for Education

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Easily distribute, analyze, and grade student work with Assignments for your LMS

Assignments is an application for your learning management system (LMS). It helps educators save time grading and guides students to turn in their best work with originality reports — all through the collaborative power of Google Workspace for Education.

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Bring your favorite tools together within your LMS

Make Google Docs and Google Drive compatible with your LMS

Simplify assignment management with user-friendly Google Workspace productivity tools

Built with the latest Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standards for robust security and easy installation in your LMS

Save time distributing and grading classwork

Distribute personalized copies of Google Drive templates and worksheets to students

Grade consistently and transparently with rubrics integrated into student work

Add rich feedback faster using the customizable comment bank

Examine student work to ensure authenticity

Compare student work against hundreds of billions of web pages and over 40 million books with originality reports

Make student-to-student comparisons on your domain-owned repository of past submissions when you sign up for the Teaching and Learning Upgrade or Google Workspace for Education Plus

Allow students to scan their own work for recommended citations up to three times

Trust in high security standards

Protect student privacy — data is owned and managed solely by you and your students

Provide an ad-free experience for all your users

Compatible with LTI version 1.1 or higher and meets rigorous compliance standards

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Product demos

Experience google workspace for education in action. explore premium features in detail via step-by-step demos to get a feel for how they work in the classroom..

“Assignments enable faculty to save time on the mundane parts of grading and...spend more time on providing more personalized and relevant feedback to students.” Benjamin Hommerding , Technology Innovationist, St. Norbert College

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Start using Assignments in your courses with this step-by-step guide for instructors.

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Teacher Center Assignments resources

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How to use Assignments within your LMS

Watch this brief video on how Educators can use Assignments.

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Turn on Assignments in your LMS

Contact your institution’s administrator to turn on Assignments within your LMS.

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Topic sections, grading a simple question, grading even faster with keyboard shortcuts, advanced grading options, annotation and advanced navigation, ai-assisted grading, course management, manage course roster, create an exam, create a homework assignment, create an online assignment, create a programming assignment, create a bubble sheet assignment, create a group assignment, assignment workflow, for students: submit on the gradescope mobile app, for students: submit pdfs on the gradescope website, for students: submitting an online assignment, for students: viewing feedback & requesting regrades, upload scans and associate them with students.

  • Review and publish grades

Manage regrade requests

View assignment statistics.

Subtitles: Click on the cog icon on each video to enable English subtitles/closed captions. Subtítulos: Haz clic en el ícono de engranaje en los videos para cambiar los subtítulos a español. Legendas: Clique no ícone de engrenagem nos vídeos para mudar as legendas para português. 字幕: 動画右下の歯車マーク(設定)から「字幕」を選ぶと日本語字幕を表示できます。 자막: 한국어 자막을 켜고 보시려면, cc 아이콘을 클릭하여 한국어 자막을 선택해주세요.

This video shows the basics of grading with Gradescope. You'll see how to:

  • Navigate through submissions for one question.
  • Make rubric items.
  • Change rubric point values.

In our shortest video, you'll learn how to use keyboard shortcuts to grade even more quickly. We also have a handy image for reference.

This video goes over how to change rubric settings, make student-specific point adjustments and comments, grade in parallel with multiple graders, and create groups of rubric items.

Gradescope offers freehand annotation tools and flexible page viewing to support the instructor’s feedback and grading needs.

This video shows how to annotate directly on a student submission and change the page view to focus on a single question, a whole page, or any other pages in a student submission.

To speed up grading, Gradecope offers answer grouping and AI-Assisted answer grouping features for fixed-template assignments.:

  • Answer Groups - Lets instructors manually group and grade student answers instead of grading each student answer one-by-one.
  • AI-Assisted Answer Groups - Uses Gradescope’s artificial intelligence to automatically group similar student answers that instructors can review and grade (available only for some question types).

This video shows how to set up, review, and grade student submissions using manual answer grouping or AI-Assisted answer grouping for a fixed-template assignment.

Adding course staff and importing a large number of students is simple to do in Gradescope. Here's the sample roster used in the video.

This video shows how to upload your exam template and create the question outline. Here's the sample template used in the video.

This video shows you how to enable your students to submit their work to Gradescope and how to create the question outline. Gradescope supports both fixed-length (worksheet style) and variable-length (problem sets, projects) student-uploaded assignments. Here's the sample template used in this video.

Online assignments (in public beta) have a variety of question types, such as multiple choice, short answer, check boxes, and file/image uploads, that students can answer directly within the interface by typing, selecting, or uploading their responses.

This video shows how to create questions, set correct answers, and grade submissions for an online assignment.

Gradescope programming assignments work with all programming languages and can be graded manually, with a code autograder, or use a combination of the two. Code similarity reports are also generated to flag potential plagiarism cases for instructors to review.

This video shows how to create a programming assignment, grade submissions with a code autograder or manually, and review code similarity reports for potential plagiarism cases.

For more information on building code autograders, check out our Gradescope Autograder documentation .

Bubble sheet assignments are for multiple choice assignments or exams and come with a bubble sheet template to use. Instructors will predefine an answer key (up to five versions) that Gradescope uses to grade students’ multiple choice responses automatically.

This video shows how to use a bubble sheet template, define the answer key, set scoring defaults for full or partial credit answers, and view assignment statistics or item analysis data.

This video shows you how to create an assignment meant to be completed by a group of students. You will see how both instructors and students set up their group submissions.

This video shows how to submit work to Gradescope as a student via the Gradescope Mobile App.

The Gradescope Mobile App allows students to upload work without the use of a scanner or third party app. This makes uploading handwritten work more convenient and protects students’ privacy by keeping their work in Gradescope. Learn more about the mobile app in our help center .

This video shows how to submit a variable-length assignment (i.e. a homework with no fixed page number) as a student by using the Gradescope website.

Having a high quality scan is an important step in submitting assignments. For students who are scanning handwritten work, we recommend using the Gradescope Mobile App .

This video shows how to complete an online assignment on Gradescope as a student. Online assignment allow students to submit responses to various types of questions directly on the Gradescope site, including questions where students upload an external file.

This video shows how to review published grades, rubrics, and feedback on Gradescope as a student. It also covers how to submit regrade requests as a student, if regrade requests have been enabled for the assignment.

Scanning exams, demonstrated on the ScanSnap ix500 Take a look at our favorite settings for this model.

Newer model here .

After the exams are scanned in, they can be uploaded in batches. We'll attempt to automatically split the scanned pages into submissions. We will then automatically attempt to match each submission to a student in your roster, and you'll be able to manually match any remaining submissions. You can download the two batches used in this video: first and second .

Publish grades

After grading is complete, all data can be downloaded from Gradescope in CSV format. Conveniently, students can be notified of the availability of their graded assignment via Gradescope via email and can review their scores online. If you'd like to disable regrade requests for an assignment, you can do so from the Regrade Requests page.

Once grades have been released, students have the option to submit regrade requests. Gradescope allows instructors to easily change students' grades and submit responses to the requests.

Once grading is complete for an assignment, you can go to the Assignment Statistics page to get further insights into what your students have learned and where they are potentially struggling. You can view statistics at the assignment level or at the question/rubric item level, and you can also tag questions with concepts, learning objectives, book chapters, etc., and then view statistics by tag.

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Top Summer Jobs for Teens: Best Opportunities & Resources

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A Simple, Fast, and Intelligent AI Homework Helper

A Simple, Fast, and Intelligent AI Homework Helper

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Step 2

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What types of files can I upload to HomeworkAI?

HomeworkAI supports a variety of file formats, including text files such as PDF, DOC, DOCX, and image files like JPEG and PNG. This allows you to easily upload assignments, worksheets, and questions in the format that best suits your needs.

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Top 7 Homework Planner Apps for Students

Whether you are attending classes, completing your assignments, studying for a quiz, project work, extra-curricular activities, or squeezing some time for friends and family. You’d agree that organizing and planning goes a long way. That’s why a homework organizer or a homework planner app can be a lifesaver to keep track of all your assignments, tests, submission deadlines, and exams. I did the research and shortlisted the perfect homework planner apps for Android and iOS. Let’s check those out.

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Homework Planner Apps for Students

1. student planner- homework agenda & notes.

The first app on the list is a simple homework and notes management app. It keeps track of homework, assignments, projects, and to-do lists. The layout is minimal, all the tasks are neatly organized with a colored bookmark for easy identification. You can mark a task complete and remove it from the pending list.

Courses can be added easily and color-coded as well. The calendar shows any upcoming deadlines so you can prioritize accordingly. The tasks have a progress bar that you can adjust as you make progress which enables you to get a quick summary without actually opening every task.

You can also break your assignments in small chunks as subtasks that would make finishing a task much easier and the progress bar will fill automatically. It also allows you to attach media files to your assignments or projects for easy access to the important information in one place.

homework planner apps- agenda

  • Progress bar
  • Deadline Reminders
  • Calendar View
  • No option to sync data to the cloud

Student Planner is a great app for all the students, it has all the necessary features like Deadline reminders, subtasks, progress bar, color-coded tasks, and courses. It can significantly increase your productivity when used regularly. You can get this app for free in the Play Store.

Install Student Planner- Homework Agenda ( Android )

2. Student Planner

Student Planner is another fast and simple homework management app which is wrapped by a beautiful and intuitive material designed UI. What Student Planner adds to the table is the inclusion of a schedule or time table which you can use to either store your class schedule or it might even be a study schedule for your exams.

You first start by adding your subject and the schedule then you can add an assignment or set a reminder. The due assignments are arranged as separate cards and can be swiped away once done with.

homework planner apps- Student Planner Android

  •  Simple and easy to get started with
  •  Fast and small in size
  •  Beautiful Minimal UI
  •  Option for Schedule
  • No sync/backup
  • Timetable implementation not perfect

I would recommend this app to anyone who is looking for a simple homework management app with timetable support and a minimal UI.

Install Student Planner ( Android )

Egenda is simple. Open the app, add all the classes or subjects to the app, and once that is set up, you have the option of adding a new Homework, Quiz, Project, or Test and choose the respective subject deadlines. The app also arranges the due work in cards that can be swiped away when done. But what I love the most about this app is that the fact it allows you to go subject-wise and view all your upcoming tests, projects, or pending assignments which is a huge convenience for planning your schedule ahead of time instead of the previous day.

Unfortunately, the app doesn’t have a timetable option, but in its latest update, it added a  Calendar View  where you can see your whole month at a glance with your assignments, tests, and projects.

homework planner apps- Egenda Android

  •  Subject-wise sorting
  •  Calendar View
  • No timetable support

Egenda provides some great tools for Homework and Test planning and I am sure anyone would find them extremely convenient and useful. But keeping its single con in mind, go for this app if you are not too keen on having a schedule or timetable.

Install  Egenda  ( Android  |  iOS )

4. ChalkBoard

The next app on our list is ChalkBoard, which I found out to be a pretty smart homework planner app. Chalkboard strikes a perfect balance between simplicity and features.

Although the setup process is a little longer than the previous three apps, as you have to feed meticulous details about the classes, teacher, and schedule. It is worth the effort.

On the home screen, you are shown upcoming classes, events tab, and upcoming tests. ChalkBoard fetches the dates for every subject from the Timetable for your future classes. Little features like these make the app stand out from the rest and give an overall great experience. You can also view classes and assignments subject wise.

homework planner apps- ChalkBoard Android

  • Proper Timetable
  • Ability to add teachers for subjects
  • View tomorrow’s classes as well as assignments/tests/quizzes
  • Smart features
  • Little longer to set up
  • No calendar view

If you are looking for a homework planner as well as a school planner, Chalkboard is the app as it strikes a great ground with almost all the features one might need while not being too bulky.

Install ChalkBoard ( Android )

5. School Planner

School Planner is a full-fledged planning application designed for students to manage their career as a student. Along with your homework and timetables, School Planner offers you to keep track of your grades and attendance, add contacts for teachers, add recorded lectures, and even multiple planners.

The app supports backing up of all your data via Google Drive, Calendar View along with a weekly report, attaching snapshots to your assignment reminders, student accounts from ClassViva, and a lot more. In spite of so many features, the app doesn’t feel slow at all and delivers a powerful performance with its beautiful design.

homework planner apps- School Planner Android

  • Full-fledged student companion
  • Feature-packed and free
  • Supports sync and backup
  • Widget Support
  • Tedious setup procedure
  • Big in size
  • Complex, not so smooth learning curve

While it is not for someone who is looking for a fast and easy way into homework management, School Planner is a great student companion app and serious students will surely get the most out of hit.

Install School Planner ( Android )

6. My Study Life

My Study Life comes with its own web app and syncs with the Android app, essentially making your data accessible from any device as long as it has a browser.

It implements a goal-centric circular tracker that shows your progress. The Calendar view combines your timetable, deadlines, and shows all your classes and assignments, projects in a single place.

homework planner apps- My Study Life Android

  • Refreshingly new UI
  • Access from anywhere through its web app
  • Sync and Backup
  • Lengthy setup process

If you study from your computer or laptop, My Study Life makes it easy to access your homework planner on your phone from your computer, while not compromising on features and being completely free. What more can you ask for?

Install My Study Life ( Android  |  iOS )

7. iStudiez Pro

Like School Planner, iStudiez Pro includes grading and subject wise organization of tasks. iStudiez Pro takes it further with the integration of Google Calendar that allows you to directly get all your holidays, exam schedule, routine from Google Calendar itself.

It also offers separate apps on all platforms including iOS, Mac, and Windows. All the apps sync seamlessly between themselves, so studying on your computer consulting your planner won’t be an issue.

homework planner apps- iStudiez Pro Android

  • Google Calendar Integration
  • Cross-Platform
  • Cumulative Price

If Google Calendar integration and cross-platform support is a must for you, iStudiez Pro is definitely the app you want.

Install iStudiez Pro ( Android   |  iOS )

So this was our roundup of the best homework planner apps for Android. We genuinely think that there is an app for every need and we hope that you found a Homework Planner that suits your need whether you are a high school student or a college senior. So which one was your favorite or did we forget to add yours? Let us know in the comments below.

Also Read:  Take a Picture of Handwriting And Convert to Text – Android Apps

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🤖 AI Homework Assignment Generator

Unlock the academic excellence you dream of with the power of AI! Streamline your studies with the Homework Assignment generator.

Do you remember those sleepless nights filled with stacks of books, research papers, deadline pressure, and nerve-wracking concern over how to get scoops beyond your peers? We all do. Say goodbye to academic pressure and utilize the power of technological advancement to make your homework assignments a breeze.

Let’s dive into the future with the remarkable Homework Assignment generator! An AI-powered tool that takes the hassle out of homework, giving you more time to focus on understanding concepts and less on the reiterative task of writing. It’s not about creating a shortcut, but it’s about optimizing your learning experience and outcomes. Let’s explore more!

What Is a Homework Assignment?

A homework assignment is a task assigned by educators as an extension of classroom work typically intended for students to complete outside of class. Written exercises, reading and comprehension activities, research projects, and problem-solving exercises are a few examples of homework varieties.

However, the primary goal remains the same: to develop the learner’s understanding of a specific topic or subject, enhance their skills, complement their learning, and prepare them for subsequent class sessions.

Why Use a Homework Assignment Generator?

A homework assignment generator plays a crucial role in not only simplifying students’ academic life but also enhancing their learning journey. Here are a few reasons:

  • Efficient Time Management: Unlike students, an AI-powered generator doesn’t procrastinate. It helps quickly provide homework outlines, ideas, and solutions, leaving you plenty of time for other tasks.
  • Quality Content: Drawing from a vast database of resources, this generator assures top-notch content. It furnishes well-researched and factually correct information, ensuring your assignment stands out.
  • Ease of Use: No complex instructions. Just input your assignment topic, and behold the AI unfolds its magic, rendering high-quality content almost instantly.
  • Learning Aid: This tool should not replace learning but aid it. It brings clarity by simplifying complex topics, making them more comprehensive and easier to grasp.

In conclusion, the Homework Assignment generator aims to transform your academic life. Its primary objective is not to eliminate homework but to streamline it, making it less stressful and more rewarding. It is designed to support, not replace, the traditional teaching-learning method, highlighting what is essential for success: understanding, skill enhancement, and knowledge application. Embrace this new era of learning where technology complements traditional education, and step into the future of academic excellence.

How To Use This AI Generator:

  • Click “Use Generator” to create a project instantly in your workspace.
  • Click “Save Generator” to create a reusable template for you and your team.
  • Customize your project , make it your own, and get work done!
  • How to create and manage online assignments for learners
  • How to plan successful online assignments for learners
  • Know your learners and their current needs
  • Assess your resources including digital tools
  • How to make online assignments for learners
  • Provide clear and concise instruction
  • Support learners with orientation and an intuitive system
  • Promote interaction and collaboration
  • Managing online assignments 
  • Communicate effectively
  • Monitor learner progress
  • Provide personalized and differentiated support 
  • Assess and give feedback
  • Additional resources for online assignment creation
  • Use AI to plan and teach 
  • Team up on content creation
  • Discover why vetting edtech tools for inclusivity matters, learn key questions and criteria, and unlock strategies to leverage edtech for inclusivity.

Developing effective assignments for online learning does not have to be daunting. M aster the art of creating and managing online assignments for learners, whether you are with learners using 1:1 devices in a classroom, teaching hybrid or virtually.

One amazing benefit of today’s K-12 education community is the amount of resources, tips and tools available online from educators just like you. Tapping their experience, we’ll show how to create online assignments using digital tools that offer learners at least as much rigor as the ones you may have taught traditionally. 

As importantly, you will get tips on successfully managing your students during the learning process. Finally, this blog will give you teaching resources, including alternatives to building online lessons from scratch.  

An assignment lacking clear structure and substance can spell disaster. Not only will it be harder to manage, but learners may end up frustrated or fail to really learn the material. If not managed well, technology tools can turn into exciting and distracting shiny objects. 

To avoid the “edutainment” trap, ensure that onscreen activities support defined learning objectives tied to your district’s standards. Beginning with a strategically planned lesson provides the foundation for whatever digital tools you choose to incorporate. 

The first step is to clarify what skills or knowledge your learners need to master before moving to the next level. Next, consider different types of assignments online for students to see how they could facilitate this learning. 

One brilliant advantage of digital delivery is the ability to tailor assignments to specific learner needs and interests. While selecting which kind of assignment to create, consider what might work best for your learners. Consider specific learners who may need accommodations in content or delivery. 

If you don’t already have data to understand the level of knowledge and prior experience learners have in the subject, consider using a Quizlet, survey or other fact-finding tool. Remember the backdrop of what is going on in the students’ surroundings and lives may have a bearing on their learning needs. Consider circumstances that may be affecting learners personally or in their community. 

Tap your personal teaching experience before exploring digital resources. Consider how your own understanding and knowledge of the subject can best shine through digital tools. 

Having strategies in place can help save time and reduce stress during the process of moving your expertise to an online format. Remember, the extra time put into initial start-up pays off in the long run because digital content can be reused over and over. Lessons in a digital format are shareable, adaptable and updateable.

Consider variety and higher-level learning as you build assignments that are both engaging and contribute to long-term student goals. Once your academic aims are clear, look for digital tools designed to adapt to your needs as an educator and enhance what you would do in a non-digital format.

Make sure the assignment includes a logical flow from beginning to end. Organize content with headings and bullet points as well as multimedia that breaks up text. Include measurable objectives so learners can clearly understand expectations for the assignment. In some cases, it may be necessary to provide easy-to-understand instruction for each task learners need to complete. Remember you may not be there to fill in the blanks if you leave out an important detail.

Getting started with a few basics can simplify the process of creating dynamic digital content . Recording short videos is an excellent way to simulate actually being there, especially when teaching concepts asynchronously. To record what is on your computer screen, try a screencast program, like Screencastify or Loom for Education . Here you can include your face and help learners better understand you by watching you speak.  

Along with video and audio recordings, further support deeper understanding of the subject matter with multimedia elements. These can include graphics, animations, digital graphics, p odcasts, interactive quizzes and simulations like trivia games. 

Even the best instruction and assignments won’t make the learning experience pleasant if students have to spend extra hours figuring out where to find assignments and instructions. Just because students are often tech-savvy does not mean all of them can immediately navigate your school’s LMS unsupported. 

Your online assignment at the beginning of the school term could be a simple one that orients learners while providing the opportunity to get hands-on practice using the system. That helps them get used to the workflow and setup. Frustration is easy to mitigate by structuring assignments and using an intuitive learning platform. One example is Hāpara Workspace with an easy-to-view layout that organizes goals, resources, assessments and rubrics into columns.

At the heart of learning is interacting with peers and collaborating. Include activities and projects that support individuals as they practice engaging and working together with other learners. Some learners who feel more comfortable working alone may need extra encouragement and support. This is an opportunity to promote deeper learning and connection by introducing resources that are relevant to students.

Teachers can quickly share resources with groups, or better yet, give learners the opportunity to add their own resources in Hāpara Workspace. Upload everything from videos, links to apps, images and online articles to Google Docs, Slides, Forms and Drawings into Workspace. Group members can access all these resources for shared activities , assessments and collaborative projects.

Once you have a well-designed assignment with clear instructions tailored to the needs of different learners, it’s essential to give them guidance. The amount of management you need to provide can vary significantly.

Clearly communicate with students throughout the learning process all the way through to assessment. Regular communication helps students stay informed and engaged. You can manage learners as they build toward mastery in an online environment with Hāpara tools. 

They provide superior student communication tools, including date reminders for learners and online progress tracking for teachers.

Hāpara Student Dashboard is an online assignment tracker that helps learners develop crucial executive functioning skills. It will help them gain practice organizing their own time, managing and prioritizing their assignments and assessments. 

Educators can help learners build upon these skills by providing formative feedback that encourages students to take risks and learn from mistakes. Directly from Hāpara Teacher Dashboard , you can open a learner’s assignment or assessment and provide personalized support. This timely feedback helps learners move toward their academic goals more quickly and confidently.

Monitor how learners are progressing through the assignment. This can inform you whether you need to check in with a learner. Teacher Dashboard shows each learner’s most recent files and when they last modified it. You can also send due date reminders to the class or individual learners through an instant message in Hāpara Highlights .

With Teacher Dashboard, it’s easy to leave personalized feedback in learners’ recent files and share differentiated resources directly to their screens.

Pull from your own Google Drive or create a new Google Doc, Slide or Drawing on the spot to share with the class, a group or an individual learner. 

When a learner can’t find a Google file, teachers can access a learner’s Google Drive with one click in Hāpara. S earch for missing files by title or content and filter to view deleted or unshared files.

Evaluate learners’ understanding and progress with different types of assessment methods, including rubrics, quizzes, peer review and presentations. 

Assessments should provide meaningful feedback for learners and educators alike. Use learner feedback to improve on each new assignment you develop. Data on engagement, task completion rates and learner satisfaction will help you make adjustments to improve a future assignment.

Several alternatives to building your lessons from the ground up are available. These can save time and hassle. To begin with, Google Assignments is a free online assignment solution. To make this even easier, in Hāpara Highlights, as teachers monitor what learners are doing online and offering personalized support, they can quickly share Google Classroom Assignments, Questions and Materials. 

Finding free assignments online is another option. With the Discover feature in Hāpara Workspace , you can access online assignments other educators have created from around the world. Search thousands of curriculum-aligned Workspaces by standard, subject, grade level or topic. Then copy and modify them to meet your learners’ needs. 

Teachers can also use AI to support learning content development and in class with students.

Among the many ways ChatGPT can be used by teachers is helping them create new material, and generate ideas and quizzes. They can quickly personalize the same content in several ways to reach different learners. For example, high school literacy specialist Amanda Kremnitzer told EdWeek that she used ChatGPT to create outlines for her multiple learners who require them as a supplementary aid.  

Consider shouldering the effort and building content together as a team. Individual members of departments or subject-grade level teams can develop the type of content they are best at and share. Or they can collaborate as a group. As mentioned, you can use the Discover option in Hāpara Workspace to find assignments educators from around the world have created. 

If you are looking for a way to create, curate and manage a collection of digital assignments that only your school or district can access, consider Hāpara’s Private Library . With just a click, you can easily distribute your online assignments to educators in your school or district.

About the Author

Sheilamary koch, you might also enjoy.


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Download our checklist to guide how you incorporate digital citizenship into your school district’s curriculum at every opportunity.

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Assignment Planner 4+

Keep track of homework, john zeglarski.

  • 4.1 • 131 Ratings
  • Offers In-App Purchases



Track your homework with a super easy to use planner. Focus on due dates, so you can plan ahead and never miss a deadline. Get a notification before assignments are due so you never forget to turn in your work. No mess. No stress. Never forget to turn in your homework again. Assignment Planner works on all your devices. Add new assignments and exams in class from your Mac. In the library, use your iPad to view upcoming assignments and exams. When you’re ready, mark assignments as complete from your wrist on Apple Watch. No need to pick up your phone, so you can stay focused on getting work done.

Version 1.9.1

∙ Fixes an issue where some notifications would not be scheduled. ∙ Fixes an issue that would make the date picker difficult to use. ∙ Homework counts now show only incomplete assignments and exams.

Ratings and Reviews

131 Ratings

So far so good

This app has honestly helped me a lot these past few weeks into college, however I would like to see some quality of life changes. 1. When you are making a new assignment, I write the assignment then put the date, but then when I sort out to which subject it goes to, it changes the date. 2. I wish there was an hour before notification setting. 3. Some way to hide the completed assignments. Beside that, this app is hella amazing and I give many thanks to the developers.

great organization tool for school!

this is by far my favorite organization app for school since it keeps track of all assignments and exams sorted by class. I also love how you can also customize the color for each class. i also love how it syncs with both my phone and ipad. some suggestions for improvement: 1. there’s a glitch where it doesn’t let you change the date when creating an exam/assignment sometimes. it lets me edit it after the exam/assignemnt is created so i’ve just been doing that to bypass the glitch. 2. i LOVE using the widget because it helps me remember if i forgot to do something as i’m swiping through my phone BUT it’s bright orange (very ugly). please make it so that we can change the color of the widget or that it just sticks by light/dark theme selected on the app. 3. sometimes i can add notes on tasks and sometimes i can’t. idk what’s up with that 4. i wish i could change the icons for classes but it only lets me change colors — currently it picks icons for me based on the name of the class Overall, I love this apps concept and convenience but would suggest improvements for improving glitches and customizability.

Amazing App!

This app is everything I wanted in a planner! When looking for a planner, I wanted one that could separate assignments and exams to help me keep track of both. I also wanted mine to give me notification for when assignments were do which this does perfectly! The app also allows you to create multiple assignments for one assignment, so if you want to do 2 Math problems a day, you can set that up in the app! The only problem with the app is that I’ve noticed a new glitch where when making an assignment you can’t adjust the due date unless you make the assignment then click back into it then adjust it, but other than that it’s amazing!

App Privacy

The developer, John Zeglarski , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Not Collected

The developer does not collect any data from this app.

Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


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The 5 Best Homework Help Websites (Free and Paid!)

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Other High School , General Education


Listen: we know homework isn’t fun, but it is a good way to reinforce the ideas and concepts you’ve learned in class. But what if you’re really struggling with your homework assignments?

If you’ve looked online for a little extra help with your take-home assignments, you’ve probably stumbled across websites claiming to provide the homework help and answers students need to succeed . But can homework help sites really make a difference? And if so, which are the best homework help websites you can use? 

Below, we answer these questions and more about homework help websites–free and paid. We’ll go over: 

  • The basics of homework help websites
  • The cost of homework help websites 
  • The five best homework websites out there 
  • The pros and cons of using these websites for homework help 
  • The line between “learning” and “cheating” when using online homework help 
  • Tips for getting the most out of a homework help website

So let’s get started! 


The Basics About Homework Help Websites–Free and Paid

Homework help websites are designed to help you complete your homework assignments, plain and simple. 

What Makes a Homework Help Site Worth Using

Most of the best sites allow users to ask questions and then provide an answer (or multiple possible answers) and explanation in seconds. In some instances, you can even send a photo of a particular assignment or problem instead of typing the whole thing out! 

Homework help sites also offer more than just help answering homework questions. Common services provided are Q&A with experts, educational videos, lectures, practice tests and quizzes, learning modules, math solving tools, and proofreading help. Homework help sites can also provide textbook solutions (i.e. answers to problems in tons of different textbooks your school might be using), one-on-one tutoring, and peer-to-peer platforms that allow you to discuss subjects you’re learning about with your fellow students. 

And best of all, nearly all of them offer their services 24/7, including tutoring! 

What You Should Should Look Out For

When it comes to homework help, there are lots–and we mean lots –of scam sites out there willing to prey on desperate students. Before you sign up for any service, make sure you read reviews to ensure you’re working with a legitimate company. 

A word to the wise: the more a company advertises help that veers into the territory of cheating, the more likely it is to be a scam. The best homework help websites are going to help you learn the concepts you’ll need to successfully complete your homework on your own. (We’ll go over the difference between “homework help” and “cheating” a little later!) 


You don't need a golden piggy bank to use homework help websites. Some provide low or no cost help for students like you!

How Expensive Are the Best Homework Help Websites?

First of all, just because a homework help site costs money doesn’t mean it’s a good service. Likewise, just because a homework help website is free doesn’t mean the help isn’t high quality. To find the best websites, you have to take a close look at the quality and types of information they provide! 

When it comes to paid homework help services, the prices vary pretty widely depending on the amount of services you want to subscribe to. Subscriptions can cost anywhere from $2 to $150 dollars per month, with the most expensive services offering several hours of one-on-one tutoring with a subject expert per month.

The 5 Best Homework Help Websites 

So, what is the best homework help website you can use? The answer is that it depends on what you need help with. 

The best homework help websites are the ones that are reliable and help you learn the material. They don’t just provide answers to homework questions–they actually help you learn the material. 

That’s why we’ve broken down our favorite websites into categories based on who they’re best for . For instance, the best website for people struggling with math might not work for someone who needs a little extra help with science, and vice versa. 

Keep reading to find the best homework help website for you! 

Best Free Homework Help Site: Khan Academy

  • Price: Free!
  • Best for: Practicing tough material 

Not only is Khan Academy free, but it’s full of information and can be personalized to suit your needs. When you set up your account , you choose which courses you need to study, and Khan Academy sets up a personal dashboard of instructional videos, practice exercises, and quizzes –with both correct and incorrect answer explanations–so you can learn at your own pace. 

As an added bonus, it covers more course topics than many other homework help sites, including several AP classes.

Runner Up: offers a free service that allows you to type in questions and get answers and explanations from experts. The downside is that you’re limited to two answers per question and have to watch ads. 

Best Paid Homework Help Site: Chegg

  • Price: $14.95 to $19.95 per month
  • Best for: 24/7 homework assistance  

This service has three main parts . The first is Chegg Study, which includes textbook solutions, Q&A with subject experts, flashcards, video explanations, a math solver, and writing help. The resources are thorough, and reviewers state that Chegg answers homework questions quickly and accurately no matter when you submit them.  

Chegg also offers textbook rentals for students who need access to textbooks outside of their classroom. Finally, Chegg offers Internship and Career Advice for students who are preparing to graduate and may need a little extra help with the transition out of high school. 

Another great feature Chegg provides is a selection of free articles geared towards helping with general life skills, like coping with stress and saving money. Chegg’s learning modules are comprehensive, and they feature solutions to the problems in tons of different textbooks in a wide variety of subjects. 

Runner Up: Bartleby offers basically the same services as Chegg for $14.99 per month. The reason it didn’t rank as the best is based on customer reviews that say user questions aren’t answered quite as quickly on this site as on Chegg. Otherwise, this is also a solid choice!


Best Site for Math Homework Help: Photomath

  • Price: Free (or $59.99 per year for premium services) 
  • Best for: Explaining solutions to math problems

This site allows you to t ake a picture of a math problem, and instantly pulls up a step-by-step solution, as well as a detailed explanation of the concept. Photomath also includes animated videos that break down mathematical concepts to help you better understand and remember them. 

The basic service is free, but for an additional fee you can get extra study tools and learn additional strategies for solving common math problems.

Runner Up: KhanAcademy offers in-depth tutorials that cover complex math topics for free, but you won’t get the same tailored help (and answers!) that Photomath offers. 

Best Site for English Homework Help: Princeton Review Academic Tutoring

  • Price: $40 to $153 per month, depending on how many hours of tutoring you want 
  • Best for: Comprehensive and personalized reading and writing help 

While sites like Grammarly and Sparknotes help you by either proofreading what you write via an algorithm or providing book summaries, Princeton Review’s tutors provide in-depth help with vocabulary, literature, essay writing and development, proofreading, and reading comprehension. And unlike other services, you’ll have the chance to work with a real person to get help. 

The best part is that you can get on-demand English (and ESL) tutoring from experts 24/7. That means you can get help whenever you need it, even if you’re pulling an all-nighter! 

This is by far the most expensive homework site on this list, so you’ll need to really think about what you need out of a homework help website before you commit. One added benefit is that the subscription covers over 80 other subjects, including AP classes, which can make it a good value if you need lots of help!  


Best Site for STEM Homework Help: Studypool

  • Best for: Science homework help
  • Price: Varies; you’ll pay for each question you submit

When it comes to science homework help, there aren’t a ton of great resources out there. The best of the bunch is Studypool, and while it has great reviews, there are some downsides as well. 

Let’s start with the good stuff. Studypool offers an interesting twist on the homework help formula. After you create a free account, you can submit your homework help questions, and tutors will submit bids to answer your questions. You’ll be able to select the tutor–and price point–that works for you, then you’ll pay to have your homework question answered. You can also pay a small fee to access notes, lectures, and other documents that top tutors have uploaded. 

The downside to Studypool is that the pricing is not transparent . There’s no way to plan for how much your homework help will cost, especially if you have lots of questions! Additionally, it’s not clear how tutors are selected, so you’ll need to be cautious when you choose who you’d like to answer your homework questions.  


What Are the Pros and Cons of Using Homework Help Sites?

Homework help websites can be a great resource if you’re struggling in a subject, or even if you just want to make sure that you’re really learning and understanding topics and ideas that you’re interested in. But, there are some possible drawbacks if you don’t use these sites responsibly. 

We’ll go over the good–and the not-so-good–aspects of getting online homework help below. 

3 Pros of Using Homework Help Websites 

First, let’s take a look at the benefits. 

#1: Better Grades Beyond Homework

This is a big one! Getting outside help with your studies can improve your understanding of concepts that you’re learning, which translates into better grades when you take tests or write essays. 

Remember: homework is designed to help reinforce the concepts you learned in class. If you just get easy answers without learning the material behind the problems, you may not have the tools you need to be successful on your class exams…or even standardized tests you’ll need to take for college. 

#2: Convenience

One of the main reasons that online homework help is appealing is because it’s flexible and convenient. You don’t have to go to a specific tutoring center while they’re open or stay after school to speak with your teacher. Instead, you can access helpful resources wherever you can access the internet, whenever you need them.

This is especially true if you tend to study at off hours because of your extracurriculars, work schedule, or family obligations. Sites that offer 24/7 tutoring can give you the extra help you need if you can’t access the free resources that are available at your school. 

#3: Variety

Not everyone learns the same way. Maybe you’re more of a visual learner, but your teacher mostly does lectures. Or maybe you learn best by listening and taking notes, but you’re expected to learn something just from reading the textbook . 

One of the best things about online homework help is that it comes in a variety of forms. The best homework help sites offer resources for all types of learners, including videos, practice activities, and even one-on-one discussions with real-life experts. 

This variety can also be a good thing if you just don’t really resonate with the way a concept is being explained (looking at you, math textbooks!).


Not so fast. There are cons to homework help websites, too. Get to know them below!

3 Cons of Using Homework Help Websites 

Now, let’s take a look at the drawbacks of online homework help. 

#1: Unreliable Info

This can be a real problem. In addition to all the really good homework help sites, there are a whole lot of disreputable or unreliable sites out there. The fact of the matter is that some homework help sites don’t necessarily hire people who are experts in the subjects they’re talking about. In those cases, you may not be getting the accurate, up-to-date, and thorough information you need.

Additionally, even the great sites may not be able to answer all of your homework questions. This is especially true if the site uses an algorithm or chatbot to help students…or if you’re enrolled in an advanced or college-level course. In these cases, working with your teacher or school-provided tutors are probably your best option. 

#2: No Clarification

This depends on the service you use, of course. But the majority of them provide free or low-cost help through pre-recorded videos. Watching videos or reading info online can definitely help you with your homework… but you can’t ask questions or get immediate feedback if you need it .

#3: Potential For Scamming 

Like we mentioned earlier, there are a lot of homework help websites out there, and lots of them are scams. The review comments we read covered everything from outdated or wrong information, to misleading claims about the help provided, to not allowing people to cancel their service after signing up. 

No matter which site you choose to use, make sure you research and read reviews before you sign up–especially if it’s a paid service! 


When Does “Help” Become “Cheating”?

Admittedly, whether using homework help websites constitutes cheating is a bit of a grey area. For instance, is it “help” when a friend reads your essay for history class and corrects your grammar, or is it “cheating”? The truth is, not everyone agrees on when “help” crosses the line into “cheating .” When in doubt, it can be a good idea to check with your teacher to see what they think about a particular type of help you want to get. 

That said, a general rule of thumb to keep in mind is to make sure that the assignment you turn in for credit is authentically yours . It needs to demonstrate your own thoughts and your own current abilities. Remember: the point of every homework assignment is to 1) help you learn something, and 2) show what you’ve learned. 

So if a service answers questions or writes essays for you, there’s a good chance using it constitutes cheating. 

Here’s an example that might help clarify the difference for you. Brainstorming essay ideas with others or looking online for inspiration is “help” as long as you write the essay yourself. Having someone read it and give you feedback about what you need to change is also help, provided you’re the one that makes the changes later. 

But copying all or part of an essay you find online or having someone write (or rewrite) the whole thing for you would be “cheating.” The same is true for other subjects. Ultimately, if you’re not generating your own work or your own answers, it’s probably cheating.


5 Tips for Finding the Best Homework Help Websites for You

Now that you know some of our favorite homework help websites, free and paid, you can start doing some additional research on your own to decide which services might work best for you! Here are some top tips for choosing a homework help website. 

Tip 1: Decide How You Learn Best 

Before you decide which site or sites you’re going to use for homework help, y ou should figure out what kind of learning style works for you the most. Are you a visual learner? Then choose a site that uses lots of videos to help explain concepts. If you know you learn best by actually doing tasks, choose a site that provides lots of practice exercises.

Tip 2: Determine Which Subjects You Need Help With

Just because a homework help site is good overall doesn’t mean that it’s equally good for every subject. If you only need help in math, choose a site that specializes in that area. But if history is where you’re struggling, a site that specializes in math won’t be much help. So make sure to choose a site that you know provides high-quality help in the areas you need it most. 

Tip 3: Decide How Much One-On-One Help You Need 

This is really about cost-effectiveness. If you learn well on your own by reading and watching videos, a free site like Khan Academy is a good choice. But if you need actual tutoring, or to be able to ask questions and get personalized answers from experts, a paid site that provides that kind of service may be a better option.

Tip 4: Set a Budget

If you decide you want to go with a paid homework help website, set a budget first . The prices for sites vary wildly, and the cost to use them can add up quick. 

Tip 5: Read the Reviews

Finally, it’s always a good idea to read actual reviews written by the people using these homework sites. You’ll learn the good, the bad, and the ugly of what the users’ experiences have been. This is especially true if you intend to subscribe to a paid service. You’ll want to make sure that users think it’s worth the price overall!


What’s Next?

If you want to get good grades on your homework, it’s a good idea to learn how to tackle it strategically. Our expert tips will help you get the most out of each assignment…and boost your grades in the process.

Doing well on homework assignments is just one part of getting good grades. We’ll teach you everything you need to know about getting great grades in high school in this article.

Of course, test grades can make or break your GPA, too. Here are 17 expert tips that’ll help you get the most out of your study prep before you take an exam.

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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How to create online quizzes and homework assignments

Table of Contents

  • Introduction


Yes/no and true/false, multiple-choice, open-ended questions, fill-in-the-blanks, collect documents, drawings, paintings, and sketches, score quizzes and assignments.

  • Assign and send reminders

View answers

Announce results and grades.

If life is a journey, learning is the vehicle that propels your students forward and helps them decide where they want to go. 

With schools now closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, educators have been forced to reevaluate how they communicate with each other, hold classes from the safety of their homes, and keep students learning while they’re at home. 

E-learning provides you with an opportunity to reach students anywhere and keep them engaged whether they’re on the other side of town or halfway around the world. Virtual classrooms — as well as the video conferencing apps that make them possible — transcend traditional barriers that required students and teachers to meet for classes in person. 

Incorporating e-learning tools into your curriculum enables students to access an extensive range of written, audio, and visual learning material without having to deal with unwieldy paper assignments or open multiple links to access information.

Since quizzes and assignments are an essential part of the learning process, Jotform offers an all-in-one solution that allows you to

  • Prepare questions in a variety of formats
  • Assign them to your students
  • Collect their answers
  • Calculate their grades

The best part is that you don’t have to be a tech whiz to create a shareable online quiz .

To get a better idea of what Jotform can do, check out this online quiz form template that highlights the different types of questions you can ask.

Online Quiz Template

The sample quiz also includes a form calculation widget that automatically calculates grades based on correct and incorrect responses.

Creating a quiz

You can either build your own test or browse through our template gallery , which contains dozens of ready-made templates that can be tailored to match your needs. Regardless of which option you choose, it only takes a matter of minutes to create a wide range of tests, quizzes, and exams.

If you’d like to build your form from scratch, just open Jotform’s Form Builder and click on the Create Form button on the left side of the page.

How to create online quizzes and homework assignments Image-1

From there, all you have to do is choose your preferred layout.

How to create online quizzes and homework assignments Image-2

If you prefer to use one of the dozens of quiz templates in our template gallery, this Online Quiz Form template shows the different types of questions you can create in a matter of minutes.

Types of questions

Once you’ve selected a general layout for your quiz, click on the Add Form Element icon on the left side of the blank form.

Scroll through the Form Elements menu that pops up, and you’ll find a wide variety of fields you can place on your form. If you’re not quite sure where to begin, we’ll demonstrate how these fields can create common types of quiz questions.

Single-choice questions allow students to pick a single answer from a short list of choices.

Either the Single Choice or Dropdown form element will come in handy if you want to test your students’ overall knowledge about a certain subject. After placing one of them on your form, all you need to do is type your question and list all of the possible answers, including the only correct one.

Yes-no and true-false questions are common on tests and can be advantageous for your students since there’s a 50-percent chance that they’ll select the correct answer. The Single Choice form element is the best choice for these types of questions. Simply add the field to your form, type the question you want to ask, and include two answer options: “yes” and “no,” or “true” and “false.”

The Multiple Choice form element enables you to ask questions with more than one correct answer and lets students select the answers that they think are right.

Types of questions Image-3

If it’s important for you to understand the thought process behind each student’s response, the Short Text or Long Text form elements will allow students to explain why and how they came up with their answer. Once you place either the Short Text or Long Text field on your form, type the question you want to ask or provide an essay prompt for students.

Types of questions Image-4

Fill-in-the-blank questions can be particularly useful when you want to gauge how well students understand a specific subject. You can use the Passage Test or Narrative Fields widget to create a sentence, paragraph, or short passage with blank fields that students must fill in.

Types of questions Image-5

If you want to build some flexibility into a quiz or test, try the Dynamic Textbox widget. It allows your students to type out any number of answers to a certain question. Unlike traditional test questions that require students to select an answer from a variety of choices, the Dynamic Textbox widget enables your students to get creative, think critically, and provide answers that resonate with them.

Types of questions Image-6

With the File Upload form element or Drag-and-Drop Upload feature, you can create a test that allows students to upload files, such as an essay, image, or video. These widgets not only allow your students to upload their work but also enable you to collect answers and multiple documents from a single quiz.

Types of questions Image-7

Question tables

Question tables are handy when your class is covering a topic in detail. Our Input Table form element allows you to easily create question tables, as well as add rows and columns in a variety of formats.

For instance, students can type a keyword in one column, mark a checkbox in another one, and select an option from the dropdown menu in an adjacent column.

Once you add your question and type the options in the rows and columns, open the Input Table Properties menu, click on the Fields tab, and set the format for answers in your table using the Input Type section. You can change how responses are formatted and displayed within each column using the Column Types section under the Fields tab in the Input Table Properties menu.

Visual expression

There are times when it’s easier and more effective to ask a question using images, videos, and other graphic elements rather than just text.

Jotform allows you to build a question based on a graph, an image, or even a video by using the Image form element and one of the many video embedding widgets, such as Iframe Embed , Vimeo , or YouTube . After uploading an image or embedding a video, simply add a question beneath it using any format you’d like, such as a single-choice or fill-in-the-blank question.

Types of questions Image-10

Image options

If you want to get fancy, Jotform’s Image Radio Button widget allows you to create questions and display responses that include images. All you have to do is type your question, list the image URLs, add labels for each one, and set the size for the images.

Types of questions Image-11

If you want to be really creative or give students some room to demonstrate their creativity, Jotform’s Draw on Image widget lets students draw, paint, sketch, and use their own handwriting on tests. You can either provide them a blank space or ask them to draw over a certain image, such as a graph.

Once you place the widget on your form, just type your question and add the image URL.

Types of questions Image-12

Connected/correlated questions

Jotform’s flexible features can show certain test questions only if students select specific responses to previous questions. For instance, if you ask a yes-no question, Jotform’s conditional logic capabilities will show specific follow-up questions, based on whether students selected yes or no.

Setting up conditional logic in your form can get a little tricky, so we’ll walk you through the process:

  • Create a yes-no question and type the follow-up questions for both yes responses and no responses.
  • Click on the Settings tab toward the top of your form, select Conditions from the options menu, and create a new conditional statement.
  • Select the Show/Hide Field option and use the panel that appears to set a simple formula that will dictate when certain questions are shown and hidden. You must state what actions will trigger another set of actions to occur.

Types of questions Image-14

  • Select a question in the dropdown menu next to the IF field that will trigger another set of actions. (In this case, select the yes-no question form field.)
  • Select the answer a form respondent must give in the dropdown menu beside the STATE field to trigger an action. (In this case, select the Equal to option.)
  • Select the specific response to a question in the dropdown menu beside the VALUE field that’s impacted by a form respondent’s answer. (In this case, select yes. )
  • Select what action will be taken as a result of the form respondent’s answer by making a selection in the dropdown menu next to the DO field. (In this case, select Show from the available options.)
  • Select which form field will be impacted by an action in the dropdown menu next to the FIELD field. (In this case, choose the follow-up question for a yes response to the original question.)
  • Create a conditional statement for a no response to your question by repeating these steps.

Creating a test and getting it to your students is only half the battle. Once they’ve completed your test and submitted it, you still have to review the responses from each student one by one, right?

Jotform can not only help you create a wide range of quizzes, tests, and assignments but also calculate grades once students complete their work. This prevents you from spending hours on grading or inadvertently miscalculating a student’s grade.

As soon as an assignment, test, or quiz is submitted to you, Jotform can automatically calculate a grade based on how many questions were answered correctly and incorrectly.

Just so you know…

Jotform can’t calculate scores for certain questions, such as those where students must upload files or type in their own answers.

Before you set up the grade calculation process, it’s important to assign values — or points — for correct and incorrect answers to each question. To do this, select a question, click on the Properties icon, and switch on the Calculation Values option. Use the Calculation Values table to assign points for each answer — the number zero should be used to indicate incorrect answers, while values greater than one should be used for any correct answers.

For example, if a multiple-choice question is worth four points on a test, and there are two correct answers, each correct answer should be assigned a value of two points.

Score quizzes and assignments Image-1

Once you’ve identified the correct and incorrect answers for each question, it’s time to set up the grading process. That may sound daunting, but there’s no need to fret when you have Jotform’s Form Calculation widget.

Once you locate the widget and click on it, go to the Widget Settings menu and use the Add Field button to select all the question fields that now have a designated score. Add a “+” in between each of the form fields and save your settings. When a student fills out and submits your form, this widget will sum up the assigned values for each selected answer.

Score quizzes and assignments Image-2

As a quick reminder, don’t forget to hide the widget from students by clicking on the question’s Properties icon and turning on the Hide field toggle switch under the Advanced tab. Doing this prevents students from viewing or changing their score until they submit their quizzes.

Score quizzes and assignments Image-3

Assign quizzes to students and send reminder emails

Now that you’re a pro at making online quizzes, tests, and assignments, why not spring a pop quiz on your students?

If you’re thinking of sending the quiz to each student one by one, stop what you’re doing right now! Jotform’s new Assign Forms feature enables you to share your form with students and control their access to your quiz.

All you need to do is click on the Publish tab at the top of your online form and select Assign Form from the list of menu options. Paste your students’ email addresses into the Invite People field, and invite all of your students to take the quiz at once.

You can save time and eliminate manual data entry by uploading a CSV file that contains a list of email addresses for your students.

Assign quizzes to students and send reminder emails Image-2

You can then edit their permissions by allowing them to view, edit, or fill in the form. Once you invite your students to take the quiz, you can change their level of access to your quiz by clicking on the Assigned to icon.

Assign quizzes to students and send reminder emails Image-3

Edit their permission settings by using the dropdown menu that appears on the far right side of the row that includes their name.

Assign quizzes to students and send reminder emails Image-4

To ensure that all of your students are notified about the quiz or assignment, schedule automated reminder emails to be sent on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Simply go to the Publish tab toward the top of your form, select Email from the list of menu options, and click on Schedule a Reminder Email. From there, you can customize the reminder email and schedule it to be sent out on certain days and at specific times.

Once students submit their answers to your assignments or quizzes, their form responses will be sent to your Jotform inbox . You can access your inbox by clicking on the form in your My Forms page and selecting Inbox from the list of options.

View answers Image-1

Jotform can send you an email notification once someone fills out and submits your form test. All you need to do is click on the Settings tab toward the top of the screen and select Emails from the list of menu options. Select Notification Email from the list of available email options, and add your email address to the Recipients Emails field.

View answers Image-3

It can be nerve-racking for students to wait for their grades. The good news is that tallying up scores and sending them out doesn’t need to take days or even hours. In fact, Jotform can show students their grades as soon as they complete a test, exam, or assignment and submit it to you. It’s important to note, though, that Jotform can’t calculate scores for certain questions, such as those where students must upload files or type in their own answers.

All you need to do is click on the Settings tab near the top of the Form Builder and select Thank You Page from the left sidebar. The Thank You Page appears immediately after a quiz is submitted. You can customize the page, add motivational phrases, and inform your students of their grades. Just select the Form Calculator from the Form Fields dropdown menu to let your students know how they did.

Announce results and grades Image-2

Although nothing beats in-person instruction, online, or distance, learning can not only help you reach students in more places but also develop a flexible curriculum that keeps students engaged when they can’t be in the classroom.

With Jotform, you can create interactive tests that will keep students on their toes and save time for everyone. Students no longer have to write out answers by hand and wait several days for their grades to arrive. More important, Jotform automatically calculates grades for most question types once students complete an online test and submit it, reducing the amount of manual work that teachers need to do.

Stop relying on old-school methods — and paper tests — to keep tech-savvy students engaged in a 21st-century classroom. Give Jotform a try today and surprise them by being the teacher with the coolest online tests on campus.

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More than a year ago

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As an elementary school teacher, I tend to use technology a lot even before the pandemic. But as all of my fellow teachers can attest to, it has been a challenge to stay connected with our students and try to carry on the same level of education as it was before the pandemic. I obviously knew that it would be impossible to keep the same standards, but I was at least trying to come up with solutions that would boost the education level as high as possible. I was a huge fan of ed-tech solutions, so I started looking for some options in order to conduct quizzes online, in a fun and secure way. Jotform truly knocked the ball out of the park with this extremely easy to use quiz builder, I also love the fact that it makes taking quizzes and finishing assignments easier for my students. It's in times like this, I notice how wonderful and helpful technology is when it comes to education.

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Top 6 Apps for Writing Your Assignments

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The most memorable thing that first comes to mind when you try to describe the university life is studying. That’s true, even with a lot of other activities like going out with friends and traveling around, falling in love or getting your first job, studying is always first. Doesn’t matter how low is your part-time job salary, you’re always more disappointed because of the countless nights spent writing essays and getting ready for tests.

And, one cannot but fully agree that it’s impossible to go through college or university without any outside help. That’s just how hard studying is. And whatever were the ways you got through it – copying, cheating, using online assignment help or getting a tutor – now it’s a lot easier to do so without breaking any rules. If you need quick hands on writing help be sure to check out sites like .

We’re presenting you 6 best apps to make assignment writing a lot easier and quicker.

Best apps to help you make your assignment quicker

online assignment work app

One of the essential apps for every student is Evernote, something that can save so much time on your hands. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to say that your assignment was eaten by the dog you own. It’s still for the best when you realize your computer broke down or your USB flash drive doesn’t work anymore.

Now you don’t even have to send all the assignments to your own email address because this app can be downloaded on both Apple and Android and more other devices. It synchronizes all the materials you upload and this way you can access any of your files from any device that has Evernote downloaded. It’s also useful for sharing important information between the users.

online assignment work app

Something we’ve been using since childhood is now quickly converted into an app, and it became a lot more convenient and easy. For sure, all the words we looked up made it a lot more exciting in school, and now we simply have to see if we do not forget the right definitions. Yet, it will be just as useful now when you’re writing your assignment and need to use some complicated words for every sentence.

You can check your words and see examples of how to use them on the go. Moreover, it’s accessible on Android, Apple, and Windows, making it perfect for college students.

Dragon Dictation

online assignment work app

Are you tired of typing when you need your coursework done very quickly? Do you want to get your work typed by someone else and feel like you’re a top-notch writer? Then Dragon Dictation is just for you. This application can literally listen to you talk and type all the information down while you’re simply having snacks or reading.

It’s very precise with wordings and easy to edit afterward. Speed is on the top, too, and it’s even faster than a person typing, so you’re saving quite a lot of time by using this application. You can download it on any device you want for free.

Sleep If You Can

online assignment work app

Sleep If You Can is one of the apps that help you a lot on the night when you want to pull an all-nighter and decided to take a nap. Of course, sometimes you won’t even wake up because you simply hit snooze until your alarm doesn’t work anymore. Then you realize that it’s morning already and not you have to attend classes… with an unfinished assignment, which will fail your grade.

With this application, you will definitely wake up because it won’t turn off until you complete a certain mission. Missions are always random and can require you to jump several times or take a photo of something in your room. You will wake up and become a bit more energized, for sure. This app can be downloaded on Apple and Android devices.

Cite This For Me (RefMe)

online assignment work app

In case you’ve ever had a problem with getting references and citations done, you don’t have to worry about it so much anymore as long as you have this amazing service on your mobile device. The most you have to do is just to take the book you’re using and scan the barcode on the back. The app will create an instant reference for you.

While it can be used on any platform including iOS and Android, it also has a huge list of citation and reference styles, so it’s impossible not to find the one you need in their library. Moreover, you can create a custom library for yourself to find everything you use frequently.

online assignment work app

Perfect for brainstorming, XMind will help you organize your ideas and create roadmaps for your assignments, which will make it a lot easier in the process. It’s not free, having you pay almost $10 for 6 months, and you can only download it for iOS, but it’s still an amazing app for Apple users. Use several methods of capturing your ideas and do your best with simple or complicated charts.

With those applications, the average student’s life will definitely get rid of unnecessary complications. You’ll have your way with everything – typing your essays fast and saving or sharing files with your friends. And, keep in mind, if you need to take a quick nap, you’ll surely wake up in time with the best alarm for your smartphone we could find. Good luck!

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Free Online Work At Home In Pakistan Without Investment

A big number of students use to search for free online work at home in Pakistan without investment after matric, intermediate, or graduation. The best source to earn money online in Pakistan at home without investment is online data entry job. But besides this, there are lots of other online earning ideas for students at home are available that allows you to start a handsome career for earning good to meet all of their expenses. In Pakistan, besides educational expenses, students are also engaged with other liabilities to meet their home expenses. In these consequences, our youngsters prefer to do an online part time job for a student so that they can continue their studies and job together. If you are also among such students then here we are providing you with different options for online jobs for students in Pakistan at home without investment. Not only students but other candidates who are not even students but good in the computer can also opt these home based online jobs without investment.

There are lots of students even girls are doing these free online work at home in Pakistan without investment and earning up to Rs. 50, 000/- per month. Moreover, there are categories and working criteria which decide the ratio of earning. Below of this passage, you are getting all these fields and nature of works with how to apply process. Keep on reading…

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Free Online Work At Home In Pakistan Without Investment

There are so many online jobs for the students in Pakistan through which one can earn a handsome amount on daily, weekly or monthly bases. It depends upon one’s ability to work which is given below.

Online Data Entry Jobs In Pakistan Without Investment:

The data entry means you have to copy and paste a given data by the company and just send back the file. Even a matric or inter pass student who can copy and paste in computer and can use Microsoft word or excel can hold this job. There are different online companies offering online data entry jobs for students in Pakistan without investment. First of all, the company will keep authentication by you and take a sample test work. after that, they will teach you the working criteria. One who meets the working eligibility criteria and eligibility criteria will be appointed to work with that company. In the lineup free online work at home in Pakistan without investment, this would be the best option for you.

Online Article Writing Jobs For Students In Pakistan:

In this sense, the freelance article writing jobs in Pakistan for students are available in big numbers. Online article writing jobs mean to write on different topics sent by the owner. You can search online for that topic but you have to write a post containing 400 to 600 unique words. Your content must not be a copy from any other website. Various website owner requires people to write an article which they post on the website on their behalf. The writer is being paid for his content writing on the standards and rate set by both the parties before the start of the project. The individual can write the content form his home and can mail to the owner. Mostly a bachelors pass student can do free online work at home in Pakistan without investment while if you are inter but you are good at searching a topic online and you are good in English or Urdu then you can write an article.

Free Lancing Online Jobs For Students In Pakistan:

When you are thinking to do free online work at home in Pakistan without investment at home then you must be aware of freelancing. The beginners who even have not a little bit knowledge about any specific profession can adopt this business. Freelancing is one of the most popular and profitable business where people post their query and requirement and the service providers just give their bid for that particular service. The student can make himself available for providing that service and will charge the client as per the nature of the work and requirement. The requirement might be of Web Designing, web content writing, web article writing, web development, logo designing, and many other web related tasks. Fiverr and up-work are the most famous websites for finding freelancing jobs for students.

Online Teaching Jobs For Students In Pakistan:

If you are a master or graduate level student then online tutoring jobs for students in Pakistan will be the best option for you to earn a good income. You just have to grab a good ability to deliver some subjects then online teaching to foreign Pakistani students would be a good option for earning. For doing this job you have to prepare a sample video of your teaching method and release this video on different facebook pages and Youtube channels. You also have to provide your Email address and mobile number. This is just like your own home base business. Because when you start teaching people will directly pay into your account as per the deal is done among you and client.

Online Jobs Providing Companies:

So before starting your search for Free Online Work At Home In Pakistan Without Investment at home, you have to aware of where you can find your query actually. There are several websites on which the projects and assignments are being sold and purchase. One who needs any project just post the topic and its query and the one who is willing to make that project for the client will be paid as per the worth of the project. So the students can eve lend such services on the behalf of which they will be paid so earning can be made by sitting at home online.

Here are few references of such freelancing website through which the students can make they’re earning through being online and without any investment:

  • Script lance
  • United Health Group
  • First Data.

Related Posts:

  • Latest Online Jobs For Students In Pakistan
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Free Online Work At Home In Pakistan Without Investment:

So these are all the best possible options for  online jobs for students in Pakistan at home without investment . There are lots of other works like Youtube channel, Facebook page liking, and much more works but all these works are just a matter of investment and much experience. I have just written those free Free Online Work At Home In Pakistan Without Investment at home which are totally for a newcomer. If you have any further suggestion relating to online jobs for students, you can share your comment in the following comment box.

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i want to do online job with firm and passionate mind.I hope i can easily get through this website

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The Best Online Learning Platforms (The Top 8 For Both Students and Teachers)

Alexa Drake

Online learning platforms offer a wide range of features that enable us to learn or share our knowledge with the world.

If you’re a learner, these platforms offer flexibility and a wide range of courses that allow you to study on your own time, advance at your own pace, and fold relevant courses into your busy schedule. For instructors, these platforms provide the ability to reach a global audience and share your expertise with students from all over the world.

Creators of every niche and topic use online course platforms to not only build courses and establish themselves as sources of truth but also monetize their expertise. But there are a lot of platforms out there for you to choose from.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the eight best online learning platforms, their features, pricing, and how they stack up against other tools. You’ll come out the other side with a better idea of which platform will work for you and be ready to trial a few to make your final decision.

What is an online learning platform?

An online learning platform is a digital space where you can take a wide range of courses from anywhere with an internet connection. These platforms offer video lectures, interactive activities, and assessments, making it easy to learn new skills or deepen your knowledge at your own pace. Popular examples include Coursera, Udemy, and Thinkific. They provide the flexibility to fit learning into your schedule and often offer certificates to showcase your achievements.

Many working professionals use these platforms to further their education in specific work-related topics like learning to use new software, management and leadership skills, practical skills, and more. It’s not uncommon to see these courses taught by experts within that niche. Because of this, the learner will leave with a much deeper understanding of the topic and, depending on the topic, can use that information in their daily, creative, or professional lives. 

In this article, we’re taking a look at how online learning platforms can be used by both students and instructors alike. 

Key features of an online learning platform for students

An online learning platform for students typically offers several key features. Depending on whether you’re a student or teacher, you’ll want to look out for different features as you choose a platform.

Students should look for these features when looking for an online learning platform:

  • Course variety: Look for platforms that offer a wide range of subjects and individual courses, from academic disciplines to professional skills and personal development.
  • Video lectures and interactive content: Look for high-quality video lessons that provide clear and engaging instruction on various topics. Plus, good online learning platforms allow for quizzes, assignments, and interactive activities to reinforce learning and ensure comprehension.
  • Flexibility: Any good online learning platform will allow you to learn at your own pace and access course materials anytime, anywhere.
  • Discussion forums: Look for community features like discussion boards or chat rooms where you, as the student, can interact, ask questions, and collaborate with your peers.
  • Progress tracking: You want to keep track of how you’re doing in the class, right? Look for platforms that offer tools to track learning progress, manage your schedule, and set personal goals.
  • Certifications: Not every class will offer certifications, but the learning platform you choose should at least offer the opportunity to earn certificates or badges from courses that do. These certifications can then be added to your resume or professional profile.
  • Personalization: Good platforms will recommend and personalize your learning path based on your unique individual preferences and performance.
  • Support resources: Finally, you should have access to additional learning resources, such as e-books, articles, and tutorials, as well as technical and academic support.

Key features of an online learning platform for instructors

If you’re an instructor, you’ll want to look for a few different features so the online platform you choose can support your courses and everything you’d like to accomplish with them. Whether you’re teaching a live class or a pre-recorded session, there are some basic features the platform you choose should have. 

For instructors, online learning platforms should offer: 

  • Interactive user interface: The platform you choose should be easy to use even for the most beginner instructor (and learner, too!). Your overall experience when using the tool should be seamless, easy, and work well when accessed from other devices like smartphones, laptops, and tablets. This can increase the number of students who tune in from the device of their choice. Finally, you’ll want to look for a platform that offers interactivity like quizzes, polls, discussion rooms, and more. The more interactive you can make your courses, the more engaged your students will be.
  • A way to facilitate timely feedback: Your students will learn faster when given feedback on topics they may not fully understand yet. Feedback helps you as the instructor praise learners who demonstrate that they understand the topic well and offer guidance to the students who may need a bit more help. This shows your students you care about their success and will likely keep them around longer. When selecting a platform, look for features like survey forms and discussion forums. 
  • Data backup and storage: If you’re spending hours, days, or weeks creating your online course, you’ll absolutely need a platform that has a strong stance on data security, backup, and storage. You’ll have peace of mind that your course won’t vanish into thin air from a glitch or error you can’t control.
  • Class management: A good online learning platform will make things like communicating with students, managing enrollment, and tracking your students’ progress easy. When selecting a platform, look for management and admin features so this part of online course creation isn’t a headache. This includes features like enrollment management, learning analytics for each course, course scheduling, automated grading, and more.  

The 9 best online learning platforms

Now that we’ve outlined what online learning platforms should offer and the features you should look for as a student or instructor, let’s take a look at the top eight learning platforms. This breakdown will help you understand which platform will suit you best based on your unique needs. 

Here’s our list of the best online learning platforms: • Thinkific • Teachable • MasterClass • Demio • Coursera • Udemy • Skillshare • Kajabi

Thinkific is an online learning platform that enables individuals and organizations to create, market, and sell their own courses. It offers a user-friendly interface for building and managing courses, as well as tools for engaging with students and tracking their progress.

creating a course on thinkific

Thinkific supports a variety of multimedia content, making it versatile for different types of educational experiences.

Pros of Thinkific: • User-friendly course creation tools • Customizable course designs • Integration with various marketing and sales tools • Strong student engagement features • Comprehensive analytics and reporting
Cons of Thinkific: • Limited design flexibility compared to some competitors • Can be pricey for advanced features • Learning curve for new users • Dependence on third-party integrations for some functionalities

How much does Thinkific cost for students?

Thinkific offers a free plan that allows users to create and sell up to three courses, making it accessible for beginners and small-scale educators. Their paid plans start at $49/month, billed annually, which include additional features like unlimited courses, advanced customization options, and enhanced marketing tools. 

How much does Thinkific cost for course creators?

Thinkific provides course creators with various pricing plans tailored to their needs. The basic plan starts at $49 per month when billed annually, offering features like unlimited courses, quizzes and surveys, and basic integrations with marketing tools. Higher-tier plans, such as the Pro plan at $99 per month, include additional features such as advanced integrations, certificates, and priority support.

Thinkific does not charge transaction fees on course sales, allowing creators to keep more of their revenue. This pricing flexibility enables educators and businesses to choose a plan that suits their requirements and scale their online course offerings efficiently.

Growing your course audience with Thinkific and ActiveCampaign

When you connect ActiveCampaign to your Thinkific account, you can begin growing your audience and automating communications with your students. 

With ActiveCampaign and Thinkific, you can:

  • Create beautifully branded course marketing emails
  • Trigger personalized emails based on actions in Thinkific
  • Automate the process for creating and updating contacts

Discover more education apps that integrate with ActiveCampaign here.

Teachable is an online learning platform that allows educators to create, market, and sell their courses with ease. It offers intuitive course creation tools and various multimedia support, enabling instructors to deliver engaging educational content.


Teachable also provides robust features for student management and performance tracking, making it a comprehensive solution for online education.

Pros of Teachable: • Easy-to-use course creation tools • Support for various multimedia formats • Integrated payment processing • Comprehensive student management features • Customizable branding options
Cons of Teachable: • Transaction fees on lower-tier plans • Limited design customization • Can be expensive for advanced features • Occasional technical glitches reported by users

How much does Teachable cost for students?

Teachable offers a free plan with limited features, allowing new users to get started without any upfront costs. Their paid plans begin at $39 per month (billed annually), which includes additional benefits such as unlimited courses and students, no transaction fees, and advanced customization options. This entry-level pricing makes it accessible for educators looking to grow their online course offerings while maintaining control over their brand and revenue.

How much does Teachable cost for course creators?

Teachable offers a range of pricing plans for course creators based on their needs and business goals. The basic plan starts at $39 per month when billed annually, which includes essential features like unlimited students and courses, instant payouts, and basic quizzes and assessments. Higher-tier plans, such as the Professional plan at $119 per month, offer additional benefits like graded quizzes, advanced customization options, and integrated affiliate marketing.

Teachable also charges a transaction fee on sales for its lower-tier plans, while higher-tier plans eliminate this fee. 

Creating custom student experiences with Teachable and ActiveCampaign

With ActiveCampaign integrated into Teachable, you can do a number of things that will enhance how you engage your students.

This includes:

  • Building custom email funnels, workflows, and automations for your students
  • Creating custom student onboarding to ensure students stay engaged with your online courses and digital products
  • Crafting upselling email funnels for students who have completed a course to increase your revenue and sell more products


MasterClass is an online learning platform that features courses taught by world-renowned experts in various fields, including arts, sports, business, and cooking. The platform offers high-quality video lessons and exclusive insights from celebrities and industry leaders.


MasterClass is designed to provide an inspiring and engaging learning experience through personal stories and practical advice from the best in the world.

Pros of MasterClass: • Taught by celebrities and industry leaders • High-quality video production • Access to exclusive content and behind-the-scenes insights • Wide range of topics and fields • Engaging and inspiring teaching style
Cons of MasterClass: • Limited interactive or hands-on learning • Courses may be more inspirational than deeply instructional • No certification or formal accreditation • Higher cost compared to other online learning platforms • Limited depth in certain subjects

How much does MasterClass cost for students?

MasterClass operates on a subscription model, with an annual membership fee of $120, which provides unlimited access to all courses on the platform. This pricing allows users to explore a vast array of subjects and learn from various experts, making it ideal for those seeking inspiration and insights from top professionals across different fields.

How much does MasterClass cost for course creators?

Unfortunately, MasterClass does not offer a platform for individual course creators to upload or sell their courses. Instead, it features courses created in collaboration with renowned experts and celebrities in various fields, which MasterClass itself professionally produces. The content on MasterClass is exclusively curated and made in-house, meaning independent educators cannot directly create or monetize their courses on this platform.

Therefore, no pricing structure is available for individual course creators on MasterClass.

Demio is a webinar platform designed for businesses and educators to host live, interactive online events and presentations. It offers features like real-time streaming, audience engagement tools, and detailed analytics to enhance the webinar experience.


Demio aims to provide a seamless and user-friendly environment for conducting professional webinars and virtual meetings. 

Pros of Demio: • User-friendly interface with easy setup • Real-time streaming with high-quality video and audio • Robust audience engagement tools, such as polls and Q&A • Comprehensive analytics and reporting • Integration with various marketing and CRM tools • Automated and on-demand webinar options
Cons of Demio: • Limited customization options for branding • Higher pricing compared to some competitors • Occasional connectivity issues reported • No built-in e-commerce features • Limited functionality in lower-tier plans

How much does Demio cost for students?

Demio’s entry-level plan starts at $42 per month (billed annually), which includes features such as standard support, up to 50 attendees per webinar, and core engagement tools like polls and Q&A. This plan is suitable for small businesses and educators needing a reliable platform for hosting interactive webinars without extensive customization or advanced features.

How much does Demio cost for course creators?

Demio offers several pricing plans for course creators based on the number of attendees and features required. The entry-level plan starts at $49 per month, which includes up to 50 attendees per webinar, standard support, and essential engagement tools such as polls and Q&A. Higher-tier plans offer additional benefits like increased attendee limits, automated webinars, and advanced analytics, providing more flexibility and functionality for larger-scale or more complex webinar needs.

This tiered pricing structure allows course creators to choose a plan that best fits their budget and requirements while leveraging Demio’s user-friendly platform to deliver engaging online courses and presentations.

Run more effective webinars with Demio and ActiveCampaign

When you connect ActiveCampaign to your Demio account, you’re able to run more effective marketing and sales webinars with much less work on your end. By fitting seamlessly with ActiveCampaign’s automation, you can use Demio to engage prospects and customers in real-time while also measuring results across your campaigns.

With this integration, you’ll be able to:

  • Automatically capture new leads who register for events in ActiveCampaign
  • Tag new contacts in ActiveCampaign automatically based on the events they register for
  • Effectively trigger pre-webinar automated campaigns before the event begins
  • Save contact details for the webinar, like upcoming attendee join links or custom fields, and map them directly to ActiveCampaign custom fields
  • Update your contacts based on their actions on the webinars, like attended or did not attend
  • Use the ActiveCampaign 1-click registration link to automatically register users who click a link directly into an upcoming Demio event

Coursera is an online learning platform that partners with universities and organizations to offer courses, specializations, and degrees in a variety of subjects. It enhances the learning experience with high-quality video lectures, interactive assignments, and peer-reviewed assessments.

Coursera aims to make education accessible to anyone, anywhere, with many courses available for free or at a low cost.

Pros of Coursera: • Courses from top universities and organizations • Wide range of subjects and specializations • Interactive assignments and peer-reviewed assessments • Certificates and degrees upon completion • Free courses and financial aid options available
Cons of Coursera: • Some courses can be expensive without financial aid • Varying quality of course content and instructors • Limited interaction with instructors and peers • Certificate credibility may vary by employer • Can be overwhelming due to the vast number of courses available

How much does Coursera cost for students?

Coursera offers many courses for free, providing access to video lectures and some assignments. For those seeking certificates, specialization tracks, or degrees, prices start at $49 per month for access to individual courses, while full degrees can cost significantly more. This pricing structure makes Coursera accessible for learners with different needs and budgets, allowing for both casual learning and formal education pursuits.

How much does Coursera cost for course creators?

For course creators, Coursera offers an opportunity to partner with the platform, typically involving a revenue-sharing model rather than a direct entry-level pricing structure. Course creators work with Coursera to design and deliver high-quality courses, with Coursera providing support in areas such as course development, marketing, and student engagement.

In exchange, Coursera takes a percentage of the revenue generated from course enrollments. This model allows educators and institutions to reach a global audience without upfront costs while benefiting from Coursera’s established infrastructure and expertise in online education.

Udemy is an online learning platform that offers a wide array of courses taught by instructors from around the world. It provides video-based lectures, quizzes, and assignments across diverse subjects, from technical skills like programming to personal development topics such as photography or mindfulness.


Udemy aims to democratize education by allowing learners to access courses at their own pace and often at affordable prices.

Pros of Udemy: • Vast selection of courses across numerous topics • Affordable pricing with frequent discounts and promotions • Lifetime access to purchased courses • User-friendly interface and accessibility across devices • Opportunity for instructors to earn revenue through course sales
Cons of Udemy: • Variable course quality and instructor expertise • Limited interaction with instructors and other students • Courses may lack depth or structure compared to academic programs • Certificates may not be universally recognized • Prices can vary widely depending on course popularity and demand

How much does Udemy cost for students?

Udemy offers a flexible pricing model for students, with many courses available for as low as $9.99 during promotional periods. Students can purchase courses individually, with prices typically ranging from $19.99 to $199.99 depending on the course content and duration.

Udemy also provides a 30-day money-back guarantee to ensure student satisfaction, making it accessible for learners seeking affordable and diverse educational opportunities.

How much does Udemy cost for course creators?

For course creators, Udemy operates on a revenue-sharing model where instructors receive 50% of the net revenue from course sales, or 97% if students enroll through the instructor’s promotional efforts. There are no upfront costs for creating and publishing courses on Udemy, making it a low-risk option for educators to monetize their expertise.

Udemy provides tools and support for course creation, marketing, and student engagement, enabling instructors to reach a global audience and generate passive income from their courses over time.

Skillshare is an online learning platform that offers thousands of creative and practical courses taught by experts in various fields. It focuses on creative skills such as design, photography, and writing, as well as practical skills like business and technology.


Skillshare provides a subscription-based model where members have unlimited access to all courses, fostering continuous learning and creativity.

Pros of Skillshare: • Wide variety of creative and practical courses • Subscription-based model with unlimited access to all content • Community-driven platform with opportunities for collaboration and feedback • User-friendly interface and mobile accessibility • Affordable pricing compared to individual course purchases
Cons of Skillshare: • Focuses primarily on creative skills, with fewer options for technical or academic subjects • Variable course quality and instructor expertise • Limited interaction with instructors and peers compared to other platforms • No certificates or formal accreditation for course completion • Some courses may lack depth or advanced content

How much does Skillshare cost for students?

Skillshare operates on a subscription model, offering a free trial period followed by a monthly or annual subscription fee. The Premium membership, which provides unlimited access to all courses and features, costs $19 per month when billed monthly or $99 per year when billed annually. This pricing structure allows students to explore a wide range of courses without additional costs, making it cost-effective for those interested in ongoing learning and skill development.

How much does Skillshare cost for course creators?

Course creators on Skillshare earn revenue through the Skillshare Royalty Pool, which distributes a portion of the platform’s monthly subscription revenue to instructors based on their share of total minutes watched. Additionally, instructors can earn referral bonuses for every new Premium member they bring to Skillshare.

There are no upfront costs for creating and publishing courses, and instructors gain exposure to Skillshare’s large and diverse community of learners. This model incentivizes creators to produce engaging and popular courses while potentially generating passive income over time.

Kajabi is an all-in-one platform designed for creating, marketing, and selling online courses, memberships, and digital products. It offers tools for course creation, website building, email marketing , and sales funnels, catering to entrepreneurs, educators, and businesses looking to establish an online presence.


Kajabi aims to streamline the process of delivering digital content and engaging with customers through its integrated suite of marketing and educational tools.

Pros of Kajabi: • Comprehensive platform with tools for course creation, website building, and marketing • Customizable templates and themes for creating branded websites and landing pages • Built-in email marketing and automation features to nurture leads and engage with students • Ability to create memberships, digital products, and online courses all in one place • Integration with third-party apps and services for enhanced functionality
Cons of Kajabi: • Higher pricing compared to some other online learning platforms • Learning curve for beginners due to the extensive features and customization options • Transaction fees on sales for lower-tier plans • Limited flexibility in design compared to standalone website builders • Potential reliance on Kajabi’s ecosystem for all digital marketing and sales needs

How much does Kajabi cost for students?

Kajabi primarily serves course creators rather than individual students seeking courses, so there is no specific entry-level pricing for learners. Students interested in courses on Kajabi would purchase them based on the pricing set by the creators, which can vary widely depending on the content and value provided by each course.

How much does Kajabi cost for course creators?

For course creators, Kajabi offers several pricing plans starting at $55 per month when billed annually for the Kickstarter plan. This plan includes features such as course creation, website building, email marketing, and basic analytics. Higher-tier plans, such as the Growth and Pro plans, offer additional benefits like advanced automation, affiliate management, and higher transaction limits.

Kajabi also charges transaction fees on sales for its lower-tier plans, which are waived for higher-tier plans, making it suitable for creators looking to scale their online course business while maximizing revenue.

Marketing automation and course creation

With the help of marketing automation software like ActiveCampaign, you can set up workflows that automatically send targeted messages based on subscriber behavior, ensuring that the right people get the right information at the right time. This continuous promotion keeps your courses visible and top-of-mind, helping you attract and retain students effortlessly.

segment filters in activecampaign

Plus, use automation to set up welcome emails that make a great first impression. You can introduce new subscribers to your brand and what they can expect and send follow-ups or reminders to keep your audience engaged and informed about new content, upcoming courses, and special offers.

Marketing automation software can help you nurture your students and create a truly phenomenal learning experience . Ready to pair it with the online learning platform of your choice? 

Sign up for a free trial of ActiveCampaign today.

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