speech on poverty

6 Speech On Poverty You Should Know

According to the latest statistics on poverty, 8.6% of the world, or 736 million people, live in extreme poverty. As we all know, poverty is the state of being poor and lack of the means to provide necessary needs. Going by the basic definition of poverty, 736 million people lack the means to provide necessary needs and it shouldn’t be so.

In this article, we have collated a list of speeches on poverty to inspire the fight against poverty and also help you create wonderful content about poverty. These speeches on poverty were made by influential voices addressing the ever existing social issue, poverty.

Here are the 5 speech on poverty to inspire you to fight against poverty:

1.) Former U.N Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, Address on the International Day For The Eradication Of Poverty, 17 October.

In this address, Kofi Annan highlighted the need of working together to end poverty. He said: “But poverty is an old enemy with many faces. Defeating it will require many actors to work together.”

2.) Ban Ki-moon Speech At The 66th General Assembly .

On September 2011, the former U.N Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, gave a speech at the 66th General Assembly. In that speech, Ki-moon linked the fight for poverty to some important social issues. In his words: “Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth … these are one and the same fight.”.

“We must connect the dots between climate change, water scarcity, energy shortages, global health, food security and women’s empowerment. Solutions to one problem must be solutions for all.” Ban Ki-moon also said in the speech.

3.) Nelson Mandela Make Poverty History Speech in Trafalgar Square

Nelson Mandela gave a speech about poverty in London’s Trafalgar Square on February 3, 2005. Just like most speeches about poverty, Nelson Mandela’s speech is where most quote about poverty comes from.

The former president of South Africa made an important point that poverty doesn’t only affect those who can barely provide their necessary needs but everyone, rich and poor. Mandela said: “As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality exist in our world, none of us can truly rest.”

He also noted that poverty is a denial of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life. In his words: “Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life.”

4.) Teva Sienicki TEDxMileHighWomen Speech

Teva Sienicki, president and CEO of nonprofit organization, Growing Home, which provides dual-generation programs to nurture children, strengthen families, and create community.

In Sienicki’s inspiring TEDx speech, she offers an efficient way to ending poverty. Sienick tells the world that we need to not just treat the symptoms of poverty, but treat the root causes of poverty.

Sienicki argues that one can end poverty by bringing equity and reforming systems in communities.

5.) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr 1964 Nobel Peace Prize Lecture

In 1964, in a Nobel Peace Prize lecture which took place at Oslo, Norway, renowned American activist, Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke about poverty. He called on nations to end poverty. Martin Luther King Jr also argued that there’s no deficit in human resources but human will in the fight against poverty.

6.) Harry Belafonte Speech About Poverty

At a town hall in America, in the year 2005, Jamaican-American singer, songwriter, activist, and actor  dubbed “King of Calypso”,  Harry Belafonte gave a wonderful speech about poverty in America. Though, he was talking about poverty in America he made important points as regards to poverty. “We have to look at ourselves because I think the last frontier of truth and hope in this country are the people themselves.” Harry Belafonte says, calling for people to realize that we can bring the change we want.


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Speech on Poverty

Poverty is not just a lack of money, it’s a complex issue that touches many areas of life. It’s about not having enough food, a safe place to live, or access to basic services like education or healthcare.

You might think poverty only affects people in far-off places, but it’s closer than you think. Even in the wealthiest countries, many people struggle every day just to meet their basic needs.

1-minute Speech on Poverty

Hello, friends!

Let’s talk about a critical issue – poverty. It’s the state when people can’t get the basic things they need to live, like food, clothes, and a place to live. It’s a problem not just in one country or one region, but all over the world.

Imagine not knowing if you’ll eat today or not. Imagine wearing the same clothes every day, no matter if they’re torn or dirty. It’s a tough life, right? That’s what poverty looks like. Many people face this situation every day. It’s sad, but it’s the truth.

Now, why does poverty exist? Some people are born into poor families. Some lose their jobs and can’t find a new one. Sometimes, natural disasters like floods or earthquakes destroy everything they have. The reasons are many, and they’re all hard to control.

We can’t end poverty in one day. It’s a big task. But every small action counts. If every one of us does a little bit, we can make a big change. Remember, a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

In the end, let’s not forget about poverty. Let’s keep talking about it, learning about it and doing what we can to help. Because in a world as rich as ours, no one should have to live in poverty. Thank you.

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2-minute Speech on Poverty

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In our modern world, it’s surprising that poverty still exists. It’s sad to see that in a world full of riches, some people go to bed hungry every night. In some parts of the world, kids don’t go to school because they can’t afford books or uniforms. They have to work instead, to help their families. It’s not fair, is it?

Poverty is like a big, scary monster. It’s not just about being hungry or cold. It affects people’s health too. When people are poor, they can’t afford to see a doctor or buy medicine. They get sick more often and stay sick longer. It makes life very hard and stressful.

But why does poverty exist? There are many reasons. Sometimes, it’s because of bad luck. Maybe there’s a drought, and the crops fail. Or maybe someone gets sick and can’t work. But often, it’s because of things that are unfair. Maybe some people have a lot of money and power, and they don’t share it with others. Or maybe the rules of the society are not fair, and they make it hard for poor people to improve their lives.

So, what can we do about poverty? It’s a big problem, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fight it. We can start by being aware of the problem. We can learn about poverty and talk about it. And we can help. We can donate money or food to people who need it. We can also volunteer our time to help in soup kitchens or community centers. And we can make sure that our leaders know that we care about poverty, and we want them to do something about it.

Remember, every person can make a difference. You might think that you’re just one person, and you can’t do much. But that’s not true. If each one of us does a little bit, it adds up to a lot. And together, we can beat the monster of poverty.

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Poverty Persuasive Speech Sample

This poverty persuasive speech sample seeks to persuade that audience that too little is being done to deal with poverty in America. This page provides series of resources to help our reader write their a speech on the poverty topic, including a free sample persuasive speech about poverty and a possible theme analysis.

Summary of the Topic - Poverty in America

  • Outline of the Poverty Persuasive Speech
  • Related Ideas for Development

Written Poverty Speech Essay on Poverty in America

  • Theme Idea for a Persuasive Speech about Poverty in America
  • Sources for More Information to Write a Poverty Persuasive Speech

poverty persuasive speech

Poverty is a complex issue that affects millions of people in the United States, and addressing it requires a multi-faceted approach. Many programs and initiatives are in place at the federal, state, and local levels to address poverty and support those in need. These include programs that provide financial assistance, such as temporary cash assistance and SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), and programs that aim to improve access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities.

At the same time, it is widely recognized that more needs to be done to address poverty in the United States. Despite these programs' efforts, the country's poverty rate remains high, with millions of people struggling to make ends meet and access the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.

There are many challenges to addressing poverty, including a lack of affordable housing, limited access to quality education and job training, and systemic inequalities that disproportionately impact marginalized communities. To truly make a dent in poverty rates, addressing these underlying issues and working towards more comprehensive, long-term solutions will be necessary.

The poverty persuasive speech sample outline and written poverty speech essay below turn the above summary into a full sample speech to provide an example of the speech writing process. Combine the speech sample with the theme idea of a ladder, and this could become an very persuasive speech to advocate changes in policy. 

Sample Persuasive Speech Outline of the Topic - Poverty in America

Here is a possible outline for a speech to convince others that more needs to be done about poverty in the United States:

I.  Introduction      a.  A brief overview of the topic of poverty in America      b.  Thesis statement: Despite the efforts of existing programs and initiatives, more needs to be done to address poverty in the United States. II.  Overview of poverty in America      a.  Statistics on poverty rates in the United States      b.  Examples of the challenges and difficulties faced by those living in poverty, such as limited access to resources and opportunities, and the impact on overall health and well-being III.  Current efforts to address poverty      a.  Description of existing programs and initiatives, such as financial assistance and job training programs      b.  Evaluation of the effectiveness of these efforts in reducing poverty rates IV.  The need for more comprehensive solutions      a.  Examination of the underlying causes of poverty, such as systemic inequalities and a lack of affordable housing and quality education      b.  How addressing these root causes is necessary to reduce poverty rates effectively V.  Conclusion      a.  Recap of the main points of the speech      b.  Call to action for others to join in the fight against poverty in America

Potential Ideas Related to the Poverty Speech Topic for Development

Related Ideas

Here are a few topics related to poverty in the United States that a person could explore:

  • The impact of poverty on children: Poverty can have severe and long-lasting effects on children's development and well-being. Exploring this topic could involve researching how poverty can affect children's health, education, and overall prospects for the future.
  • The intersection of poverty and race: Poverty disproportionately affects marginalized communities, particularly people of color. Exploring this topic could involve examining how systemic racism and discrimination contribute to poverty and the efforts being made to address these issues.
  • The role of social safety net programs: The United States has a range of programs in place to provide financial assistance and other support to those in need. Exploring this topic could involve looking at the history and effectiveness of these programs and the ongoing debates around their funding and implementation.
  • The link between poverty and poor health outcomes: Poverty and poor health often go hand in hand, with those living in poverty more likely to experience a range of adverse health outcomes. Exploring this topic could involve examining how poverty contributes to poor health and the efforts being made to address these issues.
  • The impact of poverty on mental health: Poverty can have a significant impact on mental health, with those living in poverty more likely to experience stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. Exploring this topic could involve researching how poverty can affect mental health and the efforts being made to support those in need.

How could you use these topics related to the persuasive poverty speech sample? Take item #4 for instance, you might expand on a major point of the speech by discussing the link between poverty and poor health. Most can relate to the importance of health, and audience may find this a persuasive point of information.

Persuasive Poverty Speech Sample Heading


Good evening, everyone.

Today, I want to talk to you about an issue that affects millions of people in our country: poverty. Despite the efforts of existing programs and initiatives, more needs to be done to address poverty in the United States. 

Main Body Part I - Overview of the Problem:

According to the latest statistics, nearly 10% of Americans live in poverty, including over 13 million children. These numbers represent people who struggle to make ends meet and access the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.

Poverty has severe and long-lasting consequences for those who experience it. Poverty can impact every aspect of a person's life, from health and education to job prospects and overall well-being. For children, growing up in poverty can have particularly severe consequences, as it can limit their ability to reach their full potential and succeed in the future.

Main Body Part 2 - Current Efforts 

Many programs and initiatives are in place to address poverty and support those in need. These include financial assistance programs, such as temporary cash assistance and SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), as well as job training and education programs. While these efforts have certainly helped many people, the poverty rate in the United States remains high, and more needs to be done to address this pressing issue.

Main Body Part 3 - The Ongoing Need for Solutions

To truly make a dent in poverty rates, we must go beyond providing temporary assistance and address the root causes of poverty. The future steps include addressing systemic inequalities that disproportionately impact marginalized communities and addressing issues like a lack of affordable housing and quality education. We can only effectively reduce poverty rates and create a more equitable society for all by addressing these underlying issues.


In conclusion, poverty is a complex and pressing issue that affects millions of people in the United States. While there are already efforts to address poverty, more must be done to address the root causes of poverty and create a more equitable society for all. Please join me in the fight against poverty and work towards more comprehensive, long-term solutions. Thank you.

Theme Idea for a Poverty Persuasive Speech Sample

The symbol of a ladder could add colorful imagery to the poverty persuasive speech sample, making the delivery more persuasive and relatable..

ladder theme poverty in america

One possible theme that could be added to the speech as an analogy or story is the idea of a ladder . The ladder could symbolize the many factors contributing to poverty and how people can climb out of poverty with the proper support and resources.

For example, the speech could begin with a story about a person struggling to climb out of poverty but constantly held back by obstacles such as a lack of education, affordable housing, and job opportunities. These obstacles could be compared to the rungs of a ladder that are missing or broken, making it difficult for the person to make progress.

The speech could then discuss the various programs and initiatives to help people climb out of poverty, such as financial assistance and job training programs. These tools help repair the missing rungs on the ladder, allowing people to progress and achieve a better life.

However, the speech could also emphasize the need for more comprehensive solutions that address the root causes of poverty, such as systemic inequalities and a lack of affordable housing and quality education. These solutions are the foundation of the ladder, supporting the entire structure and enabling people to climb out of poverty and reach their full potential.

In conclusion, the ladder analogy could be used to emphasize the importance of addressing the immediate challenges of poverty and the underlying causes to create a more equitable society for all.

What is the best theme for a persuasive poverty speech sample that you can think of? How about a using a visual aid such as a table with inexpensive staple foods of limited quantity for a family? 

Great sources for more information with citations and content summaries

1. “how poverty in the united states is measured and why it matters.” prb, 2022,  https://www.prb.org/resources/how-poverty-in-the-united-states-is-measured-and-why-it-matters/ ..

ruler measuring poverty in America

The US government has provided billions of dollars in emergency relief through various acts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic effects, including the Build Back Better Act, a $1 trillion reconciliation bill proposed by the Biden administration to support American children and families in need. The Build Back Better Act uses multiple poverty measures to determine eligibility for benefits and allocate funds. The current measure of poverty, the official poverty measure, has been in use since the 1960s and is based on a family's pretax cash income. Many believe this measure is flawed and recommend alternative measures considering non-cash benefits and the cost of living in different regions.

2. “Poverty Facts.” Povertyusa.org, 2020,  www.povertyusa.org/facts .

source for poverty facts

Facts are important for the persuasive poverty speech sample. Here's a synopsis of the facts page provided by Poverty USA Org.

Poverty in the United States affects a significant portion of the population, particularly children, seniors, and certain racial and ethnic groups. In 2020, the poverty rate was 11.4%, but the supplemental poverty measure, which considers programs designed to reduce poverty, dropped to 9.1%. Many people in poverty struggle to make ends meet and do not have access to resources and opportunities that can help them improve their circumstances. The US government has implemented various programs and initiatives to address poverty, including financial assistance and job training. Still, more must be done to address the root causes of poverty and create a more equitable society.‌

3. McCarty AT. Child Poverty in the United States: A Tale of Devastation and the Promise of Hope. Sociol Compass. 2016 Jul;10(7):623-639. doi: 10.1111/soc4.12386. Epub 2016 Jul 4. PMID: 28890733; PMCID: PMC5589198.

Brief Summary of the McCarty Paper: 

Child poverty is a significant issue in the United States, affecting education and health outcomes. It disproportionately affects certain social groups and geographic areas, and is influenced by a lack of resources, cultural factors, and stress. To address child poverty, it is necessary to increase incomes and support children's skill development, and improve the communities in which poor families live. Further research is needed to understand and address the issue fully.

Who is Alyn McCarty and why is this source reliable? 

Alyn McCarty is a research associate at Research for Action, where she leads a multi-year evaluation of an early literacy program in Philadelphia and conducts research on other projects. Before joining Research for Action, McCarty worked as a Health Disparities Research Scholar and Research Scientist, focusing on how socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities in early health contribute to inequality in health and education. McCarty received a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Texas-Austin, an M.S. in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Related Informative Topics

Not interested in poverty but would like to give a speech about money issues? How about choosing one of these topics?

  • Savings and budgeting : managing one's money in a way that allows for long-term financial stability and the ability to save for future expenses or goals.
  • Investment : using money to generate additional income or wealth by acquiring assets such as stocks, bonds, or real estate.
  • Debt : the borrowing of money, often with interest, to be paid back at a later date.
  • Credit : the ability to borrow money or access financial services, often through credit scores and credit reports.
  • Financial planning : setting and working towards financial goals, including creating a budget, saving for retirement, and managing debt.

Related Persuasive Speech Topics

Want to give a speech about the equitable treatment of others but with a different focus than provided by the persuasive poverty speech sample? Consider these topics.

  • The importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • The impact of systemic racism and discrimination on marginalized communities
  • The need for equal pay for equal work
  • The role of privilege and how to be an ally
  • The benefits of promoting equal opportunities for all individuals

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Speech on Poverty - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

  • Speech on Poverty

Poverty is the state of having less income. It is about not having enough money to meet basic needs. Poverty can have different social, political and economic causes and effects. Poverty is considered as one of the main problems of the world. It is because both underemployment and unemployment lie at the core of poverty.

10 Lines Speech on Poverty

Short speech on poverty, long speech on poverty.

Speech on Poverty - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

The income of a person shows their poverty line.

Arranging an everyday meal is very difficult for poor people.

Many students cannot get proper education due to poverty.

It is a major concern in developing countries when compared to developed ones.

It makes the life of people full of pain and misery.

The rising crime rate is also a result of poverty.

The unprecedented growth of the population is another cause.

Poverty can cause many deaths.

It is a serious issue in our country.

Government can help in reducing poverty by putting up many schemes in providing funds to the poor.

There is a great saying by Mahatma Gandhi—’Poverty is the worst form of violence’. We are all aware that since money is needed to sustain human life, its lack results in poverty. Therefore, we can conclude that poverty will result in a wide range of issues for people.

A household is said to be in poverty if its fundamental requirements are not met. It consists of housing, food, clothing, and education. Lack of education will result in low literacy rates and unemployment. A person without a job is unable to provide adequate nutritious meals for their family. It causes a deterioration in health. The impoverished will therefore always be poor. Therefore, it is evident that poverty is the root of all issues.

What Poverty Feels Like

It is a physical pain from working long hours and eating little, an emotional pain from being dependent on others, a moral anguish from having to make moral decisions like whether to spend the money to feed their children or to pay to save a sick family member's life.

Measurement Of Poverty

Two metrics of poverty have been developed by the United Nations. There are two types of poverty: absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute poverty is used to define poverty in developing nations like India. Here, a poverty line (minimum income level) is established; if a family's daily income falls below this line, they are considered to be poor. Poverty is quantified as relative poverty in developed nations like the USA.

Poverty leads to all the sorrows in life. Having poverty is not anyone's cup of tea but yes we are only responsible to make ourselves rich to lead a happy and healthier life.

Causes Of Poverty

There might be many causes of poverty. Here are the major causes listed below.

Inequality | The term "inequality" is used to describe systemic hurdles that prevent some groups of people from having a voice or being represented in their communities. However, it can be deceptive at times. All groups must participate in decision-making for a population to transcend poverty, especially when it comes to having a say in issues that affect your standing in society. Some of them might be plain to see, while in other cases it might be subtle.

Hunger And Malnutrition | You may believe that hunger results from poverty, but hunger also contributes to and sustains poverty. A person won't have the strength and energy they need to work if they don't eat enough or their immune system will weaken from malnutrition and leave them more susceptible to illness that prevents them from getting to work.

Climate Change | Climate change contributes to the cycle of poverty in a number of ways, including by disproportionately harming women, producing refugees, and even influencing conflict. It causes hunger by either too little (drought) or too much (flooding) water.

Education | Not all people without a formal education are in dire straits. However, the vast majority of the very poor lack formal schooling. Around the world, there are various obstacles to education, such as a lack of funding for uniforms and textbooks, prejudice against girls' education, or many of the other factors contributing to poverty that were stated.

Nelson Mandela asserted that poverty is a result of human activity. It is true since the reasons for poverty are typically caused by human activity through population growth. Population growth puts more strain on a nation's finances and resources.

Impact of poverty | Children's health, emotional and cognitive growth, social, behavioural, and educational results are all negatively impacted by poverty. It has an impact on a person's utilities, life, employment, and safe neighbourhoods for learning.

Eradicating Poverty

One of the main reasons to overcome poverty is through equity, education, employment, resilience, ending hunger and poverty alleviation through peace. Being in poverty will affect the next generation. Youth can help to end poverty. Learning how to cultivate food, build things, prepare nutritious meals, create websites, market online, and engage in other forms of production would help in eradication of poverty.

Poverty is a social problem too. A high rate of poverty reduces our nation's economic progress. When a large number of people cannot afford to have basic needs like the purchase of goods and services, economic growth is more difficult to achieve. Poverty even disturbs the socio-economic ladder by producing crime and other social problems. It's not only individuals but also the government that can reduce poverty.

Steps Taken By Government

Following are the steps taken by the government of India to reduce poverty. It is done by increasing economic growth, poverty alleviation, agricultural growth, speedy development of infrastructure and human resource development, the growth of non-farm employment, giving access to assets, giving access to credit, the proper public distribution system and direct attack on poverty.

Some of the plans initiated by the national government to reduce our National Rural Employment Programme ( NREP), Annapurna, Rural Labour Employment Guarantee Programme ( RLEGP ), National Maternity Benefit Scheme ( NMBS ), TRYSEM scheme, National Old Age Pension Scheme ( NOAPS ), Jawahar Rojgar Yojna ( JRY ), Rural Housing Programme, Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Yojna, Food for work programme, Minimum Needs Programme ( MNP ) and many more.

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Speech on poverty [1, 2, 3, 5 Minutes]

Speech on Poverty

5 Minutes Speech on poverty

Dear teacher and students!

Greetings to all of you.

Poverty is a continuous and widespread problem. Poverty affects millions of people throughout the world.  Poverty is a lack of resources. Most of the Asian countries are below the line of poverty.

It is a complex issue and a large number of population is victim of poverty. Poverty has  a significant influence on individuals, families, on business, industries and on communities as a whole.

It refers to the inability to afford needs such as food, housing, medical care and other similar important things like a lack of access to healthcare hospitals, clean water supply, and other necessities for human growth.

I want to tell you that poverty leads to poor health, social isolation, unequal treatments in the society and limited educational opportunities.

Poverty may have several negative impact on an individual’s life. Poverty leads to an unhealthy society with full of scams and robberies.

Poverty may trap people in a cycle of poverty, making it more difficult for them to escape and improve their economical condition.

To successfully eliminate poverty, we must address these underlying issues and strive to establish healthy economical system for our country

There are several strategies to stop poverty and improve the lives of people affected with poverty.

Some strategies that I can suggest are to provide free education, and health care facilities to each citizen of the country. We need to open different industries and offer jobs to young generation. Every one needs to contribute their part to end the poverty. Governments, private and public sector all must  collaborate with each other to eliminate the poverty.

  • Nelson Mandela : “Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice.”
  • Mother Teresa : “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”
  • Bill Gates : “To win the fight against poverty, we must unleash the energy and potential of the poor.”
  • Kofi Annan : “Extreme poverty anywhere is a threat to human security everywhere.”
  • Desmond Tutu : “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
  • Bono : “Where you live should not determine whether you live, or whether you die.”
  • Muhammad Yunus : “Poverty is not created by poor people. It is created by the system we have built, the institutions we have designed, and the concepts we have formulated.”
  • Dalai Lama : “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”

Quotes for Speech about poverty

  • “Poverty is the worst form of violence.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “The greatest destroyer of peace is poverty.” – Mother Teresa
  • “Poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn’t commit.” – Eli Khamarov
  • “It is not the hand that rocks the cradle that rules the world; it is the hand that rocks the cradle that rules the world.” – William Ross Wallace
  • “Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice.” – Nelson Mandela
  • “The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • “Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid, it is man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.” – Nelson Mandela
  • “The real tragedy of the poor is the poverty of their aspirations.” – Adam Smith
  • “A rich man is nothing but a poor man with money.” – W. C. Fields
  • “Poverty is not just a lack of money; it’s not having the capability to realize one’s full potential as a human being.” – Amartya Sen
  • “Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.” – Aristotle
  • “The first step out of poverty is to make sure that everyone has enough to eat.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • “We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for is the greatest poverty.” – Mother Teresa
  • “The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for is the greatest poverty.” – Mother Teresa
  • “We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.” – Kofi Annan

1, 2 Minutes Speech on poverty

Ladies and gentlemen!

Worldwide poverty affects millions of individuals.

The inability to provide for even the most basic of necessities, such as food, clothes, and shelter, is a hallmark of extreme poverty.

I want to tell you that Poverty leads to several unequal rights in society including catastrophic events, violent conflict, lack of treatment during medical issues, Causes of illness, hunger, and a lack of basic sanitation services like safe drinking water and a lack of access to education and jobs. The ripple impact of poverty is both devastating and far-reaching. When children from low-income families can’t afford school, they have a hard time breaking out of their situation.

Since poverty is multifaceted, a variety of approaches are needed to alleviate it. In order to alleviate poverty, we must work to improve people’s access to resources like education and employment, as well as provide more urgent aid through initiatives like food banks and homeless shelters. We can stop poverty by Contributing financially to anti-poverty groups. Donating our time to poor to aid and advocating for legislation to address systemic factors contributing to poverty are all good places to start.

By working together, we can make a huge difference in the lives of people who are struggling right now. Each of us can and should do our part to alleviate poverty.

3 Minutes Speech on poverty

Millions of people all around the world are living in poverty. It’s the condition of having very few financial resources or material assets.

Lack of education, natural calamities, war, and social injustice are all potential root causes of poverty. It may cause a vicious cycle of poverty since those already struggling financially frequently lack the means to pull themselves up.

The effects of poverty can be far-reaching, ranging from diminished physical and mental health to a lack of educational and occupational opportunities. As a result, they may feel powerless and alone in society.

There is a wide variety of approaches we might use to reduce poverty. Among these include lending a hand to people in need directly and backing policies that increase economic development and opportunity for everybody.

Fighting poverty and making the world a better, more fair place for everyone requires our collective efforts. Together, we have the power to change lives and give individuals a chance at a brighter future.

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7 Essays About Poverty: Example Essays and Prompts

Essays about poverty give valuable insight into the economic situation that we share globally. Read our guide with poverty essay examples and prompts for your paper.

In the US, the official poverty rate in 2022 was 11.5 percent, with 37.9 million people living below the poverty line. With a global pandemic, cost of living crisis, and climate change on the rise, we’ve seen poverty increase due to various factors. As many of us face adversity daily, we can look to essays about poverty from some of the world’s greatest speakers for inspiration and guidance.

There is nothing but a lack of social vision to prevent us from paying an adequate wage to every American citizen whether he be a hospital worker, laundry worker, maid or day laborer. There is nothing except shortsightedness to prevent us from guaranteeing an annual minimum—and livable—income for every American family. Martin Luther King Jr., Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?

Writing a poverty essay can be challenging due to the many factors contributing to poverty and the knock-on effects of living below the poverty line . For example, homelessness among low-income individuals stems from many different causes.

It’s important to note that poverty exists beyond the US, with many developing countries living in extreme poverty without access to essentials like clean water and housing. For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers .

Essays About Poverty: Top Examples

1. pensioner poverty: fear of rise over decades as uk under-40s wealth falls, 2. the surprising poverty levels across the u.s., 3. why poverty persists in america, 4. post-pandemic poverty is rising in america’s suburbs.

  • 5. The Basic Facts About Children in Poverty
  • 6. The State of America’s Children 
  • 7. COVID-19: This is how many Americans now live below the poverty line

10 Poverty Essay Topics

1. the causes of poverty, 2. the negative effects of poverty, 3. how countries can reduce poverty rates, 4. the basic necessities and poverty, 5. how disabilities can lead to poverty, 6. how the cycle of poverty unfolds , 7. universal basic income and its relationship to poverty, 8. interview someone who has experience living in poverty, 9. the impact of the criminal justice system on poverty, 10. the different ways to create affordable housing.

There is growing concern about increasing pensioner poverty in the UK in the coming decades. Due to financial challenges like the cost of living crisis, rent increases, and the COVID-19 pandemic, under 40s have seen their finances shrink.

Osborne discusses the housing wealth gap in this article, where many under the 40s currently pay less in a pension due to rent prices. While this means they will have less pension available, they will also retire without owning a home, resulting in less personal wealth than previous generations. Osborne delves into the causes and gaps in wealth between generations in this in-depth essay.

“Those under-40s have already been identified as  facing the biggest hit from rising mortgage rates , and last week a study by the financial advice firm Hargreaves Lansdown found that almost a third of 18- to 34-year-olds had stopped or cut back on their pension contributions in order to save money.” Hilary Osborne,  The Guardian

In this 2023 essay, Jeremy Ney looks at the poverty levels across the US, stating that poverty has had the largest one-year increase in history. According to the most recent census, child poverty has more than doubled from 2021 to 2022.

Ney states that the expiration of government support and inflation has created new financial challenges for US families. With the increased cost of living and essential items like food and housing sharply increasing, more and more families have fallen below the poverty line. Throughout this essay, Ney displays statistics and data showing the wealth changes across states, ethnic groups, and households.

“Poverty in America reflects the inequality that plagues U.S. households. While certain regions have endured this pain much more than others, this new rising trend may spell ongoing challenges for even more communities.” Jeremy Ney,  TIME

Essays About Poverty: How countries can reduce poverty rates?

In this New York Times article, a Pulitzer Prize-winning sociologist explores why poverty exists in North America.

The American poor have access to cheap, mass-produced goods, as every American does. But that doesn’t mean they can access what matters most. Matthew Desmond,  The New York Times

The U.S. Census Bureau recently released its annual data on poverty, revealing contrasting trends for 2022. While one set of findings indicated that the overall number of Americans living in poverty remained stable compared to the previous two years, another survey highlighted a concerning increase in child poverty. The rate of child poverty in the U.S. doubled from 2021 to 2022, a spike attributed mainly to the cessation of the expanded child tax credit following the pandemic. These varied outcomes underscore the Census Bureau’s multifaceted methods to measure poverty.

“The nation’s suburbs accounted for the majority of increases in the poor population following the onset of the pandemic” Elizabeth Kneebone and Alan Berube,  Brookings

5.  The Basic Facts About Children in Poverty

Nearly 11 million children are living in poverty in America. This essay explores ow the crisis reached this point—and what steps must be taken to solve it.

“In America, nearly 11 million children are poor. That’s 1 in 7 kids, who make up almost one-third of all people living in poverty in this country.” Areeba Haider,  Center for American Progress

6.  The State of America’s Children  

This essay articles how, despite advancements, children continue to be the most impoverished demographic in the U.S., with particular subgroups — such as children of color, those under five, offspring of single mothers, and children residing in the South — facing the most severe poverty levels.

“Growing up in poverty has wide-ranging, sometimes lifelong, effects on children, putting them at a much higher risk of experiencing behavioral, social, emotional, and health challenges. Childhood poverty also plays an instrumental role in impairing a child’s ability and capacity to learn, build skills, and succeed academically.” Children’s Defense Fund

7.  COVID-19: This is how many Americans now live below the poverty line

This essay explores how the economic repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic 2020 led to a surge in U.S. poverty rates, with unemployment figures reaching unprecedented heights. The writer provides data confirming that individuals at the lowest economic strata bore the brunt of these challenges, indicating that the recession might have exacerbated income disparities, further widening the chasm between the affluent and the underprivileged.

“Poverty in the U.S. increased in 2020 as the coronavirus pandemic hammered the economy and unemployment soared. Those at the bottom of the economic ladder were hit hardest, new figures confirm, suggesting that the recession may have widened the gap between the rich and the poor.” Elena Delavega,  World Econmic Forum

If you’re tasked with writing an essay about poverty, consider using the below topics. They offer pointers for outlining and planning an essay about this challenging topic.

One of the most specific poverty essay topics to address involves the causes of poverty. You can craft an essay to examine the most common causes of extreme poverty. Here are a few topics you might want to include:

  • Racial discrimination, particularly among African Americans, has been a common cause of poverty throughout American history. Discrimination and racism can make it hard for people to get the education they need, making it nearly impossible to get a job.
  • A lack of access to adequate health care can also lead to poverty. When people do not have access to healthcare, they are more likely to get sick. This could make it hard for them to go to work while also leading to major medical bills.
  • Inadequate food and water can lead to poverty as well. If people’s basic needs aren’t met, they focus on finding food and water instead of getting an education they can use to find a better job.

These are just a few of the most common causes of poverty you might want to highlight in your essay. These topics could help people see why some people are more likely to become impoverished than others. You might also be interested in these essays about poverty .

Poverty affects everyone, and the impacts of an impoverished lifestyle are very real. Furthermore, the disparities when comparing adult poverty to child poverty are also significant. This opens the doors to multiple possible essay topics. Here are a few points to include:

  • When children live in poverty, their development is stunted. For example, they might not be able to get to school on time due to a lack of transportation, making it hard for them to keep up with their peers. Child poverty also leads to malnutrition, which can stunt their development.
  • Poverty can impact familial relationships as well. For example, members of the same family could fight for limited resources, making it hard for family members to bond. In addition, malnutrition can stunt the growth of children.
  • As a side effect of poverty, people have difficulty finding a safe place to live. This creates a challenging environment for everyone involved, and it is even harder for children to grow and develop.
  • When poverty leads to homelessness, it is hard for someone to get a job. They don’t have an address to use for physical communication, which leads to employment concerns.

These are just a few of the many side effects of poverty. Of course, these impacts are felt by people across the board, but it is not unusual for children to feel the effects of poverty that much more. You might also be interested in these essays about unemployment .

Different countries take different approaches to reduce the number of people living in poverty

The issue of poverty is a major human rights concern, and many countries explore poverty reduction strategies to improve people’s quality of life. You might want to examine different strategies that different countries are taking while also suggesting how some countries can do more. A few ways to write this essay include:

  • Explore the poverty level in America, comparing it to the poverty level of a European country. Then, explore why different countries take different strategies.
  • Compare the minimum wage in one state, such as New York, to the minimum wage in another state, such as Alabama. Why is it higher in one state? What does raising the minimum wage do to the cost of living?
  • Highlight a few advocacy groups and nonprofit organizations actively lobbying their governments to do more for low-income families. Then, talk about why some efforts are more successful than others.

Different countries take different approaches to reduce the number of people living in poverty. Poverty within each country is such a broad topic that you could write a different essay on how poverty could be decreased within the country. For more, check out our list of simple essays topics for intermediate writers .

You could also write an essay on the necessities people need to survive. You could take a look at information published by the United Nations , which focuses on getting people out of the cycle of poverty across the globe. The social problem of poverty can be addressed by giving people the necessities they need to survive, particularly in rural areas. Here are some of the areas you might want to include:

  • Affordable housing
  • Fresh, healthy food and clean water
  • Access to an affordable education
  • Access to affordable healthcare

Giving everyone these necessities could significantly improve their well-being and get people out of absolute poverty. You might even want to talk about whether these necessities vary depending on where someone is living.

There are a lot of medical and social issues that contribute to poverty, and you could write about how disabilities contribute to poverty. This is one of the most important essay topics because people could be disabled through no fault of their own. Some of the issues you might want to address in this essay include:

  • Talk about the road someone faces if they become disabled while serving overseas. What is it like for people to apply for benefits through the Veterans’ Administration?
  • Discuss what happens if someone becomes disabled while at work. What is it like for someone to pursue disability benefits if they are hurt doing a blue-collar job instead of a desk job?
  • Research and discuss the experiences of disabled people and how their disability impacts their financial situation.

People who are disabled need to have money to survive for many reasons, such as the inability to work, limitations at home, and medical expenses. A lack of money, in this situation, can lead to a dangerous cycle that can make it hard for someone to be financially stable and live a comfortable lifestyle.

Many people talk about the cycle of poverty, yet many aren’t entirely sure what this means or what it entails. A few key points you should address in this essay include:

  • When someone is born into poverty, income inequality can make it hard to get an education.
  • A lack of education makes it hard for someone to get into a good school, which gives them the foundation they need to compete for a good job. 
  • A lack of money can make it hard for someone to afford college, even if they get into a good school.
  • Without attending a good college, it can be hard for someone to get a good job. This makes it hard for someone to support themselves or their families. 
  • Without a good paycheck, it is nearly impossible for someone to keep their children out of poverty, limiting upward mobility into the middle class.

The problem of poverty is a positive feedback loop. It can be nearly impossible for those who live this every day to escape. Therefore, you might want to explore a few initiatives that could break the cycle of world poverty and explore other measures that could break this feedback loop.

Many business people and politicians have floated the idea of a universal basic income to give people the basic resources they need to survive. While this hasn’t gotten a lot of serious traction, you could write an essay to shed light on this idea. A few points to hit on include:

  • What does a universal basic income mean, and how is it distributed?
  • Some people are concerned about the impact this would have on taxes. How would this be paid for?
  • What is the minimum amount of money someone would need to stay out of poverty? Is it different in different areas?
  • What are a few of the biggest reasons major world governments haven’t passed this?

This is one of the best essay examples because it gives you a lot of room to be creative. However, there hasn’t been a concrete structure for implementing this plan, so you might want to afford one.

Another interesting topic you might want to explore is interviewing someone living in poverty or who has been impoverished. While you can talk about statistics all day, they won’t be as powerful as interviewing someone who has lived that life. A few questions you might want to ask during your interview include:

  • What was it like growing up?
  • How has living in poverty made it hard for you to get a job?
  • What do you feel people misunderstand about those who live in poverty?
  • When you need to find a meal, do you have a place you go to? Or is it somewhere different every day?
  • What do you think is the main contributor to people living in poverty?

Remember that you can also craft different questions depending on your responses. You might want to let the interviewee read the essay when you are done to ensure all the information is accurate and correct.

The criminal justice system and poverty tend to go hand in hand. People with criminal records are more likely to be impoverished for several reasons. You might want to write an essay that hits on some of these points:

  • Discuss the discriminatory practices of the criminal justice system both as they relate to socioeconomic status and as they relate to race.
  • Explore just how hard it is for someone to get a job if they have a criminal record. Discuss how this might contribute to a life of poverty.
  • Dive into how this creates a positive feedback loop. For example, when someone cannot get a job due to a criminal record, they might have to steal to survive, which worsens the issue.
  • Review what the criminal justice system might be like for someone with resources when compared to someone who cannot afford to hire expert witnesses or pay for a good attorney.

You might want to include a few examples of disparate sentences for people in different socioeconomic situations to back up your points. 

The different ways to create affordable housing

Affordable housing can make a major difference when someone is trying to escape poverty

Many poverty-related problems could be reduced if people had access to affordable housing. While the cost of housing has increased dramatically in the United States , some initiatives exist to create affordable housing. Here are a few points to include:

  • Talk about public programs that offer affordable housing to people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Discuss private programs, such as Habitat for Humanity , doing similar things.
  • Review the positive impacts that stable housing has on both adults and children.
  • Dive into other measures local and federal governments could take to provide more affordable housing for people.

There are a lot of political and social angles to address with this essay, so you might want to consider spreading this out across multiple papers. Affordable housing can make a major difference when trying to escape poverty. If you want to learn more, check out our essay writing tips !

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8 powerful quotes from Mandela’s ‘Make Poverty History’ speech

writing speech poverty

In 2005, Nelson Mandela gave his famous speech at the Make Poverty History rally in London’s Trafalgar Square, and called on world leaders to make poverty history.

Addressing a staggering crowd of 22,000 people, Nelson Mandela, along with Bob Geldof, outlined the three demands that underpinned the Make Poverty History campaign, carving the way for the eradication of extreme poverty. He said:

“The steps that are needed from the developed nations are clear. The first is ensuring trade justice. I have said before that trade justice is a truly meaningful way for the developed countries to show commitment to bringing about an end to global poverty. The second is an end to the debt crisis for the poorest countries. The third is to deliver much more aid and make sure it is of the highest quality.”

Although we have achieved a lot over the last 15 years, and progress is definitely being made, these powerful quotes still ring true today.

1. “Do not look the other way; do not hesitate. Recognise that the world is hungry for action, not words. Act with courage and vision.”

2. “Massive poverty and obscene inequality are such terrible scourges of our times — times in which the world boasts breathtaking advances in science, technology, industry and wealth accumulation — that they have to rank alongside slavery and apartheid as social evils.”

3. “As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality exist in our world, none of us can truly rest.”

4. “In this new century, millions of people in the world’s poorest countries remain imprisoned, enslaved and in chains. They are trapped in the prison of poverty. It is time to set them free.”

5. “Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the action of human beings.”

6. “Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life.

7. “While poverty persists, there is no true freedom.”

8. “Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation.”

If Nelson Mandela’s words have inspired you to create change, then join us in the fight against extreme poverty today!

A 10 point plan for the IMF managing director

A 10 point plan for the IMF managing director

writing speech poverty

3 reasons why Africa needs a bigger seat at the global table

These 5 graphics sum up the state of the world

These 5 graphics sum up the state of the world

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Poverty Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on poverty essay.

“Poverty is the worst form of violence”. – Mahatma Gandhi.

poverty essay

How Poverty is Measured?

For measuring poverty United nations have devised two measures of poverty – Absolute & relative poverty.  Absolute poverty is used to measure poverty in developing countries like India. Relative poverty is used to measure poverty in developed countries like the USA. In absolute poverty, a line based on the minimum level of income has been created & is called a poverty line.  If per day income of a family is below this level, then it is poor or below the poverty line. If per day income of a family is above this level, then it is non-poor or above the poverty line. In India, the new poverty line is  Rs 32 in rural areas and Rs 47 in urban areas.

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Causes of Poverty

According to the Noble prize winner South African leader, Nelson Mandela – “Poverty is not natural, it is manmade”. The above statement is true as the causes of poverty are generally man-made. There are various causes of poverty but the most important is population. Rising population is putting the burden on the resources & budget of countries. Governments are finding difficult to provide food, shelter & employment to the rising population.

The other causes are- lack of education, war, natural disaster, lack of employment, lack of infrastructure, political instability, etc. For instance- lack of employment opportunities makes a person jobless & he is not able to earn enough to fulfill the basic necessities of his family & becomes poor. Lack of education compels a person for less paying jobs & it makes him poorer. Lack of infrastructure means there are no industries, banks, etc. in a country resulting in lack of employment opportunities. Natural disasters like flood, earthquake also contribute to poverty.

In some countries, especially African countries like Somalia, a long period of civil war has made poverty widespread. This is because all the resources & money is being spent in war instead of public welfare. Countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. are prone to natural disasters like cyclone, etc. These disasters occur every year causing poverty to rise.

Ill Effects of Poverty

Poverty affects the life of a poor family. A poor person is not able to take proper food & nutrition &his capacity to work reduces. Reduced capacity to work further reduces his income, making him poorer. Children from poor family never get proper schooling & proper nutrition. They have to work to support their family & this destroys their childhood. Some of them may also involve in crimes like theft, murder, robbery, etc. A poor person remains uneducated & is forced to live under unhygienic conditions in slums. There are no proper sanitation & drinking water facility in slums & he falls ill often &  his health deteriorates. A poor person generally dies an early death. So, all social evils are related to poverty.

Government Schemes to Remove Poverty

The government of India also took several measures to eradicate poverty from India. Some of them are – creating employment opportunities , controlling population, etc. In India, about 60% of the population is still dependent on agriculture for its livelihood. Government has taken certain measures to promote agriculture in India. The government constructed certain dams & canals in our country to provide easy availability of water for irrigation. Government has also taken steps for the cheap availability of seeds & farming equipment to promote agriculture. Government is also promoting farming of cash crops like cotton, instead of food crops. In cities, the government is promoting industrialization to create more jobs. Government has also opened  ‘Ration shops’. Other measures include providing free & compulsory education for children up to 14 years of age, scholarship to deserving students from a poor background, providing subsidized houses to poor people, etc.

Poverty is a social evil, we can also contribute to control it. For example- we can simply donate old clothes to poor people, we can also sponsor the education of a poor child or we can utilize our free time by teaching poor students. Remember before wasting food, somebody is still sleeping hungry.

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390 Poverty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

  • 📑 Aspects to Cover in a Poverty Essay

Students who learn economics, politics, and social sciences are often required to write a poverty essay as part of their course. While everyone understands the importance of this topic, it can be hard to decide what to write about. Read this post to find out the aspects that you should cover in your essay on poverty.

🏆 Best Poverty Topics & Free Essay Examples

👍 powerful topics on poverty and inequality, 🎓 simple & easy topics related to poverty, 📌 interesting poverty essay examples, ⭐ strong poverty-related topics, 🥇 unique poverty topics for argumentative essay, ❓ research questions about poverty.

Topics related to poverty and inequality might seem too broad. There are so many facts, factors, and aspects you should take into consideration. However, we all know that narrowing down a topic is one of the crucial steps when working on an outline and thesis statement. You should be specific enough to select the right arguments for your argumentative essay or dissertation. Below, you will find some aspects to include in your poverty essay.

Poverty Statistics

First of all, it would be beneficial to include some background information on the issue. Statistics on poverty in your country or state can help you to paint a picture of the problem. Look for official reports on poverty and socioeconomic welfare, which can be found on government websites. While you are writing this section, consider the following:

  • What is the overall level of poverty in your country or state?
  • Has the prevalence of poverty changed over time? If yes, how and why?
  • Are there any groups or communities where poverty is more prevalent than in the general population? What are they?

Causes of Poverty

If you look at poverty essay titles, the causes of poverty are a popular theme among students. While some people may think that poverty occurs because people are lazy and don’t want to work hard, the problem is much more important than that. Research books and scholarly journal articles on the subject with these questions in mind:

  • Why do some groups of people experience poverty more often than others?
  • What are the historical causes of poverty in your country?
  • How is poverty related to other social issues, such as discrimination, immigration, and crime?
  • How do businesses promote or reduce poverty in the community?

Consequences of Poverty

Many poverty essay examples also consider the consequences of poverty for individuals and communities. This theme is particularly important if you study social sciences or politics. Here are some questions that may give you ideas for this section:

  • How is the psychological well-being of individuals affected by poverty?
  • How is poverty connected to crime and substance abuse?
  • How does poverty affect individuals’ access to high-quality medical care and education?
  • What is the relationship between poverty and world hunger?

Government Policies

Governments of most countries have policies in place to reduce poverty and help those in need. In your essay, you may address the policies used in your state or country or compare several different governments in terms of their approaches to poverty. Here is what you should think about:

  • What are some examples of legislation aimed at reducing poverty?
  • Do laws on minimum wage help to prevent and decrease poverty? Why or why not?
  • How do governments help people who are poor to achieve higher levels of social welfare?
  • Should governments provide financial assistance to those in need? Why or why not?

Solutions to Poverty

Solutions to poverty are among the most popular poverty essay topics, and you will surely find many sample papers and articles on this subject. This is because poverty is a global issue that must be solved to facilitate social development. Considering these questions in your poverty essay conclusion or main body will help you in getting an A:

  • What programs or policies proved to be effective in reducing poverty locally?
  • Is there a global solution to poverty that would be equally effective in all countries?
  • How can society facilitate the reduction of poverty?
  • What solutions would you recommend to decrease and prevent poverty?

Covering a few of these aspects in your essay will help you demonstrate the in-depth understanding and analysis required to earn a high mark. Before you start writing, have a look around our website for more essay titles, tips, and interesting topics!

  • Poverty Research Proposal To justify this, the recent and most current statistics from the Census Bureau shows that the level and rate of poverty in USA is increasing, with minority ethnic groups being the most disadvantaged.
  • What Causes Poverty in the World One of the major factors that have contributed to poverty in given areas of the world is overpopulation. Environmental degradation in many parts of the world has led to the increase of poverty in the […]
  • Analysis of Theodore Dalrymple’s “What Is Poverty?” With ethical arguments from Burnor, it can be argued that Dalrymple’s statements are shallow and based on his values and not the experience of those he is judging.
  • Poverty: A Sociological Imagination Perspective I was raised in a nuclear family, where my mum was a housewife, and my father worked in a local hog farm as the overall manager.
  • Wordsworth’s Vision of Childhood in His Poems “We Are Seven” and “Alice Fell or Poverty” Specifically, the joint publication he released in 1798 known as “Lyrical Ballads” are considered the most important publications in the rise of the Romantic literature in the UK and Europe.
  • Relationship Between Crime Rates and Poverty This shows that the strength of the relationship between the crime index and people living below the line of poverty is.427.
  • “The Singer Solution to World Poverty” by Peter Singer The article “The Singer Solution to World Poverty” by author Peter Singer attempts to provide a workable solution to the world poverty problem.
  • Max Weber’s Thoughts on Poverty Weber has contributed to the exploration of the origins of poverty and the impact of religions on the attitude to it.
  • Poverty and the Environment The human population affects the environment negatively due to poverty resulting to environmental degradation and a cycle of poverty. Poverty and the environment are interlinked as poverty leads to degradation of the environment.
  • Poverty in Africa These pictures have been published online to show the world the gravity of the poverty situation in the African continent. The pictures represent the suffering of majority of the African people as a result of […]
  • Consumerism: Affecting Families Living in Poverty in the United States Hence, leading to the arising of consumerism protection acts and policies designed to protect consumers from dishonest sellers and producers, which indicates the high degree of consumer’s ignorance, and hence failure to make decisions of […]
  • The Problem of Poverty in Bob Marley’s “No Woman, No Cry” To see the situation from the perspective of its social significance, it is necessary to refer to Mills’ concept of sociological imagination and to the division of problems and issues into personal and social ones.
  • Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development The research focuses on the causes of poverty and the benefits of poverty alleviation in achieving sustainable development. One of the causes of poverty is discrimination and social inequality.
  • Poverty Effects on Child Development and Schooling To help children from low-income families cope with poverty, interventions touching in the child’s development and educational outcomes are essential. Those programs campaign against the effects of poverty among children by providing basic nutritional, academic, […]
  • Children Living in Poverty and Education The presence of real subjects like children is a benefit for the future of the nation and a free education option for poor families to learn something new and even use it if their children […]
  • The End of Poverty Philippe Diaz’s documentary, The End of Poverty, is a piece that attempts to dissect the causes of the huge economic inequalities that exist between countries in the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.
  • Poverty in Urban Areas The main reason for escalation of the problem of poverty is urban areas is because the intricate problems of urban poverty are considered too small to attract big policies.
  • Poverty in the World In this paper, we will be looking at the situation of poverty in the world, its causes and the efforts of the international organizations to manage the same.
  • Social Issues of Families in Poverty With the tightened budget, parents of the families living in poverty struggle to make ends meet, and in the course of their struggles, they experience many stresses and depressions.
  • Poverty and Its Effects on Childhood Education The foremost strength of Guo’s study is that in it, author succeeded with substantiating the full soundness of an idea that children’s exposure to poverty cannot possibly be thought of as only the factor that […]
  • Poverty Through a Sociological Lens Poverty-stricken areas, such as slums, rural villages, and places hit by disasters, lack the required economic activities to improve the employment and wealth status of the people.
  • The Problems of Poverty and Hunger Subsequently, the cause in this case serves as a path to a solution – more social programs are needed, and wealthy citizens should be encouraged to become beneficiaries for the hungry.
  • Poverty in Bambara’s The Lesson and Danticat’s A Wall of Fire Rising It is important to note the fact that culture-based poverty due to discrimination of the past or political ineffectiveness of the nation can have a profound ramification in the lives of its victims.
  • Community Work: Helping People in Poverty The first project would be water project since you find that in most villages water is a problem, hence $100 would go to establishing this project and it’s out of these water then the women […]
  • Cause and Effect of Poverty For example, the disparities in income and wealth are considered as a sign of poverty since the state is related to issues of scarcity and allocation of resources and influence.
  • Global Poverty: The Ethical Dilemma Unfortunately, a significant obstacle to such global reforms is that many economic systems are based on the concept of inequality and exploitation.
  • Reflective Analysis of Poverty It can be further classified into absolute poverty where the affected do not have the capability to make ends meet, and relative poverty which refer to the circumstances under which the afflicted do not have […]
  • Poverty Areas and Effects on Juvenile Delinquency The desire to live a better life contributes to the youths engaging in crimes, thus the increase in cases of juvenile delinquencies amid low-income families. The studies indicate that the fear of poverty is the […]
  • Analysis of a Social Problem: Poverty Furthermore, the World Bank predicts that both the number of people and the percentage of the population living in extreme poverty will increase in 2020 and 2021 due to the coronavirus outbreak.
  • Environmental Degradation and Poverty It is however important to understand the causes of the environmental degradation and the ways to reduce them, which will promote the improvement of the environmental quality.
  • Global Poverty: Famine, Affluence, and Morality In the article Famine, Affluence, and Morality, Michael Slote contends that rich people have a moral obligation to contribute more to charities.
  • “The Hidden Reason for Poverty…” by Haugen It is also noteworthy that some groups of people are specifically vulnerable and join the arrays of those living in poverty.
  • Dependency Theory and “The End of Poverty?” It is also reflected in the film “The End of Poverty?” narrating the circumstances of poor countries and their precondition. It started at the end of the fifteenth century and marked the beginning of the […]
  • Poverty Policy Recommendations Different leaders have considered several policies and initiatives in the past to tackle the problem of poverty and empower more people to lead better lives.
  • Poverty, Government and Unequal Distribution of Wealth in Philippines The author of the book Poverty And The Critical Security Agenda, Eadie, added: Quantitative analyses of poverty have become more sophisticated over the years to be sure, yet remain problematic and in certain ways rooted […]
  • The Myth of the Culture of Poverty Unfortunately, rather all of the stereotypes regarding poor people are widespread in many societies and this has served to further increase the problem of generational poverty. Poor people are regarded to be in the state […]
  • The Singer Solution to World Poverty: Arguments Against The article compares the lives of people in the developed world represented by America and that of developing world represented by Brazil; It is about a school teacher who sells a young boy for adoption […]
  • Poverty: The Main Causes and Factors Because of the constant process of societal development, the concept of poverty changes rapidly, adapting to the new standards of modern human life.
  • Political Economy: Relationship Between Poverty, Inequality, and Nationalism The prevalence of nationalism leads to changes in the education system, as the government tries to justify the superiority of the country by altering the curriculum.
  • Poverty as a Great Social Problem and Its Causes The human capital model assumes that the inadequate incomes of the working poor are the result of characteristics of the labor market rather than the inadequacy of the poor.
  • Poverty in America Rural and Urban Difference (Education) The understanding of the needs of the poverty American rural and urban schools is the first step on the way to reforming the system of elementary and secondary education.
  • Poverty in Rural and Urban Areas My main focus is on articles explaining the sources of poverty in rural and urban areas and the key difference between the two.
  • Poverty in New York City, and Its Reasons The poverty rate for seniors in New York is twice the poverty rate in the United States. New York City’s blacks and Hispanics have a much higher poverty rate than whites and Asians in the […]
  • Poverty Effects and How They Are Handled Quality jobs will provide income to the younger people and women in the community. The focus on developing and facilitating small and medium-sized enterprises is a great strategy but more needs to be done in […]
  • Wealth and Poverty: The Christian Teaching on Wealth and Poverty To illustrate the gap between the world’s richest and the world’s poorest, a recent UN publication reported that the wealth of the three richest persons in the world is greater than the combined wealth of […]
  • Children in Poverty in Kampong Ayer, Brunei Part of the reason is likely malnutrition that results from the eating or consumption patterns of the families and also dependency on the children to help out with the family or house chores.
  • Child Poverty and Academic Achievement Association It is expected to pay attention to the challenges and problems poor children and their families may face in their lives.
  • Poverty, Inequality and Social Policy Understanding The roots of inequality can relate to both welfare and some other factors, for example, the judiciary. Therefore, the principle of equality is violated, and social norms cannot be considered to be respected.
  • Inequality and Poverty Relationship To begin with, it is necessary to define the concepts of poverty and inequality. As of inequality, it is the difference in access to income, power, education, and whatever.
  • The Rise of Poverty in the US The main issue that is portrayed in the article is the presence of the invisible poor and the homeless poor in the US.
  • Poverty and Development Into the 21st Century The choices of citizens in the west influence the consumer, as well as political behaviors of the consumers and voters in the developing regions.
  • We Can Stop Poverty in Ghana Today One of the main disadvantages of the document is that the problem of poverty is not considered separately, but only as a part of other economic and social problems.
  • Third World Countries and the Barriers Stopping Them to Escape Poverty The phrase Third World was initially used in the Cold War period to represent those countries that were neither on the West NATO nations referred to as the first world countries, nor on the East-Communist […]
  • War on Poverty in US The term war on poverty officially came into being in 1964 and referred to concerted government efforts to eradicate assiduous poverty in the United States of America.
  • Poverty in the Bronx: Negative Effects of Poverty South Bronx is strictly the southwestern part of the borough of Bronx and Bronx is the only borough in New York city in the mainland.
  • Aspects of Global Poverty There are arguments that have been put forth in regard to the causes of poverty in various nations with some people saying that the governments in various nations are there to be blamed for their […]
  • The Poverty Issue From a Sociological Perspective The core of the perspective is the idea that poverty is a system in which multiple elements are intertwined and create outcomes linked to financial deficits.
  • Poverty Simulation Reflection and Its Influence on Life Something that stood out to me during the process is probably the tremendous emotional and psychological impact of poverty on a person’s wellbeing.
  • Poverty and Diseases A usual line of reasoning would be that low income is the main cause of health-related problems among vulnerable individuals. Such results that the relationship between mental health and poverty is, in fact, straightforward.
  • Concept of Poverty The main difference between this definition and other definitions of poverty highlighted in this paper is the broad understanding of the concept.
  • Social Business Scope in Alleviating Poverty Instead of charity work, social business aims at creating a mechanism in which the poor may be helped in a sustainable manner in that the social business makes profits just like conventional businesses, but the […]
  • Literature Study on the Modern Poverty Concerns Although the author does not expound on the various factor that enhance the growth and development of poverty, it is vivid that the world population in the modern society is facing a common economic threat.
  • How Poverty Contributes to Poor Heath The results show that poverty is the main cause of poor health. The study was purposed to assess the effect of poverty in determining the health status of households.
  • Global Poverty Project: A Beacon of Hope in the Fight Against Extreme Poverty The organization works with partners worldwide to increase awareness and understanding of global poverty and inspire people to take action to end it.
  • The Causes of an Increase in Poverty in Atlanta, Georgia The key causes of the high poverty rise in the city include housing policies and instabilities, the lack of transit services and public transportation infrastructure in suburban areas, and childhood poverty.
  • Thistle Farms: Help for Women Who Are Affected by Poverty As I said in the beginning, millions of women need help and assistance from the community to overcome poverty and heal emotional wounds caused by abuse. You can purchase a variety of its home and […]
  • Median Household Incomes and Poverty Levels The patterns of poverty in the Denver urban area show that rates are higher in the inner suburb and the core city and lower in the outer suburb.
  • Poverty: The American Challenge One of the main problems in the world is the problem of poverty, which means the inability to provide the simplest and most affordable living conditions for most people in a given country.
  • Saving the Planet by Solving Poverty The data is there to make the necessary links, which are needed when it comes to the economic variations and inadequate environmental impacts of climate change can be distinguished on a worldwide scale.
  • Anti-Poverty Programs From the Federal Government The programs provide financial assistance to low-income individuals and families to cover basic needs like housing and food. The anti-poverty programs that have been most effective in reducing poverty rates in the United States are […]
  • Rural Development, Economic Inequality and Poverty The percentage of the rural population is lower for developed countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom. Thus, the objective of the proposal is to determine how the inhabitants of the country in […]
  • Global Poverty: Ways of Combating For example, one of such initiatives is social assistance and social protection programs, which ensure the safety and creation of various labor programs that will help increase the number of the working population.
  • Poverty and Homelessness as a Global Social Problem What makes the task of defining poverty particularly difficult is the discrepancy in the distribution of social capital and, therefore, the resulting differences in the understanding of what constitutes poverty, particularly, where the line should […]
  • Poverty: Aspects of Needs Assessment The target neighborhood and population for the following analysis are women of reproductive age, defined as 15 to 49 years, in Elmhurst and Corona, Queens. 2, and the percentage of births to women aged over […]
  • What Is Poverty in the United States? Estimates of the amount of income required to meet necessities serve as the foundation for both the official and supplemental poverty measurements.
  • The Caribbean Culture: Energy Security and Poverty Issues Globally, Latin American and the Caribbean also has the most expensive energy products and services because of fuel deprivation in the Caribbean and the Pacific regions.
  • How to Overcome Poverty and Discrimination As such, to give a chance to the “defeated” children and save their lives, as Alexie puts it, society itself must change the rules so that everyone can have access to this ticket to success. […]
  • Poverty and Homelessness in American Society It is connected with social segregation, stigmatization, and the inability of the person to improve their conditions of life. The problem of affordable housing and poverty among older adults is another problem that leads to […]
  • Private Sector’s Role in Poverty Alleviation in Asia The ambition of Asia to become the fastest-growing economic region worldwide has led to a rapid rise of enterprises in the private sector.
  • Connection of Poverty and Education The economy of the United States has been improving due to the efforts that have been made to ensure that poverty will not prevent individuals and families from having access to decent education.
  • The Opportunity for All Program: Poverty Reduction The limiting factors of the program may be the actions of the population itself, which will not participate in the employment program because of the realized benefits.
  • Early Childhood Financial Support and Poverty The mentioned problem is a direct example of such a correlation: the general poverty level and the well-being of adults are connected with the early children’s material support.
  • Discussion: Poverty and Healthcare One of the research questions necessary to evaluate this issue is “How do ethical theories apply to the issue?” Another critical research question worth exploring is “Which cultural values and norms influence the problem?” These […]
  • Explosive Growth of Poverty in America The three richest Americans now own 250 billion USD, approximately the same amount of combined wealth as the bottom 50 percent of the country. Wealth inequality is a disturbing issue that needs to be at […]
  • “Life on a Shoestring – American Kids Living in Poverty” by Claycomb Life on a Shoestring – American Kids Living in Poverty highlights the widening disparity between the poor and the wealthy in America and how the economic systems are set up to benefit the rich and […]
  • Decreasing Poverty With College Enrollment Program In order to achieve that, it is necessary, first and foremost, to increase the high school students’ awareness of the financial aid programs, possibilities of dual enrollment, and the overall reality of higher education.
  • Reducing Poverty in the North Miami Beach Community The proposed intervention program will focus on the students in the last semester of the 9th and 10th grades and the first semester of the 11th and 12th grades attending the client schools.
  • Food Banks Board Members and Cycle of Poverty What this suggests is that a large portion of the leadership within these collectives aim to provide assistance and food but not to challenge the current system that fosters the related issues of poverty, unemployment, […]
  • Poverty as a Social Problem in Burundi The rationale for studying poverty as a social problem in Burundi is that it will help to combat poverty through the advocacy plan at the end of this paper.
  • Poverty: Subsidizing Programs Subsidizing programs are considered welfare and net initiatives that the government takes to aid low-income families and individuals affected by poverty.
  • Is Globalization Reducing Poverty and Inequality? & How to Judge Globalism The article Is Globalization Reducing Poverty and Inequality by Robert Hunter Wade explores the phenomenon of globalization and its influence on the poverty and inequality ratios all over the world.
  • The Problem of Poverty in Chad Thus, the study of the causes of poverty in the Republic of Chad will help to form a complete understanding of the problem under study and find the most effective ways to solve it.
  • “Poverty, Toxic Stress, and Education…” Study by Kelly & Li Kelly and Li are concerned with the lack of research about poverty and toxic stress affecting the neurodevelopment of preterm children.
  • Is Poverty a Choice or a Generational Curse? The assumption that poverty is a choice persists in public attitudes and allows policy-makers to absolve themselves of any responsibility for ensuring the well-being of the lower socioeconomic stratum of society.
  • Poverty in “A Modest Proposal” by Swift The high number of children born to poor families presents significant problems for a country.”A Modest Proposal” is a satirical essay by Jonathan Swift that proposes a solution to the challenge facing the kingdom.
  • Life Below the Poverty Line in the US The major problem with poverty in the US is that the number of people living below the poverty threshold is gradually increasing despite the economic growth of the country. SNAP is not considered to be […]
  • The Relationship Between Single-Parent Households and Poverty The given literature review will primarily focus on the theoretical and empirical aspects of the relationship between single-parent households and poverty, as well as the implications of the latter on mental health issues, such as […]
  • Poverty and Its Effect on Adult Health Poverty in the UK is currently above the world average, as more than 18% of the population lives in poverty. In 2020, 7% of the UK population lived in extreme poverty and 11% lived in […]
  • Child Poverty in the United States The causes of child poverty in the United States cannot be separated from the grounds of adult poverty. Thus, it is essential to take care of the well-being of children living in poverty.
  • Juvenile Violent Crime and Children Below Poverty The effect of this trend is that the number of children below poverty will continue to be subjected to the juvenile and criminal justice systems.
  • Poverty and Homelessness as Social Problem The qualifications will include a recommendation from the community to ensure that the person is open to help and willing to be involved in the neighborhood of Non-Return.
  • Feminization of Poverty and Governments’ Role in Solving the Problem However, women form the greatest percentage of the poor, and the problem continues to spread. Furthermore, the public supports available are inaccessible and inadequate to cater for women’s needs.
  • Free-Trade Policies and Poverty Level in Bangladesh The purpose of this paper is to examine the way in which the end of the quota system and introduction of a free-trade system for the garment industry in Bangladesh has impacted on poverty in […]
  • Poverty and Risks Associated With Poverty Adolescents that are at risk of being malnourished can be consulted about the existing programs that provide free food and meals to families in poverty.
  • Poverty and Inequality Reduction Strategies Thus, comprehending the causes of poverty and inequalities, understanding the role of globalization, and learning various theoretical arguments can lead to the establishment of appropriate policy recommendations.
  • International Aid – Poverty Inc This film, the research on the impact of aid on the states receiving it, and the economic outcomes of such actions suggest that aid is a part of the problem and not a solution to […]
  • Poverty Effects on American Children and Adolescents The extent to which poor financial status influences the wellbeing of the young children and adolescents is alarming and needs immediate response from the community.
  • Progress and Poverty Book by Henry George George wrote the book following his recognition that poverty is the central puzzle of the 20th century. Thus, George’s allegation is inconsistent with nature because the number of living organisms can increase to the extent […]
  • Vicious Circle of Poverty in Brazil The vicious circle of poverty is “a circular constellation of forces that tend to act and react on each other in such a way that the country in poverty maintains its poor state”.
  • Global Education as the Key Tool for Addressing the Third World Poverty Issue Global education leads to improvements in the state economy and finances. Global education helps resolve the unemployment problem.
  • Poverty, Partner Abuse, and Women’s Mental Health In general, the study aimed at investigating the interaction between poverty and the severity of abuse in women. The research question being studied in this article is how income intersects with partner violence and impacts […]
  • America’s Shame: How Can Education Eradicate Poverty The primary focus of the article was global poverty, the flaws in the educational system, as well as the U.S.government’s role in resolving the problem.
  • Global Poverty and Ways to Overcome It These are some of the strategies, the subsequent application of which would significantly reduce the level of poverty around the world.
  • Social Work at Acacia Network: Poverty and Inequality Around the 1980s, the number of older adults was significantly increasing in society; the local government of New York established a home for the aged and was named Acacia Network. The supporting staff may bond […]
  • Poverty and Sex Trafficking: Qualitative Systematic Review The proposed research question is to learn how the phenomenon of poverty is connected to sex trafficking. To investigate the relationship between the phenomenon of poverty and sex trafficking.
  • End of Extreme Poverty Importantly, the ability to remain the owners of a substantial amount of accumulated wealth is the primary motivation for such individuals.
  • The Problem of Poverty in the United States The problem of increasing poverty is one of the major political issues in the United States, which became especially agile after the appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic due to the difficult economic situation all over […]
  • Poverty and Unemployment Due to Increased Taxation The government on its side defended the move while trying to justify the new measures’ benefits, a move that would still not benefit the country.
  • Poverty as a Global Social Problem For example, the research shows that Kibera is the largest slum in the country, and this is where many people move to settle after losing hope of getting employed in towns.
  • Researching the Problem of Poverty However, the rich people and the rich countries reduce poverty to some extent by providing jobs and markets to the poor, but the help is too little compared to the benefits they get thus accelerating […]
  • Poverty, Social Class, and Intersectionality I prefer the structural approach to the issue as I believe the created structures are responsible for the existence of diverse types of oppression.
  • Guns Do Not Kill, Poverty Does It is widely accepted that stricter gun control policies are instrumental in alleviating the problem, as they are supposed to reduce the rate of firearm-related deaths, limiting gun access to individuals at-risk of participating in […]
  • Poverty’s Effects on Delinquency The economic status of people determines their social class and the manner in which they get their basic needs. Seeing these things and the kind of life rich people lead motivates the poor to commit […]
  • The Criminalization of Poverty in Canada In this regard, with a special focus on Canada, the objective of this essay is to investigate how public policy has transformed alongside the public perception of social welfare reform.
  • The Issue of Vicious Circle of Poverty in Brazil The persistence of poverty, regardless of the many shocks that every state receives in the normal course of its survival, raises the feeling that underdevelopment is a condition of equilibrium and that there are pressures […]
  • Community Health Needs: Poverty Generally, the higher the level of poverty, the worse the diet, and hence the higher the chances of developing diabetes. Consequently, a considerable disparity in the prevalence of diabetes occurs between communities with high levels […]
  • “Poverty, Race, and the Contexts of Achievement” by Maryah Stella Fram et al. The article “Poverty, race, and the contexts of achievement: examining the educational experience of children in the U.S. Multilevel models were then applied in the analyses of how children varied in their reading scores depending […]
  • Microeconomic Perspective on Poverty Evolution in Pakistan The periodic spike in poverty levels, notwithstanding economic growth, implies incongruous policy functionality in relation to drivers of poverty and the subsequent failure to improve the indicators.
  • The Impact of Poverty on Children Under the Age of 11 The strengths of the Marxist views on poverty are in the structural approach to the problem. Overall, the Marxist theory offers a radical solution to the problem of child poverty.
  • Poverty Reduction and Natural Assets Therefore, the most efficient way to increase the efficiency of agriculture and reduce its environmental impacts is ensuring the overall economic growth in the relevant region.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility & Poverty Alleviation Researchers state that “preventing and managing the negative impacts of the core business on the poor” are essential indicators of the social responsibility of the company.
  • Health, Poverty, and Social Equity: The Global Response to the Ebola Outbreak Canada and Australia, as well as several countries in the Middle East and Africa, were the most active proponents of this ban, halting the movements for both people and goods from states affected by the […]
  • Health, Poverty, and Social Equity: Indigenous Peoples of Canada Another problem that much of northern Canada’s Indigenous Peoples face is the availability of healthcare services and people’s inability to access medical help.
  • The Problem of Childhood Poverty Unequal income distribution, adult poverty, government policies that exclude children and premature pregnancy are some of the items from the long list of childhood poverty causes. Before discussing the causes and effects of childhood poverty, […]
  • Individualistic Concepts and Structural Views on Poverty in American Society The concepts presented in the book Poverty and power help to better understand the content of the article and the reasons for such a different attitude of people to the same problem.
  • Poor Kids: The Impact of Poverty on Youth Nevertheless, the environment of constant limitations shapes the minds of children, their dreams and the paths they pursue in life, and, most importantly, what they make of themselves.
  • Poverty: Causes and Effects on the Population and Country Thesis: There are a great number of factors and issues that lead a certain part of the population to live in poverty and the input that such great numbers of people could provide, would be […]
  • The Internet and Poverty in Society The information that can be found on the web is a very useful resource but at the same time it is important to consider several things with the treatment and examination of the presented information.
  • Poverty in Africa: Impact of the Economy Growth Rate Thus, a conclusion can be made that economic growth in Africa will result in the social stability of the local population.
  • Poverty and Disrespect in “Coming of Age in Mississippi” by Anne Moody Life was not fair to a little Anne the chapters about her childhood are alike to a chain of unfortunate events that happened to her and her relatives.
  • Vietnam’s Economic Growth and Poverty & Inequality A significant part of the population was active in employment, and this means that the numerous income-generating activities improved the economy of this country.
  • Poverty and Disasters in the United States Focusing on the precaution measures and the drilling techniques that will help survive in case of a natural disaster is one of the most common tools for securing the population.
  • Intro to Sociology: Poverty It is challenging to pinpoint the actual and not mythological reasons for the presence of poverty in America. The former can be summed up as a “culture of poverty”, which suggests that the poor see […]
  • The Notion of “Poverty” Is a Key Word of a Modern Society As far as the countries of the Third World are deprived of these possibilities, their development is hampered and the problem of poverty has become a chronic disease of the society.
  • The Problem of Poverty in Africa The major aim of the study is to identify the causes of poverty and propose best strategies that can help Africans come out of poverty.
  • Poverty Sustainability in Sub-Saharan Countries: The Role of NGOs The position of research and statistics in undertaking social-counting work is not queried. It is after the research method is used in other tribulations of the charity that gaps emerge between management and research.
  • “The End of Poverty” by Phillipe Diaz In the film End of Poverty, the filmmaker tries to unravel the mystery behind poverty in the world. The film is arranged in such a way that the author has persuasively argued his case that […]
  • The Effects of Poverty Within Criminal Justice The approach used in this study is deductive since the reasoning in the study proceeds from the general principle regarding the fact that poverty has a role to play in the administering of fairness in […]
  • The Poverty Rates in the USA Poverty in the U. Officially the rate of poverty was at14.3%.
  • Poverty in America: A Paradox Many people especially the young people living in other countries and more so in developed countries wish to immigrate to America instead of working hard to achieve the dream of better opportunities.
  • Values and Ethics: Poverty in Canada The case study1 has indicated for instance, that the number of people living in poverty in 2003 is at 4. A group of individuals would therefore be granted the mandate to lead the others in […]
  • War and Poverty Connection in Developing Countries The scholars claim that conflict and war in most nations have been found to exacerbate the rate of poverty in the affected nations.
  • Cultures and Prejudice: Poverty Factors For instance, if the two cultures had in the past interacted in a negative way, the poor culture directs all the blame to the well up culture.
  • Poverty and Criminal Behavoiur Relation The level of accuracy that the data collected holds cannot be 100%; there is a level of error that affects the reliability of the data collected.
  • Urban Relationship Between Poverty and Crime The areas with high poverty level in the US urban areas have the highest cases of crime but this is inadequate to justify that poverty is the cause of crime.
  • Social and Economic Policy Program: Globalization, Growth, and Poverty Topic: Sustainable approaches to poverty reduction through smallholder agricultural development in rural South Africa and Kenya The majority of the poor in Africa, and indeed the whole world, live in rural areas.
  • Is Poverty From Developing Countries Imagined? That is why concepts like the “Third World Countries”, the “Second World Countries”, the “First World Countries” and now the “Developing Countries” has been coined.
  • How Gender and Race Structure Poverty and Inequality Connected? In essence, feminization of poverty has been constructed in the context of the rise in households headed by female and the family participation in the low income generating activities, thus creating three distinct areas of […]
  • Poverty by Anarchism and Marxism Approaches It is important to note that the very different ways in which social scientists approach the study of social phenomena depend to a great extent upon their particular philosophical view of the social world, a […]
  • Colonial Economy of America: Poverty, Slavery and Rich Plantations This topic deals with life in the colonial economy of America and the approach of white people towards black people. Mainly through natural production, the people became wealthy and they led a typical way of […]
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  • Theories of Fertility. Economics Aspect and Poverty.
  • The Cultural Construction of Poverty
  • Poverty in the US: Causes and Measures
  • The Philippines’ Unemployment, Inequality, Poverty
  • “Old Age Poverty” Study by Kwan & Walsh
  • Phenomena of Poverty Review
  • Development Economics: Poverty Traps in Africa
  • Healthcare Development. Poverty in the 1800s
  • Poverty and Hip-Hop: Notorious B.I.G.’s “Juicy”
  • Anthropology: Culture of Poverty
  • Teen Pregnancy Can Lead to Suicide and Poverty
  • Poverty in Los Angeles
  • “Rethinking the Sociological Measurement of Poverty” by Brady
  • Poverty in the US: Essentials of Sociology
  • Econometrics: Poverty, Unemployment, Household Income
  • Religious Quotes on Poverty and Their Interpretations
  • Poverty and Inequality in “Rich and Poor” by Peter Singer
  • The Relation Between Poverty and Justice
  • Canada and the Imposition of Poverty
  • Poverty and Politics in “The Bottom Billion” by Collier
  • The Impact of Poverty in African American Communities
  • “Poverty and Joy: The Franciscan Tradition” by Short
  • International Financial Institutions’ Poverty Reduction Strategy
  • Video Volunteers’ Interventions Against Poverty
  • Economic Growth vs. Development: Dreze and Sen’s Analysis
  • Poverty and Its Relative Definitions
  • Poverty in America: An Ethical Dilemma
  • Poverty and Global Food Crisis: Food and Agriculture Model
  • Poverty as a Factor of Terrorist Recruitment
  • Poverty: An Echo of Capitalism
  • Breastfeeding Impact on Canadian Poverty Gaps
  • Urban and Suburban Poverty in the United States
  • Poverty and Child Health in the US and the UK
  • Poverty Impact on Life Perception
  • Energy Poverty Elimination in Developing Countries
  • Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty
  • Vietnamese Poverty and Productivity Increase
  • Global Health Governance and Poverty
  • Poverty Rates Among Whites and Blacks Americans
  • Culture of Poverty in the “Park Avenue” Documentary
  • Poverty in the US
  • Poor Economics and Global Poverty
  • Poverty as a Cause of the Sudanese Civil War
  • “Halving Global Poverty” by Besley and Burges
  • Do Poverty Traps Exist? Assessing the Evidence
  • Poverty Reasons in Ancient Times and Nowadays
  • American War on Poverty Throughout US History
  • Poverty and Challenges in Finding Solutions
  • Children and Poverty in “Born into Brothels” Documentary
  • Poverty in Orwell’s “Down and Out in Paris and London”
  • Poverty and Social Welfare in the United States
  • Poverty in “A Theology of Liberation” by Gutierrez
  • Poverty Reduction Among American Single Mothers
  • The Relationship Between Poverty and Education
  • Divorce Outcomes: Poverty and Instability
  • African Poverty at the Millennium: Causes and Challenges
  • Poverty Effect on Children
  • Poverty and Education: School Funding Reinforces Inequality
  • Global Poverty and the Endeavors of Addressing It
  • Global Poverty Reduction: Economic Policy Recommendation
  • Global Conflict and Poverty Crisis
  • Poverty in the Novel “Snow” by Orhan Pamuk
  • Profit From Organizing Tours to Poverty Areas
  • Poverty: $2.00 a Day in America
  • Detroit Poverty and “Focus Hope” Organization
  • Poverty Controversy in the USA
  • Poverty as the Deprivation of Capabilities
  • Suburbanisation of Poverty in the USA
  • The Solution to World Poverty by Peter Singer
  • The Poverty Across the US Culture
  • How Racial Segregation Contributes to Minority’s Poverty?
  • Catholic Dealing With Poverty and Homelessness
  • Human Capital and Poverty in Scottsdale
  • Global Poverty Studies and Their Importance
  • The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform
  • Challenges of Social Integration: Poverty
  • Globalization and the Issue of Poverty: Making the World a Better Place
  • The Economic Effect of Issuing Food Stamps to Those in Poverty
  • Business and Pollution Inequality in Poor States
  • “Facing Poverty With a Rich Girl’s Habits” by Suki Kim
  • What Should You Do? Poverty Issue
  • Causes of Poverty Traps in an Economy, Its Results and Ways of Avoiding Them
  • Tourism Contribution to Poverty Reduction
  • Millennium Development Goals – Energy and Poverty Solutions
  • Sociological Indicators of Energy Poverty
  • Energy and Poverty Solutions – Non-Traditional Cookstoves
  • Energy and Poverty Solutions – World Bank
  • How do Migration and Urbanization Bring About Urban Poverty in Developing Countries?
  • Poverty and Domestic Violence
  • The Rise of Extremist Groups, Disparity and Poverty
  • Measuring Poverty and Social Exclusion in Australia
  • Does Poverty Lead to Terrorism?
  • “Urban and Rural Estimates of Poverty: Recent Advances in Spatial Microsimulation in Australia” by Tanton, R, Harding, A, and McNamara, J
  • Importance of Foreign Aid in Poverty Reducing
  • Hispanic Childhood Poverty in the United States
  • How Poverty Affects Children Development?
  • Why Is Poverty Important in Contemporary Security Studies?
  • Millennium Development Goals in Kenya, Ivory Coast, Haiti, and Chad
  • Development Is No Longer the Solution to Poverty
  • Issues Underlying Global Poverty and Provision of Aid
  • Films Comparison: “The Fields” by Roland Joffe and “Hotel Rwanda” by Terry George
  • Poverty Prevalence in the United States
  • Terrorism, Poverty and Financial Instability
  • Global Poverty and Education
  • Critical Analyses of the Climate of Fear Report From Southern Poverty Law Center
  • How World Vision International Contributes to Poverty Reduction
  • Global Poverty, Social Poverty and Education
  • Global Poverty, Social Policy, and Education
  • Poverty Reduction in Africa, Central America and Asia
  • The Connection Between Poverty and Mental Health Problems
  • Does Parental Involvement and Poverty Affect Children’s Education and Their Overall Performance?
  • African Poverty: To Aid, or Not to Aid
  • Poverty Fighting in Saudi Arabia and in USA
  • Technological Development in Trade and Its Impacts on Poverty
  • Social Dynamics: The Southern Poverty Law Centre
  • Property, Urban Poverty and Spatial Marginalization
  • Rural Poverty in Indonesia
  • Is Poverty of Poor Countries in Anyway Due to Wealth of the Rich?
  • Poverty and Gender Violence in Congo
  • Correlation Between Poverty and Obesity
  • Fight Poverty, Fight Illiteracy in Mississippi Initiative
  • Civil War and Poverty: “The Bottom Billion” by Paul Collier
  • Analytical Research: Poverty in Thailand: Peculiarities and Perspectives
  • Poverty Indicators in Developing Countries
  • Poverty, Homelessness and Discrimination in Australia: The Case of the Aboriginal
  • Africa’s Poverty: The Influence of Western States
  • Susceptibility of Women and Aboriginal People to Poverty in Canada
  • Social Issues; Crime and Poverty in Camden
  • MDG Poverty Goals May Be Achieved, but Child Mortality Is Not Improving
  • Poverty in India and China
  • Microcredit: A Tool for Poverty Alleviation
  • Impacts of Global Poverty Resistance
  • Reducing Poverty: Unilever and Oxfam
  • Poverty in the United States
  • The Mothers Who Are Not Single: Striving to Avoid Poverty in Single-Parent Families
  • Effect of Poverty on Children Cognitive and Learning Ability
  • Sweatshops and Third World Poverty
  • War on Poverty: Poverty Problem in US
  • Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right and the UN Declaration of Human Rights
  • The Causes of Poverty Concentration in the Modern World
  • Poverty in Saudi Arabia
  • Poverty as Capability Deprivation
  • Poverty as a Peculiarity of the Economical Development
  • Capitalism and Poverty
  • The Problems of Poverty in the Modern World
  • Poverty Among Women and Aboriginals
  • On (Not) Getting by in America: Economic Order and Poverty in the U.S.
  • The Singer Solution to World Poverty
  • Poverty and Inequality in Jacksonian America
  • What Is the Relationship Between Race, Poverty and Prison?
  • Poverty in Russia During the Late Nineteenth Century
  • Banker to the Poor: Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty: Advantages of Microcredit
  • Social Welfare Policy That Facilitates Reduction of Poverty and Inequality in the US
  • Immigrant Status and Poverty: How Are They Linked?
  • Effects of Poverty on Immigrant Children
  • Poverty in Brazil
  • Why Poverty Rates are Higher Among Single Black Mothers
  • Poverty and Its Impact on Global Health: Research Methodologies
  • Poverty Concerns in Today’s Society
  • Poverty and Wealth in “The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara
  • Peter Singer on Resolving the World Poverty
  • Concepts of Prenatal Drug Exposure vs. Poverty on Infants
  • UN Summit in New York: Ending Global Poverty
  • Why Has Poverty Increased in Zimbabwe?
  • Should Private Donations Help Eliminate Child Poverty?
  • Why Was Poverty Re-Discovered in Britain in the Late 1950s and Early 1960?
  • Why Does Child Labour Persist With Declining Poverty?
  • Why Are Child Poverty Rates Higher in Britain Than in Germany?
  • What Are the Principles and Practices for Measuring Child Poverty in Rich Countries?
  • Why Did Poverty Drop for the Elderly?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Income Distribution and Poverty Reduction in the UK?
  • What Are the Pros and Cons of Poverty in Latin America?
  • Should Poverty Researchers Worry About Inequality?
  • What Helps Households With Children in Leaving Poverty?
  • What Is the Connection Between Poverty and Crime?
  • Why Have Some Indian States Done Better Than Others at Reducing Rural Poverty?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Lack of Education and Poverty?
  • Why Are Child Poverty Rates So Persistently High in Spain?
  • Trade Liberalisation and Poverty: What Are the Links?
  • What Are Academic Programs Available for Youth in Poverty?
  • What Are the Main Factors Contributing to the Rise in Poverty in Canada?
  • Single-Mother Poverty: How Much Do Educational Differences in Single Motherhood Matter?
  • What Are the Causes and Effects of Poverty in the United?
  • Why Are Some Countries Poor?
  • What Is the Link Between Globalization and Poverty?
  • What Are the Factors That Influence Poverty Sociology?
  • What Causes Poverty Within the United States Economy?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Poverty and Obesity?
  • Why Were Poverty Rates So High in the 1980s?
  • With Exhaustible Resources, Can a Developing Country Escape From the Poverty Trap?
  • Why Does Poverty Persist in Rural Ethiopia?
  • Who Became Poor, Who Escaped Poverty, and Why?
  • Social Norms Essay Ideas
  • Drug Abuse Research Topics
  • Juvenile Delinquency Essay Titles
  • Segregation Research Topics
  • Alcohol Abuse Paper Topics
  • Challenges Essay Topics
  • Community Service Questions
  • Discrimination Essay Titles
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 390 Poverty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/poverty-essay-examples/

"390 Poverty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/poverty-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '390 Poverty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "390 Poverty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/poverty-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "390 Poverty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/poverty-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "390 Poverty Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/poverty-essay-examples/.

Human Rights Careers

5 Essays About Poverty Everyone Should Know

Poverty is one of the driving forces of inequality in the world. Between 1990-2015, much progress was made. The number of people living on less than $1.90 went from 36% to 10%. However, according to the World Bank , the COVID-19 pandemic represents a serious problem that disproportionately impacts the poor. Research released in February of 2020 shows that by 2030, up to ⅔ of the “global extreme poor” will be living in conflict-affected and fragile economies. Poverty will remain a major human rights issue for decades to come. Here are five essays about the issue that everyone should know:

“We need an economic bill of rights” –  Martin Luther King Jr.

The Guardian published an abridged version of this essay in 2018, which was originally released in Look magazine just after Dr. King was killed. In this piece, Dr. King explains why an economic bill of rights is necessary. He points out that while mass unemployment within the black community is a “social problem,” it’s a “depression” in the white community. An economic bill of rights would give a job to everyone who wants one and who can work. It would also give an income to those who can’t work. Dr. King affirms his commitment to non-violence. He’s fully aware that tensions are high. He quotes a spiritual, writing “timing is winding up.” Even while the nation progresses, poverty is getting worse.

This essay was reprinted and abridged in The Guardian in an arrangement with The Heirs to the Estate of Martin Luther King. Jr. The most visible representative of the Civil Rights Movement beginning in 1955, Dr. King was assassinated in 1968. His essays and speeches remain timely.

“How Poverty Can Follow Children Into Adulthood” – Priyanka Boghani

This article is from 2017, but it’s more relevant than ever because it was written when 2012 was the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. That’s no longer the case. In 2012, around ¼ American children were in poverty. Five years later, children were still more likely than adults to be poor. This is especially true for children of colour. Consequences of poverty include anxiety, hunger, and homelessness. This essay also looks at the long-term consequences that come from growing up in poverty. A child can develop health problems that affect them in adulthood. Poverty can also harm a child’s brain development. Being aware of how poverty affects children and follows them into adulthood is essential as the world deals with the economic fallout from the pandemic.

Priyanka Boghani is a journalist at PBS Frontline. She focuses on U.S. foreign policy, humanitarian crises, and conflicts in the Middle East. She also assists in managing Frontline’s social accounts.

“5 Reasons COVID-19 Will Impact the Fight to End Extreme Poverty” – Leah Rodriguez

For decades, the UN has attempted to end extreme poverty. In the face of the novel coronavirus outbreak, new challenges threaten the fight against poverty. In this essay, Dr. Natalie Linos, a Harvard social epidemiologist, urges the world to have a “social conversation” about how the disease impacts poverty and inequality. If nothing is done, it’s unlikely that the UN will meet its Global Goals by 2030. Poverty and COVID-19 intersect in five key ways. For one, low-income people are more vulnerable to disease. They also don’t have equal access to healthcare or job stability. This piece provides a clear, concise summary of why this outbreak is especially concerning for the global poor.

Leah Rodriguez’s writing at Global Citizen focuses on women, girls, water, and sanitation. She’s also worked as a web producer and homepage editor for New York Magazine’s The Cut.

“Climate apartheid”: World’s poor to suffer most from disasters” – Al Jazeera and news Agencies

The consequences of climate change are well-known to experts like Philip Alston, the special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights. In 2019, he submitted a report to the UN Human Rights Council sounding the alarm on how climate change will devastate the poor. While the wealthy will be able to pay their way out of devastation, the poor will not. This will end up creating a “climate apartheid.” Alston states that if climate change isn’t addressed, it will undo the last five decades of progress in poverty education, as well as global health and development .

“Nickel and Dimed: On (not) getting by in America” – Barbara Ehrenreich

In this excerpt from her book Nickel and Dimed, Ehrenreich describes her experience choosing to live undercover as an “unskilled worker” in the US. She wanted to investigate the impact the 1996 welfare reform act had on the working poor. Released in 2001, the events take place between the spring of 1998 and the summer of 2000. Ehrenreich decided to live in a town close to her “real life” and finds a place to live and a job. She has her eyes opened to the challenges and “special costs” of being poor. In 2019, The Guardian ranked the book 13th on their list of 100 best books of the 21st century.

Barbara Ehrenreich is the author of 21 books and an activist. She’s worked as an award-winning columnist and essayist.

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About the author, emmaline soken-huberty.

Emmaline Soken-Huberty is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon. She started to become interested in human rights while attending college, eventually getting a concentration in human rights and humanitarianism. LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and climate change are of special concern to her. In her spare time, she can be found reading or enjoying Oregon’s natural beauty with her husband and dog.

Jeremy Gutsche Innovation Keynote Speaker

18 Speeches on Poverty

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From Winning the War on Poverty to Redefining Disparity

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  • Poverty Essay for Students in English


Essay on Poverty

Poverty is a disease that has no cure. The deeper this disease is, the deeper its wound. By the way, man lives under compulsion. But usually one wants to avoid it. Poverty is a condition of extreme poverty for any person or human being. This is a situation when a person starts to lack important things in his life such as the roof, necessary food, clothes, medicines, etc. to continue his life.

The causes of poverty are excessive population, fatal and contagious diseases, natural disasters, low agricultural yields, unemployment, casteism, illiteracy, gender inequality, environmental problems, changing trends in the economy of the country, untouchability, little or limited access to people's rights, Problems such as political violence, sponsored crime, corruption, lack of encouragement, inaction, ancient social beliefs, etc. have to be faced.

Poverty has become a big problem of the world, efforts are being made across the world today to remove poverty, but the problem is that it does not take the name of ending. This problem affects a human's economic and daily life. Poverty teaches man to live like a slave in which he has to change the place over time, in this situation due to the lack of education of the poor, his nature and speech also make a difference. Living in a world of poor people has become a curse. Getting enough money to get food is like getting relief from a curse for the poor, that's why they do not have access to education.

Reasons of Poverty

There are many reasons that have continued with carrying it for a long time. Because of this,  freedom, mental and physical fitness, and lack of security in a person remains. It is very important that in order to live a normal life, the country and the whole world will have to work together to bring proper physical and mental health, complete education, a home for everyone, and other important things.

In today's time, there is the problem of poverty which gives all the pain, pain, and despair to the poor. Due to the lack of money from poverty, I show the lack of many things. Poverty makes children spend life in compulsion. If forced to make bread, sometimes in bringing children's books. At that time he is also unable to raise children.

We can tell poverty in many ways like it has become a common thing in India. Most of the people here are unable to get the things they need. Here a vast section of the population is illiterate, hungry, and forced to live without clothes and a home. About half of India's population suffers from this epidemic of poverty.

A poor person lives his life without possession of basic things like food for two times, clean water, house, clothes, proper education, etc. There are many reasons for poverty in India. Incorrect distribution of national income is also a reason. People in the low-income group are much poorer than those in the high-income group. Children of poor families never get proper education, nutrition, and a happy childhood environment. The main cause of poverty is illiteracy, corruption, growing population, weak agriculture, the growing gap between rich and poverty, etc.

Measures to Control Poverty

Corruption has to be erased.

Unemployed will have to give proper employment

A growing population will have to be stopped

Farmers have to be given proper facilities for farming

Education should be provided to children for proper education

Poverty is not just a human problem but it is a national problem. It should be solved by implementing some effective methods on a quick basis. Every person should be united by ending corruption. A problem has been created in which he does not get even the basics. That is why at present, many measures are being taken to prevent poverty so that the standard of living of people around the world can be improved.

Short Essays on Poverty

Poverty is akin to being a slave, as a person cannot achieve anything he desires. It has various faces that alter depending on who you are, where you are, and when. It can be defined in various ways depending on how a person feels or experiences it.

Poverty is a state that no one wants to be in, but it must be removed owing to cultural norms, natural disasters, or a lack of adequate education. The individual who is experiencing it frequently wishes to flee. Poverty is a call for poor people to earn enough money to eat, have access to education, have adequate shelter, dress appropriately, and take steps to protect themselves from social and political violence.

It's a problem that goes unnoticed yet significantly impacts a person's social life. Poverty is an entirely avoidable problem, but there are various reasons why it has persisted in the past.

Poverty robs people of their freedom, mental health, physical well-being, and security. Everyone must strive to eradicate poverty from the country and the world, ensuring appropriate physical and mental health, full literacy, a home for all, and other necessities for living a simple life.

When a person cannot do anything according to his will, he is said to be in poverty. Many different faces alter depending on who you are, where you are, and time. It can be characterized in a variety of ways, depending on how the person feels or what they have achieved. Poverty is a circumstance that no one wants to be in, even if it is forced upon them due to a lack of experience, nature, natural disasters, or a lack of suitable education. Humans have won it, but they prefer to stay away from it. Poverty is a call for needed clothing and protection against social and political violence for the poor to earn enough money to buy food, receive an education, and find a suitable place to live.

This is an unseen problem that harms a person's social life. Even though numerous factors have contributed to its long-term persistence, poverty is a perfectly preventable problem. As a result, a person's freedom, mental and physical well-being, and sense of security are all compromised. It is critical to bring poverty and poverty from worldwide to work together to live everyday life, provide adequate physical and mental health, complete education, a home for everyone, and other essential things.


FAQs on Poverty Essay for Students in English

1. What are the Effects of Poverty?

When people are not able to afford their basic necessities. For example medications and hospital fees are impossible to afford for that means they choose crook ways of obtaining money i.e. stealing, robbery, etc.  

2. What are the Possible Ways to Remove Poverty?

Since India is a developing country, eliminating poverty here is much tougher than in other countries but still some measures can be taken and government assistance would be much helpful in this step which requires some relevant planning and policies for those who fall under the poverty line. Another major factor of poverty is illiteracy and unemployment. Therefore education is the most efficient tool to confine the poverty line in the country. 

3. What is the Poverty Line?

The Below Poverty Line (BPL) signifies the state of people who fall under poverty status. It also symbolizes an economic drawback. In addition, it is used for people who are in need of help and assistance from the government.

4. What are the causes of poverty?

Poverty has several causes, including a lack of access to essentials such as water, food, shelter, education, and healthcare. Poverty is also caused by inequities such as gender or ethnic discrimination, bad governance, conflict, exploitation, and domestic violence. These disparities not only cause a person or a society to fall into poverty, but they can also prevent people from receiving social assistance that could help them get out of it. Due to political upheaval, past or present conflict, corrupt authorities, and lousy infrastructure that restricts access to education, clean water, healthcare, and other essentials, children and communities in fragile states confront greater poverty rates.

5. What can we do to put an end to extreme poverty?

We can aid in the eradication of extreme poverty by determining what causes it in a particular community and then determining what needs to change. Because poverty manifests itself differently in different regions and is caused by different circumstances, the work to end extreme poverty differs depending on the situation. More economic resources are needed to assist people in increasing their income and better providing for themselves and their families. To ensure that poverty does not return, the work must be sustainable, regardless of the solution. As a result, the community must be involved at every stage.

6. What criteria are used to assess poverty?

Each country's government determines poverty levels by conducting home surveys of its citizens. The World Bank, for example, assists and may conduct their surveys, although data collecting is time-consuming and slow. New high-frequency surveys are being created and tested, leveraging estimations and mobile phone technologies. If you want to learn more about these topics, download the Vedantu App that has been specifically designed and curated for students by experts.

7. What is the poverty cycle?

Poverty can be a catch-22 situation. To escape poverty, a person requires access to possibilities such as education, clean water, local medical services, and financial means. Poverty creates a generational cycle if these critical factors are not there. If parents cannot afford to take their children to school, they will struggle to find work when they grow up. Even natural disasters and conflicts can exacerbate the poverty cycle by bringing more people.

8. What are the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of goals for countries worldwide to work together in a global partnership for the benefit of people, the environment, and prosperity. The Sustainable Development Goals aim to abolish extreme poverty for all people everywhere by 2030 and to reduce the proportion of people living in poverty in all forms by at least half. In September 2015, the United Nations member states accepted this objective as one of 17 to end extreme poverty.

writing speech poverty

A Conclusion For Poverty

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Poverty has become a great issue in our world. Though many organizations have been created to find solutions for this matter nobody could not save our world completely from poverty. The most common fact which we can realize when we consider on information about poverty is that poverty is mostly occurring in developing countries.

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What are the reasons caused for poverty mostly? According to the Borgen Project, reasons for poverty are History, War and Political instability, National Debts, Discrimination and social inequality and vulnerability to natural disasters. Poverty is the significant lack of money or poorness. Precise definitions of poverty are controversial; according to one definition, poverty is having so little money that one cannot pay for basic necessities, such as food and shelter. Sociologists study the effects of poverty as well as who lives in poverty and why.  Many surveys  have been done in order to calculate the accurate number of people who are suffering from the poverty. According to the Global Finance Magazine poorest countries in the world are Central African Republic, Congo, Dem.Rep, Malawi, Liberia, Burundi, Niger, Mozambique and Eritrea. There are many organizations such as CARE, Oxfam, ONE, The hunger Project working to stop poverty. Some of these are non-profit, strategic organizations committed to the sustainable end of poverty and world hunger.

The World Bank data has published data on absolute poverty for 1981 onward, but researchers have tried to reconstruct information of the living standards of the more distant past. The most cited paper was written by  Bourguignon and Morrison  in which the two authors reconstructed measures of poverty as far back as 1820. We can realize that the number of poor people in the present has decreased little than the numbers in early ‘90.

What are the effects of poverty for our world? Do you know that over 21,000 children die every day around the world due to illnesses, conflicts in the world and other different reasons? Most of these are caused by poverty.

As a young student, I would like to suggest some factors which would be helpful in our journey to reduce poverty. Basically we have to take necessary steps to reduce the population in our world. Natural resources don’t increase according to the population which is increasing at a high speed. When we consider the families in poor countries, they have at least six or seven kids. But those kids do not have a proper health or the parents cannot provide proper education for them. And also those parents cannot provide good foods filled with suitable nutrients to their kids due to lack of wealth. Because of that their healthiness decreases by a considerable amount. The development of their brains becomes insufficient and due to that their ability to get a proper education decreases.

So taking necessary steps to develop health and education sectors in these countries is a good way to reduce poverty. So firstly we have to develop services for pregnant women of those countries and provide them good foods filled with proper nutrients to keep the babies in good health. And then the kids will be in good health and their brains will be in a better condition to get a proper education. Developing the education sectors of those countries with the help of charity services and the governments of developed countries is also a good step to develop education systems in those countries. When we take a look at the situation of education in a number of African countries affected by poverty we see: language barriers; a lack of proper facilities; and military conflicts.

Increasing the number of organizations which are working to reduce poverty by educating people of developed countries to be organized and to take actions related to this matter is also another suggestion of mine. Encouraging people who have volunteered to provide facilities such as pure water, foods filled with nutrients, living places to poor people and who’re conducting charity services to develop the lives of them, by offering special rewards and admiring them in various ways would be a good way to increase the number of voluntary workers. So I believe my opinions and suggestions would be a good help to conclude poverty.

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Expert Commentary

Covering poverty: What to avoid and how to get it right

This tip sheet, from two journalists who grew up poor and still have strong ties to the working class, is meant to help newsrooms do a better job covering poverty and people with limited resources.

covering poverty low-income marginalized communities journalism tips

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by Denise-Marie Ordway and Heather Bryant, The Journalist's Resource September 4, 2018

This <a target="_blank" href="https://journalistsresource.org/economics/covering-poverty-avoid-get-right/">article</a> first appeared on <a target="_blank" href="https://journalistsresource.org">The Journalist's Resource</a> and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.<img src="https://journalistsresource.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/cropped-jr-favicon-150x150.png" style="width:1em;height:1em;margin-left:10px;">

Even before Donald Trump’s election victory took newsrooms nationwide by surprise, audiences criticized journalists as being disconnected from the communities they cover, especially poor and working-class communities.

For many reporters, there’s not much time during the work week for building sources and exploring neighborhoods because their job responsibilities have grown so much in recent decades. But journalists themselves have changed as the field has evolved into an elite profession that draws well-educated men and women, many of whom come from middle-class families, went to the same colleges and move in the same social circles. Almost half the writers and editors at the New York Times and Wall Street Journal , for example, attended elite colleges, and 20 percent graduated from Ivy League schools, a 2018 study published in the Journal of Expertise shows.

Heather Bryant , the founder of Project Facet who also was a John S. Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford University in 2017, has written about socioeconomic diversity in journalism and her experiences growing up in rural poverty as the daughter of a frequently incarcerated single parent. She also has written about the negative responses she has gotten when other journalists learn her husband is a garbage truck driver.

Denise-Marie Ordway , a Pulitzer Prize finalist and 2015 fellow of Harvard’s Nieman Foundation for Journalism, was raised on food stamps in a Florida trailer park by a mother who didn’t make it past the sixth grade. As a young woman, Ordway married an undocumented immigrant from Central America and forged ties within central Florida’s migrant farmworker community. Now the managing editor of Journalist’s Resource , she’s raising five kids with her current partner, a tow truck driver.

Together, Bryant and Ordway created this tip sheet to get journalists to think more deeply about how they select and cover stories, who their audience is and how current journalistic practices can limit lower-income individuals’ ability to access the news.

“Most news coverage isn’t created with people experiencing poverty in mind — as part of the audience,” Bryant says. “Impoverished people are often separated from other subject groups that are affected by policies and participation in civic and community life.”

She adds: “When people in economic hardship are included, their socioeconomic status is typically the reason for their inclusion and the central framing of their identity or it’s used inaccurately as a shorthand for things including race, geography, education level or employment status. And finally, the depiction of people experiencing poverty is problematic in ways that are often exploitive, dehumanizing or insulting.”

These tips aren’t meant to be exhaustive. But they’re a starting place for tackling some of the biggest and most common problems.


WHAT TO AVOID: Representing people experiencing poverty as one of three character types: the victim, the criminal or the exception.

Generally speaking, news coverage tends to exclude people experiencing economic hardship as though they don’t participate in the same societal, political and economic systems as everyone else, Bryant says. “They are, instead, most often depicted as the victims of some force or policy; the criminal element that the rest of society has to fear and punish; or the ‘exceptional poor person’ who walks miles to work or school, has multiple jobs or good grades or has managed to do something to be worthy of help or an escape from their economic situation,” she says. “The first character makes it difficult to report on poverty as a circumstance that can be changed by policy or practice. The second character enforces stereotypes that inhibits the good will and effort to develop those policies and practices. The third is a moral measuring stick used to set aside policy and practice and attribute economic hardship to personal attributes and effort rather than the complex circumstances that result at the convergence of cultural, economic and political priorities.”

HOW TO GET IT RIGHT:   Seek out sources who are experiencing poverty for all kinds of stories — not just stories about poverty.

Just as a reporter should seek out a diversity of sources — including racial and sexual minorities — they also should try to incorporate the opinions and experiences of people from different income levels. “Poverty does not exist in a vacuum,” Bryant says. “Much in the way we are having more conversations about implicit bias around race and gender, consider also the potential for the moral judgments frequently associated with people experiencing poverty and how that can affect inclusion and framing.”

WHAT TO AVOID: Making broad statements about what “everyone” thinks or does, especially when those statements likely don’t apply to individuals of all income levels.

“Journalists often make statements that intentionally or unintentionally signal that their work isn’t meant to be read, viewed or heard by people of limited means,” Ordway says. “For example, when a reporter says or implies that everyone is excited about an expensive new product or that a small increase in the price of something isn’t a big deal, that sends a message to lower-income people. Also, think about this: If ‘everybody’ is supposedly excited, disappointed or shocked about something and I don’t feel that way, does that mean I’m ‘nobody?’ — or that your news organization thinks I’m nobody?”

Ordway points to this lede from a New York Times ’ story about the death of designer Kate Spade as an example of journalists incorrectly assuming everyone has the same experiences: “Buying a Kate Spade handbag was a coming-of-age ritual for a generation of American women.”

HOW TO GET IT RIGHT: Think carefully about how you approach a story and the messages you’re sending to people with limited incomes.

When you’re covering any topic, ask yourselves these questions: Am I making class-based assumptions? Is this approach or the language I’m using going to offend, demean or be relatable to people who are currently experiencing poverty or have experienced it in the past? Am I covering this topic as though lower-income individuals are reading, listening or watching? Am I treating lower-income people as though they are an equally important part of my audience?

“Journalists cover topics they consider newsworthy and these decisions are influenced by their own life experiences and socioeconomic backgrounds,” Ordway explains. “Newsrooms rushed to report on Starbucks replacing straws with a new type of lid for their drinks and that story displayed prominently on many news sites. Do newsrooms also rush to cover changes at businesses frequented mostly by lower-income people? If Save-A-Lot, a discount grocery store with locations throughout the United States, suddenly stopped giving shoppers free cardboard boxes to use to carry their groceries to the car as a way to reduce environmental waste, would the national news media cover that? Local newspapers report on the opening of a new Trader Joe’s. How often do they cover plans for a new Big Lots, which is something I’d be more excited about?”

WHAT TO AVOID: Neglecting to consider that your audience includes people experiencing economic hardship.

Says Bryant: “Journalists have to balance respective audiences with two focal points — people within a circumstance that require information in order to navigate those circumstances and the people with the political, economic or social capital to affect change of those circumstances. News coverage of poverty and related issues most frequently targets the latter and neglects the former, abandoning opportunities to empower individuals with information and ill-serving those in power by omitting more accurate and essential stories about the lived experience of poverty.”  

HOW TO GET IT RIGHT: Consider prioritizing journalism for and with people over coverage about people.

“It’s essential when reporting on historically marginalized or vulnerable communities that we always ask ourselves who we are speaking to when we are reporting out a story and reflect on whether our approach or presentation exploits, dehumanizes or disempowers them as active agents of their own stories,” Bryant says. For a quick example, look up stories with the phrase “the poor” in the headline and ask yourself who that story was created for and who received the most useful information from that story.

WHAT TO AVOID: Using words such as “poverty-ridden” and “poverty-stricken,” which are vague and rely on stereotypes.

“These words make poverty sound like a disease or affliction,” Ordway says. “And, really, what do they mean? If I say something occurred in a ‘poverty-ridden’ area, am I describing something that happened in a place with high crime? A neighborhood where a lot of roofs need patching? A region where a certain proportion of residents qualify for government assistance? What information are you trying to convey? Not only are these words vague, they are demeaning and promote stereotypes.”

HOW TO GET IT RIGHT: Use words that clearly convey the specific information you want to share.

When describing a community, tell your audience what you see and hear. Rely on concrete statistics instead of labels or catch phrases. “I know from experience that what most of my journalist colleagues consider ‘low income’ is not what I’d consider to be low income,” Ordway says. “But if you say, for example, that 80 percent of the adults living in this area earn $12,000 a year or less, we’re all on the same page.”

WHAT TO AVOID: Unnecessarily using big words and making obscure references.

Being poor doesn’t mean being uneducated and it certainly doesn’t prevent someone from having an impressive vocabulary. However, a lot of poor people don’t have advanced degrees or the vast vocabularies many journalists do. “When journalists rely on big words and jargon or make obscure historical and literary references, they make it unnecessarily difficult for everyone to understand and get the same access to the news,” Ordway says. “This habit also discourages people who don’t have the same knowledge base from seeking out the news.”

HOW TO GET IT RIGHT: Present the news as though it’s important for everyone to understand the information you’re providing.

You don’t have to “dumb down” your writing to make it more accessible and understandable. In fact, writing clearly can be challenging. You have to have a strong grasp of the issues you’re covering in order to write about them in a straightforward way. You can’t simply parrot back the explanations and descriptions offered by government officials and academics.

WHAT TO AVOID: Associating poverty with certain habits, lifestyle choices or TV shows.

“ Stories that include people experiencing hardship often tiptoe, if not outright stride, into ‘poverty-porn’ territory with excessive dissection or description of personal habits like smoking, coffee or soda drinking, watching certain kinds of TV shows, or food choices — especially fast food,” Bryant says. “These short-hands are often used as a way of conveying just how bad or desperate things are rather than the extraordinarily common practices they are. This also includes an exaggerated focus on pronunciation, word choice and delivery.”

(Journalist Sarah Smarsh , who writes about class and rural America, has also spoken about how reporters edit quotes in a way that plays to their personal biases. Check out her tips on covering rural America .)

HOW TO GET IT RIGHT: Include details that have meaning to the person you are reporting on.

“Details that establish scenes and circumstances are important, but stories that dwell on details that point to stereotype and not the fuller range of a person’s life only contribute to dehumanizing rather than creating a connection between the audience and the person,” Bryant explains. “Pay attention to whether you only have visuals that are moody or stark or include surroundings that read as poor, messy, cheap or low quality. Strive to be equal in your fidelity to exact speech and description of delivery in all of your reporting.”

Ordway adds: “I’ve read a few stories featuring low-income families that point out how dirty and poorly clothed the children playing outside are. Do any of us allow our kids to play outside in their best outfits? All kids who play outside get dirty — rich or poor. I often wonder if journalists from higher-income backgrounds point out details like these in their stories simply because they seem unusual to them. Maybe they didn’t spend their childhoods playing in the dirt and the trees like I did because they had tennis practice or piano lessons or something else to occupy their time. It’s so important for journalists to  think carefully about the details they include in their stories and how they represent people of limited means because these stories are guiding how other people view them and their place in society.”

WHAT TO AVOID: Only depicting poverty as despair.

“Life while in poverty is not exclusively lived in despair the same way a life with means is not exclusively easy or joyful,” Bryant says. “Sometimes stories can’t cover this range because of a specific focus or scope. But if your newsroom’s aggregate coverage of poverty focuses extensively on tragedy, you are missing part of the story.”

HOW TO GET IT RIGHT: Help audiences understand that people living in poverty are multidimensional, as are their experiences.

“One of the best pieces of advice I give to less experienced journalists is: Spend a lot of time with people who are very different from you — people who might even make you a little uncomfortable,” Ordway says. “This is good advice for journalists at all levels because it encourages them to learn more about those with different life experiences. Think of the insights a reporter from the middle class might get from hanging out with a person who uses food stamps to afford groceries, someone else who qualifies but refuses to accept government benefits, a senior citizen who has been poor his whole life, a Millennial who is experiencing financial hardship for the first time and an individual who has taken a vow of poverty.”

This photo, taken by Blake Bolinger , was obtained from Wikimedia Commons and is being used under a  Creative Commons license . No changes were made.

About the Authors

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Denise-Marie Ordway

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Heather Bryant

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A Speech on How to Eradicate Poverty


  • Updated on  
  • Oct 17, 2022

A Speech on How to Eradicate Poverty

The United Nations General Assembly declared 17 October as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty to mark the adoption of resolution 47/196. The roots of this day trace back to 17 October 1987. On that day, hundreds and thousands of people gathered at the  Trocadéro in Paris where the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in 1948. The day is observed to honour the victims of extreme poverty, violence, and hunger. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. And the theme of 2022 is “Dignity For All in Practice.” To read about how to eradicate poverty speeches, keep reading!

Speech in 150 Words

Good morning, everyone. I am XYZ, and today I stand before you to enlighten you all on the topic “How to Eradicate Poverty.”

“Dignity for all in practice” implies that the rights of every individual belonging to any social status and category must be respected. We, as fellow human beings, should come together in support of the people who suffer from poverty and, along with that, have to face other complex societal issues, including dangerous work conditions, unsafe housing, lack of nutritious food, unequal access to justice, lack of political power, and limited access to health care.

It is our social responsibility to make amends for a better society and empower people to become independent. We must treat all individuals as equals and respect them and their dignity. By addressing our privileges and making efforts for a vision that is valued in the future then only we can make truly begin to overcome such social evils. Sensitivity is one of the most human traits that we all possess but sadly its impression is getting reduced. I say we must value the emotions associated with human nature and tread stronger to become better versions of ourselves for the greater good. 

Speech in 250 Words

Good morning to one and all. Today, I XYZ stand before you to present my views on “How to Eradicate Poverty.”

The poverty rate is on the rise in India as well as the world. Approximately 85% of the world’s population lives on less than $30, or INR 3,000 per day. This restricts their ability to afford a healthy lifestyle and basic healthcare facilities Such situations lead them to be disrespected by the general public and subject them to social exclusion, discrimination , and disempowerment. To step up to resolve this global concern, the United Nations declared October 17 as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. With this initiative, many individuals and organisations should realise their social responsibility toward marginalised people and should support them. Although it will be a cumbersome task to completely eradicate poverty, we can at least begin taking small steps towards the same.

Poverty can be controlled by improving the food security system for them and allowing them access to education so that they can understand their fundamental rights . Many campaigns should be put into action to spread awareness about poverty and measures to be taken to reduce it. The government should improve its existing policies regarding subsidies for poor people. Non-governmental organizations should also have social services camps for them. They can also raise funds through various social events to provide monetary assistance.

These measures need to be executed on a global scale, which will require rigorous planning, research, and initiative by a large number of people. Thus, people should collectively make efforts to better the situation and develop a sustainable plan to end poverty in all its forms everywhere.

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Speech In 300 Words 

Greetings of the Day I am XYZ, and today I stand before you to enlighten you all on the topic “How to Eradicate Poverty.”

Let me begin by simulating some self-reflection. Can you imagine living without a roof over your head, not being able to afford your basic bread and butter, and not having access to basic amenities or your basic human rights? It is difficult to even imagine these gruesome words, yet they are the reality for millions of people. To be more precise, around 1.3 billion people in the world still live in multidimensional poverty, with children and people of a young age making up almost half of it. 

Many critically important concerns have risen. Unequal opportunities and income levels are responsible for creating a gap between the rich and the poor in the world. The pandemic rubbed these realities even harder, exposing poverty-stricken people to inhumane actions. These tough times hold the mirror of self-awareness for all of us and evoke the commitment to stand together to address the dignity and respect that each individual deserves. And many initiatives should be taken on a social level, like improving access to sustainable livelihoods, creating equal opportunities for everyone, access to education, and providing universal access to basic social services for people. 

To globally address these concerns the United Nations General Assembly observed 17 October as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. This day is observed by recognizing the effort and daily struggle of people living in poverty and providing an opportunity for them to make their needs and concerns known to the general public. Poverty is a global issue that requires global attention to be resolved. The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty raises awareness of these issues and reminds us that the social and environmental causes of poverty can be addressed.

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Charvi Khaneja

Charvi Khaneja is currently working as a content writer with Leverage Edu. She can be heard from a distance if someone talks about Netflix, Content, Music, Pop- Culture, and Entertainment. Most of the time she thinks about the ideas of various concept art in the field of music and performances and entertainment content marketing and promotional strategies. Getting accepted into the University of Birmingham is nothing less than a series scene for her. She learnt French in high school and is still polishing her skills. And she is a Intermediate beginner in Korean language fluency. She also earned Google Certificates in Digital Marketing. At the strike of her emotions she resides to write poetry or verses and strums guitar. Her thought process basically resonates with the content she is watching and always has a background music playing in the back of her head.

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