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Samples of UNICEF cover letter

When applying for a position at UNICEF, your cover letter is an opportunity for you to tell your story, without being stuck in the formatting constraints of the resume. The best format for writing a cover letter is as follows:

I am writing to apply for the position of a social policy officer with UNICEF. I believe that my competitiveness as a candidate can best be understood in terms of four factors. Firstly, I have acquired significant work experience in development finance, research, communications and stakeholder management. Most recently as a data analyst, I tracked and analysed spending patterns of donor countries and evaluated the year on year trends of development assistance. A major achievement for me on this role was providing data analytic contribution to Development Initiatives investment to end poverty report; a document used by policy makers in the development sector to base spending decisions and ensure resources are allocated based on need

Secondly, I hold a master’s degree in international development and as such possess extensive training in using quantitative and qualitative techniques to collect, analyse, and present a wide range of data to fill information gaps and enhance evidence based decisions. My work experience as a policy analyst with the international land coalition in Senegal and department of humanitarian affairs in Hong Kong has equally helped refine my narrative and formal writing skills. Additionally, I have experience conducting field research in rural Kenya where I utilised qualitative methods in evaluating the impact of ICT on educational delivery and livelihoods. My degree coupled with my work history has enhanced my capacity to interpret and present data in meaningful and multi-faceted ways.

Finally, I share and admire UNICEF’s human right based approach to international development. By analysing inequality and redressing discriminatory practices UNICEF has put itself in the best possible place to help vulnerable children escape poverty traps and take ownership of their future. I am excited at the opportunity to work with an organization that shares this very core belief regarding development work and hope I can utilize my extensive skills to further the cause of UNICEF.”

In addition, I am skilled in conducting field work exercises and organizing social mobilization activities and I believe these skills can be used as an asset at UNICEF.This organization is a place where my qualifications as an International Studies and Diplomacy graduate, can make a difference because it contains the challenge to keep me on my toes and promises rewards for top performance. That is the kind of job I like to anticipate every morning.You should also know that I have a sincere appreciation of UNICEF. I have a great interest in learning about your programs and the successes recorded on child protection, social inclusion, humanitarian action and education.

Yours faithfully,”

39 Balt Road

The Hiring Manager

I am experienced in wide sustainable energy research, analyses of existing initiatives both in the United Nations system (internally) and externally, in energy and health to inform UNDP’s guidance in innovative public-private partnership solar for health project. This is evidenced by successfully producing a UNDP Namibia sustainable solar for health stakeholder consultation report (attached in my application) that is currently being utilised to source for funds from Global Climate Fund for the roll out of low emission and climate resilient health systems and services project.

My experience spans beyond development partner’s project implementation but includes research on outlining feasible sustainability plan for solar electrification of health facilities beyond development partners funds. I intend to use my skills set and expertise to manage the launch and sustainability of internal and external working group as well as manage knowledge, as l have already demonstrated this through coordinating for the solar for health in both Namibia and Zimbabwe. My strong coordination and negotiation skills have facilitated in strong buy in for co-financing between and among private and government partners for the success of the solar for health project.

The Health Energy Service Companies (HESCOs) under UNDP shares a lot of concept ideas with UNICEF’s HFSE. Having implemented and researched on the feasibility studies of the HESCOs, l am fully convinced l am a deserving candidate to transfer knowledge and coordinate the solar electrification agenda aimed at strengthening the Primary Health Care for UNICEF’s HFSE. I successfully undertook a practical thesis research on An ex-post evaluation to determine and enhance the sustainability of International development partner’s renewable energy projects, which landed me a position with UNDP Namibia, I believe if considered for the Coordinator Health Facility Solar Electrification position, I will be a good facilitator and collaborator for the external and internal working groups under HFSEs.

Thank you in anticipation of your consideration of my application for this position

“January 7, 2023

Mr. Adam Doe

Personnel Manager

323 Main Street

Houston, TX 32101

As a passionate and dependable administrative professional. I am writing to apply for an Administrative Assistant position at the United Nation’s Houston Office. Owing to my exceptional clerical skills and hands-on experience in the administrative arena, I feel confident that I am a good candidate for this job.

Specifically, I have a demonstrated ability to:

Handle all aspects of general office coordination

Maintain office calendar to organize workflow and meeting

Answer telephones and transfer calls

The attached resume details my specific skills pertinent to your needs.

As an enthusiastic candidate, I would like the opportunity to meet with you in order to discuss your expectations in greater detail. I will call you next week to follow up on my job application. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to call me at (000) 657-0101.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

(Sign here)

Attached: Resume and Reference Letters”

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do i write a cover letter for an ngo, do i need a cover letter for a position at unicef.

Yes. A cover letter allows you to add essential information you didn’t have space for in a resume, as well as explain (in words) how your experiences are tied to the role you’re applying for.

UNICEF Cover Letter Sample

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Related posts, cover letter for hse position (5 samples), cover letter for lunch monitor (5 samples), cover letter for dnata equipment operator(5 samples).

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How to Write a Cover Letter for UNICEF Internship

Ok, you have researched and found a position that suits your skills and qualifications with an office of the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. The next big thing is to write a cover letter for UNICEF Internship. For many, this is the most challenging stage in applying for an internship. However, it will become straightforward with the right directions and guidance.

This article provides all the information you need when writing a cover letter to land your dream internship at UNICEF. Follow them, and you will become an intern at one of the most reputable organizations in the world.

What is a cover letter?

From a layman’s understanding, a cover letter is a letter or document that job seekers and students use to show interest in an open job vacancy in a firm or organization. You can attach it to your resume or cv. It serves as an introduction of yourself to your recruiters. In addition, it tells your future employers your purpose in looking for the job. Thus, you must clearly articulate your points for people to understand your views. 

A  good cover  letter must contain your skills, strengths, and abilities. In addition, you will let your future employer know why you are the best candidate for the job. 

You need a good cover letter when applying for an internship in any organization. It will let the company know that you have the required skills and knowledge to work for its success.

Benefits of a cover letter 

There are many reasons for writing an application letter when looking for a job, including a summer internship. The significant benefits include the following:

  • It acts as your introduction to the hiring manager.
  • It will highlight how your skills and qualifications will bring value to the company.
  • A cover letter shows you have the solutions the company needs.
  • It contains your contact information and availability.

Overview of UNICEF Internship

The UNICEF Internship is an opportunity for students and recent graduates from diverse academic backgrounds. It allows them to gain practical and real-world experience working in the field. It is a learning opportunity in the humanitarian sector that supports interns’ academic, professional, and personal development. Eligible candidates will perform at the organization for six to twenty-six weeks part-time or full-time.

Requirements for a UNICEF Internship

Applicants for this internship must meet the following requirements. They include:

  • They must be at least 18 years or above.
  • Applicants must enroll in an undergraduate, graduate, or Ph.D. program or have graduated within the past two years.
  • You must be proficient in a UNICEF working language, including English, French, or Spanish. In addition, you must have a working knowledge of the local language you will work with.
  • Your close relative, including your mother, father, sister, and brother, must not be working with UNICEF.
  • Applicants must have strong academic performance and motivation.
  • Applicants with professional experience in their field will get a preference.

Required documents for a UNICEF Internship

In addition to the requirements above, applicants need the following documents to succeed as applicants for a UNICEF Internship. They include:

  • An online recruitment profile
  • A CV/resume
  • A cover letter

How to write a cover letter for UNICEF Internship

Applicants for an internship at UNICEF must consider the following guidelines. They will help them craft a good cover letter to thrill their employers. They include:

#1. Point out the particular position you’re applying for . A good cover letter contains the work you want. Thus, you will tailor your application to highlight the skills and abilities needed for the job. If you write a general cover letter, the hiring manager at UNICEF may not consider you for the position.

#2. Include the right keywords : You must also use keywords related to the job and industry. It will show that you are familiar with the demands and technicalities of the job. However, to don overuse them. In fact, including the keywords when avoiding them is impossible. Too many keywords may make your letter incomprehensible to your reader and alter your write-up’s meaning.

You must research the job and industry to know the keywords in your cover letter.

#3. List your relevant education and coursework: If you write a cover letter without experience, your education and coursework will cover that. Moreover, your employers do not expect you to have much professional experience. However, you can include any work experience related to the industry or job.

#4. Add relevant skills and abilities : Your skills and abilities set you apart from other applicants. Therefore, add any skill you have that will be needed for your position at UNICEF.

#5. Describe why you’re the perfect match for the internship role: Then, tell the hiring manager why you are the best candidate for the post. You can highlight your skills, experience, and academic qualifications.

#6. Please explain what the company will gain by hiring you : In your cover letter, you must tell the hiring manager why they must hire you. Thus, let them know what they will gain from you as an intern at UNICEF. Once you have done this, ensure you politely ask them to invite you for an interview. You may increase your chances by doing this.

#7. Review your application: Do not make the mistake of not reviewing, editing, or proofreading your cover letter. Check for grammatical and spelling errors. If your cover letter is full of mistakes, the hiring manager will overlook it.

Tips for your cover letter for UNICEF Internship

Your cover letter is the first impression you will create on your employer. So, it must be perfect and compelling. Consider the tips below when writing a cover letter to apply for an internship at UNICEF: They include:

  • It should be straight to the point and must not exceed one page.
  • Use 2-3 paragraphs to explain why your skills and qualifications make you suitable for the position.
  • Add your academic qualifications, length of professional experience, and knowledge of any relevant UN languages.
  • Show your enthusiasm and motivation to work with UNICEF.
  • Avoid typos and grammatical errors.

Cover Letter Template for an Internship

  • The template below contains everything you need in a cover letter for a summer internship.
  • Your Contact Details
  • Company Contact Information
  • Dear + [Hiring Manager’s Name]
  • Paragraph #1: Introduction with an achievement to hook the reader
  • Paragraph #2: Relevant skills/coursework + why you fit perfectly
  • Paragraph #3: Your passion + why the company appeals to you
  • Paragraph #4: Call to action
  • Salutation [e.g. Best regards + your name]
  • Postscript (optional)—One more achievement of yours

Sample cover letter for UNICEF Internship

Not convinced of what to do? Use the sample below when writing your cover letter for a UNICEF Internship with no experience .

Jacob Albert (000) 320-9942 [email protected]

January 4, 2023

Mr. David Bough Human Resources Manager UNICEF 39 Balt Road San Antonio, TX 38742

Dear Mr. Bough:

When I read your ad for a Project Officer position at UNICEF, I was surprised at the perfect alignment between my qualifications and your requirements. This led me to explore this opportunity further.

As can be seen on the attached resume, I am exceptionally skilled in performing project management and support activities. Precisely my qualifications include the following:

  • Proficient in providing support services, such as report preparation and resource coordination.
  • Highly skilled in preparing and maintaining project documentation.
  • Knowledge of sourcing, collating, and compiling data to identify emerging issues.
  • Hands-on experience in tracking and reporting on project progress against established milestones.
  • Proficient in undertaking research and analysis and identifying trends.
  • Adept at managing and facilitating the flow of essential information among company members.
  • Well-versed in establishing quantitative staffing models strategy owners use to inform resource requests.
  • Able to provide cross-foundation analytics to senior management.

Apart from the abovementioned qualifications, I can provide operational support to project staff and consultants. Moreover, I am skilled in implementing procurement systems and performance management processes. My previous employers recognized me as a team player with a ‘can-do’ attitude.

It would be a pleasure to meet with you in person so that I can highlight my suitability for a Project Officer job at UNICEF in detail. I appreciate your consideration.

Jacob Albert

In summary, you will gain real-world experience as an intern at UNICEF to develop professionally. In addition, it will prepare you to achieve a great height in your career. However, you will need a good cover letter to support your resume and online profile to increase your chances of getting an internship at UNICEF.

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Preparing and Submitting Your UNICEF Internship Application

Congratulations on taking the first step towards applying for a UNICEF internship ! This guide provides essential tips and a step-by-step process to help you create a compelling application. Whether you are applying for the Internship Programme Team, French Speaker Programme Team Intern, or Learning & Engagement Intern, follow these guidelines to increase your chances of success.

Step 1: Self-Assessment

Step 2: gather required documents.

For most UNICEF job applications, you’ll need the following documents:

Step 3: Tips for Your Online Profile

Step 4: tips for your cv/resume, step 5: tips for your cover letter, step 6: submission process, step 7: additional learning resources.

Explore UNICEF’s Agora, a hub for learning and development, offering a free course on ‘Preparing a Written Application.’ This course provides valuable insights into creating effective written applications .

By following these steps and incorporating the provided tips, you’ll be well-prepared to submit a strong and tailored application for the UNICEF Internship Programme. Good luck!

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How to write a cover letter for UNICEF internship?

  • by Dramani Kipo Sabura
  • March 4, 2023 March 4, 2023

When applying for an internship at UNICEF, a cover letter is an important part of your application. Here are some tips on how to write a strong cover letter for a UNICEF internship:

  • Start with a strong opening: Begin your cover letter with a strong opening sentence that grabs the reader’s attention and clearly states your interest in the internship. For example, you could say “I am excited to apply for the UNICEF internship program because of my passion for improving the lives of children around the world.”
  • Highlight your relevant skills and experience: In your cover letter, highlight the skills and experiences that make you a good fit for the UNICEF internship program. This could include experience working with children, knowledge of international development issues, language skills, or relevant coursework.
  • Show your enthusiasm for UNICEF’s mission: UNICEF is a mission-driven organization, so it’s important to show that you share its values and are committed to its mission. Use your cover letter to demonstrate your passion for improving the lives of children and your desire to contribute to UNICEF’s work.
  • Be specific: Rather than making general statements, try to be specific about your experiences and accomplishments. For example, instead of saying “I have experience working with children,” you could say “I volunteered at a local school for two years, where I taught reading and math to children ages 5-10.”
  • Explain why you want to intern at UNICEF: UNICEF is a highly competitive organization to intern with, so it’s important to explain why you specifically want to intern there. Do some research on UNICEF’s work and mission, and use your cover letter to explain what specifically draws you to the organization.
  • Proofread carefully: Finally, be sure to proofread your cover letter carefully for spelling and grammar errors. Your cover letter is your chance to make a strong first impression, so it’s important to make sure it’s well-written and error-free.

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Sample cover letter for Internship position at unicef

Senior officer.

I would like to express my interest in becoming part of the young professionals program. I am captivated by the significant responsibilities YPP offers and its ample opportunities to excel as an entrepreneurial, achievement-oriented type of person. As an undergraduate, it would be an honor to represent Mexico as a young delegate in the General Assemble at the UN.

Through my education, I took courses related to conflict resolution and international relations and was amused by them. I also took extracurricular courses in multicultural training for the first two years of my major. Furthermore, I have been studying French for three years and Portuguese for a year, and I would like to completely dominate these languages. I have gained excellent insights into the world of economics and politics, and strengthened my analytical skills.

Through my experiences and academic background, I have acquired determination, independence, initiative, and the ability to learn quickly and apply that learning proactively. Equipped with interpersonal skills enhanced by education at excellent schools, and bolstered by unique experiences, I am confident that I can contribute significantly to UN.

Cover Letters and Resume Samples

2 UN Internship Cover Letter Examples

If you are applying for your first job (even if it is an internship) at the UN, it is recommended to you write your UN internship cover letter in an impressive way. 

Do you think that it is impossible because you do not have any experience in hand? Wrong!

Writing a good UN cover letter has nothing to do with your experience level.

Since internships are given to people who have no experience, it is not a criterion at all.

How you craft your UN internship cover letter is what matters the most.

Even though you will be applying for a first job or internship, it is imperative that you tell the prospective employer that you are worth every second that will be spent in hiring and training you.

Since working at the UN is considered a big deal (and it is), you must make sure that your candidature is painted in a rosy manner – through the cover letter for the UN resume .

UN Internship Cover Letter Page Image

The following united nations internship cover letter samples will help you create your own. Have a look!

UN Internship Cover Letter Sample 1

[Your Name] July 27, 2023

[Hiring Manager’s Name] [Department] [Address]

RE: Internship Position

Dear Mr/Ms [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my strong interest in the UN Internship program, as advertised on the United Nations careers website. As a highly motivated and passionate individual, I believe my skills and experiences align perfectly with the goals of the United Nations, making me an ideal candidate for this internship opportunity.

Having completed my undergraduate degree in International Relations, I have developed a deep understanding of global issues and a strong commitment to fostering peace, promoting sustainable development, and achieving social justice. It is with great enthusiasm that I seek to contribute my knowledge and skills towards the important work carried out by the United Nations.

During my studies, I had the privilege of participating in various Model United Nations conferences, where I gained valuable experience in diplomacy, negotiation, and public speaking. These experiences not only enhanced my understanding of multilateral decision-making processes but also strengthened my ability to collaborate effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Additionally, I have volunteered with a local non-profit organization focused on humanitarian aid, where I assisted in project coordination, research, and fundraising efforts. This role allowed me to develop practical skills in project management, data analysis, and communication, which I believe will be directly applicable to the work I would undertake as an intern at the United Nations.

Furthermore, my proficiency in multiple languages, including English, French, and Spanish, will enable me to effectively communicate and engage with individuals from various linguistic backgrounds, an essential aspect of the United Nations’ work.

I am particularly interested in interning with the Department of Peacekeeping Operations or the Department of Political Affairs, where I can contribute to conflict resolution and peacebuilding efforts, as these areas align closely with my academic background and career aspirations.

In conclusion, I am confident that my academic background, interpersonal skills, and passion for international relations equip me to make a meaningful and valuable contribution to the United Nations as an intern. I am eager to further discuss my qualifications and how I can contribute to the mission of the organization.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the important work of the United Nations.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

UN Internship Cover Letter Sample 2

Grace Kelly 524 Ravine Street Grenada, MS 54121 (000) 524-9656 [email protected]

July 27, 2023

Mr. Howard Dole Human Resources Manager United Nations Development Project 655 Sunflower Road Grenada, MS 40212

Dear Mr. Dole:

Excited by the news that UNDP is offering internships at the Grenada office, I am sending my resume and job application for your perusal. I have been closely monitoring the UNDP development projects and am enthusiastic because of the fact that I’ll be able to contribute to one or more such projects.

Anticipating a position where I will be able to assist in handling development project modules, and supporting strategies to ensure the success of these projects, I invite you to go through my resume.

My latest experience includes providing volunteer services to a development initiative led by Green Peace. There, I performed exceptionally well due to my ability to provide both clerical and administrative support to assigned project modules. My written communication skills are excellent, as I am sure you will be able to gauge once you have been through the enclosed reports, which I have developed for Green Peace.

Additionally, I consider myself a great contender for an internship position at the UN because I have a thorough understanding of UN development work.

Positive that after interviewing me, you will also agree that I am the best person to hire as an intern at the UNDP office, I would like to meet with you in person. I will contact your office next week to set up an interview date and time. Please feel free to call me if you need further information regarding my credentials.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.

(Sign here) Grace Kelly

(000) 547-8989

Discover more : UN Internships

  • 2 Software Engineer Internship Cover Letter Examples
  • 5 Summer Internship Resume Objective Examples
  • Sample Letter of Interest for Internship (Non Advertised)
  • Sample Cover Letter for Internship with No Experience [+8 Tips]

4 thoughts on “ 2 UN Internship Cover Letter Examples ”

I am requesting for an internship vacancy in united nations. Am doing a Diploma in business administration specializing in marketing. My concern is to know how to apply for an internship.

Dear Muhindi,

Please keep an eye on the current job openings in the United Nations office of your area.

Great one there

Dear Azefack

Thank you for your compliment

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Sample cover letter for Internship position at unicef

Advertice comiunication.

I am writing to express my interest in the recently advertised Communication Specialist Job at UNICEF’s Nairobi Office. Based on my education, skills and current NGO experience, I believe that I would be an outstanding candidate for this position.

Along with an advanced university degree in the social/behavioral sciences with emphasis on strategic communication planning for behavior development and research, I am fluent in Portuguese as per your job description and have the enthusiasm and determination for the challenging communication opportunity.

As an accomplished Communications Officer currently working at GHUY, I possess broad knowledge in managing internal communication program for staff and providing leadership and coordination for all communication activities of the NGO. Furthermore, I am accountable for all communication activities including liaison activities with organizations with similar interests locally and internationally.

My attached CV gives more details about my specific skills and qualifications significant to UN job requirements. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.


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Get prepared, get ready to be a champion for every child.

 A man wearing UNICEF branded t-shirt sitting on the ground amid a group of children in a classroom in a school in Afghanistan.

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UNICEF’s most important resources - our highly skilled and incredibly dedicated people - are driven to deliver results for children and young people everywhere. With a commitment to gender equality, geographical diversity and inclusion, UNICEF selects staff who exhibit the highest standard of technical expertise, competence and purpose.

Our Values | Our Competencies | Core Commitments for Children |  How We Hire

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Care. Respect. Integrity. Trust. Accountability. Sustainability.

For unicef, these are more than words. they represent the values that infuse everything we do as an organization, each and every day — from our programmes for children and young people, to how we treat each other, to how we interact with partners and communities worldwide..

Care : We are mindful of each other’s well-being, professional growth, and development. We recognize that our staff are often working in stressful environments where insecurity and risk are a daily fact of life.. 

Respect : We treat each other with the same level of thoughtfulness we want for ourselves, and we promote diversity, inclusion and a sense of belonging for all.

Integrity : We act ethically, with honesty and transparency, setting the highest standards for ourselves as we work together and with partners, donors and the global community.

Trust : We depend on and believe in each other to act in line with the core values and mission of UNICEF and in the best interests of children.

Accountability : We hold ourselves and each other responsible for our behaviors; this means being answerable for our actions.

Sustainability -  We apply environmental sustainability in our personal life and at work, including in the design and implementation of UNICEF activities, so that our work protects the planet and its resources for the children we serve, now and in the future.

Link: Click here to learn more about our core values and what behaviors are expected by our colleagues and UNICEF

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Our competencies

UNICEF Competencies list

To effectively drive change for children and young people across the globe, we must hold ourselves, our colleagues and our organization to the highest standards. UNICEF’s Competency Framework establishes common standards of behaviour to guide the way we work and is based on our core values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust and Accountability.

> Click here to download and learn more about UNICEF's competencies

Core commitments for children.

 The Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action – the CCCs – are the core UNICEF policy and framework for humanitarian action. They are at the heart of our work on upholding the rights of children affected by humanitarian crises. To learn more about UNICEF’s Core Commitments to Children, please visit this page where you can download the CCCs, find translations, the CCC toolkit, FAQs and related humanitarian knowledge and learning resources.

nurse holding child

How we hire

1. Search 

Visit the UNICEF Jobs page to search for position openings. If you do not currently see any relevant opportunities, set-up a job alert to receive an email when a relevant opportunity is advertised. Make sure you understand the different types of jobs, contracts and opportunities as you conduct your search. 

> Click here to learn more about searching jobs

2. Self-assess

 An honest and objective self-assessment is a great way to help identify what makes you an outstanding candidate for a position, and it will ultimately enable you to build an application that most clearly reflects your strengths, skills, experience and personal values.

> Click here to learn more about Self-assessment  

3. Apply

After you have searched for jobs and completed your self-assessment, you’re ready to apply! For most job applications at UNICEF, you should complete and submit an online recruitment profile, a CV/resume and cover letter. 

> Click here to learn more about applying  

4. Shortlisting

When the hiring team is narrowing down its list of candidates, they will review all profiles to identify eligible and suitable candidates for the position, in line with the minimum requirements included in the job description. 

> Click here to learn more about the shortlisting process

5. Assessment 

Candidates shortlisted for a position may undergo an assessment, followed by a reference check and other processes depending on the position level, area of work, and office context. Candidate assessment techniques will vary according to the contextual and business needs of the hiring office. 

> Click here to learn more about the assessment process  

6. Outcome Notification 

The length of the entire selection process varies, depending on the hiring office’s priorities and the vacancy announcement type. The entire process can take days, weeks or months. Candidates that are shortlisted and participate in assessments will be notified of the outcome by the respective office.

UNICEF girls

Have questions about careers at UNICEF?

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page to find your answers!

Use my location

Human Rights Internship support, Human Rights Unit, Programme Leadership, Programme Group, Geneva (Full time - 9 weeks)

Empleo nº: 573302 Tipo de trabajo: Internship Ubicación: Belgium Categorías: Programme Management

UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential. 

Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone. 

And we never give up. 

For every child, every right

Advocating for the promotion and protection of the rights of every child, everywhere, is at the core of UNICEF’s mandate. In over 190 countries, UNICEF supports Governments and civil society in making the Convention on the Rights of the Child a reality for all children. The Human Rights Unit in the Programme Group Leadership Team supports the Organisation in taking a human rights and child rights-based approach to its work at all levels, from policies to programmes. In particular, the Human Rights Unit focuses on promoting greater accountability for child rights, including through engagement with human rights mechanisms.

How can you make a difference? 

The aim of the internship is to support UNICEF’s engagement with human rights mechanisms in Geneva, including the Committee on the Rights of the Child, Human Rights Council and the Universal Periodic review.

The intern will work under the direct supervision of the Geneva-based Human Rights Specialist, and will undertake the following tasks:

  • Attend sessions and pre-sessions of the Committee on the Rights of the Child and prepare internal notes for the record for use by UNICEF country offices.
  • Cover meetings at the Human Rights Council and follow side events and informal consultations on resolutions and prepare internal notes.
  • Undertake tasks in support of the preparation of General Comment 27 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child on children’s access to justice and right to effective remedy.
  • Attend sessions of other treaty bodies and take notes as required.
  • Attend other meetings on relevant issues and take notes as required.
  • Assist in other activities as required.

Learning benefits for the intern:

The intern will have direct exposure with international human rights mechanisms and learn about and contribute to UNICEF’s engagement with these mechanisms.

Duration : 9 weeks

Work Modality and environment: full time, flexible working arrangement (both office and home based).

To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have… 

  • Strong interest in Human Rights, especially Child Rights and be enrolled in a related graduate or undergraduate program.
  • Fluency and excellent writing skills in English (knowledge of another UN language, especially French and/or Spanish an asset)
  • Research experience and skills
  • Analytical and conceptual thinking
  • Ability to work independently and within a set time frame
  • Legal expertise an asset
  • Prior experience with permanent missions an asset

Minimum requirements:

  • Letter of verification from the college or university that the intern is currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate school. It should also state the expected graduation date.  Recent graduates are allowed until 2 years after degree completion.
  • Copy of their most recent official transcript showing excellent academic performance
  • Copy of Identification Card (ID)
  • One letter of signed recommendation on letterhead or from professional email address
  • Certification of valid health insurance coverage for the whole internship duration

For every Child, you demonstrate... 

UNICEF’s Core Values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, Accountability and Sustainability (CRITAS) underpin everything we do and how we do it. Get acquainted with Our Values Charter:  UNICEF Values

UNICEF competencies required for this post are... (1) Builds and maintains partnerships (2) Demonstrates self-awareness and ethical awareness(3)Drive to achieve results for impact(4)Innovates and embraces change(5) Manages ambiguity and complexity(6)Thinks and acts strategically(7)Works collaboratively with others.

During the recruitment process, we test candidates following the competency framework. Familiarize yourself with our competency framework and its different levels: competency framework here .

UNICEF is here to serve the world’s most disadvantaged children and our global workforce must reflect the diversity of those children. The UNICEF family is committed to include everyone , irrespective of their race/ethnicity, age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, socio-economic background, or any other personal characteristic. UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF is committed to promote the protection and safeguarding of all children. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.


UNICEF’s active commitment towards diversity and inclusion is critical to deliver the best results for children

UNICEF will not cover costs arising from accidents and/or illness incurred during the intern’s service, whether on or off UNICEF premises. Therefore, the selected candidate must provide proof of enrolment in a health/accident plan prior to start the internship.

Issuance of a visa by the host country of the duty station, which will be facilitated by UNICEF, is required for International positions. Appointments may also be subject to inoculation (vaccination) requirements, including against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid). Government employees that are considered for employment with UNICEF are normally required to resign from their government before taking up an assignment with UNICEF. UNICEF reserves the right to withdraw an offer of appointment, without compensation, if a visa or medical clearance is not obtained, or necessary inoculation requirements are not met, within a reasonable period for any reason.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process. 

There is no expectancy of employment at the end of the internship.

Publicado: Jun 29 2024 Romance Daylight Time Vencimiento de la solicitud: Jul 05 2024 Romance Daylight Time

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Human Rights Internship support, Human Rights Unit, Programme Leadership, Programme Group, Geneva (Full time - 9 weeks) at Belgium

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Sample cover letter for Internship position at UNICEF

I am writing in response to the internship opportunity available on your website. At this time I am pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in International business management at Ipag business school (Nice, France) where I will be graduating in July 2016. Hence, I am very interested in the [name of the project / program] implemented by your organization in [region].

In the pursuit of my goal, I participated in a fundraiser during the winter break of 2014 where we raised funds for the UNICEF by selling toys, educative games and books. I also helped raised money for vaccinations where one euro given would provide one vaccine to a child in need. Finally, I am a strong believer in the work done by NGOs and charities, as I have donated to many organizations such as Action against hunger and UNICEF.

I would be extremely pleased to be part of your organization and learn more about both the internal and external operations of a nongovernmental organization. An internship in your organization will provide me the opportunity to gain further knowledge and experience and also acquire more skills to achieve my goal of empowering and lifting underprivileged people. I enclosed a copy of my resume for your consideration. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss this opportunity in greater detail.



  1. 12++ Unicef Job Application Cover Letter

    unicef intern cover letter

  2. Cover Letter UNICEF

    unicef intern cover letter

  3. cover letter UNICEF.docx

    unicef intern cover letter

  4. Internship Letter Format, Samples

    unicef intern cover letter

  5. How To Write A Cover Letter For Unicef Internship Images

    unicef intern cover letter

  6. UNICEF Cover Letter

    unicef intern cover letter


  1. Internships

    Internships can be on a full-time or a part-time basis. • Expenses we cover: UNICEF provides a monthly stipend to interns. A one-time lump sum, as a contribution towards travel and visa costs, may also be granted when funding is available. • Visa: If necessary, UNICEF will provide relevant supporting documents for our visa applications.

  2. How to Write a UNICEF Internship Cover Letter step-by-step guide

    Step 2: Format Your Cover Letter. Follow a professional cover letter format: Header: Include your name, address, email, and phone number. Date: Add the current date. Salutation: Address the letter to the hiring manager by name if possible (e.g., "Dear [Manager's Name],").

  3. Cover Letter For UNICEF(5 Samples)

    The best format for writing a cover letter is as follows: Address the employer with a formal salutation. For example, "Dear/Hello (name of the recipient).". If you do not know the recipient's name, you can refer to them as the hiring manager. The next step is to state the position you are applying for and how you found the opening.

  4. Sample cover letter for Internship position at UNICEF

    Kind Regards. Get access to over 7,000 cover letters from candidates getting jobs at your target companies. Explore company projects on MindSumo. MindSumo is the leading crowdsourcing platform for insight and innovation from Millennials and Gen Z consumers. We harness the power of the crowd to generate ideas and solve problems for companies.

  5. Cover letter for unicef

    Email Me This Cover Letter. Download Pdf. Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to apply for the position of Data Analytics Intern with UNICEF. I am confident that I have the skills and qualifications required for this role and I am eager to put my skills to work in support of UNICEF's mission. As a recent graduate of [insert name of university ...

  6. Frequently asked questions for Internships

    Internship programme common questions and answers. If I am selected, what kind of work will I be doing? This will depend on the needs of the office to which you are assigned, your qualifications and interests. If you have specific interests or requirements for your degree, you should include this information on your cover letter.

  7. Get prepared: Apply

    UNICEF's global hub for learning and development, Agora, is a free portal offering tailored learning solutions to UNICEF staff, partners and supporters. Access our 'Preparing a Written Application' course on the platform. After you have searched for jobs and completed your self-assessment, you're ready to apply!

  8. How to Write a Cover Letter for UNICEF Internship

    If you write a general cover letter, the hiring manager at UNICEF may not consider you for the position. #2. Include the right keywords: You must also use keywords related to the job and industry. It will show that you are familiar with the demands and technicalities of the job. However, to don overuse them.

  9. Preparing and Submitting Your UNICEF Internship Application

    Step 2: Gather Required Documents. For most UNICEF job applications, you'll need the following documents: Online Recruitment Profile: Complete your online recruitment profile on the UNICEF website. CV/Resume: Prepare a concise summary of your professional expertise and experience. Cover Letter: Craft a personalized cover letter that ...

  10. How to write a cover letter for UNICEF internship?

    Start with a strong opening: Begin your cover letter with a strong opening sentence that grabs the reader's attention and clearly states your interest in the internship. For example, you could say "I am excited to apply for the UNICEF internship program because of my passion for improving the lives of children around the world.".

  11. Jourdan UNICEF Cover Letter

    Jourdan UNICEF Cover letter - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Jourdan Jones, a recent graduate with a degree in Political Science, is applying for an internship with UNICEF. She has experience working with legal documents from internships and is motivated to learn about international policies and human rights.

  12. unicef Cover Letter

    View a real cover letter for the unicef Internship position, intership. Access our database of cover letters for internships and recent grad positions.

  13. Sample cover letter for Internship position at UNICEF

    NAME. ADDRESS. NAME OF PLACE. EMAIL. CONTACT. THE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER, UNICEF. Dear Sir/Madam, RE: APPLICATION FOR AN INTERNSHIP. I am interested in the position of Intern as advertised on 4 th Apr 2016, Eastern Standard Time. I am currently in my final year, pursuing a Degree in Bachelor of Arts (Urban and Regional Planning) With IT; at Maseno University.

  14. UNICEF Cover Letter

    View a real cover letter for the UNICEF Internship position, Internship. Access our database of cover letters for internships and recent grad positions. Skip to Main Content. Sign In. MindSumo allows students to solve real-world projects from the world's largest companies. Propose the next big idea and gain experience for job opportunities.

  15. How to create a cover letter for a UN internship?

    When creating your cover letter for a UN internship you may also want to take the relevant UN skills and competencies into consideration. The UN differs between UN organizational core values, UN competencies and managerial competencies (such as e.g. leadership). And these differentiations are among others extremely important for your UN job ...

  16. Sample cover letter for Internship position at UNICEF

    Sample cover letter for Internship position at UNICEF. POSITION: M & E Speacialist . Dear Sir/Madam, Sub: Application for the Post of "Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, P-4, USSC, Nairobi" The position advertised is an excellent fit with my demonstrated expertise and experience in UNICEF, government, donor agencies,NGOs, and consulting firm ...

  17. Sample Cover Letter for UN (United Nations) Jobs

    Sample Cover Letter 1 presents an example of an Administrative Assistant applying for a position at the United Nations' Houston Office. The candidate emphasizes their exceptional clerical skills, hands-on experience, and ability to handle various administrative tasks. The letter showcases the candidate's enthusiasm and includes a promise to ...

  18. unicef Cover Letter

    View a real cover letter for the unicef Internship position, senior officer. Access our database of cover letters for internships and recent grad positions.

  19. 2 UN Internship Cover Letter Examples

    UN Internship Cover Letter Sample 1. RE: Internship Position. Dear Mr/Ms [Hiring Manager's Name], I am writing to express my strong interest in the UN Internship program, as advertised on the United Nations careers website. As a highly motivated and passionate individual, I believe my skills and experiences align perfectly with the goals of ...

  20. Sample cover letter for Internship position at UNICEF

    COVER LetteR. From: Macaty FALL, EDUCATION SPECIALIST- UNICEF Senegal Country Office. To: UNICEF RECRUITMENT . OBJECT: applying for the position of "Education Specialist, P 3" Bamako, Mali. References: I-VN-2015-001830 Position #:00085174. DATE: 10.08.2015. To Whom it may concern

  21. unicef Cover Letter

    View a real cover letter for the unicef Internship position, advertice comiunication. Access our database of cover letters for internships and recent grad positions.

  22. Get prepared

    After you have searched for jobs and completed your self-assessment, you're ready to apply! For most job applications at UNICEF, you should complete and submit an online recruitment profile, a CV/resume and cover letter. > Click here to learn more about applying. 4. Shortlisting.

  23. unicef

    The aim of the internship is to support UNICEF's engagement with human rights mechanisms in Geneva, including the Committee on the Rights of the Child, Human Rights Council and the Universal Periodic review. ... One letter of signed recommendation on letterhead or from professional email address; ... UNICEF will not cover costs arising from ...

  24. Sample cover letter for Internship position at UNICEF

    Get access to over 7,000 cover letters from candidates getting jobs at your target companies. Fact: Google is more likely to hire you if your resume includes side projects. Explore company projects on MindSumo. MindSumo is the leading crowdsourcing platform for insight and innovation from Millennials and Gen Z consumers.