Essay On Social Issues

500 words essay on social issues.

Social Issues is an undesirable state which opposes society or a certain part of society. It refers to an unwanted situation that frequently results in problems and continues to harm society . Social issues can cause a lot of problems that can be beyond the control of just one person. Through an essay on social issues, we will learn why they are harmful and what types of social issues we face.

Essay On Social Issues

Drawbacks of Social Issues

Social issues have a lot of drawbacks that harms our society. They are situations that have an adverse and damaging result on our society. They arise when the public leaves nature or society from an ideal situation.

If you look closely, you will realize that almost all types of social issues have common origins. In the sense that they all are interconnected somehow. Meaning to say, if one solves the other one is also most likely to resolve.

Social issues have a massive lousy effect on our society and ultimately, it affects all of us. In order to solve some social issues, we need a common approach. No society is free from social issues, almost every one of them has some social issue or the other.

For instance, in India, you will find a lot of social issues which the country is facing. It ranges from the caste system to child labour and gender inequality to religious conflicts. Thus, we are going through a critical time where we all must come together to free our society from undesirable social evils.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Major Social Issues

There are a lot of social issues we are facing right now, some more prominent than the others. First of all, poverty is a worldwide issue. It gives birth to a lot of other social issues which we must try to get away with at the earliest.

Further, countries like India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and more are facing the issue of the caste system since times unknown. It results in a lot of caste violence and inequality which takes the lives of many on a daily basis.

Moreover, child labour is another major social issue that damages the lives of young children. Similarly, illiteracy also ruins the lives of many by destroying their chances of a bright future.

In developing countries mostly, child marriage still exists and is responsible for ruining many lives. Similarly, dowry is a very serious and common social issue that almost all classes of people partake in.

Another prominent social issue is gender inequality which takes away many opportunities from deserving people. Domestic violence especially against women is a serious social issue we must all fight against.

Other social issues include starvation, child sex abuse, religious conflicts, child trafficking, terrorism , overpopulation, untouchability, communalism and many more. It is high time we end these social issues.

Conclusion of the Essay on Social Issues

A society can successfully end social issues if they become adamant. These social issues act as a barrier to the progress of society. Thus, we must all come together to fight against them and put them to an end for the greater good.

FAQ on Essay on Social Issues

Question 1: What is the meaning of social problem?

Answer 1: A social problem refers to any condition or behaviour which has a negative impact on a large number of people. It is normally recognized as a condition or behaviour that needs to be addressed.

Question 2: What are the effects of social issues?

Answer 2: Social issues affect our society adversely. Most importantly, it disturbs the harmony of society and gives rise to hostility and suspicion. Moreover, it creates large-scale social dissatisfaction, suffering and misery.

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A List of 470 Powerful Social Issues Essay Topics

In modern societies, people do everything to live peacefully. Still, tensions often arise. We call them social issues when they start negatively impacting a specific group of people. Poverty, discrimination, and addiction are examples of such problems. We need to confront them to ensure equal treatment for everyone.

Our professional custom writing team created this article to help you write a social issues essay. This comprehensive social issues topics list covers various current problems in America and in the world. Choose among 450 social topics, and get down to writing!

  • 🔝 Top 10 Topics

✅ How to Write About Social Issues

  • 🌐 Social Media Issues Topics
  • 🏥 Health-Related Issues
  • 🌳 Environmental Issues
  • 🔫 War & Violence
  • 🚓 Police & Criminal Justice
  • 👨👩 Gender-Related Issues
  • 🧔🏿 Racism Topics
  • ✈️ Migration & Refugees
  • ⚖️ Human Rights Topics
  • 🗽 Social Issues in America

🔝 Top 10 Social Issues Topics

  • Types of prisoner rights violations.
  • Can vaccinations be mandatory?
  • What makes overpopulation a threat?
  • Online education as a cause of obesity.
  • The economic effect of rising sea levels.
  • The effects of Gender Pay Gap on economy.
  • Ways to stop racial discrimination in schools.
  • Can increase of employment help reduce poverty?
  • Women empowerment and social development.
  • Can mobile clinics make healthcare more accessible?

Writing on topics related to social issues involves thorough research. It also requires sympathy and tact. Following this guide will help you not to step on anybody’s toes.

  • Research papers call for an in-depth analysis. Make sure to reference several sources to back up your claims.
  • Essays revolve around your opinion. Here, good arguments are crucial.
  • Pick the topic . It can be either contemporary or historical. It’s better to choose something you’re interested in. If nothing comes to mind right away, use a writing topic generator .
  • Do research . Consult encyclopedias, find books on the topic. It will help you formulate ideas and outline the first draft.
  • Consider your audience . How much do they know about your subject? How invested are they? Understanding your readers will help you be more considerate.
  • Even if you have strong feelings about your subject, keep your tone neutral. Make sure not to condemn those who hold opposite views.
  • Highlight what you personally think is right. Remember that you can’t control how other people will react.
  • Be frank. Ask yourself: who am I? How do my experiences fit into my topic? Your honest answers will add unique insights to your paper.
  • Double-check your paper. Does everything you wrote logically flow? Does your argumentative structure make sense? Does it support your thesis? If possible, let your assignment sit for a day. You can edit it later with a fresh perspective.

These are the basics you need if you want to write about social issues. Now you can start your research! The first step is to pick one of the excellent topics about social problems from the list below.

🌐 Social Issues Essay Topics Related to Social Media

  • Security issues of social media.
  • Should Instagram be age-restricted?
  • Social networks’ impact on friendships.
  • Disadvantages of being an influencer.
  • Is there freedom of speech in social media?
  • Should social media ban fake information?
  • How harmful is social media dependency?
  • Should employers check employees’ accounts?
  • Online ethics and business Facebook accounts.
  • The effect of the cancel culture on mental health.
  • Cyberbullying: victim and abuser in the online environment.
  • Should children be allowed to have social media accounts?
  • Your opinion on memorial pages on social networks for the deceased.
  • Ways to stay safe on the internet.

Cyber abuse.

  • How should social media websites deal with hate speech?
  • Is removing abusive content censorship?
  • Explore the correlation between social media and mental disorders.
  • Does Instagram change the way we perceive our lives?
  • Is modern society forcing us to participate in social networking?
  • What is identity theft?
  • Personal isolation and technology in communication.
  • The risks of microtransactions in online gaming.
  • How does your digital presence influence your real life?
  • Why do some people become dependent on social media ?
  • Are online networks promoting stalking?
  • Discuss the digital divide in Washington.
  • Is Twitter’s cancel culture doing more harm than good?
  • How do marginalized groups benefit from social media?
  • How important is data safety?
  • Are people on social media more aggressive than in real life?
  • Does the internet shorten our attention span?
  • Ways in which social media impacts your interactions with other people.
  • Marketing, social media, and you: how do influencers impact your buying behavior?
  • Explore the effect of the internet on students’ lives.
  • Is Reddit right to allow outrageous content under the principle of free speech?
  • Politics and Twitter: the consequences of Donald Trump’s tweets.
  • Does banning online networks from the workplace increase productivity?
  • What basic ethical principles go overboard on the Internet?
  • In how far do social media trends reflect on the general public?
  • Social media and youth: does it make puberty harder?
  • The influence of social media platforms on democracy.
  • What would happen if we could rate everyone online? (Think Community ’s episode “App Development and Condiments”)
  • Does Instagram inspire a healthy lifestyle?
  • Why are likes so important?
  • Debate the effects of speaking out in online communities.
  • Are Facebook’s profile picture frames a good way of showing support?
  • Debate social media policies and code of conduct.
  • Is YouTube spreading propaganda?
  • Did you ever do something because you’ve read about it on the internet?
  • Are Twitter hashtags skewing the political discourse?
  • Examine the gendered experiences of people on the internet.
  • How do you make yourself heard on social media?
  • Evaluate the usefulness of Facebook’s Safety Check feature.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of TikTok challenges.
  • How does participating in Instagram challenges for social justice help?

🏥 Health-Related Social Issues Topics to Write About

Our health largely depends on the social security system. With access to good healthcare services, we are less likely to develop preventable diseases. Unfortunately, issues are common in the health sector. These interesting essay writing prompts will help you explore social problems related to health:

  • Are employers not paying enough attention to their employees’ mental health ?
  • What should a person do if they can’t afford medical treatment?
  • Why do some countries have higher obesity rates than others?
  • Should abortion be legal or illegal?
  • Debate whether a ban on tobacco advertising would help decrease smoking.
  • What makes Americans start doing drugs ?
  • Compare projects that help people overcome their addictions.
  • What is the worst substance to be addicted to?
  • Who should care for the elders?
  • Should hospices be free?
  • Examine why HIV in seniors remains widely unrecognized.
  • Should we change the drinking age limit?
  • Whose health is mostly affected by pollution?
  • Should parents avoid vaccinating their children?
  • What does it mean to die with dignity?
  • Should women get extra vacation days at work because of their periods?
  • Explore the origins of the pro-life movement.
  • Should non-smokers receive additional break time?
  • Ways to make navigating easier for visually impaired people .
  • Discuss stigma against mentally challenged individuals.
  • The benefits of over-the-counter contraception.
  • Must women who breastfeed in public cover themselves up?
  • Psychoactive drugs in the treatment of psychological diseases.
  • Disabilities and stigmatization: how does being disabled affect one’s social status?
  • Does gender play an important role in one’s health?
  • What health issues are affecting African Americans and Hispanics?
  • Expectations and motherhood: being a childfree woman in a kid-centered society.
  • How does being malnourished affect a child’s psyche in the long run?
  • Investigate suicide rates in Pakistan.
  • Discuss the social acceptance of autism spectrum disorders.
  • Sociology and psychological diseases: the relationship between circumstance and mental health.
  • Write about fad diets and their impact.
  • How does the society you live in discriminate against older adults?
  • Why is access to quality healthcare unevenly distributed?
  • Who should decide when to stop life-prolonging treatments?
  • Is homeopathic treatment for children acceptable?
  • Describe why going to psychotherapy is widely stigmatized.
  • What are the social determinants of health?
  • Why is access to healthcare in rural areas so scarce?
  • Is the propagation of mindfulness and self-care on social media improving our health?

Smoking is.

  • Examine the connection between poverty and health problems.
  • Where does our society’s general obsession with weight come from?
  • Do cultural norms promote drinking alcohol to an unhealthy extent?
  • Is coffee a drug?
  • How does the depiction of drug use in the media influence the youth?

🌳 Environmental Social Issues Essay Topics

Environmentalism is not just about saving nature. A damaged environment has adverse effects on humanity and its future. Changing weather and frequent natural disasters affect millions of people. Many are forced to flee their homes. Essays on this subject can cover activism or sustainability.

  • Is Extinction Rebellion’s form of protest too radical?
  • What to avoid when traveling in the age of climate change.
  • How can we ensure global access to drinking water ?
  • The impact of bottled water on the environment.
  • Water conservation methods in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • The influence of tourism on cultural heritage sites.
  • How does society need to change in the future to slow down climate change?
  • What caused the rise in climate activism in recent years?
  • Innovation vs. tradition: getting traditional farmers to implement new sustainable technology.
  • Describe the importance of waste reduction for our ecosystems.
  • How can we use our natural resources responsibly?
  • Discuss what a sustainable diet is like.
  • The role of packaging in marketing, food safety, and environment.
  • Why do people deny human-made climate change?
  • Why should sociologists study the environment?
  • What made us reliant on single-use plastic products?
  • Discuss green infrastructure in water management.
  • Debate how Greenpeace influences political decision making.
  • In your opinion, what’s the best environmental organization to donate to?
  • How successful is PETA in helping animals?
  • Should mandatory volunteer work substitute compulsory military service?
  • Urban gardening as a means to ensure food security.
  • The effect of self-driving electric vehicles on urban environments.
  • Compare types of sustainable futuristic cities in literature.
  • How does global warming impact indigenous peoples in South America?
  • What effects does a deteriorating environment have on labor conditions?
  • Explain what Oxfam does.
  • How does globalization impact sustainable agriculture?
  • What are the most significant achievements of environmental activists in recent years?
  • What makes politicians hesitant to take action against climate change?
  • Investigate what happened to the population of Isle de Jean Charles.
  • Climate refugees: examine the disasters that cause people to flee their homes.
  • What are the unintentional consequences of climate-related relocation projects?
  • Explore the connection between nature and religion.
  • Ecology and economics: ways to find a balance.
  • Communities and health: how the way we handle the environment impacts the spread of disease.
  • Investigate methods for responsible consumption.
  • Why is sustainable development important for societies?

World Health Organization.

  • Contrast the methods of various environmentalist movements.
  • The world’s overpopulation: causes and effects.
  • Why can it be difficult to convince older generations to take action against climate change ?
  • What are the best things everyone can do to protect the environment?
  • The role of zoos in wildlife endangerment.
  • How do changing weather patterns impact our homes?
  • What caused the increase in natural disasters over the last decade?

🔫 Social Issues Topics: War & Violence

Scientists still debate if violence is a part of human nature. Wars and terrorist attacks are disastrous events that traumatize millions of people. Still, it’s crucial not to forget about more subtle forms of violence. These include emotional neglect, bullying, and brutality in medical care.

  • What are the main reasons for nations to wage war?
  • Mental disorders and vulnerability to homicidal death.
  • The restoration of Germany after the Second World War.
  • Domestic violence in 20th century Canada.
  • Describe the most common types of violence against teenagers.
  • How does a country’s political situation impact domestic violence?
  • Do splatter movies promote violent behavior?
  • Should girls dress modestly to avoid being abused?
  • What is the use of war monuments?
  • The issue of girl education in India.
  • How does war influence the development of children?
  • Analyze the accuracy of the events depicted in Sam Mendes’ film 1917 .
  • Everything Quiet on the Western Front and the youth’s attitude towards fighting.
  • The treatment of veterans in your community.
  • Why do people join the army?
  • Connection between school bullying and problems in adult life.
  • What are the most common reasons for murder ?
  • How can a family move on after their child has been kidnapped?
  • Why are veterans more likely to commit suicide than average citizens?
  • Is human trafficking modern-day slavery?
  • Investigate how citizens of Cape Town deal with the high crime rate in their city.
  • What events can lead to an increase in crime?
  • Explain the socio-economic aftermaths of the Afghanistan war.
  • Examine the success of Columbia’s DESEPAZ program.
  • What is the origin of domestic violence?
  • Do schools in your country work effectively to discourage abusive behavior towards girls?
  • Why do men tend not to report domestic violence?
  • How does emotional neglect impact children?
  • What are the best ways to prevent street violence?
  • Is there a connection between the strictness of gun laws and homicide rates?
  • Why do women hesitate to report rape cases?
  • Rape and sexual harassment in the military.
  • An overview of Japanese mafia culture.
  • The connection between education and violence.
  • Who profits from war?
  • Are the US military expenses justified?
  • What does the “guns vs. butter” model describe?
  • Give examples of cultural norms justifying violence.
  • In how far has globalization impacted violent behavior ?
  • What triggers aggression against healthcare workers?
  • Ways to manage verbal abuse in social care.
  • Examine the Chinese phenomenon of Yi Nao.
  • Investigate the recent decriminalization of domestic abuse in Russia.
  • What was the impact of the #metoo movement?
  • Bullying and sexual harassment at workplace.

🚓 Police & Criminal Justice Topics to Write About

Everyone should feel safe in their community. That’s what a country’s criminal justice system is for. But humans can make mistakes and be biased. Not everyone feels protected by the current system. What can we do to change that? Explore this question in one of the following creative topics:

  • What does the phrase “defund the police” mean?
  • What makes you feel safe in your community?
  • Describe the social standing of police officers in your country.
  • Examine if there’s evidence of structural racism in the police.
  • Is it possible to achieve true equality ?
  • Are all professions in criminal justice equally prestigious?
  • Discuss the concept of juvenile crimes.
  • Debate castration as a punishment for sexual offenders.
  • The influence of the internet on human trafficking.
  • What could the police be substituted with?
  • How does racial profiling work?
  • Should people who abuse drugs go to jail?
  • How do people become homeless in big cities?
  • Discuss the legitimization of prostitution.
  • What causes governments to oppose gay marriage ?
  • The safest ways to deescalate riots.
  • What are the best methods to discourage people from committing crimes ?
  • Define civil disobedience and its goals.
  • Victimology and traditional justice system alternatives.
  • What makes white-collar crimes more socially acceptable than others?
  • Reintroducing prisoners to society: obstacles and consequences.
  • Would society profit from the abolition of prisons?
  • What are the advantages of community services?

Montesquieu quote.

  • How does crime differ in various social classes?
  • Justice for women: the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
  • How do prejudices influence criminal justice mechanics?
  • Human services issues from the point of income inequality.
  • Why was the Hong Kong national security law installed?
  • How did legalizing all drugs affect Portuguese society?
  • What are the prominent civil rights issues in your country?
  • The Captain of Köpenick : the psychological effect of uniforms.
  • Why was racial segregation widely accepted in America?
  • How do witness protection programs work?
  • The right to privacy vs. safety: a case for surveillance cameras.
  • How can one save their reputation after committing a crime?
  • Compare the four deviance theories in sociology .
  • To what extent can biology explain criminal behavior?
  • Do police officers need guns?
  • Should law enforcers need to request permission before using firearms ?
  • How did dismantling the police department in Camden, NJ impact crime?
  • Explore the connection between militarization and police violence.
  • What does the principle of qualified immunity entail?
  • Debate the use of body cameras by police officers.
  • Police violence and subterfuge.
  • What are the social benefits of jury duty?

👨👩 Gender-Related Social Issues Essay Topics

Even today, a lot of people are systematically disadvantaged because of their gender. This problem manifests itself not only in the infamous gender pay gap. For example, in the US, transgender people are banned from serving in the army. And in some countries, women are still denied fundamental rights. If you want to get to the heart of contemporary controversial issues, this section is for you.

  • Why is the number of women in positions of power still low?
  • Are quotas the only way to guarantee equal hiring processes?
  • Pros and cons of unisex bathrooms.
  • Why are matriarchal societies rare?
  • Describe how the patriarchy holds back women.
  • Conflicting theories: gay marriage and feminism.
  • Does feminism need to be radical?
  • How does gendered marketing affect child development?
  • Should insurance companies pay for sex reassignment therapy?
  • Reasons why some people have problems with they/them pronouns.
  • What does it mean to be non-binary?
  • Investigate the treatment of women in Saudi Arabian society.
  • What makes a profession traditionally female?
  • Should women be more encouraged to join the military?
  • Why is it more challenging for men to get full custody?
  • Find historical examples of women who made a change in their society.
  • Should professors be required to include more women authors in their reading material?
  • Examine the treatment of the transgender community in healthcare.
  • Is gender a purely social construct?
  • What can a woman do to become more empowered ?
  • Can a patriarchal society ever achieve true gender equality ?
  • Are Disney princesses good role models?
  • Examine the representation of gender variety in popular TV shows.
  • Gender identity: promotion of equality for sexual orientation.
  • Discuss the connection between gender-biased language and oppression.
  • Why are sexist marketing practices still legal?
  • Should girls capitalize on their attractive looks?
  • Define the term “gender blindness.”
  • Do school uniforms promote gender inequality?
  • Bibiana Steinhaus: a female referee.
  • Discuss how the battle of the sexes impacted society.
  • Should men be entitled to more extended paternity leave?
  • Can religion ensure equality?
  • How do stereotypes against women decrease their chances of getting hired?
  • Why do millions of women still have to choose between having a family or a career?
  • Explain the gender dynamics in development.
  • Should men and women play and compete in mixed sports teams?
  • What do beauty pageants teach girls?
  • Debate the importance of LGBT studies.
  • What causes gender dysphoria?
  • Do blockbuster films have the responsibility to advocate for equality?
  • Does society need gender roles to function properly?
  • What makes same-sex marriage a controversial topic in many countries?
  • Examine adoption laws for gay couples.
  • Compare gender-based violence in the UK vs. Iran.

🧔🏿 Social Topics for Essays on Racism

Slavery is abolished everywhere in the world. Still, it didn’t put an end to racism. There’s a lot of racial bias fueled by insecurity and ignorance. Because of this, ethnic minorities rarely enjoy equal opportunities. An essay on racism can raise awareness of the problem by shedding light on racial injustice.

  • How has racism changed over the past hundred years?
  • Queer of color: history and theory.
  • Who were the Khmer Rouge ?
  • Trace the development of anti-discrimination laws in your country.
  • What caused populist groups to gain popularity in recent years?
  • Did Donald Trump’s presidency increase racism towards Latin Americans?
  • What socio-economic issues do African American families face?
  • Is there a connection between racism and social progress?
  • Would there be no racism without colonialism?
  • Discuss subtle forms of everyday racism.
  • Should women in teaching positions be allowed to wear hijabs ?
  • Nelson Mandela and the fight against apartheid .
  • What makes people scared of minorities?
  • Who benefits from structural racism?
  • Find out how racism manifests itself in your native language.
  • Compare the types of social segmentation.
  • Is the use of the n-word in hip hop empowering?
  • How did imperialism impact Okonkwo’s life in Things Fall Apart ?
  • In which areas of life are black Americans institutionally disadvantaged?
  • Is it appropriate for white people to wear hoop earrings?
  • The best ways to educate children about race.
  • How does cultural appropriation become harmful?
  • Racial prejudice in the movie industry.

Mahatma Gandhi quote.

  • Your position on companies renaming well-known brands to avoid claims of racism.
  • Discuss the problem of racism at institutional and interactional levels.
  • Will racism ever end?
  • Is “All lives matter” a racist statement?
  • How does environmental racism affect the living conditions of minorities?
  • Investigate the historical persecution of the Romani people.
  • What makes people racist nowadays?
  • The internet’s contribution to alleviating racism.
  • Cultivation of racism in the American society.
  • How much of a problem is reverse discrimination?
  • Trace the history of lynching and mob violence against blacks in the American South.
  • Who was Leo Frank?
  • How does discrimination differ in rich vs. developing countries?
  • Racism as a barrier to educational opportunities.
  • Does social media help fight racist bias?
  • How to responsibly handle classic movies and literature with racial prejudices.
  • What constitutes a healthy national identity?
  • How does modern television portray minorities?
  • Does your country’s healthcare system disadvantage minorities?
  • Investigate what happens to the Rohingya people in Malaysia.
  • Is antisemitism still a problem in your country?
  • Does nationalism always lead to racism?

✈️ Social Awareness Topics on Migration & Refugees

Migration can have a beneficial effect on a host country’s economy. For instance, migrants can provide vital additional workforce. But an overflow of newcomers can also lead to problems. Most notably, it affects a nations’ cultural and social landscapes. “How should we deal with refugees?” is one of the most challenging political questions today.

  • How has migration changed over the past 20 years?
  • Mexican immigration as a political controversy.
  • Why do migrants from the Middle East face more prejudice than those from Central Europe?
  • Describe the types of events that can cause major forced displacement .
  • How should governments plan for migration?
  • Why do many people in Europe have a negative attitude towards refugees?
  • Why are foreign workers important to every nation’s economy?
  • Effective ways to integrate displaced people.
  • Critique Arizona’s new immigration laws.
  • Have refugee camps ever been a solution to the problem?
  • What drives people to immigrate illegally ?
  • Should the US’ sanctuary cities be dissolved?
  • Describe the notion of ecological migration.
  • Should Europe take in more refugees?
  • Compare resettlement models in Canada vs. Australia.
  • What’s the difference between expats and migrants?
  • What factors make illegal immigration undesirable?
  • Has the public perception of migrants changed over the past years?
  • How important is it that immigrants speak their host country’s language?
  • What does social integration ideally consist of?
  • Discuss Chinese settlement patterns in America.
  • The advantages of dropping visa restrictions.
  • How did 9/11 affect the public’s perception of the global movement?
  • Is it morally right to marry someone just for their passport?
  • Do illegal immigrants negatively impact their host country’s society?
  • Does migration cause destabilization?
  • What does the claim “no one is illegal” advocate?
  • How does the American green card lottery work?
  • Should a child born in a foreign country automatically receive citizenship?
  • American society wouldn’t exist without immigration. Why is it still so hostile towards foreigners?
  • Explore the link between global movement and the spread of diseases.
  • Should the government use taxpayer money to upskill refugees?
  • Immigrants in Toronto: social and economic challenges.
  • Can expats from a distinct cultural background ever integrate into a country that doesn’t share their norms?
  • Discuss the importance of diversity to society.
  • Is there a connection between immigration rates and crime?
  • Should expats be eligible for welfare programs?
  • Where’s the line between cultural appropriation and integration?
  • Can binational relationships work?
  • How do you become a stateless person?
  • What rights do asylum seekers have in your country?
  • Is immigration from developing countries a threat to wealthier nations?
  • Explore moral panics associated with other ethnicities.
  • What makes Europe attractive to expats?
  • Describe the common prejudices refugees have to face in Australia.

⚖️ Social Justice Essay Topics on Human Rights

You probably agree that every human deserves access to fundamental rights. Unfortunately, these are continually under threat. And it doesn’t always happen far away from you. Women, the LGBT community, and many others fight for their rights every single day.

  • Are limitations of human rights during crises justified?
  • Should we strive to achieve the same rights globally?
  • Is male circumcision shortly after birth a violation of human rights?
  • How do you prevent low-income families from sending their children to work?
  • Capital punishment vs. the right to live.
  • Can dictatorships ensure human rights?

Martin Luther King Jr. quote.

  • Is using sensitive language incriminating our freedom of speech?
  • Describe the achievements of Amnesty International.
  • Should Europe stop business interactions with countries that violate human rights ?
  • Examine effective ways to combat food shortages in the Global South.
  • How can governments secure freedom of speech ?
  • Should access to the internet be included as a fundamental human right?
  • Are restrictive laws concerning hijabs violating religious freedom?
  • Charlie Hebdo and its Muhammad cartoons: did they go too far?
  • When does satire become harmful?
  • Examine how human rights are treated in the pornography industry.
  • Why are LGBT people around the world not granted the same rights as everyone else?
  • Balancing labor conditions and demand: human rights in the economy.
  • Who protects stateless persons?
  • What has changed since the first declaration of human rights?
  • How was slavery justified back in the day?
  • Why do women in many countries still not have the same rights as men?
  • The Handmaid’s Tale : how is the society in Gilead structured?
  • Discuss how vital the rights to freedom of thought and expression are.
  • To which rights should prisoners have access to?
  • Debate the fairness of the utilitarian approach.
  • How do NGOs help to ensure human rights in Somalia?
  • Human rights and the Bible : how does the church get away with violations?
  • Define different perspectives on what constitutes freedom .
  • What are the most significant human rights issues today?
  • Ethics and the media: exploiting personal tragedies for attention.
  • Prisoners are humans, too: rights violations in Guantanamo.
  • Is combating climate change a human rights issue?
  • Are cruel traditions such as honor killings justified if they are socially accepted?
  • How successful is the European Commission of Human Rights?
  • Is the death penalty a justified measure nowadays?
  • Should pets have the same rights as humans?
  • Define the difference between civil and human rights.
  • If there’s gay pride, why shouldn’t there be straight pride?
  • Unequal privilege: legal, religious, and social factors.
  • What would happen if education were free and accessible to everyone?
  • State terrorism vs. critical terrorism.
  • Did globalization make us freer?
  • Is the wellbeing of the majority more important than the wellbeing of a minority?
  • When, if ever, should men and women have different rights?

🗽 Current Social Issues Topics in America

With its variety of races and cultures, America faces many social issues. Its deeply divided political parties add more fuel to the fire. African American rights and police brutality are some of the most pressing issues in the US today.

  • Consequences of fortifying the American-Mexican border wall.
  • Should illegal immigrants always be deported when found?
  • Is the democratic system in the US in need of reform?
  • What are the social causes of obesity in the USA?
  • Negative side effects of the war on drugs.
  • How important is bipartisan cooperation?
  • What difference does it make if Russia meddled in the 2016 elections?
  • Police brutality: reasons and countermeasures.
  • Discuss the importance of reducing medical costs.
  • Racism and the police: is it an institutional problem?
  • What are the strictest cultural taboos in American society?
  • Are there enough women in American leadership positions?
  • Is sexism a significant problem in the States?
  • Describe the consequences of voter fraud.
  • Should schools teach students to be more patriotic?
  • Discuss prescription drug abuse in America.
  • College student debt: is it a fair price to pay for a good education?
  • Will police presence in schools help curb violence?
  • What drugs should be legalized vs. remain illegal?
  • Debate the quality of political education in your state.
  • Is fake news a severe problem?
  • Financial literacy as a compulsory subject in high school.
  • How do you destigmatize taboo topics in society?
  • Why do conversations about periods make people feel uncomfortable?
  • Social causes of eating disorders in adults.
  • Discuss how various religions can live together peacefully.
  • Describe the NIMBY phenomenon.
  • What are the benefits and limitations of needle exchange programs?
  • Find reasons why peaceful protests turn into violent riots.
  • Are students in the US nowadays under too much stress ?
  • What are the harmful effects of urban sprawl?
  • Can your vote make a difference?
  • Do American schools need to offer better sex education classes?
  • What makes people believe the Earth is flat?
  • Why do conspiracy theories spread so quickly nowadays?
  • Traffic in California: reasons to invest in public transport.
  • Are charter schools better than public schools?
  • Compare the most prominent social movements currently active in America.
  • The legacy of Occupy Wall Street.
  • Describe the pros and cons of the Green New Deal.
  • How successful is special education in the US?
  • What causes gentrification in American cities?
  • Is immigration a strain on the American job market?
  • Tackle the problem of prison overcrowding.
  • Investigate the effects of ableism in the States.

That’s all we’ve got for you. We hope this article was helpful. Good luck with your essay writing!

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🔍 References

  • Lifestyles & Social Issues: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Controversial/Contemporary Issues: How to Write a Research Paper: Campbell University
  • 3 Insights Into Writing about Social Issues: Jane Friedman
  • Key Issues: eSafety Commissioner
  • Top 10 Most Common Health Issues: University of Rochester Medical Center
  • Top 10 Most Important Environmental Issues:
  • War: Social Problems: University of Minnesota
  • Violence: a Global Public Health Problem: WHO
  • What Are the Biggest Problems Women Face Today?: Politico Magazine
  • Issues: National Center for Transgender Equality
  • List of Issues about Racism: The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Potential implications of Increasing Significance of Migration: EU
  • The Biggest Issues Facing Migrants Today — and What We Can Do to Solve Them: World Economic Forum
  • How Americans See Major National Issues: Pew Research Center
  • Social Issues and Human Rights: United Nations Environment
  • Crime & Criminal Justice: Brookings
  • Social Problems: Oxford Academic Press
  • Criminal Justice: ProPublica
  • Structural Racism in America: Urban Institute
  • Racism and Health: American Public Health Association
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this is epic

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108 Social Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Social issues are complex and multifaceted problems that affect individuals, communities, and societies as a whole. These issues can range from poverty and inequality to discrimination and environmental degradation. Writing an essay on a social issue can be a daunting task, but it can also be a rewarding experience that allows you to explore and analyze important topics that impact the world around you.

To help you get started, here are 108 social issues essay topic ideas and examples that you can use as inspiration for your next writing assignment:

  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • Income inequality and its effects on society
  • Police brutality and the Black Lives Matter movement
  • The rise of fake news and its impact on democracy
  • Gender inequality in the workplace
  • Climate change and its effects on vulnerable communities
  • The opioid crisis and its impact on communities
  • The criminal justice system and racial disparities
  • Homelessness and poverty in America
  • The refugee crisis and global migration patterns
  • LGBTQ+ rights and discrimination
  • The rise of nationalism and its impact on global politics
  • Gun control and mass shootings in America
  • Environmental racism and its effects on marginalized communities
  • The impact of globalization on developing countries
  • Mental health stigma and access to treatment
  • Cyberbullying and online harassment
  • The #MeToo movement and sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Access to healthcare and the rising cost of medical care
  • The impact of technology on social relationships
  • Food insecurity and hunger in America
  • The effects of gentrification on low-income communities
  • Disability rights and accessibility
  • The criminalization of poverty and homelessness
  • Human trafficking and modern-day slavery
  • The impact of colonialism on indigenous communities
  • The rise of authoritarianism and threats to democracy
  • The education achievement gap and disparities in schools
  • Mental health challenges facing college students
  • The impact of social isolation on mental health
  • The influence of religion on social norms and values
  • The effects of gentrification on cultural identity
  • The impact of social media on political discourse
  • The role of activism in social change
  • Access to clean water and sanitation in developing countries
  • The impact of social media on body image and self-esteem
  • The effects of income inequality on public health
  • The criminalization of drug addiction and mental illness
  • The impact of climate change on indigenous communities

These are just a few examples of social issues that you can explore in your essay. Remember to choose a topic that you are passionate about and that you feel strongly about. Researching and writing about social issues can be a powerful way to raise awareness and advocate for change in the world. Good luck with your essay!

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70 Social Problems Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best social problems topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on social problems, ⭐ simple & easy social problems essay titles.

  • Pornography as a Social Problem in the Modern World In pornography, sex is degraded to a state that human are treated like objects, and this is accredited to the increase in the number of sexual crimes.
  • Aging as a Social Problem The social challenges of the old people are further worsened by the economic constrains, and labeling. Ageism is another social challenge and it refers to a situation where people look down upon the elderly people […]
  • Social Problems in The Godfather Movie Although at some points the main characters of “The Godfather” are represented as honoured and fair, the analysis of the events constituting the movie’s plot make it clear that the criminal behaviour can be proliferated […]
  • Social Problems and Ways to Solve Them World peace is possible with a systematic approach to eradicate the biological and social prerequisites for war, to rehabilitate people after the experience of combat actions, which is difficult to achieve due to the complexity […]
  • Health, Disease and Social Problems As AIDS is relevant to the end of the last century, and the beginning of the millennium, there were questions, on whether the new disease is connected to the cultural changes that occurred in the […]
  • Deviance: Social Problems of Youth Gangs Youth gangs are usually targets of terror groups that recruit and use them to perpetuate social injustice in the society. Gangs apply violence to ensure that all members in the gang adhere to their rules […]
  • Responsibility of Artists to Address Social Problems in Their Work In light of the significant power that art and by extension artists hold, there arises the question of whether artists have a responsibility to address social problems through their works.
  • Analysis of a Social Problem: Poverty Furthermore, the World Bank predicts that both the number of people and the percentage of the population living in extreme poverty will increase in 2020 and 2021 due to the coronavirus outbreak.
  • Urban Social Problems: Slums and Segregation The 19th century was the period of the industrial revolution in Britain. According to Engel’s work, slum dwelling in Britain was because of the huge numbers of people who moved from rural areas to the […]
  • Jonathan Swift’s a Modest Proposal: Swift’s Satire Approach Concerning the Social Problem of Dublin’s Starving Children Instead of suggesting the obvious limiting the number of children each female “breeder” should have he encourages the “breeders” to get pregnant, enjoy motherhood and nursing of their suckling infants for one year, and then […]
  • Social Problem: Abortion The willingness of the students to partake in the procurement of abortion was significantly correlated with the views that they held regarding the issue of abortion, the extent to which they would be required to […]
  • Poverty as a Great Social Problem and Its Causes The human capital model assumes that the inadequate incomes of the working poor are the result of characteristics of the labor market rather than the inadequacy of the poor.
  • Japanese Social Problems Analysis The role of Japanese workers is significant in the rise of Japan to the status of economic super power. The overall living conditions are acceptable and admirable; however the scenario is not the same in […]
  • Contemporary Social Problems & The Workplace: Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual courtship, demands for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical manifestations of a sexual nature in the workplace, educational institutions, and other places.
  • Social Problems and Its Impact on the Economy Despite the rapid development in education in the past years, the GDP of various countries has not improved in the same proportion.
  • The sociological viewpoint toward social problems Sociologists can enlighten the society about the problems, conduct research about the problem and give report to the public on what needs to be done. Sociologists can use social media platform to excite members of […]
  • Drug Abuse as a Social Problem This poses as problem to the society because many of the people who are unemployed will resort to different ways of seeking money and pleasure.
  • Economic and Social Problems in the Tampa City The city of Tampa is one of the most populous cities in Florida with its population representing a third of the total Hillsborough County.
  • Jonathan Swift’s Humble Offerings Is a Discoverer of Social Problems Obviously, the problem of hungry people is embellished for a satirical effect, but it is in the spirit of Swift and his mockery of society.
  • Poverty and Homelessness as a Global Social Problem What makes the task of defining poverty particularly difficult is the discrepancy in the distribution of social capital and, therefore, the resulting differences in the understanding of what constitutes poverty, particularly, where the line should […]
  • Decision-Making in Nursing: Impact of Social Problem-Solving Training When it comes to the issues that pertain to workload and staffing, the decision-making should also be delegated to the head of the department or facility.
  • Social Problems Surrounding Racism, Prejudice and Discrimination This kind of discrimination makes the students lose their self-esteem and the traumas experienced affects the mental health of these students in the long term.
  • Welfare and Meritocracy: Understanding Social Problems The principles of meritocracy inherently ignore the importance of means of obtaining an end, so they allow violations of corporate culture for the sake of personal welfare.
  • Racebending as a Social Problem One of the problems that have come to light because of it is a problem of racebending or racial masquerade in the media and entertainment industry.
  • Poverty as a Social Problem in Burundi The rationale for studying poverty as a social problem in Burundi is that it will help to combat poverty through the advocacy plan at the end of this paper.
  • Poverty and Homelessness as Social Problem The qualifications will include a recommendation from the community to ensure that the person is open to help and willing to be involved in the neighborhood of Non-Return.
  • Obesity: Personal or Social Problem? Such efforts should include societal initiatives such as promotion of healthy living habits, educating the population on the dangers of obesity, and addressing the systemic constructs that drive people to this condition.
  • Social Problem: Hunger in the United States Factors that perpetuated the problem are: the income gap, race discrimination, poverty in rural areas the COVID outbreak Income inequality: the country’s wealthy and multinationals obtain the benefits of economic growth. The largest share of […]
  • Social Problem Emphasized by the COVID-19 Pandemic Discrimination is a violation of fundamental human rights, and this has influenced the development of policies and frameworks designed to protect the interests of the minority.
  • Making the Best Decisions and Solving Common Social Problems Finally, a government facing endless challenges during a pandemic and with limited funds may decide to make the best decision in the shortest time.
  • Poverty as a Global Social Problem For example, the research shows that Kibera is the largest slum in the country, and this is where many people move to settle after losing hope of getting employed in towns.
  • Critical Social Problems Research: Racism and Racial Domination According to his opinion, which is proven today by many examples including the attitude of the authorities, people of color are treated as if they are worthless and not destined to achieve success.
  • Aging as Social Problem in North American Society In the North American society, individuals attaining the age of sixty-five are expected to retire to pave way for the new generation to manage the economy. In other words, the project would have a number […]
  • How Sociological Perspectives Approach Social Problems Family breakups are a threat to the society and in an effort to seek for corrective measures; the sociologists can employ the three approaches.
  • Debriefing and Analysis of Social Problems We are not governed by any structure of power, in fact we are only subjected to have multiple choices that rule our lives. Power is what we acknowledge and political ideologies is the acknowledgement of […]
  • The Underclass Poverty and Associated Social Problems From the reading what comes out clearly is that all the authors allude to the fact that the issue of discrimination is still evident and is partly to blame for the problems of the underclass.
  • Alienation Social Problem Analysis Under this division of labor, Marx notes exploitation of man by the capitalists and identifies four elements that encompass economic alienation namely; alienation of man from product of his labor, alienation of man from production, […]
  • Social Problems Which Appeared in the Society With Swine Flu Appearance The article gives the information about the condition in the society and provides us with the statistics about the disease cases in the United States and all over the world.
  • Indigenous Groups and Ethnic Conflicts as Social Problems It is suggested, that indigenous people will be living in states which have populations compiled of various ethnic or racial groups who are successors of the earliest populaces which endure in the area, and who […]
  • Juvenile Drinking as a Social Problem You find that most of the students in the small towns do not usually have a lot of money since most of them are from the poor families and hence it’s due to the cheapness […]
  • Most Cruel Social Problems Analysis In our daily life everyone faces the social problem. The social problems are listed below:- Gender discrimination Human rights Poverty World population AIDS Violence Child labor pollution
  • Homelessness: A Huge Social Problem in Canada Lastly, homelessness was chosen as a topic of research because there is very little information about the issue especially in relation to health.
  • Women Writers and Artists About Social Problems The uniqueness of Mary Cassatt’s style is that she depicts the natural desires and values of women, women, and their hopes.
  • Disability as a Social Problem in the UK’s History A brief historical analysis of the European disability policy of the selected period is needed to show what determined and directly influenced the development of the current disability policy in the UK.
  • Human Sexuality. Social Problems of Queer People It means that the stigmatization associated with same-sex relationships still exists and that there is a situation where it is simpler for gay and lesbian adolescents not to accept their sexual orientation.
  • The Psychological and Social Problems in Students Taking into consideration such factors as the number of students with anxiety and depression and the effects of these problems on human health and development, this topic has to be explored further within the frames […]
  • Policy Changes and Social Issues The second step within the model is associated with the political stream, in which the previously identified problem is reviewed between communities of policy experts who possess knowledge of the problem.
  • Child Marriage in Egypt as a Social Problem The proposed study will also be limited to the period in which it will be conducted because the legal, social, and cultural dynamics of Egypt are volatile and any of the variables that will be […]
  • Social Location and Its Role in Social Problems For a condition to qualify as a social problem, it has to have consequences that affect a large number of people. Income is the flow of money anticipated to be earned in a given period.
  • Marriage Decline as a Social Problem in the US To discuss the social illness of declining marriages in the US, the incorporated is the social constructionist perspective. The origins of the constructionism can be traced back to the attempts to establish the nature of […]
  • China’s Economic Development and Social Problems Despite the profitableness caused by the development, the wealth is still available only for a small number of people, and the majority of the Chinese population cannot afford such ordinary things as education and medical […]
  • Narcissism as a Social Problem of Personality The psychologists acknowledge that the trait of narcissism provokes a range of undesirable behaviors, which damage both the personal self of a person and the surrounding society.
  • Social Conditions and Social Problems One of the immense challenges in setting of an agenda is the determination of the tactic to deploy in placing a problem into an agenda.
  • Social Theory & its Relation to Social Problems: Unemployment. Furthermore, classical economists perceive unemployment as a result of excess supply that is influenced due to elevated price level of work labor.
  • Social problems and solutions: American perspective When it comes to the provision of facts, the constructionist has to state what the condition is, the consequences of the condition and the number of victims in the given phenomenon.
  • Social Problems in IBM The other important fact of the situation is that the company should establish social responsibility programs in order to outdo its competitors in the market.
  • Induced beauty as a Social Problem It is with great concern that the perceived superstars do not look similar to the photos used in the adverts, magazines, and the newspapers.
  • Meth epidemic as a social problem The problem of the meth epidemic originated from the western sides of the US, and later spread to the East Coast.
  • Social problem facing the contemporary US Although several persons have ignored such a concern, it is evident that for an individual to comprehend the current health care crisis of the African American population, one must understand the legacy of the experience […]
  • Unemployment as a Social Problem To gauge the rate of unemployment the number of the people who are idle is calculated versus the number of people who have been hired.
  • Urban Sprawl and Environmental and Social Problems The concept of immense use of automobiles, which goes hand in hand with increase in the number and size of cities, is well known as urban sprawl and motorization.
  • Racial and Ethnic Inequalities as a Social Problem Racial and ethnic inequalities affect an individual and the society in different ways including the socioeconomic position of an individual or of the society.
  • Social Problems in the Japanese Literature This hopelessness that has been impeded on her makes her aware of her future in the world and provokes her to build a wall around her.
  • Reading Between the Lines: Poetry, Movies and Social Problems The unceasing string of comparisons is cleaving the poem, picturing the natural beauty of a woman as the beauty of the world at dawn, comparing the marvelous sight with the wonders of the nature which […]
  • The Social Problem of Drug Use Many analysts, however, feel that the government and other stakeholders are using the wrong methodologies to tackle the problem such as pursuing the drug traffickers while totally ignoring the multiplicity of factors that leads people […]
  • The Role of Social Initiatives in the Alleviating Social Problems in Society This has been precipitated by adamant poverty and the increasing gap between the rich and the poor in the society. This saw the adoption of policies that advocated for social initiatives such as: The government […]
  • Social Problem of Abortion: Dealing With Media By focusing on the concept of abortion and the legislations or the medical reports that are related to the act, the media houses succeed in applying pathos, an emotional appeal, to influence the perceptions of […]
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 70 Social Problems Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"70 Social Problems Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '70 Social Problems Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "70 Social Problems Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "70 Social Problems Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024.


IvyPanda . "70 Social Problems Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024.

100+ Social Issue Essay Topics


In today’s rapidly changing world, society grapples with a multitude of pressing issues. Exploring these topics through writing not only offers a lens to scrutinize the world, but it also provides an avenue for personal reflection. One of the most potent tools for this exploration is the Social Issue Essay.

Table of Contents

What is a Social Issue Essay?

A Social Issue Essay is a form of writing where the author examines and discusses societal problems, their causes, impacts, and possible solutions. These essays often incorporate research, personal experience, and a call to action. By exploring complex challenges, such essays foster a deeper understanding of the world around us and encourage critical thinking.

Choosing the Right Social Issue Essay Topic

Picking the perfect topic is essential to write a compelling essay. Here’s a quick guide to help you select:

  • Personal Connection : Opt for an issue that resonates with you personally. It will add depth and authenticity to your essay.
  • Researchable : Ensure ample resources and perspectives are available on the chosen topic. This will aid in presenting a well-rounded view.
  • Relevance : It’s always best to choose a timely and pertinent issue that sparks current discussions and debates.

Social Issue Essay Topics Lists

Gender equality and bias.

  • The role of media in shaping gender stereotypes
  • The impact of the #MeToo movement on workplace policies
  • Gender wage gap: Myths and realities

Racial and Ethnic Inequalities

  • Examining the effects of racial profiling
  • The roots and repercussions of cultural appropriation
  • Ethnicity and its influence on individual identity

Environmental Challenges

  • The imminent threat of climate change
  • Plastic pollution and its global consequences
  • Urban sprawl and its environmental implications

Mental Health Awareness

  • The stigma surrounding mental health in various cultures
  • Effects of social media on adolescent mental health
  • The link between urban living and increased mental health issues

Technology and Society

  • The ethical implications of AI and machine learning
  • The digital divide: Impact on education and opportunities
  • Social media’s role in shaping societal values

LGBTQ+ Rights and Acceptance

  • The journey towards legalizing gay marriage worldwide
  • Transgender rights in the workplace
  • Challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth in conservative societies

Migration and Displacement

  • The refugee crisis and international responsibilities
  • Economic migration and its implications on host countries
  • Forced displacement due to climate change

Digital Age Challenges

  • The psychological impacts of constant digital connectivity
  • Digital misinformation and its effects on democracies
  • Cyberbullying and its long-term consequences
  • The right to digital privacy in the age of surveillance
  • The generational divide in adapting to rapid technological advancements

Sustainability and Consumption

  • The environmental cost of fast fashion
  • Overconsumption and the culture of waste
  • The importance and challenges of transitioning to renewable energy sources
  • Sustainable food production and the rise of plant-based diets
  • Impact of mass tourism on local communities and environments

Human Rights Violations

  • The ongoing challenges of modern-day genocide
  • Human rights implications of surveillance states
  • Treatment and rights of prisoners of war
  • The widespread issue of forced disappearances
  • Injustices faced by indigenous populations worldwide

Social Mobility and Class

  • Barriers to upward social mobility in capitalist societies
  • The trap of generational poverty
  • Class discrimination and its subtle presence in daily life
  • Education as a tool for class mobility: Myths and realities
  • The illusion of the “self-made” individual in media and its social consequences

Relationships and Societal Norms

  • The evolving definition of family in the 21st century
  • Long-term effects of the normalization of hookup culture
  • The challenges and implications of interfaith and intercultural marriages
  • Societal pressures and mental health implications of the “biological clock”
  • The shifting dynamics and expectations of masculinity and femininity

Healthcare Disparities

  • The impact of socioeconomic status on access to quality healthcare
  • Universal healthcare: Pros and cons
  • Mental health services: Accessibility and stigmas
  • Obesity and food deserts in urban areas
  • The effects of pharmaceutical monopolies on medicine prices

Education System Flaws

  • Standardized testing and its implications for student success
  • The rising costs of higher education and student debt
  • Inequalities in public school funding
  • The benefits and challenges of online education
  • The role of sex education in schools and its impact on teen pregnancies

Economic Inequalities

  • Wealth distribution and the growing income gap
  • Child labor in the globalized world
  • The future of work in an automated age
  • Gig economy and its implications for workers’ rights
  • The effects of corporate tax evasion on public services

Children and Youth Challenges

  • The implications of child marriage in certain cultures
  • Impact of digital addiction among teenagers
  • Child soldiers and the loss of innocence
  • Bullying in schools and online platforms
  • The effects of broken homes on childhood development

Crime and Justice

  • Police brutality and racial bias
  • The prison industrial complex and its social implications
  • Rehabilitation vs. punishment: The future of incarceration
  • White-collar crime and its overlooked impact on society
  • Human trafficking and modern-day slavery

Globalization and Culture

  • Cultural erosion due to global media dominance
  • The paradox of cultural exchange vs. cultural appropriation
  • Impact of globalization on indigenous communities
  • The effects of fast fashion on labor rights and the environment
  • Western beauty standards and their global influence

Addiction and Substance Abuse

  • Opioid epidemic and the role of pharmaceutical companies
  • The societal costs of alcoholism
  • Rehabilitation and de-stigmatization of drug addicts
  • The benefits and risks of marijuana legalization
  • The hidden epidemic of prescription drug abuse

Elderly and Aging

  • Ageism and its implications in the job market
  • Challenges of dementia and Alzheimer’s in an aging population
  • The loneliness epidemic among the elderly
  • Elder abuse: Unseen and unspoken
  • The financial challenges of longer life expectancy

Religious and Cultural Tensions

  • Islamophobia in the post 9/11 world
  • The role of religion in modern political conflicts
  • Balancing freedom of expression and religious sensitivities
  • Cultural identity in a multicultural society
  • The rise of religious extremism and its societal impacts

Animal Rights and Ethical Treatment

  • The ethics of animal testing for medical research
  • Factory farming and its environmental and ethical implications
  • The challenges of wildlife conservation in urbanizing areas
  • Animal cruelty and its link to human violence
  • Ethical dilemmas of zoos and wildlife parks

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Useful References:

  • Purdue OWL – Argumentative Essays
  • Harvard Writing Center – Essay Structure
  • UN Social Issues

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Social Issues - Free Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Social Issues are problems that affect many people within a society. Essays could discuss various social issues like inequality, discrimination, or poverty. They could also explore the roots of these issues, their impact on individuals and communities, and potential solutions or strategies for addressing them. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to Social Issues you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Social Issues in “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway

"Hills like White Elephants" written by Ernest Hemingway provides various messages and provides the reader with various social issues on subjects such as patriarchy and gender inequality. The short story “Hills like White Elephants" is how the woman is pregnant and the choice of how to deal with the pregnancy. The man and the woman don't know whether to have an abortion or have the baby. There is an internal conflict within the woman with the decision to have the […]

Social Issues in Music Industry

"The rap industry is primarily centered around flexing wealth and most of the music videos pertain to the rapper being surrounded by alcohol and women. Only a few artists use the platform and opportunities given to them for a good cause like spreading awareness on Mental Health. In 1800, Logic aims to reach out to people dealing with dark thoughts and suicidal tendencies and let them know that there is a resource available to them. The song's title originates from […]

What is Discrimination?

Discrimination is well known in all societies. It is treating some people unequally that is treating people differently. Discrimination can be unlawful or legal. Legal discrimination is whereby you discriminate against a person for being who he or she is. However, if you treat a person in an unjust manner due to their race, religion, age, nationality ethical background or gender is said to be unlawful. In businesses, for instance, where an employer may decide to mistreat his or her […]

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Social Issues and Criminal Justice

The first key social issue is justice in the media. The subject of justice has become a hot topic in America this year, finding itself not only in the Criminal Justice field, but also addressed as in Social Justice, Racial Justice, and Economic Justice. In fact, Merriam Webster has chosen “justice” as its 2018 Word of the Year. It was chosen because it was searched 74% more times in 2018 than in 2017, and was the top-searched word this year […]

Social Issues of Teenage Pregnancy

The HP 2020 Topic that I will address in this paper is FP-8.2: Reduce pregnancies among adolescent females aged 18 to 19 years. The object is measured by per 1,000 people. The baseline of the object is 116.2 pregnancies per 1,000 females aged 18 to 19 years in 2005. The target is 104.6 pregnancies per 1,000. The desired of the direction of this object is decreasing. Epidemiology The percentage was changed since the healthy people 2020 launched. They have expected […]

Selma gives an account of the American history using dramatic stories of the success of black people. The film is more about the process of political steering through fighting and bargaining of deals which were focused on eradicating racial discrimination. Although some events drawn from the film are not that accurate when compared to the history of the actual events, the inaccuracies do not disqualify the importance of the film. The film contains numerous scenes which portray the struggle for […]

Faludi and Gladwell about Social Issues

"In a functioning and changing society, modifications of traditions, social norms, and policies are bound to undoubtedly change, and these changes may be sparked by potential violence, sexism and discrimination. In “The Naked Citadel,” Susan Faludi’s focal point is on the revolution brought about by an abnormality in the all-male academy and the challenges that come to accept change over the established traditions. Regarding prejudice, Beth Loffreda’s essay “Selections from Losing Matt Shepard” showcases the struggles that comes forth in […]

Newer Approaches in Social Issues

The adult learning process has undergone several transitions from the historical discourse statistics. This paper presents sociocultural perspectives alongside critical theories affecting adult learning in contemporary society. The first part addresses the essential implication of race theory in adult education. The second part discusses gender socialization, with a close look and discussion on feminist theory. The third part addresses privilege existing based on gender concerning the film. The fourth part assesses the essential critical theory considered as challenging for adults. […]

Half Breed Maria Campbell

Halfbreed by Maria Campbell explores the hardships faced by Maria and her family for being Metis. The book outlines Canadian multicultural community manner of thinking regarding ethnic identity. Maria's family faced humiliation, institutional violence, and social oppression especially after the death of her mother. Earlier, Maria had internalized hatred and shame when she tells her parents that, "all of you no good Halfbreeds" (50) as the eldest sibling, Maria gives an account of the hardships she faced trying to provide […]

Gender and Crime

Gender has been attributed as one of the key factors that act a significant role in the crime patterns and the criminal justice systems. For a very long time, it has become a fact that women and men differ in their rates of committing crimes as well as their victimization pattern experience. However, from this report, we find that the victimization risk of violence among the male adults almost equal to that of female adults. My perception, however, is different […]

Why Good Nurses Leave the Profession

Nursing is always depicted as an attractive career that many people desire to pursue. Just like other professions, the nursing profession is challenging and rewarding. The work of nurses is to make a difference in the lives of people and connect with them on a personal level. Nurses should be involved in the profession stands the test of time through ages. The nursing profession is facing a crisis as nurses leave the bedside and eventually their profession. According to Johnson […]

Gender Hierarchy of Power

There has been gender discrimination over the years in our societies by power. Most of the society has been structured in such a way the culture value one gender more than the other, and this is what has led to gender discrimination. In many societies, the gender hierarchy has brought unequal opportunities in power, and this has discriminated the female gender leading to the feminism in our societies. According to the Bechdel movies, it has explained the gender hierarchy in […]

Overpopulation in the World

Introduction The current world population stands 7.6 billion as per the United Nations Statistics, while the human population is projected to clock 10.5 billion in the year 2040 and 12 billion by the year 2050. The current human population growth rate per year 70 million. China has got the highest number of people per unit area, with the total population being 1.2 billion. The African continent has reached the highest population growth rate, which is 6 percent while the lowest […]

Abolition of Corporal Punishment in Australia

Corporal punishment is the infliction of physical pain as a form of punishment. It often involves the "punisher" and the "punished". The power gap between the two is usually great. In today's society, corporal punishment has been outlawed in several countries. Other countries, however, including Australia still consider it as a form of discipline. Controversies surround this issue. It is unclear why the only people it is legal to smack are the most vulnerable, the children. Corporal punishment is classified […]

What is Volleyball

Volleyball is a team sport that is played by two teams consisting of six players each separated by a net. The players use their hands in an organized manner to strike the ball. The goal of the players is to ground the ball on the turf of the other team. In this game, the two teams compete for points which are accumulated from opponents mistakes. In this sport, the team that ends up with the most points over the entire […]

Is Donald Trump a Good President?

You express the truth of your character with the choice of your actions. On November 8, 2016, Donald J. Trump became the 45th president of the United States of America. From the beginning of his campaign, Trump demonstrated a clear conservative and Pro-American stance. While making an attempt to speak to the American people, he subsequently created a narrative of privilege, discrimination and irresponsibility. Donald Trump's actions are that of an immoral and inadequate president. One of the main issues […]

Biomedical Ethics

Most advanced democratic societies provide for the right to health care. This is ensured since the entire population deserves public health protection against injury and disease. Furthermore, life security on medical issues is critical for the optimal functioning of individuals and communities. Institutions are often set up to assure individuals with no financial capability access to healthcare services. Despite not having life insurance cover, United States citizens from the poor and middle classes are afforded the right to emergency services. […]

Human Resource Basics

Unemployment is one of the hot issues which gets ubiquitous in the present still-sluggish economic world. In the news, issues to do with employment appears upon the silver screen. Companies tend to fire its employees for different reasons (Musella, 2018). In the actual sense terminating the firing of an employee has got its consequences if the right method is not used. Though "employment-at-will" technique offers employers the right to terminate the employees at their disposal on discretion, it cannot be […]

Why have there been no Great Women Artists?

The article, Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?, by Linda Nochlin focuses on feminist controversy. The author fabricates the nature of the topic while at the same time insidiously gives its answer. The author aims to highlight how women have been oppressed over time in relation to undertaking art" " institutionally made impossible for women to achieve artistic excellence or success, unlike men, no matter their potential (Nochlin, 1971). This article is significant to the modern society since […]

Observational Methods

Prostitution has become a menace in our society. This is attributed to the level of moral decay in that we can observe in our society. Basically there are a number of ways we can adopt in terms of identifying the extent to which this problem has developed root in our area. First we are going to look at a number of previous studies that have been conducted in the past on the same. In addition to that, we will move […]

Retributive Theory in America

How do we in America, generally reward, punish, or distribute good or bad and which theories do you think we follow? Give specific examples and illustrations to support your main points. Regardless of there being exceptions, it is arguably possible to state that we use the retributive theory in America. A Large portion of the land in the United States is dedicated to being tough on crime. The theory holds that the magnitude in by which a criminal commits a […]

Hunger Games and in Real Life

The novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins presents themes that are real even in today's society such as inequality. The themes make what would qualify for good writing research topic proposal. This paper presents my writing research topic proposal based on the social issues presented in The Hunger Games. My general/broad topic focusses on inequality The subtopics directly related to the broad topic include income inequality between men and women in the United States, the effects of political inequality […]

Self Concept

In various African countries, ladies are still not equal in law to men. Even where they are lawfully equal to men, it is collective for decisions to be taken by male heads of families or male local superiors as well as leaders. It is frequently the case that customarily women have fewer or no rights of inheritance. This leads to hitches accessing finances or land. With deprived access to childcare amenities or health besides support services in many districts, caring […]

Challenges Faced by Veterans after Finishing their Term in the Military

Military service is marred with massive challenges as the officers have to control or shun their emotions and only concentrate on the survival tactics in war. This takes its toll on the officers who have to develop the best methods towards developing better methods to balance these emotions once they come back after finishing their term. The traumatic experiences and massive problems faced on the war severely impact the service men and women on the battle field. Emotional and physical […]

Mandatory Folic Acid Fortification in Food in Australia

Introduction Notably, Mandatory Folic Acid Fortification in Australia is a mandatory standard program that targets and is used in the food industry. The program seeks to ensure that all the wheat flour which is used in making bread, excluding the organic wheat, be fortified. 1(p370) the program formulated that the wheat would be fortified through the use of folic acid. While this particular contextual food standard program being formulated in June 2007, it was implemented later on after two solid […]

Racism: Unmasking Microaggressions and Discrimination

Reading through the article provided a vivid reflection on how racism becomes a serious issue in the today society. There are various types of racism the article brings out manifested in micro aggression form. The varied opinions in my mind provide a clear picture of the information relayed in the article through the following analysis. Discrimination concerning race will major in my analysis. First, let me talk about the black guy abused in the Saudi Arabia that has sparked public […]

Comparing Social Determinant and Prevalence of HIV/AID in Southern States (USA) and South Africa

Comparing Social Determinant and Prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the Southern States (USA) and South Africa HIV prevalence is an issue of concern, World Health Organization lists HIV among the most risk health problem across the globe. Like some killer diseases, the high rate of spread associated with HIV concern critical health determinants that vary across the globe. Notably, HIV infection varies along vulnerability and health determinants. Commonly noted vulnerable groups experience the problem with respect to gender, sex, age, economic […]

Identifying the Role of Leadership

Three officers Darryl Forrest, Jeffrey Bell, and Dustin Sillings, working with the Selective Crime Occurrence Reduction Enforcement (SCORE) unit of the Kansas City, Kansas (KCK) Police Department were indicted in July 2011. They were charged with stealing money as well as personal property in the homesteads where they were serving search warrants (KCTV5 News, 2011). By doing so, they violated the people's constitutional freedom from unreasonable searches, seizures, and deprivation of property with no due process by acting under color […]

Research: Health Disparity and Structural Violence

Structural violence on its plays a significant role in determining the kind of health care immigrants into the country seek to outsource. Structural violence based on different nationalities stand at par with caregivers with the immigrants deciding to seek medical attention. This stretches out to the economic, political and social structure the immigrants find themselves in the new country. The researcher finds out that timid individual who is at the lowest level of the Maslow pyramid tend to not seek […]

Haitian Community

Most of the Haitian community lives in the Florida, Miami-Deda County. According to the recent records, Haitian population has grown with a very high rate. Its population is approximated to be 200,000 in 2010 census. The vast increase in population is due to immigration into the United States. They are mainly located in the town known as Little Haiti, although its boundary is not identified. In the year 1791, it was a top supplier of sugar under the British colonizers. […]

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Metaphors in "Letter from Birmingham Jail"

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Analysis of "Letter from Birmingham Jail"

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Home / Essay Samples / Social Issues

Social Issues Essay Examples

A social issues essay is important because it tries to address existing problems in society. These could be problems that prevent its individuals from living happy lives, from performing well, from feeling safe or content (financially, socially, psychologically, spiritually), that are hindering society’s evolution as a whole. Interestingly, people become aware of many of these problems or imperfections by comparing different societies – this is often able to illustrate that things can be much better than expected. A social issues paper normally describes the problem by using supporting evidence/ statistics, tends to evaluate ongoing measures to address it, but may also reflect on alternate solutions or more radical measures. Check out the essays in this category for a deeper insight.

White Privilege: a Historical and Contemporary Analysis

White privilege is a concept that has gained significant attention in recent years as societies grapple with issues of systemic racism and inequality. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of white privilege, tracing its historical roots and examining its persistence in contemporary society. It...

What is Poverty: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Poverty is a complex and pervasive social issue that has plagued societies throughout history. It is a multifaceted phenomenon that transcends mere economic insufficiency, encompassing a lack of access to resources and opportunities necessary for a decent standard of living. In this essay, we will...

Pro Death Penalty: a Rational Examination

The death penalty, or capital punishment, has long been a topic of debate and controversy. While many argue against it, this essay seeks to provide a balanced examination of the arguments in favor of the death penalty. Proponents of capital punishment assert that it serves...

Ending World Hunger: a Comprehensive Approach

World hunger remains one of humanity's most pressing challenges, with millions of people suffering from malnutrition and starvation. This essay explores a multifaceted approach to ending world hunger, emphasizing the importance of addressing the root causes, promoting sustainable agriculture, and fostering international cooperation. While eradicating...

How Freedom of Speech Affects Other Individual Rights

Freedom of speech, often considered the cornerstone of democratic societies, has been a subject of enduring debate and discussion. This essay delves into the multifaceted realm of freedom of speech, offering an argumentative perspective on its intricate interplay with other individual rights. In a world...

Social Worker: Qualities, Opportunities, and Challenges

Social workers play a vital role in society by assisting individuals and communities in need, advocating for social justice, and promoting well-being. Their work encompasses a wide range of fields, from child welfare to mental health to substance abuse. In this essay, we will explore...

Martin Luther King Jr.: a Legacy of Civil Rights and Social Justice

Martin Luther King Jr. is an iconic figure in American history, celebrated for his tireless efforts in advancing civil rights and social justice. His life and work continue to inspire and resonate with people around the world. This essay delves into the remarkable journey of...

The Impact of Social Issues on Social Work

Social work is a profession deeply intertwined with addressing and mitigating the impact of social issues on individuals, families, and communities. This essay explores the intricate relationship between social issues and the practice of social work, examining how these challenges influence the role of social...

Food Insecurity in Underdeveloped Countries: a Global Crisis

Food insecurity, the lack of reliable access to sufficient and nutritious food, remains a pressing and deeply entrenched issue, particularly in underdeveloped countries. This essay delves into the complex factors contributing to food insecurity, its devastating consequences on individuals and communities, and the imperative need...

Bullying: Protecting Victims and Addressing Bullies

Bullying is a pervasive and harmful social issue that affects individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and demographics. In this argumentative essay, we will examine the critical importance of protecting bullying victims and implementing appropriate punishments for bullies. By addressing both sides of this complex problem,...

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  • Animal Rights
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  • Cruelty to Animals
  • Death Penalty
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  • Freedom of Speech
  • Discrimination
  • Civil Rights
  • Affirmative Action
  • Public Shaming
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Moving to America
  • Homelessness
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Martin Luther King
  • White Privilege
  • Letter From Birmingham Jail
  • Social Isolation
  • Civil Disobedience
  • Cyber Bullying
  • Gender Equality
  • Globalization
  • Social Protection Programs
  • School Shooting
  • Violence in Video Games
  • Women Suffrage Movement
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