1. How to make time for homework and home learning

    the homework for today

  2. 10 Easy & Useful Homework Tips for Students

    the homework for today

  3. 6 Tips for a Homework & Studying Schedule That Actually Works

    the homework for today

  4. How to Establish a Great Homework Routine

    the homework for today

  5. The Benefits Of Homework: How Homework Can Help Students Succeed

    the homework for today

  6. Today's Homework Lettering Design Vector Download

    the homework for today


  1. How To Do Homework

  2. Is Homework Necessary?

  3. My school homework routine

  4. How to Finish Your Homework Faster?

  5. The importance of doing Homework

  6. Homework for Life


  1. Here’s your homework for today

    Hello my friends, I was wondering whether the underlined part is natural and idiomatic: "Here’s your homework for today". THOUGHTS AND CONTEXT: I told my student …

  2. В чем разница между "today's homework" и "The homework for …

    To me, 'the homework for today' refers to homework that has yet to be done: Teacher to students: "Ok kids, the homework for today is pages 344 and 345.' or Teacher to students: …

  3. "today's homework" 和 "The homework for today" 和 …

    英语 (美国) 1. today's homework-the homework for today- the homework from today. Today's homework could mean either of the other two. …

  4. What is the difference between "today's homework" and

    1. today's homework-the homework for today- the homework from today. Today's homework could mean either of the other two. But the other two don't mean the same thing to …

  5. homework for today

    The sentence 'homework for today' is correct and usable in written English. You can use it within a larger sentence to describe an action that is due to be completed by the end of the day. For …

  6. phrase usage

    The problem is that it is pointing to the homework in two different ways, that is, with "here" and with "following". It should be either Here is the homework for today.

  7. homework of today vs homework for today

    Learn the correct usage of "homework of today" and "homework for today" in English. Discover differences, examples, alternatives and tips for choosing the right phrase.

  8. 【today's homework】 と 【The homework for today ...

    But the other two don't mean the same thing to me. To me, 'the homework for today' refers to homework that has yet to be done: Teacher to students: "Ok kids, the homework for today is …