
Essay on Social Justice

Students are often asked to write an essay on Social Justice in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Social Justice

Understanding social justice.

Social justice is the fair treatment of all people in society. It’s about making sure everyone has equal opportunities, irrespective of their background or status.

Importance of Social Justice

Social justice is important because it promotes equality. It helps to reduce disparities in wealth, access to resources, and social privileges.

Role of Individuals

Every person can contribute to social justice. By treating others fairly, respecting diversity, and standing against discrimination, we can promote social justice.

In conclusion, social justice is vital for a balanced society. It ensures everyone has a fair chance to succeed in life.

250 Words Essay on Social Justice

Social justice, a multifaceted concept, is the fair distribution of opportunities, privileges, and resources within a society. It encompasses dimensions like economic parity, gender equality, environmental justice, and human rights. The core of social justice is the belief that everyone deserves equal economic, political, and social opportunities irrespective of race, gender, or religion.

The Importance of Social Justice

Social justice is pivotal in fostering a harmonious society. It ensures that everyone has access to the basic necessities of life and can exercise their rights without discrimination. It is the cornerstone of peace and stability in any society. Without social justice, the divide between different socio-economic classes widens, leading to social unrest.

Challenges to Social Justice

Despite its importance, achieving social justice is fraught with challenges. Systemic issues like discrimination, poverty, and lack of access to quality education and healthcare are significant roadblocks. These challenges are deeply ingrained in societal structures and require collective efforts to overcome.

The Role of Individuals in Promoting Social Justice

Every individual plays a crucial role in promoting social justice. Through conscious efforts like advocating for equal rights, supporting policies that promote equality, and standing against discrimination, individuals can contribute to building a just society.

In conclusion, social justice is a fundamental principle for peaceful coexistence within societies. Despite the challenges, each individual’s conscious effort can contribute significantly to achieving this noble goal. The journey towards social justice is long and arduous, but it is a path worth treading for the betterment of humanity.

500 Words Essay on Social Justice

Introduction to social justice, origins and evolution of social justice.

The concept of social justice emerged during the Industrial Revolution and subsequent civil revolutions as a counter to the vast disparities in wealth and social capital. It was a call for societal and structural changes, aiming to minimize socio-economic differences. The term was first used by Jesuit priest Luigi Taparelli in the mid-19th century, influenced by the teachings of Thomas Aquinas. Since then, the concept has evolved and expanded, encompassing issues like environmental justice, health equity, and human rights.

The Pillars of Social Justice

Social justice rests on four essential pillars: human rights, access, participation, and equity. Human rights are the fundamental rights and freedoms to which all individuals are entitled. Access involves equal opportunities in terms of resources, rights, goods, and services. Participation emphasizes the importance of all individuals contributing to and benefiting from economic, social, political, and cultural life. Equity ensures the fair distribution of resources and opportunities.

Social Justice in Today’s World

Despite the progress, numerous challenges to social justice persist. Systemic and structural discrimination, political disenfranchisement, economic inequality, and social stratification are just a few. Moreover, the rise of populism and nationalism worldwide has further complicated the fight for social justice, as these ideologies often thrive on division and inequality.

Promoting social justice requires collective action. Individuals can contribute by becoming more aware of the injustices around them, advocating for policies that promote equity, and standing up against discrimination. Education plays a crucial role in this process, as it can foster a deeper understanding of social justice issues and equip individuals with the tools to effect change.

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125 Social Justice Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Social justice is a crucial aspect of our society that addresses issues of equality and fairness in various aspects of life, including education, employment, healthcare, and criminal justice. Writing an essay on social justice can be a powerful way to raise awareness about these important issues and spark meaningful discussions.

If you're struggling to come up with a topic for your social justice essay, we've got you covered. Here are 125 social justice essay topic ideas and examples to help you get started:

The impact of systemic racism on communities of color

Gender inequality in the workplace

The criminalization of poverty

LGBTQ+ rights and discrimination

Access to healthcare for marginalized communities

Police brutality and the Black Lives Matter movement

Environmental justice and climate change

Disability rights and accessibility

Income inequality and the wealth gap

Indigenous rights and land sovereignty

Immigration and refugee rights

Mental health stigma and access to care

Education equity and the school-to-prison pipeline

Reproductive rights and access to healthcare

The impact of colonialism on global social justice issues

Human trafficking and modern slavery

Workers' rights and fair labor practices

Access to clean water and sanitation

Disability rights in the workplace

The criminal justice system and mass incarceration

LGBTQ+ rights in the military

Access to affordable housing and homelessness

Food insecurity and poverty

Gender-based violence and domestic abuse

The impact of globalization on social justice issues

Disability rights in education

Indigenous rights in the criminal justice system

LGBTQ+ rights in sports

Access to mental health care for marginalized communities

The intersection of race and gender in social justice issues

The impact of social media on social justice movements

Disability rights and technology accessibility

Environmental racism and pollution in marginalized communities

Gender inequality in STEM fields

The impact of gentrification on low-income communities

LGBTQ+ rights in healthcare

Access to reproductive healthcare for marginalized communities

The impact of colonialism on indigenous communities

Disability rights and transportation accessibility

The criminalization of homelessness

Gender inequality in the arts and entertainment industry

The impact of climate change on marginalized communities

LGBTQ+ rights in the workplace

Access to affordable childcare for working families

Disability rights and voting accessibility

The impact of racism on mental health outcomes

Gender-based violence in the military

The intersection of race and class in social justice issues

Access to affordable higher education for low-income students

Disability rights in the criminal justice system

The impact of ableism on healthcare accessibility

Gender inequality in political representation

The criminalization of drug addiction

LGBTQ+ rights in the legal system

Access to clean energy for marginalized communities

Disability rights and inclusive recreation

Economic inequality and social mobility

Indigenous rights in the education system

LGBTQ+ rights in the foster care system

Access to mental health care for veterans

The impact of poverty on educational outcomes

Disability rights and employment discrimination

Gender inequality in the tech industry

The criminalization of sex work

LGBTQ+ rights in the criminal justice system

Access to affordable public transportation for low-income communities

Environmental justice and urban planning

Disability rights and independent living

Gender-based violence in the workplace

The impact of racism on healthcare disparities

LGBTQ+ rights in the education system

Access to affordable childcare for single parents

Disability rights and emergency preparedness

Indigenous rights in the healthcare system

The criminalization of mental illness

Gender inequality in the legal system

The impact of ableism on social inclusion

Access to affordable housing for seniors

Disability rights and social security benefits

The impact of sexism on reproductive rights

Gender inequality in the criminal justice system

Access to affordable healthcare for undocumented immigrants

Disability rights and inclusive education

Economic inequality and access to financial resources

Indigenous rights in the legal system

These are just a few examples of social justice topics that you can explore in your essay. Remember to choose a topic that you are passionate about and that aligns with your values and beliefs. Social justice essays have the power to educate, inspire, and create positive change in our society, so don't be afraid to dive in and start writing. Good luck!

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Social Justice - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities. Essays could explore the various theories of social justice, historical and contemporary social justice movements, and the ongoing challenges in achieving social justice globally. They might also discuss the role of individuals, communities, and nations in promoting social justice and addressing systemic inequalities. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of Social Justice you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

How to Achieve Social Justice

We are all one in this world. There is no race, sexual orientation, gender, rich or poor, or even prejudice against all. But that would give the world a utopian atmosphere, and quite frankly, we are not there yet. This would be best defined as social justice. Social Justice is a concept of a society in which every human being is treated fair and equal, without any form of discrimination. It is in my belief, that how the system is […]

Catholic Social Justice Community Service Reflection

Catholic Social Justice is the call to help one another as well as the world in general. It is a commitment that arises from experiencing Christ in the Eucharist. These catholic social justices that we all must commit to are as follows: life and dignity of the human person, call to family, community, and participation, rights and responsibilities, option for the poor and vulnerable, the dignity of work and the right of workers, solidarity, and care for God’s creation. All […]

The Era of Social Injustice

"Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children" (King 1). Back during the Civil Rights Movement African Americans were penalized due to their skin color and were not offered the same rights as people with white skin. African Americans were treated with no respect and were given the impression that they had no place […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Social Justice System

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Understanding of the Social Justice

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Michael Walzer’s Theory of Justice

Promp: Michael Walzer's theory of justice provides us with the means of greatly reducing domination within, as well as between, the spheres of life upon which he focuses? Michael Walzer is a prominent American political theorist and a pioneer of moral philosophy. He has written many influential essays and books on which are all-encompassing to many prevalent issues. His questions are centered around the ethics of distributive justice within particular frames of social reference. Most notably, his book Spheres of Justice […]

A Problem of Social Justice in World

Multiple people are discriminated for their race, their religion, or their sexuality. The idea of entitlement has been an issue in the United States for centuries. Even before the United States became a country in 1776, racial prejudice existed. At first it was the Native Americans' who were looked down on and forced to do the new white settlers dirty work. Then it became African Americans. Whites have been seen to be superior to African Americans for many years, more […]

Social Justice for African American Women

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A Social Workers in the United States

On February 14th 2011, twins Nubia and Victor Barahona fell victim to their abusive father. The children were found locked in their father’s truck in West Palm Beach, Florida. Nubia was dead and Victor has severe chemical burns all over his tiny body. An anonymous tip was called into the child abuse hotline but the social worker Andrea Fleary was so backlogged with cases that it took her 4 days to conduct a welfare check. That was precious time taken […]

Mental Illness and Social Justice

Mental illness has a history in the United States since colonial times, possibly even before. The first hospital specializing in mental health opened in 1773 in the United States. Prior to 1773, individuals were left to care for themselves or be cared for by family members or they were placed in jail for criminal behavior. In the mid-1800s, Dorothea Dix noticed the inhumane treatment of prisoners and the mentally ill in prisons and institutions. Patients were often living in deplorable […]

Crime and Social Justice on Gender Inequality

I'm using these five sources to talk about crime and social justice on gender inequality. Gender inequality is more of a social injustice because gender inequality is an unfair practice between men and women being carried out in the society. Within discussing this topic, I talk about racism and sexism. My topic is towards African Americans and women in the workplace. How come African American women or women, in general, are not seen as an equal to men? Cheeks, Maura. […]

A Problem of Social Injustices

There have been many unjust systems when it comes to the law providing help for the people and social injustice throughout times when it came to gender for many years, women have come along way throughout the years to become a significant role in what goes on in the law system and empowering women to be able to be in most careers that were thought before to not be suitable for women. And, an issue we still in America is […]

Social Justice, Race, and Gender Issues in American Society

Although known for its ancient history, large population, and incredible beauty; Africa also holds record numbers for its staggering amounts of child slavery and poverty stricken lands. Aside from AIDS, one of Africa’s major social problems is in fact, child labor and slavery. At the heart of Africa’s economic boom, the need for youth to actively become laborers on farms, in fields, workshops and factories is prevalent. Africa, being successful in producing rich, delicious cocoa, seeks young boys whose ages […]

Social Justice in Public Schools

Principals leading for social justice in 21st Century public schools will require a change in their preparation programs from that of a traditional role to one that is ready to lead diverse schools. It is projected that by 2025, 55% of all students enrolled in United States public schools will be a member of today's minority racial/ethnic group (National Center for Education Statistics, 2017). The enrollment in Texas public schools today is represented with 52% Hispanic, 13% Black, 29% White, […]

Social Justice in Healthcare: Bridging Disparities and Fostering Equity

Relevance and Meaning Social justice in healthcare refer to the equitable distribution of medical resources that ensures everyone has fair access to medical care regardless of financial background, color, or ethnicity. It stands for the notion that everyone is naturally entitled to the highest physical and mental health levels. The importance of this justice stretches beyond the immediate health implications. When healthcare is distributed equitably, it provides the following points: Societies flourish when every member can contribute productively. Economic burdens […]

What does Social Justice Mean to You: Personal Reflections

Feminism and social justice have been a sidestream topic for as long as I’ve known about it. I have always heard different things from different people and was never sure which was the right assumption. I originally came to this course with the premise that feminism was working to actively change the traditional roles placed on women and replace patriarchy with equality for all. But because of this, I also saw feminism as a violent act towards men. This assumption […]

The Role of Education and Critical Literacy

The role of education in a democracy is that an education can provide someone with the knowledge of past occurrences of oppression that can be used to fight current social injustices, while the role of critical literacy is that it can help one recognize social issues that continue to affect society. If someone lacks an education or critical literacy skills, than he or she may be unaware that injustices are occurring, or will lack knowledge on how these injustices can […]

Female Comics and Social Justice

"In a similar vein, ideas expressed by women who identify as feminists are often dismissed under the idea that they are angry and unable to take a joke. Thus, the stand-up stage is a space where homophobic, sexist, and all together insensitive jokes not only occur, but thrive. The comedy business is hard and unforgiving to queer audiences, fueling anxiety and self-hatred, as has been pointed out by queer comedians such as Hannah Gatsby. In her standup special Nanette, Gatsby […]

Marxism is the Arrangement of Communism

Karl Max is a German philosopher and socialist. He work has everlastingly affected the field of human science in that his perspectives opened the way to the investigation of how one's social class impacts one's beneficial encounters and life shots. His work additionally opened the entryway for some contrasting points of view on the issue of the well off and the poor in the public eye. Karl is the man behind the theory Marxism. Marxism is the focus on social […]

Catholic School and the Common Good

Statement of the Problem Social justice is not voluntary; it is essential so that students learn to understand that particular rights are inalienable and exist within oneself and within others (Denig, 2014). Catholic education shapes boys and girls to be good citizens, loving God and neighbor and impacting society with Gospel values (Miller, 2006). Unfortunately, this mission of Catholic school has become an endangered species in the 21st century. Declining enrollments, increasing financial pressures, and church scandals are threatening the […]

Importance of the Elderly Community

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Understanding Equal Educational Opportunity

In “Understanding Equal Educational Opportunity; Social Justice, Democracy, and Schooling”, Howe (1997) Dug deeply into the complex idea of equality of educational opportunity. He revealed many restraints and problems that need to be understood if that basic democratic principle is to serve us in our quest to provide an education that keeps the future open for our kids. He argued for the necessity of distributing justice and democracy. Where, justice gives everyone an active voice in looking for their needs. […]

Understanding of Responsibility for Social and Economic Justice

Barbara Ehrenreich, a prolific writer, found herself having wandered into the topic of poverty during lunch with an editor. The topic was especially current. In 1996, Congress passed, and President Bill Clinton signed into law, the "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act," welfare-reform legislation that radically restructured welfare programs, reduced federal spending on welfare, and required many to work in order to receive limited social benefits (Kirst-Ashman, 205). Ehrenreich, challenged by of her own idea that "someone ought to […]

Should Capital Punishment be Reintroduced in the UK: a Deep Dive into the Moral Labyrinth and Societal Repercussions

Imagine this: the eerie chamber of death, where whispers mingle with the resonant thud of a gavel against the wood. Capital punishment, the solemn act of ending human life as retribution for heinous crimes, is a complex puzzle that has sparked debate over centuries. The United Kingdom, once entangled in this extreme penal practice, abolished capital punishment in 1965. However, the vexing question of its potential revival lingers in society's corridors. The essay embarks on a journey through the intricate […]

What does the Constitution Mean to Me? a Deep Dive into its Complex Tapestry

The Constitution - those words etched upon the pages of history, a beacon of governance transcending time and guiding nations. In my contemplation, I invite you to delve into the intricate corridors of this foundational document. Throughout this journey, we'll ponder its nuances and decipher the threads of thought it weaves across the tapestry of our society. As I traverse its provisions, I invite you to join me in solving the echoes of the Constitution's wisdom, as its words, like […]

Thurgood Marshall: a Champion for Justice and Equality

Thurgood Marshall emerges as a resonant figure in the annals of American history, particularly concerning civil liberties and the apex court. Hailing from Baltimore, Maryland, born on July 2, 1908, Marshall's odyssey from a lad confronting racial bias to assuming the mantle of the premier African American Supreme Court Justice stands as a narrative of unparalleled distinction. His trajectory epitomized an unyielding commitment to equity and impartiality, a legacy that endures, shaping the legal and societal landscape of the United […]

Illustrative Cases of Segregation in History and Society

The enforced division of different racial, ethnic, or social groups, known as segregation, has profoundly influenced societies worldwide. While the most infamous examples often originate from the United States, segregation has appeared in various guises across different nations and historical epochs, each leaving distinct impacts and legacies. Understanding these instances offers a broader perspective on the deeply entrenched and detrimental nature of segregation. Among the most renowned examples is the Jim Crow era in the United States. Spanning from the […]

What does Justice Mean? an Examination of Fairness and Equity Across Different Societies

Justice, serving as the bedrock of societal balance, is an elaborate mosaic rich in varying shades and textures worldwide. Although its core principles are universally acknowledged, justice adapts uniquely within each cultural context, reflecting distinct historical, cultural, and ideological underpinnings. In Western legal systems, justice is revered as the protector of individual liberties, enshrined within the framework of legal statutes and rights. The principles of due process, presumption of innocence, and impartial trials are paramount, ensuring fairness is maintained. Yet, […]

The Enduring Strength of Ruby Bridges’ Family

Ruby Bridges, a luminary of the civil rights crusade, is widely lauded for her valiant deed at the tender age of six when she became the inaugural African American child to integrate an all-white primary school in the Southern region. The dauntlessness exhibited by young Ruby in 1960 amidst formidable societal pressures stands as an enduring testament to her family's resolve and fortitude. This discourse delves into the pivotal role of Ruby Bridges' familial unit in buttressing her during this […]

Martin Luther King Jr.: a Timeless Icon of Hope and Justice

Martin Luther King Jr., one of the most significant figures in American history, spearheaded the civil rights movement and devoted his life to fostering greater inclusivity in the nation. His influence is not only historical; it is still felt in discussions about justice, equality, and civil rights today, demonstrating the ongoing influence of his ideas and strategies. King's strategy of using civil disobedience and nonviolence to bring about social change was groundbreaking at the time and is still incredibly important […]

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How to Write an Essay About Social Justice

Understanding social justice.

Before you start writing an essay about social justice, it's essential to have a clear understanding of what social justice entails. Social justice refers to the fair and just relation between the individual and society, measured by the distribution of wealth, opportunities for personal activity, and social privileges. It involves a focus on the idea of creating a society or institution that is based on the principles of equality and solidarity, that understands and values human rights, and that recognizes the dignity of every human being. Begin your essay by defining social justice and its importance in modern society. Discuss the various dimensions of social justice, which may include issues like racial equality, gender equity, economic fairness, LGBTQ rights, and more.

Developing a Thesis Statement

Your essay on social justice should be centered around a clear, concise thesis statement. This statement should present a specific viewpoint or argument about social justice. For instance, you might explore the effectiveness of current social justice movements, analyze historical social justice issues and their resolution, or argue the need for a specific approach to achieve social justice in a particular context. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and provide a structured approach to your analysis.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

To support your thesis, gather evidence from a range of sources, including academic research, case studies, historical examples, or current events. This might include data on social inequality, examples of successful social justice initiatives, or testimonies from individuals or groups affected by social injustice. Use this evidence to support your thesis and build a persuasive argument. It's important to consider different perspectives and address potential counterarguments to your thesis.

Analyzing Social Justice Issues

Dedicate a section of your essay to analyzing specific social justice issues. Discuss the causes and impacts of these issues, the challenges in addressing them, and the strategies employed to overcome these challenges. Consider both the successes and the ongoing struggles in the realm of social justice. This analysis will help illustrate the complexities involved in achieving social justice and the various factors that influence it.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your discussion and restating your thesis in light of the evidence provided. Your conclusion should tie together your analysis and emphasize the importance of striving for social justice. You might also want to reflect on the broader implications of your findings or suggest future directions for social justice activism or policy.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, take time to review and refine it. Ensure that your arguments are clearly articulated and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers, educators, or experts in social justice to further improve your essay. A well-written essay on social justice will not only demonstrate your understanding of the topic but also your ability to engage critically with complex ethical and societal issues.

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116 Social Justice Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on social justice, 🔎 easy social justice research paper topics, 🎓 most interesting social justice research titles, 💡 simple social justice essay ideas, ❓ social justice research questions.

  • The Environment and Social Justice
  • Social Justice and Equality in America
  • Social Justice, Education, and Critical Pedagogy
  • Racial Discrimination as a Social Justice Issue
  • Ethics and Social Justice in Mental Health System
  • Social Justice and Civil Rights
  • Criminal and Social Justice
  • Gun Violence as the Social Justice Issue The aim of the paper is to describe the issue of gun violence, analyze the reasons for the problem and propose a possible solution.
  • Advocating for Social Justice Nurses should continue advocating for social justice and suggest strategies to fix the system, making the system genuinely fair.
  • Teacher’s Reflection, Liberal Arts and Social Justice The use of reflection by a teacher in the process of writing and thinking enables him/her to reflect on how effective a lesson is.
  • The Social Justice and Nutrition in a Family This paper provides a wider understanding of the practical application of social justice and how the social determinants of health can be used in the description of the family.
  • The Principle of Social Justice in World Religions This essay examines the principle of social justice as the subject of a comparative study among the three schools of thought: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism .
  • Working for Social Justice Instances of social inequality are common in the current century. This paper discusses the different authors who address the topic of social justice.
  • Gender Equity and Social Justice in Schoolchildren Gender inequality can easily be identified in schools by observing how students tend to micro-interact and aggregate in particular activities or groups.
  • Social Justice Protests Regarding Abortions This study aims to understand abortion rights and how they were significant in women’s equality. Roe v. Rode was a case that challenged the rule about abortion.
  • Creative Voices as Social Justice Advocates Poetic language presents information in a way that enables readers to relate the message to their personal experiences and make informed decisions.
  • Engineering Ethics Education for Social Justice The incident at Morales is a case that provides the reader and the viewers with a moral problem that is arguably confronted at work and home.
  • Individual Responsibilities on Definirion of Social Justice Issues Considering divergent opinions from reviews concerning the non-precision or non-existence of the definition of social justice.
  • General Definitions of Social Justice It is essential to provide several general definitions of social justice that will allow us to fully understand and appreciate this concept.
  • Criminal and Social Justice Intersection: Annotated Bibliography The annotated bibliography of the sources where the criminal and social justice intersection relations are researched.
  • How to Promote Social Justice in Nursing Social justice plays an instrumental role in nursing by ensuring that inequalities do not deprive marginalized groups of access to quality healthcare services.
  • Social Justice and Barriers in Healthcare One of the most important social justice topics that relate not only to nursing in particular but to healthcare in general, is affordable healthcare.
  • The Concept of Social Justice in Nursing Social justice in nursing relates to human rights and equality in the nursing practice and addresses inequalities arising from race, gender, age, religion, etc.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Its Contribution to Social Justice This paper focuses on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, discussing its coverage in scholarly literature, implications for the public, and discussions in Congress.
  • Autonomy and Social Justice for African American and Latino Populations These study objectives are formulated so that the findings will promote autonomy and social justice among the study population.
  • Social Justice: American Arab, Jewish American, and Africans Jewish Americans have many variations of cultural features depending on the degree of involvement in religion.
  • Exploration of Social Justice Aspects One can state that the government should play a significant role in support for families with children while ensuring child welfare measures being taken are fair.
  • The Climate of Social Justice, Racism, COVID-19, and Other Issues The paper argues ideas of music, culture and society are contended to be inseparably connected, which can be clarified through the space of ethnomusicology.
  • Social Justice in Britain’s Workforce Although racism has been outlawed as a social vice, nonetheless, racial discrimination is still one of the major ethical dilemmas in the modern workplace.
  • Female Genital Cutting and Social Justice A female genital cutting is a form of female circumcision extremely detrimental to the natural function of the female body.
  • Social Justice and Sustainable Business Practices Corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies are gradually acquiring legal effects as they are integrated into elements such as supply chain contracts and labor law.
  • The Black Lives Matter Movement as the Call for Social Justice: Analyzing Available Sources of Information A range of sources shed light on the movement The Black Lives Matter, its goals, and the accomplishments that it has achieved so far. This paper analyses some of them.
  • American Policing and Social Justice Social justice is a phenomenon that reflects the economic, political, legal, and moral conditions of life and the development of society.
  • Catholic Moral Teaching on Charity and Social Justice This paper discusses why Catholic moral teaching is so concerned with charity and social justice and how it can influence the rate of immorality that goes on in this world.
  • Social Justice to Maintain Democracy in Australia This essay will look into the impact of social justice concepts in maintaining democracy in Australian society.
  • Reconciliation, Australian Aborigines, and Social Justice The objective of the paper is to discuss the relevance of the policy of reconciliation and relevance of the policy of reconciliation to social justice for Australian Aborigines.
  • Narrative for Advancing a Social Justice Agenda Gender parity in education is changing, but gender inequality continues to exist in favor for boys in Los Angles.
  • Social Justice and Books: Educational Aspects Sherman Alexie’s quote is quite harsh, but true: young adult fiction should not become milder or sweeter just because some of the critics see is as too daunting.
  • Getting Involved in Advocacy Practice for Social Justice Analyzing the main factors influencing the willingness of people to get involved in advocacy efforts is the key to figuring out how to boost the activity of the workers.
  • Social Justice and Pregnant Addicted Mothers When a pregnant mother is addicted to alcohol and drug, she may end up causing irreparable damage to the unborn child.
  • The Social Justice Concept Definition In this article, it is argued that the concept of social justice represents entanglements between policy arenas of social welfare and crime control.
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  • Natural Resources, Economic Rents, and Social Justice in Contemporary Africa
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  • Racial Discrimination, the Complete Opposite of Social Justice
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  • Are Human Rights Based on the Concept of Social Justice?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, October 26). 116 Social Justice Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/social-justice-essay-topics/

"116 Social Justice Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 26 Oct. 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/social-justice-essay-topics/.

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1. StudyCorgi . "116 Social Justice Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/social-justice-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "116 Social Justice Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/social-justice-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "116 Social Justice Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/social-justice-essay-topics/.

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This essay topic collection was updated on January 9, 2024 .

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50 Social Justice Topics | Best Essay Writing Ideas

social justice topics

The phrase social justice may sound simple, but it covers a pretty diverse scope of issues affecting our society. These include religion, income equality, race, sexual orientation, and gender, among many others. Since these are issues we encounter every day, you will, on countless times in your student life, get assigned a social justice project. Note, this is regardless of what course you may be taking. Therefore, it’s wise to equip yourself with a selection of great social justice topics, and also know how to go about the writing process beforehand. Fortunately, you happen to be at the right place. Check out the roundup of great social justice research topics, as well as a few tips to guide you through the process below.

A List of Social Justice Topics

The key to writing an exemplary social justice research paper is equipping with a list of good social justice topics you are both interested in and that have plenty of information sources. On that note, check out the list below

General Social Justice Topic Ideas

  • What impact does diversity have on social justice?
  • Define social justice
  • How a corporate policy can affect the staff’s mental health
  • What is your take on fundraisers? Are they real charities or money laundering projects?
  • Explain the background and reasons that often lead to employee riots
  • What should immigrating foreigners expect? A better life or condemnation?
  • Explain the connection between globalization and the increase in substance abuse rates
  • Describe the political side of most modern wars.
  • Obesity as an obstacle to one’s social life
  • Increasing unemployment as the direct consequence of economic recessions
  • The impact of global warming on small island nations such as the Maldives
  • History and the progression of the idea in Western political thought
  • Globalization on international hospitality and tourism and how it impacts the local population
  • Non-governmental organizations, are they positive activists of change?
  • LGBTQ + pride movement
  • Describe the negative impact of societal beauty standards
  • What is the extent of abuse and neglect in orphanages, care homes, and orphanages

Good Social Justice Debate Topics

  • Can peace exist without war?
  • Define the relationship between social media and the increased cases of suicide
  • Reverse discrimination- a myth or reality?
  • A world of peace- is it real, or is it just a far-fetched fantasy?
  • Is the issuing of green cards a privilege or a necessity?
  • Should we perceive it as sex work or paid rape?
  • The church and the state- is it possible for them to remain separate?
  • Will gun control laws help reduce mass shootings?
  • Is consent a valid concept in the porn industry?
  • Building a wall between the US and Mexico? Logical or racist?
  • The immunization debate; should vaccination be mandatory?

Social Justice Speech Topics

  • Who pays the price of war and terrorism?
  • Talk about white privilege in the media
  • Can social media help society overcome the problem of illiteracy?
  • Talk about child abuse prevention strategies in the US
  • The societal impact on teenage smoking
  • Dating violence among university and college students
  • The effect of TV on infant child development
  • The issue of discrimination; do existing policies adequately protect citizens?
  • Problems brought about by illiteracy
  • Economic issues in developing countries and their link to the US economy
  • Address discrimination in sports

Social Justice Topics in Education

  • Why is peace education rare than shooting classes
  • Describe the mistreatment or abuse of autistic kids in elementary schools
  • Should our educational system be flexible enough to accommodate the evolving world, or is it a much wiser idea to retain the old standards?
  • Discrimination against the female gender or non-citizens in our education system
  • The impact of illiteracy on our community today
  • The impact of bullying and anxiety development in teenagers
  • Social media as the new form of bullying
  • How accessible is our educational system, the poor, migrant works, refugees, and other minority groups?
  • Mandatory uniform as a means to wipe out student identity
  • Can social media help our society overcome the problem of illiteracy?
  • Free education for everyone, will it ever become a reality

Thoughts On Social Justice Essay Writing

Writing an essay on social justice is not only a regular part of your student life but is meant to train you into a functioning adult in society. Writing on different social justice research topics will also help you keep up with the trends and changes taking place in our society. Therefore, to write the perfect social justice essay ensure you

Choose Social Justice Topics Wisely

When it comes to writing on social justice, it’s wise to choose a topic relevant to the community at that time. For instance, all social justice topics on our list directly impact society today. Therefore, choosing to write on any of them will cause controversy because not everyone has the same opinion as you. Hence, your audience, in this case, your professor, will be curious to see how you handle a particular social justice issue.

But other than being relevant, good social justice topics usually have plenty of research material. So apart from choosing a topic related to 2023, make sure whatever you opt to write about won’t leave you all drained.

Invest in Research

Social justice topics such as bullying in school usually have plenty of press. In that breath, you want to make your essay on social justice as unique and as memorable as possible. Therefore, instead of writing what everyone knows, go the extra mile in doing your research. For instance, if your social justice topic of choice is bullying, choose to address the psychological part of it, instead of the regular effects most students do.

Support Your Stance with Examples

As noted earlier, social justice mainly focuses on issues that affect our everyday lives. It is all about things that take place in our community regularly. Therefore, read the relevant college essay examples to help your audience relate to the social justice topic you’ve chosen to write about on a personal level. For instance, if you are talking about climate change, use examples that will hit close to home, such as increased energy costs. This way, your audience understands just how critical climate change is and why they should take action!

Keep your social justice essay very simple. Once you are done, revise and edit it to confirm that it is flawless. To make sure you submit a plagiarism-free paper and excellent grades, we advise you to hire our essay writers .

It’s your lucky day! Use promo “ custom20 ” – we’ve prepared a 20% discount off your social justice writing assignment from the best academic writers!

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social justice issue essays

  • October 17, 2021
  • Distinctive College Consulting

By Nora Lessersohn, A.M.

In the past few years, social, political, environmental, financial, and medical crises have made it abundantly clear that one’s race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or disability status directly affect/s their health, finances, work, education, and ability to live life itself. In response, colleges have started to ask their applicants to reflect on how they themselves have contributed to creating equitable and just outcomes for all. The following three prompts are exemplary:

Villanova : St. Augustine states that well-being is “not concerned with myself alone, but with my neighbor’s good as well.” How have you advocated for equity and justice in your communities?

Princeton : Princeton has a longstanding commitment to service and civic engagement. Tell us how your story intersects (or will intersect) with these ideals.

University of Richmond : Please share one idea for actions or policies that you think would begin to address an issue of racial or social injustice.

Such prompts may feel difficult for students who don’t consider themselves “political” (or those who simply understand how massive these problems are). But working towards equity and justice doesn’t begin and end with a protest or a social media post. In fact, you’ve probably worked towards these goals without even realizing it! Here are three questions to ask yourself to help you write a social justice essay.

1) How and when have I tried to be inclusive of others? Inclusion is an important element of working towards equitable social outcomes, whether it happens at a policy level, or at school with your peers. Have you made an effort to incorporate people from different backgrounds into an activity or conversation, whether in a sport, a club, or a social setting? This act could form the basis of a solid social justice essay in which you talk about the value of inclusion to your community.

2) How and when have I tried to help others? While not all assistance relates to issues of equity and justice, thinking about the times you have worked to help people will help you reflect on how your actions may have contributed to these goals. Have you worked as a tutor or mentor? Have you volunteered at a hospital? Have you organized a food drive? While you may not have thought about the macro effects of your service at the time, thinking now through the lens of equity and justice, how do you understand the work that you did? Is there something you could have done better (and will do in the future)?

3) How and when have I tried to ask difficult questions? For many, the first step in working for equity and justice is developing the awareness that there is systemic and racial inequality everywhere we look. When have you been most aware of these issues in society, and what questions did this awareness prompt you to ask? Who did you ask, or did you keep those questions to yourself (and why)? Reflecting on your own process of understanding could be a powerful way to engage with the topic of social justice, and a jumping off point for discussing how you would work towards a more equitable social world in college and beyond.

Hopefully, asking yourself these questions will help you realize that, even if you’ve never protested, posted, or even just “talked politics,” you may still have made an important effort to make the world a better place to live. 

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15 Social Justice Issues We Must Address

Social justice is built on the pillars of human rights, equity, participation, and access. When a society is just, everyone is respected, supported, and protected. Achieving social justice isn’t easy as there are many issues that need to be addressed. Here are 15 examples:

#1. The gender pay gap

Around the world, the gender pay gap is one of the slowest-moving social justice issues. There’s been progress, but according to the World Bank’s Women, Business, and the Law 2022 report , around 2.4 billion women of working age aren’t getting equal economic opportunities. 95 countries don’t ensure equal pay for equal work. When it comes to lifetime earnings, how big does that gap end up being? Globally, The World Bank Managing Director of Development Policy and Partnership says women make about $172 trillion less than men . Some areas are doing better than others. According to the WE Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report , only five countries got scores higher than 0.800 on wage equality for similar work: Albania, Burundi, Algeria, Iceland, and Singapore. Unfortunately, wage equality for similar work has gone down since 2021 in seven countries, including China and Cambodia.

#2. Income inequality

The gender pay gap contributes to income inequality, but it’s not as if all men are doing well financially. Income inequality concerns people within states and the wealth between states. When the pandemic struck, global income inequality got worse and even undid some of the progress of the past 20 years. While the global economy rebounded in 2021, the World Bank estimated that global growth would decelerate from 5.5.% in 2021 to 3.2% in 2023. Inflation is also a major issue. However, while people fall into poverty, the world’s ten richest men more than doubled their fortunes during the first two years of the pandemic, earning an average of $1.3 billion a day. It’s hard to think of something more unequal than that.

#3. Climate change

Many factors drive climate change, such as agriculture, offshore drilling, fracking, and more. Despite decades of warnings and serious events like drought and hurricanes, fossil fuel emissions are not improving. The past seven years were the warmest on record. Scientists agree that if significant change isn’t made, temperatures will continue to rise. Extreme weather events will become more frequent and billions will be at risk. Fighting climate change is important because it affects other issues, such as food security, poverty, gender equality, and more.

#4. Food insecurity

With climate change, supply chain issues, and inflation, food insecurity is an ever-present issue. Things got especially dire in 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine and blockaded Ukrainian ports, cutting off grain exports to the rest of the world. While events like war trigger food insecurity, increased hunger has been on the rise for years. The 2022 edition of The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report found that hunger affected around 828 million people in 2021 , which reflects a 46 million people increase.

#5. The refugee crisis

According to the UN Refugee Agency , over 2 million refugees will need to be resettled in 2023. That’s a 36% increase from 2022. There are a few reasons why, including the pandemic, climate change, conflict, and more. Women and children are especially vulnerable to trafficking and violence. According to a report from Save the Children, “likely all children” migrating to Europe through the Balkans faced violence. Police and smugglers were the most common perpetrators. Both the resettlement and safety of refugees as they migrate are must-address social justice issues.

#6. Universal healthcare

“Good health and well-being” is the third Sustainable Development Goal . It’s closely linked to other goals such as clean water, sanitation, and zero hunger. To achieve this goal, universal healthcare is essential. The need for it was made blatant during the COVID-19 pandemic, but healthcare systems around the world were already failing many people. According to the WHO , over 930 million people spend at least 10% of their household income on healthcare. Because of out-of-pocket spending, 100 million people fall into poverty each year. Universal healthcare, which ensures everyone has access to all the healthcare they need without financial hardship, is one of the most urgent social justice issues.

#7. Poverty

The world has been trying to deal with poverty for many years, but according to the World Bank , it’s unlikely to end extreme poverty by 2030. COVID-19 was a big reason why. In 2020, 70 million people fell into extreme poverty. This number represents the largest one-year increase since 1990 when the world started monitoring global poverty. Extreme poverty, which is defined as earning less than $2.15 a day, concentrates in areas where it’s hard to address, such as rural areas, Sub-Saharan Africa, and areas with conflict. Ending poverty is complex and involves addressing other social justice issues, such as low-quality education, inferior healthcare, gender inequality, and so on.

#8. Gender-based violence

Gender-based violence is a global issue. According to the WHO, about 30% of women have endured physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime. Most violence is perpetrated by an intimate partner. This type of violence affects a person’s sexual, mental, emotional, and physical health. The violence can also be fatal. Around the world, around 38% of murdered women were killed by their intimate partners. Reports, like the one released by the United States Institute of Peace , found that COVID-19 made gender-based violence worse. How can gender-based violence be addressed? It requires a multi-faceted approach. Improved gender equality, early education, better legal protections for women, and more are essential pieces of the puzzle.

#9. State violence

Violence perpetrated by the state is a growing concern. We’ve seen several examples in just a few years. In 2020, U.S. protests against police brutality were met by more excessive force in places like New York City, where police officers trapped protesters. Unable to leave, the protesters were trapped until the start of the city-wide curfew, after which the police began attacking them without warning. A report by Human Rights Watch stated that “the police response to the peaceful Mott Haven protest was intentional, planned, and unjustified.” In 2022, Iran (which already has a long history of state violence) responded to peaceful protests with brutality. While exact numbers are hard to come by, hundreds of protesters could have been killed, including many children.

#10. Threats to the trans community

The LGBTQ+ community as a whole is vulnerable to violence and discrimination, but the trans community has been facing an increasing number of threats. The United States provides many disheartening examples. In Florida , the state board of medicine agreed to start the process of barring minors from receiving puberty blockers, hormone therapy, or surgeries to treat gender dysphoria. This goes against organizations like the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, which support gender-affirming care for young people. Meanwhile, in Keller, Texas , a school board voted to ban all books that even mention gender fluidity. Actions like this represent a concentrated effort to roll back rights for LGBTQ+ people.

#11. Eroding democracy

Freedom House, an organization that conducts research and advocacy on democracy and political freedom, has found that global freedom is declining. In their 2022 report, they found that while only 25 countries improved their democracy, 60 countries got worse. 2023 could be worse for places like Southeast Asia where in Myanmar, the junta continues to rule. Freedom is also threatened in Afghanistan where the Taliban have once again taken over. In November, the Taliban ordered judges to impose its interpretation of Sharia Law, which could open the door to even worse human rights violations.

#12. Political extremism

Eroding democracy is closely linked to political extremism, which is becoming an increasingly urgent problem. On January 6th, 2021, a riot of Trump supporters attacked the United States Capitol in an attempt to stop the electoral vote count. This represents a trend of overtly violent political extremism, which has included a mass shooting in Buffalo and an attack on the husband of Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House. Political extremism isn’t limited to the United States. A ProPublica article published not long after the insurrection outlined a growing international network of right-wing extremists. It’s been happening for years. While the world focused on Islamic extremism following 9/11, right-wing extremism grew fairly unhindered .

#13. Cybersecurity threats

According to the WEF’s Global Risks Report 2022 , cybersecurity vulnerabilities are a major concern. In wake of the pandemic, many economies underwent rapid digitalization. While useful, that has increased the risk of cyberattacks. 2022 saw some significant attacks, including in Costa Rica, where a cyber gang known as Conti disrupted financial operations. The Ministry of Finance was targeted, leading the country to declare a national emergency . What does this have to do with social justice? Cybersecurity is closely related to issues of privacy and safety, which are social justice issues. Who gets access to the best cybersecurity measures is also a social justice issue. As this blog post by Merritt Baer points out, cybersecurity is a wealth discrimination issue.

#14. Reproductive rights

Reproductive rights are linked to other social justice issues like gender equality, healthcare, poverty, LGBTQ+ rights, and more. While it’s not the only reproductive right, the right to abortion remains a significant concern. Worldwide, the laws vary , though many countries only allow abortion to save the mother’s life. In places like the Philippines, Iraq, Andorra, Congo, and Egypt, abortion was prohibited completely at the time of writing (2022). Abortion rights can also be taken away. In June, the US Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade, saying that abortion was not a constitutional right. In an even more concerning move, some states are already targeting birth control .

#15. Racism

Racism takes many forms, but it remains a persistent social justice issue. Throughout 2020, a wave of anti-Asian hate crimes surged around the world. An article in Time collected various statistics from places like New Zealand, which found that 54% of Chinese survey participants had experienced discrimination. In the UK, hate crimes against Chinese, East, and South East Asians rose by as much as 300% compared to data from 2018 and 2019. Racism against Black people is still prevalent, too. The National Urban League released its annual report in 2022 , reporting that while Black Americans made economic and health gains, white people were still ahead in education, social justice, and civic engagement. These are just two examples of racism and why it needs to be addressed.

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About the author, emmaline soken-huberty.

Emmaline Soken-Huberty is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon. She started to become interested in human rights while attending college, eventually getting a concentration in human rights and humanitarianism. LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and climate change are of special concern to her. In her spare time, she can be found reading or enjoying Oregon’s natural beauty with her husband and dog.

social justice issue essays

Social Issues Topics: Exploring the Challenges Shaping Our World

social justice issue essays

Did you know that social issues are not just distant problems affecting others? They are deeply intertwined with our lives and have a profound impact on our daily experiences, shaping the very fabric of our society. From systemic inequality to environmental degradation, these issues have the power to shape the course of history and determine the well-being of generations to come. Get ready to dive into the fascinating realm of social issues topics! In this article, we'll explore their complexities, understand why they matter, learn how to write compelling essays about them and discover a captivating list of the most important social issues examples of our time. This thought-provoking journey will challenge our beliefs and inspire us to take meaningful action for a better future. So, let's dive in and get started!

What Are Social Issues

Social issues are the threads that intricately weave through the fabric of our society, demanding our attention, empathy, and action. They are the challenges and complexities that affect individuals, communities, and even entire nations, often leaving a profound impact on people's lives. These issues stem from the interconnectedness of our world, where various factors like politics, economics, culture, and individual experiences intersect, creating a tapestry of social problems that need to be addressed.

Social Issues Topics

Social issues encompass a wide range of concerns, encompassing everything from poverty and inequality to gender discrimination, environmental degradation, and access to healthcare and education. They represent the barriers that prevent individuals from thriving, the disparities that hinder progress, and the injustices that undermine equality and human rights.

Take poverty, for example. It is not merely a lack of financial resources; it is a pervasive condition that robs individuals of their dignity, opportunities, and hope for a better future. Poverty intertwines with education, as limited access to quality education perpetuates the cycle of disadvantage. It intersects with healthcare, as inadequate medical services disproportionately affect the most vulnerable members of society. And it connects with inequality as wealth disparities widen and prevents social mobility.

As per our essay writing service , to address social issues today, it is crucial to recognize that they are not isolated problems. They are intertwined and interdependent, requiring holistic solutions that encompass multiple dimensions. It takes collective efforts from individuals, communities, governments, and organizations to foster change. Raising awareness, advocating for policy reforms, and promoting equality are essential steps toward ensuring that marginalized groups benefit and creating a more just and equitable society.

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Understanding the Importance of Social Issues in Today's World

Social issues are not abstract concepts confined to textbooks or news headlines. They are pressing challenges that affect real people and demand our attention. By actively engaging with these issues, we have the opportunity to shape a more equitable and compassionate world for ourselves and future generations.

The importance of social issues in developing countries lies in their impact on human rights, well-being, and social progress. By addressing these issues, we strive to build inclusive societies where everyone has equal opportunities and can live a dignified life. It is not only a matter of justice and compassion but also essential for sustainable development and peaceful coexistence.

Moreover, social issues highlight the power of collective action and advocacy. They remind us that we have a shared responsibility to stand up for what is right and work towards positive change. Thanks to the advancements in technology and communication, it is now easier than ever to raise awareness, mobilize communities, and bring about transformative social movements. Social media platforms have become powerful tools for amplifying marginalized voices and shedding light on systemic injustices.

How to Write an Essay About Social Issues

So you've got an assignment on social issues essay topics, huh? Don't worry; we've got your back! Writing about social issues may seem like a tough nut to crack, but trust us; it's a crucial part of academic writing. Social issues are basically problems that affect a whole bunch of people in society. We're talking about everything from politics and economics to education and health and so much more. But hey, no need to stress! Our custom writing experts are here to give you some awesome tips to help you rock that essay and make it super interesting. Let's dive in, shall we?

Social Issues Topics

Choose Your Topic Wisely

Let's begin by taking the first step, my friend! It's all about choosing a topic for research papers that resonates with your heart and feels like a natural fit for your mind. When you opt for a subject that genuinely sparks your personal interest, the research and essay writing process, complete with the proper format of academic paper , will become a delightful adventure.

Engage in brainstorming sessions to generate ideas and conduct thorough investigations to gather factual information. Now, here's a nifty trick: if the chosen issue seems a bit overwhelming with its multiple dimensions, no worries! Just narrow down your focus to a specific aspect. For example, if you're tackling poverty, you can zoom in on the causes, the consequences, or even strategies to alleviate it. The world is your oyster, so let's get cracking!

Support Your Opinion with Examples

When you're writing a research paper about examples of social issues, it's really important to include research and data that support your position. This helps the reader understand why your perspective is necessary and what evidence you have to back it up. For instance, if you're discussing the impact of poverty, you can provide statistics on the number of people in need, how poverty and health problems affect education, and the connection between poverty and crime. Including these kinds of details, just like in economics essay topics , will make your essay more persuasive and engaging.

Keep It Simple

Ensuring your essay is simple and easy to understand is crucial. Instead of using complex words, opt for simpler alternatives that convey the same meaning effectively. By keeping your essay readable, you make it more engaging and easier for the reader to follow. Avoid employing jargon or technical terms that might confuse your audience. Instead, use plain language and take the time to explain any intricate terms or concepts, making the essay accessible to all readers. Following these guidelines on how to write an essay on social issues will help you effectively communicate your ideas and engage your audience.

Revise and Edit

Before you submit your essay, it's important to take a few steps to ensure its quality. Start by checking its structure, making sure it flows smoothly and logically. Verify that your arguments are well-supported and presented in a cohesive manner. Give your essay a thorough review to catch any spelling or grammar mistakes. Additionally, pay attention to formatting, ensuring consistency throughout the entire piece. It can be beneficial to have someone else read your essay and provide feedback as well. Taking these precautions will help you present polished and well-crafted topics for essays .

Social Issues Essay Example

For students seeking a practical example of a well-structured and insightful social issues essay, the pursuit of global citizenship stands as a compelling topic to explore. Through this example, you can gain inspiration and guidance for your own social issues essays, understanding how to construct a compelling argument and convey the importance of promoting positive change in society.

social justice issue essays

5 Social Issues of Today

Today's society is facing a multitude of social issues that have a significant impact on people's lives. Here is a list of some of the most pressing social issues that affect people worldwide:

  • Climate change and global warming : The effects of climate change are already being felt around the world, with rising sea levels, more frequent natural disasters, and changes in weather patterns. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and other human activities are contributing to this issue, and it is essential that we take action to reduce our carbon footprint.
  • Income inequality : The gap between the rich and the poor is widening, with the wealthiest 1% of the world's population owning more than half of the world's wealth. This inequality can lead to social unrest, and it is important that we address this issue by promoting fair wages, progressive taxation, and other policies that support economic equality.
  • War : Armed conflicts continue to plague different regions around the world, resulting in significant humanitarian crises. Wars not only cause immense suffering, displacement, and loss of life but also have far-reaching consequences on infrastructure, economies, and social stability.
  • Gender equality : Despite progress in recent years, gender inequality remains a significant issue in many parts of the world. Women still face discrimination in the workplace, unequal pay, and limited access to education and healthcare. It is crucial that we continue to work towards gender equality and empower women to achieve their full potential.
  • Mental health issues and addiction : Mental health issues and addiction are becoming increasingly prevalent in today's society, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. The stigma surrounding mental health can prevent people from seeking help, and it is important that we raise awareness and provide access to affordable and effective treatment options.

Social Issues Essay Topics

Are you feeling stuck while searching for fascinating subjects or a comprehensive list of social issues that can also serve as perfect dissertation topics ? We understand the challenge you're facing, but don't worry! Selecting the right topic is crucial for crafting an exceptional essay and earning your degree from a reputable American college or university. To ignite your creativity, we've compiled a comprehensive list of captivating social issues for you to explore. Get ready to dive in and discover that perfect idea for your next academic project!

Social Issues Topics

👀 Interesting Social Issues Essay Topics

  • Income inequality and its impact on modern society.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and activism.
  • Mental health stigma and its effects on individuals and communities.
  • The challenges faced by refugees and their integration into new societies.
  • The impact of technology on interpersonal relationships.
  • Gender inequality and the fight for gender equity.
  • The effects of climate change on vulnerable communities.
  • The basic ethical principles of genetic engineering and human enhancement.
  • The impact of globalization on cultural identity.
  • The role of education in reducing poverty and social inequality.
  • The criminal justice system and its approach to rehabilitation versus punishment.
  • The implications of automation and artificial intelligence on employment.
  • The impact of media portrayal on body image and self-esteem.
  • The effects of racial discrimination and strategies for achieving racial equality.
  • The challenges and opportunities of multiculturalism in contemporary society.

🎲 Peace and War Topics

  • Causes and origins of the Russia-Ukraine war: Explore the underlying factors that led to the outbreak of the conflict, such as historical, political, and ethnic tensions.
  • International response to the Russia-Ukraine war: Analyze the reactions and actions taken by various countries, regional organizations, and global institutions in response to the conflict.
  • The conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the challenge of achieving lasting peace.
  • The Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan: Historical context, current status, and potential solutions.
  • The ongoing tensions in the Korean Peninsula: Assessing the prospects for peace and denuclearization.
  • The Syrian Civil War and its Regional and global implications.
  • The Israel-Palestine conflict: Historical background, current dynamics, and prospects for peace.
  • The war in Afghanistan: Challenges, consequences, and prospects for stability.
  • The conflict in South Sudan and the impact on regional security.
  • The war on terror: Assessing the effectiveness of counterterrorism strategies and the implications for civil liberties.

🔬 Social Science Topics

  • The impact of microaggressions on marginalized communities and its implications for mental health.
  • Exploring the social and cultural factors that influence body image dissatisfaction among different ethnic groups.
  • The role of social capital in fostering community resilience and disaster preparedness.
  • Investigating the relationship between cultural heritage preservation and sustainable development.
  • Analyzing the influence of social networks on political participation and civic engagement.
  • Exploring the social implications of virtual reality technology on empathy and perspective-taking.
  • Investigating the role of humor and laughter in social interactions and psychological well-being.
  • Analyzing the effects of eco-anxiety on environmental attitudes and behavior.
  • The impact of social media accounts activism on social movements and policy change.
  • Exploring the cultural and societal implications of the sharing economy and collaborative consumption.

🏙 Migration and Immigration Topics

  • The experiences and challenges faced by LGBTQ+ migrants and refugees.
  • Analyzing the role of migrant remittances in economic development and poverty reduction in sending countries.
  • Exploring the impact of immigration policies on family dynamics and the well-being of immigrant families.
  • Investigating the role of social networks in facilitating successful integration of immigrants into host societies.
  • The effects of climate change-induced migration and its implications for global governance and social justice.
  • Analyzing the influence of cultural identity preservation among second-generation immigrants.
  • The impact of labor migration on gender roles and dynamics within migrant communities.
  • Exploring the role of language acquisition and proficiency in the social integration of immigrants.
  • Investigating the intersections of migration, health, and access to healthcare services.
  • Analyzing the economic, social, and cultural contributions of immigrant entrepreneurs to host countries.

🌳 Environmental Social Issues Essay Topics

  • The intersection of environmental justice and social equity: Analyzing the disproportionate impacts of environmental degradation on marginalized communities.
  • The role of indigenous knowledge and practices in sustainable resource management.
  • The impact of consumerism and overconsumption on the environment and social well-being.
  • Exploring the social and economic implications of climate-induced migration and displacement.
  • The influence of environmental education and awareness on individual and collective environmental behaviors.
  • Analyzing the relationship between environmental degradation and public health, focusing on air and water pollution.
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in promoting environmental sustainability and addressing social concerns.
  • Investigating the social implications of plastic waste and exploring strategies for reducing single-use plastics.
  • The impact of urbanization on ecosystems and the social well-being of urban communities.
  • Analyzing the social dimensions of renewable energy transitions and the equitable distribution of benefits.

💖 LGBT Topic Ideas

  • The historical evolution of LGBT rights movements: From Stonewall to present-day advocacy.
  • Exploring the experiences and challenges faced by transgender individuals in healthcare systems.
  • Analyzing the representation of LGBT characters in media and its impact on social perceptions.
  • The intersectionality of race, gender, and sexuality in the LGBT community.
  • Investigating the effects of conversion therapy on the mental health and well-being of LGBT individuals.
  • Exploring the experiences of LGBT youth in educational settings and the impact of supportive environments.
  • The role of LGBT support organizations and community centers in fostering social inclusion and well-being.
  • Analyzing the impact of religious beliefs and attitudes on the acceptance of same-sex marriage.
  • Exploring the experiences and challenges of older LGBT adults and the importance of inclusive care and support systems.
  • The impact of policies and legislation on LGBT rights and equality, both nationally and internationally.

🏛 Social Justice Essay Topics

  • Exploring the concept of reparations for historical injustices and its role in achieving social justice.
  • The impact of language and communication barriers on access to justice for marginalized communities.
  • Analyzing the social justice implications of algorithmic bias in artificial intelligence systems.
  • Examining the role of art and creative expression in advancing social justice movements.
  • The intersection of disability rights and social justice: Challenges and advancements.
  • Exploring the impact of gentrification on communities and strategies for promoting equitable development.
  • Analyzing the role of restorative justice in addressing harm within educational institutions.
  • The impact of colonialism on indigenous communities and the pursuit of social justice.
  • The role of community organizing in promoting grassroots social justice initiatives.
  • Examining the social justice implications of mass incarceration and advocating for criminal justice reform.

🔗 Discrimination and Prejudice Topics

  • The effects of racial profiling on marginalized communities and its implications for social justice.
  • Analyzing the psychological mechanisms underlying implicit bias and its impact on decision-making processes.
  • The intersectionality of discrimination: Exploring how multiple forms of discrimination (race, gender, sexuality, etc.) intersect and compound.
  • Discrimination and prejudice in the workplace: Examining challenges and strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion.
  • Exploring the effects of religious discrimination on individuals and communities.
  • The impact of ageism on older adults and strategies for combating age-related discrimination.
  • Analyzing the social and psychological consequences of fat shaming and weight-based discrimination.
  • Discrimination against individuals with disabilities and the importance of accessibility and inclusive practices.
  • The role of the media in perpetuating stereotypes and its influence on discrimination.
  • Examining the effects of prejudice and discrimination on mental health and well-being.

🔪 Violence Topics 

  • The role of violence in sports: Examining the impact of aggression and its consequences in athletic competitions.
  • Violence against healthcare workers: Analyzing the prevalence, causes, and strategies for ensuring safety in healthcare settings.
  • The impact of violence on refugee and displaced populations: Exploring the challenges and interventions for addressing violence in these contexts.
  • Violence in the digital realm: Investigating online harassment, cyberbullying, and the psychological effects on victims.
  • The relationship between animal cruelty and violence towards humans: Exploring the link and implications for social well-being.
  • The effects of violence in video games: Analyzing the debate and research surrounding its potential influence on real-life aggression.
  • The role of violence in hazing rituals and initiation ceremonies: Understanding the dynamics and potential harm caused.
  • Exploring violence in marginalized communities: Addressing the underlying factors and strategies for promoting community safety.
  • Silent Suffering: Unmasking the Reality of Domestic Violence
  • Violence in the workplace: Examining the impact of bullying, harassment, and assault on employees and organizational well-being.

👩‍🦯 Humanity Topics

  • The power of empathy and compassion in fostering understanding and social harmony.
  • Exploring the ethics of artificial intelligence and its impact on human dignity and autonomy.
  • The role of forgiveness in healing personal and societal wounds.
  • Analyzing the concept of human rights and its universality across different cultures and contexts.
  • The pursuit of global citizenship and its potential for promoting peace and cooperation.
  • Exploring the intersection of technology and humanity: Examining the benefits and challenges of the digital age.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on societal progress and innovation.
  • Analyzing the concept of altruism and its role in creating a more compassionate world.
  • The importance of intergenerational connections and the wisdom of older generations in shaping our future.
  • Examining the concept of identity and the balance between individuality and collective belonging.

Wrapping Up

Social issues are like a cosmic web, connecting countless lives worldwide. This article has been your guide, exploring their intricacies and significance while equipping you to create a powerful social issues essay. Remember, every essay has the power to inspire change.

And here's a little nugget of wisdom: some of the most remarkable social movements in history were sparked by a single person's words on paper. Yes, you heard that right! So, my friend, now you know how to start an essay , so get ready to unleash the power of your pen and leave your mark on the world. Together, we can be the catalysts for a brighter tomorrow!

Are You Ready to Challenge the Status Quo?

Order your eye-opening social issue essay now and ignite a revolution!

Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

social justice issue essays

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Social Justice and Mental Health Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
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Mental health has been the forefront issue recently, especially after the onset of the global pandemic. As non-physical health issues are becoming more accepted around the world, health authorities and governments strive to bring forward plans that will minimize the risks for all affected, directly or not. Activists all over the world are fighting for safe spaces for people of all ethnicities, genders, religious affiliations, and so on to feel comfortable discussing their mental states.

Similar to other spheres, those with mental illnesses from the lower socio-economic class are likely to have less access to the necessary resources. According to Schrick, diagnosing mental illness remains a difficult task that does not provide black-and-white answers. Furthermore, those suffering from such issues are often still met with the stigma of insanity or weakness, depending on the cultural outlook on mental health issues (Austin, 2014). Although mental disorders have one of the most damaging impacts on role functioning, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as quoted by Austin (2014), they are often disregarded. However, it is difficult to imagine the U.S. taking nationwide action on mental health due to the absence of healthcare for physical health, which is widely accepted as a serious issue. Hence action must be taken to overcome the stigma.

Due to the prevalence of freedom of choice as one of the American values, implementations of such caliber are difficult to get approval for. However, various scholars and health professionals suggest personal interventions such as getting treatment, avoiding the temptation to self-isolate, and speaking out against the stigma (“Mental health: Overcoming the stigma of mental illness,” 2017). Bringing awareness to the issues of mental health and increasing the validity of the such type of disease in the eyes of the public is helpful to the individuals struggling, as well as to the community as a whole.

Austin, Michael J. (2014). Social Justice and Social Work: Rediscovering a Core Value of the Profession. Web.

Mental health: Overcoming the stigma of mental illness. (2017). MayoClinic. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, December 16). Social Justice and Mental Health. https://ivypanda.com/essays/social-justice-and-mental-health/

"Social Justice and Mental Health." IvyPanda , 16 Dec. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/social-justice-and-mental-health/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Social Justice and Mental Health'. 16 December.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Social Justice and Mental Health." December 16, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/social-justice-and-mental-health/.

1. IvyPanda . "Social Justice and Mental Health." December 16, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/social-justice-and-mental-health/.


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Social Justice Essay | Essay on Social Justice for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Social Justice Essay: A discussion of social justice should start with a definition of the term. It is said that this task can be difficult. If you do a Google search about social justice, the primary outcome offers a meaning of social justice.

It would define social justice as the reasonable and appropriate organization of laws adjusting to the customary law that all people, independent of ethnic birthplace, gender assets, race, religion, and so forth, are to be dealt with similarly and without bias. Social justice is an idea of a general public where each individual is dealt with fairly, without segregation dependent on budgetary status, race, gender, nationality, and so forth.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Social Justice for Students and Kids in English

We provide students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on Social Justice for reference.

Long Essay on Social Justice 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Social Justice is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Social justice is an idea of reasonable or adjusted relations between the individual and society as estimated by the conveyance of abundance that incorporates individual action and social advantage openings. In Western as well as in more established Asian societies, the idea of social justice has regularly alluded to the way toward guaranteeing that people satisfy their cultural jobs and get what was their due from society.

Social justice isn’t an “us versus them” mindset; rather, it is a “we are in it together” attitude where the amazing and weak work together.

A Jesuit priest named Luigi Taparelli coined the term first in the 1780s and spread during the revolutions of 1848. In the late industrial revolution, innovative American legal scholars started to use the term more, especially Louis Brandeis and Roscoe Pound. The various ideas of social justice, as examined in the old Western way of thinking, were normally focused upon the community. Plato believed that rights existed only between free people. During the middle Ages, some religious scholars discussion of justice in various ways,

After the Renaissance and Reformation, the advanced idea of social justice, as creating human potential, started to arise through crafted by a progression of creators.

Today, the idea of social justice frequently alludes to basic liberties, revolved around improving the lives of gatherings minimized dependent on race, identity, ethnicity, gender, sexual direction, age, religion and handicap. The five principles of social justice are Equity, Access, Diversity, Participation, Human Rights. Social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equality.

For example, income inequality is one significant issue that is encompassed within the umbrella of social justice. The data shows that income inequality has been increasing for the past thirty years. Social justice can comprehend many issues, but ultimately, it is a crucial component of healing many of the deep divisions that the world is experiencing. While some people may criticize the idea of social justice or the need for swift action to solve some serious economic and racial issues, a proactive approach on social justice, like voting or protesting will lead to a better, brighter country.

While several global groups are looking to provide equal rights to all, racial discrimination is nonetheless a hot topic. There are laws in the area around the world, but many incidents occur to illustrate that racial discrimination has not been irradiated. Discrimination comes in all shapes. The number of birthdays that you have accrued is another example.

Ageism, where the aged are discriminated against, creates negative stereotypes of the aged being weak, feeble, or unable to change. Beyond discrimination based on age, other hot topics are gender and sexuality. In recent years, gender has morphed into a complicated topic that goes beyond the binary designations of male and female.

Social justice allocates the rights and duties in the institutions of our society, which enables people to receive the basic benefits and burdens of cooperation. It helps us work toward celebrating diversity in our communities and country.

Short Essay on Social Justice 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Social Justice is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Social justice is a hypothesis of nondiscriminatory and unbiased relations between an individual and society. Observable but unspoken terms determine it for the distribution of wealth, opportunities for personal activity and social privileges.

Luigi Taparelli coined the term first in the 1780s and spread during the revolutions of 1848. Socrates is credited with developing the idea of a social contract. After the Renaissance and Reformation, the advanced idea of social justice, as creating human potential, started to arise through crafted by a progression of creators.

With the modern era, the face of social justice has changed. While rallies and marches are still prevalent, the Internet is also used to bring social justice issues to light. This can be seen through movements like #blacklivesmatter and the #metoo movement against sexual harassment. These campaigns work to expand issues into bigger movements that rally activists together. Other than that voting, campaigning is the basic approaches of social justice.

10 Lines on Social Justice in English

  • Luigi Taparelli coined the term first in 1780s.
  • The term social justice is spread during the revolutions of 1848.
  • The #metoo movement had an impact all over the world.
  • Social justice can organize with others to accomplish ends that benefit the whole community.
  • Income inequality is one of the biggest social problems now.
  • Social justice helps us work toward celebrating diversity in our communities and country.
  • One of the most useful thing in social justice is the vote.
  • Twenty-three nations around the world currently allow same-sex marriage through social justice.
  • Nepal is one of at least five countries where your gender can now appear as “other” on official statements.
  • 20th February is the world day of social justice.

FAQ’s on Social Justice Essay

Question 1. What is an example of social justice?

Answer:  The #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter movements are two examples of social justice in action in the United States,

Question 2. What are now important five social problems?

Answer: Poverty, Drug abuse, Prostitution, Racial discrimination are examples of social problems.

Question 3.  Is social justice good?

Answer: Social justice can organize with others to accomplish ends that benefit the whole community.

Question 4. To what extent does power or the lack of power affect individuals?

Answer: power or the lack of power can affect individuals in a bad way and a good way. For example, power can make you corrupted, and lack of power can make you ambitious.

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Theories of justice

Social justice movements.

John Rawls

social justice

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  • Table Of Contents

John Rawls

social justice , in contemporary politics, social science , and political philosophy , the fair treatment and equitable status of all individuals and social groups within a state or society. The term also is used to refer to social, political, and economic institutions, laws, or policies that collectively afford such fairness and equity and is commonly applied to movements that seek fairness, equity, inclusion, self-determination , or other goals for currently or historically oppressed, exploited, or marginalized populations.

In theoretical terms, social justice is often understood to be equivalent to justice itself, however that concept is defined. Many somewhat narrower interpretations conceive of social justice as being equivalent to or partly constitutive of distributive justice—that is, the fair and equitable distribution of social, political, and economic benefits and burdens. According to some interpretations, social justice also encompasses , among other conditions, the equal opportunity to contribute to and to benefit from the common good , including by holding public office (such readings are sometimes referred to as “contributive justice”). Other interpretations promote the stronger goal of equal participation by all individuals and groups in all major social, political, and economic institutions.

Another set of definitions of social justice emphasizes the institutional conditions that encourage individual self-development and self-determination—the former being understood as the opposite of oppression and the latter as the opposite of domination. A related concept of justice, suggested by the American philosopher Martha Nussbaum , is that a just society fosters the capabilities of individuals to engage in activities that are essential to a truly “human” life—including, among others, the capabilities to live a life of normal length, to use one’s mind in ways “protected by guarantees of freedom of expression,” and to meaningfully participate in political decision-making. Still other accounts define social justice, or justice itself, in terms of broad categories of human rights , including the entire range of civil and political rights (such as the rights to personal liberty and to participation in government), economic and social rights (such as the rights to employment and to education), and solidarity or group rights (such as the rights to political independence and to economic development ).

Social justice is both a theoretical concept and a practical ideal—an object of social-scientific and philosophical understanding and debate as well as a real-world goal of social and political reform movements. In general, practical ideals of social justice represent an attempt to realize a certain conception of social justice in a particular state or society. Accordingly, such ideals tend to vary with the historical and cultural circumstances in which they are pursued; they may also depend upon current social-scientific understandings of the institutions to be reformed, abolished, or created.

However the notion of social justice is understood, it is naturally grounded in the concept of justice itself. Indeed, the notion of social justice originated as an application of a historical theory of justice to current social problems. Later understandings of social justice have also drawn upon historical theories. Accordingly, this article will discuss the major historical theories of justice and consider their influence upon modern and contemporary social-justice movements.

The first philosophical studies of justice and political authority in the West were undertaken in ancient Greece and Rome by thinkers whose works combined theoretical speculation with generally insightful empirical observations. Arguably the most influential of these works was Plato ’s Republic , a lengthy examination, in dialogue form, of justice as both an individual virtue and a defining characteristic of the ideal political community . For Plato, justice in the individual soul and in the city-state consists of the harmonious operation of the major elements out of which each is constituted: reason, spirit, and appetite in the soul; and rulers, guardians (or soldiers), and producers (e.g., farmers and craftsmen) in the city-state. Harmonious operation in both cases is realized when each element pursues or performs the object or function appropriate to it and does not intrude upon the proper pursuits or functions of other elements. Although Plato’s vision of the just society is strikingly undemocratic and class-based, his emphasis on service to the common good through the integrated functioning of social classes became a salient feature of many later theories. (Notably, Plato held that women were just as capable as men and therefore just as deserving of opportunities to contribute to the common good. Women as well as men, he insisted, would be among the rulers of a just republic.)

Like Plato, Aristotle conceived of justice as both an individual virtue and a characteristic of an ideal (or well functioning) city-state. Aristotle’s theory of political justice has been variously interpreted but is generally understood to encompass the rule of law , the pursuit of the common good (the purpose of the state being to realize the communal basis of the good life for all citizens), the equitable distribution of benefits and burdens among equally deserving or meritorious individuals (distributive justice), and fairness in dealings between individuals (corrective, commutative, or reciprocal justice). Political desert and merit, however, are achieved only by those virtuous citizens who contribute significantly to the common good. Thus, the just society, though based on the competent promotion of the common good, involves a hierarchical social order and an equitable distribution of political rights and responsibilities among ranking members of that hierarchy ( see also Aristotle: Political theory ). Aristotle’s understanding of political justice is to this extent aristocratic .

Aristotle’s view of justice greatly influenced the medieval Christian philosopher St. Thomas Aquinas , who followed Aristotle in holding that the purpose of political authority is to promote the good of the community and that in a just society benefits would be distributed by social rank, with “more prominent” community members receiving correspondingly greater benefits. Aquinas’s philosophy and theology became official doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th century, and his vision of justice eventually inspired the measured social reforms advocated by the church in the late 19th and early 20th centuries ( see below ).

In the 17th and 18th centuries the English philosophers Thomas Hobbes and John Locke and the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau developed influential conceptions of justice based on the notion of a social contract . In primeval times, according to social-contract theory, individuals were born into an anarchic “state of nature,” which they eventually sought to escape because of the danger and misery it entailed or because they wished to experience the advantages of social order. To do so, they formed a society by means of a compact or agreement that defined a set of rights and duties of individuals and a set of powers to be exercised by a central government. Social-contract theories thus attempt to legitimate and delimit political authority on the grounds of individual self-interest and rational consent. Conceptions of justice based on social-contract theory were significantly different from earlier understandings, because they viewed justice as a human creation or social construct rather than as an ideal rooted in objective features of human nature and society. Locke’s particular version of the social contract, which recognized a set of natural individual rights that the social contract obliged the ruling authority to protect, became the philosophical basis of political liberalism .

In the 19th century the English utilitarian philosophers John Stuart Mill and Henry Sidgwick addressed issues of social justice made prominent by the extreme economic inequalities created by the growth of industrial capitalism in Europe and the United States during the Industrial Revolution . Following the utilitarian jurist Jeremy Bentham , who propounded a principle whereby actions are considered morally right or wrong in proportion to the balance of happiness or unhappiness they produce, Mill advanced a theory designed to explain and justify on utilitarian grounds what he understood to be the chief principles of justice, as reflected in the common usage of just , unjust , and related terms. The principles include, among others, the ideas that justice requires respect for the legal and moral rights of individuals and for the right of individuals to possess or receive that which they deserve. Such principles are valid, according to Mill, because a society that consistently observes them (as laws or moral conventions) would in the long run experience a greater level of happiness for a greater number of people than would a society that did not. Broadly speaking, Mill’s vision of a just society encompasses the liberal ideals of individual rights (e.g., to life, liberty, and property), democracy , and free enterprise.

Although utilitarianism was a major current of social thought in the 19th and 20th centuries and thus a major intellectual vehicle of social-justice reform, its explanation of the nature of justice eventually proved vulnerable to serious objections, some of which recall the basic difficulties raised against utilitarian accounts of the rightness or wrongness of individual actions. Some critics of utilitarianism , for example, remained unconvinced that Mill’s conception of justice would rule out any conceivable social order in which the enslavement or exploitation of a minority of the population is accepted on the grounds that it facilitates the happiness of the majority.

Interest in social-contract theories was revived in the second half of the 20th century by the American political philosopher John Rawls . In his A Theory of Justice (1971) Rawls rejects utilitarian accounts of justice (on the basis of the criticism mentioned above) and defends a conception of “justice as fairness.” Rawls argues that justice consists of the basic principles of government that free and rational individuals would agree to in a hypothetical situation of perfect equality. In order to ensure that the principles chosen would be fair, Rawls imagines a group of individuals who have been made ignorant of the social, economic, and historical circumstances from which they come, as well as their basic values and goals, including their conception of what constitutes a “good life.” Situated behind this “veil of ignorance,” any group of individuals would be led by reason and self-interest to agree that (1) each person should have an equal right to the most extensive basic liberty compatible with a similar liberty for others and (2) social and economic inequalities should be arranged so that they are to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged and are attached to offices and positions open to all under conditions of fair equality of opportunity.

Rawls’s first principle ensures most of the basic rights and liberties traditionally associated with modern liberalism and democracy , and his second principle prevents detrimental inequalities of wealth and income and provides for meaningful equality of opportunity to compete for public offices. Rawls’s work is widely interpreted as providing an intellectual model for the modern capitalist welfare state or a market-oriented social democracy .

Despite its wide appeal, Rawls’s liberal egalitarianism was soon challenged by advocates of conservative libertarianism , who charged that the society Rawls envisioned is unjust because it would allow (indeed, require) the state to redistribute social and economic goods without the consent of their owners, in violation of the owners’ private property rights . Some libertarians, following the American philosopher Robert Nozick , argued that a validly derived social contract would justify only a “minimal state,” with powers limited to those necessary to protect citizens against violence, theft, and fraud. Other critics argued that Rawls’s theory does not take sufficient account of a community’s shared understanding of how it is appropriate to live ( see communitarianism ).

As noted earlier, movements for social justice have been guided and inspired by intellectual understandings of the nature of justice. An early and important example of such influence is the work of the 19th-century Jesuit scholar Luigi Taparelli, who coined the term social justice in the 1840s. Inspired by Aquinas, Taparelli propounded a conservative vision of justice that legitimates aristocratic rule by grounding it in supposedly natural inequalities between individuals. Later in the 19th century, justice became a central theme of Roman Catholic social teaching, which emerged in response to the dire societal consequences of the Industrial Revolution. The church generally accepted economic inequality and social stratification as the products of natural inequalities of ability between individuals but emphasized the ideally harmonious interworking of socioeconomic classes and the moral obligation of civil society and the state to protect the weak and vulnerable and to promote the common good. The church’s approach to social justice thus represented a course midway between laissez-faire capitalism, which would reject any state intervention in the economy on behalf of impoverished and exploited industrial workers, and socialism , which would impose state ownership or control of the economy to meet the basic needs of workers and to ensure their material equality. Taparelli’s contention that the state is obliged to intervene on behalf of distressed individuals only in situations where smaller social units, including the family, are unable to address the relevant social problems was embraced by Pope Leo XIII (a former student of Taparelli) in his 1891 encyclical Rerum novarum (Latin: “Of New Things”; English title On Capital and Labor ) and reaffirmed in Pope Pius XI ’s 1931 encyclical Quadragesimo anno (Latin: “In the Fortieth Year”; English title Reconstruction of the Social Order ).

social justice issue essays

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, legal reformers in England and the United States, some of whom were inspired by utilitarianism, began to apply the notion of social justice to issues of legal, economic, and political inequality, including women’s rights , the rights of workers, and the exploitation of immigrants and children. In the mid-20th century, racial discrimination and the civil rights of minorities in the United States, particularly African Americans , came to be recognized as a major problem of social justice, as reflected in the nationwide civil rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s. From the 1960s and ’70s, women’s rights and the rights of sexual minorities were also major focuses of activists who conceived of their goals in terms of social justice. Later social-justice movements in the United States and Europe were concerned with uncovering and dismantling systemic forms of racial discrimination ( see critical race theory ) and, more broadly, with identifying the various political, economic, and social mechanisms by which members of racial, ethnic, and cultural minorities were—in the estimation of social-justice advocates—oppressed, excluded, and exploited, particularly by white majorities.

These developments reflect the gradual broadening of social justice as a practical ideal, now encompassing a number of themes and issues beyond basic rights and economic equality. In general terms, the ideal that activists aimed for was a society that values fairness and equity for all individuals and social groups in all areas of life; that recognizes and respects differing ethnic, cultural, gender, and other identities among citizens; and, most importantly, that affords a dignified and fulfilling existence for all individuals.

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Mental health.

Jared Brey

May 31, 2024

10 min read

Math Can Help Solve Social Justice Problems

Mathematicians are working on ways to use their field to tackle major social issues, such as social inequality and the need for gender equity

By Rachel Crowell & Nature magazine

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When Carrie Diaz Eaton trained as a mathematician, they didn’t expect their career to involve social-justice research. Growing up in Providence, Rhode Island, Diaz Eaton first saw social justice in action when their father, who’s from Peru, helped other Spanish-speaking immigrants to settle in the United States.

But it would be decades before Diaz Eaton would forge a professional path to use their mathematical expertise to study social-justice issues. Eventually, after years of moving around for education and training, that journey brought them back to Providence, where they collaborated with the Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council on projects focused on preserving the local environment of the river’s drainage basin, and bolstering resources for the surrounding, often underserved communities.

By “thinking like a mathematician” and leaning on data analysis, data science and visualization skills, they found that their expertise was needed in surprising ways, says Diaz Eaton, who is now executive director of the Institute for a Racially Just, Inclusive, and Open STEM Education at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine.

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For example, the council identified a need to help local people to better connect with community resources. “Even though health care and education don’t seem to fall under the purview of a watershed council, these are all interrelated issues,” Diaz Eaton says. Air pollution can contribute to asthma attacks, for example. In one project, Diaz Eaton and their collaborators built a quiz to help community members to choose the right health-care option, depending on the nature of their illness or injury, immigration status and health-insurance coverage.

“One of the things that makes us mathematicians, is our skills in logic and the questioning of assumptions”, and creating that quiz “was an example of logic at play”, requiring a logic map of cases and all of the possible branches of decision-making to make an effective quiz, they say.

Maths might seem an unlikely bedfellow for social-justice research. But applying the rigour of the field is turning out to be a promising approach for identifying, and sometimes even implementing, fruitful solutions for social problems.

Mathematicians can experience first-hand the messiness and complexity — and satisfaction — of applying maths to problems that affect people and their communities. Trying to work out how to help people access much-needed resources, reduce violence in communities or boost gender equity requires different technical skills, ways of thinking and professional collaborations compared with breaking new ground in pure maths. Even for an applied mathematician like Diaz Eaton, transitioning to working on social-justice applications brings fresh challenges.

Mathematicians say that social-justice research is difficult yet fulfilling — these projects are worth taking on because of their tremendous potential for creating real-world solutions for people and the planet.

Data-driven research

Mathematicians are digging into issues that range from social inequality and health-care access to racial profiling and predictive policing. However, the scope of their research is limited by their access to the data, says Omayra Ortega, an applied mathematician and mathematical epidemiologist at Sonoma State University in Rohnert Park, California. “There has to be that measured information,” Ortega says.

Fortunately, data for social issues abound. “Our society is collecting data at a ridiculous pace,” Ortega notes. Her mathematical epidemiology work has examined which factors affect vaccine uptake in different communities. Her work has found, for example, that, in five years, a national rotavirus-vaccine programme in Egypt would reduce disease burden enough that the cost saving would offset 76% of the costs of the vaccine. “Whenever we’re talking about the distribution of resources, there’s that question of social justice: who gets the resources?” she says.

Lily Khadjavi’s journey with social-justice research began with an intriguing data set.

About 15 years ago, Khadjavi, a mathematician at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California, was “on the hunt for real-world data” for an undergraduate statistics class she was teaching. She wanted data that the students could crunch to “look at new information and pose their own questions”. She realized that Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) traffic-stop data fit that description.

At that time, every time that LAPD officers stopped pedestrians or pulled over drivers, they were required to report stop data. Those data included “the perceived race or ethnicity of the person they had stopped”, Khadjavi notes.

When the students analysed the data, the results were memorable. “That was the first time I heard students do a computation absolutely correctly and then audibly gasp at their results,” she says. The data showed that one in every 5 or 6 police stops of Black male drivers resulted in a vehicle search — a rate that was more than triple the national average, which was about one out of every 20 stops for drivers of any race or ethnicity, says Khadjavi.

Her decision to incorporate that policing data into her class was a pivotal moment in Khadjavi’s career — it led to a key publication and years of building expertise in using maths to study racial profiling and police practice. She sits on California’s Racial Identity and Profiling Advisory Board , which makes policy recommendations to state and local agencies on how to eliminate racial profiling in law enforcement.

In 2023, she was awarded the Association for Women in Mathematics’ inaugural Mary & Alfie Gray Award for Social Justice, named after a mathematician couple who championed human rights and equity in maths and government.

Sometimes, gaining access to data is a matter of networking. One of Khadjavi’s colleagues shared Khadjavi’s pivotal article with specialists at the American Civil Liberties Union. In turn, these specialists shared key data obtained through public-records requests with Khadjavi and her colleague. “Getting access to that data really changed what we could analyse,” Khadjavi says. “[It] allowed us to shine a light on the experiences of civilians and police in hundreds of thousands of stops made every year in Los Angeles.”

The data-intensive nature of this research can be an adjustment for some mathematicians, requiring them to develop new skills and approach problems differently. Such was the case for Tian An Wong, a mathematician at the University of Michigan-Dearborn who trained in number theory and representation theory.

In 2020, Wong wanted to know more about the controversial issue of mathematicians collaborating with the police, which involves, in many cases, using mathematical modelling and data analysis to support policing activities. Some mathematicians were protesting about the practice as part of a larger wave of protests around systemic racism , following the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Wong’s research led them to a technique called predictive policing, which Wong describes as “the use of historical crime and other data to predict where future crime will occur, and [to] allocate policing resources based on those predictions”.

Wong wanted to know whether the tactics that mathematicians use to support police work could instead be used to critique it. But first, they needed to gain some additional statistics and data analysis skills. To do so, Wong took an online introductory statistics course, re-familiarized themself with the Python programming language, and connected with colleagues trained in statistical methods. They also got used to reading research papers across several disciplines.

Currently, Wong applies those skills to investigating the policing effectiveness of a technology that automatically locates gunshots by sound. That technology has been deployed in parts of Detroit, Michigan, where community members and organizations have raised concerns about its multimillion-dollar cost and about whether such police surveillance makes a difference to public safety.

Getting the lay of the land

For some mathematicians, social-justice work is a natural extension of their career trajectories. “My choice of mathematical epidemiology was also partially born out of out of my love for social justice,” Ortega says. Mathematical epidemiologists apply maths to study disease occurrence in specific populations and how to mitigate disease spread. When Ortega’s PhD adviser mentioned that she could study the uptake of a then-new rotovirus vaccine in the mid-2000s, she was hooked.

Mathematicians, who decide to jump into studying social-justice issues anew, must do their homework and dedicate time to consider how best to collaborate with colleagues of diverse backgrounds.

Jonathan Dawes, an applied mathematician at the University of Bath, UK, investigates links between the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their associated target actions. Adopted in 2015, the SDGs are “a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity,” according to the United Nations , and each one has a number of targets.

“As a global agenda, it’s an invitation to everybody to get involved,” says Dawes. From a mathematical perspective, analysing connections in the complex system of SDGs “is a nice level of problem,” Dawes says. “You’ve got 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Between them, they have 169 targets. [That’s] an amount of data that isn’t very large in big-data terms, but just big enough that it’s quite hard to hold all of it in your head.”

Dawes’ interest in the SDGs was piqued when he read a 2015 review that focused on how making progress on individual goals could affect progress on the entire set. For instance, if progress is made on the goal to end poverty how does that affect progress on the goal to achieve quality education for all, as well as the other 15 SDGs?

“If there’s a network and you can put some numbers on the strengths and signs of the edges, then you’ve got a mathematized version of the problem,” Dawes says. Some of his results describe how the properties of the network change if one or more of the links is perturbed, much like an ecological food web. His work aims to identify hierarchies in the SDG networks, pinpointing which SDGs should be prioritized for the health of the entire system.

As Dawes dug into the SDGs, he realized that he needed to expand what he was reading to include different journals, including publications that were “written in very different ways”. That involved “trying to learn a new language”, he explains. He also kept up to date with the output of researchers and organizations doing important SDG-related work, such as the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg, Austria, and the Stockholm Environment Institute.

Dawes’ research showed that interactions between the SDGs mean that “there are lots of positive reinforcing effects between poverty, hunger, health care, education, gender equity and so on.” So, “it’s possible to lift all of those up” when progress is made on even one of the goals. With one exception: managing and protecting the oceans. Making progress on some of the other SDGs could, in some cases, stall progress for, or even harm, life below water.

Collaboration care

Because social-justice projects are often inherently cross-disciplinary, mathematicians studying social justice say it’s key in those cases to work with community leaders, activists or community members affected by the issues.

Getting acquainted with these stakeholders might not always feel comfortable or natural. For instance, when Dawes started his SDG research, he realized that he was entering a field in which researchers already knew each other, followed each other’s work and had decades of experience. “There’s a sense of being like an uninvited guest at a party,” Dawes says. He became more comfortable after talking with other researchers, who showed a genuine interest in what he brought to the discussion, and when his work was accepted by the field’s journals. Over time, he realized “the interdisciplinary space was big enough for all of us to contribute to”.

Even when mathematicians have been invited to join a team of social-justice researchers, they still must take care, because first impressions can set the tone.

Michael Small is an applied mathematician and director of the Data Institute at the University of Western Australia in Perth. For much of his career, Small focused on the behaviour of complex systems, or those with many simple interacting parts, and dynamical systems theory, which addresses physical and mechanical problems.

But when a former vice-chancellor at the university asked him whether he would meet with a group of psychiatrists and psychologists to discuss their research on mental health and suicide in young people, it transformed his research. After considering the potential social impact of better understanding the causes and risks of suicide in teenagers and younger children, and thinking about how the problem meshed well with his research in complex systems and ‘non-linear dynamics’, Small agreed to collaborate with the group.

The project has required Small to see beyond the numbers. For the children’s families, the young people are much more than a single data point. “If I go into the room [of mental-health professionals] just talking about mathematics, mathematics, mathematics, and how this is good because we can prove this really cool theorem, then I’m sure I will get push back,” he says. Instead, he notes, it’s important to be open to insights and potential solutions from other fields. Listening before talking can go a long way.

Small’s collaborative mindset has led him to other mental-health projects, such as the Transforming Indigenous Mental Health and Wellbeing project to establish culturally sensitive mental-health support for Indigenous Australians.

Career considerations

Mathematicians who engage in social-justice projects say that helping to create real-world change can be tremendously gratifying. Small wants “to work on problems that I think can do good” in the world. Spending time pursuing them “makes sense both as a technical challenge [and] as a social choice”, he says.

However, pursuing this line of maths research is not without career hurdles. “It can be very difficult to get [these kinds of] results published,” Small says. Although his university supports, and encourages, his mental-health research, most of his publications are related to his standard mathematics research. As such, he sees “a need for balance” between the two lines of research, because a paucity of publications can be a career deal breaker.

Diaz Eaton says that mathematicians pursuing social-justice research could experience varying degrees of support from their universities. “I’ve seen places where the work is supported, but it doesn’t count for tenure [or] it won’t help you on the job market,” they say.

Finding out whether social-justice research will be supported “is about having some really open and transparent conversations. Are the people who are going to write your recommendation letters going to see that work as scholarship?” Diaz Eaton notes.

All things considered, mathematicians should not feel daunted by wading into solving the world’s messy problems, Khadjavi says: “I would like people to follow their passions. It’s okay to start small.”

This article is reproduced with permission and was first published on May 22, 2024 .

The Critical Issues Forum

Global disarmament and nonproliferation education for high school students.

The Critical Issues Forum

Intersection of Racial Justice and Nuclear Disarmament

Intersection of racial justice and nuclear disarmament: cns and miis student council dei committee cohost the bipoc speaker series event featuring dr. vincent intondi.


On February 22, 2023, the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) and the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS) Student Council DEI Committee co-hosted the  BIPOC Speaker Series . The featured speaker was  Dr. Vincent Intondi , a professor, historian, and author who is widely considered the preeminent authority on the intersection of race and nuclear weapons. His speech, titled,  “Intersections of Racial Justice and Nuclear Disarmament”  focused on the intersection of race and nuclear weapons and provided an overview of his research on his book,  African Americans Against the Bomb . Dr. Intondi’s book examines Black activists who fought for nuclear disarmament and connects the issue of nuclear weapons with the fight for racial equality and liberation movements around the world.

This is the first time that CNS and the MIIS Student Council DEI Committee have co-hosted an event to bring more diversity to nuclear disarmament discussions. A particular focus was placed on bringing together MIIS students from different academic fields. This event was also part of the educational and public outreach activities of the  Critical Issues Forum (CIF)  project that promotes disarmament and nonproliferation education to diverse groups of high school students around the world.

The event started with an opening statement from CNS Senior Project Manager and Research Associate,  Ms. Masako Toki . Ms. Toki gave a brief introduction of CNS education efforts and the goals and activities of the CIF project. Next, Ms. Salma Rashid,  Student Council Vice President  and  Master of Public Administration  graduate student at MIIS, introduced the BIPOC Voices at MIIS initiative. Ms. Rashid explained that the initiative is a collaboration at MIIS that is made up of the Student Council, Student Services, Sustainability Council, the Library, the Vice President’s Office, and the Kathryn Wasserman Davis Collaborative in Conflict Transformation Fund. The initiative aims to bring more diverse voices to campus and to enhance student efforts to create lasting institutional change at MIIS.

Next,  Dr. Jeff Dayton-Johnson , Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Institute, warmly welcomed the participants, and expressed gratitude to the speaker and the organizers. Dr. Dayton-Johnson highlighted the significance of focusing on the intersections of nuclear disarmament and racial justice and stated that the collaboration between CNS and the Student Council DEI Committee is very meaningful. Dr. Dayton-Johnson concluded his remarks by stating that the fight for all freedoms, including fight for nuclear disarmament and racial justice, is what the Middlebury Institute aspires to continue to do. The Middlebury Institute is where leaders of the future learn how to fight for all freedoms.

Dr. Jeff Dayton-Johnson addresses online participants

(Dr. Jeff Dayton Johnson addresses the audience)

Dr. Vincent Intondi’s Speech

Dr. Intondi began the presentation with the lifechanging impact of his first visit to Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a young student activist in the black freedom movement. Dr. Intondi elaborated on the persecution of Japanese Americans after the attack on Pearl Harbor and discussed his research on how the African American community responded to the Japanese Americans internment camps and later the atomic bombings against Japan. Many African Americans were deeply opposed to the actions undertaken by the US government against Japanese Americans, and the Japanese people. Black freedom activists saw the connections between colonialism, racism, and nuclear weapons. Dr. Intondi followed up by asking a question, why did the US consider using nuclear weapons against Japan but not against the people of Europe? He argued that this was the result of racially discriminate overtones initiated by US officials in power who, at the time, were predominately white males. Ultimately, people of color in the US have suffered continuous discrimination and violence by being subjugated as second-class citizens.

Dr. Vincent addresses online participants

To illustrate the important role Black Americans played in nuclear disarmament, Dr. Intondi referenced that while the US government continued to increase its nuclear capabilities during the Cold War, many activists launched protests against nuclear weapon development and expansion. Significant numbers of prominent activists came from minority communities. In particular, many of those prominent figures included women and members of the LGBTQ + community who continued to advocate for nuclear disarmament, as well as, better respect for human life.

Dr. Intondi also elaborated on the significance of the  Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)  as this treaty aims to stigmatize nuclear weapons. The TPNW also provides agency and empowerment to the people. Dr. Intondi passionately asserted that his work is for future generations so that they can live a life free from nuclear weapons. He encouraged young people to contribute for the better future by using their gifts, by suggesting; “You all have gifts. And what you do with it is your gift back. Use your gift to make the world a better place.”

He concluded his speech quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr; “the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.” Then, Dr. Intondi added the following; “But I would say to the audience tonight, that the arc bends towards justice only if we all grab the arc and bend it ourselves.”

“What we are doing in many ways is not for us. … I am doing it for future generations. I am doing it so that future generations can live a life free from fear of dying from nuclear war. I am doing it so that we can finally eliminate all of the horrible treatment that has happened to the indigenous communities; the Marshall Islands, uranium mining on Native American lands, French Polynesia, the Australian Aborigines, it’s always a people of color.” —Dr. Vincent Intondi

Questions and Answer Session

After the speech, the audience asked many questions which stimulated a great discussion during the lively Q&A session.

One of the CIF students from  Rock University High School  asked how to find more information about the intersectionality between nuclear disarmament and racial justice as the resources in this particular field are still scarce. Dr. Intondi shared his experience that he had to start from scratch as this research had previously been limited. While more people have begun talking about this specific intersectionality, he also agreed that more work is still needed in this field.

Dr. Intondi responded to the next question on nuclear disarmament discourse that potentially treats victims of nuclear weapons in hostile countries as “others” or “subhuman”, by emphasizing the danger of such discourse. He commented on the media narrative of how different racial groups are valued unequally and claimed that no human life is expendable. Tragically, we still often witness that people of color are treated as second class citizens and are often “otherized” when tragic events happened. This is particularly dangerous in the context of potential nuclear weapon use.

Several participants in attendance were high school and college students who were curious about how to become more engaged in the nuclear disarmament movement. Dr. Intondi acknowledged that engaging youth in this discussion is much more difficult than engaging youth in discussions on climate movements because nuclear dangers are often not perceived as an intangible threat, and thus are separated from our daily lives. He emphasized the importance of bringing hope to the conversation on nuclear disarmament and to not solely talk about the issue out of fear. He also suggested that connecting other topics with nuclear issues, such as sports and music is a good way to engage younger generations. Dr. Intondi thanked the younger participants who joined the event and insisted that it is important to start engagement with nuclear disarmament at a younger age. Dr. Intondi encouraged the audience to understand that daily acts of resistance against nuclear weapons can increase the movement towards disarmament.

Dr. Intondi’s speech  “Intersections of Racial Justice and Nuclear Disarmament”  was incredibly powerful and passionate, and inspired the audience that there is something that all of us can do to advocate for nuclear disarmament and racial justice. It was significant to have held this event in February, Black History Month, as a joint effort by the CNS Critical Issues Forum and MIIS Student Council DEI Committee. This joint effort contributed to raising more awareness on both nuclear weapons and racial justice among the public, especially young people, and bringing more diverse voices to these important discussions. Both organizations are determined to continue efforts to work towards a nuclear weapon free world while tackling racial injustice.

We would like to thank the Middlebury College’s Provost’s Academic Council, the Kathryn Wasserman Davis Collaborative in Conflict Transformation Fund, The Tom & Sarah Pattison Fund, the SAGA foundation, Mr. Gregg Wolpert, and the MIIS Students Services for their support.

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice

All of us can play a part in making sure that every Australian – Indigenous and non-Indigenous – has the opportunities and choices they need to lead full and healthy lives.

Aboriginal father talking to his children at the beach

Meet the Commissioner

Katie Kiss commenced as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner on 3 April 2024.

Commissioner Kiss is a proud Kaanju and Birri/Widi woman who grew up in Rockhampton, Central Queensland on the lands of the Darumbal People. 

She was previously the Executive Director of the Interim Truth and Treaty Body supporting Queensland’s Path to Treaty, and held senior positions in the Queensland Government, including Chief of Staff to the Minister for Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, and Senior Advisor to the Deputy Premier. 

Commissioner Kiss also worked for eight years at the Australian Human Rights Commission, where she was the Director of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Team.   

Katie Kiss

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What is Gen Z?

" "

Gen Z is currently the second-youngest generation, with millennials before and Generation Alpha after. Like every generation, Gen Z’s behaviors are shaped by how they grew up. Young people today have come of age in the shadow of climate doom, pandemic lockdowns, and fears of economic collapse. The first Gen Zers were born when the internet had just achieved widespread use. They’re called “ digital natives ”—the first generation to grow up with the internet as a part of daily life. The generation spans a wide range: the oldest Gen Zers have jobs and mortgages, while the youngest are still preteens. Globally, Gen Z is growing fast: Gen Zers will make up a quarter of the population  of the Asia–Pacific region by 2025. Read on to understand what makes Gen Z tick.

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What is a generation?

Get to know and directly engage with senior mckinsey experts on gen z..

Anita Balchandani is a senior partner in McKinsey’s London office; Erica Coe is a partner in the Atlanta office; Kana Enomoto is a senior knowledge expert and associate partner in the Washington, DC, office; Tracy Francis is a senior partner in the São Paulo office; and Jennifer Schmidt is a senior partner in the Minneapolis office.

No doubt you’re already familiar with the concept of generation within families. Your grandparents, parents, children, and children’s children all make up a distinct generation in relation to you. But each of them also belongs to a diffuse category of their peers, grouped together based on when they were born and what they experience during their lives. Social scientists have studied generations—in theory and more practically—for millennia. More recently, thinkers like August Comte have argued that generational change is the engine behind social change. More specifically, each generation entering into a new life stage at more or less the same time is the pulse that creates the history of a society.

Specific major-scale events can also shape the outlook of a generation and are often reflected in how they’re named. The Lost Generation, for example, is named for the malaise and disillusionment experienced by people who lived through World War I. Later, the Greatest Generation was named for the heroic sacrifice many made during World War II. Their children, born soon after the war ended, are called baby boomers; their outlook, in turn, was colored by the Vietnam War and the social upheavals of the 1960s. More recently, millennials’ worldviews have been shaped by the September 11 attacks and the proliferation of the internet.

Of course, these are generalizations: every so-called generation comprises a multitude of unique individuals with their own opinions, values, behaviors, and plans for the future. Some social scientists even believe that the practice of studying generations can obfuscate what motivates people on an individual level. Generational theory should be understood with this caveat, and used only as a way of thinking about society, rather than the gospel truth.

What is unique about Gen Z?

While there are substantive differences within the cohort known as Gen Z, there are a few commonalities its members share .

As the first real digital natives, Gen Zers—speaking generally—are extremely online . Gen Zers are known for working, shopping, dating, and making friends online; in Asia, Gen Zers spend six or more hours per day on their phones .

Digital natives often turn to the internet when looking for any kind of information, including news and reviews prior to making a purchase . They flit between sites, apps, and social media feeds , each one forming a different part of their online ecosystem. Having grown up with social media, Gen Zers curate their online selves  more carefully than those in prior generations have, and they are more likely to turn to trends of anonymity, more personalized feeds, and a smaller online presence, even as they voraciously consume media online .

Video-sharing social media sites have seen a meteoric rise as Gen Z comes of age. TikTok currently rules trends, feelings, and culture for Gen Zers, who make up 60 percent of the app’s one billion-plus users . Gen Zers flock to corners of the internet where they can discuss their passions and interests with those who share them—from gaming  to K-pop —bonding with both people they know in real life and ones they’ve only met online.

Gen Z also faces an unprecedented behavioral health crisis: US Gen Zers surveyed by McKinsey report the least positive outlook and the highest prevalence of mental illness  of any generation, and European respondents report struggling with self-stigma. This pessimism is fueled by growing global unrest , wars and disruptions , financial crises , and educational interruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic . Feelings of “climate anxiety” are also widely reported : many Gen Zers report that they think about the fate of the planet on a daily basis.

They are already seeing decreased economic opportunity  and don’t assume a social safety net will be there to catch them as pensions shrink, saving for retirement gets more difficult , and the older population grows . Already, 58 percent of Gen Zers in a recent McKinsey survey reported not having a basic social need met —the largest percentage by far of any generation.

But Gen Zers also report a more nuanced perspective around the stigma of mental illness than other generations. European Gen Zers seem less inclined to discriminate against people with mental illness ( although they do stigmatize themselves ).

Circular, white maze filled with white semicircles.

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However, Gen Z is also generally known for its idealism —they’re part of a new wave of “ inclusive consumers ” and socially progressive dreamers. Generally speaking, Gen Zers believe in doing their part to help stop the intensification of climate change  and to establish greater equity for all. More than any other generation, Gen Z collectively demands purpose and accountability , the creation of more opportunities for people of diverse and underrepresented backgrounds , and rigorous sustainable and green practices .

Learn more about McKinsey’s Retail , Healthcare , and Sustainability  Practices, and check out our Diversity and Inclusion collection .

How are Gen Zers different from millennials?

Those on the cusp of Gen Z and millennial—people who were born shortly before the turn of the millennium—are sometimes referred to as “Zillennials” or “Zennials.” That includes older Gen Zers who’ve been in the workforce for a few years and young millennials who identify more with Gen Z.

However, Gen Z generally has its own formative experiences distinct from those of most millennials . Here are some ways American Gen Zers differ from their older counterparts :

  • They are generally more pragmatic , with both complicated idealism and worries for the future. Gen Zers dream of personal career fulfillment but expect economic struggles.
  • They have less positive life outlooks , with lower levels of emotional and social well-being than older generations.
  • They are more interested in belonging to an inclusive, supportive community .
  • They are more individualistic, with a stronger sense  of personal expression.
  • They are more politically and socially active , advocating for what they believe on social media.

What are Gen Z’s values?

Gen Zers generally have strong values related to racial justice  and sustainability . Mobilizations like the Global Climate March, led by Gen Z activist Greta Thunberg, thrive on the activism of young people.

Climate change is one of the issues  Gen Zers care about most. They frequently call for reform on personal, public, and global scales to prevent future catastrophe. Many Gen Zers describe themselves as environmentally conscious, and the majority of Gen Z expects to see sustainability commitments  from companies and organizations.

Gen Z is also living in a time marked by rapidly rising inflation  and financial woes. Rising student loan debt  also plagues many members of this generation.

What are Gen Z fashion trends?

Gen Z loves expressive clothes, wants to stand out rather than fit in , and has an ever-changing style —what was in a month ago might already be out today. Their trend-chasing habits are supported by fast-fashion retailers supplying accessible ways to switch it up. One Gen Z staple shop, Chinese fast-fashion giant Shein, adds 6,000 new products to its website per day . This may seem at odds with the generation’s values of sustainability, but the speed at which Gen Z trends change and their desire for unique style can sometimes overcome their eco-scruples.

Gen Zers also love thrifting and vintage styles—which are much more in line with their calls for circular fashion . Both ’90s and y2k-style clothes have seen a major comeback, including fast-fashion dupes and clothes dug out of closets and thrift stores. Fashion resale has experienced massive growth  thanks to Gen Z resellers and influencers, and it’s normal for a Gen Z wardrobe to be a mix of cheap fast fashion and treasured vintage pieces.

Learn more about McKinsey’s Retail Practice .

What do Gen Z shoppers want?

The internet has changed retail forever and shaped the tastes of digital natives. Here’s how:

  • Consumption is about access rather than ownership —Gen Zers subscribe to streaming platforms instead of buying films or music. This trend extends even to services like car shares or luxury-clothing rentals.
  • Gen Zers accept their tastes might change, and they are more likely to spend on experiences that enrich their day-to-day lives  than millennials, who are more likely to splurge on luxury.
  • Members of this generation care about ease of use: mobile pay, app-based services, and simple online transactions are important, and brands have found major success by restructuring to suit Gen Z tastes .
  • Gen Zers like brick-and-mortar stores more than millennials do but still want a great online shopping experience . Some brands have even found success through online-first launches , often supported by Gen Z consumers.
  • Ads are everywhere; Gen Zers experience brands “ at every moment ” as they move through their digital and physical worlds.

And as a generation committed to its values, Gen Z expects the same of its retailers—Gen Zers often choose brands that have a strong story or purpose , as well as those committed to green practices . In one McKinsey study, 73 percent of Gen Z reported trying to purchase from companies they consider ethical, and nine out of ten believe  that companies have a responsibility to address environmental and social issues . However, they can tell when a brand is just paying lip service and isn’t backing up diversity  or sustainability claims with real change.

Many Gen Zers throughout Asia see the internet as the first place to go  when researching new products to purchase; in the United States, 40 percent of Gen Zers admit to being influenced online , often by the brands featured in the videos they watch. Members filter a lot of information, from influencers, family, and friends, to decide where and how they want to spend .

For more in-depth exploration of these topics, see McKinsey’s Generation Z collection . Learn more about Gen Z insights by subscribing to our newsletter —and check out entry-level job opportunities if you’re interested in working at McKinsey.

Articles referenced include:

  • “ The Gen Z Equation ,” June 26, 2023, McKinsey Quarterly Five Fifty
  • “ Heat waves, the war in Ukraine, and stigma: Gen Z’s perspectives on mental health ,” September 27, 2022, Lea Arora, Erica Coe , Martin Dewhurst, and Kana Enomoto
  • “ Addressing the unprecedented behavioral-health challenges facing Generation Z ,” January 14, 2022, Erica Coe , Jenny Cordina , Kana Enomoto , Raelyn Jacobson , Sharon Mei, and Nikhil Seshan
  • “ Giving Gen Z customers what they want: A conversation with by.U ,” November 11, 2021, Edward Ying, Trio Lumbantoruan, and Andrew Roth
  • “ Gen Z and the Latin American consumer today, ” December 10, 2020, Tracy Francis  and Fernanda Hoefel
  • “ How Gen Z and millennials are shaping the future of US retail ,” September 28, 2020, Bo Finneman  and Emma Spagnuolo
  • “ Meet Generation Z: Shaping the future of shopping ,” August 4, 2020, Bo Finneman  and Emma Spagnuolo
  • “ The young and the restless: Generation Z in America ,” March 20, 2020, Shruti Bhargava, Bo Finneman , Jennifer Schmidt , and Emma Spagnuolo
  • “ Asia’s Generation Z comes of age ,” March 17, 2020, Thomas Rüdiger Smith and Naomi Yamakawa
  • “ The influence of ‘woke’ consumers on fashion ,” February 12, 2019, Imran Amed, Anita Balchandani , Marco Beltrami, Achim Berg, Saskia Hedrich, and Felix Rölkens
  • “‘ True Gen’: Generation Z and its implications for companies ,” November 12, 2018, Tracy Francis  and  Fernanda Hoefel

" "

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