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168 Current International Relations Research Topics For Any Level

international relations research topics

Are you a student looking for intriguing international relations research topics? Look no further! In this blog post, we have created a list of 168 unique and thought-provoking research topics in the field of international relations that should help students get an A+ on their next paper.

Whether you’re studying political science, international affairs or related disciplines, this comprehensive list covers a wide range of fascinating subjects. From global governance to security issues, diplomacy, human rights, and more, these topics are designed to inspire your research and help you delve deeper into the complexities of international relations. So, grab your notepad and get ready to explore these captivating research ideas!

A Word On International Relations Theses

International relations is the study of interactions between nations and global actors. It examines politics, economics, security, and culture, exploring how countries cooperate, conflict and shape global dynamics. If you’re about to start working on a thesis in international relations and you are wondering what to include in your paper, here is a short explanation of each of the mandatory chapters:

Introduction: The opening section that presents the research problem, objectives, and significance of the study. Literature Review: A comprehensive review of existing scholarly works related to the research topic, providing a context for the study. Methodology: Describes the research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques used to address the research questions or hypotheses. Findings: Presents the empirical results or outcomes of the research, often supported by data, analysis, and interpretation. Discussion: Analyzes and interprets the findings in relation to the research objectives, drawing connections to existing literature and providing insights. Conclusion: Summarizes the main findings, highlights the contributions to the field, and suggests avenues for future research. References: Lists all the sources cited in the thesis following a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

Now, it’s time to deliver on our promise and give you the list of international relations research paper topics. Choose the one you like the most:

Easy International Relations Research Topics

Explore our list of easy international relations research topics that will help you understand global politics and analyze the dynamics of international relations with ease

  • The impact of globalization on state sovereignty and international relations
  • Analyzing the role of non-state actors in global governance structures
  • The influence of soft power in shaping international relations and diplomacy
  • Exploring the relationship between human rights and international relations
  • Examining the dynamics of economic interdependence in international relations
  • The role of international organizations in promoting peace and security
  • Assessing the impact of climate change on international relations and cooperation
  • Analyzing the role of regional integration in shaping global politics
  • The implications of cyber warfare for international relations and national security
  • Examining the challenges and opportunities of humanitarian intervention in international relations
  • Analyzing the role of ideology in shaping state behavior in international relations
  • Exploring the impact of migration and refugee crises on international relations
  • Assessing the role of international law in resolving conflicts and promoting peace
  • Investigating the role of intelligence agencies in shaping international relations

International Relations Thesis Topics

Our wide range of international relations thesis topics will guide you towards developing a strong research question, conducting in-depth analysis, and contributing to the field with your original research:

  • Power dynamics and the balance of power in international relations
  • Exploring the role of diplomacy in conflict resolution and peacebuilding
  • The impact of nuclear proliferation on international security and non-proliferation regimes
  • Analyzing the role of international institutions in managing global crises
  • The influence of nationalism on interstate relations and regional cooperation
  • Examining the role of international norms and human rights in shaping foreign policy
  • Assessing the impact of economic globalization on state sovereignty in international relations
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and international relations
  • Exploring the concept of hegemony and its implications for international relations
  • The role of gender in international relations and its impact on policy-making
  • Analyzing the role of intelligence agencies in shaping international relations
  • The implications of emerging technologies on international security and arms control
  • Examining the role of media and propaganda in international conflicts and public opinion
  • The impact of regional integration on state behavior and international cooperation

Advanced International Relations Topics For Research

Dive into complex issues, explore cutting-edge theories, and unravel the intricate dynamics of global affairs with our advanced international relations topics for research:

  • China’s global rise and its power dynamics
  • Non-traditional security threats in international relations
  • AI and warfare: Implications for international security
  • Climate change, conflict, and forced migration in international relations
  • Religion and politics in international relations
  • Populism’s impact on global governance and international relations
  • Social movements and civil society in shaping international relations
  • Pandemics and international cooperation: Implications for global governance
  • Cultural diplomacy and soft power in international relations
  • Information warfare and disinformation in international relations
  • Regional powers shaping global security dynamics
  • Responsibility to protect and humanitarian interventions in international relations
  • Resource scarcity and environmental degradation in international relations
  • Migration and refugee crises’ impact on global stability

International Relations Research Questions

Our carefully curated list of international relations research questions will inspire critical thinking and promote meaningful discussions:

  • How does power transition theory explain shifts in global power dynamics?
  • What are the implications of the rise of non-state actors on traditional state-centric international relations theories?
  • How do identity politics and nationalism shape interstate conflicts?
  • What are the factors influencing state compliance with international human rights norms?
  • How does globalization impact state sovereignty?
  • What are the challenges of multilateralism in addressing global issues?
  • How does public opinion influence state behavior in international relations?
  • What are the causes and consequences of failed states in international relations?
  • How does the distribution of power in international institutions affect their legitimacy?
  • What are the implications of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, on international security?
  • How do regional conflicts and security dilemmas impact regional integration efforts?
  • What are the root causes of terrorism?
  • How does economic interdependence shape interstate relations and global governance structures?
  • What are the challenges of global environmental governance in addressing climate change?

International Relations Paper Topics

Choose one of our international relations paper topics that resonate with your interests and embark on an enriching research journey:

  • The role of ideology in shaping state behavior in international relations
  • Analyzing the impact of economic sanctions on diplomatic relations between countries
  • The role of media and propaganda in influencing public opinion in international conflicts
  • Exploring the relationship between globalization and cultural identity in international relations
  • The implications of cybersecurity threats on national security and international relations
  • Assessing the role of intelligence agencies in gathering and analyzing international intelligence
  • Analyzing the impact of regional organizations on regional conflicts and cooperation in international relations
  • The influence of international trade agreements on global economic and political relations
  • Exploring the dynamics of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation in international relations
  • The role of international law in resolving territorial disputes and promoting peace
  • Non-state actors in international relations: Influence and challenges
  • Conflict resolution mechanisms: Negotiation, mediation, and peacebuilding approaches
  • Diplomatic immunity: Balancing immunity with accountability in international relations
  • The impact of global pandemics on international cooperation and security

Engaging Topic Ideas About International Relations

Are you seeking engaging and captivating topic ideas for your international relations research? Choose one of these engaging topic ideas about international relations:

  • Global governance and international organizations in addressing global challenges.
  • Nationalism’s impact on international relations and global cooperation.
  • Soft power in shaping international perceptions and relations.
  • Regional conflicts’ implications for global stability and security.
  • Cyber warfare: Assessing evolving cyber threats in international relations.
  • Media’s role in international relations: Influence, propaganda, and disinformation.
  • Economic interdependence: Opportunities and risks in global relations.
  • Diplomacy in the digital age: Challenges of virtual diplomacy.
  • Global migration and refugee crises: Humanitarian and political dimensions.
  • Human rights in international relations: Promoting universal rights.
  • Terrorism’s impact on global security and counterterrorism efforts.
  • Environmental diplomacy: Addressing global environmental challenges.
  • Religion’s role in international relations.
  • Regional power dynamics: Influence of major powers in different regions

international relations research topics

Interesting International Relations Research Paper Topics

Uncover fascinating research paper topics in international relations that will captivate your readers and showcase your analytical skills. Use one of these interesting international relations research paper topics:

  • Populism’s rise and its impact on international relations and global governance
  • Climate change’s geopolitical implications: Conflicts, migrations, and resource competition
  • Hybrid warfare: Analyzing blurred lines between conventional and unconventional threats
  • Technology’s impact on diplomacy and the future of diplomatic practices
  • Nuclear energy diplomacy: Balancing peaceful uses and proliferation concerns
  • Soft power and cultural industries’ influence in international relations
  • Politics of humanitarian aid: Challenges and ethical considerations
  • Media framing’s impact on public opinion in international conflicts
  • International cooperation in space exploration and its geopolitical implications
  • Diaspora communities’ role in shaping international relations and global politics
  • Migration policies and human rights: Balancing border control and human dignity
  • Global health governance: Cooperation, challenges, and pandemic responses
  • Environmental peacebuilding: Addressing conflicts over natural resources and degradation
  • Economic sanctions: Effectiveness and ethical implications in international relations

Political Science Dissertation Topics

Our list of political science dissertation topics will provide you with a solid foundation for developing a unique research proposal and making a significant contribution to the field:

  • The role of political ideologies in foreign policy and international relations.
  • National security strategies and state behavior in international relations.
  • Global governance and collective decision-making challenges in international institutions.
  • Public opinion’s influence on foreign policy and international relations.
  • Identity politics and intergroup relations in international contexts.
  • Humanitarian interventions and the responsibility to protect.
  • Geopolitics and resource conflicts: Strategic importance of natural resources.
  • International law’s role in shaping state behavior and resolving conflicts.
  • Comparative political systems in international relations.
  • Political leadership’s impact on diplomatic relations and cooperation.
  • International development assistance: Aid effectiveness and challenges.
  • Non-state actors in global politics: Influence, networks, power dynamics.
  • Intelligence agencies in international intelligence gathering and analysis.
  • Political parties and foreign policy shaping

Current International Relations Topics For Research Paper

Stay up to date with the latest developments in global politics by exploring our selection of current international relations topics for research paper writing :

  • Emerging technologies’ impact on global security and power dynamics.
  • Transnational threats: Terrorism, crime, and cyber challenges in focus.
  • Regional integration in globalization: Achievements, limitations, and prospects.
  • Trade wars: Implications for global economy and cooperation.
  • Disinformation and fake news: Influence on international politics and public opinion.
  • Climate change negotiations: Progress and challenges in combating global warming
  • Cybersecurity and emerging threats in international relations.
  • Regional power dynamics in the Middle East: Implications for global security
  • Global responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: Cooperation and challenges
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation in international policy
  • Rising nationalism and its impact on international cooperation
  • Humanitarian crisis in Yemen: International responses and challenges
  • Technology and the future of warfare: Implications for global security
  • The Belt and Road Initiative: Assessing its impact on international relations

Awesome Research Topics For International Relations

Our awesome research topics for international relations allow you to explore diverse areas of global politics and contribute to the field with your exceptional research:

  • NGOs’ role in shaping international policies and agendas
  • Humanitarian interventions and the responsibility to protect: Effectiveness and ethics
  • Cybersecurity challenges in international relations: Risks and responses
  • Global migration governance: Policies and implications
  • Globalization vs national sovereignty: Impacts on state behavior
  • China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Geopolitical influence and challenges
  • Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation: Effectiveness of treaties
  • Gender in international relations: Impact of norms and policies
  • Post-colonial perspectives in international relations: Power dynamics and legacies
  • Climate justice and international cooperation: Addressing climate change
  • Regional organizations in global governance and international relations
  • Politics of humanitarian intervention: Strategies and outcomes
  • Political economy of international trade: Impact of policies and agreements
  • Populism’s impact on democracy and international relations

Controversial International Relations Topics

Delve into the realm of controversy and discourse with our thought-provoking controversial international relations topics:

  • Drones in targeted killings: Legal and ethical implications
  • Nuclear energy and non-proliferation: Benefits and risks
  • Intervention in state sovereignty: Legitimacy and consequences
  • Ethics of economic sanctions: Effectiveness and impact on civilians
  • Cyber warfare and international norms: Regulating cyber conflicts
  • Climate change’s impact on national security and conflicts
  • Intelligence agencies in covert operations and international relations
  • Politics of humanitarian aid: Motivations and challenges
  • Ethics of military intervention: Justifications and consequences
  • Politics of regime change: Motivations and implications
  • Media bias’s impact on international perceptions and diplomacy
  • Private military companies: Challenges and accountability
  • Politics of disarmament and arms control: Progress and challenges
  • Corporate interests’ influence on foreign policy and relations

Best International Relations Topics For 2023

Stay ahead of the curve with our selection of the best international relations topics for 2023. These carefully curated topics reflect the current trends, emerging challenges and pressing issues:

  • COVID-19 pandemic’s implications on global politics and international relations
  • Rise of populism and its impact on democracy and international cooperation
  • Cybersecurity challenges in a hyper-connected world: Risks and responses
  • Future of international cooperation in addressing global challenges and conflicts
  • Climate change and security: Implications for international relations and stability
  • Evolving role of regional powers in shaping global politics and relations
  • Technological advancements’ impact on state power and international relations
  • Global governance reform: Restructuring international institutions
  • Social media’s role in shaping international perceptions and political movements
  • Challenges and prospects of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation
  • Intersection of artificial intelligence and international relations
  • Impact of trade wars on global economic relations and cooperation
  • Geopolitical tensions in the Arctic: Resource competition and influence
  • Future of multilateralism: Relevance and effectiveness in a changing world

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We have also prepared a list of best topics on the following disciplines:

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How do I choose a research topic in international relations?

Consider your interests, current events, and gaps in existing literature to identify an area of focus. Brainstorm potential topics and ensure they align with your research objectives.

What makes a strong international relations research paper?

A strong research paper includes a well-defined research question, solid theoretical framework, rigorous analysis, credible sources, and logical structure. It should also contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

How can I narrow down my international relations research topic?

Consider specific regions, actors, theories, or policy areas within international relations. Narrowing down your topic will allow for a more focused and manageable research paper.

Can I use case studies in my international relations research paper?

Yes, case studies can be valuable in providing empirical evidence and in-depth analysis. They help illustrate theoretical concepts and offer real-world examples to support your arguments.

History Research Paper Topics

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40+ Best International Relations Research Topics: Global Dynamics Unveiled

International Relations Research Topics

  • Post author By admin
  • November 11, 2023

Explore the complex landscape of global affairs with our curated list of International Relations Research Topics. Delve into pressing issues, emerging trends, and fresh perspectives that shape the world stage.

Uncover the latest insights and navigate the intricacies of international diplomacy through innovative research avenues.

Embarking on the captivating odyssey of “International Relations Research Topics” is akin to donning the explorer’s hat in a vast, interconnected world.

As our globe tightens its bonds, the study of international relations becomes not just relevant but essential. In this article, we embark on a journey that doesn’t merely skim the surface; it delves deep into the beating heart of themes that intrigue scholars and mold the very narrative of our shared global drama.

Imagine traversing the echoes of historical events, resonating through the grand halls of diplomacy. Picture grappling with the contemporary puzzles that carve the geopolitical landscape, and unraveling the theoretical frameworks that scaffold our comprehension of international relations.

From the intricate dance of negotiation to the mosaic of global governance complexities, we’re set to embark on a thrilling adventure, spanning disciplines, cultures, and the sands of time.

So, fasten your seatbelts as we navigate the twists and turns of international relations research. Join us in dissecting real-world challenges through illuminating case studies and peering into the crystal ball of future trends that will shape the diplomatic stage.

The realm of international relations research isn’t just a scholarly pursuit; it’s a journey into the heart of human interaction on the international stage, a quest that promises both revelations and solutions.

Get ready for an expedition that transcends borders and plunges into the pulse of our shared global destiny.

Together, let’s unravel the dynamic and ever-evolving world of international relations research—a journey that promises not just academic enlightenment but a deeper understanding of the threads that weave our world together.

Table of Contents

International Relations Research Topics

Check out international relations research topics:-

Theories of International Relations

Power Dynamics Unveiled : Investigate the role of power in international relations and how realist perspectives shape foreign policy.

The Promise of Cooperation : Explore the principles of liberalism and how they influence diplomatic collaboration and international organizations.


Beyond Structures : Delve into the impact of ideas, norms, and identities on international relations, challenging traditional structural perspectives.

Critical Theories

Deconstructing Narratives : Examine critical approaches to IR, questioning established norms and advocating for social justice in global relations.

Foreign Policy

The united states’ foreign policy.

Evolution and Trends : Analyze the historical shifts and current trends in U.S. foreign policy, exploring its global implications.

China’s Foreign Policy

Rising Dragon : Investigate China’s geopolitical strategy, economic diplomacy, and its role in shaping international relations.

Russia’s Foreign Policy

Eurasian Ambitions : Explore Russia’s geopolitical objectives, alliances, and its impact on regional and global stability.

The European Union’s Foreign Policy

Unity in Diversity : Assess the coherence and challenges of the EU’s foreign policy, considering its unique supranational structure.

The Foreign Policy of the Middle East

Navigating Complexity : Examine the intricate foreign policies of Middle Eastern nations, addressing regional conflicts and global interactions.

International Law

The role of international law in the international system.

Legal Frameworks : Investigate the impact and effectiveness of international legal systems in governing state behavior.

The Sources of International Law

Foundations Unveiled : Explore the historical and contemporary sources influencing the development of international legal principles.

The Enforcement of International Law

Legal Realities : Assess the mechanisms and challenges in enforcing international law, addressing issues of compliance and accountability.

The Development of International Law

Evolutionary Trajectories : Trace the historical evolution of international law, analyzing its adaptive nature in response to global changes.

The Future of International Law

Innovations and Challenges : Speculate on the future directions and innovations in international law amidst evolving global dynamics.

International Organizations

The united nations.

Global Governance : Examine the role, challenges, and effectiveness of the United Nations in addressing global issues and conflicts.

The World Trade Organization

Trade Diplomacy : Assess the impact of the WTO on global trade dynamics, exploring its role in shaping economic relations.

The International Monetary Fund

Economic Stabilization : Investigate the IMF’s influence on global financial stability, economic development, and its role in financial crises.

The World Bank

Development Finance : Examine the World Bank’s role in funding development projects and its impact on global economic disparities.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Collective Security : Analyze NATO’s evolving role in ensuring collective defense and maintaining regional and global security.

International Security

Nuclear weapons.

Arms Control Dilemmas : Explore the challenges of nuclear disarmament, arms control agreements, and the geopolitical implications of nuclear arsenals.

Global Threats : Investigate the causes, dynamics, and counterterrorism strategies in response to global terrorist threats.


Virtual Battlefields : Examine the evolving landscape of cyber threats, state-sponsored cyber operations, and diplomatic responses.

Climate Change

Security Implications : Assess the security challenges posed by climate change, including resource scarcity, migration, and conflict risks.

Global Health Security : Explore the intersection of international relations and global health, focusing on pandemic preparedness and response.

International Development

The causes of poverty.

Structural Analysis : Investigate the root causes of poverty globally, examining the role of economic, social, and political factors.

The Impact of Globalization

Global Dynamics : Analyze the effects of globalization on economic, social, and political dimensions, considering both positive and negative impacts.

The Role of Aid

Humanitarian Assistance : Examine the effectiveness of international aid in promoting development, addressing crises, and reducing poverty.

The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

Civil Society Actors : Assess the contributions and challenges of NGOs in international development and diplomacy.

The Future of International Development

Sustainable Goals : Speculate on the future trajectories of international development, considering global challenges and innovative solutions.

International Political Economy

The global economy.

Economic Governance : Evaluate the structures and governance of the global economy, addressing issues of economic inequality and trade imbalances.

Trade Diplomacy Trends : Investigate emerging trends in global trade diplomacy, trade agreements, and their impact on national economies.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) : Examine the role of FDI in shaping international economic relations, focusing on its impact on host and home countries.

Financial Governance : Assess the role of international financial institutions and governance mechanisms in maintaining global financial stability.


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) : Explore the progress and challenges in achieving the SDGs, considering their impact on global economic relations.

International Environmental Politics

Global Responses : Evaluate international efforts to address climate change, analyzing agreements, policies, and the role of state and non-state actors.


Conservation Challenges : Examine global initiatives and challenges in preserving biodiversity, considering the impact on ecosystems and human societies.

Cross-Border Impacts : Analyze international frameworks and strategies for addressing transboundary pollution, emphasizing cooperative solutions.

Water Resources

Hydro-Diplomacy : Investigate the geopolitical dimensions of water scarcity, transboundary water management, and the potential for conflict or cooperation.

Global Energy Security : Assess the geopolitics of energy resources, exploring the impact on international relations and national security.

International Human Rights

The universal declaration of human rights.

70 Years On : Reflect on the achievements and challenges in upholding the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Role of Human Rights Organizations

Advocacy and Impact : Assess the contributions and limitations of human rights organizations in promoting and protecting human rights globally.

The Challenges of Human Rights Protection

Contemporary Dilemmas : Examine current challenges and dilemmas in the protection of human rights, considering cultural, political, and legal perspectives.

The Future of Human Rights

Emerging Harmonies : Identify and analyze emerging human rights issues globally and explore diplomatic strategies for advancing human rights advocacy worldwide.

Future Trends

Check out the future trends:-

Diplomacy in the Digital Age

Cybersecurity Adventures: In an era of technological leaps, the specter of cyber threats looms large. Future international relations will be in the trenches, figuring out the playbook for norms, treaties, and group huddles to fend off cyber villains and safeguard our digital fortresses.

Guardians of Global Wellness

Pandemic Odyssey: The seismic impact of COVID-19 sounded the alarm for robust global health governance.

Imagine this: a future where nations join hands in a symphony of collaboration, fine-tuning pandemic preparedness, orchestrating vaccine ballets, and addressing health inequalities on the grand stage of global solidarity.

Environmental Diplomacy

Climate Crusaders: Brace yourself for a climate showdown! As the world heats up, international relations will groove to the beat of urgent climate action.

Imagine a dance floor where negotiations, agreements, and collaborations bust moves to mitigate environmental threats and jive with the rhythm of a changing climate.

Regional Power Play

Shapeshifting Dynamics: A plot twist is brewing as regional powers in Asia and Africa steal the spotlight, reshaping the global stage.

The future of international relations will be a blockbuster, navigating the rise of these regional superheroes alongside the traditional titans of global influence.

Tech-Driven Humanitarianism

Aid’s Tech Symphony: When humanitarian crises strike, enter the tech virtuosos! Drones, artificial intelligence, and other tech marvels take center stage, orchestrating a symphony of innovation to respond to crises and deliver assistance with superhero efficiency.

Cosmic Diplomacy

Space Odyssey Unleashed: As we soar into the cosmos, international relations will boldly go where no treaties have gone before.

Picture diplomatic efforts navigating the vast expanse of space, establishing norms, agreements, and governance frameworks for our cosmic endeavors.

Economic Resilience Revolution:

Economic Tango Redefined: The aftermath of global economic shocks reshapes the dance floor of economic alliances and trade relationships.

Future international relations will spin into action, crafting moves to enhance economic resilience and foster cooperation in an ever-changing economic landscape.

Digital Frontier Governance:

Regulating the Digital Wild West: Get ready for a showdown in the digital saloon! The digital realm takes the spotlight in international relations, where future trends include crafting international regulations, treaties, and norms to tame the digital frontier, ensuring data privacy and the ethical use of emerging technologies.

Migration Marvels:

Demographic Jigsaw: Demographic changes and migration challenges become key players in the international relations saga.

Nations collaborate on an epic script, developing comprehensive policies that address the impacts of migration on societies, economies, and the geopolitics stage.

Multilateral Makeover

Global Governance Remix: The future sees multilateral institutions donning a new look to tackle contemporary challenges.

Efforts to reform and adapt global governance structures take center stage, promising an international relations blockbuster that shapes the world’s destiny.

What are good topics for research in international relations?

Check out some of good topics for research in international relations:-

Digital Battlegrounds: Navigating Cybersecurity Challenges in Global Diplomacy

Unraveling the influence of cyber threats on shaping diplomatic relations and the imperative for a united front in the realm of cybersecurity.

China’s Global Odyssey: Decoding the Belt and Road Initiative

Embarking on an exploration of the economic, political, and geopolitical ripple effects stemming from China’s grand infrastructure and development venture.

Angels in Conflict: Humanitarian Interventions Unveiled

Delving into the intricacies of international humanitarian interventions, weighing their effectiveness against the ethical backdrop in conflict-ridden territories.

Climate Avengers: Global Governance Confronts Climate Change

Surveying the battlefield of climate change, evaluating the triumphs and tribulations of international agreements and organizations in fostering sustainability.

Beyond Borders: The Dance of Non-State Actors in Global Affairs

Spotlighting the silent influencers – NGOs, multinational corporations, and other non-state actors – and deciphering their impact on the world stage.

Refugee Realities: An International Collaboration Saga

Unmasking the challenges and collaborative opportunities on the global stage as nations grapple with the escalating refugee crisis .

Energy Chess: Geopolitics in Resource Distribution

Tracing the geopolitical moves dictated by the control and distribution of energy resources, a chess game shaping international relations.

Populism’s Echo: Global Diplomacy in the Age of Charismatic Leaders

Analyzing the crescendo of populist movements and leaders, exploring their influence on international relations, alliances, and diplomatic dynamics.

Nuclear Shadows: Proliferation Puzzles and Global Security

Assessing the shadow cast by nuclear weapons proliferation and unraveling strategies for global disarmament.

Multilateralism Unveiled: Charting the Future Course

Lifting the curtain on the role and relevance of multilateral institutions in the ever-evolving landscape of international relations, envisioning potential reforms.

Regional Harmony: Dynamics of Integration Explored

Unlocking the impact of regional organizations, like the European Union or ASEAN, on stability, economic collaboration, and political cohesion.

Soft Whispers: Cultural Influence in Global Affairs

Deciphering the art of soft power, cultural sway, and the dance of public diplomacy on the grand stage of international relations.

Trade Winds of Change: Global Commerce Post-Pandemic

Navigating the reshaped tides of global trade and supply chains in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rights Under Fire: Human Rights Amidst Conflict

Assessing the safeguarding of human rights in the tumult of conflict zones, and exploring avenues for accountability and justice.

AI on the Frontlines: Warfare in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Probing the ethical, legal, and strategic battlegrounds of integrating artificial intelligence into military operations and the face of warfare.

These topics now come alive with a touch of intrigue and exploration!

What topics do international relations students study?

Embarking on the adventure of international relations studies is like diving into a treasure trove of global complexities. A

s students navigate this dynamic field, they encounter a fascinating array of subjects that mirror the intricate dance of nations.

Here’s a sneak peek into the captivating topics that typically grace the desks of international relations students:

Global Political Economy

Unraveling the intricate threads of international trade, finance, and economic jamborees, exploring the rollercoaster ride of globalization, development dramas, and economic sagas.

Delving into the legal labyrinths that regulate the cosmic ballet between states, organizations, and individuals on the world stage—think treaties, human rights, and diplomatic choreography.

Security Studies

Analyzing the kaleidoscope of global security, from military acrobatics and conflict resolution gymnastics to the starring role of international organizations in the grand spectacle of peacekeeping.

Comparative Politics

Comparing political systems worldwide, a bit like political Tinder, but for countries—swipe left for autocracy, swipe right for democracy.

Diplomacy and Negotiation

Mastering the art and strategy of diplomacy—picture a chessboard where countries make their moves with diplomatic finesse, negotiating checkmates and stalemates.

Foreign Policy Analysis

Playing detective in the realm of global decision-making—think Sherlock Holmes meets geopolitics, dissecting the motives and influences behind a nation’s foreign policy.

Touring the bureaucratic wonders of global organizations like the United Nations, where policies are debated, resolutions are passed, and diplomatic handshakes abound.

Human Rights and Global Governance

Championing the cause of human rights on the world stage, a bit like the Avengers, but for justice, with discussions on global governance challenges thrown in.

Crisis Management

Learning the ABCs of handling international crises—from humanitarian dramas to political cliffhangers, because sometimes the world feels like a suspenseful blockbuster.

Area Studies

Taking a deep dive into the soul of specific regions or countries, unraveling their histories, cultures, political intrigues, and international relations soap operas.

These are just a few teasers from the thrilling curriculum that shapes international relations students into global aficionados, ready to decode the world’s greatest mysteries and challenges.

What are the main issues of international relations?

Embarking on the labyrinthine journey of international relations is like diving headfirst into a riveting saga filled with complex challenges and diplomatic intricacies. Here’s a closer look at the pulse-quickening issues that keep the global stage buzzing with anticipation:

Global Security and Conflict

Imagine the ongoing chess game of maintaining global peace, tackling conflicts, and deftly sidestepping the landmines of potential new hostilities.

Economic Inequality and Globalization

Imagine a high-stakes tightrope walk, balancing the pursuit of economic growth with the tightrope of fair wealth distribution in our interconnected, globalized world.

Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability

Feel the urgency of a call to arms against climate change, championing environmental protection, and orchestrating a symphony of international cooperation for sustainable development.

Human Rights Violations

Enter the battlefield of justice, where the quest to protect and champion human rights clashes with discrimination, persecution, and the shadows of injustice.

Global Health Challenges

Witness the epic quest against pandemics, the noble pursuit of equal healthcare, and the captivating dance where global health meets the intricate steps of international relations.

Nuclear Proliferation

Imagine delicate diplomatic waltz around the possession and potential use of nuclear weapons, involving disarming maneuvers, non-proliferation treaties, and diplomatic pirouettes.

Terrorism and Transnational Crime

Navigate the thrilling world of international intrigue where the threat of terrorism and cybercrime lurk, challenging the boundaries of nations.

Migration and Displacement

Step into the multifaceted dance of human migration, refugees seeking a new rhythm, and the drama of how these moves impact host countries and global stability.

Nationalism and Populism

Experience the resurgence of nationalist and populist movements, an unfolding drama influencing both domestic and international political stages.

Technological Advancements and Governance

Dive into the riveting tale of rapid technological advances, where cybersecurity challenges and the regulation of emerging technologies take center stage.

Public Health Crises

Respond to the urgent call of global health crises, epitomized by the dramatic plot twists of events like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Diplomatic Tensions and Alliances

Feel the diplomatic tension in the air, where alliances are forged and strained, as the geopolitical script continually rewrites itself.

These are not just global issues; they’re the characters and plotlines that make the grand narrative of international relations a thrilling and ever-evolving spectacle. Get ready for the next episode!

What are the topics of the International Relations Journal?

The International Relations Journal is like a treasure trove, unlocking the secrets of the ever-evolving world of international relations.

It’s a captivating journey through a kaleidoscope of topics, where the academic spotlight shines on:

Dive into the drama of war, the chessboard of nuclear politics, and the backstage workings of global peacekeepers.

Get tangled in the web of globalization’s impact on world economies, the intricate dance of international trade, and the role of financial bigwigs.

Embark on a legal odyssey, exploring the origins and applications of international law, dissecting treaties, and scrutinizing institutions like the International Court of Justice.

Take a cross-cultural road trip, comparing political systems, dissecting the birth and demise of democracies and autocracies, and peeking into the political economy and social policies across the globe.

International Relations Theory

Dip your toes into the sea of theories, from the hard-hitters like realism and liberalism to the avant-garde worlds of constructivism, critical theory, and postmodernism.

International History

Time-travel through historical sagas of diplomacy, the rollercoaster of war, the rise and fall of empires, and the game-changers like the Cold War, 9/11, and the transformative waves of the Arab Spring.

This isn’t just a journal; it’s a vibrant marketplace of ideas, where scholars and enthusiasts alike gather to decipher the complex symphony that is international relations.

In the captivating realm of international relations research, these topics serve as portals into the heart of our global narrative, inviting curious minds to embark on a journey through the complexities that define our interconnected world.

From the intriguing dance of technological diplomacy to the pressing challenges posed by climate change, each research avenue beckons exploration and deeper understanding.

As we navigate this intellectual landscape, the rise of artificial intelligence’s impact on global affairs, China’s ascendancy reshaping geopolitical dynamics, and the imperative for collective action on climate-related issues emerge as pivotal subjects.

These aren’t just topics; they are doorways into a world where every inquiry contributes to the ever-evolving story of our shared human experience.

The future of democracy faces crossroads, and the ethical dimensions of technology on human rights challenge us to contemplate the intersection of progress and ethical responsibility.

The multifaceted facets of international security weave a narrative that transcends borders, reminding us of our interconnected destinies.

As scholars and enthusiasts delve into these topics, the journal of international relations becomes not just a source of knowledge but a compass, guiding us through the intricate and dynamic terrain of our global society.

The landscape of international relations research is an open invitation to unravel, question, and actively participate in the ongoing dialogue that shapes our world. It’s a vibrant tapestry waiting to be explored by those curious enough to seek, understand, and contribute to the rich mosaic of our interconnected reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key theoretical frameworks in international relations research.

International relations research draws on various theoretical frameworks, including realism, liberalism, and constructivism. Each offers unique perspectives on global affairs.

How does cultural diplomacy impact international relations?

Cultural diplomacy plays a crucial role in shaping international perceptions. It fosters understanding between nations and influences public opinion, contributing to soft power dynamics.

What are the pressing contemporary issues in international relations research?

Contemporary issues include geopolitical tensions, global health crises, and environmental challenges. Researchers delve into these topics to offer insights and solutions.

How does global governance contribute to international stability?

Global governance, facilitated by international organizations, contributes to stability by providing mechanisms for collaboration, conflict resolution, and the pursuit of common goals.

What role do case studies play in international relations research?

Case studies provide a practical application of theoretical frameworks to real-world scenarios. They offer nuanced insights into diplomatic challenges and successes.

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200+ International Relations Research Topics: Finding Your Niche

international relations research topics

International relations, as a field of study, is dynamic, complex, and ever-evolving. It encompasses the intricate web of relationships, both cooperative and contentious, between nations and the multifaceted issues that shape our global landscape. 

The research conducted in this field is crucial for understanding the world we live in, as it sheds light on the forces that influence diplomacy, trade, security, and human rights on an international scale.

If you’re embarking on a journey into the world of international relations research, you’ve made an exciting choice. Choosing the right research topic is the critical first step in this endeavor. Your topic sets the direction for your research, influences the questions you seek to answer, and determines the potential impact of your work. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the art of selecting international relations research topics, providing guidance and inspiration to help you find your niche in this fascinating field.

How to Select International Relations Research Topics?

Table of Contents

  • Identifying Your Interests and Passion

One of the most crucial factors in selecting a research topic is your personal interest and passion. Your enthusiasm for a particular subject will drive your research forward and keep you motivated throughout the process. Do you have a keen interest in global security, international organizations, diplomacy, economic issues, or human rights? 

Reflect on your own experiences, background, and the topics that resonate with you. Your passion will make your research more meaningful and engaging.

  • Relevance and Timeliness of the Topic

Relevance and timeliness are essential considerations when choosing an international relations research topic. The world is constantly changing, and certain issues gain prominence while others recede. 

Researching a timely topic ensures that your work remains current and contributes to the ongoing discourse. Pay attention to recent global events, emerging challenges, and evolving policies to identify topics that are both relevant and in demand.

  • Scope and Feasibility of Research

The scope and feasibility of your research topic are practical aspects to consider. Your topic should be manageable within the resources and time frame available to you. 

Evaluate the availability of data, access to experts or primary sources, and the potential for conducting fieldwork if necessary. An overly ambitious or overly narrow topic can pose challenges, so strike a balance that aligns with your research capabilities.

200+ International Relations Research Topics: Category-Wise

International relations encompass a wide array of subjects. To help you get started, let’s explore some broad categories with examples of specific research topics within each:

Security and Conflict

  • Nuclear proliferation’s effects on international security
  • The role of intelligence agencies in international security
  • Cybersecurity threats and state responses
  • Arms control agreements and their effectiveness
  • The implications of military interventions in Syria
  • The dynamics of terrorism and its evolving nature
  • Nuclear disarmament efforts in the 21st century
  • The influence of non-state actors in international conflicts
  • The rise of hybrid warfare and its impact on global stability
  • Regional security dynamics in East Asia
  •  The impact of emerging technologies (AI, drones) on military strategies
  • Proxy wars and their implications for global security
  • The role of international organizations in peacekeeping missions
  • The evolution of counter-terrorism strategies post-9/11
  • The relationship between arms sales and international conflict
  • Religious and ethnic tensions in the aftermath of the Cold War
  • The influence of climate change on security and resource conflicts
  • Space militarization and its impact on international relations
  • The role of private military companies in modern conflicts
  • The politics of nuclear non-proliferation agreements
  • Artificial intelligence’s place in combat in the future
  • The South China Sea presents issues for maritime security
  • The impact of proxy warfare in the Middle East
  • Emerging security threats in the Arctic region
  • The role of intelligence sharing in counter-terrorism efforts
  • The use of military drones and their legal and ethical implications
  • Disarmament and arms control in space
  • The militarization of the internet and its consequences
  • The psychology of conflict and the role of perception in international relations
  • The implications of bioterrorism in the 21st century

Global Governance and International Organizations

  • The effectiveness of the United Nations in promoting peace
  • The European Union’s place in world politics
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and their influence on international policy
  • The impact of regional organizations on international relations
  • The World Commerce Organization’s (WTO) function in international commerce
  • Interventions for humanitarian causes and the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) principle
  • The relevance of international law in a changing world order
  • Climate agreements and their influence on international cooperation
  • Global governance challenges in the 21st century
  • The role of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in addressing war crimes
  • The effectiveness of the African Union in addressing regional conflicts
  • The impact of the G20 on global economic governance
  • The role of BRICS in reshaping international power dynamics
  • The United Nations Security Council reform and its challenges
  • The influence of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on economic policies
  • Multilateral trade negotiations and their implications for developing nations
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) and global health governance
  • International cooperation in space exploration and resource management
  • The role of global think tanks in shaping international policies
  • The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their progress
  • The African Union’s role in addressing conflicts in Africa
  • The effectiveness of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
  • The influence of regional organizations on global governance
  • The impact of the Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation
  • The role of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in workers’ rights
  • International responses to global health crises like pandemics
  • The influence of non-state actors in shaping international policies
  • The United Nations’ approach to peacebuilding and state-building
  • The role of informal summits in diplomatic negotiations
  • Global governance challenges in the era of AI and automation

Diplomacy and Foreign Policy

  • Public diplomacy and soft power in the digital age
  • Economic Diplomacy and China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
  • The role of diplomacy in resolving the North Korea crisis
  • Diplomatic efforts in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
  • Cultural diplomacy and its impact on international relations
  • Track II diplomacy and its role in conflict resolution
  • The influence of diplomacy on international trade agreements
  • The role of diplomats in shaping foreign policy
  • Diplomatic relations between the United States and Russia
  • The art of diplomatic negotiation and its strategies
  • Track I diplomacy and official government-to-government negotiations
  • The impact of diplomacy on the Iran nuclear deal
  • The role of cultural diplomacy in enhancing international relations
  • The diplomacy of humanitarian aid distribution in conflict zones
  • Bilateral vs. multilateral diplomacy in addressing global issues
  • The role of diaspora communities in shaping a nation’s foreign policy
  • The impact of social media on modern diplomatic efforts
  • Diplomatic tensions between the United States and China
  • The influence of political ideology on foreign policy decisions
  • Diplomatic relations and the recognition of states and governments
  • Public diplomacy and cultural exchange programs in international relations
  • Diplomatic negotiations in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
  • Diplomatic efforts in resolving territorial disputes in the South China Sea
  • The role of diplomacy in addressing humanitarian crises
  • Environmental diplomacy and international climate agreements
  • The impact of economic diplomacy on trade negotiations
  • Track III diplomacy and its contribution to conflict resolution
  • The diplomacy of arms control agreements
  • Mediation and conflict resolution in the Balkans
  • The role of secret diplomacy in shaping international events

International Political Economy

  • The impact of trade wars on global economic stability
  • The role of multinational corporations in shaping international economic policy
  • Sustainable development goals and their impact on international economic relations
  • Economic sanctions and their effectiveness as a foreign policy tool
  • Currency manipulation and its effects on international trade
  • The role of global financial institutions in economic governance
  • The economic consequences of Brexit for the UK and the EU
  • The globalization of supply chains and its implications for international trade
  • The economics of energy security in international relations
  • The role of international aid in promoting economic development
  • The economics of international migration and its impact on host countries
  • The Belt and Road Initiative’s influence on global trade routes
  • Trade disputes and the role of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
  • The economic implications of Brexit on the European Union and the UK
  • The role of sovereign wealth funds in international investment
  • Currency exchange rate policies and their effects on trade balances
  • The global impact of commodity price fluctuations
  • Economic sanctions and their consequences for target nations
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in international business
  • The digital economy and international taxation challenges
  • The economic consequences of trade disputes between the U.S. and China
  • The role of trade agreements in promoting sustainable development
  • Currency manipulation and its impact on exchange rates
  • The geopolitics of energy resources and energy security
  • The role of the World Bank in global economic development
  • Economic dimensions of transnational crime and organized crime networks
  • The influence of economic inequality on international relations
  • The economic implications of Brexit on the European Union
  • Economic cooperation and conflict in the Arctic region
  • The economic aspects of humanitarian aid and development assistance

Human Rights and Humanitarian Issues

  • The responsibility to protect (R2P) and intervene in cases of mass atrocities
  • Human rights violations in conflict zones and international responses
  • Refugee crises and their impact on international relations
  • Humanitarian interventions and the ethics of foreign aid
  • Gender-based violence in conflict and post-conflict settings
  • The role of international organizations in advancing human rights
  • The impact of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on accountability
  • The plight of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in international relations
  • Child soldiers and their rehabilitation in post-conflict societies
  • Access to healthcare as a human rights issue in global politics
  • The effectiveness of international human rights tribunals
  • LGBTQ+ rights as a human rights issue in international politics
  • Cultural relativism and its challenges in human rights discourse
  • Human rights implications of mass surveillance and privacy violations
  • Environmental rights and the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities
  • The role of social media in human rights advocacy and reporting
  • The responsibility of states to prevent and addressing human trafficking
  • Indigenous rights and the struggle for self-determination
  • The ethics of humanitarian aid distribution in conflict zones
  • Child protection in armed conflicts and the impact on child soldiers
  • The impact of human rights education on global awareness
  • Human rights violations in conflict zones and the responsibility to protect
  • The role of international criminal tribunals in achieving justice
  • Minority rights and ethnic conflicts in international relations
  • The protection of cultural heritage during armed conflicts
  • Environmental rights and environmental justice in international law
  • The challenges of upholding human rights during counterterrorism efforts
  • The role of international organizations in addressing gender-based violence
  • Refugee Protection and the Global Compact on Refugees
  • The ethics of drone warfare and targeted killings in international law

Miscellaneous Topics

  • The role of religion in international conflicts and diplomacy
  • Soft power and its impact on international relations
  • International perspectives on immigration and border security
  • The influence of social media on global political movements
  • Diaspora communities and their role in shaping foreign policy
  • Environmental security and the nexus between climate change and conflict
  • The role of historical memory and collective trauma in international relations
  • Trade-offs between national security and civil liberties
  • The relationship between education and global citizenship
  • Ethical considerations in humanitarian interventions and disaster relief efforts

International Law

  • The role of customary international law in modern diplomacy
  • State sovereignty and the responsibility to protect (R2P) doctrine
  • The impact of international law on territorial disputes
  • The legal dimensions of cyber warfare and cybersecurity
  • The development of international environmental law and conservation efforts
  • The role of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in dispute resolution
  • International law and the protection of cultural heritage during conflict
  • The challenges of enforcing international law in the face of non-compliance
  • The impact of international treaties on environmental protection
  • The role of regional human rights courts in international law

Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding

  • Track I and Track II diplomacy in peace negotiations
  • The role of truth and reconciliation commissions in post-conflict societies
  • Conflict resolution in the context of ethnic and religious conflicts
  • The impact of third-party mediation in international conflicts
  • The effectiveness of economic incentives in peace negotiations
  • The role of civil society in conflict resolution and peacebuilding
  • The challenges of post-conflict justice and reconciliation
  • The influence of transitional justice mechanisms in post-conflict societies
  • The contribution of peacekeeping missions to conflict prevention
  • Reconciliation and post-conflict healing processes in divided societies

International Security and Defense

  • The impact of emerging technologies on military strategies
  • The role of intelligence agencies in shaping national security policies
  • The ethics of autonomous weapons systems in modern warfare
  • Nuclear deterrence and its relevance in contemporary international relations
  • Civil-military relations in democratic and authoritarian regimes
  • The effectiveness of arms control agreements in preventing conflict
  • Defense policy and military spending in international politics
  • The role of military alliances and collective defense agreements
  • Asymmetric warfare and strategies for countering non-state actors
  • The ethics of military interventions in humanitarian crises

Humanitarian Interventions and Disaster Relief

  • The challenges of humanitarian access in conflict zones
  • The ethics of humanitarian intervention in sovereign states
  • Disaster risk reduction and international cooperation in disaster response
  • The role of humanitarian organizations in refugee crises
  • The use of technology in disaster response and early warning systems
  • Humanitarian financing and funding mechanisms for crisis response
  • The protection of civilians in armed conflicts and humanitarian law
  • The impact of climate change on disaster risk and response
  • The role of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
  • The humanitarian impact of landmines and explosive remnants of war

Research Methodology: International Relations Research Topics

  • Once you’ve chosen your research topic, you’ll need to consider the methodology you’ll employ to investigate it. 
  • Your methodology includes the research methods you’ll use, data collection techniques, and ethical considerations. 
  • Ensure that your chosen methods align with the nature of your research topic and the questions you seek to answer.

Selecting the right international relations research topics is a crucial step in your academic or professional journey. Your chosen topic will shape your research, drive your passion, and contribute to the ever-expanding field of international relations. 

As you explore the vast landscape of potential topics, remember to consider your interests, the relevance of your topic, and the feasibility of your research. In doing so, you’ll embark on a rewarding journey of discovery and contribute to our collective understanding of the complex world of international relations.

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  • Abshire-Inamori Leadership Academy
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American Innovation

Civic education, climate change, cybersecurity, defense budget and acquisition, defense and security, energy and sustainability, food security, gender and international security, geopolitics, global health, human rights, humanitarian assistance, intelligence, international development, maritime issues and oceans, missile defense, nuclear issues, transnational threats, water security.

The Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) examines research topics surrounding global studies, international relations, & foreign policy issues.

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Free International Relations Essay Examples & Topics

The modern world is deeply interconnected. The relationships between nation-states, non-governmental organizations, and multinational corporations are quite complex. International relations (or IR for short) are exactly the study of those relationships. They are concerned with issues such as global politics and foreign policy, as well as many others.

To write an international relations essay, you should learn about different theoretical frameworks. These theories help understand the interactions between states, the purpose of policies, the history of international systems, etc. Some of the main types of international relations theories are as follows:

Realism deals with “real life.” It attempts to emphasize the importance of national and international security. The fields that are studied most within this theory are history, political science, and economics.

Constructivism analyzes constructed state identities. It is involved with cultural studies as well as sociology and social policy.

Finally, Marxism is the theory that mainly concerns itself with inequalities and socioeconomic imbalances. It is most critical of the international capitalist system and attempts to deconstruct class struggle and marginalization.

It is easy to see why international relations are important. With such a broad subject matter, it is also easy to get lost. That’s why our experts have compiled several international relations essay topics here. We have also collected useful advice and samples for you to study.

How to Pick an International Relations Essay Topic

An appropriate topic is a fundamental part of a successful international relations essay. Considering the possible ideas, selecting an area that is outside your expertise can be detrimental. Therefore, we have created a guide to making the right choice for your assignment.

To pick the right topic, try these steps:

  • Brainstorm ideas.

One of the vital steps in writing any academic work is the first one. Before conducting any research, write down the ideas that are already present in your mind. Maybe you already have a particular area you want to talk about. For example, you can explore feminism or state sovereignty. Rely on what you know best and what interests you most.

  • Check credible sources.

Once you have a general idea of what you want to focus on, it is time to find sources. Your best bet is to concentrate on works by established authors in the field of IR (e.g., Alexander Wendt). Of course, you may also rely on websites from well-known organizations. Look for reports and articles online. Check that the information you are acquiring is recent and up to date.

  • Make sure your ideas aren’t too broad…

With IR being such a multidisciplinary field, it is easy to get swarmed by thoughts. Just remember that you still have a word limit to follow! Writing an essay on climate change and international relations may be way too extensive of a subject. Instead, focus on something feasible yet related – like the Green Theory.

  • … But also not too specific!

At the same time, choosing a topic that is way too narrow could prove a challenge in its own right. You could encounter trouble in trying to find credible sources. You may find yourself at a loss for what to do for your next step. In this case, you might want to change the topic before it’s too late!

  • Strive to research.

If you have an idea that is interesting to you, this step will not be a problem. You need to be motivated to find enough valuable sources and write a high-quality essay. It helps to look at authors with differing points of view. This way, you’ll create a compelling argument.

These recommendations should help you write your IR essay. If you still have trouble choosing the right idea, let our topic generator do that for you.

13 International Relations Topics for Essay

Now that you know how to select the perfect topic for your essay, we can begin to do just that. Below you will find a list of 13 international relations essay topics. They will prove helpful in your homework or exam writing practice.

You can use these ideas:

  • Green Theory – environmental action in international relations.
  • How liberalism in British politics led to Brexit.
  • Idealism vs. realism in global diplomacy.
  • Technology as the silent factor in international relations.
  • Economic reasons for the start of World War II.
  • The International Monetary Fund in political economy.
  • The end of the Cold War through the perspective of realist theory.
  • A brief assessment of the International Law.
  • Regulation of international non-governmental organizations.
  • The role of soft and hard power in current international relations.
  • Modern diplomacy between the governments of Russia and China.
  • Feminist theories in the study of international relations.
  • A Marxist critique of globalization.

As it stands, this list could go on forever. We hope that we managed to illustrate just how diverse the ideas for an international relations essay could be.

5 International Relations Essay Questions

Even after reading through this step-by-step guide and all the topics, you may still find yourself hesitating. This isn’t surprising. The ideas that must be swirling in your head right now would overwhelm anyone!

Here you will find 5 international relations essay questions that will help direct your workflow:

1. What is the difference between classical realism and neorealism?

Introduce realist theory and outline its evolution. Explain the main ideas behind classical realism and neorealism. What were the reasons for the shift between theories?

2. What is the impact of Brexit on the European Union’s foreign policy?

Explain the concept of Brexit. Evaluate the relationship of the European Union with the UK before Brexit. Using literature, illustrate the difference between the EU foreign policy before and after Brexit.

3. Do multinational corporations exploit developing countries?

Outline what makes a corporation multinational. What makes a country developing? Evaluate the relative harms and benefits of a multinational corporation settling in a developing country. Refer to Marxist theory for that purpose. What do you think can be done to minimize the harm?

4. How useful is the distinction between absolute and comparative advantage?

Summarize the theory behind the terms. Compare and contrast the concepts of absolute and comparative advantage. In your opinion, how important is the difference between the two notions?

5. Is constructivism a valid theory in international relations?

Illustrate the ideas behind constructivism and the evolution of the theory. Contrast constructivism against other well-known frameworks. Justify whether you think it is useful.

We are not underestimating the importance of an international relations essay. It is an extensive and complicated field of study. Despite that fact, we still hope that you managed to find this guide useful! Now proceed to look through some international relations essay examples below.

Thank you for reading!

1137 Best Essay Examples on International Relations

Gaza-israel conflict: history and portents, neorealism: kenneth waltz ‘theory of international politics’, comparison between theories: realism vs. liberalism research paper.

  • Words: 1895

Israel Palestine Conflict

  • Words: 1503

The Israeli – Palestinian Conflict

  • Words: 2608

Global Food Crisis: Political Economy Perspective

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International Peace and United Nations Essay

Do the benefits of globalization outweigh the costs.

  • Words: 1056

United Nations Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Words: 2763

“Clash of Ignorance” by Edward Said

  • Words: 1128

The Cold War and the Balance of Power Theory

  • Words: 10690

United Nations and World Peace

Nationalism in international relations.

  • Words: 2842

Schools of Political Economy: Marxism, Liberalism and Mercantilism

Difference between weak and strong states by krasner, geopolitics: the middle east shatterbelt, the world’s superpowers: current, former, future, balance of power concept in international relations.

  • Words: 1352

Indian Modernization and Westernization

  • Words: 3322

Nuclear Weapons Should Be Abolished

  • Words: 1095

The Vital Role of Diplomacy in International Relations

Wars in the middle east, functionalist and constructivist approaches to regionalism.

  • Words: 1944

Neorealism and Traditional Realism

Wilsonian idealism and its relevance in today’s us, severe problem of congo, peace and conflict resolution: external intervention, criticism of realism theory in international system, pakistan’s inter-service intelligence, the united nations millennium development goals.

  • Words: 1432

World Food Program

  • Words: 1105

Maritime Piracy

United states foreign policy.

  • Words: 1043

International Security, Its Components and Importance

The international problem of hiv/aids in modern world.

  • Words: 1374

International Security Case Studies’ Analysis

  • Words: 1129

Supra-state actors

  • Words: 2477

Visa-free Entry to all Countries

Power and interdependence, national interest is more significant than ideology in shaping foreign policy.

  • Words: 4281

Main Motives for European Integration

  • Words: 2052

Arrogance of Power

Why the uae didn’t deter turkey’s involvement in libya.

  • Words: 1754

Theories of International Relation. “Maria Full of Grace” Film

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Why Wars Happen: Liberal, Realist, Identity Perspectives

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The United States as a Hegemonic Country

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International Relations

Academic Writing Service

International Relations Research Paper Topics

  • Realism and its role in contemporary international relations
  • The impact of globalization on international relations
  • Human rights and their place in international relations
  • The role of international institutions in shaping global politics
  • The concept of sovereignty and its implications in international relations
  • International trade and its impact on global politics
  • The role of non-state actors in international relations
  • The dynamics of conflict resolution in international relations
  • The role of diplomacy in international relations
  • Nuclear proliferation and its impact on global politics
  • The politics of international development and aid
  • The role of religion in international relations
  • The impact of technology on international relations
  • The concept of power in international relations
  • The relationship between international law and global politics
  • Global environmental politics and climate change
  • The politics of humanitarian intervention
  • The role of women in international relations
  • The impact of colonialism on contemporary international relations
  • Regionalism and its impact on global politics
  • The role of the United Nations in shaping global politics
  • The impact of terrorism on international relations
  • The politics of foreign aid and development
  • The role of identity in international relations
  • The concept of the balance of power in international relations
  • The relationship between nationalism and international relations
  • The impact of economic sanctions on global politics
  • The role of human security in international relations
  • The politics of international migration
  • The relationship between international relations and global health
  • The role of ideology in international relations
  • The impact of social media on global politics
  • The politics of international energy policy
  • The role of intelligence agencies in international relations
  • The relationship between international relations and international business
  • The impact of non-state actors on global politics
  • The role of international criminal law in global politics
  • The politics of peacekeeping and peacebuilding
  • The impact of nationalism on global politics
  • The role of cultural diplomacy in international relations
  • The relationship between international relations and human trafficking
  • The politics of humanitarian aid and relief
  • The impact of multilateralism on global politics
  • The role of international trade agreements in shaping global politics
  • The relationship between international relations and international law enforcement
  • The impact of refugees and displaced persons on global politics
  • The politics of international arms control
  • The role of soft power in international relations
  • The impact of populism on global politics
  • The relationship between international relations and cybersecurity

One of the key themes in the study of International Relations is the idea of power. Power is defined as the ability to influence others to do what one wants. It is a fundamental concept in the field, and many theories of International Relations are based on different conceptions of power. For example, realist theory, which is one of the dominant theories in the field, views power as the ability to dominate others and maintain security. In contrast, liberal theory emphasizes the importance of cooperation and interdependence between states, rather than the exercise of power.

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Another important concept in International Relations is sovereignty, which refers to the authority of a state to govern itself without interference from other states. The principle of sovereignty is a cornerstone of the modern international system, and it has been the subject of much debate and controversy. While states have the right to govern themselves, they also have responsibilities to the international community, including the promotion of human rights, the protection of the environment, and the maintenance of international peace and security.

International Relations also involves the study of international organizations, which play a crucial role in global governance. The United Nations (UN) is the most prominent international organization, and it has been instrumental in the promotion of peace and security, the protection of human rights, and the development of international law. Other international organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), have also had a significant impact on the global economy.

In addition to international organizations, international law is another important area of study in International Relations. International law is a system of rules and principles that govern the behavior of states and other actors in the international system. It covers a wide range of issues, including human rights, international trade, and the use of force. International law is enforced through various mechanisms, including international courts and tribunals, and it has been critical in shaping the current international political landscape.

Finally, globalization is another important theme in International Relations. Globalization refers to the interconnectedness of the world and the increasing integration of economies, cultures, and societies. It has had a profound impact on the international system, and it has given rise to a wide range of new challenges, including transnational terrorism, environmental degradation, and the spread of infectious diseases. Globalization has also led to increased competition and cooperation among states, and it has reshaped the distribution of power in the international system.

In conclusion, International Relations is a complex and multifaceted field of study that covers a wide range of issues and concepts. It involves the study of power, sovereignty, international organizations, international law, and globalization. The field has a rich history and has been shaped by various theories and approaches, including realism, liberalism, and constructivism. International Relations is essential in understanding the dynamics of the international system and how states and other actors interact with each other.


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International Relations Dissertation Topics and Titles – Free Advice

Published by Owen Ingram at January 9th, 2023 , Revised On May 2, 2024


International relations studies the relationships between different countries, economies, regions, and governments whilst considering the importance of trade, economic relations, foreign policies, international security, and diplomacy.

International relations do not focus on a single country but discuss how a particular event or incident affects countries in one or more regions. Thus, each country needs to ensure that its international and economic relations with other countries are valuable and longstanding.

International relations are essential to understanding current political events and their impact on different countries. Whether it is the world war, oil crisis, 9/11, Brexit, or any other major event, the subject of international relations explores them in detail and provides insight into how they will affect other countries.

Studying international relations helps us understand how the world operates, how countries connect, and how they are affected by policy changes in another country or when a major incident occurs.

To help you get started with brainstorming for international relations topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your dissertation.

These topics have been developed by PhD qualified writers of our team , so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting a brief research proposal from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an introduction to the topic, research question, aim and objectives, literature review, and the proposed methodology of research to be conducted. Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics here.

Top IR Dissertation Topics

Topic: 1: economic security a new lens in international relations- a study to find the role of economic security in foreign policymaking in developing countries.

Research Aim: This research aims to find the role of economic security in foreign policymaking in developing countries. It will review the concept of economic security and its introduction into the international relations discourse. Moreover, it will show why it helps developing countries. And how can they incorporate it into their foreign policymaking? How much progress have they made so far while implementing it? And what can they do about it in the future?

Topic: 2: Russia vs. Ukraine a Geostrategic or Ideological Conflict? An Analysis to Identify the Actual Cause of Russia-Ukraine from Geostrategic and Ideological Lenses

Research Aim: This study intends to analyse the actual cause of Russia-Ukraine from geostrategic and ideological lenses. It will be a comparative study using various international relations (IR) lenses such as realism, liberalism, geostrategic, geo-economics, geo-political, etc., to show which lens finds appropriate reasoning for the Russia-Ukraine going to war. Moreover, it will identify various economic, political, and social forces driving this war. Lastly, it will find out who will be the prime beneficiary of this war other than Russia.

Topic: 3: Political Economy of Global Terrorism- An Assessment of the Political and Economic Forces Behind Global Terrorism

Research Aim: This research sheds light on the political and economic forces behind global terrorism. It will find how various political and economic powers, such as states, organisations, business groups, politicians, etc., deliberately promote terrorism for their political and financial motives. It will use various case studies such as terrorism in Pakistan and other developing countries and significant conflicts such as Israel-Palestine, Russia-Ukraine, etc. Moreover, it will show how small governments can create a political-economic-security framework to avoid terrorism for the benefit of foreign powers.

Topic: 4: The Role of Western Powers in Israel-Palestine- A Third World Country Viewpoint

Research Aim: This research assesses the role of Western powers such as the US, UK, and EU in the Israel-Palestine conflict from a third-world country viewpoint, such as India, Pakistan, etc. It will show how third-world countries evaluate this conflict on political, economic, social, and national security bases. Moreover, it will show what lessons these countries can learn from this conflict to save themselves from significant future disputes and formulate their foreign policy according to these lessons. Lastly, it shows which side these countries take in Israel-Palestine and on which grounds.

Topic: 5: Why the Middle East is Crucial for the West? A Geo-economic and Geostrategic Analysis

Research Aim: This research will show why the Middle East is crucial for the West through a geo-economic and geostrategic analysis. It will find why Western powers, such as the US, Europe, etc., invaded the Middle East from a geo-economic and geostrategic lens. It will show what these powers gained and lost in these invasions. And do geo-economic and geostrategic factors incentivize Western powers to invade the Middle East again? Lastly, how can the Middle East protect its rights and gains in the future by applying geo-economic and geostrategic analysis?

Topic 6: Impact of Terrorism and Religion on Relations between Afghanistan and US

This research analyses the dynamics between terrorism and religion and their influence on the bilateral relations between Afghanistan and the United States, to understand how these factors have shaped diplomatic, political, and socio-cultural interactions.

Topic 7: An Analysis of the Afghanistan Peace Process

This study critically examines the complexities and challenges of the Afghanistan peace process. It focuses on understanding the various stakeholders involved, their motivations, the negotiation dynamics, and the impact of historical, political, and socio-cultural factors on the prospects for sustainable peace and stability in the region.

Topic 8: The Role of the Arab Nations in the Israel - Palestine Conflict

The research investigates the role of Arab nations in the Israel-Palestine conflict. It focuses on their historical, political, diplomatic, and socio-cultural contributions, interventions, and impact on the conflict dynamics and the prospects for peace in the region.

Topic 9: The Effect of USMCA on International Trade

The study explores the effect of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) on international trade. The research investigates USMCA’s impact on its economic, political, and social implications for the member countries and the broader global trade landscape.

Topic 10: An Analysis of Women's Participation in International Relations

This study critically analyses the participation of women in the field of international relations. It examines the factors influencing their involvement, the challenges they face, the contributions they make, and the implications for global governance, diplomacy, and security.

Topic 11: An Analysis of the Failure of the UN's Nuclear Disarmament Plans

The study analyses the factors contributing to the failure of the United Nations’ nuclear disarmament plans. It examines the historical attempts, diplomatic challenges, political obstacles, and the role of state actors, non-state actors, and international power dynamics in hindering progress toward global nuclear disarmament goals.

Topic 12: An Investigation of How the Syrian Crisis Turned Into A Civil War

The research aims to investigate the complex factors and events that led to the transformation of the Syrian crisis into a civil war, examining socio-political, historical, economic, and regional dynamics, as well as the roles of state and non-state actors, to gain insights into the escalation and perpetuation of the conflict.

COVID -19 International Relations Research Topics

Topic: 1: international relations and covid-19.

Research Aim: This study will address the geopolitical issues and International relations during COVID-19

Topic: 2: COVID-19 is a geopolitical instrument

Research Aim: COVID -19 has disturbed everything from health to the world’s economy, and it has also created tensions among the nations of the world. This study will identify whether Coronavirus is a geopolitical instrument or not.

Topic: 3: International Relations Scholars and COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will reveal the opinions and role of International relations scholars and COVID-19

Topic: 4: Meta-geopolitics and COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will focus on the meta-geopolitics during the COVID-19 crisis

Topic: 5: The global order post Coronavirus pandemic

Research Aim: This study will predict the global order of the Coronavirus pandemic, including international relations, geopolitics, and geo-economics after COVID-19.

International Relations Research Topics

Conflicts between india and china.

Research Aim: This research aims to address the conflicts between India and China, the history and current situation of the two nations, and their government’s role.

Organisation of Islamic cooperation during the pandemic

Research Aim: This research aims to conduct an in-depth study on the contribution of the organisation of Islamic cooperation during a pandemic

New immigration rules of the UK

Research Aim: This research aims to highlight the new immigration rules of the UK and their impacts on immigrants.

China’s economic growth- Its impact on the world

Research Aim: This research aims to highlight the impact of China’s economic growth on the world

The role of the UN in resolving the Indo-Pak conflict in Kashmir

Research Aim: This research aims to address the role of the UN in resolving the Indo-Pak conflict on the matter of Kashmir

9/11: How has it Shaped International Trade between the West and the Arab Countries?

Research Aim: There is no doubt that 9/11 is one of the major incidents that shook the entire world. An attack on the twin towers killed hundreds and left thousands injured. Loss of lives, property, and money were not the only losses resulting from this incident.

With Al-Qaeda accepting the attack’s responsibility, the American government cut ties with many countries responsible for funding the terrorist organisation. The country initiated the war on terror shortly after the incident; however, the effects were experienced worldwide and long-term.

This dissertation will focus on how trade was affected by post 9/11 and how the US ties with the Arab world were severely affected.

China’s Growth as the Superpower: Is the US threatened?

Research Aim: China is the next superpower; there is no second thought about it. However, the growth of this economic giant has left huge gaps in the international trade market. With America being the superpower for ages, the country is now threatened with China’s economic progress.

The two countries may have good terms on the surface; however, they compete on a whole new level in the international market. This research will talk about China’s progress, how the country has evolved as a superpower, and how it poses a threat to the United States of America. All aspects, including trade, policy framing, etc., will be discussed to provide a detailed analysis.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service , which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service !

Does Germany’s Foreign Policy Influence the Rest of Europe?

Research Aim: Germany dominates the European Union. Policies, tariffs, currency, trade, international business, etc., are designed keeping in mind Germany. This research will discuss how the European Union is dominated by Germany, particularly after the Brexit.

Every country can draft policies considering its economic position and ties with other countries. However, the European Union has to consider Germany while formulating any new foreign policy. The dissertation will discuss why this happens and how European countries draft their foreign policy considering Germany.

Exploring the Causes of Conflicts between the African Nations and their Relationships with the West

Research Aim: African countries have suffered a lot over the last several centuries. Some countries are poor and do not have enough resources to provide facilities to the country’s people, while the rest do not enjoy healthy political relations with the rest of the world.

Many African countries have different policies compared to the Western world, which is why conflicts arise. Moreover, racial discrimination is another major factor why the two regions have never shared healthy relations.

This research will investigate the underlying reasons for conflicts between the African and the Western world and how they can be bridged.

Is Africa a Concern for the Western World?

Research Aim: A few African nations are rich in natural resources but in political turmoil, so other countries have always tried to take advantage of them. However, all international trades must be conducted concerning foreign policies in place. It is only through international trade laws that such businesses must avoid any unfair and biased distribution.

Unfortunately, the western world has always dominated the African nations and have barely given them their right. This thesis will explore the notion that western countries always try and find a way to dominate the African countries even when they deserve a larger share of the pie.

Russia and the Western World: A look into History

Research Aim: The relations between Russia and the Western world, specifically the US, are known worldwide. The Cold War and the aftermath of the war will all be discussed in detail in this dissertation. Many histories and international relations experts believe that the cold war has not ended and is going on to date. This notion will be researched, discussed, and analysed in this research to provide a complete insight into the current political situation. However, a major part of the thesis will focus on the history of these countries and the events.

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China’s Economic Growth – The Effects and Consequences on the World

Research Aim: China is taking over the world – this is a fact. Whether a country or a nation accepts it or not, China is slowly making its way to becoming a superpower. Be it technology, daily products, banking, financial services, or any other thing. China has outclassed all other countries of the world.

Considering China’s rapid progress, many countries have accepted China as the future superpower and tried to maintain a good relationship. However, on the other hand, other countries do not accept China as the next superpower and are ready to fight for it.

An example is the United States, the current superpower and is not ready to lose China. This research will discuss China’s impact on its products and services and its consequences of becoming an economic superpower.

The Role of United Nations in Resolving the Arab-Israel Conflict

Research Aim: The Arab-Israel Conflict is an ancient battle. The war broke out for reasons that are not to all and is still going on to date. However, the stance of the Arab countries has not changed since Israel first started to occupy Arab lands.

The Arab world does not accept Israel as a state. Instead, it has been termed as a terrorist funding state. Moreover, the Israel-Palestine conflict has added fuel to the fire. Many Muslim countries, until now, are not ready to accept Israel. This research will talk about the conflict and how the United Nations have played their part in bridging the gap between the two nations.

Understanding the Role of the EU in International Relations

Research Aim: European Union is a critical region in trade, business, political relations, etc. Thus, the region has tremendous effects on the international relations of the world.

This thesis will discuss the role of the European Union in international relations, how European Union is a key player in international politics, and how other nations should work on their policies and frameworks to develop healthy relations with the EU.

Assessing the Role of the United Nations as a Law Enforcement Agency

Research Aim: The United Nations is an organisation formed to help countries and regions resolve conflicts between them. Issues such as Kashmir (India-Pakistan) and Israel-Palestine are longstanding and must be solved by the United Nations. There is a complete framework that forms the basis of the actions and decisions taken by the United Nations.

Votes are collected from the members on a particular issue, and then a decision or a statement is issued over the conflict. This research will assess the role of the United Nations in resolving world conflicts and how successful or unsuccessful the organisation has been in resolving world conflicts.

Important Notes:

As a student of international relations looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing international relations theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

International relations are vast and interrelated to many other academic disciplines like politics , law , geopolitics , history , and even business . That is why it is imperative to create an international relations dissertation topic that is particular and sound and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong: your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation , as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

Keeping our advice in mind while developing a research topic will allow you to pick one of the best international relations dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and adds to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample international relations dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your Dissertation on International Relations

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgments
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : The findings of the research are analysed in detail in the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to link the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : This should be completed following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is a  UK-based academic writing service  that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  PhD. Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

Our team of writers  is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working for us for a long time. Thus, they are well aware of the issues and the trends of the subject they specialize in.

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How to find international relations dissertation topics.

For international relations dissertation topics:

  • Examine global issues and conflicts.
  • Analyse diplomacy, treaties, or organisations.
  • Explore cultural, economic, or political influences.
  • Review current events and debates.
  • Consider regional dynamics.
  • Opt for a topic resonating with your passion and research scope.

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But it’s also in the investment markets that organizations are most exposed to the raw forces of international economic, political and regulatory trends.

Navigating the complex laws and regulations that govern these factors can be hazardous. This is why your Investor Relations (IR) function is so important. To better understand how IR can have the greatest impact, we surveyed 876 IR professionals, across companies of various sizes, and across diverse geographies.

Our Investor Relations Survey is available to download  here (pdf) .

Making the most of IR

The IR team’s function is to be your interface with the capital markets, investors, shareholders and sector analyst groups. This means it should play a central role in allowing the strategic decision makers in organizations of all sizes to get a thorough understanding of sentiment and trends in the wider investment landscape.

Generally, cooperation with almost all departments was rated as very important by the people we surveyed – headed by the accounting and finance department and followed by planning, budgeting and forecasting.

This kind of regular cross-departmental contact allows leadership to develop the understanding they need make critical strategic decisions that can promote the best long-term growth agendas.

For example, an organization  preparing to make an initial public offering (IPO)  may need sophisticated information multiple factors, from prevailing valuation trends to deciding  what market or exchange they should list in , and what governance, political or regulatory issues may need to be taken into account as part of getting IPO ready. IR can help with elements of all of this.

For a company that is already listed, on the other hand, an IR function can help uncover a range of business-critical insights. This can include helping the organization understand the current status of its shares, or inform it of relevant shifts in the regulatory environment.

More specifically, IR teams can provide information on:

  • Market and investor sentiment and feedback
  • Investor movements and activity
  • Most frequently asked questions
  • Information on liquidity of share trading
  • Shareholder activism
  • Shareholder engagement (which includes proxy consulting firms)
  • Recent regulatory changes

Getting IR’s knowledge to the people who need it

At the center of the IR team’s function is a close relationship to the board via regular reporting. This is vital for effective co-ordination of information for financial disclosure and communication in capital markets. But this can vary in several ways.

From our survey, 77% of respondents reported that an IR representative regularly attended board meetings in person. For 22% of those surveyed, this correspondence involved quarterly meetings, and for 8%, it meant bi-weekly meetings.

The top subject for discussion is market sentiment and investor activity, either at the board meeting or in a report – with 83% of respondents indicating they provided written reports for boards to review. For 37% of these respondents, the report was quarterly – although just 3% indicated they issued bi-weekly reports.

The frequency with which an IR function sends either a representative or a report to a board tends to increase with company size – although EY’s survey also found that smaller-cap companies were more likely to send a representative that publish a report. This is unsurprising – reports can be time-consuming and resource-dependent to produce.

Ensuring understanding

With the growing importance of financial communication, IR is also part of internal audits: the larger the company’s market cap, the more likely it is to have an internal audit of the IR function. However, this is still uncommon – with only a third of organizations surveyed auditing their IR functions.

There is also a noticeable disparity between what kinds of issues were discussed by a representative at board meetings and presented in reports. For example, 79% of respondents reported they discussed information around investor activity in reports, but only 62% of respondents said they discussed this topic in meetings. Similarly, 49% of respondents indicated they discussed liquidity of share trading in reports – that figure was just 28% when it came to meetings.

There was also disparity in what respondents in different geographies discussed in IR-board correspondence. For example, IR representatives reported themselves more likely to have board meeting discussions around shareholder activism and engagement issues in the Americas than in other regions. This is possibly an indication of higher levels of shareholder activism in American financial markets.

However, American IRs were also less likely to discuss issues around regional regulatory changes – possibly because issues like this are more likely to be handled by the general counsel or corporate secretary in US and Canadian organizations.

Reports – as with audits – may tend to have more details about what’s going on, but boards still need to understand why changes are happening to make the right strategic calls. Having an IR function will only have an impact if its findings are properly digested, discussed, and understood.

Maximizing the strategic value of your IR function

For companies considering an IPO – and those that have already gone public – a clear IR strategy will give your organization a solid basis for long-term success. Yet only half of companies globally have documented their IR strategy.

This kind of written IR manual would mainly cover internal processes, disclosure policies, and the corporate calendar. It can become a key tool for allowing strategic stakeholders to get a clearer view of dominant trends and behaviors in the investor landscape.

A clearly-documented IR strategy can also act as a solid foundation for maximizing the potential strategic benefits of the ongoing IR-board partnership.

This is a key challenge for IR professionals – of those we surveyed, 33% indicated they’d like to receive more direction from the board on insight into the company strategy, and 20% felt that the board could give more guidance around IR goals. But they also felt they had the potential to help the board far more – with 44% believing the board would appreciate more investor feedback, and 18% saying IR should provide the board with more insight into wider market sentiment.

While the IR function’s primary role may be to communicate with investors outside the organization, transforming this from a one-way conversation to a dialogue is where its true strategic value could lie.

Investor feedback is valuable information for the board and can give an insight into the way a company is perceived in the market. By feeding through details about investor concerns, IR teams can help boards get a better sense of how their strategy is landing – enabling course-correction to ensure long-term success as well as keeping investors happy in the short-term. With uncertainty still a key challenge facing organizations worldwide in this transformative age, that could prove of significant value.

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Our survey of Investor Relations professionals identifies ways they can deliver far more business value than simply keeping investors happy.  

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Global Investor Relations Practice Report 2022 available now

IR Magazine  has released its 11th annual Global Investor Relations Practice Report. This study is based on a worldwide survey of investor relations professionals, with more than 450 corporate IR professionals responding to questions relating to this report.

The past year has seen IR teams adapt to the end of the Covid-19 pandemic and develop IR practices for the post-pandemic future. The report is based on data from IR Magazine ’s Global IR Survey conducted from Q1 2022 to Q3 2022 and so covers a period when restrictions to working practices and travel were being gradually lifted to differing degrees around the globe.

All findings in the report are broken down by market cap size to give a more relevant understanding of the data. A global overview is available to all IR Magazine subscribers. The full report, including a more in-depth look at the data by region and sector as well as cap size, is available to advanced subscribers to  IR Magazine .

Essential IR Subscribers:  Click here to download the global overview.

Advanced IR subscribers:  Click here to access the full report.

Not a subscriber yet? View the sample:

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  • Prof. Nazli Choucri


  • Political Science

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International relations theory in the cyber age, assignments.

During this course, students will be given two take home essays:

A midterm essay, worth 25% of the final grade, and due at the end of Week 7.

A final essay, worth 35% of the final grade, and due during the final class in Week 13. In lieu of the final exam, students can do a research paper on the topic of their choice with the approval of the instructor.

Midterm Essay


Please answer two (2) of the following three (3) questions.

Suggested length: No fewer than 5 pages and no more than 10 pages for each question, one inch margin, suggested 1.5 spaces—not double or triple spaced with wide margins. (Of course if you can do an excellent essay in less than 5 pages, by all means proceed).

  • Each answer is in essence an ’essay’ on the topics you have selected. You must draw on the assigned readings.
  • Please draw on materials weeks 1–7.
  • Do not use the same assigned readings for both questions. If you find it necessary to draw on the same assignments, use additional references to make up for the ‘double duty factor.’
  • Try to use at least 4 different sources in your answer to each question.

For general points, please note that you need the author’s name; for specific points noted, you need author plus the relevant page. Please add your reference list at the end of each question.

Relevant for all Questions

Traditional theories of international relations were developed long before the construction of the Internet, the core cyberspace. But we all understand that the Internet is international and cyberspace transcends state boundaries. The current challenge is to determine what contributions, if any, can the traditional theories of international relations make to our understanding and analysis of world politics characterized by a pervasive cyberspace, with the Internet at its core.

1. Please write an essay on the relevance (if any) of realist theory and power in international relations to the cyberspace and its core, the Internet, as you understand these facets of the world today. What are the assumptions of realism, the instruments of influence, and the overall characteristic features? What elements should we retain for 21st century international relations theory? Please draw on relevant theory materials as well as sources (or class discussions) addressing cyber matters.

2. Please write an essay on coordination and collaboration in international relations, focusing on institutionalism and regimes. What are the assumptions of institutional approaches, the instruments of influence, and the overall characteristic features. What is the logic for this approach? What are the assumptions? What contributions if any they can make to our understanding of cyberpolitics in international relations and / or building 21st century international relations theory?

3. Boundaries, jurisdictions, territoriality, governments, are among the key features for the domain of international relations. How do different traditional theories address these features? Please illustrate with reference to at least two theoretical approaches. In what ways, if any, does the cyber domain reinforce or challenge these features as conventionally understood? What implications for 21st century international relations theory?

Helpful Hints

1. Make sure that the first and last paragraphs of your essays are coherent and related to each other.

2. It is often useful to do an outline before writing.

3. If possible please be specific about what you intend to cover and what you do not.

Final Essay

Please answer Question 1, then choose either Question 2 or Question 3.

The questions are framed in broad terms to allow you to set your operational terms of reference, as you see most relevant or useful.

1.  It is often said that “what you see depends on how you look at it.”

Please review the architecture of the Internet—as presented in the Clark paper plus any information or sources you wish to draw upon from the course or elsewhere—and address the following dilemmas in world politics today:

  • Where is authority in the operations of the Internet located? What type of authority? Does that matter, and if so how? If not, why not?
  • Given the current debates about multilateral vs. multistakeholder models of internet governance, where could the operational differences be manifested if one or the other position prevailed?
  • Internet architecture, the core of cyberspace, is generally viewed largely in technical terms. As a constructed system, where—if at all—are traces of realism, constructivism, and institutionalism? What insights might each provide about the structure and processes of that constructed system?

2.  The course has focused more on the impacts of cyberspace on the levels of analysis in international relations, than on the effects of international relations on cyberspace and on its core, the Internet. Please “reverse the arrows” and write an essay on the impacts of international relations on cyberspace and on the Internet.

3.  To what extent are the core features of international relations—state, territoriality, power, influence, jurisdiction and the like—being reproduced in, or “mapped” onto, the cyber domain? If so how? If not, why not? Does this matter? If so how? If not why not?

Student Example

The following final essay appears courtesy of a MIT student and is anonymous upon request.

“ The Distribution of Authority in Cyberspace (PDF) .”


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Mayor Harrell Appoints Sue Rahr Interim Police Chief, Adrian Diaz to Work on Special Assignments

Downtown Seattle skyline and Elliott Bay

Seattle – Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell announced that he is appointing Sue Rahr as interim chief of the Seattle Police Department. Rahr, who has a storied history of leadership in modern policing, culture change, and recruitment, and who served as King County Sheriff, Executive Director of the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission, and a member of President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, will hold the position of interim chief of police. At the same time, a national search will begin for the next permanent chief. Adrian Diaz will step aside from the role of chief and work on special assignments for the mayor with SPD.

“Sue Rahr is uniquely qualified to step into this position and will be an outstanding leader for our police department, focused on strengthening recruitment, advancing institutional culture change, and, most importantly, working to create safety for all Seattle neighbors,” said Mayor Harrell. “Chief Diaz has led important efforts for our administration and made progress on our public safety challenges. That said, our ongoing drive to improve department culture has revealed the need to make changes to keep this work moving forward, and Seattleites deserve a department that reflects them and their values.”

“It is an honor to help the Seattle Police Department enter its next chapter, building on my decades of experience in law enforcement leadership,” said Interim Chief Rahr. “I am committed to strengthening public safety in Seattle, recruiting the next generation of SPD officers and leadership, and creating a renewed sense of optimism in this department. I will listen carefully to our officers and the people of Seattle as I work hard to strengthen relationships with partners and the community. I will build trust with officers and the community through dialogue and action.”

“I’m proud of the work we’ve done together, but recognize now is the right time to step away for the best interests of the city and its people,” said Chief Diaz. “I look forward to continuing to serve our communities and neighbors and supporting the department as we move forward.”

Under Mayor Harrell and Chief Diaz, the City has taken meaningful steps to strengthen public safety and the Seattle Police Department, including launching a dual dispatch pilot with the new CARE Department, signing a new contract with the police officers’ union, implementing a new recruitment and retention plan , and achieving sustained compliance with most elements of the federal consent decree. Overall, citywide reported crime continues to fall, and the number of police recruit applications has significantly increased.

Mayor Harrell will immediately begin a national search for the next permanent chief of police.  Chief Rahr will not be a candidate for the permanent appointment and will work with former Chief Kathleen O’Toole to help identify a list of qualified semi-finalist candidates who will be shared with a public committee appointed by the mayor. The public committee will review the semi-finalists and recommend a group of finalists to the mayor, who will administer the competitive examination required by the City Charter.

What People Are Saying

State Senator John Lovick, 44 th Legislative District, and Former Snohomish County Sheriff

“I am thrilled to hear that Sue Rahr will be appointed as the Interim Chief of the Seattle Police Department. Most recently, we worked together on a bill I sponsored, ‘Flexible Schedules for Law Enforcement’ (ESSB 5424).  Sue’s long record of tenacious leadership to promote diversity in law enforcement has been extraordinary. Her courageous action to promote dignity and integrity in our beloved profession is rooted in her deep compassion for the people we serve.”

Barney Melekian, Past Chair, National Policing Institute Board of Directors, Former Police Chief, Pasadena, California, and President Obama’s director of the COPS office at the Department of Justice

“As a longtime colleague, I know Sue Rahr is a champion for safe communities and modern policing following national best practices. Chief Rahr will be a strong voice for implementing innovative and thoughtful policing that is equitable and values-based.”

Monica Alexander, Executive Director, Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center

“Sue Rahr is a strong, action-oriented leader for supporting current officers and recruiting new ones, centered on building a police department that represents the communities it serves and keeps safe. Sue will not only focus on preparing current officers with the best and most modern tactical and de-escalation training, she will bring new strategies and new energy to recruit new officers, including women and people of color, ensuring that people of all backgrounds see themselves in the department.”

Constance Rice, Civil Rights Lawyer and Social Justice Leader

“Sue Rahr is one of the deepest thinkers on policing on the national scene – her ability to solve problems and find solutions make her a terrific choice to lead the Seattle Police Department. She has the rare combination of deep knowledge of policing and practical problem-solving leadership needed to pull people together to make a difference.”

About Interim Chief Sue Rahr

Chief Sue Rahr

Chief Rahr began her law enforcement career as a King County Sheriff’s deputy in 1979. She rose through the ranks and was elected sheriff in 2005 and re-elected in 2009. In 2012, Rahr was appointed by the Governor as executive director of the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission, a position she held for nine years. President Obama appointed Rahr in 2015 to the President’s Task Force on 21 st Century Policing.

In 2022, Chief Rahr convened a summit in Seattle to discuss the transformation of policing. Summit participants included renowned civil rights attorney Constance Rice, former New York and Los Angeles Chief William Bratton, former Los Angeles Chief Charles Beck, former Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. Chief Charles Ramsey, and former U. S. Army General Stanley McChrystal. The summit produced a seven-page white paper titled Guiding Principles for Transforming American Policing .

In 2023, Chief Rahr worked closely with Senator John Lovick, a former sheriff of Snohomish County, to win passage of ESSB 5424, which, for the first time, allows police agencies in the state to employ part-time officers. This landmark legislation is especially helpful to women who want to combine a career in law enforcement with raising children.

Chief Rahr is also a subject matter expert advisor to the 30×30 Initiative , a national effort to see women comprise 30% of police recruits by 2030.

Chief Rahr has a BA in criminal justice from Washington State University. Rahr is a member of the board of directors of the National Police Institute, formerly The Police Foundation, and an advisor to the Georgetown University School of Law Center for Innovations in Community Safety. She has served as a member of the National Institute of Justice and the Harvard University Kennedy School Executive Session on Policing and Public Safety and as an executive board member of the National Sheriffs Association. She graduated from the National Sheriff’s Institute and the FBI National Executive Institute.

Two articles Chief Rahr has written on police reform are noteworthy. From Warriors to Guardians: Recommitting American Police Culture to Democratic Ideals (Harvard Kennedy School, April 2015) makes the case for moving away from the warrior mindset in policing to one of guardianship. Rahr is the first police leader to advocate for this transformation. The second article, The Myth Propelling America’s Violent Police Culture ( The Atlantic , January 2023), is a forthright memoir about her experience as a sheriff deputy.

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