395 Democracy Essay Topics & Research Questions: Elections, American Democracy, and More

What is democracy? The word “democracy” has Greek roots. It combines two words: “demos,” which refers to people residing within a specific country, and “kratos,” which means power. Democracy ensures that all citizens have the same rights regardless of their background, race, religion, or sexual orientation. It also raises people’s sense of civic dignity.

In this article, we’ll explain how to write an essay on democracy and give some helpful tips. Keep reading to find out more.

  • 🔝 Top Democracy Essay Topics

📝 Democracy Essay Prompts

  • 💡 Democracy Research Questions
  • ✍🏻 Democracy Essay Topics
  • 🎤 Democracy Speech Topics
  • ✅ Essay on Democracy: Outline

🔗 References

🔝 top 12 democracy essay topics.

  • Democracy as public justification.
  • Freedom and democratic authority.
  • What are the main problems with democratic governance?
  • The role of democracy in the modern world.
  • The development of democracy.
  • The influence of democracy on the young generation.
  • The connection between human rights and democracy.
  • What are the key features of democracy?
  • The value of democracy.
  • Democracy as collective self-rule.
  • The demands of democratic participation.
  • Limits to the authority of democracy.

The picture suggests topics for an essay about democracy.

Many students find writing a college essay on democracy to be a stressful task. For this reason, we’ve prepared some essay prompts and tips to help students improve their writing skills.

What Is Democracy: Essay Prompt

Democracy is a form of government that has played an essential role in reshaping societies from monarchical, imperial, and conquest-driven systems into ones founded on sovereignty and harmonious cohabitation principles. Here are some of the questions you can use for your essay:

  • What is the definition of democracy?
  • Why do we need democracy?
  • Where did democracy initially come into existence?
  • What distinguishes democracy from other forms of government?
  • Why is education important for democracy?
  • What is democracy’s primary flaw?
  • What poses the most significant risk to democracy?

Disadvantages of Democracy: Essay Prompt

One disadvantage of democracy is that it can sometimes lead to slow decision-making due to the need for consensus and majority agreement. There’s also a risk of overlooking the interests of the minority. Finally, democratic systems can be susceptible to manipulation and misinformation, potentially leading to uninformed or misguided decisions by the electorate. In your essay, you may focus on the following aspects:

  • The issue of corruption . A democratic leader is only in power for a limited time. As a result, there’s a tendency to make money through the use of authority.
  • Unfair business . Political leaders advocate unfair commercial practices to get support for political campaigns.
  • Misuse of media . Often, the media attempts to deceive the public to influence their voting behavior.

Democracy vs. Totalitarianism: Essay Prompt

Totalitarianism and democracy are opposing forms of government. Whereas democracy values equal rights and citizens’ participation in the government, in a totalitarian system, the leader’s word is the law, and the state has all the power. To compare totalitarianism and democracy in your essay, you may discuss these points:

  • Origin of totalitarianism and democracy;
  • Public opinion on these forms of governance;
  • Law and discretion;
  • Minority rights and their importance;
  • Internal enemies of totalitarianism and democracy.

Capitalism vs Democracy: Essay Prompt

Capitalism and democracy spread throughout the Western world during the 20th century. The fundamental distinction between the two concepts is that democracy is a form of government and a political system, while capitalism is an economic system.

In your essay, you can discuss the following questions:

  • What is the connection between capitalism and democracy?
  • What are the main goals and values of capitalism/democracy?
  • What does capitalism/democracy mean today?
  • What are the examples of capitalism/democracy?
  • Why is capitalism /democracy harmful?

💡 Research Questions about Democracy

  • How does a society’s education level impact the strength of its democratic institutions?
  • What role does media freedom play in promoting democratic values?
  • Relationship between economic development and political democratization.
  • How does income inequality affect the functioning of democratic systems?
  • What are the key factors that contribute to the stability of democratic governments?
  • How does the level of political participation among citizens influence the quality of democracy?
  • Researching the concept of democracy.
  • What is the role of political parties in shaping democratic governance?
  • How does the use of technology impact democratic processes and decision-making?
  • Asian economic development and democratization.
  • Does the presence of a strong judiciary contribute to the consolidation of democracy in a country?
  • How does the level of trust among citizens affect democratic practices?
  • What impact does gender equality have on the strength of democratic institutions?
  • The equality of income or wealth depending on democracy.
  • How does ethnic diversity influence the stability of democratic governments?
  • What role do non-governmental organizations play in promoting democratic values?
  • The democratic style of leadership.
  • How does government transparency impact citizens’ trust in democratic institutions?
  • How does the separation of powers principle contribute to democratic governance?
  • What impact do direct democratic mechanisms, such as referendums, have on decision-making processes?
  • How do political parties strengthen democracy?
  • How does the presence of independent media impact the accountability of political leaders in a democracy?
  • What is the role of civil society in ensuring the effectiveness of democratic governance?
  • Martin Luther Jr. “Jail Letter” and Aung San Kyi’s democracy excerpt.
  • How does the integration of minority communities impact the inclusiveness of democratic systems?
  • Does the involvement of citizens in local governance contribute to stronger democratic practices?
  • What role does the rule of law play in establishing a democratic society?
  • What are the impacts of social media on democracy ?
  • What factors contribute to the erosion of democratic norms and values?
  • What impact do international agreements have on the promotion and consolidation of democracy?
  • Democracy: pluralist theory and elite theory .
  • How does the role of money in politics influence the democratic decision-making process?
  • What impact do international human rights standards have on protecting citizens’ rights within a democracy?
  • What role does decentralization play in promoting democratic governance?
  • What is the impact of technology on democracy?
  • How does the level of government accountability impact the overall functioning of a democracy?
  • What is the relationship between economic development and the sustainability of democratic systems?
  • Comparison of democracy levels in Uruguay and Venezuela.
  • How does the level of political polarization impact the effectiveness of democratic governance?
  • What role do regional and international organizations play in supporting the nascent democracies?
  • How does the balance of power between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches influence democratic decision-making ?
  • What are the key challenges faced by young democracies?
  • What role does public opinion play in shaping democratic policies?
  • Middle East democratization.
  • How does the level of political corruption impact the functioning of democratic institutions?
  • What impact does globalization have on the democratic governance of nation-states?
  • What are the consequences of restrictions on freedom of expression in democratic societies?
  • Social media regulation and future of democracy.
  • What role do international democracy promotion programs play in supporting democratic transitions?
  • How do different cultural and historical contexts shape the understanding and practice of democracy?
  • Democracy and Western cultural values worldwide.
  • What factors contribute to democratic backsliding in countries that have previously experienced democratic transitions?
  • How does the presence of proportional representation contribute to inclusive and representative democratic governance?
  • What role do civic education and political literacy play in a democracy?
  • How does the level of social media usage impact the spread of disinformation and its effect on democratic processes?
  • African political parties’ endeavour for the implementation of the democracy.
  • How do citizen participation mechanisms, such as participatory budgeting, impact democratic decision-making?
  • How does the level of political party system fragmentation impact the effectiveness of democratic governance?
  • What role does the protection of minority rights play in establishing and sustaining democratic societies?
  • How does the level of regional integration influence the democratic governance and decision-making of member states?
  • The Australian Labor Party and the American Democrats: similarities and differences .
  • What impact does income distribution have on citizens’ satisfaction with democratic systems?
  • How does the presence of a strong civil service impact the capacity and efficiency of democratic governance?
  • What factors contribute to successful democratic transitions in countries with a history of authoritarian rule?
  • How does the level of trust in key democratic institutions impact overall democratic stability?
  • What factors contribute to economic failure in democracies?
  • What role does political leadership play in establishing and maintaining strong democratic systems?

Democracy and Elections Research Paper Topics

  • The impact of voter ID laws on democratic participation.
  • The influence of campaign finance spending on electoral outcomes.
  • Political participation and voting as democracy features.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion during elections.
  • The effectiveness of electoral college systems in representing the will of the people.
  • The effectiveness of international election observation missions in ensuring electoral integrity.
  • The impact of electronic voting systems on election integrity.
  • The role of political advertising in shaping voter preferences.
  • Low voter participation in democratic countries.
  • The relationship between political polarization and voter turnout.
  • The effectiveness of voter education programs in promoting informed decision-making.
  • The effect of voter suppression tactics on democratic participation.
  • The influence of party endorsement on candidate success in elections.
  • The impact of gender and ethnicity on political representation in elected offices.
  • Voting: democracy, freedom, and political agency.
  • The effectiveness of campaign debates in informing voter choices.
  • The influence of social factors and peer networks on political affiliation and voting behavior.
  • The effect of negative campaigning on voter perceptions and candidate success.
  • The role of non-traditional media sources in shaping public opinion during elections.
  • The role of technology in enhancing election monitoring and ensuring transparent and secure voting processes.
  • Electoral systems in a democratic country.
  • The influence of disinformation campaigns on voter behavior and their implications for electoral integrity.
  • The challenges and opportunities of implementing online voting systems for improving accessibility and election integrity.
  • The impact of non-voters and their reasons for not participating in the democratic process.
  • The impact of campaign advertising on voter behavior in democratic elections.
  • The role of social media platforms in electoral outcomes in democratic societies.
  • “The Electoral College Is the Greatest Threat to Our Democracy” by Bouie.
  • Electoral reforms and their effects on voter turnout and representation in democracies.
  • The influence of demographic factors and socioeconomic status on voting patterns in democratic elections.
  • The challenges and opportunities of implementing electronic voting systems to enhance the integrity and efficiency of democratic elections.

E-Democracy Research Topics

  • Digital divide and its implications for e-democracy.
  • Role of social media in promoting online political engagement.
  • E-government and democracy.
  • Challenges and opportunities for e-petitions as a form of democratic expression.
  • Cybersecurity challenges in ensuring secure and reliable e-voting systems.
  • Role of e-democracy in improving representation and inclusivity in decision-making processes.
  • Ethical considerations in the collection and use of personal data for e-democracy purposes.
  • Use of blockchain technology in enhancing transparency and trustworthiness in e-democracy.
  • The use of technology in promoting transparency and accountability in government.
  • American e-government and public administration.
  • Influences of online political advertising on voter behavior.
  • The potential of online deliberative platforms in fostering inclusive public discourse.
  • The role of online communities in mobilizing citizens for political action.
  • Effects of online platforms on political campaign strategies and communication tactics.
  • Use of technology in expanding access to information and knowledge for informed citizenship.
  • Strategies for building trust in e-government.
  • Evaluation of online political education programs and their impact on citizen engagement.
  • Open government initiatives and their role in fostering e-democracy .
  • Digital activism and its effectiveness in driving social and political change.
  • Online tools for monitoring and preventing disinformation and fake news in political discourse.
  • Role of digital identity verification in ensuring the integrity of e-democracy processes.
  • Challenges and opportunities for e-democracy in authoritarian regimes.
  • Public trust and perceived legitimacy of e-democracy systems and processes.

✍🏻 Topics for Essays about Democracy

Democracy argumentative essay topics.

  • The role of public protests in strengthening democracy.
  • The role of youth engagement in shaping the future of democracy.
  • Is the Democratic Party the Labour Party of the US ?
  • Should there be limits on freedom of speech in a democracy to prevent hate speech?
  • The tensions between national security and civil liberties in a democratic context.
  • Is direct democracy a more effective form of governance than representative democracy?
  • The United States is not really a democracy.
  • The significance of an independent judiciary in upholding democratic principles.
  • The importance of a robust and unbiased public education system for a thriving democracy.
  • Compulsory voting: is it compatible with democracy?
  • The impact of income inequality on democratic participation and representation.
  • The significance of constitutional reforms in addressing the challenges faced by democracies .
  • Does the digital age pose a threat to the principles of democracy?
  • Should prisoners have a right to vote in a democratic system?
  • Are referendums effective tools for democratic decision-making?
  • Democracy vs. other types of government .
  • Does the media have a responsibility to promote democratic principles and accountability?
  • Can a democratic government effectively balance national security and civil liberties?
  • Should there be limitations on the freedom of peaceful assembly and protest in a democracy?
  • Democracy is the tyranny of the majority over the minority.
  • Is the rise of populist movements a threat to democratic values?
  • Does globalization undermine national sovereignty and democratic decision-making?
  • Democracy: Durbin’s, Duckworth’s, and Krishinamoorthi’s positions.
  • Should judges be elected or appointed in a democratic system?
  • Is a strong independent judiciary essential for a healthy democracy?
  • Is the EU an example of a successful democratic regional integration project?
  • How can we provide political representation for non-citizens in a democratic society?
  • Is democracy a universal value, or should different cultures be allowed to adopt different governance models?
  • Democracy in the US: is it real today?
  • Should democratic governments prioritize economic growth or social welfare policies?
  • Should there be restrictions on the power of political parties in a democracy?
  • Is there a tension between individual rights and collective decision-making in a democratic society?
  • The role of national identity and multiculturalism in shaping democratic societies.
  • The effectiveness of citizen initiatives and participatory democracy.
  • Federal system’s pros and cons from a democratic perspective.
  • The importance of accountability and transparency in ensuring the functioning of democracy.
  • Should religion play a role in political decision-making in a democracy?
  • Does a two-party system hinder the development of democracy?
  • The influence of corporate power on democratic decision-making processes.
  • The tension between individual rights and collective needs in democratic societies.
  • Has the US government become more of or less of a republic, a confederation, or a democracy?
  • The role of education in fostering active and informed citizenry in a democracy.
  • Is a multi-party system more conducive to a healthy and inclusive democracy?
  • Should there be restrictions on political advertising to ensure fairness and transparency in democratic elections?
  • Should corporations have the same rights as individuals in democratic legal systems?
  • Is it necessary to separate church and state in a democratic society?
  • How democratic was the new Constitution and the Bill of Rights?
  • Should there be mandatory civics education to promote democratic values and participation?
  • Should there be age restrictions on political officeholders in a democracy?
  • Should digital voting be implemented to increase participation and transparency in elections?

American Democracy Essay Topics

  • The historical development of American democracy: from the Founding Fathers to the present.
  • The significance of the American Constitution and its amendments in ensuring democratic governance in the United States.
  • Government: United States Constitution and democracy.
  • The impact of the American Revolution on the birth of American democracy.
  • The separation of powers and checks and balances in the US government.
  • The significance of the Bill of Rights in protecting individual freedoms within American democracy.
  • Democracy: the Unites States of America.
  • The challenges and opportunities of citizen participation in American democratic processes.
  • The contributions of influential figures such as Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton to the development of American democracy.
  • Dahl’s “How Democratic Is the American Constitution?”
  • The evolution of political parties in American democracy: from the Federalists and Anti-Federalists to the Democrats and Republicans.
  • The role of the Constitution in establishing and safeguarding American democracy.
  • The two-party system and democracy in the US.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on expanding democratic rights and equality in America.
  • The ways media influences public opinion and its impact on American democracy.
  • The influence of money in American politics and its effects on democratic processes.
  • American democracy v. the social democracy: the healthcare system.
  • The impact of the women’s suffrage movement on democratic participation and gender equality.
  • The role of activism and social movements in shaping American democracy .
  • The influence of third-party candidates on American democracy and election outcomes.
  • Advancing democracy in the United States.
  • The challenges and reforms associated with the electoral college system in American democracy.
  • The impact of the progressive movement on democratic governance and social welfare.
  • Democracy and tyranny in the United States.
  • The role of the American presidency in shaping and upholding democratic principles.
  • The historical relationship between religious freedom and American democracy.
  • The influence of the labor movement on workers’ rights and democratic policies.
  • Analysis of democracy in the USA.
  • The significance of the New Deal and Great Society programs in fostering economic fairness and democratic values.
  • The impact of the Cold War on American democracy and the preservation of democratic ideals abroad.
  • Democracy in the United States of America.
  • The challenges and reforms associated with campaign finance regulations in American democracy.
  • The impact of modern technology on American democracy, including social media, data privacy, and online political engagement.
  • Democracy in America: elites, interest groups, and average citizens.
  • The significance of presidential debates in shaping public opinion and democratic decision-making.
  • The role of state and local governments in American democracy and their relationship with the federal government.
  • The impact of the Electoral College on presidential elections and its implications for democratic representation.
  • Interest groups in the American democratic system.
  • The relationship between media bias and democratic discourse in American democracy.
  • The impact of the populist movement, both historically and in contemporary politics, on American democracy.
  • The role of the First Amendment in protecting and promoting free speech in American democracy.
  • “What Republicans and Democrats Are Doing in the States Where They Have Total Power”: analysis.
  • The influence of foreign policy decisions on American democracy and the balance between national security and democratic values.
  • American women’s historical struggles and triumphs in achieving suffrage and fighting for equal rights in American democracy.
  • The shifting nature of American democracy.
  • The impact of the Black Lives Matter movement on public discourse, democratic activism, and policy change.
  • The labor movement’s influence on workers’ rights, economic policies, and democratic representation.
  • The US democracy’s promotion in the Middle East.
  • The significance of federalism in the American democratic system and the balance of power between states and the federal government.
  • The importance of a free and independent press in American democracy.
  • Democratic traditions in early American colonies.
  • The influence of religious groups on American politics, democratic decision-making, and social policy.
  • The role of non-governmental organizations in promoting democratic values, human rights, and social justice in America.
  • Edmund Morgan: the views of American democracy.
  • The protection of minority rights and the principle of majority rule in American democracy.
  • The role of civil society organizations in promoting and strengthening American democracy.

Jacksonian Democracy Essay Topics

  • The main principles and goals of Jacksonian Democracy.
  • The impact of Jacksonian Democracy on expanding voting and political participation.
  • Andrew Jackson’s first inaugural address.
  • The role of populism in shaping Jacksonian Democracy.
  • The controversy surrounding Jackson’s Indian Removal policies.
  • The influence of Jacksonian Democracy on the development of the two-party system.
  • The impact of the “Kitchen Cabinet” and informal advisors on Jackson’s presidency.
  • The economic policies of Jacksonian Democracy and its effect on the national economy.
  • The antebellum capitalism and Jeffersonians and Jacksonians capitalist ideals.
  • The expansion of land ownership and westward expansion under Jacksonian Democracy.
  • The role of women in Jacksonian Democracy and the early suffrage movement.
  • The controversy surrounding Jackson’s veto of the Bank of the United States.
  • The impact of Jacksonian Democracy on Native American rights and sovereignty.
  • The legacy of Jacksonian Democracy and its influence on subsequent political movements.
  • The significance of the Democratic Party’s rise during the Jacksonian era.
  • Andrew Jackson presidency: society, politics, veto.
  • The impact of Jacksonian Democracy on the growth of economic opportunities for common people.
  • The relationship between Jacksonian Democracy and the rise of American nationalism.
  • The role of newspapers and media in promoting or opposing Jacksonian Democracy.
  • The controversies surrounding Jackson’s removal of government deposits from the Bank of the United States.
  • The response of marginalized groups, such as Native Americans and African Americans, to Jacksonian Democracy.
  • The impact of Jacksonian Democracy on the development of the American presidency and executive power.
  • The long-term effects of Jacksonian Democracy on American political and social identity.

Questions about Democracy for Essays

  • What are the key principles and values of democracy?
  • How does democracy promote individual freedoms and rights?
  • “Democracy and Collective Identity in the EU and the USA”: article analysis.
  • What are the different forms of democracy, and how do they vary?
  • How does democracy ensure accountability and transparency in governance?
  • Concepts of democracy and wealth.
  • What is the role of elections in a democratic system?
  • How does democracy promote political participation and citizen engagement?
  • Discussion of democracy assignment.
  • What are the main challenges to democracy in the modern world?
  • How does democracy protect minority rights and prevent majority tyranny?
  • What are the political concepts of democracy and nationalism?
  • How does the media influence democratic processes and outcomes?
  • What role do political parties play in a democratic system?
  • What are representative democracy and its constituents?
  • How does democracy address social and economic inequalities?
  • What is the relationship between democracy and human rights ?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of direct democracy?
  • How does democracy impact economic development and prosperity?
  • Democracy description as a political system.
  • What role does the judiciary play in a democratic system?
  • How does democracy address issues of social justice and equality?
  • What are the implications of globalization for democracy?
  • Can democracy exist without a well-informed citizenry and a free press?
  • Democratic and authoritarian states .
  • How does democracy respond to extremist ideologies and populism?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of representative democracy?
  • How does democracy promote peaceful transitions of power?
  • How does democracy foster social cohesion and national unity?
  • How does democracy ensure the protection of civil liberties?
  • What is the nature and performance of Indonesia’s new democracy?
  • How does democracy reconcile the tension between majority rule and minority rights?
  • What are the roles of civil society and non-governmental organizations in a democracy?
  • How does democracy deal with issues of environmental sustainability?
  • Democracy: evolution of the political thought.
  • What are the effects of money and lobbying on democratic processes?
  • How does democracy guarantee freedom of speech and expression?
  • What is the Canadian political culture and democracy?
  • What is the impact of education and civic education on democracy?
  • How does democracy address the challenges of pluralism and diversity?
  • What are the implications of digital technologies for democracy?
  • The French Revolution: failed democracy and Napoleon .
  • What role does international cooperation play in fostering democracy?
  • How does democracy address the power imbalance between different societal groups?
  • What are the reasons for the failure of democracy in South America?
  • What are the historical origins of democracy and its evolution over time?
  • How does democracy protect the rights of marginalized and vulnerable populations?
  • What are the political apathy and low voter turnout consequences in a democracy?
  • How does democracy handle situations of crisis and emergency?
  • Democracy as a socio-political phenomenon.
  • What is the role of public opinion in democratic decision-making?
  • How does democracy ensure fair representation and inclusivity ?
  • What are the mechanisms in place to hold elected officials accountable in a democracy?

🎤 Topics about Democracy for Speeches

  • The importance of democracy in safeguarding individual freedoms and human rights.
  • The historical evolution of democracy: from ancient Athens to modern-day governance.
  • The essential concepts and principles of democracy.
  • Democratic revolutions and their impact on shaping the world.
  • The role of citizen participation in a thriving democracy.
  • Exploring the concept of direct democracy: can it work on a large scale?
  • Backsliding of democracy: examples and preventive measures.
  • The role of media in fostering accountability in a democracy.
  • Striving for gender equality and women’s empowerment within democratic frameworks.
  • Democracy and efforts to emphasize it.
  • The influence of money and campaign finance on democratic processes.
  • Democracy and social justice: addressing inequalities and discrimination.
  • The impact of education in building a democratic society.
  • The Republican and Democratic parties: issues, beliefs, and philosophy.
  • Democracy and the environment: Promoting sustainable practices .
  • The relation between democracy and economic development.
  • Mexico’s globalization and democratization.
  • The significance of a strong, independent judiciary in upholding the rule of law in a democracy.
  • The potential benefits and drawbacks of digital technology on democracy.
  • Youth engagement and the future of democracy.
  • Democracy: equality of income and egalitarianism.
  • Democracy in the face of political polarization and extremism.
  • Democracy and cultural diversity : balancing majority rule and minority rights.
  • Democratic society and the capitalist system.
  • The importance of civic education in nurturing active and informed citizens.
  • Democracy and peace: how democratic nations tend to avoid armed conflicts.
  • The role of international organizations in promoting democracy worldwide.
  • The struggle for democracy: bureaucracy.
  • Social media and democracy: examining their impact on political discourse.
  • Democracy and global governance: the need for collaborative decision-making.
  • Democratization processes that have reshaped societies.
  • The implications of demographic changes on democratic representation.
  • The challenges of ensuring democracy in times of crisis and emergency.
  • Democracy and immigration: the role of inclusive policies and integration.
  • Corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • The responsibility of democratic nations in addressing global challenges (e.g., climate change, pandemics).
  • The effects of fake news and disinformation on democratic societies.
  • Democrats and communists in 1950.
  • Democratic reforms: lessons learned from successful transitions.
  • The role of intellectuals and artists in promoting democratic values and ideals.
  • Democracy and the future of work: navigating technological advancements and automation.
  • Safeguard of democracy is education.
  • The importance of strong civil society organizations to democracy.
  • Democracy and national security: striking the balance between safety and civil liberties.
  • Representing the democracy of Florida.
  • The significance of a robust social welfare system in ensuring democratic stability.
  • Democracy and accountability in the age of surveillance and privacy concerns .
  • The future prospects of democracy: challenges and opportunities in the 21st century.
  • Democratic regime and liberation movements.
  • The role of transitional justice in post-authoritarian democracies.
  • Democratic decision-making: weighing majority opinion against expert knowledge.
  • The topic of democracy in various speeches.
  • Democracy and educational policy: the need for equitable access to quality education.
  • The influence of cultural, religious, and ideological diversity on democratic governance.
  • Democracy and intergenerational justice: balancing present needs with future aspirations.
  • Biden warns of US peril from Trump’s ‘dagger’ at democracy.

Democracy Debate Topics

  • Is direct democracy a practical and effective form of governance?
  • Should there be term limits for political officeholders in a democracy?
  • Social democratic welfare state.
  • Is compulsory voting necessary for a thriving democratic system?
  • Is money in politics a threat to democratic integrity?
  • Should there be limits on campaign spending in democratic elections?
  • Social democracy vs. social policy.
  • Should felons have the right to vote in a democracy?
  • Can social media platforms ensure fair and unbiased political discourse in a democracy?
  • Why does democracy work and why doesn’t it?
  • Is proportional representation more democratic than a winner-takes-all electoral system?
  • Should there be stricter regulations on political lobbying in a democracy?
  • Is it necessary to establish a global democracy to tackle global challenges?
  • Is the concept of majority rule compatible with protecting minority rights in a democracy?
  • Is populism a threat or an asset to democracy?
  • The struggle for democracy: how politics captures people’s interest?
  • Should the voting age be lowered to increase youth participation in democracy?
  • Should corporations have a say in democratic decision-making processes?
  • Is a strong centralized government or decentralized governance better for democracy?
  • Should the internet be regulated to protect its users from misinformation?
  • Is democracy the best form of government ?
  • Should religious institutions have a role in democratic governance?
  • Is international intervention justified to promote democracy in authoritarian regimes ?
  • Is a multi-party democracy more representative than a two-party system?
  • Should immigration policies be determined through democratic processes?

✅ Outline for an Essay About Democracy

We’ve prepared a mini guide to help you structure your essay on democracy. You’ll also find some examples below.

Democracy Essay Introduction

Would you like to learn how to write a strong essay introduction? We are here for you! The introduction is the first paragraph of your essay, so it needs to provide context, capture the reader’s attention, and present the main topic or argument of an essay or paper. It also explains what readers can expect from the rest of the text. A good introduction should include:

  • Hook . A hook is a compelling, attention-grabbing opening sentence designed to engage the reader’s interest and curiosity. It aims to draw the reader into the essay or paper by presenting an intriguing fact, anecdote, question, or statement related to the topic.
  • Background information . Background information provides context and helps readers understand the subject matter before delving into the main discussion or argument.
  • Thesis statement . It’s a sentence in the introduction part of the essay. A thesis statement introduces the paper’s main point, argument, or purpose, guiding and informing the reader about the essay’s focus and direction.

Hook : “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” ― Winston S. Churchill.

Thesis statement : Democracy has endured the test of time, and although other forms of governance have failed, democracy has stayed firm.

Essay on Democracy: Body Paragraphs

Body paragraphs are critical in writing a great college essay. There are 5 main steps you can follow to write a compelling body paragraph:

  • Create a topic sentence.
  • Provide the evidence.
  • Explain how the evidence relates to the main points.
  • Explain why your arguments are relevant.
  • Add transition to the following paragraph.

Topic sentence : In a democratic system of governance, supreme authority rests with the people and is exercised through a framework of representation, often involving regular, unrestricted elections.

Supporting evidence : Democracy allows residents to participate in creating laws and public policies by electing their leaders; consequently, voters should be educated to select the best candidate for the ruling government.

Essay about Democracy: Conclusion

The conclusion is the final part of an academic essay. It should restate the thesis statement and briefly summarize the key points. Refrain from including new ideas or adding information to the conclusion.

There are 3 crucial components to the conclusion:

  • Rephrased thesis statement.
  • Summary of main points.
  • Thought-provoking or memorable closing statement.

Rephrased thesis statement : To conclude, democracy is a form of government that has proven its effectiveness and resilience in contrast to other governance systems.

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  • Thesis Statements – The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • How to Write a Five-Paragraph Essay, With Examples | Grammarly
  • Creating a Thesis Statement, Thesis Statement Tips – Purdue OWLÂŽ – Purdue University
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414 Proposal Essay Topics for Projects, Research, & Proposal Arguments

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423 Democracy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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  • Democracy as the Best Form of Government The implication of this is that all the citizens have an equal voice in the way a nation is governed. This atmosphere, in turn, perpetuates the general growth of a nation.
  • Differences and Similarities Between Democracy and Authoritarian Government Essay This implies that the citizens have a way of participating in the formation of the rules and laws by which they are governed. The laws that govern the rights of people and the economy are […]
  • Michelle Obama American Dream Speech Analysis – Michelle’s purpose was to introduce her husband as man who was more concerned about the common citizens’ concerns and who was willing and able to help everyone to realize his/her American dream because he himself […]
  • What Is the Relationship Between Capitalism and Democracy? The importance of the roles played by the stock market in the capitalistic economy is related considerably to the aspects of democracy and free market.
  • Social Media and Democracy For example, in 2009, during the Iran elections, citizens were able to comment on Facebooks and Youtube, and the whole world was able to follow the election proceedings.
  • Democracy in the Philippines Our organizational policy we introduced in the Philippines is the same as the policies we introduced on other countries, i.e, we wanted to be a part in promoting tourism in the country by promoting the […]
  • Concept of Democratic Education Theory The learners have greater voice on what to learn and are involved in discussing the content and the structure of their curriculum.
  • Does Democracy Require Equality of Income or Wealth? While wealth equality as the presence of equivalent opportunities to exert political power appears to be the essential factor in establishing democracy, income equality as the opportunity to build wealth is also a factor.
  • Democratic Governance Concept The United States proves to be a main player in the promotion of democratic governance in countries where conflict dictatorship and war is involved.
  • Leadership Styles: Democratic, Autocratic and Laissez-Faire According to McNichol and Hamer, the participative approach, compared to the other styles, enhances the productivity of employees for a prolonged period of time as it encourages cooperation and increases staff morale. As a democratic […]
  • Importance of News in Democracy The journalists are always on the lookout for areas of socio political and economic importance with the aim of reporting to the people in order to attract the required responses which may alter the sociopolitical […]
  • The Democratic Peace Theory: Merits and Demerits Chioza et al.say that among the reasons that makes it possible to intertwine the democratic peace theory with the liberal theory is that many countries are in dire need of peace. There is a good […]
  • Similarities and Differences Between Communism and Democratic Socialism This is because, according to the proponents of both ideologies, in Capitalist countries, the majority of ordinary citizens are denied the right to have a fair share in the national wealth.
  • Democratic Leadership Styles and Patient Outcomes Democratic leadership positively impacts patient outcomes as it influences nurses to participate in all processes of the organization and contribute to its development.
  • Propaganda in the Democratic Society The article focuses on the effects of propaganda on the democracy. In the article, he focuses on his experiences in the media industry with respect to the past and the present news.
  • Democracy in Modern World All these events in the world history strengthened the thought that democracy is the only right and progressive form of authority in a state that will finally bring the overall population of the state to […]
  • Democracy and Dictatorship As a matter of fact, the paths above show some means that connect political and economic composition of a community to a political institution. The panorama of the existing democracy in this path is weak […]
  • The Taisho Democracy Period in Japanese History The dawn of the Taisho Democracy was marred with uncertainty because the previous emperor was one of the best that Japan has ever had.
  • “American Democracy is Doomed” by Matthew Yglesias The author argues that the American constitution is ineffective in finding solutions to political disagreements that could lead to the collapse of the country’s political system.
  • Modernization and Its Correlation With Democracy The thesis statement In order to understand modernization-democracy link, the advantages and disadvantages concerning the issues’ interdependence, it is necessary to analyze the reasons of the processes of modernization and the ways they transformed democratic […]
  • Jihad vs. Mcworld Article: How Globalization Hinders Democracy In the recent past, most economies in the world have been adopting strategies aimed at increasing democracy in all areas of the economy i.e.political, economic, social, etc.globalization is one of the factors that influence the […]
  • To What Extent Is Burma Democracy? This paper, therefore, examines the extent of democracy in Burma with the reference to the political engagement of pro-democratic leaders, the Burma political system, political history, political instability, the influence of the military on the […]
  • Democracy, Political Power, and Public Policy Issues 1 Now, the question of balance between democracy and political power is as relevant as it was decades ago, being the center of the debate in the United States and the rest of the world.
  • Descriptive Meaning of Democracy This term is however modified in meaning nowadays and it can be used in various applications; that is, it is used in a variety of ways depending on the time of use, the place where […]
  • Failed Democracy in Pakistan and Nigeria The occurrence of military coups in the past is something that explains why those in leadership positions have failed to implement powerful mechanisms to support democracy and meet the demands of the greatest number of […]
  • Democratic vs. Autocratic Leadership Styles Thus, one of the main advantages of the democratic model is that all individuals who are affected by a certain situation have an opportunity to outline their views and participate in decision-making.
  • Three Important Features of our Democracy The system of governance is accountable to the people meaning that the leaders have to be concerned about the rule of law and defense of the fundamental rights of their citizens.
  • Becoming a Citizen in a Democratic Society The government has not helped the situation as it has denied the parents the opportunity to discipline the children by allowing children to report cases of punishment to the police.
  • The Possibility of Democracy and Development Within the African State This infiltration of arms and weapons into the hands of civilians undermines development and democracy in the continent. This attempt to impose the whole concept of democracy, as it were, in America in a single […]
  • Democracy: Definition, Types, Systems and Benefits Democracy is a type of governance where people participate in making laws and rules; “it is the political regime where people will become the law of the country”.
  • Public Speaking in a Democracy Public speaking actually matters for a democracy, because it is a good and sometimes the only chance to save democracy that is eroding now, to improve communicative skills, and to underline the problems that prevent […]
  • Structures of Direct Democracy in California Others may argue that the proposition is a strength of direct democracy because it allows for the people’s will to be directly expressed and implemented.
  • A Dream Deferred and Democracy by Langston Hughes But if they over dry, they will become hard to chew and lose all the nutrition, This warns us of the consequences that may befall us if we sit there and wait for conditions to […]
  • Plato and Aristotle: Criticisms of Democracy To speak of it in our present time, there are only a few people who are given the power of ‘sound judgement about what is right and what is wrong’ and should have the power […]
  • Are Propositions, Recalls, and Referendums Democratic? According to this kind of leadership, a government is a social body retrieving its authority from the population and should always promote the will of the masses, especially the majority.
  • The UK Parliament and Democratic Legislature The critical point about the UK Parliament is the importance of tradition in its structure and functioning, affecting the selection process, the arrangement of power, and the communication between the members of the Parliament.
  • Leadership Styles: Democratic and Collective The difference between Democratic and Collective Participative styles, however, lies in the role of the leader in decision-making.
  • How Social Media Could Threaten Democracy The next paragraph of this law will state that an organization must prove that it is based in the country to run a politically related ad on social media.
  • Democrats vs. Republicans: Who Is Superior? The differences between the democratic regimes and the republicans have been described using all sorts of criteria. Under democrats, the lower 20% of the population tends to match the income growth of the top 5%.
  • Elitism and Democracy Relations Essentially the crux of the theory emphasizes the influence and role of a small elite percentage of the total population of a country in holding immense power in running the affairs of that state irrespective […]
  • Democracy and Freedom in Pakistan Pakistan lies in a region that has been a subject of worldwide attention and political tensions since 9/11. US influence in politics, foreign and internal policies of Pakistan has always been prominent.
  • Citizenship Education and Democracy In simple terms, the role of educators is to teach children to be true citizens who can contribute to the evolvement of their countries.
  • Democracy and Religion: Modern Theories The law reigns supreme, and it is considered to be the final judge if one of the citizens contravenes the rule of law. It is seen to lie in the teachings of a given religion.
  • Can Judicial Review Be Reconciled With Democracy? The members of the Supreme Court refer to several different approaches to the functions of the government, the Court and the Constitution, their duties and obligations.
  • The National Curriculum for England and Wales From an Ideal Democratic Learning Society Perspective The National Curriculum of England and Wales is based on the ideology of “curriculum as prescription” as is evidence from the rigidity of the curriculum.
  • What Is Democratic Consolidation? It is important to note that regimes in the ‘gray zone” are those that are in the third wave of democratization.
  • Capitalism, Democracy and the Treaty of Waitangi are Three Ways Through Which We in Aotearoa ‘Organise’ Ourselves The treaty gave the sovereignty of the New Zealand to Britain which was supposed to oversee the government and protection of the rights of the Maori people, especially to protect them from unfair land deals.
  • How Does Revolutionary Communism Compare With Democratic Socialism? Revolutionary communism holds it that the capitalism would never let go of their hold on community and political power and as such, only a violent revolution can result in the changes that communism calls for.
  • Is America a True Democracy? It is a fact that the United States was the first country in the world to have a democratic constitution. Electoral College The Electoral College is another process that puts democracy of the United States […]
  • Socialism & Democracy: Fundamental Believes and Concepts The most distinct difference between the socialism and democracy is that in socialism we are mostly focusing our energies on the governance of the economic activities and the economic systems of a given country while […]
  • Organizational Theory: Democratic Leadership Taylorism is based on the theory of scientific management and the idea that output is linked to payment. Moreover, the framework implies the presence of a string hierarchy, which can be damaging to the morale […]
  • Types of Democracy Known to Modern Society In conclusion, some of the types of democracy are representative, participatory, and deliberative. Deliberative is a rather intriguing form of democracy, where people are randomly chosen to express views.
  • Stock Market Performance During Republican and Democratic Presidencies To compare the stock market performance during Republican and Democratic presidencies, the stock market data for the S&P 500 index over the past few decades were computed.
  • The Democrats and the Whigs of 1830-1840 The Jacksonian Democrats and the Wigs were interested in American society’s modernization and economic development. However, the parties had different views on achieving economic efficiency and prosperity and the role of government in the economy.
  • Democratic Development in Colombia vs. Peru After a downturn in 2015 and a boom in 2009 due to the global financial crisis of 2008, the country’s economy is back on track as of 2016 and is riding the rising tide that […]
  • Emerging Democracy and Education in South Africa In the process of education reformation, the example of South Africa can be used to demonstrate the ability to shape the democratic mindset of the population by increasing the focus on critical thinking and civic […]
  • American Democracy: Role of Anger The fact that the incident on January 6 was followed by a number of occasions where agents were seen engaged in sensitive operations makes it feasible to comprehend the explanation behind the public’s mistrust of […]
  • Populism and Its Influence on Democracy Essentially, it explores the connections shared between Populism and authoritarianism and the potential democratic setbacks that might arise from the rise of authoritarian Populism.
  • Women’s Rights: Democratic Perceptions Therefore, it is proper to claim that women would not be able to exercise their rights and freedoms as frequently without the efforts of Democrats.
  • The Work “Republic” by Plato: Arguments for Democracy The primary argument that democracy is worse than timarchy and oligarchy derives directly from the text of Republic, where Socrates agrees that only tyranny is worse than democracy.
  • Democracy: The Influence of Freedom Democracy is the basis of the political systems of the modern civilized world. Accordingly, the democracy of Athens was direct that is, without the choice of representatives, in contrast to how it is generated nowadays.
  • The Article “Plato on Democracy and Expertise” by R. W. Sharples The central message permeating the writing is that the rigidity of truth on which the conceptual model of democracy is built is a problem since any system needs to acknowledge the malleability of the underlying […]
  • Is a Secret Ballot a Basic Tenet of Democracy? The Supremacy Clause establishes that federal laws, constitutions, and regulations take precedence over state laws.”This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States…under the Authority of the United States, will be the supreme Law of […]
  • Encouraging Voter Participation in Democratic Election Process The voting process should be concerned with high voter turnout rather than trust since losing legislatures is responsible for the lack of trust among voters in the entire process.
  • Processes of Democratization in Spain, Portugal, and Greece Kornetis and Cavallaro claim that the processes of democratization resulted in the collapse of “the Francoist regime, the Salazar-Caetano regime of Estado Novo, and the Colonels’ military dictatorship in Greece “.
  • Democracy and Its Crucial Features The equality of income and wealth remain the central issue of democracy, since, though democratic societies strive to egalitarianism, they fall short of ensuring equal income and wealth to everyone.
  • Can the Democrats Win Back Rural Voters? The article used the Movement Lab approach to be able to win back the rural voters. The article relates to voting and election topic because it deals with voter turnout and strategies to be used […]
  • Threat of Cyber Operations to Democracy and National Security Among its most important characteristics include the recognition of individual’s dignity, respect for equality, faith in the rule of the majority, and respect for the rights of the minority.
  • Women’s Rights and the Advancement of Democracy The degree of citizen involvement in the political process, including the participation of various social groups in political parties and decision-making bodies, determines the quality of democracy in addition to the structure of current political […]
  • Aspects of Democratic Regimes In the textbook, Dickovick and Eastwood, democratic regimes are described as ones where people individually and groups have the ability to voice and contest their ideas, as well as the opportunity to shape political life […]
  • Characteristics of American Democracy Conversely, American democracy allows everyone and anybody to have the same opportunities regardless of the situation it is about, based on equal rights in the United States.
  • Democrats Caught in Election-Year Gambit With Bloated Gas Prices These Midterms would be one of the most consequential in history as they will likely decide the political gridlock and demonstrate the voter confidence in the party that wins the majority.
  • Abstracts for “Democracy: What’s It Good For?” and “The New Concert of Powers” The subject of the essay Democracy: What’s It Good For? is related to the issues of democracy in terms of its efficiency regarding the misinformation and irrationality of people’s choices.
  • Corruption in Infrastructure of the Democratic Republic of Congo The mining companies are negatively affected by rampant corruption and a culture of everyday transactions, which has resulted in the misappropriation of public funds.
  • Corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo This is a comprehensive report published by the IMF that examines in tremendous detail the corruption, policy, and frameworks of governance and corruption in the DRC.
  • Struggles of Democracy: Social Insurance Programs There are always segments of people in the society who struggle more than the general population, and by taking measures, the government increases the economic growth and general well-being.
  • Jackson Democracy: Transformation of American Conservatism Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the United States of America, his term of office lasted from 1829 to 1837.
  • The Meaning of Liberal Democracy in the US The establishment of diplomatic relations with the USSR during Roosevelt’s presidency was an important event in the history of the two states and the entire history of the world.
  • Democracy in Ancient Greece and Today From the lecture, I discovered that the word democracy partly originates from the word demes which means the small division of the bigger sections that Athens was divided into during the ancient time.
  • The Diplock Courts and the Democratic Society The legal definition of the term is still ambiguous, but the best definition is considered to be the achievement of ideological, political, economic, or religious goals by violent means.
  • “Korean Film: History, Resistance, and Democratic Imagination” by Min et al. The key message of the article in question is that Korean film culture is complex and heterogeneous, but it has yet to receive at the time of writing the attention it deserves from the progressive […]
  • Jury Service as an Essential Part of the Democracy A Jury Service is an integral part of the U.S.judicial branch, due to which people can make responsible decisions and understand that their opinion is essential to the state.
  • Democracy, Republicanism, and Liberalism in 19th Century Mexico and Colombia They emphasized the role of Mexico and its republican, democratic, and liberal principles in those changes. They started to imitate the political principles in Europe and the U.
  • The Democratic Radicals and Conservatives Struggle of American Government The roots of the American government can be traced back to the aftermath of the American civil war and the results of the American War of Independence.
  • Zinn’s and Schweikart’s Beliefs on American Democracy Namely, Zinn’s personal assumptions concerning the problem of racism and colonialism as the cornerstone of inequality in the U.S.are represented clearly in the book.
  • Trust and Democracy Overview It will create a status quo where the American model of democracy that has been recognized and revered in the world is no longer a democracy but merely an illusion of one.
  • Racial Democracy in Brazil Racial democracy in Brazil is a phenomenon connected to the idea that racial differences encourage individuals to look for a broad identity that would include every population presented in the country.
  • Democratic Republic of Congo’s Refugee Crisis The refugee crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo is one example of how refugees suffer because of poor healthcare access and the inability to provide for themselves.
  • Plato’s Views on Democracy Plato’s point of view appeared to me as a more appealing out of the two presented opinions on the best course for a political regime within a country.
  • How to Make People Who Support Democrats Believe in Aliens The ones who are convinced in their existence the way they trust the course of actions proposed by Democrats help overcome the threat for the stability of the government.
  • “After War: The Political Economy of Exporting Democracy” by Coyne The reason for this is that the United States has used the excuse of protecting democracy when interfering in the internal affairs of different states.
  • “Engendering Democracy in Brazil” by Sonia Alvarez In addition, the review integrates information acquired from essays by Barbara Nelson and Saint-Germain regarding gender equality and the electoral participation of women in democratic processes.
  • Deliberative Democracy as an Improvement of Democratic Participation More specifically, the schools of a democratic system of most significant interest are deliberative democracy and democratic participation. At the same time, deliberative democracy realizes the political interest of every citizen in a thorough discussion.
  • America’s Voting Democracy: Failing After All Even though the United States did not start as a democracy and it took hundreds of years to ensure voting rights for the general populations in its entirety, these are still not the grounds to […]
  • Theories of Global Politics. Democracy Effectiveness In the classical theme of ancient Athenian society, it is the representation of the ‘will of the people’ and had to include the views of all citizens in the decision making matters.
  • Democratic Rule and Educated Citizenry They may think it is simply a matter of taxing big business in order to get something for the whole town, when, in reality, the higher tax will result in lower needed investment in the […]
  • In a Democratic Britain, the Monarchy Is an Anachronism The presence of the queen as the head of state instils a sense of responsibility and ethics among the political leaders.
  • Russia’s Contemporary Political Regime not Democratic Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Boris Yeltsin was elected the first president of the Russian Federation on the 12th in June 1991. Some argue that the idea of politics as a mean for […]
  • Robespierre From Democracy to Totalitarianism Consequently, as a result of the failure of the constitutional monarch and the foreign wars that threatened the French Jacobins, the Committee of Public Safety was constituted in part of the new Republic, on April […]
  • The Internet is a Democratic Technology As opposed to what in the media channels of communication where the information let out to the public is filtered and influenced by what the government want the people to know, the Internet is free […]
  • Democratic Principle: The Constitution of the US The two major democratic principles are closely interrelated and the parties involved into them can actually change places from time to time: the minority has the right to become the majority, thus the latter becomes […]
  • International Political Economy, Democratization, and Terrorism IPE describes the global power dynamics that control international trade and finance, fuel globalization, and wealth distribution across the globe. Sachs argues that globalization and the emergence of political economics have led to the increased […]
  • The New State of Israel: A Block to the Development of Democracy Since the infamous Palestine conflict is rooted deeply in political, cultural, social, and religious misconceptions between the Jewish and the Muslim residents of the area, the advocacy of the current Israeli strategy concerning the emphasis […]
  • Internet Function and Potential in a Democratic Society This situation is comparable to the Medieval Age before the introduction of printing in the 1440s. The church and the courts monopolized books, and the population had no chance to learn an alternative opinion on […]
  • Who Governs? Democracy and Power in an American City’ by Robert Dahl A political stratum is defined as a group of individuals who take an active position in the political life of the country.
  • Democratic Presidential Nominees for 2020 American society is a complex concept with many determinants, and the election of the President in the country is one of the most significant events because it shows the achieved progress and preferred values.
  • Truthful Information for Building a Democracy Democracy is defined as the rule of the people, by the people for the people. Greenberg and page argue that for a democratic government to be established, information is of the essence.
  • Francis Fukuyama: Can Liberal Democracy Survive the Decline of the Middle Class? Then, the author shifts to explaining the importance of the existence of a strong and abundantly represented in the society middle class layer as it is a foundation for all the democratic values in the […]
  • Democracy in Asia India and the Price of Peaceful Change In his last kick, Gandhi decided to encourage the Indians to make their own salt, which was the most taxed by the British government.
  • Israel as the Jewish and Democratic State: Can It Be Possible? However, the historical evaluation of the situation in Israel and the development of the Israel-Palestinian conflict that led to the Israel war of independence in 1948 and continues today shows that it is not an […]
  • Ancient Democracy: Review All of the Athenians were involved in the process of selecting the candidates for the positions of the Archons the advisors to the ruler of the city.
  • The Democratic Presidential Debate The part of the debate concerning the immigration policies and the candidate’s views of them is highly representative of the overall rhetorical strategies in use.
  • “Inequality, Democracy, and the Environment” by Downey Liam Downey examines in his work Inequality, democracy, and the environment, the nature of these problems and tries to explain the causes of their occurrence.
  • Organizational Culture: Democratic Leadership Democratic leadership would be an effective approach to leading others in the workplace because members of a group are allowed to offer their ideas that are applied to solve problems.
  • Differences Between the Democrats and Republicans The activin expression in a marrow stromal cells is however regulated by the incubation with the necrosis factor of the tumor and the interleukin 1 alpha.
  • Democracy Emergence in Ancient Greece and Why Plato Was Opposed to It The result of this war was the defeat of Athens by Sparta at the end of the fifth century which led to the overthrow of many democratic regimes.
  • Democracy: Forms, Requirements and Homosexuality Democracy exists in two major forms there is the liberal democracy which is a very capitalistic economic approach in nature while the other form is a socialist democracy that embraces economic aspects like subsidies and […]
  • Democratic Governance and Policy Networks The contribution of each of these actors was valuable for improving the quality of legislation which became the result of the collaborative work of the interested parties.
  • Rape as a Weapon of War: Democratic Republic of Congo While some researchers argue that the occurrence of wartime rape, with its frequency, savagery and systematic organization during these times, is inherently entwined with the nature of the conflicts, most of them emphasize that the […]
  • A Government and Basic Democratic Requirements to It In pluralism, the people who make policies are the top government officials and they do not involve the public. The relevance of involvement in the implementation of government policies is not clear to the citizens.
  • “Jihad Versus Mcworld” by Benjamen Barber: Tribalism and Globalism Threat to Democracy The forces of Jihad and the forces of McWorld are fighting for sovereignty and neither supports democracy. It is the decentralization of confederations that may save democracy, according to Barber.
  • Parliamentary Democracy: Will of the People Representation The party with the majority votes is sought to be representing the will of the people. In The will of the people: Notes towards a dialectical voluntarism, Peter Hallward states that the will of the […]
  • Terrorism and Liberal Democracy: What We Should Know When confronted with external coercion like global terrorism, democracies react like a pendulum by first of all providing security and then vacillating back in the direction of moderation, the quest of lenience, and the encouragement […]
  • Is the Constitution Supportive of Today’s Democracy? Additionally, one of the dominant elements in most constitutions is the principle of democracy which refers to the government by the people for the people themselves.
  • Benjamin’s Concept of Democracy Against Bennett’s Propositions on News and Democracy However, what seems good to many seems to work better and much more acceptable, from this point of view it is fair to reiterate Churchill’s pronouncement that, the present democracy is the best of all […]
  • Democratic Transition in Asian Communities As long as the authorities in some Asian countries are elected, democracies in these countries still lack the characteristics which can be associated with democracy in other parts of the world.”In other words, if a […]
  • The Sources of Leadership and Democracy in Britain Also, the powers of the British Government are derived from the appeal or iron authority of the British rulers to the party blocs rather than from the power of the influence of the leaders to […]
  • Democratization Theories at the Present Political Map The world history witnessed a great number of changes in the political state of countries, in the form of ruling and the change as well as the form of power in every state existing nowadays.
  • Democracy Is the Best Form of Government for All the World’s Inhabitants The challenge to the leaders, therefore, is to provide good leadership and governance to reciprocate the good work of the voters.
  • Democratic Empowerment via Village Elections During Imperial China The villager assembly oversees the progress of the VCs and ensures that the decisions they make are for the common good of the rest of the villagers.
  • Anti-Democratic Movement and Path of Democratization According to Lijphart, the Westminster model of democracy provides a throughout insight into the essence of democracy not only in the United Kingdom but in the rest of the world as well.
  • Study of Liberal Democracy In the true sense of liberal democracy, the government is chosen by the voters, and in this sense, the government should answer to the people.
  • Torture and Democratic Society 1948, United Nations General Assembly, after the second world war adopted the Universal declaration on human rights, which prohibits the use of torture or any other form of inhuman or demeaning treatment or punishment In […]
  • The State, Democracy and Globalization In order for people to understand the government there should be a system of communicating the state policies to the local individuals.
  • Ideology of Race and the New Democratic Nation His main argument in this matter is that whilst racism did not at first lead the colonists in enslaving the blacks, the concept of the native hereditary inferiority on the component of Africans and African […]
  • Ideology of the Democratic Party The Democratic Party of USA is the oldest political party in the world. Dilemma and destiny: the Democratic Party in America.
  • Comparing Democracy Effort Between Mali and the USA Abraham Lincoln defined it as a government of the people, for the people and by the people. The main function of the judiciary in Mali is the protection and guard of human rights and freedoms.
  • Venezuela: A Democracy Under Siege This essay will critically evaluate Venezuela in different aspects in the following order : democratic principles and the constitution, political systems, economic policies and institutions, the media, and civil societies to show how Chavez is […]
  • A Critique on Deliberative Democracy The belief that the United States of America is a democratic country automatically create the assumption that it is a government by the people, for the people, and of the people as laid down by […]
  • Will China Become Democratic in Near Future? China, being one of the countries yet truly to begin the process of democratization, stands on a point that future progress will be important not only for the people in China but also for the […]
  • Relationship Between Democracy and Violence in Colombia The escalating violence in the 1980s has in fact, watered-down Colombia’s democratic governance mainly because of the country’s incapacity to tame the violence.
  • Relationship Between Democracy and the State If leaders are not visionary and their ideas are not cohesive, the situation leads to the formation of splinter groups within the state, a condition that is unbefitting for the health of a democracy.
  • Democracy in the Educational Process He gives us the understanding of the changing attitude to the democracy in the society. The public education was organized by the idea of “democratic community and equality”.
  • American Culture of Liberty and Democracy Undoubtedly democracy is the government of the people, for the people, by the people.’ But it is also true that it is only a part of the people of which the government is, has raised, […]
  • The Role of Education in Democracy Propaganda is in itself an aspect of education where the Public Information Committee provided some knowledge on the certain issues surrounding the war in order to win public support.
  • Democracy Threats in Australia Governance as the rule of the people by the people has been more subjected to the teachings of democracy that have been adopted as a form of governance.
  • Modern China – Is True Democracy Still a Dream? There is a dormant-volcano kind of “sub-terranean tensions” that seem to herald the beginning of the end for communism in China.
  • The Battle Over Democracy Within Burma However, the military government in Burma remained controlling the political affairs and economy of the country which made the condition of the people to get worse.
  • The Synergy Between Capitalism and Democracy Democracy and its success: Democracy refers to a political system in which the political part of the government is elected through adult suffrage.
  • The Nature of Democracy in the Period 1871-1914 Moreover, the doctrine emphasized the essence of human rights, such as treatment of every citizen equally notwithstanding gender, race or class, the essence of the rule of law and the essence of having a government, […]
  • American Imperialism and Democracy It comes with increased control as well as the subjection of the conquered to the rules and the demands of the conqueror.
  • Democrats and Rebuplicans Political Campaigns However, due to the fact that the American economy was at a dying point, Barrack Obama promised that if he was elected the president, he would consider various factors in the matter of taxation.
  • Democracy: The Greatest Gift Enlighten-Ica Can Give The president of the United States of Enlighten-ica gives a speech about combating terrorism and putting an end to it once and for all.
  • Classical Political Thought. Democracy in Plato’s Republic During Plato’s life, the democratic constitution set the seal on the work of the tyranny, for it ensured the exclusion of the large landowner from a predominating influence on politics, and it put effective power […]
  • Elements of Democracy and Constitutionalism A country’s system of governance, which may be termed as democratic, should carry in its constitution the empowerment to reflect the freedom of the people to choose, as well as other issues, the rule of […]
  • Aspect of Democracy in Seattle The Seattle Convention Centre in the city was the setting of the final session of the World Trade Organization of the millennium.
  • Democracy and Dictatorship in Ancient Greece and Today Recalling the speech of Thucydides, democracy is when the power is in the hands of not a minority but of the whole people when all are equal before the law when political life is free […]
  • Haiti and Cape Verde Democracy: History and Philosophy In democracy there is uncertainty as to which party will assume office since the elections are free and fair. Economic performance is vital for the survival of democracy in less developed nations.
  • Habermas’s Theory of Democracy His views are widely regarded as crucial in such issues as economic and social development, the role of the responsible intellectual, the issues of the Holocaust, the roots of authoritarian power, and the prospects for […]
  • The Level of Democracy in Singapore and Thailand
  • Democratic Breakdown in Latin America
  • Canada as a Liberal Capitalist Democracy
  • Democracy Within the Realm of a Republic
  • Urban Democracy and Capitalism
  • Democratic Party in the US: History and Analysis
  • Democratic Consolidation in Africa
  • Public Opinion: The Image of Democracy by Lippmann
  • Success of Democracy in US: Comparative Approach for Explaining
  • Enemies of American Democracy
  • Democracy Development in the World up to 1500 CE
  • Greek Legacy in a Contemporary Democratic State
  • Republican Versus Democrat Political Beliefs
  • Strangers in the US Democracy
  • Is Democratization Leading to a More Secure World?
  • Federalists and Democrats in the 19th Century
  • “Terror and Democracy at the Age of Stalin” by Goldman
  • Globalization and Democratization Effects on Libya
  • Western Liberal and Democratic Values
  • UNDP and USAID: Source Evaluation
  • “Democracy and International Relations in Asia” by Acharya
  • Democratic Society: Basic Values and Priorities
  • Democratic Globalization and Its Benefits
  • ‘Democrats, Republicans Agree on a Budget Deal’ by Silverleib and Cohen
  • Comparative Democratization and Dictatorships
  • Technology and Democratic Education
  • Democracy Promotion and Humanitarian Intervention
  • Media and Democracy: Free Press and Fake News
  • Empire and Democracy Conflict by Thucydides
  • Democracy: Perception and Application
  • Democracy and Oligarchy: the Meaning of Equality
  • Democracy in Sudan: Key Factors
  • Earth Democracy: Beyond Dead Democracy and Killing Economies
  • Democracy in Egypt: Key Factors
  • Politics of the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Globalization Impact on Africa’s Democratization Process
  • “Democracy for the Few” by Michael Parenti
  • Community Engagement in Democracy Building
  • Democratic Deficit in the European Union
  • Democracy Concerns and Exaggerated Challenges
  • Kenya in Pre- and Post-Democracy Periods
  • Constitutional Amendments to Expand Democracy
  • 2012 Presidential Elections: Republicans vs. Democrats
  • Struggle for Democracy: President Interview
  • The United States of America and Its Democracy
  • Special Interest Groups Enhancing Democracy
  • Okuma Shigenobu and Modern Democracy in Japan
  • Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans in the US
  • Ruling America: Wealth and Power in a Democracy
  • The United States Promoting Democracy in Africa
  • Libya: Challenges of Transitioning to Democracy
  • Democratic Leadership, Value System, Followership
  • Tunisian Transition to Democracy and Its Specificities
  • Kuwait’s Democratization and Its Challenges
  • Democratic Consolidation in Asia
  • Leader Selection in Liberal Democratic Minimalism
  • American Democracy’ History: Turner’s Thesis
  • Teaching Standards, Democracy and World Learning
  • Religious Fundamentalism’ and Democracy’ Comparison
  • American Democracy and Equality Criticism
  • Democracy in Chile: Evidence and Effects
  • Founding Fathers as Democratic Reformers
  • Egyptian Democracy and Citizens’ Readiness for It
  • Why Japan Was Able to Build a Successful Democracy?
  • Democratic Transitions: Weaknesses and Challenges
  • Liberal Democracy: Marxist and Conservatism’ Approaches
  • The Rise of American Democracy: Influences of the Constitution
  • Democracy and Peaceful International Relations
  • Democracy: Features and Impact on Peace
  • American Democracy: Federal Government vs. States’ Rights
  • The Taliban Insurgency: Democracy in Dangerous Places
  • Human Development: Democratization and Economy’ Relations
  • Democracy Promotion: Unilateralism vs. Multilateralism
  • US Promotion of Democracy: Tools and Approaches
  • Political Corruption as a Trigger of Democracy
  • Democracy in the United States System
  • Democracy in Cambodia: Strategy and Recommendations
  • Can Democracy Be Successfully Exported by Force?
  • Youth Participation in Democracy: China
  • Chinese Democratic Dictatorship Essence
  • Sustainable Democracy in Developing Countries
  • Democracy Versus Other Forms of Government
  • The US’s Democracy Features
  • Egypt Democratization Process
  • Chinese Democracy in the Documentary “Please Vote for Mes”
  • Democracy and Wealthy Americans Policy
  • The History of Democracy in Libya
  • The Development of America’s Democracy
  • American Democracy and Society
  • Democrats and Republicans Comparative Analysis
  • Democracy and Religion in Turkey Government
  • The Centripetal Theory of Democratic Governance
  • Canadian Social Democracy Historical Evolution
  • America’s Democracy History: Constitutional Perspectives
  • China’s Democracy Movement
  • Machiavelli’s Views on Democratization and Their Relation to Modern Politics
  • Peace and Democracy: US Impact in the Middle East
  • Outbreak Democratic Institutions
  • Major Shifts in the Politics of Republican and Democratic Parties
  • The Foundation of Democracy: Waiting for the King to Come
  • Economic and Political Liberalism and Democracy
  • Possibility of Attaining a Democracy in the Middle East
  • Conflicts in Syria Present No Opportunity for Future Democratization
  • Democracy and Global Peace
  • Principles of Democratic Structuring
  • Form of Political Ideology: Social Democracy
  • Is Sectarianism an Obstacle to the Democratization of Iraq?
  • Islam and Democracy in Egypt
  • Copyright and Democratic Governance
  • How Chinese Cultural Revolution Influenced Modern Democracy in China
  • Should Democracy Be Adopted by All Nations?
  • “The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy” by Rodrik, D
  • Liberal Democracy, Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust
  • Partial Democracy and Governance Assessment in Egypt
  • Rohr and Rosenbloom on Democracy
  • How Does Turkey’s Greater Democratization Influence the Handling of the Cyprus Dispute?
  • Is Majority Rule Democratic?
  • Danish Aid to Africa: Implication for Civil Society & Democracy
  • What Is More Valuable in a Liberal Democracy: Positive or Negative Liberty?
  • Democracy and Economic Growth: Asia-Pacific Region Experiences
  • FDR’s New Deal: Democratic Platform
  • Democratic Space Is Relevant in Early Childhood Education
  • Taxes, Capitalism, and Democracy: Karl Marx vs. Plato
  • Amu Chua: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability
  • Democracy Measures in United Kingdom, France, Japan and China
  • Democracy and Power in Online World
  • Democracy and Custom in Samoa
  • Brazil: Embracing Structural Changes to Consolidate Democracy
  • Democracy Strategy for the Middle East Countries
  • Democratic Racism in Canada
  • The Liberal Position of Democrats and Republicans
  • Social Construction of “Race” and “Racism” and Its Relationship to Democratic Racism in Canada
  • Views of American Muslims on Democracy
  • The Probability for Libya to Become a Democracy
  • Ancient Greek Democracy That Still Makes People Strive for Perfection
  • The Concept of Democracy by Force
  • Democracy and Reform’s Trilemma
  • Unitary Versus Adversary Democracy
  • Rapid Growth as a Destabilizing Force to Effective Democracy
  • Can Democracy Be Spread by Force?
  • Democratization Process in Argentina
  • Democratic Governments Role in the Global Economy
  • The Main Impacts of the Civil War in the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • What Is ‘Liberal Representative Democracy’ and Does the Model Provide an Appropriate Combination of Freedom and Equality?
  • Transition to Democracy in Latin America
  • Democracy in Canada
  • Understanding Greek Culture’s Influence on Democratic Ideas
  • The Complex Term of Democracy
  • How Development Leads to Democracy
  • The Relationship Between Democracy and Islam in Indonesia
  • Democracy System of Government
  • History of Athenian Democracy
  • Democratic Influence on Public Policies
  • Democratization and the Indigenous Languages of Mexico and Venezuela
  • The Required Freedom and Democracy in Afghanistan
  • The Need for Ethical Leadership and Governance in Democracy
  • The Democratic Process in Canada: The Role Played by Political Parties
  • China’s Democracy Perspective and Practice
  • History of the Role of Democracy in the World
  • Democracy in the Policy of United States of America
  • Democracy’s Problems and Principles
  • Was Kant Wrong to Argue that Democracy Brings Peace Between States?
  • In What Ways Did American Culture Become More Democratic in the Early 19th Century
  • Islam, Democracy and the West Summary
  • Inequality and American Democracy
  • Democracy in America: Critical Summary
  • Government and Democracy
  • American Political Culture History
  • Success or Failure of Democracy
  • What Makes Democracy Succeed or Fail?
  • Democracy Movement in the Middle East
  • Euro Zone Crisis: Does It Contribute to Democratic Deficit?
  • Influence of the American Media in Promotion of Democratic Values in the United States of America
  • Was Saddam Hussein’s Execution an Essential Point in Establishing Democracy in Iraq?
  • The Democracy Promotion in the Middle East by US
  • Democracy in the Aristophane’s Work “The Acharnians”
  • Social Capital Contribution to Democratic Renewal
  • The Main Threat to the Modern Democracy
  • New “Act on Democracy and Human Rights in Belarus” Passed by the US Congress
  • Africa Regional Conference: Should Democracy Be Promoted in Africa?
  • Fake Democracy and Patriotism: “Give Me Liberty” by Naomi Wolf
  • The Spread of Democracy
  • Democracy Concepts and Principles
  • Does Political Participation Challenge Democracy or Enhance It?
  • Modern American History: In Pursuit of Democracy
  • Democracy in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam
  • Internet and Democracy in US
  • The Rise of Democracy
  • Democracy in the Middle East
  • The Democratic Party vs. the Republican Party as Organizing Political Structures
  • Modernization and Democracy
  • America and Democracy, at Home and Abroad, During and Just After the First World War
  • An Analysis of Kirkpatrick Jennet’s Uncivil Disobedience: Studies in Violence and Democratic Politics
  • Democrat or Republican: Political Party Preferences
  • Democracy and Its Types
  • What True Majority Democracy Is About?
  • American Government, Balancing Democracy and Rights
  • Modernization and Democratization
  • Democratic and Undemocratic Elements of the Constitution
  • What Are the Differences Between Democracy and Dictatorship?
  • Why Is the Oldest Democracy in Asia Doomed to Failure?
  • What Can Valid Criticisms Be Made of Liberal Democracy?
  • Why Isn’t Democracy Slowing Down the Rise in Inequality?
  • What Effect Does Facebook Have on Democracy?
  • Why Does Unregulated Capitalism Undermine the Legitimacy of Liberal Democracy?
  • Why Does the Kuwaiti Parliament Misunderstanding the Idea of Democracy for Women?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Political Democracy and Economic Growth?
  • What Factors Affect the Survival of a Liberal Democracy?
  • Why Can Burma not Have a Democracy?
  • What Is the Connection Between Economic Inequality and Democracy?
  • What Is True Majority Democracy Is About?
  • How Has the Magna Carta Affected American Democracy?
  • What Are the Pros and Cons of Pressure Groups on Democracy in the United Kingdom?
  • How Does the Population of the United States Fight for Democracy?
  • What Challenges Are Posed by International Terrorism to Democracy?
  • What Hope Can Democracy Bring to S&T Policy Making in Latin America?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Democracy and Religion?
  • Why Japan Was Able To Build a Successful Democracy?
  • What Is the Role of Political Parties in Democracy?
  • Why Does Democracy Facilitate Development?
  • What Are the Defining Elements of Democracy Politics?
  • Why Does the American Democracy Not Work?
  • Why Did Democracy Develop in Britain After 1850?
  • What Characteristics Are Vital for a Democracy To Succeed?
  • What Are the Unique Traits of Athenian Democracy?
  • Where Is Indian Democracy Heading Today?
  • What Is the Role of Cultural Factors in Moving a Country Towards Liberal Democracy?
  • What Was Wrong With the Ancient Athenian Democracy?
  • Dictatorship Topics
  • Capitalism Paper Topics
  • Individualism Topics
  • Cultural Relativism Questions
  • Human Rights Essay Ideas
  • Utilitarianism Research Ideas
  • Conservatism Essay Titles
  • Economic Inequality Questions
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 423 Democracy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/democracy-essay-examples/

"423 Democracy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/democracy-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '423 Democracy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "423 Democracy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/democracy-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "423 Democracy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/democracy-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "423 Democracy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/democracy-essay-examples/.

216 Democracy Essay Topics & Research Questions about Democracy

Looking for interesting democracy titles for your assignments? Look no further! We present to you our excellent list of research questions about democracy, topics for presentation, and essay titles. They will surely inspire a great paper!

🏆 Best Democracy Titles for Essays

✍️ democracy essay topics for college, 👍 good democracy research topics & essay examples, 🎓 most interesting democracy topics for presentation, 📌 easy democracy essay topics, 💡 simple democracy essay ideas, ❓ research questions about democracy.

  • Direct Democracy from Rousseau’s Perspective
  • Rights & Duties and Basis of Democracy
  • Democracy in Nigeria: Democratic Structure, Executive-Legislative Structure, and Electoral System
  • French Revolution as a Turning Point to Democracy
  • Democracy in the United States
  • Majoritarian and Consensus Models of Democracy
  • “Democracy and Its Critics” by Robert Dahl
  • The Influence of Social Media on Democracy Democracy entails the protection of human rights among individuals facing social, economic, and political challenges.
  • Biotech, Corporate Power, and Democracy: Oryx and Crake One of the very first non-human characters of the story is Crakers. The book states that was his first view of the Crakers.
  • Democracy in The Lottery by Jackson Politics is an essential part of nowadays life. Politics are obligations of a state in regard to society and personality.
  • Democracy: Advantages and Disadvantages Democracy has developed in a setting where people feel oppressed and generally being dictated upon or were unfair.
  • Democracy: Strengths and Weaknesses According to Thucydides and Plato The ancient Greek civilization handed the world a model of democracy that has been borrowed by many democratic societies globally up to the modern times.
  • Is Russia a Democracy? The essay states that Russian democracy is not a true democracy but an emerging democracy where people as yet have limited freedom and rights.
  • Impacts of the Democratization of Making Maps Democratization of Maps began in the late 1970s, although some geographers opposed the idea of democratization of maps with a view that it would lead to the demise of cartography.
  • Ancient Civilizations: Athenian Democracy vs Australian Democracy Athens was one of the very first known democracies. It comprises of the central city-state of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica.
  • Globalization and Democratization Relationship This paper explores the existing relationship between democracy and globalization. It focuses on democratization, globalization and their imperativeness.
  • “How Democratic Is the American Constitution?” by Robert A. Dahl The book How Democratic is the American Constitution? by Robert A. Dahl is a provocative examination of the American constitution.
  • Democratic Republic vs. Socialist State This paper aims to examine and compare the Democratic Republic and the Socialist State and present a personal opinion regarding the two systems.
  • Democratic Leadership and Management Style The paper analyzes democratic leadership as the management style adopted by the author’s group, and approach to management indicated by the management style questionnaire.
  • The Crisis of Democracy of the 1930s The Soviet Union played a key role during Hitler’s despotic reign in Germany. Notably, the union was at war with itself, which added to the possible aggression anticipated from Germany.
  • The Impact of the Locke’s Democratic Theory on the Contemporary Governance Locke’s ideas have influenced the development of the doctrine of the separation of powers, which is used around the world to create a balance of power within governments.
  • Digital Communication Systems and Its Impact on Democracy The contribution, which new media can make in the development of democracy, depends on the efforts of government and media groups to the large extent.
  • Is Russia a Real Democracy? Thus, a difficult question of whether there is a democracy in Russia is considered with a negative response in most parameters when comparing with other developed countries.
  • Whigs’ vs. Democrats’ Views on Slavery and Race The political life of America in the 1830s – early 1850s was largely determined by the rivalry between Whigs and Democrats.
  • The East German Democratic Republic: Problems and Challenges The East German Democratic Republic had major issues, including its political practices, which contributed to the country’s collapse rather than triumph.
  • Human Democracy and Technology Development The article explores the impact of technology on human rights and the human policies initiated to govern human rights and freedom in the digital era.
  • How South Africa Is Developing a Democracy The lack of democratization within South African society can be seen as the primary problem that has to be managed for democratic principles to be established within the republic.
  • Industrial Revolution, Democracy and Equality The impact of the industrial revolution on society should not be understated. It transformed mostly agrarian economies into those oriented towards goods and services.
  • Representative Democracy and Its Crisis Cases of crises associated with representative democracy include dictatorship, oligarchy, officials pursuing their own ambitions, and bribing of representatives.
  • Plato’s “Republic” – What Is Democracy? An idealized version of a parliamentary government is the redefinition of democracy. Plato failed to see the possibility of transforming ordinary people into intelligent members of the electorate.
  • Social Entrepreneurship and Democracy The article explores the integral role of social entrepreneurship in democratic societies, particularly in pre-democratic or emerging democracy contexts.
  • Cultural Democracy and Internet Imperialism The source helps draw a connection between the conscious domination of cultural niches and its impact on global biases within media.
  • All In: The Fight for Democracy Documentary All In: The Fight for Democracy is the 2020 documentary film. The film revolves around voter suppression in the United States. The central theme of the film is disenfranchisement.
  • Foreign Direct Investments in Democratic Republic of Congo For a long time, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been considered a country unattractive for Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs).
  • Walt Whitman as a Democratic Symbol Speaking of Whitman’s overall contribution to poetry, it may be safe to say that he was an innovator that would never be afraid of experimenting
  • G. Bush and B. Obama: Tools of Democracy, Public Policies, and Practices The use of tools of democracy provide a lot of alternatives through which the government may effectively influence the behavior of individuals for the benefit of the entire public.
  • Special Interest Groups as a Threat to Democracy Special interest groups are smaller communities within larger ones that promote specific interests attributed to their members.
  • Democratic Leadership Style and Responsibilities Democratic leadership style, which is also known as a participative style, is a leadership style that strives to involve employees in organizational management and decision making.
  • Australia’s Liberal Democratic System This paper studies how Australia’s Liberal Democratic system that is a keystone of social policy in the country, enhances and or limits the well-being of its citizens.
  • Democratic Theory Questions: “Missing and Murdered” This essay picks out four key issues that arise from reading the text by Laoucan-Massimo and Canoe titled, “Missing and Murdered: What it will take for Indigenous Women to Feel Safe”.
  • The Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation The Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe book by Linz and Stepan explore the issue of democratic transitions.
  • Nutrition, Rules, Government, Religion, and Democracy It is essential to identify the ideas of nutrition, rules, government, religion, and democracy that changed people’s lives and analyze their influence.
  • Liberal Democracy Opportunities for Middle Eastern Nations The current paper aims to discuss various challenges and opportunities for Middle Eastern nations to transition to liberal democracy.
  • Democracy in the United States in the Digital Era The paper states that the digital era has created an environment in which false information can spread rapidly. This becomes a severe issue for democracy.
  • Were the Founding Fathers Democratic Reformers? The Constitutional Convention, proposed by the democratic reformers, became the basis of the constitutional order in the country.
  • Ethical Duties of Public Officials in a Democracy All public officials are bound to some ethical principles which dictate their conduct in their various responsibilities.
  • American Democracy: The Formation of the United States The formation of the United States is linked to the replacement of the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution.
  • Astra Taylor’s “What Is Democracy?” Documentary Review Astra Taylor’s Documentary, What is Democracy? takes an in-depth look at the concept of democracy and its history, from its ancient Greek roots.
  • Divergence Between Republicans and Democrats Throughout history, a whole established platform of divergence between Republicans and Democrats has narrowed.
  • Republicans vs. Democrats on Separation of Church and State Most Republicans have a rather negative attitude towards separating it from the state. While many Democrats believe that faith should not interfere with any political processes.
  • Problems of Democratic Consolidation in Developing Countries The paper argues developing countries pursuing economic and political heights should strive to consolidate democratic forces.
  • Slavery and Democracy in the United States On the road to progress and enlightenment, virtually all races have resorted to such a terrible form of social development as slavery.
  • Democrats and Republicans in the US Politics Democrats tend to be institutionalized mainly as the party of the economic elites. At the same time, Republicans represent working-class Americans.
  • Negative Impact of Modern Democracy on Political Process In recent years, there has been a lot of work by economists looking for factors that could explain the bias and inconsistency of the political process.
  • Negative Impact of Modern Democracy in the US The main cause of social imbalances in the United States is value conflict. This is a “seismic shift” in cultural stereotypes under the influence of new social phenomena.
  • American Democrats’ Pro-Abortion Beliefs The US political system consists of liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans. The chosen news article elaborates more on the Federal Abortion ban from these two perspectives.
  • Citizen Participation in a Representative Democracy Society’s quality of life is determined not only by the government’s influence but also by citizens’ interest in applying efforts to promote their well-being.
  • Jacksonian Democracy: Who Benefitted? The Jacksonian democracy enhanced the freedom and equality of citizens in the United States, giving people more power and representation in social visions.
  • Challenges to American Democracy Principles The surveillance of U.S. citizens by intelligence agencies is a fundamental departure from the principles of freedom and a serious blow to liberal principles.
  • The US Democracy Promotion in the Middle East This essay informs about the reasons for promoting democratic values by the US in the Middle East, which intends to establish a close relationship between the countries.
  • Democratic Political System Analysis The paper addresses the topic of democratic and authoritarian political systems, and answers the question: does a democratic system guarantee people’s will?
  • Japanese Political Power and Liberal Democratic Party Although there are many studies that dwell on the case of LDP and its success, the popularity and national devotion to the party remain rather vague.
  • Globalization and Democratic Peace Theory In the context of globalization, it is necessary to consider the theory of democratic peace, which recognizes democracy as the best form of government for society.
  • Utilitarianism Theory Applied to Western Democracy According to the theory of utilitarianism, there are ethical norms that must be followed. As a result, they overlook the other virtues that favor the few.
  • Populism as Integral Part of Democracy Populism cannot be perceived as a grotesque distortion of representative democracy’s objectives and practices since populism’s aim is to serve the interests of the masses.
  • Corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo While world economies are affected by a range of problems, some have remained entrenched in countries, impending national and regional growth.
  • Democracy in America: Unperfect, But Still Prevails The article looks at the views of French historian Alexis de Tocqueville on democracy and its potential dangers.
  • Expansion of Democracy in the United States before 1877 This paper discusses the rapid expansion of democracy for Americans before 1877 and explaines how government measures helped former slaves become citizens of the country.
  • Democracy in Iran & Culture and Politics Although, to some observers, democracy may seem as the undoubtedly superior form of government, it is not universally present in the world.
  • Democracy in the United States of America The paper states that democracy is a key factor in shaping the collective identity of US citizens as one nation rather than separate states.
  • Republic and Democracy in the United States The original Constitution guarantees every American state the Republican form of government, which protects the established U.S. system from the tyranny of the majority.
  • Poland: Democratic Nation vs. Communist Country Differences between people living in a democratic nation and a communist country are apparent by looking at Poland before and after communism.
  • Media and Democracy in “By the People: Debating American Government 5e” “By the People: Debating American Government” is an introduction to the American government, and the 9th chapter focuses on media and democracy in the US.
  • The Shays’ Rebellion: Democratic Movement The Shays’ Rebellion was the culmination of the democratic movement in the United States in the 18th century’s last quarter.
  • The Democrats Attempt to Incorporate Immigration Issue in the Economic Bill Notably, the most recent development on immigration is that the Democrats presented a bill in an attempt to include immigrants who have not been accounted for in their economic bill.
  • Economic, Democracy, and the Distribution of Capital Ownership The article gives an overview of how capital ownership generally integrates with economic growth and democratic stability. It uses different economic theories.
  • Will the New Communications Technologies Bring a New “Age of Democracy”? Communication technologies are an integral part of the realities of the modern age, where every aspect of human existence is directly impacted by digital forces.
  • Economic Power of 2019 Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Movement In June 2019, there were protests in Hong Kong caused by the China government’s new plans to allow criminals’ extradition to Mainland China.
  • Capitalism and Democracy: The Problem of Coexistence The paper examines whether the coexistence of capitalism and democracy provides mutual benefits or enforces detremial mechanisms that strain the relationship between these forces.
  • Republican and Democratic Parties Comparison This paper compares and contrasts the Republican and Democratic parties, and discusses the benefits and drawbacks of the two-party system.
  • The Ideology of Political Liberalism and True Democratic Ideal True democracy implies the political courage of individuals that are determined to fight for the ideals of freedom and justice for everyone during crisis times.
  • Election in the United States in the Context of Democratic Values Evidently, the United States of America became one of the first nations in the world’s history, which were built upon the principles of democracy.
  • Will the New Communication Technologies Bring a New Age of Democracy? The use of information technology will not turn society into a society of direct democracy, and it will remain representative.
  • Beliefs of the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans With his followers, Thomas Jefferson strongly viewed the United States as more of a sovereign entity bound with a common interest.
  • Bureaucracy in a Democracy Bureaucracy is a considerable part of contemporary democratic society. Most organizations should be regulated by specific services to maintain uniformity because of their complexity.
  • Confrontation Between Democrats and Republicans The confrontation between Democrats and Republicans significantly affects America’s domestic and foreign policy.
  • Reconciling the Need for a Bureaucracy Versus All These Issues It Presents Against Democracy Although bureaucracy as a phenomenon has gained a rather negative coloring in the everyday use of the word, it is supposed to describe a neutral phenomenon.
  • Representing Democracy: Reference to American Constitution Controversies surrounded the 2018 senate election in the state of Florida, which occasioned recounting of the votes cast.
  • Prison System for a Democratic Society This report is designed to transform the corrections department to form a system favorable for democracy, seek to address the needs of different groups of offenders.
  • The Effects of Hate Crime Law on Democracy The hate crime law effectively protects people from different social groups and their freedom in spite of its potential risk to an individual’s right to express himself.
  • Democracy in America: Decision-Making It can be argued that politics in America are not genuinely democratic. The current approaches to decision-making do not account for the opinion of the citizens
  • Democracy in the American Government The American political system is regarded to be a representative democracy. The system is democratic due to regular elections and equal opportunities for civic participation.
  • The Health of American Democracy In this article, the author assesses the health of American democracy based on the political participation and political knowledge of ordinary Americans.
  • Representing a Democracy in Miami, Florida This paper analyzes three members of Congress from Miami, Florida by looking at their demographic profile, support base, policy issues of interest, and ideologies.
  • Principles and Literature Materials on Democracy and Governance There are numerous literature publications on democracy and governance whose main objective is to promote democracy and good governance.
  • Key Principles and Processes of Democracy and Their Influences on Public Policies Democratic principles are very vital during a public policy formulation, this is because democracy is becoming the most preferred form of government around the world.
  • The Concepts of Contemporary Democratic Governance and the Separation of Powers The federalism and the doctrine of the separation of powers are very important in terms of establishing democratic forms of governance.
  • Is the USA a Democracy? American Politics Although the United States of America prides itself on being the first democratic country, an opinion that the US is not a democracy has been gaining more traction in recent years.
  • The Issues of Democracy in Australia and the USA The democratic governance in both Australia and the USA has similarities and differences, it is also important that technology impacts different policy and governance areas.
  • The Clayton County Library System: The Effectiveness of Workplace Democracy Diversity in the workplace helps in promoting democratic principles in several ways, for example, ensuring diversity in the workplace fosters the spirit of participation.
  • Differences Between Presidential and Parliamentary Types of Democracy Using the American, British and Indian systems of democracies the essay explains the differences in the election process between the presidential and parliamentary governments.
  • Capitalism and Socialism, Democracy This kind of system is illustrated by having recognized equality rights and freedom both in a social setting and political locale.
  • The Democrat and the Dictator: Roosevelt’s and Hitler’s Speech The common ground for both Roosevelt and Hitler could be found in the fact that both of the leaders were reproaching the governmental leadership that existed at that time.
  • E-Consultation: Enabling Democracy Between Elections Increasing public involvement in political issues is a major issue in democracy. Most countries in the world are democratic.
  • Concepts of Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism, Democracy Both authoritarian and totalitarian regimes are derived from an autocratic ideology, the doctrine that the government is resided in the hands of one individual or a group.
  • Democracy: Principles and Critiques Having stemmed from the democratic principles, the ideas of diversity call for the promotion of tolerance and mutual respect.
  • Concept of Democracy in the Black Community The issue of sports and racism centers on the communal and biased implication associated with the issue of black athletic supremacy or the overall view of such presumed supremacy.
  • “The Transparency of Democracy” Research by Friedman The research “The Transparency of Democracy” by Friedman used the ideas founded in Lefebvre’s invention of space to evaluate the powers involving cultural and spatial formation.
  • Social Justice to Maintain Democracy in Australia This essay will look into the impact of social justice concepts in maintaining democracy in Australian society.
  • How Democracy Was Born? Since ancient times, democracy has been considered a favorable way of ruling which permits freedom and participation in state of affairs by all citizens.
  • Ethnic Parties and Democratic Stability in Divided Societies Many professional on divided societies and governmental designing generally declare that serious society divisions create a major predicament for democracy.
  • Democracy and de Facto Powers The main objective is to examine the challenges and results in order to make “more changes to become a full-fledged democracy”.
  • How Democratic Is the American Constitution? This essay paper discuss deeply the American constitution, how democratic and anti-democratic it has been, and how it should be improved to be more democratic.
  • Ethical Issues of American Democracy The American democracy is experiencing metamorphosis, and on the ethical perspective, some issues are emerging.
  • Is the Labour Party Neo-Liberal or Social Democratic? The basis of the party is solely social democratic, and, in spite of the fact that some instances of liberalism could be traced in the principles of the party.
  • Parliamentary and Presidential Democracy Discussion At the beginning of the 21st century, parliamentary and presidential democracies are the main forms of power in the world.
  • The Effects of Leftist Movement on Democracy in Latin America The paper is about the relationship between the adoption of neo-liberal policies and the social impact of economic development in geographically adjacent Latin American countries.
  • Democratic Capitalism and Morality in America The problem of the level of the salary in the modern world remains core in economics in the condition of the free market.
  • America Transformed Timelines and Democracy Growth This paper discusses America’s transformed timeline highlighting the changes in political parties and the significant events that marked the growth of democracy.
  • Challenges of Democracy Promotion in the United States The challenges of democracy in the United States center on promotion of democracy in all the government systems and departments.
  • “The Role of the United Nations Development Programme in Post-conflict Peace-Building”: Article Analysis Endorsement of democratic values and supporting policies of good governance have become trademark characteristics of the UN in the approaches adopted to deal with issues.
  • Republican and Democratic Parties Major Differences Many political ideologies exist in the U.S. ranging from far right-wing conservatism to far-leftist philosophy. Two major parties are Republican and Democratic.
  • Athenian Democracy: A History of Rise and Fall The 5th-4th centuries BC were a period of the flourishing of polises. There were some outstanding statesman who contributed to the democratization.
  • Democracy in Islamic World The urgent problem of modern society nowadays is the state of democracy in Islamic countries that claims attention of politicians and common people all around the world.
  • Democratic Capitalism and Individual Liberty Democratic capitalism is the economic and political system based on individuals’ potentials in an environment of cooperation and trust.
  • The Feasibility of Transforming Iraq into a Democratic Nation The essay explains the dynamics of ethnic composition of Iraq and how the cultural characteristics of Mideast societies make it difficult for them to adopt Western concepts.
  • Leo Strauss and Friedrich Hayek on Democracy The analysis of the two philosophers, Leo Strauss and Friedrich August von Hayek and their beliefs and views on democracy has a common theme, which is described in the article.
  • Liberal Democracy and the Problem of Political Organization Liberal democracy cannot be the final solution to the political organization as it is limited by the Constitution and strict laws and regulations within the state.
  • Leadership and Democratic Action: Leadership Ability Analysis Analysis of the leadership style of leaders: Martin Luther King, Wayne Gretzky, Nelson Mandela, Adolf Hitler, Margaret Thatcher, and the consequences of their approach to leadership.
  • Gender Inequality in Democratic Welfare States This paper is claimed to evaluate the strategies of Liberal and Social Democratic political forces aimed at the alleviation of gender inequalities.
  • How Far Did General Chun Doo Hwan Prevent a Democratic Development in South Korea During the Late 1980s to Early 1990s? The paper examines the lengths to which the general went to ensure that his military rule continued and also examines how he subverted the democratic process.
  • Dominican Republic Developing a Democracy The author presents the facts from the history of the Dominican Republic, the barriers to building democracy in the country, and solutions in this way.
  • Illiberal Democracy in Hungary and Turkey Today in Hungary and Turkey one can observe the process of establishment of the so-called illiberal democracy, although with different roots and manifestations.
  • Political Environment: Democrats and Republicans The contemporary American political environment has been impacted by the dichotomous role of two leading political parties: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
  • The Socratic Identification of Knowledge and Athenian Democracy It is clear that knowledge and wisdom are essential ingredients of life worth living because ignorance and the lack of understanding make life similar to animals.
  • Russian Federation: Developing a Democracy As one of the advanced developing countries, Russian Federation also passes through the stage of democracy establishment.
  • Russian Federation: Political History and Democracy The present paper will outline the key events in the political history of the Russian Federation and the barriers faced by the country in achieving democracy.
  • Belarus: Developing a Democracy Belarus is one of the states that requires political changes to ensure that its citizens are given indefeasible rights to which they are entitled according to the basic principles of democracy.
  • How Russian Federation Is Developing a Democracy Almost 30 years after, the modern political regime in Russia cannot be referred to as a democratic one, as its leader is represented by only one political party.
  • How Lebanon Is Developing a Democracy Lebanon has quite a history of fighting for democratic values. The civil war that took place in 1975 and lasted for 15 years left a huge mark on citizens’ economic well-being.
  • How Botswana Is Developing a Democracy To avoid the system of authoritarian rule, Botswana people will require reinforcing the influence of its Democratic Party and other political alliances.
  • American Democracy and Landmark Supreme Court Cases This essay ponders the key values of American democracy and describes landmark Supreme Court cases that have contributed to the formation of the political system.
  • The Birth of the United States’ Democracy This paper discusses the theme of American democracy to understand its origins, why it was important, and who was involved in the process starting from 1776.
  • Creating an Ideal State with Democratic Government The ideal country will accept the model of constitutional democracy because the constitution will play a significant role in stabilization and help overcome the political crisis.
  • Is the United States a Model Democracy? The US is a model democracy because it holds free, frequent, and inclusive elections, its citizens enjoy a wide range of individual freedoms and rights.
  • Democracy Principles in the United States This essay will provide four reasons as to why the US was not built on the principles of democracy and has not genuinely complied with them to date.
  • Democratization in El Salvador El Salvador’s residents were fed with a false notion of democracy under the thin veneer of which the authoritarian government promoted rightist ideas.
  • American Foreign Policy Exporting Democracy
  • Americans for Democratic Action
  • Technologies and Equality for Democratic Society
  • American Democrat and German Dictator in 1933
  • Democratic Deficit in Global Governance
  • Mass Culture and Democratization
  • Pro-Democratic Political Position in the US
  • Sexism, Democracy, and Modernization
  • Contemporary Democratic Ideals and Christian Tradition
  • Revolutionary Communism vs. Democratic Socialism
  • Federalism, Consociational Democracy, Government
  • Brazil’s Democracy and National Economic Performance
  • Opioid Crisis Policy by Democrats and Republicans
  • Democratic Views on Pro-Immigration
  • South African Democracy and National Economic Performance
  • The Concept of Democracy as a Historical Fiasco
  • Dream Act as an Institution of American Democracy
  • Democrats and Republicans in the New York State
  • US Democracy and Its Media Representation
  • Russian Democracy and Political Stability
  • Wealth Inequality Effects on American Democracy
  • Indian Democracy and National Economic Performance
  • Jacksonian Democracy and Manifest Destiny
  • Roosevelt and Hitler: Democrat and Dictator
  • India and Brazil Democracy Analysis
  • Pauli Murray’s Contribution to American Democracy
  • Nigerian Democracy and National Economic Performance
  • Natural Resources and Democracy in Political Economy
  • The Arab Spring: New Patterns for Democracy
  • The Concept of Democracy in Political Theory
  • Democratic Communities and Third-Party Conflict Management
  • “Democracy in America” by Alexis de Tocqueville
  • Political Sciences: Building Global Democracy
  • Democracy in America Between 1780 and 1830
  • How Wealth Inequality Affects Democracy in America?
  • Political Culture: Failure of Democracy in Iraq
  • Representative Democracy and Its Crisis in Europe
  • Political Parties in the Democratic World
  • Democracy and National Economic Performance in China
  • Should Democracy Be Promoted in Africa?
  • Are Free Elections Necessary to Have a Democracy?
  • Are Pressure Groups Good for Democracy?
  • Which Country Has the Best Democracy in the World?
  • How Does Democracy Help the World?
  • Can Democracy Remedy Africa’s Problem?
  • How Many Countries Have Democracy?
  • Does Democracy Ensure Freedom?
  • In Which Counties There Is No Democracy?
  • Does Democracy Produce Worse Government Than Dictatorship Produce?
  • Why Democracy Is a Good Form of Government?
  • Does Democracy Work for the Entire World?
  • What Is the World’s Oldest Democracy?
  • How Did Hindenburg Undermine German Democracy in 1925-33?
  • What Is the Role of Citizens in a Democracy?
  • How Effective Was Athenian Democracy?
  • Why Is Democracy Considered Much Superior?
  • How Far Had Britain Moved Towards a Full Democracy by 1928?
  • Who Started Democracy in the World?
  • What Are the Freedoms of Living in a Democracy?
  • Is Indian Democracy Alive and Kicking?
  • Why Democracy Is Better Than Its Alternatives?
  • When Democracy Is Considered Successful?
  • Should Poorer Countries Embrace Democracy?
  • What Are the Two Most Important Ideals of Democracy?
  • What Is the Most Basic Outcome of Democracy?
  • Was the First World War a War for More Democracy?
  • What Are the Unique Traits of Athenian Democracy?
  • What Are the Issues in Which Democracy Has Failed?
  • What True Majority Democracy Is About?

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"216 Democracy Essay Topics & Research Questions about Democracy." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/democracy-essay-topics/.

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StudyCorgi . "216 Democracy Essay Topics & Research Questions about Democracy." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/democracy-essay-topics/.

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121 Democracy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Democracy is a system of government that allows citizens to participate in decision-making processes, elect their representatives, and enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms. Writing an essay on democracy can be a thought-provoking and enlightening task. To assist you in selecting a suitable topic, we have compiled a list of 121 democracy essay topic ideas and examples. These topics cover various aspects of democracy, including its history, challenges, benefits, and future prospects. Whether you are a student, academic, or simply interested in exploring democracy, these prompts will inspire you to delve deeper into this fascinating subject.

  • The birth of democracy: Ancient Athens as a model.
  • The impact of Magna Carta on the development of democracy.
  • The role of the Enlightenment in shaping democratic thought.
  • Democracy versus authoritarianism: A comparative analysis.
  • The challenges faced by emerging democracies in Africa.
  • The Arab Spring: Catalyst for democratic change in the Middle East.
  • The impact of colonialism on the development of democracy in former colonies.
  • Democracy and economic development: Does democracy promote prosperity?
  • The role of media in promoting democracy and civic engagement.
  • The influence of social media on modern democratic processes.
  • The role of education in fostering democratic values and active citizenship.
  • The impact of globalization on democracy.
  • The rise of populism and its impact on democratic institutions.
  • The role of political parties in a healthy democracy.
  • The importance of an independent judiciary in safeguarding democracy.
  • The impact of money in politics on democratic processes.
  • Democracy and human rights: Are they inseparable?
  • The role of civil society organizations in promoting democracy.
  • The impact of gerrymandering on democratic representation.
  • The role of women in promoting and sustaining democracy.
  • The challenges of democratic consolidation in post-conflict societies.
  • Democracy and environmental sustainability: Are they compatible?
  • Direct democracy versus representative democracy: A comparative analysis.
  • The role of the United Nations in promoting democracy worldwide.
  • The impact of technology on electoral processes and voter turnout.
  • The role of international organizations in supporting democratic transitions.
  • The impact of immigration on democratic societies.
  • The role of political leadership in strengthening or undermining democracy.
  • The impact of income inequality on democratic participation.
  • Democracy and nationalism: A conflicting relationship?
  • The role of religious institutions in promoting or hindering democracy.
  • The impact of political polarization on democratic discourse.
  • The influence of money in the media on democratic processes.
  • The impact of campaign finance reform on democracy.
  • The role of public opinion in shaping democratic decision-making.
  • Democracy and social justice: Are they mutually reinforcing?
  • The impact of voter suppression on democratic outcomes.
  • The role of youth in promoting democratic change.
  • Democracy and multiculturalism: A delicate balance.
  • The impact of electoral systems on democratic representation.
  • The role of grassroots movements in promoting democratic reforms.
  • The impact of globalization on democratic governance.
  • Democracy and the rule of law: A symbiotic relationship?
  • The role of international aid in supporting democratic development.
  • The impact of political corruption on democratic institutions.
  • The role of political satire in holding democratic leaders accountable.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in the digital age.
  • The impact of social movements on democratic change.
  • The role of citizen journalism in promoting democratic accountability.
  • Democracy and public health: A mutually reinforcing relationship?
  • The impact of campaign finance on democratic elections.
  • The role of citizen participation in strengthening democracy.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in multicultural societies.
  • Democracy and peacebuilding: A symbiotic relationship?
  • The impact of political polarization on democratic stability.
  • The role of international election observers in promoting free and fair elections.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in post-truth societies.
  • Democracy and sustainable development: Compatible or conflicting goals?
  • The impact of social media echo chambers on democratic dialogue.
  • The role of civil liberties in safeguarding democracy.
  • Democracy and gender equality: Are they mutually reinforcing?
  • The impact of disinformation on democratic processes.
  • The role of political education in fostering democratic values.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in times of crisis.
  • The impact of populism on democratic institutions.
  • Democracy and income distribution: A mutually reinforcing relationship?
  • The role of non-governmental organizations in promoting democratic reforms.
  • The impact of media ownership concentration on democratic discourse.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in the face of climate change.
  • Democracy and the rights of minority groups: A delicate balance.
  • The impact of social media algorithms on democratic participation.
  • The role of whistleblowers in exposing political corruption and safeguarding democracy.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in the era of artificial intelligence.
  • Democracy and the rights of indigenous peoples: A conflicting relationship?
  • The impact of money in politics on democratic accountability.
  • The role of public intellectuals in promoting democratic values.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in times of economic crisis.
  • Democracy and the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals: A work in progress.
  • The impact of surveillance technology on democratic freedoms.
  • The role of international sanctions in promoting democratic change.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in the age of fake news.
  • Democracy and the rights of refugees: A moral dilemma?
  • The impact of social media manipulation on democratic elections.
  • The role of whistleblowers in exposing human rights abuses and promoting democracy.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in the era of big data.
  • Democracy and the rights of people with disabilities: An unfinished agenda.
  • The impact of algorithmic bias on democratic decision-making.
  • The role of international peacekeeping missions in supporting democratic transitions.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in the era of cyber warfare.
  • Democracy and the rights of animals: A moral imperative?
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on democratic decision-making processes.
  • The role of international human rights organizations in promoting democracy.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in the era of mass surveillance.
  • Democracy and the rights of future generations: A sustainable imperative?
  • The impact of social media manipulation on democratic participation.
  • The role of digital activism in promoting democratic change.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in the era of disinformation.
  • Democracy and the rights of prisoners: A question of rehabilitation or punishment?
  • The impact of facial recognition technology on democratic freedoms.
  • The role of international criminal tribunals in promoting democracy and accountability.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in the era of artificial general intelligence.
  • Democracy and the rights of non-human beings: A philosophical debate.
  • The impact of deepfake technology on democratic discourse.
  • The role of international development aid in promoting democratic reforms.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in the era of bioengineering.
  • Democracy and the rights of AI entities: An ethical dilemma?
  • The impact of blockchain technology on democratic decision-making processes.
  • The role of international peacebuilding missions in supporting democratic transitions.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in the era of quantum computing.
  • Democracy and the rights of sentient beings: A moral imperative?
  • The impact of social credit systems on democratic freedoms.
  • The role of digital human rights organizations in promoting democracy.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in the era of genetic engineering.
  • Democracy and the rights of future AI entities: A legal quandary?
  • The impact of brain-computer interfaces on democratic decision-making.
  • The role of international humanitarian organizations in promoting democracy.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in the era of mind uploading.
  • Democracy and the rights of extraterrestrial beings: A philosophical inquiry.
  • The impact of algorithmic governance on democratic freedoms.
  • The role of international peacekeeping robots in supporting democratic transitions.
  • The challenges of democratic governance in the era of transhumanism.

These essay topic ideas provide a wide array of options to explore the multifaceted nature of democracy. Whether you choose a historical, political, social, or technological perspective, the key is to critically analyze and present a well-supported argument. Democracy is an ever-evolving concept, and by delving into these topics, you can contribute to the ongoing discourse on democratic theory and practice. So, choose a topic that resonates with your interests, conduct thorough research, and let your essay reflect your passion for democracy.

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Essays on Democracy

Democracy essay topics and outline examples, essay title 1: the evolution of democracy: historical origins, principles, and contemporary challenges.

Thesis Statement: This essay explores the historical roots of democracy, its foundational principles, and the contemporary challenges it faces in the context of modern societies.

  • Introduction
  • Origins of Democracy: Ancient Greece and Beyond
  • Democratic Principles: Rule of Law, Freedom, and Participation
  • Democracy in Practice: Case Studies of Democratic Nations
  • Challenges to Democracy: Populism, Authoritarianism, and Erosion of Institutions
  • Electoral Systems: Voting Methods and Representation
  • Media and Democracy: The Role of Information and Misinformation
  • Conclusion: Safeguarding Democracy in the 21st Century

Essay Title 2: The Democratic Experiment: Comparative Analysis of Democratic Systems Worldwide

Thesis Statement: This essay conducts a comparative analysis of democratic systems in different countries, highlighting variations in practices, governance structures, and outcomes.

  • Democratic Models: Presidential vs. Parliamentary Systems
  • Democratic Variations: Federalism and Unitarism
  • Elections and Representation: Proportional vs. First-Past-the-Post Systems
  • Citizen Participation: Direct Democracy and Referendums
  • Case Studies: Analyzing Democracies in Europe, Asia, and the Americas
  • Democratic Challenges: Corruption, Voter Suppression, and Civic Engagement
  • Conclusion: Lessons Learned from Global Democratic Experiences

Essay Title 3: The Digital Age and Democracy: Technology, Social Media, and the Shaping of Political Discourse

Thesis Statement: This essay examines the influence of technology and social media on democratic processes, including their impact on political communication, public opinion, and election outcomes.

  • The Digital Revolution: Internet Access and Political Engagement
  • Social Media Platforms: Their Role in Disseminating Information and Disinformation
  • Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers: The Polarization of Political Discourse
  • Online Activism: Grassroots Movements and Their Impact
  • Regulation and Ethics: Balancing Free Speech and Accountability Online
  • Case Studies: Examining Elections and Political Campaigns in the Digital Age
  • Conclusion: Navigating the Intersection of Technology and Democracy

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Effectively composed parliament through proper electoral system, discussion on whether prisoners should have right to vote, comparing and contrasting analysis of the maximalist and minimalist democracy, democracy: the influence of interest groups on political decisions through lobbying, the possibility of countries in the middle east to ever become democratic, the present situation with democracy in bangladesh, the controversial question of the use of civil disobedience as a method of protest in a democracy, the "bull moose" campaign of 1912, the american constitution as not the only possible basis for the democratic system, successful consolidation of democracy in nigeria & india, evaluation of plato's view of democracy, nigeria’s democracy in the era of fake news, political significance of social media, research of how loss of reputation has played a major role in the decline of indian national congress, the age of jacksonian democracy in america, questioning democracy in thoreau's and melville's works, how pluralist democracy are affected by pressure groups, the state of democracy in africa, abolishing the electoral college: a case for popular vote, relevant topics.

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essay questions on democracy

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8 Questions About Democracy Answered

Election - Voters in polling station voting in 2012 Presidential Election, Ventura County, California, November 6, 2012.

The origins of the word democracy reveal its meaning: it comes from the Greek word dēmokratia , which was derived from dēmos (“people”) and kratos (“rule”). In other words: rule by the people. The questions and answers in this list are taken from the Top Questions sections of the articles on  democracy , Roman Republic , ancient Greece , monarchy , liberalism , and Democritus , where you can find many more questions answered.

What is democracy?

Democracy is a system of government in which laws, policies, leadership, and major undertakings of a state or other polity are directly or indirectly decided by the “people,” a group historically constituted by only a minority of the population (e.g., all free adult males in ancient Athens or all sufficiently propertied adult males in 19th-century Britain) but generally understood since the mid-20th century to include all (or nearly all) adult citizens.

Where was democracy first practiced?

Studies of contemporary nonliterate tribal societies and other evidence suggest that democracy, broadly speaking, was practiced within tribes of hunter-gatherers in prehistoric times. The transition to settled agricultural communities led to inequalities of wealth and power between and within communities and hierarchical nondemocratic forms of social organization. Thousands of years later, in the 6th century BCE, a relatively democratic form of government was introduced in the city-state of Athens by Cleisthenes .

How is democracy better than other forms of government?

By and large, states with democratic governments prevent rule by autocrats, guarantee fundamental individual rights, allow for a relatively high level of political equality, and rarely make war on each other. As compared with nondemocratic states, they also better foster human development as measured by indicators such as health and education, provide more prosperity for their citizens, and ensure a broader range of personal freedoms. 

Was the Roman Republic a democracy?

The Roman Republic was a democracy. Its government consisted of the Senate and four assemblies: the Comitia Curiata, the Comitia Centuriata, the Concilium Plebis, and the Comitia Tributa. Nevertheless, in emergency situations the Senate and consuls would appoint a temporary dictator to rule for a limited amount of time. The most famous of these dictators was Cincinnatus .

Was ancient Greece a democracy?

Each ancient Greek city-state had its own government. Common forms of government included tyranny and oligarchy . In 507 BCE, under the leadership of  Cleisthenes , the citizens of Athens began to develop a system of popular rule that they called democracy, which would last nearly two centuries. In their governing body, the Assembly (Ecclesia), all adult male citizens, perhaps 10 to 15 percent of the total population, were eligible to vote.

What is the difference between monarchy and democracy?

Monarchy is a political system based on the sovereignty of a single ruler. Democracy, a term that means “rule by the people,” is a political system in which laws, policies, leaders, and major state undertakings are decided directly or indirectly by the citizens.

How is liberalism related to democracy?

In John Locke ’s theory, the consent of the governed was secured through a system of majority rule, whereby the government would carry out the expressed will of the electorate. However, in the England of Locke’s time and in other democratic societies for centuries thereafter, not every person was considered a member of the electorate, which until the 20th century was generally limited to propertied white males. There is no necessary connection between liberalism and any specific form of democratic government, and indeed Locke’s liberalism presupposed a constitutional monarchy .

Is “democracy” named for Democritus?

No. Despite its phonetic similarity to Democritus, democracy is not named for the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus. The word democracy is actually derived from the Greek dēmokratiā , which in turn derives from the Greek dēmos (meaning “people”) and kratos (meaning “rule”).

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Home Essay Samples Government

Essay Samples on Democracy

The role of media in democracy: navigating information and accountability.

The role of media in democracy is pivotal, serving as a cornerstone of informed citizenship and accountable governance. In democratic societies, media plays a multifaceted role — informing the public, scrutinizing those in power, and fostering open discourse. This essay will delve into the intricate...

Comparing Autocracy, Totalitarianism, and Democracy: Strengths and Weaknesses

Introduction There have been many forms of government, some more popular than others, that have been tried and tested globally throughout history. Winston Churchill, a former British prime minister once said, “… democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms...

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Models of Democracy and Alternatives of Political Organisation

Ancient Athens provided the first working model of democracy. In Greek demos means 'the people.' Every Athenian citizen (a group which excluded women, slaves, and free foreigners) could vote on city issues at the assembly of the people. If you were an Athenian male at...

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Democratic and Expert Leadership Styles Today

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Democratic Leadership - Positive Impact on Corporate Performance

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Differences Between Democratic Leadership and Management

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Becoming A Good Responsible Citizen In Democratic Society

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Democracy In The Moby Dick

The Pequod represents a society of its own, with its diverse members, that traverses unto its doomed fate under the governance of a man with a monomaniacal agenda, Ahab. Melville presents Ahab as a symbol of authoritative force, at the apex of the pyramid commanding...

The Undemocratic Democracy Or The Role Of Dictatorship

The UN consists of 193 nations, with 123 of these using the political system labelled democracy. The Oxford English Dictionary describes democracy as “a political system that allows the citizens to participate in political decision‐making, or to elect representatives to government bodies”. Politicians are keen...

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The Difference Of Views In Dictatorship And Democracy

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Different Forms Of Government: Communism Versus Democracy

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The Manifestation Of Communism And Democracy In Us And Europe

Since the early 1500s, the manifestation of God throughout Europe was a spiritual revolution and the norm of society. God was known in every household as the answer to all questions and the explanation of the unexplainable. God was the center of the universe thus...

Analysis Of The Foundations Of Ideology In Western Civilizations

The foundation for ideology was born for and to battle against; was more than that of a struggle for political power or influence, it was a struggle for the foundations of civilization. That the church based civilization in religious design as to separate civilization from...

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The Economy of Democracy: Preserving Africa's Autonomy

Abstract Economies and regulations are so intertwined, a debate on which follows the other is most likely to go infinitely low income countries in Africa are heavily borrowing in a bid to develop sustainable economies. Borrowing and assistance to countries promote diplomatic ties and propel...

A Decline of American Democracy

Thirty years ago, a century long growing trend in democracy came to a halt. As democracy starts to work less and less in favour of the people and more in favour of the government, many question the legitimacy of modern democracy. For generations, political scientists...

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Current State and Future of the United States Democracy

Since the 18th century, Democracy acted as a backbone for America, playing a huge role in the development and growth of the nation. Before it became what it is today, there were many changes and additions to the system that enabled it to develop into...

Critique of Hannah Arendt's Approach in Her Thesis on Totalitarianism

A totalitarian government is one which should be seen as a regime of the past. In society today, people have rights and freedoms; which means that the government has the mandate to protect its citizens, and give them the power to work and realise the...

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Path Towards a Sustainable Democracy and True Social Contract in Nigeria

Abstract Since Nigeria returned to democracy in May 1999, after almost three decades of military rule, and almost two decades of economic crises, the country has been faced with the complex challenges of national reconstruction and economic reforms, and democratic consolidation. Even after many general...

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Sustaining Order and Democracy in Lord of the Flies and The Maze Runner

Introduction In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies and James Dashner’s The Maze Runner, the protagonists, Ralph and Thomas, are set up as leaders of the society that is constructed encompassing them. However, whilst Ralph joins the island within a group- incrementing himself into his...

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Essay on Democracy


Democracy is mainly a Greek word which means people and their rules, here peoples have the to select their own government as per their choice. Greece was the first democratic country in the world. India is a democratic country where people select their government of their own choice, also people have the rights to do the work of their choice. There are two types of democracy: direct and representative and hybrid or semi-direct democracy. There are many decisions which are made under democracies. People enjoy few rights which are very essential for human beings to live happily. 

Our country has the largest democracy. In a democracy, each person has equal rights to fight for development. After the independence, India has adopted democracy, where the people vote those who are above 18 years of age, but these votes do not vary by any caste; people from every caste have equal rights to select their government. Democracy, also called as a rule of the majority, means whatever the majority of people decide, it has to be followed or implemented, the representative winning with the most number of votes will have the power. We can say the place where literacy people are more there shows the success of the democracy even lack of consciousness is also dangerous in a democracy. Democracy is associated with higher human accumulation and higher economic freedom. Democracy is closely tied with the economic source of growth like education and quality of life as well as health care. The constituent assembly in India was adopted by Dr B.R. Ambedkar on 26 th November 1949 and became sovereign democratic after its constitution came into effect on 26 January 1950.

What are the Challenges:

There are many challenges for democracy like- corruption here, many political leaders and officers who don’t do work with integrity everywhere they demand bribes, resulting in the lack of trust on the citizens which affects the country very badly. Anti-social elements- which are seen during elections where people are given bribes and they are forced to vote for a particular candidate. Caste and community- where a large number of people give importance to their caste and community, therefore, the political party also selects the candidate on the majority caste. We see wherever the particular caste people win the elections whether they do good for the society or not, and in some cases, good leaders lose because of less count of the vote.

India is considered to be the largest democracy around the globe, with a population of 1.3 billion. Even though being the biggest democratic nation, India still has a long way to becoming the best democratic system. The caste system still prevails in some parts, which hurts the socialist principle of democracy. Communalism is on the rise throughout the globe and also in India, which interferes with the secular principle of democracy. All these differences need to be set aside to ensure a thriving democracy.

Principles of Democracy:

There are mainly five principles like- republic, socialist, sovereign, democratic and secular, with all these quality political parties will contest for elections. There will be many bribes given to the needy person who require food, money, shelter and ask them to vote whom they want. But we can say that democracy in India is still better than the other countries.

Basically, any country needs democracy for development and better functioning of the government. In some countries, freedom of political expression, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, are considered to ensure that voters are well informed, enabling them to vote according to their own interests.

Let us Discuss These Five Principles in Further Detail

Sovereign: In short, being sovereign or sovereignty means the independent authority of a state. The country has the authority to make all the decisions whether it be on internal issues or external issues, without the interference of any third party.

Socialist: Being socialist means the country (and the Govt.), always works for the welfare of the people, who live in that country. There should be many bribes offered to the needy person, basic requirements of them should be fulfilled by any means. No one should starve in such a country.

Secular: There will be no such thing as a state religion, the country does not make any bias on the basis of religion. Every religion must be the same in front of the law, no discrimination on the basis of someone’s religion is tolerated. Everyone is allowed to practice and propagate any religion, they can change their religion at any time.

Republic: In a republic form of Government, the head of the state is elected, directly or indirectly by the people and is not a hereditary monarch. This elected head is also there for a fixed tenure. In India, the head of the state is the president, who is indirectly elected and has a fixed term of office (5 years).

Democratic: By a democratic form of government, means the country’s government is elected by the people via the process of voting. All the adult citizens in the country have the right to vote to elect the government they want, only if they meet a certain age limit of voting.

Merits of Democracy:

better government forms because it is more accountable and in the interest of the people.

improves the quality of decision making and enhances the dignity of the citizens.

provide a method to deal with differences and conflicts.

A democratic system of government is a form of government in which supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodic free elections. It permits citizens to participate in making laws and public policies by choosing their leaders, therefore citizens should be educated so that they can select the right candidate for the ruling government. Also, there are some concerns regarding democracy- leaders always keep changing in democracy with the interest of citizens and on the count of votes which leads to instability. It is all about political competition and power, no scope for morality.

Factors Affect Democracy:

capital and civil society

economic development


Norway and Iceland are the best democratic countries in the world. India is standing at fifty-one position.

India is a parliamentary democratic republic where the President is head of the state and Prime minister is head of the government. The guiding principles of democracy such as protected rights and freedoms, free and fair elections, accountability and transparency of government officials, citizens have a responsibility to uphold and support their principles. Democracy was first practised in the 6 th century BCE, in the city-state of Athens. One basic principle of democracy is that people are the source of all the political power, in a democracy people rule themselves and also respect given to diverse groups of citizens, so democracy is required to select the government of their own interest and make the nation developed by electing good leaders.


FAQs on Democracy Essay for Students in English

1. What are the Features of Democracy?

Features of Democracy are as follows

Equality: Democracy provides equal rights to everyone, regardless of their gender, caste, colour, religion or creed.

Individual Freedom: Everybody has the right to do anything they want until it does not affect another person’s liberty.

Majority Rules: In a democracy, things are decided by the majority rule, if the majority agrees to something, it will be done.

Free Election: Everyone has the right to vote or to become a candidate to fight the elections.

2. Define Democracy?

Democracy means where people have the right to choose the rulers and also people have freedom to express views, freedom to organise and freedom to protest. Protesting and showing Dissent is a major part of a healthy democracy. Democracy is the most successful and popular form of government throughout the globe.

Democracy holds a special place in India, also India is still the largest democracy in existence around the world.

3. What are the Benefits of Democracy?

Let us discuss some of the benefits received by the use of democracy to form a government. Benefits of democracy are: 

It is more accountable

Improves the quality of decision as the decision is taken after a long time of discussion and consultation.

It provides a better method to deal with differences and conflicts.

It safeguards the fundamental rights of people and brings a sense of equality and freedom.

It works for the welfare of both the people and the state.

4. Which country is the largest democracy in the World?

India is considered the largest democracy, all around the world. India decided to have a democratic Govt. from the very first day of its independence after the rule of the British. In India, everyone above the age of 18 years can go to vote to select the Government, without any kind of discrimination on the basis of caste, colour, religion, gender or more. But India, even being the largest democracy, still has a long way to become perfect.

5. Write about the five principles of Democracy?

There are five key principles that are followed in a democracy. These Five Principles of Democracy of India are -  secular, sovereign, republic, socialist, and democratic. These five principles have to be respected by every political party, participating in the general elections in India. The party which got the most votes forms the government which represents the democratic principle. No discrimination is done on the basis of religion which represents the secular nature of democracy. The govt. formed after the election has to work for the welfare of common people which shows socialism in play.

essay questions on democracy

What ails American democracy, and what to do about it

Harvard Kennedy School scholars examine threats and responses.

Harvard Kennedy School faculty share insights into the evident fragility of American democratic norms and institutions following the attack on the United States Capitol by followers of President Trump. These essays examine the nature and scale of the threat and weigh potential avenues for protecting and nurturing democracy. They were written before the U.S. House of Representatives impeached President Trump on Wednesday for the second time.

  • Nicholas Burns
  • Cornell William Brooks
  • Joan Donovan
  • Thomas Patterson
  • Tarek Masoud
  • Archon Fung
  • Pippa Norris

Allies fret and foes gloat at the homegrown threats to American democracy

Nicholas Burns.

Nicholas Burns, Roy and Barbara Goodman Family Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Relations

Fragility, white nationalism, and redemptive healing

Cornell William Brooks.

The second thing that I think is incredibly important is this notion that white nationalism is a threat to the black and brown ‘they’, as opposed to an existential threat to the multi-racial multi-ethnic ‘we the people.’ It's clear here that what happened last week is a threat to democracy itself. Not they, not them, but us.

Last point here that I'm still processing as a human being, not as a member of the Kennedy school faculty, but as a human being, as a moral being, is this notion that healing can be harmful or that healing can be redemptive. In other words, this impatient call for the country to heal, to come together, to paper over the differences, to paper over the divisions, to paper over the violence that we were subject to both morally and physically, is offensive. And this is in fact a common response to this challenge. 

[But] healing can be redemptive, which is to say that we can patiently process as we're doing today what we've come through, the ways in which our sensibilities have been violated; the degree to which many of us feel physically vulnerable. For those of us on this call who have been subject to death threats, who have been subject to racist thoughts and hate, this was a moment of vulnerability.

(Excerpt from Kennedy School community online discussion ) 

Cornell William Brooks, Hauser Professor of the Practice of Nonprofit Organizations; Professor of the Practice of Public Leadership and Social Justice

Curbing the deadly damage caused by misinformation

Joan Donovan.

Joan Donovan, adjunct lecturer in public policy, research director, Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy 

The GOP’s record of undermining democracy predates Trump election claims

Thomas Patterson.

When it became clear that mail-in balloting might benefit Biden and other Democratic candidates, Republicans claimed without a shred of evidence that it was riddled with fraud and then obstructed it. Texas’s Republican governor limited each of the state’s counties to a single drop-off location, seeking to suppress the vote in heavily populated Democratic counties. Montana and North Carolina were among the Republican states that sought to limit mail-in voting . The Trump administration cut Postal Service funding in hope that mail-in ballots would arrive too late to be counted. 

The list of Republican shenanigans is lengthy. There was no constitutional barrier to prevent Wisconsin’s outgoing Republican governor Scott Walker, in consort with the state’s Republican-controlled legislature, to strip the governor’s office of power before the incoming Democratic governor could take office in 2019. But it violated the longstanding norm of American politics that the outgoing party accept the transfer of power that comes with losing an election . North Carolina’s Republicans pulled the same stunt when the state’s voters elected a Democratic governor in 2016. 

The 1965 Voting Rights Act was designed to end the voter suppression that had long darkened America’s elections. It worked until Republicans began devising schemes to keep minorities from voting. In the early 2000s, they enacted laws requiring residents to have a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, in order to register to vote. Minority group members, young adults, and people of low income—all of whom tend to vote Democratic—are less likely than white Americans as a whole to have a passport or driver’s license.

Nearly thirty states have since enacted voter ID laws and all but one did so when controlled by Republican lawmakers who claimed without evidence that the requirement is needed to prevent voter fraud. The true purpose is unmistakable. As a longtime Republican political consultant said: “Of course it’s political. Why else would you do it?” Republican lawmakers in Florida and Pennsylvania slipped up and publicly said that the aim was to suppress the Democratic vote.

Perhaps the mob that ransacked the Capital last week will lead the GOP to change colors. It will, of course, force the GOP to distance itself from Donald Trump. But don’t expect more. Republicans oppose strengthening the Voting Rights Act and have signaled their intention to limit mail-in voting . And, if their recent past is a guide, they won’t stop there.

Thomas E. Patterson, Bradlee Professor of Government & the Press and author of Is the Republican Party Destroying Itself?

Did the Capitol Hill riots demonstrate US democracy’s weakness or its strength?

Tarek Masoud.

Tarek Masoud, Professor of Public Policy and Sultan Qaboos bin Said of Oman Professor of International Relations

How can we build a democracy that we all believe in?

Archon Fung.

Though this idea of putting citizens in charge of democracy would be new to the United States, the experience of Citizen Assemblies from countries such Canada, Ireland, and Iceland shows that they can generate very sensible recommendations that many other citizens like and accept as legitimate. Most of our political leaders will reject the idea that citizens should have a powerful role in improving our democracy, not least because they won their positions according to the current rules of democracy. But if the Stop the Steal riots last week mobilize us to be more ambitious and innovative about our republic, to be curiously searching for better ways from all around the world rather than congratulating ourselves about our exceptional system of government, we can build together a democracy that we all believe in.

(Excerpt from a longer essay )

Archon Fung, Winthrop Laflin McCormack Professor of Citizenship and Self-Government

The roots of democratic backsliding go beyond Trump 

Pippa Norris

But the rot goes deeper than one man. In the last eight elections, from 1992 to 2020, the Republican Party won a majority of the popular vote only once (in 2004), and as its national electoral prospects declined, it has drifted further toward illiberalism. Two recent independent cross-national studies, by the V-Party project and the Global Party Survey , show just how extreme the GOP has become in its position toward the principles of liberal democracy, where it is now estimated to be closer to authoritarian populist parties such as Spain’s Vox, the Netherlands’ Party for Freedom, and the Alterative for Germany than it is to mainstream conservative, Christian Democratic, and center-right parties. By contrast, the studies found that the Democratic Party’s position is similar to that of many moderate parties within the mainstream center-left. 

Finally, the problem also lies in the Republican base. The foundations of American civic culture—attitudes of trust in government, confidence in the political system, and support for democracy—have weakened over the decades. The World Values Survey asks whether people approve of various types of political systems, and in 1995, 25 percent of Americans said it was a good idea to have “a strong leader who does not have to bother with parliament and elections.” That already alarming share rose steadily, and by 2017, 38 percent of Americans embraced this belief. Trump was thus throwing a lit match into a puddle of gasoline when he chose to claim that Biden had stolen the election.

(Excerpt from commentary in Foreign Affairs, “It Happened in America”)

Pippa Norris, the Paul F. McGuire Lecturer in Comparative Politics

Header image: Police clear the U.S. Capitol Building with tear gas as supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump gather outside, in Washington, U.S. January 6, 2021. REUTERS/Stephanie Keith

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Essay on Election and Democracy for Students and Children

500 words essay on election and democracy.

A democratic government is said to be the best kind of government. It ensures the active participation of the people where the citizens get the chance to choose their government. The candidate or party whom the people choose is through elections.

essay on election and democracy

Therefore, we see how elections play a pivotal role in a democracy. The party which secures the highest number of votes in the election process forms the government for the next term. That is why we see how elections are greatly crucial for a democracy.

Election Process in a Democracy

The election process in a democracy is usually similar in most ways. It is responsible for shaping the government of a democracy. Elections are conducted at regular intervals. In a democracy like India, they take place every five years. A committee is set to monitor the whole electoral procedure from the voters’ list to the results.

During the election process, various parties enroll themselves to contest in the elections. After thorough campaigning and more, dates are decided on which voting happens. People turn up in great numbers to cast their votes to make their candidate or party win.

Most importantly, in a democracy, the election process follows the method of a secret ballot. It is very beneficial for maintaining the fairness of the contest. Moreover, they also protect the privacy and safety of the voter as they are not liable to answer to anyone regarding their vote. It is one of the fairest ways to decide who wins the election.

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Importance of Election in Democracy

The election procedure just shows how important and crucial it is for a democracy. The process is very grand and takes place on a great level. As it requires a lot of work and attention, there are certain people who specifically get the responsibility of handling and managing the entire process.

Elections form the basis of democracy. They are very important as they help the people in getting a chance to contest the elections. It allows people to get a fair chance to work for their country and make a brighter future. Moreover, it also ensures that any person can become a part of the government without any discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, sex, religion or more.

Most importantly, elections entrust a big responsibility on the shoulders of the citizens. It helps in empowering the citizens of a democracy. You see that when a person earns the right to vote, they choose their government responsibly as they realize the power that lies within their hands.

Above all, the election process ensures fair play. They are a great way of preventing dishonest people from rigging the procedure. In short, fair and regular elections are a vital part of a democratic government. Similarly, they empower the common citizens of the nation to elect their government and also change it after a period of time to ensure everyone works for the best in the country.

FAQs on Election and Democracy

Q.1 What is the election process in a democracy?

A.1 The election process takes place at a regular period of time. People cast their vote to whomever they think id serving of being in power. Thus, the party with the majority of votes wins and serves the term.

Q.2 Why are elections important in a democracy?

A.2 Elections form the basis of any democracy. It ensures that the power resides within the people. It also ensures fair play and stops any unfair means from taking place. They are important to strengthen the essence of democracy.

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Volume 2, Part 4, Chapters 4-6

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Discussion Questions

Describe how Tocqueville is particularly positive about the political culture of New England. Given his concerns about the tyranny of the majority, why do you think he is so enthusiastic about town meetings and local government?

How does Tocqueville argue that law, lawyers, and jury service are beneficial to American democracy, particularly as an antidote to the tyranny of the majority?

What arguments does Tocqueville offer for why the United States will endure despite regional rivalries and differences?

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American Democracy Essay Examples

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