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Essays About Celebration: Top 6 Examples Plus Prompts

Life provides us with many reasons to celebrate. Read this article for helpful essay examples and writing prompts you can use to write essays about celebration. 

From honoring people on their birthdays, commemorating historical events, and holding family gatherings for the holidays, there seems to be a near-endless number of occasions to celebrate.  Celebrations help us feel good about ourselves and the milestones we have achieved. We commemorate things essential to us, whether joyful events like a birthday or Christmas or a sad event like a loved one’s death anniversary. They are also essential to our culture, as they help us stay connected to our roots and heritage and preserve longstanding traditions. Without a doubt, celebration plays an important role in everyone’s life. 

If you’re having trouble writing essays about celebration, read the essay examples featured below.

Top 6 Essay Examples

1. festivals by everett smith, 2. i hate christmas. here’s why i’m celebrating it for the next 2 months. by elisabeth ovesen, 3. a birthday reflection by chava gal-or, 4.  why a pandemic christmas is the best damn holiday on the planet by reuben salsa.

  • 5. ​​The Importance of Family Traditions by Lisa Cossey
  • 6. ​​What is celebration? by Julian Baggini

5 Writing Prompts For Essays About Celebration

1. why do we celebrate, 2. different ways people celebrate, 3. are celebrations a waste of money, 4. the cultural importance of preserving celebrations, 5. my most memorable celebration.

“Festivals are part of one’s custom, culture and tradition. They are there for us to celebrate. It helps us forget our routine. It gives us some momentary, mental and physical relaxation and thus frees us from die shackles of monotonous work. It is a celebration, entertainment or series of performances of a certain kind, often held periodically.”

Smith writes about why celebrating festivals is so enjoyable, particularly in his native Kuwait. The month is filled with festivities, special events, and prayer. Smith also describes New Year’s Eve in Kuwait: it is celebrated with fireworks, friends, and family as in other countries. Festivals connect us to our traditions and allow us to relax, have fun, and celebrate. 

Check out these essays about being grateful .

“This year, Christmas is self-care and a means of survival. This year, I will not allow my mother’s slight to dictate my joy or the absence thereof. This year, she doesn’t win. I will break the chains created by her malfeasance, and I will celebrate this Christmas. I will celebrate the New Year even though, for many of us, it will most likely be as tragic as the one before.”

Ovesen recounts a Christmas experience in which her mother gave gifts to all the children but her, after which she never celebrated Christmas again. For decades, she did not celebrate Christmas; however, this year, she says, she will make up for all the missed celebrations. She does not want her mother’s mistreatment to control her happiness, so she chooses to celebrate life, family, and missed time. 

“One family even brought me a gift basket that literally brought tears to my eyes.  Another friend made me a gluten free cake which has now ruined my sons ever making me cake again; hers was too good!!!!  One gift that I always treasure is the phone call I receive each year from my brother; this year was no exception.  Finally, I was also able to hang with one friend in the morning and another friend in the evening.  Life is and was truly good!”

In her short essay, Gal-Or reflects on her birthday that year and what she has realized about life. She lists a few lessons she has learned, including the importance of having a voice, quality time, family, and friends. Her birthday celebration is simple; she only mentions meeting up with two friends, which makes her extremely happy. Gal-Or’s essay is an excellent example of how different people like to celebrate in different ways; some are content with the simplest celebrations.

“I’m thrilled that this year I have no obligation to visit. That finally, I have a legitimate excuse not to plaster on a fake smile, hold my tongue, and pretend that we all get along. This Christmas promises to be one of the merriest ever, knowing it’ll just be me, my wife, and the kids. Simpler times. No extravagance. No kowtowing. No begging and pleading in-laws to stay even though you want them to leave. No emotional regret for ruining yet another Christmas.”

Salsa remembers the Christmas celebrations before the COVID-19 pandemic and all the stress, squabbling, and discomfort that came with them. He recalls the chaos at previous Christmases with his in-laws and is relieved that the times keep them apart. Since the pandemic keeps the extended family from celebrating, he is relieved that their celebration will be relaxed, with just him, his wife, and the kids. 

5. ​​ The Importance of Family Traditions by Lisa Cossey

“No matter what your family tradition is or what your family chooses to create, just having something for all family members to look forward to each year is important. Traditions help create warm, positive memories that can be recalled fondly and draw family members back to one another year after year.”

Cossey’s essay simply describes how her family celebrates Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, they have several traditions, including camping trips, baking pies, and video calling other family members. These traditions strengthen familial bonds and create memories to cherish. Cossey also gives examples of other family traditions,  including movie nights, reading books, talent shows, and cooking. 

6. ​​ What is celebration? by Julian Baggini

“Perhaps on reflection, the best thing to do would be to curl up with a good book. The case is, as ever, inconclusive. But in a world where dogmatism is increasingly the greatest threat, perhaps the tentative nature of philosophical discourse is precisely what we should be celebrating, quietly.”

This essay about celebrating World Philosophy Day opens with a philosophical question. How exactly should such an eccentric occasion be celebrated? Baggini proposes having a philosophical discussion in a cafe, as many great philosophers once did, and a Greek-style party with philosophical exchanges. However, in typical philosophy fashion, the answer is inconclusive. Baggini suggests instead celebrating the “tentative nature of philosophical discourse.”

We all know the types of occasions that people celebrate, but why do people continue to celebrate? In your essay, look into the different reasons people celebrate, whether superstitious, cultural, sentimental, or entirely different. Don’t just give examples of occasions to celebrate; explain why people celebrate them. 

Essays about celebration

Think of an occasion such as a birthday, holiday, or religious festival and write about how people typically celebrate it- What do they eat? Who do they celebrate with? What are other traditions connected to it? You may include information from the internet, but your essay can be based entirely on your opinions and experiences. 

Some say that celebrating is a waste of money, particularly for occasions like Christmas, as it takes away the holiday’s true meaning. People spend so much on a celebration just to have a “superficial” understanding of the occasion. For an engaging argumentative essay, write about whether you think these sorts of celebrations are wasteful. Be sure to include perspectives from both sides of the argument, and have a strong rebuttal to the opposing viewpoint

Celebrations reflect one’s culture and heritage, familial, regional, religious, or national. Are festivities and celebrations essential to keeping a culture alive, or are there other ways to do this? You do not need to have a solid “yes” or “no” argument in your essay; it can be more nuanced as long as it is explained well.

An easy way to write an engaging essay is by reflecting on a celebration you found particularly memorable. Write about the celebration in detail- Who was there? When was it? How did you celebrate? How has it impacted you today? From a childhood Christmas to a loved one’s funeral, this essay has many possibilities. 

Check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

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IELTS Essay: Celebrating Family Events

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 2 Comments

IELTS Essay: Celebrating Family Events

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of celebrating family events from the real IELTS general training exam.

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Some people spend a lot of money celebrating personal family events, such as weddings and birthdays.

How important is it to celebrate such events?

Do you think people spend too much money on these events?

It is common for individuals to invest heavily in celebrating important family events. In my opinion, such celebrations are vital to healthy family life and the associated costs are reasonable in most cases.

Events that bring together the whole family encourage stronger internal cohesion. This is best illustrated through the counter-example of families that rarely meet for large social gatherings. These families are likely to grow distant and remain family members in name rather than actuality. Family members that often meet, such as in many Asian nations where familial bonds are prioritised, are closer to both their immediate and extended family. The result of such closeness is they can ask for advice, lend a helping hand, and feel the unconditional support and love that is essential for mental health.

Generally, for these events families spend only as much as they can reasonably afford. There are rare exceptions, such as when a newly married couple spends excessively on the wedding. However, most families abide by an internal calculus that keeps their spending under control. A wealthy family may stage lavish reunions, family dinners, and weddings, but they are able to afford them and only appear excessive from the perspective of less privileged spectators. A less affluent family, on the other hand, will tend to hold more modest events and, in the case of weddings, may be able to recoup a substantial proportion of the costs from gifts. For example, the giving of an envelope containing money at a wedding is common in Vietnam and helps couples begin their marriage on solid financial footing.

In conclusion, family gatherings play a key part in strengthening bonds and their cost is justifiable and moderate. Families should therefore strive to maintain their traditions in an increasingly insular society.

1. It is common for individuals to invest heavily in celebrating important family events. 2. In my opinion, such celebrations are vital to healthy family life and the associated costs are reasonable in most cases.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Events that bring together the whole family encourage stronger internal cohesion. 2. This is best illustrated through the counter-example of families that rarely meet for large social gatherings. 3. These families are likely to grow distant and remain family members in name rather than actuality. 4. Family members that often meet, such as in many Asian nations where familial bonds are prioritised, are closer to both their immediate and extended family. 5. The result of such closeness is they can ask for advice, lend a helping hand, and feel the unconditional support and love that is essential for mental health.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.
  • Stay focused on the same main idea.

1. Generally, for these events families spend only as much as they can reasonably afford. 2. There are rare exceptions, such as when a newly married couple spends excessively on the wedding. 3. However, most families abide by an internal calculus that keeps their spending under control. 4. A wealthy family may stage lavish reunions, family dinners, and weddings, but they are able to afford them and only appear excessive from the perspective of less privileged spectators. 5. A less affluent family, on the other hand, will tend to hold more modest events and, in the case of weddings, may be able to recoup a substantial proportion of the costs from gifts. 6. For example, the giving of an envelope containing money at a wedding is common in Vietnam and helps couples begin their marriage on solid financial footing.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Continue developing it…
  • as fully as possible!
  • Here I add an extra example to make it more specific.

1. In conclusion, family gatherings play a key part in strengthening bonds and their cost is justifiable and moderate. 2. Families should therefore strive to maintain their traditions in an increasingly insular society.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

It is common for individuals to invest heavily in celebrating important family events . In my opinion, such celebrations are vital to healthy family life and the associated costs are reasonable in most cases .

Events that bring together the whole family encourage stronger internal cohesion. This is best illustrated through the counter-example of families that rarely meet for large social gatherings . These families are likely to grow distant and remain family members in name rather than actuality . Family members that often meet, such as in many Asian nations where familial bonds are prioritised , are closer to both their immediate and extended family . The result of such closeness is they can ask for advice , lend a helping hand , and feel the unconditional support and love that is essential for mental health .

Generally , for these events families spend only as much as they can reasonably afford . There are rare exceptions , such as when a newly married couple spends excessively on the wedding. However, most families abide by an internal calculus that keeps their spending under control . A wealthy family may stage lavish reunions , family dinners, and weddings, but they are able to afford them and only appear excessive from the perspective of less privileged spectators . A less affluent family, on the other hand , will tend to hold more modest events and, in the case of weddings, may be able to recoup a substantial proportion of the costs from gifts. For example, the giving of an envelope containing money at a wedding is common in Vietnam and helps couples begin their marriage on solid financial footing .

In conclusion, family gatherings play a key part in strengthening bonds and their cost is justifiable and moderate . Families should therefore strive to maintain their traditions in an increasingly insular society.

common pervasive

invest heavily put a lot of money into

celebrating important family events birthdays, weddings, family reunions, etc.

vital really important

healthy family life good relationships in families

associated costs related expenses

reasonable not excessive

in most cases generally

bring together make closer

whole family everyone in the family

encourage foster

best illustrated clearest illustrations

counter-example example showing the opposite

rarely not often

large social gatherings big get-togethers

grow distant become like strangers

remain family members continue to be family

in name not in reality

rather than instead of

actuality reality

familial bonds relationships between family members

prioritised considered more important

immediate and extended family parents/siblings and then more distant family members like cousins

result outcome

closeness how close your are

advice suggestions

lend a helping hand give help

unconditional support no strings attached support

essential vital

mental health your mental state, emotions, etc.

generally overall

reasonably afford able to pay for

rare exceptions some different instances

newly married just married

excessively too strong

abide by stick to

internal calculus calculator in your head

keeps their spending under control stops them from spending too much money

stage lavish reunions put on big celebrations

appear excessive seem to be too much

perspective viewpoint

less privileged spectators poorer people

affluent rich

on the other hand however

tend to hold more modest events usually have less expensive celebrations

recoup get back

substantial proportion large percentage

envelope paper for letters

solid financial footing have enough money

strengthening bonds making relationships better

justifiable reasonable

moderate within reasonable limits

strive try hard

maintain sustain

traditions customs

insular isolated and alone


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

ˈkɒmən   ɪnˈvɛst ˈhɛvɪli   ˈsɛlɪbreɪtɪŋ ɪmˈpɔːtənt ˈfæmɪli ɪˈvɛnts ˈvaɪtl   ˈhɛlθi ˈfæmɪli laɪf   əˈsəʊʃɪeɪtɪd kɒsts   ˈriːznəbl   ɪn məʊst ˈkeɪsɪz brɪŋ təˈgɛðə   həʊl ˈfæmɪli   ɪnˈkʌrɪʤ   bɛst ˈɪləstreɪtɪd   ˈkaʊntər-ɪgˈzɑːmpl   ˈreəli   lɑːʤ ˈsəʊʃəl ˈgæðərɪŋz grəʊ ˈdɪstənt   rɪˈmeɪn ˈfæmɪli ˈmɛmbəz   ɪn neɪm   ˈrɑːðə ðæn   ˌækʧʊˈælɪti ˈfæmɪliəl bɒndz   praɪˈɒrɪˌtaɪzd ɪˈmiːdiət ænd ɪksˈtɛndɪd ˈfæmɪli rɪˈzʌlt   ˈkləʊsnɪs   ədˈvaɪs lɛnd ə ˈhɛlpɪŋ hænd ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃənl səˈpɔːt   ɪˈsɛnʃəl   ˈmɛntl hɛlθ ˈʤɛnərəli ˈriːznəbli əˈfɔːd reər ɪkˈsɛpʃənz ˈnjuːli ˈmærɪd   ɪkˈsɛsɪvli   əˈbaɪd baɪ   ɪnˈtɜːnl ˈkælkjʊləs   kiːps ðeə ˈspɛndɪŋ ˈʌndə kənˈtrəʊl steɪʤ ˈlævɪʃ riːˈjuːnjənz əˈpɪər ɪkˈsɛsɪv   pəˈspɛktɪv   lɛs ˈprɪvɪlɪʤd spɛkˈteɪtəz ˈæflʊənt   ɒn ði ˈʌðə hænd tɛnd tuː həʊld mɔː ˈmɒdɪst ɪˈvɛnts   rɪˈkuːp   səbˈstænʃəl prəˈpɔːʃən   ˈɛnvələʊp   ˈsɒlɪd faɪˈnænʃəl ˈfʊtɪŋ ˈstrɛŋθənɪŋ bɒndz   ˈʤʌstɪfaɪəbl   ˈmɒdərɪt straɪv   meɪnˈteɪn   trəˈdɪʃənz   ˈɪnsjʊlə  

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

It is c___________n for individuals to i______________y in c________________________________s . In my opinion, such celebrations are v_____l to h___________________e and the a_________________s are r______________________________s .

Events that b_______________r the w______________y e_____________e stronger internal cohesion. This is b_________________d through the c__________________e of families that r________y meet for l______________________s . These families are likely to g______________t and r_______________________s i__________e r____________n a____________y . Family members that often meet, such as in many Asian nations where f_________________s are p___________d , are closer to both their i______________________________y . The r________t of such c__________s is they can ask for a_________e , l________________d , and feel the u_______________________t and love that is e___________l for m______________h .

G__________y , for these events families spend only as much as they can r___________________d . There are r__________________s , such as when a n__________________d couple spends e_______________y on the wedding. However, most families a_________y an i____________________s that k_________________________________l . A wealthy family may s_______________________s , family dinners, and weddings, but they are able to afford them and only a___________________e from the p_____________e of l___________________________s . A less a__________t family, o__________________d , will t_______________________________s and, in the case of weddings, may be able to r_______p a s__________________________n of the costs from gifts. For example, the giving of an e___________e containing money at a wedding is common in Vietnam and helps couples begin their marriage on s_____________________________g .

In conclusion, family gatherings play a key part in s_____________________s and their cost is j____________e and m___________e . Families should therefore s_______e to m_____________n their t_____________s in an increasinly i_________r society.

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic in the video below and practice with these activities :

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :


  • What kind of celebrations are common in your country?
  • How much do people typically spend on their wedding?
  • Are there big differences between the way that young and old people celebrate their birthdays?
  • Do all people in your country take part in the same celebrations?
  • What is the importance of national holiday?

Writing Practice

Practice with the same basic topic below and then check with my sample answer:

Many parents encourage young people to leave home when they become older, while others think they should stay at home with the family.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Family and the Home

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Hi Dave, would you please take a look at my essay? 🙂

It is true that some invest heavily in the celebration of family events. In my opinion, these events have a crucial role to play in both strengthening relationships between family members and giving individuals opportunities to cherish important moments in their lives, and I opine that an excessive amount of money is spent on these events.  Family events may bring the whole family closer together. Indeed, individuals these days have been exceedingly occupied themselves with responsibilities such as raising children and working, possibly oblivious of interacting with their family. Therefore, family events may provide a chance for them to gather together and update each other’s personal or professional developments, potentially improving family bonds. Additionally, personal events also help to highlight special moments in ones’ life. For example, marriage is often considered to occur only once, thus couples usually allocate a large amount of time and effort to rendering their weddings memorable, while some families hold a party to honor a recent graduate, encouraging him or her to strive harder to achieve greater future accomplishments. Nevertheless, I claim that an exceeding amount of money is spent on holding family events. For example, since weddings are regarded as a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ opportunity, people are willing to squander a hefty amount of money on hiring luxurious hotels, offering gourmet meals, or buying stunning decorations. The situation is made worse when the newly-weds’ expenditures on these events are beyond their financial capabilities, often leading to them facing future financial problems. Furthermore, these occasions are also prohibitively expensive for the guests. This means that when attending these lavish family events, those who are invited to partake feel obliged to buy the host sumptuous gifts. This is compounded by the fact that there are some who have to buy flight tickets to be able to participate in these events. Clearly, these family events cost a great deal of money not only for the host but also for the guests. In conclusion, family events are of paramount importance to solidifying the relationships between family members and offering a chance to enjoy special moments in one’s life, and I am strongly convinced that too much money has been spent on these events.


Really accurate vocabulary and grammar! Careful sometimes with your present perfect verbs and over-use of linkers in paragraphs as well as the occassional collocation.

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Describe a Traditional Celebration in Your Country - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Sample Answer

Describe a traditional celebration in your country..

You should say:

when it is held

how it is celebrated

and explain how you feel about this celebration.

Describe a Traditional Celebration in Your Country - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Sample Answer

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Model Answer 1

One of the most vibrant and heartwarming celebrations in my country is the Diwali festival, also known as the Festival of Lights. Diwali, an emblematic cultural festivity, typically falls between mid-October and mid-November, aligning with the Hindu lunar calendar. This festival, deeply rooted in mythological tales and cultural traditions, symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil.

The celebration of Diwali is a spectacle of lights and colors. Streets and homes shimmer with the warm glow of diyas, which are small clay lamps, and vibrant rangolis—artistic patterns created on the floor using colored powders or flowers—adorn the entrances of houses, inviting prosperity and good fortune. The air is filled with the aroma of sumptuous foods and sweets, as families and friends gather to feast, share gifts, and enjoy fireworks that light up the night sky. The sound of crackers, laughter, and music makes the atmosphere electric and joyous.

Beyond the dazzle and merriment, Diwali holds a special place in my heart. It's a time of reflection, a moment to cherish the warmth of family and the joy of togetherness. The festival's emphasis on light conquering darkness resonates deeply with me, reminding us all to embrace the brighter side of life, to spread kindness and positivity. The unity and collective spirit of Diwali, where people of all ages and backgrounds come together in celebration, is particularly moving.

Experiencing Diwali is to witness a tapestry of cultural richness and communal harmony. It's a festival that transcends mere aesthetic delight, offering a profound sense of belonging and a reminder of our shared human values. The way Diwali brings people together, igniting hearts with joy and streets with lights, is truly a testament to its enduring charm and significance in our cultural heritage.

Why this is a High Scoring Answer

The provided sample answer for "Describe a traditional celebration in your country" is a high-scoring response for several reasons, each aligning with the IELTS Speaking test's assessment criteria.

1.    Fluency and Coherence: The response is exceptionally fluent and coherent. The narrative flows smoothly, transitioning seamlessly from one idea to the next. For example, the description starts by setting the context of Diwali, then moves on to detailing the festivities, and finally reflects on personal sentiments. This progression showcases an ability to articulate thoughts in a well-structured and logical manner, a key aspect of high-scoring responses.

2.    Lexical Resource: The vocabulary used is both varied and contextually appropriate, incorporating phrases like “emblematic cultural festivity,” “tapestry of cultural richness,” and “communal harmony.” These terms not only enrich the narrative but also demonstrate a wide lexical range, essential for scoring high in the IELTS Speaking section.

3.    Grammatical Range and Accuracy: The response exhibits a broad range of grammatical structures used accurately. Sentences vary in complexity, showcasing both compound and complex forms, which illustrates a strong grasp of English grammar. For instance, the use of clauses in sentences like “Diwali, an emblematic cultural festivity, typically falls between mid-October and mid-November” displays grammatical precision.

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Model Answer 2

In the tapestry of cultural celebrations that define my country, Thanksgiving stands out as a particularly cherished event. Held annually on the fourth Thursday of November, this festivity is deeply embedded in the history and traditions of the United States, symbolizing gratitude and familial bonds.

Thanksgiving is celebrated with a blend of age-old customs and modern practices. The centerpiece of this day is the Thanksgiving dinner, a sumptuous feast that brings families and friends together around the dining table. The traditional fare includes roasted turkey, a culinary icon of the celebration, accompanied by a variety of dishes like stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. The aroma of these delicacies, rich and inviting, fills homes, evoking a sense of warmth and togetherness.

What makes Thanksgiving particularly meaningful to me is its emphasis on gratitude. It's a time to pause and reflect on the blessings of the past year, to appreciate the simple joys of life, and to acknowledge the love and support of those around us. This reflection often extends beyond the family circle, as many participate in community service, offering meals and support to those in need, embodying the spirit of giving and thankfulness.

Another vibrant aspect of Thanksgiving is the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, a spectacular event that captivates audiences with its massive floats, live performances, and the iconic giant helium balloons. This parade, a feast for the eyes, symbolizes the jubilant and communal nature of the holiday.

Thanksgiving, to me, is more than just a holiday; it's a heartfelt reminder of the power of gratitude and the importance of community. It's a day when the fast-paced rhythm of life slows down, allowing us to reconnect with our roots, cherish our loved ones, and embrace the simple, yet profound, act of giving thanks.

The provided response on Thanksgiving as a traditional celebration in the United States is an exemplary high-scoring answer for the IELTS Speaking test for several reasons.

1.    Comprehensive Coverage of the Topic: The response effectively addresses the topic, "Describe a traditional celebration in your country," by delving into various aspects of Thanksgiving. It not only describes what Thanksgiving is and when it is held but also paints a vivid picture of how it is celebrated and the personal feelings associated with it. This comprehensive coverage demonstrates the candidate's ability to understand and respond to the topic thoroughly.

2.    Rich and Varied Vocabulary: The response is replete with a rich array of vocabulary, effectively describing the nuances of Thanksgiving. Phrases like “culinary icon,” “vibrant aspect,” and “heartfelt reminder” exhibit a high level of language proficiency. This varied use of language helps in articulating complex ideas clearly and precisely, a key aspect in scoring high in the IELTS Speaking section.

3.    Cohesion and Coherence: The answer is well-structured, with a clear introduction, development of ideas, and a conclusion that ties back to the personal significance of the festival. The smooth transitions between points, such as moving from the description of the dinner to the broader significance of gratitude and community, demonstrate excellent cohesion and coherence.

4.    Personal Reflection and Engagement: The response goes beyond mere description by reflecting on the personal significance of Thanksgiving, making the answer engaging and thoughtful. This level of personal engagement shows the candidate's ability to use the language expressively and convincingly, an important criterion in the IELTS Speaking test.

In enhancing your preparation for the IELTS, it's crucial to have access to the right resources. Our exclusive IELTS eBooks , tailored to your needs, provide comprehensive strategies and insights to navigate each module successfully. They are designed to resonate with you, offering practical tips and practices that boost your confidence and proficiency.

Model Answer 3

Among the myriad of cultural festivities that enrich my country, Holi, the Festival of Colors, holds a special place. Celebrated with zest across India in early spring, Holi is a vivid expression of joy and a celebration of the triumph of good over evil.

Holi is a festival that paints the streets and hearts of people with vibrant colors. It's traditionally observed over two days. The first evening, known as Holika Dahan, involves lighting bonfires to symbolize the burning away of evil spirits. The following day, the air is awash with a kaleidoscope of colors as people playfully throw colored powder and water at each other. This act, a hallmark of Holi, brings communities together, dissolving social barriers in a carnival of hues.

What resonates with me the most about Holi is its spirit of inclusivity and forgiveness. It's a time when old grievances are forgotten, and people embrace each other in a shared celebration. The festival's message of unity and renewal is profoundly inspiring, fostering a sense of belonging and togetherness among diverse groups.

Moreover, Holi is accompanied by the enjoyment of traditional sweets like gujiya and thandai, adding a flavor of indulgence to the festivities. The melodic rhythms of folk songs and dances further enliven the atmosphere, making Holi a multisensory experience.

To me, Holi is not just a festival; it's a vibrant testament to India's rich cultural tapestry. It's an occasion that transcends the mere act of throwing colors; it's about spreading love, joy, and peace. The festival's ability to bring people from all walks of life together, celebrating in a unified spirit, is a powerful reminder of the joy and beauty inherent in diversity.

This response to "Describe a traditional celebration in your country," focusing on Holi, the Festival of Colors, is an excellent example of a high-scoring answer in the IELTS Speaking section. Here's why:

1.    Detailed and Vivid Description: The answer provides a rich, detailed description of Holi. Phrases like "a kaleidoscope of colors" and "vibrant expression of joy" paint a vivid picture of the festival. This detailed imagery shows a strong command of language, essential for a high score.

2.    Cultural Depth and Personal Insight: The response delves into the cultural significance of Holi, discussing traditions like Holika Dahan and the communal throwing of colors. It also reflects on personal feelings about the festival's inclusivity and spirit of renewal. This depth of cultural understanding and personal reflection demonstrates the candidate's ability to think critically and express ideas clearly.

3.    Use of Advanced Vocabulary: The language used is varied and sophisticated. Terms such as "multisensory experience" and "vibrant testament" showcase a high level of vocabulary, crucial for scoring well in the lexical resource criterion.

4.    Coherence and Fluency: The answer flows logically from the introduction of the festival, through its celebration, to its personal and cultural significance. This coherent structure, combined with the fluid expression of ideas, ticks important boxes for the fluency and coherence assessment criteria.

If you're looking to further enhance your IELTS preparation, our specially crafted IELTS eBooks are an invaluable resource. Tailored to your needs, they provide in-depth strategies and tips to help you navigate each section of the exam with confidence. These eBooks are a must-have in your journey towards IELTS success, offering you personalized guidance and support.

In the context of the IELTS Speaking test, it's crucial to engage in a conversational manner with the examiner. This response exemplifies how to effectively communicate ideas in a structured and engaging way, addressing all aspects of the given topic comprehensively and thoughtfully.

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Describe a family celebration you once attended


IELTS Cue Card # 141 – A family celebration you once attended

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card.

Describe a family celebration you once attended.

You should say:

  • where it took place
  • why it was held
  • how you felt about it

and explain why it was important to you.

Follow-up Questions: Q. What types of family celebrations are common in your country? Q. Why these types of celebrations are important in your country?

Model Answer 1:

Time flies really fast, and the event, that took place a year ago, seems like happened only a week ago or so. In fact, I can still vividly remember the day when I celebrated a happy new year with all of my family members about a few years ago.

However, before that day though, I and my family had wanted to celebrate a happy reunion of the entire family for quite some time, but it just didn’t happen because both my elder brother and sister were not able to make them available because they both used to live quite far away from me and my parents due to their professions. But, we saw a great window of opportunity to have a family celebration as soon as a new year was about to arrive as both of my elder brother and younger sister confirmed that they would visit us on the eve of New Year and spend a few days with us.

Anyway, since it was a rare opportunity, we all wanted to make our family reunion a memorable event by celebrating a happy new year together at a nearby restaurant. So, on the eve of New Year, we all went to the restaurant and ordered our favourite food and desserts. Once, our food fests were over, we decided to head to our home and watch some of our old family videos in order to revisit our lovely and happy past as children. At the end of our reunion, I felt like the celebration was long overdue as we all enjoyed our time to the fullest.

It was really important for me and my family to attend this celebration because it helped us understand the value of my family like never before. Besides, it also gave us an opportunity to relax and have some fun with the entire family after a tiring and long work year.

Sample Answer 2:

I often visit my hometown, during vacations or public holidays, where my parents and other family members live. For this topic, I would like to talk about my younger sister’s birthday celebration which I attended a year ago. It was strictly a family celebration from the perspective that no other neighbours or friends were invited and only our close family members celebrated this occasion.

Before the celebration, my mother and the younger sister asked me if I would be able to join them. Since it was just the beginning of my semester, I had been able to manage time to travel to my hometown and join my family.

The celebration took place at our house at (…say your hometown’s name…) . This was a family reunion and the occasion was my younger sister’s 16th birthday. I was excited to join the celebration as all of my family members including the newborn of my eldest sister would also be there. I had not been able to visit my family for a few months and that was a perfect opportunity to meet my family members and spend some enjoyable and quality time with them.

I was thinking to buy a digital camera for my younger sister and that was a precise occasion to buy her the gift. My sister was very excited to have it as her birthday gift. Celebrations like birthdays are always important in our family as it allows us to get together and spend a few days together. As two of my sisters are married and live in two different cities with their husbands, they also attend such occasions and we all enjoy our stay together. From this perspective, this was an important occasion for us.

Similar Cue Card Topics

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

  • Describe a birthday party you attended.
  • Describe a wedding ceremony you attended.
  • Describe a family programme you remember.
  • Describe a party you recently enjoyed.

Describe someone you know who made a wrong decision

Describe your favourite colour, leave a reply cancel reply.

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Birthday Party Essay

Birthdays are among the most significant days in a person's life because they not only state their age but its also about celebrating an individual's life experiences. Birthday celebrations are essential for all of us, but they are particularly significant for children. Here are a few sample essays on ‘Birthday Party’ that students can refer to for their classwork and projects.

100 Words Essay On Birthday Party

200 words essay on birthday party, 500 words essay on birthday party.

Birthday Party Essay

For my birthday party this year, my family and I decided to celebrate it at the new bowling alley that opened in our town. I was amazed with the cool and comfortable ambience. There were 9 majestic rows for bowling. We booked one for ourselves and wore the bowling shoes they gave us. I did not play that well since it was my first time. My parents, however, were frequent bowlers and played very well. They taught me how to hold the ball properly and how to correctly aim for the pins. I was not able to get a strike but did hit many spares. We cut my birthday cake there and my parents sang the birthday song for me. I had a wonderful time celebrating my birthday with my parents.

A birthday should be a joyful occasion. However, it looked like no one had thought of my birthday this year. Nobody showed up to wish me a happy birthday when I got up in the morning. I had no messages or calls from my friends wishing me a happy birthday. My parents didn't seem to understand how miserable it made me to be ignored. My mom gave me errands to run and I was complaining about it the entire time. But when I returned home, I got a huge surprise. All my friends and family had gathered to wish me. They had decorated the house with beautiful flowers, cards and gifts.

The vacant dining table was now covered with trays of spaghetti, fruit tarts, colourful jellies, and crispy chips and delicious pastries. Everyone started singing as my mother brought out a huge chocolate-vanilla cake. I was overjoyed with so much love and happiness. We ended up playing many birthday party games—musical chairs, pass the parcel, newspaper dance. My friend won 2 games and won chocolates. It was a lot of fun. That evening, while I was getting ready for bed, I reflected on how wonderful it was to have such a nice birthday celebration.

Birthdays are a significant part of everyone's life. It makes people feel special on that day and deepens their gratitude.

My Thirteenth Birthday Party

I will always cherish the memory of my thirteenth birthday party—we visited an amusement park. All of my close cousins and friends were invited to the celebration. My parents drove us and took us to the theme park. I was astounded by the sight of the big rides at the park as soon as we arrived. People dressed up as clowns and performed stunts that were quite amusing. We waited in line to get on the roller coaster, which is one of my favourite rides. The ride was incredible. It rose to such a great height before dropping suddenly—it was a thrilling experience. We also enjoyed other rides, including a merry-go-round. Before we went home, we had dinner at a nearby restaurant where we cut my favourite vanilla cake. It was one of my best birthday parties.

My Sixteenth Birthday Party

I celebrated my sixteenth birthday this year. In our family, turning 16 is a big deal for women. My parents went all out and booked a banquet hall for my birthday and invited all my friends and close family members. My mother and I went shopping for my birthday dress. I chose a lilac gown with flowers and glitter on it. When I reached the venue, I was astonished to see how beautiful everything looked. My friends and family had already arrived before me and started singing happy birthday when I entered. We clicked millions of pictures, danced to our favourite songs and played our childhood games. My friends made me open their presents and they were all so amazing. My parents and grandparents were so happy looking at me and enjoying my day. They gave me a beautiful necklace with my initials on it and I wear it everyday. I am grateful to have such thoughtful family and friends.

Ways To Celebrate Birthdays

There are many ideas children can come up with to celebrate their special day. But sometimes, we all get stuck and wonder how we can celebrate our birthday. So, here are some ideas that you can use—

Amusement Parks | No matter how old you get, rides and retro video games never fail to impress you. Plan a day at an amusement park, call the manager ahead of time and make the arrangements that suit your wants. You can get a private area booked for food and beverages.

Home It In | Celebrating at your home is one of the common ideas that always work. Decorate your living room with balloons, photos and banners and invite all your close friends and family. You can order food and cake from a caterer and they’ll take care of everything.

Cafes/Restaurants | Birthday celebrations at a cafe or a restaurant makes everything easy and breezy. You can book any local cafe for a few hours and ask them to decorate it for your birthday. They’ll take care of food, beverages, decor, and cleaning. You only have to show up with your friends and family and have a great time.

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500 Words Essay On Memorable Day of My Life

We have different types of days in our lives, some are ordinary while some are special. There are some days that get etched in our memories forever. Likewise, I also have a memorable day of my life that is very dear to me. The memories of this day are engraved in my heart and will remain so forever.

memorable day of my life

My Birthday- Memorable Day of My Life

My tenth birthday is the most memorable day of my life. It is a day I can never forget and I consider it to be the best birthday yet. The day started just like any other normal day. However, as it kept progressing, a lot of exciting things began to happen.

I woke up very early on my birthday because I had to dress up in casual clothes for school . The day before, all my candies were ready that I would distribute in the classroom.

My mother prepared my favourite breakfast and gave me a big chocolate bar for lunch as well. I went to school and the whole class sang for me and congratulated me. It was the turn to distribute sweets.

My best friend and I went to all the teachers to distribute toffees and we had a great time there. Moreover, it was an incredible feeling. My friends were all singing for me and eager to come to my birthday party later in the evening.

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My Birthday Party

The birthday at my school was memorable but the birthday party at my home made the day even more memorable. Also, my mother invited all my friends from school and the colony to the party.

I received so many presents and we played a lot of games. We played games like musical chairs, tag, egg-and-spoon races, and more. There were so many songs playing so everyone did a special dance too.

The highlight of my birthday party was definitely my huge birthday cake. As I love superheroes, my mother got the cake customized with the superhero theme. It was very tasty too and in my favourite flavour.

I spent a lot of time with my family and friends that day. Everyone liked the return gifts as well and went home with a big smile on their faces.

Conclusion of Essay on Memorable Day of My Life

Therefore, my tenth birthday is the most memorable day of my life. It has given me so many happy memories that will remain with me forever. That day makes me feel blessed and lucky to have all those things in my life.

FAQ on Essay on Memorable Day of My Life

Question 1: What is the meaning of a memorable day?

Answer 1:   When we say memorable, we refer to something that we cannot forget easily or something that left us excited. A memorable day is a day that one can recall easily as it is engraved in the memory.

Question 2: What can be an example of a memorable day?

Answer 2: Some people consider their birthday to be the most memorable day. While some consider it a family trip too. Similarly, some people may find their school picnic or fete to be the most memorable day.

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Describe a new year celebration that you still remember – IELTS Cue Card

Janice Thompson

Updated On May 10, 2022


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Describe a new year celebration that you still remember – IELTS Cue Card

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Describe a new year celebration that you still remember

You should say:

  • When was it?
  • What did you do?
  • Who was with you? 
  • And explain how you celebrated this new year.

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Sample Answer 1

For me, the New Year has always been special. I have several recollections of New Year’s Eve celebrations, but one that stands out is when I was traveling from Mumbai to Pune. After graduating from college that year, I was offered a job in Mumbai. And I didn’t have a lot of time off. As a result, I planned to travel on the day before New Year’s Eve so that I could celebrate the New Year with my loved ones.

After being gone from them for around seven to eight months, I was eager to meet everyone. So, after finishing my work, I decided to gather my belongings and left the workplace. My train was supposed to arrive at 10 p.m. However, I was informed that my trip had been postponed due to technical difficulties and would now take place the next day. I was grieved to learn about it, but I chose to travel anyhow.

Since it was 31st December, few individuals were on board that day. I knew I would be ushering in the New Year on the Mumbai platform since the train left at ten o’clock. I was depressed, but I was determined to spend the first day of the New Year with my family and friends.

Unexpectedly, I run into an old friend on the train. He, too, went through the same ordeal. As a result, we talked for hours, recalling our times together along the tour. People were yelling joyously and wishing each other as we approached. We joined some people dancing in front of the train station, danced a little, laughed, and watched fireworks. We were euphoric for an hour before heading home. It was a unique yet unforgettable New Year’s Eve event.

Sample Answer 2

A new year is one of the most memorable days of the year. Most of the day’s festivities begin from the late hours of December 31 and continue till the wee hours of January 1. Most people attend New Year parties, make new resolutions, eat good food, etc. People across all walks of life love celebrating New Year. They chew thoughts about the bygone days and welcome what lies ahead. Here, I’d like to talk about my childhood New Year celebrations, which are still vivid. I remember every activity that my little brother and I used to do, such as cutting the cake, singing, dancing, etc. It used to be a grand celebration on the last day of the year. My grandfather always organized a New year’s party in the backyard of our society, where all our friends and family would gather together to celebrate and welcome the New Year with a big bang. The place would be decorated well with lights, and everything from delicious cake to unique wines and high-end sound systems would be set up in the backyard. Everyone would gather before 11 PM at the premises, and they’d enjoy themselves until the clock struck 12. The entire place would be filled with voices of people screaming and hugging each other with happiness. It would be a wonderful sight to watch. Many other people would also make  New Year’s resolutions and dance their hearts out. Somehow, this year, owing to the pandemic, I decided to be a little more low-key, so I stayed home and enjoyed the New year’s celebration with my friends virtually.

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1. Resolutions 

  • Meaning : a firm decision to do or not to do something.  Eg : He made a New Year’s resolution to quit smoking. 
  • Meaning : belonging to an earlier time. Eg : Our ancestors in the bygone days were super-rich and wealthy. 

3. Backyard

  • Meaning : a back garden  Eg : We have decided to conduct the baking workshop in the backyard. 

4. Wee hours 

  • Meaning : early hours of the morning Eg : We reached our destination in the wee hours of Saturday. 
  • Meaning : not elaborate, showy, or intensive; modest or restrained. Eg : She preferred to remain low-key.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Essay Ideas: Celebrations and Family

Happy New Year to those of you who celebrate New Year on January 1st. Here is an IELTS essay question relating to festivals and celebrations.

Most traditional festivals and celebrations are losing their meaning as they become more commercial with the emphasis on buying presents and spending money on parties. Some people think that traditional festivals are a waste of time and money. To what extent do you agree?

Always spend time thinking about the essay title and planning your answer. You should spend a minimum of 5 minutes thinking, analysing and planning before you start writing your essay. Here are some questions to help you consider the above essay.

Questions for Analysis

1. How do most people celebrate traditional festivals?

2. Do most people who spend money not recognise the meaning behind the festival?

3. Is it possible to spend lots of money on celebrations and still recognise their meaning?

4. Are people more interested in the traditional meaning of festivals or on having a good time  celebrating?

5. How important are traditional festivals in keeping a culture alive?

6. What would happen if we get rid of all traditional festivals?

7. Do you think the money spent on festivals could be better used?

Now plan how you will use your ideas to answer the question given in the IELTS essay question. After you have decided your plan, check the ideas below. Remember that there is no right or wrong in IELTS. These ideas offer one possible options for the content of body paragraphs.

Body Paragraph Content

Below is an example of body paragraph content for a partial agree essay ( a balanced view).

  • Body Paragraph A: Many traditional festivals are becoming more commercial as people use them as an opportunity to treat themselves or others to expensive luxury goods.
  • Body Paragraph B: This money could certainly be better used as it is not necessary to spend so much money to enjoy festivals and respect traditions.
  • Body Paragraph C: Regardless of the commercial aspect that is developing around many festivals, they are still vitally important in keeping traditions alive and teaching the younger generation about their own culture.

Happy 2018 🙂

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Hi liz! Thank you so much for your valuable lessons. I just want to ask a question. What is meant by “national celebrations”? Are they only the national days that have historic backgrounds? Or do they also include other celebrations such as religious ones?

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These questions and topic relate to the Speaking test. You are not marked on your understanding of the questions. So, this means, you can interpret the questions as you wish. Then allow the examiner to guide you if he or she wishes.

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I have written a background statement and thesis statement for this essay using a balanced approach as described in one of your advanced lessons, please correct me if am wrong

In the modern era, festivals have become a commercial, where people are allowed to spend lavishly on gifts and get together and as a result, losing the importance of festivals. In my opinion, celebrating festivals in this way is a waste of time and money and therefore, should only be celebrated to help poor and to keep the traditions alive

You have the right technique. But avoid using “in the modern era”. Your English is good enough that you should not depend on learned phrases that are used by thousands of other students. Avoid phrases.

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Madam if I disagree and want to give a balace view. The structure Bp1- Due to festivals people meet with each other and share their common thoughts.So it is a good way to become socialise with relatives and friends in todays busy world. Bp2- Traditional ceremonies are our cultural identity and makes us feel that we are a part of the community. Bp3- Presently the economic status of people is improving and due to effect of other modern cultures people are now spending on presents and decorations in a festival.I think it is a way to greet each other and to celebrate the event in a grand manner. Kindly suggest whether the above ideas are relevant or not. Thanks Regards

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Can you tell me please why I score 5:5 in writing while getting 8 in the speaking, listening too ??

Hi Liz Thanks for your reply , yes I got your writing essays and the video , it’s phenomenal, my problem I get excited and I keep going with my ideas leaving the plan in one side and never stick to limited words number , I guess a part of my problem is more writing as a result will make more slips , I need to think simple Your essay is so simple and clear , my mistake is I think they are testing my knowledge , I will stick to what you say and appreciate all the helping hands , wishing you a wonderful weekend.

I think you’ve highlighted two very important points. 1) If you don’t plan your WHOLE essay carefully, you will run over with ideas and your essay will become longer and longer. Your plan is about selecting the best ideas and planning two or three supporting points. When you start writing, you will know the content for almost every sentences. This allows you to focus on accuracy with English when writing. Planning is essential !! 2) Your knowledge is not tested in speaking or writing. In your essay, you don’t get a higher score because your ideas are better or because your knowledge is stronger. You get points for being: – relevant – focused – developed ideas (with highly relevant supporting points) – on topic (not just the main topic but the issues directly addressed that are in the essay question)

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I am an ielts trainer and I strictly follow your tips and my students also follow your lessons. They are getting wonderful results in all modules. Thanks a lot to you Liz from all of us.

I’m really pleased to hear that. I know as a teacher that it’s very rewarding when your students get good results – hats off to you 🙂

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Happy new year ….n thank u so much for ur valuable lessons

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In that body paragraph C : Can we say’ important for keeping ‘ or it will be marked wrong ? I find it hard to predict whish preposition i should use sometimes..

Sure – it’s fine to write that. In English, it is sometimes possible that more than one preposition is possible.

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Thanks mam it is very useful

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Dear Liz, As an IELTs tutor, and indeed as someone who has recommended your site to my students, I am concerned by the number of errors in your posts. It is so easy to make typographical errors and so it is important to check anything that is posted. As an example read through Body paragraph C! keep should be keeping and generator should be generation.

I appreciate you helping me proof read as I don’t always have time or I miss typos. However, I don’t appreciate your negativity. I consider it rude, ungrateful and unprofessional. Teachers should never speak in such a way to other teachers – NEVER. And doctors should know better than to ooze negativity over other people, particularly those who are seriously sick, housebound and in frequent pain – or didn’t you know that about me? As both a teacher and a doctor you should be ashamed of your comment and your attitude. Students learn not only subject content from a teacher but much more. I hope my students learn positive thinking as well as respect and kindness for others. My whole website is based on kindness and supportive comments. You seem to teach a condescending, patronising attitude with an unprofessional manner. Not a good role model. You don’t pay for my lessons so I suggest you and your students find another website to follow.

We all support you liz . Wish i really can do something to help you through overseas more than support.

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Liz, I really appreciate the content and the ideas and your guidance. Request you to please don’t feel bad with someone comments and just think about people like me who always waiting your post to improve my knowledge so that I can make score. Always appreciate your help

Thanks. I appreciate your comment. Of course, I’ll carry on and keep trying to post interesting lessons 🙂

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Happy New year mam. Mam ,it is easy to find mistake but really difficult to solve it. Some are making Mole’s mountain. Really ,you are doing great. Thanks from the core of my heart.

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Dear are right. I always get motivation from you and your site to prepare well. Hope other people feel the same. Keep it up. I am lucky that I have a WONDERFUL teacher like you.

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thanks for sharing this

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Thanks for sharing

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Do you know what essays are expecting for January 2018? Because I am doing on 6th of January Kindly let me know

It’s never possible to predict topics or questions for writing task 2. The most you can do is prepare ideas for common topics: and make note of trending current topics: . IELTS often use the similar topics but phrase the questions differently.

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I think there is a typo. Younger ‘generator’ should be younger ‘generation’.

Cheers – it’s been altered 🙂

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Hi mam I have ielts academic test on 13/1/2018 in jalandhar,please help me for preparation writing task 2

See this page:

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Happy new year Liz

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Happy new year

Is it necessary to have a third body para if we are partially agreeing? Or is it OK to write two body paras if we are agreeing or disagreeing or partially agreeing?

It’s fine to have only two body paragraphs. You decide if you want two or three after you have brainstormed and selected your main points.

Thanks a lot . I appreciate your effort and don’t get disheartened with certain people’s comments. We need your support and help.

Sorry, I shouldn’t have commented in that way. Sometimes I’m so exhausted. Thanks for your positive comment 🙂

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Ma, I love your humility. More blessings

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happy new year

To you too 🙂

Sorry i have a strange question . In the first paragraph you wrote ‘a opportunity’ not ‘an opportunity’ . I have seen a similar wording in a reading passage and i thought it’s a mistake.

Is it a mistake ? I think it is but i am not sure now as you used the same proposition.

It’s a typo – thanks for letting me know 🙂

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Although,the cultural festivals are one of the best reason for celebrating in each year along with the friends and family,some people say that it is the waste of money and time as well.While i agree with this statement,i believe that there is another ways we could celebrate the festivals.

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According to your outline, do you partially agree with the statement of traditional festivals are waste of time and money?

It is a partial agreement.

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With regard to this question, it is only asking me to what extent I agree with the opinion. Can I decide to disagree?

You can: agree / disagree / partial agreement.

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Essay on My Most Memorable Birthday Celebration

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Most Memorable Birthday Celebration in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Most Memorable Birthday Celebration

Title: my most memorable birthday celebration, introduction.

My birthday is always special, but one stands out from the rest. My tenth birthday was the most memorable. I had been looking forward to it for months.

The Surprise

My parents had planned a surprise party. They invited all my friends without telling me. When I came home from school, I was shocked to see my house decorated with balloons and streamers.

The party was full of fun. We played games, danced, and enjoyed delicious food. My friends gave me lovely gifts which I still cherish.

That birthday was a day full of joy and surprises. It remains the most memorable birthday I have ever had.

250 Words Essay on My Most Memorable Birthday Celebration

The day begins.

The day started with my parents waking me up with a birthday song. They gifted me a new bicycle, something I had wanted for a long time. I was over the moon with joy. After breakfast, my friends started to arrive for the party.

The Surprise Party

My parents had planned a surprise party for me. They had decorated the house with balloons and colorful streamers. There was a big cake with my name on it. My friends and I played many games like musical chairs and pass the parcel.

The Special Gift

During the gift-opening time, I received many presents. But, the most special gift was from my grandmother. She gave me a handmade sweater. She had knitted it herself, and it was the warmest and most beautiful sweater I had ever seen.

My tenth birthday was indeed the most memorable one. The joy of receiving my dream bicycle, the surprise party, and the special gift from my grandmother made it unforgettable. This day reminded me of the love and care my family and friends have for me. It was a day filled with laughter, joy, and love, a day I will always cherish.

500 Words Essay on My Most Memorable Birthday Celebration

Everyone has special days in their life, and birthdays are one of them. My most memorable birthday celebration was my 10th birthday. I remember it clearly because it was filled with joy, laughter, and surprises.

Planning the Celebration

The big day.

Finally, the day arrived. I woke up to the smell of my favorite breakfast, pancakes with maple syrup. After breakfast, I was asked to stay in my room until the guests arrived. I could hear the sound of balloons popping and people talking outside my room. I was curious but waited patiently.

When I was finally allowed to leave my room, I was amazed. The whole house was decorated with superhero posters, balloons, and banners. There were also life-sized cutouts of my favorite superheroes. I was dressed as my favorite superhero, Spiderman. My friends were dressed as different superheroes too. Seeing all my friends in superhero costumes was so much fun.

The Birthday Cake

The highlight of the day was the birthday cake. It was a superhero-themed cake with all my favorite superheroes on it. When I blew out the candles, everyone clapped and sang the birthday song. It was a magical moment that I will never forget.

Gifts and Goodbyes

After the cake-cutting, it was time to open the gifts. I received many gifts, including superhero action figures, comic books, and video games. I was overjoyed. As the party ended, each of my friends received a goodie bag filled with candies and small toys. The happiness on their faces made my day even more special.

In conclusion, birthdays are special days that bring joy and happiness. They are a celebration of life and growth. My 10th birthday was indeed a memorable celebration, and I will always cherish it.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing About Annual Day Celebration in Your School 

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  • Jul 9, 2024

Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing About Annual Day Celebration in Your School 

In this blog, we are providing samples of how to write a letter to your friend describing the annual Day celebration in your school. These letters are crafted in such a way that they can help you ace the letter-writing section of your English exam. After the samples, there is also a format of the letter that you can use as a reference to craft your own letter. Moreover, you can also enhance the art of writing on different Letter Writing Topics according to the occasion.  Let us explore this blog now! 

describe a celebration essay

Sample 1: Letter to Your Friend Describing About Annual Day Celebration in Your School 

56-AKailash Colony
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh:- 201001

4th July, 2023

Dear Tanisha, 
I hope that you and your family are in great health. I am good too. Yesterday was our annual day celebration at school and I want to tell you all about it. 

On our annual day celebration, there were many events organised. Students gave different performances too. My best friend Babika did a solo act and she outshined everybody. After that, there were many sports events held ranging from basketball matches to races. I took part in the hurdle race. I was so nervous as the race was about to start, but to my good luck and efforts, I stood first in the race. My other friends too participated in their favourite events and I cheered for them a lot. At the end of the day, the winners received medals. I got a gold medal for my 1st position in the hurdle race. I showed it to my parents at home, and they said they were very proud of me. It was a great day. 

We haven’t met in a long, so let us plan to catch up soon. When you have time, give me a call and we will plan an outing together. Till then, take care of yourself. 

Your dear friend, 

Also Read: Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing Your Favourite Hobby  

Sample 2: Letter to Your Friend Describing About Annual Day Celebration in Your School 

Also Read : Write a Letter to Your Friend about Your School Trip  

Format of How to Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing About Annual Day Celebration in Your School 

Start the letter with a “Dear XYZ” and maintain a genuine tone. 

For the body of the letter, mention the importance of the annual day celebration, mention what the schedule looks like, mention all the events and performances that are scheduled for the day, describe how much you enjoyed the sports, etc. Use a conversational tone. 

End the letter on a friendly note. Add text like “Take Care”, “Talk to you soon”, “See you soon”, etc. 

Conclude the note with a polite salutation. 

Download the Format of Informal Letter from Here!!

Similar Letter-Writing Topics


You can describe the annual day celebration in the following manner: On our annual day celebration, there are many events organised. Students give different performances too. My best friend Brittany did a solo act and she outshined everybody. After that, there were many sports events held ranging from basketball matches to races. I took part in the hurdle race. I was so nervous as the race was about to start, but to my good luck and efforts, I stood first in the race. My other friends too participated in other events and I cheered for them a lot. At the end of the day, the winners received medals. 

You can describe any celebration by mentioning the reason behind it, and the events that are planned for it. 

There are a lot of sports events and performances that can be done on the annual day celebration to make it fun and interesting. 

For more information on such informative articles, visit our Letter-writing page and follow Leverage edu . 

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  1. How I Celebrate My Birthday Essay

    describe a celebration essay

  2. A Family Celebration Essay Example

    describe a celebration essay

  3. How to write an essay describing a festival / a celebration

    describe a celebration essay

  4. A Family Celebration

    describe a celebration essay

  5. Short Essay On My Birthday Party [With Headings]

    describe a celebration essay

  6. Essay On New Year Celebration || Powerlift Essay Writing || Short Essay on New Year Celebration

    describe a celebration essay


  1. an essay on a memorable day in my life 😍😍😯😯

  2. Describe a traditional festival that is important in your country #sumanielts #cuecard

  3. essay on my birthday party in english/paragraph on birthday party/birthday party par nibandh/janam

  4. celebration

  5. My Birthday Celebration


  1. Essays About Celebration: Top 6 Examples Plus Prompts

    Life provides us with many reasons to celebrate. Read this article for helpful essay examples and writing prompts you can use to write essays about celebration.

  2. Describe a party / describe a party you attended or joined

    Sample 1: You should say: When was it Who joined you? What happened in the party - I have celebrated many parties in my life.- But here I would like to talk about a birthday party, which I enjoyed a lot- It was the birthday of my younger brother.- It was his eighteenth birthday- I […]

  3. IELTS Essay: Celebrating Family Events

    This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of celebrating family events from the real IELTS general training exam.

  4. Describe a happy family event that you remember well

    The arrival of a beautiful baby into the family had brought us all together. Many friends and relatives turned up for the occasion, and it was definitely a very happy event for our whole family, close friends and relatives. Vocabulary highlights: nephew - the son of your brother or sister. declared - to announce or express something clearly.

  5. Describe a birthday party or celebration that you attended recently

    This article contains the Describe a birthday party or celebration that you attended recently Cue Card Sample Answers.During Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test,...

  6. IELTS Speaking Part 2: family celebration

    Describe a family celebration that you remember. You should say - what you were celebrating - who was present - what you and your family did to make the celebration special - and why you enjoyed the occasion. Here's my sample answer: I'm going to describe my sister's wedding day, which took place a few years ago in the town where I grew up. For my sister it was the biggest and most ...

  7. Describe a Traditional Celebration in Your Country

    The provided response on Thanksgiving as a traditional celebration in the United States is an exemplary high-scoring answer for the IELTS Speaking test for several reasons. 1. Comprehensive Coverage of the Topic: The response effectively addresses the topic, "Describe a traditional celebration in your country," by delving into various aspects ...

  8. IELTS Cue Card Sample 111

    Describe a birthday celebration you have attended recently. You should say: whose birthday it was. who attended the party. where it took place. and explain how much you enjoyed this birthday celebration. Model Answer 1: In this busy life, we don't really get enough time to enjoy much social and family life, despite our best efforts and ...

  9. Describe a family celebration you once attended

    Sample Answer 2: I often visit my hometown, during vacations or public holidays, where my parents and other family members live. For this topic, I would like to talk about my younger sister's birthday celebration which I attended a year ago. It was strictly a family celebration from the perspective that no other neighbours or friends were ...

  10. IELTS Cue Card # 141

    Sample Answer 2: I often visit my hometown, during vacations or public holidays, where my parents and other family members live. For this topic, I would like to talk about my younger sister's birthday celebration which I attended a year ago. It was strictly a family celebration from the perspective that no other neighbours or friends were ...

  11. Birthday Party Essay

    Essay on Birthday Party - Birthday celebrations are essential for all of us, but they are particularly significant for children. Here are a few sample essays on 'birthday party' that students can refer to for their classwork and projects.

  12. English Made Easy: 4 Tips for describing a family celebration

    This video gives 4 tips for describing a family celebration - useful for IELTS speaking part 2 - Family Celebration topic#ESL #IELTS

  13. Describe a memorable event in your life

    Describe a memorable event in your life. You should say: when the event took place. where the event took place. what happened exactly. and explain why this event was memorable for you. [You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you ...

  14. Birthday Essay in English for Students and Children

    FAQ of Birthday Essay. Question 1: Why is a birthday important? Answer 1: Birthdays are important as they are momentous occasions that commemorate a person's birth anniversary. It helps people feel grateful for everything they have and reflect on everything they have been blessed with to celebrate.

  15. Essay on Memorable Day of My Life

    FAQ on Essay on Memorable Day of My Life. Question 1: What is the meaning of a memorable day? Answer 1: When we say memorable, we refer to something that we cannot forget easily or something that left us excited. A memorable day is a day that one can recall easily as it is engraved in the memory.

  16. IELTS Speaking Part 2: family celebration

    Try preparing some ideas for this recent exam question: Describe a family celebration that you remember. You should say - what you were celebrating - who was present - what you and your family did to make the celebration special - and why you enjoyed the occasion. I'll share my ideas next week.

  17. Describe a family celebration you once attended. v.1

    Describe a family celebration you once attended. v.1. Describe a family celebration you once attended. You should say: where it took place why it was held how you felt about it and explain why it was important to you and your family. Follow-up Questions: Q. What types of family celebrations are common in your country?

  18. Describe a new year celebration that you still remember

    Do you want to know how to answer the cue card on "Describe a new year celebration that you still remember ?" Here's our sample Band 9 answer to make you achieve your desired score.

  19. Essay Ideas: Celebrations and Family

    Essay Ideas: Celebrations and Family. Happy New Year to those of you who celebrate New Year on January 1st. Here is an IELTS essay question relating to festivals and celebrations. Most traditional festivals and celebrations are losing their meaning as they become more commercial with the emphasis on buying presents and spending money on parties.

  20. Essay on My Most Memorable Birthday Celebration

    High-quality essay on the topic of "My Most Memorable Birthday Celebration" for students in schools and colleges.

  21. Essay: Describe a celebration in your contry

    Essay: Describe a celebration in your contry. Festivals are part of one's custom, culture and tradition. They are there for us to celebrate. It helps us forget our routine. It gives us some ...

  22. Describe a holiday you have recently celebrated

    1. Describe a celebration you recently enjoyed. 2. Describe a trip you recently had. 3. Describe a national festival in your country. 4. Describe a journey you recently had. 5. Describe how you usually celebrate your holidays. 6. Describe the common activities of people in your country during the holidays.

  23. Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing About Annual Day Celebration

    In this blog, we are providing samples of how to write a letter to your friend describing the annual Day celebration in your school.

  24. The Moral Call to Action: A Special Issue of HLRP in Honor of Dr. Rima

    Cynthia Baur reminds us in her tribute Short Reflection Essay, "Reflections on Dr. Rima Rudd's Significance to Health Literacy in the Shadow of Health Equity," that Dr. Rudd's career must be viewed as a celebration of women in leadership positions, both in higher education and public health policy: "We forget how much women now in their ...

  25. IELTS Cue Card Sample 261

    Describe a celebration when a number of guests came to your place. You should say: when and what occasion it was. what you did. who came to celebrate. and give details of the celebration. Model Answer 1: I like to invite guests to my home from time to time in order to celebrate with us or have some good time when there is an occasion for it ...

  26. A timeline of the 7-month-long Ambani mega-wedding

    From a star-studded engagement party to a Justin Bieber performance, India's wedding of the year has seen a succession of lavish bashes — and there are more to come.