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Data analyst practice test number 1.

  • Post published: July 28, 2022

This is an Excel Data Analyst exam, you will be challenged to solve various data analysis issues that Excel Data Analysts face in their everyday work!

You will be using functions such as:

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Exam level – Intermediate-Advanced

If you prefer to work on this exam using regular Excel – click here to download the Data Analyst Practice exam no. 1

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How do you insert a pie chart to represent temperature value in cell B10 to M10

How do you merge cell A1 to D1

Write the function to calculate the average of cell B10 to M18

Choose one device that you own and use - a laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Calculate the total costs of ownership (TCO) for the selected device including:

Purchasing costs of hardware

Purchasing costs or software subscription fee

Operating costs (hours spent on managing IT, e.g. upgrades, fixes, troubleshooting, searching for new software, learning with new programs, providing IT support to others)

Downtime costs (lost hours due to inoperable or inaccessible computer, internet connection, viruses, etc.)

When convering amount of time to money, consider average hourly gross wage 200 CZK (around 7 EUR).

Calculate overall TCO and annual TCO.

Design a worksheet in MS Excel to implement Naive Bayes Classifier. The worksheet shall

include the following:

• It should allow users to create and store training data tuples. Let the attributes in the

tuples be nominal and output labels belong to one among ‘K’ classes.

• It should compute “K’ class aprioi probabilities.

• It should compute class conditional probabilities of each attribute taking values from

the set of values

• it should utilize these computed class conditional probabilities to classify

future/unknown data tuples based on MAP criterion.Please refer to the table given below. It has four nominal attributes viz. Weather, temperature,

Humidity and Wind. Let the output variable be Play which would take two values either ‘Yes’

or ‘No’ i.e. K = 2.

Design a worksheet in MS Excel to implement Decision Tree Classifier. The worksheet shall

• It should compute one of the following measures to decide an attribute to be used for

splitting the data tuples.

◦ Information gain

◦ Gain ratio

◦ Gini index

• It should split data tuples under consideration into multiple subsets based on the

selected attribute that maximizes the measure used and depending on number of

values the selected attribute would take.

• Repetition of the above steps of computing the measure to split further and continue

until a suitable stopping criteria is met.

The Unilever Company plans to allocate some or all of its monthly advertising budget of GH¢82,000 in the Mankato area. It can purchase local radio spots at GH¢120 per spot, local TV spots at GH¢600 per spot, and local newspaper advertising at GH¢220 per insertion.

The company's policy requirements specify that the company must spend at least GH¢40,000 on TV and allow monthly newspaper expenditures up to GH¢60,000.

The payoff from each advertising medium is a function of the size of its audience. The general experience of the firm is that the values of insertions and spots in terms of "audience points" (arbitrary unit), are as given below:

Radio 40 audience points per spot

TV 180 audience points per spot

Newspapers 320 audience points per insertion

(a) Formulate a linear programming model for this problem.

(b) Use solver to find optimal solution and sensitivity report.

On the Loan worksheet, in cell C9, enter a PMT function to calculate the monthly payment for the

Altamonte Springs 2018 facilities loan. Ensure that the function returns a positive value and set

the references to cells B5 and B6 as absolute references.

Grandpa John gives his kids Christmas gifts, but only if they are younger than 18.Write IF function to check who’s eligible for Christmas gifts this year. Return “Yes” if he/she is eligible, and “No” if he/she is not.

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DattaSubrahmanyam / Day 7 Assignment- Y. Datta Subrahmanyam.ipynb

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"cells": [
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"source": "# 1) program to read realestate.csv and insert all the records( all columns) to the database"
"metadata": {
"trusted": false
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"source": "import csv\n\ntry:\n db = pymysql.connect(host='localhost',port=3306,user='root',password='jntuk123',database='test')\n print(db)\n # create your query/handler/reference\n cursor = db.cursor()\n # prepare your query\n # file handling\n with open(\"realestate.csv\",\"r\") as fobj:\n #convert file object to csv object\n reader = csv.reader(fobj)\n for record in reader:\n query = \"insert into realestate values('{}','{}')\".format(record[0],record[1])\n cursor.execute(query) \n #make the changes permanent\n db.commit()\n\n db.close()\nexcept pymysql.DatabaseError as err:\n print(\"Database error .. Exception raised for errors that are related to the database.\")\n print(err)\n\nexcept pymysql.OperationalError as err:\n print(\"related to the database'soperation\")\n print(err)\n \nexcept pymysql.IntegrityError as err:\n print(\"Related to keys\")\n print(err)\nexcept Exception as err:\n print(err)\n",
"execution_count": 6,
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": "<pymysql.connections.Connection object at 0x0000000004C9B9A0>\n"
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "# 2) program to display all the files and folders separately and its count also."
"metadata": {
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"source": "import os\nsubFolders=list()\nfiles=list()\nrootPath=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(\"..\"))\nprint(rootPath)\n\nfor root,dirs,files in os.walk(rootPath):\n print(\" \")\n print(\" \",dirs)\n print(\" *****\",files)\n ",
"execution_count": 65,
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": "C:\\Users\\Sree\\Desktop\\JNTUK Data Science Workspace\n \n ['.ipynb_checkpoints', 'Day-7(database)', 'Sample folder']\n ***** ['Day 6 Assignment- Y. Datta Subrahmanyam.ipynb', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'realestate.csv', 'realestate_info.xlsx', 'sales.csv', 'sample.xlsx', 'sample_numbers.xlsx', 'Untitled.ipynb']\n \n []\n ***** ['Day 6 Assignment- Y. Datta Subrahmanyam-checkpoint.ipynb', 'Untitled-checkpoint.ipynb']\n \n ['Assignment', 'Material']\n ***** []\n \n []\n ***** ['assign.txt']\n \n ['.ipynb_checkpoints']\n ***** ['Day 7 Assignment- Y. Datta Subrahmanyam.ipynb', '', '', '', '', 'notes.txt', '', 'realestate.csv', 'realestate_18082020.csv']\n \n []\n ***** ['Day 7 Assignment- Y. Datta Subrahmanyam-checkpoint.ipynb']\n \n []\n ***** ['Greetings.txt']\n"
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"source": "# 3(a)display the current user name"
"metadata": {
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"cell_type": "code",
"source": "import os\n\nos.getlogin()",
"execution_count": 66,
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": "'Sree'"
"execution_count": 66,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "# 3(b)display current working directory"
"metadata": {
"trusted": false
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "import os\n\nprint(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(\" \")))",
"execution_count": 72,
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": "C:\\Users\\Sree\\Desktop\\JNTUK Data Science Workspace\\Day-7(database)\\Material\n"
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "# 3(c) display Operating system name"
"metadata": {
"trusted": false
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "import platform\n\nplatform.platform()",
"execution_count": 78,
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": "'Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1'"
"execution_count": 78,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "# 3(d) display process id of your running program"
"metadata": {
"trusted": false
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "import os\n\nos.getpid()",
"execution_count": 79,
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": "3472"
"execution_count": 79,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "# 3(e) display the current timestamp"
"metadata": {
"trusted": false
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "import time\nprint(\"Method 1:\")\nprint(\"Current timestamp:\", time.ctime())\nprint(\" \")\n\n#2nd Method\nsecSinceEpoch= time.time()\ntimeObj=time.localtime(secSinceEpoch)\nprint(\"Method 2:\")\nprint('Current TimeStamp is : %d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d' % (\ntimeObj.tm_mday, timeObj.tm_mon, timeObj.tm_year, timeObj.tm_hour, timeObj.tm_min, timeObj.tm_sec))\nprint(\" \")\n\n#3rd Method\nfrom datetime import datetime\\nprint(\"Method 3:\")\nprint(dTimeObj.strftime(\"%d-%b-%Y (%H:%M:%S)\"))",
"execution_count": 99,
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": "Method 1:\nCurrent timestamp: Thu Aug 20 00:08:31 2020\n \nMethod 2:\nCurrent TimeStamp is : 20-8-2020 0:8:31\n \nMethod 3:\n20-Aug-2020 (00:08:31)\n"
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "# 3(f) display yesterday’s date"
"metadata": {
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"cell_type": "code",
"source": "#Method 1\nfrom datetime import datetime, date\nfrom datetime import timedelta \n\ntoday =\nyesterday = today - timedelta(days=1)\nprint(yesterday)\n",
"execution_count": 104,
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": "2020-08-19\n"
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "# 3(g) display tomorrow’s date"
"metadata": {
"trusted": false
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "from datetime import datetime, date\nfrom datetime import timedelta \n\ntoday =\ntomorrow = today + timedelta(days=1)\n\nprint(tomorrow)",
"execution_count": 105,
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": "2020-08-21\n"
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "# 3(h) display all the environment variables that are existing"
"metadata": {
"trusted": false
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "import os\nos.environ \n\n",
"execution_count": 116,
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": "environ{'ALLUSERSPROFILE': 'C:\\\\ProgramData',\n 'APPDATA': 'C:\\\\Users\\\\Sree\\\\AppData\\\\Roaming',\n 'COMMONPROGRAMFILES': 'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Common Files',\n 'COMMONPROGRAMFILES(X86)': 'C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Common Files',\n 'COMMONPROGRAMW6432': 'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Common Files',\n 'COMPUTERNAME': 'DATTA-PC',\n 'COMSPEC': 'C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\cmd.exe',\n 'CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV': 'base',\n 'CONDA_EXE': 'C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Anaconda3\\\\Scripts\\\\conda.exe',\n 'CONDA_PREFIX': 'C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Anaconda3',\n 'CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER': '(base) ',\n 'CONDA_PYTHON_EXE': 'C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Anaconda3\\\\python.exe',\n 'CONDA_SHLVL': '1',\n 'FP_NO_HOST_CHECK': 'NO',\n 'GOOGLE_API_KEY': 'no',\n 'GOOGLE_DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID': 'no',\n 'GOOGLE_DEFAULT_CLIENT_SECRET': 'no',\n 'HOMEDRIVE': 'C:',\n 'HOMEPATH': '\\\\Users\\\\Sree',\n 'LOCALAPPDATA': 'C:\\\\Users\\\\Sree\\\\AppData\\\\Local',\n 'LOGONSERVER': '\\\\\\\\DATTA-PC',\n 'MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH': 'C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Foxit Software\\\\Foxit Reader\\\\plugins\\\\',\n 'NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS': '4',\n 'ONEDRIVE': 'C:\\\\Users\\\\Sree\\\\OneDrive',\n 'OS': 'Windows_NT',\n 'PATH': 'C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Anaconda3;C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Anaconda3\\\\Library\\\\mingw-w64\\\\bin;C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Anaconda3\\\\Library\\\\usr\\\\bin;C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Anaconda3\\\\Library\\\\bin;C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Anaconda3\\\\Scripts;C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Anaconda3\\\\bin;C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Anaconda3\\\\condabin;C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Anaconda3;C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Anaconda3\\\\Library\\\\mingw-w64\\\\bin;C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Anaconda3\\\\Library\\\\usr\\\\bin;C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Anaconda3\\\\Library\\\\bin;C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Anaconda3\\\\Scripts;C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Common Files\\\\Microsoft Shared\\\\Windows Live;C:\\\\ProgramData\\\\Oracle\\\\Java\\\\javapath;C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32;C:\\\\Windows;C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\Wbem;C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0;C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Skype\\\\Phone;C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Java\\\\jdk1.8.0_45\\\\bin;C:\\\\Program Files\\\\CMake\\\\bin;C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Microsoft SQL Server\\\\130\\\\Tools\\\\Binn;C:\\\\Program Files\\\\dotnet;C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Microsoft SQL Server\\\\Client SDK\\\\ODBC\\\\170\\\\Tools\\\\Binn;C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Git\\\\cmd;C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Common Files\\\\Microsoft Shared\\\\Windows Live;C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Java\\\\jdk1.8.0_45\\\\bin',\n 'PATHEXT': '.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC',\n 'PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE': 'AMD64',\n 'PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER': 'Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel',\n 'PROCESSOR_LEVEL': '6',\n 'PROCESSOR_REVISION': '3a09',\n 'PROGRAMDATA': 'C:\\\\ProgramData',\n 'PROGRAMFILES': 'C:\\\\Program Files',\n 'PROGRAMFILES(X86)': 'C:\\\\Program Files (x86)',\n 'PROGRAMW6432': 'C:\\\\Program Files',\n 'PROMPT': '(base) $P$G',\n 'PSMODULEPATH': 'C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0\\\\Modules\\\\',\n 'PUBLIC': 'C:\\\\Users\\\\Public',\n 'SESSIONNAME': 'Console',\n 'SYSTEMDRIVE': 'C:',\n 'SYSTEMROOT': 'C:\\\\Windows',\n 'TEMP': 'C:\\\\Users\\\\Sree\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Temp',\n 'TMP': 'C:\\\\Users\\\\Sree\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Temp',\n 'USERDOMAIN': 'DATTA-PC',\n 'USERNAME': 'Sree',\n 'USERPROFILE': 'C:\\\\Users\\\\Sree',\n 'WINDIR': 'C:\\\\Windows',\n 'KERNEL_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT': '40',\n 'JPY_INTERRUPT_EVENT': '1924',\n 'IPY_INTERRUPT_EVENT': '1924',\n 'JPY_PARENT_PID': '1780',\n 'TERM': 'xterm-color',\n 'CLICOLOR': '1',\n 'PAGER': 'cat',\n 'GIT_PAGER': 'cat',\n 'MPLBACKEND': 'module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline'}"
"execution_count": 116,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "# 3(i) display the python executable path ( just like ‘which python3’ in Linux )"
"metadata": {
"trusted": false
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "import sys\nprint(sys.executable)",
"execution_count": 117,
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": "C:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\python.exe\n"
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
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MS Excel Course > Assignment

Excel Assignment Q-5

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What is it? It is a web-based hosting service  mostly  used to manage computer code and its versions.

Why is it used? In the age of cloud computing, the days of storing code or information on a personal laptop or disk space and transferring it over the network are gone. Reason being that handling multiple versions of the code when multiple people are trying to modify the same code would lead to disaster, in real time scenarios. So, it is imperative that your code and any changes are handled efficiently.

Is it important? This tool is widely used in the industry wherever cloud computing and/or coding is involved.

Can it be explained in a better way? Remember the documents and photos in your Gmail, which you move to google drive and retrieve whenever you want it? GitHub flows  almost  a similar approach.

How do I go about to understand and use it?

Well, follow the simple steps below.

Step 1:Sign-up in GitHub. Step 2:Install Git console. Step 3:Choose default settings (Windows console etc.,). The console window appears as below. Step 4:Link the git on your machine to link up with your account on GitHub. This is done via username and password which you have provided on GitHub website.

For linking your username, the command is:

Step 2: install Git console. Step 3: Choose default settings (Windows console etc.,). The console window appears as below.

Step 4: Link the git on your machine to link up with your account on GitHub. This is done via username and password which you have provided on GitHub website.

git config-global"crajahamsa"

You are done! Now, all we need to create a repository (folder) in GitHub where the team can upload the code.

Give a name to the repository

Go to the folder on your desktop where you want the GitHub created. On the GitHub website, clone the path provided. This would copy the https path to the clipboard which would be used in the local desktop git command prompt to create a mirror folder.

Type "git clone" and right click to paste the clipboard information (from above step)

Vola! A folder got created on my laptop with the same name as I provided on the GitHub website. Now, what happens if I drop a document in the folder on my desktop? Will it get reflected on the GitHub website?

No change even after refreshing the website. The status in the git folder says that no commit was done. There are 3 commands to be used to "copy" a file from your desktop to the GitHub. a.add, b. commit and c. push

git add . (this would commit all the untracked files)

Please note that git push command would ask for your credentials to ‘copy’ the file from local desktop to the GitHub repository. If successful, the below details would show up. We have successfully added the file to the GitHub repository. You can provide the link to your peers and colleagues to share the code.

If you want to pull a file from your colleague repository, you pull using the git command prompt. Since, both the folders have same files, up to date response shows up.

What if I use Linux or Macintosh?

The steps are the same except that below commands should be used on your local machine based on the Operating System you are using.

Disclaimer: The following screenshots have been used from the below link . Please go through the same for elaborate details.

Step 1: Install the Git console for Linux. Step 2: Go to the directory you want to create a folder. Step 3: Initialize the repository

Step 4: Create a file in the same directory.

Step 5: To see if GitHub has identified the new file.

Step 6: There are two important points here.

Step i:  The files/changes you want to move to GitHub must be  add ed to the staging

environment. This step is primarily to make sure not all the files under the directory are

moved to the GitHub every time. So, you select specific files only (which you need to

overwrite in the master aka GitHub) by adding them to the staging environment. Use the below command to add the specific files to the staging environment. git add

 Step ii:  If you want the files in the staging to be written to the GitHub, then use the commit step.

For Mac OS X:

Step 1:  Install the Git Console for Mac.  

Note: If you get a warning that says “git-2.8.1-intel-universal-mavericks.pkg” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.” Open Settings > Security & Privacy > General and click Open Anyway.

Step 2: Open Terminal and enter git –version. You will see “git version 2.15.1”.

Step 3: Repeat the same steps as shown under the Windows options to get the initialization and creation of directory in Mac.

There are other options like Homebrew, MacPorts, Atlassian Sourcetree to do the same git installation more effectively in Mac OS X.

Summary : GitHub is highly recommended and used in real-time projects across the data science community. These are the basics to get started. There are many other options like vim command for file changes, branch in GitHub which can be explored as and when needed.

About the Author


Data Scientist , ML Trainer

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    All the assignments are uploaded here for Data Science Course ExcelR Solutions. - rohu4u/ExcelR-Assignments

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    Step 1 − First, start with the selection of random samples from a given dataset. 2. Step 2 − Next, this algorithm will construct a decision tree for every sample. Then it will get the prediction result from every decision tree. 3. Step 3 − In this step, voting will be performed for every predicted result. 4.

  4. Assignment Discussion 1

    #ExcelR #2020Today's itinerary for, Online-Faculty Development Program(O-FDP) Presented by APSSDC (Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation) and Ex...

  5. Workbook: ExcelR Assignment

    ExcelR Assignment by Yashshwini Thakkar. Details . 0 984. ExcelR Assignment . Published: Sep 8, 2021 Updated: Dec 8, 2022. English (US) Deutsch; English (UK) English (US) Español; Français (Canada) Français (France) Italiano;

  6. Excelr/Excelr Assignments/Multiple Linear Regression/ · GitHub

    Created 4 years ago. Star 0 0. Fork 0 0. Excelr/Excelr Assignments/Multiple Linear Regression/. Raw. Multiple_linear_regression.ipynb.

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  8. ExcelR Data Science/Assignments/Naive Bayes.ipynb · GitHub

    ExcelR Data Science/Assignments/Naive Bayes.ipynb. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

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  10. imUtkarsh46/Data-Analyst-Assignments-ExcelR-Solution-

    Data-Analyst-Assignments-ExcelR-Solution-I have completed all the Data Analyst Assignmnets. About. No description, website, or topics provided. Resources. Readme Activity. Stars. 1 star Watchers. 1 watching Forks. 1 fork Report repository Releases No releases published. Packages 0. No packages published .

  11. ExcelR

    Data Analytics Assignments!! Get them Now On Google Drive by Clicking the Link Below! ... [email protected]. 3y. Ram Nani . bro once ping me to 9553672794 i have some doubts regarding this assignment. 3y. Pavan Kumar. What is the last date for submission of assignments? 3y. Author. ExcelR.

  12. Data Analyst Practice Test number 1

    Data Analyst Practice Test number 1. This is an Excel Data Analyst exam, you will be challenged to solve various data analysis issues that Excel Data Analysts face in their everyday work! You will be using functions such as: And more…. You can view the answers in the Solution tab! 🙂.

  13. Excel Assignment 1

    Excel Assignment 1 - Answer Sheet. Course. Intro To Info Technology Mgmt (MIS 301) 90 Documents. Students shared 90 documents in this course. University University of Texas at Austin. Academic year: 2020/2021. Uploaded by: Anonymous Student. This document has been uploaded by a student, just like you, who decided to remain anonymous.

  14. Excel Answers

    Question #306636. Excel. Design a worksheet in MS Excel to implement Decision Tree Classifier. The worksheet shall. include the following: • It should allow users to create and store training data tuples. Let the attributes in the. tuples be nominal and output labels belong to one among 'K' classes.

  15. Assignment Excelr

    Assignment Excelr - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  16. ExcelR Assignments

    ExcelR Assignments . Published: Jul 6, 2019 Updated: Nov 23, 2022. English (US) Deutsch; English (UK) English (US) Español; Français (Canada) Français (France) Italiano;

  17. MySQL Database- ExcelR Day 7 Assignment- Y. Datta Subrahmanyam.ipynb

    MySQL Database- ExcelR Day 7 Assignment- Y. Datta Subrahmanyam.ipynb Display the source blob. Display the rendered blob. Raw. Day 7 Assignment- Y. Datta Subrahmanyam.ipynb This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals ...

  18. akashkadam4/ExcelR-Data-Science-Assignments

    5.Assignment 5(Multi Linear Regression) 6.Assignment 6(Logistic Regression) 7.Assignment 7(Clustering) 8.Assignment 8(PCA) 9.Assignment 9(Association Rules) 10.Assignment 10(Recommendation system) 11.Assignment 11(KNN) 12.Assignment 12(Decision tree) 13.Assignment 13(Random Forests) 14.Assignment 14(Support Vector Machines) 15.Assignment 15 ...

  19. Data Analyst Course Training

    ExcelR, in association with IIT Madras, brings to you an add-on certification for your Data Science Course. This certification program provides you with: 15+ Hours of Interactive Live-Virtual Sessions by professors of IIT Madras. Optional 2-day Campus Immersion in the beautiful, state-of-the-art IIT Madras. A prestigious IIT Madras Pravartak ...

  20. Excel Assignment Solutions for Students

    Free हिन्दी. 12036 4.6 Enroll For Free. Excel Assignment Solutions for Students is a complete guide and resource for students, who are looking for excel assignment help. It is designed to help students learn the basics of Excel, and also be able to solve Excel problems with step-by-step instructions.

  21. GitHub

    ExcelR-Assignments-2021. These are the assignments I have completed during my journey of Data Science Course in ExcelR. About. These are the assignments I have completed during my journey of Data Science Course in ExcelR Resources. Readme Activity. Stars. 2 stars Watchers. 1 watching Forks. 0 forks

  22. Assignment 2 Answer Key

    Statistics I (STAT 201-3), Spring 2015 Assignment 2: Descriptive Statistics with Excel Answer Key Overall well done! Nevertheless take the time to compare your work with the answer key and review any mistakes you made. We learn most from mistakes! Remember that similar problems may appear on later assignments, quizzes and the final exam. Come to office hour if you have questions.

  23. GITHUB

    By Excelr Aug 31, 2020. Popular Courses. Big Data Hadoop & Spark Analytics (3,239) 6,425 Learners. Business Analyst Course Training (1000) Learners. Data Analyst Course Training ... Interview Questions and Answers Tableau Tableau prep; Agile Data Analytics Business Analytics SAP Artificial Intelligence latest blogs. A Quick Guide to Know If You ...