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  • Speech on Technology


Technology in This Generation

We are in a generation, where technology has surrounded us from all sides. Our everyday life runs on the use of technology, be it in the form of an alarm clock or a table lamp. Technology has been an important part of our daily lives. Therefore, it is important for the students to be familiar with the term technology. Therefore, we have provided a long speech on technology for students of all age groups. There is also a short speech and a 10 lines speech given in this article.

Long Speech on Technology

A warm welcome to everyone gathered here today. I am here to deliver a speech on technology which has taken a tremendous role in our day to day life. We all are in a generation where everything is dependent on technology. Let’s understand what technology is through the lens of Science. 

Technology comes in the form of tangible and intangible properties by exerting physical and mental force to achieve something that adds value. For example, a mobile phone is tangible, and the network connection used by the phone is intangible. Technology has taken its place as indispensable, wherein it has resulted in economic benefits, better health care, time-saving, and better lifestyle.

Due to technology, we have a significant amount of knowledge to improve our lives and solve problems. We can get our work done efficiently and effectively. As long as you know how to access technology, it can be used and proves to benefit people of all ages greatly. Technology is constantly being modified and upgraded every passing year. 

The evolution of technology has made it possible to achieve lots in less time. Technology has given tools and machines to be used to solve problems around the world. There has been a complete transformation in the way we do things because of contributions from scientific technology. We can achieve more tasks while saving our time and hence in a better place than our previous generation. 

Right from the ringing of the morning alarm to switching off the fan, everything runs behind the technology. Even the microphone that I am using is an innovation of technology and thus the list continues. With several inventions of hi-tech products, our daily needs are available on a screen at our fingertips. These innovations and technologies have made our lives a lot easier. Everything can be done at the comfort of your home within a couple of hours or so. These technologies have not only helped us in the digital platform but have also given us innovations in the field of medical, educational, industrial as well as in agricultural sectors. If we go back to the older generations, it would take days to get any things solved, even if there were not many treatments for several diseases. 

But today with the innovations of technology, many diseases can be treated and diagnosed within a shorter period of time. The relationship between humans and technology has continued for ages and has given rise to many innovations. It has made it easier for us to handle our daily chores starting from home, office, schools and kitchen needs. It has made available basic necessities and safer living spaces. We can sit at home comfortably and make transactions through the use of online banking. Online shopping, video calling, and attending video lectures on the phone have all been possible due to the invention of the internet. 

People in the past would write letters to communicate with one another, and today due to technology, traditional letters have been replaced by emails and mobile phones. These features are the essential gifts of technology. Everything is just at our fingertips, right from turning on the lights to doing our laundry. The whole world runs on technology and hence, we are solely dependent on it. But everything has its pros and cons. While the benefits of technology are immense, it also comes with some negative effects and possibly irreversible damages to humanity and our planet. 

We have become so dependent on technology that we often avoid doing things on our own. It as a result makes us lazy and physically inactive. This has also led to several health issues such as obesity and heart diseases. We prefer booking a cab online rather than walking a few kilometres. Technology has increased screen time, and thus, children are no longer used to playing in the playgrounds but are rather found spending hours on their phones playing video games. This has eroded children’s creativity, intelligence, and memory. No doubt, technology is a very essential part of our life, but we should not be totally dependent on it. We should practise being more fit and do regular activities on our own to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The other aspects that have been badly affected us are that since technology replaced human interference, is unemployment. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc., were meant to connect people and increase our community circle. Still, it has made people all the more lonely, with cases of depression on the rise amongst the youth. 

There are several controversies around the way world leaders have used technology in defence and industrialisation under the banner of development and advancements. The side effects of technology have resulted in pollution, climate change, forest fires, extreme storms, cyclones, impure air, global warming, land area getting reduced and natural resources getting extinct. It’s time we change our outlook towards selfish technology and bring about responsible technology. Every nation needs to set aside budgets to come up with sustainable technological developments. 

As students, we should develop creative problem solving using critical thinking to bring clean technology into our world. As we improve our nation, we must think of our future for a greener and cleaner tomorrow. You would be glad to know that several initiatives have been initiated to bring awareness amongst children and youth to invent cleaner technology. 

For example, 15-year-old Vinisha Umashankar invented a solar ironing cart and has been awarded the Earth Shot Prize by the Royal Foundation of the duke and duchess of Cambridge and honoured to speak at the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland. Her invention should be an inspiration to each one of us to pursue clean technology.

The top five technologically advanced countries are Japan, America, Germany, China and South Korea. We Indians will make our mark on this list someday. Technology has a vital role in our lives but lets us be mindful that we control technology and that technology doesn’t control us. Technology is a tool to elevate humanity and is not meant to be a self-destroying mechanism under the pretext of economic development. Lastly, I would like to conclude my speech by saying that technology is a boon for our society but we should use it in a productive way. 

A Short Speech on Technology

A warm greeting to everyone present here. Today I am here to talk about technology and how it has gifted us with various innovations. Technology as we know it is the application of scientific ideas to develop a machine or a device for serving the needs of humans. We, human beings, are completely dependent on technology in our daily life. We have used technology in every aspect of our life starting from household needs, schools, offices, communication and entertainment. Our life has been more comfortable due to the use of technology. We are in a much better and comfortable position as compared to our older generation. This is possible because of various contributions and innovations made in the field of technology. Everything has been made easily accessible for us at our fingertips right from buying a thing online to making any banking transaction. It has also led to the invention of the internet which gave us access to search for any information on google. But there are also some disadvantages. Relying too much on technology has made us physically lazy and unhealthy due to the lack of any physical activity. Children have become more prone to video games and social media which have led to obesity and depression. Since they are no longer used to playing outside and socialising, they often feel isolated. Therefore, we must not totally be dependent on technology and should try using it in a productive way.

10 Lines Speech on Technology

Technology has taken an important place in our lives and is considered an asset for our daily needs.

The world around us is totally dependent on technology, thus, making our lives easier.

The innovation of phones, televisions and laptops has digitally served the purpose of entertainment today.

Technology has not only helped us digitally but has also led to various innovations in the field of medical science.

Earlier it took years to diagnose and treat any particular disease, but today with the help of technology it has led to the early diagnosis of several diseases.

We, in this generation, like to do things sitting at our own comfort within a short period of time. This thing has been made possible by technology.

All our daily activities such as banking, shopping, entertainment, learning and communication can be done on a digital platform just by a click on our phone screen.

Although all these gifts of technology are really making our lives faster and easier, it too has got several disadvantages.

Since we all are highly dependent on technology, it has reduced our daily physical activity. We no longer put effort to do anything on our own as everything is available at a minute's click.

Children nowadays are more addicted to online video games rather than playing outside in the playground. These habits make them more physically inactive.


FAQs on Speech on Technology

1. Which kind of technology is the most widely used nowadays?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the field of technology that is being used the most nowadays and is expected to grow even more even in the future. With AI being adopted in numerous sectors and industries and continuously more research being done on it, it will not be long before we see more forms of AI in our daily lives.

2. What is the biggest area of concern with using technology nowadays?

Protection of the data you have online is the biggest area of concern. With hacking and cyberattacks being so common, it is important for everyone to ensure they do not post sensitive data online and be cautious when sharing information with others.

Speech on Technology for Students and Children

3 minutes speech on technology.

We live in the 21st century, where we do all over work with the help of technology. We know technology as the name “technological know-how”. Read Speech on Technology.

Speech on Technology

Also, it implies the modern practical knowledge that we require to do things in an effective and efficient manner. Moreover, technological advancements have made life easier and convenient.

We use this technology on a daily basis to fulfill our interests and particular duties. From morning till evening we use this technology as it helps us numerous ways.

Also, it benefits all age groups, people, until and unless they know how to access the same. However, one must never forget that anything that comes to us has its share of pros and cons.

Benefits of Technology

In our day-to-day life technology is very useful and important. Furthermore, it has made communication much easier than ever before. The introduction of modified and advanced innovations of phones and its application has made connecting to people much easier.

Moreover, technology-not only transformed our professional world but also has changed the household life to a great extent. In addition, most of the technology that we today use is generally automatic in comparison to that our parents and grandparents had in their days.

Due to technology in the entertainment industry, they have more techniques to provide us with a more realistic real-time experience.

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Drawbacks of Technology

On the one hand, technology provides users with benefits or advantages, while on the other hand, it has some drawbacks too. These drawbacks or disadvantages negatively affect the importance of technology. One of the biggest problems, which everyone can easily observe, is unemployment.

In so many sectors, due to the over practice and much involvement of technology the machines have replaced human labor leading to unemployment.

Moreover, certain physiological researches teams have also proved their disadvantages. Because of the presence of social media applications like Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, etc. the actual isolation has increased manifold. And ultimately it leads to increased loneliness and depression cases amongst the youngsters.

Due to the dependence of humans on technology, it has deteriorated the intelligence and creativity of children. Moreover, in today’s world technology is very important but if the people use it negatively, then there arises the negativity of the technology.

However, one thing that we need to keep in mind is that innovations are made to help us not to make us a victim of this technology.

How to use Technology?

Today we have technology that can transform lives. We have quick and vast access to the reservoir of knowledge through the Internet. So, we should make good use of it to solve the problems that we have around the world.

In the past, people use to write a letter to people that take many days to reach the destination, like the money order, personal letter, or a greeting card, but now we can send them much easily within few minutes.

Nowadays, we can easily transfer money online through our mobile phone and can send greetings through e-mail within a matter of minutes.

Besides, we cannot simply sum up the advantages and usefulness of technology at our fingertips.

In conclusion, I would say that it depends on a person that to what degree she/he wants to be dependent on technology. Moreover, there is nothing in the world that comes easy and it’s up to our conscience to decide what we want to learn from the things that we are provided to us.

Technology is not just a boom but a curse too. On one hand, it can save lives, on the other hand, it can destroy them too.

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  • Speech On Technology

Speech on Technology

Have you ever thought about the encroachment of technology in our lives? Can you imagine spending a day in your life without relying on technology? We live in a world where all major work is done with the assistance of technology. What are the benefits of technology, and what are its drawbacks? Read the article and develop a fine speech on technology.

Table of Contents

Top 10 quotes to use in a speech on technology, speech on the benefits of technology, speech on the disadvantages of technology, short speech on technology, frequently asked questions on technology.

  • “Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg.
  • “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” – Albert Einstein.
  • “It is only when they go wrong that machines remind you how powerful they are.” – Clive James.
  • “The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. The future is still so much bigger than the past.”- Tim Berners-Lee.
  • “If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger.” – Frank Lloyd Wright.
  • “If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created, not just as it looked when we got through with it.” – Lyndon B. Johnson.
  • “Once a new technology rolls over you, if you’re not part of the steamroller, you’re part of the road.” – Stewart Brand.
  • “It’s not a faith in technology. It’s faith in people.” – Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple.
  • “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” – Christian Lous Lange.
  • “The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life.”- Bill Gates.

Sample Speeches on Technology

A few samples of speeches on technology are given below. Go through them and utilise the resource for your better understanding of the topic.

Just like a coin, technology also has two sides, one is its benefits, and the other is its disadvantages.

There are multiple ways by which technology is favouring the lives of human beings. In the modern world, people are making maximum use of it. Technology became a great boon for us when it marked its advancement in the field of medical science. Through continuous evolution and updation, technology has reached a level that enables us to treat and cure many health disorders, including cancer and other chronic disorders. It has helped to save the lives of many humans, and truly it can be called a ‘life saver’.

The coming of the internet, mobile phones, and computers have eased the process of communication. With the support of all these advanced technologies, communication has become a simpler, faster, and more effective process. Can you imagine spending days waiting for a reply from your beloved ones? How strange will that be, right?

Another main advantage brought by technology is increased productivity. The overall production rate has increased drastically. With the assistance of huge machines and other technologies, the quantity of products has marked a rise without compromising on the quality. Technologies are evolving every single day; new discoveries are made frequently with the help of existing technologies and types of machinery. In one way or another, we can say that technologies aid new discoveries.

Technologies are making our lives easier. Imagine a situation where there is no internet and the world wide web. How will you receive information from all around the world? How long will it take to provide you with the exact information that you need? Will that be an updated one once it reaches you? Technologies are helping us to lead a secure life. Progressive changes that have happened in banking and money management are exceptional as well. Innovations like webcams and surveillance cameras have aided visual communication and security.

The benefits of technology is a very vast topic. Every single aspect of human life has the influence of technology in it. So pointing out each and every benefit of technology is impossible. Even though technology has many advantages, keep in mind that nothing can replace human intelligence. Always try to manage the use of technology, do not let it manage your lives.

We proudly proclaim that humans are the masters of technology; by doing that, we are actually trying to cover the ultimate truth behind it. We are completely dependent on technology. Even if the term advancement is often linked with technology, there exists multiple disadvantages too. With the encroachment of technology, people have lost their social life. It’s the supremacy of Artificial Intelligence (AI) over natural intelligence that is happening in the world right now. Humans are no longer social beings; they are just living beings with digital control.

Technological updates are happening in all sectors, and each and every new technological advancement offers us advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a look at the disadvantages brought by digital technologies. Personal technologies like smartphones and laptops are isolating people from the larger physical community around them. More than getting engaged in public activities, what excites people more is their time on their personal gadgets.

Real lives and emotions are given very less value in the modern world. Even though technology is helping humans to save enough time, people are busy in their virtual realities. The world of social media is highly influencing the lives of people irrespective of age. People are getting dragged into that cyberspace. Let’s remember the words of Allison Burnett, “Only on Internet Technology can a person be lonely and popular at the same time.” How accurate these words are, right?

We always connect technology with something that is newly happening, right? But is that so? Technology is not a 21st century term. Technology is as old as civilisation. Every little change, even the use of primitive tools that were used for hunting in ancient times, can be connected with technology. Over the course of time, technology has undergone multiple changes, and such evolutions are clearly visible in all sectors of society. Do you know what the most precious thing on earth is? Is it the yacht History Supreme? Is it Antilla? Or is it ‘The Card Players’, a famous painting by French artist Paul Cezzane?

All these things may cost a lot, but not as much as time. Time is the most precious thing on earth, nothing can replace it, and it has to be valued. The assistance of modern technology has enabled us to save it. After the introduction of technologies, things that took hours and days for completion are now getting completed in seconds and minutes. Simultaneously, it is saving our money and bettering our lives, but never forget the words, “Too much of anything is good for nothing.”

Why is technology important?

There are multiple ways by which technology is favouring the lives of human beings. Technology became a great boon for us when it marked its advancement in the field of medical science. By continuous evolution and updation, technology has reached a level that enables us to treat and cure many health disorders, including cancer and other chronic disorders. It has helped to save the lives of many humans, and truly it can be called a ‘life saver’.

What are the top quotes to use in a speech on technology?

  • “Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg.
  • “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” – Albert Einstein.
  • “It is only when they go wrong that machines remind you how powerful they are.” – Clive James.

How does technology affect our lives?

Even if the term advancement is linked with technology, there are multiple disadvantages. With the encroachment of technology, people have lost their social life. It’s the supremacy of Artificial Intelligence (AI) over natural intelligence that is happening in the world right now. Humans are no longer social beings; they are just living beings with digital control.

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Informative Speeches on Technology

Speech Topics List for Extemporaneous Speaking

Speech Topics List for Extemporaneous Speaking

Technology's far-reaching impact touches just about everything in society, and informative speeches about technology can help audiences understand that influence. Speakers can rely on government research, data and studies as well as articles that appear in newspapers, magazines and in the broadcast media to inform their speech. Since informative speeches are meant to educate audiences, speakers should avoid persuasive or argumentative language.

Informative speeches about technology can focus on consumer issues such as trends and how-to demonstrations. Examining the trends of what people buy and how much they will spend can make great speech topics regarding just about any technological gadget. Speakers can inform audiences about the popular features people look for and how much they will pay for the latest technology to hit the market. Speakers may also choose to demonstrate a product they are familiar with; it gives speakers the opportunity to talk about how something works. Topics can also look at the history of technology and its evolution in certain sectors such as cell phones, personal listening devices, home computers and televisions.

Technology speeches about security can include topics about identity theft, virus protection and cyber security. Speeches about identity theft can inform audiences about how to avoid becoming a victim and how to check to see if someone stole their identity. Informative speeches can also cover virus protection software and types of Internet viruses. Cyber security topics can include the growth of experts needed in the field and its connection to homeland security and the corporate world. Speeches can also focus on educating people in cyber security, telling them where to get schooling in cyber security, possible careers and salary range.

Ethical topics in technology can focus on a number of areas where people use computers that raise ethical questions. Speeches can focus using photo manipulation software to alter photographs that change the way people appear including their face, body shape, the clothes they wear and even the setting of the actual photograph and portray it as an accurate representation of fact. Topics can also cover using the Internet to plagiarize research papers and information found in newspaper or magazine articles.

Giving a speech about technology and society can cover topics such as social media and lifestyle topics. Speeches about social media can include the types of social media websites available and how to use those websites to find old high school friends, long lost family members and even how to make the most of its existence for a business, community group or as a public relations tool. Topics about lifestyle can include how technology makes life easier, including looking for a job, shopping, researching information, personal banking and even playing games.

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Voice technology for the rest of the world

Project aims to build a dataset with 1,000 words in 1,000 different languages to bring voice technology to hundreds of millions of speakers around the world.

Voice-enabled technologies like Siri have gone from a novelty to a routine way to interact with technology in the past decade. In the coming years, our devices will only get chattier as the market for voice-enabled apps, technologies and services continues to expand. 

But the growth of voice-enabled technology is not universal.  For much of the world, technology remains frustratingly silent. 

“Speech is a natural way for people to interact with devices, but we haven’t realized the full potential of that yet because so much of the world is shut out from these technologies,” said Mark Mazumder, a Ph.D. student at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.  

The challenge is data. Voice assistants like Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa need thousands to millions of unique examples to recognize individual keywords like “light” or “off”. Building those enormous datasets is incredibly expensive and time-consuming, prohibiting all but the biggest companies from developing voice recognition interfaces. 

Even companies like Apple and Google only train their models on a handful of languages, shutting out hundreds of millions of people from interacting with their devices via voice. Want to build a voice-enabled app for the nearly 50 million Hausa speakers across West Africa? Forget it. Neither Siri, Alexa nor Google Home currently support a single African language.

But Mazumder and a team of SEAS researchers, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Michigan, Intel, NVIDIA, Landing AI, Google, MLCommons and Coqui, are building a solution to bring voice technology to the rest of the world. 

At the Neural Information Processing Systems conference last week, the team presented a diverse, multilingual speech dataset that spans languages spoken by over 5 billion people. Dubbed the Multilingual Spoken Words Corpus , the dataset has more than 340,000 keywords in 50 languages with upwards of 23.4 million audio examples so far. 

“We have built a dataset automation pipeline that can automatically identify and extract keywords and synthesize them into a dataset,” said Vijay Janapa Reddi , Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at SEAS and senior author of the study.  “The Multilingual Spoken Words Corpus advances the research and development of voice-enabled applications for a broad global audience."

image of Mark Mazumder

Voice interfaces can make technology more accessible for users with visual or physical impairments, or for lower literacy users. We hope free datasets like ours will help assistive technology developers to meet these needs.

image of David Kanter

Speech technology can empower billions of people across the planet, but there’s a real need for large, open, and diverse datasets to catalyze innovation.

Vijay Janapa Reddi

This is just the beginning. Our goal is to build a dataset with 1,000 words in 1,000 different languages.

“Speech technology can empower billions of people across the planet, but there’s a real need for large, open, and diverse datasets to catalyze innovation,” said David Kanter, MLCommons co-founder and executive director and co-author of the study. “The Multilingual Spoken Words Corpus offers a tremendous breadth of languages. I’m excited for these datasets to improve everyday experiences like voice-enabled consumer devices and speech recognition.”

To build the dataset, the team used recordings from Mozilla Common Voice, a massive global project that collects donated voice recordings in a wide variety of spoken languages, including languages with a smaller population of speakers. Through the Common Voice website, volunteer speakers are given a sentence to read aloud in their chosen language. Another group of volunteers listens to the recorded sentences and verifies its accuracy. 

The researchers applied a machine learning algorithm that can recognize and pull keywords from recorded sentences in Common Voice. 

For example, one sentence prompt from Common Voice reads: “He played college football at Texas and Rice.”

First, the algorithm uses a common machine learning  technique called forced alignment — specifically a tool called the Montreal Forced Aligner —  to match the spoken words with text. Then the algorithm filters and extracts words with three or more characters (or two characters in Chinese). From the above sentence, the algorithm would pull “played” “college” “football” “Texas” “and” and “Rice.” To add the word to the dataset, the algorithm needs to find at least five examples of the word, which ensures all words have multiple pronunciation examples.  

The algorithm also optimizes for gender balance and minimal speaker overlap between the samples used for training and evaluating keyword spotting models.  

“Our goal was to create a large corpus of very common words,” said Mazumder, who is the first author of the study. “So, if you want to train a model for smart lights in Tamil, for example, you would probably use our dataset to pull the keywords “light”, “on”, “off” and “dim” and be able to find enough examples to train the model.”

“We want to build the voice equivalent of Google search for text and images,” said Reddi.  “A dataset search engine that can go and find what you want, when you want it on the fly, rather than rely on static datasets that are costly and tedious to create.”

When the researchers compared the accuracy of models trained on their dataset against models trained on a Google dataset that was manually constructed by carefully sourcing individual and specific words, the team found only a small accuracy gap between the two. 

For most of the 50 languages, the Multilingual Spoken Words Corpus is the first available keyword dataset that is free for commercial use. For several languages, such as Mongolian, Sakha, and Hakha Chin, it is the first keyword spotting dataset in the language.

“This is just the beginning,” said Reddi. “Our goal is to build a dataset with 1,000 words in 1,000 different languages.”

“Whether it’s on Common Voice or YouTube, Wikicommons,, or any other creative commons site, there is so much more data out there that we can scrape to build this dataset and expand the diversity of the languages for voice-based interfaces,” said Mazumder. “Voice interfaces can make technology more accessible for users with visual or physical impairments, or for lower literacy users. We hope free datasets like ours will help assistive technology developers to meet these needs.” 

The corpus is available on MLCommons, a not-for-profit, open engineering consortium dedicated to improving machine learning for everyone. Reddi is Vice President and a board member of MLCommons  .

The paper was co-authored by Sharad Chitlangia, Colby Banbury, Yiping Kang, Juan Manuel Ciro, Keith Achorn, Daniel Galvez, Mark Sabini, Peter Mattson, Greg Diamos, Pete Warden and Josh Meyer. 

The research was sponsored in part by the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) and Google.

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Vijay Janapa Reddi

Vijay Janapa Reddi

John L. Loeb Associate Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences

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speech technology

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What is speech technology?

Speech technology is a type of computing technology that enables an electronic device to recognize, analyze and understand spoken word or audio. This is typically done by inputting digital sound signals and matching its pattern against a library of stored patterns.

How does speech technology work?

Speech technology relies on the concepts of signal processing and machine learning . Signal processing is used to extract relevant information from speech, such as speaker characteristics, background noise and frequency. Machine learning is then applied to these listening devices to recognize and analyze the speech signals to perform the desired output, such as returning an automatic response.

Since speech is a primary form of communication, the growth of speech technology is an important step towards harnessing unstructured voice data. Subfields of speech technology include:

speech recognition

  • speech verification
  • real-time speech to text conversion
  • interactive voice response ( IVR )
  • speech synthesis
  • speech analytics

Speech technology is often spoken interchangeably with voice technology , but they serve different functions. Speech technology focuses on what is said, while voice technology zeroes in on who said it.

What are use cases for speech technology?

With the growing presence of artificial intelligence tools in the enterprises, speech technology has many uses in all sectors, including law, healthcare, security, finance, enterprise and personal use. A few specific examples include:

  • Speech technology and speaker verification platforms can identify and validate a person's voice in law enforcement procedures and processes.
  • Companies are able to apply speech technology such as speech to text and IVR functionalities to streamline customer service and support .
  • Healthcare providers can use speech technology devices to aid patients that are visually impaired or hard of hearing.
  • Personal use voice assistants such as Siri, Google Home and Amazon Alexa are devices that offer individualized speech technology experiences.
  • Various careers, including speech technologists, speech engineers and speech pathologists, rely heavily on speech technology to collect more technical audio components like sample rate, signal to noise ratio and modulation.

Speech technology enjoyed a large uptick in use in 2020 with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. With workforces forced to transition to remote and hybrid models, speech technology gained traction to record virtual meetings, enable touch-free dictation and even translate languages. Speech technology will continue to advance in the coming years to serve more use in the revamped hybrid enterprise work model.

Continue Reading About speech technology

  • How do you build a business case for speech technology applications?
  • What are speech technology applications beyond contact centers?
  • How will speech technologies integrate with UC apps?
  • Speech recognition technology in healthcare tested at Boston hospital
  • Speech to text transcription software and applications

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Speech on Technology In Education

Technology is transforming how you learn at school. It’s like a new friend that makes studying interesting and fun. In the second paragraph, imagine how cool it is when your homework comes alive on your computer screen. That’s the magic of technology in education!

1-minute Speech on Technology In Education

First off, we know technology has changed many aspects of our lives, and it’s doing the same for education. You see, students no longer rely only on books. Now, they use laptops, tablets, and even their phones to learn. This helps them to access knowledge from all around the world.

Also, with technology, learning is becoming more personalized. Apps and online platforms can adjust to your speed and style of learning. If you find math tricky, the app can provide extra practice in that area. It’s like having a personal tutor right in your pocket!

Let’s not forget teachers. Technology also helps them. They can use digital tools to prepare classes, track student progress, and even communicate with parents. So, it makes their job easier and more effective.

Lastly, technology teaches us important skills for the future. By using technology, students learn how to solve problems, think critically, and work in teams. These are valuable skills in the digital age.

2-minute Speech on Technology In Education

Good day, everyone!

First, let’s look at how technology makes learning more exciting and interactive. Think about the computer or tablet you use at school or home. Now, imagine learning about the solar system by exploring it in a 3D model on your device. It’s like taking a trip to outer space without leaving your room! Cool, right? That’s what technology does. It makes learning fun and brings our textbooks to life.

Next, technology also helps us learn at our own pace. Have you ever felt stuck on a math problem while doing your homework? With technology, you can now use learning apps to practice and understand these problems better. You can learn whenever you want, wherever you want, and at your own speed. That’s the beauty of tech in education.

Let’s not forget how technology helps teachers. With tech tools, teachers can design interesting lessons and track our progress better. They can quickly identify where we need help and provide us with more support. It’s like having a personal assistant that helps teachers guide us better.

Finally, technology helps us stay connected. We can collaborate on projects with classmates, even when we can’t meet them. We can share ideas, give feedback, and learn from each other. This way, technology makes learning a team sport.

In conclusion, technology in education is like a friend who makes learning fun, easy, and accessible. It’s a tool that opens up new worlds and helps us become better learners. So, next time you pick up your tablet or log into your online class, remember, you’re not just using a device – you’re stepping into a world of endless possibilities.

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Supreme Court Declines to Rule on Tech Platforms’ Free Speech Rights

The justices unanimously returned two cases, which concerned state laws that supporters said were aimed at “Silicon Valley censorship,” to lower courts. Critics had said the laws violated the sites’ First Amendment rights.

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The front of the Supreme Court building, seen through trees and against a blue sky.

By Abbie VanSickle ,  David McCabe and Adam Liptak

Reporting from Washington

The Supreme Court sidestepped a definitive resolution on Monday in a pair of cases challenging state laws aimed at curbing the power of social media companies to moderate content. The ruling left in limbo an effort by Republicans who had promoted the legislation as a remedy to what they say is a bias against conservatives.

It was the most recent instance of the Supreme Court considering — and then dodging — a major decision on the parameters of speech on social media platforms.

The state laws differ in their details. Florida’s prevents the platforms from permanently barring candidates for political office in the state, while Texas’ prohibits the platforms from removing any content based on a user’s viewpoint.

The justices unanimously agreed to return the cases to lower courts for analysis. Justice Elena Kagan, writing for the majority, noted that neither lower appeals courts had properly analyzed the First Amendment challenges to the Florida and Texas laws.

“In sum, there is much work to do below on both these cases,” Justice Kagan wrote, adding, “But that work must be done consistent with the First Amendment, which does not go on leave when social media are involved.”

Under the narrow ruling, the state laws remain intact, but lower court injunctions also remain in place, meaning both laws continue to be paused.

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Speech on Technology in Simple and Easy Words

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The topic Technology is a very interesting subject to write on, especially when it is to be addressed in relation with the students. The need of technology arises everywhere – whether it’s in an educational institute, household, research centre or any multinational company. Moreover, teachers often ask their students to prepare speech on technology with its positive as well as negative effects on human beings. Here, on our portal we help you out with both short speech on technology as well as long speech on technology so that all learners can draw benefit out of these speeches. The content that we provide is easy to understand and can help students to learn all about technology and its wide-ranging uses.

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Long and Short Speeches on Technology

Speech on technology – 1.

Honourable Principal, Vice principal, Teachers and all my Fellow Classmates!

I stand here today to deliver a succinct speech on technology and how it has greatly affected our lives. In today’s world of rising competition, technology plays a very crucial role in making our lives easy and comfortable. There is no doubt that it is the most significant component of our survival in today’s era.

Presently, each and every day, a novel application or software is being introduced in the economy that serves to enhance and uplift the lifestyle of the people in innumerable ways; hence making our lives better and full of smart components.

We use technology every day and everywhere in order to fulfil particular duties or our specific interests. The technology helps us in numerous ways from morning till evening. People from all the age groups benefit from technology until and unless they know how to access the same. But one must never forget that anything that comes to us has its own share of pros and cons.

There are multifarious benefits of technology. Technology has made communication much easier than ever before by the introduction of advanced and modified innovations of phones and applications. Not only in the professional world, but also in the household sphere, technology has contributed a lot. Most of the technology that we have around us is automatic as compared to the ones our parents had in their days. In the entertainment sector, we have more techniques to provide the audience with a real time experience. There are more games, better musical instruments, better visual systems like smart TV’s. Great success has been achieved in social networking by connecting millions of people at one go with the help of codes. The advanced technology in clinics and hospitals has reduced the errors made by surgeons; hence evolving the patient’s treatment.

Despite all these advantages there are some disadvantages as well, which have negatively affected the importance of technology. The biggest problem that has been witnessed is unemployment. Due to the over practice and much involvement of technology, the machinery has replaced human labour leading to unemployment in so many sectors. Certain physiological research teams have also proved that due to the presence of social applications like Whatsapp , Facebook and Twitter , etc the actual social isolation has increased leading to depression and increased loneliness cases amongst the youngsters. The increased dependency of humans on technology has even deteriorated the intelligence and creativity of children.

Our nation is a developing nation in the context of technology and science. So, we must know how to make wise utilisation of technology without creating hindrance in the growth of an individual, mentally as well as physically. At last, I would only say that it depends on us how much we choose to be dependent on technology because there is nothing in the world which comes easy; it’s our conscience which decides what we learn from the things that are provided to us.

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Speech on Technology – 2

Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and Dear Fellow Students!

I am Namrata from Class 10, Section –A and your host for today’s event. I warmly welcome you all for assembling here. Before we begin the programme, I would like to speak on an extremely significant topic, i.e. “Technology”, as it has become a major part of our lives.

Advancement in Science and Technology in many spheres has without any doubt made our lives better than the earlier times. We cannot refute the fact that the life of each one of us is highly dependent on the scientific inventions and modern day technology.

It has bought an end to the wooden toys era and replaced the same with automatic cars. Its effect has been well observed in spheres like medicines, education, infrastructure, electricity, aviation, information, computer, metallurgy, physics, nuclear energy, space technology, defence research, biotechnology, household, sports, job, tourism, agriculture and numerous other fields as well.

Introduction of such technological strides, ideas and inventions to all these fields has brought a gigantic level of positive change in the current generation and thus, has provided them a variety of new and innovative opportunities. In India, technology has become the main source of the foundational and creative developments. It has improved and brought some huge developments in the Indian Economic status worldwide and has also created many new programmes for our new generation to grow in this technical world.

The maximum advantages have been seen in the educational sector. The more technological modifications, the better benefits it provides for students at several educational levels. For instance, since many students find the normal lectures boring and monotonous, the idea of smart classes makes them more engrossed in the same lectures that they earlier found boring.

There are also some people who are of the opinion that technology spoils a person by making him stoic and reducing his physical activities; thus increasing the chances of various health problems. This section of people supports the fact that the technological-based society offers a kind of silver spoon to people so much so that in the end they are unable to solve their problem on their own. This kind of dependency puts people in a horrifying condition where they are not at all self-reliant.

Other set of people who debate on this argument, believe that technology continues to be a very significant part of our society. They support the fact that it’s an indispensable part of our lives in the present scenario and will only help people for their betterment. It is immensely useful in providing the much needed knowledge to the students. All the great changes in varied arenas discussed above, have taken place due to the game changing contribution of technology. Further, this is a technical and cultural revolution.

But one thing we must not forget is that all the innovations are made to help us, not to make us the victim of the technological world. Now that we have a quick and easy access to the vast reservoir of knowledge through internet, we should make good use of it in order to solve the problems that we have around the world.

So students let us all take a pledge today to only make a fair use of technology for the realization of our goals and not making ourselves slaves of technology.

Speech on Technology – 3

Good Evening Friends! I warmly welcome everyone to the speech ceremony of today.

I, Kartik Kaushik, am your host for today evening and would like to address the topic called technology. I am sure that we all can relate with technology without which we cannot imagine our lives. No matter wherever we go and whatever we do, technology has a sweeping influence over our lives. From the on and off of electric buttons to working in the kitchen with the appliances to going out in a car or any other vehicle – everything is governed by technology. Technology has gifted us so many things in life and thus we can safely say that it’s a boon for the mankind.

Technology plays a very significant role in satisfying our day to day needs. You just look around yourself and you will find everything from a small pen to a big airplane is borne out of technology. From sunrise until sunset, technology is what controls our lives. In fact, technological advancements have made our lives easier and we can perform tasks with a lot of ease and mush faster than ever before and hence can save our time.

It is not possible to do away with technology from our daily lives. Consider if the invention of airplane had not happened, then traveling from one place to the other or from one nation to the other would take considerably a long time. Take for instance, the field of medical science; the lives of many people have been saved due to technological advancements. In the absence of technology, our lives would have become powerless and regressive, so technology has improved our ways of living life.

However, some people believe that technology also brings disasters and its greatest example is war. War creates great bloodshed and takes away the lives of so many people using missiles and bombs. But the matter of fact is that when something goes wrong, we should not blame technology. For instance, when someone has used a knife to murder someone, we cannot put blame on the knife, but on the murderer who used that knife in order to kill someone. The other example can be based on the increasing rape cases. When teenagers sexually molest a girl, they do so after having watched a video on phone or a computer. It is not the fault of a cell phone or the internet, but it’s about the lack of moral principles in us and absence of strict regulation in our society which keeps a check on the downloading and uploading of such videos.

So when people don’t make wise use of technology, problem occurs and fault doesn’t lie with technology, but people who fail to observe morality. Solutions are required to fix these problems and there should be a proper surveillance system by the state and the government where wrong doers must be punished. Other than this, the concerned authority should keep a close watch on the unauthorized streaming of videos, which adversely impact our youth and leave a bad influence on them. Technology is a boon if used wisely and to the best interest of mankind.

This is all I have to say. Thank You!

Speech on Technology – 4

Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Fellow Students – Warm Greetings to one and all!

First let me introduce myself. I, Anand Ahuja from Class-VI (B), would like to take this opportunity and deliver a speech on technology. Technology has completely transformed our lives in every way – the way we manage our day to day lives at home, office, school or anywhere, while we are traveling, talking to somebody over phone, etc. With the advent of technology, our lives have been gifted with a lot many things so much so that technology dominates our lives every second.

Robots are our most advanced form of technology now the only thing that is left is to get inside the human body and target emotions and human blood. To an extent, technology has even conquered that space as well. In corporate, the use of cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence, predictive analytics, machine learning and business intelligence devices, etc., are helping find new avenues to manage, operate and conduct business.

The increase in cloud storage, cloud computing, machine learning and artificial intelligence are such examples, which very soon will have a node to connect with our body and collect the data based on human activities in real time. Relentless development in technology has changed the lives of human both positively as well as negatively. The new inventions and boom in technology are due to our inherent curiosity, problem-solving skills and not to say the least creativity.

While giving birth to new technological inventions, we must also ensure that it should not only be human-friendly, but environmental friendly too. Technology should be like a flower for life and not a destroyer. Technology is present everywhere and deeply connected with our day to day lives. Technology can be called the king which rules over everything. But if human can cleverly manipulate the king, i.e. technology, through his knowledge and skills, then its bad effects can be controlled.

Technology is also greatly dominating the world of education and its learning methods as well. In the ancient times, it was not possible to get data, knowledge and information within fractions of seconds through internet. In fact, online schools have also emerged along with various online degree courses that help save people’s time from traveling to distant places. Now, people can gather information while sitting at one place through e-libraries and materials streaming online. It is indeed a positive move.

In fact, with the creation of machines and robots, the possibilities are such that they may even start giving training to people. Today, there are mobiles, computers, internet connection, video conferencing devices, social media and mobile applications in order to communicate with others from across the globe. It was not possible earlier. The advantage of change in communication is that it is easy, fast and quick way to communicate.

In the past where a letter used to take many days to reach a destination, like money order, personal letter or a greeting card, now they can be send within a few minutes time. Money can be transferred online through your mobile phone and greeting card can be mailed. This is what is called technology and its advantages cannot be simply summed up on finger tips.

So we should consider ourselves privileged that we are born during this time when technological advancements are flourishing and we are getting to enjoy the benefits and as far as its disadvantages are concerned it entirely depends on the human agency how the fruits of its benefits can be reaped and its use can be curtailed so that it doesn’t prove disastrous for the mankind.

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Center for Security and Emerging Technology

Xi Jinping: Speech at the Nationwide S&T Conference, National Science and Technology Awards Conference, and the Conference of Academicians of CAS and CAE (June 24, 2024)


Xi jinping: speech at the nationwide s&t conference, national science and technology awards conference, and the conference of academicians of cas and cae (june 24, 2024), 习近平:在全国科技大会、国家科学技术奖励大会、两院院士大会上的讲话(2024年6月24日).

Read our translation of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s speech at a major Chinese S&T conference in June 2024.

The following is the text of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s speech at a major Chinese S&T conference in June 2024. In his remarks, Xi recaps many of China’s scientific triumphs of 2023 but also warns that the nation still has weaknesses in areas such as original innovation and talent. Xi emphasizes China’s need to improve its self-sufficiency given its increasingly “complex” relationship with other powers, yet maintains that China will continue to play a leading role in international S&T cooperation.

An archived version of the Chinese source text is available online at:

(June 24, 2024)

Academicians, comrades, friends:

This conference is a scientific and technological (S&T) event held at a critical period when China is, through Chinese-style modernization (中国式现代化), comprehensively promoting the construction of China into a world power 1 and undertaking of the rejuvenation of the nation (民族复兴). First, on behalf of the Party Central Committee, I would like to extend my warm congratulations to the collectives and individuals who won the National Science and Technology Awards in 2023! I would like to extend my sincere greetings to the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and the vast number of S&T workers nationwide! I would like to extend a warm welcome to the foreign academicians and friends from the international scientific community who are attending the conference!

When our S&T flourishes, our race (民族) flourishes, and when S&T is strong, our nation is strong. Our party has always attached great importance to the development of science and technology. Since the 18th Party Congress [in 2012], the Party Central Committee has promoted the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy in an in-depth way, proposed the strategic task of accelerating the construction of an innovation-oriented country (创新型国家), established the goal of building China into an S&T powerhouse by 2035, continuously deepened S&T structural reform (科技体制改革), fully stimulated the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of S&T personnel, and vigorously promoted the building of self-reliance (自立自强) in S&T. Our country’s S&T undertakings have made historic achievements and undergone historic changes. New breakthroughs have been achieved in basic and cutting-edge research, and a number of major original achievements have been made in fields such as quantum technology, life science, physical science, and space science. Two core conjectures of differential geometry have been successfully proven, chemical small molecules have induced reprogramming of human cells, and artificially synthesized starch using carbon dioxide has achieved “technological creation.” The strategic high-tech field has seen new leaps and bounds. “Chang’e” has landed on the moon, “Tianhe” has taken up its station in space, “Tianwen” has explored Mars, “Crust I” (“地壳一号”) has advanced into the depths of the Earth, “Striver” (“Fendouzhe”; “奋斗者”) has explored the mysteries of the deep sea at depths greater than 10,000 meters, and the world’s first fourth-generation nuclear power plant has been put into commercial operation. Being innovation-driven has led to new achievements in high-quality development. Emerging industries such as integrated circuits and artificial intelligence (AI) have flourished. The first 6G satellite was successfully launched. BeiDou navigation provides precision services on a global scale. Chinese-made large aircraft have been put into commercial operation. High-speed rail technology has set an international benchmark. New energy vehicles have added new impetus to the global automotive industry. Bioengineered breeding (生物育种), the formulation of new medicines, and green and low-carbon technologies have contributed to food security and the building of a healthy China and a beautiful China. S&T structural reform has opened up a new landscape, the S&T management structure has been reshaped, efforts have been accelerated for the deployment of national strategic S&T forces, and the vitality of innovation entities and talents has been further unleashed. New progress has been made in international opening-up and cooperation. China has taken the initiative to launch international S&T cooperation initiatives and taken the lead in organizing major international scientific plans. China’s influence as an important hub of global innovation continues to grow. All these things have laid a solid foundation for building China into an S&T powerhouse.

In the practice of S&T development in the new era, we have continuously deepened our understanding of the laws [of development] and accumulated many important experiences. The takeaways are: We must adhere to the overall leadership of the Party, strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee over S&T work, keep our eyes on the big picture, consider the overall situation, and grasp the fundamentals, and ensure that the development of S&T always moves in the correct direction. We must persist in walking the path of independent innovation (自主创新) with Chinese characteristics, rely on our own efforts to remake ourselves and on arduous struggle, give full play to the advantages of China’s socialist system in concentrating resources to accomplish major projects, promote high-level S&T self-reliance, and firmly grasp the lifeline of S&T and the initiative for development in our own hands. We must persist in innovation-led development, firmly establish the concept that a firm hold on innovation is a firm hold on development and that seeking innovation is seeking the future, and use S&T innovation to lead high-quality development and guarantee high-level security. We must adhere to the strategic orientation of the “four be oriented towards” (“四个面向”), that is, being oriented toward the cutting edge of world S&T, being oriented toward the main battleground, namely the economy, being oriented toward the major needs of the nation, and being oriented toward the lives and health of the people. We must strengthen the whole-chain arrangement and all-sector layout of S&T innovation, and comprehensively enhance S&T strength and innovation capabilities. We must continue to stimulate innovative vitality through deepening reform, resolutely break down ideological concepts and institutional obstacles that hinder S&T innovation, and effectively transform the advantages of our system into competitive advantages in S&T. We must adhere to the promotion of a virtuous cycle in the education of S&T talent, coordinate the implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the nation through science and education, the talent powerhouse strategy, and the innovation-driven development strategy and the integrated promotion of education development, S&T innovation, and talent training. We must persist in fostering an innovative culture, inheriting the innovative genes of China’s excellent traditional culture, creating a favorable environment that encourages exploration and tolerates failure, and making respect for science and pursuit of innovation a general trend throughout the whole society. We must persist in open cooperation in S&T for the benefit of humanity, pursue an open strategy of mutual benefit and shared success, and contribute Chinese wisdom and strength to addressing global challenges and promoting human development and progress. These experiences are extremely valuable, require our adherence over the long term, and must be continuously enriched and developed in practice.

To view the rest of this translation, download the pdf below.

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  • Translator’s note: This translation renders the Chinese word 强国 qiángguó—which literally means “strong nation”—in English in two different ways, depending on context. Where the translator judges that qiángguó is used in the general geopolitical sense, it is translated as “world power.” Where the translator judges that the text refers to a specific flavor of qiángguó, it is translated as “powerhouse,” as in the phrase “S&T powerhouse” (科技强国). For a more thorough discussion in English of the Chinese word qiángguó, see: .

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Speech On Technology | Technology Speech for Students and Children in English

April 9, 2023 by Prasanna

Speech On Technology:  Tools and machines that are or may be in future used to solve real-world problems are considered to be technology. We now live at an age when we are surrounded by technology in some way or another.

The ever-changing nature of the evolution of the science and technology field has efficiently made our life faster. The work that could have taken days when technology was not around is now achievable within a few seconds.

Technology has helped people to access their necessities easily and provided them with a safer living environment. Therefore it is vital to know about technology and its contributions in our life.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches On Technology for Kids And Students in English

We are providing a long Speech On Technology of 500 words and a short Speech On Technology of 150 words along with ten lines on the same topic for the ease of students.

These speeches will be useful for students for their assignments or exam. People can also use these speeches as a reference to write their own.

A Long Speech On Technology is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Technology is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Technology 500 Words In English

Good morning and a warm welcome to the annual Science Fair of our school.

We have gathered here on this exciting occasion of a school event emphasizing on the contributions of science in our life. I am deeply moved by this initiative of the school to recognize the little scientists that reside in all of us.

Since we are talking about science, how can we leave out the daughter of science? Therefore I am here today to deliver a speech on ‘technology’. I think we have all come across the term technology but are we completely aware of its meaning?

Broadly we can describe technology as both tangible and intangible entities created by applying physical and mental efforts to develop and achieve something of value. A computer is a tangible example of technology, and the internet is an intangible example of technology.

Other categories that technological inventions fall under are high, intermediate and low.

  • High Technology: High technology is considered to be those tools and machines which are almost or entirely automated. High technology is often referred to as smart-tech because the intelligence of the machines is efficient in manipulating ever more exceptional matter and powerful forces.
  • Intermediate Technology: Intermediate technology is considered to be those tools and machines which are partially intelligent and semi-automated. Intermediate technology somewhat reduces human labour, and it is efficient in manipulating refined matter and forces of medium level.
  • Low Technology: Low technology is considered to be those tools and machines which are labour intensive and the ones which can only manipulate coarse matter or gross matter and weaker forces.

There are other types of technology as well as Industrial, Information, Mechanical, Architecture, Electronic, Communication, Medical, Business, etc. However, the advancements in the field of technology were much slower even twenty years ago when compared to now. At present technology has infiltrated almost every aspect of our life, starting from food production to education and work.

The changes in the technological environment are very rapid, and it is a component which affects the utilization manner of resources. The resources within a technological environment are converted into economically beneficial outputs.

Experts have been debating on whether technology is a boon or a bane to humans for many years now. The reservoir of knowledge is now accessible to us with one click of our fingertips, and this is all thanks to technology. But as far as the concerns of expert go, will the cause of doom of human civilization be also because of technology?

In my view, it all depends on how we are planning to use technology. Controversies around several discoveries and their uses can be limited if every citizen of the world learns to control their greed and focus on the elevation of humankind.

Some of the leading countries in technological developments are Japan, China, South Korea, America, and Germany. I am sure our youth will be able to reach new heights in the field of technology, and one day India will be able to belong to the list of top five countries with the best technology.

It was a real honour and my pleasure to address this brilliant crowd. Thank you for the opportunity.

technology speech

Short Speech On Technology 150 Words In English

There is no doubt about the fact that the life we lead at present is much more efficient than before. And in many ways, our life is more comfortable and safer than the lives led by humans in ancient times. All of this was attainable because of the continuous contributions made by people in the science and technology field.

The purposeful inventions created from particular designs are called technology. The capability of transforming theories into practically usable tools and machines is the product of the ingenious human mind.

There are several types of technology, and they are meant to make our life easy in one way or another. However, we must always have enough conscience to debate whether technological innovation is beneficial or destructive in nature.

Success is only valid if the intentions behind it are positive. Therefore, we must always remember that whatever advancement in technology is achieved or are to be achieved in future be put to good use.

10 Lines On Speech On Technology In English

  • The fruitful result of mental churning is called technology.
  • Several technological discoveries were revolutionary for human civilization.
  • Whatever is being discovered under the category of technology should be apolitical and unbiased.
  • The neutrality of technological tools is essential to make it efficiently helpful.
  • Every nation sets aside a part of its budget for funding technological inventions.
  • Students are often encouraged about putting their creativity to use and bring forth a new invention.
  • Technology is also one of the significant factors that affect the economical growth of a country.
  • Evolution prefers flexible designs for technological creations that can be modified from time to time.
  • Industrialization was possible because of technological discoveries.
  • Technology is a tool that ensures the optimum utilization of natural resources.

10 Lines On Speech On Technology In English

FAQs On Speech On Technology

Question 1. State the meaning of surrealistic technologies.

Answer: The type of technology that seems possibly achievable in the future and will help to solve global problems is termed as surrealistic technology. It is a revolutionizing type of technology.

Question 2. What is one of the most significant achievements of technology?

Answer: Communication brought globalization as it reduced the time for the connectivity between people of different nations is considerably one of the most significant achievements of technology.

Question 3. Mention two drawbacks of technology.

Answer: In one hand technology makes our life more comfortable, but on the other hand, it has made the population lazier as well. Unemployment is one of the most significant hindrances in society caused because of technology.

Question 4. How did the term technology originate?

Answer: The word ‘technology’ developed from the amalgamation of two Greek words, ‘techne’ (meaning art, skill, craft, manner, means, way etc. ) and ‘logos’ (meaning expression, saying, etc.). However, the genuine concept of technology developed from the German word ‘Technik’.

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Speech about Modern Technology [1,2,3,5 Minutes]

Short 1 minute speech about modern technology.

Modern technology has made our life easier in many ways. It has made it possible to communicate with people across the world and share ideas with them. It has also offered us a lot of opportunities in the field of education, healthcare, and entertainment.

Modern technology is one of the most important inventions in human history. It has brought about so many changes in our lives and has allowed us to live longer healthier, and happier lives.

The incredible progress of modern technology has also made it possible for us to work from anywhere with a variety of tools at our disposal.

There are many ways that modern technology can improve your life. These include:

  • – A better collaboration with colleagues
  • – Improved productivity
  • – More efficient communication
  • – Access to new markets

Modern technology has brought a lot of benefits to our lives, such as the internet, mobile phones, and social media. The list of benefits is never-ending.

Some of the advantages are:

  • – More time for social interaction
  • – Increased productivity and efficiency
  • – Saving money on transportation costs

Quotes for Speech on Modern Technology

  • “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.” – Bill Gates
  • “The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life.” – Bill Gates
  • “The most important technology is the one that brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg
  • “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” – Albert Einstein
  • “The technology you use impresses no one. The experience you create with it is everything.” – Sean Gerety
  • “The great myth of our times is that technology is communication.” – Libby Larsen
  • “The human spirit must prevail over technology.” – Albert Einstein
  • “The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.” – B.F. Skinner
  • “Technology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born.” – Alan Kay
  • “We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works.” – Douglas Adams
  • “The art challenges the technology, and the technology inspires the art.” – John Lasseter
  • “The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life.” – Bill Gates
  • “It’s supposed to be automatic, but actually, you have to push this button.” – John Brunner
  • “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” – Christian Lous Lange
  • “The technology itself is not transformative. It’s the school, the pedagogy, that is transformative.” – Tanya Byron

2 Minutes Speech about Modern Technology

Modern technology is a term that has been used to refer to the technologies developed during the 20th century. It has been used as a means of communication, transportation, entertainment and many more.

In the modern era, technology has become a necessity and an important part of our lives. We rely on it to make our lives easier and more convenient.

However, there are also some downsides to it. As technology advances, so do the threats that come along with it. In order to ensure that we are safe from these threats, we need to be aware of them and learn how they work.

Modern technology is not just a tool; it’s a necessity in today’s society.

We live in a world where there are so many technological advances that it’s hard to keep up with the pace of change.

There are so many advantages of Modern Technology that it is hard to list them all. One of the most significant advantages is that we can do more things at once and we can do them faster than ever before. Another advantage is that it helps us save time and money on a day-to-day basis.

3 Minutes Speech about Modern Technology

With the advancement of technology, the world has become more connected and more dependent on it.

Modern technology has made our lives easier but also more complicated. We are constantly bombarded with information from all around us and it is difficult to filter through what is important to us.

The importance of technology is not limited to the tech industry. Technology is a part of our daily life and it helps us in many ways.

Technology gives us an opportunity to do things faster and easier, which in turn makes our lives easier. It also helps us be more productive and efficient by providing us with new tools that make our work easier.

Modern technology is making the lives of people more convenient and better than ever before.

Modern technology has made our lives easier and more convenient. These advancements have also given us the opportunity to create new opportunities for ourselves.

The importance of technology in our lives is undeniable. It has made our lives so much easier and more convenient. It has also given us the opportunity to create new opportunities for ourselves.

Modern technology has been around for a while and it has made our lives easier. The list of advantages it provides is endless.

The list below are some of the advantages of Modern Technology:

– It helps us connect with people all over the world

– It helps us stay in touch with friends and family

– It helps us find information easily

– It helps us get work done more efficiently

5 Minutes Speech about Modern Technology

With the ever-changing technology, we are living in a world where everything is changing. The way we use our devices and the way we live our lives has changed significantly.

The increasing demand for content is something that has impacted modern technology in a big way. With so much content being generated every day, it’s hard to find people who have time to write all of it.

Modern technology has made it easier for people to generate content on their own and this has also led to a rise in people who are now self-publishing books and blogs.

Technology has always been an integral part of our lives. It has made our lives easier and better. However, it is also changing the way we live and work.

In this speech, I will explore how technology is changing the way we work and live – from how people communicate to how they eat or shop. We will also look at some of the most important technological innovations in recent years.

Technology has evolved in recent years with new technologies that are becoming more and more popular with time – such as virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc…

Modern technology has brought about a lot of changes in our lives. It has made life easier for us in many ways. However, it is important that we are aware of the dangers that this technology poses to us and the people around us.

There are many ways in which modern technology can be used to help humans. People can use it to improve their health, save time, and improve productivity.

Technology has been beneficial for society as a whole but there are also some disadvantages that come with it such as increased social inequality and environmental destruction.

Modern technology has brought us many benefits. They have improved our lives and are making our work easier and more efficient.

The list of advantages of Modern Technology is endless, but here are some examples:

– It allows us to store information in the cloud, which means that we can access it from any device at any time

– It helps to increase productivity by providing tools that help us work better and faster

– It provides access to knowledge through the internet

Examples of sentences that can be used in starting of this speech

Examples of sentences that can be used in closing of this speech, speeches in english.

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Speech on Dependence on Technology


  • Updated on  
  • Aug 13, 2022

Speech on Dependence on Technology

ASL or Assessment of Speaking and Listening is an integral part of the CBSE Class IX and X curriculum. It is a part of the continuous and comprehensive evaluation system under CBSE. Students are usually asked to choose a topic they wish to speak on and then prepare a speech on it within a stipulated time period. In this blog, we shall cover the topic of speech on Dependence on Technology!

Speaking Task: Speech on Dependence on Technology (2- 3 minutes)

Good morning everyone. My name is —– and my topic for the assessment is the dependence on technology. With the growing needs and demands of people, the dependence on technology has multiplied over the past few years. Although there is no ignorance of the fact that technology has brought millions of wonders in our lives, right from the field of agriculture, economics, politics to academics. However, what we must think about is how beneficial is this dependence for us? In my honest opinion, the dependence on technology has although we in exceeding our limits in certain ways but also at the same time constrained our abilities to communicate and be creative. So, I would say, dependence on technology has indeed brought certain detrimental effects on our creativity as well as our communication skills.

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Sample Speech (5 to 10 minutes)

Good morning to all. My name is —- and my topic for the speaking task is the Dependence on Technology and through this speech, I would try my best to cover all the essential pointers.

If we wish to define the technology, in simple terms one may consider it as the knowledge and usage of tools, crafts, systems, methods and techniques of the organization to resolve the problem. Throughout history, different types of technologies have developed that helped man to simplify and better his lifestyle. Over the centuries, rudimentary technologies gave rise to new ones and in some cases replaced earlier technologies came to meet current needs. Ever since the dependence on technology has considerably increased and the consequences on society, countries and individuals are enormous. Technological dependence undoubtedly has a unique course that we cannot alter, nor stop; It has come to redefine our lives.

Technology is a phenomenon that surrounds us all with artefacts on a daily basis. It is an element that helps us keep the changing dynamics of society. Thus, we can say technological dependence is now an essential part of our lives as everyone is reliant on it for some reason or the other. An example of this would be the use of technology at the workplace, educational centres and even at home to simplify work. Dependence on technology is a condition wherein individuals cannot perform their daily activities without the use of some device.

Now that we have discussed the pros, let’s have a look at the cons. Technology dependence is also linked to anxiety and depression. Factors like social withdrawal from others, the pressures from social media, the rise of cyberbullying, or the bright phone screen that is detrimental to our sleep have taken a toll on the mental health of people who are heavily dependent on technology.

In spite of the numerous disadvantages, one could say that without sustainable development of technology, humans would merely be ordinary living being on the planet. The inventions of man act as indicators of the cognitive revolution of the same and shows their eagerness to learn.

Thank you for listening, I hope this speech was insightful and informative.

Check Out – Expert Tips on Speech Writing

This was all about the ASL topic- the Dependence on Technology. If you are studying for your exams and need quick notes for revision then check out other study blogs on Leverage Edu and subscribe to our newsletter to get regular updates.

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On The Modern Technology In English

Good morning to everyone in this room. I would like to thank the principal, the teachers, and my dear friends for allowing me to speak to you today about modern technology. The technologies created throughout the 20th century have historically been referred to as modern technology. It has been used for transportation, recreation, communication, and many more purposes.

Technology has become a need and a significant aspect of our life in the current day. It helps us live more comfortably and easily since we rely on it. There are certain drawbacks to it, though. Threats associated with technology advance along with it. We must be aware of these hazards and understand how they operate if we are to guarantee our safety from them.

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BET says ‘audio malfunction’ caused heavy censorship of Usher’s speech at the 2024 BET Awards


Usher poses with the Lifetime Achievement award in the press room during the BET Awards on Sunday, June 30, 2024, at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

Usher accepts the Lifetime Achievement award during the BET Awards on Sunday, June 30, 2024, at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles. Babyface, rear left, and L.A. Reid, rear center, look on.(AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)

Usher accepts the Lifetime Achievement award during the BET Awards on Sunday, June 30, 2024, at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello)

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Usher’s acceptance speech of the BET Awards’ lifetime achievement award was heartfelt, occasionally profane and lengthy — and few people got to hear it.

The 13-minute speech was largely censored by the network, leaving viewers at home curious to know what Usher said. A BET spokesperson told The Associated Press that “due to an audio malfunction during the live telecast, portions of his speech were inadvertently muted. We extend our sincere apologies to USHER as we couldn’t be more grateful for his participation.”

A full version of the speech is now available on BET’s YouTube channel and will be included in a Monday rebroadcast, with a few profanities removed. Much of his speech centered on the idea of fatherhood, forgiveness, and his three-decades’ long career. It appears that the heavy censoring started shortly after Usher said “Sorry, I’m gonna curse and let you know how I really feel” early on in his acceptance.

He recounted walking into music mogul L.A. Reid’s office at 12 or 13 years old and telling a room full of executives that he’d make it. “That wasn’t ego speaking. I rebranded that word that day,” he said in a section of the speech that didn’t air. “I rebranded that word that day. I expressed goals out loud.”


The R&B superstar is an eight-time Grammy winner who recently ended a two-year Las Vegas residency, “Usher: My Way” at the Park MGM. In February, he released his first solo album in eight years, and in August is scheduled to kick off a 24-city U.S. tour titled “Past Present Future.”

Usher’s 2024 Super Bowl halftime performance drew acclaim and included guest appearances by such stars as Alicia Keys, H.E.R., Jermaine Dupri, Lil Jon and Ludacris. His album “Confessions” has sold more than 10 million units in the U.S., ranking it among one of the best-selling music projects of all time. It launched No. 1 hits such as “Yeah!” with Ludacris and Lil Jon, “Burn” and “Confessions Part II.”

A rebroadcast of the 2024 BET Awards aired on BET on Monday at 8 p.m. Eastern.

For more coverage of this year’s BET Awards, visit


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Congresswoman with Rare Neurological Disorder Shares New AI Voice That Mimics Her Speech Before Her Diagnosis

She said she hopes the AI voice model helps show “new and creative ways we can continue to empower people" who are facing "health and accessibility issues"

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Rep. Jennifer Wexton/X

Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton , who was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and then progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) last year, is tapping into AI technology to make her voice heard. 

The Virginia Representative, 56, revealed in a post on X (formerly known as Twitter) that AI technology has helped her make a model of her voice based on her speech before she was diagnosed with PSP, a rare and incurable brain disorder that rapidly deteriorates mobility and speech.

“For those of you who heard me speak before PSP robbed me of my full voice, you may think your ears are deceiving you right now. I assure you they are not,” Wexton said in a new video using her new AI-generated voice.

She added that she “cried happy tears” when she first heard the AI voice — which was extremely similar to her own — and that the new technology has helped “empower” her “to keep living my life” and to keep “doing the job I love.” 

Wexton said that this all came about after she and her team compiled several “old clips” of her “public speeches” she previously made in Congress, which then generated an AI model of what her voice sounded like before PSP affected “the volume and clarity” of her “speech.”

She noted that the AI-generated voice would be a big upgrade from the “text to speech app” she had previously been using over the past few months during congressional hearings, including during her remarks over a piece of legislation in May , and that it was a major stride to providing accessibility to those who need it.

The congresswoman shared that she hoped her new AI voice model would help show “new and creative ways we can continue to empower people facing the kinds of health and accessibility issues as I have and show that our abilities do not define who we are.”

Courtesy of The Wexton Office

Wexton, who announced that she would not seek a third term in Congress in September 2023, previously got candid about her communication struggles and challenges of legislating with PSP in an interview with PEOPLE in May. 

“The most difficult thing is not being able to be understood as much as I’d like to be or as much as I used to be, especially as a former trial attorney and now a politician," she said at the time.  

"It’s such a big part of this job, whether it’s talking with colleagues on the House floor where it’s very loud, or participating in committee hearings, or being out around my district meeting with constituents," Wexton continued.

Courtesy of the Wexton Office

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She said that while "cognitively, I'm the person I've always been," there are more things now that take her "a lot longer to do," including getting ready in the morning or getting to votes on time.

Despite those difficulties, Wexton shared that she was looking forward to spending more time with her family and friends after retirement and was grateful for their support. “I feel very lucky to be where I am right now, with a strong support network of family, friends and my staff," she noted.

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    Find out how to write a speech on technology with various topics, quotes and samples. Learn about the benefits and disadvantages of technology and its impact on human life.

  7. Short Speech on Technology for School Students

    Find samples of short speech on technology for school students, covering its benefits, challenges, and future prospects. Learn how to write a speech on technology with examples, stats, and tips.

  8. Speech on Importance Of Technology

    Find out how technology affects your life and the world in this speech. Learn why technology is important and how to use it wisely for the good of all.

  9. 40 Speeches on Technology

    Another standout speech from this collection is the talk on the Google Glass, which is a much more accurate reflection of the sophistication of modern technology. From health-related products to robotic evolution and new smartphones, this collection offers feelings of nostalgia when stacked up against the new products being unveiled at CES 2014.

  10. Informative Speeches on Technology

    Technology's far-reaching impact touches just about everything in society, and informative speeches about technology can help audiences understand that influence. Speakers can rely on government research, data and studies as well as articles that appear in newspapers, magazines and in the broadcast media to inform their speech.

  11. Voice technology for the rest of the world

    "Speech technology can empower billions of people across the planet, but there's a real need for large, open, and diverse datasets to catalyze innovation," said David Kanter, MLCommons co-founder and executive director and co-author of the study. "The Multilingual Spoken Words Corpus offers a tremendous breadth of languages.

  12. What is Speech Technology? Definition from ...

    What is speech technology? Speech technology is a type of computing technology that enables an electronic device to recognize, analyze and understand spoken word or audio. This is typically done by inputting digital sound signals and matching its pattern against a library of stored patterns.

  13. TED: Ideas change everything

    TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+ languages. Ideas free to stream and download.

  14. The Top 10 Tech Commencement Speeches

    Watch and read the inspiring and humorous speeches by tech leaders such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Sheryl Sandberg. Learn from their stories, advice, and insights on life, career, and innovation.

  15. Speech on Technology In Education

    In conclusion, technology is shaping the future of education. It makes learning more engaging, personalized, and effective. It also prepares students for the world ahead. So, let's embrace technology in education and make the most of it. Let's prepare for a future where learning is fun, effective, and in tune with the digital age.

  16. Supreme Court Declines to Rule on Tech Platforms' Free Speech Rights

    The laws, they added, fostered free speech, giving the public access to all points of view. Opponents said the laws trampled on the platforms' own First Amendment rights and would turn them into ...

  17. Speech on Technology: 2 Min Speech on Pros and Cons of Technology

    Learn how to deliver a speech on technology and its advantages and disadvantages for students and children. Find out how technology affects our lives, work, communication, safety, health and nature.

  18. Meta expands hate speech policy to remove more posts targeting

    Meta's hate speech policy prohibits direct attacks on people on the basis of what it calls protected characteristics, which include race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, disability and gender ...

  19. Speech on Technology in Simple and Easy Words

    Speech on Technology - 1. Honourable Principal, Vice principal, Teachers and all my Fellow Classmates! I stand here today to deliver a succinct speech on technology and how it has greatly affected our lives. In today's world of rising competition, technology plays a very crucial role in making our lives easy and comfortable.

  20. Xi Jinping: Speech at the Nationwide S&T Conference, National Science

    The following is the text of Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech at a major Chinese S&T conference in June 2024. In his remarks, Xi recaps many of China's scientific triumphs of 2023 but also warns that the nation still has weaknesses in areas such as original innovation and talent.

  21. Speech On Technology

    Technology is a tool that ensures the optimum utilization of natural resources. FAQs On Speech On Technology. Question 1. State the meaning of surrealistic technologies. Answer: The type of technology that seems possibly achievable in the future and will help to solve global problems is termed as surrealistic technology.

  22. Speech about Modern Technology [1,2,3,5 Minutes]

    Quotes for Speech on Modern Technology. "Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.". - Bill Gates. "The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life.".

  23. Speech Technology is the #1 destination for professionals seeking speech technology industry news, information, articles, directories and services.

  24. 15 Inspiring TED Talks on Science and Technology

    Updated August 4, 2020. We've found 15 inspiring TED talks on science and technology, ranked according to the number of total views they received from a combination of outlets, including and YouTube. 1. Meet the SixthSense Interaction - Patti Maes and Pranav Mistry.

  25. Sample Speech on Dependence on Technology

    Sample Speech (5 to 10 minutes) Good morning to all. My name is —- and my topic for the speaking task is the Dependence on Technology and through this speech, I would try my best to cover all the essential pointers. If we wish to define the technology, in simple terms one may consider it as the knowledge and usage of tools, crafts, systems ...

  26. 2 Minute Speech On The Modern Technology In English

    The technologies created throughout the 20th century have historically been referred to as modern technology. It has been used for transportation, recreation, communication, and many more purposes. Technology has become a need and a significant aspect of our life in the current day. It helps us live more comfortably and easily since we rely on it.

  27. How People Living With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Use Personalized

    Personalized automated speech recognition (ASR) model technology, such as Google's Project Relate, is argued to better recognize speech with dysarthria, supporting maintenance of understanding through real-time captioning. The objectives of this study are how plwALS and communication partners use Relate in everyday conversation over a period of ...

  28. Microsoft's AI Speech Generator Is Too Realistic to Release

    Other speech generators, like Meta's Voicebox and Amazon's AI-powered Alexa narration tool, have sparked controversy over the ethics of allowing AI to mimic a real person's voice, ...

  29. BET says 'audio malfunction' caused censorship of Usher's speech

    Usher's acceptance speech of the BET Awards' lifetime achievement award was heartfelt, occasionally profane and lengthy — and few people got to hear it. The 13-minute speech was largely censored by the network, leaving viewers at home curious to know what Usher said. A BET spokesperson told The Associated Press that "due to an audio malfunction during the live telecast, portions of his ...

  30. Congresswoman Shares New AI Voice That Mimics Her Speech

    The Virginia Representative, 56, revealed in a post on X (formerly known as Twitter) that AI technology has helped her make a model of her voice based on her speech before she was diagnosed with ...