How to Write a Case Study in APA Format


Table of contents

  • 1 What Is a Case Study In APA Format?
  • 2.1 Sample Of APA Case Study Outline
  • 3.1 Title Page in APA for Case Study Project
  • 3.2 APA Title Page Example
  • 3.3 The Abstract for an APA case study

Whether you study social sciences or life sciences, you’re likely to encounter a case study analysis in your academic journey. These papers demand a lot from students. First, you must have impeccable research and analysis skills. Sample populations, particularly people, can be challenging to analyze. It’s easy to misinterpret data and come up with the wrong conclusions. Additionally, you’ll need to have a knack for writing to present your findings persuasively, backed up by evidence-based arguments that build confidence for your teacher to accept the results of your work. If you need to boost your paper, Papers Owl is here to help you with a wide range of guidelines on how to write a case study in APA.

What Is a Case Study In APA Format?

To make your success, first realize that a case study is detective work. Your research may have an unresolved question or to carry out some testing to validate a hypothesis; in this case, studies are born. Psychology, nursing, and business are common fields this method is applied. In this scientific method, you’ll approach an event, action, individual, etc. And apply a set of circumstances to observe outcomes. Most papers in this field are written in the APA format, which can be a burden for students, especially if they aren’t familiar with this style. If you lack time or motivation for writing, appeal to our professional writers to write a case study  in APA format, and we will ensure your paper is perfectly formatted and gets a high grade.

Structure of Case Study Report In APA

First, let’s look at the sections in writing a case study in APA, which shares a few similarities to a typical research paper.

Introduction: Introduce your topic to the reader. Be sure to include the state of current research and where you plan to develop the current state of knowledge. You should include an interesting fact to reinforce your work’s importance and develop an interest in your hypothesis. Finish off with a thesis statement that you’ll focus on your workaround.

Aims: In this section, you answer the questions regarding why you are conducting your research and any questions you’ll explore. Avid case study writer recommends focusing your questions around your thesis. You can develop a triangle with a diagram and drill down your questions in a logical format that matches your paper’s main purpose.

Methods: Writing a case study in APA requires a methods section that details how you conducted your research. Did you conduct any interviews, send out questionnaires, or observe any behaviors? Detail them in this section, and state the environment and circumstances surrounding your data collection.


Results: Now that you’ve identified what you’d planned to accomplish and how you went about it in your APA case study format, it’s time to post the results. Don’t be shy if things don’t go swimmingly. Often in studies, we have unexpected results, which sometimes makes your paper more interesting to read.

Discussion: It’s time for the heart and soul of your paper. After all your research and observation, it is time to have a discourse on the results. The key to how to write a case paper in APA hangs on your ability to interpret the results in a meaningful way. Be sure to focus the discussion on your stated methods and how they pertain to your aims.

Recommendations: Here you want to detail what is to follow your research. Professional case study writers advise stating any knowledge gaps in your work and any unanswered or new questions you had found in the process. Your insights will be useful for others to follow in your footsteps and expand on your analysis.

Sample Of APA Case Study Outline

Example of writing a case study analysis in APA format:


Writing a case study in APA Step By Step

Knowing how to write a case study in APA format is a common question for students. In addition to the typical academic standards, APA has its own requirements that must be adhered to. The first step is to create a heading, known as a running head, that will be present on each page of your paper. The running head includes:

  • The page number on the right margin
  • A shortened title of your paper in ALL-CAPS no longer than 50 characters to the right

Title Page in APA for Case Study Project

The title of a case study in an APA paper is a requirement. The purpose is to state the name of the work, who the author is, and the institution that sponsored the research. It has the following parts:

  • The words “running head” at the top, followed by the actual running head
  • The full title of your paper using APA titling no longer than 12 words
  • Your name without any designations (Dr/Ph.D./Rev/etc.) and the institution you attend

For APA Style ( 7th edition ), the cover page should also have:

  • A page number at the top right corner.
  • The institutional affiliation where the research took place.
  • Course information, which is mandatory for student papers.
  • The author’s note is optional and usually appears in professional papers.
  • Font options have expanded to include Calibri 11, Arial 11, Lucida Sans Unicode 10, Times New Roman 12, or Georgia 11.
  • All text on the title page should be double-spaced.
  • Center all page contents and capitalize the first letter of significant words.

Note: APA 7 distinguishes between the formatting of title pages for professional and student papers. For instance, professional papers include a running head, while student papers do not necessarily include one.


APA Title Page Example


The Abstract for an APA case study

The abstract of your paper works as a summary to give a brief overview of what it contains. Include the running head at the top; the first line should have the word “abstract” centered. Follow the abstract with 150-250 words summarizing your paper. You may also index some keywords to help find the contents of your work in academic databases. At the end of your summary, indent once, and in italics, indicate keywords related to your work.

Writing an effective college paper requires a lot of planning and formatting to get it done right. Brush up on these guidelines for how to write your paper in APA format . If you need someone to review your work or write any parts of your paper, reach out to our professional writers, who are always willing to lend a hand.

Additionally, with the help of our blog, you can make sure you create a professional PowerPoint presentation that clearly outlines the main points of your paper. If you need help with this, our professional writers can provide guidance.

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How to Write a Research Paper in APA Format


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How to Write a Case Study Paper in APA Format

Adela B.

Table of contents

The words ‘case study’ sounds intimidating, to say the least. It’s one of those assignments that need thorough research and groundwork before you can get down to writing the paper.

You’ve been asked to write a case study paper in APA format, and you’re wondering where to begin. You are filled with all sorts of questions ranging from what a case study paper consists of, what is the APA format and how you can get started.

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Well, brace yourselves because that’s exactly what this article is about.

10 Elements of a Case Study in APA Format

Most colleges follow MLA or APA citation guidelines. Not following these guidelines would result in getting a low grade. You can also get involved in plagiarism complications , which can cause you to fail your class.

So, let's first begin by learning what is a case study in APA format.

A case study paper is assigned to students to examine a person, place, event, phenomenon, or any other type of analysis to identify, define and showcase key themes and possible solutions that can help in predicting future trends, bring out previously hidden issues that can be analyzed, and understand important research problems with better clarity.

APA is an acronym for American Psychological Association and is an in-text or reference citation format that is used mostly in case studies, literature reviews , method articles, and other advanced academic assignments. The APA format is mostly used for science subjects and niches.

Here are the 10 components of a case study paper in APA format:

1. Abstract paragraph

It's where your hypothesis, predictions, methods, and results come forward. An effective abstract paragraph helps the reader determine if they want to continue reading your paper or not.

Here’s a useful video by Bright Side on writing an abstract.

2. Annotated bibliography

Sources and references that are used in your paper are cited and annotated in the bibliography. Keep in mind to format it in the APA style.

3. Blockquotes

This is a long direct quote that is separated from the regular text. You can use quotes that are 40 words or longer and should be cited accurately.

4. Citation examples

Write an easy-to-read and thorough guide of citation examples and various sources, which will help the reader learn HOW your citations are structured.

5. Et al. usage

It is an abbreviated term for ‘and others' in Latin. This is used to cite multiple authors for one source. These are in-text citations and include the name of only the first author, followed by et al.

6. Footnotes

A way for authors to provide additional information or more insight into an idea that you’ve highlighted in the paper, without distracting the readers from the text. Formatted footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page.

7. In-text citations

APA in-text citations are supposed to be placed in the content of your paper. The purpose of this is to show the reader who is reading your paper that a specific piece of information found in the content is sourced from somewhere else. These in-text citations are then listed as references in the bibliography or reference page.

8. Page numbers

In an APA formatted paper, page numbers are usually found in 3 places: on every page in the upper right corner, on reference lists, and in-text citations page.

9. Title page

The title page is a very important page and is used in all APA assignments.

The primary role of this page is to present the ‘Title’ or the ‘Topic’ of the paper, which should include elements such as the author’s byline, the name and number of the course, the name of the professor, the institution, or organization that the text was written for, the due date and the page number.

10. Reference page

A reference page and a bibliography can be interchangeable but are preferred to be two separate pages. The reference page includes the list of references and outside sources that were used to craft the information present in the case study paper, whereas a bibliography includes annotations and credited citations.

A 5-Step Process to Write a Case Study in APA Format

Now that we know all the components of a case study paper, it is also important to know how to write a case study paper in APA format using these components.

Here’s how to write a case study in APA format in five steps.

1. Pick your case study topic

Make sure to pick a topic that you’re interested in. This will make your paper more relatable and an interesting read for your audience.

It is also good practice to pick a topic that has enough information and research material available online, so avoid picking a broad or a general topic that has a multitude of information. This can get overwhelming and confusing for you as well as your professors. So instead, narrow down the case study’s topic.

You should have enough ideas about the direction of your case study paper, based on your findings.

2. Study the case

A quality case study is an in-depth, comprehensive project that will require you to put in all your efforts and available researched information. It is not just finding information and discussing it with your peers.

In your case study paper, you need to conduct your own research and share your point of view and other findings and offer possible solutions. You require accurate statistics, relevant examples, and other cited references to be included in your paper to strengthen your case.

From referring to secondary sources of data such as articles and published papers to conducting interviews and gathering primary data, it’s important to include credible sources of information.

3. Write the title page and abstract

Prepare your case study’s title page as well as the abstract paragraph. The title page should include the following:

  • Name of the institution;
  • Main idea of the investigation.

This page should be in APA format, which means that all the pages used should be numbered accurately, and the title page should be centered in the upper half of the page.

Being a brief summary of the paper, the abstract paragraph is a crucial portion of your case study paper. You need to specify the purpose of the paper, the problems addressed, all the chosen methods to bring results, and possible questions that were raised.

This should be placed on the second page of your case study paper, should not be more than 150-200 words, and needs to be written in a one-block paragraph.

4. Follow the right format

The body of the case study paper should be thorough and should detail the research and findings in an engaging manner.

Since a case study is supposed to provide solutions to an already existing problem, use formal sentences that are structured in a way that your readers can conclude the case study with you.

Formatting your case study paper according to the APA guidelines is a must, as most credible institutions follow this formatting style for their academic write-ups.

The APA guideline recommends:

  • Double-space your paper, keeping 1-inch margins on all sides;
  • Use 12 pt Times New Roman font;
  • Use one-half-inch indentation when starting a new paragraph;
  • Should have a running header on each page, as well as section headers.

5. Organize your reference page

Your case study paper requires a reference page that includes all the sources and research material that you’ve used for getting information. These sources should be cited accurately and written in APA style.

Reference page should consist:

  • Author’s last name, first name;
  • Year of publication (in parenthesis);
  • Type the title in italics.

If you use credible sources and neglect to cite them on your reference page, your case study paper might be considered to be plagiarised.

This article on how to write a case study in APA format gives a thorough process of delivering a quality case study paper with the appropriate format. It also aims to provide guidance, important tips, and necessary methods that will help you sail through this writing assignment with ease.

Browse through, learn how to write a case study paper, and get the grades you desire.

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APA Citation Guide (APA 7th Edition): Case Studies

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. Case Study Number (if given). Database URL.

Havard, C. T. (2021).   

. HBS No. 117-070. 

(Havard, 2021, p. 7)

. Case study number (if given). URL.

Shotts, K. W., & Melvin, S. (2021). Case No. ETH33.   

Henderson, R. M., Locke, R. M., & Lyddy, C. (2019).   

(Shotts & Melvin, 2021, p. 2)

(Henderson et al., 2019, p. 4)

 (pp. Page Numbers). Publisher.

Green cause-related marketing for social innovation: Helping people to reimagine plastic recycling and sustainability. In M. M. Galan-Ladero, C. Galera-Casquet, & H. M. Alves (Eds.),  (pp. 19-30). Springer.

(Rivera, 2021, p. 23)

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APA Sample Paper

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Note:  This page reflects the latest version of the APA Publication Manual (i.e., APA 7), which released in October 2019. The equivalent resource for the older APA 6 style  can be found here .

Media Files: APA Sample Student Paper  ,  APA Sample Professional Paper

This resource is enhanced by Acrobat PDF files. Download the free Acrobat Reader

Note: The APA Publication Manual, 7 th Edition specifies different formatting conventions for student  and  professional  papers (i.e., papers written for credit in a course and papers intended for scholarly publication). These differences mostly extend to the title page and running head. Crucially, citation practices do not differ between the two styles of paper.

However, for your convenience, we have provided two versions of our APA 7 sample paper below: one in  student style and one in  professional  style.

Note: For accessibility purposes, we have used "Track Changes" to make comments along the margins of these samples. Those authored by [AF] denote explanations of formatting and [AWC] denote directions for writing and citing in APA 7. 

APA 7 Student Paper:

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A case study is an in-depth research project where the writer takes one situation or problem and attempts to discuss or solve the topic with one specific example, or case. The writer can discuss, for instance, issues in politics by researching one town's government, provide a solution for rising high school dropout rates by interviewing one student, or even test pet training methods on one dog. The purpose of the case study is to provide a solution to an existing issue, and this requires extensive hands-on research and a thoroughly written article.

Choose the topic for your case study. A case study is an in-depth project that will require you to go above and beyond merely finding the results of other people's work and discussing these points. You will have to conduct your own research and share your findings in your paper. As such, be sure to pick a topic that you are interested in and that you can reasonably research. In other words, if you decide to focus on one person, be sure to have access to this person for interviews and observation.

Research your case. Like any other research paper, many sources are required in order to strengthen your case study. In addition to the typical books, articles and websites, however, you need to include interviews and/or hands-on research. This information will be the backbone of your study.

Analyze and organize your information. Before you can begin the writing process, you should have a good idea of what direction your paper will take based on your findings. Part of the organization process should include listing your sources for the reference page.

Prepare the title page. This should include the title, running head, author, byline, institutional affiliation, and author note. Also, as APA style requires you to number each page, include this as page one.

Write the abstract. This should be located on page two of your case study, and will contain the four or five most important points that will be discussed in the following pages. For the purposes of the case study, this means the individual or organization under study, the problem addressed, and the questions raised. Keep the abstract to about 150-200 words in one block paragraph format.

Write the body of your case study. A thorough discussion of your research and findings should be written in an engaging way. Remember that a case study is supposed to provide a solution to an existing problem, so your paper should tell a story using formal language, allowing the reader to reach your conclusion along with you. Format your paper with 1 inch margins, a running header, 12-point font, double-spacing and section headers.

Organize the reference page. You are required to include a reference page with all your sources when writing in APA style. This should be written in alphabetical order by author and include pertinent information such as article name, publication name, website and year, among other things, depending on the type of source. Format this page with a hanging indent, where the first line is flush left and all subsequent lines are indented one half-inch from the margin.

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  • Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition; American Psychological Association
  • When writing a case study for a class, follow your instructor's guidelines first, even if something contradicts APA Style, in order to ensure you receive the best possible grade.
  • Case study writing is a fluid process, which means that as you write, you may find you need to conduct additional research. Do not become discouraged as this is normal and only strengthens your work in the end.

Jen has been a professional writer since 2002 in the education nonprofit industry. Her work has been featured in the New Jersey SEEDS Annual Report, as well as several Centenary College publications, including "Centenary in the News" and the "Trustee Times." In 2009, Jen earned a Master of Arts degree in leadership and public administration from Centenary College.

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Q. How do I cite a case study in APA Style?

  • 3 Academic Integrity
  • 48 Academic writing
  • 42 APA Style
  • 33 APA Style: Formatting
  • 109 APA Style: In-text citations
  • 107 APA Style: References
  • 3 Generative AI
  • 19 Legal citations
  • 16 Paraphrasing
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  • 17 Writing Centre information
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Answered By: Theresa Bell (she/her/hers) Last Updated: Nov 04, 2021     Views: 41971

APA Style (7th ed.)

Case study with a DOI

If the case study has an assigned DOI (print or online versions), include the DOI in the reference.

Khan, S. (2019). Managing a leadership transition in an non-governmental organization [Case study]. SAGE Business Cases Originals.

  • In-text citation: (Khan, 2019, p. X)

Case study without a DOI retrieved from an academic research database

Peters, C., Thomas, J., Aponte, M., Connelly, R., & Judge, S. (2014).  Media Arts Group and the case of channel conflict [Case study]. Society for Case Research.

  • In-text citation: (Peters et al., 2014, p. X)

American Psychological Association. (2020).  Publication manual of the American Psychological Association  (7th ed.).

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  • APA 7th edition: The most notable changes

APA 7th Edition (2020) | The 17 Most Notable Changes

Published on October 11, 2019 by Raimo Streefkerk . Revised on April 16, 2024.

APA Manual 7th edition cover

In that time a lot of things have changed. Citing online material has become more common, the use of inclusive and bias-free language is increasingly important, and the technology used by researchers and students has changed.

The 7th edition addresses these changes by providing better and more extensive guidelines. This article outlines the biggest changes that you should know about.

Table of contents

References and in-text citations in apa style, inclusive and bias-free language, apa paper format, mechanics of style, apa 7th edition citation generator, free lecture slides, buying the new 7th edition apa manual, frequently asked questions.

When it comes to citing sources, more guidelines have been added that make citing online sources easier and clearer.

In total, 114 examples are provided, ranging from books and periodicals to audiovisuals and social media. For each reference category, an easy template is provided to help you understand and apply the citation guidelines. The biggest changes in the 7th edition are:

  • Covey, S. R. (2013). The 7 habits of highly effective people: Powerful lessons in personal change . New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.
  • Covey, S. R. (2013). The 7 habits of highly effective people: Powerful lessons in personal change . Simon & Schuster.
  • (Taylor, Kotler, Johnson, & Parker, 2018)
  • (Taylor et al., 2018)
  • Miller, T. C., Brown, M. J., Wilson, G. L., Evans, B. B., Kelly, R. S., Turner, S. T., . . . Lee, L. H. (2018).
  • Miller, T. C., Brown, M. J., Wilson, G. L., Evans, B. B., Kelly, R. S., Turner, S. T., Lewis, F., Nelson, T. P., Cox, G., Harris, H. L., Martin, P., Gonzalez, W. L., Hughes, W., Carter, D., Campbell, C., Baker, A. B., Flores, T., Gray, W. E., Green, G., . . . Lee, L. H. (2018).
  • doi: 10.1080/02626667.2018.1560449
  • Streefkerk, R. (2019, October 11). APA 7th edition: The most notable changes [Blog post]. Retrieved from
  • Streefkerk, R. (2019, October 11). APA 7th edition: The most notable changes. Scribbr .
  • Brück, M. (2009). Women in early British and Irish astronomy: Stars and satellites [Kindle version]. https:/
  • Brück, M. (2009). Women in early British and Irish astronomy: Stars and satellites .  Springer Nature. https:/
  • Clear guidelines are provided for including contributors other than authors and editors. For example, when citing a podcast episode , the host of the episode should be included; for a TV series episode , the writer and director of that episode are cited.
  • Dozens of examples are included for online source types such as podcast episodes , social media posts , and YouTube videos . The use of emojis and hashtags is also explained.

Writing inclusively and without bias is the new standard, and APA’s new publication manual contains a separate chapter on this topic.

The guidelines provided by APA help authors reduce bias around topics such as gender, age, disability, racial and ethnic identity, and sexual orientation, as well as being sensitive to labels and describing individuals at the appropriate level of specificity. Some examples include:

  • A researcher’s career depends on how often he or she is cited.
  • A researcher’s career depends on how often they are cited.
  • People living in poverty
  • People over 65 years old
  • People in the age range of 65 to 75 years old

In the 7th edition, APA decided to provide different paper format guidelines for professional and student papers . For both types, a sample paper is included. Some notable changes include:

  • Increased flexibility regarding fonts: options include Calibri 11, Arial 11, Lucida Sans Unicode 10, Times New Roman 12, and Georgia 11.
  • The running head is omitted in student papers (unless your instructor tells you otherwise).
  • Heading levels 3-5 are updated to improve readability.

In terms of style, not much has changed in the 7th edition. In addition to some updated and better explained guidelines, there are two notable changes:

  • Use only one space after a period at the end of a sentence.
  • APA endorses the use of the singular pronoun they
  • APA endorses the use of the singular pronoun “they”

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Are you a teacher or professor who would like to educate your students about the APA 7th edition changes? Great! You can download our free lecture slides, available for Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint.

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The American Psychological Association anticipates that most people will start using the 7th edition in the spring of 2020 or thereafter.

It’s best to ask your supervisor or check the website of the journal you want to publish in to see which APA guidelines you should follow.

The APA Manual 7th edition can be purchased at Amazon as a hardcover, paperback or spiral-bound version. You can also buy an ebook version at RedShelf .

The 7th edition APA Manual , published in October 2019, is the most current edition. However, the 6th edition, published in 2009, is still used by many universities and journals.

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

Streefkerk, R. (2024, April 16). APA 7th Edition (2020) | The 17 Most Notable Changes. Scribbr. Retrieved June 20, 2024, from

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How to Create a Case Study Using APA Format

With a case study, you provide an in-depth observation into an event, process or person. A well-written case study requires planning and thought to properly analyze the situation and offer possible solutions. When your professor requests that you write your paper in American Psychological Association style, he is looking for a particular format and structure.

Format Guidelines

The sixth edition of the “Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association” provides general instructions on how to format your case study. Your paper should be double-spaced and have a 1-inch margin on all sides. The APA recommends you use 12-point Times New Roman font. When you indent the first line of a paragraph, use one-half inch indentations. APA style recommends that your case study feature a title page, abstract (if required), main body and references. Your running head lies at the top of each page in your header. This should feature your title on the flush left hand side and your page numbers on the flush right hand side. Your title is limited to 50 characters in the running head. If you need to condense it, select only the keywords. Type your title in all capital letters and use Arabic numerals for your page numbers.

Title Page and Abstract

In APA style, your title page and abstract are separate pages. For your title page, your running head is slightly different. Before your title, include the words “Running head” and a colon. For the rest of this page, list your case study’s title, your first and last name and your university’s name. This information should be centered in the upper half of the page.

For your abstract, write a paragraph that serves as a summary of your paper. For a case study, this should include what you investigated, the characteristics of your participants, the experimental method you used and any findings or conclusions you reached. In APA style, this paragraph should be 200 to 250 words in length.

In-Text Citations

With APA format, when you quote, paraphrase or summarize someone else’s work, you must list the author’s name and the year of publication. If it is a direct quotation or summary, you must include the page number.

To enhance readability, try to incorporate the author’s name into your sentence and then write the year and the page number in parentheses. As an example on the Purdue Online Writing Lab states, “According to Jones (1998), 'Students often had difficulty using APA style, especially when it was their first time' (p. 199)."

If it is impossible to include the author’s name in your text, place your in-text citation as close as possible to the material you cited. The Pearson Education chapter entitled "APA Documetation with Case Study" uses the following example:

“People from the Mediterranean prefer an elbow-to-shoulder distance from each other" (Morris, 1977).

Following your text, you must supply a complete bibliographical list for your readers. In APA style, alphabetize the entries by the author’s last name. Most citations include four main parts: author’s name, date, title of the article and publication information.

A general guideline for APA format is the author’s last name, a comma, first initial and a period. Next, place the year of publication within parentheses; place a period outside the final parenthesis. Type the title in italics and sentence case followed by a period. Finally, write the city of publication, a colon, the publisher’s name and end with a period. A finished entry might look like this:

Wood, P. (2003). Diversity: The invention of a concept. San Francisco: Encounter Books.

  • APA Documentation with Case Study
  • Purdue University: APA Formatting and Style Guide: In-Text Citations: The Basics
  • University of Ottawa: Academic Writing Help Center: APA Style
  • Purdue University: APA Formatting and Style Guide: General Format
  • Radford University: Dr. Jeff Aspelmeier: A Sample APA Paper

Fitzalan Gorman has more than 10 years of academic and commercial experience in research and writing. She has written speeches and text for CEOs, company presidents and leaders of major nonprofit organizations. Gorman has published for professional cycling teams and various health and fitness websites. She has a Master of Arts from Virginia Tech in political science and is a NASM certified personal trainer.

Fred Bever

How to Cite a Case Study in APA: A Comprehensive Guide

how to cite a case study in apa

If you’re writing an academic paper, you may need to cite a case study. But how do you do that? This guide will explain everything you need to know about citing a case study in APA format.

Table of Contents

What is APA?

APA stands for American Psychological Association. It is a style guide used by many academic disciplines, including psychology, sociology, and business. The purpose of the APA style is to provide a consistent format for academic writing, making it easier for readers to understand and follow the author’s argument.

Why is it important to cite a case study?

how to cite a case study in apa

Citing a case study is important for several reasons. First, it gives credit to the original author for their work. Second, it allows readers to find the source if they want to learn more. Finally, it adds credibility to your work by demonstrating that you have researched and referenced other relevant studies.

How to cite a case study in APA format

Here are the steps you need to follow to cite a case study in APA format:

Step 1: Start with the author’s last name and first initial.

The first step in citing a case study is to list the author’s last name and first initial. For example Smith, J.

Step 2: Include the year of publication in parentheses.

Next, you need to include the year of publication in parentheses. For example: (2018).

Step 3: Provide the title of the case study in italics.

After the year of publication, you need to provide the title of the case study in italics. For example The impact of social media on adolescent mental health.

Step 4: Add the name of the publisher.

The next step is to add the name of the publisher. For example Harvard Business Review Press.

Step 5: Include the DOI or URL.

Finally, you need to include the DOI or URL where the case study can be found. For example

Here’s what the final citation should look like:

Smith, J. (2018). The impact of social media on adolescent mental health. Harvard Business Review Press.

What to do if there is no DOI or URL

If you cannot find a DOI or URL for the case study, you can omit it from the citation. In that case, you should include the name of the database where you found the case study instead. For example:

Smith, J. (2018). The impact of social media on adolescent mental health. Harvard Business Review Press. Academic Search Complete.

Tips for citing a case study in APA format

  • Always check the specific requirements of your instructor or publisher to ensure that you are following their guidelines correctly.
  • Double-check your citations to make sure that you have included all the necessary information.
  • If you are citing multiple case studies from the same author or publisher, you can use a shortened version of the citation after the first one. For example Smith (2018, p. 25).

Citing a case study in APA format may seem daunting at first, but it is quite simple once you know the steps. By following the guidelines in this article, you can ensure that your citations are accurate and complete and that you are giving credit to the original authors for their work.

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APA Style, 7th edition - Citing Sources

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  • APA Paper Review (Regis Students Only)

When writing a paper using APA style, you must adhere to very specific style rules. These include:

  • Double space with 1" margins on all sides.
  • Many font choices are acceptable. Use the same font throughout the paper. Suggested fonts include: Calibra 11 pt., Arial 11 pt., Lucida Sans Unicode 10 pt., Times New Roman 12 pt., Georgia 11 pt., Computer Modern 10 pt.  MORE INFORMATION.
  • While page headers are no longer needed for student papers (no more Running head!) , each page should be numbered in the header, flush right.  Numbering starts with the title page.
  • Paper's sections:  Title Page, Main Body, References.  Other sections include abstract, appendices.  These are not always required or necessary. Check your assignment and/or ask your professor.
  • Title of paper (in bold), author's name (your name), institutional affiliation (Regis College), course number and name, instructor name, assignment due date centered on title page are the basic elements on the title page.  MORE INFORMATION . 
  • Start the reference list after the body of the paper, on a new page, with the word References   bolded and centered at the top. 
  • Headings must conform to APA Style. MORE INFORMATION.
  • APA Style website- Paper Format

Topics covered:

  • Order of pages
  • Title Page Setup
  • Page Header
  • Line Spacing
  • Paragraph Alignment & Indentation
  • Accessibility 

Use this checklist to proofread your paper once it is complete. 

  • APA Checklist 7th edition

Use the below templates to get started with formatting your papers in APA in Word. Make sure to check with your professor if you should be using the professional or student versions!

  • Regis College Library Student Template For student-formatted APA 7th edition papers. This template was created by Regis College Library librarians.
  • Regis College Library Professional Template For professional-formatted APA 7th edition papers. This template was created by Regis College Library librarians.
  • Scribbr APA Format for Papers- Templates From Scribbr: Goes over how to format your paper, FREE downloads to templates for the student and professional versions, as well as a video in how to use the templates in Word. Please note: there is a logo down the bottom of each page in the downloaded templates that will need to be removed before submitting your paper!

APA has sample papers available on page 50 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association , 7th ed.

Be sure to check with your professor on which format version to use, since the format for professional papers (those submitted to a journal) is different than the student format.

  • APA Style Sample Papers You can view these sample papers with helpful annotations or without.

Student papers typically do not require an abstract ( see p. 30 APA 7th manual).  Check your assignment or clarify with your professor if you have questions about whether an abstract is necessary.

An abstract is written after your paper is completed.  It is typically one paragraph of 300 words or less that summarizes your paper and provides enough information so that the reader can decide whether it would be useful to read the rest of the paper.  It includes the purpose of the study, the design of your study (methods), results or findings, and conclusions. In other words, an abstract describes what you set out to do, how you did it, your results, and your conclusions based on the results.

There are different abstract formats for different types of studies.  These include empirical studies, literature reviews, theory-oriented papers, methodological papers, and case studies.  Each of these is discussed in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,  (6th ed.), on pp. 25- 27.

If you include an abstract, begin on a new page right after the title page (the second page).   On the first line of the abstract page, center and bold the word Abstract  (do not use italics, underlining, or quotation marks). Begin your abstract paragraph on the next line.  Do not indent the paragraph.


You may want to use appendices in a long paper such as a term project or dissertation. Rules to keep in mind:

  • The appendix appears after the reference list.
  • Each appendix should be labeled.  Name the first appendix Appendix A, the second Appendix B, etc.
  • The appendices should appear in the order that they are mentioned in your paper.
  • Start each appendix on a new page.
  • More detail about formatting appendices can be found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) starting on p. 38.
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  • Last Updated: Jun 18, 2024 10:51 AM
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APA Case Study Format

APA case study writing

A case study is one of many research instruments or strategies that are widely used by students, who are studying a particular issue or situation. Case studies are usually assigned to sociology, psychology, education, and anthropology courses. If you are experiencing some difficulties with this task and do not know how to write a case study in APA, we advise you to learn the following guide. It will help you understand this task better and become a skilled case study writer. So, there will be no need for you to put your " write my case study for me " request in the search engines.

APA Case Study Writing

A case study is an assignment that aims to investigate a certain problem and offer a good solution. They may range from academic studies to corporate promotion tools that aim to sell specific goods. Whereas the research paper focuses on the reader`s attention to the specific idea, a case study goes far beyond. In particular, a case study requires ( APA 7th edition changes ) the student to pay attention to the smallest details, as well as investigate the issue from different perspectives using various research methods. As every problem in human life can be treated from different aspects, each case study demands a unique approach.

Think About the Research

As well as in many other academic tasks, in writing case studies, research goes first. Undoubtedly, being a student, you cannot be considered an expert. Therefore, your statements without evidence do not have much value. Reading different sources with different experts` opinions will help you come up with the most effective solutions for the analysis of your topic.

Best Steps for an Effective Start of APA Case Writing

  • First of all, it is better to surf the web for credible and relevant sources.
  • When the list of sources is ready - categorize them according to the ideas discussed in them.
  • Think about the key aspects of the topic you want to discuss in your case study. This process is called brainstorming. It consists of writing down all the ideas that come to your mind.
  • Another great idea is to find several of the most substantial sub-topics and focus on them.
  • Now it is time to think about the key solutions. Do not hesitate to rely on the class discussions, your personal experiences, or class readings.
  • Now the preparation stage is done. So you can start to create a great case study outline and follow it point by point.
  • While writing your key study, it is better to select the best solution and develop it.

BONUS HINT.  If you want to get additional points for your paper, here is an elite tip for you. Use several methods for collecting and analyzing the data. Your professor is guaranteed to add a few additional points for such a multifaceted approach in your methodology chapter.

The Next Step is to Write a Draft of Your APA Case Study

Properly Case Study in APA Format with Writing Elites Help

When the research is done and the key ideas are selected, writing a rough draft is not a problem. We advise you to check the grading rubric and prompt once again to ensure you move in the right direction. Knowing all the criteria and following the correct assignment structure, you will be able to create a truly great case study that will impress the most demanding professor. If you feel that you cannot do this task well, feel free to break it down into several pieces and write each of them separately.

  • Case Study Introduction . Introduce your topic to your target audience. A good introduction to the case study should contain enough background information on the results of the previous studies on your topic so that the audience could familiarize themselves with the topic chosen. At the same time, do not overburden your introduction with unnecessary details. The length of the introduction depends on the length of your case study.
  • Case Study Aims . The aim of your case study is suggested in your thesis statement. It should outline the scope of your research emphasizing the issues you want to tackle.
  • Case Study Methods . It is crucially important to inform your audience about what methods you used to collect your information. This section may include all interviews, academic journals, statistics, or observations.
  • Case Study Results . As the name suggests, this section is dedicated to the results of your research. Tell the audience what did you discover and if it has some theoretical or practical value.
  • Case Study Discussion . This section should give answers to the following questions: why did you pick this specific topic? What did you find about it? Are there some alternative approaches to its analysis?
  • Case Study Recommendations . Keep in mind that it is not a research paper, so your conclusion should not only restate the ideas discussed in the paper but also give practical recommendations.

Learn How to Write a Case Study in APA Format

How to Cite a Case Study in APA?

Experts from have created a lot of case study APA papers. They got years and years of experience. And now you are reading their explanation in detail on how to write an APA case study. According to them, your paper needs to be double-spaced. According to the case study format APA, your paper will include an abstract, a main body, and a reference list. Also, it should contain a running head on the top left corner of every page. Also, you have to use Arabic numerals for putting in page numbers.

Title Page and Abstract to APA Case Study

In APA, a title page is a separate page that contains only the name of the student, the name of the instructor, the educational institution, and the running head.

An abstract usually contains a few sentences and serves as a summary of the paper. According to the APA guide, an abstract should take 200-250 words. If you do not know how to cite a case study in APA, feel free to find good samples available on the web or address your instructor for assistance.

How to Cite Case Study APA

The best way to cite an APA case study is next: when you quote or paraphrase some text, you need to mention the name of the author and the year of publication. Purdue Online Writing Lab suggests the following quotation:

References in APA Format

All sources used in your case study should appear in your reference list alphabetically. The information from these sources should follow the common order: the name of the article, the date of publication, the title, and the publisher.

A finished entry can look as follows:

Case Study Format APA Examples on

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  • Feasibility Analysis of the Project .
  • Malaysian Airlines Business Turnaround Plan .
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  • WalMart Inc. Employees Health Analysis .

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APA Formatting and Style (7th ed.) for Student Papers

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APA 7th ed. Fillable Word Template and Sample Paper

  • APA 7th ed. Template Download this Word document, fill out the title page and get writing!
  • Sample Paper APA 7th ed. Our APA sample paper shows you how to format the main parts of a basic research paper.
  • APA 7th Sample Papers from Purdue Owl
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APA 7: Sample Paper

  • Paper Sections
  • Quote & Paraphrase
  • Format in Word
  • In-Text Citations
  • Reference List
  • Sample Paper

Examples of the Different Paper Sections

  • Title Page - APA 7 Example
  • References Page
  • Student Paper - Example in APA Format Includes title page, body, and references.
  • Sample Annotated Student Paper in APA Style
  • APA 7 Quick Reference Guide

Optional Paper Sections

  • Headings - APA 7 Style Guide
  • Accessible Use of Colors in APA 7
  • Figures - APA 7 The basics of figure setup, including figure components, principles of figure construction, and placement of figures in a paper.
  • Tables - APA 7 The basics of table setup, including table components, principles of table construction, and placement of tables in the paper.
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American Psychological Association

References provide the information necessary for readers to identify and retrieve each work cited in the text .

Check each reference carefully against the original publication to ensure information is accurate and complete. Accurately prepared references help establish your credibility as a careful researcher and writer.

Consistency in reference formatting allows readers to focus on the content of your reference list, discerning both the types of works you consulted and the important reference elements (who, when, what, and where) with ease. When you present each reference in a consistent fashion, readers do not need to spend time determining how you organized the information. And when searching the literature yourself, you also save time and effort when reading reference lists in the works of others that are written in APA Style.

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APA Format Case Study

APA is used to conduct a research in social sciences. It is one of the most popular formats to follow, and it is obligatory to use it in writing a major number of students’ papers in many universities. Students are taught to write a case study format APA since it is also used for a scientific research.

How to Write a Case Study Paper in APA

Case study format APA means following the proper formatting style, but all other requirements for conducting a research still the same.

Start from choosing a topic. It is very positive if it is not set by circumstances, but in interesting for a researcher himself. This will affect the work itself in a positive way. If an author is interested in writing on this topic, then it will be interesting for others to read it.The next step is to decide on the amount of work that one is going to write. If there is a lot of material, then maybe it makes sense to make the topic narrower or re-qualify the scientific work in the thesis.

APA case study needs a well-developed plan. Writing a plan will help to organize the events that one want to tell the scientific community, his thoughts on this matter and the conclusions that he makes on their basis. Consider in the plan of scientific work that in the first part of it a task should be set and the state of affairs in the area that one intends to investigate should be mentioned. Then the experiments conducted should be described, and observations should be noted. In the end, the observations are analyzed, and conclusions are drawn.

What Format to Follow

General APA case study format includes a title page, an abstract, body pages, conclusion and reference list.

It also may contain appendixes if the research is large and requires using charts, graphs, and interviews.A title page should include the name of an author, the topic of his work, the name of the university or other organization where research was conducted and a running head. Running head is a brief statement (up to three words) that reveals the main idea the investigation is made on. It should be used on all of the pages of the paper. It should be typed in capital letters on all pages excluding a title page.An abstract is a brief summary, and it emphasizes the main theme of the paper, goals of a researcher, chosen methods, and obtained results.

An abstract as a rule ends with a set of keywords that characterize the paper. This is made in order that a scientific work will be easy to find in online and offline databases.The introduction should consist consistently of the following parts: the rationale for the topic, its relevance. The relevance of the topic is an explanation of why it is appropriate to address this topic right now, what is the scientific and practical necessity, in what state are current scientific ideas about the subject of research. The justification of the relevance of the topic should be followed by consideration of the degree of scientific elaboration of the problem. Here it is necessary to list the past and current researchers who dealt with this problem in different angles, indicate insufficiently illuminated items.

After considering the degree of scientific development of the problem, a smooth, logical transition to the research goal is carried out.The purpose of the research is its ultimate desired result, the solution of the scientific problem, which in the end should come. The objectives of the study are ways to achieve the goal. The formulation of research tasks is necessary to specify the research objectives. Tasks can be aimed at identifying, analyzing, summarizing, substantiating, developing, individual components of a common problem. It should be remembered that the enumeration of tasks sets the plan and internal logic of the text of the whole work.

An introduction should end with a thesis. The thesis should be argued using reliable sources, supporting and opposing opinions of other authors, real cases from practice and personal experience. The number of these arguments will depend on the volume of case study APA .

What Sources to Use and How to Cite Them

When a person is obliged to write a case study APA format , he is free to choose various sources for the research. They may include books, articles in periodicals, reliable online sources, movies, videos, interviews and scientific works of other authors.

The main requirement is that these sources should not be outdated since, in the case of use materials that are no relevant at the time of research, there is a risk to obtain wrong results. Citing a case study APA is an obligatory requirement in making of the reliable research. It is not obligatory to cite another work directly; sometimes it is allowed to paraphrase; however, the source of paraphrasing should also be mentioned. If it is a direct citing, it is enough to mention the surname of an author/authors, year of publication and page where this citation was initially written. When one cites a movie or a video, it is necessary to record at what minute of a track some words were said.

The bibliography should also be formatted correctly. Every used source should be mentioned in the following order: a name and a surname of an author, year of publication, the title of work, the name of publishing house or organization if it is a periodical, and a number of cited page/pages.

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Free APA Citation Generator

Generate citations in APA format quickly and automatically, with MyBib!

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🤔 What is an APA Citation Generator?

An APA citation generator is a software tool that will automatically format academic citations in the American Psychological Association (APA) style.

It will usually request vital details about a source -- like the authors, title, and publish date -- and will output these details with the correct punctuation and layout required by the official APA style guide.

Formatted citations created by a generator can be copied into the bibliography of an academic paper as a way to give credit to the sources referenced in the main body of the paper.

👩‍🎓 Who uses an APA Citation Generator?

College-level and post-graduate students are most likely to use an APA citation generator, because APA style is the most favored style at these learning levels. Before college, in middle and high school, MLA style is more likely to be used. In other parts of the world styles such as Harvard (UK and Australia) and DIN 1505 (Europe) are used more often.

🙌 Why should I use a Citation Generator?

Like almost every other citation style, APA style can be cryptic and hard to understand when formatting citations. Citations can take an unreasonable amount of time to format manually, and it is easy to accidentally include errors. By using a citation generator to do this work you will:

  • Save a considerable amount of time
  • Ensure that your citations are consistent and formatted correctly
  • Be rewarded with a higher grade

In academia, bibliographies are graded on their accuracy against the official APA rulebook, so it is important for students to ensure their citations are formatted correctly. Special attention should also be given to ensure the entire document (including main body) is structured according to the APA guidelines. Our complete APA format guide has everything you need know to make sure you get it right (including examples and diagrams).

⚙️ How do I use MyBib's APA Citation Generator?

Our APA generator was built with a focus on simplicity and speed. To generate a formatted reference list or bibliography just follow these steps:

  • Start by searching for the source you want to cite in the search box at the top of the page.
  • MyBib will automatically locate all the required information. If any is missing you can add it yourself.
  • Your citation will be generated correctly with the information provided and added to your bibliography.
  • Repeat for each citation, then download the formatted list and append it to the end of your paper.

MyBib supports the following for APA style:

⚙️ StylesAPA 6 & APA 7
📚 SourcesWebsites, books, journals, newspapers
🔎 AutociteYes
📥 Download toMicrosoft Word, Google Docs

Image of daniel-elias

Daniel is a qualified librarian, former teacher, and citation expert. He has been contributing to MyBib since 2018.


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  3. Sample Paper In Apa Format 7th Edition

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  4. Apa Format Paper Example 7th Edition

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  5. How to Write a Case Study? [APA Format]

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  6. APA 7th edition template without abstract

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  1. APA 7th style references/ Hindi/ Urdu Tutorial/ Formatting APA references & APA reference page

  2. Novocart Case Study

  3. APA 7 Format in Academic writing

  4. ORNAC Standards case study

  5. Learn How to Write a Case Study [Short Tutorial]

  6. Introduction to Using APA Style (7th Edition)


  1. How to Write a Case Study? [APA Format]

    3 Writing a case study in APA Step By Step. 3.1 Title Page in APA for Case Study Project. 3.2 APA Title Page Example. 3.3 The Abstract for an APA case study. Whether you study social sciences or life sciences, you're likely to encounter a case study analysis in your academic journey. These papers demand a lot from students.

  2. APA Formatting and Style Guide (7th Edition)

    General Format Guidelines on writing an APA style paper In-Text Citations. Resources on using in-text citations in APA style. The Basics General guidelines for referring to the works of others in your essay Author/Authors How to refer to authors in-text, including single and multiple authors, unknown authors, organizations, etc. ...

  3. Subject Guides: APA Citation Style (7th Edition): Case Studies

    (Examples courtesy of APA Style Guidelines & Examples - NAIT Library.) Textbook Case Study Author(s) or editor(s) of the chapter or entry or case study. (Year of book). Title of chapter or entry or case study. In First initial. Last name, & First initial. Last name (Eds.), Title of book (pp. xx-xx). Publisher. Example: Pederson, S. (2008). The ...

  4. PDF Student Paper Setup Guide, APA Style 7th Edition

    Indent the first line of every paragraph of text 0.5 in. using the tab key or the paragraph-formatting function of your word-processing program. Page numbers: Put a page number in the top right corner of every page, including the title page or cover page, which is page 1. Student papers do not require a running head on any page.

  5. How to Write a Case Study Paper in APA Format

    This should be placed on the second page of your case study paper, should not be more than 150-200 words, and needs to be written in a one-block paragraph. 4. Follow the right format. The body of the case study paper should be thorough and should detail the research and findings in an engaging manner.

  6. How to Cite a Case Study in APA, MLA or Chicago

    When citing a case study, the format in MLA and APA is similar to that of a report, and in Chicago style, it is similar to that of a book. ... The templates and examples below will demonstrate how to cite a case study in MLA, APA, and Chicago styles. MLA 9. Structure: Author Last Name, Author First Name.

  7. APA Citation Guide (APA 7th Edition): Case Studies

    Reference List Citation: Last Name of Case Study/Chapter Author, Author's First Initial. (Publication Year of Book). Title of case study or chapter.

  8. APA Sample Paper

    Media Files: APA Sample Student Paper , APA Sample Professional Paper This resource is enhanced by Acrobat PDF files. Download the free Acrobat Reader. Note: The APA Publication Manual, 7 th Edition specifies different formatting conventions for student and professional papers (i.e., papers written for credit in a course and papers intended for scholarly publication).

  9. How to Write a Case Study APA Style

    5. Write the abstract. This should be located on page two of your case study, and will contain the four or five most important points that will be discussed in the following pages. For the purposes of the case study, this means the individual or organization under study, the problem addressed, and the questions raised.

  10. APA format for academic papers and essays

    Throughout your paper, you need to apply the following APA format guidelines: Set page margins to 1 inch on all sides. Double-space all text, including headings. Indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5 inches. Use an accessible font (e.g., Times New Roman 12pt., Arial 11pt., or Georgia 11pt.).

  11. How do I cite a case study in APA Style?

    APA Style (7th ed.) Case study with a DOI. If the case study has an assigned DOI (print or online versions), include the DOI in the reference. ... Case study without a DOI retrieved from an academic research database. Peters, C., Thomas, J., Aponte, M., Connelly, R., & Judge, S. (2014).

  12. How to Cite in APA Format (7th edition)

    On the first line of the page, write the section label "References" (in bold and centered). On the second line, start listing your references in alphabetical order. Apply these formatting guidelines to the APA reference page: Double spacing (within and between references) Hanging indent of ½ inch.

  13. Sample papers

    These sample papers demonstrate APA Style formatting standards for different student paper types. Students may write the same types of papers as professional authors (e.g., quantitative studies, literature reviews) or other types of papers for course assignments (e.g., reaction or response papers, discussion posts), dissertations, and theses.

  14. APA 7th Edition (2020)

    In October 2019, the American Psychological Association (APA) introduced the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual, which replaces the 6th edition published in 2009.. In that time a lot of things have changed. Citing online material has become more common, the use of inclusive and bias-free language is increasingly important, and the technology used by researchers and students has changed.

  15. How to Create a Case Study Using APA Format

    APA style recommends that your case study feature a title page, abstract (if required), main body and references. Your running head lies at the top of each page in your header. This should feature your title on the flush left hand side and your page numbers on the flush right hand side. Your title is limited to 50 characters in the running head.

  16. How to Cite a Case Study in APA: A Comprehensive Guide

    How to cite a case study in APA format. Here are the steps you need to follow to cite a case study in APA format: Step 1: Start with the author's last name and first initial. The first step in citing a case study is to list the author's last name and first initial. For example Smith, J. Step 2: Include the year of publication in parentheses.

  17. Preparing to Write the APA Case Study Paper: An Example

    What do you do now that you've done all of your research and feel overwhelmed with the information you've found?Start by focusing on big ideas. Here's an exa...

  18. APA Style, 7th edition

    When writing a paper using APA style, you must adhere to very specific style rules. These include: Double space with 1" margins on all sides. Many font choices are acceptable. Use the same font throughout the paper. Suggested fonts include: Calibra 11 pt., Arial 11 pt., Lucida Sans Unicode 10 pt., Times New Roman 12 pt., Georgia 11 pt ...

  19. Proper APA Case Study Format with Examples

    According to them, your paper needs to be double-spaced. According to the case study format APA, your paper will include an abstract, a main body, and a reference list. Also, it should contain a running head on the top left corner of every page. Also, you have to use Arabic numerals for putting in page numbers.

  20. APA Formatting and Style (7th ed.) for Student Papers

    APA 7th ed. Fillable Word Template and Sample Paper. APA 7th ed. Template. Download this Word document, fill out the title page and get writing! Sample Paper APA 7th ed. Our APA sample paper shows you how to format the main parts of a basic research paper. APA 7th Sample Papers from Purdue Owl << Previous: Block Quotations;

  21. Sample Paper

    Optional Paper Sections. Headings - APA 7 Style Guide. Accessible Use of Colors in APA 7. Figures - APA 7. The basics of figure setup, including figure components, principles of figure construction, and placement of figures in a paper. Tables - APA 7.

  22. APA Format: Everything You Need to Know Here

    In APA format, there are five levels of headings, each with a different formatting: Level 1: This is the title of your paper; The title should be centered in the middle of the page; The title should be bolded; Use uppercase and lowercase letters where necessary (called title capitalization) Level 2: Place this heading against the left margin ...

  23. References

    References provide the information necessary for readers to identify and retrieve each work cited in the text. Consistency in reference formatting allows readers to focus on the content of your reference list, discerning both the types of works you consulted and the important reference elements with ease.

  24. APA Format Case Study

    What Format to Follow. General APA case study format includes a title page, an abstract, body pages, conclusion and reference list. It also may contain appendixes if the research is large and requires using charts, graphs, and interviews.A title page should include the name of an author, the topic of his work, the name of the university or ...

  25. Free APA Citation Generator [Updated for 2024]

    An APA citation generator is a software tool that will automatically format academic citations in the American Psychological Association (APA) style. It will usually request vital details about a source -- like the authors, title, and publish date -- and will output these details with the correct punctuation and layout required by the official ...