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  • Speech on Diwali for Students: Long and Short Speech


Speech on Diwali

India is a country where people of many different faiths coexist. Since there is such a wide range of climates, regions, religions, and other factors, there are many festivals held here. Diwali is one of these festivals .

As we are all aware, Diwali is just around the corner, and it significantly impacts our life. The significance of this celebration is frequently addressed and enthusiastically observed in every corner of the country. On this day, people light diyas and candles to beautify their homes. This illuminates the entire environment with vibrant lights. On the festival of Diwali, many people also worship the idol of the goddess Laxmi to bring money and success.

To know more about this auspicious occasion, read speeches on Diwali . Here we have provided both long and short speeches on Diwali for students of Class 1 to 12. Students can also refer to the 10 lines for writing a speech on Diwali for school students.

Long Speech on Diwali

Today, I am here to deliver a speech on Diwali . Diwali is referred to as the ‘ F estival of Lights .’ The excitement is understandable as the children and adults look forward to this beautiful festival with great eagerness and anticipation.

We can not only get away from our regular, worldly routine but also reconnect with friends and relatives we haven't seen in a long time. The Ganesha and Lakshmi Puja, performed for all the gods and goddesses for blessings, prosperity, and riches, is the most special. We all feel blissful and happy as the atmosphere becomes energised and charged.

We've all heard various versions of Diwali stories from our ancestors, and each household has its version. Some of the families believe it commemorates the victory of good over evil, while others believe it honours Lakshmi, the Goddess of Riches, and Ganesha, the God of Knowledge. However, the most popular of them is that Diwali commemorates Lord Rama's, Sita's, and Lakshman's return to their ancestral home of "Ayodhya" after a 14-year exile, according to the Hindu epic Ramayana.

Some people commemorate the return of the Pandavas to their kingdom after 12 years of exile and one year of agyatvas, according to the Hindu epic Mahabharata. It is also believed that Diwali began to be celebrated when Goddess Lakshmi was born after the gods and demons churned the ocean.

Diwali also marks the beginning of a new Hindu year in the west and some northern parts of India. The Sikh faith commemorates this day by lighting the Golden Temple in honour of their various Gurus. It is observed by followers of the Jain faith to commemorate Lord Mahavira's attainment of Nirvana and enlightenment. As a result, India is a diverse society, and different religions have different perspectives on this festival.

The Diwali celebrations last for five days in total. It requires a variety of arrangements and rituals that people must carry out. People lit candles in their homes and decorate them with rangolis and beautiful flowers. In their homes, women cook delicious delicacies and invite relatives and neighbours to dinner. On the other hand, kids celebrate the festival by lighting firecrackers in the evening.

On this day, the lights represent the triumph of reality and light over darkness. This day encourages us to stay away from bad habits, do good deeds, and stay on the right track to living happier lives. Special ceremonies and customs are observed on this day. On the main Diwali night, people perform grand pujas with many rituals.

Hindus regard Lord Rama as a sign of purity and truthfulness. Diwali; thus, according to them, the festival takes us closer to our loved ones.

Short Speech on Diwali

Today, I am here to deliver a short speech on Diwali . Diwali, also known as "Deepavali," is one of the most auspicious religious festivals celebrated in India and worldwide with great zeal and excitement. People from all walks come together to celebrate the bright festival with crackers and fireworks.

According to Hindu epic Ramayana, after defeating the demon king Ravana, Hindus celebrate Diwali to commemorate Lord Ram's return to Ayodhya with his wife Sita, brother Lakshman, and ardent devotee Hanuman. This religious festival commemorates the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness.

During Diwali, people clean and paint their homes, stores, and other buildings. On this day, they buy new clothing, presents, jewellery, utensils, candy, etc. It is also considered a good time to open new shops, houses, businesses, and collaborations, among other things.

Dhanteras, one of the days before Diwali, is an auspicious day for purchasing household items such as gold, silver, and other precious metals. This day is thought to be favourable for starting a new company. Narak Chaturdashi was when Lord Krishna killed the demon Narakasura, symbolising the triumph of light over darkness.

People worship Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha in the evening by decorating their homes with rangoli and diya lights. Lord Ganesh is the god of auspicious beginnings, and Lakshmi is the goddess of abundance. On Diwali, people light earthen diyas in the streets, markets, houses, and surroundings to wish for prosperity and well-being.

On this occasion, the main attraction is firecrackers. Diwali celebrations include delicious home-cooked meals and sweets distributed to neighbours, families, and relatives. On the night of Diwali, people opened their doors in anticipation of the arrival of Goddess Lakshmi.

10 Lines for Writing a Speech on Diwali for School Students

Diwali is a light festival celebrating inner light's triumph over spiritual darkness.

It is a five-day festival that begins with Dhanteras and lasts until Diwali. During this period, people clean their homes and shop for gold and other ornaments.

The festival is mainly for Hindu culture, but non-Hindu communities also observe it.

On this day, people honour Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of riches and prosperity in our lives.

This day also commemorates Lord Mahavir's divine awakening, or 'nirvana,' which is considered one of the most auspicious days in Jainism.

This festival is commemorated in Sikhism as the day their sixth Sikh Guru, Hargobind Ji, was released from prison.

On Diwali, rangoli decorations made of coloured powder, flour, and sand are very common and considered auspicious.

People decorate their homes with clay lamps and electronic lighting to welcome the Goddess Lakshmi into their homes.

The festival's main day is devoted to Lakshmi Pooja, which is accompanied by delectable delicacies and fireworks.

Diwali is a festival where families and friends come together to celebrate brotherhood, love, and unity.


FAQs on Speech on Diwali for Students: Long and Short Speech

1. How long will it take for the students to master the skill of writing a speech on Diwali in English from the above article of Vedantu?

Students will require a minimum of half an hour to read and get the crisp idea of writing a speech on Diwali. The idea is not to mug up the speech provided herein but rather to read, learn, take essential points to remember, and then present in your unique style of writing.

2. What is Diwali also known as? 

Diwali is known as the festival of lights. It is because the term “Diwali” is derived from the Sanskrit word “ Deepawali,” which means a row of lights.

3. When do we celebrate Diwali?

The festival of lights, Diwali, is celebrated during the Hindu lunisolar month Kartika (between mid-October and mid-November).

4. What is the actual reason behind celebrating Diwali?

Soon after Krishna's victory over Narakasura, Diwali is celebrated as a symbol of the victory of good over evil. Naraka Chaturdasi, the day Krishna killed Narakasura, is celebrated a day before Diwali.

5. Why do the people of Bengal light fourteen candles or diyas one day before Diwali?

Bhoot Chaturdasi is the night before Kali Puja or Diwali, when 14 lamps, or diyas, are lit and placed in the home as part of the ceremony to fend off evil spirits.

  • School Life

Speech on Diwali in English: Long and Short Speech for Students

Speech on diwali: in this article, students can find 1-minute speech on diwali, 2-minute speech on diwali, and 3-minute speech on diwali for school students. you are free to use these speeches for your speech competitions or examinations. however, we would advise you to use these as a source of inspiration instead of directly picking them up. diwali speeches will add to your knowledge related to the festival, and help you create an impact on the audience. .

Tanisha Agarwal

Speech on Diwali: Diwali, also known as Deepawali is the Hindu festival of lights. It happens to be one of the most important Hindu festivals, given its greatness and vivid associations with religion and religious deities. The festival is believed to be celebrated since Lord Rama returned to his kingdom with his wife and younger brother, on this day. The people of his kingdom welcomed him with a massive celebration. Every household of the kingdom was lighted up with lighting and adorned with decorations, to welcome their king, Lord Rama. Thus, the process continued to celebrate this day as a festival with grand celebrations and gatherings, naming it Diwali. It happens to be the most important Hindu festival where great celebrations are organized by families and large gatherings take place at everyone's houses. Check the article below to know more about the festival of lights- Deepavali. 

The festival is celebrated for 4-5 days, every day imparting its own significance and relevance. Hindu deities ‘Maa Lakshmi’ and ‘Lord Ganesha’ are worshipped with the hope that the goddess will bring wealth and prosperity into the lives of people and that Lord Ganesha will remove all the obstacles from everyone’s lives. As we all know, Indian festivals can never end without delicious delicacies and colorful decorations. Thus, the houses are adorned with rangoli, lighting, garlands, and other decorative items. Even kids celebrate this festival with great enthusiasm and excitement. Schools also leave no stone unturned in informing students about the significance of Diwali and festivals in general, while organising various fun and educational activities for them inside the school premises. 

Long and Short Speech on Diwali in English 2023

1 minute speech on diwali .

Here, students can find a 1-minute short speech on Diwali for their speech competitions or creative writing examinations. The speech is based on the standard format of speech writing. It aims at informing students about Diwali in brief. 

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I, the name of the student, am standing here in front of you all to deliver a short speech on ‘Diwali’. 

Diwali, is the festival of lights that brings fun, excitement, social closeness, and a lot more important activities with it. But, have you ever wondered why Diwali is called the festival of lights or why is it such a huge and significant festival for Indians? Well, today in this speech I would like to enlighten you with the idea of Diwali, why it is celebrated, and most importantly why is Diwali such an auspicious important festival for India. 

Deepawali is considered the most important festival in India and the massive celebrations organized during the festival are not the reason behind it. Diwali is attached with some religious and spiritual values. The epic tale of Ramayana says that Lord Rama returned with wife Sita and younger brother Lakshman after killing the demon Ravana. His return to Ayodhya lightened up the entire kingdom with lights, diyas, joy, and excitement. The people of Ayodhya were very grateful for the return of their king, Lord Rama and massive celebrations were organised to welcome Lord Rama. The process continued ever since and hence Diwali is being recognised as the festival of lights to celebrate the win of good over evil, the win of Lord Rama over Ravana. 

2 Minute Speech on Diwali 

Find here, 2-minute speech on Diwali. This speech will be useful in understanding Diwali and various aspects related to it. Students can use this speech in writing answers during examinations or delivering speeches in morning assembly or Diwali special assembly organized by your school. 

A very Good morning to my respected teachers and lovely friends. Today on this pleasant morning, I, name of the student, am standing here in front of you all to deliver a short speech on ‘Diwali’.

Deepawali is considered as the most important festival in India and the massive celebrations organised during the festival are not the reason behind it. Diwali is attached with some religious and spiritual values. It is believed that Hindu deities Lord Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi shower their blessings on people during these days, which marks the beginning of the financial year. As we all know, Maa Laxmi is known as the goddess of wealth and prosperity while on the other hand, Lord Ganesha is the lord of wisdom, he removes all the obstacles from one’s life. So, worshipping these Hindu deities on this festival brings prosperity, wealth, wisdom, and happiness to your life. Another theory behind the celebration of Diwali happens to be the return of Lord Rama to his kingdom Ayodhaya, on this day. The epic tale of Ramayana says that Lord Rama returned with wife Sita and younger brother Lakshman after killing the demon Ravana. His return to Ayodhya lightened up the entire kingdom with lights, diyas, joy, and excitement. The people of Ayodhya were very grateful for the return of their king, Lord Rama, and massive celebrations were organised to welcome Lord Rama. The process continued ever since and hence Diwali is being recognised as the festival of lights to celebrate the win of good over evil, the win of Lord Rama over Ravana.

But, it is important to be extremely careful while celebrating such huge and massive festivals. In the excitement of festivals, we often forget the harmful impact our activities create on the environment and general lives of people. I would also like to highlight a few important points that every one of us should keep in mind before we begin the celebrations for Diwali 2023. The first point is regarding our own safety. There have been multiple incidents of house fires and human burnings in the past. It is extremely important to be safe and ensure that everyone around you is safe. Secondly, it is better to opt for alternative measures of firecrackers such as eco-friendly crackers or avoid bursting crackers at all because they deteriorate the air quality, thus enhancing air pollution and degrading the environment. People suffering from asthma, bronchitis, and such lung problems are severely affected by the carbon residues produced by firecrackers. Thirdly, and the most important point is to help the marginalised section of our society and ensure that they can light up their houses and prepare sweets on Diwali, with a few pennies that they earn by selling Diwali decorative items and other essentials such as Diyas, calendar, idols, and more. 

  3 Minute Speech on Diwali 

The 3-minute speech on Diwali has been attached here for students. This speech is for your speech competitions, though we would like to advise you to take notes from this speech and create something of your own. It would give you an opportunity to let your creative juices flow while still adding to your knowledge. 

Deepawali is considered as the most important festival in India and the massive celebrations organized during the festival are not the reason behind it. Diwali is attached with some religious and spiritual values. It is believed that Hindu deities Lord Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi shower their blessings on people during these days, which marks the beginning of the financial year. As we all know, Maa Laxmi is known as the goddess of wealth and prosperity while on the other hand, Lord Ganesha is the lord of wisdom, he removes all the obstacles from one’s life. So, worshipping these Hindu deities on this festival brings prosperity, wealth, wisdom, and happiness to your life. Another theory behind the celebration of Diwali happens to be the return of Lord Rama to his kingdom Ayodhaya, on this day. The epic tale of Ramayana says that Lord Rama returned with wife Sita and younger brother Lakshman after killing the demon Ravana. His return to Ayodhya lightened up the entire kingdom with lights, diyas, joy, and excitement. The people of Ayodhya were very grateful for the return of their king, Lord Rama, and massive celebrations were organised to welcome Lord Rama. The process continued ever since and hence Diwali is being recognised as the festival of lights to celebrate the win of good over evil, the win of Lord Rama over Ravana. 

The festival is celebrated all around India by adorning the houses with lights, decorative items, and extended families. The celebration generally extends to 4 or 5 days, each day holding some significant religious and spiritual meaning and relevance. ‘Dhanteras’, ‘Choti Diwali’, ‘Govardhan Puja’, Diwali, and Bhai Dooj, are the most important days celebrated by the people of India. Various Indian delicacies and sweets are prepared at homes for the families and neighbourhood. Children make rangolis, and take part in decoration activities, sweet making, and many other activities. Of course, the highlight of the festival remains to be the cleaning process Diwali brings with it. Every nook and corner of all the Indian households is cleaned properly and then made ready for the festival. It is believed that cleaning the house for Diwali brings wealth and prosperity into the house. 

But, it is important to be extremely careful while celebrating such huge and massive festivals. In the excitement of festivals, we often forget the harmful impact our activities create on the environment and general lives of people. I would also like to highlight a few important points that every one of us should keep in mind before we begin the celebrations for Diwali 2023. The first point is regarding our own safety. There have been multiple incidents of house fires and human burnings in the past. It is extremely important to be safe and ensure that everyone around you is safe. Secondly, it is better to opt for alternative measures of firecrackers such as eco-friendly crackers or avoid bursting crackers at all because they deteriorate the air quality, thus enhancing air pollution and degrading the environment. People suffering from asthma, bronchitis, and such lung problems are severely affected by the carbon residues produced by firecrackers. Thirdly, and the most important point is to help the marginalised section of our society and ensure that they can light up their houses and prepare sweets on Diwali, with a few pennies that they earn by selling Diwali decorative items and other essentials such as Diyas, calendars, idols, and more. 

With this, I would like to take your leave and end my speech here by saying that let’s all be a bit responsive and celebrate a safe and sound Diwali. Let us all please ensure that we don’t harm our environment, ourselves, or anybody that we know by our acts. Thank you .  

Long Speech on Diwali in English (5-Minute)

Find here, a 5-minute long speech on Diwali. This speech will help you write an elaborative and detailed line in your examination. Short stanzas can be picked up from this 5-minute long speech to deliver a beautiful speech while imparting the correct messages to the audience.  

Diwali, is the festival of lights that brings fun, excitement, social closeness, and a lot more important activities with it. But, have you ever wondered why Diwali is called the festival of lights or why is it such a huge and significant festival for Indians? Well, today in this speech I would like to enlighten you with the idea of Diwali, why it is celebrated, and most importantly why is Diwali such an auspicious and important festival for India. 

Deepawali is considered as the most important festival in India and the massive celebrations organized during the festival are not the reason behind it. Diwali is attached with some religious and spiritual values. It is believed that Hindu deities Lord Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi shower their blessings on people during these days, which marks the beginning of the financial year. As we all know, Maa Laxmi is known as the goddess of wealth and prosperity while on the other hand, Lord Ganesha is the lord of wisdom, he removes all the obstacles from one’s life. So, worshipping these Hindu deities on this festival brings prosperity, wealth, wisdom, and happiness to your life. Another theory behind the celebration of Diwali happens to be the return of Lord Rama to his kingdom Ayodhaya, on this day. The epic tale of Ramayana says that Lord Rama returned with wife Sita and younger brother Lakshman after killing the demon Ravana. His return to Ayodhya lightened up the entire kingdom with lights, diyas, joy, and excitement. The people of Ayodhya were very grateful for the return of their king, Lord Rama, and massive celebrations were organised to welcome Lord Rama. The process has continued ever since and hence Diwali is being recognised as the festival of lights to celebrate the win of good over evil, the win of Lord Rama over Ravana. 

As already said earlier, Diwali is a festival that brings social closeness because on this festival people go to each other's houses with sweets and gifts to wish them a happy and prosperous Diwali. People wear new clothes on this occasion to attract positive vibes, prosperity, and wealth. It is believed that people leave behind all the negativity with old clothes. Also, it is believed in the Hindu religion that new clothes should be worn for all auspicious occasions. 

10 Lines on Diwali Speech

  • Diwali is attached with some religious and spiritual values
  • The celebration generally extends to 4 or 5 days, each day holding some significant religious and spiritual meaning and relevance. ‘Dhanteras’, ‘Choti Diwali’, ‘Govardhan Puja’, Diwali, and Bhai Dooj, are the most important days celebrated by the people of India
  • It is believed that Hindu deities Lord Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi shower their blessings on people during these days, which marks the beginning of the financial year.
  • Every nook and corner of all the Indian households is cleaned properly and then made ready for the festival. It is believed that cleaning the house for Diwali brings wealth and prosperity into the house
  • It is believed that after killing Ravana when Ram returned to his kingdom Ayodhya with his wife and younger brother, the villagers lit up the entire kingdom and conducted massive celebration ceremonies to honour their king. Since then, the day has been observed as Diwali to celebrate the concept of good over evil.
  • In the excitement of festivals, we often forget the harmful impact our activities create on the environment and general lives of people.
  • It is better to opt for alternative measures of firecrackers such as eco-friendly crackers or avoid bursting crackers at all because they deteriorate the air quality, thus enhancing air pollution and degrading the environment.
  • It is to help the marginalised section of our society and ensure that they can light up their houses and prepare sweets on Diwali, with a few pennies that they earn by selling Diwali decorative items and other essentials such as Diyas, calendars, idols, and more.
  • Let us all please ensure that we don’t harm our environment, ourselves, or anybody that we know by our acts.
  • It is known as the festival of lights given the fact that houses and streets are adorned with lights all over the country.

Why Speech is Important During Diwali Festival

  • To impart correct knowledge and facts related to the festival
  • To provide students with an opportunity to express themselves and how they feel about the festival
  • It is an amazing method of knowing about various points of view on sensitive topics such as should firecrackers be burst on Diwali night or not
  • It teaches students about the importance of Diwali
  • It paves the way for bringing everyone together and acknowledging the thought processes of various people from various backgrounds. 

Tips to Give Presentable Speech on Diwali

  • Practise before-hand. It is always beneficial to be prepared. 
  • Be confident in whatever you speak
  • Share your personal experiences and thoughts to add an emotional and valuable touch to your presentation
  • Use quotes, facts, ask questions, and add such different elements to ensure that your presentation is different from rest of the students
  • Ensure that your speech is well-articulated and well-presented. Speaking nice words is not enough, those nice words have to be spoken nicely to make the speech presentable. 

These 1-minute, 2-minute, 3-minute, and 10-line speeches on Diwali will assist students in participating and winning speech competitions. It can also be useful in delivering a beautiful speech related to Diwali during a special assembly. We would like to advise students to make full use of these speeches and 10 lines on Diwali. You do not have to necessarily use these in your activities or competitions, they can also be used as inspiration and the lines can be picked up to write slogans, essays, and more such creative work. 

Speech on Diwali is important for students who have taken part in the speech competition. This speech will help you create an impressive impression in the minds of teachers. Check the short and long speeches presented here and use them as per the occasion demands. Also, check the 10 lines to know more about the occasion. 

Diwali Craft Ideas and Activities for Students

Diwali Special Assembly Ideas for School Students

Diwali Poems in English for School Students

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  • How do you start a Diwali speech? + Diwali speech can be started just like any other speech, in its standard format. Students should start the speech with a firm welcome, followed by greetings and an introduction of the student. An example of the same has also been attached in the article, for your reference.
  • What is the short talk on Diwali? + Diwali, also known as the festival of lights is celebrated to commemorate the return of Lord Rama to his kingdom, Ayodhya. On his return, the entire kingdom was lit up with lighting, houses adorned with decorative items, and people cherished with broad smiles on their faces. Since then, the tradition of celebrating the day began by naming it Diwali-the festival of lights.
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Diwali Speech in English - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

  • Speech on Diwali:

Diwali is celebrated to honour the victory of good over evil and the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king, Ravana. The main day of Diwali is the third day, which is known as the day of Laxmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. On this day, people light lamps and candles, perform puja to Laxmi, and exchange gifts and sweets with their loved ones .

Diwali English Speech - 10 Lines about Diwali

Short speech about diwali in english, long speech for diwali in english.

Diwali Speech in English - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Diwali is a major Hindu festival that is celebrated across India and other parts of the world.

It is also known as the festival of lights, as it is marked by the lighting of lamps and candles.

Diwali is celebrated to honour the victory of good over evil and the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king, Ravana.

It is a five-day festival that is observed according to the Hindu lunar calendar, and it typically falls in October or November.

The main day of Diwali is the third day, which is known as the day of Laxmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity.

On this day, people light lamps and candles, perform puja to Laxmi, and exchange gifts and sweets with their loved ones.

Diwali is also a time for family and community gatherings, and many people visit their relatives and friends during the festival.

It is a colourful and joyous occasion, and many people dress up in new clothes and adorn their homes with decorations and lights.

In addition to the religious and cultural aspects of the festival, Diwali is also a time for feasting and celebrating, and many people enjoy traditional foods and sweets.

Overall, Diwali is a vibrant and meaningful festival that brings people together and celebrates the values of hope, prosperity, and victory of good over evil.

Diwali, also known as the festival of lights, is a five-day festival that is observed according to the Hindu lunar calendar. It typically falls in October or November, and it is celebrated to honour the victory of good over evil and the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king, Ravana. The main day of Diwali is the third day, which is known as the day of Laxmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. On this day, people light lamps and candles, perform puja to Laxmi, and exchange gifts and sweets with their loved ones. It is also a time for family and community gatherings, and many people visit their relatives and friends during the festival.

Diwali is a vibrant and joyous occasion, and it is marked by colourful decorations, lights, and music. Many people dress up in new clothes and adorn their homes with decorations, and there are many traditional foods and sweets that are enjoyed during the festival.

In conclusion, Diwali is a meaningful and celebrated festival that brings people together and celebrates the values of hope, prosperity, and the victory of good over evil. I hope that you all have a wonderful and joyous Diwali.

Diwali, also known as the festival of lights, is a major Hindu festival that is celebrated across India and other parts of the world, to honour the victory of good over evil and the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king, Ravana. It is a five-day festival that is observed according to the Hindu lunar calendar, and it typically falls in October or November.

Diwali Festival Speech - Speech for Diwali Celebration

Dhanteras: Dhanteras is a Hindu festival that is celebrated on the first day of the five-day Diwali festival. It is also known as Dhanatrayodashi or Dhanvantari Trayodashi, and it typically falls in October or November. Dhanteras is a festival that is dedicated to the goddess of wealth and prosperity, Laxmi. On this day, people perform puja to Laxmi, and they light lamps and candles to honour the goddess. Many people also buy gold and silver ornaments and other valuable items on this day, as it is considered auspicious.

Choti Diwali is a Hindu festival that is celebrated on the second day of the five-day Diwali festival . It is also known as Naraka Chaturdashi or Kali Chaudas, and it typically falls in October or November. Choti Diwali is a festival that is dedicated to the goddess of death and destruction, Kali. On this day, people perform puja to Kali, and they light lamps and candles to honour the goddess. Many people also set off fireworks and crackers on this day, as it is believed to ward off evil spirits.

Govardhan Puja is a festival that is dedicated to the worship of Govardhan Hill , which is believed to be the incarnation of Lord Krishna. On this day, people perform puja on Govardhan Hill, and they offer a variety of foods and sweets as offerings to the deity. Many people also prepare a special dish called annakut, which is a mountain of food offerings that are arranged in the shape of Govardhan Hill.

Bhai Duj is a festival that is dedicated to the bond between brothers and sisters. On this day, sisters perform puja for their brothers, and they apply a tilak on their forehead as a sign of love and affection. Brothers, in turn, offer gifts and blessings to their sisters.

Diwali Speech in English - Speech on Diwali Celebration in India

In India, Diwali is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy. It is a five-day festival that is observed according to the Hindu lunar calendar, and it typically falls in October or November. In the days leading up to Diwali, many people clean and decorate their homes, and they buy new clothes and gifts for their loved ones. On the day of Diwali, people dress up in their finest clothes and visit their relatives and friends. There are also many traditional foods and sweets that are enjoyed during the festival, such as gulab jamun, ladoo, and barfi. In addition to the religious and cultural aspects of Diwali, the festival also has important economic and social implications. Many businesses and shops offer special deals and discounts during the festival, and it is a major contributor to the Indian economy.

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Speech on Diwali

One of the well-known festivals that is celebrated across India is Diwali. Diwali is widely known as the festival of lights. So if you are asked to give a speech on Diwali, what would you say? What will be the points that you’ll include in the speech? This article will help you deliver a short speech on Diwali.

Table of Contents

Why and how is diwali celebrated, things to remember while celebrating diwali.

  • FAQs on Speech on Diwali

Diwali, commonly known as the festival of lights, is one of the major celebrations in India. Diwali is celebrated to uphold the victory of good over evil.  Almost all people decorate their houses with diyas (earthen lamps) and colourful lights. They also burst different crackers and celebrate Diwali. In India, the festival of Diwali is observed for five days.

On this day, sweets are distributed among friends, families and relatives. On this day, people ignite diyas and decorate their homes with other colourful lights to drive away the darkness in and around them. It is believed that on this day, one should get rid of all the darkness within oneself, too, only then they cleanse their mind and heart and receive the blessings of God.

The festival of Diwali starts with people celebrating Dhanteras. On this day, many people often buy gold or silver objects such as coins or utensils as it is considered to be auspicious. During this particular day, people clean their homes, draw rangoli and decorate it with flowers or diyas.

One of the things that are associated with celebrating Diwali is bursting crackers. People buy different types of crackers and burst them on all five days. Many accidents caused by burning these crackers are also heard about during this time. So while bursting these crackers, children, as well as adults, should remember the following things.

  • They shouldn’t burst loud crackers as it disturbs people who have heart ailments. Also, loud noises terrify animals.
  • Wear proper clothes while bursting crackers or lighting candles. Flammable clothing materials like silk, linen as well as synthetic should be avoided.
  • Even though people have fun bursting crackers, one should also bear in mind that excessive burning of crackers releases harmful gases in the air, thus making it polluted. Try to be environmentally conscious.

Frequently Asked Questions on Speech on Diwali

When is diwali celebrated.

Diwali is celebrated around the mid of October or mid of November, i.e. in the Kartika month according to the Hindu calendar.

Which Indian festival is also known as the festival of lights?

Diwali is also known as the festival of lights, as people decorate their homes with diyas and colourful lights.

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diwali speech in 100 words

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Speech on Diwali for Students and Children

3 minutes speech on diwali.

Good morning everyone presents here. Today I’m here to deliver my speech on Diwali. Diwali is one of India’s biggest and main festival. The meaning of Diwali is rows of lighted lamps. This festival is the festival of lights.  Hindus celebrate it with very much joy. In this festival, people light up their houses with Diyas. People worship Lord Ganesh and Goddess Lakshmi for wealth and wisdom.

Speech on Diwali


Diwali is most likely the brightest festival in the world. People of various religions celebrate Diwali. Most significant, that this festival signifies the victory of light over darkness. This also indicates the victory of good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. There are bright lights all over the whole country during Diwali. In my speech on Diwali, we will know the religious and spiritual importance of it.

The Religious value of Diwali

The religious importance of this festival has many differences. It varies from one region to other regions in India. There is a link-up of many deities, cultures, and traditions with Diwali. The reason for these differences is possibly local harvest festivals. Therefore, there was a blend of these harvest festivals into one pan-Hindu festival.

The main reason to celebrate Diwali is also to return to Lord Ayodhya of Lord Ram. After he defeated Ravana, the Asur king of Lanka. So every year on this day we celebrate it as a symbol of goodness. The lord Rama with his wife Sita and younger brother Laxman came back to Ayodhya. They spent 14 years of exile in the forest.

The folks of Ayodhya express their affection and attachment to their king by heartfelt welcome. They lighted up their houses and the whole state with light. In this way, they welcomed Raja Rama.

There is another popular custom for the reason of Diwali. Here Lord Vishnu as an avatar of Krishna killed Narakasura. Narakasura was a demon. Above all, this victory took the release of 16000 captive girls. Moreover, this victory is an indication of the victory of good over evil. This is because of Lord Krishna being good and Narakasura being evil.

Association of Diwali to Goddess Lakshmi is the faith of many Hindus. Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. According to a legend, Diwali is the night of Lakshmi’s marriage. In eastern India, Hindus relate Diwali with Goddess Durga or Kali. Some Hindus have faith in Diwali to be the start of a new year.

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The Spiritual value of Diwali

It is positively an occasion where people overlook disputes. Hence, friendships and relationships become stronger during Diwali. People throw out all feelings of hatred from their hearts.

This beautiful festival carries prosperity. Hindu businessman opens new account books on Diwali. Moreover, they also pray for success and prosperity. People also buy new clothes and gifts for themselves and for others.

This light festival spread peace to people. It fills the light of peace among all. Diwali surely brings spiritual calmness to people. Sharing joy and happiness is another spiritual value of Diwali. Individuals visit each other’s houses during this festival of lights. They enjoy happy communication, eat good meals, and enjoy fireworks.

Finally, to sum it up, Diwali is a great joyful event in India. One cannot visualize the delightful contribution of this glorious festival. Diwali is surely one of the greatest festivals in the world.

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Paragraph on Diwali

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Diwali in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Diwali in 100 Words

Diwali is a big, bright festival in India. People call it the Festival of Lights. It comes in autumn, usually in October or November. On Diwali, everyone cleans their homes, shops for new clothes, and makes yummy sweets. At night, they light small lamps called ‘diyas’ all around the house. Kids enjoy bursting crackers and watching fireworks light up the sky. They also draw colorful patterns called ‘rangolis’ on the floor. Diwali is a time when families come together, share sweets, and have fun. It is a happy festival that spreads joy and brings light into our lives.

Paragraph on Diwali in 200 Words

Diwali is a joyful festival celebrated by millions of people, especially Hindus, across the world. It is also called the Festival of Lights. People light up their homes with beautiful, bright lamps and candles. This festival lasts for five days and each day has its own special meaning. The main day of Diwali is devoted to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. People clean their houses and decorate them to please her. They believe she will visit the cleanest house first. On this day, they also make lots of delicious sweets and share them with friends and family. They wear new clothes and pray for good health, wealth, and happiness. At night, the sky is filled with stunning fireworks. These fireworks are a way of showing the joy of the people. They believe that the lights and fireworks scare away evil spirits. Diwali is also a time for people to forget their problems and to forgive one another. It brings people closer and makes them happy. It teaches us the victory of good over evil, light over darkness. Diwali is truly a wonderful festival.

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Paragraph on Diwali in 250 Words

Diwali is a joyful festival celebrated by millions of people, especially Hindus, around the world. It’s also known as the Festival of Lights, as people light up their homes and streets with beautiful lamps and candles. This festival usually happens in October or November and lasts for five days. The most important day is the third day, which is the main day of Diwali. It’s a time for family gatherings, feasting on delicious sweets, and exchanging gifts. People decorate their houses with colorful rangoli art and wear new clothes to show joy and positivity. The festival celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness. It’s believed that on this day, Lord Rama returned to his kingdom after defeating the demon king Ravana, and people lit up their homes to welcome him. Fireworks are a big part of Diwali, creating a dazzling spectacle in the night sky. Prayers are offered to the goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, with the hope that the coming year will bring good fortune. Diwali promotes peace, harmony, and respect for all. It’s a time when people forget their differences and come together to celebrate joy, love, and brotherhood. Despite being a religious festival, Diwali is celebrated by people of different faiths, showing unity in diversity.

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diwali speech in 100 words

English Compositions

Short Essay on Diwali [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson, you will learn how you can write short essays on Diwali . Here, I will write three different sets of essays in this session covering different word limits. 

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Short Essay on Diwali in 100 Words

Diwali is a major religious festival celebrated by Hindus around the world. This auspicious festival is associated with Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. Hindus believe that on the night of Diwali, Goddess Lakshmi comes down to earth to bless the people. So, people clean and decorate their houses and light ‘Diyas’ or oil lamps to welcome the Goddess into their homes.

They also wear new clothes, prepare a variety of sweet dishes and worship Goddess Lakshmi along with Lord Ganesha, the God of good fortune, and ask for their blessings. On the night of Diwali, people burst firecrackers, visit their friends and relatives, exchange sweets and have a great time. 

Short Essay on Diwali in 200 Words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is a major religious festival celebrated by Hindus around the world. Diwali is a five-day-long festival and is celebrated in the Hindu month of Kartika. In the Gregorian calendar, it usually falls between mid-October to mid-November.

The festival is associated with Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. Hindus believe that on the night of Diwali, Goddess Lakshmi comes down to earth to bless the people. So, people renovate, clean and decorate their houses as well as light ‘Diyas’ or oil lamps to welcome the Goddess. 

The first day of the festival is called ‘Dhanteras’. On this day, people worship Lakshmi as well as Kubera, the Lord of wealth. It is customary to buy gold and silver coins as well as new utensils on this day. The next day is ‘Narak Chaturdashi’. It is believed that the demon Narakasura was killed on this day.

On the third day of the festival or the day of Diwali, people wear new clothes, make rangolis, prepare sweet dishes and worship Goddess Lakshmi along with Lord Ganesha, the God of good fortune, and ask for their blessings. At night, people light oil lamps, burst firecrackers, visit their friends and relatives, exchange sweets and have a great time. The fourth day is Govardhan puja and the festival concludes with Bhai Dooj on the last day. 

Short Essay on Diwali in 400 Words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali or Divali and often referred to as the festival of lights, is a major religious festival celebrated by Hindus around the world. Diwali is a five-day-long festival and is celebrated in the Hindu month of Kartika. In the Gregorian calendar, it usually falls between mid-October to mid-November.

The festival is mainly associated with Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, but as different regions have different traditions and myths, Diwali is also connected to Ganesha, Kubera, Rama, Sita, Durga, Kali, Krishna, Yama and Dhanvantri. 

The first day of the festival is called ‘Dhanteras’. On this day, people worship Goddess Lakshmi as well as Kubera, the god of wealth and Dhanvantri, the God of medicine and Ayurveda. It is customary to buy gold and silver items as well as utensils on Dhanteras.

The next day is ‘Narak Chaturdashi’ or ‘Kali Chaudas’. It is believed that the demon Narakasura was killed on this day. It is also believed that 14 forefathers come to visit their living relatives on Narak Chaturdashi. So, people pray to gods for protection against evil as well as offer food and offerings to their forefathers.

The third and main day of the festival is Diwali. It is believed that on the night of Diwali, Goddess Lakshmi comes down to earth to bless the people. So, people clean and decorate their houses and light ‘Diyas’ or oil lamps to welcome the Goddess into their homes. They also wear new clothes, prepare a variety of sweet dishes and worship Goddess Lakshmi along with Lord Ganesha, the God of good fortune, and ask for their blessings.

In some parts of India, especially in West Bengal, the day is celebrated as Kali Puja and people worship Goddess Kali. Legends also say that on the day of Diwali, Lord Rama and Sita returned to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile. To celebrate their return, the people of Ayodhya lit thousands of oil lamps. Thus, many people also worship Rama and Sita along with Lakshman and Hanuman, on this day. 

The fourth day of the festival is celebrated as Govardhan puja and is associated with Lord Krishna. On this day, cows are worshipped and fed. The festival concludes with Bhai Dooj, a day to celebrate the beautiful bond between brothers and sisters. On this day, sisters invite brothers to their houses and prepare a lot of delicious dishes for them. They apply tika on their brother’s forehead and pray for their long life. In turn, the brothers give them gifts and promise to protect them for life. 

Diwali is a fun-filled festival and holds a lot of importance for Hindus. 

In today’s session, I have tried to write the essays in a very simple language for a better and easier understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have any kind of confusion regarding this context, let me know through the comment section below. Keep browsing our website for more such sessions on various important topics. 

Thank you.

Paragraph on Diwali

We have provided short paragraphs on Diwali festival in order to help students as they generally get assigned to write some paragraphs in the classroom. All the paragraphs are written using very simple words under various words limits according to the need and requirement of the students. Paragraph writing competition is generally organized by the class teacher anytime in order to check student’s skill and knowledge about the subject.

Speech on Diwali for School Students  |  Speech on Diwali for Teachers  |  Slogans on Diwali

Short and Long Paragraphs on Diwali in English

We have provided below short and long paragraphs on Diwali for your knowledge and information.

After reading these Diwali paragraphs you will know everything about the Festival of Diwali and will be able to answer the questions like – when and why is Diwali celebrated; how is Diwali celebrated; significance of Diwali; how to celebrate a safe and eco friendly Diwali; how people of different community celebrate Diwali etc.

These paragraphs will be extremely useful for you while taking part in debate, essay writing or speech giving competition on Diwali.

Diwali Paragraph 1

Diwali is a Hindu festival celebrated every year as a festival of lights. It is very significant festival for the people of Hindu religion. Everyone becomes very happy on the occurrence of this festival and celebrates with lots of preparations. Diwali is a five days long festival begins from Dhanteras and ends at Bhai dooj. It falls every year on fifteenth day of the Kartik month.

People start cleaning their houses few days before the main date of Diwali such as white washing, dusting, painting, etc. Houses get decorated using real or artificial flowers and other decorative materials. Everywhere looks very dazzling because of the lighting small earthen lamps and electric bulbs. It is considered that Goddess Lakshmi makes a visit to each houses in the night of Diwali that’s why everyone lights their houses to welcome the Goddess. In return, Goddess gives her blessings to her devotees for healthy and prosperous life. At this day, everyone performs puja of Goddess Lakshmi and God Ganesha and then distributes gifts and sweets to their friends, neighbors and relatives.

Diwali Paragraph 2

Diwali is one of the most favorite festival of everyone. It is a most enjoyable, sacred and loveliest festival in the Hindu religion. It is celebrated every year all through the country as well as abroad (by the Indian people) with great joy and enthusiasm. Everyone (especially kids) waits for this festival with much keen. This festival is celebrated from the ancient time to mark the happy return of lord Rama with his wife and brother to his Kingdom (Ayodhya) after long fourteen years of exile.

It is a five days long festival of lights and festivities, falls every year twenty days after Dussehra. It make us feel the advent of winter season. It brings lots of charms and delight in our life. Diwali is also known as Deepawali because we make a row or collection of many lamps out the home. People start festival preparations few days before the main date such as cleaning of houses, white washing of buildings, decorations, buy toys, gifts, flowers and other necessary things for festival. At this day people become very happy and distribute gifts to each other.

Diwali Paragraph 3

Diwali is an important festival for the people of Hindu religion. Everyone waits for this festival with eager in order to get lots of fun and pleasure while lighting candles and clay diyas in the night. We should be conscious of celebrating this festival without any harm to the public as well as environment. We should know that the crackers we burn on diwali is very disadvantageous to the health of people and environment. High pitch sound making crackers are enough to disturb human mind and balance of atmosphere. Some fire-rockets go very high in the sky which create the fear of fire if used in the residential colonies.

So, we should celebrate safe and happy diwali without crackers and other harmful materials in order to keep ourselves healthy and natural cycle in balance. It is the festival of lights and cleanliness, not the festival of firecrackers. It is the festival to worship Goddess Laxmi, not the festival to make anyone sorrow through the fire-rockets.

Diwali Paragraph 4

Diwali is everyone’s favorite festival. It is well known as the festival of lights and celebrated in all the parts of our country. It is also celebrated in the abroad by the Indian people with great enthusiasm. Few days before the festival, people start cleaning, whitewashing and decorating their houses and shops. In the night of Diwali, people lit lots of clay lamps or candles all around the houses and offices. Everywhere (villages, towns and cities) looks dazzling because of earthen lamps, candles and electric bulbs. Kids of the houses becomes very happy by wearing new clothes and distributing gifts among their friends, neighbors and relatives. In the night, all the family members worship (of Goddess Laxmi and God Ganesha) together and take blessings of the elders of the family.

Diwali Paragraph 5

Diwali festival is celebrated every year in the honor of Goddess Lakshmi. There are various myths for celebrating this festival. Diwali is celebrated by the Hindu people with honor and devotion. Variety of sweet dishes and other delicious dishes are prepared in the houses. In the evening at 6 pm we decorate our houses with candles, earthen lamps, electric bulbs, flowers to welcome the Goddess Lakshmi. Everyone gets prepared in the night after 8 pm for the worship of Goddess Lakshmi and God Ganesha. We pray to the Goddess by offering flowers, sweet and agarbati to get blessings for prosperous and happy life. All the family members, friends and relatives get together at one place to add more joy to this festival.

Diwali night becomes full of crackers, noise and smoke however it is not safe for our health and natural environment. It creates toxic substances which gets intermingled into the fresh air and make environment polluted. We should take a pledge this Diwali to celebrate our further Diwali festival in safe and secure manner.

Diwali Paragraph 6

Diwali festival is popularly known as Deepavali in some parts of the country. It is also a festival of cleanliness and lights because we do cleanliness some days before the festival date and lit lamps in huge number in the night of Diwali. We get very excited for new dresses and delicious foods on this festival. There are various historical significance of celebrating this festival such as birth of Goddess Lakshmi from the churning ocean, returning of Lord Rama to his kingdom after axile, achievement of moksha or nirvana by Mahavira, victory of goodness over evil demon Narakasura, homecoming of Pandavas after exile, Marwari New Year, and other stories.

It is a five days long festival celebrated with great enthusiasm and lots of preparations. We take blessings from the elder family members by touching their feet as it is our culture and tradition. We enjoy a lot in the night after worship as we burst crackers and fireworks and eat sweets and delicious dinner. At this occasion, many people start their business and new work.

Diwali Paragraph 7

Diwali is the festival of lights falls every year in the month of October or November. And, according to the Hindu calendar, it falls in the month of Ashwin. Diwali is also known as Deepawali in some regions of the country because we lit row of diyas or candle in the night of festival. People decorate their house, office, and street with the earthen lamps, diyas or electric lights on the day of Diwali. It is a five days long festival start from Dhanteras and ends on Bhaiduj. There becomes huge rush in the market from few weeks before the main date of festival because people start buying clothes, jewellery, silver or gold coins, decorative things, electric bulbs, firecrackers, things related to food items, idols of Ganesha and Lakshmi, etc.

Diwali Paragraph 8

Diwali is a most popular festival in India, celebrated every year by the people of Hindu religion with great enthusiasm. The significance of celebrating this festival is to celebrate the returning of Lord Ram, Sita and Lakshman to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile as well as birth of Goddess Lakshmi from the churning ocean. We worship goddess Lakshmi and God Ganesha to get prosperous and wealthy life and wisdom.

On the night of Diwali, we lit diays for whole night to welcome the goddess and get blessings for whole year. All the family members get together at one place, do worship and pray to goddess. We clean, white wash and decorate our house to make it more beautiful and dazzling. In the night after puja, we get involved in lighting the lamps and fire crackers. Whole environment becomes full of high pitch noise and smokes of the firecrackers.

Diwali Paragraph 9

Diwali is a festival of lights, cleaning, worship, and gathering of family members and relatives. We share gifts and meet each other on the day of diwali. At this day, on one keeps bad feelings to anyone and meet everyone. This festival has many religious and mythological significance behind celebrating it. It falls every year in the month of October or early November and indicates the start of winter season. It is celebrated by the Hindu people all over India and abroad.

It marks the victory of goodness over badness means victory of good power over evil power. We greet each other a very happy diwali with gift packs and sweets. It is also celebrated by the people of Jain religion because on the same day, Mahavira had achieved moksha or nirvana in the 527 BCE. Arya Samajists celebrate Diwali as a Death Anniversary of the Swami Dayanand Saraswati. This festival keeps everyone close that’s why called as festival of love, brotherhood and friendship.

Diwali Paragraph 10

Diwali is a Hindu festival, popularly known as festival of lights. It is celebrated to symbolize the victory of goodness over evil power. It is the day when Lord Ram returned to his kingdom after many years of exile. In the happiness of his returning, the people of Ayodhya lighted the lamps everywhere. We buy new clothes, gifts and sweets to distribute among our neighbors, relatives, friends and family members. We also distribute gifts and sweets among poor people of the colony. Our parents buy fire crackers for us which we enjoy in the night after puja.

On the day of diwali Marwari people celebrate their new year however, a day after the Diwali Gujrati people celebrate their new year. I enjoy whole day of Diwali with my friends by playing the harmonium and other music instruments. In the late evening after puja, we take blessings from the elder family members by touching their feet.

Diwali Paragraph 11

Diwali festival is very important festival for the people of Hindu religion. It is the most favorite occasion being celebrated from the ancient time for many reasons. It is celebrated by the Jain people as Lord Mahavira attained Nirvana. It is a special day for the people of Arya Samaj as Maharshi Dayananda achieved his nirvana. It is also a special day for the Gujrati and Marwari people as they celebrate their new year. Sikh people celebrate Diwali as their Red-Letter when they get together and get blessings of their Gurus. The Golden Temple of Amritsar was also established on the day of Diwali in 1577.

Diwali festival has its own religious, cultural, and spiritual significance for Hindus. It brings people close to each other by removing all the problems between them. We honestly follow the culture of touching feet of elders in the family and get blessings for bright future.

Diwali Paragraph 12

Diwali or Deepawali is a festival when we lit lots of earthen lamps or electric bulbs. It is generally celebrated to commemorate the returning of Lord Rama to his kingdom after defeating the demon king Ravan. However, there are some other legends behind celebrating this festival. Diwali festival celebration gives us message of victory of good over evil. We decorate our whole house, town, village and city with the clay diyas, electric bulbs, flowers and other decorative things to welcome the Goddess Lakshmi.

Diwali is a five days long festival, each day named as Dhanteras, Naraka Chaturdashi (or Chhoti Diwali), Lakshmi Puja (or Main Diwali), Bali Pratipada (or Govardhan Puja), and Yama Dwitiya (or Bhaiduj). There is a tradition of buying new things on the day of Dhanteras and distributing gifts and sweets on the day of Diwali. We really enjoy this festival every year and eagerly wait for next year.

Paragraph on Diwali for Students – Paragraph 13

When and Why Diwali is Celebrated?

Diwali is a Hindu festival of India celebrated on the darkest night (Amavasya) of the lunar month Kartik (According to the Hindu calendar); which usually falls in the ending October or the starting November month according to the Gregorian calendar.

Diwali or Deepawali (Sanskrit :meaning a row of deepa or lighted earthen pots) is celebrated symbolic of the victorious return of Lord Rama to his homeland Ayodhya; after an exile that lasted for 14 years and resulted in a victory of Rama over Ravana in a fierce battle fought in Lanka.

It took Rama 20 days after killing Ravana (celebrated as Dussehra) to reach Ayodhya along with Sita and Lakshman; traversing a distance of nearly 3000 kilometers.

Rama’s younger brother Bharata had also vowed to end his life if Rama didn’t return from exile. The return of Rama; therefore, brought tremendous joy for the people of Ayodhya which they celebrated welcoming him by lighting up the whole Ayodhya with earthen pots (diyas) along his path. It is this victorious return of Rama that Hindus celebrate on Kartik Amavasya each year.

In India Diwali is celebrated as a five day festival; beginning with Dhanteras, followed by Narak Chaturdashi (Choti Diwali), Lakshmi Pooja (Main Diwali), Govardhan Pooja and Bhaiduj. Each day of Diwali celebration has religious significance and a mythological story associated with it.

Pollution on Diwali

Though Deepawali is meant to be a festival of lights; unfortunately, today it has also turned into an environmental and as well as a social concern. The incessant production, sale and use of fire crackers during the festival are at the apex of the problem.

Sadly, today the noise has dominated the true essence of the festival of lights, leaving behind smoke and pollution; not to mention the fire accidents and potential injury that the crackers could cause. The burst of a cracker releases harmful gases like Oxides and Di-Oxides of Sulphur and Nitrogen apart from causing noise pollution.

So thick had been the smoke after Diwali celebration in Delhi NCR region that the Supreme Court had to intervene and temporarily ban the sale and use of crackers in NCR with effect from 9 th October 2016, which has been extended further till this year.

The Indian Firecracker Industry 

We celebrate Diwali by bursting crackers, rejoicing in the different sounds and lights they emit; either totally unaware of the repercussion or acting insane. But the truth is always not pleasing, and the truth is that the Indian firecracker industry employs thousands of young children illegally; working in pathetic, dangerous and life threatening conditions which could hardly be imagined sitting inside our cozy homes.

The least we can do to help those under privileged children is to say No to crackers! When the demand dies the supply and production will die automatically; ending to the misery of such children. Take a pledge this Diwali not only to celebrate but also to make a difference-‘Change your thought and save lives.’

Firecrackers are Harmful

If you think rationally it will not take long to conclude that firecrackers are a nuisance. Apart from causing environmental pollution they also pose a serious threat to health and property. Bursting of crackers or burning different types of lightning sticks releases harmful gases like Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulphur Dioxide; which could cause serious respiratory problems like asthma and other lung diseases. Not to say the harm it does to people already suffering from such diseases.

Firecrackers are a menace for the animals too. Animals are very sensitive to the variations in sound and are disturbed by loud sudden burst; often resulting in behavioral changes. There had been documented incidents of birds leaving their abode in night, scared from the light and sound; and eventually dying on colliding with buildings, trees and other objects.

Celebrate an Eco-Friendly Diwali

Diwali is a festival of joy, its foundation could not be based on the suffering and sorrow of others and harm to the environment. This Diwali take a pledge to not buy or use crackers, avoid using decorative lights, plastic decorative items, artificial colorants and plastic gift wrappers.

Also avoid using conventional greeting cards for the occasion; rather go green by sending E-Greetings or generating a Facebook post.

Enlighten your house with earthen pots, diyas and use natural fresh flowers for decoration. Remember that it is a festival of light not sound! It symbolizes the return of a much loved King to his kingdom and it is not right way to welcome king with noise and pollution.

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Diwali Festival

Diwali Essay

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Home » Extras » Diwali Essay in English for Students in 100 Words

Diwali Essay in English for Students in 100 Words

Diwali – a festival of lights .

Diwali – also known as The Festival of Light across the world is native to India. The festival is celebrated by people lighting diyas (clay lamps) which symbolize the spiritual energy that protects us from the darkness. 

The origin of Diwali can be traced back to Hindu mythology when Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya after completing his fourteen years long exile. The celebration of this festival is not just limited to a particular race or religion of people, it is celebrated throughout the country by rich and poor alike.

Excitement and glee can be felt in the air during the days leading up to Diwali. People are busy cleaning and decorating their houses with colors and lights. All varieties of delicacies are prepared at homes and shops. Markets are brimmed with colourful lights with each light having a story of its own. 

Children can be heard laughing and playing with firecrackers. People pray for luck and good fortune and visit their friends and loved ones to exchange gifts and sweets. According to the Hindu calendar, Diwali is celebrated on Amavasya – the 15th day of Kartik month. No wonder why it is called ‘The Festival of Lights’ as the people on this day choose light over darkness.

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DIWALI – Lighting the Lamps of Happiness

Diwali, is celebrated all over the world and is one of the most loved festivals, which spreads lights and happiness in the lives of people. Being celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, Budhists and Jains, in Hindu month “Karthika”, it is believed that lighting a lamp gives them a life full of happiness eradicating all their sorrows, pain and troubles. 

Diwali signifies the triumph of “good over evil, light over the darkness, and knowledge over the ignorance”. It is believed that after praying to goddess Lakshmi on the Diwali post cleaning the houses enlightens the people with knowledge, happiness, hope and luck for the lifetime!

दिवाली in Hindi

  • दिवाली – लक्ष्मी पूजा का मुहूर्त, समय, तिथि, दिवाली का महत्व आदि
  • दिवाली महत्वपूर्ण क्यों है
  • दीपावली का निबंध हिंदी में यहां से पढ़ें
  • दिवाली की कविताएं और शुभ दीपावली शायरी
  • दिवाली स्लोगन और दिवाली कोट्स
  • दिवाली पर शुभकामनाएँ, बधाई, मैसेज
  • पटाखे बिना दिवाली मनाने के तरीके

DIWALI – Spreading Lights in Darkness

“Diwali”, also known as Deepawali”, the most favourite festival of children and people of all ages is usually celebrated in between October and November, as a festival of lights and happiness. 

The relevance of this festival varies for many people. It is believed to be a celebration of Lord Krishna’s victory over Narakasura in South India whereas, in North India, it is celebrated because Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya after triumph over Ravanasura. 

Diwali is also associated with Hindu’s New Year. On this day, people light lamps in their homes symbolizing all their wins, and celebrate this day of joy by lighting Firecrackers and welcoming many more victories waiting for them.

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Speech on Diwali – Facts, Short Speech, and History

Last updated on February 17th, 2023 at 12:50 am

Festivals are an important part of people’s cultural life, symbolizing relaxation, happiness and piety. They are not monolithic wholes but consist of song, dance, theatrical performances and various other forms of entertainment. Celebrated in India, the Diwali Festival of Light is a vibrant expression of devotion and joy that varies from region to region. Let’s check out these interesting Speeches on Diwali for students, adults and children to give in college, school or in a competition. Continue reading for the Speech on Diwali. 

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Table of Contents

Long Speech on Diwali in English – Know its origin and ritual


‘May Shri Ram’s knowledge be bestowed upon you, Ma Sita’s patience always is there in you and Mahavir hanuman’s wisdom reside in you this Diwali.’

Good Morning to everyone, on this auspicious occasion of Deepawali lets, hear out this informative speech on the festival and its origin and how it is celebrated in different parts of India. 

The festive period of “Deepavali”, the Festival of Lights marks a new beginning and victory of good over evil, and light overcoming darkness. Just as popular as Deepawali or Diwali, the “Festival of Lights” coincides with the harvest season and New Year celebrations. The word Diwali comes from the Sanskrit word Deepavali, which means a row of lights. [Deep = light and avali = a row]. It is one of the most important festivals in India and Southeast Asia, celebrated with much fun, joy and splendour, just as Christmas is celebrated in many parts of the world. The festival falls on the darkest night of the new moon in the Hindu lunar month of Kartika, which runs from mid-October to mid-November. 

The religious significance of Diwali varies from region to region in India. One tradition links the festival to the legend of the Hindu epic Ramayana, where Diwali is the day when Rama, Sita, Lakshman and Hanuman arrived in Ayodhya after 14 years of exile after Rama’s skilled army defeated an army of demons. of the demon king Ravana.

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According to another popular tradition, during the time of Dvapara Yuga, Krishna, an avatar of Vishnu, killed the demon Narakasura, the evil king of Pragjyotishapura, near present-day Assam, and freed 16,000 girls held captive by Narakasura. Diwali is celebrated as a symbol of the victory of good over evil after Krishna’s victory over Narakasura. The eve of Diwali is remembered as Naraka Chaturdasi, the day on which Narakasura was killed by Krishna.

Many Hindus associate the festival with Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity and the wife of Vishnu. According to Pintchman, the beginning date of the 5-day festival of Diwali is indicated in some contemporary popular sources as the day on which Goddess Lakshmi was born from Samudra Manthan, the stirring of the cosmic ocean of milk by the Devas ( god) and Asuras (demon) – a Vedic legend also found in some Puranas like Padma Purana, while Diwali night is when Lakshmi chooses and marries Vishnu.

Merchants and merchant families and others also offered prayers to Saraswati, the embodiment of music, literature and learning, and Kubera, symbolizing the management of books, treasury, and property. In western states such as Gujarat and some Hindu communities in northern India, the festival of Diwali heralds the start of a new year. 

The shared myths about Diwali vary widely by region and even within the Hindu tradition, but all share a common focus on righteousness, self-questioning, and importance. importance of knowledge, according to Lindsey Harlan, an Indologist and scholar of religious studies, is the way to overcome the “darkness of ignorance”. The telling of these myths is reminiscent of the Hindu belief that good ultimately triumphs over evil.

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Short Speech on Diwali in English

Hello everyone, on this auspicious occasion of Deepawali let me enlighten you with the significance and purpose of the festival.

The festival of Diwali symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, the understanding of ignorance, good over evil and good over evil. This is a highly spiritual occasion as it signifies the opening of our true light, shining within us and also sharing that light with others.

When we light a candle or an oil/ghee lamp, it is to open the light in the physical space. Likewise, on the auspicious occasion of Deepavali, when the candles and blessing lamps are lit, they illuminate the energetic path to open the light within us. This is why, for those seeking the Light, Deepavali has a special meaning and value as it is a once-a-year opportunity. The Festival of Lights reminds us of the importance of knowledge, the importance of knowing yourself and knowing how to find the right and straight path. Deepavali is a celebration of our inner light that transcends spiritual darkness, the understanding of ignorance and good versus evil.

On this day, the energy of Light takes over the darkness to spread love, joy, positivity and enthusiasm.

Deepavali is celebrated with immense faith and enthusiasm as a time to renew and regenerate all energies. On this occasion, people begin the days of preparation in advance by cleaning, remodelling, and decorating their homes and workplaces with flowers, colourful lights and many fancy decorations to invite the energy of wealth, prosperity and well-being into their lives. They also hold prayer services, oil lamps (divas) and candles.

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10 Lines Speech on Diwali for Class 1 Students 

  • Diwali is the festival of lights, which symbolizes the victory of inner light over spiritual darkness. 
  • It is a five-day festival starting from Dhanteras; where people clean their homes and buy gold and other supplies. 
  • The festival is mainly for all Hindu communities but some non-Hindu communities also celebrate it. 
  • On this day people worship Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity in our lives. 
  • Rangoli decorations with coloured powder, flour and sand are very popular on Diwali and are very affordable for this occasion. 
  • People decorate their houses with clay lamps and electronic lights to welcome  Goddess Lakshmi into their homes. 
  • Lakshmi Pooja is celebrated on the main day of the festival, followed by mouth-watering delicacies and firework celebrations. 
  • This day also marks the spiritual awakening or “Nirvana” of Lord Mahavir,  one of the most auspicious events in Jainism. 
  • In Sikhism people celebrate this festival on the day their sixth Sikh Guru Hargobind Ji was released from prison. 
  • Diwali is a festival where families and friends come together and spread the message of brotherhood, love and unity.

Small Speech on Diwali in English

‘With the grace of shri ram and blessings of maa Laxmi may your home always be fulfilled with love and light.’

Good evening to all, this evening let’s light up the lamps of our homes by learning the attributes and significance of this five-day-long festival Diwali. 

The meaning of Diwali is the row of lit lamps. This festival is a festival of lights. Hindus celebrate it with great joy. During this festival, people light up their houses with Diya. People worship Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi for wealth and wisdom. The main reason for celebrating Diwali is also the return of Lord Ram to Lord Ayodhya. After defeating Ravana, king of Asur of Lanka. That is why we celebrate this day every year as a symbol of goodness. Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya with his wife Sita and his brother Lakshman. They spent 14 years in exile in the forest. The people of Ayodhya express their love and affection for their king with a warm welcome. They illuminated the house and the entire state with light. This is how they greeted Raja Rama.

Deepavali celebrations usually last for five days, and the main festival night of Diwali coincides with the night of the new moon. The festival starts with Dhanteras, followed by Naraka Chaturdasi or Small Diwali and then Diwali on the third day. This is followed by Diwali Padva or Govardhan Puja on the fourth day and Bhai-Dhuj on the fifth and final day of the 5-day celebration. Each day of the festival has its meaning.

Dhanteras is the first day of the festival. The word Dhanteras itself means wealth and prosperity. This day has special meaning because people choose this day to invest in gold or jewellery. New clothes and utensils for Diwali are also purchased during this auspicious occasion. This day also honours Lord Dhanwantri, who is associated with Ayurveda, a form of natural therapy and various healing methods.

Narak Chaturdasi or Little Diwali is the second day. This day signifies the victory of Goddess Kali and Lord Krishna over the demons to free the world from fear. The festival is about dissolving evil and protecting others.

Diwali or Deepavali is the main day of the Festival of Lights symbolizing the victory of good over evil and light overcoming darkness. On this day, Mother Lakshmi is worshipped to obtain blessings of wealth and prosperity.

Diwali Padwa and Govardhan Puja fall on the fourth day. On this day, also celebrated as Vishwakarma day, people worship their tools, weapons and machines.

Bhai-Dhuj, the fifth day of Diwali is a day dedicated to family relationships.

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Speech on Diwali – FAQs

Here are some surprising facts about Diwali-  The festival takes place on a moonless night Celebrate the birth of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth Harvest season is over Plenty of fireworks and light-ups!

One of the most popular festivals in Hinduism, Diwali symbolizes “the spiritual victory of light over darkness, the victory of good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance”.

The main reason to celebrate Diwali is also to return to Lord Ayodhya from Lord Ram. After defeating Ravana, King Asur of Lanka. So every year on this day we celebrate the festival as a symbol of goodness. Lord Rama with his wife Sita and brother Laxman returned to Ayodhya.

On Diwali, everyone is happy and congratulates each other. Diwali festival starts with Dhantrayodashi i.e. Dhanteras and ends with Narak Chaturdashi, Lakshmi Puja, Govardhan Pooja and Bhaiya Dooj. Every festival in India is associated with a cause or legend.

Diwali is also known as the Festival of Lights.

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By Anukrati Sharma

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Speech On Diwali for School Students | Diwali Speech for Students and Children in English  

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Speech On Diwali for School Students: Diwali, also known as the festival of lights is one of the national festivals in India. The whole country lights up on the night of this festival. People light diyas, candles, and crackers and illuminate their surroundings. The people decorate their houses with colourful lights.

This lighting up the whole surrounding with all the colourful lights implies that the light or brightness has won against darkness. Some people also worship the idol of Goddess Laxmi to bring wealth and prosperity on the occasion of Diwali.

In Bengal, people worship the idol of Goddess Kali on this day of Diwali and light crackers.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches On Diwali for School Students In English

A long speech on Diwali for school students of 500 words is provided to the students and a short speech on Diwali for school students of 150 words is provided to them so that they can have a general idea on this topic and so that they can prepare well for a speech. Ten lines on S peech on diwali for teachers are also going to be provided so that they get a brief idea.

A Long Speech On Diwali for Students is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Diwali for Students is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Diwali for School Students 500 Words In English

Good morning everyone,

On this auspicious occasion of Diwali, I would like to present a speech.

Diwali is always known as the festival of lights. As it is a national festival, people from all over India celebrate this festival with their whole family. The guests come to visit our homes with sweets and gifts.

People from all over India get a break from their work, the schools declare holidays and the office workers get bonus for this festival. We decorate our homes with many colourful lights, light crackers, light diyas and candles and remove all the darkness.

Some people say that Lord Ram had returned to his home in Ayodhya with his wife Sita and is brother Laxman after killing the demon king Ravan in Lanka, who had abducted Ram’s wife. It is said that people had lit thousands of diyas in Ayodhya to celebrate Lord Ram’s return home.

The day Ram returned home with his family is celebrated as Diwali. People also worship Goddess Laxmi for wealth and prosperity.

In Bengal, people worship Goddess Kali, who killed all the demons and achieved victory. She is known as the fiercest goddess. People worship different Gods and Goddesses but they intend to do the same thing.

People have a fascination for lighting crackers in India. They intend to buy all kinds of crackers and light them up just for fun.  These crackers maybe visually a delight to see, but they are equally harmful for both human beings and animals.

These crackers are made up of all the volatile things which are harmful for the skin. Most importantly, these crackers release harmful gases which pollute the air and cause problems for all the animals.

There are crackers, which release loud sounds; they are the most harmful ones. These sounds trouble animals like dogs as these dogs have very sensitive ears. They can hear more than humans can. They face a tough time during Diwali.

The birds also become a victim of loud noises because of crackers. They have a really weak heart so they can’t tolerate this much of sound. People who have weak hearts also can’t tolerate the sound.

As the people all over India light crackers on this day, there is an immense amount of air pollution and noise pollution seen. On one single day the whole country produces so much of pollution that it becomes difficult for most of the people to breathe in that toxic air and they suffer from diseases.

People with lung problems suffer the most. Diwali is a festival where people celebrate their happiness and spread happiness with lights and brightness. But they should also think about others and see that because of their happiness, the others should not suffer.

The people should stop buying too many crackers. They should celebrate Diwali by lighting more diyas and candles as the intention is to spread light. By taking this step we can spread brightness and happiness all over India.

Short Speech On Diwali for School Students 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Diwali for School Students 150 Words In English

Good morning to all my respected teachers and elders,

I wish you a very happy Diwali to all of you.

Being the festival of lights, Diwali unites all the family members together to participate in this happiness. Diwali is considered to be the festival for Hindus but it has become a secular festival in India.

People from all religions participate in this festival equally. All of them burst crackers, light candles and spread lights everywhere. The whole country brightens up due to the lights and happiness spread by the people.

People worship idols like Goddess Laxmi, Goddess Kali (in Bengal), to pray for health, success and all the happiness for our loved ones. Some people wish to start their new businesses on this day in hope to achieve prosperity.

Two days before celebrating Diwali, people celebrate Dhanteras, where people buy golden jewellery which indicates the welcoming of the Goddess of wealth, Laxmi.

10 Lines On Diwali Speech for School Students In English

  • Diwali is considered to be the festival of lights due to which, the people in India illuminate around themselves with lights and candles.
  • It is considered to be the festival of Hindus but the people from all the religions celebrate it with equal amount of happiness.
  • People during this time, clean their homes, decorate them and buy new clothes for all the family members and buy crackers to light them up and celebrate this festival.
  • People also decorate their home’s entrance by making designs with coloured powders known as “Rangoli”.
  • The people illuminate their whole house with small lights and candles or diyas so that darkness is nowhere to be found.
  • The guests visit other people’s houses with presents and sweets to greet each other in this happy occasion.
  • In Bengal, a day before celebrating Diwali, they light up fourteen candles or diyas to pay tribute to their ancestors. It is known as “Bhoot Chaturdashi”.
  • In some ancient stories it is said that Lord Ram returned home in Ayodhya on the day of Diwali and people lit the whole Ayodhya to celebrate his return.
  • On this day, Goddess Laxmi and Lord Ganesh are worshipped for wealth and prosperity.
  • Also according to the Hindu calendar, the day of Diwali is considered to be the beginning of another year.

10 Lines On Diwali Speech for Students In English

FAQ’s On Speech On Diwali for School Students

Question 1. Diwali is celebrated for how many days?

Answer: Diwali is celebrated for a total of Five days.

Question 2. In which month is Diwali celebrated?

Answer: Diwali is celebrated each year in the month of October or November.

Question 3. What is the actual cause for celebrating Diwali?

Answer: Diwali is celebrated to win the fight of brightness between brightness and darkness.

Question 4. Why do people light fourteen candles or diyas one day before Diwali in Bengal and day after Diwali in rest of India?

Answer: The lighting up of fourteen candles or diyas symbolizes the tribute given to our ancestors.

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Speech on Diwali for Kids in English and Hindi – Short, Long, 10 Lines Speech #HappyDiwali

Published by team sy on october 24, 2022 october 24, 2022.

Diwali Speech 2022 in English and Hindi: The festival of Diwali (#HappyDiwali) is celebrated throughout the country with great enthusiasm. Children and parents alike get a few days off from school and the workplace during this time. Celebrating, enjoying delicious festive feasts, and celebrating family culture and traditions are something children look forward to. When asked to write a speech on Diwali 2022, children love to reminisce about all these times. The assignment asks students in classes 1, 2 and 3 to describe the festival from their perspective. The activity may be challenging for younger children. In order to make this assignment easier for students of lower primary classes, let’s look at a few examples of my favourite festival Diwali speech :

Table of Contents

Short Speech on Diwali 2022 – 10 Lines on Diwali Festival

Below are 1 0 lines on Festival of Lights aka Diwali. The small speech on Diwali below can be used by students of classes 1, 2, 3 and can be helpful in the assignment to write a short speech on Diwali in English .

  • In India, Diwali is a widely celebrated festival.
  • Throughout the world, Indians celebrate this festival.
  • Lights are the hallmark of Diwali. Hence, it is called the Festival of Lights.
  • Before this festival, we thoroughly clean our homes to welcome goddess Laxmi.
  • Diyas are lit and prayers are said on the day of the festival. Know how to celebrate eco-friendly Diwali here.
  • We decorate our homes with colorful rangolis, marigold garlands, and many lights.
  • This day is dedicated to making sweets and other dishes.
  • During the festival, people wear brand-new clothes and feel joy.
  • Diwali is the time of year when we give sweets to our family and friends.
  • In order to ensure everyone has a good time during these festive days, we can distribute sweets and other gifts to the poor.

Continue reading the Happy Diwali speech below …

The 5 days festival of Diwali 2022 in India will begin on Saturday, 22 October and ends on Wednesday, 26 October. Public holiday on Diwali will be on Monday, 24 October. Diwali Date 2022 in India

Speech on Diwali in English – Long Speech on Diwali Festival

If you are looking for a Diwali speech in English then the same can be found below. This Diwali festival speech 2022 is best for anyone who is going to attempt to say something about why we celebrate Diwali. You can use the same for the Festival of Lights speech as well. Let’s now take a look at the English speech on Diwali .

Good morning, everyone who is present here! 

Today I am here to deliver my thoughts on Diwali, hereby I would like to pay my gratitude to all my teachers and friends who have given me this opportunity.

Diwali is the  festival of lights  and joy which unites all family members and loved ones to participate in this happiness. It is India’s biggest and main  festival for Hindus . We worship Lord Ganesh and Goddess Lakshmi on Diwali for wealth and wisdom. Diwali indicates the victory of knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil, and this festival also signifies the success of light over darkness. Today through my speech we will all know about Diwali’s religious and spiritual importance.

If we talk about the religious importance of Diwali then it has many differences. Although, different religions have different values and perspectives about Diwali, even after different belief the joy, enthusiasm, and vivaciousness Diwali bring to people’s lives is what binds everyone together. The four days celebration of Diwali illuminates the country with its brilliance and fills people with joy. Mostly, we celebrate Diwali in late October or early November. It varies yearly as it is celebrated on the 15th day of the Hindu month of Kartik. Every day of the festival of Diwali is marked with its different values and tradition, but what remains constant is the celebration of its enjoyment and a sense of goodness with joy.

On the day of Diwali, we celebrate the return of Lord Ram along with Sita and Laxman to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile in the forest. Every year on this day of Diwali we celebrate it as a symbol of goodness as Ram defeated the Raavan, the king of Lanka. The people of Ayodhya express their love, affection, and attachment to their king Ram by lighting up their houses and the whole state with lights and diyas. In this way, they welcomed their upcoming king Ram. 

There is also another widespread significance to celebrating Diwali, on this auspicious day lord Vishnu takes the avatar of Krishna to kill Narakasura. He was a demon and above all this victory of the lord, Vishnu released 16000 captive girls. Furthermore, this victory is an indication of the triumph of good over evil. 

Although, Diwali is not limited to the plays of knowledge over ignorance or good over evil. On this day we used to worship the goddess Laxmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. People also worship Lord Ganesha, the god of auspicious beginnings with Goddess Laxmi in the evening. They decorate their home with rangoli and diya lights. On this occasion of Diwali, the prime attraction is firecrackers. Celebration of Diwali includes delicious sweets, home-cooked meals, and some gifts and sweets distributed to relatives, families, and neighbors. On the night of Diwali, people opened the doors of their homes in anticipation of the arrival of Goddess Lakshmi.

Happy Diwali!

Download the Diwali Festival Speech PDF

Diwali Speech in Hindi (दिवाली पर भाषण)

If you are looking for Deepavali speech in Hindi then you are at the right place. Check out the Speech on Diwali in Hindi and let us know in comments how valuable you found this speech celebration speech in Hindi .

यहाँ उपस्थित सभी लोगों को सुप्रभात!

आज मैं यहां दिवाली पर अपने विचार व्यक्त करने के लिए हूं, इसके द्वारा मैं अपने सभी शिक्षकों और दोस्तों को धन्यवाद देना चाहता हूं जिन्होंने मुझे यह अवसर दिया है।

दिवाली रोशनी और ख़ुशहाली का त्योहार है जो सभी परिवार के सदस्यों और प्रियजनों को इस खुशी में भाग लेने के लिए एकजुट करता है। यह हिंदुओं के लिए भारत का सबसे बड़ा और मुख्य त्योहार है। दिवाली पर हम धन और बुद्धि के लिए भगवान गणेश और देवी लक्ष्मी की पूजा करते हैं।  दिवाली अज्ञानता पर ज्ञान की जीत और बुराई पर अच्छाई की जीत का प्रतीक है , और यह त्योहार असत्य पर सत्य की सफलता का भी प्रतीक है। आज मैं अपने भाषण के माध्यम से दिवाली के धार्मिक और आध्यात्मिक महत्व के बारे में जानेंगे।

दिवाली के धार्मिक महत्व की बात करें तो इसके कई पहलु हैं। हालाँकि, अलग-अलग धर्मों में दिवाली के बारे में अलग-अलग मूल्य और दृष्टिकोण हैं, अलग-अलग विश्वासों के बाद भी, दिवाली लोगों के जीवन में जो खुशी, उत्साह और जीवंतता लाती है, वह सभी को एक साथ बांधती है। दिवाली का पाँच दिवसीय उत्सव देश को अपनी चमक से रोशन करता है और लोगों को खुशियों से भर देता है। ज्यादातर, हम अक्टूबर के अंत या नवंबर की शुरुआत में दिवाली मनाते हैं। यह हर साल बदलता रहता है क्योंकि यह हिंदू महीने कार्तिक के 15 वें दिन मनाया जाता है। दिवाली के त्योहार का हर दिन अपने अलग-अलग मूल्यों और परंपराओं के साथ चिह्नित होता है, लेकिन जो कुछ भी स्थिर रहता है वह है इसके आनंद का उत्सव और खुशी के साथ अच्छाई की भावना।

दिवाली के दिन, हम सीता और लक्ष्मण के साथ भगवान राम के वन में 14 साल के वनवास के बाद अयोध्या लौटने का जश्न मनाते हैं। हर साल दीवाली के इस दिन हम इसे अच्छाई के प्रतीक के रूप में मनाते हैं क्योंकि राम ने लंका के राजा रावण को हराया था। अयोध्या के लोग अपने घरों और पूरे राज्य को रोशनी और दीयों से रोशन करके अपने राजा राम के प्रति अपने प्यार, स्नेह और लगाव का इजहार करते हैं। इस तरह उन्होंने अपने आने वाले राजा राम का स्वागत किया।

दिवाली मनाने का एक और लोकप्रिय महत्व भी है, इस शुभ दिन पर भगवान विष्णु नरकासुर को मारने के लिए कृष्ण का अवतार लेते हैं। वह एक राक्षस था और भगवान की इस जीत से ऊपर, विष्णु ने 16000 बंदी लड़कियों को रिहा किया। इसके अलावा, यह जीत बुराई पर अच्छाई की जीत का संकेत है।

हालाँकि, दीवाली अज्ञानता पर ज्ञान या बुराई पर अच्छाई के उदाहरणों तक सीमित नहीं है। इस दिन हम धन और समृद्धि की देवी लक्ष्मी की पूजा करते थे। लोग शाम को देवी लक्ष्मी के साथ शुभ शुरुआत के देवता भगवान गणेश की भी पूजा करते हैं। वे अपने घर को रंगोली और दीये की रोशनी से सजाते हैं। दीपावली के इस अवसर पर मुख्य आकर्षण पटाखों का है। दिवाली के उत्सव में स्वादिष्ट मिठाइयाँ, घर का बना भोजन और रिश्तेदारों, परिवारों और पड़ोसियों को वितरित कुछ उपहार और मिठाइयाँ शामिल हैं। दिवाली की रात लोग देवी लक्ष्मी के आगमन की प्रत्याशा में अपने घरों के दरवाजे भी खोल देते हैं। 

That’s all. We hope you found this article on Speech about Diwali in English and Hindi helpful and informative. Check out more such speeches now.

Speech on Diwali FAQs

In India, Diwali will be celebrated on 24th October 2022.

Diwali is a 5-day festival.

In this article, a link is given to download the Diwali speech in PDF format.

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🪔Essay on Diwali in English: Samples 150, 250, & 500 Words  

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  • Updated on  
  • Apr 30, 2024

essay on diwali

Diwali is one of the biggest festivals of India which is celebrated with great fervour. The festival is also known as Deepavali, a beautiful Indian festival that is a symbol of good over evil. The word ‘Diwali’ has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Deepavali’ which means row of lights. Therefore, during Diwali, people decorate their homes with lights, candles and diyas to showcase how lights have the power to erase the darkness from the world.

diwali speech in 100 words

According to Hindu mythology , Diwali marks the return of Lord Rama from the exile of 14 years. According to the Hindu Calendar, Diwali is celebrated in the month of Kartika. If you are a student and struggling to write an essay on Diwali in English, then this blog will help you greatly.

Keep on reading further to get ideas to write a good essay!

Master the art of essay writing with our blog on How to Write an Essay in English .

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Diwali in 150 Words
  • 2 Essay on Diwali in 250 Words 
  • 3.1 When is Diwali Celebrated in India?
  • 3.2 5 Days of Diwali Celebration
  • 3.3 How is Diwali Celebrated in India?
  • 4 Short Essay on Diwali in English

Diwali is the most important Hindu festival that is celebrated with great enthusiasm in India. This festival symbolises an important life learning that goodness will always overpower evil instincts. Weeks before Diwali, preparations for it get underway. To begin the preparations, people start cleaning up one’s home and workspace. After this people decorate their homes and offices with lights, lamps, flowers, and other ornamental elements.

As part of the festivities, people purchase new Diwali outfits , house furnishings, and presents for their loved ones. Around this season, the markets are overrun with a wide array of gifts and delicacies. Furthermore, Diwali presents an opportunity to strengthen ties with loved ones.

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Essay on Diwali in 150 Words

Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is one of the most celebrated and significant festivals in India . It symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. The festival typically lasts for five days and is marked by the lighting of oil lamps, or diyas, and colourful decorations in homes and streets.

People clean and decorate their houses, exchange gifts, and prepare special sweets. The highlight of this festival is the bursting of fireworks, which fills the night sky with vibrant colours. Families also worship deities, with Goddess Lakshmi , the goddess of wealth, being a central figure during the celebrations.

Beyond the festivities, Diwali holds cultural, religious, and social importance. It fosters a sense of unity and togetherness, as families come together to celebrate. Additionally, the festival carries deep spiritual significance for different communities, including Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs, each marking it for various reasons.

The festival of lights brings prosperity to the lives of people and the nation.

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Essay on Diwali in 250 Words 

Diwali is the most popular celebration in India which is regarded as the “festival of lights” and represents the spiritual message of the power of light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance. The holiday of Diwali is mostly associated with Hinduism, although it is also joyfully observed by Sikhs and Jains. This festival’s spiritual importance represents the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness. Lakshmi, the goddess of riches, and Ganesha, the god of wisdom, are honoured at this celebration. Throughout the nation, its religious significance differs depending on the location. It is commemorated somewhere to honour Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana coming home after a lengthy 14-year exile (according to the Hindu epic Ramayana).

Some people commemorate it in remembrance of the Pandavas’ return to their realm following 12 years of exile and 1 year of Agyatavas, as described in the Hindu epic Mahabharata. It is also thought to have begun when Goddess Lakshmi was born following the gods and demons’ churning of the seas. The western and some northern regions of India celebrate Diwali to mark the beginning of a new Hindu year. 

Five days are devoted to celebrating Diwali. These five days are Dhanteras, Naraka Chaturdashi, Lakshmi Pooja, Govardhan Pooja, and Bhai Dooj. Diwali is a festival where people worship Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Lord Ganesha. On this day, worshipping the goddess Lakshmi is thought to bring success and wealth. People lit candles and diyas after evening puja to spread light. Cleaning homes, stores, and workplaces begin many days before Diwali.

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Diwali Essay in 500 Words 

Throughout the year people wait for the beautiful festival of Diwali. Regarded as one of the biggest festivals for Hindus, Diwali also known as Deepavali, symbolises the victory of good over evil. According to the famous Hindu epic Ramayana, Lord Rama along with his wife and brother – Sita and Laxman,  came back to Ayodhya after completing the exile of 14 years. 

When is Diwali Celebrated in India?

According to the Hindu calendar, Diwali occurs on the Amavasya, or new moon, of the Kartik month, 20 days after the Dussehra celebration . In the Hindu religion, this is one of the most fortunate periods. People wait till this time of year to launch a new company, move into a new home, or buy a large asset like a car, store, jewellery, etc. This event is celebrated due to many mythical tales. People from various parts of India celebrate it for various reasons. But it is usually a massive celebration everywhere.

This beautiful festival is celebrated on a large scale as people start engaging in the festivities weeks before the festival. Some of the common things that are part of Diwali festivities include cleaning and decorating homes and workspaces, buying new clothes, gifts, etc. 

5 Days of Diwali Celebration

Diwali is considered a festival of five days as  Dhanteras is observed on the first day of the festival, followed by Naraka Chaturdasi on the second, Diwali on the third, Diwali Padva (Govardhan Puja) on the fourth, and Bhai Dooj on the fifth. On the day of the event, many nations declare it a public holiday.

Dhanteras29 October 2024
Choti Diwali31 October 2024
Diwali (Laxmi Pujan)1 November 2024
Govardhan Puja2 November 2024
Bhai Dooj3 November 2024

How is Diwali Celebrated in India?

People worship on Diwali to get wealth and prosperity in their lives, people worship the gods Ganesha and Lakshmi. On the day of Diwali, they perform puja with numerous rites. Following puja, people give gifts to their neighbours, relatives, friends, coworkers, etc. One of the primary customs of the Diwali holiday is gift exchange. To deepen their bonds, people pay visits to their coworkers, neighbours, relatives, and friends and give them gifts. 

In addition to the lights and joyous surprises and gifts, Diwali is a time for introspection and making the necessary changes for the next year. To celebrate Diwali, people from all ages, religions, and castes gather together. People embrace one another and mix enthusiastically during this moment.

In essence, Diwali sheds light on who we truly are. The Diwali lights also signify a time for eradicating all of our evil intentions and ideas and leaning forward for a more profound, inward illumination. The Diwali festival represents the rebirth of the soul. During Diwali, one is inspired to make changes to become a healthy and moral individual who is more spiritual and productive at work.

Also Read: Essay on Eid ul Fitr in 400 Words

Short Essay on Diwali in English

Diwali is a popular festival of Hindus which is regarded as the festival of light. It is celebrated in the Hindu month of Kartik and comes 20 days after Dussehra. Diwali marked the return of Lord Rama, Sita and Laxman back to Ayodhya after completing the exile of 14 years. Diwali festivities include cleaning and decorating homes and workspaces, exchanging gifts and eating mouth-watering sweets and food. 

Diwali is an important festival for Hindus as according to the famous epic Ramayana, Lord Rama came back to Ayodhya after completing 14 years of exile and defeating Ravana. This beautiful festival of lights symbolizes that goodness will always prevail over evil. 

The five days of Diwali are Dhanteras , Naraka Chaturdasi, Laxmi Puja , Govardhan Puja , and Bhai Dooj . 

Relevant Blogs

This was everything about the essay on Diwali! To read more interesting essay-writing blogs like this one, keep following Leverage Edu . 

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Speech On Diwali for School Students and Children in English

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Reported by Anshika Saxena

Published on 11 July 2024

Speech On Diwali: Diwali is the festival of Joy, which is celebrated widely in the Indian Subcontinent. Mostly, Hindus relate to this occasion as it marks the return of Lord Ram, his wife Sita, and brother Laxman to Ayodhya after a very tough exile of 14 Years. The week of Deepavali is a recognised vacation as it is full of many festivals , the most prominent being Diwali. The day is also known as the Festival of Lights and Prosperity.

Many Schools start celebrating the festival a few days prior, hosting cultural activities and programs for a celebratory feeling. There might be a scenario where you could be asked to deliver a Speech on Diwali.

If you are a school student and are looking for a speech sample or some time to get help in framing yours, check the following article. We have provided exemplary speech, multiple quotes, and important points to remember and refer to while writing the Speech for Diwali in English.

Speech On Diwali

Speech On Diwali in English for Students


Festive Speeches which have to be delivered in School are semi-formal. Festivities and relative occasions are not formal. However, school is a formal environment where a student needs to keep a check on the subject and the matter they intend to address. Hence, while delivering a speech on Diwali, the students can add a personal touch while referring to a very restricted school environment. Comparatively, speech writing for Diwali can be easy as the speaker can add personal experiences, and the topic is relatable.

The speech must be prepared in advance so the speaker knows what to speak and how to permute the events. They can add innovative quotes and wishes to beautify the speech. All in all, the speech must reflect positivity and must not be argumentative in any concept or aspect.

Speech On Diwali for School Students: Important Tips

Framing and Structuring the speech in advance is always vital since it gives an idea of how to speak and what to sound like. The following tips can help in the preparation of the speech:

  • Always structure the speech prior to the day of deliverance.
  • Avoid using words that might be offensive or inappropriate for the school setting.
  • While speaking, make use of relevant experiences that are relatable to the audience.
  • Use idioms to beautify the speech and make it sound interesting .
  • Speak slowly and maintain eye contact with the audience to sound engaging.
  • Make sure that there is a smile on your face while speaking.
  • Diwali speeches must reflect positivity and radiance. Use such points that are very suitable to the occasion.
  • Long speeches could cause a loss of interest. Hence, do not sound lethargic or as if there is too much to listen to.

Quotes to add in English Diwali Speech

To embellish the Diwali speech, the speaker can use wishes for the festival. This will add a personal touch along with a sense of festivities approaching. The students can use the following most used and heard wishes on Deepavali for their English Speeches:

  • Have a fun and festive Diwali!
  • Wishing you a Diwali full of joy and prosperity.
  • Sending love and light this Diwali and all year long.
  • I hope that Diwali brings light, sweetness, and success to you and your family.
  • Wishing you wealth and wisdom this Diwali.
  • May glowing lamps guide your way to prosperity this Diwali.
  • May Lakshmi bless you with the wealth to overcome your electric bill after the Diwali lights!
  • Light the candles, and may your Diwali be divine!
  • May good triumph over evil, love over hate, and joy over despair this Diwali all year.
  • Diwali is a reminder that shadows pass, but the light remains.
  • Here’s hoping this new year brings joy, peace, prosperity, and success.
  • May Deepavali’s light brighten your days this Diwali.
  • May the lamps of Diwali glow long into the year for you.
  • Wishing you an abundance of love and riches this Diwali.
  • May light always guide your way this Diwali and all year long.
  • Praying knowledge triumphs over ignorance this Diwali and the rest of the year.
  • May Diwali cast out all the darkness plaguing your life.
  • Wishing you warmth, love, and light this Diwali and all year long.
  • May light triumph over darkness this year.
  • Let your love be the light that overtakes the shadows this Diwali.

Deepavali Speech Sample and Example

Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening to the Respected Staff and my dear Friends, Today, we are all gathered here to celebrate the occasion of Diwali. It is one of the most widely loved and celebrated festivals in India. Deepavali brings light, illumination, positivity, and prosperity to it. From meeting and greeting loved ones to lighting up homes and streets with diyas and fairy lights, Diwali is all about happiness and jubilance. While Deepavali has many reasons to be happy and celebrate the lights within, it is also an appropriate occasion for social gatherings. It is celebrated in the Karthika month of the Hindu Calendar and usually falls in October or November, according to the English Calendar.

There are two reasons for the merriment on the day of Diwali. Firstly, it marks the return of the Hindu God and incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Lorn Ram, to his home, Ayodhya, after defeating the Sri Lankan King Ravana during his 14 years of Exile. It signified the victory of good over evil and the preservation of the dignity of a woman since it was Ravana who kidnapped Lord Ram’s wife, Sita, which led to the battle. Further, the other reason is the defeat of Narakasura by Lord Krishna in Dwapar Yug. The gist of the festival is the victorious emergence of positivity over negativity, happiness over sadness, and light over darkness.

Lights and Diyas are the most common way of celebrating Diwali. Some prefer to do it by bursting crackers . However, we can limit ourselves and port for eco-friendly measures as they are the need of the hour. Moreover, since Deepavali is about cleaning up the dirt and embellishing lives with illumination, we can use the occasion to end the negativity and fill our lives with the radiance of merriment and joy. Here’s hoping this new year brings joy, peace, prosperity, and success. Happy Diwali!

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Anshika Saxena

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Diwali Speech in English for Students

August 10, 2021 by Sandeep

Speech on Diwali: Diwali is popularly known as the festival of lights. Families and kids share wonderful times with their near and dear ones and celebrate the essence of the festival. The festival signifies the return of Lord Ram along with Sita, Lakshman, and Hanuman to Ayodhya after defeating the demon Ravan. People light their houses with colourful earthen oil lamps and burst crackers and fireworks.

Speech on Diwali in English

Below we have provided Diwali Speech in English, written in easy and simple words for class 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 school students.

Good morning everyone. Today I am here to present a speech on Diwali.

This festival is celebrated every year to mark the return of Lord Ram to Ayodhya from 14 years of exile from the forest. He defeated the demon Ravana, so it is the victory of good over evil. On this day, we all light up our homes with lamps and diyas, also known as the festival of lights.

It is the occasion to celebrate victory over defeat, light over darkness, awareness over ignorance, an occasion to celebrate positivity, a ray of hope & happiness. On Diwali, we all wear new clothes & pray to god for wealth & prosperity. We decorate our home with flowers, rangoli & diyas. Many delicious foods are made, including jalebi, kheer, Gulab Jamun, gujia & many more.

We further celebrate the occasion by cracking firecrackers which produce sound & light. It is a festival of enthusiasm & happiness. It is one of the brightest festivals in the world. However, with the celebration of Diwali, we do much environmental pollution. The firecrackers we use for our celebration lead to the release of toxic gases & smoke. It pollutes the atmosphere around us. The sound of firecrackers also adds to the noise pollution.

So this Diwali, let us pledge to move towards a clean and green Diwali that will not affect our environment. Let us try to avoid the use of crackers which are adding to the cause of degradation of our planet. Many initiatives are carried out to introduce crackers, which will have a miser impact on the environment. The introduction of green crackers has made our celebration much more manageable, which causes less air pollution.

So this Diwali makes sure that you gift not only your near & dear ones but also the nature with less pollution. Let us celebrate this Diwali with love & care for family, friends, relatives & nature. I wish you all a happy, safe & clean Diwali.

Short Speech on Diwali

Below we have provided a 1-minute speech on Diwali, suitable for kids and class 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 students.

A pleased & safe Diwali to every one of you presents here. I am here to share my thoughts on Diwali on this auspicious occasion. So today, we are celebrating one of the biggest festivals of Hindus in India, also known as Deepavali. Everyone celebrates it with joy & delight with family, friends & relatives.

It is also known as the festival of light as every home is decorated with lamps or diyas on this auspicious day. The significance of this festival is the victory of light over dark. People worship God Ganesha & goddess Laxmi for wisdom & wealth.

According to Hindus, the main reason to celebrate Diwali is to commemorate the return of Lord Ram to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana. So this day remarks the symbol of goodness as Lord Ram returns home after 14 years of exile in the forest with his brother Lakshman & wife Sita.

Diwali is a festival of positivity & happiness. People celebrate this together, which makes bonds & relationships stronger. This day is considered full of prosperity as businessmen pray for their success. Diwali is marked by buying new clothes, making rangoli, making delicious sweets, lighting diyas & firecrackers.

Sharing joy & happiness with everyone around us is one of the specialities of the occasion. I am celebrating this Diwali with all my friends, family & relatives like every time. I am excited about this day throughout the year. I love decorating my home with lights & helping my mom with the rangoli.

I am always ready to have those delicious sweets made on this day in my tummy. I love cracking firecrackers & enjoying with my family as well as friends. I wish you all a happy, prosper & eco friendly Diwali. Enjoy the day with your family with light & joy.

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Paragraph on Diwali [100-200 Words]

Paragraph On Diwali- Diwali or Deepawali is also known as “The Festival Of Lights”. It is one of the biggest festivals in India. People celebrate this festival with great enthusiasm. Each year, kids eagerly wait for this festival.

Diwali holds a great place in the hearts of Indians. This is why it is a topic on which schools give assignments to their students. Students have to write short and long paragraphs, Short and long essays on Diwali and sometimes they are given a topic to deliver a Speech on Diwali .

100 Words Paragraph

India has a culture full of festivals. Indians celebrate various festivals throughout the year. Diwali is considered the greatest festival celebration in India. This festival is celebrated in every corner of India. The whole country glorifies with lights.

Diwali is a celebration of victory over evil. When Lord Ram returned to Ayodhya after defeating the demon Ravana, all the people of Ayodhya greeted him by lighting rows of clay lamps. Since then this practice has become a custom.

With time the style of celebration has changed. Due to lots of bursting firecrackers the day after Diwali, there is a surge in pollution every year. Since we know that bursting fireworks harms the environment, we should try to celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali.

Paragraph on Diwali | 100 Words

150 Words Paragraph Example

Indian culture is full of celebrations. Diwali or Deepawali is one of them. This festival holds great weight for Indians. This festival is a celebration of victory over evil. On this day, Lord Rama returned to his hometown Ayodhya after defeating the demon Ravana.

All the residents of Ayodhya welcomed him by lighting the rows of clay lamps. Since then, this act became a practice & this day became a festival. This is the primary reason but Diwali is celebrated in every part of India for different reasons.

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No matter what the reason behind this celebration, it is celebrated as a symbol of victory over evil. But with time the style of celebration has changed. Now people celebrate Diwali by bursting a lot of firecrackers which is not good for us and for the environment.

So we should try to celebrate environment-friendly Deepawali and spread awareness among people for the same. Don’t celebrate any celebration foolishly.

200 Words Paragraph Example

In India, Diwali or Deepawali is a festival that is considered the biggest celebration of the year. This is because India has the most significant population of Hindus. And this festival is related to the Hindu’s universal god Lord Rama.

On this day, Lord Rama returned to his hometown Ayodhya after defeating the demon Ravana. All the residents of Ayodhya welcomed him by lighting the rows of clay lamps. Since then, this act became a practice & this day became a festival.

People start cleaning their homes days before the festival of Diwali as they believe that the Goddess of Wealth Laxmi enters the home this day. They dispose of all the waste and junk from homes and paint them colourfully. Apart from houses, markets also glitter amazingly.

Markets fill with crowds of customers. People purchase clothes, ornaments, home appliances etc on the day of Dhanateras. Shopkeepers see a significant surge in their sales.

It is sad to say that with the passage of time, the style of celebration has changed. Now people celebrate Diwali by bursting a lot of firecrackers which is not good for us and for the environment. So we should try to celebrate environment-friendly Deepawali and spread awareness among people for the same.

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Speech on Diwali

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Speech on Diwali for Teachers in English in Simple and Easy words

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Table of Contents

Speech on Diwali for Teachers: As we all know that Diwali is an important Hindu festival, and it is celebrated with great pomp and show across the country and by almost every religious community leaving behind their cultural and religious barriers. However, serious environmental issues have come to the fore, which bear direct relation to this festival, such as the bursting of firecrackers. The crackers are mainly bought for the children, and if any favorable change can be brought in them, it could only be by their teachers whom students religiously follow and, of course respect.

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speech on diwali for students

Long and Short Speech on Diwali for Teachers in English

Diwali 2023 can be a pertinent topic for all the teachers because they can take a crucial responsibility on this festival to enlighten the children with the knowledge of harmful impacts of crackers on our environment and the health of living beings, as well as make them aware enough to stop to these activities on Diwali which is not environment friendly.

So, we have given the below range of speeches on Diwali for teachers using which they can quickly spread their words of safety on Diwali among students. Also Speech on Diwali for students can serve as an excellent opportunity to delve deeper into the festival’s multifaceted aspects and cultural significance. These speeches not only allow students to explore and share their knowledge but also enable the audience to gain a more profound understanding of this grand celebration

Both short speeches on Diwali for Teacher as well as long speeches on Diwali for Teacher are covered here, meticulously mentioning a very important aspects related to the festival. So do read them and enjoy!

Diwali Speech for Teacher 1

Good Morning Respected Principal, Vice Principal, My Fellow Teachers, and My Dear Students!

I, as the Senior Teacher of this School, take immense pleasure in thanking everyone present here who allowed me to deliver a speech on curbing air pollution , which increases to large amounts during Diwali. We all celebrate the festival of Diwali with great zeal and show and make significant preparations.

It is considered the festival of high significance for Indian people during which we clean our homes, decorate, go shopping, buy new things, including gifts, kitchen utensils, appliances, cars, golden jewelry, etc. and perform several rituals. There are many ancient stories, legends, and myths behind celebrating this festival.

Women of every household create rangolis in creative patterns on the floors near the doors and walkways of the home. There are few variations in the celebration of this festival according to the regional practices and rituals. Together with the Diwali celebration, there is an unintended increase in environmental pollution worldwide because of the bursting of various types of firecrackers during this festival. We, as citizens of this country, and especially students like you, who are considered to be the youth of our country, should understand that one should celebrate festivals with happiness but not at the cost of harming the environment and health of others.

Even though firecrackers are sporadically burnt, they cause a lot of noise pollution , including air pollution, thereby making it difficult for us to breathe. Despite our government placing a ban on the bursting of firecrackers, we are not ceasing to act immaturely and merely finding ways and occasions to burst crackers. Diwali is one such festival that, despite restrictions, people do get involved in illegal practices which are utterly dangerous for us as well as animals. We pay no heed to what amount of damage it creates to our environment.

Due to noise pollution created during Diwali, animals get fearful and act in a weird manner which can even harm others. In the case of air pollution, its hazardous impact includes:

  • Temporary or permanent deafness.
  • Vision impairment is caused by toxic gases present in the atmosphere.
  • Bronchitis problems in the case of asthmatic patients.

This is not the end; the smog which is caused due to the bursting of firecrackers creates a white blind sheet in the environment which eventually reduces the visibility and is a source of causing serious accidents on the road. The people who are most affected by the bursting of firecrackers are small children as well as old people.

We all should collectively support our government to enforce the ban on every individual who indulges in illegitimate practices of creating and bursting crackers. You as students can also initiate and raise awareness among your fellows to stop bursting crackers during Diwali and sensitizing people about its consequences. It therefore becomes the responsibility of each one of us to organize many more such awareness programs which ultimately will urge people to stop bursting firecrackers.

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Diwali Speech for Teacher 2

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Dear Teachers and My Loving Students – Warm Greetings to Everyone!

Today I, Ahana Gupta, the class teacher of VIII -D, would like to deliver a speech on one of the relevant topics in contemporary scenario. The festival of Diwali is just round the corner which makes it equally important to speak on a problematic issue associated with it. As responsible citizens of this country it becomes our duty to bring up this issue to the fore and spread awareness amongst the people.

Have you students ever given a thought why our government is obstinate on imposing ban on crackers? The fact of the matter lies in the toxic pollutants that are produced from firecrackers which are proven to be extremely destructive for our environment for a simple reason that they contain traces of copper, sulphur and cadmium etc and release nitrous oxide gas, along with chemicals which act as a reducing agent, coloring agent, stabilizer, oxidizer as well as binder.

The colors contain antimony sulphide to create glitter effect, lithium for red, aluminum for white etc. It is rightly said that “not everything that glitter is gold” which mainly implies that the crackers which portray aglitter effect and are soothing to the eye in terms of their designs are more dangerous than any other gaseous substances. The crackers cause more harm to small children in comparison to adults because their capability to absorb and flush out environmental agents is not the same. There are certain agents present in these crackers such as:

  • Aluminum sulphide which is deliberated to be utilized as a coloring agent is used to create crackers which are also easy on pockets and is readily available in any dyeing shop. This kind of agent when bursts leads to Alzheimer’ disease which can be harmful to the extent of causing death.
  • Potassium and Ammonium which are considered to be oxidizing agents lead to lung cancer.
  • Then there is barium nitrate which is venomous and results in respiratory irritation, gastrointestinal problems, radioactive effects as well as muscular weakness.
  • It also results in thyroid complications.
  • Copper and lithium compounds and elements which are placed inside the crackers causes hormonal imbalance and proves extremely poisonous for animals and plants.

The government of India has placed strict prohibitions on those workshops which sell crackers and also on people who illegally burst crackers. We all should collectively come together to support our government to enforce such laws with more stringent regulations. I hope I have been able to sensitize you all on this issue which is increasing on an alarming pace and could also provide you with an insight about the harmful and dangerous impact of bursting of firecrackers. However, this is not enough because more and more awareness can only be spread with the help of billboards and by organizing workshops as well as seminars which even you can initiate as proud students of our country.

Diwali Speech for Teacher 3

Dear Students – How are you all doing?

I, Namrata Shrivastav – the class teacher of X (B), would like to welcome you all in our school conference room. There is not a special occasion behind seeking your presence here, but a very important topic of discussion. As you know students, our most favorite festival, i.e. Diwali, is around the corner and so everyone seems so excited. The excitement is quite natural and we all whether children or adults look forward to this wonderful festival with a lot of curiosity and anticipation.

Not only are we able to find an escape from our daily, mundane routine, but also get to meet our friends and relatives whom we may not have met since a long time. Party is organized and sweets are distributed around. The most special moment of all is the Ganesh and Lakshmi Puja, which we all perform in order to seek goddesses blessing, prosperity and wealth. The whole atmosphere becomes so invigorating and charged up that we all feel joyous and ecstatic.

I know students you know it all, but did you also know that this festival falls in the Kartikamasam as per the Hindu calendar, i.e. during the October or November month. This festival is celebrated in the honor of Lord Rama who returned from a long exile of 14 years after killing the demon called Ravana. It is clearly one of the most popular festivals in our country and in several parts of the country it is even celebrated for five successive days. The festival is symbolic of the reunion of families and celebration of life. Interestingly, this festival even marks the commencement of a new year in some places in India. The rage of this festival is such that its popularity has even spread abroad.

More often than not a week prior to Diwali, Hindus in particular begin lighting up their homes and shops, start cleaning their homes in order to welcome Goddess Lakshmi. Not only an intensive cleaning is done everywhere, i.e. at homes, shops and offices but also places are whitewashed and decked up with flowers, toys and pictures. On the day of this festive season, people also wear new clothes and greet each other with sweets and gifts.

After performing the puja during the evening, people usually leave the lights on at night time in the belief that Goddess Lakshmi will arrive at their place and bless it. So there shouldn’t be any darkness around and she should be welcomed in the clean, illuminated homes.

This is why we love this festival so much, but students we should also pay heed to the fact how much pollution is caused on this day as people burst so much of crackers. This is extremely harmful to our environment and it’s high time that such activities which are degrading to our environment should be stopped. As responsible citizens, it becomes our responsibility to also keep the safety of our environment in mind while celebrating this festival. This is all I have to say, thank you so much!

Diwali Speech for Teacher 4

Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Dear Teachers, and My Lovely Students – Warm Greetings of the day to one and all!

I, Mrs. Sarabjit Kaur – the teacher of Social Science and class teacher of X (D), welcome you all to the prayer hall. I know that the excitement is in the air because of the coming holidays owing to the Diwali Season. Moreover, you all are looking forward to the Diwali party with a lot of anticipation.

I am also personally very fond of this festival as on this day, in fact, a couple of days prior to this festival the places around us are covered with lights and everything looks clean and polished. Then, the custom of meeting your relatives, and friends and exchanging greetings as well as gifts is very appealing.

On this day, the preparation kick starts right in the morning as we decorate our houses with flowers, fancy lamps, diyas and candles. Wherever we go, we can smell the fragrance of fresh flowers. All this cleaning, painting of walls as well as decoration is done with the chief aim to welcome Goddess Lakshmi who is worshipped in the evening. It is believed that the goddess only arrives in a home which is purged off all the impurities whether it is dirt, dust or the impurity in our minds. We are expected to cleanse both our mind and soul to be able to welcome the Goddess Lakshmi in our homes. In the evening, the sacred puja is performed and we all pray for prosperity, good fortune and wealth.

Yet another spectacular facet of Diwali is the making of rangoli, which lends more grace to the entire decoration. New clothes are worn, sweets are distributed, delicious food is cooked and firecrackers are burnt. During the fireworks, the sky looks extremely splendid and well lit up. It’s quite a sight to behold. However children, considering the rising pollution and environment imbalance we should keep a check on the burning of firecrackers and protect our environment from further degradation.

Basically children, Diwali is a celebration of five days, which include:

  • Dhanteras: This marks the opening of the Diwali festivities. On this day, our mothers and grandmothers buy utensils, products of gold and silver and there is a belief that the purchase of these things brings prosperity in our families.
  • Narak Chaturdashi: This day is known as choti Diwali and this day is celebrated by bathing with oil and using kumkum on our foreheads as well as worshipping Goddess Kaali, Lord Krishna because he killed the demon called Narkasur.
  • Diwali: As it is called, the third marks the main festival itself, i.e. the day when we pray to Lord Ganesha as well as Goddess Lakshmi.
  • Govardhan Puja: On this day, we all pray to Lord Krishna. There is a ritual of preparing Govardhan using cow dung in our homes and worshipping it.
  • Bhai Dooj: As the name itself suggest, this day is meant for brothers and sisters. On this day, sisters put the tilak of kumkum or kesar on the forehead of their brothers, who in turn give their sisters some special gift.

So students, let’s welcome this Diwali also with a lot of enthusiasm and make it environment friendly by saying ‘NO’ to crackers.

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Long Speech on Diwali for Teacher 5

Good Morning my dear Students, Respected Colleagues, Principal Sir, guests and other staff members. I am ___________, the class teacher of _______.

As we all know that the festival of Diwali is just around the corner, so I am here to give a speech on Diwali to share the joy with you all.

The Diwali festival is my personal favourite and I just love it when the festival arrives. I know that you too share more or less the same emotions.

The most fascinating thing about the festival is its celebration as the festival of lights. Every house is brightly lit with colourful lights and oil lamps; even the dark sky glows with all kinds of sparkling crackers. All the brightness and the celebration is enough to take you to an unprecedented level of joy, as never experienced before.

We all know that it commemorates the day when Lord Rama along with Lakshman and Sita, returned to Ayodhya after spending fourteen years in exile. The joy of his return got supplemented by his slaying of Ravana and saving Sita from captivity. More or less, the subjects of Ayodhya must have welcomed their beloved prince, thousands of years ago, in the same way like we celebrate Diwali today – by illuminating streets and houses with lights.

But, apart from the celebrations and the joy there is also a dark side to it. Not from the festival point of view but from the way it is celebrated today. Don’t get me wrong for I don’t want to spoil the festive mood but it also serves no good to turn your back on truth.

Those who are well informed must have guessed that I am talking about the pollution. Yes! In order to celebrate and to make most of the moment, we almost forget the discomfort we cause to others and also to the environment.

The festival of lights has been gradually transforming into the festival of sounds. Beautiful lights have been diminished by loud bangs of crackers. Not to mention the discomfort such loud and regular bangs causes to the animals, children, elderly and patients. What constitutes fun for us; is highly stressful to pets, street dogs, cattle and birds.

The animals can’t relate to the origin and purpose of sounds, like we do, and run in panic. Believe me a loud sound like that is unimaginably painful and tough to tolerate. Incidents have been recorded when birds get confused due to the fireworks and leave their rooster into night only to get lost or hit a pole or concrete structure. Small children, mainly toddlers are also scared of loud sounds, not to mention that the irritation it could cause to elderly and patients.

To me, it doesn’t make any sense to celebrate and to be joyous, at the cost of inflicting pain on someone. We could still very well celebrate the festival without causing any discomfort to any one, if only we take a resolve. Let us pledge, to celebrate this festival without being any concern to anyone.

Now I will talk about the environmental damage that we inadvertently cause in our zeal to celebrate the festival. Diwali is a festival which calls for huge shopping in advance. We shop for clothes, lights, various kind of decorative items, crackers, sweets, gifts and what not. But, have you ever thought that everything that we buy is handed over to us in thin plastic bags. Imagine, millions of plastic bags of different shapes and sizes reach into the millions of houses, this festive season. Where do you think that all this plastic is going to end finally? Sadly, there is no end to it and sooner or later it is most likely to reach into the environment and pollute it.

Clearly, the situation is demanding but there is a feasible solution, if we resolve to stick by it. Use your own bag made of jute, paper or some other biodegradable, eco-friendly material. This way you won’t be causing any damage to your surroundings.

Also, the crackers that are used in Diwali are made from highly toxic chemical compounds and cause dense smog, which could even stay for a couple of days. Chemicals like Sulphur, Cadmium, Lead and Mercury are used to make crackers and cause serious respiratory and physical damages to humans. Not to mention the litter that is left on the streets in form of torn and burned bits of papers from used crackers, black spot on roads cause by the burning of toxic compounds etc.

Folks, Diwali is a festival of lights, to celebrate the victory of good over evil, the return of Rama to his kingdom; let us not spoil the mood by adopting a negligent attitude towards other living creatures and our environment.

I take this opportunity to wish you all, wealth, prosperity and happiness this festive season and also believe that you all will think about what I have stated and resolve to celebrate a safe, noise free and eco friendly Diwali.

Once again a very happy Diwali to you all!!

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Speech on Diwali for Teachers FAQ’s

How do you start a diwali speech.

To begin a Diwali speech, you can start with a warm greeting, mention the significance of the festival, and perhaps share a relevant quote or anecdote related to Diwali.

How do you say 10 lines in Diwali?

To speak 10 lines about Diwali, you can cover its meaning, cultural importance, rituals, lighting of diyas, exchange of sweets and gifts, fireworks, decorations, prayers, and the message of victory of light over darkness.

What is the motivation message for Diwali?

The motivational message for Diwali is to embrace the festival as a time for self-improvement, inner light, and hope. It encourages us to conquer our inner demons and work towards a brighter future.

Why is Diwali important in school?

Diwali is important in school as it teaches students about cultural diversity, traditions, and the values of unity and spreading joy. It also fosters a sense of belonging and understanding among different communities.

Write a 2-minute speech on Diwali?

Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a celebration that holds great significance in the hearts of millions. It symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, good over evil. The festival is marked by the lighting of diyas and candles, which signifies the dispelling of ignorance and the awakening of knowledge. Diwali also involves the exchange of sweets and gifts, bringing people closer together. As we celebrate Diwali, let us remember the importance of spreading love, happiness, and prosperity to those around us. It's a time to reflect on our inner selves, to remove negativity, and to welcome positivity into our lives. The vibrant decorations and dazzling fireworks add to the festive spirit, making it a joyous occasion for everyone. In conclusion, Diwali teaches us the values of unity, hope, and the triumph of good over evil. It is a time to come together, regardless of our differences, and celebrate the light that resides within each of us.

How can we celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali speech in English?

Celebrating an eco-friendly Diwali is crucial in today's world. To do so, we can minimize firecrackers, use eco-friendly diyas and candles, avoid excessive plastic decorations, and focus on spending quality time with loved ones while being mindful of our environment.

What is the green message for Diwali?

The green message for Diwali is to celebrate the festival in an environmentally responsible way. It encourages us to reduce pollution, save energy, and minimize waste by opting for eco-friendly Diwali celebrations.

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