Essay On Life In A Hostel

Essay On Life In A Hostel | Life In A Hostel Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay On Life In A Hostel: Living in a hostel is a lesson in itself. While living at home the young does not turn into a self-dependent being for this thing and for that for little things even of personal nature, the young look up to the mother or the elder sister. They would keep the clothes in the wardrobe they would prepare the dress for the school and put it in order every morning, they would even arrange the school bag whether it contains all that is required the books and notebooks for the day, the pen with ink or lead and the pencil sharpened. The tiffin box should be got ready and then even the study table should be set right and of course, the bed to be put in order. The soap, the shampoo, the powder toothpaste, the brush the towel all to be there in the bathroom. Someone should always be looking after all these items. So much dependence, so much no-care attitude, so much demanding, so much supplying this is normally to be found in every home. The young grow a little too indulgent.

Long Essay on Life In A Hostel 500 Words in English

Short essay on life in a hostel 200 words in english, 10 lines on life in a hostel.

  • What are the advantages of hostel life?
  • How do you deal with Hostel Life?
  • What is hostel life for students?
  • What good qualities can hostel life develop?

Long and Short Essays on Life In A Hostel Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Life In A Hostel’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on the Life In A Hostel of 400-500 words. This long essay about Life In A Hostel is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Life In A Hostel of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Below we have given a long essay on Life In A Hostel of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Sent to the hostel, that one who had remained so much dependent for everything on his or her mother or elder sister or servants, finds himself, initially at a loss. How to adjust, how to manage, how to look after everything by himself. The house-master would come for a surprise inspection and he should find everything spic and span, everything in order no clothes lying on the bed all properly folded and kept in the wardrobe; the study table properly set books and notebooks all kept arranged and the pen and pencil kept in the pencil box. The bed should have been well-set no servant or maid to do it.

So this is training in self-help which is the first and foremost lesson that one learns from the hostel life.

Qualities Hostel Life can Develop

The other very important training is discipline. Fixed hours and timings for everything time to leave the bed in the morning not that turning over sides while the mother cajoling to make you leave the bed or else would get late for school none to do that. A quick bath and dressing up, setting the school bag, nothing to be missed.

The bell rings calling each one to the dining hall for breakfast. The same menu for all no cringing, no crying that you like this and do not like that, or you want this or you want that. The menu, of course, would keep changing every morning new things added or served but the same for all.

It is a lesson learned in developing a taste for all kinds of food a disciplining of the palate, which does not happen in the home. There the mother keeps caring about what he or she likes more and whatnot.

The school hours, the lunch recess, the evening games, the dinner, and completing the classwork all has to go on in a regulated daily manner. The mind has to get set to the pattern and any delay or divergence would go wrong. Regulated way of life is another lesson that hostel life teaches.

The most important lesson that hostel life gives is the trailing incorporate living together. It is a lesson in Social living; in Sociability; in learning the spirit of adjustment and accommodation. This is a great lesson that goes a long way in later life on the Social front.

Hostel life thus has many things to learn, but there are, sometimes, many things that this life gives an occasion to, which can spoil one’s life.

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Below we have given a short essay on Life In A Hostel is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

At home, there is the mother, the father, sisters and brothers who give you company as also keep a watch on you. In the hostel if you catch the company of bad boys and if there is some laxity in Superintendence you can fall into evil ways, take to drugs, or indulge in late-night cinema shows and there is no one so concerned about you as a mother, a sister or a brother can be. The result can be a complete disaster in life.

Discipline is best that comes from within.

Hostel life, thus, has many good things and makes one’s life disciplined, organized, and self-reliant but if the track goes wrong it would mean a derailment and permanent damage.

Essay on Hostel Life

  • Life in a hostel is helpful to the students.
  • It teaches them a sense of responsibility and they become self-dependent.
  • Hostel life teaches many lessons — self-dependence, self-reliance, and disciplined way of life.
  • Most importantly they will adjust to all kinds of situations.
  • At home, the young remain dependent on the mother, the elder sister, or the servant, but in the hostel, everything has to be done by himself.
  • Hostel life gives one the training to develop a taste for whatever food is served. At home, one can show his own preferences and throw his own tantrums in the matter of food.
  • A regulated way of life is learned in a hostel’s life.
  • The most important lesson learned is to incorporate living; an adjustment and social accommodation with others.
  • There is the other side of the hostel life too.
  • Following in bad company and if there is any laxity in supervision one can go wrong, and very wrong sometimes — take to drugs or indulgence into other evils as there is no mother, sister, brother, or father to take any personal care about one’s welfare.

FAQs on Essay on Life in a Hostel

1.  What are the advantages of hostel life?

In the hostel, life is full of opportunities for both amusement and studies. You will get a sense of responsibility as well as independence.

2. How do you deal with Hostel Life?

Be polite with Hostel Staff and friendly with Roommates. Learn to adjust and this trick will help you deal with anything that comes your way in Hostel Life.

3. What is hostel life for students?

Life in a hostel makes a student self-dependent. It makes him smart, active, and disciplined.

4. What good qualities can hostel life develop?

Mutual cooperation, sympathy, discipline, and love are qualities that you can develop during your hostel life.

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life | Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life Essay for Students and Children

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life: A hostel is where usually students of an institute live together and supervised by an administration. The time spent by these students in those hostels is called the hostel life.

Hostels are aimed explicitly at providing budget-oriented, sociable accommodation for students studying outside their hometown. Living in a hostel is a lifetime experience that makes you grow as a person. You will immensely develop your collaborative spirit. You will love sharing your food, drinks, stories, and laughter with other students in the hostel. You will see that unity will be created with great ease, and the things you have in common with other hostellers will exceed your expectations.

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Long and Short Essays on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life for Students and Kids in English

We provide the students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on this topic.

Long Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

A hostel is a place where comfortable stay, healthy and safe accommodation is provided for the students of a school or college studying outside their hometown. Many students move in from a different town away from their home for their education, and hostels are meant for them, but nowadays even students from the same town are opting for a hostel. Their students live a kind of life which is way different from their life at home. This different life in the hostel is known as hostel life.

Hostel life that gives a student a sense of responsibility as well as independence. Hostel life will teach you many other things like teamwork, helping your hostel mates, a sense of unity and adjustment among other hostellers. A student comes in contact with several other students of the same age with different backgrounds in a hostel. A student tends to develop many good qualities from other hostellers. But at the same time, students are also vulnerable to the evil influence of others.

When a student sees his next-door neighbour doing positive things like daily taking morning exercise, he also gets inspired. He too tries to develop this healthy habit. One good student in a hostel may become an example for other 25 hostellers and inspire them. Co-operation among hostellers, sympathy for others, and unity are characteristics of hostel life. Only a hostel is the place where a student gains an all-round development of personality. On the other hand, taking the example of a few boys who negatively influence others like an addiction to smoke and drinking may also give the same habit to their roommates or other hostel mates. If there are advantages to hostels, then there are also a few disadvantages to it.

In a hostel, the life of a student is full of opportunities and learning along. One can be friends with one’s hostel fellows who have diverse tastes and aptitudes, which will likely help you out in studying. One may choose his friends according to his likes and interests and spend quality time without regrets. Activities like mutual discussions on a particular topic, lengthy criticism of the latest picture seen by them, and storytelling, add charm to hostel life. Suitable arrangements of games and competitions, Sunday specials and eating competitions, and day-to-day work makes the hostel life adventurous. Apart from fun-leisure activities, hostellers have an unbreakable unity and are always ready to help one another whenever needed.

Hostel life with its so many advantages has some disadvantages also. Students who are new to the hostel life, find an entirely new atmosphere and sometimes find it challenging to adjust. Sometimes, students take disadvantage of their freedom which leads them astray. This may lead them to do evil and bad things. They begin to smoke, gamble, even drink, and then deteriorate their academic career. Some students spend money carelessly and even borrow money from their friends and stay in debts.

Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

The life of a student in a hostel is entirely different from that of life at home. The greatest blessing of hostel life is that it teaches you how to lead an independent life. Students deal with their struggles under an independent atmosphere and learn to take decisions of their own. Unlike home in hostel life, no one is after you repeatedly asking you to study, which gives you a great sense of responsibility. Apart from the hostel’s general rules and regulations, which are to be followed by every student, one has to deal with their problems and learn to control his life.

Hostel life can be an enjoyable journey for students. Many students of the same age live together and study in the same or different class in a hostel. Thus, students of the same nature develop great intimacy among themselves while getting their freedom and developing a sense of self-responsibility. Studying, cooperating, and living together develop a great sense of oneness among the hostellers and grow unity and fellow-feeling spirit. Hostels give an excellent environment for studying unlike at home, where for most of the time one can get occupied by some of the other domestic duties which interfere with their studies a lot.

10 Lines on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life in English

  • As students living in hostels are not under their families’ care, they develop a sense of responsibility, independence, and self-reliability.
  • Individuals from the habit of co-operation with friends and learn the art of cultivating working and behaviour.
  • Living in the hostel that is usually located inside the campus helps save your travelling time and travelling expenses.
  • One gets a chance to develop a friendship with classmates who will help you out whenever needed.
  • Hostels provide the best atmosphere for study. If hostellers enjoy the hostel life in numerous ways, they also work very hard to achieve their goals when the time comes for it.
  • Hostel life tends to develop healthy competition and co-operation among hostellers.
  • The absence of care and love, which only parents can give students a nagging sense of loneliness.
  • A lot of students have the problem digesting the hostel food served at the mess.
  • Influence of bad company may lead a student towards smoking, drugs, drinking, and other nasty things.
  • Living conditions of a hostel are far less comfortable than that at home.

FAQ’s on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life Essay

Question 1. Which is a better hostel life or home life?

Answer: Rules and regulations are not applicable at home, but rules and regulations bind hostel life. To be able to live in a hostel, a student has to pay fees for staying. At the same time, no fee is needed to enjoy home life. Homelife is more comfortable than a hostel life. But living in a hostel will enhance your overall development of personality.

Question 2. Is hostel life good or bad?

Answer: Living in a hostel will teach you many other things like teamwork, helping your roommates, a sense of unity and adjustment etc. In a hostel, a student tends to acquire many good qualities from roommates and other hostellers, and at the same time, they are also vulnerable to the evil influence of the others.

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life in English for Children and Students

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Essay on Hostel Life: Hostel life is considered the best part of a student’s life. Those who have experienced it swear by it and those who haven’t wish they could. Hostel life comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages. Hostel life is full of friends, fun and independence. It gives numerous memories to the students to cherish forever. A student who has experienced hostel life is better off at taking decisions and forming viewpoint about various things.

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However, hostel life also has certain set of disadvantages. With independence and absence of guardian, it needs strong determination to stick to your schedule of studies and other extracurricular activities. Hostel life also presents the challenge of resisting wrong temptations wrong habits that could spoil health, career and life as well.

Long and Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life in English

Below we are providing Long and Short Essays on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

After going through the essays you will get to know complete facts about a hostel life, how it’s like staying in a hostel, what are the advantages and disadvantages of staying in a hostel etc.

You can go with anyone Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life essay which you like the most:

Short Essay on Hostel Life of a Student – Essay 1 (200 words)

Hostel life is a beautiful phase. It takes a few days for new students to adjust to the environment of the hostel. However, they soon get accustomed to the same and begin a journey which is cherished for a long time.

Children these days are extremely pampered. They get what they want and are taken utmost care of. From eating to sleeping to shopping, their parents are always there to take care of every little detail. However, once they are enrolled at a hostel and begin their life at this new place they need to learn to be more independent and less demanding. They require taking care of all their day to day needs on their own.

From ironing their clothes to shopping the things of necessity, they learn to do everything on their own. While they may find it a little difficult at times, it is also quite exciting to have found this feeling of independence. They learn to tackle different situations and take decisions on various matters on their own. They learn about the beauty and power of friendship. Friendships made during the hostel life last for a life time.

There is one thing that most students despise about the hostel life and that is the hostel food. However, all in all it is a great experience.

Essay on My Hostel Life Experience – Essay 2 (300 words)


My father is in a transferable job and hence has to move to a new city every three years. This was impacting my studies as the study pattern and teaching methods differ from place to place. Just when I used to get accustomed to the teachers, students and the school environment after great difficulty, we got the news that we had to move to a different city. In order to overcome this problem, my parents decided to enroll me at a hostel.

Hostel Life Made Me Bold and Confident

As I began my hostel life, I took a few weeks to set myself emotionally and adjust to the new environment just as every new student at the hostel does. However, I soon got accustomed to the new place and made quite a few friends. I had been quite shy and reserved before I entered the hostel three year back. I was dependent on my parents for every small need.

However, the hostel life has turned me into a bold and confident person. I can now deal with difficult situations with ease. I do not panic or get emotional easily. I have emerged as a strong person. This may be because living in a hostel teaches us to live independently and we are bound to take charge of our life.

Hostel is like a Second Home for Me

As excited as I am to visit my home, I am equally excited to get back to the hostel as the vacation comes to end. I look forward to meeting my friends and living my life over in that small hostel room. I look forward to the table tennis room where I spend hours setting new records and the hostel ground where I sit with my friends chit chatting about various things. Hostel has become a second home for me.

To conclude, I can say that hostel is the best thing that has happened to me. It has changed my personality for good.

Essay on Hostel Life is Good or Bad? – Essay 3 (400 words)

Ask a hostel student if life in hostel is good or bad and he will narrate all the pros and cons of the hostel life. However, if you ask an adult who has had an experience of living in a hostel, he is likely to narrate his memories fondly and tell you that it was the best phase of his life. This is because there are certain difficulties of living in the hostel however the benefits it offers surpass them and with time it is only the good that we remember. However, everyone can have a different experience.

Hostel Life is Largely Good

I have been living in the hostel for around four years now and my experience has largely been good. I am quite attached to my parents and being the only child I have always been quite pampered. My parents and grandparents have showered me with immense love and taken care of all my needs.

This is why the initial days in the hostel were very difficult for me. I was in fifth standard when my parents enrolled me here. I had never lived even a single day without my mother until that time. It was extremely hard for me to live without her particularly. However, I soon became friends with my roommates and the joy ride began. I was fortunate to have found like-minded roommates.

Gradually, we found out that we had a lot in common and so much to talk about. We have become the best of friends since then. We study, play, dance and enjoy numerous other activities together. Their friendship is the best part of my hostel life. There is just no boredom when you are in a hostel as you are always surrounded by friends.

I also love the fact that living in hostel has made me independent. I have learned to observe and understand people and situations before taking any decision about them. This has made me more confident.

But I really miss the home-cooked food. I look forward to the holidays not only because I am eager to meet my family but also because I crave for the yummy food made by my mother. Ironing the clothes and cleaning my bathroom are few other things that I despise about the hostel. But it is a part and parcel of the hostel life.

To conclude, I would say, I am grateful to my parents for letting me experience the wonderful hostel life. This has made me grow mature and take care of most of my needs on my own.

Essay on Hostel Life vs. Home Life – Essay 4 (500 words)

There is a big difference between the hostel life and home life. Both these have their set of pros and cons. Every student must experience the hostel life to know the perks it offers as well as the difficulties one has to face living in the hostel.

Hostel Life vs. Home Life

Here is how the hostel life and home life are different from each other:

  • Rules and Regulations

Hostels have certain set of rules and regulations that the students are bound to follow. The hostel warden is there to ensure that each and every student follows the rules and leads a disciplined life. However, at home there are no strict rules. While our parents do set certain rules for us they are flexible with them many a times unlike the warden who is stringent about the rules.

  • Use of Internet

The use of internet is restricted in the hostel. Unlike our house we do not get the benefit of enjoying unlimited Wi-Fi connection. Most of the hostels allow the students to use internet for few hours a day and that too for study purpose. Though many students have mobile phones these days, they do not get enough pocket money to take an unlimited data connection.

  • No Choice of Food

At home, we get the privilege of having what we want. All we have to do is to ask our mother for the same. However, in hostel there is no such choice. Students living in the hostel have to eat what is available irrespective of whether they like it or not.

  • No Late Entry

Students are not allowed to come back to hostel late at night. So, they cannot enjoy late night parties or movies whereas most of us our lucky to have parents who allow us to go out with friends late at night at times.

  • Outside Friends Not Allowed

We can only have fun with our hostel buddies when we are living in a hostel. Girls’ entry in a boys’ hostel and vice-versa is particularly a strict no. However, there is no such restriction at home.

  • Taking Care of Needs

At home our parents are there to take care of every single need of ours. We do not have to wash and iron our clothes or go shopping for the daily need goods. However, in hostel we need to do all of these things on our own.

While at home, we may get bored at times, in hostel there is no scope of getting boredom as our friends are always around and most of them are up to some fun stuff.

I have stayed at home and studied at a regular school until fifth standard and am living in the hostel for the last five years. With my experience, I can say that while both hostel life and home life are different and have their own set of pros and cons, hostel life is anytime better as we get a learn a lot from it. It is a great experience and shapes us for good. A student who has lived in a hostel is better prepared to take up various challenges in life.

Long Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life – Essay 5 (600 words)

Hostel life is challenging yet exciting. It offers numerous advantages but also comes with its set of disadvantages. One can clearly tell the difference between a student who lives in a hostel and one who lives with parents and goes to a regular school. Those who get the opportunity to stay in a hostel are likely to become bolder and more confident. However, they may also incur certain negative traits. Here is a look at the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life.

Advantages of Hostel Life

Let us first look at the advantages of hostel life:

  • Teaches Independence

Hostel life teaches students to become more independent. They learn to take charge of their life by taking decisions solely in different situations.

  • Boosts Confidence

Students are faced with different situations and meet all types of people while living in the hostel. Dealing with different situations and people over the years boosts their confidence.

  • Makes Bolder

Students living in the hostel also tend to get bolder compared to those who live with their parents and attend regular school. They are better prepared to tackle various challenges in life.

  • Instils Discipline

Hostels have certain set of rules that need to be followed at all times. The students are expected to wake up, take bath, reach their college and sleep at the same time each day. Students who do not follow the rules are punished severely so they do not repeat the mistake. This instils discipline in them.

  • Introduces to Various Cultures

Students from various cultural backgrounds come to stay in the hostels. Living with each other day in and day out, the students learn about their culture and traditions.

  • Builds Long Lasting Friendships

Staying away from the family, hostel buddies are there to take care of each other. They develop an emotional connect with one another over the time. Hostel is the place where people make long lasting friendships and memories to cherish forever.

  • Teaches New Skills

Hostel students need to do all their tasks on their own. They learn several new skills such as washing clothes, ironing them, cleaning their room, keeping their books tidy, purchasing stuff on budget and even cooking.

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

Here is a look at the disadvantages of hostel life:

  • Introverts May Face Difficulty

Introverts may have a difficult time interacting with their hostel mates and making new friends. They are often left out and cry their heart out when alone as they miss their family badly.

  • Living Far From Family

Living far from the family is difficult for everyone. Many students get extremely emotional at times as they are reminded of the good times spent with their family. It is particularly difficult for the students to return to hostel after the vacations.

  • Difficulty Adjusting in Family Atmosphere

While initially the students get emotional at the thought of staying away from their family, living in the hostel for a few years often makes it difficult for them to adjust in the family atmosphere. They grow so accustomed to taking their own decisions and living their way that they do not like any suggestions from their parents and want to live independently.

  • Quality of Food

The quality of food in hostels is not very good. Besides, there is no choice. Students need to eat what they get whether they like it or not.

  • No one to Take Care

Falling sick is the worst part. While the hostel buddies try to take care of each other however they cannot take care like the parents. Thus, recovering from illness often takes a lot of time.

Hostel life offers both advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on the student on how he/ she deals with it and what he imbibes from his stay in the hostel.

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Essay on “Hostel life of a student” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Hostel life of a student

6 Best Essay on “Hostel Life”

Essay No. 01


Synopsis: – Hostel is a place where food and lodging are provided for students or certain groups of workers or tourists. Generally, a student stays in a hostel when his residence is located far from the educational institution food in a hostel is served in the mess. A hostel has a common room, a library, and a reading room. It also has facilities for games and sports. Students belonging to different regions and cultures stay together in a hostel. They learn the lesson of co-operation; Students learn many things in a hostel. It makes their life regular and systematic. They learn the lessons of punctuality and discipline. They develop their personality. They learn to be independent. School children in a hostel are guided by teachers and wardens. Ragging often takes place in a hostel. Students may go astray in a hostel. Parents should visit them regularly and give them precis of advice.

A hostel is a place where food and lodging are provided for students or certain groups of workers or tourists. Life in a hostel is different from life in a home. Generally, a student stays in a hostel when his residence is located far from the educational institution. Life in a hostel makes a student self-dependent. It makes him smart, active, and disciplined.

A hostel has a mess which at times is run on a co-operative basis. Food is served in the mess. The washerman and the barber visit the hostel regularly. Some students wash their own clothes. Others give their clothes to the washerman.

A hostel has a common room. Here are students assemble to watch television. They also discuss in groups the daily events, politics, current issues, etc. A hostel generally has a library. Many hostels have reading halls adjacent to the library. A hostel has facilities for indoor games. Some hostels have facilities for outdoor games like basketball, volleyball, badminton, etc. Unlike a hostel meant for students, a hostel for workers and tourists may not have these facilities. Life in a hostel is community life. They live together, eat together and go out together. They enjoy excursions and parties. Life is merry and jovial in a hostel.

Various types of students are found in a hostel. Some are very studious. They always remain busy with their studies. Some are mischievous. They give little time to studies. They spend their time moving around playing and bullying others or making runs or others. Students should not misuse their time. They should utilize their time in studies, games, debates, group discussions, and other such fruitful activities.

Students learn many things in the hostel. They help one another in the hour of need. They become enduring friends. They learn to become independent. In the hostel, students have to live according to the rules of the hostel. They have to wake up on time, sleep on time, have food on time, study on time, etc. This helps them in maintaining discipline in their lifestyles.

In hostels, students have to do a number of chores by themselves like taking care of their belongings, washing their clothes, making their beds, etc. This helps them to be self-reliant. They learn what is right and what is wrong. Here, they do not depend on their parents. They depend on themselves. School children staying in hostels are guided by wardens and teachers. The adults are masters of themselves. Hostel life makes the student’s life regular and systematic.

Students of educational institutions may face problems in a hostel in the beginning. Ragging generally takes place in a hostel. Senior students make fun of junior students. Unfortunately, at times, ragging crosses all limits of decency. Effective steps need to be taken to prevent ragging.

There are also chances of students going astray in hostels. They should be properly guided by the hostel authorities. Students stay away from their parents in a hostel. They crave the love and affection of their parents. They feel homesick. Some students who are not very good at studies, in the absence of proper guidance, neglect their studies. Some students feel free from all bondages and become masters of their own will as they are away from their parents. In such cases, students may choose evil companies and form bad habits. Parents should visit them regularly and give them emotional support and guidance to help them walk on the correct path.

Students face life practically on their own in a hostel. Life in a hostel instills confidence in them. They develop their personality. They learn to face the problems in life. They learn to be self-disciplined, regular, and punctual. They develop a feeling of respect for other religions and cultures. They learn to help and cooperate with one another. They learn social etiquette and lead a better and more disciplined life. Hostel life thus helps them to develop many good qualities and make the students good citizens.

Essay No. 2

Hostel Life

Hostel life is a free and sacred life. It is very conducive to living. The atmosphere is quite congenial for studies and suitable for the qualities of domestic life like co-operation, fellow- felling, and self–managing affairs. If a student takes it seriously, he can develop all qualities of a good citizen.

A student who lives in a hostel is free from ordinary anxieties and cares. He can concentrate his mind fully on his studies. Besides, he can take part in social activities and can learn many virtues from his senior students.

He can also increase his knowledge and remove his weaknesses. Thus, he becomes mannerly, polished, and cultured. His shyness fades always. He learns to speak fluently and express his ideas. It is because he mixes up with different types of students. he learns how to behave in society. He acquires good manners and in the future becomes a disciplined man and good citizen.

Life in a hostel is full of responsibilities. You are free from the sharp eye of your parents and elders but here you are to use your own intellect. You can fall easy prey to evil ways, bad company, drugs, smoking, wastage of time, and whatnot. This is the real test of your true self. You can make or mar your career. A hostel accommodates both the good and bad students. it gives an opportunity to a good student to take the benefit of everything, all facilities at hand, good teachers, good library, laboratory. You do have not to worry about anything except your studies. If you are able to make a good shine like a diamond. But if your show yourself down, give way to evil ways, they will go on closing their grip on you, and ultimately it will be difficult for your to get freed.

Hostel life is a memorable period of one’s whole life. it gives us lifelong friends and memories. It makes you self-confident and responsible. It takes you out of your parental care and shows you the reality of life you tend to learn by your own mistakes. Your seniors are your best guides. You learn to respect them and try to go in their footsteps.

Essay No. 03

Life in a Hostel

Every student cannot say much about the life in a hostel. Only a student who lives in a hostel or has lived in a hostel can say something at length about it. However, anybody can imagine certain things which do not need any explanation or corroboration from an expert. I have some idea of the hostel life not from personal experience but on the basis of experience as told me by my brother who lived in a big hostel of a famous public school.

In the hostel, a student has to lead a much-disciplined life. He has to get up early in the morning and take physical exercise or have a race according to schedule, depending upon rules and orders from the Principal or the warden. These days in some hostels yoga and meditation lessons are also given.

There are fixed times for various meals like breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the hostel. Usually, a bell is rung at the appropriate time. Meals are taken by the hostelers, class or block-wise or all together. The hostelers also play indoor games or watch T.V in the hostel hall together. This encourages interaction, mental trust, and help. In some hostels, TV sets may be provided in individual rooms of the hostelers. But that does not diminish the spirit of oneness and brotherhood which the hostel life provides with by its very nature. In some hostels, there may be AC rooms but that is not there in all hostels.

The commonest problem faced by students in most of the hostels is that of meals. Many students who live in hostels complain of poor food served at meals. They say that the food served is tasteless, unpalatable, and insipid. However, in hostels where the hostelers themselves manage the hostel mess and canteen on a cooperative basis and employ good cooks, the students can arrange the choicest food at reasonable rates, sometimes even better than that they get at home.

The hostel students have good company during the session but at the end of it or on vacation they feel bored because of loneliness or lack of any routine work and often visit their homes and families to the great delight of themselves and members of their families.

Essay No. 04

Hostel life is entirely different from life at home. Many parents prefer to send their children to a hostel so that they are away from the homely – pleasure and learn to live and grow on their own. Hostel life provides the most ideal atmosphere for study. The students get more time and suitable atmosphere to do their studies, to get help or guidance for anything from their class-fellows and moreover, from seniors who are living close by. Even a careless or negligent student starts working hard when he sees his roommate or neighbor competing for the position. Thus hostel life inspires a lesson of mutual co-operation and the spirit of healthy competition

The greatest blessing for students away from home is the independence in hostel life. Nobody is there to question whether they go to bed late at night or get up late in the mornings. Everyone is a master of his own, in spite of the strict rules and regulations of the hostel. Those who love freedom like hostel life very much. Even during vacations, such students do not wish to visit their homes. Further, there is no elder to check the activities. The student does not have to live as other members of the family life and he is required to adjust on so many occasions. He is to keep in mind the convenience of others and may have to study in spite of the presence of guests at home.

In hostel life, a student may learn many good qualities after coming into contact with many other students from different cultures, states, and walks of life. A student can get inspiration from other mates in the hostel who daily go for morning walks or exercise. A single student can set good examples for other students in a hostel. The characteristics of good hostel life are love, co-operation, and sympathy for fellow friends. All-round development of the personality is possible by living for a few years in a hostel. The students are always in touch with people of their own age and who have varied aptitudes and tastes. Friends can be selected based on your own choice and liking.

In hostel life, students learn a lot from mutual discussions. Whether it is the political scene of the country or the criticism of the latest picture seen by them or about their favorite heroine or hero or about a cricket match or favorite sportspersons, every discussion becomes lively and a source of unlimited information and knowledge. Then there are holidays, special events like eating competitions and indoor or outdoor matches which make hostel life a thing of envy for others living in homes. Further, whenever any student falls ill, all other students take good care of him and provide him all types of help. They try to guide him for the missed periods of study in the classroom.

Hostel life has many drawbacks also just like the two sides of a coin. Sometimes, freedom of hostel life leads them astray. They find the atmosphere entirely new and free. They start following some spoilt children of the rich class and start asking for more and more money from their parents. They make it a routine to go to cinemas and waste time in only enjoyment and merry-making. Even some students start smoking, gambling, or even go to the extent of drinking. They do not care for the hard-earned money sent by their parents. However, such students have to repent in the latter part of their lives for not learning anything in spite of the best opportunities.

Hostel life can be made free from all above harmful effects by following specific and strict rules and regulations. These rules need to be implemented and not just written down for the record’s sake. The management of the hostel should be professional and practical in approach to achieve the ultimate success of its students.

Essay No. 05

Many students live in hostels. There they live a kind of life which is different from their life at home. This life in a hostel is known as hostel life. In a hostel, students of different places, different families, different tastes, and temperaments happen to live together. Here they sink down their differences and try to adjust with one another and learn how to live successfully in a large society after they leave their school. Here they learn how to live a corporate life with full sympathy and co-operation. So, hostel life is a good life no doubt. Hostel life is very advantageous for those who undertake it. The inmates get a better facility for study through discussion in a hostel than in any other place. Here they learn discipline through the rigor of rules and through mutual adjustment and cooperation.

Students living in hostels lead a very regular life. They are very punctual in their daily duties. They get up at right time. They bathe at right time. They pray to God at right time. They come back to the hostel at right time. They sit for lunch, dinner, and breakfast at the right times.

They sup and sleep at the right times. The bell of the hostel rings at the right points of time to make the inmates regular and punctual. On Saturdays and Sundays, they make feasts and picnics and eat with a happier mood. On holidays and holy days, they make merry with pomp and ceremony. The mess of the hostel is directly managed by the inmates. At the end of every month, they hold a meeting, discuss the mess accounts and elect a Manager for the succeeding month from among themselves. They eat foods of general nature. On Saturdays, they hold music and debates. On Sundays, they borrow books from the library of the hostel. Hostel-life suffers from the possible disadvantages. Lack of essential necessities and necessary provisions bears a very bad effect on hostel discipline.

Essay No. 06

There are certain schools which admit only day scholars but some both boarders and day scholars. And some take in only borders. I have studied in a school which requires students to be compulsorily boarders. To me, hostel life was a pleasure, but my parents were never too keen to send me there for a very long time. It was only when I turned fourteen that I was admitted to a boarding house. After all, a home is a home. But I tried to take advantage of my stay in a hostel. Why do students get an education? The purpose of education is to prepare students in such a way that when they step out of their limited society called school they should be able to face life’s challenges and shoulder responsibilities. They should be well-adjusted in society. It presents a life situation in a miniature form. There, they are taught how to cooperate and develop qualities of sportsmanship. They become independent and self-sufficient. In a hostel, every student is expected to work for himself. They cannot think of anyone else doing their work as they would normally expect at home. They become more disciplined as there is no one to pamper them. They have to say good-bye to sloth and they become active. They have to wash their own clothes, make their own bed, etc. They have to take good care of their health. Whenever they are ill, they have to remember to take their medicines in time. In a hostel, I started doing all these things myself. I found myself becoming more and more responsible. But once you start living in a hostel you miss home a lot. I felt lonely and miserable at times. The food in the dining hall was unpalatable and I began to lose weight. I used to often have an upset stomach and I missed the comforts of home a lot. At times the strict discipline of the hostel becomes too curbing and one feels like breaking away from the chains of hotel life. I do find hostel life great fun because I got to stay with my friends twenty-four hours a day and enjoy all school activities with them, but I did find myself craving for home life too. So, hostel life is a mixture of pain and pleasure, but it is greatly recommended for all students.

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The Hostel Life - Advantages and Disadvantages

A hostel is a place where usually students live and which is supervised by an administration and living in those hostels is called the hostel life. Hostels are aimed at providing budget-oriented, sociable accommodation for students. In a hostel, usually a bunk bed, in a dormitory and share a bathroom, lounge and a kitchen or a mess are provided. Rooms are usually single-sex, although private rooms may also be available for the students who are studying doctorate or PhD level in universities. Hostels are generally aimed at providing an economical and healthy environment for the students that is also safe for them. In a hostel room, it is very important to take care with personal belongings, as other students may share a common living space and things that look alike, so it is advisable to secure your belongings. Most hostels offer some sort of system for safely storing valuables and an increasing number of hostels offer private lockers.

It has been observed that there is less privacy in a hostel room for students as compared to their stay at home, PG or in a private room than in a hotel. Hostels encourage more social interaction between the students due to the shared sleeping areas and communal areas such as lounges, kitchens and internet cafes. Hostels have provision for gymnasium where the hostellers can take morning exercise and building their bodies. There are a reading room and library attached to the hostel to enable the students to study books, newspapers and computer Internet. In a nutshell, the hostel not only cares for the health of the students but also their studies.

The life in a hostel is completely different from that of the home. The greatest blessing of hostel life is an independent life. Students tend to get an independent atmosphere and learn to take decisions of their own. A student may sleep in a hostel whenever he likes to. You may get up late in the morning but none will question you. During your hostel life, no one is after you repeatedly asking you to study unlike at home, which gives you a great sense of responsibility. Apart from the general rules and regulations of the hostel, which are to be followed necessarily by everyone, one is his own master and learns to control his life. It is due to this reason that many students do not like to go home even on long vacations. Those who love freedom love the hostel life.

History of Hostel Life

In 1912, in Altena Castle in Germany, Richard Schirrmann created the first permanent Youth Hostel. These first Youth Hostels were an exponent of the ideology of the German Youth Movement to let poor city youngsters breathe fresh air outdoors. These hostels were not like modern day’s hostels and youths were supposed to manage the hostel themselves as much as possible. Living students or inmates themselves were doing chores to keep the costs down and build character as well as being physically active outdoors. Because of this, many Youth Hostels closed during the middle part of the day. Very few hostels still require chores beyond washing up after self-catered meals or have a "lockout". Hostelling spread fast. Thousands of hostels opened over the next two decades. In 1932, the first international hostel conference was held in Amsterdam. At the conference, the Youth Hostel Federation (YHF) was formed to unite hostel groups from across Europe. Two years after the YHF was established, the first US hostel opened in Northfield, Massachusetts. And from then onwards the concept of modern hostel culture for students begin to pick up and resulted in modern hostels of the present. Hostels haven’t changed much in their hundred-plus year history. They remain an empowering, affordable means of accommodation.

Hostel Life Vs Home Life - Comparison

Hostel life can be a very pleasant journey. In a hostel, many students almost of the same age live together who are studying almost in the same class or year. Thus students of same nature develop great intimacy among themselves while they get their freedom and develop a sense of self-responsibility. Studying and living together develop a great sense of oneness among them and grows a spirit of co-operation and fellow-feeling among them. They help one another in case of need. Also if one needs to study on his own, there are separate study rooms or reading rooms provided where they can study peacefully and in case of any doubt can consult fellow hostellers. To earnest students, it is a better place for studies. They are free here. On the other hand at home, they are for most of the time occupied by some of the other domestic duties which interfere with their studies a lot. But therein hostel students can go on with their studies without any interruption.

It is very obvious that the life at home cannot be compared to the life in a hostel; both are really opposite face of the coin. Hostel life is full of fun, amusement and youthfulness and an individual are constantly in a touch of people of his age on the other hand at home one has to live as other members of the family live and elders are always there to check the activities of youngsters. At home one has to go on according to the family that includes sleeping time, eating time and time for leisure. One cannot even frame one's own timetable of studies. One has to keep in mind the convenience of others also. One has to study while others keep on talking and gossiping. Whereas in a hostel students discuss their lessons and help one another in the matter of studies. They can remember a thing well by mutual discussion. Moreover, even non-studious students are induced to read when they see that others are reading.

At home, there is no atmosphere for serious studies. There is constant disturbance due to one reason or the other. The life in a hostel is completely different from that of the home on this issue as there is a provision for a separate study room or reading room for those who want to study in peace. The greatest blessing of hostel life is independence. You may sleep whenever you like. Sometimes social functions are also held in hostel and students take part in these. These develop in them a sense of responsibility, culture and refinement. In the hostel, students have to take care of their own things. They don’t do this at home. All these develop in them a spirit of self-reliance.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life

A hostel is a place where economical, healthy and safe accommodation is provided for the students of a school or college. Many students live in hostels. There are students who move in from a different town for their education, generally hostels are meant for such students but lately even students from the same town are opting for a hostel. There they live a kind of life which is different from their life at home. This life in the hostel is known as hostel life. If you really want to know about real life then you should pass from hostel life that gives you a sense of responsibility as well as independence. Hostel life teaches you a lot of other things like teamwork, helping your roommates, a sense of unity and adjustment etc.  In a hostel, a student comes in contact with a number of other students of same age and thinking. In a hostel, a student tends to acquire many good qualities from roommates and other hostellers and at the same time they are also vulnerable to the bad influence of the others. When a student sees his next door neighbour daily taking morning exercise, he also gets inspiration. He too tries to be healthy. One good student may become an example for other 25 hostlers. When one is ill, all his hostel fellows try their best to serve him. Mutual cooperation, sympathy, and love are characteristics of hostel life. It will not be an exaggeration to say that only a hostel is the place where an all-round development of personality is possible. On the other hand, few boys who have an addiction to smoking and drinking may also give the same habit to their roommates or other fellow students. If there are advantages then there are also a few disadvantages.

Advantages of Hostel Life

In a hostel, life is full of opportunities of amusement and studies along. One is constantly in touch with young people of one's age and can do a lot of other activities except studying. One can make friends with one's hostel fellows who have varied tastes and aptitudes which can help you out in studying as well. One may choose his friends according to his own likes and interests and can spend quality time with buddies even after the classes. Mutual discussions of their favourite film actors and actresses, long criticism of the latest picture seen by them, and story-telling, add charm to hostel life. Good arrangements of games and sports, Sunday specials and eating competitions, and day-to-day merry-making make the hostel life a thing of envy for all. Apart from fun-leisure activities, hostellers have a unique unity and are always ready to help one another whenever needed. However other advantages include:

  • As a hosteller is not under the care of his family, he develops a sense of independence and self-reliance.
  • Individual forms the habit of co-operation with friends and learns the art of cultivating working and behaviour.
  • Living in the hostel, that is usually located inside the campus saves your travelling time and expenses.
  • One gets a chance to bond with classmates who turn out to be one of the best friends for life ahead.
  • A student can take help of other fellows in studies if he has any problem with any particular topic.
  • There are facilities for fun, leisure and other recreational activities.
  • Hostels provide the best atmosphere for study. If students enjoy the hostel life in different ways, they also work very hard when the time comes for it.
  • When a careless and negligent student sees his partner or his neighbour competing for the position, he also tries to follow his example.
  • Hostel life tends to develop a healthy competition and mutual co-operation among hostellers.

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

Hostel life with its so many advantages has some drawbacks also. Students coming for the first time to a hostel, find an entirely new atmosphere. The freedom of the hostel at times leads them astray. Their parents are not there to check them. This may lead them into evil ways. They begin to smoke, gamble and at times even to drink. A daily visit to some cinema becomes a routine. Some students spend money lavishly and even borrow money from their friends. Living away from their parents they do what they can’t do in their home. They fail to choose good companions. The unlimited freedom proves harmful for such students. If a hosteller falls into a bad company he has chances of going astray. It does not get proper money from his parents, he has the tendency to develop evil habits and to divert his categories under the influence of bad company. It is also possible that if he looks at a rich co-hosteller spending extra money and enjoying himself, he develops an inferiority complex which spoils his character and personality. The students staying at hostels are denied the love and affection of their near and dear ones. The absence of loving care which only their parents and other ones can give tend to a nagging sense of loneliness. Other disadvantages may include:

  • Ragging by seniors
  • Influence of bad company may draw a student towards smoking, drugs and drinking.
  • At times it is difficult to concentrate on studies in the college atmosphere that is full of youth and fun.
  • Living conditions are far less comfortable than that at home.
  • A lot of students have the problem digesting the routine food served at the mess.
  • Parents send their wards to the hostel for study, but there they waste their time in enjoyment and merry-making.
  • Sleeping late may hamper concentration in class on the next day.

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Updated On: 19-Sep-2018

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long essay on hostel life

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: Hostel Life

Writing a short essay on hostel life presents a unique opportunity to explore the vibrant and diverse experiences of students living away from home. Hostel life is not just about accommodation for students; it’s a mix of independence, challenges, learning, and fun. Whether you’re reflecting on your own experiences or researching the topic, a well-crafted essay can vividly portray the essence of life in a hostel. Here’s how to structure and detail such an essay effectively.

Table of Contents

Title and Introduction

Title : Choose a catchy and descriptive title that captures the essence of your essay, such as “The Adventure of Hostel Life: A Blend of Freedom and Challenges.”

Body of the Essay

Hostel life essay example #1.

Hostel life is a transformative phase in one’s academic journey, offering a unique blend of independence, camaraderie, and personal growth. It is a period where individuals step out of their comfort zones, leaving the familiarity of home to embark on an adventure that shapes their character, broadens their horizons, and forges lifelong connections. In this essay, we will explore the diverse aspects of hostel life, including daily routines, relationships, challenges, personal growth, and the indelible memories that are formed within the hostel walls.

Living in a hostel is not without its challenges. The transition from home to hostel can be daunting, with feelings of homesickness and a sense of unfamiliarity. However, these challenges become catalysts for personal growth. Hostel life teaches resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills as individuals learn to navigate through conflicts, manage their emotions, and find their place within a new community. The hostel becomes a crucible for personal development, shaping individuals into more self-reliant and confident versions of themselves.

Hostel life is a transformative chapter in one’s academic pursuit, offering a rich tapestry of experiences, personal growth, and connections. It is a period where individuals discover their strengths, navigate challenges, and forge lifelong friendships. The hostel becomes a microcosm of the world, nurturing a sense of independence, cultural exchange, and personal development. As individuals bid farewell to their hostel days, they carry with them a treasure trove of memories, shaped by the invaluable experiences that hostel life has gifted them.

Hostel Life Essay Example #2

Living in a hostel inevitably brings forth a range of challenges that contribute to personal growth and resilience. Adapting to a new environment, coping with homesickness, and encountering diverse personalities are all part of the hostel experience. These challenges demand resilience, encouraging individuals to develop problem-solving abilities, emotional strength, and adaptability. Overcoming such obstacles nurtures a sense of resilience that extends beyond the hostel years into various facets of life.

Hostel Life Essay Example #3

The hostel experience is a pivotal chapter in the lives of many students, serving as a crucible for personal growth, independence, and self-discovery. It is a vibrant tapestry woven with diverse experiences, challenges, and transformative moments. In this essay, we will explore the multifaceted nature of the hostel experience, examining the development of independence, the pursuit of knowledge, the fostering of life skills, and the forging of lifelong connections.

Living in a hostel equips individuals with a myriad of life skills that extend far beyond the academic realm. From managing conflicts and fostering effective communication to honing organizational and problem-solving abilities, hostel residents develop a versatile skill set that prepares them for the challenges of adulthood. The hostel becomes a training ground for personal development, nurturing resilience, adaptability, and resourcefulness.

The hostel experience is a transformative journey of independence, learning, and self-discovery. It provides a platform for individuals to develop essential life skills, broaden their horizons, and forge lasting connections. Through the tapestry of hostel life, students emerge as confident, adaptable, and well-rounded individuals ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. The hostel experience is not merely a place of residence; it is a transformative chapter that leaves an indelible mark on one’s academic journey and shapes the trajectory of their personal and professional lives.

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  • Speech on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life


Speech on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life for Students in English

A hostel is a place where students live to study or for work. It is usually supervised by a hostel manager and residents. Students living in hostels experience their hostel life. These hostels eventually became their homes. Hostels are primarily built, taking into account the needs of struggling students and working-class officials.

It provides people with adequate housing, shelter, and food at affordable prices. The hostel mainly consists of one bed, a room shared by two or three people, a kitchen and a shared bathroom. Let’s go through the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life speech below. 

Long Speech on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life

Hello to all my esteemed principals, teachers, and colleagues. Today, I will be discussing the pros and cons one faces while living in a hostel.

A hostel is a place where students of a school or college can experience economic, healthy, and safe accommodation. Many students around the world live in hostels. Generally, hostels are meant for students who migrate from a long distance for their education. It is completely a different kind of life from normal life at home.

If you really want to know what real life is? Then, you should stay in a hostel. This gives students a sense of responsibility, independence, and self-care. Hostel life teaches you a lot of good things such as teamwork, a helping mindset, a sense of unity and sacrifice, etc. There are lots of advantages to hostel life. When there are a lot of advantages, there must be disadvantages too. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life. 

Advantages of Hostel Life

Hostel life is full of opportunities and excitement. One can make friends with fellow hostellers of different tastes and knowledge which can be helpful in studying as well. One may choose friends of his own likes and interests and can spend quality time with them even when classes end. Hostellers can get to know each other very well by sharing their interests and things, this builds a strong relationship between fellow mates and will build unity among them. However, there are lots of other advantages, such as-

A hosteller, who is not under the support of his/her family, can develop a sense of independence and self-reliance.

An individual can develop the habit of co-operation with friends and can learn the art of cultivating work and behaviour.

Living in a hostel, that is within the campus, saves a lot of travelling time and expenses.

It provides a chance to develop a bond with classmates and this could lead them to be best friends for life.

A student can take help from fellow classmates in studies within the hostel if he/she has any problem or doubt with any specific topic.

Hostels provide students with the best atmosphere to study. This leads to scoring more marks in the examination.

When a careless and negligent student sees his fellow mate competing for the top position in the exams, he will also try to follow by taking him as an example. This tends to develop healthy competition and mutual co-operation among hostellers.

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

Hostel life, which has a huge number of advantages, has some drawbacks too. First-time hostellers find it very difficult to adapt to the circumstances, as it is completely a new environment for them. The freedom of the hostel life could lead to carelessness in times as their parents are not there to monitor them. This may lead them to bad habits. Living away from their parents gives them the freedom to do what they can’t do in their homes. Failing to choose good companions leads them to develop bad habits.

If a person with a bad companion does not get enough money from his parents, he has the tendency to develop evil habits such as stealing and diverting his categories under the influence of bad company. On the other hand, the absence of love, care with their parents gives them a sense of loneliness. Some of the other disadvantages include-

Ragging of juniors by the seniors.

The influence of bad company diverts a student towards ill habits.

At times it becomes very difficult to concentrate on studies in an atmosphere that is full of youth and fun.

Living conditions are pretty less comfortable than that at home.

A lot of students have a problem adapting to the routine food served at the mess.

Short Speech on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life

Hello to all of you here. Today, I am here to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life. Life in a hostel can be a roller coaster ride. 

The days spent in a hostel make one of the most beautiful phases of life. New students may take a few days to adapt to this environment but soon get comfortable with it and begin a journey that can be cherished for a long time.

Children usually get extremely pampered these days. They get whatever they wish for and are taken care of by their parents from eating to sleeping to shopping. In contrast, if they get enrolled in a hostel and begin a new life, they learn to be more independent and less demanding. They get aware of all their daily needs on their own. Everything from ironing, cleaning, shopping must be done on their own. It might be quite difficult at times but, it can also be quite exciting that they have found a life that is totally independent.

Students learn to tackle different problems and situations and are able to make decisions of their own. They learn about the power and beauty of friendship and unity. Generally, the friendships that are made during the hostel life are said to last for a lifetime. One thing that most students are worried about in hostel life is the food. Instances of bullying are also common in hostels. However, overall it is a great experience of life.

10 points on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life

A hostel is a place where many students live at a low cost for the purpose of studying. 

Hostels are designed to provide students with accommodation and other basic necessities of daily life.

Life in a hostel is something that turns out to be good or bad, and it depends entirely on the person who lives there.

One can be happy in their hostel days forever, but in some cases, it can be a nightmare.

It is a human responsibility to make sure that you are on the right track and that you are making a real effort.

There are problems in hostels such as fraud, harassment, malnutrition, etc. But man must fight the situation smartly and bravely.

The initial purpose of the hostel stay is to focus on one study without interruption.

One should not be distracted by parties or activities that are in harmony with one's peers.

There are things to enjoy in hostels, such as friendship, unity, etc. The only purpose should be to study.

It’s a really fun trip to stay in a hostel.

In this article, we went through the 5 min speech on the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life (long speech), short speech and 10 lines speech. Going through the speeches we can understand many advantages and disadvantages of hostel life. The 5 min speech on the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life will help students, teachers, kids, and other people who will be giving a speech on this topic at a public event. 


FAQs on Speech on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life

1. What are the important things to carry for a hostel?

Documents such as

Utensils such as

Toiletries such as

Electronics such as (if allowed)

Other essential things such as

2. Which is better: hostel food vs house food?

No doubt home food can never be replaced but living in a hostel is learning to live life on your own. Every time, everything may not go your way. You cannot complain to your parents about the food and ask them to make a dish.

Imagine being in a hostel with very bad food. One might think that skipping meals would make it better but it won’t. Learning how to explain the problem with the food to the management is when you learn to deal with problems in a diplomatic way.

Essay on “Hostel Life” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

Hostel Life

Essay No. 01

Hostel life is a free and sacred life. It is very conducive to living. The atmosphere is quite congenial for studies and suitable for the qualities of domestic life like co-operation, fellow-feeling and self-managing affairs. If a student takes it seriously, he can develop all qualities of a good citizen.

A student who lives in a hostel is free from ordinary anxieties and cares. He can concentrate his mind fully on his studies. Besides, he can take part in social activities and can learn many virtues from his senior students.

He can also increase his knowledge and remove his weaknesses. Thus, he becomes mannerly, polished and cultured. Shyness fades always lie learns to speak fluently and express his ideas. It is because he mixes up with different types of students. He learns how to behave in society. He acquires good manners and in future becomes a disciplined man and good citizen.

Life in a hostel is full of responsibilities. You are free from the sharp eye of your parents and elders but here you are to use your own intellect. You can fall an easy prey to evil ways, bad company, drugs, smoking, wastage of time and what not. This the real test of your true self. You can make or mar your career. A hostel accommodates both the good and bad students. It gives an opportunity to a good student to take the benefit of everything, all facilities at hand, good teachers, good library, laboratory. You have not to worry about my thing except your studies. If you are able to make a good image of yourself, the evil will itself fly from you. You can shine like a diamond. But if you show yourself down, give way to evil ways, they will go on closing their grip on you and ultimately it will be difficult for you to get freed.

Hostel life is a memorable period of one’s whole life. It gives us lifelong friends and memories. It makes you self confident and responsible. It takes you out of your parental care and shows you the reality of life you tend to learn by your own mistakes. Your seniors are your best guides. You learn to respect them and try to go on their footsteps.

Essay No. 02

Majority of students live in their own homes but there are those also who have to study in hostels.

Hostel life is not easy because the day a student joins a hostel he has to live a life of discipline and punctuality, but soon the charm of new life, new friends makes him happy.

In a hostel, a student learns to be more responsible, generous and helpful to others and also be his own master.

Life in hostel teaches one to be disciplined and also many useful lessons which he can never learn from books. In hostels, students come from different backgrounds and mix with each other and form a lifelong friendship.

Moreover in hostel, students learn to be punctual in their studies and correct in behaviour. They are aware of the watchful eyes of the hostel warden and know that they would be punished if they misbehave. Certain irregularities of conduct can be tolerated by parents but not in hostel life.

Life in hostel teaches cooperation to students for they dine together, play together and enjoy themselves. Moreover in hostel, students understand the value of money also for they are not allowed to spend their money without proper reasons. Students become all-rounder in a hostel as they are encouraged to take part in various activities. This also boosts their confidence.

Thus hostel life teaches students to be disciplined, independent, self confident and cooperative and gives students an opportunity to become better individuals.

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Essay On Hostel Life

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  • Reading time: 8 mins read

Set 1: Essay On Hostel Life

Education is to prepare students in such a way that when they step out of their limited society into the real world they should be able to face life’s challenges and shoulder responsibilities. Hostels are a small world which teach us how to cooperate and develop the qualities of sportsmanship. In hostels, students become independent and self sufficient. There the students can not expect anything to be done for them. They have to do everything on their own. They become more disciplined as there is no one to pamper them. But many a times students miss their homes and the comforts of home. Strict disciplines of the hostels too become curbic and one feels like coming back to home. Hostels are a mixture of pain and pleasure but it should be a must for all the students to let him become more realistic.

Set 2: Essay On Life in a Hostel

Living in a hostel is a lesson in itself. While living at home the young does not turn into a self-dependent being for this thing and for that for little things even of personal nature, the young look up to the mother or the elder sister. They would keep the clothes in the wardrobe they would prepare the dress for the school and put it in order every morning, they would even arrange the school bag whether it contains all that is required the books and notebooks for the day, the pen with ink or lead and the pencil sharpened. The tiffin box should be got ready and then even the study table should be set right and of course, the bed to be put in order. The soap, the shampoo, the powder – toothpaste, the brush – the towel- all to be there in the bathroom. Someone should always be looking after all these items. So much dependence, so much no-care attitude, so much demanding, so much supplying this is normally to be found in every home. The young grows a little too indulgent.

Sent to the hostel, that one who had remained so much dependent for everything on his or her mother or elder sister or servants, finds himself, initially at a loss. How to adjust, how to manage, how to lookafter every thing by himself. The house-master would come for surprise inspection and he should find everything spic and span, everything in order no clothes lying on the bed all properly folded and kept in the wardrobe; the study table properly set – books and notebooks all kept arranged and the pen and pencil kept in the pencil box. The bed should have been well-set – no servant or maid to do it.

So this is a training in self-help which is the first and foremost lesson that one learns from the hostel life.

The other very important training is in discipline. Fixed hours and timings for everything time to leave the bed in the morning not that turning over sides while the mother cajoling to make you leave the bed or else would get late for school none to do that. A quick bath and dressing up, setting the school bag, nothing to be missed.

The bell rings calling each one to the dining hall for breakfast. The same menu for all no cringing, no crying that you like this and do not like that, or you want this or you want that. The menu, of course, would keep changing every morning new things added or served but the same for all. – –

It is a lesson learnt in developing a taste for all kinds of food a disciplining of the palate, which does not happen in the home. There the mother keeps caring what he or she likes more and what not.

The school hours, the lunch recess, the evening games, the dinner and completing the class work – all has to go on in a regulated daily manner. The mind has to get set to the pattern and any delay or divergence would go wrong.

Regulated way of life is another lesson that hostel life teaches. The most important lesson that hostel life gives is the training in corporate living – living together. It is a lesson in Social living; in Sociability; in learning the spirit of adjustment and accommodation. This is a great lesson which goes a long way in later life on the Social front.

Hostel life, thus has many things to learn, but there are, sometimes, many things that this life gives an occasion to, which can spoil one’s life.

At home, there is the mother, the father, sisters and brothers who give you company as also keep a watch on you. In the hostel if you catch company of bad boys and if there is some laxity in Superintendence you can fall into evil ways, take to drugs or indulge in late night cinerna shows and there is no one so concerned about you as a mother, a sister or a brother can be. The result can be a complete disaster in life.

Discipline is best that comes from within.Hostel life, thus, has many good things and make one’s life disciplined, organised and self-reliant but if the track goes wrong it would mean a derailment and a permanent damage.

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Student Hostel Guide

Hostel Life: The Secret to Making Friends, Saving Money

Hostel Life Advantages

Frequently Ask Questions: 

Is Hostel Life Important?

Hostel life can be very important and meaningful for students who want to focus on their studies, as it can help them to develop a number of important skills and qualities. Here are some of the key benefits of hostel life:

Learn to be independent: Living in a hostel can help students to learn to be more independent and self-reliant. They will need to take care of their own laundry, cooking, and cleaning, and they will also need to manage their own time and finances.

This can be a valuable lear ning experience, as it can help students to develop the skills they need to live on their own after they graduate.

Making New Friends:

Hostel life can also be a great way to make friends. Students will be living and studying with other students from all over the world, and they will have the opportunity to learn about different cultures and perspectives.

This can be a valuable experience, as it can help students to become more well-rounded and tolerant individuals. Develop a sense of community: Hostel life can also help students to develop a sense of community. 

They will be living and working with other students, and they will be able to rely on each other for support and advice. This can be a valuable experience, as it can help students to feel more connected to others and to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves.

Of course, hostel life is not without its challenges. Students may experience homesickness, loneliness, and culture shock. However, these challenges can be overcome, and the benefits of hostel life can be very rewarding.

How Do I Adjust Myself In a Hostel?

Opportunities to Learn New Experiences:

One of the best things about hostel life is the opportunity to meet new people and learn about different cultures. Be open to new experiences, and don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone.

Participate in Gatherings:

Hostels often offer a variety of activities and events for students to participate in. This is a great way to meet new people and make friends.  

Respect of Colleagues:

Hostel life is a shared experience, so it's important to be respectful of your roommates and other students. Be considerate of their needs, and be mindful of your noise levels.

Taking Care:

Hostel life can be hectic, so it's important to take care of yourself. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly.

What is The Purpose of a Hostel?

A hostel is a type of lodging that provides low-cost, shared accommodation for travelers. Hostels are typically characterized by shared dormitories, communal kitchens, and social areas. They are often popular among backpackers and other budget-minded travelers.

There are many different types of hostels, ranging from small, independently owned businesses to large, international chains. 

Hostels can be found in all parts of the world, and they offer a variety of amenities and services. Some hostels offer free breakfast, laundry facilities, and Wi-Fi. Others may have organized activities or events, such as pub crawls, walking tours, or language classes.

The purpose of a hostel is to provide travelers with a safe, affordable place to stay. Hostels also offer a unique opportunity to meet other travelers from all over the world. Hostels can be a great way to make friends, learn about different cultures, and experience new things.

Hostel Staying Benefits:

Affordable: Hostels are a great option for budget-minded travelers. Dorm beds typically cost between $10 and $30 per night.  

Attending Social Events:

Hostels are a great place to meet other travelers. Many hostels have common areas where guests can relax, socialize, and make friends.  

Good Safety:

Hostels are generally safe places to stay. Most hostels have security measures in place, such as 24-hour staff and security cameras.

Well, Convenient:

Hostels are often located in central locations, making them easy to get to from airports, train stations, and other major transportation hubs.  

What Makes Hostels Different?

Low Room Price:

Hostels are typically much cheaper than hotels. Dorm beds typically cost between $10 and $30 per night, while private rooms can cost between $20 and $50 per night.  

Clean Atmosphere:

Hostels are generally more social than hotels. Many hostels have common areas where guests can relax, socialize, and make friends. Hotels, on the other hand, are often more quiet and private.

Enough Facilities:

Hostels typically offer fewer amenities than hotels. Some hostels may have free breakfast, laundry facilities, and Wi-Fi. Others may have organized activities or events, such as pub crawls, walking tours, or language classes. Hotels, on the other hand, typically offer a wider range of amenities, such as restaurants, bars, gyms, and pools.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life Essay

Hostel life is considered the best part of a student’s life. Those who have experienced it swear by it and those who haven’t wish they could. Hostel life comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages. Hostel life is full of friends, fun and independence. It gives numerous memories to the students to cherish forever. A student who has experienced hostel life is better off at taking decisions and forming viewpoint about various things.

However, hostel life also has certain set of disadvantages. With independence and absence of guardian, it needs strong determination to stick to your schedule of studies and other extracurricular activities. Hostel life also presents the challenge of resisting wrong temptations wrong habits that could spoil health, career and life as well.

Long and Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life in English

Below we are providing Long and Short Essays on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

After going through the essays you will get to know complete facts about a hostel life, how it’s like staying in a hostel, what are the advantages and disadvantages of staying in a hostel etc.

You can go with anyone Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life essay which you like the most:

Short Essay on Hostel Life of a Student – Essay 1 (200 words)

Hostel life is a beautiful phase. It takes a few days for new students to adjust to the environment of the hostel. However, they soon get accustomed to the same and begin a journey which is cherished for a long time.

Children these days are extremely pampered. They get what they want and are taken utmost care of. From eating to sleeping to shopping, their parents are always there to take care of every little detail. However, once they are enrolled at a hostel and begin their life at this new place they need to learn to be more independent and less demanding. They require taking care of all their day to day needs on their own.

From ironing their clothes to shopping the things of necessity, they learn to do everything on their own. While they may find it a little difficult at times, it is also quite exciting to have found this feeling of independence. They learn to tackle different situations and take decisions on various matters on their own. They learn about the beauty and power of friendship. Friendships made during the hostel life last for a life time.

There is one thing that most students despise about the hostel life and that is the hostel food. However, all in all it is a great experience.

Essay on My Hostel Life Experience – Essay 2 (300 words)


My father is in a transferable job and hence has to move to a new city every three years. This was impacting my studies as the study pattern and teaching methods differ from place to place. Just when I used to get accustomed to the teachers, students and the school environment after great difficulty, we got the news that we had to move to a different city. In order to overcome this problem, my parents decided to enroll me at a hostel.

Hostel Life Made Me Bold and Confident

As I began my hostel life, I took a few weeks to set myself emotionally and adjust to the new environment just as every new student at the hostel does. However, I soon got accustomed to the new place and made quite a few friends. I had been quite shy and reserved before I entered the hostel three year back. I was dependent on my parents for every small need.

However, the hostel life has turned me into a bold and confident person. I can now deal with difficult situations with ease. I do not panic or get emotional easily. I have emerged as a strong person. This may be because living in a hostel teaches us to live independently and we are bound to take charge of our life.

Hostel is like a Second Home for Me

As excited as I am to visit my home, I am equally excited to get back to the hostel as the vacation comes to end. I look forward to meeting my friends and living my life over in that small hostel room. I look forward to the table tennis room where I spend hours setting new records and the hostel ground where I sit with my friends chit chatting about various things. Hostel has become a second home for me.

To conclude, I can say that hostel is the best thing that has happened to me. It has changed my personality for good.

Essay on Hostel Life is Good or Bad? – Essay 3 (400 words)

Ask a hostel student if life in hostel is good or bad and he will narrate all the pros and cons of the hostel life. However, if you ask an adult who has had an experience of living in a hostel, he is likely to narrate his memories fondly and tell you that it was the best phase of his life. This is because there are certain difficulties of living in the hostel however the benefits it offers surpass them and with time it is only the good that we remember. However, everyone can have a different experience.

Hostel Life is Largely Good

I have been living in the hostel for around four years now and my experience has largely been good. I am quite attached to my parents and being the only child I have always been quite pampered. My parents and grandparents have showered me with immense love and taken care of all my needs.

This is why the initial days in the hostel were very difficult for me. I was in fifth standard when my parents enrolled me here. I had never lived even a single day without my mother until that time. It was extremely hard for me to live without her particularly. However, I soon became friends with my roommates and the joy ride began. I was fortunate to have found like-minded roommates.

Gradually, we found out that we had a lot in common and so much to talk about. We have become the best of friends since then. We study, play, dance and enjoy numerous other activities together. Their friendship is the best part of my hostel life. There is just no boredom when you are in a hostel as you are always surrounded by friends.

I also love the fact that living in hostel has made me independent. I have learned to observe and understand people and situations before taking any decision about them. This has made me more confident.

But I really miss the home-cooked food. I look forward to the holidays not only because I am eager to meet my family but also because I crave for the yummy food made by my mother. Ironing the clothes and cleaning my bathroom are few other things that I despise about the hostel. But it is a part and parcel of the hostel life.

To conclude, I would say, I am grateful to my parents for letting me experience the wonderful hostel life. This has made me grow mature and take care of most of my needs on my own.

Essay on Hostel Life vs. Home Life – Essay 4 (500 words)

There is a big difference between the hostel life and home life. Both these have their set of pros and cons. Every student must experience the hostel life to know the perks it offers as well as the difficulties one has to face living in the hostel.

Hostel Life vs. Home Life

Here is how the hostel life and home life are different from each other:

  • Rules and Regulations

Hostels have certain set of rules and regulations that the students are bound to follow. The hostel warden is there to ensure that each and every student follows the rules and leads a disciplined life. However, at home there are no strict rules. While our parents do set certain rules for us they are flexible with them many a times unlike the warden who is stringent about the rules.

  • Use of Internet

The use of internet is restricted in the hostel. Unlike our house we do not get the benefit of enjoying unlimited Wi-Fi connection. Most of the hostels allow the students to use internet for few hours a day and that too for study purpose. Though many students have mobile phones these days, they do not get enough pocket money to take an unlimited data connection.

  • No Choice of Food

At home, we get the privilege of having what we want. All we have to do is to ask our mother for the same. However, in hostel there is no such choice. Students living in the hostel have to eat what is available irrespective of whether they like it or not.

  • No Late Entry

Students are not allowed to come back to hostel late at night. So, they cannot enjoy late night parties or movies whereas most of us our lucky to have parents who allow us to go out with friends late at night at times.

  • Outside Friends Not Allowed

We can only have fun with our hostel buddies when we are living in a hostel. Girls’ entry in a boys’ hostel and vice-versa is particularly a strict no. However, there is no such restriction at home.

  • Taking Care of Needs

At home our parents are there to take care of every single need of ours. We do not have to wash and iron our clothes or go shopping for the daily need goods. However, in hostel we need to do all of these things on our own.

While at home, we may get bored at times, in hostel there is no scope of getting boredom as our friends are always around and most of them are up to some fun stuff.

I have stayed at home and studied at a regular school until fifth standard and am living in the hostel for the last five years. With my experience, I can say that while both hostel life and home life are different and have their own set of pros and cons, hostel life is anytime better as we get a learn a lot from it. It is a great experience and shapes us for good. A student who has lived in a hostel is better prepared to take up various challenges in life.

Long Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life – Essay 5 (600 words)

Hostel life is challenging yet exciting. It offers numerous advantages but also comes with its set of disadvantages. One can clearly tell the difference between a student who lives in a hostel and one who lives with parents and goes to a regular school. Those who get the opportunity to stay in a hostel are likely to become bolder and more confident. However, they may also incur certain negative traits. Here is a look at the advantages and disadvantages of hostel life.

Advantages of Hostel Life

Let us first look at the advantages of hostel life:

  • Teaches Independence

Hostel life teaches students to become more independent. They learn to take charge of their life by taking decisions solely in different situations.

  • Boosts Confidence

Students are faced with different situations and meet all types of people while living in the hostel. Dealing with different situations and people over the years boosts their confidence.

  • Makes Bolder

Students living in the hostel also tend to get bolder compared to those who live with their parents and attend regular school. They are better prepared to tackle various challenges in life.

  • Instils Discipline

Hostels have certain set of rules that need to be followed at all times. The students are expected to wake up, take bath, reach their college and sleep at the same time each day. Students who do not follow the rules are punished severely so they do not repeat the mistake. This instils discipline in them.

  • Introduces to Various Cultures

Students from various cultural backgrounds come to stay in the hostels. Living with each other day in and day out, the students learn about their culture and traditions.

  • Builds Long Lasting Friendships

Staying away from the family, hostel buddies are there to take care of each other. They develop an emotional connect with one another over the time. Hostel is the place where people make long lasting friendships and memories to cherish forever.

  • Teaches New Skills

Hostel students need to do all their tasks on their own. They learn several new skills such as washing clothes, ironing them, cleaning their room, keeping their books tidy, purchasing stuff on budget and even cooking.

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

Here is a look at the disadvantages of hostel life:

  • Introverts May Face Difficulty

Introverts may have a difficult time interacting with their hostel mates and making new friends. They are often left out and cry their heart out when alone as they miss their family badly.

  • Living Far From Family

Living far from the family is difficult for everyone. Many students get extremely emotional at times as they are reminded of the good times spent with their family. It is particularly difficult for the students to return to hostel after the vacations.

  • Difficulty Adjusting in Family Atmosphere

While initially the students get emotional at the thought of staying away from their family, living in the hostel for a few years often makes it difficult for them to adjust in the family atmosphere. They grow so accustomed to taking their own decisions and living their way that they do not like any suggestions from their parents and want to live independently.

  • Quality of Food

The quality of food in hostels is not very good. Besides, there is no choice. Students need to eat what they get whether they like it or not.

  • No one to Take Care

Falling sick is the worst part. While the hostel buddies try to take care of each other however they cannot take care like the parents. Thus, recovering from illness often takes a lot of time.

Hostel life offers both advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on the student on how he/ she deals with it and what he imbibes from his stay in the hostel.

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Essay on Hostel Life – Samples, 10 Lines to 1500 Words

Short Essay on Hostel Life

Essay on Hostel Life: Hostel life is a unique experience that many students go through during their academic journey. It is a time filled with new friendships, challenges, and memories that last a lifetime. In this essay, we will explore the ups and downs of hostel life, from late-night study sessions to impromptu dance parties. Join me as we delve into the world of hostel living and discover the true essence of camaraderie and independence that comes with it.

Hostel Life Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing the topic of hostel life and its significance in a student’s life. You can mention how hostel life is a unique experience that shapes a student’s personality and teaches valuable life lessons.

2. Describe the hostel environment: Write about the atmosphere in a hostel, the shared living spaces, and the sense of community among the residents. Mention the diverse group of people you meet in a hostel and how it helps in broadening your perspective.

3. Discuss the challenges of hostel life: Talk about the difficulties of living away from home, such as homesickness, adjusting to a new routine, and managing your own responsibilities. Share your personal experiences and how you overcame these challenges.

4. Highlight the benefits of hostel life: Explain how hostel life fosters independence, self-reliance, and resilience in students. Discuss how living in a hostel helps in developing social skills, time management, and problem-solving abilities.

5. Share memorable experiences: Share anecdotes or incidents from your hostel life that have left a lasting impact on you. It could be a funny incident, a bonding moment with your roommates, or a lesson learned from a difficult situation.

6. Discuss the importance of friendships: Emphasize the role of friendships in hostel life and how they provide emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. Talk about the lifelong friendships you have made in the hostel and how they have enriched your life.

7. Reflect on personal growth: Reflect on how hostel life has contributed to your personal growth and development as an individual. Discuss the skills and qualities you have acquired during your time in the hostel and how they have prepared you for the future.

8. Conclusion: Summarize your essay by reiterating the significance of hostel life in shaping a student’s character and preparing them for the challenges of the real world. End with a thought-provoking statement or a call to action for the readers to appreciate the unique experience of hostel life.

Essay on Hostel Life in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Hostel life is a unique experience where students live together in a shared accommodation. 2. It offers a sense of independence and freedom as students are away from their families. 3. Hostel life encourages social interactions and helps in building strong friendships. 4. It teaches students important life skills such as time management and budgeting. 5. Hostel life can be challenging as students have to adjust to living with roommates and following hostel rules. 6. It provides a conducive environment for studying and academic growth. 7. Hostel life often involves participating in various activities and events organized by the hostel authorities. 8. It helps students to become more responsible and self-reliant. 9. Hostel life can be a mix of fun and hard work, creating lasting memories for students. 10. Overall, hostel life is a transformative experience that prepares students for the real world.

Sample Essay on Hostel Life in 100-180 Words

Hostel life is a unique experience that many students go through during their academic years. It is a time when students leave the comfort of their homes and live in a shared accommodation with their peers. Hostel life is filled with a mix of emotions – excitement, independence, homesickness, and camaraderie.

Living in a hostel teaches students valuable life skills such as time management, budgeting, and social skills. It also fosters a sense of community and friendship among students from different backgrounds. Hostel life is a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and experiences, which helps students broaden their horizons and become more open-minded individuals.

However, hostel life also comes with its challenges. The lack of privacy, noisy environment, and strict rules can sometimes be overwhelming for students. Homesickness is also a common feeling that many students experience when they first move into a hostel.

Overall, hostel life is a memorable and enriching experience that shapes students into well-rounded individuals.

Short Essay on Hostel Life in 200-500 Words

Hostel life is a unique experience that many students go through during their academic journey. It is a time when students leave the comfort of their homes and families to live in a shared accommodation with their peers. This phase of life is filled with new challenges, opportunities, and memories that shape a student’s personality and character.

One of the most significant aspects of hostel life is the sense of independence and freedom that comes with it. Living away from home teaches students how to take care of themselves, manage their time, and make decisions on their own. They learn to be responsible for their actions and take charge of their lives. This independence helps students grow and mature as individuals, preparing them for the real world outside the hostel walls.

Hostel life also provides students with the opportunity to interact and bond with their peers. Living in close quarters with other students from diverse backgrounds fosters a sense of community and camaraderie. Students form lasting friendships, share experiences, and support each other through the ups and downs of academic life. These relationships often extend beyond the hostel walls and become lifelong connections that students cherish even after they leave the hostel.

Moreover, hostel life is a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and perspectives. Students from different regions, states, and countries come together under one roof, bringing with them their unique traditions, beliefs, and values. This diversity enriches the hostel environment and exposes students to new ways of thinking and living. They learn to appreciate and respect different cultures, broadening their horizons and expanding their worldview.

However, hostel life also has its challenges. Living in a shared accommodation means adjusting to the habits and preferences of others, which can sometimes lead to conflicts and disagreements. Students have to learn to compromise, communicate effectively, and resolve conflicts peacefully to maintain a harmonious living environment. Additionally, hostel life can be demanding and stressful, with academic pressures, deadlines, and social obligations taking a toll on students’ mental and emotional well-being.

Despite the challenges, hostel life is a memorable and transformative experience for students. It teaches them valuable life skills, fosters meaningful relationships, and exposes them to diverse perspectives. The lessons learned and memories made during hostel life stay with students long after they leave the hostel, shaping their personalities and influencing their future endeavors. In conclusion, hostel life is a rite of passage that every student should experience, as it prepares them for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in their academic and personal lives.

Essay on Hostel Life in 1000-1500 Words

Hostel life is a unique experience that many students undergo during their academic journey. It is a time when students leave the comfort of their homes and families to live in a shared space with their peers. Hostel life is often seen as a rite of passage for many students, as it teaches them valuable life lessons and helps them grow as individuals. In this essay, we will explore the various aspects of hostel life and how it impacts students.

One of the most significant aspects of hostel life is the sense of independence that it provides to students. Living away from home teaches students to take care of themselves and manage their daily tasks without the help of their parents. From doing laundry to cooking meals, students learn to become self-reliant and responsible for their own well-being. This independence is crucial for their personal growth and development, as it prepares them for the challenges of adulthood.

Moreover, hostel life also fosters a sense of community among students. Living in close quarters with their peers, students form strong bonds and friendships that often last a lifetime. They share their joys and sorrows, celebrate festivals together, and support each other through difficult times. This sense of camaraderie creates a supportive environment where students can thrive and excel in their academic pursuits. The hostel becomes a home away from home, where students feel a sense of belonging and connection with their peers.

Another important aspect of hostel life is the opportunity for personal growth and development. Living in a diverse environment with students from different backgrounds and cultures exposes students to new perspectives and ideas. They learn to appreciate and respect the differences among their peers, which helps them become more open-minded and tolerant individuals. Hostel life also teaches students valuable life skills such as time management, conflict resolution, and communication, which are essential for their future success.

Furthermore, hostel life provides students with a platform to explore their interests and talents. Many hostels organize various extracurricular activities such as sports tournaments, cultural events, and workshops, which allow students to showcase their skills and talents. These activities not only help students develop their talents but also foster a sense of teamwork and collaboration among them. Hostel life encourages students to step out of their comfort zones and try new things, which helps them discover their passions and interests.

However, hostel life also comes with its challenges. Living in a shared space with other students can be overwhelming at times, as conflicts and disagreements are bound to arise. Students may struggle to adjust to the rules and regulations of the hostel, which can lead to feelings of frustration and resentment. Moreover, the lack of privacy and personal space in hostels can be a source of stress for some students, especially introverts who value their alone time. It is important for students to communicate openly and honestly with their peers to resolve conflicts and maintain a harmonious living environment.

In conclusion, hostel life is a transformative experience that shapes students into well-rounded individuals. It provides them with a sense of independence, fosters a strong sense of community, and offers opportunities for personal growth and development. While hostel life may come with its challenges, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. Students who undergo hostel life emerge as confident, resilient, and empathetic individuals who are well-prepared to face the challenges of the real world. Hostel life is not just a temporary phase in a student’s academic journey but a valuable learning experience that leaves a lasting impact on their lives.

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Essay on Hostel Life with Quotations (Advantages and Disadvantages)

Best essay on hostel life with quotations for matric, f.a and b.a students.

In this essay on hostel life with quotations , we will discuss the advantages of hostel life and disadvantages of hostel life . Hostel life essay is here with appropriate quotes and students of 2nd year or FSC can prepare it especially. However, outstanding students of Class 10 can also learn it by heart. For more you can visit the category English Essays .

Complete “Hostel Life Essay” with Quotes for Students of Class 10, Class 12 (2nd Year, FSC) and Graduation

A hostel is a place where people live for a particular period of time. Generally, the students stay in a hostel when their residence is located far from the educational institution. A hostel has multiple facilities including a reading room, mess and specified place for sports and games.

Hostel life is one of the most influential phases in one’s life providing the students a chance to grow and rediscover the world. It makes one feel like a child ready to take his very first step; excited and frightened at the same time. it is a stage which changes the nervous caterpillar into an independent butterfly ready to spread its wings and explore the world.

Advantages of Hostel Life

“A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there.”

Everyone has his own perceptions about the hostel life. Some people are hesitant to go away from their dear ones while others wait restlessly to find the place where they would be free from the restrictions and live in a world of their own rules. However, one welcomes the hostel life with dismay or excitement, eagerness or hesitancy, it surely provides the students a fantastic opportunity of independence, new experience and sense of responsibility.

“Maturity comes with experience, not age.” (Zia K. Abdelnour)

He comes face-to-face with the responsibilities which he has put on his parents for a long time. To leave the warmth of parent’s nest is a big step for a student but this moulds him into a careful and responsible person and he develops a practical view of life. He learns to manage his own finances and does his own chores. He becomes more thoughtful of his actions.

“We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.” (Bernard Shaw)

A hostel also provides an ideal opportunity for a student to study peacefully. A student gets far away from day-to-day interruptions and household responsibilities which often interfere with his studies. Thus, he gets a placid environment to focus on the thing that matters the most.

Thus, hostel comes as a blessing in disguise for such students. Hostel also provides a golden chance to meet new people, experience new cultures and grasp new views. The students of different habits and temperaments live together under one roof. They are able to promote better understanding. They learn a lesson of co-operation.

While experiencing hostel life one develops a sense of punctuality. There are fixed times in a hostel after which you can’t leave. Thus, a student in the hostel gets an experience of freedom within boundaries. He prepares a proper timetable for his daily affairs and performs his tasks according to the fixed schedule.

“We first make our habits and then our habits make us.” (John Dryden)

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

The other side of the picture also reveals some disadvantages of hostel life. Some irresponsible students misuse the authority and turn this golden chance into simply wastage of time. They fall into a pit of immorality. They adopt bad company and get into street crimes, drugs and gambling.

“If you hang out with chickens you are going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you’ re going to fly.”

Thus, they fail to realize that all that glitters is not gold. The sense of freedom blinds their eyes and they spoil their future with their own hands. So, in this way, they not only waste their time but also their parents’ money.

In the final analysis, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that a hostel provides a flourishing opportunity to those who really want to grow in life. A hostel might not deliver you delicious food but it will surely leave you with the sweetest memories. You might feet away from the comfort of home but friends are always there to lend you a shoulder. Moreover, the hostel is a home away from home. And by the time you leave, you know you are ready to enter the big world. We can say, the crux of the matter is that hostel life is undoubtedly best part 0f life but it requires one to utilize this phase of life reasonably and wisely.

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HOSTEL LIFE 101: A Beginner’s Guide For Hostel Living

HOSTEL LIFE 101: A Beginner’s Guide For Hostel Living


Embarking on a hostel living experience can be an exciting and adventurous journey for anyone. Whether you’re a student exploring new educational opportunities, a traveler seeking budget accommodation, or simply someone looking for a unique communal living experience, hostel life offers a wide range of benefits. From building connections with people from diverse backgrounds to experiencing the local culture firsthand, hostels provide an enriching environment that goes beyond just a place to rest your head.

However, navigating the world of hostel living can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. That’s why we’ve created this comprehensive guide to help you make the most of your hostel experience. From choosing the right hostel to understanding dormitory etiquette, managing finances, and making the most of amenities, this article will equip you with all the essential knowledge you need to thrive in a hostel environment.

So, whether you’re planning a long-term stay or just passing through for a few nights, read on to discover the tips, tricks, and insider insights on how to navigate the world of hostel living like a pro.

Choosing the Right Hostel

When it comes to choosing a hostel, it’s important to consider your preferences, budget, and personal needs. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

  • Location: Start by considering the location of the hostel. Do you prefer to stay in the heart of the city, with easy access to popular attractions and amenities? Or would you rather be in a quieter neighborhood? Think about what kind of environment suits your travel plans and interests.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Take the time to read reviews and ratings from fellow travelers. Websites like TripAdvisor, Hostelworld, and provide valuable insights from people who have stayed at the hostels you’re considering. Pay attention to factors such as cleanliness, staff friendliness, and overall atmosphere.
  • Facilities and Amenities: Consider the facilities and amenities offered by the hostel. Are you looking for a hostel with a communal kitchen, laundry facilities, or a bar? Make a list of the amenities that are important to you and check if the hostel meets your requirements.
  • Price and Value for Money: Set a budget for accommodation and compare the prices of different hostels. Keep in mind that the cheapest option may not always be the best. Consider the value for money, including the quality of facilities and services offered.
  • Social Atmosphere: If you’re looking to meet fellow travelers and make new friends, consider the social atmosphere of the hostel. Some hostels organize activities, events, and communal spaces that facilitate interaction among guests. Look for hostels with common areas like a lounge or a rooftop terrace.
  • Special Requirements: If you have any specific needs or requirements, such as accessibility or privacy, make sure to check if the hostel can accommodate them. Contact the hostel directly if you have any questions or concerns.

By considering these factors, you’ll be able to choose a hostel that aligns with your preferences and enhances your overall experience. Remember that different hostels cater to different types of travelers, so take the time to do your research and find the one that suits you best.

Essential Items to Pack

When it comes to packing for your hostel stay, it’s important to strike a balance between bringing the essentials and traveling light. Here are some essential items to consider packing:

  • Travel-sized Toiletries: Pack travel-sized toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, and a toothbrush. Most hostels provide communal bathrooms, so having your own toiletries will keep you prepared.
  • Towel and Shower Shoes: Bring a quick-drying towel as most hostels do not provide towels. Additionally, pack a pair of flip-flops or shower shoes to wear in the communal bathrooms.
  • Earplugs and Eye Mask: Hostels can be lively and noisy at times. Packing earplugs and an eye mask will help you get a good night’s sleep, especially if you’re sharing a dormitory with other guests.
  • Padlock: A padlock is an essential item to secure your belongings in the hostel lockers. Opt for a sturdy padlock with a combination or key lock.
  • Power Adapter: If you’re traveling internationally, a universal power adapter is necessary to charge your electronic devices. This will ensure you can keep your phone, camera, and other devices charged during your stay.
  • Reusable Water Bottle: Staying hydrated is key, so bring a reusable water bottle to refill throughout your stay. Not only is it eco-friendly, but it will also help you save money on buying bottled water.
  • Comfortable Shoes and Clothing: Pack comfortable walking shoes and versatile clothing suitable for the weather and activities in the area. Consider layers for varying temperatures and a rain jacket or umbrella in case of unexpected weather changes.
  • Travel Documents: Don’t forget to bring your passport, identification, travel insurance documents, and any necessary visas. Keep them safely in a travel wallet or pouch.
  • Personal Entertainment: If you enjoy downtime, consider bringing a book, a deck of cards, or any other small form of entertainment for when you want to relax at the hostel.

Remember to pack only what you truly need and consider the duration of your stay when selecting items. Most importantly, avoid packing valuables that you wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving in a shared space.

By packing these essential items, you’ll be well-prepared for your hostel stay and ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Understanding Dormitory Etiquette

When staying in a hostel dormitory, it’s important to be mindful of your fellow guests and follow certain etiquette guidelines to ensure a respectful and pleasant environment for everyone. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Be Considerate of Noise: Dormitories can be busy and noisy places. Respect quiet hours and try to keep noise to a minimum, especially during late-night hours when people may be sleeping. Use headphones when listening to music or watching videos and avoid talking loudly.
  • Respect Personal Space: Be mindful of the limited personal space in dormitory rooms. Avoid spreading your belongings across communal areas and respect the personal space of your roommates by keeping your belongings organized and contained within your designated area.
  • Keep Common Areas Clean: Clean up after yourself in common areas such as the kitchen, lounge, and bathroom. Wash your dishes promptly, dispose of trash properly, and leave shared spaces as you found them.
  • Use Shared Facilities Efficiently: In a shared bathroom or kitchen, be conscious of other guests who may be waiting to use the facilities. Limit your time in the shower, maintain cleanliness, and be considerate of others’ needs for space or appliances.
  • Communicate and Resolve Issues: If you’re having any issues or concerns with roommates or the hostel itself, communicate politely and directly. Hostel staff are often there to help mediate and find solutions to ensure a comfortable stay for everyone.
  • Respect Cultural Differences: Hostels attract people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Embrace and respect these differences, be open-minded, and avoid offensive or insensitive remarks or behavior.
  • Practice Good Hygiene: Maintain good personal hygiene by regularly showering, using deodorant, and washing your hands. This will contribute to a pleasant environment for everyone in the dormitory.
  • Secure Your Belongings: Keep your valuables secure by using lockers provided by the hostel or keeping them in a locked bag. It’s also important to be respectful of others’ belongings and not to touch or use anything without permission.

By following these dormitory etiquette guidelines, you’ll contribute to a harmonious and enjoyable atmosphere in the hostel. Remember, everyone is sharing the same space, so being considerate and respectful towards others goes a long way in creating a positive experience for everyone.

Getting Along with Roommates

Sharing a dormitory with roommates can be an exciting part of the hostel experience, as it provides an opportunity to meet new people and make lasting connections. Here are some tips to help you get along with your hostel roommates:

  • Introduce Yourself: Take the initiative to introduce yourself to your roommates when you first arrive. A simple greeting and a friendly conversation can go a long way in establishing a positive atmosphere.
  • Respect Boundaries: Be conscious of your roommates’ personal space and privacy. Avoid going through their belongings, using their things without permission, or invading their personal area within the dormitory.
  • Be Considerate: Show consideration for your roommates by keeping noise levels down, especially during sleeping hours. If you need to unpack or prepare something early in the morning or late at night, try to do it quietly and be mindful of others who might be resting.
  • Communication is Key: Effective communication is essential in any shared living space. If there are any issues or concerns, speak openly and respectfully with your roommates. Addressing problems promptly and directly can prevent any misunderstandings from escalating.
  • Practice Good Hygiene: Maintaining personal hygiene is not only important for you but also for the comfort of your roommates. Regularly showering, doing laundry, and keeping your belongings clean will contribute to a pleasant environment for everyone.
  • Share Responsibilities: Take turns with your roommates in performing tasks such as taking out the trash, cleaning the shared area, or restocking communal supplies. Sharing responsibilities helps foster a sense of teamwork and cooperation.
  • Respect Diverse Backgrounds: Embrace diversity and respect cultural differences among your roommates. Be open-minded and curious about their backgrounds, customs, and traditions, and avoid making assumptions or stereotypes.
  • Be Friendly: Engage in friendly conversations, get to know your roommates, and show genuine interest in their stories and experiences. Building a friendly and positive atmosphere within the dormitory can enhance your overall hostel experience.
  • Participate in Social Activities: Take advantage of hostel social activities or events to connect with your roommates and other guests. It’s a great way to foster camaraderie and create shared memories.
  • Be Flexible: In a shared space, compromise and flexibility are key. Be willing to accommodate the needs and preferences of your roommates, and approach any conflicts or disagreements with an open mind.

Remember, living with roommates in a hostel can be a rewarding experience. By practicing respect, communication, and consideration, you’ll be able to foster positive relationships and create a harmonious living environment during your stay.

Utilizing Common Areas

One of the great advantages of staying in a hostel is the access to common areas that provide opportunities for socializing, relaxation, and self-care. Here are some tips on how to make the most of the hostel’s common areas:

  • Lounge and Common Room: Many hostels have a lounge or common room where guests can gather, mingle, and relax. Take advantage of this space to meet other travelers, share stories, play games, or simply unwind after a day of exploring.
  • Kitchen and Dining Area: If the hostel has a communal kitchen, consider cooking your own meals. It’s not only a great way to save money but also an opportunity to interact with other guests and exchange culinary experiences. Be sure to clean up after yourself and respect others’ food and belongings.
  • Outdoor Spaces: Some hostels have beautiful outdoor spaces such as a garden, terrace, or rooftop. These areas provide a tranquil setting to enjoy a cup of coffee, read a book, or simply soak up the sun. Don’t miss out on the chance to relax outdoors and take in the scenery.
  • Workspaces: If you need to catch up on work or stay connected with loved ones, look for hostels that provide dedicated workspaces or a quiet area with reliable internet access. These spaces are ideal for remote workers, digital nomads, or students who need to study.
  • Laundry Facilities: If the hostel offers laundry facilities, take advantage of them to freshen up your wardrobe. Use the available machines and be considerate of other guests who may also need to do their laundry.
  • Recreation and Entertainment: Some hostels provide recreational activities or entertainment options such as movie nights, pool tables, or board games. Engage in these activities to have fun and bond with fellow travelers.
  • Quiet Areas: Hostels often have designated quiet areas for relaxation or reading. If you’re seeking some solitude, look for these spaces to unwind, recharge, or catch up on your favorite book.
  • Respect the Rules: While utilizing the common areas, always respect the rules and guidelines set by the hostel. This includes cleaning up after yourself, adhering to noise restrictions, and being mindful of other guests’ needs.

Remember, the common areas in hostels are not just spaces to pass through but vibrant hubs for socializing, relaxation, and fostering connections. Embrace the opportunity to utilize these areas to enhance your hostel experience and make lasting memories.

Safety and Security Measures

Ensuring your safety and security is paramount when staying in a hostel. While hostels typically have safety measures in place, it’s important to take personal precautions as well. Here are some safety and security tips to keep in mind:

  • Lockers: Most hostels provide lockers for guests to securely store their valuables. Always use a reliable padlock to secure your belongings, and avoid leaving any valuable items unattended in shared spaces.
  • Identification and Belongings: Keep your identification documents, money, and valuable items in a secure location. Consider carrying a photocopy of your passport as identification and leaving the original in the hostel safe.
  • Fire Safety: Familiarize yourself with the fire safety procedures of the hostel, including the location of fire exits, fire extinguishers, and assembly points. Take note of any fire safety instructions provided by the hostel staff.
  • Stay Alert: Always be vigilant and aware of your surroundings, both inside the hostel and in the surrounding area. Report any suspicious activity or individuals to the hostel staff or authorities if necessary.
  • Personal Security: Keep your room locked when you’re inside and when you leave. If your roommates are strangers, be cautious about sharing personal information and avoid giving out your room number or details to unknown individuals.
  • Emergency Contact Information: Make note of the emergency contact information for the hostel, including the local authorities and the nearest hospital. Keep this information readily accessible in case of an emergency.
  • Travel Insurance: Prior to your trip, ensure that you have adequate travel insurance coverage. Familiarize yourself with the policy details, including what is covered and how to contact the insurance provider in case of an emergency.
  • Nighttime Safety: Use caution when going out at night, especially in unfamiliar areas. Stick to well-lit and populated areas, and consider traveling in groups, if possible.
  • Trust Your Instincts: If you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe, trust your instincts and remove yourself from the situation. Seek assistance from hostel staff or the local authorities if needed.
  • Share Travel Plans: Let someone you trust, such as a friend or family member, know your travel plans, including your hostel name and contact information. Regularly update them on your whereabouts.

Remember, while hostels strive to create a safe environment for their guests, it’s essential to be proactive in ensuring your own safety and security. By following these safety measures and staying alert, you can have a worry-free and enjoyable hostel experience.

Managing Finances

Effectively managing your finances is crucial when staying in a hostel, especially if you’re on a budget or traveling for an extended period. Here are some tips to help you manage your finances during your hostel stay:

  • Set a Budget: Before your trip, determine how much you can afford to spend on accommodations, meals, activities, and other expenses. Establishing a budget will help you make informed decisions about where to stay and how to allocate your funds.
  • Research Prices: Compare prices of different hostels to find one that fits within your budget while still meeting your needs and preferences. Consider factors such as location, amenities, and guest reviews.
  • Cook Your Own Meals: Cooking your own meals is a cost-effective option. Take advantage of the communal kitchen facilities in the hostel to prepare your own breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This will help you save money compared to eating out for every meal.
  • Utilize Free Amenities: Take advantage of the free amenities offered by the hostel, such as Wi-Fi, walking tours, or social events. These activities can provide entertainment and cultural experiences without needing to spend extra money.
  • Track Your Expenses: Keep a record of your expenses to monitor how much you’re spending. This can help you identify areas where you can cut back or adjust your budget if necessary.
  • Avoid Unnecessary Expenditures: Be mindful of unnecessary expenses such as impulse buys, expensive souvenirs, or excessive nightlife spending. Focus on experiences and memories rather than material possessions.
  • Use Local Transportation: Opt for local public transportation instead of taxis or private transfers whenever possible. This can significantly reduce transportation costs and give you a more authentic experience of the local culture.
  • Research Discount Offers: Look for discount offers, promotional codes, or special deals that can help you save money on activities or attractions in the area. Online platforms and local tourism websites often provide valuable discounts.
  • Withdraw Cash Wisely: When withdrawing cash, be mindful of ATM fees and exchange rates. Plan your cash withdrawals strategically to minimize extra costs. Consider using a travel-friendly debit card that offers low or no transaction fees abroad.
  • Share Costs with fellow travelers: If you’re traveling with others or meet fellow travelers at the hostel, consider sharing costs for group activities, transportation, and groceries. This can substantially reduce individual expenses and foster camaraderie.

By implementing these financial management tips, you can make the most of your budget while still enjoying all the experiences and opportunities that hostel living has to offer. Remember, it’s all about striking a balance between saving money and creating memorable experiences during your stay.

Dealing with Homesickness

Feeling homesick is a common experience when staying in a hostel, especially if you’re away from familiar surroundings and loved ones. Here are some strategies to help you cope with homesickness during your hostel stay:

  • Stay Connected: Maintain regular communication with your family and friends back home. Use video calls, social media, or messaging apps to stay connected and share your experiences. Their support and words of encouragement can help alleviate feelings of homesickness.
  • Establish a Routine: Creating a routine can provide a sense of stability and familiarity. Set aside time for activities you enjoy, such as reading, exercising, or exploring the local area. Having a routine can give you a sense of comfort and normalcy in your new environment.
  • Embrace Technology: Use technology to bring reminders of home with you. Set your phone or laptop background to a picture of loved ones, listen to familiar music, or watch a favorite TV show or movie that reminds you of home.
  • Connect with Fellow Travelers: Engage with other travelers you meet at the hostel. Share your experiences, listen to their stories, and build new connections. Making friends who are going through similar experiences can be a source of support and understanding.
  • Explore and Immerse Yourself: Immerse yourself in the local culture and explore the surrounding area. Engaging in new experiences, trying local foods, and visiting landmarks can help distract you from feelings of homesickness and create new and exciting memories.
  • Keep Yourself Occupied: Stay busy and engaged to keep your mind off homesickness. Engage in activities at the hostel, join organized tours or events, or pursue hobbies and interests that you enjoy.
  • Practice Self-Care: Take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Get enough sleep, eat well, and engage in activities that help you relax and unwind. Engaging in self-care can boost your mood and overall well-being.
  • Write about Your Experiences: Keep a travel journal or blog to document your experiences and feelings. Writing can be therapeutic and serve as a way to reflect on your journey and appreciate the new adventures you’re having away from home.
  • Seek Support from Hostel Staff: If you’re feeling particularly homesick, don’t hesitate to reach out to the hostel staff for support or advice. They are accustomed to helping travelers who may be experiencing similar feelings and can provide guidance or suggestions.
  • Give Yourself Time: Remember that homesickness is temporary and it’s natural to feel this way when you’re in a new and unfamiliar environment. Give yourself time to adjust and adapt to your surroundings. With time, the feeling of homesickness usually diminishes.

By implementing these strategies, you can navigate through feelings of homesickness and make the most of your hostel experience. Remember, it’s normal to miss home, but embracing the adventure and creating new connections can help transform your hostel stay into an enriching and memorable experience.

Exploring the Local Area

One of the most exciting aspects of staying in a hostel is the opportunity to explore the local area and immerse yourself in the culture and attractions of your destination. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your exploration:

  • Do Your Research: Before venturing out, do some research on the local area. Familiarize yourself with the popular attractions, local customs, transportation options, and safety tips to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.
  • Ask the Locals and Hostel Staff: Seek recommendations from locals or the hostel staff. They can provide insider tips on hidden gems, off-the-beaten-path destinations, and local events happening during your stay. Their knowledge can enhance your exploration and make it more authentic.
  • Get Lost on Purpose: Allow yourself to get lost in the local streets and neighborhoods, especially in cities where getting lost can lead to unexpected discoveries. Embrace the spontaneity of exploring new areas and stumble upon hidden gems.
  • Try Local Cuisine: Don’t miss the opportunity to try the local cuisine. Indulge in traditional dishes, street food, or local specialties. Food is a major part of a culture, and tasting the local flavors can be a memorable and delicious experience.
  • Immerse in Cultural Activities: Look for cultural activities such as festivals, exhibitions, or performances happening in the area. Participate in these activities to gain a deeper understanding of the local culture and traditions.
  • Interact with Locals: Engage in conversations with locals to learn more about their way of life, traditions, and recommendations. Their insight can provide a unique perspective and enrich your experience.
  • Explore Nature: Take advantage of any nearby natural attractions, such as parks, beaches, or hiking trails. Enjoy the beauty of the natural surroundings and engage in outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, or picnicking.
  • Use Public Transportation: Utilize the local public transportation system to get around the area. It’s not only cost-effective but also gives you the opportunity to observe the local lifestyle and interact with fellow commuters.
  • Capture the Moments: Take photos or keep a travel journal to document your explorations. These will serve as lasting memories and allow you to reflect on your experiences in the future.
  • Stay Open-Minded: Embrace the unfamiliar and be open to new experiences. Step out of your comfort zone and immerse yourself in the local culture, even if it means trying something you wouldn’t typically do.

Remember, exploring the local area is an adventure in itself. Embrace the opportunity to learn, discover, and engage with the culture and attractions around you. By following these tips, you’ll create unforgettable experiences and make the most of your time in the local area.

Making the Most of Hostel Amenities

Hostels offer a range of amenities to enhance your stay and create a comfortable and enjoyable environment. Here’s how you can make the most of the amenities provided by the hostel:

  • Common Kitchen: Utilize the communal kitchen to prepare your own meals and save money on dining out. Cook with fellow travelers, exchange recipes, and have fun while creating your own culinary experience.
  • Common Areas: Take advantage of the common areas, such as the lounge or outdoor spaces, to relax, socialize, and meet other guests. Engage in conversations, play games, or simply unwind after a day of exploring.
  • Organized Events and Activities: Participate in the hostel’s organized events and activities. These can range from city tours, pub crawls, cooking classes, or group excursions. It’s a great way to meet fellow travelers and create shared memories.
  • Laundry Facilities: If the hostel provides laundry facilities, make use of them to freshen up your clothes and save space in your luggage. Keeping your clothes clean and fresh during your travels enhances your overall comfort.
  • Wi-Fi: Take advantage of the hostel’s Wi-Fi to stay connected, plan your next adventure, or share your travel experiences with family and friends. It’s an essential tool for staying connected in the digital age.
  • Lockers: Use the lockers provided by the hostel to secure your valuables, such as passports, money, and electronics. Lockers offer peace of mind and ensure that your belongings are safe and secure during your stay.
  • 24/7 Reception: Take advantage of the hostel’s 24/7 reception desk for any assistance or information you may need. Whether it’s recommendations for local attractions or help with booking transportation, the staff is there to assist you.
  • Tourist Information: Make use of the hostel’s tourist information resources, such as maps, brochures, and guidebooks. These materials can provide valuable insights into the local area, attractions, and transportation options.
  • Guest Reviews and Recommendations: Read the guest reviews and recommendations posted in the hostel. They can provide insights into nearby restaurants, sights, and activities that are worth exploring.
  • Ask the Hostel Staff: Don’t hesitate to ask the hostel staff for recommendations, tips, or directions. They have local knowledge and can offer valuable advice based on their experience.

By taking advantage of these amenities, you’ll enrich your hostel experience and make your stay more enjoyable. Each amenity provided by the hostel contributes to creating a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere for travelers from all over the world.

Staying in a hostel can be an exciting and fulfilling experience that allows you to connect with people from all walks of life, explore new destinations, and create lasting memories. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-prepared to make the most of your hostel living experience.

Choosing the right hostel that aligns with your preferences and budget is crucial for a comfortable stay. Packing the essential items, understanding dormitory etiquette, and getting along with roommates will contribute to a harmonious and enjoyable environment. Utilizing the hostel’s common areas and amenities will enhance your socializing and relaxation opportunities.

When it comes to safety and security, practicing precautions and following the hostel’s safety measures will ensure your well-being. Managing your finances thoughtfully will allow you to maximize your budget and enjoy all that the destination has to offer.

Dealing with homesickness may be a part of your hostel experience, but by staying connected, immersing yourself in the local culture, and engaging with fellow travelers, you can overcome these feelings and create a sense of home away from home.

Lastly, exploring the local area and making the most of the hostel’s amenities will allow you to fully embrace the adventure and make unforgettable memories during your stay.

Remember, a hostel is not just a place to stay but a vibrant community that offers unique opportunities for personal growth, cultural immersion, and connection. By following this guide, you’ll be equipped to navigate the world of hostel living like a pro and make the most of your hostel experience.

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Life in a College Hostel Essay With Outline and Quotations

Essay on hostel life for matric,f.a, fsc, ba and bsc in 1000-2000 words.

Photo of Waqas Ali

Presented here is an essay discussing the experience of hostel life for students in various classes. The content can be used interchangeably for essays titled “Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life,” “Merits and Demerits of Hostel Life,” “Hostel Life of a Student,” “College Hostel Life,”Within this essay focusing on hostel life, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks through the inclusion of relevant quotations. The essay on hostel life is furnished with suitable quotes, making it particularly suitable for students in their Matric,F.A, FSc, BA and BSc.

Life in a College Hostel Essay Outline:


  • Common perception: College hostel life is perceived as free from restraints and students have independence.
  • Students have the freedom to make their own decisions and manage their lives.

Little Restraint in the Hostel:

  • Partial truth: Hostel life does offer a certain degree of freedom.
  • Some students utilize this freedom responsibly, while others act irresponsibly.

Advantages of Living in a Hostel: (a) Uninterrupted Work Environment:

  • Students can focus on their studies without external distractions.
  • No disturbances from family members or household chores.

(b) Collaborative Learning:

  • Difficult subjects and topics can be discussed and understood better with fellow students.
  • Peer discussions and group studies enhance understanding and knowledge.

(c) Development of Initiative:

  • Living independently in a hostel environment promotes self-reliance.
  • Students learn to take initiatives and manage their daily routines efficiently.

(d) Cultivating Self-Sufficiency:

  • Hostel life encourages students to become self-sufficient in various aspects of life.
  • They learn essential life skills like cooking, laundry, and managing finances.

Risks of Living in a Hostel: (a) Distance from Family:

  • Extended separation from family members can lead to feelings of isolation and homesickness.
  • Lack of emotional support and guidance from family may affect students’ well-being.

(b) Influence of Negative Company:

  • Hostels can expose students to a diverse range of individuals, some of whom may have undesirable habits or behaviors.
  • Falling into bad company can lead to the adoption of unhealthy habits and distractions from academic goals.

(c) Prevalence of Substance Abuse:

  • Drug addiction has unfortunately become a common problem within hostel environments.
  • Peer pressure and availability of substances can lead susceptible students astray.

(d) Political Activities:

  • In some cases, hostels may become breeding grounds for questionable political activities.
  • Unhealthy competition, conflicts, and disturbances may disrupt the overall atmosphere of the hostel.

Role of Authorities:

  • The authorities play a crucial role in ensuring a conducive environment for students’ academic and personal growth.
  • They should establish and enforce necessary rules and regulations to maintain discipline.
  • Regular monitoring, counseling support, and addressing grievances contribute to a positive hostel experience.


  • Living in a college hostel offers both advantages and risks.
  • Students must strike a balance between freedom and responsibility.
  • Authorities and students should work together to create an environment that promotes academic excellence, personal development, and overall well-being.

Life in a College Hostel Essay for Matric,F.A, FSC, 2nd Year, BA and BSC

Introduction :.

A college hostel is a place where students who attend a specific institute live together, away from their homes. It serves as shared accommodation for students from different parts of the world. Apart from providing a place to stay, hostels also take care of the students’ basic necessities. Living in a hostel helps students develop important qualities like punctuality, discipline, and sincerity. To maintain a smooth functioning of the hostel, students are required to adhere to certain rules. This includes following a set schedule for activities such as studying, playing, and relaxing.

Life in a College Hostel Essay

Now all this may make people think that hostel life is not very healthy for college students. A hostel provides the students greater facilities to study. They are free to do their own work unhampered by their younger brothers and sisters. A hostel resident will be able to discuss difficult topics with fellow inmates and can get to use more reference books. Hostel life helps in developing the initiative of our young men and women. Managing the mess, co-operating in the daily life of the hostel, they come out better able to manage their own affairs than students who live at home. They learn how to be efficient and self- sufficient.

Since every coin has two sides to it, hostel life has its risks as well; it has often been observed that those students who spend many years in hostels get alienated from their families. When they go back to their families at the end of their student life, they find it difficult to adjust. They do not feel strong emotional ties with their families, nor do they realise their problems. Thus for a long time, they live like strangers in their own houses. Besides, in the hostels, it is very easy to fall in bad company. Lack of restraint leads to an abuse of their freedom. They neglect their studies and allow entertainment and fashion to become the pivot of their existence. They fall prey to the bad habits of smoking, and drinking. Worse still, they get addicted to drugs, and begin sliding down the path of immorality very rapid rate. Sometimes hostels become dens of nefarious political activity. Immature and inexperienced as they are, students prove to be an easy material for exploitation. They fall into the hands of unscrupulous politicians and their careers are spoiled.

These pitfalls can be avoided provided the hostel authorities recognise their responsibilities. They should realize that in the absence of the parents, they are required to play the role of the parents of their students. They should not only be aware of the students’ problems, which they should try their best to solve, but also be easily accessible to them for all kinds of counselings. If they are able to give proper and timely career or psychological guidance to the students, they will be able to carve a rosy future for many of them.

Thus, we see that hostel life for college students can be good or bad. This depends on both the students and the hostel authorities. The authorities cannot put the students into a straitjacket and curtail their movements. Such a harsh step is just not possible. But they can definitely chalk out some kind of a broad code of conduct to guide the students. More than that, they can inculcate a sense of discipline and other moral values so that the students devise their own code of conduct. Self-discipline is always better than discipline imposed from outside. Students should be made to realise that their future depends upon how they behave during their stay in the hostel, and this realisation will transform them into a disciplined and responsible lot dedicated to noble ideas.

Advantages of Hostel Life

Life in a College Hostel Essay

Hostels typically provide reading rooms with a wide array of newspapers and magazines, enriching the residents’ knowledge. Common rooms serve as a gathering place for students, fostering social interaction and engagement in indoor games. Equipped with TV sets, these spaces facilitate relaxation and recreation. Hostels often organize annual contests and competitions, fostering a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition among the students.

“We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.” (Bernard Shaw)

One of the significant benefits of hostel life is the exposure to diverse cultures, traditions, and languages. Students from different regions come together, exchanging views and learning from one another. They develop empathy and support each other through the challenges of life. Hostel life also nurtures confidence and self-reliance, as students learn to manage their daily routines independently, taking responsibility for tasks such as making their beds, polishing their shoes, and managing their personal affairs.

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

However, it is important to acknowledge the disadvantages of hostel life as well. Some students may succumb to negative influences, indulging in wasteful activities like excessive film-watching, gambling, or drinking. This can lead to a decline in academic performance and a lack of focus on personal development. In some instances, conflicts may arise among students over trivial matters, forming cliques or resorting to violence. Additionally, the cost of hostel accommodation can be prohibitive for many parents, making it an unaffordable option.

“If you hang out with chickens you are going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you’ re going to fly.”

Despite these drawbacks, the educational value of hostel life cannot be disregarded. With proper guidance and support, students can maximize the advantages while mitigating the risks. Hostels offer a unique opportunity for personal growth, cultural exchange, and self-responsibility. By fostering an environment that promotes discipline, academic engagement, and a sense of community, the disadvantages can be minimized, and the benefits of hostel life can be fully realized.

Life in a College Hostel Essay Quotations

  • “A college hostel is a melting pot of diverse experiences, where friendships are forged, and memories are created.”
  • “Living in a college hostel gives you the freedom to discover yourself, embrace independence, and grow into the person you aspire to be.”
  • “The hostel life teaches you valuable life lessons, from time management to adaptability, preparing you for the challenges that lie ahead.”
  • “In a college hostel, you find a home away from home, where fellow students become your second family, offering support and companionship.”
  • “Hostel life is a blend of academic pursuits and personal growth, where you learn to strike a balance between studies and social interactions.”
  • “The hostel is not just a place to live; it’s a vibrant community that fosters intellectual discussions, cultural exchange, and lifelong friendships.”
  • “Hostel life molds you into a resilient and independent individual, equipping you with skills that go beyond textbooks and classrooms.”
  • “The hostel experience is a transformative journey, where you discover your strengths, overcome challenges, and emerge stronger and more self-assured.”
  • “Amidst the challenges and excitement of hostel life, you learn to appreciate the value of teamwork, cooperation, and understanding.”
  • “Living in a college hostel opens doors to endless opportunities for personal development, self-discovery, and creating lasting memories that will shape your future.”

Conclusion for Life in a College Hostel Essay

Residing in a college hostel provides students with a range of benefits and challenges. It grants them the opportunity to navigate the intricate equilibrium between independence and accountability. To establish an environment that cultivates academic brilliance, personal growth, and holistic well-being, effective collaboration between authorities and students is paramount.

the experience of living in a college hostel offers a distinctive combination of advantages and risks. It is through striking a delicate balance between freedom and responsibility that students can make the most of this experience. By fostering a collaborative partnership between authorities and students, an environment can be created that promotes academic excellence, personal development, and overall well-being, ensuring a rewarding and fulfilling journey for all.

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Photo of Waqas Ali

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Essay on Hostel Life | Advantages and Disadvantages

December 2, 2017 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

When we are born in this world, all of us have some elders beside us. Most of us have our parents with us when we are born. From the time we are born they start taking care of us. From when we are a baby till when we grow to do things on our own, our parents are always there to take care of us.

They make us eat our food, put us to sleep, bathe us, wash our clothes, make us silent when we cry, bring the games what we want, clear the mess which we do and many other things. There is no end to what our parents do for us. They sacrifice many things for us.

Out of this we will not be able to find out many of these sacrifices they have done for us in the past and are still doing for us. They mean everything to us and we mean everything to them. They are the first people with whom we form an attachment from the time we have first come into the world.

This is the reason why in the starting when we meet any new person, it is difficult for us to be with someone else. Even though we are small at that time we do not trust anyone else except our parents. We always want to stay close with our parents.

Even when they go away from us just for few seconds, we look for them in such a way that left us and have gone somewhere. We cannot let them go away from our eyes even for a fraction of seconds.

When we are big enough to join the primary school, they make us join the school. The first day of going school and staying away from our parents for four to five hours is very difficult for us. We start crying and do want to leave our parents. This continues for the first week but then slowly everything seems to be fine. After we join school our parents help us with our studies.

They make time for us out of their busy schedule so that they help us do our homework and study. No matter how tired they are, they will always be with us and help us. But after we grow up to study and do our homework on our own, our parents do not always sit with us.

But they do keep a check on our studies regularly. Slowly with time, the amount of time we spend with them starts to reduce. This is because they become busier with their work and we can take care of ourselves. We didn’t want them to be with us always even for the smallest things.

We should learn to accept that some day we have to go away from them for various reasons. Some of the parents send their children to hostels when they are still studying in school and are small. They have their own choices for doing this.

While some children go to hostels after finishing their school, some of them go out of their hometown for college. No matter how old we are staying away from our parents for six to seven months at a stretch or sometimes for a year is very heartbreaking.

The thought about it itself makes us melancholic. But at point of time of life we will be staying away from them. So, we should learn about it from before itself. We think that when we stay at hostel far away from our parents, it is very bad. Yes, there are disadvantages of living a hostel life but we learn so many things while staying a hostel.

We learn about various aspects of our life when we stay in hostel. We might not have learnt those things while staying with the family. So, staying in a hostel has both advantages and disadvantages.

Table of Contents

Advantages of Hostel Life

No matter one does not like to stay in a hostel or not, the hostel life teaches us many things which we would not be able to learn otherwise. Firstly, everything in the hostel has a fixed time. The breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and dinner all of them have a particular time. As there is a particular time for having food, it will be a routine for us and we will not have any stomach problem.

There is a fixed timings for taking bath, washing clothes, studying and charging the phones or laptops. All these fixed timings make the person do everything according to the routine. They become active twenty four hours. They do not have time for lazing around and hence all their work will be completed on time. Due to the fixed timings, the students become punctual in everything. Not only this, but they start learning to manage things on their own.

They are careful with all their belonging so that no hostelites can take their things. They learn cleanliness and tidiness. They keep themselves clean, their room and clothes too. This would not happen if they would be staying at home because all these things would be taken care by their parents.

If they would be staying at home, they would waste a lot of time. They would eat their food, study and their work whenever they wanted. But this cannot be done while staying in a hostel. The students become disciplined. They are not dependent on anyone for their work.

They do all their work by themselves. The students usually do not do like the food that they get in hostel. But they do not have any other choice except eating whatever they get. The hostelites cannot stay out of the campus for long even if they want to spend some free time outside the campus.

This is because every hostel has curfew. They will be in problem if they cross the curfew. So, they learn to maintain their time for everything.

People come from different areas to stay in the hostel. This makes the students interact and cooperate with all of them because everyone is staying in the same hostel. They start to know about new things related to their culture and place. So, it is necessary to talk with each other and maintain a proper behaviour with them. The students learn to have friendship bonds staying in the hostel.

This does not mean that the students who stay at home do not understand anything about friendship bonds. The difference is that the ones who stays in hostel understand the importance more than them. This is because it is their hostel mates who become family for them, be with them and take care of them.

They are the ones who will be there during all the good and bad times far away from the family. If they do not like each other still they need to accept and stay together.

The relationship with the family can be seen between the hostel mates as well. When the students stay in a hostel, they get only limited amount of money. By this they learn not to waste their money and spend them only for important things. They start learning to maintain their expenditure.

The hostel life teaches the students so much that they follow the same thing when they go back home. This makes their parents happy seeing their children more disciplined, punctual and understanding from before. Even though hostel life is very strict and takes away our freedom, but this is for our betterment. Our personality and many other things improve after we having been living a hostel life for a few years.

Disadvantages of Hostel Life

The disadvantages of a hostel life make a student sadder even though they learn so many new things. Staying in a hostel means being far away from the family. No one likes to be away from family for so long. Family cannot be replaced by anyone. No matter how close a student becomes to the hostel mates, the importance of family still remains the same.

The students feel that when they are living a hostel life their freedom is taken away. They cannot do whatever they want. At home too parents are strict but it is not like the one in hostel. They cannot eat according to their wish. They need to get used to with the hostel food.

They cannot study late night because it is not allowed in a hostel. If they miss any of the meal, they have to remain hungry. When they get sick, they miss the family because no one can replace that care which our family has while we are sick. The students are forced to follow all the rules and regulations even they do not like it.

They cannot stay out of the hostel for long due to the curfew. After one point of time every students gets fed up of the hostel food. During such times they wish to eat delicious food from outside. But if they do that, they need to cut down on their expenditures which might be necessary.

They get very limited amount of pocket money. So, they cannot spend their money they want. Ragging is a very serious offence at every place. People who rag others get punished. But still we hear the students get ragged by the seniors in hostel. This example can be seen in the movie 3 Idiots.

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Essay on hostel life of a student

This is an essay on hostel life of a student and this is prepared here using the points below. The essay is written according to the points.

QUESTION- Write an essay in 500 words on your life in school hostel and the importance of hostel life in student life ?

Introduction, description of the hostel.

  • Your daily routine in hostel

How you feel there

  • Importance of hostel life


Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay paragraph writing- MORE READING


A hostel is an essential part of education system as it becomes an abode of the students and teachers. I live in our school hostel and the name of our school is V. K. Institution. I have come from a remote village with the new hope of winning the hurdles of life and stayed in a hostel.

Essay writing on my life in school hostel.

lt consists of a long one-storied building of twenty rooms open on all sides. One of these rooms is for the superintendent, while the others are for teachers and students. There is a separate building for the kitchen and the menials. Our hostel is a long one storied building of two rooms on all sides. The hostel superintendent, some of our teachers and we, the students live there in seperate rooms under one and equal rule of the institution. The facility of kitchen and menials are in a seperate building which are the souls of hostel days.

Your daily routine in hostel (Essay on hostel life of a student)

We have to follow a strict regulated life in the hostel which is of great importance to the students for building up their good character. The day starts with the morning bell at five o’ clock. We get up at once and wash our faces. Then we do our morning prayer together hoping for a day of good spirit and fortune. From 7 am to 9.30 am we concentrate on study and homeworks. After that we have our bath and lunch, and then we go to our classes.

The only attractive time for which we wait all the time is the afternoon period after the school hour ends. This is devoted to physical exercise of some sort, often under the supervision of some of our Physical Instructors. On return to the hostel we first wash ourselves and then sit down at our studies. Our supper comes at about 9 p.m. after which we retire to bed. There are Occasional variations in this programme; but the Superintendent and other teachers see to it that we do not indulge in any undesirable activity.

The taste of hostel life seems to me boring and unbearable except the time of homecoming returns after some intervals. When I come home to spend some days with my parents, it seems to me that an unmixed joy makes me forgetful of those routine life in the hostel. But the time of return always arrives more swiftly than ever and a feelings of loneliness and remorse engulf me again. I return to hostel and another bond of friendship creates its boundary within the hostel life.

Importance of hostel life (Essay on hostel life of a student)

We are thirty boarders making up a family with the Superintendent as the head. If anyone falls ill, the hostel doctor comes in and the fellow-boarders give him all the care and attention he may require. This provides a lesson of friendship, fellow-feelings and social outlook.

Another important thing of hostel life is that hostel gives us habits of self-help. We have to take care of our personal belongings ourselves, make up our own beds and live under strict control from morning to night. These are habits which I am sure will stand me in good stead in my future life. To become a successful man, there is surely a need of hostel life and I think everyone must have an experience.

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I Was Wrongfully Arrested Because of Facial Recognition Technology. It Shouldn’t Happen to Anyone Else

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O n January 9, 2020, Detroit Police Department (DPD) officers arrested me on my front lawn in Farmington Hills, Michigan, in front of my wife and two young daughters, for a crime I had nothing to do with. They refused to tell me why, and I had to spend the night sleeping on a cold concrete bench in an overcrowded, filthy jail cell before finally finding out that I was being falsely accused of stealing designer watches from a Detroit boutique.

While interrogating me, a pair of detectives let it slip that I had been arrested based on an incorrect facial recognition identification, a technology that has been proven to be both racist and faulty—especially when used in real-world conditions, like with blurry security footage.

This week we finally reached a settlement in my wrongful arrest lawsuit against the City of Detroit that ensures what happened to me won’t happen again.

Facial recognition technology has access to massive databases with millions of photos — including, at the time I was arrested, a database of 49 million photographs comprising every Michigan driver’s license photo going back years. Anyone who has a driver’s license can be included in these databases. The technology scans them all for similar-looking faces and spits out some possible suspects. Police would tell you they only use this information as a “lead” and then conduct meaningful investigations but my own personal experience, and that of other wrongfully arrested people around the country, refutes that assertion.

Case in point, the system somehow returned my expired driver’s license photo as an “investigative lead” that might match the thief. Rather than investigate the accuracy of this purported match, police accepted the “lead,” putting my photo in a lineup along with five other photos of Black men—each of whom looked less like the thief since a computer algorithm hadn’t decided those photos looked similar enough to the thief to be a possible match. The witness (who hadn’t even seen the crime happen, but merely reviewed the security footage) chose my photo out of this rigged lineup. And that is all the evidence DPD relied upon to arrest me.

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When I was finally released after 30 hours, I learned that my oldest daughter had lost her first tooth while I was in jail—a precious childhood memory now warped by trauma for our whole family.  She also turned around a photograph of our family because she couldn’t bear to see my face after watching the police haul me away. The girls even started playing cops-and-robbers games and telling me I was the robber. There have been many moments over the last four years where I’ve had to try to explain to two little girls that a computer wrongfully sent their father to jail.

The bogus charges were ultimately dropped, but not before I had to go to court to defend myself against something I didn’t do. Once they were dropped, I demanded that police officials apologize and urged them to stop using this dangerous technology. They ignored me.

Since my story became public in 2020, we’ve learned of two other Black people in Detroit, Porcha Woodruff and Michael Oliver , who were also wrongfully arrested for crimes they didn’t commit based on police reliance on faulty facial recognition technology searches.  Similar stories continue to pop up around the nation.

In a more just world, the cops would be banned from using this technology altogether. While this settlement couldn’t go that far, the DPD’s use of this dangerous and racist technology will now be much more tightly controlled. They will not be able to conduct a photo lineup based solely on a lead derived from facial recognition. Instead, they can only conduct a lineup after using facial recognition if they first uncover independent evidence linking the person identified by facial recognition to a crime. In other words, DPD can no longer substitute facial recognition for basic investigative police work.

Their obligations don’t end there. Whenever DPD uses facial recognition in an investigation, they must inform courts and prosecutors about any flaws and weaknesses of the facial recognition search they conducted, such as poor photo quality like in my case where grainy security footage was used. DPD will also, for the first time, have to train its officers about the limitations and inaccuracies of facial recognition technology, including how it falsely identifies Black people at much higher rates than white people.

What the Detroit Police Department made me endure changed my life forever. When I was being hauled off to jail, I felt like I was in a bad movie I couldn’t leave. For the past several years since my wrongful arrest, my family and I have traveled around Michigan and the country urging policymakers to protect their constituents from the horror I went through by stopping law enforcement from misusing this technology. I’ve repeatedly explained that I don’t want anyone to live with the fear and trauma that facial recognition technology inflicted on my family. With the settlement of my case, we take a big step toward that goal.

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Cover of July 2024 Issue

The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially

Under this new standard, a president can go on a four-to-eight-year crime spree and then retire from public life, never to be held accountable.

United States Supreme Court justices

United States Supreme Court justices pose for their official portrait on October 7, 2022, in Washington, DC.

Welp, Donald Trump won. The Supreme Court today ruled that presidents are entitled to “absolute immunity” from criminal prosecution for official acts, then contended that pressuring the vice president and the Department of Justice to overthrow the government was an “official act,” then said that talking to advisers or making public statements are “official acts” as well, and then determined that evidence of what presidents say and do cannot be used against them to establish that their acts are “unofficial.”

The ruling from the Supreme Court was 6-3, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, on a straight party-line vote, with all the Republican-appointed justices joining to give the president the power of a king. While some parts of the federal indictment against Trump will be remanded back down to the district-court trial judge to determine whether any of Trump’s actions were “unofficial” (“unofficial” acts, the court says, are not entitled to immunity), Trump’s victory in front of the Supreme Court is total. Essentially, all he has to do is claim that everything he did to plot a coup was part of his “official” duties, and the Supreme Court provided no clear method or evidentiary standard that can be used to challenge that presumption.

Legally, there are two critical things to understand about the totality of the court’s ruling here:

  • The immunity is absolute
  • There is no legislative way to get rid of what the court has given

On the first point, the immunity granted to Trump in this case far exceeds the immunity granted to, say, police officers or other government officials, when they act in their official capacities. Those officials are granted “qualified” immunity from civil penalties. Because the immunity is “qualified,” it can be taken away (“pierced” is the legal jargon for taking away an official’s qualified immunity). People can bring evidence against officials and argue that they shouldn’t be given immunity because of the gravity or depravity of their acts.

Not so with Trump. Presidents are now entitled to “absolute” immunity, which means that no matter what they do, the immunity cannot be lost. They are always and forever immune, no matter what evidence is brought to bear.

Moreover, unlike other officials, presidents are now entitled to absolute immunity from criminal charges. Even a cop can be charged with, say, murder , even if they argue that killing people is part of their jobs. But not presidents. Presidents can murder, rape, steal, and pretty much do whatever they want, so long as they argue that murdering, raping, or stealing is part of the official job of the president of the United States. There is no crime that pierces the veil of absolute immunity.

And there is essentially nothing we can do to change it. The courts created qualified immunity for public officials, but it can be undone by state or federal legislatures if they pass a law removing that protection. Not so with absolute presidential immunity. The court here says that absolute immunity is required by the separation of powers inherent in the Constitution, meaning that Congress cannot take it away. Congress, according to the Supreme Court, does not have the power to pass legislation saying “the president can be prosecuted for crimes.” Impeachment, and only impeachment, is the only way to punish presidents, and, somewhat obviously, impeachment does nothing to a president who is already no longer in office.

The Nation Weekly

Under this new standard, a president can go on a four-to-eight-year crime spree, steal all the money and murder all the people they can get their hands on, all under guise of presumptive “official” behavior, and then retire from public life, never to be held accountable for their crimes while in office. That, according to the court, is what the Constitution requires. 

There will be Republicans and legal academics and whatever the hell job Jonathan Turley has who will go into overdrive arguing that the decision isn’t as bad as all that. These bad-faith actors will be quoted or even published in The Washington Post and The New York Times . They will argue that presidents can still be prosecuted for “unofficial acts,” and so they will say that everything is fine.

But they will be wrong, because while the Supreme Court says “unofficial” acts are still prosecutable, the court has left nearly no sphere in which the president can be said to be acting “unofficially.” And more importantly, the court has left virtually no vector of evidence that can be deployed against a president to prove that their acts were “unofficial.” If trying to overthrow the government is “official,” then what isn’t? And if we can’t use the evidence of what the president says or does, because communications with their advisers, other government officials, and the public is “official,” then how can we ever show that an act was taken “unofficially”?

Take the now-classic example of a president ordering Seal Team Six to assassinate a political rival. According to the logic of the Republicans on the Supreme Court, that would likely be an official act. According to their logic, there is also no way to prove it’s “unofficial,” because any conversation the president has with their military advisers (where, for instance, the president tells them why they want a particular person assassinated) is official and cannot be used against them.

There will doubtless be people still wondering if Trump can somehow be prosecuted: The answer is “no.” Special counsel Jack Smith will surely argue that presenting fake electors in connection with his cadre of campaign sycophants was not an “official act.” Lower-court judges may well agree. But when that appeal gets back to the Supreme Court next year, the same justices who just ruled that Trump is entitled to absolute immunity will surely rule that submitting fake electors was also part of Trump’s “official” responsibilities.

Why Aren’t We Talking About Trump’s Fascism? Why Aren’t We Talking About Trump’s Fascism?

The debate won biden some new supporters: republicans the debate won biden some new supporters: republicans.

Chris Lehmann

Donald Trump’s Secret Weapon to Dismantle American Education Donald Trump’s Secret Weapon to Dismantle American Education

StudentNation / Owen Dahlkamp

The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially

Elie mystal.

There is no way to change that outcome in the short term. In the long term, the only way to undo the authoritarianism the court has just ushered in is to expand the Supreme Court . Democrats would have to win the upcoming presidential election and the House and the Senate. Then Congress would have to pass a law expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court; then the Senate would have to pass that law as well, which, at a minimum, would likely have to include getting rid of the filibuster. Then the president would have to sign such a bill, and appoint additional Supreme Court justices who do not think that presidents should be kings—and then those justices would have to be confirmed. And all of that would have to happen before the current Supreme Court hears whatever Trump appeal from his January 6 charges comes up next, because if court expansion happens after the current Supreme Court dismisses the charges against him, double jeopardy will attach and Trump can never be prosecuted again under a less-fascist court.

So, since that’s not going to happen, Trump won. He won completely. He tried to overthrow the government, and he got away with it. I cannot even imagine what he’ll try if he is actually given power again, knowing full well that he will never be held accountable for literal crimes.

If you ever wondered what you’d have done in ancient Rome, when the Roman Republic was shuttered and Augustus Caesar declared himself the “first” citizen of Rome, the answer is: whatever you’re doing right now. It’s what you would have done during the Restoration of King Charles II in England, and what you would have done when Napoleon declared himself emperor of France. This, right here, is how republics die.

And the answer that cries out from the abyss of history is that most people, in real time, don’t care. Republics fall because most citizens are willing to give it away. Most people think that it won’t be that bad to lose the rule of law, and the people who stand to benefit from the ending of republican self-government tell everybody that it will be OK. When the Imperium came to be, the Romans didn’t realize that they were seeing the last form of European self-government for 2,000 years, and the ones who did were largely happy about it.

For my part, I assume that like Mark Antony’s wife, Fulvia, defiling the decapitated head of Cicero, Martha-Ann Alito will be jabbing her golden hairpin into my tongue for criticizing the powerful soon enough. But I’m just a writer. I wonder what the rest of you will do as the last vestiges of democracy are taken away by the Imperial Supreme Court and the untouchable executive officer they’ve just created.

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Elie Mystal is  The Nation ’s justice correspondent and the host of its legal podcast, Contempt of Court . He is also an Alfred Knobler Fellow at the Type Media Center. His first book is the New York Times bestseller Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution, published by The New Press. Elie can be followed @ElieNYC .

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Guest Essay

The Trump Decision Reveals Deep Rot in the System

In front of the Supreme Court Building, a person holding up a sign reading, “Delay, delay, delay.”

By Laurence H. Tribe

Mr. Tribe taught constitutional law at Harvard for 50 years.

On Monday the Supreme Court dispensed with the rule of law by effectively depriving the American people of crucial information we should have had before the November election.

The question before the justices in Trump v. United States: Was Donald Trump immune from prosecution for the crimes the special counsel Jack Smith accused him of committing while president? The answer should have been obvious: No, presidents cannot commit crimes aimed at obstructing the peaceful transfer of power without facing consequences. Indeed, to my knowledge, no court has ever held that a president could be criminally immune under any circumstances.

Instead of delivering that judgment many months ago and allowing the trial to proceed, the justices have given Mr. Trump the gift of delay piled upon delay. By taking nearly 10 weeks to deliberate before returning the case to the district court — and by sending it back not even for immediate trial but for preliminary determinations that could trigger yet another round of appeals — they have extinguished any realistic hope of getting a verdict in the Jan. 6 case before November. American voters will enter ballot booths to choose between Donald Trump and President Biden without knowing whether Mr. Trump is guilty of the crimes with which a grand jury of his fellow citizens charged him.

This decision may seem like a reflection of a rogue conservative majority that can, in time, be changed. But it is a sign of a much deeper problem — one that, when the time is ripe, will require constitutional reforms to solve and perhaps even a new branch of government.

Although the opinion features a high-minded disclaimer that the court is not granting Mr. Trump or any future president complete immunity, the practical effect of this decision is presumptive immunity for all future presidents and complete immunity by delay for Mr. Trump.

This prospect was not lost on Mr. Trump. He repeatedly obtained delays to avoid trial, turning the legal machinery of the court system against itself to buy what he needed most: time — time to distract, delay and spin his own version of the story as he sought to find a way to make these devastating charges disappear. If he becomes president again, he could have his new attorney general fire Mr. Smith and deep-six the entire prosecution.

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