Texas A&M University Catalogs

Doctor of philosophy in english.

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in English prepares students to become leading scholars, excellent teachers, and active members of the academic community by fostering critical engagement with the discipline of English Studies and its interdisciplinary practices. Our students develop a knowledge base in a range of literatures and theories in their coursework, and go on to specialize by taking an oral field examination and a written take-home examination that prepares them to write a dissertation. Students gain expertise in articulating a research plan and carrying it out; developing original arguments that contribute to ongoing debates within the field; mastering research techniques and the ability to evaluate resources, including digital resources; and communicating their ideas to varied audiences, both orally and in writing. 

Students are encouraged to enter the profession by presenting their work at conferences and by publishing in scholarly venues, and are supported in their efforts to do so; they also participate in the governance of the department and, thus, learn the importance of departmental citizenship. Our students are trained to be teachers of writing, rhetoric, and literature; they receive sustained pedagogical training and enjoy the opportunity to teach courses in their areas of expertise. 

PhD graduates are qualified for teaching positions at the college and university level; but the program also aids students who plan to pursue careers outside of academia, where they can put the research, writing, and teaching skills they have developed to good use.

Steps to Fulfill a Doctoral Program

Program Requirements

  • Student's Advisory Committee

Degree Plan

Transfer of credit, research proposal, preliminary examination, preliminary examination format, preliminary examination scheduling, preliminary examination grading, failure of the preliminary examination, retake of failed preliminary examination, final examination, final examination grading, dissertation, student’s advisory committee.

After receiving admission to graduate studies and enrolling, the student will consult with the head of their major or administrative department (or chair of the intercollegiate faculty) concerning appointment of the chair of the advisory committee. The student’s advisory committee will consist of  no fewer than four members of the graduate faculty  representative of the student’s several fields of study and research, where the chair or co-chair must be from the student’s department (or intercollegiate faculty, if applicable), and  at least one or more of the members must have an appointment to a department other than the student’s major department . The outside member for a student in an interdisciplinary degree program must be from a department different from the chair of the student’s committee.

The chair, in consultation with the student, will select the remainder of the advisory committee. Only graduate faculty members located on Texas A&M University campuses may serve as chair of a student’s advisory committee. Other Texas A&M University graduate faculty members located off-campus may serve as a member or co-chair (but not chair), with a member as the chair.

If the chair of a student’s advisory committee voluntarily leaves the University and the student is near completion of the degree and wants the chair to continue to serve in this role, the student is responsible for securing a current member of the University Graduate Faculty, from the student’s academic program and located near the Texas A&M University campus site, to serve as the co-chair of the committee. The Department Head or Chair of Intercollegiate faculty may request in writing to the Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate and Professional School that a faculty member who is on an approved leave of absence or has voluntarily separated from the university, be allowed to continue to serve in the role of chair of a student’s advisory committee without a co-chair for up to one year. The students should be near completion of the degree. Extensions beyond the one year period can be granted with additional approval of the Dean.

The committee members’ signatures on the degree plan indicate their willingness to accept the responsibility for guiding and directing the entire academic program of the student and for initiating all academic actions concerning the student. Although individual committee members may be replaced by petition for valid reasons, a committee cannot resign  en masse . The chair of the committee, who usually has immediate supervision of the student’s research and dissertation or record of study, has the responsibility for calling all meetings of the committee. The duties of the committee include responsibility for the proposed degree plan, the research proposal, the preliminary examination, the dissertation or record of study and the final examination. In addition, the committee, as a group and as individual members, is responsible for counseling the student on academic matters, and, in the case of academic deficiency, initiating recommendations to the Graduate and Professional School.

The student’s advisory committee will evaluate the student’s previous education and degree objectives. The committee, in consultation with the student, will develop a proposed degree plan and outline a research problem which, when completed, as indicated by the dissertation (or its equivalent for the degree of Doctor of Education or the degree of Doctor of Engineering), will constitute the basic requirements for the degree. The degree plan must be filed with the Graduate and Professional School prior to the deadline imposed by the student’s college and no later than 90 days prior to the preliminary examination.

This proposed degree plan should be submitted through the online Document Processing Submission System located on the website  http://ogsdpss.tamu.edu . A minimum of 64 hours is required on the degree plan for the Doctor of Philosophy for a student who has completed a master’s degree. A student who has completed a DDS/DMD, DVM or a MD at a U.S. institution is also required to complete a minimum of 64 hours. A student who has completed a baccalaureate degree but not a master’s degree will be required to complete a 96-hour degree plan. Completion of a DDS/DMD, DVM or MD degree at a foreign institution requires completion of a minimum of 96 hours for the Doctor of Philosophy. A field of study may be primarily in one department or in a combination of departments. A degree plan must carry a reasonable amount of 691 (research). A maximum of 9 hours of 400-level undergraduate courses may be used toward meeting credit-hour requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy.

Additional coursework may be added by petition to the approved degree plan by the student’s advisory committee if it is deemed necessary to correct deficiencies in the student’s academic preparation. No changes can be made to the degree plan once the student’s Request for Final Examination is approved by the Graduate and Professional School.

Approval to enroll in any professional course (900-level) should be obtained from the head of the department (or Chair of the intercollegiate faculty, if applicable) in which the course will be offered before including such a course on a degree plan.

No credit may be obtained by correspondence study, by extension or for any course of fewer than three weeks duration.

For non-distance degree programs, no more than 50 percent of the non-research credit hours required for the program may be completed through distance education courses.

To receive a graduate degree from Texas A&M University, students must earn one-third or more of the credits through the institution’s own direct instruction. This limitation also applies to joint degree programs. 

Courses for which transfer credits are sought must have been completed with a grade of B or greater and must be approved by the student’s advisory committee and the Graduate and Professional School. These courses must not have been used previously for another degree. Except for officially approved cooperative doctoral programs, credit for thesis or dissertation research or the equivalent is not transferable. Credit for “internship” coursework in any form is not transferable. Courses taken in residence at an accredited U.S. institution or approved international institution with a final grade of B or greater will be considered for transfer credit if, at the time the courses were completed, the courses would be accepted for credit toward a similar degree for a student in degree-seeking status at the host institution. Credit for coursework taken by extension is not transferable. Coursework  in which no formal grades are given or in which grades other than letter grades (A or B) are earned (for example, CR, P, S, U, H, etc.) is not accepted for transfer credit . Credit for coursework submitted for transfer from any college or university must be shown in semester credit hours, or equated to semester credit hours.

Courses used toward a degree at another institution may not be applied for graduate credit. If the course to be transferred was taken prior to the conferral of a degree at the transfer institution, a letter from the registrar at that institution stating that the course was not applied for credit toward the degree must be submitted to the Graduate and Professional School.

Grades for courses completed at other institutions are not included in computing the GPA. An official transcript from the university at which transfer courses are taken must be sent directly to the Office of Admissions.

The general field of research to be used for the dissertation should be agreed on by the student and the advisory committee at their first meeting, as a basis for selecting the proper courses to support the proposed research.

As soon thereafter as the research project can be outlined in reasonable detail, the dissertation research proposal should be completed. The research proposal should be approved at a meeting of the student’s advisory committee, at which time the feasibility of the proposed research and the adequacy of available facilities should be reviewed. The approved proposal, signed by all members of the student’s advisory committee, the head of the student’s major department (or chair of the intercollegiate faculty, if applicable), must be submitted to the Graduate and Professional School at least 20 working days prior to the submission of the Request for the Final Examination.

Compliance issues must be addressed if a graduate student is performing research involving human subjects, animals, infectious biohazards and recombinant DNA. A student involved in these types of research should check with the Office of Research Compliance and Biosafety at (979) 458-1467 to address questions about all research compliance responsibilities. Additional information can also be obtained on the website  http:// rcb.tamu.edu .


The student’s major department (or chair of the interdisciplinary degree program faculty, if applicable) and their advisory committee may require qualifying, cumulative or other types of examinations at any time deemed desirable. These examinations are entirely at the discretion of the department and the student’s advisory committee.

The preliminary examination is required. The preliminary examination for a doctoral student shall be given no earlier than a date at which the student is within 6 credit hours of completion of the formal coursework on the degree plan (i.e., all coursework on the degree plan except 681, 684, 690, 691, 692, 693, 695, 697, 791, or other graduate courses specifically designated as S/U in the course catalog). The student should complete the Preliminary Examination no later than the end of the semester following the completion of the formal coursework on the degree plan.

The objective of preliminary examination is to evaluate whether the student has demonstrated the following qualifications:

a.     a mastery of the subject matter of all fields in the program;

b.     an adequate knowledge of the literature in these fields and an ability to carry out bibliographical research;

c.     an understanding of the research problem and the appropriate methodological approaches.

The format of the preliminary examination shall be determined by the student’s department (or interdisciplinary degree program, if applicable) and advisory committee, and communicated to the student in advance of the examination. The exam may consist of a written component, oral component, or combination of written and oral components.

The preliminary exam may be administered by the advisory committee or a departmental committee; herein referred to as the examination committee.

Regardless of exam format, a student will receive an overall preliminary exam result of pass or fail. The department (or interdisciplinary degree program, if applicable) will determine how the overall pass or fail result is determined based on the exam structure and internal department procedures. If the exam is administered by the advisory committee, each advisory committee member will provide a pass or fail evaluation decision.

Only one advisory committee substitution is allowed to provide an evaluation decision for a student’s preliminary exam, and it cannot be the committee chair.

If a student is required to take, as a part of the preliminary examination, a written component administered by a department or interdisciplinary degree program, the department or interdisciplinary degree program faculty must:

a.     offer the examination at least once every six months. The departmental or interdisciplinary degree program examination should be announced at least 30 days prior to the scheduled examination date.

b.     assume the responsibility for marking the examination satisfactory or unsatisfactory, or otherwise graded, and in the case of unsatisfactory, stating specifically the reasons for such a mark.

c.     forward the marked examination to the chair of the student’s advisory committee within one week after the examination.

Students are eligible for to schedule the preliminary examination in the Academic Requirements Completion System (ARCS) if they meet the following list of eligibility requirements:

Student is registered at Texas A&M University for a minimum of one semester credit hour in the long semester or summer term during which any component of the preliminary examination is held. If the entire examination is held between semesters, then the student must be registered for the term immediately preceding the examination.

An approved degree plan is on file with the Graduate and Professional School prior to commencing the first component of the examination.

Student’s cumulative GPA is at least 3.000.

Student’s degree plan GPA is at least 3.000.

At the end of the semester in which at least the first component of the exam is given, there are no more than 6 hours of coursework remaining on the degree plan (except 681, 684, 690, 691, 692, 693, 695, 697, 791, or other graduate courses specifically designated as S/U in the course catalog). The head of the student’s department (or Chair of the Interdisciplinary Degree Program, if applicable) has the authority to approve a waiver of this criterion.

Credit for the preliminary examination is not transferable in cases where a student changes degree programs after passing a preliminary exam.

If a written component precedes an oral component of the preliminary exam, the chair of the student’s examination committee is responsible for making all written examinations available to all members of the committee. A positive evaluation of the preliminary exam by all members of a student’s examination committee with at most one dissension is required to pass a student on their preliminary exam.

The student’s department will promptly report the results of the Preliminary Examination to the Graduate and Professional School via the Academic Requirements Completion System (ARCS) within 10 working days of completion of the preliminary examination.

If an approved examination committee member substitution (one only) has been made, their approval must be submitted to the Graduate and Professional School via ARCS. The approval of the designated department approver is also required on the request.

After passing the required preliminary oral and written examinations for a doctoral degree, the student must complete the final examination within four years of the semester in which the preliminary exam is taken. Exams taken in between terms will expire at the end of the term that ended prior to the exam. For example, a preliminary exam taken and passed during the Fall 2023 semester will expire at the end of the Fall 2027 semester. A preliminary exam taken in the time between the Summer and Fall 2023 semesters will expire at the end of the Summer 2027 semester.

First Failure

Upon approval of a student’s examination committee (with no more than one member dissenting), and approval of the Department and Graduate and Professional School, a student who has failed a preliminary examination may be given one re-examination. In accordance with Student Rule 12.5, the student’s department head or designee, intercollegiate faculty, or graduate advisory committee should make a recommendation to the student regarding their scholastic deficiency.

Second Failure

Upon failing the preliminary exam twice in a doctoral program, a student is no longer eligible to continue to pursue the PhD in that program/major. In accordance with Student Rule 12.5.3 and/or 12.5.4, the student will be notified of the action being taken by the department as a result of the second failure of the preliminary examination.

Adequate time must be given to permit a student to address inadequacies emerging from the first preliminary examination. The examination committee must agree upon and communicate to the student, in writing, an adequate time-frame from the first examination (normally six months) to retest, as well as a detailed explanation of the inadequacies emerging from the examination. The student and committee should jointly negotiate a mutually acceptable date for this retest.  When providing feedback on inadequacies, the committee should clearly document expected improvements that the student must be able to exhibit in order to retake the exam.  The examination committee will document and communicate the time-frame and feedback within 10 working days of the exam that was not passed.

Candidates for the doctoral degrees must pass a final examination by deadline dates announced in the  Graduate and Professional School Calendar  each semester. A doctoral student is allowed only one opportunity to take the final examination.

No unabsolved grades of D, F, or U for any course can be listed on the degree plan. The student must be registered for any remaining hours of 681, 684, 690, 691, 692, 791 or other graduate courses specifically designated as S/U in the course catalog during the semester of the final exam. No student may be given a final examination until they have been admitted to candidacy and their current official cumulative and degree plan GPAs are 3.00 or better.

Refer to the  Admission to Candidacy  section of the graduate catalog for candidacy requirements.

A request to schedule the final examination must be submitted to the Graduate and Professional School via ARCS a minimum of 10 working days in advance of the scheduled date. Any changes to the degree plan must be approved by the Graduate and Professional School prior to the submission of the request for final examination.

The student’s advisory committee will conduct this examination. Only one committee member substitution is allowed with the approval of the Graduate and Professional School. If the substitution is for the sole external member of the advisory committee - with an appointment to a department other than the student's major department - then the substitute must also be external to the student's major department. In extenuating circumstances, with the approval of the Graduate and Professional School, an exception to this requirement may be granted.

The final examination is not to be administered until the dissertation or record of study is available in substantially final form to the student’s advisory committee, and all concerned have had adequate time to review the document.  Whereas the final examination may cover the broad field of the candidate’s training, it is presumed that the major portion of the time will be devoted to the dissertation and closely allied topics. Persons other than members of the graduate faculty may, with mutual consent of the candidate and the chair of the advisory committee, be invited to attend a final examination for an advanced degree. A positive vote by all members of the graduate committee with at most one dissension is required to pass a student on their exam. A department can have a stricter requirement provided there is consistency within all degree programs within a department. Upon completion of the questioning of the candidate, all visitors must excuse themselves from the proceedings.

The student’s department will promptly report the results of the Final Examination to the Graduate and Professional School via the Academic Requirements Completion System (ARCS) within 10 working days of completion of the final examination. The Graduate and Professional School will be automatically notified via ARCS of any cancellations.

A positive evaluation of the final exam by all members of a student’s advisory committee with at most one dissension is required to pass a student on their final exam. If an approved committee member substitution (1 only) has been made, their approval must be submitted to the Graduate and Professional School via ARCS.

The dissertation,  which must be a candidate's original work demonstrates the ability to perform independent research . Whereas acceptance of the dissertation is based primarily on its scholarly merit, it must also exhibit creditable literary workmanship. Dissertation formatting must be acceptable to the Graduate and Professional School as outlined in the Guidelines for Theses, Dissertations, and Records of Study.

After successful defense and approval by the student’s advisory committee and the head of the student’s major department (or chair of intercollegiate faculty, if applicable), a student must submit the dissertation in electronic format as a single PDF file to https://etd.tamu.edu/ . Additionally, a dissertation approval form with original signatures must be received by the Graduate and Professional School through the Academic Requirements Completion System (ARCS). Both the PDF file and the completed ARCS approval form must be received by the deadline.

Deadline dates for submitting are announced each semester or summer term in the Graduate and Professional School Calendar (see Time Limit statement). These dates also can be accessed via the  Graduate and Professional School website .

Each student who submits a document for review is assessed a one-time thesis/dissertation processing fee through Student Business Services. This processing fee is for the thesis/dissertation services provided. After commencement, dissertations are digitally stored and made available through the Texas A&M Libraries.

A dissertation that is deemed unacceptable by the Graduate and Professional School because of excessive corrections will be returned to the student’s department head or chair of the intercollegiate faculty . The manuscript must be resubmitted as a new document, and the entire review process must begin anew. All original submittal deadlines must be met during the resubmittal process to graduate.

Additional Requirements

Continuous registration, admission to candidacy.

  • 99-Hour Cap on Doctoral Degree

Application for Degree

A student who enters the doctoral degree program with a baccalaureate degree must spend one academic year plus one semester in resident study at Texas A&M University. A student who holds master’s degree when they enter a doctoral degree program must spend one academic year in resident study. One academic year may include two adjacent regular semesters or one regular semester and one adjacent 10-week summer semester. The third semester is not required to be adjacent to the one year. Enrollment for each semester must be a minimum of 9 credit hours each to satisfy the residence requirement. A minimum of 1 credit hour must be in a non-distance education delivery mode. Semesters in which the student is enrolled in all distance education coursework will not count toward fulfillment of the residence requirement.

To satisfy the residence requirement, the student must complete a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester or 10-week summer semester in resident study at Texas A&M University for the required period. A student who enters a doctoral degree program with a baccalaureate degree may fulfill residence requirements in excess of one academic year (18 credit hours) by registration during summer sessions or by completion of a less-than-full course load (in this context a full course load is considered 9 credit hours per semester).

Students who are employed full-time while completing their degree may fulfill total residence requirements by completion of less-than-full time course loads each semester. In order to be considered for this, the student is required to submit a Petition for Waivers and Exceptions along with verification of employment to the Graduate and Professional School. An employee should submit verification of employment at the time they submit the degree plan. See  Registration.

See  Residence Requirements .

All requirements for doctoral degrees must be completed within a period of ten consecutive calendar years for the degree to be granted. A course will be considered valid until 10 years after the end of the semester in which it is taken. Graduate credit for coursework more than ten calendar years old at the time of the final oral examination may not be used to satisfy degree requirements.

After passing the required preliminary oral and written examinations for a doctoral degree, the student must complete the final examination within four years of the semester in which the preliminary exam is taken. Exams taken in between terms will expire at the end of the term that ended prior to the exam. For example, a preliminary exam taken and passed during the fall 2019 semester will expire at the end of the fall 2023 semester. A preliminary exam taken in the time between the summer and fall 2019 semesters will expire at the end of the summer 2023 semester.

A final corrected version of the dissertation or record of study in electronic format as a single PDF file must be cleared by the Graduate and Professional School within one year of the semester in which the final exam is taken. Exams taken in between terms will expire at the end of the term that ended prior to the exam. For example, a final exam taken and passed during the fall 2022 semester will expire at the end of the fall 2023 semester. A final exam taken in the time between the summer and fall 2022 semesters will expire at the end of the summer 2023 semester. Failure to do so will result in the degree not being awarded.

A student in a program leading to a Doctor of Philosophy who has completed all coursework on their degree plan other than 691 (research) are required to be in continuous registration until all requirements for the degree have been completed. See  Continuous Registration Requirements .

To be admitted to candidacy for a doctoral degree, a student must have:

  • completed all formal coursework on the degree plan with the exception of any remaining 681, 684, 690 and 691, or 791.
  • a 3.0 Graduate GPA and a Degree Plan GPA of at least 3.0 with no grade lower than C in any course on the degree plan,
  • passed the preliminary examination (written and oral portions),
  • submitted an approved dissertation proposal,
  • met the residence requirements. The final examination will not be authorized for any doctoral student who has not been admitted to candidacy.

PhD students must demonstrate competency in a minimum of one language.   They can do so by

  • completing the Old English/Beowulf sequence in  ENGL 610/LING 610 ;
  • passing a translation examination; 
  • earning an A in a graduate reading course; or
  • earning a B or better in 12 hours of undergraduate language coursework completed no more than four years prior to entering the program.

99-Hour Cap on Doctoral Degrees

In Texas, public colleges and universities are funded by the state according to the number of students enrolled. In accordance with legislation passed by the Texas Legislature, the number of hours for which state universities may receive subvention funding at the doctoral rate for any individual is limited to 99 hours. Texas A&M and other universities will not receive subvention for hours in excess of the limit.

Institutions of higher education are allowed to charge the equivalent of non-resident tuition to a resident doctoral student who has enrolled in 100 or more semester credit hours of doctoral coursework.

Doctoral students at Texas A&M have seven years to complete their degree before being charged out-of-state tuition. A doctoral student who, after seven years of study, has accumulated 100 or more doctoral hours will be charged tuition at a rate equivalent to out-of-state tuition. Please note that the tuition increases will apply to Texas residents as well as students from other states and countries who are currently charged tuition at the resident rate. This includes those doctoral students who hold GAT, GANT, and GAR appointments or recipients of competitive fellowships who receive more than $1,000 per semester. Doctoral students who have not accumulated 100 hours after seven years of study are eligible to pay in-state tuition if otherwise eligible.

Doctoral students who exceed the credit limit will receive notification from the Graduate and Professional School during the semester in which they are enrolled and exceeding the limit in their current degree program. The notification will explain that the State of Texas does not provide funding for any additional hours in which a student is enrolled in excess of 99 hours. Texas A&M University will recover the lost funds by requiring students in excess of 99 hours to pay tuition at the non-funded, non-resident rate. This non-funded, non-resident tuition rate status will be updated for the following semester and in all subsequent semesters until receipt of a doctoral degree. Please see the  Tuition Calculator  at the non-resident rate for an example of potential charges.

The following majors are exempt from the 99-Hour Cap on Doctoral Degrees and have a limit of 130 doctoral hours:

  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Counseling Psychology
  • Genetics and Genomics
  • Health Services Research
  • Medical Sciences
  • Microbiology
  • Neurosciences (College of Medicine)
  • Oral and Craniofacial Biomedical Sciences
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Public Health Sciences
  • School Psychology

For information on applying for your degree, please visit the  Graduation  section.

Top 5 Best Online English PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)

online english phd texas

We rank the best online PhD degree programs in English.

Key Takeaways

  • Students seeking a PhD in English can choose from a small selection of online English doctoral programs.
  • Online English PhD graduates typically work in areas like post-secondary education, language research, publishing.
  • Online English PhD programs come in concentrations like American literature, technology and media studies, literary theory, and more.

Featured Programs

The online English PhD program is ideal for working professionals and graduate students with a deep interest in English literature, comparative literature, creative writing, English language learning education, literacy education, and more. However, only a select number of universities offer a full selection of English PhD programs online.

The online English doctoral degree is considered a terminal degree, which means it is the highest degree that you can earn in your field. This means that online doctoral programs for PhD students in English can lead to opportunities for teaching English at the post-secondary level, participating in advanced humanities research, or providing public consultation on critical literacy and learning issues.

Online PhD in English candidates are typically already working at a high level in their field. This means that students seeking their doctorate must balance existing work and personal responsibilities with a challenging course of education. For many graduate students, online courses and fully online programs provide a way to achieve this balance.

For a look at how these online doctor of English programs stack up against traditional on campus programs, check out our look at the The Best Research Universities for English Degrees.

Or find out more with a look at our College Rankings Guide .

Otherwise, read on and learn more about how you can earn an online PhD in English.

Happy students in a classroom

The best online PhD in English programs will have proper accreditation. Be sure that you are pursuing your PhD in English through a fully accredited university and program:

  • Institutional Accreditation : Accreditation is vital for online doctoral programs. It signifies that the online PhD programs offered by the online school are in compliance with the standards of a Department of Education-approved accrediting body.

A school must also be accredited in order to offer federal financial aid to its online doctorate candidates. When looking for an online doctoral program, seek out options with accreditation from a colleges and schools commission in your region. This stamp of approval is critical for ensuring the quality and credibility of your online program.

  • Programmatic Accreditation : In addition to institutional accreditation, be sure that you prioritize online doctorate degree programs with programmatic accreditation. While there is no specifically required programmatic accreditation for the general field of English, those who intend to work in post-secondary educational institutions may be required to complete a doctoral program with accreditation from the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). Make sure that your online English PhD program offers the proper programmatic accreditation requirements for your career goals.
  • Carnegie Classification : The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, or as it is more commonly known, the Carnegie Classification, is a framework for categorizing all accredited, degree-granting institutions in the United States. Originally formulated in 1970 by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and administered through the University of Indiana’s Center for Postsecondary Research since 2014, the Carnegie Classification is “the leading framework for recognizing and describing institutional diversity in U.S. higher education.”

Under this classification, top research universities for doctoral degrees and PhD candidates are identified as either R2: Doctoral Universities for “high research activity” or R1: Doctoral Universities for “very high research activity.” Look for these classifications when considering options for your online Phd programs.

Key Point: Be sure that you only consider an online English PhD program with proper accreditation.

Doctoral Program Admission Requirements

Schools that offer online English PhD programs have different admission requirements. However, most online doctoral programs will carry the same basic threshold for admission:

  • A completed online application
  • Official transcripts
  • A cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
  • GRE scores, MAT scores, or GMAT scores
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Personal interviews
  • Personal statement or writing sample
  • Plan of study

Key Point: In most cases, you will be eligible to enter a doctoral degree online after earning only a bachelor’s degree. However, some specialized online English Degree programs may require you to have earned a master’s degree as well.

Man working on a laptop

Curriculum and Courses For English Graduate Students

As with other advanced degree and graduate programs, research is the central component of your online PhD in English program. This is true for fully online doctorate degrees as well as hybrid degrees combining online education with traditional on-campus courses. Regardless of whether you complete a traditional, hybrid or online doctoral program, the typical time to completion is five to seven years.

The typical components of your online English PhD program may include:

Foundational Courses

Your English PhD will typically begin with foundational courses in your area of concentration. Concentrations may include:

  • English literature
  • British literature
  • Creative writing
  • Critical literacy training
  • Literary and cultural studies

Some of your courses will focus on research methods and experimental design. You may be able to complete many of these requirements through online classes. Your English graduate program may also include a foreign language requirement.

Examinations for PhD Candidacy

Many online doctoral students are required to complete certain examinations to enter into online PhD candidacy. This will typically occur after you’ve completed one to two years of foundational courses.


In most cases, the central component of your online PhD program will be the completion of your dissertation. After gaining status as an online PhD candidate, you will typically work closely with a professorial advisor or mentor to develop an original scholarly research question.

This research question will form the basis of your dissertation—an ongoing project designed to address this research question through applied research. While you will work closely with your advisor or mentor, much of your dissertation will be rooted in independent research. This is especially true for students pursuing an online PhD.

Oral Defense

Upon completion of the written portion of your dissertation—which will typically present the findings from your original research project—you will be expected to defend your findings. This “oral defense” will typically be conducted by a commission of professors and experts in your field. PhD candidates in some online degree programs may be able to conduct this defense via teleconferencing.

Teaching Requirements

Some online Ph.D programs will also include a teaching component, which will require you to work as an adjunct professor or teaching assistant in an undergraduate or graduate school. It may be possible for students in the online doctoral degree program to also serve teaching requirements through distance learning.

Key Point: Completion and defense of your dissertation will be a central part of completing your online doctoral degree program in English.

Careers for English Online Doctoral Students

The online PhD in English is a terminal degree program. This means that PhD students who complete this online program will qualify for top positions and opportunities in their field.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that you may be able to qualify for work as an English teacher with a master’s degree in English. However, the highest paying careers in English are generally held by those working in post-secondary education. The BLS notes that the highest paid 10% of professionals in the English field earned more than $132,000 in 2021.

Earning an online PhD in English can lead to some of these top-paying roles in the field, including:

  • Critical Literacy Policy Development
  • Education Policy Consultation
  • Post-Secondary Literature Education
  • Education Department Chairmanship

Key Point: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, English professionals with a doctorate will earn more than graduates with a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

What’s the difference between online doctoral programs and online PhD programs?

Technically, a PhD is a type of doctorate degree. This means that all online PhD candidates are doctoral students. By contrast, not all doctoral students are PhD candidates.

The primary distinction is that doctoral students are primarily focused on putting existing theories into practice. Depending on your chosen field, your online doctoral degree may require participation in an educational leadership program, engagement in clinical practice, work as a resident in a nursing program, and much more.

By contrast, online PhD students are focused on creating new knowledge in their area of study. This usually means that online PhD candidates are focused on introducing new theories, creating research projects around these theories, and presenting new findings that demonstrate a mastery of existing knowledge and the insight to introduce new ideas into the field.

Today, more working professionals than ever before are pursuing both online doctoral degrees and online Phd programs.

English students working at a table

The Best Online English Doctorates (PhDs)

The online PhD in English programs identified here are ranked based on influence, with weighting for graduation rate and full-time online enrollment.

Texas A&M University

  • #2 Best Public Colleges in Texas 2024
  • #2 Best Colleges in Texas 2024
  • #3 The Most Influential Universities and Colleges Ranked by State 2024
  • #13 Best Research Universities for Social Work Degrees
  • #24 Best Research Universities for Nursing Degrees
  • #1 Top 10 Most Affordable English PhD Programs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #2 Best Online Master's Programs in Texas 2024
  • #2 Best Online Master’s in Educational Administration
  • #3 Best Online Colleges in Texas 2024
  • #5 20 Fastest Accelerated Online English Doctorates (PhDs) 2024
  • #8 Fastest Online Bachelor's Degrees Ranked for 2024
  • #9 Best Online Master's in Criminal Justice
  • #11 Best RN to BSN Online
  • #13 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #20 Best Online Master's in Management

Tuition + fees

Student body

Median SAT/ACT

Career Outlook for English degree at Texas A&M University

Texas A&M University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Engineering
  • Earth Sciences
  • Computer Science
  • Criminal Justice
  • Mathematics

Most Influential Alumni

  • C. Wright Mills
  • Frank Malina
  • Gilbert Shelton
  • Henry Cisneros
  • Richard Steadman
  • Kenneth Womack
  • Elaine Ingham
  • Forrest Mims
  • Adrian Smith
  • H. W. Brands
  • Lihong V. Wang

What do we love about Texas A&M University?

Texas A&M University was founded in 1876 as the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. In 1948, Texas A&M began to expand into additional campuses throughout the state, making the College Station, Texas campus the flagship school in the Texas A&M University system.

With more than 73,000 students pursuing degrees at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels, Texas A&M University is in fact the largest school in the United States by enrollment. The public research university is also the only school in Texas that is designated as a land-, sea-, and space-grant university.

Texas A&M makes a wide range of excellent graduate level degrees available to students both through traditional delivery and fully online classes. For instance, students can complete the PhD in English either online or at the Texas A&M-Commerce campus.

Are planning to conduct advanced graduate research. Texas A&M is classified among R1: Doctoral Universities for its very high level of research activity.

Are looking for a more intimate college experience. Texas A&M is literally the largest school you could possibly attend.

University of Alabama at Birmingham

  • #4 Best Grad Schools in Alabama 2024
  • #4 Alabama's Best Colleges and Universities Ranked for Undergrads in 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Cybersecurity in Alabama
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor’s of Data Science and Analytics Degree Programs for 2024
  • #3 Best Online Master's in Kinesiology Degree Programs
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor’s of Human Services Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #3 Best Online MBA Programs in Alabama
  • #3 Best Online Colleges in Alabama 2024
  • #3 Best Online Master's Programs in Alabama 2024
  • #5 Best Online MBA in Entrepreneurship Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #7 Best Online Master’s in Sustainability and Green Technologies
  • #7 Best Online Master's in Nursing MSN
  • #7 Best Online Bachelor's of Finance Degree Programs for 2024
  • #8 15 Most Affordable Online Public Health Doctorates (PhDs)
  • #8 Best Online Master’s in Health Informatics
  • #8 Best Online MBA in Marketing Degree Programs Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #9 20 Fastest Accelerated Online English Doctorates (PhDs) 2024
  • #9 Fastest Accelerated Online Public Health Doctorates (PhDs)
  • #9 Best Online Master’s in Educational Administration
  • #12 Best Online Bachelor’s in Marketing and Advertising Degree Programs for 2024
  • #13 Best Online Bachelor's in Cybersecurity
  • #15 Best Online Bachelor's in Accounting
  • #15 Best Online MBAs in Finance
  • #15 Best Online Bachelor's in Psychology Degree Programs for Students
  • #18 Best Research Universities with Online Doctorates (PhDs) 2024
  • #19 The Best Online Colleges Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #4 Best College Majors that Offer Accelerated Degree Programs

Career Outlook for English degree at University of Alabama at Birmingham

University of Alabama at Birmingham’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Anthropology
  • Rebecca Bace
  • Ray L. Watts
  • Eli Capilouto
  • Lawrence J. DeLucas
  • Hadiyah-Nicole Green
  • Graeme McDowell
  • David B. Allison
  • Clancy Blair
  • Bruce R. Korf
  • Selwyn M. Vickers
  • Ricardo Azziz
  • Jason Aaron

What do we love about University of Alabama-Birmingham?

University of Alabama-Birmingham was formed in 1936 as a small regional “academic extension center.” Over the next three decades, the school grew into a public research university boasting 140 undergraduate and graduate programs across 12 academic departments.

From its humble regional beginning, the University of Alabama-Birmingham today serves more than 22,000 students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. In fact, the university is also the single largest employer in the state, with more than 75,000 people working as faculty, staff, and in various jobs across the university health system.

UAB is identified among R1: Doctoral Universities for its very high level of research. Students pursuing their PhD have a number of options both online and on campus. In particular, UAB offers a variety of excellent online education PhDs, which can provide an excellent degree pathway for those with an interest in post-secondary English and literature education, or those with an interest in literacy research and policy development. Relevant concentrations include the online PhD in Early Childhood Education and the online PhD in Educational Studies in Diverse Populations .

Want balance between big city life and a small town feel. Students describe the campus and surrounding Birmingham as offering a safe community in a vibrant urban setting.

Are seeking a broad selection of on-campus activities. Some students describe options as limited in this area.

Happy student on a college campus

Texas Tech University

  • #7 Best Colleges in Texas 2024
  • #1 Best Online Colleges in Texas 2024
  • #1 Best Online Master's in English
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor's of English Degree Programs for 2024
  • #2 Best Online Certificate in Liberal Arts and Humanities Ranked for Students
  • #2 Best Online MBA Programs in Texas
  • #2 Top 8 Best Online Public Health PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #3 Fastest Accelerated Online Doctorate of Information Technology
  • #4 10 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of English Programs
  • #4 Top 10 Best Online Master's of Public Relations Ranked 2024
  • #5 Best Online Bachelor’s of Communications Degree Programs for 2024
  • #5 Top 10 Best Online Communications PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #5 Best Online Bachelor’s of Digital Media for 2024
  • #6 Best Online Bachelor’s of Early Childhood Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #6 Best Online Master’s in Engineering Management
  • #7 Best Online Master's Programs in Texas 2024
  • #7 Best Online Master's in Agriculture and Agribusiness Degree Programs
  • #7 Best Online Bachelor's in Sociology Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #8 20 Fastest Accelerated Online English Doctorates (PhDs) 2024
  • #8 10 Best Online Master's of Music Education Degree Programs
  • #8 The Most Affordable Online Clinical Nutrition Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #9 Best Online Doctorate of Educational Psychology (PhDs) 2024
  • #10 Best Online Master’s in Communications
  • #11 Best Online Master's in Marketing and Advertising
  • #12 The Best Online Colleges Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #12 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Doctorate of Education (PhDs)
  • #14 Best Online Master's in Computer Science Degree Programs
  • #14 Best Online Master's in Special Education
  • #14 Best Online Master’s in Engineering
  • #15 Best Online Doctorate in Education Degree Programs Ranked for Students
  • #15 Best Online Master’s in Education
  • #16 Best Research Universities with Online Doctorates (PhDs) 2024
  • #20 Best Data Science Online Master’s Programs
  • #20 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #23 The Best Online MBA Degree Programs in 2024 Ranked for Students
  • #23 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)

Career Outlook for English degree at Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Political Science
  • John Hinckley Jr.
  • Arati Prabhakar
  • James T. Richardson
  • Mica Endsley
  • Carolyn Eisele
  • Paul E. Gray
  • Guy McPherson
  • John Denver
  • Manuel H. Johnson
  • M. David Rudd

What do we love about Texas Tech University?

Texas Tech University began life as the Texas Technical College with its founding 1923. Based in Lubbock, Texas Tech is considered the primary institution among the five schools making up the Texas Tech University System.

Taking its present name in 1969, Texas Tech University would become the sixth-largest institution in the state of Texas. Today, there are more than 40,000 students earning degrees at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels at the public research university

Texas Tech is particularly noteworthy as a destination for prospective PhDs, including those with an interest in its online PhD in English. The school has a number of different PhD in English programs , including creative writing, literature, linguistics, and rhetoric. Texas Tech is classified among R1: Doctoral Universities, so noted for their very high research activity.

Like a college with strong school spirit. Students repeatedly note that the school spirit is a major feature of campus life, which can make Texas Tech feel like one big community.

Are looking for a small campus. Like a lot of other things in Texas, Texas Tech is a sprawling campus. Students note that the sheer distance of walking between classes can sometimes be exhausting.

Old Dominion University

  • #8 Best Colleges in Virginia 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Cybersecurity in Virginia
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Cybersecurity in the District Of Columbia
  • #2 Top 10 Most Affordable English PhD Programs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor’s of Elementary Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #2 Fastest Accelerated Online Bachelor's of Cybersecurity
  • #3 Best Online MBA Programs in Virginia
  • #3 Best Online Colleges in Virginia 2024
  • #3 Fastest Accelerated Online Bachelor's of Accounting Programs
  • #3 Fastest Accelerated Online Bachelor's of Healthcare Administration
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor's in Computer Science Degree Programs
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor's of Finance Degree Programs for 2024
  • #4 Best Online Master's Programs in Virginia 2024
  • #4 Best Online Bachelor’s of Electrical and Computer Engineering Degree Programs for 2024
  • #6 11 Fastest Accelerated Online Master’s of Computer Science
  • #6 Best Online Bachelor’s in Marketing and Advertising Degree Programs for 2024
  • #6 Best Online Bachelor's in Sociology Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #6 Best Online Bachelor’s of Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #7 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Bachelor's of Cybersecurity
  • #7 Best Online Master's in English
  • #8 Best Online Bachelor's in Cybersecurity
  • #8 Best Online Bachelor’s of Health Science Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #9 10 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of English Programs
  • #9 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Master's of Nursing Programs
  • #10 15 Most Affordable Online Public Health Doctorates (PhDs)
  • #10 20 Fastest Accelerated Online English Doctorates (PhDs) 2024
  • #10 Best Online Bachelor's in Accounting
  • #10 Best Online Master's in Sports Management
  • #11 Best Online Bachelor's in Public Health Degree Programs for Students
  • #13 Best Online Master's in Computer Science Degree Programs
  • #18 Best Online Bachelor's in Psychology Degree Programs for Students
  • #19 Best Online Master’s in Engineering Management
  • #23 Best Online Doctorate in Education Degree Programs Ranked for Students
  • #24 Best Online Bachelor’s in Business Administration Degree Programs
  • #25 Best Online Master's in Special Education
  • #4 Top 20 Fastest Accelerated Online Bachelor's in Counseling
  • #13 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of Nursing Degree Programs 2024

Career Outlook for English degree at Old Dominion University

Old Dominion University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Justin Verlander
  • Nancy Lieberman
  • Serkan Golge
  • Ticha Penicheiro
  • Linda B. Hayden
  • Richard C. McCarty
  • Kent Bazemore
  • Bonita V. Saunders
  • Sarah McCoy
  • Jack T. Kirby
  • Philip C. Kendall

What do we love about Old Dominion University?

Old Dominion University was formed in 1930 as the Norfolk Division of the College of William & Mary. Based in Norfolk, Virginia, Old Dominion university offers more than 150 graduate and undergraduate degree options.

Today, Old Dominion serves more than 24,000 students at the graduate and undergraduate levels, and is noted as an institution where a high level of scientific and technological innovation takes place.

Old Dominion is identified among R1: Doctoral Universities for its very high level of research. Students pursuing their PhD have a number of options both online and on campus.

ODU has an online English doctoral program that results in a PhD in English. The program is 48 credit hours and includes two summer visits to campus.

Enjoy diversity. Students at ODU represent all 50 states as well as more than 80 nations around the world.

Do not prefer a college in an urban area. ODU’s 251 acre campus is less than 5 miles from downtown Norfolk.

Murray State University

  • #2 Best Online Bachelor's in Cybersecurity Degree Programs in Kentucky
  • #3 Top 10 Most Affordable English PhD Programs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #3 Best Online Associate Degrees in Kentucky 2024
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor’s in Agribusiness and Agriculture Degree Programs
  • #4 Best Online MBA in Healthcare Management Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #5 Best Online MBA Programs in Kentucky
  • #6 Best Online Master's Programs in Kentucky 2024
  • #6 Best Online Colleges in Kentucky 2024
  • #7 Best Online Bachelor's in Network Administration Degree Programs for 2024
  • #11 Best Online Master's in English
  • #12 Best Online Master's in Economics
  • #12 Top 20 Most Affordable Online PhD of Nursing (DNP) Programs
  • #13 Best Online Bachelor’s of Human Services Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #14 20 Fastest Accelerated Online English Doctorates (PhDs) 2024
  • #14 Best Online Associate in General Studies
  • #18 Best Online Associate in Business Administration
  • #18 Best Online Master’s in Educational Administration
  • #23 Best Online Master's in Healthcare Administration

Career Outlook for English degree at Murray State University

Murray State University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Jeff Easley
  • David L. Armstrong
  • Popeye Jones
  • Chris Thile
  • Terry Yates
  • W. Earl Brown
  • Kirk Rueter
  • Bill Cunningham

What do we love about Murray State University?

Murray State University was formed in 1922 as the Murray State Normal School. Though Murray State’s flagship campus is based in Calloway, Kentucky, the public university operates an additional four campuses throughout the state.

Murray State gradually evolved throughout its history, from a modest teachers college operating out of a local middle school into a degree-granting institution and, by 1966, a state-recognized university. Today, Murray serves more than 9,000 students at the graduate and undergraduate levels.

Murray State offers several only doctoral programs, and is recognized for its NCATE accreditation, which distinguishes its advanced degree programs in the field of education.

The school has an online Doctor of Arts in English Pedagogy degree program.

Are pursuing careers in teaching, nursing, and business. Murray State is recognized for its excellence in each of these areas.

Have financial limitations. Students describe the cost of attendance and the cost of living as comparatively high at Murray State.

Other Options for Aspiring English PhDs

Students considering an online doctoral in English should also check out the best on-campus options to compare features like cost, curriculum, acceptance rate, and more.

New York University

  • #13 Best Universities in the World 2024
  • #23 50 Best Research Universities Ranked for Undergrads in 2024
  • #2 Best Research Universities in New York 2024
  • #2 Best Colleges in New York 2024
  • #2 Best Grad Schools in New York 2024
  • #2 Best Private Colleges in New York 2024
  • #3 Best Research Universities for Social Work Degrees
  • #3 Best Research Universities for Education Degrees
  • #7 Best Research Universities for Business Degrees
  • #7 Best Research Universities for Communications Degrees
  • #8 Best Research Universities for English Degrees
  • #8 Best Research Universities for Nursing Degrees
  • #12 Best Research Universities for Psychology Degrees
  • #12 Best Research Universities for Philosophy Degrees
  • #12 Best Research Universities for Economics Degrees
  • #14 Best Research Universities for Sociology Degrees
  • #15 Best Research Universities for Anthropology Degrees
  • #15 Best Research Universities for History Degrees
  • #15 Best Research Universities for Religious Studies Degrees
  • #15 Best Research Universities for Political Science Degrees
  • #15 Best Research Universities for Math Degrees
  • #18 Best Research Universities for Computer Science Degrees
  • #18 Best Research Universities for Biology Degrees
  • #23 Best Research Universities for Engineering Degrees
  • #23 Best Research Universities for Physics Degrees
  • #1 20 Best Online Master's of Speech Pathology Degree Programs
  • #1 Best Online Master's Programs in New York 2024
  • #1 Top 10 Best Online Communications PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #1 Best Online Master's Programs 2024
  • #2 Best Online Master's in Management
  • #2 Top 3 Best Online Economics PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #2 Top 6 Best Online Clinical Nutrition PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #3 Top 10 Best Online Counseling PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #3 Best Online History Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #3 Top 5 Best Online Sociology PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #3 Fastest Online Master's Degrees Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #1 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of Counseling Degree Programs 2024
  • #1 Fastest Accelerated Online PhDs in Education Degree Programs 2024
  • #5 Top 20 Best Business Schools for MBAs Ranked for Students
  • #10 The Best Traditional MBA Programs Ranked for Students in 2024

New York University’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Social Work
  • Communications
  • Erich Fromm
  • Robert Mueller
  • Martha Nussbaum
  • John Archibald Wheeler
  • Glenn Greenwald
  • Howard Zinn
  • Eric Kandel
  • Lewis Mumford
  • Alvin Toffler
  • Louis Nirenberg

University of California, Berkeley

  • #2 Best Universities in the US Ranked for Prospective Students in 2024
  • #2 50 Best Colleges and Universities Ranked for Undergrads in 2024
  • #2 50 Best Graduate Schools Ranked for Prospective Students in 2024
  • #2 Top Schools that Offer Free Master's Degrees Online
  • #2 50 Best Research Universities Ranked for Undergrads in 2024
  • #5 Best Universities in the World 2024
  • #1 Best Public Colleges California 2024
  • #1 Most Affordable Colleges in California 2024
  • #2 The Most Influential Universities and Colleges Ranked by State 2024
  • #2 Best Colleges in California 2024
  • #2 Best Research Universities in California 2024
  • #2 Best Grad Schools California 2024
  • #2 Best Research Universities for Social Work Degrees
  • #3 Best Research Universities for Communications Degrees
  • #4 Best Research Universities for Engineering Degrees
  • #4 Best Research Universities for Sociology Degrees
  • #4 Best Research Universities for Chemistry Degrees
  • #4 Best Research Universities for Computer Science Degrees
  • #5 Best Research Universities for Anthropology Degrees
  • #5 Best Research Universities for Math Degrees
  • #6 Best Research Universities for Physics Degrees
  • #7 Best Research Universities for English Degrees
  • #7 Best Research Universities for History Degrees
  • #7 Best Research Universities for Political Science Degrees
  • #7 Best Research Universities for Philosophy Degrees
  • #8 Best Research Universities for Earth Sciences Degrees
  • #8 Best Research Universities for Biology Degrees
  • #8 Best Research Universities for Economics Degrees
  • #9 Best Research Universities for Psychology Degrees
  • #9 Best Research Universities for Religious Studies Degrees
  • #1 Best Online History Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #1 Top 3 Best Online Economics PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #1 Top 5 Best Online Sociology PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #2 Fastest Accelerated Online Computer Science Doctorates (PhDs)
  • #2 Most Affordable Online Computer Science PhDs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #3 Top 6 Best Online Clinical Nutrition PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #4 Guide to Free Online Courses for MBA Students in 2024
  • #2 The Best Traditional MBA Programs Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #3 Best Schools in the World for Earning an MBA Degree Ranked for 2024

Career Outlook for English degree at University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Berkeley’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Daniel Kahneman
  • John Kenneth Galbraith
  • Timothy Leary
  • Shing-Tung Yau
  • Ken Thompson
  • Niklaus Wirth
  • Douglas Engelbart
  • Theodosius Dobzhansky
  • Betty Friedan
  • George Dantzig
  • Octavio Paz
  • Gary Snyder

University of Michigan

  • #4 Top Schools that Offer Free Master's Degrees Online
  • #9 Best Universities in the US Ranked for Prospective Students in 2024
  • #9 50 Best Graduate Schools Ranked for Prospective Students in 2024
  • #11 Best Universities in the World 2024
  • #22 50 Best Research Universities Ranked for Undergrads in 2024
  • #1 Best Grad Schools in Michigan 2024
  • #1 Best Research Universities in Michigan 2024
  • #1 Best Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #1 The Most Influential Universities and Colleges Ranked by State 2024
  • #1 Most Affordable Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #1 Best Public Colleges in Michigan 2024
  • #2 Best Research Universities for Education Degrees
  • #4 Best Research Universities for Business Degrees
  • #5 Best Research Universities for Nursing Degrees
  • #6 Best Research Universities for Psychology Degrees
  • #6 Best Research Universities for Communications Degrees
  • #8 Best Research Universities for Anthropology Degrees
  • #8 Best Research Universities for Sociology Degrees
  • #9 Best Research Universities for History Degrees
  • #10 Best Research Universities for Computer Science Degrees
  • #11 Best Research Universities for Engineering Degrees
  • #11 Best Research Universities for Philosophy Degrees
  • #11 Best Research Universities for Math Degrees
  • #11 Best Research Universities for Economics Degrees
  • #12 Best Research Universities for English Degrees
  • #12 Best Research Universities for Political Science Degrees
  • #13 Best Research Universities for Earth Sciences Degrees
  • #13 Best Research Universities for Physics Degrees
  • #13 Best Research Universities for Chemistry Degrees
  • #13 Best Research Universities for Biology Degrees
  • #14 Best Research Universities for Religious Studies Degrees
  • #1 Best Online MBA Programs in Michigan
  • #1 Best Online Master's Programs in Michigan 2024
  • #1 Best Online MBA Degree Programs No GRE Required Ranked for 2024
  • #1 Best Online Master’s in Health Science
  • #1 Top 8 Best Online Public Health PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #1 Fastest Online Master's Degrees Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #2 Best Online History Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #2 Top 10 Best Online Communications PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #2 Best Online Master's Programs 2024
  • #2 Top 5 Best Online Sociology PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #3 Top 3 Best Online Economics PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #4 Top 6 Best Online Clinical Nutrition PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #6 Guide to Free Online Courses for MBA Students in 2024
  • #1 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of Nursing Degree Programs 2024
  • #7 The Best Traditional MBA Programs Ranked for Students in 2024

Career Outlook for English degree at University of Michigan

University of Michigan’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Claude Shannon
  • Arthur Miller
  • Alvin Plantinga
  • Edgar F. Codd
  • Hans-Hermann Hoppe
  • Stephen Smale
  • Urie Bronfenbrenner
  • John Henry Holland
  • Amos Tversky
  • Marshall Sahlins

University of California, Los Angeles

  • #7 America's 15 Most Technologically Advanced Colleges
  • #13 50 Best Colleges and Universities Ranked for Undergrads in 2024
  • #14 Best Universities in the US Ranked for Prospective Students in 2024
  • #14 50 Best Graduate Schools Ranked for Prospective Students in 2024
  • #17 Best Universities in the World 2024
  • #2 Best Public Colleges California 2024
  • #2 Most Affordable Colleges in California 2024
  • #3 Best Colleges in California 2024
  • #3 Best Research Universities in California 2024
  • #3 Best Grad Schools California 2024
  • #6 Best Research Universities for Nursing Degrees
  • #8 Best Research Universities for Education Degrees
  • #9 Best Research Universities for Business Degrees
  • #10 Best Research Universities for Communications Degrees
  • #11 Best Research Universities for Anthropology Degrees
  • #12 Best Research Universities for Sociology Degrees
  • #12 Best Research Universities for Earth Sciences Degrees
  • #12 Best Research Universities for Chemistry Degrees
  • #13 Best Research Universities for Math Degrees
  • #14 Best Research Universities for Psychology Degrees
  • #14 Best Research Universities for History Degrees
  • #14 Best Research Universities for Engineering Degrees
  • #14 Best Research Universities for Physics Degrees
  • #14 Best Research Universities for Biology Degrees
  • #15 Best Research Universities for English Degrees
  • #15 Best Research Universities for Philosophy Degrees
  • #16 Best Research Universities for Economics Degrees
  • #17 Best Research Universities for Computer Science Degrees
  • #18 Best Research Universities for Political Science Degrees
  • #21 Best Research Universities for Religious Studies Degrees
  • #4 Best Online History Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #4 Top 3 Best Online Economics PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #4 Top 5 Best Online Sociology PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #12 The Best Traditional MBA Programs Ranked for Students in 2024

Career Outlook for English degree at University of California, Los Angeles

University of California, Los Angeles’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Hilary Putnam
  • Elinor Ostrom
  • Judea Pearl
  • Glenn T. Seaborg
  • Barry Boehm
  • Stanley Cavell
  • William F. Sharpe
  • John Ehrlichman
  • Stephen Krashen
  • Edward O. Thorp
  • Stephen Kosslyn

University of Iowa

  • #1 Most Affordable Colleges in Iowa 2024
  • #1 Best Public Colleges in Iowa 2024
  • #1 Best Research Universities in Iowa 2024
  • #1 Best Colleges in Iowa 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Sports Management Degree Programs for 2024
  • #1 Best Online MBA Programs in Iowa
  • #1 Best Online Colleges in Iowa 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor’s in Liberal Arts and Humanities Degree Programs for 2024
  • #2 The Best Online Colleges Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor’s of Communications Degree Programs for 2024
  • #5 Best Online Bachelor's in Social Work Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #5 Top 20 Best Online MBA Programs that Can Be Completed in One Year 2024
  • #9 Fastest Online Bachelor's Degrees Ranked for 2024
  • #9 Top 15 Most Affordable Online Economics PhD Programs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #10 Most Affordable Online Sociology Doctorate Programs (PhDs)
  • #11 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #4 Best Online PhD of Nursing (DNP) Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #8 Most Affordable Master's in Counseling Degree Programs Ranked for 2024

Career Outlook for English degree at University of Iowa

University of Iowa’s faculty and alumni have been influential in:

  • Albert Bandura
  • Tennessee Williams
  • Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
  • Oswald Veblen
  • Jayaprakash Narayan
  • Leon Festinger
  • Henry Jenkins
  • Everett Rogers
  • Julian Rotter
  • John Robert Anderson
  • Wallace Stegner

Check out our complete Online Program Rankings .

Explore Programs

English - doctorate (phd).



The PhD in English prepares students at the most advanced stage for the interpretation and composition of texts. The PhD program emphasizes rigorous critical study in the fields of rhetoric, composition, critical theory, cultural studies, literary studies, pedagogy, and technical writing.


The PhD program enhances students’ awareness of their literary and cultural environment and prepares them for a career in higher education as a rigorous scholar and inspirational teacher. PhD students benefit from:

  • award-winning faculty recognized for excellence in teaching and research
  • low faculty-to-student ratio and small class sizes
  • an individualized program of study
  • competitive funding for eligible students
  • opportunities to teach first-year writing and sophomore literature courses or to work in the Writing Centerflexible scheduling (full time, part time, afternoon, evening)
  • Admissions requirements
  • Degree curriculum (scroll down to course list)
  • Degree information in the University Catalog
  • Program accreditation


  • Teaching at research universities, liberal arts colleges, and community colleges
  • Editing and publishing
  • Technical writing
  • Digital media


PhD in English

The PhD requires 30 semester hours of coursework beyond the MA, followed by a minimum of nine hours of dissertation work. After completing their coursework, PhD students must pass a written comprehensive examination. The degree culminates with a defense of the dissertation.

UTA English - Graduate Studies


  • Research-1 Doctoral University (Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education)
  • No. 3 fastest-growing doctoral public institution nationally (Chronicle of Higher Education Almanac)
  • Awarding-winning faculty recognized for excellence in teaching and research
  • Low faculty-to-student ratio and small class sizes


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The University of Texas at Austin

Graduate Programs

College of Liberal Arts

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The Department of English at the University of Texas at Austin is home to two fully-funded and highly-rated graduate programs–the Ph.D. in English and the M.F.A. in Creative Writing – as well as a Dual Degree M.S.I.S./M.A. in Information Studies and English, in partnership with with the School of Information, and a 4+1 M.A. program for undergraduate students .

Drawing on the resources of a number of departments and centers, these programs feature a diverse, engaged, and accomplished faculty . The University of Texas and City of Austin provide a vibrant setting for our programs.

Students benefit from the many research resources located on campus including The Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center (widely considered one of the premier special collections libraries in the world), the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection (which draws researchers from all over the world), the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library , and the Dolph Briscoe Center for the Study of American History . In addition, UT is home to a number of “sibling” graduate programs, centers, institutes, interest groups, and research clusters, including those in American Studies , African and African Diaspora Studies , Communication Studies , Comparative Literature , Creative Writing , History , Mexican American and Latina/o Studies , Radio/Television/Film , and Women’s and Gender Studies , among many others.

Students who undertake our program also receive intensive mentoring and pedagogical training to prepare them for success as teachers, scholars, writers, and administrators, both in and well beyond the academy.

Ranked in the top 20 English Graduate Programs by U.S. News & World Report , our program offers students intensive research mentoring and pedagogical training, in addition to six years of full funding. Students in our Ph.D. program work in and across many disciplines and fields of study. For our faculty's primary teaching and research fields, please see the faculty page .

Admitted students are considered ready for early-level doctoral work upon arrival.  In general, their dossiers display a disciplinary sophistication – an understanding of and talent for inquiry formation within the context of a disciplinary subfield – that is decisively beyond the level typically attained as an English major. We typically accept roughly one in every ten qualified applicants. About 40% of each class enters with an M.A. in English; the 60% who enter with a B.A. earn the M.A. in two years en route to the doctorate. Please note that we do not have a terminal English M.A. program.

More information about the English Ph.D. program can be found at the following pages:

  • Program Overview
  • How to Apply
  • Applications FAQ
  • Curriculum & Requirements

The New Writers Project at the University of Texas at Austin is a small, fully funded, three-year studio M.F.A program within the large and highly-ranked Department of English. The program offers students close mentorship, a literary community, and teaching and editing experience. The NWP works in concert with its partner M.F.A. program, the Michener Center for Writers, to provide an artistically adventurous and intellectually rigorous terminal degree. Students in our M.F.A. program work in fiction and poetry but also benefit from and work closely with the faculty in the above fields of study.

For more information about the M.F.A. program in Creative Writing and how to apply, please visit the  New Writers Project website .

The joint English-School of Information M.S.I.S./M.A. Dual Degree is a three-year program that provides students an opportunity to gain professional skills that will qualify them to work as information specialists in important cultural repositories including archives, museums, or libraries, together with a high level of specialized research competency that will serve them in future careers as information professionals or academics. Students in the Dual Degree program come with professional ambitions in information organization, digital humanities, database design, usability, information policy, preservation, and the cultural status of information and communication technologies.

Additional information on the Dual Degree admissions process and degree requirements can be found here .

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English Ph.D.

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Why Earn an English Ph.D.?

The Ph.D. program is designed to give you a broad, solid foundation in the academic profession, while at the same time preparing you to conduct original, in-depth research or to compose original works of literature. You'll benefit from the guidance of a nationally recognized faculty with a strong record of publication in prestigious journals like PMLA, Philological Quarterly, The Paris Review and Granta.

We make every effort to foster our graduate students' success and help them attain their educational and career goals.

While at UNT, our students have published their work in nationally and internationally recognized journals and magazines, including The New Yorker , Shakespeare and SEL: Studies in English Literature . They have placed books with presses like Button Poetry, the University of Georgia Press and the University of Wisconsin Press. And they have won prestigious awards and fellowships, including grants from the Newberry Library and from the National Endowment for the Arts.

  • Reason rigorously, subtly and independently
  • Analyze minutely sources and narratives
  • Identify and address interpretative complexity
  • Develop and contribute new knowledge
  • Convey knowledge in self-designed courses

English Ph.D. Highlights

What can you do with an english ph.d..

Many recent Ph.D. graduates have gone on to tenure-track positions at other institutions all over the country, including Texas Women's University (Texas), Radford University (Virginia), St. Catherine University (Minnesota), Valparaiso University (Indiana), SUNY-Potsdam (New York) and Brigham Young University (Utah).

English Ph.D. Courses You Could Take

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Texas A and M University aTm Logo

Graduate Study at TAMU

Welcome to graduate programs in english.

At Texas A&M, we offer two graduate degrees: a Master of Arts and a Doctor of Philosophy. We admit students only in the fall semester; applications are due December 16, 2024 . All PhD students in English are supported by assistantships . We also have very generous funding for conference presentations, research travel, and participation in workshops and seminars. Direct admission for the Ph.D. program with an MA is possible for exceptional candidates.

Graduate students in English benefit from an innovative curriculum, excellent scholarly and pedagogical training, and a vibrant intellectual community. We have an internationally prominent faculty and a diverse and professionally active student body. Check out news about our students on the Graduate Research page.

Research Areas & Specialties

Our department has a unique mix of faculty and support for projects that work across boundaries. We typically offer eleven or twelve courses each semester, and all courses are capped at 12 students, with the majority smaller than that. Graduate students can also earn certificates in Women's and Gender Studies , Film Studies , Africana Studies , Latino and Mexican American Studies, and Digital Humanities .

Incoming students do not need to select an advisor but should have a general area of study, which they describe in their application letters. We have a wide range of specialties. Although we are open to students working in many different focuses, we are particularly interested in recruiting students working in the following areas:"

Transnational Literature and Culture

Are you interested in how literature and culture moves across cultural and national boundaries? Much of our recent faculty research, courses, and student work examine literature and culture as it crosses boundaries, manifests in new locations, is taken up by diasporic contexts, or emerges in the intersections. Come work with us on:

  • Hemispheric and transnational literatures
  • Diasporic literatures and cultures
  • Multi-ethnic literature (Afro-LatinX; Afro-Asian)
  • Cross-cultural adaptation (e.g. African American adaptations of Shakespeare)

As a student, you can: pursue graduate certificates in Latino/a and Mexican American Studies (LMAS) and Africana Studies; earn funding support from the Race and Ethnic Studies Institute (RESI); engage with faculty and graduate students through the Glasscock Center and RESI Working Groups, such as the Latinx Studies or Asian American Diaspora Studies Working Groups.

Science, Technology, and Culture

As a world-class science and engineering school, Texas A&M offers a unique environment to study the rhetorical and cultural manifestations of science and technology. Our faculty and students in the English department work in interdisciplinary initiatives across the university to examine pressing issues in:

  • Digital humanities
  • Rhetoric or literature of science
  • Medicine and health humanities
  • Environmental humanities
  • Digital rhetoric and AI
  • Technical writing
  • Science fiction
  • Game studies

As a student you can: work with CoDHR (the Center for Digital Humanities Research) and complete a DH Certificate; join the initiative on the Humanities and the Anthropocene or participate in the new Sustainability Studies initiatives; get involved in the Health Humanities program or new initiatives to study the repercussions of Gen-AI; research in our world-class Science Fiction archive or engage with faculty in emerging conversations in game studies.

Professionalization and Teacher Training

The Department of English has a strong record of supporting and mentoring graduate students. Our students have the opportunity to teach a range of undergraduate courses, both face to face, and online. We have an excellent training program for graduate student teachers, including a workshop in August before classes begin, a formal pedagogy course, and a mentoring system for graduate student teachers.

We take seriously the professional development of our students; each semester, we organize panel discussions and workshops of topics ranging from writing abstracts, preparing for prelims, choosing journals for the submission of articles, compiling a teaching portfolio, and narrowing down a dissertation topic.

Our graduate students compete very successfully for research funding and awards through the Glasscock Center for Humanities Research on campus and within the College of Liberal Arts. Our students receive national recognition for their work through, among others, acceptance into seminars at the Folger Institute, the English Institute, the School for Criticism and Theory, Rare Book School, and Digital Humanities Summer Institute.  Students who gain admission to these seminars and workshops receive generous funding from the Department.

2024 Best Online PhD in English Programs

If you love words and communication, it may be your goal to earn an online PhD in English.

PhD in English Programs

Holding a doctoral degree is a common requirement for jobs in academia, such as being an English professor or a humanities researcher. Having a PhD isn’t just for working in a college, though.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

Whether you plan to be a professor or a practitioner, you can satisfy your desire to study language and writing by completing a distance learning PhD in English.

Universities Offering Online PhD in English Degree Programs

Methodology: The following school list is in alphabetical order. To be included, a college or university must be regionally accredited and offer English degree programs online or in a hybrid format.

Concordia University – Chicago

Concordia University—Chicago offers an online program for a PhD in Leadership with a specialization in Reading, Language, and Literacy.

Students must complete 67 credits to graduate. To be eligible for the program, applicants must have a master’s degree with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. They must also submit 2 letters of recommendation and a personal statement about their goals.

Concordia University Chicago  is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Murray State University

Murray State University offers an online Doctor of Arts in English Pedagogy program. The program offers four different specializations: Language, Literacy, Literature, and Writing.

Students who have a master’s degree only need to complete 48 credit hours of coursework. Applicants with a minimum GPA of 3.2 and 3 letters of recommendation can enroll at any point during the year. Murray State University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

National University

National University offers an online program for a PhD in Education with an emphasis in English Language Learning.

To graduate, students must obtain 60 credit hours. The program can usually be completed in 37 months. Students can start the program at any time and can determine their own schedule with no preset lecture hours or due dates.

National University is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission.

Old Dominion University

Old Dominion University offers an online PhD in English program. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.5, a GRE score above the 70th percentile, and 3 letters of recommendation.

Students choose two emphases from Literary and Cultural Studies, Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse Studies, Technology and Media Studies, or a student-designed emphasis. A total of 48 credits are needed to graduate. Old Dominion University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Ohio University

Ohio University offers an online PhD in English program. Students can choose a concentration in one of three areas: Literary History, Creative Writing, or Rhetoric and Composition.

Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and 2 years of undergraduate coursework related to foreign languages and should submit GRE scores and 3 letters of recommendation.

Ohio University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Rowan University

Rowan University offers a PhD in Education with an option to add a Language and Literacy Concentration.

Students must complete 72 semester hours, with 15 hours dedicated to the specialization. A thesis or project is required to graduate. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 and 3 letters of recommendation.

Rowan University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

St. John’s University

St. John’s University offers an online PhD in Literacy program. To graduate, students must complete 42 credit hours and a dissertation project under the supervision of a faculty member. The program can typically be completed within 3 to 4 years. Applicants should have a GPA of 3.2 or higher, GRE scores, and 2 letters of recommendation.

St. John’s University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Texas A&M University

Texas A&M University offers an online PhD in English program. Applicants must submit 4 letters of recommendation, transcripts, and GRE scores.

Students may choose to add a specialization to their degree with a concentration in Written Discourse, Theory and Practice, or Critical Literacy. The program is designed for those interested in teaching English and requires a teaching residency.

Texas A&M University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University offers an online program for a PhD in English with the option to take a concentration in Literature, Creative Writing, or Linguistics. At least 60 course hours and a qualifying exam are needed to graduate. Applicants must submit 3 letters of recommendation, a resume, and all transcripts.

Texas Tech University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

University of Houston

The University of Houston offers an online program for a PhD in Professional Leadership with an emphasis in Literacy Education.

Students must complete 51 credit hours with a GPA of 3.0 to graduate. Courses last for 5 to 6 weeks. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and must submit 3 letters of recommendation, a resume, and transcripts.

The  University of Houston  is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Online PhD in English Programs

Online PhD in English Programs

A doctorate in English is a terminal degree for people who are interested in various aspects of the English language, including literature and writing.

During your program, you may have the opportunity to spend several years engaged in serious study, so you’ll probably want to select a topic in the field that fascinates you. Some areas of study include medieval literature, gender studies, written discourse, modern grammar, or film criticism.

In a doctoral English program, you’ll typically complete a series of coursework toward the beginning of your studies. While a handful of your classes might be prescribed, you may be at liberty to select much of your own curriculum.

Topics you might study in online English PhD programs include:

  • Cultures and societies
  • Composition and rhetoric
  • Grammar and syntax
  • Literature from various time periods
  • Research methods
  • Teaching methods

Many students enter English PhD programs because they want to have careers in academia. In a linguistics department, you might teach courses and work on research projects. Taking classes on instructional methods during your program can help you prepare for that role.

As a PhD candidate, you’ll typically need to undertake a major research project. Completing the research and the writing for your dissertation can take several years. Along the way, you’ll take classes to help you get started, and you’ll have the support of a faculty advisor.

After completing your doctoral program, you might look for a job at a university or another academic institution. You can also pursue research opportunities outside of college settings. Having a PhD in English might also enhance your career as a writer, an editor, or a journalist.

Your developed communication skills can also be useful in the fields of public relations or business administration. Some graduates become education administrators or K-12 teachers as well.

English Major Careers & Salaries

English Major Careers & Salaries

Many students who enroll in English doctoral programs want to become college professors. As a faculty member of a university’s English department, you might teach writing or literature. You may have opportunities to conduct research in the humanities as well.

Getting a faculty job can entail a lot of competition. Fortunately, there are plenty of other options you can pursue with a degree in English lit or language.

Being a professor isn’t the only option for working in education. With a teaching license, you can qualify to teach in a high school’s English education department. Those with a PhD may also pursue roles as college administrators.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , there are various career paths open for people with a Ph.D. in English.

Public Relations and Fundraising Managers $118,430
Top Executives $107,680
Postsecondary Education Administration $97,500
Technical Writers $74,650
Postsecondary English Language and Literature Teachers $69,000
Writers and Authors $67,120
Editors $63,400
High School Teachers $62,870
Middle School Teachers $60,810
Reporters, Correspondents, and Broadcast News Analysts $49,300

The publishing industry especially relies on strong writing skills. Some graduates become authors or editors. The process of researching and writing a dissertation might prepare you for the role of a technical writer, relaying complicated information in understandable ways.

In fact, nearly any job that depends on communication skills might benefit from your doctoral background. Public relations managers and administrative managers are two such positions that require solid communication skills.

Journalism and on-air reporting are other lines of work to consider. Audiences might appreciate your ability to explain complicated situations or to help them consider different perspectives.

English Doctorate Curriculum & Courses

English Doctorate Curriculum

As a doctoral student, you may have a good deal of flexibility to choose what courses you take as part of your program.

The English departments at many schools offer a vast lineup of courses. That might allow you to build a curriculum that supports your professional goals and research interests. Examples of courses that might be offered at your school include:

  • American Literature : You could study a particular period in American history, the social forces that shaped that era, and the works that came out of it.
  • British Literature : Writers you might study in a British lit class include Shakespeare, Chaucer, Marlowe, and Wordsworth.
  • Communicating Through Mixed Media : You can learn to deliver effective messages on digital platforms through a mix of words, images, and other elements.
  • Grammar of the English Language : You’ll study traditional and modern issues related to syntax and other aspects of grammar.
  • Humanities Research : This course will introduce you to graduate-level research practices for people who study English or other humanities subjects.
  • Key Questions for English Scholars : During this course, you may study literature theories, methods of analysis, and perspectives through which to view various works.
  • Medieval Literature : In this course, you might familiarize yourself with early forms of the English language or explore ways that medieval works have influenced modern writers.
  • Multicultural Language Studies : As you explore works from around the world, you may discuss the challenge of translating ideas from one culture to another.
  • Statistics for Linguistics : You’ll learn how to apply quantitative statistical methods when analyzing your research data.
  • Teaching Writing : Your time in this class can help you become a more effective educator who brings out the best in students’ composition skills.

Some of these classes may be designed to prepare you for a dissertation project. A significant portion of your doctoral program may be devoted to completing the dissertation.

Admissions Requirements

PhD in English Programs Admissions

English departments typically look for doctoral students with a solid academic background and impressive writing skills. To demonstrate that you’re the right candidate for a doctoral program, you may need to submit the following:

  • Application form and fee
  • College transcripts
  • GRE scores (if required)
  • Resume or curriculum vitae
  • Writing sample

GRE scores are not a universal requirement for graduate admission, so your school may not request them or may grant waivers to qualified applicants.


PhD in English Programs Accreditation

A doctoral degree in English will require a lot of your time, attention, and effort. It’s strategic to make sure that you’re investing your resources wisely by choosing to study at a college that holds regional accreditation .

To become accredited, a school must take its educational mission seriously. It has to undergo an evaluation process in which it demonstrates honest practices and a commitment to academic excellence.

Accredited degrees garner greater respect from institutions and employers. When you’re looking for a job, holding a regionally accredited PhD may increase your chances of securing a desirable role.

Financial Aid and Scholarships

PhD in English Programs Financial Aid

As part of your preparation for graduate school, you can fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) .

You may qualify for government student aid, and you might be able to take out state or federal loans with a lower interest rate than you’d get with private loans. You may also be eligible for a work-study program.

Some colleges finance part or all of a PhD student’s education through teaching or research assistant programs. Your commitment to supporting the school’s English program may significantly reduce the price of your doctoral degree.

There’s also the possibility of earning scholarships or fellowships from private sources. These gifts may support you for one or more years of your program. If your studies will benefit your current employer, you can see if a workplace tuition program will cover part of your PhD costs.

Professional Organizations

PhD in English Programs Professionals

Joining a professional organization can help you sharpen your abilities as a wordsmith, an educator, or a leader in linguistics. Your group might offer resources like conferences, journals, job boards, and discussion forums.

  • Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP)
  • Modern Language Association (MLA)
  • National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)

Being a part of a professional organization can allow you to enhance your studies while in school. Your membership can continue to provide benefits after you complete your doctoral program.

Can You Get a PhD in English?

Doctor of Philosophy in English degree

Yes, there is a Doctor of Philosophy in English degree. There are programs focused on literary criticism and others dedicated to the study of writing and rhetoric. Both online and on-campus PhD programs are available.

Course topics you might take during an English PhD program include literature theories, history of the English language, and 19th century American literature. You may also take classes focused on research, technical writing, and teaching. This group of courses can prepare you for your dissertation project and a potential career in academia.

What Can You Do with a PhD in English?

Many people want to earn their PhDs because they have their sights set on academic careers. You might want to teach university English courses or also work on original research. Your degree in English literature or composition can be useful in other fields as well.

Having a doctoral degree might establish you as a top candidate for various jobs in which communication is an essential skill. Common communication careers include working in education, public relations, writing, editing, and broadcasting.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in English?

Get a PhD in English

How long it takes you to earn your English doctorate is largely up to you and your schedule.

A couple of years will probably be spent on required coursework. In accelerated English degree online programs with fast-track classes, you might be able to complete your classes in a shorter length of time. Most of your program, though, will be spent on the dissertation process. It may take you several years to complete the necessary research and write your document.

Students generally end up in a doctoral program for around 3 to 5 years. Others may spend longer on the process.

Is a PhD in English Worth It?

Yes, a PhD in English is worth it for many students. If you’re set on becoming an English professor, having this degree is typically a necessity.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, postsecondary teaching positions are growing at a 9% rate. Even still, some humanities departments are shrinking, so competition for English positions may be tight.

Before committing, it’s worthwhile to consider other benefits—such as the opportunity to immerse yourself in in-depth studies. A doctorate can also be useful in writing, editing, or administrative careers.

Getting Your PhD in English Online

PhD in English Online

If you have a deep passion for words and the messages they carry, then you may consider earning a PhD in English. A PhD is especially necessary if your plans involve searching for a job as a college professor.

Through your studies, you can also refine your communication skills. Your writing and speaking prowess can be useful in sectors like publishing, media, and public relations. Just as there are online masters programs in English , for your English PhD studies, you can also attend classes online. Through distance learning, you can earn a doctorate in English according to your own schedule.

If you’re ready to take the next in your educational journey, you can start by exploring online English PhD programs from accredited colleges.

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Online Doctor of Philosophy - Computer Engineering

Work leading to the degree of  Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)  is designed to give the candidate a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of his or her professional field and training in methods of research. The final basis for granting the degree shall be the candidate’s grasp of the subject matter of a broad field of study and a demonstrated ability to do independent research. In addition, the candidate must have acquired the ability to express thoughts clearly and forcefully in both oral and written languages. The degree is not granted solely for the completion of coursework, residence and technical requirements, although these must be met.

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Degree Highlights

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Degree Details

Total number of hours (64 or 96) • For students who already hold a Master’s Degree, 64 total hours are required. • For “direct PhD” students, 96 hours are required.

A maximum of (6) transfer hours allowed from another institution. • Transfer hours must be from a U.S. peer institution; they cannot have been used on a previous degree plan. • Students must send syllabi, transcript, and TAMU course equivalent to the Graduate Office. Transfer hours are subject to the approval of the GSC.

All PhD students are required to pass the Departmental Qualifying Examination . All incoming PHD students (64 and 96 hour) are required to take the exam within one year of starting the program.

There are two types of Qualifying Exams available. The research advisor will select which Track the student takes. Students without a research advisor default to Track 1. Track 1: Written exam consisting of questions from undergraduate courses. This exam is administered in January and June of each year. More details on Track 1 are provided later in the handbook. Track 2: Written and oral exam in which the separately formed committee provides a student research articles to analyze then give a presentation. More details on Track 2 are provided later in the handbook.

For more details, please refer to our  Graduate Student Handbook

Prior to admission , students must present a study p l an that is reviewed by a TAMU ECEN facu l ty member to demonstrate to the department the feasibi l ity and viabi l ity of their prospective study. A Texas A&M electrical and computer engineering (ECEN) facu l ty member must commit to serve as the dissertation advisor prior to the admission of a student. The dissertation research content shou l d invo l ve on l y theories, software, or the modest use of hardware, instead of any physica l   l ab use, so that the research can be performed remote l y without being on campus. Students wi l l  a l so need to submit a signed document acknow l edging that their emp l oyer is aware of the Ph.D. study and a l l ows dissertation research resu l ts to be pub l ished. The p l an shou l d inc l ude the courses to be taken and ensure that a l l  the courses have distance  l earning sections avai l ab l e. The advisement of students in this program is simi l ar to the on-campus program except that the student-facu l ty interactions are a l l  conducted through internet-based conferencing software. Students in this program will take the qua l ifying exam, pre l iminary ora l  exam, and dissertation defense in the same way as the on-campus program. Students will need to cover their trave l  expenses to the campus for these exams.

Course Information

A minimum of 18 (or 42) classroom hours (excludes 681, 684, 685, and 691). • 18 hours required for students with a previous Master’s degree and 42 for direct PHD students. • Classroom hours must be taken from courses within the College of Engineering (all departments) and/or College of Arts & Sciences (only MATH, STAT, PHYS, CHEM, BIOL) • Courses on degree plan must be approved by Research Advisor.

Undergraduate hours allowed (2 courses or 8 hours) • Only 400 level courses can be included on degree plan.

No more than 3 credit hours of Internship (684) are allowed. • PHD students cannot take 684 after dissertation defense. • If you are considering going on internship (684), please consult your research advisor before making plans.

Three (3) hours of Seminar (ECEN/CSCE 681) are required.

No more than 2 credit hours of Directed Studies (685) are allowed. • Students working on a research project should enroll in Research (691) hours.

Graduate Requirements

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Admission deadline.

The University of Houston offers a Master of Science in Nursing degree. Our face-to-face and web-enhanced classes are designed to work around your busy schedule, and you’ll receive a quality university education from excellent faculty at a great value.

The Master of Science in Nursing program (Education, Administration and FNP) is designed to build upon the BSN degree and is offered at the University of Houston at Katy and online. Students in this program are prepared to function at advanced levels with an expanded knowledge of theory, research and clinical application. Graduates are prepared to provide evidenced based health care and to work on collaborative teams. Lab and/or clinical course requirements will be in a face-to-face learning environment for practice and demonstration to meet course objectives and accreditation requirements. Each graduate will be able to function in an advanced practice role as a Nurse Administrator, Nurse Educator, or Family Nurse Practitioner. Nurses who have a master’s degree in nursing may be eligible for a Post Master’s Certificate as a nurse educator or nurse administrator.

MSN Administration

The Administration track prepares students to lead healthcare innovations by improving access, addressing quality and safety issues, and supervising the finance and operations of a health care organization.

MSN Education

Through the Education track, nurse educators prepare to apply educational theory and practice, develop courses and curriculum for nursing students and staff, and develop classroom and clinical strategies to prepare nurses to function in the health care environment.

Family Nurse Practitioner

The FNP track integrates both academic and community-based training to promote an evidence based approach to the care of individuals, families and the community. Hybrid graduate tracks offer face-to-face classes one day a week for maximum scheduling flexibility for students, while offering the essential benefit of role-modeling and networking with leaders in the profession.

Post Master's Certificates

Post Master’s certificate candidates are required to achieve a grade of B or higher in all post MSN certificate courses to be eligible to earn the certificate.

Doctor of Nursing Practice

The new Post Master’s Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program (Administration, Family Nurse Practitioner) is designed to build upon the MSN degree and is offered at the University of Houston Main campus and online. The Doctor of Nursing Practice is an evidence-based-practice-focused program and students who complete this program will demonstrate the Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice. Nurses who have a Doctor of Nursing Practice have completed the highest level of education in nursing practice.

Texas Medical Center

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  • English Proficiency Requirements

International applicants whose native language is not English are required to provide proof of English proficiency for admission to degree, certificate, non-degree, and teacher license graduate programs in  one  of the following ways:

The Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars (OGSPS) accepts the following TOEFL English proficiency test scores: TOEFL iBT (Internet-based Test), TOEFL iBT Home Edition, TOEFL iBT Paper Edition, and TOEFL Essentials † . To learn more about these test options visit www.toefl.org .

Minimum TOEFL Scores Required by the OGSPS for Admission


(Internet-based, Home Edition, Paper Edition, Paper-Delivered*)

TOEFL Essentials













Minimum Overall Required for Admission



Note: Some graduate programs require higher minimum scores than those listed above. Please review the English proficiency requirements for your specific program of interest here .

To be valid for admission, TOEFL test scores must be no more than two years old at the time the recommendation for admission is received at the OGSPS.

Purdue University must receive official TOEFL scores directly from Educational Testing Service (ETS). For more information about transmitting test scores, visit  www.toefl.org .

Your application must be submitted and paid for official test scores to match to your application. Score reports are sent to Purdue University electronically, approximately 10 to 15 days after your test date. Once your score report has been sent, it may take an additional 2 to 3 weeks or longer for your application checklist to update and show received.

Purdue Institution Codes

  • Purdue University West Lafayette (including Purdue University in Indianapolis) – 1631
  • Purdue University Northwest – 1638
  • Purdue University Fort Wayne – 1336

† Essentials Test: The TOEFL Essentials requirements of the OGSPS are not accepted by all graduate programs. Please review the English proficiency requirements for your specific program of interest here .

‡ iBT (Test Center and Home Edition): In addition to required iBT minimum scores for writing, speaking, listening, and reading, the OGSPS also requires a minimum overall iBT score that is higher than the minimums for the four area tests combined. Applicants must meet or exceed each of the five scores for admission to the OGSPS.

The Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars (OGSPS) accepts IELTS (Academic Module) English proficiency test scores. For more information about these testing options, visit  www.IELTS.org

Minimum IELTS Scores Required by the OGSPS for Admission











Minimum Overall Required for Admission


To be valid for admission, IELTS test scores must be no more than two years old at the time the recommendation for admission is received at the OGSPS.

Official IELTS test scores can be uploaded to your applicant status portal after application submission under IELTS Score Report, sent electronically to the Purdue University Office of International Admissions, or the hard copy score report can be mailed directly to the Office of Graduate Admissions.

The Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars (OGSPS) accepts the Duolingo English test. To learn more about this test option visit https://englishtest.duolingo.com/applicants.  

Minimum Duolingo English Test Score Required by the OGSPS for Admission is a total score of 115 and 115 on each subscore.

To be valid for admission, Duolingo test scores must be no more than two years old at the time the recommendation for admission is received by the OGSPS.

Please request to have your results submitted to:  Purdue University Graduate Office .

The Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars (OGSPS) accepts results showing that a student has satisfied the English proficiency exit requirements of one of the intensive English language programs listed below.

Intensive English Language Programs and Exit Requirements A ccepted by the OGSPS for Admission


Exit Requirement

Achieve a minimum of 80% (Level 4 examination) and pass an Exit Test (consisting of speaking and writing components).

Pass all classes with grades of at least B (82%) and pass the PIE Proficiency Exit Test at the Level 7 prior to July 1, 2024.

(Fort Wayne Campus Applicants Only)

Complete 12 weeks of study using curricular materials written at the native speaker level (~360 hours classroom instruction in speaking, listening, reading, writing); complete extensive research paper using standard research protocols in a monitored setting; pass Michigan English Language Institute College English Test (MELICET) and Listening Comprehension Test (LCT) standards; pass speaking and writing evaluation.

Successful completion of the intensive English language program must be certified, in writing, by the intensive English program faculty to the Office of Graduate Admissions at West Lafayette or the equivalent office at the regional campuses before applicants using this method of establishing English proficiency may be admitted to the OGSPS.

The certificate of completion can be uploaded to the online application status portal (after submission) under Miscellaneous Supporting Documents, sent electronically to the Office of International Education, or the hard copy certificate can be mailed directly to the Purdue Fort Wayne Office of Graduate Studies.

The Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars will routinely waive the English Proficiency testing requirements for applicants who have received a baccalaureate degree or graduate or professional degree, within the last 36 months  prior to the time of recommendation for admission , from a school where English is the primary language of instruction in a country/location where English is the native language. Note: Some graduate programs may still require a test of English proficiency for admission; please confirm the acceptance of this waiver with your department.

If you are admitted under this waiver and are still finishing your degree, you must satisfactorily complete your degree and submit a final official transcript showing that this degree has been awarded BEFORE the Office of International Students and Scholars (ISS) can produce your US immigration document (I-20 or DS-2019) or before you can enroll in courses at Purdue University.

Official English-speaking countries/locations, in addition to the U.S., include:

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Cayman Islands
  • Christmas Island
  • Cook Islands
  • Isle of Man
  • New Zealand
  • Norfolk Island
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Philippines
  • Pitcairn Islands
  • Republic of Ireland
  • Sierra Leone
  • South Africa
  • South Sudan
  • St. Kitts and Nevis
  • St. Vincent and Grenadines
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Turks and Caicos Islands
  • United Kingdom

Routine waivers of English proficiency requirements are granted to current Purdue University undergraduate degree, graduate degree, certificate, non-degree, and teacher license students. In order to obtain the English Proficiency waiver, the student must have:

  • Previously met Purdue English proficiency requirements (via one of the options listed above); and
  • are being recommended for admission to a Purdue graduate degree-seeking, non-degree, teacher’s license, or graduate certificate program within three consecutive sessions of their last Purdue University registration.
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Online Academic Programs

If you need a program that is affordable and flexible, you can find it here. Get started on the path to your degree today!

Doctorate Programs

Doctor of Education in Agricultural Education

Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction (Track in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education)

Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction (Track in Language, Diversity & Literacy Studies)

Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction (Track in STEM)

Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership Policy

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology

Doctor of Philosophy in Family and Consumer Science Education

Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education Administration

Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education - Higher Education Research

Doctor of Education in Instructional Technology

Doctor of Philosophy in Personal Financial Planning

Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education

Doctor of Philosophy in Systems and Engineering Management

Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Communication and Rhetoric

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McDonald's Home

McDonald's Teams Up with Hit Anime Series JUJUTSU KAISEN to Unleash New App Exclusive Special Grade Garlic Sauce

special grade garlic sauce banner

July 02, 2024

Expand your domain and grab the first-ever garlic sauce to hit the menu, for a limited time, exclusively on the McDonald’s App

(CHICAGO – July 2, 2024) – Get ready to harness the immeasurable power of our favorite jujutsu sorcerers as McDonald’s partners with “JUJUTSU KAISEN” to launch the new Special Grade Garlic Sauce, exclusively on the McDonald’s App beginning July 9. Inspired by the iconic Black Garlic Sauce from McDonald’s Japan, the Special Grade Garlic Sauce introduces a new arc in our sauce line-up, containing notes of garlic and soy sauce, balanced with a slight tangy sweetness.

The new sauce packaging will feature eight unique lid designs starring fan-favorite characters from the hit anime series. Collect them all to reach your peak strength:

  • Yuji Itadori – A rare talent not seen in a thousand years who is able to withstand the poison of Sukuna and become his human vessel.  
  • Megumi Fushiguro – A genius who enrolled as a 2nd grade sorcerer and the only first-year student allowed to carry out solo missions. 
  • Nobara Kugisaki – A strong-willed 3rd grade jujutsu sorcerer who came to Tokyo from the countryside.
  • Satoru Gojo – The strongest special grade sorcerer and teacher at Tokyo Jujutsu High.
  • Kento Nanami – A junior of Gojo who became a salaryman, but later returned to Tokyo Jujutsu High to become a 1st grade sorcerer – the most adult of adults. 
  • Suguru Geto – A villain special grade sorcerer whose goal is to create a paradise for sorcerers, free of humans. 
  • Mahito – A curse that originated from humans who can change the appearance of a person by touching their soul. 
  • Sukuna – A king who survived more than a thousand years ago and still threatens this world after his death.

A Sorcerer-Worthy Meal and Deal

Grab the Special Grade Garlic Sauce for free with any order of Chicken McNuggets®, or pair it with your go-to order on the McDonald’s App to make a meal fit for any sorcerer. And each purchase of the sauce also unlocks a 30-day free trial of Crunchyroll , where you can watch full episodes of “JUJUTSU KAISEN” and more of your favorite anime content. Crunchyroll trial offer terms apply.

JUJUTSU KAISEN at the NASCAR Chicago Street Race

Catch a sneak peek of the new sauce designs as NASCAR Driver Bubba Wallace and his 23XI Racing team take on the second annual Chicago Street Race this Sunday, July 7. The power of Sukuna will be on full display as Bubba’s #23 Toyota Camry will be outfitted in a McDonald’s  JUJUTSU KAISEN -themed paint scheme, equipped with special grade energy, Sukuna’s face and the  JUJUTSU KAISEN  logo.

Starting July 9, activate your domain expansion and head to the McDonald's App to order a taste of the Special Grade Garlic Sauce and snag all your favorite “JUJUTSU KAISEN” characters for a limited time, while supplies last.

About McDonald’s USA  

McDonald’s USA, LLC, serves a variety of menu options made with quality ingredients to millions of customers every day. Ninety-five percent of McDonald’s approximately 13,500 U.S. restaurants are owned and operated by independent business owners. For more information, visit www.mcdonalds.com , and follow us on social: X , Instagram, TikTok and Facebook . 

About Crunchyroll

Crunchyroll connects anime and manga fans across 200+ countries and territories with the content and experiences they love. In addition to free ad-supported and membership Premium content, Crunchyroll serves the anime community across events, theatrical, games, consumer products, collectibles, and manga.

Anime fans have access to one of the largest collections of licensed anime through Crunchyroll and translated in multiple languages for viewers worldwide. Viewers can also access simulcasts—top series available immediately after Japanese broadcast.

Crunchyroll is available on 15 platforms, including most gaming consoles.

Crunchyroll, LLC is an independently operated joint venture between U.S.-based Sony Pictures Entertainment and Japan’s Aniplex, a subsidiary of Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc., both subsidiaries of Tokyo-based Sony Group.

©2024 Crunchyroll, LLC. All rights reserved. CRUNCHYROLL and the Crunchyroll logo are registered trademarks of Crunchyroll, LLC.        


Yuji Itadori is a boy with tremendous physical strength, though he lives a completely ordinary high school life. One day, to save a classmate who has been attacked by curses, he eats the finger of Ryomen Sukuna, taking the curse into his own soul. From then on, he shares one body with Ryomen Sukuna. Guided by the most powerful of sorcerers, Satoru Gojo, Itadori is admitted to Tokyo Jujutsu High School, an organization that fights the curses… and thus begins the heroic tale of a boy who became a curse to exorcise a curse, a life from which he could never turn back.

The anime series JUJUTSU KAISEN is produced by TOHO animation and based on the best-selling manga of the same title written and illustrated by Gege Akutami. It is currently serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump, which has over 90 million copies in circulation. In the US, the manga is published by VIZ Media. The anime series was named Anime of the Year by the Crunchyroll Anime Awards in 2021 and the global blockbuster prequel film, JUJUTSU KAISEN 0 , was awarded Best Anime Film at the Crunchyroll Anime Awards in 2023 and earned around $180 million in global theatrical box office revenue. Season 2 of the anime series was named Anime of the Year at the Crunchyroll Anime Awards in 2024.

JUJUTSU KAISEN Showpage : www.crunchyroll.com/jujutsu-kaisen

Official English Facebook : www.facebook.com/jujutsu.kaisen.official

Official English Twitter : www.twitter.com/Jujutsu_Kaisen_

Official English Instagram : www.instagram.com/jujutsukaisen

About TOHO animation

An animation label of TOHO CO., LTD.

The label started with the TV anime “MAJESTIC PRINCE,” which aired in April 2013, and has since expanded to include “JUJUTSU KAISEN,” “My Hero Academia,” “HAIKYU!!,” “Dr. STONE,” “SPYxFAMILY,” “TRIGUN STAMPEDE,” “Kaiju No.8,” “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End,” as well as movies such as “Your Name.,” “GODZILLA” series, “SPYxFAMILY CODE: White” and “Haikyu!!: The Dumpster Battle.”

Official YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/tohoanimation

Official Twitter: https://x.com/TOHOanimation

Official English Twitter: https://x.com/TOHOanimationEN

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