How to Write a Proposal Cover Letter: Examples + Free Template

Posted by: Cinthya Soto

Proposal cover letters are brief overviews that introduce the more in-depth content of a proposal. Cover letters are normally the first page of a proposal, making them the first impression you will give and your first opportunity to convince the reader to work with you. These letters directly communicate with the client and set the stage for the following proposal details.

If your proposal cover letter is not convincing enough, the reader might not read your entire proposal and choose a competitor. That’s why understanding the do’s and don’ts of proposal cover letter writing is crucial. 

In this blog, we’ll teach you how to structure and write a proposal cover letter, what makes a good and a bad proposal, and we even provide a free downloadable template for your firm to use. 

What Is a Proposal Cover Letter? 

A proposal cover letter is a letter that accompanies an RFP response or bid submission. Its primary purpose is to introduce the proposal, explain its relevance to the recipient, and persuade the reader of the value and credibility of what’s being offered. It sets the tone for the entire proposal, so make sure it’s well-crafted. 

The cover letter needs to be persuasive and blow your prospect away because it provides a first impression. Since it’s often the first thing the recipient will see, it plays a key role in the recipient’s decision to even consider reading the full proposal. 

The cover letter is frequently the initial opportunity for your proposal to align with the reader’s objectives. While it goes on top of the proposal, it shouldn’t be confused with an executive summary that outlines the main highlights of your proposal. 

Why Your Proposal Cover Letter Matters 

Your proposal cover letter is made up of the most important paragraphs you’ll ever write because it’s the section everyone will read. That’s why it’s essential to nail it, or you stand the chance of losing the project. A cover letter helps busy clients decide if they’re interested in reading the complete proposal. Therefore, having a winning proposal cover letter is equally important as the actual proposal. 

The proposal cover letter gives you a chance to leave clients with a memorable first impression. While proposals lean towards factual information, cover letters offer a more personal touch. Establishing an emotional connection from the beginning significantly increases the likelihood of the reader engaging with your entire proposal. 

What Should Be on a Proposal Cover Letter? 

Though the specifics of your proposal may vary based on the nature of your offer and your sector, the proposal cover letter should consistently stick to the following structure: 

Contact Information 

It’s essential to include your contact details, including your name, email, and phone number, as well as your organization’s information such as its name, email, phone number, website, and even its social media handles. For bonus points, include the link to your LinkedIn profile in the heading too so the reader can get a deeper understanding of who you are. 

Make these details easy to find by placing them at the top or bottom of the cover letter, ensuring they’re in a bold and easy-to-read font so potential clients have no problem finding them. Using the company’s letterhead for the letter not only ensures the inclusion of this information but also gives a professional touch. 


This is your chance to introduce your company and what you do. It’s your first opportunity to make a positive impression and establish a connection with the reader. 

Begin with a concise statement about your company. This could be your mission statement, a brief history, or an overview of what makes your organization unique. This is your chance to highlight areas where your company excels, which helps you establish credibility. 

Additionally, highlight your primary areas of specialization or the main services/products you offer. This will give the reader a clear understanding of your role and what you do. 


Often, decision-makers are drowned in proposals, and they might not have the time or patience to go through every detail initially. A concise summary ensures that they can quickly understand your proposal’s primary objectives and value.

You should provide details about your value propositions at a high level and connect how they meet your client’s requirements. By summarizing how your proposal addresses the client’s specific challenges or needs, you can instantly resonate with them, emphasizing that your solution is tailored to their situation.


Continuing to the offer, this is where you should further explain how you can provide a personalized solution. Clarify to the client the unique value your solution brings to solve their problem. 

Having captured your potential client’s interest, you now have to focus on keeping it. Achieve this by highlighting the clear benefits that directly compellingly address their challenges, making it easy to understand. 

While you’ll be mentioning how your work will benefit the prospect, you should also explain what they will win from choosing to work with you. 

Here are some tips on how you can accomplish this: 

  • Select the three to five primary attributes of your solution 
  • Explain their advantages for your client in a concise statement 
  • Be straightforward– This is what we provide. This is how it solves your issue 


In situations where multiple firms submit proposals, having strong and relevant references can set you apart from competitors. It offers an added layer of reassurance to prospective clients about your experience and competence. Essentially, relevant references help the client understand why they should choose you over others. 

References also show the prospective client or partner that others have trusted you and that you’ve delivered results. By showcasing references from satisfied clients or partners, you demonstrate that you have been trusted in the past, which can solve any insecurity or concerns the potential client might have. 


Visuals aren’t a must for proposal cover letters. However, they can enhance its impact by emphasizing crucial information. If you have a designer on your team, you can incorporate graphics that highlight the key points of the letter. 

Some examples of what this might look like: 

  • Highlighting a customer satisfaction quote in a different font to make it stand out 
  • Using callout boxes to draw attention to your key value propositions (especially helpful for busy teams skimming the page) 
  • Using the company letterhead
  • Including the signature from a senior person at your company 


Similar to introductions, many cover letters tend to focus more on the body content than the concluding paragraph. However, ending on a powerful note is as crucial as creating a compelling start. It’s recommended to conclude your cover letter by highlighting a significant benefit and the value your project will offer to the company. 

Additionally, when wrapping up your proposal cover letter, always encourage them to continue by reading the complete proposal.

How to Write a Proposal Cover Letter 

Now that you know the structure to follow on the proposal cover letter, it’s time to go into the details of how to write a proposal letter. 

Powerful First Sentence 

Starting with a powerful opening sentence can grab the reader’s attention immediately, encourage them to continue reading, and make your proposal stand out among the endless others they may have received. It’s beneficial to use impactful verbs and straightforward wording to ensure your initial sentence remains engaging and brief.  

Demonstrate You Understand the Problem 

In any proposal, it’s essential to demonstrate to your client that you understand the problem they’re facing. Highlight their goals and the reasons behind your collaboration. Present the company’s challenges in an easily comprehensible manner. Dedicate a section to focus on the company’s concerns, and later in the cover letter, you can introduce the proposed solutions. 

Offer to Discuss the Proposal Further 

Before ending your cover letter, you should stress your readiness to dive deeper into the proposal and address any questions or concerns the reader might have. Additionally, this serves as a chance for you to propose a face-to-face meeting with the potential client to further increase your chances of landing the project. 

Thank the Issuer for the Opportunity 

In the cover letter, you have the opportunity to express gratitude to the proposal’s recipients. Recognizing their participation in the process and expressing appreciation for the opportunity not only demonstrates courtesy but also signals to all reviewers that you’ve closely read the RFP guidelines. 

Persuasive Closing

After completing the structure and details of your proposal cover letter, end with a persuasive closing demonstrating your understanding of the next steps. Clients want to understand how you’ll assist them in achieving their objectives and the next steps for moving forward. This demonstrates to them that you can simplify the process by detailing the necessary steps to advance. 

As mentioned earlier, you’ll want to encourage the reader to read the entire proposal. However, you should also mention the opportunity to discuss the proposal further. Some examples of what this might look like include: 

  • “We look forward to the opportunity to discuss our proposal further.” 
  • “Once you’ve had an opportunity to review our proposal, please don’t hesitate to reach out and follow up with any questions.” 
  • “Our team will be following up in a week for an update and see if there are any additional ways we can support your team. “


Don’t forget to include a signature! But who signs it? Who signs the proposal cover letter varies based on different factors. The person who has the relationship with the client is in charge of the strategy, and probably carried out the research leading to the proposal is typically the one that should sign the proposal cover letter. 

However, it’s recommended that you have the proposal cover letter signed by the individual with the highest authorization level, ideally someone the client knows. 

Otherwise, you should consider having the executive director of your organization sign the cover letter and include their contact details for professionalism. People to consider for signing the proposal cover letter include: 

  • Executive director 
  • Account manager  
  • Executive of executives 
  • CEO (a strategy used by small firms or when the RFP represents a large portion of a responder’s annual revenue) 
  • Someone with a senior title 

What Makes a Good Proposal Cover Letter?

So, now we know how to structure a proposal cover letter and how to write one, but how can we make it stand out? Here are some tips you should follow to craft a good proposal cover letter. 

Capture Reader’s Attention Early 

Within the framework of a proposal, the first paragraph is the best chance you have to catch your reader’s interest. This means the introduction is one of the most essential parts of your proposal cover letter. It’s crucial to catch the reader’s attention immediately, so think of an engaging way to introduce yourself and your company. You can do this by finding a way to relate to them or showing that you understand their needs. 

Mirror Clients’ Words and Phrases 

When writing a proposal cover letter, it’s essential to align your language with the client’s terminology to show that you understand their needs. Failing to do so might not only display a lack of alignment and agreement. 

Prioritize the Prospect 

A common mistake is making a proposal letter about yourself. Clients aren’t focused on your achievements or your professional journey. They want to understand how you’ll assist them in reaching their objectives. Therefore, the cover letter should focus on how you plan to help the client in reaching their objectives.

If you do want to mention special company achievements, make sure they are relevant to your client’s objectives and provide value. 

Get Straight to the Point

Keep it simple. Be clear and avoid any uncertainty. Being unclear can break trust quickly. So, gather all your information before writing, so you don’t sound unsure. Make sure what you write is accurate. You’re the expert. Write confidently and avoid wasting your client’s (or your) time by putting unnecessary information in your proposal cover letter. The goal is to have clients read to the conclusion and sign. 

Stand Out From the Competition

The proposal cover letter shows that you understand the client’s worries. It helps you be different from others and encourages clients to read your entire proposal. After reading the cover letter, they can then look at the more detailed parts.

Moreover, the proposal cover letter is your first chance to highlight your value proposition and what makes your offer unique compared to others. For the cover letter, you should focus on how you can distinguish yourself from competitors.  You don’t want to “sound” the same as the competition. 

RFP Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid 

Now that we’ve seen what makes a cover letter good, let’s take a look at what makes a cover letter bad. Here are the proposal cover letter mistakes to avoid. 

Repeating the Executive Summary 

Avoid repeating content from the executive summary within your proposal cover letter. Each document — the executive summary, proposal, and cover letter — should be separate. Repetitive information can damage the impact of your message and possibly bore or discourage the reader. 

Not Utilizing the Right Software 

When creating RFP responses, you need to manage digital assets while keeping everything accurate and up to date. With the right software, like a DAM system , you can store and manage all your project images, videos, and other media in one place. This makes it easy to find and incorporate the most relevant and impressive visuals into your RFP to make it more compelling.

With a DAM, you can quickly search, access, and integrate assets from the software directly into your RFP documents. This means that with the right DAM integrations for your industry, you can create documents in seconds with pre-designed templates. 

Additionally, a DAM helps ensure that all images and media used are in line with your brand guidelines and accessed by the right people. 

TIP: Want to know more ways a digital asset management (DAM) system can help you create RFP responses and win more clients? Read our Ultimate DAM Guide now. 

Not Reading the RFP Multiple Times

Overlooking details is the first challenge in the RFP response process. The data presented by the client within the RFP serves to guide and inform your proposal. Hence, it’s crucial to carefully review the RFP multiple times to ensure all essential elements are seen and there is no critical information missing. 

Moreover, if you don’t follow the client’s RFP guidelines, they’ll most likely ignore your response, and all your effort will be lost to those who did thoroughly read the RFP.

Not Understanding the Client’s Needs 

This might seem like a general mistake, but it’s a big one. If you don’t understand what the client wants, your whole response won’t matter. For this reason, you need to read the RFP carefully to know what the client looking for. Don’t send a proposal that’s missing details or doesn’t match what they need. 

Making the Length Too Long 

Your cover letter should always be one page unless you’re dealing with a long proposal of 100+ pages. If you do end up with a longer cover letter, it might be because you are including too much detail. Instead of describing every detail of your proposal (save that for the executive summary), focus on the top three aspects that will catch the reader’s attention. This will leave the reader wanting to know more, encouraging them to read the entire proposal.  

Proposal Cover Letter Examples 

It’s time to take a look at good proposal cover letter examples to help you further understand what is expected. 

Construction Proposal Letter Example 

Here is a construction RFP response cover letter example that works: 

Sample construction proposal letter

Source: Examples   

Architecture RFP Cover Page Example

Here is an architecture RFP cover page example that works: 

Sample architecture rfp cover page

Source: Utley Strategies 

Engineering Cover Letter for a Proposal 

Here is an engineering cover letter example that works: 

Sample engineering cover letter for a proposal

Free Cover Letter for Proposal Template 

Below, you can download a FREE proposal cover letter template made for the AEC industry from OpenAsset partner and proposal writing guru, Rachelle Ray. Just enter your name and email for immediate access.

AEC Cover Letter Template

Responding to an RFP? The downloadable RFP cover letter sample has the structure you need for a proposal cover letter that wins more clients. 

How to Create Quality Proposal Cover Letters Every Time 

Creating quality proposal cover letters every time isn’t an easy task. However, as the #1 DAM for AEC and Real Estate, OpenAsset can help you find, share, and use the digital assets you need to create high-quality AEC proposals quickly and easily. 

With dozens of integrations and useful features, OpenAsset makes it easy to share and manage the heavy amounts of digital assets needed to create winning proposals . 

Get your free downloadable proposal cover letter template today. And if you’d like to learn more about our DAM technology, you can reach out to one of our digital asset experts today to schedule a demo . 

Get OpenAsset DAM Insights

bid cover letter pdf

How to Create Winning Proposals

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Event bid proposal cover letter


Bid Cover Letter

While writing a bid for a project or any other consideration, this Bid Cover Letter sample template will help you through the process.

[Recipient’s Name]

[Company/Organization Name]

[City, State and Zip Code]

[Mobile Number]

[Email Address]

Dear [Recipient’s Name]

It is my honor to write to you regarding our team’s bid on [The bid] that will b taking place in [Location]. We are looking forward to having your support throughout this project to achieve the best results. Your funding and intellectual support will go a long way towards boosting our operations.

Our team last received funding on [Date], and we managed to stretch it as much as possible. This helped us achieve major milestones and positively impact everyone involved. Our most notable achievements include [List achievements attained]. With your support, we expect to achieve even better results and have a bigger impact on the world.

Our current project is based on [Explain more about the project]. Our objectives include [List your project objectives], and we look forward to working with you to achieve them. We look forward to hearing from and working with you.

Sincerely Yours,

[Applicant’s Name]

Sales Manager Cover Letter Airline Cover Letter Barista Cover Letter Nurse Educator Cover Letter Childcare Cover Letter Upwork Cover Letter Museum Cover Letter Speech Pathology Cover Letter Supply Chain Cover Letter Driving Cover Letter

6 easy tips to write a killer RFP cover letter

RD Symms

RFP360 is a part of RFPIO, the leading response management software. To explore more tips for creating compelling content and writing a winning RFP cover letter, visit .

After weeks of work, you’ve finally put the finishing touches on your request for proposal (RFP) response. The proposal is a product of the hours you invested customizing past content, collaborating with subject matter experts and refining your messaging. Because of your efforts, the proposal is a masterpiece ⁠— creative, comprehensive and compelling. Consequently, you’re feeling confident. After all, your company should win this business — you’ve earned it. Now, there’s only one thing left to do… slap a proposal cover letter on top, submit it and move on to the next RFP.

But wait. Not so fast. When was the last time you read your boilerplate RFP cover letter? Like, actually read it. If you’re like many others, it’s been a while. Unfortunately, that means you might not be putting your best foot forward.

So, before you send off that RFP response, let’s take a closer look at your proposal cover letter and be sure it accurately represents your proposal. With a couple easy tips and a quick review, your cover letter will send just the right message.

In this post, we’ll explore what a proposal cover letter is and why it matters. Then, I’ll explain what a cover letter includes, tips for writing a winning letter and a few sample RFP cover letters. Finally, I’ll share a proposal cover letter template you can download and customize to get a head start.

What is a proposal cover letter?

Why a well-written cover letter matters, parts of a proposal, components of a cover letter.

  • What your RFP cover letter should do

Beyond the basics: Six tips to writing a better RFP cover letter

  • Getting started: RFP cover letter example and template
  • Helpful response resources

Download the RFP cover letter template now.

A proposal cover letter is a single-page letter addressed to a prospective customer containing high-level information from a prospective vendor. The letter precedes an accompanying RFP response or business proposal.

Alternative names for the proposal cover letter include RFP response cover letter, bid proposal cover letter, RFP cover page and other similar variations. No matter what it’s called, the cover letter is your chance to introduce your business and offer to a potential new customer. As such, you need to make it count.

You spend hours working through the proposal process, so why should you spend even more time crafting an RFP response cover letter? The proposal cover letter is an oft-overlooked sales tool. Indeed, it’s a zero-cost way to get your message directly to the people who decide whether or not your proposal wins. Furthermore, the RFP cover letter takes very little time to compose (especially if you use our template below) and offers you one more way to stand out from your competitors.

If you’re like most businesses, your cover letter can probably be summarized like this: “Dear Mr. or Ms. Company ⁠— Thank you so much for this opportunity. Included in this proposal you will find our answers that meet the requested specifications. Thank you for your consideration.”

While common, this isn’t a terribly compelling way to introduce yourself to a new customer that could help you grow your business. Your RFP cover letter provides a first impression to the proposal evaluators and decision makers reviewing your proposal.

Think of it this way: If you were going to present your proposal in person, how would you greet the buyer? You’d probably wear your best suit, walk confidently, put on a warm smile and share a confident handshake to make a memorable introduction. It should be the same with your proposal cover letter. Unfortunately, if your letter is anything like the example above, it’s like showing up in sweatpants and offering an unenthusiastic, mumbled greeting.

The RFP cover letter can also be used to:

  • Create or deepen the connection between you and your buyer
  • Reinforce your brand, values and expertise
  • Promote your key differentiators
  • Establish primary point(s) of contact

No matter how you use the RFP cover letter and what you put in it, remember that the person receiving it is just that ⁠— a person. The quality of your bid proposal cover letter determines whether they read it carefully, skim it quickly or ignore it completely. Generally, proposal cover letters are memorable either because they are embarrassingly bad or extraordinarily good. Make your cover letter memorable for the right reasons.

Basics to know before you start your proposal cover letter

The RFP cover letter should be included as a normal part of every proposal, but it’s just one component. Indeed, most proposals also include a number of other elements that will generally appear in a specific order.

  • Cover letter
  • Executive summary
  • Terms and conditions
  • Supporting documentation (Case studies, references and additional data)

As the first element of your proposal, the cover letter is bound to be seen by a lot of people. So, it’s important to make sure it is the best possible representation of your company. But, how do you decide what to say? One of the biggest challenges when writing an RFP response letter is how to keep it short while also making an impact ⁠— remember, your cover letter should fit on a single page. To help you craft your message, focus on these five elements.

  • Greeting and introduction
  • Summary of RFP needs
  • Your broad qualifications and differentiators
  • Thank you and closing

Your RFP cover letter should:

  • Be the first page of your RFP response followed by your executive summary and proposal
  • Introduce your company to the buyer’s key decision makers and any others reviewing or scoring your bid
  • Be conversational, genuine and confident ⁠— but it shouldn’t be an overt sales pitch
  • Offer an overview of your understanding of the company’s needs
  • Clearly state why your business is uniquely qualified to win the RFP opportunity
  • If possible, express your vision for the future partnership and how you can help the business reach its goals
  • Follow the customer’s instructions if they ask you to include specific information in the cover letter

What’s the difference between a cover letter and an executive summary?

When building formal RFP responses, this question comes up a lot. What is the difference between a cover letter and an executive summary? The confusion is understandable as the two documents share a lot of similarities. They are both short, introductory documents that precede your proposal.

The primary distinction is that a proposal cover letter is an introduction to your company while the executive summary is an overview of your offer for a specific project. In addition, the cover letter should almost always fit on a single page while the executive summary may be two or three pages if necessary. Admittedly, the difference is subtle. While the contents may seem to naturally overlap, try to avoid repetition and ensure that each document provides unique information.

Download our executive summary template to see an example.

1. Address it to the right people

Who is going to review your proposal? If you don’t already know, find out. Get in touch with the RFP contact and ask for the names of the key contacts who will weigh in on the decision. This may be a committee of people or a combination of procurement professionals, stakeholders and executives.

If you start your RFP response letter with the standard “To whom it may concern” salutation, you’re blending in and sending a message. Unfortunately, this approach communicates that you couldn’t be bothered to update your cover letter template, didn’t do your homework and don’t really care that much about winning the business. It certainly doesn’t reflect the hours of time you’ve likely invested creating the proposal that follows.

By specifically addressing the proposal cover letter to the key contacts, you make a quick connection and instantly improve the chances that they’ll actually read the bid proposal cover letter and your subsequent proposal. This attention to detail reinforces the idea that not only are you a good fit based on your qualifications, but you’re also invested in developing deeper relationships. You’re in it to be a strategic partner, not just another vendor.

2. Keep it fresh and be human

Put yourself in your recipient’s shoes ⁠— You’ve just received dozens of proposals from vendors who more or less provide the same type of services. You are starting to sift through RFP responses that are admittedly, probably pretty dry. The initial review checking for proposal compliance is time consuming, highly repetitive and gets old quick.

So, if a cover letter starts with something like, “Thank you for the opportunity to earn your business,” it’s just adding to the tedium. It’s a classic and well-worn opening line. While it’s good to be humble and grateful, it’s far better to be unique and memorable. A recent post featured in APMP’s Winning the Business ,

“… never start a cover letter with “thank you.” It’s boring, and almost everyone does it. This seemingly respectful thank you does not help your organization to stand out or inspire your reader to keep reading.” 

The article goes on to recommend starting with something specific and complimentary about the business. This opener accomplishes two things; it quickly shows that this is no ordinary copy-and-paste proposal cover letter while reinforcing that you did your homework and recognize the business’s goals.

In an increasingly automated and efficient world, it’s easy to forget about the people behind the process. Even if you use RFP software to quickly complete the RFP itself, the RFP cover letter offers a rare opportunity to be human and genuine.

3. Use formatting to catch their eye

Your cover letter only helps you win the business if it actually gets read by the right people. Just like using the perfect proposal format, the right cover letter format invites the reader to engage. So, make sure your cover letter is clean, visually appealing, approachable and not too dense. Remember that you’re trying to make an impression, not dive into every detail of your proposal.

RFP Cover Letter

Because your cover letter only uses one page, you have to be smart about how you use the space. There are three main places where you have the best chance to hook the reader: the first sentence, the center of the page and the closing.

Opening Nothing catches your eye like your own name. So, as suggested above, address the letter directly to the evaluator(s). Then, include the buyer’s company name in a unique and impactful opening sentence.

Center Make the most of the center of your RFP response letter using bullet points. Draw the eye directly to your biggest differentiators without specifically calling out your competitors. Include what you excel at like customer support, on-time delivery, cutting-edge features, value adds, scalability, customer growth and so on.

Closing Use the final line to move the deal forward. Offer the prospect a clear and direct call to action (see tip six for more information and an example). For example, provide details about how they can move forward with you, request the information you need to speed up contracting or share what comes next in the process.

If you can engage a reader in any one of these areas, they are far more likely to take the time to read your entire cover letter. Ideally, it’s intriguing enough that they continue on to check out your executive summary and proposal as well.

4. Tell a tale and express your understanding

Have a success story with a similar client that could boost your credibility? Tell it, but be brief. Share how a partnership has been mutually rewarding, how you’ve delivered a great customer experience or how you’ve been able to proactively solve problems. This reinforces your understanding of their business and goals.

In addition to telling a story, you can use your proposal cover letter to express your understanding of their pain. Every RFP starts with a need, and you received the RFP because the company believes you can meet that need. So, consider building on that foundation.

The relationship between buyers and sellers is evolving. More and more, businesses are looking for a long-term partner, someone who will actively find opportunities to create wins for both parties. RFP issuers want value but they also want a vendor that is invested in their success.

5. Stay true to your brand

Your company was included in the bid process for a reason, so stay true to the persona, culture, values and tone of your brand. Just because the RFP process is formal, doesn’t mean your RFP cover letter has to be. If your company prides itself on being down-to-earth, use that style in all of your communications.

Recently I was talking to our resident RFP issuing expert and RFP360 Co-Founder, Dave Hulsen, about the importance of RFP cover letters. During his days in procurement, he received hundreds of cover letters so I asked if there were any memorable trends that raised red flags. On several occasions he found himself reading cover letters that left him confused. He recounted his reaction to these saying,

“I would issue RFPs to vendors based on engaging conversations where I felt like the vendor understood what I needed. Then I’d read the robotic, boring proposal cover letters and do a mental double-take. What happened to the welcoming, empathetic salesperson who understood my business?”

Make sure that the tone of your cover letter accurately represents your brand and builds on the relationship you’ve cultivated. Don’t confuse your prospect by approaching them as if they were a stranger or in an unrecognizable style.

6. Close with a call to action, contact information and an actual signature

While the cover letter should be friendly, relatable and genuine; it’s also still a part of the sale. As with any good sales communication, state what you want them to do next and who they can contact to follow up.

Wrap up your RFP cover letter with a call to action like:

  • Please reach out with any questions you may have
  • We’re eager to show you more ⁠— when we can schedule a demo with your team?
  • Let me know if I can put you in touch with another customer for a reference
  • To accelerate the contracting process, please send your standard terms and conditions

And the final element in a winning RFP cover letter is an actual signature (either handwritten or digital). It may not seem like a big deal, but it’s a nice touch and one last way to show your investment in winning the RFP opportunity.

Get started with this RFP cover letter example and template

Sample rfp cover letter.

Sample Proposal Cover Letter RFP360

RFP cover letter template

Ready to start crafting your own RFP cover letter? Check out this template that provides guidance on how to use the example above to create your own killer RFP cover letter.

RFP Cover Letter template RFP360

Additional RFP cover letter examples

Rfp cover letter sample – fedex to state of utah.

If you only look at one other RFP cover letter sample, make it this one. This sample cover letter and accompanying proposal from FedEx is one of our favorites. Indeed, this request for proposal cover letter follows all the best practices. It includes:

  • A specific addressee
  • An engaging opening line
  • Excellent formatting and bullet points
  • A statement of experience
  • Simple, but recognizable branding
  • A real signature

FedEx Sample Proposal Cover Letter

Sample proposal cover letter – Insight Public Sector to Education Service Center (ESCO)

This proposal cover letter example introduces Insight Public Sector’s response to ESCO’s RFP for technology software, equipment, services and solutions. The letter fits on a single page, reaffirms the company’s qualifications and uses colorful bullet points to draw the eye to the company’s primary differentiators.

Insight RFP Cover Letter Example

Proposal transmittal letter example – SunPower/GSRP for Town of Nantucket

The RFP response letter focuses on the experience and financial stability of the two vendors partnering to win the business. In addition, the letter confirms the companies’ ability to meet the specific qualifications set forth in the RFP for solar PV development for onsite energy generation.

SunPower Bid Proposal Cover Letter Example

RFP response cover letter sample – ISITE Design for Health Level Seven

While this cover letter uses the standard opening line, it’s scannable, brief and makes use of bullet points to highlight the company’s qualifications. In addition, the letter is addressed directly to the proposal evaluator. It’s a warm introduction for the Web services strategy proposal that follows .

Helpful RFP response resources

Looking for more tools and information to help you write the perfect RFP response? Check the helpful resources below.

Guide to writing an executive summary

Do you know the difference between the executive summary and your RFP cover letter? Learn more in this blog that explores how to write an executive summary that stands out. It also offers an example and template you can download.

How to write an executive summary that stands out

Top RFP response tools

A good RFP tool can make all the difference. Luckily, there are a ton of great tools and resources available for proposal professionals. From RFP management to proposal design, this blog offers recommendations for anything you might need help with.

21 best RFP response tools for 2021

RFP proposal templates and tools

Looking for some inspiration to freshen up your proposal template? We’ve collected some great examples of proposals as well as tools to create them. Explore all the possibilities and give your next proposal new life.

Proposal templates, formats and tools: Create better RFP responses faster

  • How to issue an IT RFP: Tips, templates and examples
  • The RFQ: A request for quotation how-to guide with template
  • The best request for proposal (RFP) questions to ask vendors

bid cover letter pdf

RD is a senior copywriter at Responsive. He has more than 15 years of experience in writing, content development, and creative strategy. Connect with RD on LinkedIn .

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Proposal Cover Letter

Proposal maker.

bid cover letter pdf

Creating a project proposal is a huge opportunity, but there’s no denying that it is also mind-boggling. Coming up with the idea isn’t the only thing you should do. There are still plenty of papers you need to process to complete the job, and a proposal cover letter is one of many. To avoid stressing out yourself even further, learn how to compose your cover letter in this article.

7+ Proposal Cover Letter Examples

1. business proposal cover letter.

Business Proposal Cover Letter Template

2. Sample Request for Proposals Cover Letter

Sample Request for Proposals Cover Letter

Size: 221 KB

3. Sample Grant Proposal Cover Letter

Sample Grant Proposal Cover Letter

4. Qualifications Proposal Cover Letter

Qualifications Proposal Cover Letter

Size: 62 KB

5. Request for Proposal Cover Letter

Request for Proposal Cover Letter

Size: 1019 KB

6. Printable Proposal Cover Letter

Printable Proposal Cover Letter

Size: 72 KB

7. Cover Letter for Request for Funding Proposals

Cover Letter for Request for Funding Proposals

Size: 86 KB

8. Proposal Covering Letter Example

Proposal Covering Letter Example

What Is A Proposal Cover Letter?

A proposal cover letter is a one-page document that provides a brief introduction of your organization and the nature of your proposal. Some people don’t include a cover letter in their project proposals, but just like an executive summary , this document sets the mood of your paper. It is where you express that you understand their needs. On top of that, show them that you also have just the proposal to satisfy them.

How to Compose an Appealing Proposal Cover Letter

A proposal, similar to a resume , needs a cover letter. Your cover letter is where the prospects decide whether your proposal is worth reading on or not. There’s a famous saying about how first impressions last. That said, although this part is optional for some, it certainly impacts your whole proposal. 

1. Hook Them With Your Opening Sentence

Your prospects are busy people, so it is necessary to get straight to the point. Give them something that would leave them wanting more. Impress them and intensify their curiosity. Provide them a reason why reading your project proposal is the best choice of spending their time. Hook them and make sure they give their full attention to your cover letter.

2. Set The Vibe

Professionals often doubt the people who claim to have the answer that even they don’t. The main goal of your business proposal is to persuade your prospects and give them the confidence that you have a complete grasp of the situation. In setting the vibe, you need to engage them and make sure that they are treading the path you have set for them.

3.  Give Them a Teaser

This part is where you should show them that you have the solution to their problems. Don’t go into detail yet. Keep it short but specific. Once your clients start to feel that your project plan is substantial, they will naturally want to know everything that has to do with it. 

4.  End it With a Powerful Closing

It’s not over just yet. The last step in creating your cover letter is to devise a closing that would make the eyes of your client sparkle. Your closing sentence must encourage them to read every page of your proposal. Not only that, but you should also let them know that, by doing that, they’d get all the information and the answers they need. 

What is the structure of a proposal?

A proposal is a lengthy document that includes a lot of components. A complete proposal has a title page, table of contents, an abstract, need statement , objectives, project plan , evaluation, dissemination, personnel, types of equipment, budget , and an appendix. Incorporating all these essential elements in the format of your proposal will make it more organized.

What are the types of a proposal?

A solicited proposal is a proposal written in response to a request made by a sponsorship agency. When you submit one without the request for proposal , then the submission of the proposal is unsolicited. Other sponsors may call for a preproposal, which is a brief abstract of the proposal. There are also non-competing and competing proposals.

What is a technical proposal?

A technical proposal involves doing intensive research and providing reliable data and figures which can prove the effectiveness of the project or plan that you are proposing. This information is essential for the board of people involved in the decision-making process of whether to approve the said proposal or not.

In your proposal cover letter, you should successively hit the right spots at exactly the right time. One error can disrupt their engagement. That said, your proposal cover letter must be flawless. If done right, this one-page document can positively influence and decide the outcome of your whole business proposal .


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Professional Bid Manager Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your bid manager cover letter must immediately highlight your understanding of the bidding process. Demonstrate your ability to analyze and respond to RFPs (Requests for Proposals) with precision. In the second paragraph, stress your track record of winning bids and managing proposals effectively. Your expertise in cost estimation and project management should shine through vividly.

Cover Letter Guide

Bid Manager Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Bid Manager Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Bid Manager cover letter

Crafting a compelling bid manager cover letter can be a daunting step in the job application process. You may realize its necessity too late, after resumes have been sent. A cover letter is your chance to highlight a milestone accomplishment, bringing to life the journey behind your proudest professional moment. Striking the balance between formality and originality, without sliding into clichés, is key. Remember, brevity is your ally—keep it to one impactful page that tells your unique story.

  • Including all the must-have paragraphs in your structure for an excellent first impression;
  • Learning how to write individual sections from industry-leading cover letter examples;
  • Selecting the best accomplishment to tell an interesting and authority-building professional story;
  • Introducing your profile with personality, while meeting industry standards.

And, if you want to save some time, drag and drop your bid manager resume into Enhancv's AI, which will assess your profile and write your job-winning cover letter for you.

If the bid manager isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Bid Manager resume guide and example
  • Deloitte cover letter example
  • Investment Banking Associate cover letter example
  • Accounts Receivable cover letter example
  • Accounts Clerk cover letter example
  • Financial Risk Analyst cover letter example
  • Big 4 Accounting cover letter example
  • Staff Accountant cover letter example
  • Budget Analyst cover letter example
  • Purchase Manager cover letter example
  • Compensation Manager cover letter example

Bid Manager cover letter example

Liam Johnson

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


[email protected]

  • Highlighting career achievements with quantifiable outcomes (e.g., "directly resulting in a 15% uplift in contract wins") effectively demonstrates the candidate's impact and ability to contribute tangible success.
  • Emphasizing relevant experience (e.g., "leading cross-functional teams" and "spearheading comprehensive proposal strategies") showcases that the candidate possesses both the leadership and technical skills necessary for the role.
  • Illustrating the application of specialized tools or processes (e.g., "introduction of a robust Requirement Compliance Matrix") provides insight into the candidate's ability to innovate and streamline operations within the technical sales engineering field.
  • Expressing alignment with the company's mission and a forward-looking approach (e.g., "furthering your mission through innovative solutions and strategic customer engagements") indicates the candidate's intention to contribute to future successes and their understanding of the company's objectives.

Structuring and formatting your bid manager cover letter

Here's what the structure of your bid manager cover letter should include:

  • Header (with your name, the position you're applying for, and the date);
  • Salutation (or greeting);
  • Introductory paragraph (or your opening statement);
  • Body paragraph (or further proof of your experience);
  • Closing paragraph (with a call to action);
  • Signature (that is optional).

Use the same font for your bid manager resume and cover letter - modern fonts like Lato and Rubik would help you stand out.

Your bid manager cover letter should be single-spaced and have a one-inch margins - this format is automatically set up in our cover letter templates and our cover letter builder .

When submitting your cover letter, always ensure it's in PDF, as this format keeps the information intact (and the quality of your document stays the same).

On one final note - the Applicant Tracker System (ATS or the software that is sometimes used to initially assess your application) won't read your bid manager cover letter.

The top sections on a bid manager cover letter

Header: This section includes your contact information, the date, and the employer's details, showcasing professionalism and making it easy for the recruiter to reach out to you.

Introduction: Begin with a compelling introduction that briefly states your interest in the bid manager position and your relevant experience, grabbing the recruiter's attention right from the start.

Body (Bid Management Expertise): Detail your specific experience in bid management, such as understanding client needs, managing tender processes, and crafting winning proposals, to demonstrate your capability in leading successful bid initiatives.

Body (Leadership and Communication Skills): Highlight your leadership abilities and communication skills, explaining how they have been essential in coordinating teams and liaising with stakeholders, which are critical components of the bid manager role.

Closing: End your cover letter with a strong closing statement that reiterates your enthusiasm for the position, your confidence in your qualifications, and a call to action, such as requesting an interview to discuss how you can contribute to the organization's success.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

  • Proven experience in managing and coordinating complex bids: Recruiters look for candidates who have a track record of successfully managing the entire bid process, from identifying opportunities to submitting winning proposals.
  • Strong project management skills: Bid managers must plan and execute bid strategies, coordinate cross-functional teams, and meet tight deadlines, so recruiters value candidates who can demonstrate robust project management capabilities.
  • Excellent communication and negotiation abilities: Recruiters prioritize candidates who can effectively communicate with stakeholders at all levels and negotiate terms with clients and suppliers to secure the best outcomes for their organization.
  • Detailed knowledge of the industry and market: A bid manager should have a deep understanding of the industry they're operating in, as this knowledge is critical for crafting competitive bids and assessing risk.
  • Financial acumen: The ability to create and manage budgets, understand pricing strategies, and analyze cost implications is crucial for a bid manager, so recruiters look for evidence of strong financial skills.
  • Relationship-building skills: Recruiters seek candidates who are adept at fostering positive relationships with clients, partners, and team members as these relationships are often integral to securing and executing successful bids.

How to greet recruiters in your bid manager cover letter salutation

As the saying goes, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression."

Write your bid manager cover letter salutation to be more personalized to the actual hiring manager, who is set to assess your profile by:

  • greeting them on a first-name basis, if you have previously communicated with them (e.g. "Dear Sam,");
  • using their last name, if you have more formal communication or haven't spoken to them (e.g. "Dear Mr. Harrows" or "Dear Ms. Marshall");
  • writing "Dear HR Team" or "Dear Hiring Manager", if you have no clue about who's recruiting for the role.

Search on LinkedIn, Google, or the company website to find information as to the recruiter's name.

In any case, avoid the impersonal "Dear Sir or Madam".

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Company Name] Team,
  • Dear [Department Name] Hiring Committee,
  • Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last Name],
  • Dear [Job Title] Search Committee,
  • Dear [First Name] [Last Name],

How to start your bid manager cover letter introduction

The opening paragraph of your bid manager cover letter can seem like a real enigma.

Where do you start writing ?

In your bid manager cover letter introduction, focus on yourself by stating what:

  • gets you motivated and excited about the role;
  • you like best about the company, from culture to awards.

Write no more than two sentences, which are both authentic and show your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

The middle or body of your bid manager cover letter body: a great instrument to tell a story

Now that you've set the right tone with the greeting and introduction of your bid manager cover letter, it's time to get down to business .

Hear us out, the body of your bid manager cover letter is the best storytelling instrument you have, in your job-hunting arsenal.

Writing the next three to six paragraphs, take the time to reassess the advert to discover job-crucial requirements.

Next, choose one accomplishment that covers those key skills and talents.

Use precisely that achievement to tell an exciting story of how you match the ideal candidate profile.

In the undertones of your story or bid manager cover letter body, hint at the difference you'd make and sell your application as the perfect one for the job.

Final words: writing your bid manager cover letter closing paragraph

The final paragraph of your bid manager cover letter allows you that one final chance to make a great first impression .

Instead of going straight to the "sincerely yours" ending, you can back up your skills with a promise of:

  • how you see yourself growing into the role;
  • the unique skills you'd bring to the organization.

Whatever you choose, always be specific (and remember to uphold your promise, once you land the role).

If this option doesn't seem that appealing to you, close off your bid manager cover letter with a follow-up request.

You could even provide your availability for interviews so that the recruiters would be able to easily arrange your first meeting.

What could you write about in your bid manager cover letter when you have no experience

Candidates with zero professional experience often struggle to write their bid manager cover letter .

You may lack experience, but your application could still be impressive when you focus on your strengths.

Consider your most relevant talents (and/or one achievement) that align with the role and help you stand out.

Perhaps you spent every summer volunteering at your local dog pound - think of the job-relevant skills this experience taught you.

Sharing your tangible career goals is another good strategy to stand out.

Key takeaways

Within this Enhancv guide, we've provided you with plenty of advice and inspiration on writing your bid manager cover letter:

  • Always make sure your bid manager cover letter is tailored to the role you're applying for to make a good impression on recruiters;
  • In your bid manager cover letter include a header (with your name, the role you're applying for, date, and contact details) and an introduction of up to two sentences that highlight your key accomplishment or why you'd fit the role;
  • Focus your bid manager cover letter body on one sole achievement through your career and all the valuable lessons, skills, and know-how you've learned (that are relevant to the role);
  • Ensure your bid manager cover letter closing statement isn't generic and includes either a call to action or a promise;
  • If you lack professional experience, shift recruiters' focus to a relevant achievement (thanks to your academic or versatile experience) or toward your dreams and goals for professional growth.

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Cover letter examples by industry

AI Section Background

AI cover letter writer, powered by ChatGPT

Enhancv harnesses the capabilities of ChatGPT to provide a streamlined interface designed specifically focused on composing a compelling cover letter without the hassle of thinking about formatting and wording.

  • Content tailored to the job posting you're applying for
  • ChatGPT model specifically trained by Enhancv
  • Lightning-fast responses

Cover Letter Background

How to Decline an Interview: With Tips and Templates to Help You Succeed

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Covering Letter for Bid Submission with Tender Documents

When submitting a bid for a project or product, it is always good business practice to include a cover letter. The cover letter should express your interest in the job/project and briefly explain why you should be chosen. This shows the company that you are serious about the opportunity and willing to make the extra effort to make sure your bid is noticed. 

It is important to remember that a cover letter is not just a formality – it is an opportunity to sell yourself and your company. Therefore, you should take the time to write a well-crafted letter that will grab the reader’s attention and make them want to learn more about you. 

Similar Post: Cover Letter To Agreement For Services (Sample)

Covering Letter for Tender Submission: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s competitive business landscape, submitting a compelling cover letter and your tender proposal is crucial to stand out. A well-crafted cover letter introduces your business to potential clients, highlights your unique selling propositions, and convinces them of your capabilities. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricacies of writing a winning cover letter for tender submission, providing valuable insights and sample formats to help you succeed in the competitive bidding process.

1. Introduction

The cover letter serves as the first impression of your business to the tendering authority. It is essential to start with a solid, engaging introduction that captures the reader’s attention. Begin by addressing the recipient with a courteous salutation and briefly mention the purpose of your letter. For example:

“Dear [Recipient’s Name],

We are delighted to submit our tender proposal for [Project Name] and, at this moment, present our cover letter to provide a concise overview of our organization, expertise, and commitment to delivering exceptional results.”

2. Background and Expertise

This section demonstrates your understanding of the project requirements and showcases your organization’s relevant experience and expertise. Clearly articulate how your skills align with the tender specifications and why your company is the ideal choice. Highlight key projects you have undertaken in the past that demonstrate your ability to deliver similar projects successfully. Consider including the following information:

  • Company background: Provide a brief overview of your organization, its history, and core competencies.
  • Expertise: Describe your company’s knowledge and its relevance to the tender. Emphasize any unique or innovative approaches that set you apart from competitors.
  • Project highlights: Share success stories or case studies illustrating your company’s ability to deliver outstanding results. Include specific details, such as project size, challenges overcome, and client satisfaction.

3. Unique Value Proposition

Clearly communicate your unique value proposition to differentiate your tender submission from others. Explain what sets your company apart and why the tendering authority should choose you over the competition. Consider addressing the following points:

  • Competitive advantages: Identify your company’s unique strengths and competitive advantages, such as cutting-edge technology, industry accreditations, or specialized expertise.
  • Innovation and creativity: Highlight any innovative or creative solutions your organization can bring to the project, demonstrating your ability to think outside the box and deliver exceptional outcomes.
  • Added value: Describe any additional benefits or value-added services your company can provide, such as ongoing maintenance, training programs, or extended warranties.

4. Project Approach

In this section, outline your proposed approach to the project, demonstrating your understanding of the tender requirements and your ability to deliver the desired outcomes. Clearly articulate your methodology, processes, and timelines, addressing the following aspects:

  • Project management: Explain your approach to project management, including how you plan to coordinate various activities, allocate resources, and ensure effective communication.
  • Team composition: Introduce critical members of your team who will be involved in executing the project, emphasizing their relevant qualifications and experience.
  • Milestones and deliverables: Provide a detailed timeline with key landmarks and deliverables, highlighting your commitment to meeting project deadlines.
  • Risk management: Address potential risks and challenges associated with the project and mitigation strategies to ensure smooth project execution.

5. Financial Considerations

While the cover letter primarily focuses on showcasing your expertise and value proposition, it is essential to address financial aspects briefly. Provide an indicative pricing structure or cost estimate to give the tendering authority an idea of your pricing strategy. Avoid being too specific, as the formal tender document typically includes detailed financial information.

(To be printed on the letterhead of the bidder)

Ref: ………………. Date: ……………..

(Name of the Organization)

(Office Address)

(Phone Number)

Kind Attn: (Name of the Officer), (Designation)

Sub.: Our bid/offer submission for the ……………….. work

Ref: Your Tender specification no. ……….. dated ………….

Dear Sir/Madam,

We want to offer our services for the _____ (name of the project) tender that your company has put out. We have gone through the requirements in detail and are confident we can provide the best possible solution for your needs.

I am attaching our bid submission document along with this covering letter. Our team is very excited about this opportunity to work on such a prestigious project, and we hope you will give us a chance to prove our worth.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at _____ (contact information). Thank you for your time and consideration.

We look forward to associating with your organization.

Thanking you,

For (Name of the Company),


(Name of the Officer)


(Department’s Name)

Place: …………….

Date: ……………..

In conclusion, crafting a compelling cover letter for tender submission is critical in securing new business opportunities. Following this comprehensive guide’s guidelines and sample formats, you can create a winning cover letter that effectively communicates your organization’s strengths, expertise, and unique value proposition. Remember to tailor your cover letter to the specific tender requirements, highlighting relevant experience, successful projects, and innovative approaches. Clearly outline your project management methodology, team composition, and proposed timelines to demonstrate your ability to deliver exceptional results. Additionally, provide a brief overview of your pricing structure to give the tendering authority an indication of your cost considerations. Investing time and effort into developing a solid cover letter can position your organization as a standout contender in the competitive bidding process. Good luck with your tender submissions!

Ansari Alam

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Free Sample Bid Proposal Letter Template

Table of Contents

Your bid proposal letter is an important document to help your business stand out to potential clients. It is a brief document that summarizes the actual bid proposal. If you don’t know what a bid proposal letter should contain, the  sample bid proposal letter in this article will help. In addition to that, you’ll find tips for writing a bid proposal that stands out from the crowd. 

Tips for Writing a Good Bid Proposal

Bidding for a project is an exciting opportunity to show your business’s value and win the work you need . Writing an effective bid proposal letter can be the difference between getting hired and missing out on the job. 

Keep Your Main Goal in Mind

First, never forget that the goal of your bid proposal is to convince the potential client that you’re their best option for the job. Provide clear evidence that shows why you should receive the contract over any other bidder. Make sure to state your company’s strengths and how they fit in with the budget and timeline given by the agency or manager. 

Cover All Angles

A man and a woman laughing behind a table

Second, create a complete copy of all essential elements required for an effective bid proposal letter. List all factors that could increase your chances of winning the bid. These factors include quality assurance policies, research methods, standard operating procedures, and so on. Keep in mind that agencies and managers use this document to assess and compare different proposals, so make sure it looks professional. 

Research Before Writing

Third, take the time to research the project requirements before starting the bid proposal letter. Doing so, you’ll have an easier time finding solutions that meet the stated criteria and provide a convincing bid proposal. 

Sample Bid Proposal Letter

Here’s a sample bid proposal letter for you to better understand how to write one.  Dear esteemed client,  I am writing to submit our bid for the bridge construction project you requested. With years of experience in the field, I can assure you that we will offer you reliable and quality service for this job. Our process involves the latest technological advancements, ensuring the bridges are designed with strong structural integrity.  Our team is devoted to creating aesthetically pleasing designs that meet your safety requirements. We specialize in both new builds and renovations, so no matter your needs, we’re confident we can provide an optimal solution. Our team will always consider your unique vision while making sure each bridge meets all necessary standards of excellence.   We understand how important it is to remain within budget and keep up with deadlines. That’s why our engineers take pride in working quickly and accurately on every project. We want to make certain the finished product fully meets expectations, which is why we maintain close contact with clients throughout the entire process.  I believe that we are the perfect fit for this project, as our company offers high-end services at competitive rates. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if there are any questions or concerns about our offer. Thank you for taking the time to consider us as potential contractors for your bridge construction job.  Sincerely,  [Name] 

Final Thoughts

Project bidding is a part of doing business. You can’t shy away from it. Thus, it is highly beneficial to understand how everything about bid submission works. With the sample bid proposal letter above, you should have no problem drafting one. If you are finding it too hard, you can use the INK AI assistant to get it done.

Free Sample Bid Proposal Letter Template

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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FREE 9+ Sample Business Proposal Cover Letter Templates in PDF | MS Word


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The business project proposal cover letter format is another style where you propose the business proposal simply, but in a, to the point and precise way to simply introduce the concept through the cover letter. The official and business style approach which makes it catchy, attention seeking and yet smart and formal is suggested here in the cover letter format.You may also see business cover letter

What are Business Proposal Cover Letter Samples?

The business proposal cover letters are simply cover letters which carry an introduction to the business proposal. A business proposal that needs to be proposed should contain business type, details, sample plan , project time, manpower, resources, business style, and the requirements, revenue generation plan etc. All these combined together makes for the business proposal cover letter, and there can be various styles of business proposal cover letters with various concepts and uses. The official style, business way of approach, and the formal layout all are suggested in the samples so that one may get inspired to write a nice business proposal cover letter easily. You may also see generic cover letter

Business Proposal Submission Cover Letter Template

business proposal submission cover letter

Size: 548 KB

business funding proposal cover letter

Size: 25 KB

Sample Business Partner Email Cover Letter Template

business partner email cover letter

Size: 58 KB

Uses and Purpose of Business Proposal Cover Letters

The uses of business proposal cover letters are many and they are as follows:

1. It helps you propose a business.

2. It lets you tell the plans in a precise and to the point way.You may also see  business proposal letters to client

3. It has a typical official approach blended with the business seeking catchy style.

4. You may use the format to write several kinds of business related cover letters which can be for a new business, partnership proposals, loans, agreements, contracts etc.You may also see proposal letter formats .

The business cover letter samples have just one purpose and that is to show the layman the style in practice to propose a business or business related information in a cover letter style.You may also see  business plan cover letter

Formal Business Proposal Cover Letter Template

formal business proposal cover letter

Benefits of using Business Proposal Cover Letter Samples

A project proposal sample, plan or sample application should be accompanied with a cover letter which describes in short and yet nicely, what it is about, and this style is very well interpreted through the samples. The benefit of a cover letter in any business proposal is that, before reading the entire proposal by taking time, the reader is intimidated of the purpose of the proposal in short, through the cover letter. So basically the cover letter just introduces the proposal plan in short and in the most interesting and official way to make the plan proposal, even more inviting to the reader.You may also see  email cover letter samples

To start sample planning a business plan or proposal sending or presentation in the most effective manner, it’s best to plan a neat and smart Business Cover Letter Format. The cover letter must be short and yet interesting to give a nice idea of what to anticipate from the business proposal letter or application.You may also see  lease proposal letters

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Tender Cover Letter Template

Tender Cover Letters

A basic tender cover letter is a useful tool that is used by people to win the competition. There are many people competing with you in a standard tender process. Although tender cover letters are not always required, they can be an important thing to create.

When should be included in the tender cover letter?

It is important to know what a tender cover letter should cover. Here are the main items of this document :

  • Information about the recent achievements of the company.
  • Reasons why the company applying for tender should be given the tender.
  • Highlight the main aspects of the company.

How to write the tender cover letter

  • Write the introduction of the company in a brief way. The qualification of the company, in accordance with the requirements of the client, should be mentioned in the introduction section. 

It is important to give the introduction in a persuasive manner so that the client can be convinced to give tender. It should be explained that why your company should be chosen to give the tender. Make sure that you must personalize the tender cover letter in order to tailor it for the project the client is giving the tender for.

2. By writing the tender cover letter, you are actually making an offer to your client. In this letter, you can tell the client the benefits he will be able to get after accepting your offer.

3. Keep the tender cover letter in a simple way. Keeping the letter simple does not mean that you compromise on the quality of the language and content. Write the tender cover letter in a sophisticated language. Make sure that you add all the relevant content in the letter. Also, add some additional services such as customer care services.

4. After getting the tender, you will have to work in partnership with the client. The client might be insecure about working in partnership with you. So, mention your approach towards working with anyone in partnership. The client should be made clear about your prerogative about the partnership

5. Mention the key benefits of giving tender to you

Sample Letters

Name Address

Dear Mr. John,

With reference to your tender notice [X] advertised on 14 th November 2019, with the due date of 15 th December 2019, we are pleased to present our proposal.

We have developed our proposal after getting a comprehensive understanding of your company’s and the project’s requirements. We understand that you need this building to be one of its kind, with unique architectural design.

ABCD Limited has been serving the market with a team of expert architects for 25 years. We have been offering our services to many renowned national and international names, including ABC, XYZ, etc. Over the years, we have not only developed architectural experience but also, have established how to understand the client’s demands and satisfy them. We believe in uniqueness and quality at an affordable price.

Enclosed with this letter, we are submitting our detailed proposal and the relevant documents. All the details and information has been provided. If you need any more information or want any changes in the project proposal, please feel free to contact me at [X].

Once again, we thank you for giving this opportunity to us.

Emily Johns.

Dear Ms. Jennifer,

We are pleased to present our proposal against your tender notice [X], which was advertised on 5 th October 2019. Although the due date for the proposal is 3 rd December 2019, we are submitting it beforehand, so that any required changes can be incorporated in a timely manner. 

After understanding your requirements, we believe we can be the best company to serve you for your electric spare parts. We have been supplying spare parts to this market for more than 7 years, and have developed an understanding of the customer requirements. You can also get the benefit out of our knowledge of the customer demands and identify the spare parts with high demand. As we import the spare parts from all over the world, we can serve a quality product at the most reasonable and competitive price, which is your main concern as well.

We have provided all the relevant details in the attached proposal. Let us know at [X] if any changes are required in the proposal. As we will be serving you for the first time, we are offering a 10% discount for the first year of our contract.

Thank you for this opportunity. We hope to serve you the best.

How to Write a Bid Proposal (Steal This Free Template)

bid cover letter pdf

When your team comes across a request for proposal (RFP) or similar questionnaire, you have a great chance to wow potential clients with your response.🤩

But how can you actually stand out through your bid? Keep reading to learn how to write a bid proposal, as well as the 8 key elements of every winning response. Plus, scroll to the end for a handy template to simplify your process—and impress your prospects.

Get started by learning:

  • What is a Bid Proposal?
  • How to Write a Bid Proposal
  • 8 Essential Elements of a Winning Proposal
  • Bid Proposal Template (PDF Example)

What Exactly is a Bid Proposal?

Before we dive into the elements of a winning bid, let’s start with the basics. A bid proposal is document that outlines your organization’s response to a request for proposal—or a request for bid.

In the bid, you’ll be asked to respond to a series of questions from the buyer, in order to determine if your product is the ideal fit for their business. Your bid must contain information like pricing, deliverables, and timing to help the procurement team make their choice. Beware, you could be among dozens of bidders for these big projects. 🤯 That’s why writing a proposal that breaks through the noise is critical for your company’s success.

How to Write a Stellar Bid

A good proposal submission must be clear, yet compelling. Comprehensive, yet easy to digest. The list is practically dizzying . 😵‍💫

Despite the temptation to rush against a deadline, it’s essential to review all requirements thoroughly, so you can tailor your bid to meet the specific needs and expectations of the buyer. But don’t worry, writing a persuasive and personalized response is more straightforward than it seems.

Effective proposals successfully demonstrate these three elements:

Technical Competence

Why do your features, experience, or credentials qualify your team to take on this project?

Understanding the Client’s Needs

How can your organization offer unique solutions to the client’s challenge? (Be sure to conduct competitive research and customize your answers.)

Compelling Value Propositions

How is your solution different from the competition? What sets your organization apart? (Think pricing, feature benefits, or another distinct offering.)

8 Essential Elements of Winning Bid Proposals

Like a great resume, a successful bid proposal should stand apart from the pile of responses each RFB receives. While the template below is a helpful starting point for baseline information, it’s how you present your differentiators that will make your organization stand out from the competition. 💪 A few key elements in an effective bid proposal are:

1. Client Information

The first few fields of a business proposal are pretty straightforward. The client’s information should include their name and contact details. Just like a job cover letter, it’s ideal to address the appropriate individual, too.🔍 Hint: It’s worth sleuthing around on LinkedIn or the client’s company website to understand who should be addressed in the bid proposal.

We have started to put more of a personal touch on our responses by referring to each customer by name and calling out their current issues or headaches. Then, we identify how out product alleviates those pain points.

bid cover letter pdf

2. Contractor Information (A.K.A. Your Details)

Display your contact information front and center. You want to make it easy for the potential client to know exactly who you are, look up your website, and even review your past work and success stories.

3. Job Name

Include the project title or job you are bidding on. As mentioned, these first three fields are the easiest to get right. But perhaps for that very reason, they’re also the easiest to get wrong. If you’re copying from old templates and past bids, double-check you’ve updated these fields correctly.

💡 Process Tip

Incorporate proofreading and editing into your RFP process checklist . Nothing fails to impress a client more than feeling like they’re getting somebody else’s boilerplate answer.

4. Job Summary: Scope of Work & Key Deliverables

This is where the rubber hits the road. Provide project details, including the scope of work and deliverables. You may also want to elaborate on your methodology here, highlighting what makes you unique so you stand apart from other bids.

“If you use an app like ChatGPT, try playing with it to get inspiration on how to write your proposals better. Let it know the style you wish to apply (professional, friendly, simple, short), what information to add, and which benefits to emphasize. It will give you plenty of ideas.”

Susan Brosh

5. Project Budget: Pricing Information & Payment Schedule

Give it to them straight, and don’t undersell (or oversell) yourself here. Remember that while winning bids doesn’t always come down to price alone, it is a key decision-making factor. So, be transparent about your pricing requirements and estimated costs per the scope of work outlined. Detail the key milestones and payments required for each step.

6. Terms and Conditions

Include any “ifs, ands, or buts” in your scope of work, schedule, or payment information. For example, mention any variables that could impact timelines (such as client decision-making, feedback, or even weather) . This section may be a little more legal in its tone, but remember, it’s there to protect you and the client.

7. Project Timeline / Work Schedule

Share a tentative timeline for the project with a proposed start and end date. If your organization is at capacity, you may want to offer a later start date. Again, be realistic here. There’s no point trying to win a bid on aggressive timelines only to blow past your proposed delivery dates.

8. Signature Fields for Both Parties

Signing your bid adds a personal and professional touch. Leaving a signature field for prospective client makes them feel like they’re just one step (or signature) away from kicking off their project.

Bid Proposal Template

Want to improve your bidding process? Here’s a simple project proposal template you can use to create your bid proposal.

FAQs About Business Proposals

What is included in a bid proposal?

High level, your bid proposal should include:  

  • Client information
  • Contractor information
  • Project/job name
  • Project/job scope of work/summary
  • Project/job budget
  • Terms and conditions
  • Client signature
  • Contractor signature

While the format and content of a bid proposal changes depending on the project, industry, and requirements within the RFP. The elements above are standard across most bid proposals.

What should a winning bid proposal look like?

A great bid should be well-structured, persuasive, and tailored to the specific needs of the client or organization issuing the request for bid (RFB). While the exact format and content may vary, here are some key characteristics and elements a winning bid proposal typically possesses:   Compelling Content

  • Compliance with RFP requirements
  • Understanding client needs
  • Detailed scope of work that highlights qualifications and experience
  • Detailed pricing

  Clear Formatting

  • Optional (but encouraged) : visual aids, like graphs or charts
  • Clear, professional, and branded formatting

  Strong Project Management

  • Proofread and edited
  • Submitted on time

How do you formulate a bid?

Formulating a bid, whether for a business contract or a project opportunity, requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to formulate a bid:  

  • Understand the requirements
  • Assess your capacity and fit
  • Gather the information you require
  • Tailor your information to address the specific needs and concerns of the client
  • Develop a competitive pricing strategy
  • Identify potential risks associated with the project and provide a clear plan for risk mitigation
  • Ensure that you meet the submission deadline

  If your bid is successful, be prepared to negotiate terms and finalize the contract. If unsuccessful, seek feedback to understand why your bid was not selected and use this information to improve for future bids.

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Proposal team structure: research reveals top roles and when to hire, new research: how are proposal teams adopting ai in 2024, rfp project management: 7 methods to win more consistently.

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How to Write a Proposal Cover Letter- Sample & Tips

A proposal cover letter can be used for a range of needs. You can write a proposal cover letter for all of the following points, and more:

  • Grant proposal cover letter
  • Cover letter for book proposals
  • Cover letter for a project proposal

No matter what you're writing a proposal for, you'll want a smart cover letter to introduce your project. In this article, we'll look at writing a grant proposal cover letter for a non-profit organization but remember that the proposal cover letter can be easily edited for other purposes, like the ones above.

  • # Proposal Cover Letter Sample
  • # Tips for Writing Proposal Cover Letter
  • # How to Edit Proposal Cover Letter Template

Proposal Cover Letter Template

proposal cover letter

This is a free cover letter template for the proposal. Free Download and customize it according to the sample text below.

Supported formats

Proposal cover letter sample (text).

Below you'll find our cover letter sample that you can use as a cover letter for proposal template:

Your Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3 Postcode Phone Number Email

Company Manager Company Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3 Postcode Phone Number Email Day/Month/Year

Dear Mr. Grant,

I am writing on behalf of Heat Wise, a non-profit charity organization that provide heating solutions for struggling families during the winter months. We respectfully request your open application grant for £20,000 for our Winter Chill project.

As one of the only charities in the UK that specializes in heating assistance for families earning under £20,000 a year between both parents/caretakers, this year we have decided to try and expand the help that we offer to homeless families and those living in shelters. We are more than aware of the current housing crisis overwhelming the UK, and the yearly rising rate of homeless families coming to light in demographics. We are committed to providing even the smallest amount of help to a family who might be struggling to pay their heating bills.

In the past, our projects have had many accomplishments:

  • In 2015, we successfully provided heat solution blankets and heating kits to over 10,000 homes.
  • In 2016, we started our first pilot project to assist homeless families, visiting shelters across the UK.
  • This year we've already spent over £30,000 on heating bills and heating kits, helping thousands of homes as winter comes to an end.

Our directors are very enthusiastic about our new program, and we're already starting to stock up for the coming winter months. We are committed to the assistance that we offer, and our research and development team are doing their best around the clock to provide new heating solutions, and contact companies willing to help or donate to us.

With your grant, we'll be able to expand the assistance that we can give to families and struggling individuals across the UK. Over the past few years, winter UK temperatures have dropped noticeably, and though it seems nice to have a "White Christmas" and for the winter snow to last as long as it does, these temperature drops and weather patterns have made it more difficult for families to stay healthy; especially those with young children.

We hope that you will be willing to consider us for the grant you're offering this year. I will be personally following up next week to answer any questions you may have about our new project, and I would also enjoy meeting you in person to discuss how your grant can benefit our organization.

Kindest regards, Your Name

Tips for Writing Proposal Cover Letter

Alongside the cover letter for proposal template sample that we've given you above, you might benefit from a few of our best tips for proposal cover letter writing. Consider the different elements of the cover letter sample we've written, rather than the content type, itself.

  • Start with your contact details. If it's a person project, use your name and contact details, and then the contact details for the company providing the grant. If it's for a company or organisation, use your name and your company's contact details, then the grant company's contact details.
  • Find a name to direct the letter to. With organisations that provide grants, the name of their director should be on their site, use this.
  • Introduce yourself or your organisation. When introducing yourself, introduce your project, and the grant amount you're applying for. If your introducing a company project, introduce the company, the specific project, and state the requested amount.
  • Talk about your merits. For individuals, this is a chance to highlight previous projects or publications. For companies, now is the time to showcase your company accomplishments. A small list is welcome here.
  • Emphasise your excitement. Mention how this project will help you progress in your career, or how this company project will help people. This is where you need to catch the director's attention and help them realise what this project means to you or to other people.
  • Write about what you'll use the grant for. Be specific, but not technical.
  • Close with a follow-up statement. Let the director know what you're willing to chat further and call for action by mentioning that you'll be following up.
  • Sign-off professionally with your name.

Between the grant proposal cover letter and these tips, we’re positive that you’ll be able to get started writing your own cover letter for a project proposal.

How to Edit Proposal Cover Letter Template

To edit the free PDF cover letter templates in this article, you can use a robust PDF editor, Wondershare PDFelement - PDF Editor . It is an all-in-one PDF solution that can help you create, edit, annotate, sign and protect PDF files easily. The ultimate editing feature will enable you edit the templates freely and smoothly.

cover letter for book proposal

Step 1. Open the Proposal Cover Letter Template

cover letter for proposal

Step 2. Click on "Edit" and Enter Your Text as You Like

grant proposal cover letter

Step 3. Complete and Save Your Proposal Cover Letter

proposal cover letter

Posted by Elise Williams to Updated: 2024-04-18 13:58:49


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    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. +1- (234)-555-1234. [email protected]. Dear Hiring Manager, The harmonious integration of technical acumen with sales efficiency at Raytheon Technologies not only resonates with my professional journey but also aligns with the caliber of contribution I aim to deliver.

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    2. Contractor Information (A.K.A. Your Details) Display your contact information front and center. You want to make it easy for the potential client to know exactly who you are, look up your website, and even review your past work and success stories. 3. Job Name. Include the project title or job you are bidding on.

  21. How to Write a Proposal Cover Letter

    Step 1. Open the Proposal Cover Letter Template. Step 2. Click on "Edit" and Enter Your Text as You Like. Step 3. Complete and Save Your Proposal Cover Letter. Home > Cover Letter Template > How to Write a Proposal Cover Letter- Sample & Tips. Posted by Elise Williams to. Updated: 2024-04-18 13:58:49.

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