Nature Essay for Students and Children

500+ words nature essay.

Nature is an important and integral part of mankind. It is one of the greatest blessings for human life; however, nowadays humans fail to recognize it as one. Nature has been an inspiration for numerous poets, writers, artists and more of yesteryears. This remarkable creation inspired them to write poems and stories in the glory of it. They truly valued nature which reflects in their works even today. Essentially, nature is everything we are surrounded by like the water we drink, the air we breathe, the sun we soak in, the birds we hear chirping, the moon we gaze at and more. Above all, it is rich and vibrant and consists of both living and non-living things. Therefore, people of the modern age should also learn something from people of yesteryear and start valuing nature before it gets too late.

nature essay

Significance of Nature

Nature has been in existence long before humans and ever since it has taken care of mankind and nourished it forever. In other words, it offers us a protective layer which guards us against all kinds of damages and harms. Survival of mankind without nature is impossible and humans need to understand that.

If nature has the ability to protect us, it is also powerful enough to destroy the entire mankind. Every form of nature, for instance, the plants , animals , rivers, mountains, moon, and more holds equal significance for us. Absence of one element is enough to cause a catastrophe in the functioning of human life.

We fulfill our healthy lifestyle by eating and drinking healthy, which nature gives us. Similarly, it provides us with water and food that enables us to do so. Rainfall and sunshine, the two most important elements to survive are derived from nature itself.

Further, the air we breathe and the wood we use for various purposes are a gift of nature only. But, with technological advancements, people are not paying attention to nature. The need to conserve and balance the natural assets is rising day by day which requires immediate attention.

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Conservation of Nature

In order to conserve nature, we must take drastic steps right away to prevent any further damage. The most important step is to prevent deforestation at all levels. Cutting down of trees has serious consequences in different spheres. It can cause soil erosion easily and also bring a decline in rainfall on a major level.

essay on beautiful nature

Polluting ocean water must be strictly prohibited by all industries straightaway as it causes a lot of water shortage. The excessive use of automobiles, AC’s and ovens emit a lot of Chlorofluorocarbons’ which depletes the ozone layer. This, in turn, causes global warming which causes thermal expansion and melting of glaciers.

Therefore, we should avoid personal use of the vehicle when we can, switch to public transport and carpooling. We must invest in solar energy giving a chance for the natural resources to replenish.

In conclusion, nature has a powerful transformative power which is responsible for the functioning of life on earth. It is essential for mankind to flourish so it is our duty to conserve it for our future generations. We must stop the selfish activities and try our best to preserve the natural resources so life can forever be nourished on earth.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [ { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why is nature important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Nature is an essential part of our lives. It is important as it helps in the functioning of human life and gives us natural resources to lead a healthy life.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can we conserve nature?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “We can take different steps to conserve nature like stopping the cutting down of trees. We must not use automobiles excessively and take public transport instead. Further, we must not pollute our ocean and river water.” } } ] }

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Short Essay on the Beauty of Nature [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this session, you will learn how actually you can write short essays on The beauty of Nature. There will be three individual sets of essays covering different word limits. 

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Short Essay on the Beauty of Nature in 100 Words

Nature is a gift of God towards all living creatures on the earth. There is no one who is not daily helped by the goods of nature. Nature is significant to the development of life. As human beings, we realize how important a single plant is for our survival.

The beauty of nature includes plants, animals, insects, and other aspects like the mountains, hills, plains, rivers, the sky, which are all components of this beautiful nature. Nature is like a well-made garden with lots of flowers and fruit trees. It is our protective shield from all-natural calamities. It gives us the support to survive healthily on the earth. Nature is the source of our personal beauty and strength as well.

Short Essay on the Beauty of Nature in 200 Words

God while creating the earth has given his best. And among several things, nature is his most beautiful creation. Nature is a part of heaven. The beauty of a single tree is worth much more than any commodity. We are always told to preserve nature because nature is the elixir of our life.

Every life on the earth is supported by the nature around us. This nature includes trees, animals, insects, humans, and even the geography we inhabit. The mountains, hills, plains, plateaus, rivers, springs, waterfall, deserts- all are the components of this wide nature. We cannot overpower nature. It has its own strength to control the atmosphere.

Nature is almost like a caring mother who feeds her children. It gives birth to lives and also maintains them peacefully. Nature protects us like an umbrella. It does not allow any storm or flood or drought to affect us. Nature’s beauty lies in the fact that she changes according to whether to support the earth.

According to every change she has her collection of food to feed all living creatures. It is our duty hence to maintain her beauty. The beauty of nature is a component of nature. We must not chop trees or hurt any animal, as it results in harming ourselves. Nature is a treasure and our biggest responsibility is to care for it.

Short Essay on the Beauty of Nature in 400 Words

Nature has been the source of our delight. It is the reason for our life and sustenance. The earth is beautiful because of nature. It is a creation of the god himself. Hence, it is all beauty. In the Holy Bible, we see the beautiful Garden of Eden as an example of natural bliss.

It is a garden, filled with fruits, flowers, trees, animals, and human beings. In fact, Eden shows us what the ideal nature looks like. It is about humans staying together in harmony with animals and plants. No one is harming the other. Nature provides us with this peace and happiness. This is the actual beauty of nature.

Wordsworth in his poem ‘The Daffodils’ gives importance to nature. He tells how nature soothes our pains and anxiety. When we are tired of our mundane life, we try to find help in nature. We take long walks down an empty road or even enjoy the cool breeze standing at the terrace. The first dewdrop of the morning is a wonderful beauty. Nature shows how even simple things can be wonderful. We do not need to travel to many countries to enjoy happiness. Nature gives us that richness and pleasure quite easily. 

Nature is the biggest blessing in our lives. It is precious to us. We cannot survive if nature is taken away from us. Nature is the source of our food. Our daily diet includes several components from nature, be it vegetables, fruits, or milk. Destroying nature is letting ourselves die, all hungry. Nature is also our protection. It saves us like a shield.

Whenever we face any natural calamity, it immediately rescues us. Every storm, flood, and drought is reduced by nature. Nature feels more like a mother to us. A mother cares for her child and knows him the best. So does nature. Natural beauty lives in the geography we live in. The first sun rays, the chirping of the birds, the blooming seasons, the wind and rainfall, everything delights us equally. We cannot think of living without this peace. Nature thus is the house of serenity and calmness.

As rational human beings, it is our foremost duty to take care of natural beings. Every citizen must pledge to plant a tree and provide shelter to animals. Ther should complete restriction to any hunting of animals. Even in zoos, animals must be well kept. Nature is the balance of the ecosystem. If nature is harmed, then the stability of the ecosystem will be completely destroyed. So natural beauty depends on the care we give to it. If we love it like our own mother, then it will remain forever beautiful.

I have written these sample essays in a very simple language for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know in the comment section below. To read more such essays on various important topics, keep browsing our website.

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: Beauty Of Nature

The beauty of nature has been a source of inspiration and wonder for centuries, influencing artists, poets, and philosophers alike. Writing a short essay on this topic allows you to explore the aesthetic, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of nature. Below, find a detailed guide on structuring a concise yet compelling essay that captures the essence of nature’s beauty.

Table of Contents


Begin with an introduction that draws the reader in by highlighting the universal appeal and significance of nature’s beauty. Use a vivid description, a quote, or a personal anecdote to start on a strong note.

Beauty Of Nature Essay Example #1

The first aspect of nature’s beauty that I will explore is its diverse landscapes. From the vast forests of the Amazon to the towering mountains of the Himalayas, nature presents us with a breathtaking array of landscapes. The oceans and deserts, too, have their unique beauty, with the former offering an endless expanse of water, and the latter providing a stark and arid landscape that is both unforgiving and beautiful. Each of these landscapes offers its unique beauty, and it is impossible not to be amazed by the incredible diversity of nature.

In conclusion, the beauty of nature is evident in its diverse landscapes, changing seasons, and sensory experiences. From the towering mountains to the vast oceans, from the blooming flowers to the winter snow, nature presents us with a breathtaking array of beauty. The sounds and smells of nature only add to this beauty, evoking feelings of peace and tranquility that are impossible to find elsewhere. It is no wonder that so many people find solace and inspiration in nature, for it is truly a wonder to behold.

Beauty Of Nature Essay Example #2

The sights and sounds of nature are incredibly calming and soothing. The chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle sound of a babbling brook are all examples of the soothing sounds of nature. These sounds have the power to calm us and put us at ease, and they are often used in meditation and other relaxation techniques. The same can be said for the sights of nature. A beautiful sunset or a serene forest can have a calming effect on our minds and bodies, helping us to relax and unwind. The beauty of nature is a powerful antidote to the stresses and strains of modern life.

Beauty Of Nature Essay Example #3

The first aspect of nature’s beauty is found in its natural landscapes. Mountains, forests, and beaches provide us with some of the most stunning views we can experience. The towering peaks of mountains, the vast expanse of forests, and the endless stretches of sand on beaches all offer unique sights that leave a lasting impression on us. Mountains have a way of making us feel small yet significant, while forests transport us to a different world, and beaches offer a sense of peace and tranquility. The natural landscapes of our world are a testament to the beauty and power of nature.

Another way nature showcases its beauty is through the changing seasons. Each season offers its unique charm and beauty, from the vibrant colors of autumn to the blooming flowers of spring. The crisp air of autumn, the first snowfall of winter, the lush greenery of spring, and the warm sun of summer all provide us with different experiences that make us appreciate the beauty of nature. The changing seasons remind us of the constant cycle of life and the beauty that can be found in every stage.

Nature’s beauty is all around us, and it is up to us to take the time to appreciate it fully. The natural landscapes, changing seasons, and intricate designs of the natural world all showcase the wonder and complexity of nature. We need to take care of our world and preserve its beauty for generations to come. As John Muir said, “in every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”

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Essay on Beauty of Nature

Students are often asked to write an essay on Beauty of Nature in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Beauty of Nature

The allure of nature.

Nature is a magnificent tapestry of colors, sounds, and sights. It’s a place where one can find peace and tranquility. The beauty of nature is seen in the green pastures, vibrant flowers, and the majestic mountains.

The Changing Seasons

Nature’s beauty is highlighted in the changing seasons. The vibrant colors of autumn leaves, the pristine white snow of winter, the fresh bloom of spring, and the bright sun of summer showcase nature’s splendor.

The Lessons from Nature

Nature teaches us about life’s cycle. It shows us the importance of growth, change, and resilience. The beauty of nature lies not just in its appearance, but also in the lessons it imparts.

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250 Words Essay on Beauty of Nature


Nature, the most splendid artwork of the divine, is an infinite source of inspiration and tranquility. Its beauty is not merely an aesthetic appeal; it’s a connection that binds every life form.

The Aesthetics of Nature

The beauty of nature is an orchestra of colors, sounds, and patterns. The vibrant hues of a sunset, the melodious chirping of birds, and the intricate patterns of leaves and flowers all contribute to this symphony. This aesthetic appeal transcends superficial beauty, fostering a sense of unity and balance.

Nature’s Role in Inspiration and Wellness

Nature’s beauty has a profound impact on our wellbeing and creativity. It serves as a muse for artists, poets, and writers, inspiring them to create masterpieces. Additionally, it plays a pivotal role in mental health, providing a respite from the stress of modern life.

The Imperative of Conservation

However, the beauty of nature is under threat due to human activities. Deforestation, pollution, and climate change are causing irreversible damage. It’s imperative that we recognize the value of nature’s beauty and strive to conserve it. The preservation of nature is not just for its aesthetic value, but also for the survival of mankind and all life forms.

In conclusion, the beauty of nature is a testament to the intricate and harmonious interplay of life. It serves as a reminder of our responsibility to protect and preserve it for future generations. The beauty of nature is not just an aesthetic appeal; it’s a call to action.

500 Words Essay on Beauty of Nature

The aesthetic grandeur of nature.

Nature, in its varied forms, has been a perennial source of inspiration for mankind. Its beauty, often indescribable in words, evokes feelings of awe, wonder, and reverence. The marvelous spectacle of the natural world, with its intricate patterns and complex interrelationships, is a testament to the ingenuity of life itself.

Sublime Expressions of Nature

Nature as a source of inspiration.

The beauty of nature has been a muse for poets, artists, and philosophers alike. The Romantic poets, for instance, saw in nature a reflection of human emotions and a source of spiritual upliftment. Artists, through their paintings and sculptures, have attempted to capture and immortalize the fleeting moments of natural beauty. Philosophers, on the other hand, have found in nature profound metaphors for human existence and our place in the universe.

The Beauty of Nature and Human Perception

The perception of beauty in nature is also a reflection of our cognitive and emotional responses. It is not just the sensory input, but also our interpretation of that input that constitutes our experience of beauty. This is why the same natural scene can evoke different reactions in different individuals. Some may find beauty in the serene landscapes, while others may find it in the raw power of a thunderstorm.

The Imperative of Preserving Nature’s Beauty

Conclusion: a call to reconnect with nature.

In conclusion, the beauty of nature is a priceless treasure that we must strive to preserve. It is a source of inspiration, a catalyst for creativity, and a medium for spiritual exploration. In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, let us not forget to pause and appreciate the beauty around us. As we reconnect with nature, we will also reconnect with a part of ourselves that is often lost in the noise of our daily lives.

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Essay on Nature: In 100 Words, 200 Words, 300 Words


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  • Oct 13, 2023

Essay on Nature

Nature is the intricate web of life that surrounds us, encompassing everything from the air we breathe to the majestic landscapes we admire. It includes the delicate balance of ecosystems, the diversity of flora and fauna, and the natural resources that sustain all living beings on Earth. Exploring the beauty and significance of nature is not only a pleasurable endeavour but also a crucial one, as it reminds us of our responsibility to protect and preserve our environment.

essay on beautiful nature

Table of Contents

  • 1 Tips to Write the Best Essay
  • 2 Essay on Nature in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Nature in 200 Words
  • 4 Essay on Nature in 300 Words

Tips to Write the Best Essay

Here are some tips to craft an exceptional essay:

  • Understand the Topic: Grasp the essence of the topic and its different aspects before you start writing.
  • Structure: Organize your essay coherently, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Thesis Statement: Formulate a strong thesis statement that summarizes the main point you want to convey.
  • Use Vivid Language: Employ descriptive language to bring the beauty of nature to life for your readers.
  • Supporting Evidence: Back up your points with facts, statistics, and examples to make your essay more convincing.
  • Variety of Ideas: Discuss different perspectives and dimensions of the topic to showcase a comprehensive understanding.
  • Proofread: Edit your essay for grammar, punctuation, and clarity before submitting it.

Essay on Nature in 100 Words

Nature is a precious gift, encompassing all living and non-living entities. It provides us with air, water, food, and shelter. The beauty of nature soothes our souls and brings us closer to the marvels of creation. However, human activities are threatening the delicate balance of ecosystems, leading to pollution, deforestation, and climate change. It’s our responsibility to protect and preserve nature for future generations to enjoy its wonders.

Essay on Nature in 200 Words

Nature is the ultimate source of inspiration and sustenance for all life forms on Earth. From the smallest microorganisms to the tallest trees, every aspect of nature plays a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of our planet. The diversity of flora and fauna, the intricate ecosystems, and the natural resources provide us with food, shelter, and even the air we breathe.

Despite its undeniable importance, human activities are wreaking havoc on nature. Deforestation, pollution, and excessive use of natural resources are causing irreparable damage to our environment. Climate change, triggered by human-induced factors, is resulting in extreme weather events and rising sea levels, endangering both human and animal habitats.

Preserving nature is not a choice; it’s a necessity. The responsibility to conserve nature lies in the hands of every individual. Planting trees, reducing waste, using sustainable resources, and raising awareness about the importance of nature are steps we can take to mitigate the damage.

Nature has provided us with boundless beauty and resources, but it’s up to us to ensure its survival. By respecting and nurturing the natural world, we can secure a healthier and more vibrant planet for current and future generations.

Essay on Nature in 300 Words

Nature is a symphony of vibrant life forms and dynamic ecosystems that create a harmonious and intricate web of existence. The lush greenery of forests, the tranquil blue of oceans, the diverse habitats of animals, and the breathtaking landscapes remind us of the sheer magnificence of the world we inhabit. It’s a world that offers us both solace and sustenance, making our survival intertwined with its preservation.

The ecosystem services provided by nature are immeasurable. The forests act as the lungs of the Earth, producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. Wetlands filter our water, providing us with clean and fresh sources of hydration. Bees and other pollinators enable the growth of crops, contributing to global food security.

However, the rampant disregard for nature’s delicate balance is leading to alarming consequences. The relentless deforestation for urbanization and agriculture is causing habitat loss, leading to the extinction of numerous species. The excessive emission of greenhouse gases is driving climate change, with rising temperatures and unpredictable weather patterns threatening vulnerable communities.

To ensure the well-being of our planet and future generations, conservation and sustainable practices are imperative. Afforestation and reforestation efforts must be intensified to restore lost ecosystems. Transitioning to renewable energy sources can reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change. Moreover, raising awareness and fostering a deep connection with nature can instil a sense of responsibility and inspire positive action.

In conclusion, nature is not merely a resource for human exploitation; it’s a complex and interconnected system that sustains life in all its forms. We must recognize our role as custodians of the environment and act with diligence to protect and preserve it. By embracing sustainable practices and fostering a profound respect for nature, we can secure a future where the world’s natural wonders continue to thrive.

Nature encompasses the entirety of the physical world and its components, including landscapes, flora, fauna, air, water, and ecosystems. It encompasses the natural environment and all living and non-living elements that shape and sustain life on Earth.

Nature is vital for our survival, providing resources like air, water, and food. It maintains ecological balance, supports biodiversity, and offers inspiration and solace. However, human activities threaten its delicate equilibrium, necessitating conservation efforts.

Saving nature requires planting trees, reducing waste, using sustainable resources, and raising awareness about its importance. Adopting renewable energy sources, practising responsible consumption, and fostering a connection with nature are crucial steps in its preservation.

We hope that this essay blog on Nature helps. For more amazing daily reads related to essay writing , stay tuned with Leverage Edu .

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Manasvi Kotwal

Manasvi's flair in writing abilities is derived from her past experience of working with bootstrap start-ups, Advertisement and PR agencies as well as freelancing. She's currently working as a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu to be a part of its thriving ecosystem.

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Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Beauty About The Nature

To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society. I am not solitary whilst I read and write, though nobody is with me. But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars. The rays that come from those heavenly worlds, will separate between him and what he touches. One might think the atmosphere was made transparent with this design, to give man, in the heavenly bodies, the perpetual presence of the sublime. Seen in the streets of cities, how great they are! If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown! But every night come out these envoys of beauty and light the universe with their admonishing smile.

The Stars Awaken a Certain Reverence, Because Though Always Present, They Are Inaccessible;

but all natural objects make a kindred impression when the mind is open to their influence. Nature never wears a mean appearance. Neither does the wisest man extort her secret, and lose his curiosity by finding out all her perfection. Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit. The flowers, the animals, the mountains, reflected the wisdom of his best hour, as much as they had delighted the simplicity of his childhood. When we speak of nature in this manner, we have a distinct but most poetical sense in the mind. We mean the integrity of impression made by manifold natural objects. It is this which distinguishes the stick of timber of the wood-cutter, from the tree of the poet . The charming landscape which I saw this morning, is indubitably made up of some twenty or thirty farms. Miller owns this field, Locke that, and Manning the woodland beyond. But none of them owns the landscape. There is a property in the horizon which no man has but he whose eye can integrate all the parts, that is, the poet . This is the best part of these men's farms, yet to this, their warranty deeds give no title. To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature. Most persons do not see the sun. At least they have a very superficial seeing. The sun illuminates only the eye of the man but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.

The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other;

who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood. His intercourse with heaven and earth becomes part of his daily food. In the presence of nature, a wild delight runs through the man, in spite of real sorrows. Nature says, — he is my creature, and maugre all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad with me. Not the sun or the summer alone, but every hour and season yields its tribute of delight; for every hour and change corresponds to and authorizes a different state of the mind, from breathless noon to grimmest midnight.

Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece. In good health, the air is a cordial of incredible virtue. Crossing a bare common, in snow puddles, at twilight, under a clouded sky, without having in my thoughts any occurrence of special good fortune, I have enjoyed a perfect exhilaration. I am glad to the brink of fear. In the woods too, a man casts off his years, as the snake his slough, and at what period soever of life, is always a child. In the woods, is perpetual youth. Within these plantations of God, a decorum and sanctity reign, a perennial festival is dressed, and the guest sees not how he should tire of them in a thousand years. In the woods, we return to reason and faith.

There I feel that nothing can befall me in life,

— no disgrace, no calamity, (leaving me my eyes,) which nature cannot repair. Standing on the bare ground, — my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space, — all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eye-ball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God. The name of the nearest friend sounds then foreign and accidental: to be brothers, to be acquaintances, — master or servant, is then a trifle and a disturbance. I am the lover of uncontained and immortal beauty. In the wilderness, I find something more dear and connate than in streets or villages. In the tranquil landscape, and especially in the distant line of the horizon, man beholds somewhat as beautiful as his own nature.

The greatest delight which the fields and woods minister, is the suggestion of an occult relation between man and the vegetable.

I am not alone and unacknowledged. They nod to me, and I to them. The waving of the boughs in the storm is new to me and old. It takes me by surprise, and yet is not unknown. Its effect is like that of a higher thought or a better emotion coming over me, when I deemed I was thinking justly or doing right.

Yet it is certain that the power to produce this delight, does not reside in nature, but in man, or in a harmony of both. It is necessary to use these pleasures with great temperance. For, nature is not always tricked in holiday attire, but the same scene which yesterday breathed perfume and glittered as for the frolic of the nymphs, is overspread with melancholy today. Nature always wears the colors of the spirit. To a man laboring under calamity, the heat of his own fire hath sadness in it. Then, there is a kind of contempt of the landscape felt by him who has just lost by death a dear friend. The sky is less grand as it shuts down over less worth in the population.

Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.

Chapter I from Nature , published as part of Nature; Addresses and Lectures

What Is The Meaning Behind Nature, The Poem?

Emerson often referred to nature as the "Universal Being" in his many lectures. It was Emerson who deeply believed there was a spiritual sense of the natural world which felt was all around him.

Going deeper still in this discussion of the "Universal Being", Emerson writes, "The aspect of nature is devout. Like the figure of Jesus, she stands with bended head, and hands folded upon the breast. The happiest man is he who learns from nature the lesson of worship."

It's common sense that "nature" is everything you see that is NOT man-made, or changed by man (trees, foliage, mountains, etc.), but Emerson reminds us that nature was set forth to serve man. This is the essence of human will, for man to harness nature. Every object in nature has its own beauty. Therefore, Emerson advocates to view nature as a reality by building your own world and surrounding yourself with natural beauty.

  • The purpose of science is to find the theory of nature.
  • Nature wears the colors of the Spirit.
  • A man is fed, not to fill his belly, but so he may work.
  • Each natural action is graceful.

"Material objects are necessarily kinds of scoriae of the substantial thoughts of the Creator, which must always preserve an exact relation to their first origin; in other words, visible nature must have a spiritual and moral side."

This quote is cited in numerous works and it is attributed to a "French philosopher." However, no name can be found in association with this quote.

What is the main point of Nature, by Emerson?

The central theme of Emerson's famous essay "Nature" is the harmony that exists between the natural world and human beings. In "Nature," Ralph Waldo Emerson contends that man should rid himself of material cares and instead of being burdened by unneeded stress, he can enjoy an original relation with the universe and experience what Emerson calls "the sublime."

What is the central idea of the essay Nature, by Emerson?

For Emerson, nature is not literally God but the body of God’s soul. ”Nature,” he writes, is “mind precipitated.” Emerson feels that to realize one’s role in this respect fully is to be in paradise (similar to heaven itself).

What is Emerson's view of the Nature of humans?

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Ralph Waldo Emerson left the ministry to pursue a career in writing and public speaking. Emerson became one of America's best known and best-loved 19th-century figures. More About Emerson

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Emerson Quotes

"Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”  – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Nature Essay

Everything we see around us is a part of nature, from towering mountains to microscopic organisms, from dry deserts to vast oceans. Everything that we see, touch, hear, feel, and even taste is part of nature. Here are some sample essays on the topic "Nature”.

100 Words Essay on Nature

Nature is everything around us; even those things that we cannot see, such as microorganisms, are part of nature. Mankind is so dependent on nature; it provides everything that we need. The spices that make our food delicious, the water without which the existence of life is impossible—all are provided by nature, which is why we call it “Mother Nature." Though there are people who ignore the fact that our lives depend on it and, for some temporary benefit, tend to destroy it without even caring about the consequences. We all must pledge to protect nature at any cost, for us and for future generations.

Nature Essay

200 Words on Nature Essay

Nature in its purest form is a gift to humanity. One cannot even fathom living without nature.

Nature Provides | Just like a tree depends on the connection of its roots, mankind’s roots are deeply connected to nature. Directly or indirectly, everything that we use and depend upon is provided by nature, which is why we respect it as our mother. Our nature provides us with a variety of beautiful flowers, attractive birds, animals, and green plants; a blue sky, land, running rivers, sea, forests, air, mountains, hills, and much more.

Threats To Nature | Though there are people who, for their own profits, do not hesitate to harm it, they can go to even the lowest of the low, like cutting down trees, destroying lands, and poisoning water sources, just to make a fortune. We need to realise that our selfish and bad activities have disturbed nature to a great extent.

Our Responsibility | We all should try to maintain nature’s beauty. It is our responsibility to protect our nature, as it protects and nurtures us. Because nature is a silent teacher, we must all pledge to protect this valuable asset bestowed upon us. It does not scold, but if the man does not pay attention properly, it does not hesitate to punish.

500 Words on Nature Essay

Nature is both humanity's most valuable and most beautiful asset. It can be said that God designed nature to show his love and care for the beings living on this planet. Today, everyone has less time to enjoy nature. In the increasing crowd, we forgot to enjoy nature and improve our health. We started using technological instruments for our health and fitness. And some of the things we do have a negative impact on nature.

Mother Nature

We respect nature as our mother and call it “Mother Nature” because, just like a mother for her child, Mother Nature fulfils our needs and nurtures us like her children. She provides us food to eat, water to relieve our thirst, a place to live, scenes to enjoy, and medicines, and just like a mother, she teaches us important lessons, sometimes even through hard experiences. But above that, we are totally dependent on her existence.

Things to Learn from Nature

Nature has a plethora to teach human beings. Here are a few of them:-

Essential Resources | Using the healthy food and drink that nature provides, we can live a healthy lifestyle. In a similar way, it gives us food and water so we can function. The two essential components for survival, rainfall and sunshine, are produced by nature.

Discipline | Nature also teaches us to appreciate the time and use it wisely because life is short and time is fleeting. Every day, the sun rises. The uninterrupted cycle of nature teaches us the value of discipline and punctuality.

Patience And Perseverance | It teaches us to work tirelessly toward our objective while continuing to flow forward like a river. Additionally, it conveys a message of bravery and hope. Even though nature suffers, it continues. With patience, we can continue and are certain to succeed, just as the sun emerges from the darkness of night after the darkest hour.

Necessity of Conservation

Recently, our family went to a neighbouring state. It was beautiful and scenic the last time we visited, but this time it was not the same; the air was polluted and the water was black due to industrial waste. The industries and construction had ruined the place; it used to be a sight to see, but now the pollution won’t even let us see the clear blue sky.

If we want to protect the environment, we must act quickly and forcefully to stop any further harm. Preventing deforestation at all levels is the most crucial action. All industries must strictly avoid polluting ocean water because it significantly worsens water scarcity. The excessive use of appliances like ovens, air conditioners, and cars results in large amounts of chlorofluorocarbons, which deplete the ozone layer. As a result, there is global warming, which results in thermal expansion and glacier melting.

In conclusion, nature possesses a potent transformative force that is essential for the continuation of life as we know it. It is our responsibility to protect it for the benefit of future generations because it is necessary for humanity to thrive. To ensure that life on Earth can last indefinitely, we must work hard to preserve natural resources.

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Essay on Beauty of Nature for Children and Students

May 18, 2020 by Study Mentor 5 Comments

Table of Contents

Beauty of Nature -ESSAY 1


What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the beauty of nature? Greenery, Right? But the beauty of nature is more than the greenery. Everything you feel and see around, including Mountains, Forests, Rivers, Birds, Plants, Animals, Air, etc. – all are a part of the beauty of nature.

Nature is the lifeblood of all living creatures in the world. Nature provides us with everything (like Food, Water, Shelter, etc.), which we need to sustain and survive in the long run.

We, humans, are also a part of nature, but we tend to distinguish ourselves from nature and do the things, which may harm the nature.

Respect nature and its resources, show some compassion towards it. It is the responsibility of a human being to protect nature. We, as humans, should refrain from doing any harm to nature if we need to provide a good natural environment to the future generations.  

To sum it up, in a nutshell, the below quote from Charles Darwin defines it well.  

“Everything, what is against nature, will not last for long.” – Charles Darwin

Significance of Nature

The significance of nature cannot be overemphasized because the things nature provides to us are not replaceable by modern technology in any way. 

For example, let us compare the effects of natural food and the food we eat in a modern lifestyle. The food we eat today (not all the food we eat is bad, but most of it anyway like junk and oil foods) is causing various serious health issues like obesity, heart diseases, etc. On the other hand, eating natural foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc. are scientifically proven health and can help you to live a long and beautiful life.

Each and everything in nature, including living or non-living organisms, play an important role in maintaining the balance to create a viable environment for all of us, which is called ecological balance. We need to make sure that the ecological balance should be maintained at all times to avoid a catastrophic situation in the future. 

Types of Natural Resources:

Natural resources can be classified into two types namely

  • Renewable resources
  • Non-Renewable resources

1. Renewable Resources:

Renewable Resources are the resources which are constantly available or easily replaced or reproduced.

For example, land, water are easily available.  Vegetables and fruits can be easily produced. 

Renewable Sources are of two types 

  • Organic Renewable Resources: Which comes from living things like plants and animals.
  • In-Organic Renewable Resources: Which comes from non-living things like water, light, wind, etc

2. Non-Renewable Resources

Non-renewable resources are the resources that cannot be available after they are depleted. They are limited in terms of availability.

Some examples include fossil fuels and minerals.

Conservation of nature

There are plenty of natural resources that are available on earth, and we should use them in an optimum manner. If we start to exploit and deplete the resources available, then the resources might become scarce.

So we must conserve nature and its resources in such a manner that the future generations can be benefited from them. Conservation of natural resources should also be done for environmental protection. 

One of the several reasons for the depletion of resources is an increase in the human population. Taking precautionary measures to control the population is essential for nature to retain its essence. Before we learn about how to conserve nature, let’s understand what is the conservation of nature.

How to Conserve Nature?

Nature can be conserved in many ways. Here are some ways how we can conserve nature.

1. Awareness

Creating awareness among people through programs and campaigns is one of the best methods to conserve nature.

If everyone is aware of the effects of non-conservation of nature, then it will help to understand the importance of conservation.

2. Protection of trees

Deforestation is one of the biggest reasons for global warming. Cutting down trees increases the CO2 and other greenhouse gases, thus contributing to the rise of temperature, which is not suitable for living conditions.

Restricting the usage of paper and adopting the latest technological advancements like writing and reading in the digital platforms can be an advantage to nature. Everyone can contribute to the environment by adopting their needs to digital platforms instead of using paper.

Planting more trees all around us can help to fight global warming.

3. Protecting the Ocean Life

 Life on earth contains not only humans or animals but also many creatures in ocean-like fishes, whales, etc. The ecological balance might be disturbed if we neglect the sea and its creatures.

Some companies and industries are dumping their toxic and waste materials in the sea. An initiative towards protecting sea life is mandatory in the current scenario.

4. Pollution Control:

In the day to day activities of our life, we are creating pollution even without knowing in many ways – air, water, land, etc.

Opting for pollution-free alternatives like an electric car and government intervention is a necessary step to curb pollution and increase the quality of life.  

5. Reduce, Re-Use, or Recycle:

Reduce: Do not use or buy unnecessary things. Reduce wastage.

Re-use: Re-use the things instead of throwing them away whenever possible.

Recycle: Recycling things like plastic and other non-degradable items can reduce the burden on the environment.  


We all should understand the beauty of nature is of utmost importance if we will harm the beauty of nature, then it will imbalance the life cycle. We should understand that we are building by nature, and it is our sole responsibility to protect the beauty of nature. 

Humans can change or transform their behavior over time. Nature gives us plenty of opportunities to change our behavior of negative actions against it. We need to use those opportunities to use the resources efficiently and not to harm nature in any way possible. 

Nature is the only source for all living organisms. We need to follow the flow of nature whenever possible (Go with the flow) and conserve nature.

Beauty of Nature -ESSAY 2

Nature is a god gift to this world .Its beauty is not only seen, hear or smell by us, it’s a feeling that can’t be erased. No man made beauty replaces the natural beauty.

Nature give us many valuable and important things which are useful as well as healthy for us but the point is how we are using it ,not harming it .

Since the formation of earth there are many magical things happen on earth and the other planet become a part of it, we should be thankful that we get this beauty called nature.

Nature and its Beauty

Beauty of Nature essay

Every early morning is with a beautiful sunrise with some small drop on plants and glass windows (specially in winters) , a beautiful sunset nearby oceans, seas, beautiful night with twinkling stars , a beautiful clear blue sky and how can I forget about rainbows .

These beautiful things belong to nature. We all eagerly wait for our vacation or holidays so that we can visit different places like mountains, beaches, etc. with our loved ones.

Mountains that we like to climb or do trekking with our friends and family, snowfall is a major love though,the water falling on the ground from heights and that cold or warm water touches or soul in totally different way .

Lets spend some time with our nature, and not just spending time is a benefit, let’s do something for nature. Let’s grow more trees, let’s make it happen, do something for nature.

Earth is the only planet which gets a great gift from nature, let’s protect it, make life more meaningful here, let’s invest some time on nature to make it more beautiful it will definitely give us more benefits in the future.

Scientific Call for Our Nature

We all someday thought that ‘how nature is created’? ‘how it is so much beautiful’? The answer is science.

Science knows everything except god. Science has all the answers why sky is blue? , why stars twinkle? , why sun is reddish orange during sunrise and sunset and all answers are so logical and meaningful.

Science knows everything about nature but on the other side it is using nature in its own way knowing the fact that it is harmful for our nature.

Harmful Effects of Science on Our Nature

Industrial pollution , garbage, cutting of trees ( deforestation ) to make homes and industry, harsh use of chemicals, water pollution etc.  They all harm our nature and yes if nature gets harm it will have some side-effects which results in some infections and diseases. Example: In June 2013 a flood attacks on Uttarakhand (Kedarnath) destroyed whole area of Uttarakhand.

In today’s life we all are ignoring our nature by using scientific devices, using chemical bound products; eat food which is full of chemicals or harmful elements. Here we our doing two wrong things firstly Harming our Nature in every possible way.

Secondly harming our self by making wrong use of science. Science is for study and for some useful things not for destroying it.

Every day we got the news that scientist are  working on moon to grow potatoes or they are going to search life there because there’s no life on earth soon due to these harmful things and the major part is we know that our earth, our nature is in danger so we have to work on earth to protect it . We have to protect our nature as soon as possible.

Ways to Protect the Nature

To protect the nature we should do the following things:

  • Stop deforestation
  • Minimize or neglect the use of CFC’s
  • Don’t burn crackers on Diwali
  • Don’t waste water (save as much as you can)
  • Minimise industrial work
  • The 3 R’s : Reuse, Recycle, Reduce
  • Use of jute or paper bags instead of using polythene
  • Plant more and more trees
  • Use public transport
  • Send used plastics for recycling or disposal
  • Avoid using fossil fuels
  • Appreciate the nature

Enjoy Nature in Your Own Way

Protection of nature is one way and enjoying it is another. Go for holidays and vacation. Enjoy the first snowfall of winter months, enjoy the first rainfall of rainy season, enjoy sunrise and sunsets once in lifetime, enjoy the winter winds, enjoy the rainbow after rainfall.

These are the easiest ways to enjoy nature. Every work is important but enjoying life with this nature is more amazing and necessary. Once every year go with your family, friends, to enjoy nature and its beauty. Make a meaningful life with nature and protect it too. Sit in the moonlight with your beloved one to make it memorable for a lifetime .

See the beauty of moon how every week it changes its shape and when the day is with full moon watch that scars on the moon but it still shines, there’s no beauty like moon which has gone through many phases but still shines one day and on that day nothing is beautiful than moon. ANIMALS – Big part of our nature, love them and don’t harm them for your use .

Reader Interactions

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June 30, 2019 at 4:33 pm

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January 15, 2020 at 8:02 pm

I thought how beautiful is nature ,by reading this essay

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February 28, 2020 at 8:57 pm

I liked this essay 👌

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May 14, 2020 at 4:18 pm

well written and very useful essay it is

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May 24, 2020 at 8:55 pm

It is heart touching eassy 😀😀

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Essay On Nature | Nature Essay for Students and Children in 500 Words

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay On Nature: An Essay on Nature helps the students to understand the implications of the natural world. From the various flora and fauna to the expansive biomes, nature has a lot to offer. However, ever since humans and showed up, the planet has started to change drastically. Nature seems to be getting sparser every year, animals disappear, and trees get cut down only to be replaced by skyscrapers.

Hence, it is crucial to enable students to understand that nature should be conserved. And there is no better way to do it than to write an essay on nature. Furthermore, the earlier that students are educated about the plight of nature, the better the chances that future generations act on the matter. Read on about Essay on Nature Conservation, Importance of Nature, Beauty of Nature and for School Children and Kids. Explore the “do’s” and “don’ts” when writing an essay on nature:

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Essay On Nature – Important Points to Note

When writing an essay on nature, or any essay for that matter, remember the following:

  • Before starting the essay, do your research. This will help you create quality content.
  • Write an introductory paragraph for the essay
  • Reduce the use of jargons unless the topic is very technical
  • Write in points wherever possible
  • Break up the content into digestible chunks
  • Use dates, names and factual figures
  • End the essay with a conclusion
  • Read through the essay to find and remove grammatical issues or factual errors.

“Look deep into Nature and then you will understand everything Better” – Nature Essay

Essay on Nature

Essay On Nature – Sample 1 (250 Words)

Nature, in its broadest sense, is a term that refers to the physical world and life in general. It encompasses all life on earth, including humans. However, it does not include human activities. The term nature is derived from the Latin word, “Natura”, which translates to “essential qualities” or “innate disposition.” Nature seems to be getting sparser every year, animals disappear, and trees get cut down only to be replaced by skyscrapers

As stated above, nature includes not just life, but a host of other non-living physical entities. These include the atmosphere, climate, weather, water and even abstract factors like the aesthetic beauty of nature. Nature did not arise spontaneously; hence if we were to make an accurate timeline, it would encompass billion of years of progress and evolution.

The earth is thought to have formed when gravity pulled the stellar gas, dust and debris together, eventually forming a planet. And like the other terrestrial planets in the solar system, the earth is made up of a central core and a rocky mantle. But before the earth got to this stage, scientists believe that the earth’s surface was entirely covered by hot molten rock or magma. Only after a few billion years did it start cooling down, creating the solid crust that we are familiar with today.

Just like the non-living components of nature, life did not arise instantaneously. It took billions of years for the earliest precursors of life to show up. However, these “organisms” were nothing more than a self-replicating molecule. However, from this precursor, life has evolved into the multitude of lifeforms that we see today. Today, the complex interaction between living things and non-living things contributes to the concept of nature.

500 Words Nature Essay

Nature can be understood as a “phenomena” that encompasses the physical world and the life which interacts with it. It includes humans and every other form of life present on the planet. The word nature has its roots in Latin. It is derived from the word “Natura” which means “essential qualities”. However, in ancient times, the word was a literal synonym for “birth”.

Today, the word “nature” refers to wildlife and geology. This means it includes the realm that includes all forms of life and the many processes associated with non-living objects. In most cases, nature also refers to the forests and the wildlife living within. Other definitions indicate places with the absence of human intervention as nature too.

The evolution of nature is not spontaneous; it took billions of years of geological time for its formation. According to scientists, the earth was formed nearly 4.54 billion years ago. Before this time, the earth was a giant, swirling mass of gas and debris orbiting the sun. The early earth was a completely different place. The atmosphere was completely devoid of oxygen, and there was no water on its surface. It was a hellish place with extremely high temperatures.

The landscape was littered with molten magma and thick plumes of toxic smoke. Life was nowhere in sight, and it would not emerge for several billion years more. As the earth cooled down, water condensed and fell as rain. However, it rained for such a long time that the basins and troughs began to fill up with water. This event created the very first oceans of the world. However, the earth was still devoid of life and oxygen was non-existent in the atmosphere.

One of the biggest unsolved mysteries today is the origin of life. There are fossils to support the earliest organisms, but nothing was known of how they came about. Scientists have put forth many speculations and hypotheses stating the origin of life. One of the most popular is the Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vents Theory. It states that the earliest precursors to life originated from underwater volcanic vents. These volcanic vents spewed out minerals that were abundant in many nutrients required for early life forms. However, this is just a speculation that there is no conclusive evidence supporting the same.

The first undisputed evidence of life emerged some 3.7 billion years ago. These were similar to today’s cyanobacteria – which were microscopic single-celled organisms. Since then, life has had billions of years to evolve. And when life emerged from the seas on to dry land, major evolutionary leaps were made. The first-ever land plants appeared followed by the invertebrates. Vertebrates made their way on to land much later, evolving into magnificent life forms such as the dinosaurs. On the geological timescale, we humans evolved only recently. The fossils of our earliest ancestors are over 200,000 years old.

Conclusion on Nature Essay

However, our technology and progress have had a detrimental effect on the planet. Our climates are changing and temperatures and rising. We are losing our polar icecaps, and as a result, ocean levels are rising. All these factors can cause destruction in the near future if we do not keep a check on our carbon footprint and deforestation. Essay on Nature In Hindi, Marathi, Telugu and Kannada will update soonly.

FAQ’s on Essay On Nature

Question 1. What is nature?

Answer: Nature encompasses the physical world and the life which interacts with it.

Question 2. What is the importance of nature?

Answer: Without nature, the natural balance in the ecosystem is lost. This can lead to many detrimental effects such as global warming, greenhouse effect, rising sea levels, increased natural calamities.

Question 3. How does nature help us?

Answer: Nature provides a lot of resources. Some of these resources are life-saving and others are of significant commercial value. It also keeps a check on the adverse effects of human activities.

Question 4. Are humans nature?

Answer: Humans and all other lifeforms are a part of nature. But human activities are not a part of nature.

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Articles About the Beauty of Nature: Top 5 Examples

Nature’s beauty has always been an exciting subject . Discover our articles about the beauty of nature examples and prompts to start writing!

While watching Our Planet episodes, I can’t help but be surprised at how diverse, and complex nature is. It encompasses the frozen worlds and high seas down to jungles, deserts, and coastal areas. This ambitious documentary is bound to impress every human being by showcasing the natural beauty of planet earth. 

Humans are closely connected to nature, so everyone can enjoy reading essays about nature . Aside from the many gifts it gives us that are necessary for survival, it also helps us de-stress and reduce anxiety symptoms. When we’re with nature, we feel better emotionally and physically. It’s why we continuously talk about its beauty, whether through poems , songs, or articles .

1. The 7 Natural Wonders of the World by Carly Dodd

2. beauty in nature by michael popejoy, 3. how the brain paints the beauty of nature by technology networks, 4. beauty in the natural world by ella frances sanders, 5. the beauty of nature by ashar homee, 1. the beauty of nature throughout history, 2. how nature expresses beauty, 3. what nature teach us, 4. biomorphic architecture: inspiration from the beauty of nature, 5. how the beauty of nature inspires humans, 6. documentaries about nature’s beauty, 7. nature conservation day, 5 examples of articles about the beauty of nature.

“From mountain peaks to waterfalls, underwater marvels and dazzling sky optics, each natural wonder highlights a different aspect of the beauty of Earth’s natural world.”

It’s fascinating to watch how nature does wonders. The seven natural wonders of the world featured by the site were chosen through the collaboration of the Seven Natural Wonders Organization and CNN, a broadcasting network. It showcases the diverse beauty only the earth can offer. The author features these beautiful destinations, accompanied by breathtaking photos and descriptions of each, including a map where one can easily see the locations. You might also like these authors like Wendell Berry .

“The beauty of nature can have a profound effect upon our senses, those gateways from the outer world to the inner, whether it results in disbelief in its very existence as Emerson notes, or feelings such as awe, wonder, or amazement.”

Our perception of nature gives us pleasure, and this emotional response helps us understand and experience beauty. Popejoy highlights Emerson’s musings shared through his books and essays in this article and focuses on nature and beauty. 

The author cites quotable statements from the essays’ Nature,’ ‘Art,’ ‘Beauty,’ and ‘Spiritual Laws,’ and from the book ‘Nature.’ He also elaborates on these excerpts and gives critical key points for an easier understanding of the concepts and thoughts presented. 

“How does a view of nature gain its gloss of beauty? We know that the sight of beautiful landscapes engages the brain’s reward systems. But how does the brain transform visual signals into aesthetic ones? Why do we perceive a mountain vista or passing clouds as beautiful?”

The beauty of nature is as complex as how our brains work. Technology Networks presents a study where researchers analyzed participants’ brain activities when viewing videos about nature. Its interesting discovery contributes to our grasp of nature’s beauty, specifically what we consider “aesthetically pleasing.” The article also shares that the study offers insights into how the natural environment can affect our inner self and improve our well-being. 

“For some, natural beauty means the absence of perfection or repetition, but for others it is the widespread, symmetrical repetition that is so pleasing, so meaningful, so memorable – both havoc and order are spread richly throughout the natural world.”

This article about nature is an excerpt from the book ‘Everything, Beautiful’ by Sanders. The author starts by having a touch of the historical appreciation of beauty and goes on by defining the concept. It has a unique interpretation of music and harmony in nature and brilliant insights into how flowers and trees develop, just like how humans grow. You may find these articles about geography for students helpful.

“It is beautiful that nature is living, moving, and reproducing. Growth and development are often observed in nature, while the vast majority of man-made objects are static and deteriorating.”

Nature offers the basic needs for humans to live – food, air, and water. Its abundance can teach us about sustainability and prosperity. Homee encourages its readers to spend more time with nature and appreciate its greatest gifts of rest, calmness, recreation, and quality time. The writer also talks about how nature has become the central subject of different works of art , music, and poetry. 

7 Writing Prompts for Articles About the Beauty of Nature

Since the third century B.C.E. , poets have used nature as the central source of ideas for their masterpieces. Today, contemporary poets are still equally inspired to draw their emotions and observations through the beauty of nature. 

For this prompt, identify some renowned poems , dances, or songs greatly influenced by nature’s beauty. Describe how humans documented the beauty of nature through the years and add its relevance to society’s recognition and expression of beauty. 

How nature expresses beauty?

The beauty of nature is expressed through various and constant changes. It can be observed in land and rock formations, constant flux in river currents, and the air breeze in the summer and winter seasons. In your article, highlight how nature displays its beauty in different forms. 

Discuss some well-known wonders and creatures and delve into their unique beauty. For example, the Himalayan mountains that house mount Everest – the tallest standing mountain in the world. You could use your article to describe how these mountain ranges stand still during different seasons. 

Urge your readers to appreciate nature by recognizing concepts and ideas readily provided by nature. For instance, the metamorphosis of a butterfly is a cycle that doesn’t only demonstrate a beautiful transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly but also teaches us that we can grow and improve ourselves in the future. 

Another example is bamboo trees that sway and bend depending on the wind. But no matter how far it bends, it doesn’t break. It’s a great lesson on resilience: no matter the difficulty of a problem, we should be tough and always stand back up when beaten down.

Biomorphic structures often depict the shapes of trees, leaves, animals, and natural creatures. Architects have used this natural symbolism even in Ancient Greek and Roman architecture . In your article, dive into the different architectural works that use patterns in nature around the world.

Briefly describe the biomorphic style and explain how the beauty of nature has inspired the creation of these structures. For instance, the Iidabashi Subway Station in Tokyo, Japan, was inspired by living plants and blooms like a flower. 

How the beauty of nature inspires humans?

Humans have unique talents in designing and crafting products. Artists often associate their artworks with their admiration for the natural environment. For this prompt, pick out famous pieces of jewelry and clothing that borrow features from nature. Then, describe how these arts celebrate the earth’s natural wonders through their crafts. 

Documentaries are great ways to show the beauty of nature. Research different documentaries and series and offer your review of them in your article. Make sure that nature is the center of your discussion. Briefly discuss the content and the ecosystem in the spotlight in your review. It is also essential to provide the documentaries’ links so your audience can access and watch them. 

To preserve the beauty of nature, World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated annually every July. In this prompt, discuss the purpose of celebrating this day, and include a brief history of the cause.

You can also check previous celebrations, and you can emphasize remarkable events that happened to help your readers better understand the occasion. For help editing your articles , we recommend using the best grammar checker . Our roundup profiles these tools and offers discounts.

Nature Essay

500+ words essay on nature.

Nature is the most precious gift of God to us. Nature is like our mother; it nourishes and nurtures us. All our basic necessities are fulfilled by nature. Whether it’s the air we breathe, the land we live on, the water we drink or the food we eat, it all comes from nature. God has only gifted earth with nature; that’s why life is possible on earth. Without nature, the existence of living things would not be possible. Other planets are not blessed with this gift. So, we should be thankful to God for this beautiful nature and the existence of life on earth. Here, students can find the 500+ Words Essay on Nature. This essay will guide them in writing a good Essay on Nature and work as a sample essay for them. By going through it, students can create their own Nature Essay in English.

Nature is the natural, physical, material world or universe. “Nature” can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. It ranges in scale from the subatomic to the cosmic. Our planet is rich in nature. Natural things look beautiful and attractive. Nature has flowing rivers, beautiful valleys, high mountains, singing birds, the oceans, the blue sky, different seasons, the rain, the beautiful moonlight etc. The beauty of nature is matchless. The blessings of nature on human beings are innumerable.

Importance and Role of Nature

If there were no nature, we wouldn’t be alive. Humankind is dependent on nature. We get oxygen to breathe from plants and trees. Thus, our respiratory system is regulated by nature. Not only this, nature has some magical healing powers which help patients suffering from various diseases to recover faster. Every minute spent in the lap of nature gives a refreshing and rejuvenating feeling. It lowers the cortisol, commonly known as the stress hormone. Even placing some nice plants around the work window will lead to lower stress. Nature enhances our brain’s activity and makes us concentrate better and be more focused. This makes our brains more creative and imaginative. Spending time in nature will provide a healthier and longer life.

Nature is very powerful and unique. Nature is also considered a source of education. We can learn humility from trees, the sturdiness from the mountains, and to smile from flowers and buds to keep smiling in tough phases of life.

The natural cycle of our ecosystem is very necessary. Ecosystems contain biotic or living parts, as well as abiotic factors or nonliving parts. Biotic factors include plants, animals, and other organisms. Abiotic factors include rocks, temperature, and humidity. Every factor in an ecosystem depends on every other factor, either directly or indirectly. We must take care of all the components of the ecosystem as it fulfils all our needs.

Nature Conservation

The resources provided on the earth are limited. If we continue to deplete the resources at this pace, then they will soon exhaust. Urbanisation and development have resulted in excessive use of resources. For example, we are cutting trees to make houses, roads, and railway tracks. We are mining minerals and fossil fuels for transportation activities. We are extensively using water for agriculture and other activities. Our comfort has led to the destruction of nature. Deforestation, global warming, wildlife destruction, environmental pollution, ecosystem imbalance etc., are the consequences that threaten biodiversity and life on earth. To overcome them, we need to conserve nature.

Conserving nature means protecting, preserving and restoring biodiversity. We can do so by taking care of small things such as making use of: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle. It will help in reducing waste management. We should plant trees in our surroundings and increase the greenery around us. Conserving water and saving it is also a way of conserving nature. We can also conserve rainwater by adopting the rainwater harvesting method. We must use and promote alternative energy sources such as solar energy and wind energy and thus adopt sustainable development concepts. We can conserve nature by taking care of small activities at home. These activities include switching off the lights, fans, and AC when not in use, switching to public transport and carpooling, composting waste at home, using recyclable bags and containers, and educating our children about climate change and nature conservation.

We hope students must have found this Essay on Nature helpful in improving their writing section. For more study material and the latest updates on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive exams, keep visiting BYJU’S. Moreover, download the BYJU’S App to get interactive study videos.

Frequently Asked Questions on Nature Essay

Why is the conservation of nature important.

Humankind is completely dependent on nature and we are now depleting nature of all its resources. It is extremely important to understand that without nature, it would be impossible for any species to thrive on Earth.

What steps can we take to conserve nature?

All of us need to take at least small, minimal efforts from our side like recycling plastic, reducing wastage of all forms and keeping our house and surroundings clean.

How can we control the depletion of nature?

As much as possible, avoid purchasing unnecessary items as this will lead to waste accumulation. Avoid goods made from animal skin(leather), etc and try to reuse and recycle plastic and non-biodegradable items

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4 Best Descriptive Essay Examples About Nature

Descriptive essay examples about nature

Table of Contents

Opening remarks.

Nature is one of those certain things that you cannot get rid of, whether you live on a farm or in a downtown skyscraper. It has its way to exert its dominance either by sheer beauty to uplift spirits and moods, or by its ferocity to turn foundations upside down. 

Writing about nature takes a lot of time and effort. It is not something that can be mastered by simply reading a book or attending a lecture. Apart from practical tips and insights, examples can be great to work on because novice writers can see the elements of the essay working and balancing one another.

Descriptive Essay Writing

A lot of it is self-evident from the nomenclature but certain brass tacks should be covered before moving on to the examples. Descriptive writing is about describing a subject under consideration. A descriptive essay is a subjective or objective account of a person, a thing, a place, an event or experience, and more. It is written with acute reliance on figurative language, sensory details, and other literary devices.

Experts have divided descriptive essay writing into two distinct types. One is objective where only “facts” get to be shared with the readers. The other form is expressionist where a subjective approach and personal angles play out for the writer and ultimately the reader.

In schools and colleges, descriptive writing is employed by instructors, both in the form of full-fledged essays as well as descriptive paragraphs and other short assignments. The exercise allows them to gauge the thinking, writing, and editing capabilities of the students and then award them scores based on the results.

Purpose of Writing A Descriptive Essay

Just like much of writing, the purpose of  writing a descriptive essay  is to entertain the readers and let them “see” or “feel” the subject that the writer is experimenting on. By relying on literary devices and sensory details, such as similes, metaphors, comparisons, and more, writers can chalk out relevant details of the topic. That’s why the real test of descriptive writing is how much readers actually “saw”, “felt”, “heard”, “touched”, or “tasted” the subject. 

The purpose of writing evolves from one place to another. For instance, the rationale behind composing riveting descriptive essays in academic institutions is to woo the teachers and secure higher scores. Descriptive essays are also used by colleges and universities to base the candidature of aspirants for different programs and degrees.

4 Examples of Descriptive Essays On Nature

If you ask a high school student or a college student for that matter, how they can see and define nature, it would be difficult for them. Either they would have too much to say with little value, or too less to put into words with no room for explanation and expansion. To help students better understand and implement aspects of nature into words, we have dedicated this section to cover four different aspects of nature. One is where it is useful in terms of monetary value, the second is where it is furious and punishing, the third is where it is beautiful for the sake of it, and the fourth is where it is transforming essentially covering all the other three aspects.

When Nature Is Useful

A descriptive essay is more than just putting flowery words and phrases into paragraphs to enhance their value. It is to connect readers with the “true” picture of the phenomenon concerning nature. The instance where nature can be useful spans occupations and fields. A fisherman whose livelihood depends on the tame nature of the seas and who goes out away from the shores each day to fetch for himself and his family shows the useful and plentiful side of nature. While writing a descriptive essay on this angle, it is necessary to connect people’s dependence on the sole nature of “nature”.

When Nature Is Furious

From literary works of art to Hollywood movies, you can always get abundant examples of nature in killing frenzy and fury. The very duality of nature, from being beautiful for some and furious and unforgiving for others, creates a “moody” or highly volatile picture for writers. While writing about the ferocity of nature, you can always connect disasters with the narrative, from floods to earthquakes to avalanches and beyond. Again, there is always a need for showing the two sides of the coin or the proverbial picture. Otherwise, the description and the value in it can fall flat and produce lackluster results.

When Nature Is Beautiful

This is somewhat a “universal” truth as many people would blurt out that nature is indeed beautiful and quite enchanting to behold and feel. A garden full of blooming flowers or a gravel pathway in a park during the fall when the leaves turn yellow and cover that gravel path are some of the things that can make your heart skip a beat. In a descriptive essay where the writer is trying to show the beauty of it all, it is necessary to connect the writer with the narrative because the description would be hollow and unbecoming without it. In other cases, there is beauty in understatement.

When Nature Is Transforming

Nature is always transforming and that is a cruel joke of the time. Spring is always running toward the fall and life is longing to meet death. As a writer, the descriptive essay on nature’s transformation and its ability to transform things around it can be anything. It can be as brutal as a hurricane where living breathing cities can become graveyards. It can be as lovely and heart-stealing as the dew drops on cool morning grass. In addition to this, it can be useful as a stream leading fishes and other sea creatures to it for the people to eat and sell and make their livelihood.

Tips For Writing Descriptive Essays On Nature

Even after going through examples of  descriptive essays on nature , students could find it hard to connect their minds with the pen and the paper. In these cases, it is necessary to give them some tips and hacks that can help them either kick-start the process or make crucial decisions on the go.

In that spirit, here are some great tips for writing descriptive essays on nature whether it is for a high school assignment or college admission.

Figurative Language & Sensory Details

If we are to narrow down the essentials of a descriptive essay, figurative language and sensory details will take the prize. They are the essential tools that writers rely on when they need to make things come alive. Figurative language denotes the usage of words and phrases in a way where they depict other meanings than their true ones. For instance, a falling tree is not a description, but a falling yellow tree on a roadside is the description. Similarly, sensory details connect the five senses of human beings with the traits of the subjects under consideration. While writing a descriptive nature essay, this is the key!

Solid Introduction With A Hook

After the topic or the title, an introduction is a thing that makes or breaks the deal for the readers. Also called the opening of an essay, these are at the beginning of the essay and sets the proverbial stage for the other elements of the content. Professional readers use “hook” to lure readers in. These hooks come in all forms, shapes, and sizes, but their purpose remains the same. The most common and potent forms of hooks include, but are not limited to, statistics connecting the essay with the facts, a question asked by the readers, a quotation from famous works of literature, and more.

Choosing A Specific Topic

Many students think that they can string five paragraphs together with a semblance of commonality and call it an essay. Sadly, that is not the case. Before actually researching and writing a descriptive essay, they need to choose a specific topic and then research it further before outlining the whole essay. A topic and then a well-groomed title give a much-needed focus and a thread of belonging to the content. Since it is mentioned at the top of the essay, readers and potential readers will read it first before making up their minds, about whether they want to read the whole essay or not.

Can I write a descriptive essay on the beauty aspect of nature?

Of course! Nature is often attributed to as one of the most beautiful things in the universe, among both natural and artificial aspects. Whether it is about meadows or the grasslands to the snowy peaks of the mountains, the beauty of nature is indeed both subjective and objective. By defining the topic and formulating a good working title, you can write a descriptive essay on the beauty aspect of nature.

What is the best way to start a descriptive nature essay?

Readers are well aware of nature, evolving and unfolding around them. But when you are writing a descriptive essay, it is necessary to let them connect with that aspect early on. That’s why you need to set the stage in the introduction phase and let them know what the essay will be about using literary hooks and contraptions. At the end of the introduction, you can top off the introduction with a thesis statement.

How can I show different faces of nature through descriptive writing?

Descriptive writing focuses on sensory details and figurative language to overcome the barriers of space and time between the subject and the readers. When the task is to show different faces of nature through description, it is necessary to take command of figurative language and other literary devices to bridge the gap.

Is it easy to describe nature?

It depends. If a writer has experience and a deep understanding of the language, then it can be easy. For novice writers, nature can be a mixed bag. For the objective ends, it is easy and pretty straightforward. For impressionistic reasons, nature can be a tough nut to crack but things mean different when they are put in different lights.

Should I write exactly how nature makes me feel?

As far as the artistic truth is concerned, you should write about nature and how it makes you feel. Talking about how we feel, a lot depends on what we are going through internally. If your mood is fresh and your spirits are high, you can extract joy from the basest things in nature. On the other hand, you can be irritated by the most soothing things if your mind is on fire.

What is the ideal word count for a descriptive nature essay?

The ideal word count for a descriptive essay is between 800 to 1000 words. Students should aim for five paragraphs with one each for the introduction and conclusion and the remaining three for the main body. When word count is assigned by the instructors, it is best to stay in that range.

Final Thoughts

Nature is one of the most recurring topics that students will find in their essay classes. It can mold and transform by changing only a handful or sometimes even a single variable from the lot. Still, many novice writers find it hard to connect to the essence of the topic and even fail at formulating a good title. In this blog, we have covered the basics of descriptive essay writing, including four examples of nature writing in different scenarios so that students can take inspiration from them and incorporate them into their essays. We have also shared some tips for nature writing in descriptive essays so that they can start and finish at a high.

For complete guidance on descriptive essay writing on nature, feel free to consult this resource at any time!

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essay on beautiful nature

Nature - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

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Descriptive Essay on Beauty of Nature

Nature is vast and full of beautiful things that comfort our physical and emotional senses. The beauty of nature is somehow immortal, infinite and eternal. The beauty of nature is a perfect reflection of the art of Allah Almighty. Natural beauty may be extinct at the moment, but as “the joy of beauty is eternal happiness”, so the effect of that beauty on the mind can never be in vain.

Natural beauty is a treasure that will never end. Nature has many faces. They are everywhere. The human eye is always in contact with good things.

One of the many beautiful features of nature is the sunrise and sunset. A person with a sense of beauty will never be able to ignore the beauty of the red light of the rising sun and the fading glow of the stars. Likewise, the beauty of sunset has inspired many sensitive and artistic people to compose verses of praise, write beautiful prose and paint, and capture the event with a cloth or a camera forever.

Another aspect of natural beauty can be found in the night sky. Arriving at your destination, the glowing stars and the glowing moon of the moon have nothing in common. Under the influence of the moonlight, this world also becomes a beautiful world and a dream world.

The changing seasons have their beauty that has fascinated the human mind for centuries and will continue to impress until the end of the universe. Spring is the most beautiful of the seasons and is undoubtedly the queen of the seasons. During this period, The earth was filled with lush vegetation, colours, and aromas. Spring is a time of beauty and love, hope and happiness, life and happiness. Forests, lush plains, fields, and meadows prowl the lush vegetation to attract attention. Spring has endless and countless charms and beauty. Autumn has its golden, brown and mature colours. A life that started in the spring matures in the fall. This is a time for maturity and maturity. Summer is a season that helps the ripening process. It has its charms and beauty in the form of the most delicious fruits and vegetables.

Cold winters, snow and fog have other advantages. It is a season of white, grey and black. Snow and ice have a fantastic effect on the human mind and are not as appealing as the dark clouds and the wind.

On the other hand, nature has the beauty of the refreshing sky, the snowcapped mountains, and the deep green valleys. On the other hand, it has the mysteries and incomparable beauty of the deep blue sea. Nature preserves the beauty of the desolate desert and empty sand during the oasis. Its long-date trees that grow in the spring of freshwater show excellent scenes for tired and thirsty travellers.

Nature has endless treasures of beauty in the form of various beautiful living creatures. The world of birds, beasts, reptiles, and fish is teeming with life and millions of species of all kinds, in size and colour and on the earth, in the sky and the water. They are everywhere and at all times. They adorn the environment by simply being present.

Humans, the “crown of creation,” is by no means the most beautiful. Beauty lies in the condition of the body, the brain and the soul. It exists like human nature, such as mother, sister, brother and father, friend and companion.

Beauty is present in the child’s smiling face, the mother’s prayerful hand and the anxious state of the father. Beauty is like the reassuring handshake of a friend, the gentle touch of a brother and the love of a caring sister.

Undoubtedly beauty exists in man, in the environment, green fields, high mountains and small hills, in the moonlight and stars. Nature is full of the beauty that exists, almost everything scattered about us. “Beauty, truth, truth, and Beauty,” as the saying goes.

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Essay on Nature

Read a short essay on nature in English language for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. How we can describe essay on beauty of nature or essay on nature conservation or essay on importance of nature. Along with essay writers from, we would like to represent you the following essay sample.

Essay on Nature

Essay on Nature 300 words

Nature is the most divine creation of god around us, it is considered an integral part of mankind. Nature has bestowed us with water, air, plants and much more to make us survive on this planet. But are we paying back to our mother nature? The answer is no as we have not only failed in paying back but also exploited nature to a great extent.

Nature provides beauty all around, it’s the nature that makes the surroundings attractive and worthy to live in. Human life is possible because of nature and its various boons. Mother nature is a gift of God and must be respected just like we respect and love our mothers.

Nature is a unique blessing to us, everything created by God on this earth has some purpose and order in life. The radiant rivers, the shining valleys, huge mountains, blue oceans, white sky, the sun, the rain, the moon and the list is non-ending. All these things have some order and serve a purpose in life. Despite all this, we are still doing activities that are not only harmful but can cause real devastation to nature all around.

There are numerous creatures on this planet and every single creature serves a defined purpose in the ecosystem. Humans, on the other hand, are trying to disturb this ecosystem by entering into the places and things they are not supposed to enter. They are creating an imbalance in the ecological cycle of the environment and thus creating havoc all around.

Everything we do is dependent on nature. In fact, our life is possible because of this beautiful nature. We depend on water, air, fire for our survival and then again we are exploiting the same things we completely rely on.

We, humans, are continuously abusing our mother nature and are not even thinking about its consequences. Development is a slow process and destruction can be done in a wink of an eye.

It’s the need of an hour to conserve our nature so that our generations can also enjoy and cherish in the beauties of nature. We need to create awareness among people to stop this continuous process of destruction. Human activities must be done in a sustainable way to ensure the development of a nation without causing any harm to our mother nature. It is essential to understand that we should not take advantage of some of the finest blessings of god-nature.

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Essay on Beauties of Nature

Essay on Beauties of Nature

Beauties of Nature:

The moon, the stars, snow-capped hills, rivers, lakes and budding flowers are the objects of nature. The sight of these majestic and charming objects gives us a thrill of joy. They give solace, comfort to our minds. That is why various poets have written poems in praise of these objects of beauty. These objects cast their spell on other persons as well. We have only to wander a while on the bank of a lake to realize the attraction of flowers. We cannot put into words the feast of natural beauty they present to our eyes.

Nature is beautiful everywhere. She is marvellously beautiful on the top of a mountain. She is mysteriously beautiful on the bed of the sea. Forests, springs, waterfalls, gardens and meadows all surpass in beauty. Nature presents a vast scene of exquisite beauty. All objects of nature, their colours and their forms are a source of joy forever.

The sunrise presents the loveliest scene. Dewdrops on green grass look like pearls. Flowers, fruit trees bathed in rays of the sun, look bright and beautiful. The sun rays pouring over snow-covered peaks present a glorious scene. The chirping of birds in trees has a music of its own. The setting of the sun is equally charming. The starry night looks like a blue sheet studded with jewels. The moon has a soothing effect.

Nature is at her best in spring. Blooming flowers of different colours fill the air with fragrance. Autumn has a charm of its own. The cool breeze produces music in the falling leaves. Winter is no less charming. The snow-capped mountains, the falling of snow have a great attraction. Besides, the blowing of winds, the floating of clouds, the rainbow, the waterfalls all remind us of the greatest artist, God.

To enjoy these beauties of nature, one has to live in nature’s company. A countryman enjoys nature well. A town dweller cannot enjoy the beauties of nature. He gets a crippled view. Nature is most beautiful at places where she is untouched and undisturbed.

Nature has an irresistible appeal. Nature has created beauties for our enjoyment. He who has no eyes to see and appreciate, and no heart to leap with joy at their sight, must be a man with a dead soul.

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