Java Tutorial

Java methods, java classes, java file handling, java how to, java reference, java examples, java operators.

Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values.

In the example below, we use the + operator to add together two values:

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Although the + operator is often used to add together two values, like in the example above, it can also be used to add together a variable and a value, or a variable and another variable:

Java divides the operators into the following groups:

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Logical operators
  • Bitwise operators

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform common mathematical operations.


Java Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.

In the example below, we use the assignment operator ( = ) to assign the value 10 to a variable called x :

The addition assignment operator ( += ) adds a value to a variable:

A list of all assignment operators:

Java Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values (or variables). This is important in programming, because it helps us to find answers and make decisions.

The return value of a comparison is either true or false . These values are known as Boolean values , and you will learn more about them in the Booleans and If..Else chapter.

In the following example, we use the greater than operator ( > ) to find out if 5 is greater than 3:

Java Logical Operators

You can also test for true or false values with logical operators.

Logical operators are used to determine the logic between variables or values:

Java Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators are used to perform binary logic with the bits of an integer or long integer.

Note: The Bitwise examples above use 4-bit unsigned examples, but Java uses 32-bit signed integers and 64-bit signed long integers. Because of this, in Java, ~5 will not return 10. It will return -6. ~00000000000000000000000000000101 will return 11111111111111111111111111111010

In Java, 9 >> 1 will not return 12. It will return 4. 00000000000000000000000000001001 >> 1 will return 00000000000000000000000000000100

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Multiply 10 with 5 , and print the result.

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The Java Tutorials have been written for JDK 8. Examples and practices described in this page don't take advantage of improvements introduced in later releases and might use technology no longer available. See Java Language Changes for a summary of updated language features in Java SE 9 and subsequent releases. See JDK Release Notes for information about new features, enhancements, and removed or deprecated options for all JDK releases.

Now that you've learned how to declare and initialize variables, you probably want to know how to do something with them. Learning the operators of the Java programming language is a good place to start. Operators are special symbols that perform specific operations on one, two, or three operands , and then return a result.

As we explore the operators of the Java programming language, it may be helpful for you to know ahead of time which operators have the highest precedence. The operators in the following table are listed according to precedence order. The closer to the top of the table an operator appears, the higher its precedence. Operators with higher precedence are evaluated before operators with relatively lower precedence. Operators on the same line have equal precedence. When operators of equal precedence appear in the same expression, a rule must govern which is evaluated first. All binary operators except for the assignment operators are evaluated from left to right; assignment operators are evaluated right to left.

In general-purpose programming, certain operators tend to appear more frequently than others; for example, the assignment operator " = " is far more common than the unsigned right shift operator " >>> ". With that in mind, the following discussion focuses first on the operators that you're most likely to use on a regular basis, and ends focusing on those that are less common. Each discussion is accompanied by sample code that you can compile and run. Studying its output will help reinforce what you've just learned.

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Operators are symbols that perform operations on variables and values. For example, + is an operator used for addition, while * is also an operator used for multiplication.

Operators in Java can be classified into 5 types:

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Unary Operators
  • Bitwise Operators

1. Java Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations on variables and data. For example,

Here, the + operator is used to add two variables a and b . Similarly, there are various other arithmetic operators in Java.

Example 1: Arithmetic Operators

In the above example, we have used + , - , and * operators to compute addition, subtraction, and multiplication operations.

/ Division Operator

Note the operation, a / b in our program. The / operator is the division operator.

If we use the division operator with two integers, then the resulting quotient will also be an integer. And, if one of the operands is a floating-point number, we will get the result will also be in floating-point.

% Modulo Operator

The modulo operator % computes the remainder. When a = 7 is divided by b = 4 , the remainder is 3 .

Note : The % operator is mainly used with integers.

2. Java Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used in Java to assign values to variables. For example,

Here, = is the assignment operator. It assigns the value on its right to the variable on its left. That is, 5 is assigned to the variable age .

Let's see some more assignment operators available in Java.

Example 2: Assignment Operators

3. java relational operators.

Relational operators are used to check the relationship between two operands. For example,

Here, < operator is the relational operator. It checks if a is less than b or not.

It returns either true or false .

Example 3: Relational Operators

Note : Relational operators are used in decision making and loops.

4. Java Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to check whether an expression is true or false . They are used in decision making.

Example 4: Logical Operators

Working of Program

  • (5 > 3) && (8 > 5) returns true because both (5 > 3) and (8 > 5) are true .
  • (5 > 3) && (8 < 5) returns false because the expression (8 < 5) is false .
  • (5 < 3) || (8 > 5) returns true because the expression (8 > 5) is true .
  • (5 > 3) || (8 < 5) returns true because the expression (5 > 3) is true .
  • (5 < 3) || (8 < 5) returns false because both (5 < 3) and (8 < 5) are false .
  • !(5 == 3) returns true because 5 == 3 is false .
  • !(5 > 3) returns false because 5 > 3 is true .

5. Java Unary Operators

Unary operators are used with only one operand. For example, ++ is a unary operator that increases the value of a variable by 1 . That is, ++5 will return 6 .

Different types of unary operators are:

  • Increment and Decrement Operators

Java also provides increment and decrement operators: ++ and -- respectively. ++ increases the value of the operand by 1 , while -- decrease it by 1 . For example,

Here, the value of num gets increased to 6 from its initial value of 5 .

Example 5: Increment and Decrement Operators

In the above program, we have used the ++ and -- operator as prefixes (++a, --b) . We can also use these operators as postfix (a++, b++) .

There is a slight difference when these operators are used as prefix versus when they are used as a postfix.

To learn more about these operators, visit increment and decrement operators .

6. Java Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators in Java are used to perform operations on individual bits. For example,

Here, ~ is a bitwise operator. It inverts the value of each bit ( 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 ).

The various bitwise operators present in Java are:

These operators are not generally used in Java. To learn more, visit Java Bitwise and Bit Shift Operators .

Other operators

Besides these operators, there are other additional operators in Java.

The instanceof operator checks whether an object is an instanceof a particular class. For example,

Here, str is an instance of the String class. Hence, the instanceof operator returns true . To learn more, visit Java instanceof .

The ternary operator (conditional operator) is shorthand for the if-then-else statement. For example,

Here's how it works.

  • If the Expression is true , expression1 is assigned to the variable .
  • If the Expression is false , expression2 is assigned to the variable .

Let's see an example of a ternary operator.

In the above example, we have used the ternary operator to check if the year is a leap year or not. To learn more, visit the Java ternary operator .

Now that you know about Java operators, it's time to know about the order in which operators are evaluated. To learn more, visit Java Operator Precedence .

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Java Arithmetic Operators
  • Java Assignment Operators
  • Java Relational Operators
  • Java Logical Operators
  • Java Unary Operators
  • Java Bitwise Operators

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Java Assignment Operators

Java programming tutorial index.

The Java Assignment Operators are used when you want to assign a value to the expression. The assignment operator denoted by the single equal sign = .

In a Java assignment statement, any expression can be on the right side and the left side must be a variable name. For example, this does not mean that "a" is equal to "b", instead, it means assigning the value of 'b' to 'a'. It is as follows:

Java also has the facility of chain assignment operators, where we can specify a single value for multiple variables.

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Assignment operator in Java

Java Programming For Beginners Free Course

Assignment operators in java: an overview.

We already discussed the Types of Operators in the previous tutorial Java. In this Java tutorial , we will delve into the different types of assignment operators in Java, and their syntax, and provide examples for better understanding. Because Java is a flexible and widely used programming language. Assignment operators play a crucial role in manipulating and assigning values to variables. To further enhance your understanding and application of Java assignment operator's concepts, consider enrolling in the best Java Certification Course .

What are the Assignment Operators in Java?

Assignment operators in Java are used to assign values to variables . They are classified into two main types: simple assignment operator and compound assignment operator.

The general syntax for a simple assignment statement is:

And for a compound assignment statement:

Read More - Advanced Java Interview Questions

Read More - Mostly Asked Java Multithreading Interview Questions

Types of Assignment Operators in Java

  • Simple Assignment Operator: The Simple Assignment Operator is used with the "=" sign, where the operand is on the left side and the value is on the right. The right-side value must be of the same data type as that defined on the left side.
  • Compound Assignment Operator:  Compound assignment operators combine arithmetic operations with assignments. They provide a concise way to perform an operation and assign the result to the variable in one step. The Compound Operator is utilized when +,-,*, and / are used in conjunction with the = operator.

1. Simple Assignment Operator (=):

The equal sign (=) is the basic assignment operator in Java. It is used to assign the value on the right-hand side to the variable on the left-hand side.


2. addition assignment operator (+=) :, 3. subtraction operator (-=):, 4. multiplication operator (*=):.

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5. Division Operator (/=):

6. modulus assignment operator (%=):, example of assignment operator in java.

Let's look at a few examples in our Java Playground to illustrate the usage of assignment operators in Java:

  • Unary Operator in Java
  • Arithmetic Operators in Java
  • Relational Operators in Java
  • Logical Operators in Java
  • Ternary Operator in Java

Q1. Can I use multiple assignment operators in a single statement?

Q2. are there any other compound assignment operators in java, q3. how many types of assignment operators.

  • 1. (=) operator
  • 1. (+=) operator
  • 2. (-=) operator
  • 3. (*=) operator
  • 4. (/=) operator
  • 5. (%=) operator

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Java Practice Programs

This Java exercise is designed to deepen your understanding and refine your Java coding skills, these programs offer hands-on experience in solving real-world problems, reinforcing key concepts, and mastering Java programming fundamentals. Whether you’re a beginner who looking to build a solid foundation or a professional developer aiming to sharpen your expertise, our Java practice programs provide an invaluable opportunity to sharpen your craft and excel in Java programming language .

The solution to the Problem is mentioned below:

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5. write a program to find factorial of a number in java., 6. write a java program to add two complex numbers., 8. write a program to print the pascal’s triangle in java, java exercise on pattern.

Pattern Exercises in Java

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Array Exercises in Java

String Exercises in Java

Strings Exercises in Java

Time Complexity: O(N) Space Complexity: O(N)
Time Complexity: O(logN) Space Complexity: O(N)


Time Complexity: O(N 2 ) Space Complexity: O(1)

27. Write a Program for Insertion Sort in Java.

Time Complexity: O(N logN) Space Complexity: O(N)
Time Complexity: O(N logN) Space Complexity: O(1)

After completing these Java exercises you are a step closer to becoming an advanced Java programmer. We hope these exercises have helped you understand Java better and you can solve beginner to advanced-level questions on Java programming.

Solving these Java programming exercise questions will not only help you master theory concepts but also grasp their practical applications, which is very useful in job interviews.

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Java Exercise – FAQ

1. how to do java projects for beginners.

To do Java projects you need to know the fundamentals of Java programming. Then you need to select the desired Java project you want to work on. Plan and execute the code to finish the project. Some beginner-level Java projects include: Reversing a String Number Guessing Game Creating a Calculator Simple Banking Application Basic Android Application

2. Is Java easy for beginners?

As a programming language, Java is considered moderately easy to learn. It is unique from other languages due to its lengthy syntax. As a beginner, you can learn beginner to advanced Java in 6 to 18 months.

3. Why Java is used?

Java provides many advantages and uses, some of which are: Platform-independent Robust and secure Object-oriented Popular & in-demand Vast ecosystem

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NPTEL Programming in Java Jan 2024 Week 6 to 12

assignment 6 java

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Week 6 : Programming Assignment 1

Week 6 : programming assignment 2, week 6 : programming assignment 3, week 6 : programming assignment 4, week 6 : programming assignment 5, week 7 : programming assignment 1.

  • a parameterized constructor to initialize the private fields
  • the getter/setter methods for each field

Week 7 : Programming Assignment 2

  • a parameterized constructor to initialize the private field
  • public void deposit(...) // to deposit money
  • public void withdraw(...) // to withdraw money, should print "Insufficient funds!" if not enough money to withdraw
  • public double getBalance() // to return the current balance

Week 7 : Programming Assignment 3

  • a parameterized constructor to initialize the Circle class
  • @Override the area function to compute the area of a circle ( Use Math.PI  for value of pi, not 22/7)
  • @Override the displayInfo() function to print exactly in the format provided by the test cases.

Week 7 : Programming Assignment 4

  • Create a class "Circle" that implements the "Shape" interface and provides its own implementation for calculateArea().
  • Create another class "Rectangle" that implements the "Shape" interface and provides its own implementation for calculateArea().
  • @Override the area function to compute the area of a rectangle

Week 7 : Programming Assignment 5

  • Create a class "FlyingFish" that implements both interfaces and provides its own implementation for fly() and swim()
  • It should have a private variable name, use a constructor to set the value and the functions fly() and swim() to print exactly as given in the test case.

Week 8 : Programming Assignment 1

  • name (String)
  • sound (String)
  • public void makeSound()  - This method should display the name of the animal and the sound it makes.

Week 8 : Programming Assignment 2

Week 8 : programming assignment 3, week 8 : programming assignment 4, week 8 : programming assignment 5, no comments:, post a comment.

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Programming in Java | Week 6

Session: JAN-APR 2024

Course name: Programming In Java

Course Link: Click Here

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These are NPTEL Programming In Java Week 6 Assignment 6 Answers

Q1. What is the output of the following program? a. “Programming In Java” b. Run time error c. Compile time error d. ArithmeticException

Answer: c. Compile time error c. Compile time error

Q2. What is the output of the following program? a. 1 3 b. 1 2 3 4 c. Runtime error d. 1 2

Answer: a. 1 3

Q3. For the program given below, what will be the output after its execution? a. 0 b. true c. 1 d. false

Answer: c. 1

Q4. Which of the following is a correct constructor for a thread object? a. Thread(Runnable a, String str); b. Thread(Runnable a, int priority); c. Thread(Runnable a, ThreadGroup t); d. Thread(int priority);

Answer: a. Thread(Runnable a, String str);

Q5. What is the output of the following program? a. Compiler Error b. “Running” c. Runtime Exception d. No output, but no error

Answer: b. “Running”

Q6. How many threads does the following program run on? a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3

Answer: c. 2

Q7. In the following java program, what is the NAME of the thread? a. thread b. main c. system d. None of the above

Answer: b. main

Q8. Which of the following line(s) of code is suitable to START a thread at #1? a. Thread t = new Thread(Nptel); b. Thread t = new Thread(Nptel); t.start(); c. Nptel run = new Nptel(); Thread t = new Thread(run); t.start(); d. Thread t = new Thread();;

Answer: c. Nptel run = new Nptel(); Thread t = new Thread(run); t.start();

Q9. What is the name of the priority of this Thread in this program? a. 1 b. 4 c. 0 d. 5

Answer: d. 5

Q10. What does I/O stand for in Java? a. Input/Output b. Inheritance/Overriding c. Integer/Object d. Iteration/Observation

Answer: a. Input/Output

Programming Assignment

Question 1 Complete the code fragment to read two integer inputs from keyboard and find the quotient and remainder.

Question 2 Complete the code segment to count number of digits in an integer using while loop.

Question 3 Complete the code segment to display the factors of a number n.

Question 4 Complete the code segment to find the standard deviation of the 1-D array. Use the following formula: σ=√(1/N∑N to i=1(X i −μ) 2 ) Here, σ = Population standard deviation N = Number of observations in the population Xi = ith observation in the population μ = Population mean

Question 5 Write a program which will print a pattern of “*” ‘s of height “n”. For example: Input: n = 3 Output: *** ** * ** ***

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Session: JULY-DEC 2023

Course Name: Programming In Java

Question 1 Complete the code segment to print the following using the concept of extending the Thread class in Java: —————–OUTPUT——————- Thread is Running. ————————————————-

Question 2 In the following program, a thread class Question62 is created using the Runnable interface Complete the main() to create a thread object of the class Question62 and run the thread. It should print the output as given below. —————–OUTPUT——————- Welcome to Java Week 6 New Question. Main Thread has ended. ————————————————-

Question 3 A part of the Java program is given, which can be completed in many ways, for example using the concept of thread, etc. Follow the given code and complete the program so that your program prints the message “NPTEL Java week-6 new Assignment Q3”. Your program should utilize the given interface/ class.

Question 4 Execution of two or more threads occurs in a random order. The keyword ‘synchronized’ in Java is used to control the execution of thread in a strict sequence. In the following, the program is expected to print the output as given below. Do the necessary use of ‘synchronized’ keyword, so that, the program prints the Final sum as given below: —————–OUTPUT——————- Final sum:6000 ————————————————-

Question 5 Given a snippet of code, add necessary codes to print the following: —————–OUTPUT——————- Name of thread ‘t1’:Thread-0 Name of thread ‘t2’:Thread-1 New name of thread ‘t1’:Week 6 Assignment Q5 New name of thread ‘t2’:Week 6 Assignment Q5 New ————————————————-

More Nptel Courses: Click here

Session: JAN-APR 2023

Course Name: Programming in Java

Q1. Which of the following is NOT TRUE in Java? a. Every thread has a priority. b. JVM allows multiple threads of execution running concurrently. c. Threads with higher priority are executed first. d. You cannot set a maximum priority value that a thread can have.

Answer: d. You cannot set a maximum priority value that a thread can have.

Q2. Consider the following code. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the above code? a. Creating a thread in Java using Runnable interface b. Thread creation by declaring a class to be a subclass of Thread c. Overriding the run method of class Thread d. The class implements the run method.

Answer: a, d

Q3. Which of the following cannot be used to create an instance of Thread? a. By implementing the Runnable interface. b. By extending the Thread class. c. By creating a new class named Thread and calling method run(). d. By importing the Thread class from the related package.

Answer: c, d

Q4. Which method start () will do which of the following? a. Causes this thread to begin execution. b. Either start the execution for new thread or pause an ongoing thread. c. The JVM calls the run method of this thread. d. Recovers a thread from deadlock and begin execution

Answer: d. Recovers a thread from deadlock and begin execution

Q5. Which method start () will do which of the following? a. Causes this thread to begin execution. b. Either start the execution for new thread or pause an ongoing thread. c. The JVM calls the run method of this thread. d. Recovers a thread from deadlock and begin execution

Answer: a, c

Q6. Which of the following is not platform independent in Java? a) Everything in Java thread is platform dependent. b) The thread constructor with the stackSize parameter is platform dependent. c) The inheritance in java is platform dependent as multiple classes are involved. d) There is no platform dependency in Java.

Answer: b) The thread constructor with the stackSize parameter is platform dependent.

Q7. The following is a simple program using the concept of thread. What is the output of the above program? a. 1 3 b. 2 4 6 8 c. Runtime error d. 2 4

Answer: b. 2 4 6 8

Q8. For the program given below, what will be the output after its execution? a. 1 b. 10 c. 01 d. 11

Answer: a. 1

Q9. Which of the following method returns a reference to the currently executing thread object? a. public static boolean interrupted() b. public static Thread currentThread() c. public final boolean isAlive() d. public final void suspend()

Answer: b. public static Thread currentThread()

Q10. Which of the following methods can be used to reduce over-utilization of CPU? a. public static void yield() b. public static void main(String args[]) c. public static void sleep(long millis) d. public void start()

Answer: a. public static void yield()

Programming Assignment of Programming in Java

Complete the code segment to print the following using the concept of extending the Thread class in Java: —————–OUTPUT——————- Thread is Running. ————————————————-

In the following program, a thread class Question62 is created using the Runnable interface Complete the main() to create a thread object of the class Question62 and run the thread. It should print the output as given below. —————–OUTPUT——————- Welcome to Java Week 6 New Question. Main Thread has ended. ————————————————-

A part of the Java program is given, which can be completed in many ways, for example using the concept of thread, etc. Follow the given code and complete the program so that your program prints the message “NPTEL Java week-6 new Assignment Q3”. Your program should utilize the given interface/ class.

Execution of two or more threads occurs in a random order. The keyword ‘synchronized’ in Java is used to control the execution of thread in a strict sequence. In the following, the program is expected to print the output as given below. Do the necessary use of ‘synchronized’ keyword, so that, the program prints the Final sum as given below: —————–OUTPUT——————- Final sum:6000 ————————————————-

Given a snippet of code, add necessary codes to print the following: —————–OUTPUT——————- Name of thread ‘t1’:Thread-0 Name of thread ‘t2’:Thread-1 New name of thread ‘t1’:Week 6 Assignment Q5 New name of thread ‘t2’:Week 6 Assignment Q5 New ————————————————-

More Weeks of Programming In Java: Click Here

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Session: JULY-DEC 2022

Course Name: Programming in Java NPTEL

Link of Course: Click Here

Q1. Which of the following is NOT a method of the Thread class in Java? a. public void run() b. public void exit() c. public void start() d. public final int getPriority()

Q2. Which of the following statement is true in case of starting a thread with “run)” and *start0′ method? a. There is no difference between starting a thread with ‘run()’ and ‘start()’ method. b. When you call start() method. main thread intenally calls run() method to start newly Created Thread c. When you call run() method directly no new Thread is created and code inside run() will execute on curent Thread. d. None

Q3. Which of the following can be used to create an instance of Thread? a. By implementing the Runnable interface. b. By extending the Thread class. c. By creating a new class named Thread and calling method run(). d. By importing the Thread class from package.

Answer: a, b

Q4. What is the output of the following program? a. Hello World b. a Arithmetic Exception c. ArithmeticException Exception Hello World d. ArithmeticException Hello World e. none

Q5. Which method restarts a dead thread a. start() b. restart() c. restart Thread) d. none

Q6. Assume the following method is properly synchronized and called from a thread A on an object B: wait(2000); After calling this method, when will the thread A become a candidate to get another turn at the CPU? a. After thread A is notified, or after two seconds b. Two seconds after thread A is notified. c. After the lock on B is released, or after two seconds. d. Two seconds after lock B is released.

Q7. The following is a simple program using the concept of thread. What is the output of the above program? a. 1 3 b. 1 2 3 4 c. Runtime error d. 2 4

Q8. For the program given below, what will be the output after its execution? a. 01 b. False True c. True True d. 11

Q9. Which of the following is/are not a correct constructor for a thread object? a. Thread(Runnable a, String str): b Thread(Runnable a, int priority): c. Thread(Runnable a, ThreadGroup t): d. Thread(int priority):

Answer: b, c, d

Q10. Which exception is thrown when an array element is accessed beyond the array size? a. ArayElementOut OfBounds b. Arraylndex OutOiBounds Exception c. AmaylndexOutOfBounds d. None of these

Programming Assignment Solutions

Question 1 Complete the code segment to print the following using the concept of extending the Thread class in Java: OUTPUT Thread is Running.

Question 2 In the following program, a thread class Question62 is created using the Runnable interface Complete the main() to create a thread object of the class Question62 and run the thread. It should print the output as given below. OUTPUT Welcome to Java Week 6 New Question. Main Thread has ended.

Question 3 A part of the Java program is given, which can be completed in many ways, for example using the concept of thread, etc. Follow the given code and complete the program so that your program prints the message “NPTEL Java week-6 new Assignment Q3“. Your program should utilize the given interface/ class.Invalid HTML tag: tag name o:p is not allowed

Question 4 Execution of two or more threads occurs in a random order. The keyword ‘synchronized’ in Java is used to control the execution of thread in a strict sequence. In the following, the program is expected to print the output as given below. Do the necessary use of ‘synchronized’ keyword, so that, the program prints the Final sum as given below: OUTPUT Final sum:6000

Question 5 Given a snippet of code, add necessary codes to print the following: OUTPUT Name of thread ‘t1’:Thread-0 Name of thread ‘t2’:Thread-1 New name of thread ‘t1’:Week 6 Assignment Q5 New name of thread ‘t2’:Week 6 Assignment Q5 New

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  5. Operators (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language

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  6. Java Operators: Arithmetic, Relational, Logical and more

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  22. NPTEL Programming In Java Week 6 Assignment 6 Answers

    A part of the Java program is given, which can be completed in many ways, for example using the concept of thread, etc. Follow the given code and complete the program so that your program prints the message "NPTEL Java week-6 new Assignment Q3". Your program should utilize the given interface/ class. Solution: