PhD student

You have the opportunity to come to Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University as an international PhD student, either in the framework of a joint PhD, a doctoral research stay, or as a freemover.

You want to embark on a joint PhD programme between Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and a foreign institution? You will find below information on how a joint PhD is organised, how to apply and funding opportunities.

Supervision The PhD student conducts his/her research under the responsibility of two thesis supervisors: one at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and the other one in a foreign institution. The two supervisors are fully and jointly committed to exercise their functions as tutors. Location The doctoral student stays alternately at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and in the partner university. The length of stay in each institution depends on the scientific requirements and the conditions for preparing the thesis, but it should not be less than one semester. Duration The usual duration of a joint PhD is three years, although a derogation of one year may be granted by the head of the institution on the basis of a legitimate request from the student, after consultation with the thesis supervisor and the doctoral school. Enrolment fees The PhD student is enrolled both at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and at the partner university, but is exempt from the payment of tuition fees at one of these two institutions. PhD viva The joint PhD leads to a single defence recognised by both parties. At the end of this defence, the doctoral student receives both the doctoral degree from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and the one from the partner institution. Language The language in which the thesis is written and defended is defined by the agreement concluded between the two institutions. When this language is not French, the thesis is completed by an abstract in French.

After applying for a joint PhD at both Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and a foreign university, you must establish a joint PhD agreement between these two institutions. What to include in the joint PhD agreement Although Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University provides a joint PhD agreement template (Word - 67 KB) , it is not strictly mandatory as your contract is the result of an agreement between the two partner institutions. If you wish to prepare a joint PhD between Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and an Italian university, you must use the agreement template of the Université Franco-Italienne (UFI) (Word - 50 KB - French/Italian) . If you wish to prepare a joint PhD between Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and a Swiss or Quebec university, you must ask the latter to draw up your agreement according to the template already established with French universities.

The agreement can be bilingual (each article being successively written in both languages) or in two versions (one in French and another one in a foreign language). Signature of the joint PhD agreement The joint PhD agreement must be signed in three copies by yourself and by three people from each of the partner institutions (the thesis supervisor, the director of the doctoral school and the president of the university). At Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, the agreement must be submitted to the thesis department of your discipline in order to be forwarded to the research department and then to the president of the university for signature.

There is no deadline for signing the joint PhD agreement, but it is normally signed during the first year of enrolment in a PhD programme. This stage usually takes a very long time, given the number of signatories and the distance between them.

Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Programme (PhD level)

  • Be accepted as part of a joint PhD at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University in one of the following academic fields: Economics, Management, Law, Political science, Sciences (Mathematics, Communication sciences, Environmental science),
  • Be a foreign citizen (priority is given to citizens from developing and industrialised countries),
  • Be less than 35 years old
  • Amount and duration : €1400 per month (+ round-trip ticket) / 10 months maximum
  • Application procedure : get in touch with your doctoral school
  • More information :

Other grants In order to find out about other funding opportunities, we encourage you to check calls for applications on the websites of French embassies abroad, the  Instituts français  and the  Alliances françaises . You can also check the  grant search engine  available on the Campus France website.

PhD research stay

Find out the procedure to follow if you are a PhD student at a foreign university and wish to undertake a research stay at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

You must first submit your research project to one of the professors at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University with an HDR (accreditation to supervise research). The list of these professors is available from the websites of the university's doctoral schools (ED):

  • Archaeology (ED 112)
  • Art history (ED 441)
  • Economics (ED 465)
  • Fine arts (ED 279)
  • Geography (ED 434)
  • History (ED 113)
  • Law (ED 565)
  • Management (ED 559)
  • Philosophy (ED 280)
  • Political science (ED119)  

If a professor agrees to supervise your research stay at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, he or she will issue you with a letter of invitation.

If your home institution and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University have signed a student exchange agreement in your academic field and at your level of studies, you can take part in study mobility.  Once you have been preselected by your home university, you will receive a link from the International Relations Department of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne to access the application form, which you will have to fill in and submit before 30 th May (if you wish to arrive in September for the first semester or the entire academic year) or before 30 th October (if you wish to arrive in January for the second semester). Before your departure, you must sign a learning agreement that lists the classes that you will take at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (among those open to exchange students) and/or activities (offered by doctoral schools) in which you wish to take part during your mobility at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

You must then fill in the online application form with the following documents:

  • Learning agreement in  French (Word - 892 KB)  or in  English (Word - 891 KB)  completed and signed by yourself and by the academic teacher or research director of your home institution. Your learning agreement will be signed by your academic advisor at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne once you arrive in France. 
  • Letter of invitation from the professor at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University who agrees to supervise your research stay.
  • Language certificate of minimum level B2 ( DELF / DALF , TCF or a letter written by a French teacher from your home university). If you choose classes taught in English, you must also provide a letter written by an English teacher from your home university or an equivalent language certificate of English ( IELTS , TOEFL , etc.).
  • Copy of transcript of grades obtained in higher education, with a translation in French (see  grade conversion table (PDF - 315 KB - French) ).
  • Copy of the passport or identity card .
  • If you are an exchange student outside the Erasmus+ programme, you will also need to provide a CV , a cover letter and a letter of recommendation .

Once your application is accepted by Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, you will receive your admission certificate by the end of June, and you will be able to enrol as an exchange student to be exempt from the payment of tuition fees at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. During your stay in France, you will remain enrolled in your home institution and continue to pay tuition fees there. You also have the possibility to carry out an internship at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. For more information on the procedure, please consult your home institution and the relevant doctoral school in Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

If your home university participates in the Erasmus+ programme, you can set up an Erasmus+ agreement for traineeship which could enable you to obtain an Erasmus+ "traineeship" grant from your home university.

Otherwise, you must draw up a hosting (or internship) agreement setting out your working conditions at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, in particular the duration of your stay and the terms and conditions for your research supervision. This agreement must be signed by your host laboratory at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, your home university and yourself. For more information, get in touch with your doctoral school.

If your application is accepted, you will have to enrol at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne as an unregistered student. This will allow you to obtain your student card and access to the university libraries.

You come from a partner institution

  • You are a PhD student at Columbia University (New York): check out the  Alliance program grants
  • If you are coming under an Erasmus+ student exchange agreement, you can apply for an Erasmus+ "study" grant or an Erasmus+ "traineeship" grant. In both cases, we encourage you to contact your home institution to find out how the grants are awarded.

You do not come from a partner institution If your home university participates in the Erasmus+ programme, you can establish an internship agreement and obtain an Erasmus+ "traineeship" grant from it.

Other grants

We encourage you to check calls for applications on the websites of French embassies abroad, the  Instituts français  and the  Alliances françaises . You can also check the  grant search engine  available on the Campus France website.

Full degree application

Find below the steps to follow to apply to Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University as a full degree international doctoral student. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne will apply the same tuition fee rates for the academic year 2024/2025 to French and foreign students regardless of whether they come from a European Union member state (voted by the Board of Governors on 26th October 2023).

You need to check that the thesis topic you plan to cover has not already been defended or is not in preparation, using the two following websites:


Submit your research project to one of the professors at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University with an  HDR  (accreditation to supervise research). The list of these professors is available from the websites of the university's doctoral schools (ED):

Once a professor at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University who is authorised to supervise research has given his/her agreement to supervise your thesis, send your application to the doctoral school to which he/she belongs. This file must be sent between mid-June and the end of October, and must include the following documents:

  • Form completed online at , duly dated and signed
  • Copy of your master's degree or equivalent (the  ENIC-NARIC France can provide a statement of comparability between your degree and the French master's degree)
  • Thesis project in two versions: long version (2 to 3 pages) and abstract (300 words maximum)
  • Written agreement of the Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne professor who has agreed to supervise your thesis (this professor must be accredited to supervise research).

Your application will be reviewed in early November by the thesis commission of the doctoral school you have applied to. If you are accepted, you will have to sign the thesis charter upon your first enrolment.

Useful pages

Visas and residence permits, accommodation in paris, university orientation.

phd in law paris

Doctoral Programs at Dauphine

A research-based program that prepares students at the highest academic level. It is offered at the SDOSE (Sciences of Decision-Making, Organizations, Society, and Exchange) Doctoral School, which is supported by Université PSL and affiliated with the PSL Doctoral College. It is currently common to Dauphine and MINES ParisTech.

7 Doctoral Programs

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Computer Science

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Social Science

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All the programs

Join the SDOSE Doctoral School

  • Your Thesis – Instructions
  • Enrollment Criteria
  • Enrollment Procedures
  • Defending Your Thesis and Beyond

Thesis Funding

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3 Types of Funding

Funding may be secured through institutions, semi-public organizations, or the university itself.

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Building Bridges with PSL

Through knowledge exchange, cross-disciplinary studies, and research-based graduate programs, gain access to an expanded program offering within Université PSL, a grouping of the best schools in Paris. 

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The PSL Doctoral College

Étudiants de Dauphine qui descendent des marches

Art, Finance and Economics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Chemistry, and Law

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Campus Life in the Heart of Paris

  • Student Clubs

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A Team with a Specific Focus

For theses prepared at Dauphine within the SDOSE doctoral school

Thierry KIRAT

Director of the doctoral school


Co-director of the doctoral school at MINES ParisTech


Director of the doctoral program in Economics


Director of the program in Social Science - Sociology / Political Science

Director of the Social Science - Law program

Madalina OLTEANU

Director of the Mathematics program

Isabelle BOUTY

Director of the Management program


Director of the Computer Science program


Registration and secretarial services for the doctoral programs in Law, Computer Science, Political Science and Sociology

01 44 05 44 51

Hubert Radenac

Registration and secretarial services for the doctoral programs in Economics, Mathematics, Management and Finance

01 44 05 44 52

Sylvie Lopes

Financial management

01 44 05 44 87

Linda Arbane

Thesis defense and follow-up of recent doctorate recipients

01 44 05 44 80

Mireille MOULIN

Director of Research Support

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  • Doctoral Candidate

Le doctorat à Sorbonne Université

Sorbonne University, an attractive environment for PhDs

Le Collège doctoral

Doctoral College and Schools

La candidature en doctorat

Application and admission

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The Law school's (Ph.D.) doctoral programme within the Sciences Po doctoral school provides high-level training for students who wish to bring a significant theoretical contribution to their understanding of legal issues in a specific area of the law. 

Sciences Po Multiple locations Paris , France Top 5% worldwide Studyportals University Meta Ranking 4.3 Read 22 reviews

The Law doctoral programme at Sciences Po aims to train top-level lawyers who are aiming mainly for academic and research careers in France and abroad. They will be legal theorists, highly trained in a wide range of methods, open to multidisciplinary approaches and to the diversity of legal cultures.

They are provided with a working station and the best conditions possible for writing their thesis. Their research is supervised by a main supervisor, Professor at the Law School, and by two minor supervisors who can come from other areas. 

Through seminars, doctoral workshops and the program's scientific events, Doctoral students participate fully in the activities of the Law School. They are in constant contact with the numerous visiting lecturers and professors. Only a limited number of students are admitted which enables each of them to benefit from close supervision and attention and the individualisation of their chosen path in the interests of success for everyone.

Programme Structure

The program is designed to provide:

  • Theoretical training with an international dimension
  • Extensive knowledge of the basic legal techniques, concepts and legal reasoning
  • A precise and critical approach to the tools for theorising law
  • With a comparative and global point of view
  • Personalised supervision within the research centres from committed and internationally recognised academics

Key information

  • 36 months

Start dates & application deadlines

  • Apply before 2025-05-17 00:00:00
  • 10 January, for an admission result mid-March
  • 17 May, for an admission result mid-July 


Academic requirements.

We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.

English requirements

We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.

Student insurance

Make sure to cover your health, travel, and stay while studying abroad. Even global coverages can miss important items, so make sure your student insurance ticks all the following:

  • Additional medical costs (i.e. dental)
  • Repatriation, if something happens to you or your family
  • Home contents and baggage

We partnered with Aon to provide you with the best affordable student insurance, for a carefree experience away from home.

Starting from €0.53/day, free cancellation any time.

Remember, countries and universities may have specific insurance requirements. To learn more about how student insurance work at Sciences Po and/or in France, please visit Student Insurance Portal .

Other requirements

General requirements.

  • Two academic recommendations (an optional professional recommendation may be added)
  • Proof of identity
  • Thesis project (PDF or Word format, 5,000 words maximum, i.e. about ten pages, excluding bibliographic references)
  • Thesis project synopsis (two pages, PDF or Word format)
  • Copy of last completed academic degree (Master or equivalent)
  • Master transcripts (the documents must be attached in the original language, along with an official or informal translation in English or French if necessary. Please add a sworn statement of compliance if the translation is yours)
  • If obtained, official proof of doctoral funding obtention

Tuition Fee

International, living costs for paris.

The living costs include the total expenses per month, covering accommodation, public transportation, utilities (electricity, internet), books and groceries.

Tuition Fees

For all students admitted to the PhD programme at the “Thesis” level, the annual fee for the 2016/2017 academic year is 391 euros, irrespective of tax residency.

In order to make Sciences Po accessible to all to promote academic success, Sciences Po offers many types of financial aid.

In order for us to give you accurate scholarship information, we ask that you please confirm a few details and create an account with us.

Scholarships Information

Below you will find PhD's scholarship opportunities for Law.

Available Scholarships

You are eligible to apply for these scholarships but a selection process will still be applied by the provider.

Read more about eligibility

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  • wrong or outdated ?"> Wrong or outdated content

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Université Paris Cité

Doctoral Studies

With its 21 doctoral schools, Université Paris Cité offers many doctoral students the opportunity to train through research in all major disciplinary fields. At the national level, once fully operational, Université Paris Cité will offfer 5% of all PhD degrees in France.

phd in law paris

Université Paris Cité is committed to a doctoral policy aimed at research training and training by research. It trains future researchers and teacher-researchers as well as future high-level executives.

Astronomy and Astrophysics Ile-de-France – ED 127 Director : Mr. Thierry FOUCHET Contact : Mrs. Jacqueline PLANCY

Environmental Sciences Ile-de-France – ED 129 Director : Mrs Pascale BOURUET-AUBERTOT Contact : Mrs Laurence AMSILI-TOUCHON

Doctoral School of Computer Science, Telecommunications, Electronics of Paris (EDITE) – ED 130 Director : Mr. Carlos AGON Contact : Mrs Rose NAHAN

Language, Litterature and Imagery : civilisations and humanities – ED 131 Director : Mr. Mathieu DUPLAY Co-director : Mrs Emmanuelle ANDRE Contact : Mrs Robin CHEVALIER

Cognition, Brain, Behaviour (ED3C) – ED 158 Director : Mr Alain TREMBLEAU Deputy director UPCité   :Mrs Thérèse COLLINS Contact : Mrs Hélène JOUANNE

Cognition, Behaviour, Human behaviour (3CH) – ED 261 Director : Mrs Karine DORE-MAZARS Contact : Mrs Lucie ALEX

Legal, political sciences, economics and management – ED 262 Director  : Mrs Anémone CARTIER-BRESSON Contact : Mrs Josie YEYE

Mathematical science Paris Centre – ED 386 Director : M. Elisha FALBEL Co-director  : M. Pierre-Henri CHAUDOUARD Contact : Mrs Amina HARITI

Physical Chemistry and Analytical chemistry – ED 388 Director : Mrs Alexa COURTY Contact : Mrs Konnavadee SOOBRAYEN

Pierre Louis Doctoral School of Public Health in Paris : Epidemiology and Biomedical Information Sciences – ED 393 Director  : Mr. Pierre-Yves BOËLLE Contact : Mrs Koltoum BEN SAID

Research in Psychoanalysis – ED 450 Director : Mrs Mi-Kyung YI Co-director : Mr Thamy AYOUCH Contact : Mr Ali BRADOR

Frontiers of Innovation in Research and Education (FIRE) – ED 474 Director : Mrs Muriel MAMBRINI-DOUDET  Co-directeur David TARESTE Contact : Mrs Elodie KASLIKOWSKI

Earth and Environmental Sciences and Physics of the Universe – ED 560 Director : Mr. Fabien CASSE Contacts : Mrs Alissa MARTEAU

Hematology, Oncogenesis, and Biotherapies – ED 561 Director  : Mr. Raphaël ITZYKSON Contacts : Mr Maxime DA CUNHA / Mrs Aurélie BULTELLE

Bio Sorbonne Paris Cité – ED 562 Director : Mrs Caroline LE VAN KIM – Co-Director : Mrs Chantal DESDOUETS Contacts : Mr Louis DUVAL-KISTER

Drug Toxicology, Chemistry and Imaging (MTCI) – ED 563 Director  : Mrs Marie-Christine LALLEMAND Contact : Mrs Elisabeth HOMBRADOS

Physics in Ile de France – ED 564 Director  : Mr Frédéric CHEVY Co-director : Mr Philippe LAFARGE Contact : Mrs Monia MESTAR

Sports, Motricity and Humain mobility sciences (SSMMH) – ED 566 Director  : Mrs Isabelle SIEGLER Co-director : Mr. Bernard ANDRIEU Contact : Mrs Marie-Pierre RICHOUX

Language Sciences – ED 622 Director : Mrs Caterina DONATI Contact : Mrs Chafia AIT-HELAL

Knowledge, Science, Education – ED 623 Co-Director : Mr. Fabrice VANDEBROUCK Co-Director : Mrs Anne BARRERE Contact : Mrs Agathe TRAN

Social Sciences – ED 624

Department 1 Director : Mrs Véronique PETIT Contact : Mr. Jérôme BROCHERIOU

Department 2

Director : Mr Antoine REBERIOUX Contact : Mrs Sarah RAHMANI

More information :

Doctoral School website for more information The following content is in French French higher education system chart

PhD Positions in Law and Regulation

Hec paris ; , france.

The PhD Positions (Job Description)

The PhD in Law and Regulation is a fulltime program taught in English and is designed to pursue PhD research at the intersection of law, social sciences, business and technology within the Law and Tax research department. This vibrant academic environment allows you to grow as researchers and obtain jobs in top academic upon graduation.  

The PhD in Law and Regulation is an intensive scholarly program aiming to attract outstanding global students with the highest level of ambition. It offers a tailored learning journey, which combines methodological and substantive training, as well as close, interdisciplinary supervision.  

Research focuses 

The Law and Tax Department conducts research at the intersection of law, social sciences, business and technology. Its faculties’ research spans across multiple legal fields such as corporate and tax law, European and transnational law, and fundamental rights, and covers topics such as sustainability and corporate social responsibility, diversity and inclusiveness, law and economics, artificial intelligence and the blockchain, financial regulation, and governance.

Research seminars

The department currently hosts three research seminar series: The Law and Regulation Series -- The Law, Society & AI Seminar Series -- The Law and Economics Research Series.

Two Tracks 

The PhD in Law and Regulation offers two alternative PhD tracks: 

  • The 3-year doctoral studies track is open to students holding a master’s degree in law. In year one, students are required to take 100 hours of courses choosing from a wide range of legal and non-legal courses. They also work on their research paper-based dissertation as from year one. 
  • The 5-year studies track (two phases) is open to students holding at minimum a bachelor’s degree (either Bachelor of Law or other bachelor degree with minimum exposure to legal studies). Phase 1 :  In year one and two, students take courses for up to 120 ECTS and will graduate with the master’s in management sciences while working on defining their PhD dissertation subject. Phase 2:  In the following three years students work on their research paper-based dissertation as from year one.

Read more about the curriculum here . 

In both tracks, we encourage academic exchanges with the world’s leading business schools and support research presentations in academic conferences.  

Who we look for

Built on a strategy of excellence, the HEC Paris PhD Program, known for its small size, aims to attract outstanding and motivated future PhD students with a clear ambition to become top researchers in international academic institutions. 

We welcome applications from candidates of all nationalities who 

  • hold a university degree in the field of legal studies
  • are fluent in English
  • have an outstanding academic record
  • are highly motivated to study at one of the world's best research business schools.

How to apply

When applying, applicants must choose their track according to their academic background in legal studies.

  • Track 1 (5 years studies, Master and Doctoral studies): Bachelor or Master
  • Track 2 (3 years Doctoral studies): Master

A two-step application process:

  • Evaluation of applications and selection of shortlisted applicants. The shortlist is published approximately 2 - 3 weeks after the application deadline.
  • Interview of shortlisted applicants (in-person or online). Admission results are published within 5 - 6 weeks after the application deadline. 

All applicants are required to follow our online application process. To apply, click on the 'Apply' button.  

A complete online application should include the following:  

  • Degree certificate(s) or current enrollment certificate in legal studies
  • All official academic transcripts obtained in a higher education institution
  • Personal statement motivating your choice of pursuing a PhD in Law and Regulation
  • Résumé (CV)
  • Optional Research material that may support your application (dissertation, paper, research work, ...)
  • TOEFL or IELTS or Cambridge test score report *
  • 2 completed online reference forms from professors
  • Proof of ID
  • Non-refundable application fee of €60. 

* English test exemption is granted to:

  • Native English speakers
  • Applicants who studied a university degree of minimum two years in English may apply for exemption. 

Application deadline: 16 April 2023.  

Financing and conditions

Every admitted student (without any condition of academic background or nationality) will benefit for up to 5 years from: 

  • Living stipend: 25000€/year*
  • Tuition: 100% exemption
  • Additional funding for visiting positions
  • Additional funding for research project. 

The financing is conditional on academic progress and will be evaluated in June of every year. Remaining fee of approximately 400€/year for the Doctoral school (starting in first year of Phase 2) has to be paid by the student. 

*Teaching assistance, grading assistance and teaching are not a requirement to receive the living stipend. Hence, they come as extra income. 

Successfully admitted applicants are appointed on a full-time basis for a duration up to five years. The PhD position is intended to start  1 September 2023 . 

A place of excellence, a place of diversity, a place of community. HEC Paris has one of the largest campuses in Europe. Its academic, leisure and sports facilities offer students the holistic life you would expect from a world-class institution. Each HEC PhD student benefit from this excellent study environment, optional campus accommodation and dedicated PhD offices.  

Any question?  

HEC PhD office

Email:  [email protected]

Website: The PhD in Law and Regulation 

About the Tax and Law Department

The Law and Tax Department comprises of 12 professors and a team of affiliates who conduct research and are involved in teaching and supervising throughout all programs of HEC Paris, spanning the Grande Ecole, the MBA, the Executive Education, and the PhD program. The Department also runs three full time programs: an LLM in International Management and Law, a Major in International Taxation and Legal Strategy, and a Major in European Business Law and Global Affairs. These programs offer lively and hands-on courses to law students in collaboration with major Parisian and international law firms, companies and civil society organizations. Department website   

About HEC Paris

HEC Paris , f ounded in 1881, consistently  ranks  among the top research institutions in business, specialized in education and research in management. As a leading academic institution in Europe and worldwide, HEC Paris offers a complete range of selective programs for students and business leaders. The HEC Paris Faculty is dedicated to pushing the frontier of knowledge by actively engaging in research, publishing articles in top academic journals with an international audience and participating in national and international academic conferences.

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Institut Polytechnique de Paris

  • PhD student
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  • PhD Programs

IP Paris Doctoral School

IP Paris Doctoral School

  • Presentation
  • Admission/registration /re-registration
  • Doctoral programs and funding
  • Monitoring Committee (CSI)
  • Complementary Training Courses
  • PhD Thesis Award
  • Directory of PhD students and Doctors
  • Supervisors
  • News and events
  • Useful documents

The doctoral school hosts around 900 doctoral students, supervised by more than 800 researchers (including 550 HDRs), in 30 research laboratories (UMR CNRS, INRIA, CEA), which offers a very important scientific strike force, demonstrated by their great national and international reputation and the high level of recognition achieved by the most eminent researchers. In addition to the academic environment of excellence, ED IP Paris also benefits from an important industrial connection (THALES, EDF, DANONE …), allowing the development of industrial partnership in particular with industrial R&D laboratories in Saclay. ED IP Paris offers a rich doctoral training through the research component ranging from basic research to applied research.The doctoral school of the lnstitut Polytechnique de Paris is extremely open to international recruitment (currently, foreign doctoral students represent 45% of PhD students). The PhD program at ED IP Paris prepares students for successful scientific career opportunities (research, teaching, project management, etc.) in universities and the private sector. For general information, please contact the Administrative Department of the ED IP Paris.

For all the general provisions relative to the role of the doctoral school and the organization of the doctorate program, each doctoral student and each thesis supervisor is subject to the thesis charter and all general procedures of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) or HEC Paris (according to the affiliation of the thesis supervisor). The purpose of the Rules of Procedure is to set down the practical terms for the implementation of these provisions and to specify the policy of the Doctoral School.

  • Consult the Rules of procedure (in french)

Consult the Doctoral Charter (in french)

The composition of the Council board is defined in Article 9 of the Decree of May 25, 2016 (modified by the Decree of August 26, 2022).

  • Consult the composition of the Council Board

Consult the composition of the Executive board

  • Consult the list of Scientifics field coordinators

Consult the PhD welcome Booklet

Adriana Tapus Head of Doctoral School IP Paris

Admission is subject to the submission of an application file via the ADUM platform

There are two possible ways to be admitted to a PhD program at IP Paris Doctoral School Establish contact with a researcher holding HDR (habilitation) at one of the laboratories of the Institute Polytechnique de Paris and develop a thesis project along with an application for funding. Typically, this process is initiated in the midst of the second year (M2), coinciding with the selection of a research internship. After compiling the necessary documents, including comprehensive details of the thesis project, CV, M2 transcript of grades, and a letter of motivated support from the thesis supervisor, agreements between the laboratory and the hosting doctoral school can be secured. Subsequently, the application is to be submitted through ADUM .

Consult the thesis research topics of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris Doctoral School  

page under construction

The academic period is from September 1st to August 31st of the year following your re-registration. Re-registrations must be completed between September 1st and August 31st, irrespective of the thesis starting date. Doctoral students in their 4th year who successfully defend their thesis before December 31st are exempt from re-registration, tuition fees, and the obligation to subscribe to the CVEC.

Full tuition fees will be charged for any academic year commenced, with no prorated fee, irrespective of the thesis start date.

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris implements a doctoral admission policy that aims to adhere to the following principles :  

Explicit and public criteria and procedures made known to all members of the institution and the potential doctoral candidates

Consideration of the personalized and high-quality supervision within the units and research teams

Recruitment that promotes gender equality, diversity, and openness, particularly on the international level

A recruitment encouraging the development of new research avenues and attentive to consider the professional integration prospects and career development of the doctors

Possible guidance or direction 

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris supports multiple types of funding : The programs financially supported or coordinated by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (For example : MESR, AMX, Hi! PARIS, EUR Plasmas, E4C and E4H).  

Supported funding by research organizations (For example : ONERA, CEA and CNRS)

Supported funding by other organizations  

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris organizes two calls :

The Doctoral School considers in the selection of the doctoral candidates :

The academic results previously obtained by the candidate, notably during the higher education period

The candidate’s research ability, particularly evaluated from the beginning of the research internship period

The alignment between the candidate’s education and the doctoral project

The originality and the feasibility of the doctoral project within the context of the research unit and its partners

The doctoral project’s alignment with the scientific policy of the research unit, through the approval of the director of the research unit during the registration

The availability and the capacity of the thesis directors and all supervisors to ensure the scientific guidance of the doctoral project

A career project expressed by the candidate and its coherence with the doctoral project

The terms of choice and selection of the doctoral candidates are subject to a procedure defined by the executive office and approved by the Doctoral School council.  

The candidate’s file requires the following information:

  • The application form
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Cover letter
  • M1 & M2 transcripts or other international diplomas
  • Two recommendation letters

Supervisors’ opinions for each application on its subject

Laboratory directors’ opinions for each application in their laboratory

Pre-selection of candidates’ applications by scientific domains of the Doctoral School for the interview, based on the application file

Each application will be examined by the jury, taking into account the academic background (including internships completed by the candidate), the quality of supervision, the alignment of the candidate’s profile with the thesis topic, and potential interdisciplinarity, and also providing an overall rating

The IP Paris Arbitration Board/Commission

 Interviews by scientific fields

The interviews can take place in French or English

The interviews shall include the following elements :

  • Briefly (~2’): Presentation of the Curriculum Vitae (academic course, internships…)
  • Presentation of the thesis subject (~5-10’): The candidates should be able to clearly explain the subject, its challenges and issues as a whole, including the aspects within the field of a discipline other than the candidate’s original subject if it is interdisciplinary
  • Briefly (~2’): Motivation for the subject and professional prospects/perspectives.
  • The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session (5-10 minutes) At the end of the auditions, the evaluations could be updated by the members of the disciplinary jury considering the candidates’ performance.  

The jury of the final arbitration will include:(the same person can represent several entities)

The Director of the IP Paris Doctoral School

The Director or Deputy Director representing the EDMH

The Research Vice-President of IP ParisA representative per institution whose thesis funding is concerned by the competition

A representative of each disciplinary jury

A representative of each IP Paris Doctoral School field

A representative of the jury of Hi! PARIS/E4C/E4H/etc  

Deadline for thesis subject deposits on ADUM: January 15, 2024

Deadline for applications on ADUM: February 15, 2024

Interview of candidates: From March 6-15, 2024

Publishing of the early call results: Beginning of April 2024 Final call

Deadline for thesis subject submission on ADUM: March 15, 2024

Deadline for applications on ADUM: April 15, 2024

Interview of candidates: From May 13-24, 2024

Publishing of the final call results: Beginning of June 2024  

Page under construction

In addition to personalized training through research acquired during the activity within the research unit, the doctoral training also includes the participation in different collective drills intended : 

to fortify the scientific culture of the doctoral students, especially in their scientific field

to prepare their professional integration or the pursuit of their career in both the public and private sectors

to encourage their international exposure

These trainings are of three types: scientific, linguistic, and transversal. The latter including ethics and scientific integrity, is a part of the training obligations for all doctoral students, pursuant to the decree of 25 May 2016 (modified on 26 August 2022) on the PhD degree. The trainings should help the doctoral student on one hand to be more effective in his/her doctoral project and on the other hand to prepare his/her professional future. The training choice will have to be done according to these two objectives and will be able to rely on the earnest advice of the thesis supervisor.

Each doctoral student ought to pursue on the duration of his/her thesis at least 100 hours of training distributed as follows:

Scientific trainings: 40 to 60 hrs including 20 opening hrs (off thesis subject);

Transversal trainings: 40 to 60 hrs including mandatory ethics training.  

Language trainings : 0 to 20 hrs  

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris will award annually three prizes to the students who have produced the best PhD thesis and made the most outstanding contributions in one of the following fields: Physics; Biology and Chemistry; Information, Communications, Electronics; Computer Science, Data, and Artificial Intelligence; Engineering, Mechanics, and Energetics; Economics, Management, and Social Sciences.

  • Consult the procedure

phd in law paris

  • Consult the directory of PhD students
  • The directory of  Doctors
  • Ongoing thesis

The Golden Rules for PhD supervision provide a set of best practices for both PhD students and supervisors. These rules emphasise the shared responsibility and expectations of both the supervisor and PhD student. 

Consult the Golden Rules for PhD supervision

Submit an thesis subject

Download the report 

Consult the rules of procedure

  • Support letter from thesis supervisor 
  • Master's degree derogation
  • Progress report
  • Report for the monitoring committee  
  • Derogation of the duration of the thesis

PhD defense

  • Request a transfer to another establishment 
  • Declaring a withdrawal from the preparation of a thesis
  • Request a "césure"  

If you need a letter of support from the doctoral school for your CIFRE thesis

  • Complete this form

Consult the Organization Chart Graduate School 

Graduate School IP Paris pôle Doctorat Télécom Paris 19, place Marguerite Perey 5ème étage - CS 20031 F-91123 Palaiseau Cedex

Access map

PhD in Computing, Data and Artificial Intelligence

Phd in Biology

Phd in Biology

PhD in Information, Communications and Electronics

PhD in Information, Communications and Electronics

Human sciences, arts, letters and languages

Human sciences, arts, letters and languages

PhD in Economics, Management and Social Sciences

PhD in Economics, Management and Social Sciences

PhD in Physics

PhD in Physics

PhD in Chemistry

PhD in Chemistry

PhD in Engineering, Mechanics and Energy

PhD in Engineering, Mechanics and Energy

Elie Kadoche, IP Paris candidate, qualified in the National Final of the MT 180 competition

22 Best Law schools in Paris

Updated: February 29, 2024

  • Art & Design
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science
  • Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
  • Mathematics

Below is a list of best universities in Paris ranked based on their research performance in Law. A graph of 1.02M citations received by 55.9K academic papers made by 22 universities in Paris was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. Pierre and Marie Curie University

Pierre and Marie Curie University logo

2. University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne

University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne logo

3. Paris Institute of Political Studies

Paris Institute of Political Studies logo

4. School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences

School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences logo

5. Paris Dauphine University

Paris Dauphine University logo

6. Paris Descartes University

Paris Descartes University logo

7. National Graduate School of Engineering, Paris

National Graduate School of Engineering, Paris logo

8. Normal Superior School

Normal Superior School logo

9. Pantheon-Assas Paris II University

Pantheon-Assas Paris II University logo

10. TELECOM ParisTech

TELECOM ParisTech logo

11. Paris Diderot University

Paris Diderot University logo

12. Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences

Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences logo

13. New Sorbonne University - Paris III

New Sorbonne University - Paris III logo

14. National Advanced School of Engineering

National Advanced School of Engineering logo

15. ESCP Europe

ESCP Europe logo

16. School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry of the City of Paris

School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry of the City of Paris logo

17. National Graduate School for Advanced Technologies

National Graduate School for Advanced Technologies logo

18. American University of Paris

American University of Paris logo

19. National Graduate School of Chemistry, Paris

National Graduate School of Chemistry, Paris logo

20. Catholic University of Paris

Catholic University of Paris logo

21. Graduate School of Information Technology, Electronics, Automation

Graduate School of Information Technology, Electronics, Automation logo

22. Graduate School of Engineers in Paris

Graduate School of Engineers in Paris logo

Universities for Law near Paris

University City
5 88
8 44
10 32
Saint-Denis, Ile-de-France
10 33
11 17
17 20
17 23
17 50
Champs sur Marne
19 11
21 67

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences subfields in Paris

  • Bulletin de pratique et de droit de l'asile
  • Centers and services


  • Assas University
  • Bienvenue en France
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Faculty members
  • Doctorates Honoris Causa
  • Programmes taught in English
  • Summer school in « Contemporary International Legal Perspectives »
  • Yale - Assas University - Essec Summer School
  • International campuses
  • Programmes taught in French
  • Research centres
  • Paris-Panthéon-Assas University HAL portal
  • Éditions Panthéon-Assas
  • Students with special needs
  • Student associations
  • Accomodation
  • AssasLab incubator

Law & Humanities

Law & Humanities is an interdisciplinary team that studies the interactions between law, politics, economics, and literature. Its members are affiliated with the CERSA (Centre d'Études et de Recherches de Sciences Administratives et Politiques) .

Research Areas

Law has always been influenced by interactions with other disciplines such as theology, ethics, sciences and technology, rhetoric, psychology, sociology, and philosophy. The work of Law & Humanities examines these combinations and also questions the modalities of these cross-disciplinary influences. Therefore, methodological considerations are an integral part of the group's approach. The integration of knowledge from other disciplines raises questions about the protocols of assimilation and the theoretical and normative issues posed by this interaction. For example, the use of psychology in criminal sciences or economics in competition law illustrates the questions raised by this approach.

The interactions between law and the world of economics are also at the heart of this research. In a "Law & Humanities" perspective, the question of financial communication under legal constraints can be explored. These studies will pave the way for comparative research between France, the United Kingdom, and the United States, echoing a cultural theme.

More generally, the members' research is situated in the field of English for Specific Purposes. This branch of English linguistics focuses on specialized varieties of English, specifically the triptych of domain-discourse-culture in different specialized domains. The linguistic approach to law and its interaction with other fields will be studied within the framework of "Law & Humanities."

For the period 2021-2025, Law & Humanities has chosen to explore the theme of facial recognition from a transdisciplinary perspective.

Law & Humanities organizes a seminar called Law & Humanities Workshops, which aims to explore one or more facets of the intersections or influences between law and political, economic, social, or literary sciences. Scholars are invited to present their work in areas related to the group's research areas. The seminar is reserved for members of CERSA as well as professors, lecturers, teachers, and doctoral students who have made a prior request.

  • Delphine CINGAL
  • Fanny DOMENEC
  • Géraldine GADBIN-GEORGE
  • Mathilde GAILLARD
  • Jennifer MERCHANT
  • Yves-Marie PÉRÉON
  • Amélie RIBIERAS
  • Yvonne-Marie ROGEZ
  • Armelle SABATIER
  • Claire WROBEL

Team coordination: Anne BRUNON-ERNST and Jennifer MERCHANT

Suivez nous

  • UFR Droit Economie Management
  • UFR Médecine
  • UFR Pharmacie
  • UFR Sciences
  • UFR Sciences du Sport
  • AgroParisTech
  • CentraleSupélec
  • ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Institut d'Optique
  • Polytech Université Paris-Saclay
  • Accessibility

phd in law paris

Prepare a PhD

The PhD degree attests skills acquired through research in the framework of the doctoral trainin g, which has a 3 years reference duration when the research work is carried out full-time, and a 3 to 6 years duration when the thesis is prepared part-time. The PhD degree can also be obtained by the validation of the acquired experience (VAE). 

The PhD degree - the highest internationnaly recognized by higher education - is awarded after the defense of a thesis or the presentation of a set of original scientific works. 

phd in law paris

The different frameworks to prepare a PhD

  • Initial traininf (IF in French)
  • Lifelong training, excluding initial training  (FTLVin French)
  • Validation of the experience acquired (VAE  in French)

phd in law paris

Admission to PhD training

  • A procedure
  • Examination of an application 

Three regimes for three PhD preparation frameworks

Registration in initial training is possible as a continuation of a master or other equivalent degree. 

  • In initial training, the PhD is full time prepared  The preparation is initially set to last  3 years. Beyond this 3 years, extensions of the duration of preparation are possible, with derogation.
  • Funding dedicated to the preparation of the thesis is requested for a registration in initial training.  The reference amount of this funding corresponds to the remuneration of the PhD contract established by public law.  Derogations from this funding threshold can be requested from the head of the establishment. 

PhD students have a main research activity in one of the research team or unit of the doctoral school. 

They also have complementary PhD activities and training, intended to develop their scientific culture, their international openness and to prepare their professional future. The PhD program is personalized and defined with each doctoral school, in a framework commin to all PhD students at Université Paris-Sacaly. 

They can have complementary activities outside research, which contribute to the preparation of their professional future (teaching mission, scientific mediation, expertise of promotion of research), limited to one sixth of their time each year.

  • A thesis monitoring committee report must be submitted by the PhD student for each of their re-registrations.

Registration in lifelong training concerns two categories of people : 

  • Those who obtained their last diploma more than a year before the desired date of first enrollment in a PhD (whether the thesis is prepared full-time or part-time, and regardless of the financing conditions envisaged)
  • Those who plan to prepare their thesis at the same time as a main activitiy other than the preparation of thesis, regardless of the date of the obtention of the last degree. The main activity means that its provides more than half of the income. 
  • Lifelong training does not two types require a funding dedicated to the thesis preparation, but its comission ensures, before the first registration, that material and financial conditions are correct.  Ultimately, candidates who have no funding to prepare their thesis and have no income from their main activity could prepare a thesis, as long as the doctoral school and the commission can ensure that the material and financial resources conditions. 

In lifelong learning, the PhD can be prepared on a part-time basis . 

  • The duration initially fixed for the preparation of the thesis depends on the time that can be devoted to its preparation . It is between 3 and 6 years. 
  • A derogation must be  requested to extend the duration of the PhD beyond the one initially fixed . Its could be discussed during the monitoring committee taht takes place each abnd every year before re-registration.

PhD students prepare their thesis in one of the research teams or units of their doctoral school . The distributio of their time between the research unit and their non-research activities is fixed from the first registration. 

As PhD student in initial training, PhD student in lifelong training also have PhD complementary activities and training, intended to develop their scientific culture, their international opennes, and to prepare their professional future. Still, their training courses are arranged to feet with the specificities of their situation. 

A thesis monitoring committee must stand each and evrey year, before re-registration. Among other things, it help to check whether the conditions of the lifelong training PhD are suitable, or deserve to be rearranged. 

Planning lifelong training arrangement procedure

Unlike initial training and lifelong training, registration for a validation of the experience acquired can only be done when the original scientific work constitutes a coherent whole, that what makes possible to consider a defense. Those works may have been carried out partly in a research unit of the doctoral school (for example, within the framework of a volunteer researcher agreement), or entirely outside the academic framework. 

  • PhD degree is awarded after a thesis defense or a presentation of the original scientific works .

To obtain a PhD degre by a validation of the experience acquired, the candidate must:

  • Write a thesis or a dissertation to assess the personal part of collective work . This dissertation or thesis will be evaluated by two rapporteurs and by a defense jury. Composition and expectations of the jury are the same as the ones for the initial training or the lifelong training PhD
  • As for the PhD students, the thesis or the dissertation will have to be legaly deposed and, if necessary published on the national portal
  • An accompanying, chosen among the supervisors of the doctoral school, can be offered for the preparation of the thesis or the dissertation 
  • The work having been prepared before registration in the Validation of the experience acquired, the accompanying is not a thesis director. He does not ensure the scientific direction of the research work, but guides the candidate in the preparation of the dissertation or thesis.
  • He plays the role of thesis director for the defense (in particular to propose the defense)

Documents relating to the preparation of a validation of the experience acquired

  • Procedure  2016_05_25_procedure_de_doctorat_en_vae_0.pdf - ( 545.03 KB)
  • Admissibility file 2020_12_15_dossier_doctorat_en_vae.docx - ( 69.01 KB)
  • The vademecum "Validation of the experience acquired and PhD" vademecum_0.pdf - ( 1.76 MB)
  • The charges  tarifs-vae-complet.pdf - ( 46.2 KB)

Admission to a PhD Programme

A PhD application is a complete package that includes

  • A candidate with a research project
  • An original thesis topic
  • A thesis director
  • A team to host the research
  • A proposed funding or a proof that the material and financial conditions necessary for the successful completion of the doctoral thesis 

Candidates apply to the doctoral school that their research or team unit is attached to  via the Université Paris-Saclay application portal . Their PhD director must also be attached to that doctoral school. 

An application is considered to have been submitted only once it has been completed and finalised . To do this, candidates must : 

  • Have submitted all the documents requested by the doctoral school - A thesis subject - Information on the contions of the doctoral programme (thesis supervision, research unit) - CV - Transcripts - Other documents required by the doctoral school
  • Obtain a favourable opinion from the thesis director
  • Obtain a favourable opinion from the research or team unit director to wich the thesis directors responds

The application process is carried out via internet tool ADUM - an administrative tool for management of the PhD, from application to graduation.  Data recorded in ADUM are subjected to the RGPD regutions. 

Once the complete file has been submitted and the application has been finalised, it is examined by the doctoral school to which the applicant belongs. 

  • In case of a favorable opinion on the application file, the candidate then presents his/her doctoral project and previous research experience during an audition, in front of a admission committee organised by the doctoral scool. This hearing is required in both initial formation and lifelong training, and regardless the conditions of funding and the progress of the thesis preparation envisaged.
  • If the admissions committee gives a favourable opinion, the future PhD student may registered for the first time. 

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Doctorates at UPEC

After completing a master's or equivalent degree, aspiring researchers will join a doctoral school to pursue their PhD. Here, they will spend three years working on their research, writing their thesis, and attending seminars and conferences. After successfully defending their thesis, they will receive their doctorate.

Application & Registration

Inscriptions doctorat

Doctoral schools

Ecoles doctorales

Funding your PhD

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Joint PhD programs

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Teaching and non-teaching assignments during your doctorate

In the same section.

More From Forbes

Georgetown cew law school rankings find brand is best if you want to make money.

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The potential to make a high salary as a lawyer is often what influences students to pursue a graduate law degree. However, while a law degree can open doors to higher earnings, not all law schools provide the same return on investment.

According to a study released by Georgetown University’s Center for Education and the Workforce, which ranks 186 law schools based on graduates’ salaries, if making money is a priority for a student, it’s best to shoot for highly ranked law schools.

Graduates of Columbia Law School have the highest annual median earnings four years after completing ... [+] their degree, according to a new Georgetown study that ranks 186 law schools.

“When it comes to law school, the best returns are concentrated among a small number of institutions, educating approximately 20 percent of law students,” said CEW Director and lead author Jeff Strohl. “Graduates earn the highest salaries from highly selective institutions. The top 26 law schools lead to six-figure salaries and a bar passage rate of 97 percent.”

According to the CEW study, A Law Degree Is No Sure Thing: Some Law School Graduates Earn Top Dollar, but Many Do Not , Columbia University law graduates have the highest annual median earnings four years after completing their degree at $280,900. Following Columbia were the University of Pennsylvania with $261,400, the University of Chicago with $256,400, Cornell University with $249,300, Stanford University with $248,000 and Harvard University with $233,600.

These salaries compare with National Association for Law Placement research that shows the overall median first-year associate base salary was $200,000 as of Jan. 1, 2023, up $35,000 or 21.2% from 2021.

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In comparison, the bottom three law schools in CEW’s 186-school ranking produced graduates whose annual median earnings four years after degree completion were $38,700, $44,100 and $58,400, respectively. The study found that at nearly 1 in 5 law schools, graduates earn less than $55,000, net of debt, four years after graduation.

The difference in salary outcomes could be because graduates from top-tier law schools were more likely to secure high-paying jobs at large prestigious law firms. In fact, according to a U.S. News & World Report ranking , 80% of law school graduates of 10 highly ranked law schools who have jobs at law firms worked for large companies.

CEW researchers found law schools with the highest-earning graduates send more graduates to full-time work at the nation’s largest law firms. At the seven schools where postgraduate earnings exceeded $200,000, 58% of graduates from the classes of 2020-2022 were employed in big law, compared to 16% of graduates across all 186 institutions CEW evaluated.

However, earning a higher salary is not necessarily the only factor influencing students when pursuing an advanced law degree. “If a prospective student aims to land a high-paying job after earning their JD, they are more likely to achieve that goal at a certain subset of schools,” says Catherine Morris, a senior writer at CEW and one of the paper’s co-authors. “But earnings aren’t the only factor students consider: some schools might set up graduates for work in specific fields or geographic areas they’re interested in.”

In addition, for many graduates, the burden of student debt can outweigh the financial benefits of a graduate law degree, particularly if they do not attend a highly ranked institution. Indeed, despite the potential for high salaries, the cost of obtaining a law degree can be significant. According to the American Bar Association, the average law school graduate in the U.S. carries more than $160,000 in student loan debt.

Similarly, the CEW study found that, four years after completing their degree, law school graduates owe almost $120,000 in student debt loans at the median. In fact, at 6 out of 10 law schools, at least half of the graduates had loan balances equal to what they were at graduation. Or those balances had even increased three years, post-degree completion.

“Law schools are notoriously expensive. Graduates leave law schools with a median debt burden of $118,500, and lower earnings make it harder to pay back this debt,” said CEW’s Morris. “The consequences of six-figure debt are also far-reaching for law school graduates, impacting their ability to purchase a home, start a family, and achieve other traditional markers of success.”

In recent years, U.S. law schools have experienced some volatility, with student enrollments falling 11% in fall 2022 after a prior surges, according to the American Bar Association. However, with regard to jobs, the CEW study expects the future of the legal profession to remain stable. While the full impact of AI on the sector has yet to be realized, job opportunities are expected to increase, with projections of the total number of jobs associated with legal occupations rising from 1.26 million to 1.41 million between 2021 and 2031.

The pipeline of students is looking stable as well. According to Law School Admission Council data , applications for the 2024 admissions cycle have decreased about 1.7% compared with last year. Almost half of law schools experienced increases in applications, while almost half had decreases, and seven showed no change from last year.

Anna Esaki-Smith

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Program details

The phd program prepares students for a career in research and higher education.

PhD - story - I. Gilboa

The HEC PhD program is a full-time program that prepares students for a career in research and academia. This requires in-depth knowledge of a particular field of management research, solid training in research methods, as well as hands-on experience in collecting and analyzing data, writing and presenting papers, academic networking and publishing research.

HEC Paris PhD Curriculum

A two phase curriculum

The HEC Paris PhD Program is an integrated PhD Program structured in two phases:

  • Research Master Phase
  • Doctoral Studies Phase.

The first two years of the PhD program are aimed at providing students with a strong basis to conduct research at the highest level.

Four pillars: 

  • Foundations in Management and Research Methods
  • Specialization in a Management Discipline 
  • Research Seminars, Tutorial, Summer Paper, Research Thesis 
  • Professional Development 

Foundation Courses address the fundamental principles of management research, while Specialization Courses offer state-of-the-art insight in a particular discipline. Methods Courses help students to develop the skills needed to produce research publishable in top academic journals. Under the guidance of their advisor, students build theory and design empirical studies culminating in a Summer Paper (end of Year 1) and Research Thesis (end of Year 2).

Professional Development Courses prepare students for an academic career by offering training in academic writing publishing in top academic journals, pedagogy, and career management. Note that students have the option to take French language courses throughout the PhD Program.

End of second year Students who validate all requirements of the Research Master phase obtain a Research Master Degree (Master en Sciences du Management) accredited by the French Ministry of Education  under European Standards equivalent to a total of 120 ECTS. Students are admitted to the Dissertation Phase. 

Non-exhaustive course portfolio

Foundations of Management

  • Microeconomics
  • Organizational Theory
  • Fundamentals of Individual Behavior in Organizations
  • The Economics of Organization

Foundations of Research

  • Applied Econometrics STATA
  • Introduction to Econometrics
  • Research Methods
  • Statistical Programming with R
  • What is Science? Theory, History and Practice

The course list above is neither exhaustive nor binding. We regularly update our course offer to adapt to the current research issues. 

  • Engaged Research
  • Experimental Design
  • Identification Design and Causal Inference Methods
  • Modeling Bounded Rationality  
  • Modeling Choice, Count, and Duration
  • Network Analysis 
  • The Psychology of Risk
  • Statistical Analysis using Bayesian Approaches
  • Qualitative Methods: Hands-on Workshop
  • Qualitative Research: A Portfolio

PhD students take courses within their specialization but they may also join courses from other specializations or partner universities to broaden their knowledge. 

 Accounting and Management Control

  • Debt Contracting, Banking, Disclosure and Information Intermediaries
  • Disclosure and Financial Reporting
  • Empirical Research in Management Accounting
  • Theory in Financial Accounting
  • Theory in Management Control
  • Topics in Empirical Financial Accounting

Economics and Decision Sciences

  • Advanced Decision Sciences 
  • Advanced Microeconomics: Game Theory and Applications
  • Decision Making under Uncertainty: Theory, Experiments & Applications 
  • Entrepreneurship 
  • Information Design, Persuasion and Strategic Communication
  • Information and Expectations in Macroeconomics 
  • Asset Pricing 
  • Banking and Financial Intermediation 
  • Corporate Finance Theory
  • Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains 
  • Empirical Corporate Finance
  • Fintech and Decentralized Finance
  • Imperical Corporate Finance
  • Market Microstructure

Information Systems and Operations Management 

  • Dynamic Programming
  • Foundations of Operations Management
  • Fundamentals of Optimization
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  • Change Management: Between Theories and Practices
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Strategy and Business Policy

  • Category Research in Strategy
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  • Corporate Strategy
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  • Value-based Strategy and Formal Modeling
  • Library Literacy
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  • Research Ethics and Academic Integrity
  • Research Reproducibility 
  • Reverse Engineering an Academic Career 
  • Writing Workshop: Crafting Academic Papers

During the doctoral studies phase, students work on their research paper-based dissertation and may take additional courses. They are encouraged to present their research projects at national and international academic conferences. Most students spend time as a visiting student at a top university or business school abroad to build an academic network, work with co-authors, and receive feedback on their research. 

After successfully defending their thesis, students are awarded the HEC Paris PhD Degree, which is a national recognized diploma (Doctorat ès-sciences de Gestion) affiliated to the IPP Doctoral School.

The HEC Paris PhD Program offers generous support to students to present their research output at academic conferences. Conference funding includes transportation, food and lodging, visa costs, and conference fees. On average, our students participate in two academic conferences annually.

HEC Paris Faculty have a strong network of co-authors who work at top business schools and leading research universities around the world. They call on this network to help PhD students receive invitations for research visits ranging from a few weeks to a full academic year. These visits present a great opportunity for students to get feedback on their dissertation papers, collaborate with renowned faculty, grow their academic network, and prepare the job market. The HEC Paris PhD Program supports students financially by offering an additional cost of living scholarship, return ticket and visa fees.

Institutions visited in recent years

University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management, Canada HEC Montréal, Canada University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business, Canada York University, Schulich School of Business, Canada

Bayes Business School, City University of London, UK Copenhagen Business School, Denmark London School of Economics, UK London Business School, UK Luiss University, Italy Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, UK Swedish House of Finance, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden University of Bath, UK University of Lausanne -UNIL, Switzerland University of St Gallen, Switzerland  

Korea Univesity, South Korea

Royal Melbourne University of Technology (RMIT) Melbourne, Australia

Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Technion Institute of Technology, Israel

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Stanford Graduate Hans Henken to Make Olympic Sailing Debut in Paris

Stanford Graduate Hans Henken to Make Olympic Sailing Debut in Paris

  • Hans Henken
  • Paris Olympic Games

Erik Newland

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Hans Henken, a California native and Stanford graduate, is set to make his Olympic sailing debut in Paris later this month. Despite being an alternate on the US Olympic sailing team in Rio and not qualifying for Tokyo, Hans has persevered and secured his spot for the 2024 Olympic Games.

Hans and his teammate, Ian Barrows, clinched their place by winning the men’s Skiff event at the US Olympic trials in January. Hans attributes much of his success to his aeronautical and astronautical engineering degree from Stanford, which has provided him with a significant competitive edge in the sport.

“One of the biggest parts of sailing is maintaining and tuning your equipment. The performance edge of getting that right is huge, and knowing and understanding the engineering behind that and being able to apply that to sailing has been a huge competitive advantage for me,” Hans explained.

Now 31 years old, Hans was introduced to sailing by his mother, who enrolled him in a sailing summer camp when he was just four years old. As the 2024 Olympic Games draw nearer, Hans is ready to showcase his skills and determination on the world stage.

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Home > PhD Program > PhD Program Curriculum

PhD Program Curriculum

Open to students holding a Master 2 degree only

The three years of PhD (D1, D2 and D3) are dedicated to the development, writing and presentation of a PhD thesis in law. Doctoral candidates participate in an active and international scientific community and to the pedagogical activities that prepare them for an academic career.

The first year allows the development of the thesis, the second, which often takes place entirely abroad, gives the student the opportunity to start writing it, and the third to complete it: through two academic defenses (private and public).

Doctoral program academics

The aim of the first year of the PhD is for the doctoral candidates to develop a final research project and an advanced thesis’ plan. Each doctoral candidate is accompanied by a major supervisor and one or two minor supervisors. Each one of his/her supervisors receives him/her at least 4 times a year, to suggest and review his/her reading list, and eventually to give him/her some various tasks to do (reading reviews, syntheses). During the year, doctoral candidates follow the mandatory methodology course, Law and Methods. The academic year ends with the writing of an approximately ten pages-long paper describing the doctoral project  (subject, state of advancement, plan draft, bibliography etc.), which will be presented during the D1 Colloquium and then discussed during an oral examination/presentation of the research in front of a panel of at least 2 persons (the different supervisors and possibly external readers).

This paper of approximately 10 pages will be sent a two weeks before the D1 Colloquium to the SPLS community (permanent faculty, doctoral candidates, visiting doctoral candidates, and PIR students). After the colloquium, a similar, or modified, project description will be sent a few weeks earlier to the members of the oral examination panel and to the administration of the doctoral program. During this oral presentation, the panel will examine the student’s knowledge of his/her field of research and literature, the maturity of the project and eventually the thesis’ plan. At the end of this oral, the jury will decide the admission of the student into the second year of the program (D2) and will accompany its decision by a report sent to the program’s administration. 

The second year typically takes place in one of the Doctoral program’s partner universities, but in some cases it can take place at the Law School of Sciences Po. Under the supervision of a professor from the host university and in coordination with the main supervisor, the doctoral candidate should write at least one chapter of his/her thesis. This chapter will be presented by the student in first semester of the next year (D3) during the D3 Colloquium. The chapter should be sent a few weeks in advance of the set date of the D3 Colloquium to all the supervisors and the program’s administration, to be shared with the SPLS community. At the end of the D2, a comité de suivi should be constituted as panel including the minor supervior(s) and other experts in the fields of study - NOTE: the main supervisor does not participate in this committee.

The committee receives by early May of the D2 a note describing the doctoral project, its advancement (e.g. committed field works), the outline of the chapters and a more elaborate description than provided in the D1 Colloquium paper. The doctoral candidate present his/her submitted note and general project in front of this comité de suivi that is scheduled to meet during the month of May. Following the meeting of the committee with the doctoral candidates, the committee members submit a reports to the administration of the doctoral program. 

The aim of this third year is to further advance in writing the dissertation to ultimately complete and defend it. During the first semester of the D3, doctoral candidates present one completed chapter of their dissertation in a D3 Colloquium to the SPLS community. This chapter they send along an outline and a shorter abstract to the administration of the program to be distributed at least two weeks before the set date of the D3 Colloquium. The year is then further spent to complete the dissertation. Once the dissertation is completed, the doctoral candidates prepare a private defense to be followed by a public defense. 

Pedagogical skills and participation of the students in the academic community of Sciences Po

Sciences Po Law School is a small, dynamic and international scientific community. The PhD students who have offices within the university can very easily engage with faculty members and visiting professors. They are encouraged to participate in the scientific activities of the School (seminars, symposiums, conferences) and can contribute to their design and organization, as long as their participation enriches their research.

  • The Doctoral candidates teach one or two courses per year, to gain pedagogical experience. These activities remain limited in order to avoid affecting their research
  • The Doctoral candidates have access to courses and scientific activities offered by other schools and departments of Sciences Po

Students who successfully defend their thesis are awarded the Sciences Po PhD in Law degree by  Sciences Po School of Research . This national degree confers the rank of Doctor in Law.

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Jun 27, 2024

California to add financial literacy as a requirement to graduate high school

What you need to know: California is ensuring that all high school students are taught personal financial literacy before graduating after an agreement between state leadership and NGPF Mission 2030, an affiliate of Next Gen Personal Finance was reached.

SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom, Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire (D-North Coast), Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas (D-Salinas), and a national financial literacy non-profit — NGPF Mission 2030, an affiliate of Next Gen Personal Finance — today announced an agreement to make financial literacy required content to graduate high school.

“We need to help Californians prepare for their financial futures as early as possible. Saving for the future, making investments, and spending wisely are lifelong skills that young adults need to learn before they start their careers, not after.” Governor Gavin Newsom

Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire (D-North Coast) : “Financial literacy is a critical tool that pays dividends for a lifetime. There’s a wealth of data about the benefits of learning these valuable lessons in high school, from improving credit scores and reducing default rates to increasing the likelihood that our future generations will maintain three months of savings for emergencies and have at least one kind of retirement account.”

Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas (D-Salinas) : “Ensuring our students have the skills and knowledge to thrive is paramount to California’s continued success, and financial literacy is a key part of that educational mission. Our agreement is the culmination of many robust and productive conversations with stakeholders across the state on how best to implement financial literacy into every student’s high school curriculum.”

Tim Ranzetta, co-founder of NGPF and lead proponent of the Californians for Financial Education initiative campaign:  “We commend Governor Newsom, Senate President pro Tem McGuire, Speaker Rivas, and the bill’s authors and supporters for their leadership and commitment to guaranteeing access to one semester personal finance education for every California student. We look forward to supporting the implementation of this essential course.”

This agreement is reflected in AB 2927, sponsored by NGPF Mission 2030, which the Governor will sign. The legislation will require a semester-long personal finance education course available for all California high school students by the 2027-28 school year and make personal finance a graduation requirement starting with the 2030-31 graduating class. 

Once the Legislature passes this legislation, proponents of the California Personal Finance Education Act initiative eligible for the November 2024 ballot have agreed to withdraw their measure.

College savings accounts

The financial literacy bill aligns with state efforts to prepare students early on for a healthier financial future. California’s  CalKIDS program  invests $1.9 billion into accounts for low-income school-age children in grades 1-12 and for newborn children born on or after July 1, 2022 – indicating the need for early financial literacy. All families of low-income public school students – 3.4 million across the state – are able to access college savings accounts created in their children’s names.

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Coach Joe Lee leads Bullis Track & Field into national prominence

by Scott Abraham

Coach Joe Lee is leading Bullis School's Track and Field program into national prominence with a current student and a graduate heading to the Paris Olympics. (7News)

WASHINGTON (7News) — Joe Lee is like a mad professor.

The track is his laboratory. He's detail-oriented and leaves no stone unturned.

Going into his 12th year at Bullis School, a private school in Potomac, Maryland, Lee has transformed the track and field program into a national power.

Watch the full interview with Lee below:

The boys' and girls' programs have produced countless stars and championships. In fact, since 2014, Bullis has won 14 conference championships.

With the Paris Summer Olympics right around the corner, Bullis School is in the headlines again.

Quincy Wilson, 16, goes to Bullis. He just recently became the youngest U.S. male track and field athlete to make the Olympics.

READ MORE | Maryland's Quincy Wilson talks to 7News' Scott Abraham about going to the Paris Olympics

Over the weekend, Bullis graduate Masai Russell won the 100-meter hurdles at the U.S. Olympic Trials. Russell is going to her first Olympic Games.

Quincy and Masai have both learned under Lee. Their competitive foundation formed on that track in Montgomery County, Maryland.

7News Sports Director Scott Abraham spoke with Lee about his program's success.

"I'm super proud. You really want to see the people who work hard and go after their goals to be rewarded at the highest level. Coaching has its highs and lows. You have your good days and not-so-good days, but it's really about the ones who hang in there and stay resilient. Masai and Quincy are very resilient, they've been through a lot. To see their fight and their will, they have a heart of a champion."

Lee also reiterated that it takes a village. Over time, he's received more help from the school and administration. When he first started, his coaching staff consisted of two parents as volunteers. Today, Lee has a coaching staff of 12.

And now at the end of the month, he'll be in Paris, France watching his current athlete and former athlete compete on the biggest stage in all of sports.

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West Monroe graduate of LSU Law named to prestigious order

A West Monroe graduate of LSU Law has been named to a prestigious order.

Sydney Taylor Curtis named to the Order of the Coif.

Induction into The Order of the Coif is the highest honor a law graduate can receive, and this year 20 LSU Law Class of 2024 graduates have been selected. Membership into the honorary law fraternity is strictly limited to the top 10% of each graduating class of law students. Of the nearly 200 American Bar Association accredited law schools in the country, LSU Law is one of just 86 with a chapter in The Order of the Coif. 


  1. Law and Regulation

    The PhD in Law and Regulation is an intensive scholarly program aiming to attract outstanding global students with the highest level of ambition. The program admits only 1 to 2 students every year. It offers a tailored learning journey, which combines methodological and substantive training, as well as close, interdisciplinary supervision.

  2. Doctorate in Law

    The doctoral program aims to train top-level lawyers who are aiming mainly for academic and research careers in France and abroad. They will be legal theorists, highly trained in a wide range of methods, open to multidisciplinary approaches and to the diversity of legal cultures. To this end, the thesis may be written in French or in English.

  3. PHD program

    Sciences Po Law School offers an ambitious doctoral program, located in the Sciences Po School of Research. Doctoral candidates are encouraged to pursue critical and rigorous research in various fields of law to amass technical as well as theoretical knowledge. Our doctoral candidates are well-versed in diverse methods and perspectives, open.

  4. PhD Program Admission

    Admission process. Only one admission session this year for the Doctoral programme in Law. Applications starting 11 October 2023. To be eligible for assessment, your application must be complete and submitted before 12 March 2024 at 11:59pm (Paris time) for an admission result on mid-April 2024. More information.

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  6. PhD student

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  7. Admissions

    Note that the exemption is not automatic but conditional on approval by the PhD Program Director based on the excellence of the grade transcript. ** The PhD in Law and Regulation does not require a management test. No need to apply for exemption. Please use the below HEC Paris codes to order your score report(s): GMAT: 0TL-6C-99 GRE: 0795 TOEFL ...

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    Clémence ANTOINE-DURAND. Registration and secretarial services for the doctoral programs in Law, Computer Science, Political Science and Sociology. 01 44 05 44 51. Send an email.

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    PhD PhD. Sorbonne University, an attractive environment for PhDs. Doctoral College and Schools. Application and admission. PUBLIC PROCUREMENT; LEGAL NOTICE ... Sorbonne University. 21, rue de l'école de médecine 75006 Paris. Contact us. Find us! instagram; linkedin; twitter; youtube; facebook; Site réalisé par ...

  10. Law, Ph.D.

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  12. Law & Tax

    The Law and Tax Department is also involved in teaching and supervising throughout all programs of HEC Paris, spanning the Grande Ecole, the MBA, the Executive Education, and the PhD program. The Department also runs three full time programs : an LLM in International Management and Law, a Major in International Taxation and Legal Strategy, and ...

  13. International law and European law

    In order to apply to one of the programmes of the master, please select the programme you are interested in under the "Year 1 & 2 Master's programmes" tab. Graduate School (s) Droit. Contact (s) Frédérique COULEE - [email protected]. Patrick Jacob - [email protected]. Overview.

  14. PhD Positions in Law and Regulation , HEC Paris ;, France

    Location: Paris 15, LE DE FRANCE. Job Type: FullTime. Deadline: 16 Apr 2023. The PhD Positions (Job Description) The PhD in Law and Regulation is a fulltime program taught in English and is designed to pursue PhD research at the intersection of law, social sciences, business and technology within the Law and Tax research department.

  15. IP Paris Doctoral School

    IP Paris Doctoral School. The doctoral school hosts around 900 doctoral students, supervised by more than 800 researchers (including 550 HDRs), in 30 research laboratories (UMR CNRS, INRIA, CEA), which offers a very important scientific strike force, demonstrated by their great national and international reputation and the high level of ...

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    Paris 22. Toulouse 7. Lyon 5. Ranking methodology. Below is the list of 22 best universities for Law in Paris ranked based on their research performance: a graph of 1.02M citations received by 55.9K academic papers made by these universities was used to calculate ratings and create the top.

  17. Faculty of Law of Paris

    The structure designed by Jacques-Germain Soufflot for the Paris Law Faculty, on place du Panthéon. The Faculty of Law of Paris (French: Faculté de droit de Paris), called from the late 1950s to 1970 the Faculty of Law and Economics of Paris, is the second-oldest faculty of law in the world and one of the four and eventually five faculties of the University of Paris ("the Sorbonne"), from ...

  18. Admission to a PhD

    Applications starting 11 October 2023. To be eligible for assessment, your application must be complete and submitted before: 12 March 2024 at 11:59pm (Paris time) for an admission result from mid-April 2024. (*) This year, there will be only ONE admission session for the Law doctoral programme with results communicated from mid-April 2024.

  19. Law & Humanities

    Address : 92 rue d'Assas 75006 Paris. Web site : Law & Humanities Facebook. Mail : law&[email protected]. Law & Humanities is an interdisciplinary team that studies the interactions between law, politics, economics, and literature. Its members are affiliated with the CERSA (Centre d'Études et de Recherches de Sciences Administratives et ...

  20. Prepare a PhD

    The PhD degree attests skills acquired through research in the framework of the doctoral training, which has a 3 years reference duration when the research work is carried out full-time, and a 3 to 6 years duration when the thesis is prepared part-time. The PhD degree can also be obtained by the validation of the acquired experience (VAE). The PhD degree - the highest internationnaly ...

  21. Doctorates at UPEC

    PhD programs at UPEC are developed in close collaboration with other higher education institutions in the area. Seven of UPEC's doctoral schools are run in partnership with institutions in the Paris-Est Sup university community, including Université Gustave Eiffel, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, and École Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort.

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    According to the American Bar Association, the average law school graduate in the U.S. carries more than $160,000 in student loan debt. Similarly, the CEW study found that, four years after ...

  23. Program details

    The HEC Paris PhD Program is an integrated PhD Program structured in two phases: Research Master Phase. Doctoral Studies Phase. Phase I: Research Master in Management Science. The first two years of the PhD program are aimed at providing students with a strong basis to conduct research at the highest level. Four pillars:

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    Hans Henken, a California native and Stanford graduate, is set to make his Olympic sailing debut in Paris later this month. Despite being an alternate on the US Olympic sailing team in Rio and not qualifying for Tokyo, Hans has persevered and secured his spot for the 2024 Olympic Games.

  27. PhD Program Curriculum

    PhD Program Curriculum. Open to students holding a Master 2 degree only. The three years of PhD (D1, D2 and D3) are dedicated to the development, writing and presentation of a PhD thesis in law. Doctoral candidates participate in an active and international scientific community and to the pedagogical activities that prepare them for an academic ...

  28. California to add financial literacy as a requirement to graduate high

    State of California. Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire (D-North Coast): "Financial literacy is a critical tool that pays dividends for a lifetime.There's a wealth of data about the benefits of learning these valuable lessons in high school, from improving credit scores and reducing default rates to increasing the likelihood that our future generations will maintain three months of ...

  29. Coach Joe Lee leads Bullis Track & Field into national prominence

    Coach Joe Lee is leading Bullis School's Track and Field program into national prominence with a current student and a graduate heading to the Paris Olympics.

  30. West Monroe graduate of LSU Law named to prestigious order

    A West Monroe graduate of LSU Law has been named to a prestigious order. Sydney Taylor Curtis named to the Order of the Coif. Induction into The Order of the Coif is the highest honor a law ...