Assignment Biography: Student Criteria and Rubric for Writing

Researching an Individual Aligned to Common Core Writing Standards

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The genre of  biography can also be categorized in the sub-genre of  narrative nonfiction/historical nonfiction. When a teacher assigns a biography as a writing assignment, the purpose is to have a student utilize multiple research tools to gather and to synthesize information that may be used as evidence in a written report about an individual. The evidence gained from research can include a person’s words, actions, journals, reactions, related books, interviews with friends, relatives, associates, and enemies. The historical context is equally important. Since there are people who have influenced every academic discipline, assigning a biography can be a cross-disciplinary or inter-disciplinary writing assignment. 

Middle and high school teachers should allow students to have a choice in selecting the subject for a biography. Providing student choice, particularly for students in grades 7-12, increases their engagement and their motivation especially if students select individuals they care about. Students would find it difficult to write about a person they do not like. Such an attitude compromises the process of researching and writing the biography.

According to by Judith L. Irvin, Julie Meltzer and Melinda S. Dukes in their book  Taking Action on Adolescent Literacy:

"As humans, we are motivated to engage when we are interested or have real purpose for doing so. So motivation to engage [students] is the first step on the road to improving literacy habits and skills" (Chapter 1).

Students should find at least three different sources (if possible) to make sure the biography is accurate. A good biography is well-balanced and objective. That means if there is disagreement between sources, the student can use the evidence to state that there is a conflict.  Students should know that a good biography is more than a timeline of events in a person's life.

The context of a person's life is important. Students should include information about the historical time period in which a subject lived and did her/his work. 

In addition, the student should have a purpose for researching another person's life. For example, the purpose for a student to research and write a biography can be in a response to the prompt:

"How does this writing this biography help me to understand the influence of this person on history, and quite possibly, this person's impact on me?"

The following standards-based criteria and scoring rubrics can be used to grade a student-selected biography. Both criteria and rubrics should be given to students before they begin their work. 

Criteria for a Student Biography aligned to Common Core State Standards

A General Outline for Biography Details

  • Birthdate /Birthplace
  • Death (if applicable).
  • Family Members.
  • Miscellaneous (religion, titles, etc).


  • Schooling.Training.
  • Work Experiences.
  • Contemporaries/Relationships.

Accomplishments/  Significance

  • Evidence of major accomplishments.
  • Evidence of minor accomplishments (if relevant).
  • The analysis that supports why the individual was worthy of note in their field of expertise during his or her life.
  • Analysis why this individual is worthy of note in their field of expertise today.


  • Statements made.
  • Works published.

Biography Organization using the CCSS Anchor Writing Standards 

  • Transitions are effective in assisting the reader to understand shifts.
  • Ideas within each paragraph are fully developed.
  • Each point is supported by evidence.
  • All evidence is relevant.  
  • Important terms are explained to the reader.
  • Purpose of each paragraph (introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion) is clear.  
  • Clear relationship between topic sentence(s) and paragraph(s) that came before is evident.

Grading Rubric: Holistic Standards with Letter Grade Conversions

(based on extended response Smarter Balanced Assessment writing rubric)

Score: 4 or Letter Grade: A

Student response is a thorough elaboration of the support/evidence on the topic (individual) including the effective use of source material. The response clearly and effectively develops ideas, using precise language:

  • Comprehensive evidence (facts and details) from source materials are integrated.
  • Relevant, and specific clear citations or attribution to source materials.
  • Effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques.
  • Vocabulary is clearly appropriate for the audience and purpose. 
  • Effective, appropriate style enhances content.

Score: 3  Letter Grade: B

Student response is an adequate elaboration of the support/evidence in the biography that includes the use of source materials. The student response adequately develops ideas, employing a mix of precise and more general language:  

  • Adequate evidence (facts and details) from the source materials is integrated and relevant, yet the evidence and explanation may be general.
  • Adequate use of citations or attribution to the source material.  
  • Adequate use of some elaborative techniques.
  • Vocabulary is generally appropriate for the audience and purpose.
  • The style is generally appropriate for the audience and purpose.

Score: 2 Letter Grade: C

Student response is uneven with a cursory elaboration of the support/evidence in the biography that includes the uneven or limited use of source material. The student response develops ideas unevenly, using simplistic language:

  • Some evidence (facts and details) from the source materials may be weakly integrated, imprecise, repetitive, vague, and/or copied.
  • Weak use of citations or attribution to source materials.
  • Weak or uneven use of elaborative techniques.
  • Development may consist primarily of source summaries.
  • Vocabulary use is uneven or somewhat ineffective for the audience and purpose.
  • Inconsistent or weak attempt to create the appropriate style.

Score: 1 Letter Grade: D

Student response provides a minimal elaboration of the support/evidence in the biography that includes little or no use of source material. The student response is vague, lacks clarity, or is confusing:

  • Evidence (facts and details) from the source material is minimal, irrelevant, absent, incorrectly used. 
  • Insufficient use of citations or attribution to the source material.
  • Minimal, if any, use of elaborative techniques.
  • Vocabulary is limited or ineffective for the audience and purpose.
  • Little or no evidence of appropriate style.
  • Insufficient or plagiarized (copied without credit) text.
  • Off-topic. 
  • Off-purpose.
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Learning Goals

  • As you work on your autobiography, use this rubric to help you do your best work.

Autobiography Rubric—Elementary


I chose one theme for my autobiography, and the purpose is very clear.

I chose a clear theme or purpose for my autobiography.

I chose a theme or purpose that is unclear in areas.

I did not choose a theme or purpose for my autobiography.

I support my theme with rich events, facts, examples, pictures, and details.

I support my theme with facts, examples, and pictures.

I support some parts of my theme or purpose with facts, examples, or pictures.

I did not choose a theme or purpose for my autobiography.

My word choices make my autobiography interesting and engaging.

Most of my word choices are interesting and engaging.

I try to choose interesting words, but sometimes my word choices are predictable.

My word choices are predictable.

My autobiography is logically organized in a way makes sense to the audience.

My autobiography is organized.

My autobiography is organized in some parts.

My autobiography is unorganized.

My information flows smoothly from one piece of information to the next.

My information flows from one piece of information to the next.

Most of my information flows from one piece of information to the next.

My information does not flow from one piece of information to the next.

I used many formatting tools to help make my presentation better.

I used some formatting tools to help make my presentation better.

I tried to use a formatting tool to make my presentation better.

I did not use a formatting tool.

My presentation has unusual and surprising features that help readers understand the kind of person I am.

My presentation has surprising facts about my life.

My presentation has some unknown facts about my life.

My presentation has only predictable facts about my life.

My presentation has no spelling, grammatical, or typing errors.

My presentation has one or two minor spelling, grammatical, or typing errors.

My presentation has many spelling and grammatical errors.

My presentation has so many errors that the presentation is hard to understand.

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Autobiography rubric.

This rubric may be used for assessing individual performance on a autobiography project.

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  • Exploring Rubrics / MiddleWeb Classics

A MiddleWeb Classic: Exploring Rubrics!

by MiddleWeb · Published 04/21/2013 · Updated 11/13/2019


A little history: This article first appeared on the MiddleWeb site (with permission from the author) in 1997, in the early years of rubrics in the classroom. In 1999, Heidi Andrade provided several additional rubrics which were added to this post. More than 15 years after this material first appeared at MiddleWeb and long after its original link was functional, it continues to be one of the most sought-after MiddleWeb resources. For that reason, we’ve reposted it here and redirected the original link to this new page. At the end of this post, we’ve also included links to several rubrics associated with inference, independent writing, and literary conversation.

Please note that the portion of this post which was published at Educational Leadership can also be accessed at the ASCD site (4/20/14). Also see her Educational Leadership article (February 2000), “Using Rubrics to Promote Thinking & Learning” for suggestions on designing instructional rubrics. Today, Dr. Andrade is an education associate dean at the University of Albany (SUNY) and continues to be a leader in the field of formative/classsroom assessment and rubrics. In a more recent Educational Leadership article (January 2008), she emphasizes that “Rubrics can be a powerful self-assessment tool—if teachers disconnect them from grades and give students time and support to revise their work.”

For more contemporary resources, including Common Core perspectives, be sure to visit our MiddleWeb resource roundup: All About Rubrics

Understanding Rubrics

by Heidi Goodrich Andrade originally published in Educational Leadership, 54(4) © Heidi Goodrich 1996 Every time I introduce rubrics to a group of teachers the reaction is the same – instant appeal (“Yes, this is what I need!”) followed closely by panic (“Good grief, how can I be expected to develop a rubric for everything?”). When you learn what rubrics do–and why–you can create and use them to support and assess student learning without losing your sanity.

What Is a Rubric?


The example in Figure 1 (adapted from Perkins et al 1994) lists the criteria and gradations of quality for verbal, written, or graphic reports on student inventions – for instance, inventions designed to ease the Westward journey for 19th century pioneers for instance, or to solve a local environmental problem, or to represent an imaginary culture and its inhabitants, or anything else students might invent.

This rubric lists the criteria in the column on the left: The report must explain (1) the purposes of the invention, (2) the features or parts of the invention and how they help it serve its purposes, (3) the pros and cons of the design, and (4) how the design connects to other things past, present, and future. The rubric could easily include criteria related to presentation style and effectiveness, the mechanics of written pieces, and the quality of the invention itself.

The four columns to the right of the criteria describe varying degrees of quality, from excellent to poor. As concisely as possible, these columns explain what makes a good piece of work good and a bad one bad.


Why use rubrics?

Rubrics appeal to teachers and students for many reasons. First, they are powerful tools for both teaching and assessment. Rubrics can improve student performance, as well as monitor it, by making teachers’ expectations clear and by showing students how to meet these expectations. The result is often marked improvements in the quality of student work and in learning. Thus, the most common argument for using rubrics is they help define “quality.” One student actually didn’t like rubrics for this very reason: “If you get something wrong,” she said, “your teacher can prove you knew what you were supposed to do!” (Marcus 1995).

A second reason that rubrics are useful is that they help students become more thoughtful judges of the quality of their own and others’ work. When rubrics are used to guide self- and peer-assessment, students become increasingly able to spot and solve problems in their own and one another’s work. Repeated practice with peer-assessment, and especially self-assessment, increases students’ sense of responsibility for their own work and cuts down on the number of “Am I done yet?” questions.

Third, rubrics reduce the amount of time teachers spend evaluating student work. Teachers tend to find that by the time a piece has been self- and peer-assessed according to a rubric, they have little left to say about it. When they do have something to say, they can often simply circle an item in the rubric, rather than struggling to explain the flaw or strength they have noticed and figuring out what to suggest in terms of improvements. Rubrics provide students with more informative feedback about their strengths and areas in need of improvement.

Fourth, teachers appreciate rubrics because their “accordion” nature allows them to accommodate heterogeneous classes. The examples here have three or four gradations of quality, but there is no reason they can’t be “stretched” to reflect the work of both gifted students and those with learning disabilities.

Finally, rubrics are easy to use and to explain. Christine Hall, a fourth grade teacher, reflected on how both students and parents responded to her use of rubrics:

Students were able to articulate what they had learned, and by the end of the year could be accurate with their evaluations. Parents were very excited about the use of rubrics. During parent conferences I used sample rubrics to explain to parents their purpose, and how they were used in class. The reaction of parents was very encouraging. They knew exactly what their child needed to do to be successful.

How Do You Create Rubrics?

Rubrics are becoming increasingly popular with educators moving toward more authentic, performance- based assessments. Recent publications contain some rubrics (Brewer 1996; Marzano et al 1993). Chances are, however, that you will have to develop a few of your own rubrics to reflect your own curriculum and teaching style. To boost the learning leverage of rubrics, the rubric design process should engage students in the following steps:

1. Look at models: Show students examples of good and not-so-good work. Identify the characteristics that make the good ones good and the bad ones bad. 2. List criteria: Use the discussion of models to begin a list of what counts in quality work. 3. Articulate gradations of quality: Describe the best and worst levels of quality, then fill in the middle levels based on your knowledge of common problems and the discussion of not-so-good work. 4. Practice on models: Have students use the rubrics to evaluate the models you gave them in Step 1. 5. Use self- and peer-assessment: Give students their assignment. As they work, stop them occasionally for self- and peer-assessment. 6. Revise: Always give students time to revise their work based on the feedback they get in Step 5. 7. Use teacher assessment: Use the same rubric students used to assess their work yourself.

Step 1 may be necessary only when you are asking students to engage in a task with which they are unfamiliar. Steps 3 and 4 are useful but time-consuming; you can do these on your own, especially when you’ve been using rubrics for a while. A class experienced in rubric-based assessment can streamline the process so that it begins with listing criteria, after which the teacher writes out the gradations of quality, checks them with the students, makes revisions, then uses the rubric for self-, peer-, and teacher assessment.

Ann Tanona, a second grade teacher, went through the seven-step process with her students. The result was a rubric for assessing videotaped Reading Rainbow -style “book talks” (fig. 2).


Tips on designing rubrics

Ann’s rubric is powerful because it articulates the characteristics of a good “book talk” in students’ own words. It also demonstrates some of the difficulties of designing a good rubric.

Perhaps the most common challenge is avoiding unclear language, such as “creative beginning.” If a rubric is to teach as well as evaluate, terms like these must be defined for students. Admittedly, creative is a difficult word to define. Ann handled this problem by having a discussion of what the term “creative beginning” meant in the book talks. Patricia Crosby and Pamela Heinz, both seventh grade teachers, solved the same problem in a rubric for oral presentations by actually listing ways in which students could meet the criterion (fig. 3). This approach provides valuable information to students on how to begin a talk and avoids the need to define elusive terms like creative.


A second challenge in rubric design is avoiding unnecessarily negative language. The excerpt from the rubric in Figure 3 avoids words like boring by describing what was done during a so-so beginning to a talk and implicitly comparing it with the highest level of quality. Thus, students know exactly what they did wrong and how they can do better next time, not just that the opening to their talk was boring.

Articulating gradations of quality is often a challenge. It helps if you spend a lot of time thinking about criteria and how best to chunk them before going on to define the levels of quality. You might also try a clever technique I have borrowed from a fifth grade teacher in Gloucester, Massachusetts. She describes gradations of quality as: “Yes,” “Yes but,” “No but,” and “No.” For example, Figure 4 shows part of a rubric for evaluating a scrapbook that documents a story. This approach tends to work well, as long as you aren’t too rigid about it. Rigidity can have amusing results: One student wrote out the lowest level of quality for the criterion, “Is it anachronism free?” this way: “No, I did not remember to not use anachronism”!


What to Do Once You’ve Created Rubrics

Creating rubrics is the hard part – using them is relatively easy. Once you’ve created a rubric, give copies to students and ask them to assess their own progress on a task or project. Their assessments should not count toward a grade. The point is for the rubric to help students learn more and produce better final products, so including self-assessments in grades is unnecessary and can compromise students’ honesty.

Always give students time to revise their work after assessing themselves, then have them assess one another’s work. Peer-assessment takes some getting used to. Emphasize the fact that peer-assessment, like self-assessment, is intended to help everyone do better work. You may also need to hold students accountable for their assessments of a classmate’s work by having them sign off on the rubric they use. You can then see how fair and accurate their feedback is, and you can ask for evidence that supports their opinions when their assess-ments don’t match yours. Again, giving time for revision after peer-assessment is crucial.

Parents can use rubrics to help their children with their homework. Finally, when you assess student work, use the same rubric that was used for self- and peer-assessment. When you hand the marked rubric back with the students’ work, they’ll know what they did well and what they need to work on in the future.

Grading (if you must) is also relatively easy with rubrics. A piece of work that reflects the highest level of quality for each criterion obviously deserves an A, one that consistently falls in the lowest level is a D or F, and so on. Because one piece of work rarely falls in only one level of quality, many teachers average out the levels of quality, either formally or informally.

Rubrics can also be included in portfolios. However you use them, the idea is to support and to evaluate student learning. Students, as well as teachers, should respond to the use of rubrics by thinking, “Yes, this is what I need!”

• Brewer, R. (1996). Exemplars: A Teacher’s Solution . Underhill, VT: Exemplars. • Marcus, J. (1995). “Data on the Impact of Alternative Assessment on Students.” Unpublished manuscript. The Education Cooperative, Wellesley, MA. • Marzano, R., D. Pickering, and J. McTighe (1993). Assessing Student Outcomes: Performance Assessment Using the Dimensions of Learning Model. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. • Perkins, D., H. Goodrich, S. Tishman, and J. Mirman Owen (1994). Thinking Connections: Learning to Think and Thinking to Learn . Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

OTHER RUBRICS from Heidi Goodrich Andrade (1999) (See download links at end of large rubrics)

Persuasive Essay Prompt and Rubric The State of California has a law that all students must be educated until they are 16 years old. This law passed after some debate. Some people thought it was a good law, some didn’t. Put yourself in these lawmakers’ shoes and argue either for or against this law.

In a 5-paragraph essay, be sure to: — form an opinion on this issue and support it with strong arguments and relevant information. — use your knowledge of democracy to explain how having or not having such a law would affect a democratic society like ours.

  I make a claim and explain why it is controversial.  I make a claim but don’t explain why it is controversial.  I make a claim but it is buried, confused, or unclear.  I do not make a claim.
  I give clear and accurate reasons in support of the claim.  I give reasons in support of the claim, but overlook important reasons.  I give 1 or 2 reasons which don’t support the claim well, and/or irrelevant or confusing reasons.  I do not give convincing reasons in support of the claim.
  I thoroughly discuss reasons against the claim and explain why the claim is valid anyway.  I discuss reasons against claim, but leave out important reasons and/or don’t explain why the claim still stands.  I acknowledge that there are reasons against the claim but don’t explain them.  I do not give reasons against the claim.
  I discuss how democratic principles and democracy can be used both in support of and against the claim.  I discuss how democratic principles and democracy can be used to support the claim.  I say that democracy and democratic principles are relevant but do not explain how or why clearly.  I do not mention democratic principles or democracy.
  My writing is well organized, has a compelling opening, strong informative body and satisfying conclusion. Has appropriate paragraph format.  My writing has a clear beginning, middle and end. I generally use appropriate paragraph format.  My writing is usually organized but sometimes gets off topic. Has several errors in paragraph format.  My writing is aimless and disorganized.
  The words I use are striking but natural, varied and vivid.  I use mostly routine words.  My words are dull, uninspired or they sound like I am trying too hard to impress.  I use the same words over and over and over…. Some words may be confusing.
My sentences are clear, complete and of different lengths.  I wrote well-constructed but routine sentences.  My sentences are often flat or awkward. Some run-ons and fragments.  Many run-ons, fragments and awkward phrasings make my essay hard to read.
  I use first-person form, and I use correct sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and spelling.  My spelling is correct on common words. some erros in grammar and punctuation. I need to revise it again.  Frequent errors are distracting to the reader but do not interfere with the meaning of my paper.  Many errors in grammar, capitalization, spelling and punctuation make my paper hard to read.

A more generic version of the rubric above appears in this EL article .

Download persuasive essay rubric in grid format

Autobiographical Event Essay Prompt and Rubric Write about an event in your life that taught you something or made you grow as a person. Tell the story in a way that will let your readers enter into it and understand what it meant to you.







My story has a strong lead that develops readers’ interest, a developed middle that builds tension, and a satisfying ending that provides closure, all in an order that flows like water. My story has either a strong lead, a developed middle or a satisfying ending but not all three. Maybe the middle drags on too long or the ending is a bit abrupt. My story moves through the beginning, middle and end in a logical order. It takes the reader on a walk but on a sidewalk, not a high wire. My organization is rough but workable. My story may get off topic once or twice. My story is aimless or disorganized. It lacks direction. I didn’t write enough to say one way or the other.
I indent the beginnings of all paragraphs and have one topic per paragraph. I wrote more than 5 paragraphs. I indent the beginnings of all paragraphs, have one topic/paragraph, and I wrote 5 paragraphs. Some of my paragraphs are too long or not indented. I wrote at least 5 paragraphs. I have several problems with paragraphs and/or I wrote less than 5 paragraphs. I use incorrect paragraph format and/or I wrote less than 5 paragraphs. I didn’t write enough to judge.
My story gives details about one exciting, funny, sad or unusual event and reveals why it was important to me. I tell about one specific event in detail but it isn’t clear why it was important to me. My story has one main event but also includes less important events that don’t help readers understand what’s important to me. I focus on more than one event, none of which have enough detail to give the story a clear focus. My story has no focus and is probably confusing to a reader. I didn’t write enough to judge.
I paint a mental picture for my readers, vividly setting the scene by describing important sights, sounds, smells, and/or tastes. I describe the central scene(s) in detail, but not vividly. I describe the scene at some point but some scenes are not described well. I use only 1 or 2 descriptive words, only describe relatively unimportant scenes, or give irrelevant details. I do not describe the setting of the journey. I didn’t write enough to judge.
I create complex characters by showing them in action, describing how they look & act, by using dialogue and letting the reader “overhear” their inner thoughts. I create characters by describing who they are, what they look like, gestures, expressions, and using relevant dialogue. I tell who is in the story and their names and ages but do not show how characters behave and feel. I use little or only irrelevant dialogue. I only vaguely refer to characters (e.g., I talk about “my brother” but never say his name, how he acts, etc.). I use no dialogue. I leave significant characters out (e.g., my father, who took us on the trip I write about), and do not use dialogue. I didn’t write enough to judge.
My paper reveals a profound insight gained from this trip. The lesson learned draws on a theme found throughout the essay. I reveal insights gained from the trip, but they may be just tacked on at the end. I describe relevant feelings or ideas, but I don’t have a central insight or lesson learned. I describe a few feelings or ideas but they aren’t well connected to the story. I don’t share my feelings, insights or lesson learned. My essay seems to have no point. I didn’t write enough to judge.
I use first person form, and correct sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and spelling. My mechanics are good. Errors may be from taking risks, trying to say things in new or unusual ways. I generally use the correct sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and spelling. I make frequent errors which are distracting but do not interfere with meaning. Numerous problems with grammar, spelling, etc. make my story hard to read I better get busy writing!

Download autobiographical essay rubric in grid format

More Classic Resources about Rubrics from Earlier Versions of the MiddleWeb Site

Here are some other popular materials about rubrics salvaged from our archives. These rubrics resources are not connected to the work of Heidi Andrade. Most were contributed by teachers.

Juli Kendall’s Inference Rubric & the story behind it

Independent Writing Rubric (adapted by Juli Kendall, 2002)

Student Friendly Writing Rubric  (Maryvale Elementary)

A Rubric to Evaluate Literary Conversation  (adapted by Juli Kendall and Outey Khuon)

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Autobiography Writing Planner Templates Rubric | All About Me Book

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Writing An Autobiography --Includes Rubric

autobiographical essay rubric

Autobiography Writing Project- Organizers and Rubric

autobiographical essay rubric

Simple Autobiography Rubric for Writing

autobiographical essay rubric

*Editable* Memoir/ Autobiography and Biography Writing Project Rubric

autobiographical essay rubric

Writing Prompts with Rubric - Autobiography

autobiographical essay rubric

2nd and 3rd Grade Writing Activities for Writing a Biography & Graphic Organizer

autobiographical essay rubric

Biography & Autobiography Writing Unit | Graphic Organizers Lesson Plans Rubrics

autobiographical essay rubric

Autobiography Writing Project! 11 Activities!

autobiographical essay rubric

Write your own AUTOBIOGRAPHY project! Digital Version & Rubric INCLUDED!

autobiographical essay rubric

End of Year Project for Middle School: Student Autobiography Book Cover

autobiographical essay rubric

Writing Rubrics Bundle

autobiographical essay rubric

Autobiography Project Template 5 Paragraph Essay Graphic Organizer

autobiographical essay rubric

Autobiography and Biography Writing Projects BUNDLE

Preview of Autobiography Report: Autobiography Template w/ Planning Page, Rubric & More

Autobiography Report: Autobiography Template w/ Planning Page, Rubric & More

autobiographical essay rubric

French Immersion Full Year Writing Bundle

autobiographical essay rubric

Autobiography rubric

autobiographical essay rubric

Writing Activities Bundle with Success Criteria and Rubric | Google Slides

autobiographical essay rubric

Biography Unit: Common Core Reading and Writing

autobiographical essay rubric

Autobiography Writing Project! MY TRUE COLORS

Preview of Biography Mega Pack- Research Investigations and Writing Unit

Biography Mega Pack- Research Investigations and Writing Unit

autobiographical essay rubric

Back to School for Middle School: Student Autobiography Jacket Cover

Preview of Australian Curriculum 8.4 and 9.0 Year 2 Writing Unit - Autobiography

Australian Curriculum 8.4 and 9.0 Year 2 Writing Unit - Autobiography

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Autobiography Rubric

autobiographical essay rubric

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  1. Autobiographical writing rubric

    autobiographical essay rubric

  2. Autobiography Rubric

    autobiographical essay rubric

  3. 40 Beispiele für Autobiografien ( + Vorlagen für autobiografische

    autobiographical essay rubric

  4. Autobiography Rubric for College.

    autobiographical essay rubric

  5. FREE 11+ Sample Autobiography in PDF

    autobiographical essay rubric

  6. The Best Way to Write an Autobiographical Essay

    autobiographical essay rubric


  1. Reviewing Writing Essay Rubric Up Dated Sp 2024

  2. Argumentative Essay Rubric

  3. Essay Question Practice using Rubric

  4. English 1102: Rubric for the Literature Review Essay

  5. Multi-paragraph essay rubric

  6. Essay Rubric and CUSS


  1. iRubric: Essentials Autobiography Assignment rubric

    Essentials Autobiography Assignment. Autobiography / Biography Assignment. Each student will write an autobiographical essay that identifies three memories (early, middle, and late) to illustrate a defining personal trait or quality. Rubric Code: EX37B9W. By JohnHannah. Ready to use.

  2. Autobiography Rubric—High School

    Autobiography Rubric—High School. My autobiography has a theme that ties the entire work together in a meaningful way. My autobiography has a theme that ties the work together. My autobiography is all about one subject. My autobiography seems to be a random collection of events and ideas. My theme is richly supported by relevant facts ...

  3. iRubric: Autobiographical Essay rubric

    iRubric FA2873: Write an autobiographical essay in which you introduce yourself to me. Provide a brief life history including information about your family, where you live (and have lived), your pets, your favorite things, etc.) When I finish reading your autobiography, I should feel like I have known you forever. It should be AT LEAST TWO PAGES in length (1000 words).

  4. PDF Name: Autobiography Rubric

    Autobiography Rubric Total Score: Title: Autobiography Rubric Author: scholasticny\nathagwi Subject: After completing a visual Life Map, students should use this rubric as a guide for writing their autobiographies as part of the Writing an Autobiography Unit Plan. Created Date:

  5. iRubric: Autobiographical Essay rubric

    iRubric Z2XC2C4: Each student will write an autobiographical essay that includes an introduction, background Information, precious memories, viewpoints, aspirations, and a conclusion.. Free rubric builder and assessment tools.

  6. Writing and Assessing an Autobiographical Incident

    After talking with family members and brainstorming possible topics, students select a focus for their autobiographical incident and use an online tool to organize the events in chronological order. Students then draft their autobiographical incident and complete the writing process by conferencing, revising, editing, publishing, and sharing ...

  7. PDF It's My Life Autobiography Rubric

    Autobiography Rubric CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Writing Process Student devotes a lot of time and effort to the writing process (prewriting, drafting, reviewing, and editing). Works hard to make the essay wonderful. Student devotes sufficient time and effort to the writing process (prewriting, drafting, reviewing, and editing). Works and gets the job

  8. Autobiography Rubric—High School

    A rubric in student language written for high school students to self-assess their autobiographies. Subject: English Language Arts Level: High School Grades: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 Material Type: Assessment Author: Clarity Innovations Date Added: 06/28/2017

  9. PDF ENG 101

    Autobiographical Essay Rubric MO3 Create a Life Map (see Directions and Rubric for guidelines). MO1 Time: 10-15 minutes. Format: Small group discussions, large group reporting. Give faculty 10 minutes to discuss in small groups, focusing on the module-level objectives and how the learning materials, activities, and assessments align to them ...

  10. Having My Say: A Multigenre Autobiography Project

    Autobiographical Narrative Component Peer Review Guide: This handout includes a chart to guide students in a thoughtful peer review of a classmate's autobiographical essay, but it could be adapted for use with any peer review. Contextual Essay Planning Sheet: This handout provides a chart that guides students in thinking about the kinds of information an audience might need to know to ...

  11. Biography Writing: Purpose, Criteria, and Rubric for Grades 7-12

    Students should know that a good biography is more than a timeline of events in a person's life. The context of a person's life is important. Students should include information about the historical time period in which a subject lived and did her/his work. In addition, the student should have a purpose for researching another person's life.

  12. PDF Writing Assessment and Evaluation Rubrics

    Holistic scoring is a quick method of evaluating a composition based on the reader's general impression of the overall quality of the writing—you can generally read a student's composition and assign a score to it in two or three minutes. Holistic scoring is usually based on a scale of 0-4, 0-5, or 0-6.

  13. PDF Autobiographical Long-Essay-Question (LEQ): Changes and Continuities of

    Autobiographical Long-Essay-Question (LEQ): Changes and Continuities of Your Secondary Education, 2018 to 2023 ... Context is one point on the long-essay-question (LEQ) rubric. It also appears on your document-based-question (DBQ) rubric. ... This is essentially a four paragraph essay, but of course you can write more paragraphs if it is ...

  14. Rubric For Autobiography Teaching Resources

    Browse rubric for autobiography resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.

  15. Autobiography Rubric—Elementary

    Autobiography Rubric—Elementary. I chose one theme for my autobiography, and the purpose is very clear. I chose a clear theme or purpose for my autobiography. I chose a theme or purpose that is unclear in areas. I did not choose a theme or purpose for my autobiography. I support my theme with rich events, facts, examples, pictures, and details.

  16. Autobiography Rubric Lessons, Worksheets and Activities

    Autobiography Rubric. This rubric may be used for assessing individual performance on a autobiography project. Autobiography Rubric. Find the Resources You Need! Search . More Teaching Resources:

  17. PDF Essay Rubric

    Essay Rubric Directions: Your essay will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as a guide when writing your essay and check it again before you submit your essay. Traits 4 3 2 1 Focus & Details There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main ideas are clear and are well supported by detailed and accurate information.

  18. iRubric: Autobiographical Essay Peer Evaluation rubric

    iRubric FX6X6B5: Work with your partner to read and provide feedback on each other's autobiographical essay. First, read the essay completely without stopping. Then, use the peer evaluation rubric below to provide feedback. NOTE: YOU WILL HAVE TO READ THE ESSAY ALOUD IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THIS RUBRIC. Identify what's missing, places where richer imagery can be used, what needs to be explained ...

  19. MiddleWeb Classic: Exploring Rubrics

    Tags: andrade autobiographical event essay rubric book report rubric creating rubrics formative assessment juli kendall Maryvale oral presentation rubric peer assessment persuasive essay rubric rubrics writing rubric. MiddleWeb. MiddleWeb is all about the middle grades, with great 4-8 resources, book reviews, and guest posts by educators who ...

  20. Highschool Autobiography Rubric Teaching Resources

    Writing An Autobiography --Includes Rubric. Created by. Jessica's Resources. This product was designed specifically to help Middle and High School students understand what elements go into writing an autobiographical essay. It includes: •Pre-Writing Information Worksheet-- This is a brainstorming worksheet where students collect and write ...

  21. iRubric: Autobiographical Essay rubric

    iRubric J9369B: Write an autobiographical essay in which you introduce yourself to me. Provide a brief life history including information about your family, where you live (and have lived), your pets, your favorite things, etc.) When I finish reading your autobiography, I should feel like I have known you forever. It should be AT LEAST TWO PAGES in length.

  22. Writing Rubric For Autobiography Teaching Resources

    Browse writing rubric for autobiography resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. Browse Catalog. Grade Level. ... product was designed specifically to help Middle and High School students understand what elements go into writing an autobiographical essay. It includes ...