Andrew Tate said he broke a woman’s jaw and that his business was a ‘scam’ ahead of Romanian charges

Photo Illustration: A collage of Andrew Tate with snippets of a Jerry's Pizza box, a hundred dollar bill, and paper scraps

Andrew Tate once called his sexually explicit webcam business a “total scam” and boasted on his website that he lured women in by getting them to fall in love with him.  The 36-year-old influencer also boasted on a podcast that he broke a woman’s jaw in a bar fight and “got away with it.”

Those are just some of the details found in an NBC News review of Tate’s media appearances, website records and archives of his Instagram and YouTube accounts following his December arrest in Bucharest, Romania where he lives.

Romanian authorities arrested him, his brother and two women on suspicion of human trafficking, rape and forming an organized crime group, according to Reuters. Tate has denied the claims, and all four have contested their continued detention.

Tate remains in custody after a Romanian court last week denied his appeal of a judge’s decision to hold him for 30 days, citing the “possibility of them evading investigations,” according to the Associated Press.

The British-American internet personality, most recently known for making misogynistic statements online to his millions of followers, has documented many details about the webcam sex business at the center of the Romanian allegations. 

He has detailed in public how his business functioned and how he got women involved in it. Much of the material posted to several of his now-suspended social media accounts has been reposted online by fan accounts and critics alike. 

Tate, a former kickboxer turned self-described “success coach,” gained international attention last year for his polarizing rants on women and modern masculinity. His violent and often misogynistic rhetoric drew widespread criticism online, and in August 2022 Tate was banned from Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube for violating the platforms’ community guidelines. Although Twitter permanently suspended his account in 2017 after he tweeted that women should “bare some responsibility” for being sexually assaulted, the site reinstated his account late last year. Tate pushed back against his critics in previous statements to NBC News , saying he’s simply playing an “online character.” 

Tate relocated to Romania in 2017, he said in an episode of The Fellas, a comedy podcast.

In April of last year, Tate was arrested a first time by Romanian authorities who said the U.S. Embassy notified them that a U.S. woman, who was 21 at the time, said she was being held captive by the Tate brothers. She declined to comment to NBC News through a representative. After entering Tate’s residence that month, authorities said they discovered another woman from Romania who said she was also being held captive. Authorities said their investigation then expanded to include suspicion of human trafficking and rape.

In late December, police arrested Tate and the others accused after a monthslong investigation. Romanian authorities said six people have been identified who were “sexually exploited” by the group of people charged, and that, “an injured person was forced, on two different occasions, by a suspect through the exercise of physical violence and psychological pressure to have sexual relations.” Authorities did not specify which suspect they were referring to.

The webcam business that Tate ran and openly spoke about is central to these charges, according to Romanian Authorities. 

In podcast appearances, news interviews and social media posts since 2021, Tate said that he employed women to make money for him by performing in webcam pornography, controlled their behavior and evaded law enforcement. He has also advertised content sold to teach people about how they can replicate his business model. 

Tate and his brother told the Mirror in a June 2022 interview that they ran a “total scam” business in Romania that used cam models to lure men into sending them money. 

Some of the allegations by Romanian authorities echo what Andrew Tate has said publicly about his webcam business.

According to Romanian authorities , the Tate brothers recruited women “by misrepresenting their intention to enter into a marriage/cohabitation relationship and the existence of genuine feelings of love (the loverboy method).” 

In an interview with the podcast Fresh&Fit in December, Tate said he started his webcam sex business seven years ago when he was “broke.” Tate said he texted his five girlfriends at the time, who he said didn’t know about each other, and asked them to come live and work with him in Bedfordshire, England.

“I’m going to look after you, and we’re going to get rich,’” Tate remembered saying. 

On a since-deleted page on Tate’s website advertising what he called the “PhD Program,” he openly described manipulating women romantically to further his business.

“My job was to get women to fall in love with me. Literally, that was my job,” the website said. “My job was to meet a girl, go on a few dates, sleep with her, test if she’s quality, get her to fall in love with me to where she’d do anything I say, and then get her on webcam so we could become rich together.”

“I’ve had over 75 girls work for me,” the deleted page said. “Over 50% of my employees were actually my girlfriend at the time.”  

In the Fresh&Fit podcast episode, Tate described withholding a month’s wages from his “biggest earning girl” as a punishment for getting drunk and vomiting in his bed. 

Tate said the woman “went to the police” and accused Tate of assaulting her after he refused to pay her. 

He said he was arrested in 2015 in the U.K. for “suspicion of assault” of the woman. Although he said the “case got dropped,” a police raid of his phones and laptops led to “new charges” against him. He did not disclose what the new charges were. 

Earlier this month, Vice reported that Tate was arrested in 2015 in the U.K. on suspicion of sexual assault and physical abuse, citing statements from U.K. authorities and Tate himself. Vice also interviewed two unnamed women who said they reported Tate to the police, one for rape and both for abuse. Tate denied those allegations through a representative, according to Vice. NBC News has not verified the claims of those women.

The Crown Prosecution Service declined to prosecute Tate after the police took four years to pass on the case, Vice reported. In a statement, the police said apologies were made to both women for the delays that led to the case’s closure in 2019.

In another archived YouTube video that was posted to his channel, Tate bragged that he created restrictions and rules for the women who worked for him. 

“I’m all over the place so I end up with all these chicks just stuck in a house sitting there, bored, completely in love with me,” Tate said in the clip, which has resurfaced online in wake of his most recent arrest. “And of course they don’t go out. They’re not allowed out ... You stay in the house. You don’t go nowhere. No restaurants, no clubs, nothing.”

Romanian authorities said that women recruited by Tate’s organization were transported to and housed in Romania, where “by exercising acts of physical violence and mental coercion (through intimidation, constant surveillance, control and invoking alleged debts),” they were allegedly forced to perform for Tate’s webcam sex business.

Tate said he flew women in from other countries to join his webcam operations in the U.K. and Romania. 

In a video Tate sold as part of his “Hustlers University” pay-to-watch series, which he advertised as an educational course for followers to replicate his webcam sex businesses, he said women flew to him from countries like Slovakia and France.

“They were all from different places in the world,” Tate said about the women he recruited. “I had them all fly in, sat them all down together.”

In addition to moving from the U.K. to Romania to conduct his business, Tate has said he evaded past accusations of rape and physical abuse and punishing women for accusing him of misconduct. 

Tate has said in multiple interviews that he’s been violent toward women. During another episode of The Pomp Podcast recorded in 2021, he said that he hit a woman and broke her jaw during a bar fight. Tate said he “ended up in court” after he was charged with causing “bodily harm,” but “got away with it in the end.” He said he was found innocent. NBC News has not verified the details of the encounter.

He told Fresh&Fit that this incident motivated him to move to Romania. In a YouTube video from Tate’s channel, which was banned in August 2022 for violating YouTube’s hate speech policy and community guidelines, Tate said he moved from the U.K. to Romania because the country was less likely to pursue rape claims. 

“I’m not a rapist but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want,” Tate said in a since-removed video .

phd method tate

Kat Tenbarge is a tech and culture reporter for NBC News Digital. She can be reached at [email protected]

Morgan Sung is a trends reporter for NBC News Digital.

How To Spot An Andrew Tate Follower

Have you ever been contacted by a man with an Instagram account with just a few photos of himself posing with a sports car that you know he can’t afford?

Ikran Dahir

BuzzFeed News Reporter

phd method tate

Before misogynist influencer Andrew Tate was deplatformed from Instagram, curious women could click on his profile to see which men in their lives were part of his growing fandom. And while that’s no longer an option, Tate’s impact persists. 

The former kickboxer is one of the most influential men on the internet and has built his name — and assembled a massive online army of men — by spouting extreme misogynistic views. He has said that women are the property of men, women are unable to be successful without a man’s help, and women bear responsibility if they are raped .  

Tate and his brother Tristan are currently being held in pre-trial detention in Bucharest, Romania, while they are under investigation for human trafficking, rape, and organized crime. They were arrested along with two Romanian women, and authorities have accused the group of sexually exploiting six women. (One of the Romanian women arrested with Tate is Georgiana Naghel, who is believed to be in a romantic relationship with him.) While the general public had only heard of Tate after his December arrest, his toxic influence on how men interact with women has been growing over the last several years.

Have you ever been contacted by a man with an Instagram account with just a few photos of himself posing with a sports car that you know he can’t afford? Or have there been messages in your Instagram requests folder from accounts that only have one photo of a man scowling with his mouth closed? Or maybe a friend has shared a screenshot of a man with a similar profile who DMed them a random emoji out of the blue? If so, he may have been following the teachings of Tate. 

Both brothers are being accused of using the “loverboy method” to ensnare the women they are accused of trafficking. The method, in which a perpetrator initiates a sham romantic relationship with a vulnerable person in order to trap and sexually exploit them, has become more prevalent in the age of dating apps and social media. And while the Instagram tactics outlined above aren’t necessarily the “loverboy method,” they are based off of a course Tate made to help men convince women to sleep with them.

We want your help! If you have more information or a tip regarding Andrew Tate, contact [email protected], or reach us securely at

BuzzFeed News purchased Tate’s now-deleted Pimpin’ Hoes Degree (PHD) video course, which he launched on his website in 2018 and removed in 2022. In it, the influencer offers step-by-step instructions on how to build an Instagram account to contact women and have sex with as many of them as possible. Or, as Tate calls it, how men can go from having no access to women to becoming a player. 

The $450 course was one of many of the former kickboxer’s business ventures meant to help turn men into entrepreneurs and “Top Gs.” Other deleted courses, some of which were available on Etsy through resellers, were all aimed at some form of male “self-improvement,” such as fitness programs designed to get you in shape, a body language course with elaborate rules to help you become an “alpha male,” and a course that instructed viewers about how they could make money on OnlyFans by using women as sex workers for their own financial gain. In the PHD course, Tate even suggests using women from these relationships to set up a webcam business, which was reportedly a part of his alleged sex trafficking scheme. 

Etsy said the listing of Tate's videos and courses purchased by BuzzFeed News had been taken down after we flagged them "because the listings violated our seller policies."

On multiple podcasts, Tate has spoken openly about convincing his girlfriends to do sex work for his webcam business and on OnlyFans, and he has proudly labeled himself “a pimp.” In a deleted course focused on how to make money from OnlyFans, Tate talks about how he doesn’t allow his “girls” to have access to their own accounts until he trusts them.  

“Before you know it, you're a G sitting there with your phone pimpin’ dudes, making money off girls,” Tate says. Later in the video, he is joined by Vivian, an ex-girlfriend who was featured in a sex tape video with Tate, to talk about the rates she charges on the platform.  

In the PHD course, Tate identifies Instagram as “the number one tool to get laid” over Tinder or any other dating app. He also lists out what he believes made a “manly” Instagram profile, such as never having any other men in the photos unless they look “hard,” only having hot women in photos, not posting too many photos because that’s what women do , and never taking photos with your mouth open. (Tate believes posing with your mouth open is “a sign of submission” and is done by “liberals.”) So if you see a profile where a man has his mouth closed and appears angry for no apparent reason, he could have been taking cues from Tate’s courses.  

phd method tate

Tate even suggests that if a man doesn’t actually have money or a tough, muscled look for their profile, he should hire a professional photographer to stage a shoot, which should include photos of expensive travel and rented exotic cars. “What I try and do with every single post is [create] a degree of intrigue,” Tate says. “Don’t be afraid to put a spin on your shit.” Tate also implores students to “take loads of photos next to rocks and oceans and bullshit.”  

While Tate calls manosphere and redpill culture “bullshit,” he still leans on old manosphere theories like the world being a “sexual marketplace” that is “extremely difficult for men.” A lot of the social media strategy Tate taught in his PHD course also recycles the stereotype that women are only impressed by men with money and status and that “women are biologically programmed” to go after these so-called alpha males. 

But while he is intent on teaching men how to portray these cliches to capture as many women as possible, he said in the PHD course he doesn’t necessarily align himself with the manosphere belief that “women need to be fixed.” He just thinks men should be more opportunistic so they can make the dating world work for them: “If you’re in the wrong place, you don’t have enough women. If you’re in the right place, you have too many women.” 

phd method tate

Former kickboxer Andrew Tate leaves court on Feb. 1, 2023. 

Tate frames himself as a kind of guru for the lost and hopeless men trapped in the online sexual marketplace. Why write, “Hey, how are you?” to a stranger, he asks. “Why would she give a shit about telling you how she is? She knows you don’t care. And she gets that 30 times a day. So she doesn’t care.” 

Instead, in his course, he frames his advice as helping men become intriguing and a “higher-value person.” One method he suggests? Lying about your job. 

In one example, Tate lays out a scenario where a woman asks a man what they do. Instead of telling her he’s a barista at Starbucks, Tate suggests saying he used to be high-level management at Starbucks. Be vague. Lay on the intrigue. “You’re now James Bond of Starbucks. You were a barista loser. Now you’re James Bond,” he says.

He also encourages them to DM as many women as possible. “You can go on Instagram right now and message 100 girls. There are gonna be loads of conversations at once,” Tate says. He suggests adding a random, meaningless emoji as a way of standing out from the other messages they may get throughout the day.

“I just say Bucharest? or Moscow? or LA? sometimes,” Tate says. “I’ll put a completely pointless emoji on the end. Some cherries, or an orange or a strawberry.” 

Tate himself has used this specific emoji method before. A TikToker posted a screenshot of a DM she said came from Tate with the word “London? 🌹”. And Daria Gușă, a now-19-year-old student, told BuzzFeed News that she received a DM from Tate’s personal Instagram account when she was 16 years old that read: “Romanian girl 🍓.” 

phd method tate

Gușă said she did not reply to Tate because he had a bad reputation in Romania, but she told BuzzFeed News that he also DMed some of her friends, who did respond. “After a couple of messages, he will start asking where they are and when he can come pick them up,” she said. 

In the Q&A portion of the course, where Tate plays more into his role as a misogynistic self-help guru, he is asked by a man how he maintains multiple relationships with women and if he should be honest about it. Tate not only suggests hiding it, but also gaslighting their partners if they ask any questions. 

He goes on to say that just the night before he filmed the video, one of his “girls” found hair in bed that didn’t belong to her and questioned him about it. Tate says he told her that he didn’t know where it came from and that she was being “juvenile.”

 Tate then tells the story of a woman he was seeing in Slovakia who moved to England to work for him when he wanted to start up his webcam company. He suggests viewers start their own porn business, using webcams, when they have a couple women in love with them, as it is, he says, “free money.” 

Tate even goes as far as suggesting men conduct a test for “a quality woman.” He tells them not to contact her after having sex to see if she’ll reach out first, because now the man is “in a position of power.” Tate believes that if a woman ends up contacting a man after sleeping with him, she has “humbled” herself and will be “fiercely loyal” to him.

Through Tate’s courses and misogynistic rhetoric, not only is he helping men groom and sexualize women, but he’s also normalized a toxic dating culture that has had a profoundly negative impact on how men treat women. And though the courses have been removed from his website, fans are still passing clips around on Google Drive and reselling copies of his deleted courses — ensuring even more women will be played.

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Andrew Tate Compares Himself to Titanic Victims In Nauseating Tucker Carlson Interview

On Tuesday, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson opened his interview with social media personality and alleged huma n trafficker Andrew Tate by lamenting how many young men have withdrawn into pornography, and touted Tate as a potential tonic to the blight.

Despite Carlson’s disdain over porn, the host left out virtually every relevant detail of Tate’s documented webcamming business, instead allowing Tate to paint a rosy picture of himself as a woefully misunderstood family man who’s been targeted by the global “matrix.” 

During the interview, Tate presented his defense to Carlson by describing himself as “a 35 year old man,” who was “already extremely financially successful.” 

“I was already a father, I was already well known, I had no financial motivation, I have no criminal record, it’s not my personality profile. But I woke up at the age of 35 and decided to make girls do TikTok to enrich myself with the pennies I would earn [from TikTok],” he said.

While it is true that the court documents from Romanian authorities allege that the Tate brothers were “forcing [victims] to perform forced labor” on TikTok, prosecutors also claim in court documents that the brothers forced these women to make adult content on OnlyFans for them, while also posting on social media for 12 hours a day with little more than a five-minute break. 

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But the image Tate conjured for Carlson of an aging man bound to familial responsibilities conflicts with the public persona he’s marketed to his fans. His indictment reflects Tate’s alleged use of the “loverboy” method to convince women he was romantically involved with to engage in sex work on his behalf. Tate himself provided an explanation of his methods in his 2018 “PhD” (Pimping Hoes Degree) program that featured this description on it’s webpage: “My job was to meet a girl, go on a few dates, sleep with her, test if she’s quality, get her to fall in love with me to where she’d do anything I’d say, and then get her on webcam so we could become rich together.”  

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Throughout the interview, Tate presented himself as a victim of “the matrix” and the corporate media, claiming he has been set up by an establishment critical of his message. At one point, he compared himself to victims of the Titanic, saying, “Same as the men on the Titanic couldn’t get on the lifeboat, I just can’t stop saying what I believe to be true.” Carlson responded to this comparison by asking a question about Tate’s thoughts on depression.

A former kickboxer and reality TV star from Luton, a working-class city in Bedfordshire, England, Tate first achieved mainstream fame in the UK after he was booted from the TV show Big Brother after a video surfaced of him beating a woman with a belt. Both Tate and the woman, his ex-girlfriend, denied that the footage depicted abuse, with him referring to the tape as a “kinky sex video.”

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After being kicked off Big Brother , Tate started dabbling in the far-right ecosystem, according to an investigation by Rolling Stone . Tate and Tristan later relocated to Romania, where they had minor business dealings, with Tate claiming, in a now-deleted video, “I’m not a fucking rapist, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want. I like being free.” He later established himself as an influencer in the manosphere, launching the PhD Program in 2018 and Hustlers’ University in 2021, which was aimed at teaching men various money-making schemes. 

In April 2022, Tate’s house was raided following a call placed to the American embassy in Romania reporting that two women, an American woman and a Moldovan woman, had been lured to his compound under false pretenses and forced to make content on TikTok and OnlyFans. Through an attorney, Tate has denied he and his brother used “undue influence” to lure the women to Romania. Tate and his brother were arrested in 2022 and detained for months on suspicion of rape, organized crime , and human trafficking.

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Tate Studentships

Tate hosts a growing number of doctoral students engaged in research at Tate. Students work at Tate in a variety of ways, gaining professional experience and contributing their ideas and knowledge to Tate’s programmes and projects.

Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Tate Collaborative Doctoral Partnership scheme offers fully funded studentships for study towards a Doctoral degree. Successful candidates are jointly supervised by subject specialists at both their Higher Education Institute (HEI) and at one of the 25 museums, libraries, archives or heritage organisations that make up the CDP Consortium .

Tate has up to three AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) studentships to allocate each year. We are currently in the process of internally selecting research themes for our 2024/25 competition. This page will be updated on 23 September 2024 with research themes. At this point university academics (if relevant, in collaboration with named doctoral candidates) will be invited to submit ideas responding to relevant themes. Submissions deemed feasible and mutually beneficial will be co-developed with Tate supervisors representing relevant themes.

The timeline is as follows:

23 September 2024 – Collaborative Doctoral Research Themes published on this page

18 November 2024 – Collaborative Doctoral Research Themes removed from this page

2 December 2024, 5 pm – Collaborative Doctoral Research Teams (Tate supervisors and university supervisors, if relevant in collaboration with a named doctoral candidate) will be required to submit full proposals

Early January 2025 – Final projects selected by the Tate Doctoral Training Board

October 2025 – Commencement of successful projects

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. Please note that ideas for doctoral projects will not be accepted until themes are announced on this page.


Current Opportunities

Phd opportunity: adrian henri – early happenings in britain in the 1960 s and 1970 s.

The University of Liverpool and Tate are delighted to offer the following Arts and Humanities Research Council fully-funded PhD studentship: Adrian Henri – Early Happenings in Britain in the 1960s and 1970s

Current studentships

Idea Transformer: A History of Curatorial Innovation at Tate Modern

James Wreford

Performativity and Preservation in the Archive of Online Born-Digital Art

Sami Itävuori

Generative AI and the Art Museum: The Online Collection of British Art, Audiences and Visuality

Emily Beswick

The Migrant Eye: Reactivating the Photographic Past through Archives and Exhibitions in Liverpool and North West England

Aïcha Mehrez

Addressing legacies of slavery and empire in the contemporary art museum

Damali Ibreck

How can we move towards more equitable organisational and administrative systems in the arts by learning from and supporting familial, transcultural and diasporic formations of memory?

Georgia Millsom

Unexpected salt formation in twentieth-century oil paints

Emma Sharples

Ithell Colquhoun: Making Occultures

Anya Smirnova

Net Art East: Networks, Art and New Media after 1989

Hattie Spires

Revisiting Rhapsodies in Black : British Art and the Harlem Renaissance, 1919–1939

Vanessa Arias Bujia

Digital Engagement with Visual Art in the 21st Century Museum: A Case Study of Tate

Grace Hanrahan

Surface Attached Gels for the Removal of Synthetic Varnishes from Sensitive Acrylic Paints

Sarah Haylett

Documenting Socially Engaged Art: New Forms of Archival Practice in the Contemporary Art Museum

Dirk van de Leemput

The Maintenance of Technologies in Time-based Media Art

Inga Fraser

Towards Artists’ Moving Image? Film Art and Paracinema, Britain 1906–1939

Ego Ahaiwe Sowinski

Conjunctural Encounters and Legacy in the Archive: The Life, Works, Mobilities and Philosophy of Ronald Moody

Hassan Vawda

Religion, Secularism, and the British Art Museum: How does Tate engage the experiences of Muslims in Britain and how can this contribute to being ‘culturally inclusive’?

Janine François

In What Ways Does Art in the Museum Context Provide a Safe Space to Ask Difficult Questions around Culture and Race?

Stella Toonen

Challenging Ways of Working: the Impact of Co-creation Projects on Museum Practice

A Transnational History of Modern Art in Egypt: Flâneuses et flâneurs des deux mondes

Jessie M c Laughlin

Queering Curatorial Learning Practice: Enhancing Access for Young and Diverse Audiences within the Art Museum

Roxy Minter

Picturing Whiteness: Raced Representation in the National Collection of British Art, 1700s – Now

Ellen Pavey

Making the Invisible Visible in the Contemporary Art Museum

Andrew Cummings

Strange Encounters in Contemporary Art from East and Southeast Asia, 1990–Present

Katy Norris

Women as World Builders: Female Artists, Feminism and Social Reform Movements in Britain 1890–1928

Patricia Falcão

Artists, Conservators and Game Developers: A Comparative Study of Software Preservation in Three Domains

International Textile Art from 1960 to 1979

Past Studentships

See a list of projects by past collaborative doctoral students at Tate, ordered chronologically by year of commencement.

Past Tate PhD projects

Commenced 2019, caroline anjali ritchie.

Visionary Mapping in the Work of William Blake University of York Supervised by Professor Jon Mee, University of York and Dr Amy Concannon, Curator, British Art 1790–1850, Tate

Maddy Gilliam

How Does a Gallery Education Programme Adapt to Support Teachers with the Arts During a Pandemic? University of Nottingham Supervised by Professor Pat Thomson, University of Nottingham and Emily Pringle, Head of Research, Tate

Commenced 2017

Rhian addison.

Landscape Artists’ Studios in the Age of Exhibitions, London, 1780–1850 University of York Supervised by Dr Richard Johns, Lecturer in History of Art, University of York and Dr Martin Myrone, Lead Curator (British Art to 1800), Tate

Ambra D'Antone

Translating Collectivity: Surrealism of the Levant Courtauld Institute of Art Supervised by Dr Gavin Parkinson, Senior Lecturer in 20th-century European Art, Courtauld Institute of Art, and Dr Matthew Gale, Head of Displays, Tate Modern

Eloise Bennett

Intermediality: The Transformation of Art and Literature in the International Avant-garde, 1945–1975 University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh College of Art Supervised by Professor Neil Cox, University of Edinburgh and Adrian Glew, Archivist, Tate Britain

Art Patronage and Court Influence, 1660–1714 University of Oxford Supervised by Dr Hannah Smith, University of Oxford and Tabitha Barber, Curator (British art to 1800), Tate

Commenced 2015

Kat braybrooke.

Hacking the Museum, Together: Peer-to-Peer Interactions at Shared Machine Shops in UK Cultural Heritage Institutions University of Sussex Supervised by Dr Tim Jordan, Head of University of Sussex School of Media, Film and Music, Dr Caroline Bassett, Director of University of Sussex Humanities Lab, and Dr Rebecca Sinker, Curator, Tate Learning

Karen Di Franco

Embodied Iteration: Materialising the Language of Writing and Performance in Women Artists’ Publishing, 1968–1977 University of Reading Supervised by Dr Ruth Blacksell, Programme Director in the Department of Typography & Graphic Communication, the University of Reading and Maxine Miller, Library Collections Manager, Tate Britain

Sofia Gurevich

‘Transmission Authority’: Soviet Book Design and the World of Art Circle, 1917–1930 The Courtauld Institute of Art Supervised by Dr Klara Kemp-Welch, Lecturer in 20th-century Modernism, The Courtauld Institute of Art and Dr Matthew Gale, Head of Displays, Tate Modern

Louisa Hood

Family Learning in Art Galleries The University of Exeter Supervised by Professor Tim Coles, Dr Adrian Bailey, University of Exeter and Dr Emily Pringle, Head of Learning Practice and Policy Research, Tate

Eleanor Jones

Beyond Bloomsbury: Queer/Race/Art King’s College London Supervised by Dr Clare Barlow, Tate Britain and Professor Mark Turner, King’s College London

Patricia Smithen

The Development and Impact of Artist Acrylic Paints in the United Kingdom Courtauld Institute of Art Supervised by Professor Aviva Burnstock, Head of the Department of Conservation and Technology, Courtauld Institute of Art and Dr Bronwyn Ormsby, Senior Conservation Scientist, Tate

Commenced 2014

Technical Narratives: Method, Purpose, Use and Value in the Technical Description and Analysis of Software-Based Art King's College London Supervised by Dr Mark Hedges, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Digital Humanities, King's College London and Professor Pip Laurenson, Head of Collection Care Research, Tate

Acatia Finbow

The Value and Place of Performance Art Documentation in the Contemporary Art Museum University of Exeter Supervised by Professor Gabriella Giannachi, University of Exeter, and Dr Jennifer Mundy, Head of Collection Research, Tate

Canonising British Sculpture: Sir Francis Chantrey and the Chantrey Bequest University of York Supervised by Professor Jason Edwards, University of York, Dr Greg Sullivan, Curator of British Art 1750–1830, Tate, and Dr Caroline Corbeau-Parsons, Assistant Curator of British Art, 1850–1915, Tate

Discursive Sites: Text-Based Conceptual Art Practice in Britain University of York Supervised by Dr Jo Applin, Senior Lecturer in Modern and Contemporary Art, University of York, and Dr Andrew Wilson, Curator of Modern and Contemporary British Art, Tate

Louisa Penfold

Investigating the Value of Experiential Learning and Play in the Design of Learning Spaces for Young Children at Tate University of Nottingham Supervised by Dr Emily Pringle, Head of Learning Practice, Research and Policy, Tate, and Professor Pat Thomson, School of Education, University of Nottingham

Alison Wright

British Sporting and Animal Art, 1760–1840. A Critical History of its Production, Reception, Collection and Display University of East Anglia Supervised by Dr Sarah Monks, University of East Anglia, and Dr Martin Myrone, Lead Curator Pre-1800 British Art, Tate Britain

Commenced 2013

Hazel atashroo.

Creative Communities in Art and Design in the 1980s University of Southampton Supervised by Professor Jonathan Harris, University of Southampton, and Lindsey Fryer, Head of Learning, Tate Liverpool

Helena Bonett

Barbara Hepworth: Practice, Interpretation, Legacy Royal College of Art Supervised by Dr Claire Pajaczkowska, Senior Research Tutor, School of Material, Royal College of Art, Dr Victoria Walsh, Head of Programme, Curating Contemporary Art, Royal College of Art, and Dr Chris Stephens, Curator (Modern British Art) & Head of Displays, Tate Britain

Amy Concannon

The ‘Unnatural’ Landscape: Visualisation of the Urban Scene 1800–50 University of Nottingham Supervised by Nicholas Alfrey, Associate Professor in Art History, University of Nottingham, Steven Daniels, Professor of Cultural Geography, University of Nottingham, Dr David Blayney Brown, Curator (British Art 1790–1850), Tate

James Finch

David Sylvester: Art Writings University of Kent Supervised by Professor Martin Hammer, University of Kent, and Dr Jennifer Mundy, Head of Collection Research, Tate

Modern British Oils: History, Formulation and Use Courtauld Institute of Art Supervised by Professor Aviva Burnstock, Head of the Department of Conservation and Technology, Courtauld Institute of Art, and Dr Bronwyn Ormsby, Senior Conservation Scientist, Tate

Circuit: Investigating Partnerships between Visual Arts and Youth Organisations University of Nottingham Supervised by Dr Emily Pringle, Head of Learning Practice, Research and Policy, Tate, and Professor Pat Thomson, School of Education, University of Nottingham

Commenced 2012

Lina džuverović.

Hybrid Practices: Interdisciplinarity and Pop Art Sensibilities in Yugoslav Art in 1960s and 1970s Royal College of Art David Crowley, Professor and Head of Programme Critical Writing in Art & Design, Royal College of Art and Jessica Morgan, Curator, Tate

Oliver Peterson Gilbert

The Sites of Cultural Production and Impact of British Art and Design Communities Associated with Pop 1956–1974 University of Southampton Supervised by Professor Jonathan Harris, University of Southampton, and Lindsey Fryer, Head of Learning, Tate Liverpool

Sofia Gotti

Counterculture in Pop: South American Art in the 1960s University of the Arts, London Dr Michael Asbury, University of the Arts, London, and Jessica Morgan, Curator, Tate

Commenced 2011

Thomas ardill.

Between God, Art and Mammon: Religious Painting as Public Spectacle in Britain c.1800–50 Courtauld Institute of Art Supervised by David Solkin, Professor of the History of Art, Courtauld Institute of Art, and Dr Martin Myrone, Lead Curator Pre-1800 British Art, Tate Britain

Ayesha Ghanchi

A Critical Analysis of Artists’ Engagement with Learning Programmes at Tate 1970–2010, as Documented in Tate’s Education Archive Goldsmiths, University of London Supervised by Emily Pringle, Tate Learning, and Dennis Atkinson, Professor of Art in Education and Head of the Research Centre for Arts in Learning at the Department of Educational Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London

Isabella Maidment

Performance, Action, Event University College London Supervised by Briony Fer, Professor of Art History, University College London, and Catherine Wood, Curator of Contemporary Art and Performance, Tate

Rachel Rose Smith

The International Context of the Art of St Ives 1948–60 University of York Supervised by Dr Michael White, Senior Lecturer in History of Art, University of York, and Dr Chris Stephens, Head of Displays, Tate Britain

Ioanna Zouli

Digital Tate: The Uses of Video in the Construction of Audiences London South Bank University Supervised by Andrew Dewdney, Professor of Educational Development, London South Bank University, Victoria Walsh, Tate Research, and Jane Burton, Head of Content and Creative Director, Tate

Commenced 2010

Wendy asquith.

Haiti in Art: Creating and Curating in the Black Atlantic University of Liverpool Supervised by Dr Dmitri van den Bersselaar and Professor Charles Forsdick, University of Liverpool, and Lindsey Fryer, Head of Learning, Tate Liverpool

Hayley Flynn

Landscape in Blake: Visionary Topographies University of Nottingham Supervised by Professor Nicholas Alfrey, University of Nottingham, and Dr David Blayney Brown, Curator, Tate Britain

Sabina Gill

Fotografia Polska: Adventures in Polish Photography since the 1960s University of Essex Supervised by Professor Margaret Iversen, University of Essex, and Dr Simon Baker, Curator (Photography and International Art), Tate

Cora Gilroy-Ware

The Classical Nude in Romantic Britain University of York Supervised by Professor Elizabeth Prettejohn, University of York, and Dr Martin Myrone, Curator, Tate Britain

Robert Sutton

Henry Moore: Sculpture and Media in Twentieth-Century Britain University of York Supervised by Dr Michael White, University of York, and Professor Anne M. Wagner, The Henry Moore Foundation Research Curator, Tate

Stephen Vainker

Experiences and Engagement: An Investigation of Young Persons’ Visits to ARTIST ROOMS on Tour University of Exeter Supervised by Dr Adrian Bailey, University of Exeter, and Dr Emily Pringle, Head of Learning Practice, Research and Policy, Tate

Victoria Young

Art Museum Attendance and the Public Realm: The Agency of Visitor Information in Tate’s Organisational Practices of Making the Art Museum’s Audience London South Bank University Supervised by Professor Andrew Dewdney, London South Bank University, and Dr Victoria Walsh, Head of Adult Programmes, Tate Britain

Commenced 2009

Elena crippa.

When Art Schools Went Conceptual: The Development of Discursive Pedagogies and Practices in British Art Higher Education in the 1960s The London Consortium Supervised by Professor Nigel Llewellyn, Head of Research, Tate

Caroline Good

The Making of a National Art History: British Writers on Art and the Narratives of Nation 1660–1735 University of York Supervised by Professor Mark Hallett, University of York, and Professor Nigel Llewellyn, Head of Research, Tate

Marion Martin

Tragic Hope – Sentiment and Critique in the Art of J.M.W. Turner University of Leicester Supervised by Dr Matthew Potter, University of Leicester, and Dr David Blayney Brown, Curator (18th and 19th century British Art), Tate

Alex Massouras

The Emergence of the Emerging Artist in London, 1960–2010 The London Consortium Supervised by Professor Nigel Llewellyn, Head of Research, Tate

Peter Moore

British Graphic Art, 1660-1735: An Atlantic Perspective University of York Supervised by Professor Mark Hallett, University of York, and Dr Martin Myrone, Lead Curator, pre 1800 British Art, Tate

Stephanie Straine

Drawing Strategies in the 1960s and 1970s University College London Supervised by Professor Briony Fer, University College London, and Dr Mark Godfrey, Curator (Contemporary Art), Tate

Art, Process and Propaganda on the Political Left Liverpool John Moores University Supervised by Dr Alison Rowley, Professor Juan Cruz, Liverpool John Moores University, and Dr Christoph Grunenberg, Director, Tate Liverpool

Commenced 2008

Susannah gilbert.

Latin American Art in an International Context University of Essex Supervised by Professor Dawn Ades, University of Essex, and Tanya Barson, Curator, Tate

Commenced 2007

Bryony bery.

Replicas and Reconstructions: Case Studies in Twentieth-Century Art University College London Supervised by Professor Briony Fer, University College London, and Dr Matthew Gale, Head of Displays, Tate Modern

Corinna Dean

Establishing Tate Modern Cultural Quarter London School of Economics Supervised by Professor Robert Tavernor, London School of Economics, and Donald Hyslop, Head of Regeneration and Community Partnerships, Tate

Tate Modern and the Expansion of ‘New Institutionalism': New Developments in Art and Public Programming Practices Goldsmiths, University of London Supervised by Bernadette Buckley, Goldsmiths, University of London, and Dr Marko Daniel, Curator (Public Programmes), Tate

Commenced 2006

Caroline donnellan.

Establishing Tate Modern: Vision and Patronage London School of Economics Supervised by Professor Robert Tavernor, London School of Economics, and Dr Victoria Walsh, Head of Adult Programmes, Tate

Ali MacGilp

The London Art Market and the Formation of a National Collection at Tate 1926–1950 University of Reading Supervised by Dr Anna Gruetzner Robins, University of Reading, and Robert Upstone, Curator (Modern British Art), Tate

Seph Rodney

Two Rooms: Locating the Meeting Place of the Visitor and the Museum Birkbeck, University of London Supervised by Dr Gordon Fyfe, Birkbeck, University of London, and Dr Marko Daniel, Curator (Public Programmes), Tate Modern

Commenced 2005

Rob knifton.

Centre of the Creative Universe: Liverpool and the Avant-Garde University of Liverpool Supervised by Professor Jim Aulich, University of Liverpool, and Dr Christoph Grunenberg, Tate

Philippa Simpson

The London Art Market, 1790–1815: The New Exhibition Culture and the Staging of the British School Courtauld Institute of Art Supervised by Professor David Solkin, Courtauld Institute of Art, and Martin Myrone, Curator (18th & 19th century British Art), Tate

Further information about Collaborative Doctoral Partnership studentships is available on the Collaborative Doctoral Partnerships website.

To discuss possible research collaborations or projects with Tate, please email [email protected] .

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Quantitative methods, doctor of philosophy (ph.d.), you are here, a doctoral program focused on measurement and evaluation that trains students to create new research methodologies and design empirical data analyses. .

The Quantitative Methods Ph.D. program is designed to prepare future professors at research universities and principal investigators at research and assessment organizations in education, psychology, and related human services fields.

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About the program.

Rigorous coursework across the field of education will prepare students with the tools needed to conduct cutting-edge research and assessment.  

Fall: 4 courses; Spring: 4 courses

Research apprenticeship Yes

Culminating experience Dissertation

The Ph.D. program in Quantitative Methods is designed to prepare students for faculty positions at universities as well as important responsibilities at research and assessment organizations. Graduates will be prepared to design first-rate empirical research and data analyses and to contribute to the development of new research methodologies. Students who apply directly to the doctoral-level study program following a baccalaureate degree will enroll in the core courses described for the  M.S.Ed. degree in Statistics, Measurement, Assessment, and Technology (SMART)  and the more advanced courses for the Ph.D. degree. This will include the development of independent empirical research projects.

Doctoral degree studies include advanced graduate coursework, a research apprenticeship, a Ph.D. Candidacy Examination, and the completion of a doctoral dissertation that represents an independent and significant contribution to knowledge. The research apprenticeship provides students with an opportunity to collaborate with a faculty sponsor on an ongoing basis and to participate in field research leading to a dissertation. 

For information about courses and requirements, visit the  Quantitative Methods Ph.D. program in the University Catalog .

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Penn GSE Faculty Robert F. Boruch

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Eric T. Bradlow K.P. Chao Professor, The Wharton School Ph.D., Harvard University

Timothy Victor   Adjunct Associate Professor, Penn GSE 

"Penn GSE’s Quantitative Methods Ph.D. program equipped me with the methodological skills to do impactful applied education research as soon as I graduated."

Anna Rhoad-Drogalis

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Graduates go on to careers as university professors, researchers and psyshometricians for government agencies, foundations, nonprofits organizations, and corporations. 

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  • Associate Director, Bristol-Myers Squibb
  • Lead Psychometrician, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • Research Analyst, Penn Child Research Center, University of Pennsylvania
  • Senior Director, Educational Testing Service
  • Senior Researcher, Mathematica

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Please visit our Admissions and Financial Aid pages for specific information on the application requirements , as well as information on tuition, fees, financial aid, scholarships, and fellowships.

Contact us if you have any questions about the program.

Graduate School of Education University of Pennsylvania 3700 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 898-6415 [email protected] [email protected]

Christine P. Lee Program Manager (215) 898-0505 [email protected]

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phd method tate

Crabman’s Substack

phd method tate

Leaked chat logs reveal Andrew Tate's human trafficking operation

The phd room is a special inner channel where a.t. shows his methodology..

phd method tate

Please tell Elon Musk to unban @crabcrawler1. Please and thanks.

ANDREW TATE’S PHD room is a special Telegram channel, inside his war room, where he teaches his followers how to groom women into the camgirl business. It’s a practice that he has largely avoided talking about since giving interviews while in house arrest.

In part 1 of this series we reviewed the initial controversy in April 2022 and outlined the surface-level details of Andrew Tate’s webcam operation. We learned about how A.T. doesn’t let girls leave the house and how he considered it a job to make women fall in love with him in order to profit off their labor.

Part 2 explored more about the case. As the brothers weren’t the only ones arrested. Two female lieutenants of the operation were also nabbed by authorities: Luana Radu (who served as like a chief enforcer) and Georgiana Naghel (who served as Andrew’s personal assistant.

I uncovered how hardcore the devotion of war room members were to Tate’s cause. I outlined how Andrew Tate intimidated targets like Coltybrah on social media: using his followers as a personal army. I established how A.T. had hundreds of accounts at his disposal to push pro-Tate propaganda. Inner circle members like Bobby Dino hinted that things were as bad as they looked, and disavowed Andrew’s actions before vanishing from social media.

Meanwhile, characters like Tommy Robinson and Paul Joseph Watson defended the brothers.

Most importantly, part 2 has videos from both Andrew Tate and Tristan in which they deeper describe their tactics of grooming women to fall in love with him . Tristan says on camera that he forbade his webcam girls from getting outside sources of money.

Part 3 helped solidify what was known in the first two parts. It was made possible because for whatever reason Twitter reinstated Andrew Tate’s ban evasion account at @OfWudan.

Andrew Tate’s webcam operation was made readily apparent. We also saw the COVID pandemic reignited Tate’s dependency on camgirls. His stable of ladies was on full display. Working for him. Counting his money.

He talks about how he skirts the law and breaks rules wherever he sees fit. He openly broke local traffic laws without worry as his connections within Romanian law enforcement were always there to bail him out.

But most importantly, A.T.'s @OfWudan account showed us Andrew genuinely believed the things he espoused elsewhere online. It wasn't an act.

Tate also brags about how he and his brother consider themselves part of the mafia. Which is shown to be beyond hyperbole because the Twitter account posted evidence about how Andrew courted mafia partners for his casino operations in Romania.

At the end of Part 3 I previewed Andrew Tate’s war room. The place where he taught others the tricks of his trade.

I was deplatformed by Andrew Tate fans months ago for publicly revealing that I had any war room leaks in my possession. Since that time, I’ve been working on a project with the mainstream media that explores Andrew Tate’s secret cabal in extensive detail.

History repeated itself in the case of @crayonmurders . He was briefly silenced from Twitter after posting screenshots from this latest round of leaks. Thankfully, Twitter reinstated him. However I’m still trapped in purgatory. Please tell Elon Musk to reinstate me thanks.

What you’re about to read was entirely glossed over by the likes of Tucker Carlson. He spent two-and-half hours interviewing Andrew Tate and yet couldn’t bother bringing up tough questions that were at least somewhat relevant to the investigation.

When speaking to the Rolling Stone on the initial leaks: A.T.’s representatives claimed that artificial intelligence was somehow now advanced enough to fabricate something this sophisticated.



Obviously the Tate brothers make their appearances throughout the entire chatlogs collection. But here are some standout moments that centered around them, as opposed to their involvement in conversations with other members.

( 27 May 2021 ) Tristan Tate tells the PHD room that he doled out "financial penalties" against his camgirls on a regular basis. Meanwhile, a war room member tries to discern the psychological profile of a girl he's seeing, asking Iggy if she's a suitable candidate for webcam work.

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( 29 May 2021 ) Tristan reveals to the PHD room that he regularly reflects on his harem of girls. He asks himself if they bring more to the table, beyond sexual gratification. Although sex is the hook the Tate brothers use to recruit new camgirls, it apparently takes longer for the brothers to decide the worth of the women they lure in.

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( 31 May 2021 ) Tristan reminds the group that he loves seeing photos from other members about the PHD-related work they've been doing. One member obliges with the request, posting a woman in a thong with a webcam setup visible in the background.

phd method tate

Andrew says he's away from Romania at the moment. But that doesn't stop him from working on cultivating the relationships in his harem. Within the conversation attached we see an unidentified woman who is apparently in charge of finding and "teaching" new girls. We're also witness to a barrage of messages from her where she states her complete and utter commitment to Andrew Tate.

To name a few: "I love you so fucking much you don't even know." "My life would have 0 meaning and purpose without you in it." "I love how much how control you have over me." "Cover my body and bruises and my face with tears."

phd method tate

A.T. says that he steps up his texting game while away for long periods of time so he can retain the loyalty of his "stable of hoes." Oftentimes this means Andrew baits women with statements about the status of relationships, and ignores responding for long periods of time, so the girls in these conversations continue to question what he means when he says stuff like that.

phd method tate

( 3 June 2021 ) A PHD member gets a journal as a gift from a girl. This person asks how they can take advantage of this gift in a way that maximizes "PHD" related returns. He suggests he'll make the girl do writing assignments in order to further the girl's commitment to him. Andrew Tate replies that that was a great idea and he might do that thing, himself. “Excellent for her to self hypnotise.”

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Andrew explains that one of his tactics is to keep women confused all the time as a control technique.

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When it comes to having sex with some girl from the "Fresh and Fit" podcast, A.T. lays out the various options going forward with them. "Tell her to move to Europe and live with me and be mine and leave all her life and friends" is really the only option that Andrew lists, where he gains a long-term benefit out of the girl in question. But even he acknowledges the possibility the chick in question might not buy into it.

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( 4 June 2021 ) A.T. carves out Vivian as an exception to the PHD social foreplay routine he conducts when away on business.

phd method tate

In this conversation that takes place in June 2021, A.T. says he had been with Vivian for eight years by that point. When the discussion turns to how things work at long-distance, he says that the circumstances help women foster a longing for him. Then, when it's time for Andrew to come back home, he creates circumstances that largely demand the women to actively make clear they want to see A.T.

phd method tate

( 10 June 2021 ) Jonathan MoneyPilot shares a graphic image of a naked woman on a bed. Her ass is facing the camera. It’s a deep shade of pink-to-red with countless scars and bruises across the skin.

The woman has a tattoo saying “fuck it” on her lower backside. This is what A.T. notices and responds to, sharing a picture of how Vivian has Tate’s name tattooed on her hip.

phd method tate

( 11 June 2021 ) A.T. tells the group that he wrangled another female for the PHD test. This lady in particular seems to have a significant Instagram following, yet Andrew seems sure he'd be capable of making her a camgirl anyway.

phd method tate

( 12 June 2021 ) Tristan names Stirling Cooper and Justin Waller as collaborators for his OnlyFans management project. That being, essentially, using the PHD method to hook an OnlyFans girl with over one million followers. Tristan intended to make her a middle manager of the business so she can recruit new talent.

"But... I have 6 OF girls just started, fresh twitters and new accounts. I'm going to fuck this girl so hard she becomes my promoter, blowing up all my girls accounts plus pushing the name of my agency out there for recruitment reasons."

Other PHD group members express their awe at Tristan’s so-called brilliance.

phd method tate

( 13 June 2021 ) Andrew Tate brags that he bagged another girl with the PHD test, and he was working on grooming her into his OnlyFans rotation. ( He says in a later message that he got her to agree to do it ).

phd method tate

( 16 June 2021 ) A.T. shares the kinds of conversations he has with his insurance underwriter in order to make a broader point about how he interacts with females. "I literally aim to PhD any single female I interact with" and "every single female I need loves me" being key quotes of this segment.

phd method tate

Andrew Tate instructs the war room that it's ok to blur the lines between sex and love, as long as the power dynamic between man and woman is maintained in a fashion preferable for the guy.

"You're trying to make her fall completely in love with you and obey every word. She won't do that without a dream of forever.”

If a foundation of the PHD program could be summarized in a few sentences? The above quote suffices at capturing the basis of it all.

phd method tate

( 18 June 2021 ) A.T. shows another gal that he had in his rotation. He hadn’t seen her in nearly three months, but still had her wrapped around his finger.

phd method tate

( 19 June 2021 ) The text exchange says Andrew Tate had sex with Beatrice when a third person was in the room. He practices the advice he gave the PHD room by being controlling in what he says to this particular woman:

"Part of me [legitimately] hates you. This isn't a joke. Every time you've ever even slightly heistated on my command I've remembered it all. I won't love you properly for years."

Andrew rounds it off by demanding the girl debase herself. In her best attempt at doing so, she calls A.T. a king and a god, and begs to be his slave.

phd method tate

Andrew offers choices from his literal stable of women to another girl he's talking to. A.T. proposes the girl get her pussy eaten out by one of his regulars. We're shown at least four different women. The chick who is talking to Andrew, however, is indecisive.

phd method tate

( 26 June 2021 ) Tristan shares news that his OnlyFans management venture has made big waves. He says it's a collaborative effort involving another war room member. He credits the success of the whole thing based on his treatment of women. "I am on good terms with most girls I have ever fucked, the numbers in my agency are swelling almost as fast as we can do the work."

phd method tate

( 30 June 2021 ) Andrew Tate says any girl has to benefit a guy beyond sex. That's where he gets his idea of relationships being a financial transaction from. Girls make him money on webcam, and in return A.T. gives them the attention they crave.

phd method tate

Andrew Tate invites the PHD room to partake in his habit of practicing self-aggrandizement. By that he means suggesting PHD members act more mysterious when it comes to their business work, for the sake of adding tension.

The climax:

"cum all over her face when you get in and throw some money for her to count"

What Andrew Tate is discussing feeds back into his general rhetoric claiming men need to manufacture drama in order to keep relationships with women interesting.

phd method tate

A.T. says it's all about framing. There's a huge difference between offering a girl webcam work for the sake of making millions of dollarydoos, versus introducing it as a means of simply paying bills. Andrew stresses it’s all about showmanship.


From that, we have the baseline for how A.T. sees all of his relationships with women.

phd method tate

The centerpiece of these PHD chat log leaks is we get a first-hand look at how Andrew Tate coaxed a camgirl into working for him. He uses lies and deception in order to break down the woman's previous beliefs, in order to force his own agenda onto her.

Jasmina Valentina is one of the original six victims involved in the Tate brothers case in Romania. She even claimed the following chat logs are somehow fake.

REVIEW: "1) stops her asking me on the phone. Why why why why"

( 3 June 2021 ) We first learn that A.T. had Jasmina move seven hours away from home to be with Andrew and his harem in Romania. She said no to the idea at first of moving in with a group of women who were working for him. A.T. cut off attention until she complied. In these initial conversations we get a baseline of how Jasmina talks to Andrew. She thinks that what she had with A.T. was uniquely special.

phd method tate

But behind the scenes we're shown how Andrew is manipulating the situation, as Jasmina is first moving in. Quotes like these from Andrew reveal how he was leading her on from the get-go. "I don't trust her alone." "She's very dumb." "I see her once in my life." "But will be good on camera."

Such a deceptive setup being standard practice for the PHD room. Making a girl fall in love with you, and then enlisting them as camgirls after the fact. He only saw these women once or twice. A.T. doesn't care if they leave because he can replace them. But in the meantime they're his playthings in what he describes like a game of chess.

phd method tate

Andrew Tate tells the group that he needs to shack up Jasmina with Beatrice so B. could snitch on J. when necessary. His stated strategy is that the "solidly pimped" Beatrice could serve as the gateway to integrate Jasmina into A.T.'s camgirl harem. "Isolate the new target. Send her to new friends."

phd method tate

( 4 June 2021 ) Andrew says Jasmine and Beatrice seemed to be getting along since moving together. Of course that didn't mean he'd ever let his guard down on the situation, though. He told the PHD group it's a process that gets fine tuned over time. If someone wanted an example of Andrew Tate's attentiveness towards the camgirls, this would be one of those times.

phd method tate

Jasmina and Beatrice hanging out together. I’d embed the video posted by A.T., but it’s only Jasmina slightly shaking her head up and down. You can look at the thumbnail and get the idea.

phd method tate

A.T. further confirms that the two are living together as he planned.

phd method tate

We can see the two girls hanging together in a video posted by him.

( 8 June 2021 ) Andrew Tate tells the group that he was able to replace Jasmina's old social circles at home with ones of his own at his mansion. He decided to "tighten the screw" by making Jasmina freak out over a lie that Jasmina worked in a sex club. A.T. says the aim of it was to manipulate her into submission, making sure Jasmina didn't go anywhere without him.

phd method tate

( 10 June 2021 ) A.T. says he tried to get Jasmina to send a picture of herself. We’re led to assume it was meant to be more of a naughty picture because she responds with the following:

“1. I have never sent a picture of me in lingerie ever, I made a promise to god and myself and I will keep it. 2. I will never do video chat or only fans because my body is intimate and only my husband should be able to touch and see. 3. If I give you my love I’m expecting the same thing back. 4. The man I love should not hit or beat me up.”

Andrew polls the PHD room if he'll be able to convert Jasmina into a working camgirl. He sees her belief in God as a challenge.

phd method tate

Andrew reveals he plans to use Georgiana as a middleperson to get Jasmina to agree to do camwork. He adds that J.'s friends have warned her that A.T. only wanted her so that he could make her into a camgirl, so he needed to be more sneaky about grooming into the lifestyle.

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Andrew turns his grooming of Jasmina into a teachable lesson for the PHD room. Tristan stresses to the group of the importance of being a wingman, even if it's from a huge distance away. A.T. quizzes everyone on the best time of day to message girls. Then he admits he's going to try and rush the PHD process along with Jasmina at a faster pace than usually done.

Andrew Tate questions how committed Jasmina really was with her belief in religion and God.

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Andrew Tate controls women via his wallet.

"She can't go home," Andrew tells the group. "She can't leave the house."

“Man. I almost sound evil," Andrew says in a moment of almost self-reflection. But he shrugs it off by calling himself a shepherd. Andrew convinces himself that he could offer Jasmina a better life than the one she had at home.

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( Still 10 June 2021 ) Andrew notes that he got Jasmina to promise she'd never leave. A.T. tells everyone the next step of his operation is to introduce Georgiana as a middlewoman. As the "bottom bitch," she can convince Jasmina to become a camgirl while Andrew wouldn't have to get his hands dirty. "Giving her no negotiating room. It's comply or goodbye[.] If there's no goodbye... there is only comply."

This is also a good opportunity to point out that Andrew Tate has denied Georgiana's involvement in his webcam business. But here in the chat logs, he tells the truth: "She types and runs the girls. G is a bottom bitch in this game."

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Meanwhile, Andrew Tate makes Jasmina more dependent on his cash. "I'm [gonna] take care of you because I don't want you thinking I moved you to Bucharest for only fans or cam," Andrew lies. He sets up Georgiana as if she was the one who wanted the webcam work in the first place.

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A.T. adds that he had plans in place to further manipulate Jasmina if necessary. If she were to further ask him for money, he’d softly introduce webcam work to her. He lays out specific framing to lead Jasmina into believing it’d be a 50 - 50 effort where she’d think Andrew still specifically cared about her and that she wasn’t just another cog in the wheel of his business plans.

Andrew Tate makes it explicit for the war room, which in retrospect makes him more culpible given his current denials. "Remember. It's G who wants her to cam. Not me," A.T. says as he orchestrates the narrative to push Jasmina into webcam work.

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Andrew knows what he's doing when it comes to making his targets panic. He wants to paint Jasmina into the corner of making her have to deny she's any kind of so-called gold digger. "We're going to be travelling the world together. I'm working from my phone. We're a team you're [gonna] listen to me and work from your phone too."

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The fake conversation initiated by Andrew Tate where he has Georgiana make it look like as if she was the one who wanted Jasmina to get into cam in the first place.

Andrew shows the fake conversation and him feeding it to Jasmina. He tells the PHD room that he usually had Vivian play the role that Georgiana was now doing. A.T. points out “don’t tell her I showed you this” as a manipulative so-called trust line.

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Jasmina says “I don’t know what to say. I’ve never done anything like this before.” Andrew Tate calls that line a trap attempting to trick him into getting his hands dirty with involvement in the camgirl grooming process.

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At this point in the grooming process, Andrew has managed to frame it as if working as a camgirl for him is the best option. Jasmina is already in Romania, after all! That's psychological leverage in of itself. A.T. pushes the situation more from there by asserting camgirl work would be an act of commitment from Jasmina. It'd show she was serious about the relationship.

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Andrew Tate completes the PHD process and seals the deal. After only a few short weeks he managed to get Jasmina to abandon her religious principles in order to become an OnlyFans camgirl. Georgiana is officially declared to be Jasmina's manager as Andrew doesn't want to her J. complaining to him about work.

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Andrew Tate claims victory over Jasmina’s mind.

"She never believed in god. Women never believe in anything. Women are programmed. Just have to replace the programming."

We then see Jasmina finally sent potential OnlyFans pictures to A.T. for review. “I’ve done this with over 100 girls. I’ve seen it all,” Andrew told the PHD group.

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( 14 June 2021 ) Andrew demands Georgiana that Jasmine show some OnlyFans pics. Geo responds by telling A.T. it looks like Jasmina is a thief stealing from people's wallets. A.T. tells the war room how much work is involved in managing a camgirl harem and that it's important to "pick your battles" whenever there's fighting.

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Steven H. de Bruijn

( 3 June 2021 ) The chick that Steven de Bruijn was seeing at the time had received news that the girl's mom was going to kick her out. The situation presented as like an ultimatum for the relationship as well, as Steve saw opportunity to bring up the "webcam question," or in this case proposing the lady do OnlyFans.

When asked what he cares most about: Steven says his priority is getting money. He was open to the idea of dumping this girl and moving on to try again with other women.

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( 5 June 2021 ) Steve introduces a new girl to the gang. He and the immediate reaction of a few other PHD room members was that the woman was beautiful. Yet the fact this girl had a two-year-old son comes out as too much of a downside for any long-term prospects.

As explained:

"Can't be the #1 person in her life if she has kids. Need to be #1 person if you're gonna put her on Cam/OF."

Iggy states that Steven de Bruijn would never be more important than the lady's son, so he shouldn't bother with a relationship in the first place.

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( 7 June 2021 ) Steven ain't a quitter though. He shares his attempts at wooing a 19-year-old named Irina, explaining the various means of how he was implementing Andrew Tate's magic PHD formula into conversations.

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( 8 June 2021 ) Steven figures out that paying for Tinder's platinum program is an easy way to accelerate matching with particular females on the platform. He expresses his interest in the "God Mode" package if it has the ability to up his Tinder hookup game.

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( 25 June 2021 ) Steven shares how a “young and relatively inexperienced” girl still managed to realize Mr. Bruijn had other potential motives:

“At one point she literally asks me ‘are you planning to pimp me?’ so I’m like ‘no 👀’ and deflect to another topic. It wasn’t an awkward moment, but I thought to myself this girl is SMART. I suppose if I ever bring up the subject of OF/Cam in the future I can always say that pimping to means prostitution and what we’re going to do is more like [insert the best way to frame that].”

At another point in that exchange, the two apparently talked about marriage.

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Joseph Liverman

( 2 June 2021 ) Joseph Liverman reports that he caught a lead with high potential in passing the PHD gauntlet of approval. He already banged this chick and she "expressed interest" in starting up an OnlyFans. But Liverman needed help from the PHD room on taking the next steps. In this case, he specifically wanted to know how long to leave her on read and control the flow of attention.

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Iggy Semmelweis gives Liverman the advice of waiting four to five days between dates. We also learn more about the girl’s past: her ex had put her on OnlyFans already by posting videos without her consent.

“She said her ex was making $10k/month on only fans with videos he recorded of her without her consent (which have now been taken down), so I'd assume I could do 5x better than this nerd, since I have a business and know how to scale it, and can apply the same principles to OF.”

Nonetheless, Joseph was worried about how much time a day it’d take to be this girl’s manager.

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( 15 June 2021 ) Joseph's girl seemed ready and willing to start up an OnlyFans.

"i've been used for my body so many times i may as well make money off of it😍"

They only went on a few dates so far. However it was enough time for Liverman to signal to this girl that the best way to win his affection was "acts of service." The PHD test involves challenging a prospective camgirl's limits and seeing how obedient she's willing to be.

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( 20 June 2021 ) A problem in Joseph’s eyes arose when he saw his girl post a risqué image with another male “friend” on OnlyFans. Liverman asked the group how best to do it with this girl who was growing more attracted toward him. Specifically he wanted to know at what point in the relationship it becomes okay to start isolating her from other males.

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( 22 June 2021 ) Liverman divulges that he completed the PHD process by having a girlfriend who is also a camgirl. The woman in question relinquished control of her phone password and OnlyFans account to Joseph. Joseph's girl would also be trying to recruit others to join them to make cam content.

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Liverman's ex-girlfriend wanted a cut of the action. He claimed to be both pleasantly surprised, but also a bit overwhelmed at how his PIMP career was taking off so fast. Joseph asked the chatroom for tips on how to move forward in the best "PHD" way possible.

Iggy replied by saying the "GOD MODE" room was the place that discussed how to juggle multiple women.

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( 24 June 2021 ) Liverman shows proof via his girl's booty, confirming that his whole story wasn't a lie. We learn that OnlyFans wasn't going to be their only venue, as they'd be signing up for StripChat.

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Jonathan Money Pilot

( 26 May 2021 ) MoneyPilot has this one camgirl that he unilaterally blocked on all forms of social media. Yet somehow this particular lady was still camming for him and sending him money. Someone asks why he blocked her in the first place. Jonathan replies that "she was given explicit instructions and neglected to follow them. Still hasn't in fact."

As a reminder: the PHD room is a place for relationship advice. Situations like this one are praised as fantastic.

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( 12 June 2021 ) MoneyPilot says: "I left my main crying in a restaurant a day before she left on work for a month. Some idiots paid our bill cause they felt bad for her.” He shrugs it off by asserting girls live for drama. All you got to do is promise amazing adventures and mystery in store for the future of the relationship. If you do that, everything else magically works out fine.

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( 13 June 2021 ) When the term "spell casting" comes up in war room/PHD room discussions, it refers to the specific subliminal intentions that members try to add into their relationships. Their motivation being: if you want a girl to act in a specific way, there's a process to introduce it slowly over time.

Below, the text exchange MoneyPilot involves kink at the surface. But we’re talking about a group of people who use neural linguistic programing, so Jonathan tells the gang to analyze the conservation deeper.

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MoneyPilot brings out the PHD tool of assigning girls tasks. He wants her to join him with a friend the next time he's in Vegas, for business purposes. Jonathan adds the hook of promising some kind of reward if the girl does what he wants.

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( 24 June 2021 ) Jonathan tells the PHD room about his dedication toward BDSM fetishes in the bedroom. He gives an example of what the conversation looks like with one of the girls involved living out that sexual fantasy with him.

“You get weak in [the] knees when I grip your throat,” MoneyPilot says to the lass.

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( 25 June 2021 ) MoneyPilot shares a successful round of the "three questions" pickup game when talking to a girl. The girl seems to be into the idea of having to wear a collar.

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Jonathan shares another conversation. He seemed to be on a lucky streak as far as women picking up on his advances. Even though this chick comes off as soon when talking about cooking, MoneyPilot reminds the chatroom that he still has his guard up. "Nothing matters until after she passes PHD."

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( 26 June 2021 ) "WarRoomGuide" says A.T.'s main technique of keeping women on alert is by being the more dramatic one in his litany of relationships. MoneyPilot agrees and replies that he creates drama for no reason whatsoever. “It’s only immature when you’re emotionally involved” in the drama, according to PHD room member Steven de Brujin.

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I thought this AYO character was worth bringing up because he appeared to closely emulate the original mannerisms of Iggy Semmelweis in how they talked to the war room. These chat logs are dated for 2021, which means the war room had been around for a few years at this point. More than enough time for people to fully absorb the ideology of Andrew Tate and his cohorts.

Best to read it for yourself. I’ll add that the inclusion of the dragon emoji is because that’s what war room people use as shorthand for the various women they pursue. They call the process “chasing the dragon.”

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( 24 May 2021 ) A PHD member says his girl tried to get sassy with him in a voice note. But he didn't take the bait. AYO chimes in to say that this was the best possible outcome because now the lady in question knows what gets the guy's attention.

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AYO later makes a comparison to training dogs when it comes to the PHD method of training women. It's not the first time that the war room has done so, either.

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( 5 June 2021 ) Again, AYO really gets into the whole hype of the PHD process. In these lengthy posts he implies that a woman is running some kind of meta game of being the dominant one in a relationship, because the guy who brought her up in the PHD room called her beautiful.

AYO says "A WOMAN IS CUCKING YOU" at the end of his bout of overanalyzing.

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( 7 June 2021 ) AYO expresses the belief that it's good and proper for Andrew Tate's war room to be a cult.

"We should all be 'cult-like.' The people in your life should have astounding faith in you and be in your cult. Tate is so overwhelming Men and Women are wrapped under the spell of his influence. And Follow Him. His cult is monumental. The people in your life should like they're in your cult."

Both Iggy and Andrew Tate applaud AYO for having these thoughts.

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( 25 June 2021 ) Naturally, AYO practices what he preaches when it comes to PHD pickup artist techniques.

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Even in the sample size of this PHD chat log pile I was given, there were other miscellaneous members who joined conversations and showed how committed they were to Tate's PHD program.

Other/One-off Examples

( 31 May 2021 ) PHD member "Kilo" expresses his gratitude that the group led him to figuring out a successful BDSM setup.

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( 2 June 2021 ) Conrad's situation is remarkable. He got a girl to pay him money so that she'd unblock him.

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( 2 June 2021 ) A PHD member named Matt San shares how one of his main girl sent a "surprise gift" to his place in Brazil. He adds that he set forth some kind of challenge to the "4 girls [he] had in his rotation," where he wanted the women to keep in constant contact with him when he was away on business.

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( 4 June 2021 ) PHD group member pitted his two girls against each other once the jig was up and they found out about one another. PHD member knew how to manipulate the situation to make himself play the victim. "Girl 1" eventually cooled down, and PHD guy says he was going to pitch webcam work to her ASAP.

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That same day, Jiyan shares his successful wooing of a bisexual girl who previously did things on PornHub.

"This is very big for me as its my first phD test pass. Prior to the war room when I joined February last year. I had no dates or dating experiencing. never had a instagram or been on a dating app. In last week alone I doubled my dates that I have ever went on [.]"

BDSM is mentioned as a bonus, again, in this case.

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( 5 June 2021 ) Justin Waller shows his conversation with a chick named Alesia. Whatever argument Waller was having with this girl, he managed to frame the situation in a way that asserted dominance. Andrew tells Justin to call her a whore while he came in her.

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( 11 June 2021 ) PHD member named Sylvester says he has been assigning tasks to his webcam girl in order to make her feel busy. Syl and his girl met up with another PHD member and their girlfriend, so Syl thought that was a good opportunity to inspire his girl to stay in the cam game.

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( 21 June 2021 ) A PHD member named Jiyan told the group about he managed to wrangle a girl into submission after the pair had a conflict.

Pay attention when he says:

"Now when arguments come up I see them as opportunities for me to advance my agenda. In this case with her. Getting her on cam and having her bring me other girls. As long as you have the Iron Mind. You can endure and THRIVE in any drama environment."

What we have is a carbon copy of Andrew Tate’s mindset, with Iggy there to encourage that thinking.

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( 24 May 2021 ) William posts about how he gets tail by placing into the spooky mystic archetype. Allegedly it made one girl want to strip her clothes off.

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( 25 May 2021 ) The gimmick doesn't work all the time. William even says it's horseshit. Yet the entertainment value brought enough in return for him to keeping on it.

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( 30 May 2021 ) William says he scored a PHD victory bringing in the kind of girl who voluntarily wants to go along with it all. He even says she brought up getting to cam work herself, first. Then apparently another lass got involved in the equation. It turns into a discussion about women see attention like its catnip.

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( 14 June 2021 ) A fella named Dan tells the war room he picked up a set of girls from a sugar daddy website, at some point last year, for the purpose of enlisting them to OnlyFans.

Again the quotes tell the story:

"As I sold her cam before first smash making this a money transaction first, is it possible to find out if she's a good girl by getting her to buy me coffee only or will I have to get her to do more. Like give me all her money or isolate her from her friends, before I can confirm she has passed the PHD test?”

Very normal relationship stuff going on here!

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( 27 June 2021 ) Dan tells the PHD room he's 35 years old, and reports that recent Tinder magic has gotten him matches ten to fifteen years younger than him. Unfortunately for him, girls question whether or not Dan is a pimp because of his Tinder bio.

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( 21 June 2021 ) PHD room member James shares with the group that he finally got his girl to buckle into a life of servitude. The lady in question writes him a check for $5000 dollarydoos, calling it "his" money.

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( 27 June 2021 ) James got the girl to buckle completely. When it came to her waiting on him hand-and-foot, the lass fell for the PHD technique of submissiveness.

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( 24 May 2021 ) A PHD room member named Tim is seen trying his hand at the PHD game. He's fascinated by how far along his banter was getting him.

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He ends up posting a word-for-word copy of what Iggy suggests in order to seduce some girl named Alvina. Based on the contents of the conversation, it's a pitch for her to get involved in the camgirl business.

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( 27 June 2021 ) Tim asks the PHD group for further advice when talking to a girl. Jon MoneyPilot recommends convincing the girl to send a photo of herself so Tim could upload it to her contact listing on his phone.

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( 27 May 2021 ) Iggy Semmelweis informs PHD room member "Joe" that webcam talk is best left for the war room subchannel dedicated toward that subject. This is the PHD room, where the relationships cultivated with women is the focus of discussion.

… also we learn that Joe has a camgirl who works 3 to 6 hours a day, 6 days a week.

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( 10 June 2021 ) Joe gravitates towards advice given out by Iggy when it comes to the "chase cycle" with women. According to Iggy everything with women is an intentional test: men apparently need to see how far girls are willing to submit themselves within the relationship.

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( 11 June 2021 ) Joe asks the PHD room for advice because his "main" camgirl he has used for a year-and-a-half seems to be complaining too much for his liking.

I’ll let the manipulation speak for itself in the following quote:

“Im annoyed because i feel that she should always cancel on her friends and jump at spending time with me and doing cam more than her plans that she already made.”

The girl says this dynamic is unfair in the texts shared. Alas, this type of thinking in Andrew Tate’s war room is actively encouraged.

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Joe adds that the girl in question has a full-time job and cams at night for him. But we also learn that he has a new girl waiting in the wings, who passed the PHD test, who is set to replace her. Members of the PHD chat recommend that Joe dump the first girl because it appears as if she wouldn't be completely obedient on command.

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Andrew Tate’s PHD course blurs the lines of relationship advice and degeneracy. The amount of meticulous thinking and planning that the group members display is oftentimes unhealthy. We can clearly claim in the big picture that the PHD scheme is unnatural, as Andrew Tate originally designed it with having women becoming camgirls in mind. This concealed financial motive, where webcam work is introduced only after a guy and gal have sex, creates the act of deception that the brothers are currently charged and facing trial for.

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Ready for more?

Adventures of a PhD candidate

Reflections on the thesis journey

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3 Other Methods for Taking Notes in your PhD

Welcome to 2022! We are now roughly six weeks in and I thought I would welcome the new year by providing you with a video recording of a workshop I ran last year in April (I always seem to be a little late to the party on this blog!).

In this video I discuss:

1. Things to consider about note-taking

2. The Cornell Method

3. The Index card method/Zettelkasten

4. Literature review matrix

As always, you can read how I take notes here on my blog ( Nvivo for a literature review: How and why and The way I take notes for my PhD ).

Here are the main considerations you should know prior to choosing a note taking method:

– Choose a method and stick with it

– Reflect on what has worked in the past (or not worked!)

– Your notes are information about a source that you will use to write your chapters and good note taking makes this process easier

– Avoid plagiarism by writing summaries rather than direct quotes

– It doesn’t matter which method you choose, as long as you are thinking critically about the references

How do you take notes? Leave me a comment below!

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Andrew Tate website offering ‘PHD Program’ on how to lure woman found archived

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A Romanian court on Friday ordered the 30-day-detention of controversial influencer Andrew Tate following his arrest for alleged human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal group.

Ramona Bolla, a spokeswoman for Romania’s anti-organised crime and terrorism directorate (DIICOT), told AFP Friday that four suspects had been placed in pre-trial detention for 30 days following their arrest late Thursday.

Following his arrest it has emerged that Tate had been claiming to have invented a method of “making her need you” but it was in fact a method of psychological abuse of women.

An internet user found Andrew Tate’s website archived where he had been offering a PhD program to teach men how to lure women into their beds.

Here are screenshots of what he was offering:

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Tate and his brother were initially detained for 24 hours, but prosecutors had asked a Bucharest court to extend the detention of all four suspects as part of their ongoing investigation.

Since the beginning of 2021, the prosecution has been investigating the suspects and had already searched Tate’s villa in April.

The four suspects allegedly recruited and exploited women by coercing them into “forced labour… and pornographic acts with a view to producing and disseminating such material” online to “obtain substantial financial benefits”.

Six potential victims have so far been identified.

Romanian police raided five locations across the country as part of their investigation.

The move came just days after Tate had a heated Twitter exchange with Swedish environmentalist Greta Thunberg, which internet users have speculated helped Romanian police to locate and arrest him.

Viral Twitter exchanges between Tate and Thunberg this week on subjects ranging from cars with “enormous emissions” to pizza boxes, fuelled speculation on social media.

Some internet users argued that the brand of pizza featured in a video posted by Tate in his angry exchanges with Thunberg had helped police confirm Tate’s presence in Romania.

“This is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza boxes,” Thunberg quipped on twitter following Tate’s arrest.

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Mengjie "Magie" Cheng

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Ta-Wei "David" Huang

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Faculty and Staff

Faculty members are internationally known for their ground-breaking work on educational measurement and research methods. Their research has been funded by major agencies and foundations and published in top-tier journals.

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The doctoral program of Measurement and Quantitative Methods has provided enormous intellectual support to my professional growth … It has been a very rewarding experience for me. MIN SUN Ph.D. ’11
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Graduate research methods in social work

(3 reviews)

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Matt DeCarlo, La Salle University

Cory Cummings, Nazareth University

Kate Agnelli, Virginia Commonwealth University

Copyright Year: 2021

ISBN 13: 9781949373219

Publisher: Open Social Work Education

Language: English

Formats Available

Conditions of use.


Learn more about reviews.

Reviewed by Erin Boyce, Full Time Faculty, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 6/3/24

This book provides a strong comprehensive overview of each step in the research & evaluation process for students, clearly outlining each step with clarity and direction. read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

This book provides a strong comprehensive overview of each step in the research & evaluation process for students, clearly outlining each step with clarity and direction.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

Content in this text is accurate, needing no clarification or added information, and is presented in an unbiased manner.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

The relevance of this text is it's greatest strength. It is one of the strongtest research texts I've encountered, and while change always comes this text will survive new iterations of research, only needing minimal and straightforward updates.

Clarity rating: 5

As a research text, this is extremely user friendly. It is easy to read, direct, and does not interfere with student understanding. Students come away with a good understanding of the concepts from this text, and many continue to use it beyond the classroom.

Consistency rating: 5

This text is consistent with research methods and frameworks and stands alone among social work research texts as the most accessbile due to it's status as an OER and as a social work textbook.

Modularity rating: 5

This text is easily divisible into smaller readings, it works great for courses in which assignments are scaffolded to move students through the research process.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

This text is organized to walk the student through the research process from start to finish, and is easily adjusted for different teaching styles.

Interface rating: 5

This text has no significant interface issues, the readings, links, and images are easily accessbile and are presented in a way that does not interfere with student learning.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

This text is well edited and formatted.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

This text is culturally relevant, addresses issues of cultural relevance to social work, and highlights the role of social work values within the realm of social work research.

This is one of the best research texts I've encounted in over a decade of teaching. It is so easily digested and presents information in a direct and understandable way, and is one of the best texts for those teaching graduate level research for social workers. It is an inclusive text that honors the multiple levels of knowledge that our students come to us with, which helps sets it apart. And, the committment throughout the text to social work values and ethics is critical for todays social worker.

Reviewed by Laura Montero, Full-time Lecturer and Course Lead, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 12/23/23

Graduate Research Methods in Social Work by DeCarlo, et al., is a comprehensive and well-structured guide that serves as an invaluable resource for graduate students delving into the intricate world of social work research. The book is divided... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

Graduate Research Methods in Social Work by DeCarlo, et al., is a comprehensive and well-structured guide that serves as an invaluable resource for graduate students delving into the intricate world of social work research. The book is divided into five distinct parts, each carefully curated to provide a step-by-step approach to mastering research methods in the field. Topics covered include an intro to basic research concepts, conceptualization, quantitative & qualitative approaches, as well as research in practice. At 800+ pages, however, the text could be received by students as a bit overwhelming.

Content appears consistent and reliable when compared to similar textbooks in this topic.

The book's well-structured content begins with fundamental concepts, such as the scientific method and evidence-based practice, guiding readers through the initiation of research projects with attention to ethical considerations. It seamlessly transitions to detailed explorations of both quantitative and qualitative methods, covering topics like sampling, measurement, survey design, and various qualitative data collection approaches. Throughout, the authors emphasize ethical responsibilities, cultural respectfulness, and critical thinking. These are crucial concepts we cover in social work and I was pleased to see these being integrated throughout.

The level of the language used is appropriate for graduate-level study.

Book appears to be consistent in the tone and terminology used.

Modularity rating: 4

The images and videos included, help to break up large text blocks.

Topics covered are well-organized and comprehensive. I appreciate the thorough preamble the authors include to situate the role of the social worker within a research context.

Interface rating: 4

When downloaded as a pdf, the book does not begin until page 30+ so it may be a bit difficult to scroll so long for students in order to access the content for which they are searching. Also, making the Table of Contents clickable, would help in navigating this very long textbook.

I did not find any grammatical errors or typos in the pages reviewed.

I appreciate the efforts made to integrate diverse perspectives, voices, and images into the text. The discussion around ethics and cultural considerations in research was nuanced and comprehensive as well.

Overall, the content of the book aligns with established principles of social work research, providing accurate and up-to-date information in a format that is accessible to graduate students and educators in the field.

Reviewed by Elisa Maroney, Professor, Western Oregon University on 1/2/22

With well over 800 pages, this text is beyond comprehensive! read more

With well over 800 pages, this text is beyond comprehensive!

I perused the entire text, but my focus was on "Part 4: Using qualitative methods." This section seems accurate.

As mentioned above, my primary focus was on the qualitative methods section. This section is relevant to the students I teach in interpreting studies (not a social sciences discipline).

This book is well-written and clear.

Navigating this text is easy, because the formatting is consistent

My favorite part of this text is that I can be easily customized, so that I can use the sections on qualitative methods.

The text is well-organized and easy to find and link to related sections in the book.

There are no distracting or confusing features. The book is long; being able to customize makes it easier to navigate.

I did not notice grammatical errors.

The authors offer resources for Afrocentricity for social work practice (among others, including those related to Feminist and Queer methodologies). These are relevant to the field of interpreting studies.

I look forward to adopting this text in my qualitative methods course for graduate students in interpreting studies.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Science and social work
  • 2. Starting your research project
  • 3. Searching the literature
  • 4. Critical information literacy
  • 5. Writing your literature review
  • 6. Research ethics
  • 7. Theory and paradigm
  • 8. Reasoning and causality
  • 9. Writing your research question
  • 10. Quantitative sampling
  • 11. Quantitative measurement
  • 12. Survey design
  • 13. Experimental design
  • 14. Univariate analysis
  • 15. Bivariate analysis
  • 16. Reporting quantitative results
  • 17. Qualitative data and sampling
  • 18. Qualitative data collection
  • 19. A survey of approaches to qualitative data analysis
  • 20. Quality in qualitative studies: Rigor in research design
  • 21. Qualitative research dissemination
  • 22. A survey of qualitative designs
  • 23. Program evaluation
  • 24. Sharing and consuming research

Ancillary Material

About the book.

We designed our book to help graduate social work students through every step of the research process, from conceptualization to dissemination. Our textbook centers cultural humility, information literacy, pragmatism, and an equal emphasis on quantitative and qualitative methods. It includes extensive content on literature reviews, cultural bias and respectfulness, and qualitative methods, in contrast to traditionally used commercial textbooks in social work research.  

Our author team spans across academic, public, and nonprofit social work research. We love research, and we endeavored through our book to make research more engaging, less painful, and easier to understand. Our textbook exercises direct students to apply content as they are reading the book to an original research project. By breaking it down step-by-step, writing in approachable language, as well as using stories from our life, practice, and research experience, our textbook helps professors overcome students’ research methods anxiety and antipathy.  

If you decide to adopt our resource, we ask that you complete this short  Adopter’s Survey  that helps us keep track of our community impact. You can also contact  [email protected]  for a student workbook, homework assignments, slideshows, a draft bank of quiz questions, and a course calendar. 

About the Contributors

Matt DeCarlo , PhD, MSW is an assistant professor in the Department of Social Work at La Salle University. He is the co-founder of Open Social Work (formerly Open Social Work Education), a collaborative project focusing on open education, open science, and open access in social work and higher education. His first open textbook, Scientific Inquiry in Social Work, was the first developed for social work education, and is now in use in over 60 campuses, mostly in the United States. He is a former OER Research Fellow with the OpenEd Group. Prior to his work in OER, Dr. DeCarlo received his PhD from Virginia Commonwealth University and has published on disability policy.

Cory Cummings , Ph.D., LCSW is an assistant professor in the Department of Social Work at Nazareth University. He has practice experience in community mental health, including clinical practice and administration. In addition, Dr. Cummings has volunteered at safety net mental health services agencies and provided support services for individuals and families affected by HIV. In his current position, Dr. Cummings teaches in the BSW program and MSW programs; specifically in the Clinical Practice with Children and Families concentration. Courses that he teaches include research, social work practice, and clinical field seminar. His scholarship focuses on promoting health equity for individuals experiencing symptoms of severe mental illness and improving opportunities to increase quality of life. Dr. Cummings received his PhD from Virginia Commonwealth University.

Kate Agnelli , MSW, is an adjunct professor at VCU’s School of Social Work, teaching masters-level classes on research methods, public policy, and social justice. She also works as a senior legislative analyst with the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC), a policy research organization reporting to the Virginia General Assembly. Before working for JLARC, Ms. Agnelli worked for several years in government and nonprofit research and program evaluation. In addition, she has several publications in peer-reviewed journals, has presented at national social work conferences, and has served as a reviewer for Social Work Education. She received her MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University.

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  • AI in education
  • Published Jan 23, 2024

Meet your AI assistant for education: Microsoft Copilot

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  • Microsoft Copilot

With new advancements in AI happening faster than ever before, you might be wondering how you can use these tools in your classroom to save you time and energy. Educators worldwide are making strides to understand and integrate AI into their work and often find it to be a valuable tool. You can use AI to save time creating rubrics, personalized content for students, and educational materials such as quizzes and lesson plans.   

Generative AI is a newer piece of technology and a unique category of AI that focuses on creating new content. With generative AI you can generate new content like text, images, code, or audio. It achieves this by learning patterns from existing data and understanding the context and intent of language. This provides you with new opportunities for content creation, personalization, and innovation. Because this technology is creating new content, checking for accuracy in generative AI is essential—especially in the field of education.  

Microsoft Copilot is a tool that uses generative AI to serve as a helpful assistant to you in the classroom. Copilot can help you save time, differentiate instruction, and enhance student learning. With Copilot, you can easily create lesson plans, quizzes, rubrics, and other class resources for any level of learner.  

5 ways to use Copilot in education 

Here are just a few examples of the many ways you can use Microsoft Copilot to save time and energy: 

  • Personalized learning: Copilot can support personalized learning by helping you create content, tailored feedback, and guidance for students based on their individual needs and learning styles. 
  • Brainstorming: You can use Copilot to brainstorm new ideas for activities, lesson plans, supporting materials, and assignments.  
  • Lesson planning: Copilot can help you plan lessons by suggesting or drafting activities, resources, and assessments that align with learning objectives. You can also use Copilot to start a rubric for the lessons. 
  • Provide feedback: Copilot can help you draft initial feedback and ideas for students on their work, which you can edit and personalize for your students.  
  • Get quick answers: Copilot can help you get quick answers to your questions without having to read through multiple search results. Also, Copilot provides links to content sources so you can assess the source or dive deeper into the original content. 

Copilot homepage

Microsoft Copilot showing suggested prompts for educators. Copilot uses generative AI to serve as a helpful assistant to you in the classroom. 

Getting started with Microsoft Copilot

To get started with Microsoft Copilot, you can follow these steps:  

  • Open or select the Copilot icon on the sidebar in your Microsoft Edge browser. 
  • Type your prompt into the chat window. 
  • Review the sources linked at the bottom by “Learn more.” You can fact-check the information provided or dive deeper into a topic by accessing the original articles, studies, or reports. 
  • Review the response to make sure the output is what you want and accurate. You are the expert, and you decide what goes into the classroom. 
  • To get the most out of Copilot, you can keep the conversation going by following up on your prompts. This helps you collaborate with Copilot to gain more useful, tailored responses.   

You can also give feedback to Copilot based on the quality of its responses to help the AI learn and match your preferences.  

How to write a prompt for AI 

To effectively guide generative AI, you want to give it clear and concise instructions, known as prompts. A well-crafted prompt enhances the generative AI’s output in the quality, relevance, and diversity. A good prompt should be clear, specific, and aligned with the goal of the generation task. A bad prompt can lead to ambiguous, irrelevant, or biased output. To get the best response from Copilot, consider the following tips:  

  • Define clear objectives.  Determine the main goal of the prompt and the role AI should take. Whether creating a syllabus, drafting a quiz, or revising lesson content, have a clear vision of the end goal. 
  • Be specific.  Chat experiences operate best when given detailed instructions. Specify grade level, subject, topic, or any other relevant parameters. For instance, “secondary math quiz on algebraic expressions” is clearer than “math quiz.” 
  • Structure the prompt.  Break complex tasks into smaller parts. Instead of asking the AI to draft an entire lesson, request an outline, then delve into specific sections. 
  • Iterate and refine.  The first response from AI might not always align perfectly with expectations. Don’t hesitate to rephrase the prompt, ask follow-up questions, or provide more context based on the initial output. 
  • Combine expertise.  Use AI as a tool to enhance and streamline work but remember to overlay its suggestions with your educational expertise. AI can suggest content, but the educator decides the best way to edit and present it to their audience.   

An infographic that explains how to craft effective prompts for AI tools and provides five key elements: conversation style, specific instructions, tailor for audience, specify length, specify format.

A infographic about how to write AI prompts to get better answers from Copilot. A good prompt should be clear, specific, and aligned with the goal of the task. 

Want a fun way to practice creating effective prompts? Minecraft Education just announced Prompt Lab for Minecraft Educators , a free playbook on how to use Microsoft Copilot to write compelling prompts, develop interactive learning content and assessments, and generate creative ideas for Minecraft lesson plans.   

Create images from text with Copilot 

You can use Image Creator from Designer in Copilot to create personalized, engaging visuals for all sorts of lessons or topics. You can type in a description of an image, provide additional context like location or activity, and choose an art style. Image Creator generates an image straight from your imagination. Prompts can begin with “draw an image” or “create an image.” You can use this tool to create images for a class newsletter, lesson, or Teams post.   

  • Get started in Copilot prompting “create an image…”  
  • Then build out your prompt with adjective + noun + verb + style.  
  • Click on your favorite image to open the result in a new tab and save the image. 

 An example would be “Create an image of an adorable black puppy wearing a hat in photorealistic style.” 

A Microsoft Copilot chat displaying four generated images of a black puppy wearing a hat in photorealistic style, with options to ask anything or continue the conversation.

An example of Copilot creating an image of a black dog wearing a hat in a photorealistic style, based on text descriptions. 

Try creating an image in Copilot for your lesson, or just for fun!   

Protected AI-powered chat

At Microsoft, our efforts are guided by our AI principles and Responsible AI Standard and build on decades of research on grounding and privacy-preserving machine learning. Copilot provides commercial data protection and delivers a secure AI-powered chat service for educational institutions. This means user and organizational data are protected, chat prompts and responses in Copilot are not saved, Microsoft has no eyes-on access to them, and they aren’t used to train the underlying large language models. Additionally, our  Customer Copyright Commitment  means education customers can be confident using our services and the output they generate without worrying about copyright claims.  

Get to know your Copilot 

Dive deeper into the world of generative AI and unlock its full potential for your classroom.  

  • The new  AI for Educators Learning Path  on  Microsoft Learn is made up of three modules to help educators learn about and benefit from AI. 
  • Prompt Lab for Minecraft Educators demonstrates how to use Microsoft Copilot with Minecraft Education to design engaging learning experiences. Level up your Minecraft teaching with this useful new resource! 
  • AI classroom toolkit provides instructional information for educators and students to use generative AI safely and responsibly. 
  • AI for education on  Microsoft Learn is a collection of resources and courses on how to use AI for educational purposes.  

Ready to elevate your teaching with Microsoft Copilot? Start using Copilot today!  

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New AI-powered statistics method has potential to improve tissue and disease research

Research team hopeful that the method, called IRIS, can provide more detailed information for precision health treatment plans and health outcomes.

Researchers at Brown University and the University of Michigan have developed a new computational method, IRIS, to analyze complex tissue data which could transform our current understanding of diseases and how we treat them. 

Integrative and Reference-Informed tissue Segmentation (IRIS) is a novel machine learning and artificial intelligence method that gives biomedical researchers the ability to view more precise information about tissue development, disease pathology and tumor organization.

The findings were published today in the journal Nature Methods.

IRIS draws from data generated by spatially resolved transcriptomics (SRT) and uniquely leverages single-cell RNA sequencing data as the reference to examine multiple layers of tissue simultaneously and distinguish various regions with unprecedented accuracy and computational speed.

“Different from existing methods, IRIS directly characterizes the cellular landscape of the tissue and identifies biologically interpretable spatial domains, thus facilitating the understanding of the cellular mechanism underlying tissue function,” said Ying Ma , assistant professor of biostatistics at the Brown University School of Public Health and co-developer of IRIS. “We anticipate that IRIS will serve as a powerful tool for large-scale multi-sample spatial transcriptomics data analysis across a wide range of biological systems.”

Unlike traditional techniques that yield averaged data from tissue samples, SRT provides a much more granular view, pinpointing thousands of locations within a single tissue section. However, the challenge has always been to interpret this vast and detailed dataset, says Xiang Zhou , professor of biostatistics at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and senior author of the paper, who worked closely with Ma to develop IRIS.

Interpreting large and complex datasets is where IRIS becomes a helpful tool—its algorithms sort through the data to identify and segment various functional domains, such as tumor regions, and provide insights into cell interactions and disease progression mechanisms.

We anticipate that IRIS will serve as a powerful tool for large-scale multi-sample spatial transcriptomics data analysis across a wide range of biological systems.

ying ma headshot

In the study, the researchers applied IRIS to six SRT datasets and compared its performance to other commonly used spatial domain methods. IRIS significantly outperformed other methods in accuracy. Ultimately as SRT technology continues to grow in popularity and use, the researchers hope to see methods like IRIS help to potentially develop targets for clinical interventions or drug targets, improving personalized treatment plans and patient health outcomes.

“The computational approach of IRIS pioneers a novel avenue for biologists to delve into the intricate architecture of complex tissues, offering unparalleled opportunities to explore the dynamic processes shaping tissue structure during development and disease progression.  Through characterizing refined tissue structures and elucidating their alterations during disease states, IRIS holds the potential to unveil mechanistic insights crucial for understanding and combating various diseases.” said Zhou.

The study, “ Accurate and efficient integrative reference-informed spatial domain detection for spatial transcriptomics ,” was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health.

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  24. Meet your AI assistant for education: Microsoft Copilot

    Microsoft Copilot is a tool that uses generative AI to serve as a helpful assistant to you in the classroom. Copilot can help you save time, differentiate instruction, and enhance student learning. With Copilot, you can easily create lesson plans, quizzes, rubrics, and other class resources for any level of learner.

  25. New AI-powered statistics method has potential to improve tissue and

    Integrative and Reference-Informed tissue Segmentation (IRIS) is a novel machine learning and artificial intelligence method that gives biomedical researchers the ability to view more precise information about tissue development, disease pathology and tumor organization. The findings were published today in the journal Nature Methods.