Essay Papers Writing Online

Effective strategies and techniques for writing an engaging and informative cause and effect essay to captivate readers and convey key ideas clearly and coherently.

Writing a cause and effect essay

Writing is an art that allows us to express our thoughts, ideas, and emotions. It serves as a powerful medium to convey messages, inspire change, and provoke deep reflection in others. A well-written essay has the ability to captivate readers, making them question, analyze, and ultimately understand the subject matter at hand. In the realm of academic writing, cause and effect essays hold a special place. They provide a structured framework to illustrate the relationship between different events, phenomena, and actions, ultimately shedding light on the consequences that arise from specific causes.

When it comes to crafting an effective cause and effect essay, it is crucial to carefully analyze and understand the intricate web of connections that exist between various elements. This type of essay requires a meticulous approach, as every cause and every effect must be explored in detail to grasp their significance fully. Each paragraph should offer a clear and logical analysis, supported by relevant evidence and examples, in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Moreover, a successful cause and effect essay should demonstrate the writer’s ability to think critically and engage in deep analysis. It requires the writer to go beyond merely stating the obvious connections and venture into the realm of uncovering underlying causes and lesser-known effects. This level of depth not only showcases the writer’s understanding of the topic but also challenges the readers to think critically and question their preconceived notions.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the art of writing a powerful cause and effect essay. Step by step, we will explore the key components, techniques, and strategies that will help you craft an essay that leaves a lasting impact. From choosing a compelling topic to outlining your ideas, from conducting thorough research to organizing your thoughts, this guide will equip you with the necessary tools to tackle any cause and effect essay with confidence and finesse.

Choose a compelling topic

Before diving into the process of writing a cause and effect essay, it is crucial to choose a topic that is both compelling and interesting. The topic you select will determine the direction and focus of your essay, so it is important to choose carefully.

When selecting a topic, consider something that is relatable and relevant to your audience. It should be something that they can connect with and understand. Additionally, try to choose a topic that has a significant impact or consequence, as this will make your essay more thought-provoking and compelling to read.

Brainstorm ideas and make a list of potential topics. Look for topics that have causal relationships that can be explored and analyzed. You can also consider current events or issues that are trending in the news or society. These topics are often controversial and can lead to powerful discussions and debates.

Once you have a list of potential topics, evaluate them based on personal interest and knowledge. It is easier to write about a topic that you are passionate about or have some understanding of. Research the topic further to ensure that there is enough information available to support your arguments and claims.

Remember that your topic choice will set the stage for the rest of your essay, so take your time and choose wisely. A compelling topic will captivate your audience and make your essay more impactful.

Conduct thorough research on the topic

To write an informative and impactful cause and effect essay, it is crucial to conduct thorough research on the chosen topic. Research provides a solid foundation for your essay, allowing you to gather relevant and accurate information to support your arguments.

When conducting research, make sure to explore a variety of credible sources such as books, academic journals, expert opinions, and reputable websites. This will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic and ensure the accuracy and reliability of your information.

Take your time to read and analyze the available sources, highlighting key points, data, and statistics that are relevant to your essay. Look for patterns, trends, and causal relationships that you can incorporate into your writing.

It is also essential to consider different perspectives and opinions on the topic. Engage with diverse viewpoints to gain a well-rounded understanding and develop a nuanced argument in your essay.

While researching, be sure to take detailed notes and properly cite your sources. This will help you avoid plagiarism and ensure that you provide proper credit to the original authors.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you gather during your research. Look for reliable sources that are based on well-established research and avoid using unreliable or biased information.

By conducting thorough research, you will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and understanding to write an effective cause and effect essay. Your research findings will form the backbone of your essay and allow you to present well-supported arguments and conclusions.

Create a clear thesis statement

Create a clear thesis statement

In order to write a compelling cause and effect essay, it is essential to start with a clear and well-defined thesis statement. The thesis statement serves as the main idea or argument of your essay, providing a roadmap for the reader to understand the cause-and-effect relationship you will be exploring. A strong thesis statement not only sets the tone for the entire essay but also helps you stay focused and organized as you develop your argument.

A compelling thesis statement:

  • Clearly states the cause and its corresponding effect
  • Expresses a strong opinion or position
  • Demonstrates the significance of the cause-effect relationship

When creating your thesis statement, it is important to be specific and concise. Avoid vague language or broad statements that lack focus. Instead, strive for clarity and precision in your wording to ensure that your thesis statement effectively conveys the main point of your essay.

Develop a strong outline

Creating a well-structured outline is crucial when crafting a compelling cause and effect essay. A strong outline serves as a roadmap for your writing, guiding you in organizing your ideas and presenting them in a logical and coherent manner.

An effective outline helps you identify the main points you want to discuss in your essay, as well as the relationships between them. It allows you to plan the flow of your arguments and ensure that you provide sufficient evidence and examples to support your claims. Additionally, an outline helps you avoid repetition and tangential discussions, keeping your essay focused and on-topic.

As you develop your outline, consider the cause and effect relationship you want to explore in your essay. Determine whether you will focus on a single cause with multiple effects, a single effect with multiple causes, or a combination of both. Use strong topic sentences to introduce your main points and sub-points, ensuring they are interconnected and build upon one another to create a cohesive and balanced argument.

Remember to revise and refine your outline as you conduct research and gather evidence for your essay. Your outline should evolve as you uncover new information and insights, enabling you to incorporate them into your essay seamlessly. By putting effort into developing a strong outline, you set yourself up for success by establishing a clear structure and direction for your cause and effect essay.

Use proper transitions to connect ideas

In order to effectively convey the cause and effect relationship in your essay, it is essential to use appropriate transitional words and phrases to connect your ideas. These transitions help guide the reader through your essay and make it easier to understand how one idea leads to another.

Transitions act as bridges, connecting different parts of your essay and making it flow smoothly. They provide a sense of coherence and logical progression, allowing the reader to follow your thought process and understand the causal relationship between events or phenomena.

Examples of commonly used transitions include words like “therefore,” “thus,” “consequently,” “as a result,” and “because.” These words indicate cause and effect, and provide a clear connection between the ideas being presented. Other transitional words like “however,” “on the other hand,” and “in contrast” can be used to show a contrast or opposition between ideas.

In addition to single-word transitions, you can also use transitional phrases and clauses to effectively connect your ideas. Phrases like “due to,” “owing to,” “in light of,” and “in order to” can be used to explain the cause or reason behind a certain effect. Similarly, phrases like “as a result of,” “resulting in,” and “consequently” can be used to explain the effect or consequence of a specific cause.

Using transitions not only enhances the clarity and coherence of your essay, but also improves its overall quality. It helps the reader follow your thought process, understand the cause and effect relationships, and makes your essay more convincing and persuasive.

Support the cause and effect relationship with evidence

Substantiating the cause and effect relationship is a crucial aspect of writing an impactful essay. To convince your readers and make your arguments more persuasive, it is important to provide evidence that supports the causal connections you propose.

One effective way to provide evidence is through the use of statistics and data. Numbers can add credibility to your claims and strengthen the cause and effect relationship you are presenting. For example, if you are discussing the effects of climate change on the environment, you can cite specific data on rising temperatures, melting ice caps, or changes in weather patterns.

Additionally, anecdotal evidence can be used to support your arguments. Personal stories or experiences can provide a human element to your essay, making the cause and effect relationship more relatable to your readers. When using anecdotes, it is important to ensure that they are relevant and representative of the broader topic you are discussing.

Expert opinions and quotes can also serve as valuable evidence to back up your claims. Including viewpoints from authorities in the field can lend credibility to your arguments and strengthen the cause and effect relationship you are presenting. Be sure to attribute the opinions and quotes to their respective sources to maintain accuracy and integrity in your work.

In addition to these forms of evidence, it is important to conduct thorough research to find supporting studies, experiments, or examples that validate your claims. Well-researched evidence can strengthen the cause and effect relationship in your essay, making your arguments more convincing and effective.

Furthermore, it is crucial to present the evidence in a clear and organized manner. Utilizing tables or charts can help summarize and present complex data in an easily understandable format. This visual representation can enhance the clarity of your arguments and make the cause and effect relationship more accessible to your readers.

In summary, supporting the cause and effect relationship with evidence is essential in writing a compelling essay. Using statistics, anecdotes, expert opinions, and well-researched evidence can strengthen your arguments and make your essay more persuasive. Presenting the evidence in a clear and organized manner, such as through the use of tables, can further enhance the impact of your writing.

Edit and revise your essay for clarity and coherence

After completing your initial draft, it’s important to thoroughly edit and revise your essay to ensure clarity and coherence. Editing allows you to refine and polish your ideas, while revision helps you to enhance the overall flow and organization of your essay.

When editing your essay, pay attention to the clarity of your ideas. Make sure that your sentences are clear and concise, and that your ideas are expressed in a logical and coherent manner. Eliminate any unnecessary repetition or redundancy, and ensure that each paragraph and sentence contributes to the overall theme and purpose of your essay.

During the revision process, focus on the coherence of your essay. Check that your ideas are connected and presented in a logical order. Make sure that each paragraph transitions smoothly into the next, and that the overall structure of your essay is coherent and easy to follow.

As you edit and revise, pay attention to your grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Ensure that you are using proper grammar and punctuation throughout your essay, and check for any spelling errors or typos. A well-edited and revised essay is not only clear and coherent, but also free from grammatical and spelling mistakes.

  • Check that your introduction effectively introduces the topic and thesis statement, and that your conclusion effectively wraps up your essay.
  • Read your essay aloud to identify any awkward or unclear sentences, and make necessary corrections.
  • Ask a friend or classmate to read your essay and provide feedback, as a fresh set of eyes can often catch errors or areas for improvement that you may have overlooked.

In conclusion, editing and revising your essay is an essential step in the writing process. By ensuring clarity and coherence, you can effectively convey your ideas to your readers and present a well-crafted and polished essay.

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Cause and Effect Essay Outline: Types, Examples and Writing Tips

20 June, 2020

9 minutes read

Author:  Tomas White

This is a complete guide on writing cause and effect essays. Find a link to our essay sample at the end. Let's get started!

Cause and Effect

What is a Cause and Effect Essay?

A cause and effect essay is the type of paper that the author is using to analyze the causes and effects of a particular action or event. A curriculum usually includes this type of exercise to test your ability to understand the logic of certain events or actions.

cause and effect essay

If you can see the logic behind cause and effect in the world around you, you will encounter fewer problems when writing. If not, writing this kind of paper will give you the chance to improve your skillset and your brain’s ability to reason.

“Shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

In this article, the  Handmade Writing team will find out how to create an outline for your cause and effect essay – the key to successful essay writing.

Types of the Cause and Effect Essay

Before writing this kind of essay, you need to draft the structure. A good structure will result in a good paper, so it’s important to have a plan before you start. But remember , there’s no need to reinvent the wheel: just about every type of structure has already been formulated by someone.

If you are still unsure about the definition of an essay, you can take a look at our guide:  What is an Essay?

Generally speaking, there are three types of cause and effect essays. We usually differentiate them by the number of and relationships between the different causes and the effects. Let’s take a quick look at these three different cases:

1. Many causes, one effect

Cause and effect graphic organizer

This kind of essay illustrates how different causes can lead to one effect. The idea here is to try and examine a variety of causes, preferably ones that come from different fields, and prove how they contributed to a particular effect. If you are writing about World War I, for example, mention the political, cultural, and historical factors that led to the great war.

By examining a range of fundamental causes, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge about the topic.

Here is how to structure this type of essay:

  • Introduction
  • Cause #3 (and so on…)
  • The effect of the causes

2. One cause, many effects

Cause and effect chart

This type of cause and effect essay is constructed to show the various effects of a particular event, problem, or decision. Once again, you will have to demonstrate your comprehensive knowledge and analytical mastery of the field. There is no need to persuade the reader or present your argument . When writing this kind of essay, in-depth knowledge of the problem or event’s roots will be of great benefit. If you know why it happened, it will be much easier to write about its effects.

Here is the structure for this kind of essay:

  • Effect #3 (and so on…)

3. Chain of causes and effects

Cause and effect pictures

This is the most challenging type. You need to maintain a chain of logic that demonstrates a sequence of actions and consequences, leading to the end of the chain. Although this is usually the most interesting kind of cause and effect essay, it can also be the most difficult to write.

Here is the outline structure:

  • Effect #1 = Cause #2
  • Effect #2 = Cause #3
  • Effect #3 = Cause #4 (and so on…)

Cause and Effect Essay Outline Example

Let’s take a look at an example. Below, you will find an outline for the topic “The causes of obesity” (Type 1) :

Cause and effect examples

As you can see, we used a blended strategy here. When writing about the ever-increasing consumption of unhealthy food, it is logical to talk about the marketing strategies that encourage people to buy fast food. If you are discussing fitness trainers, it is important to mention that people need to be checked by a doctor more often, etc.

In case you face some issues with writing your Cause and Effect essay, you can always count on our Essay Writers !

How do I start writing once I have drafted the structure?

If you start by structuring each paragraph and collecting suitable examples, the writing process will be much simpler. The final essay might not come up as a classic five paragraph essay – it all depends on the cause-effect chain and the number of statements of your essay.

Five paragraph essay graphic organizer

In the Introduction, try to give the reader a general idea of what the cause and effect essay will contain. For an experienced reader, a thesis statement will be an indication that you know what you are writing about. It is also important to emphasize how and why this problem is relevant to modern life. If you ever need to write about the Caribbean crisis, for instance, state that the effects of the Cold War are still apparent in contemporary global politics. 

Related Post: How to write an Essay introduction | How to write a Thesis statement

In the Body, provide plenty of details about what causes led to the effects. Once again, if you have already assembled all the causes and effects with their relevant examples when writing your plan, you shouldn’t have any problems. But, there are some things to which you must pay particular attention. To begin with, try to make each paragraph the same length: it looks better visually. Then, try to avoid weak or unconvincing causes. This is a common mistake, and the reader will quickly realize that you are just trying to write enough characters to reach the required word count.

Moreover, you need to make sure that your causes are actually linked to their effects. This is particularly important when you write a “chained” cause and effect essay (type 3) . You need to be able to demonstrate that each cause was actually relevant to the final result. As I mentioned before, writing the Body without preparing a thorough and logical outline is often an omission.

The Conclusion must be a summary of the thesis statement that you proposed in the Introduction. An effective Conclusion means that you have a well-developed understanding of the subject. Notably, writing the Conclusion can be one of the most challenging parts of this kind of project. You typically write the Conclusion once you have finished the Body, but in practice, you will sometimes find that a well-written conclusion will reveal a few mistakes of logic in the body!

Cause and Effect Essay Sample

Be sure to check the sample essay, completed by our writers. Use it as an example to write your own cause and effect essay. Link: Cause and effect essay sample: Advertising ethic issues .

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10.8 Cause and Effect

Learning objectives.

  • Determine the purpose and structure of cause and effect in writing.
  • Understand how to write a cause-and-effect essay.

The Purpose of Cause and Effect in Writing

It is often considered human nature to ask, “why?” and “how?” We want to know how our child got sick so we can better prevent it from happening in the future, or why our colleague a pay raise because we want one as well. We want to know how much money we will save over the long term if we buy a hybrid car. These examples identify only a few of the relationships we think about in our lives, but each shows the importance of understanding cause and effect.

A cause is something that produces an event or condition; an effect is what results from an event or condition. The purpose of the cause-and-effect essay is to determine how various phenomena relate in terms of origins and results. Sometimes the connection between cause and effect is clear, but often determining the exact relationship between the two is very difficult. For example, the following effects of a cold may be easily identifiable: a sore throat, runny nose, and a cough. But determining the cause of the sickness can be far more difficult. A number of causes are possible, and to complicate matters, these possible causes could have combined to cause the sickness. That is, more than one cause may be responsible for any given effect. Therefore, cause-and-effect discussions are often complicated and frequently lead to debates and arguments.

Use the complex nature of cause and effect to your advantage. Often it is not necessary, or even possible, to find the exact cause of an event or to name the exact effect. So, when formulating a thesis, you can claim one of a number of causes or effects to be the primary, or main, cause or effect. As soon as you claim that one cause or one effect is more crucial than the others, you have developed a thesis.

Consider the causes and effects in the following thesis statements. List a cause and effect for each one on your own sheet of paper.

  • The growing childhood obesity epidemic is a result of technology.
  • Much of the wildlife is dying because of the oil spill.
  • The town continued programs that it could no longer afford, so it went bankrupt.
  • More young people became politically active as use of the Internet spread throughout society.
  • While many experts believed the rise in violence was due to the poor economy, it was really due to the summer-long heat wave.

Write three cause-and-effect thesis statements of your own for each of the following five broad topics.

  • Health and nutrition

The Structure of a Cause-and-Effect Essay

The cause-and-effect essay opens with a general introduction to the topic, which then leads to a thesis that states the main cause, main effect, or various causes and effects of a condition or event.

The cause-and-effect essay can be organized in one of the following two primary ways:

  • Start with the cause and then talk about the effects.
  • Start with the effect and then talk about the causes.

For example, if your essay were on childhood obesity, you could start by talking about the effect of childhood obesity and then discuss the cause or you could start the same essay by talking about the cause of childhood obesity and then move to the effect.

Regardless of which structure you choose, be sure to explain each element of the essay fully and completely. Explaining complex relationships requires the full use of evidence, such as scientific studies, expert testimony, statistics, and anecdotes.

Because cause-and-effect essays determine how phenomena are linked, they make frequent use of certain words and phrases that denote such linkage. See Table 10.4 “Phrases of Causation” for examples of such terms.

Table 10.4 Phrases of Causation

as a result consequently
because due to
hence since
thus therefore

The conclusion should wrap up the discussion and reinforce the thesis, leaving the reader with a clear understanding of the relationship that was analyzed.

Be careful of resorting to empty speculation. In writing, speculation amounts to unsubstantiated guessing. Writers are particularly prone to such trappings in cause-and-effect arguments due to the complex nature of finding links between phenomena. Be sure to have clear evidence to support the claims that you make.

Look at some of the cause-and-effect relationships from Note 10.83 “Exercise 2” . Outline the links you listed. Outline one using a cause-then-effect structure. Outline the other using the effect-then-cause structure.

Writing a Cause-and-Effect Essay

Choose an event or condition that you think has an interesting cause-and-effect relationship. Introduce your topic in an engaging way. End your introduction with a thesis that states the main cause, the main effect, or both.

Organize your essay by starting with either the cause-then-effect structure or the effect-then-cause structure. Within each section, you should clearly explain and support the causes and effects using a full range of evidence. If you are writing about multiple causes or multiple effects, you may choose to sequence either in terms of order of importance. In other words, order the causes from least to most important (or vice versa), or order the effects from least important to most important (or vice versa).

Use the phrases of causation when trying to forge connections between various events or conditions. This will help organize your ideas and orient the reader. End your essay with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and reinforces your thesis. See Chapter 15 “Readings: Examples of Essays” to read a sample cause-and-effect essay.

Choose one of the ideas you outlined in Note 10.85 “Exercise 3” and write a full cause-and-effect essay. Be sure to include an engaging introduction, a clear thesis, strong evidence and examples, and a thoughtful conclusion.

Key Takeaways

  • The purpose of the cause-and-effect essay is to determine how various phenomena are related.
  • The thesis states what the writer sees as the main cause, main effect, or various causes and effects of a condition or event.

The cause-and-effect essay can be organized in one of these two primary ways:

  • Start with the cause and then talk about the effect.
  • Start with the effect and then talk about the cause.
  • Strong evidence is particularly important in the cause-and-effect essay due to the complexity of determining connections between phenomena.
  • Phrases of causation are helpful in signaling links between various elements in the essay.

Writing for Success Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

Cause And Effect Essay Writing

Cathy A.

How to Write Cause and Effect Essays in Simple Steps

11 min read

Published on: Mar 13, 2020

Last updated on: Mar 25, 2024

cause and effect essay writing

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Learn How to Create a Cause and Effect Essay Outline

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Are you struggling to wrap your head around cause and effect essays? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. 

These essays might seem complex at first glance, but with the right approach, they can become easier to write.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll look into what cause and effect essays are, how to structure them, and provide valuable tips and examples to help you understand this type of writing.

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What is a Cause and Effect Essay?

A cause and effect essay is a type of essay writing that explores the relationship between events, actions, or phenomena (causes) and their outcomes or consequences (effects) . 

In this type of essay, the writer analyzes how one event leads to another, providing insights into the underlying causes and the resulting effects. Cause and effect essays aim to explain the connections between various occurrences and explain the reasons behind certain outcomes. 

They often require critical thinking, careful analysis, and the use of evidence and examples to support arguments.

You may confuse cause-and-effect essays with compare and contrast essays . While cause and effect essays focus on analyzing the relationship between events, compare and contrast essays examine similarities and differences between two or more subjects or ideas.

How to Structure a Cause and Effect Essay

There are two main structural types commonly used to write a cause and effect essay: the block structure and the chain structure.

Block Structure

In the block structure, the writer first discusses all the causes of the event in one section, followed by a separate section dedicated to discussing all the effects.

This cause and effect essay format allows for a clear separation between the causes and effects, making it easier for the reader to understand the relationships between them.

Use the block structure when:

  • There are multiple causes and effects to discuss, and you want to provide a comprehensive overview of each.
  • You prefer a clear separation between causes and effects for easier understanding.

Chain Structure

In the chain structure, each cause is followed immediately by its corresponding effect(s), creating a chain-like sequence of events.

This structure emphasizes the direct relationship between each cause and its effect, providing a more immediate and interconnected narrative.

Use the chain structure when:

  • You want to emphasize the direct relationship between each cause and its effect.
  • You're discussing a series of events that occur in a linear or chronological order.

Cause and Effect Essay Outline

Creating an outline is essential for organizing your thoughts and structuring your cause and effect essay effectively. 

Here's a basic outline to guide you through the writing process:

Start with an attention-grabbing statement or question to engage the reader. Provide context and background information on the topic. Clearly state the main causes and effects you will discuss in your essay.

Introduction to Causes

Introduce the first cause you will discuss. Provide an explanation of the cause and its significance. Support your explanation with relevant examples or evidence.

Introduce the effects resulting from the first cause. Discuss the consequences or outcomes of the cause. Provide examples or evidence to illustrate the effects.

Repeat the above structure for each additional cause and its corresponding effects.

Summarize the main causes and effects discussed in the essay. Highlight the connections between the causes and effects. End with a thought-provoking statement or suggestion for further exploration of the topic.

Need a detailed outline guide? Be sure to check out our blog on " Cause and Effect Essay Outline " for a comprehensive breakdown of how to organize your essay.

How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay

Writing a cause and effect essay involves examining the reasons (causes) and outcomes (effects) of a particular event, phenomenon, or situation. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you craft an effective cause and effect essay:

Step 1: Choose a Topic

Start by selecting a topic that interests you and has clear cause-and-effect relationships. It could be a social issue, scientific phenomenon, historical event, or any other subject with identifiable causes and effects. 

For example, "The Effects of Climate Change on Wildlife Populations" or "Causes of Obesity in Developed Countries."

Step 2: Conduct Research

Gather relevant information and evidence to support your thesis statement . Look for credible sources such as academic journals, books, government reports, and reputable websites. 

Ensure you have a thorough understanding of both the causes and effects related to your chosen topic.

Step 4: Develop a Thesis Statement

Craft a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main causes and effects you will discuss in your essay. Your thesis should provide a roadmap for the reader and clearly state your position on the topic. 

For instance, "The rise in carbon emissions from human activities is leading to severe consequences for global ecosystems."

Step 5: Outline your Essay

Create a structured outline that organizes your ideas and arguments logically. Divide your essay into introduction , body paragraphs (each discussing a specific cause or effect), and conclusion . 

Each body paragraph should focus on one cause or effect and provide supporting details and evidence.

Step 6: Write the Introduction

Begin with an engaging introduction that provides background information on the topic and introduces your thesis statement. 

Hook the reader's attention with an interesting fact, statistic, or anecdote related to your topic. Clearly state the purpose of your essay and preview the main points you will discuss.

In recent years, the proliferation of social media platforms has revolutionized the way people communicate, connect, and consume information. While these platforms offer numerous benefits such as instant communication and global networking, they have also been associated with various negative effects on mental health. This essay explores the causes behind the rise of social media and its detrimental effects on individuals' mental well-being.

Step 7: Body Paragraphs

In the body paragraphs, explore the causes or effects of the topic in detail. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the cause or effect you will be discussing. 

Then, provide evidence and examples to support your claim. Use data, statistics, expert opinions, and real-life examples to strengthen your arguments. Make sure to explain the causal relationship between the factors you're discussing.

One of the primary causes behind the surge in social media usage is the widespread availability of smartphones and internet access. With the advent of affordable smartphones and widespread internet connectivity, people have constant access to social media platforms, leading to increased usage. Additionally, the addictive nature of social media interfaces, characterized by endless scrolling and notifications, further fuels this phenomenon. As individuals spend more time on social media, they become increasingly dependent on these platforms for social validation, entertainment, and information.

The excessive use of social media has been linked to various detrimental effects on mental health, including increased feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Constant exposure to carefully curated images and lifestyles on social media can create unrealistic expectations and foster feelings of inadequacy among users. Moreover, the prevalence of cyberbullying and online harassment on these platforms can exacerbate existing mental health issues and lead to social withdrawal. Studies have shown a correlation between heavy social media usage and poor sleep quality, as individuals often sacrifice sleep to engage with online content, further compromising their mental well-being.

Step 8: Transition Between Paragraphs

Use transition words and sentences to smoothly transition between paragraphs and maintain coherence throughout your essay. 

These transitions help guide the reader through your arguments and ensure a logical flow of ideas.

Step 9: Write the Conclusion

Summarize the main points of your essay in the conclusion and restate your thesis statement. Reflect on the significance of your findings and emphasize the importance of understanding the causes and effects of the topic. 

Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion; instead, offer insights or suggestions for further research or action.

In conclusion, the rise of social media has had profound implications for individuals' mental health, driven by factors such as increased smartphone usage and the addictive nature of social media platforms. While social media offers unparalleled opportunities for communication and connection, its negative effects on mental well-being cannot be ignored. It is essential for individuals to strike a balance between online and offline interactions and practice mindfulness while using social media to mitigate its adverse effects on mental health. Additionally, further research and awareness efforts are needed to address the underlying causes and consequences of excessive social media usage in society.

Step 10: Revise and Edit

Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy. Make sure each paragraph contributes to the overall argument and that your ideas are well-supported by evidence.

Once you've made revisions and edits, finalize your essay by formatting it according to the guidelines provided by your instructor or publication. 

Double-check citations and references to ensure they are accurate and properly formatted according to the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

Cause and Effect Essay Examples

When writing a cause and effect essay for the first time, it is recommended to go through a few examples. It will help you understand the structure and how to use a method effectively.

The following are some of the great cause and effect examples free to use.

Cause and Effect Essay

Cause and Effect Essay Sample

Climate Change Cause and Effect Essay

Poverty Cause and Effect Essay

Air Pollution Cause and Effect Essay

Cause and Effect Essay Topics

Here are some cause and effect essay topics:

  • The Impact of Climate Change on Extreme Weather Events
  • The Rise of Mental Health Disorders Among Adolescents
  • The Effects of Social Media on Political Polarization
  • The Consequences of Deforestation on Biodiversity Loss
  • The Relationship Between Income Inequality and Social Mobility
  • The Impact of Technology on Human Relationships
  • The Causes and Effects of the Global Obesity Epidemic
  • The Effects of Air Pollution on Public Health
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment
  • The Causes and Consequences of Refugee Crises

These topics reflect current societal concerns and offer opportunities for in-depth analysis of cause-and-effect relationships. If you need more such ideas check out our cause and effect essay topics  blog!

Tips for Writing a Cause and Effect Essay

Here are additional tips for writing a cause and effect essay:

  • Establish Clear Connections: Clearly establish the causal relationships between different factors to help readers understand the cause-and-effect dynamics of the topic.
  • Avoid Oversimplification: Recognize that most events have multiple causes and effects, so avoid oversimplifying complex phenomena by considering various factors and their interactions.
  • Consider Chronology: When discussing historical events, consider the chronological sequence of causes and effects to provide a clear narrative structure.
  • Focus on Significance: Highlight the significance of your findings by discussing the broader implications of the causes and effects you've identified.
  • Reflect and Synthesize: In the conclusion, reflect on the insights gained from analyzing the causes and effects and synthesize your findings to provide a cohesive understanding of the topic.

To conclude, writing a cause and effect essay can be a rewarding experience that allows you to look into complex issues. By following the guidelines outlined in this guide and applying your critical thinking skills, you can create compelling essays that inform and engage your audience. 

But if you are in a time crunch do not hesitate to take professional help. provides a top cause and effect essay writing service for those students who are having a hard time meeting deadlines. We'll help you with your cause and effects essays for the best grades. 

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cause effect essay writing


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Cause & effect essays Aka reason and result

The Cause and effect essay is another common essay type, either as an essay type on its own, or as part of a larger essay which includes one or more paragraphs examining causes and effects. This page gives information on what a cause and effect essay is , how to structure this type of essay, and how to use cause and effect structure words (transition signals) for this type of essay. There is also an example cause and effect essay on the topic of women at work, as well as some exercises to help you practice this area.

What are cause & effect essays?


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cause effect essay writing

A cause and effect essay looks at the reasons (or causes) for something, then discusses the results (or effects). For this reason, cause and effect essays are sometimes referred to as reason and result essays. They are one of the most common forms of organisation in academic writing. Sometimes the whole essay will be cause and effect, though sometimes this may be only part of the whole essay. It is also possible, especially for short exam essays, that only the causes or the effects, not both, are discussed. See the examples below.

  • Discuss the causes and effects of global warming ['cause and effect' essay]
  • Explain the high death rate in Chernobyl ['causes' only essay]
  • Discuss the WTO and its effects on the Chinese economy ['effects' only essay]

There are two main ways to structure a cause and effect essay. These are similar to the ways to structure problem-solution essays , namely using a block or a chain structure. For the block structure, all of the causes are listed first, and all of the effects are listed afterwards. For the chain structure, each cause is followed immediately by the effect. Usually that effect will then be the cause of the next effect, which is why this structure is called 'chain'. Both types of structure have their merits. The former is generally clearer, especially for shorter essays, while the latter ensures that any effects you present relate directly to the causes you have given.

The two types of structure, block and chain , are shown in the diagram below.

Cause and Effect Structure Words

Cause and effect structure words are transition signals which show the cause and effect relationships. It is important to be clear which is the cause (or reason) and which is the effect (or result), and to use the correct transition word or phrase. Remember that a cause happens first , and the effect happens later .

Below are some common cause and effect structure words. X is used to indicate a cause, while Y is used to indicate the effect.

  • The first cause of (Y) is (X)
  • The next reason is (X)
  • Because of (X), (Y)
  • As a result of (X), (Y)
  • As a consequence of (X), (Y)
  • because/since/as (X)
  • to result from (X)
  • (X) results in (Y)
  • to be the result of (X)
  • (Y) is due to (X)
  • Owing to (X), (Y)
  • (Y) is because of (X)
  • (Y) is the effect of (X)
  • (Y) is the consequence of (X)
  • Worsening pollution levels in cities are due to the increased use of cars.
  • Because of the increased use of cars, pollution levels in cities are worsening.
  • As a result of the increased use of cars, pollution levels in cities are worsening.
  • The effect of the increased use of cars is a worsening of pollution levels in cities.
  • The first effect of (X) is (Y)
  • Another result of (X) is (Y)
  • As a result, (Y)
  • As a consequence, (Y)
  • Consequently (Y)
  • Therefore, (Y)
  • (X) causes (Y)
  • (X) has an effect on (Y)
  • (X) affects (Y)
  • (X) is one of the causes of (Y)
  • (X) is the reason for (Y)
  • Cars are used increasingly for urban transport. As a consequence , pollution levels in cities are worsening.
  • Increased use of cars for urban transport adversely affects pollution levels in cities.
  • Increased use of cars for urban transport is one of the causes of worsening pollution levels in cities.

Example essay

Below is a cause and effect essay. This essay uses the block structure . Click on the different areas (in the shaded boxes to the right) to highlight the different structural aspects in this essay, i.e. Causes, Effects, and structure words. This will highlight not simply the paragraphs, but also the thesis statement and summary , as these repeat the causes and effects contained in the main body.

Title: More and more women are now going out to work and some women are now the major salary earner in the family. What are the causes of this, and what effect is this having on families and society?


In the past, most women stayed at home to take care of domestic chores such as cooking or cleaning. Women's liberation and feminism have meant that this situation has been transformed and in contemporary society women are playing an almost equal role to men in terms of work. This has had significant consequences , both in terms of the family , for example by improving quality of life and increasing children's sense of independence , and also for society itself with greater gender equality . The main reasons behind the increase of women in the workplace are women's liberation and feminism. The women's liberation movement originated in the 1960s and was popularised by authors such as Simone de Beauvoir. As a consequence of this, new legislation emerged, granting women equal rights to men in many fields, in particular employment. Because of feminist ideas, men have taken up roles which were previously seen as being for women only, most importantly those related to child rearing. As a result of this, women have more time to pursue their own careers and interests. These have led to some significant effects, both to family life and to society as a whole. Although the earning capacity of a woman in her lifetime is generally much less than that of a man, she can nevertheless make a significant contribution to the family income. The most important consequence of this is an improved quality of life. By helping to maintain a steady income for the family, the pressure on the husband is considerably reduced, hence improving both the husband's and the wife's emotional wellbeing. Additionally, the purchasing power of the family will also be raised. This means that the family can afford more luxuries such as foreign travel and a family car. A further effect on the family is the promotion of independence in the children. Some might argue that having both parents working might be damaging to the children because of a lack of parental attention. However, such children have to learn to look after themselves at an earlier age, and their parents often rely on them to help with the housework. This therefore teaches them important life skills. As regards society, the most significant impact of women going to work is greater gender equality. There are an increasing number of women who are becoming politicians, lawyers, and even CEOs and company managers. This in turn has led to greater equality for women in all areas of life, not just employment. For example, women today have much stronger legal rights to protect themselves against domestic violence and sexual discrimination in the workplace. In conclusion, the increasing number of women at work has brought about some important changes to family life, including improved quality of life and increased independence for children, as well as affecting society itself. It is clear that the sexes are still a long way from being equal in all areas of life, however, and perhaps the challenge for the present century is to ensure that this takes place.


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Below is a checklist for cause and effect essays. Use it to check your own writing, or get a peer (another student) to help you.

The essay is a essay
An appropriate is used, either or
Cause and effect are used accurately
The essay has clear
Each paragraph has a clear
The essay has strong support (facts, reasons, examples, etc.)
The conclusion includes a of the main points

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Author: Sheldon Smith    ‖    Last modified: 16 January 2022.

Sheldon Smith is the founder and editor of He has been teaching English for Academic Purposes since 2004. Find out more about him in the about section and connect with him on Twitter , Facebook and LinkedIn .

Compare & contrast essays examine the similarities of two or more objects, and the differences.

Cause & effect essays consider the reasons (or causes) for something, then discuss the results (or effects).

Discussion essays require you to examine both sides of a situation and to conclude by saying which side you favour.

Problem-solution essays are a sub-type of SPSE essays (Situation, Problem, Solution, Evaluation).

Transition signals are useful in achieving good cohesion and coherence in your writing.

Reporting verbs are used to link your in-text citations to the information cited.

How to Write a Cause & Effect Essay: Examples, Outline, & Tips

You don’t need to be a nerd to understand the general idea behind cause and effect essays. Let’s see! If you skip a meal, you get hungry. And if you write an essay about it, your goal is achieved!

Cause & Effect: why something happens & what happens as a result.

However, following multiple rules of academic writing can be a tough task. But don’t worry; this guide can help you finish your cause and effect writing assignment on time and with little to no stress. By the end of this article by experts, you will know the structure and variations of this essay type. Long story short, it’s a full guide on how to write a cause and effect essay (with examples!).

❓ What Is a Cause and Effect Essay?

✍️ how to write a cause and effect essay.

  • 💡 Choose Your Topic
  • 🎓 Create a Thesis Statement
  • 📑 Outline Your Essay
  • 📝 Develop the Paragraphs
  • 👀 Essay Examples

🔗 References

A cause and effect essay’s main focus is to work through the relationship between two events . Specifically, it highlights how one event leads to the second one. The writing structure changes depending on the ratio of causes to effects that you choose. Read the examples below for more detail.

As mentioned, this article can be considered the ultimate guide to writing a perfect cause and effect essay. It consists of smooth and clear instructions with examples.

To write a cause & effect essay, you need to choose its topic, create a thesis, make an outline, and write the text.

  • First, it tells you how to choose a suitable topic. This is vital as it becomes the foundation for your essay.
  • Then, there is some information on how to choose the outline that is appropriate for your essay’s primary focus.
  • Finally, you will learn what language you should use to hit the best score! It concludes with a cause and effect essay sample, which you may use as an example.

💡 Choose Your Cause and Effect Essay Topic

In order to find a good topic for your cause and effect essay, you should choose what to focus on: the causes or the effects? Not only does the whole structure of your paper depend on it, but you also need to pick a suitable topic based on that decision. Let’s see how the topic would change depending on the focus.

Theme Focus on the causes Focus on the effects
World War II The leading causes of the beginning of the . How did it affect the US economy?
Junk food Why are people addicted to junk food? Health issues caused by consuming junk food regularly. 
Eating disorders Social factors affecting eating habits. What damage do do to our bodies?
Divorces Main . How do ’s health?
Wildfire What causes wildfires in Australia? Irreversible damage of wildfires on Australia’s wildlife.
Extinction The causes of the sixth extinction. How can the extinction of one endangered system affect the whole ecosystem?
Climate change How do humans cause climate change? How will climate change alter our everyday life in fifty years?
Language learning What motivates people to become ? What are the effects of language learning on cognitive abilities?
Advertising Why do big brands still need so much advertising? The impact of advertising on .
Pop music The reasons why will never disappear. How does pop music affect teenagers’ development?
Cheating Why do students cheat on exams? The if you’re in an Ivy League school.
High IQ What influences IQ level? How can high IQ be a curse when it comes to socializing at school?
YouTube popularity One viral video can make you insanely popular. Becoming a star: what changes in your daily routine?
Pets What influences people’s choice of a ? Boost your well-being: how do pets help?
Immunity How can negative thoughts lower your immunity? What happens when your immune system is off guard?

Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • How does noise pollution affect your physical and mental health?
  • What were the main reasons of the Great Depression?
  • What does a high sugar consumption do to our health?
  • The impact of social media on children’s mantal health.
  • Reasons and effect of gender segregation in the labor market.
  • What induces people to take drugs ?
  • The main reasons for parking shortage in big cities .
  • How can regular exercises add to our physical and mental wellbeing?
  • How did World War II affect social and political structure of the world?
  • The main factors that caused the global poverty.

🎓 Create a Cause and Effect Thesis Statement

The best cause and effect essays also have a well-prepared thesis statement . Generally, the thesis statement would point out your point of view and your essay’s main ideas. Here, however, you should also not forget to highlight whether the focus is on causes or effects. You can use a thesis statement generator for essay to speed up the creation process. For instance, this statement highlights the effects of daily walks, states that the author supports this idea, and presents one thing that causes three effects:

Walking for at least half an hour every day can bring numerous positive benefits for your health: it improves blood circulation, strengthens joints, and helps with weight loss.

📑 Outline Your Cause and Effect Essay

Like the topic, your cause and effect essay outline is affected by your writing focus. The structure depends on how many relations you choose to highlight. For instance, there may be only one leading cause or multiple. The same is with effects. Moreover, there is one additional type.

Many Causes, One Effect

In this kind of essay, you would focus on discussing as many related causes as you can think of. An additional advantage would be if you could select various causes from different areas. But remember to prove that they all lead to one effect.

In a many causes, one effect essay, you focus on several connected causes that lead to one effect.

This cause and effect essay structure reflects the general outline you are used to (remember that conclusion is usually a paraphrase of a thesis statement from the introduction).

Many Causes, One Effect Essay Outline Example

1. Introduction

1.1. Thesis statement: Bullying begins with personal desires or family issues and leads to increased numbers of suffering children.

2. Main body

2.1. Cause 1: Bullies want to be noticed.

2.2. Cause 2: They want to feel superior.

2.3. Cause 3: There are issues at home.

2.4. Effect: Many innocent kids become victims of bullying.

3. Conclusion

One Cause, Many Effects

The outline of this type of essay would look a lot like the previous one, except that the ratio of causes and effects is mirrored. You should be quite competent in the topic you’re working on to produce a quality essay.

In a one cause, many effects essay, you focus on one cause that leads to many connected effects.

One Cause, Many Effects Essay Outline Example

1.1. Thesis Statement: Overusing social media can lead to adverse psychological and emotional effects.

2.1. Cause: Spending too much time on social media, watching other users’ lives.

2.2. Effect 1: Users become more self-conscious about their appearance or quality of life.

2.3. Effect 2: It takes up time that could have been used for more useful activities.

2.3. Effect 3: Real-life relationships and other commitments suffer.

Cause-Effect Chain

It may be more challenging than the other essays. The structure of this type of writing reflects a chain reaction. The effect of the initial cause leads to another cause and effect cycle. You will need to be careful and very attentive in order to maintain the logical order.

A cause-effect chain essay focuses on a chain of several cause & effect cycles.

1.1. Thesis Statement: Through the chain of causes and effects, it can be observed that the use of hair spray may lead to a global catastrophe.

2.1. Cause and effect chain #1: Chlorofluorocarbons were used to make hairsprays 50 years ago, but they are harmful to the ozone layer – some of them are still in the atmosphere ruining ozone molecules.

2.2. Cause and effect chain #2: Less ozone layer causes icebergs to melt faster.

2.3. Cause and effect chain #3. Melting ice causes the sea level to rise and flood the land.

📝 Develop Your Cause and Effect Paragraphs

Since we are talking about academic writing here, it’s essential to keep your language appropriate. The most commonly used word, in this case, is “because .” However, you shouldn’t overuse it.

There are quite a few ready-to-use phrases that are most suitable for this type of essay. Include these in your cause and effect paragraphs to make the transition between ideas smoother and your writing more coherent:

  • As a consequence, …
  • It leads to…
  • (The cause) results in / causes / influences (the effect)
  • The key factors are…
  • One of the results is…
  • The primary effect of (the cause) is…

Don’t forget to use sentence connectors, such as:

  • In addition
  • Furthermore
  • Consequently

After completing the first draft, you should proofread your writing and carefully check that there are no sentence fragments, like this:

Because I haven’t slept in two days before the exam.

Sometimes, rushing through the writing process may lead your thoughts astray, and you leave the ending of the sentence unfinished. However, it’s a severe mistake, so try to avoid it.

In addition, you should not mix the verb tenses. If you are describing a past event, stick to the past tense. Of course, it may depend on the situation. For instance, the present tense is used to talk about universal truth, while different tenses can be used for writing a report.

👀 Cause and Effect Essay Examples

We have gone step by step through the process of writing a good cause and effect essay. Now, finally, you can check out how it should look altogether. The following writing follows the template of the outline about bullying that we introduced earlier. It has all the necessary elements, such as the structure, vocabulary, and the thesis statement highlighted. It is a great example of a cause and effect essay, so go ahead and read it through!

Bullying in Schools (Cause & Effect Essay Sample)

The number of children reported to suffer from bullying rises every year. Teachers and parents are struggling to find a resolution for this issue. But what if the key to stopping this abusive behavior is understanding the causes?
It appears that bullying begins with personal desires or family issues and leads to the increasing number of kids who suffer from it.
Sometimes a child lacks attention either from their parents or peers, which causes them to seek attention in other places. It results in aggressive behaviors towards other kids since supervisors cannot ignore such action, and they attend to the violators. Bullies finally achieve their goal – being noticed, which encourages them to continue their faulty behavior.
Another reason for such aggressive behavior may result from a desire to be invincible. Maybe a bully was humiliated or embarrassed once, and they never wanted to experience it again. Thus, they do everything possible to stay the strongest one and be in charge. Not only does it protect them, but it gives them a feeling of superiority, which sometimes becomes addictive.
In addition, bullies might project their family issues onto others. For instance, if a child feels negative emotions from physical or emotional abuse at home or the family facing tough times, they may keep those emotions inside. However, negative emotions cannot stay inside forever, and as a consequence, they begin projecting those emotions onto their peers later.
All the causes mentioned above lead to an increasing number of bullies. Whatever the reason is, the primary effect is the suffering of the innocent kids who become victims. Bullies have different reasons for acting like that, but sometimes it is no more than an unconscious reaction to the environment, just like it happens with family issues.
There are a number of reasons for such a widespread phenomenon as bullying, including attention-seeking, a desire to be superior, and family issues. Knowing the causes may help schools and families to develop and implement preventive measures. Therefore, instead of struggling with the consequences of bullies’ aggressive behavior, teachers and parents may prevent that altogether.

Want more samples? We’ve got you covered! Here’s a bonus list of cause and effect essay examples.

  • Causes and Effects of Divorce
  • Causes and Effects of Drug Addiction
  • Sophocles’ Antigone: Cause & Effect Essay
  • Cause and Effect: Living with Pets Improves Their Owners’ Health
  • American Society Police Brutality Causes and Effects
  • Causes and Effects of Fast-Food Addiction
  • Diabetes: Causes and Effects of Disease
  • Cause-and-effect | Definition of Cause-and-effect at
  • Causes and Effects – Harvard Business Review
  • Cause and effect | Nature Methods
  • Cause and Effect – SAGE Research Methods
  • Cause and Effect in Epidemiology | SpringerLink
  • Patterns in the Landscape – Analyses of Cause and Effect
  • Cause and Effect Diagram – Clinical Excellence Commission
  • Explaining Causality – Academic Phrasebank
  • Cause and Effect Essay Examples (Your Dictionary)
  • Cause and Effect – Writing for Success
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Cause And Effect Essay Guide

Cause And Effect Essay Topics

Caleb S.

230+ Cause and Effect Essay Topics to Boost Your Academic Writing

16 min read

cause and effect essay topics

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Best Cause and Effect Essay Examples To Get Inspiration + Simple Tips

How To Write A Cause and Effect Essay - Outline & Examples

How to Create a Cause and Effect Outline - An Easy Guide

Are you struggling to find that perfect cause and effect essay topic that will not only captivate your readers but also make your writing process a breeze?

It's a common challenge for students. 

The frustration of staring at a blank page and the fear of choosing a topic that doesn't resonate with your interests or requirements can be overwhelming. 

But fear not!

In this blog, we will help you by providing a number of cause and effect essay topics examples. 

We'll provide you with valuable guidance you need to turn your academic writing into a compelling and thought-provoking masterpiece. 

So, say goodbye to writer's block. Let's dive in!

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  • 1. Good Cause and Effect Essay Topics for Students
  • 2. Unique Cause and Effect Topics
  • 3. Fun Cause and Effect Essay Topics
  • 4. Easy Cause and Effect Essay Topics 2023
  • 5. Interesting Cause and Effect Essay Topics
  • 6. Controversial Cause and Effect Essay Topics
  • 7. Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Mental Health
  • 8. Medical Cause and Effect Essay Topics
  • 9. Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Sports
  • 10. Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Social Media
  • 11. Technology Cause and Effect Essay Topics
  • 12. Environmental Cause and Effect Essay Topics
  • 13. Cause and Effect Essay Topics - History
  • 14. Personal Cause and Effect Essay Topics
  • 15. Cause and Effect Essay Topics About Education
  • 16. Cause And Effect Essay Topics About Animals 
  • 17. Cause and Effect Essay Topics - IELTS
  • 18. Cause And Effect Essay Topics For ESL Students
  • 19. How to Choose a Cause and Effect Essay Topic?

Good Cause and Effect Essay Topics for Students

Choosing the right topic is often the first and most crucial step to crafting a compelling essay. 

Below is a list of cause and effect essay topics for students to write a perfect essay.

Cause and Effect Essay Topics for Elementary Students

  • What are the effects of not getting up early in the morning?
  • The effects of eating healthy foods on growing strong.
  • Explain the adverse effects of terrorism on education.
  • What are the causes of the success of Disney cartoons and movies?
  • What are the effects of playing violent video games?
  • The consequences of cleaning up our environment.
  • Explain the effects of keeping a pet at home.
  • Discuss why some teachers are favorites for students.
  • Why do kids love their parents?
  • Why do girls enjoy playing with their fathers?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics for Middle School Students

  • The effects of bullying on mental health and self-esteem
  • How academic pressure affects students' stress levels
  • Causes and effects of peer pressure in middle school
  • The impact of social media on teenagers' relationships
  • Why eating junk food leads to health issues
  • The consequences of lack of physical activity on well-being
  • How parental involvement influences academic success
  • The effects of video games on cognitive development
  • Causes and effects of climate change on our environment
  • The impact of cyberbullying on emotional health

Get an in-depth view on how to write a cause and effect topic by watching this video

Cause and Effect Topics for High School Students

  • Why substance abuse leads to health and social problems
  • The impact of technology on communication skills
  • Causes and effects of high school dropouts
  • How relationships with parents affect teenagers' emotional well-being
  • The effects of college preparation programs on future success
  • Why environmental awareness leads to sustainable practices
  • The consequences of gender inequality in high school sports
  • The impact of music education on cognitive development
  • Causes and effects of cybersecurity threats on personal privacy
  • How volunteering enhances leadership and empathy skills

Cause and Effect Essay Topics for College Students

Here are some cause and effect essay topics for college:

  • How cell phones impact communication among people?
  • What are the causes of using a tablet over the computer for browsing the web?
  • Discuss the effects of retirement age on baby boomers.
  • What are the effects of online shopping and does it motivate people to shop more?
  • Effects of increased usage of mobile phones in businesses. Discuss.
  • What are the causes of a video game to be popular among a specific community?
  • Explain the causes for purchases of phone plans or unlimited data.
  • Effects of social media on relationships. Elaborate.
  • Discuss the effects of tablets on young children.
  • What are the effects of mobile phone usage in classrooms and institutes?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics Psychology

  • How does the media influence our self-esteem?
  • The influence of social support on coping with grief and loss.
  • How can alcohol consumption lead to depression? 
  • What is the effect of family dynamics on a child's emotional development? 
  • Does social media have an effect on mental health issues?
  • How does religion impact mental health? 
  • What are the causes and effects of eating disorders? 
  • How does poverty affect cognitive development in children? 
  • Does environmental stress have an effect on mental health? 
  • How do gender roles influence behavior?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics Business

  • How does the global economy affect businesses? 
  • What causes companies to restructure their organization? 
  • What are the impacts of employee downsizing on a business’s productivity? 
  • How can entrepreneurial skills lead to success in business? 
  • Does technology have an effect on how businesses interact with customers? 
  • What are the effects of globalization on businesses? 
  • How do employee benefits affect job satisfaction? 
  • Does knowledge management have an effect on corporate culture? 
  • Does outsourcing lead to increased job opportunities for workers in other countries? 
  • How can multiculturalism influence success in the business world?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Health Care

  • How does the healthcare system affect patient outcomes?
  • What are the effects of inadequate access to health care in low-income communities? 
  • How does increasing prescription drug prices impact patients' ability to receive treatment? 
  • What are the effects of not having preventive mental health services available? 
  • Does the availability of telemedicine improve access to medical care?
  • Does health insurance have an effect on a patient's decision-making process?
  • How does the quality of healthcare impact public health? 
  • What are the effects of not having affordable healthcare available? 
  • Does increasing the number of medical professionals lead to better patient outcomes?
  • How does technology influence the delivery of healthcare services?

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Unique Cause and Effect Topics

  • Causes and effects of the "fear of missing out" (FOMO) in the digital age.
  • The consequences of virtual reality and augmented reality on human perception.
  • The effects of online dating on traditional relationships.
  • The impact of eco-anxiety on environmental conservation.
  • Causes and effects of the "minimalist lifestyle" trend.
  • How the perception of time influences decision-making?
  • The consequences of "cancel culture" on freedom of speech.
  • The effects of eco-friendly practices on business profitability.
  • Causes and effects of the "helicopter parenting" phenomenon.
  • How the #MeToo movement shapes workplace dynamics?

Fun Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the causes and effects of making a laugh at the brand’s drummers?
  • Uploading the wrong photograph to Instagram. Discuss the consequences.
  • What are the causes of Harry Potter replacing Lord of the Rings?
  • The influence of funny memes on internet culture.
  • Is having a larger social circle on Facebook an indication of being famous?
  • Enlist the things to ease the pain when the battery gets low outside
  • How to become a successful entrepreneur by selling funny items?
  • Describe things to make a student laugh out loud.
  • Causes and effects of puns and wordplay in language development.
  • Why would you mix Coke and Pepsi at breakfast?

Easy Cause and Effect Essay Topics 2023

  • Discuss the causes and effects of the popularity of junk food and fast-food restaurants.
  • Discuss the influence of the internet on kids.
  • Elaborate on the popularity of sports in the United States.
  • Discuss the effects of sports on children
  • What are the effects of bullying on school children?
  • Describe the politics of Putin against the neighboring states.
  • Why must dating in schools be banned?
  • What is the cause of women engaging in destructive relationships?
  • Discuss the dangers of earthquakes.
  • Describe the impacts of stress on mental health.

Need to make sure your essay stands out? Check out this read on how to create the perfect cause and effect outline for your essay!

Interesting Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the causes of a significant fall in the number of students in college libraries?
  • How can institutes produce better A–level students?
  • What is the effect of a physical education program on college students?
  • How can a civil war occur in modern society?
  • What is causing college students to feel anxiety?
  • Discuss the causes and effects of telling lies.
  • What are the causes of divorce?
  • What is the impact of genetically engineered food?
  • What causes racism?
  • What causes a person to act politely with others?

Controversial Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • Why do living together before marriage makes the relationship much better?
  • Why wives always hate their husbands’ relationships with other females?
  • Discuss sexism’s role in modern society.
  • Is homeschooling proving to be more productive than charter schools?
  • People who play popular video games are smarter. How?
  • Why is it hard to grow up with a single parent?
  • Can social media cause extremism?
  • Homelessness is mostly caused by low morale. Explain.
  • Explain the causes and effects of media violence.
  • What are the negative effects of the generation gap?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Mental Health

  • Explain the causes of post-traumatic stress disorder in the armed forces.
  • Discuss the causes of anxiety in young teens.
  • What are the effects of divorce on the mental health of minors?
  • Emotional problems can affect the immune system. How?
  • Why can broken relationships cause mental stress?
  • Discuss how continuous mental stress can affect the sleeping pattern.
  • Unemployment can cause psychological issues. Elaborate on the concept.
  • How is social anxiety affecting youth?
  • How does troubled family relationships lead to suicide among youngsters?
  • How can excessive academic assignments cause depression?

Medical Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • Why eating excessive fast food can influence the energy levels of an individual.
  • Explain how junk food can cause the risk of child obesity.
  • How does a lack of food affect our physical health?
  • How can acne affect a teenager’s life?
  • Discuss the effects of poor diet on health.
  • Describe how smoking causes approximately 90% of all breast and lung cancer incidents.
  • Explain the effects of exercise on physical health.
  • What are the causes of chickenpox?
  • What causes depression among elders?
  • What are the effects of avoiding vaccines?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Sports

Some sports cause and effect essay topics are given below:

  • How can playing team sports develop social skills?
  • Extensive workouts can damage the physical health of an individual. Explain how?
  • Why does playing sports help to release hormones from the human body?
  • How can technology impact sports events?
  • How have the Olympics affected the overall international relations?
  • What caused the Olympics to begin?
  • What caused some sports to be more popular among children than others?
  • What causes violence in sports?
  • What causes a lack of interest in sports?
  • Can sports cause character development?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics on Social Media

  • What are the impacts of social media on youth?
  • Explain the impacts of social media on business.
  • Discuss the positive and negative effects of using social media.
  • What are the effects of social media on education?
  • What causes Google to be the most popular search engine?
  • Explain the effects of social media on cyberbullying.
  • How can social media influence kids?
  • What are the effects of online dating?
  • How excessive use of cell phones affects teenagers?
  • What causes social media to lose popularity?

Technology Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • Discuss the effects of video games on young children in a narrative essay.
  • Explain the causes and effects of playing candy crush.
  • Explain the effect of technology on family time.
  • How smartphones affect business practices?
  • What are the positive and negative aspects of wireless technology?
  • Discuss the effects of technology in surgery?
  • What are the effects of using tablets in schools and colleges?
  • How has technology encouraged people to shop online more often?
  • How cellphones affect the ways people communicate with each other?
  • What causes data protection?

Want to ace your cause and effect essay? View these cause and effect essay examples to write a striking one on any topic!

Environmental Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the impacts of pollution?
  • Discuss the causes of rapid changes in oceans.
  • Discuss the natural causes of global warming.
  • Explain how water vapor causes the greenhouse effect?
  • The increase in global temperature leads to growing malaria. Discuss.
  • Discuss why is it essential to manage forest fires?
  • What are the leading causes of natural disasters?
  • Why is it important to conserve water?
  • Discuss the harmful effects of animal hunting on the ecosystem.
  • How is noise pollution affecting the ozone layer?

Cause and Effect Essay Topics - History

  • Discuss the causes of the Civil War.
  • Explain the effects of WWI.
  • Discuss the major reason behind the increasing crime rates in Europe.
  • Discuss the effects of the Civil Rights movement.
  • What are the effects of war in Syria on the United States?
  • Describe the main causes and consequences of the Arab Spring.
  • How did Christianity affect the Roman empire?
  • Discuss the effects of globalization on the position of women.
  • What are the major causes of the drug wars in Columbia?
  • Discuss the effects of WWII on Jewish people.

Personal Cause and Effect Essay Topics

  • The Impact of Social Media on Personal Relationships.
  • Discuss causes of breakups in couples, especially in long-distance relationships..
  • What are the causes and effects of men's commitment phobia?
  • The impact of a life-changing travel experience on personal growth.
  • Effects of maintaining a daily journal for self-reflection.
  • The influence of a role model on personal values and aspirations.
  • Effects of a significant childhood memory on shaping personality.
  • What are the effects of the family structure on the personality of an individual?
  • Explain the causes of the common conflicts and stress within your family.
  • Discuss the effects of teachers on a student’s life.

Cause and Effect Essay Topics About Education

  • What makes an educational policy successful? How can you tell if it is successful and what is causing the success?
  • Causes and effects of standardized testing on educational outcomes.
  • What is the impact of charter school initiatives?
  • How do federal decisions affect the school systems in states and municipalities?
  • How do student-teacher relationships affect education?
  • Impact of online learning on students’ skills.
  • The effect of poverty on higher education in developed countries.
  • How the quality of school facilities and resources affects learning.
  • Describe the causes and effects behind educational gender parity.
  • Describe the causes and effects of online education.

Cause And Effect Essay Topics About Animals 

  • The Impact of Deforestation on Wildlife Extinction
  • Effects of Pollution on Aquatic Life
  • The Relationship between Climate Change and Animal Migration Patterns
  • How Overfishing Affects Ocean Ecosystems
  • The Consequences of Illegal Wildlife Trade on Endangered Species
  • Domestication of Animals and Its Effects on Behavior and Genetics
  • The Role of Pesticides in Declining Bee Populations
  • Impact of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life
  • Human-Induced Habitat Destruction and Its Effects on Biodiversity
  • The Connection between Global Warming and Changes in Animal Habitats

Cause and Effect Essay Topics - IELTS

  • Explain the effects of smoking refusal.
  • Elucidate the causes and effects of legal abortion.
  • Discuss the impact of low social status on basic health facilities.
  • Write about the causes and effects of constitutional changes.
  • What is the impact of being the only child on one’s personality?
  • What caused Hitler to become a dictator?
  • What are the major drivers of a social revolution?
  • Discuss the causes and effects of sexual promiscuity.
  • Why are people opting for working from home more?
  • How do siblings affect life learnings?

Cause And Effect Essay Topics For ESL Students

  • Causes and effects of using translation tools in language learning.
  • The influence of cultural immersion on language proficiency.
  • The impact of bilingualism on career opportunities.
  • Causes and effects of learning English for global communication.
  • How language learning affects one's understanding of other cultures.
  • The consequences of language proficiency on academic success.
  • The effects of accent and pronunciation on effective communication.
  • Causes and effects of language schools and courses on language skills.
  • The influence of subtitles in movies on language acquisition.
  • The impact of English proficiency on international travel and job opportunities.

How to Choose a Cause and Effect Essay Topic?

Choosing a topic for your cause and effect essay can sometimes be a challenging task, but it's a crucial step in crafting an engaging and informative essay. 

Here are some guidelines to help you select the perfect topic:

  • Identify Your Interests: Start by considering your own interests and passions. An essay is often more compelling when you're genuinely interested in the subject matter.
  • Consider Your Audience: Think about your target audience. What topics would resonate with them? Is there a particular issue or subject that's relevant to their lives or interests?
  • Research and Brainstorm: Spend some time researching and brainstorming potential topics. Explore current events, personal experiences, or academic subjects.
  • Narrow Down Your Focus: Once you have a list of potential topics, narrow it down to a manageable few. Consider the depth and breadth of available information on each topic. 
  • Evaluate Significance: Assess the importance and relevance of the topic. Does it address a pertinent issue or question? Will it provide valuable insights to your readers?
  • Personal Connection: If possible, choose a topic that you can personally connect with. Your own experiences and insights can add depth to your essay.

All in all, choosing the right causal essay topics can be a daunting task for most students. So, you can get help from the above-mentioned list of topics for the cause and effect essay. 

However, If you need more interesting ideas, get an essay writer right away. is a reputed essay writing service online. We aim to provide reliable help for your academic assignments. 

Our team of experts will help you in the brainstorming process to find good cause-and-effect paper topics. 

Head over to our website and request ' write my essay for me ', rest assured you will receive a high-quality essay before the deadline!

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137 Intriguing Cause & Effect Essay Topics for Students

Teach critical thinking, logic, and the art of persuasion.

What are some reasons a teacher may ban cell phones in class?

Cause-and-effect essays aren’t just a way to help students strengthen their writing skills. They’ll also learn critical thinking, logic, and the art of persuasion. In addition, they teach students to demonstrate how one thing directly influences another. Coming up with engaging cause-and-effect essay topics can be challenging, but we have you covered. This list of ideas includes a variety of topics that range from social and cultural movements to mental health and the environment.

Science and Environment Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • Describe the effect of urbanization on the environment.
  • What is the impact of air pollution on health?
  • What are the causes and consequences of plastics on marine life?
  • What is the impact of rising sea temperatures on fish and marine life?
  • Describe the impact of human behavior on global warming.

Describe the impact of human behavior on global warming. Cause and effect essay

  • What is the effect of social media on environmentalism?
  • What causes volcanic eruptions?
  • What causes trees to die?
  • What are the effects of gravity?
  • Why are plants green?
  • Why do trees shed their leaves?
  • What causes a species to become endangered?
  • What are some of the causes of animals losing their habitats?
  • Describe the effect of overpopulation on the environment.
  • What are the effects of famine on human population?
  • What are the causes and effects of Antarctica floods?
  • What are the effects of pollution on the ocean?
  • What effect do cars have on the environment?
  • Why is it important to manage wildfires?
  • What has been the impact of DNA on crime scene processing?

What has been the impact of DNA on crime scene processing?

  • What are the impacts of deforestation in Brazil?
  • What are the effects of GMO foods on human health?
  • What are the impacts of immunizations on human health?

Technology and Social Media Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of social media on adolescent development?
  • How does technology affect productivity?
  • What are the effects of video games on childhood development?
  • How do cell phones affect human relationships?
  • What are some reasons a teacher might ban cell phones from class?

What are some reasons a teacher might ban cell phones from class? Cause and effect essay

  • What effects do cell phones have on sleep?
  • What effects did the invention of the Internet have on technology?
  • What were the origins of cyberbullying?
  • What are the effects of tablet use on small children?
  • How has online dating changed relationships?
  • What makes some people less likely to use social media?
  • What are the effects of social media on privacy?
  • How does the rise of TikTok affect Facebook and Instagram?
  • In what ways could social media lead to extremism?
  • What is the impact of social media on the increasing popularity of plastic surgery and other enhancements?

What is the impact of social media on the increasing popularity of plastic surgery and other enhancements?

  • What are some of the benefits of owning a smartphone and what are some of the drawbacks?
  • What has been the impact of online shopping on brick-and-mortar stores?
  • What has been the impact of smartphones on marriages and relationships?
  • What are the causes and effects of texting while driving?
  • What has the rise of “influencers” meant for Hollywood?
  • In what ways have photo filters influenced young people’s self-esteem?

Culture and Social Issues Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are some of the reasons for substance abuse in young people?
  • What are some of the effects of bullying?
  • How does economic status affect the quality of health care?
  • What are some of the causes of homelessness?
  • Explain the effects of ignorance on discrimination.
  • What are the impacts of death sentences on social justice?

What are the impacts of death sentences on social justice? Cause and effect essay

  • How does financial success affect societal privilege?
  • What effects does growing up poor have on children?
  • In what ways does religion influence society?
  • What are the effects of immigration on a host country?
  • What are the effects of ageism on job opportunities?
  • What is the impact of LGBTQ+ representation in TV and movies?
  • What are the effects of school shootings on politics?
  • How do school uniforms affect students?
  • What are the impacts of high student debt?
  • What are the impacts of body shaming on people?
  • What were the lasting impacts of the AIDS epidemic on society?

What were the lasting impacts of the AIDS epidemic on society? cause and effect essay

  • What impact does banning abortion have in the United States?
  • What has been the impact of marriage equality in the United States?
  • What are the causes and effects of noise pollution?
  • What are the causes and effects of inflation on the economy?
  • What are the effects of TV shows on our behavior?

Sports Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • Examine the effects of exercise on mental health.
  • What led to baseball being an iconic American sport?
  • What drives people to participate in extreme sports?
  • In what ways did globalization affect modern sports?
  • What were the effects of doping on amateur and professional sports?
  • Select a sport and write about the historical factors that led to the popularization of that sport.

cause effect essay writing

  • Describe the ways in which youth sports influence a child’s development.
  • What were the driving forces behind the first Olympics?
  • How can team sports help develop social skills?
  • How have e-sports changed the sporting landscape?
  • In what ways do race biases influence sports?

In what ways do race biases influence sports.

  • What are the effects of regular workouts on immunity?
  • How does participating in sports affect leadership skills?
  • In what ways can sports lead to character development?
  • What effect does famous athletes’ social commentary have on their fans?

History Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of the war in Syria on the United States?
  • What have been the lasting effects of the Civil Rights Movement?
  • What were the causes and effects of the attack on Pearl Harbor?
  • What led up to the Berlin Wall being torn down and what effects did that have?

What led up to the Berlin Wall being torn down and what effects did that have? Cause and effect essay

  • What lasting impact did 9/11 have on modern American society?
  • What were the causes of the Salem Witch Trials?
  • What was the cultural impact of the Spanish-American War?
  • How has globalization led to modern-day slavery?
  • What events led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • What were the impacts of the Great Depression on women’s employment?
  • How did cartels come into existence? What effect have they had on the United States and Mexico?
  • What were the causes and effects of the Women’s Liberation Movement?
  • Give an example of colonialism in history and name the resulting impact to the affected society.

Give an example of colonialism in history and name the resulting impact to the affected society.

  • What led to the rise of ISIS and what has the impact been on international security?
  • What factors led to the Titanic’s sinking?
  • What were the causes and effects of the Vietnam War?
  • Choose an American president. What led him to become president and what were the effects of his presidency?

Mental Health Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • How can stress affect the immune system?
  • How does social anxiety affect young people?
  • How can high academic expectations lead to depression?
  • What are the effects of divorce on young people?
  • How does service in the armed forces lead to post-traumatic stress disorder?

How does service in the armed forces lead to post-traumatic stress disorder? Cause and effect essay topic

  • What are the effects of mindfulness on mental health?
  • Describe the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted mental health.
  • How does childhood trauma impact childhood development?
  • What impact does witnessing violence have on mental health?
  • What is behind increasingly high levels of anxiety in modern American society?

What is behind increasingly high levels of anxiety in modern American society? cause and effect essay topic

  • What are the causes and effects of panic attacks?
  • What are the causes and consequences of high stress in the workplace?
  • What are some of the causes of insomnia and in what ways does it affect mental health?
  • What is the impact of staying home for an extended period of time?

Current Events Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • Choose a local public education campaign. What are the effects of that campaign?
  • What are the causes and effects of migration?
  • What are the causes and effects of terrorist attacks?

What are the causes and effects of terrorist attacks?

  • What are the effects of legalizing genetic engineering research?
  • How do low voting rates impact elections and government?
  • What is the effect of raising the minimum wage?
  • What are the effects of globalization on society?
  • How does gerrymandering affect election outcomes?
  • What are the causes and effects of police brutality?
  • What are the causes and effects of political polarization?

What are the causes and effects of political polarization?

  • What are the causes and effects of fake news?
  • What are the effects of global war on citizens?
  • What is the effect of international aid on poverty or health?
  • Why do some countries have nuclear weapons, and what does this mean for other countries?

Education Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of teacher quality on student success?
  • What are the causes and effects of student loan debt?
  • What are the causes and effects of low graduation rates?

What are the causes and effects of low graduation rates?

  • What are the effects of assigning homework?
  • What are the causes and effects of school funding disparities?
  • What are the causes and effects of the digital divide in education?
  • What is the effect of AI on education?
  • What are the causes and effects of student burnout?
  • Should students be required to study a foreign language in school, and what are the effects of learning a foreign language?

Should students be required to study a foreign language in school, and what are the effects of learning a foreign language?

  • What effect has the COVID pandemic had on education?
  • What are the effects of same-sex classrooms or schools?

What are your best cause-and-effect essay topics for students? Come exchange ideas in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, check out our list of interesting persuasive essay topics for kids and teens..

Coming up with cause and effect essay topics can be challenging, but we have you covered. Check out our list with a variety of topics.

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  • Task 2 (essay)

How to write cause/effect essays in IELTS?

Cause and effect essay questions in IELTS Writing task 2 give you a problem and ask you to state the main causes of this problem and discuss its possible effects .

In this lesson you will see:

  • how to generate ideas for causes and effects
  • band 9 answer structure for causes/effects essay
  • cause/effect model essay

This is an example of cause/effect IELTS writing task 2 question:

Today more people are overweight than ever before.

What in your opinion are the primary causes of this?

What are the main effects of this epidemic?

Generating ideas

After you’ve read the question, you can clearly determine the problem: growing number of overweight people .

But before you start to write your essay, it’s a good idea to think of 2-3 causes and 2-3 possible effects of the problem.

cause effect essay writing

Causes of obesity :

  • inactive lifestyle (relying on cars instead of walking, fewer physical demands at work, inactive leisure activities)
  • unhealthy eating habits (eating fast-food, drinking high-calorie beverages, consuming large portions of food, eating irregularly)

cause effect essay writing

Effects of obesity :

  • physical health problems
  • loss of productivity
  • depressions and mental disorders

Now, after we’ve generated the main ideas for causes and effects, it’s time to use these ideas in our essay.

Band 9 answer structure

As you know, there are many ways to structure your essay, but we’ll use a structure that has been approved by many IELTS examiners to be high-scoring and coherent .

Band-9 essay structure :


Body paragraph 1 - causes

Body paragraph 2 - effects

Let’s take a look at each of these sections in detail.

Write your introduction in two sentences:

Nowadays the number of overweight people is constantly growing.

This essay will discuss the main reasons of this epidemic and then describe the possible effects of the problem.

In my opinion, the foremost causes of obesity are inactive lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits.

Today more and more people rely on cars instead of walking, have less physical demands at work and prefer inactive leisure activities. This results in burning less calories and gaining weight.

Moreover, the problem is accentuated by the growing number of people, who eat irregularly and consume large portions of high-calorie food. For example, about 50% of the adult population in Europe with so-called disordered eating suffer from obesity.

The possible effects of this problem include physical health problems and loss of productivity.

First of all, obesity results in incorrect functioning of the human body and contributes to the risk of developing some chronic illnesses. For example, as body fat percentage increases, the person’s metabolism worsens, which in turn may result in diabetes or heart diseases.

Secondly, overweight people are very unhealthy and often suffer from stress and tiredness. This lessens their work capacity and results in lower productivity. For example, it has been proven that an obese person needs to put more effort to complete some task than a person with normal weight.

For the conclusion you need simply to restate the problem and sum up the causes and effects that you described in your body paragraphs:

To sum up, obesity is a big problem that affects a lot of people nowadays. It’s mainly caused by inactive lifestyle and eating disorders and results in severe health problems and loss of productivity.

Model essay

Nowadays the number of overweight people is constantly increasing. This essay will discuss the main reasons of this epidemic and then describe the possible effects of the problem.

In my opinion, the foremost causes of obesity are inactive lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Today more and more people rely on cars instead of walking, have less physical demands at work and prefer inactive leisure activities. This results in burning less calories and gaining weight. Moreover, the problem is accentuated by the growing number of people, who eat irregularly and consume large portions of high-calorie food. For example, about 50% of the adult population in Europe with so-called disordered eating suffer from obesity.

The possible effects of this problem include physical health problems and loss of productivity. First of all, obesity results in incorrect functioning of the human body and contributes to the risk of developing some chronic illnesses. For example, as body fat percentage increases, the person’s metabolism worsens, which in turn may result in diabetes or heart diseases. Secondly, overweight people are very unhealthy and often suffer from stress and tiredness. This lessens their work capacity and results in lower productivity. For example, it has been proven that an obese person needs to put more effort to complete some task than a person with normal weight.

To sum up, obesity is a big problem that affects a lot of people nowadays. It’s mainly caused by inactive lifestyle and eating disorders and results in severe health problems and loss of productivity.

(251 words)

IELTS Preparation

IELTS Writing Task 2  Causes and Effects: Sample Answer


This question type is very similar to causes and solutions and requires you to identify causes or reasons of an issue or problem and discuss the effects it has. The topics are usually social and nothing controversial.

The wording of the questions can vary. For example....

“What do you think are the reasons for this?”  “Why is this happening?”

“What are the consequences of this trend?”  “How does this affect the country?”

IELTS Causes Effects Structure

Sample Answer

IELTS Writing Causes Effects Essay

Nowadays, professionals from developing countries have a tendency to emigrate to richer countries to find employment. This essay will discuss both the causes of this phenomenon and the issues that affect the nations they are leaving. 

The primary reasons skilled employees from emerging nations seek work in more developed countries are a higher standard of living along with professional development. For instance, the average monthly salary for a white-collar worker, such as a teacher, in a developing country pales in comparison to their counterparts in so-called first world nations even though they perform identical duties and responsibilities. Additionally, outdated facilities and equipment in poor states hampers the ability of professionals such as doctors to practice contemporary medicine and improve their skills.      

The effect this trend has on developing countries is invariably negative, particularly with regards to the nation’s social and economic development. According to Scientific American magazine, every year, more than 4,000 foreign graduates of international medical schools come to the United States for a residency program and very few return home to take up employment in their native countries. This brain drain denies countries the talents of their brightest and best and limits a country’s ability to progress as they are continuously faced with the challenge of retaining the most able professionals.

In conclusion, a comfortable material lifestyle coupled with the opportunity to advance one’s career are the main reasons why professionals migrate to richer countries. The countries they leave behind struggle to find suitably qualified replacements and thus suffer from social and economic stagnation.


Sample: Causes and Effects. PDF

Cause and Effect Essay - Hướng dẫn cách viết trong IELTS Writing Task 2



cause and effect essay huong dan cach viet trong ielts writing task 2

Cause and Effect Essay là một dạng bài thường gặp trong IELTS Writing Task 2 , gây nhiều khó khăn cho thí sinh ở các mức band thấp hơn khi phải tìm ra nhiều nguyên do và hậu quả cho một vấn đề cho sẵn. Bài viết sau sẽ hướng dẫn chi tiết về dạng bài này, cách cấu trúc, lên ý tưởng và viết một bài Cause and Effect Essay trình độ band 6.5 - 7.5.

Key takeaways

Cause and Effect

Giới thiệu về bài viết Cause and Effect essay

Khái quát về bài viết cause and effect essay .

Bài viết Cause and Effect (nguyên nhân và hậu quả) là một dạng bài luận giải thích, nhằm mục đích phân tích mối quan hệ giữa các điều kiện cụ thể và hậu quả của chúng. Loại bài viết này thường đề cập đến các vấn đề lớn, giúp người đọc hiểu rõ nguyên nhân và hậu quả của một sự kiện hoặc hiện tượng.

Các dạng bài Cause and Effect essay

Các bài viết Cause and Effect có thể khám phá chủ đề bằng cách thảo luận về nguyên nhân và hậu quả của một vấn đề. Ví dụ, bài viết về vai trò của việc phá rừng trong biến đổi khí hậu có thể đề cập đến một số nguyên nhân cụ thể như nhu cầu về gỗ và việc làm sạch đất để chăn thả gia súc, sau đó giải thích cách những nguyên nhân này tạo ra hậu quả đóng góp vào biến đổi khí hậu.

Mục đích của bài viết Cause and Effect essay 

Mục đích chính của bài viết Cause and Effect là giáo dục người đọc về cách các điều kiện cụ thể liên kết với những hậu quả nhất định. Những bài viết này cung cấp thông tin cần thiết để người đọc có thể suy nghĩ một cách phê phán về một chủ đề và rút ra kết luận của riêng họ.

Lợi ích của việc viết bài Cause and Effect essay 

Viết bài Cause and Effect giúp phát triển kỹ năng phân tích và trình bày thông tin một cách rõ ràng, logic. Bài viết này giúp người viết và người đọc hiểu rõ hơn về các mối quan hệ nguyên nhân và hậu quả, đồng thời cải thiện khả năng suy nghĩ phê phán và đánh giá thông tin một cách khách quan.

Lợi ích của việc viết bài Cause and Effect essay

Cách nhận biết dạng bài Cause and Effect essay

Xác định các từ khóa trong đề bài.

Trong quá trình nhận biết đề bài Cause and Effect, bạn cần chú ý đến cách đề bài đặt câu hỏi.

Hãy tìm kiếm các từ khóa như "What are the primary causes?" hoặc "What are the main effects?" trong đề bài.

Ví dụ, trong đề có: "What in your opinion are the primary causes of this? What are the main effects of this epidemic?" chỉ rõ cần tìm nguyên nhân và hậu quả của một hiện tượng.

Phân tích yêu cầu của đề bài

Sau khi xác định được các từ khóa, bạn cần phân tích cách đề bài yêu cầu bạn trả lời.

Xem xét liệu đề bài đang yêu cầu bạn chỉ ra nguyên nhân (cause) hay giải pháp (solution) cho vấn đề.

Đây là 3 đề mẫu và dạng đề của chúng để người đọc hiểu rõ hơn:

Đề 1: "Global warming is a significant issue worldwide. What do you think are the main causes of this problem? What are the potential impacts on the environment and human life?" - Cause & Effect

Đề 2: "Online learning has become more prevalent than traditional classroom learning. What are the reasons for this trend? And what could be done to make traditional learning more appealing?" - Cause & Solution

Đề 3: "In recent years, there has been a decline in the number of young people choosing to read for pleasure. What are the reasons behind this decline? What are the consequences for their educational development?" - Cause & Effect

Phân tích yêu cầu của đề bài

Cách lên ý tưởng viết bài Cause and Effect Essay 

Lấy ví dụ đề số 3: "In recent years, there has been a decline in the number of young people choosing to read for pleasure. What are the reasons behind this decline? What are the consequences for their educational development?". Đối với đề này, người đọc nên khởi đầu quy trình lên ý tưởng cho bài viết với 2 bước sau:

Bước 1: Tìm kiếm ý tưởng về nguyên nhân

Sở thích cá nhân (Chủ quan - Trực tiếp): Một trong những nguyên nhân trực tiếp và chủ quan dẫn đến sự giảm sút đọc sách ở giới trẻ là sở thích cá nhân. Ngày nay, giới trẻ có nhiều sự lựa chọn giải trí khác nhau, và nhiều người có thể ưu tiên các hoạt động khác như xem phim, chơi trò chơi điện tử hoặc duyệt mạng xã hội thay vì đọc sách. Sự thiếu thời gian và sự hấp dẫn của các hoạt động giải trí khác đã làm cho việc đọc sách trở nên ít hấp dẫn đối với một số người trẻ.

Sự phổ biến của giải trí số (Khách quan - Gián tiếp): Một nguyên nhân khách quan và gián tiếp khác là sự phổ biến của giải trí số. Các thiết bị di động, máy tính bảng và Internet đã mang đến nhiều tùy chọn giải trí dễ dàng và hấp dẫn, từ xem video trực tuyến đến chơi game và thậm chí đọc sách điện tử. Sự tiện lợi và sự lôi cuốn của giải trí số đã làm cho việc đọc sách truyền thống trở nên ít hấp dẫn đối với một số người trẻ.

"Personal preferences and the widespread availability of digital entertainment are key reasons for the decline in reading among youth."

"The direct impact of digital gadgets on leisure activities, and the indirect effect of changing educational systems, contribute to the decline in reading."

Bước 2: Tìm kiếm ý tưởng về hậu quả/ảnh hưởng

Kỹ năng đọc hiểu kém hơn (Chủ quan - Trực tiếp): Sự giảm sút đọc sách ở giới trẻ có hậu quả trực tiếp và chủ quan đối với kỹ năng đọc hiểu của họ. Thiếu thời gian đọc sách có thể làm cho họ trở nên kém tập trung và khó khăn trong việc hiểu và xử lý thông tin văn bản. Điều này không chỉ ảnh hưởng đến hiệu suất học tập của họ mà còn đối tác ảnh hưởng đến khả năng tham gia vào các hoạt động trí tuệ khác, như việc phân tích và đánh giá thông tin từ nhiều nguồn.

Ví dụ: "On a personal level, reduced reading leads to poorer comprehension skills, while on a societal level, it may result in a less informed public."

Công chúng ít thông tin hơn (Khách quan - Gián tiếp): Hậu quả gián tiếp của sự giảm sút đọc sách ở giới trẻ là sự suy giảm thông tin trong xã hội. Khi mọi người đọc ít sách, họ có ít cơ hội tiếp xúc với kiến thức mới và cập nhật. Điều này có thể dẫn đến một xã hội ít thông tin, thiếu khả năng đánh giá và phân tích thông tin một cách kritisc, và dẫn đến hiểu biết hạn chế trong các vấn đề quan trọng.

Ví dụ: "The direct consequence is a decline in literacy, while the indirect impact could be a decrease in critical thinking skills over time."

Ảnh hưởng lên cá nhân / tập thể:

Đối với cá nhân: Sự giảm sút trong việc đọc sách ảnh hưởng đến sự phát triển cá nhân của giới trẻ. Họ có thể thiếu kiến thức đa dạng và sâu sắc từ việc đọc sách, điều này có thể giới hạn khả năng họ tham gia vào các cuộc trò chuyện thông minh và sáng tạo. Điều này cũng có thể ảnh hưởng đến sự phát triển kỹ năng viết và tư duy logic.

Đối với cộng đồng: Sự giảm sút đọc sách ở giới trẻ có thể ảnh hưởng đến tập thể và văn hóa của xã hội. Nếu một lượng lớn người trẻ không tham gia vào việc đọc sách, thì văn hóa đọc sẽ giảm và sự đa dạng về kiến thức sẽ bị thu hẹp. Điều này có thể gây ra sự suy giảm về trình độ văn hóa và trí tuệ trong xã hội, ảnh hưởng đến khả năng xây dựng và thúc đẩy sự tiến bộ.

Ví dụ: "For individuals, the loss of reading habit affects personal development; for the collective, it leads to diminished cultural and intellectual growth."

Cấu trúc làm bài Cause and Effect Essay

Paraphrase lại đề: Sử dụng các cụm từ như "Nowadays," "In modern society," để bắt đầu và tạo sự liên quan đến hiện tại.

Ví dụ: "In modern society, a noticeable decline in leisure reading among the youth is sparking widespread concern."

Thesis statement: Trình bày rõ những gì bạn sẽ viết trong bài này, bao gồm nguyên nhân và hậu quả.

Ví dụ: "This essay will explore various causes for this trend and discuss its potential repercussions on the educational development of young individuals."

Body paragraph 1 – Causes:

Topic sentence - Cause: Nêu rõ nguyên nhân đầu tiên.

Ví dụ: "One primary reason for this shift away from reading is the omnipresence of digital entertainment."

Explanation: Đưa ra giải thích chi tiết cho nguyên nhân này.

Ví dụ: "The immediate access to online content offers instant gratification, unlike the delayed enjoyment from reading books."

Example: Cung cấp ví dụ cụ thể cho nguyên nhân.

Ví dụ: "For instance, teenagers might prefer immersive video games over reading novels due to the interactive experience they provide."

Tiếp tục với nguyên nhân thứ hai trong cùng đoạn hoặc đoạn tiếp theo tùy vào chiều dài yêu cầu của bài viết.

Body paragraph 2 – Effects:

Topic sentence - Effect: Nêu rõ hậu quả đầu tiên.

Ví dụ: "The waning interest in reading for pleasure has significant effects on cognitive development."

Explanation: Mô tả ảnh hưởng của hậu quả.

Ví dụ: "This disinterest in reading can result in diminished critical thinking skills among adolescents."

Example: Đưa ra ví dụ cụ thể cho hậu quả.

Ví dụ: "For example, the lack of engagement with complex narratives found in literature may lead to poorer performance in tasks requiring deep analytical skills."

Paraphrase lại vấn đề và tổng hợp các nguyên nhân và hậu quả:

Ví dụ: "In summary, the inclination towards immediate digital gratification and the consequent neglect of reading is undermining the intellectual growth of the younger generation."

Nêu ý nghĩa hoặc khuyến nghị: Có thể đề xuất hướng giải quyết hoặc nêu lên tầm quan trọng của việc giải quyết vấn đề này.

Ví dụ: "It is imperative that educators and parents address this issue to foster a balanced development of the youth, ensuring that the joy and benefits of reading are not lost to the allure of screens."

Mẫu đáp án hoàn chỉnh

Đề: In recent years, there has been a decline in the number of young people choosing to read for pleasure. What are the reasons behind this decline? What are the consequences for their educational development?

Mẫu đáp án hoàn chỉnh

Trả lời: 

In recent years, there has been a notable shift among young people away from reading for pleasure. This change can be attributed to a variety of factors that collectively contribute to this worrying trend. Primarily, the immense popularity of digital media has overshadowed traditional reading habits. Young individuals are increasingly drawn to instant forms of entertainment, such as streaming services and social media platforms, which offer immediate gratification and interactive experiences that books do not. Additionally, the rigorous academic pressures faced by students today leave little time for leisure reading, which was once a common pastime.

The consequences of this shift are far-reaching and affect more than just the publishing industry. As the inclination to read wanes, so does the proficiency in language and literacy among the youth. This decline in reading for enjoyment directly correlates with a decrease in critical thinking and analytical skills, which are not only crucial for academic success but also for navigating complex life situations. For instance, a study might reveal that students who engage in regular reading outside of school requirements have a higher ability to comprehend and analyze diverse texts, a skill that is invaluable in higher education and beyond.

Educators and policymakers need to recognize the long-term implications of this trend. If young people continue to disengage from reading, the intellectual capacity of future generations may be significantly hampered, leading to a workforce that is less equipped to deal with the challenges of the modern world. To combat this, schools and communities must implement strategies that rekindle the joy of reading among the youth, ensuring that the art of reading remains a fundamental pillar of education and personal development.

Một số từ vựng/ cụm từ thông dụng

Cho dạng bài cause and effect, mỗi đề sẽ có một chủ đề từ vựng khác nhau, người đọc có thể tham khảo ở các bài đọc khác về từ vựng. Dưới đây sẽ là một số ví dụ về các linking words thí sinh nên dùng trong bài luận về nguyên nhân và hậu quả:


Cách Sử Dụng

This paper/essay/article examines the underlying factors of...

Mô tả mục tiêu của bài luận.

Leading to/ which leads to

Chỉ sự liên kết giữa nguyên nhân và hậu quả.

The primary/ key/ main cause is...

Nhấn mạnh nguyên nhân quan trọng nhất.

Contribute to/ play a role in

Chỉ cách một yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến kết quả.

Owing to/ Due to/ Given that

Mở đầu câu để chỉ nguyên nhân.

This leads to...

Giới thiệu hậu quả hoặc kết quả trực tiếp.

One significant effect is...

Nêu bật một hậu quả quan trọng.

Stemming from...

Chỉ nguồn gốc hoặc nguyên nhân của một vấn đề.

To result in

Mô tả kết quả cuối cùng của một nguyên nhân.


Giới thiệu một kết quả hoặc hậu quả.

Tài nguyên học thêm

Người đọc nên tham khảo một số bài viết liên quan khác như:

Cách viết dạng bài Cause and Solution trong IELTS Writing task 2

2 vấn đề và giải pháp khi viết phần Causes dạng bài Cause – Solution và Cause – Effect

Hoặc tham khảo các đầu sách uy tín của ZIM về IELTS Writing:

Understanding Ideas for IELTS Writing

Understanding Academic Words for IELTS Writing Task 2

Với những kỹ thuật viết cause and effect essay đã trình bày, thí sinh sẽ tiến một bước dài trong việc chinh phục bài thi IELTS. Từ việc phân tích mối quan hệ nguyên nhân - hậu quả đến việc trình bày ý tưởng một cách logic, mỗi đoạn văn thí sinh viết không chỉ thể hiện kỹ năng ngôn ngữ mà còn phản ánh khả năng tư duy phê phán sắc bén. Người đọc có thể tham khảo thêm các khóa luyện thi IELTS , các kì thi thử , và giải đáp các thắc mắc qua diễn đàn ZIM Helper .

Nguồn tham khảo

“A Guide to Writing a Cause and Effect Essay.” A Guide to Writing a Cause and Effect Essay | Grammarly, 25 Apr. 2023, 

How to Write IELTS Cause and Effect Essay? - IELTS-up. 

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Đặt lịch học 1-1 với Giảng viên tại ZIM để được học sâu hơn về nội dung của bài viết bạn đang đọc. Thời gian linh hoạt và học phí theo buổi

Gửi đánh giá

Bình luận - Hỏi đáp


👋 Nhắn cho DOL để tìm hiểu chi tiết về các khóa học IELTS nhé!

Cách làm bài Cause and Effect essay trong IELTS Writing chi tiết

Cause and Effect essay IELTS là một trong những dạng bài yêu cầu nhiều chất xám nhất vì cần phải nghĩ về bối cảnh của chủ đề, nghĩ nguyên nhân gây ra vấn đề, và cả những tác động mà nó gây ra. Vậy làm sao để bao quát hết tất cả những yếu tố trên chỉ trong vòng 40 phút? Hãy để DOL giúp bạn.


1. Cách nhận biết dạng bài Cause và Effect

Việc phân biệt được đề nghe chừng đơn giản, nhưng không hề dễ như bạn nghĩ. Vì nhiều khi áp lực thời gian hoặc khi các thí sinh quá hào hứng sẽ viết lạc từ cause and effect essay IELTS sang cause and solution essay lúc nào không hay.

Viết như vậy là xem như bạn đã cầm chắc điểm thấp Task Response trong tay. Cùng DOL thử luyện tập phân biệt/nhận biết đề nhé. Trước khi kéo xuống đọc đáp án, bạn hãy tự điền vào chỗ trống ở “Dạng bài”  xem đề này là đề dạng bài gì.

Today more people are overweight than ever before. What in your opinion are the primary causes of this? What are the main effects of this epidemic?

Dạng bài: _____________

Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. Why is it not popular in many places? And how to increase its popularity?

Why do more university students choose not to study science? What are the effects?

cause effect essay writing

Đề 1: Cause & Effect

Đề 2: Cause & Solution

Đề 3: Cause & Effect

2. Cách lên ý tưởng

Sau khi xác định đề, hãy lên ý tưởng và xác định cấu trúc xoay quanh dạng đề. Ở bài viết này, mình sẽ tập trung xử lý dạng Cause & Effect. Đề sử dụng:

Đọc xong đề, ắt hẳn bạn cũng thấy các từ khóa chính trong bài là ”university sudents” và “science”. Cùng áp dụng Linearthinking để specify và phát triển ý nhé.

science: Narrow career path (Specifying)

Doesn’t pay enough for scientists, lab technicians, or engineers → do not motivate students | Some companies are littered with bureaucracy → nothing gets done quickly → not suitable for a career in science 

university sudents: The way universities teach science is boring and rusty (Specifying)

Focused too much on math and complex problems that do not have much applications, little interactivity in classrooms, outdated information and labs 

university students (choose to not study) → Do not have any R&D activities → Most factories focus on assembly and production only (Samsung & Unilever) → cannot become innovative → lower-pay employees. (Develop ideas logically)

science → The general public does not have a clear understanding of science → Do not appreciate science → ignorant and distrustful → victims of conspiracy theories → flat-earthers and anti-vaxers → detrimental to society. (Develop ideas logically)

cause effect essay writing

3. Cấu trúc làm bài cause and effect essay IELTS

Từng câu nên có phần hướng dẫn cụ thể, trong bài chỉ có ví dụ trực tiếp. VD Intro: Paraphare lại đề, dùng các từ "Today/These Days... để bắt đầu" rồi mới đưa ví dụ

Why do more university students choose not to study science ? What are the effects?

Thật ra các cause and effect essays IELTS không có một cấu trúc cụ thể nào, tuy nhiên phổ biến và hợp lý nhất vẫn là:


Paraphrase topic: paraphrase lại đề bài (bạn có thể dùng những cụm như These days, Nowadays,…để bắt đầu) 

Ví dụ: Nowadays, more students are choosing not to enroll in science majors at universities. 

Thesis statement: Trình bày rõ những gì bạn sẽ viết trong bài này

Ví dụ: This problem stems from various reasons, and it is more serious than most people think because it is detrimental to society.

Body paragraph 1 – causes

Topic sentence - Cause:  Nêu ra câu chủ đề của Body 1

Ví dụ: It is understandable why many stay away from studying science.

Explanation:   Đưa ra lý do thứ nhất

Ví dụ: The first reason is that students do not have bright career prospects in science. 

Example : Nêu ví dụ cho lý do vừa mới trình bày 

Ví dụ: Scientists, lab technicians, or engineers are underpaid compared to their efforts to get to those positions. 

Tương tự với cause 2 (Sẽ được viết chi tiết ở phần sample).

Body paragraph 2 – effects

Topic sentence - Effect: Nêu ra câu chủ đề của Body 2

Ví dụ: The government and society should take this problem more seriously because it has adverse effects.

Explanation : Đưa ra những giải thích cho ảnh hưởng vừa nêu

Ví dụ: Fewer science majors mean fewer R&D activities.

Example: Cho ví dụ để bổ sung thêm ý 

Ví dụ: For example, most factories in Vietnam such as Samsung and Unilever, only focus on assembly and production according to foreign procedures and recipes. In the long run, foreign technological companies will treat Vietnam as a source of cheap employment for their production lines. 

Tương tự với effect 2 (Sẽ được viết chi tiết ở phần sample).

Conclusion- Paraphrase answers: Đối với phần kết luận, bạn chỉ cần trình bày lại vấn đề và tổng hợp các nguyên nhân và hậu quả mà bạn đã mô tả trong các đoạn thân bài.

Ví dụ: In conclusion, it is reasonable why many students choose not to study science at a higher-education level. However, the government should take this development more seriously because it causes insurmountable issues for society. 

cause effect essay writing

Sample viết hoàn chỉnh:

BÀi mẫu IELTS Writing dạng Cause and Effect

Nowadays, more students are choosing not to enroll in science majors in universities. This problem stems from various reasons, and it is more serious than most people think because it is detrimental to society.

It is understandable why many stay away from studying science. The first reason is that students do not have bright career prospects in science. Scientists, lab technicians, or engineers are underpaid compared to their efforts to get to those positions. Moreover, some companies are heavily bureaucratic, especially when it comes to research positions, which further discourage students from studying science. Another reason is the way universities teach science subjects. Most classes focus solely on too much math and complex problems that do not have many applications. This, combined with little interactivity in classrooms, outdated information and lab equipment is why enrollment in science majors is dropping.

The government and society should take this problem more seriously because it has adverse effects. Fewer science majors mean fewer R&D activities. For example, most factories in Vietnam such as Samsung and Unilever, only focus on assembly and production according to foreign procedures and recipes. In the long run, foreign technological companies will treat Vietnam as a source of cheap employment for their production lines. Another reason why this would be a problem is that the general public will have distorted views about science. The US society is currently suffering from this problem directly. Too few people pursuing studies in science leads to an ignorant and distrustful society. This kind of society readily falls victim to conspiracy theories, like the flat-earth or the anti-vaccine movements.

In conclusion, it is reasonable why many students choose not to study science at a higher-education level. However, the government should take this development more seriously because it causes insurmountable issues for society. 

4. Một số từ vựng thường dùng

Về từ vựng của cause and effect essay trong IELTS , bạn chỉ nên tập trung học và luyện tập sử dụng thành thục các linking words hoặc các phương pháp chuyển tiếp câu và ý. Còn từ vựng chủ đề thì cứ học topic by topic. Sau đây là một số vocabulary và phrase hữu dụng trong dạng bài này:



This essay will discuss the rationale behind this phenomenon (development), and then examine some adverse effects associated with it.

Bài viết này sẽ nói về lý do của hiện tượng/vấn đề này, và đưa ra các vấn đề đi liền với nó.

Dùng để viết thesis statement.

As a result/ consequence/ consequently/ hence/ therefore/ because of this

Vì vậy/Kết quả là

One đetrimental  effect is… Another outcome is…

Một tác hại là…Một điều khác là

Be a result of/ be a consequence of/ be due to

Được gây ra bởi điều gì

As a consequence of A, B takes plans

Như một hệ quả của A, B diễn ra

Another result is

Một kết quả khác là

Tất nhiên những cụm từ/từ vựng trên chỉ là những gợi ý mở đầu. Khi bạn viết quen hơn, hãy cố gắng mở rộng thêm nhiều lựa chọn hơn để có thể diễn đạt ý sát hơn.

Nếu bạn luyện tập và chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi IELTS, bạn có thể đạt band điểm cao. Có rất nhiều trang web mà bạn có thể tìm thấy sách điện tử và video hướng dẫn có thể giúp bạn cải thiện vốn từ vựng của mình. Điều quan trọng cần nhớ là kỳ thi IELTS không phải để kiểm tra kiến ​​thức của bạn về chủ đề này mà là kiểm tra kỹ năng ngôn ngữ của bạn.

DOL hy vọng bài viết này đã giúp bạn nắm rõ và không còn ngại dạng bài cause and effect essay IELTS nữa. Nếu có bất kỳ khúc mắc gì hay cần sự hỗ trợ từ DOL, liên hệ bọn mình qua các kênh website , Facebook bạn nhé.

Chúc bạn thành công.

Câu hỏi thường gặp

Một số chủ đề hay cho bài luận Nguyên nhân - Kết quả trong IELTS là gì?

Có khá nhiều chủ đề có thể dùng để làm bài luận Nguyên nhân - Kết quả IELTS. Cụ thể là:

Ảnh hưởng của ô nhiễm môi trường

Các biến đổi của đại dương trong những năm gần đây

Tác động của Internet đối với trẻ em

Sự phổ biến của các nhà hàng bán đồ ăn nhanh là do đâu

Những yếu tố gây ra sự lo lắng ở các sinh viên và ảnh hưởng của chúng

Trầm cảm ở thế hệ trẻ, nguyên nhân và giải pháp

Một bài văn nghị luận dạng Nguyên nhân - Kết quả trong IELTS là gì?

Bài văn Nguyên nhân - Kết quả trong IELTS là một dạng bài văn nghị luận trình bày chi tiết về mối quan hệ tác động qua lại giữa hai đối tượng. Trong bài viết này, người viết sẽ chỉ ra cách mà một người, một sự vật, hiện tượng ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến một cá nhân, sự vật, sự việc khác như thế nào, gây ra hiệu ứng, kết quả ra sao.

Viết lời giới thiệu bài luận Nguyên nhân - Kết quả IELTS như thế nào?

Để gây được ấn tượng với người chấm bài, thí sinh cần giới thiệu chủ đề một cách hấp dẫn. Lưu ý rằng cần sử dụng đúng chính tả, ngữ pháp, đồng thời kết hợp thêm các danh từ, tính từ,... để tăng sức hút cho câu văn. Thông qua đó, người viết thể hiện được vấn đề mình muốn nói đến, và đề cập tới các luận điểm mình sẽ sử dụng để củng cố cho vấn đề đó.

Cách để kết thúc một bài luận Nguyên nhân - Kết quả IELTS ấn tượng?

Trên thực tế, không có 1 tiêu chuẩn nhất định nào cho một kết bài luận Nguyên nhân - Kết quả IELTS xuất sắc. Thế nhưng, hầu hết người chấm thi và thí sinh đều cho rằng phần kết luận cần tóm gọn lại được vấn đề xuyên suốt bài viết. Mục đích của điều này là nhắc nhở người đọc về lập trường chính của người viết và cách mà họ chứng minh cho luận điểm của mình.

Bài viết khác

Cách dùng chat gpt để tự học ielts writing hiệu quả cải thiện kỹ năng viết.

ChatGPT là công cụ AI với khả năng tạo ra văn bản tự nhiên, mở ra nhiều cơ hội cho việc học và nâng cao kỹ năng viết trong nhiều lĩnh vực, bao gồm cả IELTS Writing. Cụ thể, Chat GPT có thể giúp bạn phát triển ý tưởng và lập dàn ý theo nhiều hướng khác nhau, tạo ra các đoạn văn theo cấu trúc yêu cầu. Hơn nữa, Chat GPT cũng có khả năng đánh giá và đưa ra lời khuyên để cải thiện điểm số, cũng như cung cấp các bài mẫu để tham khảo. Trong bài viết này, chúng ta sẽ khám phá vai trò quan trọng của ChatGPT trong việc nâng cao kỹ năng viết, cung cấp hướng dẫn cách dùng Chat GPT trong việc học IELTS Writing chi tiết và nhấn mạnh những điều cần lưu ý khi sử dụng công cụ này. Chat GPT có thể hỗ trợ bạn trong việc. 1. Phát triển ý tưởng và lập dàn ý theo nhiều hướng khác nhau. 2. Xây dựng đoạn văn theo cấu trúc cụ thể theo yêu cầu của người học. 3. Học từ vựng theo các chủ đề cụ thể. 4. Đánh giá và cung cấp lời khuyên để cải thiện điểm số. 5. Tham khảo các bài mẫu hay ví dụ để hiểu rõ hơn về cách viết và cấu trúc văn bản. Hãy cùng khám phá chi tiết bài viết để tận dụng ChatGPT trong việc cải thiện kỹ năng IELTS Writing!

cách dùng chat gpt học ielts writing

Cách viết Overview IELTS Writing Task 1 chi tiết đơn giản, hiệu quả nhất

Overview (mô tả tổng quan) là phần mở đầu ngắn gọn (khoảng 1-2 câu) cho phần Writing Task 1 trong bài thi IELTS. Nó đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc giúp giám khảo nắm được ý chính của biểu đồ, bảng biểu hoặc sơ đồ mà bạn đang mô tả. Việc xác định các điểm chính của biểu đồ, bảng biểu hoặc sơ đồ là bước khó khăn nhất khi viết Overview trong IELTS Writing Task 1. Bạn cần tóm tắt các điểm chính một cách ngắn gọn và súc tích, tránh việc quá dài hoặc quá ngắn. Trong bài viết này DOL English sẽ cung cấp cho bạn toàn bộ thông tin về cách viết Overview cho IELTS Writing Task 1, bao gồm: sử dụng những từ/cụm từ nối viết Overview và lựa chọn những đặc điểm chính đưa vào Overview. Ngoài ra, bài viết còn hướng dẫn viết Overview cho từng dạng bài: Dạng Biểu đồ động (Dynamic Chart), Dạng Biểu đồ tĩnh (Static Chart), Dạng Bản đồ (Map), Dạng Quy trình (Process), Dạng Hỗn hợp (Mixed)... Cùng đọc tiếp bài viết để nắm được cách viết một đoạn Overview Writing Task 1 chuẩn chỉnh nhé!

cách viết iets writing task 1

Cách dùng Bing AI để tự học IELTS Writing lên ý tưởng hiệu quả

Bing AI là một công cụ trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI) tiên tiến được phát triển bởi Microsoft, có khả năng xử lý ngôn ngữ tự nhiên một cách ấn tượng. Đây là một công cụ hỗ trợ viết hiệu quả, giúp bạn lên ý tưởng sáng tạo, sắp xếp logic, sửa lỗi chính tả và ngữ pháp, trau chuốt từ vựng, cung cấp thông tin và dẫn chứng, đồng thời chấm điểm và góp ý chi tiết để bạn nâng tầm kỹ năng viết. Trong bài viết này, DOL sẽ cung cấp cho bạn cách dùng Bing Ai học IELTS Writing cụ thể và những lưu ý quan trọng khi sử dụng. Hãy cùng DOL khám phá bí quyết sử dụng Bing AI để chinh phục điểm cao trong bài thi IELTS Writing. 

cách dùng bing ai học ielts writing

Cách dùng QuillBot tự học IELTS Writing hiệu quả

QuillBot là một công cụ trực tuyến, giúp bạn viết lại câu hoặc đoạn văn bản tiếng Anh một cách sáng tạo và tự nhiên, mà vẫn giữ nguyên nghĩa gốc. Không chỉ vậy, QuillBot còn cung cấp nhiều tính năng hữu ích khác như. 1. Tóm tắt nội dung: Giúp bạn rút gọn văn bản dài thành những ý chính ngắn gọn, dễ hiểu. 2. Kiểm tra ngữ pháp: Phát hiện và sửa lỗi ngữ pháp, giúp bạn viết tiếng Anh chính xác hơn. 3. Gợi ý từ vựng: Đề xuất những từ vựng phù hợp để thay thế từ ngữ hiện có, giúp bài viết phong phú và đa dạng hơn. Với những tính năng mạnh mẽ này, QuillBot sẽ hỗ trợ bạn đắc lực trong việc nâng cao kỹ năng viết tiếng Anh và luyện thi IELTS Writing hiệu quả. Hãy cùng DOL khám phá cách dùng QuillBot học IELTS Writing và trải nghiệm những lợi ích tuyệt vời mà công cụ này mang lại!

cách dùng quillbot học ielts writing

Cách dùng Grammarly tự học IELTS Writing hiệu quả

Grammarly là một công cụ trực tuyến giúp bạn kiểm tra và sửa lỗi ngữ pháp, chính tả, dấu câu và phong cách viết trong tiếng Anh. Nó sử dụng trí tuệ nhân tạo tiên tiến để phân tích văn bản của bạn và đưa ra những gợi ý sửa lỗi chính xác, giúp bạn viết tiếng Anh trôi chảy và tự tin hơn. Trong bài viết này, DOL sẽ cung cấp các tính năng, hướng dẫn cụ thể và những lưu ý quan trọng khi sử dụng ứng dụng Grammarly. Cùng đọc tiếp bài viết để hiểu được cách dùng Grammarly vào việc học IELTS Writing nhé!

cách dùng grammarly học ielts writing

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  1. Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Cause and Effect Essay

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  2. Guide to Writing a Cause and Effect Essay: Tips and Examples

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  3. How to Write an Effective Cause and Effect Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

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  4. Cause and Effect Essay Outline: Types, Examples & Writing Tips

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  5. 10.8 Cause and Effect

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  7. Cause and Effect Essay

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  8. Cause & effect essays

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  9. 8 Cause and Effect Essay Examples to Help You Get Started

    Tips For Writing a Good Cause and Effect Essay. Reading and following the examples above can help you write a good essay. However, you can make your essay even better by following these tips. Choose a Clear and Manageable Topic: Select a topic that you can explore thoroughly within the essay's word limit. A narrowly defined topic will make it ...

  10. Cause and Effect Essay Examples

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  11. 6.6: Cause and Effect

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  12. How to Write a Cause & Effect Essay: Examples, Outline, & Tips

    2.1. Cause and effect chain #1: Chlorofluorocarbons were used to make hairsprays 50 years ago, but they are harmful to the ozone layer - some of them are still in the atmosphere ruining ozone molecules. 2.2. Cause and effect chain #2: Less ozone layer causes icebergs to melt faster. 2.3. Cause and effect chain #3.

  13. PDF Unit 6 Cause-Effect Essays

    Cause-Effect Essays. to document: to maintain a written record of; to write about. to span: to extend from one point to another. a reign: a time of political control, especially for kings, queens, or unelected oficials. to mount: to prepare something so that it takes place.

  14. 230+ Cause and Effect Essay Topics Ideas for Students

    Below is a list of cause and effect essay topics for students to write a perfect essay. Cause and Effect Essay Topics for Elementary Students. What are the effects of not getting up early in the morning? The effects of eating healthy foods on growing strong. Explain the adverse effects of terrorism on education.

  15. How To Write A Cause And Effect Essay (Definition

    Use promocode "YOUTUBE" on our website and get 20% off 😎Watch our updated video about Cause & Effect Essay!

  16. 137 Intriguing Cause & Effect Essay Topics for Students

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    Cách làm bài Cause and Effect essay trong IELTS Writing chi tiết . Cause and Effect essay IELTS là một trong những dạng bài yêu cầu nhiều chất xám nhất vì cần phải nghĩ về bối cảnh của chủ đề, nghĩ nguyên nhân gây ra vấn đề, và cả những tác động mà nó gây ra. Vậy làm sao để bao quát hết tất cả những yếu tố trên ...

  21. Crafting a Cause and Effect Essay: Writing Assignment Guide

    Writing Assignment: Cause / Effect First Draft Introduction: The cause / effect organizational pattern focuses on the question "why" by describing the relationships between two or more events. Any time you consider the reason something happened or the results of an event, you are using cause and effect.

  22. 50 Latest Effects IELTS Topics

    What effects does its increase in popularity have on individuals and on society. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowlegde or experience. Write on this topic. Answers. ···. Opinion. It is universally accepted that eating too much sugar has negative effects on people's health.

  23. Cause and Effect essay: Cách viết, Từ vựng & Bài mẫu

    Cause and Effect essay là dạng bài tiểu luận về một chủ đề, yêu cầu người làm bài nêu ra các nguyên nhân (cause) và ảnh hưởng (effect) của chủ đề đó. Đây là dạng bài phổ biến trong bài thi IELTS Writing Task 2. Bên cạnh kỹ năng viết, dạng bài này sẽ kiểm tra tư duy nhìn ...