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How to Write a Term Paper

  • Purpose of a term paper
  • How to start a term paper
  • Structure and outline

Step-by-step writing guide

Standard term paper format.

  • Term paper examples
  • Writing tips

What is the purpose of a term paper?

How to start a term paper correctly.

  • Choose your topic by focusing on what inspires you unless you are already given a topic.
  • Take time to research and analyze your subject.
  • Start with a term paper outline (see our templates in the next sections).
  • Come up with a strong thesis statement before writing anything for body paragraphs.
  • Provide topic sentences and practical examples.
  • Provide a strong lesson in the conclusion if it suits the subject you write about.
  • Edit and proofread available information for trustworthiness.

Term paper structure and outline

  • Introduction. This is where you talk about the subject and a problem you are researching. It helps to introduce your thesis statement and explain the objectives that have been set.
  • Body Paragraphs. As a rule, in writing college term papers, one must write down several subheadings and headings to divide ideas and arguments into several (at least four) paragraphs. As done below, each body paragraph should contain one idea and a strong topic sentence.
  • Heading 1: History of the argument and background.
  • Heading 2: Extent of the problem that you write about.
  • Heading 3: Effects of the problem and possible causes.
  • Heading 4: Possible solutions and outcomes.
  • Conclusion. The final part should represent a strong summary and a response to your thesis statement.

Step 1: Data collection

Step 2: explaining research relevance, step 3: introducing your subject, step 4: literature review preparation, step 5: offering results and conclusions, step 6: structural term paper evaluation, step 7: check your citations and references.


Helpful term paper examples

  • Term paper examples that earned an A grade from the University of Delaware
  • Sample term paper offered by the Justus-Liebig Universitat Giessen
  • Purdue Owl Lab Citation Formats Database
  • Simon Fraser University Sample Term Paper

Term paper writing tips

  • Choose a topic that inspires you if you have an opportunity. If you have been given an already existing prompt to write, research your subject online and ask about the use of course materials. It will help you to narrow things down and already have source materials for referencing purposes.
  • If you can choose a subject to write a final paper for your course, think about something you can support with statistical data and some practical evidence.
  • Most importantly, keep your term paper relevant to the main objectives of your study course.
  • Keep your tone reflective and natural as you write.
  • Double-check your grading rubric regarding limitations and obligatory requirements that must be met.
  • Always proofread your term paper aloud!
  • If you have an opportunity, consider editing your term paper with the help of a friend or a fellow college student.

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simple term paper format

A term paper is an extensive research paper typically assigned at the end of a semester or academic term, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding and in-depth knowledge of a particular subject. It involves thorough research, analysis, and synthesis of information from various sources to address a specific topic or question, culminating in a comprehensive written report. Term papers are designed to assess students’ critical thinking, research skills, and ability to communicate their findings effectively, often accounting for a significant portion of their final grade. Essential components include a Thesis Statement for Research Paper , a Research Paper Cover Letter , and adherence to the Research Paper Format .

What is Term Paper?

A term paper is a detailed research paper written by students over an academic term, contributing significantly to their final grade. It demonstrates their understanding and analysis of a specific topic, includes a thesis, supporting arguments, and evidence, and requires citations from academic sources.

Term Paper Format

Title of the Paper Student’s Name Course Name and Number Instructor’s Name Date of Submission
A brief summary of the paper (150-250 words) Key points, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions


Introduction to the topic Thesis statement Purpose and objectives Paper overview

Literature Review

Overview of Existing Research Key Theories and Studies Gaps in the Literature Relevance to the Current Study


Research design Data collection methods Sample selection Analysis techniques
Presentation of findings Use of tables and figures (if applicable)
Interpretation of results Comparison with existing literature Implications and limitations
Summary of key findings Restatement of thesis Future research implications
List of All Sources Cited Formatted According to a Specific Citation Style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.)

Appendices (if applicable)

Additional Material Raw Data Questionnaires Detailed Calculations

Formatting Guidelines

Font: Times New Roman, 12-point Spacing: Double-spaced Margins: 1 inch Page numbers: Top right corner Consistent headings and subheadings

Term Paper Examples for Students

Term Paper Examples for Students

  • The Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Ecosystems
  • The Role of Social Media in Modern Marketing Strategies
  • The Influence of Ancient Greek Philosophy on Western Thought
  • Cybersecurity Threats and Solutions in the 21st Century
  • The Effectiveness of Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • The Relationship Between Diet and Mental Health
  • An Analysis of Shakespeare’s Use of Tragic Heroes
  • The Evolution of Women’s Rights in the United States
  • The Economic Impact of Immigration Policies
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
  • The History and Future of Space Exploration
  • The Psychological Effects of Video Games on Children
  • The Ethics of Genetic Engineering
  • The Cultural Significance of Traditional Festivals in Japan
  • The Impact of Globalization on Local Economies
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Combating Climate Change
  • The Effects of Substance Abuse on Family Dynamics
  • An Examination of Modernist Architecture
  • The Influence of the Harlem Renaissance on American Literature
  • The Legal and Social Implications of Data Privacy Laws
  • The Role of Sports in Promoting Social Integration
  • An Analysis of Economic Inequality in Developing Countries
  • The Impact of Music Therapy on Mental Health Recovery
  • The Development and Impact of the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • The Relationship Between Sleep Patterns and Academic Performance

Simple Term Paper Examples

  • The Effects of Video Games on Child Development
  • The History and Impact of the Civil Rights Movement
  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): Benefits and Risks
  • The Influence of Greek Philosophy on Western Thought
  • The Impact of Immigration on the U.S. Economy
  • The Role of Education in Reducing Poverty
  • The Ethics of Animal Testing in Medical Research
  • Mental Health Stigma and Its Social Implications
  • The Evolution of E-commerce and Online Shopping
  • The Importance of Early Childhood Education

Types of Term Papers

1. analytical term papers.

  • Definition: Analyzes a specific issue or topic, breaking it down into its components and examining them in detail.
  • Purpose: To provide a deep understanding of the subject through detailed analysis.
  • Example: “The Economic Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture”

2. Argumentative Term Papers

  • Definition: Presents an argument on a particular topic, supporting it with evidence and reasoning.
  • Purpose: To persuade the reader of a specific viewpoint or stance.
  • Example: “The Case for Renewable Energy Sources over Fossil Fuels”

3. Definition Term Papers

  • Definition: Explores the meaning and implications of a specific concept or term.
  • Purpose: To clarify and define a concept in depth.
  • Example: “Defining Social Justice in Modern Society”

4. Compare and Contrast Term Papers

  • Definition: Examines the similarities and differences between two or more subjects.
  • Purpose: To highlight comparative aspects and provide insights into the subjects.
  • Example: “Comparing Online Education with Traditional Classroom Learning”

5. Cause and Effect Term Papers

  • Definition: Investigates the causes of a particular event or phenomenon and its effects.
  • Purpose: To understand the relationships between events and outcomes.
  • Example: “The Causes and Effects of the 2008 Financial Crisis”

6. Interpretive Term Papers

  • Definition: Provides an interpretation of a specific piece of literature, artwork, or historical event.
  • Purpose: To offer insights and perspectives on the subject.
  • Example: “Interpreting Symbolism in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby'”

7. Research-Based Term Papers

  • Definition: Relies heavily on existing research and data to discuss a particular topic.
  • Purpose: To present an in-depth analysis based on extensive research.
  • Example: “The Role of Vaccinations in Public Health”

8. Reflective Term Papers

  • Definition: Reflects on a personal experience or event and its significance.
  • Purpose: To provide a personal perspective and insights.
  • Example: “Reflections on My Internship Experience in a Non-Profit Organization”

9. Case Study Term Papers

  • Definition: Focuses on a detailed examination of a particular case within a real-world context.
  • Purpose: To analyze specific instances and draw broader conclusions.
  • Example: “A Case Study of the Flint Water Crisis”

10. Expository Term Papers

  • Definition: Explains or describes a topic in a straightforward and factual manner.
  • Purpose: To inform and educate the reader about the subject.
  • Example: “An Overview of the U.S. Healthcare System”

Importance of Term Papers

1. development of research skills.

  • Encourages thorough exploration of various information sources
  • Enhances data gathering, analysis, and interpretation abilities

2. Enhancement of Writing Skills

  • Improves clarity, precision, and organization in writing
  • Refines grammar and syntax

3. Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills

  • Fosters logical reasoning and problem-solving
  • Promotes evaluation and synthesis of information

4. Time Management and Discipline

  • Teaches effective planning and adherence to deadlines
  • Develops a disciplined work ethic and organizational skills

5. In-Depth Understanding of Subject Matter

  • Facilitates comprehensive knowledge of the topic
  • Enhances retention and application of theoretical concepts

How to Write a Term Paper

1. choose a topic.

  • Select a topic: Ensure it’s relevant to your course and interests you.
  • Narrow the focus: Make sure the topic is specific enough to be manageable.

2. Conduct Research

  • Gather sources: Use books, academic journals, and credible websites.
  • Take notes: Organize your notes and highlight key points.
  • Create a bibliography: Keep track of all sources for your references.

3. Develop a Thesis Statement

  • Clear and concise: Summarize the main point or argument of your paper.
  • Position: Clearly state your position or perspective on the topic.

4. Create an Outline

  • Introduction: Introduce the topic and state your thesis.
  • Body paragraphs: Organize the main points and supporting evidence.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your findings and restate your thesis.

5. Write the First Draft

  • Hook: Grab the reader’s attention.
  • Background information: Provide context.
  • Thesis statement: Present your main argument.
  • Topic sentence: State the main idea of the paragraph.
  • Evidence: Present data, quotes, and research findings.
  • Analysis: Explain how the evidence supports your thesis.
  • Transition: Link to the next paragraph.
  • Restate the thesis: Summarize your main argument.
  • Summarize main points: Recap the key points.
  • Closing statement: Provide a final thought or call to action.

6. Revise and Edit

  • Review content: Ensure your arguments are clear and supported by evidence.
  • Check organization: Ensure your paper flows logically.
  • Edit for grammar and style: Correct any grammatical errors and improve readability.

7. Format the Paper

  • Follow guidelines: Use the required formatting style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).
  • Title page: Include the title, your name, course, instructor, and date.
  • Page numbers: Ensure all pages are numbered.
  • Citations: Properly cite all sources in-text and in the bibliography.

8. Proofread

  • Final check: Look for any remaining errors or typos.
  • Read aloud: Helps catch mistakes you might overlook.
  • Peer review: Have someone else review your paper for feedback.

9. Submit the Paper

  • Meet the deadline: Ensure you submit your paper on time.
  • Follow submission guidelines: Submit according to your instructor’s requirements (e.g., online or printed copy).


How do i choose a topic for my term paper.

Choose a topic that interests you, is relevant to your course, and has enough research material available.

What is the structure of a term paper?

A term paper typically includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.

How long should a term paper be?

The length varies, but a standard term paper is usually between 8-15 pages, depending on the subject and requirements.

How do I start writing a term paper?

Begin with thorough research, create an outline, and then draft your introduction to set the context for your paper.

What is a thesis statement in a term paper?

A thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of your paper, usually placed at the end of the introduction.

How important is the introduction in a term paper?

The introduction is crucial as it sets the tone, provides background information, and presents your thesis statement.

What should be included in the literature review?

The literature review should summarize, analyze, and compare existing research relevant to your topic.

How do I cite sources in my term paper?

Use a citation style recommended by your instructor (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) to credit the original sources of your information.

How do I present my findings in a term paper?

Present your findings clearly and logically, using tables, charts, or graphs if necessary, in the results section.

How do I write a conclusion for a term paper?

Summarize your main points, restate the significance of your findings, and suggest areas for future research.


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APA Formatting and Style (7th ed.) for Student Papers

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APA 7th ed. Fillable Word Template and Sample Paper

  • APA 7th ed. Template Download this Word document, fill out the title page and get writing!
  • Sample Paper APA 7th ed. Our APA sample paper shows you how to format the main parts of a basic research paper.
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Term paper – master your fear of writing.

Just be honest and tell me, how many words? And how much time have you got to do it? If you’re about to embark on writing a term paper, I have excellent news for you – this is a crash course! I’m about to introduce you to the fine art of writing term papers for any topic. We will look at an airtight outline example, some life hacks, and the usual formatting tips. Let’s dive right in!

term paper - studysmarter magazine

What Is a Term Paper? Definition and Guidelines

If you’ve only just started university and have already been slammed by this frightful word, welcome to this new level of study! University is not only about cramming from tons of books: It should also, ideally, foster critical thinking, teach you how to argue your points effectively, and help you develop research skills. And you will need all three of these to write a stellar term paper!

But hang on a sec, what is a term paper? A term paper is a longer type of research-based homework on a particular topic. Term papers range from 15 to 25 pages because any less is considered lazy and any more is too much for any professor to read (trust me, I teach at a university).

In general, you should be free to select a topic for your term paper, but regardless of whether you’re free to do it or are assigned one, term papers mostly have the same goal. Namely, they test your ability to formulate and support your arguments and locate yourself in a particular theoretical framework. Sound scary yet? Don’t worry! I’m here to illuminate some of the vaguer aspects of term paper writing.

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Structuring Your Term Paper Outline (+ Sample Term Paper Outline PDF)

Before you begin writing, it’s advisable to have an idea about where exactly your writing is going. The best way to achieve this is to write an outline, or (as we sleep-deprived academics like to call it) an abstract. An abstract is a short description of your paper/article/project that outlines your main research questions and the theoretical framework you will be working with.

I generally suggest that people start with a very simple pyramid structure when writing an abstract:

  • The foundation. This is where you introduce a broad, general statement on the topic of your choice. You can clarify and specify this in a few more sentences to ease your readers into the research project.

Example: Contemporary drama boasts the power to transform the audience through careful selection and crafty delivery of impactful images. By creating faux-reality, drama sometimes appeals to the affective side of the audience in order to provide commentary on a number of social and psychological issues. Duncan Macmillan’s Every Brilliant Thing capitalises on its affect-inducing potential, tackling the issue of suicidal depression.

  • The middle. In this part of the outline, you state the aims of your study. Some of my favourite phrases to signal your intentions include: this paper aims to shed light on, the goal of this research paper is, the idea behind this term paper is, etc. Feel free to add some powerful verbs of action such as examine, assess, illuminate, discern, analyse, cross-reference, etc. to emphasise your ideas.

Example: This paper aims to explore how the play creates a more realistic setting by deviating from the audience’s expectations, thus blurring the line between drama and real life. It may be argued that simulated reality, exemplified through a number of exaggerations, impacts the affective component in the audience’s attitude formation and that its neglect of the cognitive reinforces the transformative power of Every Brilliant Thing .

  • The top. The final part of your outline should highlight coherent hypotheses or research questions that your study will answer. While academic papers usually dream of some originality, this should not concern you yet – you don’t need to invent hot water in your term papers, but as you gain experience, novel conclusions will become easier to form.

Example: This paper will then take a final look at how the structure of the play simulates depression in order to sensitise the audience and to which extent it attains its goal of conveying the message of the universality and repercussions of the disease.

Writing an outline is a good way to organise your thoughts, figure out what kind of books you need, and anticipate your results.

In the abovementioned examples, the books you’d need would have to do with theatre, psychological influences, and simulation of reality.

This process applies to any subject. The outline can be more detailed, but it needn’t go over 300 words. A word of advice: if you cannot summarise the key points of your topic in 300 words, you should do some more brainstorming until you reach the specific goal.

PS Check out this excellent term paper outline sample !

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Term Paper Format – The Safety Net

Each term paper should follow a relatively familiar structure and way of arguing your points. Let’s start with the basics:

  • Cover page. This is where your title goes (centred, bolded, pt24 ideally). The cover page should also list your personal details, such as name, address, email, student ID number, phone number (maybe), and the institution and the department for which you are writing your term paper. Each university tends to have its own layout for the cover page, but the rule of thumb is that institutional information goes above the title, whereas personal information is below.
  • Table of contents – your readers need to know what to expect!
  • Introduction. This is a more elaborate version of your project outline. You should specify what the paper is dealing with, what theoretical framework you’re using, and what your hypothesis is. My pro tip is to write the introduction last because term papers tend to grow as you write and you may end up with vastly different results from those you had expected.
  • Theoretical framing. Explain which theories or ideas you’re using.
  • Methodology. This is mostly present in scientific papers where you must explain what methods will guide your study (i.e. experiments).
  • Analysis. Close readings, experiments, data surveys – whatever your project is doing, it should be doing it here.
  • Discussion . Feel free to start interpreting your results in this section. A great paper does not simply list data – it compares and contrasts. You must be able to draw conclusions about what your analysis has shown you. Results as expected? Hypothesis confirmed. Results not ideal? There’s something to write about. Consider why something turned out differently and what that means for future studies.
  • Optional: pitfalls and future improvements. Again, this is more present in sciences than humanities, but you could address possible pitfalls or blind spots in your study and suggest how they can be improved upon in the future. You can also talk about what lines of research your project can inspire.
  • Conclusion . Time to wrap it all up. Briefly summarise the key points of research and main results. If you haven’t already devoted a separate section of the paper to this, you can also write about indications for future research in your conclusion.

Term Paper Structure Example

To give you a more precise example of a structured term paper, here’s a more detailed structure of the above-described example on theatre:

term paper - studysmarter magazine

Still Unsure about How to Write a Term Paper?

Excellent, I love good questions! The truth is, writing a term paper is a labour of love (it is hard labour, especially if you’re carrying all the books!), so I will give you some tips on how to make it an enjoyable experience.

  • Pick a topic you’re interested in. There’s nothing you can say to convince me that your subject is so absolutely wretchedly uninteresting that you simply cannot find such a topic. You just haven’t done your work yet. Start digging and follow the internet clicking abyss until you stumble upon something that takes your fancy. My master thesis idea was based on a single line I read in a magazine about Neil Gaiman’s American Gods – I managed to turn it into 80 pages, two scientific articles, and two talks just fine, even though it may not have been researched previously. So, whatever you’re writing about, there’s got to be a fun angle to it.
  • Start reading. You cannot write a term paper from nothing. Once you have a general topic and an outline, you should start collecting your materials. Check out your library and inform yourself about the inter-library loan. Get acquainted with various scientific databases like JSTOR and ResearchGate – your university probably has wide access to many knowledge repositories you can use through an official VPN or library computers. Search by keywords and titles and save everything that sounds interesting. Learn to recognise important elements and ideas in those texts and be ready to use them to support your arguments.
  • Know when to stop, too. Sometimes you’ll find yourself deep in the excitement of learning something new, but there will come a point when you realise you’re ready to put what you’ve found into your own words. Set up an experiment, survey, or study and follow up on the results. In humanities, this may mean a closer analysis of selected texts. This is where you start writing – again, leave the introduction for later and jump right into the core of the work.
  • Mind the style. When writing a term paper, you need to keep certain standards up. Term papers are written in the ‘academic’ style and involve lots of passive voice, verbs of enlightenment (illustrate, examine, assess), and words marking cause-effect relationships. Don’t be afraid to use transition words to make your text and conclusions flow easily.
  • Cite properly! Oh, how I hated learning all the citation styles when I was just starting out, but once you do learn the ropes, it gets easier. It’s a bit of drudgery, but my advice is to write down your sources meticulously as you go along. As soon as you cite someone, make sure you add the full citation at the end of the text (I like having them in a separate document), and don’t forget in-text citations. Depending on what field you’re studying in, you will have different citation styles (like MLA, Chicago, APA) at your disposal – make sure you check the requirements for each course and consult the corresponding websites with guidelines.

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Don’t Forget about Term Paper Editing!

And there goes the last-minute churning of text and hitting send before passing out for the next two days. Writing a term paper at university should not be left for the last minute. If you’re a chronic procrastinator, it’s time to learn to organise your time and devote enough of it to your assignments.

When you’re done with writing, you should leave your paper alone for a few days – sleep on it, as they say. You can treat this distance like any good study break – it’ll help you clear your mind, prevent resentment towards the subject, and allow you to see it through new eyes. Before submitting, re-read your text carefully and edit the writing. Weed out spelling and grammatical errors and prune unnecessary examples or repetitive statements. A good way to do this is to change the font or even font size in your writing software – this engages your perception and makes spotting mistakes easier.

Editing is also the time to consider how your arguments are holding together and whether you need to add or replace some text and/or rearrange your points. It’s an extremely important part of the writing process, but you shouldn’t overdo it either. Perfectionism can get you into the editing spiral that usually leads to messing up parts that were initially good. A few re-reads are fine, but anything more and you might as well start to rewrite the whole thing.

The last question to consider is whether you are happy with your result. Remember, this is a term paper and you’re still learning, so nobody expects it to be perfect, but you should be satisfied with what you’ve accomplished.

The Key Takeaways of Writing a Term Paper

Writing a term paper is a longer commitment than a simple essay. To ensure your success, start well ahead of time or you might find yourself rushed and stressed .

  • Try to find a topic of personal interest to you.
  • Scribble an outline to work out your angle or general direction of the paper.
  • Read enough materials. Your library and online databases are your friends.
  • Form hypotheses and set up experiments or analyses.
  • Get down to business (and stop procrastinating !).
  • Don’t forget to edit the paper well and format it correctly.

Source: Danica Stojanovic, ‘Theatrical (Hyper)Reality: The Effects of Breaking Formal Boundaries in Every Brilliant Thing ’, Over The Horizon, London, 2020, pp. 81‑100.

simple term paper format

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Everyone goes through a term paper. Whether you are a student of Business faculty or History, it is an essential writing assignment to complete during the semester. And if you are up to something more than just finishing high school, you need to befriend this type of assignment.

Why? According to recent studies, the student should have at least three publications from their work before graduation to become a strong Ph.D. candidate and ensure their future academic career is prone to get some substantial grants. Whereas another survey suggests, students who have tamed this beast boast of having the best job offerings among peers. Like it or not, a term paper is a path to success.

Let's break it into pieces to understand what is term paper proposal, why is it important, and what term paper format should look like?

Term Paper Basics: What Is Term Paper Format?

First things first – a college term paper is a scientific report of an assigned topic that is based on an extensive research. It shows students' technical writing expertise and, most importantly, in-depth knowledge of a specific course and subject.

The Importance of Term Paper

So, why do you need to nail term paper? As we have already pointed out, according to recent surveys, students with strong term paper profiles are more often being sought out for offers of employment. Though, that's not all. It is crucial for a student's academic career for such reasons as:

  • It carries enormous significance to the overall grade.
  • It makes a difference between passing or failing the class.
  • It compels students to sort out their thoughts on the subject, making things much more apparent.
  • It pushes students to practice their writing and editing skills.
  • It provides students with lots of new material and compels them to expand their knowledge and strengthen their academic background.
  • It levels up research skills.
  • It improves organizational skills that are crucial for communicating ideas and concepts. This quality is necessary for those who want to control their career path and get regular promotions at work.

Term Paper Format: The Definition

Term paper format is a set of writing style guidelines that students need to stick to when describing their research and results and expressing their arguments and findings during the process. There are four types: APA style (it is used in all sorts of disciplines), MLA style (it is another typical style native to various fields), Chicago Style (it is primarily used in History and occasionally in Science and Social Science), and Turabian Style (it is commonly used in Business and Fine Arts).

How to Ensure a Perfect Term Paper?

Our curated collection of samples term papers may provide everyone with some good insights on how to nail this task. Our collection is diverse, so chances are you will find the term paper example that fits your needs. However, do not get too comfortable. This is only half of the battle. To emerge victorious, it is crucial to understand the basics of this writing assignment. Let's consider it closely.

The Basics of a Term paper

Term paper consists of such vital sections:

  • The term paper cover page, also known as the term paper title page, is the front face of the writing assignment. It includes the student's name, the title of the paper, the professor's name, course name, and due date. Follow the instructions provided by your teacher and guides of the chosen style to make it fit the university's standards.
  • A table of contents. It lists main headings and subheadings to reveal the structure and information hierarchy of the document.
  • It describes work on one page and covers the main issue, the subject, and why it is vital for a student's career.
  • This section features a thesis or statement of the discussed topic or problem.
  • It is the most significant part that uncovers the topic. It includes the main points of the research, information about the problem, analysis of the research, and the author's conclusion.
  • This section is about the result of the research and how students' view has changed. It echoes with the introduction and conclusion.
  • Every writing assignment ends with a summary; the term paper is no exception. The discussion part is like conclusion: it sums up everything about the research including student's opinion and thoughts about the subject.

Professional Term Paper Outline Template – Where to Get One?

The term paper outline template is a great starting point, especially for first-year students who have never dealt with this assignment before. However, it is also beneficial for senior students. Having a representative example of term paper for college at hand helps undergraduates to kick-start their projects right away and lay the solid foundation to share research results and findings.

So, where to find one? You can surf the web; however, the most effective way is to peek inside our collection of free educational material. Along with free sample essay papers , it has many term paper samples.

Successful Term Paper: Tips and Best Practices

As we have already pointed out, our enormous database provides students with term paper help. Here you can find the term paper template that ideally fits your purpose. However, you cannot use it as it is. It can be only the base for your project. To make it work for you, follow these tips:

  • Pick a topic astutely. Choose a topic that is either difficult or unique. This allows you to find some interesting facts that may positively impact your instructor.
  • If the topic is assigned, make sure to read the instructions carefully. Identify the purpose of the paper.
  • Come up with a thesis statement that shows the exact idea and reflects the type of paper. Place it at the end of the introduction.
  • Start with research earlier. Discover auxiliary and essential sources for your research. Gather materials before creating a term paper outline. Search through credible resources such as books, peer-reviewed journals, and official websites of government or universities. Be careful with articles in journals and magazines since they may express the author's personal opinion.
  • Choose statements that are informative, directional, meaningful, and engaging.
  • Start each paragraph with the statement.
  • Create the first-level outline. After that, fill in subpoints and the second-level outline.
  • Include arguments and counter-arguments.
  • Cite your resources according to the chosen style.
  • Format bibliography.
  • Cover page,
  • Presentation;
  • Procedure area,
  • Discoveries;
  • Conversation;
  • Double-check everything and read the paper twice.
  • Studentshare
  • Document Types

Examples List on Term Paper


Bright Writers

Term Paper Format and Outline

  • September 1, 2020

Here's What We'll Cover

If you are required to submit a term paper at the end of this semester, worry not. The following guide will explain the basic term paper format and outline that should be used. It will also expound on what content to include in the various parts of the outline.

A term paper is a research-based writing assignment that students are supposed to submit at the end of the term. A student is expected to comprehensively elaborate on a topic that could be a concept, argument, or even a case study . There is no definite length of a term paper, and the tutor often specifies this. Writing a term paper takes much more and requires a lot of commitment. Getting help from one of our experts can ease the writing process

simple term paper format

Difference Between A Term Paper And Research Paper

While many people think that term papers and research papers are more or less the same, they have significant differences. For instance, the purpose of a term paper is to assess the level of knowledge that a student has on a particular topic.

The essay affects the overall grades of a student and must be taken seriously. However, a research paper aims at solving a specific problem and improving the research skills of a student. Their formats are slightly different as well.

Additionally, a research paper has a hypothesis, and students reject or accept it based on available data at the end of the essay. On the contrary, a term paper is more straightforward and mostly tries to support a thesis. That is the reason why research papers are more prolonged than term papers. Also, term papers are submitted at the end of a semester, while research papers take longer.

The Basic Term Paper Format And Outline Explained

The format of your paper dictates how you arrange your ideas and the flow of the entire write-up. Hence, it needs to be a solid outline so that readers can grasp your concepts. The formats differ depending on the field of study. However, all term papers have a basic format. The significant parts of the outline are the introduction, body, and conclusion. The following is a simple term paper layout that you should follow when writing your essay.


Results and discussion, recommendations, reference list.

It should contain your name, course name and number, tutor’s name, and submission date. These contents should be aligned at the center of the page.

It is usually a few paragraphs long and describes your paper. It informs the reader about your aims and why your issue or topic is worth writing.

It should be exciting and should explain the significance of your problem or topic and how you plan to discuss or solve the issue.

It should have the main arguments from your research. Give a brief history of the problem, the impact and effects of the issues, and possible solutions. Exhaust all your points and back them up with citations to convince your reader. Include an analysis of your research and expound on various positions regarding your topic.

The findings of your research should be explained here. Additionally, you should discuss how your research findings affect your view on the topic and conclude your work with the support of measurable results.

Here, include suggestions that could improve on the work in the future

Include all your sources here. Arrange them in Alphabetical order and use the correct citation style. The most common formats are APA and MLA. You should confirm what method to use from your paper guidelines. You can use citation creators to make your work easier.

Writing A Term Paper Following The Right Outline

Once you have the outline , it becomes easy to arrange the ideas of your research. Ensure that you include your thoughts in the right segments. Also, avoid plagiarism and use the specified fonts, spacing, and citation styles. Use simple and clear language for your readers to understand easily.

Once done, you need to proofread and get a peer to review your paper. Then, send the first draft to your tutor for corrections. Finally, write the final essay and submit it.

simple term paper format

Example Of A Term Paper

Solitary Confinement

Solitary confinement is the isolation of criminals in a separate cell. This is usually done as a form of punishment for inmates who break the rules while they are in prison. Today in the United States, about eight two thousand inmates are held every day in solitary confinement. The average time that prisoners are held ranges between twenty-two and twenty-four hours in a day in a confined space. Those who agree with solitary confinement defend the act by stating that it is necessary to discipline prisoners who break the rules while they are locked up. They also argue that it is an essential step in ensuring that prisoners who exhibit erratic behaviour are disciplined and those with mental disorders are separated from the others. Although these might be arguably good points, they fail to identify the fact that frequently, the confinement process fails to serve its purpose of discipline and causes prisoners with aggression to become even more aggressive. At the same time, it only worsens the situation for prisoners who suffer from mental illnesses. The process also causes psychological damage to inmates because of the nature of the punishment and the room where it is administered, and it proves to go against human rights because of the nature of its inhumane treatment (Arrigo and Bullock 2008). Research indicates that solitary confinement may be responsible for repeat offenders and the heightening of violence within prison walls. Solitary confinement should be discontinued because it has indicated that it is more detrimental than beneficial to the inmate, the correctional facility, and the society at large.

Pro-solitary confinement advocates argue that prison wardens and guards need to take necessary precautions to protect themselves while working in prison. This means that the prison staff should have full control of the prisoners. In order to have control, then prison staff must be in complete control of the mobility of inmates to reduce the chances of cases of violence and inflicting harm on other prisoners or members of staff. In this case, solitary confinement helps manage the movement of prisoners who display acts of violence by reducing their movements and hence ensuring that they are not in contact with anyone who they might harm. Solitary confinement mainly occurs for prisoners who are often caught breaking the rules, being aggressive, and practicing habitual offenses (Grassian 1983). The institution is meant to manage their behaviour and teach them a lesson. The punishment is usually used as a last resort when all other measures of control, including pepper spray and restrain chairs, have been exhausted. The methods which the staff use to restrain inmates who show disregard for regulations have not been quite clearly defined, which makes it difficult to understand when the human right of the person has been violated. However, in the cases where a prison staff member fails to protect an inmate, and the prisoner ends up being injured or killed then the staff members will be criminally charged for failing to protect the prisoner.

The law indicates that harm must not come to an inmate while an officer us present and the failure to protect the prisoner from injury will be met with firm penalties. In a case in 2005, a group of officers was found guilty of negligence when they failed to protect a prisoner who was murdered by another prisoner while they were on a prison bus. According to reports, three of the officers were found guilty of negligence while one of them was found guilty of gross negligence while the attack was taking place. The family won a settlement of eighteen million dollars for the murder. Since the state formally employed the officers, the state was required to cover about two hundred thousand dollars for each of the officers. The officer who was found guilty of gross negligence did not receive any support from his employers (Cooper v. Rodriguez 2014). The cases of the murder of the prisoner further demonstrate the crucial need to be in control of prisoners at all times. This ensures that there are fewer cases of a similar nature happening. The process allows the segregation of prisoners who display violent behaviour, therefore, enabling the prevention of activities that might lead to harm on any of the inmates. By having the inmate in solitary confinement, they cannot bring harm to the rest because they are monitored closely throughout the time.

Currently, there have been several concerns raised about the impact of solitary confinement on the health of an inmate. The research indicated that the act had dangerous implications on mental health on the psychological wellbeing of an inmate. This was first seen during the Korean war, where prisoners were kept in solitary confinement. This led to research on the effects of the isolation on the mental health of prisoners (Haney 2003). It indicated that isolating human beings from all social interactions and deprive them of any interaction with other humans. They may begin to lose all touch with reality and become unaware of their surroundings. It is argued that even a few days of being confined can completely shift normal brain patterns leading to a loss of a touch of reality.

Over time, the prisoner loses complete awareness, and their attentiveness is completely damaged. This means that they cannot use interactive with external stimulation moving forward, causing them to contact hyperresponsiveness where they are declared to be psychiatrically sick. The damage is often permanent, which means that even after their release, they cannot blend with society again. In the year 2008, Evan an inmate who had been sentenced to solitary confinement after being aggressive with an officer murdered the head of the prison facility, Tom Clement, where he had been held after release by shooting him (Zennie 2013). This is just but an example of a case where solitary confinement only worsened the situation of an inmate and made him even more aggressive, causing him to commit a bigger crime than he was previously sentenced for. At times, it makes them even more dangerous due to their inadequate sense of attention.

In accordance with the law of the United States, it is illegal to inflict pain on an inmate that may lead to an injury such as organ failure. It also prevents torture that may inflict mental agony because it risks brain impairment (Grassian 1983). It was reported that fifteen days in confinement is the maximum punishment beyond which irreversible psychological harm may take place. This is after many inmates have spent an even longer time in solitary confinement. Although it allows segregation of aggressive inmates from the rest, it risks the inmate acquiring irreversible damage to their psychological health, and allowing them back in society becomes more dangerous than it was initially. Extreme cases of isolation increase the instances of psychological disorders in prisoners.

Solitary confinement should be discontinued because it has been proven to have severe effects on the mental health of a patient. Even in shorter periods of confinement prisoners have been shown to show higher levels of aggression than they initially displayed when been detained. At the same time, the infrastructure that is associated with the process is quite expensive and causes a big gap in state funds. The reality is that once a prisoner who has been in solitary confinement for long enough is released, they become a danger to both themselves and the society they expect to welcome them back. They leave with feelings of vengeance and anger towards their punishers and the rest of the community. It is, therefore, more valuable for a state to find other ways of separating inmates who show signs of aggression rather than solitary confinement as this might worsen their condition.

Despite the benefits that come from solitary confinement, it has been found to impede the justice system often more than it benefits it. The act is very expensive. This is because of the number of staff members that are required. While in solitary, the cost of maintaining the facility turns out to be much higher than that of a normal cell. The cost of the confinement facility is also very high. The funding that is required in solitary confinement alone reduces the financing that could be used in other programs that would be beneficial to citizens, including education programs or drug abuse prevention programs. At the same time, it does not discipline the prisoner in most cases. Instead, the inmates come from solitary confinement with feelings of heightened belligerence and reprisal. The state government should, therefore, discontinue the act of solitary confinement because it goes against the point of correctional punishment which is to reform the behaviour of a prisoner and it eats into state funds that could serve better purposes.

Arrigo, B. A., & Bullock, J. L. (2008). The psychological effects of solitary confinement on prisoners in supermax units: Reviewing what we know and recommending what should change. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology, 52(6), 622-640.

Cooper v. Rodriguez (2014). FindLaw’s Court of Appeals of Maryland case and opinions. Retrieved 6 May 2020, from https://caselaw.findlaw.com/md-court-of-appeals/1708843.html

Grassian, S. (1983). Psychopathological effects of solitary confinement. American Journal of Psychiatry, 140(11), 1450-1454.

Haney, C. (2003). Mental health issues in long-term solitary and “supermax” confinement. Crime & Delinquency, 49(1), 124-156.

Zennie, M. (2013). Did solitary confinement turn an affluent attorney’s son into ‘white supremacist gunman ‘Evil Evan?”. Retrieved 6 May 2020, from https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2297910/Evan-Ebel-Did-solitary-confinement-turn-affluent-attorneys-son-white-supremacist-gunman-Evil-Evan.html

Now you know the basic term paper format and outline thanks to this article. You can use it to write term papers on any subject. However, remember to include any other segment that your tutor specifies.

What is a term paper format?

A term paper is normally used to explain a concept, an event, or argue on a point. It is an original written work discussing the topic and usually written on lengthy pages. Especially during the end of the semester.

What are the parts of a term paper?

The parts of a term paper include; chapter titles, tables of content, abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, recommendation, and reference.

How should a term paper look like?

The main parts of the term paper include; introduction, a body, and a conclusion that should be well structured and organized.

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How to Write a Term Paper

  • Essay Writing Guides

Mike Sparkle

How to Write a Term Paper? Guide for Students

This guide to writing a term paper gives some simple and practical advice: how to get started, how to get organized, how to break down the huge task into less scary chunks, and how to attack them in a nice layout. We also give some practical hints for surviving the ordeal.

What Is a Term Paper?

In order to know how to write a term paper, you need a deeper understanding of its nature. A term paper is a student’s final qualification work of a research nature, performed by a student upon graduation from an educational institution. The diploma work consolidates and expands practical knowledge, develops skills of independent scientific work, and evaluates the student’s creative potential.

The topics of the paper are also approved by the relevant department at the university. These vary slightly from year to year. Sometimes the student may propose their own topic, with justification for its development. The term paper is supervised (checked for accuracy and timeliness) by the supervisor, who is the instructor for the specific discipline on the chosen topic of your research.

Term Paper Format Examples

Any essay writing service knows that term paper format matters as you are going to refer to many different works for research to this extent. Thus, making a mistake with format might make you a plagiarism tool that highlights many citations as the stuff you copied without permission, thus making you guilty of intellectual property theft. There are certain ways you can format your file, but give an intricate connection of your paper to academics, you have a choice between two styles:

  • American Psychological Association is the format that is usually connected to social sciences. This is probably the most common way of formatting sources, where you include the name of the work, the one who published it, and the location as well. Missing out on one of those details leads to a mistake.
  • Modern Language Association is one you’d usually see in liberal arts, being more of a scholarly thing. It differs from APA in a way that you have to include the name, date, and location (thus no publisher name).

How to Write a Term Paper Outline?

The results and discussion chapters of your term paper are often filled in several chapters. Think about the chapter plan and decide what is best for reporting your work. Then make a list of headings that will indicate what you will put in each chapter. Try to do this list in detail, so that you end up with a list of points that correspond to the subdivisions or even paragraphs of your paper. At this stage, think carefully about the logic of the presentation: in each chapter, it is often possible to present the ideas in different orders, and these different versions will be more challenging to follow. If you make an outline of each chapter and section before you start writing, the result will probably be clearer and easier to read. It will also be easier to write.

Introductory Pages

To get a proper term paper structure for your paper, we advise you to ask the doctoral studies office of your institution if they have rules. It is also advised to look at examples of recent theses that have not suffered from bureaucratic problems. Usually, your research has a title page that presents the following main points:

  • The name of the institution
  • The type of term paper
  • The specialty
  • The name of the doctoral student
  • The date of the defense
  • The names of the jury members, with the president and the rapporteur(s) indicated.

It is followed by a page (optional) of acknowledgments, a table of contents, and then the chapters of the term paper. The abstract in English is at the end. It’s a nice way of summarizing the overall contents of your research to give the reader the right hints on the nature of your analysis. It goes without saying that you will get this structure even if you buy a term paper from a quality service.

Of your entire term paper, this part will have the largest audience. It is best to write it near the end, but not at the last minute because you will need to do several drafts. Also, the summary is so important that it’s really worth asking a fellow English speaker to edit your version. The abstract should be a distillation of the paper: a concise description of the problem(s) addressed, your method for solving them, your results, and your conclusions. An abstract should stand alone. It usually does not contain references. When a reference is needed, its details should be included in the text of the abstract. Check the length limit with your college.


What is the topic and why is it important? Explain the problem(s) as simply as you can. Remember that you have worked on this project for a few years, so you know it very well. Try to step back mentally and take a broader view of the problem. How does your problem relate to the broad themes of your discipline?

Especially in the introduction, don’t overestimate the reader’s familiarity with your topic. You are writing for experts in your discipline, but they are not specialists in your particular topic. It helps to imagine a particular person, think of a colleague you may have met at a conference for your discipline, but who worked in a different field. She is smart, and has the same general education, but knows little about the literature or specific techniques of your particular topic.

Piquing the Attention of Your Readers

The introduction should be interesting. If the reader finds it tiresome, it is unlikely that you will rekindle his or her interest in the materials and methods chapter. For the first paragraph or two, tradition allows for language that is less dry than the scientific standard. I hope your topic still inspires you, and this is the place to take advantage of it. Try to inspire the reader to want to read the time that came across their desk. Go to the library and read the introductions to several theses. Were there any that made you want to read more? Were there others that were boring?

This chapter will probably go through several drafts so that it can be simple, logical, short, and interesting at the same time. For this chapter, I find it helpful to have someone who is not a specialist read it and critique it. Is it a sufficient introduction? Is it easy to follow? There are arguments for writing this chapter (or at least making a major revision of it) towards the end of the term paper writing. Your introduction should say where the text is headed, which will become more apparent during the writing process. In addition, this chapter needs everything you will learn about scientific writing.

Middle Chapters

In some term papers, the middle chapters are simply journal articles of which the candidate was the primary author. There are several reasons to avoid this format.

One reason is that, in a term paper, it is permissible and expected that the level of detail is deeper than that of a journal article. For publications, one is usually forced to reduce the number of curves. In many cases, all the data and interesting cases can be included in the term paper, not just those that have already appeared in the journal. Experimental detail is more explicit in research. Relatively often, a researcher will request a copy of a term paper in order to have more detail on how the study was done.

The exact structure of the middle chapters will vary from text to text. Often in research, it is necessary to establish a theoretical background, describe experimental techniques, and then report what has been done on several different problems or different stages of the problem, and then finally present a model or new theory based on the new work.

For such a term paper, try to make a term paper heading like this: Theory, Materials, and Methods, {first problem}, {second problem}, {third problem}, {proposed theory or model}, and then the concluding chapter. For other theses, it would make more sense to discuss different techniques in different chapters, rather than having a single chapter on materials and methods.


Your conclusions will appear in your summary but in a very brief form, because it must also include other material. A summary of conclusions can be longer than the conclusion of the abstract, so you have the space to be more explicit and careful with the qualifications. You may find it useful to put your findings in a bullet-point list.

It is often the case that a scientific investigation delivers more questions than answers. Does your work suggest interesting additional questions? How can a study like yours be improved in the future? What are the practical implications of your work?

In case you still have difficulties with writing a term paper, you can always count on our writing service!

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Term paper format.

Format for Term Papers

Below are some links and a general outline on how to write your term papers.   Depending on your topic you may want to rely on the scientific report style or literature review styles, or a combination of the two.  The choice is yours.   Links to these styles can be accessed by the buttons below.  Below the three buttons I outline the scientific report style.  More details can be found by clicking the scientific format button below.

Format for a Scientific Report

    Short (three-quarters of a page) description of the paper.   Describe what the issue or problem is, why it is important or interesting, and your findings.


  • What is the issue or problem?
  • Literature review: what is current thinking, findings, and approaches on the problem?
  • What is the significance of the problem?
  • How do you plan to deal with the problem? What is your solution?
  • How did you search for information or data on the topic?
  • What is your impression of the ulility, relevance, or quality of the data you collected?
  • What special steps did you take to select or utilize the data?
  • What are your findings?
  • Are their problems with your findings in terms of answering the questions posed in the introduction?
  • What do your observations mean?
  • Summarize the most important findings.
  • What conclusions can you draw?
  • How do your results fit into a broader context?

Essay Assignment Writing Tips for Students of MBA, Masters, PhD Level

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How to Write a Term Paper: Structure, Example and Format?

This is basically a research-type paper required to be submitted at the end of the school semester at the end of an institute. It perused and evaluated the performance of the knowledge of students in a subject course of study in a school. It is fundamentally a scientific report or writing based on a discussion of a topic assigned to them by the faculty. The task of writing a term paper requires great exercise, research work, and expertise in technical writing. To fetch high marks, this academic and Assignment writing should be well-written in an analytical manner, well-organized, and well-researched. This is required due to its reflections on your acknowledgement of a particular course.


Why Term Paper Writing Is Necessary, And It’s Beneficial?

Following are the issues that explain its necessity

Gain Improved Skill in Writing – During research paper writing, you get a chance to improve your writing skills, and in the future, you can create an excellent piece of impressive writing that others will accept. Such skills shall be useful without any doubt for any Assignment you will have to execute.

Best Expert Help will e Available to You – You only have just to message a term paper writing service with research paper writing assignment help. We at casestudyhelp.com provide the best assignment help service to needy students.

You will Become Recognized as a Knowledgeable Person in the Area of your Academic Study. A research paper enables you to receive more information about your selected subject. As a consequence, you will learn many new and interesting facts about the discipline that can be used for your future work.

Effective Use of Your Resources— You must gather as much authentic information as possible while writing your research paper. Accordingly, you will gain valuable research skills that will also be beneficial later on.

You will Become a Critical Thinker. This skill is vital for research and many other activities. Your better thinking capability is highly demanding for becoming a good computer scientist in your professional life.

How To Write A Term Paper?

The following are the methods of writing a Term Paper to be followed:

I am strongly writing the Term Paper structure.

The outline writing of your term paper structure is like your reliable compass throughout the writing process. In this portion of your paper, you should arrange all the points you need to discuss in your term paper.

It will assist you in always focusing on and bonding strongly with the significant points in your paper. However, your professor in charge will ask you to submit your paper online. You will be able to submit your term paper outline to them prior to starting writing. He or she will verify the route map you have adopted and develop your thesis paper, and can suggest some areas of improvement.

Think deeply and carefully about your topic and main points. At the same time, evaluate the material you have found and included in your writing in depth. All relevant materials are to be subdivided into groups and then grouped, with headings for each.

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Paper writing services of our casestudyhelp.com will remind you that every title subject has the following sections:

Introduction: This is the main theme of the subject. This opening portion suggests acquainting the reader with the related problem and including it in the thesis.

The Body of the paper: It is normally divided into various main headings and sub-headings related to different aspects of the topic.

Conclusion: At this stage, you summarize the points made in the term paper and present a remarkable answer to the reader.

Term Paper Format

While developing the format, first consider the length and the style of the writing you will use. For all research topics, you need to use a specific style of citation. If you adopt a poor reference style, you might be penalised due to plagiarism. Also, since a term paper is an academic writing assignment , APA or MLA citation styles are generally applied.

For social science, you have to apply APA or American Psychological Association-related paper formatting for social sciences.

The format of MLA, modernness Language Association format, is mostly used in liberal arts and humanities.

Term Paper Assignment help

Get Help from Experts: If you cannot prepare your term paper assignment and ask for help, casestudyhelp.com is here to help. Don’t hesitate to contact us through our website using Essayer. As soon as you place an order online, our expert writers will start writing, proofreading, or improving your academic assignment paper. They can also assist you in choosing a topic and editing it into APA or MLA format.

I anticipate this Blog will be helpful for your Academic. This Blog will be useful for term paper writing. It involves all important things that involve in good Term paper writing.

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Author Bio:

Louis Hill

Hi, I am Louis Hill , the Author of this article am a well-known writer associated with the reputed casestudyhelp.com online Assignment Writing Help service provider.


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How Do you Write a Term Paper?

What does an academic paper consist of, how should it be structured and how do you even start?

Term papers (also known as academic or research papers) are a kind of an examination causing bad headaches for lots of students. Besides exams, presentations, tests, and oral examinations, academic papers are an important part of your studies. Nevertheless, sometimes you don’t really know how to start writing. To prevent feeling desperate and unprepared, we summed up the most important aspects and criteria concerning term papers, its writing process and working scientifically in general.

Time Management

When you start working on your academic paper, it is probably best to make a plan concerning your time management first. While some students manage to finish a term paper in one or two weeks, many need about two months for it. How long it takes for you is depending on your personal working habits but also goals and calendar. Therefore, start by asking yourself the following questions: When is the paper due? How long does the paper have to be and how complex is its topic? What are your plans until the due date (holidays, visiting friends, other examinations, etc.)? Do you prefer to do everything at once or to take short work units with longer breaks in-between? Is it important to you to write a perfect paper or do you just want to pass with as less work as possible? Keeping your answers in mind, try to establish a personal timetable and fix some temporary, for instance weekly goals . For example: Until the end of next week I'll inform myself about the topic and decide for a specific question, until the following week I'll organize all necessary sources for the paper, the week after that I'll work through that material and make notes, and so on. This way you'll realize early enough if you're needing more time than you thought or if you can take more breaks and especially be able to prevent having to work through the nights shortly before you're paper is due.

Structure of the Paper

putting ones head on a laptop

In case you haven’t written a research paper so far, it could be helpful to first get information about the structure and the different parts this kind of paper consists of. An academic paper begins with a cover sheet . This should include the topic or question you're dealing with, the seminar in which you're writing the paper as well as the name of your teacher and some personal information about yourself (your name, address, email, study subject, semester and matriculation number). The cover sheet is followed by a table of content showing all chapters and sections of your work as well as a bibliography and - if you're including pictures or diagrams into your work - index of figures or images with each’s correct page number. You should think about the structure of your paper at the very beginning of your work. Still, be aware that within your research or even your writing process there might be a point when you recognize that you have to either include or leave out a certain point. Therefore, stay open to change your structure and make sure to update your table of content one last time after everything else is finished.

The actual paper then starts with an introduction , which is contrasting to most assumptions best written at the end of your working process. This part usually is no longer than one or two pages (depending on the length of the whole paper). It consists of a short explanation why the topic of your paper is interesting or important to be analyzed and a short outlook of how the following analysis is structured. Mostly, the final result of your paper is already mentioned here (being formulated as a need-to-be proofed thesis though). The main part of your paper then is divided in different sections analyzing different parts or aspects of your topic using scientific references as proofs for your statements. This then leads to the final part of your conclusion . The conclusion consists of a short sum up of your analysis and an inferentially answer to your main question.

Afterwards the appendix starts with the bibliography listing all sources you used writing the paper and the index of figures or images if you made use of images or diagrams. It is important to end the paper with a so-called independence declaration or declaration of oath . This formula that can usually be downloaded at the website of your university is a declaration saying that you did all the work on your own without copying somebody else's work (at least not without using the correct way of citation and paraphrasing).

Getting Prepared

Moving on to the more detailed part or approach to such a paper. Some teachers are giving their students concrete questions or present some possibilities the students can choose from. However, mostly the preparation of a concrete, scientific question is your part and can be quite important for the rest of the work. Therefore, you should prepare yourself. Find a topic that may has already been discussed or talked about during the seminar. What is especially interesting for you? Is there something you would like to know more about? Thus, you can look at the reading list of your seminar: Has there been a topic especially critical or outstanding? Which texts do like? Keeping this in mind, you can go on to inform yourself, find texts and problems you’re interested in that can enclose your topic. Particularly for regular term papers usually consisting of ten to 15 pages, your topic needs to be very precise as you have to analyze it in a detailed way. If you tried all that and still don't have a clue what to write about or you have a general idea but cannot think of a concrete question, it is usually possible to talk to your teacher and ask for advice. Often, it is enough to have an idea of the topic and then decide for the concrete question during the literature research.

Literature Research

pile of books

This leads to the next important aspect: the literature research. What has already been researched on your topic? Which important texts should serve as the basis for your paper? Which aspects have been analyzed especially often or critical? Search for primary and secondary sources * consisting of anthologies, monographs, essays, articles, academic papers and if necessary online sources (only if they are valid and trustworthy!). Be aware to use enough but also not too many sources. 80 different sources are too much for a paper of 15 pages, five are not enough. For most study subjects there's the rule of thumb saying you need one to two sources for each page. However, you should ask your teacher about the exact requirements, as they can be quite different sometimes.

As already mentioned, it is very important to make sure you're sources are valid . Therefore, it is most safe to use the l ibrary of your university for your research. If you're not able to find enough sources concerning your topic there or you just want to add another source because you think it fits perfectly you can prove the quality of the source by asking the following questions: Is it written in an adequate, scientific and correct language? Does the text use correct citation rules and valid sources itself? Is the author of the text known and acknowledged for the topic the text deals with? If you're still unsure, you can ask fellow students or teachers. In addition, if you need more sources, it can help to look at the bibliography of the texts you already found. When you start working through the texts then, it is recommendable to take notes and write down some particular significant quotes already. This way you won't have to read everything again during your writing process and can already organize your ideas and thoughts.

*Primary sources are the first books that explained the topic you are talking about in a scientific context. Secondary sources are the sources in which the authors refer to the primary sources and use them to explain their extended view of the topic.

Structure of your Paper

Having decided for a specific thesis topic or question and researched some literature, you can now start to develop a structure to organize your paper. As already mentioned in the beginning, it is possible that some sections change within your writing process. However, the rough structure should be fixed now.

As mentioned as well, the paper consists of three main parts: the introduction, the main part/analysis and the conclusion . While the introduction is shortly explaining the topic and approach of the paper for the reader, the main part is made of discussions, analyses or examinations of your thesis . Ask yourself, if you need to explain some words or basis theories, so the reader will be able to understand your assumptions later on. If that's the case, you should add a short explanation in the first sections of your main part but be aware to keep this parts short as the main part of your work usually should be self-made examinations such as analyses. Depending on the topic, it can make sense sometimes to analyze different aspect at first and compare them later on, to add some fictive or real examples and sometimes to oppose contrasting opinions or positions to each other.

Attention: Different from some English-speaking countries, in Germany it is common to write about both sides of an argument. You don't have to clearly be on one side all the time! Based on this you can now divide your main part into different sections . These do not only help the reader later on to keep the overview but also yourself with organizing and structuring your ideas and thoughts during the writing process. In the main part, it is also especially important to make use of quotes and paraphrases . Therefore, the next section of this article will deal with citation rules. The conclusion then answers the question of your thesis based on the work of your main part. Even here, you can have a split opinion as long as you make sure to prove your assumptions with scientific texts so that your conclusion is not too subjective and therefore still valid.

Citation and Paraphrasing

As already mentioned, it is very important for a term paper that you prove your statements according to citation rules. All the statements or assertions that cannot be described as generally known, i.e. obvious to anyone not familiar with the subject, must be proven by valid sources. As already explained, you should have found your sources in the literature research. Again: Even with minor definitions, websites like Wikipedia are not a valid source! Instead, try to find a specialist dictionary or a textbook on the subject. It is then crucial to state the source correctly. In most cases, you can't just start writing and simply list all the sources used in the bibliography. Instead, you should indicate where you got the facts and statements from for each individual statement or each content-related section of your work. Everything else would be a plagiarism and that is, if it is recognized, not only a clear reason to fail, but also legally punishable.

Basically, you should be able to distinguish between paraphrases and quotations. Paraphrases are the reproduction of texts by others in your own words. Corresponding sections are to be provided with the source reference . One speaks of quotations if you use more than three same words as the original one. These quotes must not only include the source, but also be enclosed in quotation marks . A good piece of work usually has a mixture of direct quotations and paraphrases. Generally, the shorter the work, the more likely it is to dispense with long quotations and better summarize the most important aspects yourself.

There are different systems for the way in which sources are cited. It is therefore crucial that you ask your teachers beforehand what kind of citation is required! In Germany, quoting with footnotes is generally the most common method. For this purpose, a footnote is placed behind the content sections or (always directly behind!) the quotations. At the bottom of the page, you will find the corresponding information about the source including the page number you are referring to. The university of Hamburg summed up the most important rules on the correct structure of your references .

In English seminars, but also in some German disciplines such as linguistics, short references are more common. Here, the references are placed in brackets after the paraphrases or quotations instead of footnotes. As a rule, the author's surname and page number are given only briefly, while the complete source reference can be found in the bibliography. There are also different systems for this. Still, the best known is the MLA system and its rules can be found on its own website . In case of uncertainty, don't be afraid to ask fellow students or professors! If you take care to list all the sources you have consulted both in the body of the text and in the bibliography and, above all, use a uniform style and structure for your references, nothing should go wrong.

Writing Process and Revision

student writing on computer

With all these rules in mind and your concept established through (rough) structuring and literature research, you can start writing. Do not use colloquial phrases, but appropriate technical terms so that your text sounds scientific. It is also important to keep the central theme throughout all chapters, i.e. to make it clear why this excursus, example or argumentation is relevant for your paper.

Once you have finished writing all the chapters, it is time to review the paper for all its important aspects: Have you quoted everything correctly or could plagiarism be accused against you? Have the formal requirements been met (margin, line spacing, font size, etc.)? Is your sentence formation understandable, are grammar and spelling correct? You should revise everything now: Form, structure, choice of words and sentence structure . Writing also means writing over and over again. Have you already created a bibliography and added the signed declaration of independence to your term paper? If you are not sure what the formal requirements are, most universities have created their own guidelines for scientific work, which you can download and use for orientation.


If all these points are fulfilled, you should have your work proofread again by some outsiders. Even if you have already checked your own text many times, you usually lack the objective eye at the end to notice careless mistakes or misleading sentence positions. After all, you know exactly what is supposed to be written or said, but others do not. It is important to schedule enough time for proofreading so that you do not come under time pressure at the end of your work due to the corrections. Give your term paper to people who know what is important in this kind of paper (fellow students) but also to acquaintances who are neither familiar with your studies nor with the topic (brother, sister, father, girlfriend). This way, you should receive appropriate feedback and be able to correct spelling and grammar, as well as the coherence and comprehensibility of the text.

Handing in your Paper and Evaluation

Your paper should be ready for printing now! After your academic paper has survived all the checking measures, you can finally hand it in. It is best to find out in advance whether the lecturer would like to receive the paper as a print version or in digital form (or both). Printed copies usually require a simple stapler or a transparent film to hand in the work. For Bachelor's or Master's thesis , most universities have exact requirements for the print version (e.g. spiral or book binding in multiple copies). In digital form, it is best to save the document in PDF format and send it to the lecturer by email. Sometimes, however, lecturers also explicitly want a Word or OpenOffice file to control the work of digital plagiarism checking systems . However, it is advisable to attach a PDF version to ensure that the read version does not contain formatting errors caused by different program versions or suchlike. In addition, the file name should be clear and understandable so that it doesn't get lost in all the professor's downloads - preferably: TermPaper_ThesisTitle_FirstAndSurname.pdf.

Depending on the lecturer and external conditions, it can take several months before you get your paper back. If you need the grade quickly for your transcript or the something like that you should announce it as early and friendly as possible to your examiner. Usually, they prioritize your evaluation then. Mostly, you will be informed by mail or via the online grading system of the university when the work was graded. Sometimes there are also classic announcements on campus or personal feedback meetings. The advantage of the latter is that you find out exactly what was good and what could be improved in your thesis. If you only receive your grade digitally and don't understand how it came to be, you can also ask your examiner for such an appointment by email.

Your Personal Checklist

When you read the article you will notice that it all sounds like a lot of complicated and exhausting work and to be honest - that's true. But if you have an interesting topic and a lecturer with whom you can get along well, the whole thing often goes much faster and more fun than you first think. Even if that's not the case, you can hardly go wrong with these tips and instructions! In addition, you will become more experienced with each new term paper and at the end of your studies nothing stands in the way of the Bachelor thesis. If you don't write a term paper at all during your studies and only write the (Bachelor) thesis at the end, you will have to consider a few more aspects than those listed here, but the procedure is basically the same and differs, for example, only in the scope, the time required and the precision of the topic. So, don't worry and get to work, then you will soon be able to enjoy your freedom again  J

As a little help for planning your work process, you can also download your personal checklist here, in which all important work steps are summarized again:

Download Checklist

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Term paper writing

Term Paper Writing- Meaning, Format, Components, and 5 steps to writing an excellent Term Paper

Term Paper Meaning

Content Outline

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a term paper writing as a major written assignment in a school or college course representative of a student’s achievement during a term or semester. In other words, a term paper is a form of academic writing written solely by students.

It contains the bulk part of their grades for the term or semester and is aimed at depicting or describing a particular or designated subject matter. Subject matter in this context could refer to an argument, event, concept, or theory.

Importance of a Term Paper

The importance of a term paper in academia includes the following:

  • It serves as a method of boosting the logical thinking of students. This is so because they tend to think and evaluate attributes from different angles while writing a term paper.
  • It is a means or method of boosting the student’s writing skills.
  • It serves as a source of motivation for students. This is so because students are well aware of this particular paper’s academic or grading importance, and thus, they as much as possible to write it correctly to maintain or secure good grades.
  • Similarly and based on the previously stated point, research has proved that students tend to take career paths based on what they write in school.
  • It serves as a means of giving students more insight into different subject matters.

What are the Components of a Term Paper?

A well-structured term paper ought to consist of the following elements or components:

  • Acknowledgement
  • Table of contents
  • List of figures/tables


Literature Review

Research Methodology

Works Cited

            This is the first part or section of any term paper. It ought to consist of the following elements:

  • The name of the writer.
  • The name of the teacher or lecturer of the subject.
  • The discipline of the writer.
  • The date of submission.


The aim of this second part or section of the term paper is to show appreciation to all the people who, at one point in time or another, contributed to the writings or research of the term paper.

Table of Contents

A table of contents contains a comprehensive compilation of all the contents used during the term paper. The term ‘contents’ in this context refers to the headings and subheadings used during the term paper.

List of Tables/Figures

This refers to compiling all the tables or figures used in the term paper. It is situated or placed directly after the table of contents in the term paper.

An abstract is the summary of the contents of a book, article, speech or any other form of formal writing. Hence the aim of an abstract in a term paper is to contain a concise summary of the details or information in the academic piece.

The aim of the introductory section is also to contain a summary and brief overview of the term paper. However, unlike an abstract, it covers a more significant and in-depth ground than the abstract. Examples of elements which ought to be included in the introductory part of the term paper include:

  • A brief overview of the subject matter will be discussed and examined better in the term paper.
  • The reasons why such subject matter was chosen.
  • The methods which can be employed to evaluate or examine the subject matter.
  • The expected results will emerge from the evaluation of the subject matter.

The introductory part of a term paper is its most important section, which should be treated as one. This is so because it gives the readers or examiners a first impression of the term paper; depending on how it was written, it could either be good or bad.

The literature review section in the term paper is where the real work begins. It ought to consist of the following elements:

  • The problem which has emerged(if any) as a result of the subject matter or topic under discussion.
  • The aims and objectives of the subject matter which is being discussed in the term paper.
  • The limitations of the study (i.e. areas about the subject matter which the study will not cover)
  • A review of studies which have already been conducted regarding the topic of study and the results obtained from these studies.

This is another essential section of the term paper; it ought to consist of the following elements:

  • Complete information regarding the modes or methods of research which can be employed to evaluate the subject matter or topic of study.
  • The selection of a particular research method can be considered the ideal one for the research.
  • The expected results ought to emerge from using such a research method .

This section explains in detail the results that emerged as a result of the evaluation of the subject matter or topic of study. Similarly, it can also contain elements like:

  • Whether or not this hypothesis or result is realistic or not.
  • The influence that such results have or will have on society or the world.
  • Recommendations regarding methods in which such results can be adapted or used to solve a designated goal.

This section can be referred to as a reference list or a bibliography . This section aims to provide in detail the works or books used during the research as well as the names of their authors. This particular section is mandatory in every form of academic writing because it serves as a means of avoiding plagiarism. The modes or methods in which the works cited can be written in a term paper tends to vary depending on the nature of study and discipline of the student.

5 steps to writing an excellent Term Paper

It is common for undergraduates, masters or PhD students to be given a term paper assignment by a professor or asked to develop a topic to work on. Term paper constitutes a large part of your course grade, meaning it is crucial. You may be asked to argue a point or describe an event or a concept. These steps below will help you:

  • Get a topic

Sometimes you may not be given a topic to work on; you would have to choose a topic based on your interest, available resources or the amount of time you have been given to work on the paper.

  • Research your chosen topic

Now that you have picked a topic to work on, the next thing you would do is to explore all available materials. You could start by checking your school library for scholarly articles on your topic of interest. The web is the most helpful place to get relevant resources. Read term papers that align with what you are working on and observe the citation style format; it would usually be the title, author, publication, publisher, place of publication, publisher, date and page number. If you are working on a common topic or feel people might know about it, go ahead and talk to them.

  • Organize your term paper as follows -format/outline of a term paper:
  • Abstract (If required)

Ensure you know the number of words you are required to write so you do not exceed the limit. Ensure your cover page has your name, the name of your school and lecturer and the title of your term paper, semester, year and level. Your introduction must contain your topic sentence and supporting details about what you are arguing for. The body of your paper may have subchapters where you will discuss your point or provide answers/evidence to questions you have raised.

  • Write your draft

Arrange the information you have gathered in the manner of your outline. Make sure you verify statistics if you are to use one and be confident of the accuracy and relevancy of your information. After doing this, begin writing but make sure your ideas are related and pay attention to your grammar and vocabulary. When you are done with your first draft, re-write and ensure your sentences flow logically- are coherent.

  • Edit your final draft

This is an essential part of your writing. Look at the paragraphs and ask yourself if each line communicates your idea. Are your thoughts closely linked to one another? Can your reader grasp the meaning of your sentence without misinterpreting it? What about your spelling and vocabulary? A helpful tip will be reading out aloud. Also, check for punctuation errors and your ability to use transitional devices; I would advise that you use a grammar checker ; there are hundreds of them online that you can use to edit your work.

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List of referencing styles- 3 common referencing styles, uses and their importance


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Valeria Gorner

The Basic Elements of Term Paper Format

Term paper • March 2, 2009

Term Paper Format defines the Organization of the Paper

If you know main elements of term paper structure or basic term paper format, it is not so difficult to write a term paper. Term paper starts with an introduction, continues with main body and ends with a conclusion. There is no term paper without a title page, outline and reference page.

Term paper

The title page comes first. This element of the term paper format informs about the title of the report, the name of an author (student’s name), professor’s name, due date and the name of the course.

The outline comes next. It demonstrates the draft of the work, where arguments are introduced. It helps to know the main paths which the author chooses when writing term paper. The introduction presents the problems of the research. It is the part of the work where the thesis statement is given. The writer describes his main goal and all the means to achieve it.

The biggest part of the term paper format is the main body . Here the author develops the thesis statement and discusses the problems. All the evidence, proofs, facts are discussed in detail in this part. The writer explains his points and position. This part contains citations which require proper formatting. Thus every student must know how to cite a paper and use the required citation style format.

The paper ends with the conclusion . This part summarizes all the arguments, presenting the results of the research. Everything mentioned in the conclusion should be based on the facts and proofs presented in the main body.

The last part is the Reference page . This is a list of all sources used in the process of the research. It presents the name of the scholars or other authors, the year of publication of their works, the page number where the required information has been found.

It is absolutely impossible to say that one part of the term paper is more important that the other one. Each section requires much attention and scrupulous approach; all of the paper sections function as integral parts of a common unit. When the format of term paper is broken then the writer will never attain a pinnacle of success.

Every student must remember that a well-organized paper is half of a battle. It provides organization, completeness, comprehension, and readability of the work. The completed work should be a good example for those who do not know how to make a research paper . That is why this information is really very important and everyone should pay much attention to it.

Besides, anyone should not forget that they can buy research paper or essays in custom essay writing service companies and solve the problem at once. Qualified custom writers are knowledgeable about the basic elements of the term paper format and write the custom term paper according to the professor’s recommendations. Be sure to get the work in a week or less instead of working hard without tangible result.

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Term Paper Examples

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893 Term Paper examples are found

5 Ways Intersectionality Affects Diversity and Inclusion at Work, Term Paper Example

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Combating Climate Change Successfully Through COP26 Glasgow 2021, Term Paper Example

The 26th conference of the parties COP26 held in Glasgow in 2021 was a significant moment in global politics to pursue the participation of various countries in addressing the climate [...]

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Telehealth, Term Paper Example

Telehealth technology has been increasingly used as a means of providing healthcare services to patients, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of telehealth technology raises ethical, legal, and safety [...]

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Impact of Spanish, Mexican, and Anglo Social Ordering on Mexican-American Culture in California, Term Paper Example

Since California has been ruled by the Spanish, the Mexicans, and the English, the culture of Mexican Americans in the state has evolved at various times. A considerable portion of [...]

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Empowerment and Social Change, Term Paper Example

The films Calendar Girls (2022) and Raise the Bar (2021) explore empowerment and social change themes. Both films revolve around female protagonists who challenge stereotypes and cultural norms to pursue [...]

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Directed Energy Ethics, Term Paper Example

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Sample Format of Term Paper

A term paper is an academic assignment, which is supposed to be written during a term and is responsible for at least 20% of the mark the student finally gets. In a term paper the student researches at length some subject (event, notion, point of view), related to the work done within the academic term. Generally, it is several typed pages, organized in conformity with strict format, which is of no less concern for the one who writes it, than the paper’s actual contents. A term paper is rather close in meaning to a research paper, still they aren’t identical.

The title page should represent the paper’s title, your name, the name of your tutor, the course’s title and the date of completion in the centre of the page, each entry on a separate line. It is followed by the table of contents, enumerating all the segments of the paper.

Abstract of the page (also called summary) can be a rather short (less than a page) outline of what the paper is about, what its main issue is, why it deserves attention and what have you found out in its concern.

Introductory paragraph interprets the main issue of the paper in a more elaborate manner, represents the review of opinions on it, popular in modern thought, explains why it is important and what your suggestions are.

Method paragraph  section is dedicated to the techniques you used looking for data and processing it, as well as your ideas concerning the relevance of information you’ve collected.

Results  paragraph is aimed to reveal and focus on both results and conclusions made throughout the research and explain if they can be regarded as an interpretation to the questions that were mentioned in the introductory part.

To conclude, discussion shows the actual meaning of your results, what conclusions can be made on them and how they can be recognized in a broader context.

How to make your term paper successful if you haven’t written it before?

Sure, we did our best to provide you with the most understandable guide on term paper writing. It shows you the main points you need to follow and take into account while writing your paper to succeed in it.

However, you will not be the exception if you get stuck halfway in the process of writing . True, such type of assignment as a term paper requires a scrupulous approach, time and confidence that you are doing it right. To complete any term paper successfully, you need some background experience. If you haven’t had any yet, then it will be better for you to search for any examples and samples of works to understand how the work should be completed and formatted. You’ll find lots of samples on the web, as well as in our blog on this website. They may be not on your subject and topic, but the main idea will be clear.

You need a plan! Above on this page we have mentioned the main parts that must be included into your term paper. To make them work for you, first you need to look for the sources and information that you can include into your work. You must have already got the instructions where the main criteria are mentioned. They may be about using only the articles from scientific journals and never from the Internet. In any of the cases you must follow the recommendations and gather as many information as possible on your topic to know how many pages each paragraph can include.

Then you can make a checklist for each paragraph. Why do this? This will help you understand whether you have included the main points that should be highlighted in the work.

Why WriteMyPapers.org is the best place to order your term paper?

If you do not feel too confident about writing a term paper by yourself, you can always count on our writers’ help.

We guarantee that you will get your term paper written according to your instructions, if you have any. This will include the number of sources, the contents that should be researched in the work, and formatting according to the style needed. Of course, the work will be delivered by the deadline specified by you in the order. To give us more time and pay even less money, just place your order in advance . In any case, our writers at WriteMyPapers.org will do good job for you!

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Example Term Paper Format

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  1. How to Write a Term Paper Step-by-step Guide with Examples

    Body Paragraphs. As a rule, in writing college term papers, one must write down several subheadings and headings to divide ideas and arguments into several (at least four) paragraphs. As done below, each body paragraph should contain one idea and a strong topic sentence. Heading 1: History of the argument and background.

  2. Term Paper

    Example: "The Case for Renewable Energy Sources over Fossil Fuels". 3. Definition Term Papers. Definition: Explores the meaning and implications of a specific concept or term. Purpose: To clarify and define a concept in depth. Example: "Defining Social Justice in Modern Society". 4. Compare and Contrast Term Papers.

  3. PDF Example Term Paper Format

    Example Term Paper Format ECON 460 November 19, 2011 Abstract The following paper is an example of the appropriate stlyle, layout and format for an term paper or essay in an economics course. All papers should have a title page that contains the following: 1. Title of the Paper 2. Course Number and Instructor 3. Your name and student number 4. Date

  4. Fillable Template and Sample Paper

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  5. Term Paper: Definition, Outline and Examples

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  6. How to Write A Term Paper: Examples and Samples with Topics

    Identify the purpose of the paper. Come up with a thesis statement that shows the exact idea and reflects the type of paper. Place it at the end of the introduction. Start with research earlier. Discover auxiliary and essential sources for your research. Gather materials before creating a term paper outline.

  7. (PDF) Steps for Writing a Term Paper

    Begin typing about 10 spaces down from the top of the paper. Center and space the material to fit the full page, leaving a one-inch margin at the bottom. Table of Contents: Type heading 1½ to 2 inches from top of paper. Center text 3 spaces down from heading.

  8. Term Paper Format and Outline

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  9. How to Write a Term Paper

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  11. Term Paper Format

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  12. How to Write a Term Paper: Structure, Example and Format?

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  13. How Do you Write a Term Paper?

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  14. Term Paper Writing- Meaning, Format, Components, and 5 steps to writing

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  16. Term Paper Examples for College Students

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  19. Term paper || Easy Term paper format || Sample Term paper

    Hello all!LLT(Let's Learn Together) is a channel where you can learn and get information about study-related content.Do like, share and subscribe for more kn...

  20. Simple Term Paper Format

    Simple Term Paper Format - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. simple term paper format

  21. Term Paper Format Sample

    term-paper-format-sample 4 Downloaded from resources.caih.jhu.edu on 2019-12-25 by guest enrichment of its mayor and his family, and the family of a wealthy local businessman. ... and simple steps to guide students through the essay-writing process. Homework Helpers: Essays

  22. Simple Term Paper Format

    Simple Term Paper Format - 4.9/5. Meet Robert! His research papers on information technology and design earn the highest scores. Robert is a safe pick for everyone who values quality, adherence to requirements, and custom approach. We use cookies to make your user experience better. By staying on our website, you fully accept it.

  23. (PDF) Example Term Paper Format

    See Full PDFDownload PDF. Example Term Paper Format ECON 460 November 19, 2011 Abstract The following paper is an example of the appropriate stlyle, layout and format for an term paper or essay in an economics course. All papers should have a title page that contains the following: 1. Title of the Paper 2. Course Number and Instructor 3.