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Essay Samples on Graduation

Graduation is an exciting time in any student’s life. It’s a time to celebrate achievements, reflect on the past, and look towards the future. If you’re tasked with writing an essay on this topic, it can be a daunting task. However, with some helpful tips and graduation essay examples, you can craft a perfect essay about graduation.

One way to approach an essay on graduation is to focus on a particular moment or experience from the graduation ceremony. For example, you might write about the feeling of receiving your diploma or the emotions you felt as you walked across the stage. By focusing on a specific moment, you can create a more compelling and personal essay.

Another approach is to write about the broader significance of graduation. You can explore the importance of education, the challenges that students face, and the impact that graduation has on individuals and society. By taking a more philosophical approach, you can create a more thought-provoking essay that engages readers on a deeper level.

When it comes to graduation essay topics, the possibilities are endless. You might write about the history of graduation ceremonies, the impact of technology on graduation, or the role of graduation in different cultures. Whatever topic you choose, make sure it’s something that you’re passionate about and that you can explore in depth.

In conclusion, writing a perfect essay about graduation requires creativity, passion, and attention to detail. By using graduation essay examples and following the tips above, you can craft an essay that celebrates the importance of graduation and inspires readers to reflect on their own educational journeys.

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Best topics on Graduation

1. How a Graduate Degree Can Help You Achieve Your Career Goals

2. Career Goals After Graduation: Mapping the Journey

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of a Gap Year: Exploring Paths of Exploration and Reflection

4. My Convocation Day: An Experience I Will Never Forget

5. What I Want To Do After My Graduation

6. A College Degree: The Next Step or a Mere Stepping Stone

7. Prom Night and Prom Limo Rentals as Integral Parts of Graduation

8. The Negative Preconceptions Surrounding the Prom Night

9. The Search for a Suitable Limo for a Prom Night

10. Relevance of Changes in Canadian Employment Law

11. Steven Spielberg Commencement Speech in Harvard University

12. How Well Do High Schools Prepare Teens for Life after Graduation

13. Looking Back at the Many Years of a School Life

14. My Highschool Reflections Before Graduation

15. Graduation as a Transitional Experience and a Rite of Passage

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Elementary School Graduation Speech - A Free Graduation Speech

An elementary school graduation speech should give thanks where thanks are due,  acknowledge accolades achieved, pay tribute to both knowledge and attitudes attained and leave the students with a message for the future.

elementary school graduation speech

You can use the speech with a bit of tweaking here and there, or you can use it as a guideline to structure your own speech.

Graduation day is indeed a memorable day in the minds of the students and their parents. You can add to their magical moment and present a  short, yet meaningful speech.

Don't be reluctant to edit and add as needed - the more personalized and unique... the better!

Good Evening Honored Guests, Ladies, Gentlemen and of course the Graduating Class of [insert year] .

It seems hard to believe. The year started off at a sprint and it seems to have left many of us still trying to catch our breath. As we looked forward to all the challenges that lay ahead of us, it did appear a little daunting at times - a huge mountain that lay ahead of us to climb. But my, what a wonderful year it has been. A year of challenges met, mountains climbed and summits conquered!

To our young Ladies and Gentlemen seated in front of us tonight listening to our elementary school graduation speech - we are immeasurably proud of each  and everyone of you. There were those of you who seemed to have wings and you just soared over the obstacles and challenges that crossed your path. It is a wonderful gift and one that never fails to amaze me. And although, not everyone may have had wings that saw them soaring over obstacles confronted - each and every one of you had feet - feet that you used to climb, bit  by bit every day, one day at a time and yes...you all got there. You all achieved your goals!

Step-by-step and day-by-day - your course was steadfast and you never lost sight of your goals. I can only applaud that kind of determination, that purposeful resolve to get where you need to be - even when it may not always have been very easy. Well done - you seized wonderful opportunities, academic, cultural and sporting  and made them your own. We are indeed proud!

But, allow me set another scene? No elementary school graduation speech is complete without a story? The end of recess bell has just rung. The Grade [insert highest year of students] 's are outside a class,  waiting for a lesson. Along comes a little Grade [insert lowest year of students] chap....shirt un-tucked and socks down  after a good game of something that involves running. He sees a Senior Teacher standing next to the class, waiting to lead the class in.

Quite undeterred, this young man walks up to the teacher. The conversation that follows goes something like this:

Boy: "Who are those boys?"

Teacher: "They are Senior Boys."

The boy looking disappointed, but still hopeful: "Oh...I'm looking for a tall Senior Boy ( little arms extended to the left and the right accompany this statement to show just how tall the boy is). Do you know him? He said he would play soccer with me after school!"

Teacher: "Well, do you know his name?"

Boy: "No...but will you find him for me please? Tell him I'll wait for him after school to play soccer."

With that, the little chap turns happily on his heel, confident that the teacher will in fact find the "tall Senior boy" and he trots off to his next lesson. The Senior kids smile and chuckle good-naturedly at the little guy's enthusiasm and conviction.

Ok, so the teacher never did find the elusive "tall one" - but something more important was "found".

It is gratifying to find that at [insert name of School] a Senior Boy will still offer to play soccer with  a younger boy because he remembers looking up to the bigger boys when he was just a little guy. And what  a find it is when a Junior Boy wants to play soccer with the Senior Boys - no fear...just a little awe and admiration perhaps?

It is also heart-warming to see the complete trust and belief, as our young friend approached a teacher for help in this rather urgent matter,  and more importantly, to see the faith that the little guy had in the simplicity of his request, and the faith that the teacher would do their best to help him.

It is moments like these, not only the more tangible academic, sporting and cultural moments that are normally evident - when we are again reminded of what makes [insert name of School] so special. The moments are seemingly unimportant, magical and many - but they happen every day at [insert name of school] .

As you face a new academic year, my advise to you in our elementary school graduation speech is to continue soaring, continue boldly stepping forward, continue marching towards the beat of your drum and may the year that lies ahead be as phenomenal as your graduating year at [ insert name of School].

Your elementary school graduation speech will be even more effective with good quotes for graduation speeches.

Go on - visit  free graduation speeches for more ideas on free written speeches. Read them, copy and paste them, tweak them and present them!

That's So Montessori

37 Amazing Elementary Graduation Quotes to Inspire and Empower

Get ready to inspire and celebrate with heartwarming elementary graduation quotes!

As children bid farewell to this chapter and embrace the adventures ahead, you’re going to want to share some of the timeless quotes included here as they encapsulate the spirit of achievement and the promise of new beginnings.

As a Montessori elementary teacher, I’ve led many 6th-grade graduations and collected a bunch of inspiring quotes I use year after year. Now, I’m thrilled to share these elementary graduation quotes with you, aiming to inspire and empower young graduates as they transition from the second plane of development to the next phase of their journey.

Perfect for incorporating into graduation speeches, cards, or even as part of graduation gifts for kids , these quotes offer timeless wisdom and encouragement for graduates.

Join us as we explore the insight behind each of these elementary graduation quotes, and see how you can make your child’s graduation day even more memorable with words that resonate and uplift.

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A grade 6 Asian girl dressed in a graduation cap and gown holding a diploma.

37 Quotes for Elementary School Graduation

Mark the milestone of 6th grade graduation with inspiring elementary graduation quotes that commemorate this special day.

And guess what? These quotes work just as well for 8th grade, high school, and even college and university graduations too!

primary school graduation essay

These quotes are organized into different categories for easy searching, and there’s a meaningful explanation provided for each quote.

Dr. Maria Montessori Quotes for Elementary Graduation Day

A poster of an elementary graduation quote from Maria Montessori that says, "The child, making use of all that he finds around him, shapes himself for the future."

“The child, making use of all that he finds around him, shapes himself for the future.” Maria Montessori

Meaning: This quote emphasizes the importance of active engagement with the environment to prepare for what lies ahead.

As graduates move forward, it encourages them to continue seeking experiences that contribute to their growth and development.

“The child is both a hope and a promise for mankind.” Maria Montessori

Meaning: Montessori’s quote highlights children as the future, embodying hope for a better world and the potential for positive change.

As students move beyond elementary school, it reminds them of their power to shape a brighter future, urging them to embrace their role in making a meaningful impact on society.

An elementary graduation quote by Maria Montessori that says, "Independence is not doing your own thing, but discovering your own thing."

“Independence is not doing your own thing, but discovering your own thing.” Maria Montessori

Meaning: True independence isn’t just about doing what you want, but rather about discovering your unique path and purpose in life. It encourages individuals to explore their interests, passions, and talents to find what truly fulfills them and gives their life meaning.

“Imagination knows no boundaries; let it soar and inspire.” Maria Montessori

Meaning: This quote reminds us that our imagination has no limits. It encourages graduates to let their creativity fly high, inspiring themselves and others along the way.

Inspirational Elementary Graduation Quotes

primary school graduation essay

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt

Meaning: Let your dreams guide you and believe in their power to shape your future.

“Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.” Theodore Roosevelt

Meaning: Having confidence in oneself is the first step towards achieving one’s goals, implying that belief in one’s abilities is a significant factor in overcoming challenges and reaching one’s aspirations.

An elementary graduation quote that says, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Dr. Seuss

Meaning: It’s important to be true to oneself and speak one’s mind, regardless of the opinions of others. Those who truly care about you will accept you for who you are, while those who judge are inconsequential.

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Steve Jobs

Meaning: Embrace your individuality and follow your own path, true to yourself.

“The future depends on what you do today.” Mahatma Gandhi

Meaning: Take action in the present moment. The choices and actions we make today shape the course of our future. In other words, our present actions determine the outcomes and possibilities that lie ahead.

Graduation Quotes About Success

One of our favourite elementary graduation quotes which says, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill

Meaning: Neither achieving success nor facing failure marks the end of the road; rather, it’s the resilience to persevere despite challenges that truly defines one’s journey.

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” Nelson Mandela

Meaning: True greatness is found in the ability to rise after each challenge faced.

An elementary graduation quote that says, "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” Albert Schweitzer

Meaning: Follow your passions and find joy in your pursuits; success will naturally follow.

“Be so good they can’t ignore you.” Steve Martin

Meaning: By being exceptionally skilled or proficient, you will naturally attract attention and recognition, making it impossible for others to overlook your abilities. It encourages individuals to focus on honing their talents and becoming the best they can be in their chosen field or endeavor.

Graduation Quotes About Learning

An excellent graduation quote that says, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

Meaning: These words emphasize the transformative power of education. Encourage your students to embrace their education as a tool to make positive changes in the world.

“What we learn with pleasure we never forget.” Alfred Mercier

Meaning: When we enjoy what we’re learning, it tends to stick with us for a long time. Finding pleasure in the learning process helps to cement the knowledge we gain in our memory.

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” B.B. King

Meaning: There is lifelong value in education and learning. The knowledge and skills acquired during their elementary years are something they will carry with them throughout their lives.

Another great elementary  quote that states, "Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead."

“Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” Nora Ephron

Meaning: Education is not just about academics, but also about preparing students for their future lives and the opportunities that lie ahead. This quote suggests that elementary school is a time for students to practice, learn, and develop the necessary skills and mindset to confidently lead their own lives.

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” Les Brown

Meaning: Dream big and aim for their highest goals with this quote. This instills in students a sense of ambition, perseverance, and resilience. By emphasizing the importance of setting lofty aspirations, it teaches students that even if they fall short of their initial objectives, they will still achieve remarkable things.

Playful Elementary Graduation Quotes

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” Dr. Seuss

Meaning: This quote encourages independence and self-reliance. Individuals have the ability to make their own choices and determine their own paths in life. With the combination of intellect and mobility, people have the power to navigate their journey and pursue their aspirations.

Another one of our elementary graduation quotes on a poster that says, "A mind is like a parachute. It does't work if it is not open."

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” Frank Zappa

Meaning: Just like a parachute needs to be open to function, our minds need to be open to new ideas and perspectives to work effectively. This quote reminds us of the importance of embracing new thoughts for our minds to function at their best.

“You’re only given a little spark of madness, you mustn’t lose it.” Robin Williams

Meaning: Emphasizing the value of embracing the eccentric and unique aspects of one’s personality, the quote suggests that these quirks are valuable and should be nurtured rather than discarded.

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” Albert Einstein

Meaning: True education extends beyond the memorization of facts and lessons taught in school. Instead, it emphasizes the lasting impact of critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and the pursuit of knowledge acquired through personal experience and lifelong learning.

One of our collection of elementary graduation quotes that says, "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra."

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” Jimmy Johnson

Meaning: The distinction between being ordinary and extraordinary lies in the extra effort and dedication put forth. By consistently giving that extra bit of effort or attention to detail, individuals can surpass expectations and accomplish remarkable feats.

Thought-Provoking Graduation Quotes

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Lao Tzu

Meaning: Take the initial step towards a goal or undertaking. Every grand journey, no matter how daunting, starts with a simple action. It encourages individuals to overcome inertia and hesitation by embracing the idea that progress begins with a single, decisive move forward.

primary school graduation essay

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” Albert Einstein

Meaning: Challenges and obstacles often conceal opportunities for growth and advancement. It encourages individuals to maintain a positive outlook even in the face of adversity, recognizing that within every difficult situation, there exists the potential for finding solutions, learning valuable lessons, and achieving success.

“Be a voice, not an echo.” Albert Einstein

Meaning: This quote emphasizes the importance of individuality and originality. It encourages people to express their own thoughts, opinions, and perspectives rather than simply echoing the ideas of others. It serves as a reminder to embrace one’s unique voice and contribute to the world with authenticity and creativity.

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” William Butler Yeats

Meaning: True learning is not merely about acquiring information, but rather igniting a passion for knowledge and inquiry. Education should inspire curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking, fostering a lifelong desire for intellectual exploration and growth.

A great graduation quote that says, "In a world where you can be anything, be kind."

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” Jennifer Dukes Lee

Meaning: Among all the possibilities available to us, choosing kindness is one of the most impactful actions we can take. In a world where negativity and division often prevail, choosing to be kind can make a significant difference, spreading warmth, compassion, and positivity to others.

Graduation Quotes About the Future

This elementary graduation quote reads, ""It's not about being the best; it's about being better than you were yesterday."

“It’s not about being the best; it’s about being better than you were yesterday.” Unknown

Meaning: This quote highlights the importance of personal growth and progress. It suggests that rather than comparing oneself to others or striving for perfection, the focus should be on continuous self-improvement. By aiming to be better than one was yesterday, individuals can cultivate a mindset of growth, learning, and development, ultimately leading to greater fulfillment and success in the long run.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Peter Drucker

Meaning: Rather than passively waiting for the future to unfold, individuals should take charge of their lives and actively work towards creating the outcomes they desire. By setting goals, making plans, and taking decisive steps forward, people can exert control over their future and turn their aspirations into reality.

Another from our list of elementary graduation quotes that reads, "The secret of getting ahead is getting started."

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” Mark Twain

Meaning: The first step towards reaching any goal is initiating action. By overcoming procrastination and hesitation and simply getting started, individuals can set themselves on the path towards advancement and accomplishment.

“Every artist was first an amateur.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Meaning: Every accomplished artist or expert was once a beginner who started with little knowledge or skill. By recognizing that mastery is achieved through practice, perseverance, and learning from mistakes, aspiring artists can embrace their amateur status as the first step towards achieving greatness in their craft.

All About You Graduation Quotes

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde

Meaning: Each person is unique and irreplaceable, and attempting to emulate others diminishes one’s own value. By embracing one’s true self and embracing their own identity, individuals can discover their own strengths, quirks, and talents, leading to a more fulfilling and genuine life.

A great quote to use for graduates that says, "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis

Meaning: Age should not limit one’s capacity to pursue new aspirations or envision new possibilities. By reminding individuals that they are never too old to set new goals or dream new dreams, Lewis underscores the timeless nature of human potential and the importance of embracing creativity and growth at any stage of life.

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” A.A. Milne

Meaning: This quote suggests that despite self-doubt, people possess greater courage, strength, and intelligence than they realize. By acknowledging these qualities within themselves, individuals can overcome challenges, face adversity with confidence, and achieve their goals with determination and belief in their capabilities.

An elementary graduation quote that says, "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” Milton Berle

Meaning: Instead of waiting passively for opportunities to arise, we should take action and create our own pathways to success. This saying emphasizes the importance of being proactive and resourceful in pursuing our goals, even when faced with challenges.

“You are capable of more than you know.” Glinda, The Wizard of Oz

Meaning: Individuals often underestimate their own abilities and potential. Glinda’s words encourage Dorothy to recognize her inner strength and resilience, implying that she possesses untapped capabilities that she may not be aware of. It serves as a reminder that with belief in oneself and determination, one can overcome obstacles and achieve great things.

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Dress Up Your Walls With Positivity!

Enhance any learning environment, whether it’s a classroom or a home setting, with our Montessori-inspired quote posters .

Two posters hanging on the wall in black frame both with Montessori quotes on them.

The Role of Quotes in Elementary Graduation

Quotes play a crucial role in elementary school graduation ceremonies. They serve as powerful reminders of the journey students have undertaken, the challenges they’ve overcome, and the achievements they’ve made.

From decorating programs to adorning walls and punctuating speeches, quotes add depth and inspiration to the occasion, resonating with both graduates and educators.

For graduates, quotes offer moments of reflection and encouragement. They encapsulate the lessons learned and the dreams envisioned, instilling confidence and courage as students embark on new adventures. These quotes serve as reminders of resilience and perseverance, urging graduates to embrace the future with enthusiasm and determination.

Grade 6 boy with a graduation cap on holding a graduation certificate. Smiling because he loves elementary graduation quotes.

Educators also find solace and inspiration in quotes. They reflect on the collective journey shared with their students and the profound impact of education. These quotes reaffirm the transformative power of teaching and the unwavering commitment to student success.

As cherished keepsakes, quotes continue to resonate beyond the ceremony, serving as constant reminders of values, aspirations, and dreams nurtured within the classroom.

Make Elementary Graduation a Big Deal

Making elementary graduation a big deal is important because it celebrates a significant milestone in a child’s life. It marks the culmination of their elementary school journey and serves as a stepping stone to their next educational adventure.

Recognizing this achievement fills our students with pride, accomplishment, and excitement. It motivates them to keep aiming high in their studies and beyond. It’s a way of saying, “You did it!” and encouraging them to keep reaching for their dreams.

Graduation Gift in Studio, the perfect decor to surround elementary graduation quotes.

Furthermore, celebrating elementary graduation provides an opportunity to honour the hard work and dedication of students, teachers, and parents alike. It acknowledges the growth, progress, and achievements made throughout the elementary school years and encourages students to embrace their potential as they transition to the next phase of their education.

Additionally, making elementary graduation a big deal fosters a sense of community and belonging within the school. It brings together students, families, teachers, and staff to celebrate as a collective, creating lasting memories and strengthening bonds.

As part of the celebration, consider gifting graduates flowers or tokens of appreciation to symbolize this epic milestone. These thoughtful gestures not only serve as mementos of the occasion but also convey congratulations and best wishes for the future.

BONUS: Congratulations Graduation Messages

Celebrate the achievements of an elementary school graduate with heartfelt and inspiring words. Whether you’re writing a card for a beloved student, family member, friend or a speech for a small or large audience, these brief but meaningful graduation messages capture the joy and pride of this momentous occasion.

As a Montessori elementary teacher with over a decade of experience planning and overseeing elementary graduation ceremonies, I have crafted and utilized numerous graduation greetings.

Choose the perfect message to convey your belief in their future success and to express heartfelt congratulations.

Graduation Messages for Elementary Students

“Wishing you a world of success as you leave elementary behind. Remember, with hard work and determination, you can achieve anything you set your mind to!”

“To our amazing graduate, your elementary years have been filled with growth, laughter, and cherished memories. Now, step confidently into the next chapter of your educational journey. We believe in you!”

Small Boy in White Robe and Mortarboard Hat Celebrating elementary Graduation

“Today, we celebrate the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Congratulations, graduate! May each step you take lead you closer to your dreams.”

“As you graduate from elementary school, remember that every ending is a new beginning. Embrace the challenges ahead, for they will shape you into the incredible person we know you’ll become.”

“You’ve shown us what it means to be a true leader, a curious learner, and a kind friend. As you move on from elementary, know that you’ve left an indelible mark on our hearts. Congratulations and best wishes!”

“To our extraordinary graduate, may your future be filled with exciting adventures, wonderful friendships, and endless opportunities to make a difference. We’re so proud of you!”

primary school graduation essay

“Today, we celebrate not only your accomplishments but also the incredible potential that lies within you. Dream big, aim high, and always believe in yourself. Congratulations, graduate!”

“Congratulations on your elementary graduation! Your hard work, dedication, and resilience have paid off. Best wishes for an extraordinary journey ahead!”

“Congratulations! As you spread your wings and soar into middle school, may your future be as bright as the smiles you’ve brought to our faces.”

“As you bid farewell to elementary school, remember that knowledge is the key that unlocks countless doors. Keep seeking knowledge, embracing new experiences, and let your passion guide you. Congratulations!”

From acknowledging their growth and potential to encouraging them on their journey, these graduation sayings will add an extra touch of significance to their special day.

primary school graduation essay

The Wrap-Up: Quotes for Elementary School Graduation Day

As elementary school graduates step into their next adventure, these inspiring quotes light the way, reminding them of their strength and ability to create their own futures. They show the power of education and how amazing each student truly is.

Adding these quotes to graduation speeches, yearbooks, or class mementos is a special way to honor the wisdom and inspiration gained during elementary school. They’ll always remember the lessons learned and their excitement for the future ahead.

And lastly, a big congratulations to all your elementary graduates! They’re all set to become tomorrow’s leaders, innovators, and change-makers. Let these quotes light their path as they journey towards success and happiness.

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primary school graduation essay

Donna Paul, with over 15 years as a certified Montessori teacher, is praised for her engaging teaching style. Beyond the classroom, she's a children's book author and spearheads two impactful blogs with her partner, Karen: thatssomontessori.com for Montessori insights at the elementary level and thenomadicstrays.com for simple road life living. Based in British Columbia, Canada, Donna's nomadic life allows her to share ideas and develop educational products with Karen as they travel. Donna can be found spreading smiles and knowledge wherever she roams.

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My graduation day essay

My graduation day essay 8 models

My graduation day essay ,the celebration of the graduation ceremony was through a beautiful party held by the school under the auspices of the principal of the school and attended by students and teachers and parents of the students and provided some entertainment shows.

My graduation day essay

Today, my school has held an annual graduation ceremony in which high school students are enrolled after passing the tests successfully and exceeding them and offering them certificates of appreciation and praise for their good conduct and discipline during the academic year.

The ceremony began by greeting the student who presented the ceremony to the principal of the school, the masters of the teachers, the masters of the parents and the dear students.

And a student with a beautiful voice read the Holy Quran, Then a third student introduced Hadith Sharif urging to seek knowledge, and then the acting group presented a short comedy play.

This play dealt with the difference between the diligent student who makes every effort to collect the science and the failed student who does not know the value of science and learning.

After that,  the principal of the school presented a speech in which he praised the students and praised the teachers for their great efforts to teach their students and encourage them to innovate and help them to solve the problems they experienced, whether academic or social problems. He wished the students more excellence and success

One of the teachers called the names of the first students and were honored by the principal of the school who gave them certificates of appreciation .

The students also gave each other a wish, hoping for success in the coming years. And everyone went away and each of the students carries a beautiful memory inside him about the years he spent in school and about his friends who spent the most beautiful time with them.

My graduation day

There is no doubt that every student dreams of his graduation day and is waiting for it impatiently. I can describe this last year before I moved to university as the most difficult. When you wait for time to pass, it becomes too long,

So I got up at 9 and get ready to go to prom, I am so excited this day is finally coming , I have been waiting for so long where I  can live more freely, move out of my parents’ house, live on my own and rely on myself, work and stay up late.  As well as entering the university that I always dreamed of and worked hard to reach.

Here I am getting up, getting dressed, and going to meet my friends before going to the party. I would very much like to go out today with my friends, and attend the dance, I would also like to give a simple speech to thank the principal, teachers and staff at the school, it has been a happy 11 years. I am very happy that they passed well, without any problems.

He is very excited to face tomorrow and learn more new experiences. On this day, when went down the stairs, I heard a surprise word, congratulations on graduation. Some cheers and small encouraging fireworks.

My family was very happy with my graduation and they wore their best clothes to attend the awards ceremony. They brought a camera to photograph me and take some other pictures for my friends for memory.

Of course everything was great at the party and I was very happy when I heard my name and got my graduation certificate.

Graduation essay

There is no doubt that graduation is the dream of every student who strived and struggled for this moment, until he moved to another stage of education, or in order to finish school education completely and move to learn from the real life and collide with life.

Of course, education does not end in a person’s life except with his death, as he can learn a lot through life and those around him.

Therefore, we see education as mere stages, we seek to finish it in schools and move to a larger stage, in which we find difficulties and challenges, which encourage us to learn again, and make us more challenging and determined to excel in it, so that we can benefit from it and rely on it in our next future, whether at work. or living.

Therefore, graduation day represents for us the satisfactory reward for the struggle and persistence we have achieved in education, from the first day of school until the last day.

Graduation day essay

Graduation day is one of the wonderful days that we are all impatiently waiting for, and we are trying to prepare for it, whether in preparing the appropriate clothes for this occasion, or knowing who we will accompany at the graduation ceremony, and preparing many things that we will do on this day, and how we will close a page and open a new page for a new stage of education, whether in an advanced stage of education or completion of studies, and learning from life and facing and merging with real life began.

Graduation day is always the biggest prize for hard work and continuous effort in education. It also represents a new  starting point, which helps us to remember that we were able to overcome the past, and we will certainly overcome what will come, and there will be no difficulties, and we have a new goal that we will strive to achieve.

This is my graduation day. A lot of joy at the end of a stage, and a new challenge with a lot of effort and fatigue, I will receive it without fear or hesitation, I will strive to achieve success in it, so that I can celebrate my success again.

Short essay about graduation

Graduation is a dream that many people are waiting for. Our goal from the beginning of our education is to reach the end of the educational stage, and to graduate so that we can begin our practical life and meet life and society with what we have learned. We prove to ourselves that we can excel and succeed.

Everyone has dreams and ambitions, which he postpones until he can succeed in the educational stages and graduate.

So today, we are witnessing our first goal and dream, which is graduation, at which we will stand a little without thinking about what will come next, and enjoy this moment, which represents our success and appreciation of our fatigue and continuous effort to reach this happy moment.

For me and for many friends, this is the beginning of success, through which we prove that we can go out for life and fight all difficulties.

Our graduation today proves that we are capable of patience, learning, diligence, and continuing to learn, no matter the circumstances, and not giving up on something we do no matter what difficulties we face.

Today we are honored and a graduation ceremony is held for us as proof of our excellence and success. It may not be the greatest success in the universe, but it is certainly the first step on the ladder of success, after which we will strive to achieve more successes and superiorities.

Therefore, I am grateful and appreciate the role of those in charge of the study, and the role of my father and mother who stood by me so that I could continue my studies and education, and my friends. I hope to be as good as they think and achieve the best for myself and them.

Short essay about graduation day

There is no doubt that the graduation day represents a great victory for all students, an overwhelming feeling of happiness and self-realization, and that we can succeed and overcome difficulties and obstacles, and most importantly, overcome our fears that always tell us that we cannot succeed.

Therefore, the graduation day represents a great celebration for all students, for their achievement and excellence throughout the year, and appreciation for their efforts, fatigue and perseverance they made in order to obtain the highest grades.

Therefore, the gathering of all students at the end of the year ceremony, during which they are honored for the end of the semester and their success, is a great victory, and a new starting point for another stage, they see themselves going to it and achieving excellence in what is to come.

Essay about graduation day in elementary

It is wonderful to feel accomplished since childhood and to have a graduation day celebration in the primary stage. This makes us feel energetic and ready to face the next stage, and we are ready to progress year after year until we reach the university and graduate from it.

Of course, the primary stage is important because it is where the student is founded on everything, from the beginning of teaching letters to reading, arithmetic, and learning other languages.

Therefore, the day of graduation in the primary stage represents a great victory, because in it the basics were dug that will remain permanent for the rest of life, and whatever we learned in childhood lasts for old age.

My graduation day short essay

The graduation day for me and a lot of friends and other people is a day of honor for the effort spent throughout the year. In addition to the motivation that helps us advance to the next stage with eagerness and love. We have hope and optimism that we will be able to pass this stage as well and graduate from it, until we completely finish our university studies.

Then we will begin in practical life, learning all the requirements of life and career, so that we integrate into society and benefit from what we have learned, and re-present it in new projects, ideas and innovations.

Also, the graduation day is another happiness, because of the gathering of friends and family, the celebration of this day, the costumes, the music, and the speech we give.

All of this makes us feel happy and optimistic, and makes us feel self-fulfilling, and we are happier if the parents are present and thank us for completing this stage and graduating from it. This gives a great feeling and appreciation from them for what we have achieved in the study.

In this way, we have given you a topic about My graduation day essay ,and you can read more through the following link:

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primary school graduation essay

Celebrating Elementary School Graduation

  • Elementary Education

primary school graduation essay

Elementary school graduation is a milestone event in a child’s educational journey. It symbolizes the completion of their elementary years and marks the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. In this article, we will explore the significance of celebrating elementary school graduation and how it can positively impact a child’s self-esteem and motivation.

One of the main reasons why elementary school graduation is worth celebrating is because it acknowledges the hard work, dedication, and achievements of students throughout their elementary years. Whether it’s learning to read, mastering basic math skills, or developing social and emotional intelligence, elementary school is a critical period of learning and growth for children.

By celebrating elementary school graduation, educators and parents can foster a sense of accomplishment and pride in students. This recognition can boost their self-esteem and confidence, motivating them to continue their educational journey with enthusiasm and determination. Graduation ceremonies, certificates, and special events can create lasting memories for students, their families, and their teachers.

Moreover, elementary school graduation provides an opportunity to reflect on the students’ progress and achievements. It allows educators and parents to appreciate the unique strengths and talents of each child, highlighting their growth and development over the years. Recognizing and celebrating these achievements can nurture a positive mindset in students, encouraging them to set goals, overcome challenges, and strive for success in future endeavors.

Elementary school graduation is also a time to express gratitude towards educators who have played a significant role in the students’ academic and personal growth. Teachers, administrators, and school staff work tirelessly to provide a nurturing and inspiring learning environment for children. By celebrating graduation, students can convey their appreciation for the guidance and support they received, creating a sense of camaraderie and gratitude within the school community.

In conclusion, celebrating elementary school graduation is an important way to honor students’ achievements, boost their self-esteem, and create a memorable milestone in their educational journey. By recognizing their hard work and growth, we can inspire students to continue their educational pursuits with confidence and determination. Elementary school graduation serves as a meaningful opportunity to reflect, appreciate, and celebrate the accomplishments of students, creating a positive and empowering atmosphere within the school community.


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primary school graduation essay

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Speech Writing

Graduation Speech

Barbara P

Crafting the Perfect Graduation Speech: A Guide with Examples

10 min read

Graduation Speech

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Have you ever stood at the threshold of a new journey, feeling a mix of excitement and uncertainty? 

Well, if you're a soon-to-be graduate, that's probably exactly how you're feeling right now.

The big day is coming, and you're wondering, 'How will I write my speech? Can I ask for speech writing help?

Don’t worry!

In this blog, we're going to tell you how to write a graduation speech for students. Get ready to discover the secrets of crafting a graduation speech that not only captures your audience's attention but also leaves a profound impact on your fellow graduates.

Let's transform that uncertainty into inspiration and confidence as we delve into the art of delivering a speech that will make your graduation day truly unforgettable.

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  • 1. What is a Graduation Speech?
  • 2. How to Write a Graduation Speech?
  • 3. Graduation Speeches From Notable Figures 
  • 4. Graduation Speech Examples for Students 
  • 5. Graduation Speech Ideas - 2024
  • 6. Graduation Speech Writing Tips 

What is a Graduation Speech?

A graduation speech is the heart of your big day, bringing together all your experiences and achievements. 

It's more than just talking – it's a way to inspire and celebrate. It's not just a tradition. This type of speech is a chance to share what you've learned and dream about the future.

Your graduation speech should include everyone – your friends, the tough times you all faced, and the good times you shared. 

Elements of Graduation Speech

Creating a memorable graduation speech involves several key elements that can help you connect with your audience and make a lasting impression. 

Here are the crucial elements you should consider:

Start with a compelling opening. Use a quote, anecdote, or question.

Express gratitude to teachers, parents, and peers for their support.

Reflect on school experiences and share impactful stories.

Offer words of encouragement and motivation for the future.

Share practical life lessons related to goals, challenges, and positivity.

Emphasize the importance of shared experiences and friendships.

Discuss hopes and dreams for the exciting possibilities ahead.

Wrap up with a memorable and inspiring closing message.

All these elements make a strong and memorable speech and help make your graduation successful.

How to Write a Graduation Speech?

Writing an inspirational graduation speech that stands out isn't as daunting as it may seem. 

With a structured approach and a dash of creativity, you can deliver the best special occasion speech that leaves a lasting impact on your audience. 

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to start a graduation speech and create an inspiring address:

Begin with a Memorable Opening 

Start with an attention-grabbing quote, a personal anecdote, or a thought-provoking question. 

This sets the tone for your speech and captures your audience's interest right from the beginning.

Express Gratitude 

Show appreciation to your teachers, parents, and fellow students. 

Express how their support and contributions have been instrumental in your academic journey. This sets a positive and grateful tone for your speech.

Reflect on Meaningful Moments 

Share personal stories and school experiences that have had a significant impact on your life and the lives of your classmates. 

Use these anecdotes to connect with your audience emotionally.

Offer Words of Inspiration 

Provide words of inspiration and motivation. Encourage your fellow graduates to embrace the future with confidence and courage.

Use stories or quotes to illustrate your points.

Share Practical Advice 

Share life lessons and any advice you've learned during your academic journey. 

Offer insights related to pursuing goals, overcoming challenges, and maintaining a positive outlook on life.

Emphasize Unity and Shared Experiences 

Highlight the importance of unity and the bonds formed with your classmates. 

Emphasize the strength of collective experiences and friendships that have been a significant part of your school life.

Discuss Hopes and Dreams 

Talk about your hopes and dreams for the future, both for yourself and your fellow graduates. Paint a vivid picture of the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

End with an Inspiring Conclusion 

Conclude your speech with a memorable message that resonates with your audience. 

Leave them with a lasting impression or a call to action that inspires them to take on the future with enthusiasm.

Graduation Speeches From Notable Figures 

Notable figures, from celebrities to accomplished professionals, often deliver inspiring graduation speeches, sharing their wisdom, experiences, and advice with the graduates. 

In this section, we explore some remarkable graduation speeches that have left a lasting impact on audiences worldwide.

Taylor Swift Graduation Speech 

Taylor Swift, the renowned singer-songwriter, delivered an inspiring graduation speech that emphasized embracing change and authenticity. 

Her words have motivated graduates worldwide, making her speech a source of valuable life lessons.

“The times I was told no or wasn’t included, wasn’t chosen, didn’t win, didn’t make the cut…looking back, it really feels like those moments were as important, if not more crucial, than the moments I was told ‘yes.’ …” 

Watch complete graduation speech here: 

Rory Gilmore Graduation Speech 

Rory Gilmore, a beloved fictional character from the TV series "Gilmore Girls," delivered a heartwarming graduation speech that celebrated the value of hard work, ambition, and the pursuit of dreams. 

Her speech remains an iconic moment in the series and a testament to the power of perseverance and ambition.

Watch her graduation speech here:

Ree Drummond - Oklahoma State University 

Ree Drummond, known as "The Pioneer Woman," shared her insights and wisdom in a graduation speech delivered in 2022. 

Her address offers a unique perspective on life, success, and the pursuit of dreams, making it a valuable resource for graduates seeking inspiration and guidance as they set out on their own paths.

Listen to the complete speech in this video:

Steve Jobs - 2005 

Steve Jobs' iconic 2005 commencement speech at Stanford University delivered invaluable life lessons and inspiration. 

His words continue to resonate with graduates and individuals worldwide, offering timeless guidance on pursuing one's passions and creating a meaningful life.

Check out his complete speech in this video: 

Graduation Speech Examples for Students 

Looking for inspiration for your own graduation speech? Here is a short graduation speech:

Ladies and gentlemen, faculty, parents, and, of course, my fellow graduates,

Today, we stand on the cusp of an exciting new chapter. Our time here has been filled with challenges and triumphs, laughter and tears, and countless memories we will carry with us. As we move forward, let's remember the lessons we've learned, the friendships we've made, and the potential we hold.

Let's embrace the future with open hearts and open minds. Our journey has just begun, and the world is waiting for us to make our mark. I have no doubt that each one of us has the power to shape a brighter tomorrow. So, let's march forward, together, and create a future that we can all be proud of.

Congratulations, Class of [Year]! 

Our adventure begins now! 

Thank you.

Read some more diverse graduation speech samples to spark your creativity:

Graduation Speech for Kindergarten - Example

Short Graduation Speech

Graduation Speech for Kids

Graduation Speech For Primary 6

8th Grade Graduation Speech

High School Graduation Speech

Explore a collection of inspiring graduation speeches, each offering a unique perspective on this momentous occasion.

Graduation Speech by Students - Example

Graduation Speech for Parents - Example

Graduation Speech by Teacher - Example

Graduation Speech by Principal- Example

Graduation Speech Thanking Teachers

Graduation Speech Ideas - 2024

Here are some interesting and fun graduation speech ideas.

  • Talk about a current school event.
  • Try something new like poetry or metaphors to make your speech interesting.
  • Tell a story about your class, for example, ‘what was the driving force of the class of 2021?’
  • Use quotes from famous and classic books.
  • Use lyrics from the class anthem.
  • Be inspirational and share an inspirational story.
  • Share a humorous experience.
  • Convey a memorable message.
  • If appropriate, add a song with meaning.
  • Appreciate a fellow classmate or a teacher.
  • Connect your speech with your 1st day at school.
  • Significant events that took place in the school.
  • A professor that made you fall in love with a major subject.
  • The long time you spent in the school library and how it impacted your interactions with other students.
  • Tell me about who inspired you the most in your life.

Graduation Speech Writing Tips 

Crafting a memorable graduation speech can be a rewarding yet challenging task. Here are some essential tips to help you write an impactful and engaging speech for your big day:

  • Know Your Audience: Understanding your audience is crucial to tailor your speech effectively.
  • Start Strong: An attention-grabbing beginning sets the tone for your speech.
  • Tell Personal Stories: Personal anecdotes and experiences create a meaningful connection.
  • Inspire and Motivate: Your speech should encourage confidence about the future.
  • Share Practical Advice: Offering practical life advice adds value to your speech.
  • Embrace Humor: Appropriately used humor can engage your audience.
  • Be Concise: Keeping your speech at an appropriate length is essential to maintain interest.
  • Practice and Rehearse: Preparation ensures confidence in your delivery.
  • End on a High Note: A memorable conclusion leaves a lasting impression.

As you take that first step forward, congratulations on your graduation, and we wish you the best of luck in whatever comes next. We hope this graduation speech guide has given you some pointers for what to say in your speech.

If you need further help, you can avail of our assistance and get your speech before the big day.

At MyPerfectWords.com , one of the best essay writing service for college , we help new graduates make their day memorable by delivering quality speeches.

Buy speech from us and get ready to shine.

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Barbara P

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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Meaningful Milestones | Celebrating Primary School Graduation

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Written by Emma (Teach Starter)

Do you remember your primary school graduation?

When I graduated from primary school, I remember being filled with a jumble of emotions. Excitement that I’d reached such a milestone, pride that I was soon to be one of the ‘big kids’ and, of course, nervousness that the next stage of school would be scary and different to what I was used to!

As a teacher, it’s no different. It is so touching to sit back and watch ‘your kids’ graduate. No, I’m not crying – I just have something in my eye! Honestly!

Whether you’re a parent, teacher or student – there’s no denying primary school graduation is an emotionally charged event.

Whatever emotions you and your students may experience, the significance of this milestone means it is a day to be celebrated!

Primary School Graduation Cupcakes

A Primary School Graduation Celebration

How best do you prepare for this special day? A day that represents the culmination of efforts of students, parents and teachers over so many years?

It’s vitally important to ensure your final days of school are filled with primary school graduation activities to help your students reflect on the journey they have just completed.  Resources that promote a meaningful transition for your graduating students need to connect them to their past, help them appreciate all of the growth they have achieved, and build them up to continue their learning journey.

Approaching Primary School Graduation Day

Once your students have completed their final assessment of Term 4, it’s time for fun and reflective activities. They have earned it!

It’s also time to get your students excited! Create a ‘Count-Down’ display using some of our colourful  Bunting Teaching Resources .

Help your students relax and bask in the feeling of success by getting the class to suggest songs for a  playlist of music for the remainder of their lessons. Have a ‘Playlist Requests’ box in the classroom and choose a selection of songs to play throughout the days approaching the graduation ceremony (handy hint – make sure to choose ‘clean’ options for songs to avoid any accidental explicit language).

Primary School Graduation Countdown

Create a Graduation Hat

Students can create their own  graduation hats to wear to their graduation ceremony! Follow these easy steps to create a graduation hat using our  Graduation Hat Template and cardboard.

You will need:

  • our Graduation Hat Cut and Assemble Template
  • two pieces of A3 black cardboard or stiff felt
  • ribbon matching your school colours.

Students can even decorate the tops of their graduation hat to give it a personalised twist!

One Last Shared Story

When I decided to leave teaching full time, it was a scary transition for me.

Would I fit in well to my new job? Would I make friends? Would I find the work as interesting and fun as teaching had been?

Your students will be thinking similar thoughts about the year following graduation, especially if they are moving schools. Help lay their fears to rest and treat them to one last shared story by reading Dr. Seuss’s Oh the Places You’ll Go.

Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away! Dr. Seuss

I was gifted this beautiful storybook by my class earlier in the year before I left to work at Teach Starter. It is a truly touching and inspiring story about life and all the twists and turns you’ll experience on your journey.

Encourage your students to listen to the book’s message. Why not follow up reading by asking your students to unpack the story in our Finding the Main Idea – Blank Template or Viewing Response Template ?

Primary School Graduation Activity

Reflective Activities

While they’re relaxing, your students might like to take the time to reflect on the year they’ve just had. Use our End of Primary School Reflection Worksheet to prompt them to think about all that they’ve experienced in the past year, and what they will remember for years to come.

Primary School Graduation

As your graduation ceremony nears, your students will be gearing up for an emotional day.

Ensure their nearest and dearest are there to support them by sending each family a Graduation Day Invitation . For a specifically timed occasion, we also have a  Graduation Day Breakfast Invitation or Graduation Day Morning Tea Invitation .

Primary School Graduation

Ask students to use our Graduation Letter Template  to write their parents a letter to give them on graduation day.

They can thank them for all they’ve done to help them get to where they are now, and tell them their hopes and dreams as they move forward into the next stage of their schooling.

Why not give parents the same task? Many families would relish the opportunity to write a letter to tell their son or daughter how proud they are of them.

Swap these letters as part of the graduation ceremony to help families feel like they are an active part of the day .

Reflecting on Primary School Graduation

Sometimes saying goodbye to primary school friends can seem an incredibly daunting task, especially if students have known each other since they started school!

Ask your students to create a beautiful double page Final Year of Primary School – Scrapbook Pages Template  to keep the memories of their last year. Autographs and special photos will be cherished for years to come.


Take your students right back to where it all began with our My Primary School Journey – Then and Now Scrapbook Template .

Give them the opportunity to compare their first year and their final year of school with photographs, anecdotes, and memories. They will be filled with nostalgia and delight at the thought of how far they have come!

School Graduation Day Has Finally Arrived

Primary school graduation day can be an incredibly moving time for students and teachers alike. Your students will probably be buzzing with excitement, but there will no doubt also be a few tears.

A primary school graduation ceremony is the perfect opportunity for your school to give back to the students, and show how much they appreciate and will miss the graduating class.

Primary School Graduation

The Start of the Ceremony

It’s a nice touch to have a powerpoint playing for the graduating class’s parents, friends and peers to watch while they arrive and get themselves settled at the ceremony.

Why not use our Primary School Graduation – Powerpoint Template and put together a slide for each student featuring a photo from their first year and their last year of primary school?

Students can personalise the slide with a quote, or ask teachers to volunteer a personal anecdote that each student will love to read.

Don’t forget, a graduation isn’t complete without music!

Put together a playlist of songs that will elicit the pride and excitement that only a graduation can create. You can also use your class’s playlist requests from earlier in the week to supplement the music.

Our top 10 graduation song suggestions!

  • We Are the Champions – Queen
  • Best Day of My Life – American Authors
  • Fly – Avril Lavigne
  • The Climb – Miley Cyrus
  • Never Grow Up – Taylor Swift
  • Graduation (Friends Forever) – Vitamin C
  • How Far I’ll Go – Moana (The Movie)
  • Photograph – Nickelback
  • It’s Time – Imagine Dragons
  • Firework – Katy Perry

During the Ceremony

If your primary school has school leaders, a dux or valedictorian you may like them to present a speech on their school journey so far. Our Public Speaking Resources can give them a few hints.

Alternatively, let Kid President do the talking!

One of the most emotional moments of the day will no doubt be the final roll call .

Call the roll for the final time, and present each student with a Primary School Graduation Certificate .

You might like to save the foundation students for last. Have a special list to read at the end of the roll call of students who have been in the school since the start of their primary school journey.

Primary School Graduation Certificate

After the Ceremony

Why not finish up the ceremony by singing the school song ?

A more rousing rendition you won’t hear any other time! Students will love to show their school spirit one last time.

Put up a photo booth or graduation backdrop  for students to pose with their friends and family.

Finally, make sure everyone is smiling through their tears by bringing out a graduation cake !

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Primary School Graduation and Beyond

You may think the end of the ceremony is the end of the road for your involvement in your students’ lives – not so!

As I mentioned earlier, graduation day can be incredibly emotional for teachers as well as students. It’s hard enough to say goodbye to your class at the end of the school year! When you know that you won’t even be seeing their smiling faces every day in the playground, it can really pull on the heartstrings.

As they return to the classroom one last time, it’s a great opportunity to present each student with a special gift . If you’re stuck for ideas, we’ve put together these Student Gift Tags – Primary School Graduation with a special little message to send your students on their way with everything they could need.

Primary School Graduation Gift Tags

You’ll have the yearly class photos, but why not take a snapshot of you and each student in their graduation hats on graduation day?

Keep these mementos in a special album for you to look back on with a nostalgic smile. Ask each student to write YOU a special note to remind you of their unique personalities and of all the good times you had together!

You might even like to suggest to your principal to create a Graduating Class Legacy Mural in your school. Each student can contribute something unique to the mural as a lasting reminder of their time at the school.

Farewell and good luck to the graduates of 2018!

We’d love to hear your graduation tips. comment below or tag us @teachstarter and #teachstarter to share the love.

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How to Write a Graduation Speech as Valedictorian

A good valedictory speech takes preparation and practice

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The valedictory speech is a staple of graduation ceremonies. It is usually delivered by the valedictorian (the student with the highest grades in the graduating class), although some colleges and high schools have abandoned the practice of naming a valedictorian. The terms "valedictory" and "valedictorian" come from the Latin valedicere , meaning a formal farewell, and this is core to what a valedictory speech should be.

Understand the Goal

The valedictorian speech should fulfill two goals: It should convey a "sending off" message  to the members of a graduating class, and it should inspire them to leave school ready to embark on an exciting new adventure. You likely have been chosen to deliver this speech because you've proven you are an excellent student who can live up to adult responsibilities. Now it's time to make every student in your class feel special.

As you prepare your speech , think about your shared experiences with the class and the people with whom you shared them. This should include popular and quiet students, class clowns and brains, teachers, principals, professors, deans, and other school employees. It's important to make everyone feel as if they played an important role in this shared experience.

If you have limited experience in certain aspects of school life, ask for help in collecting important names and events you might not know about. Are there clubs or teams that won prizes? Students who volunteered in the community?

Compile a List of Highlights

Make a list of highlights of your time in school, putting more emphasis on the current year. Start with these brainstorming questions:

  • Who received awards or scholarships?
  • Were any sports records broken?
  • Is a teacher retiring after this year?
  • Did your class have a reputation with teachers , good or bad?
  • How many students remain from freshman year?
  • Was there a dramatic event in the world this year?
  • Was there a dramatic event at your school?
  • Was there a funny moment everyone enjoyed?

You might need to conduct personal interviews to learn about these benchmarks.

Write the Speech

Valedictory speeches often combine humorous and serious elements. Start by greeting your audience with a "hook" that grabs their attention. For example, you could say, "Senior year has been full of surprises," or "We're leaving the faculty with lots of interesting memories," or "This senior class has set records in some unusual ways."

Organize your speech into topics describing these elements. You might want to start with an event that's on everyone's mind, such as a championship basketball season, a student featured on a television show, or a tragic event in the community. Then focus on the other highlights, putting them into context and explaining their importance. For example:

"This year, Jane Smith won a National Merit Scholarship. This may not seem like a big deal, but Jane overcame a year of illness to achieve this goal. Her strength and perseverance are an inspiration to our whole class."

Use Anecdotes and Quotes

Come up with anecdotes to illustrate your shared experiences. These brief stories can be funny or poignant. You could say, "When the student newspaper printed a story about the family who lost their home to a fire, our classmates rallied and organized a series of fundraisers."

You can sprinkle in quotes from famous people as well. These quotes work best in the introduction or conclusion and should reflect the theme of your speech. For example:

  • "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again." (Charles Dickens)
  • "You will find the key to success under the alarm clock." (Benjamin Franklin)
  • "There is only one success: to be able to spend your life in your own way." (Christopher Morley)

Plan for Time

Be mindful of the appropriate length of your speech. Most people speak about 175 words per minute, so a 10-minute speech should contain about 1,750 words. You can fit about 250 words onto a double-spaced page, so that translates to seven pages of double-spaced text for 10 minutes of speaking time.

Tips for Preparing to Speak

It's important to practice your valedictory speech before giving it. This will help you troubleshoot problem spots, cut boring parts, and add elements if you're running short. You should:

  • Practice reading your speech aloud to see how it sounds
  • Time yourself, but remember you may speak faster when you're nervous
  • Focus on remaining calm
  • Put aside comedy if it feels unnatural
  • Be tactful if broaching a tragic topic you feel needs to be included. Consult a teacher or adviser if you have any doubts.

If possible, practice your speech using the microphone in the location where you'll be graduating—your best chance might be just before the event. This will give you an opportunity to experience the sound of your magnified voice, figure out how to stand, and get past any butterflies in your stomach .

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

Graduation Speech [20 Examples + Template]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

graduation speech

Being selected as a commencement speaker is a great recognition, but the responsibility can be intimidating. How do you know what kind of message will hit home for the graduates at this point in their lives? How do you make your message stand out from other words of wisdom that the graduating class has heard before?

Fortunately, there are many incredible graduation speeches from which you can pull information. We’ve gathered 15 of the best graduation speech examples here to make your research and brainstorming process easier. A little studying can give you ideas for the perfect graduation speech topic and help you write your speech efficiently.

In this article:

Graduation Speech Examples

Graduation speech template.

Take note of the flow and structure of the examples, and let them guide you in creating your own graduation speech outline. Remember to practice your speech and memorize the bulk of it so you’re able to deliver with confidence. With a strong theme and plenty of practice, you’re sure to gain the audience’s attention and leave them inspired.

Here are 15 free graduation speech examples to gain inspiration from. If you like a style or message of a sample speech, use it as a model to create your own original version.

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1. Funny Valedictorian Speech

This valedictorian entertains the audience of his high school graduation speech with subtle, kind-hearted jokes that reflect the graduating class and the school faculty. The graduation speaker has a sentimental theme to his speech, but his light humor ensures that the presentation is both meaningful and memorable.

“You see, this is not goodbye. This is see you in two to 10 years when I’m significantly smarter, wealthier, funnier, and more handsome than I am right now.”

2. College Graduation Speech Example: Conan O’Brien at Dartmouth College

You don’t have to be a famous comedian to deliver a funny graduation speech, but let Conan O’Brien’s speech at Dartmouth College serve as a good model to create your own. Intertwining life advice and great jokes, O’Brien inspires graduates to get past failure and pave their own paths.

“Today I tell you that whether you fear it or not, disappointment will come. The beauty is that through disappointment, you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality.”

3. Preschool Graduation Speech

This preschool graduation speech is a great example for teachers who need to give a commencement address. A speech for a preschool or kindergarten graduation is different, in that the speaker is mostly communicating to the parents of the graduates. This preschool teacher delivers a meaningful speech that explains the joy in her job, while touching on the humorous things the students have said over the months.

“Tomorrow I give you back your child, the same child you entrusted in my care last fall, except now I give them back to you pounds heavier, inches taller… I give them back to you a little smarter, a little more mature, and a little more responsible than they were 10 months ago.”

4. David Foster Wallace Kenyon College Commencement Speech

In what is recognized as one of the best graduation speeches of all time, David Foster Wallace affirms to a class of liberal arts students that their education taught them how to think and how to be self-aware.

“The only thing that’s capital-T True is that you get to decide how you’re gonna try to see it. This, I submit, is the freedom of a real education, of learning how to be well-adjusted. You get to consciously decide what has meaning and what doesn’t. You get to decide what to worship.”

5. Middle School Graduation Speech

A class president delivers a heartwarming message in a storytelling format at his middle school graduation ceremony.

“Once upon a time, three long years ago, a journey began. We were obedient little munchkins, climbing up stairs meant for giants, carrying heavy backpacks filled with every sort of colored pencil existing on this earth.”

6. University of Wisconsin-Madison Commencement Speech 2017

Steven Levitan, creator of the award-winning show “Modern Family,” was the commencement speaker at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for the graduating class of 2017. This is a good example to follow if you’re an alum of the college you’re presenting to.

“It’s hard to believe I graduated here 33 years ago. I still have the official university photo of me receiving my diploma wearing only shorts under my cap and gown and holding a big bottle of champagne, as if to say, ‘Hey world, lower your expectations.'”

7. Mark Zuckerberg’s Harvard University Commencement Speech

Successful people are often chosen as commencement speakers for university graduation ceremonies. See how the CEO and founder of Facebook is able to portray humility in relating to the 2017 graduating class at Harvard University.

“I’m honored to be with you today because, let’s face it, you accomplished something I never could. If I get through this speech, it’ll be the first time I actually finish something at Harvard. Class of 2017, congratulations!”

8. Al Roker’s Commencement Speech at Champlain College

Upon receiving his doctorate degree of humane letters, the “Today Show” weather anchor delivered an inspirational speech to the graduating class. Roker speaks to the class’s generation and relates his graduation speech topic back to his own upbringing.

“Be in the moment. Stop living through your screen. Experience it now.”

9. Steve Jobs’ Commencement Speech at Stanford University

The Apple CEO’s commencement speech at 2005 to the graduating class at Stanford University is one of the classics. Jobs tells stories about his own experiences with dropping out of college, being fired from Apple, and being diagnosed with cancer.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of the other opinion drown out your own inner voice. And, most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

10. Elementary School Graduation Speech


This fifth-grade class speaker relates her teacher’s message to a lesson from her grandfather as her opening hook .

“To survive the fifth grade is not barely making it through. Instead, to survive means to perform with distinction.

11. Ellen Degeneres Commencement Speech at Tulane University

The famous talk show host and comedian Ellen Degeneres’s commencement speech at Tulane University is a great example of how a guest speaker can identify with her audience.

“It was so important for me to lose everything because I found what the most important thing is. The most important thing is to be true to yourself.”

12. University of Texas at Austin 2014 Commencement Address

Rear Admiral William H. McRaven aims to inspire his audience right from the beginning. The rear admiral encourages the graduating class to change the world, relating everyday life struggles to those of the people in the military.

“If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.”

13. Matthew McConaughey Commencement Speech

Oscar-winning actor Matthew McConaughey drew from his own personal story to deliver an inspirational commencement speech at the University of Houston. McConaughey gives the graduating class 13 life lessons, including to define success for yourself and find joy in your work.

“Prioritize who you are and who you want to be. Don’t spend time with anything that antagonizes your character.”

14. Commencement Address by Jim Carrey

In his commencement address at Maharishi University of Management, actor Jim Carrey tells an emotional personal story. Carrey uses emotion to encourage the graduating class to walk their own path and never settle in life.

“Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world. Don’t let anything stand in the way of the light that shines through this form. Risk being seen in all of your glory.”

15. Stephen Colbert’s Commencement Speech at Wake Forest University

The famous comedian delivers a witty and funny graduation speech, offering students practical advice for the real world.

“And if there’s one thing you need even more, it’s your own set of standards. It may seem counterintuitive now, but once you leave here, you may miss being graded on all your work. Because when you’re out of school, there are no objective criteria for achievement anymore.”

16. Inspiring Graduation Speech

In this remarkable graduation speech, the class valedictorian makes a political statement by publicly revealing her status as an undocumented immigrant. The speech starts out with jokes, but turns into a moving performance that’s as powerful as it is fun to watch.

“To each and every single one of you, I say thank you. You taught me that it’s okay to be different and that there will always be people willing to overlook those differences and accept you for being yourself.”

17. Funny Graduation Speech

This class-elected graduation speaker has the perfect delivery of well-crafted jokes and one-liners throughout her speech. She keeps the whole class laughing and never misses a beat.

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to pursuing an additional 4-year education – which I can’t afford.”

18. Moving Graduation Speech

This college graduation speech educates listeners about women’s education through the eyes of the speaker, who encountered resistance to seeking an education just because she was a woman. It’s nearly impossible to listen to this speech without feeling moved to take action.

“I couldn’t have imagined attending college, simply because we weren’t allowed to. My sisters weren’t allowed to; the girls before me weren’t allowed to.”

19. Funny Graduation Speech

This graduation speech by the senior class president is humorous and engaging. The class president reminisces with plenty of jokes in a speech full of fun memories and just the right amount of inspiration.

“I know we can all agree that this class is resilient. We survived an earthquake, two blackouts, and Ebola.”

20. Short Graduation Speech

Graduation ceremonies can be long, but the speeches don’t have to be. This short graduation speech uses an “ABCs of life” format to pack a lot of power into a short amount of time. The class president gets wild applause from the audience for his quick but clever speech.

“We must Q – quit quitting, and R – run the race with patience.”

  • Thank teachers and your parents or other family members for their support, encouragement, help, aid or personal assistance during your years of studying.
  • Praise accomplishments and achievements of the class.
  • Reflect upon the past years, what has changed and is interesting enough to share with all?
  • Mention funny and exciting events, you can opt for funny oneliners or even small innocent jokes, poems or quotations from famous people if you like.
  • Motivate your fellow students and teachers and professors to look to the bright future:
  • I continue with the 10 most wanted and popular graduation speech topics:
  • Give advice, but avoid boring cliches that are totally not surprising.
  • Entertain by telling humorous anecdotes and vivid stories. Offer an account of an interesting or humorous incident.
  • Express the feelings of the class. But do not go over the top.
  • Say farewell to all attendees. This acknowledgment at parting is the warming-up for the next and final step
  • Wish the graduates of your class all the best and thank them for listening.

Don’t forget to:

Thank the parents and family.  Have your class honor them with applause. Not only have they made sure you showed up to school, there’s a host of other responsibilities that parents have sacrificed to accomplish for you. Now is your moment to focus on them for a minute or so.

Thank the teachers and administrators.  Each teacher or professor works many long hours that you don’t see in the classroom, and many have poured their hearts and lives into teaching. Take this moment to make it worth it for them.

Use some of my vote of thanks example expressions to feed you imagination for topics for graduation speech a little bit.

Make the address personal. When you decide to make your graduation speech personal, you will experience much bigger success. It will also be more fun to write and deliver a talk that brings high school or college to a close with recognition of the small things in education life. The memories you will run across looking through yearbooks and talking about with friends will be priceless for you as well.

Calm the nerves.  It is very intimidating to address hundreds of people in the audience while delivering a graduation speech. Many of us have fear of public speaking. Before you proceed, do this test. And practice the tips.

Consider including:

STORIES Include stories about your school. These high school graduation speech topics can be about teachers and funny things that have happened over the year.

EVENTS Include motivational or moving events that may have happened – perhaps volunteer opportunities that have changed the students’ perspective. Make sure that any major events that have happened are recognized.

Sports and music events that have been important to the school need to be recognized, even if it happened in one of the prior years of your class and not the graduating year.

CLASS EXPERIENCE Bring the class experience alive for those attending the graduation. Grandparents and parents, as well as siblings, have heard the names from school.

Bring the people to the campus life that they have heard about.

DECEASED If a fellow student or teacher has died, mention that person. Make it not a funeral obituary eulogy but recognize them for the family who might be present.

PROJECTS Mention any projects that the school has undertaken; if you have been involved in a community garden or other volunteer organization give credit for the impact it has made.

Pet Peeve Speech Topics

Commemorative Speech

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This article was of great help to me

Were using this site for our fifth grade graduation super helpful!

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High School Graduation Essay | Inspirational Essay on Graduation on My Graduation Day

August 27, 2021 by Prasanna

High School Graduation Essay: Graduation is a memorable and beautiful journey of life. In the wake of moving on from life, individuals struggled. Something will consistently occur, regardless of how fortunate or unfortunate. Perhaps the most invigorating yet awful exercise is graduation. For some, secondary school graduation is an objective. It requires some investment and works to accomplish this objective. Over the long haul, it opens up numerous chances for individuals’ prosperity. Graduation is secondary school graduation and begins to live.

For the most part, there is a broad worry with respect to whether secondary school graduating classes are deficient with regards to the instruction and abilities important to prevail in school, current work environment and adulthood, requiring high danger graduation test I will encourage you. The reasoning is that the certificate ought to address groundwork for advanced education examination and vocation and if the understudy doesn’t have adequate abilities and information, the understudy ought not to be permitted to get recognition.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

My Graduation Day Essay

Many individuals have encountered the overwhelming energy that you feel as you approach secondary school graduation day, and for me, that is a day that I will always remember. The measure of feelings that you feel on graduation day is unimaginable, and I still can’t seem to encounter whatever else like it. I can recall feeling restless to commend the large day with my loved ones, while simultaneously I was freezing pondering strolling across the stage before that many individuals.

Then, at that point, the more I contemplated the truth of graduation day, I began to get inquisitive, yet anxious, about having the option to begin another part in my life once graduation day had passed. There are a few reasons why I, still right up ’til the present time, consider secondary school graduation the very first moment of the most intriguing days of my life. However invigorating as it seemed to be to at long last alumni secondary school, I actually had some blended feelings about it.

At the point when they called my name, I strolled to the side of the stage, where I needed to stand by in a short line before really crossing the stage.

I was unable to hold back to get that confirmation in my grasp, however, I truly thought I planned to have a fit of anxiety on the stage before that occurred. I, at last, made it up onto the stage I shook the standards hand one final time as he gave me my certificate, and made it ease off the stage without anything humiliating occurring.

At the point when I sat down, I felt help that I had gotten that part done, and could partake in the rest of the graduation. At the point when the graduation service reached a conclusion, I raced to the theatre to celebrate with the entirety of my loved ones.

I was unable to accept the number of individuals who came to praise our graduation day with us. I knew my companions close families, however, I had the opportunity to meet everybody’s more distant families, and hear anecdotes about them that I will always remember. Then, at that point, I took what felt like 1,000,000 pictures, and embraced everybody I knew, and took off to my graduation celebration to proceed with the festival with the ones that I cherished the most. That evening I think I grinned and giggled more than I at any point have in my life. As the night’s end moved toward us, I was unable to quit contemplating the number of blended feelings I had about beginning an entirely different part of my life.

I was unable to hold back to attend a university, meet every new individual, get a degree so I could begin my profession way, however, I realized that implied I needed to bid farewell to my two closest companions, who were moving a few hours from me. This was probably the hardest thing I had at any point needed to do in my life. We as a whole cried a little, and afterward made vows to stay in contact, and afterward, we were off into this present reality! I was exceptionally glad to be now in my life, however, I was terrified where it counts inside. At the point when I think back on this day now, I actually recollect everything about it in case it was yesterday.

I was so pleased and glad to have the option to celebrate a particularly astonishing day with the entirety of my loved ones. I realize I will always remember how humiliated I was strolling across the stage before those individuals, feeling renowned in the wake of taking such countless pictures, gaining our last experiences together at our graduation celebrations, and afterward being a basket case when the time had come to go out into the world without my closest companions next to me. Secondary school graduation day was an extremely passionate day for me, however, it was by a wide margin the most thrilling day I have at any point experienced in my life.

Essay on High School Graduation

FAQ’s on High School Graduation Essay

Question 1. Why is high school graduation important for us?

Answer: Expanded instructive fulfillment gives people the chance to acquire higher pay and access better everyday environments, better food varieties, and medical care administrations. Generally speaking, secondary school graduation can possibly further develop populace wellbeing.

Question 2. What graduation means?

Answer: Graduation is the fruitful consummation of a course of study at a college, school, or school, for which you get a degree or recognition. Graduation is an uncommon service at college, school, or school, at which degrees and certificates are given to understudies who have effectively finished their examinations.

Question 3. What is the value of high school education?

Answer: Secondary school is a period for youngsters to take in important abilities for life from friends and experts. School days occupy time with fun, educational exercises and plan youngsters for the universe of work.

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Graduation Speech Examples

50 top graduation speech ideas (& examples).

Try to search online and you’ll find a lot of graduation speech examples. If you’re in charge of giving a speech during this important event, you have the choice of whether to compose a long or short graduation speech. As long as you’re able to convey your message, the length isn’t that relevant.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Graduation Speech Examples
  • 2 What should you write about in your graduation speech?
  • 3 Graduation Speech Outlines
  • 4 Structuring your graduation speech
  • 5 Graduation Speech Templates
  • 6 High School Graduation Speech
  • 7 Tips for writing graduation speech
  • 8 College Graduation Speech

Free graduation speech example 01

What should you write about in your graduation speech?

Most people wonder what to write for their graduation speech examples. Whether you need to compose a high school graduation speech example or a college graduation speech example, you must put a lot of careful thought and consideration into the contents of your speech.

In the past, writing a graduation speech template wasn’t that intimidating. But now, you should remember that there’s a high likelihood that the people present at the event will post your speech on social media sites such as Facebook and YouTube. This makes it imperative that you compose a speech that’s effective, interesting, and won’t end up offending anyone.

A lot of incredible speakers start their speech-writing process by creating an outline. So, if you want to come up with a great speech, you may want to start off with a graduation speech outline . Here, you include everything you want to include in your speech. From there, writing becomes easier.

Graduation Speech Outlines

Free graduation speech example 10

Structuring your graduation speech

When it comes to the structure of your graduation speech, you have a few options to choose from. As you create your graduation speech outline, you’re giving it a structure for you to follow when it’s time to start writing.

You may create a long or short graduation speech depending on how much you want to say and how long you want to stand in front of the graduating class. You can even create a graduation speech template using the structure of your choice. This makes it easier for you for the next time you need to come up with a speech.

If you have no idea where to start, you may go online and read high school graduation speech examples or college graduation speech examples. Use these as your reference or for your inspiration as you write your speech.

Graduation Speech Templates

Free graduation speech example 20

Either way, these examples will be a great help to you if it’s your first time to compose such a speech. To guide you, here are some structures to follow for your graduation speech:

  • Use a few themes which you illustrate with non-fictional or personal stories For this type of speech, you can use a couple of themes which you introduce early in your speech. From reaching their dreams of finding their own place in the world, there are so many themes to choose from. Then illustrate these themes further using non-fictional examples or stories from your personal life.
  • Use several themes which you illustrate with short anecdotes or personal stories For this structure, you come up with a number of themes for your audiences. But instead of sharing those themes at the start of your speech, you share short anecdotes or personal stories which illustrate those themes. Then you give helpful advice to your audience to help them in their future endeavors. However, this structure isn’t ideal for short graduation speeches. Since you’re going to use several themes, this means that your speech would be relatively long. Therefore, it’s probably a good idea to use this for a college graduation speech, not one for a high school graduation .
  • Use an autobiographical narrative If you plan to use this structure for your graduation speech examples, it means that you want to open up and share more details about your life to your audience. It’s sort of like a mini-memoir wherein the audience learns a lot about the experiences you’ve had in your personal life. As you share these experiences, you also share a lot of life lessons with them. Although you don’t give advice directly at the beginning of your speech, you would incorporate these little bits of advice throughout your speech. Talk about your own experiences after graduation, how you dealt with the real world, and how you overcame different kinds of challenges.
  • Use the main theme and some personal references Finally, you can also structure your speech in such a way that you’re leading up to one main theme or point. A lot of people find this structure to be extremely difficult to put together because they feel like it’s too limited. But as long as you create a graduation speech outline, following this structure won’t be that much of a challenge.

High School Graduation Speech

Free graduation speech example 30

Tips for writing graduation speech

Whether you’re representing the graduation class or you’re asked to come and give a speech to the graduating class, you have to come up with your own graduation speech. The good news is that there are a lot of graduation speech examples which you can use as a reference.

Writing a graduation speech doesn’t have to be a difficult task. As long as you have an idea of what to write and you know what you want to say to the graduating class, the words will start flowing from your mind. But if you need some help, here are some tips to guide you:

  • Brainstorming Any great speech starts with a brainstorming session. You can begin by asking yourself what you want to write in your speech. If you’re the representative of the graduating class, then think about all of the learning and experiences you’ve gained throughout your education. If they asked you to speak for the graduating class, then think about the advice you want to share to them in order to inspire them and somehow prepare them for what’s to come. Brainstorming involves a lot of thought, especially about the future. There’s nothing wrong with talking about the past and the present but since you’ll speak to a graduating class, talking about the future is much more relevant. As you think about the things to say, write everything down on a piece of paper. Later on, you can review your ideas to see which ones to keep and which ones to remove from your speech.
  • Choosing a theme After your brainstorming session, you’d have a lot of ideas, stories, and advice to share to your audience. Now it’s time to begin shaping all of these into one coherent speech. To do this, you may want to think about the theme to focus on for your speech. Whether you want to choose a single theme or a collection of themes which you will link with one another, this step makes speech writing easier. Also, having a theme makes the speech more memorable and impactful to the audience. With a theme, you’ll also be able to sort through the things you’ve written down more effectively only choosing the ones which relate to your theme.
  • Building the structure After you’ve identified the theme, you can start building the structure of your graduation speech. Here are some steps to help you out: Make sure that your introductory statement grabs the attention of your audience right away. In other words, get the audience “hooked” from the beginning so they will feel compelled to listen to your entire speech. Illustrate the theme you’ve chosen by telling stories. Keep in mind that the best stories always have a beginning with a challenge or obstacle, a middle where you share how you overcame it, and an end where you discussed how this experience helped you grow. For the end of your speech, tie together all of the points you’ve discussed throughout your speech. Also, make it clear how your message applies to your audience. You may also share valuable advice to your audience in the conclusion of your speech.
  • Practicing your delivery Even after you’ve written your speech, the work doesn’t end there. You also have to deliver it to the graduating class. For a lot of people, this part is a lot more intimidating, especially for those who aren’t used to speaking in front of an audience. Here are some pointers for you: If you’ve created a short graduation speech, you may want to try memorizing it. This helps you focus on your delivery to make it more personable. Don’t speak too fast even when you’re feeling nervous. Try practicing in front of friends and family so you can learn how to consciously slow down your speaking rate. Once in a while, pause during the delivery of your speech. You can either pause to emphasize your point or to give the audience some time to consider what you’ve said. If you want to keep your audience engaged, make eye contact. Don’t feel stressed or stop if you make any mistake. Just continue with your speech.
  • Other tips for you Don’t forget to thank everyone who helped you on your journey. If you aren’t part of the graduating class, thank the person who invited you to give the speech. Be as lively and enthusiastic as possible when delivering your speech. If it’s your first time to deliver a speech, practice again and again. Have fun with it! Feeling stressed won’t help.

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16 Best Graduation Speeches That Leave a Lasting Impression

By Kristi Kellogg and Noor Brara

Listen to words of wisdom from the best graduation speeches.

Some of the most impactful and inspiring sentiments are shared during graduation speeches delivered by the leaders we look up to. Graduation speeches from celebrities , entrepreneurs, authors and other influential thinkers are motivational, inspiring, thought-provoking and just might make you reach for the nearest tissue. After four years of hard work, stress, and exhausting self-discovery, lucky graduates are privy to a life-changing speech to top it all off.

Here, we rounded up up 16 of the best graduation speeches of all time, including words of wisdom from Natalie Portman, Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and more.

1. Steve Jobs: Stanford, 2005

"You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it."

2. Michelle Obama: Tuskegee University, 2015

"I've found that this journey has been incredibly freeing. Because no matter what happened, I had the piece of mind knowing that all of the chatter, the name-calling, the doubting...all of it was just noise. It did not define me, it didn't change who I was, and most importantly, it couldn't hold me back."

3. Natalie Portman: Harvard, 2015

"I just directed my first film. I was completely unprepared, but my own ignorance to my own limitations looked like confidence and got me into the director's chair. Once there, I had to figure it all out, and my belief that I could handle these things, contrary to all evidence of my ability to do so was half the battle. The other half was very hard work. The experience was the deepest and most meaningful one of my career."

4. Amy Poehler: Harvard University, 2011

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"What I have discovered is this: You can't do it alone … Listen. Say 'yes.' Live in the moment. Make sure you play with people who have your back. Make big choices early and often."

5. Meryl Streep: Barnard College, 2010

"This is your time and it feels normal to you but really there is no normal. There's only change, and resistance to it and then more change."

6. David Foster Wallace: Kenyon College, 2005

"Twenty years after my own graduation, I have come gradually to understand that the liberal arts cliché about teaching you how to think is actually shorthand for a much deeper, more serious idea: learning how to think really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. Because if you cannot exercise this kind of choice in adult life, you will be totally hosed. Think of the old cliché about quote the mind being an excellent servant but a terrible master."

7. Barack Obama: Howard University, 2016

"You have to go through life with more than just passion for change; you need a strategy. I’ll repeat that. I want you to have passion, but you have to have a strategy. Not just awareness, but action. Not just hashtags, but votes."

8. Kerry Washington: George Washington University, 2013

"You and you alone are the only person who can live the life that can write the story that you were meant to tell."

9. Conan O'Brien: Dartmouth College, 2011

"There are few things more liberating in this life than having your worst fear realized. Today I tell you that whether you fear it or not, disappointment will come. The beauty is that through disappointment you can gain clarity, and with clarity comes conviction and true originality … Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen."

10. J.K. Rowling: Harvard, 2008

"I stopped pretending to be anything than what I was. My greatest fear had been realized. I had an old typewriter and a big idea. Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life."

11. Oprah Winfrey: Harvard University, 2013

"Learn from every mistake because every experience, encounter, and particularly your mistakes are there to teach you and force you into being more who you are. And then figure out what is the next right move. And the key to life is to develop an internal moral, emotional G.P.S. that can tell you which way to go."

12. Joss Whedon: Wesleyan University, 2013

"You have, which is a rare thing, that ability and the responsibility to listen to the dissent in yourself, to at least give it the floor, because it is the key—not only to consciousness–but to real growth. To accept duality is to earn identity. And identity is something that you are constantly earning. It is not just who you are. It is a process that you must be active in. It's not just parroting your parents or the thoughts of your learned teachers. It is now more than ever about understanding yourself so you can become yourself."

13. George Saunders: Syracuse University, 2013

"Do all the other things, the ambitious things … Travel, get rich, get famous, innovate, lead, fall in love, make and lose fortunes, swim naked in wild jungle rivers (after first having it tested for monkey poop)—but as you do, to the extent that you can, err in the direction of kindness."

14. Nora Ephron: Wellesley College, 1996

"Be the heroine of your life, not the victim."

15. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Wellesley College, 2015

"As you graduate, as you deal with your excitement and your doubts today, I urge you to try and create the world you want to live in. Minister to the world in a way that can change it. Minister radically in a real, active, practical, get your hands dirty way."

16. Admiral William H. McRaven: University of Texas at Austin, 2014

"If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter. If you can't do the little things right, you will never do the big things right."

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Before you know it, your little one is graduating to middle school—and it’s a really big deal

student in grad cap celebrating graduation- elementary school graduation


As all these emotions are flooding our hearts and slipping out as tears, we renew our commitment to always be their safe place.

By Christine Organ Updated June 3, 2024

My kids’ elementary school has this amazing last day of school tradition . Each class and grade—starting with kindergarten and moving on up—exits the school parade-style. After the class is out of the building, they begin forming a “tunnel” with kids standing on each side. By the time the fifth-grade class parades out of the building, they walk through a long tunnel of students, first walking past the kindergarteners, then first-graders and so on. It is a delight to behold. The little ones get so excited when they get a high five from a graduating fifth grader on their way through the tunnel, and the fifth graders feel like superstars. 

I, on the other hand, have been a puddle of tears each and every year. Even when I didn’t have a child graduating kindergarten or fifth grade—tears. Even when I didn’t know any of the fifth graders who were graduating to middle school—tears. Every year—tears. 

That’s the thing about graduations, they bring out all the feels. (And so many tears.)

Related: I wasn’t prepared for the emotions of watching my child graduate preschool 

There is something so bittersweet about these traditions and celebrations. We are excited for the next stage of childhood. But we are also nostalgic, kinda sad, and—if we’re really being honest—more than a little scared.

Because graduating to middle school is stepping into the unknown.

And when things get hard, remember: it isn’t just you and you aren’t alone. 

Middle school is changing bodies and confusing emotions. It is emotional puberty and first periods and OMG-what-is-happening down there. 

Middle school is first crushes and new friends. It is wanting to belong but not knowing where that is.

Middle school is wanting to be a big kid but still feeling like a little kid. 

Middle school is exciting and terrifying and fun and overwhelming, all at the same time.

Related: Raising a tween is hard—but so is being a tween

The summer before my oldest son started middle school, I told him: Whatever happens, just remember that, at some point, middle school is hard for everyone. It’s hard for parents, for teachers and for kids. 

When things are hard for you, take solace in the fact that you aren’t alone. And when things are easy-breezy, relish it and lift someone else up.

Some kids are uncomfortable in their changing bodies. Some kids are struggling to find their “crew”. Some kids feel out of place and unsure of themselves. Some kids are self-conscious because they don’t fit into our prescribed beauty norms. Some kids have challenges at home. Some kids feel left out and alone. 

My advice for moms who have kids graduating into middle school is the same thing: it isn’t just you and you aren’t alone. 

As parents we sometimes forget what it was like to be a middle schooler, but then we see these fifth-grade tweens high-fiving six-years-olds—little ones who look like our kids did just a blink of an eye earlier—and it all comes rushing back to us in a wave of emotions that come out as tears. 

We are excited for the new opportunities the next few years will bring. We miss our round-cheeked little kindergarteners. We worry that the harshness of the world might dim our sweet child’s light just a little. And we hope that their light will shine brighter than any clouds the world may carry in. 

Related: To my children: This is what I wish for you  

As all these emotions are flooding our hearts and slipping out as tears, we renew our commitment to always be their safe place. To honor who they are and who they are meant to be. To prepare them for the world they are living in while also giving them tools to create the world they want to see. To never lose sight of that gap-toothed six-year-old they once were, eagerly high-fiving the big kids on their way to the next adventure. 

This is why graduations to middle school bring all the feels. And lots of tears too.

A version of this post was published June 14, 2022. It has been updated.

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110 graduation quotes to send off the class of 2024 in style

Throwing a cap into the clouds after graduating from university.

Graduations are among life's biggest accomplishments. They speak to hard work , dedication and success.

For the graduate, it's a day well-earned. For friends and loved ones, it's a time to let someone special know that their achievement is recognized and celebrated.

Whether it be a kindergarten , high school or college graduation, honor the grad in your life this year with a thoughtful gift, greeting card or one of these inspirational graduation quotes.

In recognition of commencements of every kind, we’ve gathered a list of the best graduation quotes to post on Instagram , send via text or jot down in a heartfelt note.

To help you find exactly the right words, we've put together a comprehensive collection of sayings from notable figures including Eleanor Roosevelt, Maya Angelou , Mahatma Gandhi, Helen Keller and other luminaries.

You'll find short quotes, funny quotes from the likes of Steve Martin, Tina Fey and Robin Williams, and time-honored quotes from the treasured Dr. Seuss book “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”

Whatever message you’re searching for to celebrate someone special, you’re sure to find it in the compilation below.

So, without any further pomp and circumstance, here are the best graduation quotes to help you say "hat's off" to the class of 2024.

Best graduation quotes

Graduation Quotes

  • “A bright future beckons. The onus is on us, through hard work, honesty and integrity, to reach for the stars.” — Nelson Mandela
  • “Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.” — Lou Holtz
  • “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” — Norman Vincent Peale
  • “Life loves to be taken by the lapel and be told, ‘I am with you kid. Let’s go!’” Maya Angelou

Graduation Quotes

  • “Set your course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship.” ― Omar N. Bradley
  • “I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” — Estée Lauder
  • “You change the world by being yourself.” — Yoko Ono
  • “Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.” — Theodore Roosevelt
  • “You get whatever accomplishment you are willing to declare.” ― Georgia O’Keeffe

Graduation Quotes

  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow’s reality.” — Malala Yousafzai
  • "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." — Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.” ― W.P. Kinsella

Graduation Quotes

  • “It is not where you start but how high you aim that matters for success.” — Nelson Mandela
  • "The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, And all the sweet serenity of books." ― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • “Am I good enough? Yes, I am.” ― Michelle Obama, “Becoming”
  • “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” — Tony Robbins
  • “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” — Helen Keller

Graduation Quotes

  • “When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go.” — Carol Burnett
  • “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible!’” ― Audrey Hepburn
  • "I scorched the earth with my talent and I let my light shine.” — André Leon Talley
  • “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.” — Colin Powell
  • “I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart: I am, I am, I am.” — Sylvia Plath, “The Bell Jar”

Graduation Quotes

  • “Be the best of whatever you are.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • “Forever is composed of nows.” — Emily Dickinson
  • “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” — Steve Jobs
  • “To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.” ― Henri Bergson
  • “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one.” ― John Lennon, "Imagine"

Graduation Quotes

  • “A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere.” — Joyce Meyer
  • “Passion first and everything will fall into place.” — Holly Holm
  • “You’re off to great places. Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So ... get on your way.” — Dr. Seuss, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”
  • “The beginning is always today.” — Mary Shelley
  • “You don’t become what you want, you become what you believe.” — Oprah Winfrey
  • “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” — A.A. Milne, “Winnie the Pooh”

Short graduation quotes

Graduation Quotes

  • “Celebrate endings — for they precede new beginnings.” — Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” — Mahatma Gandhi
  • “The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.” — Les Brown
  • “A star is a rock that never gave up on its dream to rise.” ― Matshona Dhliwayo
  • “Success is loving life and daring to live it.” ― Maya Angelou

Graduation Quotes

  • “Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” — Nora Ephron
  • “Through discipline comes freedom.” — Aristotle
  • “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ― Robert Collier
  • “What could we accomplish if we knew we could not fail?” — Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” ― John D. Rockefeller

Graduation Quotes

  • “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible!’” — Audrey Hepburn
  • “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” — Steve Martin
  • “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” — Neale Donald Walsch
  • “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” — Mark Twain
  • “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” — Nelson Mandela

Graduation Quotes

  • “Success is not the absence of failure; it’s the persistence through failure.” — Aisha Tyler
  • “Accept no one’s definition of your life. Define yourself.” ― Harvey Fierstein
  • “Today’s accomplishments were yesterday’s impossibilities.” — Robert H. Schuller
  • “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Your education has prepared you for what lies ahead.” — Conan O’Brien, 2020 Harvard commencement

Graduation Quotes

  • “What we learn with pleasure we never forget.” — Alfred Mercier
  • “The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.” — Arthur C. Clarke
  • “It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.” — Jimmy Dugan, “A League of Their Own”
  • “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” — Lao Tzu

Graduation Quotes

  • “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” ― Theodore Roosevelt
  • “Persistence is the most powerful force on earth, it can move mountains.” — Albert Einstein
  • “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” — Helen Keller

Funny graduation quotes

  • “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” — Albert Einstein
  • “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” — Ferris Bueller, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”
  • “I look to the future because that is where I’m going to spend the rest of my life.” — George Burns
  • “Try not to have a good time ... This is supposed to be educational.” — Lucy Van Pelt, “Peanuts”

Graduation Quotes

  • “People don’t turn down money. It’s what separates us from the animals.” — Jerry Seinfeld
  • “When all else fails, there’s always delusion.” — Conan O’Brien
  • “Summer vacation does kind of set up an adulthood of disappointment. That first job, you’re like, ‘I have to go to work in July? What is this, Russia?’”— Jim Gaffigan, “Cinco”
  • “Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up because they’re looking for ideas.”  —Paula Poundstone
  • “A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” — Frank Zappa

Graduation Quotes

  • “Do not take life too seriously — you will never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard
  • “You’re only given a little spark of madness, you mustn’t lose it.” — Robin Williams
  • “You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the water slide overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.”   — Tina Fey
  • “All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.” — Jane Wagner
  • “If at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving definitely isn’t for you.” — Steven Wright
  • “Never follow anyone else’s path. Unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path; then, by all means, you should follow that path.” — Ellen Degeneres
  • “You’re still here? It’s over. Go home. Go.” — Ferris Bueller, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”

Graduation Quotes

Inspirational graduation quotes

  • “All dreams are within reach. All you have to do is keep moving towards them.” — Viola Davis
  • “That’s a great motto for all of us — find somebody to be successful for. Raise their hopes. Rise to their needs.” — Barack Obama, Arizona State University commencement speech 2009
  • “Look back on the journey that brought you here. What moments challenged you most? When were you asked to step outside of your familiar territory in order to rise to the occasion of your potential? I want you to remember those moments because they will embolden you.” — Kerry Washington, George Washington University commencement speech 2013

Graduation Quotes

  • “Just because you don’t know what you want yet, it doesn’t mean that there’s nothing to want.” — Emily Henry, “The Love That Split the Wind”
  • “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” — Brigham Young
  • “You’ll be on your way up! You’ll be seeing great sights! You’ll join the high fliers who soar to high heights.” — Dr. Seuss, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”
  • “Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in.” — Martin Luther King, March for Integrated Schools
  •  “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” — Dr. Seuss, “Happy Birthday to You!”

Graduation Quotes

  • “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go...” — Dr. Seuss, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”
  • “A great accomplishment shouldn’t be the end of the road, just the starting point for the next leap forward.” — Harvey Mackay
  • “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” — Henry David Thoreau, “Walden”
  • “It is you, the young and fearless at heart, the most diverse and educated generation in our history, who the nation is waiting to follow.” — Barack Obama, Selma Anniversary speech 2015

Graduation Quotes

  • “It’s opener, out there, in the wide, open air.” ― Dr. Seuss, "Oh, the Places You’ll Go!"
  • “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” ― Dr. Seuss
  • “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” — Malcolm X
  • “Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!” ― Dr. Seuss, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”
  • “It is our failure to become of perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and makes us unique.” — Conan O’Brien, 2011 Dartmouth College commencement address

Graduation Quotes

  • “Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.” — Bill Bradley
  • “There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.” — Ray Goforth
  • “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney
  • “Becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn’t end.” — Michelle Obama, “Becoming”
  • “I am a firm believer that you don’t achieve greatness on your own. There is always someone there to lend a hand.” — Greg Louganis

Graduation Quotes

Graduation quotes inspired by song lyrics

  • “Tonight / We are young /So, let’s set the world on fire / We can burn brighter than the sun.” — Fun, “We Are Young”
  • “I’ll spread my wings and I’ll learn how to fly / I’ll do what it takes ‘til I touch the sky / And I’ll make a wish, take a chance, make a change and breakaway.” — Kelly Clarkson, “Breakaway”
  • “And I’ll be gone, gone tonight / The ground beneath my feet is open wide.” — One Direction, “Story of My Life’

Graduation Quotes

  • “You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine / Just own the night, like the Fourth of July.” — Katy Perry, “Firework”
  • “It’s something unpredictable, but in the end, it’s right / I hope you had the time of your life.” — Green Day, “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)”
  • “Ain’t about how fast I get there / Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side / It’s the climb.” — Miley Cyrus, “The Climb”
  • “I am unwritten / Can’t read my mind / I’m undefined / I’m just beginning / The pen’s in my hand / Ending unplanned.” —Natasha Bedingfield, “Unwritten”

Graduation Quotes

  • “As we go on, we remember / All the times we had together / And as our lives change / Come whatever / We will still be friends forever.” — Vitamin C, “Graduation (Friends Forever)
  • “I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance / Never settle for the path of least resistance.” — Lee Ann Womack, “I Hope You Dance”
  • “School’s out for summer / School’s out forever.” — Alice Cooper, “School’s Out”

Graduation Quotes

Sarah is a lifestyle and entertainment reporter for TODAY who covers holidays, celebrities and everything in between.

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Children's Education

The education system in Russia

Learn how to navigate the education system in Russia and choose the best option for your child with our helpful guide for expat parents.

Education in Russia

By James Vick

Updated 27-5-2024

Important notice from the Editor in Chief

Maintaining our Russian site is a delicate matter during the war. We have chosen to keep its content online to help our readers, but we cannot ensure that it is accurate and up to date. Our team endeavors to strike the right balance between giving information to those who need it, and respecting the gravity of the situation.

Between public and private options and vocational and academic tracks, getting your head around education in Russia can seem complex. If the Russian schooling system is different from that of your home country, the process of choosing the right option for your child can also feel overwhelming.

However, with a little research and some preparation, navigating the education system in Russia can be a relatively seamless process. And this handy guide is here to help you avoid many of the pitfalls associated with enrolling your child in school in Russia. It includes the following:

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Center for College Access keeping its promise to prepare Louisiana high schoolers for college

LCCA on the Move tour on Tulane's campus

Three years ago, a program to provide Louisiana high school students with free SAT and ACT prep courses, essay writing workshops and other programs to prepare them for college attracted eight students from four parishes. Fast-forward to today and that program — the Louisiana Center for College Access (LCCA) — has provided college access support to 6,049 high school students from 63 parishes.   

LCCA is part of Louisiana Promise , an initiative established by President Michael A. Fitts in 2020 to expand access to higher education for Louisiana high school students. LCCA officially launched in February 2021 as a college preparatory resource for students, their families and their guidance counselors, regardless of which university students planned to attend.  

“The goal is to level the playing field in terms of access and understanding and give them the opportunity to create the strongest application they can to get into the school of their choice,” said Rebecca Ancira, associate vice president of enrollment management and chief of staff with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

LCCA began offering free SAT and ACT prep courses and college readiness workshops virtually during the pandemic, and expanded to in-person workshops later that year. The workshops cover topics such as finding the right college, submitting a competitive application, perfecting the college essay and applying for financial aid. LCAA recently offered its first workshop in Spanish, with plans for more such courses and hopes to expand into other languages like Vietnamese.  

Many of the high school students accessing LCAA workshops are first-generation college students that the team aims to engage in their freshman year of high school. 

“We found kids weren’t starting to think about their future until their junior year when they were already halfway through high school,” said Ancira.  

To combat that challenge, LCCA introduced a college planning journal last year that is designed to help students think earlier about college and their high school transcripts. These journals enable students to track their interests, summer jobs and extra-curricular activities, but it’s not all just college-related questions.  

“When you open the first page of the journal, it says in big letters, ‘This is not an assignment,’” Ancira said. “We want this to be fun.”  

The book features stress-relieving activities, creative questions and prompts, word searches, QR codes linking to FAFSA resources, helpful timelines and more. Its core intent is helping students get in touch with their unique journeys across high school, so when it comes to crafting that college essay and application, their story is clear.  

LCCA has also taken its programming on the road with LCCA on the MOVE, its college bus tour program. LCCA staff hosts groups of around 25 students from regional high schools and community-based organizations and gives them tours of three to four colleges and universities in one day. The center has partnerships with 13 high schools and has built a network of nine colleges and universities around the state.  

“There’s a wide variety of institutions that students can visit right here [in the New Orleans area], and that can help inform their choices even if they don’t want to stay locally,” Ancira said, explaining that these tours help students visualize the college experience for themselves. “A lot of students don't realize how helpful it can be to step foot on campuses until they’ve done it.”  

During the summer, students become even more immersed in the college campus life. The LCCA Summer Residential Program , in partnership with the Tulane Pre-College Program, invites rising high school juniors and seniors to apply to spend two weeks living on campus, taking classes, learning more about the college application process, exploring career choices and more. They also continue tours to higher education institutions around the state. Students are assigned a mentor who will serve as a resource during this program and through high school graduation. 

This summer, through a donation from Alec Cecil and Diane Zultkowsky, every admitted student will receive a scholarship to offset or cover program costs.  

Ancira said she’s excited for what’s in store after seeing the success of the last three years.

“The more we do, the more we learn about how to focus the needs,” she said.

With goals of adding more language options for courses, expanding the high school and higher ed network, bringing in peer mentors and more, the future of college access in Louisiana is bright, Ancira said.

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English Nursery and Primary School (ENS) Moscow Reviews & Information

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About English Nursery and Primary School (ENS)

English Nursery and Primary School (ENS) is a family of 5 schools in Moscow and the Moscow region, aimed specifically at the needs of children from 2 to 12 years of age. ENS has 17 years of experience in childhood development and education, basing their specialised provision on the English National Curriculum. ENS has developed an exceptional reputation in the field. Graduates excel academically and many go on to outstanding international schools, both locally and abroad (including top schools in England). Our facilities create the best conditions for young children to thrive and attain an education of the highest English standards. The schools are each located in the best areas of Moscow, based in discrete, private buildings protected by vigilant security. Small class sizes and high adult to children ratios ensure that our experienced native English-speaking, qualified teachers can provide the multinational, nurturing, and stimulating environment that empowers children to develop and grow intellectually, creatively, physically, and socially.

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Russia Detains a French National Suspected of Collecting Military Data

The detention is the latest in a series in which foreigners have been arrested or held against their will in Russia, exacerbating tensions with the West.

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Ivan Nechepurenko

By Ivan Nechepurenko

Russian investigators said on Thursday that they had detained a French national in Moscow on suspicion of collecting intelligence about activities of the Russian military, adding to a list of foreign citizens held in the country since the invasion of Ukraine.

The Russian state news agency TASS identified the detained individual, citing its sources in law enforcement, as Laurent Vinatier. The agency said Mr. Vinatier was employed as a consultant at the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, a Swiss-based nonprofit.

On its website, the center states that its mission is to “prevent and resolve armed conflicts around the world through mediation and discreet diplomacy.”

Responding to a request for comment, the nonprofit confirmed that Mr. Vinatier worked as an adviser and that he had been detained in Russia.

“We are working to get more details of the circumstances and to secure Laurent’s release,” the center said.

Mr. Vinatier has worked with the nonprofit since 2014 as adviser in its Russia/Eurasia program, according to his profile on the social network LinkedIn. He listed “facilitating meetings,” and “passing messages” as among his duties. He also worked as a risk adviser, researcher and lecturer at various schools and institutes, with Russia as his primary focus.

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  22. Center for College Access keeping its promise to prepare Louisiana high

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