How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom, or retract a submission, on a computer or mobile device

  • You can submit an assignment in Google Classroom under the "Classwork" section on the desktop site or mobile app. 
  • To submit an assignment in Google Classroom, you must first "View assignment" and then select the "Add or create" option under the "Your work" menu. 
  • Links and Google Drive attachments, including a document, slide, sheet, drawing, or PDF file, can all be uploaded and submitted in Google Classroom.
  • You can upload multiple files, unsubmit assignments, and leave notes for your instructor in Google Classroom.  

You've logged in to Google Classroom , have joined a class, and accessed class materials. Now, it's time to submit an assignment. 

To submit an assignment in Google Classroom, you'll first need to navigate to the "Classwork" section. You can then find your assignment and attach your work. 

From there, it's as easy as turning it in. Google Classroom also allows users to unsubmit their assignments if you need to make changes or leave a private comment for a teacher about the status of your work. 

It's important to note that if you don't click "Turn in" after you attach your work, it won't be submitted. To verify the status of your assignment, double-check to see if it is labeled as "Turned in." 

When submitting assignments to Google Classroom on mobile, you'll also need to make sure you have the iPhone or Android app installed. You can search and download Google Classroom through the app store on your phone. 

Here's how to submit an assignment on Google Classroom. 

How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom on desktop

1. Open your web browser and go to . 

2. Select your class. 

3. At the top of your dashboard, choose "Classwork." 

4. Click on an assignment, then select "View Assignment."

5. Under "Your Work," choose "Add or Create."

6. From there, click "Google Drive" to attach a document you've already created and saved in your Drive by selecting it from the file window that appears. If you have multiple documents, attach them all this way.

  • Note: You can add a link to a Drive document or attach a file from your computer. You may also start an assignment here by creating a new document, slide, sheet, or drawing on this page. 

7. To leave a private comment for your teacher, enter it in the appropriately labeled text box on the right. Then click the small triangular "paper airplane" icon to post it. 

8. Next, click "Turn in" or "Mark as done" to confirm your submission and change the assignment status to "Turned in."

  • Note: If your teacher has assigned a collaborative document that you worked on or another kind of outside assignment, you may see "Mark as done" instead of "Turn in."

How to unsubmit an assignment in Google Classroom on desktop

If you've submitted a document, but find that you need to edit out errors or add in missing content, Google Classroom offers a way to retract your submission. Navigate to the page you turned your assignment in, click "Unsubmit," and confirm. You can always turn it in again by following the above steps. 

How to submit an assignment in Google Classroom on the mobile app

1. Open the Google Classroom app on your device. 

2. Tap on your class.

3. Choose "Classwork" from the bottom of the app screen.

4. Select the assignment and expand the "Your work" card. 

5. Tap "Add attachment" in the "Your work" card.

6. From there, click "Drive" to attach a document you've already created in Drive. 

7. Tap "Turn in" or "Mark as done" and re-confirm. 

How to unsubmit an assignment in Google Classroom on iPhone or Android 

If you turned in the wrong thing or need to go back and add something to the assignment, you can unsubmit it. Navigate to the assignment, expand the "Your work" card, tap "Unsubmit," and confirm. You can always turn it in again the same way you did first.

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Turn in an assignment

This article is for students.

You turn in your work online in Classroom. Depending on the type of assignment and attachments, you’ll see Turn in or Mark as Done .

Any assignment turned in or marked done after the due date is recorded as late.


  • You can only submit an assignment before the due date.
  • If you need to edit an assignment you submitted, unsubmit the assignment before the due date, make your changes, and resubmit.
  • Attach one or more files to your assignment.
  • Upload photos from a camera roll.
  • Open and work on files you own in Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, and Drawings and then attach them to your assignment.

Turn in an Assignment Using Google Classroom (Web)

Go to  and click Sign In.

Sign in with your Google Account. For example,  [email protected] or [email protected] .  Learn more .

and then

  • Select the attachment or enter the URL for a link and click Add .


  • Click the file and enter your information.

submitting assignments

The status of the assignment changes to Turned in .

Important : If you get an error message when you click Turn in , let your instructor know.

Turn in a quiz

  • Click the form and answer the questions.
  • Click Submit . If the form is the only work for the assignment, the status of the assignment changes to Turned in .
  • If there's more work to do for the assignment, click Open assignment .

Turn in an assignment with an assigned doc

If your teacher attached a document with your name in the title, it’s your personal copy to review and edit. As you work, your teacher can review your progress before you click Turn in . 

  • Click the image with your name to open the assigned file.
  • Enter your work.
  • On the document or in Classroom, click Turn in and confirm.

Important: If you get an error message when you click Turn in , let your instructor know.

Mark an assignment as done

Important: Any assignment turned in or marked done after the due date is recorded as late, even if you previously submitted the work before the due date.

Unsubmit an assignment

Want to make changes to an assignment that you already turned in? Just unsubmit the work, make the changes, and turn it in again.

Important: Any assignment turned in or marked done after the due date is marked late, even if you previously submitted the work before the due date. If you unsubmit an assignment, be sure to resubmit it before the due date.

  • Click Unsubmit and confirm. Note : This assignment is now unsubmitted. Turn it in again before the due date.


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Where did you store that file, attachments uploading papers and projects.

If there’s a secret to using this feature, it’s knowing how to upload and hitting the Submit button until you receive confirmation. In most systems, you look for a button labeled Add a File or Upload. This prompts you to browse your computer to find the file. (See why knowing where you stored it is important?) Usually, you click Open after you identify the file you want and then click Submit. The next screen you see should be a confirmation that the file has been uploaded. This figure shows what this looks like from the Student view in Canvas.

A dropbox in Canvas.

If your instructor doesn’t have this tool available, they may ask you to attach your work to an email. This process works the same as attaching photos to send to your dear cousin Ted. You find the Attachment icon (usually a paper clip), browse for the file, and upload. The uploading skill seems to be universal, whether you’re attaching a document to an email or a discussion board posting.

Some learning management systems connect to your Microsoft 365 or Google file structure, so you may be able to upload files from there.

Post, Emily! Submitting discussion posts

  • Compose: Look for this button if you need to start a new discussion, one that isn’t attached to anyone else’s idea.
  • Reply: Use this button when you want to respond to something another person wrote. Here’s a super tip: Copy and paste one or two lines from the original text (delete the rest) so that you can quote the first author and focus your comments.
  • Post: After you have composed or replied, you must remember to hit Post or Submit. Otherwise, your great ideas don’t appear on the discussion board.

The Submit button on quizzes and tests

Submit button

Tips for submitting any assignment

Whether you’re working with papers, projects, discussion posts, quizzes, or tests, consider the following general pointers: Submit early, have a backup plan, and keep a copy. Here’s why these are important:

  • Submit early, when possible, in case of problems: What if you plan to submit your assignment at 11:56 p.m. on the night it’s due by midnight and the whole system crashes or your hard drive freezes? You don’t have a lot of time to remedy that situation. A safer bet is to submit your work during normal working hours, well before you need to. That way, if you encounter a problem, you’re more likely to contact a real-life tech support person who can assist you.
  • Attach to email when technology fails: Still on the 11:56 p.m. track? When all else fails, send the same assignment as an attachment to an email to your instructor. Include a polite note explaining that the system wasn’t cooperating and that you wanted to be sure to get the assignment turned in, one way or another. This shows good problem-solving skills.
  • Keep a copy: Always, always keep copies of your work for the term of the course. You never know when you might need them. It’s common for the system to freeze up when you’re trying to submit a great discussion post (always when you’ve written something worthy of a Pulitzer), so if you first compose in a word processor and then copy and paste to the discussion area, you’re safe in knowing that you have the original text. Should there be any question, you can find the file and resubmit it.

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10 Useful Tips for Students to Submit Assignments on Time


Team Desklib

Published: 2023-02-07


We all have been on the receiving side of the terror that comes with running late to turn in your assignment. As a student, one of the most critical skills you can develop is submitting your assignments on time. Late submissions can result in lost grades, missed opportunities, and added stress, making it essential for students to understand the importance of timely submissions.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll share a wealth of tips and strategies that can help you ensure timely submissions and help you stay on top of your coursework - 

1. Create a schedule

The first step in submitting assignments on time is to create a schedule. This can prove to be a useful step in the entire process. A schedule will help you keep track of your deadlines and plan your time accordingly. You can use a physical planner or a digital calendar, whichever works best for you. Make sure to include all of your assignments, exams, and other commitments in your schedule so that you have a clear understanding of how much time you have available.

2. Start timely

It is essential to start working on your assignments as early as possible. Waiting until the last minute to start your assignment can result in stress and decreased quality of work. By starting early, you’ll have enough time to review and refine your work, ensuring that you submit a high-quality assignment. Having said that, we understand and aren't too optimistic that balancing school life and homework can be a task. In that case, you can always start with the easy part so that it can create a sense of winning, which will eventually lead you to complete the entire assignment.

3. Break down tasks

Breaking down a large assignment into smaller tasks can make it seem more manageable and help you avoid procrastination. By setting deadlines for each of these tasks, you can keep yourself accountable and ensure that you’re making progress toward your end goal. Another way to go about it is to prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency, making sure to complete the most critical tasks first.

One of the key benefits of breaking down tasks is increased productivity. When students are faced with a large and complex assignment, it can be easy to become overwhelmed and demotivated. However, by breaking the assignment down into smaller tasks, students can focus on one component at a time, making it easier to make progress and complete the assignment in a timely manner. This can help students to avoid procrastination and ensure that they are making progress toward their goals.

4. Use tools and resources

There are many tools and resources available to help students stay organized and on track. For example, you can use online citation generators to help you format your bibliography correctly or use productivity apps to stay focused and avoid distractions. Utilizing these tools and resources can save you time and help you submit your assignments on time. One such assignment help website is Desklib; here you can find study material and documents in abundance where as a student you can have access to help conveniently. 

5. Ask for help

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your teachers, tutors, or classmates if you need help. They can provide you with valuable feedback and insights that can improve your work and ensure that you’re on the right track. Furthermore, if you’re struggling with a particular aspect of an assignment, seeking help can save you time and prevent you from making costly mistakes.

Asking for help is a critical aspect of student success, especially when it comes to completing class assignments. Whether students are struggling to understand a complex concept or need assistance with a specific task, seeking help can provide them with the support they need to succeed. 

6. Manage your time effectively

Effective time management is necessary in order to turn in an assignment timely. When writing an assignment, make sure to allocate your time wisely and prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. This step can also help improve the quality of the final product. It is important to take regular breaks, review the work completed so far, and make any necessary revisions. By managing time effectively, it is possible to allocate sufficient time for these activities, ensuring that the final product is of the best possible quality.

7. Stay organized

Staying organized can also help to prioritize tasks and deadlines. When working on an assignment, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the many tasks and deadlines involved. However, by staying organized, it is possible to see the big picture and prioritize tasks in a way that ensures that everything is completed on time and to a high standard.

Make sure to keep all of your notes, materials, and other resources in one place so that you can easily access them when you need them. You can also use a filing system or an online storage solution to help you stay organized. 

8. Set realistic goals

It’s important to set realistic goals for yourself when submitting assignments. While it’s great to strive for excellence, setting unrealistic goals can result in added stress and decreased productivity. Make sure to set achievable goals and focus on making progress towards your goals rather than striving for perfection.

9. Eliminate distractions

Distractions can have a significant impact on your productivity and ability to complete a task at hand. While working, make sure to eliminate distractions by creating a conducive environment for studying like turning off your phone, or using a noise-canceling app. I know this might sound and feel a bit tough at first but trust me, it only gets better from hereon. This step will get the work done effectively and timely. 

10. Reward yourself 

In the end, do not forget to pat yourself on the back. After having completed the assignment, it is equally important to reward yourself for your hard work and achievements. 


In conclusion, submitting your assignments on time is crucial for your academic success. We hope that we could help you a little by providing you with these tips. We hope that the above-given tips will help ensure that your work is completed to the best of your ability and submitted on time.

Remember, consistent effort and planning can go a long way in achieving your goals.

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Submitting to an assignment

Turnitin uses the same Canvas upload process you'll already familiar with. If you haven't submitted using Canvas before, follow the steps below.

  • Navigate to your course.
  • From the Assignments tab , open your assignment.

submitting assignments

It is possible that your institution is using the Canvas Student Experience view. If the upload submission window does not look like the image above, it may look like this instead:

submitting assignments

  • If you haven't already, you may need to accept the Turnitin EULA and verify that your submission is your own work.

A similarity report will generate for every file uploaded.

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The Quick Submit feature allows instructors to submit papers and receive Similarity Reports without creating a class or an assignment. This is ideal for instructors who would like to use Turnitin to spot-check submissions and have these papers in electronic format.

Quick Submit is an option that needs to be first activated through the User Info tab at the top of the instructor homepage. Please review the following guide to activate Quick Submit:  Activating Quick Submit .

Once activated, instructors who want to submit papers via this option will be asked to select which database the submission needs to be checked against and will also have the choice of repository. Please make sure to select no repository each time you make a new submission via Quick Submit if you do not want these papers stored in the Turnitin repository. Please also review the following guide to make a submission: Submitting via Quick Submit .

Note : The Quick Submit feature is only available via the Turnitin website. If you are using a Learning Management System (LMS) to access Turnitin, you will need to log in to the Turnitin website directly to use Quick Submit. However, native access may be restricted for some LMS users; if so, please discuss this with your Turnitin account administrator.

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Computer Science > Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Title: category-aware dynamic label assignment with high-quality oriented proposal.

Abstract: Objects in aerial images are typically embedded in complex backgrounds and exhibit arbitrary orientations. When employing oriented bounding boxes (OBB) to represent arbitrary oriented objects, the periodicity of angles could lead to discontinuities in label regression values at the boundaries, inducing abrupt fluctuations in the loss function. To address this problem, an OBB representation based on the complex plane is introduced in the oriented detection framework, and a trigonometric loss function is proposed. Moreover, leveraging prior knowledge of complex background environments and significant differences in large objects in aerial images, a conformer RPN head is constructed to predict angle information. The proposed loss function and conformer RPN head jointly generate high-quality oriented proposals. A category-aware dynamic label assignment based on predicted category feedback is proposed to address the limitations of solely relying on IoU for proposal label assignment. This method makes negative sample selection more representative, ensuring consistency between classification and regression features. Experiments were conducted on four realistic oriented detection datasets, and the results demonstrate superior performance in oriented object detection with minimal parameter tuning and time costs. Specifically, mean average precision (mAP) scores of 82.02%, 71.99%, 69.87%, and 98.77% were achieved on the DOTA-v1.0, DOTA-v1.5, DIOR-R, and HRSC2016 datasets, respectively.
Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
Cite as: [cs.CV]
  (or [cs.CV] for this version)
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Learning Program Plan Records Processing Concurrency Defaults

To reduce the overall time spent expanding and reconciling learning planning programs and profiles, change the concurrency details related to parallel processing and when to process assignments. Use the Configure Background Processing task on the My Client Groups > Learning page.

Concurrency Option Description
Maximum Number of Parallel Bulk Scheduled Jobs

Specify how many planning programs and profiles to evaluate in parallel for all learning programs that need expansion or reconciliation based on selected execution type. The value also decides how many planning programs and profiles to reconcile in parallel.

The supported values are 1 through 200, and the default value is 1. We recommended you set the parameter to at least 5. You can then increase as appropriate to reduce the overall time it takes the process to complete.

Maximum Number of Parallel Threads per Bulk Scheduled Job

Specify the maximum threads to use per planning program and profile during reconciliation, to create or update program and profile assignments.

The supported values are 1 through 20, and the default value is 1. We recommended that you keep the value at 1. The reason is that the maximum threads calculation multiplies this value with the Maximum Number of Parallel Bulk Scheduled Jobs value. Consider all other background processes used in your environment before increasing these values. The background processing infrastructure is shared across all processes, such as for learning, payroll, and financials.

Process immediately after user saves changes

When selected (default), the process is submitted automatically when a learning administrator creates a planning program or profile.

When unselected, you need to schedule this process recurringly in Expansion mode to expand the program and profile learner population. This option lets you schedule expansion during off peak periods.

Maximum Number of Parallel Ad Hoc UI jobs

Specify how many planning programs and profiles to evaluate in parallel for the newly created program.

The supported values are 1 through 200, and the default value is 1. We recommended you set the parameter to at least 2. You can then increase as appropriate to reduce the overall time it takes the process to complete.

Maximum Number of Parallel Threads per Ad Hoc UI Jobs

Specify the maximum number of threads to use to create the learning initiative assignments needed for the expansion process.

The supported values are 1 through 20, and the default value is 1. We recommended that you set the value to 2.

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  1. Submit Assignments

    Submit an assignment. When you finish your assignment, you must select Submit. If you don't, your instructor won't receive your completed assignment. If your instructor hasn't allowed multiple attempts, you may submit your assignment only once. Before you select Submit, be sure that you have attached any required files.

  2. How do I submit an online assignment?

    Depending on the assignment submission type set by your instructor, not all file types may be available for your assignment submission. Not all of your assignments may be submitted online. If you cannot see the Start Assignment button, your instructor may want you to submit your assignment in a different way or the availability date has passed.

  3. Assignment Submissions (Students)

    After clicking Start Assignment, you will see tabs that indicate different submission types. To upload one or more files as your submission, click the File Upload tab. To upload a file from your device, click the Upload File button. Click the Choose File or Browse button to select a file to upload. A pop-up window will display in your browser.

  4. Submit Assignments

    Submit an assignment. Your instructor provides all the information and files you need to complete an assignment. Be mindful of the time. If your instructor put a time limit on the assignment, you can keep track of how much time is left. A countdown appears at the top left of your screen and warns you as the time limit gets closer.

  5. How to Submit an Assignment in Google Classroom in 2 Ways

    Select "Classwork" from the menu. 4. Click on an assignment, then select "View Assignment." Click "View assignment" after selecting the assignment you want to submit for. Sophie Putka/Business ...

  6. How do I create an online assignment?

    You can create online assignments for students to submit their assignments through Canvas. Students can submit formatted text using the Rich Content Editor, website URLs, annotated files, or uploaded files. They can also submit audio or video recordings by recording new media or uploading existing media. Files submitted to an online assignment ...

  7. UPDATED: Google Classroom

    Learn how to submit an assignment in Google Classroom

  8. Start, revise & submit assignments

    Start, revise & submit assignments. To start your assignment, you first need to link your Google Account to Assignments. You can then open your assignment and, when you are finished, submit it for grading. If you edit your work before the due date, you can resubmit your assignment. You can attach any file type from Google Drive or your hard ...

  9. Turn in an assignment

    Click the class Classwork.; Click the quiz View instructions.; Click the form and answer the questions. Click Submit. If the form is the only work for the assignment, the status of the assignment changes to Turned in.; If there's more work to do for the assignment, click Open assignment.; Turn in an assignment with an assigned doc

  10. Common Questions About Assignments

    When you submit an assignment successfully, the Review Submission History page appears with information about your submitted assignment and a success message with a confirmation number. You can copy and save this number as proof of your submission. For assignments with multiple attempts, you receive a different number for each submission.

  11. How to submit assignment in Google Classroom tutorial

    In this Google Classroom tutorial, you'll see Google Classroom for students examples on how to submit assignments. Subscribe for more!...

  12. Get Started with Assignments

    Easily distribute, analyze, and grade student work with Assignments for your LMS. Assignments is an application for your learning management system (LMS). It helps educators save time grading and guides students to turn in their best work with originality reports — all through the collaborative power of Google Workspace for Education. Get ...

  13. Google Classroom: Submitting an Assignment

    UPDATED VERSION AVAILABLE AT Students, learn how to use Google Classroom to locate and submit an assignment.

  14. Online Learning: How to Submit Assignments

    Submit early, when possible, in case of problems: What if you plan to submit your assignment at 11:56 p.m. on the night it's due by midnight and the whole system crashes or your hard drive freezes? You don't have a lot of time to remedy that situation. A safer bet is to submit your work during normal working hours, well before you need to.

  15. 10 Useful Tips for Students to Submit Assignments on Time

    6. Manage your time effectively. Effective time management is necessary in order to turn in an assignment timely. When writing an assignment, make sure to allocate your time wisely and prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. This step can also help improve the quality of the final product.

  16. Create and Edit Assignments

    Student assignment submission confirmations. When students submit assignments successfully, the Review Submission History page appears with information about their submitted assignments and a success message with a confirmation number. Students can copy and save this number as proof of their submissions and evidence for academic disputes.

  17. Submitting to an assignment

    Navigate to your course. From the Assignments tab, open your assignment. Use the Submit Assignment button to get started. Use the Choose file button to find the file you'd like to upload. It is possible that your institution is using the Canvas Student Experience view. If the upload submission window does not look like the image above, it may ...

  18. Can instructors check a paper for plagiarism without submitting it to

    The Quick Submit feature allows instructors to submit papers and receive Similarity Reports without creating a class or an assignment. This is ideal for instructors who would like to use Turnitin to spot-check submissions and have these papers in electronic format.

  19. Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of

    This request is for approval of the assignment form which allows for assignment of Perkins Loans either individually or in a batch format, utilizing either the paper based or electronic filing format. An institution may use the form to assign one or more loans to the Department at any time throughout the year.

  20. Assignments

    Assignments and SafeAssign. Avoid Plagiarism. Common Questions. Turnitin. Cloud Storage. Submit Assignments with Qualitative Peer Review. Submit Assignments. Changes in submission due date and time for assessments. Submit Group Assignments.

  21. New AGR Vacancies **ON BOARD ONLY**

    Apply now for these AGR vacancies. They are only available for the next few weeks. Extensions of these advertisements will be at the discretion of the Selecting Official. **E8 and E9 positions will be offered/promoted upon availability of control grades** READIENSS NCO - E7/11B - INDPLS, IN - WVCVAA READINESS NCO - E7/19D - MADISON, IN - WPPTA0 ASST OPS NCO - E7/11B - INDPLS, IN ...

  22. L5 M4 Principles of Operations Management Assignment 2

    Submission date and time This assignment should be submitted to Moodle before 2pm on Week 5, Friday 5 th July 2024. You should submit all work for summative assessments by the above deadline. The five percent penalty per day will be applied to the work submitted up to seven working days after the deadline, after which a mark of 0 will be ...

  23. How do I submit an online assignment in a course using Assignment

    Submit File Upload. To upload a file as your submission, click the Upload button [1] To upload a file from your computer, drag and drop a file [2], or browse your computer files by clicking the Choose a file to upload link [3]. To capture a photo of your assignment using your computer's webcam, click the Webcam button [4].

  24. Submitting a Canvas assignment

    View Content Type. In Canvas, you can submit an assignment, graded discussion, or quiz. Make sure you are in the right area of Canvas by viewing the navigation breadcrumbs [1] or the Course Navigation Menu [2]. You can access your assignment from the Assignments page [3], Discussions page [4], Quizzes page [5], or Modules page [6].

  25. [2407.03205] Category-Aware Dynamic Label Assignment with High-Quality

    A category-aware dynamic label assignment based on predicted category feedback is proposed to address the limitations of solely relying on IoU for proposal label assignment. This method makes negative sample selection more representative, ensuring consistency between classification and regression features. ... Submission history From: Mingkui ...

  26. Assignments

    Submit Assignments. Turnitin. Submit Group Assignments. Submission Receipts. Supported File Types. Assignment Grades. Assignments and SafeAssign. Achievements. On this page. Learn - student. Need more help with Learn? Contact your institution's support desk . Watch videos for students; Find more help;

  27. How do I upload a file as an assignment submission in Canvas?

    If your instructor allows file uploads as a submission type, you can upload a file from your computer as an assignment submission. Canvas converts specific file types as previews and supports certain media file uploads.. Files uploaded using the Rich Content Editor count toward your user storage quota.

  28. Learning Program Plan Records Processing Concurrency Defaults

    To reduce the overall time spent expanding and reconciling learning planning programs and profiles, change the concurrency details related to parallel processing and when to process assignments. Use the Configure Background Processing task on the My Client Groups Learning page.

  29. [Assignments] Enhancements

    Problem statement: The new assignments enhancements only displays the points possible in the submission window for assignments that specifically have points. If the assignment is set to 'percentage' or any of the other options, the possible score does not display in the submission window. Proposed s...

  30. How do I upload a file as an assignment submission...

    Click the Upload option [2]. If your instructor only allows File submissions, the Upload File tool displays in place of the Choose a submission type section. Notes: If the Upload submission type does not display, your instructor has restricted this submission type. Not all of your assignments may be submitted online.