group theory assignment

Group Theory

Explore groups through symmetries, applications, and problems.

Come to know mathematical groups through symmetry.

Combining Symmetries

Gain a visual understanding of how groups work.

  • Group Axioms

What makes a set into a group?

Cube Symmetries

Explore group axioms with cube symmetries.

End of Unit 1

Complete all lessons above to reach this milestone.

0 of 4 lessons complete

Axioms and Basic Examples

Dive deeper into groups by exploring some real-world applications.

More Group Examples

See how groups tie into geometry and music.

Learn about the structure of groups within a group.

  • Abelian Groups

For these groups, composition order doesn't matter.

  • Homomorphisms

Play with group functions that preserve the groups' structures.

  • Quotient Groups

It's a bit like factoring groups...

End of Unit 2

0 of 6 lessons complete

Number Theory

Use groups to unlock the secrets of integers.

Puzzle Games

Formulate winning game strategies with groups!

Rubik's Cubes

Apply groups to understand this perplexing toy.

End of Unit 3

0 of 3 lessons complete

Normal Subgroups

Explore normality, a critical ingredient in making quotient groups.

Isomorphism Theorems

When are two groups different versions of the same thing?

  • Conjugacy Classes

Learn a wealth of information about a group by separating its elements by class.

The Symmetric Group

Master the fundamentals of permutations.

Signs of Permutations

Connect the Legendre symbol from number theory to permutation signs.

End of Unit 4

0 of 5 lessons complete

  • Group Actions

Explore the interplay between a group and the set it acts upon.

Burnside's Lemma

Solve challenging counting and combinatorial problems with group theory.

Semidirect Products

Learn a useful technique for building larger groups from smaller ones.

  • Sylow Theorems

Explore the structure of finite groups and uncover fascinating new relations.

End of Unit 5

Course description.

This course was written in collaboration with Jason Horowitz, who received his mathematics PhD at UC Berkeley and was a founding teacher at the mathematics academy Proof School. This course explores group theory at the university level, but is uniquely motivated through symmetries, applications, and challenging problems. For example, before diving into the technical axioms, we'll explore their motivation through geometric symmetries. You'll be left with a deep understanding of how group theory works and why it matters.

Topics covered

  • Direct and Semidirect Products
  • Isomorphisms
  • Normal Groups

Prerequisites and next steps

Familiarity with linear algebra basics and a willingness to engage with mathematical abstraction is all that’s required!


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Mathematics LibreTexts

13: The Structure of Groups

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  • Page ID 81131

  • Thomas W. Judson
  • Stephen F. Austin State University via Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications

\( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

\( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\)

\( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\)

\( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\)

\( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorA}[1]{\vec{#1}}      % arrow\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorAt}[1]{\vec{\text{#1}}}      % arrow\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorB}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

\( \newcommand{\vectorC}[1]{\textbf{#1}} \)

\( \newcommand{\vectorD}[1]{\overrightarrow{#1}} \)

\( \newcommand{\vectorDt}[1]{\overrightarrow{\text{#1}}} \)

\( \newcommand{\vectE}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash{\mathbf {#1}}}} \)

The ultimate goal of group theory is to classify all groups up to isomorphism; that is, given a particular group, we should be able to match it up with a known group via an isomorphism. For example, we have already proved that any finite cyclic group of order \(n\) is isomorphic to \({\mathbb Z}_n\text{;}\) hence, we “know” all finite cyclic groups. It is probably not reasonable to expect that we will ever know all groups; however, we can often classify certain types of groups or distinguish between groups in special cases.

In this chapter we will characterize all finite abelian groups. We shall also investigate groups with sequences of subgroups. If a group has a sequence of subgroups, say

\[ G = H_n \supset H_{n - 1} \supset \cdots \supset H_1 \supset H_0 = \{ e \}\text{,} \nonumber \]

where each subgroup \(H_i\) is normal in \(H_{i+1}\) and each of the factor groups \(H_{i+1}/H_i\) is abelian, then \(G\) is a solvable group. In addition to allowing us to distinguish between certain classes of groups, solvable groups turn out to be central to the study of solutions to polynomial equations.

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Chemistry LibreTexts

Group Theory and its Application to Chemistry

  • Last updated
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  • Page ID 1890

\( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

\( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\)

\( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\)

\( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\)

\( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorA}[1]{\vec{#1}}      % arrow\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorAt}[1]{\vec{\text{#1}}}      % arrow\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorB}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

\( \newcommand{\vectorC}[1]{\textbf{#1}} \)

\( \newcommand{\vectorD}[1]{\overrightarrow{#1}} \)

\( \newcommand{\vectorDt}[1]{\overrightarrow{\text{#1}}} \)

\( \newcommand{\vectE}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash{\mathbf {#1}}}} \)

Group Theory is the mathematical application of symmetry to an object to obtain knowledge of its physical properties. What group theory brings to the table, is how the symmetry of a molecule is related to its physical properties and provides a quick simple method to determine the relevant physical information of the molecule. The symmetry of a molecule provides you with the information of what energy levels the orbitals will be, what the orbitals symmetries are, what transitions can occur between energy levels, even bond order to name a few can be found, all without rigorous calculations. The fact that so many important physical aspects can be derived from symmetry is a very profound statement and this is what makes group theory so powerful.


To a fully understand the math behind group theory one needs to take a look at the theory portion of the Group Theory topic or refer to one of the reference text listed at the bottom of the page. Never the less as Chemist the object in question we are examining is usually a molecule. Though we live in the 21 st century and much is known about the physical aspects that give rise to molecular and atomic properties. The number of high level calculations that need to be performed can be both time consuming and tedious. To most experimentalist this task is takes away time and is usually not the integral part of their work. When one thinks of group theory applications one doesn't necessarily associated it with everyday life or a simple toy like a Rubik's cube. A Rubik's cube is an a cube that has a \(3 \times 3\) array of different colored tiles on each of its six surfaces, for a total of 54 tiles. Since the cube exist in 3D space, the three axis are \(x\), \(y\), \(z\). Since the rubik's cube only allows rotation which are called operations, there are three such operations around each of the \(x\), \(y\), \(z\) axis.


Of course the ultimate challenge of a Rubik's cube is to place all six colors on each of the six faces. By performing a series of such operations on the Rubik's cube one can arrive at a solution (A link of a person solving a Rubik's cube 1 in 10.4s with operations performed noted, the operations performed will not translate to chemistry applications but it is a good example of how symmetry operations arrive at a solution). The operations shown in the Rubik's cube case are inherent to the make up of the cube, i.e., the only operations allowed are the rotations along the x, y, z axis. Therefore the Rubik's cube only has x,y,z rotation operations. Similarly the operations that are specific to a molecule are dependent on its symmetry. These operations are given in the top row of the character table.

\(C_{3v}\) \(E\) \(2C_3\) \(3\sigma_v\)
\(A_1\) +1 +1 +1 \(z\) \(x^2+y^2\), \(z^2\)
\(A_2\) +1 +1 -1 \(R_z\) -
\(E\) +2 -1 0 (\(x\), \(y\)) (\(R_x\), \(R_y\)) (\(x^2-y^2\), \(xy\)) (\(xz\), \(yz\))

The character table contains a wealth of information, for a more detailed discussion of the character table can be found in Group Theory Theoretical portion of the chemWiki. All operations in the character table are contained in the first row of the character table, in this case \(E\), \(C_3\), & \(\sigma_v\), these are all of the operations that can be preformed on the molecule that return the original structure. The first column contains the three irreducible representations from now on denoted as \(\Gamma_{ir}\), here they are \(A_1\), \(A_2\) & \(E\). The value of the \(\Gamma_{ir}\) denotes what the operation does. A value of 1 represents no change, -1 opposite change and 0 is a combination of 1 & -1 (0’s are found in degenerate molecules. The final two columns Rotation and Translation represented by \(R_x\),\(R_y\), \(R_z\) & \(x\), \(y\), \(z\) respectively. Where R's refer to rotation about an axis and the \(x\), \(y\), \(z\) refers to a translation about an axis, the \(\Gamma_{ir}\) the each \(R_x\), \(R_y\), \(R_z\) & \(x\), \(y\), \(z\) term is the irreducible symmetry of a rotation or translation operation. Like wise the final column the orbital symmetries relates the orbital wavefunction to a irreducible representation.

Direct Products

This is a quick rule to follow for calculating Direct Products of irreproducible representations, such a calculation will be necessary for working through transition moment integrals. Following the basic rules given by the table given below. One can easily work through symmetry calculations very quickly.

"Symmetric" \(\times\) "Symmetric" is "Symmetric" "Symmetric" \(\times\) "AntiSymmetric" is "AntiSymmetric" "AntiSymmetric" \(\times\) "Symmetric" is "AntiSymmetric" "AntiSymmetric" \(\times\) "AntiSymmetric" is "Symmetric"
\(g \times g = g\) \(g \times u = u\) \(u \times g = u\) \(u \times u = g\)
\( ' \times ' = '\) \( ' \times '' = ''\) \( '' \times ' = ''\) \( '' \times '' = '\)
\(A \times A= A\) \(A \times B= B\) \(B \times A= B\) \(B \times B= A\)

All molecules vibrate. While these vibrations can originate from several events, which will be covered later, the most basic of these occurs when an electron is excited within the electronic state from one eigenstate to another. The Morse potential (electronic state) describes the energy of the eigenstate as a function of the interatomic distance. When an electron is excited form one eigenstate to another within the electronic state there is a change in interatomic distance, this result in a vibration occurring.


Vibrational energies arise from the absorption of polarizing radiation. Each vibrational state is assigned a \(\Gamma_{ir}\). A vibration occurs when an electron remains within the electronic state but changes from one eigenstate to another (The vibrations for the moment are only IR active vibrations, there are also Raman vibrations which will be discussed later in electronic spectroscopy), in the case of the Morse diagram above the eigenstates are denoted as \(\nu\). As you can see from the diagram the eigenstate is a function of energy versus interatomic distance.

To predicting whether or not a vibrational transition, or for that matter a transition of any kind, will occur we use the transition moment integral.

\[\int \Psi_i*\mu \Psi_f d\tau=\langle \Psi_i | \mu| \Psi_f \rangle\]

The transition moment integral is written here in standard integral format, but this is equivalent to Bra & Ket format which is standard in most chemistry quantum mechanical text (The \(\langle \Psi_i |\) is the Bra portion, \(| \Psi_f \rangle\) is the Ket portion). The transition moment operator \(\mu\) is the operator the couples the initial state \(\Psi_i\) to the final state \(\Psi_f\), which is derived from the time independent Schrödinger equation. However using group theory we can ignore the detailed mathematical methods. We can use the \(\Gamma_{ir}\) of the vibrational energy levels and the symmetry of the transition moment operator to find out if the transition is allowed by selection rules. The selection rules for vibrations or any transition is that is allowed, for it to by allowed by group theory the answer must contain the totally symmetric \(\Gamma_{ir}\) , which is always the first \(\Gamma_{ir}\) in the character table for the molecule in question.

Let’s work through an example: Ammonia (\(NH_3\)) with a \(C_{3v}\) symmetry. Consequently, all of the properties contained in the \(C_{3v}\) character table above are pertinent to the ammonia molecule.


The principle axis is the axis that the highest order rotation can be preformed. In this case the z-axis pass through the lone pairs (pink sphere), which contains a \(C_3\) axis. The ?’s or mirror planes (\(\sigma_v\) parallel to z-axis & \(\sigma_h\) perpendicular to the z-axis). In ammonia there is no \(\sigma_h\) only three \(\sigma_v\)’s. The combination of \(C_3\) & \(\sigma_v\) leads to \(C_{3v}\) point group, which leads to the C3v character table.

The number of transitions is dictated by 3N-6 for non-linear molecules and 3N-5 for linear molecules, where N is the number of atoms. The 6 & the 5 derive from three translations in the x,y,z plan and three rotations also in the x,y,z plan. Where a linear molecule only has two rotations in the x & y plans since the z axis has infinite rotation. This leads to only 5 degrees of freedom in the rotation and translation operations. In the case of Ammonia there will be 3(4)-6=6 vibrational transitions. This can be confirmed by working through the vibrations of the molecule. This work is shown in the table below.

C3v, vib.JPG

The vibrations that are yielded 2A1 & 2E (where E is doubly degenerate, meaing two vibration modes each) which total 6 vibrations. This calculation was done by using the character table to find out the rotation and translation values and what atoms move during each operation. Using the character table we can characterize the A1 vibration as IR active along the z-axis and raman active as well. The E vibration is IR active along both the x & y axis and is Raman active as well. From the character table the IR symmetries correspond to the x, y & z translations. Where the Raman active vibrations correspond to the symmetries of the d-orbitals.

Vibrational Spectroscopy

Infrared spectroscopy.

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) measures the vibrations that occur within a single electronic state, such as the one shown above. Because the transition occurs within a single electronic state there is a variation in interatomic distance. The dipole moment is dictate by the equation.

\[ \vec{\mu} = \alpha\vec{E} \]

Where \( \vec{\mu} \) is the magnitude of dipole moment; \( \alpha \) is the polarizability constant (actually a tensor) & \( E \) is the magnitude of the electric field which can be described as the electronegitivity. 3 Therefore when a vibration occurs within a single electronic state there is a change in the dipole moment, which is the definition of an active IR transition.

\[ \left ( \frac{\mathrm{d\mu} }{\mathrm{d} q} \right )_{eq} \neq 0 \]

In terms of group theory a change in the dipole is a change from one vibrational state to another, as shwon by the equation above. A picture of the vibrational states with respect ot the rotational states and electronic states is given below. In IR spectroscopy the transition occurs only from on vibrational state to another all within the same electronic state, shown below as B.


Where group theory comes in to play is weather or not this transition is allowed by symmetry. This can be determined by the transition moment integral described above. For example if one works through a transition from the ground vibrational state, which is always the totally symmetric in this example A 1g , to a excited vibrational state, B 2u . The possible symmetries for the transition moment operator are A 1g ,B 2u ,B 2g , for x,y,z transitions repectively (one obtains the transition moment operator from the character table for the ?ir of the x,y,z translations) .

<A 1g lMlB 2u >, M=A 1g ,B 2u or B 2g

From the direct product rules one can work through each of the transiton moment operators and see if the awnser contains the totally symmetric ?ir. The first direct product gives a A 1g xA 1g xB 2u =B 2u , so this transition is not x polarized. The y polarized transition moment operator gives A 1g xB 2u xB 2u =A 1g , this transition is allowed by symmetry. The final polarization z, gives A 1g xB 2g xB 2u =A 1u , this transition is also not allowed by symmetry. So this IR transition is allowed by y polarized light in this molecule.

Electronic Transitions

When an electron is excited from one electronic state to another, this is what is called an electronic transition. A clear example of this is part C in the energy level diagram shown above. Just as in a vibrational transition the selection rules for electronic transitions are dictated by the transition moment integral. However we now must consider both the electronic state symmetries and the vibration state symmetries since the electron will still be coupled between two vibrational states that are between two electronic states. This gives us this modified transition moment integral:

Transition Moment Integral, electronic.JPG

Where you can see that the symmetry of the initial electronic state & vibrational state are in the Bra and the final electronic and vibrational states are in the Ket. Though this appears to be a modified version of the transition moment integral, the same equation holds true for a vibrational transition. The only difference would be the electronic state would be the same in both the initial and final states. Which the dot product of yields the totally symmetric representation, making the electronic state irrelevant for purely vibrational spectroscopy.

In Resonance Raman spectroscopy transition that occurs is the excitation from one electronic state to another and the selection rules are dictated by the transition moment integral discussed in the electronic spectroscopy segment. However mechanically Raman does produce a vibration like IR, but the selection rules for Raman state there must be a change in the polarization, that is the volume occupied by the molecule must change. But as far as group theory to determine whether or not a transition is allowed one can use the transition moment integral presented in the electronic transition portion. Where one enters the starting electronic state symmetry and vibrational symmetry and final electronic state symmetry and vibrational state, perform the direct product with the different M's or polarizing operators For more information about this topic please explore the Raman spectroscopy portion of the Chemwiki


For the purposes of Group Theory Raman and Fluorescence are indistinguishable. They can be treated as the same process and in reality they are quantum mechanically but differ only in how Raman photons scatter versus those of fluorescence.


Phosphorescence is the same as fluorescence except upon excitation to a singlet state there is an interconversion step that converts the initial singlet state to a triplet state upon relaxation. This process is longer than fluorescence and can last microseconds to several minutes. However despite the singlet to triplet conversion the transition moment integral still holds true and the symmetry of ground state and final state still need to contain the totally symmetric representation.

Molecular Orbital Theory and Symmetry

Molecular Orbitals also follow the symmetry rules and indeed have their own ?ir. Below are the pi molecular orbitals for trans-2-butene and the corresponding symmetry of each molecular orbital.


The ?ir of the molecular orbitals are created by simply preforming the operations of that molecule's character table on that orbital. In the case of trans-2-butene the point group is C2h, the operations are: E, C2, i & ?h. Each operation will result in a change in phase (since were dealing with p-orbitals) or it will result in no change. The first molecular orbital results in the totally symmetric representation, working through all four operations E, C2, i, ?h will only result in 1's meaning there is no change, giving the Ag symmetry state. These molecular orbitals also represent different electronic states and can be arranged energetically. Putting the orbital that has the lowest energy, the orbital with the fewest nodes at the bottom of the energy diagram and like wise working up form lowest energy to highest energy. The highest energy orbital will have the most nodes. Once you've set up your MO diagram and place the four pi electrons in the orbitals you see that the first two orbitals listed (lowest energy) are HOMO orbitals and the bottom two (highest energy) and LUMO orbitals. With this information if you have a transition from the totally symmetric HOMO orbital to the totally symmetric LUMO orbital the transition moment operator would need to have Ag symmetry (using the C2h) to give a result containing the totally symmetric representation.

These four molecular orbitals represent four different electronic states. So transitions from one MO into another would be something that is measured typically with UV-Vis spectrometer.

References and Further Reading

  • Daniel Harris & Michael Bertolucci Symmetry and Spectroscopy New York, Dover Publications 1989 ($19.95), [Highly recommended, great text for explaining Group Theory for molecules and Application of Group Theory in various spectroscopy's]
  • Albert Cotton Chemical Applications of Group Theory 3rd New York, Wiley Inter-science Publication 1990 ($148.50),[Mathematical approach to group theory in chemistry]
  • Donald A. McQuarrie Quantum Chemistry Sausalito, University Science Books 1983 ($88.00) [Classic Quantum chemistry text very clear and thorough]
  • Douglas Skoog, James Holler & Stanley Crouch Principles of Instrumental Analysis (6th ed) Thomson Brooks Cole 2007 ($170.04), [Covers basics of all types of analytical chemistry methods and theory]
  • Follow the links above to Water, Ammonia and Benzene and work out the ?ir of the vibrations. Using the method laid out by the character table. (Follow the example of ammonia for help)
  • From problem 1. work out what possible are the possible transition moment operators for each vibration.
  • Work through the P-orbital molecular orbitals for cis-butadiene. (Note the conservation of "stuff", start by combining four p-orbitals and finish with four molecular orbitals) What is the point group? what are the ? ir of each MO? Finally how many vibrations are there for cis-butadiene and what are their ?ir.


Due: Thursday, March 6, 00:00AM

Group Theory

In this assignment, you will prove several simple theorems of Group Theory, which you might have studied in an undergraduate abstract algebra course. If you didn’t take abstract algebra, you missed out on some wonderful mathematics, but this is your chance to learn some of the basics. You could look up group theory on Wikipedia or look it up in a book. I enjoyed Contemporary Abstract Algebra by Joseph Gallian, which is available at the UMass library.


For the purposes of this assignment, a group is a set G , an associative binary operator f over G , an identity element e of G , and a unary inverse function i for G. The following types, which you must use, define a group and its basic axioms in Coq:

Your task is to use the definitions above to prove all the theorems below:

There is a wrinkle: every theorem or lemma must be proved by either a single call to crush or a single call to eauto! You may pass a numeric argument to eauto to control the search depth. Some theorems and lemmas may be necessary to prove subsequent theorems. You can add these as hints using Hint Resolve .

One more use of tactics is allowed in this problem. The following lemma captures a common pattern of reasoning in algebra proofs:

That is, we know some equality a = b , which is the third hypothesis above. We derive a further equality by multiplying both sides by c , to yield a <+> c = b <+> c . Next, we do algebraic simplification on both sides of this new equality, represented by the first two hypotheses above. The final result is a new theorem of algebra.

Chapter 14 of CPDT introduces more details of programming in Ltac, but here is a quick teaser that will be useful in this problem. Include the following hint command before you start proving the main theorems of this exercise:

This hint has the effect of applying mult_both at most once during a proof. After reading Chapter 14, it should be clear why the hint has that effect, but for now treat it as a useful black box. Simply using Hint Resolve mult_both would increase proof search time unacceptably, because there are just too many ways to use mult_both repeatedly within a proof.

I recommend proving the theorems in roughly the order written above. There are some dependencies between the theorems too. For example, it is helpful to have Hint Resolve unique_id before trying to prove inv_l . You only need to use Hint Resolve . There is no need for Hint Rewrite , Hint Immediate , etc.

The following web page has informal proofs of some of the first theorems you need to prove:

You should start by formalizing them.

You can write eauto N , where N sets the depth of proof search. The default is eauto 5 , which can be quite slow. Lower values will make proof search go faster when a proof exists within the bound. Higher values are necessary to find more involved proofs. Most proofs should be found with eauto 3 or eauto 4 .

The key to this problem is coming up with further lemmas like mult_both that formalize common patterns of reasoning in algebraic proofs. These lemmas need to be more than sound: they must also fit well with the way that eauto does proof search. For instance, if we had given mult both a traditional statement, we probably would have avoided “pointless” equalities like a = b , which could be avoided simply by replacing all occurrences of b with a. However, the resulting theorem would not work as well with automated proof search! Every additional hint you come up with should be registered with Hint Resolve, so that the lemma statement needs to be in a form that eauto understands natively.

I recommend testing a few simple rules corresponding to common steps in algebraic proofs. You can apply them manually with any tactics you like (e.g., apply or eapply ) to figure out what approaches work, and then switch to eauto once you have the full set of hints.


This assignment is derived from Exercise 0.8.1 of Adam Chlipala’s online CPDT exercises .


The development of group theory.

  • geometry at the beginning of the 19 th Century,
  • number theory at the end of the 18 th Century,
  • the theory of algebraic equations at the end of the 18 th Century leading to the study of permutations.

References ( show )

  • B Chandler and W Magnus, The history of combinatorial group theory : A case study in the history of ideas ( New York-Berlin, 1982) .
  • R Franci, On the axiomatization of group theory by American mathematicians : 1902 - 1905 , Amphora ( Basel, 1992) , 261 - 277 .
  • J Gray, Otto Hölder and group theory, Math. Intelligencer 16 (3) (1994) , 59 - 61 .
  • B M Kiernan, The development of Galois theory from Lagrange to Artin, Archive for History of Exact Sciences 8 (1971) , 40 - 154 .
  • I Kleiner, The evolution of group theory : a brief survey, Mathematics magazine 59 (4) (1986) , 195 - 215 .
  • J J Nicholson, Otto Holder and the Development of Group Theory and Galois Theory ( Ph.D. Thesis Oxford, 1993) .
  • L Novy, Origins of Modern Algebra ( Prague, 1973) .
  • K V H Parshall, A study in group theory : Leonard Eugene Dickson's 'Linear groups', Math. Intelligencer 13 (1) (1991) , 7 - 11 .
  • H Wussing, The Genesis of the Abstract Group Concept ( Cambridge, MA., 1984) .

Course Name: Group Theory Methods in Physics

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Course abstract

This course is a first course pitched at UG level so that the students can appreciate the wide applications of the group theory tools in other areas of physics

Course Instructor

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Prof. P. Ramadevi

Teaching assistant(s).

Aman Awasthi

Aman Awasthi

Adiba Shaikh

Adiba Shaikh

 Course Duration : Jan-Apr 2020

  view course,  syllabus,  enrollment : 18-nov-2019 to 03-feb-2020,  exam registration : 16-dec-2019 to 21-feb-2020,  exam date : 26-apr-2020,   course statistics will be published shortly, certificate eligible, certified category count, successfully completed, participation.

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Category : Successfully Completed

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Category : Elite

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Category : Silver

group theory assignment

Category : Gold

Final score calculation logic.

  • Assignment Score = Average of best 8 out of 12 assignments.
  • Final Score(Score on Certificate)= 75% of Exam Score + 25% of Assignment Score




Enrollment Statistics

Total enrollment: 948, registration statistics, total registration : 49, assignment statistics, score distribution graph - legend, assignment score: distribution of average scores garnered by students per assignment., exam score : distribution of the final exam score of students., final score : distribution of the combined score of assignments and final exam, based on the score logic..


Introduction to Abstract Group Theory

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Note: This exam date is subjected to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

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  • Acceptance of Galois theory

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mathematicians of the Greco-Roman world

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Illustration by the CDC, reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. Note the spikes on the outer surface of the virus, which impart the look of a corona surrounding the virion, when viewed electron microscopically. A novel coronavirus,

Applications of group theory

Galois theory arose in direct connection with the study of polynomials, and thus the notion of a group developed from within the mainstream of classical algebra. However, it also found important applications in other mathematical disciplines throughout the 19th century, particularly geometry and number theory.

In 1872 Felix Klein suggested in his inaugural lecture at the University of Erlangen, Germany, that group theoretical ideas might be fruitfully put to use in the context of geometry. Since the beginning of the 19th century, the study of projective geometry had attained renewed impetus , and later on non-Euclidean geometries were introduced and increasingly investigated. This proliferation of geometries raised pressing questions concerning both the interrelations among them and their relationship with the empirical world. Klein suggested that these geometries could be classified and ordered within a conceptual hierarchy . For instance, projective geometry seemed particularly fundamental because its properties were also relevant in Euclidean geometry , while the main concepts of the latter, such as length and angle, had no significance in the former.

A geometric hierarchy may be expressed in terms of which transformations leave the most relevant properties of a particular geometry unchanged. It turned out that these sets of transformations were best understood as forming a group. Klein’s idea was that the hierarchy of geometries might be reflected in a hierarchy of groups whose properties would be easier to understand. An example from Euclidean geometry illustrates the basic idea. The set of rotations in the plane has closure: if rotation I rotates a figure by an angle α, and rotation J by an angle β, then rotation I * J rotates it by an angle α + β. The rotation operation is obviously associative, α + (β + γ) = (α + β) + γ. The identity element is the rotation through an angle of 0 degrees, and the inverse of the rotation through angle α is the angle −α. Thus the set of rotations of the plane is a group of invariant transformations for Euclidean geometry. The groups associated with other kinds of geometries is somewhat more involved, but the idea remains the same.

In the 1880s and ’90s, Klein’s friend, the Norwegian Sophus Lie , undertook the enormous task of classifying all possible continuous groups of geometric transformations, a task that eventually evolved into the modern theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras. At roughly the same time, the French mathematician Henri Poincaré studied the groups of motions of rigid bodies, a work that helped to establish group theory as one of the main tools in modern geometry.

The notion of a group also started to appear prominently in number theory in the 19th century, especially in Gauss’s work on modular arithmetic . In this context, he proved results that were later reformulated in the abstract theory of groups—for instance (in modern terms), that in a cyclic group (all elements generated by repeating the group operation on one element) there always exists a subgroup of every order (number of elements) dividing the order of the group.

In 1854 Arthur Cayley , one of the most prominent British mathematicians of his time, was the first explicitly to realize that a group could be defined abstractly—without any reference to the nature of its elements and only by specifying the properties of the operation defined on them. Generalizing on Galois’s ideas, Cayley took a set of meaningless symbols 1, α, β,… with an operation defined on them as shown in the table below.

Cayley group

Cayley demanded only that the operation be closed with respect to the elements on which it was defined, while he assumed implicitly that it was associative and that each element had an inverse. He correctly deduced some basic properties of the group, such as that if the group has n elements, then θ n = 1 for each element θ. Nevertheless, in 1854 the idea of permutation groups was rather new, and Cayley’s work had little immediate impact.

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Duration : 8 weeks
Category :
Credit Points : 2
Start Date : 26 Aug 2019
End Date : 18 Oct 2019
Exam Date : 16 Nov 2019 IST

Course Information

MATH 3175 · Group Theory: CRN 60334, Section 1
Mon, Tue, Wed, Th 9:50 am–11:30 am in 159 Ryder Hall
435 LA – Lake Hall
Monday and Thursday, 12 pm–1 pm
MATH 2331, Linear Algebra and MATH 2321, Calculus 3
, 4th Edition (2019) by , Waveland Press, ISBN: 1478638699
The course introduces some of the basic ideas of Group Theory, including symmetry groups, abelian, cyclic, and permutation groups, as well as subgroups, normal subgroups, group homomorphisms, quotient groups, direct products, group actions on a set, and the Sylow theorems. The theory will be illustrated by examples from geometry, linear algebra, and combinatorics, and applications will be discussed. We will cover parts of preparatory Chapters 1 & 2 and then Chapters 3 & 7 from the textbook, emphasizing group actions on a set as a unifying theme.
Students will understand the basic ideas and some applications of groups, and will be able to explain groups, factor groups, and their relation to symmetry. Students will recognize mathematical objects that are groups, and be able to classify them as abelian, cyclic, direct products, etc. Students will understand homomorphisms and quotients of groups, as well as group actions on a set, orbits and stabilizers, conjugacy, and be able to determine when a group has a normal subgroup. Students will be able to reason mathematically, to write simple proofs, and be able to judge whether an attempted proof in group theory is correct/complete.
Based on homework assignments (50%), midterm exam (20%), and final exam (30%).

Class Materials

Homework assignments.

: Due July 13.   . : Due July 21.   . : Due July 28.   . : Due August 9.   . : Due August 17.   -->
: Latin squares and Cayley tables : The dihedral groups : Certain prime order normal subgroups · .
: August 1 (in class).   . . : due August 23 at 10am.
Started:May 4, 2022
Last modified: August 18, 2022
  • Number System
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Applications of Group Theory

  • Applications of Graph Theory
  • Real-Life Applications of Number Theory
  • Real-life applications of network theory
  • Applications of Graph Data Structure
  • Real-Life Applications of Sphere
  • Real Life Applications of Area
  • Real-Life Applications of Topology
  • Applications of Physics in Technology
  • Real Life Applications of Avogadro Law
  • Real Life Applications of Volume
  • Real-life Applications of Numbers
  • Introduction of Theory of Computation
  • Applications of Diffraction of Light
  • Applications of Trigonometry in Real Life
  • Applications of Machine Learning
  • Real-Life Applications of Discrete Mathematics
  • Applications of Set Theory
  • Applications of Data Science
  • Coalitional Game theory

Group theory is the branch of mathematics that includes the study of elements in a group. Group is the fundamental concept of algebraic structure like other algebraic structures like rings and fields. 

Group: A non-empty set G with * as operation, (G, *) is called a group if it follows the closure, associativity, identity, and inverse properties. 

Group Theory Properties:

If * is an operation and G is a group then, properties of group theory:

  • Closure: If ‘a’ and ‘b’ are elements in group G then, a*b also belongs to group G.
  • Associativity: If ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’ are elements in group G then, a*(b* c) = (a*b) *c 
  • Identity Element: For every element ‘a’ in the group there exists an identity element e such that e*a = a*e = a
  • Inverse: For all element ‘a’ belongs to group G there exists a -1 such that a*a -1 = a -1 *a = e
  • A non-empty set S is called a semi-group if it follows closure and associativity properties.
  • A non-empty set S is called a monoid if it follows closure, associativity, and identity element properties.
  • A non-empty set S is called an abelian group if it is a group and follows commutative property i.e., if a and b are elements of group G then, a*b = b*a

Classes of Group Theory:

Some classes of group theory are:

  • Permutation groups: Permutation groups are mathematical groups whose elements are permutations of a given set S whose group operation is a composition of permutations in G.
  • Matrix groups: Matrix group is a group G of invertible matrices with matrix multiplication as the group operation over a defined field K.
  • Transformation groups: Transformation group refers to the subgroup of an automorphism group. It is like a symmetry group in that it consists of all transformations that retain a specific structure.
  • Abstract groups: Abstract groups are the presentation of generators and relations. The production of factor group or quotient group, G/H of a group G by normal subgroup H is an example of abstract groups.

Branches of Group Theory:

Branches of group theory include:

  • Finite group theory.
  • Representation of groups.
  • Lie theory.
  • Combinatorics and Geometric group theory.

Applications of Group Theory:

  • Group theory algorithms are used to solve Rubik’s cube.
  • Many laws of Physics, Chemistry use symmetry and hence, uses group theory as it is symmetric.
  • Group theory may be used to investigate any object or system attribute that is invariant under change because of its symmetry.
  • Group theory is also used in harmonic analysis, combinatorics, algebraic topology, algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry, and cryptography.

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