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Essay on Unity | Unity Essay for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Unity: Unity is the mutual feeling of bonding and attachment. It is the belief of oneness and belongingness. Unity inspires patriotic fervor and makes us better human beings. Unity can be seen in almost every aspect of life. Being united makes us stronger and increases our chances of emerging victorious in this struggle of life. The agreement holds us together as one whole nation. In this article, we have provided one long piece on unity and a short piece long with ten lines on the same topic.

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Long and Short Essays on Unity for Students and Kids in English

Given below is one long Essay on unity composed of about 500 words and one brief Short Essay comprising 100-150 words.

Long Essay on Unity 500 Words in English

Unity essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

From our very childhood, we are taught that unity makes us stronger and better persons. “United we stand, divided we fall” has been our motto, and we have always tried to follow it. Unity characterizes almost every aspect of teamwork. Starting from the grass root levels, unity is essential for every bit of community service we do. In a school, teachers often divide children into different groups and assign them some work to do. The very purpose of this is to teach children how to perform in a united and organized fashion.

Unity not only makes us more reliable but also increases our resistance by a great deal. In India, we have always tried to achieve economic, political, social, religious, racial, linguistic, and cultural unity. This is because of India’s massive territorial area and diverse nature. Integration in diversity that makes our country unique and different from the others.

To start with, unity does not mean every culture or religion has to be similar. It means, despite the existing differences, everyone will feel that they belong together. Integration is the most significant binding factor of a nation. At this point, we must understand that not every territorial, demarcated area is a Nation. Unity and integrity are the two factors that build a nation.

A nation is characterized by unity and solidarity. Thus, unity can make and break a country. The most courageous display of unity was seen in the struggle for independence of the Indians from the British. Every Indian, be it Hindu, Muslim, Jain, and everyone else, fought to rid India of the hated foreigners.

We have been trying to achieve the same unity and fervor post-independence. However, religious anarchy has become a significant obstruction to unity in India. Hindu and Muslim unity was a signature characteristic of India that began to fade after Partition. Several unforeseen and unfortunate incidents have further separated these two religions. In India, no extra favor is extended to any particular religion, according to the constitution. But, political leaders have always used religious propaganda to feed their interests.

In India, present-day unity is threatened by vote bank politics, which is wholly based on the policy of divide and rule. They provoke one religion against another and cause a breach of peace and unity. But, India has always faced the challenges of unity and has emerged victorious. Unity cannot be enforced on anyone. It is a feeling that comes from the depths of truth-unity fuels solidarity and oneness among individuals. Unity and integrity form the two fundamental pillars of a country and is essential for smooth functioning and administration.

Unity helps us to be more resistant to unknown factors and harmful situations. India, as a whole, is a united nation that can resist foreign attacks and other threats. Unity was the main factor that helped India to gain her independence. Unity is indispensable in every situation, among every person, if they want to achieve success in their lives.

Short Essay on Unity 150 Words in English

Unity essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Unity is essential to sustain a nation. A nation is built on the four main pillars of unity, equality, justice, and integrity. Unity is considerably related to balance. If we are not united with each other, we can never believe in the concept of equality.

Unity bases itself on the simple concept that we must respect and treat everyone equally irrespective of our differences. Social integration is crucial to maintain the identity of a society. We must understand how everyone contributes in some way or the other and respects that. Political discourse and selfish motives have always been a threat to our unity. But, we must remember our historical background and preserve the agreement which is so inherent in us and India.

10 Lines on Unity Essay in English

  • Not only is unity essential in the social spectrum but also every range in our lives.
  • Unity is fundamental to sustain a country as it teaches us to work together.
  • From our very childhood, we are taught to respect each other and work in a united fashion.
  • Unity teaches us to respect each other’s choices, discretions, and sentiments and still be together.
  • Unity is essential as it forms the central pillar of our country.
  • India is a vast country with varied cultural, religious, and linguistic divisions. Yet, we aspire to have unity in diversity because we are one nation.
  • Unity can only be achieved when we understand that our differences hold us together, and we all belong to the same nation.
  • Solidarity and unity go hand in hand, and we must understand that we will fall to pieces without agreement.
  • United, we are more durable and more immune to foreign attacks. The united front makes resistance worthier.
  • Unity is essential in every aspect of life, and we must do our best to preserve it.

FAQ’s on Unity Essay

Question 1. Does India have unity?

Answer: India’s unity has been under threat for a long time, but we have overcome the challenges and emerged victoriously.

Question 2. How is unity related to equality?

Answer: Unity has an intricate relationship with equality. Only when we believe that everyone is equal can we start bonding with them in a united way.

Question 3. Why is unity essential for a country?

Answer: Unity is vital to create a strong foundation for a country. Without an agreement, a country will be loose fragments with no feeling of oneness.

Question 4. What is solidarity?

Answer: Unity fuels solidarity, a feeling among a group to stay and work together as a team.

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50 Examples of Unity (with Real Life Case Studies)

50 Examples of Unity (with Real Life Case Studies)

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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unity examples and definition, explained below

Unity refers to the coming together of multiple elements to make a cohesive group . It represents the unification of different elements towards a common goal or purpose .

In society, we tend to think of it as the coming together of people behind a common purpose or shared belief.

Below, I’ll present a list of 50 everyday scenarios that can demonstrate the unity of mankind. Then, I’ll present ten real-life case studies where entire groups of people – even the whole world – have come together to demonstrate their united commitment to a range of ideals, from human liberties to world peace.

Examples of Unity (Complete List)

  • A choir singing in harmony.
  • The United Nations.
  • A family reunion.
  • The Olympic Games.
  • A community garden project.
  • A school assembly.
  • A team working on a project.
  • A candlelight vigil.
  • A group meditation session.
  • A marriage ceremony.
  • A neighborhood cleanup.
  • A mosaic made of diverse pieces.
  • A potluck dinner.
  • A peace treaty signing.
  • A multi-faith prayer gathering.
  • A joint space mission by multiple countries.
  • A collaborative art project.
  • A group of people holding hands in a circle.
  • A flash mob dance.
  • A multi-cultural festival.
  • A group of children playing a game.
  • A community building a playground.
  • A joint scientific research project.
  • A crowd singing a national anthem.
  • A relay race.
  • A group of friends on a road trip.
  • A community fundraiser.
  • A blended family gathering.
  • A group of volunteers at a soup kitchen.
  • A citywide blackout where neighbors help each other.
  • A barn raising in an Amish community.
  • A group of students studying together.
  • A collaborative mural painting.
  • A joint business venture.
  • A crowd doing the wave at a sports event.
  • A multi-generational family photo.
  • A group of people planting trees.
  • A group hug.
  • A community theater production.
  • A group of people doing yoga in a park.
  • A school band performance.
  • A group of people sheltering together during a storm.
  • A book club meeting.
  • A group of people dancing in a circle.
  • A team-building retreat.
  • A community potable water project.
  • A group of people watching a solar eclipse together.
  • A shared meal during a religious holiday.
  • A group of people rescuing animals after a natural disaster.

Real-Life Moments of Unity

1. the fall of the berlin wall (1989).

The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was an event that marked the coming together of the divided German people.

Despite the wall that physically separated them for nearly three decades, the collective desire for freedom and unification never diminished. They utilized this potent emotion to tear down the wall, a literal and symbolic barrier to unity, restoring their national identity.

The fall wasn’t just a moment of celebration but unfolded new realities; it paved the way for the peaceful reunification of Germany a year later.

This monumental event showcases the power of human unity and shared aspirations, proving that collective determination can overcome even the most formidable obstacles.

2. The First Man on the Moon (1969)

Neil Armstrong’s first step on the moon in 1969 marked a monumental milestone in human exploration, bringing the world together in celebration.

The voyage became a collective achievement for all humankind, illustrating the vast potential of human endeavor. It all began with Armstrong’s first step on the lunar surface, a small step for him, but a giant leap for humanity.

This achievement wasn’t merely the realization of scientific and technological prowess, but also a testament to the collective aspiration and dedication involved.

It embedded a firm belief in the human mind that seemingly impossible boundaries could be transcended. Thus, marking a new era of exploration and symbolizing the heights human determination can achieve.

3. The Live Aid Concert (1985)

The Live Aid Concert in 1985 was a global musical extravaganza aimed at addressing the famine crisis in Ethiopia.

This extraordinary event demonstrated that music has the power to not just entertain, but also unite people for a charitable cause. The performances by stellar musicians across two continents garnered massive support, transforming the concert into a global platform of empathy and aid.

Through the magic of music and a shared concern for a humanitarian crisis, different cultures and countries came together. The initiative demonstrated a tremendous solidarity that transcended borders, imbuing the concert not merely with entertainment value, but also as an enduring symbol of worldwide unity and compassion.

4. The European Union (EU)

The formation of the European Union showcases an unprecedented level of regional integration and cooperation between diverse nations.

Established with the aim of promoting peace and prosperity, the EU now encapsulates 27 countries, each agreeing to cooperate on issues of common interest. The willingness of these nations to work together, despite their distinct cultures, languages and histories, represents a triumph of consensus-building and diplomacy.

The EU model embodies the principles of shared sovereignty and interdependence, showcasing to the world how unity can foster peace and economic success. Collectively addressing challenges and promoting shared values, the EU stands as a beacon of regional unity.

5. International Space Station (ISS) Collaboration

The International Space Station represents an unparalleled example of global scientific cooperation and discovery.

Conceived and built through the collaborative effort of multiple national space agencies, the ISS enables scientists from different countries to live and work together in space. This ‘floating laboratory’ exemplifies how shared objectives and resources can push the boundaries of human knowledge and capability.

Despite the geopolitical complexities on Earth, the cooperative spirit aboard the ISS serves as a model for unity, showcasing what humanity can accomplish when it sets aside differences to strive for a common purpose. The ISS project illuminates the transformative power of collaboration and unity in the realm of exploration and scientific discovery.

6. Earth Hour

Earth Hour represents a global environmental initiative, where millions of people across the world turn off their lights for one hour.

Kickstarted by the World Wildlife Fund, this annual campaign is more than an energy-saving event. It symbolizes the world’s collective commitment to protect our planet. As individuals globally plunge into an hour of darkness, they illuminate the unity that exists in the quest for environmental sustainability.

This significant event underscores that small, individual efforts, when combined on a global scale, can make a substantial difference. By participating in Earth Hour, people worldwide show their agreement on the urgent need for climate action, reinforcing that shared responsibility is crucial for our planet’s survival.

7. The United Nations (UN)

The United Nations is an international organization founded with the primary purpose of maintaining global peace and security.

With a membership encompassing almost all sovereign states worldwide, the UN epitomizes the concept of unity in diversity. It provides a unique platform where nations can debate issues, negotiate agreements, and collectively address global problems.

Despite its complexities and challenges, the UN stands as a symbol of global diplomatic efforts and international cooperation. The existence and functions of the UN highlight that when nations unify their resources and actions, they have a better chance at achieving peace, improving global health, and promoting economic development and social progress.

8. NATO’s Article 5

Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty is a core tenet of NATO, asserting that an attack against one ally is considered an attack against all allies.

This principle of collective defense encapsulates the essence of unity among NATO members. It sets the tone of the alliance, highlighting that the collective response of member states is a powerful deterrent for potential aggressors.

Invocation of Article 5 symbolizes that even when faced with threats to their security, NATO members do not stand alone. This unity forged in the face of adversity underscores that alliances and mutual support are crucial in maintaining global peace and security.

9. Disaster Recovery Efforts

Disaster recovery efforts often serve as profound demonstrations of unity and collective resilience in the aftermath of devastating incidents.

In the face of calamity, people, communities, and nations come together to provide immediate relief and long-term support. From basic necessities like food, water and medical aid to rebuilding homes or infrastructure, these efforts involve a comprehensive display of unity in action.

Despite the darkness that disaster brings, the collective human spirit that directs recovery efforts shines brightly, revealing our capacity to unite and collaborate under even the most trying conditions. These endeavors demonstrate that in challenging times, our collective efforts can instigate great change and recovery.

10. The #MeToo Movement

The #MeToo Movement is a social movement against harassment and assault against women, aiming to break the silence and stigma around these issues.

Launched in the digital landscape, the movement quickly gained global traction, uniting survivors across geographical, cultural, and socioeconomic divides. It made apparent that harassment and assault were not individual problems but a societal issue, demanding collective action and systemic change.

Through the sharing of personal narratives, individuals worldwide found a sense of community and solidarity. The power of the #MeToo movement lies in its unification of voices, demonstrating the transformative potential of solidarity when combating widespread and deeply-rooted problems. Its impact echoes the sentiment that together, we can drive social change and challenge oppressive systems.

Unity has the tremendous power to bring people together, overcome obstacles, and bring about unprecedented change. Various historical and contemporary events, from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the #MeToo movement, underline its influence in shaping our societies and collective consciousness . Each instance serves as a robust reminder that when individuals are united by a shared goal or principle, extraordinary feats become achievable. It is through unity that we can drive meaningful transformation and progress, unraveling the true potential of humankind.


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Essay on Unity

Essay on Unity 2 Models

admin Last updated ago 2 months

Essay on unity in which we explain the importance of unity for both the individual and society. We also present several short topic models and a paragraph on the importance of unity among the people of the same country.

Essay on unity is important because it deals with basic elements for writing an article or topic on unity, such as the components of unity, how we promote national unity, and what are the benefits of unity for both the individual, the family and society.

National unity is the highest and most important type of unity, because the unity of individuals leads to the strength of societies, and thus the strength of the nation.

Essay on Unity

Unity is important for individuals and societies, and that is why we present the essay on unity, in which we show that importance, and how strength is an inevitable result of unity.

In our essay on unity, we will discuss some of the global events that led to the weakness of some countries as a result of civil conflicts.

We will also talk about some strong countries as a result of the interdependence of their citizens and their union in times of crisis.

Unity definition

Unity may be between individuals, or it may be between large groups, such as national unity. It is the rallying of citizens around the goals of their state, not searching for personal gains, and not discriminating between citizens on religious, cultural or social grounds. Everyone works for the common good.

The solidarity and cooperation of citizens is necessary for the progress of the state in all fields, and therefore it is important to solve all internal problems and conflicts, so that the state can devote itself to development and the establishment of huge economic projects.

The importance of national unity

There is no doubt that national unity is the basis on which the state relies on facing all challenges, and there will be no national unity except by fighting corruption, preventing injustice, and establishing justice among citizens.

We can summarize the importance of national unity as follows:

  • National unity gives the state a strength that makes enemies fear it and think a lot before trying to attack it, because men are the protectors of the homeland, and therefore they must be one hand against any enemy that threatens their homeland.
  • Unity reduces the proportion of internal problems, and there is the ability to solve problems easily. This is because unity among the members of society makes them care about valuable goals, such as the economic advancement of the state, protecting the state and showing its strength so that the enemies fear it. These goals make the internal differences not of great importance, and they can be resolved easily.
  • Unity contributes to the advancement of all sectors of the state. There is no doubt that progress in all areas of life requires the efforts and expertise of all individuals, so no segment of society can be dispensed with. Every member of society has an important role in the progress of society.
  • National unity helps spread peace, reject violence and hatred, and eliminate racism. Feelings of love, brotherhood and tolerance prevail among the members of society. Thus, peace spreads among members of society, and crime is reduced.

The importance of unity within the family

Unity among family members is the microcosm of unity among members of society. The family is the one that teaches its children good values ​​and morals. Among these values ​​are unity between family members and cooperation among them. Unity among family members is an important thing as it achieves the following:

  • Unity among family members. The individual feels safe, as his family members will support him in all crises.
  • Unity makes the family strength, and we see this clearly in large families, where it is valued and respected among other families.
  • The interconnected family enjoys good job opportunities, because each of them tries to help the other members of his family by transferring expertise or nominating him to the employers.
  • Unity between family members strengthens their relationships, and provides them with opportunities to work in leadership positions.
  • The mental health of individuals is good when the individual feels valued within his family.

How do we develop unity among the members of society?

There are many factors that any state can follow in order to strengthen unity among the people, and thus ensure economic and political stability, including:

The role of the family in educating its children the importance of unity

The family is the first teacher who implants in the hearts of young people values ​​and principles. One of the most important principles that the family must inculcate in the hearts of its children is the love of the homeland and belonging to it, and work to advance it.

All of this requires unity and cooperation among the members of society, and that general goals should take precedence over personal goals.

When the child grows up on these principles, he will realize that the most precious thing he has is the homeland, and he will work to advance his country with enthusiasm.

The role of the media in promoting unity among citizens

There is no doubt that the media, through its various means, has a great role in guiding citizens, and therefore the media must have a positive role in guiding citizens to unity and cooperation and to reject differences.

This is done through targeted programs that help bring people closer together, and not exploit differences in ideas to sow discord and division among the people’s sects.

The role of the school and the university in promoting unity among students

There is no doubt that educational institutions have a great role in guidance and counseling, and therefore teachers must be a good role model in unity and cooperation, as this behavior will be transmitted to their students easily.

The curricula should also include topics on the importance of unity among the nation’s groups, and non-discrimination between them, regardless of their culture, beliefs or economic conditions.

At the end of the essay on unity, we explained the importance of unity for both the individual and the society. We also clarified the ingredients that help to promote unity among the members of one society, and what are the advantages that accrue to both the individual and the state as a result of unity. We hope that you have benefited from what we have provided.

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Essay on Unity in Diversity in 100 to 200 Words

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  • Sep 21, 2023

Essay on unity in diversity

If you are a school-going student and searching for a good essay on unity in diversity, then this is the place where you can get some short essays on unity in diversity. Before starting you must be familiar with what is diversity. The phrase Unity in diversity beautifully holds the essence of coexistence. Unity aggregates people belonging to different religions, cultures, ethics , social, economic , and financial backgrounds. Thus, they align together to achieve a common goal. Continue Reading to learn about the significance of unity in diversity!

essay topics about unity

Table of Contents

  • 1 Short Essay on Unity in Diversity
  • 2 Unity in Diversity Essay 100 Words
  • 3.1 Significance of Unity in Diversity

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Short Essay on Unity in Diversity

Unity in diversity is a common phrase that correctly defines India. The essay on Unity in Diversity is the most popular topic for school children and students. This essay would help them learn about the importance of unity among people of different cultures and origins and also help them to know how Indian society functions.

Given below are some essays on Unity in diversity with different word limits:

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Unity in Diversity Essay 100 Words

The concept of unity in diversity is from ancient times. People belonging to similar beliefs and communities live with unity. The essence of diversity holds people together due to which people belonging to variable sectors, caste, colour, creeds, languages, and social backgrounds live together. 

The phrase “Unity in Diversity” also referred to as “Anekta m Ekta” was first coined by the first Prime Minister of India after Independence Hon’ble Jawaharlal Nehru in his famous book “The Discovery of India”.

Despite of diversity in India, people here live with love and celebrate various festivals together. All follow the rules laid down by the Constitution of India . To do so, it is important to respect every community and culture and not differentiate people on social terms.

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Unity in Diversity Essay 200 Words

The phenomenon of unity in diversity came from the rich historical times, it is rooted in ancient civilizations. India believes in the concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” which means the world is a family. Indians have followed this philosophy for thousands of years and therefore, we welcome guests from all over the world with utmost respect and love. This happens because there is no differentiation between people belonging to different cultures, castes, languages , colours, and backgrounds. Likewise, the Roman Empire also relied on the fundamentals of unity in diversity to maintain peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity among its citizens.

The history of the world reveals that all the great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela followed the principles of unity in diversity to bring about social and political change in the world. 

Significance of Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity signifies the following:

  • Social Cohesion
  • Economic Growth
  • Global Peace
  • Cultural Enrichment
  • Personal Growth

Thus, Unity in diversity is not just a concept, it is the way of living life, it is the feeling of embracing people around you accepting them as they are, and living without conflicts and discrimination. So, every individual must play their part to contribute to this noble cause either through interactions with others or by making efforts to bridge the divides among people.

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Unity in diversity is a concept that reflects a sense of bonding among individuals who are different from each other in all aspects but they follow the same rule and live in harmony. India is the best example that perfectly signifies unity in diversity.

Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India coined the term “Unity in Diversity”, in his famous book “The Discovery of India”. This phrase signifies the feeling of oneness among the Indians. 

India is called Unity in diversity because, here the people belonging to different cultures, speak variable languages, yet their hearts are connected and they live together in harmony and follow the common rules written in the Constitution of India.

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Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — National Identity — What Makes a Nation: Unity, Identity, and Strength


What Makes a Nation: Unity, Identity, and Strength

  • Categories: Nation Building National Identity

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Words: 756 |

Published: Sep 7, 2023

Words: 756 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Unity: the backbone of a nation, identity: the heartbeat of a nation, strength: nurturing a nation's potential.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Robert Evans Wilson Jr.

Stop Fighting and Embrace the Power of Unity

"united we stand divided we fall" is more than just a 1970's lyric..

Posted July 8, 2024 | Reviewed by Monica Vilhauer

  • Unity gives people power over their oppressors.
  • Unity is a universal human need.
  • Unity doesn't require a majority to succeed.
  • Unity means accepting differences.

Source: Deborah Delduco / Used with permission

Unity is a cross-cultural human need, and longing to belong feels like it is built into our DNA . It was definitely a survival mechanism for our cave-dwelling ancestors. Inclusion and acceptance into the tribe or clan made the difference between life and death. And, its ability to foster cooperation makes unity the basis for all civilization.

Today unity is as important as ever because it empowers small groups of people to create beneficial change or halt incursions into their liberty. With so much political disunity these days, I would like to offer an example of how unity can work to bring us together.

We Wanted a Safe Way to Cross the Creek

In 2001, I lived in an unincorporated county (with no city government) and had only a county commission to whom we could take our problems. Many people in the neighborhood were asking for a means to safely walk across a narrow bridge on a busy street with lots of motorized traffic. The bridge was so narrow that two cars could barely cross at the same time. As it was, a person walking their dog would have to wait until there was no traffic on one side, and then run across before the next car approached. It was less than 75 feet long, but that was still a long distance for many people to run. The bridge spanned a deep fast moving creek, which meant some form of pedestrian overpass was necessary.

One of the neighborhood associations made a formal request to the county commission to either widen the bridge enough to add a sidewalk or to install a separate pedestrian bridge. The county commission replied that it did not have the funds for such a project.

However, the county commissioner who represented our neighborhood came back to us with a solution that would cost the county nothing. He said he found a way to build a brand new bridge with sidewalks on both sides by using federal funding. Next he had the architecture firm he owned design the bridge to federal specifications. He then got the county commission and the federal agency with the funding to approve it. With that accomplished, he called a neighborhood meeting to show us the plans for the bridge we would be getting.

He Offered a Monster Sized Bridge

We were all shocked. In order to qualify for federal funding, his bridge would be over four football fields long, taller than a three-story building, four lanes wide, and designed for the impact of a high volume expressway. His proposed mega-bridge would have destroyed hundreds of old growth hardwood trees along with the ambiance of our residential neighborhood. It would also set the stage for turning our street, which provided a cut-through between two major roads, into a four-lane connector.

The neighborhood association president who made the request was inundated over the next three days with phone calls from irate neighbors who did not want the mega-bridge. So, she called the county commissioner and told him that we didn't want a big bridge, just something simple for pedestrians to get over the creek. He replied, “This bridge is a done deal. Unless you present us with 100,000 signatures on a petition, there's no way you can stop it.”

I Offered Unity Instead

Some of the leaders in our community resigned themselves to the inevitability of the big bridge, but I wasn’t willing to accept that. So I printed up flyers and put them in mail boxes in all the subdivisions within a half mile of the bridge. I even stapled some to the trees that were doomed to be chain sawed. Before long we had a movement. Over one hundred concerned neighbors wrote letters, phoned, faxed and emailed every member of the county commission, our representatives in the state legislature, and even the governor.

As a unified coalition we had enough power to stop the project without 100,000 signatures. Within a week, the county commissioner phoned the neighborhood association president and said, “The governor just called and asked me why I was trying to ram a mega-bridge down the throats of a neighborhood who didn’t want it. You win; the bridge has been cancelled. You can take your chances running across that narrow bridge because you’re not getting anything else.”

We created enough opposition to stop that project and save the beauty of our neighborhood. We succeeded because of unity. A few years later we voted to create our own city and take control of our tax money, which enabled us to finally get the pedestrian bridge we wanted.

Unity Doesn't Require a Majority

essay topics about unity

When people work together and gather their collective strength, it seems to make obstacles melt away. What once seemed impossible becomes achievable.

Unity can invoke political change as we have seen many times in history. Unity ended Apartheid in South Africa, the war in Vietnam, and systemic racial discrimination in the American south.

Unity doesn't require a majority to succeed, just a cooperative and determined minority. As an example look at the American Revolution which was far from a majority. At most, one-third of the colonists supported seceding from Britain. Only three percent actively fought the British. Ten percent provided material support to the soldiers. The remaining twenty percent preferred the revolutionaries but did nothing to sustain them.

We must be wary of those who will divide us. Corruption runs deep in our political system, and we need to exercise our critical thinking skills to recognize those who profit from our division. Will Durant, American philosopher and historian, warned, “The political machine triumphs because it is a united minority acting against a divided majority.”

Our political problems are best solved by coming together rather than by the division we have today. We need to remember how much we have in common. As I have written before , we all want: peace; to feel safe (free from fear ); the basics of survival (clean water, good food, and a comfortable home); good health; prosperity (freedom to find happiness ); friends; love; respect; self-confidence ; and justice (everyone plays by the same rules).

Unity Is Not Conformity

Unity provides a vehicle for hope and connectedness. It is more than just accepting our differences; it means cherishing them because we can all benefit by learning new things, getting a different perspective, and expanding our consciousness. Embrace the power of unity — it may just save the world!

Robert Evans Wilson Jr.

Robert Wilson is a writer and humorist based in Atlanta, Georgia.

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Unity in Composition

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  • An Introduction to Punctuation
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

In composition , unity is the quality of oneness in a paragraph or essay that results when all the words and sentences contribute to a single effect or main idea; also called wholeness .

For the past two centuries, composition handbooks have insisted that unity is an essential characteristic of an effective text . Professor Andy Crockett points out that the " five-paragraph theme and  current-traditional rhetoric 's emphasis on method reflect further the expediency and utility of unity." However, Crockett also notes that "for rhetoricians , the achievement of unity has never been taken for granted" (Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition, 1996.)


From the Latin, "one."


  • "Most pieces of effective writing are unified around one main point. That is, all the subpoints and  supporting details are relevant to that point. Generally, after you have read an essay, you can sum up the writer's main point in a sentence, even if the author has not stated it explicitly. We call this summary statement a thesis ." (X. J. Kennedy, Dorothy M. Kennedy, and Marcia F. Muth, The Bedford Guide for College Writers, 8th ed. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2008)
  • Unity and Coherence "A good check on unity is to ask yourself if everything in your paragraph or essay is subordinate to and derived from the controlling idea. Make sure that your controlling idea—the topic sentence or thesis—indicates the subject and the focus on that subject..."​ (Lee Brandon and Kelly Brandon, Paragraphs and Essays With Integrated Readings, 12th ed. Wadsworth, 2012)

Rules of Thumb for Writing Unified Paragraphs

  • Be sure your paragraphs focus on one idea and state that idea in a topic sentence.
  • Place your topic sentence effectively within your paragraph. Let the purpose of your paragraph and the nature of your evidence guide you.
  • Let your paragraph's evidence —the selected details , the examples — illustrate or clarify the idea expressed in your topic sentence.
  • Make sure you explain the relationship between your evidence and your idea so that it is clear to readers.
  • Think about unity among paragraphs when writing essays. Be sure your paragraphs are related, that they fit together and clarify your essay's idea.​ (R. DiYanni, Scribner Handbook for Writers. Allyn & Bacon, 2001)

A Note on Topic Sentences

  • "Paragraphs may not have a topic sentence, but they must have unity and purpose . All the ideas in a paragraph should relate to a clear point readers will easily understand." (Mark Connelly, Get Writing: Paragraphs and Essays. Thomson Wadsworth, 2009)

Counterviews on Unity

  • " Unity is the shallowest, the cheapest deception of all composition ... Every piece of writing, it matters not what it is, has unity. Inexpert or bad writing most terribly so. But ability in an essay is a multiplicity, infinite fracture, the intercrossing of opposed forces establishing any number of opposed centres of stillness." (William Carlos Williams, "An Essay on Virginia," 1925)
  • How to Find the Main Idea
  • 100 Persuasive Essay Topics
  • Examples of Great Introductory Paragraphs
  • How to Write a Good Descriptive Paragraph
  • Definition and Examples of Body Paragraphs in Composition
  • Development in Composition: Building an Essay
  • Paragraph Writing
  • How to Structure an Essay
  • Definition and Examples of Paragraphing in Essays
  • The Ultimate Guide to the 5-Paragraph Essay
  • Supporting Detail in Composition and Speech
  • How To Write an Essay
  • Paragraph Unity: Guidelines, Examples, and Exercises
  • What an Essay Is and How to Write One
  • Understanding Organization in Composition and Speech
  • An Essay Revision Checklist

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Essay on Unity in Diversity for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Unity in Diversity: “ Unity in Diversity ” is a phrase implying unity among people with diverse cultural, religious and other demographic differences. The origin of phrase dates back to ancient times and has since been used by various political and social groups to demonstrate unity among different individuals or community. People of varying cultures, religious beliefs and social status, living together in peace and harmony is a perfect example of “ Unity in Diversity ”.

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Long and Short Essay on Unity in Diversity in English

Unity in diversity is a famous concept which best fits on India. Essay on Unity in Diversity is the most common topic which students may be assigned to debate during discussion and write an essay during exams or essay writing competitions in their school. Variety of Unity in Diversity essay under various words limit are given below especially for the students.

Unity in Diversity Essay 1 (100 words)

The phrase “ Unity in Diversity ” implies unity among dissimilar people. It is an ancient phrase that was first used by some societies in North America and China, sometimes around 500 B.C. The most obvious example providing credence to the phrase is that of a democratic nation.

A democratic nation has people having different religions, cultures, beliefs, sects, languages, and other demarcations, but they all live in unity and harmony, following a uniform law. India as a nation is the best example of “Unity in Diversity” with people of different religions and culture living together following the rule of land as per the parameters laid by the Constitution of India .

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Unity in Diversity Essay 2 (150 words)

The meaning of unity in diversity is the existence of oneness even after various differences. India is the best example of this concept of unity in diversity. We can see very clearly here that people of different religions, creeds, castes, languages, cultures, lifestyle, dressing sense, faith in God, rituals of worship, etc live together with harmony under one roof means on one land of India.

People living in India are the children of one mother whom we call Mother India. India is a vast and most populated country where people of different religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism, Jainism, Christianity, and Parsees, live together. Still, everyone believes in one theory of Dharma and Karma. People here are god-fearing in nature and believe in the purification of the soul, rebirth, salvation, the luxury of heaven, and punishments of hell. People here celebrate their festivals ( Holi , Diwali , Id , Christmas , Good Friday , Mahavir Jayanti , Buddha Jayanti , etc) very peacefully without harming other religious people.

Unity in Diversity Essay 3 (200 words)

India is a well known country of oldest civilization in the world where people of many ethnic groups live together for years. India is a country of diverse civilization where people used almost 1650 spoken languages and dialects according to their religion and choice. In spite of being related to different cultures, traditions, religions, and languages, people here respect each other and live together with lots of love and a feeling of brotherhood.

People living here and there all over the Indian land are joined together by one faith of brotherhood. Unity in Diversity has been one of the great characteristic of our nation, which has bind people of all religions together in one bond of humanity.

We can never forget the freedom movements run by the people of all religions of India to make India an independent country. The struggle for freedom is the great example of unity in diversity in India.

Unity in diversity concept in India gives everyone a strong message that nothing is without unity. Living together with love and harmony provides the real essence of life. Unity in diversity in India shows us that we all are born, cared and nourished by one Supreme God.

Unity in Diversity Essay 4 (250 words)

It is the oneness in differences. India is a country which proves better the concept of unity in diversity. India is a highly populated country and famous all over the world because of the characteristic of unity in diversity. Unity in diversity is the strength and power of India. It has now been the most important feature identifying India.

Unity in diversity has given rise to the great national integration characteristic to the country which has become the foundation of strong and prosperous India even after lots of corruption, extremism and terrorism. People living in various states are generally differ in their speaking language, culture, traditions, clothes, festivals, looks, etc., (known to be like Bengalis, Maharashtrians, Punjabis, Tamilians, etc); however, they tell themselves Indian which shows their unity.

Humanity and people’s likelihood help them maintain unity in diversity here. People in India give high importance to spirituality, Karma, and Sanskar instead of their material wealth, which brings them closer. People here have religion tolerance power as their unique feature which helps them to feel no difficulty on the occurrence of different religions.

Majority of people in India are related to the Hinduism who has more capacity to welcome and absorb all other good cultures in their land. All such features in the Indian people help make India famous for the concept of unity in diversity.

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Unity in Diversity Essay 5 (300 words)


India is a country proving the fact of unity in diversity. People of various religions and castes have managed to live together for many years without any problem. India is decorated by the high mountains, valleys, oceans, famous rivers, streams, forests, deserts, ancient culture and tradition, and most importantly unity in diversity. People here belong to their own race, religion, and language; however, they all have similar characteristic of humanity, which makes them able to live together. Following are the importance of unity in diversity:

Importance of Unity in Diversity:

  • Unity in diversity boosts morale of people at workplace, organization, and community.
  • It helps in enhancing esprit de corps, relationships, teamwork among people, thus improving performance, quality of work, productivity and lifestyle.
  • It makes communication effective even in a bad situation.
  • Keeps people away from social problems and help to manage conflicts easily.
  • It improves healthy human relations and protects equal human rights for all.
  • Unity in diversity in India provides a source of tourism. People of diverse cultures, traditions, cuisines, religions and clothing attract more visitors and tourists from all across the world.
  • It gives rise to the habit of national integration among people of the country even after being diverse in various ways.
  • gives value to the rich heritages of country as well as strengthens and enriches the cultural heritage of India.
  • It helps to be rich in the agricultural area through different crops and thus economic growth.
  • Source of skilled and advanced professionals in various areas of the country.

There may be some disadvantages too, which are mentioned below:

  • It may give rise to the various social tensions among people of different states and linguistic origin.
  • gives rise to the growth of corruption and illiteracy in many areas of the country.
  • It may reason of poor lifestyle in various rural regions because of underdeveloped infrastructures, lack of electricity, etc.

Unity in Diversity Essay 6 (400 words)

India is a country of various cultures, races, languages, and religions. It is a land of unity in diversity where people of different lifestyles and manners live together. They belong to different religions, beliefs and faiths in God. In spite of all this diversity, they live together with the bond of humanity and brotherhood. Unity in diversity is the distinct feature of India which makes it famous all around the world.

Generally, people in India are following the great old Indian culture of being tolerant and absorbing which make them assimilating in nature. Unity in diversity in almost all aspects of society has become a source of strength and wealth all throughout the country. People of all religions do worship in different ways by following their own rituals and beliefs which represents the existence of underlying uniformity. Unity in diversity promotes spirit of harmony and brotherhood among people beyond their considerations of various diversities.

India is famous for its rich cultural heritages because of people of various religions. People who belong to various cultures give rise to various lifestyles on the basis of their interests and belief. It again give rise to the growth in various professional areas like music, fine arts, drama, dance (classical, folk, etc.), theater sculpture, etc. Spiritual tradition of the people makes them more piety to each other. All the religious Indian scriptures are a great source of spiritual wisdom to the people. There are rishis, maharishis, yogis, priests, fathers, etc., in almost all the religions following their own spiritual traditions according to their religious scriptures.

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Hindi is a mother language in India; however, many other dialects and languages are spoken by the people of different religions and regions (such as English, Urdu, Sanskrit, Bhojpuri, Bihari, Punjabi, Marathi, Bengali, Odiya, Gujarati, Kashmiri, etc.); however, everyone feels proud to be the citizen of great India.

Unity in the diversity of India is especially for which it is well known all over the world. It attracts tourism in India to a great level. As Indians, we all should understand our responsibility and try to retain its unique feature at any cost. Unity in diversity here is the real prosperity and the way to progress in the present and future.

Long Essay on Unity in Diversity – Essay 7 (800 Words)

Unity in Diversity is a concept that signifies the uniformity among people of different cultures and dissimilar thoughts and ideologies. It shows that though people follow different religions, castes, cultures and traditions but they are bound together with a string of humanity, love and respect. Unity in diversity could also be explained through a garland where the flowers which belong to different varieties and colors are strung into a garland which not only enhances the beauty of the flowers, but also increases their value.

Why is Unity in Diversity Important?

Unity in diversity is very important for a country in the following ways:

For National Unity

Unity in diversity is very important for a country because it is easy to disintegrate people with different thoughts and ideologies. If there is unity among people despite their differences, it will always be impossible for a force to disintegrate the nation. Unity of the citizens plays a significant role in maintaining peace and prosperity in a country.

For Growth & Development

Unity in diversity plays a crucial role in the country’s development as the country which is integrated within will always prosper and progress on the path of growth and development. It will also face less internal issues as compared to the country which is socially unstable and is divided on various terms.

Global Recognition

A country which is diverse but still remains united will not only adds value to the nation but it also gets respected on international platforms. It sets an example globally by showcasing the values and ethics of the citizens of a country who respect and support each other despite being from different backgrounds and cultures.

For Peaceful Coexistence

Diversity could be also be reason for internal conflicts but unity in diversity plays a very crucial role in maintaining a peaceful coexistence with the people with diverse culture and background. It helps them to stay together and stay united despite their dissimilarities.

What is the difference between Unity and Diversity?

Unity is the feeling of togetherness and integration. It is the feeling which holds the people together and a bond which imply a sense of oneness. Unity stands for the ties between different groups which binds them into a single entity. Defined as absence of differences between people belonging to diverse sections based on religious or racial aspects.

In contrast, diversity refers to differences or dissimilarities. It could defined as the collective differences between diverse groups based on religion, race, language, etc. It is the variety of sections and groups residing at a geographical area with different cultures, traditions and backgrounds. Diversity is a natural phenomenon that also helps to bring different ideas, experiences, and acceptances among people.

Unity is the condition of being one, whereas diversity is the condition of being different or dissimilar. In a family, people with different thoughts, interests, or preferences might showcase their diversity in many aspects. Still, as a family, they exhibit a sense of unity among them.

Why India considered as best example of Unity in Diversity?

India, the 5000 years old civilization, is the land of diversities, be it religion, caste, race, culture, or language. There are several diversities in the country. There are 29 states, and each has its own culture, tradition, and language. More than 30 grand festivals of different communities celebrated every year in the country. Around a thousand languages and dialects spoken in India across the country.

Despite so much of differences, the people of India showcase the real sense of unity among themselves which exhibits the concept of unity in diversity. The unity in diversity culture of India considered unique in the world which surprises the global community. Because of age-old tradition of India which has taught the people importance of ethics, values, respects and tolerance.

Though people belong to diverse culture and communities. But they share the bond of humanity, love and respect and tied with a single string of nationalism. Constitution of India has also provided rights and freedom to each. And every citizen to live their life with dignity and respect without any interference, makes them united.

Unity in diversity teaches us that though we are from different caste, creeds these differences could not keep us apart. And also we always united for the betterment of our nation. It is the most unique phenomenon which showcased by our country. Difference in culture, customs and dance makes the country land of vibrancy, makes India an incredible country in world.

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Unity in Diversity FAQs

What is meant by unity in diversity.

Unity in diversity refers to the coexistence of diverse cultures, religions, and traditions within a unified community or country, promoting tolerance and harmony.

Is India a unity in diversity?

Yes, India is a shining example of unity in diversity, with its rich cultural tapestry and people from various backgrounds living together as one nation.

What is one example of unity in diversity?

One example of unity in diversity is a multicultural team collaborating and celebrating each other's unique strengths to achieve a common goal.

How to do unity in diversity?

To foster unity in diversity, it's essential to promote open dialogue, respect differences, and embrace inclusivity in all aspects of life.

What is the importance of unity in diversity?

The importance of unity in diversity lies in building strong social cohesion, fostering mutual understanding, and creating a resilient society that thrives on collective strength.

An excellent example of unity in diversity can be seen during cultural festivals where people from different backgrounds come together to celebrate and appreciate each other's traditions.

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Marika Nakamura

This is the third blog in our Games Focus series , which highlights key product development initiatives for the year ahead and beyond. Here, we cover the status, upcoming release plans, and future vision for profiling and performance at Unity.

My name is Marika. I’ve worked in the video game industry for nearly a decade, and I’m currently the senior technical product manager for profiling tools and performance optimization at Unity.

When we think about performance at Unity, there are three main areas where we believe we can help:

  • Insight: Empowering you to dig into your game’s performance, identify bottlenecks, and pinpoint areas that would benefit from optimization strategies
  • Experience: Ensuring that creating your projects feels seamless by raising the performance of the Unity Editor and runtime
  • Innovation: Guiding you in new programming techniques and paradigms that have performance in mind from the ground up

Today’s post focuses on the first two areas, covering recent updates to our suite of profiling tools and how customer feedback is shaping our roadmap for 2023 and beyond. It ends with a recap on best practices for optimizing projects.

We’ll dive into the third area, performance-focused programming techniques and workflows with a focus on DOTS-based projects, in an upcoming post.

We like to think of the profiling features in Unity as detective tools that help you unravel the mysteries of why performance in your application is slow or glitchy, or why code is allocating excess memory. They help you understand what’s going on under the hood of the Unity game engine.

Our goal is to raise the performance of Unity tools and runtime through profiling and optimization, helping you to deliver smooth performance for your players across a broad range of platforms and devices.

Memory Profiler is designed to make it easier to keep track of memory usage and composition. I’m happy to share that the Memory Profiler 1.0.0 is now a verified package for the Unity 2022.2 beta release and above (find instructions for download here ). Thank you to everyone who shared their invaluable feedback on how to create a better workflow for this important feature.

Many of you contend with the challenge of working within the memory restrictions of each of your target platforms. The Memory Profiler helps solve this challenge by providing you with a clear overview of the memory impact of assets and objects in one view. It also shows you detailed contextual information on which objects and systems the memory relates to.

You can dig deeper into the capture through breakdown views and compare memory snapshots to identify potential leaks and unnecessary allocations that negatively impact memory usage.

The Summary tab provides an overview of total memory used. The Unity Objects tab shows any Unity objects that use memory, while the All of Memory tab displays a breakdown of all the memory in the snapshot that Unity tracks.

Refining the existing profiling toolset

In 2022.1, we added the Frame Timing Manager , which enables you to capture and access frame timing data across multiple frames. If performance is lagging, use this feature to assess frames and analyze why your application isn’t meeting performance targets. Learn more about this in our documentation .

If you’re looking to monitor low-level GPU metrics in the Unity Profiler, you can use the new System Metrics Mali package , which we released in 2022.1 through a partnership with Arm. This package allows you to access low-level system or hardware metrics on mobile devices. If you’re curious to learn more about how to ensure your content runs smoothly on mobile devices powered by Arm CPUs and Mali GPUs, this 2021 blog can guide you.

Performance optimization

The profiling tools highlighted so far are a great start to helping you identify areas where performance can be improved. On my team, however, “performance optimization” applies not only to your games’ runtime performance on their target devices, but also to how your team works – your productivity. We’re aiming to provide you with faster iteration times, fewer interruptions, and greater efficiency in the Editor.

In Unity 2021 LTS, importing your assets is three to four times faster, and opening imported projects up to 8.7% faster compared to Unity 2020 LTS.

I’m excited to share some of the improvements that are available in the 2022 releases as well:

  • Improved material reimport for the Universal Render Pipeline and High Definition Render Pipeline
  • Faster save time for large scenes
  • Reduced stall time in scene picking
  • Improved performance in the Scene view when there are many LOD Groups
  • An optimized animation rigging package
  • Better Hierarchy scrolling
  • Improved save workflow for large Prefabs
  • Improved iteration time when working inside the Editor thru optimizations on domain reloads
  • Improved static batching performance
  • Optimized process for how Addressables finds resource directories
  • Prewarming particle systems

Again, your feedback has played a vital role in many of these improvements. Please continue sharing your feedback on our future roadmap here , or contact the team on the forums . We’re particularly interested in performance-related issues, which we’re capturing here .

For over a decade, we’ve stayed focused on ensuring that you can achieve the best performance possible using our profiling tools, and we will continue refining the toolset. This development has taken many forms, including all of the functionality we’ve already mentioned here.

Another area where we’ve worked to provide significant performance gains is the Data-Oriented Technology Stack, or DOTS. Two of the core features integral to the successful delivery of DOTS are the Burst compiler and C# Job System . These were leveraged in our own internal engine performance to great results, and they’re available for all today. Coming soon, we’ll deliver on the third critical feature, Entities, which will turbo boost project performance in areas like networking, physics, and more. This is such an important aspect to our commitment to game development that we will dedicate a standalone Games Focus article to DOTS in this series, coming soon.

For now, let’s take a look at a few improvements planned for upcoming releases.

We’re working to cut time spent starting the Editor, to improve start-up time and help you stay in flow. Today, when you connect a target device to the Editor, you might experience instability such as disconnection or an inability to recover. We’re working on making Editor connections to mobile platforms more reliable and performant in the 2023.1 release.

Additionally, we want to make it more efficient for you to identify bottlenecks with the Profiler and to know what to do next once you’ve spotted them. Our goal is to quickly direct you to the areas of optimization that will yield the greatest performance gains.

We’re also looking to add memory insights based on the device you’re building for, so you can get platform-specific performance gains. This is in the early stages, and we’re actively looking for your feedback on this new feature, which you can provide on our roadmap page .

Expertise with Unity’s suite of profiling tools is one of the most useful skills you can add to your game development toolbox. That’s why we’re working on creating more advanced content about best practices to help you get the most out of our tools.

Several of my teammates recently put together our most extensive guide to date about profiling in Unity, in partnership with expert engineers from the Unity Integrated Success team and experts.

I also suggest you download these additional advanced e-books that offer extensive platform-specific optimization best practices:

  • Optimize your mobile game performance
  • Optimize your console and PC game performance

Another handy reference is this flowchart , which provides a recommended approach to identifying bottlenecks in your project.

Flowchart that provides a recommended approach to identifying bottlenecks in your project.

Finally, this Profiling and optimization reading list , created by our content and marketing teams, includes key blog posts that will help you understand profiling concepts and methods, from basic to advanced.

Cover images for three Unity e-books: Optimize your game performance for consoles and PC, Optimize your mobile game performance, and Ultimate guide to profiling in Unity games.

My team is working hard to bring you the solutions you need for your most ambitious projects, and we’re always eager to understand how we can help you better.

Stay tuned to updates in our public roadmap page . This is also the best place for you to share feedback directly with the product team.

Watch the blog for our next Games Focus update , which will focus on what Unity is doing to help you target more platforms and form factors with your game content. And, as always, share your feedback with us on the forums .

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  • Proving the Thesis

Unity is the idea that all parts of the writing work to achieve the same goal: proving the thesis. Just as the content of a paragraph should focus on a topic sentence, the content of an essay must focus on the thesis.  The introduction paragraph introduces the thesis, the body paragraphs each have a proof point (topic sentence) with content that proves the thesis, and the concluding paragraph sums up the proof and restates the thesis. Extraneous information in any part of the essay that is not related to the thesis is distracting and takes away from the strength of proving the thesis.

An essay must have coherence. The sentences must flow smoothly and logically from one to the next as they support the purpose of each paragraph in proving the thesis.

Just as the last sentence in a paragraph must connect back to the topic sentence of the paragraph, the last paragraph of the essay should connect back to the thesis by reviewing the proof and restating the thesis.

Example of Essay with Problems of Unity and Coherence

Here is an example of a brief essay that includes a paragraph that does not support the thesis “Many people are changing their diets to be healthier.”

     People are concerned about pesticides, steroids, and antibiotics in the food they eat.  Many now shop for organic foods since they don’t have the pesticides used in conventionally grown food.  Meat from chicken and cows that are not given steroids or antibiotics are gaining popularity even though they are much more expensive. More and more, people are eliminating pesticides, steroids, and antibiotics from their diets.     Eating healthier also is beneficial to the environment since there are less pesticides poisoning the earth. Pesticides getting into the waterways is creating a problem with drinking water.  Historically, safe drinking water has been a problem. It is believed the Ancient Egyptians drank beer since the water was not safe to drink.  Brewing beer killed the harmful organisms and bacteria in the water from the Nile. There is a growing concern about eating genetically modified foods, and people are opting for non-GMO diets.  Some people say there are more allergic reactions and other health problems resulting from these foods.  Others are concerned because there are no long-term studies that clearly show no adverse health effects such as cancers or other illnesses. Avoiding GMO food is another way people are eating healthier food.

See how just one paragraph can take away from the effectiveness of the essay in showing how people are changing to healthier food since unity and coherence are affected. There is no longer unity among all the paragraphs. The thought pattern is disjointed and the essay loses its coherence.

Transitions and Logical Flow of Ideas

Transitions are words, groups of words, or sentences that connect one sentence to another or one paragraph to another.

They promote a logical flow from one idea to the next and overall unity and coherence.

While transitions are not needed in every sentence or at the end of every paragraph, they are missed when they are omitted since the flow of thoughts becomes disjointed or even confusing.

There are different types of transitions:

  • Time – before, after, during, in the meantime, nowadays
  • Space – over, around, under
  • Examples – for instance, one example is
  • Comparison – on the other hand, the opposing view
  • Consequence – as a result, subsequently

These are just a few examples.  The idea is to paint a clear, logical connection between sentences and between paragraphs.

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Unity is Strength Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on unity is strength.

In today’s time where there is cut-throat competition everywhere and every individual is trying to apply his or her method to reach on top, very few recognize the importance of proverb ‘Unity is strength’. Also, this proverb has now become confined to inspirational books and motivational lectures. So, very few people actually understand the importance and thus it’s application in their lives. But these people that are actually more satisfied as well as content in their lives that actually applies it. So, unity is strength essay is an insight into the increasing importance of unity in lives in the present world.

Unity Is Strength Essay

This proverb also applies when it comes to relationships. People nowadays are so blinded by the success and the power that they want to be ahead of their colleagues, relatives, and friends.

Thus, they get into professional as well as personal rivalries with each other most of the times so, they do not understand that they cannot move ahead as well as enhance their skills, knowledge, and help each other. Thus, when we go against our team-mates and start to compete with them in an office setting, then people from another team will benefit from the situation. 

Read 500+ Words Essay on Unity here

Also, another reason here people grow apart because of mistrust. This becomes true especially when it comes to the husband-wife relationship. Also, here we often see couples doubting each other always. So, they start to question small things and doubt them of lying or cheating.

So, outsiders take advantage of these type of situations. Also, they fuel the doubt and thereby create conflict between the two in order to fulfill their own motives. Also, this will not only have a negative impact on the two but also on the kids. So, if the wife and husband stay united and defend each other than no one can create the rift between the two. 

To Societies and Nations

The proverb also holds true when it comes to society and the nation as a whole. The societies and localities where people stay united are loved by everyone.

Thus, people living here meets as well as greets their neighbors with a smile, guard their neighbor’s house, help out each other in crisis, etc. Also, they celebrate each and every function together and conducts other social gatherings every now and then. In the current world, many people are suffering from loneliness as well as depression, these types of neighborhood can be a boon. 

Similarly, nations around the globe are very busy fighting each other in order to prove that they are better than one another. So, every nation has nuclear weapons and many terrorist organizations have been formed. So, if we stop all these kinds of malpractices than the world will become a much better place to live. 

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Unity in Diversity Essay for Students in English [500+ Words]

December 20, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Unity in Diversity: The ideology of unity among people with several background differences is referred to as unity in diversity. In a multicultural land like India, differences occur naturally on the grounds of culture, language, religious beliefs, class, traditions and ethnicity. Establishing mutual understanding and universal brotherhood is the main essence of the saying. It teaches us acceptance and tolerance with people having different traits.

Essay on Unity in Diversity 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Unity in Diversity Essay in English, written in easy and simple words for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

India, a nation of many ethnic groups, is a land of countless cultures, a true babel of cultures and various apparel methods. Despite various cultures, religions, and languages, Indian people live with love and fraternity together. High cohesion in diversity gives India an example of a community of culture. Every area of the country presents different customs and traditions, from Jammu and Kashmir to Kanyakumari. The people of India have lived together since ancient times and have accepted all religions and cultures.

Unity in diversity is a characteristic aspect of this beautiful country and brings people together in the bond of humanity and peace. We see people speaking Gujarati in Gujarat, speaking Tamil in Tamil Nadu, Bengali in West Bengal, Marathi in Maharashtra, Odia in Odisha, and so on. Such diversities encourage without difficulty the overall progress of each state. Each state retains its own identity.

Advantages of Unity in Diversity

Belief in faith and cultural influence played an important role in bringing the Indian people together in a unitary bond. Hinduism, which forms the bulk of the Indian population, either absorbed or significantly impacted foreign cultures. Freedom of speech also has India’s most reliable dimension of cohesion in diversity. Twenty-nine states in India have their language and culture. Furthermore, all Indians have solidarity for their nation in this diversity. Diversity can take any shape. It may be ethnicity, caste, class, and colour. Diversity presents us with an opportunity to get to know other races, religions and their festivals.

The distinction is its strength of thought, way of life, faith, and culture, not weakness. They represent a broad spectrum of views, profundity of tolerance and dynamism. Here people may have different, even opposing viewpoints on life, faith, social structure, economic growth, political system, forms of spiritual development and salvation, though at the same time belonging to one country, one nation that is Bharat. Indian culture has always been founded on spiritual and religious ideals. It lays down the unity and power therein.

Cultural continuity, the continuity of way of life and worldview in all parts of the world, transcends the overwhelming diversity of religions and beliefs often bordering on superstition, sorcery and other practices. One may move from one part of the country to another, and in some aspect of life, he will recognize a common thread everywhere that makes him feel at home. This is because, through the ages, the Indian culture has maintained its fundamental character. Recently we have had radical economic and political shifts, but our history stays with us a lot. Our rich cultural heritage has passed from one generation to the next and has been nurtured and refreshed in this cycle.

Fight for Freedom – An Example of Unity in Diversity

The unforgettable struggle for independence was a perfect example of India’s unity in diversity as the entire country was gathered on the same platform with diverse casts and religions. Mahatma Gandhi , Pt Jawaharlal Nehru, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the leaders of the Indian libertarian movement, used the Unity in Diversity slogan to make the battle for freedom a success.

The tale of India’s unity in diversity is exceptional and sends out a clear message that the country is more potent than any religion or community in particular. About 1.3 billion people live in peace and happiness together. With its second-largest population of various ethnic and religious groups, India is today the most significant secular country with a unique character of unity in diversity.

Unity in Diversity in Politics

We have also experienced disputes and upheavals. Some anti-national and foreign powers seek to undermine the country’s unity by promoting ethnic sentiments and feelings. It has contributed to growing racism, disharmony and lawlessness, as well as protests and killings of innocent civilians and civilians who have been practically terrorised. In fear, as people face threats to their lives, they appear to stick to their socio-religious classes, leading to mistrust of other people’s motives that belong to different religions. Terrorism should not be allowed to lift its ugly head and destroy our fundamental unity. There is also the danger of international violence when a nation is ripped apart by internal conflict.

Government has also started to organise major cultural events in its effort to promote national integration and has developed four regional cultural centres in different parts of the country. Both of these attempts would help fortify the common bond. The unity which binds people together given the diversity of values, ways and religion. Thus, amid numerous social, economic, religious and racial diversities, India remains still a largely unified country; its idea of unity has been a running thread among diverse religions and cultures of the natural world.

Student Essays

Unity is strenght essay for students

Essay on Unity & its Importance For Students

The unity is strength. It increases your prospects of success. The unity lies in diversity. Writing an essay on Unity?

Or perhaps you are looking for a written essay on topic unity is strength, unity is diversity in 100, 200,300 or 500 words essay for Middle, High school or College level students? Here I have written short and long Essays on topic unity for children & students

Essay on Unity | Importance & Benefits of Unity Essays

Unity is a state of mind which keeps a person or a group bound together instead of staying apart because of great differences.

It means staying together and supporting each other in difficult situations. When people understand the true meaning of unity, they can withstand any situation.

Importance of Unity

The importance and benefits of staying united cannot be neglected. There is a proverb ‘unity is strength’, if we understand and implement this proverb in our life then we will do so much better in our lives.

Unfortunately, now a days, there is so much competition in this world that people have forgotten the concept of unity.

They are only after success without caring about their moral values. We need to understand that strength only lies in unity and we stand strong only if we are united.

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Our history is a witness that when our unity was broken, our strength was shattered too. When a person has a feeling of unity with others, he gets so confident that no situation can harm him now.

The moment we are divided, defeat will be our fate. When we are divided, anyone can easily break us and destroy our peace.

It has been seen from the beginning of mankind that when there is no unity among people then destruction has always taken place. Division always spoils relationships. We can never face troubles alone.

Disunity is very dangerous for a country. It consumes it from inside out. This leads to loosening of ties of society which causes disorientation in a society. Superior powers take advantage of this and they plan strategies to take control.

On the contrary, if there is unity in a country then it becomes a force that is unbeatable. Therefore, unity is important for the betterment of country.

If people stay united then they have power to bring a change in whole world. We can take example of our Independence Day, which is the greatest example of unity.

It was not possible without unity. It is the only reason that we are free from British rule.Moreover, there are various cultures, traditions and religions here but everyone stays united as one nation.

A single hand has limited capacity but when there are more hands working together then we can achieve a particular thing more easily.Therefore, unity is a powerful tool to achieve shared aims and objectives in life.

When people are united, they get multiple ideas and support from various people.  They share creative thoughts and ideas with each other which helps to broaden minds.They are more encouraged to work harder.

They can accomplish greater goals together which might not be possible to accomplish alone. National unity is very important for the development of a country.It is an important key to build a strong and peaceful society.

It promotes peace among different religious communities. It is a strength that cannot be weakened by any power.

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When individuals of a country join hands together then there comes no separation between them. They get eager to do whatever is needed for the progress of country.

We need to understand that it is easier to break a single stick but not a bundle of sticks.So, if we stay united then no one can break us but if we are not united then we can easily be defeated. If we are not united then we cannot face difficulties.

Therefore, even if there are differences among us then we should try to understand the differences and live in peace with each other. The importance of unity is a very important message and parents should pass this message to their children.

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The First Continental Congress: a Gathering for Colonial Unity

This essay is about the First Continental Congress held in autumn 1774 where delegates from twelve American colonies met in Philadelphia to address rising tensions with British authorities. Prompted by the Intolerable Acts the Congress marked a pivotal moment in American history fostering unity and coordinated resistance against British policies. Key outcomes included the formation of the Continental Association to boycott British goods and petitions to King George III. This event laid the groundwork for intercolonial collaboration and set the stage for the American Revolution and the eventual quest for independence.

How it works

In an autumn 1774 between an increase tensions between colonies and American British authorities delegates from twelve colonies connected he in Philadelphia for the first convention of habitant of continent. This historical collection marked a central moment in American history puts foundation for unit and resistance despite politics levying so as unfair British.

Convention connected he ? answer for killing operates episodes punitive balanced imposed British parliament in a wake boston party tea. Delegates from through colonies include famous persons so as for example George Washington John Adam and Patrick henry assembled to direct he despite these crumpling and to coordinate the colonial incorporated answer.

Central despite a call once convention was a statement rights and colonial crumpling. Delegates attracted despite discussions inveterate above problems ranging from politics tax system British despite a presence British soldiers in colonies. While mimiced opinion among delegates the most important value was one of solidarity in opposition despite levying British oppresses.

Keys results included the first convention of habitant of continent creation association of habitant of continent one coordinates effort among colonies to boycott the British shop-windows so as means economic protest. Convention too gave out episodes petitions king George Iii appealing for correction crumpling confirms loyalty despite a chaplet. After his political nearest results the first convention of habitant of continent served a statement unit and symbolic colonial self-determination. It placed a precedent for a collaboration intercolonial and put foundation for one in arrives collected that in eventual addition led despite independence habitant of continent.

? conclusion convention of habitant of continent 1774 stands first so as seminal event in American history incarnates a spirit resistance and colonial unit despite colonial British politics. Through a discussion and compromise delegates forged a road on setting despite a collective action places a stadium for revolutionary war and birth the American new nation.


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"The First Continental Congress: A Gathering for Colonial Unity." PapersOwl.com, Jul 06, 2024. Accessed July 9, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/the-first-continental-congress-a-gathering-for-colonial-unity/

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EssayBanyan.com – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on Unity in Diversity

“United we stand, Divided we fall”. We have come across this phrase many times in our life. This phrase depicts the strength of being united. In every country, millions of people live. It is possible that they may be different from each other. Today, in the name of employment people move from one country to another. In such cases, they appear different from the native of that country. But then also, everyone lives peacefully. This is due to unity in diversity.

Short and Long Unity in Diversity Essay in English

To understand, this concept more clearly, today we will discuss Unity in Diversity in detail. Here, we are presenting Short and Long essays on Unity in Diversity in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on Unity in Diversity will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

Unity in Diversity Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) “Unity in diversity” expresses the idea of unity among people with different backgrounds and cultures.

2) There are many practical benefits to having unity in diversity.

3) Unity in diversity is necessary for the development of every country.

4) India represents the perfect example of unity in diversity.

5) Achieving unity in diversity requires mutual understanding and respect.

6) To create harmony and peace, it is important to respect the differences among people.

7) Unity in diversity can be seen in colleges, offices, or different workplaces.

8) By celebrating the differences in culture and religion, we can promote unity in diversity.

9) The concept of unity in diversity can also be found in art, literature, music, and so on.

10) People should promote unity in diversity and avoid existing differences.

Short Essay on Unity in Diversity (250 – 300 Words)


The concept of “unity in diversity” has been around since people first started living on Earth. It is a very important part of every country. The strength of a country comes from its ability to put aside its differences and stay united.

Importance of Unity in Diversity

By respecting and valuing different ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds, a nation becomes stronger, more vibrant, and more resilient. It also teaches people to care about what other people think and feel. People are more likely to work together because there is strength in differences. It also gives us different ideas and experiences.

Together, we can learn from each other’s differences and get a better grasp of the many cultures and traditions around the world. Research has revealed that a society’s acceptance of the principle of “Unity in Diversity” significantly reduces the likelihood of civil disturbance occurring in that society.

Unity in Diversity in India

India is a great example of unity in diversity because it is so good at celebrating and accepting its many differences. India is home to people who have very different ideas about life, religion, economic, and political systems. However, the shared values and perspectives of the country’s citizens help to make India a more civilized place to live.

To live a healthy and prosperous life in any country, unity is very important. Religion, racism, caste, and other bad ideas must be wiped out of the human mind. Everyone should live together so that our country would develop. Therefore, unity in diversity is an important concept, both practically and artistically.

Long Essay on Unity in Diversity (500 Words)

When we were kids, we must have listened to many famous stories from our parents. One of which taught us that it is easy to break a single piece of stick. But when there is a bunch of sticks, it is almost impossible to break. The moral of the story teaches us the importance of unity. Despite the diversity, unity gives us the power to face every difficulty. Unity in diversity is an important concept in every country. A country could develop only when its people are united. 

What is Unity in Diversity?

Unity is the state when a group of people comes together as one. To put it simply, diversity means that people are different from each other. Therefore, we can say that unity in diversity refers to the group of people who live in unity irrespective of their differences.

These differences can be in terms of religion, caste, language, tradition, dress, etc. This phrase comes from ancient times, and different political and social groups use it to show unity among people or groups.

Advantages of Unity in Diversity

For a nation where individuals of different faiths, cultures, and social classes coexist, the principle of unity in diversity is crucial. We may improve our teamwork and our ability to finish work on time by emphasizing our similarities. Mutual understanding and appreciation are fostered when people of different backgrounds work together.

Because of “unity in diversity,” businessmen are better able to understand the norms of the country where they hope to expand their work. When we work together, we are strong. When we don’t, we will fail. Unity in diversity is important for the future growth of human society.

India: The Perfect Example of Unity in Diversity

India holds one of the oldest civilizations in the world. It is home to a lot of different kinds of people. India is a place where many different religious traditions are celebrated. The way they eat and the foods they eat are also different. The way people speak shows how different they are from one another.

Despite these differences, people love and support each other. The fight for freedom is the perfect example of unity in diversity in India. People of all castes and religions came together during this historic fight. This shows that India is one, even though it has many different kinds of people.

India is proud of its many different kinds of people. India is making progress in the fields of science, culture, and spirituality because of how well people work together. People in almost every part of the world have shown this kind of admirable behavior many times.

Unfortunately, we seem to be living in a world where unity in diversity is not always practiced. Prejudices and fear of the “other” still exist in many parts of the world, leading to misunderstandings, hatred, and discrimination. We must be extremely vigilant in order to ensure that such divisions do not lead to violence and unrest.

I hope the above provided essay on Unity in Diversity will be helpful in understanding different aspects of it.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Unity in Diversity

Ans. The European Union adopted Unity in Diversity as its official motto.

Ans. Throughout Canada, the motto “Unity in Diversity” has come to represent the country’s commitment to multiculturalism.

Ans. Jawaharlal Nehru first used this phrase in his book the “Discovery of India”.

Ans. The term “unity in diversity” is derived from the Latin phrase “unitas in varietate” which means “unity in variety”.

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Essay on Peace And Unity

Students are often asked to write an essay on Peace And Unity in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Peace And Unity

What is peace and unity.

Peace is when people live without fighting, and unity means sticking together. Imagine a classroom where all students share and help each other; that’s peace and unity. It’s like a puzzle; every piece is different but fits together to make a beautiful picture.

Why Are They Important?

Peace and unity are important because they make life better for everyone. When people are peaceful and united, they can work together to solve problems and make their community a happy place.

How to Build Peace and Unity?

To build peace and unity, start by being kind and listening to others. Like in a team sport, when everyone plays together and supports one another, they can win the game. It’s the same with people; working together brings success.

250 Words Essay on Peace And Unity

Peace and unity are like two sides of the same coin. Peace means no fighting, no anger, and no wars. It’s when everyone is calm and happy. Unity is when people come together, work as a team, and help each other. It’s like when all the different pieces of a puzzle fit together perfectly.

Why Peace and Unity Matter

Peace and unity in schools.

In schools, peace means no bullying and fighting. Unity is when students, no matter where they come from or what they look like, play and learn together. Teachers and students can create peace and unity by being friendly, sharing, and listening to each other.

How to Build Peace and Unity

Building peace and unity can start with a smile or a kind word. It’s about respecting others and understanding that everyone is different. When someone is sad or alone, being a friend can make a big difference. It’s also about working together to clean up a park or help people in need.

Peace and unity are like seeds that grow into a beautiful garden. When we plant these seeds in our hearts and minds, we can make the world a better place for everyone.

500 Words Essay on Peace And Unity

Peace and unity are two very important ideas that help us live together in a happy and friendly way. Imagine peace as a quiet and calm day where everyone is smiling and there is no fighting. Unity is like a strong team where everyone works together, shares, and supports each other. When people are peaceful and united, they can create a better world for everyone.

Why is Peace Important?

When there is peace, people are not angry or violent with each other. Kids can go to school safely, and parents can go to work without being scared. In a peaceful place, everyone can live without fear. It’s like having a big, cozy blanket that makes you feel safe and warm.

Why is Unity Important?

How peace and unity work together.

Peace and unity go hand in hand, like peanut butter and jelly. When there is peace, it’s easier for people to come together and be united. And when people are united, they can keep the peace by talking about their problems and finding ways to agree. It’s like having a circle of friends who all get along and help each other.

Examples of Peace and Unity

In schools, peace and unity can be seen when students from different backgrounds play and learn together without fighting. In communities, peace and unity happen when neighbors help each other and share things, like when someone’s house gets damaged by a storm and everyone helps to fix it.

How to Promote Peace and Unity

Peace and unity are like the sun and water for plants. They help everything grow better and stronger. When we live with peace and unity, we can make our homes, schools, and the whole world a better place. So, let’s all try to be peaceful and united every day, and watch how our world becomes a happier place for all of us.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Most Americans who vow to leave over an election never do. Will this year be different?

essay topics about unity

Deirdre Roney wanted an escape plan – a place to go if her darkest fears about America’s democracy came to pass.

The Los Angeles attorney and activist for immigrant and voting rights has worried about a rise of authoritarianism ever since Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016. As this fall’s election drew closer, that anxiety only grew.

Trump has vowed “ retribution” if he wins and a “ bloodbath ” if he loses. Though she says she’s not a high-profile activist, Roney fears political persecution could become a reality. “I would challenge you to find somebody who's as depressed and dark and scared as I am,” she said.

So, this summer, she secured her escape hatch. She and her husband obtained dual citizenship in the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda in exchange for a development fund investment of about $100,000, she said – a barrier-free overseas refuge to use if she feels unsafe.

“I wanted us to have a place to go,” she said. “I wanted a Plan B.”

The idea of moving to another country to protest a presidential administration or political policy isn’t new – think the Vietnam War or even vows to move following the re-election of President George W. Bush. Even Trump once joked he might leave if Biden was elected. 

Typically, relatively few who vow to leave actually make the move, said Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels, a University of Kent migration scholar and expert on Americans abroad .

But this year, as voter anxiety hits the red zone ahead of a divisive election contest between Trump and President Joe Biden, there are signs that Americans from a cross-section of society are taking a more serious look at the exits.

Want to leave the US? Here's how to move to Canada, Mexico and Europe as an American.

The percentage of U.S. citizens who would settle abroad if they were able reached 34% in a March 26 poll by Monmouth University, up from 12% since 1995. Monmouth polling officials said they believe the political rancor of recent years likely helped fuel the rise.

For some current and former members of U.S. law enforcement and intelligence community, threats to jail political opponents are driving them to weigh whether they may have to leave to avoid being illegally detained, according to a former FBI director.

A recent survey by the publisher International Living found that 65% of more than 2,700 readers said that concerns about the political climate prompted them to accelerate plans to relocate overseas.

Henley & Partners, a large global residence and citizenship advisory firm, reported this year that wealthy Americans are pursuing backup citizenship or residence abroad at record levels. Motivations for its clients include political risk along with tax or business reasons.

Several other firms that help Americans live or work abroad told USA TODAY that political uncertainty is driving a spike not just in inquiries and but in concrete efforts to secure visas, homes, dual citizenship or foreign work permits – whether to move or to set up a contingency plan. 

David Lesperance, a Canadian tax and immigration advisor whose firm helps people secure dual citizenships or residency abroad, said most of his U.S. clients now cite concerns including political polarization and deadlock, antisemitism, gun violence, threats to LGBTQ rights, fear of rule by “the other party” and retribution by a Trump administration. 

And for some, such moves are also easier in the era of remote work.

“What’s different today is people are acting on it,” Lesperance said, adding that the Supreme Court ruling relating to presidential immunity has further ratcheted up concerns. “They sense the danger is real.”

Whether significant numbers of Americans actually pull up stakes is far from certain. Moving abroad brings the challenges of obtaining a visa and leaving behind family obligations. And some view such sentiments as an overreaction at home when other countries also face new political turmoil.

But it’s an idea that is a growing topic of conversation, especially after a presidential debate that raised new questions about Biden’s suitability and Trump’s repeated falsehoods . Even before that, some said, the urge to escape has spurred calls for advice to friends living overseas.

Justin Knepper, 48, moved from California to Portugal in 2020. Now, he said, “I would say at least 50% of our friends are considering moving” with politics at least a factor for most.

Retirement: More Americans retire abroad. What happens when crisis hits?

Moving to South Africa: ‘We’ve got to get out of here’ 

Ted Baumann’s move last year came after he grew alienated from both political parties.

The 63-year-old worked in nonprofit housing and financial publishing while living in Decatur, Georgia, near Atlanta, with his wife, a pre-Kindergarten teacher, and their daughter.

He watched with concern as reactionary politics gathered steam amid President Barack Obama’s tenure.  He was stunned when Senate Republicans violated a norm by blocking Obama from filling a Supreme Court seat. He said it seemed like “Third-World style politics.”

He worried about how easily some could rationalize such moves. Then Trump won. All around him, he thought political debate had become increasingly vitriolic. 

“I remember waking up the next week and thinking, ‘We’ve got to get out of here,’” he said.

It wouldn’t be a difficult move. Baumann’s wife is originally from South Africa. And he’d previously lived for a time and already had dual citizenship.

But they were settled into their own Georgia community. They both had good jobs and their daughter was headed to high school. And then the pandemic hit. 

While voters had narrowly elected Biden in 2020, it rattled him that nearly half of America supported Trump’s ideas including stolen-election conspiracies that fueled the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

But Baumann – who said he doesn’t identify with either party but leans left – wasn’t thrilled with Democrats either.   

He thought liberals were overly focused on “identity politics, gender, race and sexual orientation – which are all important,” he said, and gave too little attention to pressing economic and other issues.

Over time, he lost faith that elected bodies could tackle everyday issues.

“It doesn't really matter which side you're from. It’s the inability to govern and to legislate and to address issues,” he said. “Because eventually, these unsolved issues are going to come back to bite you. You're going to run out of Social Security, you're going run out of healthcare for the elderly.”

By 2022, he and his wife decided, “This is not where we want to raise our daughter, this is not where we want to be,” he said, putting plans in motion to move to South Africa. 

There were economic considerations involved in their move, too: The cost of living, as well as health care, would be lower. Last year, they left behind their life in the Atlanta area for Cape Town. His daughter entered high school there and “couldn’t be happier,” he said. Baumann now works remotely.

To be sure, South Africa has its share of political struggles and problems, he said. But it felt like a place moving in a positive direction. America, by contrast, seemed to be moving backward.

Moving to Spain: Complicated reasons for going abroad 

Marsha Scarbrough arrived in Spain in early 2017.

Not long before that, she had given an interview to a Spanish reporter back home in the U.S., and found herself on the front page of a Spanish newspaper – dubbed “La Primera Exiliada,” the first exile, following Trump’s election.

Though she opposed Trump, Scarbrough moved at age 70 for a mix of reasons including affordable retirement, less expensive health care and a desire to live abroad, she said. She also wanted to be away from gun violence and other problems in the U.S., she said.

That’s true for most U.S. residents who migrate overseas for multiple reasons such as jobs, spouses or to study, said Klekowski von Koppenfels, the University of Kent expert. But she said politics can play into it. 

“Back when George Bush's handling of the Iraq War was a big political issue in the United States, I spoke with a number of people who had always meant to move to Europe and had always thought of studying in Europe. And then, as the Iraq War rolled around, they were increasingly unhappy with the politics around that. They thought, OK, now's the time for me to go ahead and move,’” she said.

A similar dynamic is in play for some currently considering a move.

Marco Permunian, founder of Italian Citizenship Assistance, has seen inquiries triple this year reaching as many as 250 a day, most U.S. residents looking to relocate, get dual citizenship based on lineage or obtain visas to work, study or retire in Italy or elsewhere in Europe.

He said a “general feeling of instability throughout the country, both politically and socially” is what’s driving many of his clients to seek to move to Europe now.  A minority of them are ready to go immediately, he said, while others “want to have the option to relocate if they have to.”

In France, Adrian Leeds, whose company helps Americans find real estate, said her business has doubled each year since the pandemic. While some Americans are worried about far-right gains in France , she said that pales to clients citing the “fear of Donald Trump and the disaster in the U.S. when it comes to healthcare, gun control, women's rights, etc.,” she said. 

Jennifer Stevens, editor at the move-abroad publication International Living, which conducted the survey showing rising political concerns among readers, has seen it too. 

“People who already had an idea in the back of their minds that they might like to go abroad sometime,” she said, “They're crafting a Plan B because they feel like they just might need it if things go sideways in November and beyond.”

More: Feeling strange about celebrating July 4th amid Biden-Trump chaos? You’re not alone.

But will they adopt Plan B? Klekowski von Koppenfels said a survey she helped to commission didn’t show a significant increase in emigration aspirations between 2014 and 2019 despite an increase in public statements about it.

Gallup found that during the start of the Trump Administration in 2017 and 2018, a record 16% of Americans said they would like to permanently move to another country if they could. That was higher than the average levels during the Bush (11%) or Obama administration (10%). 

Gallup said that while it didn’t ask respondents about political leanings, the surge in Americans' desire to migrate in those years came among groups that typically leaned Democratic and had disapproved of Trump: women, young Americans and people in lower-income groups.  

The percentage of respondents in later Gallup polls who said they'dthey’ve like to move abroad permanently dipped to 13% in 2020 and rose to 17% in 2023, according to data provided by Gallup.

In March of 2024, the Monmouth poll found that of the 34% who said they would settle in another country if free to do so. It asked about political leanings of those who said they would leave: 41% of independents, 35% of Democrats and 22% of Republicans.

If wanting or vowing to leave is most often a political statement, it’s also a source of political fodder.

When Barbara Streisand said she would leave the country if Trump won, the conservative outlet BlazeTV declared that, “For the second time in recent history, the trash is promising to take itself out.” In 2020, one Ohio sheriff mocked celebrities who said they’d leave four years ago but didn't by offering a one-way ticket out of the country . 

And some who want to leave get criticism for leaving the U.S. instead of fighting for change. 

After Scarborough moved to Spain, a man from another European country told her, “ ‘Well, you're just an opportunist. You’re taking advantage of other countries where people have done the work.” But she’d spent years advocating for causes back home, she said. 

“I'm choosing to spend my final years having fun in a place that has solved many of these problems and created a better quality of life,” she said. “At my age, I’ve done everything I can do. Do I need to keep fighting?”

Moving to Europe: Surprising, similar political issues 

Lauren Ell, 36, said people often underestimate the costs and challenges of moving. 

Ell, a Trump-supporting Republican Southern California native who moved to Sweden in 2016 to be with her partner, founded an online group called Nordic Republicans to connect conservatives, who she said are difficult to find in an area where Democrats tend to dominate expat forums.

“When I hear people say, ‘I'm gonna move out of the country, because of the politics there.’ I think it's a bit silly, because it's really difficult if you just want to get up and move,” she said.

Some countries have strict residency policies for immigrants. And obtaining visas, work permits and citizenship often takes time and is costly. 

“And then there’s the politics,” Ell said, noting that Sweden, despite its liberal reputation, didn’t close businesses or mandate certain health measure during COVID, in contrast to U.S. policies she opposed.  “They might be surprised that there's actually similar right-leaning politics in many European countries.”

Indeed, support for right-leaning politicians has been rising in some European countries. In France, a far-right party made historic gains in the first round of hastily called legislative elections, raising the specter of the far-right coming into power for the first time since Nazi occupation in World War II.  In early July, the Netherlands installed a new right-wing government, Reuters reported . 

Alessandra Bloom, 33, who moved from Boston where she worked in restaurant management to Rovigo, Italy in 2021 to seek dual citizenship based on lineage, now works for Italian Citizenship Assistance – and understands why some Americans back home are looking abroad.

“It feels heavy in America. The divide is so strong,” she said. But living in Italy has also shown her that “there are problems everywhere in the world, and no matter where you go, everyone has political troubles.” She added, “I mean, they have just as much conservative politics and immigrant policy that they're debating.”

David Morse, 72,  who once worked as a staffer to Congressional Republicans, said he left the U.S. because of Trump. He moved in 2019 to Norway, where his wife was born.  But he’s found it harder than he'd hoped to leave Trump’s political noise behind: “It’s hard to avoid Donald Trump.”

On TV,  he said, is a regular TV show chronicling Trump news. He’s everywhere on the internet.  And Morse still reads U.S. political news often.

“And I guess that's partly my fault, too, because I suppose I could just not read stuff and turn it off, but I don’t,” he said. Trump, he said, “sort of buries himself into your brain.”

He still plans to vote from abroad, a desire that has helped grow the group Democrats Abroad, an official group with state-level recognition by the Democratic National Committee, whose membership has tripled since 2015, according to a spokeswoman who declined to provide an exact figure. 

But Morse is happy living abroad. In part because he doesn’t see things changing anytime soon. While people moved to Canada to protest the Vietnam War, he said, “it wasn't systematic or fundamental to the American system.” This time, he said, it feels different.

He said he worries about a more violent or widespread version of Jan. 6 if Trump loses, and that democracy’s guardrails will fail to hold up. 

“There's nothing that says that American democracy is permanent and immutable,” he said. “And I fear it's coming apart.”

Live Election Updates: Trump and Harris on the Offensive on the Trail

Donald Trump rallied in Florida and attacked Vice President Kamala Harris, who held a rally earlier in Las Vegas and took aim at Mr. Trump. President Biden spoke at a NATO summit in Washington.

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Biden Tells Allies That NATO Is ‘More Powerful Than Ever’

President biden welcomed nato allies to a summit in washington with a speech highlighting the alliance’s history and its unity in modern times..

It’s a pleasure to host you in this milestone year, to look back with pride at all we’ve achieved and look ahead to our shared future, with strength and with resolve. Together we rebuilt Europe from the ruins of war, held high the torch of liberty during long decades of the Cold War. Today, NATO is more powerful than ever, 32 nations strong. The fact that NATO remains the bulwark of global security did not happen by accident. It wasn’t inevitable. Again and again, at critical moments, we chose unity over disunion, progress over retreat, freedom over tyranny and hope over fear. Again and again, we stood behind our shared vision of a peaceful and prosperous trans-Atlantic community. Here at this summit, we gather to proclaim NATO is ready and able to secure that vision today and well into the future.

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Chris Cameron ,  Catie Edmondson ,  Maya C. Miller ,  Robert Jimison and Annie Karni

Here’s the latest.

President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald J. Trump appeared on opposite sides of the country on Tuesday evening in a blur of events against the backdrop of a heaving crisis in the Democratic Party.

Earlier in the evening, Mr. Biden gave a forceful speech to NATO allies in Washington, declaring that the alliance that rebuilt Europe and stood strong during the Cold War is “more powerful than ever.” With no hint of raspiness in his voice, and reading from a teleprompter, the president delivered a speech that gave his critics little to seize on, but also offered little reassurance about his ability to handle high-pressure, unscripted moments.

Occupied with his official duties in the capital, Ms. Harris stumped on the president’s behalf in Nevada, a crucial swing state. But the vice president, speaking in a casino ballroom in Las Vegas, kept the focus on Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump , casting the race as a decision between a country of “freedom, compassion and rule of law” and one of “chaos, fear and hate.”

Mr. Trump also took the stage for his first public event this week at a campaign rally in Doral, Fla. He reveled in Mr. Biden’s poor performance at the debate and the chaos now taking place within the Democratic Party. With Democrats speculating about Ms. Harris succeeding Mr. Biden, Mr. Trump and his team have increasingly taken aim at the vice president, and he repeatedly mocked her from the stage on Tuesday.

On Capitol Hill, top congressional Democrats indicated that they were unwilling — at least for now — to try to push aside President Biden despite grave concerns about his age, mental acuity and ability to win re-election.

Both in public and behind closed doors, House and Senate Democrats from across the political spectrum have raised fears about Mr. Biden’s viability as a candidate. But no Democratic leader on Capitol Hill was willing to ask the president to withdraw.

Instead, they emerged from private party meetings on Tuesday in which the president’s shortcomings as a candidate were the main topic of discussion swearing allegiance to Mr. Biden — if not exactly in enthusiastic or expansive terms.

“I’m with Joe,” Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the majority leader, repeatedly replied, as he sidestepped multiple questions about Mr. Biden’s fitness for office.

“We are ridin’ with Biden,” Representative James E. Clyburn of South Carolina proclaimed nine times as he sought to shut down reporters’ queries.

Still, House and Senate Democrats left their respective meetings on Tuesday deeply fractured. Asked whether Democrats were leaving the discussion on the same page, Representative Steve Cohen of Tennessee replied: “We’re not even in the same book.”

And on Tuesday afternoon, a seventh Democrat, Representative Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey, publicly called on Mr. Biden to withdraw from the race.

“When I think of my four children and all of the rights that another Trump presidency endangers, and in light of the recent Supreme Court decision that gave inordinate power to the president of the United States, the stakes are too high — and the threat is too real — to stay silent,” Ms. Sherrill said in a statement. “I realize this is hard, but we have done hard things in pursuit of democracy since the founding of this nation. It is time to do so again.”

Here’s what else to know:

Some senators in a closed-door luncheon on Tuesday privately expressed doubts about Mr. Biden’s ability to beat former President Donald J. Trump, but said they did not think it would be viable to change nominees now because Mr. Biden has shown no signs of being willing to do so. Senators Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Jon Tester of Montana, who are facing two of the most competitive re-election races in the country, both spoke at the lunch and said they believed it would be tough for them to win with Mr. Biden at the top of the ticket, according to an attendee who described the conversation on the condition of anonymity.

In the House, one veteran Democrat, Representative Diana DeGette of Colorado, suggested in a statement after the meeting that it was time for the party to move on. “The urgent need right now is for Democrats to stick together and focus on the danger of Trump and his extremist agenda,” she said in a lengthy statement. “If we do that, we will win.”

Mr. Biden’s strength on Capitol Hill has been sustained in large part by party leaders and key constituencies, including the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. When reporters asked Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, on Tuesday to respond to fears raised by lawmakers about Mr. Biden’s fitness, she responded in part by quoting several Black lawmakers who have come out in strong support of the president.

Carl Hulse , David E. Sanger and Michael D. Shear contributed reporting.

Neil Vigdor

Neil Vigdor

Senator Michael Bennet, a Colorado Democrat, told CNN on Tuesday night that President Biden was on a path toward losing to Donald Trump in a “landslide” in the November election, one that he warned could cost the party both chambers of Congress. “I think that we could lose the whole thing,” said Bennet, who stopped short of calling for Biden to exit the race.

Michael Gold

Michael Gold

The Biden campaign responded to Trump’s challenging Biden to a golf match, in a statement calling him “deranged” and mocking his absence from the campaign trail. “Joe Biden doesn’t have time for Donald Trump’s weird antics — he’s busy leading America and defending the free world,” a spokesman said.


Simon J. Levien

Simon J. Levien

Donald Trump just shouted out his youngest son, Barron, from the stage. Barron, 18, has not been present on the campaign trail during his father’s third run for president, and a plan for him to serve as a delegate the Republican convention fizzled.

Trump seems to be having a bit of fun with Marco Rubio amid all the running-mate speculation. After talking about his proposal to remove taxes on tips for service workers, he looked at Rubio and told him to back it. Then, he said, “Well, you may or may not be there to vote for it.”

With President Biden attending a NATO summit, Trump is reviving one of his favorite stories, in which he claims he successfully threatened NATO members into spending more on their defense by saying he would not defend them from Russian aggression if they did not do so. But he started the story by mispronouncing the name of the alliance, calling it “NAH-toe” instead of “NAY-toe.”

Donald Trump, in a kind of feint, pointed to the news media gathered in the press pen, then looked to Senator Marco Rubio and marveled at how many people there were. “I think they probably think that I will be announcing that Marco is vice president. Because that’s a lot of press.” And then, he immediately returned to his usual spiel about the economy.

Even as Trump has been criticizing Kamala Harris more than usual — he has rarely acknowledged her in past rally speeches — he has repeatedly mispronounced her name.

Shane Goldmacher

Shane Goldmacher

Trump accused Democrats of engaging in “the biggest cover-up in political history,” regarding President Biden’s cognitive abilities.

Trump, who loves bestowing nicknames on his political opponents but often tries a few before they stick, made a point of spelling out his new epithet for Vice President Kamala Harris: “L-A-F-F-I-N-apostrophe Kamala,” he told the crowd in Doral, Fla.

Trump called Kamala Harris Biden’s “insurance policy.” He said that if Biden had a running mate who was “halfway-decent,” he would have already been replaced at the top of the Democratic ticket. Recent polling from CNN indicates that Harris outperformed Biden in hypothetical matchups with Trump.

Donald Trump is now criticizing Kamala Harris, directly linking her to Biden policies he frequently criticizes, such as his handling of the border and his efforts to tackle climate change. The renewed focus is noteworthy: It comes as frenzied speculation has grown that Biden may step aside on the Democratic ticket.

After Biden and Trump had a remarkably off-topic fight over their golf games during last month’s presidential debate, Trump just challenged Biden to a charity golf game here at his golf resort in Doral, where he’s holding his rally tonight.

Donald J. Trump, after a week with no public events, just took the stage at his rally and mocked Democrats for their infighting over whether President Biden should remain the nominee. Their party, he said, was “divided, in chaos and having a full-scale breakdown, all because they can’t decide which of their candidates is more unfit to be president.”

Trump added that he is offering Biden the “chance to redeem himself.” He offered to debate him this week.

Donald J. Trump will spend a significant part of his speech at his rally tonight attacking Vice President Kamala Harris, according to excerpts of his prepared remarks provided by his campaign. As some Democrats call for President Biden to step off the ticket, Harris would be the most likely replacement, and the Trump campaign has been increasingly taking aim at her since the debate.

What can only be described as a golf-cart motorcade departed the main building of Trump’s Doral resort heading to the rally venue across the golf course. Several hundred rallygoers got on their feet and raised their cameras in anticipation. Trump is set to speak soon.

Donald J. Trump, who has for months relished the feverish speculation over whom he might choose as his running mate, just sent a fund-raising email before he takes the stage at a rally in Doral, Fla., in which he said he “might even introduce the next VP.” The campaign’s fund-raising emails often exaggerate, so it is hard to know how to evaluate the claim.

At the Trump rally in Doral, Fla., Representative Byron Donalds of Florida noted with glee the chaos that has engulfed House Democrats since the debate, then accused them of having “lied to the American people about Joe Biden’s ability” to be president.

Senator Marco Rubio, one of the top contenders to be Trump’s running mate, spent some time in his speech at Trump’s rally in Doral, Fla., attacking Vice President Kamala Harris as “a real life verified left winger” and mocking her laugh . Being able to hold one’s own against the vice president in a potential debate is seen as a prerequisite for Trump’s partner on the ticket.

Michael D. Shear

Michael D. Shear

If President Biden’s critics were expecting him to make a big stumble during the brief NATO speech, they were disappointed. Reading from a teleprompter, the president was more forceful and clear than he was during the Atlanta debate. That may be of little reassurance to some, however, who are still looking for evidence that he can handle high-pressure, unscripted moments. This was not one of them.

David E. Sanger

David E. Sanger

At the end of his remarks, Biden called the NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, to the stage, noting he has extended his service at the head of the alliance time and again. Biden awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States.

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Biden is speaking forcefully, and has made few errors. It is a subject he knows well, and a cause he feels deeply. He returned to his statement that America has “a sacred obligation,’’ and quoted Ronald Reagan, “if you are not at peace, we are not at peace.”

A sailor who tried to access President Biden’s medical records was disciplined by the Navy.

A Navy sailor was disciplined for trying unsuccessfully to gain unauthorized access to President Biden’s restricted medical records earlier this year, a military official said on Tuesday.

The attempted breach happened on Feb. 23, said Cmdr. Tim Hawkins, a Navy spokesman, who specified that the sailor involved was assigned to Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command at Fort Belvoir in Northern Virginia.

According to the Navy, the sailor, whom it did not identify, searched the name “Joseph Biden” three times in a military health system electronic database within a span of several hours “out of curiosity.” The disciplinary action was reported earlier by CBS News and ABC News .

Mr. Biden, 81, has faced a renewed bout of questions about his health and mental acuity after his June 27 debate performance , which has prompted a growing number of Democrats to call on him to end his re-election bid .

In the Navy incident, a co-worker of the sailor reported the potential violation of medical privacy laws, and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service conducted an investigation that concluded on April 24, Commander Hawkins said.

“The record the sailor accessed was not the electronic record of the president of the United States,” Commander Hawkins said in an email, adding, “At no time was the president’s personal information compromised.”

The Navy declined to detail the disciplinary action it had taken.

The Biden campaign referred questions about the matter to the White House, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Tuesday.

In a race featuring the two oldest major-party nominees for president in history, neither Mr. Biden nor former President Donald J. Trump has given the public unfettered access to his medical charts .

In recent days, the Biden administration has faced questions about why an expert on Parkinson’s disease from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center visited the White House eight times in eight months , from last summer through this spring, including at least once for a meeting with Mr. Biden’s physician.

The visits by the expert, Dr. Kevin Cannard, a neurologist, were detailed in White House visitor logs.

Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the White House physician, said in a statement on Monday night that Mr. Biden had seen Dr. Cannard each year as part of his overall annual physical checkup and that the latest examination had found no sign of Parkinson’s.

Emily Baumgaertner and Peter Baker contributed reporting.

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    Long and Short Essay on Unity in Diversity in English. Unity in diversity is a famous concept which best fits on India. Essay on Unity in Diversity is the most common topic which students may be assigned to debate during discussion and write an essay during exams or essay writing competitions in their school.

  16. Games Focus: Profiling and performance optimization

    Memory Profiler is designed to make it easier to keep track of memory usage and composition. I'm happy to share that the Memory Profiler 1.0.0 is now a verified package for the Unity 2022.2 beta release and above (find instructions for download here).Thank you to everyone who shared their invaluable feedback on how to create a better workflow for this important feature.

  17. Unity and Coherence in Essays

    Unity is the idea that all parts of the writing work to achieve the same goal: proving the thesis. Just as the content of a paragraph should focus on a topic sentence, the content of an essay must focus on the thesis. The introduction paragraph introduces the thesis, the body paragraphs each have a proof point (topic sentence) with content that ...

  18. Unity is Strength Essay for Students and Children

    But these people that are actually more satisfied as well as content in their lives that actually applies it. So, unity is strength essay is an insight into the increasing importance of unity in lives in the present world. This proverb also applies when it comes to relationships. People nowadays are so blinded by the success and the power that ...

  19. Unity in Diversity Essay for Students in English [500+ Words]

    Unity in diversity is an important part of culture and ethics. Certainly, the idea is important to the future development of human society. People have to demonstrate trust in this idea. Above all, they have to keep feelings of prejudice, sexism and injustice aside. Without Harmony in Diversity, humanity's extinction is likely to happen.

  20. Essay on Unity & its Importance For Students

    The unity is strength. It increases your prospects of success. The unity lies in diversity. Writing an essay on Unity? Or perhaps you are looking for a written essay on topic unity is strength, unity is diversity in 100, 200,300 or 500 words essay for Middle, High school or College level students?

  21. The First Continental Congress: a Gathering for Colonial Unity

    This essay is about the First Continental Congress held in autumn 1774 where delegates from twelve American colonies met in Philadelphia to address rising tensions with British authorities. Prompted by the Intolerable Acts the Congress marked a pivotal moment in American history fostering unity and coordinated resistance against British policies.

  22. Alice Munro: Author allegedly stood by husband after sexual abuse

    Alice Munro's daughter is alleging she was sexually abused by her stepfather and that the Nobel Prize-winning author stood by him.. In an essay published Sunday in the Toronto Star, Andrea Robin ...

  23. Essay on Unity in Diversity

    These provided essays on Unity in Diversity will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic. Unity in Diversity Essay 10 Lines (100 - 150 Words) 1) "Unity in diversity" expresses the idea of unity among people with different backgrounds and cultures.

  24. Essay on Peace And Unity

    Peace and unity are two very important ideas that help us live together in a happy and friendly way. Imagine peace as a quiet and calm day where everyone is smiling and there is no fighting. Unity is like a strong team where everyone works together, shares, and supports each other. When people are peaceful and united, they can create a better ...

  25. Unity Essay Examples

    Balancing Intersectionality and Unity. As a critical framework for comprehending the complex effects of racial and gender-based violence on the lives of oppressed people, intersectionality has acquired much support in social justice advocacy. This strategy highlights the interdependence of different facets of an individual's identity ...

  26. Moving to another country because of politics? More Americans weigh it

    The percentage of U.S. citizens who would settle abroad if they were able reached 34% in a March 26 poll by Monmouth University, up from 12% since 1995. Monmouth polling officials said they ...

  27. Alice Munro stayed with husband who sexually abused her daughter: essay

    Andrea Robin Skinner, the youngest of Munro's children, penned a first-person essay in the Toronto Star on Sunday that sheds light on the sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of her stepfather ...

  28. Live Election Updates: Top Democrats, Swallowing Fears, Remain Behind

    Top congressional Democrats on Tuesday indicated that they were unwilling — at least for now — to try to push aside President Biden despite grave concerns about his age, mental acuity and ...

  29. Essay on Unity

    Free Essays on Unity to Get Inspired & Learn by Example. WePapers.com proudly offers an open-access database of free essays on Unity created to show students what proper academic papers of different kinds look like, be it in high school, college, or university. Scan this samples collection, find an essay about Unity that fits your requirements ...

  30. What Happens if Biden Drops Out of the Election?

    Democratic unity showed cracks after his shaky debate performance against Trump.