values and they’re your guiding star.

4. Tell the story of how you got your Childhood Nickname

Here’s another interesting story idea that can get your essay started on the right track.

How about telling the story of how you got your childhood nickname?

Here’s an example: My sister’s nickname was Boo Boo.

(She’d be made at me if she knew I told you that!)

She was called Boo Boo because she was always hurting herself! She was always having “boo boos”, which was our slang for “mistakes”.

Here, her nickname tells a story about herself. It tells a story about how she can sometimes be a little bit clumsy. This could be a good personal story to use to introduce herself to the reader.

Do you have a unique nickname story?

5. Tell an Important Story from your Childhood

Do you have any childhood stories that really reflect who you are?

This story might be:

  • Tell the story of a childhood family holiday: Your story of your family holiday might highlight how important family is to your sense of who you are. Did the family holiday show you how much family is important to you?
  • Tell the story of a time you realized something: I remember seeing a kid at school being bullied once and feeling really uncomfortable about it. I ended up sitting with him during the lunch period because he was upset. That was the day I really realized that something deep inside me is a sense that kindness is one of the most important things in the world.

Have a think. Are there any stories from your childhood that you can tell that reveal something about who you are and what your values are?

6. Start with “When I’m old I will look back and reflect on…”

Here’s a strategy that works really well.

When you start from the perspective of someone looking back, you often reflect on the things that are most important.

Have you ever seen an older person telling a story? It’s often a story told from the perspective of wisdom . We might call this 20/20 hindsight.

So, start your story by discussing what you’ll look back on about your life: what will you be proud of? What parts of your personality would you want to reflect on with pride?

It might be:

  • “When I’m old I will look back and reflect on the things I did to help other people. For example, one time I … [did this]”
  • “When I’m old I will look back and reflect on the quality time I spent with my family. My family is the most important thing in my life. One of these quality times is when …”
  • Any other ideas you have?

7. Or, Start with “In ten years I will be…”

We can flip Step 6 on its head, and talk about where you want to be in 10 years. This will force you to reflect upon what’s most important to your future.

When talking about your goals and how those goals are linked to your values.

Here’s some examples:

  • “In ten years time I will be just returning from an amazing trip around the world. I have a strong sense of adventure and I want to spend the next 10 years fulfilling my dream of adventure.”
  • “In ten years time I want to be busy working in a not-for-profit doing something for people less fortunate than me. This vision drives my decisions that I make today. It drives my desire to … [study a course?]”
  • What will you say if you start with “In ten years time…”?

8. Describe your Interests

No matter how you start your essay, you need to make sure that your story shows what you are interested in.

Your interests are what you do in your spare time

You might, for example, be interested in a particular topic. This will show how you’re set apart from others. We all have different interests.

Here’s a few examples of people’s interests:

  • Dinosaurs: Ross Gellar from the TV show Friends would write in his story that one of his biggest interests is dinosaurs!
  • Sports: Many people put sports at the center of their interests and motivations. Are you passionate about a sport that you watch or play? This could be included in your essay about yourself.
  • Reading: Many young people love to read. You can talk about this as something you love, and then discuss how reading helps you think more deeply about issues in this world.

What are your interests? Could you use these as the basis of your essay about yourself?

9. Describe what Motivates You

Right at the core of your essay about yourself should be a message about your motivations. What is it that you dream about? What is it that gets you out of bed in the morning?

A motivation is different to an interest. Your interest is what you do in your part-time. Your motivations are your long-term goals that will give you fulfillmen t.

People want to see what makes you tick.

Your motivations don’t have to be for money or a career. A lot of people are deeply motivated by their passions like:

  • Getting fit, or pursuing fitness goals;
  • Being a part of a community;
  • Helping others out, especially the less fortunate;
  • Making their family proud;
  • Seeing amazing, remarkable things;
  • Inventing or discovering something that improves the world

For me, my biggest motivation is my blog. I take pride in it and how it helps people out. So maybe I’d tell the story of my blog, and how it reflects my intrinsic desire to help people learn new things.

So, what motivates you?

10. Identify your Current Personal Challenges

Teachers like to see that you are taking a proactive role to address or overcome personal challenges. So, you can base your essay about yourself on a current personal challenge.

The important thing for an essay on a current personal challenge is this:

  • Identify what your challenge is; and
  • Explain how you are working hard to address it.

Your challenge might be a personal disability, a setback you’ve recently had, or a goal that you’re working towards achieving.

  • Wanting to join the military: You could talk about your major challenge being a career goal like getting accepted into the military. Then, you’d need to show something about how you are addressing this by, for example, following a rigorous exercise regime.
  • Living with a disability: Maybe you have a disability or medical problem that you need to address. You could talk about how it hasn’t stopped you from believing in your ability to achieve. While it might make life harder, show how you’re a determined person who won’t let adversity get in your way.

By revealing how you are overcoming your challenges, you’re revealing something about yourself. You are showing your marker that you’re a hard, diligent worker. That you have resilience and drive. And that you’re someone who strives to achieve.

11. Identify the Biggest Challenge you’ve Overcome

If there’s challenges in your rear-view mirror that you have already overcome, you can also talk about that.

Pause for a moment and think about the biggest achievement of your life. Was it getting that score you wanted in a science test? Was it making it into the football team after a lot of training and practice?

By telling the story of a personal challenge that you have already overcome, you’re showing how you’re a competent, capable and resilient person.

Here’s some examples of overcoming challenges:

  • Winning a team sport: Talk about all the work you did as a team in the lead-up to the win. Did you take advice from the coach and use it to become better? Did you learn that you had to work as a group to succeed?
  • Getting an award: Were you awarded once for your skills? What did you need to do to win the award? Was it hard work that paid off?

12. Be Humble

It’s important to strike the appropriate tone for your essay about yourself.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is that they too hard to sell themselves. This usually makes you sound arrogant and self-absorbed.

One of the best ways to sound humble is to express gratitude. When discussing who you are, what you achieved and what your strengths are, remember to mention who it was who helped you get there.

People you might be grateful for include: parents, teachers, siblings, friends, your country and mentors. Talk about how they were instrumental in your success. Maybe they were patient with you, presented opportunities for you, or forgave your mistakes.

It’s also good to make sure you don’t compare yourself to others. It’s not a good idea to say “I achieved better than anyone else.” Focussing on how you worked hard for your achievements is enough: there’s no need to talk about how you’re better or the best. Focus on the effort you put in, not the fact that you’re better than anyone.

To learn more about tricks on being humble, I recommend this good summary of ways to be humble from Forbes.

13. Describe your Personality Type

Here’s another interesting way of approaching the essay.

If you’re struggling to explain yourself, you can take a quiz that tells you what your personality type is. Something really nice about these quizzes is they not only give you words to explain what your personality type is, but they also give you some ideas to talk about.

Here’s a few good personality type quizzes:

  • 16 Personalities : This quiz decides which personality you are from 16 types, such as debater, entrepreneur, adventurer and entertainer. I got the ‘Advocate’ meaning I am driven by “idealism and morality” and am mainly an introvert. What are you? Share in the comments below!
  • Learning Styles : This quiz finds out how you learn. Are you the sort of person who learns in solitude or with others? Are you an introvert or extrovert? Another alternative is the VARK quiz which sees which sort of category of learner you are: Visual, Auditory (sound), Read/Write, or Kinesthetic (using your body).
  • Career Quiz : This quiz asks you a range of personality questions to give you ideas about what you want to talk about. Then, it’ll suggest the ideal career for you based on your personality!

14. Include Details you’d put on a CV

You want your essay to tell a story about yourself.

But you also need to include hard, solid details.

So once you’ve told your story of yourself, go through your CV (or ‘resume’) and see what else you can include. Can you include details about your strengths that you have listed on your CV?

Maybe you can also include points about your previous jobs or education achievements that you have listed on your CV.

This will help back up your story with hard evidence.

You might also find out that there are a lot of details on your CV that will give you story ideas. You might not think you’ve achieved remarkable things until you look at your CV and reflect on the hard work you put into each of the jobs or achievements you have listed there.

15. Describe your Physical Attributes

Another thing you can weave into your story is an outline of what you look like!

It’s one of the first things you read about someone in any story.

Here’s how Mr. and Mrs. Dursley in Harry Potter is introduced:

“Mr Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which made drills. He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large moustache. Mrs Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbours.”

How would you describe your physical attributes? Remember not to be negative about yourself, but you could describe yourself as tall, short, stocky, or lanky. How about your hair? Is it frizzy or straight, long or short?

16. Explain who is your Biggest influence and Why

The person who is your biggest influence would reveal a lot about who you are. Are you influenced by someone because of their power and strength, or wisdom and insight? Are you influenced by people for their nobility and patriotism, or their sense of adventure?

This will show your reader what makes you tick.

One of my big influences is Alex Honnold. He is a famous rock climber. What does that reveal about me? Well, it shows that I admire adventurous people and people who follow unconventional careers.

Who is your biggest influence? What does this reveal about you? Can you weave this into your essay about yourself?

17. Conclude by Returning to your Opening Hook

In this article I’ve shared with you a ton of ideas that you can use for your essay about yourself.

No matter which idea you select, I recommend including this last tip.

You should start your essay with an interesting ‘hook’ or anecdote about yourself.

I recommend concluding your essay by returning to this opening hook. We call this the ‘closing the loop’ method. You can start it something like this:

“I began this essay by telling the story of how I’m inspired by my father. I want to return to this point, as it’s the most important point in this essay. All of the points in this essay about myself have highlighted how I’m driven and motivated to live up to his amazing example. I have discussed…”

…And then you’d sum up what you discussed!

I outline the exact process of how to conclude an essay using this ‘closing the loop’ method in this post on how to write great conclusions .


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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, tell us about yourself essay examples.

I'm applying to some scholarships, and some of them have a 'tell us about yourself' essay prompt. I'm a little unsure of where to start and how to structure this essay. Can anyone share some examples or tips on how I can write an engaging, effective essay without sounding cliché or braggy?

Sure, I can provide some guidance on structuring a "tell us about yourself" essay and provide tips on making it engaging and effective without sounding cliché or braggy.

1. Start with an attention-grabbing hook: Open your essay with a brief anecdote, piece of dialogue, or thought-provoking statement that reveals something interesting about you.

Example: "As I stood on the roof of my family's house in [hometown], peering through my homemade telescope, I was struck by the vastness of the night sky."

2. Focus on a specific aspect of yourself: Rather than trying to cover every aspect of your life, pick a theme or personal characteristic that plays a major role in your interests, experiences, and goals.

Example: "My curiosity about the universe and the natural world led me to volunteer at a local science center, where I conducted hands-on experiments with visitors of all ages."

3. Provide a brief background: Give some context to the topic you're discussing, such as your upbringing, community, or family background, if it's relevant to the theme.

Example: "Growing up in a small, rural town, I didn't have the same access to resources and educational opportunities as kids in larger cities, but my determination to learn about the world around me never waned."

4. Showcase your growth and accomplishments: Talk about specific experiences, achievements, or events that shaped your development, values, or interests. Be humble but honest about your achievements, and focus on how they've impacted your growth rather than dwelling on the awards themselves.

Example: "Despite the challenges, I pursued my passion for astronomy and managed to secure a coveted summer internship at a renowned observatory, where I worked alongside professionals and contributed to a research project."

5. Connect your past experiences to your future goals: Explain how the things you've learned and accomplished thus far have motivated and prepared you for your future academic and career aspirations.

Example: "My experiences have confirmed my passion for science and astronomy, leading me to pursue a degree in astrophysics and dedicate myself to researching the mysteries of our universe."

6. Close with a memorable statement: Finish your essay by leaving a lasting impression on the reader, perhaps by tying back to your opening hook or sharing an inspiring thought.

Example: "As I continue to explore the cosmos, both academically and personally, I'll never forget those nights spent stargazing in my hometown and the curiosity that propelled me forward."

Remember, a well-rounded and engaging "tell us about yourself" essay will focus on a specific aspect or theme, be genuine and personal, and effectively showcase your growth and future aspirations. Good luck with your scholarship applications!

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CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.

All about Me Essay: How to Write, Ideas and Examples

Writing All About Me paragraph is probably one of the most usual assignments. For example, students might write it when entering an academic institution. Such work gives an opportunity to introduce yourself, your skills, and goals. However, it is not the only possible situation.

Naturally, tutors have already seen millions of such essays. This is why you need to think how to impress your tutor and demonstrate your perfect writing skills and creativity. You can also get some inspiration by reading All about Me examples.

In this article, experts from would like to give you several pieces of advice on how to create a thrilling essay About Me. Moreover, we’ve also provided the best About Me essay examples.

All about Me Essay Idea #1 with Example

Start writing your essay About Me with a brief description of any event that considerably influenced your life. While writing it, mention your name and some general information about yourself.

My name is Helen, and I am 18. When I was 15, I traveled to Europe for the first time in my life. It was an unforgettable experience that changed my perspective on certain things.

All about Me Essay Idea #2 with Example

Use an interesting quotation that characterizes you. It may be a quote from a well-known novel or poem, or a phrase of a famous person, etc… Explain in your About Me essay how exactly the chosen quotation characterizes you.

“I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.” (Martha Washington) This quote suits me perfectly because I would describe myself as a cheerful person. I try to stay positive no matter what situation I am in.

All about Me Essay Idea #3 with Example

Compare yourself with an animal and do not be surprised – we do mean an animal. For example, you associate yourself with a tiger. Does it mean that you are a strong and determined person who is always ready to achieve the desirable purpose by all possible means? Or, maybe, you are a cat and prefer to stay at home, comfortably sitting in a chair and enjoying the company of your family… What are your ideas? Present them in the essay About Me.

Writing About Me essays may be considered as a way to express yourself, show what kind of person you are. If you are ready to tell who you really are, writing your paper will not be that difficult. If you are not ready, read our ideas once again.

All About Me essays can be written in the form of narrative essays. If you need help with writing essays of this kind, use our tips to improve your work.

I love dogs because they are loyal and friendly. That is why I also associate myself with one. I am a loyal friend, and I always try to be nice to people around me.

Learn more on this topic:

  • Example of Autobiography about Yourself: How to Start
  • How to Write an Autobiography: Questions & What to Include
  • Outstanding Ambition Essay: How to Write about Your Ambitions
  • Personal Essay: How to Write, Tips and Essay Topics
  • Reflexive Essay: How to Write, Topics and Paper Example
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My all about me essay.

Hi, my name is Gionna Rossi, and I live in Cranston, RI, with my dad and grandparents. I am 13 years old. I love to dance, and I like to hang with my friends a lot. I’m considered fun, funny and very outgoing. My favorite subjects are English and Science. I like to be creative, and I like to do fun things. I always try my best and never give up. I am a respectful person. I don’t like to exclude anyone from groups. I don’t like people getting bullied. Sometimes I like to work in small groups rather than large. When I grow up, my goal is to go to college, get good grades, and become a vet.

Custom Writing

Wow, Gionna, that was a great way to write an essay about yourself. Those were some really good ideas which might help you write a very interesting story. Structure them properly, and your good grade will be guaranteed.

Thanks for the post! Hope it’ll help me with my All About Me essay writing! Thanks a lot!

Brilliant ideas for writing excellent All about Me essays! Your posts make a difference online! Regards!

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Essay on Myself: 100 Words, 250 Words and 300 Words

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  • Mar 12, 2024

essay on myself

We are all different from each other and it is important to self-analyze and know about yourself. Only you can know everything about yourself. But, when it comes to describing yourself in front of others many students fail to do so. This happens due to the confusion generated by a student’s mind regarding what things to include in their description. This confusion never arises when someone is told to give any opinion about others. This blog will help students and children resolve the confusion and it also includes an essay on myself. 

about me essay

While writing an “essay on myself” you should have a unique style so that the reader would engage in your essay. It’s important to induce the urge to know about you in the reader then only you can perform well in your class. I would suggest you include your qualities, strengths, achievements, interests, and passion in your essay. Continue Reading for Essays on myself for children and students!

Quick Read: Essay on Child Labour

Table of Contents

  • 1 Long and Short Essay on Myself for Students
  • 2 Tips to Write Essay on Myself
  • 3 100 Words Essay on Myself
  • 4 250 Words Essay on Myself
  • 5 10 Lines on Myself Essay for Children
  • 6 300 Words Essay on Myself

Quick Read: Trees are Our Best Friend Essay

Long and Short Essay on Myself for Students

Mentioned below are essays on myself with variable word limits. You can choose the essay that you want to present in your class. These essays are drafted in simple language so that school students can easily understand. In addition, the main point to remember while writing an essay on myself is to be honest. Your honesty will help you connect with the reader.

Tell me about yourself is also one of the most important questions asked in the interview process. Therefore, this blog is very helpful for people who want to learn about how to write an essay on myself.

Tips to Write Essay on Myself

Given below are some tips to write an essay on myself:

  • Prepare a basic outline of what to include in the essay about yourself.
  • Stick to the structure to maintain fluency.
  • Be honest to build a connection with the reader.
  • Use simple language.
  • Try to include a crisp and clear conclusion.

Quick Read: Speech on No Tobacco Day

100 Words Essay on Myself

I am a dedicated person with an urge to learn and grow. My name is Rakul, and I feel life is a journey that leads to self-discovery. I belong to a middle-class family, my father is a handloom businessman, and my mother is a primary school teacher .

I have learned punctuality and discipline are the two wheels that drive our life on a positive path. My mother is my role model. I am passionate about reading novels. When I was younger, my grandmother used to narrate stories about her life in the past and that has built my interest towards reading stories and novels related to history.

Overall I am an optimistic person who looks forward to life as a subject that teaches us values and ways to live for the upliftment of society.

Also Read: Speech on Discipline

250 Words Essay on Myself

My name is Ayushi Singh but my mother calls me “Ayu”. I turned 12 years old this August and I study in class 7th. I have an elder sister named Aishwarya. She is like a second mother to me. I have a group of friends at school and out of them Manvi is my best friend. She visits my house at weekends and we play outdoor games together. I believe in her and I can share anything with her.

Science and technology fascinate me so I took part in an interschool science competition in which my team of 4 girls worked on a 3-D model of the earth representing past, present, and future. It took us a week to finish off the project and we presented the model at Ghaziabad school. We were competing against 30 teams and we won the competition.

I was confident and determined about the fact that we could win because my passion helped me give my 100% input in the task. Though I have skills in certain subjects I don’t have to excel in everything, I struggle to perform well in mathematics . And to enhance my problem-solving skills I used to study maths 2 hours a day. 

I wanted to become a scientist, and being punctual and attentive are my characteristics as I never arrive late for school. Generally, I do my work on my own so that I inculcate the value of being an independent person. I always help other people when they are in difficult situations. 

Also Read: Essay on the Importance of the Internet

10 Lines on Myself Essay for Children

Here are 10 lines on myself essay for children. Feel free to add them to similar essay topics.

  • My name is Ananya Rathor and I am 10 years old.
  • I like painting and playing with my dog, Todo.
  • Reading animal books is one of my favourite activities.
  • I love drawing and colouring to express my imagination.
  • I always find joy in spending time outdoors, feeling the breeze on my face.
  • I love dancing to Indian classical music.
  • I’m always ready for an adventure, whether it’s trying a new hobby or discovering interesting facts.
  • Animals are my friends, and I enjoy spending time with pets or observing nature’s creatures.
  • I am a very kind person and I respect everyone.
  • All of my school teachers love me.

300 Words Essay on Myself

My name is Rakul. I believe that every individual has unique characteristics which distinguish them from others. To be unique you must have an extraordinary spark or skill. I live with my family and my family members taught me to live together, adjust, help others, and be humble. Apart from this, I am an energetic person who loves to play badminton.

I have recently joined Kathak classes because I have an inclination towards dance and music, especially folk dance and classical music. I believe that owing to the diversity of our country India, it offers us a lot of opportunities to learn and gain expertise in various sectors.

My great-grandfather was a classical singer and he also used to play several musical instruments. His achievements and stories have inspired me to learn more about Indian culture and make him proud. 

I am a punctual and studious person because I believe that education is the key to success. Academic excellence could make our careers shine bright. Recently I secured second position in my class and my teachers and family members were so proud of my achievement. 

I can manage my time because my mother taught me that time waits for no one. It is important to make correct use of time to succeed in life. If we value time, then only time will value us. My ambition in life is to become a successful gynaecologist and serve for human society.

Hence, these are the qualities that describe me the best. Though no one can present themselves in a few words still I tried to give a brief about myself through this essay. In my opinion, life is meant to be lived with utmost happiness and an aim to serve humanity. Thus, keep this in mind, I will always try to help others and be the best version of myself.

Also Read: Essay on Education System

A. Brainstorm Create a format Stick to the format Be vulnerable Be honest Figure out what things to include Incorporate your strengths, achievements, and future goals into the essay

A. In an essay, you can use words like determined, hardworking, punctual, sincere, and objective-oriented to describe yourself in words.

A. Use simple and easy language. Include things about your family, career, education, and future goals. Lastly, add a conclusion paragraph.

This was all about an essay on myself. The skill of writing an essay comes in handy when appearing for standardized language tests. Thinking of taking one soon? Leverage Live provides the best online test prep for the same. Register today and if you wish to study abroad then contact our experts at 1800572000 .

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Kajal Thareja

Hi, I am Kajal, a pharmacy graduate, currently pursuing management and is an experienced content writer. I have 2-years of writing experience in Ed-tech (digital marketing) company. I am passionate towards writing blogs and am on the path of discovering true potential professionally in the field of content marketing. I am engaged in writing creative content for students which is simple yet creative and engaging and leaves an impact on the reader's mind.

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All About Me Essay

How To Write a Terrific All About Me Essay (Guaranteed!)

An essay about yourself enables you to make an introduction about yourself, what you can do, your personality, and everything else that people do not know about you. Your essay won’t be the first one to land on your tutor’s table; tens of thousands have been there already. Therefore, your article should be in a manner so magnificent and creative.

There are many reasons for writing an essay about yourself. It can be written for your school, college, scholarship test, or even for an interview. Nevertheless, a cloud of questions may engulf your mind whenever you pick up the pen to draft such an essay. One may ask, what am I? What and how can I write about yourself in the best terms possible?

How To Write An Essay About Yourself?

Even though the essay about you should center on your name and accomplishments you’ve made, do not begin with the minor phrases introducing yourself. You can always have a fascinating query that needs an answer or with a charming joke or quote.

Here are some simple steps to follow to write an elite essay about yourself:

  • Be Acquainted With Yourself

Well, who doesn’t know himself or herself in this world? You may be asking. Very many people. It’s one thing to have an idea of your existence, and it’s another thing to know of your subsistence.

Identify and write on the values you possess, such as commitment, reliability, efficiency, and consistency, just but a few to point out. You should also know the trend of your life; how you have grown from childhood to the point where you are.

First-time experiences are always the best in this section. You can let your reader know how you felt when you wore your first uniform, stepped in a classroom for the first time and the likes.

  • Share Ideas with Others

The famous adage, two is better than one applies in this case. You may not know everything about yourself, and as such, you may need the input of others.

A good illustration of this can be when you were still a toddler. You probably didn’t know if you even existed. Your parents, and mother to be specific, can come in handy. She will narrate to you how you would pee yourself and start screaming as someone else did it.

You can also say this to your closest friend, “hey bro, would you mind writing a paragraph about me?” There are moments you shared, and the friend may have a better vivid description of the event than you do.

Is it getting sweeter now? Well, there is more.

  • Make it as Enthralling as Possible

Nobody wants to read a boring piece. Not even my grandmother. How you start your essay will determine its reception or rejection.

Just when you thought we were nearing the bone, here is another piece of steak.

All About Me Essay Sample

I look around at my peers and realize that I am far from average. I’ve been motivated to pursue a life that is richer and deeper than most, not because I have been told to do so by my parents or by teachers, but because I feel something innate that guides me farther and farther along in the rocky course of my life thus far. I face challenges simply because they are challenges, not because I am promised some extravagant reward in the end. I strive to learn, and change, and grow every day of my life, not because these things are forced upon me by others, but because life experiences demanded results.

I’ve been on opposite sides of the spectrum in many aspects of my life, each of which came with their own struggles that I was obliged to contain. For example, I grew up ugly, addicted to video games, and nerdy. Most girls were not interested in me, and if they were they were typically easy to get. Then I got my teeth fixed, and along with them my confidence. I started to challenge myself by going for the absolute prettiest girls, not simply because they were pretty but because they offered a thrill that I had not yet encountered. These girls were the hardest to understand and offered mind and soul-crushing challenges that I was attracted to. After being with them, my mind would start to think differently, as if I was under some kind of spell. The girls realized this and they started to play with me. Sometimes this back-and-forth game lead to heartbreak, and I learned quickly that I had to take caution not to lose myself too much. Soon, I started to understand that the real challenge was making that girl who never falls for anyone fall for you. When I find that girl, the real work will start and I’ll never give up working for her.

Another challenge I’ve faced concerns my education. Again, I’ve been on both sides of the spectrum, starting out as a terrible student with no goals who was criticized by my teachers. When I was 12, I had to repeat the school year. However, it all changed after I went to a summer camp at MIT. Here, something inside me sparked and I realized that it was a good thing to be intelligent. I worked harder in school and watched my grades slowly begin to rise, on average by 3 out of 10 points, and eventually won the “Best Improved Student” award. However, when given a chance to attend the accelerated math group, I was removed after one class, the teacher telling me I was stupid, incapable, and not intelligent enough to be a part of the class. This denial caused yet another spark inside, one that drove me to accept nothing less than the best. I told myself that I would get a perfect score on the Math Level 2 Subject Test with or without the accelerated math group. I studied until it hurt, motivated by my teacher’s harsh words, and by the end I scored a perfect score on the test.

Drugs also became a challenge to me in my later years. I had always been curious to try all of the drugs that were out there, not because they were “cool,” but because they each presented a life lesson that I could extract out of them to help me format my life. I worked my way up, gradually trying stronger drugs until I reached LSD. A bad trip taught me that life is good without drugs, and that I could get a natural high off of seeking knowledge instead. I learned that it’s important to experiment and try everything, but that it was never good to completely lose your mind.

Finally, I learned one of life’s greatest lessons from seeing the world. I’ve lived a rich life, both figuratively and materially. I’ve been blessed to have everything that I need and more. I’ve seen people around me throw money around like it means nothing to them. However, I’ve been to some places where others are starving to death, like Kenya and Ibiza. Witnessing this disparity made me realize that there is something wrong with the world we live in. From that point on, I felt the importance of giving to others instead of giving to myself.

Overall, I feel I’ve changed so much as a person. I’ve been on both sides of the spectrum, whether ugly or handsome, stupid or educated, experienced or inexperienced, or rich or poor. I change from one extremity to the next not because I am told to do so, but because my life experiences led me to do so. I am a driven individual who seeks challenges in life. I am far from average.

Top 3 Fascinating Tips on How to Write a Personal Essay

The topic should be captivating enough to usher in the readers to your essay. Imagine passing by the road, and you saw a store with the name “Fermented and Decomposing Burger Shop.” Would you dare walk into that shop even if you were hungry like a person who has just come out of 40-day fasting? I guessed right. Nobody would. Let the same apply to your topic.

Make your introduction as high as possible. You remember the famous slogan, “Let’s make America great again?” We’ll talk about that some other day.

Avoid clichés like “My name is…” or “Everyone can agree that…” Stand up and stand out from the rest and have a unique identifier. Make your readers enjoy the essay about yourself by incorporating statistics, figures, and other bewitching facts (you may say something about your career, for instance, tell why do you want to be a nurse ).

Always think like the best there is in the world. By this I mean, the best people, technological inventions, or even animals. Such a mindset will make you embrace the characteristics and attributes of these things that you liken yourself.

And there you go! The best tips from the best expert ahead of the rest!

Personal Essay Writing – Do You Need Help With It?

In an all about me essay, honesty is vital. Remember that your audience is not dummies that you can toy around with some cooked up stories.

Are you now motivated to write one? Let’s do this then.

In case you still have doubts, you may contact our professional writing experts for help.

why i want to be a nurse

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Myself Essay

Writing an essay about “Myself” is no easy task as you have to reflect on who you really are and what others say about you, and not just who you think you are. Most universities, colleges and other institutions ask students to write “myself” essays so as to have a better understanding of their diverse personalities. This can come in different forms including “Essay about my life” , “Composition about myself”, “Self-description with  essayservices “ “Speech about myself” , “What I like about myself”, “Describing myself essay”, and other “essays about me”.

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Introduction On Myself Essay(100 words):

During an interview you may be asked to describe yourself or introduce yourself, you may also need to write autobiographies about yourself, cover letters, or other forms of personal essays which may be difficult if you don’t know the “How-to” of writing essays. So, in order to help the students seeking out numerous “Myself essays” online standout, Creative Savants provides diverse essays to suit individual needs. We also provide examples, tips, and basic guidelines on “how to write an essay about myself”. We have also written some other great essays on different topics you can check  “ Essays “.

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Essay No 1 on “Composition about myself” (100 words):

My name is (insert your first name and surname here). I grew up as an only child. I am thirteen years old. My parents died while I was quite little, so I live with my grandparents.

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Accustomed to living with older adults, I always act more mature than my age. I am in (mention your class and the name of your school). I have had a lot of people invest in me academically, so I have excelled in most of my classes. My hobbies include music, reading and traveling. Although I don’t get to travel much, I relish every moment I get to. I am generally pleased with my life.

Check out Other Essays “ My Hobby Essay “

Essay No 2 on “All about me essays” (100 words):

I am (insert your first name followed by your last name here) by name. I am a girl and I am light in complexion. I come from a family of five and I occupy the third position. My father is a banker, while my mother is a teacher. We are very close in my family and I can tell my parents just about anything.

I twelve years old and I am in class four. I love going to school because the atmosphere is conducive for learning and I have really nice friends. My hobbies include, reading, watching movies and taking music lessons. I don’t like sports and I don’t go out of my way to exercise. I am an easy going person and I love my life.

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girl signing myself

Essay No 3 on “Describing Myself” (200 words):

My name is (insert your first name followed by your last name here). I am a junior in my high school. I am also the youngest child in my family. I have two older brothers and two older sisters. My mum is a full time housewife and my dad is a doctor.

It is a common knowledge that I am a good student and I love to study a lot. My favorite subjects are mathematics, chemistry and biology. I’m what a lot of people call a geek. I have every intention of applying to a reputable university and obtaining a degree in one of these fields. I am responsible and hardworking, so I study hard to obtain good grades.

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I have always been treated like a baby, by my parents, siblings, teachers and basically everyone who is not in my age group. Sometimes even my friends talk to me like I am a child, which is why I basically love school and reading books. Books don’t talk back at you and they make me feel important in this gigantic universe.

This is not to say that I don’t love all the care and attention. I do, it’s just that sometimes it can get stifling. However, I am quite content with my life.

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Essay No 4 on “What I Like About Myself” (200 words):

Who am I? Answering a question like this has often been difficult even for those with high intelligence quotient. I may not know who I fully am, but I know who I am not. I am not a vindictive person, I am not irresponsible, I am not slack with my studies, I am not dishonest and I will never deliberately set out to hurt anyone. I am not petty and I am not a bully.

My name is (insert your name here). I am fourteen years old and I am a boy. I was born into the family of Mr and Mrs (mention your last name here). I am an only child. I live a sheltered life. I live with my parents and my grandparents. Ours is an extended family setting. Even my mother’s relatives often come to crash at our house during the weekends.

My parents are outgoing people and they are quite down to earth. I get lots of attention from both of my parents, my grandparents, their friends and basically everyone around me. This probably explains why I crave attention wherever I go and I only associate with people who show me care and attention.

I love meeting people and I love making friends with people who are social. I am who I am, and I make no excuses for how I have turned out.

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girl is signing myself

Essay No 5 on “Myself Essay” (300 words):

Humans are the most superior creatures amid all the creatures in the entire universe. Being a part of this universe makes me feel small and minuscule in a world where there millions of humans like myself. Although everyone is quite unique in their own way. I try my best to be humble, kind and respectful of everybody I meet regardless of their age, gender, family background, nationality or race. It is not an easy task to write about one’s self because one may tend to either over exaggerate or fail to give succinct descriptions and commendations where necessary.  It is with this background that I introduce myself.

I am (insert your first name followed by your last name here). I am a (insert your country here). I live in (insert your city here). I am fourteen years old. I am the second of three children. Ours is a close knit family. I have an older brother and a younger brother as well. I am the only girl in the family, which makes rather like the sheltered daughter. I love my siblings and my parents dearly and they love too. Although, my brothers monitor my every move which can be quite annoying sometimes. However, I know they have my back whenever I am in trouble.

I am currently in class 8. I am a focus driven and hardworking which reflects in my grades. My professional aspiration is to obtain a bachelor’s degree in any health related course at the university, which would promote my career goal of being a medical doctor. The reason why I want to pursue a degree in the medical line is to someday be able to provide a subsidized medical facility to a magnitude of people in (mention your country). Hence, I study hard because without a degree I cannot attain these goals.

Aside my love for everything medical related, I love to travel and meet new people. I am an outgoing person and I love to have fun. My live centers on improving humanity and I love where I am at right now.

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Essay No 6 on ” Essay about my life” (400 words):

Life is full of ups and downs. I know this is a cliché, but this phrase summarizes my whole existence. Sometimes my life is fun, happy and almost enviable and at other times my life is boring, sad, uninspiring and sometimes downright disgusting. I know I am not perfect, I have never tried to be, but one thing is true – I AM WHO I AM.

Looking back at my childhood, I remember the fun times, the laughter we all shared the lavish parties my parents threw, my wonderful friends and my fancy dresses. I was the envy of my friends and I erroneously thought my life would follow this pattern forever. Was I ever wrong!

I was a good child. I never acted out like I do now. I was always obedient and I had good grades, even if they were not excellent grades. I had a positive outlook towards life. I made a promise to myself never to smoke, do drugs or land myself in the prison for any illegal act. I cared an awful lot about people and I thought nothing would ever change this attitude that I had.

I was brought up by the crème de la crème, my parents were rich and influential in my town. I couldn’t imagine my life without the affluence and the excesses. My parents weren’t always around but at least they were together. I thought they were happy together and we were financially stable to withstand anything. Until my brother was involved in an accident that claimed his life and made my mother cripple.

Ever since joseph died, life had never been the same at the (insert your last name) mansion. Mum became bitter (who could blame her), she and joseph were quite close. I was the daddy’s pet. Eventually, they both got a divorce and I have been conveying myself from my mum’s house to my dad’s.

My grades have suffered quite a hit. I have never been a straight ‘A’ student, I barely even have an ‘A’ on my report sheet, but now my grades are quite laughable. We don’t have money like we used to. I don’t know the details but dad got jilted and there is hardly anything left to spend. I have to work on my grades now because if I don’t secure a scholarship, I am basically on my own.

Dad has gotten married to another woman and now they have a child. I am not eighteen so I can’t refuse to visit them. I know my little step-brother has committed no offence, but each time I look at how happy my father has become with his existence I get very jealous. Now you understand why I opened my introduction with the phrase I used. One thing I know is that change is the only constant and nothing lasts forever. My life is not perfect, but then again whose is?

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Myself Essay 1

Essay No 7 on “Speech About Myself” (500 words):

Millions of people have walked the earth and many will still do. However, no two people have the same characteristics even among identical twins. Personalities, regardless of how dissimilar, make the world full of varieties. This is why I know I am uniquely me and the best version of myself there is. Perfection is a mirage, however the best individuals are those give it their all in order to attain perfection while knowing that it is impossible to be perfect. I believe people should strive to improve their life and be the best they can ever be regardless of how impossible the task may be.

My name is (insert your first name and last name). I live in (insert your city here). I am a (insert your country here). I am the first born of my parent. We are four in number and I have always felt responsible for my family. I love my parents and siblings dearly and the feeling is mutual.

My father is basically a business man and my mother is a fashion designer. I have a stable family and we are quite grounded in our beliefs and notions. My parents are not wealthy but we get by. My parents are attentive to my needs and my siblings. They can be strict when they have to be, but they have never raised their hands to strike us. They may not be financially rich, but they have big hearts.

I am in class 8 at (mention the name of your school). I have a stable grade and although I cannot rank high among the brilliant people in my class, I get by quite well. My favorite subjects are art, literature and music. I love to draw, paint and read books. This is how I often clear my head or distress myself. I desire to go to the university and obtain a degree in any art related course. This will help me to become a successful person and also impact the lives of others while I am at it.

I cannot claim that I love school and I don’t hate school either, I guess I’m just indifferent. Although, I love my art classes and literature lessons too. People are nice to me in school, I don’t get bullied and I rarely ever get punished by my teachers nor have I been asked to report to the principal’s office.

I am an outgoing person with a good sense of humor and I make friends easily. My friends say that I am funny and fun to be with. I sometimes go out of my way to be nice to people and help them out. I guess this is rooted in my sense of responsibility which was honed into me by my parents considering that I am the first born of my family. Friendship and family mean a lot to me. I can go all out for my friends and my family and they know it. I think this is why I have had the same set of friends for years. We have transitioned from friends to family.

I’m always looking for ways to develop my skills and learn new things not just in school but outside the school environment. I share ideas with my friends, we learn interesting things about one another, and most of the people I associate with I met with while on the lookout for ways to advance my skills.

I have every intention to make the world a better place. I know I’m no superman and I have no concrete plans right now, but I am on a road to discovery. I feel happy and enthusiastic when people commend my art works and the poems I love to doodle every now and them. I pride myself as a motivational person, so I write poems for people to inspire them when they are down or don’t know what else to do. I know I’m on the right track and soon enough I’ll be close to where I want to be.

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Essay No 8 on “ Myself Essay” (500 words):

I cannot say exactly how I have survived school even till now, but I did and I have come out somewhat stronger. Bullying has been an awful experience that characterized the most part of my school life. I have endured bullying for so long that it has shaped who I have turned out to be. I know for a certain that we can reduce bullying (I doubt it can be totally stopped), by paying attention to people who have been bullied, the bullies themselves, analyzing how it happened, what led to it, the impact it has on both parties, and how best it can be dealt with.

My name is (insert your first name followed by your last name here), and I have been a victim of constant victimization. I am sixteen years old and I am a senior in my school. I attend (insert the name of your school here). Each time I have been asked who I was, this has always been the only explanation I give. When I act in a mean way to others, it is not a personal decision I made, it is often a reflex action born out of years of constant bullying.

Initially, I was a very quiet and calm girl. I never spoke back to my elders and I was very kind and accommodating of others. Now I can’t stand tardiness and I am always on the defensive. So I react before thinking of the consequences.

I am the last of seven children and I have endured bullying at home. Although, I wouldn’t exactly compare what I go through at home with what I endure in school. My six siblings are all boys and it is their nature to make my life miserable. I sometimes find it endearing because that is the only way they relate with me. I’m not athletic in any way, I am lanky and awfully small for my age. I get teased by my brothers for this, so when others bully me in school for being a size too small for my class, I take it all in stride.

I have never told my brothers or my parents about the bullying I constantly endure at school. Why should I? Mum works extra hard to support my dad and my dad already works two jobs as it is. I have a scholarship that covers my tuition fee, which was why I didn’t attend the same school as my brothers in the neighborhood. I was constantly reminded by the rich students why I don’t belong to their world and if not for the scholarship I wouldn’t even be breathing the same air they breathe.

This is true though, and as much as I wanted to flunk school, I couldn’t because attending a prestigious school was going to help my college application. So also would maintaining an outstanding college grade. I used to find trash in my bags, lockers and basically everything I brought to school.

Like all things that had a beginning this came to an end. I don’t know how it did but it did and I’m forever grateful that it did. I know I should analyze the root cause for the abrupt end, but I’m only human. Life is not a bed of rose, this I learned while still a student at (mention the name of the school).

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short form of myself essay written

Essay No 9 on “Essay about Myself” (600 words):

Three major things characterize my whole existence; my intellect, my spiritual doctrines, and my social life. The intellectual aspect of my life consist of my creativity, my studies and basically my life pursuits that involve my intellectual capabilities. My social life is quite vibrant. I am an outgoing person and I make it a habit to meet people. My spiritual doctrines and my faith inform the decisions I make and consequently guide who I have become today.

My name is (insert your first name and your last name her). I am a (mention your nationality). I am seventeen years old. I am in (mention your class) and I attend (mention the name of your school here). I live with my parents and my siblings. I am the second child in my family. We are all five in number and we are not a close family. My parents are busy people, they have always been. My dad is a doctor and he owns his own hospital. My mother is a career woman and she travels all the time. So both my parents have never been present all through my life.

My parents have missed most of the big events in my life. They’ve missed most of my graduations in school, they’ve missed most of my birthdays and every important even that marked my existence. I don’t hate my parents. I don’t know them.

My siblings have never been around either. My birth was considered a mistake. I don’t know all the details but I know mum was not supposed to get pregnant when she did. The bottom line is I was an inconvenience and I have always been made painfully aware of just how inconvenient my birth is. Most of my siblings are married, some are away at college and the ones who aren’t think I am a child so they hardly relate with me.

I am not perfect and I have never claimed to be. However, I know what I want out of life and I pursue it doggedly. I am a focused person and it has often been said of me that I am quite focused-driven and that I have a one-track mind. I don’t know if I should consider that as a compliment or not.

My career aspiration is to go to the university and study law. I spend most of my time at the libraries or at my best friend’s house (mention the name of your close friend(s)). I am an intelligent person and I always top my class. I guess my need to always top my class stem from my need to get the attention of my parents or from the need an escapist sentiments.

I am not a blusterous person, neither do I seek to impress anyone. I figured if cant so much as compel my parents to care enough to be there for me when I need them, then there is no way I can ever impress others. I do not have lots of friend but my small circle of friends I cherish a lot. I am an observer. I try to learn a lot about the people I associate with, so I study their characters before I react. By studying others, I have learnt an awful lot which I have incorporated into my belief systems and general behaviour.

I mentioned earlier that I am quite religious. I was brought up into a Christian family. I have always gone to church every Sunday. My parents may never be around, but they always ensure that we all go to church on Sunday. I am generally good and I try to always do the right things to everyone. I live by the word and never on the edge. In fact, my life is quite plain and I never ever rebel. Not once in my whole life. I always take things in stride.

Also see:  7 Common Mistakes To Avoid In Essays

Bonus: Tutorial: How to write essay about myself

Regardless of the purpose of the essay, there basic rules you must obey in order for your essay to be accepted. Try as much as possible to express yourself in detail. No one can tell your story better than yourself. However, there are essential steps that will guide you on this part.

How to write essay about myself

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How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” (17+ Sample Answers)

Learn everything you need to know to ace the question “Tell me about yourself” in your next interview and land the job.

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You’re dressed to impress, your resume is polished, and you enter the interview room. Suddenly, you’re met with the seemingly simple yet pivotal question: “Tell me about yourself.” 

Then you either freeze like a deer in headlights or word barf a version of your life story that includes unnecessary details about the lasagna your mom used to bake you as a kid.

This open-ended question has stumped the best of us. But in this post, we’ll give you a simple formula, a handful of extra tips, and a bunch of sample scripts to hit this question out of the park and ace your interview.

Let’s dive in!

Simple Guide on Responding to “Tell Me About Yourself”

One problem with this question is you never know how much someone wants to know. You can consider asking back:

“Do you want the long answer or the short answer?”

If they say the short answer you can just answer the same way as you would with “What do you do?” Use this script:

I’m a ____, and I enjoy ____. 

If they say they want the long answer, you can use this basic script or read on for a more advanced approach below:

“Originally, I’m from ____. Now I live in ___. I work as a ____. And for fun, I ____.

If you’d like more detailed tips, we’ll get into more nuance below.

And if you’d like tips on another stumper, “What’s your greatest weakness?” then check out this article . 

Tips for How to Respond to “Tell Me About Yourself”

Let’s go over a few more detailed tips on how to summarize your professional background.

Quick formula to answering this question

Who’s asking you the question? If you are being asked in a professional setting, figure out the main skillset required for the role and then talk about your past, present, and future as it relates to the skillset. 

For example, let’s say you’re applying for a role whose main function is strategic planning. In this case, you would talk about your past, present, and future while strategizing.

You might say something like:

[PAST] “I first realized I was interested in strategy when I participated in a university case competition. Analyzing business scenarios was a total blast.

[PAST] My first role exploring strategy was as a junior analyst at a consulting firm. That’s when I realized the power of data-driven decision-making and how it can transform a business’s trajectory. This was a game-changer for me.

[PRESENT] That’s why I’m currently working at Bright Solutions. I love it here because I get to spearhead the business strategy and actually see results.

[FUTURE] But I’ve come to realize I want to work on more complex, company-wide strategies. And it seems like this role might be a great place to apply my skills on a larger stage where I can guide the strategic direction of this organization.”

Boom! Easy as that.

Pick an anchor

Another way to answer this question is with an anchor. This is the main topic that you will center your response around.

When sharing about yourself in an interview, it’s good to pick 1-2 central anchors. This will make your response more cohesive and easy to follow.

Consider anchoring your response around one of the following: 

  • The company’s values and needs
  • The skillset for the role
  • The person interviewing you

Let’s dive into each option.

Tailor your response to the company’s values and needs

If you’re applying for a company that is either culture-forward or in a time of transition, then speak to this.

If they are obsessed with innovation, talk about the cool app you built. If they’re in dire need of marketing support, tell them about how you’re a marketing maestro.

Pro Tip: Study the company’s website and recent news to add relevant references to your answer.

Tailor your response to the skillset necessary for the role

When you’re applying for a position, align your response with the specific skills required for the job. 

If they are looking for a leader, mention how you were president of your college sorority and the amazing project you led in your last role.

If they want tech expertise, then wow them with your vast knowledge of coding languages.

Pro Tip: Carefully review the job description and identify the top skills mentioned. Prepare examples from your career where you’ve effectively used these skills.

Tailor your response to the perspective of the person interviewing you

You should answer the question “So tell me about yourself” differently depending on who is interviewing you.

You want to respond in a way that builds rapport and speaks to the values and perspective of the other person.

So, if you’re speaking with a CEO, you could focus on how your work will help the company’s overall goals. For an HR interviewer, speak to how good of a cultural fit you know you are. 

Pro Tip: Before the interview, research the interviewer’s role and background. Then, think about how to present your response based on their expertise and values.  

Past, present, and future

As we mentioned above, when talking about yourself, consider framing your response in three parts: past, present, and future.

Let’s dive into each one.

  • Talk about your past.

Once you know what you want to anchor your response in (the company, the skillset for the role, or the interviewer), pick one or two examples from your past that speak to this anchor.

If you’re talking about yourself as it pertains to your design skills, for example, try to paint a brief picture of your history with design.

You can do this in two parts.

First, start with an early experience—an “awakening” you had toward design skills. You could say:

“I first discovered my passion for design during a high school art class, where I was fascinated by the ways that colors can express ideas. This led me to pursue a degree in graphic design.”

Then, connect this to a more recent experience that shaped your skills. You might continue, 

“Recently, in a previous role at Designer Pros., I led the rebranding project for a major client. This experience taught me the importance of user-centered design and how to effectively blend creativity with functionality.”

Pro Tip: In your “awakening” story, highlight the emotional or intellectual impact it had on you. For the recent experience, focus on specific skills or insights gained and how they prepare you for the role you’re interviewing for.

  • Talk about your present.

Next, speak to your current role. It “‘s essential to convey not just what you do but also what you love about it. Your passion will go a long way!

In the design example above, start by expressing what excites you about your current leadership role. You might say:

“As a Senior Designer at Creative Designs Inc., I get to immerse myself in creating visual solutions that not only meet our client’s needs but also push the boundaries of my own creativity. It’s an absolute blast. What I love most about this role is the freedom to experiment with new design concepts and the collaborative environment that allows me to learn from my peers.

Then, highlight a specific aspect or project in your current role that you are particularly passionate about:

“Recently, I spearheaded the redesign of a major client’s branding, which involved huge amounts of market research. This project was particularly fulfilling because it allowed me to blend my artistic skills with strategic thinking.”

Pro Tip: When speaking about your current role, focus on elements that you genuinely enjoy and that align with the new role you’re applying for. Then, pick a specific part of your role or project that speaks to your passion.

  • Talk about your future.

In wrapping up your response, talk about your future aspirations and how they align with the potential role at the company. This part of your answer bridges your past and present experiences with your future goals and creates a cohesive narrative that shows how good a fit you are for the role.

For instance, continuing with the theme of design, you might express your future aspirations like this:

“Thinking about the future, I’m excited about the opportunity to expand my design expertise and take on larger, more complex projects. My goal is to work in an environment that continually challenges me and allows me to contribute to groundbreaking design initiatives. I see myself evolving not just as a designer but as a creative leader who can inspire and guide teams towards innovative solutions.

Joining your team would be an exciting opportunity to do just that. With your company’s commitment to cutting-edge design and creative excellence, I feel it’s the perfect place for me to grow and contribute my expertise, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in design.”

Pro Tip: In discussing your future, connect your career aspirations with how they align with the potential role and the company’s direction, showing your enthusiasm and fit for the role.

Keep it to 2 minutes max.

When answering the “Tell me about yourself” question, it’s a good idea to keep your response concise, ideally no longer than two minutes. 

Two minutes is enough time to say what you need to say. It will give openings for the interviewer to get to know you more. But it’s not so long that you’ll lose their attention.

Going much longer than two minutes might start to get monologue-y.

And make sure not to talk to the interviewer. Talk with them! Pay attention to their non-verbal cues. If they start leaning away, looking away, or looking distracted, you might be going too long.  

Pro Tip: Time yourself during practice to get a feel for what two minutes of speaking feels like.

Practice authentically

Try practicing your response ahead of time. 

But don’t memorize it word for word! Because you don’t want to come off as a robot or a performer. The goal is to sound natural and confident.  

To practice effectively, just get to know your key points. You can even write them down. Then, you don’t have to memorize anything; you can just practice riffing off your bullets.

Pro Tip 1: Write out your responses to this question in key bullets.

Pro Tip 2: After each practice session, reflect on what felt most natural and what could be improved. 

Pro Tip 3: You can also try recording your practice sessions to bring more formality to them.

If you’d like tips on how to annunciate and speak clearly, you might enjoy this article.

Make the throughline exciting.  

A “throughline” is an underlying thread that ties together a narrative, story, or speech. For example, one of the main throughlines in Star Wars is good versus evil. 

Similarly, you can tell your story through different emotional throughlines.

If you were responding to the question “Tell me about yourself,” think of how different your response would be with each of the following throughlines: 

  • Sharing about when you’ve felt most inspired in your career journey
  • Sharing about overcoming challenges in your career journey
  • Sharing about annoyances in your career journey

There are lots of good options, but “excitement” is a safe bet to bring enthusiasm into the conversation.

If you speak too negatively, it could hurt your rapport. There’s a psychological term called spontaneous trait transference , which means that if you speak negatively about your old boss, for example, the interviewer’s brain will assign those negative traits to YOU. So if you use words like “hate,” “awful,” or “the worst,” the interviewer will associate those words with you! 

Pro Tip: When asked the question “Tell me about yourself,” reframe it in your mind as “Tell me about how excitement has guided your career journey.”

Bonus tip: offer hooks

A hook is a strategically placed and intriguing piece of information in your response that piques the interviewer’s interest and encourages them to ask follow-up questions. 

It’s like dropping a breadcrumb that the interviewer can choose to follow. And that breadcrumb will lead to a topic you love talking about.

Hooks are designed to make the interview more interactive and memorable. So it’s not just a mechanical Q&A session but a live conversation. 

Here’s how are a few tips on how to offer hooks effectively:

  • Mention a project you’re proud of. If you mention a project you’ve completed in your initial response, you won’t have time to unpack it all, but you’re then giving the interviewer a chance to follow up.
  • Mention the massive impact of an experience. If you say, “This was one of the most important moments in my career,” the interviewer’s ears will perk up.
  • Hint at further discussion. Mention topics you are knowledgeable about and want to discuss more, like recent industry trends or a professional course you completed. You could say, “I recently finished this awesome course on Instagram marketing that I’d love to share more about.”

Offering hooks is a bonus tip because it’s tricky and can take practice and nuance. But it’ll bring your response from an A to an A+!

Pro Tip: Prepare a list of ‘hook’ points before the interview. Think of interesting snippets about your relevant experiences and skills. Practice how to incorporate them naturally into your responses. 

If it feels too confusing and heady to try to practice hooks and weave them in, then you can simplify this tip: respond to the question “Tell me about yourself ” with stories and pieces of information that you want the interviewer to ask you more about.

If you want to do more than ace this question and give a boost of life to all of your career goals, you might be interested in this free training:

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Sample Answers to “Tell Me About Yourself”

If you’d like some better ideas on how to frame your response, below are several example answers for different situations.

Peruse these variations and use them for inspiration as you prepare your own answer.

Speaking to a CEO  

When talking to a CEO, it’s a good idea to mention how your skills and experiences align with the company’s strategic goals and vision.

[PAST] “My fascination with strategic analysis began during my university’s case competitions, where I excelled in developing innovative solutions to complex business problems.”

[PAST] “This led to my first role as a Strategic Analyst at XYZ Corp, where I played a key role in market analysis and strategy formulation.”

[PRESENT] “Currently, I’m at ABC Inc., thriving in a dynamic environment that challenges me to leverage data for strategic decision-making.”

[PRESENT] “I’m particularly proud of a recent project where I analyzed emerging market trends to redefine our company’s strategic focus.”

[FUTURE] “I’m now looking to expand my horizons in a role that allows for broader strategic influence, and I believe your company is the perfect place for this growth.”

Speaking to a Potential Direct Report  

When talking to a direct report, you might want to highlight your collaborative and leadership style, focusing on team success and project management.

[PAST] “My leadership path started as a Team Leader at FastPace Solutions, guiding my team through various successful projects.”

[PAST] “This experience solidified my passion for management, especially in high-stakes situations like critical product launches.”

[PRESENT] “Currently, I’m managing a talented team at Rapid Growth Ltd, focusing on delivering high-quality results under tight deadlines.”

[PRESENT] “We’ve just completed a major project that has significantly contributed to our department’s targets.”

[FUTURE] “I’m now looking to bring my leadership skills to your team, aiming to drive success and foster a culture of excellence and innovation.”

Speaking to Human Resources  

If talking to someone in HR, speak about your cultural fit, adaptability, and how your personal values align with the company’s ethos.

[PAST] “My interest in project management sparked during a collaborative university project, where I found my knack for organizing and directing team efforts to achieve our goals.”

[PAST] “This led to my first professional role as a Junior Project Coordinator at a tech firm, where I learned the importance of clear communication and effective resource allocation in project success.”

[PRESENT] “Currently, I’m a Project Manager at Innovative Solutions, where I oversee complex projects and enjoy the challenge of bringing diverse elements together to meet deadlines and exceed expectations.”

[PRESENT] “I’m currently leading a cross-functional team on a high-profile product launch, which is both demanding and rewarding, given its scope and impact.”

[FUTURE] “I’m seeking to expand my project management skills in a more diverse and challenging environment. The role at your company excites me as it offers the opportunity to manage larger-scale projects and contribute to your organization’s growth and success.”

Speaking to a Company Valuing Innovation

If the company is big into innovation, this is your chance to talk about your history with innovative projects and your proactive approach to problem-solving.

[PAST] “Innovation has been my career’s driving force since participating in a groundbreaking project at Start-Up Co., where I helped develop a new mobile app.”

[PAST] “That experience shaped my approach to product development, constantly seeking out new and better solutions.”

[PRESENT] “At TechAdvance, I’m fully engaged in integrating the latest technologies into our products, like our recent AI-enhanced software.”

[PRESENT] “I’m currently leading a team in developing a user-centric application, which promises to be a game-changer in the industry.”

[FUTURE] “I’m excited about the possibility of bringing my passion for innovation and product development to your company, contributing to cutting-edge solutions that align with your mission.”

Speaking to a Company Undergoing Rapid Growth

If the company is growing like wildfire, then focus on your adaptability, ability to scale operations, and experience in dynamic environments.

[PAST] “My career in business development started at a fast-paced startup, where I quickly learned to identify and capitalize on market opportunities.”

[PAST] “This environment was instrumental in developing my skills in scaling business operations rapidly and efficiently.”

[PRESENT] “At ExpandFast Inc., I’m part of a team driving the company’s growth, and I’ve successfully negotiated key partnerships that have expanded our reach.”

[PRESENT] “One current project involves exploring new market territories, which is both challenging and exhilarating.”

[FUTURE] “I’m now looking to leverage these experiences in a larger context, and your company’s rapid expansion phase seems like the perfect fit for my skills and ambitions.”

Speaking to a Start-Up

When interviewing with a start-up, you can emphasize your entrepreneurial spirit, versatility, and ability to wear multiple hats.

[PAST] “My marketing journey began with a successful social media campaign I led in college, sparking my interest in creative marketing strategies.”

[PAST] “This experience propelled me into various marketing roles, where I honed my skills in developing targeted campaigns.”

[PRESENT] “Currently, I’m a Marketing Specialist at InnovateNow, where I’m immersed in the dynamic world of start-up marketing.”

[PRESENT] “I’m particularly excited about a campaign I’m running that aims to double our online engagement through innovative tactics.”

[FUTURE] “I’m eager to bring this creativity and experience to your start-up, contributing to your growth and helping establish a strong market presence.”

Speaking to a Well-Established Traditional Corporation

If this company is a traditional one, then highlight your respect for established processes and your experience in structured, hierarchical environments.

[PAST] “My interest in financial analysis was kindled during an internship at Big Bank Corp, where I was involved in in-depth market research.”

[PAST] “This led to my current role at Steady Growth Investments, where I’ve refined my skills in financial modeling and analysis.”

[PRESENT] “Here, I’m passionate about developing robust financial strategies that contribute to the company’s stability and growth.”

[PRESENT] “A recent highlight has been my analysis contributing to a 10% increase in our investment efficiency.”

[FUTURE] “I’m now looking to bring my analytical expertise to a well-established corporation like yours, contributing to your ongoing financial success.”

Speaking to a Company with a Focus on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

If you’re interviewing with a company big on CSR, then you could speak about your commitment to ethical practices and any experience in initiatives that benefit society.

[PAST] “My commitment to CSR began with community development projects, leading me to pursue a career focused on ethical business practices.”

[PAST] “At Green World Initiatives, managing CSR projects, I’ve learned the value of aligning business goals with societal benefits.”

[PRESENT] “Currently, I’m leading initiatives that positively impact communities, like our recent support for local businesses.”

[PRESENT] “I’m deeply involved in a project that aims to integrate sustainable practices across all our operations.”

[FUTURE] “I’m excited about the prospect of joining your team to further my passion for CSR and contribute to impactful initiatives that resonate with your company’s values.”

Speaking to a Company Valuing Work-Life Balance

If the company is big on work-life balance , then talk about how you maintain productivity and passion for work while valuing personal time and wellness.

[PAST] “I’ve always believed in the importance of a healthy work-life balance. In my early coding days, I learned to be efficient and focused, allowing me to deliver quality work while pursuing personal interests.”

[PAST] “At TechFlow, I implemented time-saving coding practices in Python, which improved our team’s productivity and work-life harmony.”

[PRESENT] “Currently at Computer Science Solutions, I maintain high productivity while actively engaging in company-sponsored wellness programs.”

[PRESENT] “I’m leading a project that optimizes our software development lifecycle, reducing overtime without compromising quality.”

[FUTURE] “I’m drawn to your company’s commitment to work-life balance and look forward to contributing my efficient coding skills and wellness-oriented mindset to your team.”

Speaking to a Company in a Highly Technical or Specialized Industry

Interviewing in a technical industry? Then, focus on your technical expertise, ongoing learning, and specific skills relevant to the industry.

[PAST] “My fascination with high-tech engineering began at university, where I specialized in advanced robotics. I’ve always been driven by the challenge of mastering complex technical concepts.”

[PAST] “In my previous role at HighTech Solutions, I contributed to pioneering work in robotic automation, constantly learning and applying new techniques.”

[PRESENT] “In my current situation, as a lead engineer at TechFront, I’m deeply involved in developing cutting-edge solutions in artificial intelligence.”

[PRESENT] “I’m working on a project that’s pushing the boundaries of AI in industrial applications.”

[FUTURE] “Joining your company, I see an exciting opportunity to apply my technical skills in a specialized industry, contributing to groundbreaking advancements.”

Speaking to a Company Prioritizing Sustainability

If they’re into sustainability, make sure to talk about your involvement in sustainable practices or projects and your dedication to environmental stewardship.

[PAST] “My commitment to sustainability started during my environmental studies, where I was involved in a campus-wide recycling initiative.”

[PAST] “At GreenTech, I worked on sustainable urban development projects, which deepened my understanding of practical environmental stewardship.”

[PRESENT] “I’m now consulting for EcoSolutions, focusing on sustainable practices in business operations.”

[PRESENT] “I’m currently advising on a major project to reduce the carbon footprint of a multinational corporation.”

[FUTURE] “I’m excited about the prospect of joining your company and contributing my expertise in sustainability, aligning with your commitment to environmental responsibility.”

Speaking to a Company Known for Technological Advancements

If the company is impressive in its tech advancements, you might want to talk about your skills in cutting-edge technologies and your passion for staying ahead in tech trends.

[PAST] “I’ve always been drawn to the forefront of technology. My passion for data science began during my master’s program, where I focused on machine learning.”

[PAST] “At DataTech, I developed algorithms that significantly improved data processing speeds, keeping us ahead of tech trends.”

[PRESENT] “In my current job at InnovateAI, I’m exploring the potential of AI in predictive analytics.”

[PRESENT] “I’m leading a project that uses advanced machine learning techniques to forecast market trends.”

[FUTURE] “Your company’s reputation for technological innovation is incredibly appealing, and I am eager to contribute my expertise in data science to continue driving tech advancements.”

Speaking to a Company Emphasizing Diversity and Inclusion

If they care about diversity and inclusion, then underscore about your work experience in diverse teams and how you value inclusive practices.

[PAST] “Diversity and inclusion have been central to my HR career. In my first role at GlobalTech, I helped implement a diversity recruitment strategy.”

[PAST] “This experience taught me the value of a diverse workforce and inclusive company culture in driving business success.”

[PRESENT] “Now, as an HR and Hiring Manager at PeopleFirst, I champion inclusive practices, from hiring to team-building.”

[PRESENT] “I’m currently leading a company-wide initiative to enhance our diversity training programs.”

[FUTURE] “I’m excited to bring this passion and experience to your company, furthering your commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace.”

Speaking to a Company Focused on Employee Development 

If they care a lot about employee development, then you could speak about your commitment to continuous learning and professional growth.

[PAST] “My dedication to continuous learning began early in my career as a junior trainer, where I saw the transformative impact of ongoing professional development.”

[PAST] “In my last job at SkillBuilders, I developed comprehensive training programs that significantly boosted employee skills and job satisfaction.”

[PRESENT] “Currently, I oversee employee development initiatives at LearnGrow, ensuring alignment with career growth and business objectives.”

[PRESENT] “I’m implementing a new e-learning platform that caters to diverse learning styles and needs.”

[FUTURE] “Your company’s focus on employee growth resonates with me. I look forward to contributing to innovative training strategies that enhance employee skills and drive business success.”

Speaking to a Company that Prides Itself on Customer Satisfaction

If they are big on customer satisfaction, then consider going into experiences where you went above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction and service excellence.

[PAST] “My commitment to customer satisfaction started in my first customer service role at ServiceFirst, where I learned the importance of exceeding customer expectations.”

[PAST] “In this chapter of my work history, I introduced a feedback system that improved our service delivery and customer satisfaction ratings.”

[PRESENT] “As a manager at CustomerCentric, I lead a team dedicated to providing exceptional service, consistently receiving high customer satisfaction scores.”

[PRESENT] “I’m currently overseeing a project to revamp our customer service protocols, enhancing overall experience and efficiency.”

[FUTURE] “I am excited about the opportunity to bring my experience and dedication to your company, contributing to your renowned focus on customer satisfaction and service excellence.”

Key Takeaways on How to Respond to “Tell Me About Yourself” in Interviews

This is an inevitable question in interviews and an easy one to fumble.

Just remember these two steps, and you’ll do great:

  • Figure out the main skillset required for the role
  • Talk about your past, present, and future as it relates to this skillset

Also, note that it’s not just about how you answer the interview questions. According to Harvard Business Review , one of the most common complaints that interviewers have after an interview is:

“I wish they had asked me more questions.”If you’d like to know what questions to ask your interviewer, check out these 45 Great Questions to Ask An Interviewer To Land Your Job .

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72 thoughts on “how to answer “tell me about yourself” (17+ sample answers)”.

about me essay

I am a covid refugee and dog enthusiast. I was a firefighter that started a business to save a small island community and saved my pennies to fall in love in Australia. Now due to covid, I am happily stuck down under working towards helping save the planet.

about me essay

I love your videos. My worst question is when did you graduate? In South Africa we say matriculate and I didn’t matriculate I left school after Grade 10 and did a year at secretarial college. It is very frowned upon here not to have completed matric and I have a successful job now and feel embarrassed about the fact that I didn’t matriculate. Could you help me with a good response to this question that would help me with it? Thank you Janice

about me essay

Love the frame work approach to the question. gonna write a response that I will use. Thanks again for the great education.

about me essay

Thank you so much iam suffered from this question alot

about me essay

Awesome practical tips to succeed in this kind of trap question. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.

about me essay

This is wonderful, I never thought about it, but I hate that question too. I have been with my company for 14 years and I have worked in all departments and 4 different towns. “what do you do” is a loaded question and I want to give my guests some information about me without giving the 14 year history.

about me essay

“I’m a lifelong learner, differential thinker and problem solver with a healthy competitive streak.” This is my identity statement… then I use a pattern interrupt something like “I had a pretty normal childhood we went without gas or power multiple months out of every year because we couldn’t afford it. We even celebrated Christmas in February when my mom would get her tax return.” Because they were expecting normal and my life hasn’t been. Then depending on who I’m talking to I frame that in a positive for my situation, “but I wouldn’t trade that for anything. It taught me how to push myself. I was California state all stars in baseball every year, played on a traveling competitive soccer team on scholarship, even played in the men’s National dart tournament when I was 13 and placed in the money. Then someone told my I couldn’t play basketball because I am short and white… I said “f*ck you, watch me.” I played at UNLV…” so that reframes that sad or negative pattern interrupt as a good thing that shows my drive, ability, and effort.

about me essay

I’m a landscape designer, with the benefits and drawbacks of my ADHD traits

about me essay

I love this lesson, Vanessa! I have been practicing all of your valuble tips and they do work. I could not thank you enough!!

about me essay

Really good pointers. It is like you are writing a story, but actually you are formulating your words in a way that your listener won’t be bored and want to poke her eyes out or maybe yours for that matter. Thank you!!

about me essay

Thanks very much for the post! If I understood that correctly, the answer to this question is like writing a very short paragraph. I think it’s a great tip! Have a nice day!

about me essay

I sure wish I had the benefit of this information a few years ago when I was in a group situation and the leader asked each of us to introduce ourself and give a little tidbit about ourself. I was called on first. I was totally unprepared and botched the whole thing, actually giving too little info, rushing, as if I knew the others didn’t want to hear about me. By the time everyone else finished, I wanted a do-over. I’ve thought about that moment a lot and now I have the framework to give a great response next time!

about me essay

I’m that very shy dude that can’t express himself, but me listening to your video will gonna help me improve my ways of expression. Thanks for the experience

about me essay

Great tips over there. I bumped into this site as I was search some information on ‘people skills’. I have enjoyed reading and will continue. Thank you.

about me essay

Thank you for those tips Vanessa, very helpful. I remember that in the first video of you that I watched, you were telling us a story with this lesson : ‘people are only boring because you fail making them interesting’. I still have it in mind and I guess that when we have that kind of question, we have to answer in a way to say what’s interesting about ourselves !

about me essay

Great tips Vanessa! What I share about myself depends on my audience; what facts about me are they likely to be interested in? Why share I’m a violinist if I’m at an ice hockey game, and vice versa, if I’m at a classical music concert, and during interval I’m talking to someone, I’m not likely to bring up ice hockey.

about me essay

These tips are really helpful. I discovered that I am doing them already but without following a sequence. So now I will simply ice up and up my game.

Thank you, Vanessa!

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How to describe your personality in a paragraph – 7 example answers

The way we ourselves rarely mirrors the reality . We tend to see ourselves better, nicer, and perhaps also more attractive than others do see us- -if they actually care. At the end of the day everything is subjective, and each person sees the world–and each living creature they interact with–with a unique pair of eyes . Nevertheless, you will often face the question about your personality , be it on a job application, in an interview, or even on a dating website. Sometimes they ask you to describe yourself in one word only, sometimes they ask what three words would your friends use to describe you , and sometimes they ask you to describe your personality in one paragraph. What do they want to hear from you in this case?

Hiring manager want to hear that you have a fitting personality for the job . Or at least that you think so :). Of course, some things change from one job to another, but certain phrases will always work, such as that you are enthusiastic about work, show initiative, are attentive to the needs of your colleagues and so on. To make your answer sound more realistic , you should add also some neutral or even negative characteristics–perhaps you get angry easily, lose patience quickly, or are overly talkative at times. Just make sure to mention that you are aware of the issue and how it impacts you at work, and that you try to work on it. You can also opt for a more humble answer, or even for a philosophical one…

Let’s have a look at 7 sample answers right now. I tried to come up with some mix, and hope you will “find yourself” in at least one of the answers . Remember that this question isn’t the most difficult interview question you may ever face, and there’s no point in overthinking it. Just be yourself, show confidence and humility at the same time, and make sure that your personality is at least somehow fitting for the job.

7 example answers to “How to describe your personality in a paragraph” question

  • I would describe my personality as outgoing, friendly, and talkative. I thrive when surrounded by other people, and find it easy to connect with anyone I meet. Always looking for bridges, not fences . I would also say that I have a good sense of humor, and people generally enjoy my company. Having said all of that, I realize that each coin has two sides, and sometimes I have to be careful to make sure that I do not talk more than work in the job.
  • I am rather introverted , but that doesn’t mean that I do not like people. Just enjoy keeping things to myself, focusing on the job, and doing my best every day. Having said that, if someone invites me for a conversation or something I won’t say no. I try to be attentive to the needs of my colleagues , and if I feel someone may need a helping hand, I do not hesitate to offer it. Generally I am a hardworking person, but I tend to have a low day once or twice a month , and on such a day I typically do not get much done.
  • I think what describes me the best is the expression “ creative mind “. Because I always enjoy to come up with new ideas, think outside the box, or even challenge the status quo. Now it doesn’t mean that I find it hard to oblige the rules. I do that. But I do not hesitate twice to share my feedback and suggest improvements . I hope you are looking for someone with this personality, and that’s one of the main reasons why I applied for your job offer.
  • Energetic, motivated, enthusiastic about work and life. Just someone it is a pleasure to have in the workplace, since such a person always lifts the morale of the entire team . At least that’s the way I see it, and also what my former managers have told about me. Having said that, I understand that enthusiasm is not enough–one needs also skill and precision in this job, but I honestly believe to have both, and am ready to demonstrate it from day one, if you give me a chance in this job.
  • A team player . That sort of sums it up. Someone who thrives in a team environment. Always interested in my colleagues, their needs and feelings. Always trying my best to not let the colleagues down . Of course, this also have some drawbacks, especially when I should work on something alone I may struggle with motivation. But it is a learning process, and I hope to improve on my weakness soon, and be someone that can thrive working both independently and in a team.
  • My nickname can be “never gives up” , and that sort of characterizes who I am. Maybe I am not the most talented person in the world–when it comes to any tasks, but you can be sure I always give me 100% effort , and if I fail with something I try again. I am one of those guys who enjoy reinventing themselves, trying new hobbies, learning new skills. For example at the moment I am learning to play saxophone, and I enjoy it greatly. If I should point out something negative –because at the end of the day we all have some weaknesses, I’d say that I sometimes find it hard to bear with negativity at work . But that’s just the current state of things, and I hope to change it.
  • I would describe myself as a very calm and balanced person . Always try to see the brighter side of things , always looking for the good in people and in events that happen to me. I very rarely complain about everything, and do the job without unnecessary stress. What’s more, people say I am a good companion for the talk about virtually any topic, and that my inner calm help them feel good and relaxed in the workplace . I sincerely believe your team can benefit from having me onboard, and cannot wait to start working here.

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Essay on My Self for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my self.

Seven billion people are on this Earth, and everybody is different from the rest of others. There is nothing without purpose in this world. Everything has some purpose. Humans are the best creation, and each person is exclusive. Thus, writing about myself, I’m here to express myself that what I see, what I experience and what I plan for my life. I try myself to be modest, passionate, devoted, hardworking and honest.

essay on my self

My Family and My Childhood

I’m from a middle-class family of Bihar, I am Naresh Shukla. Nobody comes in this world, without the support of family and friends. Actually, whatever you will be, it is just because of your family. My father is a respectable businessman in our community.

My mother is a doctor. They both love their occupation. That’s I have learned from my parents the value of time, honesty, hard work and commitment to the purpose.

We are three brothers and sisters. Being the eldest I am the most liable from my brothers and sisters. I am wanted to guide and take care of my other siblings. We all are in the same school. Reading is my passion.

I am a keen reader of novels and history books as I have a strong interest in Indian History and classical architecture. I love to read books that refer to the rich history and civilization of ancient India.  At my pre-childhood, I used to listen to stories from my grandmother, and this has a long-lasting effect on me.

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My Education

I am studying at the best school in my city. I am presently in class 10th. I feel happy to be a part of this great school with the good friends, helpful and loving teacher and sound school administration. I have extraordinary skills in some subjects whereas I am very weak in the few.

My Strengths

In compare to studies, I am good at sports. so I am the captain of my class football team. I am the best football player at my school. Besides this, I am a fast runner also and I love athletics. I am in expert swimming.

The advice of my parents had a keen effect on my habits. I believe to speak the truth and try my best not to lie. My parents always advised me that if I commit a mistake, I should admit it. I try my best to do so. I know how to remain happy in every condition. Because I believe that: “Happiness is not out there; it’s in you.”

I am a very adventurous person too and like to take the risk. I like to do a creative thing besides doing old stuff again and again. Learning new things is one thing which I always enjoy. I always update myself with the news.

Along with this, I fond of reading a few children magazines in which different motivational stories are there. They taught me a high moral lesson. I am a very confident person and know how to talk. I always try to speak to every person according to his requirement so I understand people.

My Weaknesses

As every man have weaknesses, so have also. I am a little bit lazy at some places which I do not like. While playing time, I pass my lot of time there which is not a good habi t, but I try my best to overcome my weaknesses.

My Ambitions in Life

Everybody has an ambition in life . Aim or ambition is the inner aspiration of man. No man can do anything in the world without aim. So, all of us should be very determined about our aim in life.

Without good career planning, right from the start, one can’t be on the right track. One has to set the goals in accordance with his or her broad career goals.

I have studied biology and I will seat for the competitive entrance exam for admission to reputed medical college. I shall try to be a good and honest student. Then I shall be a qualified doctor. I will do all that to be a good doctor and will be sincere to it.

These are all the things which express me. Though nobody can be described in a few sets of sentences. One needs to have yet command of oneself before going to write something about his life. Life is meant to be lived avidly and with visualization to do good for your fellow beings. Keeping this aim in mind, I have always desired to serve my people in whatever capacity I can.

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Cover of July 2024 Issue

The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially

Under this new standard, a president can go on a four-to-eight-year crime spree and then retire from public life, never to be held accountable.

United States Supreme Court justices

United States Supreme Court justices pose for their official portrait on October 7, 2022, in Washington, DC.

Welp, Donald Trump won. The Supreme Court today ruled that presidents are entitled to “absolute immunity” from criminal prosecution for official acts, then contended that pressuring the vice president and the Department of Justice to overthrow the government was an “official act,” then said that talking to advisers or making public statements are “official acts” as well, and then determined that evidence of what presidents say and do cannot be used against them to establish that their acts are “unofficial.”

The ruling from the Supreme Court was 6-3, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, on a straight party-line vote, with all the Republican-appointed justices joining to give the president the power of a king. While some parts of the federal indictment against Trump will be remanded back down to the district-court trial judge to determine whether any of Trump’s actions were “unofficial” (“unofficial” acts, the court says, are not entitled to immunity), Trump’s victory in front of the Supreme Court is total. Essentially, all he has to do is claim that everything he did to plot a coup was part of his “official” duties, and the Supreme Court provided no clear method or evidentiary standard that can be used to challenge that presumption.

Legally, there are two critical things to understand about the totality of the court’s ruling here:

  • The immunity is absolute
  • There is no legislative way to get rid of what the court has given

On the first point, the immunity granted to Trump in this case far exceeds the immunity granted to, say, police officers or other government officials, when they act in their official capacities. Those officials are granted “qualified” immunity from civil penalties. Because the immunity is “qualified,” it can be taken away (“pierced” is the legal jargon for taking away an official’s qualified immunity). People can bring evidence against officials and argue that they shouldn’t be given immunity because of the gravity or depravity of their acts.

Not so with Trump. Presidents are now entitled to “absolute” immunity, which means that no matter what they do, the immunity cannot be lost. They are always and forever immune, no matter what evidence is brought to bear.

Moreover, unlike other officials, presidents are now entitled to absolute immunity from criminal charges. Even a cop can be charged with, say, murder , even if they argue that killing people is part of their jobs. But not presidents. Presidents can murder, rape, steal, and pretty much do whatever they want, so long as they argue that murdering, raping, or stealing is part of the official job of the president of the United States. There is no crime that pierces the veil of absolute immunity.

And there is essentially nothing we can do to change it. The courts created qualified immunity for public officials, but it can be undone by state or federal legislatures if they pass a law removing that protection. Not so with absolute presidential immunity. The court here says that absolute immunity is required by the separation of powers inherent in the Constitution, meaning that Congress cannot take it away. Congress, according to the Supreme Court, does not have the power to pass legislation saying “the president can be prosecuted for crimes.” Impeachment, and only impeachment, is the only way to punish presidents, and, somewhat obviously, impeachment does nothing to a president who is already no longer in office.

The Nation Weekly

Under this new standard, a president can go on a four-to-eight-year crime spree, steal all the money and murder all the people they can get their hands on, all under guise of presumptive “official” behavior, and then retire from public life, never to be held accountable for their crimes while in office. That, according to the court, is what the Constitution requires. 

There will be Republicans and legal academics and whatever the hell job Jonathan Turley has who will go into overdrive arguing that the decision isn’t as bad as all that. These bad-faith actors will be quoted or even published in The Washington Post and The New York Times . They will argue that presidents can still be prosecuted for “unofficial acts,” and so they will say that everything is fine.

But they will be wrong, because while the Supreme Court says “unofficial” acts are still prosecutable, the court has left nearly no sphere in which the president can be said to be acting “unofficially.” And more importantly, the court has left virtually no vector of evidence that can be deployed against a president to prove that their acts were “unofficial.” If trying to overthrow the government is “official,” then what isn’t? And if we can’t use the evidence of what the president says or does, because communications with their advisers, other government officials, and the public is “official,” then how can we ever show that an act was taken “unofficially”?

Take the now-classic example of a president ordering Seal Team Six to assassinate a political rival. According to the logic of the Republicans on the Supreme Court, that would likely be an official act. According to their logic, there is also no way to prove it’s “unofficial,” because any conversation the president has with their military advisers (where, for instance, the president tells them why they want a particular person assassinated) is official and cannot be used against them.

There will doubtless be people still wondering if Trump can somehow be prosecuted: The answer is “no.” Special counsel Jack Smith will surely argue that presenting fake electors in connection with his cadre of campaign sycophants was not an “official act.” Lower-court judges may well agree. But when that appeal gets back to the Supreme Court next year, the same justices who just ruled that Trump is entitled to absolute immunity will surely rule that submitting fake electors was also part of Trump’s “official” responsibilities.

The Debate Won Biden Some New Supporters: Republicans The Debate Won Biden Some New Supporters: Republicans

Chris Lehmann

Why Aren’t We Talking About Trump’s Fascism? Why Aren’t We Talking About Trump’s Fascism?

Donald trump’s secret weapon to dismantle american education donald trump’s secret weapon to dismantle american education.

StudentNation / Owen Dahlkamp

The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially

Elie mystal.

There is no way to change that outcome in the short term. In the long term, the only way to undo the authoritarianism the court has just ushered in is to expand the Supreme Court . Democrats would have to win the upcoming presidential election and the House and the Senate. Then Congress would have to pass a law expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court; then the Senate would have to pass that law as well, which, at a minimum, would likely have to include getting rid of the filibuster. Then the president would have to sign such a bill, and appoint additional Supreme Court justices who do not think that presidents should be kings—and then those justices would have to be confirmed. And all of that would have to happen before the current Supreme Court hears whatever Trump appeal from his January 6 charges comes up next, because if court expansion happens after the current Supreme Court dismisses the charges against him, double jeopardy will attach and Trump can never be prosecuted again under a less-fascist court.

So, since that’s not going to happen, Trump won. He won completely. He tried to overthrow the government, and he got away with it. I cannot even imagine what he’ll try if he is actually given power again, knowing full well that he will never be held accountable for literal crimes.

If you ever wondered what you’d have done in ancient Rome, when the Roman Republic was shuttered and Augustus Caesar declared himself the “first” citizen of Rome, the answer is: whatever you’re doing right now. It’s what you would have done during the Restoration of King Charles II in England, and what you would have done when Napoleon declared himself emperor of France. This, right here, is how republics die.

And the answer that cries out from the abyss of history is that most people, in real time, don’t care. Republics fall because most citizens are willing to give it away. Most people think that it won’t be that bad to lose the rule of law, and the people who stand to benefit from the ending of republican self-government tell everybody that it will be OK. When the Imperium came to be, the Romans didn’t realize that they were seeing the last form of European self-government for 2,000 years, and the ones who did were largely happy about it.

For my part, I assume that like Mark Antony’s wife, Fulvia, defiling the decapitated head of Cicero, Martha-Ann Alito will be jabbing her golden hairpin into my tongue for criticizing the powerful soon enough. But I’m just a writer. I wonder what the rest of you will do as the last vestiges of democracy are taken away by the Imperial Supreme Court and the untouchable executive officer they’ve just created.

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Elie Mystal is  The Nation ’s justice correspondent and the host of its legal podcast, Contempt of Court . He is also an Alfred Knobler Fellow at the Type Media Center. His first book is the New York Times bestseller Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution, published by The New Press. Elie can be followed @ElieNYC .

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I Was Wrongfully Arrested Because of Facial Recognition Technology. It Shouldn’t Happen to Anyone Else

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O n January 9, 2020, Detroit Police Department (DPD) officers arrested me on my front lawn in Farmington Hills, Michigan, in front of my wife and two young daughters, for a crime I had nothing to do with. They refused to tell me why, and I had to spend the night sleeping on a cold concrete bench in an overcrowded, filthy jail cell before finally finding out that I was being falsely accused of stealing designer watches from a Detroit boutique.

While interrogating me, a pair of detectives let it slip that I had been arrested based on an incorrect facial recognition identification, a technology that has been proven to be both racist and faulty—especially when used in real-world conditions, like with blurry security footage.

This week we finally reached a settlement in my wrongful arrest lawsuit against the City of Detroit that ensures what happened to me won’t happen again.

Facial recognition technology has access to massive databases with millions of photos — including, at the time I was arrested, a database of 49 million photographs comprising every Michigan driver’s license photo going back years. Anyone who has a driver’s license can be included in these databases. The technology scans them all for similar-looking faces and spits out some possible suspects. Police would tell you they only use this information as a “lead” and then conduct meaningful investigations but my own personal experience, and that of other wrongfully arrested people around the country, refutes that assertion.

Case in point, the system somehow returned my expired driver’s license photo as an “investigative lead” that might match the thief. Rather than investigate the accuracy of this purported match, police accepted the “lead,” putting my photo in a lineup along with five other photos of Black men—each of whom looked less like the thief since a computer algorithm hadn’t decided those photos looked similar enough to the thief to be a possible match. The witness (who hadn’t even seen the crime happen, but merely reviewed the security footage) chose my photo out of this rigged lineup. And that is all the evidence DPD relied upon to arrest me.

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When I was finally released after 30 hours, I learned that my oldest daughter had lost her first tooth while I was in jail—a precious childhood memory now warped by trauma for our whole family.  She also turned around a photograph of our family because she couldn’t bear to see my face after watching the police haul me away. The girls even started playing cops-and-robbers games and telling me I was the robber. There have been many moments over the last four years where I’ve had to try to explain to two little girls that a computer wrongfully sent their father to jail.

The bogus charges were ultimately dropped, but not before I had to go to court to defend myself against something I didn’t do. Once they were dropped, I demanded that police officials apologize and urged them to stop using this dangerous technology. They ignored me.

Since my story became public in 2020, we’ve learned of two other Black people in Detroit, Porcha Woodruff and Michael Oliver , who were also wrongfully arrested for crimes they didn’t commit based on police reliance on faulty facial recognition technology searches.  Similar stories continue to pop up around the nation.

In a more just world, the cops would be banned from using this technology altogether. While this settlement couldn’t go that far, the DPD’s use of this dangerous and racist technology will now be much more tightly controlled. They will not be able to conduct a photo lineup based solely on a lead derived from facial recognition. Instead, they can only conduct a lineup after using facial recognition if they first uncover independent evidence linking the person identified by facial recognition to a crime. In other words, DPD can no longer substitute facial recognition for basic investigative police work.

Their obligations don’t end there. Whenever DPD uses facial recognition in an investigation, they must inform courts and prosecutors about any flaws and weaknesses of the facial recognition search they conducted, such as poor photo quality like in my case where grainy security footage was used. DPD will also, for the first time, have to train its officers about the limitations and inaccuracies of facial recognition technology, including how it falsely identifies Black people at much higher rates than white people.

What the Detroit Police Department made me endure changed my life forever. When I was being hauled off to jail, I felt like I was in a bad movie I couldn’t leave. For the past several years since my wrongful arrest, my family and I have traveled around Michigan and the country urging policymakers to protect their constituents from the horror I went through by stopping law enforcement from misusing this technology. I’ve repeatedly explained that I don’t want anyone to live with the fear and trauma that facial recognition technology inflicted on my family. With the settlement of my case, we take a big step toward that goal.

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I've worked for six presidents. Here's what upsets me most about the immunity ruling.

Monday’s 6-3 Supreme Court decision granting lifetime criminal immunity to presidents for official acts while in office is breathtaking in its dangerous implications for our nation’s future. By rewriting the rule that has governed presidential authority for the past 235 years — that no one, not even a president, is above the law — the court has given a green light to any future president inclined to wield his or her executive authority irrespective of the laws that apply to all other citizens and residents of the U.S. King George III would be pleased.

I have no idea what motivated the majority to endorse such a sweeping display of judicial activism . It is no secret that some of these justices have strongly conservative ideological leanings . Some also have been less than discreet in broadcasting their political views .

I have no idea what motivated the majority to endorse such a sweeping display of judicial activism.

But regardless of motivation, what appalls and worries me most are the abject ignorance and apparent indifference of the six. Their ruling will have deeply disturbing practical consequences if an unprincipled and politically corrupt individual is ever elected president of the United States in the future.  

For the first 50 months of the Obama administration, I served as assistant to the president of the United States for homeland security and counterterrorism. In that role, I served as President Barack Obama’s senior counterterrorism adviser, as well as the individual who conveyed to the appropriate department or agency the president’s authorization to use lethal force against terrorists operating outside areas of active military hostilities. In each instance, President Obama was exacting in his insistence that the intelligence be vetted and verified and that the legal review be thorough, well-documented and unimpeachable.

Some have disagreed with Obama’s decisions , but I firmly believe his primary focus, and the focus of all those involved in the deliberations, was to make sure that every act of his presidency was firmly anchored in law. Moreover, the president and his advisers wanted every lawful act of the administration to be principled, ethical, judicious, proportional, fair and necessary to save innocent lives. I bore witness to the president’s moral compass as he used it to guide and inform his actions, counterterrorism and otherwise.

I am confident that President Joe Biden has a similarly strong and unwavering commitment to the rule of law. I am equally confident that he adheres to longstanding American principles and values as he carries out the solemn duties of the presidency. His public criticism of the Supreme Court ruling underscores that commitment.

But what if a future president embraces the ruling? What if a future president with dictator-like ambitions seeks to quash any real or perceived political opposition by using the broad and unrivaled powers of the presidency, up to and including the use of lethal force? Such an individual may well wield the Supreme Court’s “Stay-Out-of-Jail card” as a cudgel and a helpful and expedient opportunity to vanquish adversaries, critics and rivals. For a president without a conscience or a sense of decency, the freedom to exercise limitless and unaccountable power could present too great a temptation to pass up.  

So, while a president has now been given immunity for official acts, irrespective of how patently heinous, grievous and criminal they might be, what about the implementers of those orders? What about the individuals, the civilian and uniformed members of the executive branch, who might be called on to break the law on behalf of their commander in chief? Law-abiding individuals would have a choice of unattractive options. If they perceive an order to be unlawful, they might refuse to comply, risking immediate dismissal, as well as potential criminal charges a corrupt and vengeful president could direct the Department of Justice to pursue .

On the other hand, if individuals agree to carry out unlawful actions for which only presidents enjoys immunity, they would leave themselves open to subsequent criminal charges levied by the Department of Justice in future administrations. Perhaps, for some of these loyalists and sycophantic supplicants, a lawless president would be able to extend his nonsensical immunity by pre-emptively issuing pardons. The image of jackbooted thugs carrying out the dirty work of despots in other countries certainly comes to mind.   

In writing for the majority, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts , who until this week had impressed me as a decidedly right-leaning but still generally sensible member of the nation’s highest court, said that the liberal justices’ dissent struck “a tone of chilling doom that is wholly disproportionate to what the Court actually does today.” The accuracy of that statement, however, is wholly dependent on whether only good and honest individuals who firmly believe in the rule of law take up future residence in the White House.

I was fortunate to serve six presidents — from Jimmy Carter to Obama — all of whom viewed the rule of law as part of the bedrock foundation of our country. Unfortunately, not all current aspirants for America’s solemn office are either good or honest. Donald Trump has already demonstrated his willingness to use every unethical trick in the book not only to skirt the law, but also to undermine it. Thanks to the Roberts court, there is now a ruling to help men like Trump trample it.  

This is certainly not the America I thought we would live in as we celebrate the 248th anniversary of our country’s independence.  

John O. Brennan was the director of the CIA from 2013 to 2017. He is a senior intelligence and national security analyst for NBC News and MSNBC and the author of "Undaunted."

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Pamela Paul

Your Religious Values Are Not American Values

A photo illustration of a religious icon wearing a U.S. flag as a shirt.

By Pamela Paul

Opinion Columnist

Whenever a politician cites “ Judeo-Christian values ,” I find it’s generally followed by something unsettling.

Last month brought two flagrant instances. In both cases, Republican officials introduced state laws that formalize precepts of the Christian nationalist movement — in the words of the National Association of Christian Lawmakers (A.D. 2019), “doing everything we can to restore the Judeo-Christian foundation of our nation.”

On June 19, Gov. Jeff Landry of Louisiana signed legislation requiring public classrooms to display the Ten Commandments, a practice struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1980. A rich endorsement came via Donald Trump, who crowed , “I LOVE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, PRIVATE SCHOOLS, AND MANY OTHER PLACES, FOR THAT MATTER. READ IT — HOW CAN WE, AS A NATION, GO WRONG???”

One week later, Landry’s fellow Christian soldier Ryan Walters, Oklahoma’s superintendent of public instruction, announced plans to mandate teaching the Bible in public schools. Walters said learning the Bible is necessary to having “an understanding of the basis of our legal system.”

Forgive me for wondering: Is he referring to “ an eye for an eye ” or the stoning of disobedient children ?

Either way, for both Trump and true believers, it hardly matters that the First Amendment was intended to protect religion from the state, not to have the state impose a religion. (So much for originalism.) Their goal is to impose one form of religion , Christianity, and the underlying message is that those who do not share it will have to submit.

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‘A Quiet Place: Day One’ Review: Alien Invasion Prequel Arrives Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing

Instead of providing answers or much in the way of suspense, director Michael Sarnoski’s contribution stars Lupita Nyong'o as a terminally ill cat owner tiptoeing through a mostly off-screen apocalypse.

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As it happens, director John Krasinski’s excellent 2020 sequel flashed back to Day One, revealing the pandemonium the aliens’ arrival caused for unsuspecting humans, before jumping forward more than a year in the “Quiet Place” chronology. In theory, what “Day One” promises — but doesn’t actually deliver — is a more expansive look at the mayhem. Most of the action occurs off-screen, and no one (not even the authorities) so much as attempts to fight back.

What about cats? Is Frodo ever really at risk? For the curious, Sarnoski includes a tough-to-decipher scene where a trio of aliens feed on what looks like a feathered version of the ovomorphs from “Alien.” Perhaps this explains why the Death Angels are so aggro: They didn’t pack enough snacks for their intergalactic mission, and Earth doesn’t have what they need. But what do they want?

Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, “Day One” is served up as a disaster movie, à la Roland Emmerich’s “Independence Day,” with money shots of the Brooklyn Bridge collapsing into the East River and deserted streets that suggest “I Am Legend” by way of 9/11. Where did everybody go? “Day One” makes it look like just a few hundred people call Manhattan home. Surely New York would be crawling with residents, pouring out of the skyscrapers and into the streets, or else retreating into their apartments. It’s Day One of the invasion, and the city is a ghost town.

It’s kind of a fluke that Samira agreed to come along for a field trip to a Manhattan marionette theater, led by a nurse (Alex Wolff) who should have worn quieter clothes. When the aliens land, they immediately start picking off the noisiest humans. Scream, and you’re toast. Call out for your missing partner or child, and a Death Angel is guaranteed to spring from off-screen and rip you in half. While the characters try their best to keep silent, the film’s sound designers do the opposite, using low tones to make the whole theater rumble (Imax and 4DX viewers can literally feel the attack unfolding off-screen).

In the two previous films, the thrill came from watching how characters reacted to these sinewy, double-jointed monsters, whose rattling, Venom-looking heads fold open in a series of flaps as they stop to listen. The terrifying creatures can’t see, but their sense of hearing is hyper-acute, which is why our world went quiet . For some reason, all that stuff it took humans 474 days to learn in the other movies is already known by the characters in this one (like using running water to confound the aliens).

As Samira hides out in the marionette theater with a crowd of strangers (including Djimon Hounsou, the film’s lone connection to the previous installment), military choppers fly overhead, broadcasting instructions: Keep silent. Stay off the bridges. Carefully make your way to the South Street Seaport, where ships are standing by to evacuate people. As an inexplicably small crowd of survivors move south, Samira and Frodo walk in the opposite direction. She wants that pizza.

Through it all, she remains more committed to protecting her cat — which is ironic, since the animal seems all but guaranteed to attract the wrong kind of attention. It is Frodo who finds Eric and leads him to Samira. Their instant bond feels contrived, though a more charitable viewer might be moved by this nothing-to-lose connection between two lonely souls — what writer-director Lorene Scafaria called “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World.”

To his credit, Sarnoski orchestrates a few high-tension set-pieces. But there aren’t nearly enough of these for a movie set in the “Quiet Place” world, as Sarnoski (who put Nicolas Cage through all kinds of nonsensical behavior in “Pig”) winds up putting sentimentality ahead of suspense.

Just compare these movies to the century’s best zombie franchise: “A Quiet Place” ranks up there with “28 Days Later” in its immersive, world-turned-upside-down intrigue. “Part II” was bigger and scarier, à la “28 Weeks Later.” “Day One” ought to have been the mind-blowing origin story, and instead it’s a Hallmark movie, where everyone seems to have nine lives — not just that darn cat.

Reviewed at AMC The Grove, Los Angeles, June 26, 2024. MPA Rating: PG-13. Running time:

  • Production: A Paramount Pictures release and presentation, in association with Michael Bay, of a Platinum Dunes, Sunday Night production. Producers: Michael Bay, Andrew Form, Brad Fuller, John Krasinski. Executive producers: Allyson Seeger, Vicki Dee Rock.
  • Crew: Director: Michael Sarnoski. Screenplay: Michael Sarnoski; story: John Krasinski, Michael Sarnoski, based on characters created by Bryan Woods & Scott Beck. Camera: Pat Scola. Editors: Andrew Mondshein, Gregory Plotkin. Music: Alexis Grapsas.
  • With: Lupita Nyong’o, Joseph Quinn, Alex Wolff, Djimon Hounsou.

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