AutoCount Computerized Accounting (Ver2.1) Course 5th Edition Chapter Guide

AutoCount Computerized Accounting (Ver2.1) Course 5th Edition Chapter Guide

Speaker: Qiesya Language: English

Responsible SL Software Solutions
Last Update 06/21/2024
Completion Time 2 days 12 hours 38 minutes
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  • 00-Before You Start
  • (ENG) Introduction for AutoCount Computerized Accounting Preview New
  • AutoCount Computerized Accounting 5th Edition - Chapter 1 New Company and G/L Entry
  • (ENG) Chapter 1 - Task 1.1 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 1- Task 1.2 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 1 - Task 1.3 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 1 -Task 1.4 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 1 - Task 1.5 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 1 - Task 1.6 & Task 1.7 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 1 - Task 1.8 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 1 - Task 1.9 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 1 - Task 1.10 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 1 - Task 1.11 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 1 - Tips on Profit and Loss & Balance Sheet New
  • Chapter 1 (Answer Guide)
  • AutoCount Computerized Accounting 5th Edition - Chapter 2 AR/AP Entry
  • (ENG) Chapter 2 - Task 2.1 & Task 2.2 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 2 - Task 2.3 - Task 2.5 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 2 Task 2.6 - Task 2.8 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 2 Task 2.9 - Task 2.10 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 2 - Task 2.11 - Task 2.14 New
  • Chapter 2 (Answer Guide)
  • AutoCount Computerized Accounting 5th Edition - Chapter 3 Existing Company
  • (ENG) Chapter 3 - Task 3.1 & Task 3.2 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 3 - Task 3.3 & Task 3.4 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 3 - Task 3.5 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 3 - Task 3.6 & Task 3.7 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 3 - Task 3.8 & Task 3.9 New
  • Chapter 3 (Answer Guide)
  • AutoCount Computerized Accounting 5th Edition - Chapter 4 Iventory Control
  • (ENG) Chapter 4 Task 4.1 - Task 4.8 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 4 Task 4.9 - Task 4.13 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 4 - Task 4.14 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 4 Task 4.15 and Task 4.16 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 4 - Tips On Item Maintenance New
  • Chapter 4 (Answer Guide)
  • AutoCount Computerized Accounting 5th Edition - Chapter 5 Purchaising and Invoicing
  • (ENG) Chapter 5 - Task 5.1 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 5 - Task 5.2 & Task 5.3 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 5 - Task 5.4 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 5 - Task 5.5 & Task 5.6 New
  • Chapter 5 (Answer Guide)
  • AutoCount Computerized Accounting 5th Edition - Chapter 6 Project Account
  • (ENG) Chapter 6 - Task 6.1 - Task 6.7 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 6 - Task 6.8 & Task 6.9 New
  • Chapter 6 (Answer Guide)
  • AutoCount Computerized Accounting 5th Edition - Chapter 7 Multi Currency
  • (ENG) Chapter 7 - Task 7.1 & Task 7.2 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 7 - Task 7.3 & Task 7.4 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 7 - Task 7.5 & Task 7.6 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 7 - Task 7.7 & Task 7.8 New
  • AutoCount Computerized Accounting 5th Edition - Chapter 8 Manufacturing Account
  • (ENG) Chapter 8 - Task 8.1 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 8 - Task 8.2 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 8 - Task 8.3 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 8 - Task 8.4 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 8 - Task 8.5 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 8 - Task 8.6 & Task 8.7 New
  • (ENG) Chapter 8 - Task 8.8 & Task 8.9 New
  • AutoCount Computerized Accounting 5th Edition - Chapter 9 Assignment 1
  • AutoCount Computerized Accounting 5th Edition - Chapter 10 Assignment 2
  • AutoCount Computerized Accounting 5th Edition - Chapter 11 Basic SST for Accounting
  • AutoCount Computerized Accounting 5th Edition - Chapter 12 Basic SST for Billing
  • CHAPTER 12_TASK 12.5 (SALES)
  • Exercise 1-1
  • Exercise 1-2
  • Exercise 1-3
  • Exercise 2-1
  • Exercise 2-2

AA01 AutoCount Accounting

Aa0101 autocount computerized accounting course v2.1.

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AA0102 AutoCount Accounting - Self Learning Series

Special Topic AutoCount Accounting ver2.0 Level Intermediate / Expert

AA0103 AutoCount Accounting Troubleshooting Topic

Troubleshooting on most common issue related to AutoCount Accounting

AA0104 AutoCount Accounting V2 (Dealers Training) Video

Aa0105 autocount accounting commercial video.

Commercial videos by AutoCount Sdn Bhd

autocount assignment 2 answer

Asia Commercial Institute

Autocount 运用课程.

这课程将教您如何正确,有效地使用 Autocount 会计软件。您将能在课程中学习该软件操作的步骤

Course Curriculum 课程内容

Chapter 1: new company and gl entry.

Topic 1.1: Installation

Topic 1.2: Company Profile

Topic 1.3: Customise Main Screen

Topic 1.4: Chart of Account

Topic 1.5: AR & AP

Topic 1.7 & 1.8: Cashbook

Topic 1.9: Journal

Topic 1.10: Stock Value

Topic 1.11: View GL Report

Topic 1.12: Backup

Workbook: Chapter 1 New Company & GL Entry

Chapter 2: AR and AP Entry

Topic 2.1: Agent

Topic 2.2: Assign Agent

Topic 2.3: AR Invoice

Topic 2.4: AR Credit Note

Topic 2.5: AR Payment

Topic 2.9: AR Deposit

Topic 2.10: AR Deposit

Topic 2.11: AR Statement

Topic 2.12: Returned Cheque

Topic 2.13: Post Dated Cheque

Workbook: Chapter 2 AR and AP Entry

Chapter 3: Existing Company

Topic 3.1: Create New Account Book (Copy Master Data)

Topic 3.2 & 3.3: Add Previous Fiscal Year & YTD Balance

Topic 3.4: Past YTD Entries for Debtors and Creditors

Topic 3.5: Set Document Numbering Format

Topic 3.6: Transaction in the month of April

Topic 3.7 & 3.8: Stock Value Maintenance & View Reports

Topic 3.9: Bank Reconciliation

Topic 3.10 & 3.11: User Control & Backup

Workbook: Chapter 3 Existing Company

Chapter 4: Inventory Control

Topic 4.1: Create New Account Book

Topic 4.2: Enable Stock Module

Topic 4.3 & 4.4: Add G L Account

Topic 4.5: Stock Group Maintenance

Topic 4.6: Stock Item Type Maintenance

Topic 4.7: Auto Generate Item Code Format

Topic 4.8: Stock Service Item Maintenance

Topic 4.9: Stock Item Opening Quantity

Topic 4.10: Stock Adjustment

Topic 4.11: Stock Issue

Topic 4.12: Stock Receive

Topic 4.13: Stock Write Off

Topic 4.14: Stock Update Cost

Topic 4.15: Stock Reports

Workbook: Chapter 4 Inventory Control

Chapter 5: Purchasing and Invoicing

Topic 5.1: Enable Sales

Topic 5.2: Purchase Documents

Topic 5.3: Purchase Reports

Topic 5.4: Sales Documents

Topic 5.5: Sales Reports

Workbook: Chapter 5 Purchasing and Invoicing

Chapter 6: Project Account

Topic 6.1: Create New Account

Topic 6.2 & 6.3: Add Previous Fiscal Year & Enable Project Module

Topic 6.4: Project Maintenance

Topic 6.5: Project Opening Balance

Topic 6.6: Project Transaction

Topic 6.7 & 6.8: Stock Value Maintenance & Project Report

Workbook: Chapter 6 Project Account

Chapter 7: Multi Currency

Topic 7.1: Create New Account

Topic 7.2: Enable Currency Module

Topic 7.3: Currency Maintenance

Topic 7.4: Creditor & Debtor

Topic 7.5: Purchases in Foreign Currency

Topic 7.6: Sales in Foreign Currency

Topic 7.7: Report

Workbook: Chapter 7 Multi Currency

Chapter 8: Manufacturing Account

Topic 8.1: Create New Account

Topic 8.2: Chart of Account

Topic 8.3: Opening Balance Maintenance

Topic 8.4 & 8.5: Cashbook

Topic 8.6 & 8.7: Journal Entry & Stock Value Maintenance

Topic 8.8: View Reports

Workbook: Chapter 8 Manufacturing Account

Chapter 9: Assignment 1

Chapter 9 Instructions

Chapter 9 Assignment 1

Topic 9.1: Create New Account

Topic 9.2: Modify Chart of Account

Topic 9.3 & 9.4: Add Previous Year & Set Doc No. Format

Topic 9.5: Enter Past Invoice

Topic 9.6: Enter Opening Balance

Topic 9.7: Maintain Stock Group & Item

Topic 9.8: Key in Transactions

Topic 9.9 & 9.10: Stock Value Maintenance

Chapter 10: Assignment 2

Chapter 10 Instructions

Chapter 10 Assignment 2

Topic 10.1: Create New Account

Topic 10.2: Modify Chart of Account

Topic 10.3 & 10.4: Add Previous Fiscal Year

Topic 10.5: Enter Past Invoice

Topic 10.6 & 10.7: Enter Opening Balance & Stock Value Maintenance

Topic 10.8: Key in Transactions

Topic 10.9: Bank Reconciliation

Topic 10.10: View Reports

Chapter 11: Basic SST for Accounting

Topic 11.1: Create New Account Book

Topic 11.2, 11.3 & 11.4: Activate SST, Tax Code Maintenance & Company Profile

Topic 11.5: Add Debtor & Creditor Acc

Topic 11.6 & 11.7: Tariff Code Maintenance & Chart of Account

Topic 11.8, 11.9 & 11.10: Key in Transactions AP, AR & GL

Topic 11.11: SST Processor and Reports

Workbook: Chapter 11 Basic SST for Accounting

Chapter 12: Basic SST for Billing

Topic 12.1: Enables Modules

Topic 12.2: Chart of Account

Topic 12.3: Stock & Service Item Maintenance

Topic 12.4 Purchase

Topic 12.5: Sales

Topic 12.6: SST Processor and Reports

Workbook: Chapter 12 Basic SST for Biling

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  • 6 hours of video content

Consignment & Consignment Return


This module allows sales/purchase Consignment transactions and reports.

Go to Tools > Program Control > Module Setting

Check the checkbox of Consignment to enable it.

Sales Consignment

Go to Sales > Consignment ,

Click on Create A New Consignment ,

Select a Debtor,

Right click on ' + ' sign to add an item to be consigned, key in the Qty ,

autocount assignment 2 answer

Click on Save & Preview ,

autocount assignment 2 answer

Select the report, click ok.

autocount assignment 2 answer

Sales Invoice on Items Sold

Go to Sales > Invoice ,

Click on Create A New Invoice ,

Select a consignment Debtor,

Select Transfer Document > Transfer From Consignment

autocount assignment 2 answer

Print Consignment Listing

autocount assignment 2 answer

Outstanding Consignment Report

Go to Sales Consignment> Print Listing> Print Outstanding Consignment Report ,

Define filter option,

Click on Inquiry

Click on ' + ' sign before debtor code to expand the details.

autocount assignment 2 answer

Click on Preview ,

autocount assignment 2 answer

Support Item Package – You can also consign Item Package in Consignment.

autocount assignment 2 answer

Consignment Return / Lost

Go to Sales > Consignment Return ,

autocount assignment 2 answer

Click on Save & Preview, OK ,

autocount assignment 2 answer

Print Consignment Return Listing

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Consignment Movement Report

Go to Sales > Consignment Movement Report ,

Define filter option, for Stock Item, select Filter by multi select ,

Click on Inquiry ..

autocount assignment 2 answer

Stock Card Report

Go to Stock > Stock Card Report ,

autocount assignment 2 answer

Click on OK ,

Click on ' + ' sign before item code to expand the details.

autocount assignment 2 answer

Note: When item is consigned, stock card will record the consigned item, however it is not considered sold. If you study the Stock Card carefully, there are two stock balance quantity: Balance Qty and Balance Qty After CSGN .

Inventory Physical Worksheet By Consignment

Go to Stock > Inventory Physical Worksheet By Consignment ,

Define the Date / Stock Item filter option,

Click on More Options , select at least one debtor,

autocount assignment 2 answer

Click on Inquiry ,

autocount assignment 2 answer

Inventory Physical Worksheet

Go to Stock > Inventory Physical Worksheet ,

autocount assignment 2 answer

There are 2 types of report:

0. Inventory Physical Worksheet: this report will show quantity of stock that belonged to you (to include those that are with consignees)

1. Exclude Consignment: this report will show quantity of stock that is currently hold by you (exclude those that are with consignees)

autocount assignment 2 answer

Purchase Consignment

The concept is the same as Sales Consignment, just you are now the consignee instead of consignor.

Purchase > Purchase Consignment

Purchase > Outstanding Supplier Consignment Report

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Autocount chapter 10 assignment 2 answer

McGraw Hill Connect, Chapter 10 Accounting assignment includes:

CHAPTER 10 HOMEWORK and CHAPTER 10 QUIZ completed online through McGraw Hill Connect site with my credentials DUE NO LATER THAN Sunday, 04-28-2013


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PROBLEM #1 – 4 points

Classify each of the following as A – ordinary maintenance and repairs, B – asset improvements, or C – extraordinary repairs.

1. Resurfacing a pool in an apartment building. ___________________

2. Installing a new air conditioner in an old building. ___________________

3. Exterior and interior painting. ___________________

4. Fixing damage due to a car accident. ___________________

PROBLEM #2 – 14 points

Equipment acquired at a cost of $126,000 and has a book value of $42,000. Journalize the disposal of equipment under the following independent assumptions. Identify each assumption by letter.

The equipment had no market value and was discarded.

The equipment is sold for $53,000.

The equipment is sold for $27,000.

The equipment is traded-in for a similar asset. The list price of the new equipment is $63,000. The exchange has no commercial substance.


PROBLEM #3 – 22 points

An asset was purchased January 1, 20XX and the fiscal year ends December 31st. Calculate depreciation expense, accumulated depreciation, and net book value under the straight-line and the double declining balance methods. Round your answers to the nearest whole dollar.

Asset Cost = $200,000 Salvage Value = $25,000 Estimated Life = 8 Years

Straight-line method:

Depreciation Expense

Accumulated Depreciation

Net Book Value

Double Declining Balance method:

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